[SCM] dvd-slideshow/master: Port to avconv.

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Feb 4 15:31:44 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 96c0f0478271e2762a0bb93ad31a2cd945a3ff71
Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Feb 4 15:29:14 2014 +0000

    Port to avconv.
    Thanks: Dimitri John Ledkov for the good work.
    Closes: #710411

diff --git a/debian/patches/ffmpeg-avconv.patch b/debian/patches/ffmpeg-avconv.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e78e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/ffmpeg-avconv.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+Description: Port from ffmpeg to avconv.
+Author: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox at ubuntu.com>
+ dvd-menu      |   46 ++++++-------
+ dvd-slideshow |  200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)
+--- dvd-slideshow.orig/dvd-menu
++++ dvd-slideshow/dvd-menu
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ echo 'Changes:
+ 	Change imagemagick calls with -type TrueColor to -type TrueColorMatte for latest version
+ 	Sox v. > 13 changes -w to -2 and -e to -n (thanks Ludovic)
+ 	Font path follows links.  Thanks Jim Potter!
+-	AC3 audio created with ffmpeg needs k added to bitrate
++	AC3 audio created with avconv needs k added to bitrate
+ 	Changed -depth 16 to -depth 8 in background gradient creation.
+ 	Fix embedded image help text.
+ 	Default layout will switch to two columns of buttons (no embedded image) if the button
+@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Options:
+  [-mp2]
+         Use MP2 audio by default.  AC3 seems to be more stable
+-	in hardware players, but requires ffmpeg.
++	in hardware players, but requires avconv.
+  [-p]
+         Use PAL format instead of NTSC (untested initial support)
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ Requires:
+ 	sox >= 14.0.0
+ 	mjpegtools  (mp2enc, mpeg2enc, ppmtoy4m)
+ 	ImageMagick (convert)
+-	ffmpeg
++	avconv
+ Variables:
+ 	dvd-menu will read the following variables out of your ~/.dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshowrc file.
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Variables:
+ 	menu_panel_location_y=175  # distance of the top of the first menu item to the top of the screen
+ 	menu_button_font_size=21
+ 	menu_title_justify=left
+-	mpeg_encodr='ffmpeg'   # or mpeg2enc
++	mpeg_encodr='avconv'   # or mpeg2enc
+  '
+ }
+@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ function fade ()
+ 	if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'mpeg2enc' ] ; then
+         	find "$tmpdir" -name "fade*.ppm" -type f -print0 | sort -z -d | xargs -0 cat | ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n 0 -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p | mpeg2enc $mpeg2enc_params -o "$tmpdir/fade.mpg" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
+ 	else
+-        	find "$tmpdir" -name "fade*.ppm" -type f -print0 | sort -z -d | xargs -0 cat | ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n 0 -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p | ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -target $ffmpeg_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/fade.mpg" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
++        	find "$tmpdir" -name "fade*.ppm" -type f -print0 | sort -z -d | xargs -0 cat | ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n 0 -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p | avconv -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -target $avconv_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/fade.mpg" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
+ 	fi
+ 	find "$tmpdir" -name "fade*.ppm" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm
+ }
+@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ pal=0
+ continuous=0 ; continuous_method=0
+ no_dvdauthor=0
+ ac3=1
+-mpeg_encoder='ffmpeg'  # or 'mpeg2enc'
++mpeg_encoder='avconv'  # or 'mpeg2enc'
+ iso=0
+ no_menu=0
+ autocrop=1
+@@ -989,19 +989,19 @@ if [ "$vcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 	audio_bitrate=224
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	mplex_type=1
+-	ffmpeg_target='vcd'
++	avconv_target='vcd'
+ elif [ "$svcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 	# setup audio parameters
+ 	ac3=0
+ 	audio_bitrate=224
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	mplex_type=4
+-	ffmpeg_target='svcd'
++	avconv_target='svcd'
+ else
+ 	audio_bitrate=128
+ 	audio_sample_rate=48000
+ 	mplex_type=8
+-	ffmpeg_target='dvd'
++	avconv_target='dvd'
+ fi
+ if [ "$pal" -eq 1 ] ; then
+@@ -1190,27 +1190,27 @@ progver=`dvdauthor -h 2>&1 | head -n 1 |
+ logecho "[dvd-menu] Found dvdauthor version $progver"
+-# ffmpeg
+-it=`which ffmpeg 2> /dev/null`
++# avconv
++it=`which avconv 2> /dev/null`
+ if [ -z "$it" ] ; then
+-	# no ffmpeg!  use mp2 audio instead:
+-	myecho "[dvd-menu] Warning:  no ffmpeg found for AC3 audio encoding."
