[SCM] libebur128 packaging annotated tag, debian/1.0.1-1, created. debian/1.0.1-1

sramacher at users.alioth.debian.org sramacher at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Feb 18 18:00:42 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/1.0.1-1 has been created
        at  746a8a428e66a49503e5633b19a74a7c35f3a09f (tag)
   tagging  5444b5c2aa5c9985adc5985cbb71e4828b4393e1 (commit)
 tagged by  Sebastian Ramacher
        on  Tue Feb 18 18:55:21 2014 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
libebur128 Debian release 1.0.1-1

Andrew Kelley (12):
      add -fPIC to the static lib build
      ebur128: add install target
      add debian packaging files
      add pkg-config to build-depends
      fix the Vcs-* fields to point to the packaging repositories
      debian: packaging cleanup based on feedback
      debian: add myself as an uploader
      fix debian/copyright
      update Vcs-* fields to new repository
      add patch to fix missing math library
      add patch for cmake to use GNUInstallDirs
      use ${misc:Pre-Depends} instead of hard coding

Dale Sedivec (1):
      Make the scanner build under OS X/MacPorts

Jan Kokemüller (655):
      initial commit
      add filter function
      use memmove instead of modulo operations for ring buffer
      read file in chunks of 10 seconds
      separate filter state per channel
      error handling for filter states
      calculation of LKMS
      fix warnings
      initialize file_info to zero
      implement gating
      start ebur128 lib
      start using ebur128 lib
      new function ebur128_write_frames
      clean up api
      error handling in main
      header guards
      check for buffer overflow in ebur128_write_frames
      implement reading from stdin
      only sample rate 48000 is supported for now
      error checking in ebur128_init
      add extern C for C++ support
      support 5 channel WAV files without LFE channel
      speed up filter by not using memmove
      remove unneeded casts
      remove unneeded loudness calculation
      filter all channels together
      remove some bad optimization flags
      optimize filter
      calculate filter coefficients at initialization
      reverse engineer RLB filter
      fix warnings
      reverse engineer pre-filter
      support other sample rates than 48000 kHz
      use samplerate to calculate block sizes
      get independent from frame count by using a queue for blocks
      check for errors in ebur128_calc_gating_block
      add cross compile toolchain files
      fix warnings
      precalculate threshold values
      use LIST instead of TAILQ
      add support for getting track loudness in addition to global loudness
      support multiple files
      fix line length
      optimize gating block calculation by eliminating divisions
      use (inaccurate) values from the BS.1770 specification for sqrt2 and sqrt(v0)
      don't increment block counter on error
      implement channel map
      only show one digit after the decimal point
      optimize ebur128_write_frames (one unneeded memcpy)
      use bigger buffer (3s), needed for short-term loudness measurement
      add momentary and short-term loudness functions
      add modes EBUR128_MODE_M and EBUR128_MODE_M_S
      add comments in ebur128.h
      add minimal example how to use the lib
      libebur128 is under MIT license
      add queue to our tree, fix padding warning
      add README file
      cmake fixes
      this is a C project only
      cpack install targets
      add package version
      only show segment loudness when there is more than one input file
      more comments for loudness functions
      enable zip for source archive
      bump version to 0.1.1
      check for mode before returning NaN in ebur128_gated_loudness
      optimize memcpy in ebur128_write_frames away
      use short instead of double
      use limits.h to calculate the scaling factor in the filter
      add functions to read short, int and float samples
      adjust minimal example
      rename main.c to sndfile_example.c
      start ffmpeg example
      fix warnings
      small fixes in ffmpeg example
      fix leak in ffmpeg example
      add ffmpeg to build system
      only show errors in console
      ffmpeg example: set channel map
      add fall back to avcodec_decode_audio2
      remove unneeded includes
      only require sndfile 1.0.21
      rename write* functions to get*
      link against avutil for setting the log verbosity
      add debug output to ffmpeg example
      adjust the README
