[SCM] python-pyo/master: Imported Upstream version 0.7.4
tiago at users.alioth.debian.org
tiago at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Jan 30 04:34:08 UTC 2015
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 6d35ddffd63e8b1287e09c3f32e1c3636ac4cef3
Author: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian.org>
Date: Thu Jan 29 22:48:04 2015 -0500
Imported Upstream version 0.7.4
diff --git a/pyolib/COPYING.txt b/COPYING.txt
similarity index 100%
copy from pyolib/COPYING.txt
copy to COPYING.txt
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index ef1d32f..1e01dd5 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,242 @@
+2015-01-29 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.7.4
+ - rev 1284
+2015-01-29 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new function: floatmap, 0-1 range mapper. Fixed bug in DataTable initialization
+ and added an automatic refresh of the DataTable grapher window.
+ - rev 1282
+2015-01-26 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new objet: Particle, a full control granular synthesis generator.
+ - rev 1281
+2015-01-24 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added setSync method to Granule object. Allow to toggle between synchronous
+ and asynchronous granulation. Added noteon and noteoff trigger streams to Notein
+ object.
+ - rev 1280
+2014-12-15 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added reset method to CtlScan and CtlScan2 objects.
+ - rev 1279
+2014-12-03 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new objet: PeakAmp, a peak amplitude follower.
+ - rev 1277
+2014-11-27 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added reset method to Beat and Euclide objects.
+ - rev 1275
+2014-10-17 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.7.3.
+ - rev 1273
+2014-11-15 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new objet: Scope, an audio waveform display.
+ - rev 1270
+2014-11-12 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: Fix marker's line numbering.
+ - rev 1267
+2014-11-08 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: Added Save As Template... menu item.
+ - rev 1263
+2014-11-02 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Fixed bug in Fader decreasing ramp.
+ - rev 1262
+2014-10-28 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added midi output methods to the Server object. noteout, afterout, ctlout, programout, pressout and bendout.
+ - rev 1261
+2014-10-28 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Server.setMidiOutputDevice(idx) with `idx` greater than the higher portmidi devices index opens all available output devices.
+ - rev 1260
+2014-10-24 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: FToM, converts an audio stream containning frequencies in hertz to a midi note audio stream.
+ - rev 1259
+2014-10-23 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new function: hzToMidi, converts a frequency in hertz to a midi note value.
+ - rev 1258
+2014-10-17 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.7.2.
+ - rev 1256
+2014-10-16 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Server.setMidiInputDevice(idx) with `idx` greater than the higher portmidi input index opens all available devices.
+ - rev 1254
+2014-10-16 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * OSX installer: Also install pyo in anaconda site-packages directory if exist.
+ - rev 1253
+2014-10-16 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object : TrigBurst, generates a time/amplitude expandable trigger pattern.
+ - rev 1252
+2014-10-14 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object : Euclide, Euclidean rhythm generator.
+ - rev 1251
+2014-10-13 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Windows installers now check for the current python installation directory before installing files.
+ - rev 1244 - 1250
+2014-10-10 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: Fixed inconsistencies in Find/Replace behaviours.
+ - rev 1241
+2014-10-10 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object : SmoothDelay, a delay line that does not produce clicks or pitch shifting when the delay time is changing.
+ - rev 1239
+2014-10-08 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object : AttackDetector, audio signal onset detection.
+ - rev 1238
+2014-10-07 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object : Centroid, Computes the spectral centroid of an input signal.
+ - rev 1237
+2014-08-29 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.7.1.
+ - rev 1236
+2014-09-12 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: Added RadioPyo to the template choices.
+ - rev 1234
+2014-09-09 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Fixed Compare when used with None or a string. Print a warning and set 'comp' attribute to 0.
+ - rev 1229
+2014-09-05 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Fixed live interpreter of the server window when using arrow keys navigation.
+ - rev 1228
+2014-09-04 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: Check if WxPython 3.0 is installed, otherwise uses 2.8.
+ - rev 1227
+2014-09-02 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added anti-aliasing to PyoTableObject's grapher widget. Fixed Ctrl+W on the grapher.
+ - rev 1225, 1226
+2014-08-29 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.7.0.
+ - rev 1224
+2014-08-26 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * pyo can now be used without any GUI toolkit (WxPython or TKinter). Widgets are simply disabled.
+ - rev 1208
+2014-06-22 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added Server methods to auto-connect Jack ports to already opened ports.
+ - rev 1201
+2014-05-23 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * E-Pyo: output log now in realtime.
+ - rev 1197
+2014-04-24 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: Tanh, hyperbolic tangent function on audio signal.
+ - rev 1188
+2014-04-11 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Release tag: 0.6.9.
+ - rev 1185
+2014-04-11 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added lot of methods to PyoTableObject (retify, bipolarGain, invert, lowpass, fadein, fadeout, pow).
+ - rev 1182
+2014-04-04 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: PartialTable, generates waveforms made of inharmonic components.
+ - rev 1177
+2014-03-12 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added a Scope example in examples/utilities.
+ - rev 1168
+2013-12-24 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: STRev, Stereo reverb.
+ - rev 1154
+2013-12-24 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added dataOnly argument to SLMap. User can now control parameters, in ctrl window, that do not accept audio signal but discreet values.
+ - rev 1153
+2013-12-10 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: ComplexRes, Complex one-pole resonator filter.
+ - rev 1148
+2013-10-18 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
+ * Added new object: TrackHold, Performs a 'thru' and hold on its input signal.
+ - rev 1143
2013-10-16 belangeo <belangeo at gmail.com>
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/build.py b/doc-sphinx/build.py
index fdcb309..50c9fe8 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/build.py
+++ b/doc-sphinx/build.py
@@ -62,10 +62,8 @@ os.system("sphinx-build -a -b %s ./source %s" % (build_format, build_folder))
if build_format == "latex":
os.system("cd build_latex; pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode Pyo; pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode Pyo")
- # Upload on iACT server
- print "Upload documentation (y/n)?"
- ans = raw_input()
- if (ans == 'y'):
- os.system('scp -r %s/* sysop at' % build_folder)
+rep = raw_input("Do you want to upload to ajax server (y/n) ? ")
+if rep == "y":
+ os.system("scp -r build_html/* jeadum1 at ajaxsoundstudio.com:/home/jeadum1/ajaxsoundstudio.com/pyodoc")
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/about.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/about.rst
index 4add116..b7488f9 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/about.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/about.rst
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ For questions and comments, please subscribe to the `pyo-discuss <http://groups.
To report a bug or to request a feature, use the `issues tracker <http://code.google.com/p/pyo/issues/list>`_ on googlecode.
Sources and binaries can be downloaded at:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/alphabetical.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/alphabetical.rst
index 3b2862b..a67b7d7 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/alphabetical.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/alphabetical.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`Allpass` : Delay line based allpass filter.
- :py:class:`Atan2` : Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of b/a.
- :py:class:`Atone` : A first-order recursive high-pass filter with variable frequency response.
+- :py:class:`AttackDetector` : Audio signal onset detection.
- :py:class:`Average` : Moving average filter.
- :py:class:`Balance` : Adjust rms power of an audio signal according to the rms power of another.
- :py:class:`BandSplit` : Splits an input signal into multiple frequency bands.
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`CallAfter` : Calls a Python function after a given time.
- :py:class:`CarToPol` : Performs the cartesian to polar conversion.
- :py:class:`Ceil` : Rounds to smallest integral value greater than or equal to the input signal.
+- :py:class:`Centroid` : Computes the spectral centroid of an input signal.
- :py:class:`CentsToTranspo` : Returns the transposition factor equivalent of a given cents value.
- :py:class:`Change` : Sends trigger that informs when input value has changed.
- :py:class:`ChebyTable` : Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`Clip` : Clips a signal to a predefined limit.
- :py:class:`Cloud` : Generates random triggers.
- :py:class:`Compare` : Comparison object.
+- :py:class:`ComplexRes` : Complex one-pole resonator filter.
- :py:class:`Compress` : Reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal.
- :py:class:`ControlRead` : Reads control values previously stored in text files.
- :py:class:`ControlRec` : Records control values and writes them in a text file.
@@ -63,10 +66,12 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`Disto` : Arc tangent distortion.
- :py:class:`Dummy` : Dummy object used to perform arithmetics on PyoObject.
- :py:class:`EQ` : Equalizer filter.
+- :py:class:`Euclide` : Euclidean rhythm generator.
- :py:class:`ExpTable` : Construct a table from exponential interpolated segments.
- :py:class:`Expseg` : Trace a series of exponential segments between specified break-points.
- :py:class:`FFT` : Fast Fourier Transform.
- :py:class:`FM` : A simple frequency modulation generator.
+- :py:class:`FToM` : Returns the midi note equivalent to a frequency in Hz.
- :py:class:`Fader` : Fadein - fadeout envelope generator.
- :py:class:`Floor` : Rounds to largest integral value not greater than audio signal.
- :py:class:`Follower2` : Envelope follower with different attack and release times.
@@ -153,11 +158,15 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`PVVerb` : Spectral domain reverberation.
- :py:class:`Pan` : Cosinus panner with control on the spread factor.
- :py:class:`ParaTable` : Generates parabola window function.
+- :py:class:`PartialTable` : Inharmonic waveform generator.
+- :py:class:`Particle` : A full control granular synthesis generator.
- :py:class:`Pattern` : Periodically calls a Python function.
+- :py:class:`PeakAmp` : Peak amplitude follower.
- :py:class:`Percent` : Lets pass a certain percentage of the input triggers.
- :py:class:`Phaser` : Multi-stages second-order phase shifter allpass filters.
- :py:class:`Phasor` : A simple phase incrementor.
- :py:class:`PinkNoise` : A pink noise generator.
+- :py:class:`Pointer2` : High quality table reader with control on the pointer position.
- :py:class:`Pointer` : Table reader with control on the pointer position.
- :py:class:`PolToCar` : Performs the polar to cartesian conversion.
- :py:class:`Port` : Exponential portamento.
@@ -183,10 +192,12 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`SLMapPhase` : SLMap with normalized values for a 'phase' slider.
- :py:class:`SLMapQ` : SLMap with normalized values for a 'q' slider.
- :py:class:`SPan` : Simple equal power panner.
+- :py:class:`STRev` : Stereo reverb.
- :py:class:`SVF` : Fourth-order state variable filter allowing continuous change of the filter type.
- :py:class:`SampHold` : Performs a sample-and-hold operation on its input.
- :py:class:`SawTable` : Sawtooth waveform generator.
- :py:class:`Scale` : Maps an input range of audio values to an output range.
+- :py:class:`Scope` : Oscilloscope - audio waveform display.
- :py:class:`Score` : Calls functions by incrementation of a preformatted name.
- :py:class:`Select` : Sends trigger on matching integer values.
- :py:class:`Selector` : Audio selector.
@@ -200,6 +211,7 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`SincTable` : Generates sinc window function.
- :py:class:`SineLoop` : A simple sine wave oscillator with feedback.
- :py:class:`Sine` : A simple sine wave oscillator.
+- :py:class:`SmoothDelay` : Artifact free sweepable recursive delay.
- :py:class:`Snap` : Snap input values on a user's defined midi scale.
- :py:class:`SndTable` : Transfers data from a soundfile into a function table.
- :py:class:`Spectrum` : Spectrum analyzer and display.
@@ -215,11 +227,14 @@ Alphabetical class reference
- :py:class:`TableRec` : TableRec is for writing samples into a previously created NewTable.
- :py:class:`TableScale` : Scales all the values contained in a PyoTableObject.
- :py:class:`Tan` : Performs a tangent function on audio signal.
+- :py:class:`Tanh` : Performs a hyperbolic tangent function on audio signal.
- :py:class:`Thresh` : Informs when a signal crosses a threshold.
- :py:class:`Timer` : Reports elapsed time between two trigs.
- :py:class:`Tone` : A first-order recursive low-pass filter with variable frequency response.
- :py:class:`Touchin` : Get the current value of an after-touch Midi controller.
+- :py:class:`TrackHold` : Performs a track-and-hold operation on its input.
- :py:class:`TranspoToCents` : Returns the cents value equivalent of a transposition factor.
+- :py:class:`TrigBurst` : Generates a time/amplitude expandable trigger pattern.
- :py:class:`TrigChoice` : Random generator from user's defined values.
- :py:class:`TrigEnv` : Envelope reader generator.
- :py:class:`TrigExpseg` : Exponential segments trigger.
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/analysis.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/analysis.rst
index 233842a..6a94baa 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/analysis.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/analysis.rst
@@ -33,3 +33,32 @@ can use them for controlling parameters of others objects.
.. autoclass:: Yin
+.. autoclass:: Centroid
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: AttackDetector
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: Spectrum
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: Scope
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: PeakAmp
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/arithmetic.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/arithmetic.rst
index af5fc7f..757bdfc 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/arithmetic.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/arithmetic.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ Tools to perform arithmetic operations on audio signals.
.. autoclass:: Tan
+.. autoclass:: Tanh
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/dynamics.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/dynamics.rst
index 0ac8200..cb68212 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/dynamics.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/dynamics.rst
@@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ Objects to modify the dynamic range and sample quality of audio signals.
.. autoclass:: Clip
+.. autoclass:: Degrade
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/effects.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/effects.rst
index be32c61..25a3201 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/effects.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/effects.rst
@@ -78,3 +78,15 @@ as distortions, delays, chorus and reverbs.
.. autoclass:: FreqShift
+.. autoclass:: STRev
+ :members:
+.. autoclass:: SmoothDelay
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/filters.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/filters.rst
index 865fb9a..358744b 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/filters.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/filters.rst
@@ -180,4 +180,9 @@ sinusoidal component according to its frequency.
.. autoclass:: ButBR
+.. autoclass:: ComplexRes
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/fourier.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/fourier.rst
index 148ea3d..1955415 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/fourier.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/fourier.rst
@@ -51,12 +51,6 @@ spectral domain.
.. autoclass:: CvlVerb
-.. autoclass:: Spectrum
- :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tableprocess.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tableprocess.rst
index 3ad98e6..c883866 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tableprocess.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tableprocess.rst
@@ -56,12 +56,24 @@ store audio samples or algorithmic sequences for future uses.
.. autoclass:: OscTrig
+.. autoclass:: Particle
+ :members:
.. autoclass:: Pointer
+.. autoclass:: Pointer2
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tables.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tables.rst
index 569743b..1891218 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tables.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/tables.rst
@@ -78,6 +78,12 @@ in memory and access them quickly.
.. autoclass:: ParaTable
+.. autoclass:: PartialTable
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/triggers.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/triggers.rst
index 778d1d9..917c802 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/triggers.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/triggers.rst
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ processes with sample rate timing accuracy.
.. autoclass:: Counter
+.. autoclass:: Euclide
+ :members:
@@ -94,6 +100,12 @@ processes with sample rate timing accuracy.
.. autoclass:: Trig
+.. autoclass:: TrigBurst
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/utils.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/utils.rst
index 58ebb12..c84bbab 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/utils.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/classes/utils.rst
@@ -125,3 +125,9 @@ Miscellaneous objects.
.. autoclass:: TranspoToCents
+.. autoclass:: TrackHold
+ :members:
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/audio.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/audio.rst
index d9b36ec..eeff482 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/audio.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/audio.rst
@@ -3,6 +3,16 @@ Audio Setup
.. module:: pyo
+.. autofunction:: pa_get_version
+.. autofunction:: pa_get_version_text
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/conv.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/conv.rst
index ec0273c..9261abd 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/conv.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/api/functions/conv.rst
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ Conversions
.. autofunction:: rescale(data, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, xlog=False, ylog=False)
+.. autofunction:: floatmap(x, min=0.0, max=1.0, exp=1.0)
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/compiling.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/compiling.rst
index 78adfb0..b984826 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/compiling.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/compiling.rst
@@ -9,26 +9,25 @@ Dependencies
To compile pyo, you will need the following dependencies:
- `Python 2.6 or 2.7 <http://www.python.org/download/releases/>`_
+- `WxPython 3.0 <http://www.wxpython.org/download.php/>`_
- `Portaudio <http://www.portaudio.com/>`_
- `Portmidi <http://portmedia.sourceforge.net/portmidi/>`_
- `libsndfile <http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/>`_
- `liblo <http://liblo.sourceforge.net/>`_
+Under Mac OS X, you can use Homebrew to retrieve necessary dependency librairies and headers (except for wxpython 3.0) to compile pyo.
-Under Mac OS X, to retrieve necessary dependency librairies and headers to compile pyo, you can run the "get_dependencies.sh" script from the scripts folder in pyo sources, it will download them to /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include directory.
-For i386 architecture (32-bit python):
+First, install Homebrew with this command:
.. code-block:: bash
- sh scripts/get_dependencies.sh
+ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
-For i386/x86_64 architectures (64-bit python):
+Then, install packages:
.. code-block:: bash
- sh scripts/get_dependencies_x86_64.sh
+ brew install python liblo libsndfile portaudio portmidi --universal
Getting sources
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ Under OS X, it is very simple to build pyo from sources with the Homebrew packag
.. code-block:: bash
- brew install python liblo libsndfile portaudio portmidi
+ brew install python liblo libsndfile portaudio portmidi --universal
svn checkout http://pyo.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pyo
cd pyo
python setup.py install --use-coreaudio --use-double
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/conf.py b/doc-sphinx/source/conf.py
index 55ad51d..c2779e5 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/conf.py
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/conf.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# serve to show the default.
import sys, os
+from pyo import PYO_VERSION
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
@@ -42,16 +43,16 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'Pyo'
-copyright = u'2013, Olivier Bélanger'
+copyright = u'2014, Olivier Bélanger'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
-version = '0.6.8'
+version = PYO_VERSION
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '0.6.8'
+release = PYO_VERSION
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/download.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/download.rst
index fdf63a4..fb5024b 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/download.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/download.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Installers are available for Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) and for Max OS X (from 10.5 to 10.8).
+Installers are available for Windows (Win 7/8) and for Max OS X (from 10.6 to 10.9).
-To download the latest pre-compiled version of pyo, go to the pyo's googlecode `download <http://code.google.com/p/pyo/downloads/list>`_ page.
+To download the latest pre-compiled version of pyo, go to the pyo's `web page <http://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software/pyo/>`_.
Under Debian distros, you can get pyo from the package manager. The library's name is **python-pyo**.
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/index.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/index.rst
index abf1888..d2de0de 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/index.rst
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to the Pyo 0.6.8 documentation
+Welcome to the Pyo 0.7.4 documentation
.. toctree::
diff --git a/doc-sphinx/source/tutorials/pyoobject2.rst b/doc-sphinx/source/tutorials/pyoobject2.rst
index db3db1c..3b31ba5 100644
--- a/doc-sphinx/source/tutorials/pyoobject2.rst
+++ b/doc-sphinx/source/tutorials/pyoobject2.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ First of all, we need to import the pyo module
Step 1 - Declaring the class
-We will create a new class called RingMod with PyoObject as its parent class.
+We will create a new class called Flanger with PyoObject as its parent class.
Another good habit is to put a __doc__ string at the beginning of our classes.
Doing so will allow other users to retrieve the object's documentation with the
standard python help() function.
diff --git a/embedded/m_pyo.h b/embedded/m_pyo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a5235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/m_pyo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Python.h"
+#ifndef __m_pyo_h_
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+** Creates a new python interpreter and starts a pyo server in it.
+** Each instance of pyo, in order to be fully independent of other
+** instances, must be started in its own interpreter. An instance
+** can be an object in a programming language or a plugin in a daw.
+** arguments:
+** chnls : int, number of in/out channels of the pyo server.
+** returns the new python thread's interpreter state.
+inline PyThreadState * pyo_new_interpreter(int chnls) {
+ char msg[64];
+ PyThreadState *interp;
+ if(!Py_IsInitialized()) {
+ Py_Initialize();
+ PyEval_InitThreads();
+ PyEval_ReleaseLock();
+ }
+ PyEval_AcquireLock(); /* get the GIL */
+ interp = Py_NewInterpreter(); /* add a new sub-interpreter */
+ PyRun_SimpleString("from pyo import *");
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_ = Server(44100, %d, 256, 1, 'embedded')", chnls);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot()\n_s_.start()\n_s_.setServer()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_in_address_ = _s_.getInputAddr()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_out_address_ = _s_.getOutputAddr()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_server_id_ = _s_.getServerID()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_emb_callback_ = _s_.getEmbedICallbackAddr()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return interp;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo input buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 32-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a float pointer.
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_input_buffer_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_in_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long long, of the pyo input buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 64-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long long" that should be recast to a double pointer.
+inline unsigned long long pyo_get_input_buffer_address_64(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_in_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoull(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo output buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 32-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a float pointer.
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_output_buffer_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_out_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo embedded callback.
+** This callback must be called in the host's perform routine whenever
+** pyo has to compute a new buffer of samples.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a void pointer.
+** The callback should be called with the server id (int) as argument.
+** Prototype:
+** void (*callback)(int);
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_embedded_callback_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_emb_callback_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the pyo server id of this thread, as an integer.
+** The id must be pass as argument to the callback function.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an integer.
+inline int pyo_get_server_id(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ int id;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_server_id_");
+ id = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return id;
+** Closes the interpreter linked to the thread state given as argument.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline void pyo_end_interpreter(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ Py_EndInterpreter(interp);
+ PyEval_ReleaseLock();
+** Shutdown and reboot the pyo server while keeping current in/out buffers.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline void pyo_server_reboot(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+** Reboot the pyo server with new sampling rate and buffer size.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** sr : float, host sampling rate.
+** bufsize : int, host buffer size.
+inline void pyo_set_server_params(PyThreadState *interp, float sr, int bufsize) {
+ char msg[64];
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_.setSamplingRate(%f)", sr);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_.setBufferSize(%d)", bufsize);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+** Returns 1 if the pyo server is started for the given thread,
+** Otherwise returns 0.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline int pyo_is_server_started(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ int started;
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("started = _s_.getIsStarted()");
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "started");
+ started = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return started;
+** Execute a python script "file" in the given thread's interpreter (interp).
+** A pre-allocated string "msg" must be given to create the python command
+** used for error handling. An integer "add" is needed to indicate if the
+** pyo server should be reboot or not.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** file : char *, filename to execute as a python script. The file is first
+** searched in the current working directory. If not found,
+** the module will try to open it as an absolute path.
+** msg : char *, pre-allocated string used to create the python command
+** used for error handling.
+** add, int, if positive, the commands in the file will be added to whatever
+** is already running in the pyo server. If 0, the server will be
+** shutdown and reboot before executing the file.
+inline int pyo_exec_file(PyThreadState *interp, const char *file, char *msg, int add) {
+ int ok, err = 0;
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ sprintf(msg, "import os\n_ok_ = os.path.isfile('./%s')", file);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ sprintf(msg, "if not _ok_:\n _ok_ = os.path.isfile('%s')", file);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_ok_");
+ ok = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ if (ok) {
+ sprintf(msg, "try:\n execfile('./%s')\nexcept:\n execfile('%s')",
+ file, file);
+ if (!add) {
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ }
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ }
+ else
+ err = 1;
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return err;
+** Execute a python statement "msg" in the thread's interpreter "interp".
+** If "debug" is true, the statement will be executed in a try - except
+** block. The error message, if any, will be write back in the *msg
+** pointer and the function will return 1. If no error occured, the
+** function returned 0. If debug is false, the statement is executed
+** without any error checking (unsafe but faster).
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** msg : char *, pointer to a string containing the statement to execute.
+** In debug mode, if an error occured, the output log will
+** be write back in this string.
+** debug, int, if positive, the commands will be executed in a try-except
+** statement. If 0, there will be no error checking, which is
+** much faster.
+inline int pyo_exec_statement(PyThreadState *interp, char *msg, int debug) {
+ int err = 0;
+ if (debug) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char pp[26] = "_error_=None\ntry:\n ";
+ memmove(msg + strlen(pp), msg, strlen(msg)+1);
+ memmove(msg, pp, strlen(pp));
+ strcat(msg, "\nexcept Exception, _e_:\n _error_=str(_e_)");
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_error_");
+ if (obj != Py_None) {
+ strcpy(msg, PyString_AsString(obj));
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ }
+ return err;
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __m_pyo_h_
+#endif /* __m_pyo_h_ */
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.cpp b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972541c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "PyoClass.h"
+** Creates a python interpreter and initialize a pyo server inside it.
+** This function must be called, once per Pyo object, before any other
+** calls.
+** arguments:
+** nChannels : int, number of in/out channels.
+** bufferSize : int, number of samples per buffer.
+** sampleRate : int, sample rate frequency.
+** All arguments should be equal to the host audio settings.
+void Pyo::setup(int _nChannels, int _bufferSize, int _sampleRate) {
+ nChannels = _nChannels;
+ bufferSize = _bufferSize;
+ sampleRate = _sampleRate;
+ interpreter = pyo_new_interpreter(nChannels);
+ pyoInBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(pyo_get_input_buffer_address(interpreter));
+ pyoOutBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(pyo_get_output_buffer_address(interpreter));
+ pyoCallback = reinterpret_cast<callPtr*>(pyo_get_embedded_callback_address(interpreter));
+ pyoId = pyo_get_server_id(interpreter);
+ pyo_set_server_params(interpreter, sampleRate, bufferSize);
+** Terminates this object's interpreter.
+Pyo::~Pyo() {
+ pyo_end_interpreter(interpreter);
+** This function fills pyo's input buffers with new samples. Should be called
+** once per process block, inside the host's audioIn function.
+** arguments:
+** *buffer : float *, float pointer pointing to the host's input buffers.
+void Pyo::fillin(float *buffer) {
+ for (int i=0; i<(bufferSize*nChannels); i++) pyoInBuffer[i] = buffer[i];
+** This function tells pyo to process a buffer of samples and fills the host's
+** output buffer with new samples. Should be called once per process block,
+** inside the host's audioOut function.
+** arguments:
+** *buffer : float *, float pointer pointing to the host's output buffers.
+void Pyo::process(float *buffer) {
+ pyoCallback(pyoId);
+ for (int i=0; i<(bufferSize*nChannels); i++) buffer[i] = pyoOutBuffer[i];
+** Execute a python script "file" in the objectès thread's interpreter.
+** An integer "add" is needed to indicate if the pyo server should be
+** reboot or not.
+** arguments:
+** file : char *, filename to execute as a python script. The file is first
+** searched in the current working directory. If not found,
+** the module will try to open it as an absolute path.
+** add, int, if positive, the commands in the file will be added to whatever
+** is already running in the pyo server. If 0, the server will be
+** shutdown and reboot before executing the file.
+int Pyo::loadfile(const char *file, int add) {
+ return pyo_exec_file(interpreter, file, pyoMsg, add);
+** Sends a numerical value to an existing Sig or SigTo object.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, variable name of the object.
+** value : float, value to be assign.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** freq = SigTo(value=440, time=0.1, init=440)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.value("freq", 880);
+int Pyo::value(const char *name, float value) {
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s.value=%f", name, value);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends an array of numerical values to an existing Sig or SigTo object.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, variable name of the object.
+** value : float *, array of floats.
+** len : int, number of elements in the array.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** freq = SigTo(value=[100,200,300,400], time=0.1, init=[100,200,300,400])
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** float frequencies[4] = {150, 250, 350, 450};
+** pyo.value("freq", frequencies, 4);
+int Pyo::value(const char *name, float *value, int len) {
+ char fchar[32];
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s.value=[", name);
+ for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f,", value[i]);
+ strcat(pyoMsg, fchar);
+ }
+ strcat(pyoMsg, "]");
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends a numerical value to a Pyo object's attribute.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, object name and attribute separated by a point.
+** value : float, value to be assign.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** filter = Biquad(input=Noise(0.5), freq=1000, q=4, type=2)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.set("filter.freq", 2000);
+int Pyo::set(const char *name, float value) {
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s=%f", name, value);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends an array of numerical values to a Pyo object's attribute.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, object name and attribute separated by a point.
+** value : float *, array of floats.
+** len : int, number of elements in the array.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** filters = Biquad(input=Noise(0.5), freq=[250, 500, 1000, 2000], q=5, type=2)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** float frequencies[4] = {350, 700, 1400, 2800};
+** pyo.set("filters.freq", frequencies, 4);
+int Pyo::set(const char *name, float *value, int len) {
+ char fchar[32];
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s=[", name);
+ for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f,", value[i]);
+ strcat(pyoMsg, fchar);
+ }
+ strcat(pyoMsg, "]");
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Executes any raw valid python statement. With this function, one can dynamically
+** creates and manipulates audio objects and algorithms.
+** arguments:
+** msg : const char *, pointer to a string containing the statement to execute.
+** Example (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.exec("pits = [0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004]")
+** pyo.exec("fr = Rossler(pitch=pits, chaos=0.9, mul=250, add=500)")
+** pyo.exec("b = SumOsc(freq=fr, ratio=0.499, index=0.4, mul=0.2).out()")
+int Pyo::exec(const char *_msg) {
+ strcpy(pyoMsg, _msg);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Shutdown and reboot the pyo server while keeping current in/out buffers.
+** This will erase audio objects currently active within the server.
+*/void Pyo::clear() {
+ pyo_server_reboot(interpreter);
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.h b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca65b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "m_pyo.h"
+typedef int callPtr(int);
+class Pyo {
+ public:
+ ~Pyo();
+ void setup(int nChannels, int bufferSize, int sampleRate);
+ void process(float *buffer);
+ void fillin(float *buffer);
+ void clear();
+ int loadfile(const char *file, int add);
+ int exec(const char *msg);
+ int value(const char *name, float value);
+ int value(const char *name, float *value, int len);
+ int set(const char *name, float value);
+ int set(const char *name, float *value, int len);
+ private:
+ int nChannels;
+ int bufferSize;
+ int sampleRate;
+ PyThreadState *interpreter;
+ float *pyoInBuffer;
+ float *pyoOutBuffer;
+ callPtr *pyoCallback;
+ int pyoId;
+ char pyoMsg[262144];
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/Makefile b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a7fe8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Attempt to load a config.make file.
+# If none is found, project defaults in config.project.make will be used.
+ifneq ($(wildcard config.make),)
+ include config.make
+# make sure the the OF_ROOT location is defined
+ifndef OF_ROOT
+ OF_ROOT=../../..
+# call the project makefile!
+include $(OF_ROOT)/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/makefileCommon/compile.project.mk
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/config.make b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/config.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a5b520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/config.make
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# This file is where we make project specific configurations.
+# The location of your root openFrameworks installation
+# (default) OF_ROOT = ../../..
+# OF_ROOT = ../../..
+# The location of the project - a starting place for searching for files
+# (default) PROJECT_ROOT = . (this directory)
+# This is a project defined section to create internal makefile flags to
+# conditionally enable or disable the addition of various features within
+# this makefile. For instance, if you want to make changes based on whether
+# GTK is installed, one might test that here and create a variable to check.
+# None
+# These are fully qualified paths that are not within the PROJECT_ROOT folder.
+# Like source folders in the PROJECT_ROOT, these paths are subject to
+# exlclusion via the PROJECT_EXLCUSIONS list.
+# (default) PROJECT_EXTERNAL_SOURCE_PATHS = (blank)
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+# These makefiles assume that all folders in your current project directory
+# and any listed in the PROJECT_EXTERNAL_SOURCH_PATHS are are valid locations
+# to look for source code. The any folders or files that match any of the
+# items in the PROJECT_EXCLUSIONS list below will be ignored.
+# Each item in the PROJECT_EXCLUSIONS list will be treated as a complete
+# string unless teh user adds a wildcard (%) operator to match subdirectories.
+# GNU make only allows one wildcard for matching. The second wildcard (%) is
+# treated literally.
+# (default) PROJECT_EXCLUSIONS = (blank)
+# Will automatically exclude the following:
+# $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin%
+# $(PROJECT_ROOT)/obj%
+# $(PROJECT_ROOT)/%.xcodeproj
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+# These flags will be sent to the linker when compiling the executable.
+# (default) PROJECT_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath=./libs
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+# Currently, shared libraries that are needed are copied to the
+# $(PROJECT_ROOT)/bin/libs directory. The following LDFLAGS tell the linker to
+# add a runtime path to search for those shared libraries, since they aren't
+# incorporated directly into the final executable application binary.
+PROJECT_LDFLAGS = `python-config --ldflags`
+# Create a space-delimited list of DEFINES. The list will be converted into
+# CFLAGS with the "-D" flag later in the makefile.
+# (default) PROJECT_DEFINES = (blank)
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+# This is a list of fully qualified CFLAGS required when compiling for this
+# project. These CFLAGS will be used IN ADDITION TO the PLATFORM_CFLAGS
+# defined in your platform specific core configuration files. These flags are
+# presented to the compiler BEFORE the PROJECT_OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS below.
+# (default) PROJECT_CFLAGS = (blank)
+# Note: Before adding PROJECT_CFLAGS, note that the PLATFORM_CFLAGS defined in
+# your platform specific configuration file will be applied by default and
+# further flags here may not be needed.
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+PROJECT_CFLAGS = `python-config --cflags`
+# These are lists of CFLAGS that are target-specific. While any flags could
+# be conditionally added, they are usually limited to optimization flags.
+# These flags are added BEFORE the PROJECT_CFLAGS.
+# PROJECT_OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS_RELEASE flags are only applied to RELEASE targets.
+# PROJECT_OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS_DEBUG flags are only applied to DEBUG targets.
+# Note: Before adding PROJECT_OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS, please note that the
+# PLATFORM_OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS defined in your platform specific configuration
+# file will be applied by default and further optimization flags here may not
+# be needed.
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
+# Custom compilers can be set for CC and CXX
+# (default) PROJECT_CXX = (blank)
+# (default) PROJECT_CC = (blank)
+# Note: Leave a leading space when adding list items with the += operator
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/scripts/stereoDelay.py b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/scripts/stereoDelay.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d98f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/scripts/stereoDelay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Get the input sound and apply a stereo delay + reverb on it.
+st_input = Input([0,1])
+st_delay = Delay(st_input, delay=[.4, .5], feedback=0.7)
+st_rev = WGVerb(st_delay, feedback=0.8, cutoff=4000, bal=0.25).out()
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.cpp b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972541c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "PyoClass.h"
+** Creates a python interpreter and initialize a pyo server inside it.
+** This function must be called, once per Pyo object, before any other
+** calls.
+** arguments:
+** nChannels : int, number of in/out channels.
+** bufferSize : int, number of samples per buffer.
+** sampleRate : int, sample rate frequency.
+** All arguments should be equal to the host audio settings.
+void Pyo::setup(int _nChannels, int _bufferSize, int _sampleRate) {
+ nChannels = _nChannels;
+ bufferSize = _bufferSize;
+ sampleRate = _sampleRate;
+ interpreter = pyo_new_interpreter(nChannels);
+ pyoInBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(pyo_get_input_buffer_address(interpreter));
+ pyoOutBuffer = reinterpret_cast<float*>(pyo_get_output_buffer_address(interpreter));
+ pyoCallback = reinterpret_cast<callPtr*>(pyo_get_embedded_callback_address(interpreter));
+ pyoId = pyo_get_server_id(interpreter);
+ pyo_set_server_params(interpreter, sampleRate, bufferSize);
+** Terminates this object's interpreter.
+Pyo::~Pyo() {
+ pyo_end_interpreter(interpreter);
+** This function fills pyo's input buffers with new samples. Should be called
+** once per process block, inside the host's audioIn function.
+** arguments:
+** *buffer : float *, float pointer pointing to the host's input buffers.
+void Pyo::fillin(float *buffer) {
+ for (int i=0; i<(bufferSize*nChannels); i++) pyoInBuffer[i] = buffer[i];
+** This function tells pyo to process a buffer of samples and fills the host's
+** output buffer with new samples. Should be called once per process block,
+** inside the host's audioOut function.
+** arguments:
+** *buffer : float *, float pointer pointing to the host's output buffers.
+void Pyo::process(float *buffer) {
+ pyoCallback(pyoId);
+ for (int i=0; i<(bufferSize*nChannels); i++) buffer[i] = pyoOutBuffer[i];
+** Execute a python script "file" in the objectès thread's interpreter.
+** An integer "add" is needed to indicate if the pyo server should be
+** reboot or not.
+** arguments:
+** file : char *, filename to execute as a python script. The file is first
+** searched in the current working directory. If not found,
+** the module will try to open it as an absolute path.
+** add, int, if positive, the commands in the file will be added to whatever
+** is already running in the pyo server. If 0, the server will be
+** shutdown and reboot before executing the file.
+int Pyo::loadfile(const char *file, int add) {
+ return pyo_exec_file(interpreter, file, pyoMsg, add);
+** Sends a numerical value to an existing Sig or SigTo object.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, variable name of the object.
+** value : float, value to be assign.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** freq = SigTo(value=440, time=0.1, init=440)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.value("freq", 880);
+int Pyo::value(const char *name, float value) {
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s.value=%f", name, value);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends an array of numerical values to an existing Sig or SigTo object.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, variable name of the object.
+** value : float *, array of floats.
+** len : int, number of elements in the array.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** freq = SigTo(value=[100,200,300,400], time=0.1, init=[100,200,300,400])
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** float frequencies[4] = {150, 250, 350, 450};
+** pyo.value("freq", frequencies, 4);
+int Pyo::value(const char *name, float *value, int len) {
+ char fchar[32];
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s.value=[", name);
+ for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f,", value[i]);
+ strcat(pyoMsg, fchar);
+ }
+ strcat(pyoMsg, "]");
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends a numerical value to a Pyo object's attribute.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, object name and attribute separated by a point.
+** value : float, value to be assign.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** filter = Biquad(input=Noise(0.5), freq=1000, q=4, type=2)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.set("filter.freq", 2000);
+int Pyo::set(const char *name, float value) {
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s=%f", name, value);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Sends an array of numerical values to a Pyo object's attribute.
+** arguments:
+** name : const char *, object name and attribute separated by a point.
+** value : float *, array of floats.
+** len : int, number of elements in the array.
+** Example:
+** inside the script file:
+** filters = Biquad(input=Noise(0.5), freq=[250, 500, 1000, 2000], q=5, type=2)
+** Inside OpenFrameworks (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** float frequencies[4] = {350, 700, 1400, 2800};
+** pyo.set("filters.freq", frequencies, 4);
+int Pyo::set(const char *name, float *value, int len) {
+ char fchar[32];
+ sprintf(pyoMsg, "%s=[", name);
+ for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f,", value[i]);
+ strcat(pyoMsg, fchar);
+ }
+ strcat(pyoMsg, "]");
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Executes any raw valid python statement. With this function, one can dynamically
+** creates and manipulates audio objects and algorithms.
+** arguments:
+** msg : const char *, pointer to a string containing the statement to execute.
+** Example (for a Pyo object named `pyo`):
+** pyo.exec("pits = [0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004]")
+** pyo.exec("fr = Rossler(pitch=pits, chaos=0.9, mul=250, add=500)")
+** pyo.exec("b = SumOsc(freq=fr, ratio=0.499, index=0.4, mul=0.2).out()")
+int Pyo::exec(const char *_msg) {
+ strcpy(pyoMsg, _msg);
+ return pyo_exec_statement(interpreter, pyoMsg, 0);
+** Shutdown and reboot the pyo server while keeping current in/out buffers.
+** This will erase audio objects currently active within the server.
+*/void Pyo::clear() {
+ pyo_server_reboot(interpreter);
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.h b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ca65b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/PyoClass.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "m_pyo.h"
+typedef int callPtr(int);
+class Pyo {
+ public:
+ ~Pyo();
+ void setup(int nChannels, int bufferSize, int sampleRate);
+ void process(float *buffer);
+ void fillin(float *buffer);
+ void clear();
+ int loadfile(const char *file, int add);
+ int exec(const char *msg);
+ int value(const char *name, float value);
+ int value(const char *name, float *value, int len);
+ int set(const char *name, float value);
+ int set(const char *name, float *value, int len);
+ private:
+ int nChannels;
+ int bufferSize;
+ int sampleRate;
+ PyThreadState *interpreter;
+ float *pyoInBuffer;
+ float *pyoOutBuffer;
+ callPtr *pyoCallback;
+ int pyoId;
+ char pyoMsg[262144];
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/m_pyo.h b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/m_pyo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a5235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/m_pyo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Python.h"
+#ifndef __m_pyo_h_
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+** Creates a new python interpreter and starts a pyo server in it.
+** Each instance of pyo, in order to be fully independent of other
+** instances, must be started in its own interpreter. An instance
+** can be an object in a programming language or a plugin in a daw.
+** arguments:
+** chnls : int, number of in/out channels of the pyo server.
+** returns the new python thread's interpreter state.
+inline PyThreadState * pyo_new_interpreter(int chnls) {
+ char msg[64];
+ PyThreadState *interp;
+ if(!Py_IsInitialized()) {
+ Py_Initialize();
+ PyEval_InitThreads();
+ PyEval_ReleaseLock();
+ }
+ PyEval_AcquireLock(); /* get the GIL */
+ interp = Py_NewInterpreter(); /* add a new sub-interpreter */
+ PyRun_SimpleString("from pyo import *");
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_ = Server(44100, %d, 256, 1, 'embedded')", chnls);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot()\n_s_.start()\n_s_.setServer()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_in_address_ = _s_.getInputAddr()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_out_address_ = _s_.getOutputAddr()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_server_id_ = _s_.getServerID()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_emb_callback_ = _s_.getEmbedICallbackAddr()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return interp;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo input buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 32-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a float pointer.
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_input_buffer_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_in_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long long, of the pyo input buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 64-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long long" that should be recast to a double pointer.
+inline unsigned long long pyo_get_input_buffer_address_64(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_in_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoull(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo output buffer.
+** Used this function if pyo's audio samples resolution is 32-bit.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a float pointer.
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_output_buffer_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_out_address_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the address, as unsigned long, of the pyo embedded callback.
+** This callback must be called in the host's perform routine whenever
+** pyo has to compute a new buffer of samples.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an "unsigned long" that should be recast to a void pointer.
+** The callback should be called with the server id (int) as argument.
+** Prototype:
+** void (*callback)(int);
+inline unsigned long pyo_get_embedded_callback_address(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char *address;
+ unsigned long uadd;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_emb_callback_");
+ address = PyString_AsString(obj);
+ uadd = strtoul(address, NULL, 0);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return uadd;
+** Returns the pyo server id of this thread, as an integer.
+** The id must be pass as argument to the callback function.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** returns an integer.
+inline int pyo_get_server_id(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ int id;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_server_id_");
+ id = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return id;
+** Closes the interpreter linked to the thread state given as argument.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline void pyo_end_interpreter(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ Py_EndInterpreter(interp);
+ PyEval_ReleaseLock();
+** Shutdown and reboot the pyo server while keeping current in/out buffers.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline void pyo_server_reboot(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+** Reboot the pyo server with new sampling rate and buffer size.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** sr : float, host sampling rate.
+** bufsize : int, host buffer size.
+inline void pyo_set_server_params(PyThreadState *interp, float sr, int bufsize) {
+ char msg[64];
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_.setSamplingRate(%f)", sr);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ sprintf(msg, "_s_.setBufferSize(%d)", bufsize);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+** Returns 1 if the pyo server is started for the given thread,
+** Otherwise returns 0.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+inline int pyo_is_server_started(PyThreadState *interp) {
+ int started;
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString("started = _s_.getIsStarted()");
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "started");
+ started = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return started;
+** Execute a python script "file" in the given thread's interpreter (interp).
+** A pre-allocated string "msg" must be given to create the python command
+** used for error handling. An integer "add" is needed to indicate if the
+** pyo server should be reboot or not.
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** file : char *, filename to execute as a python script. The file is first
+** searched in the current working directory. If not found,
+** the module will try to open it as an absolute path.
+** msg : char *, pre-allocated string used to create the python command
+** used for error handling.
+** add, int, if positive, the commands in the file will be added to whatever
+** is already running in the pyo server. If 0, the server will be
+** shutdown and reboot before executing the file.
+inline int pyo_exec_file(PyThreadState *interp, const char *file, char *msg, int add) {
+ int ok, err = 0;
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ sprintf(msg, "import os\n_ok_ = os.path.isfile('./%s')", file);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ sprintf(msg, "if not _ok_:\n _ok_ = os.path.isfile('%s')", file);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_ok_");
+ ok = PyInt_AsLong(obj);
+ if (ok) {
+ sprintf(msg, "try:\n execfile('./%s')\nexcept:\n execfile('%s')",
+ file, file);
+ if (!add) {
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.setServer()\n_s_.stop()\n_s_.shutdown()");
+ PyRun_SimpleString("_s_.boot(newBuffer=False).start()");
+ }
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ }
+ else
+ err = 1;
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ return err;
+** Execute a python statement "msg" in the thread's interpreter "interp".
+** If "debug" is true, the statement will be executed in a try - except
+** block. The error message, if any, will be write back in the *msg
+** pointer and the function will return 1. If no error occured, the
+** function returned 0. If debug is false, the statement is executed
+** without any error checking (unsafe but faster).
+** arguments:
+** interp : pointer, pointer to the targeted Python thread state.
+** msg : char *, pointer to a string containing the statement to execute.
+** In debug mode, if an error occured, the output log will
+** be write back in this string.
+** debug, int, if positive, the commands will be executed in a try-except
+** statement. If 0, there will be no error checking, which is
+** much faster.
+inline int pyo_exec_statement(PyThreadState *interp, char *msg, int debug) {
+ int err = 0;
+ if (debug) {
+ PyObject *module, *obj;
+ char pp[26] = "_error_=None\ntry:\n ";
+ memmove(msg + strlen(pp), msg, strlen(msg)+1);
+ memmove(msg, pp, strlen(pp));
+ strcat(msg, "\nexcept Exception, _e_:\n _error_=str(_e_)");
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ module = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
+ obj = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "_error_");
+ if (obj != Py_None) {
+ strcpy(msg, PyString_AsString(obj));
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ }
+ else {
+ PyEval_AcquireThread(interp);
+ PyRun_SimpleString(msg);
+ PyEval_ReleaseThread(interp);
+ }
+ return err;
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __m_pyo_h_
+#endif /* __m_pyo_h_ */
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/main.cpp b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d241d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#include "ofMain.h"
+#include "testApp.h"
+int main( ){
+ ofSetupOpenGL(1024,768,OF_WINDOW); // <-------- setup the GL context
+ // this kicks off the running of my app
+ // pass in width and height too:
+ ofRunApp(new testApp());
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.cpp b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..882cec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include "testApp.h"
+void testApp::setup(){
+ // define audio properties
+ int sampleRate = 44100;
+ int bufferSize = 256;
+ int nChannels = 2;
+ // initialize a pyo server
+ pyo.setup(nChannels, bufferSize, sampleRate);
+ // load a python file
+ pyo.loadfile("../scripts/stereoDelay.py", 0);
+ // initialize OpenFrameworks audio streaming channels
+ soundStream.setup(this, nChannels, nChannels, sampleRate, bufferSize, 4);
+void testApp::audioIn(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels){
+ // send audio samples to pyo
+ pyo.fillin(input);
+void testApp::audioOut(float * output, int bufferSize, int nChannels){
+ // process and get new audio samples from pyo
+ pyo.process(output);
+void testApp::update(){
+void testApp::draw(){
+void testApp::keyPressed(int key){
+void testApp::keyReleased(int key){
+void testApp::mouseMoved(int x, int y ){
+void testApp::mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button){
+void testApp::mousePressed(int x, int y, int button){
+void testApp::mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button){
+void testApp::windowResized(int w, int h){
+void testApp::gotMessage(ofMessage msg){
+void testApp::dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo){
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.h b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a98213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/PyoTemplate/src/testApp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "ofMain.h"
+#include "PyoClass.h"
+class testApp : public ofBaseApp{
+ public:
+ void setup();
+ void update();
+ void draw();
+ void keyPressed(int key);
+ void keyReleased(int key);
+ void mouseMoved(int x, int y );
+ void mouseDragged(int x, int y, int button);
+ void mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
+ void mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button);
+ void windowResized(int w, int h);
+ void dragEvent(ofDragInfo dragInfo);
+ void gotMessage(ofMessage msg);
+ void audioIn(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels);
+ void audioOut(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels);
+ ofSoundStream soundStream;
+ Pyo pyo;
diff --git a/embedded/openframeworks/README b/embedded/openframeworks/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7879578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/openframeworks/README
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Introduction on how to use pyo inside an OpenFrameworks project.
+To use pyo inside an OpenFrameworks project, first you need a
+working install of pyo on your system. After installing pyo,
+you can go and create an OpenFrameworks project.
+Step 1 - Create a default project with project generator.
+Step 2 - Add pyo files to your project. You only need to copy
+these files in your project's src folder:
+- from this folder:
+- from the folder "embedded":
+Step 3 - Make sure that your project includes flags for compiling
+and linking against Python. On Unix systems, you can set the Python
+flags in the file config.make. Uncomment and complete these lines:
+PROJECT_LDFLAGS = `python-config --ldflags` # linker flags for Python
+PROJECT_CFLAGS = `python-config --cflags` # compiler flags for Python
+Step 4 - Make a scripts folder at the root level of your project and
+create a python file, named "stereoDelay.py", with these lines in it:
+# Get the input sound and apply a stereo delay + reverb on it.
+st_input = Input([0,1])
+st_delay = Delay(st_input, delay=[.4, .5], feedback=0.7)
+st_rev = WGVerb(st_delay, feedback=0.8, cutoff=4000, bal=0.25).out()
+Step 5 - Edit src/testApp.h.
+- Include PyoClass definition:
+#include "PyoClass.h"
+- Add audio in/out callbacks to the public attributes of the testApp class:
+void audioIn(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels);
+void audioOut(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels);
+- Add an ofSoundStream object to the public attributes of the testApp class:
+ofSoundStream soundStream;
+- Add a Pyo object to the public attributes of the testApp class:
+Pyo pyo;
+Step 6 - Edit src/testApp.cpp.
+- Creates the setup() function:
+void testApp::setup(){
+ // define audio properties
+ int sampleRate = 44100;
+ int bufferSize = 256;
+ int nChannels = 2;
+ // initialize a pyo server
+ pyo.setup(nChannels, bufferSize, sampleRate);
+ // load a python file
+ pyo.loadfile("../scripts/stereoDelay.py", 0);
+ // initialize OpenFrameworks audio streaming channels
+ soundStream.setup(this, nChannels, nChannels, sampleRate, bufferSize, 4);
+- Creates audio in/out functions:
+void testApp::audioIn(float * input, int bufferSize, int nChannels){
+ // send audio samples to pyo
+ pyo.fillin(input);
+void testApp::audioOut(float * output, int bufferSize, int nChannels){
+ // process and get new audio samples from pyo
+ pyo.process(output);
+Here you go! Compile, Run and Enjoy!
+For a complete description of functions that can be used to communicate
+with the pyo embedded processes, see documentation comments in the file
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/Makefile b/embedded/puredata/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6637883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+## Pd library template version 1.0.13
+# For instructions on how to use this template, see:
+# http://puredata.info/docs/developer/MakefileTemplate
+# add your .c source files, one object per file, to the SOURCES
+# variable, help files will be included automatically, and for GUI
+# objects, the matching .tcl file too
+SOURCES = pyo~.c
+# list all pd objects (i.e. myobject.pd) files here, and their helpfiles will
+# be included automatically
+PDOBJECTS = pyo~.pd
+# example patches and related files, in the 'examples' subfolder
+# manuals and related files, in the 'manual' subfolder
+MANUAL = manual.txt
+# if you want to include any other files in the source and binary tarballs,
+# list them here. This can be anything from header files, test patches,
+# documentation, etc. README.txt and LICENSE.txt are required and therefore
+# automatically included
+EXTRA_DIST = m_pyo.h
+# unit tests and related files here, in the 'unittests' subfolder
+# added to support the multiple shared source files
+# things you might need to edit if you are using other C libraries
+UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq (MINGW,$(findstring MINGW,$(UNAME)))
+ ALL_CFLAGS = -I"$(PD_INCLUDE)" -I.. -Wno-unused-parameter -I/c/Python27/include
+ ALL_LDFLAGS = -lpython27
+ ALL_LIBS = -L/c/Python27/libs
+ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
+ MAC_SDK = # put the path to your base SDK if you have problem to compile with the one given by python (ex: /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk)
+ ARCH_TYPE = i386 # can put multiple architectures if they are available with your environment (ex: ppc i386)
+ ifeq ($(MAC_SDK),)
+ PYTHONFLAGS = $(shell python-config --cflags)
+ else
+ PYTHONFLAGS = $(patsubst /%, $(MAC_SDK), $(shell python-config --cflags))
+ endif
+ ALL_CFLAGS = -I"$(PD_INCLUDE)" -I.. -Wno-unused-parameter $(PYTHONFLAGS)
+ ALL_LDFLAGS = $(shell python-config --ldflags)
+ # ALL_LIBS = $(shell python-config --libs)
+ ALL_LIBS = -ldl -framework CoreFoundation -framework Python
+ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux)
+ ALL_CFLAGS = -I"$(PD_INCLUDE)" -I.. -Wno-unused-parameter $(shell python-config --cflags)
+ ALL_LDFLAGS = $(shell python-config --ldflags)
+ ALL_LIBS = $(shell python-config --libs)
+# you shouldn't need to edit anything below here, if we did it right :)
+# these can be set from outside without (usually) breaking the build
+CFLAGS = -Wall -W -g
+# get library version from meta file
+LIBRARY_VERSION = $(shell sed -n 's|^\#X text [0-9][0-9]* [0-9][0-9]* VERSION \(.*\);|\1|p' $(LIBRARY_NAME)-meta.pd)
+PD_INCLUDE = $(PD_PATH)/include/pd
+# where to install the library, overridden below depending on platform
+prefix = /usr/local
+libdir = $(prefix)/lib
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/pd-externals
+objectsdir = $(pkglibdir)
+INSTALL = install
+INSTALL_DATA = $(INSTALL) -p -m 644
+INSTALL_DIR = $(INSTALL) -p -m 755 -d
+ALLSOURCES := $(SOURCES) $(SOURCES_android) $(SOURCES_cygwin) $(SOURCES_macosx) \
+ $(SOURCES_iphoneos) $(SOURCES_linux) $(SOURCES_windows)
+UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
+ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
+ CPU := $(shell uname -p)
+ ifeq ($(CPU),arm) # iPhone/iPod Touch
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_iphoneos)
+ EXTENSION = pd_darwin
+ OS = iphoneos
+ PD_PATH = /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources
+ IPHONE_BASE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin
+ ISYSROOT = -isysroot /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk
+ IPHONE_CFLAGS = -miphoneos-version-min=3.0 $(ISYSROOT) -arch armv6
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -fast -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -arch armv6 -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup $(ISYSROOT)
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -arch armv6 -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup $(ISYSROOT)
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_iphoneos)
+ STRIP = strip -x
+ else # Mac OS X
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_macosx)
+ EXTENSION = pd_darwin
+ OS = macosx
+ PD_PATH = /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2 -fast
+# build universal 32-bit on 10.4 and 32/64 on newer
+ ifeq ($(shell uname -r | sed 's|\([0-9][0-9]*\)\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*|\1|'), 8)
+ # FAT_FLAGS = -arch ppc -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
+ ARCHWITHOUT64 := $(filter-out x86_64,$(ARCH_TYPE))
+ FAT_FLAGS = $(patsubst %,-arch %, $(ARCHWITHOUT64)) -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
+ else
+ # FAT_FLAGS = -arch ppc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
+ FAT_FLAGS = $(patsubst %,-arch %, $(ARCH_TYPE)) -mmacosx-version-min=10.5
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_iphoneos)
+ endif
+ ALL_CFLAGS += $(FAT_FLAGS) -fPIC -I/sw/include
+ # if the 'pd' binary exists, check the linking against it to aid with stripping
+ BUNDLE_LOADER = $(shell test ! -e $(PD_PATH)/bin/pd || echo -bundle_loader $(PD_PATH)/bin/pd)
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += $(FAT_FLAGS) -headerpad_max_install_names -bundle $(BUNDLE_LOADER) \
+ -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/sw/lib
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += $(FAT_FLAGS) -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup \
+ -install_name @loader_path/$(SHARED_LIB) -compatibility_version 1 -current_version 1.0
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_macosx)
+ STRIP = strip -x
+# install into ~/Library/Pd on Mac OS X since /usr/local isn't used much
+ pkglibdir=$(HOME)/Library/Pd
+ endif
+# Tho Android uses Linux, we use this fake uname to provide an easy way to
+# setup all this things needed to cross-compile for Android using the NDK
+ifeq ($(UNAME),ANDROID)
+ CPU := arm
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_android)
+ EXTENSION = pd_linux
+ OS = android
+ PD_PATH = /usr
+ NDK_BASE := /usr/local/android-ndk
+ NDK_SYSROOT=$(NDK_BASE)/platforms/android-$(NDK_PLATFORM_VERSION)/arch-arm
+ NDK_UNAME := $(shell uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
+ NDK_TOOLCHAIN_BASE=$(NDK_BASE)/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/$(NDK_UNAME)-x86
+ CC := $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN_BASE)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc --sysroot=$(NDK_SYSROOT)
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -shared
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB) -shared
+ LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_android)
+ STRIP := $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN_BASE)/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-strip \
+ --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+ DISTBINDIR=$(DISTDIR)-$(OS)-$(shell uname -m)
+ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux)
+ CPU := $(shell uname -m)
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_linux)
+ EXTENSION = pd_linux
+ OS = linux
+ PD_PATH = /usr
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -shared -fPIC -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN",--enable-new-dtags
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB) -shared
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_linux)
+ STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+ DISTBINDIR=$(DISTDIR)-$(OS)-$(shell uname -m)
+ifeq ($(UNAME),GNU)
+ # GNU/Hurd, should work like GNU/Linux for basically all externals
+ CPU := $(shell uname -m)
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_linux)
+ EXTENSION = pd_linux
+ OS = linux
+ PD_PATH = /usr
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -shared -fPIC -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN",--enable-new-dtags
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB)
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_linux)
+ STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+ DISTBINDIR=$(DISTDIR)-$(OS)-$(shell uname -m)
+ifeq ($(UNAME),GNU/kFreeBSD)
+ # Debian GNU/kFreeBSD, should work like GNU/Linux for basically all externals
+ CPU := $(shell uname -m)
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_linux)
+ EXTENSION = pd_linux
+ OS = linux
+ PD_PATH = /usr
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -shared -fPIC -Wl,-rpath,"\$$ORIGIN",--enable-new-dtags
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB)
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc $(LIBS_linux)
+ STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+ DISTBINDIR=$(DISTDIR)-$(OS)-$(shell uname -m)
+ifeq (CYGWIN,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME)))
+ CPU := $(shell uname -m)
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_cygwin)
+ OS = cygwin
+ PD_PATH = $(shell cygpath $$PROGRAMFILES)/pd
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O6 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -rdynamic -shared -L"$(PD_PATH)/src" -L"$(PD_PATH)/bin"
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB)
+ ALL_LIBS += -lc -lpd $(LIBS_cygwin)
+ STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+ifeq (MINGW,$(findstring MINGW,$(UNAME)))
+ CPU := $(shell uname -m)
+ SOURCES += $(SOURCES_windows)
+ OS = windows
+ PD_PATH = $(shell cd "$$PROGRAMFILES/pd" && pwd)
+ # MinGW doesn't seem to include cc so force gcc
+ CC=gcc
+ OPT_CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer
+ ALL_CFLAGS += -mms-bitfields
+ ALL_LDFLAGS += -s -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-import
+ SHARED_LDFLAGS += -shared
+ ALL_LIBS += -L"$(PD_PATH)/src" -L"$(PD_PATH)/bin" -L"$(PD_PATH)/obj" \
+ -lpd -lwsock32 -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -liberty $(LIBS_windows)
+ STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment
+# in case somebody manually set the HELPPATCHES above
+HELPPATCHES ?= $(SOURCES:.c=-help.pd) $(PDOBJECTS:.pd=-help.pd)
+SHARED_SOURCE ?= $(wildcard lib$(LIBRARY_NAME).c)
+SHARED_HEADER ?= $(shell test ! -e $(LIBRARY_NAME).h || echo $(LIBRARY_NAME).h)
+SHARED_TCL_LIB = $(wildcard lib$(LIBRARY_NAME).tcl)
+.PHONY = install libdir_install single_install install-doc install-examples install-manual install-unittests clean distclean dist etags $(LIBRARY_NAME)
+%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o "$*.o" -c "$*.c"
+ $(CC) $(ALL_LDFLAGS) -o "$*.$(EXTENSION)" "$*.o" $(ALL_LIBS) $(SHARED_LIB)
+ chmod a-x "$*.$(EXTENSION)"
+# this links everything into a single binary file
+ chmod a-x $(LIBRARY_NAME).$(EXTENSION)
+install: single_install
+# The meta and help files are explicitly installed to make sure they are
+# actually there. Those files are not optional, then need to be there.
+libdir_install: $(SOURCES:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) $(SHARED_LIB) install-doc install-examples install-manual install-unittests
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(SOURCES))" || (\
+ $(STRIP) $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/,$(SOURCES:.c=.$(EXTENSION))))
+ test -z "$(strip $(SHARED_LIB))" || \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(wildcard $(SOURCES:.c=.tcl)))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(wildcard $(SOURCES:.c=.tcl)) \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(PDOBJECTS))" || \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(SHARED_TCL_LIB))" || \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+# install library linked as single binary
+single_install: $(LIBRARY_NAME) install-doc install-examples install-manual install-unittests
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(SOURCES) $(PDOBJECTS))" || \
+ $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)
+ test -z "$(strip $(EXAMPLES))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/examples && \
+ for file in $(EXAMPLES); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) examples/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/examples; \
+ done
+ test -z "$(strip $(MANUAL))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/manual && \
+ for file in $(MANUAL); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) manual/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/manual; \
+ done
+ test -z "$(strip $(UNITTESTS))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/unittests && \
+ for file in $(UNITTESTS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) unittests/$$file $(DESTDIR)$(objectsdir)/$(LIBRARY_NAME)/unittests; \
+ done
+ -rm -f -- $(SOURCES:.c=.o) $(SOURCES_LIB:.c=.o) $(SHARED_SOURCE:.c=.o)
+ -rm -f -- $(SOURCES:.c=.$(EXTENSION))
+ -rm -f -- $(LIBRARY_NAME).o
+ -rm -f -- $(LIBRARY_NAME).$(EXTENSION)
+ -rm -f -- $(SHARED_LIB)
+distclean: clean
+ -rm -f -- $(DISTBINDIR).tar.gz
+ -rm -rf -- $(DISTBINDIR)
+ -rm -f -- $(DISTDIR).tar.gz
+ -rm -rf -- $(DISTDIR)
+ -rm -f -- $(ORIGDIR).tar.gz
+ -rm -rf -- $(ORIGDIR)
+libdir: all $(DISTBINDIR)
+ test -z "$(strip $(EXTRA_DIST))" || \
+# tar --exclude-vcs -czpf $(DISTBINDIR).tar.gz $(DISTBINDIR)
+dist: $(DISTDIR)
+ test -z "$(strip $(ALLSOURCES))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(wildcard $(ALLSOURCES:.c=.tcl)))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(wildcard $(ALLSOURCES:.c=.tcl)) $(DISTDIR)
+ test -z "$(strip $(wildcard $(LIBRARY_NAME).c))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(SHARED_HEADER))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(SHARED_SOURCE))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(SHARED_TCL_LIB))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(PDOBJECTS))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(HELPPATCHES))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(EXTRA_DIST))" || \
+ test -z "$(strip $(EXAMPLES))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DISTDIR)/examples && \
+ for file in $(EXAMPLES); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) examples/$$file $(DISTDIR)/examples; \
+ done
+ test -z "$(strip $(MANUAL))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DISTDIR)/manual && \
+ for file in $(MANUAL); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) manual/$$file $(DISTDIR)/manual; \
+ done
+ test -z "$(strip $(UNITTESTS))" || \
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(DISTDIR)/unittests && \
+ for file in $(UNITTESTS); do \
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) unittests/$$file $(DISTDIR)/unittests; \
+ done
+ tar --exclude-vcs -czpf $(DISTDIR).tar.gz $(DISTDIR)
+# make a Debian source package
+ debclean
+ make distclean dist
+ tar --exclude-vcs -czpf ../$(ORIGDIR).orig.tar.gz $(ORIGDIR)
+ rm -f -- $(DISTDIR).tar.gz
+ rm -rf -- $(DISTDIR) $(ORIGDIR)
+ cd .. && dpkg-source -b $(LIBRARY_NAME)
+etags: TAGS
+ etags $(wildcard $(PD_INCLUDE)/*.h)
+ etags -a --language=none --regex="/proc[ \t]+\([^ \t]+\)/\1/" *.tcl
+ @echo "CC: $(CC)"
+ @echo "CFLAGS: $(CFLAGS)"
+ @echo "LDFLAGS: $(LDFLAGS)"
+ @echo "LIBS: $(LIBS)"
+ @echo "ALL_LIBS: $(ALL_LIBS)"
+ @echo "PD_PATH: $(PD_PATH)"
+ @echo "objectsdir: $(objectsdir)"
+ @echo "SOURCES: $(SOURCES)"
+ @echo "ALLSOURCES TCL: $(wildcard $(ALLSOURCES:.c=.tcl))"
+ @echo "UNAME: $(UNAME)"
+ @echo "CPU: $(CPU)"
+ @echo "pkglibdir: $(pkglibdir)"
+ @echo "DISTDIR: $(DISTDIR)"
+ @echo "ORIGDIR: $(ORIGDIR)"
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/examples/cvlverb.py b/embedded/puredata/examples/cvlverb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..739e176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/examples/cvlverb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+bal = SigTo(0.25, 0.005, 0.25)
+ins = Input([0,1])
+dist = CvlVerb(ins, size=512, bal=bal, mul=0.3).out()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/examples/random_waves.py b/embedded/puredata/examples/random_waves.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9cc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/examples/random_waves.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import random
+feed = SigTo(0.05, 0.05, 0.05)
+amp = Fader(fadein=0.005, fadeout=0.12, dur=0.125)
+syn = SineLoop(freq=[500,510], feedback=feed, mul=amp*amp)
+rev = WGVerb(syn, feedback=0.85, cutoff=4500, bal=0.1).out()
+def choose(a, b):
+ x = random.randint(a, b)
+ deg = [0,2,3,5,7,8,11][x%7]
+ hz = midiToHz(deg + (x / 7 * 12 + 36))
+ syn.freq = [hz,hz*1.005]
+ amp.play()
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators.py b/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233ae54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+reson = SigTo(2, 0.005, 2)
+freqs = SigTo([50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400], time=0.2)
+ins = Input([0,1])
+wgs = Waveguide(ins, freq=freqs, dur=reson, mul=0.1)
+wgss = wgs.mix(2)
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators_add_delays.py b/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators_add_delays.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..554ecce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/examples/resonators_add_delays.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+deltime = SigTo(.25, 0.005, 0.25)
+delfeed = SigTo(.25, 0.005, 0.25)
+dd = Delay(wgs, delay=deltime, feedback=delfeed).out(0)
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/m_pd.h b/embedded/puredata/m_pd.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..71bd28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/m_pd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
+* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
+#ifndef __m_pd_h_
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#define PD_MINOR_VERSION 41
+#define PD_TEST_VERSION "extended"
+/* old name for "MSW" flag -- we have to take it for the sake of many old
+"nmakefiles" for externs, which will define NT and not MSW */
+#if defined(NT) && !defined(MSW)
+#define MSW
+/* These pragmas are only used for MSVC, not MinGW or Cygwin <hans at at.or.at> */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+/* #pragma warning( disable : 4091 ) */
+#pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) /* uncast const double to float */
+#pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) /* uncast float/int conversion etc. */
+#pragma warning( disable : 4101 ) /* unused automatic variables */
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+ /* the external storage class is "extern" in UNIX; in MSW it's ugly. */
+#ifdef MSW
+#define EXTERN __declspec(dllexport) extern
+#define EXTERN __declspec(dllimport) extern
+#endif /* PD_INTERNAL */
+#define EXTERN extern
+#endif /* MSW */
+ /* and depending on the compiler, hidden data structures are
+ declared differently: */
+#if defined( __GNUC__) || defined( __BORLANDC__ ) || defined( __MWERKS__ )
+#define EXTERN_STRUCT struct
+#define EXTERN_STRUCT extern struct
+#if !defined(_SIZE_T) && !defined(_SIZE_T_)
+#include <stddef.h> /* just for size_t -- how lame! */
+#define MAXPDSTRING 1000 /* must be >= FILENAME_MAX */
+#define MAXPDARG 5 /* max number of args we can typecheck today */
+/* signed and unsigned integer types the size of a pointer: */
+/* GG: long is the size of a pointer */
+typedef long t_int;
+typedef float t_float; /* a floating-point number at most the same size */
+typedef float t_floatarg; /* floating-point type for function calls */
+typedef struct _symbol
+ char *s_name;
+ struct _class **s_thing;
+ struct _symbol *s_next;
+} t_symbol;
+#define t_array struct _array /* g_canvas.h */
+/* pointers to glist and array elements go through a "stub" which sticks
+around after the glist or array is freed. The stub itself is deleted when
+both the glist/array is gone and the refcount is zero, ensuring that no
+gpointers are pointing here. */
+#define GP_NONE 0 /* the stub points nowhere (has been cut off) */
+#define GP_GLIST 1 /* the stub points to a glist element */
+#define GP_ARRAY 2 /* ... or array */
+typedef struct _gstub
+ union
+ {
+ struct _glist *gs_glist; /* glist we're in */
+ struct _array *gs_array; /* array we're in */
+ } gs_un;
+ int gs_which; /* GP_GLIST/GP_ARRAY */
+ int gs_refcount; /* number of gpointers pointing here */
+} t_gstub;
+typedef struct _gpointer /* pointer to a gobj in a glist */
+ union
+ {
+ struct _scalar *gp_scalar; /* scalar we're in (if glist) */
+ union word *gp_w; /* raw data (if array) */
+ } gp_un;
+ int gp_valid; /* number which must match gpointee */
+ t_gstub *gp_stub; /* stub which points to glist/array */
+} t_gpointer;
+#define PD_BLOBS 1 /* MP20070211 Use this to test for blob capability */
+/* MP20061223 blob type: */
+typedef struct _blob /* pointer to a blob */
+ unsigned long s_length; /* length of blob in bytes */
+ unsigned char *s_data; /* pointer to 1st byte of blob */
+} t_blob;
+/* ...MP20061223 blob type */
+typedef union word
+ t_float w_float;
+ t_symbol *w_symbol;
+ t_gpointer *w_gpointer;
+ t_array *w_array;
+ struct _glist *w_list;
+ int w_index;
+ t_blob *w_blob; /* MP20061223 blob type */
+} t_word;
+typedef enum
+ A_BLOB /* MP20061223 blob type */
+} t_atomtype;
+#define A_DEFSYMBOL A_DEFSYM /* better name for this */
+typedef struct _atom
+ t_atomtype a_type;
+ union word a_w;
+} t_atom;
+#define t_class struct _class
+#define t_outlet struct _outlet
+#define t_inlet struct _inlet
+#define t_binbuf struct _binbuf
+#define t_clock struct _clock
+EXTERN_STRUCT _outconnect;
+#define t_outconnect struct _outconnect
+#define t_glist struct _glist
+#define t_canvas struct _glist /* LATER lose this */
+typedef t_class *t_pd; /* pure datum: nothing but a class pointer */
+typedef struct _gobj /* a graphical object */
+ t_pd g_pd; /* pure datum header (class) */
+ struct _gobj *g_next; /* next in list */
+} t_gobj;
+typedef struct _scalar /* a graphical object holding data */
+ t_gobj sc_gobj; /* header for graphical object */
+ t_symbol *sc_template; /* template name (LATER replace with pointer) */
+ t_word sc_vec[1]; /* indeterminate-length array of words */
+} t_scalar;
+typedef struct _text /* patchable object - graphical, with text */
+ t_gobj te_g; /* header for graphical object */
+ t_binbuf *te_binbuf; /* holder for the text */
+ t_outlet *te_outlet; /* linked list of outlets */
+ t_inlet *te_inlet; /* linked list of inlets */
+ short te_xpix; /* x&y location (within the toplevel) */
+ short te_ypix;
+ short te_width; /* requested width in chars, 0 if auto */
+ unsigned int te_type:2; /* from defs below */
+} t_text;
+#define T_TEXT 0 /* just a textual comment */
+#define T_OBJECT 1 /* a MAX style patchable object */
+#define T_MESSAGE 2 /* a MAX stype message */
+#define T_ATOM 3 /* a cell to display a number or symbol */
+#define te_pd te_g.g_pd
+ /* t_object is synonym for t_text (LATER unify them) */
+typedef struct _text t_object;
+#define ob_outlet te_outlet
+#define ob_inlet te_inlet
+#define ob_binbuf te_binbuf
+#define ob_pd te_g.g_pd
+#define ob_g te_g
+typedef void (*t_method)(void);
+typedef void *(*t_newmethod)( void);
+typedef void (*t_gotfn)(void *x, ...);
+/* ---------------- pre-defined objects and symbols --------------*/
+EXTERN t_pd pd_objectmaker; /* factory for creating "object" boxes */
+EXTERN t_pd pd_canvasmaker; /* factory for creating canvases */
+EXTERN t_symbol s_pointer;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_float;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_symbol;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_blob;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_bang;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_list;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_anything;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_signal;
+EXTERN t_symbol s__N;
+EXTERN t_symbol s__X;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_x;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_y;
+EXTERN t_symbol s_;
+/* --------- prototypes from the central message system ----------- */
+EXTERN void pd_typedmess(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void pd_forwardmess(t_pd *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN t_symbol *gensym(const char *s);
+EXTERN t_gotfn getfn(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN t_gotfn zgetfn(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void nullfn(void);
+EXTERN void pd_vmess(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, char *fmt, ...);
+#define mess0(x, s) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x)))
+#define mess1(x, s, a) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x), (a)))
+#define mess2(x, s, a,b) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x), (a),(b)))
+#define mess3(x, s, a,b,c) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x), (a),(b),(c)))
+#define mess4(x, s, a,b,c,d) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x), (a),(b),(c),(d)))
+#define mess5(x, s, a,b,c,d,e) ((*getfn((x), (s)))((x), (a),(b),(c),(d),(e)))
+EXTERN void obj_list(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN t_pd *pd_newest(void);
+/* --------------- memory management -------------------- */
+EXTERN void *getbytes(size_t nbytes);
+EXTERN void *getzbytes(size_t nbytes);
+EXTERN void *copybytes(void *src, size_t nbytes);
+EXTERN void freebytes(void *x, size_t nbytes);
+EXTERN void *resizebytes(void *x, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize);
+/* -------------------- atoms ----------------------------- */
+#define SETSEMI(atom) ((atom)->a_type = A_SEMI, (atom)->a_w.w_index = 0)
+#define SETCOMMA(atom) ((atom)->a_type = A_COMMA, (atom)->a_w.w_index = 0)
+#define SETPOINTER(atom, gp) ((atom)->a_type = A_POINTER, \
+ (atom)->a_w.w_gpointer = (gp))
+#define SETFLOAT(atom, f) ((atom)->a_type = A_FLOAT, (atom)->a_w.w_float = (f))
+#define SETSYMBOL(atom, s) ((atom)->a_type = A_SYMBOL, \
+ (atom)->a_w.w_symbol = (s))
+#define SETBLOB(atom, st) ((atom)->a_type = A_BLOB, (atom)->a_w.w_blob = (st)) /* MP 20061226 blob type */
+#define SETDOLLAR(atom, n) ((atom)->a_type = A_DOLLAR, \
+ (atom)->a_w.w_index = (n))
+#define SETDOLLSYM(atom, s) ((atom)->a_type = A_DOLLSYM, \
+ (atom)->a_w.w_symbol= (s))
+EXTERN t_float atom_getfloat(t_atom *a);
+EXTERN t_int atom_getint(t_atom *a);
+EXTERN t_symbol *atom_getsymbol(t_atom *a);
+EXTERN t_blob *atom_getblob(t_atom *a);/* MP 20070108 blob type */
+EXTERN t_symbol *atom_gensym(t_atom *a);
+EXTERN t_float atom_getfloatarg(int which, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN t_int atom_getintarg(int which, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN t_symbol *atom_getsymbolarg(int which, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void atom_string(t_atom *a, char *buf, unsigned int bufsize);
+/* ------------------ binbufs --------------- */
+EXTERN t_binbuf *binbuf_new(void);
+EXTERN void binbuf_free(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN t_binbuf *binbuf_duplicate(t_binbuf *y);
+EXTERN void binbuf_text(t_binbuf *x, char *text, size_t size);
+EXTERN void binbuf_gettext(t_binbuf *x, char **bufp, int *lengthp);
+EXTERN void binbuf_clear(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN void binbuf_add(t_binbuf *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void binbuf_addv(t_binbuf *x, char *fmt, ...);
+EXTERN void binbuf_addbinbuf(t_binbuf *x, t_binbuf *y);
+EXTERN void binbuf_addsemi(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN void binbuf_restore(t_binbuf *x, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void binbuf_print(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN int binbuf_getnatom(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN t_atom *binbuf_getvec(t_binbuf *x);
+EXTERN void binbuf_eval(t_binbuf *x, t_pd *target, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN int binbuf_read(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, char *dirname,
+ int crflag);
+EXTERN int binbuf_read_via_canvas(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, t_canvas *canvas,
+ int crflag);
+EXTERN int binbuf_read_via_path(t_binbuf *b, char *filename, char *dirname,
+ int crflag);
+EXTERN int binbuf_write(t_binbuf *x, char *filename, char *dir,
+ int crflag);
+EXTERN void binbuf_evalfile(t_symbol *name, t_symbol *dir);
+EXTERN t_symbol *binbuf_realizedollsym(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av,
+ int tonew);
+/* ------------------ clocks --------------- */
+EXTERN t_clock *clock_new(void *owner, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void clock_set(t_clock *x, double systime);
+EXTERN void clock_delay(t_clock *x, double delaytime);
+EXTERN void clock_unset(t_clock *x);
+EXTERN double clock_getlogicaltime(void);
+EXTERN double clock_getsystime(void); /* OBSOLETE; use clock_getlogicaltime() */
+EXTERN double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime);
+EXTERN double clock_getsystimeafter(double delaytime);
+EXTERN void clock_free(t_clock *x);
+/* ----------------- pure data ---------------- */
+EXTERN t_pd *pd_new(t_class *cls);
+EXTERN void pd_free(t_pd *x);
+EXTERN void pd_bind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void pd_unbind(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN t_pd *pd_findbyclass(t_symbol *s, t_class *c);
+EXTERN void pd_pushsym(t_pd *x);
+EXTERN void pd_popsym(t_pd *x);
+EXTERN t_symbol *pd_getfilename(void);
+EXTERN t_symbol *pd_getdirname(void);
+EXTERN void pd_bang(t_pd *x);
+EXTERN void pd_pointer(t_pd *x, t_gpointer *gp);
+EXTERN void pd_float(t_pd *x, t_float f);
+EXTERN void pd_symbol(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void pd_blob(t_pd *x, t_blob *st); /* MP 20061226 blob type */
+EXTERN void pd_list(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void pd_anything(t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+#define pd_class(x) (*(x))
+/* ----------------- pointers ---------------- */
+EXTERN void gpointer_init(t_gpointer *gp);
+EXTERN void gpointer_copy(const t_gpointer *gpfrom, t_gpointer *gpto);
+EXTERN void gpointer_unset(t_gpointer *gp);
+EXTERN int gpointer_check(const t_gpointer *gp, int headok);
+/* ----------------- patchable "objects" -------------- */
+EXTERN t_inlet *inlet_new(t_object *owner, t_pd *dest, t_symbol *s1,
+ t_symbol *s2);
+EXTERN t_inlet *pointerinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_gpointer *gp);
+EXTERN t_inlet *floatinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_float *fp);
+EXTERN t_inlet *symbolinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_symbol **sp);
+EXTERN t_inlet *signalinlet_new(t_object *owner, t_float f);
+EXTERN void inlet_free(t_inlet *x);
+EXTERN t_outlet *outlet_new(t_object *owner, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void outlet_bang(t_outlet *x);
+EXTERN void outlet_pointer(t_outlet *x, t_gpointer *gp);
+EXTERN void outlet_float(t_outlet *x, t_float f);
+EXTERN void outlet_symbol(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void outlet_blob(t_outlet *x, t_blob *st); /* MP 20061226 blob type */
+EXTERN void outlet_list(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void outlet_anything(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN t_symbol *outlet_getsymbol(t_outlet *x);
+EXTERN void outlet_free(t_outlet *x);
+EXTERN t_object *pd_checkobject(t_pd *x);
+/* -------------------- canvases -------------- */
+EXTERN void glob_setfilename(void *dummy, t_symbol *name, t_symbol *dir);
+EXTERN void canvas_setargs(int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void canvas_getargs(int *argcp, t_atom **argvp);
+EXTERN t_symbol *canvas_getcurrentdir(void);
+EXTERN t_glist *canvas_getcurrent(void);
+EXTERN void canvas_makefilename(t_glist *c, char *file,
+ char *result,int resultsize);
+EXTERN t_symbol *canvas_getdir(t_glist *x);
+EXTERN char sys_font[]; /* default typeface set in s_main.c */
+EXTERN char sys_fontweight[]; /* default font weight set in s_main.c */
+EXTERN int sys_fontwidth(int fontsize);
+EXTERN int sys_fontheight(int fontsize);
+EXTERN void canvas_dataproperties(t_glist *x, t_scalar *sc, t_binbuf *b);
+EXTERN int canvas_open(t_canvas *x, const char *name, const char *ext,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
+/* ---------------- widget behaviors ---------------------- */
+EXTERN_STRUCT _widgetbehavior;
+#define t_widgetbehavior struct _widgetbehavior
+EXTERN_STRUCT _parentwidgetbehavior;
+#define t_parentwidgetbehavior struct _parentwidgetbehavior
+EXTERN t_parentwidgetbehavior *pd_getparentwidget(t_pd *x);
+/* -------------------- classes -------------- */
+#define CLASS_DEFAULT 0 /* flags for new classes below */
+#define CLASS_PD 1
+#define CLASS_GOBJ 2
+#define CLASS_NOINLET 8
+EXTERN t_class *class_new(t_symbol *name, t_newmethod newmethod,
+ t_method freemethod, size_t size, int flags, t_atomtype arg1, ...);
+EXTERN void class_addcreator(t_newmethod newmethod, t_symbol *s,
+ t_atomtype type1, ...);
+EXTERN void class_addmethod(t_class *c, t_method fn, t_symbol *sel,
+ t_atomtype arg1, ...);
+EXTERN void class_addbang(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_addpointer(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_doaddfloat(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_addsymbol(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_addblob(t_class *c, t_method fn);/* MP 20061226 blob type */
+EXTERN void class_addlist(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_addanything(t_class *c, t_method fn);
+EXTERN void class_sethelpsymbol(t_class *c, t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void class_setwidget(t_class *c, t_widgetbehavior *w);
+EXTERN void class_setparentwidget(t_class *c, t_parentwidgetbehavior *w);
+EXTERN t_parentwidgetbehavior *class_parentwidget(t_class *c);
+EXTERN char *class_getname(t_class *c);
+EXTERN char *class_gethelpname(t_class *c);
+EXTERN void class_setdrawcommand(t_class *c);
+EXTERN int class_isdrawcommand(t_class *c);
+EXTERN void class_domainsignalin(t_class *c, int onset);
+EXTERN void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s);
+#define CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(c, type, field) \
+ class_domainsignalin(c, (char *)(&((type *)0)->field) - (char *)0)
+ /* prototype for functions to save Pd's to a binbuf */
+typedef void (*t_savefn)(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b);
+EXTERN void class_setsavefn(t_class *c, t_savefn f);
+EXTERN t_savefn class_getsavefn(t_class *c);
+ /* prototype for functions to open properties dialogs */
+typedef void (*t_propertiesfn)(t_gobj *x, struct _glist *glist);
+EXTERN void class_setpropertiesfn(t_class *c, t_propertiesfn f);
+EXTERN t_propertiesfn class_getpropertiesfn(t_class *c);
+#ifndef PD_CLASS_DEF
+#define class_addbang(x, y) class_addbang((x), (t_method)(y))
+#define class_addpointer(x, y) class_addpointer((x), (t_method)(y))
+#define class_addfloat(x, y) class_doaddfloat((x), (t_method)(y))
+#define class_addsymbol(x, y) class_addsymbol((x), (t_method)(y))
+#define class_addblob(x, y) class_addblob((x), (t_method)(y)) /* MP20061226 blob type */
+#define class_addlist(x, y) class_addlist((x), (t_method)(y))
+#define class_addanything(x, y) class_addanything((x), (t_method)(y))
+/* ------------ printing --------------------------------- */
+EXTERN void post(const char *fmt, ...);
+EXTERN void startpost(const char *fmt, ...);
+EXTERN void poststring(const char *s);
+EXTERN void postfloat(float f);
+EXTERN void postatom(int argc, t_atom *argv);
+EXTERN void endpost(void);
+EXTERN void error(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
+EXTERN void verbose(int level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
+EXTERN void bug(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
+EXTERN void pd_error(void *object, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
+EXTERN void sys_logerror(const char *object, const char *s);
+EXTERN void sys_unixerror(const char *object);
+EXTERN void sys_ouch(void);
+/* ------------ system interface routines ------------------- */
+EXTERN int sys_isreadablefile(const char *name);
+EXTERN int sys_isabsolutepath(const char *dir);
+EXTERN void sys_bashfilename(const char *from, char *to);
+EXTERN void sys_unbashfilename(const char *from, char *to);
+EXTERN int open_via_path(const char *name, const char *ext, const char *dir,
+ char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin);
+EXTERN int sched_geteventno(void);
+EXTERN double sys_getrealtime(void);
+EXTERN int (*sys_idlehook)(void); /* hook to add idle time computation */
+/* ------------ threading ------------------- */
+EXTERN void sys_lock(void);
+EXTERN void sys_unlock(void);
+EXTERN int sys_trylock(void);
+/* --------------- signals ----------------------------------- */
+typedef float t_sample;
+#define MAXLOGSIG 32
+typedef struct _signal
+ int s_n; /* number of points in the array */
+ t_sample *s_vec; /* the array */
+ t_float s_sr; /* sample rate */
+ int s_refcount; /* number of times used */
+ int s_isborrowed; /* whether we're going to borrow our array */
+ struct _signal *s_borrowedfrom; /* signal to borrow it from */
+ struct _signal *s_nextfree; /* next in freelist */
+ struct _signal *s_nextused; /* next in used list */
+ int s_vecsize; /* allocated size of array in points */
+} t_signal;
+typedef t_int *(*t_perfroutine)(t_int *args);
+EXTERN t_int *plus_perform(t_int *args);
+EXTERN t_int *zero_perform(t_int *args);
+EXTERN t_int *copy_perform(t_int *args);
+EXTERN void dsp_add_plus(t_sample *in1, t_sample *in2, t_sample *out, int n);
+EXTERN void dsp_add_copy(t_sample *in, t_sample *out, int n);
+EXTERN void dsp_add_scalarcopy(t_float *in, t_sample *out, int n);
+EXTERN void dsp_add_zero(t_sample *out, int n);
+EXTERN int sys_getblksize(void);
+EXTERN t_float sys_getsr(void);
+EXTERN int sys_get_inchannels(void);
+EXTERN int sys_get_outchannels(void);
+EXTERN void dsp_add(t_perfroutine f, int n, ...);
+EXTERN void dsp_addv(t_perfroutine f, int n, t_int *vec);
+EXTERN void pd_fft(t_float *buf, int npoints, int inverse);
+EXTERN int ilog2(int n);
+EXTERN void mayer_fht(t_sample *fz, int n);
+EXTERN void mayer_fft(int n, t_sample *real, t_sample *imag);
+EXTERN void mayer_ifft(int n, t_sample *real, t_sample *imag);
+EXTERN void mayer_realfft(int n, t_sample *real);
+EXTERN void mayer_realifft(int n, t_sample *real);
+EXTERN float *cos_table;
+EXTERN int canvas_suspend_dsp(void);
+EXTERN void canvas_resume_dsp(int oldstate);
+EXTERN void canvas_update_dsp(void);
+EXTERN int canvas_dspstate;
+/* up/downsampling */
+typedef struct _resample
+ int method; /* up/downsampling method ID */
+ t_int downsample; /* downsampling factor */
+ t_int upsample; /* upsampling factor */
+ t_sample *s_vec; /* here we hold the resampled data */
+ int s_n;
+ t_sample *coeffs; /* coefficients for filtering... */
+ int coefsize;
+ t_sample *buffer; /* buffer for filtering */
+ int bufsize;
+} t_resample;
+EXTERN void resample_init(t_resample *x);
+EXTERN void resample_free(t_resample *x);
+EXTERN void resample_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample *in, int insize, t_sample *out, int outsize, int method);
+EXTERN void resamplefrom_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample *in, int insize, int outsize, int method);
+EXTERN void resampleto_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample *out, int insize, int outsize, int method);
+/* ----------------------- utility functions for signals -------------- */
+EXTERN t_float mtof(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float ftom(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float rmstodb(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float powtodb(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float dbtorms(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float dbtopow(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float q8_sqrt(t_float);
+EXTERN t_float q8_rsqrt(t_float);
+#ifndef N32
+EXTERN t_float qsqrt(t_float); /* old names kept for extern compatibility */
+EXTERN t_float qrsqrt(t_float);
+/* --------------------- data --------------------------------- */
+ /* graphical arrays */
+#define t_garray struct _garray
+EXTERN t_class *garray_class;
+EXTERN int garray_getfloatarray(t_garray *x, int *size, t_float **vec);
+EXTERN int garray_getfloatwords(t_garray *x, int *size, t_word **vec);
+EXTERN t_float garray_get(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, t_int indx);
+EXTERN void garray_redraw(t_garray *x);
+EXTERN int garray_npoints(t_garray *x);
+EXTERN char *garray_vec(t_garray *x);
+EXTERN void garray_resize(t_garray *x, t_floatarg f);
+EXTERN void garray_usedindsp(t_garray *x);
+EXTERN void garray_setsaveit(t_garray *x, int saveit);
+EXTERN t_class *scalar_class;
+EXTERN t_float *value_get(t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN void value_release(t_symbol *s);
+EXTERN int value_getfloat(t_symbol *s, t_float *f);
+EXTERN int value_setfloat(t_symbol *s, t_float f);
+/* ------- GUI interface - functions to send strings to TK --------- */
+typedef void (*t_guicallbackfn)(t_gobj *client, t_glist *glist);
+EXTERN void sys_vgui(char *fmt, ...);
+EXTERN void sys_gui(char *s);
+EXTERN void sys_pretendguibytes(int n);
+EXTERN void sys_queuegui(void *client, t_glist *glist, t_guicallbackfn f);
+EXTERN void sys_unqueuegui(void *client);
+ /* dialog window creation and destruction */
+EXTERN void gfxstub_new(t_pd *owner, void *key, const char *cmd);
+EXTERN void gfxstub_deleteforkey(void *key);
+extern t_class *glob_pdobject; /* object to send "pd" messages */
+/*------------- Max 0.26 compatibility --------------------*/
+/* the following reflects the new way classes are laid out, with the class
+ pointing to the messlist and not vice versa. Externs shouldn't feel it. */
+typedef t_class *t_externclass;
+EXTERN void c_extern(t_externclass *cls, t_newmethod newroutine,
+ t_method freeroutine, t_symbol *name, size_t size, int tiny, \
+ t_atomtype arg1, ...);
+EXTERN void c_addmess(t_method fn, t_symbol *sel, t_atomtype arg1, ...);
+#define t_getbytes getbytes
+#define t_freebytes freebytes
+#define t_resizebytes resizebytes
+#define typedmess pd_typedmess
+#define vmess pd_vmess
+/* A definition to help gui objects straddle 0.34-0.35 changes. If this is
+defined, there is a "te_xpix" field in objects, not a "te_xpos" as before: */
+#define PD_USE_TE_XPIX
+#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
+/* a test for NANs and denormals. Should only be necessary on i386. */
+#define PD_BADFLOAT(f) ((((*(unsigned int*)&(f))&0x7f800000)==0) || \
+ (((*(unsigned int*)&(f))&0x7f800000)==0x7f800000))
+/* more stringent test: anything not between 1e-19 and 1e19 in absolute val */
+#define PD_BIGORSMALL(f) ((((*(unsigned int*)&(f))&0x60000000)==0) || \
+ (((*(unsigned int*)&(f))&0x60000000)==0x60000000))
+#define PD_BADFLOAT(f) 0
+#define PD_BIGORSMALL(f) 0
+#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
+#define __m_pd_h_
+#endif /* __m_pd_h_ */
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/pyo~-help.pd b/embedded/puredata/pyo~-help.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8c9c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/pyo~-help.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#N canvas 296 140 952 365 10;
+#X obj 28 108 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
+#X obj 144 108 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1
+#X obj 13 234 *~;
+#X obj 51 234 *~;
+#X obj 13 256 dac~;
+#X obj 72 213 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 1 empty empty master_gain -2 -8 0 10
+-262144 -1 -1 6200 1;
+#X obj 274 223 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 1
+#X msg 274 243 \; pd dsp \$1;
+#X obj 13 59 r msg_to_pyo;
+#X text 161 107 play;
+#X obj 13 166 pyo~ 2;
+#X text 66 168 argument sets the number of audio ins/outs (defaults
+to 2).;
+#N canvas 1 75 824 583 resonators_example 0;
+#X obj 35 103 hsl 128 15 0.01 30 1 0 empty empty resonance -2 -8 0
+10 -262144 -1 -1 11200 0;
+#X floatatom 32 120 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 21 530 s msg_to_pyo;
+#X obj 98 387 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty delay_time -2 -8 0 10
+-262144 -1 -1 1300 0;
+#X floatatom 95 403 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 95 418 value deltime \$1;
+#X obj 111 454 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty delay_feedback -2 -8
+0 10 -262144 -1 -1 10800 0;
+#X floatatom 108 470 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 108 485 value delfeed \$1;
+#X msg 32 136 value reson \$1;
+#X obj 52 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 4700 0;
+#X obj 71 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 3200 0;
+#X obj 91 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 5800 0;
+#X obj 110 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 7100 0;
+#X obj 130 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 5500 0;
+#X obj 149 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 7100 0;
+#X obj 169 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 4400 0;
+#X obj 189 177 vsl 15 80 50 500 0 0 empty empty empty 0 -9 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 1800 0;
+#X msg 52 306 value freqs \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4 \$5 \$6 \$7 \$8;
+#X obj 52 264 bondo 8 ____________;
+#X obj 52 285 pack f f f f f f f f;
+#X msg 21 66 read examples/resonators.py;
+#X msg 73 351 read -a examples/resonators_add_delays.py;
+#X text 52 159 resonator frequencies;
+#X text 20 30 load pyo processing file (audio signal must be given
+in pyo~ inputs).;
+#X text 168 103 adjust resonance in seconds;
+#X text 214 209 play with resonator frequencies;
+#X text 380 352 add a stereo delay taking resonator outputs as its
+#X text 234 387 adjust delay time;
+#X text 246 453 adjust delay feedback;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 9 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 5 0 2 0;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 8 0;
+#X connect 8 0 2 0;
+#X connect 9 0 2 0;
+#X connect 10 0 19 0;
+#X connect 11 0 19 1;
+#X connect 12 0 19 2;
+#X connect 13 0 19 3;
+#X connect 14 0 19 4;
+#X connect 15 0 19 5;
+#X connect 16 0 19 6;
+#X connect 17 0 19 7;
+#X connect 18 0 2 0;
+#X connect 19 0 20 0;
+#X connect 19 1 20 1;
+#X connect 19 2 20 2;
+#X connect 19 3 20 3;
+#X connect 19 4 20 4;
+#X connect 19 5 20 5;
+#X connect 19 6 20 6;
+#X connect 19 7 20 7;
+#X connect 20 0 18 0;
+#X connect 21 0 2 0;
+#X connect 22 0 2 0;
+#X restore 531 60 pd resonators_example;
+#X msg 553 171 clear;
+#X obj 531 199 s msg_to_pyo;
+#X text 598 172 shutdown and reboot the server;
+#N canvas 1 75 450 300 synthesis_example 0;
+#N canvas 1 75 375 358 choose_sines 0;
+#X obj 57 77 metro 125;
+#X obj 78 109 hsl 128 15 0 36 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -8 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 4233 1;
+#X obj 127 144 hsl 128 15 0 36 0 0 empty empty empty -2 -8 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 4233 1;
+#X floatatom 75 125 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 124 160 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 124 209 +;
+#X obj 124 179 t b f;
+#X obj 75 144 t f f;
+#X obj 57 240 int;
+#X obj 124 232 int;
+#X msg 57 288 call choose \$1 \$2;
+#X obj 57 311 outlet;
+#X obj 57 54 inlet;
+#X obj 57 265 pack 24 24;
+#X text 7 3 Choose a random midi pitch between x and x+y;
+#X text 213 109 x;
+#X text 263 142 y;
+#X obj 224 42 loadbang;
+#X msg 224 64 12;
+#X obj 117 54 inlet speed;
+#X connect 0 0 8 0;
+#X connect 1 0 3 0;
+#X connect 2 0 4 0;
+#X connect 3 0 7 0;
+#X connect 4 0 6 0;
+#X connect 5 0 9 0;
+#X connect 6 0 5 0;
+#X connect 6 1 5 1;
+#X connect 7 0 8 1;
+#X connect 7 1 5 0;
+#X connect 8 0 13 0;
+#X connect 9 0 13 1;
+#X connect 10 0 11 0;
+#X connect 12 0 0 0;
+#X connect 13 0 10 0;
+#X connect 17 0 18 0;
+#X connect 18 0 1 0;
+#X connect 18 0 2 0;
+#X connect 19 0 0 1;
+#X restore 53 130 pd choose_sines;
+#X obj 41 246 s msg_to_pyo;
+#X obj 53 96 tgl 25 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1
+#X obj 67 172 hsl 128 15 0 0.25 0 0 empty empty brightness -2 -8 0
+10 -262144 -1 -1 0 0;
+#X floatatom 64 188 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 64 203 value feed \$1;
+#X obj 158 75 hsl 128 15 50 500 0 0 empty empty metro_speed -2 -8 0
+10 -262144 -1 -1 0 1;
+#X floatatom 155 93 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X floatatom 222 186 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 222 216 set amp.fadeout \$1;
+#X msg 281 184 set amp.dur \$1;
+#X floatatom 281 165 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X obj 222 132 * 0.001;
+#X obj 221 111 - 20;
+#X obj 222 165 - 0.005;
+#X msg 41 33 read -a examples/random_waves.py;
+#X text 54 80 GO!;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 2 0 0 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 0;
+#X connect 4 0 5 0;
+#X connect 5 0 1 0;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
+#X connect 7 0 0 1;
+#X connect 7 0 13 0;
+#X connect 8 0 9 0;
+#X connect 9 0 1 0;
+#X connect 10 0 1 0;
+#X connect 11 0 10 0;
+#X connect 12 0 11 0;
+#X connect 12 0 14 0;
+#X connect 13 0 12 0;
+#X connect 14 0 8 0;
+#X connect 15 0 1 0;
+#X restore 531 84 pd synthesis_example;
+#N canvas 1 75 629 295 loop_soundfile 0;
+#X obj 43 42 openpanel;
+#X obj 43 64 t a b;
+#X obj 43 170 soundfiler;
+#X obj 236 80 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1
+#X obj 43 20 inlet open file;
+#X obj 392 16 inlet start;
+#X obj 236 52 sel 1;
+#X obj 236 205 outlet~;
+#X obj 347 163 spigot 1;
+#X obj 43 126 pack s s s;
+#X obj 71 86 symbol \$0-table_l;
+#X obj 100 105 symbol \$0-table_r;
+#X msg 43 148 read -resize \$1 \$2 \$3;
+#X obj 44 200 table \$0-table_l;
+#X obj 44 223 table \$0-table_r;
+#X obj 423 206 outlet~;
+#X obj 236 140 tabplay~ \$0-table_l;
+#X obj 424 140 tabplay~ \$0-table_r;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 9 0;
+#X connect 1 1 10 0;
+#X connect 1 1 11 0;
+#X connect 3 0 16 0;
+#X connect 3 0 17 0;
+#X connect 4 0 0 0;
+#X connect 5 0 6 0;
+#X connect 5 0 8 1;
+#X connect 6 0 3 0;
+#X connect 8 0 16 0;
+#X connect 8 0 17 0;
+#X connect 9 0 12 0;
+#X connect 10 0 9 1;
+#X connect 11 0 9 2;
+#X connect 12 0 2 0;
+#X connect 16 0 7 0;
+#X connect 16 1 8 0;
+#X connect 17 0 15 0;
+#X restore 28 126 pd loop_soundfile;
+#X text 44 108 load file;
+#N canvas 1 75 532 224 conv_reverb_example 0;
+#X obj 24 110 hsl 128 15 0 1 0 0 empty empty balance -2 -8 0 10 -262144
+-1 -1 0 0;
+#X floatatom 21 127 5 0 0 0 - - -;
+#X msg 21 143 value bal \$1;
+#X obj -3 170 s msg_to_pyo;
+#X msg -3 74 read examples/cvlverb.py;
+#X text -5 38 load pyo processing file (audio signal must be given
+in pyo~ inputs).;
+#X text 162 110 balance between dry and wet signal;
+#X connect 0 0 1 0;
+#X connect 1 0 2 0;
+#X connect 2 0 3 0;
+#X connect 4 0 3 0;
+#X restore 531 36 pd conv_reverb_example;
+#X text 26 86 play a soundfile to send audio signals to pyo;
+#N canvas 114 140 450 300 README 0;
+#X restore 406 227 pd README;
+#N canvas 198 75 1001 402 MESSAGES 0;
+#X text 20 53 read [-a] path/to/python/script;
+#X text 37 74 The message "read" executes the commands contained in
+the specified python script into the object's internal interpreter.
