[SCM] musescore/master: New upstream version 2.0.1

tiago at users.alioth.debian.org tiago at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Jun 16 20:46:59 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 980453879e7c12baa91b87cb118daff26021b169
Author: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jun 16 16:42:59 2015 -0400

    New upstream version 2.0.1

diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 9924350..33045cb 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -4,34 +4,56 @@ env:
    - "ARTIFACTS_S3_BUCKET=vtest.musescore.org"
    - secure: "lVj+9BBtJIjW3CwfXstvNyYVn0AkXEwTyiPmp4BprcheP78WIqZNC0uG2RjG9MgyHbZkprE7zRdqR9YPWTitg+XYkkD6+jPHRO+PQFLARuiTAX9yhUO53yQQZC2wMkQ+bFuZsFmz1rfAsPHx3bXeZAMsz+Qnh8D2yIqqV7qxwWw="
    - secure: "L+66yQZIZJTyIAfrG89ncKIkMAr4+UvaOZMsd420OSdnEH9kpdm5Kws8rG0VVLAtqhfQfi3K9DuC8Ub7IiXqil//h+I9WJ2LHKirWK0m/MkhTFC6hfi0uSnQCX/jud3Keewxf3ovgiKQvIw6VR37UC50YJM9+KhZKtsNYhGAdos="
+  apt:
+    sources:
+    - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+    packages:
+    - g++-4.9
+    - cmake
+    - alsa
+    - libsndfile1 
+    - wget 
+    - make 
+    - ant 
+    - curl
+    - libasound2-dev
+    - portaudio19-dev
+    - libsndfile1-dev
+    - zlib1g-dev
+    - libfreetype6-dev
+    - libfontconfig1-dev
+    - lame 
+    - libmp3lame-dev
+    - libegl1-mesa-dev 
+    - libegl1-mesa
+    - ccache
+sudo: false
+  directories:
+    - $HOME/.ccache
-  # rm the rabbitmq source file since it currently times out and we don't need it
-  - "sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq-source.list"
-  - "sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test"
-  - "sudo apt-get -q update"
-  - "sudo apt-get install -y g++-4.9"
-  - "sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 40 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9"
-  - "sudo apt-get install -qq alsa libsndfile1 wget make ant curl cmake"
-  - "sudo apt-get install -qq libasound2-dev portaudio19-dev libsndfile1-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig-dev"
-  - "sudo apt-get install -qq lame libmp3lame-dev"
-  - "sudo apt-get install -qq libegl1-mesa-dev libegl1-mesa"
+  - export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.9
+  - export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-4.9
   - "mkdir qt5"
-  - "wget -q -O qt5.zip http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/musescore/utils/qt541.zip"
+  - "wget -q -O qt5.zip http://utils.musescore.org.s3.amazonaws.com/qt541.zip"
   - "unzip -qq qt5.zip -d qt5"
   - "export PATH=`pwd`/qt5/bin:$PATH"
   - "export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=`pwd`/qt5/plugins"
-  # get some memory back
-  - "sudo service mysql stop"
-  - "sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop"
   #compatibility between ruby travis artefact and GO one
   - "artifacts -v || curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meatballhat/artifacts/master/install | bash"
-  - "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin"
+  - "mkdir $HOME/software"
+  - "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/software/bin"
   - "make revision"
-  - "make debug CPUS=4"
-  - "sudo make installdebug CPUS=4"
+  - "make debug CPUS=2 PREFIX=$HOME/software"
+  - "make installdebug CPUS=2 PREFIX=$HOME/software"
   - "cd build.debug/mtest"
   - "make -j2"
@@ -54,5 +76,6 @@ notifications:
       - "irc.freenode.net#musescore"
     on_success: change
     on_failure: change
+  webhooks:
+    # trigger Buildtime Trend Service to parse Travis CI log
+    - https://buildtimetrend.herokuapp.com/travis
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ffff26..635e49a 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ project(mscore)
 #minimum tested, report if it works with older
+set (CI $ENV{CI})
+if (CI)
+endif (CI)
 cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
 if(POLICY CMP0053)
@@ -131,7 +137,7 @@ set(CMAKE_SKIP_RULE_DEPENDENCY TRUE)
@@ -155,7 +161,7 @@ endif (MINGW OR APPLE)
 ##  look for Qt5
-SET(QT_MIN_VERSION    "5.2.0")
+SET(QT_MIN_VERSION    "5.3.0")
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 13bf499..c0a46b8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ REVISION  = `cat mscore/revision.h`
 CPUS      = `grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo`
 PREFIX    = "/usr/local"
-#VERSION   = "2.0b-${REVISION}"
-VERSION = 2.0.0
+#VERSION   = "2.0.1b-${REVISION}"
+VERSION = 2.0.1
 # change path to include your Qt5 installation
diff --git a/Makefile.mingw b/Makefile.mingw
index 32106fd..92034d4 100644
--- a/Makefile.mingw
+++ b/Makefile.mingw
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 REVISION  = $(shell type mscore\revision.h)
-#VERSION   = 2.0b-${REVISION}
-VERSION = 2.0.0
+#VERSION   = 2.0.1b-${REVISION}
+VERSION = 2.0.1
 CPUS = 1
diff --git a/Makefile.osx b/Makefile.osx
index 450d1ba..a33a48a 100644
--- a/Makefile.osx
+++ b/Makefile.osx
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 REVISION  = `cat mscore/revision.h`
-#VERSION   = "2.0b-${REVISION}"
-VERSION = 2.0.0
+#VERSION   = "2.0.1b-${REVISION}"
+VERSION = 2.0.1
 XCODEPROJ = mscore.xcodeproj
diff --git a/build/Packaging.cmake b/build/Packaging.cmake
index 8eee003..aaf30f7 100644
--- a/build/Packaging.cmake
+++ b/build/Packaging.cmake
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ IF(MINGW)
-  SET(CPACK_WIX_PRODUCT_GUID "36F8DD90-CE12-11E4-8830-0800200C9A66")
+  SET(CPACK_WIX_PRODUCT_GUID "703926DE-F24B-11E4-AA68-472FB664A5DC")
   SET(CPACK_WIX_PRODUCT_ICON "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mscore/data/mscore.ico")
diff --git a/build/package_mac b/build/package_mac
index f26cfc3..43aaca4 100755
--- a/build/package_mac
+++ b/build/package_mac
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 LONGER_NAME="MuseScore 2"
diff --git a/build/run_tests.sh b/build/run_tests.sh
index 7154c93..dab08b0 100755
--- a/build/run_tests.sh
+++ b/build/run_tests.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-xvfb-run ctest
+xvfb-run ctest --output-on-failure
 if [ "$PROC_RET" -ne 0 ]; then
diff --git a/fluid/fluid.cpp b/fluid/fluid.cpp
index 166af5f..cfd9f4e 100644
--- a/fluid/fluid.cpp
+++ b/fluid/fluid.cpp
@@ -628,8 +628,10 @@ bool Fluid::loadSoundFonts(const QStringList& sl)
             if (s.isEmpty())
             QString path;
+            QFileInfo fis(s);
+            QString fileName = fis.fileName();
             foreach (const QFileInfo& fi, l) {
-                  if (fi.fileName() == s) {
+                  if (fi.fileName() == fileName) {
                         path = fi.absoluteFilePath();
@@ -848,7 +850,7 @@ SynthesizerGroup Fluid::state() const
 //   setState
-void Fluid::setState(const SynthesizerGroup& sp)
+bool Fluid::setState(const SynthesizerGroup& sp)
       QStringList sfl;
       for (const IdValue& v : sp) {
@@ -857,7 +859,7 @@ void Fluid::setState(const SynthesizerGroup& sp)
                   qDebug("Fluid::setState: unknown id %d", v.id);
-      loadSoundFonts(sfl);
+      return loadSoundFonts(sfl);
diff --git a/fluid/fluid.h b/fluid/fluid.h
index b488923..a26a641 100644
--- a/fluid/fluid.h
+++ b/fluid/fluid.h
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class Fluid : public Synthesizer {
       // get/set synthesizer state (parameter set)
       virtual SynthesizerGroup state() const;
-      virtual void setState(const SynthesizerGroup&);
+      virtual bool setState(const SynthesizerGroup&);
       virtual void allSoundsOff(int);
       virtual void allNotesOff(int);
diff --git a/fluid/sfont.cpp b/fluid/sfont.cpp
index b89a264..e610db5 100644
--- a/fluid/sfont.cpp
+++ b/fluid/sfont.cpp
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ void SFont::process_info(int size)
 //    return true on success
-void SFont::process_sdta (int size)
+void SFont::process_sdta (unsigned int size)
       if (size == 0)
             return;		// no sample data?
@@ -914,12 +914,15 @@ void SFont::process_sdta (int size)
       if (chunkid (chunk.id) != SMPL_ID)
             throw(QString("Expected SMPL chunk found invalid id instead"));
-      if ((size - chunk.size) != 0)
+      /* SDTA chunk may also contain sm24 chunk for 24 bit samples
+      * (not yet supported), only an error if SMPL chunk size is
+      * greater than SDTA. */
+      if (chunk.size > size)
             throw(QString("SDTA chunk size mismatch %1 != %2").arg(size).arg(chunk.size));
       /* sample data follows */
-      FSKIP(chunk.size);
+      FSKIP(size);
diff --git a/fluid/sfont.h b/fluid/sfont.h
index 9a6bc41..ae9de11 100644
--- a/fluid/sfont.h
+++ b/fluid/sfont.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class SFont {
       void read_listchunk(SFChunk* chunk);
       void process_info(int size);
-      void process_sdta(int size);
+      void process_sdta(unsigned int size);
       void pdtahelper(unsigned int expid, unsigned int reclen, SFChunk* chunk, int* size);
       void process_pdta(int size);
diff --git a/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd b/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17f0629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.sfd
@@ -0,0 +1,62587 @@
+SplineFontDB: 3.0
+FontName: FreeSerifBoldItalic
+FullName: FreeSerif Bold Italic
+FamilyName: FreeSerif
+Weight: Bold
+Copyright: Copyright 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 GNU Freefont contributors.
+Version: $Revision: 2268 $
+ItalicAngle: -15.3
+UnderlinePosition: -100
+UnderlineWidth: 50
+Ascent: 800
+Descent: 200
+LayerCount: 2
+Layer: 0 0 "Back"  1
+Layer: 1 0 "Fore"  0
+FSType: 0
+OS2Version: 3
+OS2_WeightWidthSlopeOnly: 0
+OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
+CreationTime: 1203284335
+ModificationTime: 1335809005
+PfmFamily: 17
+TTFWeight: 700
+TTFWidth: 5
+LineGap: 100
+VLineGap: 0
+Panose: 2 2 8 3 6 5 5 9 3 4
+OS2TypoAscent: 0
+OS2TypoAOffset: 1
+OS2TypoDescent: 0
+OS2TypoDOffset: 1
+OS2TypoLinegap: 100
+OS2WinAscent: 0
+OS2WinAOffset: 1
+OS2WinDescent: 0
+OS2WinDOffset: 1
+HheadAscent: 0
+HheadAOffset: 1
+HheadDescent: 100
+HheadDOffset: 1
+OS2SubXSize: 650
+OS2SubYSize: 600
+OS2SubXOff: 0
+OS2SubYOff: 200
+OS2SupXSize: 650
+OS2SupYSize: 600
+OS2SupXOff: 0
+OS2SupYOff: 390
+OS2StrikeYSize: 49
+OS2StrikeYPos: 258
+OS2FamilyClass: 261
+OS2Vendor: 'GNU '
+Lookup: 2 0 0 "Glyph Decomposition of iogonek"  {"Glyph Decomposition of iogonek-subtable"  } []
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin subtable"  "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 2 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Decomposition in Turkish-undo-fi"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Decomposition in Turkish-undo-fi"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'TRK ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Contextual Chaining in Latin - iogonek"  {"'ccmp' Contextual Chaining in Latin - iogonek-subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet horn"  "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin subtable"  } ['hlig' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'hist' Historical Forms in Latin"  {"'hist' Historical Forms in Latin subtable"  } ['hist' ('latn' <'ISM ' 'LSM ' 'NLD ' 'NSM ' 'SKS ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'onum' Oldstyle Figures"  {"'onum' Oldstyle Figures subtable" ("oldstyle" ) } ['onum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'pnum' Proportional Numbers"  {"'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable"  } ['pnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'tnum' Tabular Numbers"  {"'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable"  } ['tnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'lnum' Lining Figures"  {"'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable"  } ['lnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'zero' Slashed Zero"  {"'zero' Slashed Zero subtable"  } ['zero' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 8 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions"  {"'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable"  "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable"  } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin"  {"'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin subtable"  } ['fina' ('latn' <'ISM ' 'LSM ' 'NLD ' 'NSM ' 'SKS ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German subtable"  } ['hlig' ('latn' <'DEU ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'NLD ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms for Sami"  {"'locl' Localized Forms for Sami-1"  } ['locl' ('latn' <'ISM ' > 'latn' <'LSM ' > 'latn' <'NSM ' > 'latn' <'SKS ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable"  } ['liga' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 1 0 "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew"  {"'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew subtable"  } ['dlig' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 1 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian"  {"'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable"  } ['dlig' ('armn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian subtable"  } ['hlig' ('armn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Armenian"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Armenian subtable"  } ['liga' ('armn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian"  {"'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable"  } ['ss01' ('cyrl' <'BGR ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian"  {"'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable"  } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'MKD ' 'SRB ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 3 0 0 "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian"  {"'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable"  } ['salt' ('cyrl' <'MKD ' 'SRB ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Cyrillic"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Cyrillic subtable"  } ['liga' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'CAT ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning subtable"  } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'cyrl' <'dflt' > 'geor' <'dflt' > 'grek' <'dflt' > 'hebr' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > 'thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Cyrillic"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Cyrillic subtable"  } ['mark' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 0"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 0 subtable"  } ['mark' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 0 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai 0"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai 0 subtable"  } ['mkmk' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 1"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 1 subtable"  } ['mark' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 0 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai 1"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai 1 subtable"  } ['mkmk' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 1"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 1 subtable"  } ['mark' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 2"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 2 subtable"  } ['mark' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 3"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 3 subtable"  } ['mark' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-capital" [150,0,0] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-small" [150,0,0] } ['kern' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai subtable"  } ['kern' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 8 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-right" [150,0,2] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-left" [150,0,2] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-big" [150,0,2] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-small" [150,0,2] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punctuation"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punct" [150,0,2] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Yiddish"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Yiddish subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'JII ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Ivrit"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Ivrit subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'IWR ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'IWR ' 'JII ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 1 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Hebrew"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Hebrew subtable"  } ['mkmk' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+MarkAttachClasses: 1
+DEI: 91125
+KernClass2: 5 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-left" 
+ 9 wsuperior
+ 7 uni1dbf
+ 52 dtail nhookretroflex rhookturned eshshortrev uni02AF
+ 34 dhook ghook qhook esh eshcurl tesh
+ 46 a c d e o q s ascript cturn schwa epsilonlatin
+ 15 m n r u v w x z
+ 5 theta
+ 1 g
+ 3 p y
+ 5 h k l
+ 1 t
+ 21 f ssharp longs florin
+ 1 i
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -10 {} -20 {} -50 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -50 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -60 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} -90 {} -60 {} -10 {} -80 {} -80 {} 0 {} -50 {} -50 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 7 5 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-right" 
+ 54 a b c e o p s cturn schwa epsilonlatin epsilonlatinrev
+ 1 f
+ 24 k u v w x y z gammalatin
+ 3 g q
+ 5 n m r
+ 3 chi
+ 6 wsuper
+ 7 uni1dbf
+ 25 nhookleft esh jhookdblbar
+ 5 cturn
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} -40 {} -100 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -130 {} -40 {} 0 {} -70 {} -10 {} -100 {} -40 {} 0 {} -80 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} -80 {} -50 {} -100 {} -10 {} 0 {} -60 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 2 4 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punct" 
+ 22 f ff dhook ghook yhook
+ 12 comma period
+ 15 colon semicolon
+ 6 hyphen
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} -80 {} -80 {}
+KernClass2: 20 16 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-small" 
+ 106 a agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring amacron abreve aogonek adblgrave ainvertedbreve uni0227
+ 179 b o p ssharp ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash thorn omacron obreve ohungarumlaut ocaron eturned oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute odblgrave oinvertedbreve uni022F
+ 47 c ccedilla cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron
+ 37 d l ffl fl dcroat lacute lcommaaccent
+ 109 e ae egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron oe edblgrave einvertedbreve
+ 35 f ff longs florin yhook dhook ghook
+ 63 g gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent gbar gcaron gacute
+ 78 h m n ntilde hcircumflex hbar ncommaaccent ncaron napostrophe eng nleg uni021F
+ 8 i fi ffi
+ 37 j ij jcircumflex Lj lj Nj nj dotlessj
+ 27 k kcommaaccent khook kcaron
+ 1 q
+ 61 r racute rcommaaccent rcaron rdblgrave rinvertedbreve uni024D
+ 49 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron scommaaccent
+ 35 t tcedilla tpalatalhook tcommabelow
+ 161 u ugrave uacute ucircumflex udieresis utilde umacron ubreve uring uhungarumlaut uogonek uhorn ucaron udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresiscaron udieresisgrave
+ 46 v w y yacute ydieresis wcircumflex ycircumflex
+ 1 x
+ 26 z zacute zdotaccent zcaron
+ 438 a c d e o q ae oe agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring amacron abreve aogonek adieresismacron adotmacron aemacron aeacute uni0227 ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron omacron obreve ohungarumlaut ohorn oi ocaron oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute oinvertedbreve uni0229 uni022F
+ 43 b l btopbar lacute lcommaaccent lcaron ldot
+ 38 f ssharp longs florin ff fi fl ffi ffl
+ 56 g gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent gbar gacute
+ 48 h k thorn hcircumflex kcommaaccent khook uni021F
+ 19 i iacute iogonek ij
+ 20 j jcircumflex jcaron
+ 110 m n r kgreenlandic nacute ncommaaccent ncaron racute rcommaaccent rcaron nleg nj rinvertedbreve nhookretroflex
+ 7 p phook
+ 36 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron
+ 48 t tcedilla tcaron tpalatalhook thook tcommabelow
+ 65 u ugrave uacute ucircumflex udieresis utilde umacron ubreve uring
+ 60 v w y yacute ydieresis wcircumflex ycircumflex yhook uni0233
+ 1 x
+ 26 z zacute zdotaccent zcaron
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -130 {} -50 {} -150 {} -130 {} -50 {} -80 {} -150 {} -110 {} -100 {} -130 {} -130 {} -110 {} -120 {} -120 {} -130 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -15 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} -85 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -15 {} -10 {} -30 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -30 {} -20 {} -20 {} -90 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 18 26 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-big" 
+ 132 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Amacron Abreve Aogonek Acaron Adieresismacron Adotmacron Adblgrave Ainvertedbreve
+ 15 B Bhook Btopbar
+ 47 C Ccedilla Cacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Ccaron
+ 238 D O Q Eth Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Thorn Dcaron Dcroat Eng Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut Dbar Dhook Schwa Obar Ohorn Ocaron Oogonek Oogonekmacron Oslashacute Odblgrave Oinvertedbreve uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230
+ 92 E AE Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Emacron Ebreve Edotaccent Eogonek Ecaron OE uni0228
+ 1 F
+ 63 G Gcircumflex Gbreve Gdotaccent Gcommaaccent Gbar Gcaron Gacute
+ 7 H I M N
+ 3 J U
+ 16 K X Kcommaaccent
+ 40 L Lacute Lcommaaccent Lcaron Ldot Lslash
+ 12 P Phook Wynn
+ 28 R Racute Rcommaaccent Rcaron
+ 36 S Sacute Scircumflex Scedilla Scaron
+ 55 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tbar Thook Tretroflexhook Tcommabelow
+ 46 V W Y Yacute Wcircumflex Ycircumflex Ydieresis
+ 29 Z Zacute Zdotaccent Zcaron DZ
+ 1 A
+ 23 B D E F H I K L M N P R
+ 7 C G O Q
+ 1 J
+ 1 S
+ 1 T
+ 1 U
+ 5 V W Y
+ 1 X
+ 1 Z
+ 465 a c d e o q agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ae amacron abreve aogonek acaron adotmacron aemacron aeacute ainvertedbreve uni0227 ccedilla ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron omacron obreve ohungarumlaut oe chook ohorn oi ocaron oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute einvertedbreve oinvertedbreve uni0221 uni0229 uni022F uni023C uni024B ccurl dtail
+ 3 b l
+ 31 f ffi ffl fi fl ff longs florin
+ 1 g
+ 3 h k
+ 1 i
+ 1 j
+ 5 m n r
+ 1 p
+ 1 s
+ 1 t
+ 1 u
+ 5 v w y
+ 1 x
+ 1 z
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -40 {} -80 {} -80 {} -120 {} -50 {} -40 {} -30 {} -40 {} -50 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -80 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -70 {} -10 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -80 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} -50 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -30 {} -30 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -60 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -80 {} -70 {} -40 {} -10 {} -20 {} -50 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -70 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -30 {} -50 {} -40 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -30 {} -30 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -30 {} 0 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -50 {} -60 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -50 {} -80 {} -90 {} -10 {} -10 {} -30 {} -30 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -50 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -60 {} -60 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -20 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -60 {} -20 {} -50 {} -40 {} -10 {} -10 {} -90 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 2 2 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai subtable" 
+ 511 kokaithai khokhaithai khokhuatthai khokhwaithai khokhonthai khorakhangthai ngonguthai chochanthai chochingthai chochangthai sosothai chochoethai yoyingthai dochadathai topatakthai thothanthai thonangmonthothai thophuthaothai nonenthai dodekthai totaothai thothungthai thothahanthai thothongthai nonuthai bobaimaithai phophungthai phophanthai phosamphaothai momathai yoyakthai roruathai ruthai lolingthai luthai wowaenthai sosalathai sorusithai sosuathai hohipthai lochulathai oangthai honokhukthai paiyannoithai
+ 46 saraothai saraaimaimuanthai saraaimaimalaithai
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {}
+KernClass2: 14 22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-capital" 
+ 9 Acyrillic
+ 10 Becyrillic
+ 21 Vecyrillic Zecyrillic
+ 33 Gecyrillic Tecyrillic Gjecyrillic
+ 49 Ocyrillic Efcyrillic Ereversedcyrillic IUcyrillic
+ 34 Kacyrillic Zhecyrillic Kjecyrillic
+ 140 Icyrillic Yicyrillic Dzhecyrillic Iicyrillic Iishortcyrillic Elcyrillic Emcyrillic Encyrillic Pecyrillic Shacyrillic Yericyrillic IAcyrillic
+ 57 Ljecyrillic Njecyrillic Hardsigncyrillic Softsigncyrillic
+ 24 Ucyrillic Ushortcyrillic
+ 36 Decyrillic Tsecyrillic Shchacyrillic
+ 20 Ecyrillic Escyrillic
+ 10 Ercyrillic
+ 38 Iecyrillic Iecyrillic_grave Iocyrillic
+ 41 Ecyrillic Ocyrillic Escyrillic Efcyrillic
+ 10 Decyrillic
+ 23 Zhecyrillic Khacyrillic
+ 10 Elcyrillic
+ 24 Ucyrillic Ushortcyrillic
+ 11 Checyrillic
+ 101 acyrillic vecyrillic iecyrillic ocyrillic escyrillic efcyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic ecyrillic
+ 33 elcyrillic emcyrillic ljecyrillic
+ 110 iicyrillic iishortcyrillic ucyrillic tsecyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic uni045D ushortcyrillic dzhecyrillic
+ 89 kacyrillic encyrillic pecyrillic ercyrillic tecyrillic iucyrillic njecyrillic kjecyrillic
+ 16 hardsigncyrillic
+ 28 zecyrillic ereversedcyrillic
+ 9 Acyrillic
+ 310 Iocyrillic Iecyrillic_grave Gjecyrillic Icyrillic Yicyrillic Njecyrillic Kjecyrillic uni040D Dzhecyrillic Becyrillic Vecyrillic Gecyrillic Iecyrillic Iicyrillic Iishortcyrillic Kacyrillic Emcyrillic Encyrillic Pecyrillic Ercyrillic Tsecyrillic Shacyrillic Shchacyrillic Yericyrillic Softsigncyrillic IUcyrillic
+ 28 Zecyrillic Ereversedcyrillic
+ 10 becyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 11 checyrillic
+ 10 IAcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 29 yericyrillic softsigncyrillic
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -5 {} -10 {} -80 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -20 {} -40 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -60 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -20 {} -70 {} -40 {} 0 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -60 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -40 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -80 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -60 {} -70 {} -80 {} -60 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -30 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -10 {} -30 {} -60 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -10 {} -30 {} -50 {} -40 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} -10 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -10 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -40 {} -40 {} -50 {} -40 {} -50 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -60 {} -10 {} -80 {} -80 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -60 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -50 {} -80 {} -60 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -80 {} -40 {} -50 {} -90 {} -80 {} -80 {} 0 {} -20 {} -60 {} -60 {} -70 {} -80 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -30 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -60 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -50 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -70 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -50 {} 0 {} -20 {}
+KernClass2: 14 14 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-small" 
+ 60 becyrillic ocyrillic ercyrillic ereversedcyrillic iucyrillic
+ 11 zhecyrillic
+ 34 kacyrillic khacyrillic kjecyrillic
+ 57 hardsigncyrillic softsigncyrillic ljecyrillic njecyrillic
+ 24 ucyrillic ushortcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 163 acyrillic iicyrillic iishortcyrillic emcyrillic encyrillic tsecyrillic checyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic yericyrillic iacyrillic icyrillic uni045D dzhecyrillic
+ 32 elcyrillic pecyrillic tecyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 38 iecyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic
+ 20 escyrillic ecyrillic
+ 10 vecyrillic
+ 10 zecyrillic
+ 101 acyrillic vecyrillic iecyrillic ocyrillic escyrillic efcyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic ecyrillic
+ 33 elcyrillic emcyrillic ljecyrillic
+ 99 kacyrillic encyrillic pecyrillic ercyrillic tecyrillic iucyrillic icyrillic njecyrillic kjecyrillic
+ 16 hardsigncyrillic
+ 28 zecyrillic ereversedcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 10 becyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 10 iacyrillic
+ 110 iicyrillic iishortcyrillic ucyrillic tsecyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic uni045D ushortcyrillic dzhecyrillic
+ 23 zhecyrillic khacyrillic
+ 11 checyrillic
+ 29 yericyrillic softsigncyrillic
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -15 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -2 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -10 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -50 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {}
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+ 195 429 140 210 140 147 c 0
+ 140 129 143 80 185 57 c 1
+ 310 413 l 2
+ 310 416 l 0
+ 310 423 300 429 288 429 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+436 575 m 0
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+ 443 640 433 649 419 649 c 0
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+ 434 370 l 1
+ 424 310 l 1
+ 309 310 l 1
+ 296 252 271 184 245 141 c 2
+ 234 124 l 1
+ 294 101 327 92 359 92 c 0
+ 407 92 427 106 449 155 c 1
+ 474 155 l 1
+ 466 117 440 -12 323 -12 c 0
+ 281 -12 248 4 196 49 c 1
+ 169 6 141 -11 98 -11 c 0
+ 45 -11 8 25 8 75 c 0
+ 8 127 47 162 104 162 c 0
+ 125 162 140 159 165 148 c 1
+ 172 215 174 226 184 310 c 1
+ 75 310 l 1
+ 85 370 l 1
+ 190 370 l 1
+ 219 512 281 683 441 683 c 0
+ 504 683 550 644 550 592 c 0
+ 550 554 523 524 489 524 c 0
+ 459 524 436 546 436 575 c 0
+153 90 m 1
+ 131 111 111 120 89 120 c 0
+ 58 120 38 100 38 70 c 0
+ 38 40 61 19 94 19 c 0
+ 124 19 142 41 153 90 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: currency
+Encoding: 164 164 98
+Width: 560
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+74 92 m 1
+ 172 190 l 1
+ 146 228 135 263 135 310 c 0
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+ 268 515 304 525 350 525 c 0
+ 396 525 432 515 472 490 c 1
+ 568 586 l 1
+ 626 530 l 1
+ 528 432 l 1
+ 555 389 565 356 565 310 c 0
+ 565 263 554 226 528 190 c 1
+ 626 92 l 1
+ 568 34 l 1
+ 472 132 l 1
+ 431 106 394 95 350 95 c 0
+ 306 95 269 106 228 132 c 1
+ 132 34 l 1
+ 74 92 l 1
+350 443 m 0
+ 279 443 223 385 223 310 c 0
+ 223 236 279 177 350 177 c 0
+ 419 177 477 237 477 308 c 0
+ 477 383 421 443 350 443 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 138 25 l 1
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+ 125 164 l 1
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+ 280 214 l 1
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+ 160 292 l 1
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+ 299 342 l 1
+ 220 581 l 1
+ 200 632 193 638 138 644 c 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 418 669 l 1
+ 418 644 l 1
+ 361 642 343 635 343 612 c 0
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+ 429 344 l 1
+ 564 538 l 2
+ 584 567 590 580 590 598 c 0
+ 590 633 576 642 520 644 c 1
+ 520 669 l 1
+ 720 669 l 1
+ 720 644 l 1
+ 680 636 660 622 627 575 c 0
+ 461 342 l 1
+ 596 342 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: brokenbar
+Encoding: 166 166 100
+Width: 220
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+66 -18 m 1
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+ 154 241 l 1
+ 154 -18 l 1
+ 66 -18 l 1
+66 426 m 1
+ 66 685 l 1
+ 154 685 l 1
+ 154 426 l 1
+ 66 426 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: section
+Encoding: 167 167 101
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+346 580 m 0
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+ 413 341 435 290 435 243 c 0
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+ 308 121 300 122 288 125 c 1
+ 286 121 l 1
+ 329 67 345 33 345 -9 c 0
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+ 36 -3 61 22 94 22 c 0
+ 126 22 150 1 150 -28 c 0
+ 150 -69 115 -76 115 -91 c 0
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+ 232 -120 268 -88 268 -44 c 0
+ 268 -11 256 9 185 95 c 2
+ 119 175 l 2
+ 84 217 68 256 68 299 c 0
+ 68 368 115 425 172 425 c 0
+ 184 425 209 422 221 419 c 1
+ 223 422 l 1
+ 188 461 168 507 168 551 c 0
+ 168 630 232 685 323 685 c 0
+ 402 685 459 644 459 587 c 0
+ 459 552 434 526 401 526 c 0
+ 371 526 346 551 346 580 c 0
+139 342 m 0
+ 139 296 235 148 305 148 c 0
+ 336 148 364 175 364 206 c 0
+ 364 273 253 400 195 400 c 0
+ 164 400 139 374 139 342 c 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: dieresis
+Encoding: 168 168 102
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -216 0 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -4 0 2
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+405 538 m 0
+ 453 538 527 522 527 499 c 2
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+ 461 163 497 189 526 250 c 1
+ 544 250 l 1
+ 527 178 l 1
+ 525 168 524 167 515 164 c 0
+ 487 152 429 140 396 140 c 0
+ 262 140 180 214 180 335 c 0
+ 180 457 269 538 405 538 c 0
+374 685 m 0
+ 566 685 718 530 718 334 c 0
+ 718 134 568 -18 369 -18 c 0
+ 182 -18 30 139 30 332 c 0
+ 30 529 182 685 374 685 c 0
+374 639 m 0
+ 219 639 91 501 91 333 c 0
+ 91 168 220 28 370 28 c 0
+ 530 28 657 164 657 334 c 0
+ 657 500 528 639 374 639 c 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: ordfeminine
+Encoding: 170 170 104
+Width: 266
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+321 342 m 1
+ 307 256 l 1
+ 61 256 l 1
+ 76 342 l 1
+ 321 342 l 1
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+ 348 422 319 399 289 399 c 0
+ 266 399 245 417 245 437 c 0
+ 245 448 246 454 256 488 c 1
+ 219 423 190 400 146 400 c 0
+ 105 400 76 431 76 476 c 0
+ 76 572 174 685 256 685 c 0
+ 282 685 296 672 303 640 c 1
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+ 390 680 l 1
+ 344 540 l 1
+ 328 493 322 467 322 451 c 0
+ 322 446 324 442 327 442 c 0
+278 630 m 0
+ 278 654 261 658 256 658 c 0
+ 221 658 154 537 154 473 c 0
+ 154 458 165 445 178 445 c 0
+ 234 445 278 590 278 630 c 0
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+Encoding: 171 171 105
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+195 32 m 0
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+ 12 226 l 1
+ 182 350 l 2
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+ 137 220 l 1
+ 177 137 l 2
+ 200 90 210 62 210 47 c 0
+ 210 39 203 32 195 32 c 0
+380 32 m 0
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+ 367 350 l 2
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+ 362 137 l 2
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+ 395 39 388 32 380 32 c 0
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+467 108 m 1
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+ 51 311 l 1
+ 51 399 l 1
+ 555 399 l 1
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+ 467 108 l 1
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+ 210 167 l 1
+ 257 172 257 172 257 215 c 2
+ 257 464 l 2
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+ 393 527 l 2
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+ 488 246 l 2
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+ 562 151 l 1
+ 492 151 l 2
+328 506 m 1
+ 328 337 l 1
+ 369 337 l 2
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+ 328 506 l 1
+374 685 m 0
+ 566 685 718 530 718 334 c 0
+ 718 134 568 -18 369 -18 c 0
+ 182 -18 30 139 30 332 c 0
+ 30 529 182 685 374 685 c 0
+374 639 m 0
+ 219 639 91 501 91 333 c 0
+ 91 168 220 28 370 28 c 0
+ 530 28 657 164 657 334 c 0
+ 657 500 528 639 374 639 c 0
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+Encoding: 175 175 108
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+393 623 m 1
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+ 51 553 l 1
+ 68 623 l 1
+ 393 623 l 1
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+Encoding: 176 176 109
+Width: 400
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+315 683 m 0
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+315 647 m 0
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+ 371 433 417 481 417 540 c 0
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+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 177 177 110
+Width: 570
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+ 329 568 l 1
+ 329 359 l 1
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+ 329 271 l 1
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+ 241 128 l 1
+ 241 271 l 1
+ 33 271 l 1
+ 33 359 l 1
+ 241 359 l 1
+33 0 m 1
+ 33 88 l 1
+ 537 88 l 1
+ 537 0 l 1
+ 33 0 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: twosuperior
+Encoding: 178 178 111
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+138 406 m 1
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+ 356 713 333 738 297 738 c 0
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+ 401 799 449 755 449 700 c 0
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+ 321 459 l 2
+ 371 459 386 467 411 504 c 1
+ 427 504 l 1
+ 376 390 l 1
+ 138 390 l 1
+ 138 406 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: threesuperior
+Encoding: 179 179 112
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+170 476 m 0
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+ 295 418 326 458 326 510 c 0
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+ 349 732 328 752 294 752 c 0
+ 266 752 247 742 219 710 c 1
+ 205 723 l 1
+ 245 779 285 803 338 803 c 0
+ 394 803 437 768 437 722 c 0
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+ 396 605 410 582 410 543 c 0
+ 410 456 324 385 218 385 c 0
+ 165 385 133 404 133 435 c 0
+ 133 459 149 476 170 476 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: acute
+Encoding: 180 180 113
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+188 516 m 1
+ 139 516 l 1
+ 261 647 l 2
+ 296 685 313 697 331 697 c 0
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+ 379 631 370 620 340 603 c 2
+ 188 516 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: micro
+Encoding: 181 181 114
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+89 -108 m 0
+ 89 -187 43 -207 10 -207 c 0
+ -22 -207 -40 -185 -40 -146 c 0
+ -40 -92 -20 -75 34 74 c 2
+ 145 449 l 1
+ 280 449 l 1
+ 187 137 l 2
+ 183 123 180 106 180 95 c 0
+ 180 79 187 70 199 70 c 0
+ 241 70 316 177 350 285 c 2
+ 401 449 l 1
+ 536 449 l 1
+ 432 113 l 2
+ 429 103 427 93 427 86 c 0
+ 427 78 432 72 439 72 c 0
+ 454 72 472 90 502 134 c 1
+ 523 118 l 1
+ 473 50 427 -13 356 -13 c 0
+ 320 -13 293 14 293 50 c 0
+ 293 69 295 80 304 118 c 1
+ 251 28 220 0 174 0 c 0
+ 150 0 138 5 112 24 c 1
+ 98 -19 90 -65 89 -108 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: paragraph
+Encoding: 182 182 115
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+201 258 m 1
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+ 56 464 89 557 132 603 c 0
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+ 622 669 l 1
+ 616 644 l 1
+ 535 637 532 635 518 581 c 2
+ 349 -68 l 2
+ 345 -86 333 -138 333 -142 c 0
+ 333 -155 347 -162 383 -166 c 0
+ 386 -166 396 -167 406 -168 c 1
+ 399 -193 l 1
+ 228 -193 l 1
+ 445 644 l 1
+ 390 644 l 1
+ 173 -193 l 1
+ 3 -193 l 1
+ 10 -168 l 1
+ 98 -161 93 -158 116 -68 c 2
+ 201 258 l 1
+207 283 m 1
+ 301 644 l 1
+ 238 628 212 611 183 564 c 0
+ 155 518 135 448 135 394 c 0
+ 135 342 161 302 207 283 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: middot
+Encoding: 183 183 116
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+193 305 m 0
+ 233 305 266 271 266 231 c 0
+ 266 189 233 157 191 157 c 0
+ 150 157 118 189 118 230 c 0
+ 118 273 150 305 193 305 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cedilla
+Encoding: 184 184 117
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-25 -92 m 1
+ 41 5 l 1
+ 85 5 l 1
+ 40 -62 l 1
+ 50 -60 56 -59 66 -59 c 0
+ 118 -59 156 -89 156 -131 c 0
+ 156 -181 103 -218 32 -218 c 0
+ -4 -218 -36 -211 -80 -193 c 1
+ -58 -160 l 1
+ -30 -173 -13 -177 9 -177 c 0
+ 43 -177 65 -161 65 -136 c 0
+ 65 -114 47 -100 18 -100 c 0
+ 8 -100 0 -101 -12 -104 c 1
+ -25 -92 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: onesuperior
+Encoding: 185 185 118
+Width: 272
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+278 728 m 0
+ 278 733 273 750 252 750 c 0
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+ 211 768 l 1
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+ 288 469 l 1
+ 284 457 282 444 282 435 c 0
+ 282 413 292 409 341 409 c 1
+ 341 390 l 1
+ 117 390 l 1
+ 117 409 l 1
+ 195 409 189 443 218 530 c 0
+ 242 601 278 718 278 728 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ordmasculine
+Encoding: 186 186 119
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+317 342 m 1
+ 303 256 l 1
+ 57 256 l 1
+ 72 342 l 1
+ 317 342 l 1
+377 592 m 0
+ 377 511 301 400 192 400 c 0
+ 131 400 86 438 86 489 c 0
+ 86 589 178 685 273 685 c 0
+ 334 685 377 647 377 592 c 0
+296 630 m 0
+ 296 658 282 665 269 665 c 0
+ 204 665 167 505 167 455 c 0
+ 167 433 178 420 195 420 c 0
+ 259 420 296 587 296 630 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: guillemotright
+Encoding: 187 187 120
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+285 415 m 0
+ 294 415 312 387 468 230 c 1
+ 468 221 l 1
+ 298 97 l 2
+ 242 57 228 32 210 32 c 0
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+ 197 65 227 105 298 178 c 1
+ 343 227 l 1
+ 303 310 l 2
+ 280 358 270 385 270 400 c 0
+ 270 408 277 415 285 415 c 0
+100 415 m 0
+ 109 415 127 387 283 230 c 1
+ 283 221 l 1
+ 113 97 l 2
+ 57 57 43 32 25 32 c 0
+ 18 32 12 38 12 44 c 0
+ 12 65 42 105 113 178 c 1
+ 158 227 l 1
+ 118 310 l 2
+ 95 358 85 385 85 400 c 0
+ 85 408 92 415 100 415 c 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: onequarter
+Encoding: 188 188 121
+Width: 750
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+718 149 m 1
+ 701 88 l 1
+ 657 88 l 1
+ 629 0 l 1
+ 543 0 l 1
+ 570 88 l 1
+ 411 88 l 1
+ 427 155 l 1
+ 705 410 l 1
+ 751 410 l 1
+ 673 149 l 1
+ 718 149 l 1
+455 149 m 1
+ 587 149 l 1
+ 639 319 l 1
+ 455 149 l 1
+659 683 m 1
+ 224 -14 l 1
+ 166 -14 l 1
+ 601 683 l 1
+ 659 683 l 1
+37 274 m 1
+ 37 293 l 1
+ 115 293 109 327 138 414 c 0
+ 167 498 198 602 198 613 c 0
+ 198 624 186 634 172 634 c 0
+ 165 634 154 633 140 632 c 2
+ 129 631 l 1
+ 131 652 l 1
+ 203 663 245 670 308 683 c 1
+ 208 353 l 1
+ 204 341 202 328 202 319 c 0
+ 202 297 212 293 261 293 c 1
+ 261 274 l 1
+ 37 274 l 1
+Validated: 1
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" one fraction four
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash four
+StartChar: onehalf
+Encoding: 189 189 122
+Width: 750
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+664 683 m 1
+ 229 -14 l 1
+ 171 -14 l 1
+ 606 683 l 1
+ 664 683 l 1
+462 16 m 1
+ 606 153 680 222 680 282 c 0
+ 680 323 657 348 621 348 c 0
+ 592 348 571 336 539 300 c 1
+ 521 311 l 1
+ 557 377 604 409 665 409 c 0
+ 725 409 773 365 773 310 c 0
+ 773 262 747 223 681 170 c 2
+ 556 69 l 1
+ 645 69 l 2
+ 695 69 710 77 735 114 c 1
+ 751 114 l 1
+ 700 0 l 1
+ 462 0 l 1
+ 462 16 l 1
+41 274 m 1
+ 41 293 l 1
+ 119 293 113 327 142 414 c 0
+ 171 498 202 602 202 613 c 0
+ 202 624 190 634 176 634 c 0
+ 169 634 158 633 144 632 c 2
+ 133 631 l 1
+ 135 652 l 1
+ 207 663 249 670 312 683 c 1
+ 212 353 l 1
+ 208 341 206 328 206 319 c 0
+ 206 297 216 293 265 293 c 1
+ 265 274 l 1
+ 41 274 l 1
+Validated: 1
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" one fraction two
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash two
+StartChar: threequarters
+Encoding: 190 190 123
+Width: 750
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+734 149 m 1
+ 717 88 l 1
+ 673 88 l 1
+ 645 0 l 1
+ 559 0 l 1
+ 586 88 l 1
+ 427 88 l 1
+ 443 155 l 1
+ 721 410 l 1
+ 767 410 l 1
+ 689 149 l 1
+ 734 149 l 1
+471 149 m 1
+ 603 149 l 1
+ 655 319 l 1
+ 471 149 l 1
+675 683 m 1
+ 240 -14 l 1
+ 182 -14 l 1
+ 617 683 l 1
+ 675 683 l 1
+85 356 m 0
+ 132 356 125 298 170 298 c 0
+ 210 298 241 338 241 389 c 0
+ 241 448 209 478 141 481 c 1
+ 143 495 l 1
+ 225 510 264 537 264 580 c 0
+ 264 612 243 632 209 632 c 0
+ 181 632 162 622 134 590 c 1
+ 120 603 l 1
+ 160 659 200 683 253 683 c 0
+ 309 683 352 648 352 602 c 0
+ 352 563 336 548 273 511 c 1
+ 311 485 325 462 325 423 c 0
+ 325 336 239 265 134 265 c 0
+ 80 265 48 284 48 315 c 0
+ 48 339 64 356 85 356 c 0
+Validated: 1
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" three fraction four
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash four
+StartChar: questiondown
+Encoding: 191 191 124
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 31 63 N -1 0 0 -1 500 479 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: Agrave
+Encoding: 192 192 125
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 221 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aacute
+Encoding: 193 193 126
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 246 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Acircumflex
+Encoding: 194 194 127
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 224 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 248 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" A circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Atilde
+Encoding: 195 195 128
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 149 189 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adieresis
+Encoding: 196 196 129
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 250 188 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aring
+Encoding: 197 197 130
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 149 157 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: AE
+Encoding: 198 198 131
+Width: 911
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+607 32 m 0
+ 776 32 833 111 888 199 c 1
+ 914 196 l 1
+ 855 0 l 1
+ 328 0 l 1
+ 328 25 l 1
+ 380 33 391 43 406 96 c 0
+ 452 255 l 1
+ 260 255 l 1
+ 146 98 l 2
+ 137 85 131 71 131 59 c 0
+ 131 37 147 29 195 25 c 1
+ 195 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 37 32 30 30 88 102 c 2
+ 454 574 l 2
+ 466 590 474 607 474 618 c 0
+ 474 636 458 642 393 646 c 1
+ 393 669 l 1
+ 982 669 l 1
+ 937 479 l 1
+ 913 484 l 1
+ 911 524 l 1
+ 907 599 853 637 749 637 c 0
+ 707 637 697 632 690 605 c 0
+ 625 370 l 1
+ 644 370 l 2
+ 746 370 779 390 819 476 c 1
+ 845 472 l 1
+ 772 199 l 1
+ 747 204 l 1
+ 748 215 l 2
+ 749 222 750 230 750 251 c 0
+ 750 316 727 331 617 338 c 1
+ 554 97 l 2
+ 551 86 549 75 549 69 c 0
+ 549 43 566 32 607 32 c 0
+289 294 m 1
+ 462 294 l 1
+ 554 627 l 1
+ 542 627 l 1
+ 289 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ccedilla
+Encoding: 199 199 132
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+585 131 m 1
+ 552 86 466 -18 313 -18 c 0
+ 292 -18 272 -16 250 -12 c 1
+ 216 -62 l 1
+ 226 -60 232 -59 242 -59 c 0
+ 294 -59 332 -89 332 -131 c 0
+ 332 -181 279 -218 208 -218 c 0
+ 171 -218 139 -211 96 -193 c 1
+ 118 -160 l 1
+ 146 -173 163 -177 185 -177 c 0
+ 219 -177 241 -161 241 -136 c 0
+ 241 -114 223 -100 194 -100 c 0
+ 184 -100 176 -101 164 -104 c 1
+ 151 -92 l 1
+ 212 -2 l 1
+ 103 34 41 122 41 241 c 0
+ 41 483 226 685 449 685 c 0
+ 541 685 585 656 618 656 c 0
+ 633 656 642 663 656 685 c 1
+ 686 685 l 1
+ 635 451 l 1
+ 603 457 l 1
+ 605 470 606 479 606 492 c 0
+ 606 590 556 650 475 650 c 0
+ 307 650 195 383 195 209 c 0
+ 195 100 251 35 345 35 c 0
+ 463 35 524 116 555 153 c 1
+ 585 131 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Egrave
+Encoding: 200 200 133
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 181 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eacute
+Encoding: 201 201 134
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 189 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ecircumflex
+Encoding: 202 202 135
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 274 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 220 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" E circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Edieresis
+Encoding: 203 203 136
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 203 188 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Igrave
+Encoding: 204 204 137
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 59 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iacute
+Encoding: 205 205 138
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 96 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Icircumflex
+Encoding: 206 206 139
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 114 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 91 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" I circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Idieresis
+Encoding: 207 207 140
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 79 190 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eth
+Encoding: 208 208 141
+Width: 723
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+213 602 m 0
+ 213 635 192 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 430 669 l 2
+ 619 669 731 567 731 396 c 0
+ 731 169 541 0 286 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 66 46 80 97 c 0
+ 143 329 l 1
+ 41 329 l 1
+ 53 373 l 1
+ 155 373 l 1
+ 201 543 l 1
+ 209 574 213 592 213 602 c 0
+303 373 m 1
+ 425 373 l 1
+ 413 329 l 1
+ 291 329 l 1
+ 236 126 l 1
+ 236 126 235 124 235 122 c 0
+ 226 96 223 80 223 68 c 0
+ 223 45 240 34 277 34 c 0
+ 372 34 443 71 496 147 c 0
+ 550 224 584 343 584 457 c 0
+ 584 579 530 638 419 638 c 0
+ 387 638 371 627 364 600 c 2
+ 303 373 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ntilde
+Encoding: 209 209 142
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 142 188 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ograve
+Encoding: 210 210 143
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 245 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oacute
+Encoding: 211 211 144
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 245 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ocircumflex
+Encoding: 212 212 145
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 254 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 253 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" O circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Otilde
+Encoding: 213 213 146
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 164 188 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Odieresis
+Encoding: 214 214 147
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 231 187 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: multiply
+Encoding: 215 215 148
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+223 253 m 1
+ 48 428 l 1
+ 110 490 l 1
+ 285 314 l 1
+ 460 490 l 1
+ 522 428 l 1
+ 346 253 l 1
+ 522 78 l 1
+ 460 16 l 1
+ 285 192 l 1
+ 110 16 l 1
+ 48 78 l 1
+ 223 253 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: Oslash
+Encoding: 216 216 149
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+153 11 m 1
+ 114 34 36 91 36 212 c 0
+ 36 453 243 685 458 685 c 0
+ 488 685 508 682 540 672 c 1
+ 593 764 l 1
+ 642 764 l 1
+ 579 656 l 1
+ 611 637 700 582 700 453 c 0
+ 700 250 524 -18 275 -18 c 0
+ 244 -18 223 -15 192 -5 c 1
+ 122 -125 l 1
+ 74 -125 l 1
+ 153 11 l 1
+191 77 m 1
+ 515 630 l 1
+ 496 645 477 651 452 651 c 0
+ 391 651 336 608 287 521 c 0
+ 229 418 180 243 180 141 c 0
+ 180 119 184 97 191 77 c 1
+282 16 m 0
+ 466 16 556 421 556 526 c 0
+ 556 548 551 571 542 593 c 1
+ 217 38 l 1
+ 237 22 256 16 282 16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ugrave
+Encoding: 217 217 150
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 244 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uacute
+Encoding: 218 218 151
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 291 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ucircumflex
+Encoding: 219 219 152
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 294 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 285 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" U circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Udieresis
+Encoding: 220 220 153
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 285 184 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Yacute
+Encoding: 221 221 154
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 319 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 242 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Thorn
+Encoding: 222 222 155
+Width: 597
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 644 m 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 434 669 l 1
+ 434 644 l 1
+ 381 637 372 629 352 572 c 2
+ 339 534 l 1
+ 387 534 l 2
+ 526 534 601 480 601 379 c 0
+ 601 259 494 182 327 182 c 0
+ 301 182 282 183 246 187 c 1
+ 232 123 l 2
+ 225 92 222 73 222 64 c 0
+ 222 37 238 28 294 25 c 1
+ 294 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 52 33 65 44 80 97 c 0
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 209 568 213 592 213 607 c 0
+ 213 627 202 636 171 640 c 0
+ 166 640 154 642 140 644 c 1
+371 502 m 0
+ 330 502 327 481 320 458 c 2
+ 256 219 l 1
+ 275 218 287 217 298 217 c 0
+ 369 217 406 240 432 299 c 0
+ 446 330 455 376 455 411 c 0
+ 455 469 424 502 371 502 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ssharp
+Encoding: 223 223 156
+Width: 580
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+440 304 m 0
+ 440 368 409 378 366 384 c 1
+ 373 421 l 1
+ 389 421 l 2
+ 393 421 393 419 399 419 c 0
+ 436 419 487 497 487 615 c 0
+ 487 655 472 675 440 675 c 0
+ 395 675 365 626 339 509 c 2
+ 248 102 l 2
+ 203 -98 127 -200 22 -200 c 0
+ -35 -200 -75 -169 -75 -123 c 0
+ -75 -91 -55 -70 -24 -70 c 0
+ 6 -70 24 -87 24 -115 c 0
+ 24 -149 7 -141 7 -158 c 0
+ 7 -166 11 -169 23 -169 c 0
+ 56 -169 80 -150 109 -20 c 2
+ 201 403 l 2
+ 244 601 330 705 452 705 c 0
+ 537 705 598 650 598 574 c 0
+ 598 476 504 432 416 399 c 1
+ 449 392 560 370 560 256 c 0
+ 560 117 456 -13 340 -13 c 0
+ 310 -13 289 -7 267 9 c 1
+ 287 44 l 1
+ 292 38 306 21 334 21 c 0
+ 399 21 440 204 440 304 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: agrave
+Encoding: 224 224 157
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 73 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aacute
+Encoding: 225 225 158
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 94 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acircumflex
+Encoding: 226 226 159
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 142 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 94 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" a circumflexcomb
+StartChar: atilde
+Encoding: 227 227 160
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -17 -27 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adieresis
+Encoding: 228 228 161
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 84 -21 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aring
+Encoding: 229 229 162
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 -17 -33 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ae
+Encoding: 230 230 163
+Width: 697
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+450 -13 m 0
+ 364 -13 323 27 307 118 c 1
+ 251 26 201 -12 134 -12 c 0
+ 68 -12 20 38 20 106 c 0
+ 20 269 170 462 296 462 c 0
+ 339 462 359 446 377 396 c 1
+ 395 454 l 1
+ 498 459 l 1
+ 478 394 l 1
+ 521 444 549 459 598 459 c 0
+ 661 459 698 427 698 372 c 0
+ 698 290 615 223 470 190 c 2
+ 431 181 l 1
+ 427 161 426 150 426 134 c 0
+ 426 83 452 50 493 50 c 0
+ 540 50 582 80 616 139 c 1
+ 644 122 l 1
+ 601 34 534 -13 450 -13 c 0
+194 58 m 0
+ 291 58 358 300 358 363 c 0
+ 358 395 338 419 310 419 c 0
+ 216 419 146 183 146 119 c 0
+ 146 83 165 58 194 58 c 0
+438 214 m 1
+ 508 224 608 289 608 388 c 0
+ 608 416 598 429 575 429 c 0
+ 525 429 483 365 443 231 c 2
+ 438 214 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ccedilla
+Encoding: 231 231 164
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364 123 m 1
+ 335 82 277 -13 166 -13 c 0
+ 160 -13 155 -13 148 -12 c 1
+ 114 -62 l 1
+ 124 -60 130 -59 140 -59 c 0
+ 192 -59 230 -89 230 -131 c 0
+ 230 -181 177 -218 106 -218 c 0
+ 70 -218 38 -211 -6 -193 c 1
+ 16 -160 l 1
+ 44 -173 61 -177 83 -177 c 0
+ 117 -177 139 -161 139 -136 c 0
+ 139 -114 121 -100 92 -100 c 0
+ 82 -100 74 -101 62 -104 c 1
+ 49 -92 l 1
+ 109 -4 l 1
+ 48 18 13 70 13 138 c 0
+ 13 298 157 462 298 462 c 0
+ 365 462 410 425 410 372 c 0
+ 410 331 384 302 348 302 c 0
+ 315 302 290 324 290 354 c 0
+ 290 380 311 400 311 412 c 0
+ 311 422 301 429 289 429 c 0
+ 190 429 141 200 141 141 c 0
+ 141 87 171 51 214 51 c 0
+ 257 51 288 74 336 141 c 1
+ 364 123 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: egrave
+Encoding: 232 232 165
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 77 0 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: eacute
+Encoding: 233 233 166
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 96 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ecircumflex
+Encoding: 234 234 167
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 174 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 96 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" e circumflexcomb
+StartChar: edieresis
+Encoding: 235 235 168
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 86 -25 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: igrave
+Encoding: 236 236 169
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 71 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -17 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i gravecomb
+StartChar: iacute
+Encoding: 237 237 170
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 71 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 -47 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i acutecomb
+StartChar: icircumflex
+Encoding: 238 238 171
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 63 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 3 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i circumflexcomb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" i circumflexcomb
+StartChar: idieresis
+Encoding: 239 239 172
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 71 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 -8 -19 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i diaeresiscomb
+StartChar: eth
+Encoding: 240 240 173
+Width: 450
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+303 574 m 1
+ 184 512 l 1
+ 151 543 l 1
+ 273 607 l 1
+ 234 644 197 665 157 672 c 1
+ 201 699 l 1
+ 250 692 290 674 333 639 c 1
+ 440 696 l 1
+ 474 664 l 1
+ 367 608 l 1
+ 434 529 461 462 461 372 c 0
+ 461 163 330 -13 175 -13 c 0
+ 85 -13 17 50 17 134 c 0
+ 17 299 154 462 292 462 c 0
+ 323 462 344 449 363 420 c 1
+ 365 424 l 1
+ 361 478 342 524 303 574 c 1
+185 16 m 0
+ 291 16 342 309 342 375 c 0
+ 342 411 324 433 296 433 c 0
+ 203 433 136 203 136 86 c 0
+ 136 39 152 16 185 16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ntilde
+Encoding: 241 241 174
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 8 -24 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ograve
+Encoding: 242 242 175
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 93 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oacute
+Encoding: 243 243 176
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 84 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ocircumflex
+Encoding: 244 244 177
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 154 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 104 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" o circumflexcomb
+StartChar: otilde
+Encoding: 245 245 178
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -7 -26 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: odieresis
+Encoding: 246 246 179
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 99 -19 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: divide
+Encoding: 247 247 180
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+537 209 m 1
+ 33 209 l 1
+ 33 297 l 1
+ 537 297 l 1
+ 537 209 l 1
+286 119 m 0
+ 326 119 359 85 359 45 c 0
+ 359 4 326 -29 284 -29 c 0
+ 243 -29 211 3 211 45 c 0
+ 211 87 244 119 286 119 c 0
+286 535 m 0
+ 326 535 359 501 359 461 c 0
+ 359 419 326 387 284 387 c 0
+ 243 387 211 419 211 461 c 0
+ 211 503 244 535 286 535 c 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: oslash
+Encoding: 248 248 181
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+452 560 m 1
+ 387 444 l 1
+ 444 416 469 375 469 311 c 0
+ 469 143 333 -13 185 -13 c 0
+ 167 -13 154 -11 134 -5 c 1
+ 70 -119 l 1
+ 30 -119 l 1
+ 102 7 l 1
+ 49 37 25 77 25 134 c 0
+ 25 304 164 462 314 462 c 0
+ 328 462 338 461 356 456 c 1
+ 415 560 l 1
+ 452 560 l 1
+303 433 m 0
+ 196 433 144 155 144 86 c 2
+ 144 78 l 1
+ 335 419 l 1
+ 325 429 316 433 303 433 c 0
+193 16 m 0
+ 294 16 350 292 350 372 c 0
+ 350 374 350 375 349 377 c 1
+ 156 34 l 1
+ 166 22 177 16 193 16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ugrave
+Encoding: 249 249 182
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uacute
+Encoding: 250 250 183
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 142 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ucircumflex
+Encoding: 251 251 184
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 174 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 128 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" u circumflexcomb
+StartChar: udieresis
+Encoding: 252 252 185
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 111 -22 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yacute
+Encoding: 253 253 186
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 284 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 263 0 basechar 0 {150-150 9} {}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 96 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: thorn
+Encoding: 254 254 187
+Width: 492
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+169 -178 m 1
+ 169 -205 l 1
+ -80 -205 l 1
+ -80 -178 l 1
+ -75 -178 l 2
+ -30 -178 -20 -164 -2 -93 c 0
+ 160 537 l 2
+ 172 583 177 606 177 612 c 0
+ 177 635 163 642 114 642 c 1
+ 114 669 l 1
+ 203 679 252 686 320 699 c 1
+ 225 359 l 1
+ 228 356 l 1
+ 278 431 322 462 379 462 c 0
+ 444 462 486 414 486 341 c 0
+ 486 168 344 -13 209 -13 c 0
+ 188 -13 176 -9 141 9 c 1
+ 138 -4 l 1
+ 130 -32 l 2
+ 111 -100 104 -133 104 -146 c 0
+ 104 -170 119 -177 169 -178 c 1
+361 340 m 0
+ 361 371 344 391 319 391 c 0
+ 238 391 200 235 188 195 c 0
+ 161 104 153 74 153 58 c 0
+ 153 38 170 22 192 22 c 0
+ 294 22 361 276 361 340 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ydieresis
+Encoding: 255 255 188
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 284 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 263 0 basechar 0 {150-150 9} {}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 51 -22 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Amacron
+Encoding: 256 256 189
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 267 177 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: amacron
+Encoding: 257 257 190
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 131 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 84 -20 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Abreve
+Encoding: 258 258 191
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 519 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 244 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 261 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" A brevecomb
+StartChar: abreve
+Encoding: 259 259 192
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 307 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 134 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 103 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" a brevecomb
+StartChar: Aogonek
+Encoding: 260 260 193
+Width: 734
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 468 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+435 84 m 0
+ 435 110 427 151 420 208 c 1
+ 205 208 l 1
+ 146 106 l 2
+ 136 89 131 73 131 60 c 0
+ 131 36 150 25 196 25 c 1
+ 196 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 36 33 52 46 83 95 c 0
+ 455 683 l 1
+ 480 683 l 1
+ 576 111 l 1
+ 589 35 594 30 660 25 c 1
+ 660 0 l 1
+ 654 -14 651 -25 651 -39 c 0
+ 651 -81 673 -104 714 -104 c 0
+ 742 -104 762 -89 774 -84 c 1
+ 796 -98 l 1
+ 771 -144 723 -173 673 -173 c 0
+ 612 -173 567 -139 567 -92 c 0
+ 567 -65 576 -45 610 0 c 1
+ 356 0 l 1
+ 356 25 l 1
+ 420 31 435 42 435 84 c 0
+228 248 m 1
+ 413 248 l 1
+ 376 491 l 1
+ 228 248 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aogonek
+Encoding: 261 261 194
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 306 449 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+453 -104 m 0
+ 481 -104 501 -89 513 -84 c 1
+ 535 -98 l 1
+ 510 -144 462 -173 412 -173 c 0
+ 351 -173 306 -139 306 -92 c 0
+ 306 -67 313 -50 338 -14 c 1
+ 297 -10 272 15 272 52 c 0
+ 272 66 275 79 286 119 c 1
+ 229 24 183 -13 122 -13 c 0
+ 57 -13 14 38 14 114 c 0
+ 14 270 164 462 287 462 c 0
+ 330 462 352 441 361 390 c 1
+ 379 449 l 1
+ 490 456 l 1
+ 419 220 l 2
+ 395 139 385 97 385 72 c 0
+ 385 63 390 57 397 57 c 0
+ 413 57 428 72 469 127 c 1
+ 490 112 l 1
+ 410 -10 390 16 390 -41 c 0
+ 390 -82 413 -104 453 -104 c 0
+338 373 m 0
+ 338 402 320 420 299 420 c 0
+ 236 420 137 214 137 112 c 0
+ 137 81 156 58 182 58 c 0
+ 270 58 338 305 338 373 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cacute
+Encoding: 262 262 195
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 226 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cacute
+Encoding: 263 263 196
+Width: 428
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 95 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ccircumflex
+Encoding: 264 264 197
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 247 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ccircumflex
+Encoding: 265 265 198
+Width: 428
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 92 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Cdotaccent
+Encoding: 266 266 199
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 125 194 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cdotaccent
+Encoding: 267 267 200
+Width: 428
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -18 -18 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ccaron
+Encoding: 268 268 201
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 248 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ccaron
+Encoding: 269 269 202
+Width: 428
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 345 684 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 153 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "topright" 430 464 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 107 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Dcaron
+Encoding: 270 270 203
+Width: 723
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 237 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dcaron
+Encoding: 271 271 204
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2709 -1 N 1 0 0 1 432 0 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Dcroat
+Encoding: 272 272 205
+Width: 723
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 141 208 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dcroat
+Encoding: 273 273 206
+Width: 505
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+390 544 m 1
+ 393 555 407 602 407 615 c 0
+ 407 633 392 643 366 643 c 2
+ 345 643 l 1
+ 345 670 l 1
+ 445 678 494 685 554 699 c 1
+ 511 544 l 1
+ 577 544 l 1
+ 569 513 l 1
+ 503 513 l 1
+ 443 294 l 2
+ 408 167 386 80 386 71 c 0
+ 386 65 392 59 397 59 c 0
+ 412 59 437 86 464 131 c 1
+ 486 115 l 1
+ 431 27 386 -11 337 -11 c 0
+ 299 -11 277 12 277 51 c 0
+ 277 66 280 81 288 118 c 1
+ 231 23 185 -13 122 -13 c 0
+ 61 -13 16 40 16 112 c 0
+ 16 269 166 462 288 462 c 0
+ 317 462 336 453 360 429 c 1
+ 382 513 l 1
+ 243 513 l 1
+ 252 544 l 1
+ 390 544 l 1
+345 370 m 0
+ 345 399 330 420 305 420 c 0
+ 220 420 140 187 140 117 c 0
+ 140 84 157 59 181 59 c 0
+ 268 59 345 319 345 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Emacron
+Encoding: 274 274 207
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 247 177 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: emacron
+Encoding: 275 275 208
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 66 -19 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ebreve
+Encoding: 276 276 209
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 264 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 247 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" E brevecomb
+StartChar: ebreve
+Encoding: 277 277 210
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 164 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 96 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" e brevecomb
+StartChar: Edotaccent
+Encoding: 278 278 211
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 132 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: edotaccent
+Encoding: 279 279 212
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -17 -20 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eogonek
+Encoding: 280 280 213
+Width: 610
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 428 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+283 32 m 0
+ 455 32 531 106 588 199 c 1
+ 613 194 l 1
+ 566 41 l 2
+ 553 -1 549 -23 549 -41 c 0
+ 549 -82 572 -104 612 -104 c 0
+ 640 -104 660 -89 672 -84 c 1
+ 694 -98 l 1
+ 669 -144 621 -173 571 -173 c 0
+ 510 -173 465 -139 465 -92 c 0
+ 465 -65 474 -45 508 0 c 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 52 33 65 44 80 97 c 0
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 209 568 213 591 213 606 c 0
+ 213 635 188 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 680 669 l 1
+ 637 479 l 1
+ 610 484 l 1
+ 610 573 593 637 426 637 c 0
+ 385 637 373 628 363 593 c 0
+ 302 370 l 1
+ 315 370 l 2
+ 436 370 462 385 507 476 c 1
+ 535 472 l 1
+ 461 199 l 1
+ 433 204 l 1
+ 436 223 437 234 437 248 c 0
+ 437 317 407 336 293 338 c 1
+ 237 129 l 2
+ 236 125 222 75 222 66 c 0
+ 222 42 240 32 283 32 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eogonek
+Encoding: 281 281 214
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 298 449 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+329 -104 m 0
+ 357 -104 377 -89 389 -84 c 1
+ 411 -98 l 1
+ 386 -144 338 -173 288 -173 c 0
+ 227 -173 182 -139 182 -92 c 0
+ 182 -65 191 -46 223 -3 c 1
+ 200 -10 184 -13 163 -13 c 0
+ 76 -13 12 50 12 134 c 0
+ 12 299 156 462 300 462 c 0
+ 361 462 405 426 405 375 c 0
+ 405 332 375 226 148 182 c 1
+ 144 162 142 149 142 133 c 0
+ 142 79 164 51 207 51 c 0
+ 249 51 277 73 324 142 c 1
+ 353 125 l 1
+ 292 25 266 26 266 -37 c 0
+ 266 -81 287 -104 329 -104 c 0
+155 214 m 1
+ 232 242 313 285 313 395 c 0
+ 313 417 304 429 285 429 c 0
+ 237 429 191 352 155 214 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ecaron
+Encoding: 282 282 215
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 256 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 490 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 210 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ecaron
+Encoding: 283 283 216
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 180 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 106 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gcircumflex
+Encoding: 284 284 217
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 261 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcircumflex
+Encoding: 285 285 218
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 91 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gbreve
+Encoding: 286 286 219
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 264 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gbreve
+Encoding: 287 287 220
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 84 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gdotaccent
+Encoding: 288 288 221
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 144 194 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gdotaccent
+Encoding: 289 289 222
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -39 -23 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gcommaaccent
+Encoding: 290 290 223
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 450 0 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcommaaccent
+Encoding: 291 291 224
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1629 700 S -1 0 0 -1 546 1187 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hcircumflex
+Encoding: 292 292 225
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 288 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hcircumflex
+Encoding: 293 293 226
+Width: 546
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 186 209 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hbar
+Encoding: 294 294 227
+Width: 758
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+598 607 m 0
+ 598 635 578 636 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 777.211 637.715 761.247 627.4 746.883 587 c 1
+ 803 587 l 1
+ 789 525 l 1
+ 729.1 525 l 1
+ 627 153 l 2
+ 613.257 102.929 608 80 608 66 c 0
+ 608 37 626 27 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 364 0 l 1
+ 364 25 l 1
+ 431 29 450 43 465 97 c 2
+ 529 329 l 1
+ 290 329 l 1
+ 240 148 l 2
+ 236 126 223 94 223 68 c 0
+ 223 36 233 30 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 32 66 44 80 97 c 2
+ 197.676 525 l 1
+ 104 525 l 1
+ 118 587 l 1
+ 211.875 587 l 1
+ 212.693 593.906 213 599.613 213 604 c 0
+ 213 634 192 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
+ 398.352 642.195 376.37 629.798 360.852 587 c 1
+ 596.094 587 l 1
+ 597.248 595.135 598 602.346 598 607 c 0
+582.455 525 m 1
+ 342.533 525 l 1
+ 302 373 l 1
+ 541 373 l 1
+ 582.455 525 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hbar
+Encoding: 295 295 228
+Width: 547
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+220 283 m 1
+ 287 379 347 462 432 462 c 0
+ 479 462 508 434 508 387 c 0
+ 508 368 497.888 326.036 478 265 c 2
+ 420 87 l 2
+ 417.061 77.9795 417 77 417 75 c 0
+ 417 68 427 59 434 59 c 0
+ 447 59 466 80 509 142 c 1
+ 531 127 l 1
+ 465 24 425 -9 364 -9 c 0
+ 325 -9 298 15 298 49 c 0
+ 298 103 323 172 370 313 c 0
+ 377 333 381 344 381 346 c 1
+ 384 355 386 363 386 369 c 0
+ 386 380 376 390 364 390 c 0
+ 338 390 305 361 263 301 c 0
+ 213 228 192 178 141 0 c 1
+ 20 0 l 1
+ 161.651 525 l 1
+ 73 525 l 1
+ 87 587 l 1
+ 178.725 587 l 1
+ 180.723 596.554 182 604.128 182 610 c 0
+ 182 632 168 643 141 643 c 0
+ 136 643 127 643 119 642 c 1
+ 119 669 l 1
+ 200 676 250 684 327 699 c 1
+ 298.349 587 l 1
+ 492 587 l 1
+ 478 525 l 1
+ 281.725 525 l 1
+ 220 283 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Itilde
+Encoding: 296 296 229
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -11 183 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: itilde
+Encoding: 297 297 230
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 71 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -119 -24 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i tildecomb
+StartChar: Imacron
+Encoding: 298 298 231
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 87 177 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: imacron
+Encoding: 299 299 232
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 71 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -24 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i macroncomb
+StartChar: Ibreve
+Encoding: 300 300 233
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 114 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 115 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" I brevecomb
+StartChar: ibreve
+Encoding: 301 301 234
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 89 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 64 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 -2 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i brevecomb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" i brevecomb
+StartChar: Iogonek
+Encoding: 302 302 235
+Width: 421
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 313 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+213 607 m 0
+ 213 635 193 636 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 370 625 356 572 c 0
+ 242 152 l 2
+ 229 103 224 80 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 283 -11 276 -27 276 -45 c 0
+ 276 -81 300 -104 339 -104 c 0
+ 368 -104 385 -89 399 -84 c 1
+ 421 -98 l 1
+ 396 -144 348 -173 298 -173 c 0
+ 237 -173 192 -139 192 -92 c 0
+ 192 -65 201 -45 235 0 c 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 66 45 80 97 c 0
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iogonek
+Encoding: 303 303 236
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 239 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+234 -104 m 0
+ 262 -104 282 -89 294 -84 c 1
+ 316 -98 l 1
+ 291 -144 243 -173 193 -173 c 0
+ 132 -173 87 -139 87 -92 c 0
+ 87 -66 95 -48 124 -8 c 1
+ 117 -9 110 -9 107 -9 c 0
+ 68 -9 40 17 40 54 c 0
+ 40 67 45 95 53 123 c 0
+ 111 338 l 1
+ 115 355 118 370 118 378 c 0
+ 118 399 102 407 59 407 c 1
+ 59 434 l 1
+ 137 440 207 450 261 462 c 1
+ 170 128 l 2
+ 167 116 161 82 161 76 c 0
+ 161 68 168 61 176 61 c 0
+ 191 61 214 82 240 121 c 2
+ 254 141 l 1
+ 276 127 l 1
+ 204 15 171 24 171 -40 c 0
+ 171 -81 193 -104 234 -104 c 0
+232 685 m 0
+ 269 685 301 654 301 617 c 0
+ 301 580 270 550 232 550 c 0
+ 195 550 166 580 166 619 c 0
+ 166 654 197 685 232 685 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+MultipleSubs2: "Glyph Decomposition of iogonek-subtable" dotlessi ogonekcmb
+StartChar: Idotaccent
+Encoding: 304 304 237
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 117 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 186 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -21 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dotlessi
+Encoding: 305 305 238
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 111 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 129 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 201 449 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+254 141 m 1
+ 276 127 l 1
+ 206 22 169 -9 109 -9 c 0
+ 68 -9 40 17 40 54 c 0
+ 40 67 45 95 53 123 c 2
+ 111 338 l 2
+ 115 355 118 370 118 378 c 0
+ 118 399 102 407 59 407 c 1
+ 59 434 l 1
+ 137 440 207 450 261 462 c 1
+ 170 128 l 2
+ 167 116 161 82 161 76 c 0
+ 161 68 168 61 176 61 c 0
+ 191 61 214 82 240 121 c 2
+ 254 141 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IJ
+Encoding: 306 306 239
+Width: 834
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 334 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch" I J
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: ij
+Encoding: 307 307 240
+Width: 516
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+492 685 m 0
+ 529 685 561 654 561 617 c 0
+ 561 580 530 550 492 550 c 0
+ 455 550 426 580 426 619 c 0
+ 426 654 457 685 492 685 c 0
+222 685 m 0
+ 259 685 291 654 291 617 c 0
+ 291 580 260 550 222 550 c 0
+ 185 550 156 580 156 619 c 0
+ 156 654 187 685 222 685 c 0
+180 63 m 0
+ 223 63 381 253 381 376 c 0
+ 381 403 368 408 349 408 c 0
+ 342 408 335 408 328 407 c 1
+ 328 434 l 1
+ 398 440 467 447 536 462 c 1
+ 422 24 l 2
+ 395 -80 340 -207 214 -207 c 0
+ 167 -207 108 -186 108 -130 c 0
+ 108 -103 129 -77 157 -77 c 0
+ 184 -77 206 -99 206 -126 c 0
+ 206 -147 191 -156 191 -164 c 0
+ 191 -171 208 -176 213 -176 c 0
+ 259 -176 277 -78 286 -45 c 0
+ 344 178 l 1
+ 346 187 349 195 351 204 c 1
+ 302 126 219 -9 115 -9 c 0
+ 60 -9 37 17 37 69 c 0
+ 37 144 110 312 110 375 c 0
+ 110 403 85 407 63 407 c 0
+ 51 407 l 1
+ 51 434 l 1
+ 118 439 187 447 253 462 c 1
+ 223 352 189 241 163 130 c 1
+ 160 130 157 93 157 87 c 0
+ 157 71 164 63 180 63 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch" i j
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Jcircumflex
+Encoding: 308 308 241
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 214 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jcircumflex
+Encoding: 309 309 242
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 52 -4 0
+Refer: 1626 567 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" j circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Kcommaaccent
+Encoding: 310 310 243
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 N 1 0 0 1 420 0 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kcommaaccent
+Encoding: 311 311 244
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 S 1 0 0 1 -61 -738 2
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kgreenlandic
+Encoding: 312 312 245
+Width: 514
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+117 376 m 0
+ 117 400 103 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 204 261 l 1
+ 225 261 l 2
+ 258 261 310 330 333 368 c 0
+ 347 390 396 470 473 470 c 0
+ 529 470 534 447 534 410 c 0
+ 534 380 506 361 475 361 c 0
+ 433 361 447 396 421 396 c 0
+ 384 396 349 271 287 243 c 1
+ 316 242 351 228 361 200 c 0
+ 419 39 l 2
+ 424 26 433 24 444 24 c 1
+ 438 0 l 1
+ 290 0 l 1
+ 234 168 l 1
+ 234 168 222 214 201 214 c 2
+ 191 214 l 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 106 328 l 2
+ 113 354 117 367 117 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Lacute
+Encoding: 313 313 246
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 137 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lacute
+Encoding: 314 314 247
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 13 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lcommaaccent
+Encoding: 315 315 248
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 450 0 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lcommaaccent
+Encoding: 316 316 249
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 250 0 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lcaron
+Encoding: 317 317 250
+Width: 638
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2709 -1 S 1 0 0 1 352 0 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lcaron
+Encoding: 318 318 251
+Width: 382
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2709 -1 S 1 0 0 1 212 0 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Ldot
+Encoding: 319 319 252
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 278 38 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable" L middot
+StartChar: ldot
+Encoding: 320 320 253
+Width: 434
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 183 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable" l middot
+StartChar: Lslash
+Encoding: 321 321 254
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+213 607 m 0
+ 213 635 193 636 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
+ 391 640 371 627 356 572 c 0
+ 312 410 l 1
+ 462 491 l 1
+ 441 421 l 1
+ 293 338 l 1
+ 227 94 l 2
+ 224 83 222 70 222 62 c 0
+ 222 41 242 32 286 32 c 0
+ 368 32 439 52 493 90 c 0
+ 532 118 554 143 588 199 c 1
+ 612 194 l 1
+ 553 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 32 66 45 80 97 c 0
+ 130 278 l 1
+ 26 222 l 1
+ 48 292 l 1
+ 148 345 l 1
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lslash
+Encoding: 322 322 255
+Width: 304
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+266 141 m 1
+ 288 127 l 1
+ 219 22 181 -9 120 -9 c 0
+ 78 -9 52 15 52 53 c 0
+ 52 79 66 137 114 309 c 1
+ 37 266 l 1
+ 56 336 l 1
+ 134 379 l 1
+ 177 531 194 599 194 615 c 0
+ 194 633 179 643 152 643 c 0
+ 147 643 142 643 131 642 c 1
+ 131 669 l 1
+ 206 676 254 683 340 699 c 1
+ 265 427 l 1
+ 351 474 l 1
+ 332 406 l 1
+ 246 359 l 1
+ 195 176 l 2
+ 181 125 173 90 173 76 c 0
+ 173 68 180 61 188 61 c 0
+ 206 61 226 82 266 141 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nacute
+Encoding: 323 323 256
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 273 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: nacute
+Encoding: 324 324 257
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 132 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ncommaaccent
+Encoding: 325 325 258
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 460 0 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ncommaaccent
+Encoding: 326 326 259
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 370 0 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ncaron
+Encoding: 327 327 260
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 233 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ncaron
+Encoding: 328 328 261
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 112 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: napostrophe
+Encoding: 329 329 262
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1629 700 N 1 0 0 1 -72 66 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eng
+Encoding: 330 330 263
+Width: 793
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+482 135 m 0
+ 482 82 434 76 434 45 c 0
+ 434 30 448 20 471 20 c 0
+ 556.035 20 676 309.08 676 488 c 0
+ 676 615 629 629 573 629 c 0
+ 498 629 428 594 334 488 c 1
+ 235 125 l 2
+ 227.782 99.0586 224 79 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 234 30 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 60 30 65.1084 47.9688 87 128 c 2
+ 209 574 l 2
+ 211.938 584.743 214 597 214 605 c 0
+ 214 629 197 637 140 645 c 1
+ 140 670 l 1
+ 384 670 l 1
+ 353 555 l 1
+ 427 646 517 686 596 686 c 0
+ 733 686 827 647 827 491 c 0
+ 827 210.895 635 -13 474 -13 c 0
+ 390 -13 333 25 333 87 c 0
+ 333 154 390 191 427 191 c 0
+ 460 191 482 166 482 135 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Sami-1" Engsami
+StartChar: eng
+Encoding: 331 331 264
+Width: 495
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 334 449 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 268 237 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "topright" 380 462 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+490 383 m 0
+ 490 353 477 317 470 289 c 2
+ 401 24 l 2
+ 374 -80 319 -207 193 -207 c 0
+ 146 -207 87 -186 87 -130 c 0
+ 87 -103 108 -77 136 -77 c 0
+ 163 -77 185 -99 185 -126 c 0
+ 185 -147 170 -156 170 -164 c 0
+ 170 -171 187 -176 192 -176 c 0
+ 238 -176 256 -78 265 -45 c 2
+ 357 310 l 2
+ 361 327 370 351 370 368 c 0
+ 370 381 357 390 345 390 c 0
+ 244 390 148 65 131 0 c 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 24 52 112 346 112 381 c 0
+ 112 406 86 407 66 407 c 2
+ 58 407 l 1
+ 58 434 l 1
+ 123 434 195 447 258 461 c 1
+ 198 275 l 1
+ 201 273 l 1
+ 249 344 317 462 414 462 c 0
+ 466 462 490 437 490 383 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omacron
+Encoding: 332 332 265
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 235 178 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omacron
+Encoding: 333 333 266
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 94 -20 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Obreve
+Encoding: 334 334 267
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 254 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 252 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" O brevecomb
+StartChar: obreve
+Encoding: 335 335 268
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 154 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 114 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" o brevecomb
+StartChar: Ohungarumlaut
+Encoding: 336 336 269
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 269 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 413 733 S 1 0 0 1 242 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohungarumlaut
+Encoding: 337 337 270
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 160 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 413 733 S 1 0 0 1 95 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: OE
+Encoding: 338 338 271
+Width: 875
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+464 677 m 0
+ 490 677 576 669 611 669 c 2
+ 946 669 l 1
+ 900 478 l 1
+ 875 484 l 1
+ 876 498 877 512 877 521 c 0
+ 877 599 822 637 712 637 c 0
+ 677 637 670 631 659 590 c 0
+ 598 370 l 1
+ 628 370 l 2
+ 714 370 756 397 787 473 c 1
+ 814 470 l 1
+ 742 198 l 1
+ 715 203 l 1
+ 716 212 716 219 716 222 c 0
+ 718 239 719 255 719 263 c 0
+ 719 325 665 329 589 336 c 1
+ 525 91 l 1
+ 523 82 521 72 521 66 c 0
+ 521 42 542 32 594 32 c 0
+ 711 32 782 78 851 199 c 1
+ 878 194 l 1
+ 818 0 l 1
+ 494 0 l 2
+ 484 -1 475 -1 470 -1 c 2
+ 448 -1 l 1
+ 294 -8 l 1
+ 274 -9 l 2
+ 60 -9 23 133 23 223 c 0
+ 23 364 99 513 217 602 c 0
+ 291 657 356 677 464 677 c 0
+392 123 m 2
+ 500 514 l 2
+ 507 540 512 567 512 582 c 0
+ 512 623 486 645 439 645 c 0
+ 379 645 329 613 281 545 c 0
+ 218 454 164 275 164 158 c 0
+ 164 77 212 24 285 24 c 0
+ 343 24 372 51 392 123 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oe
+Encoding: 339 339 272
+Width: 680
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+15 144 m 0
+ 15 279 135 462 309 462 c 0
+ 362 462 394 445 425 400 c 1
+ 484 447 519 462 571 462 c 0
+ 640 462 683 427 683 371 c 0
+ 683 326 653 282 596 245 c 0
+ 551 216 526 207 423 184 c 1
+ 417 156 415 143 415 128 c 0
+ 415 77 439 50 482 50 c 0
+ 528 50 556 71 600 139 c 1
+ 628 124 l 1
+ 610 89 560 -13 440 -13 c 0
+ 394 -13 362 3 323 44 c 1
+ 280 5 233 -13 175 -13 c 0
+ 80 -13 15 51 15 144 c 0
+430 218 m 1
+ 549 253 595 323 595 392 c 0
+ 595 416 581 432 558 432 c 0
+ 507 432 474 339 430 218 c 1
+186 16 m 0
+ 283 16 346 286 346 359 c 0
+ 346 408 327 433 291 433 c 0
+ 190 433 133 160 133 97 c 0
+ 133 45 152 16 186 16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Racute
+Encoding: 340 340 273
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 172 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: racute
+Encoding: 341 341 274
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 28 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rcommaaccent
+Encoding: 342 342 275
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 470 0 2
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rcommaaccent
+Encoding: 343 343 276
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 N 1 0 0 1 230 0 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rcaron
+Encoding: 344 344 277
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 203 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rcaron
+Encoding: 345 345 278
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 38 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sacute
+Encoding: 346 346 279
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 -7 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 112 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sacute
+Encoding: 347 347 280
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 18 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scircumflex
+Encoding: 348 348 281
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 96 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scircumflex
+Encoding: 349 349 282
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 8 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scedilla
+Encoding: 350 350 283
+Width: 508
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+303 685 m 0
+ 364 685 422 655 452 655 c 0
+ 473 655 487 663 496 681 c 1
+ 526 681 l 1
+ 486 480 l 1
+ 459 484 l 1
+ 446 601 407 650 327 650 c 0
+ 263 650 223 609 223 545 c 0
+ 223 500 238 478 300 431 c 0
+ 422 338 468 271 468 185 c 0
+ 468 60 379 -18 236 -18 c 0
+ 225 -18 217 -18 202 -16 c 1
+ 172 -62 l 1
+ 182 -60 188 -59 197 -59 c 0
+ 250 -59 288 -89 288 -131 c 0
+ 288 -181 235 -218 164 -218 c 0
+ 127 -218 95 -211 52 -193 c 1
+ 74 -160 l 1
+ 102 -173 119 -177 141 -177 c 0
+ 175 -177 197 -161 197 -136 c 0
+ 197 -114 179 -100 150 -100 c 0
+ 139 -100 131 -101 120 -104 c 1
+ 107 -92 l 1
+ 163 -9 l 1
+ 107 8 86 17 70 17 c 0
+ 51 17 44 11 32 -18 c 1
+ 2 -18 l 1
+ 38 206 l 1
+ 67 204 l 1
+ 72 123 98 16 221 16 c 0
+ 298 16 347 73 347 142 c 0
+ 347 269 102 328 102 491 c 0
+ 102 601 189 685 303 685 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: scedilla
+Encoding: 351 351 284
+Width: 337
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+142 376 m 0
+ 142 313 279 224 279 119 c 0
+ 279 45 215 -13 133 -13 c 0
+ 129 -13 122 -13 114 -12 c 1
+ 80 -62 l 1
+ 90 -60 96 -59 106 -59 c 0
+ 158 -59 196 -89 196 -131 c 0
+ 196 -181 143 -218 72 -218 c 0
+ 36 -218 4 -211 -40 -193 c 1
+ -18 -160 l 1
+ 10 -173 27 -177 49 -177 c 0
+ 83 -177 105 -161 105 -136 c 0
+ 105 -114 87 -100 58 -100 c 0
+ 48 -100 40 -101 28 -104 c 1
+ 15 -92 l 1
+ 75 -3 l 1
+ 72 -2 69 -1 68 -1 c 0
+ 55 4 43 7 37 7 c 0
+ 24 7 12 -1 8 -13 c 1
+ -19 -13 l 1
+ 3 153 l 1
+ 30 150 l 1
+ 35 118 49 17 126 17 c 0
+ 158 17 183 41 183 71 c 0
+ 183 144 47 221 47 336 c 0
+ 47 412 100 462 181 462 c 0
+ 220 462 253 440 275 440 c 0
+ 290 440 293 442 304 461 c 1
+ 333 461 l 1
+ 310 308 l 1
+ 283 310 l 1
+ 267 393 241 429 195 429 c 0
+ 163 429 142 408 142 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Scaron
+Encoding: 352 352 285
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 102 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scaron
+Encoding: 353 353 286
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 8 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tcedilla
+Encoding: 354 354 287
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+689 669 m 1
+ 653 477 l 1
+ 626 479 l 1
+ 621 590 582 633 488 634 c 1
+ 348 128 l 2
+ 341 102 337 81 337 66 c 0
+ 337 34 350 28 420 25 c 1
+ 420 0 l 1
+ 239.328 0 l 1
+ 195 -66 l 1
+ 205 -64 211 -63 221 -63 c 0
+ 273 -63 311 -93 311 -135 c 0
+ 311 -185 258 -222 187 -222 c 0
+ 151 -222 119 -215 75 -197 c 1
+ 97 -164 l 1
+ 125 -177 142 -181 164 -181 c 0
+ 198 -181 220 -165 220 -140 c 0
+ 220 -118 202 -104 173 -104 c 0
+ 163 -104 155 -105 143 -108 c 1
+ 130 -96 l 1
+ 195.32 0 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 25 l 1
+ 103 25 l 2
+ 154 25 179.948 46.0146 194 97 c 2
+ 342 634 l 1
+ 240 632 177 591 125 491 c 1
+ 100 498 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 689 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tcedilla
+Encoding: 355 355 288
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+324 449 m 1
+ 324 407 l 1
+ 241 407 l 1
+ 208 289 l 2
+ 173.741 166.5 154 94 154 76 c 0
+ 154 69 162 61 170 61 c 0
+ 186 61 212 88 246 141 c 1
+ 268 127 l 1
+ 203.338 26.0879 163.632 -7.63334 105.625 -8.95901 c 1
+ 70 -62 l 1
+ 80 -60 86 -59 96 -59 c 0
+ 148 -59 186 -89 186 -131 c 0
+ 186 -181 133 -218 62 -218 c 0
+ 26 -218 -6 -211 -50 -193 c 1
+ -28 -160 l 1
+ 0 -173 17 -177 39 -177 c 0
+ 73 -177 95 -161 95 -136 c 0
+ 95 -114 77 -100 48 -100 c 0
+ 38 -100 30 -101 18 -104 c 1
+ 5 -92 l 1
+ 66.5746 -1.50401 l 1
+ 45.0014 8.88539 32 29.4245 32 56 c 0
+ 32 73 41 118 56 169 c 2
+ 124 407 l 1
+ 73 407 l 1
+ 73 442 l 1
+ 152 472 202 513 256 594 c 1
+ 291 594 l 1
+ 252 449 l 1
+ 324 449 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tcaron
+Encoding: 356 356 289
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 219 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tcaron
+Encoding: 357 357 290
+Width: 426
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2709 -1 S 1 0 0 1 203 0 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Tbar
+Encoding: 358 358 291
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+282 416 m 1
+ 342 634 l 1
+ 240 632 177 591 125 491 c 1
+ 100 498 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 689 669 l 1
+ 653 477 l 1
+ 626 479 l 1
+ 621 590 582 633 488 634 c 1
+ 428 416 l 1
+ 515 416 l 1
+ 499 346 l 1
+ 408 346 l 1
+ 348 128 l 2
+ 341 102 337 81 337 66 c 0
+ 337 34 350 28 420 25 c 1
+ 420 0 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 25 l 1
+ 103 25 l 2
+ 154 25 180 46 194 97 c 2
+ 263 346 l 1
+ 173 346 l 1
+ 190 416 l 1
+ 282 416 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tbar
+Encoding: 359 359 292
+Width: 317
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+117 322 m 1
+ 141 407 l 1
+ 90 407 l 1
+ 90 442 l 1
+ 169 472 219 513 273 594 c 1
+ 308 594 l 1
+ 269 449 l 1
+ 341 449 l 1
+ 341 407 l 1
+ 258 407 l 1
+ 234 322 l 1
+ 326 322 l 1
+ 313 252 l 1
+ 214 252 l 1
+ 185 152 171 92 171 76 c 0
+ 171 69 179 61 187 61 c 0
+ 203 61 229 88 263 141 c 1
+ 285 127 l 1
+ 219 24 179 -9 119 -9 c 0
+ 77 -9 49 17 49 56 c 0
+ 49 73 58 118 73 169 c 0
+ 97 252 l 1
+ 45 252 l 1
+ 59 322 l 1
+ 117 322 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Utilde
+Encoding: 360 360 293
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 171 183 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: utilde
+Encoding: 361 361 294
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 5 -24 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Umacron
+Encoding: 362 362 295
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 287 177 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: umacron
+Encoding: 363 363 296
+Width: 530
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+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 122 -19 0
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+StartChar: Ubreve
+Encoding: 364 364 297
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 294 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 294 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" U brevecomb
+StartChar: ubreve
+Encoding: 365 365 298
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 174 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 123 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" u brevecomb
+StartChar: Uring
+Encoding: 366 366 299
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 181 157 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uring
+Encoding: 367 367 300
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 18 -18 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhungarumlaut
+Encoding: 368 368 301
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 296 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 336 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 413 733 S 1 0 0 1 259 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhungarumlaut
+Encoding: 369 369 302
+Width: 530
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+AnchorPoint: "below" 161 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 338 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 413 733 S 1 0 0 1 102 0 0
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+StartChar: Uogonek
+Encoding: 370 370 303
+Width: 722
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+AnchorPoint: "above" 471 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+521 -104 m 0
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+ 604 -98 l 1
+ 579 -144 531 -173 481 -173 c 0
+ 419 -173 374 -139 374 -92 c 0
+ 374 -62 386 -39 428 13 c 1
+ 386 -8 342 -18 289 -18 c 0
+ 159 -18 67 50 67 148 c 0
+ 67 181 78 243 100 323 c 0
+ 156 529 l 2
+ 165 562 171 593 171 605 c 0
+ 171 627 161 635 129 640 c 0
+ 125 640 112 642 98 644 c 1
+ 98 669 l 1
+ 409 669 l 1
+ 409 644 l 1
+ 347 641 331 629 315 572 c 0
+ 233 272 l 2
+ 208 181 205 166 205 139 c 0
+ 205 76 251 38 327 38 c 0
+ 382 38 426 58 460 98 c 0
+ 490 135 512 185 539 282 c 2
+ 597 491 l 1
+ 608 532 616 571 616 588 c 0
+ 616 623 593 639 536 644 c 1
+ 536 669 l 1
+ 744 669 l 1
+ 744 644 l 1
+ 689 633 680 623 642 491 c 0
+ 576 263 l 2
+ 536 127 528 123 507 92 c 2
+ 487 62 l 2
+ 470 36 458 -6 458 -42 c 0
+ 458 -82 481 -104 521 -104 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uogonek
+Encoding: 371 371 304
+Width: 556
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+AnchorPoint: "above" 321 449 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+494 -104 m 0
+ 522 -104 542 -89 554 -84 c 1
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+ 551 -144 503 -173 453 -173 c 0
+ 392 -173 347 -139 347 -92 c 0
+ 347 -65 356 -46 387 -4 c 1
+ 371 -8 363 -9 351 -9 c 0
+ 307 -9 286 10 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 292 106 310 161 c 1
+ 207 17 177 -9 110 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 35 16 35 65 c 0
+ 35 89 42 125 56 173 c 0
+ 96 306 l 2
+ 105 335 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 133 437 234 457 263 462 c 1
+ 169 154 l 2
+ 156 111 154 103 154 88 c 0
+ 154 71 161 63 175 63 c 0
+ 195 63 217 80 248 118 c 0
+ 305 190 334 256 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 430 181 l 1
+ 405 86 405 86 405 76 c 0
+ 405 67 411 59 419 59 c 0
+ 436 59 456 80 491 133 c 1
+ 512 120 l 1
+ 465 38 431 29 431 -41 c 0
+ 431 -82 453 -104 494 -104 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Wcircumflex
+Encoding: 372 372 305
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 386 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wcircumflex
+Encoding: 373 373 306
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 198 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ycircumflex
+Encoding: 374 374 307
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 319 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 230 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ycircumflex
+Encoding: 375 375 308
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 284 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 263 0 basechar 0 {150-150 9} {}
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+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 65 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ydieresis
+Encoding: 376 376 309
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 238 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 319 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 237 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zacute
+Encoding: 377 377 310
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 179 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zacute
+Encoding: 378 378 311
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 68 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zdotaccent
+Encoding: 379 379 312
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 43 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zdotaccent
+Encoding: 380 380 313
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -78 -22 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zcaron
+Encoding: 381 381 314
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 160 207 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zcaron
+Encoding: 382 382 315
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 43 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: longs
+Encoding: 383 383 316
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+420 614 m 0
+ 420 636 436 648 436 656 c 0
+ 436 664 429 669 419 669 c 0
+ 384 669 351 619 328 520 c 2
+ 214 30 l 2
+ 178 -83 130 -205 4 -205 c 0
+ -56 -205 -95 -174 -95 -126 c 0
+ -95 -97 -71 -72 -43 -72 c 0
+ -18 -72 6 -96 6 -120 c 0
+ 6 -145 -10 -154 -10 -163 c 0
+ -10 -169 -2 -174 8 -174 c 0
+ 70 -174 72 -95 186 407 c 1
+ 113 407 l 1
+ 122 449 l 1
+ 195 449 l 1
+ 231 574 285 698 421 698 c 0
+ 481 698 520 667 520 618 c 0
+ 520 587 499 565 469 565 c 0
+ 442 565 420 587 420 614 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin subtable" s
+StartChar: uni01C4
+Encoding: 452 452 317
+Width: 1296
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 314 381 N 1 0 0 1 734 0 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01C5
+Encoding: 453 453 318
+Width: 1123
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 315 382 N 1 0 0 1 734 0 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01C6
+Encoding: 454 454 319
+Width: 889
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 315 382 S 1 0 0 1 500 0 0
+Refer: 68 100 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01C7
+Encoding: 455 455 320
+Width: 1109
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 609 0 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01C8
+Encoding: 456 456 321
+Width: 887
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 S 1 0 0 1 554 0 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01C9
+Encoding: 457 457 322
+Width: 556
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 S 1 0 0 1 223 0 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01CA
+Encoding: 458 458 323
+Width: 1132
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 632 0 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01CB
+Encoding: 459 459 324
+Width: 945
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 S 1 0 0 1 612 0 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01CC
+Encoding: 460 460 325
+Width: 789
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 N 1 0 0 1 456 0 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01D6
+Encoding: 470 470 326
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 147 140 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
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+StartChar: uni01D7
+Encoding: 471 471 327
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+Flags: HM
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+354 719 m 0
+ 390 719 420 689 420 653 c 0
+ 420 619 389 589 354 589 c 0
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+566 719 m 0
+ 602 719 632 689 632 653 c 0
+ 632 619 601 589 566 589 c 0
+ 532 589 502 619 502 653 c 0
+ 502 689 531 719 566 719 c 0
+744 569 m 1
+ 744 547 l 1
+ 689 538 680 530 642 417 c 2
+ 576 224 l 2
+ 553 156 519 -15 290 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 67 42 67 126 c 0
+ 67 154 78 207 100 275 c 2
+ 156 450 l 2
+ 165 478 171 504 171 514 c 0
+ 171 533 161 540 129 544 c 0
+ 125 544 112 546 98 547 c 1
+ 98 569 l 1
+ 409 569 l 1
+ 409 547 l 1
+ 347 545 331 535 315 486 c 0
+ 233 231 l 2
+ 208 154 205 141 205 118 c 0
+ 205 65 251 32 327 32 c 0
+ 382 32 426 49 460 83 c 0
+ 490 115 512 157 539 240 c 2
+ 597 417 l 2
+ 608 452 616 485 616 500 c 0
+ 616 530 593 543 536 547 c 1
+ 536 569 l 1
+ 744 569 l 1
+473 719 m 1
+ 424 719 l 1
+ 546 850 l 2
+ 581 888 598 900 616 900 c 0
+ 642 900 664 878 664 853 c 0
+ 664 834 655 823 625 806 c 2
+ 473 719 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 472 472 328
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 141 152 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
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+StartChar: uni01D9
+Encoding: 473 473 329
+Width: 722
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+354 730 m 0
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+ 320 600 290 630 290 664 c 0
+ 290 700 319 730 354 730 c 0
+566 730 m 0
+ 602 730 632 700 632 664 c 0
+ 632 630 601 600 566 600 c 0
+ 532 600 502 630 502 664 c 0
+ 502 700 531 730 566 730 c 0
+744 569 m 1
+ 744 547 l 1
+ 689 538 680 530 642 417 c 2
+ 576 224 l 2
+ 553 156 519 -15 290 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 67 42 67 126 c 0
+ 67 154 78 207 100 275 c 2
+ 156 450 l 2
+ 165 478 171 504 171 514 c 0
+ 171 533 161 540 129 544 c 0
+ 125 544 112 546 98 547 c 1
+ 98 569 l 1
+ 409 569 l 1
+ 409 547 l 1
+ 347 545 331 535 315 486 c 0
+ 233 231 l 2
+ 208 154 205 141 205 118 c 0
+ 205 65 251 32 327 32 c 0
+ 382 32 426 49 460 83 c 0
+ 490 115 512 157 539 240 c 2
+ 597 417 l 2
+ 608 452 616 485 616 500 c 0
+ 616 530 593 543 536 547 c 1
+ 536 569 l 1
+ 744 569 l 1
+666 900 m 1
+ 504 726 l 1
+ 422 726 l 1
+ 334 900 l 1
+ 384 900 l 1
+ 475 803 l 1
+ 610 900 l 1
+ 666 900 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01DA
+Encoding: 474 474 330
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 146 153 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01DB
+Encoding: 475 475 331
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+354 726 m 0
+ 390 726 420 696 420 660 c 0
+ 420 626 389 596 354 596 c 0
+ 320 596 290 626 290 660 c 0
+ 290 696 319 726 354 726 c 0
+566 726 m 0
+ 602 726 632 696 632 660 c 0
+ 632 626 601 596 566 596 c 0
+ 532 596 502 626 502 660 c 0
+ 502 696 531 726 566 726 c 0
+744 569 m 1
+ 744 547 l 1
+ 689 538 680 530 642 417 c 2
+ 576 224 l 2
+ 553 156 519 -15 290 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 67 42 67 126 c 0
+ 67 154 78 207 100 275 c 2
+ 156 450 l 2
+ 165 478 171 504 171 514 c 0
+ 171 533 161 540 129 544 c 0
+ 125 544 112 546 98 547 c 1
+ 98 569 l 1
+ 409 569 l 1
+ 409 547 l 1
+ 347 545 331 535 315 486 c 0
+ 233 231 l 2
+ 208 154 205 141 205 118 c 0
+ 205 65 251 32 327 32 c 0
+ 382 32 426 49 460 83 c 0
+ 490 115 512 157 539 240 c 2
+ 597 417 l 2
+ 608 452 616 485 616 500 c 0
+ 616 530 593 543 536 547 c 1
+ 536 569 l 1
+ 744 569 l 1
+497 719 m 1
+ 452 719 l 1
+ 319 808 l 2
+ 297 823 285 840 285 855 c 0
+ 285 879 306 900 330 900 c 0
+ 349 900 370 887 386 866 c 2
+ 497 719 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01DC
+Encoding: 476 476 332
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 116 155 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01DD
+Encoding: 477 477 333
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 S -1 0 0 -1 433 449 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01DF
+Encoding: 479 479 334
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 126 140 0
+Refer: 161 228 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E0
+Encoding: 480 480 335
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+368 71 m 0
+ 368 94 360 128 353 177 c 1
+ 138 177 l 1
+ 79 90 l 2
+ 69 76 64 62 64 51 c 0
+ 64 31 83 21 129 21 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 21 l 1
+ -31 28 -15 39 16 81 c 2
+ 388 581 l 1
+ 413 581 l 1
+ 509 94 l 2
+ 522 30 527 26 593 21 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 21 l 1
+ 353 26 368 36 368 71 c 0
+161 211 m 1
+ 346 211 l 1
+ 309 417 l 1
+ 161 211 l 1
+435 773 m 0
+ 467 773 489 750 489 720 c 0
+ 489 675 442 643 408 643 c 0
+ 378 643 356 666 356 695 c 0
+ 356 732 393 773 435 773 c 0
+626 900 m 1
+ 610 830 l 1
+ 284 830 l 1
+ 301 900 l 1
+ 626 900 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01E1
+Encoding: 481 481 336
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 138 119 0
+Refer: 390 551 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E4
+Encoding: 484 484 337
+Width: 730
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+465 685 m 0
+ 573 685 596 655 631 655 c 0
+ 651 655 666 667 673 685 c 1
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+ 653 464 l 1
+ 624 468 l 1
+ 624 566 593 649 481 649 c 0
+ 290 649 200 353 200 201 c 0
+ 200 97 253 20 361 20 c 0
+ 470 20 466 64 492 152 c 1
+ 425 152 l 1
+ 425 196 l 1
+ 503 196 l 1
+ 508 214 516 243 516 262 c 0
+ 516 304 474 302 442 304 c 1
+ 442 330 l 1
+ 729 330 l 1
+ 729 304 l 1
+ 657 300 659 256 643 196 c 1
+ 723 196 l 1
+ 723 152 l 1
+ 631 152 l 1
+ 602 41 l 1
+ 522 3 434 -18 345 -18 c 0
+ 179 -18 44 77 44 253 c 0
+ 44 483 232 685 465 685 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01E5
+Encoding: 485 485 338
+Width: 510
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+528 373 m 1
+ 461 373 l 1
+ 465 359 467 345 467 330 c 0
+ 467 214 350 153 247 153 c 0
+ 230 153 215 161 199 161 c 0
+ 186 161 172 139 172 127 c 0
+ 172 102 238 84 302 64 c 0
+ 364 44 426 16 426 -46 c 0
+ 426 -52 425 -59 424 -66 c 1
+ 473 -66 l 1
+ 461 -110 l 1
+ 410 -110 l 1
+ 367 -184 260 -203 182 -203 c 0
+ 122 -203 8 -185 -1 -110 c 1
+ -54 -110 l 1
+ -42 -66 l 1
+ 4 -66 l 1
+ 23 -18 83 -4 128 6 c 1
+ 128 8 l 1
+ 98 18 69 37 69 72 c 0
+ 69 124 126 148 165 170 c 1
+ 115 189 85 232 85 283 c 0
+ 85 398 208 462 309 462 c 0
+ 347 462 387 453 417 429 c 1
+ 528 429 l 1
+ 528 373 l 1
+350 369 m 0
+ 350 398 338 431 304 431 c 0
+ 238 431 201 301 201 248 c 0
+ 201 218 208 184 245 184 c 0
+ 313 184 350 315 350 369 c 0
+305 -66 m 1
+ 282 -36 200 -16 163 -6 c 1
+ 136 -17 102 -39 90 -66 c 1
+ 305 -66 l 1
+315 -110 m 1
+ 88 -110 l 1
+ 103 -153 152 -169 194 -169 c 0
+ 236 -169 306 -162 315 -110 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gcaron
+Encoding: 486 486 339
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 284 193 0
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcaron
+Encoding: 487 487 340
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 114 -14 0
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E8
+Encoding: 488 488 341
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 248 193 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E9
+Encoding: 489 489 342
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 160 205 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oogonek
+Encoding: 490 490 343
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 451 668 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+340 -136 m 0
+ 368 -136 388 -121 400 -116 c 1
+ 422 -130 l 1
+ 397 -176 349 -205 299 -205 c 0
+ 238 -205 193 -171 193 -124 c 0
+ 193 -82.0586 225.527 -44.671 247.556 -17.609 c 1
+ 115.107 -10.8391 27 83.2856 27 221 c 0
+ 27 412 204 685 449 685 c 0
+ 588 685 691 587 691 454 c 0
+ 691 256.343 530.469 -1.39489 286.722 -17.2326 c 1
+ 282.081 -35.4493 277 -57.4504 277 -72 c 0
+ 277 -113 299 -136 340 -136 c 0
+445 651 m 0
+ 381 651 328.212 609.879 277 520 c 0
+ 222.227 423.871 171 239 171 137 c 0
+ 171 63 210 16 273 16 c 0
+ 327 16 372 46 418 113 c 0
+ 485 211 547 411 547 531 c 0
+ 547 603 506 651 445 651 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oogonek
+Encoding: 491 491 344
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 316 449 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+256 -131 m 0
+ 284 -131 304 -116 316 -111 c 1
+ 338 -125 l 1
+ 313 -171 265 -200 215 -200 c 0
+ 154 -200 109 -166 109 -119 c 0
+ 109 -76.7363 142.029 -39.0977 164.062 -11.9873 c 1
+ 82.4775 -3.58398 25 56.2715 25 135 c 0
+ 25 303 165 462 312 462 c 0
+ 403 462 469 399 469 311 c 0
+ 469 149.112 344.206 0.0712891 202.734 -12.1865 c 1
+ 198.089 -30.4121 193 -52.4385 193 -67 c 0
+ 193 -108 215 -131 256 -131 c 0
+193 16 m 0
+ 299 16 350 309 350 375 c 0
+ 350 411 332 433 303 433 c 0
+ 209 433 144 200 144 78 c 0
+ 144 40 163 16 193 16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01EC
+Encoding: 492 492 345
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 247 177 0
+Refer: 343 490 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01ED
+Encoding: 493 493 346
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 103 -16 0
+Refer: 344 491 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01EE
+Encoding: 494 494 347
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 246 207 0
+Refer: 1436 439 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01EF
+Encoding: 495 495 348
+Width: 470
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 55 -14 0
+Refer: 403 658 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jcaron
+Encoding: 496 496 349
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1626 567 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 -33 -14 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" j caroncomb
+StartChar: uni01F1
+Encoding: 497 497 350
+Width: 1335
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 734 0 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F2
+Encoding: 498 498 351
+Width: 1123
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 734 0 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F3
+Encoding: 499 499 352
+Width: 889
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 500 0 0
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aringacute
+Encoding: 506 506 353
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+446.93 715 m 0
+ 494.03 715 526.845 680.004 526.845 635.229 c 0
+ 526.845 575.215 468.617 516 403.631 516 c 0
+ 355.967 516 323.748 549.796 323.748 595.259 c 0
+ 323.748 660.093 387.988 715 446.93 715 c 0
+436.364 670 m 0
+ 407.554 670 369.435 641.326 369.435 603.532 c 0
+ 369.435 579.11 387.004 561 412.195 561 c 0
+ 443.258 561 480.671 587.323 480.671 625.296 c 0
+ 480.671 650.24 462.518 670 436.364 670 c 0
+368 63 m 0
+ 368 82.5 360 113.25 353 156 c 1
+ 138 156 l 1
+ 79 79.5 l 2
+ 69 66.75 64 54.75 64 45 c 0
+ 64 27 83 18.75 129 18.75 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 18.75 l 1
+ -31 24.75 -15 34.5 16 71.25 c 2
+ 388 512.25 l 1
+ 413 512.25 l 1
+ 509 83.25 l 2
+ 522 26.25 527 22.5 593 18.75 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 18.75 l 1
+ 353 23.25 368 31.5 368 63 c 0
+161 186 m 1
+ 346 186 l 1
+ 309 368.25 l 1
+ 161 186 l 1
+423 719 m 1
+ 374 719 l 1
+ 496 850 l 2
+ 531 888 548 900 566 900 c 0
+ 592 900 614 878 614 853 c 0
+ 614 834 605 823 575 806 c 2
+ 423 719 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aringacute
+Encoding: 507 507 354
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 -17 -51 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 149 203 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: AEacute
+Encoding: 508 508 355
+Width: 911
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 416 193 0
+Refer: 131 198 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aeacute
+Encoding: 509 509 356
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 263 -14 0
+Refer: 163 230 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oslashacute
+Encoding: 510 510 357
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 210 203 0
+Refer: 149 216 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oslashacute
+Encoding: 511 511 358
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 13 -14 0
+Refer: 181 248 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adblgrave
+Encoding: 512 512 359
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 632 187 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adblgrave
+Encoding: 513 513 360
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 519 -6 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0202
+Encoding: 514 514 361
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 512 231 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0203
+Encoding: 515 515 362
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 334 16 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Edblgrave
+Encoding: 516 516 363
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 679 187 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: edblgrave
+Encoding: 517 517 364
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 543 -6 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0206
+Encoding: 518 518 365
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 483 231 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0207
+Encoding: 519 519 366
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 345 16 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Idblgrave
+Encoding: 520 520 367
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 558 187 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: idblgrave
+Encoding: 521 521 368
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 431 -6 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i dblgravecmb
+StartChar: uni020A
+Encoding: 522 522 369
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 342 231 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 523 523 370
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 N 1 0 0 1 249 16 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i breveinvertedcmb
+StartChar: Odblgrave
+Encoding: 524 524 371
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 694 187 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: odblgrave
+Encoding: 525 525 372
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 545 -6 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni020E
+Encoding: 526 526 373
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 N 1 0 0 1 511 231 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni020F
+Encoding: 527 527 374
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 356 16 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rdblgrave
+Encoding: 528 528 375
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 670 187 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rdblgrave
+Encoding: 529 529 376
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 521 -6 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0212
+Encoding: 530 530 377
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 N 1 0 0 1 477 231 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0213
+Encoding: 531 531 378
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 293 16 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udblgrave
+Encoding: 532 532 379
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 731 187 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: udblgrave
+Encoding: 533 533 380
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 429 783 S 1 0 0 1 569 -6 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0216
+Encoding: 534 534 381
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 548 231 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0217
+Encoding: 535 535 382
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 431 785 S 1 0 0 1 371 16 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scommaaccent
+Encoding: 536 536 383
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 380 0 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scommaaccent
+Encoding: 537 537 384
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 300 0 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tcommabelow
+Encoding: 538 538 385
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 390 0 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tcommabelow
+Encoding: 539 539 386
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 452 806 S 1 0 0 1 250 0 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni021E
+Encoding: 542 542 387
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 292 193 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni021F
+Encoding: 543 543 388
+Width: 546
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 200 204 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0226
+Encoding: 550 550 389
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 136 184 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0227
+Encoding: 551 551 390
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -14 -23 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0228
+Encoding: 552 552 391
+Width: 610
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+283 32 m 0
+ 455 32 531 106 588 199 c 1
+ 613 194 l 1
+ 554 0 l 1
+ 259.328 0 l 1
+ 215 -66 l 1
+ 225 -64 231 -63 241 -63 c 0
+ 293 -63 331 -93 331 -135 c 0
+ 331 -185 278 -222 207 -222 c 0
+ 171 -222 139 -215 95 -197 c 1
+ 117 -164 l 1
+ 145 -177 162 -181 184 -181 c 0
+ 218 -181 240 -165 240 -140 c 0
+ 240 -118 222 -104 193 -104 c 0
+ 183 -104 175 -105 163 -108 c 1
+ 150 -96 l 1
+ 215.32 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 52 33 65 44 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 209 568 213 591 213 606 c 0
+ 213 635 188 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 680 669 l 1
+ 637 479 l 1
+ 610 484 l 1
+ 610 573 593 637 426 637 c 0
+ 385 637 373 628 363 593 c 2
+ 302 370 l 1
+ 315 370 l 2
+ 436 370 462 385 507 476 c 1
+ 535 472 l 1
+ 461 199 l 1
+ 433 204 l 1
+ 436 223 437 234 437 248 c 0
+ 437 317 407 336 293 338 c 1
+ 237 129 l 1
+ 237 123 222 83 222 66 c 0
+ 222 42 240 32 283 32 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0229
+Encoding: 553 553 392
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+167 214 m 1
+ 244 242 325 285 325 395 c 0
+ 325 417 316 429 297 429 c 0
+ 249 429 203 352 167 214 c 1
+336 142 m 1
+ 365 125 l 1
+ 307.129 29.5136 254.841 -10.1561 183.01 -12.8517 c 1
+ 150 -62 l 1
+ 160 -60 166 -59 176 -59 c 0
+ 228 -59 266 -89 266 -131 c 0
+ 266 -181 213 -218 142 -218 c 0
+ 106 -218 74 -211 30 -193 c 1
+ 52 -160 l 1
+ 80 -173 97 -177 119 -177 c 0
+ 153 -177 175 -161 175 -136 c 0
+ 175 -114 157 -100 128 -100 c 0
+ 118 -100 110 -101 98 -104 c 1
+ 85 -92 l 1
+ 141.038 -9.64141 l 1
+ 71.8469 4.43967 24 61.3699 24 134 c 0
+ 24 299 168 462 312 462 c 0
+ 373 462 417 426 417 375 c 0
+ 417 332 387 226 160 182 c 1
+ 156 162 154 149 154 133 c 0
+ 154 79 176 51 219 51 c 0
+ 261 51 289 73 336 142 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni022A
+Encoding: 554 554 393
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 231 163 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 256 277 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022B
+Encoding: 555 555 394
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 134 142 0
+Refer: 179 246 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022C
+Encoding: 556 556 395
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 154 156 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 285 277 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022D
+Encoding: 557 557 396
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 137 141 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022E
+Encoding: 558 558 397
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 136 184 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022F
+Encoding: 559 559 398
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -12 -23 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0230
+Encoding: 560 560 399
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+483 762 m 0
+ 519 762 549 732 549 696 c 0
+ 549 662 518 632 483 632 c 0
+ 449 632 419 662 419 696 c 0
+ 419 732 448 762 483 762 c 0
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+680 872 m 1
+ 664 802 l 1
+ 338 802 l 1
+ 355 872 l 1
+ 680 872 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0231
+Encoding: 561 561 400
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 129 119 0
+Refer: 398 559 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0232
+Encoding: 562 562 401
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 247 177 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0233
+Encoding: 563 563 402
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 43 -51 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yogh
+Encoding: 658 658 403
+Width: 470
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+454 432 m 1
+ 230 256 l 1
+ 245 259 261 261 277 261 c 0
+ 366 261 410 196 410 112 c 0
+ 410 -64 256 -217 80 -217 c 0
+ 29 -217 -75 -178 -75 -115 c 0
+ -75 -81 -47 -53 -13 -53 c 0
+ 21 -53 49 -81 49 -115 c 0
+ 49 -137 38 -158 18 -168 c 1
+ 32 -176 52 -186 69 -186 c 0
+ 200 -186 285 -61 285 62 c 0
+ 285 139 237 172 164 172 c 0
+ 139 172 114 163 90 158 c 1
+ 79 180 l 1
+ 152 238 224 297 299 353 c 1
+ 118 353 l 2
+ 81 353 66 322 55 292 c 1
+ 27 295 l 1
+ 70 449 l 1
+ 454 449 l 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: circumflex
+Encoding: 710 710 404
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+316 516 m 1
+ 228 611 l 1
+ 97 516 l 1
+ 40 516 l 1
+ 200 690 l 1
+ 281 690 l 1
+ 367 516 l 1
+ 316 516 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caron
+Encoding: 711 711 405
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+411 690 m 1
+ 249 516 l 1
+ 167 516 l 1
+ 79 690 l 1
+ 129 690 l 1
+ 220 593 l 1
+ 355 690 l 1
+ 411 690 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: acutemodifier
+Encoding: 714 714 406
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gravemodifier
+Encoding: 715 715 407
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: breve
+Encoding: 728 728 408
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+348 678 m 1
+ 387 678 l 1
+ 369 574 305 516 208 516 c 0
+ 115 516 71 564 71 665 c 2
+ 71 678 l 1
+ 114 678 l 1
+ 120 617 153 588 216 588 c 0
+ 281 588 317 612 348 678 c 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: dotaccent
+Encoding: 729 729 409
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+335 655 m 0
+ 371 655 401 625 401 589 c 0
+ 401 555 370 525 335 525 c 0
+ 301 525 271 555 271 589 c 0
+ 271 625 300 655 335 655 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ring
+Encoding: 730 730 410
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364.93 743 m 0
+ 412.03 743 444.845 708.004 444.845 663.228 c 0
+ 444.845 603.215 386.617 544 321.631 544 c 0
+ 273.967 544 241.748 577.796 241.748 623.259 c 0
+ 241.748 688.093 305.988 743 364.93 743 c 0
+352.102 687.1 m 0
+ 329.054 687.1 298.559 664.161 298.559 633.926 c 0
+ 298.559 614.388 312.614 599.9 332.767 599.9 c 0
+ 357.617 599.9 387.548 620.958 387.548 651.337 c 0
+ 387.548 671.292 373.025 687.1 352.102 687.1 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ogonek
+Encoding: 731 731 411
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+107 -104 m 0
+ 135 -104 155 -89 167 -84 c 1
+ 189 -98 l 1
+ 164 -144 116 -173 66 -173 c 0
+ 5 -173 -40 -139 -40 -92 c 0
+ -40 -40 10 5 28 32 c 1
+ 61 44 l 1
+ 59 32 44 -15 44 -40 c 0
+ 44 -81 66 -104 107 -104 c 0
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: tilde
+Encoding: 732 732 412
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+279.225 655 m 0
+ 337.225 655 388.297 613 421.297 613 c 0
+ 444.297 613 459.636 624 481.225 655 c 1
+ 522.225 655 l 1
+ 482.582 572 439.931 536 379.931 536 c 0
+ 360.931 536 349.568 539 325.693 549 c 2
+ 271.582 572 l 2
+ 259.646 577 246.283 580 235.283 580 c 0
+ 213.283 580 197.944 569 178.143 537 c 1
+ 138.143 537 l 1
+ 166.447 609 222.225 655 279.225 655 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hungarumlaut
+Encoding: 733 733 413
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+158 516 m 1
+ 109 516 l 1
+ 173 647 l 2
+ 191 685 210 697 228 697 c 0
+ 254 697 278 678 278 656 c 0
+ 278 635 272 621 252 603 c 2
+ 158 516 l 1
+321 516 m 1
+ 272 516 l 1
+ 359 647 l 2
+ 384 685 398 697 416 697 c 0
+ 442 697 469 681 469 659 c 0
+ 469 639 461 618 440 603 c 2
+ 321 516 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gravecomb
+Encoding: 768 768 414
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -105 475 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -100 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 -336 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutecomb
+Encoding: 769 769 415
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -130 449 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -122 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 -333 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: circumflexcomb
+Encoding: 770 770 416
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -150 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 -350 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tildecomb
+Encoding: 771 771 417
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -140 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -451 -11 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: macroncomb
+Encoding: 772 772 418
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -150 460 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -150 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -353 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: overlinecmb
+Encoding: 773 773 419
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -60 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+208.398 637 m 1
+ 193.095 565 l 1
+ -287.905 565 l 1
+ -272.602 637 l 1
+ 208.398 637 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: brevecomb
+Encoding: 774 774 420
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -30 449 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -25 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 -222 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dotaccentcmb
+Encoding: 775 775 421
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -119 449 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -124 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -453 10 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: diaeresiscomb
+Encoding: 776 776 422
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -110 449 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -124 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 -333 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hookabovecomb
+Encoding: 777 777 423
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -73.5625 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-90.6885 624 m 1
+ -75.4949 624 -61.4761 618.473 -61.4761 600.873 c 0
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+ -124.137 558 -131.089 570.416 -131.089 588.55 c 0
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+ -178.356 -181.321 -179.192 -180 -181.63 -180 c 0
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+ -399.717 -124.038 -397.879 -111.512 -393.991 -97 c 2
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+ -332.614 -123.946 -326.046 -125 -317.494 -125 c 0
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+ -207.594 -47 l 1
+ -220.991 -97 l 2
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+ -223.116 -121.781 -216.5 -125 -206.494 -125 c 0
+ -191.928 -125 -181.33 -120.656 -174.991 -97 c 2
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+ -241.015 -188 -262.23 -180.396 -270.47 -161.356 c 1
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+ -7.16016 258 l 1
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+ 58.0518 259 l 1
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+ 0.845392 -133.905 175.892 8.98511 175.913 9 c 1
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+202.4 621 m 0
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+442 621 m 0
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+ 494.8 541 470 517 442 517 c 0
+ 414.8 517 390.8 541 390.8 568.2 c 0
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+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 8 -42 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: anoteleia
+Encoding: 903 903 485
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+179.84 258 m 0
+ 135.383 258 104.548 289.914 104.548 331.884 c 0
+ 104.548 386.778 157.486 444 219.375 444 c 0
+ 263.832 444 294.666 412.086 294.666 370.116 c 0
+ 294.666 315.222 241.728 258 179.84 258 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Epsilontonos
+Encoding: 904 904 486
+Width: 819
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 237 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -2 -40 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Etatonos
+Encoding: 905 905 487
+Width: 955
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 224 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -4 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iotatonos
+Encoding: 906 906 488
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 240 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -4 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Omicrontonos
+Encoding: 908 908 489
+Width: 835
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 156 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -3 -40 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilontonos
+Encoding: 910 910 490
+Width: 961
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 272 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -5 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Omegatonos
+Encoding: 911 911 491
+Width: 889
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 168 -3 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -6 -40 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iotadieresistonos
+Encoding: 912 912 492
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 483 901 N 1 0 0 1 -145 6 0
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Alpha
+Encoding: 913 913 493
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Beta
+Encoding: 914 914 494
+Width: 640
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 34 66 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gamma
+Encoding: 915 915 495
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+680 669 m 1
+ 637 479 l 1
+ 610 484 l 1
+ 610 615 547 637 421 637 c 0
+ 385 637 372 627 363 593 c 2
+ 237 129 l 2
+ 229.991 103.188 225 78 225 68 c 0
+ 225 36 273 26 308 25 c 1
+ 308 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 51 34 66 44 80 97 c 0
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 563 213 587.5 213 602 c 0
+ 213 644 172 640 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 680 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Delta
+Encoding: 916 916 496
+Width: 751
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+715 0 m 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 435 683 l 1
+ 457 683 l 1
+ 715 0 l 1
+553 40 m 1
+ 373 518 l 1
+ 69 40 l 1
+ 553 40 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Epsilon
+Encoding: 917 917 497
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zeta
+Encoding: 918 918 498
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eta
+Encoding: 919 919 499
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Theta
+Encoding: 920 920 500
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+696 444 m 0
+ 696 225 498 -18 270 -18 c 0
+ 140 -18 32 73 32 207 c 0
+ 32 430 216 685 454 685 c 0
+ 597 685 696 588 696 444 c 0
+552 526 m 0
+ 552 593 523 651 447 651 c 0
+ 279 651 176 284 176 150 c 0
+ 176 79 200 16 280 16 c 0
+ 450 16 552 391 552 526 c 0
+512 455 m 1
+ 458 235 l 1
+ 434 235 l 1
+ 435 241 436 247 436 252 c 0
+ 436 280 418 296 391 296 c 2
+ 321 296 l 2
+ 285 296 256 269 248 235 c 1
+ 224 235 l 1
+ 278 455 l 1
+ 302 455 l 1
+ 301 449 300 443 300 438 c 0
+ 300 410 318 394 345 394 c 2
+ 415 394 l 2
+ 451 394 480 421 488 455 c 1
+ 512 455 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iota
+Encoding: 921 921 501
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Kappa
+Encoding: 922 922 502
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lambda
+Encoding: 923 923 503
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+660 0 m 1
+ 356 0 l 1
+ 356 25 l 1
+ 396 28 435 30 435 81 c 0
+ 435 127 423 177 416 222 c 0
+ 376 491 l 1
+ 146 106 l 2
+ 138 92 131 76 131 60 c 0
+ 131 27 172 25 196 25 c 1
+ 196 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 44 36 59 58 83 95 c 2
+ 455 683 l 1
+ 480 683 l 1
+ 576 111 l 1
+ 588 41 590 31 660 25 c 1
+ 660 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Mu
+Encoding: 924 924 504
+Width: 889
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Nu
+Encoding: 925 925 505
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Xi
+Encoding: 926 926 506
+Width: 629
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+701 669 m 1
+ 642 439 l 1
+ 618 439 l 1
+ 621 450 623 460 623 471 c 0
+ 623 504 606 528 571 528 c 2
+ 230 528 l 2
+ 178 528 148 485 136 439 c 1
+ 113 439 l 1
+ 172 669 l 1
+ 701 669 l 1
+547 461 m 1
+ 482 208 l 1
+ 459 208 l 1
+ 461 215 462 222 462 229 c 0
+ 462 253 450 272 424 272 c 2
+ 241 272 l 2
+ 206 272 183 238 175 208 c 1
+ 153 208 l 1
+ 218 461 l 1
+ 240 461 l 1
+ 238 454 237 446 237 438 c 0
+ 237 414 249 397 275 397 c 2
+ 458 397 l 2
+ 494 397 515 430 524 461 c 1
+ 547 461 l 1
+588 231 m 1
+ 529 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 60 231 l 1
+ 82 231 l 1
+ 79 220 78 209 78 198 c 0
+ 78 162 96 141 133 141 c 2
+ 474 141 l 2
+ 525 141 554 187 565 231 c 1
+ 588 231 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omicron
+Encoding: 927 927 507
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 -1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Pi
+Encoding: 928 928 508
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+823 644 m 1
+ 772 636 756 624 742 572 c 2
+ 633 175 l 1
+ 625 147 608 94 608 67 c 0
+ 608 27 651 26 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 364 0 l 1
+ 364 25 l 1
+ 424 27 449 39 465 97 c 2
+ 610 625 l 1
+ 371 625 l 1
+ 240 148 l 2
+ 233 122 223 95 223 68 c 0
+ 223 24 263 27 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 33 66 46 80 97 c 2
+ 202 546 l 1
+ 207 563 213 583 213 600 c 0
+ 213 642 173 639 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Rho
+Encoding: 929 929 509
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sigma
+Encoding: 931 931 510
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+749 669 m 1
+ 712 475 l 1
+ 682 475 l 1
+ 683 486 684 496 684 507 c 0
+ 684 602 626 635 538 635 c 2
+ 322 635 l 1
+ 443 364 l 1
+ 186 141 l 1
+ 462 141 l 2
+ 540 141 611 150 637 236 c 1
+ 665 236 l 1
+ 580 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 9 33 l 1
+ 323 303 l 1
+ 162 624 l 1
+ 173 669 l 1
+ 749 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tau
+Encoding: 932 932 511
+Width: 621
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilon
+Encoding: 933 933 512
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+303 352 m 2
+ 312.268 384.081 317.611 417.282 317.611 448.089 c 0
+ 317.611 520.693 287.932 580 210 580 c 0
+ 160 580 134 519 98 519 c 0
+ 84.9697 519 78.7305 521.122 78.7305 532.282 c 0
+ 78.7305 598.207 171.033 676 219 676 c 0
+ 361 676 388 526 395 425 c 1
+ 460 526 571 676 713 676 c 0
+ 746.362 676 785.578 634.29 785.578 584.671 c 0
+ 785.578 576.213 782.844 519 746 519 c 0
+ 710 519 718 580 668 580 c 0
+ 557 580 478.413 459.889 448 352 c 2
+ 380.999 114.314 l 2
+ 376.285 97.5898 374.186 83.9941 374.186 72.9404 c 0
+ 374.186 26.9512 410.526 25 446 25 c 1
+ 446 0 l 1
+ 150 0 l 1
+ 150 25 l 1
+ 172.75 28.25 211.295 34.5596 225 82 c 2
+ 303 352 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Phi
+Encoding: 934 934 513
+Width: 799
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+442 122 m 1
+ 437 105 432 85 432 68 c 0
+ 432 26 472 26 504 25 c 1
+ 504 0 l 1
+ 208 0 l 1
+ 208 25 l 1
+ 274 34 279 63 295 122 c 1
+ 190 123 54 159 54 288 c 0
+ 54 470 257 559 414 559 c 1
+ 417 572 421 588 421 602 c 0
+ 421 644 381 640 348 644 c 1
+ 348 669 l 1
+ 646 669 l 1
+ 646 644 l 1
+ 588 637 576 614 560 559 c 1
+ 662 559 806 515 806 390 c 0
+ 806 202 600 122 442 122 c 1
+636 434 m 0
+ 636 490 614 530 553 530 c 1
+ 546 503 451 152 449 150 c 1
+ 454 150 l 2
+ 580 150 636 332 636 434 c 0
+407 530 m 1
+ 285 530 222 351 222 251 c 0
+ 222 197 243 152 303 150 c 1
+ 407 530 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Chi
+Encoding: 935 935 514
+Width: 699
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Psi
+Encoding: 936 936 515
+Width: 919
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+602 559 m 2
+ 517 244 l 1
+ 595 246 663 290 682 362 c 0
+ 700 430 693 480 709 540 c 0
+ 731 623 805 686 901 686 c 0
+ 948.482 686 980.148 635.674 980.148 589.277 c 0
+ 980.148 555.263 962.947 529 947 529 c 0
+ 895 529 924 589 854 589 c 0
+ 853.993 589 797.924 587.521 797.924 536.481 c 0
+ 797.924 494.858 831.001 470.519 831.001 416.423 c 0
+ 831.001 295.569 700.627 215 509 215 c 1
+ 484 122 l 2
+ 477.871 99.1982 474.232 81.4316 474.232 67.7051 c 0
+ 474.232 36.127 493.491 25.9297 546 25 c 1
+ 546 0 l 1
+ 250 0 l 1
+ 250 25 l 1
+ 310.5 31.5 319.662 53.7842 338 122 c 2
+ 363 215 l 1
+ 235.262 215 128.271 253.301 128.271 340.594 c 0
+ 128.271 449.258 257.427 509.738 257.427 562.252 c 0
+ 257.427 576.093 234.842 589 220 589 c 0
+ 149 589 147 529 95 529 c 0
+ 86.7822 529 80.7969 536.256 80.7969 549.517 c 0
+ 80.7969 598.444 160.657 686 225 686 c 0
+ 303.819 686 344.889 643.532 344.889 582.395 c 0
+ 344.889 500.384 265.59 404.024 265.59 330.242 c 0
+ 265.59 277.231 306.92 245.686 371 244 c 1
+ 456 559 l 2
+ 460.631 576.162 463.454 590.295 463.454 601.751 c 0
+ 463.454 631.25 444.74 643 390 643 c 1
+ 390 669 l 1
+ 688 669 l 1
+ 688 644 l 1
+ 629.5 638 616 612 602 559 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omega
+Encoding: 937 937 516
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+457 177 m 1
+ 442 122 l 1
+ 581 122 l 2
+ 625 122 661 125 672 176 c 1
+ 695 176 l 1
+ 650 0 l 1
+ 379 0 l 1
+ 433 211 l 1
+ 538 248 598 409 598 512 c 0
+ 598 576 586 652 500 652 c 0
+ 353 652 265 448 265 324 c 0
+ 265 278 278 231 325 211 c 1
+ 271 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 45 176 l 1
+ 68 176 l 1
+ 66 169 64 162 64 155 c 0
+ 64 122 100.5 122 132 122 c 2
+ 270 122 l 1
+ 284 177 l 1
+ 186 192 90 253 90 362 c 0
+ 90 570 328 685 508 685 c 0
+ 638 685 774 631 774 480 c 0
+ 774 309 611 199 457 177 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iotadieresis
+Encoding: 938 938 517
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 87 202 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilondieresis
+Encoding: 939 939 518
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 249 196 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alphatonos
+Encoding: 940 940 519
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 S 1 0 0 1 137 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: epsilontonos
+Encoding: 941 941 520
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 103 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: etatonos
+Encoding: 942 942 521
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 S 1 0 0 1 211 -14 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iotatonos
+Encoding: 943 943 522
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 S 1 0 0 1 43 -14 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilondieresistonos
+Encoding: 944 944 523
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 483 901 S 1 0 0 1 79 9 0
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alpha
+Encoding: 945 945 524
+Width: 570
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+574 449 m 1
+ 400 149 l 1
+ 404 122 414 82 449 82 c 0
+ 476 82 501 106 511 130 c 1
+ 540 130 l 1
+ 522 80 487 -13 423 -13 c 0
+ 380.314 -13 371.359 40.0068 371.359 81.0391 c 0
+ 371.359 92.876 372.104 103.716 373 112 c 1
+ 371 112 l 1
+ 325 53 259 -13 179 -13 c 0
+ 76 -13 17 50 17 151 c 0
+ 17 293 140 462 291 462 c 0
+ 359.387 462 378.868 413.095 378.868 355.217 c 0
+ 378.868 347.927 378.559 340.495 378 333 c 1
+ 380 333 l 1
+ 437 449 l 1
+ 574 449 l 1
+347 346 m 0
+ 347 380 341 433 295 433 c 0
+ 206 433 136 260 136 108 c 0
+ 136 60 149 16 185 16 c 0
+ 289 16 347 269 347 346 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: beta
+Encoding: 946 946 525
+Width: 538
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+226 501 m 2
+ 94 -138 l 18
+ 86.4844 -174.382 72 -212 20 -212 c 0
+ 1.92285 -212 -36 -203 -36 -158 c 0
+ -36 -137 -32.4775 -124.042 -23 -92 c 2
+ 123 396 l 2
+ 173.661 570.779 239 698 412 698 c 0
+ 483 698 572 667 572 586 c 0
+ 572 471 471 425 373 404 c 1
+ 373 402 l 1
+ 458 390 518 352 518 255 c 0
+ 518 128 403 -13 269 -13 c 0
+ 212 -13 149 9 149 83 c 1
+ 192 83 l 1
+ 192 42.041 224 32 244 32 c 0
+ 332 32 357 128 377 198 c 0
+ 386.062 229.716 392 276 392 299 c 0
+ 392 326 384 380 348 380 c 0
+ 333 380 318 363 295 363 c 0
+ 284 363 258 371 258 398 c 0
+ 258 424 279 436 295 436 c 0
+ 314 436 336 419 352 419 c 0
+ 414 419 453 508 453 580 c 0
+ 453 628 440 670 384 670 c 0
+ 322 670 252.69 630.205 226 501 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gamma
+Encoding: 947 947 526
+Width: 532
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+258 51 m 1
+ 258 -86 l 2
+ 258 -152 237 -212 171 -212 c 0
+ 145 -212 105 -193 105 -135 c 0
+ 105 -65 174 3 224 54 c 1
+ 225 110 l 2
+ 225 171 224 330 134 330 c 0
+ 100 330 80 298 73 268 c 1
+ 40 268 l 1
+ 55 334 75 462 167 462 c 0
+ 250 462 259 323 259 266 c 0
+ 259 202 259 146 259 84 c 1
+ 261 84 l 1
+ 310 129 374 162 410 208 c 0
+ 425.785 228.17 438 249 438 281 c 0
+ 438 298 429 314 423 329 c 0
+ 417.188 343.533 410 365 410 381 c 0
+ 410 441 440 462 475 462 c 0
+ 508 462 546 438 546 383 c 0
+ 546 204 332 124 258 51 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: delta
+Encoding: 948 948 527
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+200 -13 m 0
+ 98 -13 17 49 17 150 c 0
+ 17 276 137 413 275 413 c 0
+ 300 413 324 407 347 399 c 1
+ 349 401 l 1
+ 289 437 193 476 193 556 c 0
+ 193 638 282 689 361 689 c 0
+ 434 689 478 653 502 588 c 1
+ 464 574 l 1
+ 458 622 416 656 366 656 c 0
+ 333 656 291 640 291 602 c 0
+ 291 516.8 498 496.8 498 302 c 0
+ 498 145 370 -13 200 -13 c 0
+372 321 m 0
+ 372 350 344 385 307 385 c 0
+ 208 385 142 188.8 142 83 c 0
+ 142 52 170 15 210 15 c 0
+ 301 15 372 214.8 372 321 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: epsilon
+Encoding: 949 949 528
+Width: 439
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+395.5 334 m 0
+ 364.119 334 349.662 350.1 341 370 c 0
+ 335 383.785 327 433 269 433 c 0
+ 216 433 170 406 170 334 c 0
+ 170 298 204 258 228 258 c 0
+ 264.5 258 278.5 277 304.5 277 c 0
+ 327 277 342 259.5 342 242.5 c 0
+ 342 214.5 321 203 300 203 c 0
+ 276 203 254.5 227 227.5 227 c 0
+ 180.5 227 121 168 121 107 c 0
+ 121 38 181 32 222 32 c 0
+ 277 32 332 73 362 116 c 1
+ 386 100 l 1
+ 317 18 252 -13 145 -13 c 0
+ 80 -13 2 19 2 98 c 0
+ 2 193 80 231 164 243 c 1
+ 123 248 68 277 68 330 c 0
+ 68 430 194 462 276 462 c 0
+ 317 462 435 448 435 378 c 0
+ 435 356 423.5 334 395.5 334 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zeta
+Encoding: 950 950 529
+Width: 437
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+251 530 m 1
+ 180 464 88 324 88 206 c 0
+ 88 147 111 114 153 114 c 0
+ 186 114 201 119 234 119 c 0
+ 309 119 344 52 344 -10 c 0
+ 344 -118 264 -187 126 -187 c 0
+ 74 -187 21.6318 -162 21.6318 -121 c 0
+ 21.6318 -92 42 -79 64 -79 c 0
+ 96 -79 114.1 -103.462 133 -120 c 0
+ 157 -141 178.576 -146 197 -146 c 0
+ 247 -146 295 -114.69 295 -62 c 0
+ 295 -5 237 0 211 0 c 0
+ 180 0 167 -5 136 -5 c 0
+ 64 -5 21 22 21 118 c 0
+ 21 264 124 448 221 539 c 1
+ 171 547 103.949 581 103.949 637 c 0
+ 103.949 673 142.5 697.5 195 698 c 1
+ 211 674 l 1
+ 178 674 161.949 655.5 161.949 624 c 0
+ 161.949 575 222 558 241 557 c 1
+ 281.5 594.5 350 648 406 648 c 0
+ 446 648 475.368 640 475.368 606 c 0
+ 475.368 555 394 523 331 523 c 0
+ 298 523 285 524 251 530 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eta
+Encoding: 951 951 530
+Width: 548
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+365 -212 m 0
+ 331 -212 302 -182 302 -144 c 0
+ 302 -120 304 -104 321 -52 c 2
+ 443 296 l 2
+ 452.321 322.589 461 363 461 380 c 0
+ 461 398 457 425 418 425 c 0
+ 326 425 272.788 280.17 251 207 c 2
+ 189 0 l 1
+ 70 0 l 1
+ 161 318 l 2
+ 163 329 175 361 175 380 c 0
+ 175 387 170 406 144 406 c 0
+ 106 406 80 346 74 327 c 1
+ 50 341 l 1
+ 66 391 118 462 207 462 c 0
+ 269 462 296 441.5 296 394 c 0
+ 296 377 295.5 383 292.5 366 c 1
+ 294.5 366 l 1
+ 321 417 371 462 450 462 c 0
+ 513 462 529 412 529 375 c 0
+ 529 366 526 342 522 317 c 2
+ 436 -144 l 2
+ 427 -198 401 -212 365 -212 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: theta
+Encoding: 952 952 531
+Width: 477
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+192 -13 m 0
+ 73 -13 31 102 31 201 c 0
+ 31 369 153 678 354 678 c 0
+ 473 678 504 565 504 466 c 0
+ 504 297 383 -13 192 -13 c 0
+385 575 m 0
+ 385 625 371.5 649 344 649 c 0
+ 272 649 219.921 531.775 199 446 c 2
+ 179 364 l 1
+ 363 364 l 1
+ 373 413 385 493 385 575 c 0
+356 329 m 1
+ 172 329 l 1
+ 156 242 150 184 150 111 c 0
+ 150 41 173 16 201 16 c 0
+ 284 16 320.836 161.454 339 248 c 2
+ 356 329 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iota
+Encoding: 953 953 532
+Width: 312
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+288 133 m 1
+ 265 54 214 -13 116 -13 c 0
+ 65 -13 33 3 33 55 c 0
+ 33 66 38 104 41 114 c 2
+ 139 449 l 1
+ 259 449 l 1
+ 250 410 166 123 166 123 c 2
+ 160 97 154 78 154 70 c 0
+ 154 48 175 44 186 44 c 0
+ 229 44 255 116 263 144 c 1
+ 288 133 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kappa
+Encoding: 954 954 533
+Width: 549
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+197 230 m 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 106 328 l 2
+ 113 354 117 367 117 376 c 0
+ 117 400 103 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 206 265 l 1
+ 227 265 l 2
+ 260 265 310 330 333 368 c 0
+ 347 390 395 465 472 465 c 0
+ 506 465 530 438 530 408 c 0
+ 530 377 503 355 472 355 c 0
+ 452 355 440 366 432 374 c 0
+ 429 376 418 380 414 380 c 0
+ 404 380 392 374 382 365 c 0
+ 360 344 323 270 273 250 c 1
+ 273 244 l 1
+ 306 241 350 226 372 166 c 0
+ 379 146 398 53 432 53 c 0
+ 458 53 489 90 496 114 c 1
+ 516 102 l 1
+ 516 102 468 -10 385 -10 c 0
+ 284 -10 276 59 264 172 c 0
+ 258 230 225 230 207 230 c 2
+ 197 230 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 955 955 534
+Width: 510
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+LayerCount: 2
+499 152 m 1
+ 488 81 454 -13 377 -13 c 0
+ 340 -13 332 36 332 76 c 2
+ 332 286 l 1
+ 330 286 l 1
+ 147 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 332 496 l 1
+ 330 558 320 596 287 596 c 0
+ 242 596 220 561 208 528 c 1
+ 184 540 l 1
+ 194 588 230 698 308 698 c 0
+ 358 698 365.15 619.993 366 518 c 2
+ 369 158 l 2
+ 369 132 372 91 408 91 c 0
+ 443 91 470 131 475 166 c 1
+ 499 152 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03BC
+Encoding: 956 956 535
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+LayerCount: 2
+560 133 m 1
+ 534 45 478 -13 394 -13 c 0
+ 338 -13 325 23 325 74 c 0
+ 325 90 327 105 330 121 c 1
+ 328 121 l 1
+ 294 53 228 -13 147 -13 c 0
+ 98 -13 71 15 64 62 c 1
+ 62 62 l 1
+ 58 44 54 24 54 5 c 0
+ 54 -65 96 -100 96 -144 c 0
+ 96 -185 77 -212 34 -212 c 0
+ 7 -212 -18 -193 -18 -134 c 0
+ -18 -113 42 93 53 136 c 2
+ 144 449 l 1
+ 264 449 l 1
+ 177 144 l 2
+ 174 131 166 99 166 78 c 0
+ 166 53 187 43 208 43 c 0
+ 284 43 337 189 351 243 c 2
+ 411 449 l 1
+ 531 449 l 1
+ 520 406 447 156 447 156 c 2
+ 437 120 428 88 428 69 c 0
+ 428 48 443 44 453 44 c 0
+ 500 44 530 124 535 144 c 1
+ 560 133 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nu
+Encoding: 957 957 536
+Width: 522
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+231 0 m 1
+ 196 0 l 1
+ 192 28 158 346 158 346 c 2
+ 155 372 146 394 130 394 c 0
+ 95 394 76 329 70 310 c 1
+ 45 321 l 1
+ 64 390 112 462 195 462 c 0
+ 250 462 268 422 274 374 c 2
+ 304 82 l 1
+ 338 106 429 180 429 244 c 0
+ 429 261 428 282 417 310 c 0
+ 409 330 396 355 396 384 c 0
+ 396 442 433 462 461 462 c 0
+ 513 462 530 421 530 386 c 0
+ 530 289 460 193 392 125 c 0
+ 374 107 258 14 231 0 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xi
+Encoding: 958 958 537
+Width: 494
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+LayerCount: 2
+355 -53 m 0
+ 355 0 301 0 264 0 c 0
+ 218 0 184 -4 137 -4 c 0
+ 70 -4 15 29 15 102 c 0
+ 15 194 79 282 153 321 c 1
+ 130 331 104 350 104 388 c 0
+ 104 445 165 514 237 551 c 1
+ 187 559 111 592 111 648 c 0
+ 111 683 146.5 697.5 199 698 c 1
+ 215 674 l 1
+ 182 674 169 653.5 169 635 c 0
+ 169 586 245 567 264 566 c 1
+ 315 593 360 633 406 633 c 0
+ 446 633 464 620 464 594 c 0
+ 464 543 386 535 346 535 c 0
+ 305 535 292 537 258 543 c 1
+ 222 527 140 465 140 409 c 0
+ 140 357 170.5 349.5 194.5 349 c 1
+ 223 364 294.632 407 337.632 407 c 0
+ 373.132 407 398.896 391 398.896 360 c 0
+ 398.896 297 308 296 266 296 c 0
+ 232 296 205.5 301 185 306.5 c 1
+ 143 283.5 90 244 90 185 c 0
+ 90 140 135 115 166 115 c 0
+ 200 115 244 119 278 119 c 0
+ 360 119 404 64 404 0 c 0
+ 404 -110 324 -187 186 -187 c 0
+ 134 -187 81.6318 -162 81.6318 -121 c 0
+ 81.6318 -92 102 -79 124 -79 c 0
+ 156 -79 174.1 -103.462 193 -120 c 0
+ 217 -141 238.576 -146 257 -146 c 0
+ 307 -146 355 -102 355 -53 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omicron
+Encoding: 959 959 538
+Width: 512
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+201 -13 m 0
+ 95 -13 20 52 20 161 c 0
+ 20 319 161 462 319 462 c 0
+ 426 462 501 398 501 289 c 0
+ 501 130 360 -13 201 -13 c 0
+375 338 m 0
+ 375 398 351 433 313 433 c 0
+ 205.469 433 146 232 146 108 c 0
+ 146 39 179 17 208 17 c 0
+ 317.711 17 375 238 375 338 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: pi
+Encoding: 960 960 539
+Width: 612
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+259 360 m 1
+ 208 360 l 2
+ 173 360 151 335 137 302 c 1
+ 109 302 l 1
+ 148 428 176 462 312 462 c 0
+ 405 462 498 452 591 452 c 0
+ 615 452 638 461 646 486 c 1
+ 673 486 l 1
+ 654 391 603 360 533 360 c 1
+ 524.852 326.666 464.866 123 464.866 123 c 2
+ 458.302 98.5596 453 85.5 453 73 c 0
+ 453 59 459 44 483.5 44 c 0
+ 529 44 551 111.5 562 143.5 c 1
+ 587.5 133 l 1
+ 558 40.5 504 -13 416 -13 c 0
+ 346.733 -13 331.999 10 331.999 56.5713 c 0
+ 331.999 75.7754 332.25 90.2139 341 124 c 2
+ 341 124 399.69 315.426 411 360 c 1
+ 293 360 l 1
+ 221 121 l 2
+ 204.905 66.6201 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
+ 68.5 104 83 91.5 93 77.8457 c 0
+ 102.438 64.96 111 51 130.718 51 c 0
+ 167 51 182.798 109.418 193 144 c 2
+ 259 360 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rho
+Encoding: 961 961 540
+Width: 513
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+384 338 m 0
+ 384 398 360 433 322 433 c 0
+ 214 433 155 232 155 108 c 0
+ 155 39 188 17 217 17 c 0
+ 327 17 384 238 384 338 c 0
+208 -13 m 0
+ 120 -13 48 55.5 48 143 c 5
+ 41 109 35 74 35 39 c 0
+ 35 -152 294 11 294 -157 c 0
+ 294 -176 282 -203 271 -218 c 1
+ 243 -218 l 1
+ 244 -213 245 -209 245 -205 c 0
+ 245 -171 199 -169 175 -169 c 0
+ 55 -169 0 -89 0 0 c 0
+ 0 158 92 462 326 462 c 0
+ 432 462 503 400 503 292 c 0
+ 503 134 368 -13 208 -13 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sigma1
+Encoding: 962 962 541
+Width: 468
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+290 433 m 0
+ 197 433 83 361 83 221 c 0
+ 83 73 369 156 369 -18 c 0
+ 369 -124 305 -187 167 -187 c 0
+ 115 -187 62.6318 -162 62.6318 -121 c 0
+ 62.6318 -92 83 -79 105 -79 c 0
+ 137 -79 155.1 -103.462 174 -120 c 0
+ 198 -141 219.576 -146 238 -146 c 0
+ 288 -146 311 -115 311 -84 c 0
+ 311 42 22 -76 22 168 c 0
+ 22 340 141 462 325 462 c 0
+ 435 462 475 402 475 354 c 0
+ 475 308 446 284 410 284 c 0
+ 364 284 342 318 342 346 c 0
+ 342 367 349 379.669 349 394 c 0
+ 349 420 320.916 433 290 433 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sigma
+Encoding: 963 963 542
+Width: 525
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+472 263 m 0
+ 472 159 375 -13 197 -13 c 0
+ 93 -13 20 56 20 162 c 0
+ 20 310 151 462 323 462 c 0
+ 372 462 413 453 462 453 c 0
+ 473.043 453 484.318 452.282 495.132 452.282 c 0
+ 521.53 452.282 545.182 456.56 556 486 c 1
+ 583 486 l 1
+ 571 446 552.5 379 481 379 c 0
+ 412 379 372.05 433 311 433 c 0
+ 203 433 146 222 146 105 c 0
+ 146 52 170 17 207 17 c 0
+ 295 17 353 176 353 283 c 0
+ 353 322 338 354 305 354 c 0
+ 282 354 264 338 250 317 c 9
+ 228 344 l 17
+ 257 382 291 398 338 398 c 0
+ 405 398 472 341 472 263 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tau
+Encoding: 964 964 543
+Width: 444
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+497 486 m 1
+ 476 363 400 354 309 354 c 1
+ 299 316 247 134 247 134 c 2
+ 240 106 232 84 232 72 c 0
+ 232 57 236 44 254 44 c 0
+ 307 44 331 115 340 144 c 1
