[SCM] python-pyo/master: go away

tiago at users.alioth.debian.org tiago at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Feb 6 15:36:50 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit dbef475b22bfa27d68a4c7f2dbf0ba39c89d1163
Author: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 30 00:43:15 2013 -0500

    go away

diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/_pyo.so b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/_pyo.so
deleted file mode 100755
index 433304e..0000000
Binary files a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/_pyo.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/__init__.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_core.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_core.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d3c3e..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_core.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1704 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from types import ListType, SliceType, FloatType, StringType, UnicodeType
-import random, os, sys, inspect, tempfile
-from subprocess import call
-from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
-PYO_VERSION = '0.6.3'
-import __builtin__
-if hasattr(__builtin__, 'pyo_use_double'):
-    import pyo64 as current_pyo
-    from _pyo64 import *
-    import pyo as current_pyo
-    from _pyo import *
-from _maps import *
-from _widgets import createCtrlWindow, createViewTableWindow, createViewMatrixWindow
-### Utilities
-SNDS_PATH = os.path.join(get_python_lib(), "pyolib", "snds")
-XNOISE_DICT = {'uniform': 0, 'linear_min': 1, 'linear_max': 2, 'triangle': 3, 
-                'expon_min': 4, 'expon_max': 5, 'biexpon': 6, 'cauchy': 7, 
-                'weibull': 8, 'gaussian': 9, 'poisson': 10, 'walker': 11, 
-                'loopseg': 12}
-def convertStringToSysEncoding(str):
-    """
-    Convert a string to the current platform file system encoding.
-    Parameter:
-    str: string
-        String to convert.
-    """
-    if type(str) != UnicodeType:
-        str = str.decode("utf-8")
-    str = str.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
-    return str
-def convertArgsToLists(*args):
-    """
-    Convert all arguments to list if not already a list or a PyoObject. 
-    Return new args and maximum list length.
-    """
-    first = True
-    for i in args:
-        if isinstance(i, PyoObject): pass  
-        elif isinstance(i, PyoTableObject): pass 
-        elif isinstance(i, PyoMatrixObject): pass 
-        elif type(i) != ListType: i = [i]
-        if first: tup = (i,)
-        else: tup = tup + (i,)
-        first = False
-    lengths = [len(i) for i in tup]
-    max_length = max(lengths)
-    tup = tup + (max_length, )  
-    return tup
-def wrap(arg, i):
-    """
-    Return value at position `i` from `arg` with wrap around `arg` length.
-    """    
-    x = arg[i % len(arg)]
-    if isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-        return x[0]
-    elif isinstance(x, PyoTableObject):
-        return x[0]
-    elif isinstance(x, PyoMatrixObject):
-        return x[0]
-    else:
-        return x
-if sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 5):
-    def example(cls, dur=5, toprint=True, double=False):
-        """
-    Execute the example given in the documentation of the object as an argument.
-    example(cls, dur=5)
-    Parameters:
-    cls : PyoObject class
-        Class reference of the desired object example.
-    dur : float, optional
-        Duration of the example.
-    toprint : boolean, optional
-        If True, the example script will be printed to the console.
-        Defaults to True.
-    double : boolean, optional
-        If True, force the example to run in double precision (64-bit)
-        Defaults to False.
-    Examples:
-    >>> example(Sine)
-        """
-        doc = cls.__doc__.split("Examples:")
-        if len(doc) < 2:
-            print "There is no manual example for %s object." % cls.__name__
-            return
-        if "Server" in doc[1]:
-            with_server = True
-        else:
-            with_server = False
-        lines = doc[1].splitlines()
-        ex_lines = [line.lstrip("    ") for line in lines if ">>>" in line or "..." in line]
-        if hasattr(__builtin__, 'pyo_use_double') or double:
-            ex = "import time\nfrom pyo64 import *\n"
-        else:
-            ex = "import time\nfrom pyo import *\n"
-        for line in ex_lines:
-            if ">>>" in line: line = line.lstrip(">>> ")
-            if "..." in line: line = "    " +  line.lstrip("... ")
-            ex += line + "\n"
-        if with_server:
-            ex += "time.sleep(%f)\ns.stop()\ntime.sleep(0.25)\ns.shutdown()\n" % dur
-        f = open('/tmp/pyo_example.py', 'w')
-        if toprint:
-            f.write('print """\n%s\n"""\n' % ex)
-        f.write(ex)
-        f.close()    
-        p = call(["python", '/tmp/pyo_example.py'])
-    def example(cls, dur=5, toprint=True, double=False):
-        """
-    Execute the example given in the documentation of the object as an argument.
-    example(cls, dur=5)
-    Parameters:
-    cls : PyoObject class
-        Class reference of the desired object example.
-    dur : float, optional
-        Duration of the example.
-    toprint : boolean, optional
-        If True, the example script will be printed to the console.
-        Defaults to True.
-    double : boolean, optional
-        If True, force the example to run in double precision (64-bit)
-        Defaults to False.
-    Examples:
-    >>> example(Sine)
-        """
-        doc = cls.__doc__.split("Examples:")
-        if len(doc) < 2:
-            print "There is no manual example for %s object." % cls.__name__
-            return
-        if "Server" in doc[1]:
-            with_server = True
-        else:
-            with_server = False
-        lines = doc[1].splitlines()
-        ex_lines = [line.lstrip("    ") for line in lines if ">>>" in line or "..." in line]
-        if hasattr(__builtin__, 'pyo_use_double') or double:
-            ex = "import time\nfrom pyo64 import *\n"
-        else:
-            ex = "import time\nfrom pyo import *\n"
-        for line in ex_lines:
-            if ">>>" in line: line = line.lstrip(">>> ")
-            if "..." in line: line = "    " +  line.lstrip("... ")
-            ex += line + "\n"
-        if with_server:
-            ex += "time.sleep(%f)\ns.stop()\ntime.sleep(0.25)\ns.shutdown()\n" % dur
-        f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-        if toprint:
-            f.write('print """\n%s\n"""\n' % ex)
-        f.write(ex)
-        f.close()    
-        p = call(["python", f.name])
-def removeExtraDecimals(x):
-    if type(x) == FloatType:
-        return "=%.2f" % x
-    elif type(x) == StringType:
-        return '="%s"' % x
-    else:
-        return "=" + str(x)
-def class_args(cls):
-    """
-    Returns the init line of a class reference.
-    class_args(cls)
-    This function takes a class reference (not an instance of that class) 
-    as input and returns the init line of that class with the default values.
-    Parameters:
-    cls : PyoObject class
-        Class reference of the desired object's init line.
-    Examples:
-    >>> print class_args(Sine)
-    >>> 'Sine(freq=1000, phase=0, mul=1, add=0)'
-    """
-    name = cls.__name__
-    try:
-        # Try for a class __init__ function
-        arg, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(getattr(cls, "__init__"))
-        arg = inspect.formatargspec(arg, varargs, varkw, defaults, formatvalue=removeExtraDecimals)
-        arg = arg.replace("self, ", "")
-        return name + arg
-    except TypeError:
-        try:
-            # Try for a function
-            lines = cls.__doc__.splitlines()
-            for line in lines:
-                if "%s(" % name in line:
-                    return line
-        except:
-            print "class_args was unable to retrieve the init line of the object as an argument."
-            return ""
-def getVersion():
-    """
-    Returns the version number of the current pyo installation.
-    getVersion()
-    This function returns the version number of the current pyo
-    installation as a 3-ints tuple (major, minor, rev). 
-    The returned tuple for version '0.4.1' will look like :
-    (0, 4, 1)
-    Examples:
-    >>> print getVersion()
-    >>> (0, 5, 1)
-    """
-    major, minor, rev = PYO_VERSION.split('.')
-    return (int(major), int(minor), int(rev))
-### PyoObject -> base class for pyo sound objects
-class PyoObject(object):
-    """
-    Base class for all pyo objects that manipulate vectors of samples.
-    The user should never instantiate an object of this class.
-    Methods:
-    play(dur, delay) : Start processing without sending samples to output. 
-        This method is called automatically at the object creation.
-    stop() : Stop processing.
-    out(chnl, inc, dur, delay) : Start processing and send samples to audio 
-        output beginning at `chnl`.
-    mix(voices) : Mix object's audio streams into `voices` streams and 
-        return the Mix object.
-    range(min, max) : Adjust `mul` and `add` attributes according to a given range.
-    setMul(x) : Replace the `mul` attribute.
-    setAdd(x) : Replace the `add` attribute.
-    setDiv(x) : Replace and inverse the `mul` attribute.
-    setSub(x) : Replace and inverse the `add` attribute.
-    set(attr, value, port) : Replace any attribute with portamento. 
-    ctrl(map_list, title) : Opens a sliders window to control parameters.
-    get(all) : Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-    dump() : Print current status of the object's attributes.
-    getBaseObjects() : Return a list of audio Stream objects managed by the instance.
-    isPlaying(all) : Returns True if the object is playing, otherwise, returns False.
-    isOutputting(all) : Returns True if the object is sending samples to dac, 
-        otherwise, returns False.
-    Attributes:
-    mul : float or PyoObject
-        Multiplication factor.
-    add : float or PyoObject
-        Addition factor.
-    Notes:
-    - Other operations:
-    len(obj) : Return the number of audio streams in an object.
-    obj[x] : Return stream `x` of the object. `x` is a number 
-        from 0 to len(obj) - 1.
-    del obj : Perform a clean delete of the object.
-    - Arithmetics:
-    Multiplication, addition, division and substraction can be applied 
-    between pyo objects or between pyo objects and numbers. Doing so 
-    returns a Dummy object with the result of the operation.
-    `b = a * 0.5` creates a Dummy object `b` with `mul` attribute set 
-    to 0.5 and leave `a` unchanged.
-    Inplace multiplication, addition, division and substraction can be 
-    applied between pyo objects or between pyo objects and numbers. 
-    These operations will replace the `mul` or `add` factor of the object. 
-    `a *= 0.5` replaces the `mul` attribute of `a`.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        if not serverCreated():
-            print "\nPYO Error: You must create and boot a Server before creating any audio object.\n"
-            exit()
-        else:
-            if not serverBooted():
-                print "\nPYO Error: The Server must be booted before creating any audio object.\n"
-                exit()
-        self._target_dict = {}
-        self._signal_dict = {}
-        self._keep_trace = []
-        self._mul = 1.0
-        self._add = 0.0
-        self._op_duplicate = 1
-    def __add__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _add_dummy = Dummy([obj + wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-                _add_dummy = x + self
-            else:
-                _add_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) + obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])
-        self._keep_trace.append(_add_dummy)
-        return _add_dummy
-    def __radd__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _add_dummy = Dummy([obj + wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            _add_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) + obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])                
-        self._keep_trace.append(_add_dummy)
-        return _add_dummy
-    def __iadd__(self, x):
-        self.setAdd(x)
-        return self
-    def __sub__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _add_dummy = Dummy([obj - wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-                _add_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) - wrap(x,i) for i in range(lmax)])
-            else:
-                _add_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) - obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])
-        self._keep_trace.append(_add_dummy)
-        return _add_dummy
-    def __rsub__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            tmp = []
-            for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-                sub_upsamp = Sig(wrap(x, i/self._op_duplicate))
-                self._keep_trace.append(sub_upsamp)
-                tmp.append(sub_upsamp - obj)
-            _add_dummy = Dummy(tmp)
-        else:
-            tmp = []
-            for i, obj in enumerate(x):
-                sub_upsamp = Sig(obj)
-                self._keep_trace.append(sub_upsamp)
-                tmp.append(sub_upsamp - wrap(self._base_objs,i))
-            _add_dummy = Dummy(tmp)
-        self._keep_trace.append(_add_dummy)
-        return _add_dummy
-    def __isub__(self, x):
-        self.setSub(x)
-        return self
-    def __mul__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy([obj * wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-                _mul_dummy = x * self
-            else:
-                _mul_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) * obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])  
-        self._keep_trace.append(_mul_dummy)
-        return _mul_dummy
-    def __rmul__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy([obj * wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) * obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])                
-        self._keep_trace.append(_mul_dummy)
-        return _mul_dummy
-    def __imul__(self, x):
-        self.setMul(x)
-        return self
-    def __div__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy([obj / wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)])
-        else:
-            if isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-                _mul_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) / wrap(x,i) for i in range(lmax)])
-            else:
-                _mul_dummy = Dummy([wrap(self._base_objs,i) / obj for i, obj in enumerate(x)])
-        self._keep_trace.append(_mul_dummy)
-        return _mul_dummy
-    def __rdiv__(self, x):
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self.__len__() >= lmax:
-            tmp = []
-            for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-                div_upsamp = Sig(wrap(x, i/self._op_duplicate))
-                self._keep_trace.append(div_upsamp)
-                tmp.append(div_upsamp / obj)
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy(tmp)
-        else:
-            tmp = []
-            for i, obj in enumerate(x):
-                div_upsamp = Sig(obj)
-                self._keep_trace.append(div_upsamp)
-                tmp.append(div_upsamp / wrap(self._base_objs,i))
-            _mul_dummy = Dummy(tmp)
-        self._keep_trace.append(_mul_dummy)
-        return _mul_dummy
-    def __idiv__(self, x):
-        self.setDiv(x)
-        return self
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i == 'trig':
-            return self._trig_objs
-        if type(i) == SliceType or i < len(self._base_objs):
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        else:
-            if type(i) == StringType:
-                print "Object %s has no stream named '%s'!" % (self.__class__, i)
-            else:
-                print "'i' too large in slicing object %s!" % self.__class__.__name__
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._base_objs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-    def isPlaying(self, all=False):
-        """
-        Returns True if the object is playing, otherwise, returns False.
-        Parameters:
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the object returns a list with the state of all
-                streams managed by the object. If False, it return a 
-                boolean corresponding to the state of the first stream.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if all:
-            return [obj._getStream().isPlaying() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            return self._base_objs[0]._getStream().isPlaying()
-    def isOutputting(self, all=False):
-        """
-        Returns True if the object is sending samples to dac, otherwise, returns False.
-        Parameters:
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the object returns a list with the state of all
-                streams managed by the object. If False, it return a 
-                boolean corresponding to the state of the first stream.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if all:
-            return [obj._getStream().isOutputting() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            return self._base_objs[0]._getStream().isOutputting()
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Print the number of streams and the current status of the 
-        object's attributes.
-        """
-        attrs = dir(self)
-        pp =  '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        pp += '\nNumber of audio streams: %d' % len(self)
-        pp += '\n--- Attributes ---'
-        for attr in attrs:
-            pp += '\n' + attr + ': ' + str(getattr(self, attr))
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        return pp    
-    def get(self, all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        Object that implements string identifier for specific audio 
-        streams must use the corresponding string to specify which stream
-        to get value. See get() method definition in these object's man pages.
-        Parameters:
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self._base_objs[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def getBaseObjects(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of audio Stream objects managed by the instance.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs
-    def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
-        """
-        Start processing without sending samples to output. 
-        This method is called automatically at the object creation.
-        This method returns "self" allowing it to be applied at the object
-        creation.
-        Parameters:
-        dur : float, optional
-            Duration, in seconds, of the object's activation. The default is 0
-            and means infinite duration.
-        delay : float, optional
-            Delay, in seconds, before the object's activation. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
-        if hasattr(self, "_trig_objs"):
-            self._trig_objs.play(dur, delay)
-        if hasattr(self, "_base_players"):
-            [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-        [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        return self
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        """
-        Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at `chnl`.
-        This method returns "self" allowing it to be applied at the object
-        creation.
-        Parameters:
-        chnl : int, optional
-            Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. 
-            Defaults to 0.
-            If `chnl` is an integer equal or greater than 0, successive 
-            streams increment the output number by `inc` and wrap around 
-            the global number of channels.
-            If `chnl` is a negative integer: streams begin at 0, increment 
-            the output number by `inc` and wrap around the global number of 
-            channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
-            If `chnl` is a list: successive values in the list will be 
-            assigned to successive streams.
-        inc : int, optional
-            Output increment value.
-        dur : float, optional
-            Duration, in seconds, of the object's activation. The default is 0
-            and means infinite duration.
-        delay : float, optional
-            Delay, in seconds, before the object's activation. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
-        if hasattr(self, "_trig_objs"):
-            self._trig_objs.play(dur, delay)
-        if hasattr(self, "_base_players"):
-            [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-        if type(chnl) == ListType:
-            [obj.out(wrap(chnl,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            if chnl < 0:    
-                [obj.out(i*inc, wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(random.sample(self._base_objs, len(self._base_objs)))]
-            else:
-                [obj.out(chnl+i*inc, wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        return self
-    def stop(self):
-        """
-        Stop processing.
-        This method returns "self" allowing it to be applied at the object
-        creation.
-        """
-        if hasattr(self, "_trig_objs"):
-            self._trig_objs.stop()
-        if hasattr(self, "_base_players"):
-            [obj.stop() for obj in self._base_players]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        return self
-    def mix(self, voices=1):
-        """
-        Mix the object's audio streams into `voices` streams and return 
-        a Mix object.
-        Parameters:
-        voices : int, optional
-            Number of audio streams of the Mix object created by this method. 
-            If more than 1, object's streams are alternated and added into 
-            Mix object's streams. Defaults to 1.
-        """
-        return Mix(self, voices)
-    def range(self, min, max):
-        """
-        Adjust `mul` and `add` attributes according to a given range.
-        This function assumes a signal between -1 and 1. Arguments may be
-        list of floats for multi-streams objects.
-        This method returns "self" allowing it to be applied at the object
-        creation:
-        >>> lfo = Sine(freq=1).range(500, 1000)
-        Parameters:
-        min : float
-            Minimum value of the output signal.
-        max : float
-            Maximum value of the output signal.
-        """
-        min, max, lmax = convertArgsToLists(min, max)
-        if lmax > 1:
-            mul = [(wrap(max,i) - wrap(min,i)) * 0.5 for i in range(lmax)]
-            add = [(wrap(max,i) + wrap(min,i)) * 0.5 for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            mul = (max[0] - min[0]) * 0.5
-            add = (max[0] + min[0]) * 0.5
-        self.setMul(mul)
-        self.setAdd(add)
-        return self
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `mul` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `mul` attribute.
-        """
-        self._mul = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMul(wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `add` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `add` attribute.
-        """
-        self._add = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setAdd(wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace and inverse the `mul` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New inversed `mul` attribute.
-        """
-        self._add = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSub(wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace and inverse the `add` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New inversed `add` attribute.
-        """
-        self._mul = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDiv(wrap(x,i/self._op_duplicate)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def set(self, attr, value, port=0.025):
-        """
-        Replace any attribute with portamento.
-        This method is intended to be applied on attributes that are not
-        already assigned to PyoObjects. It will work only with floats or
-        list of floats.
-        Parameters:
-        attr : string
-            Name of the attribute as a string.
-        value : float
-            New value.
-        port : float, optional
-            Time, in seconds, to reach the new value
-        """
-        self._target_dict[attr] = value
-        init = getattr(self, attr)
-        if self._signal_dict.has_key(attr):
-            if isinstance(self._signal_dict[attr], VarPort):
-                if self._signal_dict[attr].isPlaying():
-                    init = self._signal_dict[attr].get(True)
-                    self._signal_dict[attr].stop()
-        self._signal_dict[attr] = VarPort(value, port, init, self._reset_from_set, attr)
-        setattr(self, attr, self._signal_dict[attr])
-    def _reset_from_set(self, attr=None):
-        if isinstance(getattr(self, attr), VarPort):
-            setattr(self, attr, self._target_dict[attr])
-        self._signal_dict[attr].stop()
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. 
-        Only parameters that can be set to a PyoObject are allowed 
-        to be mapped on a slider.
-        If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders 
-        will be used to control each stream independently.
-        Parameters:
-        map_list : list of SLMap objects, optional
-            Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default 
-            scaling for each object that accept `ctrl` method.
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if map_list == None:
-            map_list = self._map_list
-        if map_list == []:
-            print("There is no controls for %s object." % self.__class__.__name__)
-            return
-        createCtrlWindow(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def mul(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Multiplication factor.""" 
-        return self._mul
-    @mul.setter
-    def mul(self, x): self.setMul(x)
-    @property
-    def add(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Addition factor.""" 
-        return self._add
-    @add.setter
-    def add(self, x): self.setAdd(x)
-### PyoTableObject -> base class for pyo table objects
-class PyoTableObject(object):
-    """
-    Base class for all pyo table objects. 
-    A table object is a buffer memory to store precomputed samples. 
-    The user should never instantiate an object of this class.
-    Methods:
-    getSize() : Return table size in samples.
-    view() : Opens a window showing the contents of the table.
-    dump() : Print current status of the object's attributes.
-    save(path, format, sampletype) : Writes the content of the table in an audio file.
-    write(path, oneline) : Writes the content of the table in a text file.
-    read(path) : Sets the content of the table from a text file.
-    normalize() : Normalize table samples between -1 and 1.
-    removeDC() : Remove DC offset from the table's data.
-    reverse() : Reverse the table's data.
-    copy() : Returns a deep copy of the object.
-    put(value, pos) : Puts a value at specified position in the table.
-    get(pos) : Returns the value at specified position in the table.
-    getBaseObjects() : Return a list of table Stream objects managed by the instance.
-    getTable(all) : Returns the content of the table as list of floats.
-    Notes:
-    Operations allowed on all table objects :
-    len(obj) : Return the number of table streams in an object.
-    obj[x] : Return table stream `x` of the object. `x` is a number 
-        from 0 to len(obj) - 1.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        if not serverCreated():
-            print "\nPYO Error: You must create and boot a Server before creating any audio object.\n"
-            exit()
-        else:
-            if not serverBooted():
-                print "\nPYO Error: The Server must be booted before creating any audio object.\n"
-                exit()
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i < len(self._base_objs):
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        else:
-            print "'i' too large in slicing table %s!" % self.__class__.__name__
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._base_objs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Print the number of streams and the current status of the 
-        object's attributes.
-        """
-        attrs = dir(self)
-        pp =  '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        pp += '\nNumber of table streams: %d' % len(self)
-        pp += '\n--- Attributes ---'
-        for attr in attrs:
-            pp += '\n' + attr + ': ' + str(getattr(self, attr))
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        return pp    
-    def save(self, path, format=0, sampletype=0):
-        """
-        Writes the content of the table in an audio file.
-        The sampling rate of the file is the sampling rate of the server
-        and the number of channels is the number of table streams of the
-        object.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path (including extension) of the new file.
-        format : int, optional
-            Format type of the new file. Defaults to 0. Supported formats are:
-                0 : WAVE - Microsoft WAV format (little endian) {.wav, .wave}
-                1 : AIFF - Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian) {.aif, .aiff}
-        sampletype : int, optional
-            Bit depth encoding of the audio file. Defaults to 0. Supported types are:
-                0 : 16 bit int
-                1 : 24 bit int
-                2 : 32 bit int
-                3 : 32 bit float
-                4 : 64 bit float
-        """
-        savefileFromTable(self, path, format, sampletype)
-    def write(self, path, oneline=True):
-        """
-        Writes the content of the table in a text file.
-        This function can be used to store the table data as a
-        list of floats into a text file.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the generated file.
-        oneline : boolean, optional
-            If True, list of samples will inserted on one line.
-            If False, list of samples will be truncated to 8 floats
-            per line. Defaults to True.
-        """
-        f = open(path, "w")
-        if oneline:
-            f.write(str([obj.getTable() for obj in self._base_objs]))
-        else:
-            text = "["
-            for obj in self._base_objs:
-                text += "["
-                for i, val in enumerate(obj.getTable()):
-                    if (i % 8) == 0:
-                        text += "\n"
-                    text += str(val) + ", "
-                text += "]"
-            text += "]"
-            f.write(text)
-        f.close()
-    def read(self, path):
-        """
-        Reads the content of a text file and replaces the table data
-        with the values in the file.
-        Format is a list of lists of floats. For example, A two 
-        tablestreams object must be given a content like this:
-        [[0.0,1.0,0.5,...], [1.0,0.99,0.98,0.97,...]]
-        Each object's tablestream will be resized according to the 
-        length of the lists.
-        """
-        f = open(path, "r")
-        f_list = eval(f.read())
-        f_len = len(f_list)
-        f.close()
-        [obj.setData(f_list[i%f_len]) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def getBaseObjects(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of table Stream objects managed by the instance.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs
-    def getSize(self):
-        """
-        Return table size in samples.
-        """
-        return self._size
-    def put(self, value, pos=0):
-        """
-        Puts a value at specified position in the table.
-        If the object has more than 1 tablestream, the default is to
-        record the value in each table. User can call obj[x].put() 
-        to record in a specific table.
-        Parameters:
-        value : float
-            Value, as floating-point, to record in the table.
-        pos : int, optional
-            Position where to record value. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.put(value, pos) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def get(self, pos):
-        """
-        Returns the value, as float, at specified position in the table.
-        If the object has more than 1 tablestream, the default is to
-        return a list with the value of each tablestream. User can call 
-        obj[x].get() to get the value of a specific table.
-        Parameters:
-        pos : int, optional
-            Position where to get value. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        values = [obj.get(pos) for obj in self._base_objs]
-        if len(values) == 1: return values[0]
-        else: return values
-    def getTable(self, all=False):
-        """
-        Returns the content of the table as list of floats.
-        Parameters:
-        all : boolean, optional
-            If True, all sub tables are retrieved and returned as a list
-            of list of floats. Otherwise, a single list containing the
-            content of the first subtable (or the only one) is returned.
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if all:
-            return [obj.getTable() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            return self._base_objs[0].getTable()
-    def normalize(self):
-        """
-        Normalize table samples between -1 and 1.
-        """
-        [obj.normalize() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        return self
-    def removeDC(self):
-        """
-        Filter out DC offset from the table's data.
-        """
-        [obj.removeDC() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        return self
-    def reverse(self):
-        """
-        Reverse the table's data.
-        """
-        [obj.reverse() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        return self
-    def copy(self):
-        """
-        Returns a deep copy of the object.
-        """
-        args = [getattr(self, att) for att in self.__dir__()]
-        if self.__class__.__name__ == "SndTable":
-            _size = self.getSize()
-            if type(_size) != ListType:
-                _size = [_size]
-            _chnls = len(self._base_objs)
-            args[0] = None
-            args.append(_chnls)
-            newtable = getattr(current_pyo, self.__class__.__name__)(*args)
-            [obj.setSize(_size[i%len(_size)]) for i, obj in enumerate(newtable.getBaseObjects())]
-            [obj.copy(self[i]) for i, obj in enumerate(newtable.getBaseObjects())]
-        else:
-            newtable = getattr(current_pyo, self.__class__.__name__)(*args)
-            [obj.copy(self[i]) for i, obj in enumerate(newtable.getBaseObjects())]
-        return newtable
-    def view(self, title="Table waveform", wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a window showing the contents of the table.
-        Parameters:
-        title : string, optional
-            Window title. Defaults to "Table waveform". 
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the table window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewTable()
-        createViewTableWindow(samples, title, wxnoserver, self.__class__.__name__)
-### PyoMatrixObject -> base class for pyo matrix objects
-class PyoMatrixObject(object):
-    """
-    Base class for all pyo matrix objects. 
-    A matrix object is a 2 dimensions buffer memory to store 
-    precomputed samples. 
-    The user should never instantiate an object of this class.
-    Methods:
-    getSize() : Return matrix size in samples (x, y).
-    view() : Opens a window showing the contents of the matrix.
-    dump() : Print current status of the object's attributes.
-    write(path) : Writes the content of the matrix in a text file.
-    read(path) : Sets the content of the matrix from a text file.
-    normalize() : Normalize matrix samples between -1 and 1.
-    blur() : Apply a simple gaussian blur on the matrix.
-    boost(min, max, boost) : Boost the contrast of values in the matrix.
-    put(value, x, y) : Puts a value at specified position in the matrix.
-    get(x, y) : Returns the value at specified position in the matrix.
-    getBaseObjects() : Returns a list of matrix stream objects managed by the instance.
-    Notes:
-    Operations allowed on all matrix objects :
-    len(obj) : Return the number of table streams in an object.
-    obj[x] : Return table stream `x` of the object. `x` is a number 
-        from 0 to len(obj) - 1.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        if not serverCreated():
-            print "\nPYO Error: You must create and boot a Server before creating any audio object.\n"
-            exit()
-        else:
-            if not serverBooted():
-                print "\nPYO Error: The Server must be booted before creating any audio object.\n"
-                exit()
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i < len(self._base_objs):
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        else:
-            print "'i' too large in slicing matrix %s!" % self.__class__.__name__
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._base_objs)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-    def dump(self):
-        """
-        Print the number of streams and the current status of the 
-        object's attributes.
-        """
-        attrs = dir(self)
-        pp =  '< Instance of %s class >' % self.__class__.__name__
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        pp += '\nNumber of matrix streams: %d' % len(self)
-        pp += '\n--- Attributes ---'
-        for attr in attrs:
-            pp += '\n' + attr + ': ' + str(getattr(self, attr))
-        pp += '\n-----------------------------'
-        return pp    
-    def write(self, path):
-        """
-        Writes the content of the matrix into a text file.
-        This function can be used to store the matrix data as a
-        list of list of floats into a text file.
-        """
-        f = open(path, "w")
-        f.write(str([obj.getData() for obj in self._base_objs]))
-        f.close()
-    def read(self, path):
-        """
-        Reads the content of a text file and replaces the matrix data
-        with the values in the file.
-        Format is a list of lists of floats. For example, A two 
-        matrixstreams object must be given a content like this:
-        [[[0.0,1.0,0.5,...], [1.0,0.99,0.98,0.97,...]],
-        [[0.0,1.0,0.5,...], [1.0,0.99,0.98,0.97,...]]]
-        Each object's matrixstream will be resized according to the 
-        length of the lists, but the number of matrixstreams must be
-        the same.
-        """
-        f = open(path, "r")
-        f_list = eval(f.read())
-        f_len = len(f_list)
-        f.close()
-        [obj.setData(f_list[i%f_len]) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def getBaseObjects(self):
-        """
-        Returns a list of matrix stream objects managed by the instance.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs
-    def getSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns matrix size in samples. Size is a tuple (x, y).
-        """
-        return self._size
-    def normalize(self):
-        """
-        Normalize matrix samples between -1 and 1.
-        """
-        [obj.normalize() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        return self
-    def blur(self):
-        """
-        Apply a simple gaussian blur on the matrix.
-        """
-        [obj.blur() for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def boost(self, min=-1.0, max=1.0, boost=0.01):
-        """
-        Boost the constrast of values in the matrix.
-        Parameters:
-        min : float, optional
-            Minimum value. Defaults to -1.0.
-        max : float, optional
-            Maximum value. Defaults to 1.0.
-        boost : float, optional
-            Amount of boost applied on each value. Defaults to 0.01.
-        """
-        [obj.boost(min, max, boost) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def put(self, value, x=0, y=0):
-        """
-        Puts a value at specified position in the matrix.
-        If the object has more than 1 matrixstream, the default is to
-        record the value in each matrix. User can call obj[x].put() 
-        to record in a specific matrix.
-        Parameters:
-        value : float
-            Value, as floating-point, to record in the matrix.
-        x : int, optional
-            X position where to record value. Defaults to 0.
-        y : int, optional
-            Y position where to record value. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.put(value, x, y) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def get(self, x, y):
-        """
-        Returns the value, as float, at specified position in the matrix.
-        If the object has more than 1 matrixstream, the default is to
-        return a list with the value of each matrixstream. User can call 
-        obj[x].get() to get the value of a specific matrix.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int, optional
-            X position where to get value. Defaults to 0.
-        y : int, optional
-            Y position where to get value. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        values = [obj.get(x, y) for obj in self._base_objs]
-        if len(values) == 1: return values[0]
-        else: return values
-    def view(self, title="Matrix viewer", wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a window showing the contents of the matrix.
-        Parameters:
-        title : string, optional
-            Window title. Defaults to "Matrix viewer". 
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the matrix window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """        
-        samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewData()
-        createViewMatrixWindow(samples, self.getSize(), title, wxnoserver)
-### Internal classes -> Used by pyo
-class Mix(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Mix audio streams to arbitrary number of streams.
-    Mix the object's audio streams as `input` argument into `voices` 
-    streams.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject or list of PyoObjects
-        Input signal(s) to mix the streams.
-    voices : int, optional
-        Number of streams of the Mix object. If more than 1, input 
-        object's streams are alternated and added into Mix object's 
-        streams. Defaults to 1.
-    Notes:
-    The mix method of PyoObject creates and returns a new Mix object
-    with mixed streams of the object that called the method. User
-    don't have to instantiate this class directly. These two calls
-    are identical:
-    >>> b = a.mix()
-    >>> b = Mix(a)
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Sine([random.uniform(400,600) for i in range(50)], mul=.02)
-    >>> b = Mix(a, voices=2).out()
-    >>> print len(a)
-    50
-    >>> print len(b)
-    1
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, voices=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        if type(input) == ListType:
-            input_objs = []
-            input_objs = [obj for pyoObj in input for obj in pyoObj.getBaseObjects()]
-        else:    
-            input_objs = input.getBaseObjects()
-        input_len = len(input_objs)
-        if voices < 1: 
-            voices = 1
-            num = 1
-        elif voices > input_len and voices > lmax: 
-            num = voices
-        elif lmax > input_len:
-            num = lmax    
-        else:
-            num = input_len   
-        sub_lists = []
-        for i in range(voices):
-            sub_lists.append([])
-        for i in range(num):
-            obj = input_objs[i % input_len]
-            sub_lists[i % voices].append(obj)
-        self._base_objs = [Mix_base(l, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i, l in enumerate(sub_lists)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-class Dummy(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Dummy object used to perform arithmetics on PyoObject.
-    The user should never instantiate an object of this class.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    objs_list : list of audio Stream objects
-        List of Stream objects return by the PyoObject hidden method 
-        getBaseObjects().
-    Notes:
-    Multiplication, addition, division and substraction don't changed
-    the PyoObject on which the operation is performed. A dummy object
-    is created, which is just a copy of the audio Streams of the object,
-    and the operation is applied on the Dummy, leaving the original
-    object unchanged. This lets the user performs multiple different 
-    arithmetic operations on an object without conficts. Here, `b` is
-    a Dummy object with `a` as its input with a `mul` attribute of 0.5. 
-    attribute:
-    >>> a = Sine()
-    >>> b = a * .5
-    >>> print a
-    <pyolib.input.Sine object at 0x11fd610>
-    >>> print b
-    <pyolib._core.Dummy object at 0x11fd710>
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m = Metro(time=0.25).play()
-    >>> p = TrigChoice(m, choice=[midiToHz(n) for n in [60,62,65,67,69]])
-    >>> a = SineLoop(p, feedback=.05, mul=.1).mix(2).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(p*1.253, feedback=.05, mul=.06).mix(2).out()
-    >>> c = SineLoop(p*1.497, feedback=.05, mul=.03).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, objs_list):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._objs_list = objs_list
-        self._mul = 1
-        self._add = 0
-        tmp_list = []
-        for x in objs_list:
-            if isinstance(x, Dummy):
-                tmp_list.extend(x.getBaseObjects())
-            else:
-                tmp_list.append(x)
-        self._base_objs = tmp_list
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-class InputFader(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Audio streams crossfader.
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal.
-    Notes:
-    The setInput method, available to object with `input` attribute, 
-    uses an InputFader object internally to perform crossfade between 
-    the old and the new audio input assigned to the object. 
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SineLoop([449,450], feedback=0.05, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = SineLoop([650,651], feedback=0.05, mul=.2)
-    >>> c = InputFader(a).out()
-    >>> # to created a crossfade, assign a new audio input:
-    >>> c.setInput(b, fadetime=5)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        input, lmax = convertArgsToLists(input)
-        self._base_objs = [InputFader_base(wrap(input,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInput(wrap(x,i), fadetime) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Sig(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Convert numeric value to PyoObject signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    value : float or PyoObject
-        Numerical value to convert.
-    Methods:
-    setValue(x) : Changes the value of the signal stream.
-    Attributes:
-    value : float or PyoObject. Numerical value to convert.
-    Examples:
-    >>> import random
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> fr = Sig(value=400)
-    >>> p = Port(fr, risetime=0.001, falltime=0.001)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=p, feedback=0.08, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=p*1.005, feedback=0.08, mul=.3).out(1)
-    >>> def pick_new_freq():
-    ...     fr.value = random.randrange(300,601,50)
-    >>> pat = Pattern(function=pick_new_freq, time=0.5).play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._value = value
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        value, mul ,add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Sig_base(wrap(value,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['value', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Changes the value of the signal stream.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            Numerical value to convert.
-        """
-        self._value = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "value", self._value)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Numerical value to convert.""" 
-        return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
-class VarPort(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Convert numeric value to PyoObject signal with portamento.
-    When `value` attribute is changed, a smoothed ramp is applied from the
-    current value to the new value. If a callback is provided as `function`
-    argument, it will be called at the end of the line.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    value : float
-        Numerical value to convert.
-    time : float, optional
-        Ramp time, in seconds, to reach the new value. Defaults to 0.025.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value of the internal memory. Defaults to 0.
-    function : Python callable, optional
-        If provided, it will be called at the end of the line. 
-        Defaults to None.
-    arg : any Python object, optional
-        Optional argument sent to the function called at the end of the line.
-        Defaults to None.
-    Methods:
-    setValue(x) : Changes the value of the signal stream.
-    setTime(x) : Changes the ramp time.
-    Attributes:
-    value : float. Numerical value to convert.
-    time : float. Ramp time.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. VarPort's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> def callback(arg):
-    ...     print "end of line"
-    ...     print arg
-    ... 
-    >>> fr = VarPort(value=500, time=2, init=250, function=callback, arg="YEP!")
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[fr,fr*1.01], feedback=0.05, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value, time=0.025, init=0.0, function=None, arg=None, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._value = value
-        self._time = time
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        value, time, init, function, arg, mul ,add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, time, init, function, arg, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [VarPort_base(wrap(value,i), wrap(time,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(function,i), wrap(arg,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['value', 'time', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Changes the value of the signal stream.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            Numerical value to convert.
-        """
-        self._value = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Changes the ramp time of the object.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New ramp time.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        """float. Numerical value to convert.""" 
-        return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float. Ramp time.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from math import pow, log10
-### Map -> rescale values from sliders
-class Map:
-    """
-    Converts value between 0 and 1 on various scales.
-    Base class for Map objects.
-    Parameters:
-    min : int or float
-        Lowest value of the range.
-    max : int or float
-        Highest value of the range.
-    scale : string {'lin', 'log'}
-        Method used to scale the input value on the specified range.
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range. 
-    setMin(x) : Replaces the 'min' attribute. 
-    setMax(x) : Replaces the 'max' attribute. 
-    setScale(x) : Replaces the 'scale' attribute. 
-    Attributes:
-    min : Lowest value of the range.
-    max : Highest value of the range.
-    scale : Method used to scale the input value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> m = Map(20., 20000., 'log')
-    >>> print m.get(.5)
-    632.455532034
-    >>> print m.set(12000)
-    0.926050416795
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min, max, scale):
-        self._min, self._max, self._scale = float(min), float(max), scale
-    def get(self, x):
-        """
-        Takes `x` between 0 and 1 and returns scaled value.
-        """
-        if x < 0: x = 0.0
-        elif x > 1: x = 1.0 
-        if self._scale == 'log':
-            return pow(10, x * log10(self._max/self._min) + log10(self._min))
-        else:
-            return (self._max - self._min) * x + self._min
-    def set(self, x):
-        """
-        Takes `x` in the real range and returns value unscaled 
-        (between 0 and 1).
-        """
-        if self._scale == 'log':
-            return log10(x/self._min) / log10(self._max/self._min)
-        else:
-            return (x - self._min) / (self._max - self._min)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-    def setScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `scale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : string
-            New `scale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._scale = x
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)    
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def scale(self): return self._scale
-    @scale.setter
-    def scale(self, x): self.setScale(x)
-class SLMap(Map):
-    """
-    Base Map class used to manage control sliders.
-    Derived from Map class, a few parameters are added for sliders 
-    initialization.
-    Parentclass: Map
-    Parameters:
-    min : int or float
-        Smallest value of the range.
-    max : int or float
-        Highest value of the range.
-    scale : string {'lin', 'log'}
-        Method used to scale the input value on the specified range.    
-    name : string
-        Name of the attributes the slider is affected to.
-    init : int or float
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1. Use
-        the `set` method to retreive the normalized corresponding value.
-    res : string {'int', 'float'}, optional
-        Sets the resolution of the slider. Defaults to 'float'.
-    ramp : float, optional
-        Ramp time, in seconds, used to smooth the signal sent from slider 
-        to object's attribute. Defaults to 0.025.
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns the scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    Attributes:
-    min : Lowest value of the range.
-    max : Highest value of the range.
-    scale : Method used to scale the input value.
-    name : Name of the parameter to control.
-    init : Initial value of the slider.
-    res : Slider resolution {int or float}.
-    ramp : Ramp time in seconds.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> ifs = [350,360,375,388]
-    >>> maps = [SLMap(20., 2000., 'log', 'freq', ifs), SLMap(0, 0.25, 'lin', 'feedback', 0), SLMapMul(.1)]
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=ifs, mul=.1).out()
-    >>> a.ctrl(maps)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min, max, scale, name, init, res='float', ramp=0.025):
-        Map.__init__(self, min, max, scale)
-        self._name, self._init, self._res, self._ramp = name, init, res, ramp
-    @property
-    def name(self): return self._name
-    @property
-    def init(self): return self._init
-    @property
-    def res(self): return self._res
-    @property
-    def ramp(self): return self._ramp
-class SLMapFreq(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'freq' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 1000.
-    SLMapFreq values are: 
-    min = 20.0
-    max = 20000.0
-    scale = 'log'
-    name = 'freq'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=1000):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 20., 20000., 'log', 'freq', init, 'float', 0.025)
-class SLMapMul(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'mul' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    SLMapMul values are:
-    min = 0.0
-    max = 2.0
-    scale = 'lin'
-    name = 'mul'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=1.):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 0., 2., 'lin', 'mul', init, 'float', 0.025)
-class SLMapPhase(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'phase' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    SLMapPhase values are: 
-    min = 0.0
-    max = 1.0
-    scale = 'lin'
-    name = 'phase'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=0.):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 0., 1., 'lin', 'phase', init, 'float', 0.025)
-class SLMapPan(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'pan' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    SLMapPhase values are: 
-    min = 0.0
-    max = 1.0
-    scale = 'lin'
-    name = 'pan'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=0.):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 0., 1., 'lin', 'pan', init, 'float', 0.025)
-class SLMapQ(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'q' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    SLMapQ values are: 
-    min = 0.1
-    max = 100.0
-    scale = 'log'
-    name = 'q'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=1.):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 0.1, 100., 'log', 'q', init, 'float', 0.025)
-class SLMapDur(SLMap):
-    """
-    SLMap with normalized values for a 'dur' slider.
-    Parentclass: SLMap
-    Parameters:
-    init : int or float, optional
-        Initial value. Specified in the real range, not between 0 and 1.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    SLMapDur values are: 
-    min = 0.
-    max = 60.0
-    scale = 'lin'
-    name = 'dur'
-    res = 'float'
-    ramp = 0.025
-    Methods:
-    get(x) : Returns scaled value for `x` between 0 and 1.
-    set(x) : Returns the normalized value (0 -> 1) for `x` in the real range.  
-    """
-    def __init__(self, init=1.):
-        SLMap.__init__(self, 0., 60., 'lin', 'dur', init, 'float', 0.025)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_tkwidgets.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_tkwidgets.py
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index 8057194..0000000
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-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from types import ListType, FloatType, IntType
-import math, sys, os
-from Tkinter import *
-    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
-    pass
-# constants for platform displays with Tk
-if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-    Y_OFFSET = 0
-    VM_OFFSET = 2
-elif sys.platform == 'win32':
-    Y_OFFSET = 3
-    VM_OFFSET = 1
-    Y_OFFSET = 4
-    VM_OFFSET = 0
-### Multisliders
-class MultiSlider(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master, init, key, command): 
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=0, relief=FLAT)
-        self._values = init
-        self._nchnls = len(init)
-        self._key = key
-        self._command = command
-        self._lines = []
-        self._height = 16
-        self.canvas = Canvas(self, height=self._height*self._nchnls+1, 
-                            width=225, relief=FLAT, bd=0, bg="#BCBCAA")
-        w = self.canvas.winfo_width()
-        for i in range(self._nchnls):
-            x = int(self._values[i] * w)
-            y = self._height * i + Y_OFFSET
-            self._lines.append(self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, y, x, 
-                                y+self._height-1, width=0, fill="#121212"))
-        self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.clicked)
-        self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.move)
-        self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", self.size)
-        self.canvas.grid(sticky=E+W)
-        self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
-        self.grid()
-    def size(self, event):
-        w = self.canvas.winfo_width()
-        for i in range(len(self._lines)):
-            y = self._height * i + Y_OFFSET
-            x = self._values[i] * w
-            self.canvas.coords(self._lines[i], 0, y, x, y+self._height-1)
-    def clicked(self, event):
-        self.update(event)
-    def move(self, event):
-        if event.state == 0x0100:
-            slide = (event.y - Y_OFFSET) / self._height
-            if 0 <= slide < len(self._lines):
-                self.update(event)
-    def update(self, event):
-        w = self.canvas.winfo_width()
-        slide = (event.y - Y_OFFSET) / self._height
-        val = event.x / float(w)
-        self._values[slide] = val
-        y = self._height * slide + Y_OFFSET
-        self.canvas.coords(self._lines[slide], 0, y, event.x, y+self._height-1)
-        self._command(self._key, self._values)
-### Control window for PyoObject
-class Command:
-    def __init__(self, func, key):
-        self.func = func
-        self.key = key
-    def __call__(self, value):
-        self.func(self.key, value)
-class PyoObjectControl(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, obj=None, map_list=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=1, relief=GROOVE)
-        from controls import SigTo
-        self.bind('<Destroy>', self._destroy)
-        self._obj = obj
-        self._map_list = map_list
-        self._sliders = []
-        self._excluded = []
-        self._values = {}
-        self._displays = {}
-        self._maps = {}
-        self._sigs = {}
-        for i, m in enumerate(self._map_list):
-            key, init = m.name, m.init
-            # filters PyoObjects
-            if type(init) not in [ListType, FloatType, IntType]:
-                self._excluded.append(key)
-            else:    
-                self._maps[key] = m
-                # label (param name)
-                label = Label(self, height=1, width=10, highlightthickness=0, text=key)
-                label.grid(row=i, column=0)
-                # create and pack slider
-                if type(init) != ListType:
-                    self._sliders.append(Scale(self, command=Command(self.setval, key),
-                                  orient=HORIZONTAL, relief=GROOVE, from_=0., to=1., showvalue=False, 
-                                  resolution=.0001, bd=1, length=225, troughcolor="#BCBCAA", width=12))
-                    self._sliders[-1].set(m.set(init))
-                    disp_height = 1
-                else:
-                    self._sliders.append(MultiSlider(self, [m.set(x) for x in init], key, self.setval)) 
-                    disp_height = len(init)   
-                self._sliders[-1].grid(row=i, column=1, sticky=E+W)
-                # display of numeric values
-                textvar = StringVar(self)
-                display = Label(self, height=disp_height, width=10, highlightthickness=0, textvariable=textvar)
-                display.grid(row=i, column=2)
-                self._displays[key] = textvar
-                if type(init) != ListType:
-                    self._displays[key].set("%.4f" % init)
-                else:
-                    self._displays[key].set("\n".join(["%.4f" % i for i in init]))
-                # set obj attribute to PyoObject SigTo     
-                self._sigs[key] = SigTo(init, .025, init)
-                refStream = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0]._getStream()
-                server = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0].getServer()
-                for k in range(len(self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects())):
-                    curStream = self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects()[k]._getStream()
-                    server.changeStreamPosition(refStream, curStream)
-                setattr(self._obj, key, self._sigs[key])
-        # padding        
-        top = self.winfo_toplevel()
-        top.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
-        top.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)       
-        self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
-        self.grid(ipadx=5, ipady=5, sticky=E+W)
-    def _destroy(self, event):
-        for m in self._map_list:
-            key = m.name
-            if key not in self._excluded:
-                setattr(self._obj, key, self._values[key])
-                del self._sigs[key]
-    def setval(self, key, x):
-        if type(x) != ListType:
-            value = self._maps[key].get(float(x))
-            self._displays[key].set("%.4f" % value)
-        else:    
-            value = [self._maps[key].get(float(y)) for y in x] 
-            self._displays[key].set("\n".join(["%.4f" % i for i in value]))
-        self._values[key] = value
-        setattr(self._sigs[key], "value", value)
-### View window for PyoTableObject
-class ViewTable_withPIL(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, samples=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=1, relief=GROOVE)
-        self.width = 500
-        self.height = 200
-        self.half_height = self.height / 2
-        self.canvas = Canvas(self, height=self.height, width=self.width, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, bg="#EFEFEF")
-        print Image
-        im = Image.new("L", (self.width, self.height), 255)
-        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
-        draw.line(samples, fill=0, width=1)
-        self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
-        self.canvas.create_image(self.width/2,self.height/2,image=self.img)
-        self.canvas.create_line(0, self.half_height+2, self.width, self.half_height+2, fill='grey', dash=(4,2))    
-        self.canvas.grid()
-        self.grid(ipadx=10, ipady=10)
-class ViewTable_withoutPIL(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, samples=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=1, relief=GROOVE)
-        self.width = 500
-        self.height = 200
-        self.half_height = self.height / 2
-        self.canvas = Canvas(self, height=self.height, width=self.width, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, bg="#EFEFEF")
-        self.canvas.create_line(0, self.half_height+Y_OFFSET, self.width, self.half_height+Y_OFFSET, fill='grey', dash=(4,2))    
-        self.canvas.create_line(*samples)
-        self.canvas.grid()
-        self.grid(ipadx=10, ipady=10)
-## View window for PyoMatrixObject
-class ViewMatrix_withPIL(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, samples=None, size=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=1, relief=GROOVE)
-        self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=size[0], height=size[1], relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, bg="#EFEFEF")
-        im = Image.new("L", size, None)
-        im.putdata(samples)
-        self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
-        self.canvas.create_image(size[0]/2+Y_OFFSET,size[1]/2+Y_OFFSET,image=self.img)
-        self.canvas.grid()
-        self.grid(ipadx=0, ipady=0)
-class ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, samples=None, size=None):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=1, relief=GROOVE)
-        self.width = size[0]
-        self.height = size[1]
-        self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=self.width, height=self.height, relief=SUNKEN, bd=1, bg="#EFEFEF")
-        for i in range(self.width*self.height):
-            x = i % self.width
-            y = i / self.width
-            x1 = x+Y_OFFSET
-            y1 = y+Y_OFFSET
-            x2 = x+Y_OFFSET+1
-            y2 = y+Y_OFFSET+1
-            amp = int(samples[i])
-            amp = hex(amp).replace('0x', '')
-            if len(amp) == 1:
-                amp = "0%s" % amp
-            amp = "#%s%s%s" % (amp, amp, amp)
-            self.canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=amp)
-        self.canvas.grid()
-        self.grid(ipadx=0, ipady=0)
-### Server Object User Interface (Tk)
-class ServerGUI(Frame):
-    def __init__(self, master=None, nchnls=2, startf=None, stopf=None, recstartf=None, 
-                recstopf=None, ampf=None, started=0, locals=None, shutdown=None, meter=True, timer=True, amp=1.):
-        Frame.__init__(self, master, padx=10, pady=10, bd=2, relief=GROOVE)
-        self.shutdown = shutdown
-        self.locals = locals
-        self.meter = meter
-        self.timer = timer
-        self.nchnls = nchnls
-        self.startf = startf
-        self.stopf = stopf
-        self.recstartf = recstartf
-        self.recstopf = recstopf
-        self.ampf = ampf
-        self.amp = amp
-        self._started = False
-        self._recstarted = False
-        self.B1, self.B2 = 193 - VM_OFFSET, 244 - VM_OFFSET
-        self._history = []
-        self._histo_count = 0
-        self.grid(ipadx=5)
-        self.rowconfigure(0, pad=20)
-        self.rowconfigure(1, pad=10)
-        self.rowconfigure(2, pad=10)
-        self.createWidgets()
-        if started == 1:
-            self.start(True)
-    def createWidgets(self):
-        row = 0
-        self.startStringVar = StringVar(self)
-        self.startStringVar.set('Start')
-        self.startButton = Button(self, textvariable=self.startStringVar, command=self.start)
-        self.startButton.grid(ipadx=5)
-        self.recStringVar = StringVar(self)
-        self.recStringVar.set('Rec Start')
-        self.recButton = Button(self, textvariable=self.recStringVar, command=self.record)
-        self.recButton.grid(ipadx=5, row=row, column=1)
-        self.quitButton = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.on_quit)
-        self.quitButton.grid(ipadx=5, row=row, column=2)
-        row += 1
-        self.ampScale = Scale(self, command=self.setAmp, digits=4, label='Amplitude (dB)',
-                              orient=HORIZONTAL, relief=GROOVE, from_=-60.0, to=18.0, 
-                              resolution=.01, bd=1, length=250, troughcolor="#BCBCAA", width=10)
-        self.ampScale.set(20.0 * math.log10(self.amp))
-        self.ampScale.grid(ipadx=5, ipady=5, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-        row += 1
-        if self.meter:
-            self.vumeter = Canvas(self, height=5*self.nchnls+1, width=250, relief=FLAT, bd=0, bg="#323232")
-            self.green = []
-            self.yellow = []
-            self.red = []
-            for i in range(self.nchnls):
-                y = 5 * (i + 1) + 1 - VM_OFFSET
-                self.green.append(self.vumeter.create_line(0, y, 1, y, width=4, fill='green', dash=(9,1), dashoff=6+VM_OFFSET))
-                self.yellow.append(self.vumeter.create_line(self.B1, y, self.B1, y, width=4, fill='yellow', dash=(9,1), dashoff=9))
-                self.red.append(self.vumeter.create_line(self.B2, y, self.B2, y, width=4, fill='red', dash=(9,1), dashoff=0))
-            self.vumeter.grid(ipadx=5, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-            row += 1
-        if self.timer:
-            self.timer_label = Label(self, text='Elapsed time (h:m:s:ms)')
-            self.timer_label.grid(ipadx=0, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-            row += 1
-            self.timer_strvar = StringVar(self, " 00 : 00 : 00 : 000")
-            self.timetext = Label(self, textvariable=self.timer_strvar)
-            self.timetext.grid(ipadx=5, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-            row += 1
-        if self.locals != None:
-            self.interp_label = Label(self, text='Interpreter')
-            self.interp_label.grid(ipadx=0, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-            row += 1
-            self.text = Text(self, height=1, width=33, bd=1, relief=RIDGE, highlightthickness=0,
-                            spacing1=2, spacing3=2)
-            self.text.grid(ipadx=5, row=row, column=0, columnspan=3)
-            self.text.bind("<Return>", self.getText)
-            self.text.bind("<Up>", self.getPrev)
-            self.text.bind("<Down>", self.getNext)
-    def on_quit(self):
-        self.shutdown()
-        self.quit()
-    def getPrev(self, event):
-        self.text.delete("1.0", END)
-        self._histo_count -= 1
-        if self._histo_count < 0:
-            self._histo_count = 0
-        self.text.insert("1.0", self._history[self._histo_count])
-        return "break"
-    def setTime(self, *args):
-        self.timer_strvar.set(" %02d : %02d : %02d : %03d" % (args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]))
-    def getNext(self, event):
-        self.text.delete("1.0", END)
-        self._histo_count += 1
-        if self._histo_count >= len(self._history):
-            self._histo_count = len(self._history)
-        else:    
-            self.text.insert("1.0", self._history[self._histo_count])
-        return "break"
-    def getText(self, event):
-        source = self.text.get("1.0", END)
-        self.text.delete("1.0", END)
-        exec source in self.locals
-        self._history.append(source)
-        self._histo_count = len(self._history)
-        return "break"
-    def start(self, justSet=False):
-        if self._started == False:
-            if not justSet:
-                self.startf()
-            self._started = True
-            self.startStringVar.set('Stop')
-            self.quitButton.configure(state = DISABLED)
-        else:
-            self.stopf()
-            self._started = False
-            self.startStringVar.set('Start')
-            self.quitButton.configure(state = NORMAL)
-    def record(self):
-        if self._recstarted == False:
-            self.recstartf()
-            self._recstarted = True
-            self.recStringVar.set('Rec Stop')
-        else:
-            self.recstopf()
-            self._recstarted = False
-            self.recStringVar.set('Rec Start')
-    def setAmp(self, value):
-        self.ampf(math.pow(10.0, float(value) * 0.05))
-    def setRms(self, *args):
-        for i in range(self.nchnls):
-            y = 5 * (i + 1) + 1 - VM_OFFSET
-            db = math.log10(args[i]+0.00001) * 0.2 + 1.
-            amp = int(db*250)
-            if amp <= self.B1:
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.green[i], 0, y, amp, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.yellow[i], self.B1, y, self.B1, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.red[i], self.B2, y, self.B2, y)
-            elif amp <= self.B2:
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.green[i], 0, y, self.B1, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.yellow[i], self.B1, y, amp, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.red[i], self.B2, y, self.B2, y)
-            else:    
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.green[i], 0, y, self.B1, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.yellow[i], self.B1, y, self.B2, y)
-                self.vumeter.coords(self.red[i], self.B2, y, amp, y)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_widgets.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_widgets.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5d413..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_widgets.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensehack for OSX display
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from types import ListType, FloatType, IntType
-import math, sys, os, random
-    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
-    WITH_PIL = True
-    WITH_PIL = False
-    import wxversion
-    if (wxversion.checkInstalled("2.8")):
-        wxversion.ensureMinimal("2.8")
-    import wx
-    from _wxwidgets import *
-    PYO_USE_WX = True
-    PYO_USE_WX = False
-if not PYO_USE_WX:
-    try:
-        from Tkinter import *
-        from _tkwidgets import *
-    except:
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            response = raw_input("""python-tk package is missing! It is needed to use pyo graphical interfaces.
-Do you want to install it? (yes/no): """)
-            if response == 'yes':
-                os.system('sudo apt-get install python-tk')
-        else:
-            print "Tkinter is missing! It is needed to use pyo graphical interfaces. Please install it!"