      rename get* functions to add*
      bump version to 0.1.2
      more accurate filter values
      second approach for RLB filter
      more accurate filter coefficient calculation
      remember segment loudness
      add gain tagging with mutagen
      add include folder for mingw
      write about tagging support in README
      add rgtag.py to package
      add license line to rgtag
      bump version to 0.1.3
      add tagging to sndfile example
      add mp1/2/3 support to sndfile-example with libmpg123
      more optimization
      don't malloc block when not needed in ebur128_calc_gating_block
      add licenses for mutagen and mpg123
      calculate loudness range for global segment
      c90 fix
      ffmpeg example is c99
      fix warnings
      add option to calculate loudness range
      add EBU - TECH 3342 loudness range support to lib
      add new stuff to README
      bump to version 0.1.4
      move block_counter increment into ebur128_calc_gating_block
      fix python format strings for older python versions
      unify relative_loudness and gated_loudness functions
      check for malloc error in ebur128_loudness_range
      reuse channel_sum variable
      add tests.c
      add musepack support to rgtag.py
      fix bug where LRA was not correctly calculated for multi-segment programmes
      show results with 2 digits precision
      bring ffmpeg example in line with sndfile example
      properly escape percent sign
      bring two examples more together
      disable float equal warnings for r128-test-library
      new mpg123 example
      add mpcdec_example
      add musepack to build system and license folder
      fix overflow issue in filter
      fix line length
      add support for Win64
      fix win64 package build
      rgtag should be executable in the package
      update README
      add section about used libraries / compile options to README
      cpack adjustments
      bump to version 0.1.5
      update CMakeLists
      add lsb compiler support to CMake build system
      add more compile options to README
      remove magic numbers
      use SLIST instead of LIST, add functions to calculate energy instead of loudness
      optimize LRA calculation
      use separate python script for tagging
      make script python 3 compatible
      add new script to cmake
      remove support for ffmpeg scanner from r128-tag
      update README
      more options and better error handling for script
      use multiprocess module instead of queues
      update README
      update CMakeLists
      fix windows issues in r128-tag
      bump version to 0.1.6
      handle mpg123 errors more gracefully (fixes APEv2 tag issue)
      enable sse2 instructions for 32 bit builds
      blacklist build.sh when creating source package
      bump version to 0.1.7
      make python scripts compatible with version 2.4
      better tagging error messages
      add link directories to CMakeLists
      more error handling for multiprocessing module
      put compile options in separate file
      add download section to README
      bump version to 0.1.8
      rename ebur128_gated_loudness_* to ebur128_loudness_*
      update comments, split long lines
      move dividing through samplerate to calc_gating_block
      new function ebur128_set_channel
      return NaN in ebur128_loudness_range when mode is not EBUR128_MODE_LRA
      add function ebur128_change_parameters
      drop unfinished blocks when changing parameters or segment
      comments for ebur128_change_parameters
      add ebur128_gated_loudness_global_multiple from kode54
      adapt patch by kode54
      rename ebur128_gated_loudness_global_multiple to ebur128_loudness_global_multiple
      simplify check for empty lists
      add R128Scan license
      reset audio buffer when starting new segment
      adapt ffmpeg example to new api
      fix cpp compat
      bump version to 0.1.9
      fix integer overflow bug in ffmpeg_example
      openmp support in r128-sndfile
      fixed typo
      use glib threadpool to parallelize scanning
      merge ebur128_loudness_global_multiple into ebur128_gated_loudness
      add new function ebur128_loudness_range_multiple
      refactor scanner
      adapt musepack scanner
      adapt ffmpeg scanner
      remove mpcdec_example
      rename audio input files
      minor fixes
      suppress warnings from system headers
      protect ffmpeg functions with a mutex
      fix comment typo in ebur128.h
      remove multiprocessing support from r128-tag.py