+ 366 133 l 1
+ 344 52 300 -13 207 -13 c 0
+ 153 -13 111 8 111 68 c 0
+ 111 86 118 114 126 146 c 2
+ 126 146 178 316 188 360 c 1
+ 152 360 l 2
+ 110 360 93 348 70 302 c 1
+ 42 302 l 1
+ 66 411 116 461 211 461 c 0
+ 249 461 306 452 412 452 c 0
+ 454 452 465 467 469 486 c 1
+ 497 486 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: upsilon
+Encoding: 965 965 544
+Width: 536
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+262 -13 m 0
+ 189 -13 112 29 112 120 c 0
+ 112 217 181 298 181 384 c 0
+ 181 404 160 407 149 407 c 0
+ 112 407 83 353 75 328 c 1
+ 53 341 l 1
+ 80 424 150 462 207 462 c 0
+ 264 462 290 432 290 376 c 0
+ 290 299 218 182 218 100 c 0
+ 218 40 240 16 280 16 c 0
+ 383 16 456 129 456 226 c 0
+ 456 257.481 449.761 282.442 439 308 c 0
+ 431 327 416 355.281 416 383 c 0
+ 416 430 440 462 477 462 c 0
+ 526 462 551 426 551 386 c 0
+ 551 292 477 -13 262 -13 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: phi
+Encoding: 966 966 545
+Width: 615
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+338 -8 m 1
+ 281 -206 l 1
+ 161 -206 l 1
+ 216 -13 l 1
+ 102 -13 28 75 28 190 c 0
+ 28 314 126 462 251 462 c 0
+ 292 462 331 452 342 412 c 1
+ 314 386 l 1
+ 310 398 295 418 273 418 c 0
+ 197 418 147 244 147 135 c 0
+ 147 52 178 22 227 22 c 1
+ 291 243 l 2
+ 323.07 352.038 392 462 516 462 c 0
+ 590 462 618 407 618 340 c 0
+ 618 186 512 23 338 -8 c 1
+581 329 m 0
+ 581 367 572 424 522 424 c 0
+ 470 424 443 361 433 320 c 2
+ 348 26 l 1
+ 478 54 581 203 581 329 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chi
+Encoding: 967 967 546
+Width: 495
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+527 449 m 1
+ 256 74 l 1
+ 256 37 262 -102 318 -102 c 0
+ 364 -102 382 -58 389 -27 c 1
+ 413 -41 l 1
+ 404 -96 372 -206 294 -206 c 0
+ 248 -206 222 -156 222 -58 c 0
+ 222 -27 223 -1 226 30 c 1
+ 224 30 l 1
+ 65 -191 l 1
+ -75 -191 l 1
+ 210 205 l 1
+ 211 212 211 219 211 227 c 0
+ 211 282 191 359 136 359 c 0
+ 95 359 73 327 63 291 c 1
+ 39 304 l 1
+ 51 350 87 462 163 462 c 0
+ 233 462 242 370 242 298 c 0
+ 242 276 240 256 239 242 c 1
+ 387 449 l 1
+ 527 449 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: psi
+Encoding: 968 968 547
+Width: 693
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+389 -13 m 1
+ 347 -211 l 1
+ 246 -211 l 1
+ 305 -13 l 1
+ 207 -11 92 28 92 145 c 0
+ 92 224 143 313 143 385 c 0
+ 143 397 140 411 126 411 c 0
+ 95 411 82 365 76 341 c 1
+ 47 341 l 1
+ 66 416 114 474 196 474 c 0
+ 255 474 293 453 293 390 c 0
+ 293 295 237 206 237 110 c 0
+ 237 57 262 25 315 16 c 1
+ 481 571 l 1
+ 509 571 l 1
+ 393 16 l 1
+ 497 37 590 156 590 261 c 0
+ 590 297 583 331 583 367 c 0
+ 583 409 599 474 652 474 c 0
+ 694 474 706 443 706 406 c 0
+ 706 386 703 366 698 346 c 0
+ 660 192 555 21 389 -13 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omega
+Encoding: 969 969 548
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+428 -13 m 0
+ 350 -13 317 21 317 94 c 2
+ 317 104 l 1
+ 315 104 l 1
+ 279 29 233 -13 147 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 15 55 15 143 c 0
+ 15 321 125 474 314 474 c 1
+ 306 440 l 1
+ 241.001 439.999 214 371 201 318 c 0
+ 183 245 149 155 149 77 c 0
+ 149 53 155 22 186 22 c 0
+ 247 22 274 79 286 130 c 0
+ 305 209 263 392 388 392 c 0
+ 418 392 443 382 443 348 c 0
+ 443 273 352 178 352 79 c 0
+ 352 44 368 22 405 22 c 0
+ 461 22 488 117 499 160 c 0
+ 515 227 548 312 548 382 c 0
+ 548 417 533 440 496 440 c 2
+ 494 440 l 1
+ 502 474 l 1
+ 604 474 684 428 684 317 c 0
+ 684 182 581 -13 428 -13 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iotadieresis
+Encoding: 970 970 549
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 -4 -23 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilondieresis
+Encoding: 971 971 550
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 143 -23 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omicrontonos
+Encoding: 972 972 551
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 140 -15 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilontonos
+Encoding: 973 973 552
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 S 1 0 0 1 184 -15 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omegatonos
+Encoding: 974 974 553
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1249 900 S 1 0 0 1 249 -13 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni03D0
+Encoding: 976 976 554
+Width: 489
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+145 481 m 1
+ 129 448 94 409 70 254 c 1
+ 122 380.5 242 424 311 424 c 0
+ 402 424 475 370 475 277 c 0
+ 475 117 350 -13 194 -13 c 0
+ 73 -13 29 90 29 197 c 0
+ 29 433 181 698 418 698 c 0
+ 457 698 510 683 510 634 c 0
+ 510 508 239 482 145 481 c 1
+434 621 m 0
+ 434 651 407 659 384 659 c 0
+ 301 659 203 573 161 507 c 1
+ 227 508 434 528 434 621 c 0
+356 274 m 0
+ 356 380 326 395 296 395 c 0
+ 205 395 143 268 143 108 c 0
+ 143 75 151 16 205 16 c 0
+ 302.537 16 356 188.2 356 274 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: theta1
+Encoding: 977 977 555
+Width: 613
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+605 301 m 1
+ 581 310 l 1
+ 587 320 591 333 591 349 c 0
+ 591 373 575 388 548 388 c 1
+ 512 222 461 -13 249 -13 c 0
+ 166 -13 110 22 110 115 c 0
+ 110 190 151 252 151 309 c 0
+ 151 319 141 333 125 333 c 0
+ 88 333 61 289 55 268 c 1
+ 30 280 l 1
+ 65 348 106 389 173 389 c 0
+ 235 389 258 357 258 299 c 0
+ 258 250 214 145 214 71 c 0
+ 214 46 222 16 261 16 c 0
+ 327 16 363.433 98.9639 378 168 c 2
+ 424 386 l 1
+ 287 386 216 428 216 516 c 0
+ 216 616 293 698 390 698 c 0
+ 499 698 567 623 567 510 c 0
+ 567 480 560 441 554 415 c 1
+ 598 415 620 393 620 355 c 0
+ 620 337 615 317 605 301 c 1
+384 669 m 0
+ 322 669 313 564 313 515 c 0
+ 313 461 339 415 430 415 c 1
+ 436 439 447 481 447 544 c 0
+ 447 635 424 669 384 669 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Upsilon1
+Encoding: 978 978 556
+Width: 722
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+316 452 m 0
+ 316 653 108 614 108 653 c 0
+ 108 669 148 670 158 670 c 0
+ 302 670 418 575 428 427 c 1
+ 469 543 578 676 712 676 c 0
+ 752 676 787 661 787 616 c 0
+ 787 569 752 519 701 519 c 0
+ 673 519 652 539 652 567 c 0
+ 652 608 684 639 723 639 c 0
+ 726 639 729 638 732 638 c 1
+ 725 643 716 644 708 644 c 0
+ 499 644 431 293 392 152 c 0
+ 385 127 374 94 374 68 c 0
+ 374 26 414 26 446 25 c 1
+ 446 0 l 1
+ 150 0 l 1
+ 150 25 l 1
+ 200 32 216 48 230 97 c 2
+ 301 352 l 2
+ 310 384 316 418 316 452 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03D3
+Encoding: 979 979 557
+Width: 931
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 -26 -40 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 209 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni03D4
+Encoding: 980 980 558
+Width: 722
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 246 196 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: phi1
+Encoding: 981 981 559
+Width: 623
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+295 -13 m 1
+ 252 -211 l 1
+ 160 -211 l 1
+ 217 -13 l 1
+ 113 -7 21 53 21 166 c 0
+ 21 338 196 468 357 474 c 1
+ 405 630 l 1
+ 434 630 l 1
+ 397 474 l 1
+ 508 470 610 403 610 283 c 0
+ 610 116 451 -4 295 -13 c 1
+467 347 m 0
+ 467 398 449 442 392 446 c 1
+ 300 16 l 1
+ 412 28 467 253 467 347 c 0
+348 446 m 1
+ 220 436 166 213 166 109 c 0
+ 166 67 177 21 226 16 c 1
+ 348 446 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yicyrillic
+Encoding: 1031 1031 560
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 84 207 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Jecyrillic
+Encoding: 1032 1032 561
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 393 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ljecyrillic
+Encoding: 1033 1033 562
+Width: 1053
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 567 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+524 637 m 2
+ 477 637 463 626 448 569 c 0
+ 400.791 395.394 358 244 307.465 144 c 0
+ 258.657 47.418 208 -12 108 -12 c 0
+ 39 -12 0 32 0 75 c 0
+ 0 111 26 149 67 149 c 0
+ 110 149 128 116 134 93 c 0
+ 138 77 143 52 172 52 c 0
+ 273.074 52 359.614 406.599 405 573 c 0
+ 407.855 583.196 409.338 591.938 409.338 599.443 c 0
+ 409.338 628.744 386.745 639.224 335 644 c 1
+ 334 669 l 1
+ 858 669 l 1
+ 858 644 l 1
+ 807 638 792 625 776 572 c 2
+ 720 373 l 1
+ 890.336 371.729 1012 356 1012 218 c 0
+ 1012 74 864 0 694 0 c 2
+ 419 0 l 1
+ 419 25 l 1
+ 468 31 484.656 44.5195 499 97 c 2
+ 628 569 l 2
+ 632.402 585.107 634.975 598.064 634.975 608.17 c 0
+ 634.975 628.163 624.905 637 599 637 c 2
+ 524 637 l 2
+641 78 m 2
+ 640 74 637 63 637 59 c 0
+ 637 43 652 35 679 35 c 0
+ 786 35 849 152 849 259 c 0
+ 849 329 795 338 712 338 c 1
+ 641 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Njecyrillic
+Encoding: 1034 1034 563
+Width: 1019
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 493 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+598 607 m 0
+ 598 635.213 577.505 636.499 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 637 755.827 625.648 741 572 c 2
+ 686 373 l 1
+ 856.336 371.729 978 356 978 218 c 0
+ 978 74 830 0 660 0 c 2
+ 364 0 l 1
+ 364 25 l 1
+ 431 29 451 43 465 97 c 2
+ 529 329 l 1
+ 290 329 l 1
+ 240 148 l 2
+ 235.589 125.947 223 94 223 68 c 0
+ 223 36 233 30 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 32 65.7344 44.498 80 97 c 2
+ 202 546 l 2
+ 209 572 213 593 213 604 c 0
+ 213 634.5 192.07 636.562 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
+ 392 642 372 627 356 572 c 2
+ 302 373 l 1
+ 541 373 l 1
+ 588 546 l 2
+ 593 564 598 595 598 607 c 0
+607 78 m 2
+ 606 74 603 63 603 59 c 0
+ 603 43 618 35 645 35 c 0
+ 752 35 815 152 815 259 c 0
+ 815 329 761 338 678 338 c 1
+ 607 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tshecyrillic
+Encoding: 1035 1035 564
+Width: 831
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 417 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+686 61 m 0
+ 686 32.7871 706.495 31.501 759 24 c 1
+ 759 -1 l 1
+ 461 -1 l 1
+ 461 24 l 1
+ 512 30 528 43 543 96 c 2
+ 591 279 l 2
+ 592.886 285.601 593.756 291.912 593.756 297.892 c 0
+ 593.756 336.293 557.881 361 525 361 c 0
+ 470 361 417 332 393 319 c 1
+ 301 0 l 1
+ 105 0 l 1
+ 105 25 l 1
+ 154 31 170.544 44.5498 185 97 c 2
+ 333 634 l 1
+ 231 632 168 591 116 491 c 1
+ 91 498 l 1
+ 129 669 l 1
+ 680 669 l 1
+ 644 477 l 1
+ 617 479 l 1
+ 612 590 573 633 479 634 c 1
+ 408 375 l 1
+ 440 392 497 414 590 414 c 0
+ 653.584 414 739.783 369.547 739.783 290.972 c 0
+ 739.783 280.571 738.273 269.573 735 258 c 2
+ 696 122 l 2
+ 691 104 686 73 686 61 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Kjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1036 1036 565
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 268 203 2
+Refer: 579 1050 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni040D
+Encoding: 1037 1037 566
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 270 203 2
+Refer: 577 1048 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ushortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1038 1038 567
+Width: 739
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1804 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 588 1059 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Dzhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1039 1039 568
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 481 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+588 546 m 2
+ 592.885 564.031 598 595 598 607 c 0
+ 598 635.213 577.505 636.499 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 638 755.502 625.43 741 572 c 2
+ 627 152 l 2
+ 614 103 609 80 609 65 c 0
+ 609 37 624 28 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 420 0 l 1
+ 342 -36 313 -112 291 -180 c 1
+ 262 -180 l 1
+ 268.226 -143.774 280.861 -105.625 280.861 -70.9951 c 0
+ 280.861 -44.4443 273.434 -19.9629 250 0 c 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 370.309 625.481 356 572 c 2
+ 223 79 l 2
+ 221.066 71.8027 220.176 65.7793 220.176 60.7402 c 0
+ 220.176 36.375 240.97 35 265 35 c 2
+ 404 35 l 2
+ 440 35 452.803 45.0527 462 79 c 2
+ 588 546 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Acyrillic
+Encoding: 1040 1040 569
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 400 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+213 607 m 0
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+ 687 669 l 1
+ 644 479 l 1
+ 617 479 l 1
+ 617 610 562 637 436 637 c 0
+ 400 637 371 625 361 588 c 2
+ 312 404 l 1
+ 546.825 404 615 364.5 615 246 c 0
+ 615 78 443 0 274 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+304 374 m 1
+ 226 93 l 2
+ 222.825 82.252 221.2 73.1162 221.2 65.4443 c 0
+ 221.2 41.709 236.748 32 270 32 c 0
+ 377.663 32 444 138.163 444 260 c 0
+ 444 293 437 374 334 374 c 2
+ 304 374 l 1
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+Encoding: 1042 1042 571
+Width: 640
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 542 695 basechar 0
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+600 569 m 2
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+ 606.909 628.181 596.904 637 571 637 c 2
+ 482 637 l 2
+ 435 637 422.299 631.82 406 569 c 0
+ 355.319 373.665 291.071 220.35 190 93 c 0
+ 177.726 77.5352 173.095 66 173.095 54 c 0
+ 173.095 39 181 35 197 35 c 2
+ 365 35 l 2
+ 366.448 34.9785 367.878 34.9688 369.289 34.9688 c 0
+ 435.157 34.9688 461.996 57.833 475 106 c 2
+ 600 569 l 2
+478 0 m 2
+ 174 0 l 2
+ 42 0 15 -75 -24 -180 c 1
+ -48 -180 l 1
+ 11 34 l 1
+ 18.0078 34 28.1631 32.2031 40.29 32.2031 c 0
+ 61.0459 32.2031 87.5791 37.4658 114 66 c 0
+ 247.38 210.05 304.472 344.693 365 573 c 0
+ 367.996 584.3 369.643 593.807 369.643 601.824 c 0
+ 369.643 629.412 350.14 639.351 299 644 c 1
+ 299 669 l 1
+ 830 669 l 1
+ 830 644 l 1
+ 779 638 763.817 626.343 749 573 c 2
+ 622 105 l 2
+ 618.685 93.0645 616.781 82.7832 616.781 74.0459 c 0
+ 616.781 46.1592 636.177 34 691 34 c 1
+ 633 -180 l 1
+ 609 -180 l 1
+ 611.135 -159.145 612.354 -140.286 612.354 -123.329 c 0
+ 612.354 -37.0225 580.802 0 478 0 c 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1045 1045 574
+Width: 630
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 418 695 basechar 0
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+Encoding: 1046 1046 575
+Width: 1052
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 669 695 basechar 0
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+409.7 575.663 m 0
+ 409.7 557.609 407.809 553.096 407.809 530.528 c 0
+ 407.809 416.49 468.354 371 498 371 c 2
+ 521 371 l 1
+ 569 546 l 2
+ 574 564 579 595 579 607 c 0
+ 579 635 559 636 506 644 c 1
+ 506 669 l 1
+ 804 669 l 1
+ 804 644 l 1
+ 753 638 738 625 722 572 c 2
+ 668 371 l 1
+ 694 371 l 2
+ 782 371 825 472 878 577 c 0
+ 912 642 958 680 1020 680 c 0
+ 1072 680 1110 653 1110 603 c 0
+ 1110 559 1076 541 1048 541 c 0
+ 1018 541 998 557 985 576 c 0
+ 979 585 974 600 954 600 c 0
+ 901.255 600 888.188 431.979 770 362 c 1
+ 768 356 l 1
+ 818 344 869 323 898 224 c 2
+ 942 76 l 2
+ 958 35 991 26 1016 25 c 1
+ 1016 0 l 1
+ 823 0 l 1
+ 768 240 l 2
+ 758 296 735 331 682 331 c 2
+ 657 331 l 1
+ 608 152 l 2
+ 595 103 590 80 590 65 c 0
+ 590 37 605 28 662 25 c 1
+ 662 0 l 1
+ 366 0 l 1
+ 366 25 l 1
+ 415 31 430 45 446 97 c 2
+ 510 331 l 1
+ 482 331 l 2
+ 454 331 407 315 368 246 c 2
+ 210 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 1 25 l 1
+ 48 27 67 48 84 63 c 1
+ 228 256 l 2
+ 286 344 398 360 442 360 c 1
+ 445 366 l 1
+ 398.064 384.955 373.125 455.237 373.125 529.782 c 0
+ 373.125 549.617 374.336 552.923 374.336 562.841 c 0
+ 374.336 593.456 360.847 600 348 600 c 0
+ 322.125 600 306.375 549 258 549 c 0
+ 230 549 208 570 208 602 c 0
+ 208 637 234 680 305 680 c 0
+ 379.423 680 409.7 636.966 409.7 575.663 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1047 1047 576
+Width: 651
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 423 695 basechar 0
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+ 477 351 l 1
+ 545 338 605 272 605 198 c 0
+ 605 87 501 -19 287 -19 c 0
+ 111 -19 26 92 0 136 c 1
+ 20 152 l 1
+ 62 96 160 32 256 32 c 0
+ 405 32 451 139 451 214 c 0
+ 451 276 399 329 283 329 c 1
+ 299 374 l 1
+ 379 374 511 385 511 538 c 0
+ 511 616 457 650 389 650 c 0
+ 303 650 195 598 139 469 c 1
+ 111 469 l 1
+ 170 685 l 1
+ 200 685 l 1
+ 200 659 206 649 223 649 c 0
+ 233 649 269 661 298 669 c 0
+ 329 678 369 685 395 685 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1048 1048 577
+Width: 753
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 474 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+598 607 m 0
+ 598 635.213 577.505 636.499 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 638 757 625 741 572 c 2
+ 627 152 l 2
+ 614 103 609 80 609 65 c 0
+ 609 37 624 28 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 385 0 l 1
+ 385 25 l 1
+ 434 31 449 45 465 97 c 2
+ 571 483 l 1
+ 227 96 l 1
+ 224 82 224 73 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 64 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 251 186 l 1
+ 594 573 l 1
+ 596 587 598 600 598 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iishortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1049 1049 578
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1804 -1 S 1 0 0 1 37 0 2
+Refer: 577 1048 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1050 1050 579
+Width: 710
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 457 695 basechar 0
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+213 607 m 0
+ 213 635 193 636 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 302 371 l 1
+ 328 371 l 2
+ 421 371 486 472 539 577 c 0
+ 572 642 624 680 688 680 c 0
+ 740 680 770 646 770 603 c 0
+ 770 562 736 541 708 541 c 0
+ 679 541 659 557 646 576 c 0
+ 640 585 634 600 614 600 c 0
+ 594 600 582 575 565 548 c 0
+ 534 499 505 419 417 366 c 1
+ 415 360 l 1
+ 486 344 519 300 540 240 c 2
+ 606 76 l 2
+ 622 35 655 26 680 25 c 1
+ 680 0 l 1
+ 487 0 l 1
+ 403 254 l 2
+ 392 296 370 331 333 331 c 2
+ 291 331 l 1
+ 242 152 l 2
+ 229 103 224 80 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 64 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Elcyrillic
+Encoding: 1051 1051 580
+Width: 786
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 597 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+108 -12 m 0
+ 39 -12 0 32 0 75 c 0
+ 0 111 26 149 67 149 c 0
+ 110 149 128 116 134 93 c 0
+ 138 77 143 52 172 52 c 0
+ 273.074 52 359.614 406.599 405 573 c 0
+ 407.855 583.196 409.338 591.938 409.338 599.443 c 0
+ 409.338 628.744 386.745 639.224 335 644 c 1
+ 334 669 l 1
+ 856 669 l 1
+ 856 644 l 1
+ 805 638 789 625 774 572 c 2
+ 660 152 l 2
+ 647 103 642 80 642 65 c 0
+ 642 37 657 28 714 25 c 1
+ 714 0 l 1
+ 418 0 l 1
+ 418 25 l 1
+ 467 31 483 45 498 97 c 2
+ 628 569 l 2
+ 632.365 585.117 634.926 598.078 634.926 608.185 c 0
+ 634.926 628.176 624.905 637 599 637 c 2
+ 524 637 l 2
+ 477 637 463 626 448 569 c 0
+ 400.791 395.394 358 244 307.465 144 c 0
+ 258.657 47.418 208 -12 108 -12 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Emcyrillic
+Encoding: 1052 1052 581
+Width: 876
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 527 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Encyrillic
+Encoding: 1053 1053 582
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 464 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1054 1054 583
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 451 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1055 1055 584
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 470 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 928 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Ercyrillic
+Encoding: 1056 1056 585
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 410 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Escyrillic
+Encoding: 1057 1057 586
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 443 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1058 1058 587
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 385 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Ucyrillic
+Encoding: 1059 1059 588
+Width: 739
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 472 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
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+ 636.372 645.402 588.107 640.988 561 644 c 1
+ 561 669 l 1
+ 814 669 l 1
+ 814 644 l 1
+ 751 643 719 609 644 492 c 2
+ 389 92 l 2
+ 344 21 292 -12 221 -12 c 0
+ 152 -12 113 32 113 75 c 0
+ 113 111 139 149 180 149 c 0
+ 222 149 241 116 247 93 c 0
+ 251 77 247 37 277 37 c 0
+ 297 37 317 46 345 84 c 1
+ 204 586 l 2
+ 190 636 163 641 128 644 c 1
+ 128 669 l 1
+ 406 669 l 1
+ 406 644 l 1
+ 401.333 643.667 397.333 643.556 393.889 643.556 c 0
+ 387 643.556 382.333 644 379 644 c 0
+ 355.619 644 345.238 623.198 345.238 604.656 c 0
+ 345.238 600.2 345.838 595.875 347 592 c 2
+ 446 244 l 1
+ 590 478 l 2
+ 611.553 512.575 636.372 558.446 636.372 612.619 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Efcyrillic
+Encoding: 1060 1060 589
+Width: 799
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 463 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 513 934 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Khacyrillic
+Encoding: 1061 1061 590
+Width: 699
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 431 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Tsecyrillic
+Encoding: 1062 1062 591
+Width: 754
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 477 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+589 546 m 2
+ 593.938 564.017 599 595 599 607 c 0
+ 599 635.213 578.505 636.499 526 644 c 1
+ 526 669 l 1
+ 824 669 l 1
+ 824 644 l 1
+ 773 638 758 625 742 572 c 2
+ 613 105 l 2
+ 609.655 93.0547 607.738 82.7646 607.738 74.0205 c 0
+ 607.738 46.165 627.201 34 682 34 c 1
+ 624 -180 l 1
+ 600 -180 l 1
+ 602.135 -159.145 603.354 -140.286 603.354 -123.329 c 0
+ 603.354 -37.0225 571.802 0 469 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 370.622 625.396 356 572 c 2
+ 221 79 l 2
+ 219.017 71.7568 218.106 65.7031 218.106 60.6445 c 0
+ 218.106 36.4072 239.008 35 263 35 c 2
+ 403 35 l 2
+ 439 35 451.703 45.0801 461 79 c 2
+ 589 546 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Checyrillic
+Encoding: 1063 1063 592
+Width: 693
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 438 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+181 607 m 0
+ 181 635.213 160.505 636.499 108 644 c 1
+ 108 669 l 1
+ 406 669 l 1
+ 406 644 l 1
+ 355 638 339 625 324 572 c 2
+ 278 393 l 2
+ 276.114 386.399 275.244 380.088 275.244 374.108 c 0
+ 275.244 335.707 311.12 311 344 311 c 0
+ 399 311 452 340 476 353 c 1
+ 528 546 l 2
+ 533 564 538 595 538 607 c 0
+ 538 635.213 517.505 636.499 465 644 c 1
+ 465 669 l 1
+ 763 669 l 1
+ 763 644 l 1
+ 712 638 697 625 681 572 c 2
+ 567 152 l 2
+ 554 103 549 80 549 65 c 0
+ 549 37 564 28 621 25 c 1
+ 621 0 l 1
+ 325 0 l 1
+ 325 25 l 1
+ 374 31 389 45 405 97 c 2
+ 461 297 l 1
+ 429 280 372 258 279 258 c 0
+ 215.416 258 129.217 302.453 129.217 381.028 c 0
+ 129.217 391.429 130.727 402.427 134 414 c 2
+ 171 546 l 2
+ 176 564 181 595 181 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shacyrillic
+Encoding: 1064 1064 593
+Width: 1111
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 670 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+946 546 m 2
+ 950.938 564.017 956 595 956 607 c 0
+ 956 635.213 935.505 636.499 883 644 c 1
+ 883 669 l 1
+ 1181 669 l 1
+ 1181 644 l 1
+ 1130 638 1115 625 1099 572 c 2
+ 983 152 l 2
+ 970 103 965 80 965 65 c 0
+ 965 37 980 28 1037 25 c 1
+ 1037 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 370.733 625.805 356 572 c 2
+ 222 79 l 2
+ 220.017 71.7568 219.106 65.7031 219.106 60.6445 c 0
+ 219.106 36.4072 240.008 35 264 35 c 2
+ 389 35 l 2
+ 425 35 437.838 45.043 447 79 c 2
+ 574 546 l 2
+ 578.866 564.036 584 595 584 607 c 0
+ 584 635.213 563.505 636.499 511 644 c 1
+ 511 669 l 1
+ 809 669 l 1
+ 809 644 l 1
+ 758 638 741.723 625.369 727 572 c 2
+ 592 79 l 2
+ 589.997 71.7393 589.078 65.6729 589.078 60.6064 c 0
+ 589.078 36.4199 610.023 35 634 35 c 2
+ 759 35 l 2
+ 795 35 807.703 45.0801 817 79 c 2
+ 946 546 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shchacyrillic
+Encoding: 1065 1065 594
+Width: 1111
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 682 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+817 79 m 2
+ 946 546 l 2
+ 950.975 564.007 956 595 956 607 c 0
+ 956 635.213 935.505 636.499 883 644 c 1
+ 883 669 l 1
+ 1181 669 l 1
+ 1181 644 l 1
+ 1130 638 1112.97 625.607 1098 572 c 2
+ 970 105 l 2
+ 966.664 93.0576 964.75 82.7695 964.75 74.0283 c 0
+ 964.75 46.1631 984.194 34 1039 34 c 1
+ 979 -180 l 1
+ 955 -180 l 1
+ 957.216 -158.354 958.502 -138.857 958.502 -121.407 c 0
+ 958.502 -36.4727 928.036 0 826 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 370.632 625.832 356 572 c 2
+ 222 79 l 2
+ 220.036 71.7744 219.134 65.7334 219.134 60.6816 c 0
+ 219.134 36.3945 239.993 35 264 35 c 2
+ 389 35 l 2
+ 425 35 437.771 45.0615 447 79 c 2
+ 574 546 l 2
+ 578.902 564.027 584 595 584 607 c 0
+ 584 635.213 563.505 636.499 511 644 c 1
+ 511 669 l 1
+ 809 669 l 1
+ 809 644 l 1
+ 758 638 741.622 625.396 727 572 c 2
+ 592 79 l 2
+ 590.017 71.7568 589.106 65.7031 589.106 60.6445 c 0
+ 589.106 36.4072 610.008 35 634 35 c 2
+ 759 35 l 2
+ 795 35 807.636 45.0986 817 79 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Hardsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1066 1066 595
+Width: 756
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 561 695 basechar 0
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+329 569 m 2
+ 333.366 585.227 335.932 598.229 335.932 608.339 c 0
+ 335.932 628.306 325.923 637 300 637 c 0
+ 235 637 158 587 109 468 c 1
+ 80 468 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 585 669 l 1
+ 585 644 l 1
+ 503 634 492 625 472 552 c 2
+ 423 373 l 1
+ 593.336 371.729 715 356 715 218 c 0
+ 715 74 566 0 397 0 c 2
+ 122 0 l 1
+ 122 25 l 1
+ 171 31 187.864 44.4619 202 97 c 2
+ 329 569 l 2
+344 78 m 2
+ 343 74 340 63 340 59 c 0
+ 340 43 355 35 382 35 c 0
+ 489 35 552 152 552 259 c 0
+ 552 329 498 338 415 338 c 1
+ 344 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yericyrillic
+Encoding: 1067 1067 596
+Width: 959
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 592 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+804 607 m 0
+ 804 635 784 636 731 644 c 1
+ 731 669 l 1
+ 1029 669 l 1
+ 1029 644 l 1
+ 978 638 962 625 947 572 c 2
+ 833 152 l 2
+ 820 103 815 80 815 65 c 0
+ 815 37 830 28 887 25 c 1
+ 887 0 l 1
+ 591 0 l 1
+ 591 25 l 1
+ 640 31 657 45 671 97 c 2
+ 794 546 l 2
+ 799 564 804 595 804 607 c 0
+140 644 m 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 301 373 l 1
+ 471.336 371.729 593 356 593 218 c 0
+ 593 74 444 0 275 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 66 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635 193 636 140 644 c 1
+222 78 m 2
+ 221 74 218 63 218 59 c 0
+ 218 43 233 35 260 35 c 0
+ 367 35 430 152 430 259 c 0
+ 430 329 376 338 293 338 c 1
+ 222 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Softsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1068 1068 597
+Width: 624
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 454 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+213 607 m 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 301 373 l 1
+ 471.336 371.729 593 356 593 218 c 0
+ 593 74 444 0 275 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+222 78 m 2
+ 221 74 218 63 218 59 c 0
+ 218 43 233 35 260 35 c 0
+ 367 35 430 152 430 259 c 0
+ 430 329 376 338 293 338 c 1
+ 222 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ereversedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1069 1069 598
+Width: 689
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 426 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+522 342 m 1
+ 499 318 464 297 419 297 c 0
+ 349 297 296 353 237 353 c 0
+ 211 353 193 350 173 333 c 1
+ 159 349 l 1
+ 193 393 247 417 284 417 c 0
+ 354 417 406 363 465 363 c 0
+ 527 363 545 436 545 506 c 0
+ 545 604 503 652 421 652 c 0
+ 374 652 321 638 273 602 c 0
+ 220 562 187 530 131 454 c 1
+ 106 454 l 1
+ 169 685 l 1
+ 196 685 l 1
+ 201 650 210 642 229 642 c 0
+ 238 642 254 647 279 656 c 0
+ 343 678 395 685 443 685 c 0
+ 606 685 708 587 708 437 c 0
+ 708 324 628 -19 253 -19 c 0
+ 139 -19 35 60 0 137 c 1
+ 21 153 l 1
+ 57 98 149 34 241 34 c 0
+ 327 34 469 70 522 342 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IUcyrillic
+Encoding: 1070 1070 599
+Width: 1038
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 545 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+816 651 m 0
+ 752 651 699 610 648 520 c 0
+ 593 424 542 239 542 137 c 0
+ 542 63 581 16 644 16 c 0
+ 698 16 743 46 789 113 c 0
+ 856 211 918 411 918 531 c 0
+ 918 603 877 651 816 651 c 0
+213 607 m 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 301 366 l 1
+ 426 366 l 1
+ 461 458 527 552 605 609 c 0
+ 673 659 747 685 820 685 c 0
+ 959 685 1062 587 1062 454 c 0
+ 1062 308 980 149 856 58 c 0
+ 789 8 713 -18 634 -18 c 0
+ 493 -18 398 78 398 221 c 0
+ 398 255 404 291 414 326 c 1
+ 289 326 l 1
+ 242 152 l 2
+ 229 103 224 80 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 64 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 564 213 595 213 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IAcyrillic
+Encoding: 1071 1071 600
+Width: 757
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 566 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+383 304 m 1
+ 384 312 l 1
+ 332 323 245 350 245 442 c 0
+ 245 560 347 669 554 669 c 2
+ 827 669 l 1
+ 827 644 l 1
+ 776 638 760 625 745 572 c 2
+ 631 152 l 2
+ 618 103 613 80 613 65 c 0
+ 613 37 628 28 685 25 c 1
+ 685 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 388 25 l 1
+ 437 31 454 45 469 97 c 2
+ 524 299 l 1
+ 497 299 l 2
+ 468.177 299 433.918 296.572 398 249 c 2
+ 210 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 1 25 l 1
+ 48 27 67 48 84 63 c 1
+ 230 235 l 2
+ 283 297 350 304 383 304 c 1
+605 592 m 2
+ 606.197 596.19 606.767 600.134 606.767 603.812 c 0
+ 606.767 624.708 588.361 637 562 637 c 0
+ 469 637 397 541 397 426 c 0
+ 397 363.466 421.631 333.44 507.08 333 c 2
+ 533 333 l 1
+ 605 592 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: acyrillic
+Encoding: 1072 1072 601
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 285 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: becyrillic
+Encoding: 1073 1073 602
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 370 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+354 369 m 0
+ 354 402 344 433 306 433 c 0
+ 203 433 148 166 148 86 c 0
+ 148 50 156 16 200 16 c 0
+ 296 16 354 294 354 369 c 0
+84 317 m 1
+ 131 394 222.851 462 316 462 c 0
+ 407 462 473 399 473 311 c 0
+ 473 142 337 -13 188 -13 c 0
+ 96 -13 29 45.5 29 149 c 0
+ 29 325 84.4775 461.888 202 562 c 0
+ 337 677 534 646 566 690 c 1
+ 588 690 l 1
+ 496 482 332 602 170 479 c 0
+ 140.37 456.503 99 401 81 317 c 1
+ 84 317 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" serb.be
+StartChar: vecyrillic
+Encoding: 1074 1074 603
+Width: 467
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 316 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+280 234 m 1
+ 280 232 l 1
+ 287 233 294 233 301 233 c 0
+ 385 233 416 181 416 144 c 0
+ 416 46 314 -13 194 -13 c 0
+ 71 -13 25 74 25 134 c 0
+ 25 299 164 462 338 462 c 0
+ 408 462 452 435 452 384 c 0
+ 452 304 344 259 280 234 c 1
+148 173 m 1
+ 144 150 144 134 144 124 c 0
+ 144 50 165 16 209 16 c 0
+ 276 16 297 82 297 130 c 0
+ 297 154 288 203 235 203 c 0
+ 216 203 178 190 148 173 c 1
+149 210 m 1
+ 189 220 350 278 350 376 c 0
+ 350 401 343 429 306 429 c 0
+ 232 429 165 339 149 210 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" bulg.alt_ve
+StartChar: gecyrillic
+Encoding: 1075 1075 604
+Width: 374
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 253 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+171 40 m 0
+ 214 40 255 52 293 110 c 1
+ 310 98 l 1
+ 269 29 225 -13 116 -13 c 0
+ 32 -13 0 39 0 78 c 0
+ 0 144 58 188 128 240 c 0
+ 187 284 244 316 244 366 c 0
+ 244 398 225 408 193 408 c 0
+ 150 408 115 392 71 338 c 1
+ 54 350 l 1
+ 125 452 188 462 251 462 c 0
+ 332 462 366 413 366 374 c 0
+ 366 308 324 268 236 205 c 0
+ 181 166 122 134 122 84 c 0
+ 122 52 139 40 171 40 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" imacron
+StartChar: decyrillic
+Encoding: 1076 1076 605
+Width: 456
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 369 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+164 672 m 1
+ 208 699 l 1
+ 282 689 468 598 468 372 c 0
+ 468 163 337 -13 182 -13 c 0
+ 92 -13 24 50 24 134 c 0
+ 24 299 161 462 299 462 c 0
+ 330 462 351 449 370 420 c 1
+ 372 424 l 1
+ 342 612 204 665 164 672 c 1
+303 433 m 0
+ 270 433 242 411 216 365 c 0
+ 180 300 143 159 143 86 c 0
+ 143 39 159 16 192 16 c 0
+ 227 16 257 45 286 107 c 0
+ 318 178 349 307 349 375 c 0
+ 349 411 331 433 303 433 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" cyrillic.alt_de
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" g
+StartChar: iecyrillic
+Encoding: 1077 1077 606
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 294 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1078 1078 607
+Width: 941
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 539 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+358 249 m 1
+ 413 249 l 1
+ 472 449 l 1
+ 595 449 l 1
+ 533 249 l 1
+ 590 249 l 1
+ 636 368 715 462 826 462 c 0
+ 882 462 930 425 930 372 c 0
+ 930 331 909 302 873 302 c 0
+ 847 302 826 314 826 346 c 0
+ 826 378 847 372 847 400 c 0
+ 847 410 846 429 817 429 c 0
+ 718.487 429 683 226.5 683 168 c 0
+ 683 114 690 51 750 51 c 0
+ 799 51 834 82 860 114 c 1
+ 881 96 l 1
+ 856 54 804 -13 704 -13 c 0
+ 647 -13 569 31 569 120 c 0
+ 569 139 569 178 579 214 c 1
+ 525 214 l 1
+ 464 0 l 1
+ 345 0 l 1
+ 407 214 l 1
+ 348 214 l 1
+ 306 94 218 -13 107 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 3 24 3 77 c 0
+ 3 118 24 147 60 147 c 0
+ 86 147 107 135 107 103 c 0
+ 107 71 86 77 86 49 c 0
+ 86 39 87 20 116 20 c 0
+ 214.513 20 250 222.5 250 281 c 0
+ 250 335 243 398 183 398 c 0
+ 134 398 99 367 73 335 c 1
+ 52 353 l 1
+ 77 395 129 462 229 462 c 0
+ 286 462 364 418 364 329 c 0
+ 364 310 363.5 278.5 358 249 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" bulg.alt_zhe
+StartChar: zecyrillic
+Encoding: 1079 1079 608
+Width: 458
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 291 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+98 315 m 1
+ 73 315 l 1
+ 113 460 l 1
+ 135 460 l 1
+ 137 445 142 440 154 440 c 0
+ 165 440 186 446 201 450 c 0
+ 223 455 255 462 282 462 c 0
+ 373 462 431 422 431 361 c 0
+ 431 282 368 252 318 238 c 1
+ 317 233 l 1
+ 358 224 403 185 403 130 c 0
+ 403 79 368 -14 188 -14 c 0
+ 120 -14 38 24 7 91 c 1
+ 30 109 l 1
+ 68 59 130 32 176 32 c 0
+ 259 32 279 101 279 138 c 0
+ 279 186 243 220 185 221 c 1
+ 196 254 l 1
+ 275 254 316 274 316 354 c 0
+ 316 400 284 426 234 426 c 0
+ 174 426 125 370 98 315 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iicyrillic
+Encoding: 1080 1080 609
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 307 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iishortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1081 1081 610
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1804 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -140 -207 2
+Refer: 609 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kacyrillic
+Encoding: 1082 1082 611
+Width: 538
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 314 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+197 230 m 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 106 328 l 2
+ 113 354 117 367 117 376 c 0
+ 117 400 103 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 206 265 l 1
+ 227 265 l 2
+ 260 265 310 330 333 368 c 0
+ 347 390 395 465 472 465 c 0
+ 506 465 530 438 530 408 c 0
+ 530 377 503 355 472 355 c 0
+ 452 355 440 366 432 374 c 0
+ 429 376 418 380 414 380 c 0
+ 404 380 392 374 382 365 c 0
+ 360 344 323 270 273 250 c 1
+ 273 244 l 1
+ 306 241 350 226 372 166 c 0
+ 379 146 398 53 432 53 c 0
+ 458 53 489 90 496 114 c 1
+ 516 102 l 1
+ 516 102 468 -10 385 -10 c 0
+ 284 -10 276 59 264 172 c 0
+ 258 230 225 230 207 230 c 2
+ 197 230 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" k
+StartChar: elcyrillic
+Encoding: 1083 1083 612
+Width: 580
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 433 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+47 104 m 0
+ 94.876 104 93.8301 51 130.718 51 c 0
+ 168.718 51 181 110 193 144 c 2
+ 247 318 l 2
+ 286.619 445.657 336 462 432 462 c 0
+ 492.875 462 541.172 433.962 541.172 383.193 c 0
+ 541.172 374.75 539.836 365.677 537 356 c 2
+ 469 124 l 2
+ 458.711 88.4268 457 78 457 72.5 c 0
+ 457 62.5 463 59 471 59 c 0
+ 488 59 501 73 541 135 c 1
+ 563 122 l 1
+ 505 25 463 -9 404 -9 c 0
+ 362 -9 336 14 336 51 c 0
+ 336 77 339 83 353 132 c 2
+ 413 338 l 2
+ 416.9 351.209 418.803 363.059 418.803 373.297 c 0
+ 418.803 400.227 405.635 416 381 416 c 0
+ 343 416 305.275 398.182 283 328 c 2
+ 214 114 l 2
+ 200 70 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: emcyrillic
+Encoding: 1084 1084 613
+Width: 752
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 494 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+193 144 m 2
+ 247 318 l 2
+ 254.246 340.924 259 355 259 375 c 0
+ 259 396 244 404 198 407 c 1
+ 198 434 l 1
+ 277 437 378 457 407 462 c 1
+ 414 154 l 1
+ 598 449 l 1
+ 735 449 l 1
+ 641 123 l 2
+ 631 87 629 77 629 72 c 0
+ 629 62 635 58 643 58 c 0
+ 660 58 673 72 713 134 c 1
+ 735 121 l 1
+ 677 25 635 -9 576 -9 c 0
+ 534 -9 508 14 508 51 c 0
+ 508 77 511 83 525 132 c 2
+ 602 400 l 1
+ 339 -18 l 1
+ 307 -18 l 1
+ 295 366 l 1
+ 214 114 l 2
+ 199.713 70.0928 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
+ 68.5 104 83 91.5 93 77.8457 c 0
+ 102.438 64.96 111 51 130.718 51 c 0
+ 168.718 51 182.133 109.621 193 144 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: encyrillic
+Encoding: 1085 1085 614
+Width: 533
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 328 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+516 122 m 1
+ 457 25 415 -9 356 -9 c 0
+ 314 -9 288 14 288 51 c 0
+ 288 77 300 134 316 182 c 2
+ 326 214 l 1
+ 194 214 l 1
+ 135 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 72 204 l 2
+ 105 324 118 371 118 382 c 0
+ 118 401 106 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 120 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 204 249 l 1
+ 336 249 l 1
+ 395 449 l 1
+ 516 449 l 1
+ 422 124 l 2
+ 411.711 88.4268 410 78 410 72.5 c 0
+ 410 62.5 416 59 424 59 c 0
+ 441 59 454 73 494 135 c 1
+ 516 122 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ocyrillic
+Encoding: 1086 1086 615
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 286 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pecyrillic
+Encoding: 1087 1087 616
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 300 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" umacron
+StartChar: ercyrillic
+Encoding: 1088 1088 617
+Width: 482
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 292 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: escyrillic
+Encoding: 1089 1089 618
+Width: 428
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 275 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tecyrillic
+Encoding: 1090 1090 619
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 417 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" serb.alt_te
+StartChar: ucyrillic
+Encoding: 1091 1091 620
+Width: 496
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 336 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+518 449 m 1
+ 500 386 420 116 420 116 c 2
+ 385.873 0.0371094 333 -204 106 -204 c 0
+ 55 -204 2 -178 2 -136 c 0
+ 2 -80 36 -74 50 -74 c 0
+ 77 -74 99 -91 99 -123 c 0
+ 99 -141 92 -137 92 -155 c 0
+ 92 -170 109 -172 120 -172 c 0
+ 234 -172 249.588 -87.8838 290 55 c 2
+ 318 154 l 1
+ 316 155 l 1
+ 270 91 211 -9 122 -9 c 0
+ 67 -9 45 17 45 69 c 0
+ 45 168 120 283 120 378 c 0
+ 120 408 85 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 135 437 203 456 273 462 c 1
+ 179 154 l 2
+ 172 132 164 110 164 87 c 0
+ 164 71 171 63 187 63 c 0
+ 225 63 284 150 301 182 c 0
+ 347 266 374 358 400 449 c 1
+ 518 449 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: efcyrillic
+Encoding: 1092 1092 621
+Width: 759
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 511 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+475 30 m 0
+ 571 30 622 282 622 336 c 0
+ 622 390 600 429 557 429 c 0
+ 515 429 480 389 472 345 c 2
+ 425 127 l 2
+ 422.745 113.469 418.935 96.4053 418.935 80.377 c 0
+ 418.935 53.7617 429.439 30 475 30 c 0
+297 429 m 0
+ 205 429 154 182 154 133 c 0
+ 154 79 172 30 215 30 c 0
+ 257 30 296 80 304 124 c 2
+ 351 342 l 2
+ 353.041 354.247 355.892 368.229 355.892 381.35 c 0
+ 355.892 406.797 345.166 429 297 429 c 0
+376 431 m 1
+ 394 489 433 698 590 698 c 0
+ 641 698 688 674 688 618 c 0
+ 688 587 667 565 636 565 c 0
+ 608 565 588 588 588 615 c 0
+ 588 633 604 649 604 655 c 0
+ 604 665 596 669 587 669 c 0
+ 533 669 511 506 492 429 c 1
+ 495 428 l 1
+ 521 451 550 462 604 462 c 0
+ 691 462 755 399 755 315 c 0
+ 755 150 611 -13 467 -13 c 0
+ 442 -13 413 -1 398 36 c 1
+ 396 35 l 1
+ 365 -102 312 -205 197 -205 c 0
+ 143 -205 100 -179 100 -121 c 0
+ 100 -97 127 -72 151 -72 c 0
+ 177 -72 201 -95 201 -121 c 0
+ 201 -140 185 -157 185 -162 c 0
+ 185 -171 194 -174 201 -174 c 0
+ 253 -174 280 -5 290 40 c 1
+ 287 41 l 1
+ 264 6 233 -13 175 -13 c 0
+ 88 -13 24 50 24 134 c 0
+ 24 299 168 462 312 462 c 0
+ 348 462 363 448 374 431 c 1
+ 376 431 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khacyrillic
+Encoding: 1093 1093 622
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 278 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 88 120 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tsecyrillic
+Encoding: 1094 1094 623
+Width: 529
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 327 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+422 16 m 1
+ 404 0 368 -9 351 -9 c 0
+ 307 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 292 106 310 161 c 1
+ 207 17 177 -9 110 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 35 16 35 65 c 0
+ 35 89 42 125 56 173 c 2
+ 96 306 l 2
+ 105 335 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 102 436 161 444 235 457 c 0
+ 251 460 257 461 263 462 c 1
+ 169 154 l 2
+ 156 111 154 103 154 88 c 0
+ 154 71 161 63 175 63 c 0
+ 195 63 217 80 248 118 c 0
+ 305 190 334 256 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 430 181 l 2
+ 416 132 405 97 405 76 c 0
+ 405 67 411 59 419 59 c 0
+ 436 59 456 80 491 133 c 1
+ 512 120 l 1
+ 490 82 458 50 458 17 c 0
+ 458 -10 484 -15 484 -76 c 0
+ 484 -136 392 -180 392 -180 c 1
+ 376 -160 l 1
+ 394 -148 414 -136 414 -110 c 0
+ 414 -86 405 -70 405 -48 c 0
+ 405 -26 422 4 422 16 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: checyrillic
+Encoding: 1095 1095 624
+Width: 529
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 330 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+508 449 m 1
+ 414 124 l 2
+ 403.711 88.4268 402 78 402 72.5 c 0
+ 402 62.5 408 59 416 59 c 0
+ 433 59 450 72 490 134 c 1
+ 512 121 l 1
+ 460 32 411 -9 351 -9 c 0
+ 307 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 331 239 349 294 c 1
+ 246 150 216 124 149 124 c 0
+ 100 124 74 149 74 198 c 0
+ 74 222 81 258 95 306 c 2
+ 101 328 l 2
+ 109 357 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 102 436 161 444 235 457 c 0
+ 251 460 257 461 263 462 c 1
+ 208 287 l 2
+ 195 244 193 236 193 221 c 0
+ 193 204 200 196 214 196 c 0
+ 234 196 256 213 287 251 c 0
+ 344 323 353 323 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shacyrillic
+Encoding: 1096 1096 625
+Width: 776
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 449 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+758 449 m 1
+ 665 121 l 2
+ 654.711 85.4268 653 75 653 69.5 c 0
+ 653 59.5 659 56 667 56 c 0
+ 684 56 697 70 737 132 c 1
+ 759 119 l 1
+ 707 30 661 -9 601 -9 c 0
+ 557 -9 536 11 536 51 c 0
+ 536 79 542 106 560 161 c 1
+ 457 17 427 -9 360 -9 c 0
+ 316 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 292 106 310 161 c 1
+ 207 17 177 -9 110 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 35 16 35 65 c 0
+ 35 89 42 125 56 173 c 2
+ 96 306 l 2
+ 105 335 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 133.332 437.305 234.415 457.236 263 462 c 1
+ 169 154 l 2
+ 156 111 154 103 154 88 c 0
+ 154 71 161 63 175 63 c 0
+ 195 63 217 80 248 118 c 0
+ 305 190 334 256 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 430 181 l 2
+ 410.352 113.491 407.56 98.5635 407.56 91.8652 c 0
+ 407.56 89.2051 408 87.8428 408 85 c 0
+ 408 68 411 63 425 63 c 0
+ 445 63 467 80 498 118 c 0
+ 555 190 584 256 640 449 c 1
+ 758 449 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+AlternateSubs2: "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" serb.alt_sha
+StartChar: shchacyrillic
+Encoding: 1097 1097 626
+Width: 777
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 450 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+670 16 m 1
+ 654 9 635 -9 601 -9 c 0
+ 557 -9 536 11 536 51 c 0
+ 536 79 542 106 560 161 c 1
+ 457 17 427 -9 360 -9 c 0
+ 316 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 292 106 310 161 c 1
+ 207 17 177 -9 110 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 35 16 35 65 c 0
+ 35 89 42 125 56 173 c 2
+ 96 306 l 2
+ 105 335 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 102 436 161 444 235 457 c 0
+ 251 460 257 461 263 462 c 1
+ 169 154 l 2
+ 156 111 154 103 154 88 c 0
+ 154 71 161 63 175 63 c 0
+ 195 63 217 80 248 118 c 0
+ 305 190 334 256 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 430 181 l 2
+ 408 105 408 103 408 85 c 0
+ 408 68 411 63 425 63 c 0
+ 445 63 467 80 498 118 c 0
+ 555 190 584 256 640 449 c 1
+ 758 449 l 1
+ 680 181 l 2
+ 666 132 655 97 655 76 c 0
+ 655 63 663 58 670 58 c 0
+ 675 58 679 60 682 62 c 0
+ 714 88 704 80 739 133 c 1
+ 760 120 l 1
+ 737 80 706 48 706 17 c 0
+ 706 -11 734 -18 734 -76 c 0
+ 734 -136 642 -180 642 -180 c 1
+ 626 -160 l 1
+ 645 -147 664 -136 664 -110 c 0
+ 664 -86 655 -70 655 -48 c 0
+ 655 -26 670 3 670 16 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hardsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1098 1098 627
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 430 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+436 234 m 0
+ 388 234 322 171 322 80 c 0
+ 322 26.4463 357.428 23.9746 375.186 23.9746 c 0
+ 456.336 23.9746 509 90 509 156 c 0
+ 509 217 483 234 436 234 c 0
+362 233 m 1
+ 364 231 l 1
+ 395 262 457 286 498 286 c 0
+ 549 286 622 274 622 180 c 0
+ 622 68 487 -13 365 -13 c 0
+ 249 -13 219 58 219 111 c 0
+ 219 165 232 264 367 380 c 1
+ 364 384 l 1
+ 342 375 331 370 287 370 c 0
+ 223 370 221 422 165 422 c 0
+ 133 422 123 403 123 386 c 0
+ 123 348 167 361 167 304 c 0
+ 167 269 134 254 107 254 c 0
+ 73 254 45 284 45 322 c 0
+ 45 422 156 462 207 462 c 0
+ 262 462 292 432 355 432 c 0
+ 393 432 414 436 482 462 c 1
+ 503 446 l 1
+ 469 415 385 291 362 233 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yericyrillic
+Encoding: 1099 1099 628
+Width: 744
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 454 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+279 234 m 0
+ 231 234 165 171 165 80 c 0
+ 165 26.4463 200.428 23.9746 218.186 23.9746 c 0
+ 299 23.9746 352 88 352 156 c 0
+ 352 217 326 234 279 234 c 0
+80 204 m 0
+ 113 324 123 362 123 382 c 0
+ 123 398 106 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 433 l 1
+ 126 438 201 447 265 461 c 1
+ 205 233 l 1
+ 207 231 l 1
+ 238 262 300 286 341 286 c 0
+ 392 286 465 274 465 180 c 0
+ 465 68 345 -13 208 -13 c 0
+ 91 -13 62 58 62 111 c 0
+ 62 145 74 180 80 204 c 0
+705 141 m 1
+ 727 127 l 1
+ 657 22 620 -9 560 -9 c 0
+ 519 -9 491 17 491 54 c 0
+ 491 67 496 95 504 123 c 2
+ 562 338 l 2
+ 566 355 569 370 569 378 c 0
+ 569 399 553 407 510 407 c 1
+ 510 434 l 1
+ 588 440 658 450 712 462 c 1
+ 621 128 l 2
+ 618 116 612 82 612 76 c 0
+ 612 68 619 61 627 61 c 0
+ 642 61 665 82 691 121 c 2
+ 705 141 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: softsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1100 1100 629
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 343 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+279 234 m 0
+ 231 234 165 171 165 80 c 0
+ 165 26.4463 200.428 23.9746 218.186 23.9746 c 0
+ 301 23.9746 352 92 352 156 c 0
+ 352 217 326 234 279 234 c 0
+80 204 m 0
+ 113 324 123 362 123 382 c 0
+ 123 398 106 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 433 l 1
+ 126 438 201 447 265 461 c 1
+ 205 233 l 1
+ 207 231 l 1
+ 238 262 300 286 341 286 c 0
+ 392 286 465 274 465 180 c 0
+ 465 68 345 -13 208 -13 c 0
+ 91 -13 62 58 62 111 c 0
+ 62 145 74 180 80 204 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ereversedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1101 1101 630
+Width: 458
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 290 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+334 318 m 0
+ 334 370.505 324 424 244 424 c 0
+ 185 424 125 359 104 315 c 1
+ 79 315 l 1
+ 119 460 l 1
+ 141 460 l 1
+ 143 445 148 440 160 440 c 0
+ 182.112 440 216 462 288 462 c 0
+ 390 462 453 399 453 311 c 0
+ 453 142 344 -13 168 -13 c 0
+ 101 -13 24 27 9 91 c 1
+ 27 109 l 1
+ 50 60 98 30 158 30 c 0
+ 256 30 309 141 323 231 c 1
+ 306 209 277 195 254 195 c 0
+ 211 195 187.5 225 153 225 c 0
+ 137 225 119 222 101 209 c 1
+ 92 231 l 1
+ 110 256 145.5 275 174 275 c 0
+ 215.5 275 240 246 280 246 c 0
+ 322 246 334 276 334 318 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iucyrillic
+Encoding: 1102 1102 631
+Width: 733
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 403 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+294 214 m 1
+ 193 214 l 1
+ 135 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 72 204 l 2
+ 105 324 118 371 118 382 c 0
+ 118 401 106 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 120 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 204 249 l 1
+ 306 249 l 1
+ 351 368.5 456 462 571 462 c 0
+ 662 462 728 399 728 311 c 0
+ 728 142 592 -13 443 -13 c 0
+ 351 -13 284 50 284 135 c 0
+ 284 162 289 195 294 214 c 1
+562 433 m 0
+ 530 433 501 410 475 364 c 0
+ 440 302 403 156 403 78 c 0
+ 403 40 422 16 452 16 c 0
+ 487 16 517 45 546 107 c 0
+ 578 177 609 307 609 375 c 0
+ 609 411 591 433 562 433 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iacyrillic
+Encoding: 1103 1103 632
+Width: 572
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 375 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+555 123 m 1
+ 497 39 466 -9 400 -9 c 0
+ 367 -9 325 7 325 45 c 0
+ 325 55 328 69 341 120 c 2
+ 360 198 l 1
+ 338 198 l 2
+ 313 198 286 163 262 107 c 0
+ 211.546 -10.7246 133.677 -11 94.5488 -11 c 0
+ 60.7217 -11 19.0967 -0.289062 0 57 c 9
+ 22 66 l 17
+ 35 46 50 28 73 28 c 0
+ 109 28 110 95 152 140 c 0
+ 191 182 212 184 279 199 c 1
+ 279 201 279 208 280 210 c 1
+ 225 210 123 250 123 332 c 0
+ 123 422 252 449 331 449 c 2
+ 557 449 l 1
+ 461 125 l 2
+ 451 89 449 79 449 74 c 0
+ 449 64 455 60 463 60 c 0
+ 480 60 493 74 533 136 c 1
+ 555 123 l 1
+242 310 m 0
+ 242 292 245 236 319 236 c 2
+ 373 236 l 1
+ 411 362 l 2
+ 414.139 372.673 416.884 381.178 416.884 387.824 c 0
+ 416.884 402.351 403.771 408 353 408 c 0
+ 335 408 242 402 242 310 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iecyrillic_grave
+Encoding: 1104 1104 633
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 606 1077 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 76 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iocyrillic
+Encoding: 1105 1105 634
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 606 1077 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 76 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: djecyrillic
+Encoding: 1106 1106 635
+Width: 541
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 431 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+407 261 m 0
+ 407 268.256 408.188 281.818 408.188 297.211 c 0
+ 408.188 332.732 401.86 378 360 378 c 0
+ 312 378 271 302 249 268 c 0
+ 204 199 171 80 148 0 c 1
+ 27 0 l 1
+ 172 536 l 1
+ 88 536 l 1
+ 98 571 l 1
+ 182 571 l 1
+ 186 583 189 596 189 609 c 0
+ 189 637.621 167.459 642.906 145.205 642.906 c 0
+ 138.69 642.906 132.114 642.453 126 642 c 1
+ 126 669 l 1
+ 196 675 265 685 334 699 c 1
+ 301 571 l 1
+ 457 571 l 1
+ 447 536 l 1
+ 292 536 l 1
+ 228 289 l 1
+ 230 288 l 1
+ 273 352 349 462 437 462 c 0
+ 519.877 462 530.094 392.179 530.094 334.652 c 0
+ 530.094 315.825 529 298.315 529 285 c 0
+ 529 159 403 -204 194 -204 c 0
+ 128 -204 76 -164 76 -122 c 0
+ 76 -66 110 -60 124 -60 c 0
+ 151 -60 174 -73 174 -105 c 0
+ 174 -123 167 -125 167 -143 c 0
+ 167 -158 179 -172 204 -172 c 0
+ 343 -172 407 188 407 261 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1107 1107 636
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 604 1075 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 32 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" macedon.gje
+StartChar: ecyrillic
+Encoding: 1108 1108 637
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 322 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+161 234 m 1
+ 177 254 211.453 275.5 237 275.5 c 0
+ 287 275.5 304.5 247.5 349 247.5 c 0
+ 370.5 247.5 383 255 393 267 c 1
+ 404 246 l 1
+ 397.5 230.5 361 195 327 195 c 0
+ 277 195 258 225 215 225 c 0
+ 167 225 153 179.312 153 141 c 0
+ 153 80 188 44 241 44 c 0
+ 291 44 334 60 374 109 c 1
+ 392 91 l 1
+ 362 46 302 -13 214 -13 c 0
+ 110 -13 25 51 25 162 c 0
+ 25 322 148 462 308 462 c 0
+ 344.5 462 368 453 383 448.26 c 0
+ 396.8 443.9 409.011 440 419 440 c 0
+ 432 440 432 441 443 460 c 1
+ 465 460 l 1
+ 442 315 l 1
+ 417 315 l 1
+ 410 387 364 429 304 429 c 0
+ 267 429 226 402 196 344 c 0
+ 180.158 313.373 167 270 161 234 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dzecyrillic
+Encoding: 1109 1109 638
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 203 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: icyrillic
+Encoding: 1110 1110 639
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 200 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: yicyrillic
+Encoding: 1111 1111 640
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 208 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 -36 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jecyrillic
+Encoding: 1112 1112 641
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 214 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: ljecyrillic
+Encoding: 1113 1113 642
+Width: 802
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 453 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+47 104 m 0
+ 94.876 104 93.8301 51 130.718 51 c 0
+ 168.718 51 182.494 109.509 193 144 c 2
+ 247 318 l 2
+ 286.075 446.285 336 462 432 462 c 0
+ 493.007 462 541.019 434.073 541.019 382.962 c 0
+ 541.019 374.59 539.73 365.595 537 356 c 2
+ 501 233 l 1
+ 503 231 l 1
+ 534 262 596 286 637 286 c 0
+ 688 286 761 274 761 180 c 0
+ 761 68 641 -13 504 -13 c 0
+ 387 -13 358 58 358 111 c 0
+ 358 145 369.044 178.808 376 204 c 2
+ 413 338 l 2
+ 416.636 351.169 418.435 362.965 418.435 373.155 c 0
+ 418.435 400.258 405.71 416 381 416 c 0
+ 343 416 305.299 398.174 283 328 c 2
+ 214 114 l 2
+ 200.017 69.9941 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
+575 234 m 0
+ 527 234 461 171 461 80 c 0
+ 461 24.25 498 24 519 24 c 0
+ 581 24 648 76 648 156 c 0
+ 648 217 622 234 575 234 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: njecyrillic
+Encoding: 1114 1114 643
+Width: 754
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 325 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+527 234 m 0
+ 479 234 413 171 413 80 c 0
+ 413 26.4463 448.428 23.9746 466.186 23.9746 c 0
+ 547.336 23.9746 600 87.6855 600 156 c 0
+ 600 217 574 234 527 234 c 0
+318 194 m 1
+ 186 194 l 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 70 204 l 2
+ 103 324 116 371 116 382 c 0
+ 116 401 104 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 194 447 258 461 c 1
+ 200 242 l 1
+ 332 242 l 1
+ 393 449 l 1
+ 516 449 l 1
+ 453 233 l 1
+ 455 231 l 1
+ 486 262 548 286 589 286 c 0
+ 640 286 713 274 713 180 c 0
+ 713 68 593 -13 456 -13 c 0
+ 339 -13 310 58 310 111 c 0
+ 310 145 312 170 318 194 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tshecyrillic
+Encoding: 1115 1115 644
+Width: 545
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 375 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+528 127 m 1
+ 489 65 442 -9 360 -9 c 0
+ 323 -9 295 14 295 52 c 0
+ 295 144 383 315 383 367 c 0
+ 383 381 374 390 360 390 c 0
+ 316 390 261 302 239 268 c 0
+ 194 199 161 80 138 0 c 1
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 162 536 l 1
+ 78 536 l 1
+ 88 571 l 1
+ 172 571 l 1
+ 176 583 179 596 179 609 c 0
+ 179 637.621 157.459 642.906 135.205 642.906 c 0
+ 128.69 642.906 122.114 642.453 116 642 c 1
+ 116 669 l 1
+ 186 675 255 685 324 699 c 1
+ 291 571 l 1
+ 447 571 l 1
+ 437 536 l 1
+ 282 536 l 1
+ 218 289 l 1
+ 220 288 l 1
+ 263 352 339 462 427 462 c 0
+ 480 462 505 435 505 381 c 0
+ 505 317 414 117 414 76 c 0
+ 414 68 423 59 431 59 c 0
+ 451 59 494 125 506 142 c 1
+ 528 127 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1116 1116 645
+Width: 538
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 77 0 2
+Refer: 611 1082 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni045D
+Encoding: 1117 1117 646
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 609 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 108 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ushortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1118 1118 647
+Width: 496
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1804 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -152 -207 2
+Refer: 620 1091 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: dzhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1119 1119 648
+Width: 530
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 328 481 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+491 133 m 1
+ 512 120 l 1
+ 460 31 411 -9 351 -9 c 0
+ 307 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
+ 286 79 292 106 310 161 c 1
+ 207 17 177 -9 110 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 35 16 35 65 c 0
+ 35 89 42 125 56 173 c 2
+ 96 306 l 2
+ 105 335 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 137.921 437.497 242.134 458.522 263 462 c 1
+ 169 154 l 2
+ 156 111 154 103 154 88 c 0
+ 154 71 161 63 175 63 c 0
+ 195 63 217 80 248 118 c 0
+ 305 190 334 256 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 430 181 l 2
+ 406.484 99.1289 404.967 87.8066 404.967 79.6406 c 0
+ 404.967 62.1738 413.387 59 419 59 c 0
+ 436 59 456 80 491 133 c 1
+265 41 m 1
+ 263 28 263 22 263 14 c 0
+ 263 -31 286 -19 286 -76 c 0
+ 286 -132 194 -180 194 -180 c 1
+ 178 -160 l 1
+ 196 -148 216 -137 216 -108 c 0
+ 216 -87 207 -72 207 -49 c 0
+ 207 -16 240 0 246 44 c 1
+ 265 41 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni048C
+Encoding: 1164 1164 649
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+93 488 m 1
+ 110 558 l 1
+ 205.911 558 l 1
+ 220 607.667 222.667 617.667 237 669 c 1
+ 382 669 l 1
+ 368 620 364 607 352.131 558 c 1
+ 435 558 l 1
+ 419 488 l 1
+ 332.784 488 l 1
+ 301 373 l 1
+ 471.336 371.729 593 356 593 218 c 0
+ 593 74 444 0 275 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 65.626 44.5273 80 97 c 2
+ 187.111 488 l 1
+ 93 488 l 1
+222 78 m 2
+ 221 74 218 63 218 59 c 0
+ 218 43 233 35 260 35 c 0
+ 367 35 430 152 430 259 c 0
+ 430 329 376 338 293 338 c 1
+ 222 78 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni048D
+Encoding: 1165 1165 650
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+35 298 m 1
+ 54 368 l 1
+ 114.797 368 l 1
+ 127.5 415 128.5 415 140 461 c 1
+ 198 461 202 461 258 461 c 1
+ 233.526 368 l 1
+ 305 368 l 1
+ 287 298 l 1
+ 215.105 298 l 1
+ 198 233 l 1
+ 200 231 l 1
+ 231 262 293 286 334 286 c 0
+ 385 286 458 274 458 180 c 0
+ 458 68 338 -13 201 -13 c 0
+ 84 -13 55 58 55 111 c 0
+ 55 145 67 180 73 204 c 2
+ 98.541 298 l 1
+ 35 298 l 1
+272 234 m 0
+ 224 234 158 171 158 80 c 0
+ 158 30 192 24 216 24 c 0
+ 278 24 345 76 345 156 c 0
+ 345 217 319 234 272 234 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni048E
+Encoding: 1166 1166 651
+Width: 624
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+471 434 m 1
+ 485 465 494 511 494 546 c 0
+ 494 604 463 637 410 637 c 0
+ 368 637 366 613 360 593 c 2
+ 296 354 l 1
+ 313 353 324 352 338 352 c 0
+ 375 352 404 359 425 374 c 1
+ 358 491 l 1
+ 428 511 l 1
+ 471 434 l 1
+213 606 m 0
+ 213 636 190 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 427 669 l 2
+ 566 669 640 615 640 514 c 0
+ 640 438 597 378 522 346 c 1
+ 589 229 l 1
+ 520 208 l 1
+ 453 325 l 1
+ 427 320 398 317 367 317 c 0
+ 341 317 322 318 286 322 c 1
+ 232 123 l 1
+ 228 107 222 74 222 64 c 0
+ 222 37 238 28 294 25 c 1
+ 294 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 52 33 65 44 80 97 c 0
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 209 568 213 592 213 606 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni048F
+Encoding: 1167 1167 652
+Width: 483
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+361 340 m 0
+ 361 371 344 391 319 391 c 0
+ 238 391 200 235 188 195 c 0
+ 161 104 153 74 153 58 c 0
+ 153 38 170 22 192 22 c 0
+ 219 22 247 41 273 79 c 1
+ 205 198 l 1
+ 274 218 l 1
+ 312 152 l 1
+ 343 223 361 302 361 340 c 0
+364 61 m 1
+ 435 -64 l 1
+ 366 -85 l 1
+ 308 17 l 1
+ 276 -2 242 -13 209 -13 c 0
+ 188 -13 176 -9 141 9 c 1
+ 138 -4 l 1
+ 130 -32 l 1
+ 112 -100 104 -133 104 -145 c 0
+ 104 -169 120 -177 169 -178 c 1
+ 169 -205 l 1
+ -80 -205 l 1
+ -80 -178 l 1
+ -74 -178 l 2
+ -33 -178 -21 -165 -5 -104 c 2
+ 95 284 l 1
+ 108 333 117 373 117 382 c 0
+ 117 401 108 405 63 407 c 1
+ 63 434 l 1
+ 115 440 154 446 256 462 c 1
+ 218 347 l 1
+ 277 430 321 462 378 462 c 0
+ 444 462 486 415 486 341 c 0
+ 486 237 434 130 364 61 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: afii10050
+Encoding: 1168 1168 653
+Width: 601
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+431 669 m 2
+ 557 669 632 696 709 827 c 1
+ 727 827 l 1
+ 671 637 l 1
+ 421 637 l 2
+ 385 637 372 627 363 593 c 2
+ 237 129 l 2
+ 232 110 225 81 225 68 c 0
+ 225 39 268 27 308 25 c 1
+ 308 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 51 34 66 44 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 563 213 586.5 213 602 c 0
+ 213 631.5 172 640 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 431 669 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: afii10098
+Encoding: 1169 1169 654
+Width: 448
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+6 0 m 1
+ 107 368 l 2
+ 109.687 377.94 111.146 386.436 111.146 393.548 c 0
+ 111.146 412.907 100.329 422 74 422 c 1
+ 74 449 l 1
+ 268 449 l 2
+ 405 450 432 464 483 559 c 1
+ 509 559 l 1
+ 469 417 l 1
+ 278 416 l 2
+ 248 416 238 412 231 388 c 2
+ 125 0 l 1
+ 6 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0492
+Encoding: 1170 1170 655
+Width: 606
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+680 669 m 1
+ 637 479 l 1
+ 610 479 l 1
+ 610 610 547 637 421 637 c 0
+ 385 637 372 627 363 593 c 2
+ 301 366 l 1
+ 470 366 l 1
+ 458 326 l 1
+ 290 326 l 1
+ 237 129 l 2
+ 232 110 225 88 225 68 c 0
+ 225 42 273 26 308 25 c 1
+ 308 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 51 34 66 44 80 97 c 2
+ 143 326 l 1
+ 51 326 l 1
+ 63 366 l 1
+ 154 366 l 1
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 208 563 213 584 213 602 c 0
+ 213 633 172 640 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 680 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0493
+Encoding: 1171 1171 656
+Width: 448
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+298 417 m 0
+ 268 417 258 411 251 388 c 2
+ 213 249 l 1
+ 341 249 l 1
+ 331 214 l 1
+ 203 214 l 1
+ 145 0 l 1
+ 26 0 l 1
+ 85 214 l 1
+ 17 214 l 1
+ 27 249 l 1
+ 94 249 l 1
+ 127 368 l 2
+ 129.529 377.694 130.681 385.7 130.681 392.3 c 0
+ 130.681 417.017 114.521 422 94 422 c 1
+ 94 449 l 1
+ 500 449 l 1
+ 461 307 l 1
+ 435 307 l 1
+ 439 324 441 339 441 352 c 0
+ 441 402 404 417 298 417 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0494
+Encoding: 1172 1172 657
+Width: 719
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+603 484 m 1
+ 603 577 579 637 426 637 c 0
+ 386 637 373 628 363 593 c 2
+ 307 388 l 1
+ 329 405 373 421 418 421 c 0
+ 529 421 675 327 675 228 c 0
+ 675 216 674 203 670 190 c 2
+ 609 -34 l 2
+ 582 -132 501 -165 416 -165 c 0
+ 346 -165 251 -147 251 -92 c 0
+ 251 -68 268 -46 290 -46 c 0
+ 343 -46 327 -104 375 -104 c 0
+ 403 -104 428 -78 452 7 c 2
+ 514 235 l 2
+ 517 246 519 257 519 267 c 0
+ 519 326 463 372 398 372 c 0
+ 357 372 317 354 292 333 c 1
+ 239 137 l 2
+ 235 124 224 76 224 69 c 0
+ 224 38 239 29 295 25 c 1
+ 295 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 52 33 64 44 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 209 568 213 592 213 606 c 0
+ 213 636 190 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 673 669 l 1
+ 630 479 l 1
+ 603 484 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0496
+Encoding: 1174 1174 658
+Width: 1080
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+823 0 m 1
+ 768 240 l 2
+ 758 296 735 331 682 331 c 2
+ 657 331 l 1
+ 608 152 l 2
+ 595 103 590 80 590 65 c 0
+ 590 37 605 28 662 25 c 1
+ 662 0 l 1
+ 366 0 l 1
+ 366 25 l 1
+ 415 31 430 45 446 97 c 2
+ 510 331 l 1
+ 482 331 l 2
+ 454 331 407 315 368 246 c 2
+ 210 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 1 25 l 1
+ 48 27 67 48 84 63 c 2
+ 228 256 l 2
+ 286 344 398 360 442 360 c 1
+ 445 366 l 1
+ 398.064 384.955 373.125 455.237 373.125 529.782 c 0
+ 373.125 549.617 374.336 552.923 374.336 562.841 c 0
+ 374.336 593.456 360.847 600 348 600 c 0
+ 332 600 321 582 311 574 c 0
+ 299 563 282 549 258 549 c 0
+ 230 549 208 570 208 602 c 0
+ 208 637 234 680 305 680 c 0
+ 379.423 680 409.7 636.966 409.7 575.663 c 0
+ 409.7 557.609 407.809 553.096 407.809 530.528 c 0
+ 407.809 416.49 468.354 371 498 371 c 2
+ 521 371 l 1
+ 569 546 l 2
+ 574 564 579 595 579 607 c 0
+ 579 635 559 636 506 644 c 1
+ 506 669 l 1
+ 804 669 l 1
+ 804 644 l 1
+ 753 638 738 625 722 572 c 2
+ 668 371 l 1
+ 694 371 l 2
+ 782 371 825 472 878 577 c 0
+ 912 642 958 680 1020 680 c 0
+ 1072 680 1110 653 1110 603 c 0
+ 1110 559 1076 541 1048 541 c 0
+ 1018 541 998 557 985 576 c 0
+ 979 585 974 600 954 600 c 0
+ 933 600 921 577 906 548 c 0
+ 883 500 846 407 770 362 c 1
+ 768 356 l 1
+ 818 344 868.604 322.883 898 224 c 2
+ 935 98 l 2
+ 953.566 34.7754 987.293 33.999 1055.76 33.999 c 0
+ 1061 34 l 1
+ 1003 -180 l 1
+ 979 -180 l 1
+ 981.135 -159.145 982.354 -140.286 982.354 -123.329 c 0
+ 982.354 -37.0225 950.802 0 848 0 c 2
+ 823 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0497
+Encoding: 1175 1175 659
+Width: 941
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+881 96 m 1
+ 859 58 833 45 833 14 c 0
+ 833 -20 862 -25 862 -76 c 0
+ 862 -136 773 -180 773 -180 c 1
+ 754 -160 l 1
+ 772 -148 792 -136 792 -110 c 0
+ 792 -86 783 -70 783 -48 c 0
+ 783 -26 801 1 801 13 c 1
+ 782 0 748 -13 704 -13 c 0
+ 647 -13 569 31 569 120 c 0
+ 569 139 569 178 579 214 c 1
+ 525 214 l 1
+ 464 0 l 1
+ 345 0 l 1
+ 407 214 l 1
+ 348 214 l 1
+ 306 94 218 -13 107 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 3 24 3 77 c 0
+ 3 118 24 147 60 147 c 0
+ 86 147 107 135 107 103 c 0
+ 107 71 86 77 86 49 c 0
+ 86 39 87 20 116 20 c 0
+ 215 20 250 222 250 281 c 0
+ 250 335 243 398 183 398 c 0
+ 134 398 99 367 73 335 c 1
+ 52 353 l 1
+ 77 395 129 462 229 462 c 0
+ 286 462 364 418 364 329 c 0
+ 364 310 364 278 358 249 c 1
+ 413 249 l 1
+ 472 449 l 1
+ 595 449 l 1
+ 533 249 l 1
+ 590 249 l 1
+ 636 368 715 462 826 462 c 0
+ 882 462 930 425 930 372 c 0
+ 930 331 909 302 873 302 c 0
+ 847 302 826 314 826 346 c 0
+ 826 378 847 372 847 400 c 0
+ 847 410 846 429 817 429 c 0
+ 718 429 683 226 683 168 c 0
+ 683 114 690 51 750 51 c 0
+ 799 51 834 82 860 114 c 1
+ 881 96 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni049a
+Encoding: 1178 1178 660
+Width: 772
+Flags: HMW
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+ 289 312 l 1
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+ 292 -176.41 325.826 -178.021 350.112 -178.021 c 0
+ 352.888 -178.021 355.538 -178 358 -178 c 1
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+ 91 -178 l 1
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+ 718 644 l 1
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+ 555.354 -37.0225 523.802 0 421 0 c 2
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+ 426 669 l 1
+ 426 644 l 1
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+ 558 635.213 537.505 636.499 485 644 c 1
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+ 783 669 l 1
+ 783 644 l 1
+ 732 638 715.422 625.451 701 572 c 2
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+ 562 -180 l 1
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+ 565.354 -37.0225 533.802 0 431 0 c 2
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+ 84 222 91 258 105 306 c 2
+ 111 328 l 2
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+ 203 204 210 196 224 196 c 0
+ 244 196 266 213 297 251 c 0
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+ 364 358 311 329 287 316 c 1
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+ 230 105 225 74 225 62 c 0
+ 225 33.7871 245.495 32.501 298 25 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
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+ 438 644 l 1
+ 389 638 374 624 358 572 c 2
+ 302 372 l 1
+ 334 389 391 411 484 411 c 0
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+ 592 123 l 2
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+ 322.109 264.664 314.977 267.249 314.977 276.865 c 0
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+ 220 160 l 2
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+ 615.967 420.413 564.663 116.032 564.656 116 c 0
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+ 27 0 l 2
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+ 0 0 l 1
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+ 52 28 65 37 80 82 c 2
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+ 209 483 213 502 213 515 c 0
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+ 680 569 l 1
+ 637 407 l 1
+ 610 411 l 1
+ 610 487 593 541 426 541 c 0
+ 385 541 373 534 363 504 c 2
+ 302 314 l 1
+ 315 314 l 2
+ 436 314 462 327 507 405 c 1
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+ 461 169 l 1
+ 433 173 l 1
+ 436 190 437 199 437 211 c 0
+ 437 269 407 286 293 287 c 1
+ 237 110 l 2
+ 237 105 222 71 222 56 c 0
+ 222 36 240 27 283 27 c 0
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+635 679 m 1
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+ 293 609 l 1
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+ 635 679 l 1
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+ 680 569 l 1
+ 637 407 l 1
+ 610 411 l 1
+ 610 487 593 541 426 541 c 0
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+ 315 314 l 2
+ 436 314 462 327 507 405 c 1
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+ 433 173 l 1
+ 436 190 437 199 437 211 c 0
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+ 237 105 222 71 222 56 c 0
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+ 325 -9 298 15 298 49 c 0
+ 298 103 323 172 370 313 c 0
+ 377 333 381 344 381 346 c 1
+ 384 355 386 363 386 369 c 0
+ 386 380 376 390 364 390 c 0
+ 338 390 305 361 263 301 c 0
+ 213 228 192 178 141 0 c 1
+ 97 -63 l 1
+ 107 -61 113 -60 123 -60 c 0
+ 175 -60 213 -90 213 -132 c 0
+ 213 -182 160 -219 89 -219 c 0
+ 53 -219 21 -212 -23 -194 c 1
+ -1 -161 l 1
+ 27 -174 44 -178 66 -178 c 0
+ 100 -178 122 -162 122 -137 c 0
+ 122 -115 104 -101 75 -101 c 0
+ 65 -101 57 -102 45 -105 c 1
+ 32 -93 l 1
+ 95.2783 0 l 1
+ 20 0 l 1
+ 174 567 l 2
+ 179 586 182 601 182 610 c 0
+ 182 632 168 643 141 643 c 0
+ 136 643 127 643 119 642 c 1
+ 119 669 l 1
+ 200 676 250 684 327 699 c 1
+ 220 283 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E2A
+Encoding: 7722 7722 787
+Width: 753
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 98 -709 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2B
+Encoding: 7723 7723 788
+Width: 546
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 -17 -718 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2C
+Encoding: 7724 7724 789
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -208 -709 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2D
+Encoding: 7725 7725 790
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -223 -718 0
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2E
+Encoding: 7726 7726 791
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+325 719 m 1
+ 276 719 l 1
+ 398 850 l 2
+ 433 888 450 900 468 900 c 0
+ 494 900 516 878 516 853 c 0
+ 516 834 507 823 477 806 c 2
+ 325 719 l 1
+199 734 m 0
+ 235 734 265 704 265 668 c 0
+ 265 634 234 604 199 604 c 0
+ 165 604 135 634 135 668 c 0
+ 135 704 164 734 199 734 c 0
+411 734 m 0
+ 447 734 477 704 477 668 c 0
+ 477 634 446 604 411 604 c 0
+ 377 604 347 634 347 668 c 0
+ 347 704 376 734 411 734 c 0
+213 516 m 0
+ 213 540 193 541 140 547 c 1
+ 140 569 l 1
+ 438 569 l 1
+ 438 547 l 1
+ 387 542 370 531 356 486 c 10
+ 242 129 l 2
+ 229 88 224 68 224 55 c 0
+ 224 31 239 24 296 21 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 21 l 1
+ 49 26 66 38 80 82 c 2
+ 203 464 l 2
+ 208 479 213 506 213 516 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E2F
+Encoding: 7727 7727 792
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 30 154 0
+Refer: 172 239 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E30
+Encoding: 7728 7728 793
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 265 193 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E31
+Encoding: 7729 7729 794
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 224 202 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E32
+Encoding: 7730 7730 795
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -52 -709 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E33
+Encoding: 7731 7731 796
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -133 -705 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E34
+Encoding: 7732 7732 797
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 66 -696 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E35
+Encoding: 7733 7733 798
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -40 -692 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E36
+Encoding: 7734 7734 799
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -61 -709 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E37
+Encoding: 7735 7735 800
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -266 -718 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E38
+Encoding: 7736 7736 801
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 267 177 0
+Refer: 799 7734 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E39
+Encoding: 7737 7737 802
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 50 186 0
+Refer: 800 7735 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3A
+Encoding: 7738 7738 803
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 46 -693 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3B
+Encoding: 7739 7739 804
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -122 -696 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3C
+Encoding: 7740 7740 805
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 30 -726 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3D
+Encoding: 7741 7741 806
+Width: 294
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 -142 -729 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3E
+Encoding: 7742 7742 807
+Width: 876
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 330 193 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3F
+Encoding: 7743 7743 808
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 229 -14 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Mdotaccent
+Encoding: 7744 7744 809
+Width: 876
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 223 184 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: mdotaccent
+Encoding: 7745 7745 810
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 147 -23 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E42
+Encoding: 7746 7746 811
+Width: 876
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -32 -708 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E43
+Encoding: 7747 7747 812
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -59 -703 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ndotaccent
+Encoding: 7748 7748 813
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 162 184 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ndotaccent
+Encoding: 7749 7749 814
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 20 -23 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E46
+Encoding: 7750 7750 815
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -724 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E47
+Encoding: 7751 7751 816
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -154 -718 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E48
+Encoding: 7752 7752 817
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 22 -699 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E49
+Encoding: 7753 7753 818
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -54 -696 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4A
+Encoding: 7754 7754 819
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 30 -754 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4B
+Encoding: 7755 7755 820
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 -45 -748 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4C
+Encoding: 7756 7756 821
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+525 718 m 1
+ 476 718 l 1
+ 598 849 l 2
+ 633 887 650 899 668 899 c 0
+ 694 899 716 877 716 852 c 0
+ 716 833 707 822 677 805 c 2
+ 525 718 l 1
+443 710 m 0
+ 501 710 552 668 585 668 c 0
+ 608 668 624 679 645 710 c 1
+ 686 710 l 1
+ 647 627 604 591 544 591 c 0
+ 525 591 514 594 490 604 c 2
+ 436 627 l 2
+ 424 632 410 635 399 635 c 0
+ 377 635 362 624 342 592 c 1
+ 302 592 l 1
+ 330 664 386 710 443 710 c 0
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E4D
+Encoding: 7757 7757 822
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 152 156 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4E
+Encoding: 7758 7758 823
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+417 900 m 0
+ 453 900 483 870 483 834 c 0
+ 483 800 452 770 417 770 c 0
+ 383 770 353 800 353 834 c 0
+ 353 870 382 900 417 900 c 0
+629 900 m 0
+ 665 900 695 870 695 834 c 0
+ 695 800 664 770 629 770 c 0
+ 595 770 565 800 565 834 c 0
+ 565 870 594 900 629 900 c 0
+443 728 m 0
+ 501 728 552 686 585 686 c 0
+ 608 686 624 697 645 728 c 1
+ 686 728 l 1
+ 647 645 604 609 544 609 c 0
+ 525 609 514 612 490 622 c 2
+ 436 645 l 2
+ 424 650 410 653 399 653 c 0
+ 377 653 362 642 342 610 c 1
+ 302 610 l 1
+ 330 682 386 728 443 728 c 0
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E4F
+Encoding: 7759 7759 824
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 132 152 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E50
+Encoding: 7760 7760 825
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+630 688 m 1
+ 614 618 l 1
+ 288 618 l 1
+ 305 688 l 1
+ 630 688 l 1
+541 719 m 1
+ 496 719 l 1
+ 363 808 l 2
+ 341 823 329 840 329 855 c 0
+ 329 879 350 900 374 900 c 0
+ 393 900 414 887 430 866 c 2
+ 541 719 l 1
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E51
+Encoding: 7761 7761 826
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 97 147 0
+Refer: 266 333 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E52
+Encoding: 7762 7762 827
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+630 688 m 1
+ 614 618 l 1
+ 288 618 l 1
+ 305 688 l 1
+ 630 688 l 1
+453 719 m 1
+ 404 719 l 1
+ 526 850 l 2
+ 561 888 578 900 596 900 c 0
+ 622 900 644 878 644 853 c 0
+ 644 834 635 823 605 806 c 2
+ 453 719 l 1
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E53
+Encoding: 7763 7763 828
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 139 147 0
+Refer: 266 333 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E54
+Encoding: 7764 7764 829
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 228 193 0
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E55
+Encoding: 7765 7765 830
+Width: 482
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 135 -14 0
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Pdotaccent
+Encoding: 7766 7766 831
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 105 184 0
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pdotaccent
+Encoding: 7767 7767 832
+Width: 482
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -16 -23 0
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rdotaccent
+Encoding: 7768 7768 833
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 104 184 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rdotaccent
+Encoding: 7769 7769 834
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -23 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5A
+Encoding: 7770 7770 835
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -66 -709 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5B
+Encoding: 7771 7771 836
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -268 -709 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5C
+Encoding: 7772 7772 837
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 217 177 0
+Refer: 835 7770 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5D
+Encoding: 7773 7773 838
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 43 -41 0
+Refer: 836 7771 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5E
+Encoding: 7774 7774 839
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 57 -663 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5F
+Encoding: 7775 7775 840
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -98 -663 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sdotaccent
+Encoding: 7776 7776 841
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -2 184 0
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sdotaccent
+Encoding: 7777 7777 842
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -105 -23 0
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sdotbelow
+Encoding: 7778 7778 843
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -147 -707 0
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sdotbelow
+Encoding: 7779 7779 844
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -211 -701 0
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E64
+Encoding: 7780 7780 845
+Width: 556
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+338.225 900 m 0
+ 369.645 900 391.637 877.148 391.637 847.4 c 0
+ 391.637 802.363 345.444 770 310.592 770 c 0
+ 280.742 770 258.891 793.123 258.891 821.775 c 0
+ 258.891 859.209 296.152 900 338.225 900 c 0
+300 628 m 1
+ 251 628 l 1
+ 373 759 l 2
+ 408 797 425 809 443 809 c 0
+ 469 809 491 787 491 762 c 0
+ 491 743 482 732 452 715 c 2
+ 300 628 l 1
+239 -15 m 0
+ 154 -15 104 14 70 14 c 0
+ 51 14 44 9 32 -15 c 1
+ 2 -15 l 1
+ 38 175 l 1
+ 67 173 l 1
+ 72 105 98 14 221 14 c 0
+ 298 14 347 62 347 121 c 0
+ 347 229 102 279 102 417 c 0
+ 102 511 189 582 303 582 c 0
+ 364 582 422 557 452 557 c 0
+ 473 557 487 564 496 579 c 1
+ 526 579 l 1
+ 486 408 l 1
+ 459 411 l 1
+ 446 511 407 552 327 552 c 0
+ 263 552 223 518 223 463 c 0
+ 223 425 238 406 300 366 c 0
+ 422 287 468 230 468 157 c 0
+ 468 52 379 -15 239 -15 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E65
+Encoding: 7781 7781 846
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -71 175 0
+Refer: 280 347 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E66
+Encoding: 7782 7782 847
+Width: 556
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+366.225 900 m 0
+ 397.645 900 419.637 877.148 419.637 847.4 c 0
+ 419.637 802.363 373.444 770 338.592 770 c 0
+ 308.742 770 286.891 793.123 286.891 821.775 c 0
+ 286.891 859.209 324.152 900 366.225 900 c 0
+523 794 m 1
+ 361 620 l 1
+ 279 620 l 1
+ 191 794 l 1
+ 241 794 l 1
+ 332 697 l 1
+ 467 794 l 1
+ 523 794 l 1
+239 -15 m 0
+ 154 -15 104 14 70 14 c 0
+ 51 14 44 9 32 -15 c 1
+ 2 -15 l 1
+ 38 175 l 1
+ 67 173 l 1
+ 72 105 98 14 221 14 c 0
+ 298 14 347 62 347 121 c 0
+ 347 229 102 279 102 417 c 0
+ 102 511 189 582 303 582 c 0
+ 364 582 422 557 452 557 c 0
+ 473 557 487 564 496 579 c 1
+ 526 579 l 1
+ 486 408 l 1
+ 459 411 l 1
+ 446 511 407 552 327 552 c 0
+ 263 552 223 518 223 463 c 0
+ 223 425 238 406 300 366 c 0
+ 422 287 468 230 468 157 c 0
+ 468 52 379 -15 239 -15 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E67
+Encoding: 7783 7783 848
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -81 163 0
+Refer: 286 353 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E68
+Encoding: 7784 7784 849
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 14 184 0
+Refer: 843 7778 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E69
+Encoding: 7785 7785 850
+Width: 356
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -91 -23 0
+Refer: 844 7779 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tdotaccent
+Encoding: 7786 7786 851
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 98 184 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tdotaccent
+Encoding: 7787 7787 852
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -73 109 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tdotbelow
+Encoding: 7788 7788 853
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -110 -705 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tdotbelow
+Encoding: 7789 7789 854
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -282 -709 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E6E
+Encoding: 7790 7790 855
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 14 -696 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E6F
+Encoding: 7791 7791 856
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -118 -696 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E70
+Encoding: 7792 7792 857
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 -14 -739 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E71
+Encoding: 7793 7793 858
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 -157 -748 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E72
+Encoding: 7794 7794 859
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 65 -704 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E73
+Encoding: 7795 7795 860
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 -52 -703 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E74
+Encoding: 7796 7796 861
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -40 -711 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E75
+Encoding: 7797 7797 862
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -146 -704 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E76
+Encoding: 7798 7798 863
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 64 -734 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E77
+Encoding: 7799 7799 864
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 -49 -730 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E78
+Encoding: 7800 7800 865
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+429 719 m 1
+ 380 719 l 1
+ 502 850 l 2
+ 537 888 554 900 572 900 c 0
+ 598 900 620 878 620 853 c 0
+ 620 834 611 823 581 806 c 2
+ 429 719 l 1
+423 707 m 0
+ 481 707 532 665 565 665 c 0
+ 588 665 604 676 625 707 c 1
+ 666 707 l 1
+ 627 624 584 588 524 588 c 0
+ 505 588 494 591 470 601 c 2
+ 416 624 l 2
+ 404 629 390 632 379 632 c 0
+ 357 632 342 621 322 589 c 1
+ 282 589 l 1
+ 310 661 366 707 423 707 c 0
+744 569 m 1
+ 744 547 l 1
+ 689 538 680 530 642 417 c 2
+ 576 224 l 2
+ 553 156 519 -15 290 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 67 42 67 126 c 0
+ 67 154 78 207 100 275 c 2
+ 156 450 l 2
+ 165 478 171 504 171 514 c 0
+ 171 533 161 540 129 544 c 0
+ 125 544 112 546 98 547 c 1
+ 98 569 l 1
+ 409 569 l 1
+ 409 547 l 1
+ 347 545 331 535 315 486 c 0
+ 233 231 l 2
+ 208 154 205 141 205 118 c 0
+ 205 65 251 32 327 32 c 0
+ 382 32 426 49 460 83 c 0
+ 490 115 512 157 539 240 c 2
+ 597 417 l 2
+ 608 452 616 485 616 500 c 0
+ 616 530 593 543 536 547 c 1
+ 536 569 l 1
+ 744 569 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E79
+Encoding: 7801 7801 866
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 130 155 0
+Refer: 294 361 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7A
+Encoding: 7802 7802 867
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 274 133 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 292 243 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7B
+Encoding: 7803 7803 868
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 157 133 0
+Refer: 296 363 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7C
+Encoding: 7804 7804 869
+Width: 703
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 156 173 0
+Refer: 54 86 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7D
+Encoding: 7805 7805 870
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -53 -34 0
+Refer: 86 118 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7E
+Encoding: 7806 7806 871
+Width: 703
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -711 0
+Refer: 54 86 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7F
+Encoding: 7807 7807 872
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -222 -708 0
+Refer: 86 118 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wgrave
+Encoding: 7808 7808 873
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 355 193 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wgrave
+Encoding: 7809 7809 874
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 176 -14 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wacute
+Encoding: 7810 7810 875
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 406 193 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wacute
+Encoding: 7811 7811 876
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 198 -14 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wdieresis
+Encoding: 7812 7812 877
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 369 184 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wdieresis
+Encoding: 7813 7813 878
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 200 -23 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E86
+Encoding: 7814 7814 879
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 278 184 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E87
+Encoding: 7815 7815 880
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 84 -23 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E88
+Encoding: 7816 7816 881
+Width: 928
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 118 -704 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E89
+Encoding: 7817 7817 882
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -79 -699 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8A
+Encoding: 7818 7818 883
+Width: 699
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 112 184 0
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8B
+Encoding: 7819 7819 884
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -17 -23 0
+Refer: 88 120 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8C
+Encoding: 7820 7820 885
+Width: 699
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 237 184 0
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8D
+Encoding: 7821 7821 886
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 85 -23 0
+Refer: 88 120 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ydotaccent
+Encoding: 7822 7822 887
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 100 184 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ydotaccent
+Encoding: 7823 7823 888
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -38 -23 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E90
+Encoding: 7824 7824 889
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 167 193 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E91
+Encoding: 7825 7825 890
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 60 -14 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E92
+Encoding: 7826 7826 891
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -83 -709 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zdotbelow
+Encoding: 7827 7827 892
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -185 -761 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E94
+Encoding: 7828 7828 893
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 1 -699 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E95
+Encoding: 7829 7829 894
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -87 -741 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E96
+Encoding: 7830 7830 895
+Width: 546
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -31 -699 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E97
+Encoding: 7831 7831 896
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 25 109 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E98
+Encoding: 7832 7832 897
+Width: 652
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 86 -38 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E99
+Encoding: 7833 7833 898
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 410 730 S 1 0 0 1 -24 -38 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E9B
+Encoding: 7835 7835 899
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 103 214 0
+Refer: 316 383 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EA0
+Encoding: 7840 7840 900
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -23 -709 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EA1
+Encoding: 7841 7841 901
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -188 -723 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EA2
+Encoding: 7842 7842 902
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 465 225 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EA3
+Encoding: 7843 7843 903
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 371 11 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EA4
+Encoding: 7844 7844 904
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 484 203 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EA5
+Encoding: 7845 7845 905
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 288 103 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EA6
+Encoding: 7846 7846 906
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -16 203 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EA7
+Encoding: 7847 7847 907
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 -84 103 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EA8
+Encoding: 7848 7848 908
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 735 224 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EA9
+Encoding: 7849 7849 909
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 539 122 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EAA
+Encoding: 7850 7850 910
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+477 900 m 0
+ 535 900 586 858 619 858 c 0
+ 642 858 658 869 679 900 c 1
+ 720 900 l 1
+ 681 817 638 781 578 781 c 0
+ 559 781 548 784 524 794 c 2
+ 470 817 l 2
+ 458 822 444 825 433 825 c 0
+ 411 825 396 814 376 782 c 1
+ 336 782 l 1
+ 364 854 420 900 477 900 c 0
+571 599 m 1
+ 483 694 l 1
+ 352 599 l 1
+ 295 599 l 1
+ 455 773 l 1
+ 536 773 l 1
+ 622 599 l 1
+ 571 599 l 1
+435 71 m 0
+ 435 94 427 128 420 177 c 1
+ 205 177 l 1
+ 146 90 l 2
+ 136 76 131 62 131 51 c 0
+ 131 31 150 21 196 21 c 1
+ 196 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 21 l 1
+ 36 28 52 39 83 81 c 2
+ 455 581 l 1
+ 480 581 l 1
+ 576 94 l 2
+ 589 30 594 26 660 21 c 1
+ 660 0 l 1
+ 356 0 l 1
+ 356 21 l 1
+ 420 26 435 36 435 71 c 0
+228 211 m 1
+ 413 211 l 1
+ 376 417 l 1
+ 228 211 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EAB
+Encoding: 7851 7851 911
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 41 203 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EAC
+Encoding: 7852 7852 912
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 255 193 0
+Refer: 900 7840 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EAD
+Encoding: 7853 7853 913
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 100 -14 0
+Refer: 901 7841 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EAE
+Encoding: 7854 7854 914
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+368 71 m 0
+ 368 94 360 128 353 177 c 1
+ 138 177 l 1
+ 79 90 l 2
+ 69 76 64 62 64 51 c 0
+ 64 31 83 21 129 21 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 21 l 1
+ -31 28 -15 39 16 81 c 2
+ 388 581 l 1
+ 413 581 l 1
+ 509 94 l 2
+ 522 30 527 26 593 21 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 21 l 1
+ 353 26 368 36 368 71 c 0
+161 211 m 1
+ 346 211 l 1
+ 309 417 l 1
+ 161 211 l 1
+413 719 m 1
+ 364 719 l 1
+ 486 850 l 2
+ 521 888 538 900 556 900 c 0
+ 582 900 604 878 604 853 c 0
+ 604 834 595 823 565 806 c 2
+ 413 719 l 1
+539 759 m 1
+ 578 759 l 1
+ 560 655 496 597 399 597 c 0
+ 306 597 262 645 262 746 c 2
+ 262 759 l 1
+ 305 759 l 1
+ 311 698 344 669 407 669 c 0
+ 472 669 508 693 539 759 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EAF
+Encoding: 7855 7855 915
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 131 157 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB0
+Encoding: 7856 7856 916
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+539 760 m 1
+ 578 760 l 1
+ 560 656 496 598 399 598 c 0
+ 306 598 262 646 262 747 c 2
+ 262 760 l 1
+ 305 760 l 1
+ 311 699 344 670 407 670 c 0
+ 472 670 508 694 539 760 c 1
+368 71 m 0
+ 368 94 360 128 353 177 c 1
+ 138 177 l 1
+ 79 90 l 2
+ 69 76 64 62 64 51 c 0
+ 64 31 83 21 129 21 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 21 l 1
+ -31 28 -15 39 16 81 c 2
+ 388 581 l 1
+ 413 581 l 1
+ 509 94 l 2
+ 522 30 527 26 593 21 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 21 l 1
+ 353 26 368 36 368 71 c 0
+161 211 m 1
+ 346 211 l 1
+ 309 417 l 1
+ 161 211 l 1
+490 719 m 1
+ 445 719 l 1
+ 312 808 l 2
+ 290 823 278 840 278 855 c 0
+ 278 879 299 900 323 900 c 0
+ 342 900 363 887 379 866 c 2
+ 490 719 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB1
+Encoding: 7857 7857 917
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 91 154 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB2
+Encoding: 7858 7858 918
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+380.159 849 m 1
+ 395.353 849 409.371 843.473 409.371 825.873 c 0
+ 409.371 800.149 385.57 783 366.131 783 c 0
+ 346.711 783 339.759 795.416 339.759 813.55 c 0
+ 339.759 882.71 413.089 900 444 900 c 0
+ 466.647 900 515.576 888.511 515.576 843.972 c 0
+ 515.576 785.808 467.712 783.516 432.865 730 c 1
+ 389.865 730 l 1
+ 422.467 784.712 447.949 794.286 447.949 836.943 c 0
+ 447.949 853.111 441.943 869 421.41 869 c 0
+ 403.91 869 382.604 860.5 380.159 849 c 1
+539 770 m 1
+ 578 770 l 1
+ 560 666 496 608 399 608 c 0
+ 306 608 262 656 262 757 c 2
+ 262 770 l 1
+ 305 770 l 1
+ 311 709 344 680 407 680 c 0
+ 472 680 508 704 539 770 c 1
+368 71 m 0
+ 368 94 360 128 353 177 c 1
+ 138 177 l 1
+ 79 90 l 2
+ 69 76 64 62 64 51 c 0
+ 64 31 83 21 129 21 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 21 l 1
+ -31 28 -15 39 16 81 c 2
+ 388 581 l 1
+ 413 581 l 1
+ 509 94 l 2
+ 522 30 527 26 593 21 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 21 l 1
+ 353 26 368 36 368 71 c 0
+161 211 m 1
+ 346 211 l 1
+ 309 417 l 1
+ 161 211 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB3
+Encoding: 7859 7859 919
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 384 145 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB4
+Encoding: 7860 7860 920
+Width: 667
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+376 900 m 0
+ 434 900 485 858 518 858 c 0
+ 541 858 557 869 578 900 c 1
+ 619 900 l 1
+ 580 817 537 781 477 781 c 0
+ 458 781 447 784 423 794 c 2
+ 369 817 l 2
+ 357 822 343 825 332 825 c 0
+ 310 825 295 814 275 782 c 1
+ 235 782 l 1
+ 263 854 319 900 376 900 c 0
+539 766 m 1
+ 578 766 l 1
+ 560 662 496 604 399 604 c 0
+ 306 604 262 652 262 753 c 2
+ 262 766 l 1
+ 305 766 l 1
+ 311 705 344 676 407 676 c 0
+ 472 676 508 700 539 766 c 1
+368 71 m 0
+ 368 94 360 128 353 177 c 1
+ 138 177 l 1
+ 79 90 l 2
+ 69 76 64 62 64 51 c 0
+ 64 31 83 21 129 21 c 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+ -67 0 l 1
+ -67 21 l 1
+ -31 28 -15 39 16 81 c 2
+ 388 581 l 1
+ 413 581 l 1
+ 509 94 l 2
+ 522 30 527 26 593 21 c 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 289 21 l 1
+ 353 26 368 36 368 71 c 0
+161 211 m 1
+ 346 211 l 1
+ 309 417 l 1
+ 161 211 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB5
+Encoding: 7861 7861 921
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 25 188 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EB6
+Encoding: 7862 7862 922
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 266 211 0
+Refer: 900 7840 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EB7
+Encoding: 7863 7863 923
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 105 -14 0
+Refer: 901 7841 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EB8
+Encoding: 7864 7864 924
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -66 -709 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EB9
+Encoding: 7865 7865 925
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -196 -722 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EBA
+Encoding: 7866 7866 926
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 494 196 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EBB
+Encoding: 7867 7867 927
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 370 13 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Etilde
+Encoding: 7868 7868 928
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 119 173 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EBD
+Encoding: 7869 7869 929
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -30 -34 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EBE
+Encoding: 7870 7870 930
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 457 203 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EBF
+Encoding: 7871 7871 931
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 276 106 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC0
+Encoding: 7872 7872 932
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -39 203 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC1
+Encoding: 7873 7873 933
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -77 103 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC2
+Encoding: 7874 7874 934
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 708 224 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC3
+Encoding: 7875 7875 935
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 537 123 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC4
+Encoding: 7876 7876 936
+Width: 618
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+545 596 m 1
+ 457 691 l 1
+ 326 596 l 1
+ 269 596 l 1
+ 429 770 l 1
+ 510 770 l 1
+ 596 596 l 1
+ 545 596 l 1
+283 27 m 0
+ 455 27 531 90 588 169 c 1
+ 613 165 l 1
+ 554 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 21 l 1
+ 52 28 65 37 80 82 c 2
+ 203 464 l 2
+ 209 483 213 502 213 515 c 0
+ 213 540 188 541 140 547 c 1
+ 140 569 l 1
+ 680 569 l 1
+ 637 407 l 1
+ 610 411 l 1
+ 610 487 593 541 426 541 c 0
+ 385 541 373 534 363 504 c 2
+ 302 314 l 1
+ 315 314 l 2
+ 436 314 462 327 507 405 c 1
+ 535 401 l 1
+ 461 169 l 1
+ 433 173 l 1
+ 436 190 437 199 437 211 c 0
+ 437 269 407 286 293 287 c 1
+ 237 110 l 2
+ 237 105 222 71 222 56 c 0
+ 222 36 240 27 283 27 c 0
+439 900 m 0
+ 497 900 548 858 581 858 c 0
+ 604 858 620 869 641 900 c 1
+ 682 900 l 1
+ 643 817 600 781 540 781 c 0
+ 521 781 510 784 486 794 c 2
+ 432 817 l 2
+ 420 822 406 825 395 825 c 0
+ 373 825 358 814 338 782 c 1
+ 298 782 l 1
+ 326 854 382 900 439 900 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC5
+Encoding: 7877 7877 937
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 28 203 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1EC6
+Encoding: 7878 7878 938
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 225 193 0
+Refer: 924 7864 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EC7
+Encoding: 7879 7879 939
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 74 -14 0
+Refer: 925 7865 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EC8
+Encoding: 7880 7880 940
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 353 190 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ihookabove
+Encoding: 7881 7881 941
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 233 11 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1ECA
+Encoding: 7882 7882 942
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -217 -709 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ECB
+Encoding: 7883 7883 943
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -280 -718 0
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ECC
+Encoding: 7884 7884 944
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -95 -727 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ECD
+Encoding: 7885 7885 945
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -186 -722 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ECE
+Encoding: 7886 7886 946
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 547 199 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ECF
+Encoding: 7887 7887 947
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 382 11 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ED0
+Encoding: 7888 7888 948
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 487 203 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED1
+Encoding: 7889 7889 949
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 287 97 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED2
+Encoding: 7890 7890 950
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 -6 203 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED3
+Encoding: 7891 7891 951
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -62 103 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED4
+Encoding: 7892 7892 952
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 750 220 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED5
+Encoding: 7893 7893 953
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 533 124 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED6
+Encoding: 7894 7894 954
+Width: 686
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+569 595 m 1
+ 481 690 l 1
+ 350 595 l 1
+ 293 595 l 1
+ 453 769 l 1
+ 534 769 l 1
+ 620 595 l 1
+ 569 595 l 1
+27 188 m 0
+ 27 350 204 582 449 582 c 0
+ 588 582 691 499 691 386 c 0
+ 691 212 520 -15 263 -15 c 0
+ 122 -15 27 66 27 188 c 0
+445 553 m 0
+ 381 553 328 518 277 442 c 0
+ 222 360 171 203 171 116 c 0
+ 171 54 210 14 273 14 c 0
+ 327 14 372 39 418 96 c 0
+ 485 179 547 349 547 451 c 0
+ 547 513 506 553 445 553 c 0
+464 900 m 0
+ 522 900 573 858 606 858 c 0
+ 629 858 645 869 666 900 c 1
+ 707 900 l 1
+ 668 817 625 781 565 781 c 0
+ 546 781 535 784 511 794 c 2
+ 457 817 l 2
+ 445 822 431 825 420 825 c 0
+ 398 825 383 814 363 782 c 1
+ 323 782 l 1
+ 351 854 407 900 464 900 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED7
+Encoding: 7895 7895 955
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 36 189 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: uni1ED8
+Encoding: 7896 7896 956
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 257 193 0
+Refer: 944 7884 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1ED9
+Encoding: 7897 7897 957
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 N 1 0 0 1 92 -14 0
+Refer: 945 7885 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EE4
+Encoding: 7908 7908 958
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -31 -707 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EE5
+Encoding: 7909 7909 959
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -155 -699 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EE6
+Encoding: 7910 7910 960
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 530 199 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EE7
+Encoding: 7911 7911 961
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 378 11 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ygrave
+Encoding: 7922 7922 962
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 208 193 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ygrave
+Encoding: 7923 7923 963
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 54 -14 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EF4
+Encoding: 7924 7924 964
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -81 -699 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ydotbelow
+Encoding: 7925 7925 965
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 1 0 0 1 -39 -701 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EF6
+Encoding: 7926 7926 966
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 S 1 0 0 1 495 202 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EF7
+Encoding: 7927 7927 967
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 423 777 N 1 0 0 1 336 13 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EF8
+Encoding: 7928 7928 968
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 106 173 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1EF9
+Encoding: 7929 7929 969
+Width: 433
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -62 -34 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F00
+Encoding: 7936 7936 970
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 58 -6 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F01
+Encoding: 7937 7937 971
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 1 -35 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F02
+Encoding: 7938 7938 972
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -2 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F03
+Encoding: 7939 7939 973
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 29 -32 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F04
+Encoding: 7940 7940 974
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 44 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F05
+Encoding: 7941 7941 975
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 17 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F06
+Encoding: 7942 7942 976
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 N 1 0 0 1 37 -23 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F07
+Encoding: 7943 7943 977
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 32 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F08
+Encoding: 7944 7944 978
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 -52 -42 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F09
+Encoding: 7945 7945 979
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -99 -73 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0A
+Encoding: 7946 7946 980
+Width: 830
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 134 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -71 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0B
+Encoding: 7947 7947 981
+Width: 841
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 145 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -4 -76 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0C
+Encoding: 7948 7948 982
+Width: 811
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 115 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -27 -85 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0D
+Encoding: 7949 7949 983
+Width: 812
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 116 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -43 -89 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0E
+Encoding: 7950 7950 984
+Width: 755
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 59 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -35 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0F
+Encoding: 7951 7951 985
+Width: 746
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 50 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -29 -48 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F10
+Encoding: 7952 7952 986
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 24 -9 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F11
+Encoding: 7953 7953 987
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -13 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F12
+Encoding: 7954 7954 988
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -34 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F13
+Encoding: 7955 7955 989
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -31 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F14
+Encoding: 7956 7956 990
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -13 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F15
+Encoding: 7957 7957 991
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -49 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F18
+Encoding: 7960 7960 992
+Width: 787
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 -52 -42 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 177 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F19
+Encoding: 7961 7961 993
+Width: 818
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 208 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -112 -72 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1A
+Encoding: 7962 7962 994
+Width: 917
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 307 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -35 -71 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1B
+Encoding: 7963 7963 995
+Width: 931
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 321 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -16 -74 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1C
+Encoding: 7964 7964 996
+Width: 954
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 344 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -33 -85 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1D
+Encoding: 7965 7965 997
+Width: 948
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 338 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -47 -87 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F20
+Encoding: 7968 7968 998
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 165 -8 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F21
+Encoding: 7969 7969 999
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 S 1 0 0 1 91 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F22
+Encoding: 7970 7970 1000
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 S 1 0 0 1 57 -35 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F23
+Encoding: 7971 7971 1001
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 S 1 0 0 1 63 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F24
+Encoding: 7972 7972 1002
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 S 1 0 0 1 81 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F25
+Encoding: 7973 7973 1003
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 S 1 0 0 1 84 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F26
+Encoding: 7974 7974 1004
+Width: 548
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 S 1 0 0 1 105 -21 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F27
+Encoding: 7975 7975 1005
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 S 1 0 0 1 107 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F28
+Encoding: 7976 7976 1006
+Width: 937
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 -52 -42 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 178 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F29
+Encoding: 7977 7977 1007
+Width: 960
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 201 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -116 -74 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2A
+Encoding: 7978 7978 1008
+Width: 1073
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 314 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -32 -70 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2B
+Encoding: 7979 7979 1009
+Width: 1092
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 333 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -9 -74 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2C
+Encoding: 7980 7980 1010
+Width: 1109
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 350 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -29 -85 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2D
+Encoding: 7981 7981 1011
+Width: 1115
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 356 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -42 -87 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2E
+Encoding: 7982 7982 1012
+Width: 1020
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 261 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -27 -57 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2F
+Encoding: 7983 7983 1013
+Width: 1032
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 273 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -28 -48 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F30
+Encoding: 7984 7984 1014
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 -32 -3 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F31
+Encoding: 7985 7985 1015
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -94 -37 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F32
+Encoding: 7986 7986 1016
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -110 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F33
+Encoding: 7987 7987 1017
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -101 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F34
+Encoding: 7988 7988 1018
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 S 1 0 0 1 -59 -52 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F35
+Encoding: 7989 7989 1019
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 S 1 0 0 1 -80 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F36
+Encoding: 7990 7990 1020
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 S 1 0 0 1 -63 -29 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F37
+Encoding: 7991 7991 1021
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 S 1 0 0 1 -62 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F38
+Encoding: 7992 7992 1022
+Width: 517
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 -80 -42 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 154 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F39
+Encoding: 7993 7993 1023
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 201 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -117 -75 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3A
+Encoding: 7994 7994 1024
+Width: 670
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 307 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -71 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3B
+Encoding: 7995 7995 1025
+Width: 686
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 323 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -14 -75 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3C
+Encoding: 7996 7996 1026
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 343 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -85 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3D
+Encoding: 7997 7997 1027
+Width: 707
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 344 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -46 -87 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3E
+Encoding: 7998 7998 1028
+Width: 635
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 272 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -26 -57 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3F
+Encoding: 7999 7999 1029
+Width: 627
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 264 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -31 -45 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F40
+Encoding: 8000 8000 1030
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 74 -10 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F41
+Encoding: 8001 8001 1031
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 23 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F42
+Encoding: 8002 8002 1032
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 6 -37 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F43
+Encoding: 8003 8003 1033
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 4 -37 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F44
+Encoding: 8004 8004 1034
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 13 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F45
+Encoding: 8005 8005 1035
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -3 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F48
+Encoding: 8008 8008 1036
+Width: 822
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 -70 -42 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 147 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F49
+Encoding: 8009 8009 1037
+Width: 841
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 166 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -113 -73 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4A
+Encoding: 8010 8010 1038
+Width: 999
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 324 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -51 -70 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4B
+Encoding: 8011 8011 1039
+Width: 1031
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 356 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -14 -76 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4C
+Encoding: 8012 8012 1040
+Width: 963
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 288 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -88 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4D
+Encoding: 8013 8013 1041
+Width: 971
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 296 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -43 -87 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F50
+Encoding: 8016 8016 1042
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 117 -12 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F51
+Encoding: 8017 8017 1043
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 S 1 0 0 1 24 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F52
+Encoding: 8018 8018 1044
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 S 1 0 0 1 50 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F53
+Encoding: 8019 8019 1045
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 S 1 0 0 1 56 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F54
+Encoding: 8020 8020 1046
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 S 1 0 0 1 55 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F55
+Encoding: 8021 8021 1047
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 S 1 0 0 1 47 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F56
+Encoding: 8022 8022 1048
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 S 1 0 0 1 56 -27 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F57
+Encoding: 8023 8023 1049
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 S 1 0 0 1 55 -11 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F59
+Encoding: 8025 8025 1050
+Width: 949
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 237 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -115 -74 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5B
+Encoding: 8027 8027 1051
+Width: 1065
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 353 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -20 -75 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5D
+Encoding: 8029 8029 1052
+Width: 1098
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 386 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -45 -92 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5F
+Encoding: 8031 8031 1053
+Width: 1017
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 556 978 N 1 0 0 1 305 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -23 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F60
+Encoding: 8032 8032 1054
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 S 1 0 0 1 171 -8 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F61
+Encoding: 8033 8033 1055
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 107 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F62
+Encoding: 8034 8034 1056
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 84 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F63
+Encoding: 8035 8035 1057
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 89 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F64
+Encoding: 8036 8036 1058
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 S 1 0 0 1 127 -54 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F65
+Encoding: 8037 8037 1059
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 S 1 0 0 1 120 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F66
+Encoding: 8038 8038 1060
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 S 1 0 0 1 118 -27 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F67
+Encoding: 8039 8039 1061
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 S 1 0 0 1 128 -13 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F68
+Encoding: 8040 8040 1062
+Width: 885
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1120 8125 N 1 0 0 1 -69 -43 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 135 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F69
+Encoding: 8041 8041 1063
+Width: 919
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 169 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -114 -73 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6A
+Encoding: 8042 8042 1064
+Width: 1092
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 342 0 0
+Refer: 1134 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -34 -73 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6B
+Encoding: 8043 8043 1065
+Width: 1097
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 347 0 0
+Refer: 1147 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -16 -73 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6C
+Encoding: 8044 8044 1066
+Width: 1058
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 308 0 0
+Refer: 1135 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -36 -87 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6D
+Encoding: 8045 8045 1067
+Width: 1050
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 300 0 0
+Refer: 1148 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -50 -89 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6E
+Encoding: 8046 8046 1068
+Width: 1009
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 259 0 0
+Refer: 1136 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -24 -59 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6F
+Encoding: 8047 8047 1069
+Width: 985
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 235 0 0
+Refer: 1149 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -22 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F70
+Encoding: 8048 8048 1070
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 45 -52 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F71
+Encoding: 8049 8049 1071
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 62 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F72
+Encoding: 8050 8050 1072
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 15 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F73
+Encoding: 8051 8051 1073
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 528 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 42 -44 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F74
+Encoding: 8052 8052 1074
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 149 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F75
+Encoding: 8053 8053 1075
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 176 -42 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F76
+Encoding: 8054 8054 1076
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 -48 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F77
+Encoding: 8055 8055 1077
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -11 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F78
+Encoding: 8056 8056 1078
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 71 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F79
+Encoding: 8057 8057 1079
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 87 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7A
+Encoding: 8058 8058 1080
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 113 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7B
+Encoding: 8059 8059 1081
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 134 -42 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7C
+Encoding: 8060 8060 1082
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 S 1 0 0 1 149 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7D
+Encoding: 8061 8061 1083
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 S 1 0 0 1 185 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F80
+Encoding: 8064 8064 1084
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 970 7936 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F81
+Encoding: 8065 8065 1085
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 971 7937 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F82
+Encoding: 8066 8066 1086
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 972 7938 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F83
+Encoding: 8067 8067 1087
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 973 7939 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F84
+Encoding: 8068 8068 1088
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 974 7940 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F85
+Encoding: 8069 8069 1089
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 975 7941 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F86
+Encoding: 8070 8070 1090
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 976 7942 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F87
+Encoding: 8071 8071 1091
+Width: 570
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 2
+Refer: 977 7943 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F88
+Encoding: 8072 8072 1092
+Width: 842
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 978 7944 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 667 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F89
+Encoding: 8073 8073 1093
+Width: 847
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 979 7945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 672 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8A
+Encoding: 8074 8074 1094
+Width: 981
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 980 7946 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 806 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8B
+Encoding: 8075 8075 1095
+Width: 991
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 981 7947 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 816 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8C
+Encoding: 8076 8076 1096
+Width: 957
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 982 7948 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 782 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8D
+Encoding: 8077 8077 1097
+Width: 955
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 983 7949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 780 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8E
+Encoding: 8078 8078 1098
+Width: 897
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 984 7950 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 722 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8F
+Encoding: 8079 8079 1099
+Width: 893
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 985 7951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 718 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F98
+Encoding: 8088 8088 1100
+Width: 1042
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1006 7976 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 867 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F99
+Encoding: 8089 8089 1101
+Width: 1066
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1007 7977 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 891 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9A
+Encoding: 8090 8090 1102
+Width: 1188
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1008 7978 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 1013 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9B
+Encoding: 8091 8091 1103
+Width: 1199
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1009 7979 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 1024 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9C
+Encoding: 8092 8092 1104
+Width: 1206
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1010 7980 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1031 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9D
+Encoding: 8093 8093 1105
+Width: 1211
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1011 7981 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 1036 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9E
+Encoding: 8094 8094 1106
+Width: 1124
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1012 7982 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 949 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9F
+Encoding: 8095 8095 1107
+Width: 1129
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1013 7983 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 954 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA8
+Encoding: 8104 8104 1108
+Width: 1030
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1062 8040 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 855 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA9
+Encoding: 8105 8105 1109
+Width: 1066
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1063 8041 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 891 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAA
+Encoding: 8106 8106 1110
+Width: 1234
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1064 8042 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1059 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAB
+Encoding: 8107 8107 1111
+Width: 1247
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1065 8043 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1072 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAC
+Encoding: 8108 8108 1112
+Width: 1199
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1066 8044 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1024 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAD
+Encoding: 8109 8109 1113
+Width: 1194
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1067 8045 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1019 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAE
+Encoding: 8110 8110 1114
+Width: 1147
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1068 8046 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 972 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAF
+Encoding: 8111 8111 1115
+Width: 1135
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1069 8047 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 N 1 0 0 1 960 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB9
+Encoding: 8121 8121 1116
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 261 175 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBA
+Encoding: 8122 8122 1117
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -2 -57 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBB
+Encoding: 8123 8123 1118
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -93 -68 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBC
+Encoding: 8124 8124 1119
+Width: 835
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 660 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lenis
+Encoding: 8125 8125 1120
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 S 1 0 0 1 11 60 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili
+Encoding: 8127 8127 1121
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+264 540 m 1
+ 259 566 l 1
+ 303 566 365 586 365 635 c 0
+ 365 648 363 654 359 660 c 0
+ 353 667 345 670 334 670 c 0
+ 305 670 279 684 279 716 c 0
+ 279 741 301 764 338 764 c 0
+ 386 764 425 729 425 667 c 0
+ 425 608 369 540 264 540 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: perispomeni
+Encoding: 8128 8128 1122
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 -7 23 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dialytika_perispomeni
+Encoding: 8129 8129 1123
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1122 8128 S 1 0 0 1 31 118 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 105 -18 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC2
+Encoding: 8130 8130 1124
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1074 8052 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC3
+Encoding: 8131 8131 1125
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC4
+Encoding: 8132 8132 1126
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 521 942 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC6
+Encoding: 8134 8134 1127
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 530 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1122 8128 S 1 0 0 1 53 -45 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC7
+Encoding: 8135 8135 1128
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1127 8134 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC8
+Encoding: 8136 8136 1129
+Width: 737
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 127 1 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -30 -75 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC9
+Encoding: 8137 8137 1130
+Width: 762
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 917 N 1 0 0 1 152 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -102 -71 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCA
+Encoding: 8138 8138 1131
+Width: 883
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 124 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -32 -74 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCB
+Encoding: 8139 8139 1132
+Width: 919
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 160 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -101 -70 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCC
+Encoding: 8140 8140 1133
+Width: 859
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 499 919 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 684 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili_varia
+Encoding: 8141 8141 1134
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1121 8127 N 1 0 0 1 -91 0 2
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 182 -15 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili_oxia
+Encoding: 8142 8142 1135
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 124 18 2
+Refer: 1121 8127 N 1 0 0 1 -87 16 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCF
+Encoding: 8143 8143 1136
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1121 8127 N 1 0 0 1 -20 -13 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 38 236 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD0
+Encoding: 8144 8144 1137
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 -30 -14 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD1
+Encoding: 8145 8145 1138
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD2
+Encoding: 8146 8146 1139
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1163 8173 N 1 0 0 1 -144 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD3
+Encoding: 8147 8147 1140
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1164 8174 S 1 0 0 1 -118 5 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD6
+Encoding: 8150 8150 1141
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1122 8128 S 1 0 0 1 -93 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD7
+Encoding: 8151 8151 1142
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1123 8129 S 1 0 0 1 -111 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD8
+Encoding: 8152 8152 1143
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 104 193 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD9
+Encoding: 8153 8153 1144
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 76 177 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDA
+Encoding: 8154 8154 1145
+Width: 519
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 S 1 0 0 1 130 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -77 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDB
+Encoding: 8155 8155 1146
+Width: 552
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 501 921 S 1 0 0 1 163 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -93 -70 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia_varia
+Encoding: 8157 8157 1147
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 173 -13 2
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -95 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDE
+Encoding: 8158 8158 1148
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 136 21 2
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -63 17 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDF
+Encoding: 8159 8159 1149
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 412 732 N 1 0 0 1 43 235 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -23 -28 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE0
+Encoding: 8160 8160 1150
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 S 1 0 0 1 167 -14 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE1
+Encoding: 8161 8161 1151
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 157 -13 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE2
+Encoding: 8162 8162 1152
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1163 8173 S 1 0 0 1 23 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE3
+Encoding: 8163 8163 1153
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1164 8174 S 1 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE4
+Encoding: 8164 8164 1154
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 540 961 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1121 8127 N 1 0 0 1 12 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE5
+Encoding: 8165 8165 1155
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 540 961 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 19 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE6
+Encoding: 8166 8166 1156
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1122 8128 S 1 0 0 1 44 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE7
+Encoding: 8167 8167 1157
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 544 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1123 8129 S 1 0 0 1 40 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE8
+Encoding: 8168 8168 1158
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 728 N 1 0 0 1 273 193 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE9
+Encoding: 8169 8169 1159
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 244 174 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEA
+Encoding: 8170 8170 1160
+Width: 895
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 185 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -44 -54 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEB
+Encoding: 8171 8171 1161
+Width: 890
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 933 N 1 0 0 1 180 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -108 -67 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEC
+Encoding: 8172 8172 1162
+Width: 801
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 509 929 N 1 0 0 1 201 0 0
+Refer: 1177 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -114 -99 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dialytika_varia
+Encoding: 8173 8173 1163
+Width: 550
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+362.958 519 m 1
+ 253.6 669 l 2
+ 241.35 685.802 240.25 691 240.25 704 c 0
+ 240.25 742 269.958 752 292.531 752 c 0
+ 308.159 752 331.655 739.605 344.243 702 c 2
+ 405.5 519 l 1
+ 362.958 519 l 1
+227.4 623 m 0
+ 256.2 623 280.2 599 280.2 570.2 c 0
+ 280.2 543 255.4 519 227.4 519 c 0
+ 200.2 519 176.2 543 176.2 570.2 c 0
+ 176.2 599 199.4 623 227.4 623 c 0
+467 623 m 0
+ 495.8 623 519.8 599 519.8 570.2 c 0
+ 519.8 543 495 519 467 519 c 0
+ 439.8 519 415.8 543 415.8 570.2 c 0
+ 415.8 599 439 623 467 623 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dialytika_oxia
+Encoding: 8174 8174 1164
+Width: 550
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+341.792 517 m 1
+ 299.25 517 l 1
+ 360.507 700 l 2
+ 373.095 737.605 396.591 750 412.219 750 c 0
+ 434.792 750 464.5 740 464.5 702 c 0
+ 464.5 689 463.4 683.802 451.15 667 c 2
+ 341.792 517 l 1
+229.4 621 m 0
+ 258.2 621 282.2 597 282.2 568.2 c 0
+ 282.2 541 257.4 517 229.4 517 c 0
+ 202.2 517 178.2 541 178.2 568.2 c 0
+ 178.2 597 201.4 621 229.4 621 c 0
+469 621 m 0
+ 497.8 621 521.8 597 521.8 568.2 c 0
+ 521.8 541 497 517 469 517 c 0
+ 441.8 517 417.8 541 417.8 568.2 c 0
+ 417.8 597 441 621 469 621 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: varia
+Encoding: 8175 8175 1165
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+278 557 m 1
+ 248 557 l 1
+ 237 582 198 678 198 678 c 2
+ 190 697 183 712 183 733 c 0
+ 183 763 203 781 226 781 c 0
+ 258 781 274 758 275 720 c 2
+ 278 557 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1FF2
+Encoding: 8178 8178 1166
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1082 8060 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF3
+Encoding: 8179 8179 1167
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF4
+Encoding: 8180 8180 1168
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 553 974 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF6
+Encoding: 8182 8182 1169
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 548 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1122 8128 S 1 0 0 1 87 -55 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF7
+Encoding: 8183 8183 1170
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1169 8182 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF8
+Encoding: 8184 8184 1171
+Width: 814
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 139 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -66 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF9
+Encoding: 8185 8185 1172
+Width: 776
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 507 927 N 1 0 0 1 101 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -102 -65 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFA
+Encoding: 8186 8186 1173
+Width: 883
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 133 0 0
+Refer: 1165 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -57 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFB
+Encoding: 8187 8187 1174
+Width: 864
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 114 0 0
+Refer: 1176 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -102 -66 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFC
+Encoding: 8188 8188 1175
+Width: 882
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 516 937 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1281 8126 S 1 0 0 1 707 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oxia
+Encoding: 8189 8189 1176
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1249 900 N 1 0 0 1 54 27 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia
+Encoding: 8190 8190 1177
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+377 664 m 0
+ 364 664 353 668 346 670 c 0
+ 338 672 334 674 324 674 c 0
+ 307 674 294 657 294 640 c 0
+ 294 606 307 581 339 570 c 1
+ 331 544 l 1
+ 300 550 251 580 251 650 c 0
+ 251 693 283 768 373 768 c 0
+ 409 768 435 747 435 715 c 0
+ 435 687 409 664 377 664 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: endash
+Encoding: 8211 8211 1178
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+477 269 m 1
+ 460 178 l 1
+ -40 178 l 1
+ -23 269 l 1
+ 477 269 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: emdash
+Encoding: 8212 8212 1179
+Width: 1000
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+977 269 m 1
+ 960 178 l 1
+ -40 178 l 1
+ -23 269 l 1
+ 977 269 l 1
+Validated: 1
+StartChar: quoteleft
+Encoding: 8216 8216 1180
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+178 544 m 0
+ 178 504 248 507 248 442 c 0
+ 248 400 218 369 177 369 c 0
+ 126 369 92 408 92 467 c 0
+ 92 548 168 635 283 685 c 1
+ 296 661 l 1
+ 218 619 178 580 178 544 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quoteright
+Encoding: 8217 8217 1181
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+202 510 m 0
+ 202 550 132 547 132 612 c 0
+ 132 654 162 685 203 685 c 0
+ 254 685 288 646 288 587 c 0
+ 288 506 212 419 97 369 c 1
+ 84 393 l 1
+ 162 435 202 474 202 510 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quotesinglbase
+Encoding: 8218 8218 1182
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+71 -41 m 0
+ 71 -1 1 -4 1 61 c 0
+ 1 103 31 134 72 134 c 0
+ 123 134 157 95 157 36 c 0
+ 157 -45 81 -132 -34 -182 c 1
+ -47 -158 l 1
+ 31 -116 71 -77 71 -41 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quotereversed
+Encoding: 8219 8219 1183
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+184 552 m 0
+ 165 552 138 534 138 462 c 0
+ 138 426 144 391 146 380 c 1
+ 120 375 l 1
+ 117 382 105 429 105 486 c 0
+ 105 606 162 686 236 686 c 0
+ 254 686 316 670 316 611 c 0
+ 316 568 278 538 248 538 c 0
+ 224 538 203 552 184 552 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 360 685 384 662 384 631 c 0
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+ 323 523 316 504 308 467 c 1
+ 382 469 395 506 440 506 c 0
+ 473 506 494 485 494 454 c 0
+ 494 424 470 402 436 402 c 0
+ 394 402 379 443 312 443 c 0
+ 300 443 297 440 297 387 c 0
+ 297 350 304 317 323 269 c 1
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+440 407 m 0
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+ 413 58 392 38 360 38 c 0
+ 329 38 287 75 231 75 c 0
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+ 32 40 10 60 10 87 c 0
+ 10 115 34 139 62 139 c 0
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+ 90 488 111 508 142 508 c 0
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+ 273 663 293 685 327 685 c 0
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+ 471 506 493 485 493 459 c 0
+ 493 430 469 407 440 407 c 0
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+ 60 322 7 379 7 458 c 0
+ 7 574 98 674 204 674 c 0
+206 634 m 0
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+ 957 333 996 288 996 214 c 0
+844 10 m 0
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+ 838 300 795 129 795 78 c 0
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+ 381 585 382 580 382 575 c 0
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+ 100 294 39 345 39 429 c 0
+ 39 581 176 679 256 679 c 0
+154 389 m 0
+ 154 350 186 340 204 340 c 0
+ 279 340 347 482 347 566 c 0
+ 347 602 345 602 318 612 c 0
+ 302 618 300 631 287 631 c 0
+ 225 631 154 451 154 389 c 0
+959 95 m 0
+ 959 50 984 36 1014 36 c 0
+ 1078 36 1151 167 1151 254 c 0
+ 1151 286 1136 325 1099 325 c 0
+ 1015 325 959 123 959 95 c 0
+842 123 m 0
+ 842 249 954 376 1063 376 c 0
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+ 1185 168 1119 -10 974 -10 c 0
+ 890 -10 842 54 842 123 c 0
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+1234 123 m 0
+ 1234 249 1346 376 1455 376 c 0
+ 1542 376 1577 322 1577 254 c 0
+ 1577 168 1511 -10 1366 -10 c 0
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+ 230 39 223 32 215 32 c 0
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+ 417.126 202 l 1
+218.05 351 m 0
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+ 132.878 182 108.122 207.552 108.122 243.161 c 0
+ 108.122 293.167 158.159 351 218.05 351 c 0
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+ 122 -175 53 -160 53 -81 c 0
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+ 243 262 l 1
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+ 15 -163 l 1
+ 100 -149 133 -109 150 -40 c 2
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+ 220 698 l 1
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+ 358 391 l 2
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+ 261 245 l 1
+ 294 365 l 1
+ 295 371 300 393 300 403 c 0
+ 300 424 293 425 252 431 c 1
+ 252 447 l 1
+ 612 447 l 1
+ 583 321 l 1
+ 565 324 l 1
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+ 373 248 l 2
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+ 158 1 l 1
+ 158 18 l 1
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+ 203 -85 l 1
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+ 220 -8 205 -3 191 2 c 1
+ 151 -85 l 1
+ 107 -85 l 1
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+ 582 753 l 1
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+ 677 685 l 1
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+ 594 457 l 1
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+ 302 38 l 1
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+ 226 81 l 1
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+ 527 685 583 656 607 656 c 0
+ 629 656 637 669 647 685 c 1
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+ 626 451 l 1
+ 594 457 l 1
+ 596 468 597 480 597 491 c 0
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+ 362 406 393 408 460 425 c 1
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+ 409 245 l 1
+ 439 305 498 425 564 425 c 0
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+ 385 193 359 219 248 219 c 1
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+ 282 0 l 1
+ -13 0 l 1
+ -13 25 l 1
+ 27 32 50 35 67 97 c 2
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+ 660 669 l 1
+ 617 479 l 1
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+ 530 527 l 1
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+ 404 430 l 1
+ 394 370 l 1
+ 281 370 l 1
+ 274 334 l 1
+ 272 326 271 318 269 310 c 1
+ 384 310 l 1
+ 374 250 l 1
+ 252 250 l 1
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+ 434 155 l 1
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+ 233 -12 188 20 156 49 c 1
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+ 4 -11 -32 28 -32 73 c 0
+ -32 132 14 162 60 162 c 0
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+ 128 173 132 211 135 250 c 1
+ 25 250 l 1
+ 35 310 l 1
+ 142 310 l 1
+-2 67 m 0
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+ 136 -114 l 1
+ 305 155 l 1
+ 338 270 360 353 360 362 c 0
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+ 303 384 231 297 196 245 c 0
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+ 12 -5 l 1
+ 38 104 111 346 111 370 c 0
+ 111 388 100 389 47 389 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 81 420 148 433 215 446 c 1
+ 223 441 l 1
+ 171 261 l 1
+ 197 302 292 446 384 446 c 0
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+ 652 582 l 1
+ 547 412 l 1
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+ 727 106 l 1
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+ 113 311 l 1
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+ 147 427 l 1
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+ 175 633 164 639 111 644 c 1
+ 111 669 l 1
+ 306 669 l 1
+ 418 427 l 1
+ 583 427 l 1
+ 601 491 l 2
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+ 619 636 577 641 539 644 c 1
+ 539 669 l 1
+ 748 669 l 1
+ 748 644 l 1
+ 695 631 685 629 646 491 c 2
+ 628 427 l 1
+ 700 427 l 1
+ 700 381 l 1
+ 615 381 l 1
+ 595 311 l 1
+ 666 311 l 1
+ 666 265 l 1
+ 582 265 l 1
+ 503 -15 l 1
+ 475 -15 l 1
+ 344 265 l 1
+ 143 265 l 1
+ 119 178 l 2
+ 113 157 101 109 101 86 c 0
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+ 181 0 l 1
+ -27 0 l 1
+ -27 25 l 1
+ 23 37 34 39 74 178 c 2
+ 99 265 l 1
+175 381 m 1
+ 156 311 l 1
+ 322 311 l 1
+ 290 381 l 1
+ 175 381 l 1
+188 427 m 1
+ 268 427 l 1
+ 218 534 l 1
+ 188 427 l 1
+439 381 m 1
+ 472 311 l 1
+ 551 311 l 1
+ 570 381 l 1
+ 439 381 l 1
+493 265 m 1
+ 521 204 l 1
+ 538 265 l 1
+ 493 265 l 1
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+ 297.779 620 290.808 616.668 286.065 590.132 c 2
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+ 656.084 413 l 1
+ 605.695 131.132 l 2
+ 601.811 109.404 600.962 95.9219 600.962 87.1201 c 0
+ 600.962 55.0244 612.348 47 629.426 47 c 0
+ 646.306 47 661.27 55.584 683.604 80.3252 c 1
+ 697.963 157 l 1
+ 720.998 157 l 1
+ 722.746 40.7202 768.652 17 800.422 17 c 0
+ 852.865 17 880.948 60.088 880.948 99.5557 c 0
+ 880.948 121.743 871.118 139.309 850.346 155.021 c 2
+ 806.266 188.018 l 2
+ 755.971 225.666 726.779 261.552 726.779 310.575 c 0
+ 726.779 381.895 782.212 464 873.293 464 c 0
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+ 955.16 445 958.562 449.188 966.204 455 c 1
+ 982.923 455 l 1
+ 960.83 309 l 1
+ 938.991 309 l 1
+ 935.773 383.353 925.586 432 871.964 432 c 0
+ 830.075 432 797.328 397.609 797.328 354.479 c 0
+ 797.328 334.538 805.457 317.082 821.59 304.945 c 2
+ 902.724 240.903 l 2
+ 939.658 211.124 957.465 182.717 957.465 143.933 c 0
+ 957.465 58.6987 883.455 -15 806.83 -15 c 0
+ 767.096 -15 727.363 3 707.496 3 c 0
+ 695.812 3 694.751 -0.396503 688.023 -9 c 1
+ 668.286 -9 l 1
+ 675.719 32.5713 l 1
+ 645.574 0.655273 614.301 -15 579.627 -15 c 0
+ 528.294 -15 515.46 25.8232 515.46 66.2236 c 0
+ 515.46 81.4043 517.197 98.6094 520.641 117.868 c 2
+ 573.399 413 l 1
+ 537.617 413 l 1
+ 505.32 347.526 434.811 283 286.367 283 c 0
+ 265.425 283 251.216 283.89 231.624 285.644 c 1
+ 199.897 108.132 l 2
+ 196.821 90.9268 195.099 77.1377 195.099 66.3242 c 0
+ 195.099 27.9495 220.477 25.7507 265.817 23.7393 c 1
+ 260.679 -5 l 1
+ 10.75 -5 l 1
+ 15.7891 23.5742 l 1
+ 81.3723 30.5407 89.3242 35.6855 104.345 120.868 c 2
+ 181.386 557.892 l 2
+ 184.759 577.043 186.724 591.737 186.724 602.784 c 0
+ 186.724 630.693 177.966 636.908 124.254 644 c 1
+ 129.242 672.283 l 1
+ 360.982 672.283 l 2
+ 446.955 672.283 562.913 640.995 562.913 519.393 c 0
+ 562.913 496.256 558.509 471.798 552.612 451.439 c 1
+ 569.503 464.49 598.334 491.207 648.325 556.902 c 0
+ 657.761 569.316 662.294 575.688 672.214 587.71 c 1
+ 678.625 587.71 684.341 587.25 684.341 577.449 c 0
+ 684.341 574.826 683.916 571.959 683.281 568.299 c 2
+ 663.592 455 l 1
+ 750.631 455 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+182 265 m 1
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+ 176 311 l 1
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+ 132 633 128 634 65 645 c 1
+ 65 669 l 1
+ 342 669 l 1
+ 342 644 l 1
+ 308 640 281 634 281 591 c 0
+ 281 586 281 581 282 575 c 0
+ 299 427 l 1
+ 418 427 l 1
+ 471 537 l 1
+ 471 634 450 637 400 645 c 1
+ 400 669 l 1
+ 669 669 l 1
+ 669 644 l 1