-        sys.exit()
-X, Y, CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y = 800, 700, 30, 30, 30
-def createRootWindow():
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        if len(WINDOWS) == 0:
-            root = Tk()
-            root.withdraw()
-            return None
-        else:
-            return None
-    else:        
-        if wx.GetApp() == None: 
-            win = wx.PySimpleApp() 
-            return win
-        else:
-            return None
-def tkCloseWindow(win):
-    win.destroy()
-    if win in WINDOWS: WINDOWS.remove(win)
-def tkCloseWindowFromKeyboard(event):
-    win = event.widget
-    if not isinstance(win, ServerGUI): 
-        win.destroy()
-        if win in WINDOWS: WINDOWS.remove(win)
-def tkCreateToplevelWindow():
-    win = Toplevel()
-    WINDOWS.append(win)
-    win.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda win=win: tkCloseWindow(win))
-    win.bind("<Escape>", tkCloseWindowFromKeyboard)
-    return win
-def wxCreateDelayedCtrlWindows():
-    global CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    for win in CTRLWINDOWS:
-        f = PyoObjectControl(None, win[0], win[1])
-        if win[2] == None: title = win[0].__class__.__name__
-        else: title = win[2]
-        f.SetTitle(title)
-        x, y = f.GetSize()
-        if y + NEXT_Y < Y:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y = CURRENT_X, NEXT_Y, NEXT_Y + y
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        elif x + MAX_X < X:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y, CURRENT_X = MAX_X, 50, 50 + y, MAX_X
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        else:
-            f.SetPosition((random.randint(250,500), random.randint(200,400)))
-        f.Show()
-def wxCreateDelayedGraphWindows():
-    global CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    for win in GRAPHWINDOWS:
-        f = TableGrapher(None, win[0], win[1], win[2], win[3])
-        if win[4] == None: title = win[0].__class__.__name__
-        else: title = win[4]
-        f.SetTitle(title)
-        x, y = f.GetSize()
-        if y + NEXT_Y < Y:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y = CURRENT_X, NEXT_Y, NEXT_Y + y
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        elif x + MAX_X < X:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y, CURRENT_X = MAX_X, 50, 50 + y, MAX_X
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        else:
-            f.SetPosition((random.randint(250,500), random.randint(200,400)))
-        f.Show()
-def wxCreateDelayedTableWindows():
-    global CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    for win in TABLEWINDOWS:
-        if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(None, win[0], win[1])
-        else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(None, win[0], win[1])
-        f.SetTitle(win[2])
-        x, y = f.GetSize()
-        if y + NEXT_Y < Y:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y = CURRENT_X, NEXT_Y, NEXT_Y + y
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        elif x + MAX_X < X:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y, CURRENT_X = MAX_X, 50, 50 + y, MAX_X
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        else:
-            f.SetPosition((random.randint(250,500), random.randint(200,400)))
-        f.Show()
-def wxCreateDelayedSndTableWindows():
-    global CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    for win in SNDTABLEWINDOWS:
-        if WITH_PIL: f = SndViewTable_withPIL(None, win[0], win[1], win[3])
-        else: f = SndViewTable_withoutPIL(None, win[0], win[1], win[3])
-        f.SetTitle(win[2])
-        x, y = f.GetSize()
-        if y + NEXT_Y < Y:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y = CURRENT_X, NEXT_Y, NEXT_Y + y
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        elif x + MAX_X < X:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y, CURRENT_X = MAX_X, 50, 50 + y, MAX_X
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        else:
-            f.SetPosition((random.randint(250,500), random.randint(200,400)))
-        f.Show()
-def wxCreateDelayedMatrixWindows():
-    global CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    for win in MATRIXWINDOWS:
-        if WITH_PIL: f = ViewMatrix_withPIL(None, win[0], win[1])
-        else: f = ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(None, win[0], win[1])
-        f.SetTitle(win[2])
-        x, y = f.GetSize()
-        if y + NEXT_Y < Y:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y = CURRENT_X, NEXT_Y, NEXT_Y + y
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        elif x + MAX_X < X:
-            px, py, NEXT_Y, CURRENT_X = MAX_X, 50, 50 + y, MAX_X
-            if x + CURRENT_X > MAX_X: MAX_X = x + CURRENT_X
-            f.SetPosition((px, py))
-        else:
-            f.SetPosition((random.randint(250,500), random.randint(200,400)))
-        f.Show()
-def createCtrlWindow(obj, map_list, title, wxnoserver=False):
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        createRootWindow()
-        win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-        f = PyoObjectControl(win, obj, map_list)
-        win.resizable(True, False)
-        if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
-        win.title(title)
-    else:
-        if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
-            if wx.GetApp() == None:
-                root = createRootWindow()
-            else:
-                root = None    
-            f = PyoObjectControl(None, obj, map_list)
-            if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
-            f.SetTitle(title)
-            f.Show()
-            if root != None:
-                root.MainLoop()
-        else:
-            CTRLWINDOWS.append([obj, map_list, title])
-def createGraphWindow(obj, mode, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver=False):
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        print "WxPython must be installed to use the 'graph' method."
-        if 0:
-            createRootWindow()
-            win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-            f = PyoObjectControl(win, obj, map_list)
-            win.resizable(True, False)
-            if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
-            win.title(title)
-    else:
-        if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
-            if wx.GetApp() == None:
-                root = createRootWindow()
-            else:
-                root = None    
-            f = TableGrapher(None, obj, mode, xlen, yrange)
-            if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
-            f.SetTitle(title)
-            f.Show()
-            if root != None:
-                root.MainLoop()
-        else:
-            GRAPHWINDOWS.append([obj, mode, xlen, yrange, title])   
-def createViewTableWindow(samples, title="Table waveform", wxnoserver=False, tableclass=None):
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        createRootWindow()
-        win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-        if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(win, samples)
-        else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(win, samples)
-        win.resizable(False, False)
-        win.title(title)
-    else:
-        if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
-            if wx.GetApp() == None:
-                root = createRootWindow()
-            else:
-                root = None    
-            if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(None, samples, tableclass)
-            else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(None, samples, tableclass)
-            f.Show()
-            f.SetTitle(title)
-        else:
-            TABLEWINDOWS.append([samples, tableclass, title])    
-def createSndViewTableWindow(obj, title="Table waveform", wxnoserver=False, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        createRootWindow()
-        win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-        if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(win, obj._base_objs[0].getViewTable())
-        else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(win, obj._base_objs[0].getViewTable())
-        win.resizable(False, False)
-        win.title(title)
-    else:
-        if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
-            if wx.GetApp() == None:
-                root = createRootWindow()
-            else:
-                root = None    
-            if WITH_PIL: f = SndViewTable_withPIL(None, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
-            else: f = SndViewTable_withoutPIL(None, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
-            f.Show()
-            f.SetTitle(title)
-        else:
-            SNDTABLEWINDOWS.append([obj, tableclass, title, mouse_callback])
-def createViewMatrixWindow(samples, size, title="Matrix viewer", wxnoserver=False):
-    if not WITH_PIL: print """The Python Imaging Library is not installed. 
-It helps a lot to speed up matrix drawing!"""
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        createRootWindow()    
-        win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-        if WITH_PIL: f = ViewMatrix_withPIL(win, samples, size)
-        else: f = ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(win, samples, size)
-        win.resizable(False, False)
-        win.title(title)
-    else:
-        if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
-            if wx.GetApp() == None:
-                root = createRootWindow()
-            else:
-                root = None    
-            if WITH_PIL: f = ViewMatrix_withPIL(None, samples, size)
-            else: f = ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(None, samples, size)
-            f.Show()
-            f.SetTitle(title)
-        else:
-            MATRIXWINDOWS.append([samples,size,title])    
-def createServerGUI(nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp):
-    global X, Y, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
-    if not PYO_USE_WX:
-        createRootWindow()
-        win = tkCreateToplevelWindow()
-        f = ServerGUI(win, nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp)
-        f.master.title("pyo server")
-        f.focus_set()
-    else:
-        win = createRootWindow()
-        f = ServerGUI(None, nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp) 
-        f.SetTitle("pyo server")
-        f.SetPosition((30, 30))
-        f.Show()
-        X,Y = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X)-50, wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)-50
-        MAX_X, NEXT_Y = f.GetSize()[0]+30, f.GetSize()[1]+30
-        wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedCtrlWindows)
-        wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedGraphWindows)
-        wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedTableWindows)
-        wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedSndTableWindows)
-        wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedMatrixWindows)
-        wx.CallAfter(f.Raise)
-    return f, win
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 748593f..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1698 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import wx, os, sys, math, time
-from types import ListType, FloatType, IntType
-from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage
-    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
-    pass
-vu_metre = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "U29mdHdhcmUAR3JhcGhpY0NvbnZlcnRlciAoSW50ZWwpd4f6GQAAAMJJREFUeJxiYBgFo4BG"
-    "wHWbO1bEKc6JS4pXiddxtTNWKTFLMYspVlilpFyk9WsNsUopR6toF+lglVJP0wDKYpUCmiYX"
-    "ulilYoIUM2JUsUoVp2vGKyjsdbDHRH0G+u4SElilZpkYW4uIYJXaaGNtwMDwHxsaTVijCWs0"
-vu_metre_dark = PyEmbeddedImage(
-    "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAADst0RVh0Q29tbWVudABwclZXIGNodW5rbGVuIDMwMiBpZ25vcmVk"
-    "Og1BU0NJSTogeJzt0U1WwjAuwPHpLohUKS5tibG3yM4ude11ei4u4OtdvIE4ky76cOVz+/9l"
-    "LuYjaS68f759yKu8nMys6zTPc8rm9Exq1C6nLicuS7UwcS5ljHGMMopEyyQu0S5FJGUuLi4u"
-    "Li5Xdb2pd/cuu1pj899y+6ixrTV+lufcktvvLl7p1ut+8C7r9efnUut2Kb/PhOshu5vK9I5l"
-    "LtrQtiG0wdmmq3IuT7ffLp1vOt9rLnvfaVjprfSNdo69jvy+P5fPjZbDfunZuSYNSEVYOiA3"
-    "IGlnbm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD63sr+Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4NSEVYOiBGQURFQ0FGRTAwMDAw"
-    "Q0lJOiB4nO1dWXPbSJLG9ozbLd/unph92C5FbGzsU2twLnwuRVHSWC6HpHy9OHjB1rSPLllW"
-    "t5fB/76ZWVUgUCiAOChSni6rW0WiUC6+zPwqqyouOnnWup51ensuM2ve+8cpJKHfLobj+cvj"
-    "vXBmzl+x5MVRO5zZtjk/PC6EM2/e2++Hs4Y97/XPLyC7dS4uhPRv3j0+vp61uvBrb3fweWZs"
-    "LiNjbLwxusbU+C6fLoz386PTLsi5LjkuIccyfobcLuN3uOP9vNc+LmGVuw1IRVg6IDc4OUNF"
-    "RTc1N0E3QjE3MzM2QkRFRkJDNzI5MjRBMURGMDg4NkUzDW1rQlMgY2h1bmtsZW4gMTkwIGln"
-    "bm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiB4nF1Oyy6CMC7szd/wLi6DwFHKq2GrLmoub2hswlWTJmaz/27Lw4Nz"
-    "mcnMzmZknS4sLj6iTy5wjS71M11FpjEu91QupdGPLmryVqPj9jLag7S0Lb2AoC6DcOgupnV5"
-    "t/GlLkdwlG9kLi5sYC72ZC+2ZT7Jdi452C7PXZPXzshBLi6y/C7dqZg2zfS38NzZ2Z5HlS7D"
-    "g1R7LjH2SC77UYlsxEgnOopp0YOOnqvexY9w1WEuJ0SZOi6kLl+6Ll+mDUhFWDogNzg5QzVE"
-    "bm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD6zsr+Ln84xS4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4ueJztmolt6zAuLl1ILkkhKSSN"
-    "pJAukkZSiD82+GM8bEjZsWT4mi4udJDisctDIrXfK6WUUkoppZRSSv3X9/f3/uvra0qF34Oy"
-    "LpdM+y7pX1NVn91uN+Xz83P/+vr6c37LdacuVdYtVb5/eXk52GPr9K+t9P/7+/svSnWseg1I"
-    "ZW4gMzM5IGlnbm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD6zsr+Ln9ViS4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4ueJzt1uFpg2Au"
-    "hlEucS4ucS4ucS4ucS4usbyBLremIf+KLueBQ5tP++tNbM5TkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJ"
-    "LtFxLue+70/nOcu1d/e/uk/3b13Xcy7Hc5qmx8/sLv0s99S9dS7LsjxexzAuf76HdO+yY5V9"
-    "QlQgY2h1bmtsZW4gMzc5OSBpZ25vcmVkOg1BU0NJSTog+s7K/i5/n3guLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Lnic7Z2NkS4pLoUuiC5xIC7EiTguLuJELshe6eo+17tnSUDPz/5Yr2pqZ7tpLi4u0IOel5fB"
-    "YDAuLi6DwWAwLi4ug8HgP/z69evl58+ff3ziOveq5+JzpawuZfj3wf9R6fmK/jN8//795dOn"
-    "T3984jr3Mnz58uXfzy6+ffsNSEVYOiBGQUNFQ0FGRTAwN0Y5Rjc4MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAw"
-    "N0UyNDQxQw1ta0JUIGNodW5rbGVuIDI3NDEgaWdub3JlZDoNQVNDSUk6IPrOyv4uf69+Li4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi54nO2djZHbOC5GU0guSSEpJI2kkC6SRlJIbpCbd/PuLkjJWa8u23gzntXq"
-    "h6QuLqIukPr5cy6GYS6GYS6GYS6GYXhJvn///tvvx48u/y67J1WOe5fh2fnw4cNvv69fv/6q"
-    "99q+Z/1XOaouw/uBvM/i9vCW/rm7to7Vbyd/DUhFWDogRkFDRUNBRkUwMDdGQUY3RTAwMDAw"
-    "+s7K/i5/1PAuLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
-    "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLnic7X0ruOwo1vaSSCwuicQikUgkLi6JxCIjkVgkLi6J"
-    "jYyMjI0smX9R+5zunp7p+dT/1Ihac+k+VXvXLrAu77suVObnfTaeLtqzkS3G10Zgh6PDLnBd"
-    "xS5rLt+FfsPzYi7ggS4uLrYuLtCeJMF33ZPZsYTB8c18c/zxQ28NSEVYOiBGQUNFQ0FGRTAw"
-    "I0GFFDYRBNHSxr/Zn/B/R9c+Ewvt5sLtDswwwwHgcDh06muAVE3Y62TipA+HM80MxgLKoyGZ"
-    "kRWw3GmSsbmEealIJi2Ue3Mk4+dMUukopqj1Z2+KqRqDybBPMv4239xRqt8wflbXP/zOfveu"
-    "n9VVgLcmam1mJew3hmQWmXJFrklmu9K41to94hjbegoCzKQEirmEIVohSOYeRWiVhud0hm1l"
-def interpFloat(t, v1, v2):
-    "interpolator for a single value; interprets t in [0-1] between v1 and v2"
-    return (v2-v1)*t + v1
-def tFromValue(value, v1, v2):
-    "returns a t (in range 0-1) given a value in the range v1 to v2"
-    return float(value-v1)/(v2-v1)
-def clamp(v, minv, maxv):
-    "clamps a value within a range"
-    if v<minv: v=minv
-    if v> maxv: v=maxv
-    return v
-def toLog(t, v1, v2):
-    return math.log10(t/v1) / math.log10(v2/v1)
-def toExp(t, v1, v2):
-    return math.pow(10, t * (math.log10(v2) - math.log10(v1)) + math.log10(v1))
-POWOFTWO = {2:1, 4:2, 8:3, 16:4, 32:5, 64:6, 128:7, 256:8, 512:9, 1024:10, 2048:11, 4096:12, 8192:13, 16384:14, 32768:15, 65536:16}
-def powOfTwo(x):
-    return 2**x
-def powOfTwoToInt(x):
-    return POWOFTWO[x]
-def GetRoundBitmap( w, h, r ):
-    maskColor = wx.Color(0,0,0)
-    shownColor = wx.Color(5,5,5)
-    b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
-    dc = wx.MemoryDC(b)
-    dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(maskColor))
-    dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-    dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(shownColor))
-    dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(shownColor))
-    dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0,0,w,h,r)
-    dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-    b.SetMaskColour(maskColor)
-    return b
-def GetRoundShape( w, h, r ):
-    return wx.RegionFromBitmap( GetRoundBitmap(w,h,r) )
-class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, minvalue, maxvalue, init=None, pos=(0,0), size=(200,16), log=False, outFunction=None, integer=False, powoftwo=False, backColour=None):
-        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=pos, size=size, style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.EXPAND)
-        self.parent = parent
-        if backColour: 
-            self.backgroundColour = backColour
-        else: 
-            self.backgroundColour = BACKGROUND_COLOUR
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)  
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(self.backgroundColour)
-        self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
-        self.knobSize = 40
-        self.knobHalfSize = 20
-        self.sliderHeight = size[1] - 5
-        self.outFunction = outFunction
-        self.integer = integer
-        self.log = log
-        self.powoftwo = powoftwo
-        if self.powoftwo:
-            self.integer = True
-            self.log = False
-        self.SetRange(minvalue, maxvalue)
-        self.borderWidth = 1
-        self.selected = False
-        self._enable = True
-        self.propagate = True
-        self.midictl = None
-        self.new = ''
-        if init != None: 
-            self.SetValue(init)
-            self.init = init
-        else: 
-            self.SetValue(minvalue)
-            self.init = minvalue
-        self.clampPos()
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.MouseDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.MouseUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.DoubleClick)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MouseMotion)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.keyDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.LooseFocus)
-        self.createSliderBitmap()
-        self.createKnobBitmap()
-    def setMidiCtl(self, x, propagate=True):
-        self.propagate = propagate
-        self.midictl = x
-        self.Refresh()
-    def getMidiCtl(self):
-        return self.midictl
-    def getMinValue(self):
-        return self.minvalue
-    def getMaxValue(self):
-        return self.maxvalue
-    def Enable(self):
-        self._enable = True
-        self.Refresh()
-    def Disable(self):
-        self._enable = False
-        self.Refresh()
-    def setSliderHeight(self, height):
-        self.sliderHeight = height
-        self.createSliderBitmap()
-        self.createKnobBitmap()
-        self.Refresh()
-    def createSliderBitmap(self):
-        w, h = self.GetSize()
-        b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
-        dc = wx.MemoryDC(b)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour))
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#999999"))
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
-        h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
-        dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0,h2,w,self.sliderHeight,2)
-        dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-        b.SetMaskColour("#999999")
-        self.sliderMask = b
-    def createKnobBitmap(self):
-        w, h = self.knobSize, self.GetSize()[1]
-        b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
-        dc = wx.MemoryDC(b)
-        rec = wx.Rect(0, 0, w, h)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour))
-        dc.DrawRectangleRect(rec)
-        h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
-        rec = wx.Rect(0, h2, w, self.sliderHeight)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#414753", "#99A7CC", wx.BOTTOM)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#999999"))
-        dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0,0,w,h,2)
-        dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
-        b.SetMaskColour("#999999")
-        self.knobMask = b
-    def getInit(self):
-        return self.init
-    def SetRange(self, minvalue, maxvalue):   
-        self.minvalue = minvalue
-        self.maxvalue = maxvalue
-    def getRange(self):
-        return [self.minvalue, self.maxvalue]
-    def scale(self):
-        inter = tFromValue(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, self.GetSize()[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
-        if not self.integer:
-            return interpFloat(inter, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-        elif self.powoftwo:
-            return powOfTwo(int(interpFloat(inter, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)))    
-        else:
-            return int(interpFloat(inter, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue))
-    def SetValue(self, value, propagate=True):
-        self.propagate = propagate
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-        if self.powoftwo:
-            value = powOfTwoToInt(value)  
-        value = clamp(value, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-        if self.log:
-            t = toLog(value, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-            self.value = interpFloat(t, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-        else:
-            t = tFromValue(value, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-            self.value = interpFloat(t, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-        if self.integer:
-            self.value = int(self.value)
-        if self.powoftwo:
-            self.value = powOfTwo(self.value)    
-        self.clampPos()
-        self.selected = False
-        self.Refresh()
-    def GetValue(self):
-        if self.log:
-            t = tFromValue(self.value, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-            val = toExp(t, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
-        else:
-            val = self.value
-        if self.integer:
-            val = int(val)
-        return val
-    def LooseFocus(self, event):
-        self.selected = False
-        self.Refresh()
-    def keyDown(self, event):
-        if self.selected:
-            char = ''
-            if event.GetKeyCode() in range(324, 334):
-                char = str(event.GetKeyCode() - 324)
-            elif event.GetKeyCode() == 390:
-                char = '-'
-            elif event.GetKeyCode() == 391:
-                char = '.'
-            elif event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_BACK:
-                if self.new != '':
-                    self.new = self.new[0:-1]
-            elif event.GetKeyCode() < 256:
-                char = chr(event.GetKeyCode())
-            if char in ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '-']:
-                self.new += char
-            elif event.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER]:
-                self.SetValue(eval(self.new))
-                self.new = ''
-                self.selected = False
-            self.Refresh()
-        event.Skip()
-    def MouseDown(self, evt):
-        if evt.ShiftDown():
-            self.DoubleClick(evt)
-            return
-        if self._enable:
-            size = self.GetSize()
-            self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
-            self.value = self.scale()
-            self.CaptureMouse()
-            self.selected = False
-            self.Refresh()
-        evt.Skip()
-    def MouseUp(self, evt):
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-    def DoubleClick(self, event):
-        if self._enable:
-            w, h = self.GetSize()
-            pos = event.GetPosition()
-            if wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h).Contains(pos):
-                self.selected = True
-            self.Refresh()
-        event.Skip()
-    def MouseMotion(self, evt):
-        if self._enable:
-            size = self.GetSize()
-            if self.HasCapture():
-                self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
-                self.value = self.scale()
-                self.selected = False
-                self.Refresh()
-    def OnResize(self, evt):
-        self.createSliderBitmap()
-        self.clampPos()    
-        self.Refresh()
-    def clampPos(self):
-        size = self.GetSize()
-        if self.powoftwo:
-            val = powOfTwoToInt(self.value)
-        else:
-            val = self.value    
-        self.pos = tFromValue(val, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue) * (size[0] - self.knobSize) + self.knobHalfSize
-        self.pos = clamp(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
-    def setBackgroundColour(self, colour):
-        self.backgroundColour = colour
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(self.backgroundColour)
-        self.createSliderBitmap()
-        self.createKnobBitmap()
-        self.Refresh()
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour, wx.SOLID))
-        dc.Clear()
-        # Draw background
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=self.borderWidth, style=wx.SOLID))
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, w, h)
-        # Draw inner part
-        if self._enable: sliderColour =  "#99A7CC"
-        else: sliderColour = "#BBBBBB"
-        h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
-        rec = wx.Rect(0, h2, w, self.sliderHeight)
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#646986", sliderColour, wx.BOTTOM)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(self.sliderMask, 0, 0, True)
-        if self.midictl != None:
-            if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2']:
-                dc.SetFont(wx.Font(6, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
-            else:    
-                dc.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
-            dc.SetTextForeground('#FFFFFF')
-            dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(2,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-            dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(w-h,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-        # Draw knob
-        if self._enable: knobColour = '#888888'
-        else: knobColour = "#DDDDDD"
-        rec = wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h)  
-        dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#424864", knobColour, wx.RIGHT)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(self.knobMask, rec[0], rec[1], True)
-        if self.selected:
-            rec2 = wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h)  
-            dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush('#333333', wx.SOLID))
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#333333', width=self.borderWidth, style=wx.SOLID))  
-            dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rec2, 3)
-        if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2']:
-            dc.SetFont(wx.Font(7, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
-        else:    
-            dc.SetFont(wx.Font(10, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
-        # Draw text
-        if self.selected and self.new:
-            val = self.new
-        else:
-            if self.integer:
-                val = '%d' % self.GetValue()
-            elif abs(self.GetValue()) >= 10000:
-                val = '%.1f' % self.GetValue()
-            elif abs(self.GetValue()) >= 1000:
-                val = '%.2f' % self.GetValue()
-            elif abs(self.GetValue()) >= 100:
-                val = '%.3f' % self.GetValue()
-            elif abs(self.GetValue()) < 100:
-                val = '%.4f' % self.GetValue()
-        if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-            width = len(val) * (dc.GetCharWidth() - 3)
-        else:
-            width = len(val) * dc.GetCharWidth()
-        dc.SetTextForeground('#FFFFFF')
-        dc.DrawLabel(val, rec, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-        # Send value
-        if self.outFunction and self.propagate:
-            self.outFunction(self.GetValue())
-        self.propagate = True
-        evt.Skip()
-class MultiSlider(wx.Panel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, init, key, command, slmap): 
-        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, size=(250,250))
-        self.backgroundColour = BACKGROUND_COLOUR
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)  
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(self.backgroundColour)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.MouseDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.MouseUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MouseMotion)
-        self._slmap = slmap
-        self._values = [slmap.set(x) for x in init]
-        self._nchnls = len(init)
-        self._labels = init
-        self._key = key
-        self._command = command
-        self._height = 16
-        if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2']:
-            self._font = wx.Font(7, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
-        else:    
-            self._font = wx.Font(10, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL)
-        self.SetSize((250, self._nchnls*16))
-        self.SetMinSize((250,self._nchnls*16))
-    def OnResize(self, event):
-        self.Layout()
-        self.Refresh()
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour))
-        dc.Clear()
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
-        dc.SetFont(self._font)
-        dc.SetTextForeground('#999999')
-        for i in range(self._nchnls):
-            x = int(self._values[i] * w)
-            y = self._height * i
-            dc.DrawRectangle(0, y+1, x, self._height-2)
-            rec = wx.Rect(w/2-15, y, 30, self._height)
-            dc.DrawLabel("%s" % self._labels[i], rec, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-    def MouseDown(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        pos = evt.GetPosition()
-        slide = pos[1] / self._height
-        if 0 <= slide < self._nchnls:
-            self._values[slide] = pos[0] / float(w)
-            self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
-            self._command(self._key, self._labels)
-            self.CaptureMouse()
-        self.Refresh()
-        evt.Skip()
-    def MouseUp(self, evt):
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-    def MouseMotion(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        pos = evt.GetPosition()
-        if evt.Dragging() and evt.LeftIsDown():
-            slide = pos[1] / self._height
-            if 0 <= slide < self._nchnls:
-                self._values[slide] = pos[0] / float(w)
-                self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
-                self._command(self._key, self._labels)
-            self.Refresh()
-class VuMeter(wx.Panel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, size=(200,11), numSliders=2):
-        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=size)
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.SetBackgroundColour("#000000")
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.old_nchnls = numSliders
-        self.numSliders = numSliders
-        self.SetMinSize((200,5*self.numSliders+1))
-        self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
-        self.bitmap = vu_metre.GetBitmap()
-        self.backBitmap = vu_metre_dark.GetBitmap()
-        self.amplitude = [0] * self.numSliders
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)   
-    def setNumSliders(self, numSliders):
-        oldChnls = self.old_nchnls
-        self.numSliders = numSliders
-        self.amplitude = [0] * self.numSliders
-        gap = (self.numSliders - oldChnls) * 5
-        parentSize = self.parent.GetSize()
-        if sys.platform == 'linux2':
-            self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
-            self.SetMinSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
-            self.parent.SetSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
-            self.parent.SetMinSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
-        else:
-            self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
-            self.SetMinSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
-            self.parent.SetSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
-            self.parent.SetMinSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
-        self.Refresh()
-        self.parent.Layout()
-    def setRms(self, *args):
-        if args[0] < 0: 
-            return
-        if not args:
-            self.amplitude = [0 for i in range(self.numSliders)]                
-        else:
-            self.amplitude = args
-        wx.CallAfter(self.Refresh)   
-    def OnPaint(self, event):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
-        dc.Clear()
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-        for i in range(self.numSliders):
-            db = math.log10(self.amplitude[i]+0.00001) * 0.2 + 1.
-            width = int(db*w)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(self.backBitmap, 0, i*5)
-            dc.SetClippingRegion(0, i*5, width, 5)
-            dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, i*5)
-            dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
-        event.Skip()
-    def OnClose(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-### Control window for PyoObject
-class Command:
-    def __init__(self, func, key):
-        self.func = func
-        self.key = key
-    def __call__(self, value):
-        self.func(self.key, value)
-class PyoObjectControl(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, obj=None, map_list=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        from controls import SigTo
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._destroy)
-        self._obj = obj
-        self._map_list = map_list
-        self._sliders = []
-        self._excluded = []
-        self._values = {}
-        self._displays = {}
-        self._maps = {}
-        self._sigs = {}
-        panel = wx.Panel(self)
-        panel.SetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
-        mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.box = wx.FlexGridSizer(10,2,5,5)
-        for i, m in enumerate(self._map_list):
-            key, init, mini, maxi, scl, res = m.name, m.init, m.min, m.max, m.scale, m.res
-            # filters PyoObjects
-            if type(init) not in [ListType, FloatType, IntType]:
-                self._excluded.append(key)
-            else:    
-                self._maps[key] = m
-                # label (param name)
-                label = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, key)
-                # create and pack slider
-                if type(init) != ListType:
-                    if scl == 'log': scl = True
-                    else: scl = False
-                    if res == 'int': res = True
-                    else: res = False
-                    self._sliders.append(ControlSlider(panel, mini, maxi, init, log=scl, size=(225,16),
-                                        outFunction=Command(self.setval, key), integer=res))
-                    self.box.AddMany([(label, 0, wx.LEFT, 5), (self._sliders[-1], 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, 5)])   
-                else:
-                    self._sliders.append(MultiSlider(panel, init, key, self.setval, m))
-                    self.box.AddMany([(label, 0, wx.LEFT, 5), (self._sliders[-1], 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, 5)])   
-                # set obj attribute to PyoObject SigTo  
-                self._values[key] = init
-                self._sigs[key] = SigTo(init, .025, init)
-                refStream = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0]._getStream()
-                server = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0].getServer()
-                for k in range(len(self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects())):
-                    curStream = self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects()[k]._getStream()
-                    server.changeStreamPosition(refStream, curStream)
-                setattr(self._obj, key, self._sigs[key])
-        self.box.AddGrowableCol(1, 1) 
-        mainBox.Add(self.box, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.RIGHT, 10)
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            Y_OFF = 15
-        elif sys.platform == "win32":
-            Y_OFF = 55
-        else:
-            Y_OFF = 20    
-        panel.SetSizerAndFit(mainBox)
-        x,y = panel.GetSize()
-        self.SetSize((-1, y+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize((-1, y+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMaxSize((-1, y+Y_OFF))
-    def _destroy(self, event):
-        for m in self._map_list:
-            key = m.name
-            if key not in self._excluded:
-                setattr(self._obj, key, self._values[key])
-                del self._sigs[key]
-        self.Destroy()        
-    def setval(self, key, x):
-        self._values[key] = x
-        setattr(self._sigs[key], "value", x)
-### View window for PyoTableObject
-class ViewTable_withPIL(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, tableclass=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.width = 500
-        self.height = 200
-        self.half_height = self.height / 2
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            Y_OFF = 25
-        elif sys.platform == "win32":
-            Y_OFF = 55
-        else:
-            Y_OFF = 30
-        self.SetSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMaxSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        im = Image.new("L", (self.width, self.height), 255)
-        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
-        draw.line(samples, fill=0, width=1)
-        image = wx.EmptyImage(self.width, self.height)
-        image.SetData(im.convert("RGB").tostring())
-        self.img = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
-    def _destroy(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(self.img, 0, 0)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#BBBBBB', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))  
-        dc.DrawLine(0, self.half_height+1, self.width, self.half_height+1)
-class ViewTable_withoutPIL(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, tableclass=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.width = 500
-        self.height = 200
-        self.half_height = self.height / 2
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            Y_OFF = 35
-        else:
-            Y_OFF = 40
-        self.SetSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMaxSize((self.width+10, self.height+Y_OFF))
-        self.tableclass = tableclass
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            if tableclass == 'SndTable':
-                self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1], samples[i+2], samples[i+3]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
-            else:    
-                self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 2)]
-        else:        
-            self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1], samples[i+2], samples[i+3]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
-    def _destroy(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
-        dc.Clear()
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
-                dc.DrawLineList(self.samples)
-            else:
-                dc.DrawPointList(self.samples)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawLineList(self.samples)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#BBBBBB', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))  
-        dc.DrawLine(0, self.half_height+1, self.width, self.half_height+1)
-class SndViewTable(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, size=(500,250))
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
-        self.obj = obj
-        self.chnls = len(self.obj)
-        self.mouse_callback = mouse_callback
-    def _destroy(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnSize(self, evt):
-        self.setImage()
-        self.Refresh()
-    def clipPos(self, pos):
-        if pos[0] < 0.0: x = 0.0
-        elif pos[0] > 1.0: x = 1.0
-        else: x = pos[0]
-        if pos[1] < 0.0: y = 0.0
-        elif pos[1] > 1.0: y = 1.0
-        else: y = pos[1]
-        return (x, y)
-    def OnMouseDown(self, evt):
-        size = self.GetSize()
-        pos = evt.GetPosition()
-        if pos[1] <= 0:
-            pos = (float(pos[0])/size[0], 1.0)
-        else:
-            pos = (float(pos[0])/size[0], 1.-(float(pos[1])/size[1]))
-        pos = self.clipPos(pos)
-        if self.mouse_callback != None:
-            self.mouse_callback(pos)
-        self.CaptureMouse()
-    def OnMotion(self, evt):
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            size = self.GetSize()
-            pos = evt.GetPosition()
-            if pos[1] <= 0:
-                pos = (float(pos[0])/size[0], 1.0)
-            else:
-                pos = (float(pos[0])/size[0], 1.-(float(pos[1])/size[1]))
-            pos = self.clipPos(pos)
-            if self.mouse_callback != None:
-                self.mouse_callback(pos)
-    def OnMouseUp(self, evt):
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-class SndViewTable_withPIL(SndViewTable):
-    def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
-        SndViewTable.__init__(self, parent, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
-        self.setImage()
-    def setImage(self):
-        w, h = self.GetSize()
-        self.img = []
-        imgHeight = h/self.chnls
-        for i in range(self.chnls):
-            im = Image.new("L", (w, imgHeight), 255)
-            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
-            samples = self.obj._base_objs[i].getViewTable((w, imgHeight))
-            draw.line(samples, fill=0, width=1)
-            image = wx.EmptyImage(w, imgHeight)
-            image.SetData(im.convert("RGB").tostring())
-            self.img.append(wx.BitmapFromImage(image))
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        w, h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#444444', width=1, style=wx.SHORT_DASH))
-        off = h/self.chnls/2
-        for i, img in enumerate(self.img):
-            y = h/self.chnls*i
-            dc.DrawBitmap(img, 0, y)
-            dc.DrawLine(0, y+off, w, y+off)
-class SndViewTable_withoutPIL(SndViewTable):
-    def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
-        SndViewTable.__init__(self, parent, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
-        self.tableclass = tableclass
-        self.setImage()
-    def setImage(self):
-        w, h = self.GetSize()
-        self.img = []
-        imgHeight = h/self.chnls
-        for j in range(self.chnls):
-            off = h/self.chnls*j
-            samples = self.obj._base_objs[j].getViewTable((w, imgHeight))
-            if sys.platform == 'win32':
-                if tableclass == 'SndTable':
-                    samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off, samples[i+2], samples[i+3]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
-                else:
-                    samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 2)]
-            else:
-                samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off, samples[i+2], samples[i+3]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
-            self.img.append(samples)
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
-        dc.Clear()
-        dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
-        off = h/self.chnls/2
-        for i, samples in enumerate(self.img):
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))  
-            y = h/self.chnls*i
-            if sys.platform == 'win32':
-                if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
-                    dc.DrawLineList(samples)
-                else:
-                    dc.DrawPointList(samples)
-            else:
-                dc.DrawLineList(samples)
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#444444', width=1, style=wx.SHORT_DASH))  
-            dc.DrawLine(0, y+off, w, y+off)
-## View window for PyoMatrixObject
-class ViewMatrix_withPIL(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, size=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            Y_OFF = 0
-        elif sys.platform == "win32":
-            Y_OFF = 45
-        else:
-            Y_OFF = 22
-        self.SetSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMaxSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        im = Image.new("L", size, None)
-        im.putdata(samples)
-        image = wx.EmptyImage(size[0], size[1])
-        image.SetData(im.convert("RGB").tostring())
-        self.img = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
-    def _destroy(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
-        dc.DrawBitmap(self.img, 0, 0)
-class ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, size=None):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.fileMenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            Y_OFF = 0
-        else:
-            Y_OFF = 22
-        self.SetSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMaxSize((size[0], size[1]+Y_OFF))
-        self.width = size[0]
-        self.height = size[1]
-        self.samples = samples
-    def _destroy(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
-        for i in range(self.width*self.height):
-            x = i % self.width
-            y = i / self.width
-            amp = int(self.samples[i])
-            amp = hex(amp).replace('0x', '')
-            if len(amp) == 1:
-                amp = "0%s" % amp
-            amp = "#%s%s%s" % (amp, amp, amp)
-            dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(amp, width=1, style=wx.SOLID))  
-            dc.DrawPoint(x, y)
-## Grapher window for PyoTableObject control
-OFF = 15
-OFF2 = OFF*2
-RAD = 3
-RAD2 = RAD*2
-class Grapher(wx.Panel):
-    def __init__(self, parent, xlen=8192, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), init=[(0.0,0.0),(1.0,1.0)], mode=0, 
-                 exp=10.0, inverse=True, tension=0.0, bias=0.0, outFunction=None): 
-        wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, size=(500,250), style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
-        self.backgroundColour = BACKGROUND_COLOUR
-        self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)  
-        self.SetBackgroundColour(self.backgroundColour)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeave)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.MouseDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.MouseUp)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.MouseMotion)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.exp = exp
-        self.inverse = inverse
-        self.tension = tension
-        self.bias = bias
-        self.pos = (OFF+RAD,OFF+RAD)
-        self.selected = None
-        self.xlen = xlen
-        self.yrange = yrange
-        self.init = [tup for tup in init]
-        self.points = init
-        self.outFunction = outFunction
-        self.SetFocus()
-    def setInitPoints(self, pts):
-        self.init = [(p[0],p[1]) for p in pts]
-        self.points = [(p[0],p[1]) for p in pts]
-        self.selected = None
-        self.Refresh()
-    def pointToPixels(self, pt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        w,h = w-OFF2-RAD2, h-OFF2-RAD2
-        x = int(round(pt[0] * w)) + OFF + RAD
-        y = int(round(pt[1] * h)) + OFF + RAD
-        return x, y
-    def pixelsToPoint(self, pos):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        w,h = w-OFF2-RAD2, h-OFF2-RAD2
-        x = (pos[0] - OFF - RAD) / float(w)
-        y = (pos[1] - OFF - RAD) / float(h)
-        return x, y
-    def pointToValues(self, pt):
-        x = pt[0] * self.xlen
-        if type(self.xlen) == IntType:
-            x = int(x)
-        y = pt[1] * (self.yrange[1]-self.yrange[0]) + self.yrange[0]
-        return x, y
-    def borderClip(self, pos):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        if pos[0] < (OFF+RAD): pos[0] = (OFF+RAD)
-        elif pos[0] > (w-OFF-RAD): pos[0] = w-OFF-RAD
-        if pos[1] < (OFF+RAD): pos[1] = (OFF+RAD)
-        elif pos[1] > (h-OFF-RAD): pos[1] = h-OFF-RAD
-        return pos
-    def pointClip(self, pos):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        if self.selected == 0:
-            leftclip = OFF+RAD
-        else:
-            x,y = self.pointToPixels(self.points[self.selected-1])
-            leftclip = x
-        if self.selected == (len(self.points) - 1):
-            rightclip = w-OFF-RAD
-        else:    
-            x,y = self.pointToPixels(self.points[self.selected+1])
-            rightclip = x
-        if pos[0] < leftclip: pos[0] = leftclip
-        elif pos[0] > rightclip: pos[0] = rightclip
-        if pos[1] < (OFF+RAD): pos[1] = (OFF+RAD)
-        elif pos[1] > (h-OFF-RAD): pos[1] = h-OFF-RAD
-        return pos
-    def reset(self):
-        self.points = self.init
-        self.Refresh()
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return [tup for tup in self.points]
-    def getValues(self):
-        values = []
-        for pt in self.points:
-            x,y = self.pointToValues(pt)
-            values.append((x,y))
-        return values
-    def sendValues(self):
-        if self.outFunction != None:
-            values = self.getValues()
-            self.outFunction(values)
-    def OnResize(self, evt):
-        self.Refresh()
-        evt.Skip()
-    def OnLeave(self, evt):
-        self.pos = (OFF+RAD,OFF+RAD)
-        self.Refresh()
-    def OnKeyDown(self, evt):
-        if self.selected != None and evt.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_BACK, wx.WXK_DELETE, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE]:
-            del self.points[self.selected]
-            self.sendValues()
-            self.selected = None
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif evt.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP]:
-            self.points = [(pt[0], pt[1]+0.002) for pt in self.points]
-            self.sendValues()
-            self.Refresh()
-        elif evt.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN]:
-            self.points = [(pt[0], pt[1]-0.002) for pt in self.points]
-            self.sendValues()
-            self.Refresh()
-    def MouseDown(self, evt):
-        self.CaptureMouse()
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        self.pos = self.borderClip(evt.GetPosition())
-        self.pos[1] = h - self.pos[1]
-        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
-            x, y = self.pointToPixels(p)
-            if wx.Rect(x-AREA, y-AREA, AREA2, AREA2).Contains(self.pos):
-                # Grab a point
-                self.selected = i
-                self.Refresh()
-                return
-        # Add a point
-        pt = self.pixelsToPoint(self.pos)
-        for i, p in enumerate(self.points):
-            if p >= pt:
-                self.points.insert(i, pt)
-                break
-        self.selected = self.points.index(pt)
-        self.Refresh()
-    def MouseUp(self, evt):
-        if self.HasCapture(): 
-            self.ReleaseMouse()
-            self.sendValues()
-    def MouseMotion(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        self.pos = self.borderClip(evt.GetPosition())
-        self.pos[1] = h - self.pos[1]
-        if self.HasCapture():
-            if self.selected != None:
-                self.pos = self.pointClip(self.pos)
-                x, y = self.pixelsToPoint(self.pos)
-                if self.mode == 4 and y <= 0:
-                    y = 0.000001
-                self.points[self.selected] = (x, y)
-        self.Refresh()
-    def getLogPoints(self, pt1, pt2):
-        tmp = []
-        if pt1[1] <= 0.0:
-            pt1 = (pt1[0], 0.000001)
-        if pt2[1] <= 0.0:
-            pt2 = (pt2[0], 0.000001)
-        if pt1[1] > pt2[1]:
-            low = pt2[1]
-            high = pt1[1]
-        else:
-            low = pt1[1]
-            high = pt2[1]
-        steps = pt2[0] - pt1[0]
-        if steps > 0:
-            lrange = high - low
-            logrange = math.log10(high) - math.log10(low)
-            logmin = math.log10(low)
-            diff = (float(pt2[1]) - pt1[1]) / steps
-            if lrange == 0:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, pt1[1]))
-            else:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    ratio = ((pt1[1] + diff * i) - low) / lrange
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, pow(10, ratio * logrange + logmin)))
-        return tmp
-    def getCosLogPoints(self, pt1, pt2):
-        tmp = []
-        if pt1[1] <= 0.0:
-            pt1 = (pt1[0], 0.000001)
-        if pt2[1] <= 0.0:
-            pt2 = (pt2[0], 0.000001)
-        if pt1[1] > pt2[1]:
-            low = pt2[1]
-            high = pt1[1]
-        else:
-            low = pt1[1]
-            high = pt2[1]
-        steps = pt2[0] - pt1[0]
-        if steps > 0:
-            lrange = high - low
-            logrange = math.log10(high) - math.log10(low)
-            logmin = math.log10(low)
-            diff = (float(pt2[1]) - pt1[1]) / steps
-            if lrange == 0:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, pt1[1]))
-            else:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    mu = float(i) / steps
-                    mu = (1. - math.cos(mu*math.pi)) * 0.5
-                    mu = pt1[1] * (1. - mu) + pt2[1] * mu
-                    ratio = (mu - low) / lrange
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, pow(10, ratio * logrange + logmin)))
-        return tmp
-    def getCosPoints(self, pt1, pt2):
-        tmp = []
-        steps = pt2[0] - pt1[0]
-        for i in range(steps):
-            mu = float(i) / steps
-            mu2 = (1. - math.cos(mu*math.pi)) * 0.5
-            tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, pt1[1] * (1. - mu2) + pt2[1] * mu2))
-        return tmp    
-    def getExpPoints(self, pt1, pt2):
-        tmp = []
-        ambitus = pt2[1] - pt1[1]
-        steps = pt2[0] - pt1[0]
-        if steps == 0:
-            inc = 1.0 / 0.0001
-        else:
-            inc = 1.0 / steps
-        pointer = 0.0
-        if self.inverse:
-            if ambitus >= 0:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    scl = 1.0 - pow(1.0 - pointer, self.exp)
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, scl * ambitus + pt1[1]))
-                    pointer += inc
-            else:
-                for i in range(steps):
-                    scl = pow(pointer, self.exp)
-                    tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, scl * ambitus + pt1[1]))
-                    pointer += inc
-        else:
-            for i in range(steps):
-                scl = pow(pointer, self.exp)
-                tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, scl * ambitus + pt1[1]))
-                pointer += inc
-        return tmp
-    def addImaginaryPoints(self, tmp):
-        lst = []
-        x = tmp[1][0] - tmp[0][0]
-        if tmp[0][1] < tmp[1][1]:
-            y = tmp[0][1] - tmp[1][1]
-        else:
-            y = tmp[0][1] + tmp[1][1]
-        lst.append((x,y))
-        lst.extend(tmp)
-        x = tmp[-2][0] - tmp[-1][0]
-        if tmp[-2][1] < tmp[-1][1]:
-            y = tmp[-1][1] + tmp[-2][1]
-        else:
-            y = tmp[-1][1] - tmp[-2][1]
-        lst.append((x,y))
-        return lst
-    def getCurvePoints(self, pt0, pt1, pt2, pt3):
-        tmp = []
-        y0, y1, y2, y3 = pt0[1], pt1[1], pt2[1], pt3[1]
-        steps = pt2[0] - pt1[0]
-        for i in range(steps):
-            mu = float(i) / steps
-            mu2 = mu * mu
-            mu3 = mu2 * mu
-            m0 = (y1 - y0) * (1.0 + self.bias) * (1.0 - self.tension) * 0.5
-            m0 += (y2 - y1) * (1.0 - self.bias) * (1.0 - self.tension) * 0.5
-            m1 = (y2 - y1) * (1.0 + self.bias) * (1.0 - self.tension) * 0.5
-            m1 += (y3 - y2) * (1.0 - self.bias) * (1.0 - self.tension) * 0.5
-            a0 = 2.0 * mu3 - 3.0 * mu2 + 1.0
-            a1 = mu3 - 2.0 * mu2 + mu
-            a2 = mu3 - mu2
-            a3 = -2.0 * mu3 + 3.0 * mu2
-            tmp.append((pt1[0]+i, a0*y1 + a1*m0 + a2*m1 + a3*y2))
-        return tmp    
-    def OnPaint(self, evt):
-        w,h = self.GetSize()
-        corners = [(OFF,OFF),(w-OFF,OFF),(w-OFF,h-OFF),(OFF,h-OFF)]
-        dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
-        if sys.platform != "win32":
-            font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), dc.GetFont().GetPointSize()
-        else:
-            font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), 10
-        font.SetPointSize(ptsize-4)
-        dc.SetFont(font)
-        dc.SetTextForeground("#888888")
-        dc.Clear()
-        # Draw grid
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("#CCCCCC", 1))
-        xstep = int(round((w-OFF2) / float(10)))
-        ystep = int(round((h-OFF2) / float(10)))
-        for i in range(10):
-            xpos = i * xstep + OFF
-            dc.DrawLine(xpos, OFF, xpos, h-OFF)
-            ypos = i * ystep + OFF
-            dc.DrawLine(OFF, ypos, w-OFF, ypos)
-            if i > 0:
-                if type(self.xlen) == IntType:
-                    t = "%d" % int(self.xlen * i * 0.1)
-                else:
-                    t = "%.2f" % (self.xlen * i * 0.1)
-                dc.DrawText(t, xpos+2, h-OFF-10)
-            if i < 9:
-                t = "%.2f" % ((9-i) * 0.1 * (self.yrange[1]-self.yrange[0]) + self.yrange[0])    
-                dc.DrawText(t, OFF+1, ypos+ystep-10)
-            else:
-                t = "%.2f" % ((9-i) * 0.1 * (self.yrange[1]-self.yrange[0]) + self.yrange[0])    
-                dc.DrawText(t, OFF+1, h-OFF-10)
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("#000000", 1))
-        dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
-        # Draw bounding box        
-        for i in range(4):
-            dc.DrawLinePoint(corners[i], corners[(i+1)%4])
-        # Convert points in pixels
-        w,h = w-OFF2-RAD2, h-OFF2-RAD2
-        tmp = []
-        back_y_for_log = []
-        for p in self.points:
-            x = int(round(p[0] * w)) + OFF + RAD
-            y = int(round((1.0-p[1]) * h)) + OFF + RAD
-            tmp.append((x,y))
-            back_y_for_log.append(p[1])
-        # Draw lines
-        dc.SetPen(wx.Pen("#000000", 1))
-        last_p = None
-        if len(tmp) > 1:
-            if self.mode == 0:
-                for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-            elif self.mode == 1:
-                for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
-                    tmp2 = self.getCosPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    if last_p != None:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[i])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
-                        last_p = tmp2[j+1]
-                if last_p != None:
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
-            elif self.mode == 2:
-                for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
-                    tmp2 = self.getExpPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    if last_p != None:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[i])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
-                        last_p = tmp2[j+1]
-                if last_p != None:
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
-            elif self.mode == 3:
-                curvetmp = self.addImaginaryPoints(tmp)
-                for i in range(1, len(curvetmp)-2):
-                    tmp2 = self.getCurvePoints(curvetmp[i-1], curvetmp[i], curvetmp[i+1], curvetmp[i+2])
-                    if i == 1 and len(tmp2) < 2:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(curvetmp[i], curvetmp[i+1])
-                    if last_p != None:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, curvetmp[i])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
-                        last_p = tmp2[j+1]
-                if last_p != None:
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
-            elif self.mode == 4:
-                back_tmp = [p for p in tmp]
-                for i in range(len(tmp)):
-                    tmp[i] = (tmp[i][0], back_y_for_log[i])
-                for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
-                    tmp2 = self.getLogPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)):
-                        tmp2[j] = (tmp2[j][0], int(round((1.0-tmp2[j][1]) * h)) + OFF + RAD)
-                    if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1])
-                    if last_p != None:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[i])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
-                        last_p = tmp2[j+1]
-                if last_p != None:
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[-1])
-                tmp = [p for p in back_tmp]
-            elif self.mode == 5:
-                back_tmp = [p for p in tmp]
-                for i in range(len(tmp)):
-                    tmp[i] = (tmp[i][0], back_y_for_log[i])
-                for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
-                    tmp2 = self.getCosLogPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)):
-                        tmp2[j] = (tmp2[j][0], int(round((1.0-tmp2[j][1]) * h)) + OFF + RAD)
-                    if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1])
-                    if last_p != None:
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[i])
-                    for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
-                        dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
-                        last_p = tmp2[j+1]
-                if last_p != None:
-                    dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[-1])
-                tmp = [p for p in back_tmp]
-        # Draw points
-        for i,p in enumerate(tmp):
-            if i == self.selected:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
-            else:
-                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
-            dc.DrawCircle(p[0],p[1],RAD)
-        # Draw position values
-        font.SetPointSize(ptsize-3)
-        dc.SetFont(font)
-        dc.SetTextForeground("#222222")
-        posptx, pospty = self.pixelsToPoint(self.pos)
-        xval, yval = self.pointToValues((posptx, pospty))
-        if type(self.xlen) == IntType:
-            dc.DrawText("%d, %.3f" % (xval, yval), w-75, OFF)
-        else:
-            dc.DrawText("%.3f, %.3f" % (xval, yval), w-75, OFF)
-class TableGrapher(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, obj=None, mode=0, xlen=8192, yrange=(0.0, 1.0)):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        pts = obj.getPoints()
-        self.yrange = yrange
-        for i in range(len(pts)):
-            x = pts[i][0] / float(xlen)
-            y = (pts[i][1] - float(yrange[0])) / (yrange[1]-yrange[0])
-            pts[i] = (x,y)
-        if mode == 2:
-            self.graph = Grapher(self, xlen=xlen, yrange=yrange, init=pts, mode=mode, exp=obj.exp, inverse=obj.inverse, outFunction=obj.replace)
-        elif mode == 3:
-            self.graph = Grapher(self, xlen=xlen, yrange=yrange, init=pts, mode=mode, tension=obj.tension, bias=obj.bias, outFunction=obj.replace)
-        else:
-            self.graph = Grapher(self, xlen=xlen, yrange=yrange, init=pts, mode=mode, outFunction=obj.replace)
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()        
-        self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(9999, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.close, id=9999)
-        self.fileMenu.AppendSeparator()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(10000, 'Copy all points to the clipboard (4 digits of precision)\tCtrl+C', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.copy, id=10000)
-        self.fileMenu.Append(10001, 'Copy all points to the clipboard (full precision)\tShift+Ctrl+C', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.copy, id=10001)
-        self.fileMenu.AppendSeparator()
-        self.fileMenu.Append(10002, 'Reset\tCtrl+R', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.reset, id=10002)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-    def close(self, evt):
-        self.Destroy()
-    def copy(self, evt):
-        pts = self.graph.getValues()
-        if evt.GetId() == 10000:
-            pstr = "["
-            for i, pt in enumerate(pts):
-                pstr += "("
-                if type(pt[0]) == IntType:
-                    pstr += "%d," % pt[0]
-                else:
-                    pstr += "%.4f," % pt[0]
-                pstr += "%.4f)" % pt[1]
-                if i < (len(pts)-1):
-                    pstr += ","
-            pstr += "]" 
-        else:
-            pstr = str(pts)           
-        data = wx.TextDataObject(pstr)
-        if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
-            wx.TheClipboard.Clear()
-            wx.TheClipboard.SetData(data)
-            wx.TheClipboard.Close()
-    def reset(self, evt):
-        self.graph.reset()
-class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, nchnls=2, startf=None, stopf=None, recstartf=None, 
-                recstopf=None, ampf=None, started=0, locals=None, shutdown=None, meter=True, timer=True, amp=1.):
-        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.SetTitle("pyo server")
-        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()
-        self.menu = wx.Menu()
-        self.menu.Append(22999, 'Start/Stop\tCtrl+R', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.start, id=22999)
-        quit_item = self.menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, "Quit\tCtrl+Q")  
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_quit, id=wx.ID_EXIT)
-        self.menubar.Append(self.menu, "&File")
-        self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
-        self.shutdown = shutdown
-        self.locals = locals
-        self.nchnls = nchnls
-        self.startf = startf
-        self.stopf = stopf
-        self.recstartf = recstartf
-        self.recstopf = recstopf
-        self.ampf = ampf
-        self._started = False
-        self._recstarted = False
-        self._history = []
-        self._histo_count = 0
-        panel = wx.Panel(self)
-        panel.SetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
-        box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        if sys.platform == "linux2":
-            X_OFF = 0
-            Y_OFF = 30
-            leftMargin = 25
-        elif sys.platform == "win32":
-            try:
-                if sys.getwindowsversion()[0] >= 6:
-                    X_OFF = 16
-                else:
-                    X_OFF = 8
-            except:
-                X_OFF = 8
-            Y_OFF = 65
-            leftMargin = 24
-        else:
-            X_OFF = 0
-            Y_OFF = 35
-            leftMargin = 25
-        buttonBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        self.startButton = wx.Button(panel, -1, 'Start', (20,20), (72,-1))
-        self.startButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.start)
-        buttonBox.Add(self.startButton, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5)
-        self.recButton = wx.Button(panel, -1, 'Rec Start', (20,20), (72,-1))
-        self.recButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.record)
-        buttonBox.Add(self.recButton, 0, wx.RIGHT, 5)
-        self.quitButton = wx.Button(panel, -1, 'Quit', (20,20), (72,-1))
-        self.quitButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_quit)
-        buttonBox.Add(self.quitButton, 0, wx.RIGHT, 0)
-        box.Add(buttonBox, 0, wx.TOP | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 10)
-        box.AddSpacer(10)
-        box.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Amplitude (dB)"), 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
-        ampBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        self.ampScale = ControlSlider(panel, -60, 18, 20.0 * math.log10(amp), size=(203, 16), outFunction=self.setAmp)
-        ampBox.Add(self.ampScale, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin-10)
-        box.Add(ampBox, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 8)
-        if meter:
-            box.AddSpacer(10)
-            self.meter = VuMeter(panel, size=(200,5*self.nchnls+1), numSliders=self.nchnls)
-            box.Add(self.meter, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin-1)
-            box.AddSpacer(5)
-        if timer:
-            box.AddSpacer(10)
-            tt = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Elapsed time (hh : mm : ss : ms)")
-            box.Add(tt, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
-            box.AddSpacer(3)
-            self.timetext = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "00 : 00 : 00 : 000")
-            box.Add(self.timetext, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
-        if self.locals != None:
-            box.AddSpacer(10)
-            t = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Interpreter")
-            box.Add(t, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
-            self.text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, "", size=(200, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
-            self.text.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.getText)
-            self.text.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onChar)
-            box.Add(self.text, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
-        panel.SetSizerAndFit(box)
-        x, y = panel.GetSize()
-        panel.SetSize((x+X_OFF, y+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetSize((x+X_OFF, y+Y_OFF))
-        self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
-        self.SetMaxSize(self.GetSize())
-        if started == 1:
-            self.start(None, True)
-    def setTime(self, *args):
-        wx.CallAfter(self.timetext.SetLabel, "%02d : %02d : %02d : %03d" % (args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]))
-    def start(self, evt=None, justSet=False):
-        if self._started == False:
-            if not justSet:
-                self.startf()
-            self._started = True
-            self.startButton.SetLabel('Stop')
-            self.quitButton.Disable()
-        else:
-            self.stopf()
-            self._started = False
-            self.startButton.SetLabel('Start')
-            self.quitButton.Enable()
-    def record(self, evt):
-        if self._recstarted == False:
-            self.recstartf()
-            self._recstarted = True
-            self.recButton.SetLabel('Rec Stop')
-        else:
-            self.recstopf()
-            self._recstarted = False
-            self.recButton.SetLabel('Rec Start')
-    def on_quit(self, evt):
-        self.shutdown()
-        self.Destroy()
-        sys.exit()
-    def getPrev(self):
-        self.text.Clear()
-        self._histo_count -= 1
-        if self._histo_count < 0:
-            self._histo_count = 0
-        self.text.SetValue(self._history[self._histo_count])
-        wx.CallAfter(self.text.SetInsertionPointEnd)
-    def getNext(self):
-        self.text.Clear()
-        self._histo_count += 1
-        if self._histo_count >= len(self._history):
-            self._histo_count = len(self._history)
-        else:    
-            self.text.SetValue(self._history[self._histo_count])
-            self.text.SetInsertionPointEnd()
-    def getText(self, evt):
-        source = self.text.GetValue()
-        self.text.Clear()
-        self._history.append(source)
-        self._histo_count = len(self._history)
-        exec source in self.locals
-    def onChar(self, evt):
-        key = evt.GetKeyCode()
-        if key == 315:
-            self.getPrev()
-        elif key == 317:
-            self.getNext()  
-        evt.Skip()      
-    def setAmp(self, value):
-        self.ampf(math.pow(10.0, float(value) * 0.05))
-    def setRms(self, *args):
-        self.meter.setRms(*args)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    def pprint(values):
-        print values
-    app = wx.PySimpleApp()
-    f = wx.Frame(None, title="test frame", size=(525,275))
-    graph = Grapher(f, xlen=8192, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), init=[(0,0),(.5,1),(1,0)], outFunction=pprint)
-    f.Show()
-    app.MainLoop()
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/analysis.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/analysis.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 27dafce..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/analysis.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-Tools to analyze audio signals.
-These objects are designed to retrieve specific informations
-from an audio stream. Analysis are sent at audio rate, user 
-can use them for controlling parameters of others objects.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class Follower(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Envelope follower.
-    Output signal is the continuous mean amplitude of an input signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff frequency of the filter in hertz. Default to 20.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Follower's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
-    >>> fol = Follower(sf, freq=30)
-    >>> n = Noise(mul=fol).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=20, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Follower_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 500., 'log', 'freq', self._freq)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class Follower2(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Envelope follower with different attack and release times.
-    Output signal is the continuous mean amplitude of an input signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to reach upward value in seconds. Default to 0.01.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to reach downward value in seconds. Default to 0.1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setRisetime(x) : Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-    setFalltime(x) : Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Follower's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
-    >>> fol2 = Follower2(sf, risetime=0.002, falltime=.1, mul=.5)
-    >>> n = Noise(fol2).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._risetime = risetime
-        self._falltime = falltime
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, risetime, falltime, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, risetime, falltime, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Follower2_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(risetime,i), wrap(falltime, i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'risetime', 'falltime', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setRisetime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `risetime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._risetime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRisetime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFalltime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `falltime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._falltime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFalltime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 1., 'log', 'risetime', self._risetime)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def risetime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.""" 