      fix warnings and add glib to build system
      add glib to cpack
      do not print segment loudness on error
      add wine toolchain files
      add glib license
      bump version to 0.1.10
      adapt values in tests.c
      refactor audio input
      fix linker errors
      unlock mutex when returning
      optarg and isnan need _POSIX_C_SOURCE
      fix typo
      remove extern declarations
      add -s and -m options for the scanner
      fix warnings
      add USE_SSE2 build option
      add build.sh script
      add m and s switches to README
      bump version to 0.1.11
      fix LRA double comparison function
      bump version to 0.1.12
      fix handling of weird samplerates
      add -i mode to print integrated loudness
      debian fixes to CMakeLists
      move queue.h to src folder
      clean up library detection in makefile
      only require _POSIX_C_SOURCE=2 for scanner.c
      improve CMakeLists
      can create win32 package
      copy corrent intl dll for win64
      use glib commandline parser instead of getopt
      fix line length
      update to debian based build
      add status message to CMakeLists
      set CPack generators correctly
      add rgtag.cpp (uses taglib)
      add toolchain files for debian
      use taglib in scanner
      taglib in windows builds
      copy gcc_s_sjlj-1 to package
      make librgtag shared under windows
      remove unneeded cast
      taglib: correctly remove fields
      implement album/track tagging modes
      better help when no filename is specified
      fix logic error when printing segment loudness
      check if all specified files exist
      remove ebur128_set_channel_map function
      use new channel api in examples
      *multiple functions skip null pointers
      recursive folder scanning
      add rgtag.h
      add i686-w64-mingw32 toolchain file
      remove mutagen tagging script
      fix crash
      remove r128-tag python script
      use strcmp instead of g_strcmp0
      don't need to specify PKG_CONFIG_PREFIX and PKG_CONFIG_SUFFIX
      LSB: allow undefined symbols in shared libraries
      add schrootsetup-lsb-64
      enable ffmpeg 0.6.1 build with debian
      schrootsetup-lsb-64 works now
      add schrootsetup-lsb-32
      replace FFMPEG_FOUND by LIBAV*_FOUND
      fix typo
      properly copy ffmpeg libraries to package
      strip binaries for package
      redistribute glib under LGPL 2.1
      remove some unneeded lines from queue.h license
      update README
      rename README.md to README
      build script: don't fail when deleting old build dirs
      fix syntax for markdown
      bump version to 0.2.0
      fix ffmpeg 0.5.2 decoding
      add speex resampler to build system
      implement true peak scanner
      fix warnings
      improve types
      workarounds for old GCC
      need only sndfile 1.0.18
      print out LRA for each track and max global peak values
      fix recursive scanning
      prettier format for global values
      fix segfault in ffmpeg decoder
      fix ffmpeg oversampling bug
      fix compiler crash on FreeBSD
      remove segment functions
      add doxygen comments to ebur128.h
      more doxygen comments
      minimal example accepts multiple files
      also print out files with errors (writing "nan")
      update README
      bump version to 0.2.1
      add experimental option --gate
      bump version to 0.2.2
      fix possible segfault in ebur128_loudness_range_multiple
      input_open_file opens a file descriptor
      prettier gain output on windows
      add dbtp peak mode, improve help
      update README
      bump version to 0.2.3
      use OS provided isnan/isinf functions
      make taglib in scanner optional
      rename LICENSE to COPYING
      bump version to 0.2.4
      use 75% block overlap from new BS1770 spec
      do peak calculation in libebur128
      don't overwrite COMPILE_DEFINITIONS in subdir
      initialize filter state
      fix build error when EBUR128_USE_SPEEX_RESAMPLER is not defined
      define EBUR128_USE_SPEEX_RESAMPLER in ebur128.h
      convert file name back to local encoding when tagging
      remove ebur128_dbtp function from header
      comment ebur128_sample_peak and ebur128_true_peak
      update build scripts
      include libstdc++-6.dll in Windows zip
      strip gcc_sjlj and stdcpp libraries
      bump version to 0.3.0
      link against CRT_glob.o to enable globbing for MinGW
      bump version to 0.3.1
      fix slowdown related to denormal numbers
      bump version to 0.3.2