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+ 606 573 606 573 612 521 c 2
+ 623 427 l 1
+ 741 427 l 1
+ 801 553 l 2
+ 816 584 816 587 816 604 c 0
+ 816 640 795 641 753 644 c 1
+ 753 669 l 1
+ 940 669 l 1
+ 940 645 l 1
+ 909 640 887 637 856 572 c 2
+ 786 427 l 1
+ 916 427 l 1
+ 916 381 l 1
+ 763 381 l 1
+ 729 311 l 1
+ 882 311 l 1
+ 882 265 l 1
+ 707 265 l 1
+ 570 -18 l 1
+ 541 -18 l 1
+ 507 265 l 1
+ 384 265 l 1
+ 249 -18 l 1
+ 220 -18 l 1
+ 182 265 l 1
+501 311 m 1
+ 493 381 l 1
+ 439 381 l 1
+ 405 311 l 1
+ 501 311 l 1
+487 427 m 1
+ 482 468 l 1
+ 480 468 l 1
+ 461 427 l 1
+ 487 427 l 1
+686 311 m 1
+ 719 381 l 1
+ 628 381 l 1
+ 636 311 l 1
+ 686 311 l 1
+641 265 m 1
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+ 647 229 l 1
+ 664 265 l 1
+ 641 265 l 1
+362 311 m 1
+ 396 381 l 1
+ 304 381 l 1
+ 312 311 l 1
+ 362 311 l 1
+317 265 m 1
+ 321 229 l 1
+ 323 229 l 1
+ 340 265 l 1
+ 317 265 l 1
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+Width: 761
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+446.065 -19 m 0
+ 265.316 -19 165.077 82.5507 165.077 239.362 c 0
+ 165.077 242.223 165.11 245.103 165.177 248 c 1
+ 86.7139 248 l 1
+ 122.965 304 l 1
+ 169.784 304 l 1
+ 174.381 328.174 174.949 334.499 183.57 364 c 1
+ 111.37 364 l 1
+ 147.621 420 l 1
+ 203.906 420 l 1
+ 271.978 571.558 425.387 676 599.926 676 c 0
+ 693.717 676 798.501 634.463 840.022 556.94 c 1
+ 816.249 519.859 l 1
+ 765.198 582.195 694.624 626 598.5 626 c 0
+ 473.061 626 405.931 536 358.696 420 c 1
+ 752.226 420 l 1
+ 716.274 364 l 1
+ 340.399 364 l 1
+ 335.571 346.273 329.254 316.122 327.562 304 c 1
+ 677.854 304 l 1
+ 641.122 248 l 1
+ 322.18 248 l 1
+ 322.053 242.4 321.984 236.852 321.984 231.365 c 0
+ 321.984 120.964 349.739 35 485.147 35 c 0
+ 579.147 35 654.312 71.5449 735.995 138.043 c 1
+ 755.227 113.621 l 1
+ 676.678 25.0576 547.501 -19 446.065 -19 c 0
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+Width: 846
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+Refer: 13 45 N 1 0 0 1 484 -170 2
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+Encoding: 8471 8471 1218
+Width: 888
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+StartChar: trademark
+Encoding: 8482 8482 1219
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+StartChar: uni2123
+Encoding: 8483 8483 1220
+Width: 713
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+403 257 m 1
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+ 414 185 l 1
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+ 661 639 643 640 596 644 c 1
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+ 788 669 l 1
+ 788 644 l 1
+ 751 633 735 613 729 604 c 2
+ 336 -18 l 1
+ 312 -18 l 1
+ 287 -93 l 1
+ 242 -93 l 1
+ 292 59 l 1
+ 228 491 l 1
+ 206 642 198 642 138 644 c 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 436 669 l 1
+ 436 644 l 1
+ 383 640 360 638 360 600 c 0
+ 360 595 360 589 361 583 c 0
+ 390 354 l 1
+ 511 719 l 1
+ 320 782 l 1
+ 320 826 l 1
+ 564 745 l 1
+ 403 257 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: estimated
+Encoding: 8494 8494 1221
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+40 181 m 0
+ 40 329 182 473 339 473 c 0
+ 455 473 534 392 535 285 c 1
+ 194 285 l 1
+ 186 248 182 216 182 189 c 0
+ 182 90 232 59 297 59 c 0
+ 406 59 464 130 487 174 c 1
+ 505 165 l 1
+ 456 64 346 -10 236 -10 c 0
+ 119 -10 40 72 40 181 c 0
+321 436 m 0
+ 274 436 214 381 201 318 c 1
+ 397 318 l 1
+ 399 326 399 334 399 342 c 0
+ 399 394 365 436 321 436 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2132
+Encoding: 8498 8498 1222
+Width: 625
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 38 70 N -1 0 0 -1 673 669 2
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+StartChar: partialdiff
+Encoding: 8706 8706 1223
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+LayerCount: 2
+369 420 m 0
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+ 182 619 158 612 104 585 c 1
+ 49 652 l 1
+ 122 678 151 685 194 685 c 0
+ 351 685 472 573 472 379 c 0
+ 472 219 420 -20 213 -20 c 0
+ 104 -20 16 69 16 178 c 0
+ 16 288.846 100.083 411 221 411 c 0
+ 271 411 307 397 364 355 c 1
+ 368 389 369 393 369 420 c 0
+355 300 m 1
+ 326 329 299 347 261 347 c 0
+ 185 347 123 260 123 153 c 0
+ 123 76 152 30 202 30 c 0
+ 324 30 348 250 355 300 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Delta.math
+Encoding: 8710 8710 1224
+Width: 612
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+6 0 m 1
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+ 608 0 l 1
+ 6 0 l 1
+88 51 m 1
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+ 398 509 l 1
+ 88 51 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: summation
+Encoding: 8721 8721 1225
+Width: 713
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+327 711 m 1
+ 436 341 l 1
+ 161 -11 l 1
+ 489 -11 l 2
+ 605 -11 637 5 687 87 c 1
+ 713 87 l 1
+ 615 -123 l 1
+ -12 -123 l 1
+ 317 285 l 1
+ 183 752 l 1
+ 782 752 l 1
+ 757 587 l 1
+ 731 587 l 1
+ 731 681 710 711 595 711 c 2
+ 327 711 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minus
+Encoding: 8722 8722 1226
+Width: 606
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+555 209 m 1
+ 51 209 l 1
+ 51 297 l 1
+ 555 297 l 1
+ 555 209 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: radical
+Encoding: 8730 8730 1227
+Width: 549
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+LayerCount: 2
+333 -35 m 1
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+ 71 318 l 1
+ 53 389 l 1
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+ 723 889 l 1
+ 376 -35 l 1
+ 333 -35 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: infinity
+Encoding: 8734 8734 1228
+Width: 752
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+496 42 m 0
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+ 284 93 218 53 143 53 c 0
+ 62 53 15 100 15 185 c 0
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+ 284 442 314 402 322 306 c 1
+ 419 413 493 456 580 456 c 0
+ 675 456 733 409 733 320 c 0
+ 733 259 686 42 496 42 c 0
+194 323 m 0
+ 112 323 50 307 50 234 c 0
+ 50 200 76 182 116 182 c 0
+ 172 182 217 200 297 282 c 1
+ 279 304 241 323 194 323 c 0
+525 163 m 0
+ 661 163 694 227 694 271 c 0
+ 694 308 659 317 602 317 c 0
+ 528 317 469 296 394 214 c 1
+ 427 186 470 163 525 163 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: notequal
+Encoding: 8800 8800 1229
+Width: 570
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+LayerCount: 2
+393 311 m 1
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+ 567 195 l 1
+ 567 107 l 1
+ 291 107 l 1
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+ 152 26 l 1
+ 192 107 l 1
+ 63 107 l 1
+ 63 195 l 1
+ 237 195 l 1
+ 295 311 l 1
+ 63 311 l 1
+ 63 399 l 1
+ 339 399 l 1
+ 400 519 l 1
+ 478 480 l 1
+ 438 399 l 1
+ 567 399 l 1
+ 567 311 l 1
+ 393 311 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lessequal
+Encoding: 8804 8804 1230
+Width: 626
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 N 1 0 0 1 50 154 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 N 1 0 0 1 20 -208 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: greaterequal
+Encoding: 8805 8805 1231
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 30 62 S 1 0 0 1 60 150 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 40 -208 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lozenge
+Encoding: 9674 9674 1232
+Width: 494
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+239 0 m 1
+ 48 377 l 1
+ 244 740 l 1
+ 307 740 l 1
+ 496 374 l 1
+ 299 0 l 1
+ 239 0 l 1
+270 132 m 1
+ 395 374 l 1
+ 274 611 l 1
+ 148 376 l 1
+ 270 132 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01CD
+Encoding: 461 461 1233
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 261 210 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01CE
+Encoding: 462 462 1234
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 96 -14 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01CF
+Encoding: 463 463 1235
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 99 193 0
+Refer: 41 73 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: icaron
+Encoding: 464 464 1236
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 -7 -14 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i caroncomb
+StartChar: uni01D1
+Encoding: 465 465 1237
+Width: 676
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 254 193 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01D2
+Encoding: 466 466 1238
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 98 -14 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01D3
+Encoding: 467 467 1239
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 S 1 0 0 1 268 193 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01D4
+Encoding: 468 468 1240
+Width: 530
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 711 N 1 0 0 1 127 -14 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01D5
+Encoding: 469 469 1241
+Width: 722
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+354 745 m 0
+ 390 745 420 715 420 679 c 0
+ 420 645 389 615 354 615 c 0
+ 320 615 290 645 290 679 c 0
+ 290 715 319 745 354 745 c 0
+566 745 m 0
+ 602 745 632 715 632 679 c 0
+ 632 645 601 615 566 615 c 0
+ 532 615 502 645 502 679 c 0
+ 502 715 531 745 566 745 c 0
+744 569 m 1
+ 744 547 l 1
+ 689 538 680 530 642 417 c 2
+ 576 224 l 2
+ 553 156 519 -15 290 -15 c 0
+ 159 -15 67 42 67 126 c 0
+ 67 154 78 207 100 275 c 2
+ 156 450 l 2
+ 165 478 171 504 171 514 c 0
+ 171 533 161 540 129 544 c 0
+ 125 544 112 546 98 547 c 1
+ 98 569 l 1
+ 409 569 l 1
+ 409 547 l 1
+ 347 545 331 535 315 486 c 0
+ 233 231 l 2
+ 208 154 205 141 205 118 c 0
+ 205 65 251 32 327 32 c 0
+ 382 32 426 49 460 83 c 0
+ 490 115 512 157 539 240 c 2
+ 597 417 l 2
+ 608 452 616 485 616 500 c 0
+ 616 530 593 543 536 547 c 1
+ 536 569 l 1
+ 744 569 l 1
+667 871 m 1
+ 651 801 l 1
+ 325 801 l 1
+ 342 871 l 1
+ 667 871 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni01DE
+Encoding: 478 478 1242
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 246 160 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 279 277 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E2
+Encoding: 482 482 1243
+Width: 911
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 457 177 0
+Refer: 131 198 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01E3
+Encoding: 483 483 1244
+Width: 697
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 200 -51 0
+Refer: 163 230 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F4
+Encoding: 500 500 1245
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 241 193 0
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F5
+Encoding: 501 501 1246
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 71 -14 0
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F8
+Encoding: 504 504 1247
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 240 193 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni01F9
+Encoding: 505 505 1248
+Width: 526
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 137 -14 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tonos
+Encoding: 900 900 1249
+Width: 330
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+168 510 m 1
+ 137 510 l 1
+ 220 686 l 2
+ 234 716 249 734 280 734 c 0
+ 301 734 319 718 319 695 c 0
+ 319 673 301 652 277 625 c 2
+ 277 625 186 530 168 510 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iecyrillic_grave
+Encoding: 1024 1024 1250
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 574 1045 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 220 203 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iocyrillic
+Encoding: 1025 1025 1251
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 574 1045 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 220 207 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Djecyrillic
+Encoding: 1026 1026 1252
+Width: 768
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 421 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+489 -12 m 0
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+ 384 123 411 147 443 147 c 0
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+ 467 31 477 19 495 19 c 0
+ 576 19 621 126 621 246 c 0
+ 621 320 601 368 533 368 c 0
+ 489 368 445 355 404 321 c 1
+ 312 0 l 1
+ 114 0 l 1
+ 114 25 l 1
+ 163 31 178 45 194 97 c 1
+ 342 634 l 1
+ 240 632 177 591 125 491 c 1
+ 100 498 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 689 669 l 1
+ 653 477 l 1
+ 626 479 l 1
+ 621 590 582 633 488 634 c 1
+ 416 366 l 1
+ 458 401 512 418 548 418 c 0
+ 635 418 749 392 749 260 c 0
+ 749 130 655 -12 489 -12 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1027 1027 1253
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 196 203 2
+Refer: 572 1043 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ecyrillic
+Encoding: 1028 1028 1254
+Width: 637
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 461 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+186 214 m 0
+ 186 126 227 35 330 35 c 0
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+ 576 131 l 1
+ 515 38 416 -18 304 -18 c 0
+ 149 -18 32 80 32 240 c 0
+ 32 467 203 685 441 685 c 0
+ 506 685 569 656 607 656 c 0
+ 626 656 639 669 647 685 c 1
+ 677 685 l 1
+ 626 451 l 1
+ 594 457 l 1
+ 596 468 597 480 597 491 c 0
+ 597 577 559 650 464 650 c 0
+ 340 650 247 502 210 366 c 1
+ 237 392 274 417 311 417 c 0
+ 379 417 430 364 492 364 c 0
+ 529 364 549 373 563 385 c 1
+ 577 366 l 1
+ 554 327 503 295 448 295 c 0
+ 383 295 322 352 261 352 c 0
+ 195 352 186 275.255 186 214 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Dzecyrillic
+Encoding: 1029 1029 1255
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 337 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Icyrillic
+Encoding: 1030 1030 1256
+Width: 374
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 275 695 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F90
+Encoding: 8080 8080 1257
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 998 7968 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F91
+Encoding: 8081 8081 1258
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 999 7969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F92
+Encoding: 8082 8082 1259
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1000 7970 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F93
+Encoding: 8083 8083 1260
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1001 7971 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F94
+Encoding: 8084 8084 1261
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1002 7972 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F95
+Encoding: 8085 8085 1262
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1003 7973 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F96
+Encoding: 8086 8086 1263
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1004 7974 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F97
+Encoding: 8087 8087 1264
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 22 0 2
+Refer: 1005 7975 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA0
+Encoding: 8096 8096 1265
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1054 8032 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA1
+Encoding: 8097 8097 1266
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1055 8033 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA2
+Encoding: 8098 8098 1267
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1056 8034 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA3
+Encoding: 8099 8099 1268
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 481 890 S 1 0 0 1 197 0 2
+Refer: 1057 8035 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA4
+Encoding: 8100 8100 1269
+Width: 687
+Flags: HMW
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+ 304 407 l 1
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+ 493 568 l 1
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin subtable" f l
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+ 304 407 l 1
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+ 304 407 l 1
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+ 186 -76 118 -205 3 -205 c 0
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+ 5 -146 -14 -149 -14 -162 c 0
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+ 196 449 l 1
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+ 464 449 l 1
+ 476 488 488 527 506 563 c 1
+ 493 573 485 589 485 605 c 0
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin subtable" f f l
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
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+ 310 308 l 1
+ 283 310 l 1
+ 275 358 255 429 195 429 c 0
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+ -19 -13 l 1
+ 3 153 l 1
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+ 374 740 431 551 550 551 c 0
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+ 666 407 l 1
+ 583 407 l 1
+ 567 349 496 120 496 76 c 0
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+ 414 411 413 414 413 418 c 0
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+ 400 55 464 102 524 168 c 1
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+ 64 30 50 19 27 -16 c 1
+ 0 -16 l 1
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+ 339.658 462 397.035 387.927 397.035 289.103 c 0
+ 397.035 241.329 383.626 187.771 354.811 134 c 0
+ 309.795 50 212.033 -13 125.033 -13 c 0
+ 49.0332 -13 15.9336 26 8.9873 125 c 1
+ 47.0977 142 l 1
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+ 176.361 362.684 169.133 336.15 169.133 314.08 c 0
+ 169.133 261.029 210.901 233.774 254.683 214 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+ 478 449 l 1
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+ 351 -7 333 -86 292 -127 c 0
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+ 40 -205 -34 -185 -34 -125 c 0
+ -34 -109 -18 -42 47 -42 c 0
+ 75 -42 94 -59 94 -83 c 0
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+ 74 434 l 1
+ 153 437 254 457 283 462 c 1
+ 233.253 299 l 1
+ 362.953 299 l 1
+ 377.082 338.99 392.173 387.56 410 449 c 1
+ 528 449 l 1
+ 484.343 299 l 1
+ 546 299 l 1
+ 537 257 l 1
+ 472.119 257 l 1
+ 450 181 l 2
+ 426.708 100.971 424.944 88.3555 424.944 80.2617 c 0
+ 424.944 61.8848 433.378 59 439 59 c 0
+ 456 59 476 80 511 133 c 1
+ 532 120 l 1
+ 480 31 431 -9 371 -9 c 0
+ 327 -9 306 11 306 51 c 0
+ 306 79 312 106 330 161 c 1
+ 227 17 197 -9 130 -9 c 0
+ 81 -9 55 16 55 65 c 0
+ 55 89 62 125 76 173 c 2
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+ 40 257 l 1
+347.208 257 m 1
+ 220.435 257 l 1
+ 189 154 l 2
+ 176 111 174 103 174 88 c 0
+ 174 71 181 63 195 63 c 0
+ 215 63 237 80 268 118 c 0
+ 299.978 158.393 323.144 196.899 347.208 257 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+ 179 116 173 82 173 76 c 0
+ 173 68 180 61 188 61 c 0
+ 203 61 226 82 252 121 c 2
+ 266 141 l 1
+ 288 127 l 1
+ 218 22 181 -9 121 -9 c 0
+ 80 -9 52 17 52 54 c 0
+ 52 67 57 95 65 123 c 2
+ 101.148 257 l 1
+ 26 257 l 1
+ 35 299 l 1
+ 112.479 299 l 1
+ 123 338 l 2
+ 127 355 130 370 130 378 c 0
+ 130 399 114 407 71 407 c 1
+ 71 434 l 1
+ 149 440 219 450 273 462 c 1
+ 228.59 299 l 1
+ 315 299 l 1
+ 306 257 l 1
+ 217.146 257 l 1
+ 182 128 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+290 433 m 0
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+ 456 142 320 -13 171 -13 c 0
+ 79 -13 12 50 12 135 c 0
+ 12 303 152 462 299 462 c 0
+146 193 m 1
+ 136 148 132 113 132 88 c 0
+ 132 24 158 16 180 16 c 0
+ 230 16 273 83 305 193 c 1
+ 146 193 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ismallcap
+Encoding: 618 618 1301
+Width: 278
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+TeX: 117 0
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+199 84 m 18
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+ 6 0 l 17
+ 12 24 l 1
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+ 157 365 l 18
+ 160 377 162 386 162 393 c 0
+ 162 411 150 417 120 425 c 1
+ 126 449 l 9
+ 350 449 l 17
+ 344 425 l 1
+ 295 414 286 406 275 365 c 10
+ 199 84 l 18
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 8321 8321 1302
+Width: 274
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+TeX: 117 0
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+Refer: 118 185 S 1 0 0 1 -126 -590 0
+Validated: 32769
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+Validated: 32769
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+VWidth: 530
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: onethird
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+Width: 800
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+TeX: 111 0
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+Refer: 112 179 S 1 0 0 1 365 -394 0
+Refer: 1306 8543 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" one fraction three
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash three
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+StartChar: onenumerator
+Encoding: 8543 8543 1306
+Width: 750
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+TeX: 117 0
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+Refer: 118 185 N 1 0 0 1 -38 -112 0
+Refer: 1307 8725 S 1 0 0 1 98 0 0
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+StartChar: divisionslash
+Encoding: 8725 8725 1307
+Width: 560
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+590 688 m 1
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+ 0 -12 l 1
+ 590 688 l 1
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+StartChar: twothirds
+Encoding: 8532 8532 1308
+Width: 800
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+TeX: 116 0
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+Refer: 112 179 S 1 0 0 1 410 -400 0
+Refer: 111 178 N 1 0 0 1 -36 -119 0
+Refer: 1307 8725 N 1 0 0 1 152 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" two fraction three
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" two slash three
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+StartChar: foursuperior
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash six
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash eight
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" two slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" four slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" five slash six
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" three fraction eight
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash eight
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+StartChar: fiveeighths
+Encoding: 8541 8541 1347
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" five fraction eight
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" five slash eight
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+StartChar: seveneighths
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" seven slash eight
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+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 398 0 0
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+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 446 0 0
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+ -54.7334 -154 l 1
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+ 27.2178 -126 41.9814 -113 57.0723 -42 c 2
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+ 189.867 630.433 170.615 637.814 114.674 643 c 1
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+ 381.713 662 l 2
+ 503.189 662 558.636 624.442 558.636 538.038 c 0
+ 558.636 462.076 526.936 280.288 314.028 273 c 1
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+ 471.69 310.662 485.139 517.262 485.139 551.934 c 0
+ 485.139 620.255 448.842 635.313 392.036 640 c 1
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+ 590.89 317.387 545.776 166 332.284 166 c 2
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+ 73.9609 188 l 1
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+ 216.375 444 l 2
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+ 415.182 556 l 2
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+ 380.173 529.63 381.278 519.514 381.278 516 c 0
+ 381.278 484 354.932 479 338.414 479 c 0
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+ 203.477 672.656 197.538 702.392 197.538 710 c 0
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+ 400.189 569.42 334.395 497 255.641 497 c 1
+ 270.944 569 l 1
+ 302.939 569 326.54 598.938 326.54 623.53 c 0
+ 326.54 643.895 311.802 659 290.075 659 c 1
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+ 281.448 195 l 1
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+ 324.811 399 l 1
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+ 457.234 608 l 1
+ 412.811 399 l 1
+ 621.811 399 l 1
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+ 394.105 311 l 1
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+ 290 329 l 1
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+ 823 644 l 1
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+ 325.524 244.972 321.753 258.168 312.714 273.263 c 1
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+ 134.163 267.295 l 2
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+ 266.95 622 203.891 569.278 175.966 495.262 c 2
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+ 127.408 -150.084 276.259 -78.8857 276.259 46.8877 c 0
+ 276.259 62.5908 272.051 77.8096 259.385 96.2324 c 1
+ 200.236 62.8799 140.921 42.9287 83.4434 36.166 c 2
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+ 251.748 156.591 282.885 251.997 282.885 301.458 c 0
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+ 312 -175 l 1
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+ 345.208 -227 293.131 -180.826 293.131 -119.634 c 0
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+ 480.764 -194 526.078 -169 539.257 -107 c 2
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+ 0 0 l 1
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+ 138.208 -227 86.1309 -180.826 86.1309 -119.634 c 0
+ 86.1309 -111.655 87.0166 -103.42 88.8066 -95 c 0
+ 96.8848 -57 137.111 -23 174.111 -23 c 0
+ 208.182 -23 232.759 -49.7119 232.759 -83.1328 c 0
+ 232.759 -87.9688 232.245 -92.9443 231.17 -98 c 0
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+ 190.133 -164.033 189.922 -165.997 189.922 -167.883 c 0
+ 189.922 -183.633 204.652 -194 228.764 -194 c 0
+ 273.764 -194 319.078 -169 332.257 -107 c 2
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
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+ 273.052 -70.4268 250.454 -32 218.01 -32 c 0
+ 187.963 -32 162.859 -54.8779 136.553 -72.6758 c 1
+ 127.769 -114 l 2
+ 126.199 -121.385 125.447 -128.086 125.447 -134.146 c 0
+ 125.447 -169.498 151.04 -183.013 189.103 -183.013 c 0
+135.868 5.02441 m 1
+ 166.915 11.9307 218.427 23 237.889 23 c 0
+ 304.417 23 349.699 -23.4834 349.699 -85.9072 c 0
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+ -91.4258 -273.7 l 1
+ -84.1689 -258.263 l 2
+ -54.083 -194.269 -30.3525 -168.551 14.3828 -111.897 c 1
+ 14.1553 -107.662 14.0479 -103.429 14.0479 -99.2021 c 0
+ 14.0479 -86.4395 15.0264 -73.7246 16.6318 -61.1289 c 0
+ 19.9277 -33.8848 50.2432 115.785 76 209 c 2
+ 150 473 l 2
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+ 138 643 132 643 121 642 c 1
+ 121 669 l 1
+ 196 676 244 682 330 699 c 1
+ 185 176 l 2
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+ 234.054 -110.563 235.269 -95.9893 237.248 -81.1865 c 1
+ 173.523 -101.868 93.7949 -135.196 51.7246 -165.516 c 2
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+ 6.75781 -141.094 l 1
+ 30.3994 -125.667 l 2
+ 103.776 -77.7891 177.822 -25.4443 260 0 c 1
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+ 374 381 361 390 349 390 c 0
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+ 14 0 l 1
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+ 62 434 l 1
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+ 202 275 l 1
+ 205 273 l 1
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+ 470 462 494 437 494 383 c 0
+ 494 314.562 429.447 151.226 388 12 c 1
+ 460.276 11.7822 515.662 -19.3311 515.662 -86.5537 c 0
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+ 400.022 -154.02 436.622 -142.681 436.622 -97.3281 c 0
+ 436.622 -80.3975 424.899 -55.001 361.31 -55.001 c 1
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+ 353.92 -89.7617 352.319 -103.455 352.319 -113.976 c 0
+ 352.319 -125.806 370.708 -154.02 385.557 -154.02 c 0
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+ 9.73633 -228.238 -6.0498 -217.269 -27.4502 -261.926 c 2
+ -46.6777 -293.7 l 1
+ -92.1504 -267.7 l 1
+ -84.8936 -252.263 l 2
+ -54.8076 -188.269 -31.3525 -168.551 13.3828 -111.897 c 1
+ 13.1572 -107.686 13.0498 -103.476 13.0498 -99.2676 c 0
+ 13.0498 -99.0107 14.8926 0.625 71.5039 198.763 c 2
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+ 80 407 l 1
+ 80 442 l 1
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+ 298 594 l 1
+ 259 449 l 1
+ 331 449 l 1
+ 331 407 l 1
+ 248 407 l 1
+ 156 76 l 2
+ 148.34 48 140.241 24 135.726 7.49219 c 1
+ 164.099 17.5283 214.768 23 236.889 23 c 0
+ 303.417 23 348.699 -23.4834 348.699 -85.9072 c 0
+193.103 -183 m 0
+ 230.777 -183 277.052 -147.616 277.052 -101.099 c 0
+ 277.052 -70.4268 254.454 -36 222.01 -36 c 0
+ 191.963 -36 152.859 -54.8779 126.553 -72.6758 c 1
+ 117.769 -114 l 2
+ 116.199 -121.385 115.447 -128.086 115.447 -134.146 c 0
+ 115.447 -169.498 155.04 -183 193.103 -183 c 0
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+ 374.568 354 l 2
+ 375.481 358.432 375.959 362.834 375.959 367.186 c 0
+ 375.959 400.973 348.769 431 311.936 431 c 0
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+ 24.9014 311.516 160.825 471 318.665 471 c 0
+ 350.752 471 374.295 464.353 396.176 449.882 c 1
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+ 426.463 595.035 428.633 606.115 428.633 612.323 c 0
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+ 387.944 653.229 l 2
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+ 521.952 430.01 l 1
+ 559.188 455.806 604.548 471 646.665 471 c 0
+ 743.815 471 804.892 412.307 804.892 311.467 c 0
+ 804.892 146.067 660.87 -20.0059 485.481 -20.0059 c 0
+ 416.462 -20.0059 352.37 -0.0869141 326.213 30.3379 c 1
+ 282.35 -6.58496 238.656 -20 190.749 -20 c 0
+ 87.1836 -20 24.9014 44.6416 24.9014 147.872 c 0
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+ 629.549 33.9863 672.363 252.012 672.363 318.243 c 0
+ 672.363 384.52 643.898 420 595.496 420 c 0
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+24 139 m 0
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+ 355 25 l 1
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+ 412 248 l 1
+ 404.476 297.417 l 1
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+ 375 491 l 1
+ 227 248 l 1
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+ 391.228 384.422 l 1
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+ 204 208 l 1
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+ 606 535.843 595.993 572.08 577.679 598.742 c 1
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+ 463 35 524 116 555 153 c 1
+ 585 131 l 1
+ 553 87 537 69 507 47 c 0
+ 450 4 384 -18 313 -18 c 0
+ 246.251 -18 188.558 -0.55957 143.697 30.6807 c 1
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+ 527.831 639.881 l 1
+ 512.193 646.525 494.494 650 475 650 c 0
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+ 336 83 277 -13 166 -13 c 0
+ 136.78 -13 110.406 -6.46484 88.1104 5.4082 c 1
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+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
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+ 100 498 l 1
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+ 689 669 l 1
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+ 784 669 l 1
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+ 728 449 l 1
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+ 433 204 l 1
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+ 239 24 l 2
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+ 374.152 -123.113 385.84 -156.655 405.432 -161.67 c 1
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+ 249.47 -77.7539 253.674 -59.917 261.149 -35 c 2
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+ 480.948 450 l 1
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+ 138 25 l 1
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+ 103 408 l 1
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+ 211 581 l 2
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+ 421 644 l 1
+ 366 643 351 635 351 607 c 0
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+ 557 538 l 2
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+ 583 633 569 642 516 644 c 1
+ 516 669 l 1
+ 724 669 l 1
+ 724 644 l 1
+ 686 636 666.297 621.79 633 575 c 2
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+ 126 -125 183 -55 183 -4 c 0
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+ 78 410 73 411 55 411 c 1
+ 55 438 l 1
+ 120 444 156 450 204 462 c 1
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+ 314 435 341 462 371 462 c 0
+ 404 462 433 432 433 398 c 0
+ 433 374.005 423.759 335.814 407.467 290 c 1
+ 438 290 l 1
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+ 282 110 l 1
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+ 258.588 445 l 2
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+ 166.951 637.765 222.917 695 280.727 695 c 0
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+ 65 10 15 57 15 141 c 0
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+ 345 25 l 1
+ 394 31 409 45 425 97 c 2
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+ 309 116 l 1
+ 349.269 260.299 l 1
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+ 196 564 201 595 201 607 c 0
+ 201 635.213 180.505 636.499 128 644 c 1
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+ 426 669 l 1
+ 426 644 l 1
+ 375 638 359 625 344 572 c 2
+ 298 393 l 2
+ 296.114 386.399 295.244 380.088 295.244 374.108 c 0
+ 295.244 335.933 330.699 311.291 363.419 311.003 c 1
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+ 101 328 l 2
+ 108.915 357.023 110 363 110 379 c 0
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+ 54 434 l 1
+ 102 436 161 444 235 457 c 0
+ 251 460 257 461 263 462 c 1
+ 208 287 l 2
+ 195 244 193 236 193 221 c 0
+ 193 204 200 196 214 196 c 0
+ 218.214 196 222.517 196.755 226.974 198.302 c 1
+ 250 282 l 1
+ 278 282 l 1
+ 261.687 222.702 l 1
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+ 344 323 353 323 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 414 124 l 2
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+ 512 121 l 1
+ 460 32 411 -9 351 -9 c 0
+ 307 -9 286 11 286 51 c 0
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+ 386.312 50.5 l 2
+ 407 50.5 429.389 56.1298 436.503 89.5986 c 2
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+ 507.445 185.5 l 1
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+ 29.5635 0.5 l 1
+ 68.8867 185.5 l 1
+ 119.445 185.5 l 1
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+ 126 26 l 2
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+ 6 -18 l 2
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+ 801 669 l 2
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+ 6 -18 l 2
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+ 730 268 l 2
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+ 624 570 l 1
+ 624 545 l 1
+ 594 545 585 536 575 500 c 2
+ 523 310 l 2
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+ 387 240 l 1
+ 387 265 l 1
+ 417 265 427 274 438 316 c 2
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+ 364 394 l 1
+ 341 310 l 2
+ 338.463 300.734 336.232 291.854 336.232 284.466 c 0
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+ 205 240 l 1
+ 205 265 l 1
+ 235 265 245 274 256 316 c 2
+ 306 500 l 2
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+ 442 545 l 1
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+ 730 268 l 2
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+ 387 265 l 1
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+ 203 240 l 1
+ 203 265 l 1
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+ 344 480 l 2
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+ 468 570 l 1
+ 468 545 l 1
+ 453 544 l 2
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+ 506 502 l 2
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+ 627 570 l 1
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+ 325 637 l 2
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+ 126 26 l 2
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+ 6 -18 l 2
+ -17 -18 -25 -14 -25 -1 c 0
+ -25 4 -22 16 -20 26 c 2
+ 142 622 l 2
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+ 801 669 l 2
+ 823 669 831 662 831 649 c 0
+ 831 642 829 633 826 622 c 2
+ 730 268 l 2
+510.237 541 m 1
+ 373.268 321 l 1
+ 367.268 321 l 1
+ 331.814 496 l 1
+ 286.464 331 l 2
+ 280.884 310.464 277.553 296.413 277.553 286.825 c 0
+ 277.553 272.601 284.883 268.195 303.076 267 c 1
+ 303 242 l 1
+ 206 242 l 1
+ 205.076 267 l 1
+ 238.891 270 250.607 280 264.464 331 c 2
+ 311.357 502 l 2
+ 314.662 514.165 316.695 522.904 316.695 529.26 c 0
+ 316.695 541.712 308.893 545.014 287.584 547 c 1
+ 287.659 572 l 1
+ 395 572 l 1
+ 425 431 l 1
+ 510.659 572 l 1
+ 637.659 572 l 1
+ 637.584 547 l 1
+ 606.769 544 597.139 538 587.357 502 c 2
+ 536.302 312 l 2
+ 532.765 298.983 530.556 289.888 530.556 283.439 c 0
+ 530.556 272.053 537.444 268.915 556.076 267 c 1
+ 556 242 l 1
+ 397 242 l 1
+ 397.076 267 l 1
+ 428.891 270 438.521 276 449.933 318 c 2
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+ 366.743 70.6667 367.042 32.2189 370 0 c 1
+ 246 0 l 1
+ 269.565 45 285.005 80 294.318 105 c 1
+ 267.154 76 214.604 64 187.604 64 c 0
+ 120.647 64 80.7742 108.212 80.7742 167.54 c 0
+ 80.7742 238.211 140.63 335 229.206 335 c 0
+ 243.206 335 255.994 334 263.356 331 c 1
+ 253.616 346.875 248.498 366.562 248.498 387.758 c 0
+ 248.498 476.406 340.53 555 426.969 555 c 0
+ 494.324 555 546.281 504.732 546.281 441.786 c 0
+ 546.281 391.366 513.783 348.769 493.931 329 c 1
+ 504.781 333 517.206 335 531.206 335 c 0
+ 595.981 335 621.659 283.906 621.659 231.88 c 0
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+ 119.485 392.972 157.237 561 308.244 561 c 0
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+ 448.562 510.39 479.111 561 576.244 561 c 0
+ 665.53 561 690.699 503.016 690.699 441.114 c 0
+ 690.699 238.247 509.815 239.72 314.773 -34 c 1
+ 248.774 205.783 119.485 216.885 119.485 349.122 c 0
+292.303 486 m 0
+ 208.892 486 201.313 365.744 201.313 365.714 c 0
+ 201.313 298.912 269.465 250.086 349.357 124 c 1
+ 481.985 263.126 610.68 297.194 610.68 431.68 c 0
+ 610.68 461.429 599.979 486 560.303 486 c 0
+ 480.303 486 495.36 411 410.36 411 c 0
+ 326.36 411 371.303 486 292.303 486 c 0
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+605 280 m 1
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+ 476 470 540 362 605 280 c 1
+494 280 m 1
+ 452 333 419 384 388 446 c 1
+ 333 384 278 333 213 280 c 1
+ 255 227 288 175 317 114 c 1
+ 372 175 429 227 494 280 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: club
+Encoding: 9827 9827 1860
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+589 247 m 0
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+ 414 66 372 69 349 91 c 1
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+ 230 0 l 1
+ 249 36 262 67 272 91 c 1
+ 242 69 198 66 175 66 c 0
+ 103 66 83 111 83 162 c 0
+ 83 343 239 338 417 588 c 1
+ 478 370 589 360 589 247 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+630.172 254.324 m 0
+ 630.172 199.059 588.89 25.9697 423.763 25.9697 c 0
+ 413.521 25.9697 402.917 26.6357 391.951 28 c 1
+ 398.498 -40 l 1
+ 167.498 -40 l 1
+ 202.951 28 l 1
+ 190.739 27 178.526 26 166.526 26 c 0
+ 77.0073 26 41.7696 80.6001 41.7696 154.004 c 0
+ 41.7696 354.143 210.515 355.085 435.538 680 c 1
+ 526.697 351.896 630.172 393.087 630.172 254.324 c 0
+444.531 106 m 0
+ 533.581 106 548.39 221.288 548.39 238.193 c 0
+ 548.39 319.274 444.878 376.632 398.916 503 c 1
+ 263.331 334.735 123.339 313.971 123.339 169.941 c 0
+ 123.339 134.317 137.013 106 183.531 106 c 0
+ 237.531 106 296.12 137 330.323 185 c 1
+ 345.12 137 391.531 106 444.531 106 c 0
+309.502 40 m 1
+ 309.005 80 l 1
+ 290.502 40 l 1
+ 309.502 40 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: heart
+Encoding: 9829 9829 1862
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+LayerCount: 2
+308.244 561 m 0
+ 390.759 561 407.6 525.852 426.303 486 c 1
+ 457.504 520.192 486.279 561 576.244 561 c 0
+ 665.53 561 690.699 503.016 690.699 441.114 c 0
+ 690.699 238.247 509.815 239.72 314.773 -34 c 1
+ 248.774 205.783 119.485 216.885 119.485 349.122 c 0
+ 119.485 392.972 157.237 561 308.244 561 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: diamond
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+Width: 587
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+604.516 280 m 1
+ 418 116 375 68 287.411 -31 c 1
+ 204 150 190 178 101.516 280 c 1
+ 292 438 335 482 420.408 590 c 1
+ 522 400 532 378 604.516 280 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 9831 9831 1864
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+662.531 239.772 m 0
+ 662.531 123.727 560.539 24 448.102 24 c 0
+ 435.102 24 423.526 26 410.951 28 c 1
+ 417.498 -40 l 1
+ 183.498 -40 l 1
+ 218.951 28 l 1
+ 205.526 26 192.102 24 179.102 24 c 0
+ 94.4526 24 39.9205 81.4489 39.9205 159.613 c 0
+ 39.9205 248.912 112.241 354.926 208.071 372 c 1
+ 208.071 496 333.991 595 435.471 595 c 0
+ 520.326 595 587.208 532.497 587.208 450.307 c 0
+ 587.208 426.757 581.708 400.456 568.071 372 c 1
+ 631.834 359.708 662.531 302.426 662.531 239.772 c 0
+466.105 104 m 0
+ 526.325 104 580.733 157.241 580.733 223.101 c 0
+ 580.733 259.891 563.399 295 522.704 295 c 0
+ 507.704 295 491.429 289 476.366 284 c 1
+ 440.719 328 l 1
+ 475.731 360.893 505.507 391.865 505.507 434.441 c 0
+ 505.507 480.826 464.824 515 418.467 515 c 0
+ 366.872 515 289.55 466.697 289.55 397.856 c 0
+ 289.55 370.808 302.608 350.072 316.719 328 c 1
+ 262.366 284 l 1
+ 249.429 289 235.704 295 220.704 295 c 0
+ 164.292 295 121.683 225.481 121.683 176.051 c 0
+ 121.683 133.508 150.725 104 197.105 104 c 0
+ 230.105 104 259.507 120 283.246 147 c 1
+ 397.246 147 l 1
+ 409.294 119 432.105 104 466.105 104 c 0
+325.502 40 m 1
+ 325.154 76 l 1
+ 309.502 40 l 1
+ 325.502 40 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02F3
+Encoding: 755 755 1865
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+StartChar: uni02F5
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+412.793 290 m 1
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+ 296.333 379 l 2
+ 281.928 396.941 276.214 409 276.214 429 c 0
+ 276.214 458 302.207 471 326.207 471 c 0
+ 345.207 471 360.431 458 367.102 437 c 2
+ 412.793 290 l 1
+271.751 290 m 1
+ 226.751 290 l 1
+ 131.598 379 l 2
+ 114.797 394.714 109.191 412 109.191 430 c 0
+ 109.191 454.9 129.249 471 153.249 471 c 0
+ 172.249 471 189.766 458 200.139 437 c 2
+ 271.751 290 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02F6
+Encoding: 758 758 1868
+Width: 333
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 413 733 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -226 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni02F7
+Encoding: 759 759 1869
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+Refer: 412 732 S 1 0 0 1 -165 -711 2
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+Encoding: 760 760 1870
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+Refer: 26 58 S 1 0 0 1 76 216 2
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+-81 -200 m 1
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+ -275 -19 l 1
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+ -136 -128 l 1
+ -108 -19 l 1
+ -36 -19 l 1
+ -81 -200 l 1
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+Encoding: 724 724 1874
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+266.318 240 m 1
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+ 353.623 168 l 1
+ 81.623 168 l 1
+ 94.3184 240 l 1
+ 194.318 240 l 1
+ 215.478 360 l 1
+ 287.478 360 l 1
+ 266.318 240 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tackdownmid
+Encoding: 725 725 1875
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: plusmod
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+82.623 168 m 1
+ 95.3184 240 l 1
+ 195.318 240 l 1
+ 212.951 340 l 1
+ 284.951 340 l 1
+ 267.318 240 l 1
+ 367.318 240 l 1
+ 354.623 168 l 1
+ 254.623 168 l 1
+ 236.99 68 l 1
+ 164.99 68 l 1
+ 182.623 168 l 1
+ 82.623 168 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 727 727 1877
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+78.4463 167 m 1
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+ 363.143 239 l 1
+ 350.446 167 l 1
+ 78.4463 167 l 1
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+Encoding: 750 750 1878
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+ 247.645 429 264.289 444 274.463 462 c 1
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+ 287.361 348 293.422 337 307.422 337 c 0
+ 325.422 337 350.067 352 364.651 378 c 1
+ 366.78 370.989 367.731 364.096 367.731 357.426 c 0
+ 367.731 316.103 331.35 284 313.077 284 c 0
+ 248.077 284 246.427 303 237.83 362 c 2
+ 234.238 387 l 1
+ 137.774 339 l 1
+ 129.417 371 l 1
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+Encoding: 735 735 1880
+Width: 352
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+ 247.354 780.2 l 1
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+ 502.136 780.2 l 1
+ 537.896 749.294 l 1
+ 393.629 653.73 l 1
+ 504.095 557.693 l 1
+ 457.454 526.799 l 1
+ 346.996 622.83 l 1
+ 202.673 526.799 l 1
+ 166.928 557.693 l 1
+ 311.262 653.73 l 1
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+482.074 715 m 1
+ 475.021 675 l 1
+ 266.207 608 l 1
+ 451.393 541 l 1
+ 444.34 501 l 1
+ 194.209 591 l 1
+ 200.204 625 l 1
+ 482.074 715 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: raised
+Encoding: 708 708 1885
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+163.927 510 m 1
+ 322.545 712 l 1
+ 361.545 712 l 1
+ 448.927 510 l 1
+ 398.927 510 l 1
+ 333.729 662 l 1
+ 213.927 510 l 1
+ 163.927 510 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: backed
+Encoding: 707 707 1886
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1884 706 N -1 0 0 -1 663.283 1216 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lowered
+Encoding: 709 709 1887
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1885 708 N -1 0 0 -1 667.854 1222 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni02ef
+Encoding: 751 751 1888
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1887 709 S 1 0 0 1 0 -732 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni02f0
+Encoding: 752 752 1889
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1885 708 S 1 0 0 1 0 -729 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni02f1
+Encoding: 753 753 1890
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1884 706 S 1 0 0 1 1 -737 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni02f2
+Encoding: 754 754 1891
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1886 707 S 1 0 0 1 0 -732 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0350
+Encoding: 848 848 1892
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -20 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1886 707 N 1 0 0 1 -333 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0354
+Encoding: 852 852 1893
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -177 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1884 706 N 1 0 0 1 -526 -761 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0355
+Encoding: 853 853 1894
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -179 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1890 753 S -1 0 0 -1 115 -280 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: colontriangularhalfmod
+Encoding: 721 721 1895
+Width: 278
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+155.14 461 m 1
+ 285.435 461 l 1
+ 199.4 342.55 l 1
+ 155.14 461 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02d0
+Encoding: 720 720 1896
+Width: 278
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1895 721 S 1 0 0 1 42 0 2
+Refer: 1895 721 N -1 0 0 -1 357 460.55 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04e8
+Encoding: 1256 1256 1897
+Width: 670
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1416 415 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04ea
+Encoding: 1258 1258 1898
+Width: 670
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 246 205 0
+Refer: 1416 415 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04e9
+Encoding: 1257 1257 1899
+Width: 461
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1300 629 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04eb
+Encoding: 1259 1259 1900
+Width: 461
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 87 -23 0
+Refer: 1300 629 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04c4
+Encoding: 1220 1220 1901
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+169.606 -203 m 0
+ 137.014 -203 51.4375 -186.607 51.4375 -124.137 c 0
+ 51.4375 -79.1602 87.4268 -42 132.746 -42 c 0
+ 160.043 -42 179.022 -59.4639 179.022 -83.2188 c 0
+ 179.022 -115.529 143.162 -137.481 138.468 -155 c 0
+ 138.269 -155.743 138.174 -156.47 138.174 -157.178 c 0
+ 138.174 -166.002 152.953 -172 165.913 -172 c 0
+ 196.53 -172 304.719 -132.011 304.719 88.3574 c 0
+ 304.719 165.539 244.376 230 207 230 c 2
+ 197 230 l 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 106 328 l 2
+ 113 354 117 367 117 376 c 0
+ 117 400 103 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 206 265 l 1
+ 227 265 l 2
+ 260 265 310 330 333 368 c 0
+ 347 390 395 465 472 465 c 0
+ 506 465 530 438 530 408 c 0
+ 530 377 503 355 472 355 c 0
+ 452 355 440 366 432 374 c 0
+ 429 376 418 380 414 380 c 0
+ 404 380 392 374 382 365 c 0
+ 360 344 323 270 273 250 c 1
+ 273 244 l 1
+ 348.796 237.109 414.523 140.466 414.523 65.6328 c 0
+ 414.523 -102.244 317.015 -203 169.606 -203 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni04cb
+Encoding: 1227 1227 1902
+Width: 703
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+LayerCount: 2
+284.253 -167 m 1
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+ 314.11 25 l 1
+ 396 25 403.297 55.1201 417.135 105 c 2
+ 470.297 296.628 l 1
+ 438.168 279.681 381.322 258 289 258 c 0
+ 225.416 258 139.217 302.453 139.217 381.028 c 0
+ 139.217 391.429 140.754 402.419 144 414 c 2
+ 181 546 l 2
+ 186 564 191 595 191 607 c 0
+ 191 635.213 170.505 636.499 118 644 c 1
+ 118 669 l 1
+ 416 669 l 1
+ 416 644 l 1
+ 365 638 349 625 334 572 c 2
+ 288 393 l 2
+ 286.114 386.399 285.244 380.088 285.244 374.108 c 0
+ 285.244 335.707 321.12 311 354 311 c 0
+ 409 311 462 340 486 353 c 1
+ 538 546 l 2
+ 542.86 564.038 548 595 548 607 c 0
+ 548 635.213 527.505 636.499 475 644 c 1
+ 475 669 l 1
+ 773 669 l 1
+ 773 644 l 1
+ 725.081 638.362 708.944 626.545 693.896 581.174 c 2
+ 536 0 l 1
+ 343.316 0 330.047 -73.1064 284.253 -167 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni04cc
+Encoding: 1228 1228 1903
+Width: 485
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+225.431 24 m 1
+ 264.219 28.4238 283.118 57.6885 291.848 89 c 2
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+ 246 150 216 124 149 124 c 0
+ 100 124 74 149 74 198 c 0
+ 74 222 81 258 95 306 c 2
+ 101 328 l 2
+ 108.915 357.023 110 363 110 379 c 0
+ 110 399 100 404 54 407 c 1
+ 54 434 l 1
+ 102 436 161 444 235 457 c 0
+ 251 460 257 461 263 462 c 1
+ 208 287 l 2
+ 195 244 193 236 193 221 c 0
+ 193 204 200 196 214 196 c 0
+ 234 196 256 213 287 251 c 0
+ 344 323 353 323 390 449 c 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 379 0 l 1
+ 237.54 0 261.062 -14.8486 210.525 -110 c 1
+ 184.525 -110 l 1
+ 225.431 24 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni04c7
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+576 -34 m 2
+ 549.479 -132.132 490 -165 405 -165 c 0
+ 335 -165 240 -147 240 -92 c 0
+ 240 -68 257 -46 279 -46 c 0
+ 332 -46 316 -104 364 -104 c 0
+ 392 -104 417.998 -78.2764 441 7 c 2
+ 529 329 l 1
+ 290 329 l 1
+ 240 148 l 2
+ 236 126 223 94 223 68 c 0
+ 223 36 233 30 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 32 65.626 44.1006 80 97 c 2
+ 202 546 l 2
+ 209 572 213 593 213 604 c 0
+ 213 634 192 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
+ 392 642 371 627 356 572 c 2
+ 302 373 l 1
+ 541 373 l 1
+ 588 546 l 2
+ 592.898 564.028 598 595 598 607 c 0
+ 598 635 578 636 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 637 758 625 742 572 c 2
+ 576 -34 l 2
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+537 772 m 0
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+ 375 848 385 883 429 883 c 0
+ 477 883 486 846 486 835 c 0
+ 486 791 508 772 537 772 c 0
+598 607 m 0
+ 598 635.213 577.505 636.499 525 644 c 1
+ 525 669 l 1
+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 638 757 625 741 572 c 2
+ 627 152 l 2
+ 614 103 609 80 609 65 c 0
+ 609 37 624 28 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 524 -157 l 1
+ 480 -113 l 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 385 0 l 1
+ 385 25 l 1
+ 434 31 449 45 465 97 c 2
+ 571 483 l 1
+ 227 96 l 1
+ 224 82 224 73 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 64 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 207.936 564.018 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635.213 192.505 636.499 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 251 186 l 1
+ 594 573 l 1
+ 596 587 598 600 598 607 c 0
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+ 224 641 234 676 278 676 c 0
+ 326 676 335 639 335 628 c 0
+ 335 584 357 565 386 565 c 0
+501 133 m 1
+ 522 120 l 1
+ 484.098 55.1299 448.127 16.291 408 0 c 1
+ 251 -157 l 1
+ 207 -113 l 1
+ 320 0 l 1
+ 303.773 9.49219 296 26.4922 296 51 c 0
+ 296 79 302 106 320 161 c 1
+ 217 17 187 -9 120 -9 c 0
+ 71 -9 45 16 45 65 c 0
+ 45 89 52 125 66 173 c 2
+ 106 306 l 2
+ 114.745 335.078 120 363 120 379 c 0
+ 120 399 110 404 64 407 c 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 143 437 244 457 273 462 c 1
+ 179 154 l 2
+ 166 111 164 103 164 88 c 0
+ 164 71 171 63 185 63 c 0
+ 205 63 227 80 258 118 c 0
+ 315 190 344 256 400 449 c 1
+ 518 449 l 1
+ 440 181 l 2
+ 416.708 100.971 414.944 88.3555 414.944 80.2617 c 0
+ 414.944 69.0403 418.831 59 429 59 c 0
+ 446 59 466 80 501 133 c 1
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+ 895 638 879.15 623.959 865 572 c 2
+ 740 113 l 2
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+ 732 36 746 28 804 25 c 1
+ 804 0 l 1
+ 647 -157 l 1
+ 603 -113 l 1
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+ 492 0 l 1
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+ 557 29 577 43 592 97 c 2
+ 717 561 l 1
+ 342 -12 l 1
+ 314 -12 l 1
+ 247 547 l 1
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+ 127 45 143 33 207 25 c 1
+ 207 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 54 37 62.7402 47.0752 101 178 c 2
+ 210 551 l 2
+ 217 576 221 596 221 609 c 0
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+ 149 669 l 1
+ 370 669 l 1
+ 424 189 l 1
+ 734 669 l 1
+ 946 669 l 1
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+193 144 m 2
+ 247 318 l 2
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+ 277 437 378 457 407 462 c 1
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+ 598 449 l 1
+ 735 449 l 1
+ 641 123 l 2
+ 631 87 629 77 629 72 c 0
+ 629 62 635 58 643 58 c 0
+ 660 58 673 72 713 134 c 1
+ 735 121 l 1
+ 693.445 52.2197 660.104 15.2646 622.838 -0.161133 c 1
+ 466 -157 l 1
+ 422 -113 l 1
+ 535 0 l 1
+ 516.872 9.94824 508 27.6973 508 51 c 0
+ 508 77 511 83 525 132 c 2
+ 602 400 l 1
+ 339 -18 l 1
+ 307 -18 l 1
+ 295 366 l 1
+ 214 114 l 2
+ 199.713 70.0928 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
+ 68.5 104 83 91.5 93 77.8457 c 0
+ 102.438 64.96 111 51 130.718 51 c 0
+ 168.718 51 182.133 109.621 193 144 c 2
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+ 0 111 26 149 67 149 c 0
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+ 138 77 143 52 172 52 c 0
+ 273.074 52 359.05 406.754 405 573 c 0
+ 407.821 583.206 409.338 591.938 409.338 599.443 c 0
+ 409.338 628.744 386.745 639.224 335 644 c 1
+ 334 669 l 1
+ 856 669 l 1
+ 856 644 l 1
+ 805 638 789 625 774 572 c 2
+ 660 152 l 2
+ 647 103 642 80 642 65 c 0
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+ 714 0 l 1
+ 557 -157 l 1
+ 513 -113 l 1
+ 626 0 l 1
+ 418 0 l 1
+ 418 25 l 1
+ 467 31 483 45 498 97 c 2
+ 628 569 l 2
+ 632.365 585.117 634.926 598.078 634.926 608.185 c 0
+ 634.926 628.176 624.905 637 599 637 c 2
+ 524 637 l 2
+ 477 637 463.466 625.875 448 569 c 0
+ 400.791 395.394 358 244 307.465 144 c 0
+ 258.657 47.418 208 -12 108 -12 c 0
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+47 104 m 0
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+ 168.718 51 181 110 193 144 c 2
+ 247 318 l 2
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+ 492.875 462 541.172 433.962 541.172 383.193 c 0
+ 541.172 374.75 539.836 365.677 537 356 c 2
+ 469 124 l 2
+ 458.711 88.4268 457 78 457 72.5 c 0
+ 457 62.5 463 59 471 59 c 0
+ 488 59 501 73 541 135 c 1
+ 563 122 l 1
+ 521.569 52.71 489.131 15.5664 452 0 c 1
+ 295 -157 l 1
+ 251 -113 l 1
+ 364 0 l 1
+ 345.872 9.94824 336 27.6973 336 51 c 0
+ 336 77 339 83 353 132 c 2
+ 413 338 l 2
+ 416.851 351.223 418.803 363.059 418.803 373.297 c 0
+ 418.803 400.227 405.635 416 381 416 c 0
+ 343 416 305.596 398.079 283 328 c 2
+ 214 114 l 2
+ 199.831 70.0547 175 -10 74 -10 c 0
+ 33 -10 0 23 0 51 c 0
+ 0 88 23 104 47 104 c 0
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+598 607 m 0
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+ 823 669 l 1
+ 823 644 l 1
+ 772 637 758 625 742 572 c 2
+ 627 153 l 2
+ 613.257 102.929 608 80 608 66 c 0
+ 608 37 626 27 681 25 c 1
+ 681 0 l 1
+ 524 -157 l 1
+ 480 -113 l 1
+ 593 0 l 1
+ 364 0 l 1
+ 364 25 l 1
+ 431 29 450 43 465 97 c 2
+ 529 329 l 1
+ 290 329 l 1
+ 240 148 l 2
+ 236 126 223 94 223 68 c 0
+ 223 36 233 30 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 50 32 65.626 44.1006 80 97 c 2
+ 202 546 l 2
+ 209 572 213 593 213 604 c 0
+ 213 634 192 637 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 457 669 l 1
+ 457 644 l 1
+ 392 642 371 627 356 572 c 2
+ 302 373 l 1
+ 541 373 l 1
+ 588 546 l 2
+ 592.898 564.028 598 595 598 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1226 1226 1912
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+288 51 m 0
+ 288 77 300 134 316 182 c 2
+ 326 214 l 1
+ 194 214 l 1
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+ 72 204 l 2
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+ 118 401 106 406 64 407 c 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 120 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 204 249 l 1
+ 336 249 l 1
+ 395 449 l 1
+ 516 449 l 1
+ 422 124 l 2
+ 411.711 88.4268 410 78 410 72.5 c 0
+ 410 62.5 416 59 424 59 c 0
+ 441 59 454 73 494 135 c 1
+ 516 122 l 1
+ 473.855 52.71 441.191 15.5664 404 0 c 1
+ 247 -157 l 1
+ 203 -113 l 1
+ 316 0 l 1
+ 297.872 9.94824 288 27.6973 288 51 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1231 1231 1913
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+ -102.215 660.332 -55.3867 750 51.417 750 c 0
+ 78.1631 750 103.915 734.104 103.915 705.854 c 0
+ 103.915 674.008 77.2695 641 33.249 641 c 0
+ 17.249 641 13.3115 646 -0.688477 646 c 0
+ -22.2236 646 -36.5811 622.803 -36.5811 596.981 c 0
+ -36.5811 573.056 -20.9922 564 4.88184 564 c 0
+ 27.8818 564 42.3066 566 59.582 572 c 1
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+ 64.2559 635.632 56.6143 646 43.3115 646 c 0
+ 29.3115 646 23.249 641 7.24902 641 c 0
+ -22.043 641 -40.7578 655.845 -40.7578 681.697 c 0
+ -40.7578 726.081 3.62207 750 35.417 750 c 0
+ 99.3213 750 137.824 715.877 137.824 658.767 c 0
+ 137.824 571.885 59.8877 511 -4.38379 511 c 0
+ -27.3838 511 -51.5332 515 -70.6201 524 c 1
+ -48.418 572 l 1
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+ 223.102 581.5 193.706 542 160.718 535 c 1
+ 64.8965 597 14.5625 666 -95.4385 666 c 0
+ -216.438 666 -363.166 592 -429.156 545 c 1
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+ -208 869 -186 831 -186 798 c 0
+ -186 791 -190.333 788 -194 788 c 0
+ -202.333 788 -215 814 -241 814 c 0
+ -267 814 -281.333 788 -289 788 c 0
+ -291.667 788 -297 791 -297 798 c 0
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+ -279 -235 l 1
+ -221 -204 -217 -209 -217 -182 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Refer: 1917 -1 N 1 0 0 1 324 -135 2
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+Refer: 1917 -1 N 1 0 0 1 326 -786 2
+Refer: 1917 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 -922 2
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+-217 -182 m 0
+ -217 -168 -269 -173 -269 -124 c 0
+ -269 -93 -247 -70 -216 -70 c 0
+ -178 -70 -153 -99 -153 -143 c 0
+ -153 -198 -186 -228 -270 -253 c 1
+ -279 -235 l 1
+ -221 -204 -217 -209 -217 -182 c 0
+-214 820 m 0
+ -214 806 -162 811 -162 762 c 0
+ -162 731 -184 708 -215 708 c 0
+ -253 708 -278 737 -278 781 c 0
+ -278 836 -245 866 -161 891 c 1
+ -152 873 l 1
+ -210 842 -214 847 -214 820 c 0
+148.779 -55.8374 m 0
+ 148.779 -44.6322 136.106 -34.5219 132.938 -34.5219 c 0
+ 124.369 -34.5219 108.989 -46.2361 90.9024 -46.2361 c 0
+ 63.2416 -46.2361 42.6713 -16.9841 42.6713 6.58695 c 0
+ 42.6713 35.062 69.0728 62.1337 100.971 62.1337 c 0
+ 136.292 62.1337 182.741 24.3659 182.741 -25.8975 c 0
+ 182.741 -52.2238 171.753 -83.5904 149.979 -123.817 c 1
+ 130.888 -117.453 l 1
+ 141.983 -80.881 148.779 -65.8009 148.779 -55.8374 c 0
+-579.779 693.837 m 0
+ -579.779 682.632 -567.107 672.522 -563.938 672.522 c 0
+ -555.369 672.522 -539.989 684.236 -521.902 684.236 c 0
+ -494.242 684.236 -473.671 654.984 -473.671 631.413 c 0
+ -473.671 602.938 -500.073 575.866 -531.971 575.866 c 0
+ -567.293 575.866 -613.741 613.634 -613.741 663.897 c 0
+ -613.741 690.223 -602.753 721.59 -580.979 761.817 c 1
+ -561.888 755.453 l 1
+ -572.983 718.881 -579.779 703.801 -579.779 693.837 c 0
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+ 541.172 374.75 539.836 365.677 537 356 c 2
+ 467.805 119.95 l 2
+ 420.509 -40.5117 318.95 -203 223 -203 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni051e
+Encoding: 1310 1310 1944
+Width: 736
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+427 591 m 1
+ 506 591 l 1
+ 531.34 562.104 l 1
+ 539 577 l 2
+ 572 642 624 680 688 680 c 0
+ 740 680 770 646 770 603 c 0
+ 770 562 736 541 708 541 c 0
+ 679 541 659 557 646 576 c 0
+ 640 585 634 600 614 600 c 0
+ 594 600 582.058 574.963 565 548 c 0
+ 562.118 543.444 559.253 538.621 556.357 533.576 c 1
+ 677 396 l 1
+ 598 396 l 1
+ 525.35 478.847 l 1
+ 501.802 439.903 470.171 398.023 417 366 c 1
+ 415 360 l 1
+ 486 344 519 300 540 240 c 2
+ 606 76 l 2
+ 622 35 655 26 680 25 c 1
+ 680 0 l 1
+ 487 0 l 1
+ 403 254 l 2
+ 392 296 370 331 333 331 c 2
+ 291 331 l 1
+ 242 152 l 2
+ 229 103 224 80 224 65 c 0
+ 224 37 239 28 296 25 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 25 l 1
+ 49 31 64 45 80 97 c 2
+ 203 546 l 2
+ 207.936 564.018 213 595 213 607 c 0
+ 213 635 193 636 140 644 c 1
+ 140 669 l 1
+ 438 669 l 1
+ 438 644 l 1
+ 387 638 372 625 356 572 c 2
+ 302 371 l 1
+ 328 371 l 2
+ 399.811 371 454.782 431.294 500.616 507.052 c 1
+ 427 591 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni051f
+Encoding: 1311 1311 1945
+Width: 544
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+268 429 m 1
+ 347 429 l 1
+ 363.972 409.638 l 1
+ 388.227 436.608 424.624 465 472 465 c 0
+ 506 465 530 438 530 408 c 0
+ 530 377 503 355 472 355 c 0
+ 452 355 440 366 432 374 c 0
+ 429 376 418 380 414 380 c 0
+ 408.073 380 401.444 377.892 394.945 374.302 c 1
+ 489 267 l 1
+ 410 267 l 1
+ 354.824 329.947 l 1
+ 333.672 300.374 306.202 263.281 273 250 c 1
+ 273 244 l 1
+ 306 241 350 226 372 166 c 0
+ 379 146 398 53 432 53 c 0
+ 458 53 489 90 496 114 c 1
+ 516 102 l 1
+ 516 102 468 -10 385 -10 c 0
+ 284 -10 276 59 264 172 c 0
+ 257.842 229.983 225 230 207 230 c 2
+ 197 230 l 1
+ 133 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 106 328 l 2
+ 113 354 117 367 117 376 c 0
+ 117 400 103 406 62 407 c 1
+ 62 434 l 1
+ 118 436 196 447 260 461 c 1
+ 206 265 l 1
+ 227 265 l 2
+ 257.865 265 303.602 321.862 328.209 360.311 c 1
+ 268 429 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plussuperior
+Encoding: 8314 8314 1946
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+416.077 611 m 1
+ 399.072 531 l 1
+ 324.072 531 l 1
+ 308.131 456 l 1
+ 227.461 456 l 1
+ 243.402 531 l 1
+ 168.402 531 l 1
+ 185.407 611 l 1
+ 260.407 611 l 1
+ 276.348 686 l 1
+ 357.019 686 l 1
+ 341.077 611 l 1
+ 416.077 611 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minussuperior
+Encoding: 8315 8315 1947
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+425.077 611 m 1
+ 408.072 531 l 1
+ 177.402 531 l 1
+ 194.407 611 l 1
+ 425.077 611 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: equalsuperior
+Encoding: 8316 8316 1948
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+409.449 541 m 1
+ 392.444 461 l 1
+ 161.774 461 l 1
+ 178.779 541 l 1
+ 409.449 541 l 1
+440.705 681 m 1
+ 423.701 601 l 1
+ 193.03 601 l 1
+ 210.035 681 l 1
+ 440.705 681 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: parenleftsuperior
+Encoding: 8317 8317 1949
+Width: 216
+VWidth: 919
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 8 40 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 151 441 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: parenrightsuperior
+Encoding: 8318 8318 1950
+Width: 216
+VWidth: 919
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1949 8317 S -1 0 0 -1 522.8 1220.35 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: plusinferior
+Encoding: 8330 8330 1951
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1946 8314 S 1 0 0 1 -143 -570 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni208B
+Encoding: 8331 8331 1952
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1947 8315 S 1 0 0 1 -155 -570 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equalinferior
+Encoding: 8332 8332 1953
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1948 8316 S 1 0 0 1 -151 -580 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: parenleftinferior
+Encoding: 8333 8333 1954
+Width: 216
+VWidth: 449
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1949 8317 S 1 0 0 1 -149 -621 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: parenrightinferior
+Encoding: 8334 8334 1955
+Width: 216
+VWidth: 449
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1950 8318 S 1 0 0 1 -147 -620 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2071
+Encoding: 8305 8305 1956
+Width: 219
+VWidth: 735
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 162 388 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kokaithai
+Encoding: 3585 3585 1957
+Width: 590
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 455.213 1 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 560.254 514 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+400.505 534 m 0
+ 506.651 534 603.967 473.093 603.967 381.146 c 0
+ 603.967 371.745 602.95 362.019 600.82 352 c 2
+ 526 0 l 1
+ 386 0 l 1
+ 458.057 339 l 2
+ 462.772 361.185 464.942 379.798 464.942 395.39 c 0
+ 464.942 460.624 426.964 473 378.539 473 c 0
+ 316.327 472 280.414 463 232.486 421 c 1
+ 281.062 419 329.811 399 340.583 365 c 1
+ 311.458 355 295.97 348 288.53 313 c 2
+ 222 0 l 1
+ 86 0 l 1
+ 144.878 277 l 2
+ 155.931 329 187.883 357 255.283 373 c 1
+ 227.173 396 206.022 400 143.66 403 c 1
+ 190.752 474 315.505 534 400.505 534 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khokhaithai
+Encoding: 3586 3586 1958
+Width: 578
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 443.213 1 basechar 0 {150-150 2} {}
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+LayerCount: 2
+132.289 395.747 m 0
+ 132.289 457.352 200.861 538 286.355 538 c 0
+ 366.948 538 414.194 481.421 414.194 432.12 c 0
+ 414.194 364.964 342.229 302.174 322.637 210 c 2
+ 286.928 42 l 1
+ 345.928 42 l 2
+ 369.928 42 388.454 68 392.28 86 c 2
+ 486.018 527 l 1
+ 626.018 527 l 1
+ 532.28 86 l 2
+ 523.353 44 482 0 449 0 c 2
+ 84 0 l 1
+ 92.9277 42 l 1
+ 145.928 42 l 1
+ 181.212 208 l 2
+ 198.854 291 293.491 294 326.226 448 c 0
+ 326.734 450.393 326.981 452.815 326.981 455.238 c 0
+ 326.981 477.115 306.875 499 278.065 499 c 0
+ 241.565 499 235.428 496 223.578 492 c 1
+ 257.145 492 275.464 466.648 275.464 434.856 c 0
+ 275.464 382.534 227.037 329 185.931 329 c 0
+ 151.51 329 132.289 360.716 132.289 395.747 c 0
+194.646 370 m 0
+ 228.078 370 233.678 423.923 233.678 434.871 c 0
+ 233.678 450.306 227.72 460 213.776 460 c 0
+ 181.763 460 173.76 411.65 173.76 394.56 c 0
+ 173.76 379.154 179.67 370 194.646 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khokhuatthai
+Encoding: 3587 3587 1959
+Width: 661
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 517.213 1 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+194.646 370 m 0
+ 228.078 370 233.678 423.923 233.678 434.871 c 0
+ 233.678 450.306 227.72 460 213.776 460 c 0
+ 181.763 460 173.76 411.65 173.76 394.56 c 0
+ 173.76 379.154 179.67 370 194.646 370 c 0
+132.079 393.972 m 0
+ 132.079 438.379 167.687 537 265.143 537 c 0
+ 294.143 537 330.592 525 341.341 505 c 1
+ 359.805 526 401.931 536 423.931 536 c 0
+ 468.918 536 494.081 519.154 494.081 469.131 c 0
+ 494.081 367.642 432.582 327.354 409.975 221 c 2
+ 371.928 42 l 1
+ 413.928 42 l 2
+ 437.928 42 471.941 75 475.768 93 c 2
+ 568.018 527 l 1
+ 709.018 527 l 1
+ 616.768 93 l 2
+ 607.841 51 556 0 524 0 c 2
+ 164 0 l 1
+ 172.928 42 l 1
+ 231.928 42 l 1
+ 269.55 219 l 2
+ 299.294 358.938 408.047 378.408 408.047 477.349 c 0
+ 408.047 489.602 404.722 497 396.641 497 c 0
+ 385.641 497 353.708 478.5 345.312 439 c 1
+ 303.312 439 l 1
+ 304.571 444.919 305.16 450.4 305.16 455.441 c 0
+ 305.16 483.61 286.756 498 263.854 498 c 0
+ 243.354 498 236.981 496.25 223.578 492 c 1
+ 250.186 489.371 274.969 463.702 274.969 430.474 c 0
+ 274.969 387.119 232.327 329 185.931 329 c 0
+ 149.617 329 132.079 359.652 132.079 393.972 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khokhwaithai
+Encoding: 3588 3588 1960
+Width: 592
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+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 460.213 1 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 572.254 514 basechar 0
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+340.202 255 m 0
+ 373.635 255 379.234 308.923 379.234 319.871 c 0
+ 379.234 335.306 373.275 345 359.332 345 c 0
+ 327.319 345 319.316 296.651 319.316 279.561 c 0
+ 319.316 264.154 325.226 255 340.202 255 c 0
+422.885 328.018 m 0
+ 422.885 294.459 404.248 215 329.699 215 c 0
+ 318.699 215 315.466 216.25 305.975 221 c 1
+ 259 0 l 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 479.555 289.692 534 402.505 534 c 0
+ 522.881 534 599.979 468.002 599.979 363.284 c 0
+ 599.979 347.082 598.134 329.954 594.317 312 c 2
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 448.578 285 l 2
+ 457.176 325.447 462.915 362.925 462.915 394.519 c 0
+ 462.915 452.755 443.415 491 386.365 491 c 0
+ 282.365 491 207.998 414 196.732 361 c 0
+ 184.404 303 182.917 296 181.014 240 c 1
+ 198.019 320 277.472 388 368.472 388 c 0
+ 408.927 388 422.885 360.158 422.885 328.018 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khokhonthai
+Encoding: 3589 3589 1961
+Width: 592
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 470.213 1 basechar 0
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+340.202 255 m 0
+ 373.635 255 379.234 308.923 379.234 319.871 c 0
+ 379.234 335.306 373.275 345 359.332 345 c 0
+ 327.319 345 319.316 296.651 319.316 279.561 c 0
+ 319.316 264.154 325.226 255 340.202 255 c 0
+422.885 328.018 m 0
+ 422.885 294.459 404.248 215 329.699 215 c 0
+ 318.699 215 315.466 216.25 305.975 221 c 1
+ 259 0 l 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 380.783 179.329 534.099 316.526 534.099 c 0
+ 363.526 534.099 386.829 512 393.09 485 c 1
+ 417.679 516 449.505 534 504.505 534 c 0
+ 581.317 534 608.468 491.86 608.468 421.497 c 0
+ 608.468 390.18 603.09 353.272 594.317 312 c 2
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 448.578 285 l 2
+ 463.049 353.081 473.63 412.751 473.63 450.108 c 0
+ 473.63 475.853 468.605 491 456.365 491 c 0
+ 424.365 491 395.975 428 393.849 418 c 1
+ 387.349 418 371.33 417.915 363.83 417.915 c 1
+ 364.135 419.348 364.361 421.838 364.361 425.057 c 0
+ 364.361 444.495 356.091 490.5 306.759 490.5 c 0
+ 231.312 490.5 186.203 392.688 181.014 240 c 1
+ 198.019 320 277.472 388 368.472 388 c 0
+ 408.927 388 422.885 360.158 422.885 328.018 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khorakhangthai
+Encoding: 3590 3590 1962
+Width: 699
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 561.213 1 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 682.254 514 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+132.61 398.506 m 0
+ 132.61 451.016 181.62 537 260.143 537 c 0
+ 291.143 537 335.592 525 339.341 505 c 1
+ 346.892 517 389.931 536 419.931 536 c 0
+ 465.832 536 493.6 518.463 493.6 466.041 c 0
+ 493.6 364.109 421.674 308.974 404.463 228 c 1
+ 445.975 221 496.999 207 521.782 126 c 1
+ 607.018 527 l 1
+ 747.018 527 l 1
+ 635 0 l 1
+ 495 0 l 1
+ 488.454 68 491.096 151 392.772 173 c 1
+ 375.768 93 l 2
+ 357.488 7 264.812 -15 218.812 -15 c 0
+ 143.682 -15 127.192 25.1834 127.192 63.3269 c 0
+ 127.192 160.931 208.385 213.429 264.038 226 c 1
+ 284.129 320.525 411.086 384.131 411.086 478.996 c 0
+ 411.086 488.943 407.672 495 397.216 495 c 0
+ 372.216 495 352.052 466 346.312 439 c 1
+ 303.312 439 l 1
+ 304.59 445.009 305.201 450.567 305.201 455.671 c 0
+ 305.201 483.688 286.769 498 258.854 498 c 0
+ 244.854 498 243.747 497.5 231.578 492 c 1
+ 258.112 489.378 275.537 454.68 275.537 427.283 c 0
+ 275.537 394.456 238.81 328 183.719 328 c 0
+ 155.275 328 132.61 362.174 132.61 398.506 c 0
+200.521 360 m 0
+ 226.932 360 250.546 402.262 250.546 427.832 c 0
+ 250.546 446.374 243.344 470 223.901 470 c 0
+ 201.368 470 173.023 435.256 173.023 401.872 c 0
+ 173.023 382.218 180.602 360 200.521 360 c 0
+182.618 97 m 0
+ 180.64 87.6919 179.176 78.6847 179.176 71.145 c 0
+ 179.176 59.2444 182.822 51 193.841 51 c 0
+ 211.841 51 229.391 63 236.83 98 c 2
+ 252.772 173 l 1
+ 197.987 158.333 187.932 122 182.618 97 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ngonguthai
+Encoding: 3591 3591 1963
+Width: 447
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 315.213 1 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 427.254 514 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+305.66 403 m 0
+ 339.043 403 344.692 456.802 344.692 467.871 c 0
+ 344.692 483.306 338.733 493 324.79 493 c 0
+ 292.777 493 284.774 444.651 284.774 427.561 c 0
+ 284.774 412.154 290.684 403 305.66 403 c 0
+234.028 426.498 m 0
+ 234.028 490.999 287.034 534 361.505 534 c 0
+ 438.42 534 480.016 504.872 480.016 450.49 c 0
+ 480.016 441.945 478.989 432.777 476.911 423 c 2
+ 387 0 l 1
+ 247 0 l 1
+ 97.5449 346 l 1
+ 129.071 372 l 1
+ 272.294 119 l 1
+ 327.771 380 l 1
+ 315.434 369 301.158 363 287.158 363 c 0
+ 251.041 363 234.028 392.646 234.028 426.498 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chochanthai
+Encoding: 3592 3592 1964
+Width: 534
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 399.213 1 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel" 514.041 513 basechar 0
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+180.521 250.996 m 0
+ 180.521 300.108 221.405 361 282.732 361 c 0
+ 315.732 361 362.332 345 392.704 295 c 1
+ 402.481 341 l 2
+ 406.596 360.355 408.431 376.966 408.431 391.213 c 0
+ 408.431 463.818 360.748 475 323.965 475 c 0
+ 276.965 475 212.776 460 152.385 397 c 1
+ 120.424 416 l 1
+ 172.428 496 272.931 536 340.931 536 c 0
+ 454.441 536 549.435 483.247 549.435 389.44 c 0
+ 549.435 379.118 548.285 368.3 545.883 357 c 2
+ 470 0 l 1
+ 330 0 l 1
+ 345.145 71.2527 351.365 128.993 351.365 175.119 c 0
+ 351.365 239.912 339.092 281.786 322.042 306 c 1
+ 322.785 299.85 323.866 290.898 323.866 282.973 c 0
+ 323.866 244.051 281.48 186 234.535 186 c 0
+ 207.076 186 180.521 211.035 180.521 250.996 c 0
+245.038 226 m 0
+ 278.471 226 284.07 279.923 284.07 290.871 c 0
+ 284.07 306.306 278.111 316 264.168 316 c 0
+ 232.155 316 224.152 267.651 224.152 250.561 c 0
+ 224.152 235.154 230.062 226 245.038 226 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chochingthai
+Encoding: 3593 3593 1965
+Width: 692
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 471.213 1 basechar 0 {150-150 2} {}
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+583.903 56 m 0
+ 612.829 56 617.618 109.158 617.618 109.646 c 0
+ 617.618 126.637 606.652 159.127 575.709 168 c 1
+ 562.318 105 l 2
+ 560.778 97.7526 560.072 91.4057 560.072 85.897 c 0
+ 560.072 64.8024 570.423 56 583.903 56 c 0
+101.922 250.271 m 0
+ 101.922 294.555 124.951 363 231.158 363 c 0
+ 295.226 363 349.646 342.973 349.646 279.935 c 0
+ 349.646 271.147 348.588 261.522 346.352 251 c 2
+ 321.058 132 l 1
+ 364.961 188 412.062 212 448.038 226 c 1
+ 472.481 341 l 2
+ 476.596 360.355 478.431 376.966 478.431 391.213 c 0
+ 478.431 463.818 430.748 475 393.965 475 c 0
+ 346.965 475 282.776 460 222.385 397 c 1
+ 190.424 416 l 1
+ 242.428 496 342.931 536 410.931 536 c 0
+ 524.441 536 619.435 483.247 619.435 389.44 c 0
+ 619.435 379.118 618.285 368.3 615.883 357 c 2
+ 587.612 224 l 1
+ 635.836 211.73 671.807 177.955 671.807 131.424 c 0
+ 671.807 89.2327 630.272 -17 531.387 -17 c 0
+ 473.908 -17 415.069 3.16465 415.069 60.8794 c 0
+ 415.069 67.4278 415.827 74.4595 417.43 82 c 2
+ 435.71 168 l 1
+ 392.458 148 322.43 82 293 0 c 1
+ 153 0 l 1
+ 197.424 209 l 1
+ 185.086 198 170.811 192 156.811 192 c 0
+ 122.493 192 101.922 212.697 101.922 250.271 c 0
+176.313 232 m 0
+ 209.746 232 215.345 285.923 215.345 296.871 c 0
+ 215.345 312.306 209.387 322 195.443 322 c 0
+ 163.43 322 155.427 273.65 155.427 256.561 c 0
+ 155.427 241.154 161.338 232 176.313 232 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chochangthai
+Encoding: 3594 3594 1966
+Width: 578
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 436.213 1 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+194.646 370 m 0
+ 228.078 370 233.678 423.923 233.678 434.871 c 0
+ 233.678 450.306 227.72 460 213.776 460 c 0
+ 181.763 460 173.76 411.65 173.76 394.56 c 0
+ 173.76 379.154 179.67 370 194.646 370 c 0
+132.289 395.747 m 0
+ 132.289 457.352 200.861 538 286.355 538 c 0
+ 363.569 538 412.152 490 414.013 447 c 1
+ 438.563 459 475.602 478 490.056 546 c 2
+ 493.457 562 l 1
+ 633.457 562 l 1
+ 630.056 546 l 2
+ 611.351 458 497.187 429 436.636 417 c 1
+ 435.998 414 l 1
+ 465.05 412.16 578.115 399.314 578.115 313.146 c 0
+ 578.115 305.664 577.263 297.629 575.429 289 c 2
+ 530.792 79 l 2
+ 525.803 55.5254 484 0 434 0 c 2
+ 84 0 l 1
+ 92.9277 42 l 1
+ 145.928 42 l 1
+ 181.212 208 l 2
+ 198.854 291 292.216 288 326.226 448 c 0
+ 326.734 450.393 326.981 452.815 326.981 455.238 c 0
+ 326.981 477.115 306.875 499 278.065 499 c 0
+ 241.565 499 235.428 496 223.578 492 c 1
+ 257.145 492 275.464 466.648 275.464 434.856 c 0
+ 275.464 382.534 227.037 329 185.931 329 c 0
+ 151.51 329 132.289 360.716 132.289 395.747 c 0
+435.429 289 m 2
+ 438.348 302.733 439.614 314.474 439.614 324.552 c 0
+ 439.614 364.374 419.844 378.248 404.131 386.551 c 1
+ 383.173 319.978 340.061 291.972 322.637 210 c 2
+ 286.928 42 l 1
+ 345.928 42 l 2
+ 369.928 42 388.454 68 392.28 86 c 2
+ 435.429 289 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sosothai
+Encoding: 3595 3595 1967
+Width: 659
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+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" 493.213 1 basechar 0
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+132.079 393.972 m 0
+ 132.079 438.379 167.687 537 265.143 537 c 0
+ 294.143 537 330.592 525 341.341 505 c 1
+ 359.805 526 401.931 536 423.931 536 c 0
+ 470.044 536 498.49 518.3 498.49 465.31 c 0
+ 498.49 459.994 498.203 454.324 497.62 448.28 c 1
+ 522.114 460.382 557.105 480.367 571.056 546 c 2
+ 574.457 562 l 1
+ 714.457 562 l 1
+ 711.056 546 l 2
+ 692.351 458 578.187 429 517.636 417 c 1
+ 516.998 414 l 1
+ 546.05 412.16 659.115 399.314 659.115 313.146 c 0
+ 659.115 305.664 658.263 297.629 656.429 289 c 2
+ 611.792 79 l 2
+ 606.803 55.5254 565 0 515 0 c 2
+ 165 0 l 1
+ 173.928 42 l 1
+ 227.928 42 l 1
+ 258.323 185 l 2
+ 282.342 298 367.666 276 404.226 448 c 0
+ 406.642 459.369 408.047 469.384 408.047 477.349 c 0
+ 408.047 489.602 404.722 497 396.641 497 c 0
+ 385.641 497 353.708 478.5 345.312 439 c 1
+ 303.312 439 l 1
+ 304.571 444.919 305.16 450.4 305.16 455.441 c 0
+ 305.16 483.61 286.756 498 263.854 498 c 0
+ 243.354 498 236.981 496.25 223.578 492 c 1
+ 250.186 489.371 274.969 463.702 274.969 430.474 c 0
+ 274.969 387.119 232.327 329 185.931 329 c 0
+ 149.617 329 132.079 359.652 132.079 393.972 c 0
+194.646 370 m 0
+ 228.078 370 233.678 423.923 233.678 434.871 c 0
+ 233.678 450.306 227.72 460 213.776 460 c 0
+ 181.763 460 173.76 411.65 173.76 394.56 c 0
+ 173.76 379.154 179.67 370 194.646 370 c 0
+516.429 289 m 2
+ 519.348 302.733 520.614 314.474 520.614 324.552 c 0
+ 520.614 364.374 500.844 378.248 485.131 386.551 c 1
+ 465.047 322.757 417.603 275.702 398.535 186 c 2
+ 367.928 42 l 1
+ 426.928 42 l 2
+ 450.928 42 469.454 68 473.28 86 c 2
+ 516.429 289 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+ 467.181 162.753 415.557 135.338 415.557 76.7892 c 0
+ 415.557 59.6044 422.575 56 431.903 56 c 0
+ 448.903 56 466.879 70 474.318 105 c 2
+ 487.71 168 l 1
+336.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 336.338 62.7458 303.627 -16 201.599 -16 c 0
+ 149.202 -16 84.7353 18.6445 84.7353 71.6221 c 0
+ 84.7353 76.2769 85.233 81.0732 86.2803 86 c 2
+ 126.878 277 l 2
+ 137.931 329 187.883 357 255.283 373 c 1
+ 227.173 396 206.022 400 143.66 403 c 1
+ 190.752 474 343.505 534 428.505 534 c 0
+ 537.125 534 669.251 470.22 669.251 374.667 c 0
+ 669.251 367.296 668.464 359.735 666.82 352 c 2
+ 640.038 226 l 1
+ 670.062 212 702.961 188 723.058 132 c 1
+ 807.018 527 l 1
+ 947.018 527 l 1
+ 835 0 l 1
+ 695 0 l 1
+ 695.352 5.31426 695.521 10.5613 695.521 15.733 c 0
+ 695.521 90.3615 660.206 149.296 627.709 168 c 1
+ 609.43 82 l 2
+ 593.7 8 517.387 -17 453.387 -17 c 0
+ 389.959 -17 365.986 28.627 365.986 77.4009 c 0
+ 365.986 165.36 438.672 210.008 499.612 224 c 1
+ 524.057 339 l 2
+ 527.487 355.141 529.059 369.39 529.059 381.961 c 0
+ 529.059 458.959 470.118 473 418.539 473 c 0
+ 356.327 472 280.414 463 232.486 421 c 1
+ 281.062 419 329.811 399 340.583 365 c 1
+ 311.458 355 283.97 348 276.53 313 c 2
+ 242.309 152 l 1
+ 254.646 163 268.922 169 282.922 169 c 0
+ 311.66 169 336.338 135.632 336.338 99.2747 c 0
+247.652 36 m 0
+ 281.605 36 286.959 92.1359 286.959 102.417 c 0
+ 286.959 118.009 280.65 126 266.782 126 c 0
+ 234.769 126 226.766 77.6507 226.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 226.766 45.1543 232.676 36 247.652 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yoyingthai
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+209.02 -94 m 0
+ 172.168 -94 140.007 -112.222 140.007 -139.555 c 0
+ 140.007 -158.632 159.92 -170 196.865 -170 c 0
+ 235.865 -170 264.967 -146 287.769 -114 c 1
+ 263.02 -94 243.02 -94 209.02 -94 c 0
+59.2174 48.9649 m 0
+ 59.2174 113.11 106.193 169 151.922 169 c 0
+ 165.922 169 177.222 161 184.884 150 c 1
+ 211.878 277 l 2
+ 222.931 329 256.883 357 324.283 373 c 1
+ 296.173 396 247.022 400 184.66 403 c 1
+ 231.752 474 356.505 534 441.505 534 c 0
+ 547.815 534 646.92 472.904 646.92 380.72 c 0
+ 646.92 371.451 645.918 361.867 643.82 352 c 2
+ 520.962 -226 l 1
+ 380.962 -226 l 1
+ 368.039 -188 355.354 -163 325.518 -134 c 1
+ 293.358 -186.5 231.45 -219 186.45 -219 c 0
+ 112.669 -219 87.2608 -182.834 87.2608 -147.782 c 0
+ 87.2608 -100.993 141.182 -41 225.285 -41 c 0
+ 255.285 -41 284.647 -44 315.672 -58 c 1
+ 324.742 -36.5 327.792 -24.5 333 0 c 1
+ 377 0 l 1
+ 371.687 -25 364.979 -49.5 353.708 -79 c 1
+ 374.157 -91 386.895 -104 402.855 -123 c 1
+ 501.057 339 l 2
+ 505.645 360.585 507.753 378.788 507.753 394.119 c 0
+ 507.753 460.463 468.277 473 419.539 473 c 0
+ 357.327 472 321.414 463 273.486 421 c 1
+ 322.062 419 398.811 399 409.583 365 c 1
+ 380.458 355 366.97 348 359.53 313 c 2
+ 311.067 85 l 2
+ 298.102 24 225.387 -17 130.387 -17 c 0
+ 75.8976 -17 59.2174 14.1811 59.2174 48.9649 c 0
+131.589 31 m 0
+ 165.021 31 170.622 84.9233 170.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 170.622 111.306 164.663 121 150.72 121 c 0
+ 118.706 121 110.703 72.6496 110.703 55.56 c 0
+ 110.703 40.1537 116.613 31 131.589 31 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 125.953 -89 118.167 -117.272 118.167 -136.12 c 0
+ 118.167 -163.451 144.6 -169 165.078 -169 c 0
+ 202.078 -169 224.542 -148 244.344 -116 c 1
+ 225.595 -96 207.082 -89 178.082 -89 c 0
+59.6961 52.8849 m 0
+ 59.6961 112.467 106.323 169 151.922 169 c 0
+ 165.922 169 177.222 161 184.884 150 c 1
+ 211.878 277 l 2
+ 222.931 329 254.883 357 322.283 373 c 1
+ 294.173 396 253.022 400 190.66 403 c 1
+ 237.752 474 362.505 534 447.505 534 c 0
+ 553.651 534 650.967 473.093 650.967 381.146 c 0
+ 650.967 371.745 649.95 362.019 647.82 352 c 2
+ 524.962 -226 l 1
+ 384.962 -226 l 1
+ 363.093 -136 l 1
+ 310.962 -226 l 1
+ 266.962 -226 l 1
+ 272.573 -199.606 275.787 -181.648 275.787 -162.771 c 0
+ 275.787 -157.332 275.52 -151.816 274.967 -146 c 1
+ 234.063 -202 191.576 -209 156.576 -209 c 0
+ 98.9198 -209 68.6733 -184.562 68.6733 -143.334 c 0
+ 68.6733 -81.9337 121.956 -41 192.285 -41 c 0
+ 219.285 -41 248.947 -52 271.334 -69 c 1
+ 281.072 -42 286.536 -21 291 0 c 1
+ 333 0 l 1
+ 327.687 -25 319.672 -58 305.87 -90 c 1
+ 313.744 -100 321.469 -106 325.855 -123 c 1
+ 384.561 -35 l 1
+ 406.643 -124 l 1
+ 505.057 339 l 2
+ 509.772 361.185 511.942 379.798 511.942 395.39 c 0
+ 511.942 460.624 473.964 473 425.539 473 c 0
+ 363.327 472 327.414 463 279.486 421 c 1
+ 328.062 419 400.811 399 411.583 365 c 1
+ 382.458 355 366.97 348 359.53 313 c 2
+ 313.193 95 l 2
+ 299.377 30 240.387 -17 145.387 -17 c 0
+ 79.8459 -17 59.6961 16.5593 59.6961 52.8849 c 0
+131.589 31 m 0
+ 165.021 31 170.622 84.9233 170.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 170.622 111.306 164.663 121 150.72 121 c 0
+ 118.706 121 110.703 72.6496 110.703 55.56 c 0
+ 110.703 40.1537 116.613 31 131.589 31 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thothanthai
+Encoding: 3600 3600 1972
+Width: 484
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+118.079 393.972 m 0
+ 118.079 438.379 153.687 537 251.143 537 c 0
+ 280.143 537 316.592 525 327.341 505 c 1
+ 345.805 526 387.931 536 409.931 536 c 0
+ 454.918 536 480.081 519.154 480.081 469.131 c 0
+ 480.081 361.119 413.562 330.441 389.975 221 c 2
+ 374.671 149 l 1
+ 527.873 404 615.08 532 680.08 532 c 0
+ 721.169 532 763.095 509.659 763.095 464.978 c 0
+ 763.095 459.638 762.496 453.978 761.226 448 c 2
+ 666 0 l 1
+ 526 0 l 1
+ 596.144 330 l 2
+ 597.912 338.319 598.869 345.313 598.869 351.036 c 0
+ 598.869 364.577 593.511 371 580.858 371 c 0
+ 559.858 371 555.796 366 510.704 295 c 0
+ 487.347 258.223 352.424 46.734 342.346 0 c 1
+ 203 0 l 1
+ 249.55 219 l 2
+ 279.114 358.09 394.047 377.543 394.047 477.349 c 0
+ 394.047 489.602 390.722 497 382.641 497 c 0
+ 371.641 497 339.708 478.5 331.312 439 c 1
+ 289.312 439 l 1
+ 290.571 444.919 291.16 450.4 291.16 455.441 c 0
+ 291.16 483.61 272.756 498 249.854 498 c 0
+ 229.354 498 222.981 496.25 209.578 492 c 1
+ 236.186 489.371 260.969 463.702 260.969 430.474 c 0
+ 260.969 387.119 218.327 329 171.931 329 c 0
+ 135.617 329 118.079 359.652 118.079 393.972 c 0
+180.646 370 m 0
+ 214.078 370 219.678 423.923 219.678 434.871 c 0
+ 219.678 450.306 213.72 460 199.776 460 c 0
+ 167.763 460 159.76 411.65 159.76 394.56 c 0
+ 159.76 379.154 165.67 370 180.646 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thophuthaothai
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+ 265.621 365.127 328.024 398 360.598 398 c 0
+ 406.456 398 425.024 361.219 425.024 328.692 c 0
+ 425.024 322.917 424.439 317.277 423.317 312 c 0
+ 396.11 184 298.961 188 259 0 c 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 422.54 225.306 534 291.505 534 c 0
+ 325.505 534 381.293 533 383.027 480 c 1
+ 407.293 533 484.505 534 525.505 534 c 0
+ 622.685 534 653.121 488.463 653.121 424.085 c 0
+ 653.121 403.668 650.06 381.356 645.096 358 c 2
+ 617.038 226 l 1
+ 647.062 212 679.961 188 700.058 132 c 1
+ 784.018 527 l 1
+ 924.018 527 l 1
+ 812 0 l 1
+ 672 0 l 1
+ 672.352 5.31426 672.521 10.5613 672.521 15.733 c 0
+ 672.521 90.3615 637.206 149.296 604.709 168 c 1
+ 586.43 82 l 2
+ 570.7 8 494.387 -17 430.387 -17 c 0
+ 366.959 -17 342.986 28.627 342.986 77.4009 c 0
+ 342.986 165.36 415.672 210.008 476.612 224 c 1
+ 499.356 331 l 2
+ 505.411 359.484 510.26 396.081 510.26 426.669 c 0
+ 510.26 460.513 504.323 487 487.515 487 c 0
+ 460.515 487 412.956 479.667 403.675 436 c 1
+ 339.675 436 l 1
+ 340.735 440.99 341.225 445.452 341.225 449.441 c 0
+ 341.225 481.289 309.994 483 288.665 483 c 0
+ 249.494 483 212.583 366.068 212.583 292.198 c 0
+ 212.583 246.867 225.083 219.477 225.083 160.429 c 0
+ 225.083 150.026 224.695 138.64 223.782 126 c 1
+ 271.85 211 329.487 214 351.163 236 c 1
+ 343.101 231 332.888 230 320.888 230 c 0
+ 276.849 230 265.621 260.168 265.621 289.663 c 0
+333.965 268 m 0
+ 367.397 268 372.998 321.923 372.998 332.871 c 0
+ 372.998 348.306 367.039 358 353.096 358 c 0
+ 321.082 358 313.079 309.65 313.079 292.56 c 0
+ 313.079 277.154 318.989 268 333.965 268 c 0
+464.71 168 m 1
+ 444.181 162.753 392.557 135.338 392.557 76.7892 c 0
+ 392.557 59.6044 399.575 56 408.903 56 c 0
+ 425.903 56 443.879 70 451.318 105 c 2
+ 464.71 168 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nonenthai
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+ 844.829 56 849.618 109.158 849.618 109.646 c 0
+ 849.618 126.637 838.652 159.127 807.709 168 c 1
+ 794.318 105 l 2
+ 792.778 97.7526 792.072 91.4057 792.072 85.897 c 0
+ 792.072 64.8024 802.423 56 815.903 56 c 0
+348.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 348.338 62.5458 315.227 -16 211.599 -16 c 0
+ 159.435 -16 98.6576 18.3375 98.6576 70.9174 c 0
+ 98.6576 75.7924 99.1801 80.8242 100.28 86 c 2
+ 140.878 277 l 2
+ 151.931 329 187.883 357 255.283 373 c 1
+ 227.173 396 206.022 400 143.66 403 c 1
+ 190.752 474 315.505 534 400.505 534 c 0
+ 506.651 534 603.967 473.093 603.967 381.146 c 0
+ 603.967 371.745 602.95 362.019 600.82 352 c 2
+ 554.058 132 l 1
+ 597.961 188 645.062 212 681.038 226 c 1
+ 745.018 527 l 1
+ 885.018 527 l 1
+ 820.612 224 l 1
+ 868.836 211.73 904.807 177.955 904.807 131.424 c 0
+ 904.807 89.2327 863.272 -17 764.387 -17 c 0
+ 706.908 -17 648.069 3.16465 648.069 60.8794 c 0
+ 648.069 67.4278 648.827 74.4595 650.43 82 c 2
+ 668.709 168 l 1
+ 625.458 148 555.43 82 526 0 c 1
+ 386 0 l 1
+ 458.057 339 l 2
+ 462.772 361.185 464.942 379.798 464.942 395.39 c 0
+ 464.942 460.624 426.964 473 378.539 473 c 0
+ 316.327 472 280.414 463 232.486 421 c 1
+ 281.062 419 329.811 399 340.583 365 c 1
+ 311.458 355 295.97 348 288.53 313 c 2
+ 254.309 152 l 1
+ 266.646 163 280.922 169 294.922 169 c 0
+ 323.66 169 348.338 135.632 348.338 99.2747 c 0
+258.652 36 m 0
+ 292.085 36 297.684 89.9232 297.684 100.871 c 0
+ 297.684 116.306 291.725 126 277.782 126 c 0
+ 245.769 126 237.766 77.6507 237.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 237.766 45.1543 243.676 36 258.652 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dodekthai
+Encoding: 3604 3604 1976
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+ 360.648 288 366.249 341.923 366.249 352.871 c 0
+ 366.249 368.306 360.29 378 346.347 378 c 0
+ 314.333 378 306.33 329.65 306.33 312.56 c 0
+ 306.33 297.154 312.24 288 327.216 288 c 0
+258.872 309.663 m 0
+ 258.872 385.127 321.275 418 353.849 418 c 0
+ 399.707 418 418.275 381.219 418.275 348.692 c 0
+ 418.275 342.917 417.69 337.277 416.568 332 c 0
+ 377.458 148 292.159 156 259 0 c 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 479.555 289.692 534 402.505 534 c 0
+ 522.881 534 599.979 468.002 599.979 363.284 c 0
+ 599.979 347.082 598.134 329.954 594.317 312 c 2
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 448.578 285 l 2
+ 457.176 325.447 462.915 362.925 462.915 394.519 c 0
+ 462.915 452.755 443.415 491 386.365 491 c 0
+ 302.761 491 203.968 435.512 203.968 303.118 c 0
+ 203.968 249.075 224.814 222.185 224.814 153.484 c 0
+ 224.814 145.003 224.496 135.885 223.782 126 c 1
+ 272.261 211.276 325.825 225 344.414 256 c 1
+ 336.155 251.25 326.514 250 314.139 250 c 0
+ 270.1 250 258.872 280.168 258.872 309.663 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+322.965 268 m 0
+ 356.397 268 361.998 321.923 361.998 332.871 c 0
+ 361.998 348.306 356.039 358 342.096 358 c 0
+ 310.082 358 302.079 309.65 302.079 292.56 c 0
+ 302.079 277.154 307.989 268 322.965 268 c 0
+254.621 289.663 m 0
+ 254.621 365.127 317.024 398 349.598 398 c 0
+ 395.456 398 414.024 361.219 414.024 328.692 c 0
+ 414.024 322.917 413.439 317.277 412.317 312 c 0
+ 373.207 128 292.159 156 259 0 c 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 422.54 225.306 534 291.505 534 c 0
+ 325.505 534 381.293 533 383.027 480 c 1
+ 407.293 533 471.505 534 512.505 534 c 0
+ 586.273 534 612.408 490.137 612.408 427.648 c 0
+ 612.408 406.274 609.35 382.722 604.096 358 c 2
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 458.356 331 l 2
+ 472.894 399.396 479.379 438.95 479.379 461.107 c 0
+ 479.379 481.225 474.033 487 464.515 487 c 0
+ 450.015 487 412.956 479.667 403.675 436 c 1
+ 339.675 436 l 1
+ 340.735 440.99 341.225 445.452 341.225 449.441 c 0
+ 341.225 481.289 309.994 483 288.665 483 c 0
+ 249.494 483 212.583 366.068 212.583 292.198 c 0
+ 212.583 246.867 225.083 219.477 225.083 160.429 c 0
+ 225.083 150.026 224.695 138.64 223.782 126 c 1
+ 271.85 211 321.574 205 340.163 236 c 1
+ 332.101 231 321.888 230 309.888 230 c 0
+ 265.849 230 254.621 260.168 254.621 289.663 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thothungthai
+Encoding: 3606 3606 1978
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+246.652 36 m 0
+ 280.085 36 285.684 89.9232 285.684 100.871 c 0
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+ 233.769 126 225.766 77.6507 225.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 225.766 45.1543 231.676 36 246.652 36 c 0
+336.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 336.338 62.5458 303.227 -16 199.599 -16 c 0
+ 147.435 -16 86.6576 18.3375 86.6576 70.9174 c 0
+ 86.6576 75.7924 87.1801 80.8242 88.2803 86 c 2
+ 128.878 277 l 2
+ 139.931 329 175.883 357 243.283 373 c 1
+ 215.173 396 194.022 400 131.66 403 c 1
+ 178.752 474 303.505 534 388.505 534 c 0
+ 494.651 534 591.967 473.093 591.967 381.146 c 0
+ 591.967 371.745 590.95 362.019 588.82 352 c 2
+ 514 0 l 1
+ 374 0 l 1
+ 446.057 339 l 2
+ 450.772 361.185 452.942 379.798 452.942 395.39 c 0
+ 452.942 460.624 414.964 473 366.539 473 c 0
+ 304.327 472 268.414 463 220.486 421 c 1
+ 269.062 419 317.811 399 328.583 365 c 1
+ 299.458 355 283.97 348 276.53 313 c 2
+ 242.309 152 l 1
+ 254.646 163 268.922 169 282.922 169 c 0
+ 311.66 169 336.338 135.632 336.338 99.2747 c 0
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+ 321.573 534 375.993 513.973 375.993 450.934 c 0
+ 375.993 442.146 374.936 432.522 372.699 422 c 2
+ 314.671 149 l 1
+ 467.873 404 556.08 532 621.08 532 c 0
+ 662.084 532 703.128 509.751 703.128 465.254 c 0
+ 703.128 459.833 702.518 454.082 701.226 448 c 2
+ 606 0 l 1
+ 466 0 l 1
+ 536.144 330 l 2
+ 538.03 338.875 539.094 346.242 539.094 352.167 c 0
+ 539.094 364.935 534.153 371 521.858 371 c 0
+ 500.858 371 496.796 366 451.704 295 c 0
+ 410.784 230.568 292.562 43.3574 283.346 0 c 1
+ 143 0 l 1
+ 223.771 380 l 1
+ 211.434 369 197.158 363 183.158 363 c 0
+ 148.84 363 128.268 383.697 128.268 421.272 c 0
+203.66 403 m 0
+ 237.043 403 242.692 456.802 242.692 467.871 c 0
+ 242.692 483.306 236.733 493 222.79 493 c 0
+ 190.777 493 182.774 444.651 182.774 427.561 c 0
+ 182.774 412.154 188.684 403 203.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 488.841 51 443 0 410 0 c 2
+ 54 0 l 1
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+ 109.777 46 l 1
+ 174.183 349 l 1
+ 159.183 349 144.722 346.835 125.419 336 c 1
+ 146.024 432.735 255.073 534 335.505 534 c 0
+ 388.505 534 438.191 509 472.767 507 c 0
+ 500.767 507 510.329 512 528.568 539 c 1
+ 578.568 539 l 1
+ 562.129 504 516.549 426 436.549 426 c 0
+ 389.549 426 350.375 444 301.375 444 c 0
+ 271.541 444 233.55 437.517 200.87 391.567 c 1
+ 245.177 399.195 306.117 403.132 364.688 403.132 c 0
+ 457.616 403.132 540.376 374.822 540.376 303.979 c 0
+ 540.376 297.062 539.587 289.741 537.941 282 c 2
+ 497.768 93 l 2
+369.256 100 m 2
+ 404.54 266 l 2
+ 407.214 278.578 408.504 289.47 408.504 298.891 c 0
+ 408.504 347.592 374.023 357 317.883 357 c 1
+ 251.777 46 l 1
+ 320.777 46 l 2
+ 344.777 46 365.43 82 369.256 100 c 2
+Validated: 3073
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+ 600.829 56 605.618 109.158 605.618 109.646 c 0
+ 605.618 126.637 594.652 159.127 563.709 168 c 1
+ 550.318 105 l 2
+ 548.778 97.7526 548.072 91.4057 548.072 85.897 c 0
+ 548.072 64.8024 558.423 56 571.903 56 c 0
+129.028 426.498 m 0
+ 129.028 490.999 182.034 534 256.505 534 c 0
+ 333.42 534 375.016 504.872 375.016 450.49 c 0
+ 375.016 441.945 373.989 432.777 371.911 423 c 2
+ 310.058 132 l 1
+ 353.961 188 401.062 212 437.038 226 c 1
+ 501.018 527 l 1
+ 641.018 527 l 1
+ 576.612 224 l 1
+ 624.836 211.73 660.807 177.955 660.807 131.424 c 0
+ 660.807 89.2327 619.272 -17 520.387 -17 c 0
+ 462.908 -17 404.069 3.16465 404.069 60.8794 c 0
+ 404.069 67.4278 404.827 74.4595 406.43 82 c 2
+ 424.71 168 l 1
+ 381.458 148 311.43 82 282 0 c 1
+ 142 0 l 1
+ 222.771 380 l 1
+ 210.434 369 196.158 363 182.158 363 c 0
+ 146.041 363 129.028 392.646 129.028 426.498 c 0
+200.66 403 m 0
+ 234.043 403 239.692 456.802 239.692 467.871 c 0
+ 239.692 483.306 233.733 493 219.79 493 c 0
+ 187.777 493 179.774 444.651 179.774 427.561 c 0
+ 179.774 412.154 185.684 403 200.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bobaimaithai
+Encoding: 3610 3610 1982
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+ 246.043 403 251.692 456.802 251.692 467.871 c 0
+ 251.692 483.306 245.733 493 231.79 493 c 0
+ 199.777 493 191.774 444.651 191.774 427.561 c 0
+ 191.774 412.154 197.684 403 212.66 403 c 0
+138.268 421.272 m 0
+ 138.268 465.555 161.297 534 267.505 534 c 0
+ 331.573 534 385.993 513.973 385.993 450.934 c 0
+ 385.993 442.146 384.936 432.522 382.699 422 c 2
+ 301.928 42 l 1
+ 363.928 42 l 2
+ 403.928 42 437.193 95 441.019 113 c 2
+ 529.018 527 l 1
+ 669.018 527 l 1
+ 576.768 93 l 2
+ 567.841 51 522 0 489 0 c 2
+ 102 0 l 1
+ 110.928 42 l 1
+ 161.928 42 l 1
+ 233.771 380 l 1
+ 221.434 369 207.158 363 193.158 363 c 0
+ 158.84 363 138.268 383.697 138.268 421.272 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: poplathai
+Encoding: 3611 3611 1983
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+212.66 403 m 0
+ 246.043 403 251.692 456.802 251.692 467.871 c 0
+ 251.692 483.306 245.733 493 231.79 493 c 0
+ 199.777 493 191.774 444.651 191.774 427.561 c 0
+ 191.774 412.154 197.684 403 212.66 403 c 0
+138.268 421.272 m 0
+ 138.268 466.363 163.116 534 262.505 534 c 0
+ 326.304 534 385.764 513.586 385.764 449.102 c 0
+ 385.764 440.813 384.781 431.796 382.699 422 c 2
+ 301.928 42 l 1
+ 359.928 42 l 2
+ 396.928 42 429.579 78 437.656 116 c 2
+ 571.779 747 l 1
+ 710.779 747 l 1
+ 572.405 96 l 2
+ 562.203 48 530 0 485 0 c 2
+ 102 0 l 1
+ 110.928 42 l 1
+ 161.928 42 l 1
+ 233.771 380 l 1
+ 221.434 369 207.158 363 193.158 363 c 0
+ 158.84 363 138.268 383.697 138.268 421.272 c 0
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+Encoding: 3612 3612 1984
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+ 357.549 473.305 352.048 482 337.452 482 c 0
+ 305.435 482 297.556 433.995 297.556 417.961 c 0
+ 297.556 403.082 303.067 392 318.322 392 c 0
+409.34 467.501 m 0
+ 409.34 390.969 346.127 349 317.183 349 c 0
+ 303.183 349 291.458 355 283.796 366 c 1
+ 225.343 91 l 1
+ 369.642 290 l 1
+ 436.343 91 l 1
+ 529.018 527 l 1
+ 669.018 527 l 1
+ 557 0 l 1
+ 417 0 l 1
+ 349.023 193 l 1
+ 214 0 l 1
+ 64 0 l 1
+ 155.824 432 l 2
+ 168.79 493 257.505 534 314.505 534 c 0
+ 384.793 534 409.34 509.197 409.34 467.501 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fofathai
+Encoding: 3613 3613 1985
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+ 353.549 473.305 348.048 482 333.452 482 c 0
+ 301.435 482 293.556 433.995 293.556 417.961 c 0
+ 293.556 403.082 299.067 392 314.322 392 c 0
+405.34 467.501 m 0
+ 405.34 390.969 342.127 349 313.183 349 c 0
+ 299.183 349 287.458 355 279.796 366 c 1
+ 221.343 91 l 1
+ 365.642 290 l 1
+ 432.343 91 l 1
+ 571.779 747 l 1
+ 711.779 747 l 1
+ 553 0 l 1
+ 413 0 l 1
+ 345.023 193 l 1
+ 210 0 l 1
+ 64 0 l 1
+ 155.824 432 l 2
+ 168.79 493 253.505 534 310.505 534 c 0
+ 380.793 534 405.34 509.197 405.34 467.501 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: phophanthai
+Encoding: 3614 3614 1986
+Width: 708
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+137.028 426.498 m 0
+ 137.028 490.999 190.034 534 264.505 534 c 0
+ 341.785 534 384.919 504.595 384.919 449.713 c 0
+ 384.919 441.39 383.927 432.481 381.911 423 c 2
+ 323.396 143 l 1
+ 507.442 529 l 1
+ 534.396 143 l 1
+ 616.018 527 l 1
+ 756.018 527 l 1
+ 644 0 l 1
+ 504 0 l 1
+ 476.196 382 l 1
+ 290 0 l 1
+ 150 0 l 1
+ 230.771 380 l 1
+ 218.434 369 204.158 363 190.158 363 c 0
+ 154.041 363 137.028 392.646 137.028 426.498 c 0
+208.66 403 m 0
+ 242.043 403 247.692 456.802 247.692 467.871 c 0
+ 247.692 483.306 241.733 493 227.79 493 c 0
+ 195.777 493 187.774 444.651 187.774 427.561 c 0
+ 187.774 412.154 193.684 403 208.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fofanthai
+Encoding: 3615 3615 1987
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+ 139.028 490.999 192.034 534 266.505 534 c 0
+ 343.42 534 385.016 504.872 385.016 450.49 c 0
+ 385.016 441.945 383.989 432.777 381.911 423 c 2
+ 322.396 143 l 1
+ 507.442 529 l 1
+ 534.396 143 l 1
+ 662.779 747 l 1
+ 802.779 747 l 1
+ 644 0 l 1
+ 504 0 l 1
+ 476.196 382 l 1
+ 293 0 l 1
+ 152 0 l 1
+ 232.771 380 l 1
+ 220.434 369 206.158 363 192.158 363 c 0
+ 156.041 363 139.028 392.646 139.028 426.498 c 0
+210.66 403 m 0
+ 244.043 403 249.692 456.802 249.692 467.871 c 0
+ 249.692 483.306 243.733 493 229.79 493 c 0
+ 197.777 493 189.774 444.651 189.774 427.561 c 0
+ 189.774 412.154 195.684 403 210.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: phosamphaothai
+Encoding: 3616 3616 1988
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+ 165.021 31 170.622 84.9233 170.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 170.622 111.306 164.663 121 150.72 121 c 0
+ 118.706 121 110.703 72.6496 110.703 55.56 c 0
+ 110.703 40.1537 116.613 31 131.589 31 c 0
+59.6961 52.8849 m 0
+ 59.6961 112.467 106.323 169 151.922 169 c 0
+ 165.922 169 177.222 161 184.884 150 c 1
+ 211.878 277 l 2
+ 222.931 329 254.883 357 322.283 373 c 1
+ 294.173 396 253.022 400 190.66 403 c 1
+ 237.752 474 362.505 534 447.505 534 c 0
+ 553.651 534 650.967 473.093 650.967 381.146 c 0
+ 650.967 371.745 649.95 362.019 647.82 352 c 2
+ 573 0 l 1
+ 433 0 l 1
+ 505.057 339 l 2
+ 509.772 361.185 511.942 379.798 511.942 395.39 c 0
+ 511.942 460.624 473.964 473 425.539 473 c 0
+ 363.327 472 327.414 463 279.486 421 c 1
+ 328.062 419 400.811 399 411.583 365 c 1
+ 382.458 355 366.97 348 359.53 313 c 2
+ 313.193 95 l 2
+ 299.377 30 240.387 -17 145.387 -17 c 0
+ 79.8459 -17 59.6961 16.5593 59.6961 52.8849 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: momathai
+Encoding: 3617 3617 1989
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+129.028 426.498 m 0
+ 129.028 490.999 182.034 534 256.505 534 c 0
+ 333.42 534 375.016 504.872 375.016 450.49 c 0
+ 375.016 441.945 373.989 432.777 371.911 423 c 2
+ 330.038 226 l 1
+ 360.062 212 392.961 188 413.058 132 c 1
+ 497.018 527 l 1
+ 637.018 527 l 1
+ 525 0 l 1
+ 385 0 l 1
+ 385.352 5.31426 385.521 10.5613 385.521 15.733 c 0
+ 385.521 90.3615 350.206 149.296 317.71 168 c 1
+ 299.43 82 l 2
+ 283.7 8 207.387 -17 143.387 -17 c 0
+ 79.9587 -17 55.9855 28.627 55.9855 77.4009 c 0
+ 55.9855 165.36 128.672 210.008 189.612 224 c 1
+ 222.771 380 l 1
+ 210.434 369 196.158 363 182.158 363 c 0
+ 146.041 363 129.028 392.646 129.028 426.498 c 0
+177.71 168 m 1
+ 157.181 162.753 105.557 135.337 105.557 76.7892 c 0
+ 105.557 59.6044 112.575 56 121.903 56 c 0
+ 138.903 56 156.879 70 164.318 105 c 2
+ 177.71 168 l 1
+200.66 403 m 0
+ 234.043 403 239.692 456.802 239.692 467.871 c 0
+ 239.692 483.306 233.733 493 219.79 493 c 0
+ 187.777 493 179.774 444.651 179.774 427.561 c 0
+ 179.774 412.154 185.684 403 200.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yoyakthai
+Encoding: 3618 3618 1990
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+ 357.567 473.306 351.608 483 337.665 483 c 0
+ 305.652 483 297.649 434.65 297.649 417.561 c 0
+ 297.649 402.154 303.559 393 318.535 393 c 0
+407.766 469.502 m 0
+ 407.766 392.97 344.552 351 315.607 351 c 0
+ 301.607 351 292.032 353 280.732 361 c 1
+ 279.163 353.617 278.141 346.287 278.141 338.987 c 0
+ 278.141 319.588 285.36 300.4 308.729 281 c 1
+ 264.989 254 252.463 228 238.009 160 c 2
+ 229.932 122 l 2
+ 227.451 110.328 226.088 99.4122 226.088 89.5007 c 0
+ 226.088 55.2543 242.36 33 285.015 33 c 0
+ 341.015 33 362.879 70 373.932 122 c 2
+ 460.018 527 l 1
+ 600.018 527 l 1
+ 510.743 107 l 2
+ 497.14 43 411.599 -16 276.599 -16 c 0
+ 154.474 -16 85.0805 33.7449 85.0805 91.43 c 0
+ 85.0805 96.5669 85.6308 101.767 86.7432 107 c 2
+ 97.584 158 l 2
+ 112.888 230 169.173 253.288 227.304 279 c 1
+ 179.548 285.077 139.58 301.444 139.58 346.408 c 0
+ 139.58 352.414 140.293 358.93 141.796 366 c 2
+ 156.25 434 l 2
+ 169.216 495 255.931 536 312.931 536 c 0
+ 383.218 536 407.766 511.197 407.766 469.502 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: roruathai
+Encoding: 3619 3619 1991
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+ 174.696 112.467 221.323 169 266.922 169 c 0
+ 280.922 169 292.222 161 299.884 150 c 1
+ 324.115 264 l 2
+ 325.782 271.842 326.568 278.897 326.568 285.242 c 0
+ 326.568 340.391 267.194 342 210.694 342 c 0
+ 170.694 342 119.994 334 101.931 329 c 1
+ 125.337 425 225.805 526 307.805 526 c 0
+ 360.805 526 407.94 489 442.515 487 c 0
+ 470.515 487 475.152 490 500.867 531 c 1
+ 550.867 531 l 1
+ 534.428 496 486.298 406 406.298 406 c 0
+ 359.298 406 322.675 436 273.675 436 c 0
+ 242.675 436 207.187 429 173.347 378 c 1
+ 212.047 386 238.472 388 271.472 388 c 0
+ 396.782 388 464.367 346.34 464.367 277.362 c 0
+ 464.367 269.275 463.438 260.814 461.564 252 c 2
+ 426.492 87 l 2
+ 419.191 52.6504 374.6 -17 260.387 -17 c 0
+ 194.846 -17 174.696 16.5593 174.696 52.8849 c 0
+250.589 31 m 0
+ 284.021 31 289.622 84.9233 289.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 289.622 111.306 283.663 121 269.72 121 c 0
+ 237.706 121 229.703 72.6496 229.703 55.56 c 0
+ 229.703 40.1537 235.613 31 250.589 31 c 0
+  Spiro
+    287.367 77 o
+    289.472 99.9434 o
+    283.957 115.381 o
+    269.719 121 o
+    251.804 114.716 o
+    239.547 98.6101 o
+    232.367 77 o
+    229.778 52.6501 o
+    235.219 36.6926 o
+    250.589 31 o
+    268.12 36.6926 o
+    279.863 52.6501 o
+    0 0 z
+  EndSpiro
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ruthai
+Encoding: 3620 3620 1992
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+258.652 36 m 0
+ 292.085 36 297.684 89.9232 297.684 100.871 c 0
+ 297.684 116.306 291.725 126 277.782 126 c 0
+ 245.769 126 237.766 77.6507 237.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 237.766 45.1543 243.676 36 258.652 36 c 0
+348.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 348.338 62.7458 315.627 -16 213.599 -16 c 0
+ 161.435 -16 100.658 18.3375 100.658 70.9174 c 0
+ 100.658 75.7924 101.18 80.8242 102.28 86 c 2
+ 142.878 277 l 2
+ 153.931 329 187.883 357 255.283 373 c 1
+ 227.173 396 206.022 400 143.66 403 c 1
+ 190.752 474 315.505 534 400.505 534 c 0
+ 506.651 534 603.967 473.093 603.967 381.146 c 0
+ 603.967 371.745 602.95 362.019 600.82 352 c 2
+ 478.388 -224 l 1
+ 338.388 -224 l 1
+ 458.057 339 l 2
+ 462.772 361.185 464.942 379.798 464.942 395.39 c 0
+ 464.942 460.624 426.964 473 378.539 473 c 0
+ 316.327 472 280.414 463 232.486 421 c 1
+ 281.062 419 329.811 399 340.583 365 c 1
+ 311.458 355 295.97 348 288.53 313 c 2
+ 254.309 152 l 1
+ 266.646 163 280.922 169 294.922 169 c 0
+ 323.66 169 348.338 135.632 348.338 99.2747 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lolingthai
+Encoding: 3621 3621 1993
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+ 330.338 62.7458 297.627 -16 195.599 -16 c 0
+ 143.316 -16 80.6974 18.4945 80.6974 71.2778 c 0
+ 80.6974 76.0403 81.2071 80.9517 82.2803 86 c 2
+ 106.299 199 l 2
+ 128.83 305 247.583 365 310.583 365 c 0
+ 380.583 365 412.719 328 423.878 277 c 1
+ 437.481 341 l 2
+ 441.596 360.355 443.431 376.966 443.431 391.213 c 0
+ 443.431 463.818 395.748 475 358.965 475 c 0
+ 311.965 475 247.776 460 187.385 397 c 1
+ 155.424 416 l 1
+ 207.428 496 307.931 536 375.931 536 c 0
+ 489.441 536 584.435 483.247 584.435 389.44 c 0
+ 584.435 379.118 583.285 368.3 580.883 357 c 2
+ 505 0 l 1
+ 365 0 l 1
+ 406.236 194 l 1
+ 393.24 274 364.105 311 314.105 311 c 0
+ 285.105 311 261.391 270 253.951 235 c 2
+ 236.309 152 l 1
+ 248.646 163 262.922 169 276.922 169 c 0
+ 305.66 169 330.338 135.632 330.338 99.2747 c 0
+240.652 36 m 0
+ 274.085 36 279.684 89.9232 279.684 100.871 c 0
+ 279.684 116.306 273.725 126 259.782 126 c 0
+ 227.769 126 219.766 77.6507 219.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 219.766 45.1543 225.676 36 240.652 36 c 0
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+ 165.021 31 170.622 84.9233 170.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 170.622 111.306 164.663 121 150.72 121 c 0
+ 118.706 121 110.703 72.6496 110.703 55.56 c 0
+ 110.703 40.1537 116.613 31 131.589 31 c 0
+59.428 51.3754 m 0
+ 59.428 103.05 98.9986 169 151.922 169 c 0
+ 165.922 169 173.164 167 183.009 160 c 1
+ 207.878 277 l 2
+ 218.931 329 254.883 357 322.283 373 c 1
+ 294.173 396 253.022 400 190.66 403 c 1
+ 237.752 474 362.505 534 447.505 534 c 0
+ 553.651 534 650.967 473.093 650.967 381.146 c 0
+ 650.967 371.745 649.95 362.019 647.82 352 c 2
+ 524.962 -226 l 1
+ 384.962 -226 l 1
+ 505.057 339 l 2
+ 509.772 361.185 511.942 379.798 511.942 395.39 c 0
+ 511.942 460.624 473.964 473 425.539 473 c 0
+ 363.327 472 327.414 463 279.486 421 c 1
+ 328.062 419 396.811 399 407.583 365 c 1
+ 378.458 355 362.97 348 355.53 313 c 2
+ 310.043 99 l 2
+ 297.077 38 241.387 -17 156.387 -17 c 0
+ 79.6363 -17 59.428 15.6351 59.428 51.3754 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3623 3623 1995
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+ 338.021 31 343.622 84.9233 343.622 95.8707 c 0
+ 343.622 111.306 337.663 121 323.72 121 c 0
+ 291.706 121 283.703 72.6496 283.703 55.56 c 0
+ 283.703 40.1537 289.613 31 304.589 31 c 0
+228.696 52.8849 m 0
+ 228.696 112.467 275.323 169 320.922 169 c 0
+ 334.922 169 346.222 161 353.884 150 c 1
+ 394.481 341 l 2
+ 398.596 360.355 400.431 376.966 400.431 391.213 c 0
+ 400.431 463.818 352.748 475 315.965 475 c 0
+ 268.965 475 204.776 460 144.385 397 c 1
+ 112.424 416 l 1
+ 164.428 496 264.931 536 332.931 536 c 0
+ 446.441 536 541.435 483.247 541.435 389.44 c 0
+ 541.435 379.118 540.285 368.3 537.883 357 c 2
+ 480.492 87 l 2
+ 473.191 52.6504 428.6 -17 314.387 -17 c 0
+ 248.846 -17 228.696 16.5593 228.696 52.8849 c 0
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+ 373.635 255 379.234 308.923 379.234 319.871 c 0
+ 379.234 335.306 373.275 345 359.332 345 c 0
+ 327.319 345 319.316 296.651 319.316 279.561 c 0
+ 319.316 264.154 325.226 255 340.202 255 c 0
+422.886 328.024 m 0
+ 422.886 294.462 404.248 215 329.699 215 c 0
+ 318.699 215 315.466 216.25 305.975 221 c 1
+ 259 0 l 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 128.132 42.9647 131.028 78.9242 131.028 111.136 c 0
+ 131.028 166.953 122.334 211.517 122.334 261.776 c 0
+ 122.334 479.555 289.692 534 402.505 534 c 0
+ 453.592 534 496.884 522.113 529.797 500.425 c 1
+ 536.728 516.782 543.559 534.25 548.182 556 c 1
+ 659.182 556 l 1
+ 643.493 508.923 618.626 464 586.362 433.417 c 1
+ 595.27 412.678 599.98 389.163 599.98 363.284 c 0
+ 599.98 347.082 598.134 329.954 594.317 312 c 2
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 448.578 285 l 2
+ 453.471 308.015 457.438 330.068 459.947 350.624 c 1
+ 445.95 343.247 433.416 337.994 422.704 334.253 c 1
+ 422.826 332.199 422.886 330.121 422.886 328.024 c 0
+412.476 367.837 m 1
+ 432.309 380.719 448.34 393.439 462.604 406.824 c 1
+ 459.9 458.083 439.292 491 386.365 491 c 0
+ 282.365 491 207.998 414 196.732 361 c 0
+ 184.404 303 182.917 296 181.014 240 c 1
+ 202.743 314 277.472 388 368.472 388 c 0
+ 390.034 388 404.068 380.091 412.476 367.837 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+ 128.268 465.555 151.297 534 257.505 534 c 0
+ 321.573 534 375.993 513.973 375.993 450.934 c 0
+ 375.993 442.146 374.936 432.522 372.699 422 c 2
+ 291.928 42 l 1
+ 427.928 42 l 2
+ 467.928 42 501.193 95 505.019 113 c 2
+ 521.85 192.182 l 1
+ 413.679 198.643 356.927 221.27 356.927 283.349 c 0
+ 356.927 343.105 404.096 418 474.849 418 c 0
+ 510.947 418 537.984 375.364 537.984 337.186 c 0
+ 537.984 292.305 493.859 245 465.076 245 c 1
+ 470.72 242.483 499.696 240.385 531.77 238.85 c 1
+ 593.018 527 l 1
+ 733.018 527 l 1
+ 675.716 257.418 l 1
+ 713.586 291.279 738.184 358.418 748.723 408 c 1
+ 852.723 408 l 1
+ 830.64 308.122 761.481 219.904 662.709 196.223 c 1
+ 640.768 93 l 2
+ 631.841 51 586 0 553 0 c 2
+ 92 0 l 1
+ 100.928 42 l 1
+ 151.928 42 l 1
+ 223.771 380 l 1
+ 211.434 369 197.158 363 183.158 363 c 0
+ 148.84 363 128.268 383.697 128.268 421.272 c 0
+202.66 403 m 0
+ 236.043 403 241.692 456.802 241.692 467.871 c 0
+ 241.692 483.306 235.733 493 221.79 493 c 0
+ 189.777 493 181.774 444.651 181.774 427.561 c 0
+ 181.774 412.154 187.684 403 202.66 403 c 0
+440.028 273 m 0
+ 473.461 273 479.06 326.923 479.06 337.871 c 0
+ 479.06 353.306 473.101 363 459.158 363 c 0
+ 427.145 363 419.142 314.65 419.142 297.561 c 0
+ 419.142 282.154 425.052 273 440.028 273 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 274.085 36 279.684 89.9232 279.684 100.871 c 0
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+ 227.769 126 219.766 77.6507 219.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 219.766 45.1543 225.676 36 240.652 36 c 0
+330.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 330.338 62.7458 297.627 -16 195.599 -16 c 0
+ 143.316 -16 80.6974 18.4945 80.6974 71.2778 c 0
+ 80.6974 76.0403 81.2071 80.9517 82.2803 86 c 2
+ 106.299 199 l 2
+ 128.83 305 243.583 365 306.583 365 c 0
+ 340.583 365 354.945 362 373.245 354 c 1
+ 398.571 372 418.035 393 438.849 418 c 1
+ 428.575 452 392.965 475 358.965 475 c 0
+ 311.965 475 247.776 460 187.385 397 c 1
+ 155.424 416 l 1
+ 207.428 496 307.931 536 375.931 536 c 0
+ 425.931 536 472.805 526 508.554 506 c 1
+ 515.742 521 523.143 537 528.969 555 c 1
+ 638.969 555 l 1
+ 625.954 522 598.027 480 569.002 451.671 c 1
+ 580.504 433.826 585.624 416.521 585.624 395.961 c 0
+ 585.624 384.261 583.966 371.507 580.883 357 c 2
+ 505 0 l 1
+ 365 0 l 1
+ 406.236 194 l 1
+ 393.24 274 360.105 311 310.105 311 c 0
+ 281.105 311 261.391 270 253.951 235 c 2
+ 236.309 152 l 1
+ 248.646 163 262.922 169 276.922 169 c 0
+ 305.66 169 330.338 135.632 330.338 99.2747 c 0
+440.989 357.5 m 1
+ 429.65 346.5 416.601 334.5 404.188 325.5 c 1
+ 411.637 313.5 421.066 292 423.878 277 c 1
+ 440.989 357.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3627 3627 1999
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+ 240.692 483.306 234.733 493 220.79 493 c 0
+ 188.777 493 180.774 444.651 180.774 427.561 c 0
+ 180.774 412.154 186.684 403 201.66 403 c 0
+126.268 421.272 m 0
+ 126.268 465.555 149.297 534 255.505 534 c 0
+ 319.573 534 373.993 513.973 373.993 450.934 c 0
+ 373.993 442.146 372.936 432.522 370.699 422 c 2
+ 312.671 149 l 1
+ 412.69 315.479 470.155 371.992 511.078 391.166 c 1
+ 503.776 401.822 499.558 415.348 499.558 430.733 c 0
+ 499.558 484.92 547.765 534 592.505 534 c 0
+ 654.357 534 678.976 507.438 678.976 470.737 c 0
+ 678.976 435.504 658.921 401.553 634.069 382.656 c 1
+ 657.461 365.055 666.088 336.997 666.088 308.404 c 0
+ 666.088 297.15 664.752 285.814 662.453 275 c 2
+ 604 0 l 1
+ 464 0 l 1
+ 522.453 275 l 2
+ 524.339 283.875 525.403 291.242 525.403 297.167 c 0
+ 525.403 309.935 520.463 316 508.168 316 c 0
+ 469.766 316 285.149 17.8945 281.346 0 c 1
+ 141 0 l 1
+ 221.771 380 l 1
+ 209.434 369 195.158 363 181.158 363 c 0
+ 146.84 363 126.268 383.697 126.268 421.272 c 0
+565.66 403 m 0
+ 599.043 403 604.692 456.802 604.692 467.871 c 0
+ 604.692 483.306 598.733 493 584.79 493 c 0
+ 552.777 493 544.774 444.651 544.774 427.561 c 0
+ 544.774 412.154 550.684 403 565.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3628 3628 2000
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+ 575.256 636.327 574.176 629.14 574.176 622.64 c 0
+ 574.176 601.775 585.298 588 624.983 588 c 1
+ 638.162 650 l 2
+ 639.243 655.084 639.789 659.796 639.789 664.077 c 0
+ 639.789 680.846 631.403 691 613.877 691 c 0
+531.99 617.991 m 0
+ 531.99 653.872 547.153 731 654.379 731 c 0
+ 717.785 731 777.315 704.823 777.315 657.125 c 0
+ 777.315 652.916 776.852 648.54 775.887 644 c 2
+ 772.061 626 l 1
+ 797.45 649.463 819.315 683.657 828.104 725 c 1
+ 908.104 725 l 1
+ 892.657 666.357 820.502 591.908 759.57 562.532 c 1
+ 640 0 l 1
+ 500 0 l 1
+ 472.196 382 l 1
+ 289 0 l 1
+ 148 0 l 1
+ 228.771 380 l 1
+ 216.434 369 202.158 363 188.158 363 c 0
+ 152.041 363 135.028 392.646 135.028 426.498 c 0
+ 135.028 490.999 188.034 534 262.505 534 c 0
+ 339.42 534 381.016 504.872 381.016 450.49 c 0
+ 381.016 441.945 379.989 432.777 377.911 423 c 2
+ 318.396 143 l 1
+ 503.442 529 l 1
+ 530.396 143 l 1
+ 615.631 544 l 1
+ 559.146 544 531.99 574.414 531.99 617.991 c 0
+206.66 403 m 0
+ 240.043 403 245.692 456.802 245.692 467.871 c 0
+ 245.692 483.306 239.733 493 225.79 493 c 0
+ 193.777 493 185.774 444.651 185.774 427.561 c 0
+ 185.774 412.154 191.684 403 206.66 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3629 3629 2001
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+ 327.021 238 332.621 291.923 332.621 302.871 c 0
+ 332.621 318.306 326.662 328 312.719 328 c 0
+ 280.706 328 272.702 279.65 272.702 262.561 c 0
+ 272.702 247.154 278.613 238 293.589 238 c 0
+382.82 314.501 m 0
+ 382.82 237.968 319.605 196 290.661 196 c 0
+ 276.661 196 267.086 198 255.787 206 c 1
+ 237.932 122 l 2
+ 235.451 110.328 234.088 99.4122 234.088 89.5007 c 0
+ 234.088 55.2543 250.36 33 293.015 33 c 0
+ 349.015 33 370.879 70 381.932 122 c 2
+ 428.481 341 l 2
+ 432.596 360.355 434.431 376.966 434.431 391.213 c 0
+ 434.431 463.818 386.748 475 349.965 475 c 0
+ 302.965 475 238.776 460 178.385 397 c 1
+ 146.424 416 l 1
+ 198.428 496 298.931 536 366.931 536 c 0
+ 480.441 536 575.435 483.247 575.435 389.44 c 0
+ 575.435 379.118 574.285 368.3 571.883 357 c 2
+ 518.743 107 l 2
+ 505.14 43 419.599 -16 284.599 -16 c 0
+ 162.474 -16 93.0805 33.7449 93.0805 91.43 c 0
+ 93.0805 96.5669 93.6308 101.767 94.7432 107 c 2
+ 131.304 279 l 2
+ 144.27 340 230.984 381 287.984 381 c 0
+ 358.272 381 382.82 356.197 382.82 314.501 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: honokhukthai
+Encoding: 3630 3630 2002
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+271.589 238 m 0
+ 305.021 238 310.621 291.923 310.621 302.871 c 0
+ 310.621 318.306 304.662 328 290.719 328 c 0
+ 258.706 328 250.702 279.65 250.702 262.561 c 0
+ 250.702 247.154 256.613 238 271.589 238 c 0
+154.335 438.111 m 0
+ 154.335 491.466 259.047 553.5 372.15 553.5 c 0
+ 421.903 553.5 454.655 530 477.078 506.581 c 1
+ 489.33 525.333 494.865 540.399 500.944 569 c 1
+ 610.944 569 l 1
+ 602.167 527.704 567.602 478 532.531 458.679 c 1
+ 545.897 439.031 553.434 415.863 553.434 389.438 c 0
+ 553.434 379.117 552.285 368.299 549.883 357 c 2
+ 496.743 107 l 2
+ 483.14 43 397.599 -16 262.599 -16 c 0
+ 140.474 -16 71.0805 33.7449 71.0805 91.43 c 0
+ 71.0805 96.5669 71.6308 101.767 72.7432 107 c 2
+ 109.304 279 l 2
+ 122.27 340 208.984 381 265.984 381 c 0
+ 336.272 381 360.82 356.197 360.82 314.501 c 0
+ 360.82 237.968 297.605 196 268.661 196 c 0
+ 254.661 196 245.086 198 233.787 206 c 1
+ 215.932 122 l 2
+ 213.451 110.328 212.088 99.4122 212.088 89.5007 c 0
+ 212.088 55.2543 228.36 33 271.015 33 c 0
+ 327.015 33 348.879 70 359.932 122 c 2
+ 406.481 341 l 2
+ 410.596 360.355 412.432 376.965 412.432 391.212 c 0
+ 412.432 401.99 411.381 411.415 409.471 419.651 c 1
+ 331.939 391.81 256.199 391 221.109 391 c 0
+ 185.302 391 154.335 406.225 154.335 438.111 c 0
+247.701 449.514 m 0
+ 247.701 438.45 276.293 436 313.675 436 c 0
+ 342.675 436 357.95 442 388.501 454 c 1
+ 363.901 470 345.752 474 325.752 474 c 0
+ 279.82 474 247.701 469.103 247.701 449.514 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: paiyannoithai
+Encoding: 3631 3631 2003
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+ 240.731 406 246.33 459.923 246.33 470.871 c 0
+ 246.33 486.306 240.371 496 226.428 496 c 0
+ 194.415 496 186.412 447.651 186.412 430.561 c 0
+ 186.412 415.154 192.322 406 207.298 406 c 0
+295.532 466.9 m 0
+ 295.532 421.396 255.617 365 206.583 365 c 1
+ 219.591 360.333 220.308 359 238.308 359 c 0
+ 267.308 359 296.559 379 321.25 434 c 0
+ 331.139 457 396.08 532 459.08 532 c 0
+ 494.879 532 542.408 499.983 542.408 459.15 c 0
+ 542.408 455.498 542.028 451.776 541.226 448 c 2
+ 446 0 l 1
+ 306 0 l 1
+ 379.97 348 l 2
+ 387.036 381.245 391.972 404.465 391.972 418.983 c 0
+ 391.972 431.977 388.018 438 378.1 438 c 0
+ 355.1 438 327.855 315 223.955 315 c 0
+ 150.882 315 126.356 363.078 126.356 410.198 c 0
+ 126.356 478.672 172.815 534 242.505 534 c 0
+ 270.434 534 295.532 502.769 295.532 466.9 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraathai
+Encoding: 3632 3632 2004
+Width: 442
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2005 3633 S 1 0 0 1 160 -274 2
+Refer: 2005 3633 N 1 0 0 1 74 -592 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: maihanakatthai
+Encoding: 3633 3633 2005
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 287.258 801 basemark 0 {} {150-150 2}
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+StartChar: saraaathai
+Encoding: 3634 3634 2006
+Width: 423
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+359 0 m 1
+ 218 0 l 1
+ 296 369 l 2
+ 302 393 305 413 305 428 c 0
+ 305 451 297 464 270 464 c 0
+ 223 464 173 419 137 382 c 1
+ 110 403 l 1
+ 155 454 248 534 328 534 c 0
+ 367 534 442 501 442 411 c 0
+ 442 399 441 385 438 371 c 2
+ 359 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraamthai
+Encoding: 3635 3635 2007
+Width: 452
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2006 3634 N 1 0 0 1 27 0 2
+Refer: 2029 3661 N 1 0 0 1 205 41 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: saraithai
+Encoding: 3636 3636 2008
+Width: 0
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+ -280.143 671.255 -195.674 748 -98.0078 748 c 0
+ -11.4232 748 50.8757 720.12 50.8757 620.063 c 0
+ 50.8757 598.783 48.0576 574.237 42.0557 546 c 1
+ -33.1904 606 -122.49 614 -180.49 614 c 0
+ -223.49 614 -247.766 608 -261.766 608 c 0
+ -275.213 608 -280.143 618.638 -280.143 630.013 c 0
+-94.9355 706 m 0
+ -159.202 706 -173.19 681.439 -173.19 665.065 c 0
+ -173.19 658.355 -168.701 655 -154.775 655 c 0
+ -108.775 655 -45.2002 653 1.14746 617 c 1
+ -3.31152 676 -38.9355 706 -94.9355 706 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraiithai
+Encoding: 3637 3637 2009
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 47.2578 801 basemark 0 {} {150-150 -2}
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+10.1475 617 m 1
+ 5.68848 676 -29.9355 706 -85.9355 706 c 0
+ -138.936 706 -163.587 685.25 -163.587 670 c 0
+ -163.587 659.776 -162.775 655 -145.775 655 c 0
+ -99.7754 655 -36.2002 653 10.1475 617 c 1
+-271.143 630.013 m 0
+ -271.143 671.255 -186.674 748 -89.0078 748 c 0
+ -51.8809 748 -34.793 744.874 -9.59375 731.129 c 1
+ 5.25781 801 l 1
+ 80.2578 801 l 1
+ 52.7578 671.623 l 1
+ 58.361 654.067 60.4871 636.452 60.4871 619.127 c 0
+ 60.4871 593.397 55.7974 568.307 50.8438 545 c 1
+ -15.4785 597.883 -88.4238 614 -171.49 614 c 0
+ -214.49 614 -238.766 608 -252.766 608 c 0
+ -266.213 608 -271.143 618.638 -271.143 630.013 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sarauethai
+Encoding: 3638 3638 2010
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+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 40.6201 798 basemark 0 {} {150-150 -1}
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+-7.49023 614 m 1
+ -11.9492 673 -47.5723 703 -103.572 703 c 0
+ -156.572 703 -181.225 686.5 -181.225 667 c 0
+ -181.225 656.776 -177.5 652 -163.413 652 c 0
+ -117.413 652 -53.8379 650 -7.49023 614 c 1
+11.8906 724 m 0
+ 25.7265 724 43.9661 737.16 43.9661 755.125 c 0
+ 43.9661 766.806 35.1985 776 22.9443 776 c 0
+ 9.07214 776 -9.1507 762.788 -9.1507 744.756 c 0
+ -9.1507 732.357 0.789218 724 11.8906 724 c 0
+83.6591 762.464 m 0
+ 83.6591 718.924 44.7906 698.066 26.5518 689.896 c 1
+ 34.9521 676.809 42.4833 654.682 42.4833 619.362 c 0
+ 42.4833 598.7 39.9061 573.524 33.418 543 c 1
+ -41.8281 603 -131.128 611 -189.128 611 c 0
+ -232.128 611 -256.403 605 -270.403 605 c 0
+ -283.851 605 -288.78 615.638 -288.78 627.013 c 0
+ -288.78 668.255 -204.312 745 -106.646 745 c 0
+ -82.8535 745 -61.8584 744 -48.5723 740.64 c 1
+ -46.0927 785.022 -6.29265 814 31.0215 814 c 0
+ 61.5643 814 83.6591 792.169 83.6591 762.464 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3639 3639 2011
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 48.2578 801 basemark 0
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+9.72266 615 m 1
+ 5.2627 674 -30.3604 704 -86.3604 704 c 0
+ -139.36 704 -164.013 689.667 -164.013 668 c 0
+ -164.013 657.777 -159 653 -146.2 653 c 0
+ -100.2 653 -36.626 651 9.72266 615 c 1
+-171.915 612 m 0
+ -214.915 612 -239.19 606 -253.19 606 c 0
+ -266.638 606 -271.567 616.638 -271.567 628.013 c 0
+ -271.567 673.159 -183.86 743.049 -95.4531 745.903 c 1
+ -83.9551 800 l 1
+ -15.9551 800 l 1
+ -28.7363 739.868 l 1
+ -16.2031 736.893 -4.70508 732.726 5.55566 727.129 c 1
+ 21.0449 800 l 1
+ 90.0449 800 l 1
+ 57.4922 646.85 l 1
+ 58.784 637.993 59.451 628.414 59.451 618.061 c 0
+ 59.451 596.781 56.6328 572.236 50.6309 544 c 1
+ 33.7471 556.81 -29.7158 612 -171.915 612 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sarauthai
+Encoding: 3640 3640 2012
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+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" -92.2129 -1 mark 0 {} {150-150 -3}
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+-218.535 -186 m 0
+ -186.647 -186 -180.668 -133.134 -180.668 -122.21 c 0
+ -180.668 -106.147 -187.139 -96 -201.405 -96 c 0
+ -232.232 -96 -239.939 -142.205 -239.939 -158.573 c 0
+ -239.939 -175.704 -232.905 -186 -218.535 -186 c 0
+-282.483 -164.684 m 0
+ -282.483 -126.682 -257.851 -52 -176.053 -52 c 0
+ -114.992 -52 -73.0699 -79.4092 -73.0699 -127.297 c 0
+ -73.0699 -133.524 -73.7786 -140.096 -75.2461 -147 c 2
+ -107.767 -300 l 1
+ -206.767 -300 l 1
+ -188.487 -214 l 1
+ -202.612 -224 -215.25 -227 -228.25 -227 c 0
+ -262.864 -227 -282.483 -201.19 -282.483 -164.684 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sarauuthai
+Encoding: 3641 3641 2013
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+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" -92.2129 -1 mark 0
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+-441.483 -164.684 m 0
+ -441.483 -126.682 -416.851 -52 -335.053 -52 c 0
+ -273.992 -52 -232.07 -79.4092 -232.07 -127.297 c 0
+ -232.07 -133.524 -232.779 -140.096 -234.246 -147 c 2
+ -255.502 -247 l 2
+ -255.99 -249.297 -256.225 -251.521 -256.225 -253.649 c 0
+ -256.225 -267.276 -246.581 -277 -231.878 -277 c 0
+ -214.878 -277 -199.115 -264 -195.502 -247 c 2
+ -154.266 -53 l 1
+ -55.2656 -53 l 1
+ -91.6123 -224 l 2
+ -99.9023 -263 -129.767 -300 -160.767 -300 c 2
+ -312.767 -300 l 2
+ -337.899 -300 -351.947 -275.681 -351.947 -245.693 c 0
+ -351.947 -238.692 -351.181 -231.382 -349.612 -224 c 2
+ -347.487 -214 l 1
+ -361.612 -224 -374.25 -227 -387.25 -227 c 0
+ -421.864 -227 -441.483 -201.19 -441.483 -164.684 c 0
+-377.535 -186 m 0
+ -345.647 -186 -339.668 -133.134 -339.668 -122.21 c 0
+ -339.668 -106.147 -346.139 -96 -360.405 -96 c 0
+ -391.232 -96 -398.939 -142.205 -398.939 -158.573 c 0
+ -398.939 -175.704 -391.905 -186 -377.535 -186 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: phinthuthai
+Encoding: 3642 3642 2014
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_below" -104.213 -1 mark 0 {} {150-150 -3}
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+ -66.4603 -147.768 -108.503 -177 -142.622 -177 c 0
+ -162.861 -177 -192.376 -163.657 -192.376 -130.571 c 0
+ -192.376 -90.3206 -154.495 -54 -116.479 -54 c 0
+ -87.0667 -54 -66.4603 -75.5374 -66.4603 -103.919 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bahtthai
+Encoding: 3647 3647 2015
+Width: 665
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+698.2 547.614 m 0
+ 698.2 438.046 606.685 393.447 503.583 365 c 1
+ 548.587 355.032 662.837 326.997 662.837 222.851 c 0
+ 662.837 99.3555 537.983 15.6999 385.425 2 c 1
+ 357.58 -129 l 1
+ 277.58 -129 l 1
+ 305 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 21.3135 25 l 1
+ 96.0146 33 113.565 45 124.405 96 c 2
+ 227.283 580 l 2
+ 229.317 589.568 230.42 597.905 230.42 605.161 c 0
+ 230.42 636.581 209.738 647.75 154.374 651 c 1
+ 159.688 676 l 1
+ 448.688 676 l 1
+ 468.669 770 l 1
+ 548.669 770 l 1
+ 528.051 673 l 1
+ 638.943 662.476 698.2 618.883 698.2 547.614 c 0
+390.896 597 m 2
+ 343.283 373 l 1
+ 358.283 373 372.496 374 384.709 375 c 1
+ 442.099 645 l 1
+ 412.674 643 397.698 629 390.896 597 c 2
+336.907 343 m 1
+ 283.768 93 l 2
+ 281.891 84.1731 280.928 76.4276 280.928 69.6819 c 0
+ 280.928 48.1516 290.742 36.8072 312.015 33 c 1
+ 377.907 343 l 1
+ 336.907 343 l 1
+470.022 400 m 1
+ 521.852 434.266 535.247 529.324 535.247 566.639 c 0
+ 535.247 592.19 529.511 611.235 517.636 624 c 1
+ 470.022 400 l 1
+394.353 44 m 1
+ 471.854 79.7985 491.717 186.024 491.717 235.609 c 0
+ 491.717 275.525 479.215 304.438 453.443 322 c 1
+ 394.353 44 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraethai
+Encoding: 3648 3648 2016
+Width: 357
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+243 36 m 0
+ 276 36 282 90 282 101 c 0
+ 282 116 276 126 262 126 c 0
+ 230 126 222 78 222 61 c 0
+ 222 45 228 36 243 36 c 0
+330 99 m 0
+ 330 24 247 -16 196 -16 c 0
+ 143 -16 81 18 81 71 c 0
+ 81 76 81 81 82 86 c 2
+ 176 527 l 1
+ 316 527 l 1
+ 236 152 l 1
+ 249 163 263 169 277 169 c 0
+ 306 169 330 136 330 99 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraaethai
+Encoding: 3649 3649 2017
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2016 3648 N 1 0 0 1 269 0 2
+Refer: 2016 3648 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: saraothai
+Encoding: 3650 3650 2018
+Width: 529
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+502.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 502.338 24.0906 419.341 -16 367.599 -16 c 0
+ 315.316 -16 252.697 18.4945 252.697 71.2778 c 0
+ 252.697 76.0403 253.207 80.9517 254.28 86 c 2
+ 371.186 636 l 2
+ 372.852 643.842 373.639 650.897 373.639 657.242 c 0
+ 373.639 712.391 314.265 714 257.766 714 c 0
+ 217.766 714 167.064 706 149.002 701 c 1
+ 172.407 797 272.876 898 354.876 898 c 0
+ 407.876 898 455.011 861 489.586 859 c 0
+ 517.586 859 522.224 859 547.938 900 c 1
+ 597.938 900 l 1
+ 581.499 865 533.369 778 453.369 778 c 0
+ 406.369 778 369.746 808 320.746 808 c 0
+ 289.746 808 254.258 801 220.417 750 c 1
+ 259.118 758 285.543 760 318.543 760 c 0
+ 443.853 760 511.438 718.34 511.438 649.362 c 0
+ 511.438 641.275 510.509 632.814 508.636 624 c 2
+ 408.309 152 l 1
+ 420.646 163 434.922 169 448.922 169 c 0
+ 477.66 169 502.338 135.632 502.338 99.2747 c 0
+414.652 36 m 0
+ 448.085 36 453.684 89.9232 453.684 100.871 c 0
+ 453.684 116.306 447.725 126 433.782 126 c 0
+ 401.769 126 393.766 77.6507 393.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 393.766 45.1543 399.676 36 414.652 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraaimaimuanthai
+Encoding: 3651 3651 2019
+Width: 486
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+384.227 34 m 0
+ 417.659 34 423.259 87.9233 423.259 98.8707 c 0
+ 423.259 114.306 417.301 124 403.357 124 c 0
+ 371.344 124 363.341 75.6496 363.341 58.56 c 0
+ 363.341 43.1537 369.251 34 384.227 34 c 0
+241.012 654 m 0
+ 274.444 654 280.045 707.923 280.045 718.871 c 0
+ 280.045 734.306 274.086 744 260.143 744 c 0
+ 228.129 744 220.126 695.65 220.126 678.56 c 0
+ 220.126 663.154 226.036 654 241.012 654 c 0
+470.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 470.338 24.0906 387.341 -16 335.599 -16 c 0
+ 283.316 -16 220.697 18.4945 220.697 71.2778 c 0
+ 220.697 76.0403 221.207 80.9517 222.28 86 c 2
+ 361.93 743 l 2
+ 363.463 750.212 364.184 757.275 364.184 764.107 c 0
+ 364.184 810.326 331.157 846 292.823 846 c 0
+ 239.266 846 183.48 780.305 183.48 722.766 c 0
+ 183.48 714.868 184.838 706.823 188.364 698 c 1
+ 197.079 739 227.356 785 269.856 785 c 0
+ 300.43 785 313.449 757.345 313.449 725.642 c 0
+ 313.449 676.024 278.878 607 227.021 607 c 0
+ 181.827 607 135.733 635.719 135.733 710.156 c 0
+ 135.733 819.479 209.955 900 331.301 900 c 0
+ 420.039 900 500.211 844.879 500.211 752.804 c 0
+ 500.211 741.119 498.919 728.839 496.19 716 c 2
+ 376.309 152 l 1
+ 388.646 163 402.922 169 416.922 169 c 0
+ 445.66 169 470.338 135.632 470.338 99.2747 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraaimaimalaithai
+Encoding: 3652 3652 2020
+Width: 475
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+372.227 34 m 0
+ 405.659 34 411.259 87.9233 411.259 98.8707 c 0
+ 411.259 114.306 405.301 124 391.357 124 c 0
+ 359.344 124 351.341 75.6496 351.341 58.56 c 0
+ 351.341 43.1537 357.251 34 372.227 34 c 0
+458.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 458.338 24.0906 375.341 -16 323.599 -16 c 0
+ 271.316 -16 208.697 18.4945 208.697 71.2778 c 0
+ 208.697 76.0403 209.207 80.9517 210.28 86 c 2
+ 352.48 755 l 2
+ 354.148 762.847 355.155 769.173 355.155 774.201 c 0
+ 355.155 786.471 349.157 791 332.132 791 c 0
+ 304.132 791 254.104 725 165.896 597 c 1
+ 135.562 873 l 2
+ 134.854 879.444 133.501 885.099 133.501 889.658 c 0
+ 133.501 897.892 140.668 900 142.301 900 c 0
+ 145.301 900 147.794 897.951 150.601 892 c 2
+ 213.33 759 l 1
+ 282.586 859 353.088 899 407.088 899 c 0
+ 477.364 899 501.956 879.245 501.956 827.934 c 0
+ 501.956 806.232 497.557 778.885 490.354 745 c 2
+ 364.309 152 l 1
+ 376.646 163 390.922 169 404.922 169 c 0
+ 433.66 169 458.338 135.632 458.338 99.2747 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lakkhangyaothai
+Encoding: 3653 3653 2021
+Width: 423
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+311.388 -224 m 1
+ 170.388 -224 l 1
+ 296.434 369 l 2
+ 301.186 391.357 304.367 410.243 304.367 425.141 c 0
+ 304.367 450.224 295.349 464 269.626 464 c 0
+ 222.626 464 173.465 419.333 136.523 382.005 c 1
+ 109.66 403 l 1
+ 154.501 454 247.505 534 327.505 534 c 0
+ 367.125 534 442.294 500.668 442.294 410.798 c 0
+ 442.294 398.594 440.908 385.347 437.858 371 c 2
+ 311.388 -224 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maiyamokthai
+Encoding: 3654 3654 2022
+Width: 500
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+249.601 353.474 m 0
+ 249.601 310.119 206.961 252 160.564 252 c 0
+ 123.16 252 102.062 284.52 102.062 320.072 c 0
+ 102.062 326.341 102.718 332.704 104.057 339 c 0
+ 135.728 488 180.931 536 236.931 536 c 0
+ 265.931 536 302.38 524 313.129 504 c 1
+ 331.592 525 384.718 535 406.718 535 c 0
+ 442.288 535 520.918 522.582 520.918 423.377 c 0
+ 520.918 408.074 519.047 390.706 514.858 371 c 2
+ 436 0 l 2
+ 417.72 -86 381.691 -152 335.388 -224 c 1
+ 194.388 -224 l 1
+ 232.267 -154.188 276.72 -86 295 0 c 2
+ 390.013 447 l 2
+ 390.938 451.353 391.358 455.325 391.358 458.933 c 0
+ 391.358 479.247 378.05 488 366.728 488 c 0
+ 355.728 488 323.795 469.5 315.399 430 c 1
+ 273.399 430 l 1
+ 274.658 435.919 275.247 441.401 275.247 446.441 c 0
+ 275.247 474.61 256.842 489 233.94 489 c 0
+ 202.94 489 178.375 444 171.573 412 c 1
+ 185.998 414 198.211 415 198.211 415 c 1
+ 224.819 412.371 249.601 386.702 249.601 353.474 c 0
+171.279 293 m 0
+ 204.712 293 210.311 346.923 210.311 357.871 c 0
+ 210.311 373.306 204.352 383 190.409 383 c 0
+ 158.396 383 150.393 334.651 150.393 317.561 c 0
+ 150.393 302.154 156.303 293 171.279 293 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maitaikhuthai
+Encoding: 3655 3655 2023
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel" 13.5293 520 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" 103.199 876 basemark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-255.596 663.733 m 0
+ -255.596 734.502 -202.721 826 -66.4287 826 c 0
+ -37.4287 826 -7.85352 824 18.1465 824 c 0
+ 65.1465 824 92.9971 828 104.05 880 c 1
+ 152.325 886 l 1
+ 131.707 789 39.6543 786.399 -30.8457 786.399 c 0
+ -102.032 786.399 -161.598 773.453 -180.611 684 c 0
+ -182.805 673.678 -183.747 664.747 -183.747 656.952 c 0
+ -183.747 638.315 -178.366 626.166 -171.853 617 c 1
+ -164.051 649 -146.862 664 -136.862 664 c 0
+ -104.862 664 -99.4658 600 -67.4658 600 c 0
+ -60.4658 600 -53.8281 603 -45.5527 609 c 1
+ -65.4327 613.789 -88.4299 636.017 -88.4299 668.09 c 0
+ -88.4299 709.653 -50.0408 760 7.54297 760 c 0
+ 65.3935 760 76.6355 714.239 76.6355 688.194 c 0
+ 76.6355 647.537 34.4157 560 -64.9688 560 c 0
+ -123.969 560 -118.203 613 -137.703 613 c 0
+ -142.582 613 -149.9 608.556 -149.9 584.682 c 0
+ -149.9 577.696 -149.185 569.802 -147.756 561 c 1
+ -210.388 569.595 -255.596 601.088 -255.596 663.733 c 0
+-17.1768 639 m 0
+ 8.78076 639 21.3 678.609 21.3 701.738 c 0
+ 21.3 716.249 16.6602 729 1.9541 729 c 0
+ -24.0812 729 -36.5956 687.815 -36.5956 666.811 c 0
+ -36.5956 652.264 -31.7445 639 -17.1768 639 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maiekthai
+Encoding: 3656 3656 2024
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" 19.4609 642 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" 19.0986 645 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+104.035 847 m 1
+ 71.9395 696 44.2627 674 24.2627 674 c 0
+ 11.4067 674 -1.08334 679.247 -1.08334 719.797 c 0
+ -1.08334 745.484 3.92881 785.338 17.0352 847 c 1
+ 104.035 847 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maithothai
+Encoding: 3657 3657 2025
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 67.6494 657 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" 64.4609 642 mark 0
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+-123.918 792.919 m 0
+ -123.918 841.351 -71.5643 871 -40.8633 871 c 0
+ -15.0228 871 14.3348 853.93 14.3348 821.557 c 0
+ 14.3348 804.425 6.87997 768.435 -40.4717 727 c 1
+ 33.0283 727 78.9814 809.107 91.7119 869 c 1
+ 166.712 869 l 1
+ 142.055 753 58.5381 680 -109.462 680 c 0
+ -125.462 680 -150.036 682 -165.611 684 c 1
+ -157.747 721 l 1
+ -118.747 721 -88.3213 723 -63.4326 746 c 1
+ -66.6455 745 -67.6455 745 -70.6455 745 c 0
+ -104.097 745 -123.918 764.128 -123.918 792.919 c 0
+-62.1191 771 m 0
+ -32.8977 771 -18.3053 797.632 -18.3053 816.687 c 0
+ -18.3053 832.161 -27.9668 844 -46.6025 844 c 0
+ -79.7509 844 -88.038 811.198 -88.038 800.408 c 0
+ -88.038 786.073 -79.9105 771 -62.1191 771 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maitrithai
+Encoding: 3658 3658 2026
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 29.2871 660 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-312.681 729.72 m 0
+ -312.681 784.72 -267.63 856 -200.052 856 c 0
+ -175.052 856 -143.728 834 -140.066 823 c 1
+ -131.728 834 -108.264 855 -84.2637 855 c 0
+ -48.4278 855 -35.644 834.071 -35.644 805.068 c 0
+ -35.644 747.364 -68.3619 734.106 -92.1719 719 c 1
+ -84.1719 719 l 2
+ -41.1719 719 24.1416 744 50.499 868 c 1
+ 125.499 868 l 1
+ 107.432 783 18.3262 679 -114.674 679 c 0
+ -126.674 679 -138.462 680 -151.036 682 c 1
+ -144.447 713 l 1
+ -93.9404 724.11 -73.6366 767.808 -73.6366 792.284 c 0
+ -73.6366 807.446 -81.9494 817 -94.3408 817 c 0
+ -114.341 817 -131.317 803 -138.119 771 c 1
+ -164.119 771 l 1
+ -163.313 774.792 -162.941 778.375 -162.941 781.742 c 0
+ -162.941 805.905 -182.118 819 -197.916 819 c 0
+ -208.916 819 -218.341 817 -229.191 813 c 1
+ -208.404 811.237 -183.759 794.701 -183.759 764.763 c 0
+ -183.759 746.811 -199.312 675 -261.524 675 c 0
+ -285.447 675 -312.681 690.33 -312.681 729.72 c 0
+-253.234 714 m 0
+ -231.842 714 -218.924 743.749 -218.924 763.867 c 0
+ -218.924 776.792 -223.44 790 -237.08 790 c 0
+ -257.905 790 -271.788 762.008 -271.788 737.561 c 0
+ -271.788 725.281 -267.556 714 -253.234 714 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maichattawathai
+Encoding: 3659 3659 2027
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" -19.4756 647 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" -16.4131 652 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+32.0166 734 m 1
+ 20.3262 679 l 1
+ -41.6738 679 l 1
+ -29.9834 734 l 1
+ -83.9834 734 l 1
+ -71.4424 793 l 1
+ -17.4424 793 l 1
+ -5.96484 847 l 1
+ 56.0352 847 l 1
+ 44.5576 793 l 1
+ 95.5576 793 l 1
+ 83.0166 734 l 1
+ 32.0166 734 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thanthakhatthai
+Encoding: 3660 3660 2028
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" -1.81445 636 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" 4.64941 657 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-103.325 729.426 m 0
+ -103.325 763.909 -68.3031 855 28.7363 855 c 0
+ 43.7363 855 67.248 848 80.248 848 c 0
+ 101.248 848 128.461 849 140.963 889 c 1
+ 184.025 894 l 1
+ 150.219 782 44.8467 832 -3.25391 808 c 1
+ 15.6892 802.998 30.5838 785.489 30.5838 758.947 c 0
+ 30.5838 712.422 -11.1937 677 -48.0996 677 c 0
+ -86.1742 677 -103.325 701.34 -103.325 729.426 c 0
+-42.1475 705 m 0
+ -14.6255 705 -7.745 742.303 -7.745 755.93 c 0
+ -7.745 768.16 -11.8563 780 -26.2061 780 c 0
+ -46.4753 780 -59.9881 750.051 -59.9881 727.27 c 0
+ -59.9881 715.227 -55.734 705 -42.1475 705 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nikhahitthai
+Encoding: 3661 3661 2029
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 82.7793 732 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" -37.9688 560 mark 0 {} {150-150 -3}
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" -1.62109 731 basemark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+68.6742 675.717 m 0
+ 68.6742 620.434 17.3929 571 -32.6299 571 c 0
+ -71.5507 571 -98.3502 600.024 -98.3502 638.459 c 0
+ -98.3502 690.082 -49.7579 742 3.7168 742 c 0
+ 42.4365 742 68.6742 713.756 68.6742 675.717 c 0
+-21.5771 623 m 0
+ -4.0589 623 17.4223 642.54 17.4223 664.193 c 0
+ 17.4223 679.513 6.577 691 -7.12305 691 c 0
+ -26.0088 691 -47.1299 671.54 -47.1299 649.763 c 0
+ -47.1299 634.486 -36.3393 623 -21.5771 623 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yamakkanthai
+Encoding: 3662 3662 2030
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" -78.7314 547 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-57.9932 832.948 m 0
+ -57.9932 867.643 -21.5605 900 17.7891 900 c 0
+ 48.7891 900 85.9629 882 102.837 872 c 1
+ 93.9102 830 l 1
+ 77.9727 835 62.6104 838 48.6104 838 c 0
+ 21.5947 838 1 832.5 1 810.79 c 0
+ 1 793.988 8.5 776 21.0547 753 c 1
+ 0.46582 722 l 1
+ -16.3047 740.333 -33.2832 742 -48.2832 742 c 0
+ -71.3892 742 -96.1288 719.393 -96.1288 688.766 c 0
+ -96.1288 672.758 -90.8646 651 -68.626 651 c 0
+ -52.626 651 -37.4375 666 -29.0361 682 c 1
+ -21.4756 647 l 1
+ -40.2148 620 -69.041 602 -98.041 602 c 0
+ -135.585 602 -165.285 631.731 -165.285 671.89 c 0
+ -165.285 728.242 -106.757 784 -59.3555 784 c 0
+ -43.3555 784 -42.5684 783 -33.0557 776 c 1
+ -48.1285 795.141 -57.9932 812.217 -57.9932 832.948 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fongmanthai
+Encoding: 3663 3663 2031
+Width: 657
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+365.348 171 m 0
+ 426.57 171 478.937 229.016 478.937 281.892 c 0
+ 478.937 323.406 448.421 355 404.458 355 c 0
+ 343.235 355 290.868 296.985 290.868 244.109 c 0
+ 290.868 202.594 321.384 171 365.348 171 c 0
+664.033 319.825 m 0
+ 664.033 146.056 495.624 -10 326.874 -10 c 0
+ 195.825 -10 105.772 82.8234 105.772 206.175 c 0
+ 105.772 379.944 274.181 536 442.931 536 c 0
+ 573.98 536 664.033 443.177 664.033 319.825 c 0
+338.077 38 m 0
+ 478.17 38 616.002 166.863 616.002 310.217 c 0
+ 616.002 411.956 542.028 488 433.728 488 c 0
+ 293.635 488 155.803 359.137 155.803 215.783 c 0
+ 155.803 114.044 229.777 38 338.077 38 c 0
+530.113 292.734 m 0
+ 530.113 202.848 442.05 121 354.72 121 c 0
+ 286.998 121 239.784 169.979 239.784 234.018 c 0
+ 239.784 321.036 324.865 405 415.085 405 c 0
+ 483.386 405 530.113 356.93 530.113 292.734 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zerothai
+Encoding: 3664 3664 2032
+Width: 548
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+557.562 229.884 m 0
+ 557.562 95.6246 428.682 -19 269.961 -19 c 0
+ 167.458 -19 70.4703 40.5853 70.4703 147.01 c 0
+ 70.4703 279.149 198.006 395 357.96 395 c 0
+ 460.344 395 557.562 337.139 557.562 229.884 c 0
+281.227 34 m 0
+ 363.609 34 418.531 151.898 418.531 239.079 c 0
+ 418.531 299.475 391.563 338 345.844 338 c 0
+ 276.022 338 208.778 235.427 208.778 134.208 c 0
+ 208.778 76.5722 232.876 34 281.227 34 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: onethai
+Encoding: 3665 3665 2033
+Width: 548
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+295.656 116 m 0
+ 329.089 116 334.689 169.923 334.689 180.871 c 0
+ 334.689 196.306 328.73 206 314.787 206 c 0
+ 282.774 206 274.771 157.65 274.771 140.56 c 0
+ 274.771 125.154 280.681 116 295.656 116 c 0
+224.736 137.475 m 0
+ 224.736 207.175 293.082 251 321.352 251 c 0
+ 359.981 251 386.939 213.417 386.939 170.514 c 0
+ 386.939 97.2462 285.759 -19 215.961 -19 c 0
+ 128.812 -19 69.653 47.4305 69.653 139.126 c 0
+ 69.653 295.263 220.369 395 357.96 395 c 0
+ 460.266 395 556.068 330.896 556.068 223.104 c 0
+ 556.068 122.863 477.235 11.7821 351.961 -19 c 1
+ 341.913 9 l 1
+ 393.928 42 408.405 96 423.922 169 c 0
+ 429.197 193.818 431.62 215.902 431.62 235.329 c 0
+ 431.62 310.616 395.238 346 347.545 346 c 0
+ 280.545 346 219.091 278 199.535 186 c 0
+ 191.432 147.878 186.789 115.355 186.789 89.8437 c 0
+ 186.789 49.7727 198.244 27 225.739 27 c 0
+ 255.739 27 267.353 44 290.579 78 c 1
+ 245.644 78 224.736 100.972 224.736 137.475 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: twothai
+Encoding: 3666 3666 2034
+Width: 592
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+292.033 146 m 0
+ 325.466 146 331.065 199.923 331.065 210.871 c 0
+ 331.065 226.306 325.106 236 311.163 236 c 0
+ 279.15 236 271.147 187.651 271.147 170.561 c 0
+ 271.147 155.154 277.057 146 292.033 146 c 0
+376.304 207.414 m 0
+ 376.304 156.769 322.723 102 286.681 102 c 0
+ 247.647 102 222.588 120.031 222.588 176.397 c 0
+ 222.588 295.557 296.629 392 377.322 392 c 0
+ 409.322 392 423.583 365 427.545 346 c 1
+ 445.796 366 461.472 388 492.472 388 c 0
+ 568.735 388 605.039 315.659 605.039 246.318 c 0
+ 605.039 232.919 603.684 219.632 600.999 207 c 0
+ 567.203 48 481.387 -17 299.387 -17 c 0
+ 154.01 -17 64.2332 13.3562 64.2332 133.672 c 0
+ 64.2332 154.878 67.0221 178.878 72.7871 206 c 2
+ 117.849 418 l 2
+ 127.073 461.399 130.176 491.564 130.176 512.782 c 0
+ 130.176 542.409 124.126 554.59 120.244 561 c 1
+ 147.172 603 l 1
+ 196.27 571.586 221.389 502.769 221.389 402.347 c 0
+ 221.389 346.13 213.518 280.009 197.574 205 c 2
+ 180.995 127 l 2
+ 179.515 120.037 178.763 113.268 178.763 106.75 c 0
+ 178.763 59.9069 217.62 26 304.526 26 c 0
+ 425.526 26 453.154 76 464.42 129 c 2
+ 491.414 256 l 2
+ 495.401 274.755 498.788 294.829 498.788 310.862 c 0
+ 498.788 329.023 494.441 342 481.694 342 c 0
+ 459.694 342 448.931 329 434.366 284 c 1
+ 392.366 284 l 1
+ 393.062 291.442 393.423 298.194 393.423 304.265 c 0
+ 393.423 332.46 385.647 346 367.545 346 c 0
+ 324.4 346 309.688 313.745 301.453 275 c 1
+ 309.209 277.273 313.546 278 323.091 278 c 0
+ 351.804 278 376.304 243.931 376.304 207.414 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: threethai
+Encoding: 3667 3667 2035
+Width: 614
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+312.903 56 m 0
+ 346.336 56 351.935 109.923 351.935 120.871 c 0
+ 351.935 136.306 345.976 146 332.033 146 c 0
+ 300.02 146 292.017 97.6507 292.017 80.5613 c 0
+ 292.017 65.1543 297.927 56 312.903 56 c 0
+  Spiro
+    349.681 102 o
+    351.785 124.943 o
+    346.271 140.381 o
+    332.033 146 o
+    314.118 139.716 o
+    301.861 123.61 o
+    294.681 102 o
+    292.092 77.6501 o
+    297.533 61.6926 o
+    312.903 56 o
+    330.434 61.6926 o
+    342.177 77.6501 o
+    0 0 z
+  EndSpiro
+394.227 122.275 m 0
+ 394.227 63.0161 328.102 -18 236.174 -18 c 0
+ 182.664 -18 69.6654 20.1768 69.6654 140.508 c 0
+ 69.6654 288.205 223.435 392 308.322 392 c 0
+ 341.322 392 365.196 382 379.081 325 c 1
+ 417.196 382 447.109 391 496.109 391 c 0
+ 538.852 391 626.144 339.459 626.144 240.615 c 0
+ 626.144 228.456 624.823 215.582 621.937 202 c 0
+ 599.405 96 542.502 40 412.536 -21 c 1
+ 402.464 21 l 1
+ 475.85 88.2889 492.037 257.718 492.037 281.092 c 0
+ 492.037 312.848 484.03 332 465.568 332 c 0
+ 438.568 332 426.593 318 390.902 263 c 1
+ 343.902 263 l 1
+ 335.105 311 332.568 332 298.568 332 c 0
+ 249.561 332 204.181 201.134 204.181 115.898 c 0
+ 204.181 44.9477 237.645 27 255.739 27 c 0
+ 267.072 27 267.81 27.333 276.377 30 c 1
+ 261.334 32.8699 251.026 55.1357 251.026 82.4166 c 0
+ 251.026 146.805 311.067 192 340.811 192 c 0
+ 369.548 192 394.227 158.632 394.227 122.275 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fourthai
+Encoding: 3668 3668 2036
+Width: 631
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+444.033 146 m 0
+ 477.466 146 483.065 199.923 483.065 210.871 c 0
+ 483.065 226.306 477.106 236 463.163 236 c 0
+ 431.15 236 423.147 187.651 423.147 170.561 c 0
+ 423.147 155.154 429.057 146 444.033 146 c 0
+537.442 215.007 m 0
+ 537.442 154.098 483.496 106 447.531 106 c 0
+ 443.531 106 438.743 107 432.381 110 c 1
+ 463.328 58 554.618 97 591.039 19 c 1
+ 557.961 -19 l 1
+ 543.787 -1 514.251 20 435.251 20 c 0
+ 368.251 20 318.599 -16 232.599 -16 c 0
+ 141.559 -16 64.4571 45.7492 64.4571 125.306 c 0
+ 64.4571 134.01 65.3801 142.927 67.3086 152 c 0
+ 100.065 306.107 287.961 353.173 432.095 395.633 c 0
+ 585.698 440.883 653.423 472.451 677.559 586 c 1
+ 723.959 602 l 1
+ 724.234 594.668 724.629 586.916 724.629 579.032 c 0
+ 724.629 569.713 724.077 560.21 722.119 551 c 0
+ 693.901 418.249 562.009 373.955 437.498 336.373 c 0
+ 322.602 301.692 237.054 273.121 212.797 159 c 0
+ 210.252 147.027 208.869 135.595 208.869 124.932 c 0
+ 208.869 79.4888 233.977 48 301.203 48 c 0
+ 340.203 48 378.028 66 401.028 66 c 1
+ 379.534 81.3687 353.075 107.672 353.075 149.268 c 0
+ 353.075 215.309 414.08 279 484.304 279 c 0
+ 511.606 279 537.442 254.978 537.442 215.007 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fivethai
+Encoding: 3669 3669 2037
+Width: 643
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+449.033 146 m 0
+ 482.466 146 488.065 199.923 488.065 210.871 c 0
+ 488.065 226.306 482.106 236 468.163 236 c 0
+ 436.15 236 428.147 187.651 428.147 170.561 c 0
+ 428.147 155.154 434.057 146 449.033 146 c 0
+539.358 214.819 m 0
+ 539.358 154.836 488.831 106 452.531 106 c 0
+ 448.531 106 443.743 107 437.381 110 c 1
+ 468.328 58 554.98 94 591.4 16 c 1
+ 559.324 -22 l 1
+ 545.149 -4 515.4 16 436.401 16 c 0
+ 369.401 16 323.174 -18 234.174 -18 c 0
+ 139.009 -18 64.4349 51.8227 64.4349 126.696 c 0
+ 64.4349 134.434 65.2313 142.226 66.8838 150 c 0
+ 96.0039 287 280.506 327 393.858 371 c 1
+ 378.005 384.22 370.399 399.253 370.399 417.512 c 0
+ 370.399 467.374 423.87 522 477.954 522 c 0
+ 522.792 522 552.591 496.721 552.591 455.138 c 0
+ 552.591 430.124 544.964 419.005 538.298 406 c 1
+ 651.375 444 681.655 530 690.157 570 c 1
+ 736.771 587 l 1
+ 731.58 379.566 492.564 341 459.481 341 c 1
+ 371.298 293.854 211.992 257.734 211.992 120.244 c 0
+ 211.992 78.7196 233.355 47 305.99 47 c 0
+ 344.99 47 384.879 70 407.879 70 c 1
+ 381.823 87.3506 360.589 108.114 360.589 145.827 c 0
+ 360.589 211.306 414.343 279 486.304 279 c 0
+ 521.13 279 539.358 249.435 539.358 214.819 c 0
+460.811 399 m 1
+ 470.263 405.115 489.455 417.085 489.455 444.213 c 0
+ 489.455 457.404 481.869 464 465.626 464 c 0
+ 436.325 464 429 437.892 429 423.538 c 0
+ 429 408.401 439.095 402.322 460.811 399 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sixthai
+Encoding: 3670 3670 2038
+Width: 508
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+167.743 107 m 0
+ 201.176 107 206.776 160.923 206.776 171.871 c 0
+ 206.776 187.306 200.817 197 186.874 197 c 0
+ 154.861 197 146.857 148.65 146.857 131.56 c 0
+ 146.857 116.154 152.768 107 167.743 107 c 0
+91.6611 121.964 m 0
+ 91.6611 179.043 135.742 244 201.864 244 c 0
+ 233.16 244 255.507 205.459 255.507 170.421 c 0
+ 255.507 124.399 208.746 69 173.666 69 c 0
+ 170.666 69 167.666 69 164.879 70 c 1
+ 178.777 46 219.652 36 259.652 36 c 0
+ 358.655 36 383.406 221.977 383.406 269.86 c 0
+ 383.406 316.806 367.183 344 325.119 344 c 0
+ 286.119 344 243.506 327 203.642 290 c 1
+ 144.443 322 l 1
+ 150.757 331.139 172.46 395.64 172.46 444.734 c 0
+ 172.46 505.283 146.524 550.632 111.244 561 c 1
+ 124.021 607 l 1
+ 152.511 603.823 233.096 582.606 233.096 453.533 c 0
+ 233.096 427.858 229.907 397.914 222.485 362.996 c 1
+ 255.736 382.996 296.747 394 335.747 394 c 0
+ 428.134 394 517.361 330.869 517.361 228.441 c 0
+ 517.361 96.7366 388.143 -19 247.961 -19 c 0
+ 120.581 -19 91.6611 69.4336 91.6611 121.964 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: seventhai
+Encoding: 3671 3671 2039
+Width: 744
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+315.753 60 m 0
+ 349.185 60 354.786 113.923 354.786 124.871 c 0
+ 354.786 140.306 348.827 150 334.884 150 c 0
+ 302.871 150 294.867 101.65 294.867 84.56 c 0
+ 294.867 69.1537 300.777 60 315.753 60 c 0
+69.72 141.033 m 0
+ 69.72 289.04 215.418 392 311.322 392 c 0
+ 344.322 392 372.496 374 381.656 323 c 1
+ 413.434 369 456.109 391 506.109 391 c 0
+ 560.525 391 618.688 344.01 618.688 253.719 c 0
+ 618.688 191.03 590.802 108.229 532.179 62 c 1
+ 596.681 102 637.584 158 659.052 259 c 0
+ 665.949 291.448 671.46 327.201 671.46 362.668 c 0
+ 671.46 447.438 639.975 530.569 520.669 563 c 1
+ 540.234 608 l 1
+ 737.556 580.61 777.592 455.968 777.592 360.92 c 0
+ 777.592 147.62 591.679 -6.56091 416.961 -19 c 1
+ 410.102 24 l 1
+ 481.583 63.437 503.86 245.738 503.86 276.558 c 0
+ 503.86 311.651 495.385 335 476.206 335 c 0
+ 444.206 335 425.317 312 392.902 263 c 1
+ 346.902 263 l 1
+ 338.105 311 334.206 335 302.206 335 c 0
+ 259.56 335 207.326 211.723 207.326 123.555 c 0
+ 207.326 56.9322 237.104 29 259.164 29 c 0
+ 266.631 29 271.864 27.8622 277.169 27.8622 c 0
+ 281.811 27.8622 286.507 28.7333 292.802 32 c 1
+ 271.161 37.0475 254.696 59.7871 254.696 88.9075 c 0
+ 254.696 141.852 310.524 192 343.811 192 c 0
+ 372.548 192 397.227 158.632 397.227 122.275 c 0
+ 397.227 49.6093 302.972 -17 239.387 -17 c 0
+ 187.518 -17 69.72 18.9892 69.72 141.033 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eightthai
+Encoding: 3672 3672 2040
+Width: 622
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+488.13 90 m 0
+ 521.562 90 527.163 143.922 527.163 154.87 c 0
+ 527.163 170.306 521.203 180 507.26 180 c 0
+ 475.247 180 467.244 131.651 467.244 114.561 c 0
+ 467.244 99.1543 473.154 90 488.13 90 c 0
+71.4389 158.836 m 0
+ 71.4389 263.617 205.655 366 320.796 366 c 0
+ 380.796 366 467.206 335 523.206 335 c 0
+ 613.206 335 646.114 471 669.921 583 c 1
+ 716.108 598 l 1
+ 714.603 478.047 630.225 253 520.776 253 c 0
+ 449.776 253 406.878 277 333.878 277 c 0
+ 261.878 277 226.714 248 209.71 168 c 0
+ 205.879 149.98 203.807 133.41 203.807 117.89 c 0
+ 203.807 109.294 204.442 101.02 205.768 93 c 1
+ 209.459 119.645 212.588 160 278.009 160 c 0
+ 343.009 160 383.565 45 457.565 45 c 0
+ 467.232 45 472.016 46.333 479.628 50 c 1
+ 452.526 50 426.412 71.5184 426.412 112.733 c 0
+ 426.412 176.938 479.278 223 516.4 223 c 0
+ 550.291 223 589.699 205.054 589.699 146.657 c 0
+ 589.699 29.2162 480.19 -19 443.961 -19 c 0
+ 359.174 -18 329.816 65 291.816 65 c 0
+ 258.859 65 250.62 42.0346 250.62 17.8857 c 0
+ 250.62 8.20621 252.153 -2.92824 255.599 -16 c 1
+ 130.715 -1.68655 71.4389 87.8544 71.4389 158.836 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ninethai
+Encoding: 3673 3673 2041
+Width: 585
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+281.864 37 m 0
+ 315.297 37 320.897 90.9233 320.897 101.871 c 0
+ 320.897 117.306 314.938 127 300.995 127 c 0
+ 268.982 127 260.979 78.6496 260.979 61.56 c 0
+ 260.979 46.1537 266.889 37 281.864 37 c 0
+69.2277 136.065 m 0
+ 69.2277 292.829 213.723 392 310.322 392 c 0
+ 343.322 392 381.283 373 390.168 316 c 1
+ 421.559 379 444.109 391 471.109 391 c 0
+ 497.109 391 516.347 378 538.347 378 c 0
+ 575.347 378 591.998 414 627.708 582 c 1
+ 674.108 598 l 1
+ 674.187 595.893 674.226 593.74 674.226 591.546 c 0
+ 674.226 492.84 607.181 311 539.105 311 c 0
+ 513.105 311 487.868 324 460.868 324 c 0
+ 442.868 324 439.105 311 414.453 275 c 1
+ 419.733 154 495.353 44 542 0 c 1
+ 442 0 l 1
+ 383.102 24 357.337 218 352.651 243 c 0
+ 340.893 310 333.206 335 301.206 335 c 0
+ 227.979 335 203.325 135.56 203.325 103.03 c 0
+ 203.325 72.5008 211.528 57.2144 226.628 50 c 1
+ 222.835 57.0574 220.89 62.5097 220.89 69.5425 c 0
+ 220.89 106.52 261.073 168 309.71 168 c 0
+ 338.021 168 363.643 141.505 363.643 102.404 c 0
+ 363.643 52.4214 320.936 -16 236.599 -16 c 0
+ 120.984 -16 69.2277 49.9771 69.2277 136.065 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angkhankhuthai
+Encoding: 3674 3674 2042
+Width: 721
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+207.298 406 m 0
+ 240.731 406 246.33 459.923 246.33 470.871 c 0
+ 246.33 486.306 240.371 496 226.428 496 c 0
+ 194.415 496 186.412 447.651 186.412 430.561 c 0
+ 186.412 415.154 192.322 406 207.298 406 c 0
+295.532 466.9 m 0
+ 295.532 421.396 255.617 365 206.583 365 c 1
+ 219.591 360.333 220.308 359 238.308 359 c 0
+ 267.308 359 296.559 379 321.25 434 c 0
+ 331.139 457 396.08 532 459.08 532 c 0
+ 494.534 532 536.535 500.597 536.535 460.328 c 0
+ 536.535 456.3 536.115 452.183 535.226 448 c 2
+ 440 0 l 1
+ 306 0 l 1
+ 379.97 348 l 2
+ 387.036 381.245 391.972 404.465 391.972 418.983 c 0
+ 391.972 431.977 388.018 438 378.1 438 c 0
+ 355.1 438 327.855 315 223.955 315 c 0
+ 150.882 315 126.356 363.078 126.356 410.198 c 0
+ 126.356 478.672 172.815 534 242.505 534 c 0
+ 270.434 534 295.532 502.769 295.532 466.9 c 0
+769.018 527 m 1
+ 657 0 l 1
+ 520 0 l 1
+ 632.018 527 l 1
+ 769.018 527 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khomutthai
+Encoding: 3675 3675 2043
+Width: 1381
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+598.768 93 m 0
+ 609.658 93 617.671 106.366 617.671 152.651 c 0
+ 617.671 154.474 617.659 156.348 617.634 158.273 c 1
+ 604.211 138.122 589.26 114.184 589.26 101.645 c 0
+ 589.26 96.2785 591.998 93 598.768 93 c 0
+727.651 119.998 m 0
+ 738.39 119.998 741.308 149.548 741.308 170.951 c 0
+ 741.308 172.772 741.287 174.534 741.248 176.214 c 1
+ 734.477 164.508 722.613 139.277 722.613 126.997 c 0
+ 722.613 122.776 724.015 120.086 727.651 119.998 c 0
+617.375 444 m 0
+ 601.893 444 598.023 420.875 598.023 402.233 c 0
