[SCM] libav/experimental: Re-add the list of parameters for the unsharp filter, I somehow lost it in the previous commit.

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Jun 30 17:08:56 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit 843b5fd0fe07f988252d3b711e142785af26a0eb
Author: Stefano Sabatini <stefano.sabatini-lala at poste.it>
Date:   Mon Jun 21 22:49:03 2010 +0000

    Re-add the list of parameters for the unsharp filter, I somehow lost
    it in the previous commit.
    Originally committed as revision 23690 to svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk

diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
index 9f77eee..c6b9161 100644
--- a/doc/filters.texi
+++ b/doc/filters.texi
@@ -154,7 +154,10 @@ faster due to better use of the memory cache.
 @section unsharp
-Sharpen or blur the input video. It accepts the following parameters:
+Sharpen or blur the input video.
+It accepts the following parameters:
+ at var{luma_msize_x}:@var{luma_msize_y}:@var{luma_amount}:@var{chroma_msize_x}:@var{chroma_msize_y}:@var{chroma_amount}
 Negative values for the amount will blur the input video, while positive
 values will sharpen. All parameters are optional and default to the

Libav/FFmpeg packaging

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