[SCM] liblo/master: Remove more autogenerated files

fsateler at users.alioth.debian.org fsateler at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 8 13:36:49 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 36372a26b320f5e04c672ebf5851487558d856bf
Author: Felipe Sateler <fsateler at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jul 7 23:34:07 2013 -0400

    Remove more autogenerated files

diff --git a/lo/lo.h b/lo/lo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f55a43c..0000000
--- a/lo/lo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
- *  Copyright (C) 2004 Steve Harris
- *
- *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- *  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
- *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  $Id$
- */
-#ifndef LO_H
-#define LO_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * \file lo.h The liblo main headerfile and high-level API functions.
- */
-#include "lo/lo_endian.h"
-#include "lo/lo_types.h"
-#include "lo/lo_osc_types.h"
-#include "lo/lo_errors.h"
-#include "lo/lo_lowlevel.h"
-#if 1
-#include "lo/lo_serverthread.h"
- * \defgroup liblo High-level OSC API
- *
- * Defines the high-level API functions necessary to implement OSC support.
- * Should be adequate for most applications, but if you require lower level
- * control you can use the functions defined in lo_lowlevel.h
- * @{
- */
- * \brief Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number.
- * Same as lo_address_new_with_proto(), but using UDP.
- *
- * \param host An IP address or number, or NULL for the local machine.
- * \param port a decimal port number or service name.
- *
- * The lo_address object may be used as the target of OSC messages.
- *
- * Note: if you wish to receive replies from the target of this address, you
- * must first create a lo_server_thread or lo_server object which will receive
- * the replies. The last lo_server(_thread) object creted will be the receiver.
- */
-lo_address lo_address_new(const char *host, const char *port);
- * \brief Declare an OSC destination, given IP address and port number,
- * specifying protocol.
- *
- * \param proto The protocol to use, must be one of LO_UDP, LO_TCP or LO_UNIX.
- * \param host An IP address or number, or NULL for the local machine.
- * \param port a decimal port number or service name.
- *
- * The lo_address object may be used as the target of OSC messages.
- *
- * Note: if you wish to receive replies from the target of this address, you
- * must first create a lo_server_thread or lo_server object which will receive
- * the replies. The last lo_server(_thread) object creted will be the receiver.
- */
-lo_address lo_address_new_with_proto(int proto, const char *host, const char *port);
- * \brief Create a lo_address object from an OSC URL.
- *
- * example: \c "osc.udp://localhost:4444/my/path/"
- */
-lo_address lo_address_new_from_url(const char *url);
- * \brief Free the memory used by the lo_address object
- */ 
-void lo_address_free(lo_address t);
- * \brief Set the Time-to-Live value for a given target address.
- * 
- * This is required for sending multicast UDP messages.  A value of 1
- * (the usual case) keeps the message within the subnet, while 255
- * means a global, unrestricted scope.
- * 
- * \param t An OSC address.
- * \param ttl An integer specifying the scope of a multicast UDP message.
- */ 
-void lo_address_set_ttl(lo_address t, int ttl);
- * \brief Get the Time-to-Live value for a given target address.
- * 
- * \param t An OSC address.
- * \return An integer specifying the scope of a multicast UDP message.
- */ 
-int lo_address_get_ttl(lo_address t);
- * \brief Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified.
- *
- * \param targ The target OSC address
- * \param path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
- * \param type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined in
- * lo_osc_types.h
- * \param ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
- * passed here must agree with the types specified in the type parameter.
- *
- * example:
- * \code
- * lo_send(t, "/foo/bar", "ff", 0.1f, 23.0f);
- * \endcode
- *
- * \return -1 on failure.
- */
-int lo_send(lo_address targ, const char *path, const char *type, ...);
- * \brief Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, 
- * from the same socket as the specificied server.
- *
- * \param targ The target OSC address
- * \param from The server to send message from   (can be NULL to use new socket)
- * \param ts   The OSC timetag timestamp at which the message will be processed 