+ 598.023 386.786 600.92 370.734 605.555 353.521 c 1
+ 615.631 381.82 623.921 408.932 628.399 430 c 0
+ 628.663 431.24 628.786 432.391 628.786 433.454 c 0
+ 628.786 440.818 622.909 444 617.375 444 c 0
+843.033 146 m 0
+ 850.304 146 855.15 154.561 855.15 183.976 c 0
+ 855.15 186.287 855.084 188.538 854.957 190.729 c 1
+ 842.75 173.392 838.104 160.559 838.104 153.188 c 0
+ 838.104 148.479 840 146 843.033 146 c 0
+731.424 416 m 0
+ 722.127 416 715.164 411.343 715.164 379.313 c 0
+ 715.164 371.465 716.034 364.047 717.614 356.921 c 1
+ 728.689 377.598 737.398 397.782 737.398 408.368 c 0
+ 737.398 413.172 735.605 416 731.424 416 c 0
+937.77 168.033 m 0
+ 942.108 168.033 944.695 185.72 945 196.429 c 1
+ 938.032 184.158 935.482 176.096 935.482 171.798 c 0
+ 935.482 169.258 936.373 168.033 937.77 168.033 c 0
+841.109 391 m 0
+ 835.09 391 829.749 386.862 829.749 359.129 c 0
+ 829.749 354.243 830.093 349.565 830.654 344.825 c 1
+ 835.656 354.833 844.178 376.098 844.178 385.881 c 0
+ 844.178 389.039 843.29 391 841.109 391 c 0
+1015.16 194.437 m 1
+ 1013.67 190.739 1012.87 188.594 1012.87 187.895 c 0
+ 1012.87 186.562 1013.22 186.015 1014.39 186.015 c 0
+ 1014.96 186.015 1015.16 188.667 1015.16 194.437 c 1
+658.472 443.684 m 0
+ 658.472 414.4 629.678 342.819 616.931 313.044 c 1
+ 624.08 291.288 633.219 265.761 639.634 236.553 c 1
+ 694.922 318.633 l 1
+ 689.901 333.603 685.923 351.223 685.923 372.044 c 0
+ 685.923 436.336 716.705 448 737.226 448 c 0
+ 755.38 448 767.846 435.005 767.846 417.416 c 0
+ 767.846 398.297 749.668 357.147 729.179 321.823 c 1
+ 738.847 299.303 751.581 276.607 760.261 247.82 c 1
+ 777.012 268.524 793.646 287.998 808.389 307.772 c 1
+ 803.754 320.261 801.04 333.999 801.04 349.984 c 0
+ 801.04 410.436 828.308 421 846.486 421 c 0
+ 862.856 421 874.002 409.403 874.002 394.022 c 0
+ 874.002 377.323 859.548 339.958 839.971 310.528 c 1
+ 848.342 291.443 860.514 273.562 870.316 252.411 c 1
+ 885.428 271.275 901.624 290.338 914.505 308.454 c 1
+ 908.559 321.919 904.954 335.611 904.954 349.344 c 0
+ 904.954 388.63 933.151 396 944.173 396 c 0
+ 958.985 396 969.269 385.354 969.269 371.365 c 0
+ 969.269 359.081 959.656 332.241 946.721 309.943 c 1
+ 952.705 297.232 959.052 282.857 964.569 264.204 c 1
+ 989.061 296.188 l 1
+ 986.492 305.649 984.594 315.319 984.594 326.298 c 0
+ 984.594 371.435 1011.91 377 1022.13 377 c 0
+ 1032.09 377 1045.28 372.141 1045.28 354.085 c 0
+ 1045.28 331.403 1024.82 302.653 1021.19 297.381 c 1
+ 1025.44 287.056 1030.78 276.629 1034.88 264.359 c 1
+ 1053.82 287.074 l 1
+ 1051.11 294.848 1049.4 304.253 1049.4 313.848 c 0
+ 1049.4 333.49 1057.72 361 1085.73 361 c 0
+ 1103.27 361 1108.09 349.6 1108.09 338.699 c 0
+ 1108.09 329.359 1103.21 310.249 1084.75 285.889 c 1
+ 1087.21 278.709 1090.92 271.529 1094.7 263.887 c 1
+ 1099.87 270.237 1105.03 276.723 1109.47 283.081 c 1
+ 1108.17 288.793 1106.02 299.213 1106.02 309.327 c 0
+ 1106.02 320.809 1108.46 343.704 1137.99 348.082 c 1
+ 1142.9 347.304 1157.65 343.37 1157.65 326.468 c 0
+ 1157.65 313.755 1148.84 296.345 1140.25 283.484 c 1
+ 1142.17 279.031 1144.18 274.846 1146.22 270.71 c 1
+ 1159.58 277.817 1174.26 280 1188.52 280 c 2
+ 1421.52 280 l 1
+ 1414.71 248 l 1
+ 1176.71 248 l 2
+ 1168.41 248 1161.64 246.646 1156.66 244.959 c 1
+ 1158.63 238.641 1160.85 230.037 1160.85 220.978 c 0
+ 1160.85 195.495 1140.77 183 1124.9 183 c 0
+ 1112.51 183 1105.38 192.914 1104.81 207.442 c 1
+ 1103.26 193.881 1094.69 172 1071.56 172 c 0
+ 1058.35 172 1050.51 179.744 1050.51 191.954 c 0
+ 1050.51 206.647 1061.74 224.493 1073.53 238.403 c 1
+ 1071.11 245.382 1067.55 252.396 1064.18 259.905 c 1
+ 1056.53 251.1 1048.99 242.764 1042.39 234.27 c 1
+ 1042.85 229.647 1043.11 224.895 1043.11 219.926 c 0
+ 1043.11 186.26 1034.94 156 1006.16 156 c 0
+ 993.232 156 983.311 164.96 983.311 177.575 c 0
+ 983.311 189.535 993.268 211.754 1012.67 237.375 c 1
+ 1010.02 248.467 1005.23 258.561 1000.22 269.068 c 1
+ 991.324 257.008 981.246 245.147 972.072 232.576 c 1
+ 973.104 225.743 973.626 218.45 973.626 210.821 c 0
+ 973.626 158.969 956.794 139 931.545 139 c 0
+ 916.733 139 906.449 149.646 906.449 163.635 c 0
+ 906.449 177.757 917.886 202.341 941.034 234.244 c 1
+ 937.375 249.559 931.286 264.18 925.639 279.402 c 1
+ 910.96 260.072 894.537 241.165 879.585 223.61 c 1
+ 882.567 212.988 884.379 201.152 884.379 187.892 c 0
+ 884.379 128.172 855.873 117 836.869 117 c 0
+ 819.576 117 807.711 129.223 807.711 145.492 c 0
+ 807.711 161.368 819.283 187.633 847.721 224.874 c 1
+ 840.283 243.549 829.26 260.945 819.587 280.215 c 1
+ 802.585 256.902 783.557 235.792 767.338 214.562 c 1
+ 769.18 204.51 770.171 193.655 770.171 181.888 c 0
+ 770.171 165.198 768.176 146.672 763.782 126 c 0
+ 759.559 106.132 739.996 90 720.13 90 c 0
+ 702.836 90 690.972 102.223 690.972 118.492 c 0
+ 690.972 127.648 696.512 161.229 736.633 218.155 c 1
+ 730.384 243.728 718.607 265.826 707.882 289.116 c 1
+ 688.307 258.419 665.639 226.974 645.757 198.531 c 1
+ 647.235 186.624 648.13 174.319 648.13 161.444 c 0
+ 648.13 143.26 646.345 123.94 641.894 103 c 0
+ 637.18 80.8242 614.122 62 591.179 62 c 0
+ 571.81 62 558.021 76.4275 558.021 94.8637 c 0
+ 558.021 115.953 580.796 152.791 613.939 200.309 c 1
+ 610.261 220.376 603.701 243.622 596.937 267.046 c 1
+ 504.19 73.2158 377.955 -18 247.174 -18 c 0
+ 197.524 -18 73.2435 23.126 73.2435 184.092 c 0
+ 73.2435 208.539 76.1101 235.749 82.54 266 c 0
+ 124.472 463.271 269.562 541 342.993 541 c 0
+ 416.982 541 488.406 513.354 488.406 411.148 c 0
+ 488.406 392.898 486.129 372.271 481.183 349 c 0
+ 448.028 193.021 345.988 157 306.371 157 c 0
+ 265.212 157 218.1 172.717 218.1 231.474 c 0
+ 218.1 301.886 276.049 364 320.37 364 c 0
+ 333.942 364 343.068 354.675 343.068 341.995 c 0
+ 343.068 331.636 334.248 308 307.468 308 c 0
+ 301.167 308 291.941 310.035 287.302 317.659 c 1
+ 263.092 299.434 250.781 263.275 250.781 240.209 c 0
+ 250.781 213.146 266.453 190 308.386 190 c 0
+ 396.122 190 453.51 312.798 453.51 401.808 c 0
+ 453.51 485.392 395.185 508 335.979 508 c 0
+ 275.509 508 149.914 441.833 112.54 266 c 0
+ 106.676 238.411 104.044 213.649 104.044 191.458 c 0
+ 104.044 51.8627 208.19 14 266.976 14 c 0
+ 411.277 14 523.323 165.962 585.032 303.11 c 1
+ 575.901 333.846 568.115 364.469 568.115 395.881 c 0
+ 568.115 463.231 602.352 476 625.177 476 c 0
+ 649.216 476 658.472 463.515 658.472 443.684 c 0
+938.574 367.982 m 0
+ 934.1 367.982 932.982 357.325 932.982 353.961 c 0
+ 932.982 350.703 933.301 346.822 933.721 341.896 c 1
+ 938.827 353.647 941.235 360.848 941.235 364.628 c 0
+ 941.235 366.952 940.325 367.982 938.574 367.982 c 0
+1016.97 348 m 0
+ 1016.08 348 1012.71 344.103 1012.53 330.515 c 1
+ 1016.5 338.553 1017.29 343.464 1017.29 345.958 c 0
+ 1017.29 347.362 1017.04 348 1016.97 348 c 0
+1079 331.943 m 0
+ 1078.21 331.943 1076.31 328.626 1076.31 323.643 c 0
+ 1076.31 322.561 1076.4 321.401 1076.61 320.18 c 1
+ 1079.1 325.194 1080.04 328.44 1080.04 330.227 c 0
+ 1080.04 331.4 1079.63 331.943 1079 331.943 c 0
+1105.29 216.802 m 1
+ 1107.28 232.054 1114.51 244.811 1122.28 253.369 c 1
+ 1120.72 256.954 l 1
+ 1103.16 236.216 l 1
+ 1104.65 228.804 1105.24 222.321 1105.29 216.802 c 1
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+336.338 99.2747 m 0
+ 336.338 62.7458 303.627 -16 201.599 -16 c 0
+ 149.316 -16 86.6974 18.4945 86.6974 71.2778 c 0
+ 86.6974 76.0403 87.2071 80.9517 88.2803 86 c 2
+ 128.878 277 l 2
+ 139.931 329 175.883 357 243.283 373 c 1
+ 215.173 396 194.022 400 131.66 403 c 1
+ 178.752 474 303.505 534 388.505 534 c 0
+ 494.651 534 591.967 473.093 591.967 381.146 c 0
+ 591.967 371.745 590.95 362.019 588.82 352 c 2
+ 522.928 42 l 1
+ 570.928 42 l 2
+ 595.928 42 616.579 78 620.405 96 c 2
+ 712.018 527 l 1
+ 852.018 527 l 1
+ 756.154 76 l 2
+ 747.227 34 713 0 681 0 c 2
+ 374 0 l 1
+ 446.057 339 l 2
+ 450.772 361.185 452.942 379.798 452.942 395.39 c 0
+ 452.942 460.624 414.964 473 366.539 473 c 0
+ 304.327 472 268.414 463 220.486 421 c 1
+ 269.062 419 317.811 399 328.583 365 c 1
+ 299.458 355 283.97 348 276.53 313 c 2
+ 242.309 152 l 1
+ 254.646 163 268.922 169 282.922 169 c 0
+ 311.66 169 336.338 135.632 336.338 99.2747 c 0
+246.652 36 m 0
+ 280.085 36 285.684 89.9232 285.684 100.871 c 0
+ 285.684 116.306 279.725 126 265.782 126 c 0
+ 233.769 126 225.766 77.6507 225.766 60.5613 c 0
+ 225.766 45.1543 231.676 36 246.652 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61172 -1 2045
+Width: 484
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+105.767 190.997 m 0
+ 105.767 240.109 146.652 301 207.979 301 c 0
+ 240.979 301 287.578 285 317.951 235 c 1
+ 324.115 264 l 2
+ 325.786 271.863 326.575 278.944 326.575 285.321 c 0
+ 326.575 340.589 267.39 343 210.907 343 c 0
+ 170.907 343 119.994 334 101.931 329 c 1
+ 125.337 425 225.805 526 307.805 526 c 0
+ 360.805 526 407.94 489 442.515 487 c 0
+ 470.515 487 475.152 490 500.867 531 c 1
+ 550.867 531 l 1
+ 534.428 496 486.298 406 406.298 406 c 0
+ 359.298 406 322.675 436 273.675 436 c 0
+ 242.675 436 207.187 429 173.347 378 c 1
+ 212.047 386 238.472 388 271.472 388 c 0
+ 396.782 388 464.367 346.34 464.367 277.362 c 0
+ 464.367 269.275 463.438 260.814 461.564 252 c 2
+ 408 0 l 1
+ 268 0 l 1
+ 280.361 58.1547 285.308 100.396 285.308 132.449 c 0
+ 285.308 194.832 266.569 218.617 247.289 246 c 1
+ 248.032 239.851 249.113 230.9 249.113 222.976 c 0
+ 249.113 184.052 206.727 126 159.782 126 c 0
+ 132.323 126 105.767 151.035 105.767 190.997 c 0
+170.284 166 m 0
+ 203.667 166 209.316 219.802 209.316 230.871 c 0
+ 209.316 246.306 203.357 256 189.414 256 c 0
+ 157.401 256 149.398 207.651 149.398 190.561 c 0
+ 149.398 175.154 155.308 166 170.284 166 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_than
+Encoding: 61173 -1 2046
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+50.875 -217 m 0
+ 21.6644 -217 14.3617 -239.151 14.3617 -250.876 c 0
+ 14.3617 -262.555 21.9746 -269 33.8223 -269 c 0
+ 56.8223 -269 74.8291 -252.5 91.624 -237 c 1
+ 82.5684 -225.5 69.875 -217 50.875 -217 c 0
+175.256 -137.686 m 0
+ 175.256 -99.6829 199.888 -25 281.687 -25 c 0
+ 342.747 -25 384.669 -52.4092 384.669 -100.297 c 0
+ 384.669 -106.524 383.961 -113.096 382.493 -120 c 2
+ 344.233 -300 l 1
+ 245.233 -300 l 1
+ 194.16 -258 l 1
+ 147.233 -300 l 1
+ 111.233 -300 l 1
+ 111.724 -295.158 111.963 -290.822 111.963 -286.837 c 0
+ 111.963 -276.009 110.201 -267.772 106.948 -259 c 1
+ 81.9209 -285 56.2334 -300 25.2334 -300 c 0
+ -0.102982 -300 -19.0937 -280.918 -19.0937 -255.423 c 0
+ -19.0937 -223.926 10.7297 -186 55.4648 -186 c 0
+ 82.4648 -186 104.189 -192 117.213 -206 c 1
+ 147.196 -175.5 l 1
+ 166.052 -195 l 1
+ 154.682 -208.5 148.588 -216 135.112 -230 c 1
+ 141.168 -241.5 142.789 -251.614 144.673 -265 c 1
+ 203.938 -212 l 1
+ 253.735 -260 l 1
+ 269.252 -187 l 1
+ 255.126 -197 242.488 -200 229.488 -200 c 0
+ 194.875 -200 175.256 -174.191 175.256 -137.686 c 0
+239.203 -159 m 0
+ 271.092 -159 277.071 -106.133 277.071 -95.2096 c 0
+ 277.071 -79.1475 270.6 -69 256.334 -69 c 0
+ 225.507 -69 217.8 -115.206 217.8 -131.574 c 0
+ 217.8 -148.705 224.834 -159 239.203 -159 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_maihanakat
+Encoding: 61177 -1 2047
+Width: 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+140 737 m 0
+ 140 691 98 649 75 644 c 1
+ 87 638 92 635 116 635 c 0
+ 183 635 223 731 238 800 c 1
+ 342 800 l 1
+ 316 683 227 589 100 589 c 0
+ 29 589 -33 622 -33 686 c 0
+ -33 739 3 800 81 800 c 0
+ 117 800 140 772 140 737 c 0
+50 672 m 0
+ 83 672 89 726 89 737 c 0
+ 89 752 83 762 69 762 c 0
+ 37 762 29 714 29 697 c 0
+ 29 681 35 672 50 672 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_yo_u
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 778 514 basechar 0 {150-150 30} {}
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai sarauthai
+StartChar: thai_yo_uu
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai sarauuthai
+StartChar: thai_yo_phinthu
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai phinthuthai
+StartChar: thai_tho_u
+Encoding: 61174 -1 2051
+Width: 484
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2045 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai sarauthai
+StartChar: thai_tho_uu
+Encoding: 61175 -1 2052
+Width: 484
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+Refer: 2045 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai sarauuthai
+StartChar: thai_tho_phinthu
+Encoding: 61176 -1 2053
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+Refer: 2045 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai phinthuthai
+StartChar: dottedcircle
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+Refer: 409 729 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 -121 57 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 -121 -288 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 476 -288 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 476 57 2
+Refer: 409 729 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 351 183 2
+Refer: 409 729 N -1.8359e-08 0.75 -0.75 -1.8359e-08 1219.32 75.6154 2
+Refer: 409 729 N -1.8359e-08 0.75 -0.75 -1.8359e-08 529.321 75.6154 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 0.75 0 0 0.75 180 -460 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 0.75 0 0 0.75 180 230 2
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+Refer: 1992 3620 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" ruthai saraaathai
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: thai_lu_saraaa
+Encoding: 61180 -1 2056
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+Refer: 2021 3653 N 1 0 0 1 542 0 2
+Refer: 1994 3622 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" luthai saraaathai
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: uni035c
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+ -120 765 l 1
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+872 800 m 1
+ 828 660 l 1
+ 799 660 l 1
+ 803 675.333 806.556 692.667 806.556 708.963 c 0
+ 806.556 741.556 792.333 770 739 770 c 2
+ 656 770 l 1
+ 627 662 l 1
+ 508 662 l 1
+ 537 770 l 1
+ 450 770 l 2
+ 374 770 349 740 318 660 c 1
+ 289 660 l 1
+ 333 800 l 1
+ 872 800 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+ 621.282 -195.319 621.012 -197.534 620.488 -200 c 2
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+ 162.043 -249.877 162.19 -248.451 162.498 -247 c 2
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+ 195.27 -94.2277 195.676 -90.9129 196.508 -87 c 2
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+ 243.712 -63.6052 269.423 -45 290.435 -45 c 0
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+ 408 -72 407 -76 403 -95 c 0
+ 401 -103 393 -110 385 -110 c 2
+ 185 -110 l 2
+ 178 -110 172 -105 172 -98 c 0
+ 172 -95 173 -91 178 -70 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: qamatshebrew
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+ 166 -70 l 2
+ 168 -62 176 -55 184 -55 c 2
+ 384 -55 l 2
+ 391 -55 397 -59 397 -63 c 0
+ 397 -64 397 -67 396 -70 c 2
+ 391 -95 l 2
+ 389 -103 381 -110 373 -110 c 2
+ 329 -110 l 2
+ 309 -110 283 -112 283 -154 c 0
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+StartChar: dageshhebrew
+Encoding: 1468 1468 2104
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 272 259 mark 0
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+394 338 m 0
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+ 425 281 399 262 378 262 c 0
+ 360 262 347 276 347 293 c 0
+ 347 316 369 338 394 338 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: afii57796
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+StartChar: afii57839
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+ 219 -52 227 -45 236 -45 c 2
+ 260 -45 l 2
+ 268 -45 274 -48.9565 274 -54 c 0
+ 274 -55 273.293 -58.6221 273 -60 c 2
+ 240 -215 l 2
+ 238 -223 230 -230 221 -230 c 2
+ 197 -230 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+ 514.307 600 521.962 592.837 521.962 581.542 c 0
+ 521.962 579.492 521.71 577.305 521.22 575 c 2
+ 497.839 465 l 2
+ 494.65 450 483.524 440 462.524 440 c 2
+ 155.524 440 l 2
+ 142.247 440 133.98 444.131 133.98 456.965 c 0
+ 133.98 459.597 134.328 462.596 135.052 466 c 2
+ 158.008 574 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rafehebrew
+Encoding: 1471 1471 2108
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+ 233 654 l 2
+ 226 654 220 659 220 666 c 0
+ 220 669 221 673 226 694 c 0
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+StartChar: afii57842
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+61.8115 -15 m 2
+ 54.794 -15 49.6914 -10.6143 49.6914 -3.8916 c 0
+ 49.6914 -2.9502 49.9363 2.01359 51 7 c 2
+ 187 645 l 2
+ 189 653 197 660 205 660 c 2
+ 230 660 l 2
+ 237 660 242 655 242 648 c 0
+ 242 647 242 645 242 644 c 2
+ 105 0 l 2
+ 103 -8 94.8115 -15 86.8115 -15 c 2
+ 61.8115 -15 l 2
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+StartChar: shindothebrew
+Encoding: 1473 1473 2110
+Width: 0
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+ 823.229 721 835.775 707.983 835.775 691.329 c 0
+ 835.775 664.718 808.789 646 788.91 646 c 0
+ 770.637 646 758.13 658.871 758.13 676.049 c 0
+ 758.13 702.395 783.841 721 804.854 721 c 0
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+StartChar: sindothebrew
+Encoding: 1474 1474 2111
+Width: 0
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+Refer: 2110 1473 S 1 0 0 1 -521 0 2
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+Encoding: 1475 1475 2112
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+210.628 50 m 0
+ 180.628 50 209.681 102 140.845 131 c 0
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+ 131.36 181.915 183.729 158.541 231.376 237 c 0
+ 236.289 246 245.139 250 253.139 250 c 0
+ 286.139 250 256.661 196 322.71 168 c 0
+ 329.446 165.583 332.386 160.571 332.386 154.531 c 0
+ 332.386 119.945 274.294 135.37 231.391 63 c 0
+ 226.479 54 218.628 50 210.628 50 c 0
+289.273 420 m 0
+ 259.273 420 288.327 472 219.491 501 c 0
+ 212.818 503.394 210.005 508.972 210.005 515.194 c 0
+ 210.005 551.916 262.359 528.516 310.021 607 c 0
+ 314.935 616 323.785 620 331.785 620 c 0
+ 364.785 620 335.307 566 401.355 538 c 0
+ 408.092 535.583 411.031 530.571 411.031 524.532 c 0
+ 411.031 489.946 352.941 505.37 310.037 433 c 0
+ 305.124 424 297.273 420 289.273 420 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: upperdothebrew
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+StartChar: afii57800
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+StartChar: afii57802
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+ 60.4531 -97.213 60.5694 -96.1162 60.8066 -95 c 2
+ 66.1211 -70 l 2
+ 67.8213 -62 75.3096 -55 84.3096 -55 c 2
+ 262.31 -55 l 2
+ 270.054 -55 274.475 -60.1826 274.475 -66.7254 c 0
+ 274.475 -67.7866 274.358 -68.8836 274.121 -70 c 2
+ 268.807 -95 l 2
+ 267.106 -103 259.619 -110 250.619 -110 c 2
+ 217.619 -110 l 2
+ 198.23 -110 171.244 -111.561 171.244 -156.845 c 0
+ 171.244 -174.631 181.398 -171.432 181.398 -186.19 c 0
+ 181.398 -213.724 158.584 -235 135.049 -235 c 0
+ 116.673 -235 104.127 -221.983 104.127 -205.329 c 0
+ 104.127 -169.698 137.726 -177.053 137.726 -129.093 c 0
+347.991 -160 m 0
+ 366.113 -160 377.821 -172.66 377.821 -189.625 c 0
+ 377.821 -216.04 353.184 -235 332.049 -235 c 0
+ 313.673 -235 301.127 -221.983 301.127 -205.329 c 0
+ 301.127 -178.717 328.112 -160 347.991 -160 c 0
+372.435 -45 m 0
+ 390.664 -45 402.402 -57.8095 402.402 -74.2715 c 0
+ 402.402 -96.4022 381.875 -120 356.493 -120 c 0
+ 338.22 -120 325.712 -107.129 325.712 -89.9511 c 0
+ 325.712 -63.6051 351.423 -45 372.435 -45 c 0
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+Encoding: 64286 64286 2116
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+ 455.209 652 394.165 664.038 394.165 686.332 c 0
+ 394.165 690.199 396.211 693.573 397.939 696 c 2
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+ 419.466 722 424.891 724 429.891 724 c 0
+ 442.891 724 453.49 708 504.49 708 c 0
+ 552.49 708 573.891 724 587.891 724 c 0
+ 592.891 724 597.466 722 599.403 717 c 2
+ 607.939 696 l 2
+ 608.34 694.608 608.637 692.731 608.637 691.045 c 0
+ 608.637 667.618 545.312 652 496.587 652 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yodhiriqhebrew
+Encoding: 64285 64285 2117
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+StartChar: yodyodpatahhebrew
+Encoding: 64287 64287 2118
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+Validated: 32769
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+499.887 644 m 0
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+ 582.319 590.487 628.74 578.491 628.74 523.468 c 0
+ 628.74 444.468 560.253 427.397 547.447 402 c 0
+ 472.265 260 466.023 193 432.517 73 c 0
+ 418.676 22 394 0 349 0 c 2
+ 59 0 l 2
+ 48.5253 0 43.1565 3.85719 43.1565 10.1689 c 0
+ 43.1565 11.0356 43.2577 11.9486 43.4609 12.9043 c 0
+ 44.0381 15.6191 45.4375 18.6797 47.6758 22 c 2
+ 120.545 139 l 2
+ 128.521 153 140.009 160 156.009 160 c 2
+ 230.009 160 l 2
+ 251.74 160 266.227 170.835 266.227 187.088 c 0
+ 266.227 218.976 202.767 242.584 202.767 317.448 c 0
+ 202.767 367.666 227.836 404.106 227.836 421.138 c 0
+ 227.836 455.305 143.964 419.327 143.964 515.799 c 0
+ 143.964 578.431 184.893 642 206.461 642 c 0
+ 235.461 642 210.597 605 284.746 601 c 0
+ 319.844 600.139 370.353 588.172 370.353 521.769 c 0
+ 370.353 488.657 355.971 430 334.399 430 c 0
+ 329.399 430 322.462 435 302.462 435 c 0
+ 285.162 435 252.218 434.251 252.218 368.156 c 0
+ 252.218 304.432 307.973 303.414 307.973 236.505 c 0
+ 307.973 224.804 305.607 199.128 295.835 178 c 0
+ 293.277 173.013 293.232 169.735 293.232 168.837 c 0
+ 293.232 163.533 296.699 160 304.009 160 c 2
+ 366.009 160 l 2
+ 409.009 160 401.937 202 462.68 309 c 0
+ 476.781 333 493.945 362 515.447 402 c 0
+ 517.177 405.642 518.252 409.182 518.252 412.34 c 0
+ 518.252 438.086 429.746 427.978 429.746 515.444 c 0
+ 429.746 586.769 481.942 644 499.887 644 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uniFB29
+Encoding: 64297 64297 2120
+Width: 570
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+304.129 297 m 1
+ 348.554 506 l 1
+ 436.554 506 l 1
+ 392.129 297 l 1
+ 600.129 297 l 1
+ 581.424 209 l 1
+ 77.4238 209 l 1
+ 96.1289 297 l 1
+ 304.129 297 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shinshindothebrew
+Encoding: 64298 64298 2121
+Width: 716
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+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew shindothebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: shinsindothebrew
+Encoding: 64299 64299 2122
+Width: 716
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+Refer: 2111 1474 S 1 0 0 1 14 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew sindothebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: shindageshshindot
+Encoding: 64300 64300 2123
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+Refer: 2110 1473 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shindageshhebrew shindothebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: shindageshsindot
+Encoding: 64301 64301 2124
+Width: 716
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+Refer: 2111 1474 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shindageshhebrew sindothebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: alefpatahhebrew
+Encoding: 64302 64302 2125
+Width: 593
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+Refer: 718 1488 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2102 1463 S 1 0 0 1 -3 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew patahhebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: alefqamatshebrew
+Encoding: 64303 64303 2126
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+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew qamatshebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: alefdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64304 64304 2127
+Width: 593
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+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: betdageshhebrew
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+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" bethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: gimeldageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64306 64306 2129
+Width: 339
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+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" gimelhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: daletdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64307 64307 2130
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+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 25 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 245 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 48 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 381 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 721 1491 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -83 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" dalethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: hedageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64308 64308 2131
+Width: 561
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 20 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 48 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 722 1492 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -47 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" hehebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: vavdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64309 64309 2132
+Width: 266
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 279 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 40 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 145 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 88 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 156 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 723 1493 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -236 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" vavhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: zayindageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64310 64310 2133
+Width: 291
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 269 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 40 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 115 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 85 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 143 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 161 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 724 1494 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -271 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" zayinhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tetdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64312 64312 2134
+Width: 576
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 479 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 726 1496 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 80 -24 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: yoddageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64313 64313 2135
+Width: 266
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 259 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 60 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 125 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 98 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 156 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 151 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 727 1497 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -250 70 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" yodhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: finalkafdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64314 64314 2136
+Width: 496
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 205 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 248 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 728 1498 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -87 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" finalkafhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: kafdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64315 64315 2137
+Width: 501
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 33 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 60 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 256 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 729 1499 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -81 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" kafhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: lameddageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64316 64316 2138
+Width: 510
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 20 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 215 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 188 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 316 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 221 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 730 1500 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -143 26 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" lamedhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: memdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64318 64318 2139
+Width: 581
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 459 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 58 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 732 1502 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 6 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" memhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: nundageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64320 64320 2140
+Width: 347
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 269 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 60 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 135 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 94 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 166 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 151 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 734 1504 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -222 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" nunhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: samekhdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64321 64321 2141
+Width: 512
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 459 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 37 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 245 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 64 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 735 1505 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -46 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" samekhhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: pefinaldageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64323 64323 2142
+Width: 493
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 20 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 215 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 53 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 737 1507 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -54 -220 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" finalpehebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: pedageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64324 64324 2143
+Width: 491
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 25 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 57 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 738 1508 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 37 -24 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" pehebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tsadidageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64326 64326 2144
+Width: 561
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 17 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 51 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -203 0 2
+Refer: 740 1510 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tsadihebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: qofdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64327 64327 2145
+Width: 544
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 310 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 59 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 315 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 741 1511 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" qofhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: reshdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64328 64328 2146
+Width: 502
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 28 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 52 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 421 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -79 0 2
+Refer: 742 1512 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" reshhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: shindageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64329 64329 2147
+Width: 716
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 499 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 245 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 276 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 N 1 0 0 1 53 0 2
+Refer: 743 1513 N 1 0 0 1 -33 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tavdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64330 64330 2148
+Width: 571
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 41 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 275 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 73 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 276 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 278 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2104 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 744 1514 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tavhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: vavholamhebrew
+Encoding: 64331 64331 2149
+Width: 266
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 259 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 29 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 115 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 130 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 220 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2094 1465 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 723 1493 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" vavhebrew holamhebrew
+StartChar: betrafehebrew
+Encoding: 64332 64332 2150
+Width: 498
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 260 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 59 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 719 1489 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2108 1471 S 1 0 0 1 81 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" bethebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: kafrafehebrew
+Encoding: 64333 64333 2151
+Width: 501
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 34 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 260 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 58 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 729 1499 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2108 1471 S 1 0 0 1 100 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" kafhebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: perafehebrew
+Encoding: 64334 64334 2152
+Width: 491
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 26 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 350 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 55 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 738 1508 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2108 1471 S 1 0 0 1 114 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" pehebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: aleflamedhebrew
+Encoding: 64335 64335 2153
+Width: 593
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 459 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 0 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 50 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 208 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 256 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+240.964 682 m 2
+ 234.587 652 l 2
+ 232.847 643.813 231.488 635.25 231.488 625.752 c 0
+ 231.488 588.843 252.018 537.826 350.524 440 c 2
+ 432.458 355 l 1
+ 432.458 355 435.441 352.805 439.53 352.805 c 0
+ 442.743 352.805 446.639 354.16 450.308 359 c 0
+ 476.904 394.788 497.458 417.104 497.458 431.631 c 0
+ 497.458 435.874 495.78 439.568 492.162 443 c 0
+ 482.397 453.234 458.377 475.107 458.377 513.581 c 0
+ 458.377 577.394 518.635 644 553.887 644 c 0
+ 572.887 644 556.447 609 590.921 583 c 0
+ 625.405 558.511 655.655 537.587 655.655 491.323 c 0
+ 655.655 429.219 598.947 358 582.096 358 c 0
+ 572.096 358 576.559 379 543.235 401 c 0
+ 540.47 402.742 537.158 403.635 533.717 403.635 c 0
+ 527.282 403.635 520.39 400.515 515.747 394 c 2
+ 473.844 338 l 2
+ 472.313 335.5 472.191 333.31 472.191 332.137 c 0
+ 472.191 303.597 572.088 252.237 572.088 149.602 c 0
+ 572.088 55.1364 496.818 0 478 0 c 0
+ 469.22 0 466.749 8.43144 466.749 19.6762 c 0
+ 466.749 33.6507 469.888 47.6253 469.888 54.6125 c 0
+ 469.888 149.599 156.716 365.096 156.716 472.043 c 0
+ 156.716 487.894 158.789 502.401 161.679 516 c 2
+ 182.297 613 l 2
+ 220.631 793.343 263.953 750.359 263.953 787.634 c 0
+ 263.953 805.962 236.566 805.362 236.566 834.299 c 0
+ 236.566 839.294 242.721 899 270.088 899 c 0
+ 316.627 899 334.308 846.134 334.308 819.976 c 0
+ 334.308 766.301 262.329 782.518 240.964 682 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew lamedhebrew
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: uni05c5
+Encoding: 1477 1477 2154
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 250 -87 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 301 -117 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+291.71 -39 m 0
+ 317.922 -39 334.733 -58.0846 334.733 -80.9132 c 0
+ 334.733 -116.604 295.083 -145 269.18 -145 c 0
+ 245.293 -145 226.679 -123.867 226.679 -100.297 c 0
+ 226.679 -73.3396 254.224 -39 291.71 -39 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni05c6
+Encoding: 1478 1478 2155
+Width: 347
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+164.148 415.108 m 0
+ 164.148 432.272 155.395 447.149 155.395 474.681 c 0
+ 155.395 520.024 182.762 576.768 256.259 594 c 0
+ 342.572 619 328.887 644 350.887 644 c 0
+ 365.042 644 379.859 618.028 379.859 580.185 c 0
+ 379.859 551.657 370.315 521.005 362.341 505 c 0
+ 300.525 395.998 205.04 451.961 194.296 401.416 c 0
+ 191.552 388.41 188.194 334.939 176.516 280 c 0
+ 165.676 229 153.599 191 151.473 181 c 0
+ 150.914 178.372 150.603 175.949 150.603 173.754 c 0
+ 150.603 165.093 155.445 160 169.009 160 c 2
+ 294.009 160 l 2
+ 310.009 160 317.521 153 320.545 139 c 2
+ 343.676 22 l 2
+ 343.895 20.1939 344.113 18.3877 344.113 16.5816 c 0
+ 344.113 5.28062 334.706 0 323 0 c 2
+ 130 0 l 2
+ 85.8293 0 52.9627 16.7694 52.9627 76.2073 c 0
+ 52.9627 213.886 164.148 352.756 164.148 415.108 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni05c7
+Encoding: 1479 1479 2156
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 173 -87 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 383 -87 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 270 0 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_below_yiddish" 280 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+288 -176 m 0
+ 288 -195 297 -204 297 -219 c 0
+ 297 -251 264 -272 238 -272 c 0
+ 216 -272 199 -257 199 -236 c 0
+ 199 -204 235 -190 235 -150 c 0
+ 235 -136 224 -130 202 -130 c 2
+ 158 -130 l 2
+ 151 -130 146 -126 146 -122 c 0
+ 146 -121 146 -118 147 -115 c 2
+ 156 -70 l 2
+ 158 -62 166 -55 174 -55 c 2
+ 394 -55 l 2
+ 401 -55 407 -57 407 -63 c 0
+ 407 -64 407 -67 406 -70 c 2
+ 397 -115 l 2
+ 395 -123 386 -130 378 -130 c 2
+ 334 -130 l 2
+ 311 -130 288 -133 288 -176 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni05ba
+Encoding: 1466 1466 2157
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 1200
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 220 570 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2154 1477 S 1 0 0 1 -40 773 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: toneextrahigh
+Encoding: 741 741 2158
+Width: 526
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+624.045 800 m 1
+ 454 0 l 1
+ 382 0 l 1
+ 536.741 728 l 1
+ 194.741 728 l 1
+ 210.045 800 l 1
+ 624.045 800 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tonehigh
+Encoding: 742 742 2159
+Width: 526
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+624.045 800 m 1
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+ 466.984 174 l 1
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+ 825.688 676 l 1
+ 821.649 657 l 1
+ 736.8 653 720.036 640 704.52 567 c 2
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+ 881.732 361 l 1
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+ 445.806 319 l 1
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+ 37 0 l 1
+ 41.251 20 l 1
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+ 203.679 368.258 180.766 382.184 119.897 390 c 1
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+ 384.148 410 l 1
+ 361.404 303 l 1
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+ 734.096 326.818 673.527 -14 419.024 -14 c 0
+ 342.62 -14 301.32 42.3017 301.32 98.0097 c 0
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+ 44.0015 -14 10.7824 39.0573 10.7824 93.1229 c 0
+561.019 320 m 1
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+ 579.967 570.845 564.524 637 518.398 637 c 0
+ 479.398 637 407.027 480 344.019 320 c 1
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+ 471.984 174 l 1
+ 473.673 189.478 474.554 203.584 474.554 216.411 c 0
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+ 293.405 96 l 2
+ 291.37 86.4237 290.253 78.1361 290.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 290.253 39.1488 312.177 29.0792 373.313 25 c 1
+ 368 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
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+ 99.8018 32 120.777 46 131.405 96 c 2
+ 234.283 580 l 2
+ 236.19 588.973 237.211 596.832 237.211 603.718 c 0
+ 237.211 635.969 214.83 646.88 156.374 651 c 1
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+ 511.688 676 l 1
+ 506.374 651 l 1
+ 431.736 648 407.336 632 396.283 580 c 2
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+ 288.405 96 l 2
+ 286.653 87.7548 285.831 80.4931 285.831 74.0949 c 0
+ 285.831 24.6215 334.989 26.771 383.313 25 c 1
+ 378 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 23.3135 25 l 1
+ 76.377 30 113.015 33 126.405 96 c 2
+ 229.283 580 l 2
+ 231.139 588.732 232.022 596.358 232.022 603.024 c 0
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+ 712.581 326.006 691.102 341.562 625.395 350 c 1
+ 629.646 370 l 1
+ 939.646 370 l 1
+ 935.395 350 l 1
+ 853.27 340 829.019 320 820.516 280 c 0
+ 773.328 58 651.961 -19 551.961 -19 c 0
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+ 108.888 -19 40.7251 29.3318 40.7251 133.03 c 0
+ 40.7251 298.71 186.795 356 198.67 356 c 0
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+ 228.121 307.855 179.159 220.508 179.159 122.454 c 0
+ 179.159 56.457 206.466 26 251.526 26 c 0
+ 279.526 26 315.841 51 352.13 90 c 1
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+ 279.781 523.532 404.773 695 548.727 695 c 0
+ 599.18 695 618.602 650.056 618.602 581.739 c 0
+444.212 208 m 1
+ 512.834 310.69 572.553 418.565 572.553 590.091 c 0
+ 572.553 631.228 565.153 655 550.225 655 c 0
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+ 725.487 592.036 726.557 578.51 728.606 558 c 2
+ 765.188 222 l 1
+ 950.095 565 l 2
+ 961.279 584.633 967.605 609.029 967.605 620.036 c 0
+ 967.605 640.952 951.406 648.468 906.374 651 c 1
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+ 1088.37 651 l 1
+ 1054.74 648 1027.27 627 1005.77 587 c 2
+ 677.812 -15 l 1
+ 650.812 -15 l 1
+ 581.201 462 l 1
+ 293.812 -15 l 1
+ 265.812 -15 l 1
+ 181.771 587 l 2
+ 175.186 636 167.099 645 126.374 651 c 1
+ 131.688 676 l 1
+ 425.688 676 l 1
+ 420.374 651 l 1
+ 379.887 647.936 346.121 643.003 346.121 595.742 c 0
+ 346.121 590.481 346.601 584.323 347.433 576 c 2
+ 390.062 212 l 1
+ 573.529 520 l 1
+ 558.935 616 l 2
+ 553.036 640 534.949 649 494.374 651 c 1
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+ 811.688 676 l 1
+ 806.374 651 l 1
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+ 635.099 695 693.532 662.676 693.532 588.902 c 0
+ 693.532 565.815 680.663 448 611.226 448 c 0
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+ 545.797 494.4 560.237 549.504 560.237 593.588 c 0
+ 560.237 627.388 552.125 650 530.162 650 c 0
+ 496.532 650 446.086 559.125 446.086 391.941 c 0
+ 446.086 375.615 446.27 359.318 446.27 343.41 c 0
+ 446.27 96.8963 302.071 -19 227.961 -19 c 0
+ 141.714 -19 51.4994 32.3263 51.4994 155.509 c 0
+319.148 410 m 0
+ 250.794 410 202.804 179.674 202.804 100.164 c 0
+ 202.804 51.2615 216.825 26 247.526 26 c 0
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+ 266.405 96 l 2
+ 264.37 86.4237 263.253 78.1361 263.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 263.253 39.1488 285.177 29.0792 346.313 25 c 1
+ 341 0 l 1
+ -9 0 l 1
+ -3.68652 25 l 1
+ 72.8018 32 93.7773 46 104.405 96 c 2
+ 169.235 401 l 2
+ 204.944 569 362.688 676 522.688 676 c 0
+ 622.86 676 672.6 608.259 672.6 527.836 c 0
+ 672.6 441.167 604.744 285 491.578 285 c 0
+ 434.109 285 364.504 325.774 364.504 388.346 c 0
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+ 445.467 515 l 1
+ 471.467 515 l 1
+ 469.778 499.523 468.897 485.417 468.897 472.591 c 0
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+ 686.309 360 741.262 338.071 741.262 259.111 c 0
+ 741.262 147.867 652.627 -19 371.961 -19 c 0
+ 191.699 -19 81.1472 87.1045 81.1472 247.449 c 0
+ 81.1472 465.262 268.732 691 514.877 691 c 0
+ 623.877 691 665.461 642 705.461 642 c 0
+ 724.461 642 737.8 653 759.239 688 c 1
+ 786.239 688 l 1
+ 736.501 454 l 1
+ 711.501 454 l 1
+ 700.641 497 661.862 658 520.862 658 c 0
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+ 169.8 42.0485 192.902 29.6389 255.313 25 c 1
+ 250 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 21.3135 25 l 1
+ 101.015 33 116.565 45 129.318 105 c 2
+ 230.283 580 l 2
+ 232.488 590.374 233.726 599.196 233.726 606.719 c 0
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+ 414.688 676 l 1
+ 514.361 204 l 1
+ 814.688 676 l 1
+ 1066.69 676 l 1
+ 1061.37 651 l 1
+ 987.312 646 969.123 631 953.819 559 c 2
+ 859.869 117 l 2
+ 855.905 98.3485 853.51 83.8376 853.51 72.3977 c 0
+ 853.51 40.2897 872.371 32.373 928.313 25 c 1
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+ 672.802 32 689.353 44 701.256 100 c 2
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+ 554.061 523.542 551.443 500.777 546.177 476 c 2
+ 469.869 117 l 2
+ 466.058 99.0683 463.866 84.672 463.866 73.0853 c 0
+ 463.866 38.1487 483.791 28.7547 539.313 25 c 1
+ 534 0 l 1
+ 182 0 l 1
+ 187.313 25 l 1
+ 268.951 28 291.928 42 303.405 96 c 2
+ 329.763 220 l 1
+ 222.975 221 290.429 289 214.429 289 c 0
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+ 69.7578 140 l 1
+ 141.602 478 l 1
+ 167.602 478 l 1
+ 165.658 460.189 164.761 444.193 164.761 429.875 c 0
+ 164.761 350.943 192.03 323 221.656 323 c 0
+ 341.656 323 253.54 266 339.327 265 c 1
+ 405.22 575 l 2
+ 408.389 589.911 410.005 602.681 410.005 613.479 c 0
+ 410.005 647.579 393.891 662 359.713 662 c 0
+ 332.028 662 307.287 646.919 307.287 624.298 c 0
+ 307.287 608.326 322.667 600.322 322.667 578.102 c 0
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+ 212 339 83.001 269.432 83.001 213.441 c 0
+ 83.001 187.136 127.462 203.632 127.462 167.843 c 0
+ 127.462 144.268 118.653 107 69.7432 107 c 0
+ 52.6792 107 33.4421 131.022 33.4421 162.918 c 0
+ 33.4421 231.176 124.73 376.225 272.771 380 c 1
+ 300.175 452.26 332.859 563.966 332.859 609.958 c 0
+ 332.859 647.081 310.887 653.108 246.438 656 c 1
+ 250.688 676 l 1
+ 610.688 676 l 1
+ 606.438 656 l 1
+ 577.49 653.166 483.164 646 483.164 540.312 c 0
+ 483.164 511.177 502.871 475 537.965 475 c 0
+ 617.965 475 694.727 695 784.727 695 c 0
+ 831.55 695 935.979 672.298 935.979 572.137 c 0
+ 935.979 444.552 807.281 365 724.583 365 c 0
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+ 677.481 393.98 703.352 400.451 723.085 405 c 0
+ 768.445 416.097 805.235 517.427 805.235 591.201 c 0
+ 805.235 625.803 797.581 655 776.225 655 c 0
+ 726.225 655 614.148 410 494.148 410 c 0
+ 444.148 410 426.273 420 410.524 440 c 1
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+ 419.277 336.718 469.703 294.605 469.703 220.074 c 0
+ 469.703 122.793 390.648 -19 252.961 -19 c 0
+ 193.642 -19 167.925 37.7298 167.925 85.469 c 0
+251.464 21 m 0
+ 289.717 21 339.86 148.421 339.86 227.788 c 0
+ 339.86 258.055 333.109 280.231 323.129 297 c 1
+ 252.656 203.163 207.23 141.167 207.23 82.1734 c 0
+ 207.23 38.01 234.626 21 251.464 21 c 0
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+83.4217 253.743 m 0
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+ 810.04 397.355 807.59 372.173 802.545 346 c 1
+ 898.545 346 l 1
+ 947.433 576 l 2
+ 949.402 585.264 950.497 593.277 950.497 600.235 c 0
+ 950.497 630.079 930.343 640.513 872.524 647 c 1
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+ 1214.84 672 l 1
+ 1209.52 647 l 1
+ 1137.61 638 1119.85 625 1109.43 576 c 2
+ 1006.55 92 l 2
+ 1004.53 82.4664 1003.43 74.2053 1003.43 67.0363 c 0
+ 1003.43 36.607 1023.27 25.856 1076.46 21 c 1
+ 1071.15 -4 l 1
+ 734.149 -4 l 1
+ 739.464 21 l 1
+ 810.526 26 833.928 42 844.555 92 c 2
+ 888.555 299 l 1
+ 790.555 299 l 1
+ 733.019 113 561.961 -19 366.961 -19 c 0
+ 194.088 -19 83.4217 92.6969 83.4217 253.743 c 0
+514.862 658 m 0
+ 305.311 658 252.923 296.23 252.923 192.869 c 0
+ 252.923 77.9807 294.988 14 374.976 14 c 0
+ 589.07 14 642.594 396.129 642.594 487.087 c 0
+ 642.594 598.651 599.333 658 514.862 658 c 0
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+575.293 326 m 1
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+ 282.341 41.9206 302.495 31.4875 360.313 25 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 23.3135 25 l 1
+ 95.2266 34 112.99 47 123.405 96 c 2
+ 226.283 580 l 2
+ 228.309 589.534 229.411 597.795 229.411 604.964 c 0
+ 229.411 635.393 209.567 646.144 156.374 651 c 1
+ 161.688 676 l 1
+ 498.688 676 l 1
+ 493.374 651 l 1
+ 422.312 646 398.91 630 388.283 580 c 2
+ 344.283 373 l 1
+ 585.283 373 l 1
+ 629.283 580 l 2
+ 631.198 589.01 632.229 596.915 632.229 603.851 c 0
+ 632.229 635.409 610.89 646.901 554.374 651 c 1
+ 559.688 676 l 1
+ 899.688 676 l 1
+ 894.374 651 l 1
+ 825.312 646 801.91 630 791.283 580 c 2
+ 688.405 96 l 2
+ 686.387 86.5031 685.257 78.3585 685.257 71.3332 c 0
+ 685.257 42.1111 704.81 32.2557 761.313 25 c 1
+ 756 0 l 1
+ 416 0 l 1
+ 421.313 25 l 1
+ 496.015 33 515.99 47 526.405 96 c 2
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+624.163 268.477 m 0
+ 624.163 161.053 518.668 -19 235.961 -19 c 0
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+ 89.5171 122.145 110.891 190 196.386 190 c 0
+ 228.566 190 256.738 163.632 256.738 131.609 c 0
+ 256.738 101.366 230.627 66.7082 198.903 56 c 1
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+ 397.892 20 456.928 191.562 456.928 295.936 c 0
+ 456.928 355.129 431.535 390 353.897 390 c 0
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+ 101.297 312 73.7619 329.029 73.7619 356.516 c 0
+ 73.7619 362.842 77.7395 421 138.486 421 c 0
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+ 219.96 395 233.385 397 243.811 399 c 1
+ 282.283 580 l 2
+ 284.19 588.973 285.211 596.832 285.211 603.718 c 0
+ 285.211 635.969 262.83 646.88 204.374 651 c 1
+ 209.688 676 l 1
+ 559.688 676 l 1
+ 554.374 651 l 1
+ 479.736 648 455.336 632 444.283 580 c 2
+ 412.399 430 l 1
+ 504.26 420.061 624.163 380.729 624.163 268.477 c 0
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+ 146.045 241.025 127.259 249.1 73.2021 255 c 1
+ 78.5156 280 l 1
+ 421.516 280 l 1
+ 416.202 255 l 1
+ 329.139 250 311.801 239 300.323 185 c 0
+ 290.247 137.598 285.904 104.035 285.904 80.385 c 0
+ 285.904 34.685 302.121 26 324.526 26 c 0
+ 350.526 26 391.841 51 488.748 187 c 1
+ 353.346 585 l 2
+ 335.611 638 337.162 650 258.438 656 c 1
+ 262.688 676 l 1
+ 612.688 676 l 1
+ 608.438 656 l 1
+ 541.765 651.048 525.086 640.549 525.086 617.371 c 0
+ 525.086 608.002 528.112 597.017 532.921 583 c 2
+ 614.97 348 l 1
+ 798.921 583 l 2
+ 817.25 604.885 822.39 616.924 822.39 625.405 c 0
+ 822.39 645.242 795.221 652.317 744.438 656 c 1
+ 748.688 676 l 1
+ 988.688 676 l 1
+ 984.438 656 l 1
+ 903.162 650 901.398 637 858.921 583 c 2
+ 449.179 62 l 2
+ 406.7 8 359.961 -19 302.961 -19 c 0
+ 195.472 -19 132.659 12.0284 132.659 103.695 c 0
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+81.9301 250.677 m 0
+ 81.9301 471.052 266.314 691 524.877 691 c 0
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+ 808.416 202.386 626.918 -19 369.961 -19 c 0
+ 192.362 -19 81.9301 89.2072 81.9301 250.677 c 0
+628.646 370 m 1
+ 637.213 410.307 641.902 449.012 641.902 484.252 c 0
+ 641.902 585.4 603.273 658 506.862 658 c 0
+ 397.862 658 309.38 524 276.646 370 c 1
+ 628.646 370 l 1
+619.656 323 m 1
+ 265.656 323 l 1
+ 254.473 270.389 248.961 224.15 248.961 184.552 c 0
+ 248.961 72.8624 292.814 14 376.976 14 c 0
+ 490.976 14 577.782 126 619.656 323 c 1
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+484.811 192 m 2
+ 487.089 202.717 488.416 211.741 488.416 219.36 c 0
+ 488.416 250.13 466.769 257.992 398.689 262 c 1
+ 404.004 287 l 1
+ 747.004 287 l 1
+ 741.689 262 l 1
+ 664.989 254 651.438 242 636.135 170 c 2
+ 595.961 -19 l 1
+ 439.961 -19 l 1
+ 458.879 70 l 1
+ 458.879 70 363.961 -19 209.961 -19 c 0
+ 162.081 -19 114.465 12.2038 114.465 106.118 c 0
+ 114.465 129.891 117.516 157.681 124.386 190 c 2
+ 173.273 420 l 1
+ 83.2734 420 l 1
+ 91.7764 460 l 1
+ 181.776 460 l 1
+ 227.688 676 l 1
+ 387.688 676 l 1
+ 341.776 460 l 1
+ 521.776 460 l 1
+ 513.273 420 l 1
+ 333.273 420 l 1
+ 284.386 190 l 2
+ 275.612 148.723 271.493 118.212 271.493 95.946 c 0
+ 271.493 53.4806 286.474 41 312.715 41 c 0
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+80.1472 247.449 m 0
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+ 723.461 642 736.8 653 758.239 688 c 1
+ 785.239 688 l 1
+ 735.501 454 l 1
+ 710.501 454 l 1
+ 699.641 497 660.862 658 519.862 658 c 0
+ 304.482 658 250.636 297.858 250.636 195.991 c 0
+ 250.636 92.0103 288.144 14 401.976 14 c 0
+ 468.976 14 502.652 36 513.492 87 c 2
+ 535.811 192 l 2
+ 538.089 202.717 539.416 211.741 539.416 219.36 c 0
+ 539.416 250.13 517.769 257.992 449.689 262 c 1
+ 455.004 287 l 1
+ 798.004 287 l 1
+ 792.689 262 l 1
+ 715.989 254 702.438 242 687.135 170 c 2
+ 660.14 43 l 1
+ 588.062 5 473.961 -19 370.961 -19 c 0
+ 190.699 -19 80.1472 87.1045 80.1472 247.449 c 0
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+165.533 126.605 m 0
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+ 332.251 20 301.939 696 615.939 696 c 0
+ 704.478 696 781.856 673.973 781.856 539.185 c 0
+ 781.856 506.513 777.31 467.215 767.273 420 c 2
+ 703.507 120 l 2
+ 698.62 97.0077 695.631 79.5031 695.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 695.631 29.9559 717.371 23.6475 782.251 20 c 1
+ 778 0 l 1
+ 418 0 l 1
+ 422.251 20 l 1
+ 513.313 25 525.439 35 543.507 120 c 2
+ 598.771 380 l 2
+ 616.075 461.407 628.369 531.423 628.369 580.566 c 0
+ 628.369 628.011 616.91 656 587.438 656 c 0
+ 472.438 656 388.607 351 320.27 133 c 0
+ 283.401 16 226.961 -19 144.961 -19 c 0
+ 88.8492 -19 8.17671 -3.92767 8.17671 79.2079 c 0
+ 8.17671 171.042 85.1151 194 107.236 194 c 0
+ 139.199 194 165.533 160.103 165.533 126.605 c 0
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+344.096 358 m 1
+ 393.385 397 506.486 421 566.486 421 c 0
+ 661.848 421 713.693 370.323 713.693 307.519 c 0
+ 713.693 299.196 712.782 290.659 710.941 282 c 2
+ 671.405 96 l 2
+ 669.379 86.4659 668.277 78.2043 668.277 71.0351 c 0
+ 668.277 40.6068 688.121 29.8559 741.313 25 c 1
+ 736 0 l 1
+ 399 0 l 1
+ 404.313 25 l 1
+ 475.377 30 498.777 46 509.405 96 c 2
+ 547.24 274 l 2
+ 548.617 280.476 549.317 286.889 549.317 293.125 c 0
+ 549.317 330.218 524.522 361 469.732 361 c 0
+ 416.732 361 376.545 346 335.593 318 c 1
+ 288.405 96 l 2
+ 286.49 86.9902 285.459 79.0844 285.459 72.148 c 0
+ 285.459 40.5909 306.799 29.099 363.313 25 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 23.3135 25 l 1
+ 92.377 30 115.777 46 126.405 96 c 2
+ 229.283 580 l 2
+ 231.302 589.497 232.432 597.641 232.432 604.666 c 0
+ 232.432 633.889 212.877 643.744 156.374 651 c 1
+ 161.688 676 l 1
+ 501.688 676 l 1
+ 496.374 651 l 1
+ 421.674 643 401.698 629 391.283 580 c 2
+ 344.096 358 l 1
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+299.439 35 m 2
+ 560.439 35 596.633 130 652.227 241 c 1
+ 678.227 241 l 1
+ 601 0 l 1
+ 21 0 l 1
+ 24.4014 16 l 1
+ 537.611 638 l 1
+ 455.611 638 l 2
+ 307.611 638 257.447 609 179.901 470 c 1
+ 151.901 470 l 1
+ 216.688 676 l 1
+ 740.688 676 l 1
+ 737.287 660 l 1
+ 225.439 35 l 1
+ 299.439 35 l 2
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+164.955 296.785 m 0
+ 164.955 314.617 170.206 332.449 170.206 341.364 c 0
+ 170.206 363.387 152.833 370.886 88.709 375 c 1
+ 92.96 395 l 1
+ 352.96 395 l 1
+ 348.709 375 l 1
+ 280.071 372 275.521 360 270.206 335 c 0
+ 266.608 318.071 264.829 303.381 264.829 290.741 c 0
+ 264.829 243.647 289.522 225 336.825 225 c 0
+ 396.825 225 459.019 320 476.022 400 c 2
+ 496.428 496 l 2
+ 500 512.805 501.763 529.61 501.763 545.674 c 0
+ 501.763 606.08 476.834 656 429.438 656 c 0
+ 369.438 656 333.061 626 316.056 546 c 0
+ 314.84 540.279 313.843 535.344 313.843 531.074 c 0
+ 313.843 516.685 325.162 509.856 377.554 506 c 1
+ 373.303 486 l 1
+ 112.303 486 l 1
+ 116.554 506 l 1
+ 197.616 511 209.742 521 217.182 556 c 0
+ 236.736 648 337.939 696 437.939 696 c 0
+ 543.274 696 659.105 672.885 659.105 541.436 c 0
+ 659.105 523.134 656.859 502.732 652.027 480 c 2
+ 575.507 120 l 2
+ 570.353 95.7511 567.391 77.6061 567.391 63.9398 c 0
+ 567.391 29.7013 585.98 23.5736 635.251 20 c 1
+ 631 0 l 1
+ 311 0 l 1
+ 315.251 20 l 1
+ 386.313 25 398.439 35 416.507 120 c 2
+ 439.676 229 l 1
+ 407.637 210 366.323 185 328.323 185 c 0
+ 238.799 185 164.955 221.066 164.955 296.785 c 0
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+376.976 14 m 0
+ 586.527 14 638.915 375.77 638.915 479.131 c 0
+ 638.915 594.019 596.85 658 516.862 658 c 0
+ 302.768 658 249.244 275.872 249.244 184.913 c 0
+ 249.244 73.3489 292.505 14 376.976 14 c 0
+81.9301 250.677 m 0
+ 81.9301 471.052 266.314 691 524.877 691 c 0
+ 698.069 691 808.758 578.144 808.758 416.856 c 0
+ 808.758 407.722 808.403 398.433 807.685 389 c 1
+ 927.954 522 l 1
+ 922.903 498.235 920.307 476.059 920.307 456.624 c 0
+ 920.307 410.636 934.842 380 965.771 380 c 0
+ 1025.77 380 1055.53 520 1055.53 520 c 1
+ 1071.28 500 l 1
+ 1058.53 440 988.767 300 928.767 300 c 0
+ 894.085 300 859.592 315.036 859.592 377.698 c 0
+ 859.592 387.307 860.403 398.035 862.148 410 c 1
+ 800.907 343 l 1
+ 749.989 103.508 554.125 -19 369.961 -19 c 0
+ 192.362 -19 81.9301 89.2072 81.9301 250.677 c 0
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+564.887 644 m 1
+ 435.015 33 l 1
+ 558.864 37 620.643 83 662.937 202 c 1
+ 691.937 202 l 1
+ 647.213 1 l 1
+ 47.2129 1 l 1
+ 86.9365 202 l 1
+ 115.937 202 l 1
+ 115.272 192.461 114.931 183.391 114.931 174.775 c 0
+ 114.931 75.8953 159.736 36.6794 273.015 33 c 1
+ 402.887 644 l 1
+ 278.036 640 216.259 594 173.965 475 c 1
+ 144.965 475 l 1
+ 190.688 676 l 1
+ 790.688 676 l 1
+ 749.965 475 l 1
+ 720.965 475 l 1
+ 721.63 484.546 721.97 493.622 721.97 502.245 c 0
+ 721.97 601.11 677.237 640.321 564.887 644 c 1
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+608.526 26 m 0
+ 693.785 26 797.685 248.098 797.685 392.937 c 0
+ 797.685 503.486 760.669 640 705.036 640 c 0
+ 589.036 640 646.525 440 516.525 440 c 0
+ 492.452 440 475.625 452.877 475.625 484.831 c 0
+ 475.625 569.595 590.955 680 677.538 680 c 0
+ 806.327 680 852.985 537.459 852.985 419.265 c 0
+ 852.985 314.699 776.391 -14 580.024 -14 c 0
+ 450.656 -14 439.414 84.1752 439.414 147.534 c 0
+ 439.414 189 438.75 200 435.512 200 c 0
+ 405.512 200 367.961 -19 187.961 -19 c 0
+ 80.6908 -19 18.7067 25.8745 18.7067 103.684 c 0
+ 18.7067 115.093 20.0395 127.211 22.7578 140 c 0
+ 54.2158 288 179.521 360 219.521 360 c 0
+ 228.752 360 261.737 351.478 261.737 326.567 c 0
+ 261.737 284.322 180.848 224.774 180.848 106.752 c 0
+ 180.848 56.9712 200.66 26 238.526 26 c 0
+ 318.526 26 412.019 320 516.019 320 c 0
+ 614.019 320 548.526 26 608.526 26 c 0
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+319.231 84.1383 m 0
+ 319.231 43.1254 326.377 19 341.039 19 c 0
+ 378.45 19 434.567 268.713 434.567 392.931 c 0
+ 434.567 412.834 433.831 433.042 432.288 453 c 1
+ 381.381 374.359 319.231 260.384 319.231 84.1383 c 0
+680.424 416 m 0
+ 730.176 416 757.075 499.482 757.075 549.747 c 0
+ 757.075 625.824 698.551 656 646.438 656 c 0
+ 614.438 656 572.061 626 530.495 581 c 1
+ 568.345 521.795 592.717 444.425 592.717 358.263 c 0
+ 592.717 212.138 514.625 -19 342.961 -19 c 0
+ 297.005 -19 280.598 26.8697 280.598 92.4486 c 0
+ 280.598 263.537 342.961 401.072 425.404 510 c 1
+ 410.834 592 380.862 658 326.862 658 c 0
+ 268.51 658 266.378 514.583 248.824 432 c 0
+ 240.322 392 202.945 362 163.945 362 c 0
+ 126.664 362 106.884 383.538 106.884 414.447 c 0
+ 106.884 482.191 199.223 696 354.939 696 c 0
+ 411.939 696 468.713 662 512.81 606 c 1
+ 572.287 660 636.939 696 694.939 696 c 0
+ 838.748 696 901.528 664.261 901.528 569.153 c 0
+ 901.528 410.631 801.404 371 679.858 371 c 0
+ 642.918 371 615.244 402.555 615.244 426.286 c 0
+ 615.244 439.294 624.382 443 632.162 443 c 0
+ 640.162 443 658.424 416 680.424 416 c 0
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+1152.15 603.044 m 0
+ 1152.15 532.982 1107.66 389 929.685 389 c 0
+ 893.242 389 882.582 393.15 882.582 401.451 c 0
+ 882.582 417.98 908.453 424.451 928.187 429 c 0
+ 969.627 439.138 1008.9 533.419 1008.9 599.24 c 0
+ 1008.9 630.728 999.443 654 976.012 654 c 0
+ 897.012 654 885.25 434 746.25 434 c 0
+ 724.25 434 701.1 438 680.013 447 c 1
+ 614.694 342 528.299 199 486 0 c 1
+ 350 0 l 1
+ 350.685 8.39032 350.993 18.5765 350.993 30.116 c 0
+ 350.993 120 330 306.333 325.97 348 c 1
+ 308.468 308 272.516 280 208.516 280 c 0
+ 151.046 280 81.4404 320.774 81.4404 383.346 c 0
+ 81.4404 444.354 142.267 483 178.665 483 c 0
+ 209.587 483 229.431 458.654 229.431 428.338 c 0
+ 229.431 386.395 194.634 356.916 171.183 349 c 1
+ 182.994 334 202.019 320 228.019 320 c 0
+ 263.019 320 297.757 347 304.771 380 c 0
+ 310.218 405.624 313.572 427.833 313.572 458.626 c 0
+ 313.572 502.339 306.813 563.353 289.688 676 c 1
+ 461.688 676 l 1
+ 486.829 512 507.481 341 508.937 202 c 1
+ 559.767 300 611.685 389 651.988 461 c 1
+ 614.773 484.131 588.794 521.595 588.794 571.135 c 0
+ 588.794 652.613 644.995 695 704.727 695 c 0
+ 754.203 695 766.742 668.778 766.742 639.192 c 0
+ 766.742 594.958 747.921 557.239 716.129 504 c 1
+ 724.303 486 737.752 474 754.752 474 c 0
+ 860.752 474 869.515 694 984.515 694 c 0
+ 1091.64 694 1152.15 678.577 1152.15 603.044 c 0
+722.8 653 m 0
+ 707.366 653 700.903 597.865 700.903 579.159 c 0
+ 700.903 571.876 701.372 564.438 702.394 557 c 1
+ 724.375 604.521 728.302 624.332 728.302 641.165 c 0
+ 728.302 648.211 726.816 653 722.8 653 c 0
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+428.625 484.831 m 0
+ 428.625 569.595 543.955 680 630.538 680 c 0
+ 759.327 680 805.985 537.459 805.985 419.265 c 0
+ 805.985 304.312 720.938 -19 530.961 -19 c 0
+ 370.961 -19 383.884 150 375.884 150 c 0
+ 353.884 150 327.961 -19 188.961 -19 c 0
+ 81.6908 -19 19.7067 25.8745 19.7067 103.684 c 0
+ 19.7067 233.038 154.813 360 220.521 360 c 0
+ 241.842 360 263.065 352.107 263.065 329.31 c 0
+ 263.065 282.013 180.844 226.385 180.844 99.9902 c 0
+ 180.844 54.1823 197.405 26 233.526 26 c 0
+ 292.526 26 381.158 363 554.158 363 c 0
+ 604.878 363 657.366 344.421 657.366 267.997 c 0
+ 657.366 213.548 636.386 160 599.009 160 c 0
+ 566.504 160 557.263 175.479 557.263 196.91 c 0
+ 557.263 251.014 584.992 244.545 584.992 291.004 c 0
+ 584.992 305.885 579.213 316 561.168 316 c 0
+ 531.109 316 486.019 267.572 486.019 124.644 c 0
+ 486.019 53.1247 511.972 26 560.526 26 c 0
+ 630.57 26 750.685 234.352 750.685 392.937 c 0
+ 750.685 503.486 713.669 640 658.036 640 c 0
+ 542.036 640 599.525 440 469.524 440 c 0
+ 445.452 440 428.625 452.877 428.625 484.831 c 0
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+643.759 605.971 m 0
+ 643.759 555.459 602.599 546 593.056 546 c 0
+ 563.405 546 552.685 567.53 552.685 586.271 c 0
+ 552.685 594.88 554.445 596.602 554.445 603.49 c 0
+ 554.445 624.559 537.364 656 466.438 656 c 0
+ 347.359 656 329.003 512.641 329.003 491.148 c 0
+ 329.003 440.483 363.68 396 441.173 396 c 2
+ 571.173 396 l 2
+ 581.841 396 586.532 389.021 586.532 380.893 c 0
+ 586.532 369.563 577.416 356 562.67 356 c 2
+ 422.67 356 l 2
+ 228.156 356 216.261 158.953 216.261 150.42 c 0
+ 216.261 92.4117 262.387 21 351.464 21 c 0
+ 476.944 21 480.445 123.848 480.445 129.436 c 0
+ 480.445 177.162 402.449 183.006 402.449 216.169 c 0
+ 402.449 235.745 427.255 261 471.478 261 c 0
+ 544.121 261 615.824 225.544 615.824 159.875 c 0
+ 615.824 112.627 587.384 -19 342.961 -19 c 0
+ 197.378 -19 53.9917 10.8045 53.9917 132.184 c 0
+ 53.9917 306.135 248.485 357.81 306.921 376 c 1
+ 254.371 385.08 168.925 413.948 168.925 491.051 c 0
+ 168.925 612.574 332.878 696 474.939 696 c 0
+ 598.84 696 643.759 656.055 643.759 605.971 c 0
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+474.374 651 m 1
+ 396.736 648 374.611 638 357.819 559 c 2
+ 323.173 396 l 1
+ 645.173 396 l 1
+ 678.331 552 l 2
+ 681.811 568.37 683.718 582.075 683.718 593.555 c 0
+ 683.718 633.266 660.893 646.345 601.374 651 c 1
+ 606.688 676 l 1
+ 826.688 676 l 1
+ 821.374 651 l 1
+ 755.249 641 737.848 625 725.307 566 c 2
+ 657.502 247 l 2
+ 625.193 95 535.961 -19 342.961 -19 c 0
+ 230.877 -19 119.861 17.9918 119.861 155.602 c 0
+ 119.861 176.37 122.39 199.43 127.825 225 c 2
+ 198.819 559 l 2
+ 202.843 577.928 205.17 592.779 205.17 604.515 c 0
+ 205.17 637.421 186.875 645.84 136.374 651 c 1
+ 141.688 676 l 1
+ 479.688 676 l 1
+ 474.374 651 l 1
+631.144 330 m 1
+ 309.144 330 l 1
+ 286.825 225 l 2
+ 280.12 193.455 276.717 166.053 276.717 142.569 c 0
+ 276.717 64.8044 314.036 30 392.377 30 c 0
+ 511.377 30 582.043 99 613.502 247 c 2
+ 631.144 330 l 1
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+168.526 26 m 0
+ 200.379 26 248.157 186.915 248.157 277.914 c 0
+ 248.157 315.614 240.507 340 225.27 340 c 0
+ 179.106 340 148.33 162.879 148.33 93.0523 c 0
+ 148.33 53.0914 154.96 26 168.526 26 c 0
+47.9671 130.465 m 0
+ 47.9671 286.789 155.187 380 238.771 380 c 0
+ 292.771 380 333.545 346 348.491 294 c 0
+ 355.753 267 383.414 256 411.414 256 c 0
+ 432.414 256 469.902 263 476.066 292 c 0
+ 478.345 302.717 479.672 311.741 479.672 319.36 c 0
+ 479.672 350.13 458.025 357.992 389.945 362 c 1
+ 395.26 387 l 1
+ 738.26 387 l 1
+ 732.945 362 l 1
+ 656.245 354 642.694 342 627.391 270 c 0
+ 611.89 197.075 605.843 146.385 605.843 111.352 c 0
+ 605.843 48.3851 625.377 36 644.652 36 c 0
+ 746.492 36 791.214 468.498 791.214 480.871 c 0
+ 791.214 601.206 732.041 656 609.438 656 c 0
+ 529.438 656 497.534 600 493.283 580 c 0
+ 489.031 560 464.78 540 444.78 540 c 0
+ 427.003 540 412.585 555.801 412.585 573.358 c 0
+ 412.585 597.886 456.722 696 617.939 696 c 0
+ 797.222 696 945.963 655.184 945.963 456.573 c 0
+ 945.963 346.491 888.446 -19 582.961 -19 c 0
+ 493.371 -19 462.765 63.2651 462.765 164.437 c 0
+ 462.765 181.839 463.67 199.801 465.337 218 c 1
+ 451.212 208 427.724 201 401.724 201 c 0
+ 385.724 201 368.361 204 353.062 212 c 1
+ 350.512 200 l 2
+ 329.256 100 255.024 -14 155.024 -14 c 0
+ 77.9813 -14 47.9671 53.6663 47.9671 130.465 c 0
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+446.395 350 m 1
+ 546.395 350 596.921 376 640.065 499 c 1
+ 666.065 499 l 1
+ 594.222 161 l 1
+ 568.222 161 l 1
+ 569.91 176.477 570.791 190.583 570.791 203.409 c 0
+ 570.791 286.713 533.625 316 439.168 316 c 1
+ 395.169 109 l 2
+ 391.241 90.5212 388.897 75.9709 388.897 64.4615 c 0
+ 388.897 29.8804 410.062 22.7514 473.039 19 c 1
+ 469 0 l 1
+ 112 0 l 1
+ 116.039 19 l 1
+ 200.889 23 217.652 36 233.169 109 c 2
+ 277.168 316 l 1
+ 56.168 316 l 1
+ 386.688 676 l 1
+ 515.688 676 l 1
+ 446.395 350 l 1
+284.395 350 m 1
+ 332.008 574 l 1
+ 126.395 350 l 1
+ 284.395 350 l 1
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+644.247 232.947 m 0
+ 644.247 109.981 537.272 0 337 0 c 2
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.3135 25 l 1
+ 91.5889 31 108.99 47 123.869 117 c 2
+ 217.819 559 l 2
+ 221.539 576.5 223.294 590.278 223.294 601.204 c 0
+ 223.294 644.595 195.613 643.012 153.374 651 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 492.688 676 l 1
+ 487.374 651 l 1
+ 406.249 641 395.336 632 379.819 559 c 2
+ 344.535 393 l 1
+ 465.535 393 512.685 389 552.858 371 c 0
+ 613.826 345.601 644.247 293.349 644.247 232.947 c 0
+275.879 70 m 2
+ 275.259 67.0853 274.95 64.3472 274.95 61.7878 c 0
+ 274.95 44.1512 289.621 35 318.439 35 c 0
+ 457.975 35 475.738 216.709 475.738 253.938 c 0
+ 475.738 343.839 407.532 346 334.545 346 c 1
+ 275.879 70 l 2
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+Encoding: 5072 5072 2220
+Width: 536
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+483.69 301.545 m 0
+ 483.69 314.127 493.859 327.495 497.781 333 c 1
+ 487.27 340 472.907 343 456.907 343 c 0
+ 441.907 343 423.481 341 403.632 337 c 1
+ 352.405 96 l 2
+ 350.37 86.4237 349.253 78.1361 349.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 349.253 39.1488 371.177 29.0792 432.313 25 c 1
+ 427 0 l 1
+ 77 0 l 1
+ 82.3135 25 l 1
+ 158.802 32 179.777 46 190.405 96 c 2
+ 234.404 303 l 1
+ 219.979 301 205.767 300 191.767 300 c 0
+ 148.52 300 76.4047 309.723 76.4047 350.773 c 0
+ 76.4047 370.948 93.8399 408 130.723 408 c 0
+ 151.731 408 171.34 389.646 171.34 371.226 c 0
+ 171.34 364.981 168.967 356.417 157.27 340 c 1
+ 167.781 333 182.144 330 199.144 330 c 0
+ 212.144 330 226.356 331 240.994 334 c 1
+ 293.283 580 l 2
+ 295.19 588.973 296.211 596.832 296.211 603.718 c 0
+ 296.211 635.969 273.83 646.88 215.374 651 c 1
+ 220.688 676 l 1
+ 570.688 676 l 1
+ 565.374 651 l 1
+ 490.736 648 466.336 632 455.283 580 c 2
+ 410.221 368 l 1
+ 428.646 370 446.071 372 464.071 372 c 0
+ 506.363 372 579.457 363.168 579.457 321.43 c 0
+ 579.457 296.051 552.773 265 523.327 265 c 0
+ 500.683 265 483.69 283.87 483.69 301.545 c 0
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+132.432 562.355 m 0
+ 132.432 579.416 143.366 696 283.939 696 c 0
+ 363.311 696 388.63 633.576 388.63 547.455 c 0
+ 388.63 539.177 388.396 530.681 387.954 522 c 1
+ 499.457 562 595.939 696 694.939 696 c 0
+ 742.212 696 869.069 689.389 869.069 581.503 c 0
+ 869.069 462.779 759.759 375 636.709 375 c 0
+ 600.266 375 589.607 379.15 589.607 387.451 c 0
+ 589.607 434.254 664.416 359.509 702.568 539 c 0
+ 705.417 552.404 706.855 566.671 706.855 580.466 c 0
+ 706.855 620.19 694.931 656 670.438 656 c 0
+ 602.438 656 515.467 515 383.814 479 c 1
+ 375.416 409.967 325.909 201.582 325.909 72.4206 c 0
+ 325.909 41.1969 329.728 21 339.464 21 c 0
+ 397.511 21 412.023 180.495 412.023 194.293 c 0
+ 412.023 258.239 370.479 229.813 370.479 253.494 c 0
+ 370.479 266.828 381.473 280 397.516 280 c 0
+ 451.937 280 549.34 279.23 549.34 170.836 c 0
+ 549.34 83.6416 503.217 -19 330.961 -19 c 0
+ 229.273 -19 195.103 74.204 195.103 190.74 c 0
+ 195.103 249.545 203.804 314.291 216.921 376 c 2
+ 238.39 477 l 1
+ 183.066 486.869 132.432 511.228 132.432 562.355 c 0
+262.438 656 m 0
+ 238.125 656 221.917 589.836 221.917 568.229 c 0
+ 221.917 544.87 231.945 530.847 246.954 522 c 1
+ 261.084 591.563 267.213 627.534 267.213 644.044 c 0
+ 267.213 652.692 265.531 656 262.438 656 c 0
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+734.943 534.597 m 0
+ 734.943 428.294 639.276 329 537.931 329 c 1
+ 669.011 309.922 674.879 231.588 674.879 159.034 c 0
+ 674.879 151.898 674.823 144.819 674.823 137.857 c 0
+ 674.823 82.0298 678.473 33.7767 744.313 25 c 1
+ 739 0 l 1
+ 439 0 l 1
+ 444.313 25 l 1
+ 483.164 29 494.565 45 505.618 97 c 0
+ 510.718 120.993 514.344 145.376 514.344 168.606 c 0
+ 514.344 228.639 490.128 280.975 404.555 299 c 1
+ 415.183 349 l 1
+ 499.183 349 538.173 396 559.003 494 c 0
+ 563.822 516.67 566.301 536.45 566.301 553.531 c 0
+ 566.301 615.563 533.598 642 461.461 642 c 0
+ 430.461 642 405.974 635 398.534 600 c 2
+ 295.869 117 l 2
+ 291.905 98.3485 289.51 83.8376 289.51 72.3977 c 0
+ 289.51 40.2897 308.371 32.373 364.313 25 c 1
+ 359 0 l 1
+ 21 0 l 1
+ 26.3135 25 l 1
+ 106.227 34 118.353 44 133.869 117 c 2
+ 227.819 559 l 2
+ 231.644 576.995 233.838 591.43 233.838 603.038 c 0
+ 233.838 637.873 214.082 647.25 159.374 651 c 1
+ 164.688 676 l 1
+ 486.688 676 l 2
+ 649.234 676 734.943 626.296 734.943 534.597 c 0
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+558 113 m 0
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+ 220 580 l 2
+ 223 591 224 600 224 608 c 0
+ 224 636 204 647 152 651 c 1
+ 158 676 l 1
+ 498 676 l 1
+ 492 651 l 1
+ 421 646 396 630 382 580 c 2
+ 273 189 l 2
+ 262 149 255 113 255 85 c 0
+ 255 41 273 15 322 15 c 0
+ 358 15 372 26 394 63 c 2
+ 407 85 l 2
+ 420 106 455 161 499 161 c 0
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+499.331 552 m 2
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+ 645.688 676 l 1
+ 681.041 513 l 1
+ 778.688 676 l 1
+ 883.688 676 l 1
+ 879.649 657 l 1
+ 831.012 654 808.91 630 759.906 550 c 2
+ 696.8 446 l 1
+ 759.222 161 l 1
+ 1066.69 676 l 1
+ 1171.69 676 l 1
+ 1167.65 657 l 1
+ 1119.01 654 1096.91 630 1047.91 550 c 2
+ 701.961 -19 l 1
+ 633.961 -19 l 1
+ 572.438 242 l 1
+ 413.961 -19 l 1
+ 345.961 -19 l 1
+ 211.331 552 l 2
+ 190.461 642 176.225 655 127.649 657 c 1
+ 131.688 676 l 1
+ 357.688 676 l 1
+ 471.222 161 l 1
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+ 499.331 552 l 2
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+217.396 165.821 m 0
+ 217.396 124.422 162.724 133.084 162.724 89.3561 c 0
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+ 296.85 30 336.993 110.317 336.993 154.995 c 0
+ 336.993 257.212 163.444 364.034 163.444 487.222 c 0
+ 163.444 568.333 234.924 690 458.664 690 c 0
+ 548.629 690 624.083 656.007 624.083 582.195 c 0
+ 624.083 563.718 618.295 545.241 618.295 536.002 c 0
+ 618.295 517.74 631.675 512.167 683.554 506 c 1
+ 679.303 486 l 1
+ 435.303 486 l 1
+ 439.554 506 l 1
+ 509.616 511 512.742 521 518.056 546 c 0
+ 521.373 561.606 522.985 574.739 522.985 585.769 c 0
+ 522.985 631.282 495.544 641 447.249 641 c 0
+ 376.134 641 328.724 563.635 328.724 516.996 c 0
+ 328.724 468.981 369.995 421.892 412.646 370 c 1
+ 652.646 370 l 1
+ 642.019 320 l 1
+ 451.019 320 l 1
+ 480.214 279.797 502.779 236.901 502.779 189.104 c 0
+ 502.779 103.46 431.778 -19 209.961 -19 c 0
+ 104.978 -19 51.8771 55.5357 51.8771 112.688 c 0
+ 51.8771 161.972 95.5115 216 163.912 216 c 0
+ 193.758 216 217.396 190.643 217.396 165.821 c 0
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+521.564 376.567 m 0
+ 521.564 385.94 527.684 400 558.022 400 c 0
+ 669.422 400 750.115 355.311 750.115 254.067 c 0
+ 750.115 117.024 635.769 -14 448.024 -14 c 0
+ 335.012 -14 258.164 49.4812 258.164 151.479 c 0
+ 258.164 166.81 259.901 183.012 263.512 200 c 2
+ 357.887 644 l 1
+ 233.036 640 170.259 594 127.965 475 c 1
+ 98.9648 475 l 1
+ 144.688 676 l 1
+ 725.688 676 l 25
+ 718.887 644 l 25
+ 517.887 644 l 25
+ 432.014 240 l 2
+ 420.897 187.699 415.649 145.853 415.649 113.53 c 0
+ 415.649 53.1505 433.96 26 466.526 26 c 0
+ 586.222 26 616.146 242.656 616.146 287.834 c 0
+ 616.146 359.354 576.263 362.674 549.089 362.674 c 0
+ 533.396 362.674 521.564 364.259 521.564 376.567 c 0
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+ 316.802 32 494.854 291 536.09 485 c 2
+ 556.283 580 l 2
+ 558.19 588.973 559.211 596.832 559.211 603.718 c 0
+ 559.211 635.969 536.83 646.88 478.374 651 c 1
+ 483.688 676 l 1
+ 833.688 676 l 1
+ 828.374 651 l 1
+ 753.736 648 729.336 632 718.283 580 c 2
+ 615.405 96 l 2
+ 613.37 86.4237 612.253 78.1361 612.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 612.253 39.1488 634.177 29.0792 695.313 25 c 1
+ 690 0 l 1
+ 340 0 l 1
+ 345.313 25 l 1
+ 421.802 32 442.777 46 453.405 96 c 2
+ 489.327 265 l 1
+ 425.169 109 248.961 -19 153.961 -19 c 0
+ 41.8179 -19 10.5198 38.4313 10.5198 91.1629 c 0
+ 10.5198 167.745 65.9675 211 119.85 211 c 0
+ 154.006 211 179.383 181.107 179.383 152.547 c 0
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+179.383 152.547 m 0
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+ 102.777 46 123.802 32 156.802 32 c 0
+ 316.802 32 494.854 291 536.09 485 c 2
+ 559.471 595 l 2
+ 561.007 602.228 561.85 608.407 561.85 613.674 c 0
+ 561.85 636.098 546.57 642 504.461 642 c 0
+ 341.461 642 285.234 608 231.965 475 c 1
+ 206.965 475 l 1
+ 249.688 676 l 1
+ 826.688 676 l 1
+ 821.374 651 l 1
+ 751.524 647 729.123 631 718.283 580 c 2
+ 615.405 96 l 2
+ 613.37 86.4237 612.253 78.1361 612.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 612.253 39.1488 634.177 29.0792 695.313 25 c 1
+ 690 0 l 1
+ 340 0 l 1
+ 345.313 25 l 1
+ 421.802 32 442.777 46 453.405 96 c 2
+ 489.327 265 l 1
+ 425.169 109 248.961 -19 153.961 -19 c 0
+ 41.8179 -19 10.5198 38.4313 10.5198 91.1629 c 0
+ 10.5198 167.745 65.9675 211 119.85 211 c 0
+ 154.006 211 179.383 181.107 179.383 152.547 c 0
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+428.949 649 m 0
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+ 366.769 587.424 369.476 572.086 375.993 541 c 2
+ 442.999 207 l 1
+ 639.931 536 l 2
+ 672.484 589.551 676.59 602.909 676.59 619.637 c 0
+ 676.59 641.028 657.964 646.74 598.374 651 c 1
+ 603.688 676 l 1
+ 816.688 676 l 1
+ 811.374 651 l 1
+ 757.887 644 741.123 631 703.944 569 c 2
+ 351.174 -18 l 1
+ 324.174 -18 l 1
+ 195.495 581 l 2
+ 184.186 636 174.887 644 126.374 651 c 1
+ 131.688 676 l 1
+ 467.688 676 l 1
+ 462.374 651 l 1
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+ 627.089 692 l 1
+ 580.965 475 l 1
+ 552.965 475 l 1
+ 540.447 609 475.287 660 399.287 660 c 0
+ 296.089 660 265.3 578.681 265.3 536.892 c 0
+ 265.3 502.872 287.095 480.059 347.013 447 c 2
+ 478.496 374 l 2
+ 525.403 347.757 554.058 292.596 554.058 232.231 c 0
+ 554.058 118.504 450.477 -19 256.961 -19 c 0
+ 163.961 -19 127.188 15 93.1885 15 c 0
+ 77.1885 15 67.2754 6 55.9609 -19 c 1
+ 26.9609 -19 l 1
+ 79.4629 228 l 1
+ 108.463 228 l 1
+ 109.984 174 113.976 14 266.976 14 c 0
+ 389.5 14 420.132 114.246 420.132 152.694 c 0
+ 420.132 189.398 396.213 213.21 330.714 248 c 2
+ 270.516 280 l 2
+ 180.809 327.84 139.196 379.906 139.196 447.431 c 0
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+530.974 635 m 1
+ 418.231 114 357.961 -19 223.961 -19 c 0
+ 142.181 -19 72.2003 36.5101 72.2003 163.938 c 0
+ 72.2003 399.044 270.374 696 535.939 696 c 0
+ 615.939 696 667.186 636 674.433 576 c 1
+ 711.036 640 757.939 696 855.939 696 c 0
+ 921.683 696 1041.87 689.33 1041.87 592.244 c 0
+ 1041.87 480.93 931.563 375 797.709 375 c 0
+ 762.325 375 753.909 391.433 753.909 402.148 c 0
+ 753.909 428.211 879.716 429.3 879.716 596.288 c 0
+ 879.716 630.257 867.88 656 837.438 656 c 0
+ 674.438 656 689.8 446 591.8 446 c 0
+ 539.8 446 563.921 583 530.974 635 c 1
+384.708 582 m 1
+ 219.277 404.853 206.913 90.9119 206.913 76.8789 c 0
+ 206.913 40.7554 214.595 21 232.464 21 c 0
+ 269.464 21 319.091 278 384.708 582 c 1
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+488.123 631 m 0
+ 452.606 631 426.624 550.96 426.624 520.38 c 0
+ 426.624 497.478 436.062 478.504 452.201 462 c 1
+ 499.968 498.087 523.592 521.457 523.592 580.302 c 0
+ 523.592 613.826 510.453 631 488.123 631 c 0
+395.735 86.2886 m 0
+ 395.735 124.631 415.039 202.269 491.091 278 c 1
+ 455.255 307 410.994 334 370.945 362 c 1
+ 275.192 302 l 1
+ 298.24 277.093 352.813 272.103 352.813 200.871 c 0
+ 352.813 153.308 335.066 -9 132.087 -9 c 0
+ 62.6828 -9 16.1704 27.8796 16.1704 89.8856 c 0
+ 16.1704 209.131 174.63 295.017 334.472 388 c 1
+ 292.89 420.972 262.328 456.203 262.328 499.572 c 0
+ 262.328 568.143 300.013 671 496.625 671 c 0
+ 565.275 671 595.969 634.367 595.969 586.669 c 0
+ 595.969 556.535 591.262 514.731 482.675 436 c 1
+ 569.276 373.97 725.756 328.912 725.756 175.863 c 0
+ 725.756 64.9452 667.063 -9 512.087 -9 c 0
+ 428.677 -9 395.735 32.0477 395.735 86.2886 c 0
+120.589 31 m 0
+ 162.95 31 191.19 147.238 191.19 198.36 c 0
+ 191.19 216.696 187.864 229.066 182.801 239 c 1
+ 78.2333 160.643 76.6528 122.254 76.6528 93.0671 c 0
+ 76.6528 60.9084 89.3382 31 120.589 31 c 0
+490.589 31 m 0
+ 544.123 31 564.365 126.925 564.365 155.231 c 0
+ 564.365 186.024 551.706 212.452 532.376 237 c 1
+ 460.936 176.153 455.658 109.16 455.658 85.868 c 0
+ 455.658 53.3341 467.886 31 490.589 31 c 0
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+672.965 609.482 m 0
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+ 523.147 617 l 2
+ 521.012 654 510.35 665 474.35 665 c 0
+ 393.35 665 362.259 594 340.365 491 c 2
+ 254.492 87 l 2
+ 252.946 79.7264 252.126 73.3111 252.126 67.672 c 0
+ 252.126 39.974 271.907 31 322.589 31 c 0
+ 518.589 31 587.284 166 626.25 227 c 1
+ 655.25 227 l 1
+ 566 0 l 1
+ -12 0 l 1
+ -6.68652 25 l 1
+ 68.2266 34 83.5654 45 94.4053 96 c 2
+ 169.013 447 l 2
+ 201.746 601 375.515 694 486.515 694 c 0
+ 583.832 694 672.965 671.666 672.965 609.482 c 0
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+352.589 31 m 0
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+ 685.25 227 l 1
+ 596 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 23.3135 25 l 1
+ 98.2266 34 113.565 45 124.405 96 c 2
+ 227.283 580 l 2
+ 229.377 589.852 230.522 598.398 230.522 605.803 c 0
+ 230.522 636.734 210.553 647.773 156.374 651 c 1
+ 161.688 676 l 1
+ 510.688 676 l 1
+ 505.374 651 l 1
+ 417.524 647 400.761 634 384.819 559 c 2
+ 284.492 87 l 2
+ 282.946 79.7264 282.126 73.3111 282.126 67.672 c 0
+ 282.126 39.974 301.907 31 352.589 31 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+520.862 658 m 0
+ 306.48 658 252.884 303.132 252.884 204.471 c 0
+ 252.884 72.4755 316.356 29 404.164 29 c 0
+ 500.164 29 580.854 84 660.309 152 c 1
+ 684.995 127 l 1
+ 635.643 83 534.961 -19 369.961 -19 c 0
+ 192.218 -19 81.5951 88.6452 81.5951 249.49 c 0
+ 81.5951 472.734 274.958 691 514.877 691 c 0
+ 623.877 691 665.461 642 705.461 642 c 0
+ 724.461 642 737.8 653 759.239 688 c 1
+ 786.239 688 l 1
+ 736.501 454 l 1
+ 711.501 454 l 1
+ 698.341 505 652.862 658 520.862 658 c 0
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+342.225 655 m 0
+ 278.253 655 254.363 468.53 254.363 439.731 c 0
+ 254.363 393.832 271.25 356.903 327.694 342 c 1
+ 354.901 470 l 2
+ 363.852 512.11 367.423 547.447 367.423 575.579 c 0
+ 367.423 627.615 355.206 655 342.225 655 c 0
+738.825 225 m 2
+ 715.656 116 634.961 -19 431.961 -19 c 0
+ 334.853 -19 290.162 45.8311 290.162 134.158 c 0
+ 290.162 154.98 292.646 177.108 297.512 200 c 2
+ 318.979 301 l 1
+ 204.789 322.428 119.626 382.915 119.626 475.345 c 0
+ 119.626 486.441 120.853 497.996 123.404 510 c 0
+ 152.524 647 263.727 695 343.727 695 c 0
+ 388.469 695 411.486 647.734 411.486 582.229 c 0
+ 411.486 559.89 408.809 535.43 403.404 510 c 2
+ 366.206 335 l 1
+ 413.506 327 504.868 324 600.443 322 c 1
+ 650.819 559 l 2
+ 654.595 576.761 656.618 591.035 656.618 602.525 c 0
+ 656.618 642.143 632.568 648.674 573.374 651 c 1
+ 578.688 676 l 1
+ 916.688 676 l 1
+ 911.374 651 l 1
+ 839.887 644 825.123 631 809.819 559 c 2
+ 759.019 320 l 1
+ 855.019 320 l 2
+ 873.617 320 881.135 312.157 881.135 303.417 c 0
+ 881.135 289.367 864.946 280 846.516 280 c 2
+ 750.516 280 l 1
+ 738.825 225 l 2
+591.941 282 m 1
+ 499.366 284 409.216 288 357.704 295 c 1
+ 346.014 240 l 2
+ 338.639 205.303 335.258 174.659 335.258 148.191 c 0
+ 335.258 67.8652 366.397 26 411.526 26 c 0
+ 513.526 26 550.918 89 579.825 225 c 2
+ 591.941 282 l 1
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+374.086 94.2593 m 0
+ 374.086 270.156 465.027 435.09 535.505 534 c 1
+ 518.534 600 486.162 650 431.162 650 c 0
+ 339.891 650 280.108 405.333 280.108 378.677 c 0
+ 280.108 349.994 301.586 334.438 367.293 326 c 1
+ 363.042 306 l 1
+ 53.042 306 l 1
+ 57.293 326 l 1
+ 139.419 336 163.67 356 172.173 396 c 0
+ 219.36 618 340.727 695 440.727 695 c 0
+ 503.727 695 562.988 668 609.998 621 c 1
+ 655.562 666 704.727 695 750.727 695 c 0
+ 883.799 695 951.963 646.668 951.963 542.969 c 0
+ 951.963 377.29 805.894 320 794.019 320 c 0
+ 772.023 320 764.567 323.451 764.567 336.026 c 0
+ 764.567 368.144 813.529 455.492 813.529 553.546 c 0
+ 813.529 619.543 786.223 650 741.162 650 c 0
+ 713.162 650 676.848 625 640.559 586 c 1
+ 685.07 525.691 712.908 444.316 712.908 353.433 c 0
+ 712.908 152.467 587.914 -19 443.961 -19 c 0
+ 393.508 -19 374.086 25.9436 374.086 94.2593 c 0
+548.477 468 m 1
+ 479.439 364.69 420.136 256.98 420.136 85.9091 c 0
+ 420.136 44.7723 427.535 21 442.464 21 c 0
+ 482.381 21 553.457 218.756 553.457 380.984 c 0
+ 553.457 409.468 551.954 439.211 548.477 468 c 1
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+325.404 303 m 1
+ 285.869 117 l 2
+ 281.708 97.4234 279.172 82.4494 279.172 70.8245 c 0
+ 279.172 39.101 298.055 32.3183 354.313 25 c 1
+ 349 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.3135 25 l 1
+ 91.2588 36.5 108.246 43.5 123.869 117 c 2
+ 217.819 559 l 2
+ 221.561 576.603 223.691 590.791 223.691 602.265 c 0
+ 223.691 636.415 204.816 646.509 153.374 651 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 480.688 676 l 2
+ 627.982 676 708.351 624.658 708.351 532.951 c 0
+ 708.351 520.681 706.913 507.689 704.003 494 c 0
+ 663.617 304 472.404 303 325.404 303 c 1
+332.844 338 m 1
+ 460.844 338 504.796 366 530.94 489 c 0
+ 536.416 514.759 539.24 536.877 539.24 555.626 c 0
+ 539.24 615.486 510.453 641 447.249 641 c 0
+ 414.249 641 394.698 629 389.81 606 c 2
+ 332.844 338 l 1
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+Encoding: 5091 5091 2239
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+750.338 523.384 m 0
+ 750.338 501.648 744.654 490.123 744.654 476.582 c 0
+ 744.654 458.762 757.619 452.527 810.226 448 c 1
+ 805.975 428 l 1
+ 529.975 428 l 1
+ 534.226 448 l 1
+ 604.288 453 607.414 463 612.728 488 c 0
+ 619.101 517.984 623.372 545.27 623.372 568.782 c 0
+ 623.372 623.684 600.08 658 525.862 658 c 0
+ 311.48 658 257.884 303.132 257.884 204.471 c 0
+ 257.884 72.4755 321.356 29 409.164 29 c 0
+ 525.164 29 614.105 104 635.361 204 c 1
+ 625.299 199 613.661 196 601.661 196 c 0
+ 566.901 196 544.395 221.675 544.395 253.339 c 0
+ 544.395 306.535 596.411 342 654.694 342 c 0
+ 701.165 342 719.313 314.473 719.313 271.629 c 0
+ 719.313 133.031 561.122 -19 374.961 -19 c 0
+ 197.218 -19 86.5951 88.6452 86.5951 249.49 c 0
+ 86.5951 472.734 279.958 691 519.877 691 c 0
+ 707.88 691 750.338 587.213 750.338 523.384 c 0
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+441.471 595 m 2
+ 443.007 602.228 443.85 608.407 443.85 613.674 c 0
+ 443.85 636.098 428.57 642 386.461 642 c 0
+ 223.461 642 192.234 608 138.965 475 c 1
+ 113.965 475 l 1
+ 156.688 676 l 1
+ 706.688 676 l 1
+ 701.374 651 l 1
+ 631.524 647 609.123 631 598.283 580 c 2
+ 504.758 140 l 1
+ 840.684 596 l 2
+ 856.257 617.855 861.778 627.912 861.778 635.889 c 0
+ 861.778 648.845 844.899 653.258 803.438 656 c 1
+ 807.688 676 l 1
+ 1017.69 676 l 1
+ 1013.44 656 l 1
+ 937.374 651 923.249 641 890.684 596 c 2
+ 455 0 l 1
+ 315 0 l 1
+ 441.471 595 l 2
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+799.612 343.345 m 0
+ 799.612 390.191 840.675 418.294 863.337 425 c 1
+ 843.375 444 794.288 453 756.713 455 c 1
+ 685.507 120 l 2
+ 680.62 97.0077 677.631 79.5031 677.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 677.631 29.9559 699.371 23.6475 764.251 20 c 1
+ 760 0 l 1
+ 430 0 l 1
+ 434.251 20 l 1
+ 495.313 25 507.439 35 525.507 120 c 2
+ 590.975 428 l 1
+ 444.858 371 329.651 243 319.236 194 c 2
+ 303.507 120 l 2
+ 298.022 94.1938 294.927 75.3006 294.927 61.3617 c 0
+ 294.927 29.3888 311.207 23.482 352.251 20 c 1
+ 348 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.251 20 l 1
+ 113.313 25 125.439 35 143.507 120 c 2
+ 236.182 556 l 2
+ 241.069 578.992 244.058 596.496 244.058 609.899 c 0
+ 244.058 646.044 222.317 652.352 157.438 656 c 1
+ 161.688 676 l 1
+ 521.688 676 l 1
+ 517.438 656 l 1
+ 426.374 651 414.249 641 396.182 556 c 2
+ 347.931 329 l 1
+ 436.998 414 598.003 494 713.003 494 c 0
+ 846.726 494 953.476 473.518 953.476 391.588 c 0
+ 953.476 337.547 895.828 289 849.429 289 c 0
+ 821.764 289 799.612 311.423 799.612 343.345 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+603.669 563 m 2
+ 627.518 582.668 652.255 600.532 652.255 625.553 c 0
+ 652.255 644.65 630.693 647.426 573.374 651 c 1
+ 578.688 676 l 1
+ 867.688 676 l 1
+ 862.374 651 l 1
+ 763.674 643 722.36 618 493.124 424 c 1
+ 717.777 46 l 2
+ 727.377 30 737.526 26 762.313 25 c 1
+ 757 0 l 1
+ 421 0 l 1
+ 426.313 25 l 1
+ 466.604 28.0494 510.486 22.2576 510.486 52.3767 c 0
+ 510.486 61.1124 506.299 70.7122 495.13 90 c 2
+ 361.381 317 l 1
+ 329.066 292 l 1
+ 287.405 96 l 2
+ 285.387 86.5031 284.257 78.3585 284.257 71.3332 c 0
+ 284.257 42.1111 303.81 32.2557 360.313 25 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 23.3135 25 l 1
+ 97.0146 33 114.565 45 125.405 96 c 2
+ 228.283 580 l 2
+ 230.424 590.074 231.595 598.76 231.595 606.245 c 0
+ 231.595 637.399 211.321 647.775 156.374 651 c 1
+ 161.688 676 l 1
+ 499.688 676 l 1
+ 494.374 651 l 1
+ 419.312 646 400.91 630 385.819 559 c 2
+ 340.332 345 l 1
+ 603.669 563 l 2
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+405.158 363 m 1
+ 443.206 542 l 2
+ 448.093 564.992 451.082 582.496 451.082 595.899 c 0
+ 451.082 632.044 429.341 638.352 364.461 642 c 1
+ 368.713 662 l 1
+ 728.713 662 l 1
+ 724.461 642 l 1
+ 633.398 637 621.273 627 603.206 542 c 2
+ 526.26 180 l 2
+ 497.353 44 365.024 -14 245.024 -14 c 0
+ 155.483 -14 41.3687 21.278 41.3687 136.345 c 0
+ 41.3687 284.308 183.936 380 308.771 380 c 0
+ 348.771 380 379.709 375 405.158 363 c 1
+394.743 314 m 1
+ 374.931 329 350.27 340 320.27 340 c 0
+ 223.274 340 199.025 159.611 199.025 117.297 c 0
+ 199.025 57.6275 222.914 26 253.526 26 c 0
+ 293.526 26 349.256 100 379.014 240 c 2
+ 394.743 314 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5096 5096 2244
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+842.26 180 m 1
+ 756.754 60 l 1
+ 678.009 160 l 1
+ 606.754 60 l 1
+ 533.758 140 l 1
+ 466.753 60 404.961 -19 284.961 -19 c 0
+ 199.692 -19 80.701 51.5259 80.701 228.536 c 0
+ 80.701 487.465 285.281 696 436.939 696 c 0
+ 556.939 696 585.147 617 618.143 537 c 1
+ 725.147 617 l 1
+ 753.892 517 l 1
+ 875.147 617 l 1
+ 909.641 497 l 1
+ 881.539 473 l 1
+ 866.018 527 l 1
+ 744.762 427 l 1
+ 716.018 527 l 1
+ 584.762 427 l 1
+ 573.892 517 528.438 656 448.438 656 c 0
+ 361.764 656 246.724 406.543 246.724 176.944 c 0
+ 246.724 66.6203 282.678 21 313.464 21 c 0
+ 393.464 21 498.009 160 547.139 250 c 1
+ 635.884 150 l 1
+ 707.139 250 l 1
+ 785.884 150 l 1
+ 824.361 204 l 1
+ 842.26 180 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5097 5097 2245
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+732.521 593.497 m 0
+ 732.521 524.189 675.705 382 556.196 382 c 0
+ 510.68 382 488.468 404.735 488.468 439.426 c 0
+ 488.468 491.953 529.734 548 592.481 548 c 0
+ 624.481 548 643.805 526 647.129 504 c 1
+ 647.144 504.012 682.334 527.37 682.334 582.625 c 0
+ 682.334 626.629 635.956 656 547.438 656 c 0
+ 352.3 656 237.348 402.305 237.348 221.567 c 0
+ 237.348 106.996 283.673 21 354.464 21 c 0
+ 516.524 21 532.046 163.717 532.046 213.426 c 0
+ 532.046 245.128 514.155 251.377 464.202 255 c 1
+ 468.453 275 l 1
+ 788.453 275 l 1
+ 784.202 255 l 1
+ 713.139 250 701.014 240 685.072 165 c 0
+ 680.128 141.742 677.163 119.836 677.163 100.462 c 0
+ 677.163 53.1962 694.815 21 744.464 21 c 0
+ 814.464 21 831.792 79 842.42 129 c 2
+ 854.323 185 l 2
+ 860.699 215 889.951 235 909.951 235 c 0
+ 928.016 235 961.276 210.523 961.276 176.309 c 0
+ 961.276 112.268 876.872 -19 735.961 -19 c 0
+ 675.961 -19 612.126 10 580.628 50 c 1
+ 532.126 10 435.961 -19 335.961 -19 c 0
+ 138.444 -19 71.6478 90.5092 71.6478 207.786 c 0
+ 71.6478 382.501 219.523 696 545.939 696 c 0
+ 664.7 696 732.521 671.599 732.521 593.497 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5098 5098 2246
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+852.443 322 m 1
+ 880.142 376.669 917.811 460.005 917.811 560.462 c 0
+ 917.811 612.581 905.133 656 867.438 656 c 0
+ 828.247 656 797.624 468.935 797.624 440.168 c 0
+ 797.624 395.717 811.408 355.188 852.443 322 c 1
+537.438 656 m 0
+ 501.977 656 440.623 518.688 440.623 377.353 c 0
+ 440.623 328.904 446.238 279.85 455.738 234 c 1
+ 506.177 313.419 570.008 437.266 570.008 573.634 c 0
+ 570.008 626.743 556.832 656 537.438 656 c 0
+614.628 539.322 m 0
+ 614.628 466.458 581.457 320.68 471.197 175 c 1
+ 500.28 86 544.464 21 590.464 21 c 0
+ 651.464 21 753.183 142 825.603 271 c 1
+ 741.777 307.069 666.939 356.295 666.939 446.594 c 0
+ 666.939 512.259 720.136 696 865.939 696 c 0
+ 943.64 696 968.661 637.199 968.661 564.188 c 0
+ 968.661 331.02 723.87 -19 571.961 -19 c 0
+ 501.961 -19 437.251 20 387.005 80 c 1
+ 322.613 17 259.961 -19 223.961 -19 c 0
+ 90.1984 -19 47.0866 61.5109 47.0866 150.858 c 0
+ 47.0866 282.272 119.633 340 170.27 340 c 0
+ 195.565 340 221.925 311.561 221.925 266.674 c 0
+ 221.925 243.613 205.303 189.806 205.303 112.939 c 0
+ 205.303 62.3582 213.918 21 238.464 21 c 0
+ 263.464 21 310.903 56 362.807 112 c 1
+ 310.827 188.856 278.781 288.613 278.781 384.604 c 0
+ 278.781 534.179 361.168 696 525.939 696 c 0
+ 587.158 696 614.628 619.876 614.628 539.322 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5099 5099 2247
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+86.9301 250.677 m 0
+ 86.9301 471.052 271.314 691 529.877 691 c 0
+ 702.75 691 813.416 579.303 813.416 418.257 c 0
+ 813.416 202.386 631.918 -19 374.961 -19 c 0
+ 197.362 -19 86.9301 89.2072 86.9301 250.677 c 0
+603.014 240 m 1
+ 614.003 274.376 643.915 383.478 643.915 479.131 c 0
+ 643.915 594.019 601.85 658 521.862 658 c 0
+ 431.862 658 359.195 589 309.776 460 c 1
+ 495.112 456.142 519.727 407.395 519.727 356.72 c 0
+ 519.727 338.391 516.506 319.809 516.506 303.008 c 0
+ 516.506 269.944 528.979 243.776 603.014 240 c 1
+296.062 419 m 1
+ 263.785 318.049 254.244 231.73 254.244 184.913 c 0
+ 254.244 73.3489 297.505 14 381.976 14 c 0
+ 469.976 14 540.579 78 588.512 200 c 1
+ 411.663 202.824 387.559 248.85 387.559 298.034 c 0
+ 387.559 316.466 390.944 335.341 390.944 352.552 c 0
+ 390.944 386.989 377.393 414.765 296.062 419 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13EC
+Encoding: 5100 5100 2248
+Width: 796
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+LayerCount: 2
+532.219 454.275 m 0
+ 532.219 542.061 612.347 680 732.538 680 c 0
+ 823.552 680 866.601 616.723 866.601 513.294 c 0
+ 866.601 364.96 775.895 -14 405.024 -14 c 0
+ 204.259 -14 90.4271 65.7737 90.4271 241.712 c 0
+ 90.4271 489.208 258.698 680 412.538 680 c 0
+ 480.381 680 508.317 639.497 508.317 561.926 c 0
+ 508.317 269.842 303.831 153.003 279.907 136 c 1
+ 311.941 75 349.526 26 433.526 26 c 0
+ 616.691 26 773.219 296.41 773.219 541.135 c 0
+ 773.219 602.714 757.336 643 715.674 643 c 0
+ 652.674 643 620.819 559 614.867 531 c 1
+ 622.718 535 632.143 537 642.143 537 c 0
+ 677.781 537 699.327 509.8 699.327 479.043 c 0
+ 699.327 438.626 661.861 378 599.347 378 c 0
+ 553.88 378 532.219 409.177 532.219 454.275 c 0
+265.56 172 m 1
+ 422.847 281.499 433.734 539.591 433.734 587.781 c 0
+ 433.734 617.454 428.147 635 414.974 635 c 0
+ 298.854 635 252.715 315.767 252.715 259.711 c 0
+ 252.715 227.401 257.023 198.069 265.56 172 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5101 5101 2249
+Width: 578
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+LayerCount: 2
+648.745 502.26 m 0
+ 648.745 365.039 535.612 -19 212.961 -19 c 0
+ 71.4869 -19 36.7491 69.0251 36.7491 120.231 c 0
+ 36.7491 163.338 69.4667 238 142.589 238 c 0
+ 186.375 238 201 209.071 201 179.468 c 0
+ 201 124.587 156.43 90.3729 122.705 88 c 1
+ 134.053 52 172.464 21 217.464 21 c 0
+ 307.464 21 361.381 110 417.038 226 c 1
+ 246.32 259.626 146.921 323.008 146.921 434.163 c 0
+ 146.921 504.878 190.073 696 417.939 696 c 0
+ 534.944 696 648.745 653.071 648.745 502.26 c 0
+409.649 657 m 0
+ 362.652 657 291.447 548.067 291.447 456.74 c 0
+ 291.447 393.16 325.785 329.58 434.54 266 c 1
+ 453.293 311.457 484.021 402.971 484.021 487.251 c 0
+ 484.021 577.893 455.242 657 409.649 657 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13EE
+Encoding: 5102 5102 2250
+Width: 601
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+LayerCount: 2
+492.848 501.505 m 0
+ 492.848 557.923 538.018 591.661 571.259 594 c 1
+ 559.91 630 533.438 656 465.438 656 c 0
+ 370.438 656 296.316 519 252.743 314 c 1
+ 298.032 353 353.709 375 425.709 375 c 0
+ 546.586 375 612.435 326.544 612.435 239.287 c 0
+ 612.435 170.846 565.891 -19 341.961 -19 c 0
+ 208.433 -19 81.2712 10.9484 81.2712 201.625 c 0
+ 81.2712 438.766 222.968 696 483.939 696 c 0
+ 587.693 696 659.799 639.022 659.799 566.191 c 0
+ 659.799 540.966 649.452 446 542.8 446 c 0
+ 506.02 446 492.848 472.85 492.848 501.505 c 0
+377.206 335 m 0
+ 315.33 335 242.892 227.512 242.892 126.86 c 0
+ 242.892 62.3027 275.405 21 330.464 21 c 0
+ 431.779 21 456.277 195.716 456.277 240.769 c 0
+ 456.277 294.123 435.877 335 377.206 335 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13EF
+Encoding: 5103 5103 2251
+Width: 797
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+608.526 26 m 0
+ 693.785 26 797.685 248.098 797.685 392.937 c 0
+ 797.685 503.486 760.669 640 705.036 640 c 0
+ 589.036 640 646.525 440 516.525 440 c 0
+ 492.452 440 475.625 452.877 475.625 484.831 c 0
+ 475.625 569.595 590.955 680 677.538 680 c 0
+ 806.327 680 852.985 537.459 852.985 419.265 c 0
+ 852.985 314.699 776.391 -14 580.024 -14 c 0
+ 450.656 -14 439.414 84.1752 439.414 147.534 c 0
+ 439.414 180.667 437.333 200 435.512 200 c 0
+ 405.512 200 367.961 -19 187.961 -19 c 0
+ 80.6908 -19 18.7067 25.8745 18.7067 103.684 c 0
+ 18.7067 233.038 153.813 360 219.521 360 c 0
+ 228.752 360 261.737 351.478 261.737 326.567 c 0
+ 261.737 284.322 180.848 224.774 180.848 106.752 c 0
+ 180.848 56.9712 200.66 26 238.526 26 c 0
+ 302.526 26 376.125 217 456.854 291 c 1
+ 419.781 333 l 1
+ 359.927 249 l 1
+ 339.902 263 l 1
+ 446.786 413 l 1
+ 516.081 325 l 1
+ 587.337 425 l 1
+ 666.081 325 l 1
+ 704.559 379 l 1
+ 724.583 365 l 1
+ 639.076 245 l 1
+ 560.332 345 l 1
+ 537.743 314 l 1
+ 575.345 289.449 578.306 195 578.306 126 c 0
+ 578.306 71.0511 584.928 26 608.526 26 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F0
+Encoding: 5104 5104 2252
+Width: 623
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+344.607 351 m 1
+ 483.936 372.985 545.339 452.994 545.339 587.16 c 0
+ 545.339 627.034 533.79 656 497.438 656 c 0
+ 448.438 656 399.998 621 374.065 499 c 0
+ 370.877 484 367.689 469 344.607 351 c 1
+180.37 252.543 m 0
+ 180.37 236.644 168.22 202.384 168.22 149.986 c 0
+ 168.22 95.739 183.708 64.5187 203.777 46 c 1
+ 327.78 540 l 2
+ 349.485 628 445.939 696 525.939 696 c 0
+ 641.858 696 703.005 650.231 703.005 563.648 c 0
+ 703.005 355.352 411.552 336.629 411.206 335 c 1
+ 512.874 329.441 631.755 299.842 631.755 215.975 c 0
+ 631.755 167.089 595.24 -19 283.961 -19 c 2
+ 272.961 -19 l 1
+ 263.121 -70 l 2
+ 258.87 -90 231.532 -101 211.532 -101 c 0
+ 193.321 -101 174.56 -91.8793 174.56 -75.1479 c 0
+ 174.56 -73.5049 174.741 -71.7884 175.121 -70 c 2
+ 190.938 -5 l 1
+ 99.5655 24.3708 33.9691 97.7691 33.9691 193.278 c 0
+ 33.9691 248.771 51.5286 300 121.767 300 c 0
+ 163.033 300 180.37 277.827 180.37 252.543 c 0
+283.464 21 m 2
+ 420.374 21 470.499 149.096 470.499 216.109 c 0
+ 470.499 269.939 435.624 303.031 336.468 308 c 1
+ 280.464 21 l 1
+ 283.464 21 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F1
+Encoding: 5105 5105 2253
+Width: 886
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+563.651 243 m 1
+ 526.578 235.012 506.06 148.299 506.06 122.299 c 0
+ 506.06 80.4316 530.423 21 582.464 21 c 0
+ 743.453 21 765.404 269.886 765.404 294.949 c 0
+ 765.404 373.066 718.27 421 597.486 421 c 0
+ 467.486 421 377.516 280 298 0 c 1
+ 158 0 l 1
+ 136.888 230 l 2
+ 129.255 307 114.955 315 56.0186 320 c 1
+ 60.2695 340 l 1
+ 290.27 340 l 1
+ 306.26 180 l 1
+ 363.945 362 469.975 428 540.65 450 c 1
+ 568.283 580 l 2
+ 570.19 588.973 571.211 596.832 571.211 603.718 c 0
+ 571.211 635.969 548.83 646.88 490.374 651 c 1
+ 495.688 676 l 1
+ 845.688 676 l 1
+ 840.374 651 l 1
+ 765.736 648 741.336 632 730.283 580 c 2
+ 703.501 454 l 1
+ 817.462 437.996 917.42 389.58 917.42 281.341 c 0
+ 917.42 228.927 885.204 -19 553.961 -19 c 0
+ 468.139 -19 424.146 39.1871 424.146 106.256 c 0
+ 424.146 198.869 509.76 310 624.893 310 c 0
+ 672.129 310 692.908 294.745 692.908 260.452 c 0
+ 692.908 190.49 639.431 173 605.772 173 c 0
+ 570.588 173 561.023 195.976 561.023 219.695 c 0
+ 561.023 227.66 562.102 235.709 563.651 243 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F2
+Encoding: 5106 5106 2254
+Width: 730
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+674.88 608.756 m 0
+ 674.88 581.448 656.167 519 581.316 519 c 0
+ 537.316 519 528.52 567 526.471 595 c 2
+ 525.147 617 l 2
+ 523.012 654 512.35 665 476.35 665 c 0
+ 395.35 665 364.259 594 342.365 491 c 2
+ 314.096 358 l 1
+ 363.385 397 476.486 421 536.486 421 c 0
+ 631.848 421 683.693 370.323 683.693 307.519 c 0
+ 683.693 299.196 682.782 290.659 680.941 282 c 2
+ 641.405 96 l 2
+ 639.379 86.4659 638.277 78.2043 638.277 71.0351 c 0
+ 638.277 40.6068 658.121 29.8559 711.313 25 c 1
+ 706 0 l 1
+ 369 0 l 1
+ 374.313 25 l 1
+ 445.377 30 468.777 46 479.405 96 c 2
+ 517.24 274 l 2
+ 518.617 280.476 519.317 286.889 519.317 293.125 c 0
+ 519.317 330.218 494.522 361 439.732 361 c 0
+ 386.732 361 346.545 346 305.593 318 c 1
+ 258.405 96 l 2
+ 256.49 86.9902 255.459 79.0844 255.459 72.148 c 0
+ 255.459 40.5909 276.799 29.099 333.313 25 c 1
+ 328 0 l 1
+ -12 0 l 1
+ -6.68652 25 l 1
+ 62.377 30 85.7773 46 96.4053 96 c 2
+ 171.013 447 l 2
+ 203.746 601 377.515 694 488.515 694 c 0
+ 580.627 694 674.88 671.492 674.88 608.756 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F3
+Encoding: 5107 5107 2255
+Width: 827
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+81.1472 247.449 m 0
+ 81.1472 476.681 284.169 688 511.239 688 c 0
+ 581.239 688 618.35 665 640.321 599 c 1
+ 747.326 679 l 1
+ 776.07 579 l 1
+ 897.326 679 l 1
+ 931.819 559 l 1
+ 905.844 545 l 1
+ 890.321 599 l 1
+ 769.065 499 l 1
+ 740.321 599 l 1
+ 619.065 499 l 1
+ 617.867 531 582.862 658 520.862 658 c 0
+ 305.502 658 251.662 297.642 251.662 196.905 c 0
+ 251.662 60.8066 312.187 14 402.976 14 c 0
+ 469.976 14 503.652 36 514.492 87 c 2
+ 536.811 192 l 2
+ 539.089 202.717 540.416 211.741 540.416 219.36 c 0
+ 540.416 250.13 518.769 257.992 450.689 262 c 1
+ 456.004 287 l 1
+ 799.004 287 l 1
+ 793.689 262 l 1
+ 716.989 254 703.438 242 688.135 170 c 2
+ 661.14 43 l 1
+ 589.062 5 474.961 -19 371.961 -19 c 0
+ 191.699 -19 81.1472 87.1045 81.1472 247.449 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F4
+Encoding: 5108 5108 2256
+Width: 648
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+699.198 547.593 m 0
+ 699.198 438.037 607.612 393.427 504.583 365 c 1
+ 549.587 355.032 663.837 326.997 663.837 222.851 c 0
+ 663.837 89.1404 519.626 0 339 0 c 2
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 22.3135 25 l 1
+ 97.0146 33 114.565 45 125.405 96 c 2
+ 228.283 580 l 2
+ 230.317 589.568 231.42 597.905 231.42 605.161 c 0
+ 231.42 636.581 210.738 647.75 155.374 651 c 1
+ 160.688 676 l 1
+ 469.688 676 l 2
+ 618.746 676 699.198 630.59 699.198 547.593 c 0
+332.802 32 m 0
+ 465.216 32 492.654 174.202 492.654 235.147 c 0
+ 492.654 307.406 451.531 343 367.907 343 c 2
+ 337.907 343 l 1
+ 284.768 93 l 2
+ 282.908 84.2526 281.948 76.5723 281.948 69.8806 c 0
+ 281.948 42.9125 297.549 32 332.802 32 c 0
+391.896 597 m 2
+ 344.283 373 l 1
+ 467.921 376 506.873 404 529.191 509 c 0
+ 533.797 530.67 536.127 549.629 536.127 565.976 c 0
+ 536.127 620.54 510.175 646 456.312 646 c 0
+ 417.312 646 399.548 633 391.896 597 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9f
+Encoding: 7839 7839 2257
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 527 948 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1e9e
+Encoding: 7838 7838 2258
+Width: 830
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+573.134 377 m 1
+ 657.531 359.562 788.828 321.07 788.828 215.916 c 0
+ 788.828 125.95 710.508 -9 485.087 -9 c 0
+ 432.842 -9 388.474 16.2041 388.474 53.5205 c 0
+ 388.474 89.1309 426.89 112 452.807 112 c 0
+ 473.4 112 492.578 97.1055 492.578 76.3369 c 0
+ 492.578 74.918 492.489 73.4717 492.304 72 c 2
+ 489.628 50 l 2
+ 489.24 46.8154 489.041 43.9238 489.041 41.3076 c 0
+ 489.041 25.8516 496.001 20 512.251 20 c 0
+ 594.047 20 614.496 189.062 614.496 237.718 c 0
+ 614.496 314.654 581.534 353.987 515.883 357 c 0
+ 495.626 357.889 487.104 361.939 487.104 370.556 c 0
+ 487.104 385.311 504.246 387.559 519.685 389 c 0
+ 631.689 400.792 644.878 521.365 644.878 544.421 c 0
+ 644.878 614.617 582.946 655 532.225 655 c 0
+ 424.225 655 370.78 540 346.124 424 c 2
+ 276.405 96 l 2
+ 274.37 86.4238 273.253 78.1367 273.253 70.957 c 0
+ 273.253 39.1484 295.177 29.0791 356.312 25 c 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 1 0 l 1
+ 6.31348 25 l 1
+ 82.8018 32 103.777 46 114.405 96 c 2
+ 190.501 454 l 2
+ 216.433 576 368.176 683 538.176 683 c 0
+ 635.856 683 814.176 655.653 814.176 552.074 c 0
+ 814.176 423.752 639.607 391.666 573.134 377 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9c
+Encoding: 7836 7836 2259
+Width: 465
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+457.239 481 m 1
+ 446.612 431 l 1
+ 307.906 338.162 l 1
+ 236.901 12.5107 191.459 -205 24 -205 c 0
+ -36 -205 -75 -174 -75 -126 c 0
+ -75 -97 -51 -72 -23 -72 c 0
+ 2 -72 26 -96 26 -120 c 0
+ 26 -145 10 -154 10 -163 c 0
+ 10 -169 18 -174 28 -174 c 0
+ 82.6533 -174 90.6836 -112.612 169.907 245.798 c 1
+ 91.0234 193 l 1
+ 101.651 243 l 1
+ 181.08 296.163 l 1
+ 206 407 l 1
+ 133 407 l 1
+ 142 449 l 1
+ 215 449 l 1
+ 251 574 305 698 441 698 c 0
+ 501 698 540 667 540 618 c 0
+ 540 587 519 565 489 565 c 0
+ 462 565 440 587 440 614 c 0
+ 440 636 456 648 456 656 c 0
+ 456 664 449 669 439 669 c 0
+ 404 669 373 619 348 520 c 2
+ 318.899 388.407 l 1
+ 457.239 481 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9d
+Encoding: 7837 7837 2260
+Width: 465
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+437.554 506 m 1
+ 428.201 462 l 1
+ 335.168 462 l 1
+ 323 407 l 2
+ 242.585 43.5254 203 -205 24 -205 c 0
+ -36 -205 -75 -174 -75 -126 c 0
+ -75 -97 -51 -72 -23 -72 c 0
+ 2 -72 26 -96 26 -120 c 0
+ 26 -145 10 -154 10 -163 c 0
+ 10 -169 18 -174 28 -174 c 0
+ 90 -174 84 -144 198 358 c 1
+ 125 358 l 1
+ 134 400 l 1
+ 207 400 l 1
+ 212.69 419.758 219.03 440.716 226.21 462 c 1
+ 145.201 462 l 1
+ 154.554 506 l 1
+ 242.237 506 l 1
+ 281.309 604.934 341.25 698 441 698 c 0
+ 501 698 540 667 540 618 c 0
+ 540 587 519 565 489 565 c 0
+ 462 565 440 587 440 614 c 0
+ 440 636 456 648 456 656 c 0
+ 456 664 449 669 439 669 c 0
+ 404 669 373 619 348 520 c 2
+ 344.903 506 l 1
+ 437.554 506 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Aybarmenian
+Encoding: 1329 1329 2261
+Width: 889
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+682.579 78 m 0
+ 765.699 78 884.142 36.875 884.142 24.3868 c 0
+ 884.142 7.29457 801.534 -41 749.285 -41 c 0
+ 730.285 -41 729.777 46 658.777 46 c 0
+ 587.777 46 542.024 -14 383.024 -14 c 0
+ 237.748 -14 148.287 45.8831 148.287 171.266 c 0
+ 148.287 192.604 150.879 215.84 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 498.713 662 l 1
+ 494.674 643 l 1
+ 413.186 636 399.848 625 384.544 553 c 2
+ 316.525 233 l 2
+ 307.411 190.121 300.239 152.307 300.239 121.295 c 0
+ 300.239 64.0685 324.661 30 406.377 30 c 0
+ 496.377 30 537.72 121 561.525 233 c 2
+ 629.544 553 l 2
+ 633.467 571.458 635.816 585.908 635.816 597.308 c 0
+ 635.816 630.377 616.058 637.795 557.674 643 c 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 904.713 662 l 1
+ 900.674 643 l 1
+ 820.398 637 807.061 626 791.544 553 c 2
+ 725.227 241 l 2
+ 705.033 146 672.043 99 643.304 72 c 1
+ 643.304 72 665.579 78 682.579 78 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Benarmenian
+Encoding: 1330 1330 2262
+Width: 787
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+758.204 521.16 m 0
+ 758.204 493.872 750.149 473.406 750.149 452.94 c 0
+ 750.149 417.768 770.917 402.48 832.385 397 c 1
+ 828.347 378 l 1
+ 485.347 378 l 1
+ 489.385 397 l 1
+ 569.66 403 582.998 414 598.515 487 c 0
+ 601.638 501.693 603.78 519.66 603.78 537.878 c 0
+ 603.78 584.132 589.969 632 543.336 632 c 0
+ 420.336 632 384.119 551 358.187 429 c 2
+ 326.941 282 l 1
+ 623.941 282 l 2
+ 707.062 282 825.503 240.875 825.503 228.387 c 0
+ 825.503 211.295 742.896 163 690.646 163 c 0
+ 671.646 163 671.139 250 600.139 250 c 2
+ 320.139 250 l 1
+ 290.169 109 l 2
+ 286.245 90.5411 283.897 76.0916 283.897 64.691 c 0
+ 283.897 31.6227 303.655 24.2054 362.039 19 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 231.259 594 359.688 676 529.688 676 c 0
+ 691.501 676 758.204 603.303 758.204 521.16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gimarmenian
+Encoding: 1331 1331 2263
+Width: 858
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+123.626 417.437 m 0
+ 123.626 572.575 271.241 676 444.688 676 c 0
+ 589.965 676 679.425 616.117 679.425 490.734 c 0
+ 679.425 469.396 676.834 446.16 671.486 421 c 2
+ 642.791 286 l 1
+ 695.791 286 l 2
+ 778.912 286 897.353 244.875 897.353 232.387 c 0
+ 897.353 215.295 814.746 167 762.497 167 c 0
+ 743.497 167 742.989 254 671.989 254 c 2
+ 635.989 254 l 1
+ 605.169 109 l 2
+ 601.154 90.1119 598.758 75.3745 598.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 598.758 30.6424 618.424 23.4475 676.039 19 c 1
+ 672 0 l 1
+ 329 0 l 1
+ 333.039 19 l 1
+ 414.526 26 427.864 37 443.169 109 c 2
+ 473.989 254 l 1
+ 354.989 254 l 2
+ 205.972 254 123.626 313.994 123.626 417.437 c 0
+425.336 632 m 0
+ 337.514 632 278.967 479.428 278.967 375.522 c 0
+ 278.967 319.388 301.845 286 371.791 286 c 2
+ 480.791 286 l 1
+ 511.187 429 l 2
+ 519.634 468.741 525.353 504.132 525.353 533.79 c 0
+ 525.353 595.176 500.852 632 425.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Daarmenian
+Encoding: 1332 1332 2264
+Width: 941
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+488.336 632 m 0
+ 409.325 632 365.104 496.278 365.104 441.801 c 0
+ 365.104 408.643 384.77 401.448 442.385 397 c 1
+ 438.347 378 l 1
+ 95.3467 378 l 1
+ 99.3848 397 l 1
+ 180.873 404 202.762 427 215.515 487 c 0
+ 235.708 582 336.688 676 520.688 676 c 0
+ 665.965 676 755.425 616.117 755.425 490.734 c 0
+ 755.425 469.396 752.834 446.16 747.486 421 c 2
+ 718.791 286 l 1
+ 778.791 286 l 2
+ 861.912 286 980.353 244.875 980.353 232.387 c 0
+ 980.353 215.295 897.746 167 845.497 167 c 0
+ 826.497 167 825.989 254 754.989 254 c 2
+ 711.989 254 l 1
+ 681.169 109 l 2
+ 677.154 90.1119 674.758 75.3745 674.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 674.758 30.6424 694.424 23.4475 752.039 19 c 1
+ 748 0 l 1
+ 405 0 l 1
+ 409.039 19 l 1
+ 490.526 26 503.864 37 519.169 109 c 2
+ 587.187 429 l 2
+ 595.171 466.565 600.529 500.243 600.529 528.866 c 0
+ 600.529 593.202 573.463 632 488.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Echarmenian
+Encoding: 1333 1333 2265
+Width: 775
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+415.377 30 m 0
+ 494.388 30 538.608 165.722 538.608 220.199 c 0
+ 538.608 253.357 518.942 260.552 461.327 265 c 1
+ 465.366 284 l 1
+ 808.366 284 l 1
+ 804.327 265 l 1
+ 722.84 258 700.951 235 688.197 175 c 0
+ 668.005 80 567.024 -14 383.024 -14 c 0
+ 237.748 -14 148.287 45.8831 148.287 171.266 c 0
+ 148.287 192.604 150.879 215.84 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 498.713 662 l 1
+ 494.674 643 l 1
+ 413.186 636 399.848 625 384.544 553 c 2
+ 360.95 442 l 1
+ 645.95 442 l 2
+ 729.071 442 847.512 400.875 847.512 388.387 c 0
+ 847.512 371.295 764.906 323 712.656 323 c 0
+ 693.656 323 693.148 410 622.148 410 c 2
+ 354.148 410 l 1
+ 316.525 233 l 2
+ 308.541 195.436 303.184 161.758 303.184 133.135 c 0
+ 303.184 68.7986 330.249 30 415.377 30 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zaarmenian
+Encoding: 1334 1334 2266
+Width: 765
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+113.891 368.712 m 0
+ 113.891 516.183 241.013 674 500.263 674 c 0
+ 667.586 674 779.134 604.977 779.134 474.444 c 0
+ 779.134 456.753 777.085 437.932 772.849 418 c 0
+ 720.622 177 224.802 32 224.802 32 c 1
+ 548.802 32 l 2
+ 631.922 32 750.364 -9.1253 750.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 750.364 -38.7053 667.757 -87 615.508 -87 c 0
+ 596.508 -87 596 0 525 0 c 2
+ 162 0 l 1
+ 153.072 -42 l 1
+ 33.0723 -42 l 1
+ 61.5557 92 l 1
+ 181.556 92 l 1
+ 172.841 51 l 1
+ 292.067 85 376.995 127 438.56 172 c 1
+ 420.922 169 403.71 168 386.71 168 c 0
+ 231.66 168 113.891 236.295 113.891 368.712 c 0
+398.361 204 m 0
+ 527.573 204 608.523 365.946 608.523 500.162 c 0
+ 608.523 593.061 562.622 638 492.611 638 c 0
+ 365.611 638 314.529 520 293.486 421 c 0
+ 287.771 394.114 283.909 365.461 283.909 338.086 c 0
+ 283.909 266.697 310.177 204 398.361 204 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Eharmenian
+Encoding: 1335 1335 2267
+Width: 805
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+363.699 422 m 1
+ 280.802 32 l 1
+ 539.802 32 l 2
+ 622.922 32 741.364 -9.1253 741.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 741.364 -38.7053 658.757 -87 606.508 -87 c 0
+ 587.508 -87 587 0 516 0 c 2
+ 112 0 l 1
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 512.713 662 l 1
+ 508.674 643 l 1
+ 423.823 639 407.061 626 391.544 553 c 2
+ 370.501 454 l 1
+ 673.501 454 l 2
+ 756.621 454 875.062 412.875 875.062 400.387 c 0
+ 875.062 383.295 792.455 335 740.206 335 c 0
+ 721.206 335 720.699 422 649.699 422 c 2
+ 363.699 422 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Etarmenian
+Encoding: 1336 1336 2268
+Width: 762
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+733.204 521.16 m 0
+ 733.204 493.872 725.149 473.406 725.149 452.94 c 0
+ 725.149 417.768 745.917 402.48 807.385 397 c 1
+ 803.347 378 l 1
+ 460.347 378 l 1
+ 464.385 397 l 1
+ 544.66 403 557.998 414 573.515 487 c 0
+ 576.638 501.693 578.78 519.66 578.78 537.878 c 0
+ 578.78 584.132 564.969 632 518.336 632 c 0
+ 395.336 632 359.119 551 333.187 429 c 2
+ 248.802 32 l 1
+ 545.802 32 l 2
+ 628.922 32 747.364 -9.1253 747.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 747.364 -38.7053 664.757 -87 612.508 -87 c 0
+ 593.508 -87 593 0 522 0 c 2
+ 80 0 l 1
+ 169.486 421 l 2
+ 206.259 594 334.688 676 504.688 676 c 0
+ 666.501 676 733.204 603.303 733.204 521.16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Toarmenian
+Encoding: 1337 1337 2269
+Width: 938
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+873.206 335 m 0
+ 856.206 335 853.66 403 805.062 419 c 1
+ 804.786 413 803.936 409 803.085 405 c 0
+ 754.961 188 609.309 152 538.309 152 c 0
+ 458.595 152 366.759 179.898 366.759 263.196 c 0
+ 366.759 271.855 367.752 281.113 369.854 291 c 0
+ 391.109 391 491.25 434 649.226 448 c 1
+ 653.41 472.366 656.015 495.99 656.015 517.735 c 0
+ 656.015 583.448 632.224 632 556.336 632 c 0
+ 436.336 632 384.119 551 358.187 429 c 2
+ 290.169 109 l 2
+ 286.245 90.5411 283.897 76.0916 283.897 64.691 c 0
+ 283.897 31.6227 303.655 24.2054 362.039 19 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 231.259 594 399.688 676 542.688 676 c 0
+ 748.688 676 799.355 538 805.501 454 c 1
+ 888.628 454 1008.06 412.868 1008.06 400.384 c 0
+ 1008.06 383.299 925.454 335 873.206 335 c 0
+642.786 413 m 1
+ 584.811 399 542.371 364 524.516 280 c 0
+ 519.843 258.016 517.507 239.809 517.507 225.376 c 0
+ 517.507 197.792 526.041 184 543.11 184 c 0
+ 580.11 184 601.975 221 642.786 413 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zhearmenian
+Encoding: 1338 1338 2270
+Width: 869
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+67.3925 156.798 m 0
+ 67.3925 233.576 122.098 408 357.723 408 c 2
+ 506.723 408 l 1
+ 537.544 553 l 2
+ 541.467 571.458 543.816 585.908 543.816 597.308 c 0
+ 543.816 630.377 524.058 637.795 465.674 643 c 1
+ 469.713 662 l 1
+ 812.713 662 l 1
+ 808.674 643 l 1
+ 728.398 637 715.061 626 699.544 553 c 2
+ 668.723 408 l 1
+ 732.723 408 l 2
+ 815.843 408 934.285 366.875 934.285 354.387 c 0
+ 934.285 337.295 851.678 289 799.429 289 c 0
+ 780.429 289 779.921 376 708.921 376 c 2
+ 661.921 376 l 1
+ 633.227 241 l 2
+ 596.454 68 468.024 -14 298.024 -14 c 0
+ 157.519 -14 67.3925 55.591 67.3925 156.798 c 0
+420.921 376 m 2
+ 267.732 376 229.435 213.574 229.435 155.39 c 0
+ 229.435 90.3478 261.378 30 314.377 30 c 0
+ 402.377 30 443.594 111 469.525 233 c 2
+ 499.921 376 l 1
+ 420.921 376 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iniarmenian
+Encoding: 1339 1339 2271
+Width: 765
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+722.581 344.159 m 0
+ 722.581 316.871 714.527 296.405 714.527 275.939 c 0
+ 714.527 240.768 735.295 225.48 796.763 220 c 1
+ 792.724 201 l 1
+ 449.724 201 l 1
+ 453.763 220 l 1
+ 534.038 226 547.376 237 562.893 310 c 0
+ 566.016 324.693 568.158 342.659 568.158 360.876 c 0
+ 568.158 407.13 554.347 455 507.713 455 c 0
+ 399.713 455 352.897 390 332.704 295 c 2
+ 290.405 96 l 2
+ 288.37 86.4237 287.253 78.1361 287.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 287.253 39.1488 309.177 29.0792 370.313 25 c 1
+ 365 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.3135 25 l 1
+ 96.8018 32 117.777 46 128.405 96 c 2
+ 231.283 580 l 2
+ 233.19 588.973 234.211 596.832 234.211 603.718 c 0
+ 234.211 635.969 211.83 646.88 153.374 651 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 508.688 676 l 1
+ 503.374 651 l 1
+ 428.736 648 404.336 632 393.283 580 c 2
+ 372.665 483 l 1
+ 410.003 494 451.065 499 494.065 499 c 0
+ 655.879 499 722.581 426.302 722.581 344.159 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Liwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1340 1340 2272
+Width: 756
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+280.802 32 m 1
+ 539.802 32 l 2
+ 622.922 32 741.364 -9.1253 741.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 741.364 -38.7053 658.757 -87 606.508 -87 c 0
+ 587.508 -87 587 0 516 0 c 2
+ 112 0 l 1
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 512.713 662 l 1
+ 508.674 643 l 1
+ 423.823 639 407.061 626 391.544 553 c 2
+ 280.802 32 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Xeharmenian
+Encoding: 1341 1341 2273
+Width: 966
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+128.405 96 m 2
+ 228.307 566 l 2
+ 230.214 574.974 231.235 582.833 231.235 589.719 c 0
+ 231.235 621.969 208.854 632.88 150.398 637 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 505.713 662 l 1
+ 500.398 637 l 1
+ 425.761 634 401.36 618 390.307 566 c 2
+ 363.95 442 l 1
+ 583.95 442 l 1
+ 573.109 391 l 2
+ 552.601 294.516 538.503 225.551 538.503 178.352 c 0
+ 538.503 116.462 562.743 92 628.555 92 c 0
+ 714.555 92 737.961 188 768.781 333 c 0
+ 772.796 351.888 775.192 366.625 775.192 378.199 c 0
+ 775.192 411.357 755.526 418.552 697.911 423 c 1
+ 701.95 442 l 1
+ 1044.95 442 l 1
+ 1040.91 423 l 1
+ 959.424 416 937.535 393 924.781 333 c 0
+ 890.984 174 777.203 48 604.203 48 c 0
+ 465.359 48 398.492 126.215 398.492 269.578 c 0
+ 398.492 311.041 404.086 357.954 415.148 410 c 1
+ 357.148 410 l 1
+ 290.405 96 l 2
+ 288.37 86.4237 287.253 78.1361 287.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 287.253 39.1488 309.177 29.0792 370.313 25 c 1
+ 365 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.3135 25 l 1
+ 96.8018 32 117.777 46 128.405 96 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Caarmenian
+Encoding: 1342 1342 2274
+Width: 992
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+616.37 571 m 0
+ 499.37 571 416.602 478 375.366 284 c 0
+ 366.099 240.404 361.537 202.201 361.537 169.31 c 0
+ 361.537 64.8904 407.523 14 494.976 14 c 0
+ 609.976 14 690.681 102 730.004 287 c 0
+ 739.744 332.822 744.492 373.239 744.492 408.15 c 0
+ 744.492 515.713 699.416 571 616.37 571 c 0
+192.593 224.068 m 0
+ 192.593 319.919 244.703 492.974 448.582 572 c 1
+ 344.582 572 l 2
+ 261.462 572 143.021 613.125 143.021 625.613 c 0
+ 143.021 642.705 225.628 691 277.877 691 c 0
+ 296.877 691 297.384 604 368.384 604 c 2
+ 897.384 604 l 2
+ 980.504 604 1098.95 562.875 1098.95 550.387 c 0
+ 1098.95 533.294 1016.34 485 964.09 485 c 0
+ 945.09 485 944.582 572 873.582 572 c 2
+ 780.582 572 l 1
+ 865.613 531.777 915.569 456.513 915.569 359.484 c 0
+ 915.569 175.883 751.985 -19 487.961 -19 c 0
+ 307.31 -19 192.593 76.2025 192.593 224.068 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Kenarmenian
+Encoding: 1343 1343 2275
+Width: 748
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+524.448 195 m 1
+ 475.159 156 362.058 132 302.058 132 c 0
+ 206.696 132 154.851 182.677 154.851 245.481 c 0
+ 154.851 253.804 155.762 262.341 157.603 271 c 2
+ 220.307 566 l 2
+ 222.333 575.534 223.435 583.796 223.435 590.965 c 0
+ 223.435 621.393 203.591 632.144 150.398 637 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 492.713 662 l 1
+ 487.398 637 l 1
+ 416.336 632 392.935 616 382.307 566 c 2
+ 321.304 279 l 2
+ 319.927 272.524 319.227 266.11 319.227 259.875 c 0
+ 319.227 222.781 344.021 192 398.811 192 c 0
+ 451.811 192 491.999 207 532.951 235 c 1
+ 558.883 357 l 2
+ 560.798 366.01 561.829 373.916 561.829 380.852 c 0
+ 561.829 412.409 540.489 423.901 483.975 428 c 1
+ 489.288 453 l 1
+ 829.288 453 l 1
+ 823.975 428 l 1
+ 754.911 423 731.511 407 720.883 357 c 2
+ 665.405 96 l 2
+ 663.387 86.5031 662.257 78.3585 662.257 71.3332 c 0
+ 662.257 42.1111 681.81 32.2557 738.313 25 c 1
+ 733 0 l 1
+ 393 0 l 1
+ 398.313 25 l 1
+ 473.015 33 492.99 47 503.405 96 c 2
+ 524.448 195 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Hoarmenian
+Encoding: 1344 1344 2276
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+217.435 162 m 1
+ 443.435 162 l 1
+ 441.034 -61 l 1
+ 404.034 -61 l 1
+ 405 0 l 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 366.858 371 l 1
+ 192.375 444 l 1
+ 317.713 662 l 1
+ 351.713 662 l 1
+ 302.22 575 l 1
+ 529.09 485 l 1
+ 217.435 162 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Jaarmenian
+Encoding: 1345 1345 2277
+Width: 731
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+796.134 474.444 m 0
+ 796.134 404.755 760.93 252.327 585.782 126 c 1
+ 641.062 86.8622 673.976 50.5964 673.976 42.4942 c 0
+ 673.976 29.1954 583.555 -24 539.898 -24 c 0
+ 532.898 -24 526.889 23 501.517 73 c 1
+ 392.976 14 282.024 -14 220.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.325 -14 58.3885 32.6165 58.3885 80.933 c 0
+ 58.3885 141.703 142.995 232 278.313 232 c 0
+ 364.313 232 443.787 206 508.56 172 c 1
+ 587.606 279.555 625.523 422.016 625.523 500.162 c 0
+ 625.523 593.061 579.622 638 509.611 638 c 0
+ 393.611 638 345.78 540 317.013 447 c 1
+ 136.911 423 l 1
+ 170.921 583 326.263 674 517.263 674 c 0
+ 684.586 674 796.134 604.977 796.134 474.444 c 0
+307.748 187 m 0
+ 270.223 187 226.827 134.158 226.827 89.8394 c 0
+ 226.827 58.9441 245.494 32 272.802 32 c 0
+ 342.802 32 409.028 66 466.145 123 c 1
+ 433.797 159 383.748 187 307.748 187 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ghadarmenian
+Encoding: 1346 1346 2278
+Width: 941
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+488.336 632 m 0
+ 409.325 632 365.104 496.278 365.104 441.801 c 0
+ 365.104 408.643 384.77 401.448 442.385 397 c 1
+ 438.347 378 l 1
+ 95.3467 378 l 1
+ 99.3848 397 l 1
+ 180.873 404 202.762 427 215.515 487 c 0
+ 235.708 582 336.688 676 520.688 676 c 0
+ 665.965 676 755.425 616.117 755.425 490.734 c 0
+ 755.425 469.396 752.834 446.16 747.486 421 c 2
+ 664.802 32 l 1
+ 724.802 32 l 2
+ 807.922 32 926.364 -9.1253 926.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 926.364 -38.7053 843.757 -87 791.508 -87 c 0
+ 772.508 -87 772 0 701 0 c 2
+ 496 0 l 1
+ 587.187 429 l 2
+ 595.171 466.565 600.529 500.243 600.529 528.866 c 0
+ 600.529 593.202 573.463 632 488.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cheharmenian
+Encoding: 1347 1347 2279
+Width: 745
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+390.573 412 m 1
+ 245.401 279.199 231.127 138.902 231.127 127.753 c 0
+ 231.127 71.8504 288.934 45 347.565 45 c 0
+ 394.565 45 424.179 62 483.343 91 c 1
+ 474.699 215 440.081 325 390.573 412 c 1
+766.462 665.521 m 0
+ 766.462 636.205 722.413 558 698.606 558 c 0
+ 687.606 558 668.52 567 648.52 567 c 0
+ 630.52 567 609.669 563 587.906 550 c 0
+ 542.167 523 496.003 494 452.201 462 c 1
+ 569.119 344 621.512 200 659.903 56 c 0
+ 666.015 33 684.889 23 734.039 19 c 1
+ 730 0 l 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 485.071 15.3651 485.607 30.7302 485.607 46.0953 c 0
+ 485.607 51.7302 485.535 57.3651 485.391 63 c 1
+ 400.126 10 331.024 -14 239.024 -14 c 0
+ 116.15 -14 63.905 29.4287 63.905 96.8483 c 0
+ 63.905 169.479 118.706 294.786 360.776 460 c 1
+ 312.867 531 254.495 581 198.81 606 c 1
+ 202.636 624 l 1
+ 289.983 588 359.844 545 416.428 496 c 1
+ 588.172 603 758.476 675 761.476 675 c 0
+ 765.171 675 766.462 670.828 766.462 665.521 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Menarmenian
+Encoding: 1348 1348 2280
+Width: 966
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+803.756 554 m 2
+ 737.227 241 l 2
+ 700.454 68 563.024 -14 393.024 -14 c 0
+ 245.401 -14 148.777 47.1128 148.777 175.129 c 0
+ 148.777 195.401 151.2 217.35 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 498.713 662 l 1
+ 494.674 643 l 1
+ 413.186 636 399.848 625 384.544 553 c 2
+ 316.525 233 l 2
+ 306.931 187.86 298.803 148.333 298.803 116.445 c 0
+ 298.803 62.1489 322.367 30 402.377 30 c 0
+ 528.377 30 547.594 111 573.525 233 c 2
+ 641.544 553 l 2
+ 645.467 571.458 647.816 585.908 647.816 597.308 c 0
+ 647.816 630.377 628.058 637.795 569.674 643 c 1
+ 573.713 662 l 1
+ 877.713 662 l 2
+ 961.823 662 1080.27 620.875 1080.27 608.387 c 0
+ 1080.27 591.148 997.744 543 944.418 543 c 0
+ 926.418 543 925.91 630 854.91 630 c 0
+ 842.91 630 819.061 626 803.756 554 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yiarmenian
+Encoding: 1349 1349 2281
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+653.84 219.447 m 0
+ 653.84 78.7788 488.923 -15 314.812 -15 c 0
+ 127.618 -15 74.1172 139.941 74.1172 159.747 c 0
+ 74.1172 167.699 96.23 173 122.772 173 c 0
+ 140.929 173 190.425 168.392 190.425 149.961 c 0
+ 190.425 140.062 185.679 123.016 185.679 104.793 c 0
+ 185.679 69.1501 203.834 29 311.164 29 c 0
+ 449.096 29 483.579 185.019 483.579 232.106 c 0
+ 483.579 285.259 456.184 344 347.119 344 c 2
+ 306.119 344 l 2
+ 247.119 344 203.216 288 187.216 288 c 0
+ 159.546 288 116.641 336.25 116.641 358.917 c 0
+ 116.641 369.167 151.749 376 299.921 376 c 2
+ 353.921 376 l 2
+ 505.131 376 542.934 500.688 542.934 564.125 c 0
+ 542.934 608.374 523.451 653 445.8 653 c 0
+ 351.8 653 260.795 573 203.201 462 c 1
+ 168.201 462 l 1
+ 216.239 688 l 1
+ 243.239 688 l 1
+ 246.562 666 255.312 646 276.312 646 c 0
+ 299.312 646 373.877 691 498.877 691 c 0
+ 619.773 691 694.763 637.268 694.763 558.532 c 0
+ 694.763 458.954 593.752 382.911 491.434 369 c 1
+ 490.796 366 l 1
+ 529.22 363.279 653.84 332.586 653.84 219.447 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nowarmenian
+Encoding: 1350 1350 2282
+Width: 929
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+581.377 30 m 0
+ 660.388 30 704.608 165.722 704.608 220.199 c 0
+ 704.608 253.357 684.942 260.552 627.327 265 c 1
+ 631.366 284 l 1
+ 974.366 284 l 1
+ 970.327 265 l 1
+ 888.84 258 866.951 235 854.197 175 c 0
+ 834.005 80 733.024 -14 549.024 -14 c 0
+ 403.748 -14 314.287 45.8831 314.287 171.266 c 0
+ 314.287 192.604 316.879 215.84 322.227 241 c 2
+ 404.91 630 l 1
+ 356.91 630 l 2
+ 273.79 630 155.349 671.125 155.349 683.613 c 0
+ 155.349 700.705 237.956 749 290.205 749 c 0
+ 309.205 749 309.713 662 380.713 662 c 2
+ 573.713 662 l 1
+ 482.525 233 l 2
+ 474.541 195.436 469.184 161.758 469.184 133.135 c 0
+ 469.184 68.7986 496.249 30 581.377 30 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shaarmenian
+Encoding: 1351 1351 2283
+Width: 774
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+537.732 568 m 0
+ 298.775 568 249.297 269.113 249.297 164.426 c 0
+ 249.297 85.3598 278.793 20 389.251 20 c 0
+ 544.251 20 590.183 142 622.989 254 c 1
+ 804.578 285 l 1
+ 760.492 87 572.6 -16 377.599 -16 c 0
+ 223.33 -16 85.1333 63.2645 85.1333 225.904 c 0
+ 85.1333 494.221 428.419 606 548.81 606 c 0
+ 579.81 606 595.384 604 620.534 600 c 1
+ 566.061 626 522.249 641 410.249 641 c 0
+ 327.249 641 270.582 572 255.582 572 c 0
+ 232.771 572 191.669 626.205 191.669 650.464 c 0
+ 191.669 672.493 333.228 678 340.113 678 c 0
+ 636.113 678 767.78 540 788.404 510 c 1
+ 752.365 491 l 1
+ 715.756 554 630.732 568 537.732 568 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Voarmenian
+Encoding: 1352 1352 2284
+Width: 779
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+536.688 676 m 0
+ 681.965 676 771.425 616.117 771.425 490.734 c 0
+ 771.425 469.396 768.834 446.16 763.486 421 c 2
+ 697.169 109 l 2
+ 693.154 90.1119 690.758 75.3745 690.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 690.758 30.6424 710.424 23.4475 768.039 19 c 1
+ 764 0 l 1
+ 421 0 l 1
+ 425.039 19 l 1
+ 506.526 26 519.864 37 535.169 109 c 2
+ 603.187 429 l 2
+ 612.301 471.879 619.474 509.693 619.474 540.706 c 0
+ 619.474 597.932 595.051 632 513.336 632 c 0
+ 423.336 632 381.993 541 358.187 429 c 2
+ 290.169 109 l 2
+ 286.245 90.5411 283.897 76.0916 283.897 64.691 c 0
+ 283.897 31.6227 303.655 24.2054 362.039 19 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 232.959 602 377.688 676 536.688 676 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Chaarmenian
+Encoding: 1353 1353 2285
+Width: 784
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+839.58 436.096 m 0
+ 839.58 209.238 623.411 58 376.328 58 c 9
+ 514.236 -13 l 1
+ 456.542 -148 l 1
+ 83.2266 34 l 1
+ 140.922 169 l 1
+ 209.12 137 280.98 94 416.98 94 c 0
+ 623.729 94 675.416 404.24 675.416 497.574 c 0
+ 675.416 576.64 645.919 642 535.461 642 c 0
+ 380.461 642 334.529 520 301.723 408 c 1
+ 120.134 377 l 1
+ 164.22 575 352.113 678 547.113 678 c 0
+ 701.382 678 839.58 598.735 839.58 436.096 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Peharmenian
+Encoding: 1354 1354 2286
+Width: 841
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+117.776 460 m 1
+ 174.297 613 351.688 676 498.688 676 c 0
+ 654.463 676 830.028 607.149 830.028 462.524 c 0
+ 830.028 449.316 828.563 435.477 825.486 421 c 2
+ 759.169 109 l 2
+ 755.154 90.1119 752.758 75.3745 752.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 752.758 30.6424 772.424 23.4475 830.039 19 c 1
+ 826 0 l 1
+ 483 0 l 1
+ 487.039 19 l 1
+ 568.526 26 581.864 37 597.169 109 c 2
+ 665.187 429 l 2
+ 668.176 443.063 669.607 456.591 669.607 469.518 c 0
+ 669.607 535.649 632.145 586.069 574.085 612 c 1
+ 478.646 163 l 1
+ 345.815 272 l 1
+ 419.998 621 l 1
+ 350.259 594 289.104 518 270.187 429 c 2
+ 252.97 348 l 1
+ 117.776 460 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Jheharmenian
+Encoding: 1355 1355 2287
+Width: 775
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+803.592 469.92 m 0
+ 803.592 168.811 236.777 33.3539 234.802 32 c 1
+ 558.802 32 l 2
+ 641.922 32 760.364 -9.1253 760.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 760.364 -38.7053 677.757 -87 625.508 -87 c 0
+ 606.508 -87 606 0 535 0 c 2
+ 172 0 l 1
+ 163.072 -42 l 1
+ 43.0723 -42 l 1
+ 71.5557 92 l 1
+ 191.556 92 l 1
+ 182.841 51 l 1
+ 229.604 64 260.729 74 309.98 94 c 0
+ 333.132 103.596 358.463 141.512 358.463 182.301 c 0
+ 358.463 212.461 343.699 236 312.163 236 c 0
+ 209.78 236 116.172 292.46 116.172 388.72 c 0
+ 116.172 524.476 262.452 674 510.263 674 c 0
+ 679.508 674 803.592 603.382 803.592 469.92 c 0
+502.611 638 m 0
+ 327.092 638 283.213 416.637 283.213 339.014 c 0
+ 283.213 301.474 293.013 272 323.815 272 c 0
+ 370.644 272 401.415 238.911 401.415 195.557 c 0
+ 401.415 172.064 392.749 148.154 375.569 125 c 1
+ 591.815 234.116 632.116 392.645 632.116 489.601 c 0
+ 632.116 589.657 575.225 638 502.611 638 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Raarmenian
+Encoding: 1356 1356 2288
+Width: 955
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+536.688 676 m 0
+ 681.965 676 771.425 616.117 771.425 490.734 c 0
+ 771.425 469.396 768.834 446.16 763.486 421 c 2
+ 734.791 286 l 1
+ 792.791 286 l 2
+ 875.912 286 994.353 244.875 994.353 232.387 c 0
+ 994.353 215.295 911.746 167 859.497 167 c 0
+ 840.497 167 839.989 254 768.989 254 c 2
+ 727.989 254 l 1
+ 697.169 109 l 2
+ 693.154 90.1119 690.758 75.3745 690.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 690.758 30.6424 710.424 23.4475 768.039 19 c 1
+ 764 0 l 1
+ 421 0 l 1
+ 425.039 19 l 1
+ 506.526 26 519.864 37 535.169 109 c 2
+ 603.187 429 l 2
+ 612.301 471.879 619.474 509.693 619.474 540.706 c 0
+ 619.474 597.932 595.051 632 513.336 632 c 0
+ 423.336 632 381.993 541 358.187 429 c 2
+ 290.169 109 l 2
+ 286.245 90.5411 283.897 76.0916 283.897 64.691 c 0
+ 283.897 31.6227 303.655 24.2054 362.039 19 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 232.959 602 377.688 676 536.688 676 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Seharmenian
+Encoding: 1357 1357 2289
+Width: 779
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+383.024 -14 m 0
+ 237.748 -14 148.287 45.8831 148.287 171.266 c 0
+ 148.287 192.604 150.879 215.84 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 498.713 662 l 1
+ 494.674 643 l 1
+ 413.186 636 399.848 625 384.544 553 c 2
+ 316.525 233 l 2
+ 307.411 190.121 300.239 152.307 300.239 121.295 c 0
+ 300.239 64.0685 324.661 30 406.377 30 c 0
+ 496.377 30 537.72 121 561.525 233 c 2
+ 629.544 553 l 2
+ 633.467 571.458 635.816 585.908 635.816 597.308 c 0
+ 635.816 630.377 616.058 637.795 557.674 643 c 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 904.713 662 l 1
+ 900.674 643 l 1
+ 820.398 637 807.061 626 791.544 553 c 2
+ 725.227 241 l 2
+ 686.754 60 542.024 -14 383.024 -14 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Vewarmenian
+Encoding: 1358 1358 2290
+Width: 927
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+651.802 32 m 1
+ 710.802 32 l 2
+ 793.922 32 912.364 -9.1253 912.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 912.364 -38.7053 829.757 -87 777.508 -87 c 0
+ 758.508 -87 758 0 687 0 c 2
+ 483 0 l 1
+ 524.448 195 l 1
+ 475.159 156 362.058 132 302.058 132 c 0
+ 206.696 132 154.851 182.677 154.851 245.481 c 0
+ 154.851 253.804 155.762 262.341 157.603 271 c 2
+ 175.883 357 l 2
+ 177.909 366.534 179.011 374.796 179.011 381.965 c 0
+ 179.011 412.393 159.167 423.144 105.975 428 c 1
+ 111.288 453 l 1
+ 448.288 453 l 1
+ 442.975 428 l 1
+ 371.911 423 348.511 407 337.883 357 c 2
+ 321.304 279 l 2
+ 319.927 272.524 319.227 266.11 319.227 259.875 c 0
+ 319.227 222.781 344.021 192 398.811 192 c 0
+ 451.811 192 491.999 207 532.951 235 c 1
+ 600.544 553 l 2
+ 604.472 571.479 606.816 586.029 606.816 597.539 c 0
+ 606.816 632.12 585.651 639.249 522.674 643 c 1
+ 526.713 662 l 1
+ 883.713 662 l 1
+ 879.674 643 l 1
+ 794.823 639 778.061 626 762.544 553 c 2
+ 651.802 32 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1359 1359 2291
+Width: 555
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+571.896 241.66 m 0
+ 571.896 122.692 466.982 -14 274.024 -14 c 0
+ 126.024 -14 73.1396 43 71.2461 147 c 1
+ 216.535 186 l 1
+ 214.989 168.993 213.81 150.982 213.81 133.327 c 0
+ 213.81 74.164 227.046 19 284.039 19 c 0
+ 395.201 19 436.355 106.482 436.355 151.854 c 0
+ 436.355 273.925 151.921 255.416 151.921 431.823 c 0
+ 151.921 513.067 214.813 676 418.688 676 c 0
+ 501.688 676 542.674 643 570.674 643 c 0
+ 587.674 643 597.374 651 609.9 677 c 1
+ 639.9 677 l 1
+ 593.776 460 l 1
+ 565.776 460 l 1
+ 553.259 594 488.099 645 412.099 645 c 0
+ 317.856 645 278.794 573.639 278.794 526.48 c 0
+ 278.794 403.841 571.896 427.349 571.896 241.66 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Reharmenian
+Encoding: 1360 1360 2292
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+758.204 521.16 m 0
+ 758.204 493.872 750.149 473.406 750.149 452.94 c 0
+ 750.149 417.768 770.917 402.48 832.385 397 c 1
+ 828.347 378 l 1
+ 485.347 378 l 1
+ 489.385 397 l 1
+ 569.66 403 582.998 414 598.515 487 c 0
+ 601.638 501.693 603.78 519.66 603.78 537.878 c 0
+ 603.78 584.132 589.969 632 543.336 632 c 0
+ 420.336 632 384.119 551 358.187 429 c 2
+ 290.169 109 l 2
+ 286.245 90.5411 283.897 76.0916 283.897 64.691 c 0
+ 283.897 31.6227 303.655 24.2054 362.039 19 c 1
+ 358 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 231.259 594 359.688 676 529.688 676 c 0
+ 691.501 676 758.204 603.303 758.204 521.16 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Coarmenian
+Encoding: 1361 1361 2293
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+460.186 636 m 0
+ 413.014 636 351.988 559.53 351.988 451.482 c 0
+ 351.988 403.881 368.586 376 400.921 376 c 0
+ 503.525 376 522.344 537.791 522.344 569.804 c 0
+ 522.344 613.935 503.263 636 460.186 636 c 0
+194.218 484.866 m 0
+ 194.218 607.858 365.275 676 471.688 676 c 0
+ 577.899 676 690.646 635.76 690.646 542.997 c 0
+ 690.646 507.598 674.367 407.763 493.796 366 c 1
+ 534.477 361.473 653.829 329.9 653.829 219.342 c 0
+ 653.829 74.7716 483.472 -15 314.812 -15 c 0
+ 127.618 -15 74.1172 139.941 74.1172 159.747 c 0
+ 74.1172 167.699 96.23 173 122.772 173 c 0
+ 140.929 173 190.425 168.392 190.425 149.961 c 0
+ 190.425 140.062 185.679 123.016 185.679 104.793 c 0
+ 185.679 69.1501 203.834 29 311.164 29 c 0
+ 449.096 29 483.579 185.019 483.579 232.106 c 0
+ 483.579 285.259 456.184 344 347.119 344 c 2
+ 306.119 344 l 2
+ 247.119 344 203.216 288 187.216 288 c 0
+ 159.546 288 116.641 336.25 116.641 358.917 c 0
+ 116.641 369.167 140.956 373.992 275.921 376 c 1
+ 232.859 394.826 194.218 427.563 194.218 484.866 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1362 1362 2294
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+290.405 96 m 2
+ 288.37 86.4237 287.253 78.1361 287.253 70.9562 c 0
+ 287.253 39.1488 309.177 29.0792 370.313 25 c 1
+ 365 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.3135 25 l 1
+ 96.8018 32 117.777 46 128.405 96 c 2
+ 228.307 566 l 2
+ 230.214 574.974 231.235 582.833 231.235 589.719 c 0
+ 231.235 621.969 208.854 632.88 150.398 637 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 505.713 662 l 1
+ 500.398 637 l 1
+ 425.761 634 401.36 618 390.307 566 c 2
+ 369.052 466 l 1
+ 422.814 479 464.09 485 497.09 485 c 0
+ 710.09 485 566.729 281 700.729 281 c 1
+ 693.714 248 l 1
+ 677.289 246 649.076 245 636.076 245 c 0
+ 377.076 245 552.525 440 414.524 440 c 0
+ 400.524 440 383.1 438 362.037 433 c 1
+ 290.405 96 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Piwrarmenian
+Encoding: 1363 1363 2295
+Width: 824
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+95.8303 287.131 m 0
+ 95.8303 463.155 287.645 550 442.906 550 c 1
+ 445.603 562.688 447.507 575.223 447.507 586.725 c 0
+ 447.507 616.925 434.384 640 388.036 640 c 1
+ 393.138 664 l 1
+ 713.138 664 l 1
+ 708.036 640 l 1
+ 637.036 640 622.983 588 614.906 550 c 1
+ 731.29 550 869.496 497.089 869.496 373.979 c 0
+ 869.496 269.588 789.224 126.314 522.019 113 c 1
+ 518.663 97.2146 516.466 83.2699 516.466 71.3569 c 0
+ 516.466 40.2531 531.443 23 579.889 23 c 1
+ 575 0 l 1
+ 249 0 l 1
+ 253.889 23 l 1
+ 320.889 23 337.903 56 350.019 113 c 1
+ 226.66 119.28 95.8303 158.553 95.8303 287.131 c 0
+527.971 141 m 1
+ 663.373 141 697.224 337.089 697.224 412.557 c 0
+ 697.224 470.454 678.413 521 608.742 521 c 1
+ 527.971 141 l 1
+355.971 141 m 1
+ 436.742 521 l 1
+ 295.422 521 265.662 296.796 265.662 251.638 c 0
+ 265.662 193.53 287.176 141 355.971 141 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Keharmenian
+Encoding: 1364 1364 2296
+Width: 869
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+925.065 518.831 m 0
+ 925.065 427.883 866.05 254 629.989 254 c 0
+ 563.989 254 507.753 267 475.468 308 c 1
+ 446.135 170 l 1
+ 682.135 170 l 2
+ 765.255 170 883.696 128.875 883.696 116.387 c 0
+ 883.696 99.2945 801.09 51 748.841 51 c 0
+ 729.841 51 729.333 138 658.333 138 c 2
+ 439.333 138 l 1
+ 433.169 109 l 2
+ 429.245 90.5411 426.897 76.0916 426.897 64.691 c 0
+ 426.897 31.6227 446.655 24.2054 505.039 19 c 1
+ 501 0 l 1
+ 158 0 l 1
+ 162.039 19 l 1
+ 242.313 25 255.652 36 271.169 109 c 2
+ 277.333 138 l 1
+ 252.333 138 l 2
+ 169.213 138 50.7706 179.125 50.7706 191.613 c 0
+ 50.7706 208.705 133.378 257 185.627 257 c 0
+ 204.627 257 205.135 170 276.135 170 c 2
+ 284.135 170 l 1
+ 337.486 421 l 2
+ 374.259 594 512.688 676 682.688 676 c 0
+ 800.971 676 925.065 647.526 925.065 518.831 c 0
+589.791 286 m 0
+ 748.147 286 763.545 489.728 763.545 524.19 c 0
+ 763.545 582.126 741.327 632 677.336 632 c 0
+ 511.285 632 496.528 399.199 496.528 387.11 c 0
+ 496.528 328.561 526.999 286 589.791 286 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Oharmenian
+Encoding: 1365 1365 2297
+Width: 768
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+90.9827 247.178 m 0
+ 90.9827 459.621 264.763 676 531.688 676 c 0
+ 704.902 676 817.242 571.289 817.242 411.786 c 0
+ 817.242 203.985 646.37 -14 381.024 -14 c 0
+ 203.072 -14 90.9827 87.2483 90.9827 247.178 c 0
+523.674 643 m 0
+ 311.571 643 258.545 279.263 258.545 183.927 c 0
+ 258.545 73.706 302.981 19 388.039 19 c 0
+ 595.585 19 647.471 362.676 647.471 469.876 c 0
+ 647.471 583.459 604.238 643 523.674 643 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Feharmenian
+Encoding: 1366 1366 2298
+Width: 754
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+136.472 487.441 m 0
+ 136.472 610.238 326.012 662 428.713 662 c 2
+ 703.713 662 l 1
+ 699.674 643 l 1
+ 614.823 639 598.061 626 582.544 553 c 2
+ 541.732 361 l 1
+ 655.68 345.673 768.125 327.095 768.125 224.651 c 0
+ 768.125 67.0497 536.711 -15 371.812 -15 c 0
+ 182.073 -15 67.7481 142.229 67.7481 158.479 c 0
+ 67.7481 164.288 97.6066 173 124.772 173 c 0
+ 147.772 173 177.922 169 193.584 158 c 0
+ 202.521 153 207.903 56 309.164 29 c 1
+ 377.395 350 l 1
+ 258.458 371.975 136.472 391.434 136.472 487.441 c 0
+417.186 636 m 0
+ 345.445 636 303.271 543.966 303.271 485.88 c 0
+ 303.271 434.669 337.013 407.094 386.109 391 c 1
+ 420.544 553 l 2
+ 426.932 583.054 430.568 603.474 430.568 616.538 c 0
+ 430.568 630.425 426.46 636 417.186 636 c 0
+474.99 47 m 1
+ 515.389 64.2823 602.591 110.659 602.591 206.149 c 0
+ 602.591 255.917 573.539 287.167 530.468 308 c 1
+ 474.99 47 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfleftarmenian
+Encoding: 1369 1369 2299
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1722 703 S 1 0 0 1 0 -6 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: apostrophearmenian
+Encoding: 1370 1370 2300
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1721 702 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: emphasismarkarmenian
+Encoding: 1371 1371 2301
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1314 8242 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: exclamarmenian
+Encoding: 1372 1372 2302
+Width: 307
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.713 662 m 1
+ 407.713 662 l 1
+ 400.698 629 l 2
+ 350.96 395 175.191 509 149.685 389 c 1
+ 122.685 389 l 1
+ 129.699 422 l 2
+ 179.438 656 354.206 542 379.713 662 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: commaarmenian
+Encoding: 1373 1373 2303
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1709 8245 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: questionarmenian
+Encoding: 1374 1374 2304
+Width: 324
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+197.505 534 m 9
+ 214.481 548 l 17
+ 220.568 539 226.018 527 257.018 527 c 0
+ 295.075 527 305.917 547.593 305.917 569.472 c 0
+ 305.917 592.061 288.12 604 248.384 604 c 0
+ 190.384 604 143.433 576 116.767 507 c 1
+ 87.7666 507 l 1
+ 112.959 602 229.688 676 299.688 676 c 0
+ 343.736 676 408.59 659.839 408.59 597.008 c 0
+ 408.59 516.202 322.03 496 266.428 496 c 0
+ 206.428 496 204.316 519 197.505 534 c 9
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: abbreviationmarkarmenian
+Encoding: 1375 1375 2305
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+380.655 530 m 2
+ 226.655 530 l 2
+ 145.539 530 108.9 545.976 108.9 587.882 c 0
+ 108.9 671.817 184.418 683 260.176 683 c 0
+ 268.032 683 271.868 678.428 271.868 673.275 c 0
+ 271.868 664.974 263.449 659 255.075 659 c 0
+ 217.584 659 192.59 628.054 192.59 593.35 c 0
+ 192.59 567.117 210.415 554 231.756 554 c 2
+ 385.756 554 l 2
+ 393.612 554 397.449 549.428 397.449 544.275 c 0
+ 397.449 535.974 389.029 530 380.655 530 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aybarmenian
+Encoding: 1377 1377 2306
+Width: 818
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+606.236 -13 m 1
+ 620.053 52 l 1
+ 551.425 2 513.024 -14 461.024 -14 c 0
+ 403.024 -14 366.338 11 356.115 57 c 1
+ 289.913 9 245.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 295.841 51 317.966 61 352.918 89 c 1
+ 353.256 100 355.019 113 357.782 126 c 2
+ 411.347 378 l 2
+ 413.643 388.802 414.945 397.421 414.945 404.402 c 0
+ 414.945 424.563 404.079 431.058 374.887 437 c 1
+ 379.988 461 l 1
+ 567.988 461 l 1
+ 495.932 122 l 2
+ 493.335 109.783 491.977 99.3456 491.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 491.977 62.566 505.662 51 536.841 51 c 0
+ 564.841 51 588.179 62 628.193 95 c 1
+ 688.347 378 l 2
+ 690.345 387.403 691.455 395.324 691.455 402.003 c 0
+ 691.455 425.866 677.289 433.875 638.887 437 c 1
+ 643.988 461 l 1
+ 844.988 461 l 1
+ 768.468 101 l 2
+ 766.398 91.2643 765.271 83.0665 765.271 76.186 c 0
+ 765.271 52.6772 778.431 44.5472 812.14 43 c 1
+ 807.251 20 l 1
+ 743.764 13 l 2
+ 677.275 6 652.425 2 606.236 -13 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: benarmenian
+Encoding: 1378 1378 2307
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 213.377 30 l 1
+ 490.377 30 l 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 207 0 l 1
+ 181.706 -119 l 2
+ 179.971 -127.161 179.048 -134.252 179.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 179.048 -162.131 190.579 -172.103 218.59 -176 c 1
+ 213.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 24.5029 -167 34.416 -158 43.3438 -116 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 535.014 240 l 2
+ 532.82 229.678 531.615 221.168 531.615 214.158 c 0
+ 531.615 192.645 542.963 185.263 571.897 183 c 1
+ 566.797 159 l 1
+ 331.797 159 l 1
+ 336.897 183 l 1
+ 371.748 187 388.149 203 396.014 240 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gimarmenian
+Encoding: 1379 1379 2308
+Width: 601
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364.737 441 m 0
+ 243.542 441 213.243 177.818 213.243 133.326 c 0
+ 213.243 70.9989 234.686 40 277.502 40 c 0
+ 311.502 40 340.966 61 358.83 98 c 1
+ 414.732 361 l 2
+ 416.498 369.305 417.353 377.132 417.353 384.396 c 0
+ 417.353 419.116 397.816 441 364.737 441 c 0
+318.444 -92 m 2
+ 346.928 42 l 1
+ 297.425 2 259.024 -14 212.024 -14 c 0
+ 113.331 -14 68.9415 60.7937 68.9415 151.759 c 0
+ 68.9415 292.911 175.823 473 352.539 473 c 0
+ 402.539 473 430.563 459 472.424 416 c 1
+ 562.327 472 l 1
+ 577.327 472 l 1
+ 483.377 30 l 1
+ 597.377 30 l 1
+ 591 0 l 1
+ 477 0 l 1
+ 451.918 -118 l 2
+ 449.922 -127.393 448.785 -135.077 448.785 -141.452 c 0
+ 448.785 -162.227 460.856 -169.113 494.59 -176 c 1
+ 489.488 -200 l 1
+ 222.488 -200 l 1
+ 227.803 -175 l 1
+ 295.354 -163 305.267 -154 318.444 -92 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: daarmenian
+Encoding: 1380 1380 2309
+Width: 608
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.482 72.8394 221.559 65.749 221.559 59.6001 c 0
+ 221.559 37.8698 233.09 27.8972 261.102 24 c 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.1016 24 l 1
+ 67.0146 33 76.9277 42 85.8545 84 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 490.377 30 l 1
+ 604.377 30 l 1
+ 598 0 l 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 458.706 -119 l 2
+ 456.512 -129.322 455.307 -137.832 455.307 -144.842 c 0
+ 455.307 -166.355 466.656 -173.737 495.59 -176 c 1
+ 490.488 -200 l 1
+ 255.488 -200 l 1
+ 260.59 -176 l 1
+ 295.44 -172 311.841 -156 319.706 -119 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: echarmenian
+Encoding: 1381 1381 2310
+Width: 551
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339.236 -13 m 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 190.046 593 l 2
+ 192.342 603.803 193.645 612.422 193.645 619.403 c 0
+ 193.645 639.564 182.778 646.058 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 346.688 676 l 1
+ 305.452 482 l 1
+ 582.452 482 l 1
+ 575.65 450 l 1
+ 298.65 450 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 396.265 260 l 2
+ 398.263 269.403 399.373 277.324 399.373 284.003 c 0
+ 399.373 307.866 385.207 315.875 346.806 319 c 1
+ 351.907 343 l 1
+ 552.907 343 l 1
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zaarmenian
+Encoding: 1382 1382 2311
+Width: 547
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+318.444 -92 m 2
+ 346.928 42 l 1
+ 297.425 2 259.024 -14 212.024 -14 c 0
+ 113.331 -14 68.9415 60.7937 68.9415 151.759 c 0
+ 68.9415 292.911 175.823 473 352.539 473 c 0
+ 402.539 473 430.563 459 472.424 416 c 1
+ 562.327 472 l 1
+ 577.327 472 l 1
+ 451.918 -118 l 2
+ 449.922 -127.393 448.785 -135.077 448.785 -141.452 c 0
+ 448.785 -162.227 460.856 -169.113 494.59 -176 c 1
+ 489.488 -200 l 1
+ 222.488 -200 l 1
+ 227.803 -175 l 1
+ 295.354 -163 305.267 -154 318.444 -92 c 2
+364.737 441 m 0
+ 243.542 441 213.243 177.818 213.243 133.326 c 0
+ 213.243 70.9989 234.686 40 277.502 40 c 0
+ 311.502 40 340.966 61 358.83 98 c 1
+ 414.732 361 l 2
+ 416.498 369.305 417.353 377.132 417.353 384.396 c 0
+ 417.353 419.116 397.816 441 364.737 441 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eharmenian
+Encoding: 1383 1383 2312
+Width: 496
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+279.802 32 m 2
+ 362.922 32 481.364 -9.1253 481.364 -21.6134 c 0
+ 481.364 -38.7053 398.757 -87 346.508 -87 c 0
+ 327.508 -87 327 0 256 0 c 2
+ 66 0 l 1
+ 192.259 594 l 2
+ 193.786 601.186 194.558 607.655 194.558 613.437 c 0
+ 194.558 637.426 181.276 649.583 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 348.688 676 l 1
+ 307.452 482 l 1
+ 565.452 482 l 1
+ 558.65 450 l 1
+ 300.65 450 l 1
+ 211.802 32 l 1
+ 279.802 32 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: etarmenian
+Encoding: 1384 1384 2313
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+441.488 -200 m 9
+ 25.4883 -200 l 9
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 501.217 81 l 2
+ 499.023 70.6785 497.818 62.1687 497.818 55.1591 c 0
+ 497.818 33.6455 509.167 26.2627 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 303.102 24 l 1
+ 337.951 28 354.353 44 362.217 81 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 170.865 -170 l 17
+ 447.865 -170 l 9
+ 441.488 -200 l 9
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: toarmenian
+Encoding: 1385 1385 2314
+Width: 586
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+237.356 79.4463 m 0
+ 237.356 152.66 310.571 225 380.825 225 c 2
+ 419.825 225 l 1
+ 429.668 271.308 434.626 308.744 434.626 337.794 c 0
+ 434.626 390.922 418.042 416 384.424 416 c 0
+ 336.424 416 286.521 360 283.545 346 c 2
+ 190.02 -94 l 2
+ 186.665 -109.781 184.867 -122.677 184.867 -133.211 c 0
+ 184.867 -167.4 203.807 -176.707 249.952 -179 c 1
+ 245.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 27.29 -168 37.2031 -159 45.918 -118 c 2
+ 151.347 378 l 2
+ 153.454 387.915 154.625 396.047 154.625 402.777 c 0
+ 154.625 424.554 142.363 431.653 109.888 437 c 1
+ 114.988 461 l 1
+ 305.988 461 l 1
+ 291.322 392 l 1
+ 334.65 450 375.539 473 434.539 473 c 0
+ 525.495 473 578.721 409.211 578.721 309.695 c 0
+ 578.721 287.765 576.136 264.1 570.801 239 c 2
+ 567.825 225 l 1
+ 623.825 225 l 1
+ 617.448 195 l 1
+ 559.448 195 l 1
+ 519.092 71 432.449 -12 331.449 -12 c 0
+ 275.637 -12 237.356 27.5459 237.356 79.4463 c 0
+374.448 195 m 2
+ 310.06 195 267.135 130.212 267.135 87.0193 c 0
+ 267.135 48.2808 300.522 31 315.589 31 c 0
+ 345.589 31 376.015 33 413.448 195 c 1
+ 374.448 195 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zhearmenian
+Encoding: 1386 1386 2315
+Width: 585
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+570.975 428 m 1
+ 534.84 258 l 2
+ 495.092 71 389.024 -14 208.024 -14 c 0
+ 110.686 -14 68.6278 59.4305 68.6278 148.488 c 0
+ 68.6278 285.697 168.462 460 319.776 460 c 2
+ 438.776 460 l 1
+ 467.259 594 l 2
+ 469.443 604.276 470.764 612.606 470.764 619.402 c 0
+ 470.764 643.028 454.795 648.117 403.587 652 c 1
+ 408.688 676 l 1
+ 623.688 676 l 1
+ 577.776 460 l 1
+ 672.776 460 l 1
+ 665.975 428 l 1
+ 570.975 428 l 1
+431.975 428 m 1
+ 353.975 428 l 2
+ 295.975 428 252.82 352 225.4 223 c 0
+ 216.045 178.988 211.301 142.542 211.301 113.704 c 0
+ 211.301 59.3276 228.169 32 262.802 32 c 0
+ 313.802 32 352.479 54 375.222 161 c 2
+ 431.975 428 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iniarmenian
+Encoding: 1387 1387 2316
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 181.706 -119 l 2
+ 179.971 -127.161 179.048 -134.252 179.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 179.048 -162.131 190.579 -172.103 218.59 -176 c 1
+ 213.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 24.5029 -167 34.416 -158 43.3438 -116 c 2
+ 194.259 594 l 2
+ 196.472 604.411 197.781 612.694 197.781 619.407 c 0
+ 197.781 639.127 186.479 645.285 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 350.688 676 l 1
+ 290.96 395 l 1
+ 355.288 453 396.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 501.854 84 l 2
+ 499.813 74.3951 498.752 66.2022 498.752 59.242 c 0
+ 498.752 35.7669 510.826 26.3139 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 303.102 24 l 1
+ 337.951 28 354.353 44 362.217 81 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: liwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1388 1388 2317
+Width: 269
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+148.347 378 m 2
+ 150.443 387.864 151.625 395.876 151.625 402.482 c 0
+ 151.625 423.331 139.849 430.165 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 304.988 461 l 1
+ 181.706 -119 l 2
+ 179.892 -127.536 178.94 -134.861 178.94 -141.145 c 0
+ 178.94 -162.836 190.276 -172.123 216.59 -176 c 1
+ 211.488 -200 l 1
+ 25.4883 -200 l 1
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xeharmenian
+Encoding: 1389 1389 2318
+Width: 798
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+180.344 -116 m 2
+ 178.581 -124.295 177.697 -131.686 177.697 -138.202 c 0
+ 177.697 -163.106 190.602 -175.207 216.59 -176 c 1
+ 211.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 12.2275 -173 33.4785 -153 41.3438 -116 c 2
+ 192.259 594 l 2
+ 193.786 601.186 194.558 607.655 194.558 613.437 c 0
+ 194.558 637.426 181.276 649.583 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 348.688 676 l 1
+ 302.988 461 l 1
+ 547.988 461 l 1
+ 475.932 122 l 2
+ 473.335 109.783 471.977 99.3456 471.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 471.977 62.566 485.662 51 516.841 51 c 0
+ 544.841 51 568.179 62 608.193 95 c 1
+ 668.347 378 l 2
+ 670.345 387.403 671.455 395.324 671.455 402.003 c 0
+ 671.455 425.866 657.289 433.875 618.887 437 c 1
+ 623.988 461 l 1
+ 824.988 461 l 1
+ 748.468 101 l 2
+ 746.398 91.2643 745.271 83.0665 745.271 76.186 c 0
+ 745.271 52.6772 758.431 44.5472 792.14 43 c 1
+ 787.251 20 l 1
+ 723.764 13 l 2
+ 657.275 6 632.425 2 586.236 -13 c 1
+ 600.053 52 l 1
+ 531.425 2 493.024 -14 441.024 -14 c 0
+ 371.757 -14 333.171 22.2165 333.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 333.171 97.866 334.687 111.44 337.782 126 c 2
+ 389.646 370 l 2
+ 391.517 378.806 392.496 386.514 392.496 393.196 c 0
+ 392.496 418.382 378.59 429 346.187 429 c 2
+ 296.187 429 l 1
+ 180.344 -116 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caarmenian
+Encoding: 1390 1390 2319
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+295.826 18 m 0
+ 386.772 18 447.402 243.856 447.402 354.953 c 0
+ 447.402 382.371 444.4 406.649 438.975 428 c 1
+ 383.975 428 l 2
+ 313.975 428 258.434 369 238.666 276 c 0
+ 228.823 229.692 223.163 184.796 223.163 145.792 c 0
+ 223.163 71.089 243.925 18 295.826 18 c 0
+72.6771 179.175 m 0
+ 72.6771 324 228.375 460 369.776 460 c 2
+ 427.776 460 l 1
+ 387.182 556 290.133 584 220.408 590 c 1
+ 311.664 690 l 1
+ 431.664 690 l 1
+ 356.234 608 l 1
+ 436.234 608 529.331 552 573.776 460 c 1
+ 681.776 460 l 1
+ 674.975 428 l 1
+ 585.975 428 l 1
+ 594.964 401.169 599.122 373.417 599.122 345.507 c 0
+ 599.122 170.843 436.282 -10 275.874 -10 c 0
+ 165.919 -10 72.6771 68.63 72.6771 179.175 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kenarmenian
+Encoding: 1391 1391 2320
+Width: 544
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+454.706 -119 m 2
+ 452.971 -127.161 452.048 -134.252 452.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 452.048 -162.131 463.579 -172.103 491.59 -176 c 1
+ 486.488 -200 l 1
+ 246.488 -200 l 1
+ 251.59 -176 l 1
+ 298.503 -167 308.416 -158 317.344 -116 c 2
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 190.046 593 l 2
+ 192.342 603.803 193.645 612.422 193.645 619.403 c 0
+ 193.645 639.564 182.778 646.058 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 346.688 676 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 421.347 378 l 2
+ 423.345 387.403 424.455 395.324 424.455 402.003 c 0
+ 424.455 425.866 410.289 433.875 371.887 437 c 1
+ 376.988 461 l 1
+ 577.988 461 l 1
+ 454.706 -119 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hoarmenian
+Encoding: 1392 1392 2321
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.482 72.8394 221.559 65.749 221.559 59.6001 c 0
+ 221.559 37.8698 233.09 27.8972 261.102 24 c 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.1016 24 l 1
+ 67.0146 33 76.9277 42 85.8545 84 c 2
+ 194.259 594 l 2
+ 196.472 604.411 197.781 612.694 197.781 619.407 c 0
+ 197.781 639.127 186.479 645.285 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 350.688 676 l 1
+ 290.96 395 l 1
+ 355.288 453 396.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 501.854 84 l 2
+ 499.813 74.3951 498.752 66.2022 498.752 59.242 c 0
+ 498.752 35.7669 510.826 26.3139 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 303.102 24 l 1
+ 337.951 28 354.353 44 362.217 81 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jaarmenian
+Encoding: 1393 1393 2322
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+235.328 58 m 0
+ 311.288 58 373.522 265.056 373.522 358.828 c 0
+ 373.522 395.105 363.316 420 334.273 420 c 0
+ 268.261 420 187.189 226.98 187.189 124.944 c 0
+ 187.189 69.2412 213.022 58 235.328 58 c 0
+326.318 105 m 1
+ 292.589 31 240.236 -13 179.236 -13 c 0
+ 108.773 -13 63.5803 42.719 63.5803 128.855 c 0
+ 63.5803 268.461 175.469 437.955 315.563 459 c 1
+ 405.065 499 l 1
+ 326.321 599 l 1
+ 472.35 665 l 1
+ 480.674 643 l 1
+ 417.723 615 l 1
+ 493.316 519 l 1
+ 363.988 461 l 1
+ 470.045 455.355 503.16 406.391 503.16 329.567 c 0