+If the "-a" flag is given \, new commands will be added to previously
+executed ones. Without the flag \, the server is shut down (this will
+erase actual processing) before the execution of the script.;
+#X text 18 164 value varname \$1 [\$2 \$3 ...];
+#X text 19 250 set varname.attribute \$1 [\$2 \$3 ...];
+#X text 499 43 call function [arg1 arg2 ...];
+#X text 499 229 clear;
+#X text 516 250 Shutdown and reboot pyo's server. This message will
+erase the current processing loaded into the object.;
+#X text 36 185 The messsage "value" sends value(s) to a pyo's Sig or
+SigTo object (with variable name "varname"). Values can be pyo's variables
+(already created in the loaded file) \, float or list (composed of
+floats and/or pyo objects).;
+#X text 516 63 The message "call" executes the function (or object's
+method) with optional arguments. If the callable is a method \, the
+syntax will looks like:;
+#X text 515 103 call varname.method [arg1 arg2 ...];
+#X text 36 351 set frequencies 100 200 300 400 500 600;
+#X text 499 130 create varname object [\$1 \$2 ...];
+#X text -16 3 Here are the messages that can be used to control the
+internal processing of the pyo~ object.;
+#X text 513 149 The message "create" creates a new python object of
+the class "object" \, stored in variable "varname" \, with optional
+initialization arguments. Arguments can be of the form freq=500 or
+mul=0.3 \, without spaces. Named arguments can't be followed by unamed
+#X text 36 272 The messsage "set" sends value(s) to an attribute of
+any pyo object (with variable name "varname"). Values can be pyo's
+variables (already created in the loaded file) \, float or list (composed
+of floats and/or pyo objects). This message can be used to create a
+standard python variable like (to create a list of floats in variable
+#X text 499 291 debug \$1;
+#X text 516 312 If \$1 is positive \, messages to pyo will be sent
+through an Exception handler. This is safer and can help to debug messages
+to pyo but it is slower. For a faster execution \, turn off debug mode.
+#X restore 406 248 pd MESSAGES;
+#X msg 553 297 call b.out;
+#X text 11 7 pyo~ object allows to execute processing with pyo (python
+dsp module) inside a puredata patch \, with any number of audio in/out
+#X obj 531 121 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0
+#X msg 531 144 debug \$1;
+#X text 549 113 Verbose mode. If on \, error messages from pyo will
+be printed to the Pd window.;
+#X obj 518 323 s msg_to_pyo;
+#X msg 553 234 set pits 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004;
+#X msg 553 255 create fr Rossler pitch=pits chaos=0.9 mul=250 add=500
+#X msg 553 276 create b SumOsc freq=fr ratio=0.499 index=0.4 mul=0.2
+#X connect 0 0 17 0;
+#X connect 1 0 17 1;
+#X connect 2 0 4 0;
+#X connect 3 0 4 1;
+#X connect 5 0 3 1;
+#X connect 5 0 2 1;
+#X connect 6 0 7 0;
+#X connect 8 0 10 0;
+#X connect 10 0 2 0;
+#X connect 10 1 3 0;
+#X connect 13 0 14 0;
+#X connect 17 0 10 0;
+#X connect 17 1 10 1;
+#X connect 23 0 28 0;
+#X connect 25 0 26 0;
+#X connect 26 0 14 0;
+#X connect 29 0 28 0;
+#X connect 30 0 28 0;
+#X connect 31 0 28 0;
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/pyo~-meta.pd b/embedded/puredata/pyo~-meta.pd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/pyo~-meta.pd
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#N canvas 15 49 200 200 10;
+#N canvas 25 49 420 300 META 1;
+#X text 13 41 NAME pyo~;
+#X text 10 25 AUTHOR belangeo at gmail.com;
+#X text 10 10 VERSION 0.1;
+#X restore 10 10 pd META;
diff --git a/embedded/puredata/pyo~.c b/embedded/puredata/pyo~.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e675b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/embedded/puredata/pyo~.c
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "m_pyo.h"
+static t_class *pyo_tilde_class;
+typedef struct _pyo_tilde {
+ t_object obj;
+ t_sample f;
+ int debug;
+ int bs;
+ int add;
+ int chnls;
+ float sr;
+ char *file;
+ t_sample **in;
+ t_sample **out;
+ int id; /* pyo server id */
+ float *inbuf; /* pyo input buffer */
+ float *outbuf; /* pyo output buffer */
+ char *msg; /* preallocated string to construct message for pyo */
+ void (*callback)(int); /* pointer to pyo embedded server callback */
+ PyThreadState *interp; /* Python thread state linked to this sub interpreter */
+} t_pyo_tilde;
+t_int *pyo_tilde_perform(t_int *w) {
+ int i, j, n;
+ t_pyo_tilde *x = (t_pyo_tilde *)(w[1]); /* pointer to instance struct */
+ n = (int)(w[2]); /* vector size */
+ t_sample **in = x->in;
+ t_sample **out = x->out;
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<x->chnls; j++) {
+ x->inbuf[i*x->chnls+j] = in[j][i];
+ }
+ }
+ (*x->callback)(x->id);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<x->chnls; j++) {
+ out[j][i] = x->outbuf[i*x->chnls+j];
+ }
+ }
+ return (w+3);
+void pyo_tilde_dsp(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_signal **sp) {
+ int i, err;
+ t_sample **dummy = x->in;
+ for (i=0; i<x->chnls; i++)
+ *dummy++ = sp[i]->s_vec;
+ dummy = x->out;
+ for (i=x->chnls; i<x->chnls*2; i++)
+ *dummy++ = sp[i]->s_vec;
+ /* reset pyo only if sampling rate or buffer size have changed */
+ if ((float)sp[0]->s_sr != x->sr || (int)sp[0]->s_n != x->bs) {
+ x->sr = (float)sp[0]->s_sr;
+ x->bs = (int)sp[0]->s_n;
+ pyo_set_server_params(x->interp, x->sr, x->bs);
+ if (x->file != NULL) {
+ err = pyo_exec_file(x->interp, x->file, x->msg, x->add);
+ if (err) {
+ post("Unable to open file < %s >", x->file);
+ x->file = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dsp_add(pyo_tilde_perform, 2, x, sp[0]->s_n);
+void *pyo_tilde_new(t_floatarg f) {
+ int i;
+ t_pyo_tilde *x = (t_pyo_tilde *)pd_new(pyo_tilde_class);
+ x->chnls = (f) ? f : 2;
+ x->bs = -1;
+ x->sr = -1.0;
+ x->file = NULL;
+ x->add = 0;
+ x->debug = 0;
+ /* create signal inlets (first is done in pyo_tilde_setup) */
+ for (i=1; i<x->chnls; i++)
+ inlet_new(&x->obj, &x->obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
+ /* create signal outlets */
+ for (i=0; i<x->chnls; i++)
+ outlet_new(&x->obj, &s_signal);
+ x->in = (t_sample **)getbytes(x->chnls * sizeof(t_sample **));
+ x->out = (t_sample **)getbytes(x->chnls * sizeof(t_sample **));
+ x->msg = (char *)getbytes(262144 * sizeof(char *));
+ for (i=0; i<x->chnls; i++)
+ x->in[i] = x->out[i] = 0;
+ x->interp = pyo_new_interpreter(x->chnls);
+ x->inbuf = (float *)pyo_get_input_buffer_address(x->interp);
+ x->outbuf = (float *)pyo_get_output_buffer_address(x->interp);
+ x->callback = (void *)pyo_get_embedded_callback_address(x->interp);
+ x->id = pyo_get_server_id(x->interp);
+ return (void *)x;
+void pyo_tilde_free(t_pyo_tilde *x) {
+ freebytes(x->in, sizeof(x->in));
+ freebytes(x->out, sizeof(x->out));
+ freebytes(x->msg, sizeof(x->msg));
+ pyo_end_interpreter(x->interp);
+void pyo_tilde_set_value(t_pyo_tilde *x, char *att, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ int err, bracket = 0;
+ char fchar[32];
+ t_symbol *c = atom_getsymbol(argv);
+ argc--; argv++;
+ sprintf(x->msg, "%s%s=", c->s_name, att);
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ strcat(x->msg, "[");
+ bracket = 1;
+ }
+ while (argc-- > 0) {
+ if (argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
+ strcat(x->msg, atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name);
+ }
+ else if (argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%.6f", atom_getfloat(argv));
+ strcat(x->msg, fchar);
+ }
+ if (argc > 0)
+ strcat(x->msg, ",");
+ argv++;
+ }
+ if (bracket)
+ strcat(x->msg, "]");
+ err = pyo_exec_statement(x->interp, x->msg, x->debug);
+ if (err)
+ post("pyo~: %s", x->msg);
+void pyo_tilde_value(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ char *att = ".value";
+ pyo_tilde_set_value(x, att, argc, argv);
+void pyo_tilde_set(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ char *att = "";
+ pyo_tilde_set_value(x, att, argc, argv);
+void pyo_tilde_create(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ int err;
+ char *varname, *object;
+ char fchar[32];
+ t_symbol *c = atom_getsymbol(argv);
+ varname = c->s_name;
+ argc--; argv++;
+ c = atom_getsymbol(argv);
+ object = c->s_name;
+ argc--; argv++;
+ sprintf(x->msg, "%s=%s(", varname, object);
+ while (argc-- > 0) {
+ if (argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
+ strcat(x->msg, atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name);
+ }
+ else if (argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f", atom_getfloat(argv));
+ strcat(x->msg, fchar);
+ }
+ if (argc > 0)
+ strcat(x->msg, ",");
+ argv++;
+ }
+ strcat(x->msg, ")");
+ err = pyo_exec_statement(x->interp, x->msg, x->debug);
+ if (err)
+ post("pyo~: %s", x->msg);
+void pyo_tilde_clear(t_pyo_tilde *x) {
+ pyo_server_reboot(x->interp);
+void pyo_tilde_debug(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_float debug) {
+ x->debug = debug <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
+void pyo_tilde_read(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ int err;
+ switch (argc) {
+ case 1:
+ x->add = 0;
+ x->file = atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ x->add = strcmp(atom_getsymbol(argv++)->s_name, "-a") == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ x->file = atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pyo_is_server_started(x->interp)) {
+ err = pyo_exec_file(x->interp, x->file, x->msg, x->add);
+ if (err) {
+ post("Unable to open file < %s >", x->file);
+ x->file = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void pyo_tilde_call(t_pyo_tilde *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
+ int err;
+ char fchar[32];
+ sprintf(x->msg, "%s(", atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name);
+ argc--; argv++;
+ while (argc-- > 0) {
+ if (argv->a_type == A_SYMBOL) {
+ strcat(x->msg, atom_getsymbol(argv)->s_name);
+ }
+ else if (argv->a_type == A_FLOAT) {
+ sprintf(fchar, "%f", atom_getfloat(argv));
+ strcat(x->msg, fchar);
+ }
+ if (argc > 0)
+ strcat(x->msg, ", ");
+ argv++;
+ }
+ strcat(x->msg, ")");
+ err = pyo_exec_statement(x->interp, x->msg, x->debug);
+ if (err)
+ post("pyo~: %s", x->msg);
+void pyo_tilde_setup(void) {
+ pyo_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("pyo~"), (t_newmethod)pyo_tilde_new,
+ (t_method)pyo_tilde_free, sizeof(t_pyo_tilde), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_clear, gensym("clear"), 0);
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_value, gensym("value"),
+ A_GIMME, 0); /* send value(s) to a Sig or SigTo object */
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_set, gensym("set"),
+ A_GIMME, 0); /* send value(s) to any object's attribute */
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_read, gensym("read"),
+ A_GIMME, 0); /* read a script file */
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_call, gensym("call"),
+ A_GIMME, 0); /* call a function or a method */
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_create, gensym("create"),
+ A_GIMME, 0); /* create a python object */
+ class_addmethod(pyo_tilde_class, (t_method)pyo_tilde_debug, gensym("debug"),
+ A_DEFFLOAT, 0); /* set the debug (verbose) mode */
+ CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(pyo_tilde_class, t_pyo_tilde, f);
diff --git a/examples/utilities/02_osc_scan.py b/examples/utilities/02_osc_scan.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..442247e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/utilities/02_osc_scan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Scan Open Sound Control inputs. Launch this script from a terminal.
+from pyo import *
+import time
+port = input("Enter the incoming port number : ")
+s = Server().boot().start()
+print "Play with your OSC interface..."
+go = True
+def pp(address, *args):
+ if go:
+ print "Address =", address
+ print "Values =", args
+ print "---------------"
+scan = OscDataReceive(port, "*", pp)
+again = "y"
+while again == "y":
+ time.sleep(10)
+ go = False
+ again = raw_input("Do you want to continue ? (y/n) : ")
+ if again == "y":
+ print "Continue..."
+ go = True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/utilities/04_batch_processing.py b/examples/utilities/04_batch_processing.py
index fa7b094..fa1f6b6 100644
--- a/examples/utilities/04_batch_processing.py
+++ b/examples/utilities/04_batch_processing.py
@@ -4,37 +4,46 @@
This script demonstrates how to use pyo to do offline batch processing.
-import os
from pyo import *
-s = Server(duplex=0, audio="offline").boot()
-# input sound
-sndpath = SNDS_PATH + "/accord.aif"
-# output folder
-recpath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Desktop", "pyo_batch")
-if not os.path.isdir(recpath):
- os.mkdir(recpath)
-# output file duration
-dur = sndinfo(sndpath)[1]
-NUM = 10
-for i in range(NUM):
- note = 12 + i
- noteFreq = midiToHz(note)
- s.recordOptions(dur=dur+.1, filename=os.path.join(recpath, "file_%02d.wav" % note), fileformat=0, sampletype=0)
- ### processing goes here ###
- osc = Sine(freq=noteFreq, mul=i*0.01+.02, add=1)
- a = SfPlayer(sndpath, speed=osc, loop=False, mul=0.7).mix(2).out()
- ############################
- s.start() # s.stop() is automatically called when rendering is done
- # do not reboot the server after the last pass
- if i < (NUM-1):
- s.shutdown()
- s.boot()
-print "Batch processing done"
+import os
+s = Server(audio="offline")
+# path to your sound folder
+folder_path = SNDS_PATH
+# path to the processed sounds folder (user's home directory/batch)
+output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "pyo_batch_fx")
+# create it if it does not exist
+if not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
+ os.mkdir(output_folder)
+# get the list of files to process
+sounds = [file for file in os.listdir(folder_path) if sndinfo(os.path.join(folder_path, file)) != None]
+# enter the batch processing loop
+for sound in sounds:
+ # retrieve info about the sound
+ path = os.path.join(folder_path, sound)
+ info = sndinfo(path)
+ dur, sr, chnls = info[1], info[2], info[3]
+ fformat = ['WAVE', 'AIFF', 'AU', 'RAW', 'SD2', 'FLAC', 'CAF', 'OGG'].index(info[4])
+ samptype = ['16 bit int', '24 bit int', '32 bit int', '32 bit float',
+ '64 bits float', 'U-Law encoded', 'A-Law encoded'].index(info[5])
+ # set server parameters
+ s.setSamplingRate(sr)
+ s.setNchnls(chnls)
+ s.boot()
+ s.recordOptions(dur=dur, filename=os.path.join(output_folder, sound),
+ fileformat=fformat, sampletype=samptype)
+ # processing
+ sf = SfPlayer(path)
+ bp = ButBP(sf, 1000, 2)
+ dt = Disto(bp, drive=0.9, slope=0.8)
+ mx = Interp(sf, dt, interp=0.5, mul=0.5).out()
+ # start the render
+ s.start()
+ # cleanup
+ s.shutdown()
diff --git a/examples/utilities/04_batch_synthesis.py b/examples/utilities/04_batch_synthesis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b32246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/utilities/04_batch_synthesis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+This script demonstrates how to use pyo to do synthesis batch generation.
+import os
+from pyo import *
+s = Server(duplex=0, audio="offline")
+# output folder
+output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "pyo_batch_synth")
+if not os.path.isdir(output_folder):
+ os.mkdir(output_folder)
+# output file duration
+dur = 2
+NUM = 12
+for i in range(NUM):
+ s.boot()
+ note = 60 + i
+ noteFreq = midiToHz(note)
+ s.recordOptions(dur=dur+.1, filename=os.path.join(output_folder, "file_%02d.wav" % note),
+ fileformat=0, sampletype=0)
+ ### processing goes here ###
+ env = Adsr(attack=0.005, decay=0.15, sustain=0.7, release=1.7, dur=dur).play()
+ qenv = Pow(env, 4, mul=0.8)
+ osc1 = SineLoop(freq=noteFreq, feedback=0.075, mul=qenv).out()
+ osc2 = SineLoop(freq=noteFreq*1.01, feedback=0.075, mul=qenv).out(1)
+ # start th render
+ s.start()
+ # cleanup
+ s.shutdown()
+print "Batch processing done"
diff --git a/examples/utilities/07_scope.py b/examples/utilities/07_scope.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4af4ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/utilities/07_scope.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Simple scope example.
+from pyo import *
+class Scope:
+ def __init__(self, input, length=0.05):
+ self.input = input
+ self.table = NewTable(length=length, chnls=len(input))
+ self.table.view(title="Signal Scope")
+ self.trig = Metro(time=length).play()
+ self.rec = TrigTableRec(self.input, self.trig, self.table)
+ self.trf = TrigFunc(self.trig, function=self.update)
+ def start(self, x):
+ if x: self.trig.play()
+ else: self.trig.stop()
+ def update(self):
+ self.table.refreshView()
+s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
+CHNLS = 2
+LENGTH = 0.05
+inp = Input(chnl=range(CHNLS))
+scope = Scope(inp, LENGTH)
diff --git a/externals/external-template.py b/externals/external-template.py
index 1ee8e92..3cdca10 100644
--- a/externals/external-template.py
+++ b/externals/external-template.py
@@ -41,12 +41,10 @@ class Gain(PyoObject):
# Do not forget "mul" and "add" attributes.
def __init__(self, input, db=-3, mul=1, add=0):
- PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
# Keep trace of arguments (same name preceded by an underscore)
self._input = input
self._db = db
- self._mul = mul
- self._add = add
# Always use InputFader for the input sound. That allows crossfade on input changes.
self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
# Converts every arguments to lists (for multi-channel expansion).
diff --git a/include/pyomodule.h b/include/pyomodule.h
index ce4ba6c..a8b9c71 100644
--- a/include/pyomodule.h
+++ b/include/pyomodule.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "Python.h"
#include <math.h>
-#define PYO_VERSION "0.6.8"
+#define PYO_VERSION "0.7.4"
#ifndef __MYFLT_DEF
#define __MYFLT_DEF
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
#define TYPE__FII "|fii"
#define TYPE_F_II "f|ii"
#define TYPE__FFF "|fff"
+#define TYPE_F_FFF "f|fff"
+#define TYPE_O_FIFFI "O|fiffi"
#define TYPE_O_F "O|f"
#define TYPE_O_FO "O|fO"
#define TYPE__OF "|Of"
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
#define TYPE__OFII "|Ofii"
#define TYPE__FIIOO "|fiiOO"
#define TYPE_O_OFOO "O|OfOO"
+#define TYPE_O_OOOOFF "O|OOOOff"
#define TYPE_O_IFFO "O|iffO"
#define TYPE_O_OOIF "O|OOif"
#define TYPE_O_FFFFIOO "O|ffffiOO"
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@
#define MYATAN2 atan2f
#define MYEXP expf
#define MYROUND roundf
+#define MYTANH tanhf
#define LIB_BASE_NAME "_pyo64"
@@ -118,6 +122,8 @@
#define TYPE__FII "|dii"
#define TYPE_F_II "d|ii"
#define TYPE__FFF "|ddd"
+#define TYPE_F_FFF "d|ddd"
+#define TYPE_O_FIFFI "O|diddi"
#define TYPE_O_F "O|d"
#define TYPE_O_FO "O|dO"
#define TYPE__OF "|Od"
@@ -153,6 +159,7 @@
#define TYPE__OFII "|Odii"
#define TYPE__FIIOO "|diiOO"
#define TYPE_O_OFOO "O|OdOO"
+#define TYPE_O_OOOOFF "O|OOOOdd"
#define TYPE_O_IFFO "O|iddO"
#define TYPE_O_OOIF "O|OOid"
#define TYPE_O_FFFFIOO "O|ddddiOO"
@@ -185,7 +192,7 @@
#define MYATAN2 atan2
#define MYEXP exp
#define MYROUND round
+#define MYTANH tanh
@@ -302,6 +309,7 @@ extern PyTypeObject CtlScanType;
extern PyTypeObject CtlScan2Type;
extern PyTypeObject MidiNoteType;
extern PyTypeObject NoteinType;
+extern PyTypeObject NoteinTrigType;
extern PyTypeObject BendinType;
extern PyTypeObject TouchinType;
extern PyTypeObject PrograminType;
@@ -395,6 +403,7 @@ extern PyTypeObject ScaleType;
extern PyTypeObject CentsToTranspoType;
extern PyTypeObject TranspoToCentsType;
extern PyTypeObject MToFType;
+extern PyTypeObject FToMType;
extern PyTypeObject MToTType;
extern PyTypeObject M_SinType;
extern PyTypeObject M_CosType;
@@ -409,6 +418,7 @@ extern PyTypeObject M_Atan2Type;
extern PyTypeObject M_FloorType;
extern PyTypeObject M_CeilType;
extern PyTypeObject M_RoundType;
+extern PyTypeObject M_TanhType;
extern PyTypeObject FFTMainType;
extern PyTypeObject FFTType;
extern PyTypeObject IFFTType;
@@ -455,6 +465,24 @@ extern PyTypeObject PVBufTabLoopsType;
extern PyTypeObject PVMixType;
extern PyTypeObject GranuleType;
extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrackHoldType;
+extern PyTypeObject ComplexResType;
+extern PyTypeObject STReverbType;
+extern PyTypeObject STRevType;
+extern PyTypeObject Pointer2Type;
+extern PyTypeObject CentroidType;
+extern PyTypeObject AttackDetectorType;
+extern PyTypeObject SmoothDelayType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBursterType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBurstType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBurstTapStreamType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBurstAmpStreamType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBurstDurStreamType;
+extern PyTypeObject TrigBurstEndStreamType;
+extern PyTypeObject ScopeType;
+extern PyTypeObject PeakAmpType;
+extern PyTypeObject MainParticleType;
+extern PyTypeObject ParticleType;
/* Constants */
#define E M_E
@@ -492,6 +520,9 @@ extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
#define FREEVERB_ID 24
#define XNOISEDUR_ID 25
#define URN_ID 26
+#define GRANULE_ID 27
+/* Do not forget to modify Server_generateSeed function */
/* object headers */
#define pyo_audio_HEAD \
@@ -578,11 +609,8 @@ extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "server") == 0 ) { \
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"input\" argument must be a PyoObject.\n"); \
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) { \
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL); \
- } \
- Py_Exit(1); \
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument must be a PyoObject.\n"); \
} \
Py_INCREF(inputtmp); \
Py_XDECREF(self->input); \
@@ -637,13 +665,14 @@ extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The data must be a list of floats."); \
return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
} \
- self->size = PyList_Size(arg)-1; \
+ self->size = PyList_Size(arg); \
self->data = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->data, (self->size+1) * sizeof(MYFLT)); \
TableStream_setSize(self->tablestream, self->size+1); \
- for (i=0; i<(self->size+1); i++) { \
+ for (i=0; i<(self->size); i++) { \
self->data[i] = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(PyList_GET_ITEM(arg, i))); \
} \
+ self->data[self->size] = self->data[0]; \
TableStream_setData(self->tablestream, self->data); \
Py_INCREF(Py_None); \
@@ -720,21 +749,44 @@ extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
return samples;
#define GET_VIEW_TABLE \
- int i, y; \
- int w = 500; \
- int h = 200; \
- int h2 = h/2; \
- int amp = h2 - 2; \
- float step = (float)self->size / (float)(w); \
- PyObject *samples; \
+ int i, y, w, h, h2, amp; \
+ float step; \
+ PyObject *samples, *tuple, *sizetmp = NULL; \
+ \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"size", NULL}; \
- samples = PyList_New(w*4); \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O", kwlist, &sizetmp)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ if (sizetmp) { \
+ if (PyTuple_Check(sizetmp)) { \
+ w = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 0)); \
+ h = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 1)); \
+ } \
+ else if (PyList_Check(sizetmp)) { \
+ w = PyInt_AsLong(PyList_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 0)); \
+ h = PyInt_AsLong(PyList_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 1)); \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ w = 500; \
+ h = 200; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ w = 500; \
+ h = 200; \
+ } \
+ h2 = h/2; \
+ amp = h2 - 2; \
+ step = (float)self->size / (float)(w); \
+ \
+ samples = PyList_New(w); \
for(i=0; i<w; i++) { \
- y = self->data[(int)(i*step)] * amp + amp; \
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4, PyInt_FromLong(i)); \
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+1, PyInt_FromLong(h-y)); \
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+2, PyInt_FromLong(i)); \
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+3, PyInt_FromLong(h-y)); \
+ y = self->data[(int)(i*step)] * amp + amp + 2; \
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2); \
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i)); \
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h-y)); \
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i, tuple); \
} \
return samples;
@@ -776,6 +828,128 @@ extern PyTypeObject TableScaleType;
Py_INCREF(Py_None); \
return Py_None; \
+/* Table amplitude reverse */
+#define INVERT \
+ int i; \
+ for (i=0; i<self->size+1; i++) { \
+ self->data[i] = -self->data[i]; \
+ } \
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None); \
+ return Py_None; \
+/* Table positive rectify */
+#define RECTIFY \
+ int i; \
+ MYFLT x; \
+ for (i=0; i<self->size+1; i++) { \
+ x = self->data[i]; \
+ if (x < 0) \
+ self->data[i] = -x; \
+ } \
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None); \
+ return Py_None; \
+/* Table bipolar gain */
+ MYFLT gpos = 1.0, gneg = 1.0; \
+ int i; \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"gpos", "gneg", NULL}; \
+ \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE__FF, kwlist, &gpos, &gneg)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ for (i=0; i<self->size+1; i++) { \
+ if (self->data[i] < 0) \
+ self->data[i] *= gneg; \
+ else \
+ self->data[i] *= gpos; \
+ } \
+ \
+/* Table power function */
+#define TABLE_POWER \
+ MYFLT x, exp; \
+ int i, sign; \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"exp", NULL}; \
+ \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F, kwlist, &exp)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ for (i=0; i<self->size+1; i++) { \
+ x = self->data[i]; \
+ sign = 1; \
+ if (x < 0) \
+ sign = -1; \
+ x = MYPOW(x, exp); \
+ if (sign == -1 && x > 0) \
+ x = -x; \
+ self->data[i] = x; \
+ } \
+ \
+/* Table one-pole lowpass filter */
+#define TABLE_LOWPASS \
+ MYFLT freq, b, c, x, y; \
+ int i; \
+ double sr = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(PyServer_get_server(), "getSamplingRate", NULL)); \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"freq", NULL}; \
+ \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F, kwlist, &freq)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * freq / sr); \
+ c = b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0); \
+ y = 0; \
+ for (i=0; i<self->size+1; i++) { \
+ x = self->data[i]; \
+ self->data[i] = y = x + (y - x) * c; \
+ } \
+ \
+#define TABLE_FADEIN \
+ MYFLT dur, inc; \
+ int i, samp; \
+ double sr = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(PyServer_get_server(), "getSamplingRate", NULL)); \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"dur", NULL}; \
+ \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F, kwlist, &dur)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ samp = (int)(dur * sr); \
+ if (samp < 0 || samp >= self->size) \
+ \
+ inc = 1.0 / samp; \
+ for (i=0; i<samp; i++) { \
+ self->data[i] = self->data[i] * MYSQRT(inc * i); \
+ } \
+ \
+#define TABLE_FADEOUT \
+ MYFLT dur, inc; \
+ int i, samp; \
+ double sr = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(PyServer_get_server(), "getSamplingRate", NULL)); \
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"dur", NULL}; \
+ \
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F, kwlist, &dur)) \
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1); \
+ \
+ samp = (int)(dur * sr); \
+ if (samp < 0 || samp >= self->size) \
+ \
+ inc = 1.0 / samp; \
+ for (i=self->size; i>(self->size-samp); i--) { \
+ self->data[i] = self->data[i] * MYSQRT(inc * (self->size - i)); \
+ } \
+ \
/* Normalize */
#define NORMALIZE \
int i; \
diff --git a/include/servermodule.h b/include/servermodule.h
index 396ed16..0fedc69 100644
--- a/include/servermodule.h
+++ b/include/servermodule.h
@@ -70,8 +70,12 @@ typedef struct {
char *serverName; /* Only used for jack client name */
int jackautoin; /* jack port auto-connection (on by default) */
int jackautoout; /* jack port auto-connection (on by default) */
- PmStream *in;
- PmStream *out;
+ PyObject *jackAutoConnectInputPorts; /* list of regex to match for jack auto-connection */
+ PyObject *jackAutoConnectOutputPorts; /* list of regex to match for jack auto-connection */
+ PmStream *midiin[64];
+ PmStream *midiout[64];
+ int midiin_count;
+ int midiout_count;
PmEvent midiEvents[200];
int midi_count;
double samplingRate;
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/License.rtf b/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/License.rtf
deleted file mode 100755
index 66b2d2a..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/License.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}
- Version 3, 29 June 2007\
- Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>\
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies\
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.\
- Preamble\
- The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for\
-software and other kinds of works.\
- The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed\
-to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,\
-the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to\
-share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free\
-software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the\
-GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to\
-any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to\
-your programs, too.\
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not\
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you\
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for\
-them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you\
-want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new\
-free programs, and that you know you can do these things.\
- To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you\
-these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have\
-certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if\
-you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.\
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether\
-gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same\
-freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive\
-or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they\
-know their rights.\
- Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:\
-(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License\
-giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.\
- For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains\
-that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and\
-authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as\
-changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to\
-authors of previous versions.\
- Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run\
-modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer\
-can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of\
-protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic\
-pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to\
-use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we\
-have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those\
-products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we\
-stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions\
-of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.\
- Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.\
-States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of\
-software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to\
-avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could\
-make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that\
-patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.\
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and\
-modification follow.\
- 0. Definitions.\
- "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.\
- "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of\
-works, such as semiconductor masks.\
- "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this\
-License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and\
-"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.\
- To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work\
-in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an\
-exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the\
-earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.\
- A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based\
-on the Program.\
- To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without\
-permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for\
-infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a\
-computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,\
-distribution (with or without modification), making available to the\
-public, and in some countries other activities as well.\
- To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other\
-parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through\
-a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.\
- An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"\
-to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible\
-feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)\
-tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the\
-extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the\
-work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If\
-the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a\
-menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.\
- 1. Source Code.\
- The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work\
-for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source\
-form of a work.\
- A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official\
-standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of\
-interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that\
-is widely used among developers working in that language.\
- The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other\
-than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of\
-packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major\
-Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that\
-Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an\
-implementation is available to the public in source code form. A\
-"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component\
-(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system\
-(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to\
-produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.\
- The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all\
-the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable\
-work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to\
-control those activities. However, it does not include the work's\
-System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free\
-programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but\
-which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source\
-includes interface definition files associated with source files for\
-the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically\
-linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,\
-such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those\
-subprograms and other parts of the work.\
- The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users\
-can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding\
- The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that\
-same work.\
- 2. Basic Permissions.\
- All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of\
-copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated\
-conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited\
-permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a\
-covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its\
-content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your\
-rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.\
- You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not\
-convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains\
-in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose\
-of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you\
-with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with\
-the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do\
-not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works\
-for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction\
-and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of\
-your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.\
- Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under\
-the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10\
-makes it unnecessary.\
- 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.\
- No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological\
-measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article\
-11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or\
-similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such\
- When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid\
-circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention\
-is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to\
-the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or\
-modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's\
-users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of\
-technological measures.\
- 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.\
- You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you\
-receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and\
-appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;\
-keep intact all notices stating that this License and any\
-non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;\
-keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all\
-recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.\
- You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,\
-and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.\
- 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.\
- You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to\
-produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the\
-terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:\
- a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified\
- it, and giving a relevant date.\
- b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is\
- released under this License and any conditions added under section\
- 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to\
- "keep intact all notices".\
- c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this\
- License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This\
- License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7\
- additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,\
- regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no\
- permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not\
- invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.\
- d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display\
- Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive\
- interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your\
- work need not make them do so.\
- A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent\
-works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,\
-and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,\
-in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an\
-"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not\
-used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users\
-beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work\
-in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other\
-parts of the aggregate.\
- 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.\
- You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms\
-of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the\
-machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,\
-in one of these ways:\
- a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product\
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the\
- Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium\
- customarily used for software interchange.\
- b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product\
- (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a\
- written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as\
- long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product\
- model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a\
- copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the\
- product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical\
- medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no\
- more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this\
- conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the\
- Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.\
- c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the\
- written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This\
- alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and\
- only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord\
- with subsection 6b.\
- d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated\
- place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the\
- Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no\
- further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the\
- Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to\
- copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source\
- may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)\
- that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain\
- clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the\
- Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the\
- Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is\
- available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.\
- e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided\
- you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding\
- Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no\
- charge under subsection 6d.\
- A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded\
-from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be\
-included in conveying the object code work.\
- A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any\
-tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,\
-or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation\
-into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,\
-doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular\
-product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a\
-typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status\
-of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user\
-actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product\
-is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial\
-commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent\
-the only significant mode of use of the product.\
- "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,\
-procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install\
-and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from\
-a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must\
-suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object\
-code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because\
-modification has been made.\
- If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or\
-specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as\
-part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the\
-User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a\
-fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the\
-Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied\
-by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply\
-if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install\
-modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has\
-been installed in ROM).\
- The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a\
-requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates\
-for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for\
-the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a\
-network may be denied when the modification itself materially and\
-adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and\
-protocols for communication across the network.\
- Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,\
-in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly\
-documented (and with an implementation available to the public in\
-source code form), and must require no special password or key for\
-unpacking, reading or copying.\
- 7. Additional Terms.\
- "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this\
-License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.\
-Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall\
-be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent\
-that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions\
-apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately\
-under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by\
-this License without regard to the additional permissions.\
- When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option\
-remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of\
-it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own\
-removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place\
-additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,\
-for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.\
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you\
-add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of\
-that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:\
- a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the\
- terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or\
- b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or\
- author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal\
- Notices displayed by works containing it; or\
- c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or\
- requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in\
- reasonable ways as different from the original version; or\
- d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or\
- authors of the material; or\
- e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some\
- trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or\
- f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that\
- material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of\
- it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for\
- any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on\
- those licensors and authors.\
- All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further\
-restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you\
-received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is\
-governed by this License along with a term that is a further\
-restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains\
-a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this\
-License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms\
-of that license document, provided that the further restriction does\
-not survive such relicensing or conveying.\
- If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you\
-must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the\
-additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating\
-where to find the applicable terms.\
- Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the\
-form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;\
-the above requirements apply either way.\
- 8. Termination.\
- You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly\
-provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or\
-modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under\
-this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third\
-paragraph of section 11).\
- However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your\
-license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)\
-provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and\
-finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright\
-holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means\
-prior to 60 days after the cessation.\
- Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is\
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the\
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have\
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that\
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after\
-your receipt of the notice.\
- Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the\
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under\
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently\
-reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same\
-material under section 10.\
- 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.\
- You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or\
-run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work\
-occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission\
-to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,\
-nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or\
-modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do\
-not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a\
-covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.\
- 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.\
- Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically\
-receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and\
-propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible\
-for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.\
- An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an\
-organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an\
-organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered\
-work results from an entity transaction, each party to that\
-transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever\
-licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could\
-give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the\
-Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if\
-the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.\
- You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the\
-rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may\
-not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of\
-rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation\
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that\
-any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for\
-sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.\
- 11. Patents.\
- A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this\
-License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The\
-work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".\
- A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims\
-owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or\
-hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted\
-by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,\
-but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a\
-consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For\
-purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant\
-patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of\
-this License.\
- Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free\
-patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to\
-make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and\
-propagate the contents of its contributor version.\
- In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express\
-agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent\
-(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to\
-sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a\
-party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a\
-patent against the party.\
- If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,\
-and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone\
-to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a\
-publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,\
-then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so\
-available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the\
-patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner\
-consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent\
-license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have\
-actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the\
-covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work\
-in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that\
-country that you have reason to believe are valid.\
- If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or\
-arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a\
-covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties\
-receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify\
-or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license\
-you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered\
-work and works based on it.\
- A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within\
-the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is\
-conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are\
-specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered\
-work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is\
-in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment\
-to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying\
-the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the\
-parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory\
-patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work\
-conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily\
-for and in connection with specific products or compilations that\
-contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,\
-or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.\
- Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting\
-any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may\
-otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.\
- 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.\
- If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or\
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not\
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a\
-covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this\
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may\
-not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you\
-to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey\
-the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this\
-License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.\
- 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.\
- Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have\
-permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed\
-under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single\
-combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this\
-License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,\
-but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,\
-section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the\
-combination as such.\
- 14. Revised Versions of this License.\
- The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of\
-the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will\
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to\
-address new problems or concerns.\
- Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the\
-Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General\
-Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the\
-option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered\
-version or of any later version published by the Free Software\
-Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the\
-GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published\
-by the Free Software Foundation.\
- If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future\
-versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's\
-public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you\
-to choose that version for the Program.\
- Later license versions may give you additional or different\
-permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any\
-author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a\
-later version.\
- 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.\
- 16. Limitation of Liability.\
- 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.\
- If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided\
-above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,\
-reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates\
-an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the\
-Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a\
-copy of the Program in return for a fee.\
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs\
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest\
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it\
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.\
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest\
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively\
-state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least\
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.\
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>\
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>\
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\
- (at your option) any later version.\
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\
- GNU General Public License for more details.\
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.\
- If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short\
-notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:\
- <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>\
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.\
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.\
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate\
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands\
-might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".\
- You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,\
-if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.\
-For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see\
- The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program\
-into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you\
-may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with\
-the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General\
-Public License instead of this License. But first, please read\
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/ReadMe.rtf b/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/ReadMe.rtf
deleted file mode 100755
index da986d8..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/ReadMe.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
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-{\stylesheet{\s0\snext0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105 Normal;}
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-}{\info{\creatim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\revtim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\printim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\comment LibreOffice}{\vern3600}}\deftab720
-{\pgdsc0\pgdscuse195\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn1440\margrsxn1440\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440\pgdscnxt0 Default;}}
-\pgndec\pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-pyo (version 0.6.}{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-6}{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-This package installs all the required components to run pyo inside your current Python installation. Python 2.5, 2.6 (preferred) or 2.7 (32-bit Mac OS X Installer) must be already installed on your system.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-This package is divided into two separate installers. If you do not require one of them, please unselect the package in custom installation mode.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-1. pyo extension:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-The following components will be installed in the site-packages folder of the current Python Framework:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-pyolib (folder)}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-2. Support libraries (i386):}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-This component will install a number of dynamic libraries on which pyo depends. If you already have these, then you can skip this installation.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-Warning:}{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
- this installation will overwrite any previously installed libraries. These are the libraries that will be installed in your /usr/local/lib directory:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-Olivier B\u233\'e9langer, 201}{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-\par }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/Welcome.rtf b/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/Welcome.rtf
deleted file mode 100755
index b8b9917..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/Welcome.rtf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}
-\f0\fs26 \cf0 You are about to install pyo in your computer. This includes the pyo Python module and support libs.}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postinstall b/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postinstall
deleted file mode 100755
index 21e721a..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postinstall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's/\.//g'`
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.7";
-elif [ $VERSION -ge '1060' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.6";
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.5";
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin directories
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
-for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
- if cd $path; then
- if [ -f pyo.py ]; then
- sudo rm pyo.py;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo64.py ]; then
- sudo rm pyo64.py;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo.pyc ]; then
- sudo rm pyo.pyc;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo64.pyc ]; then
- sudo rm pyo64.pyc;
- fi
- if [ -f _pyo.so ]; then
- sudo rm _pyo.so;
- fi
- if [ -f _pyo64.so ]; then
- sudo rm _pyo64.so;
- fi
- if [ -d pyolib ]; then
- sudo rm -rf pyolib/;
- fi
- ls -1 pyo*-info > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
- sudo rm pyo*-info;
- fi
- fi
-# Install pyo in the python site-packages builtin directories
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- fi
- if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- fi
-# Install pyo in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
-if cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
-if cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
-sudo rm -rf /tmp/python2*
-# Add /usr/local/lib in .bash_profile if not already done
-if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
- if `cat ~/.bash_profile | grep "${searchString}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
- echo "path already in PATH variable";
- else
- echo "adding path to .bash_profile..."
- echo "export PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile;
- fi
- echo "creating .bash_profile and adding path to it..."
- echo "export PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/bin:\$PATH" > ~/.bash_profile;
-# Add VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT in .bash_profile if not already done
-if `cat ~/.bash_profile | grep "${searchString}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
- echo "Variable VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT already set.";
- echo "export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes" >> ~/.bash_profile;
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postupgrade b/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postupgrade
deleted file mode 100755
index 21e721a..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_i386/postupgrade
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's/\.//g'`
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.7";
-elif [ $VERSION -ge '1060' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.6";
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.5";
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin directories
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
-for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
- if cd $path; then
- if [ -f pyo.py ]; then
- sudo rm pyo.py;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo64.py ]; then
- sudo rm pyo64.py;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo.pyc ]; then
- sudo rm pyo.pyc;
- fi
- if [ -f pyo64.pyc ]; then
- sudo rm pyo64.pyc;
- fi
- if [ -f _pyo.so ]; then
- sudo rm _pyo.so;
- fi
- if [ -f _pyo64.so ]; then
- sudo rm _pyo64.so;
- fi
- if [ -d pyolib ]; then
- sudo rm -rf pyolib/;
- fi
- ls -1 pyo*-info > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
- sudo rm pyo*-info;
- fi
- fi
-# Install pyo in the python site-packages builtin directories
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- fi
- if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- fi
-# Install pyo in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
-if cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
-if cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
-sudo rm -rf /tmp/python2*
-# Add /usr/local/lib in .bash_profile if not already done
-if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]; then
- if `cat ~/.bash_profile | grep "${searchString}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
- echo "path already in PATH variable";
- else
- echo "adding path to .bash_profile..."
- echo "export PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile;
- fi
- echo "creating .bash_profile and adding path to it..."
- echo "export PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/bin:\$PATH" > ~/.bash_profile;
-# Add VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT in .bash_profile if not already done
-if `cat ~/.bash_profile | grep "${searchString}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
- echo "Variable VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT already set.";
- echo "export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes" >> ~/.bash_profile;
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/ReadMe.rtf b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/ReadMe.rtf
index d6db53b..7339a3b 100755
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/ReadMe.rtf
+++ b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/ReadMe.rtf
@@ -1,75 +1,82 @@
-{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Liberation Serif{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Liberation Sans{\*\falt Arial};}{\f5\froman\fprq2\fcharset1 LucidaGrande;}{\f6\froman\fprq0\fcharset1 LucidaGrande;}{\f7\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 DejaVu Sans;}{\f8\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Lohit Hindi;}{\f9\fnil\fprq0\fcharset1 Lohit Hindi;}}
+{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Liberation Serif{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Liberation Sans{\*\falt Arial};}{\f5\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 LucidaGrande;}{\f6\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Liberation Serif{\*\falt Times New Roman};}{\f7\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 FreeSans;}{\f8\fswiss\fprq0\fcharset128 FreeSans;}}
-{\stylesheet{\s0\snext0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105 Normal;}
-{\s15\sbasedon0\snext16\sb240\sa120\keepn\dbch\af7\dbch\af8\afs28\loch\f4\fs28 Heading;}
-{\s16\sbasedon0\snext16\sb0\sa120 Text body;}
-{\s17\sbasedon16\snext17\sb0\sa120\dbch\af9 List;}
-{\s18\sbasedon0\snext18\sb120\sa120\noline\i\dbch\af9\afs24\ai\fs24 Caption;}
-{\s19\sbasedon0\snext19\noline\dbch\af9 Index;}
-}{\info{\creatim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\revtim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\printim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\comment LibreOffice}{\vern3600}}\deftab720
+{\stylesheet{\s0\snext0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084 Normal;}
+{\s15\sbasedon0\snext16\ql\nowidctlpar\sb240\sa120\keepn\ltrpar\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe1081\dbch\af7\afs28\loch\f4\fs28\lang3084 Heading;}
+{\s16\sbasedon0\snext16\sl288\slmult1\ql\nowidctlpar\sb0\sa140\ltrpar\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084 Text Body;}
+{\s17\sbasedon16\snext17\sl288\slmult1\ql\nowidctlpar\sb0\sa140\ltrpar\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe1081\dbch\af8\afs24\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084 List;}
+{\s18\sbasedon0\snext18\ql\nowidctlpar\sb120\sa120\noline\ltrpar\cf1\i\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe1081\dbch\af8\afs24\ai\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084 Caption;}
+{\s19\sbasedon0\snext19\ql\nowidctlpar\noline\ltrpar\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe1081\dbch\af8\afs24\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084 Index;}
+}{\info{\creatim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\author olivier }{\revtim\yr2015\mo1\dy29\hr19\min33}{\printim\yr0\mo0\dy0\hr0\min0}{\comment LibreOffice}{\vern67306242}}\deftab720
-{\pgdsc0\pgdscuse195\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn1440\margrsxn1440\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440\pgdscnxt0 Default;}}
+{\pgdsc0\pgdscuse451\pgwsxn12240\pghsxn15840\marglsxn1440\margrsxn1440\margtsxn1440\margbsxn1440\pgdscnxt0 Default Style;}}
-\pgndec\pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-pyo (version 0.6.}{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-6}{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+{\*\ftnsep}\pgndec\pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+Python-pyo (version 0.7.}{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+4}{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-System requirements : OS X 10.6 or 10.7}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+System requirements : OS X 10.6 to 10.9}
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-This package installs all the required components to run pyo inside your current Python installation. Python 2.6 or 2.7 (64-bit) must be already installed on your system.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+This package installs all the required components to run pyo inside your current Python installation. Python 2.6 or 2.7 (32/64 bit) must be already installed on your system.}
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
This package is divided into two separate installers. If you do not require one of them, please unselect the package in custom installation mode.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
1. pyo extension:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
The following components will be installed in the site-packages folder of the current Python Framework:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
pyolib (folder)}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
2. Support libraries (i386 and x86_64):}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
This component will install a number of dynamic libraries on which pyo depends. If you already have these, then you can skip this installation.}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-Warning:}{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+Warning:}{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
this installation will overwrite any previously installed libraries. These are the libraries that will be installed in your /usr/local/lib directory:}
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105\ql\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
-\par \pard\plain \s0\nowidctlpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf0\kerning1\dbch\af7\langfe2052\dbch\af8\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang4105{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
-Olivier B\u233\'e9langer, 201}{\cf1\b0\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\loch\f6
+\par \pard\plain \s0\ql\nowidctlpar\ltrpar{\*\hyphen2\hyphlead2\hyphtrail2\hyphmax0}\cf1\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\dbch\af6\afs24\alang1081\loch\f3\fs24\lang3084\ql\nowidctlpar{\cf1\b0\kerning1\dbch\af6\langfe1081\rtlch \ltrch\loch\fs26\lang3084\loch\f5
+Olivier B\u233\'e9langer, 2014}
\par }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postinstall b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postinstall
index ade04c8..ddcb4ab 100755
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postinstall
+++ b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postinstall
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
#! /bin/sh
-VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's/\.//g'`
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.7";
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.6";
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin directories
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
+# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin and in the python site-packages from python.org directories
for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
if cd $path; then
@@ -42,22 +33,20 @@ for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
# Install pyo in the python site-packages builtin directories
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- fi
+if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- fi
+ sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
+ cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
+if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
+ sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
+ cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
# Install pyo in the python.org site-packages directories
@@ -77,6 +66,15 @@ else
sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
+# Check if anaconda is already installed and copy files to site-packages directory
+if cd ~/anaconda/lib/python2.6/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
+if cd ~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
sudo rm -rf /tmp/python2*
# Add /usr/local/lib in .bash_profile if not already done
diff --git a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postupgrade b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postupgrade
index ade04c8..ddcb4ab 100755
--- a/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postupgrade
+++ b/installers/osx/PkgResources_x86_64/postupgrade
@@ -1,15 +1,6 @@
#! /bin/sh
-VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion | sed -e 's/\.//g'`
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.7";
- echo "Install pyo on OSX 10.6";
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin directories
-# Removed older versions in the python site-packages from python.org install directories
+# Removed older versions in the python site-packages builtin and in the python site-packages from python.org directories
for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
if cd $path; then
@@ -42,22 +33,20 @@ for path in ${PATHS//:/ }; do
# Install pyo in the python site-packages builtin directories
-if [ $VERSION -ge '1070' ]; then
- if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- fi
+if cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
- if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- else
- sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
- sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
- fi
+ sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
+ cd /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
+if cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
+ sudo mkdir -p /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
+ cd /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
# Install pyo in the python.org site-packages directories
@@ -77,6 +66,15 @@ else
sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
+# Check if anaconda is already installed and copy files to site-packages directory
+if cd ~/anaconda/lib/python2.6/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python26/* .
+if cd ~/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/; then
+ sudo cp -r /tmp/python27/* .
sudo rm -rf /tmp/python2*
# Add /usr/local/lib in .bash_profile if not already done
diff --git a/installers/osx/release_i386.sh b/installers/osx/release_i386.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fc5e31..0000000
--- a/installers/osx/release_i386.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Need Xcode 3.2.6 or later (pkgbuild and productbuild)
-# 1. install python (and wxpython) 2.6 and 2.7 (32-bit)
-# 2. update pyo sources
-# 3. compile and install pyo float and double
-# 4. cd utils and build E-Pyo
-# 5. cd installer/osx and build the realease
-export PACKAGE_NAME=pyo_0.6.8_i386.pkg
-export DMG_DIR="pyo 0.6.8 Intel"
-export DMG_NAME="pyo_0.6.8_OSX-Intel.dmg"
-export INSTALLER_DIR=`pwd`/installer
-export PYO_MODULE_DIR=$INSTALLER_DIR/PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
-export SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR=$INSTALLER_DIR/SupportLibs/Package_Contents/usr/local/lib
-export BUILD_RESOURCES=$INSTALLER_DIR/PkgResources/English.lproj
-export PKG_RESOURCES=$INSTALLER_DIR/../PkgResources_i386
-mkdir -p $PYO_MODULE_DIR
-cp $PKG_RESOURCES/License.rtf $BUILD_RESOURCES/License.rtf
-cp $PKG_RESOURCES/Welcome.rtf $BUILD_RESOURCES/Welcome.rtf
-svn export ../.. installer/pyo-build
-cd installer/pyo-build
-echo "building pyo for python 2.6 (32-bit)..."
-sudo /usr/local/bin/python2.6 setup.py install --use-coreaudio --use-double
-sudo cp -R build/lib.macosx-10.3-fat-2.6 $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python26
-echo "building pyo for python 2.7 (32-bit)..."
-sudo /usr/local/bin/python2.7 setup.py install --use-coreaudio --use-double
-sudo cp -R build/lib.macosx-10.3-fat-2.7 $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python27
-cd ..
-echo "copying support libs..."
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/liblo.7.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/liblo.7.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libportaudio.2.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libportaudio.2.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libportmidi.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libsndfile.1.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libsndfile.1.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libFLAC.8.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libFLAC.8.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libogg.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libogg.0.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libvorbis.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libvorbis.0.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libvorbisenc.2.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libvorbisenc.2.dylib
-echo "setting permissions..."
-sudo chgrp -R admin PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
-sudo chown -R root PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
-sudo chmod -R 755 PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
-sudo chgrp -R wheel SupportLibs/Package_Contents/usr
-sudo chown -R root SupportLibs/Package_Contents/usr
-sudo chmod -R 755 SupportLibs/Package_Contents/usr
-echo "building packages..."
-pkgbuild --identifier com.iact.umontreal.ca.pyo.tmp.pkg \
- --root PyoModule/Package_Contents/ \
- --version 1.0 \
- --scripts $PKG_RESOURCES \
- PyoModule.pkg
-pkgbuild --identifier com.iact.umontreal.ca.pyo.usr.pkg \
- --root SupportLibs/Package_Contents/ \
- --version 1.0 \
- SupportLibs.pkg
-echo "building product..."
-productbuild --distribution ../Distribution.dist --resources $BUILD_RESOURCES $PACKAGE_NAME
-echo "assembling DMG..."
-mkdir "$DMG_DIR"
-cd "$DMG_DIR"
-cp ../$PACKAGE_NAME .
-cp -R ../../../../utils/E-Pyo.app .
-ln -s /Applications .
-cd ..
-hdiutil create "$DMG_NAME" -srcfolder "$DMG_DIR"
-cd ..
-mv installer/$DMG_NAME .
-echo "clean up resources..."
-sudo rm -rf installer
diff --git a/installers/osx/release_x86_64.sh b/installers/osx/release_x86_64.sh
index 4c21d67..c8bcfad 100644
--- a/installers/osx/release_x86_64.sh
+++ b/installers/osx/release_x86_64.sh
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
-export PACKAGE_NAME=pyo_0.6.8_x86_64.pkg
-export DMG_DIR="pyo 0.6.8 Universal"
-export DMG_NAME="pyo_0.6.8_OSX-universal.dmg"
+# Need Xcode 3.2.6 or later (pkgbuild and productbuild)
+# 1. install python (and wxpython) 2.6 and 2.7 (32-bit)
+# 2. update pyo sources
+# 3. compile and install pyo float and double
+# 4. cd utils and build E-Pyo
+# 5. install python (and wxpython) 2.7 (64-bit)
+# 6. cd installer/osx and build the realease, only x86_64 version
+export PACKAGE_NAME=pyo_0.7.4_x86_64.pkg
+export DMG_DIR="pyo 0.7.4 Universal"
+export DMG_NAME="pyo_0.7.4_OSX-universal.dmg"
export INSTALLER_DIR=`pwd`/installer
export PYO_MODULE_DIR=$INSTALLER_DIR/PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
export SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR=$INSTALLER_DIR/SupportLibs/Package_Contents/usr/local/lib
@@ -33,6 +41,11 @@ sudo /usr/local/bin/python2.7 setup.py install --use-coreaudio --use-double
sudo cp -R build/lib.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7 $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python27
+sudo install_name_tool -change libportmidi.dylib /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python26/_pyo.so
+sudo install_name_tool -change libportmidi.dylib /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python26/_pyo64.so
+sudo install_name_tool -change libportmidi.dylib /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python27/_pyo.so
+sudo install_name_tool -change libportmidi.dylib /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $PYO_MODULE_DIR/python27/_pyo64.so
cd ..
echo "copying support libs..."
@@ -41,12 +54,11 @@ sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libportaudio.2.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libportaudio.2.dyl
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libportmidi.dylib
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libsndfile.1.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libsndfile.1.dylib
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libFLAC.8.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libFLAC.8.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libogg.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libogg.0.dylib
-sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libvorbis.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libvorbis.0.dylib
sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libvorbisenc.2.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libvorbisenc.2.dylib
+sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libvorbis.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libvorbis.0.dylib
+sudo cp /usr/local/lib/libogg.0.dylib $SUPPORT_LIBS_DIR/libogg.0.dylib
echo "setting permissions..."
sudo chgrp -R admin PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
sudo chown -R root PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
sudo chmod -R 755 PyoModule/Package_Contents/tmp
diff --git a/installers/win/README-win32-py26.txt b/installers/win/README-win32-py26.txt
index bbe9866..e482de4 100644
--- a/installers/win/README-win32-py26.txt
+++ b/installers/win/README-win32-py26.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script cre
-To use the WxPython toolkit for widgets, you need to install wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-py26:
+To use the WxPython toolkit for widgets, you need to install wxPython 3.0 for python 2.6:
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ it's a good starting point to explore the library!
In a Command Prompt:
-cd Desktop\pyo_examples
-python xnoise_example.py
+cd Desktop\pyo_examples\algorithmic
+python 01_music_box.py
Please, send comments and bugs to:
diff --git a/installers/win/README-win32-py27.txt b/installers/win/README-win32-py27.txt
index 872130e..eddb84d 100644
--- a/installers/win/README-win32-py27.txt
+++ b/installers/win/README-win32-py27.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Pyo is a Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script cre
-To use the WxPython toolkit for widgets, you need to install wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-py27:
+To use the WxPython toolkit for widgets, you need to install wxPython 3.0 for python 2.7:
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ it's a good starting point to explore the library!
In a Command Prompt:
-cd Desktop\pyo_examples
-python xnoise_example.py
+cd Desktop\pyo_examples\algorithmic
+python 01_music_box.py
Please, send comments and bugs to:
diff --git a/installers/win/win_installer_py26.iss b/installers/win/win_installer_py26.iss
index 1d24ca6..f973793 100644
--- a/installers/win/win_installer_py26.iss
+++ b/installers/win/win_installer_py26.iss
@@ -1,55 +1,63 @@
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
+#define appName "pyo"
+#define pyVer "2.6"
+#define appVer "0.7.4"
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
-InfoBeforeFile=C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\installers\win\\README-win32-py26.txt
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
; should use PYTHONPATH variable
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo.py"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo64.py"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyolib\*"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyolib"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\_pyo.pyd"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\_pyo64.pyd"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\libsndfile-1.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\lo.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\portaudio.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\portmidi.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\porttime.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pthreadVC2.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\msvcr90.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo-0.6.8-py2.6.egg-info"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python26\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}\pyo_examples\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\installers\win\README-win32-py26.txt"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo.py"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo64.py"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyolib\*"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages\pyolib"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\_pyo.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\_pyo64.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\libsndfile-1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\lo.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\portaudio.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\portmidi.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\porttime.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pthreadVC2.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\msvcr90.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pyo-{#appVer}-py{#pyVer}.egg-info"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}\pyo_examples\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\installers\win\README-win32-py26.txt"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}"; Flags: ignoreversion
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
; E-Pyo stuff
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py26\E-Pyo.exe"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py26\Resources\*"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo\Resources"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py26\E-Pyo.exe"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py26\Resources\*"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo\Resources"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
@@ -67,9 +75,12 @@ Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{userdocs}\.epyo";
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "C:\Python26;{olddata}"; Check: NeedsAddPath('C:\Python26')
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "C:\Python26;{olddata}"; Check: NeedsAddPath('{app}')
+procedure ExitProcess(exitCode:integer);
+ external 'ExitProcess at kernel32.dll stdcall';
function NeedsAddPath(Param: string): boolean;
OrigPath: string;
@@ -86,6 +97,37 @@ begin
Result := Pos(';' + Param + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') = 0;
+function GetDirName(Value: string): string;
+ InstallPath: string;
+ reg1 : string;
+ reg2 : string;
+ reg3 : string;
+ reg4 : string;
+ reg1 := 'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg2 := 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg3 := 'Software\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg4 := 'Software\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, reg1, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, reg3, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, reg2, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, reg4, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ Result := 'C:\Python26';
diff --git a/installers/win/win_installer_py27.iss b/installers/win/win_installer_py27.iss
index 6b0cf86..5935569 100644
--- a/installers/win/win_installer_py27.iss
+++ b/installers/win/win_installer_py27.iss
@@ -1,54 +1,61 @@
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
+#define appName "pyo"
+#define pyVer "2.7"
+#define appVer "0.7.4"
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
-InfoBeforeFile=C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\installers\win\\README-win32-py27.txt
Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo.py"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo64.py"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyolib\*"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyolib"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\_pyo.pyd"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\_pyo64.pyd"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\libsndfile-1.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\lo.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\portaudio.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\portmidi.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\porttime.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pthreadVC2.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\msvcr90.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo-0.6.8-py2.7.egg-info"; DestDir: "{sd}\Python27\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}\pyo_examples\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\installers\win\README-win32-py27.txt"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo.py"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo64.py"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyolib\*"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages\pyolib"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\_pyo.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\_pyo64.pyd"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\libsndfile-1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\lo.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\portaudio.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\portmidi.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\porttime.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pthreadVC2.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\msvcr90.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyo-{#appVer}-py{#pyVer}.egg-info"; DestDir: "{app}\Lib\site-packages"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\examples\*"; DestDir: "{userdesktop}\pyo_examples\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
; E-Pyo stuff
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py27\E-Pyo.exe"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "C:\Documents and Settings\user\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py27\Resources\*"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo\Resources"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py27\E-Pyo.exe"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "C:\Users\olipet\svn\pyo\utils\E-Pyo_py27\Resources\*"; DestDir: "{pf}\E-Pyo\Resources"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"
@@ -66,9 +73,12 @@ Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{userdocs}\.epyo";
-Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "C:\Python27;{olddata}"; Check: NeedsAddPath('C:\Python27')
+Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"; ValueType: expandsz; ValueName: "Path"; ValueData: "{app};{olddata}"; Check: NeedsAddPath('{app}')
+procedure ExitProcess(exitCode:integer);
+ external 'ExitProcess at kernel32.dll stdcall';
function NeedsAddPath(Param: string): boolean;
OrigPath: string;
@@ -84,3 +94,36 @@ begin
// Pos() returns 0 if not found
Result := Pos(';' + Param + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') = 0;
+function GetDirName(Value: string): string;
+ InstallPath: string;
+ reg1 : string;
+ reg2 : string;
+ reg3 : string;
+ reg4 : string;
+ reg1 := 'SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg2 := 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg3 := 'Software\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ reg4 := 'Software\Wow6432Node\Python\PythonCore\' + '{#PyVer}' + '\InstallPath';
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, reg1, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, reg3, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, reg2, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, reg4, '', InstallPath) then
+ Result := InstallPath;
+ END else
+ Result := 'C:\Python27';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyo.py b/pyo.py
index f7a865f..02421c5 100644
--- a/pyo.py
+++ b/pyo.py
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ if WITH_EXTERNALS:
import pyolib.external as external
from pyolib.external import *
-# Temporary objects, need to be coded in C
class FreqShift(PyoObject):
Frequency shifting using single sideband amplitude modulation.
@@ -110,26 +109,14 @@ class FreqShift(PyoObject):
100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 Hz, shifted up by 50 Hz, will have harmonics
at 150, 250, 350, 450, and 550 Hz.
- Parent class : PyoObject
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
- Parameters:
+ :Args:
- input : PyoObject
- Input signal to process.
- shift : float or PyoObject, optional
- Amount of shifting in Hertz. Defaults to 100.
- Methods:
- setInput(x, fadetime) : Replace the `input` attribute.
- setShift(x) : Replace the `shift` attribute.
- Attributes:
- input : PyoObject. Input signal to process.
- shift : float or PyoObject. Amount of shifting in Hertz.
- Examples:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ shift : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Amount of shifting in Hertz. Defaults to 100.
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
@@ -141,11 +128,9 @@ class FreqShift(PyoObject):
def __init__(self, input, shift=100, mul=1, add=0):
- PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._input = input
self._shift = shift
- self._mul = mul
- self._add = add
self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
in_fader, shift, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, shift, mul, add)
@@ -162,25 +147,20 @@ class FreqShift(PyoObject):
mul=wrap(mul,i), add=wrap(add,i)))
- def __dir__(self):
- return ["input", "shift", "mul", "add"]
def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._hilb_objs)]
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._sin_objs)]
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._cos_objs)]
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._mod_objs)]
- self._base_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- return self
+ return PyoObject.play(self, dur, delay)
def stop(self):
[obj.stop() for obj in self._hilb_objs]
[obj.stop() for obj in self._sin_objs]
[obj.stop() for obj in self._cos_objs]
[obj.stop() for obj in self._mod_objs]
- [obj.stop() for obj in self._base_objs]
- return self
+ return PyoObject.stop(self)
def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
@@ -188,14 +168,7 @@ class FreqShift(PyoObject):
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._sin_objs)]
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._cos_objs)]
[obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._mod_objs)]
- if type(chnl) == ListType:
- self._base_objs = [obj.out(wrap(chnl,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- else:
- if chnl < 0:
- self._base_objs = [obj.out(i*inc, wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(random.sample(self._base_objs, len(self._base_objs)))]
- else:
- self._base_objs = [obj.out(chnl+i*inc, wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- return self
+ return PyoObject.out(self, chnl, inc, dur, delay)
def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
@@ -245,30 +218,123 @@ class FreqShift(PyoObject):
def shift(self, x): self.setShift(x)
+class PartialTable(PyoTableObject):
+ """
+ Inharmonic waveform generator.
+ Generates waveforms made of inharmonic components. Partials are
+ given as a list of 2-values tuple, where the first one is the
+ partial number (can be float) and the second one is the strength
+ of the partial.
+ The object uses the first two decimal values of each partial to
+ compute a higher harmonic at a multiple of 100 (so each component
+ is in reality truly harmonic). If the oscillator has a frequency
+ divided by 100, the real desired partials will be restituted.
+ The list:
+ [(1, 1), (1.1, 0.7), (1.15, 0.5)] will draw a table with:
+ harmonic 100 : amplitude = 1
+ harmonic 110 : amplitude = 0.7
+ harmonic 115 : amplitude = 0.5
+ To listen to a signal composed of 200, 220 and 230 Hz, one should
+ declared an oscillator like this (frequency of 200Hz divided by 100):
+ a = Osc(t, freq=2, mul=0.5).out()
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoTableObject`
+ :Args:
+ list : list of tuple, optional
+ List of 2-values tuples. First value is the partial number (float up
+ to two decimal values) and second value is its amplitude (relative to
+ the other harmonics). Defaults to [(1,1), (1.33,0.5),(1.67,0.3)].
+ size : int, optional
+ Table size in samples. Because computed harmonics are very high in
+ frequency, the table size must be bigger than a classic HarmTable.
+ Defaults to 65536.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> t = PartialTable([(1,1), (2.37, 0.5), (4.55, 0.3)]).normalize()
+ >>> # Play with fundamentals 199 and 200 Hz
+ >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[1.99,2], mul=.2).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, list=[(1,1), (1.33,0.5),(1.67,0.3)], size=65536):
+ PyoTableObject.__init__(self, size)
+ self._list = list
+ self._par_table = HarmTable(self._create_list(), size)
+ self._base_objs = self._par_table.getBaseObjects()
+ self.normalize()
+ def _create_list(self):
+ # internal method used to compute the harmonics's weight
+ hrms = [(int(x*100.), y) for x, y in self._list]
+ l = []
+ ind = 0
+ for i in range(10000):
+ if i == hrms[ind][0]:
+ l.append(hrms[ind][1])
+ ind += 1
+ if ind == len(hrms):
+ break
+ else:
+ l.append(0)
+ return l
+ def replace(self, list):
+ """
+ Redraw the waveform according to a new set of harmonics
+ relative strengths.
+ :Args:
+ list : list of tuples
+ Each tuple contains the partial number, as a float,
+ and its strength.
+ """
+ self._list = list
+ [obj.replace(self._create_list()) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.normalize()
+ self.refreshView()
+ @property
+ def list(self):
+ """list. List of partial numbers and strength."""
+ return self._list
+ @list.setter
+ def list(self, x): self.replace(x)
OBJECTS_TREE = {'functions': sorted(['pa_count_devices', 'pa_get_default_input', 'pa_get_default_output', 'pm_get_input_devices',
'pa_list_devices', 'pa_count_host_apis', 'pa_list_host_apis', 'pa_get_default_host_api',
'pm_count_devices', 'pm_list_devices', 'sndinfo', 'savefile', 'pa_get_output_devices',
- 'pa_get_input_devices', 'midiToHz', 'sampsToSec', 'secToSamps', 'example', 'class_args',
+ 'pa_get_input_devices', 'midiToHz', 'hzToMidi', 'sampsToSec', 'secToSamps', 'example', 'class_args',
'pm_get_default_input', 'pm_get_output_devices', 'pm_get_default_output', 'midiToTranspo',
'getVersion', 'reducePoints', 'serverCreated', 'serverBooted', 'distanceToSegment', 'rescale',
'upsamp', 'downsamp', 'linToCosCurve', 'convertStringToSysEncoding', 'savefileFromTable',
- 'pa_get_input_max_channels', 'pa_get_output_max_channels', 'pa_get_devices_infos']),
+ 'pa_get_input_max_channels', 'pa_get_output_max_channels', 'pa_get_devices_infos', 'pa_get_version',
+ 'pa_get_version_text', 'floatmap']),
'PyoObjectBase': {
'PyoMatrixObject': sorted(['NewMatrix']),
'PyoTableObject': sorted(['LinTable', 'NewTable', 'SndTable', 'HannTable', 'HarmTable', 'SawTable', 'ParaTable', 'LogTable', 'CosLogTable',
- 'SquareTable', 'ChebyTable', 'CosTable', 'CurveTable', 'ExpTable', 'DataTable', 'WinTable', 'SincTable']),
+ 'SquareTable', 'ChebyTable', 'CosTable', 'CurveTable', 'ExpTable', 'DataTable', 'WinTable', 'SincTable', 'PartialTable']),
'PyoPVObject' : sorted(['PVAnal', 'PVSynth', 'PVTranspose', 'PVVerb', 'PVGate', 'PVAddSynth', 'PVCross', 'PVMult', 'PVMorph', 'PVFilter', 'PVDelay', 'PVBuffer', 'PVShift', 'PVAmpMod', 'PVFreqMod', 'PVBufLoops', 'PVBufTabLoops', 'PVMix']),
- 'PyoObject': {'analysis': sorted(['Follower', 'Follower2', 'ZCross', 'Yin']),
+ 'PyoObject': {'analysis': sorted(['Follower', 'Follower2', 'ZCross', 'Yin', 'Centroid', 'AttackDetector', 'Scope', 'Spectrum', 'PeakAmp']),
'arithmetic': sorted(['Sin', 'Cos', 'Tan', 'Abs', 'Sqrt', 'Log', 'Log2', 'Log10', 'Pow', 'Atan2', 'Floor', 'Round',
- 'Ceil']),
+ 'Ceil', 'Tanh']),
'controls': sorted(['Fader', 'Sig', 'SigTo', 'Adsr', 'Linseg', 'Expseg']),
'dynamics': sorted(['Clip', 'Compress', 'Degrade', 'Mirror', 'Wrap', 'Gate', 'Balance', 'Min', 'Max']),
- 'effects': sorted(['Delay', 'SDelay', 'Disto', 'Freeverb', 'Waveguide', 'Convolve', 'WGVerb',
- 'Harmonizer', 'Chorus', 'AllpassWG', 'FreqShift', 'Vocoder', 'Delay1']),
+ 'effects': sorted(['Delay', 'SDelay', 'Disto', 'Freeverb', 'Waveguide', 'Convolve', 'WGVerb', 'SmoothDelay',
+ 'Harmonizer', 'Chorus', 'AllpassWG', 'FreqShift', 'Vocoder', 'Delay1', 'STRev']),
'filters': sorted(['Biquad', 'BandSplit', 'Port', 'Hilbert', 'Tone', 'DCBlock', 'EQ', 'Allpass',
'Allpass2', 'Phaser', 'Biquadx', 'IRWinSinc', 'IRAverage', 'IRPulse', 'IRFM', 'FourBand',
- 'Biquada', 'Atone', 'SVF', 'Average', 'Reson', 'Resonx', 'ButLP', 'ButHP', 'ButBP', 'ButBR']),
+ 'Biquada', 'Atone', 'SVF', 'Average', 'Reson', 'Resonx', 'ButLP', 'ButHP', 'ButBP', 'ButBR', 'ComplexRes']),
'generators': sorted(['Noise', 'Phasor', 'Sine', 'Input', 'FM', 'SineLoop', 'Blit', 'PinkNoise', 'CrossFM',
'BrownNoise', 'Rossler', 'Lorenz', 'LFO', 'SumOsc', 'SuperSaw', 'RCOsc']),
'internals': sorted(['Dummy', 'InputFader', 'Mix', 'VarPort']),
@@ -278,22 +344,21 @@ OBJECTS_TREE = {'functions': sorted(['pa_count_devices', 'pa_get_default_input',
'pattern': sorted(['Pattern', 'Score', 'CallAfter']),
'randoms': sorted(['Randi', 'Randh', 'Choice', 'RandInt', 'Xnoise', 'XnoiseMidi', 'RandDur', 'XnoiseDur', 'Urn']),
'players': sorted(['SfMarkerShuffler', 'SfPlayer', 'SfMarkerLooper']),
- 'tableprocess': sorted(['TableRec', 'Osc', 'Pointer', 'Lookup', 'Granulator', 'Pulsar', 'OscLoop', 'Granule',
- 'TableRead', 'TableMorph', 'Looper', 'TableIndex', 'OscBank', 'OscTrig', 'TablePut', 'TableScale']),
+ 'tableprocess': sorted(['TableRec', 'Osc', 'Pointer', 'Pointer2', 'Lookup', 'Granulator', 'Pulsar', 'OscLoop', 'Granule',
+ 'TableRead', 'TableMorph', 'Looper', 'TableIndex', 'OscBank', 'OscTrig', 'TablePut', 'TableScale', 'Particle']),
'matrixprocess': sorted(['MatrixRec', 'MatrixPointer', 'MatrixMorph', 'MatrixRecLoop']),
'triggers': sorted(['Metro', 'Beat', 'TrigEnv', 'TrigRand', 'TrigRandInt', 'Select', 'Counter', 'TrigChoice',
'TrigFunc', 'Thresh', 'Cloud', 'Trig', 'TrigXnoise', 'TrigXnoiseMidi', 'Timer', 'Count',
'Change', 'TrigLinseg', 'TrigExpseg', 'Percent', 'Seq', 'TrigTableRec', 'Iter', 'NextTrig',
- 'TrigVal']),
+ 'TrigVal', 'Euclide', 'TrigBurst']),
'utils': sorted(['Clean_objects', 'Print', 'Snap', 'Interp', 'SampHold', 'Compare', 'Record', 'Between', 'Denorm',
'ControlRec', 'ControlRead', 'NoteinRec', 'NoteinRead', 'DBToA', 'AToDB', 'Scale', 'CentsToTranspo',
- 'TranspoToCents', 'MToF', 'MToT']),
- 'fourier': sorted(['FFT', 'IFFT', 'CarToPol', 'PolToCar', 'FrameDelta', 'FrameAccum', 'Vectral', 'CvlVerb', 'Spectrum'])}},
+ 'TranspoToCents', 'MToF', 'FToM', 'MToT', 'TrackHold']),
+ 'fourier': sorted(['FFT', 'IFFT', 'CarToPol', 'PolToCar', 'FrameDelta', 'FrameAccum', 'Vectral', 'CvlVerb'])}},
'Map': {'SLMap': sorted(['SLMapFreq', 'SLMapMul', 'SLMapPhase', 'SLMapQ', 'SLMapDur', 'SLMapPan'])},
'Server': [],
'Stream': [],
'TableStream': []}
DOC_KEYWORDS = ['Attributes', 'Examples', 'Parameters', 'Methods', 'Notes', 'Methods details', 'See also', 'Parentclass']
diff --git a/pyolib/_core.py b/pyolib/_core.py
index 0a643c6..07a9e98 100644
--- a/pyolib/_core.py
+++ b/pyolib/_core.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from types import ListType, SliceType, FloatType, StringType, UnicodeType
+from types import ListType, SliceType, FloatType, StringType, UnicodeType, NoneType
import random, os, sys, inspect, tempfile
from subprocess import call
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ FILE_FORMATS = {'wav': 0, 'wave': 0, 'aif': 1, 'aiff': 1, 'au': 2, '': 3, 'sd2':
FUNCTIONS_INIT_LINES = {"pa_count_host_apis": "pa_count_host_apis()", "pa_list_host_apis": "pa_list_host_apis()",
"pa_get_default_host_api": "pa_get_default_host_api()", "pa_count_devices": "pa_count_devices()",
"pa_list_devices": "pa_list_devices()", "pa_get_devices_infos": "pa_get_devices_infos()",
+ "pa_get_version": "pa_get_version()", "pa_get_version_text": "pa_get_version_text()",
"pa_get_input_devices": "pa_get_input_devices()", "pa_get_output_devices": "pa_get_output_devices()",
"pa_get_default_input": "pa_get_default_input()", "pa_get_default_output": "pa_get_default_output()",
"pa_get_input_max_channels": "pa_get_input_max_channels(x)", "pa_get_output_max_channels": "pa_get_output_max_channels(x)",
@@ -55,14 +56,14 @@ FUNCTIONS_INIT_LINES = {"pa_count_host_apis": "pa_count_host_apis()", "pa_list_h
"sndinfo": "sndinfo(path, print=False)", "savefile": "savefile(samples, path, sr=44100, channels=1, fileformat=0, sampletype=0)",
"savefileFromTable": "savefileFromTable(table, path, fileformat=0, sampletype=0)",
"upsamp": "upsamp(path, outfile, up=4, order=128)", "downsamp": "downsamp(path, outfile, down=4, order=128)",
- "midiToHz": "midiToHz(x)", "midiToTranspo": "midiToTranspo(x)", "sampsToSec": "sampsToSec(x)",
+ "midiToHz": "midiToHz(x)", "hzToMidi": "hzToMidi(x)", "midiToTranspo": "midiToTranspo(x)", "sampsToSec": "sampsToSec(x)",
"secToSamps": "secToSamps(x)", "linToCosCurve": "linToCosCurve(data, yrange=[0, 1], totaldur=1, points=1024, log=False)",
"rescale": "rescale(data, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, xlog=False, ylog=False)",
"distanceToSegment": "distanceToSegment(p, p1, p2, xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=1.0, xlog=False, ylog=False)",
"reducePoints": "reducePoints(pointlist, tolerance=0.02)", "serverCreated": "serverCreated()", "serverBooted": "serverBooted()",
"example": "example(cls, dur=5, toprint=True, double=False)", "class_args": "class_args(cls)", "getVersion": "getVersion()",
"convertStringToSysEncoding": "convertStringToSysEncoding(str)", "convertArgsToLists": "convertArgsToLists(*args)",
- "wrap": "wrap(arg, i)"
+ "wrap": "wrap(arg, i)", "floatmap": "floatmap(x, min=0, max=1, exp=1)"
def convertStringToSysEncoding(str):
@@ -223,6 +224,9 @@ def getVersion():
major, minor, rev = PYO_VERSION.split('.')
return (int(major), int(minor), int(rev))
+def dumpref():
+ pass
class PyoError(Exception):
"""Base class for all pyo exceptions."""
@@ -286,6 +290,20 @@ class PyoObjectBase(object):
return self._base_objs
+ def cleanFuncRefs(self):
+ """
+ Method used to remove internal references to callback functions.
+ An internal reference to a callback function (ex. the function
+ called by the TrigFunc object) may prevent the object to be
+ properly deleted when its reference count drop to zero. Calling
+ this function just before deleting the last reference will replace
+ the callback reference by a dump ref.
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, "_function"):
+ self.setFunction(dumpref)
def __getitem__(self, i):
if i == 'trig':
return self._trig_objs
@@ -768,12 +786,12 @@ class PyoObject(PyoObjectBase):
def setSub(self, x):
- Replace and inverse the `mul` attribute.
+ Replace and inverse the `add` attribute.
x : float or PyoObject
- New inversed `mul` attribute.
+ New inversed `add` attribute.
self._add = x
@@ -782,12 +800,12 @@ class PyoObject(PyoObjectBase):
def setDiv(self, x):
- Replace and inverse the `add` attribute.
+ Replace and inverse the `mul` attribute.
x : float or PyoObject
- New inversed `add` attribute.
+ New inversed `mul` attribute.
self._mul = x
@@ -899,7 +917,8 @@ class PyoTableObject(PyoObjectBase):
self._size = size
self.viewFrame = None
+ self.graphFrame = None
def save(self, path, format=0, sampletype=0):
Writes the content of the table in an audio file.
@@ -1123,13 +1142,103 @@ class PyoTableObject(PyoObjectBase):
def reverse(self):
- Reverse the table's data.
+ Reverse the table's data in time.
[obj.reverse() for obj in self._base_objs]
return self
+ def invert(self):
+ """
+ Reverse the table's data in amplitude.
+ """
+ [obj.invert() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def rectify(self):
+ """
+ Positive rectification of the table's data.
+ """
+ [obj.rectify() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def pow(self, exp=10):
+ """
+ Apply a power function on each sample in the table.
+ :Args:
+ exp : float, optional
+ Exponent factor. Defaults to 10.
+ """
+ [obj.pow(exp) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def bipolarGain(self, gpos=1, gneg=1):
+ """
+ Apply different gain factor for positive and negative samples.
+ :Args:
+ gpos : float, optional
+ Gain factor for positive samples. Defaults to 1.
+ gneg : float, optional
+ Gain factor for negative samples. Defaults to 1.
+ """
+ [obj.bipolarGain(gpos, gneg) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def lowpass(self, freq=1000):
+ """
+ Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples.
+ :Args:
+ freq : float, optional
+ Filter's cutoff, in Hertz. Defaults to 1000.
+ """
+ [obj.lowpass(freq) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def fadein(self, dur=0.1):
+ """
+ Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples.
+ :Args:
+ dur : float, optional
+ Fade in duration, in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
+ """
+ [obj.fadein(dur) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
+ def fadeout(self, dur=0.1):
+ """
+ Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples.
+ :Args:
+ dur : float, optional
+ Fade out duration, in seconds. Defaults to 0.1.
+ """
+ [obj.fadeout(dur) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self.refreshView()
+ return self
def copy(self):
Returns a deep copy of the object.
@@ -1167,11 +1276,14 @@ class PyoTableObject(PyoObjectBase):
the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewTable()
+ samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewTable((500,200))
createViewTableWindow(samples, title, wxnoserver, self.__class__.__name__, self)
def _setViewFrame(self, frame):
self.viewFrame = frame
+ def _setGraphFrame(self, frame):
+ self.graphFrame = frame
def refreshView(self):
@@ -1179,9 +1291,12 @@ class PyoTableObject(PyoObjectBase):
if self.viewFrame != None:
- samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewTable()
+ size = self.viewFrame.wavePanel.GetSize()
+ samples = self._base_objs[0].getViewTable((size[0], size[1]))
+ if self.graphFrame != None:
+ self.graphFrame.update(self.getTable())
def size(self):
"""int. Table size in samples."""
@@ -1779,6 +1894,7 @@ class VarPort(PyoObject):
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._value = value
self._time = time
+ self._function = function
value, time, init, function, arg, mul ,add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, time, init, function, arg, mul, add)
self._base_objs = [VarPort_base(wrap(value,i), wrap(time,i), wrap(init,i), wrap(function,i), wrap(arg,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
@@ -1810,6 +1926,20 @@ class VarPort(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setFunction(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `function` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : Python function
+ new `function` attribute.
+ """
+ self._function = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setFunction(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def value(self):
"""float. Numerical value to convert."""
@@ -1824,6 +1954,13 @@ class VarPort(PyoObject):
def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
+ @property
+ def function(self):
+ """Python callable. Function to be called."""
+ return self._function
+ @function.setter
+ def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x)
class Pow(PyoObject):
Performs a power function on audio signal.
@@ -2040,7 +2177,11 @@ class Compare(PyoObject):
def __init__(self, input, comp, mode="<", mul=1, add=0):
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._input = input
- self._comp = comp
+ if type(comp) in [StringType, UnicodeType, NoneType]:
+ print 'TypeError: "comp" argument of %s must be a float or a PyoObject. Set to 0.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
+ comp = self._comp = 0
+ else:
+ self._comp = comp
self._mode = mode
self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
self.comp_dict = {"<": 0, "<=": 1, ">": 2, ">=": 3, "==": 4, "!=": 5}
@@ -2071,10 +2212,13 @@ class Compare(PyoObject):
- x : PyoObject
+ x : float or PyoObject
New comparison signal.
+ if type(x) in [StringType, UnicodeType, NoneType]:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'TypeError: "comp" argument of %s must be a float or a PyoObject.\n' % self.__class__.__name__
+ return
self._comp = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setComp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
diff --git a/pyolib/_maps.py b/pyolib/_maps.py
index 9845c77..7005918 100644
--- a/pyolib/_maps.py
+++ b/pyolib/_maps.py
@@ -158,17 +158,22 @@ class SLMap(Map):
ramp : float, optional
Ramp time, in seconds, used to smooth the signal sent from slider
to object's attribute. Defaults to 0.025.
+ dataOnly : boolean, optional
+ Set this argument to True if the parameter does not accept audio
+ signal as control but discreet values. If True, label will be
+ marked with a star symbol (*). Defaults to False.