- * (can be LO_TT_IMMEDIATE if you don't want to attach a timetag)
- * \param path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
- * \param type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined in
- * lo_osc_types.h
- * \param ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
- * passed here must agree with the types specified in the type parameter.
- *
- * example:
- * \code
- * serv = lo_server_new(NULL, err);
- * lo_server_add_method(serv, "/reply", "ss", reply_handler, NULL);
- * lo_send_from(t, serv, LO_TT_IMMEDIATE, "/foo/bar", "ff", 0.1f, 23.0f);
- * \endcode
- *
- * \return on success, the number of bytes sent, or -1 on failure.
- */
-int lo_send_from(lo_address targ, lo_server from, lo_timetag ts, 
-	       		const char *path, const char *type, ...);
- * \brief Send a OSC formatted message to the address specified, scheduled to
- * be dispatch at some time in the future.
- *
- * \param targ The target OSC address
- * \param ts The OSC timetag timestamp at which the message will be processed
- * \param path The OSC path the message will be delivered to
- * \param type The types of the data items in the message, types are defined in
- * lo_osc_types.h
- * \param ... The data values to be transmitted. The types of the arguments
- * passed here must agree with the types specified in the type parameter.
- *
- * example:
- * \code
- * lo_timetag now;<br>
- * lo_timetag_now(&now);<br>
- * lo_send_timestamped(t, now, "/foo/bar", "ff", 0.1f, 23.0f);
- * \endcode
- *
- * \return on success, the number of bytes sent, or -1 on failure.
- */
-int lo_send_timestamped(lo_address targ, lo_timetag ts, const char *path,
-	       		const char *type, ...);
- * \brief Return the error number from the last failed lo_send() or
- * lo_address_new() call
- */
-int lo_address_errno(lo_address a);
- * \brief Return the error string from the last failed lo_send() or
- * lo_address_new() call
- */
-const char *lo_address_errstr(lo_address a);
- * \brief Create a new OSC blob type.
- *
- * \param size The amount of space to allocate in the blob structure.
- * \param data The data that will be used to initialise the blob, should be
- * size bytes long.
- */
-lo_blob lo_blob_new(int32_t size, const void *data);
- * \brief Free the memory taken by a blob
- */
-void lo_blob_free(lo_blob b);
- * \brief Return the amount of valid data in a lo_blob object.
- *
- * If you want to know the storage size, use lo_arg_size().
- */
-uint32_t lo_blob_datasize(lo_blob b);
- * \brief Return a pointer to the start of the blob data to allow contents to
- * be changed.
- */
-void *lo_blob_dataptr(lo_blob b);
-/** @} */
-#include "lo/lo_macros.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/liblo.def b/src/liblo.def
deleted file mode 100644
index 2746255..0000000
--- a/src/liblo.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-LIBRARY liblo-7.dll
-DESCRIPTION 'Lightweight OSC implementation'
-    lo_address_errno                       @1
-    lo_address_errstr                      @2
-    lo_address_free                        @3
-    lo_address_get_hostname                @4
-    lo_address_get_port                    @5
-    lo_address_get_protocol                @6
-    lo_address_get_ttl                     @7
-    lo_address_get_url                     @8
-    lo_address_new                         @9
-    lo_address_new_from_url                @10
-    lo_address_new_with_proto              @11
-    lo_address_set_ttl                     @12
-    lo_arg_host_endian                     @13
-    lo_arg_network_endian                  @14
-    lo_arg_pp                              @15
-    lo_arg_size                            @16
-    lo_blob_dataptr                        @17
-    lo_blob_datasize                       @18
-    lo_blob_free                           @19
-    lo_blob_new                            @20
-    lo_blobsize                            @21
-    lo_bundle_add_message                  @22
-    lo_bundle_free                         @23
-    lo_bundle_free_messages                @24
-    lo_bundle_length                       @25
-    lo_bundle_new                          @26
-    lo_bundle_pp                           @27
-    lo_bundle_serialise                    @28
-    lo_coerce                              @29
-    lo_get_path                            @30
-    lo_get_tt_immediate                    @31
-    lo_hires_val                           @32
-    lo_is_numerical_type                   @33
-    lo_is_string_type                      @34
-    lo_message_add                         @35
-    lo_message_add_blob                    @36