++	# no avconv!  use mp2 audio instead:
++	myecho "[dvd-menu] Warning:  no avconv found for AC3 audio encoding."
+ 	myecho "[dvd-menu]           Using MP2 audio instead."
+ 	myecho "[dvd-menu]           MP2 audio is less compatible with DVD player hardware."
+-	myecho "[dvd-menu]		  http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net"
++	myecho "[dvd-menu]		  http://avconv.sourceforge.net"
+ 	ac3=0
+ 	mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
+ else
+-	# found ffmpeg
+-	logecho "`ffmpeg -version 2>&1`"
++	# found avconv
++	logecho "`avconv -version 2>&1`"
+ 	## check to see if we have mpeg2video output option:
+-	it=`ffmpeg -f mpeg2video 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown input or output format: mpeg2video'`
++	it=`avconv -f mpeg2video 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown input or output format: mpeg2video'`
+ 	if [ -z "$it" ] ; then
+ 		# mpeg2video should be ok
+-		[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] && mpeg_encoder='ffmpeg' 
++		[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] && mpeg_encoder='avconv'
+ 	else
+-		[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] && mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc' 
+-		myecho "[dvd-menu] Warning:  ffmpeg is not compiled with the mpeg2video option"
++		[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] && mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
++		myecho "[dvd-menu] Warning:  avconv is not compiled with the mpeg2video option"
+ 		myecho "[dvd-menu] 	  required for making dvds!  Using mpeg2enc instead."
+ 		mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
+ 	fi
+@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ if [ "$no_menu" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ 	if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'mpeg2enc' ] ; then
+ 		ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n "$frames" -r -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p "$tmpdir/menu.ppm" | mpeg2enc $mpeg2enc_params -o "$tmpdir/menu.mpg" 
+ 	else
+-		ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n "$frames" -r -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p "$tmpdir/menu.ppm" | ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -target $ffmpeg_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/menu.mpg" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
++		ppmtoy4m -v 0 -n "$frames" -r -S "$subsample" -F $ppmtoy4m_frc -A $ppmtoy4m_aspect -I p "$tmpdir/menu.ppm" | avconv -f yuv4mpegpipe -i - -target $avconv_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/menu.mpg" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
+ 	fi
+ 	## or, for a background video, cat all the frame through a composite call to add the button text and mask
+ 	## all at once.  (and, use transparent background for button text)
+@@ -1674,9 +1674,9 @@ echo "song=$audiofile"
+ 	if [ "$ac3" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 	        echo "[dvd-menu] Creating ac3 audio..."
+ 	        rm -f "$tmpdir/audio.ac3"
+-	        ffmpeg -i "$tmpdir/audio.wav" -vn -y -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio.ac3" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
++	        avconv -i "$tmpdir/audio.wav" -vn -y -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio.ac3" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
+ 		if [ "$fadein" -eq 1 ] || [ "$fadeout" -eq 1 ] ; then
+-	        	ffmpeg -i "$tmpdir/fade_audio.wav" -vn -y -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/fade_audio.ac3" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
++	        	avconv -i "$tmpdir/fade_audio.wav" -vn -y -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/fade_audio.ac3" >> "$logfile" 2>&1
+ 		fi
+ 	else
+ 		## twolame is way faster! (3x in my test)
+--- dvd-slideshow.orig/dvd-slideshow
++++ dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshow
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ echo 'Changes:
+ 0.8.4
+     New features:
+ 	Improved encoding speed significantly. (thanks Gary Hunt!)
+-	Use qscale VBR option in ffmpeg for flv and mp4 output instead of fixed bitrate.
++	Use qscale VBR option in avconv for flv and mp4 output instead of fixed bitrate.
+ 	Logo (-logo) works as general overlay (beta).
+ 	Added -threads $cores to ffmepg calls for speed improvement?
+ 	Added .ogg mode ( use -ogv ) (not working yet)
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ echo 'Changes:
+ 	Change LANG=C to LANG=POSIX to try to fix radix problems with printf
+ 	Added some code to only process one crossfade in the background at a time.
+ 	Fixed problem with subtitles- last one was not being displayed.
+-	Added "k" to audio bitrate arguments to ffmpeg (thanks Tony!)
++	Added "k" to audio bitrate arguments to avconv (thanks Tony!)
+ 	Fixed bug where subtitles would not show in crop and kenburns effects.
+ 	Fixed bug with audio timing when using scroll & kenburns.
+ 	removed -size option from crop function because large images were improperly cropped.
