[SCM] a52dec/master: Apply patches provided by Handbrake.fr:
siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Feb 13 01:32:39 UTC 2014
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e1e5c3824dd1a3387f94e575f045b42b1206f7c7
Author: Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
Date: Thu Feb 13 01:27:54 2014 +0000
Apply patches provided by Handbrake.fr:
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 1b6a3ca..20ff78a 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+a52dec (0.7.4-17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply patches provided by Handbrake.fr:
+ - A00-a52-state-t-public.patch
+ - A01-thread-safe.patch
+ - A04-modern-gcc-cflags.patch
+ -- Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de> Thu, 13 Feb 2014 01:22:28 +0000
a52dec (0.7.4-16) unstable; urgency=low
* Team upload.
diff --git a/debian/patches/A00-a52-state-t-public.patch b/debian/patches/A00-a52-state-t-public.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76ac7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/A00-a52-state-t-public.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+From: Rodeo
+Origin: https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/blob/master/contrib/a52dec/A00-a52-state-t-public.patch
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/include/a52.h a52dec.new/include/a52.h
+--- a52dec.old/include/a52.h 2002-01-28 06:37:54.000000000 +0100
++++ a52dec.new/include/a52.h 2012-07-16 14:13:35.000000000 +0200
+@@ -30,7 +30,71 @@
+ typedef double sample_t;
+ #endif
+-typedef struct a52_state_s a52_state_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t bai; /* fine SNR offset, fast gain */
++ uint8_t deltbae; /* delta bit allocation exists */
++ int8_t deltba[50]; /* per-band delta bit allocation */
++} ba_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t exp[256]; /* decoded channel exponents */
++ int8_t bap[256]; /* derived channel bit allocation */
++} expbap_t;
++typedef struct {
++ uint8_t fscod; /* sample rate */
++ uint8_t halfrate; /* halfrate factor */
++ uint8_t acmod; /* coded channels */
++ uint8_t lfeon; /* coded lfe channel */
++ sample_t clev; /* centre channel mix level */
++ sample_t slev; /* surround channels mix level */
++ int output; /* type of output */
++ sample_t level; /* output level */
++ sample_t bias; /* output bias */
++ int dynrnge; /* apply dynamic range */
++ sample_t dynrng; /* dynamic range */
++ void * dynrngdata; /* dynamic range callback funtion and data */
++ sample_t (* dynrngcall) (sample_t range, void * dynrngdata);
++ uint8_t chincpl; /* channel coupled */
++ uint8_t phsflginu; /* phase flags in use (stereo only) */
++ uint8_t cplstrtmant; /* coupling channel start mantissa */
++ uint8_t cplendmant; /* coupling channel end mantissa */
++ uint32_t cplbndstrc; /* coupling band structure */
++ sample_t cplco[5][18]; /* coupling coordinates */
++ /* derived information */
++ uint8_t cplstrtbnd; /* coupling start band (for bit allocation) */
++ uint8_t ncplbnd; /* number of coupling bands */
++ uint8_t rematflg; /* stereo rematrixing */
++ uint8_t endmant[5]; /* channel end mantissa */
++ uint16_t bai; /* bit allocation information */
++ uint32_t * buffer_start;
++ uint16_t lfsr_state; /* dither state */
++ uint32_t bits_left;
++ uint32_t current_word;
++ uint8_t csnroffst; /* coarse SNR offset */
++ ba_t cplba; /* coupling bit allocation parameters */
++ ba_t ba[5]; /* channel bit allocation parameters */
++ ba_t lfeba; /* lfe bit allocation parameters */
++ uint8_t cplfleak; /* coupling fast leak init */
++ uint8_t cplsleak; /* coupling slow leak init */
++ expbap_t cpl_expbap;
++ expbap_t fbw_expbap[5];
++ expbap_t lfe_expbap;
++ sample_t * samples;
++ int downmixed;
++} a52_state_t;
+ #define A52_CHANNEL 0
+ #define A52_MONO 1
