[SCM] calf/master: Complete new theme based on clearlooks

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue May 7 15:39:40 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e0cf4caa5d80a3d92b8ec1c2a5dcbdf3b3c8339d
Author: Markus Schmidt <schmidt at boomshop.net>
Date:   Fri Oct 23 12:25:20 2009 +0200

    Complete new theme based on clearlooks

diff --git a/calf.glade b/calf.glade
index 9960a40..592a25c 100644
--- a/calf.glade
+++ b/calf.glade
@@ -1,125 +1,92 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
-<!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "http://glade.gnome.org/glade-2.0.dtd">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE glade-interface SYSTEM "glade-2.0.dtd">
+<!--*- mode: xml -*-->
-<widget class="GtkDialog" id="store_preset">
-  <property name="visible">True</property>
-  <property name="title" translatable="yes">Store preset</property>
-  <property name="type">GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL</property>
-  <property name="window_position">GTK_WIN_POS_NONE</property>
-  <property name="modal">False</property>
-  <property name="resizable">True</property>
-  <property name="destroy_with_parent">False</property>
-  <property name="decorated">True</property>
-  <property name="skip_taskbar_hint">False</property>
-  <property name="skip_pager_hint">False</property>
-  <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG</property>
-  <property name="gravity">GDK_GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST</property>
-  <property name="focus_on_map">True</property>
-  <property name="urgency_hint">False</property>
-  <property name="has_separator">True</property>
-  <child internal-child="vbox">
-    <widget class="GtkVBox" id="dialog-vbox1">
-      <property name="visible">True</property>
-      <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
-      <property name="spacing">0</property>
-      <child>
-	<widget class="GtkHBox" id="hbox2">
-	  <property name="visible">True</property>
-	  <property name="homogeneous">False</property>
-	  <property name="spacing">0</property>
-	  <child>
-	    <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label2">
-	      <property name="visible">True</property>
-	      <property name="label" translatable="yes"><b>_Preset name: </b></property>
-	      <property name="use_underline">True</property>
-	      <property name="use_markup">True</property>
-	      <property name="justify">GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT</property>
-	      <property name="wrap">False</property>
-	      <property name="selectable">False</property>
-	      <property name="xalign">0.5</property>
-	      <property name="yalign">0.5</property>
-	      <property name="xpad">12</property>
-	      <property name="ypad">0</property>
-	      <property name="ellipsize">PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE</property>
-	      <property name="width_chars">-1</property>
-	      <property name="single_line_mode">False</property>
-	      <property name="angle">0</property>
-	    </widget>
-	    <packing>
-	      <property name="padding">0</property>
-	      <property name="expand">False</property>
-	      <property name="fill">False</property>
-	    </packing>
-	  </child>
-	  <child>
-	    <widget class="GtkComboBoxEntry" id="preset_name">
-	      <property name="visible">True</property>
-	      <property name="add_tearoffs">False</property>
-	      <property name="has_frame">True</property>
-	      <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
-	    </widget>
-	    <packing>
-	      <property name="padding">0</property>
-	      <property name="expand">True</property>
-	      <property name="fill">True</property>
-	    </packing>
-	  </child>
-	</widget>
-	<packing>
-	  <property name="padding">0</property>
-	  <property name="expand">False</property>
-	  <property name="fill">False</property>
-	</packing>
-      </child>
-      <child internal-child="action_area">
-	<widget class="GtkHButtonBox" id="dialog-action_area1">
-	  <property name="visible">True</property>
-	  <property name="layout_style">GTK_BUTTONBOX_END</property>
-	  <child>
-	    <widget class="GtkButton" id="cancelbutton1">
-	      <property name="visible">True</property>
-	      <property name="can_default">True</property>
-	      <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-	      <property name="label">gtk-cancel</property>
-	      <property name="use_stock">True</property>
-	      <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
-	      <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
-	      <property name="response_id">-6</property>
-	    </widget>
-	  </child>
-	  <child>
-	    <widget class="GtkButton" id="okbutton1">
-	      <property name="visible">True</property>
-	      <property name="can_default">True</property>
-	      <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-	      <property name="label">gtk-ok</property>
-	      <property name="use_stock">True</property>
-	      <property name="relief">GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL</property>
-	      <property name="focus_on_click">True</property>
-	      <property name="response_id">-5</property>
-	    </widget>
-	  </child>
-	</widget>
-	<packing>
-	  <property name="padding">0</property>
-	  <property name="expand">False</property>
-	  <property name="fill">True</property>
-	  <property name="pack_type">GTK_PACK_END</property>
-	</packing>
-      </child>
-    </widget>
-  </child>
+  <widget class="GtkDialog" id="store_preset">
+    <property name="visible">True</property>
+    <property name="title" translatable="yes">Store preset</property>
+    <property name="type_hint">GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG</property>
+    <child internal-child="vbox">
+      <widget class="GtkVBox" id="dialog-vbox1">
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="spacing">5</property>
+        <child>
+          <widget class="GtkHBox" id="hbox2">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label2">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="xpad">12</property>
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes"><b>_Preset name: </b></property>
+                <property name="use_markup">True</property>
+                <property name="use_underline">True</property>
+              </widget>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="fill">False</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="GtkComboBoxEntry" id="preset_name">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="has_frame">False</property>
+                <child internal-child="entry">
+                  <widget class="GtkEntry" id="comboboxentry-entry1">
+                  </widget>
+                </child>
+              </widget>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="padding">15</property>
+                <property name="position">1</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+          </widget>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="padding">25</property>
+            <property name="position">2</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child internal-child="action_area">
+          <widget class="GtkHButtonBox" id="dialog-action_area1">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="layout_style">GTK_BUTTONBOX_END</property>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="GtkButton" id="cancelbutton1">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                <property name="can_default">True</property>
+                <property name="label">gtk-cancel</property>
+                <property name="use_stock">True</property>
+                <property name="response_id">-6</property>
+              </widget>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="fill">False</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+            <child>
+              <widget class="GtkButton" id="okbutton1">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                <property name="can_default">True</property>
+                <property name="label">gtk-ok</property>
+                <property name="use_stock">True</property>
+                <property name="response_id">-5</property>
+              </widget>
+              <packing>
+                <property name="expand">False</property>
+                <property name="fill">False</property>
+                <property name="position">1</property>
+              </packing>
+            </child>
+          </widget>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="expand">False</property>
+            <property name="fill">False</property>
+            <property name="pack_type">GTK_PACK_END</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+      </widget>
+    </child>
+  </widget>
diff --git a/gui/calf.rc b/gui/calf.rc
index c48ab4a..fc2dce7 100644
--- a/gui/calf.rc
+++ b/gui/calf.rc
@@ -1,703 +1,277 @@
-style "default"
+# Ubuntu Human-Clearlooks Colorscheme
+# Authors:
+# Kenneth Wimar <kwwii at ubuntu.com>
+# Conn O'Griofa <connogriofa at gmail.com>
+# Feel free to modify and share!
+gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color:#101010\nbg_color:#EFEBE7\nbase_color:#FFF\ntext_color:#1A1A1A\nselected_bg_color:#FFA443\nselected_fg_color:#1A1A1A\ntooltip_bg_color:#F5F5B5\ntooltip_fg_color:#000"
+style "clearlooks-default"
-	font_name = "Sans 8"
+	########
+	# Style Properties
+	########
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
+	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+	GtkCheckButton ::indicator-size       = 14
+	GtkPaned       ::handle-size          = 6
+	GtkRange       ::trough-border        = 0
+	GtkRange       ::slider-width         = 15
+	GtkRange       ::stepper-size         = 15
+#	GtkScale       ::slider-length        = 30
+#	GtkScale       ::trough-side-details  = 1	# Restores sliders
+	GtkScrollbar   ::min-slider-length    = 30
+	GtkMenuBar     ::internal-padding     = 4
+	GtkExpander    ::expander-size        = 16
+	GtkToolbar     ::internal-padding     = 1
+	GtkTreeView    ::expander-size        = 14
+	GtkTreeView    ::vertical-separator   = 0
+	GtkMenu        ::horizontal-padding   = 0
+	GtkMenu        ::vertical-padding     = 0
-	GtkVScale::slider_length 			= 46
-	GtkVScale::slider_width 			= 35
-	GtkHScale::slider_length 			= 46
-	GtkHScale::slider_width 			= 35
-	GtkRange::trough_border				= 0
-	GtkNotebook::tab-overlap			= -2
 	GtkSpinButton::shadow-type			= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
-	GtkStatusbar::shadow-type			= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
-	GtkEntry::shadow-type				= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
-	GtkEntry::inner-border				= { 6, 6, 5, 4 }
-	GtkButton::default_border			= { 6, 6, 3, 3 }
-	GtkButton::default_outside_border	= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#e8e7e2"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	base[PRELIGHT]	 	= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#e8e7e2"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#0af"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
-	engine "murrine" 
+	# Glow the tasklist by changing the color, instead of overlaying it with a rectangle
+	WnckTasklist   ::fade-overlay-rect    = 0
+	#GtkWidget      ::link-color           = @fg_color
+	#GtkWidget      ::visited-link-color   = shade (0.2, @fg_color)
+	xthickness = 1
+	ythickness = 1
+	font_name = "Sans 8"
+	fg[NORMAL]        = "#fff"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#fff"
+	fg[ACTIVE]        = "#fff"
+	fg[SELECTED]      = "#0af"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#aaa"
+	bg[NORMAL]        = "#465160"
+	bg[PRELIGHT]      = "#000"
+	bg[ACTIVE]        = shade (0.9, "#465160")
+	bg[SELECTED]	  = "#000" # Gnome Appearances Preferences workaround
+	bg[INSENSITIVE]   = shade (0.7, "#465160")
+	base[NORMAL]      = "#eee"
+	base[PRELIGHT]    = "#fff"
+	base[ACTIVE]      = "#ddd"
+	base[SELECTED]    = "#0af"
+	base[INSENSITIVE] = "#465160"
+	text[NORMAL]      = "#111"
+	text[PRELIGHT]    = "#000"
+	text[ACTIVE]      = "#000"
+	text[SELECTED]    = "#000"
+	text[INSENSITIVE] = "#666"
+	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_dark.png"
+	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_dark.png"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
-		animation           = TRUE  # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
-		colorize_scrollbar  = TRUE # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
-		contrast            = 1.0  # 0.8 for less contrast, more than 1.0 for more contrast on borders
-		glazestyle          = 0     # 0 = flat highlight, 1 = curved highlight, 2 = concave style, 3 = top curved highlight, 4 = beryl highlight
-		gradient_shades     = {1.07,1.05,1.04,1.01} # default: {1.1,1.0,1.0,1.1}
-		gradients           = TRUE  # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
-		highlight_ratio     = 1.07  # set highlight amount for buttons or widgets
-		lightborder_ratio   = 1.2   # sets lightborder amount for buttons or widgets
-		lightborderstyle    = 0     # 0 = lightborder on top side, 1 = lightborder on all sides
-		listviewheaderstyle = 1     # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = raised
-		listviewstyle       = 1     # 0 = nothing, 1 = dotted
-		menubaritemstyle    = 0     # 0 = menuitem look, 1 = button look
-		menubarstyle        = 3     # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient, 3 = striped
-		menuitemstyle       = 1     # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = striped
-		menustyle           = 1     # 0 = no vertical menu stripe, 1 = display vertical menu stripe
-		reliefstyle	    = 1     # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow
-		rgba		    = FALSE  # FALSE = disabled, TRUE = enabled
-		roundness           = 6     # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
-		scrollbarstyle      = 3     # 0 = nothing, 1 = circles, 2 = handles, 3 = diagonal stripes, 4 = diagonal stripes and handles, 5 = horizontal stripes, 6 = horizontal stripes and handles
-		sliderstyle         = 1     # 0 = nothing added, 1 = handles
-		stepperstyle        = 1     # 0 = standard, 1 = integrated stepper handles, 2 = unknown
-		#profile            = NODOKA # engine profile options: CANDIDO, CLEARLOOKS, MIST, MURRINE, NODOKA
-		toolbarstyle	    = 2     # 0 = flat, 1 = glassy, 2 = gradient
+		colorize_scrollbar = FALSE
+		reliefstyle        = 1
+		menubarstyle       = 0      # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
+		toolbarstyle       = 1      # 0 = flat, 1 = enable effects
+		animation          = TRUE
+		radius		   = 5.0
+		style              = GUMMY
+		# Set a hint to disable backward compatibility fallbacks.