      use proper isnan and isinf functions for Windows builds
      hide gate flag
      add tag-tp flag for tagging the true peak instead of sample peak
      -t must be specified for --tag-tp to work
      remove unnecessary comparison
      implement --tag-tp
      reorganize folder structure
      fix line lengths
      allocate and deallocate ebur128_state_internal
      start plugin infrastructure
      more work on plugins
      add TODO file
      add force-plugin option
      better format for help output
      update TODO
      start work on dual mono support
      add gmodule to package
      correctly handle stereo/mono files when tagging
      remove --gate option, set relative gate to -10 dB
      add option groups for r128 and tagging
      split out printing/tagging functions
      remove unneeded checks for USE_TAGLIB
      implement plugin search paths
      update build system
      add ffmpeg0.5.2 and ffmpeg0.6.2 plugins to plugin_names
      support clang/llvm 2.9
      fix bugs found by clang static analyzer
      fix warning
      change output in tagging mode
      rename README to README.md
      update TODO
      update README
      update TODO
      default to "Release" mode
      search PATH for plugins
      install in FHS folder structure by default
      fix typo
      fix doxygen documentation of ebur128.h
      nicer status message
      work around CMake bug 0008776
      build flat packages by default
      disable debug output
      update TODO
      don't put TODO in source archive
      bump version to 0.4.0
      fix detection of uppercase file endings
      fall back to defining M_PI when _USE_MATH_DEFINES is not supported
      sndfile is needed for r128-minimal-example
      skip directories that could not be opened
      improve error handling (just header, does not build)
      improve error handling in library
      make scanner build, use -HUGE_VAL as negative infinity
      check for error
      don't signal error code here
      remove unneeded _POSIX_C_SOURCE define
      clamp rg values between -51 and 51 dB
      don't take log of 0
      adapt simple example and tests to new API
      fix segfault in search_module_in_paths
      remove debug output
      sort file names when scanning a directory
      print error when file could not be opened
      update TODO
      split out library detection into Find*.cmake modules
      remove unused code in CompilerFlags.txt
      clean up build system
      move include_directories calls to the appropiate places
      only set USE_TAGLIB to true when glib has been found
      readd check for isystem
      use avformat_open_input instead of av_open_input_file
      enable mp2 tagging
      tag files with mixed case endings correctly
      edit TODO
      add libsndfile-1 to libsndfile library names
      fix cmake error
      suppress MSVC warnings
      MSVC fixes
      fix permissions
      fix memory leak in scan_files_gated_loudness_or_lra
      use G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S when splitting PATH
      replace GArray by GPtrArray (for file names)
      fix segfault in ffmpeg plugin
      use G_MODULE_EXPORT instead of custom R128EXPORT
      change some size_t arguments back to int/long
      make all input plugin functions static
      build system adjustments
      properly initialize floating point values
      improve handling of deprecated ffmpeg symbols
      request float output in newer ffmpeg
      fix warnings
      disable debug output
      allow decoders to open file with file name instead of descriptor
      input: implement get_total_frames
      move input plugins in own folder
      fix warnings
      remove gitignore
      add new CMakeLists.txt
      remove another gitignore
      prevent include warnings in CMakeLists.txt
      add filewalk submodule
      call input_init with exe name
      gd is already null initialized because it is static
      add libfilewalk to build system
      implement *_check_ok by *_get_total_frames
      update libfilewalk
      fix filewalk build error
      change filewalk submodule url
      reimplement scanner
      one printf call per line
      parse global options
      simple loudness scanning works
      implement scanning with thread pool
      simple progress bar
      implement visual progress bar
      parse scan arguments
      more error messages
      implement lra option
      implement verbose flag
      implement peak scanning
      don't print files that were not scanned
      print summary in scan mode
      fix file leak