+ 503.16 297.519 497.397 260.622 488.763 220 c 2
+ 463.468 101 l 2
+ 461.398 91.2643 460.271 83.0665 460.271 76.186 c 0
+ 460.271 52.6772 473.431 44.5472 507.14 43 c 1
+ 502.251 20 l 1
+ 438.764 13 l 2
+ 372.275 6 347.425 2 301.236 -13 c 1
+ 326.318 105 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ghadarmenian
+Encoding: 1394 1394 2323
+Width: 583
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+413.656 323 m 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.482 72.8394 221.559 65.749 221.559 59.6001 c 0
+ 221.559 37.8698 233.09 27.8972 261.102 24 c 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.1016 24 l 1
+ 67.0146 33 76.9277 42 85.8545 84 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 458.706 -119 l 2
+ 457.218 -126.002 456.417 -132.253 456.417 -137.809 c 0
+ 456.417 -165.584 476.426 -176 530.59 -176 c 1
+ 525.488 -200 l 1
+ 302.488 -200 l 1
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cheharmenian
+Encoding: 1395 1395 2324
+Width: 560
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+510.468 101 m 2
+ 508.398 91.2643 507.271 83.0665 507.271 76.186 c 0
+ 507.271 52.6772 520.431 44.5472 554.14 43 c 1
+ 549.251 20 l 1
+ 485.764 13 l 2
+ 419.275 6 394.425 2 348.236 -13 c 1
+ 366.092 71 l 1
+ 321.676 22 267.874 -10 207.874 -10 c 0
+ 112.604 -10 63.3614 22.9296 63.3614 117.361 c 0
+ 63.3614 143.855 67.2377 175.191 75.0615 212 c 0
+ 96.9551 315 203.062 419 301.216 495 c 1
+ 259.041 513 206.104 518 152.104 518 c 1
+ 156.143 537 l 1
+ 227.143 537 287.08 532 336.742 521 c 1
+ 397.095 565 449.471 595 470.597 605 c 0
+ 532.186 636 632.2 669 653.2 669 c 0
+ 656.518 669 659.647 664.872 659.647 658.898 c 0
+ 659.647 631.878 602.572 561 585.244 561 c 0
+ 572.244 561 542.495 581 511.495 581 c 0
+ 463.495 581 384.316 519 375.829 512 c 1
+ 499.285 476.027 547.396 404.266 547.396 309.491 c 0
+ 547.396 285.709 544.366 260.478 538.738 234 c 2
+ 510.468 101 l 2
+338.965 475 m 1
+ 243.4 363.97 210.158 184.517 210.158 129.787 c 0
+ 210.158 86.6185 223.762 51 270.841 51 c 0
+ 310.841 51 369.28 86 377.995 127 c 2
+ 393.937 202 l 2
+ 402.978 244.536 407.141 281.523 407.141 313.646 c 0
+ 407.141 394.803 380.569 444.91 338.965 475 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: menarmenian
+Encoding: 1396 1396 2325
+Width: 551
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+552.336 632 m 0
+ 501.593 632 488.907 570.593 488.907 542.87 c 0
+ 488.907 475.781 561.497 484.921 561.497 402.121 c 0
+ 561.497 390.166 559.984 376.294 556.521 360 c 2
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 416.458 355 l 2
+ 419.602 369.791 420.901 382.158 420.901 392.837 c 0
+ 420.901 443.687 391.446 456.253 391.446 509.879 c 0
+ 391.446 521.894 392.924 535.97 396.544 553 c 0
+ 406.108 598 466.713 662 534.713 662 c 0
+ 581.096 662 611.109 650.933 611.109 612.322 c 0
+ 611.109 605.981 610.3 598.899 608.621 591 c 9
+ 580.621 591 l 17
+ 581.231 593.868 581.512 596.617 581.512 599.237 c 0
+ 581.512 619.46 564.73 632 552.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yiarmenian
+Encoding: 1397 1397 2326
+Width: 397
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+102.339 -82.7304 m 0
+ 102.339 -114.367 65.4399 -138.824 65.4399 -154.322 c 0
+ 65.4399 -163.067 76.586 -169 94.0781 -169 c 0
+ 127.078 -169 146.967 -146 158.232 -93 c 2
+ 258.347 378 l 2
+ 260.336 387.359 261.445 395.25 261.445 401.909 c 0
+ 261.445 425.845 247.122 433.871 207.888 437 c 1
+ 212.988 461 l 1
+ 414.988 461 l 1
+ 318.062 5 l 2
+ 294.682 -105 236.488 -200 97.4883 -200 c 0
+ 11.0026 -200 -23.3 -157.501 -23.3 -116.173 c 0
+ -23.3 -77.0623 7.42164 -39 53.71 -39 c 0
+ 81.9604 -39 102.339 -57.7052 102.339 -82.7304 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nowarmenian
+Encoding: 1398 1398 2327
+Width: 567
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+200.754 560.318 m 0
+ 200.754 613.294 260.408 676 396.688 676 c 2
+ 422.688 676 l 1
+ 415.887 644 l 1
+ 358.887 644 336.91 630 325.433 576 c 0
+ 323.993 569.229 323.261 563.088 323.261 557.558 c 0
+ 323.261 530.422 340.891 518 379.104 518 c 1
+ 372.303 486 l 1
+ 330.303 486 318.477 468 302.96 395 c 10
+ 244.932 122 l 2
+ 242.335 109.783 240.977 99.3456 240.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 240.977 62.566 254.662 51 285.841 51 c 0
+ 313.841 51 337.179 62 377.193 95 c 1
+ 437.347 378 l 2
+ 439.345 387.403 440.455 395.324 440.455 402.003 c 0
+ 440.455 425.866 426.289 433.875 387.887 437 c 1
+ 392.988 461 l 1
+ 593.988 461 l 1
+ 517.468 101 l 2
+ 515.398 91.2643 514.271 83.0665 514.271 76.186 c 0
+ 514.271 52.6772 527.431 44.5472 561.14 43 c 1
+ 556.251 20 l 1
+ 492.764 13 l 2
+ 426.275 6 401.425 2 355.236 -13 c 1
+ 369.053 52 l 1
+ 300.425 2 262.024 -14 210.024 -14 c 0
+ 140.757 -14 102.171 22.2165 102.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 102.171 97.866 103.687 111.44 106.782 126 c 2
+ 150.568 332 l 2
+ 172.888 437 193.877 484 282.491 501 c 1
+ 223.28 507.835 200.754 529.271 200.754 560.318 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shaarmenian
+Encoding: 1399 1399 2328
+Width: 447
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+478.866 308.912 m 0
+ 478.866 120.353 168.889 -20.7177 168.889 -138.044 c 0
+ 168.889 -166.518 202.414 -168 376.29 -168 c 1
+ 369.488 -200 l 1
+ 63.367 -200 -16.7834 -198.258 -16.7834 -154.127 c 0
+ -16.7834 -150.973 -16.374 -147.602 -15.6084 -144 c 0
+ -4.34277 -91 261.223 -46 316.487 214 c 0
+ 325.173 254.862 329.682 287.064 329.682 312.034 c 0
+ 329.682 367.115 307.737 387 260.26 387 c 0
+ 191.26 387 167.458 355 106.627 257 c 1
+ 86.6895 262 l 1
+ 107.68 309 161.988 461 322.988 461 c 0
+ 414.305 461 478.866 393.155 478.866 308.912 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: voarmenian
+Encoding: 1400 1400 2329
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.482 72.8394 221.559 65.749 221.559 59.6001 c 0
+ 221.559 37.8698 233.09 27.8972 261.102 24 c 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.1016 24 l 1
+ 67.0146 33 76.9277 42 85.8545 84 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 501.217 81 l 2
+ 499.023 70.6785 497.818 62.1687 497.818 55.1591 c 0
+ 497.818 33.6455 509.167 26.2627 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 303.102 24 l 1
+ 337.951 28 354.353 44 362.217 81 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chaarmenian
+Encoding: 1401 1401 2330
+Width: 411
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+263.941 402.617 m 0
+ 263.941 360.189 429.536 318.253 429.536 231.109 c 0
+ 429.536 226.218 429.014 221.184 427.912 216 c 0
+ 416.222 161 186.313 25 155.068 -122 c 0
+ 153.766 -128.126 152.889 -133.438 152.889 -138.044 c 0
+ 152.889 -166.518 186.414 -168 360.29 -168 c 1
+ 353.488 -200 l 1
+ 51.4778 -200 -17.0251 -198.304 -17.0251 -155.882 c 0
+ -17.0251 -152.231 -16.5178 -148.279 -15.6084 -144 c 0
+ -0.497052 -72.9063 269.241 69.5564 269.241 162.877 c 0
+ 269.241 239.202 128.598 301.817 128.598 335.623 c 0
+ 128.598 336.432 128.679 337.224 128.844 338 c 0
+ 141.385 397 282.65 450 306.626 464 c 9
+ 343.626 464 l 17
+ 338.41 460.187 263.941 424.656 263.941 402.617 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: peharmenian
+Encoding: 1402 1402 2331
+Width: 810
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+720.706 -119 m 2
+ 718.971 -127.161 718.048 -134.252 718.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 718.048 -162.131 729.579 -172.103 757.59 -176 c 1
+ 752.488 -200 l 1
+ 512.488 -200 l 1
+ 517.59 -176 l 1
+ 564.503 -167 574.416 -158 583.344 -116 c 2
+ 618.841 51 l 1
+ 550.213 1 513.024 -14 461.024 -14 c 0
+ 403.024 -14 366.338 11 356.115 57 c 1
+ 289.913 9 245.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 295.841 51 317.966 61 352.918 89 c 1
+ 353.256 100 355.019 113 357.782 126 c 2
+ 411.347 378 l 2
+ 413.643 388.802 414.945 397.421 414.945 404.402 c 0
+ 414.945 424.563 404.079 431.058 374.887 437 c 1
+ 379.988 461 l 1
+ 567.988 461 l 1
+ 495.932 122 l 2
+ 493.335 109.783 491.977 99.3456 491.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 491.977 62.566 505.662 51 536.841 51 c 0
+ 564.841 51 588.179 62 628.193 95 c 1
+ 688.347 378 l 2
+ 690.345 387.403 691.455 395.324 691.455 402.003 c 0
+ 691.455 425.866 677.289 433.875 638.887 437 c 1
+ 643.988 461 l 1
+ 844.988 461 l 1
+ 720.706 -119 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jheharmenian
+Encoding: 1403 1403 2332
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+267.26 387 m 0
+ 128.261 387 115.397 296.45 115.397 286.047 c 0
+ 115.397 236.469 272.073 281.479 272.073 152.642 c 0
+ 272.073 115.108 257.232 65.656 247.502 40 c 1
+ 353.582 151.363 359.017 263.867 359.017 287.792 c 0
+ 359.017 345.737 332.694 387 267.26 387 c 0
+80.5555 224.533 m 0
+ 80.5555 262.011 117.291 461 324.988 461 c 0
+ 415.202 461 498.106 430.149 498.106 326.022 c 0
+ 498.106 108.753 194.211 15.1086 165.068 -122 c 0
+ 164.256 -125.821 163.813 -129.325 163.813 -132.538 c 0
+ 163.813 -166.332 212.83 -168 397.29 -168 c 1
+ 390.488 -200 l 1
+ 83.7184 -200 1.25375 -198.251 1.25375 -153.846 c 0
+ 1.25375 -150.773 1.64871 -147.495 2.3916 -144 c 0
+ 14.885 -85.2253 229.771 -49.3463 229.771 90.473 c 0
+ 229.771 134.019 80.5555 119.847 80.5555 224.533 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: raarmenian
+Encoding: 1404 1404 2333
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+296 0 m 1
+ 315.13 90 413.955 315 419.907 343 c 0
+ 421.384 349.95 422.082 356.325 422.082 362.124 c 0
+ 422.082 391.375 404.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.482 72.8394 221.559 65.749 221.559 59.6001 c 0
+ 221.559 37.8698 233.09 27.8972 261.102 24 c 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 20.1016 24 l 1
+ 67.0146 33 76.9277 42 85.8545 84 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 515.024 473 564.239 436.977 564.239 379.484 c 0
+ 564.239 372.008 563.406 364.17 561.67 356 c 0
+ 552.067 310.82 446.971 107.315 446.971 47.994 c 0
+ 446.971 24.555 465.836 24 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: seharmenian
+Encoding: 1405 1405 2334
+Width: 551
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339.236 -13 m 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 421.347 378 l 2
+ 423.345 387.403 424.455 395.324 424.455 402.003 c 0
+ 424.455 425.866 410.289 433.875 371.887 437 c 1
+ 376.988 461 l 1
+ 577.988 461 l 1
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: vewarmenian
+Encoding: 1406 1406 2335
+Width: 595
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+537.488 -200 m 1
+ 299.488 -200 l 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 467.259 594 l 2
+ 468.786 601.186 469.558 607.655 469.558 613.437 c 0
+ 469.558 637.426 456.276 649.583 428.587 652 c 1
+ 433.688 676 l 1
+ 623.688 676 l 1
+ 444.29 -168 l 17
+ 544.291 -168 l 9
+ 537.488 -200 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1407 1407 2336
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339.236 -13 m 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 421.347 378 l 2
+ 423.345 387.403 424.455 395.324 424.455 402.003 c 0
+ 424.455 425.866 410.289 433.875 371.887 437 c 1
+ 376.988 461 l 1
+ 577.988 461 l 1
+ 562.26 387 l 1
+ 611.8 446 662.539 473 722.539 473 c 0
+ 791.64 473 831.845 433.943 831.845 370.191 c 0
+ 831.845 358.29 830.444 345.529 827.568 332 c 2
+ 774.217 81 l 2
+ 772.023 70.6785 770.818 62.1687 770.818 55.1591 c 0
+ 770.818 33.6455 782.167 26.2627 811.102 24 c 1
+ 806 0 l 1
+ 571 0 l 1
+ 576.102 24 l 1
+ 610.951 28 627.353 44 635.217 81 c 2
+ 686.656 323 l 2
+ 689.705 337.342 691.234 349.782 691.234 360.353 c 0
+ 691.234 391.059 678.334 406 652.298 406 c 0
+ 610.298 406 556.308 359 553.97 348 c 2
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: reharmenian
+Encoding: 1408 1408 2337
+Width: 548
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.298 406 m 0
+ 337.298 406 283.308 359 280.97 348 c 2
+ 181.706 -119 l 2
+ 179.971 -127.161 179.048 -134.252 179.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 179.048 -162.131 190.579 -172.103 218.59 -176 c 1
+ 213.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 24.5029 -167 34.416 -158 43.3438 -116 c 2
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+ 150.532 388.284 151.771 396.649 151.771 403.521 c 0
+ 151.771 424.717 139.991 431.714 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 303.988 461 l 1
+ 288.047 386 l 1
+ 337.588 445 389.539 473 449.539 473 c 0
+ 518.64 473 558.845 433.943 558.845 370.191 c 0
+ 558.845 358.29 557.444 345.529 554.568 332 c 2
+ 501.217 81 l 2
+ 499.023 70.6785 497.818 62.1687 497.818 55.1591 c 0
+ 497.818 33.6455 509.167 26.2627 538.102 24 c 1
+ 533 0 l 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 303.102 24 l 1
+ 337.951 28 354.353 44 362.217 81 c 2
+ 413.656 323 l 2
+ 416.705 337.342 418.234 349.782 418.234 360.353 c 0
+ 418.234 391.059 405.334 406 379.298 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: coarmenian
+Encoding: 1409 1409 2338
+Width: 557
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364.737 441 m 0
+ 243.542 441 213.243 177.818 213.243 133.326 c 0
+ 213.243 70.9989 234.686 40 277.502 40 c 0
+ 311.502 40 340.966 61 358.83 98 c 1
+ 414.732 361 l 2
+ 416.498 369.305 417.353 377.132 417.353 384.396 c 0
+ 417.353 419.116 397.816 441 364.737 441 c 0
+180.763 -80.7301 m 0
+ 180.763 -112.878 143.778 -135.472 143.778 -152.932 c 0
+ 143.778 -163.611 159.749 -167 220.503 -167 c 0
+ 260.503 -167 307.392 -144 318.657 -91 c 2
+ 346.928 42 l 1
+ 297.425 2 259.024 -14 212.024 -14 c 0
+ 113.331 -14 68.9415 60.7937 68.9415 151.759 c 0
+ 68.9415 292.911 175.823 473 352.539 473 c 0
+ 402.539 473 430.563 459 472.424 416 c 1
+ 562.327 472 l 1
+ 577.327 472 l 1
+ 478.488 7 l 2
+ 465.947 -52 448.87 -90 423.068 -122 c 0
+ 384.652 -171 276.488 -200 207.488 -200 c 0
+ 132.431 -200 55.1229 -179.054 55.1229 -116.455 c 0
+ 55.1229 -72.4266 87.53 -37 132.136 -37 c 0
+ 160.386 -37 180.763 -55.705 180.763 -80.7301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1410 1410 2339
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+148.347 378 m 2
+ 150.443 387.864 151.625 395.876 151.625 402.482 c 0
+ 151.625 423.331 139.849 430.165 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 304.988 461 l 1
+ 224.217 81 l 2
+ 222.458 72.7269 221.223 65.3544 221.223 58.8825 c 0
+ 221.223 35.6275 237.172 24 302.102 24 c 1
+ 297 0 l 1
+ 68 0 l 1
+ 148.347 378 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: piwrarmenian
+Encoding: 1411 1411 2340
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+454.706 -119 m 2
+ 452.971 -127.161 452.048 -134.252 452.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 452.048 -162.131 463.579 -172.103 491.59 -176 c 1
+ 486.488 -200 l 1
+ 246.488 -200 l 1
+ 251.59 -176 l 1
+ 298.503 -167 308.416 -158 317.344 -116 c 2
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 467.046 593 l 2
+ 469.045 602.403 470.154 610.324 470.154 617.003 c 0
+ 470.154 640.866 455.988 648.875 417.587 652 c 1
+ 422.688 676 l 1
+ 623.688 676 l 1
+ 562.26 387 l 1
+ 611.8 446 662.539 473 722.539 473 c 0
+ 791.64 473 831.845 433.943 831.845 370.191 c 0
+ 831.845 358.29 830.444 345.529 827.568 332 c 2
+ 774.217 81 l 2
+ 772.023 70.6785 770.818 62.1687 770.818 55.1591 c 0
+ 770.818 33.6455 782.167 26.2627 811.102 24 c 1
+ 806 0 l 1
+ 571 0 l 1
+ 576.102 24 l 1
+ 610.951 28 627.353 44 635.217 81 c 2
+ 686.656 323 l 2
+ 689.705 337.342 691.234 349.782 691.234 360.353 c 0
+ 691.234 391.059 678.334 406 652.298 406 c 0
+ 610.298 406 556.308 359 553.97 348 c 2
+ 454.706 -119 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: keharmenian
+Encoding: 1412 1412 2341
+Width: 550
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+295.928 42 m 0
+ 406.887 42 434.626 286.437 434.626 337.794 c 0
+ 434.626 390.922 418.042 416 384.424 416 c 0
+ 336.424 416 286.521 360 283.545 346 c 2
+ 231.894 103 l 1
+ 238.816 65 262.928 42 295.928 42 c 0
+305.988 461 m 1
+ 291.322 392 l 1
+ 334.65 450 375.539 473 434.539 473 c 0
+ 535.514 473 578.552 397.977 578.552 306.883 c 0
+ 578.552 166.127 475.793 -13 325.236 -13 c 0
+ 281.236 -13 258 0 219.99 47 c 1
+ 195.546 -68 l 1
+ 505.546 -68 l 1
+ 498.744 -100 l 1
+ 188.744 -100 l 1
+ 186.719 -111.374 185.636 -121.209 185.636 -129.695 c 0
+ 185.636 -164.483 203.838 -176.588 249.952 -179 c 1
+ 245.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.4102 -176 l 1
+ 27.29 -168 37.2031 -159 45.918 -118 c 2
+ 49.7441 -100 l 1
+ -6.25586 -100 l 1
+ 0.545898 -68 l 1
+ 56.5459 -68 l 1
+ 151.347 378 l 2
+ 153.454 387.915 154.625 396.047 154.625 402.777 c 0
+ 154.625 424.554 142.363 431.653 109.888 437 c 1
+ 114.988 461 l 1
+ 305.988 461 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oharmenian
+Encoding: 1413 1413 2342
+Width: 511
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+72.4669 169.817 m 0
+ 72.4669 328.374 205.045 473 356.539 473 c 0
+ 466.353 473 536.235 397.635 536.235 288.852 c 0
+ 536.235 135.107 409.151 -14 253.024 -14 c 0
+ 141.926 -14 72.4669 60.0816 72.4669 169.817 c 0
+350.95 442 m 0
+ 288.95 442 259.897 390 222.487 214 c 0
+ 211.016 160.03 205.036 119.042 205.036 88.8119 c 0
+ 205.036 37.264 222.423 17 259.613 17 c 0
+ 317.613 17 348.666 69 381.4 223 c 0
+ 395.253 288.169 402.446 336.127 402.446 370.261 c 0
+ 402.446 422.026 385.902 442 350.95 442 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: feharmenian
+Encoding: 1414 1414 2343
+Width: 668
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+137.262 494.153 m 0
+ 137.262 595.979 284.06 670 404.413 670 c 0
+ 464.298 670 530.027 621.617 530.027 567.082 c 0
+ 530.027 562.424 529.547 557.721 528.544 553 c 2
+ 486.883 357 l 1
+ 584.737 330.684 681.068 301.075 681.068 215.865 c 0
+ 681.068 207.174 680.066 197.904 677.961 188 c 0
+ 645.652 36 528.938 -5 408.236 -13 c 1
+ 390.17 -98 l 2
+ 386.026 -117.497 383.647 -132.443 383.647 -143.988 c 0
+ 383.647 -173.303 398.981 -180.695 439.677 -185 c 1
+ 436.488 -200 l 1
+ 160.488 -200 l 1
+ 163.677 -185 l 1
+ 223.378 -177 231.29 -168 246.17 -98 c 2
+ 265.3 -8 l 1
+ 132.724 19.6924 64.0617 112.126 64.0617 148.269 c 0
+ 64.0617 168.054 101.906 173 114.772 173 c 0
+ 137.772 173 163.922 169 179.584 158 c 0
+ 198.033 146 187.966 61 273.164 29 c 1
+ 342.032 353 l 1
+ 240.52 386.117 137.262 415.003 137.262 494.153 c 0
+474.342 298 m 1
+ 416.526 26 l 1
+ 492.99 47 516.743 107 530.984 174 c 0
+ 533.069 183.805 534.06 193.038 534.06 201.748 c 0
+ 534.06 244.562 510.113 274.733 474.342 298 c 1
+352.022 400 m 1
+ 378.38 524 l 2
+ 384.576 553.15 389.258 581.415 389.258 603.185 c 0
+ 389.258 627.717 383.312 644 366.887 644 c 0
+ 311.887 644 297.708 582 283.679 516 c 0
+ 281.839 507.346 280.959 499.227 280.959 491.595 c 0
+ 280.959 448.077 309.569 420.419 352.022 400 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: echyiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1415 1415 2344
+Width: 602
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+342 0 m 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 190.046 593 l 2
+ 192.342 603.803 193.645 612.422 193.645 619.403 c 0
+ 193.645 639.564 182.778 646.058 153.587 652 c 1
+ 158.688 676 l 1
+ 346.688 676 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 421.347 378 l 2
+ 423.345 387.403 424.455 395.324 424.455 402.003 c 0
+ 424.455 425.866 410.289 433.875 371.887 437 c 1
+ 376.988 461 l 1
+ 577.988 461 l 1
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.368 91.122 497.781 81.6661 497.781 72.9597 c 0
+ 497.781 43.7665 515.631 23 591.889 23 c 1
+ 587 0 l 1
+ 342 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian subtable" echarmenian yiwnarmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian subtable" echarmenian yiwnarmenian
+StartChar: periodarmenian
+Encoding: 1417 1417 2345
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 26 58 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni058A
+Encoding: 1418 1418 2346
+Width: 349
+VWidth: -77
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+189.937 202 m 1
+ 216.937 202 294.212 208 353.381 317 c 1
+ 393.381 317 l 1
+ 385.979 301 325.608 144 195.608 144 c 0
+ 105.456 144 75.7738 192.654 75.7738 237.428 c 0
+ 75.7738 298.623 124.085 326 156.293 326 c 0
+ 183.225 326 209.36 318.917 209.36 280.905 c 0
+ 209.36 265.124 203.33 230.961 189.937 202 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: m_n_armenian
+Encoding: 64275 64275 2347
+Width: 1105
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+501.468 101 m 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 142.008 367 l 2
+ 144.304 377.803 145.607 386.422 145.607 393.403 c 0
+ 145.607 413.564 134.74 420.058 105.549 426 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 298.65 450 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 445.365 491 l 1
+ 335.365 491 l 2
+ 252.245 491 133.804 532.125 133.804 544.613 c 0
+ 133.804 561.706 216.41 610 268.659 610 c 0
+ 287.659 610 288.167 523 359.167 523 c 2
+ 457.167 523 l 1
+ 502.36 618 652.688 676 796.688 676 c 0
+ 929.688 676 1070.93 633 1070.93 536 c 1
+ 936.254 514 l 1
+ 936.254 570 869.312 646 780.312 646 c 0
+ 685.312 646 619.81 606 593.167 523 c 1
+ 868.167 523 l 1
+ 782.932 122 l 2
+ 780.335 109.783 778.977 99.3456 778.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 778.977 62.566 792.662 51 823.841 51 c 0
+ 851.841 51 875.179 62 915.193 95 c 1
+ 975.559 379 l 2
+ 977.558 388.404 978.667 396.325 978.667 403.004 c 0
+ 978.667 426.866 964.501 434.875 926.1 438 c 1
+ 931.201 462 l 1
+ 1132.2 462 l 1
+ 1055.47 101 l 2
+ 1053.4 91.2637 1052.27 83.0655 1052.27 76.1848 c 0
+ 1052.27 52.6769 1065.43 44.5472 1099.14 43 c 1
+ 1094.25 20 l 1
+ 1030.76 13 l 2
+ 964.275 6 939.425 2 893.236 -13 c 1
+ 907.053 52 l 1
+ 838.425 2 800.024 -14 748.024 -14 c 0
+ 678.757 -14 640.171 22.2165 640.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 640.171 97.866 641.687 111.44 644.782 126 c 2
+ 700.685 389 l 2
+ 703.162 400.657 704.857 413.7 704.857 426.463 c 0
+ 704.857 459.683 693.378 491 654.365 491 c 2
+ 584.365 491 l 1
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian nowarmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian nowarmenian
+StartChar: m_e_armenian
+Encoding: 64276 64276 2348
+Width: 1105
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+687.587 652 m 0
+ 659.587 652 613.061 626 606.259 594 c 2
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 456.844 545 l 2
+ 472.147 617 588.688 676 692.688 676 c 2
+ 900.688 676 l 1
+ 859.452 482 l 1
+ 1136.45 482 l 1
+ 1129.65 450 l 1
+ 852.65 450 l 1
+ 782.932 122 l 2
+ 780.335 109.783 778.977 99.3456 778.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 778.977 62.566 792.662 51 823.841 51 c 0
+ 851.841 51 875.179 62 915.193 95 c 1
+ 950.265 260 l 2
+ 952.263 269.403 953.373 277.324 953.373 284.003 c 0
+ 953.373 307.866 939.207 315.875 900.806 319 c 1
+ 905.907 343 l 1
+ 1106.91 343 l 1
+ 1055.47 101 l 2
+ 1053.4 91.2637 1052.27 83.0655 1052.27 76.1848 c 0
+ 1052.27 52.6769 1065.43 44.5472 1099.14 43 c 1
+ 1094.25 20 l 1
+ 1030.76 13 l 2
+ 964.275 6 939.425 2 893.236 -13 c 1
+ 907.053 52 l 1
+ 838.425 2 800.024 -14 748.024 -14 c 0
+ 678.757 -14 640.171 22.2165 640.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 640.171 97.866 641.687 111.44 644.782 126 c 2
+ 744.046 593 l 2
+ 744.926 597.141 745.337 601.039 745.337 604.702 c 0
+ 745.337 638.187 711.023 652 687.587 652 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian echarmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian echarmenian
+StartChar: m_i_armenian
+Encoding: 64277 64277 2349
+Width: 1099
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+594.344 -116 m 2
+ 745.046 593 l 2
+ 745.926 597.141 746.337 601.039 746.337 604.702 c 0
+ 746.337 638.187 712.023 652 688.587 652 c 0
+ 660.587 652 613.061 626 606.259 594 c 2
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 456.844 545 l 2
+ 472.147 617 589.688 676 693.688 676 c 2
+ 901.688 676 l 1
+ 841.96 395 l 1
+ 906.288 453 947.539 473 1000.54 473 c 0
+ 1069.64 473 1109.85 433.943 1109.85 370.191 c 0
+ 1109.85 358.29 1108.44 345.529 1105.57 332 c 2
+ 1052.85 84 l 2
+ 1050.81 74.3951 1049.75 66.2022 1049.75 59.242 c 0
+ 1049.75 35.7669 1061.83 26.3139 1089.1 24 c 1
+ 1084 0 l 1
+ 849 0 l 1
+ 854.102 24 l 1
+ 888.951 28 905.353 44 913.217 81 c 2
+ 964.656 323 l 2
+ 967.705 337.342 969.234 349.782 969.234 360.353 c 0
+ 969.234 391.059 956.334 406 930.298 406 c 0
+ 888.298 406 834.308 359 831.97 348 c 2
+ 732.706 -119 l 2
+ 730.971 -127.161 730.048 -134.252 730.048 -140.401 c 0
+ 730.048 -162.131 741.579 -172.103 769.59 -176 c 1
+ 764.488 -200 l 1
+ 523.488 -200 l 1
+ 528.59 -176 l 1
+ 575.503 -167 585.416 -158 594.344 -116 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian iniarmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian iniarmenian
+StartChar: v_n_armenian
+Encoding: 64278 64278 2350
+Width: 1105
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+537.488 -200 m 1
+ 299.488 -200 l 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 445.365 491 l 1
+ 335.365 491 l 2
+ 252.245 491 133.804 532.125 133.804 544.613 c 0
+ 133.804 561.706 216.41 610 268.659 610 c 0
+ 287.659 610 288.167 523 359.167 523 c 2
+ 452.167 523 l 1
+ 467.259 594 l 2
+ 468.786 601.186 469.558 607.655 469.558 613.437 c 0
+ 469.558 637.426 456.276 649.583 428.587 652 c 1
+ 433.688 676 l 1
+ 623.688 676 l 1
+ 591.167 523 l 1
+ 868.167 523 l 1
+ 782.932 122 l 2
+ 780.335 109.783 778.977 99.3456 778.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 778.977 62.566 792.662 51 823.841 51 c 0
+ 851.841 51 875.179 62 915.193 95 c 1
+ 975.347 378 l 2
+ 977.345 387.403 978.455 395.324 978.455 402.003 c 0
+ 978.455 425.866 964.289 433.875 925.887 437 c 1
+ 930.988 461 l 1
+ 1131.99 461 l 1
+ 1055.47 101 l 2
+ 1053.4 91.2637 1052.27 83.0655 1052.27 76.1848 c 0
+ 1052.27 52.6769 1065.43 44.5472 1099.14 43 c 1
+ 1094.25 20 l 1
+ 1030.76 13 l 2
+ 964.275 6 939.425 2 893.236 -13 c 1
+ 907.053 52 l 1
+ 838.425 2 800.024 -14 748.024 -14 c 0
+ 678.757 -14 640.171 22.2165 640.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 640.171 97.866 641.687 111.44 644.782 126 c 2
+ 700.685 389 l 2
+ 703.162 400.657 704.857 413.7 704.857 426.463 c 0
+ 704.857 459.683 693.378 491 654.365 491 c 2
+ 584.365 491 l 1
+ 444.29 -168 l 1
+ 544.291 -168 l 1
+ 537.488 -200 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" vewarmenian nowarmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" vewarmenian nowarmenian
+StartChar: m_x_armenian
+Encoding: 64279 64279 2351
+Width: 1361
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+603.344 -116 m 2
+ 754.046 593 l 2
+ 754.841 596.741 755.213 600.283 755.213 603.632 c 0
+ 755.213 637.893 716.271 652 692.587 652 c 0
+ 664.587 652 613.061 626 606.259 594 c 2
+ 501.468 101 l 2
+ 499.398 91.2643 498.271 83.0665 498.271 76.186 c 0
+ 498.271 52.6772 511.431 44.5472 545.14 43 c 1
+ 540.251 20 l 1
+ 476.764 13 l 2
+ 410.275 6 385.425 2 339.236 -13 c 1
+ 353.053 52 l 1
+ 284.425 2 246.024 -14 194.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.757 -14 86.1708 22.2165 86.1708 85.3496 c 0
+ 86.1708 97.866 87.6874 111.44 90.7822 126 c 2
+ 144.347 378 l 2
+ 146.643 388.802 147.945 397.422 147.945 404.402 c 0
+ 147.945 424.563 137.079 431.058 107.888 437 c 1
+ 112.988 461 l 1
+ 300.988 461 l 1
+ 228.932 122 l 2
+ 226.335 109.783 224.977 99.3456 224.977 90.5354 c 0
+ 224.977 62.566 238.662 51 269.841 51 c 0
+ 297.841 51 321.179 62 361.193 95 c 1
+ 456.844 545 l 2
+ 472.147 617 593.688 676 697.688 676 c 2
+ 910.688 676 l 1
+ 864.988 461 l 1
+ 1109.99 461 l 1
+ 1037.93 122 l 2
+ 1035.33 109.783 1033.98 99.345 1033.98 90.5346 c 0
+ 1033.98 62.5657 1047.66 51 1078.84 51 c 0
+ 1106.84 51 1130.18 62 1170.19 95 c 1
+ 1230.35 378 l 2
+ 1232.35 387.403 1233.46 395.324 1233.46 402.003 c 0
+ 1233.46 425.866 1219.29 433.875 1180.89 437 c 1
+ 1185.99 461 l 1
+ 1386.99 461 l 1
+ 1310.47 101 l 2
+ 1308.4 91.2637 1307.27 83.0655 1307.27 76.1848 c 0
+ 1307.27 52.6769 1320.43 44.5472 1354.14 43 c 1
+ 1349.25 20 l 1
+ 1285.76 13 l 2
+ 1219.28 6 1194.42 2 1148.24 -13 c 1
+ 1162.05 52 l 1
+ 1093.42 2 1055.02 -14 1003.02 -14 c 0
+ 933.757 -14 895.171 22.2165 895.171 85.3496 c 0
+ 895.171 97.866 896.687 111.44 899.782 126 c 2
+ 951.646 370 l 2
+ 953.517 378.806 954.496 386.514 954.496 393.196 c 0
+ 954.496 418.382 940.59 429 908.187 429 c 2
+ 858.187 429 l 1
+ 742.344 -116 l 2
+ 740.581 -124.295 739.697 -131.686 739.697 -138.202 c 0
+ 739.697 -163.106 752.602 -175.207 778.59 -176 c 1
+ 773.488 -200 l 1
+ 534.488 -200 l 1
+ 539.59 -176 l 1
+ 574.228 -173 595.479 -153 603.344 -116 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian xeharmenian
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian xeharmenian
+StartChar: Heng
+Encoding: 42790 42790 2352
+Width: 778
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+556 -17 m 2
+ 521 -148 456 -209 348 -209 c 0
+ 260 -209 196 -166 196 -108 c 0
+ 196 -69 224 -38 260 -38 c 0
+ 295 -38 323 -66 323 -101 c 0
+ 323 -133 300 -134 300 -155 c 0
+ 300 -167 309 -173 327 -173 c 0
+ 363 -173 374 -144 415 4 c 2
+ 505 329 l 1
+ 266 329 l 1
+ 216 148 l 1
+ 212 126 199 94 199 68 c 0
+ 199 36 209 30 272 25 c 1
+ 272 0 l 1
+ -24 0 l 1
+ -24 25 l 1
+ 26 32 42 44 56 97 c 2
+ 178 546 l 2
+ 185 572 189 593 189 604 c 0
+ 189 634 168 637 116 644 c 1
+ 116 669 l 1
+ 433 669 l 1
+ 433 644 l 1
+ 368 642 347 627 332 572 c 2
+ 278 373 l 1
+ 517 373 l 1
+ 564 546 l 2
+ 569 564 574 595 574 607 c 0
+ 574 635 554 636 501 644 c 1
+ 501 669 l 1
+ 799 669 l 1
+ 799 644 l 1
+ 748 637 732.607 625.109 718 572 c 2
+ 556 -17 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: heng
+Encoding: 42791 42791 2353
+Width: 548
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+337 313 m 2
+ 344 333 348 344 348 346 c 0
+ 351 355 353 363 353 369 c 0
+ 353 380 343 390 331 390 c 0
+ 305 390 272 361 230 301 c 0
+ 180 228 159 178 108 0 c 1
+ -13 0 l 1
+ 141 567 l 2
+ 146 586 149 601 149 610 c 0
+ 149 632 135 643 108 643 c 0
+ 103 643 94 643 86 642 c 1
+ 86 669 l 1
+ 167 676 217 684 294 699 c 1
+ 187 283 l 1
+ 254 379 314 462 399 462 c 0
+ 446 462 475 434 475 387 c 0
+ 475 368 465 326 445 265 c 2
+ 366 24 l 2
+ 316 -128 257 -207 157 -207 c 0
+ 95 -207 37 -176 37 -130 c 0
+ 37 -101 60 -77 86 -77 c 0
+ 113 -77 135 -99 135 -126 c 0
+ 135 -148 120 -155 120 -164 c 0
+ 120 -169 133 -176 144 -176 c 0
+ 172 -176 189 -143 221 -45 c 2
+ 337 313 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: TZ
+Encoding: 42792 42792 2354
+Width: 868
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+689 669 m 1
+ 653 477 l 1
+ 626 479 l 1
+ 621 590 582 633 488 634 c 1
+ 436.814 449 l 1
+ 869 449 l 1
+ 869 439 l 1
+ 588 104 l 1
+ 710 51 687 -49 742 -49 c 0
+ 754 -49 764 -42 764 -33 c 0
+ 764 -23 744 -8 744 13 c 0
+ 744 41 767 65 794 65 c 0
+ 822 65 847 41 847 13 c 0
+ 847 -38 800 -78 739 -78 c 0
+ 651 -78 581 5 535 5 c 0
+ 525 5 518 3 483 -23 c 1
+ 458 -1 l 1
+ 750 353 l 1
+ 410.301 353 l 1
+ 348 128 l 2
+ 340.814 102.05 337 81 337 66 c 0
+ 337 34 350 28 420 25 c 1
+ 420 0 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 25 l 1
+ 103 25 l 2
+ 154 25 179.948 46.0146 194 97 c 2
+ 342 634 l 1
+ 240 632 177 591 125 491 c 1
+ 100 498 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 689 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: tz
+Encoding: 42793 42793 2355
+Width: 648
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+315 5 m 0
+ 305 5 298 3 263 -23 c 1
+ 238 -1 l 1
+ 530 353 l 1
+ 227.441 353 l 1
+ 209 289 l 2
+ 173.935 167.304 155 94 155 76 c 0
+ 155 69 163 61 171 61 c 0
+ 187 61 213 88 247 141 c 1
+ 269 127 l 1
+ 203 24 163 -9 103 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 33 17 33 56 c 0
+ 33 73 42 118 57 169 c 2
+ 125 407 l 1
+ 74 407 l 1
+ 74 442 l 1
+ 153 472 203 513 257 594 c 1
+ 292 594 l 1
+ 253 449 l 1
+ 649 449 l 1
+ 649 439 l 1
+ 368 104 l 1
+ 490 51 467 -49 522 -49 c 0
+ 534 -49 544 -42 544 -33 c 0
+ 544 -23 524 -8 524 13 c 0
+ 524 41 547 65 574 65 c 0
+ 602 65 627 41 627 13 c 0
+ 627 -38 580 -78 519 -78 c 0
+ 431 -78 361 5 315 5 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Tresillo
+Encoding: 42794 42794 2356
+Width: 652
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+442.844 338 m 1
+ 282.523 338 242.443 220.683 242.443 143.059 c 0
+ 242.443 85.907 269.483 38 364.077 38 c 0
+ 444.077 38 548.28 86 614.733 154 c 1
+ 632.695 135 l 1
+ 582.454 68 465.961 -19 311.961 -19 c 0
+ 166.254 -19 68.9679 48.9533 68.9679 147.752 c 0
+ 68.9679 287.175 221.468 359.928 309.796 366 c 1
+ 310.434 369 l 1
+ 266.204 374.853 175.131 408.274 175.131 498.104 c 0
+ 175.131 609.291 292.03 691 439.877 691 c 0
+ 564.877 691 620.312 646 643.312 646 c 0
+ 664.312 646 681.562 666 694.239 688 c 1
+ 721.239 688 l 1
+ 673.201 462 l 1
+ 638.201 462 l 1
+ 627.795 573 570.8 653 476.8 653 c 0
+ 354.084 653 324.719 538.057 324.719 483.383 c 0
+ 324.719 415.857 370.429 383 452.409 383 c 1
+ 442.844 338 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tresillo
+Encoding: 42795 42795 2357
+Width: 452
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+343.4 323 m 1
+ 215.001 323 184.708 224 184.708 154.85 c 0
+ 184.708 78 202.611 32 266.802 32 c 0
+ 320.802 32 395.604 64 433.318 105 c 1
+ 449.13 90 l 1
+ 420.628 50 343.024 -14 219.024 -14 c 0
+ 140.489 -14 59.6934 34 59.6934 149.781 c 0
+ 59.6934 257 138.373 338.322 221.139 350 c 1
+ 221.989 354 l 1
+ 188.89 357.564 159.025 408 159.025 488.85 c 0
+ 159.025 569 218.435 673 377.539 673 c 0
+ 441.701 673 480.198 651 505.863 651 c 0
+ 517.863 651 524.926 656 534.114 671 c 1
+ 556.114 671 l 1
+ 524.23 521 l 1
+ 499.23 521 l 1
+ 494.849 618 439.887 637 388.887 637 c 0
+ 327.612 637 272.762 562 272.762 479.294 c 0
+ 272.762 410 303.385 363 351.902 363 c 1
+ 343.4 323 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cuatrillo
+Encoding: 42796 42796 2358
+Width: 478
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+177 42 m 0
+ 177 -10 129 -18 129 -48 c 0
+ 129 -63 142 -73 166 -73 c 0
+ 211 -73 237 -48 254 14 c 2
+ 290 144 l 1
+ 59 144 l 1
+ 90 257 l 1
+ 217 396 365 537 523 688 c 1
+ 603 688 l 1
+ 443 113 l 2
+ 404 -30 309 -106 169 -106 c 0
+ 85 -106 28 -68 28 -6 c 0
+ 28 61 86 98 122 98 c 0
+ 155 98 177 74 177 42 c 0
+321 255 m 1
+ 396 525 l 1
+ 131 255 l 1
+ 321 255 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cuatrillo
+Encoding: 42797 42797 2359
+Width: 422
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+135 -85 m 0
+ 135 -119 93 -144 93 -160 c 0
+ 93 -168 104 -174 121 -174 c 0
+ 154 -174 173 -151 188 -98 c 2
+ 215 0 l 1
+ 21 0 l 1
+ 52 113 l 1
+ 408 461 l 1
+ 484 461 l 1
+ 356 0 l 2
+ 325 -110 261 -205 122 -205 c 0
+ 51 -205 7 -174 7 -128 c 0
+ 7 -82 43 -44 89 -44 c 0
+ 116 -44 135 -61 135 -85 c 0
+248 111 m 1
+ 307 325 l 1
+ 97 111 l 1
+ 248 111 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cuatrillocomma
+Encoding: 42798 42798 2360
+Width: 675
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2358 42796 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 12 44 N 1 0 0 1 486 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cuatrillocomma
+Encoding: 42799 42799 2361
+Width: 627
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2359 42797 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 12 44 N 1 0 0 1 438 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lowcircumflex
+Encoding: 42888 42888 2362
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 710 S 1 0 0 1 0 -609 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: colonmodifier
+Encoding: 42889 42889 2363
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 26 58 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: shortequals
+Encoding: 42890 42890 2364
+Width: 282
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 0.5 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Saltillo
+Encoding: 42891 42891 2365
+Width: 349
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+402.784 692.025 m 0
+ 402.784 609.424 335.029 524.979 226.622 177 c 1
+ 197.622 177 l 1
+ 233.477 468 214.133 584 230.287 660 c 0
+ 243.679 723 282.543 760 336.543 760 c 0
+ 379.45 760 402.784 735.75 402.784 692.025 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saltillo
+Encoding: 42892 42892 2366
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+402.784 692.025 m 0
+ 402.784 603.888 351.164 585.047 268.709 375 c 1
+ 239.709 375 l 1
+ 240.721 398.316 241.154 419.035 241.154 437.565 c 0
+ 241.154 547.544 225.899 580.385 225.899 621.274 c 0
+ 225.899 665.7 248.028 760 336.543 760 c 0
+ 379.45 760 402.784 735.75 402.784 692.025 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f6
+Encoding: 4342 4342 2367
+Width: 838
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+412.091 278 m 2
+ 413.073 282.622 413.562 287.301 413.562 291.958 c 0
+ 413.562 326.589 386.528 360 334.521 360 c 0
+ 276.308 359 233.23 321 224.091 278 c 2
+ 194.333 138 l 2
+ 192.995 131.707 192.363 125.794 192.363 120.258 c 0
+ 192.363 78.293 228.689 58 269.328 58 c 0
+ 317.328 58 371.067 85 382.545 139 c 2
+ 412.091 278 l 2
+435.64 388.789 m 1
+ 456.515 487 l 2
+ 480.534 600 603.813 686 737.813 686 c 1
+ 728.036 640 l 1
+ 657.398 637 612.534 600 603.606 558 c 2
+ 567.685 389 l 1
+ 599.235 401 631.511 407 666.511 407 c 0
+ 776.484 407 853.486 336.996 853.486 245.82 c 0
+ 853.486 234.191 852.234 222.217 849.637 210 c 0
+ 827.105 104 708.126 10 582.126 10 c 0
+ 548.044 10 517.301 16.5537 490.996 28.2109 c 1
+ 470.121 -70 l 2
+ 446.103 -183 322.822 -269 188.822 -269 c 1
+ 198.6 -223 l 1
+ 269.237 -220 314.103 -183 323.029 -141 c 2
+ 358.951 28 l 1
+ 327.401 16 295.126 10 260.126 10 c 0
+ 150.153 10 73.1496 80.0037 73.1496 171.18 c 0
+ 73.1496 182.809 74.4023 194.783 76.999 207 c 0
+ 99.5303 313 218.511 407 344.511 407 c 0
+ 378.592 407 409.336 400.446 435.64 388.789 c 1
+514.545 139 m 2
+ 513.563 134.378 513.074 129.7 513.074 125.043 c 0
+ 513.074 90.4116 540.108 57 592.115 57 c 0
+ 650.328 58 693.405 96 702.545 139 c 2
+ 732.304 279 l 2
+ 733.641 285.293 734.273 291.205 734.273 296.741 c 0
+ 734.273 338.707 697.947 359 657.308 359 c 0
+ 609.308 359 555.568 332 544.091 278 c 2
+ 514.545 139 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f7
+Encoding: 4343 4343 2368
+Width: 517
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+464.199 -76.4945 m 0
+ 464.199 -161.087 362.036 -271 200.397 -271 c 0
+ 42.5966 -271 10.8298 -198.725 10.8298 -134.366 c 0
+ 10.8298 -113.077 14.3058 -92.654 17.8457 -76 c 0
+ 45.3466 53.3826 412.39 164.633 412.39 286.713 c 0
+ 412.39 321.857 384.811 352 333.82 352 c 0
+ 297.82 352 254.255 307 227.878 277 c 1
+ 236.764 268.619 241.179 255.593 241.179 242.346 c 0
+ 241.179 208.124 206.623 167 159.497 167 c 0
+ 109.606 167 84.3471 195.857 84.3471 232.568 c 0
+ 84.3471 303.185 177.426 398 348.598 398 c 0
+ 461.976 398 535.675 333.225 535.675 256.133 c 0
+ 535.675 247.551 534.761 238.815 532.888 230 c 0
+ 512.908 136 184.83 98 128.29 -168 c 0
+ 127.303 -172.642 126.802 -177.001 126.802 -181.074 c 0
+ 126.802 -209.468 151.166 -224 205.388 -224 c 0
+ 259.388 -224 308.851 -203 316.078 -169 c 2
+ 340.947 -52 l 2
+ 343.094 -41.9019 344.058 -33.2152 344.058 -25.2849 c 0
+ 344.058 -6.51402 338.656 8.01906 330.739 27 c 1
+ 423.618 21.7784 464.199 -22.8261 464.199 -76.4945 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f8
+Encoding: 4344 4344 2369
+Width: 516
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+128.716 -166 m 2
+ 127.835 -170.145 127.415 -174.044 127.415 -177.705 c 0
+ 127.415 -210.263 160.633 -224 198.388 -224 c 0
+ 249.388 -224 309.488 -200 316.716 -166 c 2
+ 341.585 -49 l 2
+ 342.482 -44.7801 342.929 -40.692 342.929 -36.6458 c 0
+ 342.929 -15.7618 331.009 4.00518 307.439 35 c 1
+ 443.23 35 464.273 -38.773 464.273 -77.9562 c 0
+ 464.273 -85.5192 463.489 -91.7935 462.595 -96 c 0
+ 425.648 -251 293.185 -272 201.185 -272 c 0
+ 61.3871 -272 9.10874 -228.903 9.10874 -142.18 c 0
+ 9.10874 -121.583 12.0577 -98.5256 17.4834 -73 c 2
+ 116.747 394 l 1
+ 247.747 394 l 1
+ 205.023 193 l 2
+ 204.142 188.855 203.722 184.956 203.722 181.295 c 0
+ 203.722 148.737 236.941 135 274.695 135 c 0
+ 325.695 135 385.797 159 393.023 193 c 2
+ 417.893 310 l 2
+ 418.79 314.22 419.237 318.308 419.237 322.354 c 0
+ 419.237 343.238 407.316 363.005 383.747 394 c 1
+ 519.537 394 540.58 320.227 540.58 281.044 c 0
+ 540.58 273.481 539.796 267.206 538.902 263 c 0
+ 501.956 108 369.492 87 277.492 87 c 0
+ 240.579 87 209.769 90.0049 184.41 96.0244 c 1
+ 128.716 -166 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10fa
+Encoding: 4346 4346 2370
+Width: 522
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+77.1934 188.702 m 0
+ 77.1934 272.421 140.031 398 345.598 398 c 0
+ 429.228 398 543.596 371.558 543.596 272.102 c 0
+ 543.596 225.812 522.406 163 437.646 163 c 0
+ 399.843 163 377.788 191.355 377.788 215.981 c 0
+ 377.788 240.789 406.011 268.046 416.091 278 c 1
+ 416.371 281.593 416.512 285.047 416.512 288.365 c 0
+ 416.512 333.069 390.956 353 336.032 353 c 0
+ 255.032 353 230.53 313 220.753 267 c 0
+ 215.126 240.527 212.685 216.587 212.685 194.977 c 0
+ 212.685 82.4676 278.836 33.0998 305.826 18 c 0
+ 387.999 -27.9726 450.188 -68.8103 450.188 -168.925 c 0
+ 450.188 -182.761 449 -197.729 446.513 -214 c 1
+ 392.501 -97.374 232.744 -21.1572 31.0869 -9 c 1
+ 35.7637 13 l 1
+ 51.9756 14 69.1885 15 85.1885 15 c 0
+ 117.188 15 142.764 13 142.764 13 c 1
+ 131.832 31.3115 77.1934 105.128 77.1934 188.702 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10fc
+Encoding: 4348 4348 2371
+Width: 389
+VWidth: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1599 4316 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 212 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gsmallcap
+Encoding: 610 610 2372
+Width: 494
+VWidth: 788
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+336.31 179.56 m 0
+ 336.31 199.66 314.2 201 286.73 203.68 c 1
+ 286.73 221.1 l 1
+ 499.02 221.1 l 1
+ 499.02 203.68 l 1
+ 463.51 201 458.82 195.64 446.09 148.74 c 2
+ 413.93 27.4697 l 1
+ 346.836 -3.68164 276.767 -12.0596 228.39 -12.0596 c 0
+ 100 -12.0596 20.0703 61.6396 20.0703 168.17 c 0
+ 20.0703 303.104 122 458.95 316.16 458.95 c 0
+ 380.48 458.95 402.59 438.85 423.36 438.85 c 0
+ 436.76 438.85 444.13 444.21 451.5 458.95 c 1
+ 472.27 458.95 l 1
+ 438.1 310.88 l 1
+ 418.67 313.56 l 1
+ 416.66 387.93 395.22 434.83 325.54 434.83 c 0
+ 203.6 434.83 134.59 255.94 134.59 139.36 c 0
+ 134.59 57.6201 173.45 13.4004 244.47 13.4004 c 0
+ 270.6 13.4004 288.07 22.1104 297.45 33.5 c 0
+ 301.47 38.8604 336.31 148.74 336.31 179.56 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nsmallcap
+Encoding: 628 628 2373
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+250 448 m 1
+ 394 137 l 1
+ 446 320 l 2
+ 454 347 458 371 458 383 c 0
+ 458 408 445 419 406 422 c 1
+ 406 448 l 1
+ 558 448 l 1
+ 558 422 l 1
+ 519 414 513 408 488 320 c 2
+ 394 -10 l 1
+ 347 -10 l 1
+ 175 358 l 1
+ 109 128 l 2
+ 102 101 97 77 97 65 c 0
+ 97 39 110 29 150 26 c 1
+ 150 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 26 l 1
+ 36 33 43 40 68 128 c 2
+ 148 395 l 1
+ 135 424 129 419 92 422 c 1
+ 92 448 l 1
+ 250 448 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rlonglegturned
+Encoding: 634 634 2374
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+59 128 m 0
+ 93 128 107 90 119 90 c 0
+ 146 90 201 173 256 347 c 0
+ 260 362 340 622 355 668 c 1
+ 476 668 l 1
+ 408 439 308 94 308 69 c 0
+ 308 50 317 46 362 44 c 1
+ 362 17 l 1
+ 241 7 222 4 162 -11 c 1
+ 228 198 l 1
+ 149 40 108 -11 57 -11 c 0
+ 23 -11 0 15 0 55 c 0
+ 0 97 25 128 59 128 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rlongleg
+Encoding: 636 636 2375
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+371 327 m 0
+ 337 327 323 365 311 365 c 0
+ 284 365 229 282 174 108 c 0
+ 170 93 90 -167 75 -213 c 1
+ -46 -213 l 1
+ 22 16 122 361 122 386 c 0
+ 122 405 113 409 68 411 c 1
+ 68 438 l 1
+ 189 448 208 451 268 466 c 1
+ 202 257 l 1
+ 281 415 322 466 373 466 c 0
+ 407 466 430 440 430 400 c 0
+ 430 358 405 327 371 327 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dtail
+Encoding: 598 598 2376
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+335 370 m 0
+ 335 399 320 420 295 420 c 0
+ 210 420 130 187 130 117 c 0
+ 130 84 147 59 171 59 c 0
+ 258 59 335 319 335 370 c 0
+363.972 49 m 2
+ 350.657 0.925781 309.638 -68 309.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 309.638 -120.135 323.037 -136.121 345.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 344.324 -137.664 343.906 -133.599 343.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 343.906 -91.2432 380.799 -52 422.972 -52 c 0
+ 453.75 -52 474.81 -73.7188 474.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 474.81 -147.845 427.733 -204 353.663 -204 c 0
+ 277 -204 217.257 -162.14 217.257 -88.3574 c 0
+ 217.257 -72.0879 218.074 -53.9102 223.585 -35 c 2
+ 253.606 80.0273 l 1
+ 207.179 13.2383 165.785 -13 112 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 6 40 6 112 c 0
+ 6 269 156 462 278 462 c 0
+ 307 462 326 453 350 429 c 1
+ 369 497 l 2
+ 389.307 569.679 397 606 397 615 c 0
+ 397 633 382 643 356 643 c 2
+ 335 643 l 1
+ 335 670 l 1
+ 435 678 484 685 544 699 c 1
+ 363.972 49 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nhookretroflex
+Encoding: 627 627 2377
+Width: 504
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+194 263 m 1
+ 284 396 331 462 417 462 c 0
+ 464 462 490 435 490 387 c 0
+ 490 363 478.024 319.426 464 272 c 2
+ 382.972 -2 l 2
+ 371.212 -41.7666 338.638 -56 338.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 338.638 -120.135 352.037 -136.121 374.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 373.324 -137.664 372.906 -133.599 372.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 372.906 -91.2432 409.799 -52 451.972 -52 c 0
+ 482.75 -52 503.81 -73.7188 503.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 503.81 -147.845 456.733 -204 382.663 -204 c 0
+ 290 -204 246.257 -162.14 246.257 -88.3574 c 0
+ 246.257 -72.0879 247.074 -53.9102 252.585 -35 c 2
+ 365 348 l 2
+ 368 358 370 366 370 369 c 0
+ 370 379 357 390 345 390 c 0
+ 327 390 296 368 276 341 c 0
+ 214 260 178 173 131 0 c 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 66 204 l 2
+ 99.0166 324.274 112 371 112 382 c 0
+ 112 401 100 406 58 407 c 1
+ 58 434 l 1
+ 114 436 194 447 258 461 c 1
+ 194 263 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rhook
+Encoding: 637 637 2378
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+370 323 m 0
+ 336 323 322 361 310 361 c 0
+ 252.399 361 170.137 93.3408 165.999 80.5879 c 2
+ 122.972 -52 l 2
+ 118.604 -65.458 116.638 -77.8164 116.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 116.638 -120.135 136.037 -136.121 158.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 157.324 -137.664 156.906 -133.599 156.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 156.906 -91.2432 193.799 -52 235.972 -52 c 0
+ 266.75 -52 287.81 -73.7188 287.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 287.81 -147.845 240.733 -204 166.663 -204 c 0
+ 40.1875 -204 0.256836 -162.14 0.256836 -88.3574 c 0
+ 0.256836 -72.0879 1.91016 -53.8613 7.58496 -35 c 2
+ 47 96 l 18
+ 96.1738 264.997 121 360.741 121 382 c 0
+ 121 401 112 405 67 407 c 1
+ 67 434 l 1
+ 188 444 207 447 267 462 c 1
+ 201 253 l 1
+ 280 411 321 462 372 462 c 0
+ 406 462 429 436 429 396 c 0
+ 429 354 404 323 370 323 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lhookretroflex
+Encoding: 621 621 2379
+Width: 277
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+136.972 48 m 2
+ 125.974 8.88281 82.6377 -48 82.6377 -88.1338 c 0
+ 82.6377 -120.135 96.0371 -136.121 118.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 117.324 -137.664 116.906 -133.599 116.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 116.906 -91.2432 153.799 -52 195.972 -52 c 0
+ 226.75 -52 247.81 -73.7188 247.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 247.81 -147.845 200.733 -204 126.663 -204 c 0
+ 30 -204 -4.74316 -162.14 -4.74316 -88.3574 c 0
+ -4.74316 -72.0879 -3.92578 -53.9102 1.58496 -35 c 2
+ 140 473 l 2
+ 158.836 540.334 174 602 174 615 c 0
+ 174 633 159 643 132 643 c 0
+ 128 643 122 643 111 642 c 1
+ 111 669 l 1
+ 186 676 234 682 320 699 c 1
+ 136.972 48 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rhookturned
+Encoding: 635 635 2380
+Width: 435
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+59 128 m 0
+ 93 128 107 90 119 90 c 0
+ 146 90 201 173 256 347 c 0
+ 260 362 274 405 289 451 c 1
+ 410 451 l 1
+ 278.972 -2 l 2
+ 269.886 -33.4131 234.638 -77.8164 234.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 234.638 -120.135 248.037 -136.121 270.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 269.324 -137.664 268.906 -133.599 268.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 268.906 -91.2432 305.799 -52 347.972 -52 c 0
+ 378.75 -52 399.81 -73.7188 399.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 399.81 -147.845 352.733 -204 278.663 -204 c 0
+ 175 -204 147.257 -162.14 147.257 -88.3574 c 0
+ 147.257 -72.0879 147.593 -53.7627 153.585 -35 c 2
+ 228 198 l 1
+ 149 40 108 -11 57 -11 c 0
+ 23 -11 0 15 0 55 c 0
+ 0 97 25 128 59 128 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rfishhook
+Encoding: 638 638 2381
+Width: 424
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+123 243 m 2
+ 163 377 214 473 367 473 c 0
+ 438.974 473 484.241 442.609 484.241 396.851 c 0
+ 484.241 350.898 446.423 311 400 311 c 0
+ 371.515 311 353.849 328.129 353.849 351.259 c 0
+ 353.849 390.629 396.075 407.982 396.075 428.473 c 0
+ 396.075 437.491 387.194 442 372 442 c 0
+ 337 442 316 420 299 365 c 2
+ 220 103 l 2
+ 214.134 84.2276 210.697 72.834 210.697 58.0817 c 0
+ 210.697 32.0837 230.487 25.8659 279 24 c 1
+ 278 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 1 24 l 1
+ 48 29 63 41 76 84 c 2
+ 123 243 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: philatin
+Encoding: 632 632 2382
+Width: 604
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+306 -200 m 1
+ 90 -200 l 1
+ 92 -176 l 1
+ 126 -173 145 -155 155 -122 c 2
+ 185 -10 l 1
+ 86 7 23 74 23 174 c 0
+ 23 303.19 146 438 315 469 c 1
+ 334 535 350 600 350 613 c 0
+ 350 631 335 641 308 641 c 0
+ 304 641 298 641 287 640 c 1
+ 287 667 l 1
+ 362 674 410 680 496 697 c 1
+ 434 466 l 1
+ 526 443 589 374.182 589 275 c 0
+ 589 162 485 20 305 -9 c 1
+ 271 -135 l 2
+ 270 -139 270 -145 270 -148 c 0
+ 270 -165 280 -173 308 -176 c 1
+ 306 -200 l 1
+423 427 m 1
+ 315 29 l 1
+ 407 80 478 202 478 341 c 0
+ 478 383 444 410 423 427 c 1
+195 27 m 1
+ 305 432 l 1
+ 205 381 137 246 137 120 c 0
+ 137 81 169 44 195 27 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bilabialclick
+Encoding: 664 664 2383
+Width: 778
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 14 46 S 1 0 0 1 299 265 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hsmallcap
+Encoding: 668 668 2384
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+412.58 406.69 m 0
+ 412.58 425.45 399.18 426.12 363.67 431.48 c 1
+ 363.67 448.23 l 1
+ 574.33 448.23 l 1
+ 574.33 431.48 l 1
+ 540.16 426.79 530.78 418.75 520.06 383.24 c 2
+ 443.01 102.51 l 2
+ 433.63 69.0098 430.28 53.5996 430.28 44.2197 c 0
+ 430.28 24.79 442.34 18.0898 479.19 16.75 c 1
+ 479.19 0 l 1
+ 255.8 0 l 1
+ 255.8 16.75 l 1
+ 300.69 19.4297 313.42 28.8096 323.47 64.9902 c 2
+ 366.35 220.43 l 1
+ 206.22 220.43 l 1
+ 172.72 99.1602 l 2
+ 170.04 84.4199 161.33 62.9805 161.33 45.5596 c 0
+ 161.33 24.1201 168.03 20.0996 210.24 16.75 c 1
+ 210.24 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 16.75 l 1
+ 34.4199 21.4404 45.1396 29.4805 54.5195 64.9902 c 2
+ 136.26 365.82 l 2
+ 140.95 383.24 143.63 397.31 143.63 404.68 c 0
+ 143.63 424.78 129.56 426.79 94.7197 431.48 c 1
+ 94.7197 448.23 l 1
+ 318.11 448.23 l 1
+ 318.11 431.48 l 1
+ 274.56 430.14 260.49 420.09 250.44 383.24 c 2
+ 214.26 249.91 l 1
+ 374.39 249.91 l 1
+ 405.88 365.82 l 2
+ 409.23 377.88 412.58 398.65 412.58 406.69 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Lsmallcap
+Encoding: 671 671 2385
+Width: 446
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+143.63 406.69 m 0
+ 143.63 425.45 130.23 426.12 94.7197 431.48 c 1
+ 94.7197 448.23 l 1
+ 327.11 448.23 l 1
+ 327.11 431.48 l 1
+ 282.89 428.8 269.49 420.09 259.44 383.24 c 2
+ 173.01 62.9805 l 2
+ 171 55.6104 169.66 46.9004 169.66 41.54 c 0
+ 169.66 27.4697 183.06 21.4404 212.54 21.4404 c 0
+ 267.48 21.4404 315.05 34.8398 351.23 60.2998 c 0
+ 377.36 79.0596 392.1 95.8096 414.88 133.33 c 1
+ 430.96 129.98 l 1
+ 391.43 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 16.75 l 1
+ 33.75 21.4404 45.1396 30.1504 54.5195 64.9902 c 2
+ 136.93 365.82 l 2
+ 140.28 377.88 143.63 398.65 143.63 406.69 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ysmallcap
+Encoding: 655 655 2386
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rsmallcap
+Encoding: 640 640 2387
+Width: 496
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+143.63 406.69 m 0
+ 143.63 425.45 130.23 426.12 94.7197 431.48 c 1
+ 94.7197 448.23 l 1
+ 298.64 448.23 l 2
+ 404.5 448.23 470.76 416.74 470.76 352.42 c 0
+ 470.76 324.95 460.04 253.26 342.12 229.81 c 1
+ 397.73 64.9902 l 2
+ 411.344 24.6445 419.17 20.0996 456.69 16.75 c 1
+ 456.69 0 l 1
+ 307.35 0 l 1
+ 235.66 221.77 l 1
+ 216.23 221.77 l 1
+ 179.38 92.46 l 2
+ 173.35 71.6904 170 54.2695 170 44.8896 c 0
+ 170 24.79 179.38 19.4297 218.24 16.75 c 1
+ 218.24 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 16.75 l 1
+ 33.75 20.7695 45.1396 30.1504 54.5195 64.9902 c 2
+ 136.93 365.82 l 2
+ 140.28 377.21 143.63 398.65 143.63 406.69 c 0
+262.46 397.31 m 2
+ 222.26 243.21 l 1
+ 263.8 243.88 289.93 248.57 307.35 259.96 c 0
+ 336.16 278.05 355.59 318.92 355.59 363.14 c 0
+ 355.59 403.34 333.48 426.79 295.29 426.79 c 0
+ 274.52 426.79 268.49 421.43 262.46 397.31 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Bsmallcap
+Encoding: 665 665 2388
+Width: 487
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+143.63 404.01 m 0
+ 143.63 426.12 125.54 429.47 94.7197 431.48 c 1
+ 94.7197 448.23 l 1
+ 295.96 448.23 l 2
+ 407 448.23 469.08 414.73 469.08 350.41 c 0
+ 469.08 265.99 375.95 245.89 342.45 237.85 c 1
+ 410.12 215.74 434.24 190.28 434.24 138.02 c 0
+ 434.24 52.2598 359 0 221.59 0 c 2
+ 0.919922 0 l 1
+ 0.919922 16.75 l 1
+ 33.0801 20.7695 45.1396 30.1504 54.5195 64.9902 c 2
+ 136.26 365.82 l 2
+ 140.95 382.57 143.63 397.31 143.63 404.01 c 0
+206.85 21.4404 m 0
+ 273.85 21.4404 316.73 80.4004 316.73 153.43 c 0
+ 316.73 218.42 275.19 224.45 216.23 226.46 c 1
+ 172.01 62.9805 l 2
+ 170 54.2695 168.66 48.2402 168.66 43.5498 c 0
+ 168.66 28.8096 181.39 21.4404 206.85 21.4404 c 0
+221.59 246.56 m 1
+ 301.99 249.91 355.59 265.99 355.59 359.12 c 0
+ 355.59 404.01 336.16 426.79 297.3 426.79 c 0
+ 275.86 426.79 269.16 421.43 262.46 397.31 c 2
+ 221.59 246.56 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tturned
+Encoding: 647 647 2389
+Width: 319
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 84 116 N -1 0 0 -1 350 584 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rsmallcapinv
+Encoding: 641 641 2390
+Width: 516
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+330.39 244.55 m 1
+ 329.72 239.19 l 1
+ 364.56 231.82 422.85 213.73 422.85 152.09 c 0
+ 422.85 73.0303 343.51 0 204.82 0 c 2
+ 0.910156 0 l 1
+ 0.910156 16.75 l 1
+ 35.0801 20.7695 45.7998 29.4805 55.8496 64.9902 c 2
+ 132.23 346.39 l 2
+ 140.94 379.22 144.29 394.63 144.29 404.68 c 0
+ 144.29 423.44 134.24 429.47 96.0498 431.48 c 1
+ 96.0498 448.23 l 1
+ 316.04 448.23 l 1
+ 316.04 431.48 l 1
+ 283.21 427.46 271.82 418.08 261.77 383.24 c 2
+ 224.92 247.9 l 1
+ 243.01 247.9 l 2
+ 262.321 247.9 285.275 249.526 309.34 281.4 c 2
+ 435.3 448.23 l 1
+ 587 448.23 l 1
+ 586.33 431.48 l 1
+ 554.84 430.14 542.11 416.07 530.72 406.02 c 1
+ 432.9 290.78 l 2
+ 397.39 249.24 352.5 244.55 330.39 244.55 c 1
+170.65 51.5898 m 2
+ 169.848 48.7822 169.467 46.1406 169.467 43.6758 c 0
+ 169.467 29.6758 181.798 21.4404 199.46 21.4404 c 0
+ 261.77 21.4404 310.01 85.7598 310.01 162.81 c 0
+ 310.01 204.708 293.508 224.825 236.256 225.12 c 2
+ 218.89 225.12 l 1
+ 170.65 51.5898 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hsuper
+Encoding: 688 688 2391
+Width: 396
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 72 104 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 98 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hhooksuper
+Encoding: 689 689 2392
+Width: 397
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2408 614 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 98 389 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jsuper
+Encoding: 690 690 2393
+Width: 242
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 N 0.68 0 0 0.68 133 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rsuper
+Encoding: 691 691 2394
+Width: 243
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 110 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rturnsuper
+Encoding: 692 692 2395
+Width: 267
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1543 633 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 111 383 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rturnrthooksuper
+Encoding: 693 693 2396
+Width: 341
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2380 635 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 93 379 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rturnsuper
+Encoding: 694 694 2397
+Width: 368
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2390 641 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 110 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wsuper
+Encoding: 695 695 2398
+Width: 440
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 87 119 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 113 395 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ysuper
+Encoding: 696 696 2399
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 115 396 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: mturndescend
+Encoding: 624 624 2400
+Width: 728
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+656.628 131.282 m 2
+ 607.73 -7.87695 576.81 -112.819 576.81 -124 c 0
+ 576.81 -143 588.81 -148 630.81 -149 c 1
+ 630.81 -176 l 1
+ 574.81 -178 482.81 -189 418.81 -203 c 1
+ 606 338 l 2
+ 610 351 613 362 613 368 c 0
+ 613 379 602 389 590 389 c 0
+ 560 389 520.108 346.939 478 273 c 0
+ 442.092 209.948 436 192 377 0 c 1
+ 257 0 l 1
+ 322 207 l 2
+ 354.117 309.281 367 351 367 366 c 0
+ 367 379 358 389 348 389 c 0
+ 335 389 306 368 284 343 c 0
+ 228 276 190 190 137 0 c 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 83 238 l 2
+ 109.763 333.067 118 367 118 381 c 0
+ 118 399 104 407 72 407 c 2
+ 64 407 l 1
+ 64 434 l 1
+ 179 443 200 446 264 461 c 1
+ 200 262 l 1
+ 263 360 330 462 418 462 c 0
+ 460 462 485 436 485 394 c 0
+ 485 366 478 340 459 290 c 1
+ 543 422 589 462 657 462 c 0
+ 701 462 734 431 734 391 c 0
+ 734 365 725.596 327.139 711 284 c 2
+ 656.628 131.282 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: mhook
+Encoding: 625 625 2401
+Width: 727
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+700.638 271.107 m 0
+ 589.368 -72.6289 534.68 -205 360 -205 c 0
+ 300 -205 261 -174 261 -126 c 0
+ 261 -97 285 -72 313 -72 c 0
+ 338 -72 362 -96 362 -120 c 0
+ 362 -145 346 -154 346 -163 c 0
+ 346 -169 354 -174 364 -174 c 0
+ 440.4 -174 462.043 -63.6084 555 207 c 2
+ 600 338 l 2
+ 604 351 607 362 607 368 c 0
+ 607 379 596 389 584 389 c 0
+ 554 389 514.108 346.939 472 273 c 0
+ 436.092 209.948 430 192 371 0 c 1
+ 251 0 l 1
+ 316 207 l 2
+ 348.117 309.281 361 351 361 366 c 0
+ 361 379 352 389 342 389 c 0
+ 329 389 300 368 278 343 c 0
+ 222 276 184 190 131 0 c 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 77 238 l 2
+ 103.763 333.067 112 367 112 381 c 0
+ 112 399 98 407 66 407 c 2
+ 58 407 l 1
+ 58 434 l 1
+ 173 443 194 446 258 461 c 1
+ 194 262 l 1
+ 257 360 324 462 412 462 c 0
+ 454 462 479 436 479 394 c 0
+ 479 366 472 340 453 290 c 1
+ 537 422 583 462 651 462 c 0
+ 695 462 728 431 728 391 c 0
+ 728 343.043 700.794 271.57 700.638 271.107 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nhookleft
+Encoding: 626 626 2402
+Width: 489
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+194 263 m 1
+ 284 396 331 462 417 462 c 0
+ 464 462 490 435 490 387 c 0
+ 490 362.844 479.295 318.31 461.122 263.287 c 0
+ 352.72 -71.7197 300.519 -205 122 -205 c 0
+ 62 -205 23 -174 23 -126 c 0
+ 23 -97 47 -72 75 -72 c 0
+ 100 -72 124 -96 124 -120 c 0
+ 124 -145 108 -154 108 -163 c 0
+ 108 -169 116 -174 126 -174 c 0
+ 187.57 -174 187.011 -165.124 334.883 257.103 c 2
+ 365 348 l 2
+ 368 358 370 366 370 369 c 0
+ 370 379 357 390 345 390 c 0
+ 327 390 296 368 276 341 c 0
+ 214 260 178 173 131 0 c 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 66 204 l 2
+ 99.0166 324.274 112 371 112 382 c 0
+ 112 401 100 406 58 407 c 1
+ 58 434 l 1
+ 114 436 194 447 258 461 c 1
+ 194 263 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rfishhookrev
+Encoding: 639 639 2403
+Width: 364
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+362.969 233 m 2
+ 262.763 -116 l 2
+ 259.305 -128.044 257.068 -135.316 257.068 -145.71 c 0
+ 257.068 -165.258 269.913 -172.421 301.762 -176 c 1
+ 302.561 -200 l 1
+ 24.5605 -200 l 1
+ 23.7617 -176 l 1
+ 94.3604 -174 110.561 -162.177 129.466 -97 c 2
+ 260.574 355 l 2
+ 265.604 372.72 268.715 383.301 268.715 398.826 c 0
+ 268.715 422.057 257.208 432 233.678 432 c 0
+ 208.708 432 198.423 418.96 198.423 408.804 c 0
+ 198.423 398.896 205.676 384.492 205.676 368.751 c 0
+ 205.676 339.93 173.489 301 127.372 301 c 0
+ 97.7891 301 80.6729 316.981 80.6729 342.3 c 0
+ 80.6729 407.453 159.935 463 256.979 463 c 0
+ 355.116 463 387.508 423.503 387.508 359.815 c 0
+ 387.508 314.716 376.378 281.04 362.969 233 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jhookdblbar
+Encoding: 644 644 2404
+Width: 505
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+40.3242 2 m 1
+ 49.6758 46 l 1
+ 124.959 46 l 1
+ 206 407 l 2
+ 233.583 529.871 289 698 442 698 c 0
+ 493 698 540 674 540 618 c 0
+ 540 587 519 565 488 565 c 0
+ 460 565 440 588 440 615 c 0
+ 440 633 456 649 456 655 c 0
+ 456 665 448 669 439 669 c 0
+ 330.467 669 327.107 304.234 248.543 46 c 1
+ 332.676 46 l 1
+ 323.324 2 l 1
+ 233.995 2 l 1
+ 190.935 -117.563 127.326 -205 22 -205 c 0
+ -32 -205 -75 -179 -75 -121 c 0
+ -75 -97 -48 -72 -24 -72 c 0
+ 2 -72 26 -95 26 -121 c 0
+ 26 -140 10 -157 10 -162 c 0
+ 10 -171 19 -174 26 -174 c 0
+ 84.7266 -174 104.64 -52.7354 115.323 2 c 1
+ 40.3242 2 l 1
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+327.651 243 m 2
+ 255.595 -96 l 2
+ 252.653 -109.838 251.169 -121.63 251.169 -131.503 c 0
+ 251.169 -159.442 263.056 -172 287.44 -172 c 0
+ 299.785 -172 323.383 -167.936 323.383 -151.678 c 0
+ 323.383 -139.459 311.761 -122.397 311.761 -104.146 c 0
+ 311.761 -79.065 340.479 -42 383.072 -42 c 0
+ 414.754 -42 433.742 -60.3294 433.742 -88.1993 c 0
+ 433.742 -138.775 377.217 -203 270.851 -203 c 0
+ 164.056 -203 128.801 -146.922 128.801 -71.0488 c 0
+ 128.801 -48.1678 132.008 -23.4865 137.425 2 c 2
+ 214.583 365 l 2
+ 217.639 379.377 219.19 391.499 219.19 401.562 c 0
+ 219.19 429.998 206.801 442 180.95 442 c 0
+ 156.476 442 147.653 429.02 147.653 420.366 c 0
+ 147.653 409.613 158.67 392.77 158.67 374.547 c 0
+ 158.67 349.128 131.233 311 86.1055 311 c 0
+ 54.5342 311 35.5686 329.202 35.5686 357.53 c 0
+ 35.5686 417.476 103.535 473 201.539 473 c 0
+ 309.197 473 341.892 425.468 341.892 350.612 c 0
+ 341.892 319.085 336.092 282.711 327.651 243 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalstop
+Encoding: 660 660 2406
+Width: 390
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+189 615 m 0
+ 189 601 218 579 218 547 c 0
+ 218 515 191 488 157 488 c 0
+ 123 488 96 517 96 555 c 0
+ 96 630 170 684 271 684 c 0
+ 376 684 447 626 447 539 c 0
+ 447 438 298 347 287 307 c 0
+ 251 181 242 152 198 0 c 1
+ 82 0 l 1
+ 170 306 l 2
+ 195 392 320 446 320 573 c 0
+ 320 622 293 653 251 653 c 0
+ 219 653 189 634 189 615 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lmidtilde
+Encoding: 619 619 2407
+Width: 378
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+LayerCount: 2
+332 141 m 1
+ 354 127 l 1
+ 285 22 247 -9 185 -9 c 0
+ 145 -9 118 15 118 51 c 0
+ 118 73.2061 129.129 124.518 147.427 192.263 c 1
+ 136.331 196.501 124.323 199 114.283 199 c 0
+ 92.2832 199 76.9443 188 57.1426 156 c 1
+ 17.1426 156 l 1
+ 45.4473 228 101.225 274 158.225 274 c 0
+ 162.204 274 166.15 273.802 170.062 273.434 c 1
+ 226 473 l 2
+ 246 540 260 602 260 615 c 0
+ 260 633 245 643 218 643 c 0
+ 214 643 208 643 197 642 c 1
+ 197 669 l 1
+ 272 676 320 682 406 699 c 1
+ 277.796 236.58 l 1
+ 285.993 233.768 293.525 232 300.297 232 c 0
+ 323.297 232 338.636 243 360.225 274 c 1
+ 401.225 274 l 1
+ 361.582 191 318.931 155 258.931 155 c 0
+ 257.735 155 256.57 155.012 255.429 155.037 c 1
+ 244.898 114.789 239 88.0215 239 76 c 0
+ 239 68 246 61 254 61 c 0
+ 271 61 292 82 332 141 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hhook
+Encoding: 614 614 2408
+Width: 556
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+461 619 m 0
+ 461 592 440 567 412 567 c 0
+ 385 567 363 589 363 616 c 0
+ 363 637 378 646 378 654 c 0
+ 378 661 361 666 356 666 c 0
+ 319.754 666 299.546 605.091 289.831 567.185 c 2
+ 217 283 l 1
+ 284 379 344 462 429 462 c 0
+ 476 462 505 434 505 387 c 0
+ 505 368 494.888 326.036 475 265 c 2
+ 417 87 l 2
+ 414.061 77.9795 414 77 414 75 c 0
+ 414 68 424 59 431 59 c 0
+ 444 59 463 80 506 142 c 1
+ 528 127 l 1
+ 462 24 422 -9 361 -9 c 0
+ 322 -9 295 15 295 49 c 0
+ 295 103 320 172 367 313 c 0
+ 374.683 334.951 383 357.8 383 369 c 0
+ 383 380 373 390 361 390 c 0
+ 335 390 302 361 260 301 c 0
+ 210 228 189 178 138 0 c 1
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 133 429 l 2
+ 162.85 539.393 218 697 356 697 c 0
+ 404 697 461 675 461 619 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: henghook
+Encoding: 615 615 2409
+Width: 526
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+451 619 m 0
+ 451 592 430 567 402 567 c 0
+ 375 567 353 589 353 616 c 0
+ 353 637 368 646 368 654 c 0
+ 368 661 351 666 346 666 c 0
+ 309.754 666 289.546 605.091 279.831 567.185 c 2
+ 207 283 l 1
+ 274 379 334 462 419 462 c 0
+ 466 462 495 434 495 387 c 0
+ 495 369.772 487.059 325.627 470.309 279.625 c 2
+ 385.972 48 l 2
+ 369.373 2.41309 327.638 -46 327.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 327.638 -120.135 341.037 -136.121 363.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 362.324 -137.664 361.906 -133.599 361.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 361.906 -91.2432 398.799 -52 440.972 -52 c 0
+ 471.75 -52 492.81 -73.7188 492.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 492.81 -147.845 445.733 -204 371.663 -204 c 0
+ 286 -204 235.257 -162.14 235.257 -88.3574 c 0
+ 235.257 -72.0879 235.401 -53.7031 241.585 -35 c 2
+ 355 308 l 2
+ 361.101 326.337 373 356.8 373 369 c 0
+ 373 380 363 390 351 390 c 0
+ 325 390 292 361 250 301 c 0
+ 200 228 179 178 128 0 c 1
+ 7 0 l 1
+ 123 429 l 2
+ 152.85 539.393 208 697 346 697 c 0
+ 394 697 451 675 451 619 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 686 686 2410
+Width: 529
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+Refer: 2409 615 N -1 0 0 -1 579.81 493 2
+Validated: 32769
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+Encoding: 687 687 2411
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+LayerCount: 2
+462.972 -2 m 2
+ 459.914 -12.9805 418.638 -56 418.638 -88.1338 c 0
+ 418.638 -120.135 432.037 -136.121 454.199 -141.67 c 1
+ 453.324 -137.664 452.906 -133.599 452.906 -129.522 c 0
+ 452.906 -91.2432 489.799 -52 531.972 -52 c 0
+ 562.75 -52 583.81 -73.7188 583.81 -102.633 c 0
+ 583.81 -147.845 536.733 -204 462.663 -204 c 0
+ 370 -204 330.257 -162.14 330.257 -88.3574 c 0
+ 330.257 -72.0879 331.203 -53.9492 336.585 -35 c 2
+ 402.81 210 l 1
+ 335.81 114 275.81 31 190.81 31 c 0
+ 143.81 31 114.81 59 114.81 106 c 0
+ 114.81 123.228 124.299 166.84 139.501 213.375 c 2
+ 247.838 545 l 2
+ 251.377 555.834 252.172 570.816 252.172 581.134 c 0
+ 252.172 613.135 238.772 629.121 216.61 634.67 c 1
+ 217.485 630.664 217.903 626.599 217.903 622.521 c 0
+ 217.903 584.243 181.011 545 138.838 545 c 0
+ 108.06 545 87 566.719 87 595.633 c 0
+ 87 640.845 134.076 697 208.146 697 c 0
+ 334.622 697 374.553 655.14 374.553 581.357 c 0
+ 374.553 565.088 374.409 546.703 368.225 528 c 2
+ 254.81 185 l 2
+ 248.743 166.652 236.81 136.2 236.81 124 c 0
+ 236.81 113 246.81 103 258.81 103 c 0
+ 284.81 103 317.81 132 359.81 192 c 0
+ 409.81 265 430.81 315 481.81 493 c 1
+ 602.81 493 l 1
+ 462.972 -2 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: qhook
+Encoding: 672 672 2412
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+LayerCount: 2
+679 619 m 0
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+ 603 567 581 589 581 616 c 0
+ 581 637 596 646 596 654 c 0
+ 596 661 579 666 574 666 c 0
+ 537.754 666 517.854 605.009 507.831 567.185 c 2
+ 392 145 l 2
+ 352.342 0.455078 312 -134 312 -150 c 0
+ 312 -170 327 -178 363 -178 c 2
+ 377 -178 l 1
+ 377 -205 l 1
+ 110 -205 l 1
+ 110 -178 l 1
+ 172 -175 184.65 -166.898 200 -115 c 2
+ 263 98 l 1
+ 211 16 171 -13 111 -13 c 0
+ 47 -13 7 37 7 117 c 0
+ 7 264 148 462 282 462 c 0
+ 323.538 462 338.918 442.509 346.506 418.956 c 1
+ 375.007 533.75 431.933 697 574 697 c 0
+ 622 697 679 675 679 619 c 0
+331 371 m 0
+ 331 408 309 419 293 419 c 0
+ 224 419 132 219 132 116 c 0
+ 132 78 145 59 171 59 c 0
+ 266 59 331 311 331 371 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omegaclosed
+Encoding: 631 631 2413
+Width: 688
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+LayerCount: 2
+306 440 m 2
+ 241.001 439.999 214 371 201 318 c 0
+ 183 245 149 155 149 77 c 0
+ 149 53 155 22 186 22 c 0
+ 247 22 274 79 286 130 c 0
+ 305 209 263 392 388 392 c 0
+ 418 392 443 382 443 348 c 0
+ 443 273 352 178 352 79 c 0
+ 352 44 368 22 405 22 c 0
+ 461 22 488 117 499 160 c 0
+ 515 227 548 312 548 382 c 0
+ 548 428.4 523.036 440 494 440 c 2
+ 306 440 l 2
+314 474 m 2
+ 502 474 l 2
+ 604 474 684 428 684 317 c 0
+ 684 182 581 -13 428 -13 c 0
+ 350 -13 317 21 317 94 c 2
+ 317 104 l 1
+ 315 104 l 1
+ 279 29 233 -13 147 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 15 55 15 143 c 0
+ 15 321 125 474 314 474 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalstopbar
+Encoding: 673 673 2414
+Width: 380
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+52 195 m 1
+ 61 239 l 1
+ 141.062 239 l 1
+ 160.039 306.418 l 2
+ 184.298 392.598 310 445.8 310 573 c 0
+ 310 622 283 653 241 653 c 0
+ 209 653 179 634 179 615 c 0
+ 179 601 208 579 208 547 c 0
+ 208 515 181 488 147 488 c 0
+ 113 488 86 517 86 555 c 0
+ 86 630 160 684 261 684 c 0
+ 366 684 437 626 437 539 c 0
+ 437 437.8 288 347 277 307 c 0
+ 269.822 281.587 263.587 259.431 257.844 239 c 1
+ 344 239 l 1
+ 335 195 l 1
+ 245.48 195 l 1
+ 228.669 135.199 216.418 98.2256 188 0 c 1
+ 72 0 l 1
+ 128.676 195 l 1
+ 52 195 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 607 607 2415
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+LayerCount: 2
+388 299 m 1
+ 379 257 l 1
+ 299.644 257 l 1
+ 239 24 l 2
+ 198.68 -130.917 130 -207 30 -207 c 0
+ -32 -207 -75 -176 -75 -130 c 0
+ -75 -101 -52 -77 -26 -77 c 0
+ 1 -77 23 -99 23 -126 c 0
+ 23 -148 8 -155 8 -164 c 0
+ 8 -169 21 -176 32 -176 c 0
+ 60 -176 77 -145 103 -45 c 2
+ 181.265 257 l 1
+ 99 257 l 1
+ 108 299 l 1
+ 192.149 299 l 1
+ 195 310 l 2
+ 202 339 207 364 207 376 c 0
+ 207 402 195 407 145 407 c 1
+ 145 434 l 1
+ 257 444 294 449 353 462 c 1
+ 310.575 299 l 1
+ 388 299 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zretroflexhook
+Encoding: 656 656 2416
+Width: 604
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+407.75 -227 m 0
+ 340.196 -227 318.702 -192.814 318.702 -135.87 c 0
+ 318.702 -116.506 320.792 -96.4512 324.789 -72.3379 c 1
+ 312.416 -76.1553 297.912 -78 281 -78 c 0
+ 193 -78 123 5 77 5 c 0
+ 67 5 60 3 25 -23 c 1
+ 0 -1 l 1
+ 292 353 l 1
+ 147 353 l 2
+ 117 353 101 338 84 292 c 1
+ 56 295 l 1
+ 99 449 l 1
+ 411 449 l 1
+ 411 439 l 1
+ 130 104 l 1
+ 252 51 229 -49 284 -49 c 0
+ 301 -49 330 -42 339 0 c 1
+ 383 0 l 1
+ 360.257 -107 l 2
+ 358.332 -116.054 357.429 -124.319 357.429 -131.832 c 0
+ 357.429 -175.769 388.335 -194 426.764 -194 c 0
+ 454.448 -194 479.188 -178.919 479.188 -156.297 c 0
+ 479.188 -140.325 463.81 -132.322 463.81 -110.102 c 0
+ 463.81 -73.0029 505.374 -23 554.111 -23 c 0
+ 586.505 -23 610.293 -49.0615 610.293 -81.0518 c 0
+ 610.293 -132.315 548.349 -227 407.75 -227 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shook
+Encoding: 642 642 2417
+Width: 365
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+71.75 -227 m 0
+ 4.19629 -227 -17.2979 -192.814 -17.2979 -135.87 c 1
+ -17.2979 -93.5 -7 -22 23 153 c 1
+ 50 150 l 1
+ 55 118 69 17 146 17 c 0
+ 178 17 203 41 203 71 c 0
+ 203 144 67 221 67 336 c 0
+ 67 412 120 462 201 462 c 0
+ 240 462 273 440 295 440 c 0
+ 310 440 313 442 324 461 c 1
+ 353 461 l 1
+ 330 308 l 1
+ 303 310 l 1
+ 287 393 261 429 215 429 c 0
+ 183 429 162 408 162 376 c 0
+ 162 313 299 224 299 119 c 0
+ 299 44 235 -13 151 -13 c 0
+ 106 -13 77 7 57 7 c 0
+ 53.3555 7 49.79 6.37109 46.457 5.20215 c 1
+ 24.2568 -107 l 2
+ 22.46 -116.08 21.4287 -124.319 21.4287 -131.832 c 0
+ 21.4287 -175.769 52.335 -194 90.7637 -194 c 0
+ 118.448 -194 143.188 -178.919 143.188 -156.297 c 0
+ 143.188 -140.325 127.81 -132.322 127.81 -110.102 c 0
+ 127.81 -73.0029 169.374 -23 218.111 -23 c 0
+ 250.505 -23 274.293 -49.0615 274.293 -81.0518 c 0
+ 274.293 -132.315 212.349 -227 71.75 -227 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gsmallhook
+Encoding: 667 667 2418
+Width: 655
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+642.639 467 m 0
+ 608.568 467 583.991 493.712 583.991 527.133 c 0
+ 583.991 575.864 626.828 582.221 626.828 611.883 c 0
+ 626.828 627.633 612.098 638 587.986 638 c 0
+ 542.986 638 498.913 612.719 484.493 551 c 2
+ 429.1 310.88 l 1
+ 409.67 313.56 l 1
+ 407.66 387.93 386.22 434.83 316.54 434.83 c 0
+ 194.6 434.83 125.59 255.94 125.59 139.36 c 0
+ 125.59 57.6201 164.45 13.4004 235.47 13.4004 c 0
+ 261.6 13.4004 289.07 22.1104 298.45 33.5 c 0
+ 302.47 38.8604 337.31 148.74 337.31 179.56 c 0
+ 337.31 199.66 315.2 201 287.73 203.68 c 1
+ 287.73 221.1 l 1
+ 480.02 221.1 l 1
+ 480.02 203.68 l 1
+ 444.51 201 439.82 195.64 427.09 148.74 c 2
+ 394.93 27.4697 l 1
+ 347.106 5.2666 289.606 -12.0596 219.39 -12.0596 c 0
+ 102.14 -12.0596 21.0703 61.6396 21.0703 168.17 c 0
+ 21.0703 303.104 125.635 458.95 307.16 458.95 c 0
+ 371.48 458.95 393.59 438.85 414.36 438.85 c 0
+ 427.054 438.85 434.337 443.66 441.335 456.699 c 0
+ 463 549 l 2
+ 473.756 594.823 513 671 583 671 c 0
+ 681 671 730.618 637 730.618 563.633 c 0
+ 730.618 496.855 673.604 467 642.639 467 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lezh
+Encoding: 622 622 2419
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+633 432 m 1
+ 409 256 l 1
+ 424 259 440 261 456 261 c 0
+ 545 261 589 196 589 112 c 0
+ 589 -64 435 -217 259 -217 c 0
+ 208 -217 104 -178 104 -115 c 0
+ 104 -81 132 -53 166 -53 c 0
+ 200 -53 228 -81 228 -115 c 0
+ 228 -137 217 -158 197 -168 c 1
+ 211 -176 231 -186 248 -186 c 0
+ 379 -186 464 -61 464 62 c 0
+ 464 139 416 172 343 172 c 0
+ 318 172 293 163 269 158 c 1
+ 258 180 l 1
+ 331 238 403 297 478 353 c 1
+ 297 353 l 2
+ 260 353 245 322 234 292 c 1
+ 207.935 294.793 l 1
+ 175 176 l 2
+ 161 124 153 90 153 76 c 0
+ 153 68 160 61 168 61 c 0
+ 185 61 206 82 246 141 c 1
+ 268 127 l 1
+ 199 22 161 -9 99 -9 c 0
+ 59 -9 32 15 32 51 c 0
+ 32 75 45 133 66 209 c 2
+ 140 473 l 2
+ 160 540 174 602 174 615 c 0
+ 174 633 159 643 132 643 c 0
+ 128 643 122 643 111 642 c 1
+ 111 669 l 1
+ 186 676 234 682 320 699 c 1
+ 250.688 449 l 1
+ 633 449 l 1
+ 633 432 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gammasuper
+Encoding: 736 736 2420
+Width: 374
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 947 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 153 476 2
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+StartChar: lsuper
+Encoding: 737 737 2421
+Width: 227
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+Refer: 76 108 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 153 372 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ssuper
+Encoding: 738 738 2422
+Width: 264
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+Refer: 83 115 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 135 383 2
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+StartChar: xsuper
+Encoding: 739 739 2423
+Width: 340
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+Refer: 88 120 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 138 389 2
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+StartChar: uni035B
+Encoding: 859 859 2424
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+AnchorPoint: "above" -140 449 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-122.858 744 m 25
+ -47.8584 744 l 25
+ -101.051 649 l 25
+ 36.9492 649 l 25
+ -55.8477 490 l 25
+ -128.848 490 l 25
+ -72.7168 580 l 25
+ -215.717 580 l 25
+ -122.858 744 l 25
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalstopmod
+Encoding: 704 704 2425
+Width: 340
+VWidth: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+261.153 713.44 m 0
+ 261.153 699.627 276.43 694.3 276.43 673.968 c 0
+ 276.43 643.718 252.042 619.92 223.144 619.92 c 0
+ 200.701 619.92 186.441 635.503 186.441 658.427 c 0
+ 186.441 703.747 237.899 769.52 336.543 769.52 c 0
+ 407.959 769.52 451.233 735.143 451.233 680.976 c 0
+ 451.233 629.85 415.573 574.986 365.396 543.76 c 0
+ 327.213 519.998 321.425 499.86 312.913 460 c 1
+ 218.398 460 l 1
+ 247.058 590.468 351.383 562.935 351.383 691.808 c 0
+ 351.383 729.438 333.222 745.04 308.899 745.04 c 0
+ 283.412 745.04 261.153 732.4 261.153 713.44 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalstopreversedmod
+Encoding: 705 705 2426
+Width: 340
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+398.143 722.465 m 0
+ 398.143 736.183 384.027 745.04 361.94 745.04 c 0
+ 306.983 745.04 282.763 668.609 282.763 628.613 c 0
+ 282.763 569.444 335.752 569.322 335.752 499.378 c 0
+ 335.752 488.208 334.4 475.257 331.266 460 c 1
+ 236.751 460 l 1
+ 240.091 475.784 242.542 488.475 242.542 499.524 c 0
+ 242.542 516.377 236.837 529.407 219.876 543.76 c 0
+ 196.163 563.825 181.665 593.567 181.665 628.431 c 0
+ 181.665 713.084 254.596 769.52 344.703 769.52 c 0
+ 411.258 769.52 453.719 737.219 453.719 689.861 c 0
+ 453.719 649.906 426.159 619.92 394.505 619.92 c 0
+ 372.548 619.92 359.688 632.685 359.688 652.374 c 0
+ 359.688 693.922 398.143 697.46 398.143 722.465 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: OEsmallcap
+Encoding: 630 630 2427
+Width: 700
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+464 21 m 0
+ 579 21 630 71 668 133 c 1
+ 685 130 l 1
+ 645 0 l 1
+ 260 0 l 1
+ 237 -8 212 -12 184 -12 c 0
+ 90 -12 16 52 16 148 c 0
+ 16 276 145 459 309 459 c 0
+ 331 459 352 455 371 448 c 1
+ 730 448 l 1
+ 701 321 l 1
+ 683 324 l 1
+ 683 384 671 427 559 427 c 0
+ 532 427 524 421 517 397 c 2
+ 476 248 l 1
+ 557.796 248 579.306 250.731 614 319 c 1
+ 632 316 l 1
+ 583 133 l 1
+ 564 137 l 1
+ 566 149 567 157 567 166 c 0
+ 567 212 547 225 470 226 c 1
+ 433 86 l 2
+ 431.445 80.1182 423 50.5 423 44 c 0
+ 423 28 435 21 464 21 c 0
+306 436 m 0
+ 183.837 436 123 173.739 123 92 c 0
+ 123 42 149 11 191 11 c 0
+ 311.3 11 374 271.482 374 356 c 0
+ 374 404 347 436 306 436 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: epsilonlatinrev
+Encoding: 604 604 2428
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+LayerCount: 2
+10.8936 103 m 1
+ 42.2939 119 l 1
+ 53.3037 72 113.015 33 166.015 33 c 0
+ 260 33 293.336 77.3916 293.336 136.818 c 0
+ 293.336 173 273 225 235.825 225 c 0
+ 209.825 225 184.637 210 158.637 210 c 0
+ 139.543 210 125.656 216.779 125.656 234.261 c 0
+ 125.656 247.113 134.943 278 172.091 278 c 0
+ 196.091 278 215.115 264 240.115 264 c 0
+ 299.573 264 337.946 316 337.946 365.372 c 0
+ 337.946 392.283 318.108 432 282.824 432 c 0
+ 215.824 432 192 335 125.206 335 c 0
+ 103.948 335 92.3174 353.076 92.3174 372.628 c 0
+ 92.3174 428.651 180.416 463 293.052 463 c 0
+ 361.554 463 449.587 440.138 449.587 366.318 c 0
+ 449.587 300.188 388.869 245.821 303.651 243 c 1
+ 361.824 234.169 414.061 212.081 414.061 153.319 c 0
+ 414.061 86.792 356.568 -13 204.236 -13 c 0
+ 102.236 -13 44.5508 12 10.8936 103 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02ac
+Encoding: 684 684 2429
+Width: 458
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2398 695 N 1 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Refer: 2398 695 N 1 0 0 1 -80 -380 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dzaltone
+Encoding: 675 675 2430
+Width: 752
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+424 5 m 0
+ 372.179 5 367.867 -11 337 -11 c 0
+ 299 -11 267 12 267 51 c 0
+ 267 66 270 81 278 118 c 1
+ 221 23 175 -13 112 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 6 40 6 112 c 0
+ 6 269 156 462 278 462 c 0
+ 307 462 326 453 350 429 c 1
+ 369 497 l 2
+ 389.307 569.679 397 606 397 615 c 0
+ 397 633 382 643 356 643 c 2
+ 335 643 l 1
+ 335 670 l 1
+ 435 678 484 685 544 699 c 1
+ 475.481 449 l 1
+ 758 449 l 1
+ 758 439 l 1
+ 477 104 l 1
+ 599 51 576 -49 631 -49 c 0
+ 643 -49 653 -42 653 -33 c 0
+ 653 -23 633 -8 633 13 c 0
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+97 50 m 1
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+468 -68 m 0
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+ -125.933 -148.793 -35.2549 -119.172 40.4961 -56.4375 c 1
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+ -361.758 741 -453.922 709.362 -530.39 644.372 c 1
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+-241 840 m 0
+ 82 840 297 628 297 301 c 0
+ 297 -5 89 -238 -243 -238 c 0
+ -569 -238 -781 -5 -781 301 c 0
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+ 1 -113 l 1
+ 1 -180.5 l 1
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+ -190.25 -259.964 -156.322 -214.083 -129.737 -180 c 1
+ -623 -180 l 1
+ -623 -112.5 l 1
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+ 342 325 l 1
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+ 195 449 l 1
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+ 621 604 619.5 596 619 594 c 2
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+ 654 449 l 1
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+ 336.694 442.32 336.185 437.94 336.185 433.982 c 0
+ 336.185 417.191 345.363 407.971 363.722 406.32 c 1
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+ 197.733 390 l 1
+ 201.202 406.32 l 1
+ 223.786 407 237.412 419.92 243.194 447.12 c 2
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+ 267.986 563.761 270.64 577.031 270.64 588.524 c 0
+ 270.64 638.501 209.762 635.104 209.762 717.432 c 0
+ 209.762 802.085 282.692 858.52 372.8 858.52 c 0
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+ 481.816 738.905 454.257 708.92 422.602 708.92 c 0
+ 400.645 708.92 387.784 721.685 387.784 741.375 c 0
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+ 213.25 396.883 296.247 362.571 296.247 292.759 c 0
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+ 365 653 335 634 335 615 c 0
+277 135 m 0
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+ 6 -81 l 1
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+ 501 -45 l 1
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+ 613.467 515 l 1
+ 593.911 423 l 1
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+ 647.688 676 l 1
+ 627.283 580 l 1
+ 143.283 580 l 1
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+ 578.539 531.46 532.484 417.104 442.468 308 c 1
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+ 537.543 -180.825 252.486 -197 235.126 -197 c 1
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+ 183 0 l 25
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+ 83 0 l 25
+ 12 0 l 25
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+ 218.27 133 338.642 290 338.642 290 c 17
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+400.979 -29.8701 m 0
+ 140.747 -29.8701 173.078 14.4199 71.2773 14.4199 c 0
+ 52.7373 14.4199 32.6514 9.26953 15.2441 -4.12012 c 1
+ 7.20996 0 l 1
+ 36.1562 58.71 107.137 89.3096 159.667 89.3096 c 0
+ 259.577 89.3096 323.319 249.26 361.741 322.39 c 0
+ 439.102 469.631 502.459 572.68 666.233 655.08 c 1
+ 489.66 650.839 288.376 498.12 288.376 376.722 c 0
+ 288.376 366.566 291.436 357.808 300.363 352.26 c 1
+ 294.287 349.17 288.827 348.14 282.647 348.14 c 0
+ 247.065 348.14 217.624 393.469 217.624 430.38 c 0
+ 217.624 587.448 525.348 692.16 766.969 692.16 c 0
+ 905.906 692.16 1020.98 608.39 1020.98 477.328 c 0
+ 1020.98 299.188 797.372 -29.8701 400.979 -29.8701 c 0
+944.667 -138 m 1
+ 929.418 -174.382 906.938 -212 854.938 -212 c 0
+ 838.922 -212 808.827 -204.935 808.827 -172.026 c 0
+ 808.827 -146.477 825.275 -115.778 837.445 -92 c 2
+ 968.754 164.55 l 2
+ 1040.65 309.615 1167.53 462 1333.2 462 c 0
+ 1423.68 462 1479.06 416.827 1479.06 336.431 c 0
+ 1479.06 186.056 1304.39 -13 1114.24 -13 c 0
+ 1073.19 -13 1039.22 1.24805 1016.5 25.4307 c 1
+ 973.414 -73.0244 944.687 -137.91 944.667 -138 c 1
+1397.99 357.707 m 0
+ 1397.99 405.593 1357.66 433 1324.04 433 c 0
+ 1197.87 433 1082.96 160.195 1082.96 73.9069 c 0
+ 1082.96 31.5068 1106.06 17 1129.61 17 c 0
+ 1247.7 17 1397.99 276.778 1397.99 357.707 c 0
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+ 405 -176 447 -80 467 1 c 1
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+ 181 0 l 1
+ -27 0 l 1
+ -27 25 l 1
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+ 111 669 l 1
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+ 237 -92.333 218.333 -13 216 -3 c 1
+275.949 141.57 m 1
+ 355.439 262.376 415 373.483 415 402 c 0
+ 415 418 409 423 378 425 c 1
+ 382 449 l 1
+ 511 449 l 1
+ 507 425 l 1
+ 480 422 474 412 453 371 c 0
+ 393.877 255.569 367 189 288 86 c 1
+ 299 39 319 -62 319 -107 c 0
+ 319 -192 229 -221 171 -221 c 0
+ 123 -221 70 -181 70 -140 c 0
+ 70 -65.3965 152.333 -12.6846 199.752 39.8838 c 1
+ 186.611 131.277 119.103 385.298 84 406 c 0
+ 77 410 72 411 54 411 c 1
+ 54 438 l 1
+ 119 444 155 450 203 462 c 1
+ 221 415 250.036 303.525 269 185 c 2
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+ 223 50 232 48 242 48 c 0
+ 305.488 48 352.303 101.577 352.303 132.499 c 0
+183 72 m 1
+ 236 135 294 190 341 190 c 0
+ 364.657 190 390.797 177.582 390.797 150.486 c 0
+ 390.797 48.0371 262.855 -19 171 -19 c 0
+ 168 -19 164 -18 161 -18 c 1
+ 141 -46 120 -74 98 -102 c 1
+ 59 -98 l 1
+ 122 -11 l 1
+ 57.2285 9.75977 17.9707 71.8945 17.9707 155.935 c 0
+ 17.9707 324.593 140.494 451 272 451 c 0
+ 342.533 451 391.25 411.564 391.25 359.592 c 0
+ 391.25 313.749 360.047 285 321 285 c 0
+ 294.866 285 282.072 299.673 282.072 330.108 c 0
+ 282.072 346.23 289.904 389.753 289.904 392.509 c 0
+ 289.904 408.928 276.548 420 259 420 c 0
+ 197.774 420 149.495 294.858 149.495 184.391 c 0
+ 149.495 134.026 161.091 95.2783 183 72 c 1
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+83 307 m 1
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+ 114 423 168 462 244 462 c 0
+ 331.525 462 394.998 398.75 394.998 313.95 c 1
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+ 479.777 413.314 501 422 510 440 c 1
+ 517 342 l 2
+ 518 329 524 319 536 319 c 0
+ 551 319 572 333 585 357 c 1
+ 586.652 350.944 587.394 344.889 587.394 339 c 0
+ 587.394 299.816 555.51 266 539 266 c 0
+ 483 266 482 284 476 341 c 1
+ 474 366 l 1
+ 448.39 329.415 432.819 296.176 392.09 273.934 c 1
+ 371.029 123.995 239.014 -13 107 -13 c 0
+ 46 -13 2 23 2 74 c 0
+ 2 117 32 223 259 267 c 1
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+ 265 370 243 398 200 398 c 0
+ 158 398 130 376 83 307 c 1
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+15 98 m 1x96
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+ 184 216 162 201 140 201 c 0
+ 123.465 201 112.231 207.816 112.231 225.403 c 0
+ 112.231 253.087 130.237 269 151 269 c 0xd2
+ 172 269 188 255 209 255 c 0
+ 253.894 255 266.05 326.31 266.05 369.568 c 0
+ 266.05 396.151 257.682 418 227 418 c 0
+ 170 418 178 328 111 328 c 0
+ 92.8652 328 82.1875 345.152 82.1875 364 c 0
+ 82.1875 438.82 211.997 452 255 452 c 0xba
+ 313 452 389 428 393 361 c 1
+ 464 400 l 2
+ 481 408 496 423 505 440 c 1
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+ 514 333 519 323 531 323 c 0
+ 546 323 567 336 580 360 c 1
+ 581.652 353.944 582.394 348.192 582.394 342.576 c 0
+ 582.394 303.556 550.281 270 534 270 c 0
+ 478 270 478 288 472 345 c 2
+ 469 369 l 1
+ 387 324 l 1
+ 371 266 315 236 265 234 c 1
+ 317.715 225.959 364.043 200.355 364.043 142.211 c 0
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+ 96 -13 46 11 15 98 c 1x96
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+ 87 272 39 284 39 340 c 0
+ 39 401 84 433 138 433 c 0
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+ 246 676 294 682 380 699 c 1
+ 274 315 l 1
+ 394 315 l 1
+ 386 269 l 1
+ 261 269 l 1
+ 235 176 l 2
+ 221 124 213 90 213 76 c 0
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+ 245 61 266 82 306 141 c 1
+155 313 m 1
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+ 98 384 86 368 86 345 c 0
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+ 14 -210 -40 -166 -40 -102 c 0
+ -40 -12 44 53 120 53 c 0
+ 167 53 195 40 219 29 c 1
+ 302 407 l 2
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+ 589 698 636 674 636 618 c 0
+94 -153 m 0
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+ 361.67 462 430.948 424.328 430.948 302.218 c 0
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+365 136 m 0
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+ 220 433 174 406 174 334 c 0
+ 174 298 208 258 232 258 c 0
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+ 331 277 346 259.5 346 242.5 c 0
+ 346 214.5 325 203 304 203 c 0
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+ 406 42.2803 388.738 -22.7324 357.759 -75.8262 c 1
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+ 350 -237 l 1
+ 344.167 -188.673 329.31 -152.148 319.31 -128.005 c 1
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+ 64 -210 10 -166 10 -102 c 0
+ 10 -12 94 53 170 53 c 0
+ 224.107 53 256.458 38.2051 280.042 27.2891 c 1
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+ 281 139 233 172 160 172 c 0
+ 135 172 110 163 86 158 c 1
+ 75 180 l 1
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+ 77 353 62 322 51 292 c 1
+ 23 295 l 1
+ 66 449 l 1
+ 450 449 l 1
+ 450 432 l 1
+270.81 -42.7607 m 1
+ 251.737 -18.874 212.385 0 178 0 c 0
+ 127.91 0 86 -49 86 -95 c 0
+ 86 -129 113 -153 144 -153 c 0
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+ 249 -19 265 -63 325 -63 c 0
+175.724 -50.6992 m 1
+ 166.614 -73.4502 150.787 -96.6279 130 -158 c 1
+ 87 -142 l 1
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+ 67 5 60 3 25 -23 c 1
+ 0 -1 l 1
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+ 56 295 l 1
+ 99 449 l 1
+ 411 449 l 1
+ 411 439 l 1
+ 130 104 l 1
+ 155.828 92.7803 175.157 79.0049 190.103 64.2607 c 1
+ 227.147 110.518 272.884 143 329 143 c 0
+ 391.499 143 433.02 100.395 433.02 38.543 c 0
+ 433.02 -44.9727 380.804 -110 306 -110 c 0
+ 255.524 -110 222.671 -80.3291 175.724 -50.6992 c 1
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+ 258 59 335 319 335 370 c 0
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+ 513.614 -73.4502 497.787 -96.6289 477 -158 c 1
+ 434 -142 l 1
+ 446.692 -105.191 462.809 -63.0449 482.987 -22.6562 c 1
+ 460.38 -7.14453 440.623 5 424 5 c 0
+ 372.179 5 367.867 -11 337 -11 c 0
+ 299 -11 267 12 267 51 c 0
+ 267 66 270 81 278 118 c 1
+ 221 23 175 -13 112 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 6 40 6 112 c 0
+ 6 269 156 462 278 462 c 0
+ 307 462 326 453 350 429 c 1
+ 369 497 l 2
+ 389.307 569.679 397 606 397 615 c 0
+ 397 633 382 643 356 643 c 2
+ 335 643 l 1
+ 335 670 l 1
+ 435 678 484 685 544 699 c 1
+ 475.481 449 l 1
+ 758 449 l 1
+ 758 439 l 1
+ 477 104 l 1
+ 502.827 92.7803 522.156 79.0049 537.104 64.2607 c 1
+ 574.146 110.518 619.884 143 676 143 c 0
+ 738.499 143 780.02 100.395 780.02 38.543 c 0
+ 780.02 -44.9727 727.804 -110 653 -110 c 0
+ 602.524 -110 569.671 -80.3291 522.724 -50.6992 c 1
+672 -63 m 0
+ 706.997 -63 742.588 -29.459 742.588 14.2178 c 0
+ 742.588 53.1309 711.24 90 658 90 c 0
+ 614.474 90 579 57 568 24 c 1
+ 596 -19 612 -63 672 -63 c 0
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+ 376 71 l 1
+ 376 65 382 59 387 59 c 0
+ 391.072 59 397.072 59.7051 401.267 64.7891 c 2
+ 639 353 l 1
+ 494 353 l 2
+ 466.829 353 451.143 340.696 435.796 304.202 c 1
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+ 150.361 0 126.921 0 93 0 c 0
+ 42.9102 0 1 -49 1 -95 c 0
+ 1 -129 28 -153 59 -153 c 0
+ 114.479 -153 166.91 -72.3594 182.487 -12.251 c 1
+266 310 m 0
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+ 278 402 266 407 216 407 c 1
+ 216 434 l 1
+ 328 444 365 449 424 462 c 1
+ 310 24 l 2
+ 306.442 10.3301 302.663 -2.64746 298.662 -14.9492 c 1
+ 317 -28.667 367.829 -81.9688 391 -114 c 1
+ 351 -145 l 1
+ 329 -106 300 -88 278.31 -68.0049 c 1
+ 239.186 -143.784 198 -210 58 -210 c 0
+ -22 -210 -75 -166 -75 -102 c 0
+ -75 -12 9 53 85 53 c 0
+ 139.107 53 170.458 45.2051 194.042 34.2891 c 1
+ 225.45 122.138 242.479 219.242 266 310 c 0
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+ 166.219 195 l 1
+ 77.6484 195 l 1
+ 87 239 l 1
+ 175.518 239 l 1
+ 176.106 243.351 176.371 247.543 176.371 251.582 c 0
+ 176.371 298.801 170.787 325.772 133.883 357 c 0
+ 98.8018 386.685 76.7979 430.772 76.7979 482.44 c 0
+ 76.7979 574.947 144.25 685 306.451 685 c 0
+ 402.805 685 457.149 642.032 457.149 574.915 c 0
+ 457.149 525.042 430.468 488 379.689 488 c 0
+ 347.4 488 328.487 506.772 328.487 535.729 c 0
+ 328.487 582 375.039 583.949 375.039 619.8 c 0
+ 375.039 639.975 364.281 653 331.8 653 c 0
+ 250.707 653 216.25 540.823 216.25 487.553 c 0
+ 216.25 396.883 299.247 362.571 299.247 292.759 c 0
+ 299.247 281.756 295.439 260.73 290.826 239 c 1
+ 370 239 l 1
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+ 471 285 l 1xd0
+ 433 92 l 1
+ 403 88 l 1
+ 403.482 99.0898 404.081 111.227 404.081 123.26 c 0
+ 404.081 161.14 398.151 198 364 198 c 2xc8
+453 583 m 2
+ 229 583 l 2
+ 184 583 159 519 140 473 c 1
+ 111 477 l 1xe8
+ 162 670 l 1
+ 560 670 l 1xd0
+ 522 477 l 1
+ 491 473 l 1
+ 491.518 484.911 492.237 498.029 492.237 510.931 c 0
+ 492.237 547.854 486.348 583 453 583 c 2
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+ 652 331 626 302 590 302 c 0
+ 557 302 532 324 532 354 c 0
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+ 553 422 543 429 531 429 c 0
+ 432 429 383 252 383 141 c 0
+ 383 128 383 120 384 113 c 1
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+ 578 193 620 151 620 89 c 0
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+ 440 -48 390 -22 360 -7 c 1
+ 351 -28 336 -52 317 -108 c 1
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+ 285 -60 299 -24 317 13 c 1
+ 287 33 267 64 259 102 c 1
+ 202 18 164 -9 109 -9 c 0
+ 67 -9 39 17 39 56 c 0
+ 39 73 48 118 63 169 c 2
+ 131 407 l 1
+ 80 407 l 1
+ 80 442 l 1
+ 159 472 209 513 263 594 c 1
+ 298 594 l 1
+ 259 449 l 1
+ 331 449 l 1
+512 -1 m 0
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+ 454 140 419 104 408 71 c 1
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+ 379 -161 l 1
+ 226 -284 l 2
+ 221 -288 210 -300 199 -300 c 0
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+ -323 -193 l 1
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+ 252 -126 l 1
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+Refer: 42 74 S 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 607 6 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: unifff9
+Encoding: 65529 65529 2532
+Width: 0
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+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: unifffa
+Encoding: 65530 65530 2533
+Width: 0
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+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: unifffb
+Encoding: 65531 65531 2534
+Width: 0
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+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: uni1da5
+Encoding: 7589 7589 2535
+Width: 242
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1541 617 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 111 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1da8
+Encoding: 7592 7592 2536
+Width: 380
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2513 669 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 142 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1da9
+Encoding: 7593 7593 2537
+Width: 236
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2379 621 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 112 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dac
+Encoding: 7596 7596 2538
+Width: 497
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2401 625 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 98 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dad
+Encoding: 7597 7597 2539
+Width: 529
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2400 624 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 102 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dae
+Encoding: 7598 7598 2540
+Width: 401
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2402 626 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 98 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1daf
+Encoding: 7599 7599 2541
+Width: 404
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2377 627 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 101 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db0
+Encoding: 7600 7600 2542
+Width: 364
+VWidth: 1045
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2373 628 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 88 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db1
+Encoding: 7601 7601 2543
+Width: 349
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1300 629 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 100 389 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db2
+Encoding: 7602 7602 2544
+Width: 412
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2382 632 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 98 404 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db3
+Encoding: 7603 7603 2545
+Width: 224
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2417 642 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 90 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db4
+Encoding: 7604 7604 2546
+Width: 332
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1452 643 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 118 432 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db5
+Encoding: 7605 7605 2547
+Width: 197
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1426 427 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 100 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db6
+Encoding: 7606 7606 2548
+Width: 344
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1298 649 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 100 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db7
+Encoding: 7607 7607 2549
+Width: 356
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1454 650 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 110 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db9
+Encoding: 7609 7609 2550
+Width: 334
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1455 651 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 100 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbc
+Encoding: 7612 7612 2551
+Width: 453
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2416 656 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 80 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbd
+Encoding: 7613 7613 2552
+Width: 318
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2511 657 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 90 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbe
+Encoding: 7614 7614 2553
+Width: 317
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 658 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 100 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbf
+Encoding: 7615 7615 2554
+Width: 348
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 531 952 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 120 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d9b
+Encoding: 7579 7579 2555
+Width: 385
+VWidth: 790
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1294 594 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 98 388 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d9d
+Encoding: 7581 7581 2556
+Width: 285
+VWidth: 1169
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2504 597 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 98 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d9e
+Encoding: 7582 7582 2557
+Width: 341
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 173 240 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 105 389 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d9f
+Encoding: 7583 7583 2558
+Width: 320
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2428 604 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 85 389 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d00
+Encoding: 7424 7424 2559
+Width: 611
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d01
+Encoding: 7425 7425 2560
+Width: 587
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 131 198 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d03
+Encoding: 7427 7427 2561
+Width: 437
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1763 579 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d04
+Encoding: 7428 7428 2562
+Width: 428
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d05
+Encoding: 7429 7429 2563
+Width: 450
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 36 68 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d07
+Encoding: 7431 7431 2564
+Width: 401
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0a
+Encoding: 7434 7434 2565
+Width: 268
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0f
+Encoding: 7439 7439 2566
+Width: 443
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0d
+Encoding: 7437 7437 2567
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0b
+Encoding: 7435 7435 2568
+Width: 449
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1a
+Encoding: 7450 7450 2569
+Width: 390
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 S -0.66 0 0 -0.66 436.1 430.98 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1b
+Encoding: 7451 7451 2570
+Width: 350
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1c
+Encoding: 7452 7452 2571
+Width: 449
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d18
+Encoding: 7448 7448 2572
+Width: 361
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d20
+Encoding: 7456 7456 2573
+Width: 384
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 54 86 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d21
+Encoding: 7457 7457 2574
+Width: 527
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 55 87 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d22
+Encoding: 7458 7458 2575
+Width: 395
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1da4
+Encoding: 7588 7588 2576
+Width: 218
+VWidth: 1119
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1299 616 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 102 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db8
+Encoding: 7608 7608 2577
+Width: 354
+VWidth: 850
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2571 7452 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 83 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uniA7FA
+Encoding: 43002 43002 2578
+Width: 763
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 77 109 S -1 0 0 -1 727 449 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cyrillic_ukrainian_yi_yi_lig
+Encoding: 59652 -1 2579
+Width: 518
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 241 0 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 204 0 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -100 0 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 52 0 2
+Refer: 409 729 N 1 0 0 1 -251 0 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Cyrillic subtable" yicyrillic yicyrillic
+StartChar: serb.be
+Encoding: 59654 -1 2580
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+346 674 m 0
+ 396 674 408 658 446 658 c 0
+ 461 658 492 661 517 667 c 1
+ 522 637 l 1
+ 484 613 434 574 390 574 c 0
+ 331 574 316 592 279 592 c 0
+ 229 592 188 576 188 525 c 0
+ 188 498 207 462 311 462 c 0
+ 405 462 468 398 468 311 c 0
+ 468 142 332 -13 183 -13 c 0
+ 91 -13 24 45 24 149 c 0
+ 24 275 110 395 217 442 c 1
+ 174 452 152 484 152 519 c 0
+ 152 628 273 674 346 674 c 0
+349 369 m 0
+ 349 402 339 433 301 433 c 0
+ 198 433 143 166 143 86 c 0
+ 143 50 151 16 195 16 c 0
+ 291 16 349 294 349 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: serb.alt_sha
+Encoding: 59655 -1 2581
+Width: 776
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 63 95 S 1 0 0 1 60 0 2
+Refer: 625 1096 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: macedon.gje
+Encoding: 59656 -1 2582
+Width: 292
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 -40 103 2
+Refer: 232 299 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dapostrophe
+Encoding: 59584 -1 2583
+Width: 653
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 N 1 0 0 1 402 0 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" d commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" d commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: lapostrophe
+Encoding: 59585 -1 2584
+Width: 425
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 N 1 0 0 1 174 0 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" l commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" l commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: tapostrophe
+Encoding: 59586 -1 2585
+Width: 430
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 N 1 0 0 1 179 0 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" t commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" t commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: gradient
+Encoding: 8711 8711 2586
+Width: 612
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8710 S -1 0 0 -1 724 670 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: asteriskmath
+Encoding: 8727 8727 2587
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 10 42 S 0.8 0 0 0.8 60.1 -105.9 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bulletoperator
+Encoding: 8729 8729 2588
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+294.8 428 m 0
+ 387.2 428 458 356 458 263.6 c 0
+ 458 177.2 384.8 104 296 104 c 0
+ 206 104 134 176 134 267.2 c 0
+ 134 356 204.8 428 294.8 428 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: emptyset
+Encoding: 8709 8709 2589
+Width: 746
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+114 -18 m 5
+ 52 44 l 5
+ 130 122 l 5
+ 84 181 57 255 57 336 c 4
+ 57 531 214 688 408 688 c 4
+ 489 688 563 661 623 615 c 5
+ 694 686 l 5
+ 756 624 l 5
+ 686 554 l 5
+ 733 494 761 418 761 336 c 4
+ 761 141 603 -16 409 -16 c 4
+ 327 -16 251 12 191 59 c 5
+ 114 -18 l 5
+409 60 m 4
+ 555 60 685 191 685 336 c 4
+ 685 394 664 451 629 497 c 5
+ 248 116 l 5
+ 294 81 350 60 409 60 c 4
+187 179 m 5
+ 566 558 l 5
+ 520 591 466 611 409 611 c 4
+ 270 611 133 481 133 337 c 4
+ 133 279 154 225 187 179 c 5
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2223
+Encoding: 8739 8739 2590
+Width: 240
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+168 -162 m 1
+ 72 -162 l 1
+ 72 678 l 1
+ 168 678 l 1
+ 168 -162 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2225
+Encoding: 8741 8741 2591
+Width: 478
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+406 -162 m 1
+ 310 -162 l 1
+ 310 678 l 1
+ 406 678 l 1
+ 406 -162 l 1
+168 -162 m 1
+ 72 -162 l 1
+ 72 678 l 1
+ 168 678 l 1
+ 168 -162 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: universal
+Encoding: 8704 8704 2592
+Width: 627
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+740 669 m 1
+ 315 -7 l 1
+ 294 -7 l 1
+ 169 669 l 1
+ 231 669 l 1
+ 280 394 l 1
+ 425 394 l 1
+ 592 669 l 1
+ 740 669 l 1
+395 344 m 1
+ 288 344 l 1
+ 313 210 l 1
+ 395 344 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2201
+Encoding: 8705 8705 2593
+Width: 548
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+537 220 m 1
+ 485 55 400 -29 247 -29 c 0
+ 129 -29 59 55 59 164 c 0
+ 59 182 61 201 65 221 c 2
+ 135 550 l 2
+ 161 674 285 800 423 800 c 0
+ 557 800 611 737 611 612 c 0
+ 611 593 609 573 607 551 c 1
+ 503 551 l 1
+ 504 563 505 575 505 585 c 0
+ 505 667 463 692 400 692 c 0
+ 309 692 255 620 240 550 c 2
+ 170 221 l 2
+ 168 210 167 199 167 189 c 0
+ 167 130 202 80 270 80 c 0
+ 339 80 399 112 433 220 c 1
+ 537 220 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: existential
+Encoding: 8707 8707 2594
+Width: 627
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+553 0 m 5
+ 14 0 l 5
+ 24 46 l 5
+ 412 46 l 6
+ 414 46 425 46 431 74 c 6
+ 484 323 l 5
+ 168 323 l 5
+ 178 372 l 5
+ 494 372 l 5
+ 542 597 l 6
+ 542 599 543 608 543 609 c 4
+ 543 618 536 623 521 623 c 6
+ 155 623 l 5
+ 165 669 l 5
+ 694 669 l 5
+ 553 0 l 5
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2204
+Encoding: 8708 8708 2595
+Width: 627
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+553 0 m 5
+ 237 0 l 5
+ 171 -135 l 5
+ 78 -135 l 5
+ 145 0 l 5
+ 14 0 l 5
+ 24 46 l 5
+ 168 46 l 5
+ 304 323 l 5
+ 168 323 l 5
+ 178 372 l 5
+ 328 372 l 5
+ 450 623 l 5
+ 155 623 l 5
+ 165 669 l 5
+ 473 669 l 5
+ 536 793 l 5
+ 626 793 l 5
+ 564 669 l 5
+ 694 669 l 5
+ 553 0 l 5
+494 371 m 5
+ 542 597 l 6
+ 542 599 544 607 544 609 c 4
+ 544 613 543 617 539 619 c 5
+ 419 371 l 5
+ 494 371 l 5
+431 74 m 6
+ 484 323 l 5
+ 396 323 l 5
+ 260 46 l 5
+ 412 46 l 6
+ 414 46 425 46 431 74 c 6
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: epsiloninv
+Encoding: 8714 8714 2596
+Width: 439
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+391 474 m 0
+ 420 474 451 470 484 462 c 1
+ 473 409 l 1
+ 456 411 441 413 424 413 c 0
+ 303 413 241 347 219 268 c 1
+ 409 268 l 1
+ 397 213 l 1
+ 209 213 l 1
+ 207 200 207 188 207 177 c 0
+ 207 46 316 41 351 41 c 0
+ 374 41 398 44 425 53 c 1
+ 415 3 l 1
+ 396 -3 367 -17 318 -17 c 0
+ 153 -17 76 79 76 196 c 0
+ 76 380 228 474 391 474 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni220D
+Encoding: 8717 8717 2597
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2596 8714 S -1 0 0 -1 576 456 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2213
+Encoding: 8723 8723 2598
+Width: 656
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 110 177 N -1 0 0 -1 636 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2214
+Encoding: 8724 8724 2599
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+411 660 m 0
+ 411 619 378 586 338 586 c 0
+ 297 586 265 618 265 659 c 0
+ 265 699 297 733 338 733 c 0
+ 378 733 411 700 411 660 c 0
+614 209 m 1
+ 387 209 l 1
+ 387 -16 l 1
+ 291 -16 l 1
+ 291 209 l 1
+ 62 209 l 1
+ 62 305 l 1
+ 291 305 l 1
+ 291 528 l 1
+ 387 528 l 1
+ 387 305 l 1
+ 614 305 l 1
+ 614 209 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: therefore
+Encoding: 8756 8756 2600
+Width: 629
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+387 424 m 0
+ 387 383 354 351 314 351 c 0
+ 273 351 241 383 241 424 c 0
+ 241 464 273 497 314 497 c 0
+ 354 497 387 464 387 424 c 0
+566 64 m 0
+ 566 23 533 -9 493 -9 c 0
+ 452 -9 420 23 420 64 c 0
+ 420 104 452 137 493 137 c 0
+ 533 137 566 104 566 64 c 0
+208 64 m 0
+ 208 23 175 -9 135 -9 c 0
+ 94 -9 62 23 62 64 c 0
+ 62 104 94 137 135 137 c 0
+ 175 137 208 104 208 64 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2235
+Encoding: 8757 8757 2601
+Width: 629
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2600 8756 N -1 0 0 -1 628 488 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2224
+Encoding: 8740 8740 2602
+Width: 521
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+561 541 m 1
+ 344 324 l 1
+ 344 -162 l 1
+ 248 -162 l 1
+ 248 228 l 1
+ 165 146 l 1
+ 30 146 l 1
+ 247 363 l 1
+ 247 678 l 1
+ 343 678 l 1
+ 343 459 l 1
+ 426 541 l 1
+ 561 541 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2226
+Encoding: 8742 8742 2603
+Width: 645
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+705 563 m 1
+ 520 378 l 1
+ 520 -162 l 1
+ 424 -162 l 1
+ 424 282 l 1
+ 282 140 l 1
+ 282 -162 l 1
+ 186 -162 l 1
+ 186 44 l 1
+ 122 -19 l 1
+ 0 -19 l 1
+ 185 166 l 1
+ 185 678 l 1
+ 281 678 l 1
+ 281 262 l 1
+ 423 404 l 1
+ 423 678 l 1
+ 519 678 l 1
+ 519 500 l 1
+ 582 563 l 1
+ 705 563 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: logicaland
+Encoding: 8743 8743 2604
+Width: 634
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+612 0 m 1
+ 511 0 l 1
+ 328 407 l 1
+ 143 0 l 1
+ 42 0 l 1
+ 307 574 l 1
+ 347 574 l 1
+ 612 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: logicalor
+Encoding: 8744 8744 2605
+Width: 634
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2604 8743 N -1 0 0 -1 724 574 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: intersection
+Encoding: 8745 8745 2606
+Width: 694
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+602 0 m 1
+ 511 0 l 1
+ 578 314 l 2
+ 580 326 581 337 581 349 c 0
+ 581 431 520 503 424 503 c 0
+ 320 503 213 421 190 314 c 2
+ 123 0 l 1
+ 32 0 l 1
+ 98 310 l 2
+ 132 471 291 594 444 594 c 0
+ 577 594 674 499 674 369 c 0
+ 674 350 672 330 668 310 c 2
+ 602 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: union
+Encoding: 8746 8746 2607
+Width: 694
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2606 8745 S -1 0 0 -1 744 594 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cuberoot
+Encoding: 8731 8731 2608
+Width: 549
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 112 179 S 0.85 0 0 0.85 140 217 0
+Refer: 1227 8730 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourthroot
+Encoding: 8732 8732 2609
+Width: 549
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1309 8308 S 0.85 0 0 0.85 111 217 0
+Refer: 1227 8730 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: propersubset
+Encoding: 8834 8834 2610
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+601 -12 m 1
+ 295 -12 l 2
+ 167 -12 81 81 81 201 c 0
+ 81 383 253 526 410 526 c 2
+ 716 526 l 1
+ 697 436 l 1
+ 387 436 l 2
+ 284 436 173 339 173 222 c 0
+ 173 144 229 78 311 78 c 2
+ 621 78 l 1
+ 601 -12 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: propersuperset
+Encoding: 8835 8835 2611
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2610 8834 S -1 0 0 -1 736 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2250
+Encoding: 8784 8784 2612
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 123 330 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2251
+Encoding: 8785 8785 2613
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 123 330 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 123 -300 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2252
+Encoding: 8786 8786 2614
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -27 330 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 293 -300 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2253
+Encoding: 8787 8787 2615
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 313 330 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -67 -300 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2254
+Encoding: 8788 8788 2616
+Width: 827
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -40 190 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -140 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 260 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2255
+Encoding: 8789 8789 2617
+Width: 877
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2616 8788 S -1 0 0 -1 897 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2256
+Encoding: 8790 8790 2618
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+624 88 m 1
+ 72 87 l 1
+ 72 183 l 1
+ 252 183 l 1
+ 236 204 227 229 227 257 c 0
+ 227 285 236 311 252 331 c 1
+ 72 331 l 1
+ 72 428 l 1
+ 624 428 l 1
+ 624 332 l 1
+ 444 332 l 1
+ 460 311 469 285 469 257 c 0
+ 469 229 460 204 444 184 c 1
+ 624 184 l 1
+ 624 88 l 1
+409 257 m 0
+ 409 291 381 318 348 318 c 0
+ 314 318 287 291 287 257 c 0
+ 287 223 314 197 348 197 c 0
+ 381 197 409 223 409 257 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2257
+Encoding: 8791 8791 2619
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Refer: 410 730 N 1 0 0 1 -20 -50 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2239
+Encoding: 8761 8761 2620
+Width: 767
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 500 190 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 500 -140 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: product
+Encoding: 8719 8719 2621
+Width: 812
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+767 -123 m 1
+ 651 -123 536 -123 420 -123 c 1
+ 420 -100 l 1
+ 489 -98 506 -83 521 -14 c 2
+ 660 642 l 2
+ 663 654 664 664 664 672 c 0
+ 664 703 646 712 603 712 c 2
+ 511 712 l 2
+ 450 712 433 681 422 627 c 2
+ 286 -14 l 2
+ 282 -32 280 -46 280 -57 c 0
+ 280 -90 299 -99 350 -100 c 1
+ 350 -123 l 1
+ 234 -123 119 -123 3 -123 c 1
+ 3 -100 l 1
+ 73 -98 89 -84 104 -14 c 2
+ 242 637 l 2
+ 246 655 248 669 248 680 c 0
+ 248 713 229 720 177 722 c 1
+ 177 746 l 1
+ 941 746 l 1
+ 941 722 l 1
+ 872 720 855 707 840 637 c 2
+ 702 -14 l 2
+ 698 -32 696 -46 696 -57 c 0
+ 696 -90 715 -99 767 -100 c 1
+ 767 -123 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2210
+Encoding: 8720 8720 2622
+Width: 812
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2621 8719 S -1 0 0 -1 932 623 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: proportional
+Encoding: 8733 8733 2623
+Width: 752
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+449 214 m 1
+ 483 186 529 163 584 163 c 0
+ 594 163 604 163 614 164 c 1
+ 644 60 l 1
+ 619 48 591 42 562 42 c 0
+ 462 42 437 112 427 192 c 1
+ 347 93 283 53 208 53 c 0
+ 122 53 71 106 71 199 c 0
+ 71 348 156 442 261 442 c 0
+ 325 442 357 402 371 306 c 1
+ 462 413 533 456 620 456 c 0
+ 663 456 699 447 726 428 c 1
+ 643 317 l 1
+ 572 316 516 293 449 214 c 1
+348 282 m 1
+ 329 304 290 323 243 323 c 0
+ 162 323 103 309 103 238 c 0
+ 103 202 132 182 173 182 c 0
+ 229 182 273 200 348 282 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: similar
+Encoding: 8764 8764 2624
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+687 342 m 1
+ 665 240 580 156 474 156 c 0
+ 365 156 330 243 275 243 c 0
+ 225 243 186 205 158 163 c 1
+ 102 188 l 1
+ 124 281 227 358 316 358 c 0
+ 420 358 457 270 516 270 c 0
+ 569 270 605 321 625 366 c 1
+ 687 342 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2242
+Encoding: 8770 8770 2625
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+614 384 m 1
+ 62 384 l 1
+ 62 480 l 1
+ 614 480 l 1
+ 614 384 l 1
+614 257 m 1
+ 614 256 586 88 445 88 c 0
+ 337 88 283 197 206 197 c 0
+ 128 197 97 115 91 87 c 1
+ 62 99 l 1
+ 62 100 69 288 227 288 c 0
+ 343 288 386 179 464 179 c 0
+ 540 179 578 250 586 270 c 1
+ 614 257 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2243
+Encoding: 8771 8771 2626
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+614 468 m 1
+ 614 467 607 279 449 279 c 0
+ 333 279 290 388 212 388 c 0
+ 136 388 98 317 90 297 c 1
+ 62 310 l 1
+ 62 311 90 479 231 479 c 0
+ 339 479 393 370 470 370 c 0
+ 548 370 579 452 585 480 c 1
+ 614 468 l 1
+614 87 m 1
+ 62 87 l 1
+ 62 183 l 1
+ 614 183 l 1
+ 614 87 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: congruent
+Encoding: 8773 8773 2627
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 20 -110 2
+Refer: 2624 8764 N 1 0 0 1 -50 210 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: approxequal
+Encoding: 8776 8776 2628
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2624 8764 S 1 0 0 1 -10 -120 2
+Refer: 2624 8764 S 1 0 0 1 -10 120 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2266
+Encoding: 8806 8806 2629
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 S 1 0 0 1 50 154 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 50 -208 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 50 -408 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2267
+Encoding: 8807 8807 2630
+Width: 676
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 30 62 S 1 0 0 1 50 150 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 50 -208 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 50 -408 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2208
+Encoding: 8712 8712 2631
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+491 0 m 1
+ 285 0 l 2
+ 157 0 71 93 71 213 c 0
+ 71 395 243 538 400 538 c 2
+ 606 538 l 1
+ 587 448 l 1
+ 377 448 l 2
+ 297 448 220 391 183 317 c 1
+ 542 317 l 1
+ 521 221 l 1
+ 163 221 l 1
+ 169 149 224 90 301 90 c 2
+ 511 90 l 1
+ 491 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: suchthat
+Encoding: 8715 8715 2632
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2631 8712 S -1 0 0 -1 618 538 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2209
+Encoding: 8713 8713 2633
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+491 0 m 1
+ 285 0 l 2
+ 265 0 246 3 228 7 c 1
+ 174 -80 l 1
+ 76 -80 l 1
+ 153 42 l 1
+ 101 80 71 142 71 213 c 0
+ 71 395 243 538 400 538 c 2
+ 465 538 l 1
+ 517 620 l 1
+ 613 620 l 1
+ 562 538 l 1
+ 606 538 l 1
+ 587 448 l 1
+ 505 448 l 1
+ 423 317 l 1
+ 542 317 l 1
+ 521 221 l 1
+ 363 221 l 1
+ 281 91 l 1
+ 287 90 294 90 301 90 c 2
+ 511 90 l 1
+ 491 0 l 1
+409 448 m 1
+ 377 448 l 2
+ 297 448 220 391 183 317 c 1
+ 326 317 l 1
+ 409 448 l 1
+266 221 m 1
+ 163 221 l 1
+ 166 184 182 151 207 127 c 1
+ 266 221 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2216
+Encoding: 8726 8726 2634
+Width: 690
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+216 688 m 1
+ 657 -12 l 1
+ 559 -12 l 1
+ 120 688 l 1
+ 216 688 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringoperator
+Encoding: 8728 8728 2635
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+485 257 m 0
+ 485 153 402 71 299 71 c 0
+ 194 71 112 153 112 257 c 0
+ 112 360 194 443 299 443 c 0
+ 402 443 485 360 485 257 c 0
+416 257 m 0
+ 416 322 363 374 299 374 c 0
+ 233 374 181 322 181 257 c 0
+ 181 192 233 140 299 140 c 0
+ 363 140 416 192 416 257 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni220c
+Encoding: 8716 8716 2636
+Width: 576
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+127 538 m 1
+ 333 538 l 2
+ 354 538 374 536 393 531 c 1
+ 449 620 l 1
+ 545 620 l 1
+ 467 495 l 1
+ 518 456 547 396 547 325 c 0
+ 547 143 375 0 218 0 c 2
+ 156 0 l 1
+ 106 -80 l 1
+ 8 -80 l 1
+ 58 0 l 1
+ 12 0 l 1
+ 31 90 l 1
+ 115 90 l 1
+ 198 221 l 1
+ 76 221 l 1
+ 97 317 l 1
+ 258 317 l 1
+ 340 446 l 1
+ 333 447 325 448 317 448 c 2
+ 107 448 l 1
+ 127 538 l 1
+213 90 m 1
+ 241 90 l 2
+ 321 90 398 147 435 221 c 1
+ 295 221 l 1
+ 213 90 l 1
+355 317 m 1
+ 455 317 l 1
+ 452 353 437 385 413 409 c 1
+ 355 317 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eop
+Encoding: 8718 8718 2637
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+57 0 m 1
+ 204 691 l 1
+ 590 691 l 1
+ 443 0 l 1
+ 57 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: orthogonal
+Encoding: 8735 8735 2638
+Width: 509
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+447 0 m 1
+ 62 0 l 1
+ 62 385 l 1
+ 169 385 l 1
+ 169 97 l 1
+ 447 97 l 1
+ 447 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: integral
+Encoding: 8747 8747 2639
+Width: 459
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+640 779 m 0
+ 616 779 597 807 597 836 c 0
+ 597 849 600 858 606 867 c 1
+ 547 867 473 618 446 522 c 0
+ 413 404 373 303 341 185 c 0
+ 313 82 212 -200 85 -200 c 0
+ 52 -200 -3 -183 -3 -142 c 0
+ -3 -116 17 -77 54 -77 c 0
+ 78 -77 99 -111 99 -140 c 0
+ 99 -150 97 -158 92 -164 c 1
+ 167 -164 204 74 266 287 c 0
+ 296 390 299 399 336 527 c 0
+ 370 645 453 900 607 900 c 0
+ 641 900 698 885 698 847 c 0
+ 698 822 676 779 640 779 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: integraldbl
+Encoding: 8748 8748 2640
+Width: 793
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2639 8747 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2639 8747 N 1 0 0 1 310 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: integraltrpl
+Encoding: 8749 8749 2641
+Width: 1103
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2639 8747 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2639 8747 N 1 0 0 1 310 0 2
+Refer: 2639 8747 N 1 0 0 1 620 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: definequal
+Encoding: 8797 8797 2642
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 70 102 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 430.3 494.4 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 290.5 492.8 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 93.7 492.4 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 1 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: measurequal
+Encoding: 8798 8798 2643
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 77 109 N 0.48 0 0 0.48 169.66 470.6 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: questionequal
+Encoding: 8799 8799 2644
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 31 63 N 0.48 0 0 0.48 241.32 474.68 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 1 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni224A
+Encoding: 8778 8778 2645
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 54 -237 2
+Refer: 2628 8776 N 1 0 0 1 0 83 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2259
+Encoding: 8793 8793 2646
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2604 8743 S 0.5 0 0 0.5 156.5 443 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 1 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni225A
+Encoding: 8794 8794 2647
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2605 8744 S 0.5 0 0 0.5 126.5 443 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 1 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equivalence
+Encoding: 8801 8801 2648
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 N 1 0 0 1 36 -197 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 N 1 0 0 1 36 203 2
+Refer: 1226 8722 S 1 0 0 1 36 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2272
+Encoding: 8818 8818 2649
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2624 8764 N 1 0 0 1 -90 -271 2
+Refer: 28 60 S 1 0 0 1 36 143 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2273
+Encoding: 8819 8819 2650
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 30 62 S 1 0 0 1 64 143 2
+Refer: 2624 8764 N 1 0 0 1 -43 -271 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ratio
+Encoding: 8758 8758 2651
+Width: 250
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 0 -206 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 0 190 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: proportion
+Encoding: 8759 8759 2652
+Width: 629
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 385 -204 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 386 190 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -11 -208 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -11 188 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: revlogicalnot
+Encoding: 8976 8976 2653
+Width: 680
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+75.6035 64 m 1
+ 138.945 362 l 1
+ 694.945 362 l 1
+ 674.115 264 l 1
+ 213.115 264 l 1
+ 170.604 64 l 1
+ 75.6035 64 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2322
+Encoding: 8994 8994 2654
+Width: 951
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+920.246 147 m 1
+ 893.845 131 l 1
+ 825.902 263 679.516 280 535.516 280 c 0
+ 390.516 280 235.902 263 111.845 131 c 1
+ 93.2461 147 l 1
+ 200.178 269 343.022 400 560.022 400 c 0
+ 778.022 400 864.178 269 920.246 147 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2323
+Encoding: 8995 8995 2655
+Width: 951
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+889 384 m 1
+ 807 262 693 131 475 131 c 0
+ 258 131 143 262 62 384 c 1
+ 84 400 l 1
+ 180 268 331 251 476 251 c 0
+ 620 251 770 268 866 400 c 1
+ 889 384 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angleright
+Encoding: 9002 9002 2656
+Width: 398
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+194 679 m 1
+ 267 679 l 1
+ 403 259 l 1
+ 89 -162 l 1
+ 16 -162 l 1
+ 290 258 l 1
+ 194 679 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2329
+Encoding: 9001 9001 2657
+Width: 398
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2656 9002 S -1 0 0 -1 478 517 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: arrowdblleft
+Encoding: 8656 8656 2658
+Width: 964
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+880.492 87 m 1
+ 320.492 87 l 1
+ 364.764 13 l 1
+ 299.435 -45 l 1
+ 76.4141 256 l 1
+ 427.606 558 l 1
+ 468.491 501 l 1
+ 392.762 427 l 1
+ 952.762 427 l 1
+ 932.356 331 l 1
+ 292.356 331 l 1
+ 215.627 257 l 1
+ 260.897 183 l 1
+ 900.897 183 l 1
+ 880.492 87 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21d1
+Encoding: 8657 8657 2659
+Width: 630
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+699.109 391 m 1
+ 630.844 338 l 1
+ 569.598 398 l 1
+ 450.565 -162 l 1
+ 354.565 -162 l 1
+ 490.602 478 l 1
+ 429.568 539 l 1
+ 342.602 478 l 1
+ 206.565 -162 l 1
+ 110.565 -162 l 1
+ 229.598 398 l 1
+ 142.844 338 l 1
+ 97.1094 391 l 1
+ 459.113 678 l 1
+ 699.109 391 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21d2
+Encoding: 8658 8658 2660
+Width: 964
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2658 8656 S -1 0 0 -1 1014 513 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21d3
+Encoding: 8659 8659 2661
+Width: 630
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2659 8657 S -1 0 0 -1 730 516 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: arrowdblboth
+Encoding: 8660 8660 2662
+Width: 964
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+956.627 257 m 1
+ 605.435 -45 l 1
+ 564.551 12 l 1
+ 640.492 87 l 1
+ 320.492 87 l 1
+ 364.764 13 l 1
+ 299.435 -45 l 1
+ 76.4141 256 l 1
+ 427.606 558 l 1
+ 468.491 501 l 1
+ 392.549 426 l 1
+ 712.549 426 l 1
+ 668.278 500 l 1
+ 733.606 558 l 1
+ 956.627 257 l 1
+817.627 257 m 1
+ 772.356 331 l 1
+ 292.356 331 l 1
+ 215.627 257 l 1
+ 260.686 182 l 1
+ 740.686 182 l 1
+ 817.627 257 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21D5
+Encoding: 8661 8661 2663
+Width: 630
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+638.318 105 m 1
+ 276.314 -182 l 1
+ 36.3184 105 l 1
+ 104.584 158 l 1
+ 167.405 96 l 1
+ 236.486 421 l 1
+ 147.096 358 l 1
+ 101.573 412 l 1
+ 463.364 698 l 1
+ 703.573 412 l 1
+ 635.096 358 l 1
+ 572.486 421 l 1
+ 503.405 96 l 1
+ 592.584 158 l 1
+ 638.318 105 l 1
+395.251 20 m 1
+ 496.641 497 l 1
+ 434.031 560 l 1
+ 344.641 497 l 1
+ 243.251 20 l 1
+ 305.86 -43 l 1
+ 395.251 20 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21DD
+Encoding: 8669 8669 2664
+Width: 1100
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+1122.63 257 m 1
+ 848.889 23 l 1
+ 803.643 83 l 1
+ 939.274 213 l 1
+ 894.274 213 l 2
+ 844.274 213 767.082 118 702.082 118 c 0
+ 645.082 118 613.227 241 585.366 284 c 1
+ 541.076 245 451.082 118 402.082 118 c 0
+ 345.082 118 294.129 297 281.129 297 c 0
+ 259.129 297 168.274 213 116.274 213 c 2
+ 77.2744 213 l 1
+ 95.9795 301 l 1
+ 114.979 301 l 2
+ 168.979 301 242.173 396 307.173 396 c 0
+ 366.173 396 393.603 271 424.676 229 c 1
+ 469.965 268 557.173 396 608.173 396 c 0
+ 664.173 396 715.912 216 729.912 216 c 0
+ 754.912 216 832.979 301 906.979 301 c 2
+ 957.979 301 l 1
+ 878.187 429 l 1
+ 948.365 491 l 1
+ 1122.63 257 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21DC
+Encoding: 8668 8668 2665
+Width: 1100
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2664 8669 S -1 0 0 -1 1180 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21CB
+Encoding: 8651 8651 2666
+Width: 987
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2481 8641 S 1 0 0 1 10 -170 2
+Refer: 2476 8636 N 1 0 0 1 40 172 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: harpoonrightleft
+Encoding: 8652 8652 2667
+Width: 987
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2477 8637 S 1 0 0 1 -30 -167 2
+Refer: 2480 8640 N 1 0 0 1 0 176 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cyrillic.alt_de
+Encoding: 59657 -1 2668
+Width: 496
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+75 -126 m 0
+ 75 -148 60 -155 60 -164 c 0
+ 60 -169 96 -176 124 -176 c 0
+ 156 -176 203 -143 233 -45 c 0
+ 247 3 276 98 276 98 c 1
+ 224 16 184 -13 124 -13 c 0
+ 60 -13 20 37 20 117 c 0
+ 20 264 161 462 295 462 c 0
+ 353 462 360 424 366 390 c 1
+ 381 449 l 1
+ 490 449 l 1
+ 400.679 120.073 427 215.1 367 0 c 0
+ 330.498 -130.861 239 -207 122 -207 c 0
+ 28 -207 -23 -176 -23 -130 c 0
+ -23 -101 0 -77 26 -77 c 0
+ 53 -77 75 -99 75 -126 c 0
+344 371 m 0
+ 344 408 322 419 306 419 c 0
+ 237 419 145 219 145 116 c 0
+ 145 78 158 59 184 59 c 0
+ 279 59 344 311 344 371 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulg.alt_ve
+Encoding: 59658 -1 2669
+Width: 478
+VWidth: 975
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+14 83 m 0
+ 14 87 15 92 17 98 c 2
+ 113 396 l 2
+ 180.638 605.961 225 685 372 685 c 0
+ 443 685 512 662 512 581 c 0
+ 512 466 411 425 313 404 c 1
+ 313 402 l 1
+ 398 390 458 352 458 255 c 0
+ 458 111.9 326 -13 189 -13 c 0
+ 109 -13 14 9 14 83 c 0
+131 83 m 1
+ 131 42 141 22 184 22 c 0
+ 286.261 22 342 192.124 342 299 c 0
+ 342 326 334 380 298 380 c 0
+ 258.5 380 191.35 352.9 187 337 c 1
+ 131 83 l 1
+199 389 m 1
+ 251 406.5 292 419 292 419 c 2
+ 351.005 438.034 393 503 393 575 c 0
+ 393 623 379 653 335 653 c 0
+ 297 653 253.96 621.441 226 501 c 2
+ 199 389 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulg.alt_zhe
+Encoding: 59659 -1 2670
+Width: 941
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+533 249 m 1
+ 590 249 l 1
+ 636 368 715 462 826 462 c 0
+ 882 462 930 425 930 372 c 0
+ 930 331 909 302 873 302 c 0
+ 847 302 826 314 826 346 c 0
+ 826 378 847 372 847 400 c 0
+ 847 410 846 429 817 429 c 0
+ 718 429 683 226 683 168 c 0
+ 683 114 690 51 750 51 c 0
+ 799 51 834 82 860 114 c 1
+ 881 96 l 1
+ 856 54 804 -13 704 -13 c 0
+ 647 -13 569 31 569 120 c 0
+ 569 139 569 178 579 214 c 1
+ 525 214 l 1
+ 464 0 l 1
+ 345 0 l 1
+ 407 214 l 1
+ 348 214 l 1
+ 306 94 218 -13 107 -13 c 0
+ 51 -13 3 24 3 77 c 0
+ 3 118 24 147 60 147 c 0
+ 86 147 107 135 107 103 c 0
+ 107 71 86 77 86 49 c 0
+ 86 39 87 20 116 20 c 0
+ 215 20 250 223 250 281 c 0
+ 250 335 243 398 183 398 c 0
+ 134 398 99 367 73 335 c 1
+ 52 353 l 1
+ 77 395 129 462 229 462 c 0
+ 286 462 364 418 364 329 c 0
+ 364 310 364 279 358 249 c 1
+ 413 249 l 1
+ 479 473 l 2
+ 499 540 513 602 513 615 c 0
+ 513 633 505 644 479 644 c 0
+ 475 644 461 643 450 642 c 1
+ 450 669 l 1
+ 525 676 579 682 665 699 c 1
+ 533 249 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: old.0
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+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 257 215 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+17 156 m 0
+ 17 335 132 463 287 463 c 0
+ 378 463 447 395 447 282 c 0
+ 447 133 342 -14 177 -14 c 0
+ 81 -14 17 40 17 156 c 0
+285 434 m 0
+ 196 434 125 152 125 81 c 0
+ 125 41 149 15 179 15 c 0
+ 255 15 328 304 328 362 c 0
+ 328 407 316 434 285 434 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.0
+StartChar: old.1
+Encoding: 59489 -1 2672
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+5 0 m 1
+ 5 23 l 1
+ 77 23 109 42 124 97 c 2
+ 192 336 l 2
+ 194.523 344.868 196 354 196 360 c 0
+ 196 382 181 393 150 393 c 0
+ 131 393 114 392 87 388 c 1
+ 89 411 l 1
+ 205 428 268 441 359 463 c 1
+ 265 123 l 2
+ 254 83 253 78 253 69 c 0
+ 253 32 271 24 350 23 c 1
+ 350 0 l 1
+ 5 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.1
+StartChar: old.2
+Encoding: 59490 -1 2673
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 299 m 1
+ 69 346.717 131 462.119 261 463 c 0
+ 354 463 426 412 426 335 c 0
+ 426 219 280 183 166 111 c 1
+ 295 111 l 2
+ 373 111 396 125 434 191 c 1
+ 459 191 l 1
+ 380 0 l 1
+ 13 0 l 1
+ 13 24 l 1
+ 168.817 179.817 292 240 292 293 c 0
+ 292 337 257 373 199 373 c 0
+ 147 373 106 346 66 287 c 1
+ 44 299 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.2
+StartChar: old.3
+Encoding: 59491 -1 2674
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+305 -32 m 0
+ 305 31 283 120 148 126 c 1
+ 152 148 l 1
+ 281 175 341 224 341 301 c 0
+ 341 356 307 391 254 391 c 0
+ 207 391 179 373 138 316 c 1
+ 117 329 l 1
+ 179 422 240 462 321 462 c 0
+ 406 462 470 404 470 326 c 0
+ 470 266 434 217 363 182 c 2
+ 351 176 l 1
+ 408 133 428 95 428 29 c 0
+ 428 -117 320 -205 138 -205 c 0
+ 67 -205 44.3333 -195.5 2 -163 c 1
+ 6.33333 -157.667 9.5 -154.5 15.5 -148 c 1
+ 62 -172.5 86 -180 145 -180 c 0
+ 217 -180 305 -121 305 -32 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.3
+StartChar: old.4
+Encoding: 59492 -1 2675
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+482 98 m 1
+ 455 0 l 1
+ 387 0 l 1
+ 331 -200 l 1
+ 203 -200 l 1
+ 258 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 42 105 l 1
+ 450 463 l 1
+ 513 463 l 1
+ 413 98 l 1
+ 482 98 l 1
+82 98 m 1
+ 285 98 l 1
+ 345 308 l 1
+ 82 98 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.4
+StartChar: old.5
+Encoding: 59493 -1 2676
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+287 -31 m 0
+ 287 40 246 143 53 152 c 1
+ 184 449 l 1
+ 467 449 l 1
+ 431 340 l 1
+ 177 340 l 1
+ 143 264 l 1
+ 235 245 262 236 296 213 c 0
+ 358 173 392 108 392 30 c 0
+ 392 -118 296.5 -205 100 -205 c 0
+ 30 -205 4 -192.5 -38 -159 c 1
+ -33.167 -153.667 -30 -150.5 -24.5 -144 c 1
+ 26 -174.25 46 -178 103 -178 c 0
+ 220 -178 287 -108.4 287 -31 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.5
+StartChar: old.6
+Encoding: 59494 -1 2677
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 22 54 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.6
+StartChar: old.7
+Encoding: 59495 -1 2678
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+66 259 m 1
+ 40 259 l 1
+ 127 449 l 1
+ 508 449 l 1
+ 137 -200 l 1
+ 45 -200 l 1
+ 367 336 l 1
+ 234 336 l 2
+ 130 336 103 324 66 259 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.7
+StartChar: old.8
+Encoding: 59496 -1 2679
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 24 56 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.8
+StartChar: old.9
+Encoding: 59497 -1 2680
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 25 57 S 1 0 0 1 -40 -216 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.9
+StartChar: fit.0
+Encoding: 59498 -1 2681
+Width: 471
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 16 48 S 1 0 0 1 15 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'zero' Slashed Zero subtable" zeroslashed
+StartChar: fit.1
+Encoding: 59499 -1 2682
+Width: 393
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 17 49 N 1 0 0 1 -2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+StartChar: fit.2
+Encoding: 59500 -1 2683
+Width: 514
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 18 50 N 1 0 0 1 13 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+StartChar: fit.3
+Encoding: 59501 -1 2684
+Width: 467
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 19 51 N 1 0 0 1 7 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+StartChar: fit.4
+Encoding: 59502 -1 2685
+Width: 513
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 20 52 N 1 0 0 1 18 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+StartChar: fit.5
+Encoding: 59503 -1 2686
+Width: 462
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 21 53 N 1 0 0 1 -2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+StartChar: fit.6
+Encoding: 59504 -1 2687
+Width: 480
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 22 54 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+StartChar: fit.7
+Encoding: 59505 -1 2688
+Width: 462
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 23 55 N 1 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+StartChar: fit.8
+Encoding: 59506 -1 2689
+Width: 481
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 24 56 N 1 0 0 1 5 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+StartChar: fit.9
+Encoding: 59507 -1 2690
+Width: 472
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 25 57 N 1 0 0 1 15 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+StartChar: oldprop.0
+Encoding: 59508 -1 2691
+Width: 469
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2671 -1 N 1 0 0 1 9 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+StartChar: oldprop.1
+Encoding: 59509 -1 2692
+Width: 398
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2672 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+StartChar: oldprop.2
+Encoding: 59510 -1 2693
+Width: 470
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2673 -1 N 1 0 0 1 3 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+StartChar: oldprop.3
+Encoding: 59511 -1 2694
+Width: 466
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2674 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -45 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+StartChar: oldprop.4
+Encoding: 59512 -1 2695
+Width: 528
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2675 -1 N 1 0 0 1 2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+StartChar: oldprop.5
+Encoding: 59513 -1 2696
+Width: 469
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2676 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -5 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+StartChar: oldprop.6
+Encoding: 59514 -1 2697
+Width: 480
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2677 -1 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+StartChar: oldprop.7
+Encoding: 59515 -1 2698
+Width: 480
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 23 55 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -212 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+StartChar: oldprop.8
+Encoding: 59516 -1 2699
+Width: 470
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2679 -1 N 1 0 0 1 4 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+StartChar: oldprop.9
+Encoding: 59517 -1 2700
+Width: 481
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2680 -1 N 1 0 0 1 5 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+StartChar: zeroslashed
+Encoding: 59519 -1 2701
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+325 654 m 0
+ 288 654 260 614 223 510 c 0
+ 204.239 458.109 184.045 389.488 166.55 321.691 c 1
+ 367.124 522.987 l 1
+ 371.449 548.16 374 568.72 374 582 c 0
+ 374 627 356 654 325 654 c 0
+17 206 m 0
+ 17 404 141 683 327 683 c 0
+ 418 683 477 588 477 442 c 0
+ 477 254 357 -14 177 -14 c 0
+ 79.8852 -14 17 76.0708 17 206 c 0
+336.643 380.594 m 1
+ 133.186 176.403 l 1
+ 124.968 134.294 120 100.062 120 81 c 0
+ 120 41 140 15 170 15 c 0
+ 211 15 240 53 273 149 c 0
+ 286.674 188.444 313.901 286.25 336.643 380.594 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tz.lig
+Encoding: 63600 -1 2702
+Width: 845
+Flags: W
+HStem: -204 34<472.107 575.513> 0 25<89 155.159 348.149 420> 193 37<586 635.673> 407 42<436.814 688.243> 634 35<249.5 342 488 566.293>
+VStem: 100 25<496.04 513.367> 626 27<479 514.333> 653 120<-39.7497 138.524> 700 111<284.783 398.554>
+LayerCount: 2
+689 669 m 1xfd
+ 653 477 l 1xfd
+ 626 479 l 1
+ 621 590 582 633 488 634 c 1
+ 436.814 449 l 1
+ 665 449 l 2
+ 750 449 811 412 811 336 c 0xfe80
+ 811 268.2 708.5 220.2 629 208 c 1
+ 662 201 773 179 773 65 c 0
+ 773 -74 662.5 -204 533 -204 c 0
+ 482.5 -204 449.5 -189.8 408 -161 c 1
+ 430 -127 l 1
+ 470.5 -155.5 498.5 -170 537 -170 c 0
+ 622.5 -170 653 13 653 113 c 0xfd
+ 653 177 622 187 579 193 c 1
+ 586 230 l 1
+ 602 230 l 2
+ 645.414 230 700 248.672 700 337 c 0xfc80
+ 700 377 685 407 653 407 c 2
+ 425.253 407 l 1
+ 348 128 l 2
+ 340.814 102.05 337 81 337 66 c 0
+ 337 34 350 28 420 25 c 1
+ 420 0 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 25 l 1
+ 103 25 l 2
+ 154 25 179.948 46.0146 194 97 c 2
+ 342 634 l 1
+ 240 632 177 591 125 491 c 1
+ 100 498 l 1
+ 138 669 l 1
+ 689 669 l 1xfd
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German subtable" T z
+StartChar: tz.lig
+Encoding: 63601 -1 2703
+Width: 546
+Flags: W
+HStem: -204 34<173.107 276.513> -9 70<82 172.158> 193 37<287 336.673> 407 42<253 389.243> 407 35<74 112.332>
+VStem: 33 122<31.3999 161.603> 257 35<572.25 594> 354 120<-39.7497 138.524> 401 111<284.783 398.554>
+LayerCount: 2
+354 113 m 0xf7
+ 354 177 323 187 280 193 c 1
+ 287 230 l 1
+ 303 230 l 2
+ 346.414 230 401 248.672 401 337 c 0xf680
+ 401 377 386 407 354 407 c 2xf7
+ 243 407 l 1
+ 209 289 l 2
+ 173.935 167.304 155 94 155 76 c 0
+ 155 69 163 61 171 61 c 0
+ 187 61 213 88 247 141 c 1
+ 269 127 l 1
+ 203 24 163 -9 103 -9 c 0
+ 61 -9 33 17 33 56 c 0
+ 33 73 42 118 57 169 c 2
+ 125 407 l 1
+ 74 407 l 1
+ 74 442 l 1xef
+ 153 472 203 513 257 594 c 1
+ 292 594 l 1
+ 253 449 l 1
+ 366 449 l 2
+ 451 449 512 412 512 336 c 0xf680
+ 512 268.2 409.5 220.2 330 208 c 1
+ 363 201 474 179 474 65 c 0
+ 474 -74 363.5 -204 234 -204 c 0
+ 183.5 -204 150.5 -189.8 109 -161 c 1
+ 131 -127 l 1
+ 171.5 -155.5 199.5 -170 238 -170 c 0
+ 323.5 -170 354 13 354 113 c 0xf7
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German subtable" t z
+StartChar: openbullet
+Encoding: 9702 9702 2704
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+490 301 m 0
+ 490 189 401 101 290 101 c 0
+ 178 101 90 189 90 301 c 0
+ 90 412 178 501 290 501 c 0
+ 401 501 490 412 490 301 c 0
+416 301 m 0
+ 416 370 359 427 290 427 c 0
+ 219 427 164 370 164 301 c 0
+ 164 230 219 175 290 175 c 0
+ 359 175 416 230 416 301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulletinverse
+Encoding: 9688 9688 2705
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+372.674 525 m 0
+ 256.097 525 143.44 417.182 143.44 303.81 c 0
+ 143.44 229.388 196.058 175 277.891 175 c 0
+ 390.441 175 505.57 281.358 505.57 394.953 c 0
+ 505.57 470.329 453.367 525 372.674 525 c 0
+643.051 673 m 1
+ 500 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 143.051 673 l 1
+ 643.051 673 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uniA7AA
+Encoding: 42922 42922 2706
+Width: 892
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+596 669 m 1
+ 596 644 l 1
+ 531 642 510 627 495 572 c 2
+ 441 373 l 1
+ 680 373 l 1
+ 727 546 l 2
+ 732 564 737 595 737 607 c 0
+ 737 635 717 636 664 644 c 1
+ 664 669 l 1
+ 962 669 l 1
+ 962 644 l 1
+ 911 637 897 625 881 572 c 2
+ 766 153 l 2
+ 752 103 747 80 747 66 c 0
+ 747 37 765 27 820 25 c 1
+ 820 0 l 1
+ 503 0 l 1
+ 503 25 l 1
+ 570 29 589 43 604 97 c 2
+ 668 329 l 1
+ 429 329 l 1
+ 379 148 l 2
+ 375 126 362 94 362 68 c 0
+ 362 36 372 30 435 25 c 1
+ 435 0 l 1
+ 139 0 l 1
+ 139 25 l 1
+ 189 32 205 44 219 97 c 2
+ 366 637 l 1
+ 271 637 155 625 120 521 c 0
+ 119 518 119 516 119 513 c 0
+ 119 507 122 500 126 496 c 1
+ 135 496 143 502 152 502 c 0
+ 182 502 202 481 202 452 c 0
+ 202 425 178 405 152 405 c 0
+ 111 405 82 445 82 484 c 0
+ 82 630 255 669 369 669 c 2
+ 596 669 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dramarmenian
+Encoding: 1423 1423 2707
+Width: 759
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+515 254 m 1
+ 396 254 l 1
+ 403 286 l 1
+ 522 286 l 1
+ 552 429 l 2
+ 560.299 467.943 565.848 502.709 565.848 531.996 c 0
+ 565.848 594.458 540.61 632 463 632 c 0
+ 393.304 632 345.254 510.22 345.254 440.813 c 4
+ 345.254 408.499 364.164 401.403 417 397 c 1
+ 413 378 l 1
+ 94 378 l 1
+ 98 397 l 1
+ 174 404 194 427 207 487 c 0
+ 227 582 323 676 494 676 c 0
+ 627.445 676 709.53 617.507 709.53 495.1 c 0
+ 709.53 472.575 706.75 447.887 701 421 c 2
+ 672 286 l 1
+ 793 286 l 1
+ 787 254 l 1
+ 666 254 l 1
+ 653 196 l 1
+ 774 196 l 1
+ 767 164 l 1
+ 646 164 l 1
+ 635 109 l 2
+ 630.652 89.1601 628.076 73.8997 628.076 62.0747 c 0
+ 628.076 30.3902 646.568 23.3693 699 19 c 1
+ 695 0 l 1
+ 376 0 l 1
+ 380 19 l 1
+ 456 26 469 37 484 109 c 2
+ 496 164 l 1
+ 377 164 l 1
+ 384 196 l 1
+ 503 196 l 1
+ 515 254 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: indian_rupee
+Encoding: 8377 8377 2708
+Width: 675
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+746 570 m 2
+ 505 570 l 1
+ 504 563 501 543 497 522 c 1
+ 675 522 l 2
+ 705 522 749 467 749 435 c 0
+ 749 422 743 417 734 417 c 2
+ 476 417 l 1
+ 457 323 418 191 319 173 c 1
+ 342 95 419 20 469 -28 c 0
+ 482 -40 505 -71 505 -95 c 0
+ 505 -107 499 -112 491 -112 c 0
+ 476 -112 460 -99 453 -92 c 0
+ 378.624 -22.7888 220.992 131.672 220.992 303.5 c 4
+ 220.992 324.486 221.826 362 241 362 c 0
+ 267 362 297 324 306 307 c 1
+ 322 323 342 368 359 417 c 1
+ 220 417 l 1
+ 189 418 146 485 146 510 c 1
+ 146 519 154 522 160 522 c 2
+ 392 522 l 1
+ 397 540 401 559 404 570 c 1
+ 232 570 l 2
+ 202 570 158 625 158 657 c 0
+ 158 669 164 675 172 675 c 2
+ 687 675 l 2
+ 717 675 761 620 761 588 c 0
+ 761 575 755 570 746 570 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caron_side
+Encoding: 59587 -1 2709
+Width: 180
+Flags: HW
+HStem: 471 204
+VStem: 10 167
+LayerCount: 2
+110 481 m 5
+ 211 655 l 6
+ 223 676 243 685 262 685 c 4
+ 288 685 303 668 303 645 c 4
+ 303 622 294 608 272 586 c 6
+ 166 481 l 5
+ 110 481 l 5
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ccaronapostrophe
+Encoding: 59588 -1 2710
+Width: 588
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1629 700 N 1 0 0 1 337 0 2
+Refer: 202 269 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" c caron commaaboverightcmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" c caron commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" ccaron commaaboverightcmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" ccaron commaabovecmb
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+StartChar: uni1d02
+Encoding: 7426 7426 2711
+Width: 683
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 163 230 N -1 0 0 -1 717 450 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d08
+Encoding: 7432 7432 2712
+Width: 463
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2428 604 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d09
+Encoding: 7433 7433 2713
+Width: 306
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 N -1 0 0 -1 338 474 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0c
+Encoding: 7436 7436 2714
+Width: 404
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 254 321 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf differ
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+Lookup: 2 0 0 "Glyph Decomposition of iogonek"  {"Glyph Decomposition of iogonek-subtable"  } []
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 6 0 0 "'ccmp' Contextual Chaining in Latin - iogonek"  {"'ccmp' Contextual Chaining in Latin - iogonek-subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian"  {"'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable"  } ['ss01' ('cyrl' <'BGR ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian"  {"'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1"  } ['locl' ('cyrl' <'MKD ' 'SRB ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 3 0 0 "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian"  {"'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable"  } ['salt' ('cyrl' <'MKD ' 'SRB ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Cyrillic"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Cyrillic subtable"  } ['liga' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin subtable"  "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 2 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Decomposition in Turkish-undo-fi"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Decomposition in Turkish-undo-fi"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'TRK ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet horn"  "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German subtable"  } ['hlig' ('latn' <'DEU ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin subtable"  } ['hlig' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'hist' Historical Forms in Latin"  {"'hist' Historical Forms in Latin subtable"  } ['hist' ('latn' <'ISM ' 'LSM ' 'NLD ' 'NSM ' 'SKS ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin"  {"'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin subtable"  } ['fina' ('latn' <'ISM ' 'LSM ' 'NLD ' 'NSM ' 'SKS ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'NLD ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'locl' Localized Forms for Sami"  {"'locl' Localized Forms for Sami-1"  } ['locl' ('latn' <'ISM ' > 'latn' <'LSM ' > 'latn' <'NSM ' > 'latn' <'SKS ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'onum' Oldstyle Figures"  {"'onum' Oldstyle Figures subtable" ("oldstyle" ) } ['onum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'pnum' Proportional Numbers"  {"'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable"  } ['pnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'tnum' Tabular Numbers"  {"'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable"  } ['tnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'lnum' Lining Figures"  {"'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable"  } ['lnum' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'zero' Slashed Zero"  {"'zero' Slashed Zero subtable"  } ['zero' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 8 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions"  {"'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable"  "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable"  } ['frac' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'init' Initial Forms in Bengali"  {"'init' Initial Forms in Bengali subtable"  } ['init' ('beng' <'dflt' > 'bng2' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'akhn' Akhand in Bengali"  {"'akhn' Akhand in Bengali subtable"  } ['akhn' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'rphf' Reph Form in Bengali"  {"'rphf' Reph Form in Bengali subtable"  } ['rphf' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'blwf' Below Base Forms in Bengali"  {"'blwf' Below Base Forms in Bengali subtable"  } ['blwf' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'half' Half Forms in Bengali"  {"'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable"  } ['half' ('beng' <'dflt' > 'bng2' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali"  {"'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable"  } ['frac' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Bengali"  {"'pstf' Post Base Forms in Bengali subtable"  } ['pstf' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali"  {"'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable"  } ['vatu' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali"  {"'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable"  } ['pres' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali"  {"'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable"  } ['blws' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali"  {"'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable"  } ['psts' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali"  {"'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable"  } ['haln' ('beng' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 1 0 0 "'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic"  {"'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic subtable"  } ['aalt' ('beng' <'dflt' > 'bng2' <'dflt' > 'dev2' <'dflt' > 'deva' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 1 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable"  } ['liga' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 2 1 0 "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew"  {"'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable"  } ['ccmp' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew"  {"'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew subtable"  } ['dlig' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian"  {"'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable"  } ['dlig' ('armn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian"  {"'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian subtable"  } ['hlig' ('armn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 4 0 0 "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan"  {"'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable"  } ['liga' ('latn' <'CAT ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 8 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-right" [150,0,2] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-left" [150,0,2] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-big" [150,0,2] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-small" [150,0,6] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punctuation"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punct" [150,0,2] } ['kern' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning subtable middle"  } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin subtable"  "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin subtable 2"  } ['mark' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 2"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Latin 2 subtable"  } ['mark' ('latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Cyrillic"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Cyrillic subtable"  } ['mark' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-capital" [150,0,0] "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-small" [150,0,0] } ['kern' ('cyrl' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 258 0 0 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai"  {"'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai subtable"  } ['kern' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 0"  {"'blwm' Below Base Mark in Thai subtable"  } ['mark' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 0 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai subtable"  } ['mkmk' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 0 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai subtable"  "'mark' Mark Positioning in Thai 1 subtable"  } ['mark' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 0 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai 2"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Thai subtable 1"  } ['mkmk' ('thai' <'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Yiddish"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Yiddish subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'JII ' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Ivrit"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew for Ivrit subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'IWR ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 260 1 0 "'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew"  {"'mark' Mark Positioning in Hebrew subtable"  } ['mark' ('hebr' <'IWR ' 'JII ' 'dflt' > ) ]
+Lookup: 262 1 0 "'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Hebrew"  {"'mkmk' Mark to Mark in Hebrew subtable"  } ['mkmk' ('hebr' <'dflt' > ) ]
+MarkAttachClasses: 1
+DEI: 91125
+KernClass2: 2 4 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-punct" 
+ 28 f ff dhook ghook yhook qhook
+ 12 comma period
+ 6 hyphen
+ 15 semicolon colon
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} -80 {} -80 {}
+KernClass2: 21 16 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-small" 