+		hint = "use-hints"
+style "calf-rack"
+	fg[NORMAL]        = "#111"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#000"
+	fg[ACTIVE]        = "#000"
+	fg[SELECTED]      = "#000"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#666"
+	bg[NORMAL]        = "#e8e7e2"
+	bg[PRELIGHT]      = "#000"
+	bg[ACTIVE]        = shade (0.9, "#e8e7e2")
+	bg[SELECTED]	  = shade (1.2, "#e8e7e2") # Gnome Appearances Preferences workaround
+	bg[INSENSITIVE]   = shade (0.7, "#e8e7e2")
+	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_light_calf.png"
+	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_light_calf.png"
+	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_light_calf.png"
+	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_light_calf.png"
+style "clearlooks-wide"
+	xthickness   = 3
+	ythickness   = 2
+	bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
+style "clearlooks-wider"
+	xthickness   = 5
+	ythickness   = 4
+style "clearlooks-button"
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
+#	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 6, 24, 5, 5 }
+	GtkButton      ::inner-border         = { 6, 25, 2, 2}
+    xthickness = 5
+    ythickness = 2
+    fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	fg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
+	text[NORMAL]		= "#000"
+	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	text[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	text[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
+	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
 	engine "pixmap"
-	{
+	{
 			function		= BOX
+			detail			= "buttondefault"
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			detail			= "trough"
-			file			= "trough-horizontal.png"
-			border			= { 20, 20, 0, 0 }
+			file			= "button_normal.png"
+			border			= {6, 24, 6, 6}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			orientation		= HORIZONTAL
 			function		= BOX
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			detail			= "trough"
-			file			= "trough-vertical.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 20, 20 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			orientation		= VERTICAL
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function				= BOX
-			detail					= "buttondefault"
-			recolorable				= TRUE
-			overlay_file			= "button_normal.png"
-			overlay_border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
-			overlay_stretch			= FALSE
-		}
-		# HANDLES ############################
-		image
-		{
-			function				= HANDLE
-			recolorable				= TRUE
-			overlay_file			= "handle-h.png"
-			overlay_border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			overlay_stretch			= FALSE
-			orientation				= HORIZONTAL
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function				= HANDLE
-			recolorable				= TRUE
-			overlay_file			= "handle-v.png"
-			overlay_border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			overlay_stretch			= FALSE
-			orientation				= VERTICAL
-		}
-		# LINES ############################
-		image
-		{
-			function		= VLINE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "vline.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= HLINE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "hline.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0	}
-			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-		# FOCUS ############################
-		image
-		{
-			function		= FOCUS
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "null.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-		# ARROWS ############################
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= NORMAL
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= UP
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= UP
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= UP
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_inactive.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= UP
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= NORMAL
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= DOWN
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= DOWN
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= DOWN
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_inactive.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= DOWN
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= NORMAL
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= LEFT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
 			state			= PRELIGHT
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= LEFT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= LEFT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_inactive.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= LEFT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= NORMAL
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= RIGHT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= RIGHT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= RIGHT
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led_inactive.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			arrow_direction		= RIGHT
-		}
-		# SHADOWS ############################
-		image
-		{
-			function		= SHADOW
-			shadow			= IN
-			recolorable		= FALSE
-			file			= "frame.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 12, 12 }
+			file			= "button_prelight.png"
+			border			= {6, 24, 6, 6}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			function		= SHADOW
-			shadow			= OUT
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 12, 12 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-	 	}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= SHADOW
-			shadow			= ETCHED_IN
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 12, 12 }
+			function		= BOX
+			state			= ACTIVE
+			file			= "button_prelight.png"
+			border			= {6, 24, 6, 6}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			function		= SHADOW
-			shadow			= ETCHED_OUT
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 12, 12 }
+			function		= BOX
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			file			= "button_insens.png"
+			border			= {6, 24, 6, 6}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			function		= SHADOW_GAP
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame_top.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 16, 12 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			gap_start_file		= "frame_top_start.png"
-			gap_start_border	= { 12, 2, 12, 2 }
-			gap_end_file		= "frame_top_end.png"
-			gap_end_border		= { 2, 12, 12, 2 }
-			gap_side		= TOP
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= SHADOW_GAP
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame_bottom.png"
-			border			= { 12, 12, 12, 16 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			gap_start_file		= "frame_bottom_start.png"
-			gap_start_border	= { 12, 2, 2, 12 }
-			gap_end_file		= "frame_bottom_end.png"
-			gap_end_border		= { 2, 12, 2, 12 }
-			gap_side		= BOTTOM
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= SHADOW_GAP
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame_left.png"
-			border			= { 16, 12, 12, 12 }
+			function		= BOX
+			file			= "button_normal.png"
+			border			= {6, 24, 6, 6}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			gap_start_file		= "frame_left_start.png"
-			gap_start_border	= { 12, 2, 12, 2 }
-			gap_end_file		= "frame_left_end.png"
-			gap_end_border		= { 12, 2, 2, 12 }
-			gap_side		= LEFT
-		image
-		{
-			function		= SHADOW_GAP
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "frame_right.png"
-			border			= { 12, 16, 12, 12 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			gap_start_file		= "frame_right_start.png"
-			gap_start_border	= { 2, 12, 12, 2 }
-			gap_end_file		= "frame_right_end.png"
-			gap_end_border		= { 2, 12, 2, 12 }
-			gap_side		= RIGHT
-		}
-style "light" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#e8e7e2"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	base[PRELIGHT]	 	= "#222"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#111"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#0af"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#999"
-style "light_bg" = "default"
+style "clearlooks-button-norm"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#e8e7e2"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_light_calf.png"
-	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_light_calf.png"
-	bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT]		= "background_light_calf.png"
-	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_light_calf.png"
-	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_light_calf.png"
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
+#	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 6, 24, 5, 5 }
+	GtkButton      ::inner-border         = { 6, 6, 3, 3}
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#e8e7e2"
-	base[PRELIGHT]	 	= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#e8e7e2"
+    xthickness = 5
+    ythickness = 3
+    fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	fg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	engine "pixmap" {
+	text[NORMAL]		= "#000"
+	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	text[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	text[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
+	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
+	engine "pixmap"
+	{
 			function		= BOX
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "background_light_calf.png"
-			border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			stretch			= FALSE
+			file			= "button_default.png"
+			border			= {6, 6, 6, 6}
+			stretch			= TRUE
-	}
-style "green" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#b2cdb7"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#b2cdb7"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	base[PRELIGHT]	 	= "#222"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#111"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#b2cdb7"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#0af"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#b2cdb7"
-style "green_bg" = "default"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#b2cdb7"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#b2cdb7"
-	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_light_green.png"
-	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_light_green.png"
-	bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT]		= "background_light_green.png"
-	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_light_green.png"
-	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_light_green.png"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#b2cdb7"
-	base[PRELIGHT]	 	= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#b2cdb7"
-	engine "pixmap" {
-			function		= BOX
+			function		= VLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "background_light_green.png"
-			border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			stretch			= FALSE
-		}
-	}
