[SCM] libav/experimental: cws2fws, utility to convert compressed flash files to uncompressed ones, which can be than played back with ffplay. note: this doesn't gets compiled automatically
siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 30 15:41:54 UTC 2013
The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit f7599d5ff0ba61c7281e59f1e41ab1441446ba42
Author: Alex Beregszaszi <alex at rtfs.hu>
Date: Sat Oct 16 11:08:49 2004 +0000
cws2fws, utility to convert compressed flash files to uncompressed ones, which can be than played back with ffplay. note: this doesn't gets compiled automatically
Originally committed as revision 3598 to svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index e4a8af6..8aaa51b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ output_example$(EXESUF): output_example.o .libs
qt-faststart$(EXESUF): qt-faststart.c
$(CC) $(SRC_PATH)/qt-faststart.c -o qt-faststart$(EXESUF)
+cws2fws$(EXESUF): cws2fws.c
+ $(CC) $(SRC_PATH)/cws2fws.c -o cws2fws$(EXESUF) -lz
ffplay.o: ffplay.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SDL_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
diff --git a/cws2fws.c b/cws2fws.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fc6d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cws2fws.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ * cws2fws by Alex Beregszaszi <alex at fsn.hu>
+ *
+ * This utility converts compressed Macromedia Flash files to uncompressed ones.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <zlib.h>
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define dbgprintf printf
+#define dbgprintf
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int fd_in, fd_out, comp_len, uncomp_len, tag, i, last_out;
+ char buf_in[1024], buf_out[1024];
+ z_stream zstream;
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ if (argc < 3)
+ {
+ printf("Usage: %s <infile.swf> <outfile.swf>\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fd_in = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);
+ if (fd_in < 0)
+ {
+ perror("Error while opening: ");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fd_out = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 00644);
+ if (fd_out < 0)
+ {
+ perror("Error while opening: ");
+ close(fd_in);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (read(fd_in, &buf_in, 8) != 8)
+ {
+ printf("Header error\n");
+ close(fd_in);
+ close(fd_out);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (buf_in[0] != 'C' || buf_in[1] != 'W' || buf_in[2] != 'S')
+ {
+ printf("Not a compressed flash file\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ fstat(fd_in, &statbuf);
+ comp_len = statbuf.st_size;
+ uncomp_len = buf_in[4] | (buf_in[5] << 8) | (buf_in[6] << 16) | (buf_in[7] << 24);
+ printf("Compressed size: %d Uncompressed size: %d\n", comp_len-4, uncomp_len-4);
+ // write out modified header
+ buf_in[0] = 'F';
+ write(fd_out, &buf_in, 8);
+ zstream.zalloc = NULL;
+ zstream.zfree = NULL;
+ zstream.opaque = NULL;
+ inflateInit(&zstream);
+ for (i = 0; i < comp_len-4;)
+ {
+ int ret, len = read(fd_in, &buf_in, 1024);
+ dbgprintf("read %d bytes\n", len);
+ last_out = zstream.total_out;
+ zstream.next_in = &buf_in[0];
+ zstream.avail_in = len;
+ zstream.next_out = &buf_out[0];
+ zstream.avail_out = 1024;
+ ret = inflate(&zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
+ if (ret == Z_STREAM_END || ret == Z_BUF_ERROR)
+ break;
+ if (ret != Z_OK)
+ {
+ printf("Error while decompressing: %d\n", ret);
+ inflateEnd(&zstream);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ dbgprintf("a_in: %d t_in: %d a_out: %d t_out: %d -- %d out\n",
+ zstream.avail_in, zstream.total_in, zstream.avail_out, zstream.total_out,
+ zstream.total_out-last_out);
+ write(fd_out, &buf_out, zstream.total_out-last_out);
+ i += len;
+ }
+ if (zstream.total_out != uncomp_len-8)
+ {
+ printf("Size mismatch (%d != %d), updating header...\n",
+ zstream.total_out, uncomp_len-8);
+ buf_in[0] = (zstream.total_out+8) & 0xff;
+ buf_in[1] = (zstream.total_out+8 >> 8) & 0xff;
+ buf_in[2] = (zstream.total_out+8 >> 16) & 0xff;
+ buf_in[3] = (zstream.total_out+8 >> 24) & 0xff;
+ lseek(fd_out, 4, SEEK_SET);
+ write(fd_out, &buf_in, 4);
+ }
+ inflateEnd(&zstream);
+ close(fd_in);
+ close(fd_out);
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