-        return self._risetime
-    @risetime.setter
-    def risetime(self, x): self.setRisetime(x)
-    @property
-    def falltime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds.""" 
-        return self._falltime
-    @falltime.setter
-    def falltime(self, x): self.setFalltime(x)
-class ZCross(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Zero-crossing counter.
-    Output signal is the number of zero-crossing occured during each 
-    buffer size, normalized between 0 and 1.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float, optional
-        Minimum amplitude difference allowed between adjacent samples 
-        to be included in the zeros count.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setThresh(x) : Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float. Amplitude difference threshold.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. ZCross's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
-    >>> b = ZCross(a, thresh=.02)
-    >>> n = Noise(b).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, thresh=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._thresh = thresh
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, thresh, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, thresh, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [ZCross_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(thresh,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'thresh', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setThresh(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New amplitude difference threshold.
-        """
-        self._thresh = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setThresh(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def thresh(self):
-        """float. Amplitude difference threshold.""" 
-        return self._thresh
-    @thresh.setter
-    def thresh(self, x): self.setThresh(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/arithmetic.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/arithmetic.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c532df0..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/arithmetic.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,996 +0,0 @@
-Tools to perform arithmetic operations on audio signals.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class Sin(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a sine function on audio signal.
-    Returns the sine of audio signal as input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, angle in radians.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> import math
-    >>> a = Phasor(500, mul=math.pi*2)
-    >>> b = Sin(a, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Sin_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Cos(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a cosine function on audio signal.
-    Returns the cosine of audio signal as input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, angle in radians.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> import math
-    >>> a = Phasor(500, mul=math.pi*2)
-    >>> b = Cos(a, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Cos_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Tan(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a tangent function on audio signal.
-    Returns the tangent of audio signal as input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, angle in radians.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Tangent panning function
-    >>> import math
-    >>> src = Sine(mul=.3)
-    >>> a = Phasor(freq=1, mul=90, add=-45)
-    >>> b = Tan(Abs(a*math.pi/180))
-    >>> b1 = 1.0 - b
-    >>> oL = src * b
-    >>> oR = src * b1
-    >>> oL.out()
-    >>> oR.out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Tan_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Abs(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs an absolute function on audio signal.
-    Returns the absolute value of audio signal as input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Back-and-Forth playback
-    >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif")
-    >>> a = Phasor(freq=t.getRate()*0.5, mul=2, add=-1)
-    >>> b = Pointer(table=t, index=Abs(a), mul=0.5).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Abs_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Sqrt(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a square-root function on audio signal.
-    Returns the square-root value of audio signal as input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Equal-power panning function
-    >>> src = Sine(mul=.3)
-    >>> a = Abs(Phasor(freq=1, mul=2, add=-1))
-    >>> left = Sqrt(1.0 - a)
-    >>> right = Sqrt(a)
-    >>> oL = src * left
-    >>> oR = src * right
-    >>> oL.out()
-    >>> oR.out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Sqrt_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Log(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a natural log function on audio signal.
-    Returns the natural log value of of audio signal as input. 
-    Values less than 0.0 return 0.0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    # Logarithmic amplitude envelope
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=1, type=3, mul=0.2, add=1.2) # triangle
-    >>> b = Log(a)
-    >>> c = SineLoop(freq=[300,301], feedback=0.05, mul=b).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Log_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Log2(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a base 2 log function on audio signal.
-    Returns the base 2 log value of audio signal as input. 
-    Values less than 0.0 return 0.0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    # Logarithmic amplitude envelope
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=1, type=3, mul=0.1, add=1.1) # triangle
-    >>> b = Log2(a)
-    >>> c = SineLoop(freq=[300,301], feedback=0.05, mul=b).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Log2_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Log10(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a base 10 log function on audio signal.
-    Returns the base 10 log value of audio signal as input. 
-    Values less than 0.0 return 0.0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    # Logarithmic amplitude envelope
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=1, type=3, mul=0.4, add=1.4) # triangle
-    >>> b = Log10(a)
-    >>> c = SineLoop(freq=[300,301], feedback=0.05, mul=b).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Log10_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Pow(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a power function on audio signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    base : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Base composant. Defaults to 10.
-    exponent : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Exponent composant. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setBase(x) : Replace the `base` attribute.
-    setExponent(x) : Replace the `exponent` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    base : float or PyoObject, Base composant.
-    exponent : float or PyoObject, Exponent composant.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Exponential amplitude envelope
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=1, type=3, mul=0.5, add=0.5)
-    >>> b = Pow(Clip(a, 0, 1), 4, mul=.3)
-    >>> c = SineLoop(freq=[300,301], feedback=0.05, mul=b).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, base=10, exponent=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._base = base
-        self._exponent = exponent
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        base, exponent, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(base, exponent, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Pow_base(wrap(base,i), wrap(exponent,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['base', 'exponent', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setBase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `base` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `base` attribute.
-        """
-        self._base = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setExponent(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `exponent` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `exponent` attribute.
-        """
-        self._exponent = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setExponent(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def base(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Base composant.""" 
-        return self._base
-    @base.setter
-    def base(self, x): self.setBase(x)
-    @property
-    def exponent(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Exponent composant.""" 
-        return self._exponent
-    @exponent.setter
-    def exponent(self, x): self.setExponent(x)
-class Atan2(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of b/a.
-    Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of b/a, 
-    using the signs of both arguments to determine the quadrant 
-    of the return value.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    b : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Numerator. Defaults to 1.
-    a : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Denominator. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setB(x) : Replace the `b` attribute.
-    setA(x) : Replace the `a` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    b : float or PyoObject, Numerator.
-    a : float or PyoObject, Denominator.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Simple distortion
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[200,200.3])
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=1, mul=.2, add=.2)
-    >>> dist = Atan2(a, lf)
-    >>> lp = Tone(dist, freq=2000, mul=.1).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, b=1, a=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._b = b
-        self._a = a
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        b, a, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(b, a, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Atan2_base(wrap(b,i), wrap(a,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['b', 'a', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setB(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `b` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `b` attribute.
-        """
-        self._b = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setB(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setA(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `a` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `a` attribute.
-        """
-        self._a = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setA(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def b(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Numerator.""" 
-        return self._b
-    @b.setter
-    def b(self, x): self.setB(x)
-    @property
-    def a(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Denominator.""" 
-        return self._a
-    @a.setter
-    def a(self, x): self.setA(x)
-class Floor(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Rounds to largest integral value not greater than audio signal.
-    For each samples in the input signal, rounds to the largest integral 
-    value not greater than the sample value.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Clipping frequencies
-    >>> sweep = Phasor(freq=[1,.67], mul=4)
-    >>> flo = Floor(sweep, mul=50, add=200)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=flo, feedback=.1, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Floor_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Ceil(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Rounds to smallest integral value greater than or equal to the input signal.
-    For each samples in the input signal, rounds to the smallest integral 
-    value greater than or equal to the sample value.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Clipping frequencies
-    >>> sweep = Phasor(freq=[1,.67], mul=4)
-    >>> flo = Ceil(sweep, mul=50, add=200)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=flo, feedback=.1, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Ceil_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Round(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Rounds to the nearest integer value in a floating-point format.
-    For each samples in the input signal, rounds to the nearest integer 
-    value of the sample value.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Clipping frequencies
-    >>> sweep = Phasor(freq=[1,.67], mul=4)
-    >>> flo = Round(sweep, mul=50, add=200)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=flo, feedback=.1, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [M_Round_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/controls.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/controls.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3eb6a20..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/controls.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,891 +0,0 @@
-Objects designed to create parameter's control at audio rate. 
-These objects can be used to create envelopes, line segments 
-and conversion from python number to audio signal. 
-The audio streams of these objects can't be sent to the output 
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from _widgets import createGraphWindow
-from types import ListType, TupleType
-### Controls
-class Fader(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Fadein - fadeout envelope generator.
-    Generate an amplitude envelope between 0 and 1 with control on fade 
-    times and total duration of the envelope.
-    The play() method starts the envelope and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    fadein : float, optional
-        Rising time of the envelope in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    fadeout : float, optional
-        Falling time of the envelope in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
-    dur : float, optional
-        Total duration of the envelope. Defaults to 0, which means wait 
-        for the stop() method to start the fadeout.
-    Methods:
-    play() : Start processing without sending samples to the output. 
-        Triggers the envelope.
-    stop() : Stop processing. Triggers the envelope's fadeout 
-        if `dur` is set to 0.
-    setFadein(x) : Replace the `fadein` attribute.
-    setFadeout(x) : Replace the `fadeout` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    fadein : float. Rising time of the envelope in seconds.
-    fadeout : float. Falling time of the envelope in seconds.
-    dur : float. Total duration of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Fader's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> f = Fader(fadein=0.5, fadeout=0.5, dur=2, mul=.5)
-    >>> a = BrownNoise(mul=f).mix(2).out()
-    >>> def repeat():
-    ...     f.play()
-    >>> pat = Pattern(function=repeat, time=2).play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fadein=0.01, fadeout=0.1, dur=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._fadein = fadein
-        self._fadeout = fadeout
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        fadein, fadeout, dur, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(fadein, fadeout, dur, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Fader_base(wrap(fadein,i), wrap(fadeout,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['fadein', 'fadeout', 'dur', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setFadein(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `fadein` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `fadein` attribute.
-        """
-        self._fadein = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFadein(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFadeout(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `fadeout` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `fadeout` attribute.
-        """
-        self._fadeout = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFadeout(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def fadein(self):
-        """float. Rising time of the envelope in seconds.""" 
-        return self._fadein
-    @fadein.setter
-    def fadein(self, x): self.setFadein(x)
-    @property
-    def fadeout(self):
-        """float. Falling time of the envelope in seconds.""" 
-        return self._fadeout
-    @fadeout.setter
-    def fadeout(self, x): self.setFadeout(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self):
-        """float. Total duration of the envelope.""" 
-        return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-class Adsr(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Attack - Decay - Sustain - Release envelope generator.
-    Calculates the classical ADSR envelope using linear segments. 
-    Duration can be set to 0 to give an infinite sustain. In this 
-    case, the stop() method calls the envelope release part.
-    The play() method starts the envelope and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    attack : float, optional
-        Duration of the attack phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    decay : float, optional
-        Duration of the decay in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    sustain : float, optional
-        Amplitude of the sustain phase. Defaults to 0.707.
-    release : float, optional
-        Duration of the release in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
-    dur : float, optional
-        Total duration of the envelope. Defaults to 0, which means wait 
-        for the stop() method to start the release phase.
-    Methods:
-    play() : Start processing without sending samples to the output. 
-        Triggers the envelope.
-    stop() : Stop processing. Triggers the envelope's fadeout 
-        if `dur` is set to 0.
-    setAttack(x) : Replace the `attack` attribute.
-    setDecay(x) : Replace the `decay` attribute.
-    setSustain(x) : Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-    setRelease(x) : Replace the `release` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    attack : float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.
-    decay : float. Duration of the decay in seconds.
-    sustain : float. Amplitude of the sustain phase.
-    release : float. Duration of the release in seconds.
-    dur : float. Total duration of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Adsr's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Shape of a classical Adsr:
-          -
-         -  -
-        -     -
-       -        ------------------------
-      -                                  -
-     -                                     -
-    -                                        -
-      att - dec -        sustain       - rel
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> f = Adsr(attack=.01, decay=.2, sustain=.5, release=.1, dur=2, mul=.5)
-    >>> a = BrownNoise(mul=f).mix(2).out()
-    >>> def repeat():
-    ...     f.play()
-    >>> pat = Pattern(function=repeat, time=2).play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.707, release=0.1, dur=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._attack = attack
-        self._decay = decay
-        self._sustain = sustain
-        self._release = release
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        attack, decay, sustain, release, dur, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(attack, decay, sustain, release, dur, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Adsr_base(wrap(attack,i), wrap(decay,i), wrap(sustain,i), wrap(release,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['attack', 'decay', 'sustain', 'release', 'dur', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setAttack(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `attack` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `attack` attribute.
-        """
-        self._attack = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setAttack(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDecay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `decay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `decay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._decay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDecay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSustain(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._sustain = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSustain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRelease(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._release = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRelease(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def attack(self):
-        """float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._attack
-    @attack.setter
-    def attack(self, x): self.setAttack(x)
-    @property
-    def decay(self):
-        """float. Duration of the decay phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._decay
-    @decay.setter
-    def decay(self, x): self.setDecay(x)
-    @property
-    def sustain(self):
-        """float. Amplitude of the sustain phase.""" 
-        return self._sustain
-    @sustain.setter
-    def sustain(self, x): self.setSustain(x)
-    @property
-    def release(self):
-        """float. Duration of the release phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._release
-    @release.setter
-    def release(self, x): self.setRelease(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self):
-        """float. Total duration of the envelope.""" 
-        return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-class Linseg(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Trace a series of line segments between specified break-points. 
-    The play() method starts the envelope and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list of tuples
-        Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a
-        new point in the form (time, value). Times are given in seconds
-        and must be in increasing order.
-    loop : boolean, optional
-        Looping mode. Defaults to False.
-    initToFirstVal : boolean, optional
-        If True, audio buffer will be filled at initialization with the
-        starting value of the line. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setList(x) : Replace the `list` attribute.
-    replace(x) : Alias for `setList` method.
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    graph(xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window 
-        to control the shape of the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
-    loop : boolean. Looping mode.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Linseg's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> l = Linseg([(0,500),(.03,1000),(.1,700),(1,500),(2,500)], loop=True)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=l, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
-    >>> # then call:
-    >>> l.play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list, loop=False, initToFirstVal=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(list) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(list[0]) != TupleType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._list = list
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        initToFirstVal, loop, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(initToFirstVal, loop, mul, add)
-        if type(list[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [Linseg_base(list, wrap(loop,i), wrap(initToFirstVal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            listlen = len(list)
-            lmax = max(listlen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [Linseg_base(wrap(list,i), wrap(loop,i), wrap(initToFirstVal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'loop', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setList(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `list` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self._list = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setList(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setList(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Alias for `setList` method.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setList(x)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._list
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    def graph(self, xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        xlen : float, optional
-            Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the
-            maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If
-            None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if xlen == None:
-            xlen = float(self._list[-1][0])
-        else:
-            xlen = float(xlen)
-        if yrange == None:
-            ymin = float(min([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            ymax = float(max([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            if ymin == ymax:
-                yrange = (0, ymax)
-            else:
-                yrange = (ymin, ymax)
-        createGraphWindow(self, 0, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """float. List of points (time, value).""" 
-        return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.setList(x)
-    @property
-    def loop(self):
-        """boolean. Looping mode.""" 
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-class Expseg(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Trace a series of exponential segments between specified break-points. 
-    The play() method starts the envelope and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list of tuples
-        Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a
-        new point in the form (time, value). Times are given in seconds
-        and must be in increasing order.
-    loop : boolean, optional
-        Looping mode. Defaults to False.
-    exp : float, optional
-        Exponent factor. Used to control the slope of the curves.
-        Defaults to 10.
-    inverse : boolean, optional
-        If True, downward slope will be inversed. Useful to create 
-        biexponential curves. Defaults to True.
-    initToFirstVal : boolean, optional
-        If True, audio buffer will be filled at initialization with the
-        starting value of the line. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setList(x) : Replace the `list` attribute.
-    replace(x) : Alias for `setList` method.
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    setExp(x) : Replace the `exp` attribute.
-    setInverse(x) : Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-    graph(xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window 
-        to control the shape of the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
-    loop : boolean. Looping mode.
-    exp : float. Exponent factor.    
-    inverse : boolean. Inversion of downward slope.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Expseg's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> l = Expseg([(0,500),(.03,1000),(.1,700),(1,500),(2,500)], loop=True)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=l, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
-    >>> # then call:
-    >>> l.play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list, loop=False, exp=10, inverse=True, initToFirstVal=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(list) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(list[0]) != TupleType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._list = list
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._exp = exp
-        self._inverse = inverse
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        loop, exp, inverse, initToFirstVal, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(loop, exp, inverse, initToFirstVal, mul, add)
-        if type(list[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [Expseg_base(list, wrap(loop,i), wrap(exp,i), wrap(inverse,i), wrap(initToFirstVal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            listlen = len(list)
-            lmax = max(listlen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [Expseg_base(wrap(list,i), wrap(loop,i), wrap(exp,i), wrap(inverse,i), wrap(initToFirstVal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'loop', 'exp', 'inverse', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setList(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `list` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self._list = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setList(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setList(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setExp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `exp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `exp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._exp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setExp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInverse(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `inverse` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inverse = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInverse(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Alias for `setList` method.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setList(x)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._list
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    def graph(self, xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        xlen : float, optional
-            Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the
-            maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If
-            None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if xlen == None:
-            xlen = float(self._list[-1][0])
-        else:
-            xlen = float(xlen)
-        if yrange == None:
-            ymin = float(min([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            ymax = float(max([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            if ymin == ymax:
-                yrange = (0, ymax)
-            else:
-                yrange = (ymin, ymax)
-        createGraphWindow(self, 2, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """float. List of points (time, value).""" 
-        return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.setList(x)
-    @property
-    def loop(self):
-        """boolean. Looping mode.""" 
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-    @property
-    def exp(self):
-        """float. Exponent factor.""" 
-        return self._exp
-    @exp.setter
-    def exp(self, x): self.setExp(x)
-    @property
-    def inverse(self):
-        """boolean. Inverse downward slope.""" 
-        return self._inverse
-    @inverse.setter
-    def inverse(self, x): self.setInverse(x)
-class SigTo(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Convert numeric value to PyoObject signal with portamento.
-    When `value` is changed, a ramp is applied from the current 
-    value to the new value. Can be used with PyoObject to apply
-    a linear portamento on an audio signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    value : float or PyoObject
-        Numerical value to convert.
-    time : float, optional
-        Ramp time, in seconds, to reach the new value. Defaults to 0.025.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value of the internal memory. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setValue(x) : Changes the value of the signal stream.
-    setTime(x) : Changes the ramp time.
-    Attributes:
-    value : float or PyoObject. Numerical value to convert.
-    time : float. Ramp time.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. SigTo's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> import random
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> fr = SigTo(value=200, time=0.5, init=200)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=fr, feedback=0.08, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=fr*1.005, feedback=0.08, mul=.3).out(1)
-    >>> def pick_new_freq():
-    ...     fr.value = random.randrange(200,501,50)
-    >>> pat = Pattern(function=pick_new_freq, time=1).play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, value, time=0.025, init=0.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._value = value
-        self._time = time
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        value, time, init, mul ,add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, time, init, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SigTo_base(wrap(value,i), wrap(time,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['value', 'time', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Changes the value of the signal stream.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            Numerical value to convert.
-        """
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Changes the ramp time of the object.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New ramp time.
-        """
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Numerical value to convert.""" 
-        return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)    
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float. Ramp time.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)    
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/dynamics.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/dynamics.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d85752f..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/dynamics.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1089 +0,0 @@
-Objects to modify the dynamic range and sample quality of audio signals.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class Clip(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Clips a signal to a predefined limit.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum possible value. Defaults to -1.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum possible value. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True)
-    >>> lfoup = Sine(freq=.25, mul=.48, add=.5)
-    >>> lfodown = 0 - lfoup
-    >>> c = Clip(a, min=lfodown, max=lfoup, mul=.4).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=-1.0, max=1.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Clip_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(-1., 0., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.""" 
-        return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.""" 
-        return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class Mirror(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Reflects the signal that exceeds the `min` and `max` thresholds.
-    This object is useful for table indexing or for clipping and
-    modeling an audio signal.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum possible value. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum possible value. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.
-    Notes:
-    If `min` is higher than `max`, then the output will be the average of the two.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[300,301])
-    >>> lfmin = Sine(freq=1.5, mul=.25, add=-0.75)
-    >>> lfmax = Sine(freq=2, mul=.25, add=0.75)
-    >>> b = Mirror(a, min=lfmin, max=lfmax)
-    >>> c = Tone(b, freq=2500, mul=.15).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=0.0, max=1.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Mirror_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.""" 
-        return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.""" 
-        return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class Wrap(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Wraps-around the signal that exceeds the `min` and `max` thresholds.
-    This object is useful for table indexing, phase shifting or for 
-    clipping and modeling an audio signal.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum possible value. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum possible value. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.
-    Notes:
-    If `min` is higher than `max`, then the output will be the average of the two.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Time-varying overlaping envelopes
-    >>> env = HannTable()
-    >>> lff = Sine(.5, mul=3, add=4)
-    >>> ph1 = Phasor(lff)
-    >>> ph2 = Wrap(ph1+0.5, min=0, max=1)
-    >>> amp1 = Pointer(env, ph1, mul=.25)
-    >>> amp2 = Pointer(env, ph2, mul=.25)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(250, feedback=.1, mul=amp1).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(300, feedback=.1, mul=amp2).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=0.0, max=1.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Wrap_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum possible value.""" 
-        return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum possible value.""" 
-        return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class Degrade(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Signal quality reducer.
-    Degrade takes an audio signal and reduces the sampling rate and/or 
-    bit-depth as specified.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    bitdepth : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Signal quantization in bits. Must be in range 1 -> 32.
-        Defaults to 16.
-    srscale : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Sampling rate multiplier. Must be in range 0.0009765625 -> 1.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setBitdepth(x) : Replace the `bitdepth` attribute.
-    setSrscale(x) : Replace the `srscale` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    bitdepth : float or PyoObject. Quantization in bits.
-    srscale : float or PyoObject. Sampling rate multiplier.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SquareTable()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[100,101], mul=.5)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=.2, mul=6, add=8)
-    >>> lfo2 = Sine(freq=.25, mul=.45, add=.55)
-    >>> b = Degrade(a, bitdepth=lfo, srscale=lfo2, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, bitdepth=16, srscale=1.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._bitdepth = bitdepth
-        self._srscale = srscale
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, bitdepth, srscale, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, bitdepth, srscale, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Degrade_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(bitdepth,i), wrap(srscale,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'bitdepth', 'srscale', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setBitdepth(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bitdepth` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bitdepth` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bitdepth = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBitdepth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSrscale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `srscale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `srscale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._srscale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSrscale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 32., 'log', 'bitdepth', self._bitdepth),
-                          SLMap(0.0009765625, 1., 'log', 'srscale', self._srscale),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def bitdepth(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Signal quantization in bits.""" 
-        return self._bitdepth
-    @bitdepth.setter
-    def bitdepth(self, x): self.setBitdepth(x)
-    @property
-    def srscale(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Sampling rate multiplier.""" 
-        return self._srscale
-    @srscale.setter
-    def srscale(self, x): self.setSrscale(x)
-class Compress(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal.
-    Compress reduces the volume of loud sounds or amplifies quiet sounds by 
-    narrowing or compressing an audio signal's dynamic range.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Level, expressed in dB, above which the signal is reduced. 
-        Reference level is 0dB. Defaults to -20.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Determines the input/output ratio for signals above the 
-        threshold. Defaults to 2.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Used in amplitude follower, time to reach upward value in 
-        seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Used in amplitude follower, time to reach downward value in 
-        seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
-    lookahead : float, optional
-        Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer. Range is
-        0 -> 25 ms. Defaults to 5.0.
-    knee : float optional
-        Shape of the transfert function around the threshold, specified
-        in the range 0 -> 1. A value of 0 means a hard knee and a value 
-        of 1.0 means a softer knee. Defaults to 0.
-    outputAmp : boolean, optional
-        If True, the object's output signal will be the compression level
-        alone, not the compressed signal. It can be useful if 2 or more
-        channels need to linked on the same compression slope. Available
-        at initialization only. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setThresh(x) : Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-    setRatio(x) : Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-    setRiseTime(x) : Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-    setFallTime(x) : Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-    setLookAhead(x) : Replace the `lookahead` attribute.
-    setKnee(x) : Replace the `knee` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float or PyoObject. Level above which the signal is reduced.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject. in/out ratio for signals above the threshold.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds.
-    lookahead : float. Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer.
-    knee : float. Shape of the transfert function around the threshold.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', loop=True)
-    >>> b = Compress(a, thresh=-24, ratio=6, risetime=.01, falltime=.2, knee=0.5).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, thresh=-20, ratio=2, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.1, lookahead=5.0, knee=0, outputAmp=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._thresh = thresh
-        self._ratio = ratio
-        self._risetime = risetime
-        self._falltime = falltime
-        self._lookahead = lookahead
-        self._knee = knee
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, thresh, ratio, risetime, falltime, lookahead, knee, outputAmp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, thresh, ratio, risetime, falltime, lookahead, knee, outputAmp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Compress_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(thresh,i), wrap(ratio,i), wrap(risetime,i), wrap(falltime,i), wrap(lookahead,i), wrap(knee,i), wrap(outputAmp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'thresh', 'ratio', 'risetime', 'falltime', 'lookahead', 'knee', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setThresh(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `thresh` attribute.
-        """
-        self._thresh = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setThresh(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRatio(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `ratio` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ratio = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRatio(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRiseTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `risetime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._risetime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRiseTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFallTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `falltime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._falltime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFallTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setLookAhead(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `lookahead` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `lookahead` attribute.
-        """
-        self._lookahead = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLookAhead(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setKnee(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `knee` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `knee` attribute.
-        """
-        self._knee = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setKnee(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(-60., 0., 'lin', 'thresh',  self._thresh),
-                          SLMap(1., 10., 'lin', 'ratio',  self._ratio),
-                          SLMap(0.001, .3, 'lin', 'risetime',  self._risetime),
-                          SLMap(0.001, .3, 'lin', 'falltime',  self._falltime),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def thresh(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Level above which the signal is reduced.""" 
-        return self._thresh
-    @thresh.setter
-    def thresh(self, x): self.setThresh(x)
-    @property
-    def ratio(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. in/out ratio for signals above the threshold.""" 
-        return self._ratio
-    @ratio.setter
-    def ratio(self, x): self.setRatio(x)
-    @property
-    def risetime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.""" 
-        return self._risetime
-    @risetime.setter
-    def risetime(self, x): self.setRiseTime(x)
-    @property
-    def falltime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds."""
-        return self._falltime
-    @falltime.setter
-    def falltime(self, x): self.setFallTime(x)
-    @property
-    def lookahead(self):
-        """float. Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer."""
-        return self._lookahead
-    @lookahead.setter
-    def lookahead(self, x): self.setLookAhead(x)
-    @property
-    def knee(self):
-        """float. Shape of the transfert function around the threshold."""
-        return self._knee
-    @knee.setter
-    def knee(self, x): self.setKnee(x)
-class Gate(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Allows a signal to pass only when its amplitude is above a set threshold.
-    A noise gate is used when the level of the signal is below the level of 
-    the noise floor. The threshold is set above the level of the noise and so when 
-    there is no signal the gate is closed. A noise gate does not remove noise 
-    from the signal. When the gate is open both the signal and the noise will 
-    pass through.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Level, expressed in dB, below which the gate is closed. 
-        Reference level is 0dB. Defaults to -70.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to open the gate in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to close the gate in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    lookahead : float, optional
-        Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer. Range is
-        0 -> 25 ms. Defaults to 5.0.
-    outputAmp : boolean, optional
-        If True, the object's output signal will be the gating level
-        alone, not the gated signal. It can be useful if 2 or more
-        channels need to linked on the same gating slope. Available
-        at initialization only. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setThresh(x) : Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-    setRiseTime(x) : Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-    setFallTime(x) : Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-    setLookAhead(x) : Replace the `lookahead` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    thresh : float or PyoObject. Level below which the gate is closed.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject. Time to open the gate in seconds.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject. Time to close the gate in seconds.
-    lookahead : float. Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[1,.5], loop=True)
-    >>> gt = Gate(sf, thresh=-24, risetime=0.005, falltime=0.01, lookahead=5, mul=.4).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, thresh=-70, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.05, lookahead=5.0, outputAmp=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._thresh = thresh
-        self._risetime = risetime
-        self._falltime = falltime
-        self._lookahead = lookahead
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, thresh, risetime, falltime, lookahead, outputAmp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, thresh, risetime, falltime, lookahead, outputAmp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Gate_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(thresh,i), wrap(risetime,i), wrap(falltime,i), wrap(lookahead,i), wrap(outputAmp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'thresh', 'risetime', 'falltime', 'lookahead', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setThresh(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `thresh` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `thresh` attribute.
-        """
-        self._thresh = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setThresh(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRiseTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `risetime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._risetime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRiseTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFallTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `falltime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._falltime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFallTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setLookAhead(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `lookahead` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `lookahead` attribute.
-        """
-        self._lookahead = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLookAhead(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(-100., 0., 'lin', 'thresh',  self._thresh),
-                          SLMap(0.0001, .3, 'lin', 'risetime',  self._risetime),
-                          SLMap(0.0001, .3, 'lin', 'falltime',  self._falltime),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def thresh(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Level below which the gate is closed.""" 
-        return self._thresh
-    @thresh.setter
-    def thresh(self, x): self.setThresh(x)
-    @property
-    def risetime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to open the gate in seconds.""" 
-        return self._risetime
-    @risetime.setter
-    def risetime(self, x): self.setRiseTime(x)
-    @property
-    def falltime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to close the gate in seconds."""
-        return self._falltime
-    @falltime.setter
-    def falltime(self, x): self.setFallTime(x)
-    @property
-    def lookahead(self):
-        """float. Delay length, in ms, for the "look-ahead" buffer."""
-        return self._lookahead
-    @lookahead.setter
-    def lookahead(self, x): self.setLookAhead(x)
-class Balance(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Adjust rms power of an audio signal according to the rms power of another.
-    The rms power of a signal is adjusted to match that of a comparator signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    input2 : PyoObject
-        Comparator signal.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter in hertz. Default to 10.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInput2(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input2` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    input2 : PyoObject. Comparator signal.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/accord.aif', speed=[.99,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> comp = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.99,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> out = Balance(sf, comp, freq=10).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, input2, freq=10, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._input2 = input2
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(input2)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Balance_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'input2', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Input signal to process.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInput2(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input2` attribute.
-        Comparator signal.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input2 = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter, in Hertz.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 100., "log", "freq", self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def input2(self):
-        """PyoObject. Comparator signal.""" 
-        return self._input2
-    @input2.setter
-    def input2(self, x): self.setInput2(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/effects.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/effects.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 97deb7e..0000000
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@@ -1,1396 +0,0 @@
-Objects to perform specific audio signal processing effects such
-as distortions, delays, chorus and reverbs.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class Disto(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Arc tangent distortion.
-    Apply an arc tangent distortion with controllable drive to the input signal. 
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    drive : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of distortion applied to the signal, between 0 and 1. 
-        Defaults to 0.75.
-    slope : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Slope of the lowpass filter applied after distortion, 
-        between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDrive(x) : Replace the `drive` attribute.
-    setSlope(x) : Replace the `slope` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    drive : float or PyoObject. Amount of distortion.
-    slope : float or PyoObject. Slope of the lowpass filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=[.2,.25], mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> d = Disto(a, drive=lfo, slope=.8, mul=.15).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, drive=.75, slope=.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._drive = drive
-        self._slope = slope
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, drive, slope, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, drive, slope, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Disto_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(drive,i), wrap(slope,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'drive', 'slope', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDrive(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `drive` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `drive` attribute.
-        """
-        self._drive = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDrive(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSlope(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `slope` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `slope` attribute.
-        """
-        self._slope = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSlope(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'drive', self._drive),
-                          SLMap(0., 0.999, 'lin', 'slope', self._slope),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def drive(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of distortion.""" 
-        return self._drive
-    @drive.setter
-    def drive(self, x): self.setDrive(x)
-    @property
-    def slope(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Slope of the lowpass filter.""" 
-        return self._slope
-    @slope.setter
-    def slope(self, x): self.setSlope(x)
-class Delay(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sweepable recursive delay.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to delayed.
-    delay : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Delay time in seconds. Defaults to 0.25.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    maxdelay : float, optional
-        Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDelay(x) : Replace the `delay` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    reset() : Reset the memory buffer to zeros.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to delayed.
-    delay : float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back 
-        into the delay line.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
-    >>> d = Delay(a, delay=[.15,.2], feedback=.5, mul=.4).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, delay=0.25, feedback=0, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._delay = delay
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._maxdelay = maxdelay
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, delay, feedback, maxdelay, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, delay, feedback, maxdelay, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Delay_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(delay,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(maxdelay,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'delay', 'feedback', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to delayed.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDelay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `delay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `delay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._delay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDelay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Reset the memory buffer to zeros.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay',  self._delay),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to delayed.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def delay(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.""" 
-        return self._delay
-    @delay.setter
-    def delay(self, x): self.setDelay(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class SDelay(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Simple delay without interpolation.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to delayed.
-    delay : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Delay time in seconds. Defaults to 0.25.
-    maxdelay : float, optional
-        Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDelay(x) : Replace the `delay` attribute.
-    reset() : Reset the memory buffer to zeros.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to delayed.
-    delay : float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> srPeriod = 1. / s.getSamplingRate()
-    >>> dlys = [srPeriod * i * 5 for i in range(1, 7)]
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True)
-    >>> d = SDelay(a, delay=dlys, mul=.1).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, delay=0.25, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._delay = delay
-        self._maxdelay = maxdelay
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, delay, maxdelay, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, delay, maxdelay, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SDelay_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(delay,i), wrap(maxdelay,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'delay', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDelay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `delay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `delay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._delay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDelay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Reset the memory buffer to zeros.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay',  self._delay),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to delayed.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def delay(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.""" 
-        return self._delay
-    @delay.setter
-    def delay(self, x): self.setDelay(x)
-class Waveguide(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Basic waveguide model.
-    This waveguide model consisting of one delay-line with a simple 
-    lowpass filtering and lagrange interpolation.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency, in cycle per second, of the waveguide (i.e. the inverse 
-        of delay time). Defaults to 100.
-    dur : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Duration, in seconds, for the waveguide to drop 40 dB below it's 
-        maxima. Defaults to 10.
-    minfreq : float, optional
-        Minimum possible frequency, used to initialized delay length. 
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 20.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycle per second.
-    dur : float or PyoObject. Resonance duration in seconds.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.98,1.02], loop=True)
-    >>> gt = Gate(sf, thresh=-24, risetime=0.005, falltime=0.01, lookahead=5, mul=.2)
-    >>> w = Waveguide(gt, freq=[60,120.17,180.31,240.53], dur=20, minfreq=20, mul=.4).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=100, dur=10, minfreq=20, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, dur, minfreq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, dur, minfreq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Waveguide_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(minfreq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'dur', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(10, 500., 'log', 'freq',  self._freq),
-                          SLMapDur(self._dur),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycle per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Resonance duration in seconds.""" 
-        return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-class AllpassWG(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Out of tune waveguide model with a recursive allpass network.
-    This waveguide model consisting of one delay-line with a 3-stages recursive
-    allpass filter which made the resonances of the waveguide out of tune.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency, in cycle per second, of the waveguide (i.e. the inverse 
-        of delay time). Defaults to 100.
-    feed : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal (between 0 and 1) sent back into the delay line.
-        Defaults to 0.95.
-    detune : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Control the depth of the allpass delay-line filter, i.e. the depth of 
-        the detuning. Should be in the range 0 to 1. Defaults to 0.5.
-    minfreq : float, optional
-        Minimum possible frequency, used to initialized delay length. 
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 20.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setFeed(x) : Replace the `feed` attribute.
-    setDetune(x) : Replace the `detune` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycle per second.
-    feed : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.
-    detune : float or PyoObject. Depth of the detuning.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.98,1.02], loop=True)
-    >>> gt = Gate(sf, thresh=-24, risetime=0.005, falltime=0.01, lookahead=5, mul=.2)
-    >>> rnd = Randi(min=.5, max=1.0, freq=[.13,.22,.155,.171])
-    >>> rnd2 = Randi(min=.95, max=1.05, freq=[.145,.2002,.1055,.071])
-    >>> fx = AllpassWG(gt, freq=rnd2*[74.87,75,75.07,75.21], feed=1, detune=rnd, mul=.15).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=100, feed=0.95, detune=0.5, minfreq=20, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._feed = feed
-        self._detune = detune
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, feed, detune, minfreq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, feed, detune, minfreq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [AllpassWG_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(feed,i), wrap(detune,i), wrap(minfreq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'feed', 'detune', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeed(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feed` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feed` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feed = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeed(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDetune(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `detune` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `detune` attribute.
-        """
-        self._detune = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDetune(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(20., 500., 'log', 'freq',  self._freq),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feed', self._feed),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'detune', self._detune),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycle per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def feed(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.""" 
-        return self._feed
-    @feed.setter
-    def feed(self, x): self.setFeed(x)
-    @property
-    def detune(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Depth of the detuning.""" 
-        return self._detune
-    @detune.setter
-    def detune(self, x): self.setDetune(x)
-class Freeverb(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Implementation of Jezar's Freeverb.
-    Freeverb is a reverb unit generator based on Jezar's public domain 
-    C++ sources, composed of eight parallel comb filters, followed by four 
-    allpass units in series. Filters on each stream are slightly detuned 
-    in order to create multi-channel effects.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    size : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Controls the length of the reverb,  between 0 and 1. A higher 
-        value means longer reverb. Defaults to 0.5.
-    damp : float or PyoObject, optional
-        High frequency attenuation, between 0 and 1. A higher value 
-        will result in a faster decay of the high frequency range. 
-        Defaults to 0.5.
-    bal : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Balance between wet and dry signal, between 0 and 1. 0 means no 
-        reverb. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setSize(x) : Replace the `size` attribute.
-    setDamp(x) : Replace the `damp` attribute.
-    setBal(x) : Replace the `bal` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    size : float or PyoObject. Room size.
-    damp : float or PyoObject. High frequency damping.
-    bal : float or PyoObject. Balance between wet and dry signal.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4)
-    >>> b = Freeverb(a, size=[.79,.8], damp=.9, bal=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, size=.5, damp=.5, bal=.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._size = size
-        self._damp = damp
-        self._bal = bal
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, size, damp, bal, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, size, damp, bal, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Freeverb_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(size,i), wrap(damp,i), wrap(bal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'size', 'damp', 'bal', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `size` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `size` attribute.
-        """
-        self._size = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDamp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `damp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `damp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._damp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDamp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBal(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bal` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bal = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'size',  self._size),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'damp',  self._damp),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'bal',  self._bal),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Room size.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def damp(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. High frequency damping.""" 
-        return self._damp
-    @damp.setter
-    def damp(self, x): self.setDamp(x)
-    @property
-    def bal(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Balance between wet and dry signal.""" 
-        return self._bal
-    @bal.setter
-    def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
-class Convolve(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Implements filtering using circular convolution.
-    A circular convolution is defined as the integral of the product of two 
-    functions after one is reversed and shifted.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containning the impulse response.
-    size : int
-        Length, in samples, of the convolution. Available at initialization 
-        time only. If the table changes during the performance, its size
-        must egal or greater than this value. If greater only the first
-        `size` samples will be used.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containning the impulse response.
-    Notes :
-    Convolution is very expensive to compute, so the impulse response must
-    be kept very short to run in real time.
-    Usually convolution generates a high amplitude level, take care of the
-    `mul` parameter!
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif'
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(snd, speed=[.999,1], loop=True, mul=.25).out()
-    >>> a = Convolve(sf, SndTable(SNDS_PATH+'/accord.aif'), size=512, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, table, size, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._table = table
-        self._size = size
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, table, size, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, table, size, mul, add)                     
-        self._base_objs = [Convolve_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(table,i), wrap(size,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'table', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the impulse response.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-class WGVerb(PyoObject):
-    """
-    8 delay line mono FDN reverb.
-    8 delay line FDN reverb, with feedback matrix based upon physical 
-    modeling scattering junction of 8 lossless waveguides of equal 
-    characteristic impedance.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal sent back into the delay lines.
-        0.6 gives a good small "live" room sound, 0.8 a small hall, 
-        and 0.9 a large hall. Defaults to 0.5.
-    cutoff : float or PyoObject, optional
-        cutoff frequency of simple first order lowpass filters in the 
-        feedback loop of delay lines, in Hz. Defaults to 5000.
-    bal : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Balance between wet and dry signal, between 0 and 1. 0 means no 
-        reverb. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    setCutoff(x) : Replace the `cutoff` attribute.
-    setBal(x) : Replace the `bal` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back 
-        into the delay line.
-    cutoff : float or PyoObject. Internal lowpass filter cutoff 
-        frequency in Hz.
-    bal : float or PyoObject. Balance between wet and dry signal.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True)
-    >>> d = WGVerb(a, feedback=[.74,.75], cutoff=5000, bal=.25, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, feedback=0.5, cutoff=5000, bal=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._cutoff = cutoff
-        self._bal = bal
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, feedback, cutoff, bal, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, feedback, cutoff, bal, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [WGVerb_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(cutoff,i), wrap(bal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'feedback', 'cutoff', 'bal', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setCutoff(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `cutoff` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `cutoff` attribute.
-        """
-        self._cutoff = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCutoff(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBal(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bal` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bal = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
-                          SLMap(500., 15000., 'log', 'cutoff', self._cutoff),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'bal', self._bal),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-    @property
-    def cutoff(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Lowpass filter cutoff in Hz.""" 
-        return self._cutoff
-    @cutoff.setter
-    def cutoff(self, x): self.setCutoff(x)
-    @property
-    def bal(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. wet - dry balance.""" 
-        return self._bal
-    @bal.setter
-    def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
-class Chorus(PyoObject):
-    """
-    8 modulated delay lines chorus processor.
-    A chorus effect occurs when individual sounds with roughly the same timbre and 
-    nearly (but never exactly) the same pitch converge and are perceived as one.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    depth : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Chorus depth, between 0 and 5. Defaults to 1.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal sent back into the delay lines.
-        Defaults to 0.25.
-    bal : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Balance between wet and dry signals, between 0 and 1. 0 means no 
-        chorus. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDepth(x) : Replace the `depth` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    setBal(x) : Replace the `bal` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    depth : float or PyoObject. Chorus depth, between 0 and 5.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back 
-        into the delay line.
-    bal : float or PyoObject. Balance between wet and dry signal.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', loop=True, mul=.5)
-    >>> chor = Chorus(sf, depth=[1.5,1.6], feedback=0.5, bal=0.5).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, depth=1, feedback=0.25, bal=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._depth = depth
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._bal = bal
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, depth, feedback, bal, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, depth, feedback, bal, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Chorus_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(depth,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(bal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'depth', 'feedback', 'bal', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDepth(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `depth` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `depth` attribute.
-        """
-        self._depth = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDepth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBal(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bal` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bal = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 5., 'lin', 'depth', self._depth),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'bal', self._bal),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def depth(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Chorus depth, between 0 and 5.""" 
-        return self._depth
-    @depth.setter
-    def depth(self, x): self.setDepth(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay lines.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-    @property
-    def bal(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. wet - dry balance.""" 
-        return self._bal
-    @bal.setter
-    def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
-class Harmonizer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates harmonizing voices in synchrony with its audio input.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    transpo : float or PyoObject, optional
-       Transposition factor in semitone. Defaults to -7.0.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    winsize : float, optional
-        Window size in seconds (max = 1.0). 
-        Defaults to 0.1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTranspo(x) : Replace the `transpo` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    setWinsize(x) : Replace the `winsize` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal.
-    transpo : float or PyoObject. Transposition factor in semitone.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back 
-        into the delay line.
-    winsize : float. Window size in seconds (max = 1.0).
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', loop=True, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> harm = Harmonizer(sf, transpo=-5, winsize=0.05).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, transpo=-7.0, feedback=0, winsize=0.1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._transpo = transpo
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._winsize = winsize
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, transpo, feedback, winsize, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, transpo, feedback, winsize, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Harmonizer_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(transpo,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(winsize,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'transpo', 'feedback', 'winsize', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTranspo(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `transpo` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `transpo` attribute.
-        """
-        self._transpo = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTranspo(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setWinsize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `winsize` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `winsize` attribute.
-        """
-        self._winsize = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setWinsize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(-24.0, 24.0, 'lin', 'transpo',  self._transpo),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to delayed.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def transpo(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor in semitone.""" 
-        return self._transpo
-    @transpo.setter
-    def transpo(self, x): self.setTranspo(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-    @property
-    def winsize(self):
-        """float. Window size in seconds (max = 1.0).""" 
-        return self._winsize
-    @winsize.setter
-    def winsize(self, x): self.setWinsize(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/filters.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/filters.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ed0d3c0..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/filters.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2915 +0,0 @@
-Different kinds of audio filtering operations.
-An audio filter is designed to amplify, pass or attenuate (negative amplification) 
-some frequency ranges. Common types include low-pass, which pass through 
-frequencies below their cutoff frequencies, and progressively attenuates 
-frequencies above the cutoff frequency. A high-pass filter does the opposite, 
-passing high frequencies above the cutoff frequency, and progressively 
-attenuating frequencies below the cutoff frequency. A bandpass filter passes 
-frequencies between its two cutoff frequencies, while attenuating those outside 
-the range. A band-reject filter, attenuates frequencies between its two cutoff 
-frequencies, while passing those outside the 'reject' range.
-An all-pass filter, passes all frequencies, but affects the phase of any given 
-sinusoidal component according to its frequency.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class Biquad(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A sweepable general purpose biquadratic digital filter. 
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff or center frequency of the filter. Defaults to 1000.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filter, defined (for bandpass filters) as freq/bandwidth. 
-        Should be between 1 and 500. Defaults to 1.
-    type : int, optional
-        Filter type. Five possible values :
-            0 = lowpass (default)
-            1 = highpass
-            2 = bandpass
-            3 = bandstop
-            4 = allpass
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.
-    type : int. Filter type.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.7)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=[.2, .25], mul=1000, add=1000)
-    >>> f = Biquad(a, freq=lfo, q=5, type=2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, q=1, type=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._q = q
-        self._type = type
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, q, type, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, q, type, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Biquad_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(q,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'q', 'type', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute. Should be between 1 and 500.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. 
-            0 = lowpass, 1 = highpass, 2 = bandpass, 3 = bandstop, 4 = allpass
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.""" 
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Filter type.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class Biquadx(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A multi-stages sweepable general purpose biquadratic digital filter. 
-    Biquadx is equivalent to a filter consisting of more layers of Biquad
-    with the same arguments, serially connected. It is faster than using
-    a large number of instances of the Biquad object, It uses less memory 
-    and allows filters with sharper cutoff.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff or center frequency of the filter. Defaults to 1000.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filter, defined (for bandpass filters) as freq/bandwidth. 
-        Should be between 1 and 500. Defaults to 1.
-    type : int, optional
-        Filter type. Five possible values :
-            0 = lowpass (default)
-            1 = highpass
-            2 = bandpass
-            3 = bandstop
-            4 = allpass
-    stages : int, optional
-        The number of filtering stages in the filter stack. Defaults to 4.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    setStages(x) : Replace the `stages` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.
-    type : int. Filter type.
-    stages : int. The number of filtering stages.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.7)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=[.2, .25], mul=1000, add=1500)
-    >>> f = Biquadx(a, freq=lfo, q=5, type=2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, q=1, type=0, stages=4, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._q = q
-        self._type = type
-        self._stages = stages
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, q, type, stages, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, q, type, stages, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Biquadx_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(q,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(stages,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'q', 'type', 'stages', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute. Should be between 1 and 500.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. 
-            0 = lowpass, 1 = highpass, 2 = bandpass, 3 = bandstop, 4 = allpass
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setStages(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `stages` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `stages` attribute. 
-        """
-        self._stages = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setStages(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.""" 
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Filter type.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-    @property
-    def stages(self):
-        """int. The number of filtering stages.""" 
-        return self._stages
-    @stages.setter
-    def stages(self, x): self.setStages(x)
-class Biquada(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A general purpose biquadratic digital filter (floating-point arguments).
-    A digital biquad filter is a second-order recursive linear filter, containing
-    two poles and two zeros. Biquadi is a "Direct Form 1" implementation of a Biquad 
-    filter:
-    y[n] = ( b0*x[n] + b1*x[n-1] + b2*x[n-2] - a1*y[n-1] - a2*y[n-2] ) / a0
-    This object is directly controlled via the six coefficients, as floating-point
-    values or audio stream, of the filter. There is no clipping of the values given as 
-    coefficients, so, unless you know what you do, it is recommended to use the Biquad 
-    object, which is controlled with frequency, Q and type arguments.
-    The default values of the object give a lowpass filter with a 1000 Hz cutoff frequency.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    b0 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amplitude of the current sample. Defaults to 0.005066.
-    b1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amplitude of the first input sample delayed. Defaults to 0.010132.
-    b2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amplitude of the second input sample delayed. Defaults to 0.005066.
-    a0 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Overall gain coefficient. Defaults to 1.070997.
-    a1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amplitude of the first output sample delayed. Defaults to -1.979735.
-    a2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amplitude of the second output sample delayed. Defaults to 0.929003.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setB0(x) : Replace the `b0` attribute.
-    setB1(x) : Replace the `b1` attribute.
-    setB2(x) : Replace the `b2` attribute.
-    setA0(x) : Replace the `a0` attribute.
-    setA1(x) : Replace the `a1` attribute.
-    setA2(x) : Replace the `a2` attribute.
-    setCoeffs(b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2) : Replace all filter's coefficients.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    b0 : float or PyoObject. Amplitude of the current sample.
-    b1 : float or PyoObject. Amplitude of the first input sample delayed.
-    b2 : float or PyoObject. Amplitude of the second input sample delayed.
-    a0 : float or PyoObject. Overall gain coefficient.
-    a1 : float or PyoObject. Amplitude of the first output sample delayed.
-    a2 : float or PyoObject. Amplitude of the second output sample delayed.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.7)
-    >>> lf = Sine([1.5, 2], mul=.07, add=-1.9)
-    >>> f = Biquada(a, 0.005066, 0.010132, 0.005066, 1.070997, lf, 0.929003).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, b0=0.005066, b1=0.010132, b2=0.005066, a0=1.070997, a1=-1.979735, a2=0.929003, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._b0 = Sig(b0)
-        self._b1 = Sig(b1)
-        self._b2 = Sig(b2)
-        self._a0 = Sig(a0)
-        self._a1 = Sig(a1)
-        self._a2 = Sig(a2)
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._b0, self._b1, self._b2, self._a0, self._a1, self._a2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Biquada_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(b0,i), wrap(b1,i), wrap(b2,i), wrap(a0,i), wrap(a1,i), wrap(a2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setB0(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `b0` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `b0` attribute.
-        """
-        self._b0.value = x
-    def setB1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `b1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `b1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._b1.value = x
-    def setB2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `b2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `b2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._b2.value = x
-    def setA0(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `a0` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `a0` attribute.
-        """
-        self._a0.value = x
-    def setA1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `a1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `a1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._a1.value = x
-    def setA2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `a2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `a2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._a2.value = x
-    def setCoeffs(self, *args, **kwds):
-        """
-        Replace all filter coefficients.
-        Parameters:
-        b0 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `b0` attribute.
-        b1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `b1` attribute.
-        b2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `b2` attribute.
-        a0 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `a0` attribute.
-        a1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `a1` attribute.
-        a2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-            New `a2` attribute.
-        """
-        for i, val in enumerate(args):
-            attr = getattr(self, ["_b0", "_b1", "_b2", "_a0", "_a1", "_a2"][i])
-            attr.value = val
-        for key in kwds.keys():
-            if hasattr(self, key):
-                attr = getattr(self, "_"+key)
-                attr.value = kwds[key]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def b0(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. b0 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._b0
-    @b0.setter
-    def b0(self, x): self.setB0(x)
-    @property
-    def b1(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. b1 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._b1
-    @b1.setter
-    def b1(self, x): self.setB1(x)
-    @property
-    def b2(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. b2 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._b2
-    @b2.setter
-    def b2(self, x): self.setB2(x)
-    @property
-    def a0(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. a0 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._a0
-    @a0.setter
-    def a0(self, x): self.setA0(x)
-    @property
-    def a1(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. a1 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._a1
-    @a1.setter
-    def a1(self, x): self.setA1(x)
-    @property
-    def a2(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. a2 coefficient.""" 
-        return self._a2
-    @a2.setter
-    def a2(self, x): self.setA2(x)
-class EQ(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Equalizer filter. 
-    EQ is a biquadratic digital filter designed for equalization. It 
-    provides peak/notch and lowshelf/highshelf filters for building 
-    parametric equalizers.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff or center frequency of the filter. Defaults to 1000.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filter, defined as freq/bandwidth. 
-        Should be between 1 and 500. Defaults to 1.
-    boost : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Gain, expressed in dB, to add or remove at the center frequency. 
-        Default to -3.
-    type : int, optional
-        Filter type. Three possible values :
-            0 = peak/notch (default)
-            1 = lowshelf
-            2 = highshelf
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    setBoost(x) : Replace the `boost` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.
-    boost : float or PyoObject. Boost of the filter at center frequency.
-    type : int. Filter type.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> amp = Fader(1, 1, mul=.15).play()
-    >>> src = PinkNoise(amp)
-    >>> fr = Sine(.2, 0, 500, 1500)
-    >>> boo = Sine([4, 4], 0, 6)
-    >>> out = EQ(src, freq=fr, q=1, boost=boo, type=0).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, q=1, boost=-3.0, type=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._q = q
-        self._boost = boost
-        self._type = type
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, q, boost, type, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, q, boost, type, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [EQ_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(q,i), wrap(boost,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'q', 'boost', 'type', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute. Should be between 1 and 500.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBoost(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `boost` attribute, expressed in dB.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `boost` attribute.
-        """
-        self._boost = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBoost(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. 
-            0 = peak, 1 = lowshelf, 2 = highshelf
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q), 
-                          SLMap(-40.0, 40.0, "lin", "boost", self._boost), 
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Q of the filter.""" 
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
-    @property
-    def boost(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Boost factor of the filter.""" 
-        return self._boost
-    @boost.setter
-    def boost(self, x): self.setBoost(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Filter type.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class Tone(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A first-order recursive low-pass filter with variable frequency response.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff frequency of the filter in hertz. Default to 1000.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> n = Noise(.3)
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=.2, mul=800, add=1000)
-    >>> f = Tone(n, lf).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Tone_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class Atone(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A first-order recursive high-pass filter with variable frequency response.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Cutoff frequency of the filter in hertz. Default to 1000.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> n = Noise(.3)
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=.2, mul=5000, add=6000)
-    >>> f = Atone(n, lf).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Atone_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class Port(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Exponential portamento.
-    Perform an exponential portamento on an audio signal with 
-    different rising and falling times.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to reach upward value in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time to reach downward value in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial state of the internal memory. Available at intialization 
-        time only. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setRiseTime(x) : Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-    setFallTime(x) : Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    risetime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.
-    falltime : float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds.
-    Examples:
-    >>> from random import uniform
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> x = Sig(value=500)
-    >>> p = Port(x, risetime=.1, falltime=1)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[p, p*1.01], mul=.2).out()
-    >>> def new_freq():
-    ...     x.value = uniform(400, 800)
-    >>> pat = Pattern(function=new_freq, time=1).play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, risetime=0.05, falltime=0.05, init=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._risetime = risetime
-        self._falltime = falltime
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, risetime, falltime, init, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, risetime, falltime, init, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Port_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(risetime,i), wrap(falltime,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'risetime', 'falltime', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setRiseTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `risetime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `risetime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._risetime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRiseTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFallTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `falltime` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `falltime` attribute.
-        """
-        self._falltime = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFallTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 10., 'lin', 'risetime', self._risetime),
-                          SLMap(0.001, 10., 'lin', 'falltime', self._falltime)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def risetime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach upward value in seconds.""" 
-        return self._risetime
-    @risetime.setter
-    def risetime(self, x): self.setRiseTime(x)
-    @property
-    def falltime(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time to reach downward value in seconds."""
-        return self._falltime
-    @falltime.setter
-    def falltime(self, x): self.setFallTime(x)
-class DCBlock(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Implements the DC blocking filter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> n = Noise(.01)
-    >>> w = Delay(n, delay=[0.02, 0.01], feedback=.995, mul=.5)
-    >>> f = DCBlock(w).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [DCBlock_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class BandSplit(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Splits an input signal into multiple frequency bands.
-    The input signal will be separated into `num` bands between `min` 
-    and `max` frequencies using second-order bandpass filters. Each 
-    band will then be assigned to an independent audio stream. 
-    Useful for multiband processing.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    num : int, optional
-        Number of frequency bands created. Available at initialization 
-        time only. Defaults to 6.
-    min : float, optional
-        Lowest frequency. Available at initialization time only. 
-        Defaults to 20.
-    max : float, optional
-        Highest frequency. Available at initialization time only. 
-        Defaults to 20000.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filters, defined as center frequency / bandwidth. 
-        Should be between 1 and 500. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q of the filters.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfos = Sine(freq=[.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8], mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> n = PinkNoise(.5)
-    >>> a = BandSplit(n, num=6, min=250, max=4000, q=5, mul=lfos).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, num=6, min=20, max=20000, q=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._num = num
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._q = q
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, q, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, q)
-        self._op_duplicate = lmax
-        mul, add, lmax2 = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [BandSplitter_base(wrap(in_fader,i), num, min, max, wrap(q,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for j in range(num):
-            for i in range(lmax):
-                self._base_objs.append(BandSplit_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,j), wrap(add,j)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'q', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapQ(self._q), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Q of the filters."""
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x) 
-class FourBand(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Splits an input signal into four frequency bands.
-    The input signal will be separated into 4 bands around `freqs` 
-    arguments using fourth-order Linkwitz-Riley lowpass and highpass 
-    filters. Each band will then be assigned to an independent audio 
-    stream. The sum of the four bands reproduces the same signal as 
-    the `input`. Useful for multiband processing.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First crossover frequency. First band will contain signal
-        from 0 Hz to `freq1` Hz. Defaults to 150.
-    freq2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second crossover frequency. Second band will contain signal
-        from `freq1` Hz to `freq2`. `freq2` is the lower limit of the
-        third band signal. Defaults to 500.
-    freq3 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Third crossover frequency. It's the upper limit of the third
-        band signal and fourth band will contain signal from `freq3`
-        to sr/2. Defaults to 2000.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq1(x) : Replace the `freq1` attribute.
-    setFreq2(x) : Replace the `freq2` attribute.
-    setFreq3(x) : Replace the `freq3` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq1 : float or PyoObject. First crossover frequency.
-    freq2 : float or PyoObject. Second crossover frequency.
-    freq3 : float or PyoObject. Third crossover frequency.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfos = Sine(freq=[.3,.4,.5,.6], mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> n = PinkNoise(.3)
-    >>> a = FourBand(n, freq1=250, freq2=1000, freq3=2500, mul=lfos).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq1=150, freq2=500, freq3=2000, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq1 = freq1
-        self._freq2 = freq2
-        self._freq3 = freq3
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq1, freq2, freq3, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq1, freq2, freq3)
-        self._op_duplicate = lmax
-        mul, add, lmax2 = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [FourBandMain_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq1,i), wrap(freq2,i), wrap(freq3,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for j in range(4):
-            for i in range(lmax):
-                self._base_objs.append(FourBand_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,j), wrap(add,j)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq1', 'freq2', 'freq3', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setFreq2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq2 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setFreq3(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq3` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq3` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq3 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq3(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(40,300,"log","freq1",self._freq1),
-                          SLMap(300,1000,"log","freq2",self._freq2),
-                          SLMap(1000,5000,"log","freq3",self._freq3),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq1(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. First crossover frequency."""
-        return self._freq1
-    @freq1.setter
-    def freq1(self, x): self.setFreq1(x) 
-    @property
-    def freq2(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Second crossover frequency."""
-        return self._freq2
-    @freq2.setter
-    def freq2(self, x): self.setFreq2(x) 
-    @property
-    def freq3(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Third crossover frequency."""
-        return self._freq3
-    @freq3.setter
-    def freq3(self, x): self.setFreq3(x) 
-class Hilbert(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Hilbert transform.
