[SCM] mpg123 packaging annotated tag, debian/1.18.0-1, created. debian/1.18.0-1

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Feb 15 15:04:27 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/1.18.0-1 has been created
        at  218a91193b8c544a4c2b2bcd5f8ecb73d1a8cc03 (tag)
   tagging  06bc8d5721294a736fe93d8ad556adde490a5e9b (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.16.0-1
 tagged by  Reinhard Tartler
        on  Sat Feb 15 15:04:13 2014 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.18.0-1

Miguel A. Colón Vélez (7):
      Imported Upstream version 1.18.0
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.18.0'
      Update symbol table to work with mips64/mips64el.
      Update symbol table to work with x32.
      Remove mp3-decoder from the Provides list.
      Bump Standards-Version.
      Finalize changelog entry.

Reinhard Tartler (1):
      update debian/changelog

Riku Voipio (1):
      switch arm to use generic_fpu, Closes: #738981


mpg123 packaging

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