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/liba52/a52_internal.h a52dec.new/liba52/a52_internal.h
+--- a52dec.old/liba52/a52_internal.h 2002-07-28 03:52:06.000000000 +0200
++++ a52dec.new/liba52/a52_internal.h 2012-07-16 14:11:47.000000000 +0200
+@@ -21,72 +21,6 @@
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+-typedef struct {
+- uint8_t bai; /* fine SNR offset, fast gain */
+- uint8_t deltbae; /* delta bit allocation exists */
+- int8_t deltba[50]; /* per-band delta bit allocation */
+-} ba_t;
+-typedef struct {
+- uint8_t exp[256]; /* decoded channel exponents */
+- int8_t bap[256]; /* derived channel bit allocation */
+-} expbap_t;
+-struct a52_state_s {
+- uint8_t fscod; /* sample rate */
+- uint8_t halfrate; /* halfrate factor */
+- uint8_t acmod; /* coded channels */
+- uint8_t lfeon; /* coded lfe channel */
+- sample_t clev; /* centre channel mix level */
+- sample_t slev; /* surround channels mix level */
+- int output; /* type of output */
+- sample_t level; /* output level */
+- sample_t bias; /* output bias */
+- int dynrnge; /* apply dynamic range */
+- sample_t dynrng; /* dynamic range */
+- void * dynrngdata; /* dynamic range callback funtion and data */
+- sample_t (* dynrngcall) (sample_t range, void * dynrngdata);
+- uint8_t chincpl; /* channel coupled */
+- uint8_t phsflginu; /* phase flags in use (stereo only) */
+- uint8_t cplstrtmant; /* coupling channel start mantissa */
+- uint8_t cplendmant; /* coupling channel end mantissa */
+- uint32_t cplbndstrc; /* coupling band structure */
+- sample_t cplco[5][18]; /* coupling coordinates */
+- /* derived information */
+- uint8_t cplstrtbnd; /* coupling start band (for bit allocation) */
+- uint8_t ncplbnd; /* number of coupling bands */
+- uint8_t rematflg; /* stereo rematrixing */
+- uint8_t endmant[5]; /* channel end mantissa */
+- uint16_t bai; /* bit allocation information */
+- uint32_t * buffer_start;
+- uint16_t lfsr_state; /* dither state */
+- uint32_t bits_left;
+- uint32_t current_word;
+- uint8_t csnroffst; /* coarse SNR offset */
+- ba_t cplba; /* coupling bit allocation parameters */
+- ba_t ba[5]; /* channel bit allocation parameters */
+- ba_t lfeba; /* lfe bit allocation parameters */
+- uint8_t cplfleak; /* coupling fast leak init */
+- uint8_t cplsleak; /* coupling slow leak init */
+- expbap_t cpl_expbap;
+- expbap_t fbw_expbap[5];
+- expbap_t lfe_expbap;
+- sample_t * samples;
+- int downmixed;
+ #define LEVEL_PLUS6DB 2.0
+ #define LEVEL_PLUS3DB 1.4142135623730951
+ #define LEVEL_3DB 0.7071067811865476
diff --git a/debian/patches/A01-thread-safe.patch b/debian/patches/A01-thread-safe.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d81718f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/A01-thread-safe.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+From: Rodeo
+Origin: https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/blob/master/contrib/a52dec/A01-thread-safe.patch
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/include/a52.h a52dec.new/include/a52.h
+--- a52dec.old/include/a52.h 2012-07-16 14:24:14.000000000 +0200
++++ a52dec.new/include/a52.h 2012-07-16 14:31:37.000000000 +0200
+@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
+ } expbap_t;
+ typedef struct {
++ sample_t real;
++ sample_t imag;
++} complex_t;
++typedef struct {
+ uint8_t fscod; /* sample rate */
+ uint8_t halfrate; /* halfrate factor */
+ uint8_t acmod; /* coded channels */
+@@ -94,6 +99,20 @@
+ sample_t * samples;
+ int downmixed;
++ /* Root values for IFFT */
++ sample_t * roots16; // size 3
++ sample_t * roots32; // size 7
++ sample_t * roots64; // size 15
++ sample_t * roots128; // size 31
++ /* Twiddle factors for IMDCT */
++ complex_t * pre1; // size 128
++ complex_t * post1; // size 64
++ complex_t * pre2; // size 64
++ complex_t * post2; // size 32
++ sample_t * a52_imdct_window; // size 256
