[SCM] calf/master: More clean-ups in jackvis and conndiagram, primitive Refresh function.

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue May 7 15:40:16 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit acebbd642dfd83b5157ba622221910879d56e700
Author: Krzysztof Foltman <wdev at foltman.com>
Date:   Wed May 12 23:04:24 2010 +0100

    More clean-ups in jackvis and conndiagram, primitive Refresh function.

diff --git a/bigbull/conndiagram.py b/bigbull/conndiagram.py
index 6c4b605..815c85f 100644
--- a/bigbull/conndiagram.py
+++ b/bigbull/conndiagram.py
@@ -69,9 +69,11 @@ class VisibleWire():
     def delete(self):
-        self.wire.remove()
-        self.src.module.remove_wire(self)
-        self.dest.module.remove_wire(self)
+        if self.wire is not None:
+            self.wire.remove()
+            self.src.module.remove_wire(self)
+            self.dest.module.remove_wire(self)
+            self.wire = None
     def update_shape(self):
         (x1, y1) = self.src.get_endpoint()
@@ -110,7 +112,7 @@ class Dragging():
         found = None
         for type, obj, item in items:
             if type == 'port':
-                if item.module != self and self.get_graph().get_parser().can_connect(self.port_view.model, obj.model):
+                if item.module != self and self.get_graph().get_controller().can_connect(self.port_view.model, obj.model):
                     found = obj
         if found is not None:
@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ class Dragging():
             if src.isInput:
                 src, dst = dst, src
-            self.get_graph().get_parser().connect(src.model, dst.model)
+            self.get_graph().get_controller().connect(src.model, dst.model)
             self.get_graph().connect(src, dst)
     def remove_wire(self):
@@ -163,8 +165,8 @@ class PortView():
     def get_graph(self):
         return self.module.graph
-    def get_parser(self):
-        return self.module.get_parser()
+    def get_controller(self):
+        return self.module.get_controller()
     def get_id(self):
         return self.model.get_id()
@@ -236,8 +238,8 @@ class ModuleView():
     spacing = 4
     fontName = "DejaVu Sans Bold 9"
-    def __init__(self, parser, parent, model, graph):
-        self.parser = parser
+    def __init__(self, controller, parent, model, graph):
+        self.controller = controller
         self.graph = graph
         self.group = None
         self.connect_candidate = None
@@ -248,8 +250,8 @@ class ModuleView():
         self.wires = []
-    def get_parser(self):
-        return self.parser
+    def get_controller(self):
+        return self.controller
     def create_items(self):
         self.group.module = self
@@ -296,6 +298,8 @@ class ModuleView():
     def delete_items(self):
+        for w in list(self.wires):
+            w.delete()
     def port_button_press(self, port_view, box, event):
         if event.button == 1:
@@ -318,16 +322,16 @@ class ModuleView():
 class ConnectionGraphEditor:
-    def __init__(self, app, parser):
+    def __init__(self, app, controller):
         self.app = app
-        self.parser = parser
+        self.controller = controller
         self.moving = None
         self.dragging = None
         self.modules = set()
-    def get_parser(self):
-        return self.parser
+    def get_controller(self):
+        return self.controller
     def create(self, sx, sy):
         self.create_canvas(sx, sy)
@@ -374,7 +378,7 @@ class ConnectionGraphEditor:
     def add_module(self, model, x, y):
-        mbox = ModuleView(self.parser, self.canvas.get_root_item(), model, self)
+        mbox = ModuleView(self.controller, self.canvas.get_root_item(), model, self)
         bounds = self.canvas.get_bounds()
         if x == None:
@@ -423,18 +427,19 @@ class ConnectionGraphEditor:
             self.moving.module.translate(event.x - self.motion_x, event.y - self.motion_y)
-    # Connect elements visually (but not logically, that's what controller/parser is for)
-    def connect(self, p1, p2, wireitem = None):
-        # p1, p2 are PortView objects
-        # if wireitem is set, then this is manual connection, and parser.connect() is called
-        # if wireitem is None, then this is automatic connection, and parser.connect() is bypassed
-        if p2.isInput:
-            (src, dest) = (p1, p2)
-        else:
-            (dest, src) = (p1, p2)
+    # Connect elements visually (but not logically, that's what controller is for)
+    def connect(self, src, dest):
         wire = VisibleWire(src, dest)
+        return wire
+    def clear(self):
+        for m in self.modules:
+            m.delete_items()
+        self.modules.clear()
+        self.moving = None
+        self.dragging = None
     def blow_up(self):
diff --git a/bigbull/jackvis.py b/bigbull/jackvis.py
index 00a9c9e..f90d008 100755
--- a/bigbull/jackvis.py
+++ b/bigbull/jackvis.py
@@ -76,15 +76,27 @@ class JACKGraphInfo(object):
             self.connections_name.add(("%s:%s" % (cname1, pname1), "%s:%s" % (cname2, pname2)))
             self.connections_id.add(("%s:%s" % (cid1, pid1), "%s:%s" % (cid2, pid2)))
-class JACKGraphParser(object):
