[SCM] calf/master: + Big Bull: more work on TTL parser and RDF data model, incomplete implementation of reading and printing plugin data

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue May 7 15:37:18 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f6a8b8c76cddfad405cdb4a0a9e1529157c8e2da
Author: kfoltman <kfoltman at 78b06b96-2940-0410-b7fc-879d825d01d8>
Date:   Mon Jun 16 22:46:57 2008 +0000

    + Big Bull: more work on TTL parser and RDF data model, incomplete implementation of reading and printing plugin data
    git-svn-id: https://calf.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/calf/trunk@202 78b06b96-2940-0410-b7fc-879d825d01d8

diff --git a/bigbull/client.py b/bigbull/client.py
index 060b656..367cbf3 100644
--- a/bigbull/client.py
+++ b/bigbull/client.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class CommandExec:
     def calledOnOK(self, result):
         self.result = result
-        print "OK: %s(%s) -> %s" % (self.type, self.args, self.result)
+        #print "OK: %s(%s) -> %s" % (self.type, self.args, self.result)
         for h in self.okHandlers:
@@ -49,13 +49,37 @@ class LV2Plugin:
+plugins = {}
 class URIListReceiver:
     def receiveData(self, data):
         #print "URI list received: " + repr(data.result)
         for uri in data.result:
             cmd = CommandExec('get_info', uri)
+            res = cmd.result
+            plugins[res["name"]] = res
 cmd = CommandExec('get_uris', 'http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#')
+for p in plugins.keys():
+    pl = plugins[p]
+    print "Plugin: %s" % pl["name"]
+    print "License: %s" % pl["license"]
+    print "Classes: %s" % pl["classes"]
+    print "Ports:"
+    types = ["Audio", "Control", "Event", "Input", "Output"]
+    for port in pl["ports"]:
+        extra = []
+        for type in types:
+            if port["is" + type]:
+                extra.append(type)
+        print port
+        for sp in ["default", "minimum", "maximum", "scalePoints"]:
+            if port[sp] != None:
+                extra.append("%s=%s" % (sp, port[sp]))
+        print "%4s %-20s %-40s %s" % (port["index"], port["symbol"], port["name"], ", ".join(extra))
+        #print port
+    print 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bigbull/fakeserv.py b/bigbull/fakeserv.py
index f11f177..9ac18f2 100644
--- a/bigbull/fakeserv.py
+++ b/bigbull/fakeserv.py
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import sys
 import glob
 import yappy.parser
+rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+rdfs = "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"
+rdf_type = rdf + "type"
 class DumpRDFModel:
     def addTriple(self, s, p, o):
         print "%s [%s] %s" % (s, p, repr(o))
@@ -11,8 +15,80 @@ class DumpRDFModel:
 class SimpleRDFModel:
     def __init__(self):
         self.bySubject = {}
-        self.byPredicate = {}
+        self.byPredicate = {rdfs+"subClassOf":{}, rdfs+"subPropertyOf":{}}
+    def getByType(self, classname):
+        classes = self.bySubject["$classes"]
+        if classname in classes:
+            return classes[classname]
+        return []
+    def getByPropType(self, propname):
+        if propname in self.byPredicate:
+            return self.byPredicate[propname]
+        return []
+    def getByTypeWithSubclasses(self, classname):
+        classes = set(self.getByType(classname))
+        if classname in self.subclassesTrans:
+            for sc in self.subclassesTrans[classname]:
+                classes |= set(self.getByType(sc))
+        return classes
+    def getPropertyTrans(self, subject, props, optional = False, single = False):
+        if type(props) is list:
+            prop = props[0]
+        else:
+            prop = props
+        # special case for rdf:value and literals
+        if prop == rdf + "value":
+            if type(subject) is not dict:
+                if single:
+                    return subject
+                else:
+                    return [subject]
+            else:
+                raise Exception, "multiple rdf:value triplets, which is correct but not supported yet"
+        if type(subject) is str:
+            subject = self.bySubject[subject]
+        elif type(subject) is dict:
+            pass
+        else:
+            if single:
+                return None
+            else:
+                return []
+        anyprops = set()
+        if prop in subject:
+            for o in subject[prop]:
+                anyprops.add(o)
+        for subprop in self.getSubpropsTrans(prop):
+            if subprop in subject:
+                for o in subject[subprop]:
+                    anyprops.add(o)
+        if type(props) is list:
+            if len(props) > 1:
+                result = set()
+                for v in anyprops:
+                    if single:
+                        value = self.getPropertyTrans(v, props[1:], optional = optional, single = True)
+                        if value != None:
+                            return value
+                    else:
+                        result |= set(self.getPropertyTrans(v, props[1:], optional = optional, single = False))
+                if single:
+                    return None
+                else:
+                    return list(result)
+        if single:
+            if len(anyprops) > 0:
+                if len(anyprops) > 1:
+                    raise Exception, "More than one value of " + prop
+                return list(anyprops)[0]
+            else:
+                return None
+        return list(anyprops)
     def addTriple(self, s, p, o):
+        if p == rdf_type:
+            p = "a"
         if s not in self.bySubject:
             self.bySubject[s] = {}
         if p not in self.bySubject[s]:
@@ -23,12 +99,82 @@ class SimpleRDFModel:
         if s not in self.byPredicate[p]:
             self.byPredicate[p][s] = []
+        if p == "a":
+            self.addTriple("$classes", o, s)
+    def copyFrom(self, src):
+        for s in src.bySubject:
+            po = src.bySubject[s]
+            for p in po:
+                for o in po[p]:
+                    self.addTriple(s, p, o)
+        self.reindex()
+    def reindex(self):
+        added = True
+        self.subclasses = {}
+        self.subclassesTrans = {}
+        self.subprops = {}
+        self.subpropsTrans = {}
+        subjects = self.byPredicate[rdfs + "subClassOf"]
+        for s in subjects.keys():
+            for o in subjects[s]:
+                if o not in self.subclasses:
+                    self.subclasses[o] = set()
+                self.subclasses[o].add(s)
+        # does not understand triples like S rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:subPropertyOf . (new ways to express subpropertiness) - so what?
+        subjects = self.byPredicate[rdfs + "subPropertyOf"]
+        for s in subjects.keys():
+            for o in subjects[s]:
+                if o not in self.subprops:
+                    self.subprops[o] = set()
+                self.subprops[o].add(s)
+        for classname in self.getByType(rdfs + "Class"):
+            self.getSubclassesTrans(classname)
+        for propname in self.getByType(rdfs + "Property"):
+            self.getPropertiesTrans(propname)
+    def printClasses(self):
+        for classname in self.subclassesTrans.keys():
+            if len(self.subclassesTrans[classname]) > 0:
+                print "%s -> %s" % (classname, self.subclassesTrans[classname])
+    def getAllSubclasses(self, classname):
+        return set([classname]) | self.getSubclassesTrans(classname)
+    def getSubclassesTrans(self, classname):
+        if classname in self.subclassesTrans:
+            if self.subclassesTrans[classname] == None:
+                print "Warning: circular reference at " + classname
+            return self.subclassesTrans[classname]
+        self.subclassesTrans[classname] = None
+        sct = set()
+        if classname in self.subclasses:
+            for cn in self.subclasses[classname]:
+                sct.add(cn)
+                sct |= self.getSubclassesTrans(cn)
+        self.subclassesTrans[classname] = sct
+        return sct
+    def getSubpropsTrans(self, propname):
+        if propname in self.subpropsTrans:
+            if self.subpropsTrans[propname] == None:
+                print "Warning: circular reference at " + propname
+            return self.subpropsTrans[propname]
+        self.subpropsTrans[propname] = None
+        spt = set()
+        if propname in self.subprops:
+            for cn in self.subprops[propname]:
+                spt.add(cn)
+                spt |= self.getSubpropsTrans(cn)
+        self.subpropsTrans[propname] = spt
+        return spt
     def dump(self):
         for s in self.bySubject.keys():
             for p in self.bySubject[s].keys():
                 print "%s %s %s" % (s, p, self.bySubject[s][p])
 def parseTTL(uri, content, model):
+    # Missing stuff: translated literals, blank nodes
+    print "Parsing: %s" % uri
     prefixes = {}
     lexer = yappy.parser.Lexer([
         (r"(?m)^\s*#[^\n]*", ""),
@@ -61,13 +207,11 @@ def parseTTL(uri, content, model):
                     prefixes[spo[1][:-1]] = spo[2]
                     model.addTriple(spo[0], spo[1], spo[2])
-                    if spo[1] == "a":
-                        model.addTriple("$classes", spo[2], spo[0])
                 if x[0] == '.': item = 0
                 elif x[0] == ';': item = 1
                 elif x[0] == ',': item = 2
-                print uri+": Unexpected " + x[0]
+                raise Exception, uri+": Unexpected " + x[0]
         elif x[0] == "prnot" and item < 3:
             prnot = x[1].split(":")
             if item != 0 and spo[0] == "@prefix":
@@ -82,17 +226,28 @@ def parseTTL(uri, content, model):
             spo[item] = x[1]
             item += 1
         elif x[0] == '[':
+            if item != 2:
+                raise Exception, "Incorrect use of ["
+            uri2 = uri + "$anon$" + str(anoncnt)
+            spo[2] = uri2
-            spo[0] = uri + "$anon$" + str(anoncnt)
+            spo = [uri2, "", ""]
             item = 1
             anoncnt += 1
         elif x[0] == ']' or x[0] == ')':
+            if item == 3:
+                model.addTriple(spo[0], spo[1], spo[2])
+                item = 0
             spo = spo_stack[-1]
             spo_stack = spo_stack[:-1]
             item = 3
         elif x[0] == '(':
+            if item != 2:
+                raise Exception, "Incorrect use of ("
+            uri2 = uri + "$anon$" + str(anoncnt)
