[SCM] multimedia-blends/master: Removed trailing whitespace

umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 6 10:44:45 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 296e0b26a6d5aaa295fbc2cf92b3af1b5dfc3187
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at umlautQ.umlaeute.mur.at>
Date:   Mon Jul 6 12:42:10 2015 +0200

    Removed trailing whitespace

diff --git a/tasks/graphics b/tasks/graphics
index a76acd9..6717f6b 100644
--- a/tasks/graphics
+++ b/tasks/graphics
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Pkg-Description: graphical multi format converter
  files between all popular formats by using and combining other
  programs. It uses avconv for audio/video files, unoconv for
  document files and ImageMagick for image file conversions.
- . 
+ .
  The goal of FF Multi Converter is to gather the most popular
  multimedia types in one application and provide conversion
  options for them easily through a user-friendly interface.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ WNPP: 774005
 Depends: photoshow
 Pkg-Description: A free Web Gallery for your server
  PhotoShow is a free, open-source, and very easy to use web gallery installable
- on any web server. Only two lines of configuration, and you're good to go ! 
+ on any web server. Only two lines of configuration, and you're good to go !
  Adding and sorting photos, albums, users, and groups have never been easier.
  Simply drag and drop them wherever you want. To delete a photo or an album,
  just drag and drop it on the bin. Easy ! PhotoShow automatically generates
@@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ Depends: cooka
 Pkg-Description: simple image viewer
  Cooka is a very simple image viewer written in C# and compiled with
  Mono framework. The application is really essential:
- it has a file system browser in order to select the folder containing 
+ it has a file system browser in order to select the folder containing
  images to display;
- a thumbs viewer useful to see a preview of the images within the 
+ a thumbs viewer useful to see a preview of the images within the
  selected folder and some information like image’s name, size and
  dimension; and finally a “view” area used to display the selected
@@ -298,24 +298,24 @@ WNPP: 594789
 Depends: fractgen
 Pkg-Description: Fractal image generator
- FractGen is a simple Qt-based fractal generator program for Mandelbrot 
- fractals. The image size is only limited by virtual memory. It is possible to 
- zoom into images. Image parameters can be saved in XML files and loaded from 
+ FractGen is a simple Qt-based fractal generator program for Mandelbrot
+ fractals. The image size is only limited by virtual memory. It is possible to
+ zoom into images. Image parameters can be saved in XML files and loaded from
  XML files. Calculated images can be exported as PNG files.
- The intention of this program is to generate graphics to be post-processed by 
+ The intention of this program is to generate graphics to be post-processed by
  other image tools, e.g. in order to generate nice screen backgrounds.
 Homepage: http://www.iem.uni-due.de/~dreibh/fractalgenerator/
 WNPP: 669893
 Depends: gallery3
 Pkg-Description: web-based photo album written in PHP
- Gallery3 is a web-based photo album with multiple user support.  It 
- provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums 
+ Gallery3 is a web-based photo album with multiple user support.  It
+ provides users with the ability to create and maintain their own albums
  via an intuitive web interface.
- Gallery3 is a complete rewrite of the popular Gallery software that 
- strives for a simpler codebase and reduced scope to ease 
+ Gallery3 is a complete rewrite of the popular Gallery software that
+ strives for a simpler codebase and reduced scope to ease
 Homepage: http://gallery.sf.net/
 License: GPL

multimedia-blends packaging

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