[SCM] morituri/master: Use standard AM_PATH_PYTHON rather than broken AS_PATH_PYTHON.

js at users.alioth.debian.org js at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 19 20:10:16 UTC 2014

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 209b7d6621eb652a230f0ba5c4c359a4c2a39ed2
Author: Michał Górny <mgorny at gentoo.org>
Date:   Fri May 16 09:38:10 2014 +0200

    Use standard AM_PATH_PYTHON rather than broken AS_PATH_PYTHON.
    The AS_PATH_PYTHON macro is broken and does not respect $PYTHON when
    version is specified. This causes serious breakage on Gentoo. Instead,
    use the AM_PATH_PYTHON macro that is integral part of automake.

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 3f38cc5..fdae090 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ dnl Add parameters for aclocal
 dnl check for python
 dnl check for where to install our python stuff
 PYVER=[`$PYTHON -c "import sys ; print sys.version[:3]"`]
diff --git a/m4/as-python.m4 b/m4/as-python.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b00f4..0000000
--- a/m4/as-python.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-dnl as-python.m4 0.1.1
-dnl autostars m4 macro for python checks
-dnl From Andrew Dalke
-dnl Updated by James Henstridge
-dnl Updated by Andy Wingo to loop through possible pythons
-dnl Updated by Thomas Vander Stichele to check for presence of packages/modules
-dnl $Id: as-python.m4,v 1.3 2006/02/28 16:49:31 thomasvs Exp $
-# Adds support for distributing Python modules and packages.  To
-# install modules, copy them to $(pythondir), using the python_PYTHON
-# automake variable.  To install a package with the same name as the
-# automake package, install to $(pkgpythondir), or use the
-# pkgpython_PYTHON automake variable.
-# The variables $(pyexecdir) and $(pkgpyexecdir) are provided as
-# locations to install python extension modules (shared libraries).
-# Another macro is required to find the appropriate flags to compile
-# extension modules.
-# If your package is configured with a different prefix to python,
-# users will have to add the install directory to the PYTHONPATH
-# environment variable, or create a .pth file (see the python
-# documentation for details).
-# If the MINIMUM-VERSION argument is passed, AS_PATH_PYTHON will
-# cause an error if the version of python installed on the system
-# doesn't meet the requirement.  MINIMUM-VERSION should consist of
-# numbers and dots only.
-# Updated to loop over all possible python binaries by Andy Wingo
-# <wingo at pobox.com>
- [
-  dnl Find a version of Python.  I could check for python versions 1.4
-  dnl or earlier, but the default installation locations changed from
-  dnl $prefix/lib/site-python in 1.4 to $prefix/lib/python1.5/site-packages
-  dnl in 1.5, and I don't want to maintain that logic.
-  dnl should we do the version check?
-  ifelse([$1],[],
-         [AC_PATH_PROG(PYTHON, python python2.1 python2.0 python1.6 python1.5)],
-         [
-     AC_MSG_NOTICE(Looking for Python version >= $1)
-    changequote(<<, >>)dnl
-    prog="
-import sys, string
-minver = '$1'
-pyver = string.split(sys.version)[0]  # first word is version string
-# split strings by '.'. just compare textually to allow for versions like
-# 2.4.1a0
-minver = string.split(minver, '.')
-pyver = string.split(pyver, '.')
-# we can now do comparisons on the two lists:
-if pyver >= minver:
-	sys.exit(0)
-	sys.exit(1)"
-    changequote([, ])dnl
-    python_good=false
-    for python_candidate in python python2.2 python2.1 python2.0 python2 python1.6 python1.5; do
-      unset PYTHON
-      AC_PATH_PROG(PYTHON, $python_candidate) 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
-      if test "x$PYTHON" = "x"; then continue; fi
-      if $PYTHON -c "$prog" 1>&AC_FD_CC 2>&AC_FD_CC; then
-        AC_MSG_CHECKING(["$PYTHON":])
-	AC_MSG_RESULT([okay])
-        python_good=true
-        break;
-      else
-        dnl clear the cache val