-    Hilbert is an IIR filter based implementation of a broad-band 90 degree 
-    phase difference network. The outputs of hilbert have an identical 
-    frequency response to the input (i.e. they sound the same), but the two 
-    outputs have a constant phase difference of 90 degrees, plus or minus some 
-    small amount of error, throughout the entire frequency range. The outputs 
-    are in quadrature.
-    Hilbert is useful in the implementation of many digital signal processing 
-    techniques that require a signal in phase quadrature. The real part corresponds 
-    to the cosine output of hilbert, while the imaginary part corresponds to the 
-    sine output. The two outputs have a constant phase difference throughout the 
-    audio range that corresponds to the phase relationship between cosine and sine waves.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current 
-        buffer as a float.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Notes:
-    Real and imaginary parts are two separated set of streams. 
-    The user should call :
-    Hilbert['real'] to retrieve the real part.
-    Hilbert['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/accord.aif", loop=True, mul=0.5).out(0)
-    >>> b = Hilbert(a)
-    >>> quad = Sine([250, 500], [0, .25])
-    >>> mod1 = b['real'] * quad[0]
-    >>> mod2 = b['imag'] * quad[1]
-    >>> up = (mod1 - mod2) * 0.7
-    >>> down = mod1 + mod2
-    >>> up.out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._real_dummy = []
-        self._imag_dummy = []
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader)
-        mul, add, lmax2 = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [HilbertMain_base(wrap(in_fader,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax2):
-            for j in range(lmax):
-                self._base_objs.append(Hilbert_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), 0, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-                self._base_objs.append(Hilbert_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), 1, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'real':
-            self._real_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i%2) == 0]))
-            return self._real_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'imag':
-            self._imag_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i%2) == 1]))
-            return self._imag_dummy[-1]
-    def get(self, identifier="real", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "real" or "imag" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"real", "imag"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "real".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Allpass(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Delay line based allpass filter.
-    Allpass is based on the combination of feedforward and feedback comb
-    filter. This kind of filter is often used in simple digital reverb
-    implementations.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    delay : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Delay time in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    maxdelay : float, optional
-        Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDelay(x) : Replace the `delay` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    delay : float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back 
-        into the delay line.
-    Examples:
-    >>> # SIMPLE REVERB
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=0.25).mix(2).out()
-    >>> b1 = Allpass(a, delay=[.0204,.02011], feedback=0.25)
-    >>> b2 = Allpass(b1, delay=[.06653,.06641], feedback=0.31)
-    >>> b3 = Allpass(b2, delay=[.035007,.03504], feedback=0.4)
-    >>> b4 = Allpass(b3, delay=[.023021 ,.022987], feedback=0.55)
-    >>> c1 = Tone(b1, 5000, mul=0.2).out()
-    >>> c2 = Tone(b2, 3000, mul=0.2).out()
-    >>> c3 = Tone(b3, 1500, mul=0.2).out()
-    >>> c4 = Tone(b4, 500, mul=0.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, delay=0.01, feedback=0, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._delay = delay
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._maxdelay = maxdelay
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, delay, feedback, maxdelay, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, delay, feedback, maxdelay, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Allpass_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(delay,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(maxdelay,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'delay', 'feedback', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDelay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `delay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `delay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._delay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDelay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay',  self._delay),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def delay(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds.""" 
-        return self._delay
-    @delay.setter
-    def delay(self, x): self.setDelay(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class Allpass2(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Second-order phase shifter allpass. 
-    This kind of filter is used in phaser implementation. The signal
-    of this filter, when added to original sound, creates a notch in
-    the spectrum at frequencies that are in phase opposition.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Center frequency of the filter. Defaults to 1000.
-    bw : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Bandwidth of the filter in Hertz. Defaults to 100.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setBw(x) : Replace the `bw` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the filter.
-    bw : float or PyoObject. Bandwidth of the filter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # 3 STAGES PHASER
-    >>> a = BrownNoise(.025).mix(2).out()
-    >>> blfo = Sine(freq=.1, mul=250, add=500)
-    >>> b = Allpass2(a, freq=blfo, bw=125).out()
-    >>> clfo = Sine(freq=.14, mul=500, add=1000)
-    >>> c = Allpass2(b, freq=clfo, bw=350).out()
-    >>> dlfo = Sine(freq=.17, mul=1000, add=2500)
-    >>> d = Allpass2(c, freq=dlfo, bw=800).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, bw=100, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._bw = bw
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, bw, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, bw, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Allpass2_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(bw,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'bw', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBw(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bw` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bw` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bw = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBw(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMap(10, 1000, "lin", "bw", self._bw), 
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def bw(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Bandwidth of the filter.""" 
-        return self._bw
-    @bw.setter
-    def bw(self, x): self.setBw(x)
-class Phaser(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Multi-stages second-order phase shifter allpass filters. 
-    Phaser implements `num` number of second-order allpass filters.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Center frequency of the first notch. Defaults to 1000.
-    spread : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Spreading factor for upper notch frequencies. Defaults to 1.1.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filter as center frequency / bandwidth. Defaults to 10.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of output signal which is fed back into the input of the
-        allpass chain. Defaults to 0.
-    num : int, optional
-        The number of allpass stages in series. Defines the number of
-        notches in the spectrum. Available at initialization only.
-        Defaults to 8.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setSpread(x) : Replace the `spread` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the first notch.
-    spread : float or PyoObject. Spreading factor for upper notch frequencies.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q factor of the filter.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal fed back in input.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> fade = Fader(fadein=.1, mul=.07).play()
-    >>> a = Noise(fade).mix(2).out()
-    >>> lf1 = Sine(freq=[.1, .15], mul=100, add=250)
-    >>> lf2 = Sine(freq=[.18, .15], mul=.4, add=1.5)
-    >>> b = Phaser(a, freq=lf1, spread=lf2, q=1, num=20, mul=.5).out(0)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, spread=1.1, q=10, feedback=0, num=8, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._spread = spread
-        self._q = q
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._num= num
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, spread, q, feedback, num, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, spread, q, feedback, num, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Phaser_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(spread,i), wrap(q,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(num,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'spread', 'q', 'feedback', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSpread(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `spread` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `spread` attribute.
-        """
-        self._spread = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpread(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(20, 2000, "log", "freq", self._freq), 
-                          SLMap(0.5, 2, "lin", "spread", self._spread),
-                          SLMap(0.5, 100, "log", "q", self._q), 
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "feedback", self._feedback),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the first notch.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def spread(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Spreading factor for upper notch frequencies.""" 
-        return self._spread
-    @spread.setter
-    def spread(self, x): self.setSpread(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Q factor of the filter.""" 
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Feedback factor of the filter.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class Vocoder(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Applies the spectral envelope of a first sound to the spectrum of a second sound. 
-    The vocoder is an analysis/synthesis system, historically used to reproduce 
-    human speech. In the encoder, the first input (spectral envelope) is passed 
-    through a multiband filter, each band is passed through an envelope follower, 
-    and the control signals from the envelope followers are communicated to the 
-    decoder. The decoder applies these (amplitude) control signals to corresponding 
-    filters modifying the second source (exciter).
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Spectral envelope. Gives the spectral properties of the bank of filters.
-        For best results, this signal must have a dynamic spectrum, both for
-        amplitudes and frequencies.
-    input2 : PyoObject
-        Exciter. Spectrum to filter. For best results, this signal must have a
-        broadband spectrum with few amplitude variations.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Center frequency of the first band. This is the base frequency used to 
-        compute the upper bands. Defaults to 60.
-    spread : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Spreading factor for upper band frequencies. Each band is 
-        `freq * pow(order, spread)`, where order is the harmonic rank of the band.
-        Defaults to 1.25.
-    q : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Q of the filters as `center frequency / bandwidth`. Higher values imply
-        more resonance around the center frequency. Defaults to 20.
-    slope : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time response of the envelope follower. Lower values mean smoother changes,
-        while higher values mean a better time accuracy. Defaults to 0.5.
-    stages : int, optional
-        The number of bands in the filter bank. Defines the number of notches in 
-        the spectrum. Defaults to 24.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInput2(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input2` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setSpread(x) : Replace the `spread` attribute.
-    setQ(x) : Replace the `q` attribute.
-    setSlope(x) : Replace the `slope` attribute.
-    setStages(x) : Replace the `stages` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Spectral envelope of the process.
-    input2 : PyoObject. Exciter of the filter bank.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the first band.
-    spread : float or PyoObject. Spreading factor for upper band frequencies.
-    q : float or PyoObject. Q factor of the filters.
-    slope : float or PyoObject. Time response of the envelope follower.
-    stages : int. The number of bands in the filter bank.
-    Notes:
-    Altough parameters can be audio signals, values are sampled only four times 
-    per buffer size. To avoid artefacts, it is recommended to keep variations
-    at low rate (< 20 Hz).
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+'/transparent.aif', loop=True)
-    >>> ex = BrownNoise(0.5)
-    >>> voc = Vocoder(sf, ex, freq=80, spread=1.2, q=20, slope=0.5)
-    >>> out = voc.mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, input2, freq=60, spread=1.25, q=20, slope=0.5, stages=24, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._input2 = input2
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._spread = spread
-        self._q = q
-        self._slope = slope
-        self._stages = stages
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(input2)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, freq, spread, q, slope, stages, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, freq, spread, q, slope, stages, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Vocoder_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(spread,i), wrap(q,i), wrap(slope,i), wrap(stages,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'input2', 'freq', 'spread', 'q', 'slope', 'stages', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process. The spectral envelope.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInput2(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process. The exciter.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input2 = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSpread(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `spread` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `spread` attribute.
-        """
-        self._spread = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpread(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setQ(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `q` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `q` attribute.
-        """
-        self._q = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setQ(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSlope(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `slope` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `slope` attribute.
-        """
-        self._slope = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSlope(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setStages(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `stages` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `stages` attribute.
-        """
-        self._stages = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setStages(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(10, 1000, "log", "freq", self._freq), 
-                          SLMap(0.25, 2, "lin", "spread", self._spread),
-                          SLMap(0.5, 200, "log", "q", self._q), 
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "slope", self._slope),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process. Spectral envelope.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def input2(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process. Exciter.""" 
-        return self._input2
-    @input2.setter
-    def input2(self, x): self.setInput2(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the first band.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def spread(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Spreading factor for upper band frequencies.""" 
-        return self._spread
-    @spread.setter
-    def spread(self, x): self.setSpread(x)
-    @property
-    def q(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Q factor of the filters.""" 
-        return self._q
-    @q.setter
-    def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
-    @property
-    def slope(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time response of the envelope follower.""" 
-        return self._slope
-    @slope.setter
-    def slope(self, x): self.setSlope(x)
-    @property
-    def stages(self):
-        """int. The number of bands in the filter bank.""" 
-        return self._stages
-    @stages.setter
-    def stages(self, x): self.setStages(x)
-class IRWinSinc(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Windowed-sinc filter using circular convolution.
-    IRWinSinc uses circular convolution to implement standard filters like 
-    lowpass, highpass, bandreject and bandpass with very flat passband 
-    response and sharp roll-off. User can defined the length, in samples,
-    of the impulse response, also known as the filter kernel.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency cutoff for lowpass and highpass and center frequency for
-        bandjrect and bandpass filters, expressed in Hertz. Defaults to 1000.
-    bw : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Bandwidth, expressed in Hertz, for bandreject and bandpass filters.
-        Defaults to 500.
-    type : int, optional
-        Filter type. Four possible values :
-            0 = lowpass (default)
-            1 = highpass
-            2 = bandreject
-            3 = bandpass
-    order : int {even number}, optional
-        Length, in samples, of the filter kernel used for convolution. Available 
-        at initialization time only. This value must be even. Higher is the order 
-        and sharper is the roll-off of the filter, but it is also more expensive 
-        to compute, watch your CPU! Defaults to 256.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setBw(x) : Replace the `bw` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Cutoff or center frequency, in Hz, of the filter.
-    bw : float or PyoObject. Bandwidth, in Hz, for bandreject and bandpass filters.
-    type : int. Filter type {0 = lowpass, 1 = highpass, 2 = bandreject, 3 = bandpass}.
-    Notes :
-    Convolution is very expensive to compute, so the length of the impulse 
-    response (the `order` parameter) must be kept very short to run in real time.
-    Note that although `freq` and `bw` can be PyoObjects, the impulse response of
-    the filter is only updated once per buffer size.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(.3)
-    >>> lfr = Sine([.15, .2], mul=2000, add=3500)
-    >>> lbw = Sine([.3, .25], mul=1000, add=1500)
-    >>> b = IRWinSinc(a, freq=lfr, bw=lbw, type=3, order=256).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, bw=500, type=0, order=256, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._bw = bw
-        self._type = type
-        if (order % 2) != 0:
-            order += 1
-            print "order argument of IRWinSinc must be even, set to %i" % order
-        self._order = order
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, bw, type, order, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, bw, type, order, mul, add)                     
-        self._base_objs = [IRWinSinc_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(bw,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(order,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'bw', 'type', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBw(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bw` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bw` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bw = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBandwidth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. 
-            0 = lowpass, 1 = highpass, 2 = bandreject, 3 = bandpass
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff or Center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def bw(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Bandwidth for bandreject and bandpass filters.""" 
-        return self._bw
-    @bw.setter
-    def bw(self, x): self.setBw(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Filter type {0 = lowpass, 1 = highpass, 2 = bandreject, 3 = bandpass}.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class IRAverage(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Moving average filter using circular convolution.
-    IRAverage uses circular convolution to implement an average filter. This
-    filter is designed to reduce the noise in the input signal while keeping
-    as much as possible the step response of the original signal. User can 
-    defined the length, in samples, of the impulse response, also known as 
-    the filter kernel. This controls the ratio of removed noise vs the fidelity
-    of the original step response.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    order : int {even number}, optional
-        Length, in samples, of the filter kernel used for convolution. Available 
-        at initialization time only. This value must be even. A high order will
-        reduced more noise and will have a higher damping effect on the step
-        response, but it is also more expensive to compute, watch your CPU! 
-        Defaults to 256.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Notes :
-    Convolution is very expensive to compute, so the length of the impulse 
-    response (the `order` parameter) must be kept very short to run in real time.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> nz = Noise(.05)
-    >>> a = Sine([300, 400], mul=.25, add=nz)
-    >>> b = IRAverage(a, order=128).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, order=256, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        if (order % 2) != 0:
-            order += 1
-            print "order argument of IRAverage must be even, set to %i" % order
-        self._order = order
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, order, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, order, mul, add)                     
-        self._base_objs = [IRAverage_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(order,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class IRPulse(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Comb-like filter using circular convolution.
-    IRPulse uses circular convolution to implement standard comb-like 
-    filters consisting of an harmonic series with fundamental `freq` and 
-    a comb filter with the first notch at `bw` frequency. The `type` 
-    parameter defines variations of this pattern. User can defined the length, 
-    in samples, of the impulse response, also known as the filter kernel.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Fundamental frequency of the spikes in the filter's spectrum, expressed 
-        in Hertz. Defaults to 500.
-    bw : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency, expressed in Hertz, of the first notch in the comb filtering.
-        Defaults to 2500.
-    type : int, optional
-        Filter type. Four possible values :
-            0 = Pulse & comb (default)
-            1 = Pulse & comb & lowpass
-            2 = Pulse (odd harmonics) & comb
-            3 = Pulse (odd harmonics) & comb & lowpass
-    order : int {even number}, optional
-        Length, in samples, of the filter kernel used for convolution. Available 
-        at initialization time only. This value must be even. Higher is the order 
-        and sharper is the roll-off of the filter, but it is also more expensive 
-        to compute, watch your CPU! Defaults to 256.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setBw(x) : Replace the `bw` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Fundamental frequency of the spikes.
-    bw : float or PyoObject. Frequency of the comb's first notch.
-    type : int. Filter type {0 = pulse, 1 = pulse_lp, 2 = pulse_odd, 3 = pulse_odd_lp}.
-    Notes :
-    Convolution is very expensive to compute, so the length of the impulse 
-    response (the `order` parameter) must be kept very short to run in real time.
-    Note that although `freq` and `bw` can be PyoObjects, the impulse response of
-    the filter is only updated once per buffer size.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(.5)
-    >>> b = IRPulse(a, freq=[245, 250], bw=2500, type=3, order=256).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, freq=500, bw=2500, type=0, order=256, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._bw = bw
-        self._type = type
-        if (order % 2) != 0:
-            order += 1
-            print "order argument of IRPulse must be even, set to %i" % order
-        self._order = order
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, freq, bw, type, order, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, bw, type, order, mul, add)                     
-        self._base_objs = [IRPulse_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(bw,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(order,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'freq', 'bw', 'type', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBw(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bw` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `bw` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bw = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBandwidth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. 
-            Filter type. Four possible values :
-                0 = Pulse & comb (default)
-                1 = Pulse & comb & lowpass
-                2 = Pulse (odd harmonics) & comb
-                3 = Pulse (odd harmonics) & comb & lowpass
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Cutoff or Center frequency of the filter.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def bw(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Bandwidth for bandreject and bandpass filters.""" 
-        return self._bw
-    @bw.setter
-    def bw(self, x): self.setBw(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Filter type {0 = pulse, 1 = pulse_lp, 2 = pulse_odd, 3 = pulse_odd_lp}.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class IRFM(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Filters a signal with a frequency modulation spectrum using circular convolution.
-    IRFM uses circular convolution to implement filtering with a frequency 
-    modulation spectrum. User can defined the length, in samples, of the 
-    impulse response, also known as the filter kernel. The higher the `order`,
-    the narrower the bandwidth around each of the FM components.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    carrier : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Carrier frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, optional
-        A factor that, when multiplied by the `carrier` parameter, 
-        gives the modulator frequency. Defaults to 0.5.
-    index : float or PyoObject, optional
-        The modulation index. This value multiplied by the modulator
-        frequency gives the modulator amplitude. Defaults to 3.
-    order : int {even number}, optional
-        Length, in samples, of the filter kernel used for convolution. Available 
-        at initialization time only. This value must be even. Higher is the order 
-        and sharper is the roll-off of the filter, but it is also more expensive 
-        to compute, watch your CPU! Defaults to 256.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setCarrier(x) : Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-    setRatio(x) : Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    carrier : float or PyoObject. Carrier frequency in Hz.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject. Modulator/carrier ratio.
-    index : float or PyoObject.The modulation index.
-    Notes :
-    Convolution is very expensive to compute, so the length of the impulse 
-    response (the `order` parameter) must be kept very short to run in real time.
-    Note that although `carrier`, `ratio` and `index` can be PyoObjects, the 
-    impulse response of the filter is only updated once per buffer size.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> nz = Noise(.7)
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=[.2, .25], mul=.125, add=.5)
-    >>> b = IRFM(nz, carrier=3500, ratio=lf, index=3, order=256).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, carrier=1000, ratio=0.5, index=3, order=256, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._carrier = carrier
-        self._ratio = ratio
-        self._index = index
-        if (order % 2) != 0:
-            order += 1
-            print "order argument of IRFM must be even, set to %i" % order
-        self._order = order
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, carrier, ratio, index, order, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, carrier, ratio, index, order, mul, add)                     
-        self._base_objs = [IRFM_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(carrier,i), wrap(ratio,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(order,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'carrier', 'ratio', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setCarrier(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `carrier` attribute.
-        """
-        self._carrier = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCarrier(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRatio(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `ratio` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ratio = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRatio(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "carrier", self._carrier),
-                          SLMap(0.01, 4., "log", "ratio", self._ratio),
-                          SLMap(0., 20., "lin", "index", self._index)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def carrier(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Carrier frequency in Hz.""" 
-        return self._carrier
-    @carrier.setter
-    def carrier(self, x): self.setCarrier(x)
-    @property
-    def ratio(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulator/carrier ratio.""" 
-        return self._ratio
-    @ratio.setter
-    def ratio(self, x): self.setRatio(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulation index.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/fourier.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/fourier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bb059e2..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/fourier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1294 +0,0 @@
-Fast Fourier Transform.
-A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm to compute 
-the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse (IFFT).
-The objects below can be used to perform sound processing in the 
-spectral domain.
-Copyright 2011 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-class FFT(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Fast Fourier Transform.
-    FFT analyses an input signal and converts it into the spectral
-    domain. Three audio signals are sent out of the object, the
-    `real` part, from bin 0 (DC) to bin size/2 (Nyquist), the 
-    `imaginary` part, from bin 0 to bin size/2-1, and the bin 
-    number, an increasing count from 0 to size-1. `real` and 
-    `imaginary` buffer's left samples  up to size-1 are filled 
-    with zeros. See notes below for an example of how to retrieve 
-    each signal component.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    size : int {pow-of-two > 4}, optional
-        FFT size. Must be a power of two greater than 4.
-        The FFT size is the number of samples used in each
-        analysis frame. Defaults to 1024.
-    overlaps : int, optional
-        The number of overlaped analysis block. Must be a
-        positive integer. More overlaps can greatly improved
-        sound quality synthesis but it is also more CPU
-        expensive. Defaults to 4.
-    wintype : int, optional
-        Shape of the envelope used to filter each input frame.
-        Possible shapes are :
-            0 : rectangular (no windowing)
-            1 : Hamming
-            2 : Hanning
-            3 : Bartlett (triangular)
-            4 : Blackman 3-term
-            5 : Blackman-Harris 4-term
-            6 : Blackman-Harris 7-term
-            7 : Tuckey (alpha = 0.66)
-            8 : Sine (half-sine window)
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setSize(x) : Replace the `size` attribute.
-    setWinType(x) : Replace the `wintype` attribute. 
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current
-        buffer as a float.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    size : int {pow-of-two > 4}. FFT size.
-    wintype : int. Shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    FFT has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    FFT has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Real, imaginary and bin_number parts are three separated set 
-    of audio streams. The user should call :
-    FFT['real'] to retrieve the real part.
-    FFT['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
-    FFT['bin'] to retrieve the bin number part.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(.25).mix(2)
-    >>> fin = FFT(a, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2)
-    >>> t = ExpTable([(0,0),(3,0),(10,1),(20,0),(30,.8),(50,0),(70,.6),(150,0),(512,0)], size=512)
-    >>> amp = TableIndex(t, fin["bin"])
-    >>> re = fin["real"] * amp
-    >>> im = fin["imag"] * amp
-    >>> fout = IFFT(re, im, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        mul = 1
-        add = 0
-        self._real_dummy = []
-        self._imag_dummy = []
-        self._bin_dummy = []
-        self._input = input
-        self._size = size
-        self._overlaps = overlaps
-        self._wintype = wintype
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, size, wintype, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, size, wintype)
-        self._base_players = []
-        for j in range(overlaps):
-            for i in range(lmax):
-                hopsize = wrap(size,i) * j / overlaps
-                self._base_players.append(FFTMain_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(size,i), hopsize, wrap(wintype,i)))
-        self._real_objs = []
-        self._imag_objs = []
-        self._bin_objs = []
-        for j in range(len(self._base_players)):
-            self._real_objs.append(FFT_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), 0, mul, add))
-            self._imag_objs.append(FFT_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), 1, mul, add))
-            self._bin_objs.append(FFT_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), 2, mul, add))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'size', 'wintype', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._real_objs)
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'real':
-            self._real_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._real_objs)]))
-            return self._real_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'imag':
-            self._imag_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._imag_objs)]))
-            return self._imag_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'bin':
-            self._bin_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._bin_objs)]))
-            return self._bin_dummy[-1]
-    def get(self, identifier="real", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "real", "imag" or "bin" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"real", "imag", "bin"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "real".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
-        dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
-        self._base_players = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-        self._real_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._real_objs)]
-        self._imag_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._imag_objs)]
-        self._bin_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._bin_objs)]
-        return self
-    def stop(self):
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._base_players]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._real_objs]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._imag_objs]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._bin_objs]
-        return self
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `size` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `size` attribute.
-        """
-        self._size = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        poly = len(self._base_players) / self._overlaps
-        for j in range(self._overlaps):
-            for i in range(poly):
-                hopsize = wrap(x,i) * j / self._overlaps
-                self._base_players[j*poly+i].setSize(wrap(x,i), hopsize)
-    def setWinType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `wintype` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `wintype` attribute.
-        """
-        self._wintype = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setWinType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. FFT size."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def wintype(self):
-        """int. Windowing method."""
-        return self._wintype
-    @wintype.setter
-    def wintype(self, x): self.setWinType(x)
-class IFFT(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Inverse Fast Fourier Transform.
-    IFFT takes a signal in the spectral domain and converts it to a 
-    real audio signal using an inverse fast fourier transform. 
-    IFFT takes two signals in input, the `real` and `imaginary` parts
-    of an FFT analysis and returns the corresponding real signal.
-    These signals must correspond to `real` and `imaginary` parts
-    from an FFT object.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    inreal : PyoObject
-        Input `real` signal.
-    inimag : PyoObject
-        Input `imaginary` signal.
-    size : int {pow-of-two > 4}, optional
-        FFT size. Must be a power of two greater than 4.
-        The FFT size is the number of samples used in each
-        analysis frame. This value must match the `size` 
-        attribute of the former FFT object. Defaults to 1024.
-    overlaps : int, optional
-        The number of overlaped analysis block. Must be a
-        positive integer. More overlaps can greatly improved
-        sound quality synthesis but it is also more CPU
-        expensive. This value must match the `overlaps` 
-        atribute of the former FFT object. Defaults to 4.
-    wintype : int, optional
-        Shape of the envelope used to filter each output frame.
-        Possible shapes are :
-            0 : rectangular (no windowing)
-            1 : Hamming
-            2 : Hanning
-            3 : Bartlett (triangular)
-            4 : Blackman 3-term
-            5 : Blackman-Harris 4-term
-            6 : Blackman-Harris 7-term
-            7 : Tuckey (alpha = 0.66)
-            8 : Sine (half-sine window)
-    Methods:
-    setInReal(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inreal` attribute.
-    setInImag(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inmag` attribute.
-    setSize(x) : Replace the `size` attribute.
-    setWinType(x) : Replace the `wintype` attribute. 
-    Attributes:
-    inreal : PyoObject. Input `real` signal.
-    inimag : PyoObject. Input `imag` signal.
-    size : int {pow-of-two > 4}. FFT size.
-    wintype : int. Shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    The number of streams in `inreal` and `inimag` attributes
-    must be egal to the output of the former FFT object. In
-    most case, it will be `channels of processed sound` * `overlaps`.
-    The output of IFFT must be mixed to reconstruct the real
-    signal from the overlapped streams. It is left to the user
-    to call the mix(channels of the processed sound) method on
-    an IFFT object.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(.25).mix(2)
-    >>> fin = FFT(a, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2)
-    >>> t = ExpTable([(0,0),(3,0),(10,1),(20,0),(30,.8),(50,0),(70,.6),(150,0),(512,0)], size=512)
-    >>> amp = TableIndex(t, fin["bin"])
-    >>> re = fin["real"] * amp
-    >>> im = fin["imag"] * amp
-    >>> fout = IFFT(re, im, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inreal, inimag, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._inreal = inreal
-        self._inimag = inimag
-        self._size = size
-        self._overlaps = overlaps
-        self._wintype = wintype
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(inreal)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(inimag)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, size, wintype, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, size, wintype, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        ratio = lmax / overlaps
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            hopsize = wrap(size,i) * ((i/ratio)%overlaps) / overlaps
-            self._base_objs.append(IFFT_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(size,i), hopsize, wrap(wintype,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['inreal', 'inimag', 'size', 'wintype', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._inreal)
-    def setInReal(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inreal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New input `real` signal.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inreal = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInImag(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inimag` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New input `imag` signal.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inimag = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `size` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `size` attribute.
-        """
-        self._size = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        ratio = len(self._base_objs) / self._overlaps
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            hopsize = wrap(x,i) * ((i/ratio)%self._overlaps) / self._overlaps
-            self._base_objs[i].setSize(wrap(x,i), hopsize)
-    def setWinType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `wintype` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `wintype` attribute.
-        """
-        self._wintype = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setWinType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def inreal(self):
-        """PyoObject. Real input signal.""" 
-        return self._inreal
-    @inreal.setter
-    def inreal(self, x): self.setInReal(x)
-    @property
-    def inimag(self):
-        """PyoObject. Imaginary input signal.""" 
-        return self._inimag
-    @inimag.setter
-    def inimag(self, x): self.setInImag(x)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. FFT size."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def wintype(self):
-        """int. Windowing method."""
-        return self._wintype
-    @wintype.setter
-    def wintype(self, x): self.setWinType(x)
-class CarToPol(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs the cartesian to polar conversion.
-    The Cartesian system locates points on a plane by measuring the  horizontal and 
-    vertical distances from an arbitrary origin to a point.  These are usually denoted 
-    as a pair of values (X,Y).
-    The Polar system locates the point by measuring the straight line distance, usually 
-    denoted by R, from the origin to the point and the angle of an imaginary line from 
-    the origin to the point measured counterclockwise from the positive X axis.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    inreal : PyoObject
-        Real input signal.
-    inimag : PyoObject
-        Imaginary input signal.
-    Methods:
-    setInReal(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inreal` attribute.
-    setInImag(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inimag` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    inreal : PyoObject. Real input signal.
-    inimag : PyoObject. Imaginary input signal.
-    Notes:
-    Polar coordinates can be retrieve by calling :
-    CarToPol['mag'] to retrieve the magnitude part.
-    CarToPol['ang'] to retrieve the angle part.
-    CarToPol has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> snd1 = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.7).mix(2)
-    >>> snd2 = FM(carrier=[75,100,125,150], ratio=[.499,.5,.501,.502], index=20, mul=.1).mix(2)
-    >>> fin1 = FFT(snd1, size=1024, overlaps=4)
-    >>> fin2 = FFT(snd2, size=1024, overlaps=4)
-    >>> # get magnitudes and phases of input sounds
-    >>> pol1 = CarToPol(fin1["real"], fin1["imag"])
-    >>> pol2 = CarToPol(fin2["real"], fin2["imag"])
-    >>> # times magnitudes and adds phases
-    >>> mag = pol1["mag"] * pol2["mag"] * 100
-    >>> pha = pol1["ang"] + pol2["ang"]
-    >>> # converts back to rectangular
-    >>> car = PolToCar(mag, pha)
-    >>> fout = IFFT(car["real"], car["imag"], size=1024, overlaps=4).mix(2).out()
-    >>> s.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inreal, inimag, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._mag_dummy = []
-        self._ang_dummy = []
-        self._inreal = inreal
-        self._inimag = inimag
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(inreal)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(inimag)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            self._base_objs.append(CarToPol_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), 0, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-            self._base_objs.append(CarToPol_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), 1, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['inreal', 'inimag', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._inreal)
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'mag':
-            self._mag_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if i%2 == 0]))
-            return self._mag_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'ang':
-            self._ang_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if i%2 == 1]))
-            return self._ang_dummy[-1]
-    def get(self, identifier="mag", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "mag" or "ang" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"mag", "ang"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "mag".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def setInReal(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inreal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inreal = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInImag(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inimag` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inimag = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def inreal(self):
-        """PyoObject. Real input signal.""" 
-        return self._inreal
-    @inreal.setter
-    def inreal(self, x): self.setInReal(x)
-    @property
-    def inimag(self):
-        """PyoObject. Imaginary input signal.""" 
-        return self._inimag
-    @inimag.setter
-    def inimag(self, x): self.setInImag(x)
-class PolToCar(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs the polar to cartesian conversion.
-    The Polar system locates the point by measuring the straight line distance, usually 
-    denoted by R, from the origin to the point and the angle of an imaginary line from 
-    the origin to the point measured counterclockwise from the positive X axis.
-    The Cartesian system locates points on a plane by measuring the  horizontal and 
-    vertical distances from an arbitrary origin to a point.  These are usually denoted 
-    as a pair of values (X,Y).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    inmag : PyoObject
-        Magintude input signal.
-    inang : PyoObject
-        Angle input signal.
-    Methods:
-    setInMag(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inmag` attribute.
-    setInAng(x, fadetime) : Replace the `inang` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    inmag : PyoObject. Magintude input signal.
-    inang : PyoObject. Angle input signal.
-    Notes:
-    Cartesians coordinates can be retrieve by calling :
-    PolToCar['real'] to retrieve the real part.
-    CarToPol['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
-    PolToCar has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> snd1 = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.7).mix(2)
-    >>> snd2 = FM(carrier=[75,100,125,150], ratio=[.499,.5,.501,.502], index=20, mul=.1).mix(2)
-    >>> fin1 = FFT(snd1, size=1024, overlaps=4)
-    >>> fin2 = FFT(snd2, size=1024, overlaps=4)
-    >>> # get magnitudes and phases of input sounds
-    >>> pol1 = CarToPol(fin1["real"], fin1["imag"])
-    >>> pol2 = CarToPol(fin2["real"], fin2["imag"])
-    >>> # times magnitudes and adds phases
-    >>> mag = pol1["mag"] * pol2["mag"] * 100
-    >>> pha = pol1["ang"] + pol2["ang"]
-    >>> # converts back to rectangular
-    >>> car = PolToCar(mag, pha)
-    >>> fout = IFFT(car["real"], car["imag"], size=1024, overlaps=4).mix(2).out()
-    >>> s.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inmag, inang, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._real_dummy = []
-        self._imag_dummy = []
-        self._inmag = inmag
-        self._inang = inang
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(inmag)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(inang)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            self._base_objs.append(PolToCar_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), 0, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-            self._base_objs.append(PolToCar_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), 1, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['inmag', 'inang', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __len__(self):
-        return len(self._inmag)
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'real':
-            self._real_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if i%2 == 0]))
-            return self._real_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'imag':
-            self._imag_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if i%2 == 1]))
-            return self._imag_dummy[-1]
-    def get(self, identifier="real", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "real" or "imag" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"real", "imag"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "mag".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def setInMag(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inmag` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inmag = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInAng(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `inang` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._inang = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def inmag(self):
-        """PyoObject. Magnitude input signal.""" 
-        return self._inmag
-    @inmag.setter
-    def inmag(self, x): self.setInMag(x)
-    @property
-    def inang(self):
-        """PyoObject. Angle input signal.""" 
-        return self._inang
-    @inang.setter
-    def inang(self, x): self.setInAng(x)
-class FrameDelta(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Computes the phase differences between successive frames.
-    The difference between the phase values of successive FFT frames for a given bin 
-    determines the exact frequency of the energy centered in that bin. This is often 
-    known as the phase difference (and sometimes also referred to as phase derivative 
-    or instantaneous frequency if it's been subjected to a few additional calculations).
-    In order to reconstruct a plausible playback of re-ordered FFT frames, we need to 
-    calculate the phase difference between successive frames and use it to construct a 
-    `running phase` (by simply summing the successive differences with FrameAccum) for 
-    the output FFT frames.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Phase input signal, usually from an FFT analysis.
-    framesize : int, optional
-        Frame size in samples. Usually the same as the FFT size.
-        Defaults to 1024.
-    overlaps : int, optional
-        Number of overlaps in incomming signal. Usually the same
-        as the FFT overlaps. Defaults to 4.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFrameSize(x) : Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Phase input signal.
-    framesize : int. Frame size in samples.
-    Notes:
-    FrameDelta has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif'
-    >>> size, hop = 1024, 256
-    >>> nframes = sndinfo(snd)[0] / size
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(snd, mul=.3)
-    >>> m_mag = [NewMatrix(width=size, height=nframes) for i in range(4)]
-    >>> m_pha = [NewMatrix(width=size, height=nframes) for i in range(4)]
-    >>> fin = FFT(a, size=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> pol = CarToPol(fin["real"], fin["imag"])
-    >>> delta = FrameDelta(pol["ang"], framesize=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> m_mag_rec = MatrixRec(pol["mag"], m_mag, 0, [i*hop for i in range(4)]).play()
-    >>> m_pha_rec = MatrixRec(delta, m_pha, 0, [i*hop for i in range(4)]).play()
-    >>> m_mag_read = MatrixPointer(m_mag, fin["bin"]/size, Sine(freq=0.25, mul=.5, add=.5))
-    >>> m_pha_read = MatrixPointer(m_pha, fin["bin"]/size, Sine(freq=0.25, mul=.5, add=.5))
-    >>> accum = FrameAccum(m_pha_read, framesize=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> car = PolToCar(m_mag_read, accum)
-    >>> fout = IFFT(car["real"], car["imag"], size=size, overlaps=4).mix(1).out()
-    >>> right = Delay(fout, delay=0.013).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._framesize = framesize
-        self._overlaps = overlaps
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, framesize, overlaps, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, framesize, overlaps, mul, add)
-        num_of_mains = len(self._in_fader) / self._overlaps
-        self._base_players = []
-        for j in range(num_of_mains):
-            objs_list = []
-            for i in range(len(self._in_fader)):
-                if (i % num_of_mains) == j:
-                    objs_list.append(self._in_fader[i])
-            self._base_players.append(FrameDeltaMain_base(objs_list, wrap(framesize,j), wrap(overlaps,j)))
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            base_player = i % num_of_mains
-            overlap = i / num_of_mains
-            self._base_objs.append(FrameDelta_base(self._base_players[base_player], overlap, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'framesize', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFrameSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `framesize` attribute.
-        """
-        self._framesize = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrameSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Phase input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def framesize(self):
-        """PyoObject. Frame size in samples.""" 
-        return self._framesize
-    @framesize.setter
-    def framesize(self, x): self.setFrameSize(x)
-class FrameAccum(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Accumulates the phase differences between successive frames.
-    The difference between the phase values of successive FFT frames for a given bin 
-    determines the exact frequency of the energy centered in that bin. This is often 
-    known as the phase difference (and sometimes also referred to as phase derivative 
-    or instantaneous frequency if it's been subjected to a few additional calculations).
-    In order to reconstruct a plausible playback of re-ordered FFT frames, we need to 
-    calculate the phase difference between successive frames, with FrameDelta, and use 
-    it to construct a `running phase` (by simply summing the successive differences) for 
-    the output FFT frames.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Phase input signal.
-    framesize : int, optional
-        Frame size in samples. Usually same as the FFT size.
-        Defaults to 1024.
-    overlaps : int, optional
-        Number of overlaps in incomming signal. Usually the same
-        as the FFT overlaps. Defaults to 4.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFrameSize(x) : Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Phase input signal.
-    framesize : int. Frame size in samples.
-    Notes:
-    FrameAccum has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif'
-    >>> size, hop = 1024, 256
-    >>> nframes = sndinfo(snd)[0] / size
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(snd, mul=.3)
-    >>> m_mag = [NewMatrix(width=size, height=nframes) for i in range(4)]
-    >>> m_pha = [NewMatrix(width=size, height=nframes) for i in range(4)]
-    >>> fin = FFT(a, size=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> pol = CarToPol(fin["real"], fin["imag"])
-    >>> delta = FrameDelta(pol["ang"], framesize=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> m_mag_rec = MatrixRec(pol["mag"], m_mag, 0, [i*hop for i in range(4)]).play()
-    >>> m_pha_rec = MatrixRec(delta, m_pha, 0, [i*hop for i in range(4)]).play()
-    >>> m_mag_read = MatrixPointer(m_mag, fin["bin"]/size, Sine(freq=0.25, mul=.5, add=.5))
-    >>> m_pha_read = MatrixPointer(m_pha, fin["bin"]/size, Sine(freq=0.25, mul=.5, add=.5))
-    >>> accum = FrameAccum(m_pha_read, framesize=size, overlaps=4)
-    >>> car = PolToCar(m_mag_read, accum)
-    >>> fout = IFFT(car["real"], car["imag"], size=size, overlaps=4).mix(1).out()
-    >>> right = Delay(fout, delay=0.013).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._framesize = framesize
-        self._overlaps = overlaps
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, framesize, overlaps, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, framesize, overlaps, mul, add)
-        num_of_mains = len(self._in_fader) / self._overlaps
-        self._base_players = []
-        for j in range(num_of_mains):
-            objs_list = []
-            for i in range(len(self._in_fader)):
-                if (i%num_of_mains) == j:
-                    objs_list.append(self._in_fader[i])
-            self._base_players.append(FrameAccumMain_base(objs_list, wrap(framesize,j), wrap(overlaps,j)))
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            base_player = i % num_of_mains
-            overlap = i / num_of_mains
-            self._base_objs.append(FrameAccum_base(self._base_players[base_player], overlap, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'framesize', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFrameSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `framesize` attribute.
-        """
-        self._framesize = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrameSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Phase input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def framesize(self):
-        """PyoObject. Frame size in samples.""" 
-        return self._framesize
-    @framesize.setter
-    def framesize(self, x): self.setFrameSize(x)
-class Vectral(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs magnitude smoothing between successive frames.
-    Vectral applies filter with different coefficients for increasing
-    and decreasing magnitude vectors, bin by bin.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Magnitude input signal, usually from an FFT analysis.
-    framesize : int, optional
-        Frame size in samples. Usually the same as the FFT size.
-        Defaults to 1024.
-    overlaps : int, optional
-        Number of overlaps in incomming signal. Usually the same
-        as the FFT overlaps. Defaults to 4.
-    up : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Filter coefficient for increasing bins, between 0 and 1.
-        Lower values results in a longer ramp time for bin magnitude.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    down : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Filter coefficient for decreasing bins, between 0 and 1.
-        Lower values results in a longer decay time for bin magnitude.
-        Defaults to 0.7
-    damp : float or PyoObject, optional
-        High frequencies damping factor, between 0 and 1. Lower values
-        mean more damping. Defaults to 0.9.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFrameSize(x) : Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-    setUp(x) : Replace the `up` attribute.
-    setDown(x) : Replace the `down` attribute.
-    setDamp(x) : Replace the `damp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Phase input signal.
-    framesize : int. Frame size in samples.
-    up : float or PyoObject. Filter coefficient for increasing bins.
-    down : float or PyoObject. Filter coefficient for decreasing bins.
-    damp : float or PyoObject. High frequencies damping factor.
-    Notes:
-    Vectral has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain, 
-    with IFFT, before being sent to output.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + '/accord.aif'
-    >>> size, olaps = 1024, 4
-    >>> snd = SfPlayer(snd, speed=[.75,.8], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> fin = FFT(snd, size=size, overlaps=olaps)
-    >>> pol = CarToPol(fin["real"], fin["imag"])
-    >>> vec = Vectral(pol["mag"], framesize=size, overlaps=olaps, down=.2, damp=.6)
-    >>> car = PolToCar(vec, pol["ang"])
-    >>> fout = IFFT(car["real"], car["imag"], size=size, overlaps=olaps).mix(2).out()
-    >>> s.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, up=1.0, down=0.7, damp=0.9, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._framesize = framesize
-        self._overlaps = overlaps
-        self._up = up
-        self._down = down
-        self._damp = damp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, framesize, overlaps, up, down, damp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, framesize, overlaps, up, down, damp, mul, add)
-        num_of_mains = len(self._in_fader) / self._overlaps
-        self._base_players = []
-        for j in range(num_of_mains):
-            objs_list = []
-            for i in range(len(self._in_fader)):
-                if (i % num_of_mains) == j:
-                    objs_list.append(self._in_fader[i])
-            self._base_players.append(VectralMain_base(objs_list, wrap(framesize,j), wrap(overlaps,j), wrap(up,j), wrap(down,j), wrap(damp,j)))
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            base_player = i % num_of_mains
-            overlap = i / num_of_mains
-            self._base_objs.append(Vectral_base(self._base_players[base_player], overlap, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'framesize', 'up', 'down', 'damp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFrameSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `framesize` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `framesize` attribute.
-        """
-        self._framesize = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrameSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setUp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `up` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `up` attribute.
-        """
-        self._up = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setUp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setDown(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `down` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `down` attribute.
-        """
-        self._down = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDown(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setDamp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `damp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `damp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._damp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDamp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "up", self._up),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "down", self._down),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "damp", self._damp),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Magnitude input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def framesize(self):
-        """int. Frame size in samples.""" 
-        return self._framesize
-    @framesize.setter
-    def framesize(self, x): self.setFrameSize(x)
-    @property
-    def up(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Filter coefficient for increasing bins.""" 
-        return self._up
-    @up.setter
-    def up(self, x): self.setUp(x)
-    @property
-    def down(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Filter coefficient for decreasing bins.""" 
-        return self._down
-    @down.setter
-    def down(self, x): self.setDown(x)
-    @property
-    def damp(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. High frequencies damping factor.""" 
-        return self._damp
-    @damp.setter
-    def damp(self, x): self.setDamp(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/generators.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/generators.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6230eec..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/generators.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1510 +0,0 @@
-Synthesis generators.
-Set of synthesis generators that can be used as sources of a signal
-processing chain or as parameter's modifiers.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-### Sources
-class Sine(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple sine wave oscillator.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Phase of sampling, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1).
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setPhase(x) : Replace the `phase` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, Phase of sampling (0 -> 1).
-    See also: Osc, Phasor
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sine = Sine(freq=[400,500], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=1000, phase=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._phase = phase
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, phase, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, phase, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Sine_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(phase,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'phase', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPhase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `phase` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `phase` attribute.
-        """
-        self._phase = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPhase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapPhase(self._phase), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def phase(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Phase of sampling.""" 
-        return self._phase
-    @phase.setter
-    def phase(self, x): self.setPhase(x)
-class SineLoop(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple sine wave oscillator with feedback.
-    The oscillator output, multiplied by `feedback`, is added to the position
-    increment and can be used to control the brightness of the oscillator.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of the output signal added to position increment, between 0 and 1. 
-        Controls the brightness. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, Brightness control.
-    See also: Sine, OscLoop
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfo = Sine(.25, 0, .1, .1)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[400,500], feedback=lfo, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=1000, feedback=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, feedback, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, feedback, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SineLoop_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'feedback', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "feedback", self._feedback), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Brightness control.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class Phasor(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple phase incrementor.
-    Output is a periodic ramp from 0 to 1.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Phase of sampling, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setPhase(x) : Replace the `phase` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, Phase of sampling (0 -> 1).
-    See also: Osc, Sine
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> f = Phasor(freq=[1, 1.5], mul=1000, add=500)
-    >>> sine = Sine(freq=f, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=100, phase=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._phase = phase
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, phase, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, phase, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Phasor_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(phase,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'phase', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPhase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `phase` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `phase` attribute.
-        """
-        self._phase = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPhase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapPhase(self._phase), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def phase(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Phase of sampling.""" 
-        return self._phase
-    @phase.setter
-    def phase(self, x): self.setPhase(x)
-class Input(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Read from a numbered channel in an external audio signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    chnl : int, optional
-        Input channel to read from. Defaults to 0.
-    Notes:
-    Requires that the Server's duplex mode is set to 1. 
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Input(chnl=0, mul=.7)
-    >>> b = Delay(a, delay=.25, feedback=.5, mul=.5).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, chnl=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._chnl = chnl
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        chnl, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(chnl, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Input_base(wrap(chnl,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class Noise(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A white noise generator.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Methods:
-    setType(x) : Sets the generation algorithm.
-    Attributes:
-    type : int {0, 1}, Generation algorithm.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(.1).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._type = 0
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Noise_base(wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Sets the generation algorithm.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int, {0, 1}
-            0 uses the system rand() method to generate number. Used as default.
-            1 uses a simple linear congruential generator, cheaper than rand().
-        """
-        self._type = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int {0, 1}. Sets the generation algorithm.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class PinkNoise(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A pink noise generator.
-    Paul Kellet's implementation of pink noise generator.
-    This is an approximation to a -10dB/decade filter using a weighted sum
-    of first order filters. It is accurate to within +/-0.05dB above 9.2Hz
-    (44100Hz sampling rate).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = PinkNoise(.1).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [PinkNoise_base(wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class BrownNoise(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A brown noise generator.
-    The spectrum of a brown noise has a power density which decreases 6 dB 
-    per octave with increasing frequency (density proportional to 1/f^2).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = BrownNoise(.1).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [BrownNoise_base(wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class FM(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple frequency modulation generator.
-    Implements frequency modulation synthesis based on Chowning's algorithm.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    carrier : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Carrier frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, optional
-        A factor that, when multiplied by the `carrier` parameter, 
-        gives the modulator frequency. Defaults to 0.5.
-    index : float or PyoObject, optional
-        The modulation index. This value multiplied by the modulator
-        frequency gives the modulator amplitude. Defaults to 5.
-    Methods:
-    setCarrier(x) : Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-    setRatio(x) : Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    carrier : float or PyoObject, Carrier frequency in cycles per second.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, Modulator/Carrier ratio.
-    index : float or PyoObject, Modulation index.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> ind = LinTable([(0,3), (20,40), (300,10), (1000,5), (8191,3)])
-    >>> m = Metro(4).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigEnv(m, table=ind, dur=4)
-    >>> f = FM(carrier=[251,250], ratio=[.2498,.2503], index=tr, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, carrier=100, ratio=0.5, index=5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._carrier = carrier
-        self._ratio = ratio
-        self._index = index
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        carrier, ratio, index, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(carrier, ratio, index, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Fm_base(wrap(carrier,i), wrap(ratio,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['carrier', 'ratio', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setCarrier(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `carrier` attribute.
-        """
-        self._carrier = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCarrier(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRatio(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `ratio` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ratio = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRatio(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(10, 500, "lin", "carrier", self._carrier),
-                          SLMap(.01, 10, "lin", "ratio", self._ratio),
-                          SLMap(0, 20, "lin", "index", self._index),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def carrier(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Carrier frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._carrier
-    @carrier.setter
-    def carrier(self, x): self.setCarrier(x)
-    @property
-    def ratio(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulator/Carrier ratio.""" 
-        return self._ratio
-    @ratio.setter
-    def ratio(self, x): self.setRatio(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulation index.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
-class CrossFM(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Cross frequency modulation generator.
-    Frequency modulation synthesis where the output of both oscillators
-    modulates the frequency of the other one.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    carrier : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Carrier frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, optional
-        A factor that, when multiplied by the `carrier` parameter, 
-        gives the modulator frequency. Defaults to 0.5.
-    ind1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        The carrier index. This value multiplied by the carrier
-        frequency gives the carrier amplitude for modulating the
-        modulation oscillator frequency. 
-        Defaults to 2.
-    ind1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        The modulation index. This value multiplied by the modulation
-        frequency gives the modulation amplitude for modulating the 
-        carrier oscillator frequency. 
-        Defaults to 2.
-    Methods:
-    setCarrier(x) : Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-    setRatio(x) : Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-    setInd1(x) : Replace the `ind1` attribute.
-    setInd2(x) : Replace the `ind2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    carrier : float or PyoObject, Carrier frequency in cycles per second.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, Modulator/Carrier ratio.
-    ind1 : float or PyoObject, Carrier index.
-    ind2 : float or PyoObject, Modulation index.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> ind = LinTable([(0,20), (200,5), (1000,2), (8191,1)])
-    >>> m = Metro(4).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigEnv(m, table=ind, dur=4)
-    >>> f = CrossFM(carrier=[250.5,250], ratio=[.2499,.2502], ind1=tr, ind2=tr, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, carrier=100, ratio=0.5, ind1=2, ind2=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._carrier = carrier
-        self._ratio = ratio
-        self._ind1 = ind1
-        self._ind2 = ind2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        carrier, ratio, ind1, ind2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(carrier, ratio, ind1, ind2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [CrossFm_base(wrap(carrier,i), wrap(ratio,i), wrap(ind1,i), wrap(ind2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['carrier', 'ratio', 'ind1', 'ind2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setCarrier(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `carrier` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `carrier` attribute.
-        """
-        self._carrier = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCarrier(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRatio(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `ratio` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ratio = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRatio(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInd1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ind1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `ind1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ind1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInd1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInd2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ind2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `ind2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ind2 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInd2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(10, 500, "lin", "carrier", self._carrier),
-                          SLMap(.01, 10, "lin", "ratio", self._ratio),
-                          SLMap(0, 20, "lin", "ind1", self._ind1),
-                          SLMap(0, 20, "lin", "ind2", self._ind2),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def carrier(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Carrier frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._carrier
-    @carrier.setter
-    def carrier(self, x): self.setCarrier(x)
-    @property
-    def ratio(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulator/Carrier ratio.""" 
-        return self._ratio
-    @ratio.setter
-    def ratio(self, x): self.setRatio(x)
-    @property
-    def ind1(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Carrier index.""" 
-        return self._ind1
-    @ind1.setter
-    def ind1(self, x): self.setInd1(x)
-    @property
-    def ind2(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Modulation index.""" 
-        return self._ind2
-    @ind2.setter
-    def ind2(self, x): self.setInd2(x)
-class Blit(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Band limited impulse train synthesis.
-    Impulse train generator with control over the number of harmonics 
-    in the spectrum, which gives oscillators with very low aliasing.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    harms : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Number of harmonics in the generated spectrum. Defaults to 40.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setHarms(x) : Replace the `harms` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    harms : float or PyoObject, Number of harmonics.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=4, mul=.02, add=1)
-    >>> lf2 = Sine(freq=.25, mul=10, add=30)
-    >>> a = Blit(freq=[100, 99.7]*lfo, harms=lf2, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=100, harms=40, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._harms = harms
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, harms, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, harms, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Blit_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(harms,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'harms', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setHarms(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `harms` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `harms` attribute.
-        """
-        self._harms = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setHarms(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1, 5000, "log", "freq", self._freq),
-                          SLMap(2, 100, "lin", "harms", self._harms),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def harms(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Number of harmonics.""" 
-        return self._harms
-    @harms.setter
-    def harms(self, x): self.setHarms(x)
-class Rossler(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Chaotic attractor for the Rossler system.
-    The Rossler attractor is a system of three non-linear ordinary differential 
-    equations. These differential equations define a continuous-time dynamical 
-    system that exhibits chaotic dynamics associated with the fractal properties 
-    of the attractor.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Controls the speed, in the range 0 -> 1, of the variations. With values 
-        below 0.2, this object can be used as a low frequency oscillator (LFO) 
-        and above 0.2, it will generate a broad spectrum noise with harmonic peaks. 
-        Defaults to 0.25.
-    chaos : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Controls the chaotic behavior, in the range 0 -> 1, of the oscillator. 
-        0 means nearly periodic while 1 is totally chaotic. Defaults to 0.5.
-    stereo, boolean, optional
-        If True, 2 streams will be generated, one with the X variable signal of 
-        the algorithm and a second composed of the Y variable signal of the algorithm.
-        These two signal are strongly related in their frequency spectrum but 
-        the Y signal is out-of-phase by approximatly 180 degrees. Useful to create
-        alternating LFOs. Available at initialization only. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setPitch(x) : Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-    setChaos(x) : Replace the `chaos` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, Speed of the variations {0. -> 1.}.
-    chaos : float or PyoObject, Chaotic behavior {0. -> 1.}.
-    See also: Lorenz
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Rossler(pitch=.003, stereo=True, mul=.2, add=.2)
-    >>> b = Rossler(pitch=[.5,.48], mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pitch=0.25, chaos=0.5, stereo=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._pitch = pitch
-        self._chaos = chaos
-        self._stereo = stereo
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        pitch, chaos, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(pitch, chaos, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        self._alt_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            self._base_objs.append(Rossler_base(wrap(pitch,i), wrap(chaos,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-            if self._stereo:
-                self._base_objs.append(RosslerAlt_base(self._base_objs[-1], wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['pitch', 'chaos', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setPitch(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pitch` attribute. {0. -> 1.}
-        """
-        self._pitch = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self._stereo:
-            [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i % 2) == 0]
-        else:
-            [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setChaos(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `chaos` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `chaos` attribute. {0. -> 1.}
-        """
-        self._chaos = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self._stereo:
-            [obj.setChaos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i % 2) == 0]
-        else:
-            [obj.setChaos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "pitch", self._pitch), 
-                          SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "chaos", self._chaos), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def pitch(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Speed of the variations.""" 
-        return self._pitch
-    @pitch.setter
-    def pitch(self, x): self.setPitch(x)
-    @property
-    def chaos(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Chaotic behavior.""" 
-        return self._chaos
-    @chaos.setter
-    def chaos(self, x): self.setChaos(x)
-class Lorenz(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Chaotic attractor for the Lorenz system.
-    The Lorenz attractor is a system of three non-linear ordinary differential 
-    equations. These differential equations define a continuous-time dynamical 
-    system that exhibits chaotic dynamics associated with the fractal properties 
-    of the attractor.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Controls the speed, in the range 0 -> 1, of the variations. With values 
-        below 0.2, this object can be used as a low frequency oscillator (LFO) 
-        and above 0.2, it will generate a broad spectrum noise with harmonic peaks. 
-        Defaults to 0.25.
-    chaos : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Controls the chaotic behavior, in the range 0 -> 1, of the oscillator. 
-        0 means nearly periodic while 1 is totally chaotic. Defaults to 0.5
-    stereo, boolean, optional
-        If True, 2 streams will be generated, one with the X variable signal of 
-        the algorithm and a second composed of the Y variable signal of the algorithm.
-        These two signal are strongly related in their frequency spectrum but 
-        the Y signal is out-of-phase by approximatly 180 degrees. Useful to create
-        alternating LFOs. Available at initialization only. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setPitch(x) : Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-    setChaos(x) : Replace the `chaos` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, Speed of the variations {0. -> 1.}.
-    chaos : float or PyoObject, Chaotic behavior {0. -> 1.}.
-    See also: Rossler
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Lorenz(pitch=.003, stereo=True, mul=.2, add=.2)
-    >>> b = Lorenz(pitch=[.4,.38], mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pitch=0.25, chaos=0.5, stereo=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._pitch = pitch
-        self._chaos = chaos
-        self._stereo = stereo
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        pitch, chaos, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(pitch, chaos, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        self._alt_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            self._base_objs.append(Lorenz_base(wrap(pitch,i), wrap(chaos,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-            if self._stereo:
-                self._base_objs.append(LorenzAlt_base(self._base_objs[-1], wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['pitch', 'chaos', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setPitch(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pitch` attribute. {0. -> 1.}
-        """
-        self._pitch = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self._stereo:
-            [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i % 2) == 0]
-        else:
-            [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setChaos(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `chaos` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `chaos` attribute. {0. -> 1.}
-        """
-        self._chaos = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        if self._stereo:
-            [obj.setChaos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs) if (i % 2) == 0]
-        else:
-            [obj.setChaos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "pitch", self._pitch), 
-                          SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "chaos", self._chaos), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def pitch(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Speed of the variations.""" 
-        return self._pitch
-    @pitch.setter
-    def pitch(self, x): self.setPitch(x)
-    @property
-    def chaos(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Chaotic behavior.""" 
-        return self._chaos
-    @chaos.setter
-    def chaos(self, x): self.setChaos(x)
-class LFO(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Band-limited Low Frequency Oscillator with different wave shapes.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Oscillator frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    sharp : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Sharpness factor between 0 and 1. Sharper waveform results
-        in more harmonics in the spectrum. Defaults to 0.5.
-    type : int, optional
-        Waveform type. eight possible values :
-            0 = Saw up (default)
-            1 = Saw down
-            2 = Square
-            3 = Triangle
-            4 = Pulse
-            5 = Bipolar pulse
-            6 = Sample and hold
-            7 = Modulated Sine
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setSharp(x) : Replace the `sharp` attribute.
-    setType(x) : Replace the `type` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Oscillator frequency in cycles per second.
-    sharp : float or PyoObject. Sharpness factor between 0 and 1.
-    type : int. Waveform type.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lf = Sine([.31,.34], mul=15, add=20)
-    >>> lf2 = LFO([.43,.41], sharp=.7, type=2, mul=.4, add=.4)
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=lf, sharp=lf2, type=7, mul=100, add=300)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=a, feedback=0.12, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=100, sharp=0.5, type=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._sharp = sharp
-        self._type = type
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, sharp, type, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, sharp, type, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [LFO_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(sharp,i), wrap(type,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'sharp', 'type', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `freq` attribute, in cycles per seconds.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSharp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sharp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `sharp` attribute, in the range 0 -> 1.
