[SCM] gpac packaging annotated tag, debian/0.5.0+svn5104_dfsg1-1, created. debian/0.5.0+svn5104_dfsg1-1

siretart at users.alioth.debian.org siretart at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Feb 22 21:05:31 UTC 2014

The annotated tag, debian/0.5.0+svn5104_dfsg1-1 has been created
        at  8eb899a41a81962aaff98ea510c245599c553bf1 (tag)
   tagging  b791184716e70334135cab7cea444e1a9bfcac5e (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.5.0+svn4288_dfsg1-4
 tagged by  Reinhard Tartler
        on  Sat Feb 22 21:05:25 2014 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.5.0+svn5104~dfsg1-1

Reinhard Tartler (18):
      update GPAC_SVN_URL to point to new location
      prepare new changelog
      Imported Upstream version 0.5.0+svn5104~dfsg1
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.0+svn5104_dfsg1'
      Don't install modules in multi-arch directories, Closes: #730497
      Add libusb-1.0.0-dev headers because libfreenect requires this
      fix install rule
      follow upstream soname bump
      Let binaries produce the correct svn revision
      drop the symbols file
      Refresh patches
      Patch and build against libav10
      update licensing for sha1.c
      update debian/changelog
      update dh_strip call for SONAME bump libgpac2 -> libgpac3
      Bump standards version, no changes necessary
      clarify license of reedsolomon files
      update debian/changelog


gpac packaging

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