+ } a52_state_t;
+ #define A52_CHANNEL 0
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/liba52/a52_internal.h a52dec.new/liba52/a52_internal.h
+--- a52dec.old/liba52/a52_internal.h 2012-07-16 14:24:14.000000000 +0200
++++ a52dec.new/liba52/a52_internal.h 2012-07-16 14:28:33.000000000 +0200
+@@ -49,6 +49,6 @@
+ sample_t clev, sample_t slev);
+ void a52_upmix (sample_t * samples, int acmod, int output);
+-void a52_imdct_init (uint32_t mm_accel);
+-void a52_imdct_256 (sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias);
+-void a52_imdct_512 (sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias);
++void a52_imdct_init (a52_state_t * state, uint32_t mm_accel);
++void a52_imdct_256 (a52_state_t * state, sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias);
++void a52_imdct_512 (a52_state_t * state, sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias);
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/liba52/imdct.c a52dec.new/liba52/imdct.c
+--- a52dec.old/liba52/imdct.c 2012-07-16 14:24:14.000000000 +0200
++++ a52dec.new/liba52/imdct.c 2012-07-16 14:33:00.000000000 +0200
+@@ -40,11 +40,6 @@
+ #include "a52_internal.h"
+ #include "mm_accel.h"
+-typedef struct complex_s {
+- sample_t real;
+- sample_t imag;
+-} complex_t;
+ static uint8_t fftorder[] = {
+ 0,128, 64,192, 32,160,224, 96, 16,144, 80,208,240,112, 48,176,
+ 8,136, 72,200, 40,168,232,104,248,120, 56,184, 24,152,216, 88,
+@@ -56,22 +51,8 @@
+ 6,134, 70,198, 38,166,230,102,246,118, 54,182, 22,150,214, 86
+ };
+-/* Root values for IFFT */
+-static sample_t roots16[3];
+-static sample_t roots32[7];
+-static sample_t roots64[15];
+-static sample_t roots128[31];
+-/* Twiddle factors for IMDCT */
+-static complex_t pre1[128];
+-static complex_t post1[64];
+-static complex_t pre2[64];
+-static complex_t post2[32];
+-static sample_t a52_imdct_window[256];
+-static void (* ifft128) (complex_t * buf);
+-static void (* ifft64) (complex_t * buf);
++static void (* ifft128) (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf);
++static void (* ifft64) (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf);
+ static inline void ifft2 (complex_t * buf)
+ {
+@@ -167,7 +148,7 @@
+ a1.imag += tmp4; \
+ } while (0)
+-static inline void ifft8 (complex_t * buf)
++static inline void ifft8 (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf)
+ {
+ double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8;
+@@ -175,7 +156,7 @@
+ ifft2 (buf + 4);
+ ifft2 (buf + 6);
+ BUTTERFLY_ZERO (buf[0], buf[2], buf[4], buf[6]);
+- BUTTERFLY_HALF (buf[1], buf[3], buf[5], buf[7], roots16[1]);
++ BUTTERFLY_HALF (buf[1], buf[3], buf[5], buf[7], state->roots16[1]);
+ }
+ static void ifft_pass (complex_t * buf, sample_t * weight, int n)
+@@ -205,66 +186,66 @@
+ } while (--i);
+ }
+-static void ifft16 (complex_t * buf)
++static void ifft16 (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf)
+ {
+- ifft8 (buf);
++ ifft8 (state, buf);
+ ifft4 (buf + 8);
+ ifft4 (buf + 12);
+- ifft_pass (buf, roots16 - 4, 4);
++ ifft_pass (buf, state->roots16 - 4, 4);
+ }
+-static void ifft32 (complex_t * buf)
++static void ifft32 (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf)
+ {
+- ifft16 (buf);
+- ifft8 (buf + 16);
+- ifft8 (buf + 24);
+- ifft_pass (buf, roots32 - 8, 8);
++ ifft16 (state, buf);
++ ifft8 (state, buf + 16);
++ ifft8 (state, buf + 24);
++ ifft_pass (buf, state->roots32 - 8, 8);
+ }
+-static void ifft64_c (complex_t * buf)
++static void ifft64_c (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf)
+ {
+- ifft32 (buf);
+- ifft16 (buf + 32);
+- ifft16 (buf + 48);
+- ifft_pass (buf, roots64 - 16, 16);
++ ifft32 (state, buf);
++ ifft16 (state, buf + 32);
++ ifft16 (state, buf + 48);
++ ifft_pass (buf, state->roots64 - 16, 16);
+ }
+-static void ifft128_c (complex_t * buf)
++static void ifft128_c (a52_state_t * state, complex_t * buf)