+            spo[2] = uri2
-            spo[0] = uri + "$anon$" + str(anoncnt)
+            spo = [uri2, "", ""]
             item = 2
             anoncnt += 1
@@ -100,6 +255,8 @@ def parseTTL(uri, content, model):
 class FakeServer(object):
     def __init__(self):
+        self.lv2 = "http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#"
+        self.lv2evt = "http://lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event#"
         #parseTTL("http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#", file("/usr/lib/lv2/lv2core.lv2/lv2.ttl").read(), m)
@@ -108,12 +265,28 @@ class FakeServer(object):
         self.manifests = SimpleRDFModel()
         self.paths = {}
         self.plugin_info = dict()
+        # Scan manifests
         for dir in lv2path:
             for bundle in glob.iglob(dir + "/*.lv2"):
                 fn = bundle+"/manifest.ttl"
                 if os.path.exists(fn):
                     parseTTL(fn, file(fn).read(), self.manifests)
-        self.plugins = self.manifests.bySubject["$classes"]["http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#Plugin"]
+        # Read all specifications from all manifests
+        self.manifests.reindex()
+        if (self.lv2 + "Specification" in self.manifests.bySubject["$classes"]):
+            specs = self.manifests.getByTypeWithSubclasses(self.lv2 + "Specification")
+            filenames = set()
+            for spec in specs:
+                subj = self.manifests.bySubject[spec]
+                if rdfs+"seeAlso" in subj:
+                    for fn in subj[rdfs+"seeAlso"]:
+                        filenames.add(fn)
+            for fn in filenames:
+                parseTTL(fn, file(fn).read(), self.manifests)
+                self.manifests.reindex()
+        #fn = "/usr/lib/lv2/lv2core.lv2/lv2.ttl"
+        #parseTTL(fn, file(fn).read(), self.manifests)
+        self.plugins = self.manifests.getByTypeWithSubclasses(self.lv2 + "Plugin")
     def get_uris(self, base_uri):
         if base_uri == 'http://lv2plug.in/ns/lv2core#':
@@ -123,16 +296,43 @@ class FakeServer(object):
     def get_info(self, uri):
         if uri not in self.plugin_info:
             world = SimpleRDFModel()
+            world.copyFrom(self.manifests)
             seeAlso = self.manifests.bySubject[uri]["http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#seeAlso"]
             for doc in seeAlso:
                 # print "Loading " + doc
                 parseTTL(doc, file(doc).read(), world)
+            world.reindex()
             self.plugin_info[uri] = world                
         info = self.plugin_info[uri]
         dest = {}
         dest['name'] = info.bySubject[uri]['http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#name'][0]
         dest['license'] = info.bySubject[uri]['http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#license'][0]
-        dest['classes'] = info.bySubject[uri]['http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#license'][0]
+        dest['classes'] = set(info.bySubject[uri]["a"])
+        ports = []
+        porttypes = {
+            "isAudio" : info.getAllSubclasses(self.lv2 + "AudioPort"),
+            "isControl" : info.getAllSubclasses(self.lv2 + "ControlPort"),
+            "isEvent" : info.getAllSubclasses(self.lv2evt + "EventPort"),
+            "isInput" : info.getAllSubclasses(self.lv2 + "InputPort"),
+            "isOutput" : info.getAllSubclasses(self.lv2 + "OutputPort"),            
+        }
+        for port in info.bySubject[uri][self.lv2 + "port"]:
+            psubj = info.bySubject[port]
+            pdata = {}
+            pdata['index'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, self.lv2 + "index")[0]
+            pdata['symbol'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, self.lv2 + "symbol")[0]
+            pdata['name'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, self.lv2 + "name")[0]
+            classes = set(info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, "a"))
+            pdata['classes'] = classes
+            for pt in porttypes.keys():
+                pdata[pt] = len(classes & porttypes[pt])
+            pdata['scalePoints'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, self.lv2 + "scalePoint")
+            pdata['default'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, [self.lv2 + "default", rdf + "value"], optional = True, single = True)
+            pdata['minimum'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, [self.lv2 + "minimum", rdf + "value"], optional = True, single = True)
+            pdata['maximum'] = info.getPropertyTrans(psubj, [self.lv2 + "maximum", rdf + "value"], optional = True, single = True)
+            ports.append(pdata)
+        dest['ports'] = ports
         return dest
 def start():
@@ -141,8 +341,8 @@ def start():
 def queue(cmdObject):
     global instance
-    try:
-        cmdObject.calledOnOK(type(instance).__dict__[cmdObject.type](instance, *cmdObject.args))
-    except:
-        cmdObject.calledOnError(repr(sys.exc_info()))
+    #try:
+    cmdObject.calledOnOK(type(instance).__dict__[cmdObject.type](instance, *cmdObject.args))
+    #except:
+    #    cmdObject.calledOnError(repr(sys.exc_info()))

calf audio plugins packaging

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