[SCM] libva packaging annotated tag, debian/1.0.15-1, created. debian/1.0.15-1
mfv-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
mfv-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 16 11:21:46 UTC 2013
The annotated tag, debian/1.0.15-1 has been created
at e5d0d94e89faafd95d971bbed941c12582005917 (tag)
tagging 2139a9db04a4f8bdbc730a261018224f0c8e763f (commit)
replaces debian/1.0.14-1
tagged by Reinhard Tartler
on Thu Jan 5 10:28:06 2012 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.0.15-1
Brandon Snider (9):
removed i965-va-driver.install
refreshed debian/patches/remove-unneeded-dep2.patch
refreshed debian/patches/remove-unneeded-dep.patch
Added depends on libva-egl1 to debian/control
Removed build-depends on libdrm from debian/control because this was related to the intel driver
Removed i965-va-driver package from debian/control and replaced it with libva-egl1 package
Added libva-utils package to debian/control
Added egl.so file to debian/libva-dev.install
Created debian/libva-utils.install
Matteo F. Vescovi (7):
debian/gbp.conf: git-dch parameters added
debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2
debian/clean: clean upstream after build
debian/control: "Section:" field re-positioned
debian/control: adding myself to "Uploaders:" field
debian/control: VCS-browser link updated
debian/changelog: unstable -> experimental switch
Reinhard Tartler (9):
Imported Upstream version 1.0.15
Merge commit 'upstream/1.0.15'
start new upload
Bump shlibs for API 'fixes' mentioned in upstream NEWS file
intel i965 driver has been removed to its own package
debian/control: break overly long line in the description
Revert "debian/gbp.conf: git-dch parameters added"
build depend on libdrm-dev
update debian/changelog
libva packaging
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