-style "dark" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#fff"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#999"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#465160"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#465160"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#fff"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#0af"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#999"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#465160"
-	base[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#465160"
-style "dark_bg" = "default"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#465160"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#465160"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#465160"
-	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_dark.png"
-	bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT]		= "background_dark.png"
-	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_dark.png"
-	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_dark.png"
-	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_dark.png"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#465160"
-	base[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#465160"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#465160"
-	engine "pixmap" {
+			file			= "vline.png"
+			border			= { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+		}
-			function		= BOX
+			function		= HLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "background_dark.png"
-			border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			stretch			= FALSE
+			file			= "hline.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 1, 1	}
+			stretch			= TRUE
-style "darker_bg" = "dark"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#303841"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#303841"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#303841"
-style "black" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#fff"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#999"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#111"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#fff"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#0af"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#999"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	base[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#111"
-style "black_bg" = "black"
+style "clearlooks-button-clear"
-	bg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	bg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	bg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	bg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	bg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#111"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#fff"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#0af"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#0af"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#999"
-	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_black.png"
-	bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT]		= "background_black.png"
-	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]		= "background_black.png"
-	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_black.png"
-	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_black.png"
-	base[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	base[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	base[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	base[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	base[INSENSITIVE]	= "#111"
-	engine "pixmap" {
+	engine "clearlooks" {
+	}
+	engine "pixmap"
+	{
 			function		= BOX
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "background_black.png"
-			border			= {0, 0, 0, 0}
-			stretch			= FALSE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= VLINE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= HLINE
-### FRAME ###
-style "frame" = "default"
-	xthickness = 8
-	ythickness = 8
-	font_name = "Sans 10"
-	engine "murrine"
-	{
-		reliefstyle	    = 1     # 0 = flat, 1 = inset, 2 = shadow
-		roundness           = 6     # 0 = squared, 1 = old default, more will increase roundness
-	}
-style "frame-label-light" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#fff"
-	font_name = "Sans 10"
-	xthickness = 3
-style "frame-label-dark" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
-	font_name = "Sans 10"
-	xthickness = 3
-### NOTEBOOK ###
-style "notebook" = "black"
+style "clearlooks-notebook"
 	GtkNotebook::tab-overlap			= -2
+	xthickness = 18
+	ythickness = 10
 	engine "pixmap"
@@ -825,60 +399,226 @@ style "notebook" = "black"
-style "notebook-pad" = "black"
+style "clearlooks-tasklist" = "clearlooks-wide"
-	xthickness = 18
+style "clearlooks-menu" = "clearlooks-wider"
+	fg[PRELIGHT] = "#fff"
+	fg[SELECTED] = "#fff"
+	fg[NORMAL] = "#fff"
+	bg[PRELIGHT] = "#000"
+	bg[SELECTED] = "#000"
+	bg[NORMAL] = "#000"
+	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_black.png"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		radius = 5.0
+		menubarstyle       = 0      # 0 = flat, 1 = sunken, 2 = flat gradient
+	}
+style "clearlooks-menu-item" = "clearlooks-wider"
+	fg[PRELIGHT] = "#fff"
+	fg[SELECTED] = "#fff"
+	fg[NORMAL] = "#fff"
+	bg[PRELIGHT] = "#000"
+	bg[SELECTED] = "#000"
+	bg[NORMAL] = "#000"
+	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_black.png"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		radius = 3.0
+	}
+style "clearlooks-separator-menu-item"
+style "clearlooks-treeview"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		hint = "treeview"
+	}
+style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+	fg[NORMAL]        = "#fff"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#fff"
+	fg[ACTIVE]        = "#fff"
+	fg[SELECTED]      = "#0af"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#aaa"
+	bg[NORMAL]        = "#465160"
+	bg[PRELIGHT]      = "#000"
+	bg[ACTIVE]        = shade (0.9, "#465160")
+	bg[SELECTED]	  = "#000" # Gnome Appearances Preferences workaround
+	bg[INSENSITIVE]   = shade (0.7, "#465160")
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		hint = "treeview-header"
+	}
+style "clearlooks-frame"
+	xthickness = 8
 	ythickness = 8
+	bg[NORMAL] = "#fff"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		radius = 7.0
+	}
-style "notebook-label-dark"
+style "clearlooks-frame-title"
-	xthickness = 0
-	ythickness = 0
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#fff"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#fff"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#fff"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#999"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#fff"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#fff"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#fff"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#fff"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#999"
+	fg[NORMAL] = "#fff"
+	font_name = "Sans 10"
-style "notebook-label-light"
+style "clearlooks-tooltips" = "clearlooks-wider"
-	xthickness = 0
-	ythickness = 0
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#111"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#111"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#111"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#111"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#111"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#111"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#111"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#111"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
+	bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color
+	fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color
-### MENU ###
+style "clearlooks-progressbar"
+	xthickness = 1
+	ythickness = 1
+	bg[NORMAL] = "#000"
+	bg[SELECTED] = "#0af"
+	fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000"
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint = "progressbar"
+	}
-style "menu" = "black"
+style "clearlooks-statusbar"
-  xthickness = 5
-  ythickness = 3
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint = "statusbar"
+	}
-style "menu-separator" = "menu"
+style "clearlooks-combobox"
-  engine "pixmap" {
-  	image
+	fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
+	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	fg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
+	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
+	text[NORMAL]		= "#000"
+	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
+	text[SELECTED]		= "#000"
+	text[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
+	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
+	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
+	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 6, 24, 5, 5 }
+	GtkButton      ::inner-border         = { 6, 25, 3, 3}
+    xthickness = 5
+    ythickness = 3
+	engine "pixmap"
+	{
+		image
+		{
+			function		= BOX
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= PRELIGHT
+			file			= "button_default.png"
+			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			stretch			= TRUE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= BOX
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= NORMAL
+			file			= "button_default.png"
+			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			stretch			= TRUE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= BOX
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= ACTIVE
+			file			= "button_default.png"
+			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			stretch			= TRUE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= BOX
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			file			= "button_default.png"
+			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			stretch			= TRUE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= TAB
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "led.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= TAB
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= NORMAL
+			overlay_file		= "led.png"
+			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= TAB
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= ACTIVE
+			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
+			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= TAB
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= PRELIGHT
+			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
+			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
 			function		= VLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
 			file			= "vline.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			border			= { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
@@ -886,210 +626,250 @@ style "menu-separator" = "menu"
 			function		= HLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
 			file			= "hline.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0	}
+			border			= { 0, 0, 1, 1	}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
+		}
-### BUTTON ###
+style "clearlooks-comboboxentry" = "clearlooks-combobox"
+	# NOTE:
+	# If you set the appears-as-list option on comboboxes in the theme
+	# you should set this hint on the combobox instead.