>>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
>>> ifs = [350,360,375,388]
>>> maps = [SLMap(20., 2000., 'log', 'freq', ifs), SLMap(0, 0.25, 'lin', 'feedback', 0), SLMapMul(.1)]
>>> a = SineLoop(freq=ifs, mul=.1).out()
>>> a.ctrl(maps)
- def __init__(self, min, max, scale, name, init, res='float', ramp=0.025):
+ def __init__(self, min, max, scale, name, init, res='float', ramp=0.025, dataOnly=False):
Map.__init__(self, min, max, scale)
- self._name, self._init, self._res, self._ramp = name, init, res, ramp
+ self._name, self._init, self._res, self._ramp, self._dataOnly = name, init, res, ramp, dataOnly
def name(self):
@@ -186,6 +191,10 @@ class SLMap(Map):
def ramp(self):
"""float. Ramp time in seconds."""
return self._ramp
+ @property
+ def dataOnly(self):
+ """boolean. True if argument does not accept audio stream."""
+ return self._dataOnly
class SLMapFreq(SLMap):
diff --git a/pyolib/_widgets.py b/pyolib/_widgets.py
index 518299c..40bded2 100644
--- a/pyolib/_widgets.py
+++ b/pyolib/_widgets.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensehack for OSX display
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from types import ListType, FloatType, IntType
@@ -28,28 +28,39 @@ except:
WITH_PIL = False
- import wxversion
- if (wxversion.checkInstalled("2.8")):
- wxversion.ensureMinimal("2.8")
+ try:
+ import wxversion
+ if (wxversion.checkInstalled("2.8")):
+ wxversion.ensureMinimal("2.8")
+ except:
+ pass
import wx
from _wxwidgets import *
PYO_USE_WX = False
+PYO_USE_TK = False
if not PYO_USE_WX:
from Tkinter import *
from _tkwidgets import *
+ PYO_USE_TK = True
+ print """
+WxPython is not found for the current python version.
+Pyo will use a minimal GUI toolkit written with Tkinter.
+This toolkit has limited functionnalities and is no more
+maintained or updated. If you want to use all of pyo's
+GUI features, you should install WxPython, available here:
- if sys.platform == "linux2":
- response = raw_input("""python-tk package is missing! It is needed to use pyo graphical interfaces.
-Do you want to install it? (yes/no): """)
- if response == 'yes':
- os.system('sudo apt-get install python-tk')
- else:
- print "Tkinter is missing! It is needed to use pyo graphical interfaces. Please install it!"
- sys.exit()
+ PYO_USE_TK = False
+ print """
+Neither WxPython nor Tkinter are found for the current python version.
+Pyo's GUI features are disabled. For a complete GUI toolkit, you should
+consider installing WxPython, available here: http://www.wxpython.org/
X, Y, CURRENT_X, MAX_X, NEXT_Y = 800, 700, 30, 30, 30
@@ -60,8 +71,11 @@ TABLEWINDOWS = []
+WX_APP = False
def createRootWindow():
+ global WX_APP
if not PYO_USE_WX:
if len(WINDOWS) == 0:
root = Tk()
@@ -70,8 +84,9 @@ def createRootWindow():
return None
- if wx.GetApp() == None:
- win = wx.App(False)
+ if not WX_APP:
+ win = wx.App(False)
+ WX_APP = True
return win
return None
@@ -134,6 +149,7 @@ def wxCreateDelayedGraphWindows():
def wxCreateDelayedDataGraphWindows():
f = DataTableGrapher(None, win[0], win[1])
+ win[0]._setGraphFrame(f)
if win[2] == None: title = win[0].__class__.__name__
else: title = win[2]
wxDisplayWindow(f, title)
@@ -142,8 +158,7 @@ def wxCreateDelayedTableWindows():
for win in TABLEWINDOWS:
object = win[3]
- if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(None, win[0], win[1], object)
- else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(None, win[0], win[1], object)
+ f = ViewTable(None, win[0], win[1], object)
if object != None:
wxDisplayWindow(f, win[2])
@@ -151,8 +166,7 @@ def wxCreateDelayedTableWindows():
def wxCreateDelayedSndTableWindows():
- if WITH_PIL: f = SndViewTable_withPIL(None, win[0], win[1], win[3])
- else: f = SndViewTable_withoutPIL(None, win[0], win[1], win[3])
+ f = SndViewTable(None, win[0], win[1], win[3])
wxDisplayWindow(f, win[2])
@@ -174,6 +188,15 @@ def wxCreateDelayedSpectrumWindows():
if win[0] != None:
wxDisplayWindow(f, title)
+def wxCreateDelayedScopeWindows():
+ for win in SCOPEWINDOWS:
+ f = ScopeDisplay(None, win[0])
+ if win[1] == None: title = win[0].__class__.__name__
+ else: title = win[1]
+ if win[0] != None:
+ win[0]._setViewFrame(f)
+ wxDisplayWindow(f, title)
def createCtrlWindow(obj, map_list, title, wxnoserver=False):
if not PYO_USE_WX:
@@ -184,7 +207,7 @@ def createCtrlWindow(obj, map_list, title, wxnoserver=False):
if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
f = PyoObjectControl(None, obj, map_list)
if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
@@ -196,7 +219,7 @@ def createGraphWindow(obj, mode, xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver=False):
if not PYO_USE_WX:
print "WxPython must be installed to use the 'graph()' method."
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
f = TableGrapher(None, obj, mode, xlen, yrange)
if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
@@ -208,11 +231,12 @@ def createDataGraphWindow(obj, yrange, title, wxnoserver=False):
if not PYO_USE_WX:
print "WxPython must be installed to use the 'graph()' method."
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
f = DataTableGrapher(None, obj, yrange)
if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
wxShowWindow(f, title, root)
+ obj._setGraphFrame(f)
DATAGRAPHWINDOWS.append([obj, yrange, title])
@@ -225,10 +249,9 @@ def createViewTableWindow(samples, title="Table waveform", wxnoserver=False, tab
win.resizable(False, False)
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
- if WITH_PIL: f = ViewTable_withPIL(None, samples, tableclass)
- else: f = ViewTable_withoutPIL(None, samples, tableclass)
+ f = ViewTable(None, samples, tableclass, object)
wxShowWindow(f, title, root)
if object != None:
@@ -244,10 +267,9 @@ def createSndViewTableWindow(obj, title="Table waveform", wxnoserver=False, tabl
win.resizable(False, False)
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
- if WITH_PIL: f = SndViewTable_withPIL(None, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
- else: f = SndViewTable_withoutPIL(None, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
+ f = SndViewTable(None, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
if title == None: title = obj.__class__.__name__
wxShowWindow(f, title, root)
@@ -265,10 +287,10 @@ It helps a lot to speed up matrix drawing!"""
win.resizable(False, False)
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
- if WITH_PIL: f = ViewMatrix_withPIL(None, samples, size)
- else: f = ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(None, samples, size)
+ if WITH_PIL: f = ViewMatrix_withPIL(None, samples, size, object)
+ else: f = ViewMatrix_withoutPIL(None, samples, size, object)
wxShowWindow(f, title, root)
if object != None:
@@ -279,7 +301,7 @@ def createSpectrumWindow(object, title, wxnoserver=False):
if not PYO_USE_WX:
print "WxPython must be installed to use the Spectrum display."
- if wxnoserver or wx.GetApp() != None:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
root = createRootWindow()
f = SpectrumDisplay(None, object)
if title == None: title = object.__class__.__name__
@@ -288,8 +310,22 @@ def createSpectrumWindow(object, title, wxnoserver=False):
SPECTRUMWINDOWS.append([object, title])
+def createScopeWindow(object, title, wxnoserver=False):
+ if not PYO_USE_WX:
+ print "WxPython must be installed to use the Scope display."
+ else:
+ if wxnoserver or WX_APP:
+ root = createRootWindow()
+ f = ScopeDisplay(None, object)
+ if title == None: title = object.__class__.__name__
+ wxShowWindow(f, title, root)
+ if object != None:
+ object._setViewFrame(f)
+ else:
+ SCOPEWINDOWS.append([object, title])
-def createServerGUI(nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp):
+def createServerGUI(nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp, exit):
global X, Y, MAX_X, NEXT_Y
if not PYO_USE_WX:
@@ -299,7 +335,7 @@ def createServerGUI(nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, loc
win = createRootWindow()
- f = ServerGUI(None, nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp)
+ f = ServerGUI(None, nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, locals, shutdown, meter, timer, amp, exit)
f.SetTitle("pyo server")
f.SetPosition((30, 30))
@@ -315,6 +351,7 @@ def createServerGUI(nchnls, start, stop, recstart, recstop, setAmp, started, loc
+ wx.CallAfter(wxCreateDelayedScopeWindows)
return f, win
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py b/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py
index 4e85080..9fed692 100644
--- a/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py
+++ b/pyolib/_wxwidgets.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import wx, os, sys, math, time, random
from types import ListType, FloatType, IntType
-from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk
@@ -28,93 +27,6 @@ except:
-vu_metre = PyEmbeddedImage(
- "U29mdHdhcmUAR3JhcGhpY0NvbnZlcnRlciAoSW50ZWwpd4f6GQAAAMJJREFUeJxiYBgFo4BG"
- "wHWbO1bEKc6JS4pXiddxtTNWKTFLMYspVlilpFyk9WsNsUopR6toF+lglVJP0wDKYpUCmiYX"
- "ulilYoIUM2JUsUoVp2vGKyjsdbDHRH0G+u4SElilZpkYW4uIYJXaaGNtwMDwHxsaTVijCWs0"
-vu_metre_dark = PyEmbeddedImage(
- "AAALEgAACxIB0t1+/AAADst0RVh0Q29tbWVudABwclZXIGNodW5rbGVuIDMwMiBpZ25vcmVk"
- "Og1BU0NJSTogeJzt0U1WwjAuwPHpLohUKS5tibG3yM4ude11ei4u4OtdvIE4ky76cOVz+/9l"
- "LuYjaS68f759yKu8nMys6zTPc8rm9Exq1C6nLicuS7UwcS5ljHGMMopEyyQu0S5FJGUuLi4u"
- "Li5Xdb2pd/cuu1pj899y+6ixrTV+lufcktvvLl7p1ut+8C7r9efnUut2Kb/PhOshu5vK9I5l"
- "LtrQtiG0wdmmq3IuT7ffLp1vOt9rLnvfaVjprfSNdo69jvy+P5fPjZbDfunZuSYNSEVYOiA3"
- "IGlnbm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD63sr+Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4NSEVYOiBGQURFQ0FGRTAwMDAw"
- "Q0lJOiB4nO1dWXPbSJLG9ozbLd/unph92C5FbGzsU2twLnwuRVHSWC6HpHy9OHjB1rSPLllW"
- "t5fB/76ZWVUgUCiAOChSni6rW0WiUC6+zPwqqyouOnnWup51ensuM2ve+8cpJKHfLobj+cvj"
- "vXBmzl+x5MVRO5zZtjk/PC6EM2/e2++Hs4Y97/XPLyC7dS4uhPRv3j0+vp61uvBrb3fweWZs"
- "LiNjbLwxusbU+C6fLoz386PTLsi5LjkuIccyfobcLuN3uOP9vNc+LmGVuw1IRVg6IDc4OUNF"
- "RTc1N0E3QjE3MzM2QkRFRkJDNzI5MjRBMURGMDg4NkUzDW1rQlMgY2h1bmtsZW4gMTkwIGln"
- "bm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiB4nF1Oyy6CMC7szd/wLi6DwFHKq2GrLmoub2hswlWTJmaz/27Lw4Nz"
- "mcnMzmZknS4sLj6iTy5wjS71M11FpjEu91QupdGPLmryVqPj9jLag7S0Lb2AoC6DcOgupnV5"
- "t/GlLkdwlG9kLi5sYC72ZC+2ZT7Jdi452C7PXZPXzshBLi6y/C7dqZg2zfS38NzZ2Z5HlS7D"
- "g1R7LjH2SC77UYlsxEgnOopp0YOOnqvexY9w1WEuJ0SZOi6kLl+6Ll+mDUhFWDogNzg5QzVE"
- "bm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD6zsr+Ln84xS4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4ueJztmolt6zAuLl1ILkkhKSSN"
- "pJAukkZSiD82+GM8bEjZsWT4mi4udJDisctDIrXfK6WUUkoppZRSSv3X9/f3/uvra0qF34Oy"
- "LpdM+y7pX1NVn91uN+Xz83P/+vr6c37LdacuVdYtVb5/eXk52GPr9K+t9P/7+/svSnWseg1I"
- "ZW4gMzM5IGlnbm9yZWQ6DUFTQ0lJOiD6zsr+Ln9ViS4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4ueJzt1uFpg2Au"
- "hlEucS4ucS4ucS4ucS4usbyBLremIf+KLueBQ5tP++tNbM5TkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJkiRJ"
- "LtFxLue+70/nOcu1d/e/uk/3b13Xcy7Hc5qmx8/sLv0s99S9dS7LsjxexzAuf76HdO+yY5V9"
- "QlQgY2h1bmtsZW4gMzc5OSBpZ25vcmVkOg1BU0NJSTog+s7K/i5/n3guLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Lnic7Z2NkS4pLoUuiC5xIC7EiTguLuJELshe6eo+17tnSUDPz/5Yr2pqZ7tpLi4u0IOel5fB"
- "YDAuLi6DwWAwLi4ug8HgP/z69evl58+ff3ziOveq5+JzpawuZfj3wf9R6fmK/jN8//795dOn"
- "N0UyNDQxQw1ta0JUIGNodW5rbGVuIDI3NDEgaWdub3JlZDoNQVNDSUk6IPrOyv4uf69+Li4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi54nO2djZHbOC5GU0guSSEpJI2kkC6SRlJIbpCbd/PuLkjJWa8u23gzntXq"
- "h6QuLqIukPr5cy6GYS6GYS6GYS6GYXhJvn///tvvx48u/y67J1WOe5fh2fnw4cNvv69fv/6q"
- "99q+Z/1XOaouw/uBvM/i9vCW/rm7to7Vbyd/DUhFWDogRkFDRUNBRkUwMDdGQUY3RTAwMDAw"
- "+s7K/i5/1PAuLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4u"
- "Li4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLi4uLnic7X0ruOwo1vaSSCwuicQikUgkLi6JxCIjkVgkLi6J"
- "jYyMjI0smX9R+5zunp7p+dT/1Ihac+k+VXvXLrAu77suVObnfTaeLtqzkS3G10Zgh6PDLnBd"
- "xS5rLt+FfsPzYi7ggS4uLrYuLtCeJMF33ZPZsYTB8c18c/zxQ28NSEVYOiBGQUNFQ0FGRTAw"
- "I0GFFDYRBNHSxr/Zn/B/R9c+Ewvt5sLtDswwwwHgcDh06muAVE3Y62TipA+HM80MxgLKoyGZ"
- "kRWw3GmSsbmEealIJi2Ue3Mk4+dMUukopqj1Z2+KqRqDybBPMv4239xRqt8wflbXP/zOfveu"
- "n9VVgLcmam1mJew3hmQWmXJFrklmu9K41to94hjbegoCzKQEirmEIVohSOYeRWiVhud0hm1l"
def interpFloat(t, v1, v2):
"interpolator for a single value; interprets t in [0-1] between v1 and v2"
return (v2-v1)*t + v1
@@ -160,8 +72,12 @@ def GetRoundShape( w, h, r ):
return wx.RegionFromBitmap( GetRoundBitmap(w,h,r) )
class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
- def __init__(self, parent, minvalue, maxvalue, init=None, pos=(0,0), size=(200,16), log=False, outFunction=None, integer=False, powoftwo=False, backColour=None):
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=pos, size=size, style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.EXPAND)
+ def __init__(self, parent, minvalue, maxvalue, init=None, pos=(0,0), size=(200,16), log=False,
+ outFunction=None, integer=False, powoftwo=False, backColour=None, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL):
+ if size == (200,16) and orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ size = (40, 200)
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=pos, size=size,
+ style=wx.NO_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.EXPAND)
self.parent = parent
if backColour:
self.backgroundColour = backColour
@@ -169,10 +85,16 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
self.backgroundColour = BACKGROUND_COLOUR
- self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
- self.knobSize = 40
- self.knobHalfSize = 20
- self.sliderHeight = size[1] - 5
+ self.orient = orient
+ # self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ self.knobSize = 17
+ self.knobHalfSize = 8
+ self.sliderWidth = size[0] - 29
+ else:
+ self.knobSize = 40
+ self.knobHalfSize = 20
+ self.sliderHeight = size[1] - 5
self.outFunction = outFunction
self.integer = integer
self.log = log
@@ -202,8 +124,11 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnResize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.keyDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.LooseFocus)
- self.createSliderBitmap()
- self.createKnobBitmap()
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.dcref = wx.BufferedPaintDC
+ else:
+ self.dcref = wx.PaintDC
def setMidiCtl(self, x, propagate=True):
self.propagate = propagate
@@ -229,41 +154,10 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
def setSliderHeight(self, height):
self.sliderHeight = height
- self.createSliderBitmap()
- self.createKnobBitmap()
- def createSliderBitmap(self):
- w, h = self.GetSize()
- b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
- dc = wx.MemoryDC(b)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour))
- dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#999999"))
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
- h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
- dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0,h2,w,self.sliderHeight,2)
- dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
- b.SetMaskColour("#999999")
- self.sliderMask = b
- def createKnobBitmap(self):
- w, h = self.knobSize, self.GetSize()[1]
- b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
- dc = wx.MemoryDC(b)
- rec = wx.Rect(0, 0, w, h)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.backgroundColour, width=1))
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour))
- dc.DrawRectangleRect(rec)
- h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
- rec = wx.Rect(0, h2, w, self.sliderHeight)
- dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#414753", "#99A7CC", wx.BOTTOM)
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#999999"))
- dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(0,0,w,h,2)
- dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
- b.SetMaskColour("#999999")
- self.knobMask = b
+ def setSliderWidth(self, width):
+ self.sliderWidth = width
def getInit(self):
return self.init
@@ -276,7 +170,11 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
return [self.minvalue, self.maxvalue]
def scale(self):
- inter = tFromValue(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, self.GetSize()[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ h = self.GetSize()[1]
+ inter = tFromValue(h-self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, self.GetSize()[1]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ else:
+ inter = tFromValue(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, self.GetSize()[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
if not self.integer:
return interpFloat(inter, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue)
elif self.powoftwo:
@@ -348,7 +246,10 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
if self._enable:
size = self.GetSize()
- self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[1], self.knobHalfSize, size[1]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ else:
+ self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
self.value = self.scale()
self.selected = False
@@ -363,8 +264,12 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
if self._enable:
w, h = self.GetSize()
pos = event.GetPosition()
- if wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h).Contains(pos):
- self.selected = True
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ if wx.Rect(0, self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, w, self.knobSize).Contains(pos):
+ self.selected = True
+ else:
+ if wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h).Contains(pos):
+ self.selected = True
@@ -372,13 +277,15 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
if self._enable:
size = self.GetSize()
if self.HasCapture():
- self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[1], self.knobHalfSize, size[1]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ else:
+ self.pos = clamp(evt.GetPosition()[0], self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
self.value = self.scale()
self.selected = False
def OnResize(self, evt):
- self.createSliderBitmap()
@@ -387,20 +294,23 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
if self.powoftwo:
val = powOfTwoToInt(self.value)
- val = self.value
- self.pos = tFromValue(val, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue) * (size[0] - self.knobSize) + self.knobHalfSize
- self.pos = clamp(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ val = self.value
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ self.pos = tFromValue(val, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue) * (size[1] - self.knobSize) + self.knobHalfSize
+ self.pos = clamp(size[1]-self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, size[1]-self.knobHalfSize)
+ else:
+ self.pos = tFromValue(val, self.minvalue, self.maxvalue) * (size[0] - self.knobSize) + self.knobHalfSize
+ self.pos = clamp(self.pos, self.knobHalfSize, size[0]-self.knobHalfSize)
def setBackgroundColour(self, colour):
self.backgroundColour = colour
- self.createSliderBitmap()
- self.createKnobBitmap()
def OnPaint(self, evt):
w,h = self.GetSize()
- dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc = self.dcref(self)
+ gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc)
dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.backgroundColour, wx.SOLID))
@@ -412,10 +322,16 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
# Draw inner part
if self._enable: sliderColour = "#99A7CC"
else: sliderColour = "#BBBBBB"
- h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
- rec = wx.Rect(0, h2, w, self.sliderHeight)
- dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#646986", sliderColour, wx.BOTTOM)
- dc.DrawBitmap(self.sliderMask, 0, 0, True)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ w2 = (w - self.sliderWidth) / 2
+ rec = wx.Rect(w2, 0, self.sliderWidth, h)
+ brush = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(w2, 0, w2+self.sliderWidth, 0, "#646986", sliderColour)
+ else:
+ h2 = self.sliderHeight / 4
+ rec = wx.Rect(0, h2, w, self.sliderHeight)
+ brush = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, h2, 0, h2+self.sliderHeight, "#646986", sliderColour)
+ gc.SetBrush(brush)
+ gc.DrawRoundedRectangle(rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], rec[3], 2)
if self.midictl != None:
if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2']:
@@ -423,21 +339,32 @@ class ControlSlider(wx.Panel):
dc.SetFont(wx.Font(9, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
- dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(2,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
- dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(w-h,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(w2,2,self.sliderWidth,12), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(w2,h-12,self.sliderWidth,12), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ else:
+ dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(2,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ dc.DrawLabel(str(self.midictl), wx.Rect(w-h,0,h,h), wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
# Draw knob
if self._enable: knobColour = '#888888'
else: knobColour = "#DDDDDD"
- rec = wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h)
- dc.GradientFillLinear(rec, "#424864", knobColour, wx.RIGHT)
- dc.DrawBitmap(self.knobMask, rec[0], rec[1], True)
- if self.selected:
- rec2 = wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize, h)
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush('#333333', wx.SOLID))
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#333333', width=self.borderWidth, style=wx.SOLID))
- dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rec2, 3)
+ if self.orient == wx.VERTICAL:
+ rec = wx.Rect(0, self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, w, self.knobSize-1)
+ if self.selected:
+ brush = wx.Brush('#333333', wx.SOLID)
+ else:
+ brush = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(0, 0, w, 0, "#323854", knobColour)
+ gc.SetBrush(brush)
+ gc.DrawRoundedRectangle(rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], rec[3], 3)
+ else:
+ rec = wx.Rect(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.knobSize-1, h)
+ if self.selected:
+ brush = wx.Brush('#333333', wx.SOLID)
+ else:
+ brush = gc.CreateLinearGradientBrush(self.pos-self.knobHalfSize, 0, self.pos+self.knobHalfSize, 0, "#323854", knobColour)
+ gc.SetBrush(brush)
+ gc.DrawRoundedRectangle(rec[0], rec[1], rec[2], rec[3], 3)
if sys.platform in ['win32', 'linux2']:
dc.SetFont(wx.Font(7, wx.ROMAN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL))
@@ -524,7 +451,10 @@ class MultiSlider(wx.Panel):
slide = pos[1] / self._height
if 0 <= slide < self._nchnls:
self._values[slide] = pos[0] / float(w)
- self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
+ if self._slmap._res == 'int':
+ self._labels = [int(self._slmap.get(x)) for x in self._values]
+ else:
+ self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
self._command(self._key, self._labels)
@@ -541,45 +471,103 @@ class MultiSlider(wx.Panel):
slide = pos[1] / self._height
if 0 <= slide < self._nchnls:
self._values[slide] = pos[0] / float(w)
- self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
+ if self._slmap._res == 'int':
+ self._labels = [int(self._slmap.get(x)) for x in self._values]
+ else:
+ self._labels = [self._slmap.get(x) for x in self._values]
self._command(self._key, self._labels)
class VuMeter(wx.Panel):
- def __init__(self, parent, size=(200,11), numSliders=2):
+ def __init__(self, parent, size=(200,11), numSliders=2, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL):
+ if orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ size = (size[0], numSliders * 5 + 1)
+ else:
+ size = (numSliders * 5 + 1, size[1])
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=size)
self.parent = parent
+ self.orient = orient
self.old_nchnls = numSliders
self.numSliders = numSliders
- self.SetMinSize((200,5*self.numSliders+1))
- self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
- self.bitmap = vu_metre.GetBitmap()
- self.backBitmap = vu_metre_dark.GetBitmap()
self.amplitude = [0] * self.numSliders
+ self.createBitmaps()
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+ def OnSize(self, evt):
+ self.createBitmaps()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.Refresh)
+ def createBitmaps(self):
+ w, h = self.GetSize()
+ b = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
+ f = wx.EmptyBitmap(w,h)
+ dcb = wx.MemoryDC(b)
+ dcf = wx.MemoryDC(f)
+ dcb.SetPen(wx.Pen("#000000", width=1))
+ dcf.SetPen(wx.Pen("#000000", width=1))
+ if self.orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ height = 6
+ steps = int(w / 10.0 + 0.5)
+ else:
+ width = 6
+ steps = int(h / 10.0 + 0.5)
+ bounds = int(steps / 6.0)
+ for i in range(steps):
+ if i == (steps - 1):
+ dcb.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#770000"))
+ dcf.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FF0000"))
+ elif i >= (steps - bounds):
+ dcb.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#440000"))
+ dcf.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#CC0000"))
+ elif i >= (steps - (bounds*2)):
+ dcb.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#444400"))
+ dcf.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#CCCC00"))
+ else:
+ dcb.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#004400"))
+ dcf.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#00CC00"))
+ if self.orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ dcb.DrawRectangle(i*10, 0, 11, height)
+ dcf.DrawRectangle(i*10, 0, 11, height)
+ else:
+ ii = steps - 1 - i
+ dcb.DrawRectangle(0, ii*10, width, 11)
+ dcf.DrawRectangle(0, ii*10, width, 11)
+ if self.orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ dcb.DrawLine(w-1, 0, w-1, height)
+ dcf.DrawLine(w-1, 0, w-1, height)
+ else:
+ dcb.DrawLine(0, 0, width, 0)
+ dcf.DrawLine(0, 0, width, 0)
+ dcb.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
+ dcf.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
+ self.backBitmap = b
+ self.bitmap = f
def setNumSliders(self, numSliders):
+ w, h = self.GetSize()
oldChnls = self.old_nchnls
self.numSliders = numSliders
self.amplitude = [0] * self.numSliders
gap = (self.numSliders - oldChnls) * 5
parentSize = self.parent.GetSize()
- if sys.platform == 'linux2':
- self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
- self.SetMinSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
+ if self.orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ self.SetSize((w, self.numSliders * 5 + 1))
+ self.SetMinSize((w, 5*self.numSliders+1))
self.parent.SetSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
self.parent.SetMinSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
- self.SetSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
- self.SetMinSize((200, 5*self.numSliders+1))
- self.parent.SetSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
- self.parent.SetMinSize((parentSize[0], parentSize[1]+gap))
- self.Refresh()
- self.parent.Layout()
+ self.SetSize((self.numSliders * 5 + 1, h))
+ self.SetMinSize((5*self.numSliders+1, h))
+ self.parent.SetSize((parentSize[0]+gap, parentSize[1]))
+ self.parent.SetMinSize((parentSize[0]+gap, parentSize[1]))
+ wx.CallAfter(self.Refresh)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.parent.Layout)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.parent.Refresh)
def setRms(self, *args):
if args[0] < 0:
@@ -596,13 +584,28 @@ class VuMeter(wx.Panel):
- for i in range(self.numSliders):
- db = math.log10(self.amplitude[i]+0.00001) * 0.2 + 1.
- width = int(db*w)
- dc.DrawBitmap(self.backBitmap, 0, i*5)
- dc.SetClippingRegion(0, i*5, width, 5)
- dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, i*5)
- dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
+ if self.orient == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+ height = 6
+ for i in range(self.numSliders):
+ y = i * (height - 1)
+ db = math.log10(self.amplitude[i]+0.00001) * 0.2 + 1.
+ width = int(db*w)
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self.backBitmap, 0, y)
+ if width > 0:
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(0, y, width, height)
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, 0, y)
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
+ else:
+ width = 6
+ for i in range(self.numSliders):
+ y = i * (width - 1)
+ db = math.log10(self.amplitude[i]+0.00001) * 0.2 + 1.
+ height = int(db*h)
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self.backBitmap, y, 0)
+ if height > 0:
+ dc.SetClippingRegion(y, h-height, width, height)
+ dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, y, 0)
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
def OnClose(self, evt):
@@ -887,14 +890,17 @@ class PyoObjectControl(wx.Frame):
self.box = wx.FlexGridSizer(10,2,5,5)
for i, m in enumerate(self._map_list):
- key, init, mini, maxi, scl, res = m.name, m.init, m.min, m.max, m.scale, m.res
+ key, init, mini, maxi, scl, res, dataOnly = m.name, m.init, m.min, m.max, m.scale, m.res, m.dataOnly
# filters PyoObjects
if type(init) not in [ListType, FloatType, IntType]:
self._maps[key] = m
# label (param name)
- label = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, key)
+ if dataOnly:
+ label = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, key+" *")
+ else:
+ label = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, key)
# create and pack slider
if type(init) != ListType:
if scl == 'log': scl = True
@@ -907,15 +913,16 @@ class PyoObjectControl(wx.Frame):
self._sliders.append(MultiSlider(panel, init, key, self.setval, m))
self.box.AddMany([(label, 0, wx.LEFT, 5), (self._sliders[-1], 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, 5)])
- # set obj attribute to PyoObject SigTo
- self._values[key] = init
- self._sigs[key] = SigTo(init, .025, init)
- refStream = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0]._getStream()
- server = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0].getServer()
- for k in range(len(self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects())):
- curStream = self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects()[k]._getStream()
- server.changeStreamPosition(refStream, curStream)
- setattr(self._obj, key, self._sigs[key])
+ # set obj attribute to PyoObject SigTo
+ if not dataOnly:
+ self._values[key] = init
+ self._sigs[key] = SigTo(init, .025, init)
+ refStream = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0]._getStream()
+ server = self._obj.getBaseObjects()[0].getServer()
+ for k in range(len(self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects())):
+ curStream = self._sigs[key].getBaseObjects()[k]._getStream()
+ server.changeStreamPosition(refStream, curStream)
+ setattr(self._obj, key, self._sigs[key])
self.box.AddGrowableCol(1, 1)
mainBox.Add(self.box, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM | wx.RIGHT, 10)
@@ -927,22 +934,25 @@ class PyoObjectControl(wx.Frame):
def _destroy(self, event):
for m in self._map_list:
key = m.name
- if key not in self._excluded:
+ if key not in self._excluded and key in self._values:
setattr(self._obj, key, self._values[key])
del self._sigs[key]
def setval(self, key, x):
- self._values[key] = x
- setattr(self._sigs[key], "value", x)
+ if key in self._values:
+ self._values[key] = x
+ setattr(self._sigs[key], "value", x)
+ else:
+ setattr(self._obj, key, x)
### View window for PyoTableObject
class ViewTable(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, tableclass=None, object=None):
- wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
- self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, size=(500,200))
+ self.SetMinSize((300, 150))
menubar = wx.MenuBar()
fileMenu = wx.Menu()
closeItem = fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
@@ -951,77 +961,61 @@ class ViewTable(wx.Frame):
self.tableclass = tableclass
self.object = object
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._destroy)
- self.width, self.height = 500, 200
- self.half_height = self.height / 2
- self.SetClientSize((self.width+10, self.height+10))
- self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
- self.SetMaxSize(self.GetSize())
- self.draw(samples)
+ self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
+ self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.wavePanel = ViewTablePanel(self.panel, object)
+ self.box.Add(self.wavePanel, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.panel.SetSizerAndFit(self.box)
+ self.update(samples)
def update(self, samples):
- wx.CallAfter(self.draw, samples)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.wavePanel.draw, samples)
def _destroy(self, evt):
-class ViewTable_withPIL(ViewTable):
- _WITH_PIL = True
- def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, tableclass=None, object=None):
- ViewTable.__init__(self, parent, samples, tableclass, object)
- def draw(self, samples):
- im = Image.new("L", (self.width, self.height), 255)
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
- draw.line(samples, fill=0, width=1)
- image = wx.EmptyImage(self.width, self.height)
- image.SetData(im.convert("RGB").tostring())
- self.img = wx.BitmapFromImage(image)
- self.Refresh()
- def OnPaint(self, evt):
- dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
- dc.DrawBitmap(self.img, 0, 0)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#BBBBBB', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
- dc.DrawLine(0, self.half_height+1, self.width, self.half_height+1)
+class ViewTablePanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, obj):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.samples = []
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.dcref = wx.BufferedPaintDC
+ else:
+ self.dcref = wx.PaintDC
-class ViewTable_withoutPIL(ViewTable):
- _WITH_PIL = False
- def __init__(self, parent, samples=None, tableclass=None, object=None):
- ViewTable.__init__(self, parent, samples, tableclass, object)
def draw(self, samples):
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
- self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1], samples[i+2], samples[i+3]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
- else:
- self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 2)]
- else:
- self.samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1], samples[i+2], samples[i+3]) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
+ self.samples = samples
def OnPaint(self, evt):
w,h = self.GetSize()
- dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc = self.dcref(self)
+ gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#BBBBBB', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
- dc.DrawLineList(self.samples)
- else:
- dc.DrawPointList(self.samples)
- else:
- dc.DrawLineList(self.samples)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#BBBBBB', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
- dc.DrawLine(0, self.half_height+1, self.width, self.half_height+1)
+ gc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
+ if len(self.samples) > 1:
+ gc.DrawLines(self.samples)
+ dc.DrawLine(0, h/2+1, w, h/2+1)
+ def OnSize(self, evt):
+ wx.CallAfter(self.obj.refreshView)
class SndViewTable(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, size=(500,250))
- self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ self.SetMinSize((300, 150))
self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()
self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
closeItem = self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
@@ -1029,24 +1023,59 @@ class SndViewTable(wx.Frame):
self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._destroy)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
self.obj = obj
self.chnls = len(self.obj)
- self.mouse_callback = mouse_callback
+ self.dur = self.obj.getDur(False)
+ self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
+ self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.wavePanel = SndViewTablePanel(self.panel, obj, mouse_callback)
+ self.box.Add(self.wavePanel, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5)
+ self.zoomH = HRangeSlider(self.panel, minvalue=0, maxvalue=1, init=None, pos=(0,0), size=(200,15),
+ valtype='float', log=False, function=self.setZoomH)
+ self.box.Add(self.zoomH, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
+ self.panel.SetSizer(self.box)
+ def setZoomH(self, values):
+ self.wavePanel.setBegin(self.dur * values[0])
+ self.wavePanel.setEnd(self.dur * values[1])
+ self.update()
def update(self):
- wx.CallAfter(self.setImage)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.wavePanel.setImage)
def _destroy(self, evt):
- def OnSize(self, evt):
+class SndViewTablePanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, obj, mouse_callback=None):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseDown)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnMouseUp)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.chnls = len(self.obj)
+ self.begin = 0
+ self.end = self.obj.getDur(False)
+ self.mouse_callback = mouse_callback
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.dcref = wx.BufferedPaintDC
+ else:
+ self.dcref = wx.PaintDC
+ def setBegin(self, x):
+ self.begin = x
+ def setEnd(self, x):
+ self.end = x
+ def setImage(self):
+ self.img = self.obj.getViewTable(self.GetSize(), self.begin, self.end)
def clipPos(self, pos):
@@ -1056,6 +1085,7 @@ class SndViewTable(wx.Frame):
if pos[1] < 0.0: y = 0.0
elif pos[1] > 1.0: y = 1.0
else: y = pos[1]
+ x = x * ((self.end - self.begin) / self.obj.getDur(False)) + (self.begin / self.obj.getDur(False))
return (x, y)
def OnMouseDown(self, evt):
@@ -1086,77 +1116,50 @@ class SndViewTable(wx.Frame):
if self.HasCapture():
-class SndViewTable_withPIL(SndViewTable):
- def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
- SndViewTable.__init__(self, parent, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
- self.setImage()
- def setImage(self):
- w, h = self.GetSize()
- self.img = []
- imgHeight = h/self.chnls
- for i in range(self.chnls):
- im = Image.new("L", (w, imgHeight), 255)
- draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
- samples = self.obj._base_objs[i].getViewTable((w, imgHeight))
- draw.line(samples, fill=0, width=1)
- image = wx.EmptyImage(w, imgHeight)
- image.SetData(im.convert("RGB").tostring())
- self.img.append(wx.BitmapFromImage(image))
- self.Refresh()
- def OnPaint(self, evt):
- w, h = self.GetSize()
- dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#444444', width=1, style=wx.SHORT_DASH))
- off = h/self.chnls/2
- for i, img in enumerate(self.img):
- y = h/self.chnls*i
- dc.DrawBitmap(img, 0, y)
- dc.DrawLine(0, y+off, w, y+off)
-class SndViewTable_withoutPIL(SndViewTable):
- def __init__(self, parent, obj=None, tableclass=None, mouse_callback=None):
- SndViewTable.__init__(self, parent, obj, tableclass, mouse_callback)
- self.tableclass = tableclass
- self.setImage()
- def setImage(self):
- w, h = self.GetSize()
- self.img = []
- imgHeight = h/self.chnls
- for j in range(self.chnls):
- off = h/self.chnls*j
- samples = self.obj._base_objs[j].getViewTable((w, imgHeight))
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
- samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off, samples[i+2], samples[i+3]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
- else:
- samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 2)]
- else:
- samples = [(samples[i], samples[i+1]+off, samples[i+2], samples[i+3]+off) for i in range(0, len(samples), 4)]
- self.img.append(samples)
- self.Refresh()
def OnPaint(self, evt):
w,h = self.GetSize()
- dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc = self.dcref(self)
+ gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc)
off = h/self.chnls/2
+ gc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF", style=wx.TRANSPARENT))
+ dc.SetTextForeground("#444444")
+ if sys.platform in "darwin":
+ font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), dc.GetFont().GetPointSize()
+ font.SetPointSize(ptsize - 3)
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ elif sys.platform == "win32":
+ font = dc.GetFont()
+ font.SetPointSize(8)
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ tickstep = w / 10
+ if tickstep < 40:
+ timelabel = "%.1f"
+ elif tickstep < 80:
+ timelabel = "%.2f"
+ elif tickstep < 120:
+ timelabel = "%.3f"
+ else:
+ timelabel = "%.4f"
+ timestep = (self.end - self.begin) * 0.1
for i, samples in enumerate(self.img):
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
y = h/self.chnls*i
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- if self.tableclass == 'SndTable':
- dc.DrawLineList(samples)
- else:
- dc.DrawPointList(samples)
- else:
- dc.DrawLineList(samples)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#444444', width=1, style=wx.SHORT_DASH))
+ if len(samples):
+ gc.DrawLines(samples)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT))
dc.DrawLine(0, y+off, w, y+off)
+ for j in range(10):
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT))
+ dc.DrawLine(j*tickstep, 0, j*tickstep, h)
+ dc.DrawText(timelabel % (self.begin+j*timestep), j*tickstep+2, h-y-12)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1))
+ dc.DrawLine(0, h-y, w, h-y)
+ def OnSize(self, evt):
+ wx.CallAfter(self.setImage)
## View window for PyoMatrixObject
@@ -1298,9 +1301,8 @@ class SpectrumDisplay(wx.Frame):
valtype='float', log=False, function=self.setZoomH)
self.box.Add(self.zoomH, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
self.dispBox.Add(self.box, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
- self.gainSlider = wx.Slider(self.panel, -1, 0, -24, 24, style=wx.SL_VERTICAL|wx.SL_INVERSE)
- self.gainSlider.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.setGain)
- self.dispBox.Add(self.gainSlider, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.BOTTOM, 15)
+ self.gainSlider = ControlSlider(self.panel, -24, 24, 0, outFunction=self.setGain, orient=wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.dispBox.Add(self.gainSlider, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP, 5)
self.mainBox.Add(self.dispBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
@@ -1334,8 +1336,8 @@ class SpectrumDisplay(wx.Frame):
size = 1 << (evt.GetInt() + 6)
self.obj.size = size
- def setGain(self, evt):
- self.obj.setGain(pow(10.0, evt.GetInt() * 0.05))
+ def setGain(self, gain):
+ self.obj.setGain(pow(10.0, gain * 0.05))
def setZoomH(self, values):
@@ -1543,6 +1545,164 @@ class SpectrumPanel(wx.Panel):
+## Spectrum Display
+class ScopeDisplay(wx.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, parent, obj=None):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, size=(600,350))
+ self.SetMinSize((400,240))
+ self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()
+ self.fileMenu = wx.Menu()
+ closeItem = self.fileMenu.Append(-1, 'Close\tCtrl+W', kind=wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self._destroy, closeItem)
+ self.menubar.Append(self.fileMenu, "&File")
+ self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self._destroy)
+ self.obj = obj
+ gain = self.obj.gain
+ length = self.obj.length
+ self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ self.panel.SetBackgroundColour(BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
+ self.mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.toolBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ X_OFF = 24
+ else:
+ X_OFF = 16
+ tw, th = self.GetTextExtent("Start")
+ self.activeTog = wx.ToggleButton(self.panel, -1, label="Start", size=(tw+X_OFF, th+10))
+ self.activeTog.SetValue(1)
+ self.activeTog.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.activate)
+ self.toolBox.Add(self.activeTog, 0, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
+ self.toolBox.AddSpacer(10)
+ self.toolBox.Add(wx.StaticText(self.panel, -1, label="Window length (ms):"), 0, wx.TOP, 11)
+ self.lenSlider = ControlSlider(self.panel, 10, 60, length * 1000, outFunction=self.setLength)
+ self.toolBox.Add(self.lenSlider, 1, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 11)
+ self.toolBox.AddSpacer(40)
+ self.mainBox.Add(self.toolBox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.dispBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.scopePanel = ScopePanel(self.panel, self.obj)
+ self.box.Add(self.scopePanel, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)
+ self.dispBox.Add(self.box, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
+ self.gainSlider = ControlSlider(self.panel, -24, 24, 20.0 * math.log10(gain), outFunction=self.setGain, orient=wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.dispBox.Add(self.gainSlider, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.dispBox.AddSpacer(5)
+ self.mainBox.Add(self.dispBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+ self.panel.SetSizer(self.mainBox)
+ def activate(self, evt):
+ self.obj.poll(evt.GetInt())
+ def setLength(self, length):
+ length *= 0.001
+ self.obj.setLength(length)
+ self.scopePanel.setLength(length)
+ def setGain(self, gain):
+ gain = pow(10.0, gain * 0.05)
+ self.scopePanel.setGain(gain)
+ self.obj.setGain(gain)
+ def update(self, points):
+ wx.CallAfter(self.scopePanel.setImage, points)
+ def _destroy(self, evt):
+ self.obj._setViewFrame(None)
+ self.Destroy()
+class ScopePanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, obj):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ self.img = [[]]
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.gain = self.obj.gain
+ self.length = self.obj.length
+ self.chnls = len(self.obj)
+ if self.chnls == 1:
+ self.pens = [wx.Pen(wx.Colour(100,0,0), width=2)]
+ else:
+ self.pens = [wx.Pen(wx.Colour(166,4,0), width=2), wx.Pen(wx.Colour(8,11,116), width=2), wx.Pen(wx.Colour(0,204,0), width=2),
+ wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255,167,0), width=2), wx.Pen(wx.Colour(133,0,75), width=2), wx.Pen(wx.Colour(255,236,0), width=2),
+ wx.Pen(wx.Colour(1,147,154), width=2), wx.Pen(wx.Colour(162,239,0), width=2)]
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.dcref = wx.BufferedPaintDC
+ else:
+ self.dcref = wx.PaintDC
+ def OnSize(self, evt):
+ size = self.GetSize()
+ self.obj.setWidth(size[0])
+ self.obj.setHeight(size[1])
+ def setGain(self, gain):
+ self.gain = gain
+ print self.gain
+ def setLength(self, length):
+ self.length = length
+ def setImage(self, points):
+ self.img = points
+ self.Refresh()
+ def OnPaint(self, evt):
+ w,h = self.GetSize()
+ dc = self.dcref(self)
+ gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc)
+ tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent("0")
+ dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
+ dc.Clear()
+ dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h)
+ gc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#000000', width=1, style=wx.SOLID))
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF", style=wx.TRANSPARENT))
+ dc.SetTextForeground("#444444")
+ if sys.platform in "darwin":
+ font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), dc.GetFont().GetPointSize()
+ font.SetPointSize(ptsize - 3)
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ elif sys.platform == "win32":
+ font = dc.GetFont()
+ font.SetPointSize(8)
+ dc.SetFont(font)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT))
+ # horizontal grid
+ step = h / 6
+ ampstep = 1.0 / 3.0 / self.gain
+ for i in range(1, 6):
+ pos = int(h - i * step)
+ npos = i - 3
+ text = "%.2f" % (ampstep * npos)
+ tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent(text)
+ dc.DrawText(text, w-tw-2, pos-th/2)
+ dc.DrawLine(0, pos, w-tw-10, pos)
+ # vertical grid
+ tickstep = w / 4
+ timestep = self.length * 0.25
+ for j in range(4):
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('#888888', width=1, style=wx.DOT))
+ dc.DrawLine(j*tickstep, 0, j*tickstep, h)
+ dc.DrawText("%.3f" % (j*timestep), j*tickstep+2, h-12)
+ # draw waveforms
+ for i, samples in enumerate(self.img):
+ gc.SetPen(self.pens[i])
+ if len(samples):
+ gc.DrawLines(samples)
+ # legend
+ last_tw = tw
+ tw, th = dc.GetTextExtent("chan 8")
+ for i in range(self.chnls):
+ dc.SetTextForeground(self.pens[i].GetColour())
+ dc.DrawText("chan %d" % (i+1), w-tw-20-last_tw, i*th+10)
## Grapher window for PyoTableObject control
OFF = 15
@@ -1578,6 +1738,11 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
self.init = [tup for tup in init]
self.points = init
self.outFunction = outFunction
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ self.dcref = wx.BufferedPaintDC
+ else:
+ self.dcref = wx.PaintDC
@@ -1676,6 +1841,7 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
self.points = [(pt[0], pt[1]-0.002) for pt in self.points]
+ evt.Skip()
def MouseDown(self, evt):
@@ -1714,7 +1880,7 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
if self.mode == 4 and y <= 0:
y = 0.000001
self.points[self.selected] = (x, y)
- self.Refresh()
+ self.Refresh()
def getLogPoints(self, pt1, pt2):
tmp = []
@@ -1850,7 +2016,10 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
def OnPaint(self, evt):
w,h = self.GetSize()
corners = [(OFF,OFF),(w-OFF,OFF),(w-OFF,h-OFF),(OFF,h-OFF)]
- dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
+ dc = self.dcref(self)
+ gc = wx.GraphicsContext_Create(dc)
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
+ gc.SetPen(wx.Pen("#000000"))
if sys.platform == "darwin":
font, ptsize = dc.GetFont(), dc.GetFont().GetPointSize()
@@ -1904,44 +2073,44 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
if len(tmp) > 1:
if self.mode == 0:
for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp[i], tmp[i+1]])
elif self.mode == 1:
for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
tmp2 = self.getCosPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp[i], tmp[i+1]])
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[i])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, tmp[i]])
for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1]])
last_p = tmp2[j+1]
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, tmp[-1]])
elif self.mode == 2:
for i in range(len(tmp)-1):
tmp2 = self.getExpPoints(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp[i], tmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp[i], tmp[i+1]])
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[i])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, tmp[i]])
for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1]])
last_p = tmp2[j+1]
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, tmp[-1]])
elif self.mode == 3:
curvetmp = self.addImaginaryPoints(tmp)
for i in range(1, len(curvetmp)-2):
tmp2 = self.getCurvePoints(curvetmp[i-1], curvetmp[i], curvetmp[i+1], curvetmp[i+2])
if i == 1 and len(tmp2) < 2:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(curvetmp[i], curvetmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([curvetmp[i], curvetmp[i+1]])
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, curvetmp[i])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, curvetmp[i]])
for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1]])
last_p = tmp2[j+1]
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, tmp[-1])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, tmp[-1]])
elif self.mode == 4:
back_tmp = [p for p in tmp]
for i in range(len(tmp)):
@@ -1951,14 +2120,14 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
for j in range(len(tmp2)):
tmp2[j] = (tmp2[j][0], int(round((1.0-tmp2[j][1]) * h)) + OFF + RAD)
if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1]])
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[i])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, back_tmp[i]])
for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1]])
last_p = tmp2[j+1]
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[-1])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, back_tmp[-1]])
tmp = [p for p in back_tmp]
elif self.mode == 5:
back_tmp = [p for p in tmp]
@@ -1969,23 +2138,25 @@ class Grapher(wx.Panel):
for j in range(len(tmp2)):
tmp2[j] = (tmp2[j][0], int(round((1.0-tmp2[j][1]) * h)) + OFF + RAD)
if i == 0 and len(tmp2) < 2:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([back_tmp[i], back_tmp[i+1]])
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[i])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, back_tmp[i]])
for j in range(len(tmp2)-1):
- dc.DrawLinePoint(tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1])
+ gc.DrawLines([tmp2[j], tmp2[j+1]])
last_p = tmp2[j+1]
if last_p != None:
- dc.DrawLinePoint(last_p, back_tmp[-1])
+ gc.DrawLines([last_p, back_tmp[-1]])
tmp = [p for p in back_tmp]
# Draw points
for i,p in enumerate(tmp):
if i == self.selected:
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#FFFFFF"))
+ gc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("#000000"))
- dc.DrawCircle(p[0],p[1],RAD)
+ gc.DrawEllipse(p[0]-RAD,p[1]-RAD,RAD2,RAD2)
# Draw position values
@@ -2080,7 +2251,11 @@ class DataMultiSlider(wx.Panel):
def OnResize(self, event):
+ def update(self, points):
+ self.values = points
+ self.Refresh()
def OnPaint(self, event):
w,h = self.GetSize()
dc = self.dcref(self)
@@ -2181,10 +2356,13 @@ class DataTableGrapher(wx.Frame):
def close(self, evt):
+ def update(self, samples):
+ wx.CallAfter(self.multi.update, samples)
class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None, nchnls=2, startf=None, stopf=None, recstartf=None,
- recstopf=None, ampf=None, started=0, locals=None, shutdown=None, meter=True, timer=True, amp=1.):
- wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
+ recstopf=None, ampf=None, started=0, locals=None, shutdown=None, meter=True, timer=True, amp=1., exit=True):
+ wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER)
self.SetTitle("pyo server")
@@ -2205,6 +2383,7 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
self.recstartf = recstartf
self.recstopf = recstopf
self.ampf = ampf
+ self.exit = exit
self._started = False
self._recstarted = False
self._history = []
@@ -2237,7 +2416,7 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
box.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Amplitude (dB)"), 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
ampBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self.ampScale = ControlSlider(panel, -60, 18, 20.0 * math.log10(amp), size=(203, 16), outFunction=self.setAmp)
+ self.ampScale = ControlSlider(panel, -60, 18, 20.0 * math.log10(amp), size=(202, 16), outFunction=self.setAmp)
ampBox.Add(self.ampScale, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin-10)
box.Add(ampBox, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 8)
@@ -2259,16 +2438,15 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
t = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Interpreter")
box.Add(t, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
- self.text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, "", size=(200, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ tw, th = self.GetTextExtent("|")
+ self.text = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, "", size=(202, th+8), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
self.text.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.getText)
self.text.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.onChar)
- box.Add(self.text, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin)
+ box.Add(self.text, 0, wx.LEFT, leftMargin-1)
- self.SetMinSize(self.GetSize())
- self.SetMaxSize(self.GetSize())
if started == 1:
self.start(None, True)
@@ -2281,13 +2459,15 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
if not justSet:
self._started = True
- self.startButton.SetLabel('Stop')
- self.quitButton.Disable()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.startButton.SetLabel, 'Stop')
+ if self.exit:
+ wx.CallAfter(self.quitButton.Disable)
- self.stopf()
+ wx.CallLater(100, self.stopf)
self._started = False
- self.startButton.SetLabel('Start')
- self.quitButton.Enable()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.startButton.SetLabel, 'Start')
+ if self.exit:
+ wx.CallAfter(self.quitButton.Enable)
def record(self, evt):
if self._recstarted == False:
@@ -2300,9 +2480,11 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
self.recButton.SetLabel('Rec Start')
def on_quit(self, evt):
- self.shutdown()
+ if self.exit:
+ self.shutdown()
- sys.exit()
+ if self.exit:
+ sys.exit()
def getPrev(self):
@@ -2332,9 +2514,12 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
key = evt.GetKeyCode()
if key == 315:
+ evt.StopPropagation()
elif key == 317:
- self.getNext()
- evt.Skip()
+ self.getNext()
+ evt.StopPropagation()
+ else:
+ evt.Skip()
def setAmp(self, value):
self.ampf(math.pow(10.0, float(value) * 0.05))
@@ -2342,12 +2527,3 @@ class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
def setRms(self, *args):
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def pprint(values):
- print values
- app = wx.App(False)
- values = [random.uniform(10, 25) for i in range(10)]
- f = DataTableGrapher(init=values, yrange=(2, 50))
- f.Show()
- app.MainLoop()
diff --git a/pyolib/analysis.py b/pyolib/analysis.py
index ffcdc53..6b8316c 100644
--- a/pyolib/analysis.py
+++ b/pyolib/analysis.py
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from _core import *
from _maps import *
+from _widgets import createSpectrumWindow, createScopeWindow
+from pattern import Pattern
class Follower(PyoObject):
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ class ZCross(PyoObject):
The out() method is bypassed. ZCross's signal can not be sent to
audio outs.
- >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
>>> b = ZCross(a, thresh=.02)
@@ -292,6 +294,10 @@ class ZCross(PyoObject):
def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 0.5, 'lin', 'thresh', self._thresh)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def input(self):
@@ -440,6 +446,13 @@ class Yin(PyoObject):
def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'tolerance', self._tolerance, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(20, 400, 'log', 'minfreq', self._minfreq, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(500, 5000, 'log', 'maxfreq', self._maxfreq, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(200, 15000, 'log', 'cutoff', self._cutoff, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def input(self):
@@ -475,3 +488,974 @@ class Yin(PyoObject):
return self._cutoff
def cutoff(self, x): self.setCutoff(x)
+class Centroid(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Computes the spectral centroid of an input signal.
+ Output signal is the spectral centroid, in Hz, of the input signal.
+ It indicates where the "center of mass" of the spectrum is. Perceptually,
+ it has a robust connection with the impression of "brightness" of a sound.
+ Centroid does its computation with two overlaps, so a new output value
+ comes every half of the FFT window size.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ size : int, optional
+ Size, as a power-of-two, of the FFT used to compute the centroid.
+ Available at initialization time only. Defaults to 1024.
+ .. note::
+ The out() method is bypassed. Centroid's signal can not be sent to
+ audio outs.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
+ >>> b = Centroid(a, 1024)
+ >>> c = Port(b, 0.05, 0.05)
+ >>> d = ButBP(Noise(0.2), freq=c, q=5).out(1)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, size=1024, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._size = size
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, size, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, size, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [Centroid_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(size,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
+ return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = []
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+class AttackDetector(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Audio signal onset detection.
+ AttackDetector anaylises an audio signal in input an output a trigger each
+ time an onset is detected. An onset is a sharp amplitude rising while the
+ signal had previously fall below a minimum threshold. Parameters must be
+ carefully tuned depending on the nature of the analysed signal and the level
+ of the background noise.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ deltime : float, optional
+ Delay time, in seconds, between previous and current rms analysis to compare.
+ Defaults to 0.005.
+ cutoff : float, optional
+ Cutoff frequency, in Hz, of the amplitude follower's lowpass filter.
+ Defaults to 10.
+ Higher values are more responsive and also more likely to give false onsets.
+ maxthresh : float, optional
+ Attack threshold in positive dB (current rms must be higher than previous
+ rms + maxthresh to be reported as an attack). Defaults to 3.0.
+ minthresh : float, optional
+ Minimum threshold in dB (signal must fall below this threshold to allow
+ a new attack to be detected). Defaults to -30.0.
+ reltime : float, optional
+ Time, in seconds, to wait before reporting a new attack. Defaults to 0.1.
+ >>> s = Server(duplex=1).boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> a = Input()
+ >>> d = AttackDetector(a, deltime=0.005, cutoff=10, maxthresh=4, minthresh=-20, reltime=0.05)
+ >>> exc = TrigEnv(d, HannTable(), dur=0.005, mul=BrownNoise(0.3))
+ >>> wgs = Waveguide(exc, freq=[100,200.1,300.3,400.5], dur=30).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, deltime=0.005, cutoff=10, maxthresh=3, minthresh=-30, reltime=0.1, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._deltime = deltime
+ self._cutoff = cutoff
+ self._maxthresh = maxthresh
+ self._minthresh = minthresh
+ self._reltime = reltime
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, deltime, cutoff, maxthresh, minthresh, reltime, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, deltime, cutoff, maxthresh, minthresh, reltime, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [AttackDetector_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(deltime,i), wrap(cutoff,i), wrap(maxthresh,i), wrap(minthresh,i), wrap(reltime,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setDeltime(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `deltime` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ New delay between rms analysis.
+ """
+ self._deltime = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDeltime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setCutoff(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `cutoff` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ New cutoff for the follower lowpass filter.
+ """
+ self._cutoff = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setCutoff(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setMaxthresh(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `maxthresh` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ New attack threshold in dB.
+ """
+ self._maxthresh = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setMaxthresh(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setMinthresh(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `minthresh` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ New minimum threshold in dB.
+ """
+ self._minthresh = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setMinthresh(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setReltime(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `reltime` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ Time, in seconds, to wait before reporting a new attack.
+ """
+ self._reltime = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setReltime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
+ return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 0.05, 'lin', 'deltime', self._deltime, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(1.0, 1000.0, 'log', 'cutoff', self._cutoff, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.0, 18.0, 'lin', 'maxthresh', self._maxthresh, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(-90.0, 0.0, 'lin', 'minthresh', self._minthresh, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.001, 1.0, 'log', 'reltime', self._reltime, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def deltime(self):
+ """float. Delay between rms analysis."""
+ return self._deltime
+ @deltime.setter
+ def deltime(self, x): self.setDeltime(x)
+ @property
+ def cutoff(self):
+ """float. Cutoff for the follower lowpass filter."""
+ return self._cutoff
+ @cutoff.setter
+ def cutoff(self, x): self.setCutoff(x)
+ @property
+ def maxthresh(self):
+ """float. Attack threshold in dB."""
+ return self._maxthresh
+ @maxthresh.setter
+ def maxthresh(self, x): self.setMaxthresh(x)
+ @property
+ def minthresh(self):
+ """float. Minimum threshold in dB."""
+ return self._minthresh
+ @minthresh.setter
+ def minthresh(self, x): self.setMinthresh(x)
+ @property
+ def reltime(self):
+ """float. Time to wait before reporting a new attack."""
+ return self._reltime
+ @reltime.setter
+ def reltime(self, x): self.setReltime(x)
+class Spectrum(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Spectrum analyzer and display.
+ Spectrum measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency
+ within a user defined range. It can show both magnitude and frequency
+ on linear or logarithmic scale.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ size : int {pow-of-two > 4}, optional
+ FFT size. Must be a power of two greater than 4.
+ The FFT size is the number of samples used in each
+ analysis frame. Defaults to 1024.
+ wintype : int, optional
+ Shape of the envelope used to filter each input frame.
+ Possible shapes are :
+ 0. rectangular (no windowing)
+ 1. Hamming
+ 2. Hanning
+ 3. Bartlett (triangular)
+ 4. Blackman 3-term
+ 5. Blackman-Harris 4-term
+ 6. Blackman-Harris 7-term
+ 7. Tuckey (alpha = 0.66)
+ 8. Sine (half-sine window)
+ function : python callable, optional
+ If set, this function will be called with magnitudes (as
+ list of lists, one list per channel). Useful if someone
+ wants to save the analysis data into a text file.
+ Defaults to None.
+ .. note::
+ Spectrum has no `out` method.
+ Spectrum has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> a = SuperSaw(freq=[500,750], detune=0.6, bal=0.7, mul=0.5).out()
+ >>> spec = Spectrum(a, size=1024)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, size=1024, wintype=2, function=None):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ self.points = None
+ self.viewFrame = None
+ self._input = input
+ self._size = size
+ self._wintype = wintype
+ self._function = function
+ self._fscaling = 0
+ self._mscaling = 1
+ self._lowbound = 0
+ self._highbound = 0.5
+ self._width = 500
+ self._height = 400
+ self._gain = 1
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, size, wintype, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, size, wintype)
+ self._base_objs = [Spectrum_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(size,i), wrap(wintype,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ if function == None:
+ self.view()
+ self._timer = Pattern(self.refreshView, 0.05).play()
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setSize(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `size` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ new `size` attribute.
+ """
+ self._size = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setWinType(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `wintype` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ new `wintype` attribute.
+ """
+ self._wintype = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setWinType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setFunction(self, function):
+ """
+ Sets the function to be called to retrieve the analysis data.
+ :Args:
+ function : python callable
+ The function called by the internal timer to retrieve the
+ analysis data. The function must be created with one argument
+ and will receive the data as a list of lists (one list per channel).
+ """
+ self._function = function
+ def poll(self, active):
+ """
+ Turns on and off the analysis polling.
+ :Args:
+ active : boolean
+ If True, starts the analysis polling, False to stop it.
+ defaults to True.
+ """
+ if active:
+ self._timer.play()
+ else:
+ self._timer.stop()
+ def polltime(self, time):
+ """
+ Sets the polling time in seconds.
+ :Args:
+ time : float
+ Adjusts the frequency of the internal timer used to
+ retrieve the current analysis frame. defaults to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._timer.time = time
+ def setLowbound(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the lower frequency, as multiplier of sr, returned by the analysis.
+ Returns the real low frequency en Hz.
+ :Args:
+ x : float {0 <= x <= 0.5}
+ new `lowbound` attribute.
+ """
+ self._lowbound = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ tmp = [obj.setLowbound(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ return tmp[0]
+ def setHighbound(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the higher frequency, as multiplier of sr, returned by the analysis.
+ Returns the real high frequency en Hz.
+ :Args:
+ x : float {0 <= x <= 0.5}
+ new `highbound` attribute.
+ """
+ self._highbound = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ tmp = [obj.setHighbound(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ return tmp[0]
+ def getLowfreq(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current lower frequency, in Hz, used by the analysis.
+ """
+ return self._base_objs[0].getLowfreq()
+ def getHighfreq(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current higher frequency, in Hz, used by the analysis.
+ """
+ return self._base_objs[0].getHighfreq()
+ def setWidth(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the width, in pixels, of the current display.
+ Used internally to build the list of points to draw.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ new `width` attribute.
+ """
+ self._width = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setWidth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setHeight(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the height, in pixels, of the current display.
+ Used internally to build the list of points to draw.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ new `height` attribute.
+ """
+ self._height = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setHeight(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setFscaling(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the frequency display to linear or logarithmic.
+ :Args:
+ x : boolean
+ If True, the frequency display is logarithmic. False turns
+ it back to linear. Defaults to False.
+ """
+ self._fscaling = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setFscaling(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ if self.viewFrame != None:
+ self.viewFrame.setFscaling(self._fscaling)
+ def setMscaling(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the magnitude display to linear or logarithmic.
+ :Args:
+ x : boolean
+ If True, the magnitude display is logarithmic (which means in dB).
+ False turns it back to linear. Defaults to True.
+ """
+ self._mscaling = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setMscaling(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ if self.viewFrame != None:
+ self.viewFrame.setMscaling(self._mscaling)
+ def getFscaling(self):
+ """
+ Returns the scaling of the frequency display.
+ Returns True for logarithmic or False for linear.
+ """
+ return self._fscaling
+ def getMscaling(self):
+ """
+ Returns the scaling of the magnitude display.
+ Returns True for logarithmic or False for linear.
+ """
+ return self._mscaling
+ def setGain(self, x):
+ """
+ Set the gain of the analysis data. For drawing purpose.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ new `gain` attribute, as linear values.
+ """
+ self._gain = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setGain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def view(self, title="Spectrum", wxnoserver=False):
+ """
+ Opens a window showing the result of the analysis.
+ :Args:
+ title : string, optional
+ Window title. Defaults to "Spectrum".
+ wxnoserver : boolean, optional
+ With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the
+ interpreter that there will be no server window.
+ If `wxnoserver` is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for
+ the server GUI before showing the controller window.
+ """
+ createSpectrumWindow(self, title, wxnoserver)
+ def _setViewFrame(self, frame):
+ self.viewFrame = frame
+ def refreshView(self):
+ """
+ Updates the graphical display of the spectrum.
+ Called automatically by the internal timer.
+ """
+ self.points = [obj.display() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ if self._function != None:
+ self._function(self.points)
+ if self.viewFrame != None:
+ self.viewFrame.update(self.points)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def size(self):
+ """int. FFT size."""
+ return self._size
+ @size.setter
+ def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
+ @property
+ def wintype(self):
+ """int. Windowing method."""
+ return self._wintype
+ @wintype.setter
+ def wintype(self, x): self.setWinType(x)
+ @property
+ def gain(self):
+ """float. Sets the gain of the analysis data."""
+ return self._gain
+ @gain.setter
+ def gain(self, x): self.setGain(x)
+ @property
+ def lowbound(self):
+ """float. Lowest frequency (multiplier of sr) to output."""
+ return self._lowbound
+ @lowbound.setter
+ def lowbound(self, x): self.setLowbound(x)
+ @property
+ def highbound(self):
+ """float. Highest frequency (multiplier of sr) to output."""
+ return self._highbound
+ @highbound.setter
+ def highbound(self, x): self.setHighbound(x)
+ @property
+ def width(self):
+ """int. Width, in pixels, of the current display."""
+ return self._width
+ @width.setter
+ def width(self, x): self.setWidth(x)
+ @property
+ def height(self):
+ """int. Height, in pixels, of the current display."""
+ return self._height
+ @height.setter
+ def height(self, x): self.setHeight(x)
+ @property
+ def fscaling(self):
+ """boolean. Scaling of the frequency display."""
+ return self._fscaling
+ @fscaling.setter
+ def fscaling(self, x): self.setFscaling(x)
+ @property
+ def mscaling(self):
+ """boolean. Scaling of the magnitude display."""
+ return self._mscaling
+ @mscaling.setter
+ def mscaling(self, x): self.setMscaling(x)
+class Scope(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Oscilloscope - audio waveform display.
+ Oscilloscopes are used to observe the change of an electrical
+ signal over time.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ length : float, optional
+ Length, in seconds, of the displayed window. Can't be a list.
+ Defaults to 0.05.
+ gain : float, optional
+ Linear gain applied to the signal to be displayed.
+ Can't be a list. Defaults to 0.67.
+ .. note::
+ Scope has no `out` method.
+ Scope has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> a = Sine([100,100.2], mul=0.7)
+ >>> b = Noise(0.1)
+ >>> scope = Scope(a+b)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, length=0.05, gain=0.67):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ self.points = None
+ self.viewFrame = None
+ self._input = input
+ self._length = length
+ self._gain = gain
+ self._width = 500
+ self._height = 400
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader)
+ self._base_objs = [Scope_base(wrap(in_fader,i), length) for i in range(lmax)]
+ self.view()
+ self._timer = Pattern(self.refreshView, length).play()
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setLength(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `length` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ new `length` attribute.
+ """
+ self._length = x
+ self._timer.time = x
+ [obj.setLength(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ def setGain(self, x):
+ """
+ Set the gain boost applied to the analysed data. For drawing purpose.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ new `gain` attribute, as linear values.
+ """
+ self._gain = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setGain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def poll(self, active):
+ """
+ Turns on and off the analysis polling.
+ :Args:
+ active : boolean
+ If True, starts the analysis polling, False to stop it.
+ defaults to True.
+ """
+ if active:
+ self._timer.play()
+ else:
+ self._timer.stop()
+ def setWidth(self, x):
+ """
+ Gives the width of the display to the analyzer.
+ The analyzer needs this value to construct the list
+ of points to draw on the display.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ Width of the display in pixel value. The default
+ width is 500.
+ """
+ self._width = x
+ [obj.setWidth(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ def setHeight(self, x):
+ """
+ Gives the height of the display to the analyzer.
+ The analyzer needs this value to construct the list
+ of points to draw on the display.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ Height of the display in pixel value. The default
+ height is 400.
+ """
+ self._height = x
+ [obj.setHeight(x) for obj in self._base_objs]
+ def view(self, title="Scope", wxnoserver=False):
+ """
+ Opens a window showing the result of the analysis.
+ :Args:
+ title : string, optional
+ Window title. Defaults to "Spectrum".
+ wxnoserver : boolean, optional
+ With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the
+ interpreter that there will be no server window.
+ If `wxnoserver` is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for
+ the server GUI before showing the controller window.
+ """
+ createScopeWindow(self, title, wxnoserver)
+ def _setViewFrame(self, frame):
+ self.viewFrame = frame
+ def refreshView(self):
+ """
+ Updates the graphical display of the scope.
+ Called automatically by the internal timer.
+ """
+ self.points = [obj.display() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ if self.viewFrame != None:
+ self.viewFrame.update(self.points)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def length(self):
+ """float. Window length."""
+ return self._length
+ @length.setter
+ def length(self, x): self.setLength(x)
+ @property
+ def gain(self):
+ """float. Sets the gain of the analysis data."""
+ return self._gain
+ @gain.setter
+ def gain(self, x): self.setGain(x)
+class PeakAmp(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Peak amplitude follower.
+ Output signal is the continuous peak amplitude of an input signal.
+ A new peaking value is computed every buffer size. If `function`
+ argument is not None, it should be a function that will be called
+ every buffer size with a variable-length argument list containing
+ the peaking values of all object's streams. Useful for meter drawing.
+ Function definition must look like this:
+ >>> def getValues(*args)
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ function : callable, optional
+ Function that will be called with amplitude values in arguments.
+ Default to None.
+ .. note::
+ The out() method is bypassed. PeakAmp's signal can not be sent to
+ audio outs.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.4).out()
+ >>> amp = PeakAmp(sf)
+ >>> n = Noise(mul=Port(amp)).out(1)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, function=None, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ if callable(function):
+ self._function = function
+ else:
+ self._function = None
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [PeakAmp_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ sr = self._base_objs[0].getServer().getSamplingRate()
+ bs = self._base_objs[0].getServer().getBufferSize()
+ self._timer = Pattern(self._buildList, bs/sr).play()
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setFunction(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `function` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : callable
+ New function to call with amplitude values in arguments.
+ """
+ if callable(x):
+ self._function = x
+ def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
+ return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def _buildList(self):
+ if self._function != None:
+ values = [obj.getValue() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ self._function(*values)
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = []
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def function(self):
+ """PyoObject. function signal to process."""
+ return self._function
+ @function.setter
+ def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/arithmetic.py b/pyolib/arithmetic.py
index bf10013..9bc37bc 100644
--- a/pyolib/arithmetic.py
+++ b/pyolib/arithmetic.py
@@ -673,3 +673,53 @@ class Round(PyoObject):
return self._input
def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+class Tanh(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Performs a hyperbolic tangent function on audio signal.
+ Returns the hyperbolic tangent of audio signal as input.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal, angle in radians.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> import math
+ >>> a = Phasor(250, mul=math.pi*2)
+ >>> b = Tanh(Sin(a, mul=10), mul=0.3).mix(2).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [M_Tanh_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/controls.py b/pyolib/controls.py
index d993bbc..a3682bd 100644
--- a/pyolib/controls.py
+++ b/pyolib/controls.py
@@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ class Fader(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 10., 'lin', 'fadein', self._fadein, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 10., 'lin', 'fadeout', self._fadeout, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 20., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def fadein(self):
"""float. Rising time of the envelope in seconds."""
@@ -186,8 +192,6 @@ class Adsr(PyoObject):
The play() method starts the envelope.
The stop() calls the envelope's release phase if `dur` = 0.
- Shape of a classical Adsr:
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
@@ -281,6 +285,14 @@ class Adsr(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 5, 'lin', 'attack', self._attack, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 5, 'lin', 'decay', self._decay, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'sustain', self._sustain, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 10, 'lin', 'release', self._release, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 20., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def attack(self):
"""float. Duration of the attack phase in seconds."""
@@ -749,6 +761,10 @@ class SigTo(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 10, 'lin', 'time', self._time, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def value(self):
"""float or PyoObject. Numerical value to convert."""
diff --git a/pyolib/dynamics.py b/pyolib/dynamics.py
index 9e6abd8..f4d6a88 100644
--- a/pyolib/dynamics.py
+++ b/pyolib/dynamics.py
@@ -511,6 +511,8 @@ class Compress(PyoObject):
SLMap(1., 10., 'lin', 'ratio', self._ratio),
SLMap(0.001, .3, 'lin', 'risetime', self._risetime),
SLMap(0.001, .3, 'lin', 'falltime', self._falltime),
+ SLMap(0, 25, 'lin', 'lookahead', self._lookahead, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'knee', self._knee, dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -690,6 +692,7 @@ class Gate(PyoObject):
self._map_list = [SLMap(-100., 0., 'lin', 'thresh', self._thresh),
SLMap(0.0001, .3, 'lin', 'risetime', self._risetime),
SLMap(0.0001, .3, 'lin', 'falltime', self._falltime),
+ SLMap(0, 25, 'lin', 'lookahead', self._lookahead, dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/pyolib/effects.py b/pyolib/effects.py
index 09024ed..cfde21c 100644
--- a/pyolib/effects.py
+++ b/pyolib/effects.py
@@ -150,6 +150,17 @@ class Delay(PyoObject):
Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization.
Defaults to 1.
+ .. note::
+ The minimum delay time allowed with Delay is one sample. It can be computed
+ with :
+ onesamp = 1.0 / s.getSamplingRate()
+ .. seealso::
+ :py:class:`SDelay`, :py:class:`Waveguide`
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=.3).mix(2).out()
@@ -259,6 +270,10 @@ class SDelay(PyoObject):
Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization.
Defaults to 1.
+ .. seealso::
+ :py:class:`Delay`, :py:class:`Delay1`
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> srPeriod = 1. / s.getSamplingRate()
@@ -313,7 +328,7 @@ class SDelay(PyoObject):
[obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay', self._delay),
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.0001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay', self._delay),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -1166,6 +1181,7 @@ class Harmonizer(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMap(-24.0, 24.0, 'lin', 'transpo', self._transpo),
SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
+ SLMap(0.001, 1, 'log', 'winsize', self._winsize, dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -1247,3 +1263,373 @@ class Delay1(PyoObject):
return self._input
def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+class STRev(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Stereo reverb.
+ Stereo reverb based on WGVerb (8 delay line FDN reverb). A mono
+ input will produce two audio streams, left and right channels.
+ Therefore, a stereo input will produce four audio streams, left
+ and right channels for each input channel. Position of input
+ streams can be set with the `inpos` argument. To achieve a stereo
+ reverb, delay line lengths are slightly differents on both channels,
+ but also, pre-delays length and filter cutoff of both channels will
+ be affected to reflect the input position.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ inpos : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Position of the source, between 0 and 1. 0 means fully left
+ and 1 means fully right. Defaults to 0.5.
+ revtime : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Duration, in seconds, of the reverberated sound, defined as
+ the time needed to the sound to drop 40 dB below its peak.
+ Defaults to 1.
+ cutoff : float or PyoObject, optional
+ cutoff frequency, in Hz, of a first order lowpass filters in the
+ feedback loop of delay lines. Defaults to 5000.
+ bal : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Balance between wet and dry signal, between 0 and 1. 0 means no
+ reverb. Defaults to 0.5.
+ roomSize : float, optional
+ Delay line length scaler, between 0.25 and 4. Values higher than
+ 1 make the delay lines longer and simulate larger rooms. Defaults to 1.
+ firstRefGain : float, optional
+ Gain, in dB, of the first reflexions of the room. Defaults to -3.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif")
+ >>> sf = Looper(t, dur=t.getDur()*2, xfade=0, mul=0.5)
+ >>> rev = STRev(sf, inpos=0.25, revtime=2, cutoff=5000, bal=0.25, roomSize=1).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, inpos=0.5, revtime=1, cutoff=5000, bal=.5, roomSize=1, firstRefGain=-3, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._inpos = inpos
+ self._revtime = revtime
+ self._cutoff = cutoff
+ self._bal = bal
+ self._roomSize = roomSize
+ self._firstRefGain = firstRefGain
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, inpos, revtime, cutoff, bal, roomSize, firstRefGain, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, inpos, revtime, cutoff, bal, roomSize, firstRefGain, mul, add)
+ self._base_players = [STReverb_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(inpos,i), wrap(revtime,i), wrap(cutoff,i), wrap(bal,i), wrap(roomSize,i), wrap(firstRefGain,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ self._base_objs = [STRev_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax) for j in range(2)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setInpos(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `inpos` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `inpos` attribute.
+ """
+ self._inpos = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setInpos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setRevtime(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `revtime` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `revtime` attribute.
+ """
+ self._revtime = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setRevtime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setCutoff(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `cutoff` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `cutoff` attribute.
+ """
+ self._cutoff = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setCutoff(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setBal(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `bal` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `bal` attribute.
+ """
+ self._bal = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setMix(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setRoomSize(self, x):
+ """
+ Set the room size scaler, between 0.25 and 4.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ Room size scaler, between 0.25 and 4.0.
+ """
+ self._roomSize = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setRoomSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setFirstRefGain(self, x):
+ """
+ Set the gain of the first reflexions.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ Gain, in dB, of the first reflexions.
+ """
+ self._firstRefGain = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setFirstRefGain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'inpos', self._inpos),
+ SLMap(0.01, 120., 'log', 'revtime', self._revtime),
+ SLMap(500., 15000., 'log', 'cutoff', self._cutoff),
+ SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'bal', self._bal),
+ SLMap(0.25, 4., 'lin', 'roomSize', self._roomSize, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(-48, 12, 'lin', 'firstRefGain', self._firstRefGain, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def inpos(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Position of the source."""
+ return self._inpos
+ @inpos.setter
+ def inpos(self, x): self.setInpos(x)
+ @property
+ def revtime(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Room size."""
+ return self._revtime
+ @revtime.setter
+ def revtime(self, x): self.setRevtime(x)
+ @property
+ def cutoff(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. High frequency damping."""
+ return self._cutoff
+ @cutoff.setter
+ def cutoff(self, x): self.setCutoff(x)
+ @property
+ def bal(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Balance between wet and dry signal."""
+ return self._bal
+ @bal.setter
+ def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
+ @property
+ def roomSize(self):
+ """float. Room size scaler, between 0.25 and 4.0."""
+ return self._roomSize
+ @roomSize.setter
+ def roomSize(self, x): self.setRoomSize(x)
+ @property
+ def firstRefGain(self):
+ """float. Gain, in dB, of the first reflexions."""
+ return self._firstRefGain
+ @firstRefGain.setter
+ def firstRefGain(self, x): self.setFirstRefGain(x)
+class SmoothDelay(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Artifact free sweepable recursive delay.
+ SmoothDelay implements a delay line that does not produce
+ clicks or pitch shifting when the delay time is changing.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to delayed.
+ delay : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Delay time in seconds. Defaults to 0.25.
+ feedback : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ crossfade : float, optional
+ Crossfade time, in seconds, between overlaped readers.
+ Defaults to 0.05.
+ maxdelay : float, optional
+ Maximum delay length in seconds. Available only at initialization.
+ Defaults to 1.
+ .. note::
+ The minimum delay time allowed with SmoothDelay is one sample.
+ It can be computed with :
+ onesamp = 1.0 / s.getSamplingRate()
+ .. seealso::
+ :py:class:`Delay`, :py:class:`Waveguide`
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=0.3).mix(2).out()
+ >>> lf = Sine(freq=0.1, mul=0.24, add=0.25)
+ >>> sd = SmoothDelay(sf, delay=lf, feedback=0.5, crossfade=0.05, mul=0.7).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, delay=0.25, feedback=0, crossfade=0.05, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._delay = delay
+ self._feedback = feedback
+ self._crossfade = crossfade
+ self._maxdelay = maxdelay
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, delay, feedback, crossfade, maxdelay, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, delay, feedback, crossfade, maxdelay, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [SmoothDelay_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(delay,i), wrap(feedback,i), wrap(crossfade,i), wrap(maxdelay,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to delayed.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setDelay(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `delay` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `delay` attribute.
+ """
+ self._delay = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDelay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setFeedback(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `feedback` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `feedback` attribute.
+ """
+ self._feedback = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setFeedback(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setCrossfade(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `crossfade` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float
+ New `crossfade` attribute.
+ """
+ self._crossfade = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setCrossfade(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Reset the memory buffer to zeros.
+ """
+ [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, self._maxdelay, 'log', 'delay', self._delay),
+ SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'feedback', self._feedback),
+ SLMap(0., self._maxdelay, 'lin', 'crossfade', self._crossfade, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to delayed."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def delay(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Delay time in seconds."""
+ return self._delay
+ @delay.setter
+ def delay(self, x): self.setDelay(x)
+ @property
+ def feedback(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Amount of output signal sent back into the delay line."""
+ return self._feedback
+ @feedback.setter
+ def feedback(self, x): self.setFeedback(x)
+ @property
+ def crossfade(self):
+ """float. Crossfade time, in seconds, between overlaps."""
+ return self._crossfade
+ @crossfade.setter
+ def crossfade(self, x): self.setCrossfade(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/filters.py b/pyolib/filters.py
index 1feb485..5442a14 100644
--- a/pyolib/filters.py
+++ b/pyolib/filters.py
@@ -141,7 +141,9 @@ class Biquad(PyoObject):
[obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q),
+ SLMap(0, 4, 'lin', 'type', self._type, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -297,7 +299,9 @@ class Biquadx(PyoObject):
[obj.setStages(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q),
+ SLMap(0, 4, 'lin', 'type', self._type, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -684,6 +688,7 @@ class EQ(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapQ(self._q),
SLMap(-40.0, 40.0, "lin", "boost", self._boost),
+ SLMap(0, 2, 'lin', 'type', self._type, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -1300,8 +1305,8 @@ class Hilbert(PyoObject):
Real and imaginary parts are two separated set of streams.
The user should call :
- Hilbert['real'] to retrieve the real part.
- Hilbert['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
+ | Hilbert['real'] to retrieve the real part.
+ | Hilbert['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
@@ -1946,6 +1951,7 @@ class Vocoder(PyoObject):
SLMap(0.25, 2, "lin", "spread", self._spread),
SLMap(0.5, 200, "log", "q", self._q),
SLMap(0, 1, "lin", "slope", self._slope),
+ SLMap(2, 64, 'lin', 'stages', self._stages, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2125,7 +2131,8 @@ class IRWinSinc(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
- SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw)]
+ SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw),
+ SLMap(0, 3, 'lin', 'type', self._type, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2352,7 +2359,8 @@ class IRPulse(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
- SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw)]
+ SLMap(20., 10000., "log", "bw", self._bw),
+ SLMap(0, 3, 'lin', 'type', self._type, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2738,7 +2746,8 @@ class Average(PyoObject):
[obj.setSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(2, 256, 'lin', 'size', self._size, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -3361,3 +3370,109 @@ class ButBR(PyoObject):
return self._q
def q(self, x): self.setQ(x)
+class ComplexRes(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Complex one-pole resonator filter.
+ ComplexRes implements a resonator derived from a complex
+ multiplication, which is very similar to a digital filter.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal to process.
+ freq : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Center frequency of the filter. Defaults to 1000.
+ decay : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Decay time, in seconds, for the filter's response.
+ Defaults to 0.25.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> env = HannTable()
+ >>> trigs = Metro(.2, poly=4).play()
+ >>> amp = TrigEnv(trigs, table=env, dur=0.005, mul=2)
+ >>> im = Noise(mul=amp)
+ >>> res = ComplexRes(im, freq=[950,530,780,1490], decay=1).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, freq=1000, decay=.25, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._freq = freq
+ self._decay = decay
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, freq, decay, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, freq, decay, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [ComplexRes_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(freq,i), wrap(decay,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setFreq(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `freq` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `freq` attribute.
+ """
+ self._freq = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setDecay(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `decay` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `decay` attribute.
+ """
+ self._decay = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDecay(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMap(0.0001, 10, "log", "decay", self._decay),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to filter."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def freq(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Center frequency of the filter."""
+ return self._freq
+ @freq.setter
+ def freq(self, x): self.setFreq(x)
+ @property
+ def decay(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Decay time of the filter's response."""
+ return self._decay
+ @decay.setter
+ def decay(self, x): self.setDecay(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/fourier.py b/pyolib/fourier.py
index d48b223..9ab0667 100644
--- a/pyolib/fourier.py
+++ b/pyolib/fourier.py
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from _core import *
from _maps import *
-from _widgets import createSpectrumWindow
-from pattern import Pattern
class FFT(PyoObject):
@@ -84,9 +82,9 @@ class FFT(PyoObject):
Real, imaginary and bin_number parts are three separated set
of audio streams. The user should call :
- FFT['real'] to retrieve the real part.
- FFT['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
- FFT['bin'] to retrieve the bin number part.
+ | FFT['real'] to retrieve the real part.
+ | FFT['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
+ | FFT['bin'] to retrieve the bin number part.
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
@@ -451,8 +449,8 @@ class CarToPol(PyoObject):
Polar coordinates can be retrieve by calling :
- CarToPol['mag'] to retrieve the magnitude part.
- CarToPol['ang'] to retrieve the angle part.
+ | CarToPol['mag'] to retrieve the magnitude part.
+ | CarToPol['ang'] to retrieve the angle part.
CarToPol has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain,
with IFFT, before being sent to output.
@@ -594,8 +592,8 @@ class PolToCar(PyoObject):
Cartesians coordinates can be retrieve by calling :
- PolToCar['real'] to retrieve the real part.
- CarToPol['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
+ | PolToCar['real'] to retrieve the real part.
+ | CarToPol['imag'] to retrieve the imaginary part.
PolToCar has no `out` method. Signal must be converted back to time domain,
with IFFT, before being sent to output.
@@ -1237,410 +1235,3 @@ class CvlVerb(PyoObject):
return self._bal
def bal(self, x): self.setBal(x)
-class Spectrum(PyoObject):
- """
- Spectrum analyzer and display.
- Spectrum measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency
- within a user defined range. It can show both magnitude and frequency
- on linear or logarithmic scale.
- :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
- :Args:
- input : PyoObject
- Input signal to process.
- size : int {pow-of-two > 4}, optional
- FFT size. Must be a power of two greater than 4.
- The FFT size is the number of samples used in each
- analysis frame. Defaults to 1024.
- wintype : int, optional
- Shape of the envelope used to filter each input frame.
- Possible shapes are :
- 0. rectangular (no windowing)
- 1. Hamming
- 2. Hanning
- 3. Bartlett (triangular)
- 4. Blackman 3-term
- 5. Blackman-Harris 4-term
- 6. Blackman-Harris 7-term
- 7. Tuckey (alpha = 0.66)
- 8. Sine (half-sine window)
- function : python callable, optional
- If set, this function will be called with magnitudes (as
- list of lists, one list per channel). Useful if someone
- wants to save the analysis data into a text file.
- Defaults to None.
- .. note::
- Spectrum has no `out` method.
- Spectrum has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
- >>> s = Server().boot()
- >>> s.start()
- >>> a = SuperSaw(freq=[500,750], detune=0.6, bal=0.7, mul=0.5).out()
- >>> spec = Spectrum(a, size=1024)
- """
- def __init__(self, input, size=1024, wintype=2, function=None):
- PyoObject.__init__(self)
- self.points = None
- self.viewFrame = None
- self._input = input
- self._size = size
- self._wintype = wintype
- self._function = function
- self._fscaling = 0
- self._mscaling = 1
- self._lowbound = 0
- self._highbound = 0.5
- self._width = 500
- self._height = 400
- self._gain = 1
- self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
- in_fader, size, wintype, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, size, wintype)
- self._base_objs = [Spectrum_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(size,i), wrap(wintype,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
- if function == None:
- self.view()
- self._timer = Pattern(self.refreshView, 0.05).play()
- def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
- """
- Replace the `input` attribute.
- :Args:
- x : PyoObject
- New signal to process.
- fadetime : float, optional
- Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- """
- self._input = x
- self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
- def setSize(self, x):
- """
- Replace the `size` attribute.
- :Args:
- x : int
- new `size` attribute.
- """
- self._size = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setSize(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- def setWinType(self, x):
- """
- Replace the `wintype` attribute.
- :Args:
- x : int
- new `wintype` attribute.
- """
- self._wintype = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setWinType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- def setFunction(self, function):
- """
- Sets the function to be called to retrieve the analysis data.
- :Args:
- function : python callable
- The function called by the internal timer to retrieve the
- analysis data. The function must be created with one argument
- and will receive the data as a list of lists (one list per channel).
- """
- self._function = function
- def poll(self, active):
- """
- Turns on and off the analysis polling.
- :Args:
- active : boolean
- If True, starts the analysis polling, False to stop it.
- defaults to True.
- """
- if active:
- self._timer.play()
- else:
- self._timer.stop()
- def polltime(self, time):
- """
- Sets the polling time in seconds.
- :Args:
- time : float
- Adjusts the frequency of the internal timer used to
- retrieve the current analysis frame. defaults to 0.05.
- """
- self._timer.time = time
- def setLowbound(self, x):
- """
- Sets the lower frequency, as multiplier of sr, returned by the analysis.
- Returns the real low frequency en Hz.
- :Args:
- x : float {0 <= x <= 0.5}
- new `lowbound` attribute.
- """
- self._lowbound = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- tmp = [obj.setLowbound(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- return tmp[0]
- def setHighbound(self, x):
- """
- Sets the higher frequency, as multiplier of sr, returned by the analysis.
- Returns the real high frequency en Hz.
- :Args:
- x : float {0 <= x <= 0.5}
- new `highbound` attribute.
- """
- self._highbound = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- tmp = [obj.setHighbound(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- return tmp[0]
- def getLowfreq(self):
- """
- Returns the current lower frequency, in Hz, used by the analysis.
- """
- return self._base_objs[0].getLowfreq()
- def getHighfreq(self):
- """
- Returns the current higher frequency, in Hz, used by the analysis.
- """
- return self._base_objs[0].getHighfreq()
- def setWidth(self, x):
- """
- Sets the width, in pixels, of the current display.
- Used internally to build the list of points to draw.
- :Args:
- x : int
- new `width` attribute.
- """
- self._width = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setWidth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- def setHeight(self, x):
- """
- Sets the height, in pixels, of the current display.
- Used internally to build the list of points to draw.
- :Args:
- x : int
- new `height` attribute.
- """
- self._height = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setHeight(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- def setFscaling(self, x):
- """
- Sets the frequency display to linear or logarithmic.
- :Args:
- x : boolean
- If True, the frequency display is logarithmic. False turns
- it back to linear. Defaults to False.
- """
- self._fscaling = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setFscaling(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- if self.viewFrame != None:
- self.viewFrame.setFscaling(self._fscaling)
- def setMscaling(self, x):
- """
- Sets the magnitude display to linear or logarithmic.
- :Args:
- x : boolean
- If True, the magnitude display is logarithmic (which means in dB).
- False turns it back to linear. Defaults to True.
- """
- self._mscaling = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setMscaling(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- if self.viewFrame != None:
- self.viewFrame.setMscaling(self._mscaling)
- def getFscaling(self):
- """
- Returns the scaling of the frequency display.
- Returns True for logarithmic or False for linear.
- """
- return self._fscaling
- def getMscaling(self):
- """
- Returns the scaling of the magnitude display.
- Returns True for logarithmic or False for linear.
- """
- return self._mscaling
- def setGain(self, x):
- """
- Set the gain of the anaysis data. For drawing purpose.
- :Args:
- x : float
- new `gain` attribute, as linear values.
- """
- self._gain = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setGain(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
- def view(self, title="Spectrum", wxnoserver=False):
- """
- Opens a window showing the result of the analysis.
- :Args:
- title : string, optional
- Window title. Defaults to "Spectrum".
- wxnoserver : boolean, optional
- With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the
- interpreter that there will be no server window.
- If `wxnoserver` is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for
- the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- """
- createSpectrumWindow(self, title, wxnoserver)
- def _setViewFrame(self, frame):
- self.viewFrame = frame
- def refreshView(self):
- """
- Updates the graphical display of the spectrum.
- Called automatically by the internal timer.
- """
- self.points = [obj.display() for obj in self._base_objs]
- if self._function != None:
- self._function(self.points)
- if self.viewFrame != None:
- self.viewFrame.update(self.points)
- @property
- def input(self):
- """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
- return self._input
- @input.setter
- def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
- @property
- def size(self):
- """int. FFT size."""
- return self._size
- @size.setter
- def size(self, x): self.setSize(x)
- @property
- def wintype(self):
- """int. Windowing method."""
- return self._wintype
- @wintype.setter
- def wintype(self, x): self.setWinType(x)
- @property
- def gain(self):
- """float. Sets the gain of the analysis data."""
- return self._gain
- @gain.setter
- def gain(self, x): self.setGain(x)
- @property
- def lowbound(self):
- """float. Lowest frequency (multiplier of sr) to output."""
- return self._lowbound
- @lowbound.setter
- def lowbound(self, x): self.setLowbound(x)
- @property
- def highbound(self):
- """float. Highest frequency (multiplier of sr) to output."""
- return self._highbound
- @highbound.setter
- def highbound(self, x): self.setHighbound(x)
- @property
- def width(self):
- """int. Width, in pixels, of the current display."""
- return self._width
- @width.setter
- def width(self, x): self.setWidth(x)
- @property
- def height(self):
- """int. Height, in pixels, of the current display."""
- return self._height
- @height.setter
- def height(self, x): self.setHeight(x)
- @property
- def fscaling(self):
- """boolean. Scaling of the frequency display."""
- return self._fscaling
- @fscaling.setter
- def fscaling(self, x): self.setFscaling(x)
- @property
- def mscaling(self):
- """boolean. Scaling of the magnitude display."""