-        unset ac_cv_path_PYTHON
-      fi
-    done
-  ])
-  if test "$python_good" != "true"; then
-    AC_MSG_ERROR([No suitable version of python found])
-  fi
-  AC_MSG_CHECKING([local Python configuration])
-  dnl Query Python for its version number.  Getting [:3] seems to be
-  dnl the best way to do this; it's what "site.py" does in the standard
-  dnl library.  Need to change quote character because of [:3]
-  changequote(<<, >>)dnl
-  PYTHON_VERSION=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3]"`
-  changequote([, ])dnl
-  dnl Use the values of $prefix and $exec_prefix for the corresponding
-  dnl values of PYTHON_PREFIX and PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX.  These are made
-  dnl distinct variables so they can be overridden if need be.  However,
-  dnl general consensus is that you shouldn't need this ability.
-  PYTHON_PREFIX='${prefix}'
-  PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX='${exec_prefix}'
-  dnl At times (like when building shared libraries) you may want
-  dnl to know which OS platform Python thinks this is.
-  PYTHON_PLATFORM=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.platform"`
-  dnl Set up 4 directories:
-  dnl pythondir -- where to install python scripts.  This is the
-  dnl   site-packages directory, not the python standard library
-  dnl   directory like in previous automake betas.  This behaviour
-  dnl   is more consistent with lispdir.m4 for example.
-  dnl
-  dnl Also, if the package prefix isn't the same as python's prefix,
-  dnl then the old $(pythondir) was pretty useless.
-  AC_SUBST(pythondir)
-  pythondir=$PYTHON_PREFIX"/lib/python"$PYTHON_VERSION/site-packages
-  dnl pkgpythondir -- $PACKAGE directory under pythondir.  Was
-  dnl   PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE in previous betas, but this naming is
-  dnl   more consistent with the rest of automake.
-  dnl   Maybe this should be put in python.am?
-  AC_SUBST(pkgpythondir)
-  pkgpythondir=\${pythondir}/$PACKAGE
-  dnl pyexecdir -- directory for installing python extension modules
-  dnl   (shared libraries)  Was PYTHON_SITE_EXEC in previous betas.
-  AC_SUBST(pyexecdir)
-  pyexecdir=$PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX"/lib/python"$PYTHON_VERSION/site-packages
-  dnl pkgpyexecdir -- $(pyexecdir)/$(PACKAGE)
-  dnl   Maybe this should be put in python.am?
-  AC_SUBST(pkgpyexecdir)
-  pkgpyexecdir=\${pyexecdir}/$PACKAGE
-  AC_MSG_RESULT([looks good])
-dnl Try to import the given PACKAGE/MODULE
-  dnl Check if we can import a given module.
-  dnl Requires AS_PATH_PYTHON to be called before.
-  dnl PREAMBLE and POSTAMBLE, if given, is code executed right before and after
-  dnl the import
-  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for python module $1])
-  prog="
-import sys
-    $4
-    import $1
-    $5
-    sys.exit(0)
-except ImportError:
-    sys.exit(1)
-except SystemExit:
-    raise
-except Exception, e:
-    print '  Error while trying to import $1:'
-    print '    %r: %s' % (e, e)
-    sys.exit(1)"
-if $PYTHON -c "$prog" 1>&AC_FD_CC 2>&AC_FD_CC
-    AC_MSG_RESULT(found)
-    ifelse([$2], , :, [$2])
-    AC_MSG_RESULT(not found)
-    ifelse([$3], , :, [$3])
-dnl a macro to check for ability to create python extensions
-dnl function also defines PYTHON_INCLUDES
- [
-  AC_MSG_CHECKING(for headers required to compile python extensions)
-  dnl deduce PYTHON_INCLUDES
-  py_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`
-  py_exec_prefix=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`
-  PYTHON_INCLUDES="-I${py_prefix}/include/python${PYTHON_VERSION}"
-  if test "$py_prefix" != "$py_exec_prefix"; then
-    PYTHON_INCLUDES="$PYTHON_INCLUDES -I${py_exec_prefix}/include/python${PYTHON_VERSION}"
-  fi
-  dnl check if the headers exist:
-AC_TRY_CPP([#include <Python.h>],dnl
-[AC_MSG_RESULT(not found)

morituri packaging

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