-        """
-        self._sharp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSharp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setType(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `type` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `type` attribute. Choices are :
-            0 = Saw up, 1 = Saw down, 2 = Square, 3 = Triangle, 4 = Pulse
-            5 = Bipolar pulse, 6 = Sample and hold, 7 = Modulated Sine
-        """
-        if x >= 0 and x < 8:
-            self._type = x
-            x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-            [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "sharp", self._sharp), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Oscillator frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def sharp(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Sharpness factor {0 -> 1}.""" 
-        return self._sharp
-    @sharp.setter
-    def sharp(self, x): self.setSharp(x)
-    @property
-    def type(self):
-        """int. Waveform type.""" 
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-class SumOsc(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Discrete summation formulae to produce complex spectra.
-    This object implements a discrete summation formulae taken from
-    the paper 'The synthesis of complex audio spectra by means of 
-    discrete summation formulae' by James A. Moorer. The formulae
-    used is of this form:
-    (sin(theta) - a * sin(theta - beta)) / (1 + a**2 - 2 * a * cos(beta))
-    where 'theta' and 'beta' are periodic functions and 'a' is 
-    the modulation index, providing control over the damping of 
-    the partials.
-    The resulting sound is related to the family of modulation
-    techniques but this formulae express 'one-sided' spectra,
-    useful to avoid aliasing from the negative frequencies.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Base frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, optional
-        A factor used to stretch or compress the partial serie by 
-        manipulating the frequency of the modulation oscillator. 
-        Integer ratios give harmonic spectra. Defaults to 0.5.
-    index : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Damping of successive partials, between 0 and 1. With a 
-        value of 0.5, each partial is 6dB lower than the previous
-        partial. Defaults to 5.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setRatio(x) : Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Base frequency in cycles per second.
-    ratio : float or PyoObject, Base/modulator frequency ratio.
-    index : float or PyoObject, High frequency damping.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> ind = LinTable([(0,.3), (20,.85), (300,.7), (1000,.5), (8191,.3)])
-    >>> m = Metro(4).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigEnv(m, table=ind, dur=4)
-    >>> f = SumOsc(freq=[301,300], ratio=[.2498,.2503], index=tr, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=100, ratio=0.5, index=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._ratio = ratio
-        self._index = index
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, ratio, index, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, ratio, index, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SumOsc_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(ratio,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'ratio', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRatio(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ratio` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `ratio` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ratio = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRatio(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(10, 500, "lin", "freq", self._freq),
-                          SLMap(.01, 10, "lin", "ratio", self._ratio),
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "index", self._index),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Base frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def ratio(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Base/modulator frequency ratio.""" 
-        return self._ratio
-    @ratio.setter
-    def ratio(self, x): self.setRatio(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Index, high frequency damping.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
-class SuperSaw(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Roland JP-8000 Supersaw emulator.
-    This object implements an emulation of the Roland JP-8000 Supersaw algorithm.
-    The shape of the waveform is produced from 7 sawtooth oscillators detuned 
-    against each other over a period of time. It allows control over the depth
-    of the detuning and the balance between central and sideband oscillators.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    detune : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Depth of the detuning, between 0 and 1. 0 means all oscillators are
-        tuned to the same frequency and 1 means sideband oscillators are at
-        maximum detuning regarding the central frequency. Defaults to 0.5. 
-    bal : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Balance between central oscillator and sideband oscillators. A value 
-        of 0 outputs only the central oscillator while a value of 1 gives a
-        mix of all oscillators with the central one lower than the sidebands.
-        Defaults to 0.7.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setDetune(x) : Replace the `detune` attribute.
-    setBal() : Replace the `bal` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    detune : float or PyoObject, Depth of the detuning (0 -> 1).
-    bal : float or PyoObject, Balance between central and sideband oscillators.
-    See also: Phasor, SineLoop
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfd = Sine([.4,.3], mul=.2, add=.5)
-    >>> a = SuperSaw(freq=[49,50], detune=lfd, bal=0.7, mul=0.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=100, detune=0.5, bal=0.7, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._detune = detune
-        self._bal = bal
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, detune, bal, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, detune, bal, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SuperSaw_base(wrap(freq,i), wrap(detune,i), wrap(bal,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'detune', 'bal', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDetune(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `detune` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `detune` attribute.
-        """
-        self._detune = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDetune(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBal(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bal` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `bal` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bal = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBal(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), 
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "detune", self._detune), 
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "bal", self._bal), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def detune(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Depth of the detuning.""" 
-        return self._detune
-    @detune.setter
-    def detune(self, x): self.setDetune(x)
-    @property
-    def bal(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Balance between central and sideband oscillators.""" 
-        return self._bal
-    @bal.setter
-    def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-### Matrix
-class NewMatrix(PyoMatrixObject):
-    """
-    Create a new matrix ready for recording.
-    Optionally, the matrix can be filled with the contents of the 
-    `init` parameter.
-    See `MatrixRec` to write samples in the matrix.
-    Parentclass: PyoMatrixObject
-    Parameters:
-    width : int
-        Desired matrix width in samples.
-    height : int
-        Desired matrix height in samples.
-    init : list of list of floats, optional
-        Initial matrix. Defaults to None.
-    Methods:
-    replace() : Replaces the actual matrix.
-    getRate() : Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give 
-        to an oscillator to read a row at its original pitch.
-    genSineTerrain(freq, phase) : Generates a modulated sinusoidal terrain.
-    See also: MatrixRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> SIZE = 256
-    >>> mm = NewMatrix(SIZE, SIZE)
-    >>> mm.genSineTerrain(freq=2, phase=16)
-    >>> lfw = Sine([.1,.11], 0, .124, .25)
-    >>> lfh = Sine([.15,.16], 0, .124, .25)
-    >>> w = Sine(100, 0, lfw, .5)
-    >>> h = Sine(10.5, 0, lfh, .5)
-    >>> c = MatrixPointer(mm, w, h, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, width, height, init=None):
-        PyoMatrixObject.__init__(self)
-        self._size = (width, height)
-        if init == None:
-            self._base_objs = [NewMatrix_base(width, height)]
-        else:
-            self._base_objs = [NewMatrix_base(width, height, init)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Replaces the actual matrix.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of list of floats
-            New matrix. Must be of the same size as the actual matrix.
-        """
-        [obj.setMatrix(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def getRate(self):
-        """
-        Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give to an 
-        oscillator to read the sound at its original pitch.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getRate()
-    def genSineTerrain(self, freq=1, phase=0.0625):
-        """
-        Generates a modulated sinusoidal terrain.
-        Parameters:
-        freq : float
-            Frequency of sinusoids used to created the terrain.
-            Defaults to 1.
-        phase : float
-            Phase deviation between rows of the terrain. Should be in
-            the range 0 -> 1. Defaults to 0.0625.
-        """
-        [obj.genSineTerrain(freq, phase) for obj in self._base_objs]
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7788a47..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-PyoObjects to perform operations on PyoMatrixObjects.
-PyoMatrixObjects are 2 dimensions table containers. They can be used
-to store audio samples or algorithmic sequences. Writing and reading
-are done by giving row and column positions.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import SliceType
-class MatrixRec(PyoObject):
-    """
-    MatrixRec records samples into a previously created NewMatrix.
-    See `NewMatrix` to create an empty matrix.
-    The play method is not called at the object creation time. It starts
-    the recording into the matrix, row after row, until the matrix is full. 
-    Calling the play method again restarts the recording and overwrites 
-    previously recorded samples.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal to write in the matrix.
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject
-        The matrix where to write samples.
-    fadetime : float, optional
-        Fade time at the beginning and the end of the recording 
-        in seconds. Defaults to 0.
-    delay : int, optional
-        Delay time, in samples, before the recording begins. 
-        Available at initialization time only. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMatrix(x) : Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-    play() : Start the recording at the beginning of the matrix.
-    stop() : Stop the recording. Otherwise, record through the 
-        end of the matrix.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the matrix.
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject. The matrix where to write samples.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. MatrixRec returns no signal.
-    MatrixRec has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    MatrixRec will sends a trigger signal at the end of the recording. 
-    User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']. See
-    `TableRec` documentation for an example.
-    See also: NewMatrix
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> SIZE = 256
-    >>> mm = NewMatrix(SIZE, SIZE)
-    >>> fmind = Sine(.2, 0, 2, 2.5)
-    >>> fmrat = Sine(.33, 0, .05, .5)
-    >>> aa = FM(carrier=10, ratio=fmrat, index=fmind)
-    >>> rec = MatrixRec(aa, mm, 0).play()
-    >>> lfx = Sine(.1, 0, .24, .25)
-    >>> lfy = Sine(.15, 0, .124, .25)
-    >>> x = Sine([500,501], 0, lfx, .5)
-    >>> y = Sine([10.5,10], 0, lfy, .5)
-    >>> c = MatrixPointer(mm, x, y, .2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, matrix, fadetime=0, delay=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._matrix = matrix
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, matrix, fadetime, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, matrix, fadetime, delay)
-        self._base_objs = [MatrixRec_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(matrix,i), wrap(fadetime,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i in range(len(matrix))]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'matrix']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMatrix(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewMatrix
-            new `matrix` attribute.
-        """
-        self._matrix = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMatrix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal to record in the matrix.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def matrix(self):
-        """PyoMatrixObject. The matrix where to write samples."""
-        return self._matrix
-    @matrix.setter
-    def matrix(self, x): self.setMatrix(x)
-class MatrixRecLoop(PyoObject):
-    """
-    MatrixRecLoop records samples in loop into a previously created NewMatrix.
-    See `NewMatrix` to create an empty matrix.
-    MatrixRecLoop records samples into the matrix, row after row, until 
-    the matrix is full and then loop back to the beginning. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal to write in the matrix.
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject
-        The matrix where to write samples.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMatrix(x) : Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the matrix.
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject. The matrix where to write samples.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. MatrixRecLoop returns no signal.
-    MatrixRecLoop has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    MatrixRecLoop will sends a trigger signal when reaching the end 
-    of the matrix. User can retreive the trigger streams by calling 
-    obj['trig']. See `TableRec` documentation for an example.
-    See also: NewMatrix
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (300,1), (1000,.4), (8191,0)])
-    >>> matrix = NewMatrix(8192, 8)
-    >>> src = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+'/transparent.aif', loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> m_rec = MatrixRecLoop(src, matrix)
-    >>> period = 8192 / s.getSamplingRate()
-    >>> metro = Metro(time=period/2, poly=2).play()
-    >>> x = TrigLinseg(metro, [(0,0), (period,1)])
-    >>> y = TrigRandInt(metro, max=2, mul=0.125)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(metro, table=env, dur=period)
-    >>> out = MatrixPointer(matrix, x, y, amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, matrix):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._matrix = matrix
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, matrix, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, matrix)
-        self._base_objs = [MatrixRecLoop_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(matrix,i)) for i in range(len(matrix))]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'matrix']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMatrix(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewMatrix
-            new `matrix` attribute.
-        """
-        self._matrix = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMatrix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal to record in the matrix.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def matrix(self):
-        """PyoMatrixObject. The matrix where to write samples."""
-        return self._matrix
-    @matrix.setter
-    def matrix(self, x): self.setMatrix(x)
-class MatrixPointer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Matrix reader with control on the 2D pointer position.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject
-        Matrix containing the waveform samples.
-    x : PyoObject
-        Normalized X position in the matrix between 0 and 1.
-    y : PyoObject
-        Normalized Y position in the matrix between 0 and 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMatrix(x) : Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-    setX(x) : Replace the `x` attribute.
-    setY(x) : Replace the `y` attribute
-    Attributes:
-    matrix : PyoMatrixObject. Matrix containing the waveform samples.
-    x : PyoObject. X pointer position in the matrix.
-    y : PyoObject. Y pointer position in the matrix.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> SIZE = 256
-    >>> mm = NewMatrix(SIZE, SIZE)
-    >>> fmind = Sine(.2, 0, 2, 2.5)
-    >>> fmrat = Sine(.33, 0, .05, .5)
-    >>> aa = FM(carrier=10, ratio=fmrat, index=fmind)
-    >>> rec = MatrixRec(aa, mm, 0).play()
-    >>> lfx = Sine(.1, 0, .24, .25)
-    >>> lfy = Sine(.15, 0, .124, .25)
-    >>> x = Sine([500,501], 0, lfx, .5)
-    >>> y = Sine([10.5,10], 0, lfy, .5)
-    >>> c = MatrixPointer(mm, x, y, .2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, matrix, x, y, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._matrix = matrix
-        self._x = x
-        self._y = y
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        matrix, x, y, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(matrix, x, y, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [MatrixPointer_base(wrap(matrix,i), wrap(x,i), wrap(y,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['matrix', 'x', 'y', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setMatrix(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `matrix` attribute.
-        """
-        self._matrix = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMatrix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            new `x` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setY(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `y` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        y : PyoObject
-            new `y` attribute.
-        """
-        self._y = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setY(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def matrix(self):
-        """PyoMatrixObject. Matrix containing the samples.""" 
-        return self._matrix
-    @matrix.setter
-    def matrix(self, x): self.setMatrix(x)
-    @property
-    def x(self):
-        """PyoObject. Normalized X position in the matrix.""" 
-        return self._x
-    @x.setter
-    def x(self, x): self.setX(x)
-    @property
-    def y(self):
-        """PyoObject. Normalized Y position in the matrix.""" 
-        return self._y
-    @y.setter
-    def y(self, x): self.setY(x)
-class MatrixMorph(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Morphs between multiple PyoMatrixObjects.
-    Uses an index into a list of PyoMatrixObjects to morph between adjacent 
-    matrices in the list. The resulting morphed function is written into the 
-    `matrix` object at the beginning of each buffer size. The matrices in the 
-    list and the resulting matrix must be equal in size.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Morphing index between 0 and 1. 0 is the first matrix in the list 
-        and 1 is the last.
-    matrix : NewMatrix
-        The matrix where to write morphed function.
-    sources : list of PyoMatrixObject
-        List of matrices to interpolate from.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMatrix(x) : Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-    setSources(x) : Replace the `sources` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Morphing index between 0 and 1.
-    matrix : NewMatrix. The matrix where to write samples.
-    sources : list of PyoMatrixObject. List of matrices to interpolate from.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. MatrixMorph returns no signal.
-    MatrixMorph has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m1 = NewMatrix(256, 256)
-    >>> m1.genSineTerrain(1, 4)
-    >>> m2 = NewMatrix(256, 256)
-    >>> m2.genSineTerrain(2, 8)
-    >>> mm = NewMatrix(256, 256)
-    >>> inter = Sine(.2, 0, .5, .5)
-    >>> morph = MatrixMorph(inter, mm, [m1,m2])
-    >>> x = Sine([49,50], 0, .45, .5)
-    >>> y = Sine([49.49,50.5], 0, .45, .5)
-    >>> c = MatrixPointer(mm, x, y, .2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, matrix, sources):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._matrix = matrix
-        self._sources = sources
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, matrix, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, matrix)
-        self._base_sources = [source[0] for source in sources]
-        self._base_objs = [MatrixMorph_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(matrix,i), self._base_sources) for i in range(len(matrix))]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'matrix', 'sources', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMatrix(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `matrix` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewMatrix
-            new `matrix` attribute.
-        """
-        self._matrix = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMatrix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSources(self, x):
-        """
-         Replace the `sources` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of PyoMatrixObject
-            new `sources` attribute.
-        """
-        self._sources = x
-        self._base_sources = [source[0] for source in x]
-        [obj.setSources(self._base_sources) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Morphing index between 0 and 1.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def matrix(self):
-        """NewMatrix. The matrix where to write samples."""
-        return self._matrix
-    @matrix.setter
-    def matrix(self, x): self.setMatrix(x)
-    @property
-    def sources(self):
-        """list of PyoMatrixObject. List of matrices to interpolate from."""
-        return self._sources
-    @sources.setter
-    def sources(self, x): self.setSources(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/midi.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/midi.py
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index b302dc2..0000000
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-Objects to retrieve Midi informations for a specific Midi port and channel.
-Objects creates and returns audio streams from the value in their Midi input.
-The audio streams of these objects are essentially intended to be
-used as controls and can't be sent to the output soundcard.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-### MIDI
-class Midictl(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Get the current value of a Midi controller.
-    Get the current value of a controller and optionally map it 
-    inside a specified range.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    ctlnumber : int
-        Controller number.
-    minscale : float, optional
-        Low range value for mapping. Defaults to 0.
-    maxscale : float, optional
-        High range value for mapping. Defaults to 1.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Defaults to 0.
-    channel : int, optional
-        Midi channel. 0 means all channels. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setCtlNumber(x) : Replace the `ctlnumber` attribute.
-    setMinScale(x) : Replace the `minscale` attribute.
-    setMaxScale(x) : Replace the `maxscale` attribute.
-    setChannel(x) : Replace the `channel` attribute.
-    setValue(x) : Reset audio stream to value in argument.
-    setInterpolation(x) : Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-    Attributes:
-    ctlnumber : Controller number.
-    minscale : Minimum value for scaling.
-    maxscale : Maximum value for scaling.
-    channel : Midi channel. 0 means all channels.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Midictl's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m = Midictl(ctlnumber=[107,102], minscale=250, maxscale=1000)
-    >>> p = Port(m, .02)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=p, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> a1 = Sine(freq=p*1.25, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> a2 = Sine(freq=p*1.5, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, ctlnumber, minscale=0, maxscale=1, init=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._ctlnumber = ctlnumber
-        self._minscale = minscale
-        self._maxscale = maxscale
-        self._channel = channel
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        ctlnumber, minscale, maxscale, init, channel, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(ctlnumber, minscale, maxscale, init, channel, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Midictl_base(wrap(ctlnumber,i), wrap(minscale,i), wrap(maxscale,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['ctlnumber', 'minscale', 'maxscale', 'channel', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setCtlNumber(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `ctlnumber` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `ctlnumber` attribute.
-        """
-        self._ctlnumber = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCtlNumber(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMinScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `minscale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `minscale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._minscale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMinScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMaxScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `maxscale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `maxscale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._maxscale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMaxScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setChannel(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `channel` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `channel` attribute.
-        """
-        self._channel = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setChannel(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Reset audio stream to value in argument.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new current value.
-        """
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterpolation(self, x):
-        """
-        Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            True activates the interpolation, False deactivates it.
-        """
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterpolation(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def ctlnumber(self): return self._ctlnumber
-    @ctlnumber.setter
-    def ctlnumber(self, x): self.setCtlNumber(x)   
-    @property
-    def minscale(self): return self._minscale
-    @minscale.setter
-    def minscale(self, x): self.setMinScale(x)   
-    @property
-    def maxscale(self): return self._maxscale
-    @maxscale.setter
-    def maxscale(self, x): self.setMaxScale(x)   
-    @property
-    def channel(self): return self._channel
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, x): self.setChannel(x)   
-class CtlScan(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Scan the Midi controller's number in input.
-    Scan the Midi controller's number in input and send it to
-    a standard python `function`. Useful to implement a MidiLearn
-    algorithm.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    function : Python function
-        Function to be called. The function must be declared
-        with an argument for the controller number in input. Ex.: 
-        def ctl_scan(ctlnum):
-            print ctlnum
-    toprint : boolean, optional
-        If True, controller number and value will be print to 
-        the console.
-    Methods:
-    setFunction(x) : Replace the `function` attribute.
-    setToprint(x) : Replace the `toprint` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    function : Python function. Function to be called.
-    toprint : boolean. If True, print values to the console.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. CtlScan's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server()
-    >>> s.setMidiInputDevice(0) # enter your device number (see pm_list_devices())
-    >>> s.boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> def ctl_scan(ctlnum):
-    ...     print ctlnum
-    >>> a = CtlScan(ctl_scan)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, function, toprint=True):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if not callable(function):
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._function = function
-        self._toprint = toprint
-        self._base_objs = [CtlScan_base(self._function, self._toprint)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setFunction(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `function` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : Python function
-            new `function` attribute.
-        """
-        self._function = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFunction(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setToprint(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `toprint` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `toprint` attribute.
-        """
-        self._toprint = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setToprint(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def function(self): return self._function
-    @function.setter
-    def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x)   
-    @property
-    def toprint(self): return self._toprint
-    @toprint.setter
-    def toprint(self, x): self.setToprint(x)   
-class CtlScan2(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Scan the Midi channel and controller number in input.
-    Scan the Midi channel and controller number in input and send them 
-    to a standard python `function`. Useful to implement a MidiLearn 
-    algorithm.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    function : Python function
-        Function to be called. The function must be declared
-        with two arguments, one for the controller number and 
-        one for the midi channel. Ex.: 
-        def ctl_scan(ctlnum, midichnl):
-            print ctlnum, midichnl
-    toprint : boolean, optional
-        If True, controller number and value will be print to 
-        the console.
-    Methods:
-    setFunction(x) : Replace the `function` attribute.
-    setToprint(x) : Replace the `toprint` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    function : Python function. Function to be called.
-    toprint : boolean. If True, print values to the console.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. CtlScan2's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server()
-    >>> s.setMidiInputDevice(0) # enter your device number (see pm_list_devices())
-    >>> s.boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> def ctl_scan(ctlnum, midichnl):
-    ...     print ctlnum, midichnl
-    >>> a = CtlScan2(ctl_scan)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, function, toprint=True):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if not callable(function):
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._function = function
-        self._toprint = toprint
-        self._base_objs = [CtlScan2_base(self._function, self._toprint)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setFunction(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `function` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : Python function
-            new `function` attribute.
-        """
-        self._function = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFunction(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setToprint(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `toprint` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `toprint` attribute.
-        """
-        self._toprint = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setToprint(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def function(self): return self._function
-    @function.setter
-    def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x)   
-    @property
-    def toprint(self): return self._toprint
-    @toprint.setter
-    def toprint(self, x): self.setToprint(x)   
-class Notein(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates Midi note messages.
-    From a Midi device, takes the notes in the range defined with 
-    `first` and `last` parameters, and outputs up to `poly` 
-    noteon - noteoff streams in the `scale` format (Midi, hertz 
-    or transpo).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    poly : int, optional
-        Number of streams of polyphony generated. Defaults to 10.
-    scale : int, optional
-        Pitch output format. 0 = Midi, 1 = Hertz, 2 = transpo. 
-        In the transpo mode, the default central key (the key where 
-        there is no transposition) is (`first` + `last`) / 2. The
-        central key can be changed with the setCentralKey method.
-    first : int, optional
-        Lowest Midi value. Defaults to 0.
-    last : int, optional
-        Highest Midi value. Defaults to 127.
-    channel : int, optional
-        Midi channel. 0 means all channels. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setChannel(x) : Replace the `channel` attribute.
-    setCentralKey(x) : Set the midi key where there is no transposition.
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current 
-        buffer as a float.
-    Attributes:
-    channel : Midi channel. 0 means all channels.
-    Notes:
-    Pitch and velocity are two separated set of streams. 
-    The user should call :
-    Notein['pitch'] to retrieve pitch streams.
-    Notein['velocity'] to retrieve velocity streams.    
-    Velocity is automatically scaled between 0 and 1.
-    The out() method is bypassed. Notein's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> notes = Notein(poly=10, scale=1, mul=.5)
-    >>> p = Port(notes['velocity'], .001, .5)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'], mul=p).out()
-    >>> c = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * 0.997, mul=p).out()
-    >>> d = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * 1.005, mul=p).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, poly=10, scale=0, first=0, last=127, channel=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._pitch_dummy = []
-        self._velocity_dummy = []
-        self._poly = poly
-        self._scale = scale
-        self._first = first
-        self._last = last
-        self._channel = channel
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_handler = MidiNote_base(self._poly, self._scale, self._first, self._last, self._channel)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax * poly):
-            self._base_objs.append(Notein_base(self._base_handler, i, 0, 1, 0))
-            self._base_objs.append(Notein_base(self._base_handler, i, 1, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['channel', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'pitch':
-            self._pitch_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2] for i in range(self._poly)]))
-            return self._pitch_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'velocity':
-            self._velocity_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2+1] for i in range(self._poly)]))
-            return self._velocity_dummy[-1]
-    def setChannel(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `channel` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `channel` attribute.
-        """
-        self._channel = x
-        self._base_handler.setChannel(x)
-    def setCentralKey(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the midi key where there is no transposition.
-        Used for transpo conversion. This value must be greater than or
-        equal to `first` and lower than or equal to `last`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new centralkey value.
-        """
-        self._base_handler.setCentralKey(x)
-    def get(self, identifier="pitch", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "pitch" or "velocity" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"pitch", "velocity"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "pitch".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
-        self._base_handler.play()
-        return PyoObject.play(self, dur, delay)
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def stop(self):
-        self._base_handler.stop()
-        return PyoObject.stop(self)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def channel(self): return self._channel
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, x): self.setChannel(x)   
-class Bendin(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Get the current value of the pitch bend controller.
-    Get the current value of the pitch bend controller and optionally 
-    maps it inside a specified range.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    brange : float, optional
-        Bipolar range of the pitch bend in semitones. Defaults to 2.
-        -brange <= value < brange.
-    scale : int, optional
-        Output format. 0 = Midi, 1 = transpo. 
-        The transpo mode is useful if you want to transpose values that 
-        are in a frequency (Hz) format. Defaults to 0.
-    channel : int, optional
-        Midi channel. 0 means all channels. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setBrange(x) : Replace the `brange` attribute.
-    setScale(x) : Replace the `scale` attribute.
-    setChannel(x) : Replace the `channel` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    brange : Bipolar range of the pitch bend in semitones.
-    scale : Output format. 0 = Midi, 1 = transpo.
-    channel : Midi channel. 0 means all channels.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Bendin's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> notes = Notein(poly=10, scale=1, mul=.5)
-    >>> bend = Bendin(brange=2, scale=1)
-    >>> p = Port(notes['velocity'], .001, .5)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * bend, mul=p).out()
-    >>> c = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * bend * 0.997, mul=p).out()
-    >>> d = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * bend * 1.005, mul=p).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, brange=2, scale=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._brange = brange
-        self._scale = scale
-        self._channel = channel
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        brange, scale, channel, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(brange, scale, channel, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Bendin_base(wrap(brange,i), wrap(scale,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['brange', 'scale', 'channel', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setBrange(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `brange` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `brange` attribute.
-        """
-        self._brange = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBrange(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `scale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `scale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._scale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setChannel(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `channel` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `channel` attribute.
-        """
-        self._channel = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setChannel(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def brange(self): 
-        """float. Bipolar range of the pitch bend in semitones."""
-        return self._brange
-    @brange.setter
-    def brange(self, x): self.setBrange(x)   
-    @property
-    def scale(self): 
-        """int. Output format. 0 = Midi, 1 = transpo."""
-        return self._scale
-    @scale.setter
-    def scale(self, x): self.setScale(x)   
-    @property
-    def channel(self): 
-        """int. Midi channel. 0 means all channels."""
-        return self._channel
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, x): self.setChannel(x)   
-class Touchin(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Get the current value of an after-touch Midi controller.
-    Get the current value of an after-touch Midi controller and optionally 
-    maps it inside a specified range.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    minscale : float, optional
-        Low range value for mapping. Defaults to 0.
-    maxscale : float, optional
-        High range value for mapping. Defaults to 1.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Defaults to 0.
-    channel : int, optional
-        Midi channel. 0 means all channels. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setMinScale(x) : Replace the `minscale` attribute.
-    setMaxScale(x) : Replace the `maxscale` attribute.
-    setChannel(x) : Replace the `channel` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    minscale : Minimum value for scaling.
-    maxscale : Maximum value for scaling.
-    channel : Midi channel. 0 means all channels.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Touchin's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> notes = Notein(poly=10, scale=1, mul=.5)
-    >>> touch = Touchin(minscale=1, maxscale=2, init=1)
-    >>> p = Port(notes['velocity'], .001, .5)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * touch, mul=p).out()
-    >>> c = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * touch * 0.997, mul=p).out()
-    >>> d = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * touch * 1.005, mul=p).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, minscale=0, maxscale=1, init=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._minscale = minscale
-        self._maxscale = maxscale
-        self._channel = channel
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        minscale, maxscale, init, channel, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(minscale, maxscale, init, channel, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Touchin_base(wrap(minscale,i), wrap(maxscale,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['minscale', 'maxscale', 'channel', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMinScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `minscale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `minscale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._minscale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMinScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMaxScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `maxscale` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `maxscale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._maxscale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMaxScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setChannel(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `channel` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `channel` attribute.
-        """
-        self._channel = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setChannel(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def minscale(self): return self._minscale
-    @minscale.setter
-    def minscale(self, x): self.setMinScale(x)   
-    @property
-    def maxscale(self): return self._maxscale
-    @maxscale.setter
-    def maxscale(self, x): self.setMaxScale(x)   
-    @property
-    def channel(self): return self._channel
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, x): self.setChannel(x)   
-class Programin(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Get the current value of a program change Midi controller.
-    Get the current value of a program change Midi controller.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    channel : int, optional
-        Midi channel. 0 means all channels. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setChannel(x) : Replace the `channel` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    channel : Midi channel. 0 means all channels.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Programin's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> notes = Notein(poly=10, scale=1, mul=.5)
-    >>> pchg = Programin(mul=1./12, add=1)
-    >>> p = Port(notes['velocity'], .001, .5)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * pchg, mul=p).out()
-    >>> c = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * pchg * 0.997, mul=p).out()
-    >>> d = Sine(freq=notes['pitch'] * pchg * 1.005, mul=p).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, channel=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._channel = channel
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        channel, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(channel, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Programin_base(wrap(channel,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['channel', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setChannel(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `channel` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `channel` attribute.
-        """
-        self._channel = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setChannel(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def channel(self): return self._channel
-    @channel.setter
-    def channel(self, x): self.setChannel(x)   
-class MidiAdsr(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Midi triggered ADSR envelope generator.
-    Calculates the classical ADSR envelope using linear segments. 
-    The envelope starts when it receives a positive value in input,
-    this value is used as the peak amplitude of the envelope. The
-    `sustain` parameter is a fraction of the peak value and sets
-    the real sustain value. A 0 in input (note off) starts the
-    release part of the envelope.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal used to trigger the envelope. A positive value
-        sets the peak amplitude and starts the envelope. A 0 starts
-        the release part of the envelope.
-    attack : float, optional
-        Duration of the attack phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    decay : float, optional
-        Duration of the decay phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    sustain : float, optional
-        Amplitude of the sustain phase, as a fraction of the peak
-        amplitude at the start of the envelope. Defaults to 0.7.
-    release : float, optional
-        Duration of the release phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setAttack(x) : Replace the `attack` attribute.
-    setDecay(x) : Replace the `decay` attribute.
-    setSustain(x) : Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-    setRelease(x) : Replace the `release` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal used to trigger the envelope.
-    attack : float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.
-    decay : float. Duration of the decay in seconds.
-    sustain : float. Amplitude of the sustain phase.
-    release : float. Duration of the release in seconds.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. MidiAdsr's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Shape of a classical Adsr:
-          -
-         -  -
-        -     -
-       -        ------------------------
-      -                                  -
-     -                                     -
-    -                                        -
-      att - dec -        sustain       - rel
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> mid = Notein(scale=1)
-    >>> env = MidiAdsr(mid['velocity'], attack=.005, decay=.1, sustain=.4, release=1)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=mid['pitch'], feedback=.1, mul=env).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=mid['pitch']*1.005, feedback=.1, mul=env).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.7, release=0.1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._attack = attack
-        self._decay = decay
-        self._sustain = sustain
-        self._release = release
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, attack, decay, sustain, release, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, attack, decay, sustain, release, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [MidiAdsr_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(attack,i), wrap(decay,i), wrap(sustain,i), wrap(release,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'attack', 'decay', 'sustain', 'release', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal used to trigger the envelope.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setAttack(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `attack` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `attack` attribute.
-        """
-        self._attack = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setAttack(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDecay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `decay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `decay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._decay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDecay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSustain(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._sustain = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSustain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRelease(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._release = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRelease(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def attack(self):
-        """float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._attack
-    @attack.setter
-    def attack(self, x): self.setAttack(x)
-    @property
-    def decay(self):
-        """float. Duration of the decay phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._decay
-    @decay.setter
-    def decay(self, x): self.setDecay(x)
-    @property
-    def sustain(self):
-        """float. Amplitude of the sustain phase, as fraction of the peak amplitude.""" 
-        return self._sustain
-    @sustain.setter
-    def sustain(self, x): self.setSustain(x)
-    @property
-    def release(self):
-        """float. Duration of the release phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._release
-    @release.setter
-    def release(self, x): self.setRelease(x)
-class MidiDelAdsr(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Midi triggered ADSR envelope generator with pre-delay.
-    Calculates the classical ADSR envelope using linear segments. 
-    The envelope starts after `delay` seconds when it receives a 
-    positive value in input, this value is used as the peak amplitude 
-    of the envelope. The `sustain` parameter is a fraction of the 
-    peak value and sets the real sustain value. A 0 in input (note off) 
-    starts the release part of the envelope.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal used to trigger the envelope. A positive value
-        sets the peak amplitude and starts the envelope. A 0 starts
-        the release part of the envelope.
-    delay : float, optional
-        Duration of the delay phase, before calling the envelope 
-        in seconds. Defaults to 0.
-    attack : float, optional
-        Duration of the attack phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.01.
-    decay : float, optional
-        Duration of the decay phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.05.
-    sustain : float, optional
-        Amplitude of the sustain phase, as a fraction of the peak
-        amplitude at the start of the envelope. Defaults to 0.7.
-    release : float, optional
-        Duration of the release phase in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDelay(x) : Replace the `delay` attribute.
-    setAttack(x) : Replace the `attack` attribute.
-    setDecay(x) : Replace the `decay` attribute.
-    setSustain(x) : Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-    setRelease(x) : Replace the `release` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal used to trigger the envelope.
-    delay : float. Duration of the delay phase in seconds.
-    attack : float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.
-    decay : float. Duration of the decay in seconds.
-    sustain : float. Amplitude of the sustain phase.
-    release : float. Duration of the release in seconds.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. MidiDelAdsr's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Shape of a DelAdsr envelope:
-                -
-               -  -
-              -     -
-             -        ------------------------
-            -                                  -
-           -                                     -
-    -------                                        -
-    delay - att - dec -        sustain       - rel
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> mid = Notein(scale=1)
-    >>> env = MidiDelAdsr(mid['velocity'], delay=.25, attack=.005, decay=.1, sustain=.4, release=1)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=mid['pitch'], feedback=.1, mul=env).out()
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=mid['pitch']*1.005, feedback=.1, mul=env).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, delay=0, attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.7, release=0.1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._delay = delay
-        self._attack = attack
-        self._decay = decay
-        self._sustain = sustain
-        self._release = release
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, delay, attack, decay, sustain, release, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, delay, attack, decay, sustain, release, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [MidiDelAdsr_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(delay,i), wrap(attack,i), wrap(decay,i), wrap(sustain,i), wrap(release,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'delay', 'attack', 'decay', 'sustain', 'release', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal used to trigger the envelope.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDelay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `delay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `delay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._delay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDelay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setAttack(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `attack` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `attack` attribute.
-        """
-        self._attack = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setAttack(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDecay(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `decay` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `decay` attribute.
-        """
-        self._decay = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDecay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSustain(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._sustain = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSustain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRelease(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `sustain` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `sustain` attribute.
-        """
-        self._release = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRelease(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def delay(self):
-        """float. Duration of the delay phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._delay
-    @delay.setter
-    def delay(self, x): self.setDelay(x)
-    @property
-    def attack(self):
-        """float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._attack
-    @attack.setter
-    def attack(self, x): self.setAttack(x)
-    @property
-    def decay(self):
-        """float. Duration of the decay phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._decay
-    @decay.setter
-    def decay(self, x): self.setDecay(x)
-    @property
-    def sustain(self):
-        """float. Amplitude of the sustain phase, as fraction of the peak amplitude.""" 
-        return self._sustain
-    @sustain.setter
-    def sustain(self, x): self.setSustain(x)
-    @property
-    def release(self):
-        """float. Duration of the release phase in seconds.""" 
-        return self._release
-    @release.setter
-    def release(self, x): self.setRelease(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/opensndctrl.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/opensndctrl.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f367619..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/opensndctrl.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,821 +0,0 @@
-Objects to manage values on an Open Sound Control port.
-OscSend takes the first value of each buffersize and send it on an
-OSC port.
-OscReceive creates and returns audio streams from the value in its 
-input port.
-The audio streams of these objects are essentially intended to be
-controls and can't be sent to the output soundcard.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import IntType, ListType
-### Open Sound Control
-class OscSend(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sends values over a network via the Open Sound Control protocol.
-    Uses the OSC protocol to share values to other softwares or other 
-    computers. Only the first value of each input buffersize will be 
-    sent on the OSC port.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal.
-    port : int
-        Port on which values are sent. Receiver should listen on the 
-        same port.
-    address : string
-        Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-        the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch').
-    host : string, optional
-        IP address of the target computer. The default, '', 
-        is the localhost.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setBufferRate(x) : Sets how many buffers to wait before sending 
-        a new value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. OscSend's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    OscSend has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[1,1.5], mul=[100,.1], add=[600, .1])
-    >>> b = OscSend(a, port=10001, address=['/pitch','/amp'])
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, port, address, host=""):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, port, address, host, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, port, address, host)
-        self._base_objs = [OscSend_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(port,i), wrap(address,i), wrap(host,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setBufferRate(self, x):
-        """
-        Sets how many buffers to wait before sending a new value.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Changes the data output frequency in multiples of the buffer size.
-            Should be greater or equal to 1.
-        """
-        [obj.setBufferRate(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class OscReceive(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Receives values over a network via the Open Sound Control protocol.
-    Uses the OSC protocol to receive values from other softwares or 
-    other computers. Get a value at the beginning of each buffersize 
-    and fill its buffer with it.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    port : int
-        Port on which values are received. Sender should output on 
-        the same port. Unlike OscSend object, there can be only one 
-        port per OscReceive object. Available at initialization time 
-        only.
-    address : string
-        Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-        the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch').
-    Methods:
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current 
-        buffer as a float.
-    getAddresses() : Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-    addAddress(path, mul, add) : Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-    delAddress(path) : Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-    setInterpolation(x) : Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-    setValue(path, value) : Sets value for the specified address.
-    Notes:
-    Audio streams are accessed with the `address` string parameter. 
-    The user should call :
-    OscReceive['/pitch'] to retreive stream named '/pitch'.
-    The out() method is bypassed. OscReceive's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = OscReceive(port=10001, address=['/pitch', '/amp'])
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=a['/pitch'], mul=a['/amp']).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, port, address, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(port) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "port" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        address, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(address, mul, add)
-        self._address = address
-        self._mainReceiver = OscReceiver_base(port, address)
-        self._base_objs = [OscReceive_base(self._mainReceiver, wrap(address,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if type(i) == type(''):
-            return self._base_objs[self._address.index(i)]
-        elif i < len(self._base_objs):
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        else:
-            print "'i' too large!"
-    def getAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-        """
-        return self._address
-    def addAddress(self, path, mul=1, add=0):
-        """
-        Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            New path(s) to receive from.
-        mul : float or PyoObject
-            Multiplication factor. Defaults to 1.
-        add : float or PyoObject
-            Addition factor. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        mul, add, lmax2 = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        for i, p in enumerate(path):
-            if p not in self._address:
-                self._mainReceiver.addAddress(p)
-                self._address.append(p)
-                self._base_objs.append(OscReceive_base(self._mainReceiver, p, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def delAddress(self, path):
-        """
-        Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            Path(s) to remove.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        self._mainReceiver.delAddress(path)
-        indexes = [self._address.index(p) for p in path]
-        for ind in reversed(indexes):
-            self._address.pop(ind)
-            obj = self._base_objs.pop(ind)
-    def setInterpolation(self, x):
-        """
-        Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            True activates the interpolation, False deactivates it.
-        """
-        [obj.setInterpolation(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setValue(self, path, value):
-        """
-        Sets value for a given address.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Address to which the value should be attributed.
-        value : float
-            Value to attribute to the given address.
-        """
-        path, value, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, value)
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            p = wrap(path,i)
-            if p in self._address:
-                self._mainReceiver.setValue(p, wrap(value,i))
-            else:
-                print 'Error: OscReceive.setValue, Illegal address "%s"' % p 
-    def get(self, identifier=None, all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        Address as string must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to None, useful when `all` is True to 
-                retreive all streams values.
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self._base_objs[self._address.index(identifier)]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class OscDataSend(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sends data values over a network via the Open Sound Control protocol.
-    Uses the OSC protocol to share values to other softwares or other 
-    computers. Values are sent on the form of a list containing `types`
-    elements.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    types : str
-        String specifying the types sequence of the message to be sent.
-        Possible values are :
-            integer : "i"
-            long integer : "h"
-            float : "f"
-            double : "d"
-            string : "s"
-        The string "ssfi" indicates that the value to send will be a list
-        containing two strings followed by a float and an integer.
-    port : int
-        Port on which values are sent. Receiver should listen on the 
-        same port.
-    address : string
-        Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-        the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch').
-    host : string, optional
-        IP address of the target computer. The default, '', 
-        is the localhost.
-    Methods:
-    getAddresses() : Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-    addAddress(types, port, address, host) : Adds new address(es) to the 
-        object's handler.
-    delAddress(path) : Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-    send(msg, address=None) : Method used to send `msg` values (a list)
-        at the `address` destination if specified. Otherwise, values will 
-        be sent to all destinations managed by the object. All destinations
-        must have the same types.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. OscDataSend has no audio signal.
-    OscDataSend has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = OscDataSend("fissif", 9900, "/data/test")
-    >>> def pp(address, *args):
-    ...     print address
-    ...     print args
-    >>> b = OscDataReceive(9900, "/data/test", pp)
-    >>> msg = [3.14159, 1, "Hello", "world!", 2, 6.18]
-    >>> a.send(msg)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, types, port, address, host=""):    
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        types, port, address, host, lmax = convertArgsToLists(types, port, address, host)
-        self._base_objs = [OscDataSend_base(wrap(types,i), wrap(port,i), wrap(address,i), wrap(host,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._addresses = {}
-        for i, adr in enumerate(address):
-            self._addresses[adr] = self._base_objs[i]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def getAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-        """
-        return self._addresses.keys()
-    def addAddress(self, types, port, address, host=""):
-        """
-        Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        types : str
-            String specifying the types sequence of the message to be sent.
-            Possible values are :
-                integer : "i"
-                long integer : "h"
-                float : "f"
-                double : "d"
-                string : "s"
-            The string "ssfi" indicates that the value to send will be a list
-            containing two strings followed by a float and an integer.
-        port : int
-            Port on which values are sent. Receiver should listen on the 
-            same port.
-        address : string
-            Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-            the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch').
-        host : string, optional
-            IP address of the target computer. The default, '', 
-            is the localhost.
-        """
-        types, port, address, host, lmax = convertArgsToLists(types, port, address, host)
-        objs = [OscDataSend_base(wrap(types,i), wrap(port,i), wrap(address,i), wrap(host,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs.extend(objs)
-        for i, adr in enumerate(address):
-            self._addresses[adr] = objs[i]
-    def delAddress(self, path):
-        """
-        Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            Path(s) to remove.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        for p in path:
-            self._base_objs.remove(self._addresses[p])
-            del self._addresses[p]
-    def send(self, msg, address=None):
-        """
-        Method used to send `msg` values as a list.
-        Parameters:
-        msg : list
-            List of values to send. Types of values in list
-            must be of the kind defined of `types` argument
-            given at the object's initialization.
-        address : string, optional
-            Address destination to send values. If None, values
-            will be sent to all addresses managed by the object.
-        """
-        if address == None:
-            [obj.send(msg) for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            self._addresses[address].send(msg)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class OscDataReceive(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Receives data values over a network via the Open Sound Control protocol.
-    Uses the OSC protocol to receive data values from other softwares or 
-    other computers. When a message is received, the function given at the
-    argument `function` is called with the current address destination in 
-    argument followed by a tuple of values.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    port : int
-        Port on which values are received. Sender should output on 
-        the same port. Unlike OscDataSend object, there can be only 
-        one port per OscDataReceive object. Available at initialization 
-        time only.
-    address : string
-        Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-        the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch'). There can be as many
-        addresses as needed on a single port.
-    function : callable
-        This function will be called whenever a message with a known
-        address is received. there can be only one function per 
-        OscDataReceive object. Available at initialization time only.
-    Methods:
-    getAddresses() : Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-    addAddress(path) : Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-    delAddress(path) : Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-    Notes:
-    The definition of function at `function` argument must be in this form :
-    def my_func(address, *args):
-        ...
-    The out() method is bypassed. OscDataReceive has no audio signal.
-    OscDataReceive has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = OscDataSend("fissif", 9900, "/data/test")
-    >>> def pp(address, *args):
-    ...     print address
-    ...     print args
-    >>> b = OscDataReceive(9900, "/data/test", pp)
-    >>> msg = [3.14159, 1, "Hello", "world!", 2, 6.18]
-    >>> a.send(msg)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, port, address, function, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(port) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "port" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._port = port
-        if not callable(function):
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._function = function
-        self._address, lmax = convertArgsToLists(address)
-        # self._address is linked with list at C level
-        self._base_objs = [OscDataReceive_base(port, self._address, function)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def getAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-        """
-        return self._address
-    def addAddress(self, path):
-        """
-        Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            New path(s) to receive from.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        for p in path:
-            if p not in self._address:
-                self._base_objs[0].addAddress(p)
-    def delAddress(self, path):
-        """
-        Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            Path(s) to remove.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        for p in path:
-            index = self._address.index(p)
-            self._base_objs[0].delAddress(index)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class OscListReceive(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Receives list of values over a network via the Open Sound Control protocol.
-    Uses the OSC protocol to receive list of floating-point values from other 
-    softwares or other computers. The list are converted into audio streams.
-    Get values at the beginning of each buffersize and fill buffers with them.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    port : int
-        Port on which values are received. Sender should output on 
-        the same port. Unlike OscSend object, there can be only one 
-        port per OscListReceive object. Available at initialization time 
-        only.
-    address : string
-        Address used on the port to identify values. Address is in 
-        the form of a Unix path (ex.: '/pitch').
-    num : int, optional
-        Length of the lists in input. The object will generate `num` audio
-        streams per given address. Available at initialization time only.
-        This value can't be a list. That means all addresses managed by an 
-        OscListReceive object are of the same length. Defaults to 8.
-    Methods:
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first list of samples of the current 
-        buffer as a list of floats.
-    getAddresses() : Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-    addAddress(path, mul, add) : Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-    delAddress(path) : Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-    setInterpolation(x) : Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-    setValue(path, value) : Sets value for the specified address.
-    Notes:
-    Audio streams are accessed with the `address` string parameter. 
-    The user should call :
-    OscReceive['/pitch'] to retreive list of streams named '/pitch'.
-    The out() method is bypassed. OscReceive's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # 8 oscillators
-    >>> a = OscListReceive(port=10001, address=['/pitch', '/amp'], num=8)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=a['/pitch'], mul=a['/amp']).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, port, address, num=8, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(port) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "port" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(num) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "num" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._num = num
-        self._op_duplicate = self._num
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        address, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(address, mul, add)
-        self._address = address
-        self._mainReceiver = OscListReceiver_base(port, address, num)
-        self._base_objs = [OscListReceive_base(self._mainReceiver, wrap(address,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax) for j in range(self._num)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['mul', 'add']
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if type(i) == type(''):
-            first = self._address.index(i) * self._num
-            return self._base_objs[first:first+self._num]
-        elif i < len(self._base_objs):
-            first = i * self._num
-            return self._base_objs[first:first+self._num]
-        else:
-            print "'i' too large!"
-    def getAddresses(self):
-        """
-        Returns the addresses managed by the object.
-        """
-        return self._address
-    def addAddress(self, path, mul=1, add=0):
-        """
-        Adds new address(es) to the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            New path(s) to receive from.
-        mul : float or PyoObject
-            Multiplication factor. Defaults to 1.
-        add : float or PyoObject
-            Addition factor. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        mul, add, lmax2 = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        for i, p in enumerate(path):
-            if p not in self._address:
-                self._mainReceiver.addAddress(p)
-                self._address.append(p)
-                self._base_objs.extend([OscListReceive_base(self._mainReceiver, p, j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for j in range(self._num)])
-    def delAddress(self, path):
-        """
-        Removes address(es) from the object's handler.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string or list of strings
-            Path(s) to remove.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        self._mainReceiver.delAddress(path)
-        indexes = [self._address.index(p) for p in path]
-        for ind in reversed(indexes):
-            self._address.pop(ind)
-            first = ind * self._num
-            for i in reversed(range(first, first+self._num)):
-                obj = self._base_objs.pop(i)
-    def setInterpolation(self, x):
-        """
-        Activate/Deactivate interpolation. Activated by default.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            True activates the interpolation, False deactivates it.
-        """
-        [obj.setInterpolation(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setValue(self, path, value):
-        """
-        Sets value for a given address.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Address to which the value should be attributed.
-        value : list of floats
-            List of values to attribute to the given address.
-        """
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            p = wrap(path,i)
-            if p in self._address:
-                if type(value[0]) == ListType:
-                    val = wrap(value,i)
-                else:
-                    val = value
-                if len(val) == self._num:
-                    self._mainReceiver.setValue(p, val)
-                else:
-                    print 'Error: OscListReceive.setValue, value must be of the same length as the `num` attribute.'
-            else:
-                print 'Error: OscListReceive.setValue, Illegal address "%s"' % p 
-    def get(self, identifier=None, all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first list of samples of the current buffer as floats.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        Address as string must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to None, useful when `all` is True to 
-                retreive all streams values.
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first list of values of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list of lists. Otherwise, only the 
-                the list of the object's identifier will be returned as a 
-                list of floats. Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            first = self._address.index(identifier) * self._num
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self._base_objs[first:first+self._num]]
-        else:
-            outlist = []
-            for add in self._address:
-                first = self._address.index(add) * self._num
-                l = [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self._base_objs[first:first+self._num]]
-                outlist.append(l)
-            return outlist
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pan.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pan.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cbce444..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pan.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,795 +0,0 @@
-Set of objects to manage audio voice routing and spread of a sound 
-signal into a new stereo or multi-channel sound field.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys, random
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import SliceType, IntType
-class Pan(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Cosinus panner with control on the spread factor.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    outs : int, optional
-        Number of channels on the panning circle. Defaults to 2.
-    pan : float or PyoObject
-        Position of the sound on the panning circle, between 0 and 1. 
-        Defaults to 0.5.
-    spread : float or PyoObject
-        Amount of sound leaking to the surrounding channels, 
-        between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setPan(x) : Replace the `pan` attribute.
-    setSpread(x) : Replace the `spread` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    pan : float or PyoObject. Position of the sound on the panning circle.
-    spread : float or PyoObject. Amount of sound leaking to the 
-        surrounding channels.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(nchnls=2).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.2)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=1, mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> p = Pan(a, outs=2, pan=lfo).out()
-    """ 
-    def __init__(self, input, outs=2, pan=0.5, spread=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._pan = pan
-        self._outs = outs
-        self._spread = spread
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, pan, spread, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, pan, spread, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [Panner_base(wrap(in_fader,i), outs, wrap(pan,i), wrap(spread,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            for j in range(outs):
-                self._base_objs.append(Pan_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'pan', 'spread', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setPan(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pan` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pan` attribute.
-        """
-        self._pan = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPan(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setSpread(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `spread` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `spread` attribute.
-        """
-        self._spread = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpread(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapPan(self._pan),
-                        SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'spread', self._spread),
-                        SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def pan(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Position of the sound on the panning circle."""
-        return self._pan
-    @pan.setter
-    def pan(self, x): self.setPan(x) 
-    @property
-    def spread(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of sound leaking to the surrounding channels.""" 
-        return self._spread
-    @spread.setter
-    def spread(self, x): self.setSpread(x)
-class SPan(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Simple equal power panner.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    outs : int, optional
-        Number of channels on the panning circle. Defaults to 2.
-    pan : float or PyoObject
-        Position of the sound on the panning circle, between 0 and 1. 
-        Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setPan(x) : Replace the `pan` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    pan : float or PyoObject. Position of the sound on the panning circle.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(nchnls=2).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.2)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=1, mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> p = SPan(a, outs=2, pan=lfo).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, outs=2, pan=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._outs = outs
-        self._pan = pan
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, pan, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, pan, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [SPanner_base(wrap(in_fader,i), outs, wrap(pan,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            for j in range(outs):
-                self._base_objs.append(SPan_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'pan', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setPan(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pan` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pan` attribute.
-        """
-        self._pan = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPan(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapPan(self._pan), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): 
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def pan(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Position of the sound on the panning circle."""
-        return self._pan
-    @pan.setter
-    def pan(self, x): self.setPan(x)
-class Switch(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Audio switcher.
-    Switch takes an audio input and interpolates between multiple outputs.
-    User can retrieve the different streams by calling the output number
-    between brackets. obj[0] retrieve the first stream, obj[outs-1] the
-    last one.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    outs : int, optional
-        Number of outputs. Defaults to 2.
-    voice : float or PyoObject
-        Voice position pointer, between 0 and (outs-1) / len(input). 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setVoice(x) : Replace the `voice` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    voice : float or PyoObject. Voice position pointer.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(nchnls=2).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", speed=[.999,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=.25, mul=1, add=1)
-    >>> b = Switch(a, outs=6, voice=lf)
-    >>> c = WGVerb(b[0:2], feedback=.8).out()
-    >>> d = Disto(b[2:4], drive=.9, mul=.1).out()
-    >>> e = Delay(b[4:6], delay=.2, feedback=.6).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, outs=2, voice=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._outs = outs
-        self._voice = voice
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, voice, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, voice, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [Switcher_base(wrap(in_fader,i), outs, wrap(voice,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for j in range(outs):
-            for i in range(lmax):
-                self._base_objs.append(Switch_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'voice', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setVoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `voice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `voice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._voice = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setVoice(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0, self._outs-1, "lin", "voice", self._voice), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): 
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def voice(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Voice position pointer."""
-        return self._voice
-    @voice.setter
-    def voice(self, x): self.setVoice(x)
-class Selector(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Audio selector.
-    Selector takes multiple PyoObjects in input and interpolates between 
-    them to generate a single output.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    inputs : list of PyoObject
-        Audio objects to interpolate from.
-    voice : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Voice position pointer, between 0 and len(inputs)-1. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInputs(x) : Replace the `inputs` attribute.
-    setVoice(x) : Replace the `voice` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    inputs : list of PyoObject. Audio objects to interpolate from.
-    voice : float or PyoObject. Voice position pointer.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", speed=[.999,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> b = Noise(mul=.1)
-    >>> c = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/accord.aif", speed=[.999,1], loop=True, mul=.5)
-    >>> lf = Sine(freq=.1, add=1)
-    >>> d = Selector(inputs=[a,b,c], voice=lf).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, inputs, voice=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._inputs = inputs
-        self._voice = voice
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        voice, mul, add, self._lmax = convertArgsToLists(voice, mul, add)
-        self._length = 1
-        for obj in self._inputs:
-            try:
-                if len(obj) > self._length: self._length = len(obj)
-            except:
-                pass    
-        self._base_objs = []        
-        for i in range(self._lmax):
-            for j in range(self._length):
-                choice = []
-                for obj in self._inputs:
-                    try:
-                        choice.append(obj[j%len(obj)])
-                    except:
-                        choice.append(obj)            
-                self._base_objs.append(Selector_base(choice, wrap(voice,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['inputs', 'voice', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInputs(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inputs` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of PyoObject
-            new `inputs` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inputs = x
-        for i in range(self._lmax):           
-            for j in range(self._length):
-                choice = []
-                for obj in self._inputs:
-                    try:
-                        choice.append(obj[j%len(obj)])
-                    except:
-                        choice.append(obj) 
-                self._base_objs[i+j*self._lmax].setInputs(choice)
-    def setVoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `voice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `voice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._voice = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            obj.setVoice(wrap(x, i/self._length))
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0, len(self._inputs)-1, "lin", "voice", self._voice), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def inputs(self): return self._inputs
-    @inputs.setter
-    def inputs(self, x): self.setInputs(x)
-    @property
-    def voice(self): return self._voice
-    @voice.setter
-    def voice(self, x): self.setVoice(x)
-class VoiceManager(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Polyphony voice manager.
-    A trigger in input ask the object for a voice number and the object returns
-    the first free one. The voice number is then disable until a trig comes at
-    the same position in the list of triggers given at the argument `triggers`.
-    Usually, the trigger enabling the voice number will come from the process
-    started with the object output. So, it's common to leave the `triggers` 
-    argument to None and set the list of triggers afterward with the `setTriggers`
-    method. The maximum number of voices generated by the object is the length
-    of the trigger list.
-    If there is no free voice, the object outputs -1.0 continuously.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Trigger stream asking for new voice numbers.
-    triggers : PyoObject or list of PyoObject, optional
-        List of mono PyoObject sending triggers. Can be a multi-streams
-        PyoObject but not a mix of both. Ordering in the list corresponds
-        to voice numbers. Defaults to None.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTriggers(x) : Replace the `triggers` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Trigger stream asking for new voice numbers.
-    triggers : list of PyoObject. Trigger streams enabling voices.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0),(100,1),(500,.5),(8192,0)])
-    >>> delta = RandDur(min=.05, max=.1)
-    >>> vm = VoiceManager(Change(delta))
-    >>> sel = Select(vm, value=[0,1,2,3])
-    >>> pit = TrigChoice(sel, choice=[midiToHz(x) for x in [60,63,67,70,72]])
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(sel, table=env, dur=.5, mul=.25)
-    >>> synth1 = SineLoop(pit, feedback=.07, mul=amp).out()
-    >>> vm.setTriggers(amp["trig"])
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, triggers=None, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._triggers = triggers
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        if triggers != None:
-            if type(triggers) == ListType:
-                try:
-                    t_streams = [obj[0] for obj in triggers]
-                except TypeError:
-                    t_streams = triggers
-            elif isinstance(triggers, PyoObject):
-                t_streams = triggers.getBaseObjects()
-            else:
-                t_streams = None
-        else:
-            t_streams = None
-        self._base_objs = [VoiceManager_base(wrap(in_fader,i), t_streams, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'triggers', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTriggers(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `triggers` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject or list of PyoObject 
-            New `triggers` attribute.
-        """
-        self._triggers = x
-        if x != None:
-            if type(x) == ListType:
-                try:
-                    t_streams = [obj[0] for obj in x]
-                except TypeError:
-                    t_streams = x
-            elif isinstance(x, PyoObject):
-                t_streams = x.getBaseObjects()
-            else:
-                t_streams = None
-        [obj.setTriggers(t_streams) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Trigger stream asking for new voice numbers.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def triggers(self): return self._triggers
-    @triggers.setter
-    def triggers(self, x): self.setTriggers(x)
-class Mixer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Audio mixer.
-    Mixer mixes multiple inputs to an arbitrary number of outputs 
-    with independant amplitude values per mixing channel and a 
-    user defined portamento applied on amplitude changes.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    outs : int, optional
-        Number of outputs of the mixer. Available at initialization
-        time only. Defaults to 2.
-    chnls : int, optional
-        Number of channels per output. Available at initialization
-        time only. Defaults to 1.
-    time : float, optional
-        Duration, in seconds, of a portamento applied on
-        a new amplitude value for a mixing channel.
-        Defaults to 0.025.
-    Methods:
-    setTime(x) : Sets the portamento duration in seconds.
-    addInput(voice, input) : Adds a new input to the mixer.
-    delInput(voice) : Removes an input from the mixer.
-    setAmp(vin, vout, amp) : Sets the amplitude of a mixing channel.
-    getChannels() : Returns the Mixer's channels dictionary.
-    getKeys() : Returns the list of current keys in the Mixer's channels dictionary.
-    Attributes:
-    time : float. Portamento applied on amplitude changes.
-    Notes:
-    User can retrieve each of the output channels by calling the Mixer
-    object with the desired channel between square brackets (see example).