+ 106 a agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring amacron abreve aogonek adblgrave ainvertedbreve uni0227
+ 179 b o p ssharp ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash thorn omacron obreve ohungarumlaut ocaron eturned oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute odblgrave oinvertedbreve uni022F
+ 47 c ccedilla cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron
+ 37 d l ffl fl dcroat lacute lcommaaccent
+ 109 e ae egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron oe edblgrave einvertedbreve
+ 23 f ff longs florin yhook
+ 63 g gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent gbar gcaron gacute
+ 78 h m n ntilde hcircumflex hbar ncommaaccent ncaron napostrophe eng nleg uni021F
+ 8 i fi ffi
+ 37 j ij jcircumflex Lj lj Nj nj dotlessj
+ 27 k kcommaaccent khook kcaron
+ 1 q
+ 61 r racute rcommaaccent rcaron rdblgrave rinvertedbreve uni024D
+ 49 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron scommaaccent
+ 35 t tcedilla tpalatalhook tcommabelow
+ 161 u ugrave uacute ucircumflex udieresis utilde umacron ubreve uring uhungarumlaut uogonek uhorn ucaron udieresismacron udieresisacute udieresiscaron udieresisgrave
+ 46 v w y yacute ydieresis wcircumflex ycircumflex
+ 1 x
+ 26 z zacute zdotaccent zcaron
+ 20 dcaron lcaron tcaron
+ 444 a c d e o q ae oe agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring amacron abreve aogonek adieresismacron adotmacron aemacron aeacute uni0227 ccedilla egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron omacron obreve ohungarumlaut ohorn oi ocaron oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute oinvertedbreve uni0229 uni022F schwa
+ 43 b l btopbar lacute lcommaaccent lcaron ldot
+ 38 f ssharp longs florin ff fi fl ffi ffl
+ 56 g gcircumflex gbreve gdotaccent gcommaaccent gbar gacute
+ 48 h k thorn hcircumflex kcommaaccent khook uni021F
+ 19 i iacute iogonek ij
+ 20 j jcircumflex jcaron
+ 110 m n r kgreenlandic nacute ncommaaccent ncaron racute rcommaaccent rcaron nleg nj rinvertedbreve nhookretroflex
+ 7 p phook
+ 36 s sacute scircumflex scedilla scaron
+ 48 t tcedilla tcaron tpalatalhook thook tcommabelow
+ 65 u ugrave uacute ucircumflex udieresis utilde umacron ubreve uring
+ 60 v w y yacute ydieresis wcircumflex ycircumflex yhook uni0233
+ 1 x
+ 26 z zacute zdotaccent zcaron
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -30 {} -95 {} -80 {} -20 {} -50 {} -95 {} -50 {} -50 {} -70 {} -60 {} -50 {} -60 {} -70 {} -70 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -80 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -10 {} -50 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} -40 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -10 {} -30 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {}
+KernClass2: 18 26 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin-big" 
+ 132 A Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde Adieresis Aring Amacron Abreve Aogonek Acaron Adieresismacron Adotmacron Adblgrave Ainvertedbreve
+ 15 B Bhook Btopbar
+ 47 C Ccedilla Cacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent Ccaron
+ 238 D O Q Eth Ograve Oacute Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis Oslash Thorn Dcaron Dcroat Eng Omacron Obreve Ohungarumlaut Dbar Dhook Schwa Obar Ohorn Ocaron Oogonek Oogonekmacron Oslashacute Odblgrave Oinvertedbreve uni022A uni022C uni022E uni0230
+ 92 E AE Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis Emacron Ebreve Edotaccent Eogonek Ecaron OE uni0228
+ 1 F
+ 63 G Gcircumflex Gbreve Gdotaccent Gcommaaccent Gbar Gcaron Gacute
+ 7 H I M N
+ 3 J U
+ 16 K X Kcommaaccent
+ 40 L Lacute Lcommaaccent Lcaron Ldot Lslash
+ 12 P Phook Wynn
+ 28 R Racute Rcommaaccent Rcaron
+ 36 S Sacute Scircumflex Scedilla Scaron
+ 55 T Tcedilla Tcaron Tbar Thook Tretroflexhook Tcommabelow
+ 46 V W Y Yacute Wcircumflex Ycircumflex Ydieresis
+ 29 Z Zacute Zdotaccent Zcaron DZ
+ 1 A
+ 23 B D E F H I K L M N P R
+ 7 C G O Q
+ 1 J
+ 1 S
+ 1 T
+ 1 U
+ 5 V W Y
+ 1 X
+ 1 Z
+ 465 a c d e o q agrave aacute acircumflex atilde adieresis aring ae amacron abreve aogonek acaron adotmacron aemacron aeacute ainvertedbreve uni0227 ccedilla ograve oacute ocircumflex otilde odieresis oslash cacute ccircumflex cdotaccent ccaron dcaron dcroat emacron ebreve edotaccent eogonek ecaron omacron obreve ohungarumlaut oe chook ohorn oi ocaron oogonek oogonekmacron oslashacute einvertedbreve oinvertedbreve uni0221 uni0229 uni022F uni023C uni024B ccurl dtail
+ 3 b l
+ 31 f ffi ffl fi fl ff longs florin
+ 1 g
+ 3 h k
+ 1 i
+ 1 j
+ 5 m n r
+ 1 p
+ 1 s
+ 1 t
+ 1 u
+ 5 v w y
+ 1 x
+ 1 z
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -40 {} -80 {} -80 {} -120 {} -50 {} -40 {} -30 {} -30 {} -70 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -80 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -70 {} -10 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -70 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -80 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} -50 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} 0 {} -50 {} -30 {} -30 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -80 {} -50 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -80 {} -70 {} -40 {} -10 {} -20 {} -70 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -70 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -30 {} -50 {} -40 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -70 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -50 {} 0 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -30 {} -30 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -60 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -30 {} 0 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -50 {} -60 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -60 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -20 {} -50 {} -80 {} -90 {} -10 {} -10 {} -25 {} -30 {} -70 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -70 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -50 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -60 {} -60 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} -70 {} -40 {} -20 {} -60 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -40 {} 0 {} -50 {} 0 {} -50 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -70 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -20 {} -80 {} -20 {} 0 {} -40 {} -30 {} -20 {} 0 {} -60 {} -20 {} -70 {} -40 {} -10 {} -10 {} -90 {} -20 {} -20 {} -40 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 5 10 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-left" 
+ 9 wsuperior
+ 7 uni1dbf
+ 52 dtail nhookretroflex rhookturned eshshortrev uni02AF
+ 34 dhook ghook qhook esh eshcurl tesh
+ 46 a c d e o q s ascript cturn schwa epsilonlatin
+ 15 m n r u v w x z
+ 5 theta
+ 1 g
+ 3 p y
+ 5 h k l
+ 1 t
+ 21 f ssharp longs florin
+ 1 i
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -20 {} -20 {} -60 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -10 {} -20 {} -50 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -50 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -60 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} -90 {} -60 {} -10 {} -80 {} -80 {} 0 {} -50 {} -50 {} 0 {}
+KernClass2: 7 5 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Latin for IPA-right" 
+ 54 a b c e o p s cturn schwa epsilonlatin epsilonlatinrev
+ 1 f
+ 24 k u v w x y z gammalatin
+ 3 g q
+ 5 n m r
+ 3 chi
+ 9 wsuperior
+ 7 uni1dbf
+ 25 nhookleft esh jhookdblbar
+ 5 cturn
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} -100 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -130 {} -40 {} 0 {} -60 {} -10 {} -100 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} -40 {} 0 {} -30 {} 0 {} -80 {} -50 {} -100 {} -10 {} 0 {} -80 {} -30 {} 0 {} -40 {}
+KernClass2: 2 2 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Thai subtable" 
+ 511 kokaithai khokhaithai khokhuatthai khokhwaithai khokhonthai khorakhangthai ngonguthai chochanthai chochingthai chochangthai sosothai chochoethai yoyingthai dochadathai topatakthai thothanthai thonangmonthothai thophuthaothai nonenthai dodekthai totaothai thothungthai thothahanthai thothongthai nonuthai bobaimaithai phophungthai phophanthai phosamphaothai momathai yoyakthai roruathai ruthai lolingthai luthai wowaenthai sosalathai sorusithai sosuathai hohipthai lochulathai oangthai honokhukthai paiyannoithai
+ 46 saraothai saraaimaimuanthai saraaimaimalaithai
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {}
+KernClass2: 14 22 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-capital" 
+ 9 Acyrillic
+ 10 Becyrillic
+ 21 Vecyrillic Zecyrillic
+ 33 Gecyrillic Tecyrillic Gjecyrillic
+ 49 Ocyrillic Efcyrillic Ereversedcyrillic IUcyrillic
+ 34 Kacyrillic Zhecyrillic Kjecyrillic
+ 140 Icyrillic Yicyrillic Dzhecyrillic Iicyrillic Iishortcyrillic Elcyrillic Emcyrillic Encyrillic Pecyrillic Shacyrillic Yericyrillic IAcyrillic
+ 57 Ljecyrillic Njecyrillic Hardsigncyrillic Softsigncyrillic
+ 24 Ucyrillic Ushortcyrillic
+ 36 Decyrillic Tsecyrillic Shchacyrillic
+ 20 Ecyrillic Escyrillic
+ 10 Ercyrillic
+ 38 Iecyrillic Iecyrillic_grave Iocyrillic
+ 41 Ecyrillic Ocyrillic Escyrillic Efcyrillic
+ 10 Decyrillic
+ 23 Zhecyrillic Khacyrillic
+ 10 Elcyrillic
+ 24 Ucyrillic Ushortcyrillic
+ 11 Checyrillic
+ 101 acyrillic vecyrillic iecyrillic ocyrillic escyrillic efcyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic ecyrillic
+ 33 elcyrillic emcyrillic ljecyrillic
+ 110 iicyrillic iishortcyrillic ucyrillic tsecyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic uni045D ushortcyrillic dzhecyrillic
+ 89 kacyrillic encyrillic pecyrillic ercyrillic tecyrillic iucyrillic njecyrillic kjecyrillic
+ 16 hardsigncyrillic
+ 28 zecyrillic ereversedcyrillic
+ 9 Acyrillic
+ 310 Iocyrillic Iecyrillic_grave Gjecyrillic Icyrillic Yicyrillic Njecyrillic Kjecyrillic uni040D Dzhecyrillic Becyrillic Vecyrillic Gecyrillic Iecyrillic Iicyrillic Iishortcyrillic Kacyrillic Emcyrillic Encyrillic Pecyrillic Ercyrillic Tsecyrillic Shacyrillic Shchacyrillic Yericyrillic Softsigncyrillic IUcyrillic
+ 28 Zecyrillic Ereversedcyrillic
+ 10 becyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 11 checyrillic
+ 10 IAcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 29 yericyrillic softsigncyrillic
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -60 {} 0 {} -3 {} -6 {} -60 {} -72 {} -15 {} -10 {} -24 {} -12 {} -48 {} -18 {} 0 {} -10 {} -24 {} -24 {} 0 {} -36 {} 0 {} -24 {} -18 {} 0 {} -15 {} -40 {} -54 {} -20 {} -54 {} -54 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -24 {} -36 {} -42 {} -30 {} -24 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -36 {} -6 {} 0 {} 0 {} -18 {} -42 {} -48 {} -24 {} -60 {} -54 {} -12 {} -24 {} -24 {} -24 {} -36 {} -36 {} -20 {} -24 {} -18 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -36 {} -6 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -60 {} -50 {} -40 {} -50 {} -40 {} -50 {} -50 {} -36 {} -30 {} -36 {} -48 {} -50 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -50 {} -42 {} -50 {} -40 {} -12 {} 0 {} 0 {} -36 {} -50 {} -20 {} -40 {} -30 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -24 {} -24 {} 0 {} 0 {} -10 {} -40 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} -6 {} 0 {} -18 {} -24 {} -24 {} -24 {} 0 {} -30 {} -24 {} -30 {} -36 {} 0 {} -12 {} -12 {} -24 {} -18 {} -36 {} 0 {} -24 {} -18 {} 0 {} -24 {} -18 {} -18 {} -20 {} -12 {} -15 {} -30 {} -24 {} -20 {} -18 {} -24 {} -24 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -30 {} -24 {} 0 {} -20 {} -30 {} -40 {} -10 {} -60 {} -60 {} 0 {} -30 {} -20 {} -18 {} -30 {} -24 {} -40 {} -24 {} -18 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -50 {} 0 {} -10 {} 0 {} -50 {} -50 {} -36 {} -50 {} 0 {} 0 {} -50 {} -50 {} -40 {} -42 {} -50 {} -48 {} -50 {} 0 {} -12 {} -40 {} -40 {} -40 {} -50 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -24 {} 0 {} -12 {} -12 {} 0 {} 0 {} -24 {} -12 {} -24 {} -24 {} -24 {} -24 {} -30 {} 0 {} -18 {} -18 {} -18 {} -24 {} -18 {} -24 {} -10 {} 0 {} -20 {} -30 {} -30 {} -6 {} -20 {} -12 {} -10 {} -10 {} -20 {} -18 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -20 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -40 {} -10 {} -10 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -50 {} -36 {} -30 {} -24 {} -24 {} -36 {} -10 {} -18 {} -12 {} -12 {} -40 {} -30 {} -12 {} -12 {} -12 {} -24 {} -42 {} -24 {} -12 {} 0 {} -18 {} -6 {} -6 {} 0 {} -18 {} -18 {} 0 {} 0 {} -18 {} -12 {} -18 {} 0 {} 0 {} -18 {} -18 {} -12 {} 0 {} -30 {} -12 {} -12 {} -12 {}
+KernClass2: 13 14 "'kern' Horizontal Kerning in Cyrillic-small" 
+ 60 becyrillic ocyrillic ercyrillic ereversedcyrillic iucyrillic
+ 11 zhecyrillic
+ 34 kacyrillic khacyrillic kjecyrillic
+ 57 hardsigncyrillic softsigncyrillic ljecyrillic njecyrillic
+ 24 ucyrillic ushortcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 145 acyrillic iicyrillic iishortcyrillic emcyrillic encyrillic tsecyrillic checyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic yericyrillic iacyrillic dzhecyrillic
+ 32 elcyrillic pecyrillic tecyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 38 iecyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic
+ 20 escyrillic ecyrillic
+ 21 vecyrillic zecyrillic
+ 103 acyrillic vecyrillic iecyrillic ocyrillic escyrillic efcyrillic iecyrillic_grave iocyrillic ecyrillic g
+ 33 elcyrillic emcyrillic ljecyrillic
+ 105 kacyrillic encyrillic pecyrillic ercyrillic tecyrillic iucyrillic njecyrillic kjecyrillic uni04E3 imacron
+ 16 hardsigncyrillic
+ 28 zecyrillic ereversedcyrillic
+ 10 decyrillic
+ 10 becyrillic
+ 22 gecyrillic gjecyrillic
+ 10 iacyrillic
+ 110 iicyrillic iishortcyrillic ucyrillic tsecyrillic shacyrillic shchacyrillic uni045D ushortcyrillic dzhecyrillic
+ 23 zhecyrillic khacyrillic
+ 11 checyrillic
+ 29 yericyrillic softsigncyrillic
+ 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} 0 {} -10 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} -30 {} -45 {} -25 {} -20 {} -40 {} -40 {} -15 {} -20 {} -60 {} -30 {} -30 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} -12 {} -5 {} -12 {} -25 {} -12 {} -18 {} -18 {} -6 {} -20 {} -20 {} -5 {} -35 {} -12 {} 0 {} 0 {} -15 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} 0 {} 0 {} 0 {} -20 {} -20 {} -5 {} -40 {} -10 {} 0 {} -40 {} -60 {} -15 {} -20 {} -50 {} -30 {} -20 {} -30 {} -60 {} -30 {} -40 {} -25 {} -20 {} 0 {} -20 {} -60 {} -18 {} -10 {} -30 {} -6 {} 0 {} -20 {} -50 {} -24 {} -30 {} -24 {} -20 {} 0 {} -6 {} -5 {} -10 {} -30 {} -10 {} -12 {} -10 {} -5 {} -20 {} -10 {} -5 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -6 {} -5 {} -6 {} -30 {} -10 {} -9 {} -10 {} -5 {} -20 {} -20 {} -6 {} -30 {} 0 {} 0 {} -12 {} -25 {} -20 {} -6 {} -30 {} -12 {} 0 {} -10 {} -40 {} -20 {} -30 {} -12 {} -6 {} 0 {} -24 {} -25 {} -18 {} -10 {} -20 {} -24 {} -6 {} -15 {} -30 {} -24 {} -25 {} -24 {} -6 {} 0 {} -24 {} -40 {} -20 {} -10 {} -20 {} -24 {} -15 {} -20 {} -40 {} -20 {} -25 {} -30 {} -12 {} 0 {} -6 {} -30 {} -15 {} -6 {} -20 {} -6 {} 0 {} 0 {} -40 {} -10 {} -18 {} -18 {} 0 {}
+ChainSub2: glyph "'ccmp' Contextual Chaining in Latin - iogonek-subtable"  0 0 0 1
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+ 328 444 l 2
+ 364 444 375 451 391 478 c 1
+ 404 470 l 1
+ 371 391 l 1
+ 140 391 l 1
+ 140 409 l 1
+ 273 539 l 2
+ 335 599 363 646 363 678 c 0
+ 363 715 331 742 288 742 c 0
+ 252 742 227 728 198 690 c 1
+ 185 700 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: threesuperior
+Encoding: 179 179 112
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+330 512 m 0
+ 330 590 282 607 219 607 c 1
+ 219 620 l 1
+ 319 638 364 667 364 712 c 0
+ 364 742 344 764 316 764 c 0
+ 290 764 274 755 245 728 c 1
+ 233 735 l 1
+ 253 773 293 799 338 799 c 0
+ 392 799 433 763 433 720 c 1
+ 432.082 679.385 404.992 652.945 332 633 c 1
+ 350 624 397 611 397 545 c 0
+ 397 453 318 385 210 385 c 0
+ 163 385 137 402 137 427 c 0
+ 137 442 150 455 167 455 c 0
+ 194 455 216 421 248 421 c 0
+ 296 421 330 459 330 512 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: acute
+Encoding: 180 180 113
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+101 494 m 1
+ 263 654 l 2
+ 270 660 278 664 288 664 c 0
+ 308 664 324 648 324 628 c 0
+ 324 616 319 607 307 600 c 2
+ 136 494 l 1
+ 101 494 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: micro
+Encoding: 181 181 114
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+73 18 m 0
+ 73 -31 75 -17 75 -66 c 0
+ 75 -153 47 -209 4 -209 c 0
+ -19 -209 -30 -194 -30 -164 c 0
+ -30 -84 16 -63 42 54 c 2
+ 127 428 l 1
+ 215 428 l 1
+ 148 144 l 1
+ 146 137 145 123 145 114 c 0
+ 145 72 172 45 214 45 c 0
+ 257 45 301 70 336 115 c 1
+ 409 428 l 1
+ 497 428 l 1
+ 419 92 l 1
+ 413 70 413 68 413 58 c 0
+ 413 40 422 30 439 30 c 0
+ 456 30 470 37 495 56 c 1
+ 490 42 447 -10 385 -10 c 0
+ 347 -10 328 10 328 49 c 0
+ 328 59 329 66 332 80 c 1
+ 279 18 231 -10 178 -10 c 0
+ 125 -10 94 14 75 66 c 1
+ 74 45 73 34 73 18 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: paragraph
+Encoding: 182 182 115
+Width: 523
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+92 403 m 0
+ 92 500 132 653 359 653 c 2
+ 616 653 l 1
+ 610 632 l 1
+ 534 627 526 622 513 574 c 0
+ 357 -11 l 2
+ 354 -20 342 -61 342 -76 c 0
+ 342 -90 356 -96 391 -100 c 0
+ 394 -100 404 -101 414 -102 c 1
+ 409 -123 l 1
+ 261 -123 l 1
+ 461 632 l 1
+ 403 632 l 1
+ 203 -123 l 1
+ 55 -123 l 1
+ 60 -102 l 1
+ 106 -98 122 -95 134 -89 c 0
+ 156 -82 199 115 245 283 c 1
+ 112 288 92 354 92 403 c 0
+334 632 m 1
+ 216 624 169 487 169 406 c 0
+ 169 349 197 310 255 304 c 1
+ 334 632 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: middot
+Encoding: 183 183 116
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+192 286 m 0
+ 217 286 240 262 240 237 c 0
+ 240 210 218 188 191 188 c 0
+ 164 188 142 210 142 238 c 0
+ 142 264 164 286 192 286 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cedilla
+Encoding: 184 184 117
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+21 -96 m 1
+ 81 0 l 1
+ 119 0 l 1
+ 75 -66 l 1
+ 85 -64 92 -63 100 -63 c 0
+ 150 -63 182 -90 182 -131 c 0
+ 182 -181 132 -217 63 -217 c 0
+ 35 -217 12 -212 -30 -196 c 1
+ -13 -167 l 1
+ 17 -178 34 -182 55 -182 c 0
+ 89 -182 108 -167 108 -141 c 0
+ 108 -115 89 -97 62 -97 c 0
+ 52 -97 44 -99 30 -104 c 1
+ 21 -96 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: onesuperior
+Encoding: 185 185 118
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+235 774 m 1
+ 335 790 338 796 360 796 c 2
+ 370 796 l 2
+ 372.818 796 375 793 375 791 c 0
+ 375 789 373.195 781.996 371 775 c 2
+ 285 501 l 2
+ 273 463 266 436 266 427 c 0
+ 266 412 273 408 311 407 c 1
+ 311 391 l 1
+ 130 391 l 1
+ 130 407 l 1
+ 177 412 190 417 195 432 c 2
+ 285 717 l 2
+ 289 729 290 734 290 738 c 0
+ 290 748.988 282.142 755.689 273.671 755.689 c 0
+ 272.12 755.689 270.548 755.464 269 755 c 2
+ 235 755 l 1
+ 235 774 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ordmasculine
+Encoding: 186 186 119
+Width: 310
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+272 355 m 1
+ 259 292 l 1
+ 39 292 l 1
+ 53 355 l 1
+ 272 355 l 1
+265 676 m 0
+ 322 676 362 641 362 592 c 0
+ 362 500 262 406 164 406 c 0
+ 105 406 67 439 67 489 c 0
+ 67 584 164 676 265 676 c 0
+289 607 m 0
+ 289 642 275 654 255 654 c 0
+ 201 654 140 559 140 476 c 0
+ 140 448 155 430 178 430 c 0
+ 241 430 289 541 289 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: guillemotright
+Encoding: 187 187 120
+Width: 444
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1292 8250 N 1 0 0 1 165 0 2
+Refer: 1292 8250 N 1 0 0 1 2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: onequarter
+Encoding: 188 188 121
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1378 8308 S 1 0 0 1 344 -391 0
+Refer: 1324 8725 N 1 0 0 1 59 0 0
+Refer: 118 185 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -120 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" one fraction four
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash four
+StartChar: onehalf
+Encoding: 189 189 122
+Width: 740
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1320 8543 N 1 0 0 1 -10 0 2
+Refer: 111 178 S 1 0 0 1 350 -391 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" one fraction two
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash two
+StartChar: threequarters
+Encoding: 190 190 123
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1378 8308 S 1 0 0 1 354 -391 0
+Refer: 1324 8725 N 1 0 0 1 59 0 0
+Refer: 112 179 N 1 0 0 1 -50 -124 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" three fraction four
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash four
+StartChar: questiondown
+Encoding: 191 191 124
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+252 -135 m 0
+ 252 -116 237 -102 237 -83 c 0
+ 237 -63 253 -48 277 -48 c 0
+ 301 -48 316 -66 316 -96 c 0
+ 316 -160 258 -205 175 -205 c 0
+ 86 -205 28 -154 28 -76 c 0
+ 28 65 238 101 277 256 c 2
+ 284 285 l 1
+ 301 283 l 1
+ 283 184 273 161 189 67 c 0
+ 125 -5 102 -46 102 -99 c 0
+ 102 -153 131 -183 182 -183 c 0
+ 225 -183 252 -165 252 -135 c 0
+314 473 m 0
+ 344 473 367 450 367 421 c 0
+ 367 391 344 368 315 368 c 0
+ 286 368 262 392 262 421 c 0
+ 262 448 286 473 314 473 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Agrave
+Encoding: 192 192 125
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 181 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aacute
+Encoding: 193 193 126
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 268 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Acircumflex
+Encoding: 194 194 127
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 264 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 111 199 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" A circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Atilde
+Encoding: 195 195 128
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 103 176 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adieresis
+Encoding: 196 196 129
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 179 195 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aring
+Encoding: 197 197 130
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 532 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 125 189 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: AE
+Encoding: 198 198 131
+Width: 877
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+250 234 m 1
+ 226 203 125 88 125 47 c 0
+ 125 28 136 22 189 16 c 1
+ 189 0 l 1
+ 2 0 l 1
+ 2 16 l 1
+ 26 22 38 32 86 92 c 2
+ 455 557 l 2
+ 485 594 487 598 487 610 c 0
+ 487 626 476 634 449 636 c 0
+ 445 636 434 637 423 638 c 1
+ 423 653 l 1
+ 940 653 l 1
+ 907 500 l 1
+ 890 502 l 1
+ 891 515 891 532 891 538 c 0
+ 891 608 863 620 699 620 c 0
+ 652 620 644 615 635 583 c 2
+ 574 361 l 1
+ 733 362 743 367 785 458 c 1
+ 803 454 l 1
+ 734 222 l 1
+ 717 226 l 1
+ 721 250 723 264 723 278 c 0
+ 723 319 702 328 605 328 c 2
+ 565 328 l 1
+ 507 122 494 74 494 62 c 0
+ 494 42 510 33 545 33 c 2
+ 575 33 l 2
+ 725 33 779 60 855 169 c 1
+ 873 164 l 1
+ 809 0 l 1
+ 311 0 l 1
+ 311 16 l 1
+ 372 22 380 27 391 64 c 0
+ 440 234 l 1
+ 250 234 l 1
+278 271 m 1
+ 451 271 l 1
+ 546 613 l 1
+ 278 271 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ccedilla
+Encoding: 199 199 132
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+451 666 m 0
+ 518 666 581 642 609 642 c 0
+ 629 642 639 648 647 664 c 1
+ 668 664 l 1
+ 631 465 l 1
+ 613 468 l 1
+ 603 576 552 630 460 630 c 0
+ 394 630 331 602 283 553 c 0
+ 205 472 157 351 157 232 c 0
+ 157 103 221 27 332 27 c 0
+ 414 27 472 57 562 145 c 1
+ 579 131 l 1
+ 489 26 409 -18 306 -18 c 0
+ 290 -18 274 -17 256 -14 c 1
+ 221 -66 l 1
+ 231 -64 238 -63 246 -63 c 0
+ 296 -63 328 -90 328 -131 c 0
+ 328 -181 278 -217 209 -217 c 0
+ 181 -217 158 -212 116 -196 c 1
+ 133 -167 l 1
+ 162 -178 180 -182 201 -182 c 0
+ 235 -182 254 -167 254 -141 c 0
+ 254 -115 235 -97 208 -97 c 0
+ 198 -97 190 -99 176 -104 c 1
+ 167 -96 l 1
+ 223 -6 l 1
+ 114 26 45 122 45 243 c 0
+ 45 465 238 666 451 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Egrave
+Encoding: 200 200 133
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 185 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eacute
+Encoding: 201 201 134
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 232 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ecircumflex
+Encoding: 202 202 135
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 242 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 117 199 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" E circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Edieresis
+Encoding: 203 203 136
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 174 195 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Igrave
+Encoding: 204 204 137
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 71 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iacute
+Encoding: 205 205 138
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 99 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Icircumflex
+Encoding: 206 206 139
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 111 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -23 199 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" I circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Idieresis
+Encoding: 207 207 140
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 30 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eth
+Encoding: 208 208 141
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+708 384 m 0
+ 708 168 526 0 253 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 16 l 1
+ 56 26 65 32 81 90 c 0
+ 146 326 l 1
+ 56 326 l 1
+ 68 368 l 1
+ 158 368 l 1
+ 204 532 l 2
+ 211 556 215 580 215 596 c 0
+ 215 623 201 631 138 637 c 1
+ 138 653 l 1
+ 416 653 l 2
+ 594 653 708 548 708 384 c 0
+597 408 m 0
+ 597 493 565 623 385 623 c 0
+ 343 623 327 616 321 594 c 2
+ 258 368 l 1
+ 411 368 l 1
+ 399 326 l 1
+ 246 326 l 1
+ 200 162 l 2
+ 184 106 178 79 178 67 c 0
+ 178 41 197 30 243 30 c 0
+ 455 30 597 181 597 408 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ntilde
+Encoding: 209 209 142
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 133 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ograve
+Encoding: 210 210 143
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 232 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oacute
+Encoding: 211 211 144
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 285 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ocircumflex
+Encoding: 212 212 145
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 288 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 157 199 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" O circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Otilde
+Encoding: 213 213 146
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 150 175 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Odieresis
+Encoding: 214 214 147
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 211 196 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: multiply
+Encoding: 215 215 148
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+289 253 m 1
+ 93 449 l 1
+ 141 497 l 1
+ 337 300 l 1
+ 534 497 l 1
+ 582 449 l 1
+ 385 253 l 1
+ 582 56 l 1
+ 534 8 l 1
+ 337 205 l 1
+ 141 8 l 1
+ 93 56 l 1
+ 289 253 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Oslash
+Encoding: 216 216 149
+Width: 657
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+37 222 m 0
+ 37 468 281 666 445 666 c 0
+ 482 666 513 660 550 644 c 1
+ 602 722 l 1
+ 646 722 l 1
+ 582 626 l 1
+ 615 600 676 548 676 431 c 0
+ 676 205 468 -18 258 -18 c 0
+ 227 -18 202 -12 164 3 c 1
+ 90 -105 l 1
+ 46 -105 l 1
+ 132 22 l 1
+ 66 70 37 132 37 222 c 0
+441 633 m 0
+ 262 633 142 345 142 176 c 0
+ 142 138 149 108 167 74 c 1
+ 523 607 l 1
+ 498 625 474 633 441 633 c 0
+547 574 m 1
+ 192 44 l 1
+ 214 23 238 15 272 15 c 0
+ 343 15 405 53 460 132 c 0
+ 522 222 571 373 571 475 c 0
+ 571 514 563 545 547 574 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ugrave
+Encoding: 217 217 150
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 255 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uacute
+Encoding: 218 218 151
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 316 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ucircumflex
+Encoding: 219 219 152
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 295 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 167 199 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" U circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Udieresis
+Encoding: 220 220 153
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 237 195 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Yacute
+Encoding: 221 221 154
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 210 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 242 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 243 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Thorn
+Encoding: 222 222 155
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+539 369 m 0
+ 539 287 484 170 265 170 c 0
+ 223 170 200 173 176 180 c 1
+ 159 120 l 2
+ 150 87 147 74 147 62 c 0
+ 147 28 152 25 215 16 c 1
+ 215 0 l 1
+ -30 0 l 1
+ -30 16 l 1
+ 27 24 35 30 52 90 c 0
+ 170 515 l 2
+ 183 561 187 581 187 595 c 0
+ 187 622 173 630 116 637 c 1
+ 116 653 l 1
+ 354 653 l 1
+ 354 637 l 1
+ 314 632 299 623 292 595 c 0
+ 272 518 l 1
+ 328 518 l 2
+ 464 518 539 465 539 369 c 0
+436 368 m 0
+ 436 432 414 488 302 488 c 0
+ 274 488 262 480 256 459 c 2
+ 185 211 l 1
+ 215 206 220 206 237 206 c 0
+ 351 206 436 236 436 368 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ssharp
+Encoding: 223 223 156
+Width: 569
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+586 548 m 0
+ 586 482 551 432 423 384 c 1
+ 423 381 l 1
+ 535 367 547 274 547 244 c 0
+ 547 133 462 -13 334 -13 c 0
+ 286 -13 254 14 254 53 c 0
+ 254 81 272 100 298 100 c 0
+ 321 100 336 84 336 60 c 0
+ 336 40 324 30 324 22 c 0
+ 324 15 333 9 342 9 c 0
+ 436 9 460 221 460 262 c 0
+ 460 332 434 367 379 369 c 0
+ 359 370 353 374 353 384 c 0
+ 353 394 357 397 370 397 c 0
+ 451 397 506 470 506 577 c 0
+ 506 628 484 656 444 656 c 0
+ 386 656 337 582 299 438 c 0
+ 188 12 l 2
+ 152 -125 83 -207 3 -207 c 0
+ -44 -207 -75 -182 -75 -145 c 0
+ -75 -119 -60 -103 -36 -103 c 0
+ -13 -103 4 -118 4 -139 c 0
+ 4 -157 -8 -167 -8 -175 c 0
+ -8 -180 -1 -183 10 -183 c 0
+ 59 -183 86 -139 116 -4 c 0
+ 188 315 l 2
+ 246 571 323 679 447 679 c 0
+ 530 679 586 626 586 548 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: agrave
+Encoding: 224 224 157
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 67 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aacute
+Encoding: 225 225 158
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 153 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acircumflex
+Encoding: 226 226 159
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 12 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" a circumflexcomb
+StartChar: atilde
+Encoding: 227 227 160
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 -6 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adieresis
+Encoding: 228 228 161
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 84 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aring
+Encoding: 229 229 162
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 730 N 1 0 0 1 2 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ae
+Encoding: 230 230 163
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+582 113 m 1
+ 592 101 l 1
+ 536 33 460 -11 397 -11 c 0
+ 334 -11 290 40 290 111 c 0
+ 290 125 292 135 296 151 c 1
+ 211 27 165 -11 101 -11 c 0
+ 52 -11 17 28 17 83 c 0
+ 17 241 173 441 297 441 c 0
+ 331 441 347 430 363 394 c 1
+ 382 437 l 1
+ 453 439 l 1
+ 431 377 l 1
+ 478 423 512 441 553 441 c 0
+ 603 441 634 414 634 371 c 0
+ 634 267 477 227 378 198 c 1
+ 372 170 370 159 370 137 c 0
+ 370 71 394 36 440 36 c 0
+ 483 36 523 57 582 113 c 1
+344 370 m 0
+ 344 401 325 421 296 421 c 0
+ 212 421 103 222 103 92 c 0
+ 103 58 116 39 137 39 c 0
+ 228 39 344 244 344 370 c 0
+384 223 m 1
+ 463 246 568 284 568 379 c 0
+ 568 403 556 416 533 416 c 0
+ 445 416 397 263 384 223 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ccedilla
+Encoding: 231 231 164
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 420 m 0
+ 151 420 110 199 110 139 c 0
+ 110 68 144 25 201 25 c 0
+ 250 25 289 47 344 106 c 1
+ 360 96 l 1
+ 300 19 246 -11 170 -11 c 2
+ 162 -11 l 1
+ 125 -66 l 1
+ 135 -64 142 -63 150 -63 c 0
+ 200 -63 232 -90 232 -131 c 0
+ 232 -181 182 -217 113 -217 c 0
+ 85 -217 62 -212 20 -196 c 1
+ 37 -167 l 1
+ 66 -178 84 -182 105 -182 c 0
+ 139 -182 158 -167 158 -141 c 0
+ 158 -115 139 -97 112 -97 c 0
+ 102 -97 94 -99 80 -104 c 1
+ 71 -96 l 1
+ 127 -6 l 1
+ 60 10 24 60 24 139 c 0
+ 24 295 164 441 314 441 c 0
+ 374 441 419 406 419 360 c 0
+ 419 334 398 314 371 314 c 0
+ 347 314 332 328 332 352 c 0
+ 332 370 347 389 347 400 c 0
+ 347 412 332 420 310 420 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: egrave
+Encoding: 232 232 165
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 73 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: eacute
+Encoding: 233 233 166
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 139 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ecircumflex
+Encoding: 234 234 167
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -9 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" e circumflexcomb
+StartChar: edieresis
+Encoding: 235 235 168
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 46 -5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: igrave
+Encoding: 236 236 169
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -20 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i gravecomb
+StartChar: iacute
+Encoding: 237 237 170
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 -8 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i acutecomb
+StartChar: icircumflex
+Encoding: 238 238 171
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -106 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i circumflexcomb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" i circumflexcomb
+StartChar: idieresis
+Encoding: 239 239 172
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 -52 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i diaeresiscomb
+StartChar: eth
+Encoding: 240 240 173
+Width: 456
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+322 567 m 1
+ 205 516 l 1
+ 172 545 l 1
+ 295 599 l 1
+ 260 632 234 649 192 666 c 1
+ 227 683 l 1
+ 272 673 309 655 349 622 c 1
+ 448 665 l 1
+ 480 637 l 1
+ 379 592 l 1
+ 440 519 465 452 465 359 c 0
+ 465 161 329 -11 172 -11 c 0
+ 81 -11 25 43 25 129 c 0
+ 25 280 171 441 308 441 c 0
+ 346 441 375 424 392 392 c 1
+ 394 393 l 1
+ 384 462 362 515 322 567 c 1
+187 10 m 0
+ 299 10 382 208 382 326 c 0
+ 382 383 354 420 311 420 c 0
+ 205 420 109 229 109 101 c 0
+ 109 47 140 10 187 10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ntilde
+Encoding: 241 241 174
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -8 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ograve
+Encoding: 242 242 175
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 96 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oacute
+Encoding: 243 243 176
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 143 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ocircumflex
+Encoding: 244 244 177
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 29 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" o circumflexcomb
+StartChar: otilde
+Encoding: 245 245 178
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 13 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: odieresis
+Encoding: 246 246 179
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 84 -7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: divide
+Encoding: 247 247 180
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+590 220 m 1
+ 86 220 l 1
+ 86 286 l 1
+ 590 286 l 1
+ 590 220 l 1
+338 100 m 0
+ 368 100 394 74 394 43 c 0
+ 394 13 368 -11 336 -11 c 0
+ 308 -11 283 14 283 43 c 0
+ 283 74 308 100 338 100 c 0
+338 517 m 0
+ 368 517 394 491 394 460 c 0
+ 394 431 368 406 337 406 c 0
+ 308 406 283 431 283 460 c 0
+ 283 491 308 517 338 517 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oslash
+Encoding: 248 248 181
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+121 -4 m 1
+ 45 20 25 78 25 130 c 0
+ 25 283 175 441 320 441 c 0
+ 324 441 329 441 336 440 c 1
+ 391 554 l 1
+ 425 554 l 1
+ 367 435 l 1
+ 444 413 466 352 466 298 c 0
+ 466 165 327 -11 173 -11 c 0
+ 164 -11 159 -11 153 -9 c 1
+ 92 -135 l 1
+ 57 -135 l 1
+ 121 -4 l 1
+315 420 m 0
+ 199 420 109 222 109 97 c 0
+ 109 70 118 48 137 29 c 1
+ 325 418 l 1
+ 320 419 317 420 315 420 c 0
+186 10 m 0
+ 296 10 382 201 382 325 c 0
+ 382 360 373 385 354 406 c 1
+ 164 14 l 1
+ 172 11 177 10 186 10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ugrave
+Encoding: 249 249 182
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 50 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uacute
+Encoding: 250 250 183
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 143 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ucircumflex
+Encoding: 251 251 184
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -20 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" u circumflexcomb
+StartChar: udieresis
+Encoding: 252 252 185
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 74 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yacute
+Encoding: 253 253 186
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 322 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: thorn
+Encoding: 254 254 187
+Width: 471
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+130 -190 m 1
+ 130 -205 l 1
+ -75 -205 l 1
+ -75 -189 l 1
+ -32 -188 -20 -176 -8 -130 c 2
+ 179 573 l 2
+ 186 596 188 607 188 616 c 0
+ 188 638 182 641 123 643 c 1
+ 123 660 l 1
+ 190 668 226 674 275 683 c 1
+ 280 678 l 1
+ 216 433 199 366 189 335 c 1
+ 191 333 l 1
+ 237 406 290 441 353 441 c 0
+ 426 441 469 394 469 315 c 0
+ 469 157 315 -11 169 -11 c 0
+ 146 -11 128 -7 103 6 c 1
+ 84 -67 66 -146 66 -159 c 0
+ 66 -182 83 -190 130 -190 c 1
+166 8 m 0
+ 286 8 379 190 379 312 c 0
+ 379 370 358 398 317 398 c 0
+ 263 398 209 353 182 284 c 0
+ 153 210 117 79 117 45 c 0
+ 117 23 137 8 166 8 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ydieresis
+Encoding: 255 255 188
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 322 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 36 -5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Amacron
+Encoding: 256 256 189
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 225 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 492 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 140 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: amacron
+Encoding: 257 257 190
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 203 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 84 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Abreve
+Encoding: 258 258 191
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 492 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 239 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 79 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" A brevecomb
+StartChar: abreve
+Encoding: 259 259 192
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 339 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 165 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" a brevecomb
+StartChar: Aogonek
+Encoding: 260 260 193
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 382 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+374 226 m 1
+ 154 226 l 1
+ 97 113 l 2
+ 80 79 77 70 77 51 c 0
+ 77 26 85 21 136 16 c 1
+ 136 0 l 1
+ -51 0 l 1
+ -51 16 l 1
+ -11 24 0 34 78 168 c 0
+ 368 668 l 1
+ 394 668 l 1
+ 488 102 l 1
+ 501 29 507 21 564 16 c 1
+ 564 0 l 1
+ 553 -11 548 -27 548 -49 c 0
+ 548 -85 570 -106 607 -106 c 0
+ 638 -106 663 -96 690 -74 c 1
+ 707 -92 l 1
+ 672 -143 630 -169 582 -169 c 0
+ 530 -169 487 -126 487 -73 c 0
+ 487 -46 493 -30 515 0 c 1
+ 318 0 l 1
+ 318 16 l 1
+ 382 22 396 31 396 69 c 0
+ 396 77 395 86 394 95 c 0
+ 374 226 l 1
+175 262 m 1
+ 369 262 l 1
+ 325 522 l 1
+ 175 262 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aogonek
+Encoding: 261 261 194
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 307 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+384 41 m 0
+ 399 41 430 76 464 110 c 1
+ 476 100 l 1
+ 428 41 399 12 372 -4 c 0
+ 348 -17 341 -28 341 -52 c 0
+ 341 -85 364 -106 400 -106 c 0
+ 431 -106 456 -96 483 -74 c 1
+ 500 -92 l 1
+ 465 -143 423 -169 375 -169 c 0
+ 323 -169 280 -126 280 -74 c 0
+ 280 -48 288 -26 306 0 c 1
+ 299 8 297 15 297 31 c 0
+ 297 55 300 68 320 146 c 1
+ 232 22 189 -11 119 -11 c 0
+ 55 -11 17 30 17 100 c 0
+ 17 258 171 441 303 441 c 0
+ 346 441 375 420 383 383 c 1
+ 394 431 l 1
+ 397 434 l 1
+ 458 441 l 1
+ 465 438 l 1
+ 463 429 462 427 459 417 c 0
+ 412 245 370 74 370 54 c 0
+ 370 47 376 41 384 41 c 0
+365 358 m 0
+ 365 395 341 419 304 419 c 0
+ 184 419 101 180 101 113 c 0
+ 101 67 124 38 159 38 c 0
+ 257 38 365 235 365 358 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cacute
+Encoding: 262 262 195
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 316 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cacute
+Encoding: 263 263 196
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 134 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ccircumflex
+Encoding: 264 264 197
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 147 199 0
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ccircumflex
+Encoding: 265 265 198
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 7 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Cdotaccent
+Encoding: 266 266 199
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 150 202 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cdotaccent
+Encoding: 267 267 200
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 5 -24 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ccaron
+Encoding: 268 268 201
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 140 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ccaron
+Encoding: 269 269 202
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 344 666 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 244 233 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Dcaron
+Encoding: 270 270 203
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 99 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dcaron
+Encoding: 271 271 204
+Width: 625
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3289 -1 N 1 0 0 1 423 0 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Dcroat
+Encoding: 272 272 205
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 141 208 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dcroat
+Encoding: 273 273 206
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+418 544 m 1
+ 252 544 l 1
+ 260 579 l 1
+ 428 579 l 1
+ 433 598 434 606 434 616 c 0
+ 434 638 427 641 372 643 c 1
+ 372 660 l 1
+ 436 666 472 672 525 683 c 1
+ 530 678 l 1
+ 504 579 l 1
+ 561 579 l 1
+ 553 544 l 1
+ 495 544 l 1
+ 460 407 458 398 431 306 c 0
+ 398 197 366 75 366 60 c 0
+ 366 49 374 40 384 40 c 0
+ 401 40 412 49 466 111 c 1
+ 478 101 l 1
+ 426 28 374 -13 332 -13 c 0
+ 307 -13 290 5 290 32 c 0
+ 290 55 292 70 303 121 c 1
+ 235 21 191 -11 123 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 18 32 18 103 c 0
+ 18 253 180 441 310 441 c 0
+ 349 441 367 425 375 383 c 1
+ 418 544 l 1
+314 418 m 0
+ 313 418 311 418 310 418 c 0
+ 282 418 248 400 221 372 c 0
+ 155 302 105 186 105 103 c 0
+ 105 64 129 37 163 37 c 0
+ 255 37 359 209 359 361 c 0
+ 359 397 344 416 314 418 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Emacron
+Encoding: 274 274 207
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 172 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: emacron
+Encoding: 275 275 208
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 46 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ebreve
+Encoding: 276 276 209
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 279 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 121 211 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" E brevecomb
+StartChar: ebreve
+Encoding: 277 277 210
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 184 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 12 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" e brevecomb
+StartChar: Edotaccent
+Encoding: 278 278 211
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 121 181 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: edotaccent
+Encoding: 279 279 212
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 20 -20 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eogonek
+Encoding: 280 280 213
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 402 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+256 33 m 0
+ 445 33 484 78 552 170 c 1
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+ 506 0 l 2
+ 497 -23 492 -44 492 -56 c 0
+ 492 -85 517 -106 551 -106 c 0
+ 582 -106 607 -96 634 -74 c 1
+ 651 -92 l 1
+ 616 -143 574 -169 526 -169 c 0
+ 473 -169 431 -126 431 -72 c 0
+ 431 -45 438 -27 459 0 c 1
+ -1 0 l 1
+ -1 16 l 1
+ 55 26 64 33 80 90 c 0
+ 203 532 l 2
+ 208 550 214 585 214 596 c 0
+ 214 623 199 631 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 634 653 l 1
+ 603 500 l 1
+ 582 502 l 1
+ 583 519 584 534 584 547 c 0
+ 584 607 549 620 392 620 c 0
+ 336 620 325 616 319 594 c 2
+ 253 361 l 1
+ 288 362 320 363 332 363 c 0
+ 423 367 432 373 470 458 c 1
+ 488 454 l 1
+ 420 222 l 1
+ 400 227 l 1
+ 405 249 407 262 407 279 c 0
+ 407 312 394 325 330 325 c 2
+ 322 325 l 2
+ 310 325 279 326 244 328 c 1
+ 189 119 176 113 176 67 c 0
+ 176 43 200 33 256 33 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eogonek
+Encoding: 281 281 214
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 330 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+363 97 m 1
+ 317 42 278 12 278 -53 c 0
+ 278 -85 302 -106 337 -106 c 0
+ 368 -106 393 -96 420 -74 c 1
+ 437 -92 l 1
+ 402 -143 360 -169 312 -169 c 0
+ 260 -169 217 -126 217 -75 c 0
+ 217 -42 228 -16 255 14 c 1
+ 219 -4 191 -11 157 -11 c 0
+ 78 -11 24 45 24 126 c 0
+ 24 276 181 441 325 441 c 0
+ 375 441 405 415 405 373 c 0
+ 405 287 299 211 149 190 c 2
+ 121 186 l 1
+ 113 154 111 139 111 124 c 0
+ 111 70 148 34 205 34 c 0
+ 248 34 279 50 351 109 c 1
+ 363 97 l 1
+128 208 m 1
+ 317 254 339 342 339 379 c 0
+ 339 402 325 418 304 418 c 0
+ 253 418 179 341 145 252 c 2
+ 128 208 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ecaron
+Encoding: 282 282 215
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 265 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 482 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 N 1 0 0 1 127 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ecaron
+Encoding: 283 283 216
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 157 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 172 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 11 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gcircumflex
+Encoding: 284 284 217
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 147 199 0
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcircumflex
+Encoding: 285 285 218
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -15 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gbreve
+Encoding: 286 286 219
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 152 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gbreve
+Encoding: 287 287 220
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -28 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gdotaccent
+Encoding: 288 288 221
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 150 195 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gdotaccent
+Encoding: 289 289 222
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -25 -21 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gcommaaccent
+Encoding: 290 290 223
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 S 1 0 0 1 480 0 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcommaaccent
+Encoding: 291 291 224
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1779 700 S -1 0 0 -1 525 1173 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hcircumflex
+Encoding: 292 292 225
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 156 199 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hcircumflex
+Encoding: 293 293 226
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 117 199 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hbar
+Encoding: 294 294 227
+Width: 722
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+575.575 526 m 1
+ 290.575 526 l 1
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 575.575 526 l 1
+194 526 m 1
+ 95 526 l 1
+ 105 561 l 1
+ 202.446 561 l 1
+ 205.172 574.345 207 586.477 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 315.062 631.137 311 595 300 561 c 1
+ 585 561 l 1
+ 589 574 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
+ 767 637 l 1
+ 711.188 627.208 700.806 620.6 684.451 561 c 1
+ 766 561 l 1
+ 756 526 l 1
+ 674.846 526 l 1
+ 553 82 l 2
+ 551 74 550 68 550 58 c 0
+ 550 30 564 22 628 16 c 1
+ 628 0 l 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 355 16 l 1
+ 420 23 441.7 38.0816 456 90 c 2
+ 521 326 l 1
+ 236 326 l 1
+ 170 82 l 2
+ 168 75 167 67 167 60 c 0
+ 167 31 178 24 238 16 c 1
+ 238 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.6526 31.0953 73 90 c 2
+ 194 526 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hbar
+Encoding: 295 295 228
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+146 643 m 0
+ 138 643 124.333 642.333 111 641 c 1
+ 111 656 l 1
+ 171 663 210 670 268 683 c 1
+ 273 678 l 1
+ 243.804 569 l 1
+ 446 569 l 1
+ 436 534 l 1
+ 234.429 534 l 1
+ 153 230 l 1
+ 246 375 317 441 382 441 c 0
+ 421 441 448 414 448 374 c 0
+ 448 316 367 92 367 56 c 0
+ 367 47 374 38 383 38 c 0
+ 399 38 411 49 465 117 c 1
+ 478 105 l 1
+ 418 18 383 -9 332 -9 c 0
+ 305 -9 288 7 288 33 c 0
+ 288 45 295 76 308 125 c 2
+ 363 332 l 2
+ 367 348 370 361 370 365 c 0
+ 370 378 357 390 342 390 c 0
+ 307 390 239 328 187 249 c 0
+ 147 188 134 154 94 0 c 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 160.109 534 l 1
+ 78 534 l 1
+ 88 569 l 1
+ 169.358 569 l 1
+ 172 579 l 2
+ 176 595 178 608 178 617 c 0
+ 178 629 160 643 146 643 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Itilde
+Encoding: 296 296 229
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 -37 186 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: itilde
+Encoding: 297 297 230
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 -115 -26 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i tildecomb
+StartChar: Imacron
+Encoding: 298 298 231
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 29 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: imacron
+Encoding: 299 299 232
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -27 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i macroncomb
+StartChar: Ibreve
+Encoding: 300 300 233
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 110 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 -28 211 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" I brevecomb
+StartChar: ibreve
+Encoding: 301 301 234
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 63 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 -97 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i brevecomb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" i brevecomb
+StartChar: Iogonek
+Encoding: 302 302 235
+Width: 343
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 280 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+145 653 m 1
+ 392 653 l 1
+ 392 637 l 1
+ 335 627 326 622 310 563 c 0
+ 187 120 l 2
+ 178 88 176 76 176 57 c 0
+ 176 29 187 23 244 16 c 1
+ 244 0 l 1
+ 233 -14 228 -29 228 -49 c 0
+ 228 -85 250 -106 287 -106 c 0
+ 318 -106 343 -96 370 -74 c 1
+ 387 -92 l 1
+ 352 -143 310 -169 262 -169 c 0
+ 210 -169 167 -126 167 -73 c 0
+ 167 -46 173 -31 194 0 c 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 16 l 1
+ 56 26 65 31 81 90 c 0
+ 204 532 l 2
+ 211 557 215 580 215 594 c 0
+ 215 622 203 630 145 637 c 1
+ 145 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iogonek
+Encoding: 303 303 236
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 222 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+140 36 m 0
+ 157 36 184 64 222 114 c 1
+ 235 103 l 1
+ 149 -27 119 9 119 -50 c 0
+ 119 -85 141 -106 178 -106 c 0
+ 209 -106 234 -96 261 -74 c 1
+ 278 -92 l 1
+ 243 -144 201 -169 153 -169 c 0
+ 100 -169 58 -126 58 -72 c 0
+ 58 -48 63 -32 80 -9 c 1
+ 58 -1 49 15 49 46 c 0
+ 49 66 55 97 71 155 c 2
+ 119 332 l 1
+ 125 352 128 368 128 376 c 0
+ 128 396 118 399 65 400 c 1
+ 65 416 l 1
+ 104 419 124 422 225 441 c 1
+ 228 439 l 1
+ 140 117 l 1
+ 139 115 l 1
+ 139 113 l 1
+ 137 105 134 98 134 95 c 0
+ 127 76 124 61 124 51 c 0
+ 124 44 132 36 140 36 c 0
+214 654 m 0
+ 241 654 264 628 264 599 c 0
+ 264 571 241 548 215 548 c 0
+ 186 548 167 569 167 601 c 0
+ 167 631 187 654 214 654 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+MultipleSubs2: "Glyph Decomposition of iogonek-subtable" dotlessi ogonekcmb
+StartChar: Idotaccent
+Encoding: 304 304 237
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 104 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 112 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -21 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dotlessi
+Encoding: 305 305 238
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 95 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 102 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 189 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+140 36 m 0
+ 157 36 184 64 222 114 c 1
+ 235 103 l 1
+ 178 19 141 -11 95 -11 c 0
+ 65 -11 49 9 49 46 c 0
+ 49 66 55 97 71 155 c 2
+ 119 332 l 2
+ 125 352 128 368 128 376 c 0
+ 128 396 118 399 65 400 c 1
+ 65 416 l 1
+ 104 419 124 422 225 441 c 1
+ 228 439 l 1
+ 140 117 l 26
+ 133 91 124 63 124 51 c 0
+ 124 44 132 36 140 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IJ
+Encoding: 306 306 239
+Width: 707
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 263 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch" I J
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: ij
+Encoding: 307 307 240
+Width: 452
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+190 652 m 0
+ 215 652 238 628 238 603 c 0
+ 238 576 216 554 189 554 c 0
+ 162 554 140 576 140 604 c 0
+ 140 630 162 652 190 652 c 0
+440 652 m 0
+ 465 652 488 628 488 603 c 0
+ 488 576 466 554 439 554 c 0
+ 412 554 390 576 390 604 c 0
+ 390 630 412 652 440 652 c 0
+463 439 m 1
+ 359 28 l 2
+ 335 -66 290 -207 171 -207 c 0
+ 131 -207 93 -187 93 -143 c 0
+ 93 -122 114 -104 134 -104 c 0
+ 154 -104 174 -119 174 -140 c 0
+ 174 -159 161 -162 161 -173 c 0
+ 161 -184 174 -184 181 -184 c 0
+ 238 -184 266 -45 276 -3 c 0
+ 339 250 l 1
+ 292 173 196 -11 93 -11 c 0
+ 53 -11 38 9 38 48 c 0
+ 38 128 114 302 114 371 c 0
+ 114 397 93 400 72 400 c 0
+ 54 400 l 1
+ 54 414 l 1
+ 104 420 155 429 204 441 c 1
+ 207 439 l 1
+ 197 399 115 86 115 67 c 0
+ 115 53 122 42 137 42 c 0
+ 203 42 365 310 365 378 c 0
+ 365 397 337 401 315 401 c 0
+ 305 401 295 400 290 400 c 1
+ 290 416 l 1
+ 347 419 404 431 460 441 c 1
+ 463 439 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Dutch" i j
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Jcircumflex
+Encoding: 308 308 241
+Width: 427
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 47 199 0
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jcircumflex
+Encoding: 309 309 242
+Width: 328
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1776 567 N 1 0 0 1 50 0 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -64 9 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" j circumflexcomb
+StartChar: Kcommaaccent
+Encoding: 310 310 243
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 430 0 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kcommaaccent
+Encoding: 311 311 244
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 330 0 2
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kgreenlandic
+Encoding: 312 312 245
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+466 412 m 1
+ 397 409 290 301 241 258 c 1
+ 252 231 321 41 358 41 c 0
+ 386 41 407 89 419 109 c 1
+ 434 98 l 1
+ 412 56 378 -11 323 -11 c 0
+ 264 -11 201 162 184 212 c 1
+ 142 180 l 1
+ 94 0 l 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 104 324 l 2
+ 109 341 119 369 119 387 c 0
+ 119 408.987 88.7852 412.476 66.6074 412.476 c 0
+ 60.543 412.476 55.0801 412.215 51 412 c 1
+ 51 428 l 1
+ 103 434 156 443 207 455 c 1
+ 212 450 l 1
+ 153 225 l 1
+ 155 223 l 1
+ 186 247 338 360 338 393 c 0
+ 338 410.286 312.689 412.138 295.05 412.138 c 0
+ 290.24 412.138 286 412 283 412 c 1
+ 283 428 l 1
+ 466 428 l 1
+ 466 412 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Lacute
+Encoding: 313 313 246
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 229 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lacute
+Encoding: 314 314 247
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 31 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lcommaaccent
+Encoding: 315 315 248
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 410 0 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lcommaaccent
+Encoding: 316 316 249
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 280 0 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lcaron
+Encoding: 317 317 250
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3289 -1 N 1 0 0 1 301 0 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lcaron
+Encoding: 318 318 251
+Width: 377
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3289 -1 N 1 0 0 1 174 0 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Ldot
+Encoding: 319 319 252
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 270 72 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable" L middot
+StartChar: ldot
+Encoding: 320 320 253
+Width: 343
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 103 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin for Catalan-subtable" l middot
+StartChar: Lslash
+Encoding: 321 321 254
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+281 36 m 0
+ 437 36 485 57 547 185 c 1
+ 567 179 l 1
+ 509 0 l 1
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 0 16 l 1
+ 56 26 65 31 81 90 c 0
+ 135 284 l 1
+ 36 225 l 1
+ 49 273 l 1
+ 148 332 l 1
+ 204 532 l 2
+ 211 557 215 580 215 594 c 0
+ 215 623 200 631 138 637 c 1
+ 138 653 l 1
+ 411 653 l 1
+ 411 637 l 1
+ 351 633 324 614 310 563 c 0
+ 261 388 l 1
+ 404 473 l 1
+ 390 424 l 1
+ 248 341 l 1
+ 214 218 l 1
+ 187 125 176 80 176 70 c 0
+ 176 44 202 36 281 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lslash
+Encoding: 322 322 255
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+133 32 m 0
+ 166 32 210 101 228 123 c 1
+ 241 114 l 1
+ 176 18 142 -11 90 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 41 8 41 45 c 0
+ 41 84 84 220 109 314 c 1
+ 37 278 l 1
+ 49 324 l 1
+ 121 360 l 1
+ 165 525 186 608 186 616 c 0
+ 186 633 167 640 118 640 c 1
+ 118 656 l 1
+ 177 663 215 670 274 683 c 1
+ 279 678 l 1
+ 209 410 l 1
+ 307 460 l 1
+ 295 414 l 1
+ 197 364 l 1
+ 128 99 l 1
+ 128 97 l 1
+ 127 96 126 93 126 89 c 0
+ 121 70 118 57 118 50 c 0
+ 118 38 123 32 133 32 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nacute
+Encoding: 323 323 256
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 288 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: nacute
+Encoding: 324 324 257
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 148 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ncommaaccent
+Encoding: 325 325 258
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 420 0 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ncommaaccent
+Encoding: 326 326 259
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 S 1 0 0 1 355 0 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ncaron
+Encoding: 327 327 260
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 139 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ncaron
+Encoding: 328 328 261
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 8 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: napostrophe
+Encoding: 329 329 262
+Width: 542
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1779 700 S 1 0 0 1 -41 -1 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 50 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eng
+Encoding: 330 330 263
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+437 24 m 0
+ 558 24 631 383 631 489 c 0
+ 631 596 608 618 559 618 c 0
+ 511 618 396 581 298 465 c 1
+ 196 98 l 2
+ 192 85 190 74 190 65 c 0
+ 190 36 210 24 265 19 c 1
+ 265 0 l 1
+ 174 0 83 0 -8 0 c 1
+ -8 19 l 1
+ 69 25 84 48 107 131 c 2
+ 208 493 l 2
+ 214 515 215 533 215 546 c 0
+ 215 577 201 587 172 587 c 0
+ 156 587 140 585 130 581 c 1
+ 130 606 l 1
+ 217 629 261 642 340 669 c 1
+ 350 666 l 1
+ 306 510 l 1
+ 415 636 519 667 586 667 c 0
+ 665 667 738 647 738 513 c 0
+ 738 386 656 -18 397 -18 c 0
+ 347 -18 316 9 316 42 c 0
+ 316 77 349 108 381 108 c 0
+ 442 108 401 24 437 24 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Sami-1" Engsami
+StartChar: eng
+Encoding: 331 331 264
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 316 443 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 244 233 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "topright" 370 442 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+433 323 m 2
+ 352 28 l 2
+ 305.1 -142.81 252 -207 165 -207 c 0
+ 119 -207 86 -181 86 -146 c 0
+ 86 -122 103 -104 126 -104 c 0
+ 149 -104 167 -120 167 -141 c 0
+ 167 -160 154 -162 154 -173 c 0
+ 154 -180 160 -184 172 -184 c 0
+ 212 -184 233.596 -133.724 269 -3 c 2
+ 347 285 l 2
+ 355.206 315.298 361 349 361 361 c 0
+ 361 379 352 390 337 390 c 0
+ 300 390 249 340 189 248 c 0
+ 145 180 136 158 89 0 c 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
+ 213 439 l 1
+ 146 221 l 1
+ 249 381 312 441 376 441 c 0
+ 415 441 442 416 442 380 c 0
+ 442 366 438.824 344.049 433 323 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omacron
+Encoding: 332 332 265
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 235 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omacron
+Encoding: 333 333 266
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 84 -3 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Obreve
+Encoding: 334 334 267
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 161 211 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" O brevecomb
+StartChar: obreve
+Encoding: 335 335 268
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 189 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 27 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" o brevecomb
+StartChar: Ohungarumlaut
+Encoding: 336 336 269
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 291 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 302 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 221 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohungarumlaut
+Encoding: 337 337 270
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 179 -2 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 192 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 94 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: OE
+Encoding: 338 338 271
+Width: 891
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+431 666 m 0
+ 483 666 553 653 583 653 c 2
+ 952 653 l 1
+ 921 503 l 1
+ 905 503 l 1
+ 905 594 897 620 785 620 c 2
+ 689 620 l 2
+ 668 620 659 612 652 588 c 2
+ 588 361 l 1
+ 600 361 l 2
+ 747 361 757 366 798 456 c 1
+ 816 452 l 1
+ 750 222 l 1
+ 730 224 l 1
+ 733 246 736 249 736 266 c 0
+ 736 313 720 322 641 325 c 2
+ 579 328 l 1
+ 527 138 l 2
+ 527 136 512 88 512 69 c 0
+ 512 42 530 33 587 33 c 0
+ 732 33 791 62 871 172 c 1
+ 887 166 l 1
+ 822 0 l 1
+ 476 0 l 2
+ 394 0 327 -8 264 -8 c 0
+ 134 -8 37 92 37 225 c 0
+ 37 457 224 666 431 666 c 0
+436 634 m 0
+ 261 634 145 388 145 202 c 0
+ 145 84 194 24 289 24 c 0
+ 383 24 412 77 446 199 c 2
+ 519 467 l 2
+ 539 540 539 540 539 555 c 0
+ 539 601 496 634 436 634 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oe
+Encoding: 339 339 272
+Width: 653
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+598 105 m 1
+ 609 94 l 1
+ 535 20 475 -12 412 -12 c 0
+ 367 -12 332 11 308 56 c 1
+ 257 6 221 -11 170 -11 c 0
+ 86 -11 25 51 25 135 c 0
+ 25 279 170 441 299 441 c 0
+ 352 441 394 411 411 361 c 1
+ 479 423 516 441 570 441 c 0
+ 621 441 651 415 651 373 c 0
+ 651 265 474 208 424 203 c 0
+ 400 201 392 197 388 185 c 0
+ 383 169 378 135 378 114 c 0
+ 378 65 409 30 453 30 c 0
+ 491 30 520 45 598 105 c 1
+175 9 m 0
+ 293 9 348 293 348 352 c 0
+ 348 392 325 418 289 418 c 0
+ 194 418 108 229 108 100 c 0
+ 108 44 134 9 175 9 c 0
+397 215 m 1
+ 479 241 490 245 516 264 c 0
+ 559 296 585 339 585 377 c 0
+ 585 401 572 416 551 416 c 0
+ 528 416 453 397 397 215 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Racute
+Encoding: 340 340 273
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 223 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: racute
+Encoding: 341 341 274
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 87 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rcommaaccent
+Encoding: 342 342 275
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 420 0 2
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rcommaaccent
+Encoding: 343 343 276
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 260 0 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rcaron
+Encoding: 344 344 277
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 85 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rcaron
+Encoding: 345 345 278
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -48 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sacute
+Encoding: 346 346 279
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 163 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sacute
+Encoding: 347 347 280
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 77 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scircumflex
+Encoding: 348 348 281
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 17 199 0
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scircumflex
+Encoding: 349 349 282
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -66 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scedilla
+Encoding: 350 350 283
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+302 666 m 0
+ 373 666 404 641 433 641 c 0
+ 455 641 464 646 478 667 c 1
+ 501 667 l 1
+ 461 468 l 1
+ 443 471 l 1
+ 440 561 422 633 322 633 c 0
+ 254 633 212 594 212 531 c 0
+ 212 482 221 468 311 377 c 0
+ 401 286 424 247 424 182 c 0
+ 424 68 337 -18 222 -18 c 0
+ 211 -18 203 -17 186 -15 c 1
+ 152 -66 l 1
+ 162 -64 168 -63 177 -63 c 0
+ 227 -63 259 -90 259 -131 c 0
+ 259 -181 209 -217 140 -217 c 0
+ 111 -217 89 -212 47 -196 c 1
+ 64 -167 l 1
+ 93 -178 111 -182 132 -182 c 0
+ 166 -182 185 -167 185 -141 c 0
+ 185 -115 165 -97 139 -97 c 0
+ 128 -97 120 -99 107 -104 c 1
+ 98 -96 l 1
+ 153 -7 l 1
+ 108 8 84 18 66 18 c 0
+ 46 18 35 8 28 -15 c 1
+ 10 -15 l 1
+ 44 208 l 1
+ 64 206 l 1
+ 63 199 62 191 62 183 c 0
+ 62 88 125 17 208 17 c 0
+ 281 17 337 75 337 150 c 0
+ 337 281 124 350 124 499 c 0
+ 124 597 198 666 302 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: scedilla
+Encoding: 351 351 284
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+166 364 m 0
+ 166 290 288 215 288 119 c 0
+ 288 43 228 -11 143 -11 c 0
+ 138 -11 133 -11 125 -10 c 1
+ 87 -66 l 1
+ 97 -64 104 -63 112 -63 c 0
+ 162 -63 194 -90 194 -131 c 0
+ 194 -181 144 -217 75 -217 c 0
+ 47 -217 24 -212 -18 -196 c 1
+ -1 -167 l 1
+ 29 -178 46 -182 67 -182 c 0
+ 101 -182 120 -167 120 -141 c 0
+ 120 -115 101 -97 74 -97 c 0
+ 64 -97 56 -99 42 -104 c 1
+ 33 -96 l 1
+ 92 -2 l 1
+ 62 6 53 8 40 8 c 0
+ 30 8 24 3 16 -13 c 1
+ 0 -13 l 1
+ 20 146 l 1
+ 36 146 l 1
+ 52 51 83 10 138 10 c 0
+ 182 10 212 42 212 87 c 0
+ 212 175 93 236 93 331 c 0
+ 93 398 141 441 214 441 c 0
+ 251 441 284 424 306 424 c 0
+ 320 424 328 428 336 442 c 1
+ 350 442 l 1
+ 330 303 l 1
+ 314 303 l 1
+ 304 381 274 418 222 418 c 0
+ 187 418 166 397 166 364 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Scaron
+Encoding: 352 352 285
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 38 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scaron
+Encoding: 353 353 286
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -46 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tcedilla
+Encoding: 354 354 287
+Width: 556
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+189 0 m 1
+ 65 0 l 1
+ 65 16 l 1
+ 131 21 155 37 171 90 c 1
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 294 618 l 0
+ 159 618 127 598 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 277 120 l 0
+ 268 86 265 74 265 61 c 0
+ 265 31 277 22 317 19 c 0
+ 323 19 338 17 355 16 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 227 0 l 1
+ 183 -66 l 1
+ 193 -64 200 -63 208 -63 c 0
+ 258 -63 290 -90 290 -131 c 0
+ 290 -181 240 -217 171 -217 c 0
+ 143 -217 120 -212 78 -196 c 1
+ 95 -167 l 1
+ 125 -178 142 -182 163 -182 c 0
+ 197 -182 216 -167 216 -141 c 0
+ 216 -115 197 -97 170 -97 c 0
+ 160 -97 152 -99 138 -104 c 1
+ 129 -96 l 1
+ 189 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tcedilla
+Encoding: 355 355 288
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+94 -10 m 1
+ 50 -77 l 1
+ 60 -75 67 -74 75 -74 c 0
+ 125 -74 157 -101 157 -142 c 0
+ 157 -192 107 -228 38 -228 c 0
+ 10 -228 -13 -223 -55 -207 c 1
+ -38 -178 l 1
+ -8 -189 9 -193 30 -193 c 0
+ 64 -193 83 -178 83 -152 c 0
+ 83 -126 64 -108 37 -108 c 0
+ 27 -108 19 -110 5 -115 c 1
+ -4 -107 l 1
+ 58 -9 l 1
+ 39 -4 26 10 26 27 c 0
+ 26 46 46 107 49 121 c 2
+ 121 396 l 1
+ 47 396 l 1
+ 46 399 46 401 46 402 c 0
+ 46 413 53 419 78 427 c 0
+ 147 446 209 546 226 546 c 0
+ 231 546 234 543 234 536 c 0
+ 234 535 234 533 233 531 c 1
+ 205 428 l 1
+ 285 428 l 1
+ 280 396 l 1
+ 196 396 l 1
+ 108 63 l 2
+ 107 60 107 59 107 58 c 0
+ 107 46 113 38 122 38 c 0
+ 138 38 154 54 203 117 c 1
+ 216 110 l 1
+ 163 32 130 -1 94 -10 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tcaron
+Encoding: 356 356 289
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 90 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tcaron
+Encoding: 357 357 290
+Width: 364
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3289 -1 S 1 0 0 1 161 0 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Tbar
+Encoding: 358 358 291
+Width: 556
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+101 653 m 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 345 362 l 1
+ 443 362 l 1
+ 432 311 l 1
+ 330 311 l 1
+ 277 120 l 2
+ 268 86 265 74 265 61 c 0
+ 265 31 277 22 317 19 c 0
+ 323 19 338 17 355 16 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 65 0 l 1
+ 65 16 l 1
+ 131 21 157 37 171 90 c 0
+ 231 311 l 1
+ 131 311 l 1
+ 142 362 l 1
+ 245 362 l 1
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 294 618 l 2
+ 159 618 127 598 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tbar
+Encoding: 359 359 292
+Width: 248
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+216 428 m 1
+ 296 428 l 1
+ 291 396 l 1
+ 207 396 l 1
+ 179 290 l 1
+ 270 290 l 1
+ 258 239 l 1
+ 166 239 l 1
+ 119 63 l 2
+ 118 60 118 59 118 58 c 0
+ 118 46 124 38 133 38 c 0
+ 149 38 165 54 214 117 c 1
+ 227 110 l 1
+ 164 17 131 -11 85 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 37 5 37 27 c 0
+ 37 46 57 108 60 121 c 2
+ 91 239 l 1
+ 13 239 l 1
+ 25 290 l 1
+ 104 290 l 1
+ 132 396 l 1
+ 58 396 l 1
+ 57 399 57 401 57 402 c 0
+ 57 434 127 413 222 537 c 0
+ 228 545 231 546 237 546 c 0
+ 242 546 245 543 245 536 c 0
+ 245 535 245 533 244 531 c 1
+ 216 428 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Utilde
+Encoding: 360 360 293
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 153 186 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: utilde
+Encoding: 361 361 294
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 -5 -26 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Umacron
+Encoding: 362 362 295
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 235 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: umacron
+Encoding: 363 363 296
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 69 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ubreve
+Encoding: 364 364 297
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 301 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 158 211 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" U brevecomb
+StartChar: ubreve
+Encoding: 365 365 298
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 154 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 -11 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 1 subtable" u brevecomb
+StartChar: Uring
+Encoding: 366 366 299
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 730 N 1 0 0 1 170 189 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uring
+Encoding: 367 367 300
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 730 N 1 0 0 1 3 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhungarumlaut
+Encoding: 368 368 301
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 332 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 225 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhungarumlaut
+Encoding: 369 369 302
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 192 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 342 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 25 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uogonek
+Encoding: 370 370 303
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 487 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+637 591 m 0
+ 637 626 609 633 566 637 c 1
+ 566 653 l 1
+ 765 653 l 1
+ 765 637 l 1
+ 703 623 699 618 661 488 c 2
+ 578 203 l 2
+ 543 88 469 8 469 -52 c 0
+ 469 -85 492 -106 528 -106 c 0
+ 559 -106 584 -96 611 -74 c 1
+ 628 -92 l 1
+ 593 -143 551 -169 503 -169 c 0
+ 451 -169 408 -126 408 -75 c 0
+ 408 -44 418 -19 443 10 c 1
+ 404 -10 366 -18 319 -18 c 0
+ 194 -18 102 51 102 147 c 0
+ 102 187 115 251 145 359 c 2
+ 198 551 l 1
+ 202 568 205 584 205 596 c 0
+ 205 625 194 631 127 637 c 1
+ 127 653 l 1
+ 400 653 l 1
+ 400 637 l 1
+ 307 627 307 585 290 527 c 0
+ 223 296 192 175 192 141 c 0
+ 192 71 249 23 332 23 c 0
+ 514 23 544 242 563 304 c 0
+ 611 473 637 575 637 591 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uogonek
+Encoding: 371 371 304
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 293 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+107 376 m 0
+ 107 396 88 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 109 76 l 2
+ 108 73 108 71 108 67 c 0
+ 108 52 117 42 129 42 c 0
+ 161 42 210 93 270 188 c 0
+ 316 261 323 277 380 432 c 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+ 375 133 l 2
+ 356 61 356 61 356 55 c 0
+ 356 44 360 38 367 38 c 0
+ 383 38 398 52 450 117 c 1
+ 464 108 l 1
+ 414 37 396 16 369 1 c 0
+ 336 -17 330 -26 330 -51 c 0
+ 330 -85 353 -106 389 -106 c 0
+ 420 -106 445 -96 472 -74 c 1
+ 489 -92 l 1
+ 454 -144 412 -169 364 -169 c 0
+ 312 -169 269 -126 269 -74 c 0
+ 269 -48 277 -26 295 -1 c 1
+ 284 8 278 22 278 39 c 0
+ 278 60 294 129 323 236 c 1
+ 208 43 155 -11 84 -11 c 0
+ 49 -11 31 8 31 44 c 0
+ 31 62 38 96 56 167 c 0
+ 93 309 l 2
+ 102 343 107 368 107 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Wcircumflex
+Encoding: 372 372 305
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 207 199 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wcircumflex
+Encoding: 373 373 306
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 96 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ycircumflex
+Encoding: 374 374 307
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 242 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "below" 221 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 97 199 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ycircumflex
+Encoding: 375 375 308
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 316 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 322 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -27 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ydieresis
+Encoding: 376 376 309
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 210 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 242 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 172 196 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zacute
+Encoding: 377 377 310
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 191 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zacute
+Encoding: 378 378 311
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 65 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zdotaccent
+Encoding: 379 379 312
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 46 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zdotaccent
+Encoding: 380 380 313
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -65 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zcaron
+Encoding: 381 381 314
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 33 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zcaron
+Encoding: 382 382 315
+Width: 389
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -73 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: longs
+Encoding: 383 383 316
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-1 -143 m 0
+ -1 -158 -10 -160 -10 -170 c 0
+ -10 -179 -2 -186 10 -186 c 0
+ 52 -186 85 -131 107 -24 c 0
+ 195 396 l 1
+ 105 396 l 1
+ 112 428 l 1
+ 204 428 l 1
+ 237 535 286 678 408 678 c 0
+ 457 678 494 650 494 613 c 0
+ 494 591 475 573 452 573 c 0
+ 430 573 415 589 415 613 c 0
+ 415 628 425 637 425 644 c 0
+ 425 651 416 656 403 656 c 0
+ 347 656 316 584 281 428 c 0
+ 202 76 l 2
+ 161 -108 91 -207 2 -207 c 0
+ -42 -207 -77 -180 -77 -146 c 0
+ -77 -123 -61 -105 -40 -105 c 0
+ -19 -105 -1 -122 -1 -143 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'fina' Terminal Forms in Latin subtable" s
+StartChar: clickalveolar
+Encoding: 450 450 317
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+635 468 m 1
+ 622 418 l 1
+ 394 418 l 1
+ 358 272 l 1
+ 586 272 l 1
+ 573 222 l 1
+ 345 222 l 1
+ 286 -16 l 1
+ 236 -16 l 1
+ 295 222 l 1
+ 67 222 l 1
+ 80 272 l 1
+ 308 272 l 1
+ 344 418 l 1
+ 116 418 l 1
+ 129 468 l 1
+ 357 468 l 1
+ 416 706 l 1
+ 466 706 l 1
+ 407 468 l 1
+ 635 468 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Acaron
+Encoding: 461 461 318
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 93 226 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acaron
+Encoding: 462 462 319
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -10 -11 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Icaron
+Encoding: 463 463 320
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -31 201 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: icaron
+Encoding: 464 464 321
+Width: 278
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -113 -11 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i caroncomb
+StartChar: Ocaron
+Encoding: 465 465 322
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 138 201 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ocaron
+Encoding: 466 466 323
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 15 -11 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ucaron
+Encoding: 467 467 324
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 164 201 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ucaron
+Encoding: 468 468 325
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -7 -11 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udieresismacron
+Encoding: 469 469 326
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 237 193 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 269 316 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: udieresismacron
+Encoding: 470 470 327
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 108 135 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udieresisacute
+Encoding: 471 471 328
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+354 714 m 0
+ 379 714 402 690 402 665 c 0
+ 402 638 380 616 353 616 c 0
+ 326 616 304 638 304 666 c 0
+ 304 692 326 714 354 714 c 0
+554 714 m 0
+ 579 714 602 690 602 665 c 0
+ 602 638 580 616 553 616 c 0
+ 526 616 504 638 504 666 c 0
+ 504 692 526 714 554 714 c 0
+612 502.35 m 0
+ 612 532.1 584 538.05 541 541.45 c 1
+ 541 555.05 l 1
+ 740 555.05 l 1
+ 740 541.45 l 1
+ 678 529.55 674 525.3 636 414.8 c 2
+ 553 172.55 l 2
+ 509 45.0498 426 -15.2998 295 -15.2998 c 0
+ 169 -15.2998 77 43.3496 77 124.95 c 0
+ 77 158.95 90 213.35 120 305.15 c 2
+ 173 468.35 l 2
+ 177 482.8 180 496.4 180 506.6 c 0
+ 180 531.25 169 536.35 102 541.45 c 1
+ 102 555.05 l 1
+ 375 555.05 l 1
+ 375 541.45 l 1
+ 282 532.95 282 497.25 265 447.95 c 0
+ 198 251.6 167 148.75 167 119.85 c 0
+ 167 60.3496 224 19.5498 307 19.5498 c 0
+ 489 19.5498 519 205.7 538 258.4 c 0
+ 586 402.05 612 488.75 612 502.35 c 0
+407 730 m 1
+ 569 890 l 2
+ 576 896 584 900 594 900 c 0
+ 614 900 630 884 630 864 c 0
+ 630 852 625 843 613 836 c 2
+ 442 730 l 1
+ 407 730 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: udieresisacute
+Encoding: 472 472 329
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 180 136 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udieresiscaron
+Encoding: 473 473 330
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+354 714 m 0
+ 379 714 402 690 402 665 c 0
+ 402 638 380 616 353 616 c 0
+ 326 616 304 638 304 666 c 0
+ 304 692 326 714 354 714 c 0
+554 714 m 0
+ 579 714 602 690 602 665 c 0
+ 602 638 580 616 553 616 c 0
+ 526 616 504 638 504 666 c 0
+ 504 692 526 714 554 714 c 0
+612 502.35 m 0
+ 612 532.1 584 538.05 541 541.45 c 1
+ 541 555.05 l 1
+ 740 555.05 l 1
+ 740 541.45 l 1
+ 678 529.55 674 525.3 636 414.8 c 2
+ 553 172.55 l 2
+ 509 45.0498 426 -15.2998 295 -15.2998 c 0
+ 169 -15.2998 77 43.3496 77 124.95 c 0
+ 77 158.95 90 213.35 120 305.15 c 2
+ 173 468.35 l 2
+ 177 482.8 180 496.4 180 506.6 c 0
+ 180 531.25 169 536.35 102 541.45 c 1
+ 102 555.05 l 1
+ 375 555.05 l 1
+ 375 541.45 l 1
+ 282 532.95 282 497.25 265 447.95 c 0
+ 198 251.6 167 148.75 167 119.85 c 0
+ 167 60.3496 224 19.5498 307 19.5498 c 0
+ 489 19.5498 519 205.7 538 258.4 c 0
+ 586 402.05 612 488.75 612 502.35 c 0
+644.263 900 m 1
+ 483.767 733 l 1
+ 421.767 733 l 1
+ 333.263 900 l 1
+ 367.263 900 l 1
+ 466.37 797 l 1
+ 610.263 900 l 1
+ 644.263 900 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: udieresiscaron
+Encoding: 474 474 331
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 26 154 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udieresisgrave
+Encoding: 475 475 332
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+499.484 729 m 1
+ 459.484 729 l 1
+ 346.719 826 l 2
+ 340.374 831.904 332.693 841.076 332.693 853.918 c 0
+ 332.693 858.477 333.661 863.498 336 869 c 0
+ 336.85 871 350.178 900 381.178 900 c 0
+ 384.178 900 l 0
+ 398.178 900 402.752 899 415.4 877 c 2
+ 499.484 729 l 1
+357 709 m 0
+ 382 709 405 685 405 660 c 0
+ 405 633 383 611 356 611 c 0
+ 329 611 307 633 307 661 c 0
+ 307 687 329 709 357 709 c 0
+557 709 m 0
+ 582 709 605 685 605 660 c 0
+ 605 633 583 611 556 611 c 0
+ 529 611 507 633 507 661 c 0
+ 507 687 529 709 557 709 c 0
+612 502.35 m 0
+ 612 532.1 584 538.05 541 541.45 c 1
+ 541 555.05 l 1
+ 740 555.05 l 1
+ 740 541.45 l 1
+ 678 529.55 674 525.3 636 414.8 c 2
+ 553 172.55 l 2
+ 509 45.0498 426 -15.2998 295 -15.2998 c 0
+ 169 -15.2998 77 43.3496 77 124.95 c 0
+ 77 158.95 90 213.35 120 305.15 c 2
+ 173 468.35 l 2
+ 177 482.8 180 496.4 180 506.6 c 0
+ 180 531.25 169 536.35 102 541.45 c 1
+ 102 555.05 l 1
+ 375 555.05 l 1
+ 375 541.45 l 1
+ 282 532.95 282 497.25 265 447.95 c 0
+ 198 251.6 167 148.75 167 119.85 c 0
+ 167 60.3496 224 19.5498 307 19.5498 c 0
+ 489 19.5498 519 205.7 538 258.4 c 0
+ 586 402.05 612 488.75 612 502.35 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: udieresisgrave
+Encoding: 476 476 333
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 76 116 0
+Refer: 185 252 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: eturned
+Encoding: 477 477 334
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 S -1 0 0 -1 429 430 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adieresismacron
+Encoding: 478 478 335
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 179 196 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 200 317 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adieresismacron
+Encoding: 479 479 336
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 120 134 0
+Refer: 161 228 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: AEmacron
+Encoding: 482 482 337
+Width: 877
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 370 212 0
+Refer: 131 198 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aemacron
+Encoding: 483 483 338
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 176 -2 0
+Refer: 163 230 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gbar
+Encoding: 484 484 339
+Width: 712
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+712 303 m 1
+ 626 298 623 269 605 191 c 1
+ 696 191 l 1
+ 683 147 l 1
+ 593 147 l 1
+ 566 44 l 1
+ 502 4 411 -18 335 -18 c 0
+ 182 -18 42 76 42 240 c 0
+ 42 458 223 666 447 666 c 0
+ 515 666 581 632 620 632 c 0
+ 647 632 669 643 683 666 c 1
+ 698 662 l 1
+ 649 465 l 1
+ 631 468 l 1
+ 624 573 553 632 451 632 c 0
+ 253 632 152 390 152 221 c 0
+ 152 94 225 19 354 19 c 0
+ 454 19 474 59 498 147 c 1
+ 405 147 l 1
+ 418 191 l 1
+ 509 191 l 1
+ 514 213 524 243 524 266 c 0
+ 524 302 471 301 446 303 c 1
+ 446 319 l 1
+ 712 319 l 1
+ 712 303 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gbar
+Encoding: 485 485 340
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+472 366 m 1
+ 422 366 l 1
+ 428 347 431 327 431 307 c 0
+ 431 224 325 151 248 151 c 0
+ 235 151 221 155 208 155 c 0
+ 194 155 172 128 172 115 c 0
+ 172 62 384 76 385 -64 c 1
+ 415 -64 l 1
+ 408 -105 l 1
+ 377 -105 l 1
+ 347 -186 246 -206 170 -206 c 0
+ 106 -206 18 -181 9 -105 c 1
+ -26 -105 l 1
+ -19 -64 l 1
+ 12 -64 l 1
+ 27 -20 88 15 125 39 c 1
+ 112 49 98 61 98 79 c 0
+ 98 113 150 145 175 162 c 1
+ 125 184 96 213 96 271 c 0
+ 96 373 199 441 294 441 c 0
+ 352 441 406 405 411 405 c 2
+ 472 405 l 1
+ 472 366 l 1
+352 351 m 0
+ 352 389 337 419 295 419 c 0
+ 217 419 174 316 174 250 c 0
+ 174 209 189 172 236 172 c 0
+ 313 172 352 289 352 351 c 0
+321 -64 m 1
+ 306 -27 179 28 147 28 c 0
+ 122 28 68 -38 64 -64 c 1
+ 321 -64 l 1
+323 -105 m 1
+ 64 -105 l 1
+ 74 -162 134 -184 186 -184 c 0
+ 238 -184 310 -165 323 -105 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gcaron
+Encoding: 486 486 341
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 148 201 0
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gcaron
+Encoding: 487 487 342
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -35 -11 0
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Kcaron
+Encoding: 488 488 343
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 122 201 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kcaron
+Encoding: 489 489 344
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 43 192 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oogonek
+Encoding: 490 490 345
+Width: 670
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 472 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+393 -105 m 1
+ 410 -123 l 1
+ 375 -174 333 -200 285 -200 c 0
+ 233 -200 190 -157 190 -105 c 0
+ 190 -70.583 202.237 -43.5088 231.496 -15.1621 c 1
+ 123.921 1.94434 50 94.8193 50 221 c 0
+ 50 467 289 666 464 666 c 0
+ 593 666 689 566 689 432 c 0
+ 689 244.193 515.357 -17.4619 268.761 -17.999 c 1
+ 256.92 -41.9824 251 -63.9912 251 -86 c 0
+ 251 -116 276 -137 310 -137 c 0
+ 341 -137 366 -127 393 -105 c 1
+285 15 m 0
+ 464 15 584 306 584 481 c 0
+ 584 575 534 633 455 633 c 0
+ 382 633 321 595 265 514 c 0
+ 205 427 155 278 155 184 c 0
+ 155 76 201 15 285 15 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oogonek
+Encoding: 491 491 346
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 325 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+295 -105 m 1
+ 312 -123 l 1
+ 277 -174 235 -200 187 -200 c 0
+ 135 -200 92 -157 92 -105 c 0
+ 92 -67.9619 106.172 -39.4268 140.481 -8.65723 c 1
+ 68.2432 2.56543 25 53.4277 25 129 c 0
+ 25 286 173 441 323 441 c 0
+ 408 441 466 384 466 301 c 0
+ 466 172.623 336.263 -9.23242 174.361 -10.9873 c 1
+ 160.12 -37.7275 153 -61.8633 153 -86 c 0
+ 153 -116 178 -137 212 -137 c 0
+ 243 -137 268 -127 295 -105 c 1
+187 10 m 0
+ 299 10 382 208 382 326 c 0
+ 382 383 354 420 311 420 c 0
+ 205 420 109 231 109 101 c 0
+ 109 46 140 10 187 10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Oogonekmacron
+Encoding: 492 492 347
+Width: 670
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 228 212 0
+Refer: 345 490 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oogonekmacron
+Encoding: 493 493 348
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 86 -2 0
+Refer: 346 491 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ezhcaron
+Encoding: 495 495 349
+Width: 446
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -65 -11 0
+Refer: 400 658 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Aringacute
+Encoding: 506 506 350
+Width: 611
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+464.128 718 m 0
+ 512.039 718 545.104 683.854 545.104 638.694 c 0
+ 545.104 572.271 480.864 519 421.829 519 c 0
+ 373.407 519 341.698 551.896 341.698 597.004 c 0
+ 341.698 663.767 405.794 718 464.128 718 c 0
+457.9 684 m 0
+ 417.001 684 376.596 646.862 376.596 605.165 c 0
+ 376.596 575.629 397.658 553 428.056 553 c 0
+ 466.842 553 510.315 587.456 510.315 631.428 c 0
+ 510.315 661.163 488.438 684 457.9 684 c 0
+597 12 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 12 l 1
+ 415 16.5 429 23.25 429 51.75 c 0
+ 429 57.75 428 64.5 427 71.25 c 2
+ 407 169.5 l 1
+ 187 169.5 l 1
+ 130 84.75 l 2
+ 113 59.25 110 52.5 110 38.25 c 0
+ 110 19.5 118 15.75 169 12 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 12 l 1
+ 22 18 33 25.5 111 126 c 2
+ 401 501 l 1
+ 427 501 l 1
+ 521 76.5 l 2
+ 534 21.75 540 15.75 597 12 c 1
+208 196.5 m 1
+ 402 196.5 l 1
+ 358 391.5 l 1
+ 208 196.5 l 1
+433 730 m 1
+ 595 890 l 2
+ 602 896 610 900 620 900 c 0
+ 640 900 656 884 656 864 c 0
+ 656 852 651 843 639 836 c 2
+ 468 730 l 1
+ 433 730 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aringacute
+Encoding: 507 507 351
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 405 730 N 1 0 0 1 0 -26 0
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 182 235 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: AEacute
+Encoding: 508 508 352
+Width: 877
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 445 199 0
+Refer: 131 198 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: aeacute
+Encoding: 509 509 353
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 274 -13 0
+Refer: 163 230 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oslashacute
+Encoding: 510 510 354
+Width: 657
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 303 235 0
+Refer: 149 216 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oslashacute
+Encoding: 511 511 355
+Width: 474
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 160 100 0
+Refer: 181 248 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adblgrave
+Encoding: 512 512 356
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 635 186 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adblgrave
+Encoding: 513 513 357
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 549 0 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ainvertedbreve
+Encoding: 514 514 358
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 400 187 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ainvertedbreve
+Encoding: 515 515 359
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 289 -25 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Edblgrave
+Encoding: 516 516 360
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 638 186 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: edblgrave
+Encoding: 517 517 361
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 528 0 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Einvertedbreve
+Encoding: 518 518 362
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 417 187 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: einvertedbreve
+Encoding: 519 519 363
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 301 -25 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Idblgrave
+Encoding: 520 520 364
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 495 186 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: idblgrave
+Encoding: 521 521 365
+Width: 278
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 403 1 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i gravedblnosp
+StartChar: Iinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 522 522 366
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 266 187 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 523 523 367
+Width: 278
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 192 -25 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i breveinvertedcmb
+StartChar: Odblgrave
+Encoding: 524 524 368
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 661 186 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: odblgrave
+Encoding: 525 525 369
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 546 0 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Oinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 526 526 370
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 442 187 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 527 527 371
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 314 -25 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rdblgrave
+Encoding: 528 528 372
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 607 186 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rdblgrave
+Encoding: 529 529 373
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 485 0 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Rinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 530 530 374
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 389 187 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: rinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 531 531 375
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 253 -25 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udblgrave
+Encoding: 532 532 376
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 711 186 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: udblgrave
+Encoding: 533 533 377
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 547 0 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 534 534 378
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 459 187 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uinvertedbreve
+Encoding: 535 535 379
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 426 785 S 1 0 0 1 289 -25 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Scommaaccent
+Encoding: 536 536 380
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 370 0 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: scommaaccent
+Encoding: 537 537 381
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 300 0 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tcommabelow
+Encoding: 538 538 382
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 S 1 0 0 1 370 0 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tcommabelow
+Encoding: 539 539 383
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 447 806 N 1 0 0 1 240 0 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni021E
+Encoding: 542 542 384
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 150 201 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni021F
+Encoding: 543 543 385
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 72 192 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0226
+Encoding: 550 550 386
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 124 180 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0227
+Encoding: 551 551 387
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 2 -27 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0228
+Encoding: 552 552 388
+Width: 577
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 33 m 0
+ 438 33 477 78 545 170 c 1
+ 561 162 l 1
+ 499 0 l 1
+ 229.333 -1.38778e-17 l 1
+ 186 -65 l 1
+ 196 -63 203 -62 211 -62 c 0
+ 261 -62 293 -89 293 -130 c 0
+ 293 -180 243 -216 174 -216 c 0
+ 146 -216 123 -211 81 -195 c 1
+ 98 -166 l 1
+ 128 -177 145 -181 166 -181 c 0
+ 200 -181 219 -166 219 -140 c 0
+ 219 -114 200 -96 173 -96 c 0
+ 163 -96 155 -98 141 -103 c 1
+ 132 -95 l 1
+ 191.375 1.77636e-15 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 33 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 201 550 207 585 207 596 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 627 653 l 1
+ 596 500 l 1
+ 575 502 l 1
+ 576 519 577 534 577 547 c 0
+ 577 607 542 620 385 620 c 0
+ 329 620 318.215 615.94 312 594 c 2
+ 246 361 l 1
+ 281 362 313 363 325 363 c 0
+ 416 367 425 373 463 458 c 1
+ 481 454 l 1
+ 413 222 l 1
+ 393 227 l 1
+ 398 249 400 262 400 279 c 0
+ 400 312 387 325 323 325 c 0
+ 314.403 325 288.535 325.055 237 328 c 1
+ 182 119 169 113 169 67 c 0
+ 169 43 193 33 249 33 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0229
+Encoding: 553 553 389
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+128 208 m 1
+ 317 254 339 342 339 379 c 0
+ 339 402 325 418 304 418 c 0
+ 253 418 179.336 340.871 145 252 c 2
+ 128 208 l 1
+351 109 m 1
+ 363 97 l 1
+ 304.928 31.0537 229.417 -9.7041 159.354 -10.9697 c 1
+ 118 -73 l 1
+ 128 -71 135 -70 143 -70 c 0
+ 193 -70 225 -97 225 -138 c 0
+ 225 -188 175 -224 106 -224 c 0
+ 78 -224 55 -219 13 -203 c 1
+ 30 -174 l 1
+ 60 -185 77 -189 98 -189 c 0
+ 132 -189 151 -174 151 -148 c 0
+ 151 -122 132 -104 105 -104 c 0
+ 95 -104 87 -106 73 -111 c 1
+ 64 -103 l 1
+ 123.652 -7.55664 l 1
+ 63.4648 5.7793 24 56.7539 24 126 c 0
+ 24 276 181 441 325 441 c 0
+ 375 441 405 415 405 373 c 0
+ 405 287 298.941 211.42 149 190 c 2
+ 121 186 l 1
+ 113 154 111 139 111 124 c 0
+ 111 70 148 34 205 34 c 0
+ 248 34 279 50 351 109 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni022A
+Encoding: 554 554 390
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 235 317 0
+Refer: 147 214 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022B
+Encoding: 555 555 391
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 110 134 0
+Refer: 179 246 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022C
+Encoding: 556 556 392
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 255 317 0
+Refer: 146 213 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022D
+Encoding: 557 557 393
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 119 132 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022E
+Encoding: 558 558 394
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 138 185 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni022F
+Encoding: 559 559 395
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 12 -27 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0230
+Encoding: 560 560 396
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 229 317 0
+Refer: 394 558 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0231
+Encoding: 561 561 397
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 112 134 0
+Refer: 395 559 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0232
+Encoding: 562 562 398
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 160 212 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0233
+Encoding: 563 563 399
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 44 0 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yogh
+Encoding: 658 658 400
+Width: 446
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+380 417 m 1
+ 205 210 l 1
+ 292 190 342 137 342 44 c 0
+ 342 -107 210 -209 66 -209 c 0
+ 28 -209 -48 -203 -48 -150 c 0
+ -48 -121 -28 -111 -1 -111 c 0
+ 46 -111 78 -171 134 -171 c 0
+ 216 -171 262 -83 262 -11 c 0
+ 262 86 227 137 133 158 c 1
+ 308 368 l 1
+ 162 368 l 2
+ 114 368 99 355 81 309 c 1
+ 65 313 l 1
+ 96 428 l 1
+ 380 428 l 1
+ 380 417 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: circumflex
+Encoding: 710 710 401
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+467.767 507 m 1
+ 433.767 507 l 1
+ 333.659 610 l 1
+ 190.767 507 l 1
+ 156.767 507 l 1
+ 316.263 674 l 1
+ 378.263 674 l 1
+ 467.767 507 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caron
+Encoding: 711 711 402
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+510.263 674 m 1
+ 349.767 507 l 1
+ 287.767 507 l 1
+ 199.263 674 l 1
+ 233.263 674 l 1
+ 332.37 571 l 1
+ 476.263 674 l 1
+ 510.263 674 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: breve
+Encoding: 728 728 403
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+464.138 664 m 1
+ 493.138 664 l 1
+ 458.606 558 401.767 507 317.767 507 c 0
+ 265.358 507 207.165 528.407 207.165 615.614 c 0
+ 207.165 629.909 208.728 645.973 212.138 664 c 1
+ 241.138 664 l 1
+ 241.138 597.031 268.422 567 332.52 567 c 0
+ 390.52 567 419.983 588 464.138 664 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dotaccent
+Encoding: 729 729 404
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+323 621 m 0
+ 348 621 371 597 371 572 c 0
+ 371 545 349 523 322 523 c 0
+ 295 523 273 545 273 573 c 0
+ 273 599 295 621 323 621 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ring
+Encoding: 730 730 405
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+356.128 711 m 0
+ 404.039 711 437.103 676.853 437.103 631.694 c 0
+ 437.103 565.271 372.864 512 313.829 512 c 0
+ 265.407 512 233.698 544.897 233.698 590.004 c 0
+ 233.698 656.767 297.794 711 356.128 711 c 0
+349.9 677 m 0
+ 309.001 677 268.596 639.862 268.596 598.165 c 0
+ 268.596 568.629 289.658 546 320.056 546 c 0
+ 358.842 546 402.315 580.456 402.315 624.428 c 0
+ 402.315 654.163 380.438 677 349.9 677 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ogonek
+Encoding: 731 731 406
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+213.483 -73 m 1
+ 230.082 -89 l 1
+ 181.817 -142 142.928 -165 101.928 -165 c 0
+ 66.6286 -165 43.2001 -140.539 43.2001 -106.295 c 0
+ 43.2001 -63.777 73.3343 -30.1952 118 0 c 1
+ 164 0 l 1
+ 123.377 -27.9674 104.273 -53.1226 104.273 -78.6723 c 0
+ 104.273 -96.6091 116.049 -109 134.831 -109 c 0
+ 155.831 -109 176.957 -99 213.483 -73 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tilde
+Encoding: 732 732 407
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+486.121 626 m 1
+ 515.121 626 l 1
+ 461.812 550 420.059 520 365.059 520 c 0
+ 340.059 520 326.76 524 294.262 544 c 2
+ 275.938 555 l 2
+ 263.914 562 251.613 566 239.613 566 c 0
+ 216.613 566 193.238 551 169.059 520 c 1
+ 140.059 520 l 1
+ 182.691 585 233.996 621 283.996 621 c 0
+ 305.996 621 328.445 615 346.344 603 c 2
+ 365.242 591 l 2
+ 380.416 582 396.865 576 411.865 576 c 0
+ 434.865 576 452.967 588 486.121 626 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hungarumlaut
+Encoding: 733 733 408
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+142 496 m 1
+ 217 656 l 2
+ 221 662 227 666 237 666 c 0
+ 259 666 281 661 281 632 c 0
+ 281 624 279 617 274 613 c 2
+ 177 496 l 1
+ 142 496 l 1
+271 496 m 1
+ 375 656 l 2
+ 380 662 386 666 396 666 c 0
+ 417 666 438 656 438 629 c 0
+ 438 622 435 617 429 612 c 2
+ 306 496 l 1
+ 271 496 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gravecomb
+Encoding: 768 768 409
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -48 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -61 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1851 715 S 1 0 0 1 -264 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutecomb
+Encoding: 769 769 410
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 45 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 42 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1850 714 S 1 0 0 1 -133 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: circumflexcomb
+Encoding: 770 770 411
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "above" -17 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -307 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tildecomb
+Encoding: 771 771 412
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 0.75 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -290 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: macroncomb
+Encoding: 772 772 413
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 0 440 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -0.625 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1849 713 S 1 0 0 1 -245 -3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: overlinecmb
+Encoding: 773 773 414
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -4.625 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-210.254 601 m 1
+ 252.746 601 l 1
+ 241.269 547 l 1
+ -221.731 547 l 1
+ -210.254 601 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: brevecomb
+Encoding: 774 774 415
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 0 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 1.375 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 -311 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dotaccentcmb
+Encoding: 775 775 416
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 0.375 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -302 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: diaeresiscomb
+Encoding: 776 776 417
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 0 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 0.375 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -212 0 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -412 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hookabovecomb
+Encoding: 777 777 418
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -16.625 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+30.7422 521 m 1
+ -3.25781 521 l 1
+ 14.1912 574.208 60.8756 580.41 60.8756 631.173 c 0
+ 60.8756 647.675 52.3381 658 33.8623 658 c 0
+ 16.8623 658 -3.41309 652 -8.81445 636 c 1
+ -2.7584 630.357 2.13573 625.364 2.13573 615.783 c 0
+ 2.13573 591.157 -24.1571 585 -32.6543 585 c 0
+ -45.4173 585 -52.5143 598.031 -52.5143 610.542 c 0
+ -52.5143 642.71 -6.8671 688 42.2393 688 c 0
+ 75.888 688 114.544 674.67 114.544 632.042 c 0
+ 114.544 569.864 49.9371 564.869 30.7422 521 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringcmb
+Encoding: 778 778 419
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 2.375 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 -296 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutedblnosp
+Encoding: 779 779 420
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -175 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -179.987 447 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 -413 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: caroncomb
+Encoding: 780 780 421
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 0 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 402 711 S 1 0 0 1 -308 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: verticallineabovecmb
+Encoding: 781 781 422
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 1.375 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+31.0654 499 m 1
+ 14.0654 499 -2.93457 499 -18.9346 499 c 1
+ -12.9824 527 18.0508 673 22.9395 696 c 1
+ 44.9395 696 48.9395 696 72.9395 696 c 1
+ 68.0508 673 38.5049 534 31.0654 499 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dblverticallineabovecmb
+Encoding: 782 782 423
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -1 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 422 781 S 1 0 0 1 59 0 2
+Refer: 422 781 S 1 0 0 1 -59 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gravedblnosp
+Encoding: 783 783 424
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" -215 440 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" -218.625 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1887 757 S 1 0 0 1 -562 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: candrabinducmb
+Encoding: 784 784 425
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -3 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+168 664 m 1
+ 197 664 l 1
+ 186 633 139 507 11 507 c 0
+ -47 507 -93 538 -93 606 c 0
+ -93 623 -90 642 -84 664 c 1
+ -55 664 l 1
+ -56 658 -56 652 -56 646 c 0
+ -56 596 -28 567 29 567 c 0
+ 105 567 135 614 168 664 c 1
+2 667 m 0
+ 2 686 17 717 50 717 c 0
+ 77 717 100 694 100 667 c 0
+ 100 639 77 617 50 617 c 0
+ 16 617 2 647 2 667 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: breveinvertedcmb
+Encoding: 785 785 426
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 0 440 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 0 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+123 506 m 1
+ 118 556 114 603 38 603 c 0
+ -26 603 -73 567 -100 506 c 1
+ -129 506 l 1
+ -100 615 -19 663 53 663 c 0
+ 141 663 157 604 157 557 c 0
+ 157 535 154 516 152 506 c 1
+ 123 506 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: commaturnedabovecmb
+Encoding: 786 786 427
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -2 443 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1779 700 S -1 0 0 -1 225 1152 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: commaabovecmb
+Encoding: 787 787 428
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -1 442 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1779 700 S 1 0 0 1 -160 34 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: commareversedabovecmb
+Encoding: 788 788 429
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 1 441 mark 0 {} {150-150 117}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1839 701 S 1 0 0 1 -170 40 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: commaaboverightcmb
+Encoding: 789 789 430
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "topright" 100 439 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1779 700 N 1 0 0 1 -20 10 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gravebelowcmb
+Encoding: 790 790 431
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -249 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1851 715 S 1 0 0 1 -494 -736 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutebelowcmb
+Encoding: 791 791 432
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -249 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1850 714 S 1 0 0 1 -454 -741 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lefttackbelowcmb
+Encoding: 792 792 433
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -193 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-153.811 -182 m 1
+ -336.811 -182 l 1
+ -325.333 -128 l 1
+ -142.333 -128 l 1
+ -120.565 -38 l 1
+ -66.5654 -38 l 1
+ -120.767 -273 l 1
+ -174.767 -273 l 1
+ -153.811 -182 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: righttackbelowcmb
+Encoding: 793 793 434
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -153 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 433 792 S -1 0 0 -1 -401.376 -312 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: leftangleabovecmb
+Encoding: 794 794 435
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+260 742 m 1
+ 194 505 l 1
+ 140 505 l 1
+ 191 688 l 1
+ 23 688 l 1
+ 23 742 l 1
+ 260 742 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: horncmb
+Encoding: 795 795 436
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+317 498 m 0
+ 317 400 219 333 147 333 c 0
+ 136 333 95 335 80 358 c 1
+ 90 392 l 1
+ 102 373 125 361 153 361 c 0
+ 210 361 254 403 254 433 c 0
+ 254 464 169 437 169 485 c 0
+ 169 501 186 564 254 564 c 0
+ 294 564 317 538 317 498 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfleftbelowcmb
+Encoding: 796 796 437
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -242 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1859 723 N 1 0 0 1 -430 -245 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uptackbelowcmb
+Encoding: 797 797 438
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -218 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-292.463 -228 m 1
+ -253.565 -45 l 1
+ -199.565 -45 l 1
+ -238.463 -228 l 1
+ -125.463 -228 l 1
+ -136.941 -282 l 1
+ -432.941 -282 l 1
+ -421.463 -228 l 1
+ -292.463 -228 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: downtackbelowcmb
+Encoding: 798 798 439
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -217 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 438 797 S -1 0 0 -1 -498.404 -322 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: plusbelowcmb
+Encoding: 799 799 440
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1862 726 N 1 0 0 1 -415 -349 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: minusbelowcmb
+Encoding: 800 800 441
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -208 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1863 727 S 1 0 0 1 -418 -282 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hooksubpalatnosp
+Encoding: 801 801 442
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-165 -145 m 0
+ -165 -167 -185 -193 -213 -197 c 1
+ -205 -203 -195 -207 -184 -207 c 0
+ -154 -207 -123 -182 -115 -152 c 2
+ -73 0 l 1
+ -130 0 l 1
+ -124 23 l 1
+ -76 23 l 1
+ -63 31 -54 39 -46 46 c 1
+ -38 35 l 1
+ -90 -152 l 2
+ -102 -196 -146 -231 -190 -231 c 0
+ -227 -231 -251 -206 -251 -175 c 0
+ -251 -125 -208 -115 -196 -115 c 0
+ -177 -115 -165 -128 -165 -145 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hookretroflexbelowcmb
+Encoding: 802 802 443
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+17 -145 m 0
+ 17 -179 -31 -231 -84 -231 c 0
+ -120 -231 -143 -207 -143 -174 c 0
+ -143 -167 -142 -160 -140 -152 c 2
+ -88 35 l 1
+ -74 46 l 1
+ -70 39 -65 31 -58 23 c 1
+ -10 23 l 1
+ -16 0 l 1
+ -73 0 l 1
+ -115 -152 l 2
+ -116 -157 -117 -162 -117 -166 c 0
+ -117 -190 -101 -207 -76 -207 c 0
+ -65 -207 -53 -203 -43 -197 c 1
+ -58 -195 -68 -183 -68 -168 c 0
+ -68 -145 -46 -115 -14 -115 c 0
+ 5 -115 17 -128 17 -145 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dotbelowcomb
+Encoding: 803 803 444
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -246 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -591 -695 2
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+StartChar: dieresisbelowcmb
+Encoding: 804 804 445
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -214 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 144 0 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 -56 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ringbelowcmb
+Encoding: 805 805 446
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -248 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1885 755 S 1 0 0 1 -419 -35 2
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+StartChar: commasubnosp
+Encoding: 806 806 447
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 12 44 S 1 0 0 1 -260 -171 2
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+StartChar: cedillacmb
+Encoding: 807 807 448
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
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+-256 -96 m 1
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+ -158 0 l 1
+ -202 -66 l 1
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+ -131 -63 -95 -87 -95 -130 c 0
+ -95 -198 -168 -217 -217 -217 c 0
+ -241 -217 -275 -209 -307 -196 c 1
+ -290 -167 l 1
+ -272 -174 -249 -182 -224 -182 c 0
+ -169 -182 -169 -150 -169 -138 c 0
+ -169 -114 -191 -97 -215 -97 c 0
+ -226 -97 -237 -100 -247 -104 c 1
+ -256 -96 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ogonekcmb
+Encoding: 808 808 449
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" -178 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 406 731 N 1 0 0 1 -319 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: verticallinebelowcmb
+Encoding: 809 809 450
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -192 0 mark 0
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+-225.052 -259 m 1
+ -242.052 -259 -259.052 -259 -275.052 -259 c 1
+ -269.101 -231 -238.067 -85 -233.179 -62 c 1
+ -211.179 -62 -207.179 -62 -183.179 -62 c 1
+ -188.067 -85 -217.612 -224 -225.052 -259 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bridgebelowcmb
+Encoding: 810 810 451
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
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+-101 -120 m 1
+ -304 -120 l 1
+ -337 -238 l 1
+ -391 -238 l 1
+ -343 -66 l 1
+ -32 -66 l 1
+ -80 -238 l 1
+ -134 -238 l 1
+ -101 -120 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dblarchinvertedbelowcmb
+Encoding: 811 811 452
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 613
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
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+-162.035 -183 m 0
+ -185.035 -183 -206.623 -174 -211.729 -152 c 1
+ -230.623 -174 -254.303 -184 -279.303 -184 c 0
+ -316.61 -184 -338.555 -169.502 -338.555 -133.463 c 0
+ -338.555 -123.134 -336.752 -111.034 -332.991 -97 c 2
+ -320.934 -52 l 1
+ -266.934 -52 l 1
+ -278.991 -97 l 2
+ -280.882 -104.056 -281.774 -109.679 -281.774 -114.134 c 0
+ -281.774 -126.726 -274.651 -130 -262.833 -130 c 0
+ -242.833 -130 -230.958 -123 -223.991 -97 c 2
+ -211.934 -52 l 1
+ -157.934 -52 l 1
+ -169.991 -97 l 2
+ -171.525 -102.723 -172.285 -107.641 -172.285 -111.801 c 0
+ -172.285 -124.357 -165.354 -130 -151.833 -130 c 0
+ -132.833 -130 -120.689 -122 -113.991 -97 c 2
+ -101.934 -52 l 1
+ -47.9336 -52 l 1
+ -60.2588 -98 l 2
+ -76.8721 -160 -111.535 -183 -162.035 -183 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 812 812 453
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+StartChar: circumflexbelowcmb
+Encoding: 813 813 454
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
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+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -537 -738 2
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+StartChar: brevebelowcmb
+Encoding: 814 814 455
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 -538 -721 2
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+StartChar: breveinvertedbelowcmb
+Encoding: 815 815 456
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
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+Refer: 403 728 N -1 0 0 -1 120.303 444 2
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+StartChar: tildebelowcmb
+Encoding: 816 816 457
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -175 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1889 759 N 1 0 0 1 -364 8 2
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+StartChar: macronbelowcmb
+Encoding: 817 817 458
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -211 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1849 713 S 1 0 0 1 -474.183 -689 2
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+Encoding: 818 818 459
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -254 1 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 63 95 S 1 0 0 1 -500 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: underscoredblnosp
+Encoding: 819 819 460
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -249 1 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 63 95 N 1 0 0 1 -500 17 2
+Refer: 63 95 S 1 0 0 1 -500 -75 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tildemidnosp
+Encoding: 820 820 461
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" -76 256 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -406.213 -314 2
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+StartChar: barmidshortnosp
+Encoding: 821 821 462
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "middle" -48 228 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-151.136 244 m 1
+ 61.8643 244 l 1
+ 52.7236 201 l 1
+ -160.276 201 l 1
+ -151.136 244 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: strokelongoverlaycmb
+Encoding: 822 822 463
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" -108 224 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-312.136 243 m 1
+ 119.864 243 l 1
+ 110.724 200 l 1
+ -321.276 200 l 1
+ -312.136 243 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: solidusshortoverlaycmb
+Encoding: 823 823 464
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" -136 222 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-375.542 148 m 1
+ 118.419 336 l 1
+ 117.129 297 l 1
+ -376.831 109 l 1
+ -375.542 148 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: soliduslongoverlaycmb
+Encoding: 824 824 465
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" -108 222 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-388.411 -93 m 1
+ 178 592 l 1
+ 202.41 574 l 1
+ -363 -111 l 1
+ -388.411 -93 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfrightbelowcmb
+Encoding: 825 825 466
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -222 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1858 722 S 1 0 0 1 -428 -249 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bridgeinvertedbelowcmb
+Encoding: 826 826 467
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -245 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 451 810 S -1 0 0 -1 -487 -281 2
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+StartChar: squarebelowcmb
+Encoding: 827 827 468
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -235 0 mark 0
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+-216 -245 m 1
+ -174 -93 l 1
+ -327 -93 l 1
+ -369 -245 l 1
+ -216 -245 l 1
+-366 -39 m 1
+ -105 -39 l 1
+ -177 -300 l 1
+ -438 -300 l 1
+ -366 -39 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: seagullbelowcmb
+Encoding: 828 828 469
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" -225 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-166 -111 m 0
+ -258 -111 -244 -224 -286 -224 c 0
+ -294 -224 -296.4 -220 -296.4 -212.768 c 0
+ -296.4 -201.92 -291 -183.8 -291 -161 c 0
+ -291 -131 -304 -110 -343 -110 c 0
+ -360 -110 -381 -114 -397 -119 c 0
+ -399.551 -119.85 -401.621 -120.219 -403.276 -120.219 c 0
+ -407.46 -120.219 -409 -117.866 -409 -115 c 0
+ -409 -103 -350 -47 -305 -47 c 0
+ -287 -47 -259 -63 -259 -127 c 2
+ -259 -131 l 1
+ -238 -92 -201 -47 -162 -47 c 0
+ -111 -47 -100 -89 -100 -111 c 0
+ -100 -115.648 -101.8 -120.295 -107.724 -120.295 c 0
+ -109.448 -120.295 -111.521 -119.902 -114 -119 c 0
+ -127 -114 -148 -111 -166 -111 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xabovecmb
+Encoding: 829 829 470
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -33 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1865 735 N 1 0 0 1 -300 -30 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tildeverticalcmb
+Encoding: 830 830 471
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 26 455 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 15 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+61 581 m 0
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+ 32 706 104 731 164 749 c 1
+ 168 733 l 1
+ 118 713 98 693 98 665 c 0
+ 98 638 127 626 127 595 c 0
+ 127 552 84 528 -5 494 c 1
+ -10 510 l 1
+ 41 529 61 549 61 581 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dbloverlinecmb
+Encoding: 831 831 472
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -53 444 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 460 819 N 1 0 0 1 216 711 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0360
+Encoding: 864 864 473
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -103.224 499 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+99.6016 685 m 0
+ 188.602 685 204.998 621 280.998 621 c 0
+ 363.998 621 400.8 653 457.515 694 c 1
+ 475.451 689 l 1
+ 388.495 581 336.819 559 250.819 559 c 0
+ 161.819 559 148.423 623 66.4229 623 c 0
+ -26.5771 623 -46.3164 596 -107.307 549 c 1
+ -125.244 554 l 1
+ -34.6494 665 10.6016 685 99.6016 685 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0361
+Encoding: 865 865 474
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -107.224 499 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1939 860 N -1 0 0 -1 137.193 478 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: numeralsigngreek
+Encoding: 884 884 475
+Width: 199
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+48 557 m 1
+ 31 567 l 1
+ 57 610 144 780 193 780 c 0
+ 212 780 229 767 229 747 c 0
+ 229 712 81 587 48 557 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: numeralsignlowergreek
+Encoding: 885 885 476
+Width: 199
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+198 -10 m 1
+ 172 -53 84 -223 35 -223 c 0
+ 16 -223 0 -210 0 -190 c 0
+ 0 -155 148 -30 181 0 c 1
+ 198 -10 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ypogegrammeni
+Encoding: 890 890 477
+Width: 332
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+182 -112 m 1
+ 168 -170 126 -200 67 -200 c 0
+ 34 -200 9 -189 9 -152 c 0
+ 9 -110 18 -93 28 -52 c 1
+ 104 -52 l 1
+ 95 -89 86 -104 86 -143 c 0
+ 86 -155 92 -163 105 -163 c 0
+ 133 -163 151 -136 157 -112 c 1
+ 182 -112 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: questiongreek
+Encoding: 894 894 478
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 27 59 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dieresistonos
+Encoding: 901 901 479
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+194 604 m 0
+ 217 604 235 586 235 564 c 0
+ 235 542 217 525 194 525 c 0
+ 173 525 156 542 156 565 c 0
+ 156 586 174 604 194 604 c 0
+412 604 m 0
+ 435 604 453 586 453 564 c 0
+ 453 542 435 525 412 525 c 0
+ 391 525 374 542 374 565 c 0
+ 374 586 392 604 412 604 c 0
+259 566 m 1
+ 355.699 763 l 2
+ 358.683 769.294 370 780 393 780 c 0
+ 414 780 428 763 428 745 c 0
+ 428 737 425.421 733.334 418.876 725 c 2
+ 294 566 l 1
+ 259 566 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Alphatonos
+Encoding: 902 902 480
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 73 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: anoteleia
+Encoding: 903 903 481
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+199.82 352 m 0
+ 171.187 352 151.985 371.574 151.985 398.31 c 0
+ 151.985 432.455 182.944 470 224.901 470 c 0
+ 253.533 470 272.735 450.427 272.735 423.692 c 0
+ 272.735 389.547 241.777 352 199.82 352 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Epsilontonos
+Encoding: 904 904 482
+Width: 794
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 200 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 67 -43 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Etatonos
+Encoding: 905 905 483
+Width: 904
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 176 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 49 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iotatonos
+Encoding: 906 906 484
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 210 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 72 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Omicrontonos
+Encoding: 908 908 485
+Width: 815
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 133 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 N 1 0 0 1 75 -75 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilontonos
+Encoding: 910 910 486
+Width: 837
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 S 1 0 0 1 219 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 N 1 0 0 1 71 -42 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Omegatonos
+Encoding: 911 911 487
+Width: 879
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 133 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 N 1 0 0 1 76 -44 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iotadieresistonos
+Encoding: 912 912 488
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 479 901 S 1 0 0 1 -104 9 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Alpha
+Encoding: 913 913 489
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 S 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Beta
+Encoding: 914 914 490
+Width: 581
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 34 66 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gamma
+Encoding: 915 915 491
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+627 653 m 1
+ 596 500 l 1
+ 575 502 l 1
+ 576 516 577 529 577 543 c 0
+ 577 612 509 621 447 621 c 2
+ 364 621 l 2
+ 341 621 318 617 312 594 c 2
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 173 99 168 78 168 56 c 0
+ 168 19 209 19 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 47 26 57 34 73 90 c 0
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 201 550 207 574 207 593 c 0
+ 207 635 161 635 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 627 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Delta
+Encoding: 916 916 492
+Width: 660
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+617 0 m 1
+ -5 0 l 1
+ 467 666 l 1
+ 476 666 l 1
+ 617 0 l 1
+501 34 m 1
+ 401 505 l 1
+ 61 34 l 1
+ 501 34 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Epsilon
+Encoding: 917 917 493
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 -3 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zeta
+Encoding: 918 918 494
+Width: 606
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Eta
+Encoding: 919 919 495
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Theta
+Encoding: 920 920 496
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+678 423 m 0
+ 678 213 474 -18 258 -18 c 0
+ 117 -18 39 94 39 227 c 0
+ 39 422 243 666 446 666 c 0
+ 591 666 678 565 678 423 c 0
+573 472 m 0
+ 573 559 540 633 442 633 c 0
+ 256 633 144 335 144 181 c 0
+ 144 97 176 15 274 15 c 0
+ 461 15 573 317 573 472 c 0
+525 426 m 1
+ 477 233 l 1
+ 460 233 l 1
+ 462 240 464 248 464 256 c 0
+ 464 276 440 293 421 293 c 2
+ 275 293 l 2
+ 248 293 217 258 211 233 c 1
+ 195 233 l 1
+ 243 426 l 1
+ 260 426 l 1
+ 259 422 258 417 258 413 c 0
+ 258 393 269 364 293 364 c 2
+ 439 364 l 2
+ 473 364 503 393 508 426 c 1
+ 525 426 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iota
+Encoding: 921 921 497
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Kappa
+Encoding: 922 922 498
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Lambda
+Encoding: 923 923 499
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+607 0 m 1
+ 361 0 l 1
+ 361 16 l 1
+ 397 19 439 20 439 66 c 0
+ 439 76 439 85 437 95 c 2
+ 368 521 l 1
+ 140 113 l 2
+ 128.863 93.0713 120 75 120 51 c 0
+ 120 17 153 18 179 16 c 1
+ 179 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 55 31 91 117 121 168 c 2
+ 411 668 l 1
+ 437 668 l 1
+ 531 102 l 2
+ 541 42 542 21 607 16 c 1
+ 607 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Mu
+Encoding: 924 924 500
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Nu
+Encoding: 925 925 501
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 -1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Xi
+Encoding: 926 926 502
+Width: 678
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+684 653 m 1
+ 640 478 l 1
+ 626 478 l 1
+ 629 491 632 503 632 516 c 0
+ 632 558 601 569 564 569 c 2
+ 251 569 l 2
+ 181 569 167 537 145 478 c 1
+ 130 478 l 1
+ 174 653 l 1
+ 684 653 l 1
+531 434 m 1
+ 477 218 l 1
+ 463 218 l 1
+ 465 226 467 234 467 242 c 0
+ 467 270 448 284 421 284 c 2
+ 258 284 l 2
+ 219 284 189 255 182 218 c 1
+ 168 218 l 1
+ 222 434 l 1
+ 236 434 l 1
+ 236 432 l 2
+ 236 426 233 419 233 412 c 0
+ 233 385 255 372 280 372 c 2
+ 443 372 l 2
+ 474 372 517 400 517 434 c 1
+ 531 434 l 1
+565 175 m 1
+ 521 0 l 1
+ 11 0 l 1
+ 55 175 l 1
+ 70 175 l 1
+ 67 163 65 151 65 139 c 0
+ 65 96 95 84 133 84 c 2
+ 456 84 l 2
+ 507 84 542 129 551 175 c 1
+ 565 175 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omicron
+Encoding: 927 927 503
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Pi
+Encoding: 928 928 504
+Width: 697
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+767 637 m 1
+ 711 627 701 620 685 563 c 0
+ 667 496 549 99 549 58 c 0
+ 549 18 599 19 628 16 c 1
+ 628 0 l 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 355 16 l 1
+ 410 23 440 31 456 90 c 2
+ 575 518 l 2
+ 581 538 586 559 586 580 c 0
+ 586 623 550 623 516 623 c 2
+ 399 623 l 2
+ 347 623 312 601 298 549 c 0
+ 280 483 166 99 166 58 c 0
+ 166 21 211 20 238 16 c 1
+ 238 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 47 26 57 34 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 202 552 207 573 207 594 c 0
+ 207 635 160 635 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
+ 767 637 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Rho
+Encoding: 929 929 505
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sigma
+Encoding: 931 931 506
+Width: 653
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+698 653 m 1
+ 667 478 l 1
+ 650 478 l 1
+ 651 485 651 492 651 498 c 0
+ 651 579 583 623 508 623 c 2
+ 340 623 l 2
+ 330 623 303 618 303 604 c 0
+ 303 586 474 381 500 350 c 1
+ 159 86 l 1
+ 472 86 l 2
+ 522 86 565 128 573 177 c 1
+ 592 177 l 1
+ 548 0 l 1
+ -16 0 l 1
+ 408 328 l 1
+ 149 653 l 1
+ 698 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tau
+Encoding: 932 932 507
+Width: 596
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilon
+Encoding: 933 933 508
+Width: 679
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+679 553 m 0
+ 638.667 553 675.133 602 607 602 c 0
+ 483 602 409 372 389 299 c 0
+ 373 239 329 121 329 56 c 0
+ 329 19 370 19 397 16 c 1
+ 397 0 l 1
+ 153 0 l 1
+ 153 16 l 1
+ 208 26 219 34 234 90 c 2
+ 289 291 l 2
+ 304 347 315 405 315 463 c 0
+ 315 519 287 602 220 602 c 0
+ 139 602 154 553 105 553 c 0
+ 94.4473 553 87.0791 558.274 87.0791 566.626 c 0
+ 87.0791 582.266 126.262 672 205 672 c 0
+ 331 672 368 526 369 425 c 1
+ 423 518 503 672 628 672 c 0
+ 670 672 699 635 699 595 c 0
+ 699 564 689 553 679 553 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Phi
+Encoding: 934 934 509
+Width: 751
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+390 113 m 1
+ 385 94 381 75 381 56 c 0
+ 381 19 422 19 449 16 c 1
+ 449 0 l 1
+ 205 0 l 1
+ 205 16 l 1
+ 274 28 275 47 292 112 c 1
+ 183 112 54 153 54 283 c 0
+ 54 457 225 560 384 560 c 0
+ 395 560 405 560 416 559 c 1
+ 418 570 420 582 420 594 c 0
+ 420 633 380 634 350 637 c 1
+ 350 653 l 1
+ 597 653 l 1
+ 597 637 l 1
+ 540 627 530 618 514 560 c 1
+ 618 560 761 524 761 395 c 0
+ 761 228 585 111 428 111 c 0
+ 415 111 402 111 390 113 c 1
+654 398 m 0
+ 654 486 588 528 506 529 c 1
+ 398 141 l 1
+ 542 141 654 252 654 398 c 0
+408 529 m 1
+ 253 529 157 422 157 269 c 0
+ 157 178 215 142 300 141 c 1
+ 408 529 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Chi
+Encoding: 935 935 510
+Width: 665
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Psi
+Encoding: 936 936 511
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+883 541 m 0
+ 840 541 863 575 810 575 c 0
+ 794 575 732 567 732 535 c 0
+ 732 491 772 470 772 395 c 0
+ 772 303 688 240 574 210 c 0
+ 532 199 484 195 440 193 c 1
+ 428 150 409 101 409 56 c 0
+ 409 19 450 19 477 16 c 1
+ 477 0 l 1
+ 233 0 l 1
+ 233 16 l 1
+ 288 26 298 34 314 90 c 2
+ 343 193 l 1
+ 245 199 106 220 106 346 c 0
+ 106 448 231 486 231 547 c 0
+ 231 568 220 575 175 575 c 0
+ 132 575 128 540 97 540 c 0
+ 90.1309 540 83.998 543.125 83.998 555.828 c 0
+ 83.998 555.828 85.8691 653 178 653 c 0
+ 230 653 273 610 273 552 c 0
+ 273 462 195 413 195 333 c 0
+ 195 232 274 231 353 229 c 1
+ 437 532 l 2
+ 443 552 448 573 448 594 c 0
+ 448 633 408 634 378 637 c 1
+ 378 653 l 1
+ 625 653 l 1
+ 625 637 l 1
+ 569 627 559 620 543 563 c 2
+ 450 229 l 1
+ 482 230 520.215 228.291 551 238 c 0
+ 681 279 689 390 689 526 c 0
+ 689 650 807 658 836 658 c 0
+ 886.686 658 913.697 635.089 913.697 607.954 c 0
+ 913.697 596.4 905.097 541 883 541 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omega
+Encoding: 937 937 512
+Width: 767
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+505 666 m 0
+ 599 666 771 616 771 446 c 0
+ 771 328 686 180 483 124 c 1
+ 466 81 l 1
+ 600 81 l 2
+ 661 81 686 117 697 153 c 1
+ 721 153 l 1
+ 673 0 l 1
+ 401 0 l 1
+ 455 147 l 1
+ 576 176 658 332 658 441 c 0
+ 658 590 553 630 488.09 630 c 0
+ 380 630 220 544 220 297 c 0
+ 220 210 262 170 305 149 c 1
+ 264 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ 28 153 l 1
+ 52 153 l 1
+ 50.1074 144.105 49.1104 135.998 49.1104 128.699 c 0
+ 49.1104 97.4326 67.4092 81 112 81 c 2
+ 251 81 l 1
+ 264 126 l 1
+ 186 138 110 216 110 307 c 0
+ 110 590 360 666 505 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iotadieresis
+Encoding: 938 938 513
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 37 221 0
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilondieresis
+Encoding: 939 939 514
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 174 217 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alphatonos
+Encoding: 940 940 515
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 N 1 0 0 1 197 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: epsilontonos
+Encoding: 941 941 516
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 155 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: etatonos
+Encoding: 942 942 517
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 207 -44 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilondieresistonos
+Encoding: 944 944 518
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 479 901 S 1 0 0 1 32 3 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alpha
+Encoding: 945 945 519
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+527 432 m 1
+ 493 352 457 278 416 204 c 0
+ 405 185 389 164 382 144 c 0
+ 381 140 381 136 381 132 c 0
+ 381 96 396 62 422 62 c 0
+ 449 62 468.333 67.3333 487 126 c 1
+ 509 118 l 1
+ 500.333 73.3333 469 -11 411 -11 c 0
+ 361.68 -11 354.197 43.2589 354.197 85.1789 c 0
+ 354.197 95.106 354.617 104.341 355 112 c 1
+ 353 112 l 1
+ 312 46 232 -11 152 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 9 58 9 146 c 0
+ 9 282 130 441 274 441 c 0
+ 359.571 441 382.492 358.878 382.492 294.345 c 0
+ 382.492 288.742 382.32 283.272 382 278 c 1
+ 384 278 l 1
+ 446 432 l 1
+ 527 432 l 1
+353 300 m 0
+ 353 356 338 418 270 418 c 0
+ 158 418 93 215 93 124 c 0
+ 93 70 110 12 166 12 c 0
+ 284 12 353 206 353 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: beta
+Encoding: 946 946 520
+Width: 509
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+247 416 m 0
+ 270.2 416 284.7 397 305 397 c 0
+ 362 397 415 461 415 538 c 0
+ 415 587 397 651 333 651 c 0
+ 255 651 187.432 574.096 164 436 c 2
+ 70 -118 l 2
+ 63 -159 53 -212 10 -212 c 0
+ -20 -212 -34 -194 -34 -163 c 0
+ -34 -127 -13 -65 -2 -22 c 2
+ 104 397 l 2
+ 146 561 200 674 356 674 c 0
+ 424 674 491 638 491 550 c 0
+ 491 445 386 399 329 386 c 1
+ 329 384 l 1
+ 410 357 453 290 453 228 c 0
+ 453 83 347 -10 213 -10 c 0
+ 178.89 -10 123.886 7.09573 123.886 74.6087 c 0
+ 123.886 76.3713 123.924 78.1682 124 80 c 1
+ 146 88 l 1
+ 145.88 86.0325 145.82 84.1021 145.82 82.209 c 0
+ 145.82 36.954 179.646 13 219 13 c 0
+ 312.5 13 365 144 365 230 c 0
+ 365 272 364 370 306 370 c 0
+ 281.853 370 264.192 353 246 353 c 0
+ 226 353 211 367 211 385 c 0
+ 211 406 232 416 247 416 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: delta
+Encoding: 948 948 521
+Width: 518
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+176 -11 m 0
+ 45 -11 26 98 26 130 c 0
+ 26 308 148 422 257 422 c 0
+ 280 422 299 419 310 414 c 1
+ 312 416 l 1
+ 294 449 226 515 226 588 c 0
+ 226 662 299 677 366 677 c 0
+ 430 677 469 628 486 570 c 1
+ 466 560 l 1
+ 450 607 417 654 364 654 c 0
+ 338 654 310 641 310 599 c 0
+ 310 521 448 409 448 279 c 0
+ 448 127 332 -11 176 -11 c 0
+362 308 m 2
+ 347 348 l 2
+ 337 376 316 399 265 399 c 0
+ 174 399 110 234 110 124 c 0
+ 110 34 153 12 182 12 c 0
+ 290 12 369 130 369 230 c 0
+ 369 245.6 366.192 296.822 362 308 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: epsilon
+Encoding: 949 949 522
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+368 321 m 0
+ 347 321 333 334 326 361 c 0
+ 321 379 309 418 259 418 c 0
+ 200 418 136 395 136 316 c 0
+ 136 278 164 241 200 241 c 0
+ 217 241 229 244 239 248 c 0
+ 249 252 263 261 277 261 c 0
+ 299 261 314 248 314 232 c 0
+ 314 210 294 198 277 198 c 0
+ 263 198 251 206 237 210 c 0
+ 227 214 213 217 202 217 c 0
+ 137 217 95 173 95 109 c 0
+ 95 48 142 26 191 26 c 0
+ 262 26 303 63 341 119 c 1
+ 363 111 l 1
+ 314 26 245 -10 150 -10 c 0
+ 89 -10 11 23 11 97 c 0
+ 11 179 77 219 150 230 c 1
+ 151 232 l 1
+ 109 236 64 270 64 318 c 0
+ 64 416 181 441 260 441 c 0
+ 329 441 401 406 401 360 c 0
+ 401 334 385 321 368 321 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zeta
+Encoding: 950 950 523
+Width: 408
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+292 -66 m 0
+ 292 -24 274 2 221 2 c 0
+ 190 2 167 -4 132 -4 c 0
+ 58 -4 22 50 22 126 c 0
+ 22 314 118 454 203 540 c 1
+ 156 546 98 572 98 622 c 0
+ 98 671 152 684 177 684 c 1
+ 188 666 l 1
+ 176 663 152 655 152 627 c 0
+ 152 578 195 558 222 557 c 1
+ 278 606 339 641 383 641 c 0
+ 417 641 442 636 442 606 c 0
+ 442 570 382 534 288 534 c 0
+ 270 534 254 535 232 537 c 1
+ 143 446 60 314 60 182 c 0
+ 60 122 68 80 135 80 c 0
+ 173 80 194 86 219 86 c 0
+ 273 86 337 66 337 -14 c 0
+ 337 -141 216 -178 128 -178 c 0
+ 90 -178 26 -160 26 -114 c 0
+ 26 -96 41 -84 54 -84 c 0
+ 76 -84 87 -93 102 -118 c 0
+ 118 -146 148 -152 169 -152 c 0
+ 220 -152 292 -130 292 -66 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eta
+Encoding: 951 951 524
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+322 -212 m 0
+ 289 -212 277 -195 277 -163 c 0
+ 277 -154 288.531 -121.194 297 -98 c 2
+ 406 217 l 2
+ 424.648 270.89 440 329.5 440 347 c 0
+ 440 381.5 419 406 373 406 c 0
+ 249 406 183 134 152 0 c 1
+ 73 0 l 1
+ 167 339 l 2
+ 171.608 355.895 173.327 365.192 173.327 382.653 c 0
+ 173.327 390.816 171.286 400 157 400 c 0
+ 118 400 89.667 329.667 82 301 c 1
+ 61 309 l 1
+ 77 372 108 441 184 441 c 0
+ 229 441 248 409 248 378 c 0
+ 248 357 246 343.5 240 323 c 1
+ 243 323 l 1
+ 281.5 394 333 441 401 441 c 0
+ 462.963 441 488 398 488 352 c 0
+ 488 323 482.141 296.135 477 273 c 2
+ 389 -123 l 2
+ 376.292 -171.856 367 -212 322 -212 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: theta
+Encoding: 952 952 525
+Width: 523
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+169 -11 m 0
+ 86 -11 25 74 25 176 c 0
+ 25 352 132 672 347 672 c 0
+ 463 672 497 574 497 475 c 0
+ 497 299 382 -11 169 -11 c 0
+392 358 m 1
+ 406 415 413 470 413 530 c 0
+ 413 583 407 649 341 649 c 0
+ 221 649 167 450 144 358 c 1
+ 392 358 l 1
+386 334 m 1
+ 138 334 l 1
+ 121 267 109 201 109 131 c 0
+ 109 77 118 12 174 12 c 0
+ 304 12 362 236 386 334 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iota
+Encoding: 953 953 526
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+229 130 m 1
+ 212 67 176 -11 86 -11 c 0
+ 41 -11 3 14.5 3 63.5 c 0
+ 3 78.5 6 93.5 10 109.5 c 2
+ 98 432 l 1
+ 177 432 l 1
+ 168.067 397.757 94.6953 132 94.6953 132 c 2
+ 86.4219 98.2676 81.5 70.2012 81.5 61 c 0
+ 81.5 32.5 98 25 110 25 c 0
+ 172 25 198 105 208 137.5 c 1
+ 229 130 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kappa
+Encoding: 954 954 527
+Width: 491
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+354 -10 m 0
+ 284 -10 264 36 252 78 c 0
+ 238 128 230 226 170 226 c 2
+ 152 226 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 158 250 l 1
+ 177 250 l 2
+ 230 250 263 315 284 349 c 0
+ 340 437 394 441 413 441 c 0
+ 450 441 466 414 466 390 c 0
+ 466 366 443 348 418 348 c 0
+ 404 348 393 357 381 368 c 0
+ 372 377 363 378 354 378 c 0
+ 316 378 283 260 230 243 c 1
+ 230 241 l 1
+ 264 237 297 209 314 170 c 0
+ 338 114 332 42 390 42 c 0
+ 414 42 426.348 69.0031 450 110 c 1
+ 465 99 l 1
+ 420 15 394 -10 354 -10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lambda
+Encoding: 955 955 528
+Width: 488
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+447 118 m 1
+ 437 68 404 -11 350 -11 c 0
+ 288 -11 285 64 285 108 c 2
+ 285 311 l 1
+ 283 311 l 1
+ 87 0 l 1
+ -11 0 l 1
+ 277 453 l 1
+ 277 462 278 475 278 489 c 0
+ 278 550 266 605 219 605 c 0
+ 192 605 167 590 156 540 c 1
+ 135 547 l 1
+ 142 599 160 678 223 678 c 0
+ 298 678 306.019 585.942 308 518 c 2
+ 318 175 l 2
+ 319.659 118.107 324 62 367 62 c 0
+ 409 62 419 112 425 126 c 1
+ 447 118 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: mu
+Encoding: 956 956 529
+Width: 501
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+452 121 m 1
+ 436 54 403 -11 328 -11 c 0
+ 292 -11 264 15 264 57 c 0
+ 264 87 275 119 284 149 c 1
+ 281 149 l 1
+ 250 80 187 -11 102 -11 c 0
+ 43 -11 25 34 23 85 c 1
+ 21 85 l 1
+ 13 54 6 10 6 -22 c 0
+ 6 -52 9 -76 16 -97 c 0
+ 24 -122 35 -147 35 -167 c 0
+ 35 -193 20 -212 -3 -212 c 0
+ -36 -212 -51 -180 -51 -137 c 0
+ -51 -117 -48 -103 -42 -82 c 2
+ 98 431 l 1
+ 177 431 l 1
+ 92 120 l 2
+ 88 106 86 91 86 76 c 0
+ 86 49 96 25 127 25 c 0
+ 270 25 336 346 360 431 c 1
+ 439 431 l 1
+ 345 88 l 2
+ 342 77 338 58 338 52 c 0
+ 338 41 340 30 357 30 c 0
+ 396 30 426 109 431 129 c 1
+ 452 121 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nu
+Encoding: 957 957 530
+Width: 515
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+231 0 m 1
+ 205 0 l 1
+ 165 359 l 2
+ 163 375 161 389 142 389 c 0
+ 112 389 88 324 82 301 c 1
+ 61 309 l 1
+ 78 374 107 441 185 441 c 0
+ 229 441 243 417 247 376 c 2
+ 280 68 l 1
+ 325 103 421 185.472 421 270 c 0
+ 421 317 405 353 405 384 c 0
+ 405 412 426 441 464 441 c 0
+ 492 441 510 417 510 373 c 0
+ 510 240 325 60 231 0 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xi
+Encoding: 958 958 531
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+340 -43 m 0
+ 340 -9 321 4 268 4 c 0
+ 237 4 170 -5 135 -5 c 0
+ 60 -5 10 25 10 108 c 0
+ 10 192 111 288 146 308 c 1
+ 114 316 97 342 97 375 c 0
+ 97 446 178 514 226 540 c 1
+ 178.5 545.5 97 569 97 622 c 0
+ 97 671 151 684 176 684 c 1
+ 187 666 l 1
+ 174.5 663 151 653 151 622 c 0
+ 151 571 222 558 249 557 c 1
+ 299 589 352.5 634.5 393.5 634.5 c 0
+ 429 634.5 445 619.5 445 599 c 0
+ 445 563 405 534 311 534 c 0
+ 293 534 272 535 250 537 c 1
+ 214 512 135 471 135 397 c 0
+ 135 357 176 342 196 342 c 1
+ 214 351 283 391 320 391 c 0
+ 354.5 391 369 376 369 353 c 0
+ 369 316 317 298 226 298 c 0
+ 212 298 188 300 168 302 c 1
+ 144 290 56 222 56 149 c 0
+ 56 100 91 79 138 79 c 0
+ 176 79 241 88 266 88 c 0
+ 320 88 385 75 385 9 c 0
+ 385 -125 264 -178 176 -178 c 0
+ 138 -178 74 -160 74 -114 c 0
+ 74 -96 89 -84 102 -84 c 0
+ 124 -84 135 -93 150 -118 c 0
+ 166 -146 196 -152 217 -152 c 0
+ 275 -152 340 -107 340 -43 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omicron
+Encoding: 959 959 532
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+193 -11 m 0
+ 92 -11 20 56 20 159 c 0
+ 20 305 157 441 305 441 c 0
+ 406 441 480 376 480 283 c 0
+ 480 130 349 -11 193 -11 c 0
+396 283 m 0
+ 396 336 380 418 297 418 c 0
+ 172 418 104 266 104 161 c 0
+ 104 94 132 12 205 12 c 0
+ 326 12 396 186 396 283 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: pi
+Encoding: 960 960 533
+Width: 608
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+245 363 m 1
+ 188 160 l 2
+ 167.987 92.291 140 -9 48 -9 c 0
+ 29 -9 -22 -5 -22 38 c 0
+ -22 55 -11 75 17 75 c 0
+ 35 75 46.5 62.4697 52.5 56.5 c 0
+ 61.4434 47.6016 68.5 38 82 38 c 0
+ 120 38 147.61 101.553 176 207 c 2
+ 218 363 l 1
+ 170 363 l 2
+ 138 363 112 346 98 317 c 1
+ 75 317 l 1
+ 115 414 153 433 256 433 c 0
+ 350 433 443 426 537 426 c 0
+ 554 426 572 434 579 451 c 1
+ 597 451 l 1
+ 572 366 540 363 453 363 c 1
+ 439 304 377 105 377 56 c 0
+ 377 37 386 23 406 23 c 0
+ 464.5 23 494 101 503 136 c 1
+ 524 128 l 1
+ 506 57 465 -13 381 -13 c 0
+ 334 -13 298 13 298 66 c 0
+ 298 100.5 358 300 375 363 c 1
+ 245 363 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rho
+Encoding: 961 961 534
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+173 -11 m 0
+ 89.658 -11 26.9883 44.1261 26.9883 129.961 c 0
+ 26.9883 130.639 26.9922 131.319 27 132 c 1
+ 25 132 l 1
+ 19 105 16 77 16 49 c 0
+ 16 -148 256 -17 256 -159 c 0
+ 256 -188 234 -213 228 -218 c 1
+ 215 -210 l 1
+ 220 -204 220 -196 220 -192 c 0
+ 220 -123 29 -196 -5 -35 c 0
+ -10 -9 -12 -7 -12 21 c 0
+ -12 200 77 441 291 441 c 0
+ 387 441 451 386 451 288 c 0
+ 451 138 327 -11 173 -11 c 0
+367 291 m 0
+ 367 347 354 418 284 418 c 0
+ 160 418 92 253 92 152 c 0
+ 92 90 108 12 184 12 c 0
+ 305 12 367 196 367 291 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sigma1
+Encoding: 962 962 535
+Width: 423
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+19 -84 m 0
+ 74.7031 -84 54.3311 -152 134 -152 c 0
+ 192 -152 256 -123 256 -61 c 0
+ 256 30 8 -59 8 138 c 0
+ 8 299 100 441 279 441 c 0
+ 356 441 411 398 411 353 c 0
+ 411 326 399 296 364 296 c 0
+ 333 296 308 322 308 353 c 0
+ 308 360.5 309 368.5 309 376.25 c 0
+ 309 409.717 281.602 418 266 418 c 0
+ 160 418 61 320 61 209 c 0
+ 61 18 302 134 302 -26 c 0
+ 302 -138 181 -178 93 -178 c 0
+ 55 -178 -8 -160 -8 -114 c 0
+ -8 -96 6 -84 19 -84 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sigma
+Encoding: 963 963 536
+Width: 532
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+367 286 m 0
+ 367 310 353 332 324 332 c 0
+ 309 332 288 322 267 300 c 9
+ 253 319 l 17
+ 284.333 357.754 318.046 361.154 334.237 361.154 c 0
+ 401.775 361.154 451 318.955 451 260 c 0
+ 451 127 319 -11 185 -11 c 0
+ 86 -11 18 53 18 153 c 0
+ 18 316 151 441 304 441 c 0
+ 370 441 410 426 469 426 c 0
+ 493.337 426 516.556 426.544 525 450 c 1
+ 545 450 l 1
+ 535 413 510 374 465 374 c 0
+ 382 374 359 418 294 418 c 0
+ 162 418 102 246 102 132 c 0
+ 102 73 124 12 191 12 c 0
+ 310 12 367 168 367 286 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tau
+Encoding: 964 964 537
+Width: 477
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+475 451 m 1
+ 458 374 412 363 300 363 c 1
+ 233 120 l 2
+ 227 100 223 69 223 55 c 0
+ 223 35 233 23 253 23 c 0
+ 306 23 338 95 349 136 c 1
+ 370 128 l 1
+ 346 53 315 -13 224 -13 c 0
+ 181 -13 144 15 144 60 c 0
+ 144 107 206 308 220 365 c 1
+ 220 365 174 368 152 368 c 0
+ 127 368 99 347 85 317 c 1
+ 63 317 l 1
+ 91 392 131 431 221 431 c 0
+ 293 431 343 426 415 426 c 0
+ 434.5 426 449 435 457 451 c 1
+ 475 451 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: upsilon
+Encoding: 965 965 538
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+218 -11 m 0
+ 150 -11 104 25 104 96 c 0
+ 104 180 173 312 173 376 c 0
+ 173 384 171 400 153 400 c 0
+ 113 400 90 332 82 301 c 1
+ 61 309 l 1
+ 76 373 110 441 185 441 c 0
+ 234 441 248 405 248 361 c 0
+ 248 267 182 180 182 85 c 0
+ 182 44 204 25 244 25 c 0
+ 339 25 415 140 415 227 c 0
+ 415 300 389 322 389 366 c 0
+ 389 410 406 441 442 441 c 0
+ 474 441 495 413 495 387 c 0
+ 495 355 487 324 480 293 c 0
+ 447 163 378 -11 218 -11 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: phi
+Encoding: 966 966 539
+Width: 628
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+292 -11 m 1
+ 239 -205 l 1
+ 164 -205 l 1
+ 216 -11 l 1
+ 128 -11 23 50 23 172 c 0
+ 23 282 119 441 255 441 c 0
+ 307 441 323 419 330 391 c 1
+ 313 375 l 1
+ 299 406 286 418 261 418 c 0
+ 140 418 107 206 107 132 c 0
+ 107 49 161 12 222 12 c 1
+ 235.201 55.5645 267.989 180 267.989 180 c 2
+ 304.115 311.969 364.445 441 477 441 c 0
+ 549 441 591 400 591 321 c 0
+ 591 145 454 -11 292 -11 c 1
+562 319 m 0
+ 562 372 538 418 484 418 c 0
+ 407 418 387 342 371 278 c 2
+ 299 12 l 1
+ 429 12 562 152 562 319 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chi
+Encoding: 967 967 540
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+265 -28 m 2
+ 268 -59 279 -130 319 -130 c 0
+ 370 -130 374 -86 381 -66 c 1
+ 402 -73 l 1
+ 398 -133 363 -205 307 -205 c 0
+ 246 -205 241 -103 236 -62 c 2
+ 222 57 l 1
+ 40 -195 l 1
+ -52 -195 l 1
+ 210 164 l 1
+ 197 282 l 2
+ 193 314 192 361 149 361 c 0
+ 109 361 88 339 81 296 c 1
+ 60 303 l 1
+ 64 356 90 441 158 441 c 0
+ 219 441 222 375 227 332 c 2
+ 240 203 l 1
+ 406 431 l 1
+ 498 431 l 1
+ 252 95 l 1
+ 265 -28 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: psi
+Encoding: 968 968 541
+Width: 728
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+689 406 m 0
+ 689 331 608 21 379 -10 c 1
+ 335 -224 l 1
+ 241 -224 l 1
+ 304 -10 l 1
+ 214 -7 132 33 132 134 c 0
+ 132 217 192 320 192 394 c 0
+ 192 410 185 420 168 420 c 0
+ 112 420 98 340 87 298 c 1
+ 58 298 l 1
+ 78 375 102 461 199 461 c 0
+ 250 461 269 422 269 376 c 0
+ 269 285 209 197 209 106 c 0
+ 209 43 253 17 311 14 c 1
+ 470 558 l 1
+ 495 558 l 1
+ 382 14 l 1
+ 503 30 594 155 594 273 c 0
+ 594 311 584 348 584 386 c 0
+ 584 419 601 461 640 461 c 0
+ 676 461 689 439 689 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omega
+Encoding: 969 969 542
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+402 -10 m 0
+ 331 -10 306 35 306 93 c 0
+ 306 102 307 112 308 122 c 1
+ 305 122 l 1
+ 279 51 229 -10 147 -10 c 0
+ 54 -10 19 74 19 155 c 0
+ 19 301 130 457 285 461 c 1
+ 279 437 l 1
+ 172 426 144 325 122 237 c 0
+ 111 194 100 150 100 105 c 0
+ 100 61 113 19 165 19 c 0
+ 283 19 309 209 309 296 c 0
+ 309 337 324 385 373 385 c 0
+ 395 385 408 373 408 351 c 0
+ 408 299 333 197 333 100 c 0
+ 333 57 349 19 398 19 c 0
+ 510 19 568 260 568 349 c 0
+ 568 400 545 432 492 437 c 1
+ 498 461 l 1
+ 595 459 648 395 648 300 c 0
+ 648 174 541 -10 402 -10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iotadieresis
+Encoding: 970 970 543
+Width: 310
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 S 1 0 0 1 40 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 -52 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilondieresis
+Encoding: 971 971 544
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 51 -7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omicrontonos
+Encoding: 972 972 545
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 207 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upsilontonos
+Encoding: 973 973 546
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 202 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omegatonos
+Encoding: 974 974 547
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 279 -46 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: betasymbolgreek
+Encoding: 976 976 548
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+162 480 m 1
+ 126 429 92 350 77 289 c 1
+ 79 289 l 1
+ 129 366 211 425 305 425 c 0
+ 397 425 479 386 479 283 c 0
+ 479 131 342 -10 190 -10 c 0
+ 79 -10 21 52 21 162 c 0
+ 21 380 215 705 457 705 c 0
+ 490 705 531 693 531 653 c 0
+ 531 522 256 495 162 480 c 1
+494 646 m 0
+ 494 671 469 676 449 676 c 0
+ 351 676 231 592 181 510 c 1
+ 251 522 494 551 494 646 c 0
+385 291 m 0
+ 385 354 358 396 290 396 c 0
+ 169 396 99 244 99 139 c 0
+ 99 76 127 19 198 19 c 0
+ 330 19 385 181 385 291 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: theta1
+Encoding: 977 977 549
+Width: 632
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+616 322 m 1
+ 592 322 l 1
+ 595 333 597 345 597 357 c 0
+ 597 389 581 407 548 407 c 1
+ 527 251 438 -10 247 -10 c 0
+ 169 -10 121 21 121 102 c 0
+ 121 194 176 282 176 366 c 0
+ 176 386 169 401 147 401 c 0
+ 110 401 94 344 87 315 c 1
+ 63 315 l 1
+ 78 378 98 442 175 442 c 0
+ 231 442 250 403 250 352 c 0
+ 250 257 196 167 196 73 c 0
+ 196 34 214 14 254 14 c 0
+ 352 14 395 145 414 223 c 2
+ 459 407 l 1
+ 376 407 256 417 256 527 c 0
+ 256 623 339 705 435 705 c 0
+ 540 705 560 603 560 519 c 0
+ 560 489 558 460 554 431 c 1
+ 596 431 623 416 623 371 c 0
+ 623 355 620 338 616 322 c 1
+486 609 m 0
+ 486 646 474 676 432 676 c 0
+ 356 676 328 586 328 523 c 0
+ 328 445 400 431 463 431 c 1
+ 471 487 486 552 486 609 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Upsilon1
+Encoding: 978 978 550
+Width: 630
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+607 488 m 0
+ 585 488 571 508 571 529 c 0
+ 571 570 625 590 625 609 c 0
+ 625 628 605 631 590 631 c 0
+ 486 631 406 374 386 299 c 0
+ 370 239 326 120 326 56 c 0
+ 326 19 367 19 394 16 c 1
+ 394 0 l 1
+ 150 0 l 1
+ 150 16 l 1
+ 206 26 215 34 231 90 c 0
+ 262 198 304 351 304 462 c 0
+ 304 480 303 498 299 515 c 0
+ 285 572 236 604 185 625 c 0
+ 162 634 138 639 116 649 c 1
+ 115 649 111 651 111 653 c 0
+ 111 670 174 670 186 670 c 0
+ 309 670 390 586 398 465 c 1
+ 440 557 510 672 625 672 c 0
+ 667 672 696 635 696 595 c 0
+ 696 550 655 488 607 488 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Upsilonhooktonos
+Encoding: 979 979 551
+Width: 820
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 N 1 0 0 1 180 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 38 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Upsilonhookdiaeresis
+Encoding: 980 980 552
+Width: 680
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 N 1 0 0 1 57 0 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 205 224 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: phi1
+Encoding: 981 981 553
+Width: 612
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+280 -10 m 1
+ 229 -224 l 1
+ 159 -224 l 1
+ 216 -10 l 1
+ 112 -4 20 43 20 159 c 0
+ 20 335 182 453 345 461 c 1
+ 400 662 l 1
+ 430 662 l 1
+ 386 461 l 1
+ 490 455 590 397 590 282 c 0
+ 590 110 439 -1 280 -10 c 1
+507 289 m 0
+ 507 370 462 425 381 432 c 1
+ 286 19 l 1
+ 412 30 507 170 507 289 c 0
+336 432 m 1
+ 205 421 106 294 106 166 c 0
+ 106 91 144 26 224 19 c 1
+ 336 432 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omega1
+Encoding: 982 982 554
+Width: 704
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+725 521 m 1
+ 704 437 l 1
+ 595 437 l 1
+ 642 407 660 354 660 300 c 0
+ 660 175 553 -10 414 -10 c 0
+ 343.471 -10 318.069 35.127 318.069 92.9307 c 0
+ 318.069 102.331 318.741 112.068 320 122 c 1
+ 317 122 l 1
+ 291 51 241 -10 159 -10 c 0
+ 66 -10 31 74 31 155 c 0
+ 31 265 94 383 193 434 c 1
+ 139 430 118 418 73 391 c 1
+ 57 391 l 1
+ 89 439 164 521 226 521 c 2
+ 725 521 l 1
+581 354 m 0
+ 581 404 561 437 507 437 c 2
+ 287 437 l 2
+ 184 437 154 317 134 237 c 0
+ 123 194 112 150 112 105 c 0
+ 112 61 125 19 177 19 c 0
+ 283 19 316 179 320 261 c 0
+ 321 284 319 307 324 329 c 0
+ 331 360 350 385 385 385 c 0
+ 407 385 420 373 420 351 c 0
+ 420 299 345 198 345 100 c 0
+ 345 57 361 19 410 19 c 0
+ 523 19 581 263 581 354 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03D7
+Encoding: 983 983 555
+Width: 529
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+287 -151 m 0
+ 244.5 -151 203.521 -128.5 203.521 -89.5 c 0
+ 203.521 -72.5 217 -59 233 -59 c 0
+ 254.5 -59 263.5 -71 272.5 -93 c 0
+ 280.48 -112.508 290 -127 310.5 -127 c 0
+ 372 -127 408 -15 411.5 19 c 1
+ 409.5 19 l 1
+ 401 4.5 377 -11 353 -11 c 0
+ 314 -11 293 24 293 62 c 0
+ 293 119 312 175 327 228 c 1
+ 273 194 217 159 167 118 c 1
+ 148 78 112 -11 59 -11 c 0
+ 38 -11 30 4 30 22 c 0
+ 30 89 114 150 162 186 c 1
+ 173 227 191 274 191 315 c 0
+ 191 345 175 368 143 368 c 0
+ 102 368 89 333 82 303 c 1
+ 61 310 l 1
+ 66 344 79 441 151 441 c 0
+ 201 441 228 392 228 353 c 0
+ 228 300 210 256 195 206 c 1
+ 245 244 297 276 349 310 c 1
+ 365 349 406 441 456 441 c 0
+ 474 441 487 429 487 411 c 0
+ 487 351 409 278 359 251 c 1
+ 349 209 331 164 331 121 c 0
+ 331 96 338 62 368 62 c 0
