[SCM] morituri/master: * RELEASE: * misc/pycheckerrc: * misc/show-coverage.py: * morituri/image/Makefile.am: * morituri/program/Makefile.am: * RELEASE (added): * morituri/image/Makefile.am (added): * morituri/program/Makefile.am (added): * misc/show-coverage.py (added): * misc/pycheckerrc (added): more additions

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 19 20:09:01 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit bd17f960220d90f46300324afeec0993307d2ae9
Author: Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org>
Date:   Fri May 22 20:19:55 2009 +0000

    	* RELEASE:
    	* misc/pycheckerrc:
    	* misc/show-coverage.py:
    	* morituri/image/Makefile.am:
    	* morituri/program/Makefile.am:
    	* RELEASE (added):
    	* morituri/image/Makefile.am (added):
    	* morituri/program/Makefile.am (added):
    	* misc/show-coverage.py (added):
    	* misc/pycheckerrc (added):
    	  more additions

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 0d2217d..9e1afa6 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
 2009-05-22  Thomas Vander Stichele  <thomas at apestaart dot org>
+	* misc/pycheckerrc:
+	* misc/show-coverage.py:
+	* morituri/image/Makefile.am:
+	* morituri/program/Makefile.am:
+	* RELEASE (added):
+	* morituri/image/Makefile.am (added):
+	* morituri/program/Makefile.am (added):
+	* misc/show-coverage.py (added):
+	* misc/pycheckerrc (added):
+	  more additions
+2009-05-22  Thomas Vander Stichele  <thomas at apestaart dot org>
 	* Makefile.am:
 	* NEWS:
diff --git a/NEWS b/RELEASE
similarity index 100%
copy from NEWS
copy to RELEASE
diff --git a/misc/pycheckerrc b/misc/pycheckerrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354b201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/pycheckerrc
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# .pycheckrc file created by PyChecker v0.8.14 @ Thu Oct 21 19:22:09 2004
+# It should be placed in your home directory (value of $HOME).
+# If $HOME is not set, it will look in the current directory.
+# list of evil C extensions that crash the interpreter
+evil = []
+# unused imports
+importUsed = 1
+# unused imports from __init__.py
+packageImportUsed = 1
+# module imports itself
+reimportSelf = 0
+# reimporting a module
+moduleImportErrors = 0
+# module does import and from ... import
+mixImport = 0
+# unused local variables, except tuples
+localVariablesUsed = 1
+# all unused local variables, including tuples
+unusedLocalTuple = 0
+# all unused class data members
+membersUsed = 0
+# all unused module variables
+allVariablesUsed = 0
+# unused private module variables
+privateVariableUsed = 0
+# report each occurrence of global warnings
+reportAllGlobals = 0
+# functions called with named arguments (like keywords)
+namedArgs = 0
+# Attributes (members) must be defined in __init__()
+onlyCheckInitForMembers = 0
+# Subclass.__init__() not defined
+initDefinedInSubclass = 0
+# Baseclass.__init__() not called
+baseClassInitted = 0
+# Subclass needs to override methods that only throw exceptions
+abstractClasses = 0
+# Return None from __init__()
+returnNoneFromInit = 1
+# unreachable code
+unreachableCode = 0
+# a constant is used in a conditional statement
+constantConditions = 1
+# 1 is used in a conditional statement (if 1: or while 1:)
+constant1 = 0
+# check if iterating over a string
+stringIteration = 1
+# check improper use of string.find()
+# This is new in pychecker 0.8.14 which is not installed everywhere 
+#stringFind = 1
+# Calling data members as functions
+callingAttribute = 0
+# class attribute does not exist
+# FIXME: need to fix bug in pychecker so we can disable this per admin_gtk
+# class
+# classAttrExists = 1
+classAttrExists = 0
+# First argument to methods
+methodArgName = 'self'
+# First argument to classmethods
+# classmethodArgNames = ['cls', 'klass']
+# unused method/function arguments
+argumentsUsed = 0
+# unused method/function variable arguments
+varArgumentsUsed = 0
+# ignore if self is unused in methods
+ignoreSelfUnused = 0
+# check if overridden methods have the same signature
+checkOverridenMethods = 0
+# check if __special__ methods exist and have the correct signature
+checkSpecialMethods = 1
+# check if function/class/method names are reused
+redefiningFunction = 1
+# check if using unary positive (+) which is usually meaningless
+unaryPositive = 1
+# check if modify (call method) on a parameter that has a default value
+modifyDefaultValue = 1
+# check if variables are set to different types
+inconsistentTypes = 0
+# check if unpacking a non-sequence
+unpackNonSequence = 1
+# check if unpacking sequence with the wrong length
+unpackLength = 1
+# check if raising or catching bad exceptions
+badExceptions = 1
+# check if statement appears to have no effect
+noEffect = 1
+# check if using (expr % 1), it has no effect on integers and strings
+modulo1 = 1
+# check if using (expr is const-literal), doesn't always work on integers and strings
+isLiteral = 1
+# check consistent return values
+checkReturnValues = 1
+# check if using implict and explicit return values
+checkImplicitReturns = 0
+# check that attributes of objects exist
+checkObjectAttrs = 1
+# various warnings about incorrect usage of __slots__
+slots = 1
+# using properties with classic classes
+classicProperties = 1
+# check if __slots__ is empty
+emptySlots = 1
+# check if using integer division
+intDivide = 1
+# check if local variable shadows a global
+# disabled because it doesn't give useful output:
+# test_input/test24.py:11: Local variable (shadow) shadows global defined on line 0 in file <unknown>
+shadows = 0
+# check if a variable shadows a builtin
+shadowBuiltins = 1
+# check if input() is used