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = FM(carrier=200, ratio=[.5013,.4998], index=6, mul=.2)
-    >>> mm = Mixer(outs=3, chnls=2, time=.025)
-    >>> fx1 = Disto(mm[0], drive=.9, slope=.9, mul=.1).out()
-    >>> fx2 = Freeverb(mm[1], size=.8, damp=.8, mul=.5).out()
-    >>> fx3 = Harmonizer(mm[2], transpo=1, feedback=.75, mul=.5).out()
-    >>> mm.addInput(0, a)
-    >>> mm.addInput(1, b)
-    >>> mm.setAmp(0,0,.5)
-    >>> mm.setAmp(0,1,.5)
-    >>> mm.setAmp(1,2,.5)
-    >>> mm.setAmp(1,1,.5)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, outs=2, chnls=1, time=0.025, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(outs) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "outs" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(chnls) != IntType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "chnls" argument of %s must be an integer.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._outs = outs
-        self._chnls = chnls
-        self._time = time
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._inputs = {}
-        time, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(time, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = [Mixer_base(outs, wrap(time,i)) for i in range(chnls)]
-        self._base_objs = [MixerVoice_base(self._base_players[j], i, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(outs) for j in range(chnls)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ["time", "mul", "add"]
-    def __getitem__(self, x):
-        if type(x) == SliceType:
-            return [self._base_objs[j*self._chnls+i] for j in range(x.start or 0, x.stop or sys.maxint, x.step or 1) for i in range(self._chnls)]
-        elif x < len(self._base_objs):
-            return [self._base_objs[x*self._chnls+i] for i in range(self._chnls)]
-        else:
-            print "'x' too large!"         
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Sets the portamento duration in seconds.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New portamento duration.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def addInput(self, voice, input):
-        """
-        Adds an audio object in the mixer's inputs.
-        This method returns the key (voice argument or generated key if voice=None).
-        Parameters:
-        voice : int or string
-            Key in the mixer dictionary for this input. If None, a unique key 
-            between 0 and 32767 will be automatically generated.
-        input : PyoObject
-            Audio object to add to the mixer.
-        """
-        if voice == None:
-            voice = random.randint(0, 32767)
-            while self._inputs.has_key(voice):
-                voice = random.randint(0, 32767)
-        if self._inputs.has_key(voice):
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Mixer has already a key named %s" % voice
-            return
-        self._inputs[voice] = input
-        [obj.addInput(str(voice), wrap(input,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-        return voice
-    def delInput(self, voice):
-        """
-        Removes an audio object from the mixer's inputs.
-        Parameters:
-        voice : int or string
-            Key in the mixer dictionary assigned to the input to remove.
-        """
-        if self._inputs.has_key(voice):
-            del self._inputs[voice]
-            [obj.delInput(str(voice)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setAmp(self, vin, vout, amp):
-        """
-        Sets the amplitude of a mixing channel.
-        Parameters:
-        vin : int or string
-            Key in the mixer dictionary of the desired input.
-        vout : int
-            Ouput channel where to send the signal.
-        amp : float
-            Amplitude value for this mixing channel.
-        """
-        if self._inputs.has_key(vin) and vout < self._outs:
-            [obj.setAmp(str(vin), vout, amp) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def getChannels(self):
-        """
-        Returns the Mixer's channels dictionary.
-        """
-        return self._inputs
-    def getKeys(self):
-        """
-        Returns the list of current keys in the Mixer's channels dictionary.
-        """
-        return self._inputs.keys()
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float. Portamento.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pattern.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pattern.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d4155ec..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/pattern.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-Set of objects that call Python functions from triggers or number counts. 
-Useful for event sequencing.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import ListType, TupleType
-class Pattern(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodically calls a Python function.
-    The play() method starts the pattern timer and is not called 
-    at the object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    function : Python function
-        Python function to be called periodically.
-    time : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time, in seconds, between each call. Default to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setFunction(x) : Replace the `function` attribute.
-    setTime(x) : Replace the `time` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    function : Python function. Function to be called.
-    time : Time, in seconds, between each call.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Pattern doesn't return signal.
-    Pattern has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[250,251], mul=.2).out()
-    >>> def pat():
-    ...     f = random.randrange(200, 401, 25)
-    ...     a.freq = [f, f+1]
-    >>> p = Pattern(pat, .125)
-    >>> p.play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, function, time=1):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(function) == ListType or type(function) == TupleType:
-            if not callable(function[0]):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        else:
-            if not callable(function):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        self._function = function
-        self._time = time
-        function, time, lmax = convertArgsToLists(function, time)
-        self._base_objs = [Pattern_base(wrap(function,i), wrap(time,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['function', 'time']
-    def setFunction(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `function` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : Python function
-            new `function` attribute.
-        """
-        self._function = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFunction(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `time` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `time` attribute.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, x=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.125, 4., 'lin', 'time', self._time)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def function(self):
-        """Python function. Function to be called.""" 
-        return self._function
-    @function.setter
-    def function(self, x): 
-        self.setFunction(x)   
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each call.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
-class Score(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Calls functions by incrementation of a preformatted name.
-    Score takes audio stream containning integers in input and calls
-    a function whose name is the concatenation of `fname` and the changing 
-    integer.
-    Can be used to sequence events, first by creating functions p0, p1, 
-    p2, etc. and then, by passing a counter to a Score object with "p" 
-    as `fname` argument. Functions are called without parameters.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers. Integer must change
-        before calling its function again.
-    fname : string, optional
-        Name of the functions to be called. Defaults to "event_", meaning
-        that the object will call the function "event_0", "event_1", "event_2",
-        and so on... Available at initialization time only.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal sending integer numbers.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Score's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Score has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    See also: Pattern, TrigFunc
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[200,300,400,500], feedback=0.05, mul=.1).out()
-    >>> def event_0():
-    ...     a.freq=[200,300,400,500]
-    >>> def event_1():
-    ...     a.freq=[300,400,450,600]
-    >>> def event_2():
-    ...     a.freq=[150,375,450,525]
-    >>> m = Metro(1).play()
-    >>> c = Counter(m, min=0, max=3)
-    >>> sc = Score(c)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, fname="event_"):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._fname = fname
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, fname, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, fname)
-        self._base_objs = [Score_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(fname,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class CallAfter(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Calls a Python function after a given time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    function : Python function
-        Python callable execute after `time` seconds.
-    time : float, optional
-        Time, in seconds, before the call. Default to 1.
-    arg : any Python object, optional
-        Argument sent to the called function. Default to None.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. CallAfter doesn't return signal.
-    CallAfter has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    The object is not deleted after the call. The User must delete it himself.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Start an oscillator with a frequency of 250 Hz
-    >>> syn = SineLoop(freq=[250,251], feedback=.07, mul=.2).out()
-    >>> def callback(arg):
-    ...     # Change the oscillator's frequency to 300 Hz after 2 seconds
-    ...     syn.freq = arg
-    >>> a = CallAfter(callback, 2, [300,301])
-    """
-    def __init__(self, function, time=1, arg=None):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(function) == ListType or type(function) == TupleType:
-            if not callable(function[0]):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        else:
-            if not callable(function):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        self._function = function
-        function, time, arg, lmax = convertArgsToLists(function, time, arg)
-        self._base_objs = [CallAfter_base(wrap(function,i), wrap(time,i), wrap(arg,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, x=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/players.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/players.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88d9558..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/players.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
-Play soundfiles from the disk.
-SfMarkerXXX objects use markers features (store in the header) from 
-an AIFF file to create more specific reading patterns.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-import aifc
-from types import ListType
-class SfPlayer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Soundfile player.
-    Reads audio data from a file using one of several available interpolation 
-    types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed` attribute. The object
-    takes care of sampling rate conversion to match the Server sampling 
-    rate setting.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    path : string
-        Full path name of the sound to read.
-    speed : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor. 1 is the 
-        original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher 
-        values play sound faster. Negative values results in playing 
-        sound backward. Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
-        rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    loop : bool, optional
-        If set to True, sound will play in loop. Defaults to False.
-    offset : float, optional 
-        Time in seconds of input sound to be skipped, assuming speed = 1. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Interpolation type. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setPath(path) : Replace the `path` attribute.
-    setSound(path) : Replace the `path` attribute.
-    setSpeed(x) : Replace the `speed` attribute.
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    setOffset(x) : Replace the `offset` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    path : string, Full path of the sound.
-    sound : alias to the `path` attribute.
-    speed : float or PyoObject, Transposition factor.
-    loop : bool, Looping mode.
-    offset : float, Time, in seconds, of the first sample to read.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Notes:
-    SfPlayer will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback if 
-    loop is off or any time it wraps around if loop is on. User can 
-    retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']:
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif").out()
-    >>> trig = TrigRand(sf['trig'])
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif"
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(snd, speed=[.75,.8], loop=True, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path, speed=1, loop=False, offset=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._path = path
-        self._speed = speed
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._offset = offset
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        path, speed, loop, offset, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, speed, loop, offset, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = []
-        self._base_objs = []
-        _trig_objs_tmp = []
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            _snd_size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type  = sndinfo(path[0])
-            self._base_players.append(SfPlayer_base(wrap(path,i), wrap(speed,i), wrap(loop,i), wrap(offset,i), wrap(interp,i)))
-            for j in range(_snd_chnls):
-                self._base_objs.append(SfPlay_base(self._base_players[-1], j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-                _trig_objs_tmp.append(TriggerDummy_base(self._base_players[-1]))
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy(_trig_objs_tmp)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['path', 'speed', 'loop', 'offset', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setPath(self, path):
-        """
-        Sets a new sound to read.
-        The number of channels of the new sound must match those 
-        of the sound loaded at initialization time.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the new sound.
-        """
-        if type(self._path) == ListType:
-            curNchnls = sndinfo(self._path[0])[3]
-        else:
-            curNchnls = sndinfo(self._path)[3]
-        if type(path) == ListType:
-            p = path[0]
-        else:
-            p = path
-        try:
-            _snd_size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p)
-        except:
-            return
-        if _snd_chnls != curNchnls:
-            print "Soundfile must contains exactly %d channels." % curNchnls
-            return
-        self._path = path
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        [obj.setSound(wrap(path,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setSound(self, path):
-        """
-        Sets a new sound to read.
-        The number of channels of the new sound must match those 
-        of the sound loaded at initialization time.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the new sound.
-        """
-        self.setPath(path)
-    def setSpeed(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `speed` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `speed` attribute.
-        """
-        self._speed = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpeed(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : bool {True, False}
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players):
-            if wrap(x,i): obj.setLoop(1)
-            else: obj.setLoop(0)
-    def setOffset(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `offset` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `offset` attribute.
-        """
-        self._offset = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setOffset(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(-2., 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def path(self): 
-        """string. Full path of the sound."""
-        return self._path
-    @path.setter
-    def path(self, x): self.setPath(x)
-    @property
-    def sound(self): 
-        """string. Alias to the `path` attribute."""
-        return self._path
-    @sound.setter
-    def sound(self, x): self.setPath(x)
-    @property
-    def speed(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
-        return self._speed
-    @speed.setter
-    def speed(self, x): self.setSpeed(x)
-    @property
-    def loop(self): 
-        """bool. Looping mode."""
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-    @property
-    def offset(self): 
-        """float. Time, in seconds, of the first sample to read."""
-        return self._offset
-    @offset.setter
-    def offset(self, x): self.setOffset(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class SfMarkerShuffler(PyoObject):
-    """
-    AIFF with markers soundfile shuffler.
-    Reads audio data from a AIFF file using one of several available 
-    interpolation types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed` 
-    attribute. The object takes care of sampling rate conversion to 
-    match the Server sampling rate setting. 
-    The reading pointer randomly choose a marker (from the MARK chunk
-    in the header of the AIFF file) as its starting point and reads 
-    the samples until it reaches the following marker. Then, it choose 
-    another marker and reads from the new position and so on...
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    path : string
-        Full path name of the sound to read. Can't e changed after
-        initialization.
-    speed : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor. 1 is the 
-        original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher 
-        values play sound faster. Negative values results in playing 
-        sound backward. Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
-        rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setSpeed(x) : Replace the `speed` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    getMarkers() : Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
-    Attributes:
-    speed : float or PyoObject, Transposition factor.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfMarkerShuffler(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", speed=[1,1], mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path, speed=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._speed = speed
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        path, speed, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, speed, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = []
-        self._base_objs = []
-        self._snd_size, self._dur, self._snd_sr, self._snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path[0])
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            try:
-                sf = aifc.open(wrap(path,i))
-                markerstmp = sf.getmarkers()
-                sf.close()
-                self._markers = [m[1] for m in markerstmp]
-            except:
-                self._markers = []    
-            self._base_players.append(SfMarkerShuffler_base(wrap(path,i), self._markers, wrap(speed,i), wrap(interp,i)))
-        for i in range(lmax * self._snd_chnls):
-            j = i / self._snd_chnls
-            self._base_objs.append(SfMarkerShuffle_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i % self._snd_chnls, wrap(mul,j), wrap(add,j)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['speed', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setSpeed(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `speed` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `speed` attribute.
-        """
-        self._speed = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpeed(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def getMarkers(self):
-        """
-        Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
-        """
-        return self._markers
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def speed(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
-        return self._speed
-    @speed.setter
-    def speed(self, x): self.setSpeed(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class SfMarkerLooper(PyoObject):
-    """
-    AIFF with markers soundfile looper.
-    Reads audio data from a AIFF file using one of several available 
-    interpolation types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed`
-    attribute. The object takes care of sampling rate conversion to 
-    match the Server sampling rate setting. 
-    The reading pointer loops a specific marker (from the MARK chunk
-    in the header of the AIFF file) until it received a new integer 
-    in the `mark` attribute.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    path : string
-        Full path name of the sound to read.
-    speed : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor. 1 is the 
-        original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher 
-        values play sound faster. Negative values results in playing 
-        sound backward. Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
-        rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    mark : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Integer denoting the marker to loop, in the range 
-        0 -> len(getMarkers()). Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setSpeed(x) : Replace the `speed` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    setMark(x) : Replace the `mark` attribute.
-    getMarkers() : Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
-    Attributes:
-    speed : float or PyoObject, Transposition factor.
-    mark : float or PyoObject, Marker to loop.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfMarkerLooper(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.999,1], mul=.3).out()
-    >>> rnd = RandInt(len(a.getMarkers()), 2)
-    >>> a.mark = rnd
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path, speed=1, mark=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._speed = speed
-        self._mark = mark
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        path, speed, mark, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, speed, mark, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_players = []
-        self._base_objs = []
-        self._snd_size, self._dur, self._snd_sr, self._snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path[0])
-        for i in range(lmax):
-            try:
-                sf = aifc.open(wrap(path,i))
-                markerstmp = sf.getmarkers()
-                sf.close()
-                self._markers = [m[1] for m in markerstmp]
-            except:
-                self._markers = []    
-            self._base_players.append(SfMarkerLooper_base(wrap(path,i), self._markers, wrap(speed,i), wrap(mark,i), wrap(interp,i)))
-        for i in range(lmax * self._snd_chnls):
-            j = i / self._snd_chnls
-            self._base_objs.append(SfMarkerLoop_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i % self._snd_chnls, wrap(mul,j), wrap(add,j)))
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['speed', 'mark', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setSpeed(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `speed` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `speed` attribute.
-        """
-        self._speed = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpeed(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setMark(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `mark` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `mark` attribute.
-        """
-        self._mark = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMark(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def getMarkers(self):
-        """
-        Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
-        """
-        return self._markers
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed), 
-                          SLMap(0, len(self._markers)-1, 'lin', 'mark', self._mark, 'int'),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def speed(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
-        return self._speed
-    @speed.setter
-    def speed(self, x): self.setSpeed(x)
-    @property
-    def mark(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Marker to loop."""
-        return self._marker
-    @mark.setter
-    def mark(self, x): self.setMark(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/randoms.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/randoms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f964b..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/randoms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1305 +0,0 @@
-Set of objects that implement different kinds of random noise generators.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import StringType, ListType
-class Randi(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodic pseudo-random generator with interpolation.
-    Randi generates a pseudo-random number between `min` and `max` 
-    values at a frequency specified by `freq` parameter. Randi will 
-    produce straight-line interpolation between current number and the next.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> freq = Randi(500, 3000, 4)
-    >>> noze = Noise().mix(2)
-    >>> a = Biquad(noze, freq=freq, q=5, type=2, mul=.5).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min=0., max=1., freq=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        min, max, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(min, max, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Randi_base(wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['min', 'max', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class Randh(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodic pseudo-random generator.
-    Randh generates a pseudo-random number between `min` and `max` 
-    values at a frequency specified by `freq` parameter. Randh will 
-    hold generated value until next generation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> freq = Randh(500, 3000, 4)
-    >>> noze = Noise().mix(2)
-    >>> a = Biquad(noze, freq=freq, q=5, type=2, mul=.5).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min=0., max=1., freq=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        min, max, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(min, max, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Randh_base(wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['min', 'max', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class Choice(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodically choose a new value from a user list.
-    Choice chooses a new value from a predefined list of floats `choice`
-    at a frequency specified by `freq` parameter. Choice will 
-    hold choosen value until next generation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    choice : list of floats or list of lists of floats
-        Possible values for the random generation.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setChoice(x) : Replace the `choice` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    choice : list of floats or list of lists of floats. Possible choices.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> freqs = midiToHz([60,62,64,65,67,69,71,72])
-    >>> rnd = Choice(choice=freqs, freq=[3,4])
-    >>> a = SineLoop(rnd, feedback=0.05, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, choice, freq=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(choice) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "choice" argument of %s must be a list.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._choice = choice
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(freq, mul, add)
-        if type(choice[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [Choice_base(choice, wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            choicelen = len(choice)
-            lmax = max(choicelen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [Choice_base(wrap(choice,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['choice', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setChoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `choice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats or list of lists of floats
-            new `choice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._choice = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setChoice(self._choice) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setChoice(wrap(self._choice,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def choice(self): return self._choice
-    @choice.setter
-    def choice(self, x): self.setChoice(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class RandInt(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodic pseudo-random integer generator.
-    RandInt generates a pseudo-random integer number between 0 and `max` 
-    values at a frequency specified by `freq` parameter. RandInt will 
-    hold generated value until the next generation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 100.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> freq = RandInt(max=10, freq=5, mul=100, add=500)
-    >>> jit = Randi(min=0.99, max=1.01, freq=[2.33,3.41])
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq*jit, feedback=0.03, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, max=100, freq=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._max = max
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        max, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(max, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [RandInt_base(wrap(max,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['max', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-class RandDur(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Recursive time varying pseudo-random generator.
-    RandDur generates a pseudo-random number between `min` and `max` 
-    arguments and uses that number to set the delay time before the next 
-    generation. RandDur will hold the generated value until next generation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> dur = RandDur(min=[.05,0.1], max=[.4,.5])
-    >>> trig = Change(dur)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=HannTable(), dur=dur, mul=.2)
-    >>> freqs = midiToHz([60,63,67,70,72])
-    >>> freq = TrigChoice(trig, choice=freqs)
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=freq, type=2, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, min=0., max=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [RandDur_base(wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class Xnoise(PyoObject):
-    """
-    X-class pseudo-random generator.
-    Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions.
-    Each distribution generates values in the range 0 and 1.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Notes:
-    Available distributions are:
-        - uniform
-        - linear minimum
-        - linear maximum
-        - triangular
-        - exponential minimum
-        - exponential maximum
-        - double (bi)exponential
-        - cauchy
-        - weibull
-        - gaussian
-        - poisson
-        - walker (drunk)
-        - loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
-    Depending on the distribution, `x1` and `x2` parameters are applied
-    as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
-    parameter):
-        0 - uniform
-            no parameter
-        1 - linear_min 
-            no parameter
-        2 - linear_max
-            no parameter
-        3 - triangle
-            no parameter
-        4 - expon_min
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        5 - expon_max    
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        6 - biexpon
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
-        7 - cauchy
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        8 - weibull
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
-        9 - gaussian
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : bandwidth {0 =  narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        10 - poisson
-            x1 : gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
-            x2 : compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
-        11 - walker
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-        12 - loopseg 
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-    Parameters:
-    dist : string or int, optional
-        Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setDist(x) : Replace the `dist` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setX1(x) : Replace the `x1` attribute.
-    setX2(x) : Replace the `x2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    dist : string or int. Distribution type.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject. First parameter.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfo = Phasor(.1, 0, .5, .15)
-    >>> freq = Xnoise(dist=12, freq=8, x1=1, x2=lfo, mul=1000, add=500)
-    >>> jit = Randi(min=0.99, max=1.01, freq=[2.33,3.41])
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq*jit, feedback=0.03, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dist=0, freq=1., x1=0.5, x2=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._dist = dist
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._x1 = x1
-        self._x2 = x2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        dist, freq, x1, x2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dist, freq, x1, x2, mul, add)
-        for i, t in enumerate(dist):
-            if type(t) == StringType: dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        self._base_objs = [Xnoise_base(wrap(dist,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(x1,i), wrap(x2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['dist', 'freq', 'x1', 'x2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setDist(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dist` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `dist` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dist = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, t in enumerate(x):
-            if type(t) == StringType: x[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x2= x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def dist(self): return self._dist
-    @dist.setter
-    def dist(self, x): self.setDist(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def x1(self): return self._x1
-    @x1.setter
-    def x1(self, x): self.setX1(x)
-    @property
-    def x2(self): return self._x2
-    @x2.setter
-    def x2(self, x): self.setX2(x)
-class XnoiseMidi(PyoObject):
-    """
-    X-class midi notes pseudo-random generator.
-    XnoiseMidi implements a few of the most common noise distributions.
-    Each distribution generates integer values in the range defined with
-    `mrange` parameter and output can be scaled on midi notes, hertz or 
-    transposition factor. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Notes:
-    Available distributions are:
-        - uniform
-        - linear minimum
-        - linear maximum
-        - triangular
-        - exponential minimum
-        - exponential maximum
-        - double (bi)exponential
-        - cauchy
-        - weibull
-        - gaussian
-        - poisson
-        - walker (drunk)
-        - loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
-    Depending on the distribution, `x1` and `x2` parameters are applied
-    as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
-    parameter):
-        0 - uniform
-            no parameter
-        1 - linear_min 
-            no parameter
-        2 - linear_max
-            no parameter
-        3 - triangle
-            no parameter
-        4 - expon_min
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        5 - expon_max    
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        6 - biexpon
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
-        7 - cauchy
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        8 - weibull
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
-        9 - gaussian
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : bandwidth {0 =  narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        10 - poisson
-            x1 : gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
-            x2 : compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
-        11 - walker
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-        12 - loopseg 
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-    Parameters:
-    dist : string or int, optional
-        Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    scale : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        Output format. 0 = Midi, 1 = Hertz, 2 = transposition factor. 
-        In the transposition mode, the central key (the key where there 
-        is no transposition) is (`minrange` + `maxrange`) / 2. Defaults
-        to 0.
-    mrange : tuple of int, optional
-        Minimum and maximum possible values, in Midi notes. Available
-        only at initialization time. Defaults to (0, 127).
-    Methods:
-    setDist(x) : Replace the `dist` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setX1(x) : Replace the `x1` attribute.
-    setX2(x) : Replace the `x2` attribute.
-    setScale(x) : Replace the `scale` attribute.
-    setRange(x, y) : Changes min and max range values and centralkey.
-    Attributes:
-    dist : string or int. Distribution type.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject. First parameter.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
-    scale : int. Output format.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> l = Phasor(.4)
-    >>> rnd = XnoiseMidi('loopseg', freq=8, x1=1, x2=l, scale=0, mrange=(60,96))
-    >>> freq = Snap(rnd, choice=[0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 11], scale=1)
-    >>> jit = Randi(min=0.99, max=1.01, freq=[2.33,3.41])
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq*jit, feedback=0.03, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dist=0, freq=1., x1=0.5, x2=0.5, scale=0, mrange=(0,127), mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._dist = dist
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._x1 = x1
-        self._x2 = x2
-        self._scale = scale
-        self._mrange = mrange
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        dist, freq, x1, x2, scale, mrange, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dist, freq, x1, x2, scale, mrange, mul, add)
-        for i, t in enumerate(dist):
-            if type(t) == StringType: dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        self._base_objs = [XnoiseMidi_base(wrap(dist,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(x1,i), wrap(x2,i), wrap(scale,i), wrap(mrange,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['dist', 'freq', 'x1', 'x2', 'scale', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setDist(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dist` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : string or int
-            new `dist` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dist = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, t in enumerate(x):
-            if type(t) == StringType: x[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `scale` attribute.
-        Possible values are: 
-            0 -> Midi notes
-            1 -> Hertz
-            2 -> transposition factor 
-                 (centralkey is (`minrange` + `maxrange`) / 2
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1, 2}
-            new `scale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._scale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRange(self, mini, maxi):
-        """
-        Replace the `mrange` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        mini : int
-            minimum output midi range.
-        maxi : int
-            maximum output midi range.
-        """
-        self._mrange = (mini, maxi)
-        mini, maxi, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mini, maxi)
-        [obj.setRange(wrap(mini,i), wrap(maxi,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x2= x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def dist(self): return self._dist
-    @dist.setter
-    def dist(self, x): self.setDist(x)
-    @property
-    def scale(self): return self._scale
-    @scale.setter
-    def scale(self, x): self.setScale(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def x1(self): return self._x1
-    @x1.setter
-    def x1(self, x): self.setX1(x)
-    @property
-    def x2(self): return self._x2
-    @x2.setter
-    def x2(self, x): self.setX2(x)
-class XnoiseDur(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Recursive time varying X-class pseudo-random generator.
-    Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions.
-    Each distribution generates values in the range 0 to 1, which are
-    then rescaled between `min` and `max` arguments. The object uses 
-    the generated value to set the delay time before the next generation. 
-    XnoiseDur will hold the value until next generation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Notes:
-    Available distributions are:
-        - uniform
-        - linear minimum
-        - linear maximum
-        - triangular
-        - exponential minimum
-        - exponential maximum
-        - double (bi)exponential
-        - cauchy
-        - weibull
-        - gaussian
-        - poisson
-        - walker (drunk)
-        - loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
-    Depending on the distribution, `x1` and `x2` parameters are applied
-    as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
-    parameter):
-        0 - uniform
-            no parameter
-        1 - linear_min 
-            no parameter
-        2 - linear_max
-            no parameter
-        3 - triangle
-            no parameter
-        4 - expon_min
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        5 - expon_max    
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        6 - biexpon
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
-        7 - cauchy
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        8 - weibull
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
-        9 - gaussian
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : bandwidth {0 =  narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        10 - poisson
-            x1 : gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
-            x2 : compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
-        11 - walker
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-        12 - loopseg 
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-    Parameters:
-    dist : string or int, optional
-        Distribution type. Can be the name of the distribution as a string
-        or its associated number. Defaults to 0.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setDist(x) : Replace the `dist` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setX1(x) : Replace the `x1` attribute.
-    setX2(x) : Replace the `x2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    dist : string or int. Distribution type.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject. First parameter.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> dur = XnoiseDur(dist="expon_min", min=[.05,0.1], max=[.4,.5], x1=3)
-    >>> trig = Change(dur)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=HannTable(), dur=dur, mul=.2)
-    >>> freqs = midiToHz([60,63,67,70,72])
-    >>> freq = TrigChoice(trig, choice=freqs)
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=freq, type=2, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dist=0, min=0., max=1., x1=0.5, x2=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._dist = dist
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._x1 = x1
-        self._x2 = x2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        dist, min, max, x1, x2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dist, min, max, x1, x2, mul, add)
-        for i, t in enumerate(dist):
-            if type(t) == StringType: dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        self._base_objs = [XnoiseDur_base(wrap(dist,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(x1,i), wrap(x2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['dist', 'min', 'max', 'x1', 'x2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setDist(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dist` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `dist` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dist = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, t in enumerate(x):
-            if type(t) == StringType: x[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x2= x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def dist(self): return self._dist
-    @dist.setter
-    def dist(self, x): self.setDist(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def x1(self): return self._x1
-    @x1.setter
-    def x1(self, x): self.setX1(x)
-    @property
-    def x2(self): return self._x2
-    @x2.setter
-    def x2(self, x): self.setX2(x)
-class Urn(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Periodic pseudo-random integer generator without duplicates.
-    Urn generates a pseudo-random integer number between 0 and `max` 
-    values at a frequency specified by `freq` parameter. Urn will 
-    hold generated value until the next generation. Urn works like RandInt, 
-    except that it keeps track of each number which has been generated. After
-    all numbers have been outputed, the pool is reseted and the object send
-    a trigger signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    max : int, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 100.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Polling frequency. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    max : int. Maximum value.
-    freq : float or PyoObject. Polling frequency.
-    Notes:
-    Urn will sends a trigger signal when the pool is empty. 
-    User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']. 
-    Useful to synchronize other processes. 
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> mid = Urn(max=12, freq=10, add=60)
-    >>> fr = MToF(mid)
-    >>> sigL = SineLoop(freq=fr, feedback=.08, mul=0.3).out()
-    >>> amp = TrigExpseg(mid["trig"], [(0,0),(.01,.25),(1,0)])
-    >>> sigR = SineLoop(midiToHz(84), feedback=0.05, mul=amp).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, max=100, freq=1., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._max = max
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        max, freq, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(max, freq, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Urn_base(wrap(max,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['max', 'freq', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self): return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/server.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/server.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a63282a..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/server.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import os
-from _core import *
-from _widgets import createServerGUI
-### Proxy of Server object
-class Server(object):
-    """
-    Main processing audio loop callback handler.
-    The Server object handles all communications with Portaudio and 
-    Portmidi. It keeps track of all audio streams created as well as
-    connections between them. 
-    An instance of the Server must be booted before defining any 
-    signal processing chain.
-    Parameters:
-    sr : int, optional
-        Sampling rate used by Portaudio and the Server to compute samples. 
-        Defaults to 44100.
-    nchnls : int, optional
-        Number of input and output channels. Defaults to 2.
-    buffersize : int, optional
-        Number of samples that Portaudio will request from the callback loop. 
-        This value has an impact on CPU use (a small buffer size is harder 
-        to compute) and on the latency of the system. Latency is 
-        `buffer size / sampling rate` in seconds. Defaults to 256.
-    duplex : int {0, 1}, optional
-        Input - output mode. 0 is output only and 1 is both ways. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    audio : string {'portaudio', 'pa', 'jack', 'coreaudio', 'offline', 'offline_nb}, optional
-        Audio backend to use. 'pa' is equivalent to 'portaudio'.
-        'offline' save the audio output in a soundfile as fast as possible in blocking mode, 
-        ie. the main program doesn't respond until the end of the computation.
-        'offline_nb' save the audio output in a soundfile as fast as possible in non-blocking 
-        mode, ie. the computation is executed in a separated thread, allowing the program to
-        respond while the computation goes on. It is the responsibility of the user to make
-        sure that the program doesn't exit before the computation is done.
-        Default is 'portaudio'.
-    jackname : string, optional
-        Name of jack client. Defaults to 'pyo'
-    Methods:
-    setAmp(x) : Set the overall amplitude.
-    boot() : Boot the server. Must be called before defining any signal 
-        processing chain.
-    shutdown() : Shut down and clear the server.
-    setStartOffset(x) : Set the starting time of the real-time processing.
-    setGlobalSeed(x) : Set the server's global seed used by random objects.
-    start() : Start the audio callback loop.
-    stop() : Stop the audio callback loop.
-    gui(locals, meter, timer) : Show the server's user interface.
-    recordOptions(dur, filename, fileformat, sampletype) : Rendering settings.
-    recstart(str) : Begins recording of the sound sent to output. 
-        This method creates a file called `pyo_rec.aif` in the 
-        user's home directory if a path is not supplied.
-    recstop() : Stops previously started recording.
-    getSamplingRate() : Returns the current sampling rate.
-    getNchnls() : Returns the current number of channels.
-    getBufferSize() : Returns the current buffer size.
-    getGlobalSeed() : Returns the server's global seed.
-    getIsStarted() : Returns 1 if the server is started, otherwise returns 0.
-    getMidiActive() : Returns 1 if Midi callback is active, otherwise returns 0.
-    getStreams() : Returns the list of Stream objects currently in the Server memory.
-    getNumberOfStreams() : Returns the number of streams currently in the Server memory.
-    The next methods must be called before booting the server
-    setInOutDevice(x) : Set both input and output devices. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-    setInputDevice(x) : Set the audio input device number. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-    setOutputDevice(x) : Set the audio output device number. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-    setMidiInputDevice(x) : Set the MIDI input device number. See `pm_list_devices()`.
-    setSamplingRate(x) : Set the sampling rate used by the server.
-    setBufferSize(x) : Set the buffer size used by the server.
-    setNchnls(x) : Set the number of channels used by the server.
-    setDuplex(x) : Set the duplex mode used by the server.
-    setVerbosity(x) : Set the server's verbosity.
-    reinit(sr, nchnls, buffersize, duplex, audio, jackname) : Reinit the server's settings.
-    Attributes:
-    amp : Overall amplitude of the Server. This value is applied on any 
-        stream sent to the soundcard.
-    verbosity : Control the messages printed by the server. It is a sum of 
-        values to display different levels: 1 = error, 2 = message, 
-        4 = warning , 8 = debug.
-    startoffset : Starting time of the real-time processing.
-    globalseed : Global seed used by random objects. Defaults to 0 (means always seed from the system clock). 
-    Examples:
-    >>> # For an 8 channels server in duplex mode with
-    >>> # a sampling rate of 48000 Hz and buffer size of 512
-    >>> s = Server(sr=48000, nchnls=8, buffersize=512, duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sr=44100, nchnls=2, buffersize=256, duplex=1, audio='portaudio', jackname='pyo'):
-        if os.environ.has_key("PYO_SERVER_AUDIO"):
-            audio = os.environ["PYO_SERVER_AUDIO"]
-        self._nchnls = nchnls
-        self._amp = 1.
-        self._verbosity = 7
-        self._startoffset = 0
-        self._dur = -1
-        self._filename = None
-        self._fileformat = 0
-        self._sampletype = 0
-        self._server = Server_base(sr, nchnls, buffersize, duplex, audio, jackname)
-    def reinit(self, sr=44100, nchnls=2, buffersize=256, duplex=1, audio='portaudio', jackname='pyo'):
-        """
-        Reinit the server'settings. Useful to alternate between real-time and offline server.
-        Parameters:
-        Same as in the __init__ method.
-        """
-        self._nchnls = nchnls
-        self._amp = 1.
-        self._verbosity = 7
-        self._startoffset = 0
-        self._dur = -1
-        self._filename = None
-        self._fileformat = 0
-        self._sampletype = 0
-        self._globalseed = 0
-        self._server.__init__(sr, nchnls, buffersize, duplex, audio, jackname)
-    def gui(self, locals=None, meter=True, timer=True):
-        """
-        Show the server's user interface.
-        Parameters:
-        locals : locals namespace {locals(), None}, optional
-            If locals() is given, the interface will show an interpreter extension,
-            giving a way to interact with the running script. Defaults to None.
-        meter : boolean, optinal
-            If True, the interface will show a vumeter of the global output signal. 
-            Defaults to True.
-        timer : boolean, optional
-            If True, the interface will show a clock of the current time.
-            Defaults to True.
-        """
-        f, win = createServerGUI(self._nchnls, self.start, self.stop, self.recstart, self.recstop,
-                                 self.setAmp, self.getIsStarted(), locals, self.shutdown, meter, timer, self._amp)
-        if meter:
-            self._server.setAmpCallable(f)
-        if timer:
-            self._server.setTimeCallable(f)
-        try:
-            win.mainloop()
-        except:
-            if win != None:
-                win.MainLoop()
-    def setTimeCallable(self, func):
-        self.setTime = func
-        self._server.setTimeCallable(self)
-    def setInOutDevice(self, x):
-        """
-        Set both input and output audio devices. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Number of the audio input and output devices.
-        """
-        self._server.setInOutDevice(x)
-    def setInputDevice(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the audio input device number. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Number of the audio device listed by Portaudio.
-        """
-        self._server.setInputDevice(x)
-    def setOutputDevice(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the audio output device number. See `pa_list_devices()`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Number of the audio device listed by Portaudio.
-        """
-        self._server.setOutputDevice(x)
-    def setMidiInputDevice(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the Midi input device number. See `pm_list_devices()`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Number of the Midi device listed by Portmidi.
-        """
-        self._server.setMidiInputDevice(x)
-    def setSamplingRate(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the sampling rate used by the server.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New sampling rate, must be supported by the soundcard.
-        """  
-        self._server.setSamplingRate(x)
-    def setBufferSize(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the buffer size used by the server.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New buffer size.
-        """        
-        self._server.setBufferSize(x)
-    def setNchnls(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the number of channels used by the server.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New number of channels.
-        """
-        self._nchnls = x
-        self._server.setNchnls(x)
-    def setDuplex(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the duplex mode used by the server.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0 or 1}
-            New mode. 0 is output only, 1 is both ways.
-        """        
-        self._server.setDuplex(x)
-    def setVerbosity(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the server's verbosity.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            A sum of values to display different levels: 1 = error, 2 = message, 
-            4 = warning , 8 = debug.
-        """        
-        self._verbosity = x
-        self._server.setVerbosity(x)
-    def setGlobalSeed(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the server's global seed used by random objects.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            A positive integer that will be used as the seed by random objects.
-            If zero, randoms will be seeded with the system clock current value.
-        """        
-        self._globalseed = x
-        self._server.setGlobalSeed(x)
-    def setStartOffset(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the server's starting time offset. First `x` seconds will be rendered
-        offline as fast as possible.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            Starting time of the real-time processing.
-        """        
-        self._startoffset = x
-        self._server.setStartOffset(x)
-    def setAmp(self, x):
-        """
-        Set the overall amplitude.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New amplitude.
-        """
-        self._amp = x
-        self._server.setAmp(x)
-    def shutdown(self):
-        """
-        Shut down and clear the server. This method will erase all objects
-        from the callback loop. This method need to be called before changing 
-        server's parameters like `samplingrate`, `buffersize`, `nchnls`, ...
-        """
-        self._server.shutdown()
-    def boot(self):
-        """
-        Boot the server. Must be called before defining any signal processing 
-        chain. Server's parameters like `samplingrate`, `buffersize` or 
-        `nchnls` will be effective after a call to this method.
-        """
-        self._server.boot()
-        return self
-    def start(self):
-        """
-        Start the audio callback loop and begin processing.
-        """
-        self._server.start()
-        return self
-    def stop(self):
-        """
-        Stop the audio callback loop.
-        """
-        self._server.stop()
-    def recordOptions(self, dur=-1, filename=None, fileformat=0, sampletype=0):
-        """
-        Sets options for soundfile created by offline rendering or global recording.
-        Parameters:
-        dur : float
-            Duration, in seconds, of the recorded file. Only used by
-            offline rendering. Must be positive. Defaults to -1.
-        filename : string
-            Full path of the file to create. If None, a file called
-            `pyo_rec.wav` will be created in the user's home directory.
-            Defaults to None.
-        fileformat : int, optional
-            Format type of the audio file. This function will first try to
-            set the format from the filename extension. If it's not possible,
-            it uses the fileformat parameter. Defaults to 0. 
-            Supported formats are:
-                0 : WAV - Microsoft WAV format (little endian) {.wav, .wave}
-                1 : AIFF - Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian) {.aif, .aiff}
-        sampletype : int, optional
-            Bit depth encoding of the audio file. Defaults to 0.
-            Supported types are:
-                0 : 16 bits int
-                1 : 24 bits int
-                2 : 32 bits int
-                3 : 32 bits float
-                4 : 64 bits float
-        """
-        FORMATS = {'wav': 0, 'wave': 0, 'aif': 1, 'aiff': 1}
-        self._dur = dur
-        if filename == None:
-            filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "pyo_rec.wav")
-        self._filename = filename
-        ext = filename.rsplit('.')
-        if len(ext) >= 2:
-            ext = ext[-1].lower()
-            if FORMATS.has_key(ext):
-                fileformat = FORMATS[ext]
-            else:
-                print 'Warning: Unknown file extension. Using fileformat value.'
-        else:
-            print 'Warning: Filename has no extension. Using fileformat value.'
-        self._fileformat = fileformat
-        self._sampletype = sampletype
-        self._server.recordOptions(dur, filename, fileformat, sampletype)
-    def recstart(self, filename=None):
-        """
-        Begins a default recording of the sound that is sent to the
-        soundcard. This will create a file called `pyo_rec.wav` in 
-        the user's home directory if no path is supplied or defined
-        with recordOptions method. Uses file format and sample type 
-        defined with recordOptions method. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string, optional
-            Name of the file to be created. Defaults to None.
-        """
-        FORMATS = {'wav': 0, 'wave': 0, 'aif': 1, 'aiff': 1}
-        if filename == None:
-            if self._filename != None:
-                filename = self._filename
-            else:
-                filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "pyo_rec.wav")
-        ext = filename.rsplit('.')
-        if len(ext) >= 2:
-            ext = ext[-1].lower()
-            if FORMATS.has_key(ext):
-                fileformat = FORMATS[ext]
-                if fileformat != self._fileformat:
-                    self._fileformat = fileformat
-                    self._server.recordOptions(self._dur, filename, self._fileformat, self._sampletype)
-        self._server.recstart(filename)    
-    def recstop(self):
-        """
-        Stop the previously started recording.
-        """
-        self._server.recstop()
-    def getStreams(self):
-        """
-        Return the list of streams loaded in the server.
-        """
-        return self._server.getStreams()
-    def getSamplingRate(self):
-        """
-        Return the current sampling rate.
-        """
-        return self._server.getSamplingRate()
-    def getNchnls(self):
-        """
-        Return the current number of channels.
-        """
-        return self._server.getNchnls()
-    def getBufferSize(self):
-        """
-        Return the current buffer size.
-        """
-        return self._server.getBufferSize()
-    def getGlobalSeed(self):
-        """
-        Return the current global seed.
-        """
-        return self._server.getGlobalSeed()
-    def getIsStarted(self):
-        """
-        Returns 1 if the server is started, otherwise returns 0.
-        """
-        return self._server.getIsStarted()
-    def getMidiActive(self):
-        """
-        Returns 1 if Midi callback is active, otherwise returns 0.
-        """
-        return self._server.getMidiActive()
-    def getStreams(self):
-        """
-        Returns the list of Stream objects currently in the Server memory.
-        """
-        return self._server.getStreams()
-    def getNumberOfStreams(self):
-        """
-        Returns the number of streams currently in the Server memory.
-        """
-        return len(self._server.getStreams())
-    @property
-    def amp(self):
-        """float. Overall amplitude.""" 
-        return self._amp
-    @amp.setter
-    def amp(self, x): self.setAmp(x) 
-    @property
-    def startoffset(self):
-        """float. Starting time of the real-time processing.""" 
-        return self._startoffset
-    @startoffset.setter
-    def startoffset(self, x): self.setStartOffset(x) 
-    @property
-    def verbosity(self):
-        """int. Server verbosity.""" 
-        return self._verbosity
-    @verbosity.setter
-    def verbosity(self, x):
-        if (type(x) == int):
-            self.setVerbosity(x)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("verbosity must be an integer")
-    @property
-    def globalseed(self):
-        """int. Server global seed.""" 
-        return self._globalseed
-    @globalseed.setter
-    def globalseed(self, x):
-        if (type(x) == int):
-            self.setGlobalSeed(x)
-        else:
-            raise Exception("global seed must be an integer")
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/snds/__init__.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/snds/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tableprocess.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tableprocess.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d150ff..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tableprocess.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2630 +0,0 @@
-Set of objects to perform operations on PyoTableObjects.
-PyoTableObjects are 1 dimension containers. They can be used to 
-store audio samples or algorithmic sequences for future uses.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import SliceType
-class Osc(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple oscillator reading a waveform table.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Phase of sampling, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setPhase(x) : Replace the `phase` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, Phase of sampling (0 -> 1).
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    See also: Phasor, Sine
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111,0,.091])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[100,99.2], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, freq=1000, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._phase = phase
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, freq, phase, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, freq, phase, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Osc_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(phase,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'freq', 'phase', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPhase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `phase` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `phase` attribute.
-        """
-        self._phase = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPhase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMapPhase(self._phase),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def phase(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Phase of sampling.""" 
-        return self._phase
-    @phase.setter
-    def phase(self, x): self.setPhase(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class OscLoop(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A simple oscillator with feedback reading a waveform table.
-    OscLoop reads a waveform table with linear interpolation and feedback control.
-    The oscillator output, multiplied by `feedback`, is added to the position
-    increment and can be used to control the brightness of the oscillator.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of the output signal added to position increment, between 0 and 1. 
-        Controls the brightness. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setFeedback(x) : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    feedback : float or PyoObject, Brightness control.
-    See also: Osc, SineLoop
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143])
-    >>> lfo = Sine(.5, 0, .05, .05)
-    >>> a = OscLoop(table=t, freq=[100,99.3], feedback=lfo, mul=.2).out()   
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, freq=1000, feedback=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, freq, feedback, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, freq, feedback, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [OscLoop_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'freq', 'feedback', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `feedback` attribute.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "feedback", self._feedback),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def feedback(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Brightness control.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class OscTrig(PyoObject):
-    """
-    An oscillator reading a waveform table with sample accurate reset signal.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    trig : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Reset the table pointer position to zero on
-        each trig.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1000.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Phase of sampling, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setTrig(x) : Replace the `trig` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setPhase(x) : Replace the `phase` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    trig : PyoObject, Trigger signal, reset pointer position to zero.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, Phase of sampling (0 -> 1).
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    See also: Osc, Phasor, Sine
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> tab = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif")
-    >>> tim = Phasor([-0.2,-0.25], mul=tab.getDur()-0.005, add=0.005)
-    >>> rst = Metro(tim).play()
-    >>> a = OscTrig(tab, rst, freq=tab.getRate(), mul=.4).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, trig, freq=1000, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._trig = trig
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._phase = phase
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, trig, freq, phase, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, trig, freq, phase, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [OscTrig_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(trig,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(phase,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'trig', 'freq', 'phase', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setTrig(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `trig` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            new `trig` attribute.
-        """
-        self._trig = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTrig(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPhase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `phase` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `phase` attribute.
-        """
-        self._phase = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPhase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMapPhase(self._phase),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def trig(self):
-        """PyoObject. Trigger signal. Reset pointer position to zero""" 
-        return self._trig
-    @trig.setter
-    def trig(self, x): self.setTrig(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def phase(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Phase of sampling.""" 
-        return self._phase
-    @phase.setter
-    def phase(self, x): self.setPhase(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class OscBank(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Any number of oscillators reading a waveform table.
-    OscBank mixes the output of any number of oscillators. The frequencies
-    of each oscillator is controlled with two parameters, the base frequency 
-    `freq` and a coefficient of expansion `spread`. Frequencies are computed 
-    with the following formula (`n` is the order of the partial):
-    f_n = freq + freq * spread * n
-    The frequencies and amplitudes can be modulated by two random generators 
-    with interpolation (each partial have a different set of randoms).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Base frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    spread : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Coefficient of expansion used to compute partial frequencies. 
-        If `spread` is 0, all partials will be at the base frequency. 
-        A value of 1 will generate integer harmonics, a value of 2
-        will skip even harmonics and non-integer values will generate
-        different series of inharmonic frequencies. Defaults to 1.
-    slope : float or PyoObject, optional
-        specifies the multiplier in the series of amplitude coefficients. 
-        This is a power series: the nth partial will have an amplitude of 
-        (slope ** n), i.e. strength values trace an exponential curve.
-        Defaults to 1.
-    frndf : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency, in cycle per second, of the frequency modulations. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    frnda : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum frequency deviation (positive and negative) in portion of 
-        the partial frequency. A value of 1 means that the frequency can
-        drift from 0 Hz to twice the partial frequency. A value of 0 
-        deactivates the frequency deviations. Defaults to 0.
-    arndf : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency, in cycle per second, of the amplitude modulations. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    arnda : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Amount of amplitude deviation. 0 deactivates the amplitude 
-        modulations and 1 gives full amplitude modulations.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    num : int, optional
-        Number of oscillators. Available at initialization only.
-        Defaults to 24.
-    fjit : boolean, optional
-        If True, a small jitter is added to the frequency of each partial.
-        For a large number of oscillators and a very small `spread`, the
-        periodicity between partial frequencies can cause very strange
-        artefact. Adding a jitter breaks the periodicity. Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setSpread(x) : Replace the `spread` attribute.
-    setSlope(x) : Replace the `slope` attribute.
-    setFrndf(x) : Replace the `frndf` attribute.
-    setFrnda(x) : Replace the `frnda` attribute.
-    setArndf(x) : Replace the `arndf` attribute.
-    setArnda(x) : Replace the `arnda` attribute.
-    setFjit(x) : Replace the `fjit` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Base frequency in cycles per second.
-    spread : float or PyoObject, Coefficient of expansion.
-    slope : float or PyoObject, Multiplier in the series of amplitudes.
-    frndf : float or PyoObject, Frequency of the frequency modulations.
-    frnda : float or PyoObject, Maximum frequency deviation from 0 to 1.
-    arndf : float or PyoObject, Frequency of the amplitude modulations.
-    arnda : float or PyoObject, Amount of amplitude deviation from 0 to 1.
-    fjit : boolean, Jitter added to the parial frequencies.
-    See also: Osc
-    Notes:
-    Altough parameters can be audio signals, values are sampled only once 
-    per buffer size. To avoid artefacts, it is recommended to keep variations
-    at low rate (< 20 Hz).
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> ta = HarmTable([1,.3,.2])
-    >>> tb = HarmTable([1])
-    >>> f = Fader(fadein=.1).play()
-    >>> a = OscBank(ta,100,spread=0,frndf=.25,frnda=.01,num=[10,10],fjit=True,mul=f*0.5).out()
-    >>> b = OscBank(tb,250,spread=.25,slope=.8,arndf=4,arnda=1,num=[10,10],mul=f*0.4).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, freq=100, spread=1, slope=.9, frndf=1, frnda=0, arndf=1, arnda=0, num=24, fjit=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._spread = spread
-        self._slope = slope
-        self._frndf = frndf
-        self._frnda = frnda
-        self._arndf = arndf
-        self._arnda = arnda
-        self._fjit = fjit
-        self._num = num
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, freq, spread, slope, frndf, frnda, arndf, arnda, num, fjit, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, freq, spread, slope, frndf, frnda, arndf, arnda, num, fjit, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [OscBank_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(spread,i), wrap(slope,i), wrap(frndf,i), wrap(frnda,i), wrap(arndf,i), wrap(arnda,i), wrap(num,i), wrap(fjit,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'freq', 'spread', 'slope', 'frndf', 'frnda', 'arndf', 'arnda', 'fjit', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSpread(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `spread` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `spread` attribute.
-        """
-        self._spread = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSpread(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSlope(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `slope` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `slope` attribute.
-        """
-        self._slope = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setSlope(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFrndf(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `frndf` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `frndf` attribute.
-        """
-        self._frndf = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrndf(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFrnda(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `frnda` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `frnda` attribute.
-        """
-        self._frnda = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrnda(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setArndf(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `arndf` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `arndf` attribute.
-        """
-        self._arndf = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setArndf(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setArnda(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `arnda` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `arnda` attribute.
-        """
-        self._arnda = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setArnda(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFjit(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `fjit` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `fjit` attribute.
-        """
-        self._fjit = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFjit(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 15000, "log", "freq", self._freq),
-                          SLMap(0.001, 2, "log", "spread", self._spread),
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "slope", self._slope),
-                          SLMap(0.001, 20, "log", "frndf", self._frndf),
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "frnda", self._frnda),
-                          SLMap(0.001, 20, "log", "arndf", self._arndf),
-                          SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "arnda", self._arnda),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def spread(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency expansion factor.""" 
-        return self._spread
-    @spread.setter
-    def spread(self, x): self.setSpread(x)
-    @property
-    def slope(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Multiplier in the series of amplitudes.""" 
-        return self._slope
-    @slope.setter
-    def slope(self, x): self.setSlope(x)
-    @property
-    def frndf(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency of the frequency modulations.""" 
-        return self._frndf
-    @frndf.setter
-    def frndf(self, x): self.setFrndf(x)
-    @property
-    def frnda(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum frequency deviation from 0 to 1.""" 
-        return self._frnda
-    @frnda.setter
-    def frnda(self, x): self.setFrnda(x)
-    @property
-    def arndf(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency of the amplitude modulations.""" 
-        return self._arndf
-    @arndf.setter
-    def arndf(self, x): self.setArndf(x)
-    @property
-    def arnda(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Amount of amplitude deviation from 0 to 1.""" 
-        return self._arnda
-    @arnda.setter
-    def arnda(self, x): self.setArnda(x)
-    @property
-    def fjit(self): 
-        """boolean. Jitter added to the parial frequencies.""" 
-        return self._fjit
-    @fjit.setter
-    def fjit(self, x): self.setFjit(x)
-class TableRead(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Simple waveform table reader.
-    Read sampled sound from a table, with optional looping mode.
-    The play() method starts the playback and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 1.
-    loop : int {0, 1}, optional
-        Looping mode, 0 means off, 1 means on. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    reset() : Resets the reading pointer to 0.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    loop : int, Looping mode.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Notes:
-    TableRead will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback if 
-    loop is off or any time it wraps around if loop is on. User can 
-    retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']:
-    >>> tabr = TableRead(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif").out()
-    >>> trig = TrigRand(tab['trig'])
-    See also: Osc
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif')
-    >>> freq = snd.getRate()
-    >>> a = TableRead(table=snd, freq=[freq,freq*.99], loop=True, mul=.3).out()   
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, freq=1, loop=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, freq, loop, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, freq, loop, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TableRead_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(loop,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'freq', 'loop', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1}
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self):
-        """
-        Resets current phase to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def loop(self): 
-        """int. Looping mode.""" 
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class Pulsar(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Pulsar synthesis oscillator.
-    Pulsar synthesis produces a train of sound particles called pulsars 
-    that can make rhythms or tones, depending on the fundamental frequency 
-    of the train. Varying the `frac` parameter changes the portion of the
-    period assigned to the waveform and the portion of the period assigned 
-    to its following silence, but maintain the overall pulsar period. This 
-    results in an effect much like a sweeping band-pass filter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    env : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the envelope samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Frequency in cycles per second. Defaults to 100.
-    frac : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Fraction of the whole period (0 -> 1) given to the waveform. 
-        The rest will be filled with zeros. Defaults to 0.5.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Phase of sampling, expressed as a fraction of a cycle (0 to 1). 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setEnv(x) : Replace the `emv` attribute.
-    setFreq(x) : Replace the `freq` attribute.
-    setFrac(x) : Replace the `frac` attribute.
-    setPhase(x) : Replace the `phase` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    env : PyoTableObject. Table containing the envelope samples.
-    freq : float or PyoObject, Frequency in cycles per second.
-    frac : float or PyoObject, Fraction of the period assigned to waveform.
-    phase : float or PyoObject, Phase of sampling (0 -> 1).
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    See also: Osc
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> w = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,2,0,.143,0,.111])
-    >>> e = HannTable()
-    >>> lfo = Sine([.1,.15], mul=.2, add=.5)
-    >>> a = Pulsar(table=w, env=e, freq=80, frac=lfo, mul=.08).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, env, freq=100, frac=0.5, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._env = env
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._frac = frac
-        self._phase = phase
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, env, freq, frac, phase, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, env, freq, frac, phase, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Pulsar_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(env,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(frac,i), wrap(phase,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'env', 'freq', 'frac', 'phase', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setEnv(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `env` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `env` attribute.
-        """
-        self._env = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setEnv(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `freq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `freq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFrac(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `frac` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `frac` attribute.
-        """
-        self._frac = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFrac(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPhase(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `phase` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `phase` attribute.
-        """
-        self._phase = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPhase(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'frac', self._frac),
-                          SLMapPhase(self._phase),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def env(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the envelope samples.""" 
-        return self._env
-    @env.setter
-    def env(self, x): self.setEnv(x)
-    @property
-    def freq(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def frac(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Fraction of the period assigned to waveform.""" 
-        return self._frac
-    @frac.setter
-    def frac(self, x): self.setFrac(x)
-    @property
-    def phase(self): 
-        """float or PyoObject. Phase of sampling.""" 
-        return self._phase
-    @phase.setter
-    def phase(self, x): self.setPhase(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class Pointer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Table reader with control on the pointer position.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    index : PyoObject
-        Normalized position in the table between 0 and 1.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    index : PyoObject. Pointer position in the table.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif')
-    >>> freq = t.getRate()
-    >>> p = Phasor(freq=[freq*0.5, freq*0.45])
-    >>> a = Pointer(table=t, index=p, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, index, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._index = index
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, index, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, index, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Pointer_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            new `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """PyoObject. Index pointer position in the table.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
-class TableIndex(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Table reader by sample position without interpolation.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the samples.
-    index : PyoObject
-        Position in the table, as integer audio stream, 
-        between 0 and table's size - 1.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    index : PyoObject. Position in the table.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> import random
-    >>> notes = [midiToHz(random.randint(60,84)) for i in range(10)]
-    >>> tab = DataTable(size=10, init=notes)
-    >>> ind = RandInt(10, [4,8])
-    >>> pit = TableIndex(tab, ind)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=pit, feedback = 0.05, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, index, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._index = index
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, index, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, index, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TableIndex_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            new `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the samples.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """PyoObject. Position in the table.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
-class Lookup(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Uses table to do waveshaping on an audio signal.
-    Lookup uses a table to apply waveshaping on an input signal
-    `index`. The index must be between -1 and 1, it is automatically
-    scaled between 0 and len(table)-1 and is used as a position
-    pointer in the table.  
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the transfert function.
-    index : PyoObject
-        Audio signal, between -1 and 1, internally converted to be
-        used as the index position in the table.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setIndex(x) : Replace the `index` attribute.
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the transfert function.
-    index : PyoObject. Audio input used as the table index.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=[.15,.2], mul=.2, add=.25)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[100,150], mul=lfo)
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,-1),(3072,-0.85),(4096,0),(5520,.85),(8192,1)])
-    >>> b = Lookup(table=t, index=a, mul=.5-lfo).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, index, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._index = index
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, index, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, index, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Lookup_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'index', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setIndex(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `index` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            new `index` attribute.
-        """
-        self._index = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the transfert function.""" 
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def index(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio input used as the table index.""" 
-        return self._index
-    @index.setter
-    def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
-class TableRec(PyoObject):
-    """
-    TableRec is for writing samples into a previously created NewTable.
-    See `NewTable` to create an empty table.
-    The play method is not called at the object creation time. It starts
-    the recording into the table until the table is full. Calling the 
-    play method again restarts the recording and overwrites previously
-    recorded samples.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal to write in the table.
-    table : NewTable
-        The table where to write samples.
-    fadetime : float, optional
-        Fade time at the beginning and the end of the recording 
-        in seconds. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    play() : Start the recording at the beginning of the table.
-    stop() : Stop the recording. Otherwise, record through the 
-        end of the table.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.
-    table : NewTable. The table where to write samples.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TableRec returns no signal.
-    TableRec has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    TableRec will sends a trigger signal at the end of the recording. 
-    User can retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']. In
-    this example, the recorded table will be read automatically after
-    a recording:
-    >>> a = Input(0)
-    >>> t = NewTable(length=1, chnls=1)
-    >>> rec = TableRec(a, table=t, fadetime=0.01)
-    >>> tr = TrigEnv(rec['trig'], table=t, dur=1).out()
-    obj['time'] outputs an audio stream of the current recording time, 
-    in samples.
-    See also: NewTable, TrigTableRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = NewTable(length=2, chnls=1)
-    >>> a = Input(0)
-    >>> b = TableRec(a, t, .01)
-    >>> amp = Iter(b["trig"], [.5])
-    >>> freq = t.getRate()
-    >>> c = Osc(t, [freq, freq*.99], mul=amp).out()
-    >>> # to record in the empty table, call:
-    >>> # b.play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, table, fadetime=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._time_dummy = []
-        self._input = input
-        self._table = table
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, table, fadetime, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, table, fadetime)
-        self._base_objs = [TableRec_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(table,i), wrap(fadetime,i)) for i in range(len(table))]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-        self._time_objs = [TableRecTimeStream_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'table']
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i == 'time':
-            self._time_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._time_objs]))
-            return self._time_dummy[-1]
-        return PyoObject.__getitem__(self, i)
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewTable
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """NewTable. The table where to write samples."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-class TableMorph(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Morphs between multiple PyoTableObjects.
