[SCM] handbrake packaging annotated tag, debian/0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-1, created. debian/0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-1

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Feb 15 17:47:16 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-1 has been created
        at  a27b457ae355d9820d33ac2f00f646d183f975f3 (tag)
   tagging  2dd1aa069451b76a08c9a26f7aee845d86753cb5 (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.9.9+dfsg-2_2.gbpa4c3e9
 tagged by  Reinhard Tartler
        on  Sat Feb 15 17:47:02 2014 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.9.9+svn6032+dfsg1-1

Reinhard Tartler (30):
      Import upstream version 9f3dcce2d53551a0d66888b553337cc39d489bd1
      delete macos and win specific files
      Merge upstream snapshot '9f3dcce2d53551a0d66888b553337cc39d489bd1'
      prepare new upload
      Dropped patches that no longer apply
      refresh patches
      switch order of patches
      Embed non-public cpu detection algorithm
      disable embedded library copies: libmkv, faac and mpv2
      disable use of fdk-aac for now
      fix linking by adding ldl to LDFLAGS
      compile against gtk+3
      update patch to use system library of fdk-aac
      enable fdk-aac support
      drop patches that are no longer needed
      bump requirement on liba52-0.7.4-dev
      compile against libav 10
      update version number
      gbp: switch to xz compression
      reorganize patches
      update debian/changelog
      Revert "enable fdk-aac support"
      update debian/changelog
      remove accidentally committed backup file
      Import upstream revision svn6032
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      update upstream version
      drop 003-include-cpuid.patch, merged upstream
      Refresh patches
      update debian/changelog


handbrake packaging

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