+	xthickness = 0
+    ythickness = 0
+    base[NORMAL] = "#000"
-style "button" = "default"
-	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
-	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
-	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 6, 24, 6, 6 }
-	GtkButton      ::inner-border         = { 6, 25, 3, 3}
-    xthickness = 5
-    ythickness = 3
-    fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#000"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
+style "clearlooks-spinbutton" = "clearlooks-default"
+	xthickness = 0
+	ythickness = 0
+	base[NORMAL] = "#000"
 	engine "pixmap"
+			function		= ARROW
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= BOX
+			state 			= NORMAL
+			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			file			= "spin_up_normal.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
+		{
 			function		= BOX
-			detail			= "buttondefault"
+			state 			= PRELIGHT
+			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "button_normal.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			file			= "spin_up_prelight.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
 			function		= BOX
-			state			= PRELIGHT
+			state 			= INSENSITIVE
+			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "button_prelight.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			file			= "spin_up_inactive.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
 			function		= BOX
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			file			= "button_prelight.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			state 			= ACTIVE
+			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			file			= "spin_up_active.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
 			function		= BOX
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			file			= "button_insens.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			state 			= NORMAL
+			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			file			= "spin_down_normal.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-		image
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+		image
 			function		= BOX
-			file			= "button_normal.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			state 			= PRELIGHT
+			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			file			= "spin_down_prelight.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-	}
-### COMBOS ###
-style "combo" = "default"
-	fg[NORMAL]			= "#000"
-	fg[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	fg[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	fg[ACTIVE]			= "#000"
-	fg[INSENSITIVE]		= "#666"
-	text[NORMAL]		= "#000"
-	text[PRELIGHT]		= "#000"
-	text[SELECTED]		= "#000"
-	text[ACTIVE]		= "#000"
-	text[INSENSITIVE]	= "#666"
-	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-x = 0
-	GtkButton      ::child-displacement-y = 0
-	GtkButton      ::default-border       = { 6, 24, 6, 6 }
-	GtkButton      ::inner-border         = { 6, 25, 3, 3}
-    xthickness = 5
-    ythickness = 3
-	engine "pixmap"
-	{
 			function		= BOX
+			state 			= INSENSITIVE
+			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			file			= "button_default.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			file			= "spin_down_inactive.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
 			function		= BOX
+			state 			= ACTIVE
+			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= NORMAL
-			file			= "button_default.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			file			= "spin_down_active.png"
+			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
+			overlay_file		= "null.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+		}
+	}
+style "clearlooks-scale"
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint  = "scale"
+		style = CLASSIC
+	}
+style "clearlooks-hscale"
+	GtkVScale::slider_length 			= 46
+	GtkVScale::slider_width 			= 35
+	GtkHScale::slider_length 			= 46
+	GtkHScale::slider_width 			= 35
+	GtkRange::trough_border				= 0
+	engine "pixmap"
+	{
 			function		= BOX
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			file			= "button_default.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			detail			= "trough"
+			file			= "trough-horizontal.png"
+			border			= { 20, 20, 0, 0 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			orientation		= HORIZONTAL
 			function		= BOX
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			file			= "button_default.png"
-			border			= {8, 24, 6, 6}
+			detail			= "trough"
+			file			= "trough-vertical.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 20, 20 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
-			function		= TAB
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
+			state			= NORMAL
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-horiz.png"
 			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= HORIZONTAL
-			function		= TAB
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= NORMAL
-			overlay_file		= "led.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			state			= PRELIGHT
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-horiz-prelight.png"
 			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= HORIZONTAL
-			function		= TAB
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= ACTIVE
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-horiz.png"
 			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= HORIZONTAL
-			function		= TAB
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			overlay_file		= "led_prelight.png"
-			overlay_border		= { 3, 3, 2, 2 }
+			state			= NORMAL
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-vert.png"
 			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
+		}
-			function		= VLINE
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "vline.png"
-			border			= { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
+			state			= PRELIGHT
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-vert-prelight.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
-			function		= HLINE
+			function		= SLIDER
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "hline.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 1, 1	}
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-	}
-### RANGE ###
-style "range" 
-	engine "murrine"
-	{
+			overlay_file		= "slider-vert.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
+		}
-style "scale" = "range"
+style "clearlooks-vscale"
 	GtkVScale::slider_length 			= 46
 	GtkVScale::slider_width 			= 35
@@ -1170,38 +950,132 @@ style "scale" = "range"
-			function		= SLIDER
+			function		= SLIDER
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= PRELIGHT
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-vert-prelight.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
+		}
+		image
+		{
+			function		= SLIDER
+			recolorable		= TRUE
+			state			= INSENSITIVE
+			file			= "null.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			stretch			= TRUE
+			overlay_file		= "slider-vert.png"
+			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
+			orientation		= VERTICAL
+		}
+	}
+style "clearlooks-scrollbar"
+	engine "pixmap" {
+		image {
+		}
+	}
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint   = "scrollbar"
+		#style = CLASSIC
+	}
+style "clearlooks-hscrollbar"
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint = "hscrollbar"
+	}
+style "clearlooks-vscrollbar"
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		hint = "vscrollbar"
+	}
+style "clearlooks-menubar"
+	fg[PRELIGHT] = "#fff"
+	fg[SELECTED] = "#fff"
+	fg[NORMAL] = "#fff"
+	bg[PRELIGHT] = "#000"
+	bg[SELECTED] = "#000"
+	bg[NORMAL] = "#000"
+	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]		= "background_black.png"
+	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "background_black.png"
+	engine "clearlooks" 
+	{
+		radius = 3.0
+		hint = "menubar"
+	}
+style "clearlooks-nautilus-location"
+	bg[NORMAL] = mix(0.50, shade (1.05, @selected_bg_color), @tooltip_bg_color)
+style "metacity-frame"
+	bg[SELECTED] = mix (0.25, @tooltip_fg_color, @selected_bg_color)
+style "clearlooks-radiocheck"
+	text[PRELIGHT] = @base_color # Text on Mouseover
+style "clearlooks-panel"
+	bg[SELECTED] = mix(0.70, shade (1.05, @selected_bg_color), @tooltip_bg_color)
+# CALF stuff
+style "menu-separator" = "menu"
+  engine "pixmap" {
+  	image
+		{
+			function		= VLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= PRELIGHT
-			file			= "null.png"
+			file			= "vline.png"
 			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "slider-vert-prelight.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			orientation		= VERTICAL
-			function		= SLIDER
+			function		= HLINE
 			recolorable		= TRUE
-			state			= INSENSITIVE
-			file			= "null.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+			file			= "hline.png"
+			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0	}
 			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "slider-vert.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-			orientation		= VERTICAL
-	}
+	}
-### ENTRY ###
-style "entry" = "default"
+style "calf-entry"
 	xthickness			= 0
 	ythickness			= 0
-	GtkEntry::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
+	GtkEntry::shadow-type				= GTK_SHADOW_NONE
+	GtkEntry::inner-border				= { 6, 6, 5, 4 }
+	base[NORMAL] = "#000"
 	engine "pixmap"
@@ -1266,234 +1140,511 @@ style "entry" = "default"
-style "spinbutton"	= "entry"
-	xthickness			= 3
-	ythickness			= 2
-	GtkEntry::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
-	engine "pixmap"
-	{
-		image
-		{
-			function		= ARROW
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= NORMAL
-			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_up_normal.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= PRELIGHT
-			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_up_prelight.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= INSENSITIVE
-			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_up_inactive.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= ACTIVE
-			detail			= "spinbutton_up"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_up_active.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 4, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= NORMAL
-			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_down_normal.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= PRELIGHT
-			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_down_prelight.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= INSENSITIVE
-			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_down_inactive.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			state 			= ACTIVE
-			detail			= "spinbutton_down"
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "spin_down_active.png"
-			border			= { 6, 4, 3, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-			overlay_file		= "null.png"
-			overlay_stretch		= FALSE
-		}
-	}
-style "noborder" {
-	xthickness = 0
-	ythickness = 0
-	GtkWidget::draw-border              = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-	GtkWidget::focus-line-width         = 0
-	GtkWidget::focus-padding            = 0
-style "nobg" {
+style "scrollbar" = "default"
+  engine "pixmap" 
+  {
-	engine "pixmap"
-	{
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "null.png"
-			border			= { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-	}
-style "graph" {
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= BOX
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      detail			= "trough"