-    Uses an index into a list of PyoTableObjects to morph between adjacent 
-    tables in the list. The resulting morphed function is written into the 
-    `table` object at the beginning of each buffer size. The tables in the 
-    list and the resulting table must be equal in size.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Morphing index between 0 and 1. 0 is the first table in the list 
-        and 1 is the last.
-    table : NewTable
-        The table where to write morphed waveform.
-    sources : list of PyoTableObject
-        List of tables to interpolate from.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setSources(x) : Replace the `sources` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Morphing index between 0 and 1.
-    table : NewTable. The table where to write samples.
-    sources : list of PyoTableObject. List of tables to interpolate from.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TableMorph returns no signal.
-    TableMorph has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t1 = HarmTable([1,.5,.33,.25,.2,.167,.143,.125,.111,.1,.091])
-    >>> t2 = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111,0,.091])
-    >>> t3 = NewTable(length=8192./s.getSamplingRate(), chnls=1)
-    >>> lfo = Sine(.25, 0, .5, .5)
-    >>> mor = TableMorph(lfo, t3, [t1,t2])
-    >>> osc = Osc(t3, freq=[199.5,200], mul=.08).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, table, sources):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._table = table
-        self._sources = sources
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, table, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, table)
-        self._base_sources = [source[0] for source in sources]
-        self._base_objs = [TableMorph_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(table,i), self._base_sources) for i in range(len(table))]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'table', 'sources', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewTable
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setSources(self, x):
-        """
-         Replace the `sources` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of PyoTableObject
-            new `sources` attribute.
-        """
-        self._sources = x
-        self._base_sources = [source[0] for source in x]
-        [obj.setSources(self._base_sources) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Morphing index between 0 and 1.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """NewTable. The table where to write samples."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def sources(self):
-        """list of PyoTableObject. List of tables to interpolate from."""
-        return self._sources
-    @sources.setter
-    def sources(self, x): self.setSources(x)
-class Granulator(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Granular synthesis generator.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    env : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the grain envelope.
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Overall pitch of the granulator. This value transpose the 
-        pitch of all grains. Defaults to 1.
-    pos : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Pointer position, in samples, in the waveform table. Each 
-        grain sampled the current value of this stream at the beginning 
-        of its envelope and hold it until the end of the grain. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    dur : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Duration, in seconds, of the grain. Each grain sampled the 
-        current value of this stream at the beginning of its envelope 
-        and hold it until the end of the grain. Defaults to 0.1.
-    grains : int, optional
-        Number of grains. Defaults to 8.
-    basedur : float, optional
-        Base duration used to calculate the speed of the pointer to 
-        read the grain at its original pitch. By changing the value of 
-        the `dur` parameter, transposition per grain can be generated.
-        Defaults to 0.1.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setEnv(x) : Replace the `env` attribute.
-    setPitch(x) : Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-    setPos(x) : Replace the `pos` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    setGrains(x) : Replace the `grains` attribute.
-    setBaseDur(x) : Replace the `basedur` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. The table where to write samples.
-    env : PyoTableObject. Table containing the grain envelope.
-    pitch : float or PyoObject. Overall pitch of the granulator.
-    pos : float or PyoObject. Position of the pointer in the sound table.
-    dur : float or PyoObject. Duration, in seconds, of the grain.
-    grains : int. Number of grains.
-    basedur : float. Duration to read the grain at its original pitch.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif")
-    >>> env = HannTable()
-    >>> pos = Phasor(snd.getRate()*.25, 0, snd.getSize())
-    >>> dur = Noise(.001, .1)
-    >>> g = Granulator(snd, env, [1, 1.001], pos, dur, 24, mul=.1).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, env, pitch=1, pos=0, dur=.1, grains=8, basedur=.1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._env = env
-        self._pitch = pitch
-        self._pos = pos
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._grains = grains
-        self._basedur = basedur
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, env, pitch, pos, dur, grains, basedur, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, env, pitch, 
-                                                                        pos, dur, grains, basedur, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Granulator_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(env,i), wrap(pitch,i), wrap(pos,i), wrap(dur,i), 
-                          wrap(grains,i), wrap(basedur,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'env', 'pitch', 'pos', 'dur', 'grains', 'basedur', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setEnv(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `env` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `env` attribute.
-        """
-        self._env = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setEnv(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPitch(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pitch` attribute.
-        """
-        self._pitch = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPos(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pos` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pos` attribute.
-        """
-        self._pos = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setGrains(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `grains` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `grains` attribute.
-        """
-        self._grains = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setGrains(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setBaseDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `basedur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `basedur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._basedur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setBaseDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
-                          SLMap(0.01, 1., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. The table where to write samples."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def env(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the grain envelope."""
-        return self._env
-    @env.setter
-    def env(self, x): self.setEnv(x)
-    @property
-    def pitch(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Overall pitch of the granulator."""
-        return self._pitch
-    @pitch.setter
-    def pitch(self, x): self.setPitch(x)
-    @property
-    def pos(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Position of the pointer in the sound table."""
-        return self._pos
-    @pos.setter
-    def pos(self, x): self.setPos(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Duration, in seconds, of the grain."""
-        return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-    @property
-    def grains(self):
-        """int. Number of grains."""
-        return self._grains
-    @grains.setter
-    def grains(self, x): self.setGrains(x)
-    @property
-    def basedur(self):
-        """float. Duration to read the grain at its original pitch."""
-        return self._basedur
-    @basedur.setter
-    def basedur(self, x): self.setBaseDur(x)
-class TrigTableRec(PyoObject):
-    """
-    TrigTableRec is for writing samples into a previously created NewTable.
-    See `NewTable` to create an empty table.
-    Each time a "trigger" is received in the `trig` input, TrigTableRec
-    starts the recording into the table until the table is full.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal to write in the table.
-    trig : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    table : NewTable
-        The table where to write samples.
-    fadetime : float, optional
-        Fade time at the beginning and the end of the recording 
-        in seconds. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTrig(x, fadetime) : Replace the `trig` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.
-    trig : PyoObject. Audio signal sending triggers.
-    table : NewTable. The table where to write samples.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigTableRec returns no signal.
-    TrigTableRec has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    TrigTableRec will sends a trigger signal at the end of the recording. 
-    User can retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj['trig'].
-    obj['time'] outputs an audio stream of the current recording time, 
-    in samples.
-    See also: NewTable, TableRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd = SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif'
-    >>> dur = sndinfo(snd)[1]
-    >>> t = NewTable(length=dur)
-    >>> src = SfPlayer(snd, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> trec = TrigTableRec(src, trig=Trig().play(), table=t)
-    >>> rep = TrigEnv(trec["trig"], table=t, dur=dur).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, trig, table, fadetime=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._time_dummy = []
-        self._input = input
-        self._trig = trig
-        self._table = table
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(trig)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, table, fadetime, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, table, fadetime)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigTableRec_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(table,i), wrap(fadetime,i)) for i in range(len(table))]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-        self._time_objs = [TrigTableRecTimeStream_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'trig', 'table']
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i == 'time':
-            self._time_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._time_objs]))
-            return self._time_dummy[-1]
-        return PyoObject.__getitem__(self, i)
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTrig(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `trig` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New trigger signal.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._trig = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : NewTable
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def trig(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal sending triggers.""" 
-        return self._trig
-    @trig.setter
-    def trig(self, x): self.setTrig(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """NewTable. The table where to write samples."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-class Looper(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Crossfading looper.
-    Looper reads audio from a PyoTableObject and plays it back in a loop with 
-    user-defined pitch, start time, duration and crossfade time. The `mode`
-    argument allows the user to choose different looping modes.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the waveform samples.
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Transposition factor. 1 is normal pitch, 0.5 is one octave lower, 2 is 
-        one octave higher. Negative values are not allowed. Defaults to 1.
-    start : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Starting point, in seconds, of the loop, updated only once per loop cycle. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    dur : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Duration, in seconds, of the loop, updated only once per loop cycle. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    xfade : float or PyoObject {0 -> 50}, optional
-        Percent of the loop time used to crossfade readers, updated only once per 
-        loop cycle and clipped between 0 and 50. Defaults to 20.
-    mode : int {0, 1, 2, 3}, optional
-        Loop modes. Defaults to 1. 
-            0 : no loop
-            1 : forward 
-            2 : backward
-            3 : back-and-forth
-    xfadeshape : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        Crossfade envelope shape. Defaults to 0. 
-            0 : linear
-            1 : equal power
-            2 : sigmoid
-    startfromloop : boolean, optional
-        If True, reading will begin directly at the loop start point. Otherwise, it
-        begins at the beginning of the table. Defaults to False.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    autosmooth : boolean, optional
-        If True, a lowpass filter, following the pitch, is applied on the output signal
-        to reduce the quantization noise produced by very low transpositions.
-        Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setPitch(x) : Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-    setStart(x) : Replace the `start` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    setXfade(x) : Replace the `xfade` attribute.
-    setMode(x) : Replace the `mode` attribute.
-    setXfadeShape(x) : Replace the `xfadeshape` attribute.
-    setStartFromLoop(x) : Replace the `startfromloop` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    setAutoSmooth(x) : Replace the `autosmooth` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    table : PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples.
-    pitch : float or PyoObject, Transposition factor.
-    start : float or PyoObject, Loop start position in seconds.
-    dur : float or PyoObject, Loop duration in seconds.
-    xfade : float or PyoObject, Crossfade duration in percent.
-    mode : int, Looping mode.
-    xfadeshape : int, Crossfade envelope.
-    startfromloop : boolean, Init starting point.
-    interp : int, Interpolation method.
-    autosmooth : boolean, Automatic lowpass filter.
-    See also: Granulator, Pointer
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> tab = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif')
-    >>> pit = Choice(choice=[.5,.75,1,1.25,1.5], freq=[3,4])
-    >>> start = Phasor(freq=.2, mul=tab.getDur())
-    >>> dur = Choice(choice=[.0625,.125,.125,.25,.33], freq=4)
-    >>> a = Looper(table=tab, pitch=pit, start=start, dur=dur, startfromloop=True, mul=.25).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, table, pitch=1, start=0, dur=1., xfade=20, mode=1, xfadeshape=0, startfromloop=False, interp=2, autosmooth=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._table = table
-        self._pitch = pitch
-        self._start = start
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._xfade = xfade
-        self._mode = mode
-        self._xfadeshape = xfadeshape
-        self._startfromloop = startfromloop
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._autosmooth = autosmooth
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        table, pitch, start, dur, xfade, mode, xfadeshape, startfromloop, interp, autosmooth, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(
-                                        table, pitch, start, dur, xfade, mode, xfadeshape, startfromloop, interp, autosmooth, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Looper_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(pitch,i), wrap(start,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(xfade,i), wrap(mode,i), 
-            wrap(xfadeshape,i), wrap(startfromloop,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(autosmooth,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['table', 'pitch', 'start', 'dur', 'xfade', 'mode', 'xfadeshape', 'startfromloop', 'interp', 'autosmooth', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPitch(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `pitch` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `pitch` attribute.
-        """
-        self._pitch = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setStart(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `start` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `start` attribute.
-        """
-        self._start = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setStart(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setXfade(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `xfade` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `xfade` attribute.
-        """
-        self._xfade = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setXfade(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setXfadeShape(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `xfadeshape` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `xfadeshape` attribute.
-        """
-        self._xfadeshape = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setXfadeShape(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setStartFromLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `startfromloop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `startfromloop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._startfromloop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setStartFromLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMode(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `mode` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `mode` attribute.
-        """
-        self._mode = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMode(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setAutoSmooth(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `autosmooth` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `autosmooth` attribute.
-        """
-        self._autosmooth = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setAutoSmooth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
-                          SLMap(0., self._table.getDur(), 'lin', 'start', self._start),
-                          SLMap(0.01, 1., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def pitch(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
-        return self._pitch
-    @pitch.setter
-    def pitch(self, x): self.setPitch(x)
-    @property
-    def start(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Loop start position in seconds."""
-        return self._start
-    @start.setter
-    def start(self, x): self.setStart(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Loop duration in seconds."""
-        return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-    @property
-    def xfade(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Crossfade duration in percent."""
-        return self._xfade
-    @xfade.setter
-    def xfade(self, x): self.setXfade(x)
-    @property
-    def xfadeshape(self):
-        """int. Crossfade envelope."""
-        return self._xfadeshape
-    @xfadeshape.setter
-    def xfadeshape(self, x): self.setXfadeShape(x)
-    @property
-    def startfromloop(self):
-        """boolean. Starts from loop point if True, otherwise starts from beginning of the sound."""
-        return self._startfromloop
-    @startfromloop.setter
-    def startfromloop(self, x): self.setStartFromLoop(x)
-    @property
-    def mode(self):
-        """int. Looping mode."""
-        return self._mode
-    @mode.setter
-    def mode(self, x): self.setMode(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self):
-        """int. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-    @property
-    def autosmooth(self):
-        """boolean. Activates a lowpass filter applied on output signal."""
-        return self._autosmooth
-    @autosmooth.setter
-    def autosmooth(self, x): self.setAutoSmooth(x)
-class TablePut(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Writes values, without repetitions, from an audio stream into a DataTable.
-    See `DataTable` to create an empty table.
-    TablePut takes an audio input and writes values into a DataTable but
-    only when value changes. This allow to record only new values, without
-    repetitions.
-    The play method is not called at the object creation time. It starts
-    the recording into the table until the table is full. Calling the 
-    play method again restarts the recording and overwrites previously
-    recorded values.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal to write in the table.
-    table : DataTable
-        The table where to write values.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    play() : Start the recording at the beginning of the table.
-    stop() : Stop the recording. Otherwise, record through the 
-        end of the table.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.
-    table : DataTable. The table where to write values.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TablePut returns no signal.
-    TablePut has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    TablePut will sends a trigger signal at the end of the recording. 
-    User can retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj['trig'].
-    See also: DataTable, NewTable, TableRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = DataTable(size=16)
-    >>> rnd = Choice(range(200, 601, 50), freq=16)
-    >>> rec = TablePut(rnd, t).play()
-    >>> met = Metro(.125).play()
-    >>> ind = Counter(met, max=16)
-    >>> fr = TableIndex(t, ind, mul=[1,1.005])
-    >>> osc = SineLoop(fr, feedback=.08, mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, table):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._table = table
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, table, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, table)
-        self._base_objs = [TablePut_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(table,i)) for i in range(len(table))]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'table']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : DataTable
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self):
-        """DataTable. The table where to write values."""
-        return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tables.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tables.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f578b6d..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/tables.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2459 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from _widgets import createGraphWindow, createSndViewTableWindow
-from types import ListType
-from math import pi
-### Tables
-class HarmTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Harmonic waveform generator.
-    Generates composite waveforms made up of weighted sums 
-    of simple sinusoids.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial numbers 1,2,3, etc. 
-        Defaults to [1].
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will erase the 
-        previously drawn waveform.
-    replace(list) : Redraw the waveform according to the new `list` 
-        parameter.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list, optional
-        Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial numbers.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Square wave up to 9th harmonic
-    >>> t = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[199,200], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[1., 0.], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._list = list
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [HarmTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will erase the previously 
-        drawn waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Redraw the waveform according to a new set of harmonics 
-        relative strengths.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial 
-            numbers 1,2,3, etc.
-        """      
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self): 
-        """list. Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial numbers."""
-        return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class SawTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Sawtooth waveform generator.
-    Generates sawtooth waveforms made up of fixed number of harmonics.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    order : int, optional
-        Number of harmonics sawtooth is made of. 
-        Defaults to 10.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setOrder(x) : Change the `order` attribute and redraw the waveform.
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will erase the 
-        previously drawn waveform.
-    Attributes:
-    order : int, optional
-        Number of harmonics sawtooth is made of.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SawTable(order=12).normalize()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[199,200], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, order=10, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._order = order
-        self._size = size
-        list = [1./i for i in range(1,(order+1))]
-        self._base_objs = [HarmTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['order', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will erase the previously 
-        drawn waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setOrder(self, x):
-        """
-        Change the `order` attribute and redraw the waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New number of harmonics
-        """      
-        self._order = x
-        list = [1./i for i in range(1,(self._order+1))]
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def order(self): 
-        """int. Number of harmonics sawtooth is made of."""
-        return self._order
-    @order.setter
-    def order(self, x): self.setOrder(x)
-class SquareTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Square waveform generator.
-    Generates square waveforms made up of fixed number of harmonics.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    order : int, optional
-        Number of harmonics square waveform is made of. The waveform will 
-        contains `order` odd harmonics. Defaults to 10.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setOrder(x) : Change the `order` attribute and redraw the waveform.
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will erase the 
-        previously drawn waveform.
-    Attributes:
-    order : int, optional
-        Number of harmonics square waveform is made of.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SquareTable(order=15).normalize()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[199,200], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, order=10, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._order = order
-        self._size = size
-        list = []
-        for i in range(1,(order*2)):
-            if i%2 == 1:
-                list.append(1./i)
-            else:
-                list.append(0.)    
-        self._base_objs = [HarmTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['order', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will erase the previously 
-        drawn waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setOrder(self, x):
-        """
-        Change the `order` attribute and redraw the waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New number of harmonics
-        """      
-        self._order = x
-        list = []
-        for i in range(1,(self._order*2)):
-            if i%2 == 1:
-                list.append(1./i)
-            else:
-                list.append(0.)    
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def order(self): 
-        """int. Number of harmonics square waveform is made of."""
-        return self._order
-    @order.setter
-    def order(self, x): self.setOrder(x)
-class ChebyTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
-    Uses Chebyshev coefficients to generate stored polynomial functions 
-    which, under waveshaping, can be used to split a sinusoid into 
-    harmonic partials having a pre-definable spectrum. 
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        Relative strengths of partials numbers 1,2,3, ..., 12 that will 
-        result when a sinusoid of amplitude 1 is waveshaped using this 
-        function table. Up to 12 partials can be specified. Defaults to [1].
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will erase the 
-        previously drawn waveform.
-    replace(list) : Redraw the waveform according to the new `list` 
-        parameter.
-    getNormTable() : Return a DataTable filled with the normalization
-        function corresponding to the current polynomial.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list, optional
-        Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial numbers.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = ChebyTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111])
-    >>> lfo = Sine(freq=.25, mul=0.45, add=0.5)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[200,201], mul=lfo)
-    >>> b = Lookup(table=t, index=a, mul=1-lfo).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[1., 0.], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._list = list
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [ChebyTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will erase the previously 
-        drawn waveform.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Redraw the waveform according to a new set of harmonics 
-        relative strengths that will result when a sinusoid of 
-        amplitude 1 is waveshaped using this function table.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial 
-            numbers 1,2,3, ..., 12. Up to 12 partials can be specified.
-        """ 
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def getNormTable(self):
-        """
-        Return a DataTable filled with the normalization function 
-        corresponding to the current polynomial.
-        """
-        if sum(self._list[1::2]) == 0:
-            data = self._base_objs[0].getNormTable(0)
-        else:
-            data = self._base_objs[0].getNormTable(1)
-        return DataTable(size=len(data), init=data).normalize()
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self): 
-        """list. Relative strengths of the fixed harmonic partial numbers."""
-        return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class HannTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Generates Hanning window function. 
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    size : int
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Hanning envelope
-    >>> t = HannTable()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=[299,300], mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [HannTable_base(size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def size(self): 
-        """int. Table size in samples."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-class SincTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Generates sinc window function. 
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    freq : float, optional
-        Frequency, in radians, of the sinc function. Defaults to pi*2.
-    windowed : boolean, optional
-        If True, an hanning window is applied on the sinc function. Defaults to False.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setFreq(x) : Change the frequency of the sinc function. This will redraw the envelope.
-    setWindowed(x) : Change the windowed flag. This will redraw the envelope.
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    freq : float
-        Frequency, in radians, of the sinc function.
-    windowed : boolean
-        If True, an hanning window is applied on the sinc function.
-    size : int
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> import math
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SincTable(freq=math.pi*6, windowed=True)
-    >>> a = Osc(t, freq=[199,200], mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, freq=pi*2, windowed=False, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._freq = freq
-        self._windowed = windowed
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [SincTable_base(freq, windowed, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['freq', 'windowed', 'size']
-    def setFreq(self, x):
-        """
-        Change the frequency of the sinc function. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New frequency in radians.
-        """
-        self._freq = x
-        [obj.setFreq(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setWindowed(self, x):
-        """
-        Change the windowed flag. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            New windowed flag.
-        """
-        self._windowed = x
-        [obj.setWindowed(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def freq(self): 
-        """float. Frequency of the sinc function."""
-        return self._freq
-    @freq.setter
-    def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
-    @property
-    def windowed(self): 
-        """boolean. Windowed flag."""
-        return self._windowed
-    @windowed.setter
-    def windowed(self, x): self.setWindowed(x)
-    @property
-    def size(self): 
-        """int. Table size in samples."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-class WinTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Generates different kind of windowing functions. 
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    type : int, optional
-        Windowing function. Defaults to 2.
-        Possible choices are:
-            0 : Rectangular (no window)
-            1 : Hamming
-            2 : Hanning
-            3 : Bartlett (triangular)
-            4 : Blackman 3-term
-            5 : Blackman-Harris 4-term
-            6 : Blackman-Harris 7-term
-            7 : Tuckey (alpha = 0.66)
-            8 : Sine (half-sine window)
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setType(x) : Sets the windowing function.
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    type : int
-        Windowing function.
-    size : int
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Triangular envelope
-    >>> t = WinTable(type=3)
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[199,200], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, type=2, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._type = type
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [WinTable_base(type, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['type', 'size']
-    def setType(self, type):
-        """
-        Sets the windowing function.
-        Parameters:
-        type : int {0 -> 8}
-        Windowing function.
-        """
-        self._type = type
-        [obj.setType(type) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def type(self): 
-        """int. Windowing function."""
-        return self._type
-    @type.setter
-    def type(self, x): self.setType(x)
-    @property
-    def size(self): 
-        """int. Table size in samples."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-class ParaTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Generates parabola window function. 
-    The parabola is a conic section, the intersection of a right circular conical 
-    surface and a plane parallel to a generating straight line of that surface.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    size : int
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Parabola envelope
-    >>> t = ParaTable()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[299,300], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [ParaTable_base(size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table. This will redraw the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    @property
-    def size(self): 
-        """int. Table size in samples."""
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-class LinTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from segments of straight lines in breakpoint fashion.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8191, 1.)], creates a 
-        straight line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of the 
-        table (size - 1). Location must be an integer.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros. 
-    Attributes:
-    list : list
-        List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Sharp attack envelope
-    >>> t = LinTable([(0,0), (100,1), (1000,.25), (8191,0)])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.25)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[299,300], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8191, 1.)], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "LinTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                   Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [LinTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """ 
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 0, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class LogTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from logarithmic segments in breakpoint fashion.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8191, 1.)], creates a 
-        logarithmic line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of 
-        the table (size - 1). Location must be an integer.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros. 
-    Values must be greater than 0.0.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list, List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    size : int, Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = LogTable([(0,0), (4095,1), (8192,0)])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.25)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[599,600], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8191, 1.)], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "LogTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                   Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [LogTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """ 
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 4, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class CosLogTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from logarithmic-cosine segments in breakpoint fashion.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8191, 1.)], creates a 
-        logarithmic line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of 
-        the table (size - 1). Location must be an integer.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros. 
-    Values must be greater than 0.0.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list, List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    size : int, Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosLogTable([(0,0), (4095,1), (8192,0)])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.25)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[599,600], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8191, 1.)], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "CosLogTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                   Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [CosLogTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """ 
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 5, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class CosTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from cosine interpolated segments.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8191, 1.)], creates a 
-        cosine line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of the 
-        table (size - 1). Location must be an integer.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros. 
-    Attributes:
-    list : list
-        List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # Sharp attack envelope
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (1000,.25), (8191,0)])
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.25)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[299,300], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8191, 1.)], size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "CosTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                   Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._base_objs = [CosTable_base(list, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """      
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 1, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class CurveTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from curve interpolated segments.
-    CurveTable uses Hermite interpolation (sort of cubic interpolation)
-    to calculate each points of the curve. This algorithm allows tension
-    and biasing controls. Tension can be used to tighten up the curvature 
-    at the known points. The bias is used to twist the curve about the 
-    known points.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8191, 1.)], creates a 
-        curved line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of the 
-        table (size - 1). Location must be an integer.
-    tension : float, optional
-        Curvature at the known points. 1 is high, 0 normal, -1 is low.
-        Defaults to 0.
-    bias : float, optional
-        Curve attraction (for each segments) toward bundary points.
-        0 is even, positive is towards first point, negative is towards 
-        the second point. Defaults to 0.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    setTension(x) : Replace the `tension` attribute.
-    setTension(x) : Replace the `bias` attribute.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros.
-    High tension or bias values can create unstable or very loud table,
-    use normalize method to keep the curve between -1 and 1.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list
-        List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    tension : float
-        Curvature tension.
-    bias : float
-        Curve attraction.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CurveTable([(0,0),(2048,.5),(4096,.2),(6144,.5),(8192,0)], 0, 20)
-    >>> t.normalize()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.25)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[299,300], feedback=0.05, mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8191, 1.)], tension=0, bias=0, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "CurveTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                     Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._tension = tension
-        self._bias = bias
-        self._base_objs = [CurveTable_base(list, tension, bias, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'tension', 'bias', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setTension(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `tension` attribute.
-        1 is high, 0 normal, -1 is low.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `tension` attribute.
-        """
-        self._tension = x
-        [obj.setTension(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setBias(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `bias` attribute.
-        0 is even, positive is towards first point, negative is towards 
-        the second point.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `bias` attribute.
-        """
-        self._bias = x
-        [obj.setBias(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """      
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 3, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def tension(self):
-        """float. Curvature tension.""" 
-        return self._tension
-    @tension.setter
-    def tension(self, x): self.setTension(x)
-    @property
-    def bias(self):
-        """float. Curve Attraction.""" 
-        return self._bias
-    @bias.setter
-    def bias(self, x): self.setBias(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class ExpTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Construct a table from exponential interpolated segments.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    list : list, optional
-        List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-        in the table. The default, [(0,0.), (8192, 1.)], creates a 
-        exponential line from 0.0 at location 0 to 1.0 at the end of 
-        the table. Location must be an integer.
-    exp : float, optional
-        Exponent factor. Used to control the slope of the curve.
-        Defaults to 10.
-    inverse : boolean, optional
-        If True, downward slope will be inversed. Useful to create 
-        biexponential curves. Defaults to True.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples. Defaults to 8192.
-    Methods:
-    setSize(size) : Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-    setExp(x) : Replace the `exp` attribute.
-    setInverse(x) : Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-    replace(list) : Draw a new envelope according to the `list` parameter.
-    loadRecFile(filename, tolerance) : Import an automation recording file.
-    graph(yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window to control 
-        the shape of the envelope.
-    Notes:
-    Locations in the list must be in increasing order. If the last value 
-    is less than size, the rest of the table will be filled with zeros.
-    Attributes:
-    list : list
-        List of tuples [(location, value), ...].
-    exp : float
-        Exponent factor.
-    inverse : boolean
-        Inversion of downward slope.
-    size : int, optional
-        Table size in samples.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = ExpTable([(0,0),(4096,1),(8192,0)], exp=5, inverse=True)
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=2, mul=.3)
-    >>> b = Sine(freq=[299,300], mul=a).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, list=[(0, 0.), (8192, 1.)], exp=10, inverse=True, size=8192):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        if size < list[-1][0]:
-            print "ExpTable warning : size smaller than last point position."
-            print "                   Increased size to last point position + 1"
-            size = list[-1][0] + 1
-        self._size = size
-        self._exp = exp
-        self._inverse = inverse
-        self._base_objs = [ExpTable_base(list, exp, inverse, size)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['list', 'exp', 'inverse', 'size']
-    def setSize(self, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of the table and rescale the envelope.
-        Parameters:
-        size : int
-            New table size in samples.
-        """
-        self._size = size
-        [obj.setSize(size) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setExp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `exp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `exp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._exp = x
-        [obj.setExp(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def setInverse(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            New `inverse` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inverse = x
-        [obj.setInverse(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def replace(self, list):
-        """
-        Draw a new envelope according to the new `list` parameter.
-        Parameters:
-        list : list
-            List of tuples indicating location and value of each points 
-            in the table. Location must be integer.
-        """
-        self._list = list
-        [obj.replace(list) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def loadRecFile(self, filename, tolerance=0.02):
-        """
-        Import an automation recording file in the table.
-        loadRecFile takes a recording file, usually from a ControlRec object,
-        as `filename` parameter, applies a filtering pre-processing to eliminate
-        redundancies and loads the result in the table as a list of points. 
-        Filtering process can be controled with the `tolerance` parameter. 
-        Parameters:
-        filename : string
-            Full path of an automation recording file.
-        tolerance : float, optional
-            Tolerance of the filter. A higher value will eliminate more points.
-            Defaults to 0.02.
-        """
-        _path, _name = os.path.split(filename)
-        # files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(_path) if _name+"_" in f])
-        # if _name not in files: files.append(_name)
-        files = [filename]
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            p = os.path.join(_path, wrap(files,i))
-            f = open(p, "r")
-            values = [(float(l.split()[0]), float(l.split()[1])) for l in f.readlines()]
-            scl = self._size / values[-1][0]
-            values = [(int(v[0]*scl), v[1]) for v in values]
-            f.close()
-            values = reducePoints(values, tolerance=tolerance)
-            self._list = values
-            obj.replace(values)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._base_objs[0].getPoints()
-    def graph(self, yrange=(0.0, 1.0), title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph.
-            Defaults to (0.0, 1.0).
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        createGraphWindow(self, 2, self._size, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Table size in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
-    @property
-    def exp(self):
-        """float. Exponent factor.""" 
-        return self._exp
-    @exp.setter
-    def exp(self, x): self.setExp(x)
-    @property
-    def inverse(self):
-        """boolean. Inverse factor.""" 
-        return self._inverse
-    @inverse.setter
-    def inverse(self, x): self.setInverse(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self):
-        """list. List of tuples indicating location and value of each points in the table.""" 
-        return self.getPoints()
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
-class SndTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Transfers data from a soundfile into a function table.
-    If `chnl` is None, the table will contain as many table streams as 
-    necessary to read all channels of the loaded sound.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    path : string, optional
-        Full path name of the sound. The defaults, None, creates an empty
-        table.
-    chnl : int, optional
-        Channel number to read in. Available at initialization time only.
-        The default (None) reads all channels.
-    start : float, optional
-        Begins reading at `start` seconds into the file. Available at 
-        initialization time only. Defaults to 0.
-    stop : float, optional
-        Stops reading at `stop` seconds into the file. Available at 
-        initialization time only. The default (None) means the end of 
-        the file.
-    Methods:
-    setSound(path, start, stop) : Load a new sound in the table.
-    append(path, crossfade, start, stop) : Append a sound in the table 
-        with crossfade.
-    insert(path, pos, crossfade, start, stop) : Insert a sound in the 
-        table with crossfade.
-    getDur(all) : Return the duration of the sound in seconds.
-    getSize(all) : Return the size of the table in samples.
-    getRate() : Return the frequency in cps at which the sound will be 
-        read at its original pitch.
-    getEnvelope(points) : Return the amplitude envelope of the table.
-    view(title, wxnoserver, mouse_callback) : Opens a window showing the 
-        contents of the table.
-    Attributes:
-    sound : Sound path loaded in the table.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> snd_path = SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif'
-    >>> t = SndTable(snd_path)
-    >>> freq = t.getRate()
-    >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[freq, freq*.995], mul=.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, path=None, chnl=None, start=0, stop=None, initchnls=1):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._path = path
-        self._chnl = chnl
-        self._start = start
-        self._stop = stop
-        self._size = []
-        self._dur = []
-        self._base_objs = []
-        path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-        if self._path == None:
-            self._base_objs = [SndTable_base("", 0, 0) for i in range(initchnls)]
-        else:
-            for p in path:
-                _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p)
-                if chnl == None:
-                    if stop == None:
-                        self._base_objs.extend([SndTable_base(p, i, start) for i in range(_snd_chnls)])
-                    else:
-                        self._base_objs.extend([SndTable_base(p, i, start, stop) for i in range(_snd_chnls)])
-                else:
-                    if stop == None:
-                        self._base_objs.append(SndTable_base(p, chnl, start))
-                    else:
-                        self._base_objs.append(SndTable_base(p, chnl, start, stop))
-                self._size.append(self._base_objs[-1].getSize())
-                self._dur.append(self._size[-1] / float(_snd_sr))
-            if lmax == 1:
-                self._size = self._base_objs[-1].getSize()
-                self._dur = self._size / float(_snd_sr)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['path', 'chnl', 'start', 'stop']
-    def setSound(self, path, start=0, stop=None):
-        """
-        Load a new sound in the table.
-        Keeps the number of channels of the sound loaded at initialization.
-        If the new sound has less channels, it will wrap around and load 
-        the same channels many times. If the new sound has more channels, 
-        the extra channels will be skipped.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the new sound.
-        start : float, optional
-            Begins reading at `start` seconds into the file. Defaults to 0.
-        stop : float, optional
-            Stops reading at `stop` seconds into the file. The default (None) 
-            means the end of the file.
-        """
-        self._path = path
-        if type(path) == ListType:
-            self._size = []
-            self._dur = []
-            path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-            for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-                p = path[i%lmax]
-                _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p)
-                self._size.append(_size)
-                self._dur.append(_dur)
-                if stop == None:
-                    obj.setSound(p, 0, start)
-                else:
-                    obj.setSound(p, 0, start, stop)
-        else:
-            _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path)
-            self._size = _size
-            self._dur = _dur
-            if stop == None:
-                [obj.setSound(path, (i%_snd_chnls), start) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-            else:
-                [obj.setSound(path, (i%_snd_chnls), start, stop) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def append(self, path, crossfade=0, start=0, stop=None):
-        """
-        Append a sound to the one already in the table with crossfade.
-        Keeps the number of channels of the sound loaded at initialization.
-        If the new sound has less channels, it will wrap around and load 
-        the same channels many times. If the new sound has more channels, 
-        the extra channels will be skipped.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the new sound.
-        crossfade : float, optional
-            Crossfade time, in seconds, between the sound already in the table 
-            and the new one. Defaults to 0.
-        start : float, optional
-            Begins reading at `start` seconds into the file. Defaults to 0.
-        stop : float, optional
-            Stops reading at `stop` seconds into the file. The default, None, 
-            means the end of the file.
-        """
-        if type(path) == ListType:
-            self._size = []
-            self._dur = []
-            path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-            for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-                p = path[i%lmax]
-                _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p)
-                self._size.append(_size)
-                self._dur.append(_dur)
-                if stop == None:
-                    obj.append(p, crossfade, 0, start)
-                else:
-                    obj.append(p, crossfade, 0, start, stop)
-        else:
-            _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path)
-            self._size = _size
-            self._dur = _dur
-            if stop == None:
-                [obj.append(path, crossfade, (i%_snd_chnls), start) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-            else:
-                [obj.append(path, crossfade, (i%_snd_chnls), start, stop) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def insert(self, path, pos=0, crossfade=0, start=0, stop=None):
-        """
-        Insert a sound into the one already in the table with crossfade.
-        Insert a sound at position `pos`, specified in seconds, 
-        with crossfading at the beginning and the end of the insertion.
-        Keeps the number of channels of the sound loaded at initialization.
-        If the new sound has less channels, it will wrap around and load 
-        the same channels many times. If the new sound has more channels, 
-        the extra channels will be skipped.
-        Parameters:
-        path : string
-            Full path of the new sound.
-        pos : float, optional
-            Position in the table, in seconds, where to insert the new sound.
-            Defaults to 0.
-        crossfade : float, optional
-            Crossfade time, in seconds, between the sound already in the table 
-            and the new one. Defaults to 0.
-        start : float, optional
-            Begins reading at `start` seconds into the file. Defaults to 0.
-        stop : float, optional
-            Stops reading at `stop` seconds into the file. The default, None, 
-            means the end of the file.
-        """
-        if type(path) == ListType:
-            self._size = []
-            self._dur = []
-            path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
-            for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-                p = path[i%lmax]
-                _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p)
-                self._size.append(_size)
-                self._dur.append(_dur)
-                if stop == None:
-                    obj.insert(p, pos, crossfade, 0, start)
-                else:
-                    obj.insert(p, pos, crossfade, 0, start, stop)
-        else:
-            _size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path)
-            self._size = _size
-            self._dur = _dur
-            if stop == None:
-                [obj.insert(path, pos, crossfade, (i%_snd_chnls), start) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-            else:
-                [obj.insert(path, pos, crossfade, (i%_snd_chnls), start, stop) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def getRate(self):
-        """
-        Return the frequency in cps at which the sound will be read at its 
-        original pitch.
-        """
-        if type(self._path) == ListType:
-            return [obj.getRate() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            return self._base_objs[0].getRate()
-    def getDur(self, all=True):
-        """
-        Return the duration of the sound in seconds.
-        Parameters:
-        all : boolean
-            If the table contains more than one sound and `all` is True,
-            returns a list of all durations. Otherwise, returns only the
-            first duration as a float.
-        """
-        if type(self._path) == ListType:
-            _dur = [1./obj.getRate() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:    
-            _dur = 1./self._base_objs[0].getRate()
-        if all:
-            return _dur
-        else:
-            if type(_dur) == ListType:
-                return _dur[0]
-            else:
-                return _dur
-    def getSize(self, all=True):
-        """
-        Return the size of the table in samples.
-        Parameters:
-        all : boolean
-            If the table contains more than one sound and `all` is True,
-            returns a list of all sizes. Otherwise, returns only the
-            first size as an int.
-        """
-        if len(self._base_objs) > 1:
-            _size = [obj.getSize() for obj in self._base_objs]
-        else:
-            _size = self._base_objs[0].getSize()
-        if all:
-            return _size
-        else:
-            if type(_size) == ListType:
-                return _size[0]
-            else:
-                return _size
-    def getEnvelope(self, points):
-        """
-        Return the amplitude envelope of the table.
-        Return a list, of length `chnl`, of lists of length `points` filled 
-        with the amplitude envelope of the table.
-        Parameters:
-        points : int
-            Number of points of the amplitude analysis.
-        """
-        return [obj.getEnvelope(points) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def view(self, title="Sound waveform", wxnoserver=False, mouse_callback=None):
-        """
-        Opens a window showing the contents of the table.
-        Parameters:
-        title : string, optional
-            Window title. Defaults to "Table waveform". 
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the table window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        mouse_callback : callable
-            If provided, this function will be called with the mouse 
-            position, inside the frame, as argument. Defaults to None.
-        """
-        createSndViewTableWindow(self, title, wxnoserver, self.__class__.__name__, mouse_callback)
-    @property
-    def sound(self):
-        """string. Full path of the sound.""" 
-        return self._path
-    @sound.setter
-    def sound(self, x): self.setSound(x)
-    @property
-    def path(self):
-        """string. Full path of the sound.""" 
-        return self._path
-    @path.setter
-    def path(self, x): self.setSound(x)
-    @property
-    def chnl(self):
-        """int. Channel to read in.""" 
-        return self._chnl
-    @chnl.setter
-    def chnl(self, x): print "'chnl' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def start(self):
-        """float. Start point, in seconds, to read into the file.""" 
-        return self._start
-    @start.setter
-    def start(self, x): print "'start' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def stop(self):
-        """float. Stop point, in seconds, to read into the file.""" 
-        return self._stop
-    @stop.setter
-    def stop(self, x): print "SndTable 'stop' attribute is read-only."
-class NewTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Create an empty table ready for recording. 
-    See `TableRec` to write samples in the table.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    length : float
-        Length of the table in seconds.
-    chnls : int, optional
-        Number of channels that will be handled by the table. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    init : list of floats, optional
-        Initial table. List of list can match the number of channels,
-        otherwise, the list will be loaded in all tablestreams. 
-        Defaults to None.
-    feedback : float, optional
-        Amount of old data to mix with a new recording. Defaults to 0.0.
-    Methods:
-    getSize() : Returns the length of the table in samples.
-    getLength() : Returns the length of the table in seconds.
-    getDur() : Returns the length of the table in seconds.
-    getRate() : Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give 
-        to an oscillator to read the sound at its original pitch.
-    replace() : Replaces the actual table.
-    setFeedback() : Replace the `feedback` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    feedback : float. Amount of old data to mix with a new recording.
-    See also: DataTable, TableRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = NewTable(length=2, chnls=1)
-    >>> a = Input(0)
-    >>> b = TableRec(a, t, .01)
-    >>> amp = Iter(b["trig"], [.5])
-    >>> freq = t.getRate()
-    >>> c = Osc(table=t, freq=[freq, freq*.99], mul=amp).out()
-    >>> # to record in the empty table, call:
-    >>> # b.play()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, length, chnls=1, init=None, feedback=0.0):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._length = length
-        self._chnls = chnls
-        self._init = init
-        self._feedback = feedback
-        if init == None:
-            self._base_objs = [NewTable_base(length, feedback=feedback) for i in range(chnls)]
-        else:
-            if type(init[0]) != ListType: 
-                init = [init]
-            self._base_objs = [NewTable_base(length, wrap(init,i), feedback) for i in range(chnls)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['length', 'chnls', 'init', 'feedback']
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Replaces the actual table.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats
-            New table. Must be of the same size as the actual table.
-            List of list can match the number of channels, otherwise, 
-            the list will be loaded in all tablestreams.
-        """
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType: 
-            x = [x]
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setFeedback(self, x):
-        """
-        Replaces the`feedback` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `feedback` value.
-        """
-        self._feedback = x
-        [obj.setFeedback(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def getSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns the length of the table in samples.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getSize()
-    def getLength(self):
-        """
-        Returns the length of the table in seconds.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getLength()
-    def getDur(self):
-        """
-        Returns the length of the table in seconds.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getLength()
-    def getRate(self):
-        """
-        Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give to an 
-        oscillator to read the sound at its original pitch.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getRate()
-    def view(self, title="Sound waveform", wxnoserver=False, mouse_callback=None):
-        """
-        Opens a window showing the contents of the table.
-        Parameters:
-        title : string, optional
-            Window title. Defaults to "Table waveform". 
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the table window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        mouse_callback : callable
-            If provided, this function will be called with the mouse 
-            position, inside the frame, as argument. Defaults to None.
-        """
-        createSndViewTableWindow(self, title, wxnoserver, self.__class__.__name__, mouse_callback)
-    @property
-    def length(self):
-        """float. Length of the table in seconds.""" 
-        return self._length
-    @length.setter
-    def length(self, x): print "'length' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def chnls(self):
-        """int. Number of channels that will be handled by the table.""" 
-        return self._chnls
-    @chnls.setter
-    def chnls(self, x): print "'chnls' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def init(self):
-        """list of floats. Initial table.""" 
-        return self._init
-    @init.setter
-    def init(self, x): print "'init' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def feedback(self):
-        """float. Amount of old data to mix with a new recording.""" 
-        return self._feedback
-    @feedback.setter
-    def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
-class DataTable(PyoTableObject):
-    """
-    Create an empty table ready for data recording.
-    See `TableRec` to write samples in the table.
-    Parentclass: PyoTableObject
-    Parameters:
-    size : int
-        Size of the table in samples.
-    chnls : int, optional
-        Number of channels that will be handled by the table. 
-        Defaults to 1.
-    init : list of floats, optional
-        Initial table. List of list can match the number of channels,
-        otherwise, the list will be loaded in all tablestreams. 
-        Defaults to None.
-    Methods:
-    getSize() : Returns the length of the table in samples.
-    getRate() : Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give 
-        to an oscillator to read the sound at its original pitch.
-    replace() : Replaces the actual table.
-    See also: NewTable, TableRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> import random
-    >>> notes = [midiToHz(random.randint(48,72)) for i in range(10)]
-    >>> tab = DataTable(size=10, init=notes)
-    >>> ind = RandInt(10, 8)
-    >>> pit = TableIndex(tab, ind)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[pit,pit*0.99], feedback = 0.07, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, size, chnls=1, init=None):
-        PyoTableObject.__init__(self)
-        self._size = size
-        self._chnls = chnls
-        self._init = init
-        if init == None:
-            self._base_objs = [DataTable_base(size) for i in range(chnls)]
-        else:
-            if type(init[0]) != ListType:
-                init = [init]
-            self._base_objs = [DataTable_base(size, wrap(init,i)) for i in range(chnls)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['size', 'chnls', 'init']
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Replaces the actual table.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats
-            New table. Must be of the same size as the actual table.
-            List of list can match the number of channels, otherwise, 
-            the list will be loaded in all tablestreams.
-        """
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType: 
-            x = [x]
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def getSize(self):
-        """
-        Returns the length of the table in samples.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getSize()
-    def getRate(self):
-        """
-        Returns the frequency (cycle per second) to give to an 
-        oscillator to read the sound at its original pitch.
-        """
-        return self._base_objs[0].getRate()
-    @property
-    def size(self):
-        """int. Length of the table in samples.""" 
-        return self._size
-    @size.setter
-    def size(self, x): print "'size' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def chnls(self):
-        """int. Number of channels that will be handled by the table.""" 
-        return self._chnls
-    @chnls.setter
-    def chnls(self, x): print "'chnls' attribute is read-only."
-    @property
-    def init(self):
-        """list of floats. Initial table.""" 
-        return self._init
-    @init.setter
-    def init(self, x): print "'init' attribute is read-only."
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/triggers.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/triggers.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bbad47..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/triggers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3435 +0,0 @@
-Set of objects to manage triggers streams.
-A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-TrigXXX objects use this kind of signal to generate different 
-processes with sampling rate time accuracy.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import sys
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from _widgets import createGraphWindow
-from types import SliceType, ListType, TupleType
-class Trig(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sends one trigger.
-    A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-    Trig sends a trigger each time it's play() method is called.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    Methods:
-    Attributes:
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Trig's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Trig has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Trig()
-    >>> env = HannTable()
-    >>> tenv = TrigEnv(a, table=env, dur=5, mul=.3)
-    >>> n = Noise(tenv).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._base_objs = [Trig_base()]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class Metro(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates isochronous trigger signals.
-    A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-    The play() method starts the metro and is not called at the object 
-    creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    time : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time between each trigger in seconds. Defaults to 1.
-    poly : int, optional
-        Metronome polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are 
-        generated by the metronome, allowing overlapping processes.
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setTime(x) : Replace the `time` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    time : float or PyoObject. Time between each trigger in seconds.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Metro's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Metro has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(time=.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> freq = TrigRand(met, min=400, max=1000)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=freq, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, time=1, poly=1):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._time = time
-        self._poly = poly
-        time, lmax = convertArgsToLists(time)
-        self._base_objs = [Metro_base(wrap(time,i)*poly, (float(j)/poly)) for i in range(lmax) for j in range(poly)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['time']
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `time` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `time` attribute.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)*self._poly) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 1., 'log', 'time', self._time)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time between each trigger in seconds.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
-class Seq(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates a rhythmic sequence of trigger signals.
-    A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-    The play() method starts the sequence and is not called at the object 
-    creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    time : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Base time between each trigger in seconds. Defaults to 1.
-    seq : list of ints, optional
-        Sequence of beat durations in time's unit. Defaults to [1].
-    poly : int, optional
-        Seq polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are
-        generated by the metronome, allowing overlapping processes.
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setTime(x) : Replace the `time` attribute.
-    setSeq(x) ; Replace the `seq` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    time : float or PyoObject. Base time between each trigger in seconds.
-    seq : list of ints. Sequence of beat durations in time's unit.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Seq's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Seq has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0),(300,1),(1000,.3),(8191,0)])
-    >>> seq = Seq(time=.125, seq=[2,1,1,2], poly=2).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigRand(seq, min=250, max=500, port=.005)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(seq, table=env, dur=.25, mul=.25)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(tr, feedback=0.07, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, time=1, seq=[1], poly=1):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(seq) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "seq" argument of %s must be a list.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._time = time
-        self._seq = seq
-        self._poly = poly
-        time, lmax = convertArgsToLists(time)
-        if type(seq[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_players = [Seqer_base(wrap(time,i), seq, poly) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            seqlen = len(seq)
-            lmax = max(seqlen, lmax)
-            self._base_players = [Seqer_base(wrap(time,i), wrap(seq,i), poly) for i in range(lmax)]            
-        self._base_objs = [Seq_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['time', 'seq']
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `time` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `time` attribute.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setSeq(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `seq` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of ints
-            New `seq` attribute.
-        """
-        self._seq = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setSeq(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setSeq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 10., 'log', 'time', self._time)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Base time between each trigger in seconds.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
-    @property
-    def seq(self):
-        """List of ints. Sequence of beat durations in time's unit.""" 
-        return self._seq
-    @seq.setter
-    def seq(self, x): self.setSeq(x)
-class Cloud(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates random triggers.
-    Generates random triggers with control over the generation density.
-    A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-    The play() method starts the Cloud and is not called at the object 
-    creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    density : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Average number of triggers per second. Defaults to 10.
-    poly : int, optional
-        Cloud polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are 
-        generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setDensity(x) : Replace the `density` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    density : float or PyoObject. Average number of triggers per second.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Cloud's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Cloud has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> dens = Expseg([(0,1),(5,50)], loop=True, exp=5, initToFirstVal=True).play()
-    >>> m = Cloud(density=dens, poly=2).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigRand(m, min=300, max=1000)
-    >>> tr_p = Port(tr, risetime=0.001, falltime=0.001)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=tr, mul=0.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, density=10, poly=1):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._density = density
-        self._poly = poly
-        density, lmax = convertArgsToLists(density)
-        self._base_players = [Clouder_base(wrap(density,i), poly) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = [Cloud_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['density']
-    def setDensity(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `density` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `density` attribute.
-        """
-        self._density = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDensity(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 100., 'lin', 'density', self._density)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def density(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Average density of triggers generation.""" 
-        return self._density
-    @density.setter
-    def density(self, x): self.setDensity(x)
-class Beat(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Generates algorithmic trigger patterns.
-    A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
-    Beat generates measures of length `taps` and uses weight parameters
-    (`w1`, `w2` and `w3`) to compute the chances of a beat to be present
-    in the generated measure.
-    User can store the current pattern in one of the 32 preset slots with
-    the store() method and recall it later with recall(x).
-    A preset is a list where the first value is the number of beats in the
-    measure, followed by 1s and 0s. For a 4/4 measure with only down beats:
-    [16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] 
-    The play() method starts the Beat and is not called at the object 
-    creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    time : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Time, in seconds, between each beat of the pattern. Defaults to 0.125.
-    taps : int, optional
-        Number of beats in the generated pattern, max = 64. Defaults to 16.
-    w1 : int {0 -> 100}, optional
-        Probability for down beats. Defaults to 80.
-    w2 : int {0 -> 100}, optional
-        Probability for up beats. Defaults to 50.
-    w3 : int {0 -> 100}, optional
-        Probability for the weakest beats. Defaults to 30.
-    poly : int, optional
-        Beat polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are 
-        generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
-        Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setTime(x) : Replace the `time` attribute.
-    setTaps(x) : Replace the `taps` attribute.
-    setW1(x) : Replace the `w1` attribute.
-    setW2(x) : Replace the `w2` attribute.
-    setW3(x) : Replace the `w3` attribute.
-    setWeights(w1, w2, w3) : Replace the weight attributes.
-    new() : Generates a new pattern with the current parameters.
-    fill() : Generates a fill-in pattern and then restore the current one.
-    store(x) : Store the current pattern in memory `x`.
-    recall(x) : Recall the pattern previously stored in memory `x`.
-    getPresets() : Returns the list of stored presets.
-    setPresets(list) : Store a list of presets.
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current 
-        buffer as a float.
-    Attributes:
-    time : float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each tap of the pattern.
-    taps : int. Number of taps in the generated pattern.
-    w1 : Probability for down beats.
-    w2 : Probability for up beats.
-    w3 : Probability for other beats.
-    Notes:
-    Beat outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
-    obj['tap'] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.
-    obj['amp'] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.
-    obj['dur'] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.
-    obj['end'] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.
-    obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the measure.
-    The out() method is bypassed. Beat's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
-    Beat has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> beat = Beat(time=.125, taps=16, w1=[90,80], w2=50, w3=35, poly=1).play()
-    >>> trmid = TrigXnoiseMidi(beat, dist=12, mrange=(60, 96))
-    >>> trhz = Snap(trmid, choice=[0,2,3,5,7,8,10], scale=1)
-    >>> tr2 = TrigEnv(beat, table=t, dur=beat['dur'], mul=beat['amp'])
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=trhz, mul=tr2*0.3).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, time=.125, taps=16, w1=80, w2=50, w3=30, poly=1):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._tap_dummy = []
-        self._amp_dummy = []
-        self._dur_dummy = []
-        self._end_dummy = []
-        self._time = time
-        self._taps = taps
-        self._w1 = w1
-        self._w2 = w2
-        self._w3 = w3
-        self._poly = poly
-        time, taps, w1, w2, w3, lmax = convertArgsToLists(time, taps, w1, w2, w3)
-        self._base_players = [Beater_base(wrap(time,i), wrap(taps,i), wrap(w1,i), wrap(w2,i), wrap(w3,i), poly) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._base_objs = [Beat_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-        self._tap_objs = [BeatTapStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-        self._amp_objs = [BeatAmpStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-        self._dur_objs = [BeatDurStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-        self._end_objs = [BeatEndStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['time', 'taps', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3']
-    def __getitem__(self, i):
-        if i == 'tap':
-            self._tap_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._tap_objs]))
-            return self._tap_dummy[-1]
-        if i == 'amp':
-            self._amp_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._amp_objs]))
-            return self._amp_dummy[-1]
-        if i == 'dur':
-            self._dur_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._dur_objs]))
-            return self._dur_dummy[-1]
-        if i == 'end':
-            self._end_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._end_objs]))
-            return self._end_dummy[-1]
-        if type(i) == SliceType:
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        if i < len(self._base_objs):
-            return self._base_objs[i]
-        else:
-            print "'i' too large!"         
-    def get(self, identifier="amp", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "tap", "amp" or "dur" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"tap", "amp", "dur"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "amp".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def new(self):
-        """
-        Generates a new pattern with the current parameters.
-        """
-        [obj.new() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def fill(self):
-        """
-        Generates a fill-in pattern and then restore the current one.
-        """
-        [obj.fill() for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def store(self, x):
-        """
-        Store the current pattern in memory `x`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Memory number. 0 <= x < 32.
-        """
-        [obj.store(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def recall(self, x):
-        """
-        Recall the pattern previously stored in memory `x`.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            Memory number. 0 <= x < 32.
-        """
-        [obj.recall(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def getPresets(self):
-        """
-        Returns the list of stored presets.
-        """
-        if len(self._base_players) == 1:
-            return self._base_players[0].getPresets()
-        else:    
-            return [obj.getPresets() for obj in self._base_players]
-    def setPresets(self, x):
-        """
-        Store a list presets.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list
-            List of presets.
-        """
-        if len(self._base_players) == 1:
-            return self._base_players[0].setPresets(x)
-        else:    
-            return [obj.setPresets(x[i]) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setTime(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `time` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `time` attribute.
-        """
-        self._time = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setTaps(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `taps` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `taps` attribute.
-        """
-        self._taps = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTaps(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def setW1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `w1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `w1` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setWeights(w1=x)
-    def setW2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `w2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `w2` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setWeights(w2=x)
-    def setW3(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `w3` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            New `w3` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setWeights(w3=x)
-    def setWeights(self, w1=None, w2=None, w3=None):
-        """
-        Replace the weight attributes.
-        Arguments set to `None` remain unchanged.
-        Parameters:
-        w1 : int, optional
-            New `w1` attribute. Defaults to None.
-        w2 : int, optional
-            New `w2` attribute. Defaults to None.
-        w3 : int, optional
-            New `w3` attribute. Defaults to None.
-        """
-        if w1 != None: self._w1 = w1
-        if w2 != None: self._w2 = w2
-        if w3 != None: self._w3 = w3
-        w1, w2, w3, lmax = convertArgsToLists(w1, w2, w3)
-        [obj.setWeights(wrap(w1,i), wrap(w2,i), wrap(w3,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
-    def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
-        dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
-        self._tap_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._tap_objs)]
-        self._amp_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._amp_objs)]
-        self._dur_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._dur_objs)]
-        self._end_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._end_objs)]
-        return PyoObject.play(self, dur, delay)
-    def stop(self):
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._tap_objs]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._amp_objs]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._dur_objs]
-        [obj.stop() for obj in self._end_objs]
-        return PyoObject.stop(self)
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setSub(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setDiv(self, x):
-        pass
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 1., 'lin', 'time', self._time)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def time(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each beat.""" 
-        return self._time
-    @time.setter
-    def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
-    @property
-    def taps(self):
-        """int. Number of beats in the generated pattern.""" 
-        return self._taps
-    @taps.setter
-    def taps(self, x): self.setTaps(x)
-    @property
-    def w1(self):
-        """int. Probability for down beats.""" 
-        return self._w1
-    @w1.setter
-    def w1(self, x): self.setW1(x)
-    @property
-    def w2(self):
-        """int. Probability for up beats.""" 
-        return self._w2
-    @w2.setter
-    def w2(self, x): self.setW2(x)
-    @property
-    def w3(self):
-        """int. Probability for other beats.""" 
-        return self._w3
-    @w3.setter
-    def w3(self, x): self.setW3(x)
-class TrigRandInt(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Pseudo-random integer generator.
-    TrigRandInt generates a pseudo-random number integer number between 
-    0 and `max` values each time it receives a trigger in its `input` 
-    parameter. The value is kept until the next trigger.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 100.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigRandInt's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> tr = TrigRandInt(met, max=10, mul=100, add=200)
-    >>> a = Sine(tr, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, max=100., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigRandInt_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 200., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class TrigRand(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Pseudo-random number generator.
-    TrigRand generates a pseudo-random number between `min` and `max` 
-    values each time it receives a trigger in its `input` parameter. 
-    The value is kept until the next trigger.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
-    port : float, optional
-        Portamento. Time to reach a new value. Defaults to 0.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Available at initialization time only. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setPort(x) : Replace the `port` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
-    port : float. Ramp time.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> tr = TrigRand(met, 400, 600)
-    >>> a = Sine(tr, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=0., max=1., port=0., init=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._port = port
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, port, init, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, port, init, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigRand_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(port,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'port', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPort(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `port` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `port` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPort(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def port(self): return self._port
-    @port.setter
-    def port(self, x): self.setPort(x)
-class TrigChoice(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Random generator from user's defined values.
-    TrigChoice chooses randomly a new value in list `choice` each 
-    time it receives a trigger in its `input` parameter. The value 
-    is kept until the next trigger.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    choice : list of floats
-        Possible values for the random generation.
-    port : float, optional
-        Portamento. Time to reach a new value. Defaults to 0.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Available at initialization time only. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setChoice(x) : Replace the `choice` attribute.
-    setPort(x) : Replace the `port` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    choice : list of floats. Possible values.
-    port : float. Ramp time.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> freq = TrigChoice(met, [300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550])
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=freq, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, choice, port=0., init=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(choice) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "choice" argument of %s must be a list.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._choice = choice
-        self._port = port
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, port, init, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, port, init, mul, add)
-        if type(choice[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [TrigChoice_base(wrap(in_fader,i), choice, wrap(port,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            choicelen = len(choice)
-            lmax = max(choicelen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [TrigChoice_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(choice,i), wrap(port,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'choice', 'port', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setChoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `choice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats
-            new `choice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._choice = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setChoice(self._choice) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setChoice(wrap(self._choice,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setPort(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `port` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `port` attribute.