- return self._mscaling
- @mscaling.setter
- def mscaling(self, x): self.setMscaling(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/generators.py b/pyolib/generators.py
index a24bb1e..72fcfc5 100644
--- a/pyolib/generators.py
+++ b/pyolib/generators.py
@@ -1019,10 +1019,9 @@ class LFO(PyoObject):
- if x >= 0 and x < 8:
- self._type = x
- x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
- [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ self._type = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setType(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def reset(self):
@@ -1033,7 +1032,10 @@ class LFO(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "sharp", self._sharp), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
+ SLMap(0., 1., "lin", "sharp", self._sharp),
+ SLMap(0, 7, "lin", "type", self._type, "int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/pyolib/midi.py b/pyolib/midi.py
index e305ba4..5936021 100644
--- a/pyolib/midi.py
+++ b/pyolib/midi.py
@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@ class CtlScan(PyoObject):
def setDiv(self, x):
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Resets the scanner.
+ """
+ [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
def setFunction(self, x):
Replace the `function` attribute.
@@ -362,6 +369,13 @@ class CtlScan2(PyoObject):
def setDiv(self, x):
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Resets the scanner.
+ """
+ [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_objs]
def setFunction(self, x):
Replace the `function` attribute.
@@ -442,10 +456,16 @@ class Notein(PyoObject):
Pitch and velocity are two separated set of streams.
The user should call :
- Notein['pitch'] to retrieve pitch streams.
- Notein['velocity'] to retrieve velocity streams.
+ | Notein['pitch'] to retrieve pitch streams.
+ | Notein['velocity'] to retrieve velocity streams.
Velocity is automatically scaled between 0 and 1.
+ Notein also outputs trigger streams on noteon and noteoff.
+ These streams can be retrieved with :
+ | Notein['trigon'] to retrieve noteon trigger streams.
+ | Notein['trigoff'] to retrieve noteoff trigger streams.
The out() method is bypassed. Notein's signal can not be sent
to audio outs.
@@ -463,6 +483,8 @@ class Notein(PyoObject):
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._pitch_dummy = []
self._velocity_dummy = []
+ self._trigon_dummy = []
+ self._trigoff_dummy = []
self._poly = poly
self._scale = scale
self._first = first
@@ -471,17 +493,26 @@ class Notein(PyoObject):
mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(mul, add)
self._base_handler = MidiNote_base(self._poly, self._scale, self._first, self._last, self._channel)
self._base_objs = []
+ self._trig_objs = []
for i in range(lmax * poly):
self._base_objs.append(Notein_base(self._base_handler, i, 0, 1, 0))
self._base_objs.append(Notein_base(self._base_handler, i, 1, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
+ self._trig_objs.append(NoteinTrig_base(self._base_handler, i, 0, 1, 0))
+ self._trig_objs.append(NoteinTrig_base(self._base_handler, i, 1, 1, 0))
def __getitem__(self, str):
if str == 'pitch':
self._pitch_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2] for i in range(self._poly)]))
return self._pitch_dummy[-1]
- if str == 'velocity':
+ elif str == 'velocity':
self._velocity_dummy.append(Dummy([self._base_objs[i*2+1] for i in range(self._poly)]))
return self._velocity_dummy[-1]
+ elif str == 'trigon':
+ self._trigon_dummy.append(Dummy([self._trig_objs[i*2] for i in range(self._poly)]))
+ return self._trigon_dummy[-1]
+ elif str == 'trigoff':
+ self._trigoff_dummy.append(Dummy([self._trig_objs[i*2+1] for i in range(self._poly)]))
+ return self._trigoff_dummy[-1]
def setChannel(self, x):
diff --git a/pyolib/pan.py b/pyolib/pan.py
index 54b16d7..f66eb18 100644
--- a/pyolib/pan.py
+++ b/pyolib/pan.py
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ class Pan(PyoObject):
input : PyoObject
Input signal to process.
outs : int, optional
- Number of channels on the panning circle. Defaults to 2.
+ Number of channels on the panning circle. Available at
+ initialization time only. Defaults to 2.
pan : float or PyoObject
Position of the sound on the panning circle, between 0 and 1.
Defaults to 0.5.
@@ -149,7 +150,8 @@ class SPan(PyoObject):
input : PyoObject
Input signal to process.
outs : int, optional
- Number of channels on the panning circle. Defaults to 2.
+ Number of channels on the panning circle. Available at
+ initialization time only. Defaults to 2.
pan : float or PyoObject
Position of the sound on the panning circle, between 0 and 1.
Defaults to 0.5.
@@ -238,7 +240,8 @@ class Switch(PyoObject):
input : PyoObject
Input signal to process.
outs : int, optional
- Number of outputs. Defaults to 2.
+ Number of outputs. Available at initialization time only.
+ Defaults to 2.
voice : float or PyoObject
Voice position pointer, between 0 and (outs-1) / len(input).
Defaults to 0.
@@ -684,7 +687,8 @@ class Mixer(PyoObject):
return self._inputs.keys()
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 10, 'lin', 'time', self._time, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/pyolib/pattern.py b/pyolib/pattern.py
index 851ad20..e7b2a7c 100644
--- a/pyolib/pattern.py
+++ b/pyolib/pattern.py
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class CallAfter(PyoObject):
CallAfter has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
- The object is not deleted after the call. The User must delete it himself.
+ The object is not deleted after the call. The user must delete it himself.
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
diff --git a/pyolib/phasevoc.py b/pyolib/phasevoc.py
index bb4f5e5..379b934 100644
--- a/pyolib/phasevoc.py
+++ b/pyolib/phasevoc.py
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ class PVAddSynth(PyoObject):
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> a = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif", loop=True, mul=0.7)
- >>> pva = PVAnal(a, size=1024, overlaps=4, pitch=2)
- >>> pvs = PVAddSynth(pva, pitch=1.25, num=100, first=0, inc=2)
+ >>> pva = PVAnal(a, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2)
+ >>> pvs = PVAddSynth(pva, pitch=1.25, num=100, first=0, inc=2).out()
def __init__(self, input, pitch=1, num=100, first=0, inc=1, mul=1, add=0):
diff --git a/pyolib/players.py b/pyolib/players.py
index 98992ad..3a1f7a4 100644
--- a/pyolib/players.py
+++ b/pyolib/players.py
@@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ class SfPlayer(PyoObject):
[obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMap(-2., 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(-2., 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -354,7 +356,9 @@ class SfMarkerShuffler(PyoObject):
return self._markers
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -492,6 +496,7 @@ class SfMarkerLooper(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 2., 'lin', 'speed', self._speed),
SLMap(0, len(self._markers)-1, 'lin', 'mark', self._mark, 'int'),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/pyolib/randoms.py b/pyolib/randoms.py
index 695ee21..737a0e6 100644
--- a/pyolib/randoms.py
+++ b/pyolib/randoms.py
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ class Xnoise(PyoObject):
new `x2` attribute.
- self._x2= x
+ self._x2 = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
@@ -645,6 +645,15 @@ class Xnoise(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 12, 'lin', 'dist', self._dist, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.001, 200., 'log', 'freq', self._freq),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x1', self._x1),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x2', self._x2),
+ SLMap(0, 2500, 'lin', 'mul', self._mul),
+ SLMap(0, 2500, 'lin', 'add', self._add)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def dist(self):
"""string or int. Distribution type."""
@@ -880,6 +889,14 @@ class XnoiseMidi(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 12, 'lin', 'dist', self._dist, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.001, 200., 'log', 'freq', self._freq),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x1', self._x1),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x2', self._x2),
+ SLMap(0, 2, 'lin', 'scale', self._scale, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def dist(self):
"""string or int. Distribution type."""
@@ -1097,6 +1114,14 @@ class XnoiseDur(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setX2(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 12, 'lin', 'dist', self._dist, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 20, 'lin', 'min', self._min),
+ SLMap(0, 20, 'lin', 'max', self._max),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x1', self._x1),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'x2', self._x2)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def dist(self):
"""string or int. Distribution type."""
@@ -1208,7 +1233,7 @@ class Urn(PyoObject):
[obj.setFreq(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMap(1., 2., 'lin', 'max', self._max),
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(1, 1000, 'lin', 'max', self._max, res="int", dataOnly=True),
SLMap(0.1, 20., 'lin', 'freq', self._freq),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
diff --git a/pyolib/server.py b/pyolib/server.py
index b7729a0..7c1f134 100644
--- a/pyolib/server.py
+++ b/pyolib/server.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Server(object):
def __init__(self, sr=44100, nchnls=2, buffersize=256, duplex=1, audio='portaudio', jackname='pyo'):
- if os.environ.has_key("PYO_SERVER_AUDIO") and "offline" not in audio:
+ if os.environ.has_key("PYO_SERVER_AUDIO") and "offline" not in audio and "embedded" not in audio:
audio = os.environ["PYO_SERVER_AUDIO"]
self._time = time
self._nchnls = nchnls
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Server(object):
self._globalseed = 0
self._server.__init__(sr, nchnls, buffersize, duplex, audio, jackname)
- def gui(self, locals=None, meter=True, timer=True):
+ def gui(self, locals=None, meter=True, timer=True, exit=True):
Show the server's user interface.
@@ -155,10 +155,14 @@ class Server(object):
timer : boolean, optional
If True, the interface will show a clock of the current time.
Defaults to True.
+ exit : boolean, optional
+ If True, the python interpreter will exit when the 'Quit' button is pressed,
+ Otherwise, the GUI will be closed leaving the interpreter alive.
+ Defaults to True.
f, win = createServerGUI(self._nchnls, self.start, self.stop, self.recstart, self.recstop,
- self.setAmp, self.getIsStarted(), locals, self.shutdown, meter, timer, self._amp)
+ self.setAmp, self.getIsStarted(), locals, self.shutdown, meter, timer, self._amp, exit)
if meter:
if timer:
@@ -172,6 +176,9 @@ class Server(object):
def setTimeCallable(self, func):
self.setTime = func
+ def setMeter(self, meter):
+ self._server.setAmpCallable(meter)
def setInOutDevice(self, x):
@@ -261,6 +268,9 @@ class Server(object):
Set the Midi input device number. See `pm_list_devices()`.
+ A number greater than the highest portmidi device index
+ will opened all available input devices.
x : int
@@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ class Server(object):
def setJackAuto(self, xin=True, xout=True):
- Tells the server to auto-connect (or not) Jack ports.
+ Tells the server to auto-connect (or not) Jack ports to System ports.
@@ -361,6 +371,32 @@ class Server(object):
self._server.setJackAuto(xin, xout)
+ def setJackAutoConnectInputPorts(self, ports):
+ """
+ Tells the server to auto-connect Jack input ports to pre-defined Jack ports.
+ :Args:
+ ports : string or list of strings
+ Name of the Jack port(s) to auto-connect. Regular Expressions are allowed.
+ """
+ ports, lmax = convertArgsToLists(ports)
+ self._server.setJackAutoConnectInputPorts(ports)
+ def setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts(self, ports):
+ """
+ Tells the server to auto-connect Jack output ports to pre-defined Jack ports.
+ :Args:
+ ports : string or list of strings
+ Name of the Jack port(s) to auto-connect. Regular Expressions are allowed.
+ """
+ ports, lmax = convertArgsToLists(ports)
+ self._server.setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts(ports)
def setGlobalSeed(self, x):
Set the server's global seed used by random objects.
@@ -543,9 +579,12 @@ class Server(object):
- def sendMidiNote(self, pitch, velocity, channel=0, timestamp=0):
+ def noteout(self, pitch, velocity, channel=0, timestamp=0):
- Send a MIDI note message to the selected output device.
+ Send a MIDI note message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
@@ -556,10 +595,135 @@ class Server(object):
with a velocity of 0 is equivalent to a note off.
channel : int, optional
The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
- note is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ note is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the note
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the note now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ pitch, velocity, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(pitch, velocity, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.noteout(wrap(pitch,i), wrap(velocity,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def afterout(self, pitch, velocity, channel=0, timestamp=0):
+ """
+ Send an aftertouch message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
+ :Args:
+ pitch : int
+ Midi key pressed down, between 0 and 127.
+ velocity : int
+ Velocity of the pressure, between 0 and 127.
+ channel : int, optional
+ The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
+ note is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the note
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the note now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ pitch, velocity, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(pitch, velocity, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.afterout(wrap(pitch,i), wrap(velocity,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def ctlout(self, ctlnum, value, channel=0, timestamp=0):
+ """
+ Send a control change message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
+ :Args:
+ ctlnum : int
+ Controller number, between 0 and 127.
+ value : int
+ Value of the controller, between 0 and 127.
+ channel : int, optional
+ The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
+ message is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the message
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the message now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ ctlnum, value, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(ctlnum, value, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.ctlout(wrap(ctlnum,i), wrap(value,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def programout(self, value, channel=0, timestamp=0):
+ """
+ Send a program change message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
+ :Args:
+ value : int
+ New program number, between 0 and 127.
+ channel : int, optional
+ The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
+ message is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the message
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the message now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ value, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.programout(wrap(value,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def pressout(self, value, channel=0, timestamp=0):
+ """
+ Send a channel pressure message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
+ :Args:
+ value : int
+ Single greatest pressure value, between 0 and 127.
+ channel : int, optional
+ The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
+ message is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the message
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the message now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ value, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.pressout(wrap(value,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def bendout(self, value, channel=0, timestamp=0):
- self._server.sendMidiNote(pitch, velocity, channel, timestamp)
+ Send a pitch bend message to the selected midi output device.
+ Arguments can be list of values to generate multiple events
+ in one call.
+ :Args:
+ value : int
+ 14 bits pitch bend value. 8192 is where there is no
+ bending, 0 is full down and 16383 is full up bending.
+ channel : int, optional
+ The Midi channel, between 1 and 16, on which the
+ message is sent. A channel of 0 means all channels.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ timestamp : int, optional
+ The delay time, in milliseconds, before the message
+ is sent on the portmidi stream. A value of 0 means
+ to play the message now. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ value, channel, timestamp, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value, channel, timestamp)
+ [self._server.bendout(wrap(value,i), wrap(channel,i), wrap(timestamp,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
def getStreams(self):
@@ -637,13 +801,6 @@ class Server(object):
return self._server.setServer()
- def flush(self):
- """
- Flush the server objects. Need a shutdown before working. This is useful if want to flush a script without freeing the buffers
- """
- return self._server.flush()
def getInputAddr(self):
diff --git a/pyolib/tableprocess.py b/pyolib/tableprocess.py
index 2b4fb7c..a9acdcd 100644
--- a/pyolib/tableprocess.py
+++ b/pyolib/tableprocess.py
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ class Osc(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -403,6 +404,7 @@ class OscTrig(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -854,7 +856,10 @@ class TableRead(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq), SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.0001, 1000, 'log', 'freq', self._freq),
+ SLMap(0, 1, 'lin', 'loop', self._loop, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -1019,7 +1024,11 @@ class Pulsar(PyoObject):
x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
- new `interp` attribute.
+ Choice of the interpolation method.
+ 1. no interpolation
+ 2. linear
+ 3. cosinus
+ 4. cubic
self._interp = x
@@ -1030,6 +1039,7 @@ class Pulsar(PyoObject):
self._map_list = [SLMapFreq(self._freq),
SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'frac', self._frac),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -1149,6 +1159,144 @@ class Pointer(PyoObject):
def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
+class Pointer2(PyoObject):
+ """
+ High quality table reader with control on the pointer position.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ table : PyoTableObject
+ Table containing the waveform samples.
+ index : PyoObject
+ Normalized position in the table between 0 and 1.
+ interp : int {1, 2, 3, 4}, optional
+ Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 4.
+ 1. no interpolation
+ 2. linear
+ 3. cosinus
+ 4. cubic
+ autosmooth : boolean, optional
+ If True, a lowpass filter, following the pitch, is applied on
+ the output signal to reduce the quantization noise produced
+ by very low transpositions. Defaults to True.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> t = SndTable(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif')
+ >>> freq = t.getRate()
+ >>> p = Phasor(freq=[freq*0.5, freq*0.45])
+ >>> a = Pointer2(table=t, index=p, mul=.3).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table, index, interp=4, autosmooth=True, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._table = table
+ self._index = index
+ self._interp = interp
+ self._autosmooth = autosmooth
+ table, index, interp, autosmooth, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, index, interp, autosmooth, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [Pointer2_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(index,i), wrap(interp,i), wrap(autosmooth,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setTable(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `table` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoTableObject
+ new `table` attribute.
+ """
+ self._table = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setIndex(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `index` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ new `index` attribute.
+ """
+ self._index = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setIndex(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setInterp(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `interp` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int {1, 2, 3, 4}
+ new `interp` attribute.
+ 1. no interpolation
+ 2. linear interpolation
+ 3. cosine interpolation
+ 4. cubic interpolation (default)
+ """
+ self._interp = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setInterp(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setAutoSmooth(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `autosmooth` attribute.
+ If True, a lowpass filter, following the playback speed, is applied on
+ the output signal to reduce the quantization noise produced by very
+ low transpositions.
+ :Args:
+ x : boolean
+ new `autosmooth` attribute.
+ """
+ self._autosmooth = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setAutoSmooth(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def table(self):
+ """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples."""
+ return self._table
+ @table.setter
+ def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
+ @property
+ def index(self):
+ """PyoObject. Index pointer position in the table."""
+ return self._index
+ @index.setter
+ def index(self, x): self.setIndex(x)
+ @property
+ def interp(self):
+ """int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
+ return self._interp
+ @interp.setter
+ def interp(self, x): self.setInterp(x)
+ @property
+ def autosmooth(self):
+ """boolean. Quantization noise filter."""
+ return self._autosmooth
+ @autosmooth.setter
+ def autosmooth(self, x): self.setAutoSmooth(x)
class TableIndex(PyoObject):
Table reader by sample position without interpolation.
@@ -1710,6 +1858,8 @@ class Granulator(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
SLMap(0.01, 1., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
+ SLMap(1, 256, 'lin', 'grains', self._grains, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.001, 1, 'log', 'basedur', self._basedur, dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2128,7 +2278,9 @@ class Looper(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
SLMap(0., self._table.getDur(), 'lin', 'start', self._start),
- SLMap(0.01, 1., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
+ SLMap(0.01, self._table.getDur(), 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
+ SLMap(0, 2, 'lin', 'xfadeshape', self._xfadeshape, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(1, 4, 'lin', 'interp', self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2316,6 +2468,9 @@ class Granule(PyoObject):
Another granular synthesis generator.
+ As of pyo 0.7.4, users can call the `setSync` method to change the
+ granulation mode (either synchronous or asynchronous) of the object.
:Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
@@ -2358,6 +2513,7 @@ class Granule(PyoObject):
self._pitch = pitch
self._pos = pos
self._dur = dur
+ self._sync = 1
table, env, dens, pitch, pos, dur, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, env, dens, pitch, pos, dur, mul, add)
self._base_objs = [Granule_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(env,i), wrap(dens,i), wrap(pitch,i), wrap(pos,i), wrap(dur,i),
wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
@@ -2446,6 +2602,21 @@ class Granule(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def setSync(self, x):
+ """
+ Sets the granulation mode, synchronous or asynchronous.
+ :Args:
+ x : boolean
+ True means synchronous granulation (the default)
+ while False means asynchronous.
+ """
+ self._sync = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setSync(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [SLMap(1, 250, 'lin', 'dens', self._dens),
SLMap(0.25, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
@@ -2577,3 +2748,260 @@ class TableScale(PyoObject):
return self._outtable
def outtable(self, x): self.setOuttable(x)
+class Particle(PyoObject):
+ """
+ A full control granular synthesis generator.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ table : PyoTableObject
+ Table containing the waveform samples.
+ env : PyoTableObject
+ Table containing the grain envelope.
+ dens : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Density of grains per second. Defaults to 50.
+ pitch : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Pitch of the grains. Each grain sampled the current value
+ of this stream at the beginning of its envelope and hold
+ it until the end of the grain. Defaults to 1.
+ pos : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Pointer position, in samples, in the waveform table. Each
+ grain sampled the current value of this stream at the beginning
+ of its envelope and hold it until the end of the grain.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ dur : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Duration, in seconds, of the grain. Each grain sampled the
+ current value of this stream at the beginning of its envelope
+ and hold it until the end of the grain. Defaults to 0.1.
+ dev : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Maximum deviation of the starting time of the grain, between 0 and
+ 1 (relative to the current duration of the grain). Each grain sampled
+ the current value of this stream at the beginning of its envelope
+ and hold it until the end of the grain. Defaults to 0.01.
+ pan : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Panning factor of the grain (if chnls=1, this value is skipped).
+ Each grain sampled the current value of this stream at the beginning
+ of its envelope and hold it until the end of the grain. Defaults to 0.5.
+ chnls : integer, optional
+ Number of output channels per audio stream (if chnls=2 and a stereo sound
+ table is given at the table argument, the objet will create 4 output
+ streams, 2 per table channel). Available at initialization only. Defaults to 1.
+ .. note::
+ Particle object compensate for the difference between sampling rate of the
+ loaded sound and the current sampling rate of the Server.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> snd = SndTable(SNDS_PATH+"/transparent.aif")
+ >>> end = snd.getSize() - s.getSamplingRate() * 0.25
+ >>> env = HannTable()
+ >>> dns = Randi(min=5, max=100, freq=.1)
+ >>> pit = Randh(min=0.99, max=1.01, freq=100)
+ >>> pos = Randi(min=0, max=1, freq=0.25, mul=end)
+ >>> dur = Randi(min=0.01, max=0.25, freq=0.15)
+ >>> dev = Randi(min=0, max=1, freq=0.2)
+ >>> pan = Noise(0.5, 0.5)
+ >>> grn = Particle(snd, env, dns, pit, pos, dur, dev, pan, chnls=2, mul=.2).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, table, env, dens=50, pitch=1, pos=0, dur=.1, dev=0.01, pan=0.5, chnls=1, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._table = table
+ self._env = env
+ self._dens = dens
+ self._pitch = pitch
+ self._pos = pos
+ self._dur = dur
+ self._dev = dev
+ self._pan = pan
+ self._chnls = chnls
+ table, env, dens, pitch, pos, dur, dev, pan, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(table, env, dens, pitch, pos, dur, dev, pan, mul, add)
+ self._base_players = [MainParticle_base(wrap(table,i), wrap(env,i), wrap(dens,i), wrap(pitch,i), wrap(pos,i), wrap(dur,i), wrap(dev,i), wrap(pan,i), chnls) for i in range(lmax)]
+ self._base_objs = []
+ for i in range(lmax):
+ for j in range(chnls):
+ self._base_objs.append(Particle_base(wrap(self._base_players,i), j, wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)))
+ def setTable(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `table` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoTableObject
+ new `table` attribute.
+ """
+ self._table = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setTable(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setEnv(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `env` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoTableObject
+ new `env` attribute.
+ """
+ self._env = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setEnv(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setDens(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `dens` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `dens` attribute.
+ """
+ self._dens = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDens(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setPitch(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `pitch` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `pitch` attribute.
+ """
+ self._pitch = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setPitch(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setPos(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `pos` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `pos` attribute.
+ """
+ self._pos = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setPos(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setDur(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `dur` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `dur` attribute.
+ """
+ self._dur = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDur(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setDev(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `dev` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `dev` attribute.
+ """
+ self._dev = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setDev(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setPan(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `pan` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ new `pan` attribute.
+ """
+ self._pan = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setPan(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ tablesize = self._table.getSize(False)
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(1, 250, 'lin', 'dens', self._dens),
+ SLMap(0.25, 2., 'lin', 'pitch', self._pitch),
+ SLMap(0, tablesize, 'lin', 'pos', self._pos),
+ SLMap(0.001, 1., 'lin', 'dur', self._dur),
+ SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'dev', self._dev),
+ SLMap(0., 1., 'lin', 'pan', self._pan),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def table(self):
+ """PyoTableObject. Table containing the waveform samples."""
+ return self._table
+ @table.setter
+ def table(self, x): self.setTable(x)
+ @property
+ def env(self):
+ """PyoTableObject. Table containing the grain envelope."""
+ return self._env
+ @env.setter
+ def env(self, x): self.setEnv(x)
+ @property
+ def dens(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Density of grains per second."""
+ return self._dens
+ @dens.setter
+ def dens(self, x): self.setDens(x)
+ @property
+ def pitch(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Transposition factor of the grain."""
+ return self._pitch
+ @pitch.setter
+ def pitch(self, x): self.setPitch(x)
+ @property
+ def pos(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Position of the pointer in the sound table."""
+ return self._pos
+ @pos.setter
+ def pos(self, x): self.setPos(x)
+ @property
+ def dur(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Duration, in seconds, of the grain."""
+ return self._dur
+ @dur.setter
+ def dur(self, x): self.setDur(x)
+ @property
+ def dev(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Deviation of the starting point of the grain in the table."""
+ return self._dev
+ @dev.setter
+ def dev(self, x): self.setDev(x)
+ @property
+ def pan(self):
+ """float or PyoObject.Panning of the grain."""
+ return self._pan
+ @pan.setter
+ def pan(self, x): self.setPan(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/tables.py b/pyolib/tables.py
index f3a4a3f..7119054 100644
--- a/pyolib/tables.py
+++ b/pyolib/tables.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from _maps import *
from _widgets import createGraphWindow, createDataGraphWindow, createSndViewTableWindow
from types import ListType
from math import pi
+import copy
### Tables
@@ -52,8 +53,8 @@ class HarmTable(PyoTableObject):
def __init__(self, list=[1., 0.], size=8192):
PyoTableObject.__init__(self, size)
- self._list = list
- self._base_objs = [HarmTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._list = copy.deepcopy(list)
+ self._base_objs = [HarmTable_base(self._list, size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -217,8 +218,8 @@ class ChebyTable(PyoTableObject):
def __init__(self, list=[1., 0.], size=8192):
PyoTableObject.__init__(self, size)
- self._list = list
- self._base_objs = [ChebyTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._list = copy.deepcopy(list)
+ self._base_objs = [ChebyTable_base(self._list, size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ class LinTable(PyoTableObject):
print " Increased size to last point position + 1"
size = list[-1][0] + 1
self._size = size
- self._base_objs = [LinTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [LinTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -596,7 +597,7 @@ class LogTable(PyoTableObject):
print " Increased size to last point position + 1"
size = list[-1][0] + 1
self._size = size
- self._base_objs = [LogTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [LogTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -726,7 +727,7 @@ class CosLogTable(PyoTableObject):
print " Increased size to last point position + 1"
size = list[-1][0] + 1
self._size = size
- self._base_objs = [CosLogTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [CosLogTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -855,7 +856,7 @@ class CosTable(PyoTableObject):
print " Increased size to last point position + 1"
size = list[-1][0] + 1
self._size = size
- self._base_objs = [CosTable_base(list, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [CosTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), size)]
def replace(self, list):
@@ -1002,7 +1003,7 @@ class CurveTable(PyoTableObject):
self._size = size
self._tension = tension
self._bias = bias
- self._base_objs = [CurveTable_base(list, tension, bias, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [CurveTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), tension, bias, size)]
def setTension(self, x):
@@ -1185,7 +1186,7 @@ class ExpTable(PyoTableObject):
self._size = size
self._exp = exp
self._inverse = inverse
- self._base_objs = [ExpTable_base(list, exp, inverse, size)]
+ self._base_objs = [ExpTable_base(copy.deepcopy(list), exp, inverse, size)]
def setExp(self, x):
@@ -1588,6 +1589,33 @@ class SndTable(PyoTableObject):
return _size
+ def getViewTable(self, size, begin=0, end=0):
+ """
+ Return a list of points (in X, Y pixel values) for each channel in the table.
+ These lists can be draw on a DC (WxPython) with a DrawLines method.
+ :Args:
+ size : tuple
+ Size, (X, Y) pixel values, of the waveform container window.
+ begin : float, optional
+ First position in the the table, in seconds, where to get samples.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ end : float, optional
+ Last position in the table, in seconds, where to get samples.
+ if this value is set to 0, that means the end of the table. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ w, h = size
+ chnls = len(self._base_objs)
+ img = []
+ imgHeight = h/chnls
+ for i in range(chnls):
+ off = h/chnls*i
+ img.append(self._base_objs[i].getViewTable((w, imgHeight), begin, end, off))
+ return img
def getEnvelope(self, points):
Return the amplitude envelope of the table.
@@ -1759,10 +1787,13 @@ class NewTable(PyoTableObject):
return self._base_objs[0].getLength()
- def getDur(self):
+ def getDur(self, all=True):
Returns the length of the table in seconds.
+ The `all` argument is there for compatibility with SndTable but
+ is not used for now.
return self._base_objs[0].getLength()
@@ -1774,6 +1805,33 @@ class NewTable(PyoTableObject):
return self._base_objs[0].getRate()
+ def getViewTable(self, size, begin=0, end=0):
+ """
+ Return a list of points (in X, Y pixel values) for each channel in the table.
+ These lists can be draw on a DC (WxPython) with a DrawLines method.
+ :Args:
+ size : tuple
+ Size, (X, Y) pixel values, of the waveform container window.
+ begin : float, optional
+ First position in the the table, in seconds, where to get samples.
+ Defaults to 0.
+ end : float, optional
+ Last position in the table, in seconds, where to get samples.
+ if this value is set to 0, that means the end of the table. Defaults to 0.
+ """
+ w, h = size
+ chnls = len(self._base_objs)
+ img = []
+ imgHeight = h/chnls
+ for i in range(chnls):
+ off = h/chnls*i
+ img.append(self._base_objs[i].getViewTable((w, imgHeight), begin, end, off))
+ return img
def view(self, title="Sound waveform", wxnoserver=False, mouse_callback=None):
Opens a window showing the contents of the table.
diff --git a/pyolib/triggers.py b/pyolib/triggers.py
index dac00f0..a3a88f4 100644
--- a/pyolib/triggers.py
+++ b/pyolib/triggers.py
@@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ class Beat(PyoObject):
Beat outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
- obj['tap'] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.
- obj['amp'] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.
- obj['dur'] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.
- obj['end'] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.
+ | obj['tap'] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.
+ | obj['amp'] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.
+ | obj['dur'] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.
+ | obj['end'] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.
obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the measure.
The out() method is bypassed. Beat's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
@@ -496,6 +496,13 @@ class Beat(PyoObject):
return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Reset internal counters to initialization values.
+ """
+ [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_players]
def new(self):
Generates a new pattern with the current parameters.
@@ -676,7 +683,11 @@ class Beat(PyoObject):
def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
- self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 1., 'lin', 'time', self._time)]
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.001, 1., 'lin', 'time', self._time),
+ SLMap(2, 64, 'lin', 'taps', self._taps, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 100, 'lin', 'w1', self._w1, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 100, 'lin', 'w2', self._w2, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 100, 'lin', 'w3', self._w3, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@@ -2261,6 +2272,14 @@ class Counter(PyoObject):
value, lmax = convertArgsToLists(value)
[obj.reset(wrap(value,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 100, 'lin', 'min', self._min, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 1000, 'lin', 'max', self._max, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 2, 'lin', 'dir', self._dir, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 1000, 'lin', 'mul', self._mul),
+ SLMap(0, 1000, 'lin', 'add', self._add)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def input(self):
"""PyoObject. Audio trigger signal."""
@@ -2367,6 +2386,10 @@ class Select(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 100, 'lin', 'value', self._value, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def input(self):
"""PyoObject. Audio signal."""
@@ -2923,6 +2946,12 @@ class Count(PyoObject):
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setMax(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0, 10000, 'lin', 'min', self._min, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(10000, 1000000, 'lin', 'max', self._max, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMapMul(self._mul)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def input(self):
"""PyoObject. Trigger signal. Start/Restart the count."""
@@ -3122,3 +3151,526 @@ class TrigVal(PyoObject):
def value(self, x):
+class Euclide(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Euclidean rhythm generator.
+ This object generates euclidean trigger patterns, resulting in onsets
+ in the rhythm to be as equidistant as possible.
+ A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
+ The play() method starts the Euclide and is not called at the object
+ creation time.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ time : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Time, in seconds, between each beat of the pattern. Defaults to 0.125.
+ taps : int, optional
+ Number of beats in the generated pattern (measure length), max = 64.
+ Defaults to 16.
+ onsets : int, optional
+ Number of onsets (a positive tap) in the generated pattern.
+ Defaults to 10.
+ poly : int, optional
+ Beat polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are
+ generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
+ Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
+ .. note::
+ Euclide outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
+ | obj['tap'] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.
+ | obj['amp'] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.
+ | obj['dur'] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.
+ | obj['end'] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.
+ obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the measure.
+ The out() method is bypassed. Euclide's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
+ Euclide has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)])
+ >>> beat = Euclide(time=.125, taps=16, onsets=[8,7], poly=1).play()
+ >>> trmid = TrigXnoiseMidi(beat, dist=12, mrange=(60, 96))
+ >>> trhz = Snap(trmid, choice=[0,2,3,5,7,8,10], scale=1)
+ >>> tr2 = TrigEnv(beat, table=t, dur=beat['dur'], mul=beat['amp'])
+ >>> a = Sine(freq=trhz, mul=tr2*0.3).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, time=.125, taps=16, onsets=10, poly=1):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ self._tap_dummy = []
+ self._amp_dummy = []
+ self._dur_dummy = []
+ self._end_dummy = []
+ self._time = time
+ self._taps = taps
+ self._onsets = onsets
+ self._poly = poly
+ time, taps, onsets, lmax = convertArgsToLists(time, taps, onsets)
+ self._base_players = [Beater_base(wrap(time,i), wrap(taps,i), wrap([100]*lmax,i), poly) for i in range(lmax)]
+ self._base_objs = [Beat_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._tap_objs = [BeatTapStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._amp_objs = [BeatAmpStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._dur_objs = [BeatDurStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._end_objs = [BeatEndStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ for i in range(lmax):
+ preset = [wrap(taps,i)] + self.__generate__(wrap(onsets,i), wrap(taps,i))
+ self._base_players[i].setPresets([preset])
+ self._base_players[i].recall(0)
+ def __generate__(self, m, k):
+ """
+ Generates the euclidean rhythm for `m` onsets
+ in a measure of length `k` (number of taps).
+ Looping implementation, faster than recursive.
+ """
+ if m > k: m = k
+ k -= m
+ mv, kv = [1], [0]
+ while k > 1:
+ if m > k:
+ m, k = k, m-k
+ mv, kv = mv+kv, mv
+ else:
+ m, k = m, k-m
+ mv, kv = mv+kv, kv
+ return mv * m + kv * k
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ if i == 'tap':
+ self._tap_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._tap_objs]))
+ return self._tap_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'amp':
+ self._amp_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._amp_objs]))
+ return self._amp_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'dur':
+ self._dur_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._dur_objs]))
+ return self._dur_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'end':
+ self._end_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._end_objs]))
+ return self._end_dummy[-1]
+ if type(i) == SliceType:
+ return self._base_objs[i]
+ if i < len(self._base_objs):
+ return self._base_objs[i]
+ else:
+ print "'i' too large!"
+ def get(self, identifier="amp", all=False):
+ """
+ Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
+ Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
+ "tap", "amp" or "dur" must be given to `identifier` to specify
+ which stream to get value from.
+ :Args:
+ identifier : string {"tap", "amp", "dur"}
+ Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
+ Defaults to "amp".
+ all : boolean, optional
+ If True, the first value of each object's stream
+ will be returned as a list.
+ If False, only the value of the first object's
+ stream will be returned as a float.
+ """
+ if not all:
+ return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
+ else:
+ return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
+ def setTime(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `time` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `time` attribute.
+ """
+ self._time = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setTaps(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `taps` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ New `taps` attribute.
+ """
+ self._taps = x
+ x, onsets, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x, self._onsets)
+ for i in range(len(self._base_players)):
+ preset = [wrap(x,i)] + self.__generate__(wrap(onsets,i), wrap(x,i))
+ self._base_players[i].setPresets([preset])
+ self._base_players[i].recall(0)
+ def setOnsets(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `onsets` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ New `onsets` attribute.
+ """
+ self._onsets = x
+ x, taps, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x, self._taps)
+ for i in range(len(self._base_players)):
+ preset = [wrap(taps,i)] + self.__generate__(wrap(x,i), wrap(taps,i))
+ self._base_players[i].setPresets([preset])
+ self._base_players[i].recall(0)
+ def reset(self):
+ """
+ Reset internal counters to initialization values.
+ """
+ [obj.reset() for obj in self._base_players]
+ def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
+ dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
+ self._tap_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._tap_objs)]
+ self._amp_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._amp_objs)]
+ self._dur_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._dur_objs)]
+ self._end_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._end_objs)]
+ return PyoObject.play(self, dur, delay)
+ def stop(self):
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._tap_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._amp_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._dur_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._end_objs]
+ return PyoObject.stop(self)
+ def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
+ return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def setMul(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setAdd(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setSub(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setDiv(self, x):
+ pass
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.01, 1., 'lin', 'time', self._time),
+ SLMap(2, 64, 'lin', 'taps', self._taps, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0, 64, 'lin', 'onsets', self._onsets, res="int", dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def time(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each beat."""
+ return self._time
+ @time.setter
+ def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
+ @property
+ def taps(self):
+ """int. Number of beats in the generated pattern."""
+ return self._taps
+ @taps.setter
+ def taps(self, x): self.setTaps(x)
+ @property
+ def onsets(self):
+ """int. Number of onsets in the generated pattern."""
+ return self._onsets
+ @onsets.setter
+ def onsets(self, x): self.setOnsets(x)
+class TrigBurst(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Generates a time/amplitude expandable trigger pattern.
+ A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
+ When TrigBurst receives a trigger in its `input` argument, it starts
+ to output `count` triggers with a variable delay between each trigger
+ of the pattern. If `expand` is less than 1.0, the delay becomes shorter,
+ if it is greater than 1.0, the delay becomes longer.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal sending triggers.
+ time : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Base time, in seconds, between each trig of the serie. Defaults to 0.25.
+ count : int, optional
+ Number of trigs generated (length of the serie). Defaults to 10.
+ expand : float, optional
+ Timing power serie factor. Each delay before the next trig is the
+ current delay (starting with `time`) times `expand` factor. Defaults to 1.0.
+ ampfade : float, optional
+ Amplitude power serie factor. Each amplitude in the serie is the
+ current amplitude (starting at 1) times `ampfade` factor. Defaults to 1.0.
+ poly : int, optional
+ Voice polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are
+ generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
+ Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
+ .. note::
+ TrigBurst outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
+ | obj['tap'] returns audio stream of the current tap of the serie.
+ | obj['amp'] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.
+ | obj['dur'] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.
+ | obj['end'] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the serie.
+ obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the serie.
+ The out() method is bypassed. TrigBurst's signal can not be sent to audio outs.
+ TrigBurst has no `mul` and `add` attributes.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,0.5), (500, 0.3), (4096,0.3), (8192,0)])
+ >>> m = Metro(2).play()
+ >>> tb = TrigBurst(m, time=0.15, count=[15,20], expand=[0.92,0.9], ampfade=0.85)
+ >>> amp = TrigEnv(tb, env, dur=tb["dur"], mul=tb["amp"]*0.3)
+ >>> a = Sine([800,600], mul=amp)
+ >>> rev = STRev(a, inpos=[0,1], revtime=1.5, cutoff=5000, bal=0.1).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, time=.25, count=10, expand=1.0, ampfade=1.0, poly=1):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self)
+ self._tap_dummy = []
+ self._amp_dummy = []
+ self._dur_dummy = []
+ self._end_dummy = []
+ self._input = input
+ self._time = time
+ self._count = count
+ self._expand = expand
+ self._ampfade = ampfade
+ self._poly = poly
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, time, count, expand, ampfade, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, time, count, expand, ampfade)
+ self._base_players = [TrigBurster_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(time,i), wrap(count,i), wrap(expand,i), wrap(ampfade,i), poly) for i in range(lmax)]
+ self._base_objs = [TrigBurst_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._tap_objs = [TrigBurstTapStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._amp_objs = [TrigBurstAmpStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._dur_objs = [TrigBurstDurStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ self._end_objs = [TrigBurstEndStream_base(wrap(self._base_players,j), i) for i in range(poly) for j in range(lmax)]
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ if i == 'tap':
+ self._tap_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._tap_objs]))
+ return self._tap_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'amp':
+ self._amp_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._amp_objs]))
+ return self._amp_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'dur':
+ self._dur_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._dur_objs]))
+ return self._dur_dummy[-1]
+ if i == 'end':
+ self._end_dummy.append(Dummy([obj for obj in self._end_objs]))
+ return self._end_dummy[-1]
+ if type(i) == SliceType:
+ return self._base_objs[i]
+ if i < len(self._base_objs):
+ return self._base_objs[i]
+ else:
+ print "'i' too large!"
+ def get(self, identifier="amp", all=False):
+ """
+ Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
+ Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
+ "tap", "amp" or "dur" must be given to `identifier` to specify
+ which stream to get value from.
+ :Args:
+ identifier : string {"tap", "amp", "dur"}
+ Address string parameter identifying audio stream.
+ Defaults to "amp".
+ all : boolean, optional
+ If True, the first value of each object's stream
+ will be returned as a list.
+ If False, only the value of the first object's
+ stream will be returned as a float.
+ """
+ if not all:
+ return self.__getitem__(identifier)[0]._getStream().getValue()
+ else:
+ return [obj._getStream().getValue() for obj in self.__getitem__(identifier).getBaseObjects()]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setTime(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `time` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `time` attribute.
+ """
+ self._time = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setTime(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setCount(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `count` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ New `count` attribute.
+ """
+ self._count = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setCount(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setExpand(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `expand` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ New `expand` attribute.
+ """
+ self._expand = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setExpand(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def setAmpfade(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `ampfade` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : int
+ New `ampfade` attribute.
+ """
+ self._ampfade = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setAmpfade(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
+ def play(self, dur=0, delay=0):
+ dur, delay, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dur, delay)
+ self._tap_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._tap_objs)]
+ self._amp_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._amp_objs)]
+ self._dur_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._dur_objs)]
+ self._end_objs = [obj.play(wrap(dur,i), wrap(delay,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._end_objs)]
+ return PyoObject.play(self, dur, delay)
+ def stop(self):
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._tap_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._amp_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._dur_objs]
+ [obj.stop() for obj in self._end_objs]
+ return PyoObject.stop(self)
+ def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0):
+ return self.play(dur, delay)
+ def setMul(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setAdd(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setSub(self, x):
+ pass
+ def setDiv(self, x):
+ pass
+ def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
+ self._map_list = [SLMap(0.1, 1., 'lin', 'time', self._time, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(2, 128, 'lin', 'count', self._count, res="int", dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.5, 2.0, 'lin', 'expand', self._expand, dataOnly=True),
+ SLMap(0.5, 1.0, 'lin', 'ampfade', self._ampfade, dataOnly=True)]
+ PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Audio trigger signal."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def time(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Base time, in seconds, between each trig."""
+ return self._time
+ @time.setter
+ def time(self, x): self.setTime(x)
+ @property
+ def count(self):
+ """int. Number of triggers in the generated serie."""
+ return self._count
+ @count.setter
+ def count(self, x): self.setCount(x)
+ @property
+ def expand(self):
+ """float. Time's power expansion factor."""
+ return self._expand
+ @expand.setter
+ def expand(self, x): self.setExpand(x)
+ @property
+ def ampfade(self):
+ """float. Amplitude's power expansion factor."""
+ return self._ampfade
+ @ampfade.setter
+ def ampfade(self, x): self.setAmpfade(x)
diff --git a/pyolib/utils.py b/pyolib/utils.py
index f1de462..fb2cd06 100644
--- a/pyolib/utils.py
+++ b/pyolib/utils.py
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ class SampHold(PyoObject):
SampHold performs a sample-and-hold operation on its input according
to the value of `controlsig`. If `controlsig` equals `value`, the input
- is sampled and holded until next sampling.
+ is sampled and held until next sampling.
:Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ class SampHold(PyoObject):
controlsig : PyoObject
Controls when to sample the signal.
value : float or PyoObject, optional
- Sampling targeted value. Default to 0.0.
+ Sampling target value. Default to 0.0.
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ class SampHold(PyoObject):
def value(self):
- """float or PyoObject. Targeted value."""
+ """float or PyoObject. Target value."""
return self._value
def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
@@ -1553,6 +1553,61 @@ class MToF(PyoObject):
def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+class FToM(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Returns the midi note equivalent to a frequency in Hz.
+ Returns the midi note equivalent to a frequency in Hz,
+ 440.0 (hz) = 69.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal as frequency in Hz.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> lfo = Sine([0.2,0.25], mul=300, add=600)
+ >>> src = SineLoop(freq=lfo, feedback=0.05)
+ >>> hz = Yin(src, minfreq=100, maxfreq=1000, cutoff=500)
+ >>> mid = FToM(hz)
+ >>> fr = Snap(mid, choice=[0,2,5,7,9], scale=1)
+ >>> freq = Port(fr, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.01)
+ >>> syn = SineLoop(freq, feedback=0.05, mul=0.3).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ in_fader, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [FToM_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal to process."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
class MToT(PyoObject):
Returns the transposition factor equivalent to a midi note.
@@ -1736,3 +1791,105 @@ class Between(PyoObject):
return self._max
def max(self, x): self.setMax(x)
+class TrackHold(PyoObject):
+ """
+ Performs a track-and-hold operation on its input.
+ TrackHold lets pass the signal in `input` without modification but hold
+ a sample according to the value of `controlsig`. If `controlsig` equals
+ `value`, the input is sampled and held, otherwise, it passes thru.
+ :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
+ :Args:
+ input : PyoObject
+ Input signal.
+ controlsig : PyoObject
+ Controls when to sample the signal.
+ value : float or PyoObject, optional
+ Sampling target value. Default to 0.0.
+ >>> s = Server().boot()
+ >>> s.start()
+ >>> ph = Phasor([3,4])
+ >>> lf = Sine(.2, mul=.5, add=.5)
+ >>> th = TrackHold(lf, ph > 0.5, 1, mul=500, add=300)
+ >>> a = Sine(th, mul=.3).out()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, input, controlsig, value=0.0, mul=1, add=0):
+ PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
+ self._input = input
+ self._controlsig = controlsig
+ self._value = value
+ self._in_fader = InputFader(input)
+ self._in_fader2 = InputFader(controlsig)
+ in_fader, in_fader2, value, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, self._in_fader2, value, mul, add)
+ self._base_objs = [TrackHold_base(wrap(in_fader,i), wrap(in_fader2,i), wrap(value,i), wrap(mul,i), wrap(add,i)) for i in range(lmax)]
+ def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `input` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New signal to process.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._input = x
+ self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setControlsig(self, x, fadetime=0.05):
+ """
+ Replace the `controlsig` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : PyoObject
+ New control signal.
+ fadetime : float, optional
+ Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
+ """
+ self._controlsig = x
+ self._in_fader2.setInput(x, fadetime)
+ def setValue(self, x):
+ """
+ Replace the `value` attribute.
+ :Args:
+ x : float or PyoObject
+ New `value` attribute.
+ """
+ self._value = x
+ x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
+ [obj.setValue(wrap(x,i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
+ @property
+ def input(self):
+ """PyoObject. Input signal."""
+ return self._input
+ @input.setter
+ def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
+ @property
+ def controlsig(self):
+ """PyoObject. Control signal."""
+ return self._controlsig
+ @controlsig.setter
+ def controlsig(self, x): self.setControlsig(x)
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ """float or PyoObject. Target value."""
+ return self._value
+ @value.setter
+ def value(self, x): self.setValue(x)
diff --git a/scripts/radiopyo-template.py b/scripts/radiopyo-template.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb07eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/radiopyo-template.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Template for a RadioPyo song (version 1.0).
+A RadioPyo song is a musical python script using the python-pyo
+module to create the audio processing chain. You can connect to
+the radio here : http://radiopyo.acaia.ca/
+There is only a few rules:
+ 1 - It must be a one-page script.
+ 2 - No soundfile, only synthesis.
+ 3 - The script must be finite in time, with fade-in and fade-out
+ to avoid clicks between pieces. Use the DURATION variable.
+belangeo - 2014
+from pyo import *
+################### USER-DEFINED VARIABLES ###################
+### READY is used to manage the server behaviour depending ###
+### of the context. Set this variable to True when the ###
+### music is ready for the radio. TITLE and ARTIST are the ###
+### infos shown by the radio player. DURATION set the ###
+### duration of the audio file generated for the streaming.###
+READY = False # Set to True when ready for the radio
+TITLE = "Song Title" # The title of the music
+ARTIST = "Artist Name" # Your artist name
+DURATION = 300 # The duration of the music in seconds
+##################### These are optional #####################
+GENRE = "Electronic" # Kind of your music, if there is any
+DATE = 2014 # Year of creation
+####################### SERVER CREATION ######################
+if READY:
+ s = Server(duplex=0, audio="offline").boot()
+ s.recordOptions(dur=DURATION, filename="radiopyo.ogg", fileformat=7)
+ s = Server(duplex=0).boot()
+##################### PROCESSING SECTION #####################
+# global volume (should be used to control the overall sound)
+fade = Fader(fadein=0.001, fadeout=10, dur=DURATION).play()
+### Insert your algorithms here...
+#################### START THE PROCESSING ###################
+if not READY:
+ s.gui(locals())
diff --git a/scripts/release_doc_src.sh b/scripts/release_doc_src.sh
index 9b8c344..78c8449 100644
--- a/scripts/release_doc_src.sh
+++ b/scripts/release_doc_src.sh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# 3. Execute from pyo folder : ./scripts/release_doc_src.sh
diff --git a/scripts/win/windows-build-routine.txt b/scripts/win/windows-7-build-routine.txt
similarity index 96%
copy from scripts/win/windows-build-routine.txt
copy to scripts/win/windows-7-build-routine.txt
index 2cac5e2..f2b08c2 100644
--- a/scripts/win/windows-build-routine.txt
+++ b/scripts/win/windows-7-build-routine.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
=== STEP 1 ===
---- Install Python (2.5 -> 2.7)
+--- Install Python (2.6 and 2.7)
=== STEP 2 ===
---- Install Slick SVN (Slick-Subversion-1.6.12-win32.msi)
+--- Install Slick SVN 1.8.10
=== STEP 3 ===
---- Install scons 2.2.0 in the Python site-packages:
+--- Install scons 2.3.2 in the Python site-packages:
=== STEP 4 ===
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 92bcd39..d67d090 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import os, sys, getopt
import time
-pyo_version = "0.6.8"
+pyo_version = "0.7.4"
build_osx_with_jack_support = False
compile_externals = False
@@ -68,13 +68,14 @@ files = ['pyomodule.c', 'servermodule.c', 'pvstreammodule.c', 'streammodule.c',
source_files = [path + f for f in files]
path = 'src/objects/'
-files = ['phasevocmodule.c', 'fftmodule.c', 'oscilmodule.c', 'randommodule.c', 'oscmodule.c','analysismodule.c',
- 'sfplayermodule.c', 'oscbankmodule.c', 'lfomodule.c', 'tablemodule.c',
+files = ['granulatormodule.c', 'tablemodule.c', 'wgverbmodule.c', 'freeverbmodule.c', 'phasevocmodule.c', 'fftmodule.c',
+ 'oscilmodule.c', 'randommodule.c', 'oscmodule.c','analysismodule.c',
+ 'sfplayermodule.c', 'oscbankmodule.c', 'lfomodule.c',
'matrixmodule.c', 'filtremodule.c', 'noisemodule.c', 'distomodule.c',
- 'inputmodule.c', 'fadermodule.c', 'midimodule.c', 'delaymodule.c','recordmodule.c', 'granulatormodule.c',
+ 'inputmodule.c', 'fadermodule.c', 'midimodule.c', 'delaymodule.c','recordmodule.c',
'metromodule.c', 'trigmodule.c', 'patternmodule.c', 'bandsplitmodule.c', 'hilbertmodule.c', 'panmodule.c',
- 'selectmodule.c', 'freeverbmodule.c', 'compressmodule.c', 'utilsmodule.c',
- 'convolvemodule.c', 'wgverbmodule.c', 'arithmeticmodule.c', 'sigmodule.c',
+ 'selectmodule.c', 'compressmodule.c', 'utilsmodule.c',
+ 'convolvemodule.c', 'arithmeticmodule.c', 'sigmodule.c',
'matrixprocessmodule.c', 'harmonizermodule.c', 'chorusmodule.c']
if compile_externals:
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ else:
tsrt = time.strftime('"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"', time.localtime())
macros.append(('TIMESTAMP', tsrt))
include_dirs = ['include', '/usr/local/include']
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ include_dirs.append('/opt/local/include')
library_dirs = []
libraries = ['portaudio', 'portmidi', 'sndfile', 'lo']
if build_osx_with_jack_support:
diff --git a/src/engine/inputfadermodule.c b/src/engine/inputfadermodule.c
index 5f6b44e..a8b26f1 100644
--- a/src/engine/inputfadermodule.c
+++ b/src/engine/inputfadermodule.c
@@ -169,11 +169,8 @@ InputFader_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "server") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"input\" argument must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument must be a PyoObject.\n");
diff --git a/src/engine/interpolation.c b/src/engine/interpolation.c
index a9ee2b5..00ee8c2 100644
--- a/src/engine/interpolation.c
+++ b/src/engine/interpolation.c
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ MYFLT cosine(MYFLT *buf, int index, MYFLT frac, int size) {
MYFLT x2 = buf[index+1];
frac2 = (1.0 - MYCOS(frac * M_PI)) * 0.5;
- return (x1 * (1.0 - frac2) + x2 * frac2);
+ return (x1 + (x2 - x1) * frac2);
MYFLT cubic(MYFLT *buf, int index, MYFLT frac, int size) {
diff --git a/src/engine/pyomodule.c b/src/engine/pyomodule.c
index 208eff1..24c05c5 100644
--- a/src/engine/pyomodule.c
+++ b/src/engine/pyomodule.c
@@ -52,6 +52,28 @@ static void portaudio_assert(PaError ecode, const char* cmdName) {
>>> print c\n\
+#define portaudio_get_version_info \
+"\nReturns the version number, as an integer, of the current portaudio installation.\n\n\
+>>> v = pa_get_version()\n\
+>>> print v\n\
+static PyObject *
+portaudio_get_version() {
+ return PyInt_FromLong(Pa_GetVersion());
+#define portaudio_get_version_text_info \
+"\nReturns the textual description of the current portaudio installation.\n\n\
+>>> desc = pa_get_version_text()\n\
+>>> print desc\n\
+PortAudio V19-devel (built Oct 8 2012 16:25:16)\n\n"
+static PyObject *
+portaudio_get_version_text() {
+ return PyString_FromString(Pa_GetVersionText());
static PyObject *
PaError err;
@@ -1296,7 +1318,7 @@ downsamp(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
for (i=0; i<samples_per_channels; i++) {
for (j=0; j<snd_chnls; j++) {
- if (i < snd_size)
+ if (i*down < snd_size)
downsamples[j][i] = samples[j][i*down];
downsamples[j][i] = 0.0;
@@ -1745,9 +1767,10 @@ rescale(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
type = 0;
else if (PyList_Check(data))
type = 1;
- else
+ else {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
if (xlog == 0 && ylog == 0) {
datascl = xmax - xmin;
curscl = ymax - ymin;
@@ -1832,9 +1855,47 @@ rescale(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
else {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+#define floatmap_info \
+"\nConverts values from a 0-1 range to an output range.\n\n\
+This function takes data in the range `0` - `1` and returns corresponding values\nin the range `min` - `max`.\n\n\
+:Argss:\n\n \
+x : float\n Value to convert, in the range 0 to 1.\n \
+min : float, optional\n Minimum value of the output range. Defaults to 0.\n \
+max : float, optional\n Maximum value of the output range. Defaults to 1.\n \
+exp : float, optional\n Power factor (1 (default) is linear, les than 1 is logarithmic, greter than 1 is exponential).\n\n\
+>>> a = 0.5\n\
+>>> b = floatmap(a, 0, 1, 4)\n\
+>>> print b\n\
+static PyObject *
+floatmap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ MYFLT x = 0.0;
+ MYFLT min = 0.0;
+ MYFLT max = 1.0;
+ MYFLT exp = 1.0;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"x", "min", "max", "exp", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F_FFF, kwlist, &x, &min, &max, &exp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (x < 0.0)
+ x = 0.0;
+ else if (x > 1.0)
+ x = 1.0;
+ if (exp != 1.0)
+ x = MYPOW(x, exp);
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", x * (max - min) + min);
/****** Conversion utilities ******/
@@ -1860,13 +1921,58 @@ midiToHz(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg) {
double x = 0.0;
PyObject *newseq = NULL;
if (PyNumber_Check(arg))
- return Py_BuildValue("d", 8.1757989156437 * pow(1.0594630943593, PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(arg))));
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", 440.0 * MYPOW(2.0, (PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(arg)) - 69) / 12.0));
+ else if (PyList_Check(arg)) {
+ count = PyList_Size(arg);
+ newseq = PyList_New(count);
+ for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+ x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(PyList_GET_ITEM(arg, i)));
+ PyList_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(440.0 * MYPOW(2.0, (x - 69) / 12.0)));
+ }
+ return newseq;
+ }
+ else if (PyTuple_Check(arg)) {
+ count = PyTuple_Size(arg);
+ newseq = PyTuple_New(count);
+ for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+ x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(arg, i)));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(440.0 * MYPOW(2.0, (x - 69) / 12.0)));
+ }
+ return newseq;
+ }
+ else
+#define hzToMidi_info \
+"\nConverts a frequency in Hertz to a midi note value.\n\n:Args:\n\n \
+x : float\n Frequency in Hertz. `x` can be a number, a list or a tuple, otherwise the function returns None.\n\n\
+>>> a = (110.0, 220.0, 440.0, 880.0)\n\
+>>> b = hzToMidi(a)\n\
+>>> print b\n\
+(45.0, 57.0, 69.0, 81.0)\n\
+>>> a = [110.0, 220.0, 440.0, 880.0]\n\
+>>> b = hzToMidi(a)\n\
+>>> print b\n\
+[45.0, 57.0, 69.0, 81.0]\n\
+>>> b = hzToMidi(440.0)\n\
+>>> print b\n\
+static PyObject *
+hzToMidi(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg) {
+ int count = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ double x = 0.0;
+ PyObject *newseq = NULL;
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg))
+ return Py_BuildValue("d", 12.0 * MYLOG2(PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(arg)) / 440.0) + 69);
else if (PyList_Check(arg)) {
count = PyList_Size(arg);
newseq = PyList_New(count);
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(PyList_GET_ITEM(arg, i)));
- PyList_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(8.1757989156437 * pow(1.0594630943593, x)));
+ PyList_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(12.0 * MYLOG2(x / 440.0) + 69));
return newseq;
@@ -1875,7 +1981,7 @@ midiToHz(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg) {
newseq = PyTuple_New(count);
for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
x = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(arg, i)));
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(8.1757989156437 * pow(1.0594630943593, x)));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(newseq, i, PyFloat_FromDouble(12.0 * MYLOG2(x / 440.0) + 69));
return newseq;
@@ -2077,6 +2183,8 @@ serverBooted(PyObject *self) {
static PyMethodDef pyo_functions[] = {
+{"pa_get_version", (PyCFunction)portaudio_get_version, METH_NOARGS, portaudio_get_version_info},
+{"pa_get_version_text", (PyCFunction)portaudio_get_version_text, METH_NOARGS, portaudio_get_version_text_info},
{"pa_count_devices", (PyCFunction)portaudio_count_devices, METH_NOARGS, portaudio_count_devices_info},
{"pa_count_host_apis", (PyCFunction)portaudio_count_host_apis, METH_NOARGS, portaudio_count_host_apis_info},
{"pa_list_devices", (PyCFunction)portaudio_list_devices, METH_NOARGS, portaudio_list_devices_info},
@@ -2103,8 +2211,10 @@ static PyMethodDef pyo_functions[] = {
{"reducePoints", (PyCFunction)reducePoints, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, reducePoints_info},
{"distanceToSegment", (PyCFunction)distanceToSegment, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, distanceToSegment_info},
{"rescale", (PyCFunction)rescale, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, rescale_info},
+{"floatmap", (PyCFunction)floatmap, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, floatmap_info},
{"linToCosCurve", (PyCFunction)linToCosCurve, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, linToCosCurve_info},
{"midiToHz", (PyCFunction)midiToHz, METH_O, midiToHz_info},
+{"hzToMidi", (PyCFunction)hzToMidi, METH_O, hzToMidi_info},
{"midiToTranspo", (PyCFunction)midiToTranspo, METH_O, midiToTranspo_info},
{"sampsToSec", (PyCFunction)sampsToSec, METH_O, sampsToSec_info},
{"secToSamps", (PyCFunction)secToSamps, METH_O, secToSamps_info},
@@ -2275,6 +2385,7 @@ init_pyo64(void)
module_add_object(m, "CtlScan2_base", &CtlScan2Type);
module_add_object(m, "MidiNote_base", &MidiNoteType);
module_add_object(m, "Notein_base", &NoteinType);
+ module_add_object(m, "NoteinTrig_base", &NoteinTrigType);
module_add_object(m, "Bendin_base", &BendinType);
module_add_object(m, "Touchin_base", &TouchinType);
module_add_object(m, "Programin_base", &PrograminType);
@@ -2352,6 +2463,7 @@ init_pyo64(void)
module_add_object(m, "M_Floor_base", &M_FloorType);
module_add_object(m, "M_Ceil_base", &M_CeilType);
module_add_object(m, "M_Round_base", &M_RoundType);
+ module_add_object(m, "M_Tanh_base", &M_TanhType);
module_add_object(m, "Snap_base", &SnapType);
module_add_object(m, "Interp_base", &InterpType);
module_add_object(m, "SampHold_base", &SampHoldType);
@@ -2361,6 +2473,7 @@ init_pyo64(void)
module_add_object(m, "CentsToTranspo_base", &CentsToTranspoType);
module_add_object(m, "TranspoToCents_base", &TranspoToCentsType);
module_add_object(m, "MToF_base", &MToFType);
+ module_add_object(m, "FToM_base", &FToMType);
module_add_object(m, "MToT_base", &MToTType);
module_add_object(m, "FFTMain_base", &FFTMainType);
module_add_object(m, "FFT_base", &FFTType);
@@ -2408,6 +2521,24 @@ init_pyo64(void)
module_add_object(m, "PVMix_base", &PVMixType);
module_add_object(m, "Granule_base", &GranuleType);
module_add_object(m, "TableScale_base", &TableScaleType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrackHold_base", &TrackHoldType);
+ module_add_object(m, "ComplexRes_base", &ComplexResType);
+ module_add_object(m, "STReverb_base", &STReverbType);
+ module_add_object(m, "STRev_base", &STRevType);
+ module_add_object(m, "Pointer2_base", &Pointer2Type);
+ module_add_object(m, "Centroid_base", &CentroidType);
+ module_add_object(m, "AttackDetector_base", &AttackDetectorType);
+ module_add_object(m, "SmoothDelay_base", &SmoothDelayType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurster_base", &TrigBursterType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurst_base", &TrigBurstType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurstTapStream_base", &TrigBurstTapStreamType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurstAmpStream_base", &TrigBurstAmpStreamType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurstDurStream_base", &TrigBurstDurStreamType);
+ module_add_object(m, "TrigBurstEndStream_base", &TrigBurstEndStreamType);
+ module_add_object(m, "Scope_base", &ScopeType);
+ module_add_object(m, "PeakAmp_base", &PeakAmpType);
+ module_add_object(m, "MainParticle_base", &MainParticleType);
+ module_add_object(m, "Particle_base", &ParticleType);
PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "PYO_VERSION", PYO_VERSION);
diff --git a/src/engine/servermodule.c b/src/engine/servermodule.c
index 9148323..373fb3f 100644
--- a/src/engine/servermodule.c
+++ b/src/engine/servermodule.c
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ static inline void Server_process_buffers(Server *server);
static int Server_start_rec_internal(Server *self, char *filename);
/* random objects count and multiplier to assign different seed to each instance. */
-#define num_rnd_objs 27
+#define num_rnd_objs 29
-int rnd_objs_count[num_rnd_objs] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+int rnd_objs_count[num_rnd_objs] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int rnd_objs_mult[num_rnd_objs] = {1993,1997,1999,2003,2011,2017,2027,2029,2039,2053,2063,2069,
- 2081,2083,2087,2089,2099,2111,2113,2129,2131,2137,2141,2143,2153, 2161,2179};
+ 2081,2083,2087,2089,2099,2111,2113,2129,2131,2137,2141,2143,2153,2161,2179,2203,2207};
static int coreaudio_stop_callback(Server *self);
@@ -127,17 +127,20 @@ Server_debug(Server *self, char * format, ...)
/* Portmidi get input events */
static void portmidiGetEvents(Server *self)
+ int i;
PmError result;
PmEvent buffer;
- do {
- result = Pm_Poll(self->in);
- if (result) {
- if (Pm_Read(self->in, &buffer, 1) == pmBufferOverflow)
- continue;
- self->midiEvents[self->midi_count++] = buffer;
- }
- } while (result);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiin_count; i++) {
+ do {
+ result = Pm_Poll(self->midiin[i]);
+ if (result) {
+ if (Pm_Read(self->midiin[i], &buffer, 1) == pmBufferOverflow)
+ continue;
+ self->midiEvents[self->midi_count++] = buffer;
+ }
+ } while (result);
+ }
/* Portaudio stuff */
@@ -578,19 +581,19 @@ int
Server_jack_autoconnect (Server *self)
const char **ports;
- int i, ret = 0;
+ int i, j, num = 0, ret = 0;
PyoJackBackendData *be_data = (PyoJackBackendData *) self->audio_be_data;
if (self->jackautoin) {
- if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, NULL, NULL, JackPortIsOutput)) == NULL) {
- Server_error(self, "Jack: Cannot find any physical capture ports\n");
+ if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, "system", NULL, JackPortIsOutput)) == NULL) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: Cannot find any physical capture ports called 'system'\n");
ret = -1;
while(ports[i]!=NULL && be_data->jack_in_ports[i] != NULL){
if (jack_connect (be_data->jack_client, ports[i], jack_port_name(be_data->jack_in_ports[i]))) {
- Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect input ports\n");
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect input ports to 'system'\n");
ret = -1;
@@ -599,21 +602,62 @@ Server_jack_autoconnect (Server *self)
if (self->jackautoout) {
- if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, NULL, NULL, JackPortIsInput)) == NULL) {
- Server_error(self, "Jack: Cannot find any physical playback ports\n");
+ if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, "system", NULL, JackPortIsInput)) == NULL) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: Cannot find any physical playback ports called 'system'\n");
ret = -1;
while(ports[i]!=NULL && be_data->jack_out_ports[i] != NULL){
if (jack_connect (be_data->jack_client, jack_port_name (be_data->jack_out_ports[i]), ports[i])) {
- Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect output ports\n");
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect output ports to 'system'\n");
ret = -1;
free (ports);
+ num = PyList_Size(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts);
+ if (num > 0) {
+ for (j=0; j<num; j++) {
+ if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts, j)), NULL, JackPortIsOutput)) == NULL) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect input ports to %s\n", PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts, j)));
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ while(ports[i] != NULL && be_data->jack_in_ports[i] != NULL){
+ if (jack_connect (be_data->jack_client, ports[i], jack_port_name (be_data->jack_in_ports[i]))) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect input ports\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ free (ports);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ num = PyList_Size(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts);
+ if (num > 0) {
+ for (j=0; j<num; j++) {
+ if ((ports = jack_get_ports (be_data->jack_client, PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts, j)), NULL, JackPortIsInput)) == NULL) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect output ports to %s\n", PyString_AsString(PyList_GetItem(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts, j)));
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ while(ports[i] != NULL && be_data->jack_out_ports[i] != NULL){
+ if (jack_connect (be_data->jack_client, jack_port_name (be_data->jack_out_ports[i]), ports[i])) {
+ Server_error(self, "Jack: cannot connect output ports\n");
+ ret = -1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ free (ports);
+ }
+ }
+ }
return ret;
@@ -989,19 +1033,19 @@ Server_coreaudio_init(Server *self)
/* Get output device stream configuration */
count = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
- err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(mOutputDevice, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &count, &outputStreamDescription);
+ err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(mOutputDevice, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &count, &outputStreamDescription);
if (err != kAudioHardwareNoError)
Server_debug(self, "Get kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat error %s\n", (char*)&err);
outputStreamDescription.mSampleRate = (Float64)self->samplingRate;
- err = AudioDeviceSetProperty(mOutputDevice, &now, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, count, &outputStreamDescription);
+ err = AudioDeviceSetProperty(mOutputDevice, &now, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, count, &outputStreamDescription);
if (err != kAudioHardwareNoError)
Server_debug(self, "Set kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat error %s\n", (char*)&err);
// Print new output stream description
- err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(mOutputDevice, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &count, &outputStreamDescription);
+ err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(mOutputDevice, 0, false, kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat, &count, &outputStreamDescription);
if (err != kAudioHardwareNoError)
Server_debug(self, "Get kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat error %s\n", (char*)&err);
@@ -1014,7 +1058,7 @@ Server_coreaudio_init(Server *self)
/********* Set input and output callbacks *********/
if (self->duplex == 1) {
- err = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(self->input, coreaudio_input_callback, (void *) self); // setup our device with an IO proc
+ err = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(self->input, coreaudio_input_callback, (void *) self); // setup our device with an IO proc
if (err != kAudioHardwareNoError) {
Server_error(self, "Input AudioDeviceAddIOProc failed %d\n", (int)err);
return -1;
@@ -1029,7 +1073,7 @@ Server_coreaudio_init(Server *self)
err = AudioDeviceSetProperty(self->input, &now, 0, true, kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage, propertySize, input_su);
- err = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(self->output, coreaudio_output_callback, (void *) self); // setup our device with an IO proc
+ err = AudioDeviceAddIOProc(self->output, coreaudio_output_callback, (void *) self); // setup our device with an IO proc
if (err != kAudioHardwareNoError) {
Server_error(self, "Output AudioDeviceAddIOProc failed %d\n", (int)err);
return -1;
@@ -1219,7 +1263,7 @@ Server_embedded_ni_start(Server *self)
/* Non-Interleaved */
for (i=0; i<self->bufferSize; i++) {
for (j=0; j<=self->nchnls; j++) {
- /* This could probably be more efficient (ob) */
+ /* TODO: This could probably be more efficient (ob) */
self->output_buffer[i+(self->bufferSize*(j+1))-self->bufferSize] = out[(i*self->nchnls)+j];
@@ -1465,10 +1509,14 @@ Server_shut_down(Server *self)
return Py_None;
+/* handling of PyObjects */
static int
Server_traverse(Server *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ /* GUI and TIME ? */
+ Py_VISIT(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts);
+ Py_VISIT(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts);
return 0;
@@ -1476,6 +1524,8 @@ static int
Server_clear(Server *self)
+ Py_CLEAR(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts);
return 0;
@@ -1511,9 +1561,8 @@ Server_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if (strcmp(audioType, "embedded") != 0)
if (PyServer_get_server() != NULL) {
- Server_warning((Server *) PyServer_get_server(), "Warning: A Server is already created!\n"
- "If you put this Server in a new variable, please delete it!\n");
- return PyServer_get_server();
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Warning: Trying to create a new Server object while one is already created!\n");
@@ -1524,7 +1573,8 @@ Server_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if(serverID == MAX_NBR_SERVER){
- return PyString_FromString("You are already using the maximum number of server allowed!");
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "You are already using the maximum number of server allowed!\n");
Server *self;
@@ -1534,6 +1584,8 @@ Server_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->serverName = (char *) calloc(32, sizeof(char));
self->jackautoin = 1;
self->jackautoout = 1;
+ self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts = PyList_New(0);
+ self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts = PyList_New(0);
self->samplingRate = 44100.0;
self->nchnls = 2;
self->record = 0;
@@ -1543,6 +1595,8 @@ Server_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->output = -1;
self->input_offset = 0;
self->output_offset = 0;
+ self->midiin_count = 0;
+ self->midiout_count = 0;
self->midi_input = -1;
self->midi_output = -1;
self->amp = self->resetAmp = 1.;
@@ -1623,7 +1677,7 @@ Server_setInputOffset(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->input_offset = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1639,7 +1693,7 @@ Server_setOutputOffset(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->output_offset = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1650,7 +1704,7 @@ Server_setOutputOffset(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
Server_setInputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->input = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1661,7 +1715,7 @@ Server_setInputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
Server_setInOutDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->input = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
self->output = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1673,7 +1727,7 @@ Server_setInOutDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
Server_setOutputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->output = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1684,7 +1738,7 @@ Server_setOutputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
Server_setMidiInputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->midi_input = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1695,7 +1749,7 @@ Server_setMidiInputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
Server_setMidiOutputDevice(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
- if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (arg != NULL) {
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
self->midi_output = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
@@ -1791,6 +1845,42 @@ Server_setJackAuto(Server *self, PyObject *args)
static PyObject *
+Server_setJackAutoConnectInputPorts(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (PyList_Check(arg)) {
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_XDECREF(self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ self->jackAutoConnectInputPorts = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Server_setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (arg != NULL) {
+ if (PyList_Check(arg)) {
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_XDECREF(self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ self->jackAutoConnectOutputPorts = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
Server_setGlobalSeed(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
unsigned int tmp;
@@ -1949,6 +2039,7 @@ Server_setStartOffset(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
Server_pm_init(Server *self)
+ int i = 0;
/* Initializing MIDI */
PmError pmerr;
@@ -1966,61 +2057,123 @@ Server_pm_init(Server *self)
if (self->withPortMidi == 1) {
+ self->midiin_count = self->midiout_count = 0;
int num_devices = Pm_CountDevices();
+ Server_debug(self, "Portmidi number of devices: %d.\n", num_devices);
if (num_devices > 0) {
- if (self->midi_input == -1 || self->midi_input >= num_devices)
- self->midi_input = Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
- Server_debug(self, "Midi input device : %d.\n", self->midi_input);
- const PmDeviceInfo *info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(self->midi_input);
- if (info != NULL) {
- if (info->input) {
- pmerr = Pm_OpenInput(&self->in, self->midi_input, NULL, 100, NULL, NULL);
- if (pmerr) {
- Server_warning(self,
+ if (self->midi_input < num_devices) {
+ if (self->midi_input == -1)
+ self->midi_input = Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID();
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi input device : %d.\n", self->midi_input);
+ const PmDeviceInfo *info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(self->midi_input);
+ if (info != NULL) {
+ if (info->input) {
+ pmerr = Pm_OpenInput(&self->midiin[0], self->midi_input, NULL, 100, NULL, NULL);
+ if (pmerr) {
+ Server_warning(self,
"Portmidi warning: could not open midi input %d (%s): %s\n",
- 0, info->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ self->midi_input, info->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ self->withPortMidi = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi input (%s) opened.\n", info->name);
+ self->midiin_count = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: Midi Device (%s), not an input device!\n", info->name);
self->withPortMidi = 0;
- }
- else
- Server_debug(self, "Midi input (%s) opened.\n", info->name);
+ }
- else {
- Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: something wrong with midi input device!\n");
- self->withPortMidi = 0;
+ }
+ else if (self->midi_input >= num_devices) {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi input device : all!\n");
+ self->midiin_count = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<num_devices; i++) {
+ const PmDeviceInfo *info = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
+ if (info != NULL) {
+ if (info->input) {
+ pmerr = Pm_OpenInput(&self->midiin[self->midiin_count], i, NULL, 100, NULL, NULL);
+ if (pmerr) {
+ Server_warning(self,
+ "Portmidi warning: could not open midi input %d (%s): %s\n",
+ 0, info->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi input (%s) opened.\n", info->name);
+ self->midiin_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->midiin_count == 0)
+ self->withPortMidi = 0;
else {
Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: no input device!\n");
self->withPortMidi = 0;
- if (self->midi_output == -1 || self->midi_output >= num_devices)
- self->midi_output = Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();
- Server_debug(self, "Midi output device : %d.\n", self->midi_output);
- const PmDeviceInfo *outinfo = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(self->midi_output);
- if (outinfo != NULL) {
- if (outinfo->output) {
- Pt_Start(1, 0, 0); /* start a timer with millisecond accuracy */
- pmerr = Pm_OpenOutput(&self->out, self->midi_output, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 1);
- if (pmerr) {
- Server_warning(self,
- "Portmidi warning: could not open midi output %d (%s): %s\n",
- 0, outinfo->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ if (self->midi_output < num_devices) {
+ if (self->midi_output == -1)
+ self->midi_output = Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID();
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi output device : %d.\n", self->midi_output);
+ const PmDeviceInfo *outinfo = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(self->midi_output);
+ if (outinfo != NULL) {
+ if (outinfo->output) {
+ Pt_Start(1, 0, 0); /* start a timer with millisecond accuracy */
+ pmerr = Pm_OpenOutput(&self->midiout[0], self->midi_output, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ if (pmerr) {
+ Server_warning(self,
+ "Portmidi warning: could not open midi output %d (%s): %s\n",
+ self->midi_output, outinfo->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ self->withPortMidiOut = 0;
+ if (Pt_Started())
+ Pt_Stop();
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi output (%s) opened.\n", outinfo->name);
+ self->midiout_count = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: Midi Device (%s), not an output device!\n", outinfo->name);
self->withPortMidiOut = 0;
- }
- else
- Server_debug(self, "Midi output (%s) opened.\n", outinfo->name);
+ }
- else {
- Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: something wrong with midi output device!\n");
+ }
+ else if (self->midi_output >= num_devices) {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi output device : all!\n");
+ self->midiout_count = 0;
+ Pt_Start(1, 0, 0); /* start a timer with millisecond accuracy */
+ for (i=0; i<num_devices; i++) {
+ const PmDeviceInfo *outinfo = Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i);
+ if (outinfo != NULL) {
+ if (outinfo->output) {
+ pmerr = Pm_OpenOutput(&self->midiout[self->midiout_count], i, NULL, 100, NULL, NULL, 1);
+ if (pmerr) {
+ Server_warning(self,
+ "Portmidi warning: could not open midi output %d (%s): %s\n",
+ 0, outinfo->name, Pm_GetErrorText(pmerr));
+ }
+ else {
+ Server_debug(self, "Midi output (%s) opened.\n", outinfo->name);
+ self->midiout_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->midiout_count == 0) {
+ if (Pt_Started())
+ Pt_Stop();
self->withPortMidiOut = 0;
else {
Server_warning(self, "Portmidi warning: no output device!\n");
- self->withPortMidi = 0;
+ self->withPortMidiOut = 0;
if (self->withPortMidi == 0 && self->withPortMidiOut == 0) {
Server_warning(self, "Portmidi closed.\n");
@@ -2035,7 +2188,9 @@ Server_pm_init(Server *self)
if (self->withPortMidi == 1) {
self->midi_count = 0;
- Pm_SetFilter(self->in, PM_FILT_ACTIVE | PM_FILT_CLOCK);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiin_count; i++) {
+ Pm_SetFilter(self->midiin[i], PM_FILT_ACTIVE | PM_FILT_CLOCK);
+ }
return 0;
@@ -2136,85 +2291,6 @@ Server_boot(Server *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
-/* Like the Server_boot() but without reinitializing the buffers */
-static PyObject *
-Server_flush(Server *self)
- int audioerr = 0;
- int i;
- if (self->server_booted == 1) {
- Server_error(self, "Server already booted!\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- self->server_started = 0;
- self->stream_count = 0;
- self->elapsedSamples = 0;
- self->streams = PyList_New(0);
- switch (self->audio_be_type) {
- case PyoPortaudio:
- audioerr = Server_pa_init(self);
- break;
- case PyoJack:
-#ifdef USE_JACK
- audioerr = Server_jack_init(self);
- if (audioerr < 0) {
- Server_jack_deinit(self);
- }
- audioerr = -1;
- Server_error(self, "Pyo built without Jack support\n");
- break;
- case PyoCoreaudio:
- audioerr = Server_coreaudio_init(self);
- if (audioerr < 0) {
- Server_coreaudio_deinit(self);
- }
- audioerr = -1;
- Server_error(self, "Pyo built without Coreaudio support\n");
- break;
- case PyoOffline:
- audioerr = Server_offline_init(self);
- if (audioerr < 0) {
- Server_offline_deinit(self);
- }
- break;
- case PyoOfflineNB:
- audioerr = Server_offline_init(self);
- if (audioerr < 0) {
- Server_offline_deinit(self);
- }
- break;
- case PyoEmbedded:
- audioerr = Server_embedded_init(self);
- if (audioerr < 0) {
- Server_embedded_deinit(self);
- }
- break;
- }
- for (i=0; i<self->bufferSize*self->nchnls; i++) {
- self->input_buffer[i] = 0.0;
- self->output_buffer[i] = 0.0;
- }
- if (audioerr == 0) {
- self->server_booted = 1;
- }
- else {
- self->server_booted = 0;
- Server_error(self, "\nServer not booted.\n");
- }
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
static PyObject *
Server_start(Server *self)
@@ -2240,7 +2316,7 @@ Server_start(Server *self)
self->server_started = 1;
self->timeStep = (int)(0.01 * self->samplingRate);
- if (self->audio_be_type != PyoOffline && self->audio_be_type != PyoOfflineNB) {
+ if (self->audio_be_type != PyoOffline && self->audio_be_type != PyoOfflineNB && self->audio_be_type != PyoEmbedded) {
midierr = Server_pm_init(self);
Server_debug(self, "PortMidi initialization return code : %d.\n", midierr);
@@ -2293,6 +2369,7 @@ Server_start(Server *self)
static PyObject *
Server_stop(Server *self)
+ int i;
int err = -1;
if (self->server_started == 0) {
Server_warning(self, "The Server must be started!\n");
@@ -2330,12 +2407,18 @@ Server_stop(Server *self)
else {
self->server_stopped = 1;
if (self->withPortMidi == 1) {
- Pm_Close(self->in);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiin_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Close(self->midiin[i]);
+ }
if (self->withPortMidiOut == 1) {
- Pm_Close(self->out);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Close(self->midiout[i]);
+ }
if (self->withPortMidi == 1 || self->withPortMidiOut == 1) {
+ if (Pt_Started())
+ Pt_Stop();
self->withPortMidi = 0;
@@ -2550,23 +2633,153 @@ Server_changeStreamPosition(Server *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *
-Server_sendMidiNote(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+Server_noteout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
- int pit, vel, chan, curtime;
+ int i, pit, vel, chan, curtime;
PmEvent buffer[1];
PmTimestamp timestamp;
if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii", &pit, &vel, &chan, ×tamp))
return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
- curtime = Pt_Time();
- buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
- if (chan == 0)
- buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0x90, pit, vel);
- else
- buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0x90 | (chan - 1), pit, vel);
- Pm_Write(self->out, buffer, 1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0x90, pit, vel);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0x90 | (chan - 1), pit, vel);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *
+Server_afterout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+ int i, pit, vel, chan, curtime;
+ PmEvent buffer[1];
+ PmTimestamp timestamp;
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii", &pit, &vel, &chan, ×tamp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xA0, pit, vel);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xA0 | (chan - 1), pit, vel);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *
+Server_ctlout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+ int i, ctlnum, value, chan, curtime;
+ PmEvent buffer[1];
+ PmTimestamp timestamp;
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iiii", &ctlnum, &value, &chan, ×tamp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xB0, ctlnum, value);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xB0 | (chan - 1), ctlnum, value);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *
+Server_programout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+ int i, value, chan, curtime;
+ PmEvent buffer[1];
+ PmTimestamp timestamp;
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii", &value, &chan, ×tamp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xC0, value, 0);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xC0 | (chan - 1), value, 0);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *
+Server_pressout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+ int i, value, chan, curtime;
+ PmEvent buffer[1];
+ PmTimestamp timestamp;
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii", &value, &chan, ×tamp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xD0, value, 0);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xD0 | (chan - 1), value, 0);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+PyObject *
+Server_bendout(Server *self, PyObject *args)
+ int i, lsb, msb, value, chan, curtime;
+ PmEvent buffer[1];
+ PmTimestamp timestamp;
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "iii", &value, &chan, ×tamp))
+ return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (self->withPortMidiOut) {
+ curtime = Pt_Time();
+ buffer[0].timestamp = curtime + timestamp;
+ lsb = value & 0x007F;
+ msb = (value & (0x007F << 7)) >> 7;
+ if (chan == 0)
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xE0, lsb, msb);
+ else
+ buffer[0].message = Pm_Message(0xE0 | (chan - 1), lsb, msb);
+ for (i=0; i<self->midiout_count; i++) {
+ Pm_Write(self->midiout[i], buffer, 1);
+ }
+ }
return Py_None;
@@ -2712,6 +2925,8 @@ static PyMethodDef Server_methods[] = {
{"setNchnls", (PyCFunction)Server_setNchnls, METH_O, "Sets the server's number of channels."},
{"setDuplex", (PyCFunction)Server_setDuplex, METH_O, "Sets the server's duplex mode (0 = only out, 1 = in/out)."},
{"setJackAuto", (PyCFunction)Server_setJackAuto, METH_VARARGS, "Tells the server to auto-connect Jack ports (0 = disable, 1 = enable)."},
+ {"setJackAutoConnectInputPorts", (PyCFunction)Server_setJackAutoConnectInputPorts, METH_O, "Sets a list of ports to auto-connect inputs when using Jack."},
+ {"setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts", (PyCFunction)Server_setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts, METH_O, "Sets a list of ports to auto-connect outputs when using Jack."},
{"setGlobalSeed", (PyCFunction)Server_setGlobalSeed, METH_O, "Sets the server's global seed for random objects."},
{"setAmp", (PyCFunction)Server_setAmp, METH_O, "Sets the overall amplitude."},
{"setAmpCallable", (PyCFunction)Server_setAmpCallable, METH_O, "Sets the Server's GUI callable object."},
@@ -2731,7 +2946,12 @@ static PyMethodDef Server_methods[] = {
This is for internal use and must never be called by the user."},
{"changeStreamPosition", (PyCFunction)Server_changeStreamPosition, METH_VARARGS, "Puts an audio stream before another in the stack. \
This is for internal use and must never be called by the user."},
- {"sendMidiNote", (PyCFunction)Server_sendMidiNote, METH_VARARGS, "Send a Midi note to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"noteout", (PyCFunction)Server_noteout, METH_VARARGS, "Send a Midi note event to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"afterout", (PyCFunction)Server_afterout, METH_VARARGS, "Send an aftertouch event to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"ctlout", (PyCFunction)Server_ctlout, METH_VARARGS, "Send a control change event to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"programout", (PyCFunction)Server_programout, METH_VARARGS, "Send a program change event to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"pressout", (PyCFunction)Server_pressout, METH_VARARGS, "Send a channel pressure event to Portmidi output stream."},
+ {"bendout", (PyCFunction)Server_bendout, METH_VARARGS, "Send a pitch bend event to Portmidi output stream."},
{"getStreams", (PyCFunction)Server_getStreams, METH_NOARGS, "Returns the list of streams added to the server."},
{"getSamplingRate", (PyCFunction)Server_getSamplingRate, METH_NOARGS, "Returns the server's sampling rate."},
{"getNchnls", (PyCFunction)Server_getNchnls, METH_NOARGS, "Returns the server's current number of channels."},
@@ -2742,7 +2962,6 @@ static PyMethodDef Server_methods[] = {
{"getMidiActive", (PyCFunction)Server_getMidiActive, METH_NOARGS, "Returns 1 if midi callback is active, otherwise returns 0."},
{"_setDefaultRecPath", (PyCFunction)Server_setDefaultRecPath, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Sets the default recording path."},
{"setServer", (PyCFunction)Server_setServer, METH_NOARGS, "Sets this server as the one to use for new objects when using the embedded device"},
- {"flush", (PyCFunction)Server_flush, METH_NOARGS, "Flush the server objects"},
{"getInputAddr", (PyCFunction)Server_getInputAddr, METH_NOARGS, "Get the embedded device input buffer memory address"},
{"getOutputAddr", (PyCFunction)Server_getOutputAddr, METH_NOARGS, "Get the embedded device output buffer memory address"},
{"getServerID", (PyCFunction)Server_getServerID, METH_NOARGS, "Get the embedded device server memory address"},
@@ -2781,10 +3000,10 @@ PyTypeObject ServerType = {
"Pyo Server object. Handles communication with Portaudio and processing callback loop.", /* tp_doc */
(traverseproc)Server_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
(inquiry)Server_clear, /* tp_clear */
- 0, /* tp_richcompare */
- 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
- 0, /* tp_iter */
- 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
Server_methods, /* tp_methods */
Server_members, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
diff --git a/src/objects/analysismodule.c b/src/objects/analysismodule.c
index b4ef933..36509be 100644
--- a/src/objects/analysismodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/analysismodule.c
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
#include "servermodule.h"
#include "dummymodule.h"
#include "interpolation.h"
+#include "fft.h"
+#include "wind.h"
/* Follower */
@@ -1630,4 +1632,1315 @@ Yin_members, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_init */
0, /* tp_alloc */
Yin_new, /* tp_new */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Centroid */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ int size;
+ int hsize;
+ int incount;
+ MYFLT centroid;
+ MYFLT *inframe;
+ MYFLT *outframe;
+ MYFLT **twiddle;
+ MYFLT *input_buffer;
+ MYFLT *window;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} Centroid;
+static void
+Centroid_alloc_memories(Centroid *self) {
+ int i, n8;
+ self->hsize = self->size / 2;
+ n8 = self->size >> 3;
+ self->inframe = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->inframe, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->outframe = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->outframe, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->input_buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->input_buffer, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<self->size; i++)
+ self->inframe[i] = self->outframe[i] = self->input_buffer[i] = 0.0;
+ self->twiddle = (MYFLT **)realloc(self->twiddle, 4 * sizeof(MYFLT *));
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++)
+ self->twiddle[i] = (MYFLT *)malloc(n8 * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ fft_compute_split_twiddle(self->twiddle, self->size);
+ self->window = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->window, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ gen_window(self->window, self->size, 2);
+static void
+Centroid_process_i(Centroid *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT re, im, tmp, sum1, sum2;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->input_buffer[self->incount] = in[i];
+ self->data[i] = self->centroid;
+ self->incount++;
+ if (self->incount == self->size) {
+ self->incount = self->hsize;
+ for (i=0; i<self->size; i++) {
+ self->inframe[i] = self->input_buffer[i] * self->window[i];
+ }
+ realfft_split(self->inframe, self->outframe, self->size, self->twiddle);
+ sum1 = sum2 = 0.0;
+ for (i=1; i<self->hsize; i++) {
+ re = self->outframe[i];
+ im = self->outframe[self->size - i];
+ tmp = MYSQRT(re*re + im*im);
+ sum1 += tmp * i;
+ sum2 += tmp;
+ }
+ tmp = sum1 / sum2;
+ self->centroid += tmp * self->sr / self->size;
+ self->centroid *= 0.5;
+ for (i=0; i<self->hsize; i++) {
+ self->input_buffer[i] = self->input_buffer[i + self->hsize];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_ii(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_ai(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_ia(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_aa(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_ireva(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_areva(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_revai(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_revaa(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void Centroid_postprocessing_revareva(Centroid *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+Centroid_setProcMode(Centroid *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = Centroid_process_i;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Centroid_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+Centroid_compute_next_data_frame(Centroid *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+Centroid_traverse(Centroid *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+Centroid_clear(Centroid *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+Centroid_dealloc(Centroid* self)
+ int i;
+ free(self->inframe);
+ free(self->outframe);
+ free(self->input_buffer);
+ for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ free(self->twiddle[i]);
+ }
+ free(self->twiddle);
+ free(self->window);
+ Centroid_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+Centroid_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i, k;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ Centroid *self;
+ self = (Centroid *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->centroid = 0;
+ self->size = 1024;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Centroid_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = Centroid_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "size", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|iOO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &self->size, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (self->size < self->bufsize) {
+ printf("Warning : Centroid size less than buffer size!\nCentroid size set to buffersize: %d\n", self->bufsize);
+ self->size = self->bufsize;
+ }
+ k = 1;
+ while (k < self->size)
+ k <<= 1;
+ self->size = k;
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ Centroid_alloc_memories(self);
+ self->incount = self->hsize;
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * Centroid_getServer(Centroid* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * Centroid_getStream(Centroid* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * Centroid_setMul(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * Centroid_setAdd(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * Centroid_setSub(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * Centroid_setDiv(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * Centroid_play(Centroid *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * Centroid_stop(Centroid *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * Centroid_multiply(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Centroid_inplace_multiply(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Centroid_add(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * Centroid_inplace_add(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * Centroid_sub(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * Centroid_inplace_sub(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * Centroid_div(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * Centroid_inplace_div(Centroid *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef Centroid_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Centroid, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Centroid, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Centroid, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Centroid, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Centroid, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef Centroid_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)Centroid_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)Centroid_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)Centroid_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)Centroid_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)Centroid_setMul, METH_O, "Sets Centroid mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)Centroid_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets Centroid add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)Centroid_setSub, METH_O, "Sets Centroid add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)Centroid_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets Centroid mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods Centroid_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)Centroid_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject CentroidType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.Centroid_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(Centroid), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)Centroid_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&Centroid_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"Centroid objects. FFT transform.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)Centroid_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)Centroid_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+Centroid_methods, /* tp_methods */
+Centroid_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+Centroid_new, /* tp_new */
+/* AttackDetector */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ MYFLT deltime;
+ MYFLT cutoff;
+ MYFLT maxthresh;
+ MYFLT minthresh;
+ MYFLT reltime;
+ MYFLT folfactor;
+ MYFLT follow;
+ MYFLT followdb;
+ MYFLT *buffer;
+ MYFLT previous;
+ int memsize;
+ int sampdel;
+ int incount;
+ int overminok;
+ int belowminok;
+ long maxtime;
+ long timer;
+ int modebuffer[2]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+} AttackDetector;
+static void
+AttackDetector_process(AttackDetector *self) {
+ int i, ind;
+ MYFLT absin;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = 0.0;
+ absin = in[i];
+ // envelope follower
+ if (absin < 0.0)
+ absin = -absin;
+ self->follow = absin + self->folfactor * (self->follow - absin);
+ // follower in dB
+ if (self->follow <= 0.000001)
+ self->followdb = -120.0;
+ else
+ self->followdb = 20.0 * MYLOG10(self->follow);
+ // previous analysis
+ ind = self->incount - self->sampdel;
+ if (ind < 0)
+ ind += self->memsize;
+ self->previous = self->buffer[ind];
+ self->buffer[self->incount] = self->followdb;
+ self->incount++;
+ if (self->incount >= self->memsize)
+ self->incount = 0;
+ // if release time has past
+ if (self->timer >= self->maxtime) {
+ // if rms is over min threshold
+ if (self->overminok) {
+ // if rms is greater than previous + maxthresh
+ if (self->followdb > (self->previous + self->maxthresh)) {
+ self->data[i] = 1.0;
+ self->overminok = self->belowminok = 0;
+ self->timer = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (self->belowminok == 0 && self->followdb < self->minthresh)
+ self->belowminok = 1;
+ else if (self->belowminok == 1 && self->followdb > self->minthresh)
+ self->overminok = 1;
+ self->timer++;
+ }
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_ii(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_ai(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_ia(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_aa(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_ireva(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_areva(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_revai(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_revaa(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void AttackDetector_postprocessing_revareva(AttackDetector *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+AttackDetector_setProcMode(AttackDetector *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = AttackDetector_process;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = AttackDetector_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+AttackDetector_compute_next_data_frame(AttackDetector *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+AttackDetector_traverse(AttackDetector *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+AttackDetector_clear(AttackDetector *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+AttackDetector_dealloc(AttackDetector* self)
+ free(self->buffer);
+ AttackDetector_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ AttackDetector *self;
+ self = (AttackDetector *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->deltime = 0.005;
+ self->cutoff = 10.0;
+ self->maxthresh = 3.0;
+ self->minthresh = -30.0;
+ self->reltime = 0.1;
+ self->follow = 0.0;
+ self->followdb = -120.0;
+ self->previous = 0.0;
+ self->incount = 0;
+ self->overminok = 0;
+ self->belowminok = 0;
+ self->timer = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, AttackDetector_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = AttackDetector_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "deltime", "cutoff", "maxthresh", "minthresh", "reltime", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_O_FFFFFOO, kwlist, &inputtmp, &self->deltime, &self->cutoff, &self->maxthresh, &self->minthresh, &self->reltime, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ self->memsize = (int)(0.055 * self->sr + 0.5);
+ self->buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer, (self->memsize+1) * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(self->memsize+1); i++) {
+ self->buffer[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (self->deltime < 0.001) self->deltime = 0.001;
+ else if (self->deltime > 0.05) self->deltime = 0.05;
+ self->sampdel = (int)(self->deltime * self->sr);
+ if (self->cutoff < 1.0) self->cutoff = 1.0;
+ else if (self->cutoff > 1000.0) self->cutoff = 1000.0;
+ self->folfactor = MYEXP(-TWOPI * self->cutoff / self->sr);
+ if (self->cutoff < 1.0) self->cutoff = 1.0;
+ else if (self->cutoff > 1000.0) self->cutoff = 1000.0;
+ if (self->maxthresh < 0.0) self->maxthresh = 0.0;
+ else if (self->maxthresh > 18.0) self->maxthresh = 18.0;
+ if (self->minthresh < -90.0) self->minthresh = -90.0;
+ else if (self->minthresh > 0.0) self->minthresh = 0.0;
+ if (self->reltime < 0.001) self->reltime = 0.001;
+ self->maxtime = (long)(self->reltime * self->sr + 0.5);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_getServer(AttackDetector* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_getStream(AttackDetector* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_setMul(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_setAdd(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_setSub(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_setDiv(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_play(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_stop(AttackDetector *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_multiply(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_inplace_multiply(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_add(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_inplace_add(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_sub(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_inplace_sub(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_div(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * AttackDetector_inplace_div(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_setDeltime(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->deltime = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->deltime < 0.001) self->deltime = 0.001;
+ else if (self->deltime > 0.05) self->deltime = 0.05;
+ self->sampdel = (int)(self->deltime * self->sr);
+ }
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_setCutoff(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->cutoff = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->cutoff < 1.0) self->cutoff = 1.0;
+ else if (self->cutoff > 1000.0) self->cutoff = 1000.0;
+ self->folfactor = MYEXP(-TWOPI * self->cutoff / self->sr);
+ }
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_setMaxthresh(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->maxthresh = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->maxthresh < 0.0) self->maxthresh = 0.0;
+ else if (self->maxthresh > 18.0) self->maxthresh = 18.0;
+ }
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_setMinthresh(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->minthresh = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->minthresh < -90.0) self->minthresh = -90.0;
+ else if (self->minthresh > 0.0) self->minthresh = 0.0;
+ }
+static PyObject *
+AttackDetector_setReltime(AttackDetector *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->reltime = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->reltime < 0.001) self->reltime = 0.001;
+ self->maxtime = (long)(self->reltime * self->sr + 0.5);
+ }
+static PyMemberDef AttackDetector_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(AttackDetector, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(AttackDetector, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(AttackDetector, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(AttackDetector, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(AttackDetector, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef AttackDetector_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setDeltime", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setDeltime, METH_O, "Sets the delay time between current and previous analysis."},
+{"setCutoff", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setCutoff, METH_O, "Sets the frequency of the internal lowpass filter."},
+{"setMaxthresh", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setMaxthresh, METH_O, "Sets the higher threshold."},
+{"setMinthresh", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setMinthresh, METH_O, "Sets the lower threshold."},
+{"setReltime", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setReltime, METH_O, "Sets the release time (min time between two detected attacks)."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)AttackDetector_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods AttackDetector_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)AttackDetector_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject AttackDetectorType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.AttackDetector_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(AttackDetector), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)AttackDetector_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&AttackDetector_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"AttackDetector objects. Audio signal peak detection.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)AttackDetector_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)AttackDetector_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+AttackDetector_methods, /* tp_methods */
+AttackDetector_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+AttackDetector_new, /* tp_new */
+/* Scope ********************************************************************************/
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ int size;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int pointer;
+ MYFLT gain;
+ MYFLT *buffer;
+} Scope;
+static void
+Scope_generate(Scope *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (self->pointer >= self->size)
+ self->pointer = 0;
+ self->buffer[self->pointer] = in[i];
+ self->pointer++;
+ }
+static PyObject *
+Scope_display(Scope *self) {
+ int i, ipos;
+ MYFLT pos, step, mag, h2;
+ PyObject *points, *tuple;
+ step = self->size / (MYFLT)(self->width);
+ h2 = self->height * 0.5;
+ points = PyList_New(self->width);
+ for (i=0; i<self->width; i++) {
+ pos = i * step;
+ ipos = (int)pos;
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ mag = ((self->buffer[ipos] + (self->buffer[ipos+1] - self->buffer[ipos]) * (pos - ipos)) * self->gain * h2 + h2);
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(self->height - (int)mag));
+ PyList_SET_ITEM(points, i, tuple);
+ }
+ return points;
+static void
+Scope_compute_next_data_frame(Scope *self)
+ Scope_generate(self);
+static int
+Scope_traverse(Scope *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+Scope_clear(Scope *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+Scope_dealloc(Scope* self)
+ free(self->buffer);
+ Scope_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+Scope_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i, maxsize;
+ MYFLT length = 0.05;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp;
+ Scope *self;
+ self = (Scope *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->gain = 1.0;
+ self->width = 500;
+ self->height = 400;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Scope_compute_next_data_frame);
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "length", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_O_F, kwlist, &inputtmp, &length))
+ maxsize = (int)(self->sr * 0.25);
+ self->buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer, maxsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->size = (int)(length * self->sr);
+ if (self->size > maxsize)
+ self->size = maxsize;
+ self->pointer = 0;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * Scope_getServer(Scope* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * Scope_getStream(Scope* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * Scope_play(Scope *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * Scope_stop(Scope *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+Scope_setLength(Scope *self, PyObject *arg)
+ MYFLT length;
+ int maxsize = (int)(self->sr * 0.25);
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg)) {
+ length = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ self->size = (int)(length * self->sr);
+ if (self->size > maxsize)
+ self->size = maxsize;
+ self->pointer = 0;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Scope_setGain(Scope *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg)) {
+ self->gain = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Scope_setWidth(Scope *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyInt_Check(arg)) {
+ self->width = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Scope_setHeight(Scope *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyInt_Check(arg)) {
+ self->height = PyInt_AsLong(arg);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef Scope_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Scope, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Scope, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Scope, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef Scope_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)Scope_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)Scope_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)Scope_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)Scope_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"display", (PyCFunction)Scope_display, METH_NOARGS, "Computes the samples to draw."},
+{"setLength", (PyCFunction)Scope_setLength, METH_O, "Sets function's argument."},
+{"setGain", (PyCFunction)Scope_setGain, METH_O, "Sets gain compensation."},
+{"setWidth", (PyCFunction)Scope_setWidth, METH_O, "Sets the width of the display."},
+{"setHeight", (PyCFunction)Scope_setHeight, METH_O, "Sets the height of the display."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+PyTypeObject ScopeType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.Scope_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(Scope), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)Scope_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+0, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"Scope objects. Show the waveform of an input signal.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)Scope_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)Scope_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+Scope_methods, /* tp_methods */
+Scope_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+Scope_new, /* tp_new */
+/* PeakAmp */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ int modebuffer[2]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+ MYFLT follow;
+} PeakAmp;
+static void
+PeakAmp_filters_i(PeakAmp *self) {
+ MYFLT absin, peak;
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ peak = 0.0;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ absin = in[i];
+ if (absin < 0.0)
+ absin = -absin;
+ if (absin > peak)
+ peak = absin;
+ self->data[i] = self->follow;
+ }
+ self->follow = peak;
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_ii(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_ai(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_ia(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_aa(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_ireva(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_areva(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_revai(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_revaa(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void PeakAmp_postprocessing_revareva(PeakAmp *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+PeakAmp_setProcMode(PeakAmp *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = PeakAmp_filters_i;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = PeakAmp_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+PeakAmp_compute_next_data_frame(PeakAmp *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+PeakAmp_traverse(PeakAmp *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+PeakAmp_clear(PeakAmp *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+PeakAmp_dealloc(PeakAmp* self)
+ PeakAmp_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+PeakAmp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ PeakAmp *self;
+ self = (PeakAmp *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->follow = 0.0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, PeakAmp_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = PeakAmp_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|OO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_getServer(PeakAmp* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_getStream(PeakAmp* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_setMul(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_setAdd(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_setSub(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_setDiv(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_play(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_stop(PeakAmp *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_multiply(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_inplace_multiply(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_add(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_inplace_add(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_sub(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_inplace_sub(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_div(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * PeakAmp_inplace_div(PeakAmp *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+PeakAmp_getValue(PeakAmp *self)
+ return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->follow);
+static PyMemberDef PeakAmp_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PeakAmp, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PeakAmp, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PeakAmp, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PeakAmp, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(PeakAmp, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef PeakAmp_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"getValue", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_getValue, METH_NOARGS, "Returns the current peaking value."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)PeakAmp_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods PeakAmp_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)PeakAmp_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject PeakAmpType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.PeakAmp_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(PeakAmp), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)PeakAmp_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&PeakAmp_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"PeakAmp objects. Envelope follower.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)PeakAmp_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)PeakAmp_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+PeakAmp_methods, /* tp_methods */
+PeakAmp_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+PeakAmp_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.c b/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.c
index 1c06284..79157db 100644
--- a/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/arithmeticmodule.c
@@ -3771,3 +3771,268 @@ PyTypeObject M_RoundType = {
0, /* tp_alloc */
M_Round_new, /* tp_new */
+/* M_Tanh */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ int modebuffer[2]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+} M_Tanh;
+static void
+M_Tanh_process(M_Tanh *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = MYTANH(in[i]);
+ }
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_ii(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_ai(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_ia(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_aa(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_ireva(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_areva(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_revai(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_revaa(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void M_Tanh_postprocessing_revareva(M_Tanh *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+M_Tanh_setProcMode(M_Tanh *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = M_Tanh_process;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = M_Tanh_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+M_Tanh_compute_next_data_frame(M_Tanh *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+M_Tanh_traverse(M_Tanh *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+M_Tanh_clear(M_Tanh *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+M_Tanh_dealloc(M_Tanh* self)
+ M_Tanh_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+M_Tanh_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ M_Tanh *self;
+ self = (M_Tanh *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, M_Tanh_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = M_Tanh_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|OO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_getServer(M_Tanh* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_getStream(M_Tanh* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_setMul(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_setAdd(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_setSub(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_setDiv(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_play(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_out(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_stop(M_Tanh *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_multiply(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_inplace_multiply(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_add(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_inplace_add(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_sub(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_inplace_sub(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_div(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * M_Tanh_inplace_div(M_Tanh *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef M_Tanh_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(M_Tanh, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(M_Tanh, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(M_Tanh, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(M_Tanh, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(M_Tanh, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef M_Tanh_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)M_Tanh_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods M_Tanh_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)M_Tanh_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject M_TanhType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.M_Tanh_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(M_Tanh), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)M_Tanh_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&M_Tanh_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"M_Tanh objects. Performs tanh function on audio samples.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)M_Tanh_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)M_Tanh_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+M_Tanh_methods, /* tp_methods */
+M_Tanh_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+M_Tanh_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/convolvemodule.c b/src/objects/convolvemodule.c
index 63b3fc3..f19da5a 100644
--- a/src/objects/convolvemodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/convolvemodule.c
@@ -174,11 +174,8 @@ Convolve_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Convolve must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Convolve must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
diff --git a/src/objects/delaymodule.c b/src/objects/delaymodule.c
index f4a0302..bec9a2b 100644
--- a/src/objects/delaymodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/delaymodule.c
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ typedef struct {
PyObject *feedback;
Stream *feedback_stream;
MYFLT maxdelay;
+ MYFLT oneOverSr;
long size;
long in_count;
int modebuffer[4];
@@ -50,8 +51,8 @@ Delay_process_ii(Delay *self) {
MYFLT del = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->delay);
MYFLT feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->feedback);
- if (del < 0.)