+ {
+- ifft32 (buf);
+- ifft16 (buf + 32);
+- ifft16 (buf + 48);
+- ifft_pass (buf, roots64 - 16, 16);
++ ifft32 (state, buf);
++ ifft16 (state, buf + 32);
++ ifft16 (state, buf + 48);
++ ifft_pass (buf, state->roots64 - 16, 16);
+- ifft32 (buf + 64);
+- ifft32 (buf + 96);
+- ifft_pass (buf, roots128 - 32, 32);
++ ifft32 (state, buf + 64);
++ ifft32 (state, buf + 96);
++ ifft_pass (buf, state->roots128 - 32, 32);
+ }
+-void a52_imdct_512 (sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias)
++void a52_imdct_512 (a52_state_t * state, sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias)
+ {
+ int i, k;
+ sample_t t_r, t_i, a_r, a_i, b_r, b_i, w_1, w_2;
+- const sample_t * window = a52_imdct_window;
++ const sample_t * window = state->a52_imdct_window;
+ complex_t buf[128];
+ for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
+ k = fftorder[i];
+- t_r = pre1[i].real;
+- t_i = pre1[i].imag;
++ t_r = state->pre1[i].real;
++ t_i = state->pre1[i].imag;
+ buf[i].real = t_i * data[255-k] + t_r * data[k];
+ buf[i].imag = t_r * data[255-k] - t_i * data[k];
+ }
+- ifft128 (buf);
++ ifft128 (state, buf);
+ /* Post IFFT complex multiply plus IFFT complex conjugate*/
+ /* Window and convert to real valued signal */
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ /* y[n] = z[n] * (xcos1[n] + j * xsin1[n]) ; */
+- t_r = post1[i].real;
+- t_i = post1[i].imag;
++ t_r = state->post1[i].real;
++ t_i = state->post1[i].imag;
+ a_r = t_r * buf[i].real + t_i * buf[i].imag;
+ a_i = t_i * buf[i].real - t_r * buf[i].imag;
+@@ -285,18 +266,18 @@
+ }
+ }
+-void a52_imdct_256(sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias)
++void a52_imdct_256(a52_state_t * state, sample_t * data, sample_t * delay, sample_t bias)
+ {
+ int i, k;
+ sample_t t_r, t_i, a_r, a_i, b_r, b_i, c_r, c_i, d_r, d_i, w_1, w_2;
+- const sample_t * window = a52_imdct_window;
++ const sample_t * window = state->a52_imdct_window;
+ complex_t buf1[64], buf2[64];
+ /* Pre IFFT complex multiply plus IFFT cmplx conjugate */
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ k = fftorder[i];
+- t_r = pre2[i].real;
+- t_i = pre2[i].imag;
++ t_r = state->pre2[i].real;
++ t_i = state->pre2[i].imag;
+ buf1[i].real = t_i * data[254-k] + t_r * data[k];
+ buf1[i].imag = t_r * data[254-k] - t_i * data[k];
+@@ -305,15 +286,15 @@
+ buf2[i].imag = t_r * data[255-k] - t_i * data[k+1];
+ }
+- ifft64 (buf1);
+- ifft64 (buf2);
++ ifft64 (state, buf1);
++ ifft64 (state, buf2);
+ /* Post IFFT complex multiply */
+ /* Window and convert to real valued signal */
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+ /* y1[n] = z1[n] * (xcos2[n] + j * xs in2[n]) ; */
+- t_r = post2[i].real;
+- t_i = post2[i].imag;
++ t_r = state->post2[i].real;
++ t_i = state->post2[i].imag;
+ a_r = t_r * buf1[i].real + t_i * buf1[i].imag;
+ a_i = t_i * buf1[i].real - t_r * buf1[i].imag;
+@@ -362,7 +343,7 @@
+ return bessel;
+ }
+-void a52_imdct_init (uint32_t mm_accel)
++void a52_imdct_init (a52_state_t * state, uint32_t mm_accel)
+ {
+ int i, k;
+ double sum;
+@@ -371,50 +352,50 @@
+ sum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ sum += besselI0 (i * (256 - i) * (5 * M_PI / 256) * (5 * M_PI / 256));
+- a52_imdct_window[i] = sum;
++ state->a52_imdct_window[i] = sum;
+ }
+ sum++;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+- a52_imdct_window[i] = sqrt (a52_imdct_window[i] / sum);
++ state->a52_imdct_window[i] = sqrt (state->a52_imdct_window[i] / sum);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+- roots16[i] = cos ((M_PI / 8) * (i + 1));
++ state->roots16[i] = cos ((M_PI / 8) * (i + 1));
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+- roots32[i] = cos ((M_PI / 16) * (i + 1));
++ state->roots32[i] = cos ((M_PI / 16) * (i + 1));
+ for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+- roots64[i] = cos ((M_PI / 32) * (i + 1));