-        """
-        self._port = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPort(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def choice(self): return self._choice
-    @choice.setter
-    def choice(self, x): self.setChoice(x)
-    @property
-    def port(self): return self._port
-    @port.setter
-    def port(self, x): self.setPort(x)
-class TrigFunc(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Python function callback.
-    TrigFunc calls the function given at parameter `function` each 
-    time it receives a trigger in its `input` parameter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    function : Python function
-        Function to be called.
-    arg : anything, optional
-        Argument sent to the function's call. If None, the function
-        will be called without argument. Defaults to None.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setFunction(x) : Replace the `function` attribute.
-    setArg(x) : Replace the `arg` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    function : Python function. Function to be called.
-    arg : Anything. Function's argument.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigFunc's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    TrigFunc has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> f = Fader(fadein=.005, fadeout=.1, dur=.12, mul=.2)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(midiToHz([60,60]), feedback=0.05, mul=f).out()
-    >>> c = 0.0
-    >>> def count():
-    ...     global c
-    ...     freq = midiToHz(round(c) + 60)
-    ...     a.freq = [freq, freq*0.995]
-    ...     c += 1.77
-    ...     if c > 13: c = 0
-    ...     f.play()
-    >>> m = Metro(.125).play()
-    >>> tf = TrigFunc(m, count)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, function, arg=None):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(function) == ListType or type(function) == TupleType:
-            if not callable(function[0]):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        else:
-            if not callable(function):
-                print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "function" argument of %s must be callable.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-                exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._function = function
-        self._arg = arg
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, function, arg, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, function, arg)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigFunc_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(function,i), wrap(arg,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'function', 'arg']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setMul(self, x):
-        pass
-    def setAdd(self, x):
-        pass    
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setFunction(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `function` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : Python function
-            new `function` attribute.
-        """
-        self._function = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setFunction(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setArg(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `arg` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : Anything
-            new `arg` attribute.
-        """
-        self._arg = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setArg(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def function(self): return self._function
-    @function.setter
-    def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x)
-    @property
-    def arg(self): return self._arg
-    @arg.setter
-    def arg(self, x): self.setArg(x)
-class TrigEnv(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Envelope reader generator.
-    TrigEnv starts reading an envelope in `dur` seconds each time it 
-    receives a trigger in its `input` parameter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    table : PyoTableObject
-        Table containing the envelope.
-    dur : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Duration in seconds of the envelope. Defaults to 1.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setTable(x) : Replace the `table` attribute.
-    setDur(x) : Replace the `dur` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    table : PyoTableObject. Envelope table.
-    dur : float or PyoObject. Duration in seconds.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Notes:
-    TrigEnv will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback. 
-    User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']. 
-    Useful to synchronize other processes. 
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> env = HannTable()
-    >>> m = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> tr = TrigRand(m, 400, 600)
-    >>> te = TrigEnv(m, table=env, dur=.25, mul=.2)
-    >>> a = Sine(tr, mul=te).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, table, dur=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._table = table
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, table, dur, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, table, dur, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigEnv_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(table,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'table', 'dur', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setTable(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `table` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoTableObject
-            new `table` attribute.
-        """
-        self._table = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDur(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dur` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `dur` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dur = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 10., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def table(self): return self._table
-    @table.setter
-    def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
-    @property
-    def dur(self): return self._dur
-    @dur.setter
-    def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class TrigLinseg(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Line segments trigger.
-    TrigLinseg starts reading a break-points line segments each time it 
-    receives a trigger in its `input` parameter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    list : list of tuples
-        Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a
-        new point in the form (time, value). Times are given in seconds
-        and must be in increasing order.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setList(x) : Replace the `list` attribute.
-    replace(x) : Alias for `setList` method.
-    graph(xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window 
-        to control the shape of the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    list : list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
-    Notes:
-    TrigLinseg will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback. 
-    User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']. 
-    Useful to synchronize other processes. 
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigLinseg's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m = Metro(time=1, poly=2).play()
-    >>> pit = TrigLinseg(m, [(0,1000),(.1,1300),(.2,900),(.3,1000),(2,1000)])
-    >>> a = Sine(pit, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, list, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(list) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(list[0]) != TupleType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._list = list
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigLinseg_base(wrap(in_fader,i), list, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'list', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setList(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `list` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self._list = x
-        [obj.setList(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Alias for `setList` method.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setList(x)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._list
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    def graph(self, xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        xlen : float, optional
-            Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the
-            maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If
-            None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if xlen == None:
-            xlen = float(self._list[-1][0])
-        else:
-            xlen = float(xlen)
-        if yrange == None:
-            ymin = float(min([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            ymax = float(max([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            if ymin == ymax:
-                yrange = (0, ymax)
-            else:
-                yrange = (ymin, ymax)
-        createGraphWindow(self, 0, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self): return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.setList(x)
-class TrigExpseg(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Exponential segments trigger.
-    TrigExpseg starts reading break-points exponential segments each time 
-    it receives a trigger in its `input` parameter.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    list : list of tuples
-        Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a
-        new point in the form (time, value). Times are given in seconds
-        and must be in increasing order.
-    exp : float, optional
-        Exponent factor. Used to control the slope of the curves.
-        Defaults to 10.
-    inverse : boolean, optional
-        If True, downward slope will be inversed. Useful to create 
-        biexponential curves. Defaults to True.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setList(x) : Replace the `list` attribute.
-    replace(x) : Alias for `setList` method.
-    setExp(x) : Replace the `exp` attribute.
-    setInverse(x) : Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-    graph(xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver) : Opens a grapher window 
-        to control the shape of the envelope.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    list : list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
-    exp : float. Exponent factor.    
-    inverse : boolean. Inversion of downward slope.
-    Notes:
-    TrigExpseg will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback.
-    User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig'].
-    Useful to synchronize other processes. 
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigExpseg's signal can not be sent
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m = Metro(time=0.5, poly=2).play()
-    >>> pit = TrigExpseg(m, [(0,1000),(.25,1300),(.5,1000),(1,1000)])
-    >>> a = Sine(pit, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, list, exp=10, inverse=True, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(list) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        if type(list[0]) != TupleType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "list" argument of %s must be a list of tuples.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._list = list
-        self._exp = exp
-        self._inverse = inverse
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, exp, inverse, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, exp, inverse, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigExpseg_base(wrap(in_fader,i), list, wrap(exp,i), wrap(inverse,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'list', 'exp', 'inverse', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setList(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `list` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self._list = x
-        [obj.setList(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setExp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `exp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            new `exp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._exp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setExp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInverse(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inverse` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `inverse` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inverse = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInverse(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def replace(self, x):
-        """
-        Alias for `setList` method.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of tuples
-            new `list` attribute.
-        """
-        self.setList(x)
-    def getPoints(self):
-        return self._list
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    def graph(self, xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        """
-        Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
-        When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points
-        will be send to the object on mouse up. 
-        Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the 
-        clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
-        Parameters:
-        xlen : float, optional
-            Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the
-            maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        yrange : tuple, optional
-            Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If
-            None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points.
-            Defaults to None.
-        title : string, optional
-            Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the 
-            class is used.
-        wxnoserver : boolean, optional
-            With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the 
-            interpreter that there will be no server window and not 
-            to wait for it before showing the controller window. 
-            Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if xlen == None:
-            xlen = float(self._list[-1][0])
-        else:
-            xlen = float(xlen)
-        if yrange == None:
-            ymin = float(min([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            ymax = float(max([x[1] for x in self._list]))
-            if ymin == ymax:
-                yrange = (0, ymax)
-            else:
-                yrange = (ymin, ymax)
-        createGraphWindow(self, 2, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def list(self): return self._list
-    @list.setter
-    def list(self, x): self.setList(x)
-    @property
-    def exp(self): return self._exp
-    @exp.setter
-    def exp(self, x): self.setExp(x)
-    @property
-    def inverse(self): return self._inverse
-    @inverse.setter
-    def inverse(self, x): self.setInverse(x)
-class TrigXnoise(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Triggered X-class pseudo-random generator.
-    Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions. 
-    A new value is generated each time the object receive a trigger 
-    in input. Each distribution generates values in the range 0 and 1.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Notes:
-    Available distributions are:
-        - uniform
-        - linear minimum
-        - linear maximum
-        - triangular
-        - exponential minimum
-        - exponential maximum
-        - double (bi)exponential
-        - cauchy
-        - weibull
-        - gaussian
-        - poisson
-        - walker (drunk)
-        - loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
-    Depending on the distribution, `x1` and `x2` parameters are applied
-    as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
-    parameter):
-        0 - uniform
-            no parameter
-        1 - linear_min 
-            no parameter
-        2 - linear_max
-            no parameter
-        3 - triangle
-            no parameter
-        4 - expon_min
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        5 - expon_max    
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        6 - biexpon
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
-        7 - cauchy
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        8 - weibull
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
-        9 - gaussian
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : bandwidth {0 =  narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        10 - poisson
-            x1 : gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
-            x2 : compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
-        11 - walker
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-        12 - loopseg 
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    dist : string or int, optional
-        Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDist(x) : Replace the `dist` attribute.
-    setX1(x) : Replace the `x1` attribute.
-    setX2(x) : Replace the `x2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    dist : string or int. Distribution type.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject. First parameter.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> wav = SquareTable()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, 12).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=env, mul=.2)
-    >>> pit = TrigXnoise(met, dist=4, x1=10, mul=1000, add=200)
-    >>> a = Osc(table=wav, freq=pit, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, dist=0, x1=0.5, x2=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._dist = dist
-        self._x1 = x1
-        self._x2 = x2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, dist, x1, x2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, dist, x1, x2, mul, add)
-        for i, t in enumerate(dist):
-            if type(t) == StringType: dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigXnoise_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(dist,i), wrap(x1,i), wrap(x2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'dist', 'x1', 'x2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDist(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dist` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `dist` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dist = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, t in enumerate(x):
-            if type(t) == StringType: x[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x2= x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def dist(self): return self._dist
-    @dist.setter
-    def dist(self, x): self.setDist(x)
-    @property
-    def x1(self): return self._x1
-    @x1.setter
-    def x1(self, x): self.setX1(x)
-    @property
-    def x2(self): return self._x2
-    @x2.setter
-    def x2(self, x): self.setX2(x)
-class TrigXnoiseMidi(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Triggered X-class midi notes pseudo-random generator.
-    Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions. 
-    A new value is generated each time the object receive a trigger 
-    in input. Each distribution generates integer values in the range 
-    defined with `mrange` parameter and output can be scaled on midi 
-    notes, hertz or transposition factor.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Notes:
-    Available distributions are:
-        - uniform
-        - linear minimum
-        - linear maximum
-        - triangular
-        - exponential minimum
-        - exponential maximum
-        - double (bi)exponential
-        - cauchy
-        - weibull
-        - gaussian
-        - poisson
-        - walker (drunk)
-        - loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
-    Depending on the distribution, `x1` and `x2` parameters are applied
-    as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
-    parameter):
-        0 - uniform
-            no parameter
-        1 - linear_min 
-            no parameter
-        2 - linear_max
-            no parameter
-        3 - triangle
-            no parameter
-        4 - expon_min
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        5 - expon_max    
-            x1 : slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
-        6 - biexpon
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
-        7 - cauchy
-            x1 : bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        8 - weibull
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
-        9 - gaussian
-            x1 : mean location {0 -> 1}
-            x2 : bandwidth {0 =  narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
-        10 - poisson
-            x1 : gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
-            x2 : compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
-        11 - walker
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-        12 - loopseg 
-            x1 : maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
-            x2 - maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    dist : string of int, optional
-        Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
-    scale : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        Output format. 0 = MIDI, 1 = Hertz, 2 = transposition factor. 
-        In the transposition mode, the central key (the key where there 
-        is no transposition) is (`minrange` + `maxrange`) / 2. Defaults
-        to 0.
-    mrange : tuple of int, optional
-        Minimum and maximum possible values, in Midi notes. Available
-        only at initialization time. Defaults to (0, 127).
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setDist(x) : Replace the `dist` attribute.
-    setX1(x) : Replace the `x1` attribute.
-    setX2(x) : Replace the `x2` attribute.
-    setScale(x) : Replace the `scale` attribute.
-    setRange(x, y) : Changes min and max range values and centralkey.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    dist : string or int. Distribution type.
-    x1 : float or PyoObject. First parameter.
-    x2 : float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
-    scale : int. Output format.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> wav = SquareTable()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, 12).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=env, mul=.2)
-    >>> pit = TrigXnoiseMidi(met, dist=4, x1=10, scale=1, mrange=(48,84))
-    >>> a = Osc(table=wav, freq=pit, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, dist=0, x1=0.5, x2=0.5, scale=0, mrange=(0,127), mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._dist = dist
-        self._x1 = x1
-        self._x2 = x2
-        self._scale = scale
-        self._mrange = mrange        
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, dist, x1, x2, scale, mrange, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, dist, x1, x2, scale, mrange, mul, add)
-        for i, t in enumerate(dist):
-            if type(t) == StringType: dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigXnoiseMidi_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(dist,i), wrap(x1,i), wrap(x2,i), wrap(scale,i), wrap(mrange,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'dist', 'x1', 'x2', 'scale', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setDist(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dist` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `dist` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dist = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        for i, t in enumerate(x):
-            if type(t) == StringType: x[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
-        [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `scale` attribute.
-        Possible values are: 
-            0 -> Midi notes
-            1 -> Hertz
-            2 -> transposition factor 
-                 (centralkey is (`minrange` + `maxrange`) / 2
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1, 2}
-            new `scale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._scale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setRange(self, mini, maxi):
-        """
-        Replace the `mrange` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        mini : int
-            minimum output midi range.
-        maxi : int
-            maximum output midi range.
-        """
-        self._mrange = (mini, maxi)
-        mini, maxi, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mini, maxi)
-        [obj.setRange(wrap(mini,i), wrap(maxi,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX1(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x1` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x1` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x1 = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX1(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setX2(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `x2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `x2` attribute.
-        """
-        self._x2= x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def dist(self): return self._dist
-    @dist.setter
-    def dist(self, x): self.setDist(x)
-    @property
-    def scale(self): return self._scale
-    @scale.setter
-    def scale(self, x): self.setScale(x)
-    @property
-    def x1(self): return self._x1
-    @x1.setter
-    def x1(self, x): self.setX1(x)
-    @property
-    def x2(self): return self._x2
-    @x2.setter
-    def x2(self, x): self.setX2(x)
-class Counter(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Integer count generator.
-    Counter keeps track of all triggers received, outputs the current 
-    count constrained within `min` and `max` range, and can be set to 
-    count up, down, or up-and-down.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    min : int, optional
-        Minimum value of the count, included in the count. Defaults to 0.
-    max : int, optional
-        Maximum value of the count. excluded of the count. 
-        The counter will count up to max - 1. Defaults to 100.
-    dir : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        Direction of the count. Three possible values:
-            0 : up
-            1 : down
-            2 : up-and-down
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    setDir(x) : Replace the `dir` attribute.
-    reset(value) : Reset the current count.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    min : int. Minimum value.
-    max : int. Maximum value.
-    dir : int. Direction of the count.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Counter's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    See also: Select
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> m = Metro(.125).play()
-    >>> c = Counter(m, min=3, max=8, dir=2, mul=100)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=c, mul=.2).mix(2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=0, max=100, dir=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._dir = dir
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, dir, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, dir, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Counter_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(dir,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'dir', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDir(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dir` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1, 2}
-            new `dir` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dir = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDir(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self, value=None):
-        """
-        Reset the current count of the counter. If `value` is None, the counter
-        resets to the beginning of the count.
-        Parameters:
-        value : int, optional
-            Value where to reset the count. Defaults to None.
-        """
-        value, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value)
-        [obj.reset(wrap(value,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-    @property
-    def dir(self): return self._dir
-    @dir.setter
-    def dir(self, x): self.setDir(x)
-class Select(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sends trigger on matching integer values.
-    Select takes in input an audio signal containing integer numbers
-    and sends a trigger when the input matches `value` parameter. This
-    object is especially designed to be used with Counter object.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers.
-    value : int, optional
-        Value to be matched to send a trigger. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setValue(x) : Replace the `value` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal.
-    value : int. Matching value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Select's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    See also: Counter
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> env = HannTable()
-    >>> m = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> te = TrigEnv(m, table=env, dur=.2, mul=.2)
-    >>> c = Counter(m, min=0, max=4)
-    >>> se = Select(c, 0)
-    >>> tr = TrigRand(se, 400, 600)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=tr, mul=te).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, value=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._value = value
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, value, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, value, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Select_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(value,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'value', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `value` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `value` attribute.
-        """
-        self._value = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def value(self): return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
-class Change(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Sends trigger that informs when input value has changed.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Change's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> a = XnoiseMidi(dist="loopseg", freq=[2, 3], x1=1, scale=1, mrange=(60,73))
-    >>> b = Change(a)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(b, table=t, dur=[.5,.333], mul=.3)
-    >>> out = SineLoop(freq=a, feedback=.05, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Change_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Thresh(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Informs when a signal crosses a threshold.
-    Thresh sends a trigger when a signal crosses a threshold. The `dir` 
-    parameter can be used to set the crossing mode, down-up, up-down, or 
-    both.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    threshold : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Threshold value. Defaults to 0.
-    dir : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        There are three modes of using Thresh:
-            dir = 0 : down-up
-                sends a trigger when current value is higher than the
-                threshold, while old value was equal to or lower than 
-                the threshold.
-            dir = 1 : up-down
-                sends a trigger when current value is lower than the
-                threshold, while old value was equal to or higher than 
-                the threshold.
-            dir = 2 : both direction
-                sends a trigger in both the two previous cases.
-        Defaults to 0.    
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setThreshold(x) : Replace the `threshold` attribute.
-    setDir(x) : Replace the `dir` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal.
-    threshold : float or PyoObject. Threshold value.
-    dir : int. User mode.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Thresh's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Phasor(1)
-    >>> b = Thresh(a, threshold=[0.25, 0.5, 0.66], dir=0)
-    >>> t = LinTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> env = TrigEnv(b, table=t, dur=.5, mul=.3)
-    >>> sine = Sine(freq=[500,600,700], mul=env).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, threshold=0., dir=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._threshold = threshold
-        self._dir = dir
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, threshold, dir, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, threshold, dir, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Thresh_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(threshold,i), wrap(dir,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'threshold', 'dir', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setThreshold(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `threshold` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `threshold` attribute.
-        """
-        self._threshold = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setThreshold(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setDir(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `dir` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1, 2}
-            new `dir` attribute.
-        """
-        self._dir = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setDir(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def threshold(self): return self._threshold
-    @threshold.setter
-    def threshold(self, x): self.setThreshold(x)
-    @property
-    def dir(self): return self._dir
-    @dir.setter
-    def dir(self, x): self.setDir(x)
-class Percent(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Lets pass a certain percentage of the input triggers.
-    Percent looks at the triggers received in `input` and
-    lets them pass `percent` of the time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    percent : float or PyoObject, optional
-        How much percentage of triggers to let pass, 
-        between 0 and 100. Defaults to 50.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setPercent(x) : Replace the `percent` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal.
-    percent : float or PyoObject. Percentage value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Percent's signal can not 
-    be sent to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(time=.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> trig = Percent(met, percent=50)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> fr = TrigRand(trig, min=400, max=1000)
-    >>> freq = Port(fr, risetime=0.001, falltime=0.001)
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=freq, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, percent=50., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._percent = percent
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, percent, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, percent, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Percent_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(percent,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'percent', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setPercent(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `percent` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `percent` attribute.
-        """
-        self._percent = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setPercent(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 100., 'lin', 'percent', self._percent)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def percent(self): return self._percent
-    @percent.setter
-    def percent(self, x): self.setPercent(x)
-class Timer(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Reports elapsed time between two trigs.
-    A trigger in `input2` signal starts an internal timer. The next trigger 
-    in `input` signal stops it and reports the elapsed time between the two 
-    triggers. Useful for filtering triggers that are too close to each other. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Stops the timer and reports elapsed time.
-    input2 : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Starts the timer if not already started.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInput2(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Timer stop signal.
-    input2 : PyoObject. Timer start signal.
-    Notes:
-    The `input` signal is evaluated before the `input2` signal, so it's
-    safe to stop and start the timer with the same trigger signal.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> cl = Cloud(density=20, poly=2).play()
-    >>> ti = Timer(cl, cl)
-    >>> # Minimum waiting time before a new trig
-    >>> cp = Compare(ti, comp=.05, mode=">")
-    >>> trig = cl * cp
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=HannTable(), dur=.05, mul=.25)
-    >>> freq = TrigChoice(trig, choice=[100,150,200,250,300,350,400])
-    >>> a = LFO(freq=freq, type=2, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, input2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._input2 = input2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(input2)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Timer_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'input2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInput2(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input2 = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Timer stop signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def input2(self):
-        """PyoObject. Timer start signal.""" 
-        return self._input2
-    @input2.setter
-    def input2(self, x): self.setInput2(x)
-class Iter(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Triggers iterate over a list of values.
-    Iter loops over a list of user-defined values. When a trigger is received
-    in `input`, Iter moves up to the next value in the list, with wrap-around. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    choice : list of floats
-        Sequence of values over which to iterate.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Available at initialization time only. 
-        Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setChoice(x) : Replace the `choice` attribute.
-    reset(x) : Resets the current count.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    choice : list of floats. Possible values.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> l1 = [300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550]
-    >>> l2 = [300, 350, 450, 500, 550]
-    >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(time=.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3)
-    >>> it = Iter(met, choice=[l1, l2])
-    >>> si = Sine(freq=it, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, choice, init=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(choice) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "choice" argument of %s must be a list.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._choice = choice
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, init, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, init, mul, add)
-        if type(choice[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [Iter_base(wrap(in_fader,i), choice, wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            choicelen = len(choice)
-            lmax = max(choicelen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [Iter_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(choice,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'choice', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setChoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `choice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats
-            new `choice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._choice = x
-        if type(x[0]) != ListType:
-            [obj.setChoice(self._choice) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-        else:
-            [obj.setChoice(wrap(self._choice,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def reset(self, x=0):
-        """
-        Resets the current count.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int, optional
-            Value where to reset the count. Defaults to 0.
-        """
-        [obj.reset(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def choice(self): return self._choice
-    @choice.setter
-    def choice(self, x): self.setChoice(x)
-class Count(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Counts integers at audio rate.
-    Count generates a signal increasing by 1 each sample when it receives a 
-    trigger. It can be used to do sample playback using TableIndex. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Start or Restart the count.
-    min : int, optional
-        Minimum value of the count, included in the count. Defaults to 0.
-    max : int, optional
-        Maximum value of the count. excluded of the count. A value of 0 
-        eliminates the maximum, and the count continues increasing without 
-        resetting. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Trigger signal. Start/Restart the count.
-    min : int. Minimum value.
-    max : int. Maximum value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+'/accord.aif')
-    >>> ind = Count(Trig().play(), [0,100], t.getSize())
-    >>> read = TableIndex(t, ind).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=0, max=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Count_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New input signal.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self): return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self): return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
-class NextTrig(PyoObject):
-    """
-    A trigger in the second stream opens a gate only for the next one in the first stream.
-    When the gate is opened by a trigger in `input2` signal, the next trigger 
-    in `input` signal is allowed to pass and automatically closes the gate.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Trigger stream waiting for the gate to be opened.
-    input2 : PyoObject
-        Trigger signal. Trigger stream opening the gate.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInput2(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input2` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Incoming trigger stream signal.
-    input2 : PyoObject. Trigger stream opening the gate.
-    Notes:
-    The `input` signal is evaluated before the `input2` signal, so it's
-    safe to send triggers in both inputs at the same time and wait for the
-    next one.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> mid = Urn(max=4, freq=4, add=60)
-    >>> sigL = SineLoop(freq=MToF(mid), feedback=.08, mul=0.3).out()
-    >>> first = NextTrig(Change(mid), mid["trig"])
-    >>> amp = TrigExpseg(first, [(0,0),(.01,.25),(1,0)])
-    >>> sigR = SineLoop(midiToHz(84), feedback=0.05, mul=amp).out(1)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, input2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._input2 = input2
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(input2)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [NextTrig_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'input2', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInput2(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input2 = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def input2(self): return self._input2
-    @input2.setter
-    def input2(self, x): self.setInput2(x)
-class TrigVal(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Outputs a previously defined value on a trigger signal.
-    Value defined at `value` argument is sent when a trigger signal
-    is detected in input.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Audio signal sending triggers.
-    value : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Next value. Defaults to 0.
-    init : float, optional
-        Initial value. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setValue(x) : Replace the `value` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
-    value : float or PyoObject. Next value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. TrigVal's signal can not be sent 
-    to audio outs.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> def newfreq():
-    ...     val.value = (val.value + 50) % 500 + 100
-    >>> tr = Metro(1).play()
-    >>> val = TrigVal(tr, value=250)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(val, feedback=.1, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> trfunc = TrigFunc(tr, newfreq)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, value=0., init=0., mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._value = value
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, value, init, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, value, init, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TrigVal_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(value,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'value', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `value` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            new `value` attribute.
-        """
-        self._value = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'value', self._value),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def value(self): return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
diff --git a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/utils.py b/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/utils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bd535e7..0000000
--- a/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.7/pyolib/utils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2177 +0,0 @@
-Miscellaneous objects.
-Copyright 2010 Olivier Belanger
-This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
-processing script creation.
-pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with pyo.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from _core import *
-from _maps import *
-from types import SliceType
-import threading, time
-class Clean_objects(threading.Thread):
-    """
-    Stops and deletes PyoObjects after a given time.
-    Parameters:
-    time : float
-        Time, in seconds, to wait before calling stop on the given 
-        objects and deleting them.
-    *args : PyoObject(s)
-        Objects to delete.
-    Methods:
-    start() : Starts the thread. The timer begins on this call.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(mul=.5).mix(2)
-    >>> b = Fader(fadein=.5, fadeout=1, dur=5).play()
-    >>> c = Biquad(a, freq=500, q=2, mul=b).out()
-    >>> dump = Clean_objects(6, a, b, c)
-    >>> dump.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, time, *args):
-        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-        self.t = time
-        self.args = args
-    def run(self):
-        time.sleep(self.t)
-        for arg in self.args:
-            try: arg.stop()
-            except: pass
-        for arg in self.args:
-            del arg 
-class Print(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Print PyoObject's current value.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to filter.
-    method : int {0, 1}, optional
-        There is two methods to set when a value is printed (Defaults to 0):
-        0 : at a periodic interval.
-        1 : everytime the value changed.
-    interval : float, optional
-        Interval, in seconds, between each print. Used by method 0.
-        Defaults to 0.25.
-    message : str, optional
-        Message to print before the current value. Defaults to "".
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMethod(x) : Replace the `method` attribute.
-    setInterval(x) : Replace the `interval` attribute.
-    setMessage(x) : Replace the `message` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal.
-    method : int. Controls when a value is printed.
-    interval : float. For method 0, interval, in seconds, between each print.
-    message : str. Message to print before the current value.
-    Notes:
-    The out() method is bypassed. Print's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    Print has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', loop=True, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> b = Follower(a)
-    >>> p = Print(b, method=0, interval=.1, message="RMS")
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, method=0, interval=0.25, message=""):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._method = method
-        self._interval = interval
-        self._message = message
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, method, interval, message, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, method, interval, message)
-        self._base_objs = [Print_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(method,i), wrap(interval,i), wrap(message,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'method', 'interval', 'message']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMethod(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `method` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1}
-            New `method` attribute.
-        """
-        self._method = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMethod(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterval(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interval` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `interval` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interval = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterval(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMessage(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `message` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : str
-            New `message` attribute.
-        """
-        self._message = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMessage(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def method(self):
-        """int. Controls when a value is printed.""" 
-        return self._method
-    @method.setter
-    def method(self, x): self.setMethod(x)
-    @property
-    def interval(self):
-        """float. For method 0, interval, in seconds, between each print.""" 
-        return self._interval
-    @interval.setter
-    def interval(self, x): self.setInterval(x)
-    @property
-    def message(self):
-        """str. Message to print before the current value.""" 
-        return self._message
-    @message.setter
-    def message(self, x): self.setMessage(x)
-class Snap(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Snap input values on a user's defined midi scale.
-    Snap takes an audio input of floating-point values from 0
-    to 127 and output the nearest value in the `choice` parameter. 
-    `choice` can be defined on any number of octaves and the real 
-    snapping values will be automatically expended. The object 
-    will take care of the input octave range. According to `scale` 
-    parameter, output can be in midi notes, hertz or transposition 
-    factor (centralkey = 60).
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Incoming Midi notes as an audio stream.
-    choice : list of floats
-        Possible values, as midi notes, for output.
-    scale : int {0, 1, 2}, optional
-        Pitch output format. 0 = MIDI, 1 = Hertz, 2 = transpo. 
-        In the transpo mode, the central key (the key where there 
-        is no transposition) is 60. Defaults to 0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setChoice(x) : Replace the `choice` attribute.
-    setScale(x) : Replace the `scale` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Audio signal to transform.
-    choice : list of floats. Possible values.
-    scale : int. Output format.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> wav = SquareTable()
-    >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, 8).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=env, mul=.2)
-    >>> pit = TrigXnoiseMidi(met, dist=4, x1=20, mrange=(48,84))
-    >>> hertz = Snap(pit, choice=[0,2,3,5,7,8,10], scale=1)
-    >>> a = Osc(table=wav, freq=hertz, phase=0, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, choice, scale=0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        if type(choice) != ListType:
-            print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "choice" argument of %s must be a list.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
-            exit()
-        self._input = input
-        self._choice = choice
-        self._scale = scale
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, scale, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, scale, mul, add)
-        if type(choice[0]) != ListType:
-            self._base_objs = [Snap_base(wrap(in_fader,i), choice, wrap(scale,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-        else:
-            choicelen = len(choice)
-            lmax = max(choicelen, lmax)
-            self._base_objs = [Snap_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(choice,i), wrap(scale,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'choice', 'scale', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setChoice(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `choice` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : list of floats
-            new `choice` attribute.
-        """
-        self._choice = x
-        [obj.setChoice(x) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setScale(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `scale` attribute.
-        Possible values are: 
-            0 -> Midi notes
-            1 -> Hertz
-            2 -> transposition factor 
-                 (centralkey is (`minrange` + `maxrange`) / 2
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {0, 1, 2}
-            new `scale` attribute.
-        """
-        self._scale = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setScale(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self): return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def choice(self): return self._choice
-    @choice.setter
-    def choice(self, x): self.setChoice(x)
-    @property
-    def scale(self): return self._scale
-    @scale.setter
-    def scale(self, x): self.setScale(x)
-class Interp(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Interpolates between two signals.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        First input signal.
-    input2 : PyoObject
-        Second input signal.
-    interp : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Averaging value. 0 means only first signal, 1 means only second
-        signal. Default to 0.5.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInput2(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input2` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. First input signal.
-    input2 : PyoObject. Second input signal.
-    interp : float or PyoObject. Averaging value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/accord.aif', speed=[.99,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> sf2 = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.99,1], loop=True, mul=.3)
-    >>> lfo = Osc(table=SquareTable(20), freq=5, mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> a = Interp(sf, sf2, lfo).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, input2, interp=0.5, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._input2 = input2
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(input2)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, interp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Interp_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'input2', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInput2(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input2` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input2 = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "interp", self._interp), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. First input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def input2(self):
-        """PyoObject. Second input signal.""" 
-        return self._input2
-    @input2.setter
-    def input2(self, x): self.setInput2(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Averaging value.""" 
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class SampHold(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Performs a sample-and-hold operation on its input. 
-    SampHold performs a sample-and-hold operation on its input according 
-    to the value of `controlsig`. If `controlsig` equals `value`, the input 
-    is sampled and holded until next sampling.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal.
-    controlsig : PyoObject
-        Controls when to sample the signal.
-    value : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Sampling targeted value. Default to 0.0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setControlsig(x, fadetime) : Replace the `controlsig` attribute.
-    setValue(x) : Replace the `value` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal.
-    controlsig : PyoObject. Controls when to sample the signal.
-    value : float or PyoObject. Targeted value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = Noise(500,1000)
-    >>> b = Sine([3,4])
-    >>> c = SampHold(input=a, controlsig=b, value=0)
-    >>> d = Sine(c, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, controlsig, value=0.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._controlsig = controlsig
-        self._value = value
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self._in_fader2 = InputFader(controlsig)
-        in_fader, in_fader2, value, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, value, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [SampHold_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(value,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'controlsig', 'value', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setControlsig(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `controlsig` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New control signal.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._controlsig = x
-        self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setValue(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `value` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `value` attribute.
-        """
-        self._value = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def controlsig(self):
-        """PyoObject. Control signal.""" 
-        return self._controlsig
-    @controlsig.setter
-    def controlsig(self, x): self.setControlsig(x)
-    @property
-    def value(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Targeted value.""" 
-        return self._value
-    @value.setter
-    def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
-class Compare(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Comparison object.
-    Compare evaluates a comparison between a PyoObject and a number or
-    between two PyoObjects and outputs 1.0, as audio stream, if the
-    comparison is true, otherwise outputs 0.0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal.
-    comp : float or PyoObject
-        comparison signal.
-    mode : string, optional
-        Comparison operator as a string. Allowed operator are "<", "<=",
-        ">", ">=", "==", "!=". Default to "<".
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setComp(x, fadetime) : Replace the `comp` attribute.
-    setMode(x) : Replace the `mode` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal.
-    comp : float or PyoObject. Comparison signal.
-    mode : string. Comparison operator.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[199,200], feedback=.1, mul=.2)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[149,150], feedback=.1, mul=.2)
-    >>> ph = Phasor(freq=1)
-    >>> ch = Compare(input=ph, comp=0.5, mode="<=")
-    >>> out = Selector(inputs=[a,b], voice=Port(ch)).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, comp, mode="<", mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._comp = comp
-        self._mode = mode
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        self.comp_dict = {"<": 0, "<=": 1, ">": 2, ">=": 3, "==": 4, "!=": 5}
-        in_fader, comp, mode, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, comp, mode, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Compare_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(comp,i), self.comp_dict[wrap(mode,i)], wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'comp', 'mode', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setComp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `comp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New comparison signal.
-        """
-        self._comp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setComp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMode(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `mode` attribute. 
-        Allowed operator are "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=".
-        Parameters:
-        x : string
-            New `mode` attribute.
-        """
-        self._mode = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMode(self.comp_dict[wrap(x,i)]) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def comp(self):
-        """PyoObject. Comparison signal.""" 
-        return self._comp
-    @comp.setter
-    def comp(self, x): self.setComp(x)
-    @property
-    def mode(self):
-        """string. Comparison operator.""" 
-        return self._mode
-    @mode.setter
-    def mode(self, x): self.setMode(x)
-class Record(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Writes input sound in an audio file on the disk.
-    `input` parameter must be a valid PyoObject or an addition of 
-    PyoObjects, parameters can't be in list format.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to record.
-    filename : string
-        Full path of the file to create.
-    chnls : int, optional
-        Number of channels in the audio file. Defaults to 2.
-    fileformat : int, optional
-        Format type of the audio file. Record will first try to
-        set the format from the filename extension. If it's not possible,
-        it uses the fileformat parameter. Defaults to 0. 
-        Supported formats are:
-            0 : WAV - Microsoft WAV format (little endian) {.wav, .wave}
-            1 : AIFF - Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian) {.aif, .aiff}
-    sampletype : int, optional
-        Bit depth encoding of the audio file. Defaults to 0.
-        Supported types are:
-            0 : 16 bits int
-            1 : 24 bits int
-            2 : 32 bits int
-            3 : 32 bits float
-            4 : 64 bits float
-    buffering : int, optional
-        Number of bufferSize to wait before writing samples to disk.
-        High buffering uses more memory but improves performance.
-        Defaults to 4.
-    Notes:
-    All parameters can only be set at intialization time.    
-    The `stop` method must be called on the object to close the file 
-    properly.
-    The out() method is bypassed. Record's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    Record has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> from random import uniform
-    >>> import os
-    >>> t = HarmTable([1, 0, 0, .2, 0, 0, 0, .1, 0, 0, .05])
-    >>> amp = Fader(fadein=.05, fadeout=2, dur=4, mul=.05).play()
-    >>> osc = Osc(t, freq=[uniform(350,360) for i in range(10)], mul=amp).out()
-    >>> home = os.path.expanduser('~')
-    >>> # Records an audio file called "example_synth.aif" in the home folder
-    >>> rec = Record(osc, filename=home+"/example_synth.aif", fileformat=1, sampletype=1)
-    >>> clean = Clean_objects(4.5, rec)
-    >>> clean.start()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, filename, chnls=2, fileformat=0, sampletype=0, buffering=4):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        FORMATS = {'wav': 0, 'wave': 0, 'aif': 1, 'aiff': 1}
-        ext = filename.rsplit('.')
-        if len(ext) >= 2:
-            ext = ext[-1].lower()
-            if FORMATS.has_key(ext):
-                fileformat = FORMATS[ext]
-            else:
-                print 'Warning: Unknown file extension. Using fileformat value.'
-        else:
-            print 'Warning: Filename has no extension. Using fileformat value.'
-        self._base_objs = [Record_base(self._input.getBaseObjects(), filename, chnls, fileformat, sampletype, buffering)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class Denorm(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Mixes low level noise to an input signal.
-    Mixes low level (~1e-24 for floats, and ~1e-60 for doubles) noise to a an input signal. 
-    Can be used before IIR filters and reverbs to avoid denormalized numbers which may 
-    otherwise result in significantly increased CPU usage. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> amp = Linseg([(0,0),(2,1),(4,0)], loop=True).play()
-    >>> a = Sine(freq=[800,1000], mul=0.01*amp)
-    >>> den = Denorm(a)
-    >>> rev = Freeverb(den, size=.9).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Denorm_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to filter.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class ControlRec(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Records control values and writes them in a text file.
-    `input` parameter must be a valid PyoObject managing any number
-    of streams, other parameters can't be in list format. The user
-    must call the `write` method to create text files on the disk.
-    Each line in the text files contains two values, the absolute time
-    in seconds and the sampled value.
-    The play() method starts the recording and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to sample.
-    filename : string
-        Full path (without extension) used to create the files. 
-        "_000" will be added to file's names with increasing digits
-        according to the number of streams in input. The same 
-        filename can be passed to a ControlRead object to read all
-        related files.
-    rate : int, optional
-        Rate at which the input values are sampled. Defaults to 1000.
-    dur : float, optional
-        Duration of the recording, in seconds. If 0.0, the recording
-        won't stop until the end of the performance. If greater than
-        0.0, the `stop` method is automatically called at the end of
-        the recording.
-    Methods:
-    write() : Writes values in a text file on the disk.
-    Notes:
-    All parameters can only be set at intialization time.    
-    The `write` method must be called on the object to write the files 
-    on the disk.
-    The out() method is bypassed. ControlRec's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    ControlRec has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    See also: ControlRead
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> rnds = Randi(freq=[1,2], min=200, max=400)
-    >>> sines = SineLoop(freq=rnds, feedback=.05, mul=.2).out()
-    >>> home = os.path.expanduser('~')
-    >>> rec = ControlRec(rnds, home+"/test", rate=100, dur=4).play()
-    >>> # call rec.write() to save "test_000" and "test_001" in the home directory.
-    >>> def write_files():
-    ...     sines.mul = 0
-    ...     rec.write()
-    >>> call = CallAfter(function=write_files, time=4.5)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, filename, rate=1000, dur=0.0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._path, self._name = os.path.split(filename)
-        self._rate = rate
-        self._dur = dur
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader)
-        self._base_objs = [ControlRec_base(wrap(in_fader,i), rate, dur) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def write(self):
-        """
-        Writes recorded values in text files on the disk.
-        """
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            f = open(os.path.join(self._path, "%s_%03d" % (self._name, i)), "w")
-            [f.write("%f %f\n" % p) for p in obj.getData()]
-            f.close()
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class ControlRead(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Reads control values previously stored in text files.
-    Read sampled sound from a table, with optional looping mode.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    filename : string
-        Full path (without extension) used to create the files. Usually
-        the same filename as the one given to a ControlRec object to 
-        record automation. The directory will be scaned and all files
-        named "filename_xxx" will add a new stream in the object.
-    rate : int, optional
-        Rate at which the values are sampled. Defaults to 1000.
-    loop : boolean, optional
-        Looping mode, False means off, True means on. 
-        Defaults to False.
-    interp : int, optional
-        Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
-            1 : no interpolation
-            2 : linear
-            3 : cosinus
-            4 : cubic
-    Methods:
-    setRate(x) : Replace the `rate` attribute.
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    setInterp(x) : Replace the `interp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    rate : int, Sampling frequency in cycles per second.
-    loop : boolean, Looping mode.
-    interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
-    Notes:
-    ControlRead will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback if 
-    loop is off or any time it wraps around if loop is on. User can 
-    retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']:
-    >>> rnds = ControlRead(home+"/freq_auto", loop=True)
-    >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif")
-    >>> loop = TrigEnv(rnds["trig"], t, dur=[.2,.3,.4,.5], mul=.5).out()
-    The out() method is bypassed. ControlRead's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    See also: ControlRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> home = os.path.expanduser('~')
-    >>> # assuming "test_xxx" exists in the user directory
-    >>> # run ControlRec's example to generate the files
-    >>> rnds = ControlRead(home+"/test", rate=100, loop=True)
-    >>> sines = SineLoop(freq=rnds, feedback=.05, mul=.15).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename, rate=1000, loop=False, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._path, self._name = os.path.split(filename)
-        self._rate = rate
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._interp = interp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(self._path) if self._name+"_" in f])
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        for i in range(len(files)):
-            path = os.path.join(self._path, files[i])
-            f = open(path, "r")
-            values = [float(l.split()[1]) for l in f.readlines()]
-            f.close()
-            self._base_objs.append(ControlRead_base(values, rate, loop, interp, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy([TriggerDummy_base(obj) for obj in self._base_objs])
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['rate', 'loop', 'interp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setRate(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `rate` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int
-            new `rate` attribute.
-        """
-        self._rate = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setRate(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInterp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `interp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
-            new `interp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._interp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def rate(self):
-        """int. Sampling frequency in cycles per second.""" 
-        return self._rate
-    @rate.setter
-    def rate(self, x): self.setRate(x)
-    @property
-    def loop(self): 
-        """boolean. Looping mode.""" 
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-    @property
-    def interp(self): 
-        """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
-        return self._interp
-    @interp.setter
-    def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
-class NoteinRec(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Records Notein inputs and writes them in a text file.
-    `input` parameter must be a Notein object managing any number
-    of streams, other parameters can't be in list format. The user
-    must call the `write` method to create text files on the disk.
-    Each line in the text files contains three values, the absolute time
-    in seconds, the Midi pitch and the normalized velocity.
-    The play() method starts the recording and is not called at the 
-    object creation time.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : Notein
-        Notein signal to sample.
-    filename : string
-        Full path (without extension) used to create the files. 
-        "_000" will be added to file's names with increasing digits
-        according to the number of streams in input. The same 
-        filename can be passed to a NoteinRead object to read all
-        related files.
-    Methods:
-    write() : Writes values in a text file on the disk.
-    Notes:
-    All parameters can only be set at intialization time.    
-    The `write` method must be called on the object to write the files 
-    on the disk.
-    The out() method is bypassed. NoteinRec's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    NoteinRec has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
-    See also: NoteinRead
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> notes = Notein(poly=2)
-    >>> home = os.path.expanduser('~')
-    >>> rec = NoteinRec(notes, home+"/test").play()
-    >>> # call rec.write() to save "test_000" and "test_001" in the home directory.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, filename):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._path, self._name = os.path.split(filename)
-        self._in_pitch = self._input["pitch"]
-        self.in_velocity = self._input["velocity"]
-        in_pitch, in_velocity, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_pitch, self.in_velocity)
-        self._base_objs = [NoteinRec_base(wrap(in_pitch,i), wrap(in_velocity,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return []
-    def write(self):
-        """
-        Writes recorded values in text files on the disk.
-        """
-        for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs):
-            f = open(os.path.join(self._path, "%s_%03d" % (self._name, i)), "w")
-            [f.write("%f %f %f\n" % p) for p in obj.getData()]
-            f.close()
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-class NoteinRead(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Reads Notein values previously stored in text files.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    filename : string
-        Full path (without extension) used to create the files. Usually
-        the same filename as the one given to a NoteinRec object to 
-        record automation. The directory will be scaned and all files
-        named "filename_xxx" will add a new stream in the object.
-    loop : boolean, optional
-        Looping mode, False means off, True means on. 
-        Defaults to False.
-    Methods:
-    setLoop(x) : Replace the `loop` attribute.
-    get(identifier, all) : Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-    Attributes:
-    loop : boolean, Looping mode.
-    Notes:
-    NoteinRead will sends a trigger signal at the end of the playback if 
-    loop is off or any time it wraps around if loop is on. User can 
-    retreive the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']:
-    >>> notes = NoteinRead(home+"/notes_rec", loop=True)
-    >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif")
-    >>> loop = TrigEnv(notes["trig"], t, dur=[.2,.3,.4,.5], mul=.25).out()
-    The out() method is bypassed. NoteinRead's signal can not be sent to 
-    audio outs.
-    See also: NoteinRec
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> home = os.path.expanduser('~')
-    >>> # assuming "test_xxx" exists in the user directory
-    >>> notes = NoteinRead(home+"/test", loop=True)
-    >>> amps = Port(notes['velocity'], 0.001, 0.5, mul=.2)
-    >>> sines = SineLoop(freq=notes['pitch'], feedback=.05, mul=amps).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, filename, loop=False, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._pitch_dummy = []
-        self._velocity_dummy = []
-        self._filename = filename
-        self._path, self._name = os.path.split(filename)
-        self._loop = loop
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(self._path) if self._name+"_" in f])
-        mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = []
-        _trig_objs_tmp = []
-        self._poly = len(files)
-        for i in range(self._poly):
-            path = os.path.join(self._path, files[i])
-            f = open(path, "r")
-            vals = [l.split() for l in f.readlines()]
-            timestamps = [float(v[0]) for v in vals]
-            pitches = [float(v[1]) for v in vals]
-            amps = [float(v[2]) for v in vals]
-            f.close()
-            self._base_objs.append(NoteinRead_base(pitches, timestamps, loop))
-            self._base_objs.append(NoteinRead_base(amps, timestamps, loop, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
-            _trig_objs_tmp.append(TriggerDummy_base(self._base_objs[-1]))
-        self._trig_objs = Dummy(_trig_objs_tmp)
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['loop', 'mul', 'add']
-    def __getitem__(self, str):
-        if str == 'trig':
-            return self._trig_objs
-        if str == 'pitch':
-            self._pitch_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2] for i in range(self._poly)]))
-            return self._pitch_dummy[-1]
-        if str == 'velocity':
-            self._velocity_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2+1] for i in range(self._poly)]))
-            return self._velocity_dummy[-1]
-    def get(self, identifier="pitch", all=False):
-        """
-        Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
-        Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
-        "pitch" or "velocity" must be given to `identifier` to specify
-        which stream to get value from.
-        Parameters:
-            identifier : string {"pitch", "velocity"}
-                Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
-                Defaults to "pitch".
-            all : boolean, optional
-                If True, the first value of each object's stream
-                will be returned as a list. Otherwise, only the value
-                of the first object's stream will be returned as a float.
-                Defaults to False.
-        """
-        if not all:
-            return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
-        else:
-            return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
-    def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
-        return self.play(dur, delay)
-    def setLoop(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `loop` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : boolean
-            new `loop` attribute.
-        """
-        self._loop = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setLoop(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def loop(self): 
-        """boolean. Looping mode.""" 
-        return self._loop
-    @loop.setter
-    def loop(self, x): self.setLoop(x)
-class DBToA(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the amplitude equivalent of a decibel value.
-    Returns the amplitude equivalent of a decibel value, 0 dB = 1.
-    The `input` values are internally clipped to -120 dB so -120 dB
-    returns 0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, decibel value.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # amplitude modulation 6 dB around -18 dB
-    >>> db = Sine(freq=1, phase=[0,.5], mul=6, add=-18)
-    >>> amp = DBToA(db)
-    >>> b = SineLoop(freq=[350,400], feedback=.1, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [DBToA_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class AToDB(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the decibel equivalent of an amplitude value.
-    Returns the decibel equivalent of an amplitude value, 1 = 0 dB.
-    The `input` values are internally clipped to 0.000001 so values
-    less than or equal to 0.000001 return -120 dB.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, amplitude value.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> # amplitude modulation of a notch around 1000 Hz, from -120 db to 0dB
-    >>> amp = Sine([1,1.5], mul=.5, add=.5)
-    >>> db = AToDB(amp)
-    >>> a = PinkNoise(.2)
-    >>> b = EQ(a, freq=1000, q=2, boost=db).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [AToDB_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class Scale(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Maps an input range of audio values to an output range.
-    Scale maps an input range of audio values to an output range. 
-    The ranges can be specified with `min` and `max` reversed for 
-    invert-mapping. If specified, the mapping can also be exponential. 
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    inmin : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum input value. Defaults to 0.
-    inmax : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum input value. Defaults to 1.
-    outmin : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum output value. Defaults to 0.
-    outmax : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum output value. Defaults to 1.
-    exp : float, optional
-        Exponent value, specifies the nature of the scaling curve. 
-        Values between 0 and 1 give a reversed curve.  Defaults to 1.0.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setInMin(x) : Replace the `inmin` attribute.
-    setInMax(x) : Replace the `inmax` attribute.
-    setOutMin(x) : Replace the `outmin` attribute.
-    setOutMax(x) : Replace the `outmax` attribute.
-    setExp(x) : Replace the `exp` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    inmin : float or PyoObject. Minimum input value.
-    inmax : float or PyoObject. Maximum input value.
-    outmin : float or PyoObject. Minimum output value.
-    outmax : float or PyoObject. Maximum output value.
-    exp : float or PyoObject. Exponent value (nature of the scaling curve).
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> rnd = TrigRand(met, min=0, max=1, port=.005)
-    >>> omlf = Sine(.5, mul=700, add=1000)
-    >>> fr = Scale(rnd, inmin=0, inmax=1, outmin=250, outmax=omlf, exp=1)
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=HannTable(), dur=.25, mul=.2)
-    >>> out = SineLoop(fr, feedback=.07, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, inmin=0, inmax=1, outmin=0, outmax=1, exp=1, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._inmin = inmin
-        self._inmax = inmax
-        self._outmin = outmin
-        self._outmax = outmax
-        self._exp = exp
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, inmin, inmax, outmin, outmax, exp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, inmin, inmax, outmin, outmax, exp, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Scale_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(inmin,i), wrap(inmax,i), wrap(outmin,i), wrap(outmax,i), wrap(exp,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'inmin', 'inmax', 'outmin', 'outmax', 'exp', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setInMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inmin` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `inmin` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inmin = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setInMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `inmax` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `inmax` attribute.
-        """
-        self._inmax = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setInMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setOutMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `outmin` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `outmin` attribute.
-        """
-        self._outmin = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setOutMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setOutMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `outmax` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `outmax` attribute.
-        """
-        self._outmax = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setOutMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setExp(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `exp` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `exp` attribute.
-        """
-        self._exp = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setExp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 127., 'lin', 'inmin',  self._inmin),
-                          SLMap(0., 127., 'lin', 'inmax',  self._inmax),
-                          SLMap(0., 127., 'lin', 'outmin',  self._outmin),
-                          SLMap(0., 127., 'lin', 'outmax',  self._outmax),
-                          SLMap(1., 10., 'lin', 'exp',  self._exp),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def inmin(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum input value.""" 
-        return self._inmin
-    @inmin.setter
-    def inmin(self, x): self.setInMin(x)
-    @property
-    def inmax(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum input value.""" 
-        return self._inmax
-    @inmax.setter
-    def inmax(self, x): self.setInMax(x)
-    @property
-    def outmin(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum output value.""" 
-        return self._outmin
-    @outmin.setter
-    def outmin(self, x): self.setOutMin(x)
-    @property
-    def outmax(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum output value."""
-        return self._outmax
-    @outmax.setter
-    def outmax(self, x): self.setOutMax(x)
-    @property
-    def exp(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Exponent value (nature of the scaling curve)."""
-        return self._exp
-    @exp.setter
-    def exp(self, x): self.setExp(x)
-class CentsToTranspo(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the transposition factor equivalent of a given cents value.
-    Returns the transposition factor equivalent of a given cents value, 0 cents = 1.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, cents value.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> cts = TrigRandInt(met, max=12, mul=100)
-    >>> trans = CentsToTranspo(cts)
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, speed=trans, mul=.25).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [CentsToTranspo_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class TranspoToCents(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the cents value equivalent of a transposition factor.
-    Returns the cents value equivalent of a transposition factor, 1 = 0 cents.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal, transposition factor.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> trans = TrigChoice(met, choice=[.25,.5,.5,.75,1,1.25,1.5])
-    >>> semi = TranspoToCents(trans, mul=0.01)
-    >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.3).out()
-    >>> harm = Harmonizer(sf, transpo=semi).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [TranspoToCents_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class MToF(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the frequency (Hz) equivalent to a midi note.
-    Returns the frequency (Hz) equivalent to a midi note, 
-    60 = 261.62556530066814 Hz.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal as midi note.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> mid = TrigChoice(met, choice=[60, 63, 67, 70], port=.005)
-    >>> hz = MToF(mid)
-    >>> syn = SineLoop(freq=hz, feedback=.07, mul=.2).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [MToF_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-class MToT(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Returns the transposition factor equivalent to a midi note.
-    Returns the transposition factor equivalent to a midi note. If the midi
-    note equal the `centralkey` argument, the output is 1.0.
-    Parentclass: PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal as midi note.
-    centralkey : float, optional
-        The midi note that returns a transposition factor of 1, 
-        that is to say no transposition. Defaults to 60.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setCentralKey(x) : Replace the `centralkey` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    centralkey : float. The midi note that returns no transposition.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> tsnd = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+"/accord.aif")
-    >>> tenv = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (1000,.5), (8192,0)])
-    >>> met = Metro(.125, poly=2).play()
-    >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=tenv, dur=.25, mul=.7)
-    >>> mid = TrigChoice(met, choice=[43, 45, 60, 63], port=.0025)
-    >>> sp = MToT(mid)
-    >>> snd = Osc(tsnd, freq=tsnd.getRate()/sp, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, centralkey=60.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._centralkey = centralkey
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, centralkey, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, centralkey, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [MToT_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(centralkey,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'centralkey', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setCentralKey(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `centralkey` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float
-            New `centralkey` attribute.
-        """
-        self._centralkey = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setCentralKey(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = []
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def centralkey(self):
-        """float. The midi note that returns no transposition.""" 
-        return self._centralkey
-    @centralkey.setter
-    def centralkey(self, x): self.setCentralKey(x)
-class Between(PyoObject):
-    """
-    Informs when an input signal is contained in a specified range.
-    Outputs a value of 1.0 if the input signal is greater or egal
-    than `min` and less than `max`. Otherwise, outputs a value of 0.0.
-    Parentclass : PyoObject
-    Parameters:
-    input : PyoObject
-        Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Minimum range value. Defaults to 0.
-    max : float or PyoObject, optional
-        Maximum range value. Defaults to 1.
-    Methods:
-    setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
-    setMin(x) : Replace the `min` attribute.
-    setMax(x) : Replace the `max` attribute.
-    Attributes:
-    input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
-    min : float or PyoObject. Minimum range value.
-    max : float or PyoObject. Maximum range value.
-    Examples:
-    >>> s = Server().boot()
-    >>> s.start()
-    >>> ph = Phasor(freq=[7,8])
-    >>> tr = Between(ph, min=0, max=.25)
-    >>> amp = Port(tr, risetime=0.002, falltime=0.002, mul=.2)
-    >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[245,250], feedback=.1, mul=amp).out()
-    """
-    def __init__(self, input, min=-1.0, max=1.0, mul=1, add=0):
-        PyoObject.__init__(self)
-        self._input = input
-        self._min = min
-        self._max = max
-        self._mul = mul
-        self._add = add
-        self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
-        in_fader, min, max, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, min, max, mul, add)
-        self._base_objs = [Between_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(min,i), wrap(max,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
-    def __dir__(self):
-        return ['input', 'min', 'max', 'mul', 'add']
-    def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
-        """
-        Replace the `input` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : PyoObject
-            New signal to process.
-        fadetime : float, optional
-            Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
-        """
-        self._input = x
-        self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
-    def setMin(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `min` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `min` attribute.
-        """
-        self._min = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMin(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def setMax(self, x):
-        """
-        Replace the `max` attribute.
-        Parameters:
-        x : float or PyoObject
-            New `max` attribute.
-        """
-        self._max = x
-        x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
-        [obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
-    def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
-        self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'min', self._min),
-                          SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
-                          SLMapMul(self._mul)]
-        PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
-    @property
-    def input(self):
-        """PyoObject. Input signal to process.""" 
-        return self._input
-    @input.setter
-    def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
-    @property
-    def min(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Minimum range value.""" 
-        return self._min
-    @min.setter
-    def min(self, x): self.setMin(x)
-    @property
-    def max(self):
-        """float or PyoObject. Maximum range value.""" 
-        return self._max
-    @max.setter
-    def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/dummymodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/dummymodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c6d6f..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/dummymodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/fft.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/fft.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 493b37a..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/fft.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/inputfadermodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/inputfadermodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ed0a43..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/inputfadermodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/interpolation.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/interpolation.o
deleted file mode 100644
index fafae68..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/interpolation.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/mixmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/mixmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd4104..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/mixmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/pyomodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/pyomodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index c530950..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/pyomodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/servermodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/servermodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 9efed5d..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/servermodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/streammodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/streammodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 040f62a..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/streammodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/wind.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/wind.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fe0fb8..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/engine/wind.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/analysismodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/analysismodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index c2dedaa..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/analysismodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 348c0d6..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/bandsplitmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/bandsplitmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index bb995fa..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/bandsplitmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/chorusmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/chorusmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2a070..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/chorusmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/compressmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/compressmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e9d310..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/compressmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/convolvemodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/convolvemodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index a9d34ce..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/convolvemodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/delaymodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/delaymodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 89fa140..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/delaymodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/distomodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/distomodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 8773411..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/distomodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fadermodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fadermodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a70110..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fadermodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fftmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fftmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b72514..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/fftmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/filtremodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/filtremodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b0a43b..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/filtremodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/freeverbmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/freeverbmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 0024113..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/freeverbmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/granulatormodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/granulatormodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index cc7921c..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/granulatormodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/harmonizermodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/harmonizermodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eb7104..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/harmonizermodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/hilbertmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/hilbertmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb8066..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/hilbertmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/inputmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/inputmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index e119bf5..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/inputmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/lfomodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/lfomodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e8934f..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/lfomodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index fb6ecd4..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index b52bf62..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/metromodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/metromodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index b32bb54..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/metromodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/midimodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/midimodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a625d..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/midimodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/noisemodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/noisemodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 4946d3d..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/noisemodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscbankmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscbankmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index ba0bbf6..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscbankmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscilmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscilmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index cbcf85f..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscilmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a1ed8..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/oscmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/panmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/panmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c22a2..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/panmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/patternmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/patternmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 9985072..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/patternmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/randommodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/randommodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index f570992..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/randommodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/recordmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/recordmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b0c9f..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/recordmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/selectmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/selectmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 81767cb..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/selectmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sfplayermodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sfplayermodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index d271afd..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sfplayermodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sigmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sigmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 020660a..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/sigmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/tablemodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/tablemodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa7ea1..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/tablemodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/trigmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/trigmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cc211e..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/trigmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/utilsmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/utilsmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index e50b570..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/utilsmodule.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/wgverbmodule.o b/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/wgverbmodule.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf715e..0000000
Binary files a/build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/src/objects/wgverbmodule.o and /dev/null differ

python-pyo packaging

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