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Options:
+  [-p]
+ 	Use PAL output video format instead of NTSC
+  [-mpeg2enc]
+-	Force use mpeg2enc with mp2 audio even though ffmpeg is installed 
++	Force use mpeg2enc with mp2 audio even though avconv is installed
+  [-mp2]
+ 	Use MP2 audio instead of AC3.
+ 	Default audio format is now AC3 because it seems to be more
+@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ kenburns_acceleration=2 # in seconds
+ #image_postprocess='shadow'
+ image_postprocess='none'
+-mpeg_encoder='ffmpeg' # or mpeg2enc. I find ffmpeg 2x faster than mpeg2enc
++mpeg_encoder='avconv' # or mpeg2enc. I find avconv 2x faster than mpeg2enc
+ output_format='mpeg2' # or flv, mpg, mp4, mp4_ipod. mpeg2 is default
+ #output_format='flv' # or flv, mpg, mp4, mp4_ipod
+ ignore_seq_end='-M'
+@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ do
+ #	-B) shift; browsable=1 ; submenu=1 ;;  # create a browsable slideshow (not working)
+ 	-vcd) shift; vcd=1 ;;  # use vcd resolution and mp1 audio
+ 	-svcd) shift; svcd=1 ;;  # use svcd resolution and mp1 audio
+-	-mpeg2enc) shift; commandline_mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'; commandline_ac3=0 ;; # force using mpeg2enc/mp2 instead of ffmpeg/ac3
++	-mpeg2enc) shift; commandline_mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'; commandline_ac3=0 ;; # force using mpeg2enc/mp2 instead of avconv/ac3
+ 	-flv) shift; output_format='flv' ;; # flv output
+ 	-swf) shift; output_format='swf' ;; # swf output
+ 	-mp4) shift; output_format='mp4' ;; # mp4 output
+@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ if [ "$nocleanup" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ 	rm -f temp_slideshow_image.ppm ; rm -f temp.ppm
+ 	rm -f temp_slideshow_image_scaled.ppm
+ 	rm -f "$outdir/$tmptxtfile"
+-	# close pipe to ffmpeg/mpeg2enc  ( close file descriptor 9 )
++	# close pipe to avconv/mpeg2enc  ( close file descriptor 9 )
+         exec 9>&-  
+         rm -f "$tmpdir/$yuvfifo"
+         if [ "$yuvpid" -ne 0 ]; then
+@@ -896,9 +896,9 @@ encode_video ()
+ {
+ if [ "$yuvfirstfile" -eq 1 ]; then
+ 	yuvfirstfile=0
+-	ffmpeg -i "$1" -threads "$cores" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" >&9
++	avconv -i "$1" -threads "$cores" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" >&9
+ else
+-	ffmpeg -i "$1" -threads "$cores" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" | yuvstrip >&9
++	avconv -i "$1" -threads "$cores" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" | yuvstrip >&9
+ fi
+ }
+@@ -909,15 +909,15 @@ encode ()
+ # encode $image $frames
+ local myimage="$1"
+ local myframes="$2"
+-if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] ; then
+-	# use ffmpeg's -loop option to see if it's faster with a single image piped to the yuv4mpegpipe
++if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] ; then
++	# use avconv's -loop option to see if it's faster with a single image piped to the yuv4mpegpipe
+ 	if [ "$yuvfirstfile" -eq 1 ]; then
+ 		yuvfirstfile=0
+-#		ffmpeg -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" >&9
+-		ffmpeg -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" >&9
++#		avconv -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" >&9
++		avconv -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" >&9
+ 	else
+-#		ffmpeg -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" | yuvstrip >&9
+-		ffmpeg -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" | yuvstrip >&9
++#		avconv -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" | yuvstrip >&9
++		avconv -f image2 -loop_input -i "$1" -vframes "$myframes" -y -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" | yuvstrip >&9
+ 	fi
+ else # use old method using ppmtoy4m pipe
+ 	if [ "$yuvfirstfile" -eq 1 ]; then
+@@ -932,12 +932,12 @@ fi
+ encode_fade ()
+ {
+-if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] ; then
++if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] ; then
+ 	if [ "$yuvfirstfile" -eq 1 ]; then
+ 		yuvfirstfile=0
+-		ffmpeg -f image2 -i "$tmpdir/fade_%04d.ppm" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" >&9
++		avconv -f image2 -i "$tmpdir/fade_%04d.ppm" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" >&9
+ 	else
+-		ffmpeg -f image2 -i "$tmpdir/fade_%04d.ppm" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$ffmpeg_err" | yuvstrip >&9
++		avconv -f image2 -i "$tmpdir/fade_%04d.ppm" -y -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -r $framerate -an -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - 2>> "$avconv_err" | yuvstrip >&9
+ 	fi
+ else # use old method by sorting through files and piping through ppmtoy4m
+ 	if [ "$yuvfirstfile" -eq 1 ]; then
+@@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@ duration2frames ()
+ 	local total_slideshow_frames=`div1000 $(( $frames_per_ms * $total_slideshow_time / 1000 ))`
+ 	local frames=$(( $total_slideshow_frames - $this_start_frame ))
+ 	if [ "$frames" -le 2 ] ; then
+-		frames=2  # this is needed because ffmpeg seems to crash when encoding only one frame!
