[SCM] libav/experimental: Change the RGB5X5/BGR5X5 pixel format defines so that we have little endian and big endian variants instead of native-endian ones.

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 30 16:42:15 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit f82674e584d0550f3000658c6a579c4b9db139fe
Author: Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it>
Date:   Sat Mar 21 23:08:20 2009 +0000

    Change the RGB5X5/BGR5X5 pixel format defines so that we have little
    endian and big endian variants instead of native-endian ones.
    This patch breaks API/ABI backward-compatibility.
    Originally committed as revision 18133 to svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk

diff --git a/libavcodec/imgconvert.c b/libavcodec/imgconvert.c
index 8619b40..0abefba 100644
--- a/libavcodec/imgconvert.c
+++ b/libavcodec/imgconvert.c
@@ -216,16 +216,32 @@ static const PixFmtInfo pix_fmt_info[PIX_FMT_NB] = {
         .depth = 16,
         .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
-    [PIX_FMT_RGB565] = {
-        .name = "rgb565",
+    [PIX_FMT_RGB565BE] = {
+        .name = "rgb565be",
         .nb_channels = 3,
         .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
         .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
         .depth = 5,
         .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
-    [PIX_FMT_RGB555] = {
-        .name = "rgb555",
+    [PIX_FMT_RGB565LE] = {
+        .name = "rgb565le",
+        .nb_channels = 3,
+        .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
+        .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
+        .depth = 5,
+        .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
+    },
+    [PIX_FMT_RGB555BE] = {
+        .name = "rgb555be",
+        .nb_channels = 3,
+        .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
+        .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
+        .depth = 5,
+        .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
+    },
+    [PIX_FMT_RGB555LE] = {
+        .name = "rgb555le",
         .nb_channels = 3,
         .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
         .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
@@ -327,16 +343,32 @@ static const PixFmtInfo pix_fmt_info[PIX_FMT_NB] = {
         .depth = 8,
         .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
-    [PIX_FMT_BGR565] = {
-        .name = "bgr565",
+    [PIX_FMT_BGR565BE] = {
+        .name = "bgr565be",
+        .nb_channels = 3,
+        .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
+        .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
+        .depth = 5,
+        .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
+    },
+    [PIX_FMT_BGR565LE] = {
+        .name = "bgr565le",
+        .nb_channels = 3,
+        .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
+        .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
+        .depth = 5,
+        .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
+    },
+    [PIX_FMT_BGR555BE] = {
+        .name = "bgr555be",
         .nb_channels = 3,
         .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
         .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
         .depth = 5,
         .x_chroma_shift = 0, .y_chroma_shift = 0,
-    [PIX_FMT_BGR555] = {
-        .name = "bgr555",
+    [PIX_FMT_BGR555LE] = {
+        .name = "bgr555le",
         .nb_channels = 3,
         .color_type = FF_COLOR_RGB,
         .pixel_type = FF_PIXEL_PACKED,
diff --git a/libavcodec/pixdesc.c b/libavcodec/pixdesc.c
index b4157fc..5851ab0 100644
--- a/libavcodec/pixdesc.c
+++ b/libavcodec/pixdesc.c
@@ -154,8 +154,6 @@ static const AVPixFmtDescriptor pix_fmt_desc[PIX_FMT_NB] = {
         .flags = PIX_FMT_BE,
-//FIXME change pix fmt defines so that we have a LE & BE instead of a native-endian
-#if 0
     [PIX_FMT_RGB565LE] = {
         .name = "rgb565le",
         .nb_channels  = 3,
@@ -179,7 +177,6 @@ static const AVPixFmtDescriptor pix_fmt_desc[PIX_FMT_NB] = {
         .flags = PIX_FMT_BE,
         .name = "monoblack",
         .nb_channels  = 1,
diff --git a/libavutil/avutil.h b/libavutil/avutil.h
index c57e69f..f904713 100644
--- a/libavutil/avutil.h
