[SCM] calf/master: + Mod Matrix: add mapping type (max. 2nd order polynomials), normalize sources to 0..100%

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue May 7 15:39:33 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6e3d515969a14a6683b58f7b618afc0f090f6aed
Author: Krzysztof Foltman <wdev at foltman.com>
Date:   Sat May 23 23:06:21 2009 +0100

    + Mod Matrix: add mapping type (max. 2nd order polynomials), normalize sources to 0..100%

diff --git a/src/calf/modmatrix.h b/src/calf/modmatrix.h
index 88cbba2..96f7d16 100644
--- a/src/calf/modmatrix.h
+++ b/src/calf/modmatrix.h
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ namespace dsp {
 struct modulation_entry
     int src1, src2;
+    int mapping;
     float amount;
     int dest;
@@ -39,7 +40,12 @@ namespace calf_plugins {
 class mod_matrix: public table_edit_iface
-    table_column_info table_columns[5];
+    enum modulation_mode { mod_positive, mod_bipolar, mod_negative, mod_squared, mod_squared_bipolar, mod_antisquared, mod_antisquared_bipolar, mod_parabola, mod_type_count };
+    /// Polynomials for different scaling modes (1, x, x^2)
+    static const float scaling_coeffs[mod_type_count][3];
+    /// Column descriptions for table widget
+    table_column_info table_columns[6];
     dsp::modulation_entry *matrix;
     unsigned int matrix_rows;
     const char **mod_src_names, **mod_dest_names;
@@ -59,8 +65,13 @@ public:
         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrix_rows; i++)
             dsp::modulation_entry &slot = matrix[i];
-            if (slot.dest)
-                moddest[slot.dest] += modsrc[slot.src1] * modsrc[slot.src2] * slot.amount;
+            if (slot.dest) {
+                float value = modsrc[slot.src1] * modsrc[slot.src2];
+                value = dsp::clip<float>(value, 0, 1);
+                const float *c = scaling_coeffs[slot.mapping];
+                value = c[0] + c[1] * value + c[2] * value * value;
+                moddest[slot.dest] += value * slot.amount;
+            }
diff --git a/src/modmatrix.cpp b/src/modmatrix.cpp
index 90db2d2..85569a6 100644
--- a/src/modmatrix.cpp
+++ b/src/modmatrix.cpp
@@ -26,15 +26,29 @@ using namespace std;
 using namespace dsp;
 using namespace calf_plugins;
+const char *mod_mapping_names[] = { "0..1", "-1..1", "-1..0", "x^2", "2x^2-1", "ASqr", "ASqrBip", "Para", NULL };
+const float mod_matrix::scaling_coeffs[mod_matrix::mod_type_count][3] = {
+    { 0, 1, 0 },
+    { -1, 2, 0 },
+    { -1, 1, 0 },
+    { 0, 0, 1 },
+    { -1, 0, 1 },
+    { 0, 2, -1 },
+    { -1, 4, -2 },
+    { 0, 4, -4 },
 mod_matrix::mod_matrix(modulation_entry *_matrix, unsigned int _rows, const char **_src_names, const char **_dest_names)
 : matrix(_matrix)
 , matrix_rows(_rows)
 , mod_src_names(_src_names)
 , mod_dest_names(_dest_names)
-    table_column_info tci[5] = {
+    table_column_info tci[6] = {
         { "Source", TCT_ENUM, 0, 0, 0, mod_src_names },
         { "Modulator", TCT_ENUM, 0, 0, 0, mod_src_names },
+        { "Mapping", TCT_ENUM, 0, 0, 0, mod_mapping_names },
         { "Amount", TCT_FLOAT, 0, 1, 1, NULL},
         { "Destination", TCT_ENUM, 0, 0, 0, mod_dest_names  },
         { NULL }
@@ -62,9 +76,11 @@ std::string mod_matrix::get_cell(int param, int row, int column)
             return mod_src_names[slot.src1];
         case 1: // source 2
             return mod_src_names[slot.src2];
-        case 2: // amount
+        case 2: // mapping mode
+            return mod_mapping_names[slot.mapping];
+        case 3: // amount
             return calf_utils::f2s(slot.amount);
-        case 3: // destination
+        case 4: // destination
             return mod_dest_names[slot.dest];
@@ -76,47 +92,43 @@ void mod_matrix::set_cell(int param, int row, int column, const std::string &src
     assert(row >= 0 && row < (int)matrix_rows);
     modulation_entry &slot = matrix[row];
+    const char **arr = mod_src_names;
+    if (column == 2) 
+        arr = mod_mapping_names;
+    if (column == 4) 
+        arr = mod_dest_names;
     switch(column) {
         case 0:
         case 1:
+        case 2:
+        case 4:
-            for (int i = 0; mod_src_names[i]; i++)
+            for (int i = 0; arr[i]; i++)
-                if (src == mod_src_names[i])
+                if (src == arr[i])
                     if (column == 0)
                         slot.src1 = i;
-                    else
+                    else if (column == 1)
                         slot.src2 = i;
+                    else if (column == 2)
+                        slot.mapping = i;
+                    else if (column == 4)
+                        slot.dest = i;
-            error = "Invalid source name";
+            error = "Invalid name: " + src;
-        case 2:
+        case 3:
             stringstream ss(src);
             ss >> slot.amount;
-        case 3:
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; mod_dest_names[i]; i++)
-            {
-                if (src == mod_dest_names[i])
-                {
-                    slot.dest = i;
-                    error.clear();
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            error = "Invalid destination name";
-            return;
-        }
diff --git a/src/monosynth.cpp b/src/monosynth.cpp
index 528b011..db62a39 100644
--- a/src/monosynth.cpp
+++ b/src/monosynth.cpp
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ monosynth_audio_module::monosynth_audio_module()
         dsp::modulation_entry &slot = mod_matrix_data[i];
         slot.src1 = modsrc_none;
         slot.src2 = modsrc_none;
+        slot.mapping = mod_matrix::mod_positive;
         slot.amount = 0.f;
         slot.dest = moddest_none;
@@ -405,7 +406,7 @@ void monosynth_audio_module::delayed_note_on()
     queue_note_on = -1;
-    float modsrc[modsrc_count] = { 1, velocity, inertia_pressure.get_last(), modwheel_value, 0, last_lfov};
+    float modsrc[modsrc_count] = { 1, velocity, inertia_pressure.get_last(), modwheel_value, 0, 0.5+0.5*last_lfov};
     calculate_modmatrix(moddest, moddest_count, modsrc);
@@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ void monosynth_audio_module::calculate_step()
     // mod matrix
     // this should be optimized heavily; I think I'll do it when MIDI in Ardour 3 gets stable :>
-    float modsrc[modsrc_count] = { 1, velocity, inertia_pressure.get(), modwheel_value, env, lfov};
+    float modsrc[modsrc_count] = { 1, velocity, inertia_pressure.get(), modwheel_value, env, 0.5+0.5*lfov};
     calculate_modmatrix(moddest, moddest_count, modsrc);

calf audio plugins packaging

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