[SCM] taopm/master: Recovering deleted files

tiago at users.alioth.debian.org tiago at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Apr 19 15:27:13 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2c6034f3caaa8cd1f6ca0e09d8aef0fc9b1973f8
Author: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Apr 19 10:46:14 2013 -0400

    Recovering deleted files

diff --git a/doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf.in b/doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 99%
copy from doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf.in
copy to doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf
index 82a4584..366b5c5
--- a/doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf.in
+++ b/doc/ClassReference/tao.doxy.cnf
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME         = Tao
 # This could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or 
 # if some version control system is used.
+PROJECT_NUMBER       = 1.0-beta-10May2006
 # The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) 
 # base path where the generated documentation will be put. 
diff --git a/doc/UserManual/introduction.tex.in b/doc/UserManual/introduction.tex
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 98%
copy from doc/UserManual/introduction.tex.in
copy to doc/UserManual/introduction.tex
index 6c393e5..d459a5c
--- a/doc/UserManual/introduction.tex.in
+++ b/doc/UserManual/introduction.tex
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Welcome to the \tao\ user manual. This manual is for version
- at TAO_VERSION@ built on @DATE at .
+1.0-beta-10May2006 built on Wed May 10 15:26:37 BST 2006.
 \tao\ is a software package for sound synthesis
 using physical modelling techniques. It is written in C++ and provides
diff --git a/taoparse/taoparser.h b/taoparse/taoparser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de572b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taoparse/taoparser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 1.875d.  */
+/* Skeleton parser for Yacc-like parsing with Bison,
+   Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+   any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
+/* As a special exception, when this file is copied by Bison into a
+   Bison output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
+   This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation
+   in version 1.24 of Bison.  */
+/* Tokens.  */
+   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+      know about them.  */
+   enum yytokentype {
+     INTLIT = 258,
+     FLOATLIT = 259,
+     PITCH = 260,
+     ACCESSPOINT = 261,
+     PARAM = 262,
+     INTEGER = 263,
+     COUNTER = 264,
+     LEFT = 265,
+     RIGHT = 266,
+     TOP = 267,
+     STRING = 268,
+     RECTANGLE = 269,
+     CIRCLE = 270,
+     ELLIPSE = 271,
+     TRIANGLE = 272,
+     BOW = 273,
+     HAMMER = 274,
+     STOP = 275,
+     BOTTOM = 276,
+     CENTRE = 277,
+     CONNECTOR = 278,
+     OUTPUT = 279,
+     ID = 280,
+     STRLIT = 281,
+     AUDIO = 282,
+     RATE = 283,
+     MATHFUNC1 = 284,
+     MATHFUNC2 = 285,
+     STRENGTH = 286,
+     SIGNAL = 287,
+     FLAG = 288,
+     AT = 289,
+     ATFOR = 290,
+     ELLIPSIS = 291,
+     SCORE = 292,
+     FROM = 293,
+     TO = 294,
+     BEFORE = 295,
+     AFTER = 296,
+     EVERY = 297,
+     CONTROLRATE = 298,
+     IF = 299,
+     ELSE = 300,
+     PRINT = 301,
+     NEWLINEKWD = 302,
+     OUTPUTCH = 303,
+     FRACTION = 304,
+     POSITIONKWD = 305,
+     LINEAR = 306,
+     EXPON = 307,
+     PLACEAT = 308,
+     PLACEABOVE = 309,
+     PLACEBELOW = 310,
+     JOIN = 311,
+     LABEL = 312,
+     START = 313,
+     END = 314,
+     STEREO = 315,
+     MONO = 316,
+     QUAD = 317,
+     PLACELEFTOF = 318,
+     PLACERIGHTOF = 319,
+     REMOVE = 320,
+     ACTIVATE = 321,
+     DEACTIVATE = 322,
+     SETMASS = 323,
+     SETPOSITION = 324,
+     SETVELOCITY = 325,
+     SETGRAVITY = 326,
+     SETHEIGHT = 327,
+     SETHARDNESS = 328,
+     SETMAXIMPACTS = 329,
+     RESET = 330,
+     DROP = 331,
+     SETFORCE = 332,
+     GETINSTRUMENT = 333,