      fix bugs
      align audio_buf in ffmpeg plugin
      new function parse_mode_args
      use parse_args instead of parse_global_args
      start to implement tag mode
      better error handling when wrong argument to --peak
      print file_data in tag mode
      remove commented out code
      calculate album gain and peak data
      implement tagging in new scanner
      leave ID3v1 tag alone
      implement dry-run and track options in tag mode
      improve rgtag module
      write line to stderr
      true-peak tagging, better error output
      implement dump mode
      replace old scanner
      add loudness drop gui
      code police
      fix warnings
      UI adjustments
      add drawing area, reset progress bar
      rotating logo
      replace magic numbers by constants
      only rotate logo when calculating
      add gstreamer input plugin
      return bigger buffers from ffmpeg plugin
      fix gstreamer threading issues
      add more gstreamer debug output
      don't rotate the logo immediately
      time out after 1 second of waiting for pipeline
      prevent leaking fds
      only start logo rotation when audio files found
      don't open a file pointer for input plugins
      more cleanup
      fix warnings
      more cleanup
      update TODO
      update README
      less cpu intensive progress bar update
      link in gstreamer input plugin statically on linux
      use GtkUIManager to build menu
      fix warnings
      implement gstreamer_get_channels and gstreamer_get_samplerate
      gstreamer channel map
      gstreamer plugin should be complete now
      force dual mono mode when tagging mono files
      restructure functions in scanner-tag.c
      update README
      loudness-drop: popup result list after scanning
      make file name column flexible
      new libfilewalk version
      new libfilewalk version
      add buttons to result window
      place popup_menu in user-data pointer of window widget
      implement tag files button
      also open files that have no extension
      make taglib optional
      fix reference to libfilewalk submodule
      only build libfilewalk if glib found
      fix windows build
      new libfilewalk
      properly find rsvg
      fix toolchain files for fedora cross compiler
      fix file handling in taglib for windows
      fix windows gtk threading issue
      fix crash when multiple result windows are open
      various fixes for windows
      minor build system improvements
      ffmpeg: add aac to supported formats
      fix gstreamer plugin build for windows
      simple qt window
      start qt version of loudness-drop
      Qt version can scan
      don't link against unnessecary Qt libs
      loudness-drop-qt: result window
      utf8 fixes, sort the result list
      loudness-drop-qt: add tagging
      one missing column, window always on top
      proper sorting of result list
      always draw icon with the same height
      link against QtCore
      show message if Qt4 was found or not
      only build loudness-drop when librsvg2 was found
      clean up CMake install target
      build for 64 bit windows
      add instructions for fedora chroot setup (windows builds)
      fix warnings
      gui: sort on collate keys
      use external speexdsp instead of building it ourselves
      add histogram algorithm
      add histogram support to command line frontend
      fix EBUR128_MODE_HISTOGRAM position in enum
      implement histogram for short term blocks
      fix speexdsp linking
      make speexdsp optional in scanner
      true peak can't be less then sample peak
      remove ebur128 dependency of libinputaudio
      clean up build system
      more build fixes
      fix warnings
      fix cmake syntax error
      rewrite FindGSTREAMER.cmake module
      rewrite it again
      add gobject to FindGLIB.cmake and glib to FindGSTREAMER.cmake
      move set_target_properties statement around
      remove SSE2 build support for now
      update doc/f15-setup
      ffmpeg 0.8.7 supports mingw-w64 now without hacking the configure script
      fix warnings
      opensuse mingw32 chroot setup script
      opensuse mingw64 chroot setup script
      set window titles
      make icon_sort shorter
      fix formatting of LRA column
      build shared version of libebur128
      move libfilewalk to scanner/filetree
      move libinputaudio to scanner/inputaudio
      rename libebur128 to ebur128
      rename project from libebur128 to ebur128-loudness-tools
      better configuration