- del = 0.;
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr)
+ del = self->oneOverSr;
else if (del > self->maxdelay)
del = self->maxdelay;
MYFLT sampdel = del * self->sr;
@@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ Delay_process_ai(Delay *self) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
del = delobj[i];
- if (del < 0.)
- del = 0.;
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr)
+ del = self->oneOverSr;
else if (del > self->maxdelay)
del = self->maxdelay;
sampdel = del * self->sr;
@@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ Delay_process_ia(Delay *self) {
MYFLT del = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->delay);
MYFLT *fdb = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->feedback_stream);
- if (del < 0.)
- del = 0.;
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr)
+ del = self->oneOverSr;
else if (del > self->maxdelay)
del = self->maxdelay;
MYFLT sampdel = del * self->sr;
@@ -175,8 +176,8 @@ Delay_process_aa(Delay *self) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
del = delobj[i];
- if (del < 0.)
- del = 0.;
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr)
+ del = self->oneOverSr;
else if (del > self->maxdelay)
del = self->maxdelay;
sampdel = del * self->sr;
@@ -325,6 +326,9 @@ Delay_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ self->oneOverSr = 1.0 / self->sr;
Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Delay_compute_next_data_frame);
self->mode_func_ptr = Delay_setProcMode;
@@ -615,7 +619,7 @@ SDelay_process_i(SDelay *self) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
ind = self->in_count - sampdel;
if (ind < 0)
- ind += (self->size-1);
+ ind += self->size;
self->data[i] = self->buffer[ind];
self->buffer[self->in_count] = in[i];
@@ -648,7 +652,7 @@ SDelay_process_a(SDelay *self) {
else {
ind = self->in_count - sampdel;
if (ind < 0)
- ind += (self->size-1);
+ ind += self->size;
self->data[i] = self->buffer[ind];
self->buffer[self->in_count++] = in[i];
@@ -3031,3 +3035,716 @@ Delay1_members, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_alloc */
Delay1_new, /* tp_new */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ PyObject *delay;
+ Stream *delay_stream;
+ PyObject *feedback;
+ Stream *feedback_stream;
+ MYFLT crossfade;
+ MYFLT maxdelay;
+ MYFLT oneOverSr;
+ MYFLT amp1;
+ MYFLT amp2;
+ MYFLT inc1;
+ MYFLT inc2;
+ int current;
+ long timer;
+ long size;
+ long in_count;
+ long sampdel;
+ MYFLT sampdel1;
+ MYFLT sampdel2;
+ int modebuffer[4];
+ MYFLT *buffer; // samples memory
+} SmoothDelay;
+static void
+SmoothDelay_process_ii(SmoothDelay *self) {
+ MYFLT val, xind, frac, sum;
+ int i;
+ long ind, xsamps = 0;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT del = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->delay);
+ MYFLT feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->feedback);
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr) del = self->oneOverSr;
+ else if (del > self->maxdelay) del = self->maxdelay;
+ if (feed < 0) feed = 0.0;
+ else if (feed > 1) feed = 1.0;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (self->timer == 0) {
+ self->current = (self->current + 1) % 2;
+ self->sampdel = (long)(del * self->sr + 0.5);
+ xsamps = (long)(self->crossfade * self->sr + 0.5);
+ if (xsamps > self->sampdel) xsamps = self->sampdel;
+ if (xsamps <= 0) xsamps = 1;
+ if (self->current == 0) {
+ self->sampdel1 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc1 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc2 = -self->inc1;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->sampdel2 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc2 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc1 = -self->inc2;
+ }
+ }
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel1;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum = val * self->amp1;
+ self->amp1 += self->inc1;
+ if (self->amp1 < 0) self->amp1 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp1 > 1) self->amp1 = 1.0;
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel2;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum += val * self->amp2;
+ self->amp2 += self->inc2;
+ if (self->amp2 < 0) self->amp2 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp2 > 1) self->amp2 = 1.0;
+ self->data[i] = sum;
+ self->buffer[self->in_count] = in[i] + (sum * feed);
+ if (self->in_count == 0)
+ self->buffer[self->size] = self->buffer[0];
+ self->in_count++;
+ if (self->in_count >= self->size)
+ self->in_count = 0;
+ self->timer++;
+ if (self->timer == self->sampdel)
+ self->timer = 0;
+ }
+static void
+SmoothDelay_process_ai(SmoothDelay *self) {
+ MYFLT val, xind, frac, sum, del;
+ int i;
+ long ind, xsamps = 0;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *dl = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->delay_stream);
+ MYFLT feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->feedback);
+ if (feed < 0) feed = 0.0;
+ else if (feed > 1) feed = 1.0;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (self->timer == 0) {
+ del = dl[i];
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr) del = self->oneOverSr;
+ else if (del > self->maxdelay) del = self->maxdelay;
+ self->current = (self->current + 1) % 2;
+ self->sampdel = (long)(del * self->sr + 0.5);
+ xsamps = (long)(self->crossfade * self->sr + 0.5);
+ if (xsamps > self->sampdel) xsamps = self->sampdel;
+ if (xsamps <= 0) xsamps = 1;
+ if (self->current == 0) {
+ self->sampdel1 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc1 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc2 = -self->inc1;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->sampdel2 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc2 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc1 = -self->inc2;
+ }
+ }
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel1;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum = val * self->amp1;
+ self->amp1 += self->inc1;
+ if (self->amp1 < 0) self->amp1 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp1 > 1) self->amp1 = 1.0;
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel2;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum += val * self->amp2;
+ self->amp2 += self->inc2;
+ if (self->amp2 < 0) self->amp2 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp2 > 1) self->amp2 = 1.0;
+ self->data[i] = sum;
+ self->buffer[self->in_count] = in[i] + (sum * feed);
+ if (self->in_count == 0)
+ self->buffer[self->size] = self->buffer[0];
+ self->in_count++;
+ if (self->in_count >= self->size)
+ self->in_count = 0;
+ self->timer++;
+ if (self->timer == self->sampdel)
+ self->timer = 0;
+ }
+static void
+SmoothDelay_process_ia(SmoothDelay *self) {
+ MYFLT val, xind, frac, sum, feed;
+ int i;
+ long ind, xsamps = 0;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT del = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->delay);
+ MYFLT *fd = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->feedback_stream);
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr) del = self->oneOverSr;
+ else if (del > self->maxdelay) del = self->maxdelay;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ feed = fd[i];
+ if (feed < 0) feed = 0.0;
+ else if (feed > 1) feed = 1.0;
+ if (self->timer == 0) {
+ self->current = (self->current + 1) % 2;
+ self->sampdel = (long)(del * self->sr + 0.5);
+ xsamps = (long)(self->crossfade * self->sr + 0.5);
+ if (xsamps > self->sampdel) xsamps = self->sampdel;
+ if (xsamps <= 0) xsamps = 1;
+ if (self->current == 0) {
+ self->sampdel1 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc1 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc2 = -self->inc1;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->sampdel2 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc2 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc1 = -self->inc2;
+ }
+ }
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel1;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum = val * self->amp1;
+ self->amp1 += self->inc1;
+ if (self->amp1 < 0) self->amp1 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp1 > 1) self->amp1 = 1.0;
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel2;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum += val * self->amp2;
+ self->amp2 += self->inc2;
+ if (self->amp2 < 0) self->amp2 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp2 > 1) self->amp2 = 1.0;
+ self->data[i] = sum;
+ self->buffer[self->in_count] = in[i] + (sum * feed);
+ if (self->in_count == 0)
+ self->buffer[self->size] = self->buffer[0];
+ self->in_count++;
+ if (self->in_count >= self->size)
+ self->in_count = 0;
+ self->timer++;
+ if (self->timer == self->sampdel)
+ self->timer = 0;
+ }
+static void
+SmoothDelay_process_aa(SmoothDelay *self) {
+ MYFLT val, xind, frac, sum, del, feed;
+ int i;
+ long ind, xsamps = 0;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *dl = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->delay_stream);
+ MYFLT *fd = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->feedback_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ feed = fd[i];
+ if (feed < 0) feed = 0.0;
+ else if (feed > 1) feed = 1.0;
+ if (self->timer == 0) {
+ del = dl[i];
+ if (del < self->oneOverSr) del = self->oneOverSr;
+ else if (del > self->maxdelay) del = self->maxdelay;
+ self->current = (self->current + 1) % 2;
+ self->sampdel = (long)(del * self->sr + 0.5);
+ xsamps = (long)(self->crossfade * self->sr + 0.5);
+ if (xsamps > self->sampdel) xsamps = self->sampdel;
+ if (xsamps <= 0) xsamps = 1;
+ if (self->current == 0) {
+ self->sampdel1 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc1 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc2 = -self->inc1;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->sampdel2 = del * self->sr;
+ self->inc2 = 1.0 / xsamps;
+ self->inc1 = -self->inc2;
+ }
+ }
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel1;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum = val * self->amp1;
+ self->amp1 += self->inc1;
+ if (self->amp1 < 0) self->amp1 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp1 > 1) self->amp1 = 1.0;
+ xind = self->in_count - self->sampdel2;
+ while (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size;
+ ind = (long)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ val = self->buffer[ind] + (self->buffer[ind+1] - self->buffer[ind]) * frac;
+ sum += val * self->amp2;
+ self->amp2 += self->inc2;
+ if (self->amp2 < 0) self->amp2 = 0.0;
+ else if (self->amp2 > 1) self->amp2 = 1.0;
+ self->data[i] = sum;
+ self->buffer[self->in_count] = in[i] + (sum * feed);
+ if (self->in_count == 0)
+ self->buffer[self->size] = self->buffer[0];
+ self->in_count++;
+ if (self->in_count >= self->size)
+ self->in_count = 0;
+ self->timer++;
+ if (self->timer == self->sampdel)
+ self->timer = 0;
+ }
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ii(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ai(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ia(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_aa(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ireva(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_areva(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revai(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revaa(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revareva(SmoothDelay *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+SmoothDelay_setProcMode(SmoothDelay *self)
+ int procmode, muladdmode;
+ procmode = self->modebuffer[2] + self->modebuffer[3] * 10;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (procmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_process_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_process_ai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_process_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_process_aa;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+SmoothDelay_compute_next_data_frame(SmoothDelay *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+SmoothDelay_traverse(SmoothDelay *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->delay);
+ Py_VISIT(self->delay_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->feedback);
+ Py_VISIT(self->feedback_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+SmoothDelay_clear(SmoothDelay *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->delay);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->delay_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->feedback);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->feedback_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+SmoothDelay_dealloc(SmoothDelay* self)
+ free(self->buffer);
+ SmoothDelay_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+SmoothDelay_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *delaytmp=NULL, *feedbacktmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ SmoothDelay *self;
+ self = (SmoothDelay *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->delay = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.25);
+ self->feedback = PyFloat_FromDouble(0);
+ self->crossfade = 0.05;
+ self->maxdelay = 1;
+ self->in_count = 0;
+ self->current = 1;
+ self->timer = 0;
+ self->amp1 = 0.0;
+ self->amp2 = 1.0;
+ self->inc1 = self->inc2 = 0.0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ self->oneOverSr = self->sampdel1 = self->sampdel2 = 1.0 / self->sr;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, SmoothDelay_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = SmoothDelay_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "delay", "feedback", "crossfade", "maxdelay", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_O_OOFFOO, kwlist, &inputtmp, &delaytmp, &feedbacktmp, &self->crossfade, &self->maxdelay, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (delaytmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setDelay", "O", delaytmp);
+ }
+ if (feedbacktmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setFeedback", "O", feedbacktmp);
+ }
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ self->size = (long)(self->maxdelay * self->sr + 0.5);
+ self->buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer, (self->size+1) * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(self->size+1); i++) {
+ self->buffer[i] = 0.;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_getServer(SmoothDelay* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_getStream(SmoothDelay* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_setMul(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_setAdd(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_setSub(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_setDiv(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_play(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_out(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_stop(SmoothDelay *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_multiply(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_inplace_multiply(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_add(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_inplace_add(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_sub(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_inplace_sub(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_div(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * SmoothDelay_inplace_div(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+SmoothDelay_setDelay(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->delay);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->delay = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->delay = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->delay, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->delay_stream);
+ self->delay_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+SmoothDelay_setFeedback(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->feedback);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->feedback = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->feedback = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->feedback, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->feedback_stream);
+ self->feedback_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+SmoothDelay_setCrossfade(SmoothDelay *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->crossfade = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ }
+static PyObject *
+SmoothDelay_reset(SmoothDelay *self)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i<(self->size+1); i++) {
+ self->buffer[i] = 0.;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef SmoothDelay_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+ {"delay", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, delay), 0, "SmoothDelay time in seconds."},
+ {"feedback", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, feedback), 0, "Feedback value."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(SmoothDelay, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef SmoothDelay_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setDelay", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setDelay, METH_O, "Sets delay time in seconds."},
+ {"setFeedback", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setFeedback, METH_O, "Sets feedback value between 0 -> 1."},
+ {"setCrossfade", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setCrossfade, METH_O, "Sets crossfade time."},
+ {"reset", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets the memory buffer to zeros."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)SmoothDelay_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods SmoothDelay_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)SmoothDelay_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject SmoothDelayType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.SmoothDelay_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(SmoothDelay), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)SmoothDelay_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &SmoothDelay_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "SmoothDelay objects. Delay signal by x samples.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)SmoothDelay_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)SmoothDelay_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ SmoothDelay_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ SmoothDelay_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ SmoothDelay_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/fadermodule.c b/src/objects/fadermodule.c
index 906d3c8..bd6310e 100644
--- a/src/objects/fadermodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/fadermodule.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ typedef struct {
int modebuffer[2];
int fademode;
+ int ended;
MYFLT topValue;
MYFLT attack;
MYFLT release;
@@ -52,11 +53,18 @@ Fader_generate_auto(Fader *self) {
MYFLT val;
int i;
+ if (self->ended == 1) {
+ Fader_internal_stop((Fader *)self);
+ return;
+ }
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
if (self->currentTime <= self->attack)
val = self->currentTime / self->attack;
- else if (self->currentTime > self->duration)
+ else if (self->currentTime > self->duration) {
val = 0.;
+ self->ended = 1;
+ }
else if (self->currentTime >= (self->duration - self->release))
val = (self->duration - self->currentTime) / self->release;
@@ -71,6 +79,11 @@ static void
Fader_generate_wait(Fader *self) {
MYFLT val;
int i;
+ if (self->fademode == 1 && self->currentTime > self->release) {
+ Fader_internal_stop((Fader *)self);
+ return;
+ }
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
if (self->fademode == 0) {
@@ -90,8 +103,6 @@ Fader_generate_wait(Fader *self) {
self->data[i] = val;
self->currentTime += self->sampleToSec;
- if (self->fademode == 1 && self->currentTime > self->release)
- Fader_internal_stop((Fader *)self);
static void Fader_postprocessing_ii(Fader *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
@@ -187,6 +198,7 @@ Fader_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
self->topValue = 0.0;
self->fademode = 0;
+ self->ended = 0;
self->attack = 0.01;
self->release = 0.1;
self->duration = 0.0;
@@ -230,6 +242,7 @@ static PyObject * Fader_setDiv(Fader *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
static PyObject * Fader_play(Fader *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->fademode = 0;
+ self->ended = 0;
self->currentTime = 0.0;
@@ -427,8 +440,10 @@ Adsr_generate_auto(Adsr *self) {
val = self->currentTime * invatt;
else if (self->currentTime <= (self->attack + self->decay))
val = (self->decay - (self->currentTime - self->attack)) * invdec * (1. - self->sustain) + self->sustain;
- else if (self->currentTime > self->duration)
+ else if (self->currentTime > self->duration) {
val = 0.;
+ Adsr_internal_stop((Adsr *)self);
+ }
else if (self->currentTime >= (self->duration - self->release))
val = (self->duration - self->currentTime) * invrel * self->sustain;
diff --git a/src/objects/fftmodule.c b/src/objects/fftmodule.c
index 39ca586..f9e6106 100644
--- a/src/objects/fftmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/fftmodule.c
@@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@ CvlVerb_alloc_memories(CvlVerb *self) {
self->inframe = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->inframe, self->size2 * sizeof(MYFLT));
self->outframe = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->outframe, self->size2 * sizeof(MYFLT));
self->last_half_frame = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->last_half_frame, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
- self->input_buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->output_buffer, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->input_buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->input_buffer, self->size * sizeof(MYFLT));
self->output_buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->output_buffer, self->size2 * sizeof(MYFLT));
for (i=0; i<self->size2; i++)
self->inframe[i] = self->outframe[i] = self->output_buffer[i] = 0.0;
diff --git a/src/objects/filtremodule.c b/src/objects/filtremodule.c
index d848581..eb8fb7f 100644
--- a/src/objects/filtremodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/filtremodule.c
@@ -5792,6 +5792,7 @@ typedef struct {
MYFLT factor;
int stages;
int last_stages;
+ int flag;
MYFLT nyquist;
MYFLT twoPiOnSr;
int modebuffer[6]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
@@ -5829,9 +5830,9 @@ Vocoder_allocate_memories(Vocoder *self)
for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
i2j = i * 2 + j;
self->yy1[i2j] = self->yy2[i2j] = self->y1[i2j] = self->y2[i2j] = 0.0;
- }
+ }
+ self->flag = 1;
static void
@@ -5887,11 +5888,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_iii(Vocoder *self) {
self->factor = MYEXP(-1.0 / (self->sr / ((slope * 48.0) + 2.0)));
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
@@ -5971,11 +5973,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_aii(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6053,11 +6056,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_iai(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6138,11 +6142,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_aai(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6220,11 +6225,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_iia(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6304,11 +6310,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_aia(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6388,11 +6395,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_iaa(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6474,11 +6482,12 @@ Vocoder_filters_aaa(Vocoder *self) {
else if (count >= maxcount)
count = 0;
- if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages) {
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || spread != self->last_spread || q != self->last_q || self->stages != self->last_stages || self->flag) {
self->last_freq = freq;
self->last_spread = spread;
self->last_q = q;
self->last_stages = self->stages;
+ self->flag = 0;
Vocoder_compute_variables(self, freq, spread, q);
output = 0.0;
@@ -6674,6 +6683,7 @@ Vocoder_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->factor = 0.99;
self->stages = 24;
self->last_stages = -1;
+ self->flag = 0;
self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
@@ -6697,11 +6707,8 @@ Vocoder_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)input2tmp, "server") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"input2\" argument of Vocoder must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of Vocoder must be a PyoObject.\n");
self->input2 = input2tmp;
@@ -11024,3 +11031,510 @@ PyTypeObject ButBRType = {
0, /* tp_alloc */
ButBR_new, /* tp_new */
+/** ComplexRes **/
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ PyObject *freq;
+ Stream *freq_stream;
+ PyObject *decay;
+ Stream *decay_stream;
+ int modebuffer[4]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+ MYFLT last_freq;
+ MYFLT last_decay;
+ MYFLT oneOnSr;
+ // variables
+ MYFLT res;
+ MYFLT norm;
+ MYFLT coeffx;
+ MYFLT coeffy;
+ // sample memories
+ MYFLT x;
+ MYFLT y;
+} ComplexRes;
+static void
+ComplexRes_filters_ii(ComplexRes *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT ang, x, y;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT freq = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->freq);
+ MYFLT decay = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->decay);
+ if (decay <= 0.0001)
+ decay = 0.0001;
+ if (decay != self->last_decay || freq != self->last_freq) {
+ self->res = MYEXP(-1.0/(decay*self->sr));
+ //self->norm = (1.0-self->res*self->res)/self->res;
+ self->last_decay = decay;
+ ang = (freq*self->oneOnSr)*TWOPI;
+ self->coeffx = self->res * MYCOS(ang);
+ self->coeffy = self->res * MYSIN(ang);
+ self->last_freq = freq;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ x = self->coeffx * self->x - self->coeffy * self->y + in[i];
+ y = self->coeffy * self->x + self->coeffx * self->y;
+ self->data[i] = y * self->norm;
+ self->x = x;
+ self->y = y;
+ }
+static void
+ComplexRes_filters_ai(ComplexRes *self) {
+ int i, check = 0;
+ MYFLT freq, ang, x, y;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *fr = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->freq_stream);
+ MYFLT decay = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->decay);
+ if (decay <= 0.0001)
+ decay = 0.0001;
+ if (decay != self->last_decay) {
+ self->res = MYEXP(-1.0/(decay*self->sr));
+ //self->norm = (1.0-self->res*self->res)/self->res;
+ self->last_decay = decay;
+ check = 1;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ freq = fr[i];
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || check) {
+ ang = (freq*self->oneOnSr)*TWOPI;
+ self->coeffx = self->res * MYCOS(ang);
+ self->coeffy = self->res * MYSIN(ang);
+ self->last_freq = freq;
+ check = 0;
+ }
+ x = self->coeffx * self->x - self->coeffy * self->y + in[i];
+ y = self->coeffy * self->x + self->coeffx * self->y;
+ self->data[i] = y * self->norm;
+ self->x = x;
+ self->y = y;
+ }
+static void
+ComplexRes_filters_ia(ComplexRes *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT decay, ang, x, y;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT freq = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->freq);
+ MYFLT *dec = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->decay_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ decay = dec[i];
+ if (decay <= 0.0001)
+ decay = 0.0001;
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || decay != self->last_decay) {
+ self->res = MYEXP(-1.0/(decay*self->sr));
+ //self->norm = (1.0-self->res*self->res)/self->res;
+ self->last_decay = decay;
+ ang = (freq*self->oneOnSr)*TWOPI;
+ self->coeffx = self->res * MYCOS(ang);
+ self->coeffy = self->res * MYSIN(ang);
+ self->last_freq = freq;
+ }
+ x = self->coeffx * self->x - self->coeffy * self->y + in[i];
+ y = self->coeffy * self->x + self->coeffx * self->y;
+ self->data[i] = y * self->norm;
+ self->x = x;
+ self->y = y;
+ }
+static void
+ComplexRes_filters_aa(ComplexRes *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT freq, decay, ang, x, y;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *fr = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->freq_stream);
+ MYFLT *dec = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->decay_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ freq = fr[i];
+ decay = dec[i];
+ if (decay <= 0.0001)
+ decay = 0.0001;
+ if (freq != self->last_freq || decay != self->last_decay) {
+ self->res = MYEXP(-1.0/(decay*self->sr));
+ //self->norm = (1.0-self->res*self->res)/self->res;
+ self->last_decay = decay;
+ ang = (freq*self->oneOnSr)*TWOPI;
+ self->coeffx = self->res * MYCOS(ang);
+ self->coeffy = self->res * MYSIN(ang);
+ self->last_freq = freq;
+ }
+ x = self->coeffx * self->x - self->coeffy * self->y + in[i];
+ y = self->coeffy * self->x + self->coeffx * self->y;
+ self->data[i] = y * self->norm;
+ self->x = x;
+ self->y = y;
+ }
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_ii(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_ai(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_ia(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_aa(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_ireva(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_areva(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_revai(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_revaa(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void ComplexRes_postprocessing_revareva(ComplexRes *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+ComplexRes_setProcMode(ComplexRes *self)
+ int procmode, muladdmode;
+ procmode = self->modebuffer[2] + self->modebuffer[3] * 10;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (procmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = ComplexRes_filters_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = ComplexRes_filters_ai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = ComplexRes_filters_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = ComplexRes_filters_aa;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = ComplexRes_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+ComplexRes_compute_next_data_frame(ComplexRes *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+ComplexRes_traverse(ComplexRes *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->freq);
+ Py_VISIT(self->freq_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->decay);
+ Py_VISIT(self->decay_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+ComplexRes_clear(ComplexRes *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->freq);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->freq_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->decay);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->decay_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+ComplexRes_dealloc(ComplexRes* self)
+ ComplexRes_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+ComplexRes_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *freqtmp=NULL, *decaytmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ ComplexRes *self;
+ self = (ComplexRes *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->freq = PyFloat_FromDouble(1000);
+ self->decay = PyFloat_FromDouble(.25);
+ self->last_freq = self->last_decay = -1.0;
+ self->x = self->y = 0.0;
+ self->res = 1.0;
+ self->norm = 0.01; /* normalization factor fixed at -40 dB */
+ self->coeffx = self->coeffy = 0.0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ self->oneOnSr = 1.0 / self->sr;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, ComplexRes_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = ComplexRes_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "freq", "decay", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|OOOO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &freqtmp, &decaytmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (freqtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setFreq", "O", freqtmp);
+ }
+ if (decaytmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setDecay", "O", decaytmp);
+ }
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_getServer(ComplexRes* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_getStream(ComplexRes* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_setMul(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_setAdd(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_setSub(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_setDiv(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_play(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_out(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_stop(ComplexRes *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_multiply(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_inplace_multiply(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_add(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_inplace_add(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_sub(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_inplace_sub(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_div(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * ComplexRes_inplace_div(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+ComplexRes_setFreq(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->freq);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->freq = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->freq = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->freq, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->freq_stream);
+ self->freq_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+ComplexRes_setDecay(ComplexRes *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->decay);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->decay = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->decay = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->decay, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->decay_stream);
+ self->decay_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef ComplexRes_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"freq", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, freq), 0, "Center frequency in cycle per second."},
+{"decay", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, decay), 0, "Decaying envelope time in seconds."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(ComplexRes, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef ComplexRes_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setFreq", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setFreq, METH_O, "Sets filter center frequency in cycle per second."},
+{"setDecay", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setDecay, METH_O, "Sets filter decaying envelope time."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)ComplexRes_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods ComplexRes_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)ComplexRes_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject ComplexResType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.ComplexRes_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(ComplexRes), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)ComplexRes_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&ComplexRes_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"ComplexRes objects. Second order allpass filter.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)ComplexRes_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)ComplexRes_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+ComplexRes_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ComplexRes_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+ComplexRes_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/freeverbmodule.c b/src/objects/freeverbmodule.c
index 8ba510b..9f98523 100644
--- a/src/objects/freeverbmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/freeverbmodule.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ static const MYFLT allpass_delays[NUM_ALLPASS] = {
static const MYFLT fixedGain = 0.015;
static const MYFLT scaleDamp = 0.5;
-static const MYFLT scaleRoom = 0.28;
+static const MYFLT scaleRoom = 0.29;
static const MYFLT offsetRoom = 0.7;
static const MYFLT allPassFeedBack = 0.5;
@@ -929,4 +929,3 @@ PyTypeObject FreeverbType = {
0, /* tp_alloc */
Freeverb_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/granulatormodule.c b/src/objects/granulatormodule.c
index 44eaf46..a996aea 100644
--- a/src/objects/granulatormodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/granulatormodule.c
@@ -711,21 +711,15 @@ Granulator_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Granulator must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Granulator must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"env\" argument of Granulator must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"env\" argument of Granulator must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->env = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -1866,11 +1860,8 @@ Looper_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Looper must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Looper must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -2304,7 +2295,7 @@ PyTypeObject LooperType = {
Looper_new, /* tp_new */
-static const MYFLT Granule_MAX_GRAINS = 1024;
+static const MYFLT Granule_MAX_GRAINS = 4096;
typedef struct {
PyObject *table;
@@ -2323,16 +2314,17 @@ typedef struct {
MYFLT *phase;
int *flags;
int num;
+ int sync;
double timer;
MYFLT oneOnSr;
+ MYFLT srOnRandMax;
int modebuffer[6];
} Granule;
static void
Granule_transform_i(Granule *self) {
MYFLT dens, inc, index, amp, phase;
- int i, j, ipart;
- int flag = 0;
+ int i, j, ipart, flag = 0;
MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0;
MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
@@ -2343,18 +2335,24 @@ Granule_transform_i(Granule *self) {
dens = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dens);
if (dens < 0.0)
- dens = -dens;
+ dens = 0.0;
inc = dens * self->oneOnSr;
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
self->data[i] = 0.0;
- /* clocker */
- self->timer += inc;
- if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
- self->timer -= 1.0;
- flag = 1;
+ if (self->sync == 1) {
+ /* synchronous */
+ self->timer += inc;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* asynchronous */
+ if ((rand() * self->srOnRandMax) < dens)
+ flag = 1;
/* need to start a new grain */
@@ -2376,10 +2374,14 @@ Granule_transform_i(Granule *self) {
dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
if (pos < 0.0)
pos = 0.0;
else if (pos >= size)
pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
self->gpos[j] = pos;
self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit;
if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
@@ -2395,23 +2397,19 @@ Granule_transform_i(Granule *self) {
for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
if (self->flags[j]) {
phase = self->phase[j];
- if (phase >= 0.0 && phase < 1.0) {
- // compute envelope
- index = phase * envsize;
- ipart = (int)index;
- amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
- // compute sampling
- index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
- ipart = (int)index;
- self->data[i] += (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
- phase += self->inc[j];
- if (phase >= 1.0)
- self->flags[j] = 0;
- else
- self->phase[j] = phase;
- }
+ /* compute envelope */
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ /* compute sampling */
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ self->data[i] += (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
flag = 0;
@@ -2421,8 +2419,7 @@ Granule_transform_i(Granule *self) {
static void
Granule_transform_a(Granule *self) {
MYFLT index, amp, phase;
- int i, j, ipart;
- int flag = 0;
+ int i, j, ipart, flag = 0;
MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0;
MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
@@ -2436,11 +2433,17 @@ Granule_transform_a(Granule *self) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
self->data[i] = 0.0;
- /* clocker */
- self->timer += density[i] * self->oneOnSr;
- if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
- self->timer -= 1.0;
- flag = 1;
+ if (self->sync == 1) {
+ /* synchronous */
+ self->timer += density[i] * self->oneOnSr;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* asynchronous */
+ if ((rand() * self->srOnRandMax) < density[i])
+ flag = 1;
/* need to start a new grain */
@@ -2462,10 +2465,14 @@ Granule_transform_a(Granule *self) {
dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
if (pos < 0.0)
pos = 0.0;
else if (pos >= size)
pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
self->gpos[j] = pos;
self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit;
if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
@@ -2481,23 +2488,19 @@ Granule_transform_a(Granule *self) {
for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
if (self->flags[j]) {
phase = self->phase[j];
- if (phase >= 0.0 && phase < 1.0) {
- // compute envelope
- index = phase * envsize;
- ipart = (int)index;
- amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
- // compute sampling
- index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
- ipart = (int)index;
- self->data[i] += (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
- phase += self->inc[j];
- if (phase >= 1.0)
- self->flags[j] = 0;
- else
- self->phase[j] = phase;
- }
+ // compute envelope
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ // compute sampling
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ self->data[i] += (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
flag = 0;
@@ -2628,6 +2631,7 @@ Granule_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->dur = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.1);
self->timer = 1.0;
self->num = 0;
+ self->sync = 1;
self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
@@ -2638,6 +2642,7 @@ Granule_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->oneOnSr = 1.0 / self->sr;
+ self->srOnRandMax = self->sr / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX;
Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Granule_compute_next_data_frame);
self->mode_func_ptr = Granule_setProcMode;
@@ -2648,21 +2653,15 @@ Granule_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Granule must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Granule must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"env\" argument of Granule must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"env\" argument of Granule must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->env = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -2703,7 +2702,9 @@ Granule_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->gpos[i] = self->glen[i] = self->inc[i] = self->phase[i] = 0.0;
self->flags[i] = 0;
+ Server_generateSeed((Server *)self->server, GRANULE_ID);
return (PyObject *)self;
@@ -2909,6 +2910,21 @@ Granule_setEnv(Granule *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Granule_setSync(Granule *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyLong_Check(arg) || PyInt_Check(arg)) {
+ self->sync = PyLong_AsLong(arg);
+ if (self->sync <= 0)
+ self->sync = 0;
+ else
+ self->sync = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
static PyMemberDef Granule_members[] = {
{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Granule, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Granule, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
@@ -2937,6 +2953,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Granule_methods[] = {
{"setPitch", (PyCFunction)Granule_setPitch, METH_O, "Sets global pitch factor."},
{"setPos", (PyCFunction)Granule_setPos, METH_O, "Sets position in the sound table."},
{"setDur", (PyCFunction)Granule_setDur, METH_O, "Sets the grain duration."},
+ {"setSync", (PyCFunction)Granule_setSync, METH_O, "Sets the granulator mode: synchronous or asynchronous."},
{"setMul", (PyCFunction)Granule_setMul, METH_O, "Sets Granule mul factor."},
{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)Granule_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets Granule add factor."},
{"setSub", (PyCFunction)Granule_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
@@ -3028,3 +3045,1289 @@ PyTypeObject GranuleType = {
Granule_new, /* tp_new */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *table;
+ PyObject *env;
+ PyObject *dens;
+ Stream *dens_stream;
+ PyObject *pitch;
+ Stream *pitch_stream;
+ PyObject *pos;
+ Stream *pos_stream;
+ PyObject *dur;
+ Stream *dur_stream;
+ PyObject *dev;
+ Stream *dev_stream;
+ PyObject *pan;
+ Stream *pan_stream;
+ MYFLT *gpos;
+ MYFLT *glen;
+ MYFLT *inc;
+ MYFLT *phase;
+ MYFLT *amp1;
+ MYFLT *amp2;
+ int *flags;
+ int *k1;
+ int *k2;
+ int num;
+ int chnls;
+ double timer;
+ double devFactor;
+ double srScale;
+ MYFLT oneOnSr;
+ MYFLT srOnRandMax;
+ MYFLT *buffer_streams;
+ int modebuffer[6];
+} MainParticle;
+static void
+MainParticle_transform_mono_i(MainParticle *self) {
+ MYFLT dens, inc, index, amp, phase, val;
+ int i, j, ipart, flag = 0;
+ MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0, dev = 0;
+ MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
+ int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
+ MYFLT *envlist = TableStream_getData(self->env);
+ int envsize = TableStream_getSize(self->env);
+ dens = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dens);
+ if (dens < 0.0)
+ dens = 0.0;
+ inc = dens * self->oneOnSr * self->devFactor;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->chnls; i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->timer += inc;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ /* need to start a new grain */
+ if (flag) {
+ for (j=0; j<MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j] == 0) {
+ self->flags[j] = 1;
+ if (j >= self->num)
+ self->num = j + 1;
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ pit = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pitch);
+ else
+ pit = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pitch_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[2] == 0)
+ pos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pos);
+ else
+ pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pos_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[3] == 0)
+ dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
+ else
+ dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[4] == 0)
+ dev = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dev);
+ else
+ dev = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dev_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
+ if (pos < 0.0)
+ pos = 0.0;
+ else if (pos >= size)
+ pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
+ if (dev < 0.0)
+ dev = 0.0;
+ else if (dev > 1.0)
+ dev = 1.0;
+ self->gpos[j] = pos;
+ self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit * self->srScale;
+ if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ self->phase[j] = 0.0;
+ self->inc[j] = 1.0 / (dur * self->sr);
+ self->devFactor = (rand() / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0) * dev + 1.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute active grains */
+ for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j]) {
+ phase = self->phase[j];
+ /* compute envelope */
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ /* compute sampling */
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ val = (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ self->buffer_streams[i] += val;
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
+ }
+ }
+ flag = 0;
+ }
+static void
+MainParticle_transform_mono_a(MainParticle *self) {
+ MYFLT dens, index, amp, phase, val;
+ int i, j, ipart, flag = 0;
+ MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0, dev = 0;
+ MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
+ int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
+ MYFLT *envlist = TableStream_getData(self->env);
+ int envsize = TableStream_getSize(self->env);
+ MYFLT *density = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dens_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->chnls; i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (density[i] < 0.0)
+ dens = 0.0;
+ else
+ dens = density[i];
+ self->timer += dens * self->oneOnSr * self->devFactor;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ /* need to start a new grain */
+ if (flag) {
+ for (j=0; j<MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j] == 0) {
+ self->flags[j] = 1;
+ if (j >= self->num)
+ self->num = j + 1;
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ pit = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pitch);
+ else
+ pit = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pitch_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[2] == 0)
+ pos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pos);
+ else
+ pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pos_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[3] == 0)
+ dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
+ else
+ dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[4] == 0)
+ dev = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dev);
+ else
+ dev = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dev_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
+ if (pos < 0.0)
+ pos = 0.0;
+ else if (pos >= size)
+ pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
+ if (dev < 0.0)
+ dev = 0.0;
+ else if (dev > 1.0)
+ dev = 1.0;
+ self->gpos[j] = pos;
+ self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit * self->srScale;
+ if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ self->phase[j] = 0.0;
+ self->inc[j] = 1.0 / (dur * self->sr);
+ self->devFactor = (rand() / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0) * dev + 1.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute active grains */
+ for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j]) {
+ phase = self->phase[j];
+ /* compute envelope */
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ /* compute sampling */
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ val = (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ self->buffer_streams[i] += val;
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
+ }
+ }
+ flag = 0;
+ }
+static void
+MainParticle_transform_i(MainParticle *self) {
+ MYFLT dens, inc, index, amp, phase, val, min = 0;
+ int i, j, l, l1, ipart, flag = 0;
+ MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0, dev = 0, pan = 0;
+ MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
+ int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
+ MYFLT *envlist = TableStream_getData(self->env);
+ int envsize = TableStream_getSize(self->env);
+ dens = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dens);
+ if (dens < 0.0)
+ dens = 0.0;
+ inc = dens * self->oneOnSr * self->devFactor;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->chnls; i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->timer += inc;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ /* need to start a new grain */
+ if (flag) {
+ for (j=0; j<MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j] == 0) {
+ self->flags[j] = 1;
+ if (j >= self->num)
+ self->num = j + 1;
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ pit = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pitch);
+ else
+ pit = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pitch_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[2] == 0)
+ pos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pos);
+ else
+ pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pos_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[3] == 0)
+ dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
+ else
+ dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[4] == 0)
+ dev = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dev);
+ else
+ dev = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dev_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[5] == 0)
+ pan = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pan);
+ else
+ pan = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pan_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
+ if (pos < 0.0)
+ pos = 0.0;
+ else if (pos >= size)
+ pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
+ if (dev < 0.0)
+ dev = 0.0;
+ else if (dev > 1.0)
+ dev = 1.0;
+ if (pan < 0.0)
+ pan = 0.0;
+ else if (pan > 1.0)
+ pan = 1.0;
+ self->gpos[j] = pos;
+ self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit * self->srScale;
+ if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ self->phase[j] = 0.0;
+ self->inc[j] = 1.0 / (dur * self->sr);
+ self->devFactor = (rand() / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0) * dev + 1.0;
+ if (self->chnls == 2) {
+ self->k1[j] = 0;
+ self->k2[j] = self->bufsize;
+ self->amp1[j] = MYSQRT(1.0 - pan);
+ self->amp2[j] = MYSQRT(pan);
+ }
+ else {
+ self->amp1[j] = MYSQRT(1.0 - pan);
+ self->amp2[j] = MYSQRT(pan);
+ min = 0;
+ self->k1[j] = 0;
+ self->k2[j] = self->bufsize;
+ for (l=self->chnls; l>0; l--) {
+ l1 = l - 1;
+ min = l1 / (MYFLT)self->chnls;
+ if (pan > min) {
+ self->k1[j] = l1 * self->bufsize;
+ if (l == self->chnls)
+ self->k2[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->k2[j] = l * self->bufsize;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute active grains */
+ for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j]) {
+ phase = self->phase[j];
+ /* compute envelope */
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ /* compute sampling */
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ val = (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ self->buffer_streams[i+self->k1[j]] += val * self->amp1[j];
+ self->buffer_streams[i+self->k2[j]] += val * self->amp2[j];
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
+ }
+ }
+ flag = 0;
+ }
+static void
+MainParticle_transform_a(MainParticle *self) {
+ MYFLT dens, index, amp, phase, val, min = 0;
+ int i, j, l, l1, ipart, flag = 0;
+ MYFLT pit = 0, pos = 0, dur = 0, dev = 0, pan = 0;
+ MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
+ int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
+ MYFLT *envlist = TableStream_getData(self->env);
+ int envsize = TableStream_getSize(self->env);
+ MYFLT *density = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dens_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->chnls; i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (density[i] < 0.0)
+ dens = 0.0;
+ else
+ dens = density[i];
+ self->timer += dens * self->oneOnSr * self->devFactor;
+ if (self->timer >= 1.0) {
+ self->timer -= 1.0;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ /* need to start a new grain */
+ if (flag) {
+ for (j=0; j<MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j] == 0) {
+ self->flags[j] = 1;
+ if (j >= self->num)
+ self->num = j + 1;
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ pit = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pitch);
+ else
+ pit = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pitch_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[2] == 0)
+ pos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pos);
+ else
+ pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pos_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[3] == 0)
+ dur = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dur);
+ else
+ dur = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dur_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[4] == 0)
+ dev = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->dev);
+ else
+ dev = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->dev_stream)[i];
+ if (self->modebuffer[5] == 0)
+ pan = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->pan);
+ else
+ pan = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->pan_stream)[i];
+ if (pit < 0.0)
+ pit = -pit;
+ if (pos < 0.0)
+ pos = 0.0;
+ else if (pos >= size)
+ pos = (MYFLT)size;
+ if (dur < 0.0001)
+ dur = 0.0001;
+ if (dev < 0.0)
+ dev = 0.0;
+ else if (dev > 1.0)
+ dev = 1.0;
+ if (pan < 0.0)
+ pan = 0.0;
+ else if (pan > 1.0)
+ pan = 1.0;
+ self->gpos[j] = pos;
+ self->glen[j] = dur * self->sr * pit * self->srScale;
+ if ((pos + self->glen[j]) >= size || (pos + self->glen[j]) < 0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ self->phase[j] = 0.0;
+ self->inc[j] = 1.0 / (dur * self->sr);
+ self->devFactor = (rand() / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0) * dev + 1.0;
+ if (self->chnls == 2) {
+ self->k1[j] = 0;
+ self->k2[j] = self->bufsize;
+ self->amp1[j] = MYSQRT(1.0 - pan);
+ self->amp2[j] = MYSQRT(pan);
+ }
+ else {
+ self->amp1[j] = MYSQRT(1.0 - pan);
+ self->amp2[j] = MYSQRT(pan);
+ min = 0;
+ self->k1[j] = 0;
+ self->k2[j] = self->bufsize;
+ for (l=self->chnls; l>0; l--) {
+ l1 = l - 1;
+ min = l1 / (MYFLT)self->chnls;
+ if (pan > min) {
+ self->k1[j] = l1 * self->bufsize;
+ if (l == self->chnls)
+ self->k2[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->k2[j] = l * self->bufsize;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute active grains */
+ for (j=0; j<self->num; j++) {
+ if (self->flags[j]) {
+ phase = self->phase[j];
+ /* compute envelope */
+ index = phase * envsize;
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ amp = envlist[ipart] + (envlist[ipart+1] - envlist[ipart]) * (index - ipart);
+ /* compute sampling */
+ index = phase * self->glen[j] + self->gpos[j];
+ ipart = (int)index;
+ val = (tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * (index - ipart)) * amp;
+ self->buffer_streams[i+self->k1[j]] += val * self->amp1[j];
+ self->buffer_streams[i+self->k2[j]] += val * self->amp2[j];
+ phase += self->inc[j];
+ if (phase >= 1.0)
+ self->flags[j] = 0;
+ else
+ self->phase[j] = phase;
+ }
+ }
+ flag = 0;
+ }
+static void
+MainParticle_setProcMode(MainParticle *self)
+ int procmode = self->modebuffer[0];
+ switch (procmode) {
+ case 0:
+ if (self->chnls == 1)
+ self->proc_func_ptr = MainParticle_transform_mono_i;
+ else
+ self->proc_func_ptr = MainParticle_transform_i;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (self->chnls == 1)
+ self->proc_func_ptr = MainParticle_transform_mono_a;
+ else
+ self->proc_func_ptr = MainParticle_transform_a;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+MainParticle_compute_next_data_frame(MainParticle *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+MainParticle_traverse(MainParticle *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->table);
+ Py_VISIT(self->env);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dens);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dens_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pitch);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pitch_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pos);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pos_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dur);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dur_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dev);
+ Py_VISIT(self->dev_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pan);
+ Py_VISIT(self->pan_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+MainParticle_clear(MainParticle *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->table);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->env);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dens);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dens_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pitch);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pitch_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pos);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pos_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dur);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dur_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dev);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->dev_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pan);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->pan_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+MainParticle_dealloc(MainParticle* self)
+ free(self->gpos);
+ free(self->glen);
+ free(self->inc);
+ free(self->flags);
+ free(self->k1);
+ free(self->k2);
+ free(self->phase);
+ free(self->amp1);
+ free(self->amp2);
+ free(self->buffer_streams);
+ MainParticle_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+MainParticle_getSamplesBuffer(MainParticle *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->buffer_streams;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *tabletmp, *envtmp, *denstmp=NULL, *pitchtmp=NULL, *postmp=NULL, *durtmp=NULL, *devtmp=NULL, *pantmp=NULL;
+ MainParticle *self;
+ self = (MainParticle *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->dens = PyFloat_FromDouble(50);
+ self->pitch = PyFloat_FromDouble(1);
+ self->pos = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.0);
+ self->dur = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.1);
+ self->dev = PyFloat_FromDouble(0);
+ self->pan = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.5);
+ self->timer = self->devFactor = 1.0;
+ self->srScale = 1.0;
+ self->num = 0;
+ self->chnls = 1;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[4] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[5] = 0;
+ self->oneOnSr = 1.0 / self->sr;
+ self->srOnRandMax = self->sr / (MYFLT)RAND_MAX;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, MainParticle_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = MainParticle_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"table", "env", "dens", "pitch", "pos", "dur", "dev", "pan", "chnls", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO|OOOOOOi", kwlist, &tabletmp, &envtmp, &denstmp, &pitchtmp, &postmp, &durtmp, &devtmp, &pantmp, &self->chnls))
+ if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of MainParticle must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(self->table);
+ self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ self->srScale = TableStream_getSamplingRate(self->table) / self->sr;
+ if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"env\" argument of MainParticle must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(self->env);
+ self->env = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ if (denstmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setDens", "O", denstmp);
+ }
+ if (pitchtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setPitch", "O", pitchtmp);
+ }
+ if (postmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setPos", "O", postmp);
+ }
+ if (durtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setDur", "O", durtmp);
+ }
+ if (devtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setDev", "O", devtmp);
+ }
+ if (pantmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setPan", "O", pantmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ if (self->chnls < 1)
+ self->chnls = 1;
+ self->gpos = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->gpos, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->glen = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->glen, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->inc = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->inc, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->phase = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->phase, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->amp1 = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->amp1, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->amp2 = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->amp2, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->flags = (int *)realloc(self->flags, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(int));
+ self->k1 = (int *)realloc(self->k1, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(int));
+ self->k2 = (int *)realloc(self->k2, MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS * sizeof(int));
+ for (i=0; i<MAINPARTICLE_MAX_GRAINS; i++) {
+ self->gpos[i] = self->glen[i] = self->inc[i] = self->phase[i] = self->amp1[i] = self->amp2[i] = 0.0;
+ self->flags[i] = self->k1[i] = self->k2[i] = 0;
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer_streams, self->bufsize * self->chnls * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->chnls; i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ Server_generateSeed((Server *)self->server, MAINPARTICLE_ID);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * MainParticle_getServer(MainParticle* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * MainParticle_getStream(MainParticle* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * MainParticle_play(MainParticle *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * MainParticle_stop(MainParticle *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setDens(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->dens);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->dens = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->dens = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->dens, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->dens_stream);
+ self->dens_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setPitch(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->pitch);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->pitch = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->pitch = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->pitch, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->pitch_stream);
+ self->pitch_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setPos(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->pos);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->pos = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->pos = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->pos, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->pos_stream);
+ self->pos_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setDur(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->dur);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->dur = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->dur = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->dur, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->dur_stream);
+ self->dur_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setDev(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->dev);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->dev = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[4] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->dev = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->dev, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->dev_stream);
+ self->dev_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[4] = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setPan(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->pan);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->pan = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[5] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->pan = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->pan, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->pan_stream);
+ self->pan_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[5] = 1;
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_getTable(MainParticle* self)
+ Py_INCREF(self->table);
+ return self->table;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setTable(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_DECREF(self->table);
+ self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ self->srScale = TableStream_getSamplingRate(self->table) / self->sr;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_getEnv(MainParticle* self)
+ Py_INCREF(self->env);
+ return self->env;
+static PyObject *
+MainParticle_setEnv(MainParticle *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_DECREF(self->env);
+ self->env = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef MainParticle_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"table", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, table), 0, "Sound table."},
+ {"env", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, env), 0, "Envelope table."},
+ {"dens", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, dens), 0, "Density of grains per second."},
+ {"pitch", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, pitch), 0, "Speed of the reading pointer."},
+ {"pos", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, pos), 0, "Position in the sound table."},
+ {"dur", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, dur), 0, "Duration of each grains."},
+ {"dev", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, dev), 0, "Grain start point deviation factor."},
+ {"pan", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(MainParticle, pan), 0, "Grain panning factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef MainParticle_methods[] = {
+ {"getTable", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns sound table object."},
+ {"setTable", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setTable, METH_O, "Sets sound table."},
+ {"getEnv", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_getEnv, METH_NOARGS, "Returns envelope table object."},
+ {"setEnv", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setEnv, METH_O, "Sets envelope table."},
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setDens", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setDens, METH_O, "Sets the density of grains per second."},
+ {"setPitch", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setPitch, METH_O, "Sets global pitch factor."},
+ {"setPos", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setPos, METH_O, "Sets position in the sound table."},
+ {"setDur", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setDur, METH_O, "Sets the grain duration."},
+ {"setDev", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setDev, METH_O, "Sets grain start point deviation factor."},
+ {"setPan", (PyCFunction)MainParticle_setPan, METH_O, "Sets grain panning factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+PyTypeObject MainParticleType = {
+ 0, /*ob_pitch*/
+ "_pyo.MainParticle_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(MainParticle), /*tp_basicpitch*/
+ 0, /*tp_itempitch*/
+ (destructor)MainParticle_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "MainParticle objects. Accumulation of multiples grains of sound.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)MainParticle_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)MainParticle_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ MainParticle_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ MainParticle_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ MainParticle_new, /* tp_new */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ MainParticle *mainSplitter;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+ int chnl; // panning order
+} Particle;
+static void Particle_postprocessing_ii(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_ai(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_ia(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_aa(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_ireva(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_areva(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_revai(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_revaa(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void Particle_postprocessing_revareva(Particle *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+Particle_setProcMode(Particle *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Particle_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+Particle_compute_next_data_frame(Particle *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = MainParticle_getSamplesBuffer((MainParticle *)self->mainSplitter);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+Particle_traverse(Particle *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainSplitter);
+ return 0;
+static int
+Particle_clear(Particle *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainSplitter);
+ return 0;
+static void
+Particle_dealloc(Particle* self)
+ Particle_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+Particle_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ Particle *self;
+ self = (Particle *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Particle_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = Particle_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainSplitter", "chnl", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "Oi|OO", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainSplitter);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainSplitter = (MainParticle *)maintmp;
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * Particle_getServer(Particle* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * Particle_getStream(Particle* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * Particle_setMul(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * Particle_setAdd(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * Particle_setSub(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * Particle_setDiv(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * Particle_play(Particle *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * Particle_out(Particle *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * Particle_stop(Particle *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * Particle_multiply(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Particle_inplace_multiply(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Particle_add(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * Particle_inplace_add(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * Particle_sub(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * Particle_inplace_sub(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * Particle_div(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * Particle_inplace_div(Particle *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef Particle_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Particle, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Particle, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Particle, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Particle, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef Particle_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)Particle_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)Particle_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)Particle_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)Particle_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)Particle_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)Particle_setMul, METH_O, "Sets Particle mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)Particle_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets Particle add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)Particle_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)Particle_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods Particle_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)Particle_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)Particle_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject ParticleType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.Particle_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(Particle), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)Particle_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&Particle_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"Particle objects. Reads one band from a MainParticle object.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)Particle_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)Particle_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+Particle_methods, /* tp_methods */
+Particle_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+Particle_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/matrixmodule.c b/src/objects/matrixmodule.c
index dc1a8d6..9178518 100644
--- a/src/objects/matrixmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/matrixmodule.c
@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@ MatrixRec_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ Py_INCREF(matrixtmp);
self->matrix = (NewMatrix *)matrixtmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
@@ -801,6 +802,7 @@ MatrixRecLoop_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ Py_INCREF(matrixtmp);
self->matrix = (NewMatrix *)matrixtmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
@@ -1013,6 +1015,7 @@ MatrixMorph_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ Py_INCREF(matrixtmp);
self->matrix = (PyObject *)matrixtmp;
width = NewMatrix_getWidth((NewMatrix *)self->matrix);
@@ -1021,6 +1024,7 @@ MatrixMorph_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->buffer = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer, (numsamps) * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ Py_INCREF(sourcestmp);
self->sources = (PyObject *)sourcestmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
diff --git a/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.c b/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.c
index 19a5018..ef30191 100644
--- a/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/matrixprocessmodule.c
@@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ MatrixPointer_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OOO|OO", kwlist, &matrixtmp, &xtmp, &ytmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)matrixtmp, "getMatrixStream") == 0 ) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"matrix\" argument of MatrixPointer must be a PyoMatrixObject.\n");
+ }
self->matrix = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)matrixtmp, "getMatrixStream", "");
@@ -221,6 +225,11 @@ MatrixPointer_setMatrix(MatrixPointer *self, PyObject *arg)
tmp = arg;
+ if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "getMatrixStream") == 0 ) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"matrix\" argument of MatrixPointer must be a PyoMatrixObject.\n");
+ }
self->matrix = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tmp, "getMatrixStream", "");
@@ -238,16 +247,13 @@ MatrixPointer_setX(MatrixPointer *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("MatrixPointer x attributes must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"x\" attribute of MatrixPointer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- tmp = arg;
@@ -271,16 +277,13 @@ MatrixPointer_setY(MatrixPointer *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("MatrixPointer y attributes must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"y\" attribute of MatrixPointer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- tmp = arg;
diff --git a/src/objects/metromodule.c b/src/objects/metromodule.c
index 2279b70..2deeb00 100644
--- a/src/objects/metromodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/metromodule.c
@@ -1987,7 +1987,7 @@ Beater_generate_i(Beater *self) {
self->dur_buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = self->durations[self->tapCount];
if (self->currentTime >= tm) {
self->currentTime -= tm;
- if (self->tapCount == (self->last_taps-1))
+ if (self->tapCount == (self->last_taps-2))
self->end_buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = 1.0;
if (self->sequence[self->tapCount] == 1) {
self->currentTap = self->tapCount;
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ Beater_generate_a(Beater *self) {
self->dur_buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = self->durations[self->tapCount];
if (self->currentTime >= tm) {
self->currentTime -= tm;
- if (self->tapCount == (self->last_taps-1))
+ if (self->tapCount == (self->last_taps-2))
self->end_buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = 1.0;
if (self->sequence[self->tapCount] == 1) {
self->currentTap = self->tapCount;
@@ -2301,6 +2301,17 @@ Beater_setTime(Beater *self, PyObject *arg)
static PyObject *
+Beater_reset(Beater *self)
+ self->voiceCount = 0;
+ self->tapCount = 0;
+ self->currentTap = 0;
+ self->currentTime = -1.0;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
Beater_setTaps(Beater *self, PyObject *arg)
if (PyInt_Check(arg))
@@ -2449,6 +2460,7 @@ static PyMethodDef Beater_methods[] = {
{"recall", (PyCFunction)Beater_recallPreset, METH_O, "Recall a pattern previously stored in a memory slot."},
{"getPresets", (PyCFunction)Beater_getPresets, METH_NOARGS, "Returns the list of stored presets."},
{"setPresets", (PyCFunction)Beater_setPresets, METH_O, "Store a list of presets."},
+ {"reset", (PyCFunction)Beater_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets counters to 0."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
@@ -3743,3 +3755,1582 @@ PyTypeObject BeatEndStreamType = {
0, /* tp_alloc */
BeatEndStream_new, /* tp_new */
+/**** TrigBurster *****/
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ int modebuffer[1];
+ int poly;
+ int voiceCount;
+ MYFLT time;
+ MYFLT a_time;
+ int count;
+ int a_count;
+ MYFLT expand;
+ MYFLT a_expand;
+ MYFLT ampfade;
+ MYFLT a_ampfade;
+ int flag;
+ double sampleToSec;
+ double currentTime;
+ double targetTime;
+ int currentCount;
+ int *currentTap;
+ MYFLT *currentAmp;
+ MYFLT *currentDur;
+ MYFLT *buffer_streams;
+ MYFLT *tap_buffer_streams;
+ MYFLT *amp_buffer_streams;
+ MYFLT *dur_buffer_streams;
+ MYFLT *end_buffer_streams;
+} TrigBurster;
+static void
+TrigBurster_generate_i(TrigBurster *self) {
+ int i, j;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<(self->poly*self->bufsize); i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = self->end_buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ if (in[i] == 1.0) {
+ self->flag = 1;
+ self->currentCount = 0;
+ self->a_time = self->targetTime = self->currentTime = self->time;
+ self->a_count = self->count;
+ self->a_expand = self->expand;
+ self->a_ampfade = self->ampfade;
+ }
+ if (self->flag == 1) {
+ if (self->currentTime >= self->targetTime) {
+ self->currentTime -= self->targetTime;
+ self->targetTime = self->a_time * MYPOW(self->a_expand, self->currentCount);
+ self->currentTap[self->voiceCount] = self->currentCount;
+ self->currentAmp[self->voiceCount] = MYPOW(self->a_ampfade, self->currentCount);
+ self->currentDur[self->voiceCount] = self->targetTime;
+ self->buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = 1.0;
+ self->currentCount++;
+ if (self->currentCount == (self->a_count - 1))
+ self->end_buffer_streams[i + self->voiceCount * self->bufsize] = 1.0;
+ if (self->currentCount == self->a_count)
+ self->flag = 0;
+ self->voiceCount++;
+ if (self->voiceCount == self->poly)
+ self->voiceCount = 0;
+ }
+ self->currentTime += self->sampleToSec;
+ }
+ for (j=0; j<self->poly; j++) {
+ self->tap_buffer_streams[i + j * self->bufsize] = (MYFLT)self->currentTap[j];
+ self->amp_buffer_streams[i + j * self->bufsize] = self->currentAmp[j];
+ self->dur_buffer_streams[i + j * self->bufsize] = self->currentDur[j];
+ }
+ }
+TrigBurster_getSamplesBuffer(TrigBurster *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->buffer_streams;
+TrigBurster_getTapBuffer(TrigBurster *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->tap_buffer_streams;
+TrigBurster_getAmpBuffer(TrigBurster *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->amp_buffer_streams;
+TrigBurster_getDurBuffer(TrigBurster *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->dur_buffer_streams;
+TrigBurster_getEndBuffer(TrigBurster *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->end_buffer_streams;
+static void
+TrigBurster_setProcMode(TrigBurster *self)
+ self->proc_func_ptr = TrigBurster_generate_i;
+static void
+TrigBurster_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurster *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurster_traverse(TrigBurster *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurster_clear(TrigBurster *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurster_dealloc(TrigBurster* self)
+ free(self->buffer_streams);
+ free(self->tap_buffer_streams);
+ free(self->amp_buffer_streams);
+ free(self->dur_buffer_streams);
+ free(self->end_buffer_streams);
+ free(self->currentTap);
+ free(self->currentAmp);
+ free(self->currentDur);
+ TrigBurster_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurster_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp;
+ TrigBurster *self;
+ self = (TrigBurster *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->poly = 1;
+ self->voiceCount = 0;
+ self->time = self->a_time = 0.25;
+ self->count = self->a_count = 10;
+ self->expand = self->a_expand = 1.0;
+ self->ampfade = self->a_ampfade = 1.0;
+ self->currentCount = 0;
+ self->targetTime = 0.0;
+ self->currentTime = -1.0;
+ self->flag = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurster_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurster_setProcMode;
+ self->sampleToSec = 1. / self->sr;
+ Stream_setStreamActive(self->stream, 1);
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "time", "count", "expand", "ampfade", "poly", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_O_FIFFI, kwlist, &inputtmp, &self->time, &self->count, &self->expand, &self->ampfade, &self->poly))
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ self->buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer_streams, self->poly * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->tap_buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->tap_buffer_streams, self->poly * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->amp_buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->amp_buffer_streams, self->poly * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->dur_buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->dur_buffer_streams, self->poly * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->end_buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->end_buffer_streams, self->poly * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(self->poly*self->bufsize); i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = self->tap_buffer_streams[i] = self->amp_buffer_streams[i] = self->dur_buffer_streams[i] = self->end_buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ self->currentTap = (int *)realloc(self->currentTap, self->poly * sizeof(int));
+ self->currentAmp = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->currentAmp, self->poly * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->currentDur = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->currentDur, self->poly * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(self->poly); i++) {
+ self->currentTap[i] = 0;
+ self->currentAmp[i] = self->currentDur[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurster_getServer(TrigBurster* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurster_getStream(TrigBurster* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurster_play(TrigBurster *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurster_stop(TrigBurster *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurster_setTime(TrigBurster *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg))
+ self->time = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->time <= 0.01)
+ self->time = 0.01;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurster_setCount(TrigBurster *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyInt_Check(arg))
+ self->count = PyInt_AS_LONG(arg);
+ if (self->count < 1)
+ self->count = 1;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurster_setExpand(TrigBurster *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg))
+ self->expand = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->expand <= 0.1)
+ self->expand = 0.1;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurster_setAmpfade(TrigBurster *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (PyNumber_Check(arg))
+ self->ampfade = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (self->ampfade <= 0.1)
+ self->ampfade = 0.1;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurster_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurster, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurster, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurster, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurster_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setTime", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_setTime, METH_O, "Sets the base time of the serie."},
+ {"setCount", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_setCount, METH_O, "Sets the number of trigs in the serie."},
+ {"setExpand", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_setExpand, METH_O, "Sets the time's expansion factor of the serie."},
+ {"setAmpfade", (PyCFunction)TrigBurster_setAmpfade, METH_O, "Sets the amplitude's expansion factor of the serie."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+PyTypeObject TrigBursterType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurster_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurster), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurster_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurster objects. Create an algorithmic beat sequence.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurster_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurster_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurster_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurster_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurster_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrigBurst streamer object per channel */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ TrigBurster *mainPlayer;
+ int chnl;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} TrigBurst;
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_ii(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_ai(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_ia(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_aa(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_ireva(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_areva(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_revai(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_revaa(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrigBurst_postprocessing_revareva(TrigBurst *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrigBurst_setProcMode(TrigBurst *self) {
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurst_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrigBurst_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurst *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = TrigBurster_getSamplesBuffer((TrigBurster *)self->mainPlayer);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurst_traverse(TrigBurst *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurst_clear(TrigBurst *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurst_dealloc(TrigBurst* self)
+ TrigBurst_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurst_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL;
+ TrigBurst *self;
+ self = (TrigBurst *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->chnl = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurst_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurst_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainPlayer", "chnl", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|i", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainPlayer);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainPlayer = (TrigBurster *)maintmp;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_getServer(TrigBurst* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_getStream(TrigBurst* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_setMul(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_setAdd(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_setSub(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_setDiv(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_play(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_out(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_stop(TrigBurst *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_multiply(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_inplace_multiply(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_add(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_inplace_add(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_sub(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_inplace_sub(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_div(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurst_inplace_div(TrigBurst *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurst_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurst, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurst, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurst, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurst, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurst_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrigBurst_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrigBurst_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurst_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrigBurstType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurst_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurst), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurst_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &TrigBurst_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurst objects. Reads a channel from a TrigBurster.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurst_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurst_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurst_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurst_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurst_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrigBurstTapStream object per channel */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ TrigBurster *mainPlayer;
+ int chnl;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} TrigBurstTapStream;
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ii(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ai(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ia(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_aa(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ireva(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_areva(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revai(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revaa(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revareva(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrigBurstTapStream_setProcMode(TrigBurstTapStream *self) {
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrigBurstTapStream_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurstTapStream *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = TrigBurster_getTapBuffer((TrigBurster *)self->mainPlayer);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurstTapStream_traverse(TrigBurstTapStream *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurstTapStream_clear(TrigBurstTapStream *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurstTapStream_dealloc(TrigBurstTapStream* self)
+ TrigBurstTapStream_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurstTapStream_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL;
+ TrigBurstTapStream *self;
+ self = (TrigBurstTapStream *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->chnl = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurstTapStream_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurstTapStream_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainPlayer", "chnl", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|i", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainPlayer);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainPlayer = (TrigBurster *)maintmp;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_getServer(TrigBurstTapStream* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_getStream(TrigBurstTapStream* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_setMul(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_setAdd(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_setSub(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_setDiv(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_play(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_out(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_stop(TrigBurstTapStream *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_multiply(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_multiply(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_add(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_add(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_sub(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_sub(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_div(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_div(TrigBurstTapStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurstTapStream_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstTapStream, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstTapStream, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstTapStream, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstTapStream, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurstTapStream_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstTapStream_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrigBurstTapStream_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstTapStream_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrigBurstTapStreamType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurstTapStream_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurstTapStream), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurstTapStream_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &TrigBurstTapStream_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurstTapStream objects. Reads the current tap from a TrigBurster object.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurstTapStream_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurstTapStream_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurstTapStream_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurstTapStream_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurstTapStream_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrigBurstAmpStream object per channel */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ TrigBurster *mainPlayer;
+ int chnl;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} TrigBurstAmpStream;
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ii(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ai(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ia(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_aa(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ireva(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_areva(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revai(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revaa(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revareva(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrigBurstAmpStream_setProcMode(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) {
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrigBurstAmpStream_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurstAmpStream *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = TrigBurster_getAmpBuffer((TrigBurster *)self->mainPlayer);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurstAmpStream_traverse(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurstAmpStream_clear(TrigBurstAmpStream *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurstAmpStream_dealloc(TrigBurstAmpStream* self)
+ TrigBurstAmpStream_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurstAmpStream_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL;
+ TrigBurstAmpStream *self;
+ self = (TrigBurstAmpStream *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->chnl = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurstAmpStream_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurstAmpStream_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainPlayer", "chnl", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|i", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainPlayer);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainPlayer = (TrigBurster *)maintmp;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_getServer(TrigBurstAmpStream* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_getStream(TrigBurstAmpStream* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_setMul(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_setAdd(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_setSub(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_setDiv(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_play(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_out(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_stop(TrigBurstAmpStream *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_multiply(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_multiply(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_add(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_add(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_sub(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_sub(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_div(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_div(TrigBurstAmpStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurstAmpStream_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstAmpStream, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstAmpStream, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstAmpStream, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstAmpStream, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurstAmpStream_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstAmpStream_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrigBurstAmpStream_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstAmpStream_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrigBurstAmpStreamType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurstAmpStream_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurstAmpStream), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurstAmpStream_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &TrigBurstAmpStream_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurstAmpStream objects. Reads a amplitude channel from a TrigBurster object.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurstAmpStream_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurstAmpStream_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurstAmpStream_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurstAmpStream_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurstAmpStream_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrigBurstDurStream object per channel */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ TrigBurster *mainPlayer;
+ int chnl;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} TrigBurstDurStream;
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ii(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ai(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ia(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_aa(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ireva(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_areva(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revai(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revaa(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revareva(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrigBurstDurStream_setProcMode(TrigBurstDurStream *self) {
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrigBurstDurStream_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurstDurStream *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = TrigBurster_getDurBuffer((TrigBurster *)self->mainPlayer);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurstDurStream_traverse(TrigBurstDurStream *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurstDurStream_clear(TrigBurstDurStream *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurstDurStream_dealloc(TrigBurstDurStream* self)
+ TrigBurstDurStream_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurstDurStream_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL;
+ TrigBurstDurStream *self;
+ self = (TrigBurstDurStream *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->chnl = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurstDurStream_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurstDurStream_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainPlayer", "chnl", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|i", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainPlayer);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainPlayer = (TrigBurster *)maintmp;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_getServer(TrigBurstDurStream* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_getStream(TrigBurstDurStream* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_setMul(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_setAdd(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_setSub(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_setDiv(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_play(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_out(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_stop(TrigBurstDurStream *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_multiply(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_multiply(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_add(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_add(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_sub(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_sub(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_div(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_div(TrigBurstDurStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurstDurStream_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstDurStream, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstDurStream, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstDurStream, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstDurStream, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurstDurStream_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstDurStream_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrigBurstDurStream_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstDurStream_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrigBurstDurStreamType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurstDurStream_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurstDurStream), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurstDurStream_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &TrigBurstDurStream_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurstDurStream objects. Reads a duration channel from a TrigBurster object.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurstDurStream_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurstDurStream_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurstDurStream_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurstDurStream_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurstDurStream_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrigBurstEndStream object per channel */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ TrigBurster *mainPlayer;
+ int chnl;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+} TrigBurstEndStream;
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ii(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ai(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ia(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_aa(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ireva(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_areva(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revai(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revaa(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revareva(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrigBurstEndStream_setProcMode(TrigBurstEndStream *self) {
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrigBurstEndStream_compute_next_data_frame(TrigBurstEndStream *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = TrigBurster_getEndBuffer((TrigBurster *)self->mainPlayer);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrigBurstEndStream_traverse(TrigBurstEndStream *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrigBurstEndStream_clear(TrigBurstEndStream *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainPlayer);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrigBurstEndStream_dealloc(TrigBurstEndStream* self)
+ TrigBurstEndStream_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrigBurstEndStream_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL;
+ TrigBurstEndStream *self;
+ self = (TrigBurstEndStream *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->chnl = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrigBurstEndStream_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrigBurstEndStream_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainPlayer", "chnl", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|i", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainPlayer);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainPlayer = (TrigBurster *)maintmp;
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_getServer(TrigBurstEndStream* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_getStream(TrigBurstEndStream* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_setMul(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_setAdd(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_setSub(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_setDiv(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_play(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_out(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_stop(TrigBurstEndStream *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_multiply(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_multiply(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_add(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_add(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_sub(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_sub(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_div(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_div(TrigBurstEndStream *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef TrigBurstEndStream_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstEndStream, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstEndStream, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstEndStream, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrigBurstEndStream, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrigBurstEndStream_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrigBurstEndStream_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrigBurstEndStream_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)TrigBurstEndStream_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrigBurstEndStreamType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.TrigBurstEndStream_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(TrigBurstEndStream), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)TrigBurstEndStream_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &TrigBurstEndStream_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "TrigBurstEndStream objects. Reads a duration channel from a TrigBurster object.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)TrigBurstEndStream_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)TrigBurstEndStream_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ TrigBurstEndStream_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ TrigBurstEndStream_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ TrigBurstEndStream_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/src/objects/midimodule.c b/src/objects/midimodule.c
index cc35226..f9be648 100644
--- a/src/objects/midimodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/midimodule.c
@@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ static PyObject * CtlScan_getStream(CtlScan* self) { GET_STREAM };
static PyObject * CtlScan_play(CtlScan *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
static PyObject * CtlScan_stop(CtlScan *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+CtlScan_reset(CtlScan *self)
+ self->ctlnumber = -1;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
static PyObject *
CtlScan_setFunction(CtlScan *self, PyObject *arg)
@@ -168,6 +176,7 @@ static PyMethodDef CtlScan_methods[] = {
{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
{"play", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
{"stop", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"reset", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets the scanned number."},
{"setFunction", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_setFunction, METH_O, "Sets the function to be called."},
{"setToprint", (PyCFunction)CtlScan_setToprint, METH_O, "If True, print values to the console."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
@@ -318,6 +327,14 @@ static PyObject * CtlScan2_getStream(CtlScan2* self) { GET_STREAM };
static PyObject * CtlScan2_play(CtlScan2 *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
static PyObject * CtlScan2_stop(CtlScan2 *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+CtlScan2_reset(CtlScan2 *self)
+ self->ctlnumber = self->midichnl = -1;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
static PyObject *
CtlScan2_setFunction(CtlScan2 *self, PyObject *arg)
@@ -360,6 +377,7 @@ static PyMethodDef CtlScan2_methods[] = {
{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
{"play", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
{"stop", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"reset", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Reset scanned numbers."},
{"setFunction", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_setFunction, METH_O, "Sets the function to be called."},
{"setToprint", (PyCFunction)CtlScan2_setToprint, METH_O, "If True, print values to the console."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
@@ -1905,6 +1923,7 @@ typedef struct {
int centralkey;
int channel;
int stealing;
+ MYFLT *trigger_streams;
} MidiNote;
static void
@@ -2000,12 +2019,14 @@ void grabMidiNotes(MidiNote *self, PmEvent *buffer, int count)
self->vcount = voice;
self->notebuf[voice*2] = pitch;
self->notebuf[voice*2+1] = velocity;
+ self->trigger_streams[self->bufsize*(self->vcount*2)] = 1.0;
else {
self->vcount = (self->vcount + 1) % self->voices;
self->notebuf[self->vcount*2] = pitch;
self->notebuf[self->vcount*2+1] = velocity;
+ self->trigger_streams[self->bufsize*(self->vcount*2)] = 1.0;
else if (pitchIsIn(self->notebuf, pitch, self->voices) == 1 && kind == 0 && pitch >= self->first && pitch <= self->last) {
@@ -2013,6 +2034,7 @@ void grabMidiNotes(MidiNote *self, PmEvent *buffer, int count)
voice = whichVoice(self->notebuf, pitch, self->voices);
self->notebuf[voice*2] = -1;
self->notebuf[voice*2+1] = 0.;
+ self->trigger_streams[self->bufsize*(voice*2+1)] = 1.0;
@@ -2022,7 +2044,11 @@ static void
MidiNote_compute_next_data_frame(MidiNote *self)
PmEvent *tmp;
- int count;
+ int i, count;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->voices*2; i++) {
+ self->trigger_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
tmp = Server_getMidiEventBuffer((Server *)self->server);
count = Server_getMidiEventCount((Server *)self->server);
@@ -2049,10 +2075,17 @@ MidiNote_dealloc(MidiNote* self)
+ free(self->trigger_streams);
+static MYFLT *
+MidiNote_get_trigger_buffer(MidiNote *self)
+ return self->trigger_streams;
static PyObject *
MidiNote_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
@@ -2081,6 +2114,11 @@ MidiNote_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
self->notebuf = (int *)realloc(self->notebuf, self->voices * 2 * sizeof(int));
+ self->trigger_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->trigger_streams, self->bufsize * self->voices * 2 * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize*self->voices*2; i++) {
+ self->trigger_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
for (i=0; i<self->voices; i++) {
self->notebuf[i*2] = -1;
@@ -2503,6 +2541,262 @@ Notein_members, /* tp_members */
Notein_new, /* tp_new */
+/* NoteinTrig trig streamer */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ MidiNote *handler;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+ int voice;
+ int mode; /* 0 = noteon, 1 = noteoff */
+} NoteinTrig;
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ii(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ai(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ia(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_aa(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ireva(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_areva(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revai(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revaa(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revareva(NoteinTrig *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+NoteinTrig_setProcMode(NoteinTrig *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+NoteinTrig_compute_next_data_frame(NoteinTrig *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp = MidiNote_get_trigger_buffer(self->handler);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[self->bufsize*(self->voice*2+self->mode)+i];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+NoteinTrig_traverse(NoteinTrig *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->handler);
+ return 0;
+static int
+NoteinTrig_clear(NoteinTrig *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->handler);
+ return 0;
+static void
+NoteinTrig_dealloc(NoteinTrig* self)
+ NoteinTrig_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+NoteinTrig_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *handlertmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ NoteinTrig *self;
+ self = (NoteinTrig *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->voice = 0;
+ self->mode = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, NoteinTrig_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = NoteinTrig_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"handler", "voice", "mode", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|iiOO", kwlist, &handlertmp, &self->voice, &self->mode, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->handler);
+ Py_INCREF(handlertmp);
+ self->handler = (MidiNote *)handlertmp;
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_getServer(NoteinTrig* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_getStream(NoteinTrig* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_setMul(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_setAdd(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_setSub(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_setDiv(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_play(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_stop(NoteinTrig *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_multiply(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_inplace_multiply(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_add(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_inplace_add(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_sub(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_inplace_sub(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_div(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * NoteinTrig_inplace_div(NoteinTrig *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef NoteinTrig_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(NoteinTrig, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(NoteinTrig, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(NoteinTrig, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(NoteinTrig, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef NoteinTrig_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_setMul, METH_O, "Sets NoteinTrig mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets NoteinTrig add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)NoteinTrig_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods NoteinTrig_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)NoteinTrig_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject NoteinTrigType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.NoteinTrig_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(NoteinTrig), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)NoteinTrig_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&NoteinTrig_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"NoteinTrig objects. Stream noteon or noteoff trigger from a Notein voice.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)NoteinTrig_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)NoteinTrig_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+NoteinTrig_methods, /* tp_methods */
+NoteinTrig_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+NoteinTrig_new, /* tp_new */
typedef struct {
PyObject *input;
diff --git a/src/objects/oscbankmodule.c b/src/objects/oscbankmodule.c
index b8b4cd3..9f98380 100644
--- a/src/objects/oscbankmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/oscbankmodule.c
@@ -452,11 +452,8 @@ OscBank_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of OscBank must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of OscBank must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
diff --git a/src/objects/oscilmodule.c b/src/objects/oscilmodule.c
index 5c7f1e0..722521e 100644
--- a/src/objects/oscilmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/oscilmodule.c
@@ -1207,11 +1207,8 @@ Osc_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Osc must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Osc must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -1742,11 +1739,8 @@ OscLoop_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of OscLoop must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of OscLoop must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -2268,11 +2262,8 @@ OscTrig_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of OscTrig must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of OscTrig must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -3084,13 +3075,12 @@ Pointer_readframes_a(Pointer *self) {
int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
MYFLT *pha = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->index_stream);
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
- ph = Osc_clip(pha[i] * size, size);
+ ph = Osc_clip(pha[i] * size, size);
ipart = (int)ph;
fpart = ph - ipart;
- self->data[i] = tablelist[ipart] * (1.0 - fpart) + tablelist[ipart+1] * fpart;
+ self->data[i] = tablelist[ipart] + (tablelist[ipart+1] - tablelist[ipart]) * fpart;
@@ -3199,11 +3189,8 @@ Pointer_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Pointer must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Pointer must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -3221,7 +3208,7 @@ Pointer_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
return (PyObject *)self;
@@ -3280,16 +3267,12 @@ Pointer_setIndex(Pointer *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"index\" attribute of Pointer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"index\" argument of Pointer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- tmp = arg;
@@ -3414,6 +3397,421 @@ Pointer_new, /* tp_new */
+/* Pointer2 object */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *table;
+ PyObject *index;
+ Stream *index_stream;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+ int interp; /* 0 = default to 2, 1 = nointerp, 2 = linear, 3 = cos, 4 = cubic */
+ int autosmooth; /* 0 = off, > 0 = on */
+ MYFLT y1;
+ MYFLT y2;
+ MYFLT c;
+ MYFLT lastPh;
+ MYFLT (*interp_func_ptr)(MYFLT *, int, MYFLT, int);
+} Pointer2;
+static void
+Pointer2_readframes_a(Pointer2 *self) {
+ MYFLT fpart, phdiff, b, fr;
+ double ph;
+ int i, ipart;
+ MYFLT *tablelist = TableStream_getData(self->table);
+ int size = TableStream_getSize(self->table);
+ double tableSr = TableStream_getSamplingRate(self->table);
+ MYFLT *pha = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->index_stream);
+ if (!self->autosmooth) {
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ ph = Osc_clip(pha[i] * size, size);
+ ipart = (int)ph;
+ fpart = ph - ipart;
+ self->y1 = self->y2 = self->data[i] = (*self->interp_func_ptr)(tablelist, ipart, fpart, size);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ ph = Osc_clip(pha[i] * size, size);
+ ipart = (int)ph;
+ fpart = ph - ipart;
+ self->data[i] = (*self->interp_func_ptr)(tablelist, ipart, fpart, size);
+ phdiff = MYFABS(ph - self->lastPh);
+ self->lastPh = ph;
+ if (phdiff < 1) {
+ fr = phdiff * tableSr * 0.45;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * fr / self->sr);
+ self->c = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ self->y1 = self->data[i] + (self->y1 - self->data[i]) * self->c;
+ self->data[i] = self->y2 = self->y1 + (self->y2 - self->y1) * self->c;
+ }
+ else
+ self->y1 = self->y2 = self->data[i];
+ }
+ }
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_ii(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_ai(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_ia(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_aa(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_ireva(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_areva(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_revai(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_revaa(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void Pointer2_postprocessing_revareva(Pointer2 *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+Pointer2_setProcMode(Pointer2 *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = Pointer2_readframes_a;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = Pointer2_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+Pointer2_compute_next_data_frame(Pointer2 *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+Pointer2_traverse(Pointer2 *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->table);
+ Py_VISIT(self->index);
+ Py_VISIT(self->index_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+Pointer2_clear(Pointer2 *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->table);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->index);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->index_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+Pointer2_dealloc(Pointer2* self)
+ Pointer2_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *tabletmp, *indextmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ Pointer2 *self;
+ self = (Pointer2 *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->interp = 4;
+ self->autosmooth = 1;
+ self->y1 = self->y2 = self->c = self->lastPh = 0.0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, Pointer2_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = Pointer2_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"table", "index", "interp", "autosmooth", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO|iiOO", kwlist, &tabletmp, &indextmp, &self->interp, &self->autosmooth, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Pointer2 must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(self->table);
+ self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ if (indextmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setIndex", "O", indextmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * Pointer2_getServer(Pointer2* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_getStream(Pointer2* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_setMul(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_setAdd(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_setSub(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_setDiv(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_play(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_out(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_stop(Pointer2 *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_multiply(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_inplace_multiply(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_add(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_inplace_add(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_sub(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_inplace_sub(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_div(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * Pointer2_inplace_div(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_getTable(Pointer2* self)
+ Py_INCREF(self->table);
+ return self->table;
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_setTable(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_DECREF(self->table);
+ self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tmp, "getTableStream", "");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_setIndex(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"index\" argument of Pointer2 must be a PyoObject.\n");
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->index);
+ self->index = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->index, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->index_stream);
+ self->index_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_setInterp(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->interp = PyInt_AsLong(PyNumber_Int(arg));
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+Pointer2_setAutoSmooth(Pointer2 *self, PyObject *arg)
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->autosmooth = PyInt_AsLong(PyNumber_Int(arg));
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef Pointer2_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"table", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, table), 0, "Waveform table."},
+{"index", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, index), 0, "Reader index."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(Pointer2, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef Pointer2_methods[] = {
+{"getTable", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns waveform table object."},
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setTable", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setTable, METH_O, "Sets oscillator table."},
+{"setIndex", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setIndex, METH_O, "Sets reader index."},
+{"setInterp", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setInterp, METH_O, "Sets oscillator interpolation mode."},
+{"setAutoSmooth", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setAutoSmooth, METH_O, "Activates auto smoother filter."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setSub, METH_O, "Sets oscillator inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)Pointer2_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods Pointer2_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)Pointer2_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject Pointer2Type = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.Pointer2_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(Pointer2), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)Pointer2_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&Pointer2_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"Pointer2 objects. High quality table reader with a pointer index.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)Pointer2_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)Pointer2_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+Pointer2_methods, /* tp_methods */
+Pointer2_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+Pointer2_new, /* tp_new */
/* TableIndex object */
typedef struct {
@@ -3548,11 +3946,8 @@ TableIndex_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TableIndex must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TableIndex must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -3629,16 +4024,12 @@ TableIndex_setIndex(TableIndex *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"index\" attribute of TableIndex must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"index\" argument of TableIndex must be a PyoObject.\n");
