[SCM] morituri/master: * morituri/rip/cd.py: Use RipResult to store result information. * morituri/result/logger.py (added): Add a Logger to handle the RipResult, much like EAC's log file.

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 19 20:09:06 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 03cb3b08808cafba9dac25a013243242f47997f6
Author: Thomas Vander Stichele <thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org>
Date:   Fri Jun 5 09:47:03 2009 +0000

    	* morituri/rip/cd.py:
    	  Use RipResult to store result information.
    	* morituri/result/logger.py (added):
    	  Add a Logger to handle the RipResult, much like
    	  EAC's log file.

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 25ad955..2117663 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
 2009-06-05  Thomas Vander Stichele  <thomas at apestaart dot org>
 	* morituri/rip/cd.py:
+	  Use RipResult to store result information.
+	* morituri/result/logger.py (added):
+	  Add a Logger to handle the RipResult, much like
+	  EAC's log file.
+2009-06-05  Thomas Vander Stichele  <thomas at apestaart dot org>
+	* morituri/rip/cd.py:
 	  Comment out number of track setting on tag for now.
 	  MusicBrainz can give us dates in YYYY, YYYY-MM, and YYYY-MM-DD
 	  format, so convert to YYYY-MM-DD always.
diff --git a/morituri/result/logger.py b/morituri/result/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05bbf1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morituri/result/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# -*- Mode: Python; test-case-name: morituri.test.test_result_logger -*-
+# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4
+# Morituri - for those about to RIP
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Vander Stichele
+# This file is part of morituri.
+# morituri is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# morituri is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with morituri.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import os
+import time
+from morituri.common import common
+from morituri.configure import configure
+class MorituriLogger(object):
+    def log(self, ripResult, epoch=time.time()):
+        lines = self.logRip(ripResult, epoch=epoch)
+        return '\n'.join(lines)
+    def logRip(self, ripResult, epoch):
+        lines = []
+        ### global
+        lines.append("Logfile created by: morituri %s" % configure.version)
+        date = time.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(epoch))
+        lines.append("Logfile created on: %s" % date)
+        lines.append("")
+        # album
+        lines.append("Album: %s - %s" % (ripResult.artist, ripResult.title))
+        lines.append("")
+        # drive
+        lines.append(
+            "Drive: vendor %s, model %s" % (
+                ripResult.vendor, ripResult.model))
+        lines.append("")
+        lines.append("Read offset correction: %d" %
+            ripResult.offset)
+        lines.append("")
+        # toc
+        lines.append("Table of Contents:")
+        lines.append("")
+        lines.append(
+            "     Track |   Start           |  Length")
+        lines.append(
+            "     ------------------------------------------------")
+        table = ripResult.toctable
+        for t in table.tracks:
+            start = t.getIndex(1).absolute
+            length = table.getTrackLength(t.number)
+            lines.append(
+            "       %2d  | %6d - %s | %6d - %s" % (
+                t.number, 
+                start, common.framesToMSF(start),
+                length, common.framesToMSF(length)))
+        lines.append("")
+        lines.append("")
+        ### per-track
+        for t in ripResult.tracks:
+            lines.extend(self.trackLog(t))
+            lines.append('')
+        return lines
+    def trackLog(self, trackResult):
+        lines = []
+        lines.append('Track %2d' % trackResult.number)
+        lines.append('')
+        lines.append('  Filename %s' % trackResult.filename)
+        lines.append('')
+        if trackResult.pregap:
+            lines.append('  Pre-gap: %s' % common.framesToMSF(
+                trackResult.pregap))
+            lines.append('')
+        lines.append('  Peak level %.1f %%' % (trackResult.peak * 100.0))
+        if trackResult.copycrc is not None:
+            lines.append('  Copy CRC %08X' % trackResult.copycrc)
+        if trackResult.testcrc is not None:
+            lines.append('  Test CRC %08X' % trackResult.testcrc)
+            if trackResult.testcrc == trackResult.copycrc:
+                lines.append('  Copy OK')
+            else:
+                lines.append("  WARNING: CRCs don't match!")