      move EBUR128_USE_SPEEX_RESAMPLER defines from header to source file
      tweak cmake install
      put plugins in lib/ebur128-loudness-tools
      initial debian package
      more packaging work
      remove unneeded link dependencies
      fill Build-Depends
      build gstreamer plugin shared by default
      print found plugins when verbose
      update packaging
      fix link dependencies
      add loudness-input-gstreamer debian packaging files
      remove dirs files
      include use_speex.h in all files that need it
      work around buggy ffmpeg musepack decoder
      update filetree
      prevent gstreamer plugin from messing with the locale
      work around error when using mingw-w64 1.0 float.h header with c++
      stddef.h is sufficient for size_t
      input_gstreamer needs ebur128.h
      remove broken download links for now
      fix github link
      link loudness-drop-gtk against gthread library
      remove unneeded math.h include
      set FTZ bit if SSE2 instructions are available
      also link loudness exe against libm
      use DBL_MIN instead of 1.0e-15 when flushing denormals to zero
      ffmpeg macros need AV_ prefix
      new option: decode to file
      handle mp3 padding in ffmpeg decoder
      forgot to add use_sndfile.h.in
      fix padding amount at start
      compensate for decoder delay
      ffmpeg plugin: handle mp4 padding, fix some warnings
      fix warnings
      ffmpeg decoder: use float decoders when present
      decoder delay is 529, not 528
      ffmpeg decoder: correct use of audio_buf
      Revert "ffmpeg decoder: correct use of audio_buf"
      try to fix plugin search path, clean up build system a bit
      fix build under freebsd 8.3
      just find libavformat for ffmpeg support
      restructure scanner build files
      move tagging related files into own directory
      put input plugins in own directories
      enable build with debian unstable & multiarch
      fix results list update
      add includes
      improve lsb build flags
      repair OS X build
      avoid race condition when starting progress bar thread
      add utils.cmake file
      refactor ffmpeg plugin CMakeLists
      more CMake refactoring
      more cleanup
      remove PLUGIN_PATH (should use rpath)
      remove config include files
      don't search for m library
      more build system refactoring
      more cleanup
      remove gnome find modules (use pkg-config instead)
      status messages for ebur128 build
      make this a warning
      more CMake stuff
      make it possible to disable plugins again
      more build system refactoring
      fix building of plugins
      enable gtk2 and qt4 support to be turned off
      don't remove mp3 padding (ffmpeg does that now)
      don't support ancient ffmpeg anymore
      simplify ffmpeg plugin
      limit refresh rate of progress bar
      update filetree
      remove commented out cmake commands
      clarify licensing on all source files
      remove ancient build scripts
      remove non-functional debian package files
      the scanner has moved to its own repo, update documentation accordingly
      move minimal-example.c to the test folder
      remove scanner files, it now has its own 'loudness-scanner' repository
      update cmake files
      query library version
      clarify ebur128_true_peak API
      update file names of official test suite
      sane initialization of channel map in ebur128_init_channel_map
      remove unneeded .gitmodules file
      bump version to 1.0.1

Sebastian Ramacher (7):
      Use canonical Vcs-Git
      Add symbols file
      Add 1991
      Add "This package contains ..." paragraphs
      Add myself to Uploaders
      Mark as M-A: same
      Release to unstable

Sebastian Schuberth (5):
      Ignore generated CMake and Visual Studio files
      Avoid a CMake warning when generating projects only for the library or scanner
      Ignore Visual Studio 2010 temporary / output files
      Fix NaN handling for Visual Studio 2010
      Use M_PI instead of defining our own

audionuma (2):
      added libavcodec and libavutil to INPUT_FFMPEG_LDFLAGS
      added "mov" and "mxf" to file extensions supported by FFmpeg

jiixyj (5):
      Merge pull request #1 from sschuberth/cmake-msvc2010
      Merge pull request #3 from dsedivec/master
      Merge pull request #22 from audionuma/audionuma
      Merge pull request #23 from superjoe30/patch-1
      Merge pull request #25 from superjoe30/add-install


libebur128 packaging

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