+      file				= "trough-scrollbar-horiz.png"
+      stretch			= FALSE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+    }
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= BOX
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      detail			= "trough"
+      file				= "trough-scrollbar-vert.png"
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+    }
-	xthickness = 5
-	ythickness = 5
-	bg_pixmap[NORMAL]	= "<none>"
-	bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT]	= "<none>"
-	bg_pixmap[SELECTED]	= "<none>"
-	bg_pixmap[ACTIVE]	= "<none>"
-	bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE]	= "<none>"
-	engine "pixmap"
-	{
-		image
-		{
-			function		= BOX
-			recolorable		= TRUE
-			file			= "entry.png"
-			border			= { 3, 3, 4, 3 }
-			stretch			= TRUE
-		}
-	}
+###########x SLIDERS ##################x
+  image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= NORMAL
+      file				= "scroller-horiz.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-horiz.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+    }
+  image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= ACTIVE
+      shadow			= IN
+      file				= "scroller-horiz.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-horiz.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+    }
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "scroller-horiz-prelight.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-horiz.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+    }
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "scroller-horiz-insens.png"
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-horiz.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= HORIZONTAL
+    }
+#############x verticals################xx
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= NORMAL
+      file				= "scroller-vert.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-vert.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+    }
+   image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= ACTIVE
+      shadow			= IN
+      file				= "scroller-vert.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-vert.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+    }
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "scroller-vert-prelight.png" 
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-vert.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+    }
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= SLIDER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state           		= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "scroller-vert-insens.png"
+      border			= { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+      overlay_file		= "scroll-thumb-vert.png"
+      overlay_stretch	= FALSE
+      orientation		= VERTICAL
+    }
+###########x END SLIDERS ##################x
+########### Steppers ######################
+#### UP #######
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= NORMAL
+      file				= "stepper-up.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 2, 9 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= UP
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "stepper-up-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 2, 9 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= UP
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= ACTIVE
+      file				= "stepper-up-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 2, 9 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= UP
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "stepper-up-insens.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 2, 9 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= UP
+    }
+ ######### DOWN ############
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= NORMAL
+      file				= "stepper-down.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 10, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= DOWN
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "stepper-down-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 10, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= DOWN
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= ACTIVE
+      file				= "stepper-down-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 10, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= DOWN
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "stepper-down-insens.png"
+      #border			= { 12, 2, 10, 2 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= DOWN
+    }
+############ RIGHT ################
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= NORMAL
+      file				= "stepper-right.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= RIGHT
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "stepper-right-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= RIGHT
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= ACTIVE
+      file				= "stepper-right-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= RIGHT
+    }
+ image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "stepper-right-insens.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= RIGHT
+    }
+############### LEFT ###################
+    image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= NORMAL
+      file				= "stepper-left.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= LEFT
+    }
+  image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= PRELIGHT
+      file				= "stepper-left-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= LEFT
+    }
+  image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= ACTIVE
+      file				= "stepper-left-prelight.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= LEFT
+    }
+  image 
+    {
+      function			= STEPPER
+      recolorable		= TRUE
+      state				= INSENSITIVE
+      file				= "stepper-left-insens.png"
+      #border			= { 2, 9, 2, 13 }
+      stretch			= TRUE
+      arrow_direction	= LEFT
+    }
+  }
+# Matches
+# Theme radio buttons and checkmarks
+class "GtkRadio*"                        		style "clearlooks-radiocheck"
+class "GtkCheck*"                           		style "clearlooks-radiocheck"
+# Keep proper colour for Metacity
+class "MetaFrames" 					style "metacity-frame"
+#class "GtkWindow"    			    		style "metacity-frame"
+# Theme default style is applied to every widget
+class "GtkWidget"    					style "clearlooks-default"
+# Increase the x/ythickness in some widgets
+class "GtkToolbar"   					style "clearlooks-default" 
+class "GtkRange"     					style "clearlooks-wide"
+class "GtkFrame"     					style "clearlooks-wide"
+class "GtkSeparator" 					style "clearlooks-wide"
+class "GtkEntry"     					style "calf-entry"
-widget "*GtkWidget*" 								style "default"
+class "GtkSpinButton"  					style "clearlooks-spinbutton"
+class "GtkScale"       					style "clearlooks-scale"
+class "GtkRange"       					style "clearlooks-scale"
+class "GtkVScale"      					style "clearlooks-vscale"
+class "GtkHScale"      					style "clearlooks-hscale"
+class "GtkScrollbar"   					style "scrollbar"
+class "GtkVScrollbar"  					style "scrollbar"
+class "GtkHScrollbar"  					style "scrollbar"
+# General matching following, the order is choosen so that the right styles override each other
+# eg. progressbar needs to be more important then the menu match.
-### calf plugin
-widget "*calf-container*"							style "dark_bg"
-widget "*calf-plugin*"								style "dark_bg"
-widget "*calf-container*"							style "dark"
-widget "*calf-plugin*Label"							style "dark"
+# This is not perfect, it could be done better
+# (That is modify *every* widget in the notebook, and change those back that
+# we really don't want changed)
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkEventBox>"     	style "clearlooks-notebook"
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkDrawingArea>"  	style "clearlooks-notebook"
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>*<GtkLayout>"       	style "clearlooks-notebook"
-#### calf rack
-widget "calf-rack*"									style "light_bg"
-widget "calf-rack*"									style "light"
-#widget "calf-rack*calf-container"					style "light_bg"
-widget "calf-rack*calf-container*"					style "light"
+widget_class "*<GtkButton>*"      			style "clearlooks-button"
+widget_class "*<GtkNotebook>"    			style "clearlooks-notebook"
+widget_class "*<GtkStatusbar>*"  			style "clearlooks-statusbar"
-### is it used somewhere?
-#widget "*calf*inverted*"							style "dark_bg"
-#widget "*calf*inverted*"							style "dark"
+widget "*GtkLinkButton*"								style "clearlooks-button-norm"
+widget "*GtkScaleButton*"								style "clearlooks-button-norm"
+widget "*GtkColorButton*"								style "clearlooks-button-norm"
+widget "*File*Button*"								style "clearlooks-button-norm"
+widget "*GtkFontButton*"								style "clearlooks-button-norm"
-### buttons
-widget "*Button*"								style "button"
-widget "*Button*Label*"								style "button"
+widget "*GtkOptionMenu*"						style "clearlooks-combobox"
+widget "*Combo*"         			style "clearlooks-combobox"
+widget "*<GtkComboBox>*"				style "clearlooks-combobox"
+class "GtkCombo*"      				style "clearlooks-combobox"
+widget_class "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*"			style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
-### menus
-class "GtkMenuShell"								style "black_bg"
-class "GtkMenu*"		 							style "black"
-class "GtkMenuItem"									style "black"
-widget "*GtkMenuItem*"								style "black"
-widget_class "*MenuItem*"							style "black"
-widget_class "*MenuItem*Label"						style "black"
+widget_class "*<GtkMenuBar>*"           		style "clearlooks-menubar"
+widget_class "*<GtkMenuShell>*"              		style "clearlooks-menu"
+widget_class "*<GtkMenuItem>*"          		style "clearlooks-menu-item"
+widget_class "*<GtkSeparatorMenuItem>*" 		style "clearlooks-separator-menu-item"
+widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>" 					style "clearlooks-frame"
+widget_class "*.<GtkFrame>.<GtkLabel>" 			style "clearlooks-frame-title"
+widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>*"        			style "clearlooks-treeview"
+widget_class "*<GtkProgressBar>"       			style "clearlooks-progressbar"
+# Treeview header
+widget_class "*.<GtkTreeView>.<GtkButton>*" 		style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+widget_class "*.<GtkCTree>.<GtkButton>*"    		style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+widget_class "*.<GtkList>.<GtkButton>*"     		style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+widget_class "*.<GtkCList>.<GtkButton>*"    		style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+# Workarounds for Evolution
+widget_class "*.ETable.ECanvas"    			style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+widget_class "*.ETree.ECanvas"    			style "clearlooks-treeview-header"
+# CALF stuff
 class "GtkSeparatorMenuItem"						style "menu-separator"
 widget_class "*SeparatorMenuItem*"					style "menu-separator"
+widget "*calf-rack*GtkMenuShell*"              		style "clearlooks-menubar"
+#widget_class "*<GtkComboBox>*"         			style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
+#widget_class "*<GtkCombo>*"         			style "clearlooks-comboboxentry"
+widget "*calf-rack*"    					style "calf-rack"
+widget "*calf-menu*"    								style "clearlooks-menu"
+#widget "*Button*Label*"								style "clearlooks-button"
+# The window of the tooltip is called "gtk-tooltip"
+# This will not work if one embeds eg. a button into the tooltip.