++		frames=2  # this is needed because avconv seems to crash when encoding only one frame!
+ 	fi
+ 	echo "$frames"
+ }
+@@ -3445,14 +3445,14 @@ logecho "[dvd-slideshow] Using `which ba
+ bashversion=`bash --version | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F. '{print $1"."$2}'`
+ if [ $debug -ge 2 ] ; then
+-	ffmpeg_out="$outdir"/"$logfile"
+-	ffmpeg_err="$outdir"/"$logfile"
++	avconv_out="$outdir"/"$logfile"
++	avconv_err="$outdir"/"$logfile"
+ elif [ $debug -ge 1 ] ; then
+-	ffmpeg_out="$outdir"/"$logfile"
+-	ffmpeg_err='/dev/null'
++	avconv_out="$outdir"/"$logfile"
++	avconv_err='/dev/null'
+ else
+-	ffmpeg_out='/dev/null'
+-	ffmpeg_err='/dev/null'
++	avconv_out='/dev/null'
++	avconv_err='/dev/null'
+ fi
+ # version of "find"
+@@ -3585,30 +3585,30 @@ else
+ 	logecho "[dvd-slideshow] Found dvdauthor version $progver"
+ fi
+-if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] ; then
+-	# ffmpeg
+-	it=`which ffmpeg 2> /dev/null`
++if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] ; then
++	# avconv
++	it=`which avconv 2> /dev/null`
+ 	if [ -z "$it" ] ; then
+-	        # no ffmpeg!  use mp2 audio instead:
+-	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Warning: no ffmpeg found for AC3 audio encoding."
++	        # no avconv!  use mp2 audio instead:
++	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Warning: no avconv found for AC3 audio encoding."
+ 	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         Using MP2 audio instead."
+ 	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         MP2 audio is less compatible with DVD player hardware."
+-	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         TIP: Install ffmpeg for faster video encoding also!"
+-		myecho "[dvd-slideshow]		http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net"
+-		myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg"
++	        myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         TIP: Install avconv for faster video encoding also!"
++		myecho "[dvd-slideshow]		http://avconv.sourceforge.net"
++		myecho "[dvd-slideshow]         Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install avconv"
+ 	        ac3=0
+ 		mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
+ 	else
+-		# found ffmpeg
+-		logecho "[dvd-slideshow]	`ffmpeg -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 `"
++		# found avconv
++		logecho "[dvd-slideshow]	`avconv -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 `"
+ 		## check to see if we have mpeg2video output option:
+-		it=`ffmpeg -f mpeg2video 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown input or output format: mpeg2video'`
++		it=`avconv -f mpeg2video 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown input or output format: mpeg2video'`
+ 		if [ -z "$it" ] ; then
+ 			# mpeg2video should be ok
+-			[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] && mpeg_encoder='ffmpeg' 
++			[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] && mpeg_encoder='avconv'
+ 		else
+-			[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] && mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc' 
+-			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Warning:  ffmpeg is not compiled with the mpeg2video option"
++			[ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] && mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
++			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Warning:  avconv is not compiled with the mpeg2video option"
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] 	  required for making dvds!  Using mpeg2enc instead."
+ 			mpeg_encoder='mpeg2enc'
+ 		fi
+@@ -4197,7 +4197,7 @@ if [ "$output_format" == 'flv' ] ; then
+ 	aspect_ratio="4:3"  #   what is used when output size is not this aspect ratio?