+ 409 62 423 105 427 126 c 1
+ 449 118 l 1
+ 444 84.5 l 2
+ 435.473 43.6924 414 -151 287 -151 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Stigma
+Encoding: 986 986 556
+Width: 588
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+292 246 m 2
+ 293.393 250.18 294.301 253.268 294.301 255.517 c 0
+ 294.301 259.726 291.123 261 282 261 c 0
+ 230 261 96 294 96 426 c 0
+ 96 500 170 666 415 666 c 0
+ 526 666 605 612 605 533 c 0
+ 605 497 583 470 550 470 c 0
+ 508 470 486 500 486 533 c 2
+ 486 568 l 2
+ 486 612 443 633 399 633 c 0
+ 250 633 201 499 201 421 c 0
+ 201 326 244 284 308 284 c 2
+ 377 284 l 2
+ 391 284 395 279 395 270 c 0
+ 395 264 393 256 391 249 c 2
+ 355 120 l 2
+ 346 88 344 76 344 57 c 0
+ 344 29 355 23 412 16 c 1
+ 412 0 l 1
+ 168 0 l 1
+ 168 16 l 1
+ 224 26 233 31 249 90 c 2
+ 292 246 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: stigma
+Encoding: 987 987 557
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+55 177 m 0
+ 55 133 60 80 127 80 c 0
+ 165 80 186 86 211 86 c 0
+ 265 86 329 66 329 -14 c 0
+ 329 -141 208 -178 120 -178 c 0
+ 82 -178 18 -160 18 -114 c 0
+ 18 -96 33 -84 46 -84 c 0
+ 68 -84 79 -93 94 -118 c 0
+ 110 -146 140 -152 161 -152 c 0
+ 212 -152 284 -130 284 -66 c 0
+ 284 -24 266 2 213 2 c 0
+ 182 2 159 -4 124 -4 c 0
+ 50 -4 12 64 12 131 c 0
+ 12 276 122 433 277 433 c 0
+ 328 433 380 426 432 426 c 0
+ 455 426 481 429 496 448 c 1
+ 512 448 l 1
+ 480 383 447 357 374 357 c 0
+ 338 357 303 363 268 363 c 0
+ 160 363 55 287 55 177 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Digamma
+Encoding: 988 988 558
+Width: 610
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+645 653 m 1
+ 613 500 l 1
+ 592 502 l 1
+ 593 516 595 530 595 544 c 0
+ 595 612.644 524.029 620.788 462.839 620.788 c 0
+ 443.802 620.788 425.712 620 411 620 c 0
+ 402.957 620 393.318 620.621 383.508 620.621 c 0
+ 360.386 620.621 336.319 617.17 330 594 c 2
+ 264 361 l 1
+ 469 361 l 1
+ 422 215 l 1
+ 405 220 l 1
+ 409 239 413 258 413 278 c 0
+ 413 322.399 366.013 328.593 319.473 328.593 c 0
+ 301.459 328.593 283.512 327.665 268.382 327.665 c 0
+ 263.613 327.665 259.123 327.757 255 328 c 1
+ 241 278 184 108 184 60 c 0
+ 184 19 230 18 260 16 c 1
+ 260 0 l 1
+ 8 0 l 1
+ 8 16 l 1
+ 65 25 74 32 90 90 c 2
+ 213 532 l 2
+ 218 552 224 574 224 594 c 0
+ 224 637 179 635 147 637 c 1
+ 147 653 l 1
+ 645 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: digamma
+Encoding: 989 989 559
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+492 451 m 1
+ 475 396 454.5 357 384 357 c 0
+ 356 357 318 363 290 363 c 0
+ 137 363 109 195 72 82 c 1
+ 93 118 128 159 174 159 c 0
+ 209 159 243 153 278 153 c 0
+ 299 153 318 156 331 175 c 1
+ 343 175 l 1
+ 318 119 294 84 228 84 c 0
+ 202 84 177 89 151 89 c 0
+ 103 89 60 48 56 -9 c 2
+ 24 -140 l 2
+ 17 -169 8 -212 -37 -212 c 0
+ -56 -212 -77.1094 -199 -77.1094 -173 c 0
+ -77.1094 -128 -34 -108 -18 -96 c 0
+ 21 -68 26 -18 31 0 c 2
+ 85 204 l 2
+ 110 304 182 433 300 433 c 0
+ 341 433 382 426 424 426 c 0
+ 445 426 460.667 428 473 451 c 1
+ 492 451 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Kjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1036 1036 560
+Width: 644
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 301 232 2
+Refer: 574 1050 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni040D
+Encoding: 1037 1037 561
+Width: 720
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 572 1048 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 257 212 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ushortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1038 1038 562
+Width: 739
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 583 1059 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2133 -1 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Dzhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1039 1039 563
+Width: 728
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 478 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+398 36 m 2
+ 426 36 447.152 46.957 455 75 c 2
+ 585 544 l 2
+ 591.342 566.663 595.265 583.721 595.265 596.638 c 0
+ 595.265 624.207 577.391 632.914 527 637 c 1
+ 528 653 l 1
+ 774 653 l 1
+ 774 637 l 1
+ 695 632 705 617 681 533 c 2
+ 564 109 l 2
+ 558.387 88.7928 555.216 73.1541 555.216 60.9565 c 0
+ 555.216 29.693 576.049 21.0354 630 16 c 1
+ 630 0 l 1
+ 430 0 l 2
+ 336 0 286 -102 273 -172 c 1
+ 248 -172 l 1
+ 254.456 -141.659 259.869 -112.984 259.869 -88.0618 c 0
+ 259.869 -35.7728 236.038 1.14441e-05 148 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 71 23 64 37 84 109 c 2
+ 204 544 l 2
+ 209.533 563.641 212.616 579.073 212.616 591.248 c 0
+ 212.616 623.087 191.529 632.66 138 637 c 1
+ 138 653 l 1
+ 423 653 l 1
+ 423 637 l 1
+ 344 632 323 617 299 533 c 2
+ 178 106 l 2
+ 176.867 102.035 168.373 67.1455 168.373 63.751 c 0
+ 168.373 43.9414 185.779 36 202 36 c 2
+ 398 36 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Acyrillic
+Encoding: 1040 1040 564
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 380 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: Becyrillic
+Encoding: 1041 1041 565
+Width: 583
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 380 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+546 230 m 0
+ 546 89.8438 406.438 0 227 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 604 653 l 1
+ 573 500 l 1
+ 552 502 l 1
+ 553 516 554 529 554 543 c 0
+ 554 612.377 485.76 620.907 424.326 620.907 c 0
+ 404.293 620.907 384.984 620 369 620 c 0
+ 341 620 320 609 312 581 c 2
+ 252 371 l 1
+ 279 373 296 374 322 374 c 0
+ 506 374 546 295 546 230 c 0
+169 71 m 2
+ 166.756 63.4275 165.535 57.4282 165.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 165.535 40.6241 173.573 37 193 37 c 0
+ 392.106 37 439 157.319 439 223 c 0
+ 439 292 414 334 299 334 c 0
+ 279 334 265 333 241 331 c 1
+ 169 71 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Vecyrillic
+Encoding: 1042 1042 566
+Width: 591
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 380 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 34 66 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Gecyrillic
+Encoding: 1043 1043 567
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 423 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 491 915 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Decyrillic
+Encoding: 1044 1044 568
+Width: 668
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 485 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+147 0 m 2
+ 34 0 -12 -40 -59 -172 c 1
+ -84 -172 l 1
+ -16 38 l 1
+ 48 38 79.1514 56.7207 119 109 c 0
+ 228 252 284.495 462.289 311 544 c 0
+ 316.922 565.318 320.389 581.289 320.389 593.391 c 0
+ 320.389 622.163 300.793 629.073 248 634 c 1
+ 249 653 l 1
+ 728 653 l 1
+ 728 637 l 1
+ 656 629 658.203 615.943 638 544 c 2
+ 517 106 l 2
+ 513.546 93.7012 511.294 81.9463 511.294 71.2744 c 0
+ 511.294 41.3262 528.704 20 584 20 c 1
+ 538 -172 l 1
+ 513 -172 l 1
+ 515.803 -150.076 517.246 -130.707 517.246 -113.646 c 0
+ 517.246 -27.2021 480.188 0 395 0 c 2
+ 147 0 l 2
+140 78 m 0
+ 129.586 64.6836 125.415 55.9912 125.415 49.7822 c 0
+ 125.415 36.7705 143.5 36 149 36 c 2
+ 312 36 l 2
+ 391.158 36 404.639 52.8203 428 137 c 2
+ 550 581 l 2
+ 551.152 585.149 551.678 588.924 551.678 592.345 c 0
+ 551.678 612.056 534.19 620 518 620 c 2
+ 420 620 l 2
+ 392 620 371.648 608.808 363 581 c 0
+ 339.694 506.062 262 234 140 78 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iecyrillic
+Encoding: 1045 1045 569
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 399 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Zhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1046 1046 570
+Width: 987
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 621 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+969 546 m 0
+ 933 546 923 580 884 580 c 0
+ 868 580 856 569 826 510 c 0
+ 779 417 713 363 683 354 c 1
+ 683 349 l 1
+ 722 349 766 302 789 242 c 2
+ 832 108 l 2
+ 865 29 866 17 918 16 c 1
+ 918 0 l 1
+ 754 0 l 1
+ 688 215 l 2
+ 669.765 274.402 645 329 611 329 c 2
+ 575 329 l 1
+ 517 120 l 2
+ 508.28 87.9229 506 76 506 57 c 0
+ 506 32 517 23 574 16 c 1
+ 574 0 l 1
+ 330 0 l 1
+ 330 16 l 1
+ 386 26 393 32 411 90 c 2
+ 478 329 l 1
+ 448 329 l 2
+ 409.637 329 358 299 308 222 c 2
+ 151 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 43 22 72 53 125 127 c 2
+ 225 256 l 2
+ 257.518 297.948 339 347 390 347 c 1
+ 390 353 l 1
+ 351.062 369.145 344.03 416.899 340.871 464 c 0
+ 337.118 519.962 331 575 299 575 c 0
+ 265.477 575 257 541 217.5 541 c 0
+ 197.5 541 166 554 166 589 c 0
+ 166 637 212 653 251 653 c 0
+ 303 653 376 623 380 515 c 0
+ 383.52 419.981 400 364 457 364 c 2
+ 487 364 l 1
+ 534 532 l 2
+ 541 557 545 580 545 594 c 0
+ 545 622 533 630 475 637 c 1
+ 475 653 l 1
+ 722 653 l 1
+ 722 637 l 1
+ 665 627 656.45 621.458 640 563 c 2
+ 585 364 l 1
+ 623 364 l 2
+ 673 364 747.533 431.707 791 520 c 0
+ 855 650 916.185 658 946 658 c 0
+ 1003 658 1021 621 1021 597 c 0
+ 1021 564 998 546 969 546 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zecyrillic
+Encoding: 1047 1047 571
+Width: 592
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 380 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+118 479 m 1
+ 93 479 l 1
+ 155 666 l 1
+ 176 666 l 1
+ 176 643 181 632 198 632 c 0
+ 210 632 220 635 231 639 c 0
+ 258 648 294 666 366 666 c 0
+ 464 666 570 626 570 518 c 0
+ 570 408 440 354 375 350 c 1
+ 374 347 l 1
+ 444 337 515 273 515 188 c 0
+ 515 80 428 -14 252 -14 c 0
+ 122 -14 38 68 15 118 c 1
+ 36 133 l 1
+ 63 86 152 31 232 31 c 0
+ 342 31 395 100 395 191 c 0
+ 395 289 328 333 242 333 c 1
+ 258 374 l 1
+ 364 374 466 412 466 524 c 0
+ 466 593 414 633 350 633 c 0
+ 278 633 180 586 118 479 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iicyrillic
+Encoding: 1048 1048 572
+Width: 720
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 449 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+589.132 590.301 m 0
+ 589.132 626.838 565.746 631.358 519 637 c 1
+ 519 653 l 1
+ 766 653 l 1
+ 766 637 l 1
+ 709 627 702 621 684 563 c 2
+ 561 120 l 2
+ 552 88 550 76 550 57 c 0
+ 550 29 561 23 618 16 c 1
+ 618 0 l 1
+ 374 0 l 1
+ 374 16 l 1
+ 430 26 439 31 455 90 c 2
+ 568 500 l 1
+ 172 94 l 1
+ 172 94 166.88 75.44 166.88 59.312 c 0
+ 166.88 30.8407 179.394 22.9516 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 318 622 302 563 c 2
+ 189 155 l 1
+ 585 561 l 1
+ 585 561 589.132 577.529 589.132 590.301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iishortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1049 1049 573
+Width: 720
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2133 -1 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 572 1048 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Kacyrillic
+Encoding: 1050 1050 574
+Width: 644
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 432 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+647 546 m 0
+ 602.641 546 604.151 580 562 580 c 0
+ 546 580 534 569 504 510 c 0
+ 457 417 391 363 361 354 c 1
+ 361 349 l 1
+ 390 349 435 302 458 242 c 2
+ 510 108 l 2
+ 543 29 544 17 596 16 c 1
+ 596 0 l 1
+ 432 0 l 1
+ 366 215 l 2
+ 342 281 346 329 273 329 c 2
+ 237 329 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 170 88 168 76 168 57 c 0
+ 168 29 179 23 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 247 364 l 1
+ 300 364 l 2
+ 350 364 427.096 430.955 469 520 c 0
+ 533 656 594 658 624 658 c 0
+ 682 658 699 621 699 597 c 0
+ 699 564 676 546 647 546 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Elcyrillic
+Encoding: 1051 1051 575
+Width: 695
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 517 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+54 -8 m 0
+ 3 -8 -34 27.5 -34 67.5 c 0
+ -34 101.5 -9.5 119 14 119 c 0
+ 47 119 59 86 64.5 69 c 0
+ 70.0258 51.9203 82.5 46 96 46 c 0
+ 125 46 162.801 84.335 183.5 119.5 c 0
+ 227.538 194.312 262.76 265.253 340 544 c 0
+ 346.028 565.701 349.603 582.133 349.603 594.692 c 0
+ 349.603 623.803 330.395 632.11 278 637 c 1
+ 278 653 l 1
+ 765 653 l 1
+ 765 637 l 1
+ 690 627 698 621 680 563 c 2
+ 557 120 l 2
+ 548 88 546 76 546 57 c 0
+ 546 29 557 23 614 16 c 1
+ 614 0 l 1
+ 370 0 l 1
+ 370 16 l 1
+ 426 26 434.679 31.5049 451 90 c 2
+ 588 581 l 2
+ 589.16 585.159 589.691 588.941 589.691 592.368 c 0
+ 589.691 612.055 572.183 620 556 620 c 2
+ 450 620 l 2
+ 422 620 400.683 609.09 393 581 c 0
+ 302.729 250.946 224 -8 54 -8 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Emcyrillic
+Encoding: 1052 1052 576
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 507 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Encyrillic
+Encoding: 1053 1053 577
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 472 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ocyrillic
+Encoding: 1054 1054 578
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 487 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Pecyrillic
+Encoding: 1055 1055 579
+Width: 697
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 480 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 504 928 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ercyrillic
+Encoding: 1056 1056 580
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 418 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Escyrillic
+Encoding: 1057 1057 581
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 464 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tecyrillic
+Encoding: 1058 1058 582
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 382 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ucyrillic
+Encoding: 1059 1059 583
+Width: 739
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 485 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+397 637 m 1
+ 329.5 633.5 318 617.5 318 581 c 0
+ 318 556 323.509 540.166 333 511 c 2
+ 429 216 l 1
+ 610 505 l 2
+ 636 546 645 560.667 645 574 c 0
+ 645 597.333 623 635 569 637 c 1
+ 569 653 l 1
+ 814 653 l 1
+ 814 637 l 1
+ 750 633 722.679 627.837 668 540 c 2
+ 419 140 l 2
+ 359 41 322 -18 229 -18 c 0
+ 180 -18 141 22 141 62 c 0
+ 141 102 168.5 117 193.5 117 c 0
+ 234 117 243 84.5 243 62.5 c 2
+ 243 52 l 2
+ 243 36.5 252 26 271 26 c 0
+ 300 26 332.866 60 365 121 c 1
+ 244 479 l 2
+ 233.37 510.449 216.535 579.137 190 608.5 c 0
+ 170.994 629.531 143 637 111 637 c 1
+ 111 653 l 1
+ 397 653 l 1
+ 397 637 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Efcyrillic
+Encoding: 1060 1060 584
+Width: 751
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 450 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 509 934 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Khacyrillic
+Encoding: 1061 1061 585
+Width: 665
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 405 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tsecyrillic
+Encoding: 1062 1062 586
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 457 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+177 106 m 2
+ 176 102 167.373 67.1458 167.373 63.7513 c 0
+ 167.373 43.9416 184.779 36 201 36 c 2
+ 397 36 l 2
+ 425 36 446.407 46.8867 454 75 c 2
+ 578 532 l 2
+ 584.77 557.063 589 580 589 594 c 0
+ 589 622 577 630 519 637 c 1
+ 519 653 l 1
+ 766 653 l 1
+ 766 637 l 1
+ 709 627 700.523 621.438 684 563 c 2
+ 554 106 l 2
+ 550.505 93.7131 548.294 81.9462 548.294 71.2743 c 0
+ 548.294 41.326 565.704 20 621 20 c 1
+ 575 -172 l 1
+ 550 -172 l 1
+ 552.802 -150.077 554.246 -130.707 554.246 -113.646 c 0
+ 554.246 -27.2024 517.187 7.62939e-06 432 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 317.906 621.608 302 563 c 2
+ 177 106 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Checyrillic
+Encoding: 1063 1063 587
+Width: 642
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 418 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+278 563 m 2
+ 237 419 l 2
+ 234.621 410.645 233.535 402.93 233.535 395.814 c 0
+ 233.535 335.194 312.345 318 342 318 c 0
+ 387 318 421 336 480 372 c 1
+ 524 532 l 2
+ 531 557 535 580 535 594 c 0
+ 535 622 523 630 465 637 c 1
+ 465 653 l 1
+ 712 653 l 1
+ 712 637 l 1
+ 655 627 648 621 630 563 c 2
+ 507 120 l 2
+ 498 88 496 76 496 57 c 0
+ 496 29 507 23 564 16 c 1
+ 564 0 l 1
+ 320 0 l 1
+ 320 16 l 1
+ 376 26 385 31 401 90 c 2
+ 469 334 l 1
+ 411 296 347 273 298 273 c 0
+ 229.81 273 135.798 301.893 135.798 387.446 c 0
+ 135.798 399.762 137.746 413.253 142 428 c 2
+ 172 532 l 2
+ 179 557 183 580 183 594 c 0
+ 183 622 171 630 113 637 c 1
+ 113 653 l 1
+ 360 653 l 1
+ 360 637 l 1
+ 303 627 295 621 278 563 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shacyrillic
+Encoding: 1064 1064 588
+Width: 973
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 608 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+673 36 m 2
+ 701 36 722.317 46.9111 730 75 c 2
+ 855 532 l 2
+ 861.85 557.042 866 580 866 594 c 0
+ 866 622 854 630 796 637 c 1
+ 796 653 l 1
+ 1043 653 l 1
+ 1043 637 l 1
+ 986 627 977.247 621.516 961 563 c 2
+ 838 120 l 2
+ 829 88 827 76 827 57 c 0
+ 827 29 838 23 895 16 c 1
+ 895 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 318.616 621.412 302 563 c 2
+ 172 106 l 2
+ 170.872 102.034 162.373 67.1455 162.373 63.751 c 0
+ 162.373 43.9414 179.779 36 196 36 c 2
+ 341 36 l 2
+ 369 36 390.146 46.959 398 75 c 2
+ 526 532 l 2
+ 533.002 556.999 537 580 537 594 c 0
+ 537 622 525 630 467 637 c 1
+ 467 653 l 1
+ 714 653 l 1
+ 714 637 l 1
+ 657 627 648.424 621.467 632 563 c 2
+ 503.627 106 l 2
+ 502.512 102.03 494 67.1455 494 63.751 c 0
+ 494 43.9414 511.406 36 527.627 36 c 2
+ 673 36 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shchacyrillic
+Encoding: 1065 1065 589
+Width: 983
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 608 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+673 36 m 2
+ 701 36 722.317 46.9111 730 75 c 2
+ 855 532 l 2
+ 861.85 557.042 866 580 866 594 c 0
+ 866 622 854 630 796 637 c 1
+ 796 653 l 1
+ 1043 653 l 1
+ 1043 637 l 1
+ 986 627 977.142 621.545 961 563 c 2
+ 834 106 l 2
+ 830.604 93.6846 828.294 81.9463 828.294 71.2744 c 0
+ 828.294 41.3262 845.704 20 901 20 c 1
+ 855 -172 l 1
+ 830 -172 l 1
+ 832.803 -150.076 834.246 -130.707 834.246 -113.646 c 0
+ 834.246 -27.2021 797.187 0 712 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 318.616 621.412 302 563 c 2
+ 172 106 l 2
+ 170.872 102.034 162.373 67.1455 162.373 63.751 c 0
+ 162.373 43.9414 179.779 36 196 36 c 2
+ 341 36 l 2
+ 369 36 390.089 46.9746 398 75 c 2
+ 527 532 l 2
+ 534.053 556.985 538 580 538 594 c 0
+ 538 622 526 630 468 637 c 1
+ 468 653 l 1
+ 715 653 l 1
+ 715 637 l 1
+ 658 627 649.616 621.412 633 563 c 2
+ 503 106 l 2
+ 501.872 102.034 493.373 67.1455 493.373 63.751 c 0
+ 493.373 43.9414 510.779 36 527 36 c 2
+ 673 36 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Hardsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1066 1066 590
+Width: 716
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 498 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+310 620 m 2
+ 299 620 l 2
+ 187 620 157 592 103 483 c 1
+ 79 483 l 1
+ 132 653 l 1
+ 554 653 l 1
+ 554 637 l 1
+ 474 634 456.091 616.974 435 544 c 2
+ 385 371 l 1
+ 412 373 433 374 459 374 c 0
+ 612 374 682 320 682 240 c 0
+ 682 140 640 101 605 72 c 0
+ 553 28 458 0 364 0 c 2
+ 128 0 l 1
+ 128 16 l 1
+ 184 26 193.011 31.4131 209 90 c 2
+ 342 581 l 2
+ 343.125 585.121 343.64 588.872 343.64 592.273 c 0
+ 343.64 612.058 326.213 620 310 620 c 2
+302 71 m 2
+ 299.756 63.4277 298.535 57.4277 298.535 52.7148 c 0
+ 298.535 40.624 306.573 37 326 37 c 0
+ 461 37 573 90 573 248 c 0
+ 573 282 547 334 432 334 c 0
+ 412 334 398 333 374 331 c 1
+ 302 71 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yericyrillic
+Encoding: 1067 1067 591
+Width: 877
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 553 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+546 240 m 0
+ 546 140 504 101 469 72 c 0
+ 417 28 322 0 228 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 31 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 318 622 302 563 c 2
+ 249 371 l 1
+ 276 373 297 374 323 374 c 0
+ 476 374 546 320 546 240 c 0
+166 71 m 2
+ 163.756 63.4275 162.535 57.4282 162.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 162.535 40.6241 170.573 37 190 37 c 0
+ 325 37 437 90 437 248 c 0
+ 437 282 411 334 296 334 c 0
+ 276 334 262 333 238 331 c 1
+ 166 71 l 2
+545 0 m 1
+ 545 16 l 1
+ 601 26 610 31 626 90 c 2
+ 749 532 l 2
+ 756 557 760 580 760 594 c 0
+ 760 622 748 630 690 637 c 1
+ 690 653 l 1
+ 937 653 l 1
+ 937 637 l 1
+ 880 627 871 622 855 563 c 2
+ 732 120 l 2
+ 723 88 721 76 721 57 c 0
+ 721 29 732 23 789 16 c 1
+ 789 0 l 1
+ 545 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Softsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1068 1068 592
+Width: 580
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 413 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+546 240 m 0
+ 546 140 504 101 469 72 c 0
+ 417 28 322 0 228 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 318.159 621.539 302 563 c 2
+ 249 371 l 1
+ 276 373 297 374 323 374 c 0
+ 476 374 546 320 546 240 c 0
+166 71 m 2
+ 163.756 63.4275 162.535 57.4282 162.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 162.535 40.6241 170.573 37 190 37 c 0
+ 325 37 437 90 437 248 c 0
+ 437 282 411 334 296 334 c 0
+ 276 334 262 333 238 331 c 1
+ 166 71 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ereversedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1069 1069 593
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 391 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+252 -14 m 0
+ 139 -14 52 32 14 113 c 1
+ 37 131 l 1
+ 91 60 149 30 232 30 c 0
+ 390 30 466 202 486 339 c 1
+ 463 315 429 296 384 296 c 0
+ 314 296 263 352 202 352 c 0
+ 183 352 159 346 138 332 c 1
+ 128 346 l 1
+ 161 379 197 395 234 395 c 0
+ 304 395 356 341 415 341 c 0
+ 477 341 498 369 498 444 c 0
+ 498 510 483.933 633 352 633 c 0
+ 268 633 174 573 111 456 c 1
+ 86 456 l 1
+ 165 666 l 1
+ 186 666 l 1
+ 185.816 663.883 185.725 661.892 185.725 660.023 c 0
+ 185.725 641.595 194.565 635 210 635 c 0
+ 234 635 312 666 366 666 c 0
+ 507 666 604 592 604 400 c 0
+ 604 202 454 -14 252 -14 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IUcyrillic
+Encoding: 1070 1070 594
+Width: 984
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 507 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+769 633 m 0
+ 586.188 633 469 335.538 469 184 c 0
+ 469 76 515 15 599 15 c 0
+ 778.4 15 898 306.25 898 481 c 0
+ 898 575 848 633 769 633 c 0
+-8 0 m 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 244 354 l 1
+ 390 354 l 1
+ 439.724 507.497 611.888 666 778 666 c 0
+ 912 666 1003 569 1003 429 c 0
+ 1003 219.499 803 -18 582 -18 c 0
+ 455 -18 364 81 364 221 c 0
+ 364 252 369 288 377 319 c 1
+ 234 319 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 170 88 168 76 168 57 c 0
+ 168 29 179 23 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: IAcyrillic
+Encoding: 1071 1071 595
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 505 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+209 207 m 2
+ 259.926 269.242 354 302 392 302 c 9
+ 392 310 l 17
+ 317 310 203 375 203 459 c 0
+ 203 591.6 329.906 653 513 653 c 2
+ 753 653 l 1
+ 753 637 l 1
+ 696 627 687.247 621.516 671 563 c 2
+ 548 120 l 2
+ 539 88 537 76 537 57 c 0
+ 537 29 548 23 605 16 c 1
+ 605 0 l 1
+ 361 0 l 1
+ 361 16 l 1
+ 417 26 424 32 442 90 c 2
+ 504 299 l 1
+ 476 299 l 2
+ 450.047 299 372.777 277.695 312 198 c 2
+ 151 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 44 16 74.4727 51.3105 122 108 c 2
+ 209 207 l 2
+582 580 m 2
+ 583.461 585.843 584.268 590.988 584.268 595.474 c 0
+ 584.268 612.485 572.654 620 541 620 c 0
+ 356.462 620 313 521.638 313 456 c 0
+ 313 354 419 337 514 335 c 1
+ 582 580 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: acyrillic
+Encoding: 1072 1072 596
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 327 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: becyrillic
+Encoding: 1073 1073 597
+Width: 475
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 382 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+87.5 303 m 1
+ 118 353 214.654 441 321 441 c 0
+ 414 441 468 385 468 293 c 0
+ 468 156 318 -11 178 -11 c 0
+ 85 -11 27 38 27 133 c 0
+ 27 282 91.2835 449.363 191 538 c 0
+ 344 674 488 634 555 689 c 1
+ 578 689 l 1
+ 466 502 313.63 608.309 183 484 c 0
+ 121 425 99 356 83.833 303.666 c 1
+ 87.5 303 l 1
+384 324 m 0
+ 384 368 366 420 314 420 c 0
+ 193 420 111 203 111 103 c 0
+ 111 53 136 10 191 10 c 0
+ 310 10 384 227 384 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" serb.be
+StartChar: vecyrillic
+Encoding: 1074 1074 598
+Width: 418
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 326 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+254 230 m 1
+ 254 228 l 1
+ 330 228 369 208 369 148 c 0
+ 369 57 281 -11 167 -11 c 0
+ 47 -11 27 80 27 134 c 0
+ 27 297 174 441 309 441 c 0
+ 376 441 419 418 419 370 c 0
+ 419 303 328 237 254 230 c 1
+203 208 m 0
+ 181 208 123 190 123 190 c 1
+ 117 170 111 142 111 103 c 0
+ 111 65 123 13 179 13 c 0
+ 251 13 285 78 285 124 c 0
+ 285 172 263 208 203 208 c 0
+143 253 m 2
+ 143 253 142 247 131 217 c 1
+ 218 234 239 245 281 274 c 0
+ 313 296 346 337 346 372 c 0
+ 346 393 338 417 298 417 c 0
+ 237 417 180 341 143 253 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" bulg.alt_ve
+StartChar: gecyrillic
+Encoding: 1075 1075 599
+Width: 354
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 247 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+136 25 m 0
+ 185 25 224 47 279 106 c 1
+ 295 96 l 1
+ 235 20 180 -11 106 -11 c 0
+ 44 -11 8 19 8 65 c 0
+ 8 144 48.29 169.218 132 232 c 0
+ 204 286 250 306 250 360 c 0
+ 250 379 237 405 211 405 c 0
+ 162 405 123 383 68 324 c 1
+ 52 334 l 1
+ 112 410 167 441 241 441 c 0
+ 295 441 335 407 335 368 c 0
+ 335 288 276 256 198 200 c 0
+ 122.384 145.712 88 122 88 66 c 0
+ 88 41 105 25 136 25 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" imacron
+StartChar: decyrillic
+Encoding: 1076 1076 600
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 382 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+194 666 m 1
+ 229 683 l 1
+ 304 664 467 598 467 359 c 0
+ 467 161 331 -11 174 -11 c 0
+ 83 -11 27 43 27 129 c 0
+ 27 280 173 441 310 441 c 0
+ 348 441 377 424 394 392 c 1
+ 396 393 l 1
+ 376 568 286 636 194 666 c 1
+313 420 m 0
+ 270 420 228 390 189 334 c 0
+ 141 263 111 175 111 101 c 0
+ 111 47 142 10 189 10 c 0
+ 232 10 270 35 306 88 c 0
+ 351 152 384 253 384 326 c 0
+ 384 383 356 420 313 420 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" cyrillic.alt_de
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" cyrillic.alt_de
+StartChar: iecyrillic
+Encoding: 1077 1077 601
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 326 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1078 1078 602
+Width: 914
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 514 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+341.609 206 m 1
+ 304 88 230 -11 105 -11 c 0
+ 45 -11 0 24 0 70 c 0
+ 0 96 21 116 48 116 c 0
+ 72 116 87 102 87 78 c 0
+ 87 60 72 41.3252 72 30 c 0
+ 72 18 87 10 110 10 c 0
+ 218 10 271 178.6 271 291 c 0
+ 271 350 249 405 192 405 c 0
+ 148 405 118 386 86 340 c 1
+ 70 350 l 1
+ 120 430 160 441 222 441 c 0
+ 315 441 357 366 357 291 c 0
+ 357 271 354 248 349 230 c 1
+ 424 230 l 1
+ 477 432 l 1
+ 551 432 l 1
+ 499 230 l 1
+ 574 230 l 1
+ 612 344 684 441 809 441 c 0
+ 869 441 914 406 914 360 c 0
+ 914 334 893 314 866 314 c 0
+ 842 314 827 328 827 352 c 0
+ 827 370 842 388.675 842 400 c 0
+ 842 412 827 420 804 420 c 0
+ 696 420 643 251.4 643 139 c 0
+ 643 80 665 25 722 25 c 0
+ 766 25 796 44 828 90 c 1
+ 844 80 l 1
+ 794 0 754 -11 692 -11 c 0
+ 599 -11 557 64 557 139 c 0
+ 557 159 561 188 566 206 c 1
+ 493 206 l 1
+ 436 0 l 1
+ 361 0 l 1
+ 417 206 l 1
+ 341.609 206 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" bulg.alt_zhe
+StartChar: zecyrillic
+Encoding: 1079 1079 603
+Width: 412
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 256 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+177 -9 m 0
+ 71 -9 15.5 70 6 95 c 1
+ 19 103 l 1
+ 44.5 60.5 108 27 161 27 c 0
+ 240 27 277 73 277 130 c 0
+ 277 189 227 208 179 213 c 1
+ 186 238 l 1
+ 284 238 313 298.406 313 337 c 0
+ 313 371 294 412 230 412 c 0
+ 177 412 124 385 77 296 c 1
+ 62 296 l 1
+ 103 432 l 1
+ 114 432 l 1
+ 122 424 120 422 128 422 c 0
+ 147 422 187 441 244 441 c 0
+ 341 441 389 393 389 347 c 0
+ 389 272 317 232 263 226 c 1
+ 262 223 l 1
+ 306 218.5 358 183 358 132 c 0
+ 358 32 267 -9 177 -9 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iicyrillic
+Encoding: 1080 1080 604
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 305 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iishortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1081 1081 605
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2133 -1 S 1 0 0 1 -160 -215 2
+Refer: 604 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: kacyrillic
+Encoding: 1082 1082 606
+Width: 483
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 274 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+352 -10 m 0
+ 282 -10 262 36 250 78 c 0
+ 236 128 228 226 168 226 c 2
+ 150 226 l 1
+ 87 0 l 1
+ 12 0 l 1
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 152 430 206 441 c 1
+ 209 439 l 1
+ 156 250 l 1
+ 175 250 l 2
+ 228 250 261 315 282 349 c 0
+ 338 437 392 441 411 441 c 0
+ 448 441 464 414 464 390 c 0
+ 464 366 441 348 416 348 c 0
+ 402 348 391 357 379 368 c 0
+ 370 377 361 378 352 378 c 0
+ 314 378 281 260 228 243 c 1
+ 228 241 l 1
+ 262 237 295 209 312 170 c 0
+ 336 114 330 42 388 42 c 0
+ 404 42 415 53 433 84 c 2
+ 448 110 l 1
+ 463 99 l 1
+ 418 15 392 -10 352 -10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'ss01' Style Set 1 in Cyrillic for Bulgarian-subtable" k
+StartChar: elcyrillic
+Encoding: 1083 1083 607
+Width: 504
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 344 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+15 75 m 0
+ 47.2109 75 55.7764 38 80 38 c 0
+ 118 38 140 102 170 207 c 2
+ 214 361 l 2
+ 236.009 438.031 308.77 441 366 441 c 0
+ 421.924 441 451.887 404.395 451.887 370.432 c 0
+ 451.887 365.527 451.262 360.677 450 356 c 2
+ 386 117 l 2
+ 372 61 372 61 372 54 c 0
+ 372 46 380 38 388 38 c 0
+ 402 38 419 54 449 91 c 2
+ 470 117 l 1
+ 484 104 l 1
+ 415 12 389 -9 344 -9 c 0
+ 311 -9 297 7 297 45 c 0
+ 297 55 300 69 313 120 c 2
+ 373 335 l 2
+ 375.032 342.494 376.073 349.832 376.073 356.768 c 0
+ 376.073 383.973 360.06 405 325 405 c 0
+ 311 405 252.189 404.42 232 336 c 2
+ 180 160 l 2
+ 161 92 125 -9 42 -9 c 0
+ 23 -9 -24 -5 -24 38 c 0
+ -24 55 -13 75 15 75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: emcyrillic
+Encoding: 1084 1084 608
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 403 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+170 207 m 2
+ 214 361 l 2
+ 214.953 364.335 215 371.75 215 376 c 0
+ 215 396 196 400 155 400 c 1
+ 155 414 l 1
+ 212 421 241 428 298 441 c 1
+ 301 439 l 1
+ 323 88 l 1
+ 525 432 l 1
+ 608 432 l 1
+ 523 117 l 1
+ 509 61 509 61 509 54 c 0
+ 509 46 517 38 525 38 c 0
+ 539 38 556 54 586 91 c 2
+ 607 117 l 1
+ 621 104 l 1
+ 552 12 526 -9 481 -9 c 0
+ 448 -9 434 7 434 45 c 0
+ 434 55 437 69 450 120 c 1
+ 519 376 l 1
+ 281 -18 l 1
+ 251 -18 l 1
+ 230 331 l 1
+ 180 160 l 2
+ 160.23 92.2197 125 -9 42 -9 c 0
+ 23 -9 -24 -5 -24 38 c 0
+ -24 55 -13 75 15 75 c 0
+ 33 75 44.5 62.4697 50.5 56.5 c 0
+ 59.4434 47.6016 66.5 38 80 38 c 0
+ 118 38 139.371 102.182 170 207 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: encyrillic
+Encoding: 1085 1085 609
+Width: 492
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 300 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+144 206 m 1
+ 87 0 l 1
+ 12 0 l 1
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 150 230 l 1
+ 332 230 l 1
+ 385 432 l 1
+ 459 432 l 1
+ 374 117 l 2
+ 360 61 360 61 360 54 c 0
+ 360 46 368 38 376 38 c 0
+ 390 38 407 54 437 91 c 2
+ 458 117 l 1
+ 472 104 l 1
+ 403 12 377 -9 332 -9 c 0
+ 299 -9 285 7 285 45 c 0
+ 285 55 286.114 69.5186 301 120 c 2
+ 326 206 l 1
+ 144 206 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ocyrillic
+Encoding: 1086 1086 610
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 325 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pecyrillic
+Encoding: 1087 1087 611
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 300 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" uni04E3
+StartChar: ercyrillic
+Encoding: 1088 1088 612
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 312 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: escyrillic
+Encoding: 1089 1089 613
+Width: 436
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 306 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 1 0 0 1 2 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tecyrillic
+Encoding: 1090 1090 614
+Width: 725
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 406 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" serb.alt_te
+StartChar: ucyrillic
+Encoding: 1091 1091 615
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 300 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+107 376 m 0
+ 107 396 88 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 109 76 l 2
+ 108 73 108 71 108 67 c 0
+ 108 52 117 42 129 42 c 0
+ 161 42 210 93 270 188 c 0
+ 316 261 323 277 380 432 c 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+ 363 106 l 2
+ 327 -24 257 -207 105 -207 c 0
+ 9 -207 -7 -165 -7 -134 c 0
+ -7 -110 11 -93 33 -93 c 0
+ 62 -93 71 -112 71 -130 c 0
+ 71 -140 67 -148 63 -155 c 0
+ 59 -161 59 -163 59 -168 c 0
+ 59 -177 64 -184 106 -184 c 0
+ 233 -184 265 33 281 88 c 2
+ 321 228 l 1
+ 319 228 l 1
+ 207 42 154 -11 84 -11 c 0
+ 49 -11 31 8 31 44 c 0
+ 31 62 38 96 56 167 c 2
+ 93 309 l 2
+ 102 343 107 368 107 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: efcyrillic
+Encoding: 1092 1092 616
+Width: 735
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 482 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+453 27 m 0
+ 546 27 614 190 614 314 c 0
+ 614 394 561 401 527 401 c 0
+ 494 401 426 347 410 272 c 2
+ 384 150 l 2
+ 379.65 130.043 377.199 112.247 377.199 96.8115 c 0
+ 377.199 51.9189 397.933 27 453 27 c 0
+175 -143 m 0
+ 175 -158 166 -160 166 -170 c 0
+ 166 -179 174 -186 186 -186 c 0
+ 228 -186 245 -130 271 -24 c 2
+ 293 62 l 1
+ 241 -1 207 -12 136 -12 c 0
+ 71 -12 21 35 21 113 c 0
+ 21 272 141 441 273 441 c 0
+ 313 441 353 414 358 368 c 1
+ 382 502 426 678 562 678 c 0
+ 611 678 648 650 648 613 c 0
+ 648 591 629 573 606 573 c 0
+ 584 573 569 589 569 613 c 0
+ 569 628 579 637 579 644 c 0
+ 579 651 570 656 557 656 c 0
+ 501 656 474 585 445 428 c 2
+ 432 369 l 1
+ 495 441 537 441 588 441 c 0
+ 659 441 703 394 703 316 c 0
+ 703 157 585 -11 453 -11 c 0
+ 423 -11 374.281 12.6562 361.281 62.6562 c 1
+ 331.281 -74.3438 291 -205 178 -205 c 0
+ 134 -205 99 -180 99 -146 c 0
+ 99 -123 115 -105 136 -105 c 0
+ 157 -105 175 -122 175 -143 c 0
+267 401 m 0
+ 174 401 107 238 107 114 c 0
+ 107 34 160 27 194 27 c 0
+ 227 27 295 81 311 156 c 2
+ 337 278 l 2
+ 341.111 296.755 343.505 313.992 343.505 329.253 c 0
+ 343.505 373.391 323.474 401 267 401 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khacyrillic
+Encoding: 1093 1093 617
+Width: 435
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 286 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 88 120 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tsecyrillic
+Encoding: 1094 1094 618
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 289 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+465 108 m 1
+ 426.236 52.5527 416.364 23.1084 416.364 -1.00684 c 0
+ 416.364 -26.0381 427 -45.3291 427 -82 c 0
+ 427 -110 406 -134 340 -186 c 1
+ 328 -170 l 1
+ 352 -150 365 -142 365 -120 c 0
+ 365 -95 364 -83.5 364 -70 c 0
+ 364 -49 364 -32 402 30 c 1
+ 381 7 357 -9 327 -9 c 0
+ 299 -9 278 9 278 39 c 0
+ 278 60 294 129 323 236 c 1
+ 208 43 155 -11 84 -11 c 0
+ 49 -11 31 8 31 44 c 0
+ 31 62 38 96 56 167 c 2
+ 93 309 l 2
+ 102 343 107 368 107 376 c 0
+ 107 396 88 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 109 76 l 2
+ 108 73 108 71 108 67 c 0
+ 108 52 117 42 129 42 c 0
+ 161 42 210 93 270 188 c 0
+ 316 261 323 277 380 432 c 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+ 375 133 l 2
+ 356 61 356 61 356 55 c 0
+ 356 44 359 38 365 38 c 0
+ 390 38 412 66 451 117 c 1
+ 465 108 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: checyrillic
+Encoding: 1095 1095 619
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 299 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+450 117 m 1
+ 464 108 l 1
+ 396 11 373 -9 326 -9 c 0
+ 296 -9 278 9 278 39 c 0
+ 278 60 321 225 350 332 c 1
+ 260 152 182 136 143 136 c 0
+ 108 136 73 156 73 207 c 0
+ 73 225 79.5605 261.156 90 299 c 2
+ 98 328 l 2
+ 107 362 107 368 107 376 c 0
+ 107 395.8 88.25 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 150 230 l 2
+ 149 227 149 225 149 221 c 0
+ 149 201 155 184 174 184 c 0
+ 249 184 302 289 378 432 c 1
+ 450 432 l 1
+ 375 133 l 2
+ 357 61 356 61 356 55 c 0
+ 356 44 360 38 367 38 c 0
+ 383 38 398 52 450 117 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shacyrillic
+Encoding: 1096 1096 620
+Width: 734
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 420 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+107 376 m 0
+ 107 395.8 88.25 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 109 76 l 2
+ 108 73 108 71 108 67 c 0
+ 108 52 117 42 129 42 c 0
+ 161 42 210 93 270 188 c 0
+ 316 261 323 277 380 432 c 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+ 375 133 l 2
+ 361.088 80.2822 358 73.3848 358 67 c 0
+ 358 48 367 42 379 42 c 0
+ 411 42 460 93 520 188 c 0
+ 566 261 573 277 630 432 c 1
+ 704 432 l 1
+ 625 133 l 2
+ 606 61 606 61 606 55 c 0
+ 606 44 610 38 617 38 c 0
+ 633 38 648 52 700 117 c 1
+ 714 108 l 1
+ 646 11 623 -9 576 -9 c 0
+ 546 -9 528 9 528 39 c 0
+ 528 60 544 129 573 236 c 1
+ 458 43 405 -11 334 -11 c 0
+ 299 -11 279 8 279 44 c 0
+ 279 65 294 129 323 236 c 1
+ 208 43 155 -11 84 -11 c 0
+ 49 -11 31 8 31 44 c 0
+ 31 62 38 96 56 167 c 2
+ 93 309 l 2
+ 102 343 107 368 107 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+AlternateSubs2: "'salt' Stylistic Alternatives in Cyrillic for Serbian-subtable" serb.alt_sha
+StartChar: shchacyrillic
+Encoding: 1097 1097 621
+Width: 735
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 418 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+715 108 m 1
+ 676.236 52.5527 666.364 23.5898 666.364 -0.271484 c 0
+ 666.364 -25.0391 677 -44.3105 677 -82 c 0
+ 677 -110 656 -134 590 -186 c 1
+ 578 -170 l 1
+ 602 -150 615 -142 615 -120 c 0
+ 615 -98.5 614 -85 614 -70 c 0
+ 614 -49 614 -33 652 30 c 1
+ 631 8 608 -9 576 -9 c 0
+ 549 -9 528 9 528 39 c 0
+ 528 60 544 129 573 236 c 1
+ 458 43 405 -11 334 -11 c 0
+ 299 -11 279 8 279 44 c 0
+ 279 65 294 129 323 236 c 1
+ 208 43 155 -11 84 -11 c 0
+ 49 -11 31 8 31 44 c 0
+ 31 62 38 96 56 167 c 2
+ 93 309 l 2
+ 102 343 107 368 107 376 c 0
+ 107 396 88 400 47 400 c 1
+ 47 414 l 1
+ 104 421 140 428 197 441 c 1
+ 200 439 l 1
+ 109 76 l 2
+ 108 73 108 71 108 67 c 0
+ 108 52 117 42 129 42 c 0
+ 161 42 210 93 270 188 c 0
+ 316 261 323 277 380 432 c 1
+ 454 432 l 1
+ 375 133 l 2
+ 359.304 73.5215 357.94 71.3672 357.94 69.0342 c 0
+ 357.94 68.543 358 68.0439 358 67 c 0
+ 358 52 367 42 379 42 c 0
+ 411 42 460 93 520 188 c 0
+ 566 261 573 277 630 432 c 1
+ 704 432 l 1
+ 625 133 l 2
+ 606 61 606 61 606 55 c 0
+ 606 44 610 38 617 38 c 0
+ 633 38 654 53 701 117 c 1
+ 715 108 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hardsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1098 1098 622
+Width: 545
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 382 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+410 439 m 1
+ 353 374 287 305 245 195 c 1
+ 247 193 l 1
+ 282 238 349 274 391 274 c 0
+ 440 274 513 270 513 164 c 0
+ 513 72 423 -11 291 -11 c 0
+ 193 -11 159 40 159 110 c 0
+ 159 251 274 350 303 378 c 1
+ 300 382 l 1
+ 294 380 272 375 244 375 c 0
+ 206 375 184 412 145 412 c 0
+ 125 412 104 396 104 381 c 0
+ 104 348 111 365 111 327 c 0
+ 111 306 94 294 75 294 c 0
+ 43 294 36 320 36 339 c 0
+ 36 400 121 441 178 441 c 0
+ 217 441 260 424 307 424 c 0
+ 344 424 360 431 387 439 c 1
+ 410 439 l 1
+356 231 m 0
+ 312 231 264 182 248 157 c 0
+ 239 144 233 119 233 98 c 0
+ 233 66 248 13 300 13 c 0
+ 378 13 435 85 435 157 c 0
+ 435 188 429 231 356 231 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yericyrillic
+Encoding: 1099 1099 623
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 407 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+60 176 m 2
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 136 188 l 1
+ 139 189 l 1
+ 171 239 242 274 284 274 c 0
+ 332 274 405 270 405 164 c 0
+ 405 72 316 -11 183 -11 c 0
+ 86 -11 51 40 51 110 c 0
+ 51 131 54 153 60 176 c 2
+249 231 m 0
+ 205 231 157 182 140 157 c 0
+ 131 144 126 119 126 98 c 0
+ 126 66 140 13 193 13 c 0
+ 271 13 328 85 328 157 c 0
+ 328 188 322 231 249 231 c 0
+542 51 m 0
+ 542 44 550 36 558 36 c 0
+ 567 36 582 46 599 63 c 0
+ 609 74 616 82 640 114 c 1
+ 653 103 l 1
+ 596 19 559 -11 513 -11 c 0
+ 483 -11 467 9 467 46 c 0
+ 467 66 473 97 489 155 c 2
+ 537 332 l 2
+ 543 352 546 368 546 376 c 0
+ 546 396 536 399 483 400 c 1
+ 483 416 l 1
+ 522 419 542 422 643 441 c 1
+ 646 439 l 1
+ 558 117 l 2
+ 553.443 100.326 542 69.5 542 51 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: softsigncyrillic
+Encoding: 1100 1100 624
+Width: 437
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 306 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+60 176 m 2
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 136 188 l 1
+ 139 189 l 1
+ 171 239 242 274 284 274 c 0
+ 332 274 405 270 405 164 c 0
+ 405 72 316 -11 183 -11 c 0
+ 86 -11 51 40 51 110 c 0
+ 51 131 54 153 60 176 c 2
+249 231 m 0
+ 205 231 157 182 140 157 c 0
+ 131 144 126 119 126 98 c 0
+ 126 66 140 13 193 13 c 0
+ 271 13 328 85 328 157 c 0
+ 328 188 322 231 249 231 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ereversedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1101 1101 625
+Width: 432
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 257 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+166 -12 m 0
+ 64 -12 20 56 7 96 c 1
+ 20 104 l 1
+ 44 62 90 24 146 24 c 0
+ 285 24 306 186 310 227 c 1
+ 293 205 267 194 244 194 c 0
+ 201 194 177.5 224 143 224 c 0
+ 127 224 109 221 91 208 c 1
+ 83 224 l 1
+ 95 241 127.5 260 156 260 c 0
+ 197.5 260 222 231 262 231 c 0
+ 314.562 231 317.026 267.958 317.026 300.194 c 0
+ 317.026 315.128 312 413 224 413 c 0
+ 170 413 125 385 78 296 c 1
+ 63 296 l 1
+ 104 432 l 1
+ 115 432 l 1
+ 118 425 121 422 129 422 c 0
+ 148 422 204 441 253 441 c 0
+ 340 441 400 362 400 270 c 0
+ 400 133 310 -12 166 -12 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iucyrillic
+Encoding: 1102 1102 626
+Width: 671
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 331 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+246 230 m 1
+ 287 345 409 441 523 441 c 0
+ 608 441 666 384 666 301 c 0
+ 666 226 626 141 560 76 c 0
+ 502 19 438 -11 372 -11 c 0
+ 281 -11 225 43 225 129 c 0
+ 225 152 228 182 237 206 c 1
+ 144 206 l 1
+ 87 0 l 1
+ 12 0 l 1
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 152 230 l 1
+ 246 230 l 1
+511 420 m 0
+ 468 420 426 390 387 334 c 0
+ 338 263 309 175 309 101 c 0
+ 309 46 340 10 387 10 c 0
+ 430 10 468 35 505 88 c 0
+ 549 153 582 253 582 326 c 0
+ 582 383 554 420 511 420 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iacyrillic
+Encoding: 1103 1103 627
+Width: 519
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 340 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+261 432 m 2
+ 486 432 l 1
+ 401 117 l 2
+ 387 61 387 61 387 54 c 0
+ 387 46 395 38 403 38 c 0
+ 417 38 434 54 464 91 c 2
+ 485 117 l 1
+ 499 104 l 1
+ 430 12 404 -9 359 -9 c 0
+ 326 -9 312 7 312 45 c 0
+ 312 72 351 198 351 198 c 1
+ 329 198 l 2
+ 304 197 237 163 211 108 c 0
+ 155.918 -10.0332 104.706 -11 64.0254 -11 c 0
+ 42.7729 -11 10.523 13.708 -7 57 c 9
+ 6 66 l 17
+ 23 41 37 26 55 26 c 0
+ 94 26 98 96 139 140 c 0
+ 178 182 203 187 270 202 c 1
+ 271.144 206.125 270.75 206.25 271 210 c 1
+ 160 210 117 265 117 322 c 0
+ 117 404 210 432 261 432 c 2
+359 232 m 1
+ 393 355 l 2
+ 395.411 363.842 398.792 373.654 398.792 382.227 c 0
+ 398.792 394.984 391.306 405 362 405 c 0
+ 290 405 203 398 203 311 c 0
+ 203 263 272.75 232 308 232 c 2
+ 359 232 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iecyrillic_grave
+Encoding: 1104 1104 628
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 73 0 2
+Refer: 601 1077 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: iocyrillic
+Encoding: 1105 1105 629
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 42 0 2
+Refer: 601 1077 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dje
+Encoding: 1106 1106 630
+Width: 510
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 392 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+169 -207 m 0
+ 84 -207 67 -152 67 -125 c 0
+ 67 -99 84 -78 107 -78 c 0
+ 142.103 -78 143.003 -103.202 143.003 -117.741 c 0
+ 143.003 -118.527 143 -119.282 143 -120 c 0
+ 143 -133 130.029 -151 130.029 -162.5 c 0
+ 130.029 -171.5 135 -190 170 -190 c 0
+ 316 -190 394 188 394 285 c 0
+ 394 351 391 390 351 390 c 0
+ 303 390 222.891 287.075 197 249 c 0
+ 146 174 127 87 104 0 c 1
+ 29 0 l 1
+ 167 526 l 1
+ 81 526 l 1
+ 89 550 l 1
+ 174 550 l 1
+ 178 565 188 600 188 615 c 0
+ 188 637.053 166.153 641.533 145.698 641.533 c 0
+ 136.471 641.533 127.528 640.622 121 640 c 1
+ 121 656 l 1
+ 174 662 226 671 278 683 c 1
+ 283 678 l 1
+ 249 550 l 1
+ 389 550 l 1
+ 381 526 l 1
+ 241 526 l 1
+ 165 239 l 1
+ 166 238.25 166.375 237.625 167 237 c 1
+ 208 303 305 441 390 441 c 0
+ 482 441 483 357 483 333 c 0
+ 483 88 328 -207 169 -207 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1107 1107 631
+Width: 354
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 599 1075 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 57 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'locl' Localized Forms for Serbian-Macedonian-1" cyrillic.macedon_gje
+StartChar: ecyrillic
+Encoding: 1108 1108 632
+Width: 442
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 300 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+296 440 m 0
+ 327 440 357 429 368.5 424.5 c 0
+ 377.672 420.911 387.402 418 396 418 c 0
+ 406 418 409 422 414 432 c 1
+ 425 432 l 1
+ 404 296 l 1
+ 389 296 l 1
+ 385 373 361 415 290 415 c 0
+ 223 415 149 339 124.482 230.953 c 1
+ 136 244 165.453 260 191 260 c 0
+ 236.5 260 254 231 300 231 c 0
+ 321 231 333.5 236.5 344 250.5 c 1
+ 353 234.5 l 1
+ 345 220 316 194 282 194 c 0
+ 232 194 219 224 176 224 c 0
+ 123.35 224 116 193 116 147 c 0
+ 116 86 136 25 207 25 c 0
+ 265 25 313 65 350 106 c 1
+ 366 96 l 1
+ 317 34 261 -11 178 -11 c 0
+ 77 -11 30 48 30 147 c 0
+ 30 291 145 440 296 440 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dzecyrillic
+Encoding: 1109 1109 633
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 257 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: icyrillic
+Encoding: 1110 1110 634
+Width: 246
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 232 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yicyrillic
+Encoding: 1111 1111 635
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 232 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 -52 6 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: jecyrillic
+Encoding: 1112 1112 636
+Width: 285
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 241 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 74 106 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ljecyrillic
+Encoding: 1113 1113 637
+Width: 707
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 432 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+170 207 m 2
+ 214 361 l 2
+ 234.607 434.801 313.59 441.296 349.708 441.296 c 0
+ 436.339 441.296 451.867 398.748 451.867 370.382 c 0
+ 451.867 365.494 451.249 360.661 450 356 c 2
+ 405 188 l 1
+ 408 189 l 1
+ 440 239 510.73 274 553 274 c 0
+ 601 274 675 270 675 164 c 0
+ 675 72 585 -11 452 -11 c 0
+ 355 -11 321 40 321 110 c 0
+ 321 131 322.715 153.318 329 176 c 2
+ 372 335 l 2
+ 374.153 342.768 375.264 350.374 375.264 357.54 c 0
+ 375.264 384.346 359.718 405 325 405 c 0
+ 311 405 251.845 404.521 232 336 c 2
+ 180 160 l 2
+ 160.358 92.1826 125 -9 42 -9 c 0
+ 23 -9 -24 -5 -24 38 c 0
+ -24 55 -13 75 15 75 c 0
+ 33 75 44.5 62.4697 50.5 56.5 c 0
+ 59.4434 47.6016 66.5 38 80 38 c 0
+ 118 38 140.632 101.821 170 207 c 2
+518 231 m 0
+ 474 231 426 182 410 157 c 0
+ 401 144 395 119 395 98 c 0
+ 395 66 410 13 462 13 c 0
+ 540 13 597 85 597 157 c 0
+ 597 188 591 231 518 231 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: njecyrillic
+Encoding: 1114 1114 638
+Width: 696
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 375 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+326 198 m 1
+ 144 198 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
+ 213 439 l 1
+ 154 238 l 1
+ 336 238 l 1
+ 387 432 l 1
+ 461 432 l 1
+ 395 188 l 1
+ 398 189 l 1
+ 430 239 500.731 274 542 274 c 0
+ 591 274 664 270 664 164 c 0
+ 664 72 575 -11 442 -11 c 0
+ 345 -11 310 40 310 110 c 0
+ 310 131 312 154 319 176 c 2
+ 326 198 l 1
+507 231 m 0
+ 463 231 416 182 399 157 c 0
+ 390 144 385 119 385 98 c 0
+ 385 66 399 13 452 13 c 0
+ 529 13 586 85 586 157 c 0
+ 586 188 581 231 507 231 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tshecyrillic
+Encoding: 1115 1115 639
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 382 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+478 105 m 1
+ 444 56 400 -9 333 -9 c 0
+ 303 -9 288 8 288 37 c 0
+ 288 100 370 309 370 363 c 0
+ 370 380 357 390 341 390 c 0
+ 293 390 213 287 187 249 c 0
+ 136 174 117 87 94 0 c 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 63 168 157 526 157 526 c 1
+ 72 526 l 1
+ 79 550 l 1
+ 164 550 l 1
+ 168 565 178 600 178 615 c 0
+ 178 637.053 156.153 641.533 135.698 641.533 c 0
+ 126.471 641.533 117.528 640.622 111 640 c 1
+ 111 656 l 1
+ 164 662 216 671 268 683 c 1
+ 273 678 l 1
+ 239 550 l 1
+ 379 550 l 1
+ 372 526 l 1
+ 232 526 l 1
+ 155 239 l 1
+ 157 237 l 1
+ 198 303 295 441 380 441 c 0
+ 425 441 448 414 448 369 c 0
+ 448 300 367 116 367 57 c 0
+ 367 48 373 38 383 38 c 0
+ 408 38 451 99 465 117 c 1
+ 478 105 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1116 1116 640
+Width: 483
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 121 16 2
+Refer: 606 1082 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni045D
+Encoding: 1117 1117 641
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 604 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 48 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ushortcyrillic
+Encoding: 1118 1118 642
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2133 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -160 -212 2
+Refer: 615 1091 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dzhecyrillic
+Encoding: 1119 1119 643
+Width: 491
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 296 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+114 376 m 0
+ 114 395.8 95.25 400 54 400 c 1
+ 54 414 l 1
+ 111 421 147 428 204 441 c 1
+ 207 439 l 1
+ 116 76 l 2
+ 115 73 115 71 115 67 c 0
+ 115 52 124 42 136 42 c 0
+ 168 42 217 93 277 188 c 0
+ 323 261 330 277 387 432 c 1
+ 461 432 l 1
+ 382 133 l 2
+ 363 61 363 61 363 55 c 0
+ 363 44 367 38 374 38 c 0
+ 390 38 405 52 457 117 c 1
+ 471 108 l 1
+ 403 11 380 -9 333 -9 c 0
+ 303 -9 285 9 285 39 c 0
+ 285 60 301 129 330 236 c 1
+ 215 43 162 -11 91 -11 c 0
+ 56 -11 38 8 38 44 c 0
+ 38 62 45 96 63 167 c 2
+ 100 309 l 2
+ 109 343 114 368 114 376 c 0
+234 34 m 1
+ 234 34 246 26 248 26 c 1
+ 243.235 12.5 241.484 1.97754 241.484 -7.09668 c 0
+ 241.484 -32.3027 255 -46.3379 255 -82 c 0
+ 255 -110.5 234 -134 168 -186 c 1
+ 156 -170 l 1
+ 180 -150 193 -142 193 -120 c 2
+ 192 -100 l 2
+ 192.333 -95.667 192.444 -91.7773 192.444 -88.2227 c 0
+ 192.444 -81.1113 192 -75.333 192 -70 c 0
+ 192 -49 194 -30 234 34 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni048C
+Encoding: 1164 1164 644
+Width: 602
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+92.0273 489 m 1
+ 106.496 543 l 1
+ 199.455 543 l 1
+ 214.117 596.084 213.783 597.349 227 653 c 1
+ 333 653 l 1
+ 301.404 543 l 1
+ 384.496 543 l 1
+ 370.027 489 l 1
+ 285.894 489 l 1
+ 252 371 l 1
+ 279 373 296 374 322 374 c 0
+ 506 374 546 295 546 230 c 0
+ 546 89.8438 406.438 0 227 0 c 2
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 184.414 489 l 1
+ 92.0273 489 l 1
+169 71 m 2
+ 166.756 63.4275 165.535 57.4282 165.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 165.535 40.6241 173.573 37 193 37 c 0
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+ 360 653 l 1
+ 360 637 l 1
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+ 712 637 l 1
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+ 501 -172 l 1
+ 503.802 -150.077 505.246 -130.707 505.246 -113.646 c 0
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+ 367 44 371 38 378 38 c 0
+ 394 38 409 52 461 117 c 1
+ 475 108 l 1
+ 436.236 52.5528 426.364 23.5903 426.364 -0.271173 c 0
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+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
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+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
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+ 235 319 l 1
+ 293 357 357 380 406 380 c 0
+ 474.19 380 568.202 351.107 568.202 265.554 c 0
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+ 591 0 l 1
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+ 722 668 780 639 780 565 c 0
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+ 49 283 l 0
+ 49 322 66 354 106 354 c 0
+ 136 354 155 335.8 155 299 c 0
+ 155 263.8 102 264.8 102 239 c 0
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+ 273 481 470 668 655 668 c 0
+ 722 668 780 639 780 565 c 0
+ 780 386 535 301 392 288 c 2
+ 325 282 l 1
+ 318 256 314 230 314 203 c 0
+ 314 118 359 50 450 50 c 0
+ 539 50 632 111 698 165 c 1
+ 716 147 l 1
+ 661 71 537 -2 438 -15 c 1
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+ 364 -128 l 1
+ 388 -16 l 1
+ 270 -7 203 76 203 197 c 0
+ 203 221 206 246 212 270 c 1
+335 315 m 1
+ 456 339 590 393 655 505 c 0
+ 663 520 680 555 680 572 c 0
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+ 500 633 375 414 335 315 c 1
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+ 410 34 441 50 513 109 c 1
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+ 473 39 408 0 345 -9 c 1
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+ 270 -128 l 1
+ 295 -9 l 1
+ 229 1 186 53 186 126 c 0
+ 186 145 188 164 193 182 c 1
+ 52 187 49 258 49 280 c 2
+ 49 283 l 2
+ 49 322 66 354 106 354 c 0
+ 148 354 155 326 155 299 c 0
+ 155 251 102 271 102 239 c 0
+ 102 212 138 200 198 199 c 1
+290 208 m 1
+ 479 254 501 342 501 379 c 0
+ 501 402 487 418 466 418 c 0
+ 415 418 341 341 307 252 c 2
+ 290 208 l 1
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+Encoding: 1216 1216 676
+Width: 322
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+Encoding: 1232 1232 679
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+Encoding: 1233 1233 680
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+Encoding: 1234 1234 681
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+StartChar: uni04D3
+Encoding: 1235 1235 682
+Width: 498
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+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 65 0 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: uni04D4
+Encoding: 1236 1236 683
+Width: 877
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 131 198 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: aiecyrillic
+Encoding: 1237 1237 684
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 163 230 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04D6
+Encoding: 1238 1238 685
+Width: 574
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+Refer: 2133 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -77 0 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: uni04D7
+Encoding: 1239 1239 686
+Width: 406
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+Refer: 2133 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -154 -212 2
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+Encoding: 1241 1241 687
+Width: 406
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+Refer: 334 477 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04DB
+Encoding: 1243 1243 688
+Width: 406
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+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 48 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04DC
+Encoding: 1244 1244 689
+Width: 987
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+StartChar: uni04DD
+Encoding: 1245 1245 690
+Width: 914
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 274 0 2
+Refer: 602 1078 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04DE
+Encoding: 1246 1246 691
+Width: 592
+Flags: HMW
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+StartChar: uni04DF
+Encoding: 1247 1247 692
+Width: 412
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 603 1079 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 20 0 2
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+Encoding: 1250 1250 693
+Width: 720
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+Encoding: 1251 1251 694
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 604 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 70 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04E4
+Encoding: 1252 1252 695
+Width: 720
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 230 242 2
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+StartChar: uni04E5
+Encoding: 1253 1253 696
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 604 1080 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 70 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04E6
+Encoding: 1254 1254 697
+Width: 656
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+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 256 246 2
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+Encoding: 1255 1255 698
+Width: 473
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+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 102 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04E8
+Encoding: 1256 1256 699
+Width: 661
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+StartChar: uni04E9
+Encoding: 1257 1257 700
+Width: 500
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+StartChar: uni04EA
+Encoding: 1258 1258 701
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 1527 415 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 257 244 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni04EB
+Encoding: 1259 1259 702
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1425 629 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 102 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04EC
+Encoding: 1260 1260 703
+Width: 594
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+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 146 245 2
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+StartChar: uni04ED
+Encoding: 1261 1261 704
+Width: 432
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+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 18 0 2
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+StartChar: uni04EE
+Encoding: 1262 1262 705
+Width: 739
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 232 212 2
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+StartChar: uni04EF
+Encoding: 1263 1263 706
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+Refer: 615 1091 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+StartChar: uni04F0
+Encoding: 1264 1264 707
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+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 232 244 2
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+Encoding: 1265 1265 708
+Width: 478
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+Refer: 615 1091 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1266 1266 709
+Width: 739
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+Refer: 408 733 S 1 0 0 1 212 212 2
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+Encoding: 1267 1267 710
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+Encoding: 1268 1268 711
+Width: 642
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+Encoding: 1269 1269 712
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+Encoding: 1272 1272 713
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+Encoding: 1273 1273 714
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+ 188 482 135 453 80 397 c 1
+ 67 406 l 1
+ 151 512 238 526 278 526 c 0
+158 232 m 0
+ 183 232 206 272 206 299 c 0
+ 206 316 200 331 185 331 c 0
+ 172 330 135 303 135 257 c 0
+ 135 240 142 232 158 232 c 0
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+ 54 1 l 1
+ 115 223 l 1
+ 103 212 88 206 75 206 c 0
+ 48 206 32 230 32 259 c 0
+ 32 283 47 363 134 363 c 0
+ 179 363 209 337 209 295 c 0
+ 209 286 207 276 205 265 c 2
+ 162 111 l 1
+ 211 174 275 209 353 221 c 1
+ 391 353 l 2
+ 395 368 397 381 397 394 c 0
+ 397 452 353 484 287 484 c 0
+ 213.811 484 149.395 454.389 89 395 c 1
+ 73 404 l 1
+ 127 480 221 528 301 528 c 0
+ 443 528 480 464 480 411 c 0
+ 480 397 478 382 473 366 c 2
+ 433 219 l 1
+ 471 212 489 189 489 150 c 0
+60 265 m 0
+ 60 246 66 233 85 233 c 0
+ 107 233 129 266 129 300 c 0
+ 129 326 119 333 108 333 c 0
+ 77.0752 333 60 293.212 60 265 c 0
+409 58 m 0
+ 443 58 451 120 451 135 c 0
+ 451 157 441 172 421 179 c 1
+ 396 86 l 2
+ 394 81 394 76 394 73 c 0
+ 394 62 400 58 409 58 c 0
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+ 357.148 452.911 383.895 498.439 396 563 c 1
+ 475 563 l 1
+ 457 496 440 434 343 418 c 1
+ 395.8 418 409 361.701 409 331 c 0
+ 409 318 406 304 402 291 c 2
+ 345 77 l 2
+ 335.257 40.4199 303 0 265 0 c 2
+ 0 0 l 1
+ 7 27 l 1
+ 59 27 l 1
+ 117 239 l 2
+ 145.487 345.278 266 402.105 266 465 c 0
+ 266 491 241 505 213 505 c 0
+ 193.4 505 187.158 501.925 164 492 c 1
+ 190.36 492 196 461.331 196 439 c 0
+ 196 398 161 340 113 340 c 0
+120 366 m 0
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+ 170 452 162 462 147 464 c 0
+ 117 464 97 422 97 397 c 0
+ 97 379 104 370 120 366 c 0
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+ 324 291 l 2
+ 329 311 332 328 332 343 c 0
+ 332 370 323 386 305 396 c 1
+ 295 365 216 318 196 242 c 2
+ 138 27 l 1
+ 211 27 l 2
+ 237 27 261 53 266 75 c 2
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+ 260 517 282 529 309 529 c 0
+ 354 529 377 508 377 464 c 0
+ 377 456 376 446 374 436 c 1
+ 417.902 457.243 439.838 519.471 448 563 c 1
+ 532 563 l 1
+ 515 485 470 428 400 418 c 1
+ 445 418 469 395 469 351 c 0
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+ 402 76 l 2
+ 392 40 361 0 322 0 c 2
+ 56 0 l 1
+ 62 27 l 1
+ 113 27 l 1
+ 170 239 l 2
+ 194 338 316 407 325 448 c 0
+ 327 457 328 464 328 471 c 0
+ 328 488 320 501 300 501 c 0
+ 270 501 250 480 238 439 c 1
+ 218 439 l 1
+ 221 449 223 459 223 469 c 0
+ 223 490 212 508 192 508 c 0
+ 180 508 169 503 154 491 c 1
+ 184 491 192 461 192 442 c 0
+ 192 400 156 339 107 339 c 0
+114 365 m 0
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+ 164 452 156 461 141 464 c 0
+ 112 464 91 420 91 394 c 0
+ 91 379 99 369 114 365 c 0
+323 76 m 2
+ 380 290 l 2
+ 386 312 389 330 389 345 c 0
+ 389 372 381 391 365 402 c 1
+ 299.164 322.304 258.089 279.676 248 241 c 2
+ 192 27 l 1
+ 268 27 l 2
+ 291 27 317 56 323 76 c 2
+Validated: 3073
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+ 72 266 l 2
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+ 165 393 130 403 78 403 c 1
+ 107 465 223 529 312 529 c 0
+ 412 529 484 490 484 404 c 0
+ 484 389 481 372 477 353 c 2
+ 440 219 l 1
+ 489 212 521 195 542 154 c 1
+ 638 520 l 1
+ 718 520 l 1
+ 579 1 l 1
+ 496 1 l 1
+ 504 26 507 50 507 73 c 0
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+ 402 74 l 2
+ 387 20 354 -8 305 -8 c 0
+ 273 -8 229 6 229 63 c 0
+ 229 118 263 191 361 217 c 1
+ 399 353 l 2
+ 402 367 404 379 404 392 c 0
+ 404 448 362 484 303 484 c 0
+ 235.746 484 181.64 465.326 133 426 c 1
+ 180 426 212 405 230 365 c 1
+ 193 355 168 328 156 285 c 2
+ 115 130 l 1
+ 127 143 151 146 159 146 c 0
+ 185 146 199 121 199 93 c 0
+263 73 m 0
+ 263 53 275 47 286 47 c 0
+ 306 47 320 65 329 97 c 2
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+ 289 170 263 112 263 73 c 0
+149 118 m 0
+ 138 118 99 90 99 46 c 0
+ 99 30 106 21 123 21 c 0
+ 155.42 21 171 61.2754 171 84 c 0
+ 171 98 166 118 149 118 c 0
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+ 550 395 547 375 541 354 c 2
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+ 303 -218 l 1
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+ 36 -198 17 -150 17 -135 c 0
+ 17 -78 94 -39 156 -39 c 0
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+ 299 1 l 1
+ 274 -71 l 1
+ 296.852 -86.4814 316.753 -104.914 334 -126 c 1
+ 462 354 l 2
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+ 468 453 426 484 363 484 c 0
+ 303 484 250 465 202 426 c 1
+ 255 426 288 406 299 366 c 1
+ 273 358 255 339 248 311 c 2
+ 190 94 l 2
+ 171 26 129 -9 63 -9 c 0
+ 16.208 -9 2 21.5371 2 44 c 0
+55 20 m 0
+ 79 20 103 62 103 90 c 0
+ 103 107 95 116 79 119 c 0
+ 67 119 30 94 30 52 c 0
+ 30 32 42 20 55 20 c 0
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+ 73 -76 59 -118 59 -129 c 0
+ 59 -153 90 -169 117 -169 c 0
+ 153.237 -169 194.2 -159.6 223 -102 c 1
+ 203 -85 171 -76 141 -76 c 0
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+ 308 -219 l 1
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+ 221 -219 l 1
+ 191 -219 l 1
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+ 196 -165 191 -147 180 -129 c 1
+ 157 -175 120 -199 73 -199 c 0
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+ -5 -80 64 -40 116 -40 c 0
+ 146 -40 162 -43 187 -65 c 1
+ 196 -44 204 -23 209 0 c 1
+ 239 0 l 1
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+ 223 -93 234 -112 246 -135 c 1
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+ 327 -131 l 1
+ 458 353 l 2
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+ 299 483 246 464 197 425 c 1
+ 251 425 283 405 295 365 c 1
+ 268 357 250 338 243 310 c 2
+ 185 93 l 2
+ 166 25 125 -10 58 -10 c 0
+ 11.2082 -10 -3 20.5371 -3 43 c 0
+99 90 m 0
+ 99 106 90.3333 118 75 118 c 0
+ 53.0301 118 26 80.9789 26 51 c 0
+ 26 36.7791 31.6667 19 48 19 c 0
+ 78.1562 19 99 68.15 99 90 c 0
+166 -106 m 1
+ 146 -87 125 -78 100 -78 c 0
+ 63 -78 33 -102 33 -123 c 0
+ 33 -150 56.161 -172 79 -172 c 0
+ 113 -172 143 -149 166 -106 c 1
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+ 265 367 113 377 62 385 c 1
+ 90 464 155 528 254 529 c 0
+ 309 529 352 479 380 477 c 0
+ 406 477 428 492 448 520 c 1
+ 478 520 l 1
+ 452 466 416 443 368 443 c 0
+ 340 443 337 446 235 471 c 0
+ 168 471 132 450 112 409 c 1
+ 268 409 347 376 347 306 c 0
+ 347 297 344.969 287.075 342 276 c 2
+ 268 0 l 1
+ 191 0 l 1
+ 208 67 218 122 218 165 c 0
+ 218 207 209 237 193 255 c 1
+ 193.696 251.913 194 249.565 194 247 c 0
+ 194 187 144 146 112 146 c 0
+80 -118 m 0
+ 80 -97 100 -22 171 -22 c 0
+ 216 -22 239 -41 239 -79 c 0
+ 239 -90 237.829 -102.184 234 -116 c 2
+ 183 -300 l 1
+ 118 -300 l 1
+ 93 -245 l 1
+ 44 -300 l 1
+ 13 -300 l 1
+ 15 -294 16 -290 16 -285 c 0
+ 16 -272 10 -262 6 -252 c 1
+ -24 -284 -52 -300 -78 -300 c 0
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+ -19 -186 2 -194 15 -208 c 1
+ 46 -171 l 1
+ 64 -184 l 1
+ 28 -227 l 1
+ 34 -235 39 -246 43 -264 c 1
+ 105 -195 l 1
+ 136 -255 l 1
+ 164 -159 l 1
+ 152 -169 135 -175 121 -175 c 0
+ 89 -175 80 -138 80 -118 c 0
+95 201 m 0
+ 95 183 107 171 121 171 c 0
+ 137 171 167 205 167 237 c 0
+ 167 249 162 271 144 271 c 0
+ 118 271 95 229 95 201 c 0
+130 -147 m 0
+ 162 -147 180 -94 180 -78 c 0
+ 180 -61 171 -49 156 -48 c 0
+ 145 -48 106 -76 106 -123 c 0
+ 106 -140 114 -147 130 -147 c 0
+-95 -253 m 0
+ -95 -270 -79 -275 -69 -275 c 0
+ -54 -275 -32 -259 -6 -232 c 1
+ -17 -218 -34 -211 -50 -211 c 0
+ -87 -211 -95 -245 -95 -253 c 0
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+ 251 512 275 528 305 528 c 0
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+ 368 389 269 322 247 240 c 2
+ 207 87 l 1
+ 426 449 l 2
+ 440 473 469 530 544 530 c 0
+ 579 530 602 502 602 469 c 0
+ 602 462 601 455 599 447 c 2
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+ 401 -1 l 1
+ 516 431 l 2
+ 517 437 518 443 518 448 c 0
+ 518 459 514 468 499 468 c 0
+ 473.5 468 462 460 449 438 c 2
+ 185 -1 l 1
+ 102 -1 l 1
+ 165 239 l 2
+ 200 368 319 387 319 472 c 0
+ 319 490 310 499 293 499 c 0
+ 263 499 240 459 233 438 c 1
+ 213 438 l 1
+ 216 447 218 456 218 463 c 0
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+ 173 500 160 497 151 488 c 1
+ 176 488 188 476 188 451 c 0
+ 188 407 153 337 101 337 c 0
+109 365 m 0
+ 140 365 158 419 158 436 c 0
+ 158 453 148 462 137 462 c 0
+ 112 462 89 426 89 400 c 0
+ 89 385 91 365 109 365 c 0
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+ 477 433 475 420 472 406 c 2
+ 424 229 l 1
+ 471 219 505 201 525 171 c 1
+ 618 520 l 1
+ 697 520 l 1
+ 558 1 l 1
+ 475 1 l 1
+ 484 31 487 57 487 80 c 0
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+ 381 74 l 2
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+ 320 486 293 465 276 424 c 1
+ 256 424 l 1
+ 257 430 257 435 257 440 c 0
+ 257 471 240 486 208 486 c 0
+ 141 486 90 375 90 294 c 0
+ 90 261.4 95.3775 244.04 120 131 c 1
+ 195 207 l 1
+ 159.881 207 153 241.91 153 261 c 0
+ 153 302 189 360 242 360 c 0
+ 279 360 298 345 298 314 c 0
+ 298 232 137 128 103 1 c 1
+ 18 1 l 1
+ 26 32 30 80 30 146 c 0
+203 232 m 0
+ 228 232 251 272 251 301 c 0
+ 251 326 238 332 230 332 c 0
+ 204 332 179 286 179 258 c 0
+ 179 241 187 232 203 232 c 0
+335 189 m 1
+ 273 173 247 118 247 75 c 0
+ 247 57 255 44 272 44 c 0
+ 288 44 298 54 304 77 c 2
+ 335 189 l 1
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+ 435 164 393 46 381 0 c 1
+ 300 0 l 1
+ 394 353 l 2
+ 398 367 399 380 399 393 c 0
+ 399 429.806 379.2 484 300 484 c 0
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+ 181 426 213 405 232 365 c 1
+ 193 353 167 326 156 285 c 2
+ 115 130 l 1
+ 125 141 140 146 158 146 c 0
+ 160 146 l 0
+ 186 146 200 122 200 95 c 0
+ 200 48.8174 169.631 -9 93 -9 c 0
+ 48 -9 20 15 20 56 c 0
+ 20 65 22 75 25 86 c 2
+ 72 266 l 2
+ 88 323 125 359 184 375 c 1
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+ 118 472 228 529 313 529 c 0
+ 425 529 481 491 481 414 c 0
+ 481 396 477 376 472 353 c 2
+ 421 158 l 1
+ 458 194 503 218 557 229 c 1
+ 634 520 l 1
+ 712 520 l 1
+ 634 226 l 1
+ 669 214 687 189 687 153 c 0
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+ 653 167 644 182 624 189 c 1
+ 592 73 l 2
+ 591 69 590 65 590 61 c 0
+ 590 49 597 44 604 44 c 0
+ 633.082 44 653 108.135 653 142 c 0
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+ 172.235 100.361 166.389 118 150 118 c 0
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+ 103 40 108 20 123 20 c 0
+ 151.739 20 172.235 63.0479 172.235 83.9268 c 0
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+ 101 247 120 177 128 128 c 1
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+ 175.2 224 167 260.491 167 279 c 0
+ 167 320 206 378 258 378 c 0
+ 294 378 313 363 313 331 c 0
+ 313 296 302 278 184 127 c 0
+ 146 78 122 35 113 0 c 1
+ 27 0 l 1
+ 36 33 41 73 41 124 c 0
+ 41 166 38 178 38 238 c 0
+ 38 471 204 527 301 527 c 0
+267 317 m 0
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+ 221.526 347 195 312.07 195 284 c 0
+ 195 263.465 204.036 249 217 249 c 0
+ 244.031 249 267 295.971 267 317 c 0
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+ 269 422 l 1
+ 270 428 270 433 270 438 c 0
+ 270 472 251 485 216 485 c 0
+ 143 485 94 370 94 299 c 0
+ 94 240 120 185 120 124 c 1
+ 203 224 l 1
+ 170.2 224 162 260.34 162 278 c 0
+ 162 321 198 378 253 378 c 0
+ 275 378 304 367 304 326 c 0
+ 304 250 138 124 107 0 c 1
+ 21 0 l 1
+ 29 28 33 71 33 128 c 0
+ 33 178 31 206 31 228 c 0
+ 31 474 177 527 217 527 c 0
+ 256 527 281 511 294 477 c 1
+ 321 511 355 527 397 527 c 0
+210 249 m 0
+ 228 249 260 286 260 312 c 0
+ 260 321 257 350 236 350 c 0
+ 215 350 189 310 189 283 c 0
+ 189 255 206 249 210 249 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 170 393 134 403 82 403 c 1
+ 114 465 226 529 316 529 c 0
+ 429 529 486 490 486 413 c 0
+ 486 395 482.322 376.426 476 353 c 2
+ 381 1 l 1
+ 303 1 l 1
+ 397 353 l 2
+ 400.762 367.086 404 383 404 393 c 0
+ 404 448 364 484 307 484 c 0
+ 239.599 484 186.319 465.044 137 426 c 1
+ 185 426 217 405 235 365 c 1
+ 196 353 170 326 159 285 c 2
+ 118 130 l 1
+ 128 140 143 146 159 146 c 0
+ 195 146 204 117 204 93 c 0
+176 86 m 0
+ 176 103 169 118 154 118 c 0
+ 131.474 116.976 106 81.79 106 56 c 0
+ 106 38 113 20 127 20 c 0
+ 158.119 20 176 67.9268 176 86 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3607 3607 780
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+ 345 -1 l 1
+ 461 430 l 2
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+ 56 -1 l 1
+ 161 389 l 1
+ 148 379 132 373 119 373 c 0
+ 82 373 75 415 75 427 c 0
+ 75 448 91 528 180 528 c 0
+ 238.997 528 254 490.966 254 463 c 0
+ 254 453 252 443 249 432 c 2
+ 165 114 l 1
+126 399 m 0
+ 152 399 175 441 175 469 c 0
+ 175 485 166 495 152 498 c 0
+ 122 498 103 457 103 432 c 0
+ 103 416 111 400 126 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3608 3608 781
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+ 509 520 l 1
+ 481 467 445 443 396 443 c 0
+ 373 443 300 471 268 471 c 0
+ 203 471 160 450 144 409 c 1
+ 243 397 l 2
+ 342 384 393 352 393 298 c 0
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+ 337 75 l 2
+ 324 25 298 -1 258 -1 c 2
+ 2 -1 l 1
+ 8 26 l 1
+ 45 26 l 1
+ 139 378 l 1
+ 94 385 l 1
+259 75 m 2
+ 311 265 l 2
+ 312 274 314 283 314 290 c 0
+ 314 334 275 350 213 363 c 1
+ 123 26 l 1
+ 203 26 l 2
+ 232 26 249 42 259 75 c 2
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+ 258 467 256 457 254 446 c 2
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+ 214 177 279 217 358 228 c 1
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+ 513 520 l 1
+ 435 226 l 1
+ 473 217 501 188 501 145 c 0
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+ 175 492 168 501 152 501 c 0
+ 128 501 103 461 103 433 c 0
+ 103 407 120 402 128 402 c 0
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+ 393 71 393 66 393 61 c 0
+ 393 49 399 44 411 44 c 0
+ 433 44 467 85 467 133 c 0
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+ 538 518 l 1
+ 420 75 l 2
+ 407 25 380 -1 340 -1 c 2
+ 4 -1 l 1
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+ 61 26 l 1
+ 159 389 l 1
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+ 102 416 110 401 125 400 c 0
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+ 57 27 l 1
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+ 77 374 71 415 71 426 c 0
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+ 121.53 500 98 459.899 98 432 c 0
+ 98 408.514 110.551 402.161 121 401 c 0
+ 147.075 401 169 443.219 169 465 c 0
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+ 5 -1 l 1
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+ 294 529 306 495 306 472 c 0
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+ 0 0 l 1
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+ 387 91 l 1
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+ 580 518 l 1
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+ 139 -1 l 1
+ 49 -1 l 1
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+ 115 499 97 446 97 432 c 0
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+ 387 92 l 1
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+ 65 118 28 93 28 51 c 0
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+ 132 42 140 22 153 22 c 0
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+ 245 -220 l 1
+ 398 352 l 2
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+ 129.424 139.424 144.719 145 164 145 c 0
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+ 176 74 177 79 177 84 c 0
+ 177 101 170 117 155 117 c 0
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+ 137 18 156 21 175 68 c 1
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+ 134 142 147 147 160 147 c 0
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+ 178 111 170 119 153 119 c 0
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+ 104 33 112 22 127 20 c 0
+ 155.361 20 178 68.1074 178 95 c 0
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+ 303 -225 l 1
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+ 75 20 98 62 98 90 c 0
+ 98 107 91 116 75 119 c 0
+ 63 119 26 94 26 52 c 0
+ 26 32 38 20 51 20 c 0
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+ 205 117 183 78 183 53 c 0
+ 183 38 187 19 204 19 c 0
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+ 302 -5 l 1
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+ 52 -5 l 1
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+ 79 194 58 240 58 305 c 0
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+ 214 260 221 251 237 248 c 0
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+ 564 518 l 1
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+ 2 -1 l 1
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+ 60 26 l 1
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+ 311 26 l 2
+ 339 26 357 42 366 75 c 2
+ 401 203 l 1
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+ 386 406 400 385 400 357 c 0
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+ 339 379 300 351 300 307 c 0
+ 300 290 308 282 324 279 c 0
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+ 282 -3 l 1
+ 338 208 l 2
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+ 116 126 l 1
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+ 366 315 374 340 379 368 c 1
+ 362 357 345 347 325 338 c 1
+ 339 326 351 311 360 289 c 1
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+ 153 80 l 1
+ 312 328 350 344 416 372 c 1
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+ 512 486 500 497 485 497 c 0
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+ 143 0 l 1
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+ 379 475 l 1
+ 398 116 l 1
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+ 526 594 527 598 527 602 c 0
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+125 401 m 0
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+ 172 482 167 499 151 500 c 0
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+ 101 416 109 402 125 401 c 0
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+Encoding: 3629 3629 802
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+ 30 92 31 100 33 108 c 2
+ 75 266 l 2
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+ 261 269 223 207 179 207 c 0
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+ 110 100 109 93 109 86 c 0
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+ 257 22 306 63 318 109 c 2
+ 388 366 l 2
+ 391 379 393 392 393 402 c 0
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+ 139 488 212 529 302 529 c 0
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+ 209 233 233 274 233 300 c 0
+ 233 314 228 334 211 334 c 0
+ 182 334 163 292 163 270 c 0
+ 163 257.571 167.142 233 184 233 c 0
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+ 525 565 l 1
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+ 469 392 465 378 462 365 c 2
+ 392 101 l 2
+ 374 34 271 -15 175 -15 c 0
+ 88 -15 26 26 26 79 c 0
+ 26 86 26 94 28 101 c 2
+ 67 241 l 2
+ 81.3213 292.409 131 337 189 337 c 0
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+ 252 244 215 181 169 181 c 0
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+ 107 101 l 2
+ 106 95 106 88 106 83 c 0
+ 106 42 140 16 183 16 c 0
+366 452 m 1
+ 342 472 317 485 273 485 c 0
+ 244 483 145 473 145 421 c 0
+ 145 407 159 400 188 400 c 0
+ 266 400 314 413 366 452 c 1
+173 209 m 0
+ 200 209 223 251 223 282 c 0
+ 223 299 215 308 200 308 c 0
+ 181 307 152 272 152 244 c 0
+ 152 233 156 209 173 209 c 0
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+ 289 -1 l 1
+ 211 -1 l 1
+ 329 439 l 2
+ 329.705 441.628 330 443.304 330 445 c 0
+ 330 452 326 455 319 455 c 0
+ 285.985 455 267.352 324 142 324 c 0
+ 96 324 61 365 61 413 c 0
+ 61 471 102 527 173 527 c 0
+ 206.6 527 215 497.188 215 476 c 0
+ 215 434 183 375 133 374 c 0
+ 128.818 374 124.636 374.727 121 376 c 1
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+139 402 m 0
+ 165 402 188 446 188 472 c 0
+ 188 493 172 497 162 497 c 0
+ 125 497 117 440 117 430 c 0
+ 117 414 124 405 139 402 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3632 3632 805
+Width: 392
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+Refer: 806 3633 N 1 0 0 1 134 -461 2
+Refer: 806 3633 N 1 0 0 1 222 -147 2
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+272 426 m 0
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+ 352 432 351 420 348 408 c 2
+ 238 0 l 1
+ 160 0 l 1
+ 269 406 l 2
+ 271 414 272 420 272 426 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraamthai
+Encoding: 3635 3635 808
+Width: 366
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+Refer: 830 3661 N 1 0 0 1 3 15 2
+Refer: 807 3634 S 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
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+ -179 620 -179 620 -180 620 c 0
+-361 541 m 0
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+ -62 659 -3 602 -3 485 c 0
+ -3 471 -4 455 -6 438 c 1
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+ -260 512 -293 511 -324 508 c 0
+ -348 508 -361 519 -361 541 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraiithai
+Encoding: 3637 3637 810
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+ -182 615 l 0
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+ -363 613 -221 654 -184 654 c 0
+ -120 654 -71 633 -40 594 c 1
+ -14 689 l 1
+ 54 689 l 1
+ -6 469 l 1
+ -8 433 l 1
+ -58 472 -161 506 -243 506 c 0
+ -258 506 -297 505 -326 502 c 0
+ -351 502 -363 513 -363 536 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ -6 461 -7 449 -9 433 c 1
+ -97 496 -198 507 -249 507 c 0
+ -263.149 507 -304.001 505.067 -327 502 c 0
+ -351 502 -364 513 -364 535 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ -3 689 l 1
+ 49 689 l 1
+ 3 517 l 1
+ 4 512 4 505 4 499 c 0
+ 4 478 0 456 -7 433 c 1
+ -51 472 -143 506 -221 506 c 0
+ -233 506 -262 505 -287 502 c 0
+ -311 502 -322 512 -322 531 c 0
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+ -270 -268 l 1
+ -250 -193 l 1
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+ -309 -202 -323 -178 -323 -150 c 0
+-271 -171 m 0
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+ -225 -89 -236 -76 -249 -76 c 0
+ -271 -76 -297 -117 -297 -147 c 0
+ -297 -168 -281 -171 -271 -171 c 0
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+ -307 -32 -282 -57 -282 -91 c 0
+ -282 -96 -283 -103 -285 -109 c 2
+ -309 -199 l 2
+ -310 -203 -311 -207 -311 -211 c 0
+ -311 -222 -303 -229 -287 -229 c 0
+ -269 -229 -256 -218 -250 -199 c 2
+ -207 -35 l 1
+ -139 -35 l 1
+ -179 -185 l 2
+ -194 -237 -226 -262 -280 -262 c 2
+ -314 -262 l 2
+ -355 -262 -375 -246 -375 -215 c 0
+ -375 -207 -374 -198 -371 -188 c 2
+ -367 -175 l 1
+ -386.963 -184.456 -385.082 -185 -403 -185 c 0
+ -434 -185 -442 -156 -442 -136 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ -153 -130 -183 -165 -224 -165 c 0
+ -246 -165 -263 -149 -263 -126 c 0
+ -263 -86 -222 -59 -193 -59 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3647 3647 816
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+ 239 -49 l 1
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+ 241 515 l 2
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+ 247 583 236 599 174 599 c 1
+ 178 616 l 1
+ 417 616 l 1
+ 432 672 l 1
+ 493 672 l 1
+ 478 616 l 1
+ 613.398 616 645 545.2 645 498 c 0
+ 645 464 623 351 481 325 c 1
+ 572.2 325 595 251.24 595 206 c 0
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+ 552 527.281 535.135 578 468 578 c 1
+ 405 342 l 1
+ 525.294 342 552 465.497 552 495 c 0
+344 340 m 1
+ 407 581 l 1
+ 373 581 l 2
+ 360 581 351 572 345 553 c 2
+ 288 339 l 1
+ 344 340 l 1
+261 35 m 1
+ 333 302 l 1
+ 279 303 l 1
+ 218 73 l 2
+ 216 66 214 60 214 55 c 0
+ 214 39 228.026 36.319 261 35 c 1
+492 206 m 0
+ 492 241.44 475.361 299 393 299 c 1
+ 323 36 l 1
+ 428 36 492 132 492 206 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraethai
+Encoding: 3648 3648 817
+Width: 297
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+ 261 54.9795 232.868 -5 153 -5 c 0
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+ 278 521 l 1
+ 176 135 l 1
+ 186 145 202 151 218 151 c 0
+ 255 151 261 119 261 100 c 0
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+ 217 27 233 82 233 98 c 0
+ 233 113 226 122 210 122 c 0
+ 172 122 163 67 163 55 c 0
+ 163 39 170 31 185 27 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saraaethai
+Encoding: 3649 3649 818
+Width: 544
+VWidth: 930
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 817 3648 N 1 0 0 1 208 0 2
+Refer: 817 3648 N 1 0 0 1 -37 0 2
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+Encoding: 3650 3650 819
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+ 222 -20 182 -68 118 -68 c 0
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+ 216 693 198 716 165 731 c 2
+ 82 764 l 1
+ 140 841 193 879 242 879 c 0
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+ 499 792 l 1
+ 480 759 447 743 404 743 c 0
+ 358.646 743 285.379 819 223 819 c 0
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+ 208 759 296 734 296 662 c 0
+ 296 653 295 644 292 634 c 2
+ 137 72 l 1
+ 147 82 163 87 179 87 c 0
+ 216 87 222 56 222 37 c 0
+146 -36 m 0
+ 171 -36 194 7 194 34 c 0
+ 194 50 187 59 171 59 c 0
+ 133 59 124 4 124 -8 c 0
+ 124 -24 131 -33 146 -36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3651 3651 820
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+245 884 m 0
+ 247 884 244 884 247 884 c 0
+ 313 884 352 848 352 789 c 0
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+ 160 71 l 1
+ 170 81 187 86 202 86 c 0
+ 239 86 246 54 246 34 c 0
+ 246 11 231 -69 141 -69 c 0
+ 93.725 -69 65 -41.25 65 -2 c 0
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+ 267 740 l 2
+ 271.134 754.963 272 766 272 777 c 0
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+ 150.364 828 107 749.739 107 705 c 0
+ 107 698 108 690 110 684 c 1
+ 112 762 175 781 193 781 c 0
+ 219 781 232 753 232 725 c 0
+ 232 684 198 627 150 627 c 0
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+ 79 779 146 884 245 884 c 0
+169 -37 m 0
+ 195 -37 219 6 219 33 c 0
+ 219 49 210 58 195 58 c 0
+ 157 58 148 5 148 -8 c 0
+ 148 -24 155 -33 169 -37 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3652 3652 821
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+LayerCount: 2
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+ 245 -22 204 -70 140 -70 c 0
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+ 284 823 282 826 277 826 c 0
+ 273 826 264 815 261 811 c 2
+ 140 629 l 2
+ 135 622 129 617 124 617 c 0
+ 119 617 113 621 113 632 c 2
+ 122 872 l 2
+ 122 879 127 884 134 884 c 0
+ 138.5 884 143 882 144 876 c 2
+ 163 719 l 1
+ 236 829 l 2
+ 261.698 868.06 289.401 887 323 887 c 0
+ 351 887 365 863 365 835 c 0
+ 365 828 365 820 363 813 c 2
+ 159 71 l 1
+ 169 81 186 86 201 86 c 0
+ 238 86 245 54 245 34 c 0
+168 -37 m 0
+ 193 -37 217 4 217 32 c 0
+ 217 48 209 57 193 57 c 0
+ 155 57 146 2 146 -10 c 0
+ 146 -26 153 -34 168 -37 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3653 3653 822
+Width: 326
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+213 528 m 0
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+ 320 432 318 420 315 408 c 2
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+ 61 -227 l 1
+ 231 407 l 2
+ 233 413 233 419 233 425 c 0
+ 233 459 208 482 172 482 c 0
+ 145 482 97 474 42 410 c 1
+ 25 420 l 1
+ 63 479 137 528 213 528 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maiyamokthai
+Encoding: 3654 3654 823
+Width: 488
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+418 564 m 0
+ 475 564 485 519 485 489 c 0
+ 485 478 484 465 481 452 c 2
+ 349 -41 l 2
+ 332.334 -87.6656 305.544 -113.684 237 -193 c 1
+ 148 -193 l 1
+ 213 -114 248 -91 274 -19 c 2
+ 407 480 l 2
+ 409 487 410 494 410 498 c 0
+ 410 517 400 525 379 525 c 0
+ 351 525 332 508 321 472 c 1
+ 295 472 l 1
+ 297 479 298 485 298 490 c 0
+ 298 512 283 525 259 525 c 0
+ 213 525 181 489 163 418 c 1
+ 178 430 182 443 213 443 c 0
+ 238 443 252 418 252 390 c 0
+ 252 352 219 290 170 290 c 0
+ 138 290 117 306 117 353 c 0
+ 117 401 145 562 267 564 c 0
+ 292 564 309 551 321 523 c 1
+ 338 544 380 564 418 564 c 0
+178 319 m 0
+ 216 319 225 375 225 387 c 0
+ 225 408 209 412 201 412 c 0
+ 189 412 153 384 153 344 c 0
+ 153 327 162 319 178 319 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 3655 3655 824
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+ 208 734 l 1
+ 187 650 122 641 64 641 c 0
+ 47 641 38.5 642 5 642 c 0
+ -69.2428 642 -111 593 -111 526 c 0
+ -111 518 -109 511 -106 504 c 1
+ -100 525 -85 537 -60 539 c 0
+ -19 539 -24 482 14 482 c 0
+ 20 482 25 484 33 489 c 1
+ 10 489 -1 500 -1 523 c 0
+ -1 544 12 620 82 620 c 0
+ 107 620 129 601 129 575 c 0
+ 129 533 82 450 12 449 c 0
+ -46 449 -52 491 -65 509 c 1
+ -86 509 -97 461 -97 450 c 1
+ -135 455 -161 489 -161 533 c 0
+65 595 m 0
+ 46 595 25 556 25 532 c 0
+ 25 512.034 40.4399 512 48 512 c 0
+ 68 512 86 539 86 569 c 0
+ 86 590 73 595 65 595 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maiekthai
+Encoding: 3656 3656 825
+Width: 0
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+-24 680 m 0
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+ 68 851 l 1
+ 55 797 35 741 10 683 c 0
+ 6 672 -1 667 -11 667 c 0
+ -19 667 -24 671 -24 680 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maithothai
+Encoding: 3657 3657 826
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+ 74 755 28 701 4 685 c 1
+ 103 697 153 751 180 849 c 1
+ 239 849 l 1
+ 201 745 119 658 -34 658 c 0
+ -46 658 -57 658 -70 658 c 1
+ -63 682 l 1
+ -38 685 -14 698 8 720 c 1
+ -24.8 720 -33 741.044 -33 763 c 0
+8 743 m 0
+ 33 743 49 777 49 801 c 0
+ 49 814 44 822 32 825 c 0
+ -5 825 -11 774 -11 764 c 0
+ -11 750 -5 743 8 743 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maitrithai
+Encoding: 3658 3658 827
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone_right" 165 618 mark 0 {} {150-150 4}
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+ 42 705 l 1
+ 62 709 116 739 116 794 c 0
+ 116 810 108 818 93 818 c 0
+ 72 818 57 801 47 767 c 1
+ 22 767 l 1
+ 24 775 25 782 25 788 c 0
+ 25 805 18 815 2 818 c 0
+ -7 818 -17 816 -24 810 c 1
+ -6 809 5 798 5 777 c 0
+ 5 720 -43 683 -70 683 c 0
+ -94 683 -106 702 -106 726 c 0
+ -106 774 -71 837 7 846 c 0
+ 29 846 42 834 47 812 c 1
+ 58 834 75 846 97 846 c 0
+ 131 846 148 831 148 803 c 0
+ 148 768 127 724 94 705 c 1
+-63 705 m 0
+ -38 705 -22 737 -22 758 c 0
+ -22 772 -28 788 -40 788 c 0
+ -73 788 -81 737 -81 725 c 0
+ -81 712 -74 705 -63 705 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: maichattawathai
+Encoding: 3659 3659 828
+Width: 0
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+112 737 m 1
+ 36 737 l 1
+ 13 662 l 1
+ -35 662 l 1
+ -17 737 l 1
+ -95 737 l 1
+ -84 776 l 1
+ -8 776 l 1
+ 9 847 l 1
+ 67 847 l 1
+ 48 776 l 1
+ 122 776 l 1
+ 112 737 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thanthakhatthai
+Encoding: 3660 3660 829
+Width: 0
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" -11 659 mark 0
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+ -115.4 678 -126 709.905 -126 728 c 0
+ -126 753 -105 845 14 845 c 0
+ 49 845 87 850 100 894 c 1
+ 153 900 l 1
+ 140 850 101 823 38 820 c 2
+ 8 819 l 2
+ -4 819 -13 815 -21 808 c 1
+ -3 804 5 793 5 773 c 0
+ 5 731 -26 678 -73 678 c 0
+-64 703 m 0
+ -38 703 -22 741 -22 762 c 0
+ -22 775 -28 783 -41 786 c 0
+ -75 786 -83 738 -83 724 c 0
+ -83 711 -77 703 -64 703 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nikhahitthai
+Encoding: 3661 3661 830
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" 38.5 716.5 basemark 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+39 720 m 0
+ 72 720 94 697 94 663 c 0
+ 94 622 53 567 0 567 c 0
+ -33 567 -55 591 -55 625 c 0
+ -55 665 -16 720 39 720 c 0
+10 607 m 0
+ 39 607 56 631 56 659 c 0
+ 56 674 47 681 30 681 c 0
+ 9 681 -17 662 -17 629 c 0
+ -17 614 -8 607 10 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yamakkanthai
+Encoding: 3662 3662 831
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_tone" -55 531 mark 0 {} {150-150 6}
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_tone" -53 543 mark 0
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+13 794 m 0
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+ 195 866 l 1
+ 78 866 57 813 57 778 c 0
+ 57 762 62 746 71 731 c 1
+ 51 705 l 1
+ 36 717 19 724 4 724 c 0
+ -42 724 -53 678 -53 664 c 0
+ -53 646 -48 636 -24 634 c 0
+ -8 634 5 642 18 657 c 1
+ 28 632 l 1
+ 6 605 -20 591 -53 591 c 0
+ -100.2 591 -112 627.625 -112 654 c 0
+ -112 716 -56 761 -9 761 c 0
+ 0 761 10.6667 758.333 16 756 c 1
+ 18 761 l 1
+ 15 773 13 784 13 794 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fongmanthai
+Encoding: 3663 3663 832
+Width: 725
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+602 333 m 0
+ 602 200 461 0 259 0 c 0
+ 135 0 55 86 55 192 c 0
+ 55 334 195 526 403 526 c 0
+ 517 526 602 444 602 333 c 0
+574 326 m 0
+ 574 429 499 498 391 498 c 0
+ 236 498 84 352 84 203 c 0
+ 84 103 157 28 262 28 c 0
+ 420 28 574 173 574 326 c 0
+464 298 m 0
+ 464 225 397 131 291 131 c 0
+ 233 131 192 173 192 230 c 0
+ 192 320 285 395 366 395 c 0
+ 421 395 464 352 464 298 c 0
+221 235 m 0
+ 221 191 248 161 300 161 c 0
+ 369 161 434 223 434 288 c 0
+ 434 331 402 365 357 365 c 0
+ 286 365 221 300 221 235 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zerothai
+Encoding: 3664 3664 833
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339 408 m 0
+ 430 408 496 347 496 259 c 0
+ 496 162.935 397.501 13 222 13 c 0
+ 133 13 63 72 63 157 c 0
+ 63 295.43 198.545 408 339 408 c 0
+230 35 m 0
+ 322.566 35 422 144.351 422 266 c 0
+ 422 330 392 380 330 380 c 0
+ 201.583 380 138 231.85 138 153 c 0
+ 138 89 172 35 230 35 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: onethai
+Encoding: 3665 3665 834
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+326 382 m 0
+ 204.264 382 132 236.445 132 140 c 0
+ 132 84 166 46 206 46 c 0
+ 230 46 254 60 271 86 c 1
+ 259 76 245 71 230 71 c 0
+ 194 71 185 104 185 126 c 0
+ 185 166 222 225 273 225 c 0
+ 312 225 320 190 320 166 c 0
+ 320 131 291 13 178 13 c 0
+ 106 13 60 71 60 150 c 0
+ 60 297.176 194.828 410 335 410 c 0
+ 428 410 499 348 499 256 c 0
+ 499 125.134 358.188 4 284 4 c 2
+ 282 4 l 1
+ 277 18 l 1
+ 365 60 428 166 428 265 c 0
+ 428 333 392 382 326 382 c 0
+213 127 m 0
+ 213 104 230 99 240 99 c 0
+ 262 99 285 131 285 166 c 0
+ 285 193 272 197 263 197 c 0
+ 235 197 213 153 213 127 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: twothai
+Encoding: 3666 3666 835
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+170 189 m 0
+ 170 299 263 376 330 376 c 0
+ 353 376 369 363 377 334 c 1
+ 400 363 422 376 446 376 c 0
+ 504 376 533 345 533 284 c 0
+ 533 232 498 81 426 27 c 0
+ 399.492 5.50683 352.4 -17 242 -17 c 0
+ 137 -17 39 -14 39 82 c 0
+ 39 109 45 141 55 182 c 2
+ 115 409 l 2
+ 126 449 132 483 132 509 c 0
+ 132 542 123 564 106 575 c 1
+ 126 590 l 1
+ 166 569 186 528 186 468 c 0
+ 186 434 180 396 168 352 c 2
+ 106 120 l 2
+ 102 104 100 90 100 78 c 0
+ 100 19 131 10 248 10 c 0
+ 346 10 398.408 23.4985 424 119 c 2
+ 465 272 l 2
+ 470 288 472 302 472 313 c 0
+ 472 339 461 352 440 352 c 0
+ 417 352 394 325 372 273 c 1
+ 351 273 l 1
+ 352 284 352 293 352 300 c 0
+ 352 332 343 352 323 352 c 0
+ 286 352 242 284 234 246 c 1
+ 242 255 253 259 270 259 c 0
+ 272 259 l 0
+ 299 259 312 236 312 209 c 0
+ 312 164 278 103 227 103 c 0
+ 179 103 170 156 170 189 c 0
+213 161 m 0
+ 213 138 231 132 240 132 c 0
+ 260 132 285 165 285 197 c 0
+ 285 210 281 231 261 231 c 0
+ 236 231 213 188 213 161 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: threethai
+Encoding: 3667 3667 836
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+31 154 m 0
+ 31 253.308 131.751 408 252 408 c 0
+ 289 408 312 381 320 328 c 1
+ 359.921 392.872 400.975 407 441 407 c 0
+ 503 407 537 351 537 284 c 0
+ 537 175 438 37 339 12 c 1
+ 330 32 l 1
+ 422 71 463 233 463 292 c 0
+ 463 335 454 368 419 368 c 0
+ 385 368 352 340 320 286 c 1
+ 299 286 l 1
+ 292 340 274 368 246 368 c 0
+ 171 368 103 226 103 131 c 0
+ 103 94 115 68 138 53 c 1
+ 133 57 130 62 130 72 c 0
+ 130 108 166 172 217 172 c 0
+ 244 172 263 150 263 120 c 0
+ 263 97 245 18 170 18 c 0
+ 86 18 31 73 31 154 c 0
+159 72 m 0
+ 159 55 171 44 186 44 c 0
+ 207 44 232 77 232 110 c 0
+ 232 136 219 142 209 142 c 0
+ 182 142 159 99 159 72 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fourthai
+Encoding: 3668 3668 837
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+325 14 m 0
+ 290 14 173 -11 140 -11 c 0
+ 62 -11 7 28 7 97 c 0
+ 7 265 219 339 353 376 c 0
+ 617.925 450.397 602.032 547.287 605 574 c 1
+ 631 591 l 1
+ 633 561 l 1
+ 616.756 360.656 338.208 345.068 215 281 c 0
+ 147 247 86 189 86 121 c 0
+ 86 68.2 134.634 33 213 33 c 0
+ 237 33 267 38 301 46 c 1
+ 269 46 243 94 243 136 c 0
+ 243 160 266 258 357 258 c 0
+ 383 258 399 232 399 205 c 0
+ 399 164 362 104 314 104 c 2
+ 299 109 l 1
+ 316 54 440 56 460 -1 c 1
+ 435 -13 l 1
+ 417.772 -0.839261 376.537 14 325 14 c 0
+321 131 m 0
+ 358 131 369 182 369 196 c 0
+ 369 214 363 230 346 230 c 0
+ 315 230 298 176 298 159 c 0
+ 298 142 305 134 321 131 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fivethai
+Encoding: 3669 3669 838
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+336 14 m 0
+ 275.355 14 182.14 -11 139 -11 c 0
+ 62 -11 7 28 7 97 c 0
+ 7 161.614 40.9429 284.457 295 358 c 1
+ 278 369 272 385 272 402 c 0
+ 272 455 326 493 369 493 c 0
+ 404 493 428 472 428 439 c 0
+ 428 422 420 405 410 391 c 1
+ 584 450 605 544 605 574 c 1
+ 631 591 l 1
+ 633 581 634 572 634 562 c 0
+ 634 403.59 402 339 354 339 c 1
+ 279.401 298.07 86 258.304 86 121 c 0
+ 86 62 145 33 211 33 c 0
+ 237.213 33 264.599 37.6799 301 46 c 1
+ 269 46 243 94 243 136 c 0
+ 243 160 265 258 355 258 c 0
+ 389.4 258 398 225.243 398 205 c 0
+ 398 165 362 104 314 104 c 0
+ 308.333 104 303 105.833 299 109 c 1
+ 316 54 440 56 460 -1 c 1
+ 435 -13 l 1
+ 418 -1 372 14 336 14 c 0
+351 373 m 1
+ 370 387 387 407 387 430 c 0
+ 387 445 379 454 360 454 c 0
+ 319 454 312 412 312 404 c 0
+ 312 388 326 378 351 373 c 1
+321 131 m 0
+ 358 131 369 182 369 196 c 0
+ 369 214 363 230 346 230 c 0
+ 315 230 298 176 298 159 c 0
+ 298 142 305 134 321 131 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sixthai
+Encoding: 3670 3670 839
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339 376 m 0
+ 406 376 504 346 504 234 c 0
+ 504 87 360 -19 238 -19 c 0
+ 118.181 -19 85 51.8 85 99 c 0
+ 85 127 106 221 192 221 c 0
+ 219 221 236 199 236 170 c 0
+ 236 128 198.5 67 152 67 c 0
+ 146 67 139.225 68.4486 134 72 c 1
+ 139.217 58.9585 168.791 9 246 9 c 0
+ 362 9 429 147 429 230 c 0
+ 429 274.257 409.6 345 332 345 c 0
+ 282 345 233 328 189 292 c 1
+ 150 314 l 1
+ 172 349 190 394 190 445 c 0
+ 190 520 155 561 113 573 c 1
+ 121 590 l 1
+ 190 590 240 525 240 441 c 0
+ 240 405 231 369 217 344 c 1
+ 251 365 296 376 339 376 c 0
+158 96 m 0
+ 196 96 207 149 207 161 c 0
+ 207 174 203 193 184 193 c 0
+ 152 193 135 140 135 124 c 0
+ 135 108 142 99 158 96 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: seventhai
+Encoding: 3671 3671 840
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+272 -7 m 1
+ 301 36 380 150 380 267 c 0
+ 380 320 365 338 342 338 c 0
+ 315 338 286 310 257 255 c 1
+ 235 255 l 1
+ 236 263 237 272 237 280 c 0
+ 237 312 228 336 201 338 c 0
+ 113 338 67 126 67 72 c 0
+ 67 47 72 32 81 22 c 1
+ 79 30 78 37 78 44 c 0
+ 78 99 128 140 162 140 c 0
+ 189 140 207 119 207 88 c 0
+ 207 63 188 -14 112 -14 c 0
+ 47 -14 2 44 2 118 c 0
+ 2 225 92 377 210 378 c 0
+ 254.363 378 259 338.061 259 303 c 1
+ 272 336 312 375 355 376 c 0
+ 434 376 448 312 448 265 c 0
+ 448 162 382 71 353 35 c 1
+ 438 93 546 315 569 578 c 1
+ 597 573 l 1
+ 597 70.5617 364.2 -11 306 -11 c 0
+ 295 -11 284 -10 272 -7 c 1
+104 41 m 0
+ 104 19 122 13 131 13 c 0
+ 153 13 177 46 177 79 c 0
+ 177 105 164 112 154 112 c 0
+ 128 112 104 70 104 41 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eightthai
+Encoding: 3672 3672 841
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+256 369 m 0
+ 326 369 394 346 435 346 c 0
+ 545.266 346 597.805 497.378 607 574 c 1
+ 629 589 l 1
+ 616 407 548 286 418 286 c 0
+ 336 286 282 297 218 297 c 0
+ 122 297 68 194 68 126 c 0
+ 68 94 81 71 103 57 c 1
+ 111.506 96.3396 122 150 177 150 c 0
+ 222 150 289 26 350 26 c 0
+ 368 26 381 35 392 52 c 1
+ 388 50 382 49 378 49 c 0
+ 353 49 337 73 337 103 c 0
+ 337 144 374 203 420 203 c 0
+ 452 203 469 186 469 153 c 0
+ 469 115 442 -11 334 -11 c 0
+ 272 -11 211 71 174 73 c 0
+ 132 73 126 14 126 2 c 0
+ 126 -4 126 -9 129 -16 c 1
+ 57 -6 16 46 16 121 c 0
+ 16 251.225 119.025 369 256 369 c 0
+364 105 m 0
+ 364 88 376 77 391 77 c 0
+ 411 77 435 110 435 142 c 0
+ 435 157 431 176 414 176 c 0
+ 385 176 364 131 364 105 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ninethai
+Encoding: 3673 3673 842
+Width: 624
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+472 352 m 0
+ 536.508 352 602 500 602 572 c 1
+ 626 588 l 1
+ 626 433 571.313 297 453 297 c 0
+ 419.569 297 402 330 380 330 c 0
+ 355 330 340 289 340 254 c 0
+ 340 201 359 22 425 -10 c 1
+ 366 -10 l 17
+ 334 10 317 76 288 249 c 0
+ 278 306 258 336 225 336 c 0
+ 118.269 336 92 185.051 92 124 c 0
+ 92 103 98 31 147 14 c 1
+ 141 23 139 33 139 46 c 0
+ 139 87 173 148 223 148 c 0
+ 252 148 266 125 266 97 c 0
+ 266 58 240 -14 136 -14 c 0
+ 54 -14 12 34 12 132 c 0
+ 12 305.104 145.448 376 232 376 c 0
+ 284 376 304 357 314 314 c 1
+ 322 344 356 374 391 374 c 0
+ 430 374 441 352 472 352 c 0
+166 52 m 0
+ 166 28 184 23 193 23 c 0
+ 214 23 238 55 238 86 c 0
+ 238 99 233 121 216 121 c 0
+ 188 121 166 78 166 52 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angkhankhuthai
+Encoding: 3674 3674 843
+Width: 645
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+147 402 m 0
+ 172 402 195 444 195 471 c 0
+ 195 493 180 497 170 497 c 0
+ 133 497 125 440 125 430 c 0
+ 125 414 132 405 147 402 c 0
+608 518 m 1
+ 510 150 l 2
+ 498.981 108.374 509.351 125.75 395 -1 c 1
+ 316 -1 l 1
+ 350.744 41.5889 411.7 92.5557 421 126 c 2
+ 530 518 l 1
+ 608 518 l 1
+169 361 m 0
+ 259 361 257 531 379 531 c 0
+ 408 531 423 516 423 487 c 0
+ 423 476 421 463 417 447 c 2
+ 337 150 l 2
+ 327.554 109.855 336.345 125.744 222 -1 c 1
+ 143 -1 l 1
+ 177.744 41.5889 239.832 97.4118 248 126 c 2
+ 337 439 l 2
+ 337.627 441.206 338 443.652 338 446 c 0
+ 338 451.333 334 455 326 455 c 0
+ 299 455 270 324 158 324 c 0
+ 105 324 70 359 70 411 c 0
+ 70 474 113 527 180 527 c 0
+ 214.4 527 223 497.866 223 475 c 0
+ 223 416 176 374 140 374 c 0
+ 136 374 131.818 374.727 128 376 c 1
+ 138 366 153 361 169 361 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: khomutthai
+Encoding: 3675 3675 844
+Width: 872
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 81 m 0
+ 259 81 312 202 437 431 c 1
+ 445 431 l 1
+ 437 198 l 1
+ 529 393 l 1
+ 537 393 l 1
+ 534 206 l 1
+ 625 371 l 1
+ 629 222 l 1
+ 695 339 l 1
+ 712 260 l 2
+ 719 232 729 219 745 219 c 0
+ 763.011 219 771.624 229.506 808 259 c 1
+ 830 246 l 1
+ 789 214 779 194 732 191 c 0
+ 700 191 695 212 681 270 c 1
+ 608 144 l 1
+ 604 287 l 1
+ 511 113 l 1
+ 511 299 l 1
+ 416 98 l 1
+ 408 98 l 1
+ 416 339 l 1
+ 315 151 256 52 131 52 c 0
+ 32 52 7 136 7 192 c 0
+ 7 295 94 467 224 467 c 0
+ 286 467 321 430 321 368 c 0
+ 321 291 259 168 167 167 c 0
+ 120 167 108 213 108 239 c 0
+ 108 289 150 324 178 324 c 0
+ 204 324 210 297 210 279 c 0
+ 210 244.24 179.143 204 146 204 c 1
+ 149.375 201 153 195 177 195 c 0
+ 233 195 292 296 292 361 c 0
+ 292 407 266 438 217 438 c 0
+ 124 438 36 303 36 203 c 0
+ 36 151 58 81 140 81 c 0
+168 298 m 0
+ 147 298 132 264 132 244 c 0
+ 132 232 138 225 149 225 c 0
+ 172.898 225 184 256.499 184 275 c 0
+ 184 293 179 298 168 298 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E00
+Encoding: 7680 7680 845
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 -93 -747 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E01
+Encoding: 7681 7681 846
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 -135 -758 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Bdotaccent
+Encoding: 7682 7682 847
+Width: 591
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 83 183 0
+Refer: 34 66 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bdotaccent
+Encoding: 7683 7683 848
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 62 71 0
+Refer: 66 98 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E04
+Encoding: 7684 7684 849
+Width: 591
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -80 -686 0
+Refer: 34 66 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E05
+Encoding: 7685 7685 850
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -160 -686 0
+Refer: 66 98 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E06
+Encoding: 7686 7686 851
+Width: 591
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -57 -653 0
+Refer: 34 66 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E07
+Encoding: 7687 7687 852
+Width: 476
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -124 -653 0
+Refer: 66 98 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E08
+Encoding: 7688 7688 853
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 280 199 0
+Refer: 132 199 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E09
+Encoding: 7689 7689 854
+Width: 403
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 105 -13 0
+Refer: 164 231 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ddotaccent
+Encoding: 7690 7690 855
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 141 185 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ddotaccent
+Encoding: 7691 7691 856
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -45 55 0
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E0C
+Encoding: 7692 7692 857
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E0D
+Encoding: 7693 7693 858
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -110 -686 0
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E0E
+Encoding: 7694 7694 859
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 3 -653 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E0F
+Encoding: 7695 7695 860
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -65 -653 0
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E10
+Encoding: 7696 7696 861
+Width: 693
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+589 408 m 0
+ 589 495 557 623 374 623 c 0
+ 334 623 319.15 615.958 313 594 c 2
+ 192 162 l 2
+ 175.18 101.949 170 80 170 67 c 0
+ 170 41 189 30 235 30 c 0
+ 447 30 589 181 589 408 c 0
+230.375 1.77636e-15 m 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.6112 31.1068 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 202.96 557.011 207 581 207 596 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 408 653 l 2
+ 586 653 700 548 700 384 c 0
+ 700 174.29 528.446 9.82534 268.616 0.424443 c 1
+ 225 -65 l 1
+ 235 -63 242 -62 250 -62 c 0
+ 300 -62 332 -89 332 -130 c 0
+ 332 -180 282 -216 213 -216 c 0
+ 185 -216 162 -211 120 -195 c 1
+ 137 -166 l 1
+ 167 -177 184 -181 205 -181 c 0
+ 239 -181 258 -166 258 -140 c 0
+ 258 -114 239 -96 212 -96 c 0
+ 202 -96 194 -98 180 -103 c 1
+ 171 -95 l 1
+ 230.375 1.77636e-15 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E11
+Encoding: 7697 7697 862
+Width: 500
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+356 361 m 0
+ 356 410 328 418 307 418 c 0
+ 212 418 102 227 102 103 c 0
+ 102 64 126 37 160 37 c 0
+ 252 37 356 209 356 361 c 0
+463 111 m 1
+ 475 101 l 1
+ 423 28 371 -13 329 -13 c 0
+ 304 -13 287 5 287 32 c 0
+ 287 55 289 70 300 121 c 1
+ 244.767 39.7755 205.369 3.41348 156.082 -7.37752 c 1
+ 113 -72 l 1
+ 123 -70 130 -69 138 -69 c 0
+ 188 -69 220 -96 220 -137 c 0
+ 220 -187 170 -223 101 -223 c 0
+ 73 -223 50 -218 8 -202 c 1
+ 25 -173 l 1
+ 55 -184 72 -188 93 -188 c 0
+ 127 -188 146 -173 146 -147 c 0
+ 146 -121 127 -103 100 -103 c 0
+ 90 -103 82 -105 68 -110 c 1
+ 59 -102 l 1
+ 115.911 -10.9425 l 1
+ 53.3265 -9.16926 15 33.5011 15 103 c 0
+ 15 253 177 441 307 441 c 0
+ 346 441 364 425 372 383 c 1
+ 416 547 l 2
+ 429.704 598.08 431 604 431 617 c 0
+ 431 638 424 641 369 643 c 1
+ 369 660 l 1
+ 433 666 469 672 522 683 c 1
+ 527 678 l 1
+ 476 478 455 398 428 306 c 0
+ 395.66 195.804 363 74 363 60 c 0
+ 363 49 371 40 381 40 c 0
+ 398 40 409 49 463 111 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E12
+Encoding: 7698 7698 863
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -22 -693 0
+Refer: 36 68 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E13
+Encoding: 7699 7699 864
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -110 -706 0
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E14
+Encoding: 7700 7700 865
+Width: 577
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+506.484 729 m 1
+ 466.484 729 l 1
+ 353.719 826 l 2
+ 347.374 831.904 339.693 841.076 339.693 853.918 c 0
+ 339.693 858.477 340.661 863.498 343 869 c 0
+ 343.85 871 357.178 900 388.178 900 c 0
+ 391.178 900 l 0
+ 405.178 900 409.752 899 422.4 877 c 2
+ 506.484 729 l 1
+249 28.0498 m 0
+ 438 28.0498 477 66.2998 545 144.5 c 1
+ 561 137.7 l 1
+ 499 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 13.5996 l 1
+ 48 22.0996 57 28.0498 73 76.5 c 2
+ 196 452.2 l 2
+ 201 467.5 207 497.25 207 506.6 c 0
+ 207 529.55 192 536.35 130 541.45 c 1
+ 130 555.05 l 1
+ 627 555.05 l 1
+ 596 425 l 1
+ 575 426.7 l 1
+ 576 441.15 577 453.9 577 464.95 c 0
+ 577 515.95 542 527 385 527 c 0
+ 329 527 318 523.6 312 504.9 c 2
+ 246 306.85 l 1
+ 281 307.7 313 308.55 325 308.55 c 0
+ 416 311.95 425 317.05 463 389.3 c 1
+ 481 385.9 l 1
+ 413 188.7 l 1
+ 393 192.95 l 1
+ 398 211.65 400 222.7 400 237.15 c 0
+ 400 265.2 387 276.25 323 276.25 c 2
+ 315 276.25 l 2
+ 303 276.25 272 277.1 237 278.8 c 1
+ 182 101.15 169 96.0498 169 56.9502 c 0
+ 169 36.5498 193 28.0498 249 28.0498 c 0
+585 676 m 1
+ 574 625 l 1
+ 273 625 l 1
+ 284 676 l 1
+ 585 676 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E15
+Encoding: 7701 7701 866
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 79 131 0
+Refer: 208 275 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E16
+Encoding: 7702 7702 867
+Width: 577
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364 730 m 1
+ 526 890 l 2
+ 533 896 541 900 551 900 c 0
+ 571 900 587 884 587 864 c 0
+ 587 852 582 843 570 836 c 2
+ 399 730 l 1
+ 364 730 l 1
+585 676 m 1
+ 574 625 l 1
+ 273 625 l 1
+ 284 676 l 1
+ 585 676 l 1
+249 28.0498 m 0
+ 438 28.0498 477 66.2998 545 144.5 c 1
+ 561 137.7 l 1
+ 499 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 13.5996 l 1
+ 48 22.0996 57 28.0498 73 76.5 c 2
+ 196 452.2 l 2
+ 201 467.5 207 497.25 207 506.6 c 0
+ 207 529.55 192 536.35 130 541.45 c 1
+ 130 555.05 l 1
+ 627 555.05 l 1
+ 596 425 l 1
+ 575 426.7 l 1
+ 576 441.15 577 453.9 577 464.95 c 0
+ 577 515.95 542 527 385 527 c 0
+ 329 527 318 523.6 312 504.9 c 2
+ 246 306.85 l 1
+ 281 307.7 313 308.55 325 308.55 c 0
+ 416 311.95 425 317.05 463 389.3 c 1
+ 481 385.9 l 1
+ 413 188.7 l 1
+ 393 192.95 l 1
+ 398 211.65 400 222.7 400 237.15 c 0
+ 400 265.2 387 276.25 323 276.25 c 2
+ 315 276.25 l 2
+ 303 276.25 272 277.1 237 278.8 c 1
+ 182 101.15 169 96.0498 169 56.9502 c 0
+ 169 36.5498 193 28.0498 249 28.0498 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E17
+Encoding: 7703 7703 868
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 149 129 0
+Refer: 208 275 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E18
+Encoding: 7704 7704 869
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -84 -693 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E19
+Encoding: 7705 7705 870
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -186 -704 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E1A
+Encoding: 7706 7706 871
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -80 -664 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E1B
+Encoding: 7707 7707 872
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -170 -675 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E1C
+Encoding: 7708 7708 873
+Width: 577
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 100 201 0
+Refer: 388 552 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E1D
+Encoding: 7709 7709 874
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -22 -11 0
+Refer: 389 553 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Fdotaccent
+Encoding: 7710 7710 875
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 105 185 0
+Refer: 38 70 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fdotaccent
+Encoding: 7711 7711 876
+Width: 424
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 32 215 0
+Refer: 70 102 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E20
+Encoding: 7712 7712 877
+Width: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 218 173 0
+Refer: 39 71 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gmacron
+Encoding: 7713 7713 878
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 43 -4 0
+Refer: 71 103 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Hdotaccent
+Encoding: 7714 7714 879
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 162 185 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hdotaccent
+Encoding: 7715 7715 880
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 82 215 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E24
+Encoding: 7716 7716 881
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -686 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E25
+Encoding: 7717 7717 882
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -160 -686 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E26
+Encoding: 7718 7718 883
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 224 185 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E27
+Encoding: 7719 7719 884
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 147 215 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E28
+Encoding: 7720 7720 885
+Width: 697
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+767 653 m 1
+ 767 637 l 1
+ 710 627 701 621 685 563 c 2
+ 553 82 l 2
+ 551 74 550 68 550 58 c 0
+ 550 30 564 22 628 16 c 1
+ 628 0 l 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 355 16 l 1
+ 420 23 442 38 456 90 c 2
+ 521 326 l 1
+ 236 326 l 1
+ 170 82 l 2
+ 168 75 167 67 167 60 c 0
+ 167 31 178 24 238 16 c 1
+ 238 0 l 1
+ 194 -64 l 1
+ 204 -62 211 -61 219 -61 c 0
+ 269 -61 301 -88 301 -129 c 0
+ 301 -179 251 -215 182 -215 c 0
+ 154 -215 131 -210 89 -194 c 1
+ 106 -165 l 1
+ 136 -176 153 -180 174 -180 c 0
+ 208 -180 227 -165 227 -139 c 0
+ 227 -113 208 -95 181 -95 c 0
+ 171 -95 163 -97 149 -102 c 1
+ 140 -94 l 1
+ 199 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 31 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 343 633 316 614 302 563 c 2
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 579 532 l 2
+ 586 557 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E29
+Encoding: 7721 7721 886
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+448 374 m 0
+ 448 316 367 92 367 56 c 0
+ 367 47 374 38 383 38 c 0
+ 399 38 411 49 465 117 c 1
+ 478 105 l 1
+ 418 18 383 -9 332 -9 c 0
+ 305 -9 288 7 288 33 c 0
+ 288 45 295 76 308 125 c 2
+ 363 332 l 2
+ 367 348 370 361 370 365 c 0
+ 370 378 357 390 342 390 c 0
+ 307 390 239 328 187 249 c 0
+ 147 188 134 154 94 0 c 1
+ 51 -62 l 1
+ 61 -60 68 -59 76 -59 c 0
+ 126 -59 158 -86 158 -127 c 0
+ 158 -177 108 -213 39 -213 c 0
+ 11 -213 -12 -208 -54 -192 c 1
+ -37 -163 l 1
+ -7 -174 10 -178 31 -178 c 0
+ 65 -178 84 -163 84 -137 c 0
+ 84 -111 65 -93 38 -93 c 0
+ 28 -93 20 -95 6 -100 c 1
+ -3 -92 l 1
+ 54 0 l 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 154 512 l 2
+ 171 573 178 596 178 617 c 0
+ 178 629 160 643 146 643 c 0
+ 139 643 141 641 137 641 c 2
+ 111 641 l 1
+ 111 656 l 1
+ 171 663 210 670 268 683 c 1
+ 273 678 l 1
+ 153 230 l 1
+ 246 375 317 441 382 441 c 0
+ 421 441 448 414 448 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E2A
+Encoding: 7722 7722 887
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -63 -693 0
+Refer: 40 72 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2B
+Encoding: 7723 7723 888
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -158 -702 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2C
+Encoding: 7724 7724 889
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -229 -664 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2D
+Encoding: 7725 7725 890
+Width: 246
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -232 -675 0
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E2E
+Encoding: 7726 7726 891
+Width: 314
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 730 m 1
+ 399 890 l 2
+ 406 896 414 900 424 900 c 0
+ 444 900 460 884 460 864 c 0
+ 460 852 455 843 443 836 c 2
+ 272 730 l 1
+ 237 730 l 1
+184 713 m 0
+ 209 713 232 689 232 664 c 0
+ 232 637 210 615 183 615 c 0
+ 156 615 134 637 134 665 c 0
+ 134 691 156 713 184 713 c 0
+384 713 m 0
+ 409 713 432 689 432 664 c 0
+ 432 637 410 615 383 615 c 0
+ 356 615 334 637 334 665 c 0
+ 334 691 356 713 384 713 c 0
+-8 0 m 1
+ -8 13.5996 l 1
+ 48 22.0996 57 26.3496 73 76.5 c 2
+ 196 452.2 l 2
+ 203 473.45 207 493 207 504.9 c 0
+ 207 528.7 195 535.5 137 541.45 c 1
+ 137 555.05 l 1
+ 384 555.05 l 1
+ 384 541.45 l 1
+ 327 532.95 318 528.7 302 478.55 c 2
+ 179 102 l 2
+ 170 74.7998 168 64.5996 168 48.4502 c 0
+ 168 24.6504 179 19.5498 236 13.5996 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E2F
+Encoding: 7727 7727 892
+Width: 278
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 39 152 0
+Refer: 172 239 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E30
+Encoding: 7728 7728 893
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 275 199 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E31
+Encoding: 7729 7729 894
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 170 229 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E32
+Encoding: 7730 7730 895
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E33
+Encoding: 7731 7731 896
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -157 -657 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E34
+Encoding: 7732 7732 897
+Width: 641
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 4 -623 0
+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E35
+Encoding: 7733 7733 898
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -83 -634 0
+Refer: 75 107 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E36
+Encoding: 7734 7734 899
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E37
+Encoding: 7735 7735 900
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -250 -686 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E38
+Encoding: 7736 7736 901
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 174 161 0
+Refer: 899 7734 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E39
+Encoding: 7737 7737 902
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 26 191 0
+Refer: 900 7735 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3A
+Encoding: 7738 7738 903
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -50 -653 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3B
+Encoding: 7739 7739 904
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -177 -653 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3C
+Encoding: 7740 7740 905
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -83 -693 0
+Refer: 44 76 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3D
+Encoding: 7741 7741 906
+Width: 251
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 -224 -704 0
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3E
+Encoding: 7742 7742 907
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 342 199 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E3F
+Encoding: 7743 7743 908
+Width: 725
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 265 -8 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Mdotaccent
+Encoding: 7744 7744 909
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 204 185 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: mdotaccent
+Encoding: 7745 7745 910
+Width: 725
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 130 -27 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E42
+Encoding: 7746 7746 911
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -34 -686 0
+Refer: 45 77 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E43
+Encoding: 7747 7747 912
+Width: 725
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -686 0
+Refer: 77 109 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E44
+Encoding: 7748 7748 913
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 132 185 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E45
+Encoding: 7749 7749 914
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 6 -27 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E46
+Encoding: 7750 7750 915
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -80 -686 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E47
+Encoding: 7751 7751 916
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -150 -686 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E48
+Encoding: 7752 7752 917
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -35 -653 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E49
+Encoding: 7753 7753 918
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -93 -653 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4A
+Encoding: 7754 7754 919
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -88 -708 0
+Refer: 46 78 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4B
+Encoding: 7755 7755 920
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -151 -702 0
+Refer: 78 110 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4C
+Encoding: 7756 7756 921
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+456 730 m 1
+ 618 890 l 2
+ 625 896 633 900 643 900 c 0
+ 663 900 679 884 679 864 c 0
+ 679 852 674 843 662 836 c 2
+ 491 730 l 1
+ 456 730 l 1
+643.121 704 m 1
+ 672.121 704 l 1
+ 618.812 628 577.059 598 522.059 598 c 0
+ 497.059 598 483.76 602 451.262 622 c 2
+ 432.938 633 l 2
+ 420.914 640 408.613 644 396.613 644 c 0
+ 373.613 644 350.238 629 326.059 598 c 1
+ 297.059 598 l 1
+ 339.691 663 390.996 699 440.996 699 c 0
+ 462.996 699 485.445 693 503.344 681 c 2
+ 522.242 669 l 2
+ 537.416 660 553.865 654 568.865 654 c 0
+ 591.865 654 609.967 666 643.121 704 c 1
+37 187.85 m 0
+ 37 396.95 276 566.1 451 566.1 c 0
+ 580 566.1 676 481.1 676 367.2 c 0
+ 676 207.4 502 -15.2998 255 -15.2998 c 0
+ 128 -15.2998 37 68.8496 37 187.85 c 0
+272 12.75 m 0
+ 451 12.75 571 260.1 571 408.85 c 0
+ 571 488.75 521 538.05 442 538.05 c 0
+ 369 538.05 308 505.75 252 436.9 c 0
+ 192 362.95 142 236.3 142 156.4 c 0
+ 142 64.5996 188 12.75 272 12.75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E4D
+Encoding: 7757 7757 922
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 217 170 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4E
+Encoding: 7758 7758 923
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 145 168 0
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 243 293 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E4F
+Encoding: 7759 7759 924
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 128 156 0
+Refer: 178 245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E50
+Encoding: 7760 7760 925
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+37 187.85 m 0
+ 37 396.95 276 566.1 451 566.1 c 0
+ 580 566.1 676 481.1 676 367.2 c 0
+ 676 207.4 502 -15.2998 255 -15.2998 c 0
+ 128 -15.2998 37 68.8496 37 187.85 c 0
+272 12.75 m 0
+ 451 12.75 571 260.1 571 408.85 c 0
+ 571 488.75 521 538.05 442 538.05 c 0
+ 369 538.05 308 505.75 252 436.9 c 0
+ 192 362.95 142 236.3 142 156.4 c 0
+ 142 64.5996 188 12.75 272 12.75 c 0
+523.484 729 m 1
+ 483.484 729 l 1
+ 370.719 826 l 2
+ 364.374 831.904 356.693 841.076 356.693 853.918 c 0
+ 356.693 858.477 357.661 863.498 360 869 c 0
+ 360.85 871 374.178 900 405.178 900 c 0
+ 408.178 900 l 0
+ 422.178 900 426.752 899 439.4 877 c 2
+ 523.484 729 l 1
+623 678 m 1
+ 612 627 l 1
+ 311 627 l 1
+ 322 678 l 1
+ 623 678 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E51
+Encoding: 7761 7761 926
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 134 131 0
+Refer: 266 333 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E52
+Encoding: 7762 7762 927
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+387 720 m 1
+ 549 880 l 2
+ 556 886 564 890 574 890 c 0
+ 594 890 610 874 610 854 c 0
+ 610 842 605 833 593 826 c 2
+ 422 720 l 1
+ 387 720 l 1
+623 675 m 1
+ 612 624 l 1
+ 311 624 l 1
+ 322 675 l 1
+ 623 675 l 1
+37 187.85 m 0
+ 37 396.95 276 566.1 451 566.1 c 0
+ 580 566.1 676 481.1 676 367.2 c 0
+ 676 207.4 502 -15.2998 255 -15.2998 c 0
+ 128 -15.2998 37 68.8496 37 187.85 c 0
+272 12.75 m 0
+ 451 12.75 571 260.1 571 408.85 c 0
+ 571 488.75 521 538.05 442 538.05 c 0
+ 369 538.05 308 505.75 252 436.9 c 0
+ 192 362.95 142 236.3 142 156.4 c 0
+ 142 64.5996 188 12.75 272 12.75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E53
+Encoding: 7763 7763 928
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 167 129 0
+Refer: 266 333 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E54
+Encoding: 7764 7764 929
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 206 199 0
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E55
+Encoding: 7765 7765 930
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 99 -13 0
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Pdotaccent
+Encoding: 7766 7766 931
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 88 185 0
+Refer: 48 80 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pdotaccent
+Encoding: 7767 7767 932
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 23 -27 0
+Refer: 80 112 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E58
+Encoding: 7768 7768 933
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 87 185 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E59
+Encoding: 7769 7769 934
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -17 -27 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5A
+Encoding: 7770 7770 935
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5B
+Encoding: 7771 7771 936
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -170 -686 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5C
+Encoding: 7772 7772 937
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 168 173 0
+Refer: 935 7770 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5D
+Encoding: 7773 7773 938
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 19 -37 0
+Refer: 936 7771 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5E
+Encoding: 7774 7774 939
+Width: 616
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -21 -653 0
+Refer: 50 82 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E5F
+Encoding: 7775 7775 940
+Width: 366
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -147 -653 0
+Refer: 82 114 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sdotaccent
+Encoding: 7776 7776 941
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 42 185 0
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sdotaccent
+Encoding: 7777 7777 942
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -60 -27 0
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Sdotbelow
+Encoding: 7778 7778 943
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -134 -686 0
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sdotbelow
+Encoding: 7779 7779 944
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -201 -686 0
+Refer: 83 115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E64
+Encoding: 7780 7780 945
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364.21 900 m 0
+ 388.713 900 407.644 882.386 407.644 859.891 c 0
+ 407.644 831.649 379.709 801 345.167 801 c 0
+ 321.909 801 306.573 817.325 306.573 839.747 c 0
+ 306.573 874.328 339.183 900 364.21 900 c 0
+257 629 m 1
+ 419 789 l 2
+ 426 795 434 799 444 799 c 0
+ 464 799 480 783 480 763 c 0
+ 480 751 475 742 463 735 c 2
+ 292 629 l 1
+ 257 629 l 1
+302 566.1 m 0
+ 373 566.1 404 544.85 433 544.85 c 0
+ 455 544.85 464 549.1 478 566.95 c 1
+ 501 566.95 l 1
+ 461 397.8 l 1
+ 443 400.35 l 1
+ 440 476.85 422 538.05 322 538.05 c 0
+ 254 538.05 212 504.9 212 451.35 c 0
+ 212 409.7 221 397.8 311 320.45 c 0
+ 401 243.1 424 209.95 424 154.7 c 0
+ 424 58.6504 337 -15.2998 222 -15.2998 c 0
+ 155 -15.2998 100 15.2998 66 15.2998 c 0
+ 46 15.2998 35 6.7998 28 -12.75 c 1
+ 10 -12.75 l 1
+ 44 176.8 l 1
+ 64 175.1 l 1
+ 63 169.15 62 162.35 62 155.55 c 0
+ 62 74.7998 125 14.4502 208 14.4502 c 0
+ 281 14.4502 337 63.75 337 127.5 c 0
+ 337 238.85 124 297.5 124 424.15 c 0
+ 124 507.45 198 566.1 302 566.1 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E65
+Encoding: 7781 7781 946
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -26 131 0
+Refer: 280 347 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E66
+Encoding: 7782 7782 947
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+399.21 900 m 0
+ 423.713 900 440.644 882.386 440.644 859.891 c 0
+ 440.644 831.649 412.709 801 378.167 801 c 0
+ 354.909 801 339.573 817.325 339.573 839.747 c 0
+ 339.573 874.328 374.183 900 399.21 900 c 0
+541.263 802 m 1
+ 380.767 635 l 1
+ 318.767 635 l 1
+ 230.263 802 l 1
+ 264.263 802 l 1
+ 363.37 699 l 1
+ 507.263 802 l 1
+ 541.263 802 l 1
+302 566.1 m 0
+ 373 566.1 404 544.85 433 544.85 c 0
+ 455 544.85 464 549.1 478 566.95 c 1
+ 501 566.95 l 1
+ 461 397.8 l 1
+ 443 400.35 l 1
+ 440 476.85 422 538.05 322 538.05 c 0
+ 254 538.05 212 504.9 212 451.35 c 0
+ 212 409.7 221 397.8 311 320.45 c 0
+ 401 243.1 424 209.95 424 154.7 c 0
+ 424 58.6504 337 -15.2998 222 -15.2998 c 0
+ 155 -15.2998 100 15.2998 66 15.2998 c 0
+ 46 15.2998 35 6.7998 28 -12.75 c 1
+ 10 -12.75 l 1
+ 44 176.8 l 1
+ 64 175.1 l 1
+ 63 169.15 62 162.35 62 155.55 c 0
+ 62 74.7998 125 14.4502 208 14.4502 c 0
+ 281 14.4502 337 63.75 337 127.5 c 0
+ 337 238.85 124 297.5 124 424.15 c 0
+ 124 507.45 198 566.1 302 566.1 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E67
+Encoding: 7783 7783 948
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -9 149 0
+Refer: 286 353 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E68
+Encoding: 7784 7784 949
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 30 185 0
+Refer: 943 7778 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E69
+Encoding: 7785 7785 950
+Width: 345
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -27 0
+Refer: 944 7779 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tdotaccent
+Encoding: 7786 7786 951
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 97 185 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tdotaccent
+Encoding: 7787 7787 952
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -61 78 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Tdotbelow
+Encoding: 7788 7788 953
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -120 -686 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tdotbelow
+Encoding: 7789 7789 954
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -270 -686 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E6E
+Encoding: 7790 7790 955
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -35 -653 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E6F
+Encoding: 7791 7791 956
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -173 -653 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E70
+Encoding: 7792 7792 957
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -115 -693 0
+Refer: 52 84 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E71
+Encoding: 7793 7793 958
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -244 -704 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E72
+Encoding: 7794 7794 959
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 27 -664 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E73
+Encoding: 7795 7795 960
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 -80 -657 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E74
+Encoding: 7796 7796 961
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -57 -682 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E75
+Encoding: 7797 7797 962
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -148 -675 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E76
+Encoding: 7798 7798 963
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -51 -711 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E77
+Encoding: 7799 7799 964
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -157 -704 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E78
+Encoding: 7800 7800 965
+Width: 698
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+442 730 m 1
+ 604 890 l 2
+ 611 896 619 900 629 900 c 0
+ 649 900 665 884 665 864 c 0
+ 665 852 660 843 648 836 c 2
+ 477 730 l 1
+ 442 730 l 1
+614.121 714 m 1
+ 643.121 714 l 1
+ 589.812 638 548.059 608 493.059 608 c 0
+ 468.059 608 454.76 612 422.262 632 c 2
+ 403.938 643 l 2
+ 391.914 650 379.613 654 367.613 654 c 0
+ 344.613 654 321.238 639 297.059 608 c 1
+ 268.059 608 l 1
+ 310.691 673 361.996 709 411.996 709 c 0
+ 433.996 709 456.445 703 474.344 691 c 2
+ 493.242 679 l 2
+ 508.416 670 524.865 664 539.865 664 c 0
+ 562.865 664 580.967 676 614.121 714 c 1
+612 502.35 m 0
+ 612 532.1 584 538.05 541 541.45 c 1
+ 541 555.05 l 1
+ 740 555.05 l 1
+ 740 541.45 l 1
+ 678 529.55 674 525.3 636 414.8 c 2
+ 553 172.55 l 2
+ 509 45.0498 426 -15.2998 295 -15.2998 c 0
+ 169 -15.2998 77 43.3496 77 124.95 c 0
+ 77 158.95 90 213.35 120 305.15 c 2
+ 173 468.35 l 2
+ 177 482.8 180 496.4 180 506.6 c 0
+ 180 531.25 169 536.35 102 541.45 c 1
+ 102 555.05 l 1
+ 375 555.05 l 1
+ 375 541.45 l 1
+ 282 532.95 282 497.25 265 447.95 c 0
+ 198 251.6 167 148.75 167 119.85 c 0
+ 167 60.3496 224 19.5498 307 19.5498 c 0
+ 489 19.5498 519 205.7 538 258.4 c 0
+ 586 402.05 612 488.75 612 502.35 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E79
+Encoding: 7801 7801 966
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 177 144 0
+Refer: 294 361 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7A
+Encoding: 7802 7802 967
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 235 170 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 259 293 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7B
+Encoding: 7803 7803 968
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 77 -51 0
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 105 63 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7C
+Encoding: 7804 7804 969
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 96 176 0
+Refer: 54 86 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7D
+Encoding: 7805 7805 970
+Width: 456
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -39 -36 0
+Refer: 86 118 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7E
+Encoding: 7806 7806 971
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -686 0
+Refer: 54 86 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E7F
+Encoding: 7807 7807 972
+Width: 456
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -170 -686 0
+Refer: 86 118 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wgrave
+Encoding: 7808 7808 973
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 305 201 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wgrave
+Encoding: 7809 7809 974
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 187 0 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wacute
+Encoding: 7810 7810 975
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 338 199 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wacute
+Encoding: 7811 7811 976
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 256 -13 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Wdieresis
+Encoding: 7812 7812 977
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 290 185 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wdieresis
+Encoding: 7813 7813 978
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 172 -27 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E86
+Encoding: 7814 7814 979
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 230 185 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E87
+Encoding: 7815 7815 980
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 112 -27 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E88
+Encoding: 7816 7816 981
+Width: 888
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 80 -686 0
+Refer: 55 87 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E89
+Encoding: 7817 7817 982
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -30 -686 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8A
+Encoding: 7818 7818 983
+Width: 665
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 124 185 0
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8B
+Encoding: 7819 7819 984
+Width: 435
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -15 -27 0
+Refer: 88 120 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8C
+Encoding: 7820 7820 985
+Width: 665
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 177 185 0
+Refer: 56 88 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8D
+Encoding: 7821 7821 986
+Width: 435
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 33 -27 0
+Refer: 88 120 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8E
+Encoding: 7822 7822 987
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 94 185 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E8F
+Encoding: 7823 7823 988
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 1 -27 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E90
+Encoding: 7824 7824 989
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 70 201 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E91
+Encoding: 7825 7825 990
+Width: 389
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -45 -11 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E92
+Encoding: 7826 7826 991
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E93
+Encoding: 7827 7827 992
+Width: 389
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -162 -727 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E94
+Encoding: 7828 7828 993
+Width: 563
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -37 -653 0
+Refer: 58 90 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E95
+Encoding: 7829 7829 994
+Width: 389
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -125 -704 0
+Refer: 90 122 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E96
+Encoding: 7830 7830 995
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 -97 -653 0
+Refer: 72 104 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E97
+Encoding: 7831 7831 996
+Width: 238
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 -8 78 0
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E98
+Encoding: 7832 7832 997
+Width: 683
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 119 -27 0
+Refer: 87 119 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E99
+Encoding: 7833 7833 998
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 405 730 S 1 0 0 1 1 -27 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1E9B
+Encoding: 7835 7835 999
+Width: 383
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 61 215 0
+Refer: 316 383 N 1 0 0 1 29 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Adotbelow
+Encoding: 7840 7840 1000
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 381 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 S 1 0 0 1 -70 -686 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: adotbelow
+Encoding: 7841 7841 1001
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 302 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -141 -686 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ahookabove
+Encoding: 7842 7842 1002
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 365 189 0
+Refer: 33 65 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ahookabove
+Encoding: 7843 7843 1003
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 289 -29 0
+Refer: 65 97 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Acircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7844 7844 1004
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 472 236 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: acircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7845 7845 1005
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 346 133 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: Acircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7846 7846 1006
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -48 213 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: acircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7847 7847 1007
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -43 138 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: Acircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7848 7848 1008
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 594 207 0
+Refer: 127 194 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: acircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7849 7849 1009
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 517 -5 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: Acircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7850 7850 1010
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+645.121 900 m 1
+ 674.121 900 l 1
+ 620.812 824 579.059 794 524.059 794 c 0
+ 499.059 794 485.76 798 453.262 818 c 2
+ 434.938 829 l 2
+ 422.914 836 410.613 840 398.613 840 c 0
+ 375.613 840 352.238 825 328.059 794 c 1
+ 299.059 794 l 1
+ 341.691 859 392.996 895 442.996 895 c 0
+ 464.996 895 487.445 889 505.344 877 c 2
+ 524.242 865 l 2
+ 539.416 856 555.865 850 570.865 850 c 0
+ 593.865 850 611.967 862 645.121 900 c 1
+565.767 581 m 1
+ 531.767 581 l 1
+ 431.659 684 l 1
+ 288.767 581 l 1
+ 254.767 581 l 1
+ 414.263 748 l 1
+ 476.263 748 l 1
+ 565.767 581 l 1
+597 13.5996 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 13.5996 l 1
+ 415 18.7002 429 26.3496 429 58.6504 c 0
+ 429 65.4502 428 73.0996 427 80.75 c 2
+ 407 192.1 l 1
+ 187 192.1 l 1
+ 130 96.0498 l 2
+ 113 67.1504 110 59.5 110 43.3496 c 0
+ 110 22.0996 118 17.8496 169 13.5996 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 13.5996 l 1
+ 22 20.4004 33 28.9004 111 142.8 c 2
+ 401 567.8 l 1
+ 427 567.8 l 1
+ 521 86.7002 l 2
+ 534 24.6504 540 17.8496 597 13.5996 c 1
+208 222.7 m 1
+ 402 222.7 l 1
+ 358 443.7 l 1
+ 208 222.7 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Acircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: acircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7851 7851 1011
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 40 176 0
+Refer: 159 226 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" acircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: Acircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7852 7852 1012
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 96 201 0
+Refer: 1000 7840 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7853 7853 1013
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 18 -11 0
+Refer: 1001 7841 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Abreveacute
+Encoding: 7854 7854 1014
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+401 730 m 1
+ 563 890 l 2
+ 570 896 578 900 588 900 c 0
+ 608 900 624 884 624 864 c 0
+ 624 852 619 843 607 836 c 2
+ 436 730 l 1
+ 401 730 l 1
+576 751 m 1
+ 605 751 l 1
+ 571 645 514 594 430 594 c 0
+ 377 594 319 615 319 703 c 0
+ 319 717 321 733 324 751 c 1
+ 353 751 l 1
+ 353 684 380 654 445 654 c 0
+ 503 654 532 675 576 751 c 1
+597 14 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 14 l 1
+ 415 19 429 26 429 59 c 0
+ 429 65 428 73 427 81 c 2
+ 407 192 l 1
+ 187 192 l 1
+ 130 96 l 2
+ 113 67 110 60 110 43 c 0
+ 110 22 118 18 169 14 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 14 l 1
+ 22 20 33 29 111 143 c 2
+ 401 568 l 1
+ 427 568 l 1
+ 521 87 l 2
+ 534 25 540 18 597 14 c 1
+208 223 m 1
+ 402 223 l 1
+ 358 444 l 1
+ 208 223 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve acutecomb
+StartChar: abreveacute
+Encoding: 7855 7855 1015
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 192 136 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve acutecomb
+StartChar: Abrevegrave
+Encoding: 7856 7856 1016
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+575 745 m 1
+ 604 745 l 1
+ 569 639 513 588 429 588 c 0
+ 377 588 318 610 318 697 c 0
+ 318 711 320 727 323 745 c 1
+ 352 745 l 1
+ 352 678 380 648 444 648 c 0
+ 502 648 531 669 575 745 c 1
+498 729 m 1
+ 458 729 l 1
+ 346 826 l 2
+ 340 832 332 841 332 854 c 0
+ 332 874 353 900 378 900 c 0
+ 392 900 401 899 414 877 c 2
+ 498 729 l 1
+597 14 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 14 l 1
+ 415 19 429 27 429 59 c 0
+ 429 66 428 73 427 81 c 2
+ 407 192 l 1
+ 187 192 l 1
+ 130 96 l 2
+ 113 67 110 59 110 43 c 0
+ 110 22 118 18 169 14 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 14 l 1
+ 22 21 33 29 111 143 c 2
+ 401 568 l 1
+ 427 568 l 1
+ 521 87 l 2
+ 534 25 540 18 597 14 c 1
+208 223 m 1
+ 402 223 l 1
+ 358 444 l 1
+ 208 223 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve gravecomb
+StartChar: abrevegrave
+Encoding: 7857 7857 1017
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 100 132 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve gravecomb
+StartChar: Abrevehookabove
+Encoding: 7858 7858 1018
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+469.503 733 m 1
+ 435.503 733 l 1
+ 452.952 786.208 499.637 792.41 499.637 843.173 c 0
+ 499.637 859.676 491.099 870 472.623 870 c 0
+ 455.623 870 435.348 864 429.946 848 c 1
+ 436.002 842.357 440.896 837.364 440.896 827.783 c 0
+ 440.896 803.156 414.604 797 406.106 797 c 0
+ 393.344 797 386.246 810.031 386.246 822.542 c 0
+ 386.246 854.71 431.894 900 481 900 c 0
+ 514.648 900 553.305 886.67 553.305 844.042 c 0
+ 553.305 781.864 488.698 776.869 469.503 733 c 1
+576.138 773 m 1
+ 605.138 773 l 1
+ 570.605 667 513.767 616 429.767 616 c 0
+ 377.358 616 319.165 637.407 319.165 724.614 c 0
+ 319.165 738.909 320.728 754.973 324.138 773 c 1
+ 353.138 773 l 1
+ 353.138 706.455 380.423 676 444.52 676 c 0
+ 502.52 676 531.983 697 576.138 773 c 1
+597 13.5996 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 13.5996 l 1
+ 415 18.7002 429 26.3496 429 58.6504 c 0
+ 429 65.4502 428 73.0996 427 80.75 c 2
+ 407 192.1 l 1
+ 187 192.1 l 1
+ 130 96.0498 l 2
+ 113 67.1504 110 59.5 110 43.3496 c 0
+ 110 22.0996 118 17.8496 169 13.5996 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 13.5996 l 1
+ 22 20.4004 33 28.9004 111 142.8 c 2
+ 401 567.8 l 1
+ 427 567.8 l 1
+ 521 86.7002 l 2
+ 534 24.6504 540 17.8496 597 13.5996 c 1
+208 222.7 m 1
+ 402 222.7 l 1
+ 358 443.7 l 1
+ 208 222.7 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve hookabovecomb
+StartChar: abrevehookabove
+Encoding: 7859 7859 1019
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 324 122 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve hookabovecomb
+StartChar: Abrevetilde
+Encoding: 7860 7860 1020
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+632 900 m 1
+ 661 900 l 1
+ 608 824 566 794 511 794 c 0
+ 486 794 472 798 440 818 c 2
+ 422 829 l 2
+ 410 836 398 840 386 840 c 0
+ 363 840 339 825 315 794 c 1
+ 286 794 l 1
+ 329 859 380 895 430 895 c 0
+ 452 895 474 889 492 877 c 2
+ 511 865 l 2
+ 526 856 543 850 558 850 c 0
+ 581 850 599 862 632 900 c 1
+576 772 m 1
+ 605 772 l 1
+ 570 666 514 615 430 615 c 0
+ 378 615 319 637 319 724 c 0
+ 319 738 321 754 324 772 c 1
+ 353 772 l 1
+ 353 705 381 675 445 675 c 0
+ 503 675 532 696 576 772 c 1
+597 14 m 1
+ 597 0 l 1
+ 351 0 l 1
+ 351 14 l 1
+ 415 19 429 27 429 59 c 0
+ 429 66 428 73 427 81 c 2
+ 407 192 l 1
+ 187 192 l 1
+ 130 96 l 2
+ 113 67 110 59 110 43 c 0
+ 110 22 118 18 169 14 c 1
+ 169 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 14 l 1
+ 22 21 33 29 111 143 c 2
+ 401 568 l 1
+ 427 568 l 1
+ 521 87 l 2
+ 534 25 540 18 597 14 c 1
+208 223 m 1
+ 402 223 l 1
+ 358 444 l 1
+ 208 223 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Abreve tildecomb
+StartChar: abrevetilde
+Encoding: 7861 7861 1021
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 36 176 0
+Refer: 192 259 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" abreve tildecomb
+StartChar: Abrevedotbelow
+Encoding: 7862 7862 1022
+Width: 651
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 N 1 0 0 1 96 201 0
+Refer: 1000 7840 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: abrevedotbelow
+Encoding: 7863 7863 1023
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 11 -11 0
+Refer: 1001 7841 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Edotbelow
+Encoding: 7864 7864 1024
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 415 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 525 0 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: edotbelow
+Encoding: 7865 7865 1025
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 332 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 S 1 0 0 1 424 0 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ehookabove
+Encoding: 7866 7866 1026
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 412 174 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ehookabove
+Encoding: 7867 7867 1027
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 310 -38 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Etilde
+Encoding: 7868 7868 1028
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 117 176 0
+Refer: 37 69 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: etilde
+Encoding: 7869 7869 1029
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -29 -36 0
+Refer: 69 101 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ecircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7870 7870 1030
+Width: 611
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 492 234 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: ecircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7871 7871 1031
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 314 136 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: Ecircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7872 7872 1032
+Width: 611
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -41 215 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: ecircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7873 7873 1033
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -49 137 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: Ecircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7874 7874 1034
+Width: 611
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 620 212 0
+Refer: 135 202 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: ecircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7875 7875 1035
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 489 13 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: Ecircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7876 7876 1036
+Width: 611
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+632.121 900 m 1
+ 661.121 900 l 1
+ 607.812 824 566.059 794 511.059 794 c 0
+ 486.059 794 472.76 798 440.262 818 c 2
+ 421.938 829 l 2
+ 409.914 836 397.613 840 385.613 840 c 0
+ 362.613 840 339.238 825 315.059 794 c 1
+ 286.059 794 l 1
+ 328.691 859 379.996 895 429.996 895 c 0
+ 451.996 895 474.445 889 492.344 877 c 2
+ 511.242 865 l 2
+ 526.416 856 542.865 850 557.865 850 c 0
+ 580.865 850 598.967 862 632.121 900 c 1
+584.767 590 m 1
+ 550.767 590 l 1
+ 450.659 693 l 1
+ 307.767 590 l 1
+ 273.767 590 l 1
+ 433.263 757 l 1
+ 495.263 757 l 1
+ 584.767 590 l 1
+249 28.0498 m 0
+ 438 28.0498 477 66.2998 545 144.5 c 1
+ 561 137.7 l 1
+ 499 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 13.5996 l 1
+ 48 22.0996 57 28.0498 73 76.5 c 2
+ 196 452.2 l 2
+ 201 467.5 207 497.25 207 506.6 c 0
+ 207 529.55 192 536.35 130 541.45 c 1
+ 130 555.05 l 1
+ 627 555.05 l 1
+ 596 425 l 1
+ 575 426.7 l 1
+ 576 441.15 577 453.9 577 464.95 c 0
+ 577 515.95 542 527 385 527 c 0
+ 329 527 318 523.6 312 504.9 c 2
+ 246 306.85 l 1
+ 281 307.7 313 308.55 325 308.55 c 0
+ 416 311.95 425 317.05 463 389.3 c 1
+ 481 385.9 l 1
+ 413 188.7 l 1
+ 393 192.95 l 1
+ 398 211.65 400 222.7 400 237.15 c 0
+ 400 265.2 387 276.25 323 276.25 c 2
+ 315 276.25 l 2
+ 303 276.25 272 277.1 237 278.8 c 1
+ 182 101.15 169 96.0498 169 56.9502 c 0
+ 169 36.5498 193 28.0498 249 28.0498 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ecircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: ecircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7877 7877 1037
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 27 176 0
+Refer: 167 234 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ecircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: Ecircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7878 7878 1038
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 123 224 0
+Refer: 1024 7864 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ecircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7879 7879 1039
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 2 -11 0
+Refer: 1025 7865 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ihookabove
+Encoding: 7880 7880 1040
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 261 171 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ihookabove
+Encoding: 7881 7881 1041
+Width: 278
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 174 -28 0
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Latin - i-subtable" i hookabovecomb
+StartChar: Idotbelow
+Encoding: 7882 7882 1042
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 275 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -250 -686 0
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: idotbelow
+Encoding: 7883 7883 1043
+Width: 246
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 219 650 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -260 -686 0
+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Odotbelow
+Encoding: 7884 7884 1044
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 475 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 S 1 0 0 1 505 0 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: odotbelow
+Encoding: 7885 7885 1045
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 332 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 407 0 2
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohookabove
+Encoding: 7886 7886 1046
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 437 183 0
+Refer: 47 79 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohookabove
+Encoding: 7887 7887 1047
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 310 -32 0
+Refer: 79 111 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ocircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7888 7888 1048
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 521 236 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: ocircumflexacute
+Encoding: 7889 7889 1049
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 366 134 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex acutecomb
+StartChar: Ocircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7890 7890 1050
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 7 214 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: ocircumflexgrave
+Encoding: 7891 7891 1051
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 -15 135 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex gravecomb
+StartChar: Ocircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7892 7892 1052
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 670 212 0
+Refer: 145 212 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: ocircumflexhookabove
+Encoding: 7893 7893 1053
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 531 22 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex hookabovecomb
+StartChar: Ocircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7894 7894 1054
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+667.121 900 m 1
+ 696.121 900 l 1
+ 642.812 824 601.059 794 546.059 794 c 0
+ 521.059 794 507.76 798 475.262 818 c 2
+ 456.938 829 l 2
+ 444.914 836 432.613 840 420.613 840 c 0
+ 397.613 840 374.238 825 350.059 794 c 1
+ 321.059 794 l 1
+ 363.691 859 414.996 895 464.996 895 c 0
+ 486.996 895 509.445 889 527.344 877 c 2
+ 546.242 865 l 2
+ 561.416 856 577.865 850 592.865 850 c 0
+ 615.865 850 633.967 862 667.121 900 c 1
+598.767 590 m 1
+ 564.767 590 l 1
+ 464.659 693 l 1
+ 321.767 590 l 1
+ 287.767 590 l 1
+ 447.263 757 l 1
+ 509.263 757 l 1
+ 598.767 590 l 1
+28 187.85 m 0
+ 28 396.95 267 566.1 442 566.1 c 0
+ 571 566.1 667 481.1 667 367.2 c 0
+ 667 207.4 493 -15.2998 246 -15.2998 c 0
+ 119 -15.2998 28 68.8496 28 187.85 c 0
+263 12.75 m 0
+ 442 12.75 562 260.1 562 408.85 c 0
+ 562 488.75 512 538.05 433 538.05 c 0
+ 360 538.05 299 505.75 243 436.9 c 0
+ 183 362.95 133 236.3 133 156.4 c 0
+ 133 64.5996 179 12.75 263 12.75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" Ocircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: ocircumflextilde
+Encoding: 7895 7895 1055
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 72 176 0
+Refer: 177 244 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition in Latin for Viet 2 subtable" ocircumflex tildecomb
+StartChar: Ocircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7896 7896 1056
+Width: 656
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 N 1 0 0 1 166 201 0
+Refer: 1044 7884 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ocircumflexdotbelow
+Encoding: 7897 7897 1057
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 26 -11 0
+Refer: 1045 7885 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Udotbelow
+Encoding: 7908 7908 1058
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 525 0 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: udotbelow
+Encoding: 7909 7909 1059
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 312 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 444 803 N 1 0 0 1 489 0 2
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhookabove
+Encoding: 7910 7910 1060
+Width: 706
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 449 174 0
+Refer: 53 85 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhookabove
+Encoding: 7911 7911 1061
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 292 -34 0
+Refer: 85 117 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ygrave
+Encoding: 7922 7922 1062
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 128 201 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ygrave
+Encoding: 7923 7923 1063
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 11 0 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ydotbelow
+Encoding: 7924 7924 1064
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 395 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -130 -686 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ydotbelow
+Encoding: 7925 7925 1065