+# As far as I can tell right now we will need to rework the theme
+# quite a bit to get this working correctly.
+# (It will involve setting different priorities, etc.)
+widget "gtk-tooltip*" 					style "clearlooks-tooltips"
+# Special cases and work arounds
+# Special case the nautilus-extra-view-widget
+# ToDo: A more generic approach for all applications that have a widget like this.
+widget "*.nautilus-extra-view-widget" 			style : highest "clearlooks-nautilus-location"
+# Work around for http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=382646
+# Note that the work around assumes that the combobox is _not_ in
+# appears-as-list mode.
+# Similar hack also in the menuitem style.
+# This style does not affect GtkComboBoxEntry, it does have an effect
+# on comboboxes in appears-as-list mode though.
+style "clearlooks-combobox-text-color-workaround"
+	text[NORMAL]      = "#fff"
+	text[PRELIGHT]    = "#fff"
+	text[ACTIVE]      = "#fff"
+	text[SELECTED]    = "#fff"
+	text[INSENSITIVE] = "#999"
+#widget_class "*.<GtkComboBox>.<GtkCellView>"		style "clearlooks-combobox-text-color-workaround"
+style "clearlooks-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
+	text[NORMAL]      = "#fff"
+	text[PRELIGHT]    = "#fff"
+	text[ACTIVE]      = "#fff"
+	text[SELECTED]    = "#fff"
+	text[INSENSITIVE] = "#999"
+widget "*.gtk-combobox-popup-menu.*"   			style "clearlooks-menuitem-text-is-fg-color-workaround"
+# Work around the usage of GtkLabel inside GtkListItems to display text.
+# This breaks because the label is shown on a background that is based on the
+# base color set.
+style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
+	bg[SELECTED]    = @selected_bg_color
+	fg[NORMAL]      = @text_color
+	fg[PRELIGHT]    = @text_color
+	fg[ACTIVE]      = @selected_fg_color
+	fg[SELECTED]    = @selected_fg_color
+	fg[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color)
+widget_class "*<GtkListItem>*" 				style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
+# The same problem also exists for GtkCList and GtkCTree
+# Only match GtkCList and not the parent widgets, because that would also change the headers.
+widget_class "*<GtkCList>" 				style "clearlooks-fg-is-text-color-workaround"
+style "clearlooks-evo-new-button-workaround"
+	engine "clearlooks"
+	{
+		toolbarstyle = 0
+	}
+widget_class "EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "clearlooks-evo-new-button-workaround"
-### combos
-widget "*GtkOptionMenu"						style "combo"
-widget "*Combo*"								style "combo"
-widget "*<GtkComboBox>*"						style "combo"
-widget "*<GtkComboBoxEntry>*"					style "black"
-### other buttons
-widget "*Color*"								style "combo"
-widget "*File*"								style "combo"
-widget "*Font*"								style "combo"
-### ranges, scales, scrollbars
-widget "*Gtk?Scale*"							style "scale"
-widget "*<GtkRange>"							style "range"
-### frames
-class "*Frame*"										style "frame"
-widget "*calf-rack*GtkFrame.GtkLabel"				style "frame-label-light"
-widget "*calf-plugin*GtkFrame.GtkLabel"				style "frame-label-light"
-widget "*<GtkContainer>"						style "frame"
-widget "*Frame"								style "frame"
-### notebook
-widget "*GtkNotebook"							style "notebook"
-widget "*GtkNotebook"							style "notebook-pad"
-widget "*GtkNotebook*GtkFrame"					style "darker_bg"
-widget "*calf-plugin*GtkNotebook.GtkLabel"			style "notebook-label-dark"
-widget "*calf-rack*GtkNotebook.GtkLabel"			style "notebook-label-light"
-### entries, spinbuttons
-widget "*GtkSpinButton*"						style "spinbutton"
-widget "*GtkOldEditable" 						style "entry"
-widget "*GtkEntry"								style "entry"
-widget "*GtkSpinButton*"						style "noborder"
-widget "*GtkEntry*"							style "noborder"
-### LED's, VU's, graphs
-widget "*calf-vumeter*"								style "graph"
+# Theme panel elements
+widget "*PanelWidget*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+widget "*PanelApplet*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+widget "*fast-user-switch*"				style "clearlooks-panel"
+class "PanelApp*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+class "PanelToplevel*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+widget_class "*Mail*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+widget_class "*notif*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
+widget_class "*Notif*" 					style "clearlooks-panel"
diff --git a/gui/gui-compressor.xml b/gui/gui-compressor.xml
index 7e1c6ad..bf33457 100644
--- a/gui/gui-compressor.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-compressor.xml
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
     <if cond="directlink">
-      <frame attach-x="2" attach-y="0" attach-h="2" label="Compression">
-        <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression" square="1" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" pad-x="7"/>
+      <frame attach-x="2" attach-y="0" attach-h="2" label="Compression" pad-x="10">
+        <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression" square="1" expand-y="1" fill-y="1"/>
diff --git a/gui/gui-monosynth.xml b/gui/gui-monosynth.xml
index 68f790a..93ee480 100644
--- a/gui/gui-monosynth.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-monosynth.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-    <hbox page="Audio path" spacing="4">
+    <hbox page="Audio path" spacing="8">
       <frame label="Oscillators">
         <vbox spacing="8">
           <table rows="3" cols="4" expand="1" fill="1">
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
-      <hbox spacing="4">
+      <hbox spacing="8">
         <frame label="Note velocity">
           <vbox spacing="10">
diff --git a/gui/gui-multibandcompressor.xml b/gui/gui-multibandcompressor.xml
index 558284e..7110896 100644
--- a/gui/gui-multibandcompressor.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-multibandcompressor.xml
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
              <align><toggle param="bypass" shrink="1"/></align>
-    <table attach-x="0" attach-y="1" expand-y="1" shrink-y="1" expand-x="1" shrink-x="1" fill="1" spacing="10" rows="1" cols="4">
-        <frame label="Sub band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="0" attach-y="0" fill="1"><vbox>
+    <table attach-x="0" attach-y="1" expand-y="1" shrink-y="1" expand-x="1" shrink-x="1" fill="1" rows="1" cols="4">
+        <frame label="Sub band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="0" attach-y="0" fill="1" pad-x="4"><vbox>
             <if cond="directlink">
                 <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression0" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" expand-x="1" fill-x="1"/>
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
-        <frame label="Low band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="1" attach-y="0" fill="1"><vbox>
+        <frame label="Low band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="1" attach-y="0" fill="1" pad-x="4"><vbox>
             <if cond="directlink">
                 <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression1" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" expand-x="1" fill-x="1"/>
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
-        <frame label="Mid band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="2" attach-y="0" fill="1"><vbox>
+        <frame label="Mid band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="2" attach-y="0" fill="1" pad-x="4"><vbox>