+class ClientModuleModel():
+    def __init__(self, client, checker):
+        (self.client, self.checker) = (client, checker)
+    def get_name(self):
+        return self.client.get_name()
+    def get_port_list(self):
+        return filter(self.checker, self.client.ports)
+class JACKGraphController(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.bus = dbus.SessionBus()
         self.service = self.bus.get_object("org.jackaudio.service", "/org/jackaudio/Controller")
         self.patchbay = dbus.Interface(self.service, "org.jackaudio.JackPatchbay")
         self.graph = None
+        self.view = None
     def fetch_graph(self):
-        self.graph = JACKGraphInfo(*self.patchbay.GetGraph(self.graph.known_version if self.graph is not None else 0))
+        req_version = self.graph.version if self.graph is not None else 0
+        graphdata = self.patchbay.GetGraph(req_version)
+        if int(graphdata[0]) != req_version:
+            self.graph = JACKGraphInfo(*graphdata)
     def can_connect(self, first, second):
         if first.is_port_input() == second.is_port_input():
             return False
@@ -97,19 +109,39 @@ class JACKGraphParser(object):
         self.patchbay.ConnectPortsByName(first.client_name, first.name, second.client_name, second.name)
     def disconnect(self, first, second):
         self.patchbay.DisconnectPortsByName(first.client_name, first.name, second.client_name, second.name)
+    def refresh(self):
+        self.fetch_graph()
+        self.view.clear()
+        self.add_all()
+    def add_all(self):
+        width, left_mods = self.add_clients(10.0, 10.0, lambda port: port.is_port_output())
+        width2, right_mods = self.add_clients(width + 20, 10.0, lambda port: port.is_port_input())
+        pmap = self.view.get_port_map()
+        for (c, p) in self.graph.connections_name:
+            if p in pmap and c in pmap:
+                print "Connect %s to %s" % (c, p)
+                self.view.connect(pmap[c], pmap[p])
+            else:
+                print "Connect %s to %s - not found" % (c, p)
+        for m in right_mods:
+            m.translate(950 - width - 20 - width2, 0)
+    def add_clients(self, x, y, checker):
+        margin = 10
+        mwidth = 0
+        mods = []
+        for cl in self.graph.clients:
+            mod = self.view.add_module(ClientModuleModel(cl, checker), x, y)
+            y += mod.rect.props.height + margin
+            if mod.rect.props.width > mwidth:
+                mwidth = mod.rect.props.width
+            mods.append(mod)
+        return mwidth, mods    
-class ClientModuleModel():
-    def __init__(self, client, checker):
-        (self.client, self.checker) = (client, checker)
-    def get_name(self):
-        return self.client.get_name()
-    def get_port_list(self):
-        return filter(self.checker, self.client.ports)
 class App:
     def __init__(self):
-        self.parser = JACKGraphParser()
-        self.cgraph = conndiagram.ConnectionGraphEditor(self, self.parser)
+        self.controller = JACKGraphController()
+        self.cgraph = conndiagram.ConnectionGraphEditor(self, self.controller)
+        self.controller.view = self.cgraph
     def canvas_popup_menu_handler(self, widget):
         self.canvas_popup_menu(0, 0, 0)
@@ -152,42 +184,23 @@ class App:
         self.main_vbox.connect("popup-menu", self.canvas_popup_menu_handler)
         self.cgraph.canvas.connect("button-press-event", self.canvas_button_press_handler)
-        self.add_all()
+        self.controller.add_all()
+        self.cgraph.clear()
+        self.controller.add_all()
         #this is broken
-    def add_all(self):    
-        width, left_mods = self.add_clients(10.0, 10.0, lambda port: port.is_port_output())
-        width2, right_mods = self.add_clients(width + 20, 10.0, lambda port: port.is_port_input())
-        pmap = self.cgraph.get_port_map()
-        for (c, p) in self.parser.graph.connections_name:
-            if p in pmap and c in pmap:
-                print "Connect %s to %s" % (c, p)
-                self.cgraph.connect(pmap[c], pmap[p])
-            else:
-                print "Connect %s to %s - not found" % (c, p)
-        for m in right_mods:
-            m.translate(950 - width - 20 - width2, 0)
-    def add_clients(self, x, y, checker):
-        margin = 10
-        mwidth = 0
-        mods = []
-        for cl in self.parser.graph.clients:
-            mod = self.cgraph.add_module(ClientModuleModel(cl, checker), x, y)
-            y += mod.rect.props.height + margin
-            if mod.rect.props.width > mwidth:
-                mwidth = mod.rect.props.width
-            mods.append(mod)
-        return mwidth, mods
     def create_main_menu(self):
         self.menu_bar = gtk.MenuBar()
         self.file_menu = add_submenu(self.menu_bar, "_File")
+        add_option(self.file_menu, "_Refresh", self.refresh)
         add_option(self.file_menu, "_Blow-up", self.blow_up)
         add_option(self.file_menu, "_Exit", self.exit)
+    def refresh(self, data):
+        self.controller.refresh()
     def blow_up(self, data):

calf audio plugins packaging

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