+++ b/libavutil/avutil.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 #define AV_VERSION(a, b, c) AV_VERSION_DOT(a, b, c)
diff --git a/libavutil/pixfmt.h b/libavutil/pixfmt.h
index fb332cc..a787531 100644
--- a/libavutil/pixfmt.h
+++ b/libavutil/pixfmt.h
@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ enum PixelFormat {
     PIX_FMT_RGB32,     ///< packed RGB 8:8:8, 32bpp, (msb)8A 8R 8G 8B(lsb), in CPU endianness
     PIX_FMT_YUV410P,   ///< planar YUV 4:1:0,  9bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 4x4 Y samples)
     PIX_FMT_YUV411P,   ///< planar YUV 4:1:1, 12bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 4x1 Y samples)
-    PIX_FMT_RGB565,    ///< packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5R 6G 5B(lsb), in CPU endianness
-    PIX_FMT_RGB555,    ///< packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5R 5G 5B(lsb), in CPU endianness, most significant bit to 0
     PIX_FMT_GRAY8,     ///<        Y        ,  8bpp
     PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE, ///<        Y        ,  1bpp, 0 is white, 1 is black
     PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK, ///<        Y        ,  1bpp, 0 is black, 1 is white
@@ -80,8 +78,6 @@ enum PixelFormat {
     PIX_FMT_UYVY422,   ///< packed YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, Cb Y0 Cr Y1
     PIX_FMT_UYYVYY411, ///< packed YUV 4:1:1, 12bpp, Cb Y0 Y1 Cr Y2 Y3
     PIX_FMT_BGR32,     ///< packed RGB 8:8:8, 32bpp, (msb)8A 8B 8G 8R(lsb), in CPU endianness
-    PIX_FMT_BGR565,    ///< packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5B 6G 5R(lsb), in CPU endianness
-    PIX_FMT_BGR555,    ///< packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5B 5G 5R(lsb), in CPU endianness, most significant bit to 1
     PIX_FMT_BGR8,      ///< packed RGB 3:3:2,  8bpp, (msb)2B 3G 3R(lsb)
     PIX_FMT_BGR4,      ///< packed RGB 1:2:1,  4bpp, (msb)1B 2G 1R(lsb)
     PIX_FMT_BGR4_BYTE, ///< packed RGB 1:2:1,  8bpp, (msb)1B 2G 1R(lsb)
@@ -106,6 +102,17 @@ enum PixelFormat {
     PIX_FMT_VDPAU_VC1, ///< VC-1 HW decoding with VDPAU, data[0] contains a vdpau_render_state struct which contains the bitstream of the slices as well as various fields extracted from headers
     PIX_FMT_RGB48BE,   ///< packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, big-endian
     PIX_FMT_RGB48LE,   ///< packed RGB 16:16:16, 48bpp, 16R, 16G, 16B, little-endian
+    PIX_FMT_RGB565BE,  ///< packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5R 6G 5B(lsb), big-endian
+    PIX_FMT_RGB565LE,  ///< packed RGB 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5R 6G 5B(lsb), little-endian
+    PIX_FMT_RGB555BE,  ///< packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5R 5G 5B(lsb), big-endian, most significant bit to 0
+    PIX_FMT_RGB555LE,  ///< packed RGB 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5R 5G 5B(lsb), little-endian, most significant bit to 0
+    PIX_FMT_BGR565BE,  ///< packed BGR 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5B 6G 5R(lsb), big-endian
+    PIX_FMT_BGR565LE,  ///< packed BGR 5:6:5, 16bpp, (msb)   5B 6G 5R(lsb), little-endian
+    PIX_FMT_BGR555BE,  ///< packed BGR 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5B 5G 5R(lsb), big-endian, most significant bit to 1
+    PIX_FMT_BGR555LE,  ///< packed BGR 5:5:5, 16bpp, (msb)1A 5B 5G 5R(lsb), little-endian, most significant bit to 1
     PIX_FMT_VAAPI_MOCO, ///< HW acceleration through VA API at motion compensation entry-point, Picture.data[3] contains a vaapi_render_state struct which contains macroblocks as well as various fields extracted from headers
     PIX_FMT_VAAPI_IDCT, ///< HW acceleration through VA API at IDCT entry-point, Picture.data[3] contains a vaapi_render_state struct which contains fields extracted from headers
     PIX_FMT_VAAPI_VLD,  ///< HW decoding through VA API, Picture.data[3] contains a vaapi_render_state struct which contains the bitstream of the slices as well as various fields extracted from headers
@@ -132,5 +139,9 @@ enum PixelFormat {
 #define PIX_FMT_RGB48  PIX_FMT_NE(RGB48)
+#define PIX_FMT_RGB565 PIX_FMT_NE(RGB565)
+#define PIX_FMT_RGB555 PIX_FMT_NE(RGB555)
+#define PIX_FMT_BGR565 PIX_FMT_NE(BGR565)
+#define PIX_FMT_BGR555 PIX_FMT_NE(BGR555)
 #endif /* AVUTIL_PIXFMT_H */

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