- tmp = arg;
@@ -3905,11 +4296,8 @@ Lookup_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Lookup must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Lookup must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -3986,16 +4374,12 @@ Lookup_setIndex(Lookup *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"index\" attribute of Lookup must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
- }
tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"index\" argument of Lookup must be a PyoObject.\n");
+ }
@@ -4634,21 +5018,15 @@ Pulsar_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of Pulsar must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of Pulsar must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"env\" argument of Pulsar must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"env\" argument of Pulsar must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->env = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)envtmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -5216,11 +5594,8 @@ TableRead_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TableRead must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TableRead must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
@@ -10976,21 +11351,15 @@ TableScale_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TableScale must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TableScale must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)outtabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"outtable\" argument of TableScale must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"outtable\" argument of TableScale must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->outtable = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)outtabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
diff --git a/src/objects/oscmodule.c b/src/objects/oscmodule.c
index a8e8f05..65cd201 100644
--- a/src/objects/oscmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/oscmodule.c
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ int OscDataReceive_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, i
void *data, void *user_data)
OscDataReceive *self = user_data;
- PyObject *tup, *result;
+ PyObject *tup, *result=NULL;
tup = PyTuple_New(argc+1);
int i, ok = 0;
@@ -976,6 +976,8 @@ int OscDataReceive_handler(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, i
if (result == NULL)
+ Py_XDECREF(tup);
+ Py_XDECREF(result);
return 0;
@@ -1054,6 +1056,8 @@ OscDataReceive_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
static PyObject * OscDataReceive_getServer(OscDataReceive* self) { GET_SERVER };
static PyObject * OscDataReceive_getStream(OscDataReceive* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * OscDataReceive_play(OscDataReceive *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * OscDataReceive_stop(OscDataReceive *self) { STOP };
static PyObject *
OscDataReceive_addAddress(OscDataReceive *self, PyObject *arg) {
@@ -1094,6 +1098,8 @@ static PyMemberDef OscDataReceive_members[] = {
static PyMethodDef OscDataReceive_methods[] = {
{"getServer", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
{"addAddress", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_addAddress, METH_O, "Add new paths to the object."},
{"delAddress", (PyCFunction)OscDataReceive_delAddress, METH_O, "Remove path from the object."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
diff --git a/src/objects/phasevocmodule.c b/src/objects/phasevocmodule.c
index af5d3dc..5ed4bb0 100644
--- a/src/objects/phasevocmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/phasevocmodule.c
@@ -612,11 +612,8 @@ PVSynth_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVSynth \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVSynth must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -653,9 +650,8 @@ PVSynth_setInput(PVSynth *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVSynth \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVSynth must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -1087,11 +1083,8 @@ PVAddSynth_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVAddSynth \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVAddSynth must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -1137,9 +1130,8 @@ PVAddSynth_setInput(PVAddSynth *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVAddSynth \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVAddSynth must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -1573,11 +1565,8 @@ PVTranspose_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVTranspose \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVTranspose must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -1621,9 +1610,8 @@ PVTranspose_setInput(PVTranspose *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVTranspose \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVTranspose must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -1752,6 +1740,7 @@ typedef struct {
int hopsize;
int overcount;
MYFLT *l_magn;
+ MYFLT *l_freq;
MYFLT **magn;
MYFLT **freq;
int *count;
@@ -1766,8 +1755,9 @@ PVVerb_realloc_memories(PVVerb *self) {
inputLatency = self->size - self->hopsize;
self->overcount = 0;
self->l_magn = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->l_magn, self->hsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ self->l_freq = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->l_freq, self->hsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
for (i=0; i<self->hsize; i++)
- self->l_magn[i] = 0.0;
+ self->l_magn[i] = self->l_freq[i] = 0.0;
self->magn = (MYFLT **)realloc(self->magn, self->olaps * sizeof(MYFLT *));
self->freq = (MYFLT **)realloc(self->freq, self->olaps * sizeof(MYFLT *));
for (i=0; i<self->olaps; i++) {
@@ -1788,7 +1778,7 @@ PVVerb_realloc_memories(PVVerb *self) {
static void
PVVerb_process_ii(PVVerb *self) {
int i, k;
- MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp;
+ MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp, fre;
MYFLT **magn = PVStream_getMagn((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
MYFLT **freq = PVStream_getFreq((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
int *count = PVStream_getCount((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
@@ -1819,11 +1809,15 @@ PVVerb_process_ii(PVVerb *self) {
amp = 1.0;
for (k=0; k<self->hsize; k++) {
mag = magn[self->overcount][k];
- if (mag > self->l_magn[k])
+ fre = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ if (mag > self->l_magn[k]) {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag;
- else
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre;
+ }
+ else {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag + (self->l_magn[k] - mag) * revtime * amp;
- self->freq[self->overcount][k] = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre + (self->l_freq[k] - fre) * revtime * amp;
+ }
amp *= damp;
@@ -1836,7 +1830,7 @@ PVVerb_process_ii(PVVerb *self) {
static void
PVVerb_process_ai(PVVerb *self) {
int i, k;
- MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp;
+ MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp, fre;
MYFLT **magn = PVStream_getMagn((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
MYFLT **freq = PVStream_getFreq((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
int *count = PVStream_getCount((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
@@ -1868,11 +1862,15 @@ PVVerb_process_ai(PVVerb *self) {
amp = 1.0;
for (k=0; k<self->hsize; k++) {
mag = magn[self->overcount][k];
- if (mag > self->l_magn[k])
+ fre = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ if (mag > self->l_magn[k]) {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag;
- else
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre;
+ }
+ else {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag + (self->l_magn[k] - mag) * revtime * amp;
- self->freq[self->overcount][k] = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre + (self->l_freq[k] - fre) * revtime * amp;
+ }
amp *= damp;
@@ -1885,7 +1883,7 @@ PVVerb_process_ai(PVVerb *self) {
static void
PVVerb_process_ia(PVVerb *self) {
int i, k;
- MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp;
+ MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp, fre;
MYFLT **magn = PVStream_getMagn((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
MYFLT **freq = PVStream_getFreq((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
int *count = PVStream_getCount((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
@@ -1917,11 +1915,15 @@ PVVerb_process_ia(PVVerb *self) {
amp = 1.0;
for (k=0; k<self->hsize; k++) {
mag = magn[self->overcount][k];
- if (mag > self->l_magn[k])
+ fre = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ if (mag > self->l_magn[k]) {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag;
- else
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre;
+ }
+ else {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag + (self->l_magn[k] - mag) * revtime * amp;
- self->freq[self->overcount][k] = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre + (self->l_freq[k] - fre) * revtime * amp;
+ }
amp *= damp;
@@ -1934,7 +1936,7 @@ PVVerb_process_ia(PVVerb *self) {
static void
PVVerb_process_aa(PVVerb *self) {
int i, k;
- MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp;
+ MYFLT revtime, damp, mag, amp, fre;
MYFLT **magn = PVStream_getMagn((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
MYFLT **freq = PVStream_getFreq((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
int *count = PVStream_getCount((PVStream *)self->input_stream);
@@ -1967,11 +1969,15 @@ PVVerb_process_aa(PVVerb *self) {
amp = 1.0;
for (k=0; k<self->hsize; k++) {
mag = magn[self->overcount][k];
- if (mag > self->l_magn[k])
+ fre = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ if (mag > self->l_magn[k]) {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag;
- else
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre;
+ }
+ else {
self->magn[self->overcount][k] = self->l_magn[k] = mag + (self->l_magn[k] - mag) * revtime * amp;
- self->freq[self->overcount][k] = freq[self->overcount][k];
+ self->freq[self->overcount][k] = self->l_freq[k] = fre + (self->l_freq[k] - fre) * revtime * amp;
+ }
amp *= damp;
@@ -2049,6 +2055,7 @@ PVVerb_dealloc(PVVerb* self)
+ free(self->l_freq);
@@ -2076,11 +2083,8 @@ PVVerb_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVVerb \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVVerb must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -2128,9 +2132,8 @@ PVVerb_setInput(PVVerb *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVVerb \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVVerb must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -2570,11 +2573,8 @@ PVGate_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVGate \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVGate must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -2622,9 +2622,8 @@ PVGate_setInput(PVGate *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVGate \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVGate must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -2970,11 +2969,8 @@ PVCross_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVCross \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVCross must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -2985,11 +2981,8 @@ PVCross_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->input_stream = (PVStream *)input_streamtmp;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)input2tmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVCross \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVCross must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3033,9 +3026,8 @@ PVCross_setInput(PVCross *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVCross \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVCross must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3057,9 +3049,8 @@ PVCross_setInput2(PVCross *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVCross \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVCross must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3318,11 +3309,8 @@ PVMult_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMult \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMult must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3333,11 +3321,8 @@ PVMult_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->input_stream = (PVStream *)input_streamtmp;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)input2tmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMult \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMult must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3377,9 +3362,8 @@ PVMult_setInput(PVMult *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMult \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMult must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3401,9 +3385,8 @@ PVMult_setInput2(PVMult *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMult \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMult must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3689,11 +3672,8 @@ PVMorph_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMorph \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMorph must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3704,11 +3684,8 @@ PVMorph_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->input_stream = (PVStream *)input_streamtmp;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)input2tmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMorph \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMorph must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3752,9 +3729,8 @@ PVMorph_setInput(PVMorph *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMorph \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMorph must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -3776,9 +3752,8 @@ PVMorph_setInput2(PVMorph *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMorph \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMorph must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -4138,11 +4113,8 @@ PVFilter_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVFilter \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVFilter must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -4189,9 +4161,8 @@ PVFilter_setInput(PVFilter *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVFilter \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVFilter must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -4624,11 +4595,8 @@ PVDelay_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVDelay \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVDelay must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -4675,9 +4643,8 @@ PVDelay_setInput(PVDelay *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVDelay \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVDelay must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -5088,11 +5055,8 @@ PVBuffer_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBuffer \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBuffer must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -5144,9 +5108,8 @@ PVBuffer_setInput(PVBuffer *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBuffer \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBuffer must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -5171,16 +5134,12 @@ PVBuffer_setIndex(PVBuffer *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
- int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
- if (isNumber == 1) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"index\" attribute of PVBuffer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ tmp = arg;
+ if (PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tmp, "server") == 0) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"index\" argument of PVBuffer must be a PyoObject.\n");
- tmp = arg;
@@ -5501,11 +5460,8 @@ PVShift_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVShift \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVShift must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -5549,9 +5505,8 @@ PVShift_setInput(PVShift *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVShift \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVShift must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -5980,11 +5935,8 @@ PVAmpMod_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVAmpMod \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVAmpMod must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -6037,9 +5989,8 @@ PVAmpMod_setInput(PVAmpMod *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVAmpMod \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVAmpMod must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -6589,11 +6540,8 @@ PVFreqMod_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVFreqMod \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVFreqMod must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -6650,9 +6598,8 @@ PVFreqMod_setInput(PVFreqMod *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVFreqMod \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVFreqMod must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7137,11 +7084,8 @@ PVBufLoops_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBufLoops \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBufLoops must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7196,9 +7140,8 @@ PVBufLoops_setInput(PVBufLoops *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBufLoops \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBufLoops must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7570,11 +7513,8 @@ PVBufTabLoops_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBufTabLoops \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBufTabLoops must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7624,9 +7564,8 @@ PVBufTabLoops_setInput(PVBufTabLoops *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVBufTabLoops \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVBufTabLoops must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7884,11 +7823,8 @@ PVMix_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMix \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMix must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7899,11 +7835,8 @@ PVMix_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->input_stream = (PVStream *)input_streamtmp;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)input2tmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMix \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMix must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7943,9 +7876,8 @@ PVMix_setInput(PVMix *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMix \"input\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input\" argument of PVMix must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
@@ -7967,9 +7899,8 @@ PVMix_setInput2(PVMix *self, PyObject *arg)
inputtmp = arg;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)inputtmp, "pv_stream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: PVMix \"input2\" argument must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"input2\" argument of PVMix must be a PyoPVObject.\n");
diff --git a/src/objects/sigmodule.c b/src/objects/sigmodule.c
index 93e295e..7cd4cf0 100644
--- a/src/objects/sigmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/sigmodule.c
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ typedef struct {
PyObject *value;
Stream *value_stream;
- MYFLT time;
MYFLT lastValue;
MYFLT currentValue;
+ MYFLT time;
long timeStep;
MYFLT stepVal;
long timeCount;
@@ -346,20 +346,19 @@ static void
SigTo_generates_i(SigTo *self) {
int i;
MYFLT value;
if (self->modebuffer[2] == 0) {
value = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->value);
+ if (value != self->lastValue) {
+ self->timeCount = 0;
+ self->timeStep = (long)(self->time * self->sr);
+ self->stepVal = (value - self->currentValue) / self->timeStep;
+ self->lastValue = value;
+ }
if (self->timeStep <= 0) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++)
self->data[i] = self->currentValue = self->lastValue = value;
- else {
- if (value != self->lastValue) {
- self->timeCount = 0;
- self->stepVal = (value - self->currentValue) / self->timeStep;
- self->lastValue = value;
- }
+ else {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
if (self->timeCount == (self->timeStep - 1)) {
self->currentValue = value;
@@ -386,6 +385,7 @@ SigTo_generates_i(SigTo *self) {
value = vals[i];
if (value != self->lastValue) {
self->timeCount = 0;
+ self->timeStep = (long)(self->time * self->sr);
self->stepVal = (value - self->currentValue) / self->timeStep;
self->lastValue = value;
@@ -497,7 +497,6 @@ SigTo_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->value = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.0);
self->time = 0.025;
- self->timeStep = (long)(self->time * self->sr);
self->timeCount = 0;
self->stepVal = 0.0;
self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
@@ -532,6 +531,7 @@ SigTo_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
self->lastValue = self->currentValue = inittmp;
+ self->timeStep = (long)(self->time * self->sr);
@@ -590,7 +590,6 @@ SigTo_setTime(SigTo *self, PyObject *arg)
if (isNumber == 1) {
self->time = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(tmp));
- self->timeStep = (long)(self->time * self->sr);
@@ -992,6 +991,26 @@ VarPort_setTime(VarPort *self, PyObject *arg)
return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+VarPort_setFunction(VarPort *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp;
+ if (! PyCallable_Check(arg)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "The function attribute must be callable.");
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_XDECREF(self->callable);
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ self->callable = tmp;
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
static PyObject * VarPort_getServer(VarPort* self) { GET_SERVER };
static PyObject * VarPort_getStream(VarPort* self) { GET_STREAM };
static PyObject * VarPort_setMul(VarPort *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
@@ -1026,6 +1045,7 @@ static PyMethodDef VarPort_methods[] = {
{"stop", (PyCFunction)VarPort_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
{"setValue", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setValue, METH_O, "Sets VarPort value."},
{"setTime", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setTime, METH_O, "Sets ramp time in seconds."},
+ {"setFunction", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setFunction, METH_O, "Sets function to be called."},
{"setMul", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setMul, METH_O, "Sets VarPort mul factor."},
{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets VarPort add factor."},
{"setSub", (PyCFunction)VarPort_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
diff --git a/src/objects/tablemodule.c b/src/objects/tablemodule.c
index 0be9ea5..3852057 100644
--- a/src/objects/tablemodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/tablemodule.c
@@ -231,10 +231,17 @@ static PyObject * HarmTable_reset(HarmTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * HarmTable_normalize(HarmTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * HarmTable_removeDC(HarmTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * HarmTable_reverse(HarmTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_invert(HarmTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_rectify(HarmTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_bipolarGain(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_lowpass(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_fadein(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_fadeout(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_pow(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * HarmTable_copy(HarmTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * HarmTable_setTable(HarmTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * HarmTable_getTable(HarmTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * HarmTable_getViewTable(HarmTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * HarmTable_getViewTable(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * HarmTable_put(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * HarmTable_get(HarmTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -302,12 +309,19 @@ static PyMethodDef HarmTable_methods[] = {
{"getServer", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
-{"reverse", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"reverse", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in time."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"copy", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)HarmTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
@@ -505,10 +519,17 @@ static PyObject * ChebyTable_normalize(ChebyTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_reset(ChebyTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_removeDC(ChebyTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_reverse(ChebyTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_invert(ChebyTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_rectify(ChebyTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_bipolarGain(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_lowpass(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_fadein(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_fadeout(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_pow(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_copy(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_setTable(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_getTable(ChebyTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * ChebyTable_getViewTable(ChebyTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * ChebyTable_getViewTable(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_put(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * ChebyTable_get(ChebyTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -650,13 +671,20 @@ static PyMethodDef ChebyTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)ChebyTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -787,10 +815,17 @@ static PyObject * HannTable_normalize(HannTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * HannTable_reset(HannTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * HannTable_removeDC(HannTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * HannTable_reverse(HannTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * HannTable_invert(HannTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * HannTable_rectify(HannTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * HannTable_bipolarGain(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * HannTable_lowpass(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * HannTable_fadein(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * HannTable_fadeout(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * HannTable_pow(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * HannTable_copy(HannTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * HannTable_setTable(HannTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * HannTable_getTable(HannTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * HannTable_getViewTable(HannTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * HannTable_getViewTable(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * HannTable_put(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * HannTable_get(HannTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -835,13 +870,20 @@ static PyMethodDef HannTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)HannTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)HannTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)HannTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)HannTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)HannTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)HannTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)HannTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)HannTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)HannTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)HannTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)HannTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)HannTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)HannTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)HannTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)HannTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)HannTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)HannTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)HannTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)HannTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)HannTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)HannTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -991,10 +1033,17 @@ static PyObject * SincTable_normalize(SincTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * SincTable_reset(SincTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * SincTable_removeDC(SincTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * SincTable_reverse(SincTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * SincTable_invert(SincTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * SincTable_rectify(SincTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * SincTable_bipolarGain(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * SincTable_lowpass(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * SincTable_fadein(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * SincTable_fadeout(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * SincTable_pow(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * SincTable_copy(SincTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * SincTable_setTable(SincTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * SincTable_getTable(SincTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * SincTable_getViewTable(SincTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * SincTable_getViewTable(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * SincTable_put(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * SincTable_get(SincTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -1073,13 +1122,20 @@ static PyMethodDef SincTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)SincTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)SincTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)SincTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
- {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)SincTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+ {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)SincTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)SincTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)SincTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)SincTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)SincTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)SincTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)SincTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)SincTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+ {"rectify", (PyCFunction)SincTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+ {"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)SincTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+ {"lowpass", (PyCFunction)SincTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+ {"fadein", (PyCFunction)SincTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"fadeout", (PyCFunction)SincTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"pow", (PyCFunction)SincTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)SincTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)SincTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"setFreq", (PyCFunction)SincTable_setFreq, METH_O, "Sets the frequency, in radians, of the sinc function."},
@@ -1203,10 +1259,17 @@ static PyObject * WinTable_normalize(WinTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * WinTable_reset(WinTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * WinTable_removeDC(WinTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * WinTable_reverse(WinTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * WinTable_invert(WinTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * WinTable_rectify(WinTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * WinTable_bipolarGain(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * WinTable_lowpass(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * WinTable_fadein(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * WinTable_fadeout(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * WinTable_pow(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * WinTable_copy(WinTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * WinTable_setTable(WinTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * WinTable_getTable(WinTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * WinTable_getViewTable(WinTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * WinTable_getViewTable(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * WinTable_put(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * WinTable_get(WinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -1272,13 +1335,20 @@ static PyMethodDef WinTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)WinTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)WinTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)WinTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)WinTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)WinTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)WinTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)WinTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)WinTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)WinTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)WinTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)WinTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)WinTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)WinTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)WinTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)WinTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)WinTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)WinTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)WinTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)WinTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)WinTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"setType", (PyCFunction)WinTable_setType, METH_O, "Sets the type of the table."},
@@ -1415,10 +1485,17 @@ static PyObject * ParaTable_normalize(ParaTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * ParaTable_reset(ParaTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * ParaTable_removeDC(ParaTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * ParaTable_reverse(ParaTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_invert(ParaTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_rectify(ParaTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_bipolarGain(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_lowpass(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_fadein(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_fadeout(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_pow(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * ParaTable_copy(ParaTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * ParaTable_setTable(ParaTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * ParaTable_getTable(ParaTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * ParaTable_getViewTable(ParaTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * ParaTable_getViewTable(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * ParaTable_put(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * ParaTable_get(ParaTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -1463,13 +1540,20 @@ static PyMethodDef ParaTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
- {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+ {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+ {"rectify", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+ {"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+ {"lowpass", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+ {"fadein", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"fadeout", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"pow", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)ParaTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -1639,10 +1723,17 @@ static PyObject * LinTable_normalize(LinTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * LinTable_reset(LinTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * LinTable_removeDC(LinTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * LinTable_reverse(LinTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * LinTable_invert(LinTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * LinTable_rectify(LinTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * LinTable_bipolarGain(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * LinTable_lowpass(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * LinTable_fadein(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * LinTable_fadeout(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * LinTable_pow(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * LinTable_copy(LinTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * LinTable_setTable(LinTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * LinTable_getTable(LinTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * LinTable_getViewTable(LinTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * LinTable_getViewTable(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * LinTable_put(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * LinTable_get(LinTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -1741,13 +1832,20 @@ static PyMethodDef LinTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)LinTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)LinTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)LinTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)LinTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)LinTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)LinTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)LinTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)LinTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)LinTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)LinTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)LinTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)LinTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)LinTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)LinTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)LinTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)LinTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)LinTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)LinTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)LinTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)LinTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)LinTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -1943,10 +2041,17 @@ static PyObject * LogTable_normalize(LogTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * LogTable_reset(LogTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * LogTable_removeDC(LogTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * LogTable_reverse(LogTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * LogTable_invert(LogTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * LogTable_rectify(LogTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * LogTable_bipolarGain(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * LogTable_lowpass(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * LogTable_fadein(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * LogTable_fadeout(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * LogTable_pow(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * LogTable_copy(LogTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * LogTable_setTable(LogTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * LogTable_getTable(LogTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * LogTable_getViewTable(LogTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * LogTable_getViewTable(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * LogTable_put(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * LogTable_get(LogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -2045,13 +2150,20 @@ static PyMethodDef LogTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)LogTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)LogTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)LogTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
- {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)LogTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+ {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)LogTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)LogTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)LogTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)LogTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)LogTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)LogTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)LogTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)LogTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+ {"rectify", (PyCFunction)LogTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+ {"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)LogTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+ {"lowpass", (PyCFunction)LogTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+ {"fadein", (PyCFunction)LogTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"fadeout", (PyCFunction)LogTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"pow", (PyCFunction)LogTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)LogTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)LogTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)LogTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -2225,10 +2337,17 @@ static PyObject * CosTable_normalize(CosTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * CosTable_reset(CosTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * CosTable_removeDC(CosTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * CosTable_reverse(CosTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * CosTable_invert(CosTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * CosTable_rectify(CosTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * CosTable_bipolarGain(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * CosTable_lowpass(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * CosTable_fadein(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * CosTable_fadeout(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * CosTable_pow(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * CosTable_copy(CosTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * CosTable_setTable(CosTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * CosTable_getTable(CosTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * CosTable_getViewTable(CosTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * CosTable_getViewTable(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * CosTable_put(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * CosTable_get(CosTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -2327,13 +2446,20 @@ static PyMethodDef CosTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)CosTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)CosTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)CosTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CosTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CosTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)CosTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)CosTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)CosTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)CosTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)CosTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)CosTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)CosTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)CosTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)CosTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)CosTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)CosTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)CosTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)CosTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)CosTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)CosTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)CosTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -2531,10 +2657,17 @@ static PyObject * CosLogTable_normalize(CosLogTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_reset(CosLogTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_removeDC(CosLogTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_reverse(CosLogTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_invert(CosLogTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_rectify(CosLogTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_bipolarGain(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_lowpass(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_fadein(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_fadeout(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_pow(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_copy(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_setTable(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_getTable(CosLogTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * CosLogTable_getViewTable(CosLogTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * CosLogTable_getViewTable(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_put(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * CosLogTable_get(CosLogTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -2633,13 +2766,20 @@ static PyMethodDef CosLogTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
- {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+ {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+ {"rectify", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+ {"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+ {"lowpass", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+ {"fadein", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"fadeout", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"pow", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples"},
{"put", (PyCFunction)CosLogTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
@@ -2840,10 +2980,17 @@ static PyObject * CurveTable_normalize(CurveTable * self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * CurveTable_reset(CurveTable * self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * CurveTable_removeDC(CurveTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * CurveTable_reverse(CurveTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_invert(CurveTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_rectify(CurveTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_bipolarGain(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_lowpass(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_fadein(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_fadeout(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_pow(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * CurveTable_copy(CurveTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * CurveTable_setTable(CurveTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * CurveTable_getTable(CurveTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * CurveTable_getViewTable(CurveTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * CurveTable_getViewTable(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * CurveTable_put(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * CurveTable_get(CurveTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -2984,7 +3131,7 @@ static PyMethodDef CurveTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
@@ -2999,6 +3146,13 @@ static PyMethodDef CurveTable_methods[] = {
{"reset", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)CurveTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
@@ -3190,10 +3344,17 @@ static PyObject * ExpTable_normalize(ExpTable * self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * ExpTable_reset(ExpTable * self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * ExpTable_removeDC(ExpTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * ExpTable_reverse(ExpTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_invert(ExpTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_rectify(ExpTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_bipolarGain(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_lowpass(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_fadein(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_fadeout(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_pow(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * ExpTable_copy(ExpTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * ExpTable_setTable(ExpTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * ExpTable_getTable(ExpTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * ExpTable_getViewTable(ExpTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * ExpTable_getViewTable(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * ExpTable_put(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * ExpTable_get(ExpTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -3333,7 +3494,7 @@ static PyMethodDef ExpTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
-{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+{"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"setSize", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_setSize, METH_O, "Sets the size of the table in samples"},
@@ -3348,6 +3509,13 @@ static PyMethodDef ExpTable_methods[] = {
{"reset", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)ExpTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{NULL} /* Sentinel */
@@ -3856,6 +4024,13 @@ static PyObject * SndTable_normalize(SndTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * SndTable_reset(SndTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * SndTable_removeDC(SndTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * SndTable_reverse(SndTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * SndTable_invert(SndTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * SndTable_rectify(SndTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * SndTable_bipolarGain(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * SndTable_lowpass(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * SndTable_fadein(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * SndTable_fadeout(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * SndTable_pow(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * SndTable_copy(SndTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * SndTable_setTable(SndTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * SndTable_getTable(SndTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
@@ -3864,17 +4039,37 @@ static PyObject * SndTable_get(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
static PyObject *
SndTable_getViewTable(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
- int i, j, y, w, h, h2, step;
+ int i, j, y, w, h, h2, step, size;
int count = 0;
- MYFLT absin;
- PyObject *samples;
+ int yOffset = 0;
+ MYFLT absin, fstep;
+ MYFLT begin = 0.0;
+ MYFLT end = -1.0;
+ PyObject *samples, *tuple;
PyObject *sizetmp = NULL;
- static char *kwlist[] = {"size", NULL};
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"size", "begin", "end", "yOffset", NULL};
- if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|O", kwlist, &sizetmp))
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE__OFFI, kwlist, &sizetmp, &begin, &end, &yOffset))
return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (end <= 0.0)
+ end = self->size;
+ else {
+ end = end * self->sr;
+ if (end > self->size)
+ end = self->size;
+ }
+ if (begin < 0.0)
+ begin = 0;
+ else {
+ begin = begin * self->sr;
+ if (begin >= end)
+ begin = 0;
+ }
+ size = (int)(end - begin);
if (sizetmp) {
if (PyTuple_Check(sizetmp)) {
w = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 0));
@@ -3894,20 +4089,52 @@ SndTable_getViewTable(SndTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
h = 200;
h2 = h/2;
- step = (int)(self->size / (MYFLT)(w));
- samples = PyList_New(w*4);
- for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
- absin = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
- if (MYFABS(self->data[count++]) > absin)
- absin = self->data[count];
+ step = (int)(size / (MYFLT)(w));
+ fstep = (MYFLT)(w) / (size-1);
+ if (step == 0) {
+ samples = PyList_New(size);
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong((int)(i*fstep)));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(-self->data[i+(int)(begin)]*h2+h2+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (step < 32) {
+ samples = PyList_New(w);
+ for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
+ absin = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
+ absin += -self->data[(int)(begin)+count];
+ count++;
+ }
+ y = (int)(absin / step * h2);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ samples = PyList_New(w*2);
+ for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
+ absin = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
+ if (MYFABS(self->data[(int)(begin)+count]) > absin)
+ absin = -self->data[(int)(begin)+count];
+ count++;
+ }
+ y = (int)(absin * h2);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2-y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i*2, tuple);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i*2+1, tuple);
- y = (int)(absin * h2);
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4, PyInt_FromLong(i));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+1, PyInt_FromLong(h2-y));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+2, PyInt_FromLong(i));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+3, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y));
return samples;
@@ -4080,6 +4307,13 @@ static PyMethodDef SndTable_methods[] = {
{"reset", (PyCFunction)SndTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)SndTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)SndTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)SndTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)SndTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)SndTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)SndTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)SndTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)SndTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)SndTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"put", (PyCFunction)SndTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
{"get", (PyCFunction)SndTable_get, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Gets the value at specified position in the table."},
{"setSound", (PyCFunction)SndTable_setSound, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Load a new sound in the table."},
@@ -4148,6 +4382,7 @@ typedef struct {
MYFLT length;
MYFLT feedback;
+ MYFLT sr;
int pointer;
} NewTable;
@@ -4222,8 +4457,8 @@ NewTable_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_F_OF, kwlist, &self->length, &inittmp, &self->feedback))
- double sr = PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getSamplingRate", NULL));
- self->size = (int)(self->length * sr + 0.5);
+ self->sr = (MYFLT)PyFloat_AsDouble(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getSamplingRate", NULL));
+ self->size = (int)(self->length * self->sr + 0.5);
self->data = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->data, (self->size + 1) * sizeof(MYFLT));
for (i=0; i<(self->size+1); i++) {
@@ -4237,7 +4472,7 @@ NewTable_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
TableStream_setData(self->tablestream, self->data);
- TableStream_setSamplingRate(self->tablestream, sr);
+ TableStream_setSamplingRate(self->tablestream, self->sr);
return (PyObject *)self;
@@ -4249,6 +4484,13 @@ static PyObject * NewTable_normalize(NewTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * NewTable_reset(NewTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * NewTable_removeDC(NewTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * NewTable_reverse(NewTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * NewTable_invert(NewTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * NewTable_rectify(NewTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * NewTable_bipolarGain(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * NewTable_lowpass(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * NewTable_fadein(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * NewTable_fadeout(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * NewTable_pow(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * NewTable_copy(NewTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * NewTable_setTable(NewTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * NewTable_getTable(NewTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
@@ -4257,17 +4499,37 @@ static PyObject * NewTable_get(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
static PyObject *
NewTable_getViewTable(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
- int i, j, y, w, h, h2, step;
+ int i, j, y, w, h, h2, step, size;
int count = 0;
- MYFLT absin;
- PyObject *samples;
+ int yOffset = 0;
+ MYFLT absin, fstep;
+ MYFLT begin = 0.0;
+ MYFLT end = -1.0;
+ PyObject *samples, *tuple;
PyObject *sizetmp = NULL;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"size", "begin", "end", "yOffset", NULL};
- static char *kwlist[] = {"size", NULL};
- if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|O", kwlist, &sizetmp))
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE__OFFI, kwlist, &sizetmp, &begin, &end, &yOffset))
return PyInt_FromLong(-1);
+ if (end <= 0.0)
+ end = self->size;
+ else {
+ end = end * self->sr;
+ if (end > self->size)
+ end = self->size;
+ }
+ if (begin < 0.0)
+ begin = 0;
+ else {
+ begin = begin * self->sr;
+ if (begin >= end)
+ begin = 0;
+ }
+ size = (int)(end - begin);
if (sizetmp) {
if (PyTuple_Check(sizetmp)) {
w = PyInt_AsLong(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(sizetmp, 0));
@@ -4287,20 +4549,52 @@ NewTable_getViewTable(NewTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) {
h = 200;
h2 = h/2;
- step = (int)(self->size / (MYFLT)(w));
- samples = PyList_New(w*4);
- for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
- absin = 0.0;
- for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
- if (MYFABS(self->data[count++]) > absin)
- absin = self->data[count];
+ step = (int)(size / (MYFLT)(w));
+ fstep = (MYFLT)(w) / (size-1);
+ if (step == 0) {
+ samples = PyList_New(size);
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong((int)(i*fstep)));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(-self->data[i+(int)(begin)]*h2+h2+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (step < 32) {
+ samples = PyList_New(w);
+ for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
+ absin = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
+ absin += -self->data[(int)(begin)+count];
+ count++;
+ }
+ y = (int)(absin / step * h2);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i, tuple);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ samples = PyList_New(w*2);
+ for(i=0; i<w; i++) {
+ absin = 0.0;
+ for (j=0; j<step; j++) {
+ if (MYFABS(self->data[(int)(begin)+count]) > absin)
+ absin = -self->data[(int)(begin)+count];
+ count++;
+ }
+ y = (int)(absin * h2);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2-y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i*2, tuple);
+ tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong(i));
+ PyTuple_SetItem(tuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y+yOffset));
+ PyList_SetItem(samples, i*2+1, tuple);
- y = (int)(absin * h2);
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4, PyInt_FromLong(i));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+1, PyInt_FromLong(h2-y));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+2, PyInt_FromLong(i));
- PyList_SetItem(samples, i*4+3, PyInt_FromLong(h2+y));
return samples;
@@ -4360,6 +4654,13 @@ static PyMethodDef NewTable_methods[] = {
{"reset", (PyCFunction)NewTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)NewTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)NewTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+{"invert", (PyCFunction)NewTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+{"rectify", (PyCFunction)NewTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+{"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)NewTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+{"lowpass", (PyCFunction)NewTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+{"fadein", (PyCFunction)NewTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"fadeout", (PyCFunction)NewTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+{"pow", (PyCFunction)NewTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"put", (PyCFunction)NewTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
{"get", (PyCFunction)NewTable_get, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Gets the value at specified position in the table."},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)NewTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples."},
@@ -4492,10 +4793,17 @@ static PyObject * DataTable_normalize(DataTable *self) { NORMALIZE };
static PyObject * DataTable_reset(DataTable *self) { TABLE_RESET };
static PyObject * DataTable_removeDC(DataTable *self) { REMOVE_DC };
static PyObject * DataTable_reverse(DataTable *self) { REVERSE };
+static PyObject * DataTable_invert(DataTable *self) { INVERT };
+static PyObject * DataTable_rectify(DataTable *self) { RECTIFY };
+static PyObject * DataTable_bipolarGain(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_BIPOLAR_GAIN };
+static PyObject * DataTable_lowpass(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_LOWPASS };
+static PyObject * DataTable_fadein(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEIN };
+static PyObject * DataTable_fadeout(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_FADEOUT };
+static PyObject * DataTable_pow(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_POWER };
static PyObject * DataTable_copy(DataTable *self, PyObject *arg) { COPY };
static PyObject * DataTable_setTable(DataTable *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_TABLE };
static PyObject * DataTable_getTable(DataTable *self) { GET_TABLE };
-static PyObject * DataTable_getViewTable(DataTable *self) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
+static PyObject * DataTable_getViewTable(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { GET_VIEW_TABLE };
static PyObject * DataTable_put(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_PUT };
static PyObject * DataTable_get(DataTable *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { TABLE_GET };
@@ -4523,13 +4831,20 @@ static PyMethodDef DataTable_methods[] = {
{"copy", (PyCFunction)DataTable_copy, METH_O, "Copy data from table given in argument."},
{"setTable", (PyCFunction)DataTable_setTable, METH_O, "Sets the table content from a list of floats (must be the same size as the object size)."},
{"getTable", (PyCFunction)DataTable_getTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of table samples."},
- {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)DataTable_getViewTable, METH_NOARGS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
+ {"getViewTable", (PyCFunction)DataTable_getViewTable, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Returns a list of pixel coordinates for drawing the table."},
{"getTableStream", (PyCFunction)DataTable_getTableStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns table stream object created by this table."},
{"setData", (PyCFunction)DataTable_setData, METH_O, "Sets the table from samples in a text file."},
{"normalize", (PyCFunction)DataTable_normalize, METH_NOARGS, "Normalize table samples between -1 and 1"},
{"reset", (PyCFunction)DataTable_reset, METH_NOARGS, "Resets table samples to 0.0"},
{"removeDC", (PyCFunction)DataTable_removeDC, METH_NOARGS, "Filter out DC offset from the table's data."},
{"reverse", (PyCFunction)DataTable_reverse, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data."},
+ {"invert", (PyCFunction)DataTable_invert, METH_NOARGS, "Reverse the table's data in amplitude."},
+ {"rectify", (PyCFunction)DataTable_rectify, METH_NOARGS, "Positive rectification of the table's data."},
+ {"bipolarGain", (PyCFunction)DataTable_bipolarGain, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply different amp values to positive and negative samples."},
+ {"lowpass", (PyCFunction)DataTable_lowpass, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a one-pole lowpass filter on table's samples."},
+ {"fadein", (PyCFunction)DataTable_fadein, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual increase in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"fadeout", (PyCFunction)DataTable_fadeout, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a gradual decrease in the level of the table's samples."},
+ {"pow", (PyCFunction)DataTable_pow, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Apply a power function on each sample in the table."},
{"put", (PyCFunction)DataTable_put, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Puts a value at specified position in the table."},
{"get", (PyCFunction)DataTable_get, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Gets the value at specified position in the table."},
{"getSize", (PyCFunction)DataTable_getSize, METH_NOARGS, "Return the size of the table in samples."},
@@ -4720,13 +5035,11 @@ TableRec_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TableRec must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TableRec must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ Py_INCREF(tabletmp);
self->table = (NewTable *)tabletmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
@@ -5210,16 +5523,15 @@ TableMorph_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TableMorph must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TableMorph must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ Py_INCREF(tabletmp);
self->table = (PyObject *)tabletmp;
+ Py_INCREF(sourcestmp);
self->sources = (PyObject *)sourcestmp;
@@ -5521,6 +5833,7 @@ TrigTableRec_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ Py_INCREF(trigtmp);
self->trigger = trigtmp;
trig_streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->trigger, "_getStream", NULL);
@@ -5528,13 +5841,11 @@ TrigTableRec_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->trigger_stream = (Stream *)trig_streamtmp;
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TrigTableRec must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TrigTableRec must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ Py_INCREF(tabletmp);
self->table = (NewTable *)tabletmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
@@ -5989,13 +6300,11 @@ TablePut_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TablePut must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TablePut must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
+ Py_INCREF(tabletmp);
self->table = (DataTable *)tabletmp;
PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
diff --git a/src/objects/trigmodule.c b/src/objects/trigmodule.c
index cdbcf85..be86e0c 100644
--- a/src/objects/trigmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/trigmodule.c
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ TrigFunc_setArg(TrigFunc *self, PyObject *arg)
PyObject *tmp;
tmp = arg;
- Py_DECREF(self->arg);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->arg);
self->arg = tmp;
@@ -1692,11 +1692,8 @@ TrigEnv_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if ( PyObject_HasAttrString((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream") == 0 ) {
- PySys_WriteStderr("TypeError: \"table\" argument of TrigEnv must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
- if (PyInt_AsLong(PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "getIsBooted", NULL))) {
- PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "shutdown", NULL);
- }
- Py_Exit(1);
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "\"table\" argument of TrigEnv must be a PyoTableObject.\n");
self->table = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)tabletmp, "getTableStream", "");
diff --git a/src/objects/utilsmodule.c b/src/objects/utilsmodule.c
index a82cec9..e4e5653 100644
--- a/src/objects/utilsmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/utilsmodule.c
@@ -1203,11 +1203,11 @@ SampHold_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig); \
- self->controlsig = controlsigtmp; \
- controlsig_streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->controlsig, "_getStream", NULL); \
- Py_INCREF(controlsig_streamtmp); \
- Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig_stream); \
+ Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig);
+ self->controlsig = controlsigtmp;
+ controlsig_streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->controlsig, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(controlsig_streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig_stream);
self->controlsig_stream = (Stream *)controlsig_streamtmp;
if (valuetmp) {
@@ -1393,6 +1393,383 @@ SampHold_new, /* tp_new */
+/* TrackHold */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ PyObject *controlsig;
+ Stream *controlsig_stream;
+ PyObject *value;
+ Stream *value_stream;
+ MYFLT currentValue;
+ int flag;
+ int modebuffer[3]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+} TrackHold;
+static void
+TrackHold_filters_i(TrackHold *self) {
+ MYFLT ctrl;
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *ctrlsig = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->controlsig_stream);
+ MYFLT val = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->value);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ ctrl = ctrlsig[i];
+ if (ctrl > (val - 0.0001) && ctrl < (val + 0.0001)) {
+ if (self->flag == 1) {
+ self->currentValue = in[i];
+ self->flag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ self->currentValue = in[i];
+ self->flag = 1;
+ }
+ self->data[i] = self->currentValue;
+ }
+static void
+TrackHold_filters_a(TrackHold *self) {
+ MYFLT ctrl, val;
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *ctrlsig = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->controlsig_stream);
+ MYFLT *valsig = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->value_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ ctrl = ctrlsig[i];
+ val = valsig[i];
+ if (ctrl > (val - 0.0001) && ctrl < (val + 0.0001)) {
+ if (self->flag == 1) {
+ self->currentValue = in[i];
+ self->flag = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ self->currentValue = in[i];
+ self->flag = 1;
+ }
+ self->data[i] = self->currentValue;
+ }
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_ii(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_ai(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_ia(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_aa(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_ireva(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_areva(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_revai(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_revaa(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void TrackHold_postprocessing_revareva(TrackHold *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+TrackHold_setProcMode(TrackHold *self)
+ int procmode, muladdmode;
+ procmode = self->modebuffer[2];
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (procmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = TrackHold_filters_i;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = TrackHold_filters_a;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = TrackHold_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+TrackHold_compute_next_data_frame(TrackHold *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+TrackHold_traverse(TrackHold *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->controlsig);
+ Py_VISIT(self->controlsig_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->value);
+ Py_VISIT(self->value_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+TrackHold_clear(TrackHold *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->controlsig);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->controlsig_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->value);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->value_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+TrackHold_dealloc(TrackHold* self)
+ TrackHold_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+TrackHold_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *controlsigtmp, *controlsig_streamtmp, *valuetmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ TrackHold *self;
+ self = (TrackHold *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->value = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.0);
+ self->currentValue = 0.0;
+ self->flag = 1;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, TrackHold_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = TrackHold_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "controlsig", "value", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OO|OOO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &controlsigtmp, &valuetmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig);
+ self->controlsig = controlsigtmp;
+ controlsig_streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->controlsig, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(controlsig_streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->controlsig_stream);
+ self->controlsig_stream = (Stream *)controlsig_streamtmp;
+ if (valuetmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setValue", "O", valuetmp);
+ }
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * TrackHold_getServer(TrackHold* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_getStream(TrackHold* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_setMul(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_setAdd(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_setSub(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_setDiv(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_play(TrackHold *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_out(TrackHold *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_stop(TrackHold *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_multiply(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_inplace_multiply(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_add(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_inplace_add(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_sub(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_inplace_sub(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_div(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * TrackHold_inplace_div(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyObject *
+TrackHold_setValue(TrackHold *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->value);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->value = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->value = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->value, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->value_stream);
+ self->value_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef TrackHold_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"controlsig", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, controlsig), 0, "Control input object."},
+{"value", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, value), 0, "Trigger value."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(TrackHold, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef TrackHold_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setValue", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_setValue, METH_O, "Sets trigger value."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)TrackHold_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods TrackHold_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)TrackHold_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject TrackHoldType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.TrackHold_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(TrackHold), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)TrackHold_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&TrackHold_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"TrackHold objects. Let pass and freeze an audio stream.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)TrackHold_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)TrackHold_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+TrackHold_methods, /* tp_methods */
+TrackHold_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+TrackHold_new, /* tp_new */
/* Compare */
typedef struct {
@@ -4250,7 +4627,7 @@ MToF_process(MToF *self) {
for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
midi = in[i];
if (midi != self->lastmidi) {
- self->data[i] = self->curfreq = 8.1757989156437 * MYPOW(1.0594630943593, midi);
+ self->data[i] = self->curfreq = 440.0 * MYPOW(2.0, (midi - 69) / 12.0);
self->lastmidi = midi;
@@ -4506,6 +4883,284 @@ PyTypeObject MToFType = {
+/* FToM */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ MYFLT lastfreq;
+ MYFLT curmidi;
+ int modebuffer[2]; // need at least 2 slots for mul & add
+} FToM;
+static void
+FToM_process(FToM *self) {
+ int i;
+ MYFLT freq;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ freq = in[i];
+ if (freq != self->lastfreq) {
+ if (freq < 8.1758)
+ freq = 8.1578;
+ self->curmidi = 12.0 * MYLOG2(freq / 440.0) + 69;
+ self->lastfreq = freq;
+ }
+ else
+ self->data[i] = self->curmidi;
+ }
+static void FToM_postprocessing_ii(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_ai(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_ia(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_aa(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_ireva(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_areva(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_revai(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_revaa(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void FToM_postprocessing_revareva(FToM *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+FToM_setProcMode(FToM *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ self->proc_func_ptr = FToM_process;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = FToM_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+FToM_compute_next_data_frame(FToM *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+FToM_traverse(FToM *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+FToM_clear(FToM *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+FToM_dealloc(FToM* self)
+ FToM_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+FToM_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ FToM *self;
+ self = (FToM *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->lastfreq = 8.1758;
+ self->curmidi = 0.0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, FToM_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = FToM_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "O|OO", kwlist, &inputtmp, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * FToM_getServer(FToM* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * FToM_getStream(FToM* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * FToM_setMul(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * FToM_setAdd(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * FToM_setSub(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * FToM_setDiv(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * FToM_play(FToM *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * FToM_out(FToM *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * FToM_stop(FToM *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * FToM_multiply(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * FToM_inplace_multiply(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * FToM_add(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * FToM_inplace_add(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * FToM_sub(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * FToM_inplace_sub(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * FToM_div(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * FToM_inplace_div(FToM *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef FToM_members[] = {
+ {"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(FToM, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+ {"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(FToM, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+ {"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(FToM, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+ {"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(FToM, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+ {"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(FToM, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef FToM_methods[] = {
+ {"getServer", (PyCFunction)FToM_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+ {"_getStream", (PyCFunction)FToM_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+ {"play", (PyCFunction)FToM_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+ {"stop", (PyCFunction)FToM_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+ {"out", (PyCFunction)FToM_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+ {"setMul", (PyCFunction)FToM_setMul, METH_O, "Sets oscillator mul factor."},
+ {"setAdd", (PyCFunction)FToM_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets oscillator add factor."},
+ {"setSub", (PyCFunction)FToM_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+ {"setDiv", (PyCFunction)FToM_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+ {NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods FToM_as_number = {
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_add, /*nb_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_div, /*nb_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_remainder*/
+ 0, /*nb_divmod*/
+ 0, /*nb_power*/
+ 0, /*nb_neg*/
+ 0, /*nb_pos*/
+ 0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+ 0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+ 0, /*nb_invert*/
+ 0, /*nb_lshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_rshift*/
+ 0, /*nb_and*/
+ 0, /*nb_xor*/
+ 0, /*nb_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_coerce*/
+ 0, /*nb_int*/
+ 0, /*nb_long*/
+ 0, /*nb_float*/
+ 0, /*nb_oct*/
+ 0, /*nb_hex*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+ (binaryfunc)FToM_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+ 0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+ 0, /*inplace_power*/
+ 0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+ 0, /*inplace_and*/
+ 0, /*inplace_xor*/
+ 0, /*inplace_or*/
+ 0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+ 0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+ 0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject FToMType = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_pyo.FToM_base", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(FToM), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)FToM_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ &FToM_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ "FToM objects. Converts frequency to midi note.", /* tp_doc */
+ (traverseproc)FToM_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+ (inquiry)FToM_clear, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ FToM_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ FToM_members, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_init */
+ 0, /* tp_alloc */
+ FToM_new, /* tp_new */
/* MToT */
typedef struct {
diff --git a/src/objects/wgverbmodule.c b/src/objects/wgverbmodule.c
index 79970ce..1fa6d06 100644
--- a/src/objects/wgverbmodule.c
+++ b/src/objects/wgverbmodule.c
@@ -26,18 +26,20 @@
#include "servermodule.h"
#include "dummymodule.h"
+#define NUM_REFS 13
static const MYFLT randomScaling = 0.5;
-static const MYFLT reverbParams[8][3] = {
-{ 2473.0, 0.0010, 3.100 },
-{ 2767.0, 0.0011, 3.500 },
-{ 3217.0, 0.0017, 1.110 },
-{ 3557.0, 0.0006, 3.973 },
-{ 3907.0, 0.0010, 2.341 },
-{ 4127.0, 0.0011, 1.897 },
-{ 2143.0, 0.0017, 0.891 },
-{ 1933.0, 0.0006, 3.221 }
+static const MYFLT reverbParams[8][4] = {
+{ 2473.0, 0.0010, 3.100, 2503.0 },
+{ 2767.0, 0.0011, 3.500, 2749.0 },
+{ 3217.0, 0.0017, 1.110, 3187.0 },
+{ 3557.0, 0.0006, 3.973, 3583.0 },
+{ 3907.0, 0.0010, 2.341, 3929.0 },
+{ 4127.0, 0.0011, 1.897, 4093.0 },
+{ 2143.0, 0.0017, 0.891, 2131.0 },
+{ 1933.0, 0.0006, 3.221, 1951.0 }};
+static const MYFLT first_ref_delays[NUM_REFS] = {283, 467, 587, 677, 757, 911, 1117, 1223, 1307, 1429, 1553, 1613, 1783};
typedef struct {
@@ -486,12 +488,6 @@ WGVerb_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
self->mix = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.5);
self->lastFreq = self->damp = 0.0;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
- self->in_count[i] = 0;
- self->lastSamples[i] = 0.0;
- self->rnd_value[i] = self->rnd_oldValue[i] = self->rnd_diff[i] = 0.0;
- self->rnd_time[i] = 1.0;
- }
self->total_signal = 0.0;
self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
@@ -770,7 +766,7 @@ sizeof(WGVerb), /*tp_basicsize*/
0, /*tp_setattro*/
0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
-"WGVerb objects. WGVerb signal by x samples.", /* tp_doc */
+"WGVerb objects. Waveguide-based reverberation network.", /* tp_doc */
(traverseproc)WGVerb_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
(inquiry)WGVerb_clear, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
@@ -789,3 +785,1327 @@ WGVerb_members, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_alloc */
WGVerb_new, /* tp_new */
+/**** STRev ****/
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ PyObject *input;
+ Stream *input_stream;
+ PyObject *inpos;
+ Stream *inpos_stream;
+ PyObject *revtime;
+ Stream *revtime_stream;
+ PyObject *cutoff;
+ Stream *cutoff_stream;
+ PyObject *mix;
+ Stream *mix_stream;
+ void (*mix_func_ptr)();
+ int modebuffer[4];
+ MYFLT firstRefGain;
+ MYFLT total_signal[2];
+ MYFLT delays[2][8];
+ long size[2][8];
+ int in_count[2][8];
+ MYFLT *buffer[2][8];
+ MYFLT *ref_buffer[NUM_REFS];
+ int ref_size[NUM_REFS];
+ int ref_in_count[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT avg_time;
+ MYFLT srfac;
+ // lowpass
+ MYFLT damp[2];
+ MYFLT lastFreq;
+ MYFLT nyquist;
+ MYFLT lastInpos;
+ // sample memories
+ MYFLT lastSamples[2][8];
+ // jitters
+ MYFLT rnd[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_value[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_oldValue[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_diff[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_time[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_timeInc[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_range[2][8];
+ MYFLT rnd_halfRange[2][8];
+ MYFLT *buffer_streams;
+ MYFLT *input_buffer[2];
+} STReverb;
+static void
+STReverb_process_ii(STReverb *self) {
+ int i, j, k, k2, ind, half;
+ MYFLT val, x, x1, xind, frac, junction, inval, filt, amp1, amp2, b, f, sum_ref, feed, step, invp;
+ MYFLT ref_amp_l[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_amp_r[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_buf[2];
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT inpos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->inpos);
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->revtime);
+ else
+ feed = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->revtime_stream)[0];
+ MYFLT freq = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->cutoff);
+ if (inpos < 0.0)
+ inpos = 0.0;
+ else if (inpos > 1.0)
+ inpos = 1.0;
+ if (feed < 0.01)
+ feed = 0.01;
+ feed = MYPOW(100.0, -self->avg_time/feed);
+ if (freq < 20.0)
+ freq = 20.0;
+ else if (freq > self->nyquist)
+ freq = self->nyquist;
+ if (freq != self->lastFreq || inpos != self->lastInpos) {
+ self->lastFreq = freq;
+ self->lastInpos = inpos;
+ f = ((1.0 - inpos) * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[0] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ f = (inpos * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[1] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ }
+ /* position of the source and first reflexions */
+ amp1 = 1.0 - inpos;
+ amp2 = inpos;
+ half = (NUM_REFS - 1) / 2;
+ if (inpos <= 0.5) {
+ step = (0.5 - inpos) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = inpos + step * k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_r[k];
+ ref_amp_r[k2] *= inpos + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ invp = 1.0 - inpos;
+ step = (0.5 - invp) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = invp + step * k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_amp_l[k2] *= invp + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->input_buffer[0][i] = in[i] * amp1;
+ self->input_buffer[1][i] = in[i] * amp2;
+ ref_buf[0] = ref_buf[1] = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ sum_ref = self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]];
+ self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]] = in[i];
+ self->ref_in_count[k]++;
+ if (self->ref_in_count[k] == self->ref_size[k])
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ ref_buf[0] += sum_ref * ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_buf[1] += sum_ref * ref_amp_r[k];
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ inval = self->input_buffer[k][i] * 0.8 + self->input_buffer[1-k][i] * 0.2 + ref_buf[k] * 0.1;
+ junction = self->total_signal[k] * .25;
+ self->total_signal[k] = ref_buf[k] * self->firstRefGain;
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += self->rnd_timeInc[k][j];
+ if (self->rnd_time[k][j] < 0.0)
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += 1.0;
+ else if (self->rnd_time[k][j] >= 1.0) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] -= 1.0;
+ self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j];
+ self->rnd_value[k][j] = self->rnd_range[k][j] * (rand()/((MYFLT)(RAND_MAX)+1)) - self->rnd_halfRange[k][j];
+ self->rnd_diff[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j] - self->rnd_oldValue[k][j];
+ }
+ self->rnd[k][j] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] + self->rnd_diff[k][j] * self->rnd_time[k][j];
+ xind = self->in_count[k][j] - (self->delays[k][j] + self->rnd[k][j]);
+ if (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size[k][j];
+ ind = (int)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ x = self->buffer[k][j][ind];
+ x1 = self->buffer[k][j][ind+1];
+ val = x + (x1 - x) * frac;
+ val *= feed;
+ filt = val + (self->lastSamples[k][j] - val) * self->damp[k];
+ self->total_signal[k] += filt;
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->in_count[k][j]] = inval + junction - self->lastSamples[k][j];
+ self->lastSamples[k][j] = filt;
+ if(self->in_count[k][j] == 0)
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->size[k][j]] = self->buffer[k][j][0];
+ self->in_count[k][j]++;
+ if (self->in_count[k][j] >= self->size[k][j])
+ self->in_count[k][j] = 0;
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = self->total_signal[k] * 0.25;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_process_ai(STReverb *self) {
+ MYFLT val, x, x1, xind, frac, junction, inval, filt, amp1, amp2, b, f, sum_ref, inpos, feed, step, invp;
+ MYFLT ref_amp_l[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_amp_r[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_buf[2];
+ int i, j, k, k2, ind, half;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->inpos_stream);
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->revtime);
+ else
+ feed = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->revtime_stream)[0];
+ MYFLT freq = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->cutoff);
+ if (feed < 0.01)
+ feed = 0.01;
+ feed = MYPOW(100.0, -self->avg_time/feed);
+ if (freq < 20.0)
+ freq = 20.0;
+ else if (freq > self->nyquist)
+ freq = self->nyquist;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ inpos = pos[i];
+ if (inpos < 0.0)
+ inpos = 0.0;
+ else if (inpos > 1.0)
+ inpos = 1.0;
+ if (freq != self->lastFreq || inpos != self->lastInpos) {
+ self->lastFreq = freq;
+ self->lastInpos = inpos;
+ f = ((1.0 - inpos) * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[0] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ f = (inpos * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[1] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ }
+ /* position of the source and first reflexions */
+ amp1 = 1.0 - inpos;
+ amp2 = inpos;
+ half = (NUM_REFS - 1) / 2;
+ if (inpos <= 0.5) {
+ step = (0.5 - inpos) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = inpos + step * k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_r[k];
+ ref_amp_r[k2] *= inpos + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ invp = 1.0 - inpos;
+ step = (0.5 - invp) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = invp + step * k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_amp_l[k2] *= invp + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ self->input_buffer[0][i] = in[i] * amp1;
+ self->input_buffer[1][i] = in[i] * amp2;
+ ref_buf[0] = ref_buf[1] = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ sum_ref = self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]];
+ self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]] = in[i];
+ self->ref_in_count[k]++;
+ if (self->ref_in_count[k] == self->ref_size[k])
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ ref_buf[0] += sum_ref * ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_buf[1] += sum_ref * ref_amp_r[k];
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ inval = self->input_buffer[k][i] * 0.8 + self->input_buffer[1-k][i] * 0.2 + ref_buf[k] * 0.1;
+ junction = self->total_signal[k] * .25;
+ self->total_signal[k] = ref_buf[k] * self->firstRefGain;
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += self->rnd_timeInc[k][j];
+ if (self->rnd_time[k][j] < 0.0)
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += 1.0;
+ else if (self->rnd_time[k][j] >= 1.0) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] -= 1.0;
+ self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j];
+ self->rnd_value[k][j] = self->rnd_range[k][j] * (rand()/((MYFLT)(RAND_MAX)+1)) - self->rnd_halfRange[k][j];
+ self->rnd_diff[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j] - self->rnd_oldValue[k][j];
+ }
+ self->rnd[k][j] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] + self->rnd_diff[k][j] * self->rnd_time[k][j];
+ xind = self->in_count[k][j] - (self->delays[k][j] + self->rnd[k][j]);
+ if (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size[k][j];
+ ind = (int)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ x = self->buffer[k][j][ind];
+ x1 = self->buffer[k][j][ind+1];
+ val = x + (x1 - x) * frac;
+ val *= feed;
+ filt = val + (self->lastSamples[k][j] - val) * self->damp[k];
+ self->total_signal[k] += filt;
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->in_count[k][j]] = inval + junction - self->lastSamples[k][j];
+ self->lastSamples[k][j] = filt;
+ if(self->in_count[k][j] == 0)
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->size[k][j]] = self->buffer[k][j][0];
+ self->in_count[k][j]++;
+ if (self->in_count[k][j] >= self->size[k][j])
+ self->in_count[k][j] = 0;
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = self->total_signal[k] * 0.25;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_process_ia(STReverb *self) {
+ MYFLT val, x, x1, xind, frac, junction, inval, filt, amp1, amp2, b, f, sum_ref, feed, freq, step, invp;
+ MYFLT ref_amp_l[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_amp_r[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_buf[2];
+ int i, j, k, k2, ind, half;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT inpos = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->inpos);
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->revtime);
+ else
+ feed = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->revtime_stream)[0];
+ MYFLT *fr = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->cutoff_stream);
+ if (inpos < 0.0)
+ inpos = 0.0;
+ else if (inpos > 1.0)
+ inpos = 1.0;
+ if (feed < 0.01)
+ feed = 0.01;
+ feed = MYPOW(100.0, -self->avg_time/feed);
+ /* position of the source and first reflexions */
+ amp1 = 1.0 - inpos;
+ amp2 = inpos;
+ half = (NUM_REFS - 1) / 2;
+ if (inpos <= 0.5) {
+ step = (0.5 - inpos) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = inpos + step * k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_r[k];
+ ref_amp_r[k2] *= inpos + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ invp = 1.0 - inpos;
+ step = (0.5 - invp) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = invp + step * k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_amp_l[k2] *= invp + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ freq = fr[i];
+ if (freq < 20.0)
+ freq = 20.0;
+ else if (freq > self->nyquist)
+ freq = self->nyquist;
+ if (freq != self->lastFreq || inpos != self->lastInpos) {
+ self->lastFreq = freq;
+ self->lastInpos = inpos;
+ f = ((1.0 - inpos) * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[0] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ f = (inpos * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[1] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ }
+ self->input_buffer[0][i] = in[i] * amp1;
+ self->input_buffer[1][i] = in[i] * amp2;
+ ref_buf[0] = ref_buf[1] = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ sum_ref = self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]];
+ self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]] = in[i];
+ self->ref_in_count[k]++;
+ if (self->ref_in_count[k] == self->ref_size[k])
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ ref_buf[0] += sum_ref * ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_buf[1] += sum_ref * ref_amp_r[k];
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ inval = self->input_buffer[k][i] * 0.8 + self->input_buffer[1-k][i] * 0.2 + ref_buf[k] * 0.1;
+ junction = self->total_signal[k] * .25;
+ self->total_signal[k] = ref_buf[k] * self->firstRefGain;
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += self->rnd_timeInc[k][j];
+ if (self->rnd_time[k][j] < 0.0)
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += 1.0;
+ else if (self->rnd_time[k][j] >= 1.0) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] -= 1.0;
+ self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j];
+ self->rnd_value[k][j] = self->rnd_range[k][j] * (rand()/((MYFLT)(RAND_MAX)+1)) - self->rnd_halfRange[k][j];
+ self->rnd_diff[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j] - self->rnd_oldValue[k][j];
+ }
+ self->rnd[k][j] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] + self->rnd_diff[k][j] * self->rnd_time[k][j];
+ xind = self->in_count[k][j] - (self->delays[k][j] + self->rnd[k][j]);
+ if (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size[k][j];
+ ind = (int)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ x = self->buffer[k][j][ind];
+ x1 = self->buffer[k][j][ind+1];
+ val = x + (x1 - x) * frac;
+ val *= feed;
+ filt = val + (self->lastSamples[k][j] - val) * self->damp[k];
+ self->total_signal[k] += filt;
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->in_count[k][j]] = inval + junction - self->lastSamples[k][j];
+ self->lastSamples[k][j] = filt;
+ if(self->in_count[k][j] == 0)
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->size[k][j]] = self->buffer[k][j][0];
+ self->in_count[k][j]++;
+ if (self->in_count[k][j] >= self->size[k][j])
+ self->in_count[k][j] = 0;
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = self->total_signal[k] * 0.25;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_process_aa(STReverb *self) {
+ MYFLT val, x, x1, xind, frac, junction, inval, filt, amp1, amp2, b, f, sum_ref, inpos, feed, freq, step, invp;
+ MYFLT ref_amp_l[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_amp_r[NUM_REFS];
+ MYFLT ref_buf[2];
+ int i, j, k, k2, ind, half;
+ MYFLT *in = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->input_stream);
+ MYFLT *pos = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->inpos_stream);
+ if (self->modebuffer[1] == 0)
+ feed = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->revtime);
+ else
+ feed = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->revtime_stream)[0];
+ MYFLT *fr = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->cutoff_stream);
+ if (feed < 0.01)
+ feed = 0.01;
+ feed = MYPOW(100.0, -self->avg_time/feed);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ inpos = pos[i];
+ freq = fr[i];
+ if (inpos < 0.0)
+ inpos = 0.0;
+ else if (inpos > 1.0)
+ inpos = 1.0;
+ if (freq < 20.0)
+ freq = 20.0;
+ else if (freq > self->nyquist)
+ freq = self->nyquist;
+ if (freq != self->lastFreq || inpos != self->lastInpos) {
+ self->lastFreq = freq;
+ self->lastInpos = inpos;
+ f = ((1.0 - inpos) * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[0] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ f = (inpos * 0.3 + 0.7) * freq;
+ b = 2.0 - MYCOS(TWOPI * f / self->sr);
+ self->damp[1] = (b - MYSQRT(b * b - 1.0));
+ }
+ /* position of the source and first reflexions */
+ amp1 = 1.0 - inpos;
+ amp2 = inpos;
+ half = (NUM_REFS - 1) / 2;
+ if (inpos <= 0.5) {
+ step = (0.5 - inpos) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = inpos + step * k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_r[k];
+ ref_amp_r[k2] *= inpos + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ invp = 1.0 - inpos;
+ step = (0.5 - invp) / half;
+ ref_amp_l[half] = ref_amp_r[half] = 0.5;
+ for (k=0; k<half; k++) {
+ k2 = NUM_REFS - 1 - k;
+ ref_amp_l[k] = ref_amp_r[k2] = invp + step * k;
+ ref_amp_r[k] = ref_amp_l[k2] = 1.0 - ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_amp_l[k2] *= invp + 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ self->input_buffer[0][i] = in[i] * amp1;
+ self->input_buffer[1][i] = in[i] * amp2;
+ ref_buf[0] = ref_buf[1] = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ sum_ref = self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]];
+ self->ref_buffer[k][self->ref_in_count[k]] = in[i];
+ self->ref_in_count[k]++;
+ if (self->ref_in_count[k] == self->ref_size[k])
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ ref_buf[0] += sum_ref * ref_amp_l[k];
+ ref_buf[1] += sum_ref * ref_amp_r[k];
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ inval = self->input_buffer[k][i] * 0.8 + self->input_buffer[1-k][i] * 0.2 + ref_buf[k] * 0.1;
+ junction = self->total_signal[k] * .25;
+ self->total_signal[k] = ref_buf[k] * self->firstRefGain;
+ for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += self->rnd_timeInc[k][j];
+ if (self->rnd_time[k][j] < 0.0)
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] += 1.0;
+ else if (self->rnd_time[k][j] >= 1.0) {
+ self->rnd_time[k][j] -= 1.0;
+ self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j];
+ self->rnd_value[k][j] = self->rnd_range[k][j] * (rand()/((MYFLT)(RAND_MAX)+1)) - self->rnd_halfRange[k][j];
+ self->rnd_diff[k][j] = self->rnd_value[k][j] - self->rnd_oldValue[k][j];
+ }
+ self->rnd[k][j] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][j] + self->rnd_diff[k][j] * self->rnd_time[k][j];
+ xind = self->in_count[k][j] - (self->delays[k][j] + self->rnd[k][j]);
+ if (xind < 0)
+ xind += self->size[k][j];
+ ind = (int)xind;
+ frac = xind - ind;
+ x = self->buffer[k][j][ind];
+ x1 = self->buffer[k][j][ind+1];
+ val = x + (x1 - x) * frac;
+ val *= feed;
+ filt = val + (self->lastSamples[k][j] - val) * self->damp[k];
+ self->total_signal[k] += filt;
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->in_count[k][j]] = inval + junction - self->lastSamples[k][j];
+ self->lastSamples[k][j] = filt;
+ if(self->in_count[k][j] == 0)
+ self->buffer[k][j][self->size[k][j]] = self->buffer[k][j][0];
+ self->in_count[k][j]++;
+ if (self->in_count[k][j] >= self->size[k][j])
+ self->in_count[k][j] = 0;
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = self->total_signal[k] * 0.25;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_mix_i(STReverb *self) {
+ int i, k;
+ MYFLT val;
+ MYFLT mix = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(self->mix);
+ if (mix < 0.0)
+ mix = 0.0;
+ else if (mix > 1.0)
+ mix = 1.0;
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ val = self->input_buffer[k][i] + (self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] - self->input_buffer[k][i]) * mix;
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = val;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_mix_a(STReverb *self) {
+ int i, k;
+ MYFLT mix, val;
+ MYFLT *mi = Stream_getData((Stream *)self->mix_stream);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ mix = mi[i];
+ if (mix < 0.0)
+ mix = 0.0;
+ else if (mix > 1.0)
+ mix = 1.0;
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ val = self->input_buffer[k][i] + (self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] - self->input_buffer[k][i]) * mix;
+ self->buffer_streams[i+k*self->bufsize] = val;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+STReverb_setProcMode(STReverb *self)
+ int procmode, mixmode;
+ procmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[2] * 10;
+ mixmode = self->modebuffer[3];
+ switch (procmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = STReverb_process_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = STReverb_process_ai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = STReverb_process_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->proc_func_ptr = STReverb_process_aa;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (mixmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->mix_func_ptr = STReverb_mix_i;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->mix_func_ptr = STReverb_mix_a;
+ break;
+ }
+STReverb_getSamplesBuffer(STReverb *self)
+ return (MYFLT *)self->buffer_streams;
+static void
+STReverb_compute_next_data_frame(STReverb *self)
+ (*self->proc_func_ptr)(self);
+ (*self->mix_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+STReverb_traverse(STReverb *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->input);
+ Py_VISIT(self->input_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->inpos);
+ Py_VISIT(self->inpos_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->revtime);
+ Py_VISIT(self->revtime_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->cutoff);
+ Py_VISIT(self->cutoff_stream);
+ Py_VISIT(self->mix);
+ Py_VISIT(self->mix_stream);
+ return 0;
+static int
+STReverb_clear(STReverb *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->input_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->inpos);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->inpos_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->revtime);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->revtime_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->cutoff);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->cutoff_stream);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mix);
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mix_stream);
+ return 0;
+static void
+STReverb_dealloc(STReverb* self)
+ int i, k;
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ free(self->input_buffer[k]);
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ free(self->buffer[k][i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<NUM_REFS; i++) {
+ free(self->ref_buffer[i]);
+ }
+ free(self->buffer_streams);
+ STReverb_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i, j, k, din;
+ long maxsize;
+ MYFLT roomSize = 1.0;
+ MYFLT firstRefTmp = -3.0;
+ PyObject *inputtmp, *input_streamtmp, *inpostmp=NULL, *revtimetmp=NULL, *cutofftmp=NULL, *mixtmp=NULL;
+ STReverb *self;
+ self = (STReverb *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->inpos = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.5);
+ self->revtime = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.5);
+ self->cutoff = PyFloat_FromDouble(5000.0);
+ self->mix = PyFloat_FromDouble(0.5);
+ self->total_signal[0] = self->total_signal[1] = self->lastFreq = self->damp[0] = self->damp[1] = 0.0;
+ self->lastInpos = -1.0;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ self->nyquist = self->sr * 0.49;
+ self->srfac = self->sr / 44100.0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, STReverb_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = STReverb_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"input", "inpos", "revtime", "cutoff", "mix", "roomSize", "firstRefGain", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, TYPE_O_OOOOFF, kwlist, &inputtmp, &inpostmp, &revtimetmp, &cutofftmp, &mixtmp, &roomSize, &firstRefTmp))
+ if (inpostmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setInpos", "O", inpostmp);
+ }
+ if (revtimetmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setRevtime", "O", revtimetmp);
+ }
+ if (cutofftmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setCutoff", "O", cutofftmp);
+ }
+ if (mixtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMix", "O", mixtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ self->firstRefGain = MYPOW(10.0, firstRefTmp * 0.05);
+ if (roomSize < 0.25)
+ roomSize = 0.25;
+ else if (roomSize > 4.0)
+ roomSize = 4.0;
+ self->avg_time = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ din = k * 3;
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ self->in_count[k][i] = 0;
+ self->lastSamples[k][i] = 0.0;
+ self->rnd[k][i] = self->rnd_value[k][i] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][i] = self->rnd_diff[k][i] = 0.0;
+ self->rnd_time[k][i] = 1.0;
+ self->rnd_timeInc[k][i] = reverbParams[i][2] * randomScaling / self->sr;
+ self->rnd_range[k][i] = reverbParams[i][1] * randomScaling * self->sr;
+ self->rnd_halfRange[k][i] = self->rnd_range[k][i] * 0.5;
+ self->delays[k][i] = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * roomSize;
+ self->avg_time += self->delays[k][i] / self->sr;
+ self->size[k][i] = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * roomSize + (int)(reverbParams[i][1] * self->sr + 0.5);
+ maxsize = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * 4.0 + (int)(reverbParams[i][1] * self->sr + 0.5);
+ self->buffer[k][i] = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer[k][i], (maxsize+1) * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (j=0; j<(maxsize+1); j++) {
+ self->buffer[k][i][j] = 0.;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self->avg_time /= 16.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ self->ref_size[k] = (int)(first_ref_delays[k] * self->srfac * roomSize + 0.5);
+ maxsize = (int)(first_ref_delays[k] * self->srfac * 4.0 + 0.5);
+ self->ref_buffer[k] = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->ref_buffer[k], (maxsize+1) * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(maxsize+1); i++) {
+ self->ref_buffer[k][i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ self->input_buffer[k] = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->input_buffer[k], self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->input_buffer[k][i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ self->buffer_streams = (MYFLT *)realloc(self->buffer_streams, 2 * self->bufsize * sizeof(MYFLT));
+ for (i=0; i<(2 * self->bufsize); i++) {
+ self->buffer_streams[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * STReverb_getServer(STReverb* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * STReverb_getStream(STReverb* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * STReverb_play(STReverb *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * STReverb_stop(STReverb *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setInpos(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->inpos);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->inpos = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->inpos = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->inpos, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->inpos_stream);
+ self->inpos_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setRevtime(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->revtime);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->revtime = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->revtime = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->revtime, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->revtime_stream);
+ self->revtime_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setCutoff(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->cutoff);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->cutoff = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->cutoff = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->cutoff, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->cutoff_stream);
+ self->cutoff_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[2] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setMix(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ PyObject *tmp, *streamtmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ tmp = arg;
+ Py_INCREF(tmp);
+ Py_DECREF(self->mix);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ self->mix = PyNumber_Float(tmp);
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ self->mix = tmp;
+ streamtmp = PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self->mix, "_getStream", NULL);
+ Py_INCREF(streamtmp);
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mix_stream);
+ self->mix_stream = (Stream *)streamtmp;
+ self->modebuffer[3] = 1;
+ }
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setRoomSize(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ int i, j, k, din;
+ long maxsize;
+ MYFLT roomSize;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ roomSize = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ if (roomSize < 0.25)
+ roomSize = 0.25;
+ else if (roomSize > 4.0)
+ roomSize = 4.0;
+ self->avg_time = 0.0;
+ for (k=0; k<2; k++) {
+ din = k * 3;
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ self->in_count[k][i] = 0;
+ self->lastSamples[k][i] = 0.0;
+ self->rnd[k][i] = self->rnd_value[k][i] = self->rnd_oldValue[k][i] = self->rnd_diff[k][i] = 0.0;
+ self->rnd_time[k][i] = 1.0;
+ self->delays[k][i] = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * roomSize;
+ self->avg_time += self->delays[k][i] / self->sr;
+ self->size[k][i] = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * roomSize + (int)(reverbParams[i][1] * self->sr + 0.5);
+ maxsize = reverbParams[i][din] * self->srfac * 2 + (int)(reverbParams[i][1] * self->sr + 0.5);
+ for (j=0; j<(maxsize+1); j++) {
+ self->buffer[k][i][j] = 0.;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self->avg_time /= 16.0;
+ for (k=0; k<NUM_REFS; k++) {
+ self->ref_in_count[k] = 0;
+ self->ref_size[k] = (int)(first_ref_delays[k] * self->srfac * roomSize + 0.5);
+ maxsize = (int)(first_ref_delays[k] * self->srfac * 2 + 0.5);
+ for (i=0; i<(maxsize+1); i++) {
+ self->ref_buffer[k][i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyObject *
+STReverb_setFirstRefGain(STReverb *self, PyObject *arg)
+ MYFLT tmp;
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+ }
+ int isNumber = PyNumber_Check(arg);
+ if (isNumber == 1) {
+ tmp = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(PyNumber_Float(arg));
+ self->firstRefGain = MYPOW(10.0, tmp * 0.05);
+ }
+ Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+ return Py_None;
+static PyMemberDef STReverb_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"input", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, input), 0, "Input sound object."},
+{"inpos", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, inpos), 0, "Position left-right of the source."},
+{"revtime", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, revtime), 0, "Reverb duration value."},
+{"cutoff", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, cutoff), 0, "STReverb lowpass filter cutoff."},
+{"mix", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STReverb, mix), 0, "Balance between dry and wet signals."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef STReverb_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)STReverb_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)STReverb_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)STReverb_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)STReverb_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setInpos", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setInpos, METH_O, "Sets position of the source between 0 -> 1."},
+{"setRevtime", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setRevtime, METH_O, "Sets reverb duration in seconds."},
+{"setCutoff", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setCutoff, METH_O, "Sets lowpass filter cutoff."},
+{"setMix", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setMix, METH_O, "Sets balance between dry and wet signals."},
+{"setFirstRefGain", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setFirstRefGain, METH_O, "Sets gain of the first reflexions."},
+{"setRoomSize", (PyCFunction)STReverb_setRoomSize, METH_O, "Sets room size scaler."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+PyTypeObject STReverbType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.STReverb_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(STReverb), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)STReverb_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+0, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"STReverb objects. Waveguide-based reverberation network.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)STReverb_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)STReverb_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+STReverb_methods, /* tp_methods */
+STReverb_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+STReverb_new, /* tp_new */
+/* STReverb streamer object */
+typedef struct {
+ pyo_audio_HEAD
+ STReverb *mainSplitter;
+ int modebuffer[2];
+ int chnl; // STRev order
+} STRev;
+static void STRev_postprocessing_ii(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_II };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_ai(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AI };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_ia(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IA };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_aa(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AA };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_ireva(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_IREVA };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_areva(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_AREVA };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_revai(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAI };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_revaa(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAA };
+static void STRev_postprocessing_revareva(STRev *self) { POST_PROCESSING_REVAREVA };
+static void
+STRev_setProcMode(STRev *self)
+ int muladdmode;
+ muladdmode = self->modebuffer[0] + self->modebuffer[1] * 10;
+ switch (muladdmode) {
+ case 0:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_ii;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_ai;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_revai;
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_ia;
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_aa;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_revaa;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_ireva;
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_areva;
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ self->muladd_func_ptr = STRev_postprocessing_revareva;
+ break;
+ }
+static void
+STRev_compute_next_data_frame(STRev *self)
+ int i;
+ MYFLT *tmp;
+ int offset = self->chnl * self->bufsize;
+ tmp = STReverb_getSamplesBuffer((STReverb *)self->mainSplitter);
+ for (i=0; i<self->bufsize; i++) {
+ self->data[i] = tmp[i + offset];
+ }
+ (*self->muladd_func_ptr)(self);
+static int
+STRev_traverse(STRev *self, visitproc visit, void *arg)
+ pyo_VISIT
+ Py_VISIT(self->mainSplitter);
+ return 0;
+static int
+STRev_clear(STRev *self)
+ pyo_CLEAR
+ Py_CLEAR(self->mainSplitter);
+ return 0;
+static void
+STRev_dealloc(STRev* self)
+ STRev_clear(self);
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+STRev_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
+ int i;
+ PyObject *maintmp=NULL, *multmp=NULL, *addtmp=NULL;
+ STRev *self;
+ self = (STRev *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+ self->modebuffer[0] = 0;
+ self->modebuffer[1] = 0;
+ Stream_setFunctionPtr(self->stream, STRev_compute_next_data_frame);
+ self->mode_func_ptr = STRev_setProcMode;
+ static char *kwlist[] = {"mainSplitter", "chnl", "mul", "add", NULL};
+ if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "Oi|OO", kwlist, &maintmp, &self->chnl, &multmp, &addtmp))
+ Py_XDECREF(self->mainSplitter);
+ Py_INCREF(maintmp);
+ self->mainSplitter = (STReverb *)maintmp;
+ if (multmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setMul", "O", multmp);
+ }
+ if (addtmp) {
+ PyObject_CallMethod((PyObject *)self, "setAdd", "O", addtmp);
+ }
+ PyObject_CallMethod(self->server, "addStream", "O", self->stream);
+ (*self->mode_func_ptr)(self);
+ return (PyObject *)self;
+static PyObject * STRev_getServer(STRev* self) { GET_SERVER };
+static PyObject * STRev_getStream(STRev* self) { GET_STREAM };
+static PyObject * STRev_setMul(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_MUL };
+static PyObject * STRev_setAdd(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_ADD };
+static PyObject * STRev_setSub(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_SUB };
+static PyObject * STRev_setDiv(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { SET_DIV };
+static PyObject * STRev_play(STRev *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { PLAY };
+static PyObject * STRev_out(STRev *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { OUT };
+static PyObject * STRev_stop(STRev *self) { STOP };
+static PyObject * STRev_multiply(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * STRev_inplace_multiply(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_MULTIPLY };
+static PyObject * STRev_add(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { ADD };
+static PyObject * STRev_inplace_add(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_ADD };
+static PyObject * STRev_sub(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { SUB };
+static PyObject * STRev_inplace_sub(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_SUB };
+static PyObject * STRev_div(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { DIV };
+static PyObject * STRev_inplace_div(STRev *self, PyObject *arg) { INPLACE_DIV };
+static PyMemberDef STRev_members[] = {
+{"server", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STRev, server), 0, "Pyo server."},
+{"stream", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STRev, stream), 0, "Stream object."},
+{"mul", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STRev, mul), 0, "Mul factor."},
+{"add", T_OBJECT_EX, offsetof(STRev, add), 0, "Add factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyMethodDef STRev_methods[] = {
+{"getServer", (PyCFunction)STRev_getServer, METH_NOARGS, "Returns server object."},
+{"_getStream", (PyCFunction)STRev_getStream, METH_NOARGS, "Returns stream object."},
+{"play", (PyCFunction)STRev_play, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing without sending sound to soundcard."},
+{"out", (PyCFunction)STRev_out, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS, "Starts computing and sends sound to soundcard channel speficied by argument."},
+{"stop", (PyCFunction)STRev_stop, METH_NOARGS, "Stops computing."},
+{"setMul", (PyCFunction)STRev_setMul, METH_O, "Sets STRev mul factor."},
+{"setAdd", (PyCFunction)STRev_setAdd, METH_O, "Sets STRev add factor."},
+{"setSub", (PyCFunction)STRev_setSub, METH_O, "Sets inverse add factor."},
+{"setDiv", (PyCFunction)STRev_setDiv, METH_O, "Sets inverse mul factor."},
+{NULL} /* Sentinel */
+static PyNumberMethods STRev_as_number = {
+(binaryfunc)STRev_add, /*nb_add*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_sub, /*nb_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_multiply, /*nb_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_div, /*nb_divide*/
+0, /*nb_remainder*/
+0, /*nb_divmod*/
+0, /*nb_power*/
+0, /*nb_neg*/
+0, /*nb_pos*/
+0, /*(unaryfunc)array_abs,*/
+0, /*nb_nonzero*/
+0, /*nb_invert*/
+0, /*nb_lshift*/
+0, /*nb_rshift*/
+0, /*nb_and*/
+0, /*nb_xor*/
+0, /*nb_or*/
+0, /*nb_coerce*/
+0, /*nb_int*/
+0, /*nb_long*/
+0, /*nb_float*/
+0, /*nb_oct*/
+0, /*nb_hex*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_inplace_add, /*inplace_add*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_inplace_sub, /*inplace_subtract*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_inplace_multiply, /*inplace_multiply*/
+(binaryfunc)STRev_inplace_div, /*inplace_divide*/
+0, /*inplace_remainder*/
+0, /*inplace_power*/
+0, /*inplace_lshift*/
+0, /*inplace_rshift*/
+0, /*inplace_and*/
+0, /*inplace_xor*/
+0, /*inplace_or*/
+0, /*nb_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_true_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_floor_divide*/
+0, /*nb_inplace_true_divide*/
+0, /* nb_index */
+PyTypeObject STRevType = {
+0, /*ob_size*/
+"_pyo.STRev_base", /*tp_name*/
+sizeof(STRev), /*tp_basicsize*/
+0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+(destructor)STRev_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+0, /*tp_print*/
+0, /*tp_getattr*/
+0, /*tp_setattr*/
+0, /*tp_compare*/
+0, /*tp_repr*/
+&STRev_as_number, /*tp_as_number*/
+0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+0, /*tp_hash */
+0, /*tp_call*/
+0, /*tp_str*/
+0, /*tp_getattro*/
+0, /*tp_setattro*/
+0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+"STRev objects. Reads one channel from a STReverb object.", /* tp_doc */
+(traverseproc)STRev_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
+(inquiry)STRev_clear, /* tp_clear */
+0, /* tp_richcompare */
+0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+0, /* tp_iter */
+0, /* tp_iternext */
+STRev_methods, /* tp_methods */
+STRev_members, /* tp_members */
+0, /* tp_getset */
+0, /* tp_base */
+0, /* tp_dict */
+0, /* tp_descr_get */
+0, /* tp_descr_set */
+0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+0, /* tp_init */
+0, /* tp_alloc */
+STRev_new, /* tp_new */
diff --git a/utils/E-Pyo.py b/utils/E-Pyo.py
index e0b42f5..dfb2ae7 100755
--- a/utils/E-Pyo.py
+++ b/utils/E-Pyo.py
@@ -3,13 +3,28 @@
E-Pyo is a simple text editor especially configured to edit pyo audio programs.
-You can do absolutely everything you want to with this piece of software.
+You can do absolutely everything you want with this piece of software.
Olivier Belanger - 2012
+ - Fix printing to pdf
+ - Output panel close button on OSX (display only)
from __future__ import with_statement
-import sys, os, string, inspect, keyword, wx, codecs, subprocess, unicodedata, contextlib, StringIO, shutil, copy, pprint, random, time, threading
+import sys
+import __builtin__
+__builtin__.EPYO_APP_OPENED = True
+if sys.platform == "linux2":
+ import wxversion
+ if wxversion.checkInstalled("3.0"):
+ wxversion.select("3.0")
+ elif wxversion.checkInstalled("2.8"):
+ wxversion.select("2.8")
+import os, string, inspect, keyword, wx, codecs, subprocess, unicodedata
+import contextlib, StringIO, shutil, copy, pprint, random, time, threading
from types import UnicodeType, MethodType, ListType
from wx.lib.wordwrap import wordwrap
from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage
@@ -17,8 +32,8 @@ import wx.lib.colourselect as csel
import wx.lib.scrolledpanel as scrolled
import wx.lib.dialogs
import wx.combo
-import wx.stc as stc
-import FlatNotebook as FNB
+import wx.stc as stc
+import wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook as FNB
from pyo import *
from PyoDoc import ManualFrame
@@ -40,6 +55,70 @@ APP_VERSION = PYO_VERSION
+################## Utility Functions ##################
+ at contextlib.contextmanager
+def stdoutIO(stdout=None):
+ old = sys.stdout
+ if stdout is None:
+ stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+ sys.stdout = stdout
+ yield stdout
+ sys.stdout = old
+def convert_line_endings(temp, mode):
+ #modes: 0 - Unix, 1 - Mac, 2 - DOS
+ if mode == 0:
+ temp = string.replace(temp, '\r\n', '\n')
+ temp = string.replace(temp, '\r', '\n')
+ elif mode == 1:
+ temp = string.replace(temp, '\r\n', '\r')
+ temp = string.replace(temp, '\n', '\r')
+ elif mode == 2:
+ import re
+ temp = re.sub("\r(?!\n)|(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", temp)
+ return temp
+def ensureNFD(unistr):
+ if PLATFORM in ['linux2', 'win32']:
+ 'cp1252', 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-16']
+ format = 'NFC'
+ else:
+ 'macroman', 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-16']
+ format = 'NFC'
+ decstr = unistr
+ if type(decstr) != UnicodeType:
+ for encoding in encodings:
+ try:
+ decstr = decstr.decode(encoding)
+ break
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ continue
+ except:
+ decstr = "UnableToDecodeString"
+ print "Unicode encoding not in a recognized format..."
+ break
+ if decstr == "UnableToDecodeString":
+ return unistr
+ else:
+ return unicodedata.normalize(format, decstr)
+def toSysEncoding(unistr):
+ try:
+ if PLATFORM == "win32":
+ unistr = unistr.encode(ENCODING)
+ else:
+ unistr = unicode(unistr)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return unistr
+def hex_to_rgb(value):
+ value = value.lstrip('#')
+ lv = len(value)
+ return tuple(int(value[i:i+lv/3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv/3))
TEMP_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.epyo')
if not os.path.isdir(TEMP_PATH):
@@ -49,6 +128,7 @@ if not os.path.isfile(PREFERENCES_PATH):
with open(PREFERENCES_PATH, "w") as f:
f.write("epyo_prefs = {}")
+epyo_prefs = {}
with open(PREFERENCES_PATH, "r") as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
@@ -201,7 +281,7 @@ DEFAULT_STYLE = os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, "Default")
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, "Default")):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "styles", "Default"), DEFAULT_STYLE)
if PREFERENCES.has_key("pref_style"):
- PREF_STYLE = os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, PREFERENCES["pref_style"])
+ PREF_STYLE = os.path.join(ensureNFD(STYLES_PATH), PREFERENCES["pref_style"])
@@ -216,70 +296,6 @@ if not os.path.isfile(MARKERS_FILE):
BACKGROUND_SERVER_DEFAULT_ARGS = 'sr=44100, nchnls=2, buffersize=256, duplex=1, audio="portaudio", jackname="pyo"'
-################## Utility Functions ##################
- at contextlib.contextmanager
-def stdoutIO(stdout=None):
- old = sys.stdout
- if stdout is None:
- stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
- sys.stdout = stdout
- yield stdout
- sys.stdout = old
-def convert_line_endings(temp, mode):
- #modes: 0 - Unix, 1 - Mac, 2 - DOS
- if mode == 0:
- temp = string.replace(temp, '\r\n', '\n')
- temp = string.replace(temp, '\r', '\n')
- elif mode == 1:
- temp = string.replace(temp, '\r\n', '\r')
- temp = string.replace(temp, '\n', '\r')
- elif mode == 2:
- import re
- temp = re.sub("\r(?!\n)|(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", temp)
- return temp
-def ensureNFD(unistr):
- if PLATFORM in ['linux2', 'win32']:
- 'cp1252', 'latin_1', 'utf-16']
- format = 'NFC'
- else:
- 'macroman', 'latin_1', 'utf-16']
- format = 'NFC'
- decstr = unistr
- if type(decstr) != UnicodeType:
- for encoding in encodings:
- try:
- decstr = decstr.decode(encoding)
- break
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- continue
- except:
- decstr = "UnableToDecodeString"
- print "Unicode encoding not in a recognized format..."