++ state->roots64[i] = cos ((M_PI / 32) * (i + 1));
+ for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
+- roots128[i] = cos ((M_PI / 64) * (i + 1));
++ state->roots128[i] = cos ((M_PI / 64) * (i + 1));
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ k = fftorder[i] / 2 + 64;
+- pre1[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
+- pre1[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre1[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre1[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
+ }
+ for (i = 64; i < 128; i++) {
+ k = fftorder[i] / 2 + 64;
+- pre1[i].real = -cos ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
+- pre1[i].imag = -sin ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre1[i].real = -cos ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre1[i].imag = -sin ((M_PI / 256) * (k - 0.25));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+- post1[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 256) * (i + 0.5));
+- post1[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 256) * (i + 0.5));
++ state->post1[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 256) * (i + 0.5));
++ state->post1[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 256) * (i + 0.5));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ k = fftorder[i] / 4;
+- pre2[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 128) * (k - 0.25));
+- pre2[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 128) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre2[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 128) * (k - 0.25));
++ state->pre2[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 128) * (k - 0.25));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+- post2[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 128) * (i + 0.5));
+- post2[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 128) * (i + 0.5));
++ state->post2[i].real = cos ((M_PI / 128) * (i + 0.5));
++ state->post2[i].imag = sin ((M_PI / 128) * (i + 0.5));
+ }
+ #ifdef LIBA52_DJBFFT
+diff -Naur a52dec.old/liba52/parse.c a52dec.new/liba52/parse.c
+--- a52dec.old/liba52/parse.c 2012-07-16 14:24:14.000000000 +0200
++++ a52dec.new/liba52/parse.c 2012-07-16 14:33:00.000000000 +0200
+@@ -56,16 +56,53 @@
+ a52_state_t * state;
+ int i;
+- state = malloc (sizeof (a52_state_t));
++ state = calloc (1, sizeof (a52_state_t));
+ if (state == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ state->samples = memalign (16, 256 * 12 * sizeof (sample_t));
+ if (state->samples == NULL) {
+- free (state);
+- return NULL;
++ goto fail;
+ }
++ /* Root values for IFFT */
++ state->roots16 = memalign (16, 3 * sizeof (sample_t));
++ if (state->roots16 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->roots32 = memalign (16, 7 * sizeof (sample_t));
++ if (state->roots32 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->roots64 = memalign (16, 15 * sizeof (sample_t));
++ if (state->roots64 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->roots128 = memalign (16, 31 * sizeof (sample_t));
++ if (state->roots128 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ /* Twiddle factors for IMDCT */
++ state->pre1 = memalign (16, 128 * sizeof (complex_t));
++ if (state->pre1 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->post1 = memalign (16, 64 * sizeof (complex_t));
++ if (state->post1 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->pre2 = memalign (16, 64 * sizeof (complex_t));
++ if (state->pre2 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->post2 = memalign (16, 32 * sizeof (complex_t));
++ if (state->post2 == NULL)
++ goto fail;
++ state->a52_imdct_window = memalign (16, 256 * sizeof (sample_t));
++ if (state->a52_imdct_window == NULL)
++ goto fail;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256 * 12; i++)