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	audio_bitrate=64
+-	ffmpeg_options=''
++	avconv_options=''
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'swf' ] ; then
+ 	#video_bitrate=100
+ 	if [ $high_quality -eq 1 ] ; then
+@@ -4217,7 +4217,7 @@ elif [ "$output_format" == 'swf' ] ; the
+ 	aspect_ratio="4:3"
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	audio_bitrate=128
+-	ffmpeg_options=''
++	avconv_options=''
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4' ] ; then
+ 	video_bitrate=1200000
+ 	if [ $high_quality -eq 1 ] ; then
+@@ -4238,7 +4238,7 @@ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4' ] ; the
+ 	aspect_ratio="4:3"
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	audio_bitrate=128
+-	ffmpeg_options=''
++	avconv_options=''
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4_ipod' ] ; then
+ 	# copied this from mp4 options, but probably don't need all these
+ 	#video_bitrate=1200000
+@@ -4260,9 +4260,9 @@ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4_ipod' ]
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	audio_bitrate=96k
+ 	ac3=1  # force ac3
+-	#ffmpeg_options='-level 41 crf 25 -bufsize 20000k -maxrate 25000k -g 250 -coder 1 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8 -flags2 +brdo+dct8x8+bpyramid -me umh -subq 7 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -rc_eq '\''blurCplx^(1-qComp)'\'' -bf 16 -b_strategy 1 -bidir_refine 1 -refs 6 -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0'
+-	# ffmpeg options for h.264 from http://flowplayer.org/tutorials/ffmpeg.html but not working yet
+-	ffmpeg_options='-vcodec xvid -b 300 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec libfaac'
++	#avconv_options='-level 41 crf 25 -bufsize 20000k -maxrate 25000k -g 250 -coder 1 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -partitions +parti4x4+partp8x8+partb8x8 -flags2 +brdo+dct8x8+bpyramid -me umh -subq 7 -me_range 16 -keyint_min 25 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -rc_eq '\''blurCplx^(1-qComp)'\'' -bf 16 -b_strategy 1 -bidir_refine 1 -refs 6 -deblockalpha 0 -deblockbeta 0'
++	# avconv options for h.264 from http://flowplayer.org/tutorials/avconv.html but not working yet
++	avconv_options='-vcodec xvid -b 300 -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -g 300 -acodec libfaac'
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'ogv' ] ; then
+ 	video_bitrate=1200000
+ 	if [ $high_quality -eq 1 ] ; then
+@@ -4284,10 +4284,10 @@ elif [ "$output_format" == 'ogv' ] ; the
+ 	audio_sample_rate=44100
+ 	audio_bitrate=128
+ 	ac3=1  # force ac3
+-	ffmpeg_options=''
++	avconv_options=''
+ else  # assume mpeg2 video output (dvd, vcd, svcd or other)
+ 	video_suffix='mpg'
+-	ffmpeg_options=''
++	avconv_options=''
+ 	if [ "$pal" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 		framerate='25'
+ 		frames_per_ms=25000  # in ms
+@@ -4296,19 +4296,19 @@ else  # assume mpeg2 video output (dvd,
+ 			# see http://www.uwasa.fi/~f76998/video/conversion
+ 		if [ "$vcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='352' ; dvd_height='288'
+-			ffmpeg_target='pal-vcd'
++			avconv_target='pal-vcd'
+ 		elif [ "$svcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='480' ; dvd_height='576'
+-			ffmpeg_target='pal-svcd'
++			avconv_target='pal-svcd'
+ 		elif [ "$high_quality" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='720' ; dvd_height='576'
+-			ffmpeg_target='pal-dvd'
++			avconv_target='pal-dvd'
+ 		elif [ "$low_quality" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='352' ; dvd_height='288'
+-			ffmpeg_target='pal-dvd'
++			avconv_target='pal-dvd'
+ 		else
+ 			dvd_width='720' ; dvd_height='576'
+-			ffmpeg_target='pal-dvd'
++			avconv_target='pal-dvd'
+ 		fi
+ 	else  ## NTSC
+ 		framerate='29.97'
+@@ -4318,19 +4318,19 @@ else  # assume mpeg2 video output (dvd,
+ 			# see http://www.uwasa.fi/~f76998/video/conversion
+ 		if [ "$vcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='352' ; dvd_height='240'
+-			ffmpeg_target='ntsc-vcd'
++			avconv_target='ntsc-vcd'
+ 		elif [ "$svcd" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='480' ; dvd_height='480'
+-			ffmpeg_target='ntsc-svcd'
++			avconv_target='ntsc-svcd'
+ 		elif [ "$high_quality" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='720' ; dvd_height='480'
+-			ffmpeg_target='ntsc-dvd'
++			avconv_target='ntsc-dvd'
+ 		elif [ "$low_quality" -eq 1 ] ; then
+ 			dvd_width='352' ; dvd_height='240'
+-			ffmpeg_target='ntsc-dvd'
++			avconv_target='ntsc-dvd'
+ 		else
+ 			dvd_width='720' ; dvd_height='480'
+-			ffmpeg_target='ntsc-dvd'
++			avconv_target='ntsc-dvd'
+ 		fi
+ 	fi
+ 	mplex_bitrate=9500
+@@ -4692,9 +4692,9 @@ for file in "${image[@]}"; do
+ 		if [ "$suffix" == "mp3" ] ; then
+ #			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] decoding mp3 audio file... be patient..."