- break
- if decstr == "UnableToDecodeString":
- return unistr
- else:
- return unicodedata.normalize(format, decstr)
-def toSysEncoding(unistr):
- try:
- if PLATFORM == "win32":
- unistr = unistr.encode(ENCODING)
- else:
- unistr = unicode(unistr)
- except:
- pass
- return unistr
-def hex_to_rgb(value):
- value = value.lstrip('#')
- lv = len(value)
- return tuple(int(value[i:i+lv/3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv/3))
################## TEMPLATES ##################
HEADER_TEMPLATE = """#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
@@ -378,7 +394,7 @@ class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
self.frTxt.SetLabel("Freq: %.2f" % x)
self.freqPort.value = x
-app = wx.PySimpleApp()
+app = wx.App(False)
mainFrame = MyFrame(None, title='Simple App', pos=(100,100), size=(500,300))
@@ -396,14 +412,90 @@ class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- app = wx.PySimpleApp()
+ app = wx.App(False)
mainFrame = MyFrame(None, title='Simple App', pos=(100,100), size=(500,300))
-TEMPLATE_NAMES = {93: "Header", 94: "Pyo", 95: "WxPython", 96: "Cecilia5", 97: "Zyne", 98: "Audio Interface"}
+RADIOPYO_TEMPLATE = '''#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+Template for a RadioPyo song (version 1.0).
+A RadioPyo song is a musical python script using the python-pyo
+module to create the audio processing chain. You can connect to
+the radio here : http://radiopyo.acaia.ca/
+There is only a few rules:
+ 1 - It must be a one-page script.
+ 2 - No soundfile, only synthesis.
+ 3 - The script must be finite in time, with fade-in and fade-out
+ to avoid clicks between pieces. Use the DURATION variable.
+belangeo - 2014
+from pyo import *
+################### USER-DEFINED VARIABLES ###################
+### READY is used to manage the server behaviour depending ###
+### of the context. Set this variable to True when the ###
+### music is ready for the radio. TITLE and ARTIST are the ###
+### infos shown by the radio player. DURATION set the ###
+### duration of the audio file generated for the streaming.###
+READY = False # Set to True when ready for the radio
+TITLE = "Song Title" # The title of the music
+ARTIST = "Artist Name" # Your artist name
+DURATION = 300 # The duration of the music in seconds
+##################### These are optional #####################
+GENRE = "Electronic" # Kind of your music, if there is any
+DATE = 2014 # Year of creation
+####################### SERVER CREATION ######################
+if READY:
+ s = Server(duplex=0, audio="offline").boot()
+ s.recordOptions(dur=DURATION, filename="radiopyo.ogg", fileformat=7)
+ s = Server(duplex=0).boot()
+##################### PROCESSING SECTION #####################
+# global volume (should be used to control the overall sound)
+fade = Fader(fadein=0.001, fadeout=10, dur=DURATION).play()
+### Insert your algorithms here...
+#################### START THE PROCESSING ###################
+if not READY:
+ s.gui(locals())
+TEMPLATE_NAMES = {98: "Header", 97: "Pyo", 96: "WxPython", 95: "Cecilia5", 94: "Zyne", 93: "Audio Interface", 92: "RadioPyo"}
+TEMPLATE_PATH = os.path.join(RESOURCES_PATH, "templates")
+if not os.path.isdir(TEMPLATE_PATH):
+ os.mkdir(TEMPLATE_PATH)
+templateid = 91
+template_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(TEMPLATE_PATH) if f.endswith(".py")])
+for f in template_files:
+ try:
+ with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, f)) as ftemp:
+ ftext = ftemp.read()
+ TEMPLATE_NAMES[templateid] = f.replace(".py", "")
+ TEMPLATE_DICT[templateid] = ftext
+ templateid -= 1
+ except:
+ pass
################## BUILTIN KEYWORDS COMPLETION ##################
FROM_COMP = ''' `module` import `*`
@@ -639,17 +731,21 @@ KEY_COMMANDS = {
"23. Alt + Shift + BACK": "Delete the word to the right of the caret",
"24. Ctrl/Cmd + BACK": "Delete back from the current position to the start of the line",
"25. Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + BACK": "Delete forwards from the current position to the end of the line",
-"26. TAB": "If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character. If more than one line selected, indent the lines. In the middle of a word, trig the AutoCompletion of pyo keywords. Just after a complete pyo keyword, insert its default arguments. Just after a complete python builtin keyword, insert a default structure snippet. Just after a variable name, representing a pyo object, followed by a dot, trig the AutoCompletion of the object's attributes.",
+"26. TAB": "If selection is empty or all on one line replace the selection with a tab character. If more than one line selected, indent the lines. In the middle of a word, trig the AutoCompletion of pyo keywords. Just after an open brace following a pyo keyword, insert its default arguments. Just after a complete python builtin keyword, insert a default structure snippet. Just after a variable name, representing a pyo object, followed by a dot, trig the AutoCompletion of the object's attributes.",
"27. Shift + TAB": "Dedent the selected lines",
"28. Alt + 'C'": "Line Copy",
"29. Alt + 'D'": "Line Duplicate",
"30. Alt + 'X'": "Line Cut",
"31. Alt + 'V'": "Line Paste",
-"32. Alt + CLICK + DRAG": "Rectangular selection"
+"32. Alt + CLICK + DRAG": "Rectangular selection",
+"33. Shit + Return": "Show the init line of a pyo object in a tooltip",
+"34. Ctrl/Cmd + Return": "Show the __doc__ string of a python object, module or function",
+"35. CLICK in the most left margin": "Add a marker to the corresponding line",
+"36. Shift + CLICK on a marker": "Delete the marker"
############## Allowed Extensions ##############
-ALLOWED_EXT = PREFERENCES.get("allowed_ext", ["py", "c5", "txt", "", "c", "h", "cpp", "hpp", "sh", "rst", "iss"])
+ALLOWED_EXT = PREFERENCES.get("allowed_ext", ["py", "c5", "txt", "", "c", "h", "cpp", "hpp", "sh", "rst", "iss", "sg"])
############## Pyo keywords ##############
@@ -685,7 +781,7 @@ elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
- DEFAULT_FONT_FACE = 'Courier New'
+ DEFAULT_FONT_FACE = 'Monospace'
STYLES_GENERALS = ['default', 'background', 'selback', 'caret']
@@ -702,7 +798,31 @@ STYLES_LABELS = {'default': 'Foreground', 'background': 'Background', 'selback':
with open(PREF_STYLE) as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
-STYLES = copy.deepcopy(style)
+ STYLES = copy.deepcopy(style)
+ STYLES = {'background': {'colour': '#FFFFFF'},
+ 'bracebad': {'colour': '#DD0000'},
+ 'bracelight': {'colour': '#AABBDD'},
+ 'caret': {'colour': '#000000'},
+ 'class': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#000097', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'comment': {'bold': 0, 'colour': '#0066FF', 'italic': 1, 'underline': 0},
+ 'commentblock': {'bold': 0, 'colour': u'#468EFF', 'italic': 1, 'underline': 0},
+ 'default': {'bold': 0, 'colour': '#000000', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'foldmarginback': {'colour': '#D0D0D0'},
+ 'function': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#0000A2', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'keyword': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#0000FF', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'lineedge': {'colour': '#DDDDDD'},
+ 'linenumber': {'bold': 0, 'colour': '#000000', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'marginback': {'colour': '#B0B0B0'},
+ 'markerbg': {'colour': '#000000'},
+ 'markerfg': {'colour': '#CCCCCC'},
+ 'number': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#0000CD', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'operator': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#000000', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'pyokeyword': {'bold': 1, 'colour': '#5555FF', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'selback': {'colour': '#C0DFFF'},
+ 'string': {'bold': 0, 'colour': '#036A07', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0},
+ 'triple': {'bold': 0, 'colour': '#03BA07', 'italic': 0, 'underline': 0}}
if not STYLES.has_key('face'):
if not STYLES.has_key('size'):
@@ -739,7 +859,6 @@ class DataEvent(wx.PyEvent):
def Clone (self):
self.__class__ (self.GetId())
class RunningThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, path, cwd, event_receiver):
@@ -772,30 +891,38 @@ class RunningThread(threading.Thread):
prelude = "export -n %s;export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/lib:$PATH;" % vars_to_remove
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s%s "%s"' % (prelude, SET_32_BIT_ARCH, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)],
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s%s -u "%s"' % (prelude, SET_32_BIT_ARCH, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)],
shell=True, cwd=self.cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s "%s"' % (prelude, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)], cwd=self.cwd,
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s -u "%s"' % (prelude, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)], cwd=self.cwd,
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
elif PLATFORM == "darwin":
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s "%s"' % (SET_32_BIT_ARCH, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)],
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s%s -u "%s"' % (SET_32_BIT_ARCH, WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)],
shell=True, cwd=self.cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s "%s"' % (WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)], cwd=self.cwd,
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['%s -u "%s"' % (WHICH_PYTHON, self.path)], cwd=self.cwd,
shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
elif PLATFORM == "win32":
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen([WHICH_PYTHON, self.path], cwd=self.cwd, shell=False,
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen([WHICH_PYTHON, "-u", self.path], cwd=self.cwd, shell=False,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- self.proc = subprocess.Popen([WHICH_PYTHON, self.path], cwd=self.cwd,
+ self.proc = subprocess.Popen([WHICH_PYTHON, "-u", self.path], cwd=self.cwd,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ header = '=== Output log of process "%s", launched: %s ===\n' % (self.filename, time.strftime('"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"', time.localtime()))
+ data_event = DataEvent({"log": header, "pid": self.pid, "filename": self.filename, "active": True})
+ wx.PostEvent(self.event_receiver, data_event)
while self.proc.poll() == None and not self.terminated:
- time.sleep(.25)
+ log = ""
+ for line in self.proc.stdout.readline():
+ log = log + line
+ data_event = DataEvent({"log": log, "pid": self.pid, "filename": self.filename, "active": True})
+ wx.PostEvent(self.event_receiver, data_event)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ time.sleep(.025)
stdout, stderr = self.proc.communicate()
- header = '=== Output log of process "%s", launched: %s ===\n' % (self.filename, time.strftime('"%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S"', time.localtime()))
- output = header + stdout + stderr
+ output = stdout + stderr
if "StartNotification name = default" in output:
output = output.replace("StartNotification name = default", "")
if "epyo_tempfile.py" in output:
@@ -817,12 +944,12 @@ class RunningThread(threading.Thread):
pos += 1
elinepos = pos
linenum = int(output[slinepos:elinepos].strip())
- output = output[:slinepos] + str(linenum-2) + output[elinepos:]
+ output = output[:slinepos] + str(linenum-3) + output[elinepos:]
if self.terminated:
output = output + "\n=== Process killed. ==="
- data_event = DataEvent({"log": output, "pid": self.pid, "filename": self.filename})
+ data_event = DataEvent({"log": output, "pid": self.pid, "filename": self.filename, "active": False})
wx.PostEvent(self.event_receiver, data_event)
class KeyCommandsFrame(wx.Frame):
@@ -961,6 +1088,9 @@ class EditorPreview(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.SetFoldMarginHiColour(True, STYLES['foldmarginback']['colour'])
+ # WxPython 3 needs the lexer to be set before folding property
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1")
class ComponentPanel(scrolled.ScrolledPanel):
def __init__(self, parent, size):
scrolled.ScrolledPanel.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, pos=(0,0), size=size, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
@@ -974,17 +1104,17 @@ class ComponentPanel(scrolled.ScrolledPanel):
box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
label = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label=STYLES_LABELS[component])
box.Add(label, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, 3)
- btog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="B", size=(20,20))
+ btog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="B", size=(24,20))
box.Add(btog, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)
btog.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.OnBToggleButton)
self.bTogRefs[btog] = component
- itog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="I", size=(20,20))
+ itog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="I", size=(24,20))
box.Add(itog, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)
itog.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.OnIToggleButton)
self.iTogRefs[itog] = component
- utog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="U", size=(20,20))
+ utog = wx.ToggleButton(self, wx.ID_ANY, label="U", size=(24,20))
box.Add(utog, 0, wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)
utog.Bind(wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON, self.OnUToggleButton)
@@ -1068,7 +1198,12 @@ class ColourEditor(wx.Frame):
self.cur_style = ""
- toolbar = self.CreateToolBar()
+ self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
+ self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
+ mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer)
+ toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self.panel, -1)
saveButton = wx.Button(toolbar, wx.ID_ANY, label="Save Style")
saveButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave)
@@ -1085,25 +1220,22 @@ class ColourEditor(wx.Frame):
- self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
- self.panel.SetAutoLayout(True)
- mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self.panel.SetSizer(mainSizer)
+ mainSizer.Add(toolbar, 0, wx.EXPAND)
enum = wx.FontEnumerator()
facelist = enum.GetFacenames()
- buttonData = [ (STYLES_GENERALS[0], STYLES['default']['colour'], (50, 20), STYLES_LABELS['default']),
- (STYLES_GENERALS[1], STYLES['background']['colour'], (50, 20), STYLES_LABELS['background']),
- (STYLES_GENERALS[2], STYLES['selback']['colour'], (50, 20), STYLES_LABELS['selback']),
- (STYLES_GENERALS[3], STYLES['caret']['colour'], (50, 20), STYLES_LABELS['caret']) ]
+ buttonData = [ (STYLES_GENERALS[0], STYLES['default']['colour'], (50, 24), STYLES_LABELS['default']),
+ (STYLES_GENERALS[1], STYLES['background']['colour'], (50, 24), STYLES_LABELS['background']),
+ (STYLES_GENERALS[2], STYLES['selback']['colour'], (50, 24), STYLES_LABELS['selback']),
+ (STYLES_GENERALS[3], STYLES['caret']['colour'], (50, 24), STYLES_LABELS['caret']) ]
self.buttonRefs = {}
section1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- buttonSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 2, 25, 5)
+ buttonSizer1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 25, 5)
for name, color, size, label in buttonData[:2]:
b = csel.ColourSelect(self.panel, -1, "", hex_to_rgb(color), size=size)
b.Bind(csel.EVT_COLOURSELECT, self.OnSelectColour)
@@ -1112,7 +1244,7 @@ class ColourEditor(wx.Frame):
(b, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, 5)])
section1Sizer.Add(buttonSizer1, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.ALIGN_LEFT, 10)
- buttonSizer2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 2, 25, 5)
+ buttonSizer2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 25, 5)
for name, color, size, label in buttonData[2:4]:
b = csel.ColourSelect(self.panel, -1, "", hex_to_rgb(color), size=size)
b.Bind(csel.EVT_COLOURSELECT, self.OnSelectColour)
@@ -1189,7 +1321,7 @@ class ColourEditor(wx.Frame):
global STYLES
stl = event.GetString()
self.cur_style = stl
- with open(os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, stl)) as f:
+ with open(os.path.join(ensureNFD(STYLES_PATH), stl)) as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
STYLES = copy.deepcopy(style)
@@ -1294,7 +1426,7 @@ class SnippetTree(wx.Panel):
self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
toolbarbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self.toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, size=(-1,36))
+ self.toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1)
self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(SNIPPET_ADD_FOLDER_ID, "Add Category", folder_add_bmp, shortHelp="Add a New Category")
self.toolbar.AddLabelTool(SNIPPET_DEL_FILE_ID, "Delete", file_add_bmp, shortHelp="Delete Snippet or Category")
@@ -1412,7 +1544,7 @@ class SnippetTree(wx.Panel):
name = self.tree.GetItemText(item)
ritem = self.tree.GetItemParent(item)
category = self.tree.GetItemText(ritem)
- self.GetParent().GetParent().onLoad(name, category)
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().onLoad(name, category)
def select(self, item):
@@ -1507,13 +1639,12 @@ class SnippetFrame(wx.Frame):
saveButton = wx.Button(self.toolbar, wx.ID_ANY, label="Save Snippet")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onSave, id=saveButton.GetId())
+ self.toolbar.Realize()
toolbarBox.Add(self.toolbar, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, 5)
toolbar2 = wx.ToolBar(self.panel, -1)
self.tagButton = wx.Button(toolbar2, wx.ID_ANY, label="Tag Selection")
- X = self.tagButton.GetSize()[0]
- toolbar2.SetSize((X+8, 40))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onTagSelection, id=self.tagButton.GetId())
@@ -1550,10 +1681,10 @@ class SnippetFrame(wx.Frame):
self.entry.InsertText(select[0], "`")
def onLoad(self, name, category):
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(SNIPPETS_PATH, category, name)):
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ensureNFD(SNIPPETS_PATH), category, name)):
self.snippet_name = name
self.category_name = category
- with codecs.open(os.path.join(SNIPPETS_PATH, self.category_name, self.snippet_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ with codecs.open(os.path.join(ensureNFD(SNIPPETS_PATH), self.category_name, self.snippet_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
@@ -1570,6 +1701,7 @@ class SnippetFrame(wx.Frame):
def onSave(self, evt):
dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self, 'Choose the Snippet Category',
'Snippet Category', SNIPPETS_CATEGORIES, wx.OK)
+ dlg.SetSize((250,300))
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
category = dlg.GetStringSelection()
@@ -1765,6 +1897,14 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
EVT_DATA_EVENT(self, self.format_outputLog)
+ if sys.platform == "darwin":
+ accel_ctrl = wx.ACCEL_CMD
+ else:
+ accel_ctrl = wx.ACCEL_CTRL
+ # To set up an accelerator key
+ #aEntry = wx.AcceleratorEntry(accel_ctrl|wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_UP, 602)
+ # "\t%s" % aEntry.ToString()
self.snippet_frame = SnippetFrame(self, title='Snippet Editor', pos=(25,25), size=(700,450))
self.style_frame = ColourEditor(self, title='Style Editor', pos=(100,100), size=(500,550))
@@ -1789,7 +1929,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
menu1.Append(wx.ID_NEW, "New\tCtrl+N")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.new, id=wx.ID_NEW)
self.submenu1 = wx.Menu()
- for key, name in sorted(TEMPLATE_NAMES.items()):
+ for key, name in sorted(TEMPLATE_NAMES.items(), reverse=True):
self.submenu1.Append(key, "%s Template" % name)
menu1.AppendMenu(99, "New From Template", self.submenu1)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.newFromTemplate, id=min(TEMPLATE_NAMES.keys()), id2=max(TEMPLATE_NAMES.keys()))
@@ -1825,11 +1965,14 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.save, id=wx.ID_SAVE)
menu1.Append(wx.ID_SAVEAS, "Save As...\tShift+Ctrl+S")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveas, id=wx.ID_SAVEAS)
- menu1.AppendSeparator()
- menu1.Append(wx.ID_PREVIEW, "Print Preview")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPrintPreview, id=wx.ID_PREVIEW)
- menu1.Append(wx.ID_PRINT, "Print\tCtrl+P")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPrint, id=wx.ID_PRINT)
+ menu1.Append(100, "Save As Template...")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.saveasTemplate, id=100)
+ # TODO : printing not working well enough
+ #menu1.AppendSeparator()
+ #menu1.Append(wx.ID_PREVIEW, "Print Preview")
+ #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPrintPreview, id=wx.ID_PREVIEW)
+ #menu1.Append(wx.ID_PRINT, "Print\tCtrl+P")
+ #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPrint, id=wx.ID_PRINT)
if sys.platform != "darwin":
prefItem = menu1.Append(wx.ID_PREFERENCES, "Preferences...\tCtrl+;")
@@ -1868,20 +2011,28 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
menu2.Append(107, "Remove Trailing White Space")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.removeTrailingWhiteSpace, id=107)
- menu2.Append(103, "Collapse/Expand\tCtrl+I")
+ menu2.Append(103, "Fold All\tCtrl+I")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.fold, id=103)
+ menu2.Append(104, "Expand All\tShift+Ctrl+I")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.fold, id=104)
+ menu2.Append(105, "Fold/Expand Current Scope\tCtrl+8")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.foldExpandScope, id=105)
menu2.Append(108, "Un/Comment Selection\tCtrl+J")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnComment, id=108)
- menu2.Append(114, "Show AutoCompletion\tCtrl+K")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.autoComp, id=114)
menu2.Append(121, "Insert File Path...\tShift+Ctrl+P")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.insertPath, id=121)
- menu2.Append(170, "Convert Selection to Uppercase\tCtrl+U")
- menu2.Append(171, "Convert Selection to Lowercase\tShift+Ctrl+U")
+ menu2.Append(114, "Auto Complete container syntax", kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.autoCompContainer, id=114)
+ menu2.Check(114, PREFERENCES.get("auto_comp_container", 0))
+ menu2.AppendSeparator()
+ submenu2 = wx.Menu()
+ submenu2.Append(170, "Convert Selection to Uppercase\tCtrl+U")
+ submenu2.Append(171, "Convert Selection to Lowercase\tShift+Ctrl+U")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.upperLower, id=170, id2=171)
- menu2.Append(172, "Convert Tabs to Spaces")
+ submenu2.Append(172, "Convert Tabs to Spaces")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.tabsToSpaces, id=172)
+ menu2.AppendMenu(-1, "Text Converters", submenu2)
menu2.Append(140, "Goto line...\tCtrl+L")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.gotoLine, id=140)
@@ -1941,6 +2092,10 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.showDocFrame, id=190)
menu4.Append(180, "Open Documentation for Pyo Object Under Caret\tCtrl+D")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.showDoc, id=180)
+ menu4.Append(181, "Show args for Pyo Object Under Caret\tShift+Return")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.showArgs, id=181)
+ menu4.Append(182, "Show __doc__ String for Word Under Caret\tCtrl+Return")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.showDocString, id=182)
menu4.Append(185, "Rebuild Documentation")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.rebuildDoc, id=185)
@@ -1963,11 +2118,6 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
self.menuBar.Append(self.menu7, "Snippets")
- if sys.platform == "darwin":
- accel_ctrl = wx.ACCEL_CMD
- else:
- accel_ctrl = wx.ACCEL_CTRL
menu8 = wx.Menu()
menu8.Append(600, "Add Marker to Current Line\tShift+Ctrl+M")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.addMarker, id=600)
@@ -1976,10 +2126,8 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
menu8.Append(604, "Delete All Markers")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.deleteAllMarkers, id=604)
- aEntry = wx.AcceleratorEntry(accel_ctrl|wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_UP, 602)
- menu8.Append(602, 'Navigate Markers Upward\t%s' % aEntry.ToString())
- aEntry = wx.AcceleratorEntry(accel_ctrl|wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_DOWN, 603)
- menu8.Append(603, 'Navigate Markers Downward\t%s' % aEntry.ToString())
+ menu8.Append(602, 'Navigate Markers Upward\tCtrl+9')
+ menu8.Append(603, 'Navigate Markers Downward\tCtrl+0')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.navigateMarkers, id=602, id2=603)
self.menuBar.Append(menu8, "Markers")
@@ -2028,22 +2176,23 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
+ self.status = self.CreateStatusBar()
+ self.status.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.StatusOnSize)
+ self.status.SetFieldsCount(3)
if PLATFORM == "darwin":
- sth = 17
+ sth = self.status.GetSize()[1] #16
cch = -1
elif PLATFORM == "linux2":
- sth = 20
- cch = 21
+ sth = self.status.GetSize()[1]+1 #20
+ cch = self.status.GetSize()[1] #21
elif PLATFORM == "win32":
sth = 20
cch = 20
- self.status = self.CreateStatusBar()
- self.status.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.StatusOnSize)
- self.status.SetFieldsCount(3)
self.field1X, field1Y = self.status.GetTextExtent("Quick Search:")
self.status.SetStatusText("Quick Search:", 0)
@@ -2080,11 +2229,11 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
yoff1 = -1
yoff2 = -5
elif PLATFORM == "linux2":
- yoff1 = 1
- yoff2 = 0
- elif PLATFORM == "win32":
yoff1 = -2
- yoff2 = -2
+ yoff2 = -1
+ elif PLATFORM == "win32":
+ yoff1 = 0
+ yoff2 = -1
self.status.SetStatusText("Quick Search:", 0)
rect = self.status.GetFieldRect(1)
@@ -2118,6 +2267,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def makeSnippetMenu(self):
itemId = 30000
+ accel_entries = []
submenu = wx.Menu(title=cat)
files = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(SNIPPETS_PATH, cat))]
@@ -2147,6 +2297,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
short = short.replace("-", "")
if short != "":
accel_tuple = wx.AcceleratorEntry(accel, ord(short), itemId)
+ accel_entries.append(accel_tuple)
short = accel_tuple.ToString()
submenu.Append(itemId, "%s\t%s" % (file, short))
@@ -2155,6 +2306,10 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
itemId += 1
self.menu7.AppendMenu(itemId, cat, submenu)
itemId += 1
+ if accel_entries != []:
+ accel_table = wx.AcceleratorTable(accel_entries)
+ self.SetAcceleratorTable(accel_table)
self.menu7.Append(51, "Open Snippet Editor")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.showSnippetEditor, id=51)
@@ -2294,7 +2449,6 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def addMarker(self, evt):
line = self.panel.editor.GetCurrentLine()
- self.panel.editor.addMarkerComment(line)
def deleteMarker(self, evt):
line = self.panel.editor.GetCurrentLine()
@@ -2317,25 +2471,37 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
val = int(dlg.GetValue())
val = -1
- dlg.Destroy()
+ dlg.Destroy()
if val != -1:
- pos = self.panel.editor.FindColumn(val-1, 0)
- self.panel.editor.SetCurrentPos(pos)
- self.panel.editor.EnsureVisible(val)
- self.panel.editor.EnsureCaretVisible()
+ val -= 1
+ pos = self.panel.editor.FindColumn(val, 0)
+ self.panel.editor.GotoLine(val)
+ first = self.panel.editor.GetFirstVisibleLine()
+ if val == first:
+ self.panel.editor.LineScroll(0, -self.panel.editor.LinesOnScreen()/2)
+ else:
+ self.panel.editor.LineScroll(0, self.panel.editor.LinesOnScreen()/2)
+ #self.panel.editor.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ #self.panel.editor.EnsureVisible(val)
+ #self.panel.editor.EnsureCaretVisible()
wx.CallAfter(self.panel.editor.SetAnchor, pos)
def OnComment(self, evt):
def fold(self, event):
- self.panel.editor.FoldAll()
+ if event.GetId() == 103:
+ self.panel.editor.FoldAll()
+ else:
+ self.panel.editor.ExpandAll()
- def autoComp(self, evt):
- try:
- self.panel.editor.showAutoComp()
- except AttributeError:
- pass
+ def foldExpandScope(self, evt):
+ self.panel.editor.foldExpandCurrentScope()
+ def autoCompContainer(self, evt):
+ state = evt.GetInt()
+ PREFERENCES["auto_comp_container"] = state
+ self.panel.editor.showAutoCompContainer(state)
def showFind(self, evt):
@@ -2444,20 +2610,24 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
paths = dlg.GetPaths()
if len(paths) == 1:
text = ensureNFD(paths[0])
+ if PLATFORM == "win32":
+ text = text.replace("\\", "/")
self.panel.editor.ReplaceSelection("'" + text + "'")
text = ", ".join(["'"+ensureNFD(path)+"'" for path in paths])
+ if PLATFORM == "win32":
+ text = text.replace("\\", "/")
self.panel.editor.ReplaceSelection("[" + text + "]")
PREFERENCES["insert_path"] = os.path.split(paths[0])[0]
def insertSnippet(self, evt):
id = evt.GetId()
- menu = self.menu7 #event.GetEventObject()
+ menu = self.menu7
item = menu.FindItemById(id)
name = item.GetLabel()
category = item.GetMenu().GetTitle()
- with codecs.open(os.path.join(SNIPPETS_PATH, category, name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ with codecs.open(os.path.join(ensureNFD(SNIPPETS_PATH), category, name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
@@ -2474,7 +2644,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def setStyle(self, st, fromMenu=False):
global STYLES
- with open(os.path.join(STYLES_PATH, st)) as f:
+ with open(os.path.join(ensureNFD(STYLES_PATH), st)) as f:
text = f.read()
exec text in locals()
STYLES = copy.deepcopy(style)
@@ -2654,7 +2824,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
item = menu.FindItemById(id)
filename = item.GetLabel()
folder = item.GetMenu().GetTitle()
- path = os.path.join(EXAMPLE_PATH, folder, filename)
+ path = os.path.join(ensureNFD(EXAMPLE_PATH), folder, filename)
def openTutorial(self, event):
@@ -2707,12 +2877,28 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
PREFERENCES["save_file_path"] = os.path.split(path)[0]
+ def saveasTemplate(self, event):
+ dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Give a name to your template:', 'Save file as template...')
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ fname = dlg.GetValue()
+ if not fname.endswith(".py"):
+ fname = fname + ".py"
+ try:
+ text = self.panel.editor.GetTextUTF8()
+ except:
+ text = self.panel.editor.GetText()
+ with open(os.path.join(TEMPLATE_PATH, fname), "w") as f:
+ f.write(text)
+ dlg.Destroy()
def close(self, event):
action = self.panel.editor.close()
if action == 'delete':
+ self.panel.close_from_menu = True
+ self.panel.close_from_menu = False
def closeAll(self, event):
count = self.panel.notebook.GetPageCount()
@@ -2745,8 +2931,9 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def format_outputLog(self, evt):
data = evt.data
- self.panel.outputlog.setLog(data["log"])
- self.panel.outputlog.removeProcess(data["pid"], data["filename"])
+ self.panel.outputlog.appendToLog(data["log"])
+ if not data["active"]:
+ self.panel.outputlog.removeProcess(data["pid"], data["filename"])
def run(self, path):
cwd = self.getCurrentWorkingDirectory()
@@ -2810,6 +2997,7 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def startStopBackgroundServer(self, evt):
+ # TODO: need to add midi output driver
if not self.back_server_started:
outDriverIndex = -1
preferedDriver = PREFERENCES.get("background_server_out_device", "")
@@ -2866,15 +3054,25 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
def sendSelectionToBackgroundServer(self, evt):
+ end = None
text = self.panel.editor.GetSelectedTextUTF8()
if text == "":
pos = self.panel.editor.GetCurrentPos()
line = self.panel.editor.LineFromPosition(pos)
text = self.panel.editor.GetLineUTF8(line)
+ else:
+ end = self.panel.editor.GetSelectionEnd()
if self.server_pipe != None:
for line in text.splitlines():
self.server_pipe.write(line + "\n")
+ if end != None:
+ self.panel.editor.SetCurrentPos(end)
+ self.panel.editor.LineDown()
+ line = self.panel.editor.GetCurrentLine()
+ pos = self.panel.editor.PositionFromLine(line)
+ self.panel.editor.SetCurrentPos(pos)
+ self.panel.editor.SetSelectionEnd(pos)
def buildDoc(self):
self.doc_frame = ManualFrame(osx_app_bundled=OSX_APP_BUNDLED, which_python=WHICH_PYTHON,
@@ -2899,6 +3097,12 @@ class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
+ def showArgs(self, evt):
+ self.panel.editor.onShowTip()
+ def showDocString(self, evt):
+ self.panel.editor.onShowDocString()
def onShowEditorKeyCommands(self, evt):
if not self.keyCommandsFrame.IsShown():
@@ -2980,6 +3184,7 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, size=size, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
self.new_inc = 0
+ self.close_from_menu = False
self.mainFrame = parent
mainBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
@@ -2988,13 +3193,12 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
self.left_splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self.splitter, -1, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE|wx.SP_3DSASH)
self.right_splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self.splitter, -1, style=wx.SP_LIVE_UPDATE|wx.SP_3DSASH)
- #self.right_splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(150)
self.project = ProjectTree(self.left_splitter, self, (-1, -1))
self.markers = MarkersPanel(self.left_splitter, self, (-1, -1))
- self.notebook = FNB.FlatNotebook(self.right_splitter, size=(-1,-1),
+ self.notebook = FNB.FlatNotebook(self.right_splitter, size=(-1,-1))
self.outputlog = OutputLogPanel(self.right_splitter, self, size=(-1,150))
@@ -3006,8 +3210,8 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
mainBox.Add(self.splitter, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.onPageChange)
- self.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.onClosingPage)
+ self.notebook.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.onPageChange)
+ self.notebook.Bind(FNB.EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.onClosingPage)
def addNewPage(self):
title = "Untitled-%i.py" % self.new_inc
@@ -3035,6 +3239,11 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
+ # Scan the entire document (needed for FoldAll to fold everything)
+ editor.GotoLine(editor.GetLineCount())
+ wx.CallAfter(editor.GotoLine, 0)
editor.path = file
editor.saveMark = True
@@ -3057,7 +3266,10 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
def onClosingPage(self, evt):
- action = self.editor.closeNoCancel()
+ if not self.close_from_menu:
+ action = self.editor.close()
+ if action == "keep":
+ evt.Veto()
def deletePage(self):
select = self.notebook.GetSelection()
@@ -3097,6 +3309,22 @@ class MainPanel(wx.Panel):
ed = self.notebook.GetPage(i)
+### The idea of EditorPanel is to allow multiple views
+### at the same time in a single notebook page.
+### Also: A tree view of classes and functions of the file
+### Not yet implemented... ( TODO )
+class EditorPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ self.editor = Editor(parent, -1, size=(0, -1))
+ self.editor2 = Editor(parent, -1, size=(0, -1))
+ box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ box.Add(self.editor, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)
+ box.Add(self.editor2, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)
+ self.SetSizerAndFit(box)
class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
def __init__(self, parent, ID, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style= wx.NO_BORDER | wx.WANTS_CHARS,
setTitle=None, getTitle=None):
@@ -3122,6 +3350,8 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.markers_dict = {}
self.current_marker = -1
self.objs_attr_dict = {}
+ self.auto_comp_container = PREFERENCES.get("auto_comp_container", 0)
self.alphaStr = string.lowercase + string.uppercase + '0123456789'
@@ -3168,22 +3398,16 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.SetMarginSensitive(2, True)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
self.Bind(stc.EVT_STC_UPDATEUI, self.OnUpdateUI)
self.Bind(stc.EVT_STC_MARGINCLICK, self.OnMarginClick)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND, self.OnFind)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_NEXT, self.OnFind)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE, self.OnFind)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE_ALL, self.OnFind)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_CLOSE, self.OnFindClose)
# Remove unwanted KeyCommands
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_UP, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DOWN, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_RIGHT, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_LEFT, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_RIGHT, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT | stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
@@ -3192,20 +3416,10 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_LEFT, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_LEFT, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT | stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, 0)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_HOME, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, 0)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_END, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DELETE, 0)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DELETE, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
+ self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DELETE, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
+ self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DELETE, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT | stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_BACK, stc.STC_SCMOD_ALT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_BACK, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_BACK, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
@@ -3213,22 +3427,19 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_INSERT, 0)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_INSERT, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_INSERT, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('Z'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(ord('Y'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('X'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('C'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('V'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('A'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
+ self.CmdKeyClear(ord('D'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(ord('L'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(ord('T'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('U'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(ord('L'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
- self.CmdKeyClear(ord('U'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_RETURN, stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_ADD, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_SUBTRACT, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
self.CmdKeyClear(stc.STC_KEY_DIVIDE, stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('U'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL, stc.STC_CMD_UPPERCASE)
+ self.CmdKeyAssign(ord('U'), stc.STC_SCMOD_CTRL | stc.STC_SCMOD_SHIFT, stc.STC_CMD_LOWERCASE)
wx.CallAfter(self.SetAnchor, 0)
@@ -3248,6 +3459,7 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
if STYLES[forekey]['underline']:
st += ",underline"
return st
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, buildStyle('default', 'background'))
self.StyleClearAll() # Reset all to be like the default
@@ -3266,8 +3478,23 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, buildStyle('default', 'bracebad') + ",bold")
ext = os.path.splitext(self.path)[1].strip(".")
+ if ext == "":
+ try:
+ with open(self.path, "r") as f:
+ fline = f.readline()
+ if fline.startswith("#!"):
+ fline = fline.replace("/", " ")
+ last = fline.split()[-1]
+ ext = {"python": "py", "bash": "sh", "sh": "sh"}.get(last, "")
+ else:
+ text = f.read()
+ if "desc:" in text:
+ ext = "jsfx"
+ except:
+ pass
if ext in ["py", "pyw", "c5"]:
+ self.SetStyleBits(self.GetStyleBitsNeeded())
self.SetKeyWords(0, " ".join(keyword.kwlist) + " None True False ")
self.SetKeyWords(1, " ".join(PYO_WORDLIST))
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_DEFAULT, buildStyle('default'))
@@ -3286,6 +3513,11 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_P_COMMENTBLOCK, buildStyle('commentblock'))
elif ext in ["c", "cc", "cpp", "cxx", "cs", "h", "hh", "hpp", "hxx"]:
+ self.SetStyleBits(self.GetStyleBitsNeeded())
+ self.SetProperty('fold.comment', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('fold.preprocessor', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('fold.compact', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('styling.within.preprocessor', '0')
self.SetKeyWords(0, "auto break case char const continue default do double else enum extern float for goto if int long \
register return short signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union unsigned void volatile while ")
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_DEFAULT, buildStyle('default'))
@@ -3302,6 +3534,7 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_PREPROCESSOR, buildStyle('commentblock'))
elif ext == "sh":
+ self.SetStyleBits(self.GetStyleBitsNeeded())
self.SetKeyWords(0, "! [[ ]] case do done elif else esac fi for function if in select then time until while { } \
alias bg bind break builtin caller cd command compgen complete compopt continue declare dirs disown echo enable \
eval exec exit export fc fg getopts hash help history jobs kill let local logout mapfile popd printf pushd pwd \
@@ -3316,12 +3549,53 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_SH_IDENTIFIER, buildStyle('default'))
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_SH_PARAM, buildStyle('default'))
self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_SH_SCALAR, buildStyle('function'))
+ elif ext in ["jsfx", "jsfx-inc"]:
+ self.SetLexer(stc.STC_LEX_CPP)
+ self.SetStyleBits(self.GetStyleBitsNeeded())
+ self.SetProperty('fold.comment', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('fold.preprocessor', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('fold.compact', '1')
+ self.SetProperty('styling.within.preprocessor', '0')
+ self.SetKeyWords(1, "abs acos asin atan atan2 atexit ceil convolve_c cos defer eval exp fclose feof fflush \
+ fft fft_ipermute fft_permute fgetc floor fopen fprintf fread freembuf fseek ftell fwrite \
+ gfx_aaaaa gfx_arc gfx_blit gfx_blit gfx_blitext gfx_blurto gfx_circle gfx_deltablit \
+ gfx_drawchar gfx_drawnumber gfx_drawstr gfx_getchar gfx_getfont gfx_getimgdim gfx_getpixel \
+ gfx_gradrect gfx_init gfx_line gfx_lineto gfx_loadimg gfx_measurestr gfx_muladdrect gfx_printf \
+ gfx_quit gfx_rect gfx_rectto gfx_roundrect gfx_setfont gfx_setimgdim gfx_setpixel gfx_transformblit \
+ gfx_update ifft invsqrt log log10 match matchi max memcpy memset min pow printf rand sign sin sleep \
+ sprintf sqr sqrt stack_exch stack_peek stack_pop stack_push str_delsub str_getchar str_insert \
+ str_setchar str_setlen strcat strcmp strcpy strcpy_from strcpy_substr stricmp strlen strncat strncmp \
+ strncpy strnicmp tan tcp_close tcp_connect tcp_listen tcp_listen_end tcp_recv tcp_send tcp_set_block \
+ time time_precise")
+ self.SetKeyWords(0, "loop while function local static instance this global globals _global gfx_r gfx_g gfx_b gfx_a gfx_w \
+ gfx_h gfx_x gfx_y gfx_mode gfx_clear gfx_dest gfx_texth mouse_x mouse_y mouse_cap mouse_wheel mouse_hwheel \
+ @init @slider @sample @block @serialize @gfx import desc slider1 slider2 slider3 slider4 slider5 \
+ slider6 slider7 slider8 slider9 slider10 slider11 slider12 slider13 slider14 slider15 slider16 in_pin \
+ out_pin filename ")
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_DEFAULT, buildStyle('default'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_COMMENT, buildStyle('comment'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_COMMENTDOC, buildStyle('comment'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_COMMENTLINE, buildStyle('comment'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_COMMENTLINEDOC, buildStyle('comment'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_NUMBER, buildStyle('number'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_STRING, buildStyle('string'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_CHARACTER, buildStyle('string'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_WORD, buildStyle('keyword'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_WORD2, buildStyle('pyokeyword'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_OPERATOR, buildStyle('operator'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_IDENTIFIER, buildStyle('default'))
+ self.StyleSetSpec(stc.STC_C_PREPROCESSOR, buildStyle('commentblock'))
self.SetSelBackground(1, STYLES['selback']['colour'])
self.SetFoldMarginColour(True, STYLES['foldmarginback']['colour'])
self.SetFoldMarginHiColour(True, STYLES['foldmarginback']['colour'])
+ self.CallTipSetForeground(STYLES['default']['colour'])
+ self.CallTipSetBackground(STYLES['background']['colour'])
+ # WxPython 3 needs the lexer to be set before folding property
+ self.SetProperty("fold", "1")
def OnQuickSearch(self, str, next=True):
if self.GetSelection() != (0,0):
@@ -3348,10 +3622,14 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
def OnShowFindReplace(self):
- data = wx.FindReplaceData()
- self.findReplace = wx.FindReplaceDialog(self, data, "Find & Replace", wx.FR_REPLACEDIALOG | wx.FR_NOUPDOWN)
- self.findReplace.data = data # save a reference to it...
- self.findReplace.Show(True)
+ self.data = wx.FindReplaceData()
+ dlg = wx.FindReplaceDialog(self, self.data, "Find & Replace", wx.FR_REPLACEDIALOG | wx.FR_NOUPDOWN)
+ dlg.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND, self.OnFind)
+ dlg.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_NEXT, self.OnFind)
+ dlg.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE, self.OnFind)
+ dlg.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_REPLACE_ALL, self.OnFind)
+ dlg.Bind(wx.EVT_FIND_CLOSE, self.OnFindClose)
+ dlg.Show(True)
def OnFind(self, evt):
map = { wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND : "FIND",
@@ -3359,41 +3637,50 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
- et = evt.GetEventType()
+ evtType = evt.GetEventType()
findTxt = evt.GetFindString()
+ newTxt = evt.GetReplaceString()
+ findStrLen = len(findTxt)
+ newStrLen = len(newTxt)
+ diffLen = newStrLen - findStrLen
selection = self.GetSelection()
if selection[0] == selection[1]:
selection = (0, self.GetLength())
- if map[et] == 'FIND':
+ if map[evtType] == 'FIND':
startpos = self.FindText(selection[0], selection[1], findTxt, evt.GetFlags())
endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
self.anchor1 = endpos
self.anchor2 = selection[1]
self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
- elif map[et] == 'FIND_NEXT':
+ elif map[evtType] == 'FIND_NEXT':
startpos = self.FindText(self.anchor1, self.anchor2, findTxt, evt.GetFlags())
endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
self.anchor1 = endpos
self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
- elif map[et] == 'REPLACE':
- startpos = self.FindText(selection[0], selection[1], findTxt)
- endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
+ elif map[evtType] == 'REPLACE':
+ startpos = self.FindText(selection[0], selection[1], findTxt, evt.GetFlags())
if startpos != -1:
+ endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
- self.ReplaceSelection(evt.GetReplaceString())
- elif map[et] == 'REPLACE_ALL':
- self.anchor1 = selection[0]
+ self.ReplaceSelection(newTxt)
+ self.anchor1 = startpos + newStrLen + 1
+ self.anchor2 += diffLen
+ elif map[evtType] == 'REPLACE_ALL':
+ self.anchor1 = startpos = selection[0]
self.anchor2 = selection[1]
- startpos = selection[0]
while startpos != -1:
- startpos = self.FindText(self.anchor1, self.anchor2, findTxt)
- endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
- self.anchor1 = endpos
+ startpos = self.FindText(self.anchor1, self.anchor2, findTxt, evt.GetFlags())
if startpos != -1:
+ endpos = startpos+len(findTxt)
self.SetSelection(startpos, endpos)
- self.ReplaceSelection(evt.GetReplaceString())
+ self.ReplaceSelection(newTxt)
+ self.anchor1 = startpos + newStrLen + 1
+ self.anchor2 += diffLen
+ line = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ halfNumLinesOnScreen = self.LinesOnScreen() / 2
+ self.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
def OnFindClose(self, evt):
@@ -3452,30 +3739,6 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
for line in lines:
f.write("%s=%s\n" % (line[0], line[1]))
- def closeNoCancel(self):
- if self.GetModify():
- if not self.path: f = "Untitled"
- else: f = self.path
- dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'file ' + f + ' has been modified. Do you want to save?',
- 'Warning!', wx.YES | wx.NO)
- but = dlg.ShowModal()
- if but == wx.ID_YES:
- dlg.Destroy()
- if not self.path or "Untitled-" in self.path:
- dlg2 = wx.FileDialog(None, message="Save file as ... (the file will be closed even if you pressed Cancel!)", defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
- defaultFile="", style=wx.SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT)
- dlg2.SetFilterIndex(0)
- if dlg2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- path = dlg2.GetPath()
- self.SaveFile(path)
- dlg2.Destroy()
- else:
- dlg2.Destroy()
- else:
- self.SaveFile(self.path)
- elif but == wx.ID_NO:
- dlg.Destroy()
def close(self):
if self.GetModify():
if not self.path: f = "Untitled"
@@ -3595,6 +3858,9 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
currentword = self.GetTextRangeUTF8(startpos, endpos)
return currentword
+ def showAutoCompContainer(self, state):
+ self.auto_comp_container = state
def showAutoComp(self):
propagate = True
charBefore = " "
@@ -3612,15 +3878,27 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
propagate = False
return propagate
- def insertDefArgs(self, currentword):
+ def insertDefArgs(self, currentword, charat):
propagate = True
+ braceend = True
+ currentword = ""
+ if charat == ord("("):
+ pos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ if chr(self.GetCharAt(pos)) == ')':
+ braceend = False
+ startpos = self.WordStartPosition(pos-2, True)
+ endpos = self.WordEndPosition(pos-2, True)
+ currentword = self.GetTextRangeUTF8(startpos, endpos)
for word in PYO_WORDLIST:
if word == currentword:
text = class_args(eval(word)).replace(word, "")
self.args_buffer = text.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(",")
self.args_buffer = [arg.strip() for arg in self.args_buffer]
self.args_line_number = [self.GetCurrentLine(), self.GetCurrentLine()+1]
- self.insertText(self.GetCurrentPos(), text, False)
+ if braceend:
+ self.insertText(self.GetCurrentPos(), text[1:], False)
+ else:
+ self.insertText(self.GetCurrentPos(), text[1:-1], False)
self.selection = self.GetSelectedText()
propagate = False
@@ -3760,7 +4038,7 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
def processTab(self, currentword, autoCompActive, charat, pos):
propagate = self.showAutoComp()
if propagate:
- propagate = self.insertDefArgs(currentword)
+ propagate = self.insertDefArgs(currentword, charat)
if propagate:
propagate = self.checkForBuiltinComp()
if propagate:
@@ -3775,30 +4053,64 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
- def navigateMarkers(self, down=True):
- if self.markers_dict != {}:
- llen = len(self.markers_dict)
- keys = sorted(self.markers_dict.keys())
- if down:
- self.current_marker += 1
- else:
- self.current_marker -= 1
- if self.current_marker < 0:
- self.current_marker = llen - 1
- elif self.current_marker >= llen:
- self.current_marker = 0
- line = keys[self.current_marker]
- self.GotoLine(line)
- halfNumLinesOnScreen = self.LinesOnScreen() / 2
- self.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
- self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setSelected(self.current_marker)
+ def onShowDocString(self):
+ if self.GetSelectedText() != "":
+ currentword = self.GetSelectedText()
+ else:
+ currentword = self.getWordUnderCaret()
+ firstCaretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ startpos = self.WordStartPosition(caretPos, True)
+ while chr(self.GetCharAt(startpos-1)) == ".":
+ self.GotoPos(startpos-2)
+ parent = self.getWordUnderCaret()
+ currentword = parent + "." + currentword
+ caretPos = self.GetCurrentPos()
+ startpos = self.WordStartPosition(caretPos, True)
+ self.GotoPos(firstCaretPos)
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ text = ""
+ for i in range(lineCount):
+ line = self.GetLine(i)
+ if "import " in line:
+ text = text + line
+ try:
+ exec text in locals()
+ docstr = eval(currentword).__doc__
+ dlg = wx.lib.dialogs.ScrolledMessageDialog(self, docstr, "__doc__ string for %s" % currentword, size=(700,500))
+ dlg.CenterOnParent()
+ dlg.ShowModal()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def OnChar(self, evt):
+ propagate = True
+ if chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) in ['[', '{', '(', '"', '`'] and self.auto_comp_container:
+ if chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) == '[':
+ self.AddText('[]')
+ elif chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) == '{':
+ self.AddText('{}')
+ elif chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) == '(':
+ self.AddText('()')
+ elif chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) == '"':
+ self.AddText('""')
+ elif chr(evt.GetKeyCode()) == '`':
+ self.AddText('``')
+ self.CharLeft()
+ propagate = False
+ if propagate:
+ evt.Skip()
+ else:
+ evt.StopPropagation()
def OnKeyDown(self, evt):
if PLATFORM == "darwin":
ControlDown = evt.CmdDown
ControlDown = evt.ControlDown
propagate = True
# Stop propagation on markers navigation --- Shift+Ctrl+Arrows up/down
if evt.GetKeyCode() in [wx.WXK_DOWN,wx.WXK_UP] and evt.ShiftDown() and ControlDown():
@@ -3807,6 +4119,10 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_RETURN and evt.ShiftDown():
propagate = False
+ # Stop propagation on Tip Show of __doc__ string --- Ctrl+Return
+ elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_RETURN and ControlDown():
+ self.onShowDocString()
+ propagate = False
# Move and/or Select one word left or right --- (Shift+)Alt+Arrows left/right
elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_LEFT and evt.AltDown() and evt.ShiftDown():
@@ -3832,6 +4148,11 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
propagate = False
+ # Delete forward DELETE
+ elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_DELETE:
+ self.CmdKeyExecute(stc.STC_CMD_CHARRIGHT)
+ self.CmdKeyExecute(stc.STC_CMD_DELETEBACK)
+ propagate = False
# Delete the word to the right of the caret --- Shift+Alt+BACK
elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_BACK and evt.AltDown() and evt.ShiftDown():
@@ -3863,6 +4184,19 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
propagate = False
+ # Show documentation for pyo object under the caret
+ elif evt.GetKeyCode() == ord('D') and ControlDown():
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().showDoc(None)
+ propagate = False
+ # Goto line
+ elif evt.GetKeyCode() == ord('L') and ControlDown():
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().gotoLine(None)
+ propagate = False
+ # Send line/selection to pyo background server
+ elif evt.GetKeyCode() == ord('T') and ControlDown():
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().sendSelectionToBackgroundServer(None)
+ propagate = False
# Process Return key --- automatic indentation
elif evt.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_RETURN:
@@ -3943,6 +4277,7 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
# pos = self.GetLineEndPosition(i)
# if self.GetCharAt(pos-1) != 172:
# self.InsertTextUTF8(pos, "¬")
+ self.moveMarkers()
@@ -3970,96 +4305,129 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
+ def navigateMarkers(self, down=True):
+ if self.markers_dict != {}:
+ llen = len(self.markers_dict)
+ swap = [(x[1], x[0]) for x in self.markers_dict.items()]
+ handles = [x[1] for x in sorted(swap)]
+ if down:
+ self.current_marker += 1
+ else:
+ self.current_marker -= 1
+ if self.current_marker < 0:
+ self.current_marker = llen - 1
+ elif self.current_marker >= llen:
+ self.current_marker = 0
+ handle = handles[self.current_marker]
+ line = self.markers_dict[handle][0]
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ halfNumLinesOnScreen = self.LinesOnScreen() / 2
+ self.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setSelected(handle)
def setMarkers(self, dic):
+ try:
+ key = dic.keys()[0]
+ except:
+ return
+ if type(dic[key]) != ListType:
+ return
self.markers_dict = dic
- for line in self.markers_dict.keys():
+ for handle in self.markers_dict.keys():
+ line = self.markers_dict[handle][0]
self.MarkerAdd(line, 0)
- def addMarker(self, line):
- if line not in self.markers_dict.keys():
- self.MarkerAdd(line, 0)
- self.markers_dict[line] = ""
+ def moveMarkers(self):
+ dict = {}
+ for handle in self.markers_dict.keys():
+ line = self.MarkerLineFromHandle(handle)
+ comment = self.markers_dict[handle][1]
+ dict[handle] = [line, comment]
+ if dict != self.markers_dict:
+ self.markers_dict = dict
- return True
+ def addMarker(self, line):
+ if not self.MarkerGet(line):
+ handle = self.MarkerAdd(line, 0)
+ self.markers_dict[handle] = [line, ""]
+ comment = ""
+ dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter a comment for that marker:', 'Marker Comment')
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ comment = dlg.GetValue()
+ dlg.Destroy()
- return False
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return
+ self.markers_dict[handle][1] = comment
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setDict(self.markers_dict)
def deleteMarker(self, line):
- if line in self.markers_dict.keys():
- del self.markers_dict[line]
- self.MarkerDelete(line, 0)
- self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setDict(self.markers_dict)
+ for handle in self.markers_dict.keys():
+ if line == self.markers_dict[handle][0]:
+ del self.markers_dict[handle]
+ self.MarkerDeleteHandle(handle)
+ self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setDict(self.markers_dict)
def deleteAllMarkers(self):
self.markers_dict = {}
- def addMarkerComment(self, line):
- if line in self.markers_dict.keys():
- comment = ""
- dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter a comment for that marker:', 'Marker Comment')
- if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
- comment = dlg.GetValue()
- dlg.Destroy()
- else:
- dlg.Destroy()
- return
- self.markers_dict[line] = comment
- self.GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().GetParent().markers.setDict(self.markers_dict)
def OnMarginClick(self, evt):
if evt.GetMargin() == 0:
- if PLATFORM == "darwin":
- modif = evt.GetAlt
- else:
- modif = evt.GetControl
lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())
- if modif():
+ if evt.GetShift():
- elif evt.GetShift():
- self.addMarkerComment(lineClicked)
- ok = self.addMarker(lineClicked)
- if ok:
- self.addMarkerComment(lineClicked)
+ self.addMarker(lineClicked)
elif evt.GetMargin() == 2:
if evt.GetShift() and evt.GetControl():
- self.FoldAll()
+ self.ToggleFoldAll()
lineClicked = self.LineFromPosition(evt.GetPosition())
if self.GetFoldLevel(lineClicked) & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
- if evt.GetShift():
- self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
- self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 1)
- elif evt.GetControl():
- if self.GetFoldExpanded(lineClicked):
- self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, False)
- self.Expand(lineClicked, False, True, 0)
- else:
- self.SetFoldExpanded(lineClicked, True)
- self.Expand(lineClicked, True, True, 100)
- else:
- self.ToggleFold(lineClicked)
+ self.ToggleFold(lineClicked)
def FoldAll(self):
lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
- expanding = True
+ lineNum = 0
+ while lineNum < lineCount:
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum)
+ if level & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG and \
+ lastChild = self.GetLastChild(lineNum, -1)
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineNum, False)
+ if lastChild > lineNum:
+ self.HideLines(lineNum+1, lastChild)
+ lineNum = lineNum + 1
+ def ExpandAll(self):
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ lineNum = 0
+ while lineNum < lineCount:
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum)
+ if level & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG and \
+ self.SetFoldExpanded(lineNum, True)
+ lineNum = self.Expand(lineNum, True)
+ lineNum = lineNum - 1
+ lineNum = lineNum + 1
+ def ToggleFoldAll(self):
+ lineCount = self.GetLineCount()
+ expanding = True
# find out if we are folding or unfolding
for lineNum in range(lineCount):
if self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum) & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG:
expanding = not self.GetFoldExpanded(lineNum)
lineNum = 0
while lineNum < lineCount:
level = self.GetFoldLevel(lineNum)
if level & stc.STC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG and \
if expanding:
self.SetFoldExpanded(lineNum, True)
lineNum = self.Expand(lineNum, True)
@@ -4071,6 +4439,16 @@ class Editor(stc.StyledTextCtrl):
self.HideLines(lineNum+1, lastChild)
lineNum = lineNum + 1
+ def foldExpandCurrentScope(self):
+ line = self.GetCurrentLine()
+ while (line >= 0):
+ level = self.GetFoldLevel(line)
+ self.ToggleFold(line)
+ self.GotoLine(line)
+ break
+ line -= 1
def Expand(self, line, doExpand, force=False, visLevels=0, level=-1):
lastChild = self.GetLastChild(line, level)
line = line + 1
@@ -4167,6 +4545,12 @@ class OutputLogEditor(SimpleEditor):
def __init__(self, parent, ID=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style= wx.NO_BORDER):
SimpleEditor.__init__(self, parent=parent, ID=ID, pos=pos, size=size, style=style)
+ def appendToLog(self, text):
+ self.SetReadOnly(False)
+ self.AppendText(text)
+ self.GotoLine(self.GetLineCount())
+ self.SetReadOnly(True)
def setLog(self, text):
@@ -4184,7 +4568,7 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
toolbarbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- self.toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, size=(-1,36))
+ self.toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1)
self.toolbar.SetMargins((5, 0))
font, psize = self.toolbar.GetFont(), self.toolbar.GetFont().GetPointSize()
if PLATFORM == "darwin":
@@ -4193,7 +4577,7 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
if PLATFORM == "win32":
- title = wx.StaticText(self.toolbar, -1, "Output panel")
+ title = wx.StaticText(self.toolbar, -1, " Output panel")
@@ -4204,17 +4588,17 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
if PLATFORM == "win32":
- self.processKill = wx.Button(self.toolbar, -1, label="Kill", size=(40,-1))
+ self.processKill = wx.Button(self.toolbar, -1, label="Kill", size=(40,self.processPopup.GetSize()[1]))
self.processKill.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.killProcess)
if PLATFORM == "win32":
- self.runningLabel = wx.StaticText(self.toolbar, -1, "Running: 0")
+ self.runningLabel = wx.StaticText(self.toolbar, -1, " Running: 0")
- self.copyLog = wx.Button(self.toolbar, -1, label="Copy log", size=(70,-1))
+ self.copyLog = wx.Button(self.toolbar, -1, label="Copy log", size=(70,self.processPopup.GetSize()[1]))
self.copyLog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onCopy)
@@ -4231,8 +4615,10 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
toolbarbox.Add(self.toolbar, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.EXPAND, 0)
- tb2 = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, size=(-1,36))
- tb2.SetToolBitmapSize(tsize)
+ tb2 = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, size=(-1,32))
+ if PLATFORM == "darwin":
+ tb2.SetToolBitmapSize(tsize)
+ tb2.AddSeparator()
tb2.AddLabelTool(17, "Close Panel", close_panel_bmp, shortHelp="Close Panel")
toolbarbox.Add(tb2, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
@@ -4259,6 +4645,7 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
self.processPopup.SetStringSelection("%d :: %s" % (procID, filename))
self.running += 1
self.runningLabel.SetLabel("Running: %d" % self.running)
+ self.editor.setLog("")
def removeProcess(self, procID, filename):
str = "%d :: %s" % (procID, filename)
@@ -4274,6 +4661,9 @@ class OutputLogPanel(wx.Panel):
thread = self.mainPanel.mainFrame.processes[procID][0]
+ def appendToLog(self, text):
+ self.editor.appendToLog(text)
def setLog(self, text):
@@ -4577,11 +4967,11 @@ class ProjectTree(wx.Panel):
filename = os.path.join(parent, filename)
dirPath = os.path.split(self.projectDict[parent])[0]
path = os.path.join(dirPath, filename)
-# for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath):
-# if files:
-# for file in files:
-# if file == self.tree.GetItemText(item):
-# path = os.path.join(root, file)
+ #for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath):
+ # if files:
+ # for file in files:
+ # if file == self.tree.GetItemText(item):
+ # path = os.path.join(root, file)
def select(self, item):
@@ -4623,16 +5013,18 @@ class MarkersListScroll(scrolled.ScrolledPanel):
def setDict(self, dic):
self.row_dict = dic
- for i, key in enumerate(sorted(self.row_dict.keys())):
+ swap = [(x[1], x[0]) for x in self.row_dict.items()]
+ handles = [x[1] for x in sorted(swap)]
+ for i in handles:
label = wx.StaticBitmap(self, wx.ID_ANY)
- self.box.Add(label, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2, userData=(i,key))
- line = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label=str(key+1))
+ self.box.Add(label, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2, userData=(i,self.row_dict[i][0]))
+ line = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label=str(self.row_dict[i][0]+1))
- self.box.Add(line, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP, 3, userData=(i,key))
- comment = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label=self.row_dict[key])
+ self.box.Add(line, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP, 3, userData=(i,self.row_dict[i][0]))
+ comment = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, label=self.row_dict[i][1])
- self.box.Add(comment, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP, 3, userData=(i,key))
+ self.box.Add(comment, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.TOP, 3, userData=(i,self.row_dict[i][0]))
label.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
line.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
@@ -4655,13 +5047,14 @@ class MarkersListScroll(scrolled.ScrolledPanel):
halfNumLinesOnScreen = editor.LinesOnScreen() / 2
editor.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
- line = sorted(self.row_dict.keys())[self.selected]
+ line = self.row_dict[self.selected][0]
self.selected2 = item.GetUserData()[0]
line2 = item.GetUserData()[1]
- editor.GotoLine(line)
+ l1, l2 = min(line, line2), max(line, line2)
+ editor.GotoLine(l1)
halfNumLinesOnScreen = editor.LinesOnScreen() / 2
- editor.ScrollToLine(line - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
- editor.SetSelection(editor.PositionFromLine(line), editor.PositionFromLine(line2+1))
+ editor.ScrollToLine(l1 - halfNumLinesOnScreen)
+ editor.SetSelection(editor.PositionFromLine(l1), editor.PositionFromLine(l2+1))
@@ -4741,7 +5134,7 @@ class PreferencesDialog(wx.Dialog):
if PLATFORM == "linux2":
- entryfont.SetPointSize(pointsize-1)
+ entryfont.SetPointSize(pointsize)
elif PLATFORM == "win32":
@@ -4901,7 +5294,7 @@ class PreferencesDialog(wx.Dialog):
res_folder = self.entry_res.GetValue()
if os.path.isdir(res_folder):
- if res_folder != RESOURCES_PATH:
+ if res_folder != ensureNFD(RESOURCES_PATH):
RESOURCES_PATH = PREFERENCES["resources_path"] = res_folder
# snippets
old_snippets_path = SNIPPETS_PATH
@@ -4959,9 +5352,10 @@ class STCPrintout(wx.Printout):
a wrapped line, so it may be a difficult task to ever implement printing
with line wrapping using the wx.StyledTextCtrl.FormatRange method.
- debuglevel = 0
+ debuglevel = 1
- def __init__(self, stc, page_setup_data=None, print_mode=None, title=None, border=False, lines_per_page=None, output_point_size=None):
+ def __init__(self, stc, page_setup_data=None, print_mode=None, title=None,
+ border=False, lines_per_page=None, output_point_size=None):
@param stc: wx.StyledTextCtrl to print
@@ -5022,6 +5416,7 @@ class STCPrintout(wx.Printout):
except (TypeError, ValueError):
self.user_lines_per_page = None
+ self.page_count = 2
self.border_around_text = border
@@ -5368,6 +5763,36 @@ class MyFileDropTarget(wx.FileDropTarget):
+class EPyoApp(wx.App):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ wx.App.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ X,Y = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X), wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)
+ if X < 850: X -= 50
+ else: X = 850
+ if Y < 750: Y -= 50
+ else: Y = 750
+ self.frame = MainFrame(None, -1, title='E-Pyo Editor', pos=(10,25), size=(X, Y))
+ self.frame.Show()
+ return True
+ def MacOpenFiles(self, filenames):
+ if type(filenames) != ListType:
+ filenames = [filenames]
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if os.path.isdir(filename):
+ self.frame.panel.project.loadFolder(filename)
+ sys.path.append(filename)
+ elif os.path.isfile(filename):
+ self.frame.panel.addPage(filename)
+ def MacReopenApp(self):
+ try:
+ self.frame.Raise()
+ except:
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
filesToOpen = []
foldersToOpen = []
@@ -5381,12 +5806,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = wx.PySimpleApp()
- X,Y = wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_X), wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_SCREEN_Y)
- if X < 850: X -= 50
- else: X = 850
- if Y < 750: Y -= 50
- else: Y = 750
- frame = MainFrame(None, -1, title='E-Pyo Editor', pos=(10,25), size=(X, Y))
- frame.Show()
+ app = EPyoApp(redirect=False)
diff --git a/utils/E-PyoIcon.png b/utils/E-PyoIcon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f971f13
Binary files /dev/null and b/utils/E-PyoIcon.png differ
diff --git a/utils/FlatNotebook.py b/utils/FlatNotebook.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f4c7d34..0000000
--- a/utils/FlatNotebook.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4940 +0,0 @@
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Original C++ Code From Eran. You Can Find It At:
-# http://wxforum.shadonet.com/viewtopic.php?t=5761&start=0
-# License: wxWidgets license
-# Python Code By:
-# Andrea Gavana, @ 02 Oct 2006
-# Latest Revision: 30 May 2008, 23.00 GMT
-# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
-# Write To Me At:
-# andrea.gavana at gmail.com
-# gavana at kpo.kz
-# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
-# End Of Comments
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-The FlatNotebook is a full implementation of the wx.Notebook, and designed to be
-a drop-in replacement for wx.Notebook. The API functions are similar so one can
-expect the function to behave in the same way.
-Some features:
- - The buttons are highlighted a la Firefox style
- - The scrolling is done for bulks of tabs (so, the scrolling is faster and better)
- - The buttons area is never overdrawn by tabs (unlike many other implementations I saw)
- - It is a generic control
- - Currently there are 5 differnt styles - VC8, VC 71, Standard, Fancy and Firefox 2;
- - Mouse middle click can be used to close tabs
- - A function to add right click menu for tabs (simple as SetRightClickMenu)
- - All styles has bottom style as well (they can be drawn in the bottom of screen)
- - An option to hide 'X' button or navigation buttons (separately)
- - Gradient coloring of the selected tabs and border
- - Support for drag 'n' drop of tabs, both in the same notebook or to another notebook
- - Possibility to have closing button on the active tab directly
- - Support for disabled tabs
- - Colours for active/inactive tabs, and captions
- - Background of tab area can be painted in gradient (VC8 style only)
- - Colourful tabs - a random gentle colour is generated for each new tab (very cool, VC8 style only)
-And much more.
-License And Version:
-FlatNotebook Is Freeware And Distributed Under The wxPython License.
-Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 30 May 2008, 23.00 GMT
-Version 2.5.
- wxEVT*, left_arrow_*, right_arrow*, x_button*, down_arrow*,
- FNBDragInfo, FNBDropTarget, GetMondrian*
-__docformat__ = "epytext"
-# Beginning Of FLATNOTEBOOK wxPython Code
-import wx
-import random
-import math
-import weakref
-import cPickle
-if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
- import Carbon.Appearance
-# Check for the new method in 2.7 (not present in
-if wx.VERSION_STRING < "2.7":
- wx.Rect.Contains = lambda self, point: wx.Rect.Inside(self, point)
-# Use Visual Studio 2003 (VC7.1) style for tabs
-FNB_VC71 = 1
-"""Use Visual Studio 2003 (VC7.1) style for tabs"""
-# Use fancy style - square tabs filled with gradient coloring
-"""Use fancy style - square tabs filled with gradient coloring"""
-# Draw thin border around the page
-"""Draw thin border around the page"""
-# Do not display the 'X' button
-"""Do not display the 'X' button"""
-# Do not display the Right / Left arrows
-"""Do not display the right/left arrows"""
-# Use the mouse middle button for cloing tabs
-"""Use the mouse middle button for cloing tabs"""
-# Place tabs at bottom - the default is to place them
-# at top
-"""Place tabs at bottom - the default is to place them at top"""
-# Disable dragging of tabs
-"""Disable dragging of tabs"""
-# Use Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) style for tabs
-FNB_VC8 = 256
-"""Use Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) style for tabs"""
-# Firefox 2 tabs style
-FNB_FF2 = 131072
-"""Use Firefox 2 style for tabs"""
-# Place 'X' on a tab
-FNB_X_ON_TAB = 512
-"""Place 'X' close button on the active tab"""
-"""Use gradients to paint the tabs background"""
-"""Use colourful tabs (VC8 style only)"""
-# Style to close tab using double click - styles 1024, 2048 are reserved
-"""Style to close tab using double click"""
-"""Use Smart Tabbing, like Alt+Tab on Windows"""
-"""Use a dropdown menu on the left in place of the arrows"""
-"""Allows drag 'n' drop operations between different L{FlatNotebook}s"""
-"""Hides the Page Container when there is one or fewer tabs"""
-# Button size is a 16x16 xpm bitmap
-"""Button size is a 16x16 xpm bitmap"""
-MASK_COLOR = wx.Colour(0, 128, 128)
-"""Mask colour for the arrow bitmaps"""
-# Button status
-"""Navigation button is pressed"""
-"""Navigation button is hovered"""
-"""No navigation"""
-# Hit Test results
-FNB_TAB = 1 # On a tab
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside a tab"""
-FNB_X = 2 # On the X button
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside the I{X} region"""
-FNB_TAB_X = 3 # On the 'X' button (tab's X button)
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside the I{X} region in a tab"""
-FNB_LEFT_ARROW = 4 # On the rotate left arrow button
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside the left arrow region"""
-FNB_RIGHT_ARROW = 5 # On the rotate right arrow button
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside the right arrow region"""
-FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW = 6 # On the drop down arrow button
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates inside the drop down arrow region"""
-FNB_NOWHERE = 0 # Anywhere else
-"""Indicates mouse coordinates not on any tab of the notebook"""
-"""L{FlatNotebook} default style"""
-# FlatNotebook Events:
-# wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED: Event Fired When You Switch Page;
-# wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING: Event Fired When You Are About To Switch
-# Pages, But You Can Still "Veto" The Page Changing By Avoiding To Call
-# event.Skip() In Your Event Handler;
-# wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING: Event Fired When A Page Is Closing, But
-# You Can Still "Veto" The Page Changing By Avoiding To Call event.Skip()
-# In Your Event Handler;
-# wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED: Event Fired When A Page Is Closed.
-# wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CONTEXT_MENU: Event Fired When A Menu Pops-up In A Tab.
-# FlatNotebookEvent
-"""Notify client objects when the active page in L{FlatNotebook}
-has changed."""
-"""Notify client objects when the active page in L{FlatNotebook}
-is about to change."""
-"""Notify client objects when a page in L{FlatNotebook} is closing."""
-"""Notify client objects when a page in L{FlatNotebook} has been closed."""
-"""Notify client objects when a pop-up menu should appear next to a tab."""
-# Some icons in XPM format
-left_arrow_disabled_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #555555",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````.```````",
- "```````..```````",
- "``````.`.```````",
- "`````.``.```````",
- "````.```.```````",
- "`````.``.```````",
- "``````.`.```````",
- "```````..```````",
- "````````.```````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-x_button_pressed_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #9e9ede",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.###aa####aa#.`",
- "`.####aa##aa##.`",
- "`.#####aaaa###.`",
- "`.######aa####.`",
- "`.#####aaaa###.`",
- "`.####aa##aa##.`",
- "`.###aa####aa#.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-left_arrow_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #555555",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````.```````",
- "```````..```````",
- "``````...```````",
- "`````....```````",
- "````.....```````",
- "`````....```````",
- "``````...```````",
- "```````..```````",
- "````````.```````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-x_button_hilite_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #c9dafb",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.##aa####aa##.`",
- "`.###aa##aa###.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.#####aa#####.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.###aa##aa###.`",
- "`.##aa####aa##.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-x_button_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #555555",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````..````..````",
- "`````..``..`````",
- "``````....``````",
- "```````..```````",
- "``````....``````",
- "`````..``..`````",
- "````..````..````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-left_arrow_pressed_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #9e9ede",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.#######a####.`",
- "`.######aa####.`",
- "`.#####aaa####.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.###aaaaa####.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.#####aaa####.`",
- "`.######aa####.`",
- "`.#######a####.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-left_arrow_hilite_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #c9dafb",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.######a#####.`",
- "`.#####aa#####.`",
- "`.####aaa#####.`",
- "`.###aaaa#####.`",
- "`.##aaaaa#####.`",
- "`.###aaaa#####.`",
- "`.####aaa#####.`",
- "`.#####aa#####.`",
- "`.######a#####.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-right_arrow_disabled_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #555555",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "```````.````````",
- "```````..```````",
- "```````.`.``````",
- "```````.``.`````",
- "```````.```.````",
- "```````.``.`````",
- "```````.`.``````",
- "```````..```````",
- "```````.````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-right_arrow_hilite_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #c9dafb",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.####a#######.`",
- "`.####aa######.`",
- "`.####aaa#####.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.####aaaaa###.`",
- "`.####aaaa####.`",
- "`.####aaa#####.`",
- "`.####aa######.`",
- "`.####a#######.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-right_arrow_pressed_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #9e9ede",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "`..............`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.############.`",
- "`.#####a######.`",
- "`.#####aa#####.`",
- "`.#####aaa####.`",
- "`.#####aaaa###.`",
- "`.#####aaaaa##.`",
- "`.#####aaaa###.`",
- "`.#####aaa####.`",
- "`.#####aa#####.`",
- "`.#####a######.`",
- "`..............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-right_arrow_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #555555",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "```````.````````",
- "```````..```````",
- "```````...``````",
- "```````....`````",
- "```````.....````",
- "```````....`````",
- "```````...``````",
- "```````..```````",
- "```````.````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-down_arrow_hilite_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #c9dafb",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "``.............`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.#aaaaaaaaa#.`",
- "``.##aaaaaaa##.`",
- "``.###aaaaa###.`",
- "``.####aaa####.`",
- "``.#####a#####.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-down_arrow_pressed_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #4766e0",
- "# c #9e9ede",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "``.............`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.#aaaaaaaaa#.`",
- "``.##aaaaaaa##.`",
- "``.###aaaaa###.`",
- "``.####aaa####.`",
- "``.#####a#####.`",
- "``.###########.`",
- "``.............`",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-down_arrow_xpm = [
- " 16 16 8 1",
- "` c #008080",
- ". c #000000",
- "# c #000000",
- "a c #000000",
- "b c #000000",
- "c c #000000",
- "d c #000000",
- "e c #000000",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````.........```",
- "`````.......````",
- "``````.....`````",
- "```````...``````",
- "````````.```````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````",
- "````````````````"
- ]
-def GetMondrianData():
- return \
-'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00 \x08\x06\x00\
-o\xda\x84pB2\x1f\x81Fa\x8c\x9c\x08\x04Z{\xcf\xa72\xbcv\xfa\xc5\x08 \x80r\x80\
-\x04\x10@\xf9X\xbe\x00\xc9 \x14K\xc1<={\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'
-def GetMondrianBitmap():
- return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetMondrianImage().Scale(16, 16))
-def GetMondrianImage():
- import cStringIO
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetMondrianData())
- return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
-def GetMondrianIcon():
- icon = wx.EmptyIcon()
- icon.CopyFromBitmap(GetMondrianBitmap())
- return icon
-def LightColour(color, percent):
- """ Brighten input colour by percent. """
- end_color = wx.WHITE
- rd = end_color.Red() - color.Red()
- gd = end_color.Green() - color.Green()
- bd = end_color.Blue() - color.Blue()
- high = 100
- # We take the percent way of the color from color -. white
- i = percent
- r = color.Red() + ((i*rd*100)/high)/100
- g = color.Green() + ((i*gd*100)/high)/100
- b = color.Blue() + ((i*bd*100)/high)/100
- return wx.Colour(r, g, b)
-def RandomColour():
- """ Creates a random colour. """
- r = random.randint(0, 255) # Random value betweem 0-255
- g = random.randint(0, 255) # Random value betweem 0-255
- b = random.randint(0, 255) # Random value betweem 0-255
- return wx.Colour(r, g, b)
-def PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, rect, startColor, endColor, vertical=True):
- """ Draws a gradient colored box from startColor to endColor. """
- rd = endColor.Red() - startColor.Red()
- gd = endColor.Green() - startColor.Green()
- bd = endColor.Blue() - startColor.Blue()
- # Save the current pen and brush
- savedPen = dc.GetPen()
- savedBrush = dc.GetBrush()
- if vertical:
- high = rect.GetHeight()-1
- else:
- high = rect.GetWidth()-1
- if high < 1:
- return
- for i in xrange(high+1):
- r = startColor.Red() + ((i*rd*100)/high)/100
- g = startColor.Green() + ((i*gd*100)/high)/100
- b = startColor.Blue() + ((i*bd*100)/high)/100
- p = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(r, g, b))
- dc.SetPen(p)
- if vertical:
- dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y+i, rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+i)
- else:
- dc.DrawLine(rect.x+i, rect.y, rect.x+i, rect.y+rect.height)
- # Restore the pen and brush
- dc.SetPen(savedPen)
- dc.SetBrush(savedBrush)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Util functions
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def DrawButton(dc, rect, focus, upperTabs):
- # Define the rounded rectangle base on the given rect
- # we need an array of 9 points for it
- regPts = [wx.Point() for indx in xrange(9)]
- if focus:
- if upperTabs:
- leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*8)
- rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*8)
- else:
- leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*5)
- rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 10)*5)
- else:
- leftPt = wx.Point(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height / 2))
- rightPt = wx.Point(rect.x + rect.width - 2, rect.y + (rect.height / 2))
- # Define the top region
- top = wx.RectPP(rect.GetTopLeft(), rightPt)
- bottom = wx.RectPP(leftPt, rect.GetBottomRight())
- topStartColor = wx.WHITE
- if not focus:
- topStartColor = LightColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), 50)
- topEndColor = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
- bottomStartColor = topEndColor
- bottomEndColor = topEndColor
- # Incase we use bottom tabs, switch the colors
- if upperTabs:
- if focus:
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, top, topStartColor, topEndColor)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, bottom, bottomStartColor, bottomEndColor)
- else:
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, top, topEndColor , topStartColor)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, bottom, bottomStartColor, bottomEndColor)
- else:
- if focus:
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, bottom, topEndColor, bottomEndColor)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, top,topStartColor, topStartColor)
- else:
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, bottom, bottomStartColor, bottomEndColor)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, top, topEndColor, topStartColor)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FNBDropSource
-# Gives Some Custom UI Feedback during the DnD Operations
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FNBDropSource(wx.DropSource):
- """
- Give some custom UI feedback during the drag and drop operation in this
- function. It is called on each mouse move, so your implementation must
- not be too slow.
- """
- def __init__(self, win):
- """ Default class constructor. Used internally. """
- wx.DropSource.__init__(self, win)
- self._win = win
- def GiveFeedback(self, effect):
- """ Provides user with a nice feedback when tab is being dragged. """
- self._win.DrawDragHint()
- return False
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FNBDragInfo
-# Stores All The Information To Allow Drag And Drop Between Different
-# FlatNotebooks.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FNBDragInfo:
- _map = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
- def __init__(self, container, pageindex):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- self._id = id(container)
- FNBDragInfo._map[self._id] = container
- self._pageindex = pageindex
- def GetContainer(self):
- """ Returns the L{FlatNotebook} page (usually a panel). """
- return FNBDragInfo._map.get(self._id, None)
- def GetPageIndex(self):
- """ Returns the page index associated with a page. """
- return self._pageindex
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FNBDropTarget
-# Simply Used To Handle The OnDrop() Method When Dragging And Dropping Between
-# Different FlatNotebooks.
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FNBDropTarget(wx.DropTarget):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- wx.DropTarget.__init__(self)
- self._parent = parent
- self._dataobject = wx.CustomDataObject(wx.CustomDataFormat("FlatNotebook"))
- self.SetDataObject(self._dataobject)
- def OnData(self, x, y, dragres):
- """ Handles the OnData() method to call the real DnD routine. """
- if not self.GetData():
- return wx.DragNone
- draginfo = self._dataobject.GetData()
- drginfo = cPickle.loads(draginfo)
- return self._parent.OnDropTarget(x, y, drginfo.GetPageIndex(), drginfo.GetContainer())
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class PageInfo
-# Contains parameters for every FlatNotebook page
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class PageInfo:
- """
- This class holds all the information (caption, image, etc...) belonging to a
- single tab in L{FlatNotebook}.
- """
- def __init__(self, caption="", imageindex=-1, tabangle=0, enabled=True):
- """
- Default Class Constructor.
- Parameters:
- @param caption: the tab caption;
- @param imageindex: the tab image index based on the assigned (set) wx.ImageList (if any);
- @param tabangle: the tab angle (only on standard tabs, from 0 to 15 degrees);
- @param enabled: sets enabled or disabled the tab.
- """
- self._strCaption = caption
- self._TabAngle = tabangle
- self._ImageIndex = imageindex
- self._bEnabled = enabled
- self._pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
- self._size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
- self._region = wx.Region()
- self._xRect = wx.Rect()
- self._color = None
- self._hasFocus = False
- def SetCaption(self, value):
- """ Sets the tab caption. """
- self._strCaption = value
- def GetCaption(self):
- """ Returns the tab caption. """
- return self._strCaption
- def SetPosition(self, value):
- """ Sets the tab position. """
- self._pos = value
- def GetPosition(self):
- """ Returns the tab position. """
- return self._pos
- def SetSize(self, value):
- """ Sets the tab size. """
- self._size = value
- def GetSize(self):
- """ Returns the tab size. """
- return self._size
- def SetTabAngle(self, value):
- """ Sets the tab header angle (0 <= tab <= 15 degrees). """
- self._TabAngle = min(45, value)
- def GetTabAngle(self):
- """ Returns the tab angle. """
- return self._TabAngle
- def SetImageIndex(self, value):
- """ Sets the tab image index. """
- self._ImageIndex = value
- def GetImageIndex(self):
- """ Returns the tab umage index. """
- return self._ImageIndex
- def GetEnabled(self):
- """ Returns whether the tab is enabled or not. """
- return self._bEnabled
- def EnableTab(self, enabled):
- """ Sets the tab enabled or disabled. """
- self._bEnabled = enabled
- def SetRegion(self, points=[]):
- """ Sets the tab region. """
- self._region = wx.RegionFromPoints(points)
- def GetRegion(self):
- """ Returns the tab region. """
- return self._region
- def SetXRect(self, xrect):
- """ Sets the button 'X' area rect. """
- self._xRect = xrect
- def GetXRect(self):
- """ Returns the button 'X' area rect. """
- return self._xRect
- def GetColour(self):
- """ Returns the tab colour. """
- return self._color
- def SetColour(self, color):
- """ Sets the tab colour. """
- self._color = color
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FlatNotebookEvent
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FlatNotebookEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
- """
- This events will be sent when a EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED,
- mapped in the parent.
- """
- def __init__(self, eventType, id=1, nSel=-1, nOldSel=-1):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, eventType, id)
- self._eventType = eventType
- self.notify = wx.NotifyEvent(eventType, id)
- def GetNotifyEvent(self):
- """Returns the actual wx.NotifyEvent."""
- return self.notify
- def IsAllowed(self):
- """Returns whether the event is allowed or not."""
- return self.notify.IsAllowed()
- def Veto(self):
- """Vetos the event."""
- self.notify.Veto()
- def Allow(self):
- """The event is allowed."""
- self.notify.Allow()
- def SetSelection(self, nSel):
- """ Sets event selection. """
- self._selection = nSel
- def SetOldSelection(self, nOldSel):
- """ Sets old event selection. """
- self._oldselection = nOldSel
- def GetSelection(self):
- """ Returns event selection. """
- return self._selection
- def GetOldSelection(self):
- """ Returns old event selection """
- return self._oldselection
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class TabNavigatorWindow
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class TabNavigatorWindow(wx.Dialog):
- """
- This class is used to create a modal dialog that enables "Smart Tabbing",
- similar to what you would get by hitting Alt+Tab on Windows.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent=None, icon=None):
- """ Default class constructor. Used internally."""
- wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, "", style=0)
- self._selectedItem = -1
- self._indexMap = []
- if icon is None:
- self._bmp = GetMondrianBitmap()
- else:
- self._bmp = icon
- sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self._listBox = wx.ListBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, 150), [], wx.LB_SINGLE | wx.NO_BORDER)
- mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC()
- mem_dc.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(1,1))
- font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
- mem_dc.SetFont(font)
- panelHeight = mem_dc.GetCharHeight()
- panelHeight += 4 # Place a spacer of 2 pixels
- # Out signpost bitmap is 24 pixels
- if panelHeight < 24:
- panelHeight = 24
- self._panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200, panelHeight))
- sz.Add(self._panel)
- sz.Add(self._listBox, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- self.SetSizer(sz)
- # Connect events to the list box
- self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.OnKeyUp)
- self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY, self.OnNavigationKey)
- self._listBox.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, self.OnItemSelected)
- # Connect paint event to the panel
- self._panel.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPanelPaint)
- self._panel.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnPanelEraseBg)
- self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))
- self._listBox.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))
- self.PopulateListControl(parent)
- self.GetSizer().Fit(self)
- self.GetSizer().SetSizeHints(self)
- self.GetSizer().Layout()
- self.Centre()
- # Set focus on the list box to avoid having to click on it to change
- # the tab selection under GTK.
- self._listBox.SetFocus()
- def OnKeyUp(self, event):
- """Handles the wx.EVT_KEY_UP for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}."""
- if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_CONTROL:
- self.CloseDialog()
- def OnNavigationKey(self, event):
- """Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}. """
- selected = self._listBox.GetSelection()
- bk = self.GetParent()
- maxItems = bk.GetPageCount()
- if event.GetDirection():
- # Select next page
- if selected == maxItems - 1:
- itemToSelect = 0
- else:
- itemToSelect = selected + 1
- else:
- # Previous page
- if selected == 0:
- itemToSelect = maxItems - 1
- else:
- itemToSelect = selected - 1
- self._listBox.SetSelection(itemToSelect)
- def PopulateListControl(self, book):
- """Populates the L{TabNavigatorWindow} listbox with a list of tabs."""
- selection = book.GetSelection()
- count = book.GetPageCount()
- self._listBox.Append(book.GetPageText(selection))
- self._indexMap.append(selection)
- prevSel = book.GetPreviousSelection()
- if prevSel != wx.NOT_FOUND:
- # Insert the previous selection as second entry
- self._listBox.Append(book.GetPageText(prevSel))
- self._indexMap.append(prevSel)
- for c in xrange(count):
- # Skip selected page
- if c == selection:
- continue
- # Skip previous selected page as well
- if c == prevSel:
- continue
- self._listBox.Append(book.GetPageText(c))
- self._indexMap.append(c)
- # Select the next entry after the current selection
- self._listBox.SetSelection(0)
- dummy = wx.NavigationKeyEvent()
- dummy.SetDirection(True)
- self.OnNavigationKey(dummy)
- def OnItemSelected(self, event):
- """Handles the wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK event for the wx.ListBox inside L{TabNavigatorWindow}. """
- self.CloseDialog()
- def CloseDialog(self):
- """Closes the L{TabNavigatorWindow} dialog, setting selection in L{FlatNotebook}."""
- bk = self.GetParent()
- self._selectedItem = self._listBox.GetSelection()
- iter = self._indexMap[self._selectedItem]
- self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
- wx.CallAfter(bk._pages.FireEvent, iter)
- self.Destroy()
- def OnPanelPaint(self, event):
- """Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for L{TabNavigatorWindow} top panel. """
- dc = wx.PaintDC(self._panel)
- rect = self._panel.GetClientRect()
- bmp = wx.EmptyBitmap(rect.width, rect.height)
- mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC()
- mem_dc.SelectObject(bmp)
- endColour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)
- startColour = LightColour(endColour, 50)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(mem_dc, rect, startColour, endColour)
- # Draw the caption title and place the bitmap
- # get the bitmap optimal position, and draw it
- bmpPt, txtPt = wx.Point(), wx.Point()
- bmpPt.y = (rect.height - self._bmp.GetHeight())/2
- bmpPt.x = 3
- mem_dc.DrawBitmap(self._bmp, bmpPt.x, bmpPt.y, True)
- # get the text position, and draw it
- font = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- font.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
- mem_dc.SetFont(font)
- fontHeight = mem_dc.GetCharHeight()
- txtPt.x = bmpPt.x + self._bmp.GetWidth() + 4
- txtPt.y = (rect.height - fontHeight)/2
- mem_dc.SetTextForeground(wx.WHITE)
- mem_dc.DrawText("Opened tabs:", txtPt.x, txtPt.y)
- mem_dc.SelectObject(wx.NullBitmap)
- dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0)
- def OnPanelEraseBg(self, event):
- """Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for L{TabNavigatorWindow} top panel. """
- pass
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FNBRenderer
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FNBRenderer:
- """
- Parent class for the 4 renderers defined: I{Standard}, I{VC71}, I{Fancy}
- and I{VC8}. This class implements the common methods of all 4 renderers.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """Default class constructor. """
- self._tabHeight = None
- if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
- # Hack to get proper highlight color for focus rectangle from
- # current theme by creating a theme brush and getting its color.