+ state->samples[i] = 0;
+@@ -73,9 +110,27 @@
+ state->lfsr_state = 1;
+- a52_imdct_init (mm_accel);
++ a52_imdct_init (state, mm_accel);
+ return state;
++ if ( state )
++ {
++ free (state->a52_imdct_window);
++ free (state->post2);
++ free (state->pre2);
++ free (state->post1);
++ free (state->pre1);
++ free (state->roots128);
++ free (state->roots64);
++ free (state->roots32);
++ free (state->roots16);
++ free (state->samples);
++ free (state);
++ }
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ sample_t * a52_samples (a52_state_t * state)
+@@ -825,7 +880,7 @@
+ state->dynrng, 0, 7);
+ for (i = 7; i < 256; i++)
+ (samples-256)[i] = 0;
+- a52_imdct_512 (samples - 256, samples + 1536 - 256, state->bias);
++ a52_imdct_512 (state, samples - 256, samples + 1536 - 256, state->bias);
+ } else {
+ /* just skip the LFE coefficients */
+ coeff_get (state, samples + 1280, &state->lfe_expbap, &quantizer,
+@@ -854,10 +909,10 @@
+ if (coeff[i]) {
+ if (blksw[i])
+- a52_imdct_256 (samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
++ a52_imdct_256 (state, samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
+ bias);
+ else
+- a52_imdct_512 (samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
++ a52_imdct_512 (state, samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
+ bias);
+ } else {
+ int j;
+@@ -883,11 +938,11 @@
+ if (blksw[0])
+ for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
+- a52_imdct_256 (samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
++ a52_imdct_256 (state, samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
+ state->bias);
+ else
+ for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
+- a52_imdct_512 (samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
++ a52_imdct_512 (state, samples + 256 * i, samples + 1536 + 256 * i,
+ state->bias);
+ }
+@@ -896,6 +951,15 @@
+ void a52_free (a52_state_t * state)
+ {
++ free (state->a52_imdct_window);
++ free (state->post2);
++ free (state->pre2);
++ free (state->post1);
++ free (state->pre1);
++ free (state->roots128);
++ free (state->roots64);
++ free (state->roots32);
++ free (state->roots16);
+ free (state->samples);
+ free (state);
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/A04-modern-gcc-cflags.patch b/debian/patches/A04-modern-gcc-cflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74de3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/A04-modern-gcc-cflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+From: Rodeo
+Origin: https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake/blob/master/contrib/a52dec/A04-modern-gcc-cflags.patch
+--- a52dec/configure.in.bak Thu Nov 28 00:00:22 2013
++++ a52dec/configure.in Thu Nov 28 00:03:20 2013
+@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
+ case "$host" in
+ i?86-* | k?-*)
+ case "$host" in
+- i386-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mcpu=i386";;
+- i486-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mcpu=i486";;
+- i586-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mcpu=pentium";;
+- i686-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mcpu=pentiumpro";;
+- k6-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mcpu=k6";;
++ i386-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mtune=i386";;
++ i486-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mtune=i486";;
++ i586-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mtune=pentium";;
++ i686-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mtune=pentiumpro";;
++ k6-*) OPT_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mtune=k6";;
+ esac
+ sparc-* | sparc64-*)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 24f6046..97686bf 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@
a52dec packaging
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