+ 			if [ "$audiosmp" -eq 1 ] ; then
+-				ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++				avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 			else
+-				ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++				avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 			fi
+ 		elif [ "$suffix" == "m4a" ] || [ "$suffix" == "aac" ] ; then
+ #			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] decoding mp4 audio... be patient."
+@@ -4752,8 +4752,8 @@ if [ -n "${passed_audio[0]}" ] && [ $aud
+ 		audio_index_padded=`addzeros "$i_audio"`
+ 		if [ "$suffix" == "mp3" ] ; then
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Decoding mp3 audio: $file"
+-			# use ffmpeg instead of lame!
+-			ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++			# use avconv instead of lame!
++			avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ #			lame --decode "$file" "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" 2> /dev/null
+ 		elif [ "$suffix" == "ogg" ] ; then
+ 			checkfor_oggdec
+@@ -4834,34 +4834,34 @@ myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Temp dir is $( t
+ rm -f "$tmpdir/$yuvfifo"
+ mkfifo "$tmpdir/$yuvfifo"
+-if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'ffmpeg' ] ; then
++if [ "$mpeg_encoder" == 'avconv' ] ; then
+ 	if [ "$output_format" == 'flv' ] ; then
+ 		# do pass one first, then add audio at the end during pass 2?
+ 		# don't do mplex, do second pass instead.
+-		# it seems that specifying the aspect ratio makes ffmpeg fail, so keep it out.
++		# it seems that specifying the aspect ratio makes avconv fail, so keep it out.
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting .flv file"
+-		ffmpeg -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate -b $video_bitrate -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f flv "$tmpdir/video.flv" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate -b $video_bitrate -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f flv "$tmpdir/video.flv" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	elif [ "$output_format" == 'swf' ] ; then
+ 		# do pass one first, then add audio at the end during pass 2?
+ 		# don't do mplex, do second pass instead.
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting .swf file"
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f flv "$tmpdir/video.swf" 1> /dev/null 2>> "$ffmpeg_out" &
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f flv "$tmpdir/video.swf" 1> /dev/null 2>> "$avconv_out" &
+ 	elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4' ] ; then   
+ 		myecho '[dvd-slideshow] Exporting .mp4 file'
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 "$tmpdir/video.mp4" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 "$tmpdir/video.mp4" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4_ipod' ] ; then   
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting ipod .mp4 file"
+-		ffmpeg -y -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -an -threads 0 -vcodec libx264 -refs 5 -subq 5 -crf 30 -maxrate 768000 -bufsize 244 -r $framerate -level 13 -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -f mp4 "$tmpdir/video.mp4" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -y -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -an -threads 0 -vcodec libx264 -refs 5 -subq 5 -crf 30 -maxrate 768000 -bufsize 244 -r $framerate -level 13 -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -f mp4 "$tmpdir/video.mp4" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	elif [ "$output_format" == 'ogv' ] ; then   
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting .ogv file"
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f ogg -vcodec libtheora "$tmpdir/video.ogv" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate $qscale -an -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f ogg -vcodec libtheora "$tmpdir/video.ogv" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	elif [ "$output_format" == 'mpg' ] ; then
+ 		# do pass one first, then add audio at the end during pass 2?
+ 		# don't do mplex, do second pass instead.
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting .mpg file"
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/video.mpg" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/video.mpg" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	else  # default mpeg2 video for dvd/vcd
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -target $ffmpeg_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -bf 2 -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/video.mpg" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -f yuv4mpegpipe -i "$tmpdir"/$yuvfifo -target $avconv_target -r $framerate -an -aspect $aspect_ratio -s "$dvd_width"x"$dvd_height" -y -bf 2 -f mpeg2video "$tmpdir/video.mpg" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 	fi
+ else
+ 	if [ "$output_format" == 'mpg' -o "$output_format" == 'mpeg2' ] ; then
+@@ -5157,7 +5157,7 @@ for file in "${image[@]}"; do
+ 		[ $debug -ge 1 ] &&  myecho "[dvd-slideshow] end_frame_number=$slide_end_frame end_time=$slide_end_hms"
+                 myecho "[dvd-slideshow]############################################################"
+         elif [ "${avi_file[$i]}" -eq 1 ] ; then  ##########  AVI 
+-		## use ffmpeg to encode video. No audio. 