+     APPLYFORCE = 334,
+     CLEAR = 335,
+     TRUE = 336,
+     FALSE = 337,
+     INIT = 338,
+     FOR = 339,
+     INCDEC = 340,
+     GETVELOCITY = 342,
+     GETPOSITION = 343,
+     GETMASS = 344,
+     GETNAME = 345,
+     GETGRAVITY = 346,
+     GETHEIGHT = 347,
+     GETDAMPING = 348,
+     GETHARDNESS = 349,
+     GETMAXIMPACTS = 350,
+     GETFORCE = 352,
+     ASPITCH = 353,
+     ASOCTAVE = 354,
+     ASFREQUENCY = 355,
+     ASNAME = 356,
+     SETDAMPING = 358,
+     RESETDAMPING = 359,
+     SETDECAY = 360,
+     RESETDECAY = 361,
+     LOCKLEFT = 362,
+     LOCKRIGHT = 363,
+     LOCKTOP = 364,
+     LOCKBOTTOM = 365,
+     LOCKPERIMETER = 366,
+     LOCKCORNERS = 367,
+     LOCKENDS = 368,
+     LOCK = 369,
+     IN = 370,
+     ELSEIF = 371,
+     TIME = 372,
+     TICK = 373,
+     GETAMOUNT = 376,
+     SETAMOUNT = 377,
+     GETXFREQUENCY = 378,
+     GETYFREQUENCY = 379,
+     ASSIGNOP = 380,
+     OR = 381,
+     AND = 382,
+     EQUALITY = 383,
+     RELOP = 384,
+     SHIFTOP = 385,
+     PITCHUNITS = 386,
+     TIMEUNITS = 387,
+     UPERCENT = 388,
+     UMINUS = 389,
+     NOT = 390
+   };
+#define INTLIT 258
+#define FLOATLIT 259
+#define PITCH 260
+#define ACCESSPOINT 261
+#define PARAM 262
+#define INTEGER 263
+#define COUNTER 264
+#define LEFT 265
+#define RIGHT 266
+#define TOP 267
+#define STRING 268
+#define RECTANGLE 269
+#define CIRCLE 270
+#define ELLIPSE 271
+#define TRIANGLE 272
+#define BOW 273
+#define HAMMER 274
+#define STOP 275
+#define BOTTOM 276
+#define CENTRE 277
+#define CONNECTOR 278
+#define OUTPUT 279
+#define ID 280
+#define STRLIT 281
+#define AUDIO 282
+#define RATE 283
+#define MATHFUNC1 284
+#define MATHFUNC2 285
+#define STRENGTH 286
+#define SIGNAL 287
+#define FLAG 288
+#define AT 289
+#define ATFOR 290
+#define ELLIPSIS 291
+#define SCORE 292
+#define FROM 293
+#define TO 294
+#define BEFORE 295
+#define AFTER 296
+#define EVERY 297
+#define CONTROLRATE 298
+#define IF 299
+#define ELSE 300
+#define PRINT 301
+#define NEWLINEKWD 302
+#define OUTPUTCH 303
+#define FRACTION 304
+#define POSITIONKWD 305
+#define LINEAR 306
+#define EXPON 307
+#define PLACEAT 308
+#define PLACEABOVE 309
+#define PLACEBELOW 310
+#define JOIN 311
+#define LABEL 312
+#define START 313
+#define END 314
+#define STEREO 315
+#define MONO 316
+#define QUAD 317
+#define PLACELEFTOF 318
+#define PLACERIGHTOF 319
+#define REMOVE 320
+#define ACTIVATE 321
+#define DEACTIVATE 322
+#define SETMASS 323
+#define SETPOSITION 324
+#define SETVELOCITY 325
+#define SETGRAVITY 326
+#define SETHEIGHT 327
+#define SETHARDNESS 328
+#define SETMAXIMPACTS 329
+#define RESET 330
+#define DROP 331
+#define SETFORCE 332
+#define GETINSTRUMENT 333
+#define APPLYFORCE 334
+#define CLEAR 335
+#define TRUE 336
+#define FALSE 337
+#define INIT 338
+#define FOR 339
+#define INCDEC 340
+#define GETVELOCITY 342
+#define GETPOSITION 343
+#define GETMASS 344
+#define GETNAME 345
+#define GETGRAVITY 346
+#define GETHEIGHT 347
+#define GETDAMPING 348
+#define GETHARDNESS 349
+#define GETMAXIMPACTS 350
+#define GETFORCE 352
+#define ASPITCH 353
+#define ASOCTAVE 354
+#define ASFREQUENCY 355
+#define ASNAME 356
+#define SETDAMPING 358
+#define RESETDAMPING 359
+#define SETDECAY 360
+#define RESETDECAY 361
+#define LOCKLEFT 362
+#define LOCKRIGHT 363
+#define LOCKTOP 364
+#define LOCKBOTTOM 365
+#define LOCKPERIMETER 366
+#define LOCKCORNERS 367
+#define LOCKENDS 368
+#define LOCK 369
+#define IN 370
+#define ELSEIF 371
+#define TIME 372
+#define TICK 373
+#define GETAMOUNT 376
+#define SETAMOUNT 377
+#define GETXFREQUENCY 378
+#define GETYFREQUENCY 379
+#define ASSIGNOP 380
+#define OR 381
+#define AND 382
+#define EQUALITY 383
+#define RELOP 384
+#define SHIFTOP 385
+#define PITCHUNITS 386
+#define TIMEUNITS 387
+#define UPERCENT 388
+#define UMINUS 389
+#define NOT 390
+#if ! defined (YYSTYPE) && ! defined (YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED)
+typedef int YYSTYPE;
+# define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
+extern YYSTYPE yylval;

taopm packaging

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