+        else:
+            lines.append("  WARNING: no CRC check done")
+        if trackResult.accurip:
+            if trackResult.accuripCRC == trackResult.accuripDatabaseCRC:
+                lines.append('  Accurately ripped (confidence %d) [%08X]' % (
+                    trackResult.accuripDatabaseConfidence, trackResult.accuripCRC))
+            else:
+                lines.append('  Cannot be verified as accurate  '
+                    '(confidence %d),  [%08X], AccurateRip returned [%08x]' % (
+                        trackResult.accuripDatabaseConfidence,
+                        trackResult.accuripCRC, trackResult.accuripDatabaseCRC))
+        else:
+            lines.append('  Track not present in AccurateRip database')
+        return lines
diff --git a/morituri/rip/cd.py b/morituri/rip/cd.py
index 5031104..c84ebd2 100644
--- a/morituri/rip/cd.py
+++ b/morituri/rip/cd.py
@@ -24,13 +24,16 @@ import os
 import sys
 import math
+import cdio
 import gobject
 import gst
-from morituri.common import logcommand, task, checksum, common, accurip
+from morituri.common import logcommand, task, checksum, common, accurip, log
 from morituri.common import drive, encode
+from morituri.result import result
 from morituri.image import image, cue, table
 from morituri.program import cdrdao, cdparanoia
@@ -344,6 +347,14 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
         profile = encode.PROFILES[self.options.profile]()
         extension = profile.extension
+        # result
+        res = result.RipResult()
+        res.offset = int(self.options.offset)
+        res.toctable = itable
+        res.artist = metadata and metadata.artist or 'Unknown Artist'
+        res.title = metadata and metadata.title or 'Unknown Title'
+        _, res.vendor, res.model, __ = cdio.Device(device).get_hwinfo()
         # check for hidden track one audio
         htoapath = None
         index = None
@@ -389,11 +400,18 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
         for i, track in enumerate(itable.tracks):
             # FIXME: rip data tracks differently
             if not track.audio:
+                print 'Skipping data track %d' % (i + 1, )
                 # FIXME: make it work for now
                 track.indexes[1].relative = 0
+            trackResult = result.TrackResult()
+            res.tracks.append(trackResult)
             path = getPath(outdir, self.options.track_template, metadata, i + 1) + '.' + extension
+            trackResult.number = i + 1
+            trackResult.filename = path
             dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
             if not os.path.exists(dirname):
@@ -415,6 +433,10 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
                     print 'Checksums match for track %d' % (i + 1)
                     print 'ERROR: checksums did not match for track %d' % (i + 1)
+                trackResult.testcrc = t.testchecksum
+                trackResult.copycrc = t.copychecksum
+                trackResult.peak = t.peak
                 print 'Peak level: %.2f %%' % (math.sqrt(t.peak) * 100.0, )
             # overlay this rip onto the Table
@@ -486,6 +508,9 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
         # loop over tracks
         for i, csum in enumerate(cuetask.checksums):
+            trackResult = res.tracks[i]
+            trackResult.accuripCRC = csum
             status = 'rip NOT accurate'
             confidence = None
@@ -501,8 +526,12 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
                             "checksum %s" % (
                                 csum, i + 1, j + 1, response.checksums[i])
                     status = 'rip accurate    '
+                    trackResult.accurip = True
+                    # FIXME: maybe checksums should be ints
+                    trackResult.accuripDatabaseCRC = int(response.checksums[i], 16)
                     # arsum = csum
                     confidence = response.confidences[i]
+                    trackResult.accuripDatabaseConfidence = confidence
             c = "(not found)"
             ar = "(not in database)"
@@ -521,6 +550,14 @@ class Rip(logcommand.LogCommand):
             print "Track %2d: %s %s [%08x]%s" % (
                 i + 1, status, c, csum, ar)
+        # write log file
+        discName = getPath(outdir, self.options.disc_template, metadata, i)
+        logPath = '%s.log' % discName
+        logger = result.getLogger()
+        handle = open(logPath, 'w')
+        handle.write(logger.log(res))
+        handle.close()
 class CD(logcommand.LogCommand):
     summary = "handle CD's"

morituri packaging

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