++		## use avconv to encode video. No audio.
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] AVI file passed."
+ 		[ "$manual_chapter_markers" -eq 0 ] && write_chap=1
+ 		# check for bad syntax:
+@@ -5178,9 +5178,9 @@ for file in "${image[@]}"; do
+ 		# let's re-encode it just to make sure every video works:
+ 		# this is really inefficient, but it should work. 
+ 		if [ "$pal" -eq 1 ] ; then
+-			ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -target pal-dvd "$tmpdir"/tmp.avi >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++			avconv -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -target pal-dvd "$tmpdir"/tmp.avi >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 		else
+-			ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -target ntsc-dvd "$tmpdir"/tmp.avi >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++			avconv -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -target ntsc-dvd "$tmpdir"/tmp.avi >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 		fi
+ 		encode_video "$tmpdir"/tmp.avi
+ 		# now remove the temporary file (thanks for fix by Marc Wäckerlin)
+@@ -5203,10 +5203,10 @@ for file in "${image[@]}"; do
+ #			echo "audio_1=${audio_1[$i_audio]}"
+ 			i_audio=$(( $i_audio + 1 ))  # increment for next file
+-			ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -y -vn -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio1_$audio_index_padded".wav >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++			avconv -threads "$cores" -i "${image[$i]}" -y -vn -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio1_$audio_index_padded".wav >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 			if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+-				## ffmpeg errored
+-				myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during ffmpeg execution!"
++				## avconv errored
++				myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during avconv execution!"
+ 				myecho "[dvd-slideshow] see $outdir/$logfile for details"
+ 				cleanup; exit 1
+ 			fi
+@@ -6522,9 +6522,9 @@ for file in "${image[@]}"; do
+ 			if [ "$suffix" == "mp3" ] ; then
+ 				myecho "[dvd-slideshow] decoding mp3 audio file... be patient..."
+ 				if [ "$audiosmp" -eq 1 ] ; then
+-					ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 &
++					avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1 &
+ 				else
+-					ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++					avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$file" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -f wav -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 2 "$tmpdir/audio$track"_"$audio_index_padded.wav" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 				fi
+ 			elif [ "$suffix" == "m4a" ] || [ "$suffix" == "aac" ] ; then
+ 				if [ "$audiosmp" -eq 1 ] ; then
+@@ -6794,7 +6794,7 @@ fi
+ ############################### Wait for mpeg2enc to finish
+ # just close the fifo and wait for the encoder to finish
+-logecho "[dvd-slideshow] mpeg2enc/ffmpeg process=$yuvpid"
++logecho "[dvd-slideshow] mpeg2enc/avconv process=$yuvpid"
+ logecho "[dvd-slideshow] output from ps:"
+ logecho "`ps $yuvpid`"
+ # close pipe to mpeg2enc
+@@ -6866,12 +6866,12 @@ if [ -n "${passed_audio[0]}" ] ; then  #
+ 	## mpeg2 audio:
+ 	## AC3 audio may be more compatible:
+ 	if [ "$ac3" -eq 1 ] && [ "$output_format" != 'flv' ] ; then
+-		checkforprog ffmpeg
++		checkforprog avconv
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Creating ac3 audio for $file..."
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -y -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+-			## ffmpeg errored
+-			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during ffmpeg execution!"
++			## avconv errored
++			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during avconv execution!"
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] see $outdir/$logfile for details"
+ 			cleanup; exit 1
+ 		fi
+@@ -7099,7 +7099,7 @@ if [ -n "${audio_1[0]}" ] ; then   ## au
+ 	## AC3 audio may be more compatible:
+ 	if [ "$ac3" -eq 1 ] && [ "$output_format" == 'mpeg2' ]; then
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Creating ac3 audio..."
+-		checkforprog ffmpeg
++		checkforprog avconv
+ 		rm -f "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3"
+ 		cat "$tmpdir"/audio1_????.raw | sox -t raw $sox_word -s -c 2 -r $audio_sample_rate - -t wav - 2> /dev/null >"$tmpdir/audio1.wav"
+ 		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+@@ -7108,11 +7108,11 @@ if [ -n "${audio_1[0]}" ] ; then   ## au
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] see $outdir/$logfile for details"
+ 			cleanup; exit 1
+ 		fi
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
+-#		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$outdir/$logfile" 2>&1
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
++#		avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio1.ac3" >> "$outdir/$logfile" 2>&1
+ 		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+-			## ffmpeg errored
+-			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during ffmpeg execution!"