+usesInput = 1
+# check if the exec statement is used
+usesExec = 0
+# ignore warnings from files under standard library
+ignoreStandardLibrary = 1
+# ignore warnings from the list of modules
+blacklist = [
+    'gtk', 'twisted', 'twisted.python', 'pyexpat',
+    'zope.interface', 'zope.interface.declarations',
+    'zope.interface.interface',
+    '_interface_coptimizations',
+#warning: couldn't find real module for class xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError (module name: xml.parsers.expat)
+    'xml.parsers.expat',
+# ignore global variables not used if name is one of these values
+variablesToIgnore = ['__version__', '__warningregistry__', '__all__', '__credits__', '__test__', '__author__', '__email__', '__revision__']
+# ignore unused locals/arguments if name is one of these values
+unusedNames = ['_', 'empty', 'unused', 'dummy']
+# ignore use of deprecated modules/functions
+deprecated = 1
+# maximum lines in a function
+maxLines = 250
+# maximum branches in a function
+maxBranches = 50
+# maximum returns in a function
+maxReturns = 10
+# maximum # of arguments to a function
+maxArgs = 10
+# maximum # of locals in a function
+maxLocals = 40
+# maximum # of identifier references (Law of Demeter)
+maxReferences = 5
+# no module doc strings
+noDocModule = 0
+# no class doc strings
+noDocClass = 0
+# no function/method doc strings
+noDocFunc = 0
+# print internal checker parse structures
+printParse = 0
+# turn on debugging for checker
+debug = 0
+# suppressions work like this
+suppressions = {
+  # FIXME: Consumption has a get_next with steps=None
+  'flumotion.wizard.steps.Consumption': "no-override",
+  # FIXME: the import there is for registering steps; do an actual method
+  'flumotion.wizard.wizard.Wizard': "no-import",
+#  'flumotion.twisted.defer.defer_generator': "self=wrapperself",
+# deferToThread imports reactor, which e.g. flumotion.worker.checks.video010
+# does as well
+  'twisted.internet.threads.deferToThread' : "no-shadow",
+  # FIXME: doing this inline doesn't seem to work
+  'flumotion.component.producers.looper.admin_gtk.py': 'no-classattr',
diff --git a/misc/show-coverage.py b/misc/show-coverage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b562c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/show-coverage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import os
+import sys
+class Presentation:
+    def __init__(self, name, lines, covered):
+        self.name = name
+        self.lines = lines
+        self.covered = covered
+        if self.covered == 0:
+            self.percent = 0
+        else:
+            self.percent = 100 * self.covered / float(self.lines)
+    def show(self, maxlen=20):
+        format = '%%-%ds  %%3d %%%%   (%%4d / %%4d)' % maxlen
+        print format % (self.name, self.percent, self.covered, self.lines)
+class Coverage:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.files = []
+        self.total_lines = 0
+        self.total_covered = 0
+    def _strip_filename(self, filename):
+        filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+        if filename.endswith('.cover'):
+            filename = filename[:-6]
+        return filename
+    def add_file(self, file):
+        self.files.append(file)
+    def show_results(self):
+        if not hasattr(self, 'files'):
+            print 'No coverage data'
+            return
+        self.maxlen = max(map(lambda f: len(self._strip_filename(f)),
+                              self.files))
+        print 'Coverage report:'
+        print '-' * (self.maxlen + 23)
+        for file in self.files:
+            self.show_one(file)
+        print '-' * (self.maxlen + 23)
+        p = Presentation('Total', self.total_lines, self.total_covered)
+        p.show(self.maxlen)
+    def show_one(self, filename):
+        f = open(filename)
+        lines = [line for line in f.readlines()
+                         if (':' in line or line.startswith('>>>>>>')) and
+                           not line.strip().startswith('#') and
+                           not line.endswith(':\n')]
+        uncovered_lines = [line for line in lines
+                                   if line.startswith('>>>>>>')]
+        if not lines:
+            return
+        filename = self._strip_filename(filename)
+        p = Presentation(filename,
+                         len(lines),
+                         len(lines) - len(uncovered_lines))
+        p.show(self.maxlen)
+        self.total_lines += p.lines
+        self.total_covered += p.covered
+def main(args):
+    c = Coverage()
+    files = args[1:]
+    files.sort()
+    for file in files:
+        if 'flumotion.test' in file:
+            continue
+        if '__init__' in file:
+            continue
+        c.add_file(file)
+    c.show_results()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/morituri/image/Makefile.am b/morituri/image/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3a2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morituri/image/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+CLEANFILES = *.py{c,o}
+morituridir = $(PYTHONLIBDIR)/morituri/image
+morituri_PYTHON = \
+	__init__.py \
+	cue.py \
+	image.py \
+	table.py \
+	toc.py
diff --git a/morituri/program/Makefile.am b/morituri/program/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc15eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morituri/program/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+CLEANFILES = *.py{c,o}
+morituridir = $(PYTHONLIBDIR)/morituri/program
+morituri_PYTHON = \
+	__init__.py \
+	cdparanoia.py \
+	cdrdao.py

morituri packaging

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