-    lo_message_add_char                    @37
-    lo_message_add_double                  @38
-    lo_message_add_false                   @39
-    lo_message_add_float                   @40
-    lo_message_add_infinitum               @41
-    lo_message_add_int32                   @42
-    lo_message_add_int64                   @43
-    lo_message_add_midi                    @44
-    lo_message_add_nil                     @45
-    lo_message_add_string                  @46
-    lo_message_add_symbol                  @47
-    lo_message_add_timetag                 @48
-    lo_message_add_true                    @49
-    lo_message_add_varargs_internal        @50
-    lo_message_deserialise                 @51
-    lo_message_free                        @52
-    lo_message_get_argc                    @53
-    lo_message_get_argv                    @54
-    lo_message_get_source                  @55
-    lo_message_get_timestamp               @56
-    lo_message_get_types                   @57
-    lo_message_length                      @58
-    lo_message_new                         @59
-    lo_message_pp                          @60
-    lo_message_serialise                   @61
-    lo_method_pp                           @62
-    lo_method_pp_prefix                    @63
-    lo_pattern_match                       @64
-    lo_send                                @65
-    lo_send_bundle                         @66
-    lo_send_bundle_from                    @67
-    lo_send_from                           @68
-    lo_send_message                        @69
-    lo_send_message_from                   @70
-    lo_send_timestamped                    @71
-    lo_server_add_method                   @72
-    lo_server_del_method                   @73
-    lo_server_dispatch_data                @74
-    lo_server_events_pending               @75
-    lo_server_free                         @76
-    lo_server_get_port                     @77
-    lo_server_get_protocol                 @78
-    lo_server_get_socket_fd                @79
-    lo_server_get_url                      @80
-    lo_server_new                          @81
-    lo_server_new_multicast                @82
-    lo_server_new_with_proto               @83
-    lo_server_next_event_delay             @84
-    lo_server_pp                           @85
-    lo_server_recv                         @86
-    lo_server_recv_noblock                 @87
-    lo_server_thread_add_method            @88
-    lo_server_thread_del_method            @89
-    lo_server_thread_events_pending        @90
-    lo_server_thread_free                  @91
-    lo_server_thread_get_port              @92
-    lo_server_thread_get_server            @93
-    lo_server_thread_get_url               @94
-    lo_server_thread_new                   @95
-    lo_server_thread_new_multicast         @96
-    lo_server_thread_new_with_proto        @97
-    lo_server_thread_pp                    @98
-    lo_server_thread_start                 @99
-    lo_server_thread_stop                  @100
-    lo_server_wait                         @101
-    lo_strsize                             @102
-    lo_throw                               @103
-    lo_timetag_diff                        @104
-    lo_timetag_now                         @105
-    lo_url_get_hostname                    @106
-    lo_url_get_path                        @107
-    lo_url_get_port                        @108
-    lo_url_get_protocol                    @109
-    lo_url_get_protocol_id                 @110
-    lo_send_internal                       @111
-    lo_send_from_internal                  @112
-    lo_send_timestamped_internal           @113
-    lo_message_add_internal                @114
-    lo_address_set_iface                   @115
-    lo_server_new_multicast_iface          @116
-    lo_address_get_iface                   @117
-    lo_bundle_count                        @118
-    lo_bundle_get_message                  @119
-    lo_bundle_get_bundle                   @120
-    lo_bundle_get_type                     @121
-    lo_bundle_add_bundle                   @122
-    lo_bundle_free_recursive               @123
-    lo_bundle_incref                       @124
-    lo_message_incref                      @125
-    lo_address_set_tcp_nodelay             @126
-    lo_address_set_stream_slip             @127
-    lo_server_enable_coercion              @128
-    lo_server_new_from_url                 @129
-    lo_server_thread_new_from_url                   @130

liblo packaging

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