- # kThemeBrushFocusHighlight is available on Mac OS 8.5 and higher
- brush = wx.BLACK_BRUSH
- brush.MacSetTheme(Carbon.Appearance.kThemeBrushFocusHighlight)
- self._focusPen = wx.Pen(brush.GetColour(), 2, wx.SOLID)
- else:
- self._focusPen = wx.Pen(wx.BLACK, 1, wx.USER_DASH)
- self._focusPen.SetDashes([1, 1])
- self._focusPen.SetCap(wx.CAP_BUTT)
- def GetLeftButtonPos(self, pageContainer):
- """ Returns the left button position in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- return clientWidth - 38
- else:
- return clientWidth - 54
- def GetRightButtonPos(self, pageContainer):
- """ Returns the right button position in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- return clientWidth - 22
- else:
- return clientWidth - 38
- def GetDropArrowButtonPos(self, pageContainer):
- """ Returns the drop down button position in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- return clientWidth
- else:
- return clientWidth - 22
- def GetXPos(self, pageContainer):
- """ Returns the 'X' button position in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- if style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON:
- return clientWidth
- else:
- return clientWidth - 22
- def GetButtonsAreaLength(self, pageContainer):
- """ Returns the navigation area width. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- # ''
- if style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS and style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and not style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST:
- return 0
- # 'x'
- elif style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS and not style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and not style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST:
- return 22
- # '<>'
- if not style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS and style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and not style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST:
- return 53 - 16
- # 'vx'
- if style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST and not style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON:
- return 22 + 16
- # 'v'
- if style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST and style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS:
- return 22
- # '<>v'
- if style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST and style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and not style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS:
- return 53
- # '<>x'
- return 53
- def DrawArrowAccordingToState(self, dc, pc, rect):
- lightFactor = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT) and [70] or [0])[0]
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, rect, pc._tabAreaColor, LightColour(pc._tabAreaColor, lightFactor))
- def DrawLeftArrow(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Draw the left navigation arrow. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- if style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS:
- return
- # Make sure that there are pages in the container
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec:
- return
- # Set the bitmap according to the button status
- if pc._nLeftButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_HOVER:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(left_arrow_hilite_xpm)
- elif pc._nLeftButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(left_arrow_pressed_xpm)
- else:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(left_arrow_xpm)
- if pc._nFrom == 0:
- # Handle disabled arrow
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(left_arrow_disabled_xpm)
- arrowBmp.SetMask(wx.Mask(arrowBmp, MASK_COLOR))
- # Erase old bitmap
- posx = self.GetLeftButtonPos(pc)
- self.DrawArrowAccordingToState(dc, pc, wx.Rect(posx, 6, 16, 14))
- # Draw the new bitmap
- dc.DrawBitmap(arrowBmp, posx, 6, True)
- def DrawRightArrow(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Draw the right navigation arrow. """
- pc = pageContainer
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- if style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS:
- return
- # Make sure that there are pages in the container
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec:
- return
- # Set the bitmap according to the button status
- if pc._nRightButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_HOVER:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(right_arrow_hilite_xpm)
- elif pc._nRightButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(right_arrow_pressed_xpm)
- else:
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(right_arrow_xpm)
- # Check if the right most tab is visible, if it is
- # don't rotate right anymore
- if pc._pagesInfoVec[-1].GetPosition() != wx.Point(-1, -1):
- arrowBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(right_arrow_disabled_xpm)
- arrowBmp.SetMask(wx.Mask(arrowBmp, MASK_COLOR))
- # erase old bitmap
- posx = self.GetRightButtonPos(pc)
- self.DrawArrowAccordingToState(dc, pc, wx.Rect(posx, 6, 16, 14))
- # Draw the new bitmap
- dc.DrawBitmap(arrowBmp, posx, 6, True)
- def DrawDropDownArrow(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Draws the drop-down arrow in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- # Check if this style is enabled
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- if not style & FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST:
- return
- # Make sure that there are pages in the container
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec:
- return
- if pc._nArrowDownButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_HOVER:
- downBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(down_arrow_hilite_xpm)
- elif pc._nArrowDownButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- downBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(down_arrow_pressed_xpm)
- else:
- downBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(down_arrow_xpm)
- downBmp.SetMask(wx.Mask(downBmp, MASK_COLOR))
- # erase old bitmap
- posx = self.GetDropArrowButtonPos(pc)
- self.DrawArrowAccordingToState(dc, pc, wx.Rect(posx, 6, 16, 14))
- # Draw the new bitmap
- dc.DrawBitmap(downBmp, posx, 6, True)
- def DrawX(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Draw the 'X' navigation button in the navigation area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- # Check if this style is enabled
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- if style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON:
- return
- # Make sure that there are pages in the container
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec:
- return
- # Set the bitmap according to the button status
- if pc._nXButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_HOVER:
- xbmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_hilite_xpm)
- elif pc._nXButtonStatus == FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- xbmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_pressed_xpm)
- else:
- xbmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_xpm)
- xbmp.SetMask(wx.Mask(xbmp, MASK_COLOR))
- # erase old bitmap
- posx = self.GetXPos(pc)
- self.DrawArrowAccordingToState(dc, pc, wx.Rect(posx, 6, 16, 14))
- # Draw the new bitmap
- dc.DrawBitmap(xbmp, posx, 6, True)
- def DrawTabX(self, pageContainer, dc, rect, tabIdx, btnStatus):
- """ Draws the 'X' in the selected tab. """
- pc = pageContainer
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB):
- return
- # We draw the 'x' on the active tab only
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection() or tabIdx < 0:
- return
- # Set the bitmap according to the button status
- if btnStatus == FNB_BTN_HOVER:
- xBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_hilite_xpm)
- elif btnStatus == FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- xBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_pressed_xpm)
- else:
- xBmp = wx.BitmapFromXPMData(x_button_xpm)
- # Set the masking
- xBmp.SetMask(wx.Mask(xBmp, MASK_COLOR))
- # Draw the new bitmap
- dc.DrawBitmap(xBmp, rect.x, rect.y, True)
- # Update the vector
- rr = wx.Rect(rect.x, rect.y, 14, 13)
- pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].SetXRect(rr)
- def DrawTabsLine(self, pageContainer, dc, selTabX1=-1, selTabX2=-1):
- """ Draws a line over the tabs. """
- pc = pageContainer
- clntRect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientRect3 = wx.Rect(0, 0, clntRect.width, clntRect.height)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_FF2):
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- fillColor = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
- else:
- fillColor = wx.WHITE
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(fillColor))
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- dc.DrawLine(1, 0, clntRect.width-1, 0)
- dc.DrawLine(1, 1, clntRect.width-1, 1)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)))
- dc.DrawLine(1, 2, clntRect.width-1, 2)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(fillColor))
- dc.DrawLine(selTabX1 + 2, 2, selTabX2 - 1, 2)
- else:
- dc.DrawLine(1, clntRect.height, clntRect.width-1, clntRect.height)
- dc.DrawLine(1, clntRect.height-1, clntRect.width-1, clntRect.height-1)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)))
- dc.DrawLine(1, clntRect.height-2, clntRect.width-1, clntRect.height-2)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)))
- dc.DrawLine(selTabX1 + 2, clntRect.height-2, selTabX2-1, clntRect.height-2)
- else:
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- clientRect = wx.Rect(0, 2, clntRect.width, clntRect.height - 2)
- clientRect2 = wx.Rect(0, 1, clntRect.width, clntRect.height - 1)
- else:
- clientRect = wx.Rect(0, 0, clntRect.width, clntRect.height - 2)
- clientRect2 = wx.Rect(0, 0, clntRect.width, clntRect.height - 1)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(pc.GetSingleLineBorderColour()))
- dc.DrawRectangleRect(clientRect2)
- dc.DrawRectangleRect(clientRect3)
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)))
- dc.DrawRectangleRect(clientRect)
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_TABS_BORDER_SIMPLE):
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((pc.HasFlag(FNB_VC71) and [wx.Colour(247, 243, 233)] or [pc._tabAreaColor])[0]))
- dc.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, clientRect.height+1)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- dc.DrawLine(0, clientRect.height+1, clientRect.width, clientRect.height+1)
- else:
- dc.DrawLine(0, 0, clientRect.width, 0)
- dc.DrawLine(clientRect.width - 1, 0, clientRect.width - 1, clientRect.height+1)
- def CalcTabWidth(self, pageContainer, tabIdx, tabHeight):
- """ Calculates the width of the input tab. """
- pc = pageContainer
- dc = wx.MemoryDC()
- dc.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(1,1))
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- if pc.IsDefaultTabs():
- shapePoints = int(tabHeight*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))
- # Calculate the text length using the bold font, so when selecting a tab
- # its width will not change
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- width, pom = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- # Set a minimum size to a tab
- if width < 20:
- width = 20
- tabWidth = 2*pc._pParent.GetPadding() + width
- # Style to add a small 'x' button on the top right
- # of the tab
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- # The xpm image that contains the 'x' button is 9 pixels
- spacer = 9
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_VC8):
- spacer = 4
- tabWidth += pc._pParent.GetPadding() + spacer
- if pc.IsDefaultTabs():
- # Default style
- tabWidth += 2*shapePoints
- hasImage = pc._ImageList != None and pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- # For VC71 style, we only add the icon size (16 pixels)
- if hasImage:
- if not pc.IsDefaultTabs():
- tabWidth += 16 + pc._pParent.GetPadding()
- else:
- # Default style
- tabWidth += 16 + pc._pParent.GetPadding() + shapePoints/2
- return tabWidth
- def CalcTabHeight(self, pageContainer):
- """ Calculates the height of the input tab. """
- if self._tabHeight:
- return self._tabHeight
- pc = pageContainer
- dc = wx.MemoryDC()
- dc.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(1,1))
- # For GTK it seems that we must do this steps in order
- # for the tabs will get the proper height on initialization
- # on MSW, preforming these steps yields wierd results
- normalFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont = normalFont
- if "__WXGTK__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- height = dc.GetCharHeight()
- tabHeight = height + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER # We use 8 pixels as padding
- if "__WXGTK__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- # On GTK the tabs are should be larger
- tabHeight += 6
- self._tabHeight = tabHeight
- return tabHeight
- def DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Actually draws the tabs in L{FlatNotebook}."""
- pc = pageContainer
- if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- # Works well on MSW & GTK, however this lines should be skipped on MAC
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec or pc._nFrom >= len(pc._pagesInfoVec):
- pc.Hide()
- return
- # Get the text hight
- tabHeight = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer)
- style = pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- # Calculate the number of rows required for drawing the tabs
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- # Set the maximum client size
- pc.SetSizeHints(self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc), tabHeight)
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- if style & FNB_VC71:
- backBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(247, 243, 233))
- else:
- backBrush = wx.Brush(pc._tabAreaColor)
- noselBrush = wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE))
- selBrush = wx.Brush(pc._activeTabColor)
- size = pc.GetSize()
- # Background
- dc.SetTextBackground((style & FNB_VC71 and [wx.Colour(247, 243, 233)] or [pc.GetBackgroundColour()])[0])
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._activeTextColor)
- dc.SetBrush(backBrush)
- # If border style is set, set the pen to be border pen
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- else:
- colr = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_VC71) and [wx.Colour(247, 243, 233)] or [pc.GetBackgroundColour()])[0]
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colr))
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_FF2):
- lightFactor = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT) and [70] or [0])[0]
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, pc.GetClientRect(), pc._tabAreaColor, LightColour(pc._tabAreaColor, lightFactor))
- dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y)
- # We always draw the bottom/upper line of the tabs
- # regradless the style
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_FF2):
- self.DrawTabsLine(pc, dc)
- # Restore the pen
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_VC71):
- greyLineYVal = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [0] or [size.y - 2])[0]
- whiteLineYVal = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [3] or [size.y - 3])[0]
- pen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))
- dc.SetPen(pen)
- # Draw thik grey line between the windows area and
- # the tab area
- for num in xrange(3):
- dc.DrawLine(0, greyLineYVal + num, size.x, greyLineYVal + num)
- wbPen = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [wx.BLACK_PEN] or [wx.WHITE_PEN])[0]
- dc.SetPen(wbPen)
- dc.DrawLine(1, whiteLineYVal, size.x - 1, whiteLineYVal)
- # Restore the pen
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- # Draw labels
- normalFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- posx = pc._pParent.GetPadding()
- # Update all the tabs from 0 to 'pc._nFrom' to be non visible
- for i in xrange(pc._nFrom):
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetPosition(wx.Point(-1, -1))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetRegion().Clear()
- count = pc._nFrom
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- # Go over and draw the visible tabs
- #----------------------------------------------------------
- x1 = x2 = -1
- for i in xrange(pc._nFrom, len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_FF2):
- dc.SetBrush((i==pc.GetSelection() and [selBrush] or [noselBrush])[0])
- # Now set the font to the correct font
- dc.SetFont((i==pc.GetSelection() and [boldFont] or [normalFont])[0])
- # Add the padding to the tab width
- # Tab width:
- # +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- # +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- tabWidth = self.CalcTabWidth(pageContainer, i, tabHeight)
- # Check if we can draw more
- if posx + tabWidth + self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc) >= clientWidth:
- break
- count = count + 1
- # By default we clean the tab region
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetRegion().Clear()
- # Clean the 'x' buttn on the tab.
- # A 'Clean' rectangle, is a rectangle with width or height
- # with values lower than or equal to 0
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetXRect().SetSize(wx.Size(-1, -1))
- # Draw the tab (border, text, image & 'x' on tab)
- self.DrawTab(pc, dc, posx, i, tabWidth, tabHeight, pc._nTabXButtonStatus)
- if pc.GetSelection() == i:
- x1 = posx
- x2 = posx + tabWidth + 2
- # Restore the text forground
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._activeTextColor)
- # Update the tab position & size
- posy = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [0] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetPosition(wx.Point(posx, posy))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetSize(wx.Size(tabWidth, tabHeight))
- self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, pc, pc._pagesInfoVec[i])
- posx += tabWidth
- # Update all tabs that can not fit into the screen as non-visible
- for i in xrange(count, len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetPosition(wx.Point(-1, -1))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetRegion().Clear()
- # Draw the left/right/close buttons
- # Left arrow
- self.DrawLeftArrow(pc, dc)
- self.DrawRightArrow(pc, dc)
- self.DrawX(pc, dc)
- self.DrawDropDownArrow(pc, dc)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_FF2):
- self.DrawTabsLine(pc, dc, x1, x2)
- def DrawFocusRectangle(self, dc, pageContainer, page):
- """ Draws a focus rectangle like the native Notebooks. """
- if not page._hasFocus:
- return
- tabPos = wx.Point(*page.GetPosition())
- if pageContainer.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag() & FNB_VC8:
- vc8ShapeLen = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer) - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING - 2
- tabPos.x += vc8ShapeLen
- rect = wx.RectPS(tabPos, page.GetSize())
- rect = wx.Rect(rect.x+2, rect.y+2, rect.width-4, rect.height-8)
- if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
- rect.SetWidth(rect.GetWidth() + 1)
- dc.SetPen(self._focusPen)
- dc.DrawRoundedRectangleRect(rect, 2)
- def DrawDragHint(self, pc, tabIdx):
- """
- Draws tab drag hint, the default implementation is to do nothing.
- You can override this function to provide a nice feedback to user.
- """
- pass
- def NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr=-1):
- pc = pageContainer
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- vTabInfo = []
- tabHeight = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer)
- # The drawing starts from posx
- posx = pc._pParent.GetPadding()
- if fr < 0:
- fr = pc._nFrom
- for i in xrange(fr, len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
- tabWidth = self.CalcTabWidth(pageContainer, i, tabHeight)
- if posx + tabWidth + self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc) >= clientWidth:
- break;
- # Add a result to the returned vector
- tabRect = wx.Rect(posx, VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING, tabWidth , tabHeight)
- vTabInfo.append(tabRect)
- # Advance posx
- posx += tabWidth + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER
- return vTabInfo
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FNBRendererMgr
-# A manager that handles all the renderers defined below and calls the
-# appropriate one when drawing is needed
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FNBRendererMgr:
- """
- This class represents a manager that handles all the 4 renderers defined
- and calls the appropriate one when drawing is needed.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- # register renderers
- self._renderers = {}
- self._renderers.update({-1: FNBRendererDefault()})
- self._renderers.update({FNB_VC71: FNBRendererVC71()})
- self._renderers.update({FNB_FANCY_TABS: FNBRendererFancy()})
- self._renderers.update({FNB_VC8: FNBRendererVC8()})
- self._renderers.update({FNB_FF2: FNBRendererFirefox2()})
- def GetRenderer(self, style):
- """ Returns the current renderer based on the style selected. """
- if style & FNB_VC71:
- return self._renderers[FNB_VC71]
- if style & FNB_FANCY_TABS:
- return self._renderers[FNB_FANCY_TABS]
- if style & FNB_VC8:
- return self._renderers[FNB_VC8]
- if style & FNB_FF2:
- return self._renderers[FNB_FF2]
- # the default is to return the default renderer
- return self._renderers[-1]
-# Default renderer
-class FNBRendererDefault(FNBRenderer):
- """
- This class handles the drawing of tabs using the I{Standard} renderer.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- FNBRenderer.__init__(self)
- def DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus):
- """ Draws a tab using the I{Standard} style. """
- # Default style
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- pc = pageContainer
- tabPoints = [wx.Point() for ii in xrange(7)]
- tabPoints[0].x = posx
- tabPoints[0].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [tabHeight - 2])[0]
- tabPoints[1].x = int(posx+(tabHeight-2)*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))
- tabPoints[1].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - (VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)] or [(VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)])[0]
- tabPoints[2].x = tabPoints[1].x+2
- tabPoints[2].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[3].x = int(posx+tabWidth-(tabHeight-2)*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))-2
- tabPoints[3].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[4].x = tabPoints[3].x+2
- tabPoints[4].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - (VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)] or [(VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)])[0]
- tabPoints[5].x = int(tabPoints[4].x+(tabHeight-2)*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))
- tabPoints[5].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [tabHeight - 2])[0]
- tabPoints[6].x = tabPoints[0].x
- tabPoints[6].y = tabPoints[0].y
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- # Draw the tab as rounded rectangle
- dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
- else:
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection() - 1:
- # Draw a vertical line to the right of the text
- pt1x = tabPoints[5].x
- pt1y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [4] or [tabHeight - 6])[0]
- pt2x = tabPoints[5].x
- pt2y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - 4] or [4])[0]
- dc.DrawLine(pt1x, pt1y, pt2x, pt2y)
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- savePen = dc.GetPen()
- whitePen = wx.Pen(wx.WHITE)
- whitePen.SetWidth(1)
- dc.SetPen(whitePen)
- secPt = wx.Point(tabPoints[5].x + 1, tabPoints[5].y)
- dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[0].x, tabPoints[0].y, secPt.x, secPt.y)
- # Restore the pen
- dc.SetPen(savePen)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text and image drawing
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text drawing offset from the left border of the
- # rectangle
- # The width of the images are 16 pixels
- padding = pc.GetParent().GetPadding()
- shapePoints = int(tabHeight*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))
- hasImage = pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- imageYCoord = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [6] or [8])[0]
- if hasImage:
- textOffset = 2*pc._pParent._nPadding + 16 + shapePoints/2
- else:
- textOffset = pc._pParent._nPadding + shapePoints/2
- textOffset += 2
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection():
- # Set the text background to be like the vertical lines
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._pParent.GetNonActiveTabTextColour())
- if hasImage:
- imageXOffset = textOffset - 16 - padding
- pc._ImageList.Draw(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex(), dc,
- posx + imageXOffset, imageYCoord,
- dc.DrawText(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx), posx + textOffset, imageYCoord)
- # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- tabCloseButtonXCoord = posx + textOffset + textWidth + 1
- # take a bitmap from the position of the 'x' button (the x on tab button)
- # this bitmap will be used later to delete old buttons
- tabCloseButtonYCoord = imageYCoord
- x_rect = wx.Rect(tabCloseButtonXCoord, tabCloseButtonYCoord, 16, 16)
- # Draw the tab
- self.DrawTabX(pc, dc, x_rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
-# Firefox2 renderer
-class FNBRendererFirefox2(FNBRenderer):
- """
- This class handles the drawing of tabs using the I{Firefox 2} renderer.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- FNBRenderer.__init__(self)
- def DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus):
- """ Draws a tab using the I{Firefox 2} style. """
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- pc = pageContainer
- tabPoints = [wx.Point() for indx in xrange(7)]
- tabPoints[0].x = posx + 2
- tabPoints[0].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [tabHeight - 2])[0]
- tabPoints[1].x = tabPoints[0].x
- tabPoints[1].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - (VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)] or [(VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)])[0]
- tabPoints[2].x = tabPoints[1].x+2
- tabPoints[2].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[3].x = posx + tabWidth - 2
- tabPoints[3].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[4].x = tabPoints[3].x + 2
- tabPoints[4].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - (VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)] or [(VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)])[0]
- tabPoints[5].x = tabPoints[4].x
- tabPoints[5].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [tabHeight - 2])[0]
- tabPoints[6].x = tabPoints[0].x
- tabPoints[6].y = tabPoints[0].y
- #------------------------------------
- # Paint the tab with gradient
- #------------------------------------
- rr = wx.RectPP(tabPoints[2], tabPoints[5])
- DrawButton(dc, rr, pc.GetSelection() == tabIdx , not pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM))
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- # Draw the tab as rounded rectangle
- dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text and image drawing
- # -----------------------------------
- # The width of the images are 16 pixels
- padding = pc.GetParent().GetPadding()
- shapePoints = int(tabHeight*math.tan(float(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetTabAngle())/180.0*math.pi))
- hasImage = pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- imageYCoord = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [6] or [8])[0]
- if hasImage:
- textOffset = 2*padding + 16 + shapePoints/2
- else:
- textOffset = padding + shapePoints/2
- textOffset += 2
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection():
- # Set the text background to be like the vertical lines
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._pParent.GetNonActiveTabTextColour())
- if hasImage:
- imageXOffset = textOffset - 16 - padding
- pc._ImageList.Draw(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex(), dc,
- posx + imageXOffset, imageYCoord,
- dc.DrawText(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx), posx + textOffset, imageYCoord)
- # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- tabCloseButtonXCoord = posx + textOffset + textWidth + 1
- # take a bitmap from the position of the 'x' button (the x on tab button)
- # this bitmap will be used later to delete old buttons
- tabCloseButtonYCoord = imageYCoord
- x_rect = wx.Rect(tabCloseButtonXCoord, tabCloseButtonYCoord, 16, 16)
- # Draw the tab
- self.DrawTabX(pc, dc, x_rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
-# Visual studio 7.1
-class FNBRendererVC71(FNBRenderer):
- """
- This class handles the drawing of tabs using the I{VC71} renderer.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- FNBRenderer.__init__(self)
- def DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus):
- """ Draws a tab using the I{VC71} style. """
- # Visual studio 7.1 style
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- pc = pageContainer
- dc.SetPen((tabIdx == pc.GetSelection() and [wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))] or [borderPen])[0])
- dc.SetBrush((tabIdx == pc.GetSelection() and [wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))] or [wx.Brush(wx.Colour(247, 243, 233))])[0])
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- posy = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [0] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabH = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - 5] or [tabHeight - 3])[0]
- dc.DrawRectangle(posx, posy, tabWidth, tabH)
- # Draw a black line on the left side of the
- # rectangle
- dc.SetPen(wx.BLACK_PEN)
- blackLineY2 = tabH
- dc.DrawLine(posx + tabWidth, blackLineY1, posx + tabWidth, blackLineY2)
- # To give the tab more 3D look we do the following
- # Incase the tab is on top,
- # Draw a thik white line on topof the rectangle
- # Otherwise, draw a thin (1 pixel) black line at the bottom
- pen = wx.Pen((pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [wx.BLACK] or [wx.WHITE])[0])
- dc.SetPen(pen)
- whiteLinePosY = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [blackLineY2] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING ])[0]
- dc.DrawLine(posx , whiteLinePosY, posx + tabWidth + 1, whiteLinePosY)
- # Draw a white vertical line to the left of the tab
- dc.SetPen(wx.WHITE_PEN)
- if not pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- blackLineY2 += 1
- dc.DrawLine(posx, blackLineY1, posx, blackLineY2)
- else:
- # We dont draw a rectangle for non selected tabs, but only
- # vertical line on the left
- blackLineY1 = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING + 2] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING + 1])[0]
- blackLineY2 = pc.GetSize().y - 5
- dc.DrawLine(posx + tabWidth, blackLineY1, posx + tabWidth, blackLineY2)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text and image drawing
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text drawing offset from the left border of the
- # rectangle
- # The width of the images are 16 pixels
- padding = pc.GetParent().GetPadding()
- hasImage = pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- imageYCoord = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [5] or [8])[0]
- if hasImage:
- textOffset = 2*pc._pParent._nPadding + 16
- else:
- textOffset = pc._pParent._nPadding
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection():
- # Set the text background to be like the vertical lines
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._pParent.GetNonActiveTabTextColour())
- if hasImage:
- imageXOffset = textOffset - 16 - padding
- pc._ImageList.Draw(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex(), dc,
- posx + imageXOffset, imageYCoord,
- dc.DrawText(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx), posx + textOffset, imageYCoord)
- # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- tabCloseButtonXCoord = posx + textOffset + textWidth + 1
- # take a bitmap from the position of the 'x' button (the x on tab button)
- # this bitmap will be used later to delete old buttons
- tabCloseButtonYCoord = imageYCoord
- x_rect = wx.Rect(tabCloseButtonXCoord, tabCloseButtonYCoord, 16, 16)
- # Draw the tab
- self.DrawTabX(pc, dc, x_rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
-# Fancy style
-class FNBRendererFancy(FNBRenderer):
- """
- This class handles the drawing of tabs using the I{Fancy} renderer.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- FNBRenderer.__init__(self)
- def DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus):
- """ Draws a tab using the I{Fancy} style, similar to VC71 but with gradients. """
- # Fancy tabs - like with VC71 but with the following differences:
- # - The Selected tab is colored with gradient color
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- pc = pageContainer
- pen = (tabIdx == pc.GetSelection() and [wx.Pen(pc._pParent.GetBorderColour())] or [wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE))])[0]
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- posy = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- th = tabHeight - 5
- rect = wx.Rect(posx, posy, tabWidth, th)
- col2 = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [pc._pParent.GetGradientColourTo()] or [pc._pParent.GetGradientColourFrom()])[0]
- col1 = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [pc._pParent.GetGradientColourFrom()] or [pc._pParent.GetGradientColourTo()])[0]
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, rect, col1, col2)
- dc.SetPen(pen)
- dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
- # erase the bottom/top line of the rectangle
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(pc._pParent.GetGradientColourFrom()))
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- dc.DrawLine(rect.x, 2, rect.x + rect.width, 2)
- else:
- dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height - 1, rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height - 1)
- else:
- # We dont draw a rectangle for non selected tabs, but only
- # vertical line on the left
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- dc.DrawLine(posx + tabWidth, VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING + 3, posx + tabWidth, tabHeight - 4)
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text and image drawing
- # -----------------------------------
- # Text drawing offset from the left border of the
- # rectangle
- # The width of the images are 16 pixels
- padding = pc.GetParent().GetPadding()
- hasImage = pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- imageYCoord = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [6] or [8])[0]
- if hasImage:
- textOffset = 2*pc._pParent._nPadding + 16
- else:
- textOffset = pc._pParent._nPadding
- textOffset += 2
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection():
- # Set the text background to be like the vertical lines
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._pParent.GetNonActiveTabTextColour())
- if hasImage:
- imageXOffset = textOffset - 16 - padding
- pc._ImageList.Draw(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex(), dc,
- posx + imageXOffset, imageYCoord,
- dc.DrawText(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx), posx + textOffset, imageYCoord)
- # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- tabCloseButtonXCoord = posx + textOffset + textWidth + 1
- # take a bitmap from the position of the 'x' button (the x on tab button)
- # this bitmap will be used later to delete old buttons
- tabCloseButtonYCoord = imageYCoord
- x_rect = wx.Rect(tabCloseButtonXCoord, tabCloseButtonYCoord, 16, 16)
- # Draw the tab
- self.DrawTabX(pc, dc, x_rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
-# Visual studio 2005 (VS8)
-class FNBRendererVC8(FNBRenderer):
- """
- This class handles the drawing of tabs using the I{VC8} renderer.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- FNBRenderer.__init__(self)
- self._first = True
- self._factor = 1
- def DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc):
- """ Draws all the tabs using VC8 style. Overloads The DrawTabs method in parent class. """
- pc = pageContainer
- if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- # Works well on MSW & GTK, however this lines should be skipped on MAC
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec or pc._nFrom >= len(pc._pagesInfoVec):
- pc.Hide()
- return
- # Get the text hight
- tabHeight = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer)
- # Set the font for measuring the tab height
- normalFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- # Calculate the number of rows required for drawing the tabs
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- # Set the maximum client size
- pc.SetSizeHints(self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc), tabHeight)
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- # Create brushes
- backBrush = wx.Brush(pc._tabAreaColor)
- noselBrush = wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE))
- selBrush = wx.Brush(pc._activeTabColor)
- size = pc.GetSize()
- # Background
- dc.SetTextBackground(pc.GetBackgroundColour())
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._activeTextColor)
- # If border style is set, set the pen to be border pen
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- else:
- lightFactor = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT) and [70] or [0])[0]
- # For VC8 style, we color the tab area in gradient coloring
- lightcolour = LightColour(pc._tabAreaColor, lightFactor)
- PaintStraightGradientBox(dc, pc.GetClientRect(), pc._tabAreaColor, lightcolour)
- dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y)
- # We always draw the bottom/upper line of the tabs
- # regradless the style
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- self.DrawTabsLine(pc, dc)
- # Restore the pen
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- # Draw labels
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- # Update all the tabs from 0 to 'pc.self._nFrom' to be non visible
- for i in xrange(pc._nFrom):
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetPosition(wx.Point(-1, -1))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetRegion().Clear()
- # Draw the visible tabs, in VC8 style, we draw them from right to left
- vTabsInfo = self.NumberTabsCanFit(pc)
- activeTabPosx = 0
- activeTabWidth = 0
- activeTabHeight = 0
- for cur in xrange(len(vTabsInfo)-1, -1, -1):
- # 'i' points to the index of the currently drawn tab
- # in pc.GetPageInfoVector() vector
- i = pc._nFrom + cur
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- dc.SetBrush((i==pc.GetSelection() and [selBrush] or [noselBrush])[0])
- # Now set the font to the correct font
- dc.SetFont((i==pc.GetSelection() and [boldFont] or [normalFont])[0])
- # Add the padding to the tab width
- # Tab width:
- # +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- # +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- tabWidth = self.CalcTabWidth(pageContainer, i, tabHeight)
- posx = vTabsInfo[cur].x
- # By default we clean the tab region
- # incase we use the VC8 style which requires
- # the region, it will be filled by the function
- # drawVc8Tab
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetRegion().Clear()
- # Clean the 'x' buttn on the tab
- # 'Clean' rectanlge is a rectangle with width or height
- # with values lower than or equal to 0
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].GetXRect().SetSize(wx.Size(-1, -1))
- # Draw the tab
- # Incase we are drawing the active tab
- # we need to redraw so it will appear on top
- # of all other tabs
- # when using the vc8 style, we keep the position of the active tab so we will draw it again later
- if i == pc.GetSelection() and pc.HasFlag(FNB_VC8):
- activeTabPosx = posx
- activeTabWidth = tabWidth
- activeTabHeight = tabHeight
- else:
- self.DrawTab(pc, dc, posx, i, tabWidth, tabHeight, pc._nTabXButtonStatus)
- # Restore the text forground
- dc.SetTextForeground(pc._activeTextColor)
- # Update the tab position & size
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetPosition(wx.Point(posx, VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[i].SetSize(wx.Size(tabWidth, tabHeight))
- # Incase we are in VC8 style, redraw the active tab (incase it is visible)
- if pc.GetSelection() >= pc._nFrom and pc.GetSelection() < pc._nFrom + len(vTabsInfo):
- self.DrawTab(pc, dc, activeTabPosx, pc.GetSelection(), activeTabWidth, activeTabHeight, pc._nTabXButtonStatus)
- # Update all tabs that can not fit into the screen as non-visible
- for xx in xrange(pc._nFrom + len(vTabsInfo), len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
- pc._pagesInfoVec[xx].SetPosition(wx.Point(-1, -1))
- pc._pagesInfoVec[xx].GetRegion().Clear()
- # Draw the left/right/close buttons
- # Left arrow
- self.DrawLeftArrow(pc, dc)
- self.DrawRightArrow(pc, dc)
- self.DrawX(pc, dc)
- self.DrawDropDownArrow(pc, dc)
- def DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus):
- """ Draws a tab using VC8 style. """
- pc = pageContainer
- borderPen = wx.Pen(pc._pParent.GetBorderColour())
- tabPoints = [wx.Point() for ii in xrange(8)]
- # If we draw the first tab or the active tab,
- # we draw a full tab, else we draw a truncated tab
- #
- # X(2) X(3)
- # X(1) X(4)
- #
- # X(5)
- #
- # X(0),(7) X(6)
- #
- #
- tabPoints[0].x = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [posx] or [posx+self._factor])[0]
- tabPoints[0].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [2] or [tabHeight - 3])[0]
- tabPoints[1].x = tabPoints[0].x + tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING - 3 - self._factor
- tabPoints[1].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - (VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)] or [(VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING+2)])[0]
- tabPoints[2].x = tabPoints[1].x + 4
- tabPoints[2].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[3].x = tabPoints[2].x + tabWidth - 2
- tabPoints[3].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING] or [VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING])[0]
- tabPoints[4].x = tabPoints[3].x + 1
- tabPoints[4].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [tabPoints[3].y - 1] or [tabPoints[3].y + 1])[0]
- tabPoints[5].x = tabPoints[4].x + 1
- tabPoints[5].y = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [(tabPoints[4].y - 1)] or [tabPoints[4].y + 1])[0]
- tabPoints[6].x = tabPoints[2].x + tabWidth
- tabPoints[6].y = tabPoints[0].y
- tabPoints[7].x = tabPoints[0].x
- tabPoints[7].y = tabPoints[0].y
- pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].SetRegion(tabPoints)
- # Draw the polygon
- br = dc.GetBrush()
- dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush((tabIdx == pc.GetSelection() and [pc._activeTabColor] or [pc._colorTo])[0]))
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((tabIdx == pc.GetSelection() and [wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)] or [pc._colorBorder])[0]))
- dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
- # Restore the brush
- dc.SetBrush(br)
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection() and not pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- # Top default tabs
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(pc._pParent.GetBorderColour()))
- lineY = rect.height
- curPen = dc.GetPen()
- curPen.SetWidth(1)
- dc.SetPen(curPen)
- dc.DrawLine(posx, lineY, posx+rect.width, lineY)
- # Incase we are drawing the selected tab, we draw the border of it as well
- # but without the bottom (upper line incase of wxBOTTOM)
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- borderPen = wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW))
- dc.SetPen(borderPen)
- dc.DrawPolygon(tabPoints)
- # Delete the bottom line (or the upper one, incase we use wxBOTTOM)
- dc.SetPen(wx.WHITE_PEN)
- dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[0].x, tabPoints[0].y, tabPoints[6].x, tabPoints[6].y)
- self.FillVC8GradientColour(pc, dc, tabPoints, tabIdx == pc.GetSelection(), tabIdx)
- # Draw a thin line to the right of the non-selected tab
- if tabIdx != pc.GetSelection():
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)))
- dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[4].x-1, tabPoints[4].y, tabPoints[5].x-1, tabPoints[5].y)
- dc.DrawLine(tabPoints[5].x-1, tabPoints[5].y, tabPoints[6].x-1, tabPoints[6].y)
- # Text drawing offset from the left border of the
- # rectangle
- # The width of the images are 16 pixels
- vc8ShapeLen = tabHeight - VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING - 2
- if pc.TabHasImage(tabIdx):
- textOffset = 2*pc._pParent.GetPadding() + 16 + vc8ShapeLen
- else:
- textOffset = pc._pParent.GetPadding() + vc8ShapeLen
- # Draw the image for the tab if any
- imageYCoord = (pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM) and [6] or [8])[0]
- if pc.TabHasImage(tabIdx):
- imageXOffset = textOffset - 16 - pc._pParent.GetPadding()
- pc._ImageList.Draw(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex(), dc,
- posx + imageXOffset, imageYCoord,
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- # if selected tab, draw text in bold
- if tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- dc.DrawText(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx), posx + textOffset, imageYCoord)
- # draw 'x' on tab (if enabled)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_X_ON_TAB) and tabIdx == pc.GetSelection():
- textWidth, textHeight = dc.GetTextExtent(pc.GetPageText(tabIdx))
- tabCloseButtonXCoord = posx + textOffset + textWidth + 1
- # take a bitmap from the position of the 'x' button (the x on tab button)
- # this bitmap will be used later to delete old buttons
- tabCloseButtonYCoord = imageYCoord
- x_rect = wx.Rect(tabCloseButtonXCoord, tabCloseButtonYCoord, 16, 16)
- # Draw the tab
- self.DrawTabX(pc, dc, x_rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
- self.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, pc, pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx])
- def FillVC8GradientColour(self, pageContainer, dc, tabPoints, bSelectedTab, tabIdx):
- """ Fills a tab with a gradient shading. """
- # calculate gradient coefficients
- pc = pageContainer
- if self._first:
- self._first = False
- pc._colorTo = LightColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), 0)
- pc._colorFrom = LightColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE), 60)
- col2 = pc._pParent.GetGradientColourTo()
- col1 = pc._pParent.GetGradientColourFrom()
- # If colorful tabs style is set, override the tab color
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_COLORFUL_TABS):
- if not pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetColour():
- # First time, generate color, and keep it in the vector
- tabColor = RandomColour()
- pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].SetColour(tabColor)
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- col2 = LightColour(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetColour(), 50)
- col1 = LightColour(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetColour(), 80)
- else:
- col1 = LightColour(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetColour(), 50)
- col2 = LightColour(pc._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetColour(), 80)
- size = abs(tabPoints[2].y - tabPoints[0].y) - 1
- rf, gf, bf = 0, 0, 0
- rstep = float(col2.Red() - col1.Red())/float(size)
- gstep = float(col2.Green() - col1.Green())/float(size)
- bstep = float(col2.Blue() - col1.Blue())/float(size)
- y = tabPoints[0].y
- # If we are drawing the selected tab, we need also to draw a line
- # from 0.tabPoints[0].x and tabPoints[6].x . end, we achieve this
- # by drawing the rectangle with transparent brush
- # the line under the selected tab will be deleted by the drwaing loop
- if bSelectedTab:
- self.DrawTabsLine(pc, dc)
- while 1:
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- if y > tabPoints[0].y + size:
- break
- else:
- if y < tabPoints[0].y - size:
- break
- currCol = wx.Colour(col1.Red() + rf, col1.Green() + gf, col1.Blue() + bf)
- dc.SetPen((bSelectedTab and [wx.Pen(pc._activeTabColor)] or [wx.Pen(currCol)])[0])
- startX = self.GetStartX(tabPoints, y, pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag())
- endX = self.GetEndX(tabPoints, y, pc.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag())
- dc.DrawLine(startX, y, endX, y)
- # Draw the border using the 'edge' point
- dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((bSelectedTab and [wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)] or [pc._colorBorder])[0]))
- dc.DrawPoint(startX, y)
- dc.DrawPoint(endX, y)
- # Progress the color
- rf += rstep
- gf += gstep
- bf += bstep
- if pc.HasFlag(FNB_BOTTOM):
- y = y + 1
- else:
- y = y - 1
- def GetStartX(self, tabPoints, y, style):
- """ Returns the x start position of a tab. """
- x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
- # We check the 3 points to the left
- bBottomStyle = (style & FNB_BOTTOM and [True] or [False])[0]
- match = False
- if bBottomStyle:
- for i in xrange(3):
- if y >= tabPoints[i].y and y < tabPoints[i+1].y:
- x1 = tabPoints[i].x
- x2 = tabPoints[i+1].x
- y1 = tabPoints[i].y
- y2 = tabPoints[i+1].y
- match = True
- break
- else:
- for i in xrange(3):
- if y <= tabPoints[i].y and y > tabPoints[i+1].y:
- x1 = tabPoints[i].x
- x2 = tabPoints[i+1].x
- y1 = tabPoints[i].y
- y2 = tabPoints[i+1].y
- match = True
- break
- if not match:
- return tabPoints[2].x
- # According to the equation y = ax + b => x = (y-b)/a
- # We know the first 2 points
- if x2 == x1:
- return x2
- else:
- a = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
- b = y1 - ((y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1))*x1
- if a == 0:
- return int(x1)
- x = (y - b)/a
- return int(x)
- def GetEndX(self, tabPoints, y, style):
- """ Returns the x end position of a tab. """
- x1, x2, y1, y2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
- # We check the 3 points to the left
- bBottomStyle = (style & FNB_BOTTOM and [True] or [False])[0]
- match = False
- if bBottomStyle:
- for i in xrange(7, 3, -1):
- if y >= tabPoints[i].y and y < tabPoints[i-1].y:
- x1 = tabPoints[i].x
- x2 = tabPoints[i-1].x
- y1 = tabPoints[i].y
- y2 = tabPoints[i-1].y
- match = True
- break
- else:
- for i in xrange(7, 3, -1):
- if y <= tabPoints[i].y and y > tabPoints[i-1].y:
- x1 = tabPoints[i].x
- x2 = tabPoints[i-1].x
- y1 = tabPoints[i].y
- y2 = tabPoints[i-1].y
- match = True
- break
- if not match:
- return tabPoints[3].x
- # According to the equation y = ax + b => x = (y-b)/a
- # We know the first 2 points
- # Vertical line
- if x1 == x2:
- return int(x1)
- a = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)
- b = y1 - ((y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1))*x1
- if a == 0:
- return int(x1)
- x = (y - b)/a
- return int(x)
- def NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr=-1):
- """ Returns the number of tabs that can fit in the visible area. """
- pc = pageContainer
- rect = pc.GetClientRect()
- clientWidth = rect.width
- # Empty results
- vTabInfo = []
- tabHeight = self.CalcTabHeight(pageContainer)
- # The drawing starts from posx
- posx = pc._pParent.GetPadding()
- if fr < 0:
- fr = pc._nFrom
- for i in xrange(fr, len(pc._pagesInfoVec)):
- vc8glitch = tabHeight + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER
- tabWidth = self.CalcTabWidth(pageContainer, i, tabHeight)
- if posx + tabWidth + vc8glitch + self.GetButtonsAreaLength(pc) >= clientWidth:
- break
- # Add a result to the returned vector
- tabRect = wx.Rect(posx, VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING, tabWidth, tabHeight)
- vTabInfo.append(tabRect)
- # Advance posx
- posx += tabWidth + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER
- return vTabInfo
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class FlatNotebook
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class FlatNotebook(wx.PyPanel):
- """
- Display one or more windows in a notebook.
- B{Events}:
- - B{EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING}: sent when the active
- page in the notebook is changing
- - B{EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED}: sent when the active
- page in the notebook has changed
- - B{EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING}: sent when a page in the
- notebook is closing
- - B{EVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED}: sent when a page in the
- notebook has been closed
- clicks a tab in the notebook with the right mouse
- button
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
- style=0, name="FlatNotebook"):
- """
- Default class constructor.
- All the parameters are as in wxPython class construction, except the
- 'style': this can be assigned to whatever combination of FNB_* styles.
- """
- self._bForceSelection = False
- self._nPadding = 6
- self._nFrom = 0
- style |= wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL
- self._pages = None
- self._windows = []
- self._popupWin = None
- self._naviIcon = None
- wx.PyPanel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
- self._pages = PageContainer(self, wx.ID_ANY, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY, self.OnNavigationKey)
- self.Init()
- def Init(self):
- """ Initializes all the class attributes. """
- self._pages._colorBorder = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)
- self._mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
- self.SetSizer(self._mainSizer)
- # The child panels will inherit this bg color, so leave it at the default value
- #self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_APPWORKSPACE))
- # Set default page height
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- if "__WXGTK__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- # For GTK it seems that we must do this steps in order
- # for the tabs will get the proper height on initialization
- # on MSW, preforming these steps yields wierd results
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
- dc.SetFont(boldFont)
- height = dc.GetCharHeight()
- tabHeight = height + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER # We use 8 pixels as padding
- if "__WXGTK__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- tabHeight += 6
- self._pages.SetSizeHints(-1, tabHeight)
- # Add the tab container to the sizer
- self._mainSizer.Insert(0, self._pages, 0, wx.EXPAND)
- self._mainSizer.Layout()
- self._pages._nFrom = self._nFrom
- self._pDropTarget = FNBDropTarget(self)
- self.SetDropTarget(self._pDropTarget)
- def DoGetBestSize(self):
- """ Overrides DoGetBestSize to handle sizers nicely. """
- if not self._windows:
- # Something is better than nothing... no pages!
- return wx.Size(20, 20)
- maxWidth = maxHeight = 0
- tabHeight = self.GetPageBestSize().height
- for win in self._windows:
- # Loop over all the windows to get their best size
- width, height = win.GetBestSize()
- maxWidth, maxHeight = max(maxWidth, width), max(maxHeight, height)
- return wx.Size(maxWidth, maxHeight+tabHeight)
- def SetActiveTabTextColour(self, textColour):
- """ Sets the text colour for the active tab. """
- self._pages._activeTextColor = textColour
- def OnDropTarget(self, x, y, nTabPage, wnd_oldContainer):
- """ Handles the drop action from a DND operation. """
- return self._pages.OnDropTarget(x, y, nTabPage, wnd_oldContainer)
- def GetPreviousSelection(self):
- """ Returns the previous selection. """
- return self._pages._iPreviousActivePage
- def AddPage(self, page, text, select=True, imageId=-1):
- """
- Add a page to the L{FlatNotebook}.
- @param page: Specifies the new page.
- @param text: Specifies the text for the new page.
- @param select: Specifies whether the page should be selected.
- @param imageId: Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
- Return value:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- # sanity check
- if not page:
- return False
- # reparent the window to us
- page.Reparent(self)
- # Add tab
- bSelected = select or len(self._windows) == 0
- if bSelected:
- bSelected = False
- # Check for selection and send events
- oldSelection = self._pages._iActivePage
- tabIdx = len(self._windows)
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
- event.SetSelection(tabIdx)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- event.SetEventObject(self)
- if not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) or event.IsAllowed() or len(self._windows) == 0:
- bSelected = True
- curSel = self._pages.GetSelection()
- if not self._pages.IsShown():
- self._pages.Show()
- self._pages.AddPage(text, bSelected, imageId)
- self._windows.append(page)
- self.Freeze()
- # Check if a new selection was made
- if bSelected:
- if curSel >= 0:
- # Remove the window from the main sizer
- self._mainSizer.Detach(self._windows[curSel])
- self._windows[curSel].Hide()
- if self.GetWindowStyleFlag() & FNB_BOTTOM:
- self._mainSizer.Insert(0, page, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- else:
- # We leave a space of 1 pixel around the window
- self._mainSizer.Add(page, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- else:
- # Hide the page
- page.Hide()
- self.Thaw()
- self._mainSizer.Layout()
- self.Refresh()
- return True
- def SetImageList(self, imageList):
- """ Sets the image list for the page control. """
- self._pages.SetImageList(imageList)
- def AssignImageList(self, imageList):
- """ Assigns the image list for the page control. """
- self._pages.AssignImageList(imageList)
- def GetImageList(self):
- """ Returns the associated image list. """
- return self._pages.GetImageList()
- def InsertPage(self, indx, page, text, select=True, imageId=-1):
- """
- Inserts a new page at the specified position.
- @param indx: Specifies the position of the new page.
- @param page: Specifies the new page.
- @param text: Specifies the text for the new page.
- @param select: Specifies whether the page should be selected.
- @param imageId: Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
- Return value:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- # sanity check
- if not page:
- return False
- # reparent the window to us
- page.Reparent(self)
- if not self._windows:
- self.AddPage(page, text, select, imageId)
- return True
- # Insert tab
- bSelected = select or not self._windows
- curSel = self._pages.GetSelection()
- indx = max(0, min(indx, len(self._windows)))
- if indx <= len(self._windows):
- self._windows.insert(indx, page)
- else:
- self._windows.append(page)
- if bSelected:
- bSelected = False
- # Check for selection and send events
- oldSelection = self._pages._iActivePage
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetId())
- event.SetSelection(indx)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- event.SetEventObject(self)
- if not self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) or event.IsAllowed() or len(self._windows) == 0:
- bSelected = True
- self._pages.InsertPage(indx, text, bSelected, imageId)
- if indx <= curSel:
- curSel = curSel + 1
- self.Freeze()
- # Check if a new selection was made
- if bSelected:
- if curSel >= 0:
- # Remove the window from the main sizer
- self._mainSizer.Detach(self._windows[curSel])
- self._windows[curSel].Hide()
- self._pages.SetSelection(indx)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- else:
- # Hide the page
- page.Hide()
- self.Thaw()
- self._mainSizer.Layout()
- self.Refresh()
- return True
- def SetSelection(self, page):
- """
- Sets the selection for the given page.
- The call to this function generates the page changing events
- """
- if page >= len(self._windows) or not self._windows:
- return
- # Support for disabed tabs
- if not self._pages.GetEnabled(page) and len(self._windows) > 1 and not self._bForceSelection:
- return
- curSel = self._pages.GetSelection()
- # program allows the page change
- self.Freeze()
- if curSel >= 0:
- # Remove the window from the main sizer
- self._mainSizer.Detach(self._windows[curSel])
- self._windows[curSel].Hide()
- if self.GetWindowStyleFlag() & FNB_BOTTOM:
- self._mainSizer.Insert(0, self._windows[page], 1, wx.EXPAND)
- else:
- # We leave a space of 1 pixel around the window
- self._mainSizer.Add(self._windows[page], 1, wx.EXPAND)
- self._windows[page].Show()
- self.Thaw()
- self._mainSizer.Layout()
- if page != self._pages._iActivePage:
- # there is a real page changing
- self._pages._iPreviousActivePage = self._pages._iActivePage
- self._pages._iActivePage = page
- self._pages.DoSetSelection(page)
- def DeletePage(self, page):
- """
- Deletes the specified page, and the associated window.
- The call to this function generates the page changing events.
- """
- if page >= len(self._windows) or page < 0:
- return
- # Fire a closing event
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.GetId())
- event.SetSelection(page)
- event.SetEventObject(self)
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- # The event handler allows it?
- if not event.IsAllowed():
- return
- self.Freeze()
- # Delete the requested page
- pageRemoved = self._windows[page]
- # If the page is the current window, remove it from the sizer
- # as well
- if page == self._pages.GetSelection():
- self._mainSizer.Detach(pageRemoved)
- # Remove it from the array as well
- self._windows.pop(page)
- # Now we can destroy it in wxWidgets use Destroy instead of delete
- pageRemoved.Destroy()
- self.Thaw()
- self._pages.DoDeletePage(page)
- self.Refresh()
- self.Update()
- # Fire a closed event
- closedEvent = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSED, self.GetId())
- closedEvent.SetSelection(page)
- closedEvent.SetEventObject(self)
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(closedEvent)
- def DeleteAllPages(self):
- """ Deletes all the pages. """
- if not self._windows:
- return False
- self.Freeze()
- for page in self._windows:
- page.Destroy()
- self._windows = []
- self.Thaw()
- # Clear the container of the tabs as well
- self._pages.DeleteAllPages()
- return True
- def GetCurrentPage(self):
- """ Returns the currently selected notebook page or None. """
- sel = self._pages.GetSelection()
- if sel < 0:
- return None
- return self._windows[sel]
- def GetPage(self, page):
- """ Returns the window at the given page position, or None. """
- if page >= len(self._windows):
- return None
- return self._windows[page]
- def GetPageIndex(self, win):
- """ Returns the index at which the window is found. """
- try:
- return self._windows.index(win)
- except:
- return -1
- def GetSelection(self):
- """ Returns the currently selected page, or -1 if none was selected. """
- return self._pages.GetSelection()
- def AdvanceSelection(self, forward=True):
- """
- Cycles through the tabs.
- The call to this function generates the page changing events.
- """
- self._pages.AdvanceSelection(forward)
- def GetPageCount(self):
- """ Returns the number of pages in the L{FlatNotebook} control. """
- return self._pages.GetPageCount()
- def SetNavigatorIcon(self, bmp):
- """ Set the icon used by the L{TabNavigatorWindow} """
- if isinstance(bmp, wx.Bitmap) and bmp.IsOk():
- # Make sure image is proper size
- if bmp.GetSize() != (16, 16):
- img = bmp.ConvertToImage()
- img.Rescale(16, 16, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)
- bmp = wx.BitmapFromImage(img)
- self._naviIcon = bmp
- else:
- raise TypeError, "SetNavigatorIcon requires a valid bitmap"
- def Navigation(self, direction=True):
- if len(self._windows) >= 1:
- if not self._popupWin:
- self._popupWin = TabNavigatorWindow(self, self._naviIcon)
- self._popupWin.SetReturnCode(wx.ID_OK)
- self._popupWin.ShowModal()
- self._popupWin.Destroy()
- self._popupWin = None
- else:
- # a dialog is already opened
- self._popupWin.Navigation(direction)
- def OnNavigationKey(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY event for L{FlatNotebook}. """
- if event.IsWindowChange():
- if len(self._windows) == 0:
- return
- # change pages
- if self.HasFlag(FNB_SMART_TABS):
- if not self._popupWin:
- self._popupWin = TabNavigatorWindow(self, self._naviIcon)
- self._popupWin.SetReturnCode(wx.ID_OK)
- self._popupWin.ShowModal()
- self._popupWin.Destroy()
- self._popupWin = None
- else:
- # a dialog is already opened
- self._popupWin.OnNavigationKey(event)
- return
- else:
- # change pages
- self.AdvanceSelection(event.GetDirection())
- else:
- event.Skip()
- def GetPageShapeAngle(self, page_index):
- """ Returns the angle associated to a tab. """
- if page_index < 0 or page_index >= len(self._pages._pagesInfoVec):
- return None, False
- result = self._pages._pagesInfoVec[page_index].GetTabAngle()
- return result, True
- def SetPageShapeAngle(self, page_index, angle):
- """ Sets the angle associated to a tab. """
- if page_index < 0 or page_index >= len(self._pages._pagesInfoVec):
- return
- if angle > 15:
- return
- self._pages._pagesInfoVec[page_index].SetTabAngle(angle)
- def SetAllPagesShapeAngle(self, angle):
- """ Sets the angle associated to all the tab. """
- if angle > 15:
- return
- for ii in xrange(len(self._pages._pagesInfoVec)):
- self._pages._pagesInfoVec[ii].SetTabAngle(angle)
- self.Refresh()
- def GetPageBestSize(self):
- """ Return the page best size. """
- return self._pages.GetClientSize()
- def SetPageText(self, page, text):
- """ Sets the text for the given page. """
- bVal = self._pages.SetPageText(page, text)
- self._pages.EnsureVisible(page, False)
- self._pages.Refresh()
- return bVal
- def SetPadding(self, padding):
- """
- Sets the amount of space around each page's icon and label, in pixels.
- NB: only the horizontal padding is considered.
- """
- self._nPadding = padding.GetWidth()
- def GetTabArea(self):
- """ Returns the associated page. """
- return self._pages
- def GetPadding(self):
- """ Returns the amount of space around each page's icon and label, in pixels. """
- return self._nPadding
- def SetWindowStyleFlag(self, style):
- """ Sets the L{FlatNotebook} window style flags. """
- wx.PyPanel.SetWindowStyleFlag(self, style)
- renderer = self._pages._mgr.GetRenderer(self.GetWindowStyleFlag())
- renderer._tabHeight = None
- if self._pages:
- # For changing the tab position (i.e. placing them top/bottom)
- # refreshing the tab container is not enough
- self.SetSelection(self._pages._iActivePage)
- if not self._pages.HasFlag(FNB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB):
- #For Redrawing the Tabs once you remove the Hide tyle
- self._pages._ReShow()
- def RemovePage(self, page):
- """ Deletes the specified page, without deleting the associated window. """
- if page >= len(self._windows):
- return False
- # Fire a closing event
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CLOSING, self.GetId())
- event.SetSelection(page)
- event.SetEventObject(self)
- self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- # The event handler allows it?
- if not event.IsAllowed():
- return False
- self.Freeze()
- # Remove the requested page
- pageRemoved = self._windows[page]
- # If the page is the current window, remove it from the sizer
- # as well
- if page == self._pages.GetSelection():
- self._mainSizer.Detach(pageRemoved)
- # Remove it from the array as well
- self._windows.pop(page)
- self.Thaw()
- self._pages.DoDeletePage(page)
- return True
- def SetRightClickMenu(self, menu):
- """ Sets the popup menu associated to a right click on a tab. """
- self._pages._pRightClickMenu = menu
- def GetPageText(self, nPage):
- """ Returns the tab caption. """
- return self._pages.GetPageText(nPage)
- def SetGradientColours(self, fr, to, border):
- """ Sets the gradient colours for the tab. """
- self._pages._colorFrom = fr
- self._pages._colorTo = to
- self._pages._colorBorder = border
- def SetGradientColourFrom(self, fr):
- """ Sets the starting colour for the gradient. """
- self._pages._colorFrom = fr
- def SetGradientColourTo(self, to):
- """ Sets the ending colour for the gradient. """
- self._pages._colorTo = to
- def SetGradientColourBorder(self, border):
- """ Sets the tab border colour. """
- self._pages._colorBorder = border
- def GetGradientColourFrom(self):
- """ Gets first gradient colour. """
- return self._pages._colorFrom
- def GetGradientColourTo(self):
- """ Gets second gradient colour. """
- return self._pages._colorTo
- def GetGradientColourBorder(self):
- """ Gets the tab border colour. """
- return self._pages._colorBorder
- def GetBorderColour(self):
- """ Returns the border colour. """
- return self._pages._colorBorder
- def GetActiveTabTextColour(self):
- """ Get the active tab text colour. """
- return self._pages._activeTextColor
- def SetPageImage(self, page, image):
- """
- Sets the image index for the given page. Image is an index into the
- image list which was set with SetImageList.
- """
- self._pages.SetPageImage(page, image)
- def GetPageImage(self, nPage):
- """
- Returns the image index for the given page. Image is an index into the
- image list which was set with SetImageList.
- """
- return self._pages.GetPageImage(nPage)
- def GetEnabled(self, page):
- """ Returns whether a tab is enabled or not. """
- return self._pages.GetEnabled(page)
- def EnableTab(self, page, enabled=True):
- """ Enables or disables a tab. """
- if page >= len(self._windows):
- return
- self._windows[page].Enable(enabled)
- self._pages.EnableTab(page, enabled)
- def GetNonActiveTabTextColour(self):
- """ Returns the non active tabs text colour. """
- return self._pages._nonActiveTextColor
- def SetNonActiveTabTextColour(self, color):
- """ Sets the non active tabs text colour. """
- self._pages._nonActiveTextColor = color
- def SetTabAreaColour(self, color):
- """ Sets the area behind the tabs colour. """
- self._pages._tabAreaColor = color
- def GetTabAreaColour(self):
- """ Returns the area behind the tabs colour. """
- return self._pages._tabAreaColor
- def SetActiveTabColour(self, color):
- """ Sets the active tab colour. """
- self._pages._activeTabColor = color
- def GetActiveTabColour(self):
- """ Returns the active tab colour. """
- return self._pages._activeTabColor
- def EnsureVisible(self, page):
- """ Ensures that a tab is visible. """
- self._pages.DoSetSelection(page)
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Class PageContainer
-# Acts as a container for the pages you add to FlatNotebook
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-class PageContainer(wx.Panel):
- """
- This class acts as a container for the pages you add to L{FlatNotebook}.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
- size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
- """ Default class constructor. """
- self._ImageList = None
- self._iActivePage = -1
- self._pDropTarget = None
- self._nLeftClickZone = FNB_NOWHERE
- self._iPreviousActivePage = -1
- self._pRightClickMenu = None
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._pParent = parent
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._pagesInfoVec = []
- self._colorTo = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION)
- self._colorFrom = wx.WHITE
- self._activeTabColor = wx.WHITE
- self._activeTextColor = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT)
- self._nonActiveTextColor = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT)
- self._tabAreaColor = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)
- self._nFrom = 0
- self._isdragging = False
- # Set default page height, this is done according to the system font
- memDc = wx.MemoryDC()
- memDc.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(1,1))
- if "__WXGTK__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
- boldFont = wx.SystemSettings_GetFont(wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)
- boldFont.SetWeight(wx.BOLD)
- memDc.SetFont(boldFont)
- height = memDc.GetCharHeight()
- tabHeight = height + FNB_HEIGHT_SPACER # We use 10 pixels as padding
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, wx.Size(size.x, tabHeight),
- self._pDropTarget = FNBDropTarget(self)
- self.SetDropTarget(self._pDropTarget)
- self._mgr = FNBRendererMgr()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnMiddleDown)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMouseMove)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnMouseLeave)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnMouseEnterWindow)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.OnSetFocus)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown)
- def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for L{PageContainer} (does nothing)."""
- pass
- def _ReShow(self):
- """ Handles the Redraw of the tabs when the FNB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB has been removed """
- self.Show()
- self.GetParent()._mainSizer.Layout()
- self.Refresh()
- def OnPaint(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for L{PageContainer}."""
- dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
- renderer = self._mgr.GetRenderer(self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag())
- renderer.DrawTabs(self, dc)
- if self.HasFlag(FNB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB) and len(self._pagesInfoVec) <= 1:
- self.Hide()
- self.GetParent()._mainSizer.Layout()
- self.Refresh()
- def AddPage(self, caption, selected=True, imgindex=-1):
- """
- Add a page to the L{FlatNotebook}.
- @param window: Specifies the new page.
- @param caption: Specifies the text for the new page.
- @param selected: Specifies whether the page should be selected.
- @param imgindex: Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
- Return value:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- if selected:
- self._iPreviousActivePage = self._iActivePage
- self._iActivePage = len(self._pagesInfoVec)
- # Create page info and add it to the vector
- pageInfo = PageInfo(caption, imgindex)
- self._pagesInfoVec.append(pageInfo)
- self.Refresh()
- def InsertPage(self, indx, text, selected=True, imgindex=-1):
- """
- Inserts a new page at the specified position.
- @param indx: Specifies the position of the new page.
- @param page: Specifies the new page.
- @param text: Specifies the text for the new page.
- @param select: Specifies whether the page should be selected.
- @param imgindex: Specifies the optional image index for the new page.
- Return value:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- if selected:
- self._iPreviousActivePage = self._iActivePage
- self._iActivePage = len(self._pagesInfoVec)
- self._pagesInfoVec.insert(indx, PageInfo(text, imgindex))
- self.Refresh()
- return True
- def OnSize(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE events for L{PageContainer}. """
- # When resizing the control, try to fit to screen as many tabs as we can
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- renderer = self._mgr.GetRenderer(style)
- fr = 0
- page = self.GetSelection()
- for fr in xrange(self._nFrom):
- vTabInfo = renderer.NumberTabsCanFit(self, fr)
- if page - fr >= len(vTabInfo):
- continue
- break
- self._nFrom = fr
- self.EnsureVisible(page, False)
- self.Refresh() # Call on paint
- event.Skip()
- def OnMiddleDown(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN events for L{PageContainer}. """
- # Test if this style is enabled
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- return
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if where == FNB_TAB:
- self.DeletePage(tabIdx)
- event.Skip()
- def OnRightDown(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN events for L{PageContainer}. """
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if where in [FNB_TAB, FNB_TAB_X]:
- if self._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetEnabled():
- # Fire events and eventually (if allowed) change selection
- self.FireEvent(tabIdx)
- # send a message to popup a custom menu
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CONTEXT_MENU, self.GetParent().GetId())
- event.SetSelection(tabIdx)
- event.SetOldSelection(self._iActivePage)
- event.SetEventObject(self.GetParent())
- self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- if self._pRightClickMenu:
- self.PopupMenu(self._pRightClickMenu)
- event.Skip()
- def OnLeftDown(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN events for L{PageContainer}. """
- # Reset buttons status
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nLeftClickZone, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW:
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_PRESSED
- self.Refresh()
- elif self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_LEFT_ARROW:
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_PRESSED
- self.Refresh()
- elif self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_RIGHT_ARROW:
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_PRESSED
- self.Refresh()
- elif self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_X:
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_PRESSED
- self.Refresh()
- elif self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_TAB_X:
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_PRESSED
- self.Refresh()
- elif self._nLeftClickZone == FNB_TAB:
- if self._iActivePage != tabIdx:
- # In case the tab is disabled, we dont allow to choose it
- if self._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetEnabled():
- self.FireEvent(tabIdx)
- def RotateLeft(self):
- if self._nFrom == 0:
- return
- # Make sure that the button was pressed before
- if self._nLeftButtonStatus != FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- return
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- # We scroll left with bulks of 5
- scrollLeft = self.GetNumTabsCanScrollLeft()
- self._nFrom -= scrollLeft
- if self._nFrom < 0:
- self._nFrom = 0
- self.Refresh()
- def RotateRight(self):
- if self._nFrom >= len(self._pagesInfoVec) - 1:
- return
- # Make sure that the button was pressed before
- if self._nRightButtonStatus != FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- return
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- # Check if the right most tab is visible, if it is
- # don't rotate right anymore
- if self._pagesInfoVec[len(self._pagesInfoVec)-1].GetPosition() != wx.Point(-1, -1):
- return
- self._nFrom += 1
- self.Refresh()
- def OnLeftUp(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP events for L{PageContainer}. """
- # forget the zone that was initially clicked
- self._nLeftClickZone = FNB_NOWHERE
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- # Make sure selected tab has focus
-# self.SetFocus()
- if where == FNB_LEFT_ARROW:
- self.RotateLeft()
- elif where == FNB_RIGHT_ARROW:
- self.RotateRight()
- elif where == FNB_X:
- # Make sure that the button was pressed before
- if self._nXButtonStatus != FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- return
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- self.DeletePage(self._iActivePage)
- elif where == FNB_TAB_X:
- # Make sure that the button was pressed before
- if self._nTabXButtonStatus != FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- return
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- self.DeletePage(self._iActivePage)
- elif where == FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW:
- # Make sure that the button was pressed before
- if self._nArrowDownButtonStatus != FNB_BTN_PRESSED:
- return
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- # Refresh the button status
- renderer = self._mgr.GetRenderer(self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag())
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- renderer.DrawDropDownArrow(self, dc)
- self.PopupTabsMenu()
- event.Skip()
- def HitTest(self, pt):
- """
- HitTest method for L{PageContainer}.
- Returns the flag (if any) and the hit page (if any).
- """
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- render = self._mgr.GetRenderer(style)
- fullrect = self.GetClientRect()
- btnLeftPos = render.GetLeftButtonPos(self)
- btnRightPos = render.GetRightButtonPos(self)
- btnDropdownPos = render.GetDropArrowButtonPos(self)
- btnXPos = render.GetXPos(self)
- tabIdx = -1
- if len(self._pagesInfoVec) == 0:
- return FNB_NOWHERE, tabIdx
- rect = wx.Rect(btnXPos, 8, 16, 16)
- if rect.Contains(pt):
- return (style & FNB_NO_X_BUTTON and [FNB_NOWHERE] or [FNB_X])[0], tabIdx
- rect = wx.Rect(btnDropdownPos, 8, 16, 16)
- rect = wx.Rect(render.GetDropArrowButtonPos(self), 8, 16, 16)
- if rect.Contains(pt):
- return FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW, tabIdx
- rect = wx.Rect(btnRightPos, 8, 16, 16)
- if rect.Contains(pt):
- return (style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS and [FNB_NOWHERE] or [FNB_RIGHT_ARROW])[0], tabIdx
- rect = wx.Rect(btnLeftPos, 8, 16, 16)
- if rect.Contains(pt):
- return (style & FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS and [FNB_NOWHERE] or [FNB_LEFT_ARROW])[0], tabIdx
- # Test whether a left click was made on a tab
- bFoundMatch = False
- for cur in xrange(self._nFrom, len(self._pagesInfoVec)):
- pgInfo = self._pagesInfoVec[cur]
- if pgInfo.GetPosition() == wx.Point(-1, -1):
- continue
- if style & FNB_X_ON_TAB and cur == self.GetSelection():
- # 'x' button exists on a tab
- if self._pagesInfoVec[cur].GetXRect().Contains(pt):
- return FNB_TAB_X, cur
- if style & FNB_VC8:
- if self._pagesInfoVec[cur].GetRegion().Contains(pt.x, pt.y):
- if bFoundMatch or cur == self.GetSelection():
- return FNB_TAB, cur
- tabIdx = cur
- bFoundMatch = True
- else:
- tabRect = wx.Rect(pgInfo.GetPosition().x, pgInfo.GetPosition().y,
- pgInfo.GetSize().x, pgInfo.GetSize().y)
- if tabRect.Contains(pt):
- # We have a match
- return FNB_TAB, cur
- if bFoundMatch:
- return FNB_TAB, tabIdx
- if self._isdragging:
- # We are doing DND, so check also the region outside the tabs
- # try before the first tab
- pgInfo = self._pagesInfoVec[0]
- tabRect = wx.Rect(0, pgInfo.GetPosition().y, pgInfo.GetPosition().x, self.GetParent().GetSize().y)
- if tabRect.Contains(pt):
- return FNB_TAB, 0
- # try after the last tab
- pgInfo = self._pagesInfoVec[-1]
- startpos = pgInfo.GetPosition().x+pgInfo.GetSize().x
- tabRect = wx.Rect(startpos, pgInfo.GetPosition().y, fullrect.width-startpos, self.GetParent().GetSize().y)
- if tabRect.Contains(pt):
- return FNB_TAB, len(self._pagesInfoVec)
- # Default
- return FNB_NOWHERE, -1
- def SetSelection(self, page):
- """ Sets the selected page. """
- book = self.GetParent()
- book.SetSelection(page)
- self.DoSetSelection(page)
- def DoSetSelection(self, page):
- """ Does the actual selection of a page. """
- if page < len(self._pagesInfoVec):
- #! fix for tabfocus
- da_page = self._pParent.GetPage(page)
-# if da_page != None:
-# da_page.SetFocus()
- self.EnsureVisible(page)
- def EnsureVisible(self, page, refresh=True):
- if not self.IsTabVisible(page):
- # Try to remove one tab from start and try again
- if not self.CanFitToScreen(page):
- if self._nFrom > page:
- self._nFrom = page
- else:
- while self._nFrom < page:
- self._nFrom += 1
- if self.CanFitToScreen(page):
- break
- if refresh:
- self.Refresh()
- def DeletePage(self, page):
- """ Delete the specified page from L{FlatNotebook}. """
- book = self.GetParent()
- book.DeletePage(page)
- book.Refresh()
- def IsTabVisible(self, page):
- """ Returns whether a tab is visible or not. """
- iLastVisiblePage = self.GetLastVisibleTab()
- return page <= iLastVisiblePage and page >= self._nFrom
- def DoDeletePage(self, page):
- """ Does the actual page deletion. """
- # Remove the page from the vector
- book = self.GetParent()
- self._pagesInfoVec.pop(page)
- # Thanks to Yiaanis AKA Mandrav
- if self._iActivePage >= page:
- self._iActivePage = self._iActivePage - 1
- self._iPreviousActivePage = -1
- # The delete page was the last first on the array,
- # but the book still has more pages, so we set the
- # active page to be the first one (0)
- if self._iActivePage < 0 and len(self._pagesInfoVec) > 0:
- self._iActivePage = 0
- self._iPreviousActivePage = -1
- # Refresh the tabs
- if self._iActivePage >= 0:
- book._bForceSelection = True
- # Check for selection and send event
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetParent().GetId())
- event.SetSelection(self._iActivePage)
- event.SetOldSelection(self._iPreviousActivePage)
- event.SetEventObject(self.GetParent())
- self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- book.SetSelection(self._iActivePage)
- book._bForceSelection = False
- event.SetOldSelection(self._iPreviousActivePage)
- self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
- if not self._pagesInfoVec:
- # Erase the page container drawings
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- dc.Clear()
- def DeleteAllPages(self):
- """ Deletes all the pages. """
- self._iActivePage = -1
- self._iPreviousActivePage = -1
- self._nFrom = 0
- self._pagesInfoVec = []
- # Erase the page container drawings
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- dc.Clear()
- def OnMouseMove(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION for L{PageContainer}. """
- if self._pagesInfoVec and self.IsShown():
- xButtonStatus = self._nXButtonStatus
- xTabButtonStatus = self._nTabXButtonStatus
- rightButtonStatus = self._nRightButtonStatus
- leftButtonStatus = self._nLeftButtonStatus
- dropDownButtonStatus = self._nArrowDownButtonStatus
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if where == FNB_X:
- if event.LeftIsDown():
- self._nXButtonStatus = (self._nLeftClickZone==FNB_X and [FNB_BTN_PRESSED] or [FNB_BTN_NONE])[0]
- else:
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- elif where == FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW:
- if event.LeftIsDown():
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = (self._nLeftClickZone==FNB_DROP_DOWN_ARROW and [FNB_BTN_PRESSED] or [FNB_BTN_NONE])[0]
- else:
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- elif where == FNB_TAB_X:
- if event.LeftIsDown():
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = (self._nLeftClickZone==FNB_TAB_X and [FNB_BTN_PRESSED] or [FNB_BTN_NONE])[0]
- else:
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- elif where == FNB_RIGHT_ARROW:
- if event.LeftIsDown():
- self._nRightButtonStatus = (self._nLeftClickZone==FNB_RIGHT_ARROW and [FNB_BTN_PRESSED] or [FNB_BTN_NONE])[0]
- else:
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- elif where == FNB_LEFT_ARROW:
- if event.LeftIsDown():
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = (self._nLeftClickZone==FNB_LEFT_ARROW and [FNB_BTN_PRESSED] or [FNB_BTN_NONE])[0]
- else:
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_HOVER
- elif where == FNB_TAB:
- # Call virtual method for showing tooltip
- self.ShowTabTooltip(tabIdx)
- if not self.GetEnabled(tabIdx):
- # Set the cursor to be 'No-entry'
- wx.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_NO_ENTRY))
- # Support for drag and drop
- if event.Dragging() and not (style & FNB_NODRAG):
- self._isdragging = True
- draginfo = FNBDragInfo(self, tabIdx)
- drginfo = cPickle.dumps(draginfo)
- dataobject = wx.CustomDataObject(wx.CustomDataFormat("FlatNotebook"))
- dataobject.SetData(drginfo)
- dragSource = FNBDropSource(self)
- dragSource.SetData(dataobject)
- dragSource.DoDragDrop(wx.Drag_DefaultMove)
- bRedrawX = self._nXButtonStatus != xButtonStatus
- bRedrawRight = self._nRightButtonStatus != rightButtonStatus
- bRedrawLeft = self._nLeftButtonStatus != leftButtonStatus
- bRedrawTabX = self._nTabXButtonStatus != xTabButtonStatus
- bRedrawDropArrow = self._nArrowDownButtonStatus != dropDownButtonStatus
- render = self._mgr.GetRenderer(style)
- if (bRedrawX or bRedrawRight or bRedrawLeft or bRedrawTabX or bRedrawDropArrow):
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- if bRedrawX:
- render.DrawX(self, dc)
- if bRedrawLeft:
- render.DrawLeftArrow(self, dc)
- if bRedrawRight:
- render.DrawRightArrow(self, dc)
- if bRedrawTabX:
- self.Refresh()
- if bRedrawDropArrow:
- render.DrawDropDownArrow(self, dc)
- event.Skip()
- def GetLastVisibleTab(self):
- """ Returns the last visible tab. """
- if self._nFrom < 0:
- return -1
- ii = 0
- for ii in xrange(self._nFrom, len(self._pagesInfoVec)):
- if self._pagesInfoVec[ii].GetPosition() == wx.Point(-1, -1):
- break
- return ii-1
- def GetNumTabsCanScrollLeft(self):
- """ Returns the number of tabs than can be scrolled left. """
- if self._nFrom - 1 >= 0:
- return 1
- return 0
- def IsDefaultTabs(self):
- """ Returns whether a tab has a default style. """
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- res = (style & FNB_VC71) or (style & FNB_FANCY_TABS) or (style & FNB_VC8)
- return not res
- def AdvanceSelection(self, bForward=True):
- """
- Cycles through the tabs.
- The call to this function generates the page changing events.
- """
- nSel = self.GetSelection()
- if nSel < 0:
- return
- nMax = self.GetPageCount() - 1
- if bForward:
- newSelection = (nSel == nMax and [0] or [nSel + 1])[0]
- else:
- newSelection = (nSel == 0 and [nMax] or [nSel - 1])[0]
- if not self._pagesInfoVec[newSelection].GetEnabled():
- return
- self.FireEvent(newSelection)
- def OnMouseLeave(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for L{PageContainer}. """
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nTabXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- render = self._mgr.GetRenderer(style)
- dc = wx.ClientDC(self)
- render.DrawX(self, dc)
- render.DrawLeftArrow(self, dc)
- render.DrawRightArrow(self, dc)
- selection = self.GetSelection()
- if selection == -1:
- event.Skip()
- return
- if not self.IsTabVisible(selection):
- if selection == len(self._pagesInfoVec) - 1:
- if not self.CanFitToScreen(selection):
- event.Skip()
- return
- else:
- event.Skip()
- return
- render.DrawTabX(self, dc, self._pagesInfoVec[selection].GetXRect(), selection, self._nTabXButtonStatus)
- render.DrawFocusRectangle(dc, self, self._pagesInfoVec[selection])
- event.Skip()
- def OnMouseEnterWindow(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW event for L{PageContainer}. """
- self._nLeftButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nXButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nRightButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nLeftClickZone = FNB_BTN_NONE
- self._nArrowDownButtonStatus = FNB_BTN_NONE
- event.Skip()
- def ShowTabTooltip(self, tabIdx):
- """ Shows a tab tooltip. """
- pWindow = self._pParent.GetPage(tabIdx)
- if pWindow:
- pToolTip = pWindow.GetToolTip()
- if pToolTip and pToolTip.GetWindow() == pWindow:
- self.SetToolTipString(pToolTip.GetTip())
- def SetPageImage(self, page, imgindex):
- """ Sets the image index associated to a page. """
- if page < len(self._pagesInfoVec):
- self._pagesInfoVec[page].SetImageIndex(imgindex)
- self.Refresh()
- def GetPageImage(self, page):
- """ Returns the image index associated to a page. """
- if page < len(self._pagesInfoVec):
- return self._pagesInfoVec[page].GetImageIndex()
- return -1
- def OnDropTarget(self, x, y, nTabPage, wnd_oldContainer):
- """ Handles the drop action from a DND operation. """
- # Disable drag'n'drop for disabled tab
- if not wnd_oldContainer._pagesInfoVec[nTabPage].GetEnabled():
- return wx.DragCancel
- self._isdragging = True
- oldContainer = wnd_oldContainer
- nIndex = -1
- where, nIndex = self.HitTest(wx.Point(x, y))
- oldNotebook = oldContainer.GetParent()
- newNotebook = self.GetParent()
- if oldNotebook == newNotebook:
- if nTabPage >= 0:
- if where == FNB_TAB:
- self.MoveTabPage(nTabPage, nIndex)
- elif self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag() & FNB_ALLOW_FOREIGN_DND:
- if wx.Platform in ["__WXMSW__", "__WXGTK__", "__WXMAC__"]:
- if nTabPage >= 0:
- window = oldNotebook.GetPage(nTabPage)
- if window:
- where, nIndex = newNotebook._pages.HitTest(wx.Point(x, y))
- caption = oldContainer.GetPageText(nTabPage)
- imageindex = oldContainer.GetPageImage(nTabPage)
- oldNotebook.RemovePage(nTabPage)
- window.Reparent(newNotebook)
- if imageindex >= 0:
- bmp = oldNotebook.GetImageList().GetBitmap(imageindex)
- newImageList = newNotebook.GetImageList()
- if not newImageList:
- xbmp, ybmp = bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()
- newImageList = wx.ImageList(xbmp, ybmp)
- imageindex = 0
- else:
- imageindex = newImageList.GetImageCount()
- newImageList.Add(bmp)
- newNotebook.SetImageList(newImageList)
- newNotebook.InsertPage(nIndex, window, caption, True, imageindex)
- self._isdragging = False
- return wx.DragMove
- def MoveTabPage(self, nMove, nMoveTo):
- """ Moves a tab inside the same L{FlatNotebook}. """
- if nMove == nMoveTo:
- return
- elif nMoveTo < len(self._pParent._windows):
- nMoveTo = nMoveTo + 1
- self._pParent.Freeze()
- # Remove the window from the main sizer
- nCurSel = self._pParent._pages.GetSelection()
- self._pParent._mainSizer.Detach(self._pParent._windows[nCurSel])
- self._pParent._windows[nCurSel].Hide()
- pWindow = self._pParent._windows[nMove]
- self._pParent._windows.pop(nMove)
- self._pParent._windows.insert(nMoveTo-1, pWindow)
- pgInfo = self._pagesInfoVec[nMove]
- self._pagesInfoVec.pop(nMove)
- self._pagesInfoVec.insert(nMoveTo - 1, pgInfo)
- # Add the page according to the style
- pSizer = self._pParent._mainSizer
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- if style & FNB_BOTTOM:
- pSizer.Insert(0, pWindow, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- else:
- # We leave a space of 1 pixel around the window
- pSizer.Add(pWindow, 1, wx.EXPAND)
- pWindow.Show()
- pSizer.Layout()
- self._iActivePage = nMoveTo - 1
- self._iPreviousActivePage = -1
- self.DoSetSelection(self._iActivePage)
- self.Refresh()
- self._pParent.Thaw()
- def CanFitToScreen(self, page):
- """ Returns wheter a tab can fit in the left space in the screen or not. """
- # Incase the from is greater than page,
- # we need to reset the self._nFrom, so in order
- # to force the caller to do so, we return false
- if self._nFrom > page:
- return False
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- render = self._mgr.GetRenderer(style)
- vTabInfo = render.NumberTabsCanFit(self)
- if page - self._nFrom >= len(vTabInfo):
- return False
- return True
- def GetNumOfVisibleTabs(self):
- """ Returns the number of visible tabs. """
- count = 0
- for ii in xrange(self._nFrom, len(self._pagesInfoVec)):
- if self._pagesInfoVec[ii].GetPosition() == wx.Point(-1, -1):
- break
- count = count + 1
- return count
- def GetEnabled(self, page):
- """ Returns whether a tab is enabled or not. """
- if page >= len(self._pagesInfoVec):
- return True # Seems strange, but this is the default
- return self._pagesInfoVec[page].GetEnabled()
- def EnableTab(self, page, enabled=True):
- """ Enables or disables a tab. """
- if page >= len(self._pagesInfoVec):
- return
- self._pagesInfoVec[page].EnableTab(enabled)
- def GetSingleLineBorderColour(self):
- """ Returns the colour for the single line border. """
- if self.HasFlag(FNB_FANCY_TABS):
- return self._colorFrom
- return wx.WHITE
- def HasFlag(self, flag):
- """ Returns whether a flag is present in the L{FlatNotebook} style. """
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- res = (style & flag and [True] or [False])[0]
- return res
- def ClearFlag(self, flag):
- """ Deletes a flag from the L{FlatNotebook} style. """
- style = self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()
- style &= ~flag
- self.SetWindowStyleFlag(style)
- def TabHasImage(self, tabIdx):
- """ Returns whether a tab has an associated image index or not. """
- if self._ImageList:
- return self._pagesInfoVec[tabIdx].GetImageIndex() != -1
- return False
- def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK event for L{PageContainer}. """
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
- if where == FNB_RIGHT_ARROW:
- self.RotateRight()
- elif where == FNB_LEFT_ARROW:
- self.RotateLeft()
- elif self.HasFlag(FNB_DCLICK_CLOSES_TABS):
- if where == FNB_TAB:
- self.DeletePage(tabIdx)
- else:
- event.Skip()
- def OnSetFocus(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS event for L{PageContainer}. """
- if self._iActivePage < 0:
- event.Skip()
- return
- self.SetFocusedPage(self._iActivePage)
- def OnKillFocus(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS event for L{PageContainer}. """
- self.SetFocusedPage()
- def OnKeyDown(self, event):
- """
- When the PageContainer has the focus tabs can be changed with
- the left/right arrow keys.
- """
- key = event.GetKeyCode()
- if key == wx.WXK_LEFT:
- self.GetParent().AdvanceSelection(False)
- elif key == wx.WXK_RIGHT:
- self.GetParent().AdvanceSelection(True)
- elif key == wx.WXK_TAB and not event.ControlDown():
- flags = 0
- if not event.ShiftDown(): flags |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.IsForward
- if event.CmdDown(): flags |= wx.NavigationKeyEvent.WinChange
- self.Navigate(flags)
- else:
- event.Skip()
- def SetFocusedPage(self, pageIndex=-1):
- """
- Sets/Unsets the focus on the appropriate page.
- If pageIndex is defaulted, we have lost focus and no focus indicator is drawn.
- """
- for indx, page in enumerate(self._pagesInfoVec):
- if indx == pageIndex:
- page._hasFocus = True
- else:
- page._hasFocus = False
- self.Refresh()
- def PopupTabsMenu(self):
- """ Pops up the menu activated with the drop down arrow in the navigation area. """
- popupMenu = wx.Menu()
- for i in xrange(len(self._pagesInfoVec)):
- pi = self._pagesInfoVec[i]
- item = wx.MenuItem(popupMenu, i+1, pi.GetCaption(), pi.GetCaption(), wx.ITEM_NORMAL)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTabMenuSelection, item)
- # There is an alignment problem with wx2.6.3 & Menus so only use
- # images for versions above 2.6.3
- if wx.VERSION > (2, 6, 3, 0) and self.TabHasImage(i):
- item.SetBitmap(self.GetImageList().GetBitmap(pi.GetImageIndex()))
- popupMenu.AppendItem(item)
- item.Enable(pi.GetEnabled())
- self.PopupMenu(popupMenu)
- def OnTabMenuSelection(self, event):
- """ Handles the wx.EVT_MENU event for L{PageContainer}. """
- selection = event.GetId() - 1
- self.FireEvent(selection)
- def FireEvent(self, selection):
- """
- called from other methods (from menu selection or Smart Tabbing).
- Utility function.
- """
- if selection == self._iActivePage:
- # No events for the same selection
- return
- oldSelection = self._iActivePage
- event = FlatNotebookEvent(wxEVT_FLATNOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.GetParent().GetId())
- event.SetSelection(selection)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- event.SetEventObject(self.GetParent())
- if not self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event) or event.IsAllowed():
- self.SetSelection(selection)
- event.SetOldSelection(oldSelection)
- self.GetParent().GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
-# self.SetFocus()
- def SetImageList(self, imglist):
- """ Sets the image list for the page control. """
- self._ImageList = imglist
- def AssignImageList(self, imglist):
- """ Assigns the image list for the page control. """
- self._ImageList = imglist
- def GetImageList(self):
- """ Returns the image list for the page control. """
- return self._ImageList
- def GetSelection(self):
- """ Returns the current selected page. """
- return self._iActivePage
- def GetPageCount(self):
- """ Returns the number of tabs in the L{FlatNotebook} control. """
- return len(self._pagesInfoVec)
- def GetPageText(self, page):
- """ Returns the tab caption of the page. """
- return self._pagesInfoVec[page].GetCaption()
- def SetPageText(self, page, text):
- """ Sets the tab caption of the page. """
- self._pagesInfoVec[page].SetCaption(text)
- return True
- def DrawDragHint(self):
- """ Draws small arrow at the place that the tab will be placed. """
- # get the index of tab that will be replaced with the dragged tab
- pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
- client_pt = self.ScreenToClient(pt)
- where, tabIdx = self.HitTest(client_pt)
- self._mgr.GetRenderer(self.GetParent().GetWindowStyleFlag()).DrawDragHint(self, tabIdx)
diff --git a/utils/PyoDoc.py b/utils/PyoDoc.py
index 03e145f..9628f9a 100644
--- a/utils/PyoDoc.py
+++ b/utils/PyoDoc.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import with_statement
-import subprocess, threading, os
+import subprocess, threading, os, sys, unicodedata
import wx
import wx.stc as stc
from wx.lib.embeddedimage import PyEmbeddedImage
@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ from pyo import *
+PLATFORM = sys.platform
+DEFAULT_ENCODING = sys.getdefaultencoding()
+ENCODING = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
TEMP_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.epyo')
if not os.path.isdir(TEMP_PATH):
@@ -19,14 +23,14 @@ DOC_STYLES = {'Default': {'default': '#000000', 'comment': '#007F7F', 'commentbl
'number': '#005000', 'string': '#7F007F', 'triple': '#7F0000', 'keyword': '#00007F', 'keyword2': '#007F9F',
'class': '#0000FF', 'function': '#007F7F', 'identifier': '#000000', 'caret': '#00007E',
'background': '#EEEEEE', 'linenumber': '#000000', 'marginback': '#B0B0B0', 'markerfg': '#CCCCCC',
- 'markerbg': '#000000', 'bracelight': '#AABBDD', 'bracebad': '#DD0000', 'lineedge': '#CCCCCC'}}
+ 'markerbg': '#000000', 'bracelight': '#AABBDD', 'bracebad': '#DD0000', 'lineedge': '#CCCCCC'}}
if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__':
DOC_FACES = {'face': 'Verdana', 'size' : 8, 'size2': 7}
elif wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
DOC_FACES = {'face': 'Monaco', 'size' : 12, 'size2': 9}
- DOC_FACES = {'face': 'Courier New', 'size' : 8, 'size2': 7}
+ DOC_FACES = {'face': 'Monospace', 'size' : 8, 'size2': 7}
DOC_FACES['size3'] = DOC_FACES['size2'] + 4
for key, value in DOC_STYLES['Default'].items():
DOC_FACES[key] = value
@@ -206,11 +210,10 @@ functions : Miscellaneous functions.
_DOC_KEYWORDS = ['Attributes', 'Examples', 'Methods', 'Notes', 'Methods details',
- 'Parentclass', 'Overview', 'Initline', 'Description']
+ 'Parentclass', 'Overview', 'Initline', 'Description', 'Parameters']
_HEADERS = ["Server", "PyoObjectBase", "Map", "Stream", "TableStream", "functions"]
-_KEYWORDS_LIST = ['Parameters']
for k1 in _HEADERS:
@@ -786,7 +789,7 @@ class ManualPanel(wx.Treebook):
if not panel.isLoad:
panel.isLoad = True
panel.win = stc.StyledTextCtrl(panel, -1, size=panel.GetSize(), style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
- panel.win.LoadFile(os.path.join(DOC_PATH, word))
+ panel.win.LoadFile(os.path.join(ensureNFD(DOC_PATH), word))
panel.win.SetMarginWidth(1, 0)
panel.win.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.MouseDown)
if self.searchKey != None:
@@ -925,7 +928,8 @@ class ManualFrame(wx.Frame):
self.searchMenu.Append(id, txt)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onSearchScope, id=id)
- self.search = wx.SearchCtrl(self.toolbar, 200, size=(200,-1), style=wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ tw, th = self.GetTextExtent("Q")
+ self.search = wx.SearchCtrl(self.toolbar, 200, size=(200,th+6), style=wx.WANTS_CHARS | wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
@@ -1080,6 +1084,42 @@ class RunningThread(threading.Thread):
while self.proc.poll() == None and not self.terminated:
+def ensureNFD(unistr):
+ if PLATFORM in ['linux2', 'win32']:
+ 'cp1252', 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-16']
+ format = 'NFC'
+ else:
+ 'macroman', 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-16']
+ format = 'NFC'
+ decstr = unistr
+ if type(decstr) != UnicodeType:
+ for encoding in encodings:
+ try:
+ decstr = decstr.decode(encoding)
+ break
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ continue
+ except:
+ decstr = "UnableToDecodeString"
+ print "Unicode encoding not in a recognized format..."
+ break
+ if decstr == "UnableToDecodeString":
+ return unistr
+ else:
+ return unicodedata.normalize(format, decstr)
+def toSysEncoding(unistr):
+ try:
+ if PLATFORM == "win32":
+ unistr = unistr.encode(ENCODING)
+ else:
+ unistr = unicode(unistr)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return unistr
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
diff --git a/utils/epyo_builder_OSX.sh b/utils/epyo_builder_OSX.sh
index a715ead..463cbf8 100755
--- a/utils/epyo_builder_OSX.sh
+++ b/utils/epyo_builder_OSX.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
mkdir Resources
cp PyoDoc.py Resources/
-cp FlatNoteBook.py Resources/
cp Tutorial_01_RingMod.py Resources/
cp Tutorial_02_Flanger.py Resources/
cp Tutorial_03_TriTable.py Resources/
@@ -27,20 +26,19 @@ else
-ditto --rsrc --arch i386 E-Pyo.app E-Pyo-i386.app
+# keep only 64-bit arch
+ditto --rsrc --arch x86_64 E-Pyo.app E-Pyo-x86_64.app
rm -rf E-Pyo.app
-mv E-Pyo-i386.app E-Pyo.app
+mv E-Pyo-x86_64.app E-Pyo.app
cd ..
cp -R E-Pyo_OSX/E-Pyo.app .
-# Fixed wrong path in Info.plist
-cd E-Pyo.app/Contents
-awk '{gsub("Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python", "@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Python")}1' Info.plist > Info.plist_tmp && mv Info.plist_tmp Info.plist
+# Fixed wrong path in Info.plist (no more needed python 2.7.8, py2app 0.9)
+#cd E-Pyo.app/Contents
+#awk '{gsub("Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python", "@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python")}1' Info.plist > Info.plist_tmp && mv Info.plist_tmp Info.plist
+#cd ../..
-cd ../..
-#tar -cjvf E-Pyo_OSX-0.6.1.tar.bz2 E-Pyo.app
-#rm -rf E-Pyo.app
rm -rf E-Pyo_OSX
rm -rf Resources
rm -rf examples
diff --git a/utils/epyo_builder_win32.py b/utils/epyo_builder_win32.py
index e4265c3..8241966 100644
--- a/utils/epyo_builder_win32.py
+++ b/utils/epyo_builder_win32.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ version = sys.version_info[:2]
shutil.copy("PyoDoc.py", "Resources")
-shutil.copy("FlatNoteBook.py", "Resources")
shutil.copy("Tutorial_01_RingMod.py", "Resources")
shutil.copy("Tutorial_02_Flanger.py", "Resources")
shutil.copy("Tutorial_03_TriTable.py", "Resources")
@@ -15,9 +14,9 @@ os.system("svn export ../examples Resources/examples/")
os.system("svn export snippets Resources/snippets/")
os.system("svn export styles Resources/styles/")
-os.system("C:\Python%d%d\python ..\..\pyinstaller\Configure.py" % version)
-os.system('C:\Python%d%d\python ..\..\pyinstaller\Makespec.py -F -c --icon=Resources\E-PyoIcon.ico "E-Pyo.py"' % version)
-os.system('C:\Python%d%d\python ..\..\pyinstaller\Build.py "E-Pyo.spec"' % version)
+#os.system("C:\Python%d%d\python ..\..\pyinstaller\Configure.py" % version)
+os.system('C:\Python%d%d\Scripts\pyi-makespec -F -c --icon=Resources\E-PyoIcon.ico "E-Pyo.py"' % version)
+os.system('C:\Python%d%d\Scripts\pyi-build "E-Pyo.spec"' % version)
os.mkdir("E-Pyo_py%d%d" % version)
shutil.copytree("Resources", "E-Pyo_py%d%d/Resources" % version)
diff --git a/utils/info.plist b/utils/info.plist
index b43497a..0abb41b 100644
--- a/utils/info.plist
+++ b/utils/info.plist
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@
- <string>0.6.8</string>
+ <string>0.7.4</string>
- <string>0.6.8</string>
+ <string>0.7.4</string>
- <string>0.6.8</string>
+ <string>0.7.4</string>
@@ -78,17 +78,16 @@
- <string>@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Python</string>
+ <string>@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python</string>
- <string>@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/Python</string>
+ <string>@executable_path/../Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python</string>
- <string>2.6.5 (r265:79359, Mar 24 2010, 01:32:55)
-[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)]</string>
+ <string>2.7.8 (v2.7.8:ee879c0ffa11, Jun 29 2014, 21:07:35) \n[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]</string>
- <string>2.6</string>
+ <string>2.7</string>
@@ -96,7 +95,7 @@
- <string>0.4.4</string>
+ <string>0.9</string>
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