[SCM] liblivemedia/master: Update upstream changelog.

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Nov 22 12:41:56 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 67ed5c21b5cca5eff0a119e2fd06923f64314114
Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 22 12:00:08 2012 +0000

    Update upstream changelog.

diff --git a/debian/upstream.changelog b/debian/upstream.changelog
index f1af0b6..9ec522e 100644
--- a/debian/upstream.changelog
+++ b/debian/upstream.changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+Next version, in progress:
+- Fixed a minor memory leak in "RTSPServer::closeAllClientSessionsForServerMediaSession()".  (Thanks to Matt Norman.)
+- Fixed a bug in "ProxyRTSPClient".  When we discover that the connection to the back-end server has failed, we need to
+  close any existing front-end RTSP client connections before we delete all of the "ProxyServerMediaSubsession"s.
+  The signature to "ProxyServerMediaSession::createNew()" has also changed; it now takes a pointer to the "RTSPServer" as parameter.
+- Added a new configuration file "config.iphone-simulator" for building for Apple's iPhone simulator (running on a Mac).
+  (Note that we already had a configuration file "config.iphoneos" for building for the iPhone (or iPad) itself.)
+- Updated "SIPClient" and the "playSIP" demo application with a fix (suggested by Frederic Nadeau) to make "playSIP" send
+  RTCP "RR" packets back to the correct address.  This is a hack, and should be fixed by upgrading "SIPClient" to make it
+  asyncronous (like "RTSPClient").
+- Updated the (Windows-only) implementation of "gettimeofday()" to be 'thread safe' (and also work correctly in WinCE).
+  (Thanks to Simon Roehrl.)
+- Made a change to the implementation of "RTPSink::convertToRTPTimestamp()" to overcome a possible integer overflow problem.
+  (Thanks to Simon Roehrl for noting this issue.)
+- Made the "ProxyServerMediaSubsession" implementation a little more robust, by making sure that an object doesn't try to handle
+  reception of a RTCP "BYE" after it's been deleted.
+- Updated "config.iphoneos" to update "LINK_OPTS" to fix a linking problem (and also update "IOS_VERSION" to 6.0).
+  (Thanks to Chris Ballinger.)
 - Made the "addNewInputSource()" function of "MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource" "protected:", to allow subclasses of
   "MPEG2TransportStreamFromESSource" to support adding new kinds of input stream, if desired.

liblivemedia packaging

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