++			## avconv errored
++			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during avconv execution!"
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] see $outdir/$logfile for details"
+ 			cleanup; exit 1
+ 		fi
+@@ -7345,12 +7345,12 @@ if [ -n "${audio_2[0]}" ] ; then   ## au
+ 	## AC3 audio may be more compatible:
+ 	if [ "$ac3" -eq 1 ] && [ "$output_format" == 'mpeg2' ] ; then  # only if dvd output
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Creating ac3 audio..."
+-		checkforprog ffmpeg
++		checkforprog avconv
+ 		rm -f "$tmpdir/audio2.ac3"
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir"/audio2.wav -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio2.ac3" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -i "$tmpdir"/audio2.wav -vn -ab "$audio_bitrate"k -acodec ac3 -vol "100" -ar $audio_sample_rate -ac 6 "$tmpdir/audio2.ac3" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+-			## ffmpeg errored
+-			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during ffmpeg execution!"
++			## avconv errored
++			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR during avconv execution!"
+ 			myecho "[dvd-slideshow] see $outdir/$logfile for details"
+ 			cleanup; exit 1
+ 		fi
+@@ -7382,7 +7382,7 @@ fi
+ ## check to make sure the output files exist before running mplex:
+ if [ ! -f "$tmpdir/video.$video_suffix" ] ; then
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] ERROR: no output .$video_suffix file found!"
+-	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] This usually happens when ffmpeg screws up something"
++	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] This usually happens when avconv screws up something"
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] or one image is messed up and the resulting video can't be created"
+ fi
+@@ -7402,33 +7402,33 @@ if [ "$output_format" == 'flv' ] ; then
+ 		mv "$tmpdir/video.flv" "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".flv
+ 	else
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Adding audio to .flv file"
+-		ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir/video.flv" -vcodec copy -f flv -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir/video1.flv" >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 
++		avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir/video.flv" -vcodec copy -f flv -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir/video1.flv" >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 		mv "$tmpdir/video1.flv" "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".flv
+ 	fi
+ #	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Generating video thumbnail..."
+-#	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".flv -f mjpeg -t 0.001 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".jpg >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++#	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".flv -f mjpeg -t 0.001 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".jpg >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 	if [ -f "/usr/bin/flvtool2" ] ; then
+ 		myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Running flvtool2 -U $slideshow_name".flv
+ 		/usr/bin/flvtool2 -U "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".flv
+ 	fi
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'swf' ] ; then
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Adding audio to .swf file"
+-	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.swf -vcodec copy -f flv -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.swf >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 
++	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.swf -vcodec copy -f flv -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.swf >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 	mv "$tmpdir"/video1.swf "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".swf
+ #	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Generating video thumbnail..."
+-#	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".swf -f mjpeg -t 0.001 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".jpg >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1
++#	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".swf -f mjpeg -t 0.001 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".jpg >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4' ] ; then   
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Adding audio to .mp4 file"
+-#	myecho ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 '>>' "$ffmpeg_out" '2>&1'
+-	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir"/audio1.wav -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 
++#	myecho avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 '>>' "$avconv_out" '2>&1'
++	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir"/audio1.wav -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 128k -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 	mv "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".mp4
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'mp4_ipod' ] ; then   
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Exporting ipod .mp4 file"
+-	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 
++	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.mp4 -vcodec copy -f mp4 -ar 22050 -ab 48 -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 	mv "$tmpdir"/video1.mp4 "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".mp4
+ elif [ "$output_format" == 'ogv' ] ; then   
+ 	myecho "[dvd-slideshow] Adding audio to .ogv file"
+-	ffmpeg -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.ogv -vcodec copy -f ogg -acodec libvorbis -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.ogv >> "$ffmpeg_out" 2>&1 
++	avconv -threads "$cores" -y -i "$tmpdir/audio1.wav" -i "$tmpdir"/video.ogv -vcodec copy -f ogg -acodec libvorbis -ac 1 "$tmpdir"/video1.ogv >> "$avconv_out" 2>&1
+ 	mv "$tmpdir"/video1.ogv "$outdir"/"$slideshow_name".ogv
+ elif [ -n "${audio_2[0]}" ] && [ "$vcd" -eq 0 -a "$svcd" -eq 0 ] ; then
+ 	## two audio tracks!
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index db14118..d3231b7 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

dvd-slideshow packaging

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