             <if cond="directlink">
                 <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression2" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" expand-x="1" fill-x="1"/>
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
-        <frame label="High band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="3" attach-y="0" fill="1"><vbox>
+        <frame label="High band" expand-x="1" expand-y="1" shrink-x="1" shrink-y="1" attach-x="3" attach-y="0" fill="1" pad-x="4"><vbox>
             <if cond="directlink">
                 <line-graph refresh="1" width="220" height="220" param="compression3" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" expand-x="1" fill-x="1"/>
diff --git a/gui/gui-multichorus.xml b/gui/gui-multichorus.xml
index 589e822..8311a4a 100644
--- a/gui/gui-multichorus.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-multichorus.xml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-    <frame label="LFO" attach-x="1" attach-y="0" shrink-y="1" expand-y="1" fill-y="1">
+    <frame label="LFO" attach-x="1" attach-y="0" shrink-y="1" expand-y="1" fill-y="1" pad-x="8">
         <table rows="2" cols="2" homogeneous="1" spacing="10">
             <vbox attach-x="0" attach-y="0">
                 <label param="mod_rate" />
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-    <frame label="Post Filter" attach-x="1" attach-y="1" shrink-y="1">
+    <frame label="Post Filter" attach-x="1" attach-y="1" shrink-y="1" pad-x="8">
         <table rows="1" cols="3" spacing="10">
             <vbox attach-x="0" attach-y="0">
                 <label param="freq" />
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
     <if cond="directlink">
-        <hbox attach-x="0" attach-y="0" fill-y="1" expand-y="1">
+        <hbox attach-x="0" attach-y="0" fill-y="1" expand-y="1" spacing="8">
             <frame label="Freq. response">
                 <vbox expand-x="1" fill-x="1" attach-x="3" attach-y="0" attach-h="7">
                     <line-graph refresh="1" width="200" height="160" param="min_delay"/>
diff --git a/gui/gui-organ.xml b/gui/gui-organ.xml
index 3a473b7..31d7328 100644
--- a/gui/gui-organ.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-organ.xml
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
         <combo attach-x="9" attach-y="12" param="routing9"/>
-    <hbox page="Sound processor" spacing="5">
+    <hbox page="Sound processor" spacing="8">
         <frame label="Filter 1">
diff --git a/gui/gui-reverb.xml b/gui/gui-reverb.xml
index 23265d4..6cd9b35 100644
--- a/gui/gui-reverb.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-reverb.xml
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@
             <knob param="amount" size="2" />
             <value param="amount" />
-        <table cols="3" rows="3" attach-x="0" attach-y="1" attach-w="5" fill-y="0" expand-y="0">
+        <frame label="Levels" attach-x="0" attach-y="1"  attach-w="5" fill-y="1" expand-y="1" fill-x="1" expand-x="1">
+        <table cols="3" rows="3" attach-w="5">
             <label attach-x="0" attach-y="0" expand-x="0" fill-x="0" />
             <label param="meter_wet" attach-x="0" attach-y="1" expand-y="1" fill-y="0" expand-x="0" fill-x="0" />
             <vumeter param="meter_wet" hold="2" attach-x="1" attach-y="1" attach-w="2" expand-y="1" fill-y="0" expand-x="1" fill-x="1"/>
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
             <vumeter param="meter_out" hold="2" attach-x="1" attach-y="2" attach-w="2" expand-y="1" fill-y="0" expand-x="1" fill-x="1" />
             <!--<led param="clip" mode="0" attach-x="2" attach-y="2" expand-x="0" fill-x="0"/>-->
+        </frame>
diff --git a/gui/gui-rotaryspeaker.xml b/gui/gui-rotaryspeaker.xml
index 71fdb1f..060cc71 100644
--- a/gui/gui-rotaryspeaker.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-rotaryspeaker.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<table spacing="5" rows="1" cols="3">
+<table rows="1" cols="3">
 	<frame attach-x="2" attach-y="0" label="Manual">
 		<table rows="2" cols="2">
 		    <vbox  attach-x="1" attach-y="0" fill-x="1" fill-y="1" border="10">
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         <knob param="mod_depth" size="4" />
         <value param="mod_depth" align-y="0.0" />
-    <vbox attach-x="1" attach-y="0">
+    <vbox attach-x="1" attach-y="0" pad-x="8">
 		<frame label="Cabinet">
 			<hbox homogeneous="1">
 				<vbox spacing="3" fill="0">
diff --git a/gui/gui-vintagedelay.xml b/gui/gui-vintagedelay.xml
index 1405d7b..a871e1a 100644
--- a/gui/gui-vintagedelay.xml
+++ b/gui/gui-vintagedelay.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+<hbox spacing="8">
     <frame label="Delay time">
 		    <table rows="4" cols="2">
diff --git a/src/gui.cpp b/src/gui.cpp
index ac1092f..a2748e7 100644
--- a/src/gui.cpp
+++ b/src/gui.cpp
@@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ GtkWidget *plugin_gui::create_from_xml(plugin_ctl_iface *_plugin, const char *xm
     gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(decoTable), GTK_WIDGET(top_container->container), 1, 2, 0, 1, (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL), (GtkAttachOptions)(GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL), 15, 5);
     // create window with viewport
-    GtkWidget *sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
-    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_NEVER);
-    gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
-    gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_WIDGET(decoTable));
+//    GtkWidget *sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+//    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_NEVER);
+//    gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+//    gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_WIDGET(decoTable));
-    gtk_widget_set_name(GTK_WIDGET(sw), "calf-container");
+    gtk_widget_set_name(GTK_WIDGET(decoTable), "calf-container");
-    return GTK_WIDGET(sw);
+    return GTK_WIDGET(decoTable);
 void plugin_gui::send_configure(const char *key, const char *value)
@@ -672,14 +672,14 @@ void plugin_gui_window::create(plugin_ctl_iface *_jh, const char *title, const c
     container = gui->create_from_xml(_jh, xml);
-//    GtkWidget *sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
-//    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
-//    gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
-//    gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_WIDGET(container));
+    GtkWidget *sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
+    gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_SHADOW_NONE);
+    gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(sw), GTK_WIDGET(container));
-    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), container, true, true, 0);
+    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), sw, true, true, 0);
-    gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(container));
+    gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(sw));
     gtk_widget_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(container), &req);
     int wx = max(req.width + 10, req2.width);
     int wy = req.height + req2.height + 10;

calf audio plugins packaging

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