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 282 443 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 8 -686 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Yhookabove
+Encoding: 7926 7926 1066
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 370 171 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yhookabove
+Encoding: 7927 7927 1067
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 248 -32 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ytilde
+Encoding: 7928 7928 1068
+Width: 593
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 65 176 0
+Refer: 57 89 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ytilde
+Encoding: 7929 7929 1069
+Width: 462
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 -39 -36 0
+Refer: 89 121 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F00
+Encoding: 7936 7936 1070
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 70 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F01
+Encoding: 7937 7937 1071
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 90 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F02
+Encoding: 7938 7938 1072
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F03
+Encoding: 7939 7939 1073
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F04
+Encoding: 7940 7940 1074
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F05
+Encoding: 7941 7941 1075
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F06
+Encoding: 7942 7942 1076
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 87 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F07
+Encoding: 7943 7943 1077
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 81 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Alphalenis
+Encoding: 7944 7944 1078
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 27 1 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F09
+Encoding: 7945 7945 1079
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 -23 7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0A
+Encoding: 7946 7946 1080
+Width: 794
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 S 1 0 0 1 166 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 5 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0B
+Encoding: 7947 7947 1081
+Width: 771
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 129 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -16 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0C
+Encoding: 7948 7948 1082
+Width: 792
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 161 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 -34 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0D
+Encoding: 7949 7949 1083
+Width: 773
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 152 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 -30 3 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0E
+Encoding: 7950 7950 1084
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 37 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 -26 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F0F
+Encoding: 7951 7951 1085
+Width: 648
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 24 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 -23 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F10
+Encoding: 7952 7952 1086
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 38 -70 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F11
+Encoding: 7953 7953 1087
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 78 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F12
+Encoding: 7954 7954 1088
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 -18 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F13
+Encoding: 7955 7955 1089
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -32 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F14
+Encoding: 7956 7956 1090
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -32 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F15
+Encoding: 7957 7957 1091
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -32 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F18
+Encoding: 7960 7960 1092
+Width: 740
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 25 1 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 166 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F19
+Encoding: 7961 7961 1093
+Width: 795
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 214 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 9 2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1A
+Encoding: 7962 7962 1094
+Width: 923
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 318 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 -27 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1B
+Encoding: 7963 7963 1095
+Width: 910
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 305 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -28 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1C
+Encoding: 7964 7964 1096
+Width: 956
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 352 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -35 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F1D
+Encoding: 7965 7965 1097
+Width: 926
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 N 1 0 0 1 322 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: etalenis
+Encoding: 7968 7968 1098
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 N 1 0 0 1 180 0 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F21
+Encoding: 7969 7969 1099
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 156 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F22
+Encoding: 7970 7970 1100
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 55 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F23
+Encoding: 7971 7971 1101
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 66 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F24
+Encoding: 7972 7972 1102
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 59 -6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F25
+Encoding: 7973 7973 1103
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 66 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F26
+Encoding: 7974 7974 1104
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 152 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F27
+Encoding: 7975 7975 1105
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 142 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F28
+Encoding: 7976 7976 1106
+Width: 879
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 0 -2 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 138 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F29
+Encoding: 7977 7977 1107
+Width: 901
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 163 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 -31 3 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2A
+Encoding: 7978 7978 1108
+Width: 1036
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 297 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 -28 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2B
+Encoding: 7979 7979 1109
+Width: 1035
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 297 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 -25 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2C
+Encoding: 7980 7980 1110
+Width: 1079
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 341 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -36 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2D
+Encoding: 7981 7981 1111
+Width: 1060
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 312 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -35 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2E
+Encoding: 7982 7982 1112
+Width: 924
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 186 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -28 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F2F
+Encoding: 7983 7983 1113
+Width: 929
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 191 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -39 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F30
+Encoding: 7984 7984 1114
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 -73 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F31
+Encoding: 7985 7985 1115
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 -32 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F32
+Encoding: 7986 7986 1116
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -114 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F33
+Encoding: 7987 7987 1117
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 -138 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F34
+Encoding: 7988 7988 1118
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 -117 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F35
+Encoding: 7989 7989 1119
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 -119 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F36
+Encoding: 7990 7990 1120
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 -9 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 -52 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F37
+Encoding: 7991 7991 1121
+Width: 267
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 -57 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F38
+Encoding: 7992 7992 1122
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 27 -2 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 157 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F39
+Encoding: 7993 7993 1123
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 167 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -22 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3A
+Encoding: 7994 7994 1124
+Width: 625
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 292 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -36 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3B
+Encoding: 7995 7995 1125
+Width: 614
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 281 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -30 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3C
+Encoding: 7996 7996 1126
+Width: 665
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 332 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -41 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3D
+Encoding: 7997 7997 1127
+Width: 653
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 320 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -28 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3E
+Encoding: 7998 7998 1128
+Width: 510
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 177 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -39 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F3F
+Encoding: 7999 7999 1129
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 180 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -41 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F40
+Encoding: 8000 8000 1130
+Width: 558
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 24 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 94 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F41
+Encoding: 8001 8001 1131
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 100 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F42
+Encoding: 8002 8002 1132
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 10 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F43
+Encoding: 8003 8003 1133
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 20 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F44
+Encoding: 8004 8004 1134
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F45
+Encoding: 8005 8005 1135
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 20 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F48
+Encoding: 8008 8008 1136
+Width: 797
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 30 -3 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 115 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F49
+Encoding: 8009 8009 1137
+Width: 807
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 125 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -29 5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4A
+Encoding: 8010 8010 1138
+Width: 966
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 284 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -42 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4B
+Encoding: 8011 8011 1139
+Width: 962
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 281 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -30 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4C
+Encoding: 8012 8012 1140
+Width: 953
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 271 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -45 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F4D
+Encoding: 8013 8013 1141
+Width: 947
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 N 1 0 0 1 265 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -41 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F50
+Encoding: 8016 8016 1142
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 80 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F51
+Encoding: 8017 8017 1143
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F52
+Encoding: 8018 8018 1144
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 40 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F53
+Encoding: 8019 8019 1145
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 60 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F54
+Encoding: 8020 8020 1146
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 30 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F55
+Encoding: 8021 8021 1147
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 60 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F56
+Encoding: 8022 8022 1148
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 108 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F57
+Encoding: 8023 8023 1149
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 119 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F59
+Encoding: 8025 8025 1150
+Width: 816
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 S 1 0 0 1 196 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -25 7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5B
+Encoding: 8027 8027 1151
+Width: 922
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 S 1 0 0 1 302 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -31 6 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5D
+Encoding: 8029 8029 1152
+Width: 950
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 S 1 0 0 1 330 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -42 7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F5F
+Encoding: 8031 8031 1153
+Width: 823
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 550 978 S 1 0 0 1 203 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -43 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F60
+Encoding: 8032 8032 1154
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 170 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F61
+Encoding: 8033 8033 1155
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 180 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F62
+Encoding: 8034 8034 1156
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 90 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F63
+Encoding: 8035 8035 1157
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 110 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F64
+Encoding: 8036 8036 1158
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 110 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F65
+Encoding: 8037 8037 1159
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F66
+Encoding: 8038 8038 1160
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 206 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F67
+Encoding: 8039 8039 1161
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 195 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F68
+Encoding: 8040 8040 1162
+Width: 852
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1220 8125 S 1 0 0 1 38 1 2
+Refer: 512 937 N 1 0 0 1 108 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F69
+Encoding: 8041 8041 1163
+Width: 849
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 105 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 -35 5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6A
+Encoding: 8042 8042 1164
+Width: 1032
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 288 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 -35 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6B
+Encoding: 8043 8043 1165
+Width: 1012
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 268 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 N 1 0 0 1 -30 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6C
+Encoding: 8044 8044 1166
+Width: 1012
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 268 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 -37 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6D
+Encoding: 8045 8045 1167
+Width: 987
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 243 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 N 1 0 0 1 -45 -3 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6E
+Encoding: 8046 8046 1168
+Width: 900
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 156 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 N 1 0 0 1 -21 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F6F
+Encoding: 8047 8047 1169
+Width: 876
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 132 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 N 1 0 0 1 -33 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F70
+Encoding: 8048 8048 1170
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 54 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F71
+Encoding: 8049 8049 1171
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -23 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F72
+Encoding: 8050 8050 1172
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 43 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F73
+Encoding: 8051 8051 1173
+Width: 431
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 522 949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -55 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F74
+Encoding: 8052 8052 1174
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 135 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F75
+Encoding: 8053 8053 1175
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 65 -11 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F76
+Encoding: 8054 8054 1176
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 -68 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F77
+Encoding: 8055 8055 1177
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -141 -10 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F78
+Encoding: 8056 8056 1178
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 84 -5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F79
+Encoding: 8057 8057 1179
+Width: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 532 959 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 16 -13 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7A
+Encoding: 8058 8058 1180
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 82 2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7B
+Encoding: 8059 8059 1181
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 51 -7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7C
+Encoding: 8060 8060 1182
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 143 -8 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F7D
+Encoding: 8061 8061 1183
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 86 -12 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F80
+Encoding: 8064 8064 1184
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 60 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F81
+Encoding: 8065 8065 1185
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 80 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F82
+Encoding: 8066 8066 1186
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F83
+Encoding: 8067 8067 1187
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 10 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F84
+Encoding: 8068 8068 1188
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F85
+Encoding: 8069 8069 1189
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 20 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F86
+Encoding: 8070 8070 1190
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 65 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F87
+Encoding: 8071 8071 1191
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 76 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F88
+Encoding: 8072 8072 1192
+Width: 821
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1078 7944 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 631 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F89
+Encoding: 8073 8073 1193
+Width: 854
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1079 7945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 629 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8A
+Encoding: 8074 8074 1194
+Width: 998
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1080 7946 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 786 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8B
+Encoding: 8075 8075 1195
+Width: 971
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1081 7947 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 756 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8C
+Encoding: 8076 8076 1196
+Width: 992
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1082 7948 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 781 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8D
+Encoding: 8077 8077 1197
+Width: 981
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1083 7949 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 776 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8E
+Encoding: 8078 8078 1198
+Width: 866
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1084 7950 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 663 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F8F
+Encoding: 8079 8079 1199
+Width: 858
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1085 7951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 644 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F98
+Encoding: 8088 8088 1200
+Width: 999
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1106 7976 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 795 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F99
+Encoding: 8089 8089 1201
+Width: 1044
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1107 7977 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 841 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9A
+Encoding: 8090 8090 1202
+Width: 1159
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1108 7978 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 956 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9B
+Encoding: 8091 8091 1203
+Width: 1165
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1109 7979 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 962 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9C
+Encoding: 8092 8092 1204
+Width: 1227
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1110 7980 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1024 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9D
+Encoding: 8093 8093 1205
+Width: 1229
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1111 7981 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1026 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9E
+Encoding: 8094 8094 1206
+Width: 1080
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1112 7982 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 877 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F9F
+Encoding: 8095 8095 1207
+Width: 1085
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1113 7983 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 883 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA8
+Encoding: 8104 8104 1208
+Width: 1037
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1162 8040 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 834 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA9
+Encoding: 8105 8105 1209
+Width: 1053
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1163 8041 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 851 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAA
+Encoding: 8106 8106 1210
+Width: 1244
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1164 8042 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 1041 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAB
+Encoding: 8107 8107 1211
+Width: 1214
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1165 8043 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 1011 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAC
+Encoding: 8108 8108 1212
+Width: 1219
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1166 8044 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 1016 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAD
+Encoding: 8109 8109 1213
+Width: 1191
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1167 8045 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 988 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAE
+Encoding: 8110 8110 1214
+Width: 1110
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1168 8046 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 907 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FAF
+Encoding: 8111 8111 1215
+Width: 1082
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1169 8047 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 879 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB9
+Encoding: 8121 8121 1216
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 191 214 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBA
+Encoding: 8122 8122 1217
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 -34 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBB
+Encoding: 8123 8123 1218
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -127 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FBC
+Encoding: 8124 8124 1219
+Width: 831
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 630 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lenis
+Encoding: 8125 8125 1220
+Width: 192
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 -86 -60 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: perispomeni
+Encoding: 8128 8128 1221
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+504 694 m 1
+ 483 645 437 597 380 597 c 0
+ 325 597 299 640 256 640 c 0
+ 227 640 206 620 191 597 c 1
+ 164 597 l 1
+ 186 649 233 694 292 694 c 0
+ 340 694 369 651 415 651 c 0
+ 440 651 464 674 477 694 c 1
+ 504 694 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1FC1
+Encoding: 8129 8129 1222
+Width: 534
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+543 789 m 1
+ 522 740 476 692 419 692 c 0
+ 365 692 337 735 294 735 c 0
+ 265 735 245 715 230 692 c 1
+ 203 692 l 1
+ 225 744 272 789 331 789 c 0
+ 378 789 408 746 454 746 c 0
+ 479 746 503 769 515 789 c 1
+ 543 789 l 1
+423 557 m 0
+ 402 557 385 571 385 593 c 0
+ 385 624 416 653 447 653 c 0
+ 468 653 485 639 485 617 c 0
+ 485 586 454 557 423 557 c 0
+233 557 m 0
+ 212 557 195 571 195 593 c 0
+ 195 624 226 653 257 653 c 0
+ 278 653 295 639 295 617 c 0
+ 295 586 264 557 233 557 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1FC2
+Encoding: 8130 8130 1223
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 148 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: etaiotasub
+Encoding: 8131 8131 1224
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 477 890 S 1 0 0 1 31 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC4
+Encoding: 8132 8132 1225
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 68 -13 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC6
+Encoding: 8134 8134 1226
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 524 951 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 N 1 0 0 1 -5 -39 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC7
+Encoding: 8135 8135 1227
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 -2 -38 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC8
+Encoding: 8136 8136 1228
+Width: 731
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 -36 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FC9
+Encoding: 8137 8137 1229
+Width: 766
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 493 917 S 1 0 0 1 155 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -145 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCA
+Encoding: 8138 8138 1230
+Width: 889
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 147 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 -26 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCB
+Encoding: 8139 8139 1231
+Width: 908
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 166 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -131 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FCC
+Encoding: 8140 8140 1232
+Width: 851
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 495 919 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 N 1 0 0 1 648 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili_oxia
+Encoding: 8142 8142 1233
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1370 8127 N 1 0 0 1 -14 -58 2
+Refer: 1374 8189 N 1 0 0 1 81 -2 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili_perispomeni
+Encoding: 8143 8143 1234
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 -28 -84 2
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 -53 106 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD0
+Encoding: 8144 8144 1235
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -119 -11 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD1
+Encoding: 8145 8145 1236
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 -99 -11 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD2
+Encoding: 8146 8146 1237
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1259 8173 S 1 0 0 1 -128 -18 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD6
+Encoding: 8150 8150 1238
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 -178 -80 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD7
+Encoding: 8151 8151 1239
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1222 8129 S 1 0 0 1 -182 -76 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD8
+Encoding: 8152 8152 1240
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -30 201 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD9
+Encoding: 8153 8153 1241
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 20 161 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDA
+Encoding: 8154 8154 1242
+Width: 477
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 S 1 0 0 1 144 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -22 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FDB
+Encoding: 8155 8155 1243
+Width: 491
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 497 921 S 1 0 0 1 158 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -142 -19 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia_varia
+Encoding: 8157 8157 1244
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 149 3 2
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 1 1 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia_oxia
+Encoding: 8158 8158 1245
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 51 -5 2
+Refer: 1272 8190 N 1 0 0 1 10 1 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia_perispomeni
+Encoding: 8159 8159 1246
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 1 -29 2
+Refer: 1221 8128 N 1 0 0 1 -43 106 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE0
+Encoding: 8160 8160 1247
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 17 9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE1
+Encoding: 8161 8161 1248
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 76 -1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE2
+Encoding: 8162 8162 1249
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1259 8173 S 1 0 0 1 21 12 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE4
+Encoding: 8164 8164 1250
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 534 961 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 67 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE5
+Encoding: 8165 8165 1251
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 534 961 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 83 4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE6
+Encoding: 8166 8166 1252
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 8 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE7
+Encoding: 8167 8167 1253
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1222 8129 S 1 0 0 1 12 -56 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE8
+Encoding: 8168 8168 1254
+Width: 679
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 105 182 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE9
+Encoding: 8169 8169 1255
+Width: 679
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0 1 185 216 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEA
+Encoding: 8170 8170 1256
+Width: 865
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 S 1 0 0 1 189 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -23 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEB
+Encoding: 8171 8171 1257
+Width: 861
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 508 933 S 1 0 0 1 185 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -145.445 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FEC
+Encoding: 8172 8172 1258
+Width: 783
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 505 929 N 1 0 0 1 172 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 -27 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dialytika_varia
+Encoding: 8173 8173 1259
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+208 595 m 0
+ 231 595 249 577 249 555 c 0
+ 249 533 231 516 208 516 c 0
+ 187 516 170 533 170 556 c 0
+ 170 577 188 595 208 595 c 0
+431 595 m 0
+ 454 595 472 577 472 555 c 0
+ 472 533 454 516 431 516 c 0
+ 410 516 393 533 393 556 c 0
+ 393 577 411 595 431 595 c 0
+343.776 516 m 1
+ 312.776 516 l 1
+ 266.854 685 l 2
+ 266.13 687.965 265.79 690.884 265.79 693.723 c 0
+ 265.79 713.868 282.942 730 302.224 730 c 0
+ 324.224 730 333.461 726 343.854 708 c 0
+ 346.293 703.774 350.302 693.119 350.302 685.695 c 0
+ 350.302 684.335 350.167 683.084 349.864 682 c 2
+ 343.776 516 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dialytika_oxia
+Encoding: 8174 8174 1260
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 479 901 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: varia
+Encoding: 8175 8175 1261
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+267 490 m 1
+ 243 490 l 1
+ 235 514 195 625 195 625 c 2
+ 191.76 634.114 188 655 188 666 c 0
+ 188 690 201 705 224 705 c 0
+ 255 705 266 685 266 658 c 2
+ 267 490 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1FF2
+Encoding: 8178 8178 1262
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 172 2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: omegaiotasub
+Encoding: 8179 8179 1263
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 477 890 S 1 0 0 1 202 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF4
+Encoding: 8180 8180 1264
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 79 -17 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF6
+Encoding: 8182 8182 1265
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 542 969 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 71 -43 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF7
+Encoding: 8183 8183 1266
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 59 -41 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF8
+Encoding: 8184 8184 1267
+Width: 807
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 S 1 0 0 1 125 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -33 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FF9
+Encoding: 8185 8185 1268
+Width: 793
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 503 927 S 1 0 0 1 111 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -142 -8 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFA
+Encoding: 8186 8186 1269
+Width: 855
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 110 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 -33 1 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFB
+Encoding: 8187 8187 1270
+Width: 835
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 S 1 0 0 1 91 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 N 1 0 0 1 -148 -9 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FFC
+Encoding: 8188 8188 1271
+Width: 952
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 512 937 N 1 0 0 1 15 0 0
+Refer: 1369 8126 S 1 0 0 1 751 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dasia
+Encoding: 8190 8190 1272
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+264.332 621.686 m 0
+ 247.332 621.686 243.075 627 231 627 c 0
+ 205.749 627 197.332 609.186 197.332 587.686 c 0
+ 197.332 551.686 218.332 526.186 248.332 513.686 c 1
+ 239.332 491.686 l 1
+ 216.832 500.186 159.332 524.686 159.332 599.686 c 0
+ 159.332 640.686 189.332 707.686 264.332 707.686 c 0
+ 290.332 707.686 309.332 691.686 309.332 665.686 c 0
+ 309.332 639.686 290.332 621.686 264.332 621.686 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: endash
+Encoding: 8211 8211 1273
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+53.1387 250 m 1
+ 553.139 250 l 1
+ 542.724 201 l 1
+ 42.7236 201 l 1
+ 53.1387 250 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: emdash
+Encoding: 8212 8212 1274
+Width: 1000
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+53.1387 250 m 1
+ 1053.14 250 l 1
+ 1042.72 201 l 1
+ 42.7236 201 l 1
+ 53.1387 250 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quoteleft
+Encoding: 8216 8216 1275
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+216 560 m 0
+ 216 531 261 523 261 483 c 0
+ 261 456 239 436 210 436 c 0
+ 177 436 152 467 152 507 c 0
+ 152 563 198 619 282 666 c 1
+ 291 649 l 1
+ 239 614 216 587 216 560 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quoteright
+Encoding: 8217 8217 1276
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+216 541 m 0
+ 216 570 171 579 171 619 c 0
+ 171 646 193 666 222 666 c 0
+ 255 666 280 635 280 595 c 0
+ 280 539 234 482 150 436 c 1
+ 141 453 l 1
+ 193 488 216 515 216 541 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quotesinglbase
+Encoding: 8218 8218 1277
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+60 -23 m 0
+ 60 6 15 14 15 54 c 0
+ 15 81 37 101 66 101 c 0
+ 99 101 124 70 124 30 c 0
+ 124 -26 78 -82 -6 -129 c 1
+ -15 -112 l 1
+ 37 -77 60 -50 60 -23 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quotereversed
+Encoding: 8219 8219 1278
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+241 666 m 0
+ 275 666 295 635 295 614 c 0
+ 295 561 216 570 202 551 c 0
+ 195 542 192 529 192 515 c 0
+ 192 485 205 451 210 436 c 1
+ 192 428 l 1
+ 175 462 161 510 161 554 c 0
+ 161 648 224 666 241 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: quotedblleft
+Encoding: 8220 8220 1279
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1275 8216 S 1 0 0 1 149 0 2
+Refer: 1275 8216 N 1 0 0 1 -31 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: quotedblright
+Encoding: 8221 8221 1280
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1276 8217 S 1 0 0 1 144 0 2
+Refer: 1276 8217 S 1 0 0 1 -40 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: quotedblbase
+Encoding: 8222 8222 1281
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1277 8218 S 1 0 0 1 185 0 2
+Refer: 1277 8218 N 1 0 0 1 -9 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: quotedblrev
+Encoding: 8223 8223 1282
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1278 8219 S 1 0 0 1 134 0 2
+Refer: 1278 8219 S 1 0 0 1 -38 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dagger
+Encoding: 8224 8224 1283
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+444 395 m 0
+ 409 395 391 426 301 426 c 1
+ 294 392 292 373 292 342 c 0
+ 292 300 296 280 308 258 c 1
+ 282 220 243 122 227 51 c 0
+ 179 -159 l 1
+ 157 -159 l 1
+ 177 -58 l 2
+ 198 47 211 141 211 194 c 0
+ 211 219 206 241 206 262 c 1
+ 245 305 267 352 280 426 c 1
+ 202 426 176 395 145 395 c 0
+ 117 395 101 411 101 437 c 0
+ 101 464 117 477 149 477 c 0
+ 197 477 190 449 285 447 c 1
+ 293 492 295 510 295 533 c 0
+ 295 563 286 581 286 609 c 0
+ 286 646 303 666 333 666 c 0
+ 360 666 375 650 375 621 c 0
+ 375 560 330 573 304 447 c 1
+ 398 449 392 477 441 477 c 0
+ 472 477 488 464 488 437 c 0
+ 488 411 472 395 444 395 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: daggerdbl
+Encoding: 8225 8225 1284
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+70 127 m 0
+ 107 127 139 96 185 96 c 2
+ 211 96 l 1
+ 218 130 222 161 222 182 c 0
+ 222 203 220 211 206 264 c 1
+ 243 300 263 343 282 427 c 1
+ 264 427 l 2
+ 218 427 186 396 149 396 c 0
+ 121 396 101 414 101 438 c 0
+ 101 462 119 478 148 478 c 0
+ 186 478 201 450 286 448 c 1
+ 293 483 295 503 295 524 c 0
+ 295 565 286 594 286 612 c 0
+ 286 641 308 666 334 666 c 0
+ 358 666 375 648 375 621 c 0
+ 375 581 319 533 306 448 c 1
+ 382 450 413 478 446 478 c 0
+ 473 478 491 462 491 438 c 0
+ 491 414 471 396 442 396 c 0
+ 407 396 373 427 328 427 c 2
+ 302 427 l 1
+ 295 396 291 363 291 342 c 0
+ 291 320 295 301 307 259 c 1
+ 270 223 250 180 231 96 c 1
+ 250 96 l 2
+ 296 96 328 127 365 127 c 0
+ 393 127 413 109 413 85 c 0
+ 413 61 395 45 366 45 c 0
+ 326 45 314 73 228 75 c 1
+ 221 43 218 23 218 -1 c 0
+ 218 -43 227 -70 227 -89 c 0
+ 227 -118 205 -143 179 -143 c 0
+ 155 -143 138 -125 138 -97 c 0
+ 138 -56 193 -9 207 75 c 1
+ 117 73 114 45 67 45 c 0
+ 40 45 22 61 22 85 c 0
+ 22 109 42 127 70 127 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bullet
+Encoding: 8226 8226 1285
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+297.524 461 m 0
+ 361.516 461 401.972 419.56 401.972 361.361 c 0
+ 401.972 266.282 305.711 191 226.179 191 c 0
+ 163.588 191 122.64 232.788 122.64 290.79 c 0
+ 122.64 376.362 207.487 461 297.524 461 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: trianglebullet
+Encoding: 8227 8227 1286
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+88.2305 180 m 1
+ 169.42 483 l 1
+ 398.691 331 l 1
+ 88.2305 180 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: onedotenleader
+Encoding: 8228 8228 1287
+Width: 250
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 14 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: twodotenleader
+Encoding: 8229 8229 1288
+Width: 500
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 14 46 N 1 0 0 1 250 0 0
+Refer: 14 46 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pertenmill
+Encoding: 8241 8241 1289
+Width: 1601
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+468 137 m 0
+ 468 247 575 371 681 371 c 0
+ 701 371 790 369 790 261 c 0
+ 790 146 707 0 593 0 c 0
+ 507 0 468 53 468 137 c 0
+544 105 m 0
+ 544 82 544 30 607 30 c 0
+ 701 30 765 183 765 253 c 0
+ 765 305 734 339 693 339 c 0
+ 600 339 544 156 544 105 c 0
+653 676 m 1
+ 267 -13 l 1
+ 220 -13 l 1
+ 568 609 l 1
+ 566 611 l 1
+ 541 597 514 583 461 583 c 0
+ 424 583 412 587 396 593 c 1
+ 399 578 403 562 403 541 c 0
+ 403 466 336 289 197 289 c 0
+ 143 289 79 332 79 423 c 0
+ 79 535 184 662 294 662 c 0
+ 324 662 350 654 365 641 c 2
+ 383 625 l 2
+ 397 613 420 608 456 608 c 0
+ 543 608 588 651 613 676 c 1
+ 653 676 l 1
+218 323 m 0
+ 300 323 377 444 377 551 c 0
+ 377 569 374 581 368 600 c 1
+ 314 613 318 632 300 632 c 0
+ 236 632 155 486 155 394 c 0
+ 155 373 155 323 218 323 c 0
+852 137 m 0
+ 852 247 959 371 1065 371 c 0
+ 1085 371 1174 369 1174 261 c 0
+ 1174 146 1091 0 977 0 c 0
+ 891 0 852 53 852 137 c 0
+928 105 m 0
+ 928 82 928 30 991 30 c 0
+ 1085 30 1149 183 1149 253 c 0
+ 1149 305 1118 339 1077 339 c 0
+ 984 339 928 156 928 105 c 0
+1236 137 m 0
+ 1236 247 1343 371 1449 371 c 0
+ 1469 371 1558 369 1558 261 c 0
+ 1558 146 1475 0 1361 0 c 0
+ 1275 0 1236 53 1236 137 c 0
+1312 105 m 0
+ 1312 82 1312 30 1375 30 c 0
+ 1469 30 1533 183 1533 253 c 0
+ 1533 305 1502 339 1461 339 c 0
+ 1368 339 1312 156 1312 105 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caret
+Encoding: 8248 8248 1290
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+47 -162 m 1
+ -21 -162 l 1
+ 261 203 l 1
+ 321 203 l 1
+ 401 -162 l 1
+ 333 -162 l 1
+ 270 127 l 1
+ 47 -162 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: guilsinglleft
+Encoding: 8249 8249 1291
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+200 37 m 0
+ 188 37 64 197 51 216 c 1
+ 51 225 l 1
+ 87 252 l 2
+ 144 296 152 303 178 326 c 0
+ 244 384 268 403 274 403 c 0
+ 278 403 281 399 281 395 c 0
+ 281 367 194 291 125 217 c 1
+ 145 177 l 1
+ 181 110 207 54 207 44 c 0
+ 207 40 204 37 200 37 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: guilsinglright
+Encoding: 8250 8250 1292
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+96 403 m 0
+ 109 403 237 236 245 224 c 1
+ 245 215 l 1
+ 154 145 144 137 118 114 c 0
+ 54 58 28 37 22 37 c 0
+ 18 37 15 41 15 45 c 0
+ 15 75 110 157 169 223 c 1
+ 151 263 l 1
+ 115 330 89 386 89 396 c 0
+ 89 400 92 403 96 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: refmark
+Encoding: 8251 8251 1293
+Width: 629
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+676.515 487 m 1
+ 409.54 266 l 1
+ 582.565 45 l 1
+ 537.7 8 l 1
+ 363.888 230 l 1
+ 95.7002 8 l 1
+ 66.5654 45 l 1
+ 333.54 266 l 1
+ 160.515 487 l 1
+ 205.38 524 l 1
+ 379.192 302 l 1
+ 647.38 524 l 1
+ 676.515 487 l 1
+411.075 452 m 0
+ 392.433 452 366.228 464.608 366.228 494.023 c 0
+ 366.228 530.994 401.517 563 434.669 563 c 0
+ 460.86 563 479.791 543.183 479.791 517.522 c 0
+ 479.791 474.116 434.145 452 411.075 452 c 0
+309.474 -26 m 0
+ 290.832 -26 264.625 -13.3914 264.625 16.0232 c 0
+ 264.625 52.9945 299.915 85 333.067 85 c 0
+ 359.258 85 378.188 65.1834 378.188 39.5236 c 0
+ 378.188 -3.88218 332.545 -26 309.474 -26 c 0
+121.062 212 m 0
+ 102.42 212 76.2137 224.609 76.2137 254.023 c 0
+ 76.2137 290.994 111.504 323 144.656 323 c 0
+ 170.847 323 189.777 303.183 189.777 277.523 c 0
+ 189.777 234.117 144.133 212 121.062 212 c 0
+599.062 212 m 0
+ 580.42 212 554.214 224.609 554.214 254.023 c 0
+ 554.214 290.994 589.504 323 622.656 323 c 0
+ 648.847 323 667.777 303.183 667.777 277.523 c 0
+ 667.777 234.117 622.133 212 599.062 212 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: exclamdbl
+Encoding: 8252 8252 1294
+Width: 666
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1 33 N 1 0 0 1 333 0 0
+Refer: 1 33 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: undertie
+Encoding: 8255 8255 1295
+Width: 953
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+36.8857 -22 m 1
+ 55.2979 -13 l 1
+ 175.55 -180 247.55 -180 406.746 -183 c 0
+ 425.529 -183.354 442.89 -183.631 459.223 -183.631 c 0
+ 594.268 -183.631 659.024 -164.658 876.298 -13 c 1
+ 889.082 -25 l 1
+ 728.746 -183 563.702 -269 384.702 -269 c 0
+ 212.702 -269 95.7461 -183 36.8857 -22 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tie
+Encoding: 8256 8256 1296
+Width: 1000
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+219.114 653 m 1
+ 352.646 808 521.298 900 699.298 900 c 0
+ 905.297 900 1039.65 808 1072.92 656 c 1
+ 1053.7 644 l 1
+ 943.058 817 860.574 811.522 669.254 814 c 0
+ 657.348 814.154 645.865 814.267 634.718 814.267 c 0
+ 501.257 814.267 416.131 798.128 232.702 644 c 1
+ 219.114 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caretinsert
+Encoding: 8257 8257 1297
+Width: 314
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+202 228 m 1
+ 55 -14 l 1
+ -13 -14 l 1
+ 407 676 l 1
+ 474 676 l 1
+ 265 330 l 1
+ 283 -14 l 1
+ 215 -14 l 1
+ 202 228 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: asterism
+Encoding: 8258 8258 1298
+Width: 931
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 10 42 N 1 0 0 1 370 -340 2
+Refer: 10 42 N 1 0 0 1 -60 -341 2
+Refer: 10 42 N 1 0 0 1 159 22 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hyphenbullet
+Encoding: 8259 8259 1299
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+382 298 m 1
+ 341 150 l 1
+ 85 150 l 1
+ 126 298 l 1
+ 382 298 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fraction
+Encoding: 8260 8260 1300
+Width: 167
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+518.134 676 m 1
+ -120.68 -10 l 1
+ -171.68 -10 l 1
+ 467.134 676 l 1
+ 518.134 676 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bracketleftsquarequill
+Encoding: 8261 8261 1301
+Width: 480
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+219 121 m 2
+ 239 192 262 231 345 248 c 1
+ 345 250 l 1
+ 296 262 279 283 279 317 c 0
+ 279 334 283 354 290 378 c 0
+ 335 541 l 2
+ 368 660 436 680 539 680 c 1
+ 536 669 l 1
+ 460 653 429 615 410 546 c 2
+ 360 363 l 1
+ 355 344 351 327 351 314 c 0
+ 351 281 368 263 413 250 c 1
+ 339 231 315 200 297 136 c 2
+ 246 -47 l 2
+ 240 -67 237 -85 237 -100 c 0
+ 237 -136 256 -159 303 -170 c 1
+ 300 -181 l 1
+ 217 -181 165 -168 165 -100 c 0
+ 165 -84 168 -64 174 -41 c 2
+ 219 121 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bracketrightsquarequill
+Encoding: 8262 8262 1302
+Width: 480
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+400 378 m 1
+ 391 347 371 269 273 249 c 1
+ 322 237 340 215 340 181 c 0
+ 340 164 336 144 329 121 c 2
+ 283 -42 l 2
+ 249 -161 183 -181 80 -181 c 1
+ 83 -170 l 1
+ 158 -154 189 -116 208 -47 c 2
+ 259 136 l 2
+ 264 155 267 171 267 185 c 0
+ 267 217 250 237 205 250 c 1
+ 279 268 304 299 322 363 c 0
+ 372 546 l 2
+ 378 566 381 584 381 599 c 0
+ 381 635 363 658 316 669 c 1
+ 319 680 l 1
+ 402 680 455 667 455 600 c 0
+ 455 583 452 564 445 540 c 2
+ 398 373 l 1
+ 400 378 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: questiondouble
+Encoding: 8263 8263 1303
+Width: 900
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 31 63 N 1 0 0 1 400 0 0
+Refer: 31 63 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: questionexclamation
+Encoding: 8264 8264 1304
+Width: 833
+Flags: HM
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1 33 N 1 0 0 1 500 0 0
+Refer: 31 63 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: exclamationquestion
+Encoding: 8265 8265 1305
+Width: 763
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 31 63 S 1 0 0 1 263 0 0
+Refer: 1 33 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zerosuperior
+Encoding: 8304 8304 1306
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+240 379 m 0
+ 197 379 130 403 130 499 c 0
+ 130 647 218 743 262 767 c 0
+ 292 784 321 797 356 797 c 0
+ 428 797 466 749 466 673 c 0
+ 466 555 373 379 240 379 c 0
+248 407 m 0
+ 333 407 390 646 390 710 c 0
+ 390 750 377 769 348 769 c 0
+ 249 769 200 542 200 479 c 0
+ 200 430 218 407 248 407 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fivesuperior
+Encoding: 8309 8309 1307
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+267 702 m 1
+ 303 696 431 678 431 581 c 0
+ 431 569 428 556 424 541 c 0
+ 398 445 298 387 182 387 c 0
+ 142 387 111 398 111 425 c 0
+ 111 452 135 474 158 474 c 0
+ 190 474 195 435 240 435 c 0
+ 290 435 349 477 349 541 c 0
+ 349 579 325 604 269 623 c 0
+ 244 632 220 643 199 643 c 0
+ 194 643 188 645 188 647 c 0
+ 188 650 190 651 190 653 c 25
+ 306 800 l 1
+ 458 800 l 2
+ 472 800 480 803 494 815 c 1
+ 499 811 l 1
+ 454 745 l 2
+ 451 740 448 739 436 739 c 2
+ 301 739 l 1
+ 267 702 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sixsuperior
+Encoding: 8310 8310 1308
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+439 568 m 0
+ 439 527 398 384 245 384 c 0
+ 176 384 126 427 126 498 c 0
+ 126 555 164 782 491 806 c 1
+ 483 778 l 1
+ 385 765 298 718 255 629 c 1
+ 287 653 307 657 331 657 c 0
+ 400 657 439 623 439 568 c 0
+297 618 m 0
+ 277 618 202 590 202 476 c 0
+ 202 432 223 411 258 411 c 0
+ 316 411 354 493 354 555 c 0
+ 354 596 334 618 297 618 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sevensuperior
+Encoding: 8311 8311 1309
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+504 799 m 1
+ 501 786 l 1
+ 249 391 l 1
+ 178 391 l 1
+ 409 741 l 1
+ 282 741 l 2
+ 244 741 229 734 189 699 c 1
+ 179 704 l 1
+ 227 799 l 1
+ 504 799 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eightsuperior
+Encoding: 8312 8312 1310
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+420 522 m 0
+ 420 440 343 385 228 385 c 0
+ 160 385 117 417 117 464 c 0
+ 117 518 152 545 232 593 c 1
+ 190 635 176 655 176 678 c 0
+ 176 687 178 695 181 705 c 0
+ 196 762 265 804 347 804 c 0
+ 416 804 459 775 459 733 c 0
+ 459 680 411 651 335 621 c 1
+ 400 580 420 553 420 522 c 0
+242 412 m 0
+ 295 412 330 447 330 487 c 0
+ 330 510 315 528 286 550 c 2
+ 254 576 l 1
+ 216 546 189 510 189 465 c 0
+ 189 431 210 412 242 412 c 0
+334 779 m 0
+ 292 779 248 751 248 710 c 0
+ 248 685 268 664 312 637 c 1
+ 362 662 398 690 398 732 c 0
+ 398 762 372 779 334 779 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ninesuperior
+Encoding: 8313 8313 1311
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1308 8310 N -1 0 0 -1 593 1189 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: zeroinferior
+Encoding: 8320 8320 1312
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1306 8304 S 1 0 0 1 -146 -591 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: seveninferior
+Encoding: 8327 8327 1313
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1309 8311 S 1 0 0 1 -146 -591 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: eightinferior
+Encoding: 8328 8328 1314
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1310 8312 S 1 0 0 1 -146 -589 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: nineinferior
+Encoding: 8329 8329 1315
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1311 8313 S 1 0 0 1 -156 -590 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: trademark
+Encoding: 8482 8482 1316
+Width: 920
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 390 221 2
+Refer: 52 84 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 40 221 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2123
+Encoding: 8483 8483 1317
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+195 256 m 1
+ 155 502 l 2
+ 135 625 132 630 76 637 c 1
+ 76 653 l 1
+ 317 653 l 1
+ 317 637 l 1
+ 270 632 240 628 240 587 c 0
+ 240 582 240 577 241 571 c 0
+ 270 379 l 1
+ 476 719 l 1
+ 304 783 l 1
+ 316 827 l 1
+ 537 745 l 1
+ 278 320 l 1
+ 306 135 l 1
+ 311 135 l 1
+ 513 484 l 2
+ 522 500 565 574 565 602 c 0
+ 565 631 521 635 502 637 c 1
+ 502 653 l 1
+ 688 653 l 1
+ 688 637 l 1
+ 657 637 638 607 632 597 c 2
+ 259 -18 l 1
+ 240 -18 l 1
+ 205 199 l 1
+ 27 -93 l 1
+ -16 -93 l 1
+ 195 256 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: estimated
+Encoding: 8494 8494 1318
+Width: 523
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+34.5029 175.716 m 0
+ 34.5029 326.103 179.128 460 324.776 460 c 0
+ 437.776 460 513.984 381 514.878 277 c 1
+ 137.878 277 l 1
+ 132.694 252.609 130.336 230.701 130.336 211.063 c 0
+ 130.336 93.0186 215.526 57 284.115 57 c 0
+ 390.115 57 446.782 126 468.922 169 c 1
+ 487.009 160 l 1
+ 438.179 62 331.874 -10 224.874 -10 c 0
+ 111.784 -10 34.5029 69.4609 34.5029 175.716 c 0
+147.68 309 m 1
+ 410.68 309 l 1
+ 407.883 357 399.124 424 304.124 424 c 0
+ 238.124 424 186.385 397 147.68 309 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Fturn
+Encoding: 8498 8498 1319
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 38 70 N -1 0 0 -1 645 654 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: onenumerator
+Encoding: 8543 8543 1320
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 118 185 S 1 0 0 1 -22 -119 0
+Refer: 1324 8725 N 1 0 0 1 29 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Delta.math
+Encoding: 8710 8710 1321
+Width: 612
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+6 0 m 1
+ 473.239 688 l 1
+ 608 0 l 1
+ 6 0 l 1
+87.8408 51 m 1
+ 489.841 51 l 1
+ 398.191 509 l 1
+ 87.8408 51 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: summation
+Encoding: 8721 8721 1322
+Width: 713
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+317 711 m 1
+ 426 341 l 1
+ 151 -11 l 1
+ 479 -11 l 2
+ 595 -11 627 5 677 87 c 1
+ 703 87 l 1
+ 605 -123 l 1
+ -22 -123 l 1
+ 307 285 l 1
+ 173 752 l 1
+ 772 752 l 1
+ 747 587 l 1
+ 721 587 l 1
+ 721 689.5 700 711 585 711 c 2
+ 317 711 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minus
+Encoding: 8722 8722 1323
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+590 220 m 1
+ 86 220 l 1
+ 86 286 l 1
+ 590 286 l 1
+ 590 220 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2215
+Encoding: 8725 8725 1324
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+649 676 m 1
+ 194 -10 l 1
+ 143 -10 l 1
+ 598 676 l 1
+ 649 676 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: infinity
+Encoding: 8734 8734 1325
+Width: 677
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 201 m 0
+ 44 155 73 114 121 114 c 0
+ 198 114 250 196 298 274 c 1
+ 286 342 257 369 200 369 c 0
+ 76 369 44 238 44 201 c 0
+633 292 m 0
+ 633 314 618 398 538 398 c 0
+ 464 398 424 342 340 216 c 1
+ 358 119 395 97 451 97 c 0
+ 567 97 633 214 633 292 c 0
+18 194 m 0
+ 18 284 100 412 214 412 c 0
+ 267 412 298 395 321 310 c 1
+ 352 353 404 434 528 434 c 0
+ 610 434 662 377 662 304 c 0
+ 662 164 529 53 437 53 c 0
+ 361 53 337 124 318 186 c 1
+ 257 109 205 78 137 78 c 0
+ 63 78 18 130 18 194 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: notequal
+Encoding: 8800 8800 1326
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+387 320 m 1
+ 319 186 l 1
+ 568 186 l 1
+ 568 120 l 1
+ 286 120 l 1
+ 224 -3 l 1
+ 165 27 l 1
+ 212 120 l 1
+ 64 120 l 1
+ 64 186 l 1
+ 245 186 l 1
+ 313 320 l 1
+ 64 320 l 1
+ 64 386 l 1
+ 346 386 l 1
+ 408 509 l 1
+ 467 479 l 1
+ 420 386 l 1
+ 568 386 l 1
+ 568 320 l 1
+ 387 320 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lessequal
+Encoding: 8804 8804 1327
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+592 102 m 1
+ 84 332 l 1
+ 84 398 l 1
+ 592 628 l 1
+ 592 556 l 1
+ 172 365 l 1
+ 592 174 l 1
+ 592 102 l 1
+592 0 m 1
+ 84 0 l 1
+ 84 66 l 1
+ 592 66 l 1
+ 592 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: greaterequal
+Encoding: 8805 8805 1328
+Width: 675
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+84 102 m 1
+ 84 174 l 1
+ 504 365 l 1
+ 84 556 l 1
+ 84 628 l 1
+ 592 398 l 1
+ 592 332 l 1
+ 84 102 l 1
+84 0 m 1
+ 84 66 l 1
+ 592 66 l 1
+ 592 0 l 1
+ 84 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lozenge
+Encoding: 9674 9674 1329
+Width: 494
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+259 0 m 1
+ 68 377 l 1
+ 264 740 l 1
+ 327 740 l 1
+ 516 374 l 1
+ 319 0 l 1
+ 259 0 l 1
+290 58 m 1
+ 452 374 l 1
+ 295 683 l 1
+ 131 377 l 1
+ 290 58 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tonos
+Encoding: 900 900 1330
+Width: 257
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+101 528 m 1
+ 77 528 l 1
+ 147 697 l 2
+ 165 734 178 743 204 743 c 0
+ 219 743 234 730 234 712 c 0
+ 234 691 226 677 204 653 c 2
+ 204 653 102 529 101 528 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iotatonos
+Encoding: 943 943 1331
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 78 -48 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gamma
+Encoding: 947 947 1332
+Width: 496
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+118 -212 m 0
+ 86 -212 81 -180 81 -158 c 0
+ 81 -69 174 13 185 57 c 0
+ 187.114 65.4577 187.416 93.5877 187.416 148.469 c 0
+ 187.416 232.8 181.082 369 119 369 c 0
+ 75 369 64 334 56 302 c 1
+ 34 311 l 1
+ 40 359 49 441 131 441 c 0
+ 208 441 210.491 308.669 210.491 203.163 c 0
+ 210.491 153.022 211 116.939 211 96 c 1
+ 213 96 l 1
+ 242 145 379.826 215.116 379.826 301 c 0
+ 379.826 329 367.387 344 367.387 379 c 0
+ 367.387 416 391 441 421 441 c 0
+ 468 441 472 396 472 370 c 0
+ 472 228 227.413 124 208 54 c 0
+ 190.562 -8.88011 221 -212 118 -212 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iecyrillic_grave
+Encoding: 1024 1024 1333
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 569 1045 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 170 212 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Iocyrillic
+Encoding: 1025 1025 1334
+Width: 574
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 569 1045 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 102 168 N 1 0 0 1 188 242 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Djecyrillic
+Encoding: 1026 1026 1335
+Width: 668
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 378 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+562 232 m 0
+ 562 306 509 335 458 335 c 0
+ 400.206 335 379 317 320 281 c 1
+ 244 0 l 17
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 16 l 1
+ 145 26 154 31 170 90 c 2
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 158 618 130 603 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 331 319 l 1
+ 389 357 431.193 384 502 384 c 0
+ 592 384 654 348 654 226 c 0
+ 654 104 560 -10 422 -10 c 0
+ 354 -10 314.496 25 314.496 65 c 0
+ 314.496 97 337 117 362 117 c 0
+ 394 117 407.723 99 407.723 65 c 0
+ 407.723 37 425 24 442 24 c 0
+ 516 24 562 76 562 232 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gjecyrillic
+Encoding: 1027 1027 1336
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 271 232 2
+Refer: 567 1043 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ecyrillic
+Encoding: 1028 1028 1337
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 485 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+689 664 m 1
+ 652 465 l 1
+ 634 468 l 1
+ 629 561 581 630 480 630 c 0
+ 365 630 245 539 192 351 c 1
+ 219 377 261 395 298 395 c 0
+ 366 395 412 342 474 342 c 0
+ 516 342 533 355 544 365 c 1
+ 554 351 l 1
+ 534 320.5 495 295 448 295 c 0
+ 383 295 322 352 261 352 c 0
+ 195 352 178 302 178 241 c 0
+ 178 125 222 27 352 27 c 0
+ 451 27 516 79 583 145 c 1
+ 600 131 l 1
+ 529 46 444 -18 328 -18 c 0
+ 168 -18 66 93 66 252 c 0
+ 66 463 259 666 472 666 c 0
+ 528 666 582 642 628 642 c 0
+ 644 642 662 647 668 664 c 1
+ 689 664 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Dzecyrillic
+Encoding: 1029 1029 1338
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 339 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Icyrillic
+Encoding: 1030 1030 1339
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 273 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Yicyrillic
+Encoding: 1031 1031 1340
+Width: 322
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 102 168 S 1 0 0 1 41 226 2
+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Jecyrillic
+Encoding: 1032 1032 1341
+Width: 427
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 383 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ljecyrillic
+Encoding: 1033 1033 1342
+Width: 992
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 552 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+484 620 m 2
+ 457 620 434.683 609.09 427 581 c 0
+ 336.729 250.946 258 -8 88 -8 c 0
+ 37 -8 0 27.5 0 67.5 c 0
+ 0 101.5 24.5 119 48 119 c 0
+ 81 119 93 86 98.5 69 c 0
+ 104.025 51.9199 116.5 46 130 46 c 0
+ 159 46 196.801 84.335 217.5 119.5 c 0
+ 261.538 194.312 296.76 265.253 374 544 c 0
+ 380.028 565.701 383.603 582.133 383.603 594.692 c 0
+ 383.603 623.803 364.395 632.11 312 637 c 1
+ 311 653 l 1
+ 830 653 l 1
+ 830 637 l 1
+ 750 634 732.091 616.974 711 544 c 2
+ 661 371 l 1
+ 688 373 709 374 735 374 c 0
+ 888 374 958 320 958 240 c 0
+ 958 140 916 101 881 72 c 0
+ 829 28 734 0 640 0 c 2
+ 404 0 l 1
+ 404 16 l 1
+ 460 26 468.679 31.5049 485 90 c 2
+ 622 581 l 2
+ 623.16 585.159 623.691 588.941 623.691 592.368 c 0
+ 623.691 612.055 606.183 620 590 620 c 2
+ 484 620 l 2
+578 71 m 2
+ 575.756 63.4277 574.535 57.4277 574.535 52.7148 c 0
+ 574.535 40.624 582.573 37 602 37 c 0
+ 737 37 849 90 849 248 c 0
+ 849 282 823 334 708 334 c 0
+ 688 334 674 333 650 331 c 1
+ 578 71 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Njecyrillic
+Encoding: 1034 1034 1343
+Width: 963
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 474 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+685 563 m 2
+ 632 371 l 1
+ 659 373 680 374 706 374 c 0
+ 859 374 929 320 929 240 c 0
+ 929 140 887 101 852 72 c 0
+ 800 28 705 0 611 0 c 2
+ 374 0 l 1
+ 374 16 l 1
+ 430 26 439 32 455 90 c 2
+ 521 326 l 1
+ 236 326 l 1
+ 170 82 l 2
+ 168 75 167 67 167 60 c 0
+ 167 31 178 24 238 16 c 1
+ 238 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 56.7188 31.4941 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 343 633 317 614 302 563 c 2
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 579 532 l 2
+ 586 557 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
+ 767 637 l 1
+ 710 627 701.082 621.261 685 563 c 2
+549 71 m 2
+ 546.756 63.4275 545.535 57.4282 545.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 545.535 40.6241 553.573 37 573 37 c 0
+ 708 37 820 90 820 248 c 0
+ 820 282 794 334 679 334 c 0
+ 659 334 645 333 621 331 c 1
+ 549 71 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tshecyrillic
+Encoding: 1035 1035 1344
+Width: 703
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 377 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+331 319 m 1
+ 389 357 453 380 502 380 c 0
+ 570.19 380 664.202 351.107 664.202 265.554 c 0
+ 664.202 253.238 662.254 239.747 658 225 c 2
+ 631 121 l 2
+ 624 96 617 73 617 59 c 0
+ 617 31 629 23 687 16 c 1
+ 687 0 l 1
+ 440 0 l 1
+ 440 16 l 1
+ 497 26 505 32 522 90 c 2
+ 563 234 l 2
+ 565.379 242.355 566.465 250.07 566.465 257.186 c 0
+ 566.465 317.806 487.655 335 458 335 c 0
+ 413 335 379 317 320 281 c 1
+ 276 120 l 2
+ 266.685 88.0908 265 76 265 57 c 0
+ 265 29 276 23 333 16 c 1
+ 333 0 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 89 16 l 1
+ 145 26 154 31 170 90 c 2
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 162 618 130 603 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 331 319 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1F90
+Encoding: 8080 8080 1345
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 140 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F91
+Encoding: 8081 8081 1346
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 150 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F92
+Encoding: 8082 8082 1347
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 50 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F93
+Encoding: 8083 8083 1348
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 60 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F94
+Encoding: 8084 8084 1349
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 80 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F95
+Encoding: 8085 8085 1350
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 80 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F96
+Encoding: 8086 8086 1351
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 141 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1F97
+Encoding: 8087 8087 1352
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1224 8131 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 140 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA0
+Encoding: 8096 8096 1353
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1370 8127 S 1 0 0 1 160 -60 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA1
+Encoding: 8097 8097 1354
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1272 8190 S 1 0 0 1 180 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA2
+Encoding: 8098 8098 1355
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1371 8141 S 1 0 0 1 90 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA3
+Encoding: 8099 8099 1356
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1244 8157 S 1 0 0 1 110 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA4
+Encoding: 8100 8100 1357
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1233 8142 S 1 0 0 1 110 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA5
+Encoding: 8101 8101 1358
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1245 8158 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA6
+Encoding: 8102 8102 1359
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1234 8143 S 1 0 0 1 178 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FA7
+Encoding: 8103 8103 1360
+Width: 701
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1263 8179 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1246 8159 S 1 0 0 1 175 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB0
+Encoding: 8112 8112 1361
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 -29 59 0
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB1
+Encoding: 8113 8113 1362
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 90 -12 0
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB2
+Encoding: 8114 8114 1363
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1261 8175 S 1 0 0 1 52 -5 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alphaiotasub
+Encoding: 8115 8115 1364
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 477 890 S 1 0 0 1 76 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB4
+Encoding: 8116 8116 1365
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1374 8189 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -10 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB6
+Encoding: 8118 8118 1366
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 519 945 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 0 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB7
+Encoding: 8119 8119 1367
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1364 8115 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1221 8128 S 1 0 0 1 0 -36 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FB8
+Encoding: 8120 8120 1368
+Width: 661
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 489 913 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 403 728 S 1 0 0 1 117 201 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: prosgegrammeni
+Encoding: 8126 8126 1369
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 477 890 N 1 0 0 1 0 200 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: psili
+Encoding: 8127 8127 1370
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+192 554 m 1
+ 187 576 l 1
+ 231 583 279 600 279 658 c 0
+ 279 673 269 684 255 684 c 0
+ 229 684 204 697 204 726 c 0
+ 204 753.5 225 770 258 770 c 0
+ 303 770 334 727 334 686 c 0
+ 334 604 251 555 192 554 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: psili_varia
+Encoding: 8141 8141 1371
+Width: 330
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1261 8175 N 1 0 0 1 168 4 2
+Refer: 1370 8127 N 1 0 0 1 -18 -60 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FD3
+Encoding: 8147 8147 1372
+Width: 270
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 526 953 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1260 8174 S 1 0 0 1 -109 -25 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1FE3
+Encoding: 8163 8163 1373
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 538 965 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1260 8174 S 1 0 0 1 44 -7 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: oxia
+Encoding: 8189 8189 1374
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1330 900 S 1 0 0 1 180 -30 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ellipsis
+Encoding: 8230 8230 1375
+Width: 889
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+112 100 m 0
+ 142 100 168 74 168 43 c 0
+ 168 13 142 -11 110 -11 c 0
+ 82 -11 57 14 57 43 c 0
+ 57 74 82 100 112 100 c 0
+409 100 m 0
+ 439 100 465 74 465 43 c 0
+ 465 13 439 -11 407 -11 c 0
+ 379 -11 354 14 354 43 c 0
+ 354 74 379 100 409 100 c 0
+706 100 m 0
+ 736 100 762 74 762 43 c 0
+ 762 13 736 -11 704 -11 c 0
+ 676 -11 651 14 651 43 c 0
+ 651 74 676 100 706 100 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: perthousand
+Encoding: 8240 8240 1376
+Width: 1000
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+218 676 m 0
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+ 586 706 l 1
+ 155 -18 l 1
+ 109 -18 l 1
+ 502 641 l 1
+ 465 598 432 583 371 583 c 0
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+ 307 594 307 591 307 590 c 0
+ 310 577 310 575 310 563 c 0
+ 310 437 232 326 144 326 c 0
+ 77 326 25 386 25 463 c 0
+ 25 575 117 676 218 676 c 0
+251 621 m 0
+ 235 628 221 650 211 650 c 0
+ 175 650 96 522 96 426 c 0
+ 96 382 118 353 154 353 c 0
+ 225 353 286 452 286 566 c 0
+ 286 599 282 606 251 621 c 0
+487 -19 m 0
+ 421 -19 366 36 366 121 c 0
+ 366 229 459 330 557 330 c 0
+ 616 330 650 287 650 212 c 0
+ 650 91 573 -19 487 -19 c 0
+492 8 m 0
+ 574 8 627 130 627 214 c 0
+ 627 264 601 302 566 302 c 0
+ 492 302 438 155 438 80 c 0
+ 438 36 459 8 492 8 c 0
+847 -19 m 0
+ 781 -19 726 36 726 121 c 0
+ 726 229 819 330 917 330 c 0
+ 976 330 1010 287 1010 212 c 0
+ 1010 90 933 -19 847 -19 c 0
+852 8 m 0
+ 933 8 987 128 987 214 c 0
+ 987 265 961 302 926 302 c 0
+ 854 302 798 164 798 76 c 0
+ 798 36 820 8 852 8 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: interrobang
+Encoding: 8253 8253 1377
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+212 181 m 1
+ 245 331 264 425 284 551 c 0
+ 292 602 303 628 315 642 c 1
+ 309 642 228 642 228 595 c 0
+ 228 571 247 564 247 542 c 0
+ 247 512 209 507 197 507 c 0
+ 167 507 148 525 148 554 c 0
+ 148 625 230 664 319 664 c 0
+ 439 664 508 611 508 537 c 0
+ 508 370 289 334 232 177 c 1
+ 212 181 l 1
+394 616 m 1
+ 394 564 380 557 281 316 c 1
+ 341 391 416 444 416 558 c 0
+ 416 572 413 597 394 616 c 1
+238 41 m 0
+ 238 21 222 -12 186 -12 c 0
+ 155 -12 132 10 132 39 c 0
+ 132 68 155 91 185 91 c 0
+ 222 91 238 58 238 41 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: foursuperior
+Encoding: 8308 8308 1378
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+423 538 m 1
+ 413 493 l 1
+ 359 493 l 1
+ 330 391 l 1
+ 263 391 l 1
+ 294 494 l 1
+ 126 494 l 1
+ 140 538 l 1
+ 413 804 l 1
+ 453 804 l 1
+ 372 538 l 1
+ 423 538 l 1
+366 724 m 1
+ 177 538 l 1
+ 304 538 l 1
+ 366 724 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oneinferior
+Encoding: 8321 8321 1379
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 118 185 S 1 0 0 1 -145 -591 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: twoinferior
+Encoding: 8322 8322 1380
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 111 178 S 1 0 0 1 -148 -591 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: threeinferior
+Encoding: 8323 8323 1381
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 112 179 S 1 0 0 1 -150 -589 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourinferior
+Encoding: 8324 8324 1382
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1378 8308 S 1 0 0 1 -149 -591 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fiveinferior
+Encoding: 8325 8325 1383
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1307 8309 S 1 0 0 1 -150 -592 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: sixinferior
+Encoding: 8326 8326 1384
+Width: 300
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1308 8310 S 1 0 0 1 -146 -588 0
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+StartChar: uni20A0
+Encoding: 8352 8352 1385
+Width: 698
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+LayerCount: 2
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+ 371 450 l 1
+ 732 450 l 1
+ 707 353 l 1
+ 690 353 l 1
+ 691 361 691 368 691 374 c 0
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+ 515 424 l 2
+ 500 424 491 424 485 401 c 0
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+ 548 250 l 2
+ 609 250 621 266 641 315 c 1
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+ 598 157 l 1
+ 599 167 600 176 600 183 c 0
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+ 389 54 l 1
+ 387 48 386 43 386 40 c 0
+ 386 27 403 26 482 26 c 0
+ 568 26 608 46 656 115 c 1
+ 676 115 l 1
+ 613 0 l 1
+ 250 0 l 1
+ 250 13 l 1
+ 294 15 311 21 326 74 c 0
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+ 347 223 l 2
+ 256 223 169 267 169 378 c 0
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+ 594 668 616 668 629 691 c 1
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+ 591 538 l 1
+ 591 544 l 0
+ 591 612 557 663 476 663 c 0
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+Encoding: 8353 8353 1386
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+102 214 m 0
+ 102 405 268 676 555 676 c 0
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+ 610 672 l 1
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+ 752 793 l 1
+ 788 793 l 1
+ 698 649 l 1
+ 709 645 716 643 722 643 c 0
+ 727 643 760 643 777 676 c 1
+ 798 676 l 1
+ 745 451 l 1
+ 722 451 l 1
+ 722 461 l 2
+ 722 519 705 569 668 601 c 1
+ 319 44 l 1
+ 342 34 368 30 397 30 c 0
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+ 664 113 l 1
+ 663 111 542 -14 358 -14 c 0
+ 334 -14 311 -12 287 -7 c 1
+ 204 -139 l 1
+ 168 -139 l 1
+ 256 1 l 1
+ 240 5 222 13 204 23 c 1
+ 102 -139 l 1
+ 66 -139 l 1
+ 179 40 l 1
+ 133 77 102 133 102 214 c 0
+642 617 m 1
+ 626 625 608 631 587 634 c 1
+ 250 96 l 1
+ 261 80 276 67 292 57 c 1
+ 642 617 l 1
+551 636 m 0
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+ 218 179 223 150 233 126 c 1
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+ 552 636 552 636 551 636 c 0
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+378 28 m 1
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+ 544 666 605 642 628 642 c 0
+ 657 642 663 654 668 664 c 1
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+ 652 490 l 1
+ 634 493 l 1
+ 632 496 623 630 480 630 c 0
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+ 391 386 386 402 355 402 c 0
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+ 322 414 l 1
+ 373 421 432 434 477 441 c 1
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+ 433 238 l 1
+ 441 258 l 2
+ 468 327 550 441 613 441 c 0
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+438 348 m 1
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+ 383 293 407 293 438 348 c 1
+523 525 m 1
+ 399 144 l 1
+ 382 149 l 1
+ 385 163 390 186 390 207 c 0
+ 390 251 357 254 340 254 c 0
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+ 193 105 l 2
+ 187 83 184 71 184 60 c 0
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+ 8 0 l 1
+ 8 16 l 1
+ 59 24 72 26 90 90 c 2
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+ 645 653 l 1
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+ 593 516 595 530 595 544 c 0
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+ 289 437 l 2
+ 457 437 459 440 505 530 c 1
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+32 53 m 0
+ 32 37 44 16 78 16 c 0
+ 102 16 138 42 146 73 c 1
+ 125 88 111 98 85 98 c 0
+ 35 98 32 58 32 53 c 0
+478 553 m 0
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+ 336 641 306 520 290 426 c 1
+ 409 426 l 1
+ 409 380 l 1
+ 283 380 l 1
+ 275 334 277 335 271 310 c 1
+ 409 310 l 1
+ 409 264 l 1
+ 259 264 l 1
+ 245 216 224 166 197 104 c 1
+ 228 92 300 66 353 66 c 0
+ 397 66 417 80 436 93 c 2
+ 446 100 l 1
+ 457 91 l 1
+ 455 84 421 -6 317 -6 c 0
+ 286 -6 246 -4 171 57 c 1
+ 149 30 121 -6 77 -6 c 0
+ 38 -6 10 14 10 64 c 0
+ 10 82 33 126 99 126 c 0
+ 120 126 120 126 160 115 c 1
+ 168 180 174 228 178 264 c 1
+ 65 264 l 1
+ 65 310 l 1
+ 184 310 l 1
+ 193 375 192 363 194 380 c 1
+ 65 380 l 1
+ 65 426 l 1
+ 204 426 l 1
+ 229 524 292 670 426 670 c 0
+ 485 670 517 633 517 595 c 0
+ 517 561 497 553 478 553 c 0
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+704 105 m 1
+ 665 51 616 -9 557 -9 c 0
+ 515 -9 515 26 515 40 c 0
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+ 275 0 l 1
+ 205 -114 l 1
+ 138 -114 l 1
+ 300 151 l 1
+ 327 248 354 350 354 362 c 0
+ 354 389 341 389 332 389 c 0
+ 287 389 211 288 184 248 c 0
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+ 12 0 l 1
+ 28 66 110 348 110 370 c 0
+ 110 392 95 394 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 100 420 153 430 206 441 c 1
+ 209 439 l 1
+ 153 239 l 1
+ 155 237 l 1
+ 185 286 288 441 372 441 c 0
+ 410 441 431 418 431 376 c 0
+ 431 373 430 368 429 362 c 1
+ 560 577 l 1
+ 627 577 l 1
+ 511 387 l 1
+ 546 421 581 441 613 441 c 0
+ 649 441 672 414 672 374 c 0
+ 672 340 591 72 591 58 c 0
+ 591 41 594 38 606 38 c 0
+ 625 38 651 70 689 117 c 1
+ 704 105 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 8358 8358 1391
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+344 264 m 1
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+ 117 113 l 2
+ 110 87 108 69 108 61 c 0
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+ -20 0 l 1
+ -20 16 l 1
+ 35 24 45 34 83 164 c 2
+ 112 264 l 1
+ 39 264 l 1
+ 39 310 l 1
+ 125 310 l 1
+ 145 380 l 1
+ 70 380 l 1
+ 70 426 l 1
+ 158 426 l 1
+ 202 581 l 1
+ 185 618 164 634 116 637 c 1
+ 116 653 l 1
+ 277 653 l 1
+ 371 426 l 1
+ 558 426 l 1
+ 587 534 l 2
+ 591 548 598 567 598 584 c 0
+ 598 623 583 633 528 637 c 1
+ 528 653 l 1
+ 727 653 l 1
+ 727 637 l 1
+ 662 623 658 609 623 488 c 2
+ 605 426 l 1
+ 673 426 l 1
+ 673 380 l 1
+ 592 380 l 1
+ 572 310 l 1
+ 640 310 l 1
+ 640 264 l 1
+ 559 264 l 1
+ 479 -15 l 1
+ 461 -15 l 1
+ 344 264 l 1
+325 310 m 1
+ 295 380 l 1
+ 189 380 l 1
+ 170 310 l 1
+ 325 310 l 1
+276 426 m 1
+ 233 529 l 1
+ 229 529 l 1
+ 201 426 l 1
+ 276 426 l 1
+527 310 m 1
+ 546 380 l 1
+ 391 380 l 1
+ 420 310 l 1
+ 527 310 l 1
+439 264 m 1
+ 483 158 l 1
+ 486 158 l 1
+ 514 264 l 1
+ 439 264 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: peseta
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+Width: 988
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
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+ 227.214 331 l 1
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+ 285.004 625 277.821 618 273.06 591 c 2
+730.247 450 m 1
+ 724.604 418 l 1
+ 638.755 418 l 1
+ 588.325 132 l 2
+ 585.195 114.249 583.581 99.3562 583.581 87.12 c 0
+ 583.581 55.9284 594.067 42 616.656 42 c 0
+ 635.355 42 652.723 50.6064 674.981 75.6062 c 1
+ 688.452 152 l 1
+ 702.052 152 l 1
+ 702.052 89 709 12 785.316 12 c 0
+ 850.455 12 869.989 69.3626 869.989 99.556 c 0
+ 869.989 123.228 859.249 142.479 837.586 159 c 2
+ 794.104 192 l 2
+ 740.562 232.634 717.68 267.229 717.68 310.575 c 0
+ 717.68 379.101 770.078 459 857.334 459 c 0
+ 906.634 459 917.73 440 936.43 440 c 0
+ 941.53 440 945.99 446 951.8 450 c 1
+ 961.15 450 l 1
+ 940.57 314 l 1
+ 927.82 314 l 1
+ 923.96 403 904.455 437 856.005 437 c 0
+ 808.76 437 777.264 396.118 777.264 354.48 c 0
+ 777.264 333.187 785.969 314.084 803.124 301 c 2
+ 883.64 237 l 2
+ 920.096 207.606 936.506 180.212 936.506 143.932 c 0
+ 936.506 61.1092 864.143 -10 791.637 -10 c 0
+ 753.387 -10 714.91 8 693.66 8 c 0
+ 683.461 8 679.708 6 671.995 -4 c 1
+ 660.944 -4 l 1
+ 670.375 49.4845 l 1
+ 637.422 8.89662 604.495 -10 567.537 -10 c 0
+ 528.754 -10 509.247 15.7165 509.247 66.2245 c 0
+ 509.247 81.0278 510.923 97.9607 514.28 117 c 2
+ 567.354 418 l 1
+ 522.949 418 l 1
+ 492.422 353.01 424.637 288 278.282 288 c 0
+ 256.183 288 241.908 289 220.161 291 c 1
+ 188.069 109 l 2
+ 185.012 91.6605 183.261 77.6497 183.261 66.3244 c 0
+ 183.261 29.9698 201.304 21.2874 252.101 19 c 1
+ 248.75 0 l 1
+ 10.75 0 l 1
+ 14.1006 19 l 1
+ 79.9346 26 88.498 36 103.31 120 c 2
+ 179.659 553 l 2
+ 183.005 571.975 185.001 586.644 185.001 598.105 c 0
+ 185.001 630.132 169.413 637.108 124.128 643 c 1
+ 127.479 662 l 1
+ 351.879 662 l 2
+ 435.408 662 546.052 632.195 546.052 517.593 c 0
+ 546.052 486.036 536.839 453.605 531.491 438.701 c 1
+ 545.246 447.865 574.839 467.492 639.256 551 c 0
+ 646.97 561 653.656 570 661.193 579 c 1
+ 664.53 579 665.821 577.715 665.821 574.026 c 0
+ 665.821 572.077 665.461 569.456 664.852 566 c 2
+ 644.396 450 l 1
+ 730.247 450 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 8361 8361 1393
+Width: 833
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+LayerCount: 2
+735 380 m 1
+ 699 311 l 1
+ 847 311 l 1
+ 847 264 l 1
+ 675 264 l 1
+ 528 -18 l 1
+ 508 -18 l 1
+ 477 264 l 1
+ 369 264 l 1
+ 231 -18 l 1
+ 212 -18 l 1
+ 178 264 l 1
+ 7 264 l 1
+ 7 311 l 1
+ 173 311 l 1
+ 164 380 l 1
+ 39 380 l 1
+ 39 427 l 1
+ 159 427 l 1
+ 150 499 l 2
+ 134 629 134 629 71 637 c 1
+ 71 653 l 1
+ 307 653 l 1
+ 307 637 l 1
+ 261 632 234 628 234 583 c 0
+ 234 578 234 573 235 568 c 0
+ 250 427 l 1
+ 410 427 l 1
+ 451 510 l 1
+ 442 579 l 2
+ 436 624 427 636 367 637 c 1
+ 367 653 l 1
+ 605 653 l 1
+ 605 637 l 1
+ 564 633 537 626 537 579 c 0
+ 537 575 537 570 538 564 c 0
+ 552 427 l 1
+ 713 427 l 1
+ 765 530 l 2
+ 769 538 786 574 786 594 c 0
+ 786 631 765 633 721 637 c 1
+ 721 653 l 1
+ 906 653 l 1
+ 906 637 l 1
+ 870 626 858 617 831 565 c 2
+ 759 427 l 1
+ 880 427 l 1
+ 880 380 l 1
+ 735 380 l 1
+464 380 m 1
+ 426 380 l 1
+ 392 311 l 1
+ 472 311 l 1
+ 464 380 l 1
+459 427 m 1
+ 458 436 l 1
+ 453 436 l 1
+ 449 427 l 1
+ 459 427 l 1
+689 380 m 1
+ 557 380 l 1
+ 563 311 l 1
+ 654 311 l 1
+ 689 380 l 1
+568 264 m 1
+ 578 167 l 1
+ 581 167 l 1
+ 630 264 l 1
+ 568 264 l 1
+387 380 m 1
+ 255 380 l 1
+ 262 311 l 1
+ 352 311 l 1
+ 387 380 l 1
+267 264 m 1
+ 274 197 l 1
+ 278 167 l 1
+ 281 167 l 1
+ 329 264 l 1
+ 267 264 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Euro
+Encoding: 8364 8364 1394
+Width: 741
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+731.019 113 m 1
+ 657.377 30 529.024 -14 433.024 -14 c 0
+ 258.799 -14 162.559 85.4731 162.559 240.159 c 0
+ 162.559 244.398 162.631 248.679 162.776 253 c 1
+ 87.7764 253 l 1
+ 117.555 299 l 1
+ 166.555 299 l 1
+ 167.27 306.05 170.239 327.789 182.434 369 c 1
+ 112.434 369 l 1
+ 142.211 415 l 1
+ 199.211 415 l 1
+ 265.944 569 415.688 676 585.688 676 c 0
+ 676.811 676 778.454 634.599 818.872 558.855 c 1
+ 801.355 531.623 l 1
+ 749.783 594.276 677.883 636 586.186 636 c 0
+ 540.786 636 387.947 616.164 312.211 415 c 1
+ 726.211 415 l 1
+ 696.434 369 l 1
+ 297.434 369 l 1
+ 291.483 348.446 284.147 313.156 282.555 299 c 1
+ 651.555 299 l 1
+ 621.776 253 l 1
+ 277.776 253 l 1
+ 277.551 247.604 277.436 242.252 277.436 236.95 c 0
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+ 92.7958 266 l 1
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+ 489 266 l 1
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+ 172 42 221 93 281 188 c 0
+ 292.196 205.768 301.082 220.159 308.941 234 c 1
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash three
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash six
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" one slash eight
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" two slash three
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+StartChar: twofifths
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" two slash five
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" three fraction five
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash five
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+StartChar: fourfifths
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" four slash five
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+StartChar: fivesixths
+Encoding: 8538 8538 1443
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" five fraction six
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" five slash six
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+StartChar: threeeighths
+Encoding: 8540 8540 1444
+Width: 750
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+Refer: 112 179 N 1 0 0 1 -36 -121 0
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+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" three fraction eight
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" three slash eight
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+StartChar: fiveeighths
+Encoding: 8541 8541 1445
+Width: 750
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+TeX: 102 0
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" five fraction eight
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" five slash eight
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
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+Encoding: 8542 8542 1446
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+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions fraction subtable" seven fraction eight
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions slash subtable" seven slash eight
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+StartChar: uni2160
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+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 875 0 0
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+Refer: 41 73 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
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+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
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+Refer: 73 105 N 1 0 0 1 218 0 0
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+ 42 39 l 1
+ 252 113 l 1
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+ 143 459 l 1
+ 203 676 l 1
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+ 452 762 l 1
+ 392 547 l 1
+ 443 565 l 1
+ 418 475 l 1
+ 367 457 l 1
+ 286 165 l 1
+ 337 183 l 1
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+241 150 m 1
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+ 83 94 l 1
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+ 600 653 l 1
+ 388 381 l 1
+ 466 381 489 320 489 262 c 0
+ 489 136 377 -14 215 -14 c 0
+ 102 -14 15 32 -24 113 c 1
+ -2 131 l 1
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+ 126.033 327 115 155.889 115 124 c 0
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+ 488 113 l 1
+ 405 32 294 -14 181 -14 c 0
+ 85 -14 20 45 20 138 c 0
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+ -23 18 54 173 236 210 c 1
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+ 462 428 l 1
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+ 218 368 l 1
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+ 11 -206 l 1
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+ 742 653 870 559 870 387 c 0
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+ 383 396 l 1
+ 274 396 l 1
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+ -1 -157 -10 -159 -10 -170 c 0
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+ 105 396 l 1
+ 112 428 l 1
+ 204 428 l 1
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+ 712 303 l 1
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+ 502 4 411 -18 335 -18 c 0
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+ 689 621 750 671 839 671 c 0
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+ 160 608 127 631 102 635 c 1
+ 108 654 l 1
+ 374 654 l 1
+ 368 635 l 1
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+ 520 654 l 1
+ 728 654 l 1
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+419 -9 m 0
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+ 19 0 l 1
+ 151 501 l 2
+ 157 524 178 595 178 615 c 0
+ 178 637.053 156.153 641.533 135.698 641.533 c 0
+ 126.471 641.533 117.528 640.622 111 640 c 1
+ 111 656 l 1
+ 164 662 216 671 268 683 c 1
+ 273 678 l 1
+ 155 239 l 1
+ 157 237 l 1
+ 198 303 295 441 380 441 c 0
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+ 448 291 382 172 382 103 c 0
+ 382 57 419 27 464 27 c 0
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+ 611 419 629 444 653 444 c 0
+ 696 444 708 402 708 366 c 0
+ 708 216 589 -9 419 -9 c 0
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+279 678 m 1
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+ 49 -11 41 17 41 51 c 0
+ 41 84 141 436 156 495 c 0
+ 161 511 186 601 186 615 c 0
+ 186 636.987 155.785 640.476 133.608 640.476 c 0
+ 127.543 640.476 122.08 640.215 118 640 c 1
+ 118 656 l 1
+ 170 662 223 671 274 683 c 1
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+ 229 300 l 1
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+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 47 26 57 34 73 90 c 2
+ 131 300 l 1
+ 42 300 l 1
+ 55 344 l 1
+ 144 344 l 1
+ 159 398 207 532 207 594 c 0
+ 207 633 167 634 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
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+796 504 m 0
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+ 603 0 l 1
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+ 328 16 l 1
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+ 242 339 l 1
+ 233 307 168 101 168 62 c 0
+ 168 17 205 20 240 16 c 1
+ 240 0 l 1
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+ 136.823 196 127.057 204.562 127.057 217.422 c 0
+ 127.057 235.811 147.745 262 174.344 262 c 0
+ 200.344 262 208.923 238 245.923 238 c 0
+ 301.538 238 351.857 310.551 351.857 363.609 c 0
+ 351.857 395.554 334.121 418 295.082 418 c 0
+ 216.082 418 200.399 325 141.399 325 c 0
+ 124.602 325 117.025 334.357 117.025 347.46 c 0
+ 117.025 366.968 150.534 442 308.503 442 c 0
+ 370.767 442 443.318 415.668 443.318 357.577 c 0
+ 443.318 299.575 375.061 236.706 289.515 229 c 1
+ 318.595 223.753 371.255 196.029 371.255 141.618 c 0
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+ 532 303.6 523.2 285.2 509.6 206 c 1
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+ 528.8 227.6 l 2
+ 560 351.6 728 380.4 728 493.2 c 0
+ 728 555.6 680.8 596.4 609.6 596.4 c 0
+ 544 596.4 497.6 560.4 497.6 509.2 c 0
+ 497.6 485.2 509.6 470.8 528.8 470.8 c 0
+ 547.2 470.8 560.8 482.8 560.8 498.8 c 0
+ 560.8 514 548.8 524.4 548.8 540.4 c 0
+497.6 139.6 m 0
+ 474.4 139.6 456 120.4 456 97.2002 c 0
+ 456 74 474.4 55.5996 498.4 55.5996 c 0
+ 520 55.5996 540 75.5996 540 97.2002 c 0
+ 540 120.4 520.8 139.6 497.6 139.6 c 0
+471 -63 m 1
+ 115 369 l 1
+ 623 800 l 1
+ 978 369 l 1
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+Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic subtable" danda
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+ 269 0 l 1
+ 253 16 l 1
+104 16 m 1
+ 238 498 l 1
+ 280 472 l 1
+ 144 -18 l 1
+ 121 0 l 1
+ 104 16 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic subtable" doubledanda
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+-60 750 m 2
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+ -60 750 l 2
+-122 778 m 0
+ -122 760 -143 730 -170 730 c 0
+ -186 730 -194 743 -194 755 c 0
+ -194 772 -173 800 -147 800 c 0
+ -126 800 -122 787 -122 778 c 0
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+ 122 103 106 117 89 130 c 2
+ 45 166 l 1
+ 77 279 l 1
+ 152 202 200 119 227 70 c 2
+ 272 -15 l 1
+ 260 -58 l 1
+ 217 0 l 2
+ 208 13 196 28 181 43 c 2
+97 402 m 0
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+ 282 531 306 486 306 443 c 0
+ 306 372 231 304 177 304 c 0
+ 126 304 97 354 97 402 c 0
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+ 171 466 151 392 151 375 c 0
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+253 163 m 0
+ 253 102 197 28 116 15 c 0
+ 64 15 39 64 39 111 c 0
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+ 238 248 253 199 253 163 c 0
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+ 295 535 336 504 336 453 c 0
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+ 58 558 l 1
+ 692 558 l 1
+ 678 508 l 1
+ 587 508 l 1
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+ 432 80 432 83 432 85 c 2
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+ 402 169 410 181 381 210 c 1
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+ 64 458 64 470 65 482 c 1
+ 92 469 l 1
+ 92 451 l 0
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+ 332 219 374 273 374 341 c 0
+ 374 375 361 397 344 397 c 1
+ 317 368 283 347 252 347 c 0
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+ 33 508 l 1
+ 47 558 l 1
+ 579 558 l 1
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+ 752 508 l 1
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+ 571 35 l 1
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+ 679 468 665 494 628 508 c 1
+ 578 508 l 1
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+ 423 84 l 2
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+ 121 135 56 244 56 447 c 0
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+ 84 469 l 1
+ 83 463 83 457 83 451 c 0
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+ 570 558 l 1
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+ 259 508 l 1
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+ 236 122 l 2
+ 287 78 327 24 348 -5 c 1
+ 345 -73 l 1
+ 302 -8 191 118 27 151 c 1
+ 1 276 l 1
+ 48 241 103 237 130 237 c 0
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+ 225 350 159 314 118 314 c 0
+ 78 314 74 338 74 350 c 0
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+ 197 508 l 1
+ 28 508 l 1
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+ 335 558 l 1
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+ 498 400 l 1
+ 339 295 297 133 297 71 c 0
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+ 274 13 l 1
+ 273 29 270 52 270 80 c 0
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+ 44 143 24 181 24 223 c 0
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+ 55 266 l 0
+ 55 242 60 217 86 217 c 0
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+ 64 324 46 343 46 370 c 0
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+ 19 508 l 1
+ 33 558 l 1
+ 414 558 l 2
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+ 207 605 l 2
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+ 279 508 l 1
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+ 343 388 l 2
+ 368 409 374 412 380 412 c 0
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+ 35 346 46 420 56 478 c 1
+ 81 462 l 1
+ 78 443 74 410 74 372 c 0
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+ 8 508 l 1
+ 22 558 l 1
+ 380 558 l 1
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+ 438 584 l 1
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+ 627 558 l 1
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+ 335 508 l 1
+ 285 328 l 2
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+ 72 442 l 1
+ 69 415 67 389 67 366 c 0
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+ 454 311 451 324 445 336 c 1
+ 419 307 337 239 283 239 c 0
+ 241 239 231 274 231 301 c 0
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+ 285 508 l 1
+ 11 508 l 1
+ 24 558 l 1
+ 435 558 l 2
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+ 238 609 l 2
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+ 567 558 l 1
+ 683 558 l 1
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+ 553 508 l 1
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+ 294 37 l 1
+ 282 55 l 1
+ 282 57 282 59 282 62 c 0
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+ 119 382 77 323 77 264 c 0
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+ 209 184 234 192 288 192 c 0
+ 361 192 387 154 404 135 c 1
+ 505 499 l 2
+ 505.12 499.718 505.182 500.407 505.182 501.066 c 0
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+ 455 501 350 463 305 371 c 1
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+ 363 272 293 259 275 259 c 0
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+ 352 29 352 38 352 45 c 0
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+ 69 114 -5 128 -5 217 c 0
+ -5 277 24 361 83 417 c 1
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+ 188 183 199 189 230 189 c 0
+ 249 189 290 188 319 172 c 2
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+ 267 368 274 370 281 370 c 0
+ 302 370 317 355 317 332 c 0
+ 317 315 300 254 228 254 c 0
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+ 167 416 313 541 443 557 c 1
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+ 502 454 l 2
+ 541 454 564 495 564 523 c 0
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+ 385 820 l 1
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+ 113 413 120 253 211 173 c 2
+ 230 159 l 2
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+ 415 379 430 377 439 368 c 1
+ 485 388 495 434 495 447 c 0
+ 495 478 461 486 437 486 c 0
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+ 297 320 260 308 232 308 c 0
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+ 580 419 557 387 519 352 c 2
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+ 86 472 l 1
+ 94 403 l 2
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+ 401 375 411 372 421 366 c 1
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+ 382 403 l 1
+ 271 3 l 1
+ 257 21 l 1
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+ 101 363 222 435 350 469 c 1
+ 361 508 l 1
+ 47 508 l 1
+ 61 558 l 1
+ 659 558 l 1
+ 645 508 l 1
+ 411 508 l 1
+ 401 470 l 1
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+ 539 198 446 175 422 175 c 0
+ 399 175 375 194 375 225 c 0
+ 375 280 435 292 452 292 c 0
+ 461 292 484 289 491 267 c 1
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+ 564 558 l 1
+ 550 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 326 3 l 1
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+ 291 143 271 202 111 235 c 1
+ 56 338 l 1
+ 69 336 81 335 95 335 c 0
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+ 237 431 172 405 108 399 c 0
+ 74 399 52 418 52 449 c 0
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+ 150 521 160 511 160 494 c 0
+ 160 489 158 483 157 476 c 1
+ 205 479 255 536 285 554 c 1
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+ 467 508 l 1
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+ 283 27 l 1
+ 366 324 l 2
+ 366 329 366 334 366 340 c 0
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+ 71 247 l 1
+ 121 282 209 348 209 373 c 0
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+ 102 356 l 2
+ 91 351 84 349 80 349 c 0
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+232 508 m 2
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+ 409 508 l 1
+ 232 508 l 2
+79 435 m 0
+ 79 464 101 495 112 508 c 1
+ 51 508 l 1
+ 65 558 l 1
+ 567 558 l 1
+ 553 508 l 1
+ 460 508 l 1
+ 318 -2 l 1
+ 301 22 l 1
+ 295 74 l 2
+ 284 143 215 202 134 202 c 2
+ 119 202 l 2
+ 117 202 115 202 114 201 c 1
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+ 99 295 l 2
+ 128 320 176 356 197 369 c 1
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+ 105 360 79 399 79 435 c 0
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+ 167 535 l 1
+ 188 473 177 458 204 433 c 1
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+ 73 414 l 1
+ 70 390 69 366 69 342 c 0
+ 69 214 111 96 238 96 c 0
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+ 234 325 234 325 217 336 c 0
+365 318 m 0
+ 365 210 154 48 88 48 c 0
+ 55 48 23 95 23 129 c 0
+ 23 133 24 136 25 140 c 2
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+ 46 508 l 1
+ 60 558 l 1
+ 497 558 l 1
+ 483 508 l 1
+ 176 508 l 1
+ 175 502 175 496 175 491 c 0
+ 175 373 365 408 365 318 c 0
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+135 280 m 0
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+ 124 282 127 280 135 280 c 0
+432 334 m 0
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+ 295 106 338 52 361 21 c 2
+ 404 -37 l 1
+ 399 -76 l 1
+ 353 -7 295 41 224 66 c 2
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+ 167 86 123 100 77 104 c 1
+ 54 196 l 1
+ 70 190 101 180 141 180 c 0
+ 240 180 391 259 391 324 c 0
+ 391 346 380 380 325 380 c 1
+ 325.527 377.499 325.782 374.943 325.782 372.343 c 0
+ 325.782 315.692 204.709 237.737 133 232 c 0
+ 105 232 73 254 73 285 c 0
+ 73 289 73 293 75 297 c 2
+ 133 508 l 1
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+ 556 558 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 183 508 l 1
+ 183 506 l 0
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+ 342 441 l 2
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+ 394 508 l 1
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+ 355 449 381 425 434 425 c 0
+ 482 425 526 441 547 450 c 1
+ 600 373 l 1
+ 460 248 446 131 446 75 c 0
+ 446 52 448 28 453 5 c 1
+ 448 5 l 2
+ 430 5 411 13 407 18 c 1
+ 407 37 l 2
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+ 282 466 220 405 193 361 c 2
+ 189 350 l 2
+ 188 345 187 341 187 337 c 0
+ 187 322 197 315 216 315 c 0
+ 263.485 318.313 323.375 358 335 358 c 0
+ 336.227 358 341.222 357.778 343 356 c 0
+ 368 333 382 298 382 261 c 0
+ 382 187 316 83 203 83 c 0
+ 82 92 53 192 53 283 c 0
+ 53 321 58 390 88 467 c 1
+ 97 450 109 454 109 434 c 0
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+ 100 394 l 2
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+ 267 167 349 200 349 249 c 0
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+ 286 262 l 2
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+ 179 252 149 302 149 350 c 0
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+ 574 557 l 2
+ 575 557 576 557 579 558 c 1
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+ 537 508 l 1
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+ 400 93 l 1
+ 400 98 401 102 401 107 c 0
+ 401 168 378 219 333 245 c 1
+ 268 10 l 1
+ 250 33 l 1
+ 244 78 l 2
+ 212 199 128 245 84 245 c 0
+ 82 245 71 245 68 244 c 1
+ 24 328 l 1
+ 74 358 161 410 266 451 c 2
+ 349 483 l 1
+ 356 508 l 1
+ 38 508 l 1
+ 52 558 l 1
+ 420 558 l 1
+ 349 302 l 1
+ 366 291 387 275 406 216 c 1
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+ 678 338 686 337 693 337 c 0
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+729 221 m 0
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+ 392 22 l 1
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+ 490 468 491 471 491 474 c 0
+ 491 491 486 499 471 499 c 0
+ 406 481 334 429 301 366 c 1
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+ 564 434 639 500 707 505 c 0
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+ 785 365 759 319 717 291 c 1
+ 721 277 729 251 729 221 c 0
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+ 126 508 l 1
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+ 239 285 l 1
+ 230 285 l 2
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+ 42 74 l 2
+ 6 80 -15 124 -15 165 c 0
+ -15 175 -14 184 -11 193 c 2
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+ 2 508 l 1
+ 16 558 l 1
+ 346 558 l 1
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+ 147 622 l 2
+ 96 622 32 651 32 710 c 0
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+55 86 m 0
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+ 0 508 l 1
+ 14 558 l 1
+ 179 558 l 1
+ 183 571 l 1
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+ 283 812 l 1
+ 249 798 l 2
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+ 451 558 l 1
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+ 261 508 l 1
+ 295 464 306 407 306 355 c 0
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+ 45 508 l 1
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+ 616 558 l 1
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+ 304 508 l 1
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+ 57 369 70 439 81 478 c 1
+ 105 462 l 1
+ 100 430 97 395 97 361 c 0
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+ 178 508 l 1
+ 85 172 l 2
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+ 528 558 l 1
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+ 420 508 l 1
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+55 558 m 1
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+ 41 508 l 1
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+ 457 508 l 1
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+ 298 52 245 205 80 205 c 1
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+ 32 309 34 309 35 308 c 1
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+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 578 558 l 1
+ 564 508 l 1
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+ 539 558 l 1
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+ 441 508 l 1
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+ 289 6 l 2
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+ 545 558 l 1
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+ 444 508 l 1
+ 300 -14 l 1
+ 288 11 l 1
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+ 523 603 520 597 520 589 c 0
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+ 525 508 l 1
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+ 345 39 l 1
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+ 166 237 l 1
+ 102 263 l 1
+ 158 309 l 2
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+ 56 401 56 404 57 407 c 1
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+ 467 477 l 1
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+ 300 70 262 203 111 206 c 1
+ 76 289 l 1
+ 252 415 l 1
+ 234 423 255 433 161 455 c 0
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+ 119 482 l 2
+ 109 493 102 500 93 508 c 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 703 558 l 1
+ 690 508 l 1
+ 231 508 l 1
+ 258 485 299 434 326 373 c 1
+ 175 270 l 1
+ 211 253 283 208 308 125 c 1
+ 404 469 l 1
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+ 590 278 539 220 475 220 c 0
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+ 47 508 l 1
+ 61 558 l 1
+ 541 558 l 1
+ 527 508 l 1
+ 435 508 l 1
+ 291 -9 l 1
+ 275 29 l 2
+ 271 85 233 219 74 230 c 1
+ 35 321 l 1
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+ 128 86 60 167 55 370 c 2
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+ 80 451 l 1
+ 93 173 213 156 278 156 c 0
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+ 456 346 452 361 442 374 c 1
+ 420 345 352 279 257 279 c 0
+ 211 279 175 307 175 354 c 0
+52 558 m 1
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+ 604 508 l 1
+ 38 508 l 1
+ 52 558 l 1
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+ 196 508 l 1
+71 206 m 0
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+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 583 558 l 1
+ 569 508 l 1
+ 476 508 l 1
+ 334 -3 l 1
+ 320 20 l 1
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+ 203 168 165 150 134 150 c 0
+ 85 150 71 177 71 206 c 0
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+ 223 508 l 1
+252 421 m 1
+ 216 466 127 453 91 508 c 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 566 558 l 1
+ 552 508 l 1
+ 465 508 l 1
+ 323 -5 l 1
+ 307 17 l 1
+ 297 117 229 208 132 208 c 2
+ 116 208 l 2
+ 114 208 112 208 111 207 c 1
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+ 73 108 100 145 134 145 c 2
+ 139 145 l 2
+ 148 145 177 137 177 108 c 0
+35 324 m 1
+ 163 402 298 450 374 475 c 1
+ 383 508 l 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 535 558 l 1
+ 521 508 l 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 293 1 l 1
+ 279 19 l 1
+ 272 74 225 232 76 235 c 1
+ 35 324 l 1
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+51 279 m 0
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+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 638 558 l 1
+ 624 508 l 1
+ 526 508 l 1
+ 384 -5 l 1
+ 348 44 l 1
+ 424 321 l 2
+ 425 325 426 329 426 333 c 0
+ 426 365 397 385 372 385 c 0
+ 346.913 381.14 320.895 350.282 320.895 309.493 c 0
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+ 298 297 l 1
+ 293 347 281 381 213 387 c 0
+ 122 387 95 302 95 278 c 0
+ 95 259 103 234 145 228 c 1
+ 140 234 138 241 138 248 c 0
+ 138 280 171 322 220 322 c 0
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+ 157 180 l 2
+ 94 180 51 217 51 279 c 0
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+ 503 508 l 1
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+ 323 42 l 1
+ 412 361 l 2
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+ 307 478 288 447 285 438 c 1
+ 300 426 338 390 338 356 c 0
+ 338 325 303 277 249 277 c 0
+ 223 277 195 301 191 327 c 1
+ 165 283 113 277 94 277 c 0
+ 65 277 54 305 54 332 c 0
+ 54 378 118 427 169 448 c 1
+ 163 469 l 2
+ 159 479 148 507 116 507 c 2
+ 51 507 l 1
+ 16 558 l 1
+ 125 558 l 2
+ 189 558 203 488 206 464 c 1
+ 243 514 271 536 355 559 c 1
+ 368 556 391 538 408 491 c 2
+ 421 455 l 2
+ 425 444 429 432 432 421 c 2
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+ 459 530 l 1
+ 491 647 l 1
+ 502 635 l 1
+ 510 621 l 2
+ 512 617 515 608 515 598 c 0
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+347 288 m 1
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+ 347 288 l 1
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+ 240 487 l 2
+ 253 475 286 447 302 411 c 2
+ 316 396 l 1
+ 332 376 l 2
+ 344 363 356 351 364 349 c 1
+ 408 508 l 1
+ 214 508 l 1
+145 442 m 0
+ 82 442 97 483 82 508 c 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 562 558 l 1
+ 548 508 l 1
+ 459 508 l 1
+ 319 1 l 1
+ 310 11 303 23 299 36 c 2
+ 288 75 l 2
+ 282 118 203 211 117 211 c 2
+ 106 210 l 1
+ 62 298 l 1
+ 106 326 117 337 155 363 c 2
+ 201 395 l 2
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+ 240 434 226 441 183 441 c 0
+ 170 441 158 441 145 442 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2488 2488 1638
+Width: 523
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+343 416 m 0
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+ 238 508 l 1
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+ 303 402 l 2
+ 325 415 336 416 343 416 c 0
+234 353 m 1
+ 238 369 240 383 240 395 c 0
+ 240 451 202 464 167 464 c 0
+ 109 464 102 475 97 486 c 2
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 619 558 l 1
+ 605 508 l 1
+ 504 508 l 1
+ 362 -5 l 1
+ 328 52 l 1
+ 388 268 l 1
+ 382 330 362 338 347 341 c 0
+ 330 341 312 338 250 268 c 2
+ 219 235 l 2
+ 204 219 167 178 120 178 c 0
+ 103 178 71 187 53 253 c 2
+ 44 288 l 1
+ 86 320 l 1
+ 86 317 l 0
+ 86 287 94 255 116 253 c 0
+ 124 253 134 257 145 266 c 2
+ 234 353 l 1
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+Encoding: 2489 2489 1639
+Width: 419
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+LayerCount: 2
+409 350 m 0
+ 409 282 353 215 221 169 c 1
+ 231 134 284 157 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 336 -11 230 118 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
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+ 236 248 366 285 366 351 c 0
+ 366 373 355 410 298 410 c 0
+ 290 410 282 409 273 407 c 1
+ 260 366 207 316 151 313 c 0
+ 130 313 105 329 105 357 c 0
+ 105 373 119 428 248 468 c 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 476 c 0
+ 252 489 233 501 219 508 c 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 538 558 l 1
+ 524 508 l 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 498 l 2
+ 291 494 291 491 291 488 c 0
+ 291 449 330 491 384 421 c 0
+ 404 394 409 369 409 350 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_nukta
+Encoding: 2492 2492 1640
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-197 -79 m 0
+ -197 -106 -228 -155 -274 -155 c 0
+ -304 -155 -319 -136 -319 -113 c 0
+ -319 -80 -284 -36 -240 -36 c 0
+ -221 -36 -197 -51 -197 -79 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2493 2493 1641
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+ 366 373 355 410 298 410 c 0
+ 290 410 282 409 273 407 c 1
+ 260 366 207 316 151 313 c 0
+ 123 313 106 328 106 353 c 0
+ 106 422 218 465 248 468 c 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 476 c 0
+ 252 489 233 501 219 508 c 1
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 74 558 l 1
+ 258 558 l 2
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+ 295 514 295 511 294 508 c 2
+ 295 483 l 2
+ 295 480 296 478 295 475 c 1
+ 296 463 407 461 407 350 c 0
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+ 309 111 359 34 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 345 -15 244 110 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 89 242 168 240 199 240 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_aakaar
+Encoding: 2494 2494 1642
+Width: 202
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+LayerCount: 2
+-14 558 m 1
+ 21 560 18 561 35 561 c 0
+ 70.9898 561 129 555.461 129 436 c 1
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+ 183 632 l 1
+ 181 618 180 607 180 599 c 0
+ 180 575 186 565 192 558 c 1
+ 282 558 l 1
+ 268 508 l 1
+ 180 508 l 1
+ 35 -17 l 1
+ -1 35 l 1
+ 104 414 l 2
+ 107 424 108 434 108 442 c 0
+ 108 494 59 508 40 508 c 2
+ -28 508 l 1
+ -14 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2495 2495 1643
+Width: 189
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+LayerCount: 2
+89 628 m 0
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+ 516 677 l 2
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+ 239 733 161 635 142 601 c 1
+ 149 558 l 1
+ 281 558 l 1
+ 267 508 l 1
+ 153 508 l 1
+ 9 -9 l 1
+ -27 38 l 1
+ 103 508 l 1
+ 13 508 l 1
+ 27 558 l 1
+ 121 558 l 1
+ 90 605 l 2
+ 87.8564 607.68 86.8616 610.933 86.8616 615.069 c 0
+ 86.8616 618.651 87.6077 622.895 89 628 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2496 2496 1644
+Width: 202
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+ 43 813 157 734 157 598 c 0
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+ 268 558 l 1
+ 254 508 l 1
+ 140 508 l 1
+ -2 -5 l 1
+ -39 45 l 1
+ 90 508 l 1
+ 5 508 l 1
+ 19 558 l 1
+ 104 558 l 1
+ 105 569 106 579 106 589 c 0
+ 106 708 5 763 -104 763 c 0
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+ -271 692 -215 688 -199 687 c 2
+ -156 685 l 2
+ -116 683 -101 683 -89 679 c 0
+ -72 679 -16 665 -16 609 c 0
+ -16 597 -19 572 -33 552 c 1
+ -86 552 l 1
+ -65 569 -51 577 -51 594 c 0
+ -51 618 -96 624 -165 624 c 0
+ -246 624 -296 652 -296 696 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_ukaar
+Encoding: 2497 2497 1645
+Width: 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+-198 -5 m 0
+ -243 -5 -251 -37 -251 -44 c 0
+ -251 -53 -248 -56 -214 -56 c 0
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+ -162.333 -14 -173 -5 -198 -5 c 0
+-297 -53 m 0
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+ -143 41 -149 38 -117 17 c 1
+ -114 21 -105 48 -103 58 c 2
+ -92 97 l 1
+ -72 79 l 2
+ -66 67 -63 55 -63 43 c 0
+ -63 31.4623 -71 0 -77.1605 -14.6886 c 1
+ -50 -40 -7.87587 -73.4897 -2 -144 c 2
+ 0 -168 l 1
+ -9 -178 l 1
+ -24 -146 -75 -84 -116 -53 c 1
+ -149 -84 -185 -105 -220 -105 c 0
+ -282 -105 -297 -78 -297 -53 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_uukaar
+Encoding: 2498 2498 1646
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-108 -7 m 0
+ -177 -7 -195 -50 -195 -63 c 0
+ -195 -84 -166 -90 -155 -90 c 0
+ -98 -83 -79 -74 -63 -64 c 1
+ 41 -178 l 2
+ 42 -183 44 -192 44 -203 c 0
+ 44 -223 40 -230 38 -235 c 1
+ -72 -114 l 1
+ -112 -135 -161 -141 -182 -141 c 0
+ -217 -141 -239 -117 -239 -79 c 0
+ -239 10 -144 32 -116 32 c 0
+ -107 32 -97 30 -88 27 c 1
+ -80 75 l 1
+ -72 67 -52 51 -52 24 c 0
+ -52 2 -61 -9 -66 -12 c 1
+ -79 -9 -93 -7 -108 -7 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rikaar
+Encoding: 2499 2499 1647
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-394 -75 m 1
+ -220 31 l 1
+ -188 81 l 1
+ -169 0 l 1
+ -301 -78 l 1
+ -287.802 -91.1982 -268.479 -106.498 -253 -119 c 0
+ -200 -161 -183 -189 -183 -210 c 0
+ -183 -225.763 -187.33 -238.888 -190 -253 c 1
+ -235.814 -184.278 -323.18 -124.489 -394 -75 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rrikaar
+Encoding: 2500 2500 1648
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-179.21 -19.7616 m 1
+ -207 0 l 1
+ -33 106 l 1
+ -1 156 l 1
+ 18 75 l 1
+ -114 -3 l 1
+ -85.0967 -24.6768 5 -88.4629 5 -130 c 0
+ 5 -146.745 -0.103516 -162.691 -3 -178 c 1
+ -26.3124 -143.032 -88.2017 -82.8362 -132.106 -52.381 c 1
+ -255 -125 l 1
+ -224.826 -145.116 -136 -210.273 -136 -252 c 0
+ -136 -268.995 -141.071 -284.518 -144 -300 c 1
+ -189.135 -222.144 -277.113 -173.004 -348 -122 c 1
+ -179.21 -19.7616 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_ekaar
+Encoding: 2503 2503 1649
+Width: 294
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+LayerCount: 2
+23 167 m 0
+ 23 303 97 411 205 508 c 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 389 558 l 1
+ 376 509 l 1
+ 137 457 62 220 62 147 c 0
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+ 145 55 l 1
+ 131 72 128 85 128 95 c 0
+ 128 133 171 161 202 163 c 0
+ 213 162 250 155 250 115 c 0
+ 250 55 181 16 139 16 c 0
+ 63 16 23 78 23 167 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'init' Initial Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_initekaar
+Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic subtable" bn_initekaar
+StartChar: bn_aikaar
+Encoding: 2504 2504 1650
+Width: 289
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+83 761 m 1
+ 65 753 63 734 63 728 c 0
+ 63 712 74 697 118 697 c 0
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+ 368 558 l 1
+ 354 508 l 1
+ 294 508 l 2
+ 162 508 7 288 7 145 c 0
+ 7 100 29 75 82 59 c 1
+ 75 77 73 86 73 93 c 0
+ 73 120 103 159 150 159 c 0
+ 162 159 200 147 200 109 c 0
+ 200 53 127 11 83 11 c 0
+ -9 17 -31 93 -31 165 c 0
+ -31 311 45 408 153 508 c 1
+ 16 508 l 1
+ 30 558 l 1
+ 221 558 l 1
+ 237 567 242 576 242 587 c 0
+ 242 617 191 625 176 627 c 2
+ 134 635 l 2
+ 69 648 34 667 34 708 c 0
+ 34 735 47 763 70 778 c 1
+ 83 761 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'init' Initial Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_initaikaar
+Substitution2: "'aalt' Access All Alternates in Indic subtable" bn_initaikaar
+StartChar: bn_okaar
+Encoding: 2507 2507 1651
+Width: 774
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+LayerCount: 2
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+ 697 424 698 434 698 442 c 0
+ 698 494 649 508 630 508 c 2
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+ 576 558 l 1
+ 626 561 l 2
+ 664.417 561 719 552.566 719 436 c 1
+ 725.333 488 729.768 539.07 757 648 c 1
+ 773 632 l 1
+ 771 619 770 608 770 598 c 0
+ 770 582 773 569 782 558 c 1
+ 867 558 l 1
+ 853 508 l 1
+ 768 508 l 1
+ 623 -17 l 1
+ 589 35 l 1
+ 694 414 l 2
+16 168 m 0
+ 16 312 86 408 197 508 c 1
+ 41 508 l 1
+ 55 558 l 1
+ 381 558 l 1
+ 368 509 l 1
+ 135 465 56 228 56 151 c 0
+ 56 94 85 57 137 55 c 1
+ 130 64 122 73 122 95 c 0
+ 122 136 162 159 194 163 c 0
+ 218 161 241 140 241 109 c 0
+ 241 58 174 16 131 16 c 0
+ 55 16 16 77 16 168 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2508 2508 1652
+Width: 825
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+718 414 m 2
+ 721 424 722 434 722 442 c 0
+ 722 494 672 508 654 508 c 2
+ 586 508 l 1
+ 600 558 l 1
+ 630.08 559.805 656.53 562 657 562 c 2
+ 664 562 l 2
+ 732 562 743 475 743 437 c 1
+ 751.698 500.062 758.368 557.472 781 648 c 1
+ 797 632 l 1
+ 795 620 793 609 793 600 c 0
+ 793 583 797 569 806 558 c 1
+ 891 558 l 1
+ 877 508 l 1
+ 792 508 l 1
+ 647 -17 l 1
+ 613 35 l 1
+ 718 414 l 2
+87 761 m 1
+ 81 758 67 749 67 728 c 0
+ 67 704 95 696 135 696 c 0
+ 245 696 301 682 301 621 c 0
+ 301 608 299 594 294 577 c 2
+ 289 558 l 1
+ 372 558 l 1
+ 358 508 l 1
+ 356 510 350 511 343 511 c 0
+ 300 505 176 468 119 401 c 0
+ 53 322 9 205 9 147 c 0
+ 9 98 32 66 86 59 c 1
+ 79 67 76 76 76 87 c 0
+ 76 116 105 160 147 160 c 0
+ 194 160 204 128 204 106 c 0
+ 204 55 134 12 82 12 c 0
+ -6 12 -26 92 -26 163 c 0
+ -26 301 49 414 157 508 c 1
+ 20 508 l 1
+ 34 558 l 1
+ 225 558 l 1
+ 232 561 246 569 246 590 c 0
+ 246 622 198 622 167 628 c 2
+ 105 639 l 1
+ 64 661 l 2
+ 49 673 39 691 39 712 c 0
+ 39 740 54 759 74 778 c 1
+ 87 761 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_hasanta
+Encoding: 2509 2509 1653
+Width: 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+100 558 m 1
+ 154 558 l 1
+ 140 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+-134 -33 m 1
+ -56 -33 l 1
+ 63 -162 l 1
+ 12 -162 l 1
+ -134 -33 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2519 2519 1654
+Width: 219
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+LayerCount: 2
+194 625 m 0
+ 194 586 181 566 172 558 c 1
+ 276 558 l 1
+ 262 508 l 1
+ 158 508 l 1
+ 13 -15 l 1
+ -22 39 l 1
+ 108 508 l 1
+ 26 508 l 1
+ 40 558 l 1
+ 122 558 l 1
+ 138 571 146 591 146 609 c 0
+ 146 632 124 634 79 634 c 2
+ -28 634 l 2
+ -144 634 -176 680 -176 722 c 0
+ -176 759 -155 787 -125 814 c 1
+ -108 795 l 1
+ -117 789 -139 774 -139 744 c 0
+ -139 720 -120 701 -54 701 c 0
+ -4 701 16 707 63 707 c 0
+ 140 707 194 687 194 625 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2524 2524 1655
+Width: 523
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+ 153 -38 187 5 231 5 c 0
+ 251 5 274 -10 274 -38 c 0
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+ 173 -114 153 -98 153 -71 c 0
+268 139 m 0
+ 338 139 458 199 458 295 c 0
+ 458 308 455 320 450 332 c 1
+ 422 304 335 234 283 234 c 0
+ 239 234 227 270 227 310 c 0
+ 227 314 227 317 227 321 c 2
+ 279 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 639 558 l 1
+ 625 508 l 1
+ 329 508 l 1
+ 287 355 l 2
+ 286 351 280 327 280 320 c 0
+ 280 313 282 309 286 308 c 1
+ 389 346 427 424 452 424 c 1
+ 486 409 502 366 502 317 c 0
+ 502 199 401 44 258 44 c 0
+ 112 44 77 176 77 298 c 0
+ 77 374 91 447 99 481 c 1
+ 124 465 l 1
+ 120 431 117 395 117 360 c 0
+ 117 251 147 148 268 139 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rha
+Encoding: 2525 2525 1656
+Width: 420
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+46 -57 m 0
+ 46 -24 82 25 129 29 c 0
+ 153 29 170 13 170 -13 c 0
+ 170 -49 131 -97 89 -97 c 0
+ 61 -97 46 -80 46 -57 c 0
+389 345 m 0
+ 389 239 217 84 119 84 c 0
+ 103 84 73 89 64 172 c 2
+ 64 190 l 1
+ 152 508 l 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 526 558 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+ 202 508 l 1
+ 112 182 l 2
+ 111 180 111 178 111 174 c 0
+ 111 165 114 151 131 151 c 0
+ 197 169 276 234 304 300 c 1
+ 299 299 293 298 288 298 c 0
+ 259 298 239 314 239 340 c 0
+ 239 360 257 424 330 424 c 0
+ 371 424 389 384 389 345 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 2527 2527 1657
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+225 508 m 1
+ 241 496 264 477 293 423 c 2
+ 312 391 l 1
+ 274 361 l 2
+ 232 331 181 291 160 270 c 1
+ 236 245 276 193 300 123 c 1
+ 407 508 l 1
+ 225 508 l 1
+83 70 m 0
+ 83 108 124 133 149 133 c 0
+ 161 133 192 125 192 95 c 0
+ 192 59 153 27 125 27 c 0
+ 96 27 83 49 83 70 c 0
+314 -8 m 1
+ 299 15 l 1
+ 286 117 222 209 124 209 c 2
+ 109 209 l 1
+ 107 208 105 208 103 208 c 1
+ 60 293 l 1
+ 125 346 211 401 243 421 c 1
+ 241 422 237 424 235 427 c 2
+ 226 437 l 2
+ 213 449 193 454 181 457 c 2
+ 152 463 l 2
+ 107 471 89 494 84 508 c 1
+ 45 508 l 1
+ 58 558 l 1
+ 568 558 l 1
+ 555 508 l 1
+ 457 508 l 1
+ 314 -8 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rri
+Encoding: 2528 2528 1658
+Width: 604
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+364 410 m 1
+ 338 402 314 395 240 350 c 2
+ 190 319 l 1
+ 243 287 281 244 302 188 c 1
+ 364 410 l 1
+78 504 m 0
+ 78 561 133 576 149 576 c 0
+ 168 576 180 564 180 544 c 0
+ 180 539 179 533 177 527 c 1
+ 223 531 264 554 300 596 c 1
+ 345 574 371 534 385 486 c 1
+ 432 658 l 1
+ 469 609 l 1
+ 395 341 l 1
+ 424 319 444 294 452 262 c 1
+ 561 655 l 1
+ 600 618 l 1
+ 584 558 l 1
+ 698 558 l 1
+ 684 508 l 1
+ 570 508 l 1
+ 458 104 l 1
+ 447 123 l 1
+ 447 128 448 133 448 140 c 2
+ 439 198 l 1
+ 430 226 l 2
+ 422 243 416 251 402 261 c 2
+ 377 278 l 1
+ 310 37 l 1
+ 297 55 l 1
+ 293 105 l 2
+ 289 120 276 166 269 172 c 1
+ 137 94 l 1
+ 145 88 155 80 166 71 c 2
+ 199 41 l 1
+ 230 10 l 2
+ 247 -7 256 -17 256 -34 c 0
+ 256 -37 255 -40 255 -44 c 2
+ 248 -81 l 1
+ 232 -57 l 2
+ 202 -23 179 -3 143 25 c 2
+ 44 97 l 1
+ 218 203 l 1
+ 229 219 l 1
+ 195 252 160 254 116 265 c 1
+ 85 340 l 1
+ 181 408 287 447 350 475 c 1
+ 341 490 l 2
+ 334 498 315 516 296 516 c 1
+ 272 480 177 451 148 451 c 0
+ 113 451 78 456 78 504 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_lli
+Encoding: 2529 2529 1659
+Width: 481
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+259 563 m 1
+ 233 558 202 541 202 509 c 0
+ 202 422 491 441 491 272 c 0
+ 491 133 317 57 266 41 c 1
+ 263 30 263 29 263 25 c 0
+ 263 -27 438 -13 438 -113 c 0
+ 438 -206.252 330 -250.667 251 -271 c 1
+ 273 -237 284 -197 284 -177 c 0
+ 284 -151 268 -143 245 -143 c 0
+ 223.029 -143 217.278 -153.931 217.278 -163.439 c 0
+ 217.278 -169.943 219.969 -175.781 222 -177 c 1
+ 225 -176 229 -175 232 -175 c 0
+ 246 -175 249 -187 249 -196 c 0
+ 249 -220 228 -236 213 -236 c 0
+ 179 -236 169 -215 169 -196 c 0
+ 169 -156 212 -95 266 -95 c 0
+ 319 -95 334 -159 334 -190 c 0
+ 334 -199 l 1
+ 363 -183 381 -130 381 -113 c 0
+ 381 -45 212 -75 212 13 c 0
+ 212 25 214 26 214 29 c 1
+ 213 28 211 28 210 28 c 2
+ 198 28 l 1
+ 224 54 273 118 273 184 c 0
+ 273 238 233 251 215 254 c 0
+ 195 254 168 239 168 225 c 0
+ 168 206 190 202 196 200 c 0
+ 214 200 223 188 223 170 c 0
+ 223 141 198 99 160 99 c 0
+ 120 99 98 136 98 172 c 0
+ 98 227 155 302 240 302 c 0
+ 294 302 332 266 332 207 c 0
+ 332 180 323 152 318 140 c 2
+ 310 118 l 1
+ 403 174 435 234 435 268 c 0
+ 435 313 388 333 347 346 c 2
+ 289 365 l 2
+ 189 398 148 431 148 486 c 0
+ 148 503 151 547 249 588 c 1
+ 259 563 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_likaar
+Encoding: 2530 2530 1660
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-324 -124 m 0
+ -271 -124 -255 -185 -255 -217 c 0
+ -255 -221 -255.25 -224 -256 -228 c 1
+ -227 -212 -209 -159 -209 -143 c 0
+ -209 -75 -378 -103 -378 -16 c 0
+ -378 18 -332 54 -314 64 c 1
+ -288 49 l 1
+ -309 46 -326 7 -326 -4 c 0
+ -326 -18 -314 -28 -270 -44 c 2
+ -231 -58 l 2
+ -193 -72 -152 -95 -152 -143 c 0
+ -152 -249.881 -251.39 -275.254 -338 -300 c 1
+ -316 -266 -305 -225 -305 -205 c 0
+ -305 -179 -320 -172 -344 -172 c 0
+ -360 -172 -371.548 -182 -371.548 -194.301 c 0
+ -371.548 -199.234 -370.394 -203.737 -367 -206 c 1
+ -364 -205 -361 -204 -358 -204 c 0
+ -343 -204 -340 -216 -340 -225 c 0
+ -340 -249 -361 -265 -377 -265 c 0
+ -405 -265 -420 -249 -420 -225 c 0
+ -420 -186 -378 -124 -324 -124 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_llikaar
+Encoding: 2531 2531 1661
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1660 2530 S 1 0 0 1 -80 0 2
+Refer: 1660 2530 S 1 0 0 1 219 100 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bn_zero
+Encoding: 2534 2534 1662
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+322 387 m 0
+ 178 387 89 227 89 181 c 0
+ 89 143 116 111 167 111 c 0
+ 240 111 365 186 394 289 c 0
+ 396 300 398 311 398 322 c 0
+ 398 356 381 387 322 387 c 0
+44 202 m 0
+ 44 391 251 440 305 440 c 0
+ 423 440 449 351 449 290 c 0
+ 449 190 328 55 172 55 c 0
+ 69 55 44 144 44 202 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_one
+Encoding: 2535 2535 1663
+Width: 437
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+348 241 m 0
+ 348 102 182 -4 87 -4 c 0
+ 52 -4 13 20 13 55 c 0
+ 13 98 79 164 149 164 c 0
+ 172 164 218 157 239 128 c 1
+ 270 141 289 184 289 216 c 0
+ 289 243 275 279 219 349 c 2
+ 182 397 l 2
+ 146 442 134 470 134 491 c 0
+ 134 521 169 571 222 571 c 0
+ 244 571 254 548 254 523 c 0
+ 254 506 250 490 239 476 c 1
+ 282 414 l 2
+ 334 339 348 283 348 241 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_two
+Encoding: 2536 2536 1664
+Width: 479
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+415 351 m 0
+ 415 271 364 195 228 154 c 1
+ 319 74 l 2
+ 353 39 382 5 397 -17 c 1
+ 391 -81 l 1
+ 339 -13 229 113 58 151 c 1
+ 56 321 l 1
+ 69 257 206 229 238 224 c 0
+ 283 224 360 258 360 298 c 0
+ 360 349 325 384 277 408 c 2
+ 230 431 l 2
+ 204 443 183 457 183 488 c 0
+ 183 548 236 561 251 561 c 0
+ 282 561 292 549 292 528 c 0
+ 292 522 292 515 290 508 c 1
+ 327 492 415 443 415 351 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_three
+Encoding: 2537 2537 1665
+Width: 507
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+183 369 m 0
+ 183 426 245 511 351 511 c 0
+ 413 511 483 451 483 340 c 0
+ 483 329 482 317 481 305 c 2
+ 470 251 l 2
+ 457 204 378 37 215 37 c 0
+ 168 37 37 79 37 343 c 0
+ 37 373 39 406 43 442 c 1
+ 81 423 l 1
+ 78 402 77 382 77 362 c 0
+ 77 224 154 131 239 131 c 0
+ 322 131 439 219 439 350 c 0
+ 439 392 416 413 358 433 c 1
+ 362 425 365 416 365 406 c 0
+ 365 360 315 292 245 292 c 0
+ 204 292 183 331 183 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_four
+Encoding: 2538 2538 1666
+Width: 497
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+157 85 m 0
+ 203 85 246 93 295 161 c 1
+ 296 165 296 169 296 173 c 0
+ 296 216 240 274 205 274 c 1
+ 158 248 l 2
+ 115 223 77 186 77 145 c 0
+ 77 109 122 85 157 85 c 0
+248 350 m 1
+ 333 391 369 416 369 466 c 0
+ 369 519 306 531 285 531 c 0
+ 258 531 164 507 164 435 c 0
+ 164 383 223 354 248 350 c 1
+428 467 m 0
+ 428 408 360 345 306 326 c 1
+ 344 313 378 280 378 226 c 0
+ 378 212 376 197 371 181 c 0
+ 363 151 299 32 121 32 c 0
+ 62 32 -2 77 -2 145 c 0
+ -2 233 112 287 153 293 c 1
+ 101 306 81 344 81 383 c 0
+ 81 460 177 573 300 573 c 0
+ 408 573 428 508 428 467 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_five
+Encoding: 2539 2539 1667
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+185 137 m 0
+ 185 229 273 331 372 367 c 1
+ 327 372 308 407 308 442 c 0
+ 308 450 309 457 311 464 c 1
+ 205 420 104 309 76 209 c 0
+ 73 199 72 189 72 180 c 0
+ 72 97 175 48 213 48 c 1
+ 202 63 185 96 185 137 c 0
+434 528 m 1
+ 384 515 369 463 369 447 c 0
+ 369 431 377 415 404 415 c 0
+ 410 415 416 416 422 417 c 1
+ 456 392 l 2
+ 473 378 499 368 510 364 c 1
+ 396 342 244 231 244 130 c 0
+ 244 66 305 35 333 28 c 1
+ 299 14 269 9 232 9 c 0
+ 104 9 14 74 14 182 c 0
+ 14 328 197 509 358 547 c 1
+ 434 528 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_six
+Encoding: 2540 2540 1668
+Width: 482
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+160 492 m 0
+ 160 518 189 552 232 552 c 0
+ 260 552 276 534 276 504 c 0
+ 276 495 274 485 271 474 c 2
+ 227 316 l 2
+ 226 313 226 310 226 307 c 0
+ 226 295 235 289 251 287 c 1
+ 283 294 345 329 406 418 c 1
+ 440 386 458 343 458 294 c 0
+ 458 273 455 252 448 230 c 2
+ 437 197 l 2
+ 420 156 350 13 208 13 c 0
+ 63 23 30 188 30 314 c 0
+ 30 367 36 413 42 437 c 1
+ 67 424 l 1
+ 66 409 64 386 64 359 c 0
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+ 517 653 l 1
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+ 392 -134 345 -271 169 -271 c 0
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+ 195 -247 273 -235 286 -175 c 2
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+ 279 102 l 1
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+ 326 126 l 2
+ 338 126 389 138 398 180 c 2
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+ 408 229 409 235 409 240 c 0
+ 409 306 309 337 309 410 c 0
+ 309 464 376 501 427 501 c 2
+ 429 501 l 2
+ 493 499 508 453 508 438 c 0
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+ 412 684 465 644 465 579 c 0
+ 465 571 464 562 462 552 c 2
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+ 429 395 l 1
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+ 482 299 l 1
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+ 403 275 l 1
+ 375 143 l 2
+ 357 57 287 12 191 11 c 2
+ 188 11 l 2
+ 117 11 63 47 63 122 c 0
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+ 376 595 376 602 376 608 c 0
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+ 327 660 l 2
+ 293 660 264 637 254 588 c 2
+ 234 492 l 2
+ 232 485 232 478 232 473 c 0
+ 232 436 262 421 338 419 c 1
+273 107 m 2
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+ 225 275 186 269 172 203 c 2
+ 152 107 l 2
+ 150 98 149 89 149 82 c 0
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+ 231 35 265 70 273 107 c 2
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+ 342.03 302.381 l 1
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+ 302.03 178.148 l 1
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+ 300 390 249 340 189 248 c 0
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+ 14 0 l 1
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+ 48 410 l 1
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+ 213 439 l 1
+ 146 221 l 1
+ 249 381 312 441 376 441 c 0
+ 415 441 442 416 442 380 c 0
+ 442 366 438.824 344.049 433 323 c 2
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+ 621.197 305 650.667 228.008 650.667 141.995 c 0
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+ 619.305 -72 528.561 -218 391.561 -218 c 0
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+ 311.138 -141 332.136 -124 355.136 -124 c 0
+ 396.136 -124 396.556 -184 434.556 -184 c 0
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+ 678.75 509 l 1
+ 629.69 509 l 1
+ 629.483 500.152 628.546 490.826 626.813 481 c 0
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+ 588.718 391 l 1
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+ 16 0 l 1
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+ 96.585 26 106.348 36 121.159 120 c 2
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+ 176.879 436 l 1
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+ 119.75 509 l 1
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+ 512.999 554 l 1
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+ 275.956 616.993 207.733 442.693 187.157 326 c 0
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+ 178.782 119.971 228.697 45.3069 319.158 29.2559 c 1
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+ 696.316 257 l 1
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+ 605.864 216 l 1
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+ 656.643 32 664.879 22 709.351 19 c 1
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+ 296.986 317 l 1
+ 261.316 257 l 1
+ 492.316 257 l 1
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+ 436.708 -13 l 1
+ 436.947 -11.0681 437.063 -9.18787 437.063 -7.3688 c 0
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+ 164.19 306 l 1
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+ 226.197 652.934 235.253 642 252.202 642 c 0
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+ 487.662 676 554.003 624.182 554.003 537.629 c 0
+ 554.003 480.386 531.715 439.405 502.636 407 c 1
+ 562.765 407 l 1
+ 555.359 365 l 1
+ 455.073 365 l 1
+ 424.227 342.704 389.134 324.051 354.263 306 c 1
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+ 611.4 76 l 2
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+ 659.738 500.619 658.932 493.018 657.695 486 c 2
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+ 571.144 477.835 571.248 479.615 571.248 481.34 c 0
+ 571.248 510.622 541.394 524 507.396 524 c 2
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+ 84.1865 64 l 1
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+ 379.051 176 l 1
+ 336.764 129 295.236 109 239.236 109 c 0
+ 144.757 109 87.4152 173.181 87.4152 272.395 c 0
+ 87.4152 288.694 88.9628 305.939 92.1475 324 c 0
+ 117.186 466 230.11 579 345.11 579 c 0
+ 385.11 579 410.171 568 442.528 536 c 1
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+ 339.279 631 l 1
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+ 470.381 694 l 1
+ 471.778 702.277 472.544 709.241 472.544 715.077 c 0
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+ 425.028 743 419.028 743 410.852 742 c 1
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+ 480.671 775 517.434 785 568.432 802 c 1
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+ 627.388 694 l 1
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+ 543.279 631 l 1
+ 473.102 233 l 2
+ 471.065 221.449 469.922 212.105 469.922 204.588 c 0
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+ 510.051 176 512.051 176 530.227 177 c 1
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+ 371.236 109 l 1
+287.405 161 m 0
+ 344.405 161 383.988 204 386.985 221 c 2
+ 427.541 451 l 2
+ 428.446 456.135 428.882 461.213 428.882 466.198 c 0
+ 428.882 512.666 391.038 551 343.173 551 c 0
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+ 179.452 214.99 219.22 161 287.405 161 c 0
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+ 421.39 348 l 1
+ 588.394 127 l 2
+ 662.29 30 674.526 20 726.351 19 c 1
+ 723 0 l 1
+ 418 0 l 1
+ 421.351 19 l 1
+ 433.526 20 444.526 20 449.526 20 c 0
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+ 495.7 72.6307 455.065 140.368 395.381 212 c 2
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+ 245.22 109 l 2
+ 242.249 92.1529 240.491 78.5547 240.491 67.5417 c 0
+ 240.491 30.8341 260.029 22.8461 319.351 19 c 1
+ 316 0 l 1
+ 34 0 l 1
+ 37.3506 19 l 1
+ 117.231 24 130.524 37 145.159 120 c 2
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+ 96.3613 348 l 1
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+ 193.825 396 l 1
+ 221.509 553 l 2
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+ 226.072 629.579 206.725 638.372 147.378 643 c 1
+ 150.729 662 l 1
+ 434.729 662 l 1
+ 431.378 643 l 1
+ 349.32 637 336.381 626 323.509 553 c 2
+ 295.825 396 l 1
+ 348.596 396 l 1
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+ 556.743 560 585.033 590 588.912 612 c 0
+ 589.343 614.446 589.563 616.712 589.563 618.81 c 0
+ 589.563 633.867 578.224 640.245 552.202 642 c 0
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+ 703.729 662 l 1
+ 679.753 492 l 1
+ 655.753 492 l 1
+ 652.148 602 633.322 620 519.322 620 c 2
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+ 426.813 401.604 l 1
+ 588.813 481 l 1
+ 579.115 426 l 1
+ 417.115 346.604 l 1
+ 402.833 265.604 l 1
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+ 393.135 210.604 l 1
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+ 452 0 l 1
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+ 163.351 19 l 1
+ 247.231 24 260.172 35 275.159 120 c 2
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+ 134.812 84 l 1
+ 144.51 139 l 1
+ 291.185 210.885 l 1
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+ 168 73 167 65 167 58 c 0
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+ 238 -2 l 1
+ -8 -2 l 1
+ -8 14 l 1
+ 48 24 57 29 73 88 c 2
+ 196 530 l 2
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+ 130 651 l 1
+ 403 651 l 1
+ 403 635 l 1
+ 343 631 316 612 302 561 c 2
+ 248 366 l 1
+ 533 366 l 1
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+ 586 555 590 578 590 592 c 0
+ 590 620 578 628 520 635 c 1
+ 520 651 l 1
+ 767 651 l 1
+ 767 635 l 1
+ 710 625 701 619 685 561 c 2
+ 584 193 l 2
+ 576 162 576 134 576 110 c 0
+ 576 62 598 30 654 30 c 0
+ 734 30 780 72 809 205 c 2
+ 836 334 l 2
+ 839 347 840 358 840 367 c 0
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+ 164 625 249 651 298 675 c 1
+ 314 669 l 1
+ 300 603 l 1
+ 352 636 400 666 459 666 c 0
+ 545 666 597 628 597 572 c 0
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+ 367 613 320 593 294 572 c 1
+ 203 147 l 1
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+394 0 m 17
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+ 378.304 402.021 l 1
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+ 402 262 l 1
+ 387.422 348.145 l 1
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+ 411 637 l 1
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+ 358 -83 372 -97 372 -115 c 0
+ 372 -149 329 -199 276 -199 c 0
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+ 157.41 176 156.984 174 176.984 174 c 0
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+ 171.37 364 l 2
+ 157.419 336 135.593 318 114.593 318 c 0
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+ -8 0 l 1
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+ 388 653 l 2
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+ 588 384 451 360 413 351 c 1
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+ 361.472 266 l 1
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+ 179.691 119.321 171 107.455 171 72 c 0
+ 171 45 193 30 235 30 c 0
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+ 578 203 l 2
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+ 102 182.746 112.521 237.62 136.045 326 c 1
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+ 147.484 368 l 1
+ 198 551 l 2
+ 202 568 205 584 205 596 c 0
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+ 127 653 l 1
+ 400 653 l 1
+ 400 637 l 1
+ 307 627 307 585 290 527 c 2
+ 244.752 368 l 1
+ 581.022 368 l 1
+ 617.473 498.678 637 577.134 637 591 c 0
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+ 233.237 326 l 1
+ 205.278 222.77 192 163.252 192 141 c 0
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+ 514 23 544 242 563 304 c 1
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+ 597 0 l 1
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+ 393 227 l 1
+ 398 249 400 262 400 279 c 0
+ 400 306.742 390.813 320.35 349.862 323.982 c 1
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+ 438 33 477 78 545 170 c 1
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+ 499 0 l 1
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+ 43.6475 -84 l 1
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+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 33 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 201 550 207 585 207 596 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 511.023 653 l 1
+ 557.316 726 l 1
+181.439 133.282 m 1
+ 303.13 325.176 l 1
+ 287.728 325.544 263.512 326.485 237 328 c 1
+ 208.634 220.21 191.44 166.416 181.439 133.282 c 1
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+ 487.829 616.426 l 1
+ 461.42 619.037 427.728 620 385 620 c 0
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+ 246 361 l 1
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+ 412 519 l 1
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+ 124 73 l 1
+ 140 48 168 34 204 34 c 0
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+300 418 m 1
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+ 143 212 158 217 172 221 c 1
+ 300 418 l 1
+334 398 m 1
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+ 325 293 338 351 338 379 c 0
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+ 237 653 l 1
+ 491 653 l 1
+ 491 637 l 1
+ 434 629 426 623 409 563 c 2
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+ 450.438 368 l 1
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+ 343.202 326 l 1
+ 306 192 l 2
+ 291 138 257 -18 111 -18 c 0
+ 41 -18 -6 18 -6 70 c 0
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+ 65 124 88 102 88 77 c 0
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+ 87 26 98 13 122 13 c 0
+ 146 13 160 28 171 67 c 2
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+ 172.329 266 l 1
+ 178 289 l 2
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+ 120 400 l 1
+ 120 416 l 1
+ 151 417 201 425 290 441 c 1
+ 293 439 l 1
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+ 351.54 266 l 1
+273 654 m 0
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+ 641.532 -105.023 668.196 -84 692.146 -84 c 0
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+ 725.394 -151.5 694 -205.82 600.007 -205.82 c 0
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+ 382.585 23.3604 294.217 -14.5996 209.537 -14.5996 c 0
+ 98.0586 -14.5996 31.7783 71.1348 31.7783 201.914 c 0
+ 31.7783 435.543 220.53 673.06 444.764 673.06 c 0
+ 501.703 673.06 542.71 659.92 601.491 620.5 c 1
+ 670.262 667.22 l 1
+ 686.322 667.22 l 1
+ 537.303 -33.8604 l 2
+ 535.713 -41.3389 534.943 -49.0547 534.943 -56.8369 c 0
+ 534.943 -114 542 -178.38 605.84 -178.38 c 0
+151.541 275.337 m 0
+ 151.541 176.881 190.297 69.46 310.624 69.46 c 0
+ 355.884 69.46 408.851 91.9805 446.867 119.72 c 0
+ 463.95 131.4 473.824 150.38 481.271 185.42 c 2
+ 545.201 486.18 l 2
+ 549.076 504.41 551.013 520.916 551.013 535.708 c 0
+ 551.013 600.285 514.104 632.18 440.454 632.18 c 0
+ 276.683 632.18 151.541 450.745 151.541 275.337 c 0
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+ 523.474 -101 536.78 -114.531 536.78 -133.121 c 0
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+ 290.024 -96.207 292.14 -79.3223 296.034 -61 c 2
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+ 490.139 457 l 1
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+ 371.647 -170.013 399.973 -193 446.977 -193 c 1
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+ 121.923 112.404 143.447 51 219.841 51 c 0
+ 250.841 51 286.391 63 312.43 82 c 0
+ 324.13 90 330.894 103 335.995 127 c 2
+ 379.781 333 l 2
+ 382.435 345.487 383.762 356.793 383.762 366.924 c 0
+ 383.762 411.154 358.482 433 308.037 433 c 0
+ 185.677 433 121.923 284.124 121.923 174.361 c 0
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+ 370.943 368 l 1
+150.362 368 m 1
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+ 385 653 l 2
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+ 593 435.139 550.467 392.835 503.925 368 c 1
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+ 398.657 326 l 1
+ 489 88 l 2
+ 508 36 528 19 572 16 c 1
+ 572 0 l 1
+ 424 0 l 1
+ 301 324 l 1
+ 275 326 l 1
+ 235.196 326 l 1
+ 180 120 l 2
+ 171 85 168 72 168 62 c 0
+ 168 29 175 24 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 25 56.6112 31.1068 73 90 c 2
+ 138.674 326 l 1
+ 71.9941 326 l 1
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+ 205 234 l 1
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+ 45 0 l 1
+ 110 234 l 1
+ 51 234 l 1
+ 62 266 l 1
+ 119 266 l 1
+ 130.44 308.492 142 358.866 142 374 c 0
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+ 100 402 97 402 73 397 c 1
+ 73 414 l 1
+ 146 426 155 428 228 441 c 1
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+ 189 266 l 1
+ 195 266 l 1
+ 219 316 300 441 365 441 c 0
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+ 412 358 395 340 366 340 c 0
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+ 164 20 187 36 203 90 c 2
+ 264 302 l 1
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+ 79.9941 443 l 1
+ 91.4717 485 l 1
+ 211.617 485 l 1
+ 187 571 l 1
+ 170 626 167 629 111 637 c 1
+ 111 653 l 1
+ 350 653 l 1
+ 350 637 l 1
+ 290 631 278 625 278 601 c 0
+ 278 583.807 285.094 559.993 306.438 485 c 1
+ 459.472 485 l 1
+ 509.913 548.672 533 586.872 533 606 c 0
+ 533 631 504 634 464 637 c 1
+ 464 653 l 1
+ 653 653 l 1
+ 653 637 l 1
+ 623 623 615.269 615.783 583 576 c 2
+ 509.189 485 l 1
+ 642.472 485 l 1
+ 630.994 443 l 1
+ 475.122 443 l 1
+ 364 306 l 1
+ 335 205 l 1
+ 328 175 298 91 298 56 c 0
+425.318 443 m 1
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+ 345 347 l 1
+ 383 393 l 1
+ 425.318 443 l 1
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+ 408.007 234 l 1
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+ 6 -140 23 -123 45 -123 c 0
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+ 138 -151 235 -30 235 8 c 0
+ 235 25 211 142 194 207 c 2
+ 186.697 234 l 1
+ 51.0615 234 l 1
+ 61.54 266 l 1
+ 177.729 266 l 1
+ 143.48 384.982 125.715 404 76 404 c 0
+ 65 404 58 403 45 400 c 1
+ 45 417 l 1
+ 142 435 155 438 188 441 c 1
+ 199.189 441 233.099 349.173 255.902 266 c 1
+ 398.723 266 l 1
+ 410.454 294.33 416 315.513 416 331 c 0
+ 416 368 362 363 362 404 c 0
+ 362 426 378 441 401 441 c 0
+ 431 441 456 416 456 386 c 0
+ 456 358.698 443.307 316.111 422.172 266 c 1
+ 497.54 266 l 1
+384.314 234 m 1
+ 264.212 234 l 1
+ 268.262 217.399 271.628 201.757 274 188 c 2
+ 294 72 l 1
+ 334.715 139.539 364.417 192.623 384.314 234 c 1
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+ 59 391 l 1
+ 64 415 l 1
+ 103 419 108 425 117 467 c 2
+ 170 720 l 2
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+ 142 774 l 17
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+ 242 799 l 1
+ 203 616 l 1
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+ 351 667 373 646 373 605 c 0
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+ 344 454 342 445 342 438 c 0
+ 342 422 350 419 374 415 c 1
+ 369 391 l 1
+ 232 391 l 1
+ 237 415 l 1
+ 275 418 284 426 293 467 c 2
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+ 252 624 230 614 197 586 c 1
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+ 371 595 370 584 367 571 c 2
+ 344 466 l 2
+ 341 453 340 444 340 437 c 0
+ 340 421 348 418 372 414 c 1
+ 367 391 l 1
+ 230 391 l 1
+ 235 414 l 1
+ 273 417 281 425 290 466 c 2
+ 311 561 l 2
+ 313 570 313 578 313 585 c 0
+ 313 611 300 624 275 624 c 0
+ 250 624 228 614 195 586 c 1
+ 169 466 l 2
+ 167 454 165 446 165 439 c 0
+ 165 421 175 416 202 414 c 1
+ 197 391 l 1
+ 57 391 l 1
+ 62 414 l 1
+ 101 418 105 424 114 466 c 2
+ 156 661 l 2
+ 176 744 214 800 300 800 c 0
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+ 357 749 340 729 326 729 c 0
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+ 259.821 629.2 226.369 593.2 222.288 574 c 2
+ 196.994 455 l 2
+ 195.467 447.814 194.626 441.74 194.626 436.612 c 0
+ 194.626 417.335 206.504 411.422 238.429 410 c 1
+ 234.391 391 l 1
+ 90.3906 391 l 1
+ 94.4287 410 l 1
+ 134.359 417.2 139.451 421.4 145.828 451.4 c 2
+ 172.61 577.4 l 2
+ 174.451 586.062 175.464 593.561 175.464 599.729 c 0
+ 175.464 612.358 171.217 619.4 161.139 619.4 c 0
+ 153.938 619.4 148.41 618.8 139.628 617 c 1
+ 143.369 634.6 l 1
+ 181.191 646 204.45 653.8 239.056 667 c 1
+ 241.801 665.8 l 1
+ 230.067 610.6 l 1
+ 268.522 653.2 288.855 667 314.056 667 c 0
+ 331.382 667 341.241 658.344 341.241 643.605 c 0
+ 341.241 633.516 335.224 608.2 311.157 608.2 c 0
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+Refer: 1830 691 S -1 0 0 -1 431.632 1058 2
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+116.1 449.2 m 0
+ 132.3 449.2 141.636 428.2 151.235 428.2 c 0
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+ 232.215 611.587 233.056 617.66 233.056 622.788 c 0
+ 233.056 642.064 221.177 647.979 189.253 649.4 c 1
+ 192.866 666.4 l 1
+ 336.866 666.4 l 1
+ 333.253 649.4 l 1
+ 293.322 642.2 288.229 638 281.854 608 c 2
+ 231.137 369.4 l 2
+ 225.589 343.299 222.421 324.368 222.421 311.207 c 0
+ 222.421 293.207 228.346 286 242.21 286 c 0
+ 265.01 286 279.262 322 303.862 322 c 0
+ 315.908 322 324.017 314.228 324.017 303.472 c 0
+ 324.017 280.749 292.759 265.6 260.074 265.6 c 0
+ 207.824 265.6 180.742 294.077 180.742 348.199 c 0
+ 180.742 361.199 182.304 375.679 185.456 391.6 c 2
+ 197.189 446.8 l 1
+ 158.734 404.2 138.4 390.4 113.2 390.4 c 0
+ 95.875 390.4 86.0156 399.056 86.0156 413.794 c 0
+ 86.0156 423.884 92.0322 449.2 116.1 449.2 c 0
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+ 236.918 540.8 l 5
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+ 420.173 666.2 l 5
+ 416.177 647.4 l 5
+ 410.177 647.4 l 6
+ 398.177 647.4 379.799 642.8 367.865 629 c 6
+ 285.061 533 l 5
+ 335.519 518.077 344.364 491.555 344.364 473.718 c 4
+ 344.364 439.351 312.807 387.8 218.797 387.8 c 6
+ 91.5967 387.8 l 5
+ 95.168 404.6 l 5
+ 124.006 407.6 138.221 415.2 147.275 457.8 c 6
+ 178.224 603.4 l 6
+ 179.864 611.117 180.655 617.46 180.655 622.681 c 4
+ 180.655 643.439 168.147 646.441 146.776 647.4 c 5
+ 150.772 666.2 l 5
+ 280.373 666.2 l 5
+ 276.377 647.4 l 5
+288.32 471.901 m 4
+ 288.32 493.825 273.758 519 218.484 519 c 6
+ 208.284 519 l 5
+ 186.221 415.2 l 5
+ 195.184 412.2 205.128 411 215.328 411 c 4
+ 270.677 411 288.32 447.541 288.32 471.901 c 4
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+ 120 651.6 l 1
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+ 183 661.2 184.199 666 194.399 666 c 0
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+ 339.6 659.399 l 2
+ 342.6 664.2 344.399 665.399 347.399 665.399 c 0
+ 351 665.399 351.6 663.6 352.199 657 c 2
+ 371.399 445.8 l 1
+ 450 543.6 470.399 576 470.399 601.8 c 0
+ 470.399 620.399 444.6 626.399 444.6 645.6 c 0
+ 444.6 658.2 453.6 666 468 666 c 0
+ 486 666 499.199 652.8 499.199 634.8 c 0
+ 499.199 571.2 353.399 390.6 339.6 390.6 c 0
+ 335.399 390.6 334.199 392.399 333 408.6 c 0
+ 315.6 600 l 1
+ 262.199 506.399 l 2
+ 222 435.6 204 390.6 190.8 390.6 c 0
+ 185.399 390.6 184.199 395.399 183 418.8 c 2
+ 180.6 471.6 l 2
+ 178.8 519 171.6 582.6 164.399 616.8 c 0
+ 160.8 637.8 155.399 644.399 141 644.399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ysuperior
+Encoding: 696 696 1835
+Width: 260
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+128.601 651.4 m 1
+ 186.8 662.2 194.601 664 214.4 665.8 c 1
+ 223.4 665.8 257 566.8 266 514 c 2
+ 278 444.4 l 1
+ 329 529 351.2 575.8 351.2 599.8 c 0
+ 351.2 622 318.8 619 318.8 643.601 c 0
+ 318.8 656.8 328.4 665.8 342.2 665.8 c 0
+ 360.2 665.8 375.2 650.8 375.2 632.8 c 0
+ 375.2 556 207.8 277.601 135.8 277.601 c 0
+ 118.4 277.601 105.2 289 105.2 304 c 0
+ 105.2 317.2 115.4 327.4 128.601 327.4 c 0
+ 142.4 327.4 156.8 310.601 165.2 310.601 c 0
+ 184.4 310.601 242.601 383.2 242.601 406 c 0
+ 242.601 416.2 228.2 486.4 218 525.4 c 0
+ 190.4 628.601 181.4 643.601 147.2 643.601 c 0
+ 140.601 643.601 136.4 643 128.601 641.2 c 1
+ 128.601 651.4 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: primemod
+Encoding: 697 697 1836
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+308.229 737 m 4
+ 353.082 737 362.118 706.009 362.118 689.514 c 4
+ 362.118 682.953 360.273 673.632 356.2 669 c 6
+ 151.839 465 l 6
+ 146.665 459.835 141.563 458 136.563 458 c 4
+ 126.63 458 117.267 465.667 117.267 473.89 c 4
+ 117.267 477.167 117.803 481.09 119.877 484 c 6
+ 278.891 724 l 6
+ 284.592 732 296.229 737 308.229 737 c 4
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: primedblmod
+Encoding: 698 698 1837
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1836 697 S 1 0 0 1 161 0 2
+Refer: 1836 697 S 1 0 0 1 -20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: quoteleftmod
+Encoding: 699 699 1838
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+219.597 605 m 0
+ 223.597 605 230.447 609 247.447 609 c 0
+ 278.665 609 296.91 593.961 296.91 569.751 c 0
+ 296.91 536.819 267.942 501 224.491 501 c 0
+ 186.211 501 161.013 528.498 161.013 568.104 c 0
+ 161.013 631.511 221.847 705.524 308.143 744 c 1
+ 313.104 725 l 1
+ 222.826 671.007 208.227 628.77 208.227 615.837 c 0
+ 208.227 609.47 212.692 605 219.597 605 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: apostropherev
+Encoding: 701 701 1839
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+238 666 m 0
+ 272 666 292 635 292 614 c 0
+ 292 561 213 570 199 551 c 0
+ 192 542 189 529 189 515 c 0
+ 189 485 201 459 206 444 c 1
+ 188 436 l 1
+ 171 470 158 510 158 554 c 0
+ 158 648 221 666 238 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringrighthalfsuper
+Encoding: 702 702 1840
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1858 722 N 1 0 0 1 130 504 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ringlefthalfsuper
+Encoding: 703 703 1841
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1859 723 N 1 0 0 1 138 516 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: glottalstopmod
+Encoding: 704 704 1842
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+255.438 677 m 0
+ 314.326 677 359.489 635.045 359.489 566.426 c 0
+ 359.489 481.611 298.572 399.457 218.896 395 c 1
+ 209.488 350.737 204.387 326.739 200.914 310.4 c 1
+ 181.714 310.4 170.914 310.4 150.514 310.4 c 1
+ 157.465 343.105 178.061 440 178.061 440 c 25
+ 185.4 439.298 184.879 438.2 196.879 438.2 c 0
+ 269.737 438.2 318.31 519.896 318.31 587.01 c 0
+ 318.31 631.145 295.058 659.601 255.338 659.601 c 0
+ 233.738 659.601 224.535 653 213.816 630.8 c 2
+ 207.411 617.601 l 2
+ 199.04 600.8 185.944 590 173.345 590 c 0
+ 159.475 590 149.418 599.011 149.418 610.707 c 0
+ 149.418 637.224 193.483 677 255.438 677 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalrev
+Encoding: 705 705 1843
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+294.438 677 m 0
+ 340.544 677 374.605 653.399 374.605 623.654 c 0
+ 374.605 603.462 357.215 590 339.544 590 c 0
+ 326.944 590 318.44 600.8 317.212 617.601 c 2
+ 316.416 630.8 l 2
+ 315.135 653 308.739 659.601 287.139 659.601 c 0
+ 225.874 659.601 179.497 591.648 179.497 520.665 c 0
+ 179.497 470.704 206.549 438.2 251.478 438.2 c 0
+ 263.478 438.2 263.423 439.298 271.062 440 c 25
+ 271.062 440 250.466 343.105 243.514 310.4 c 1
+ 223.113 310.4 212.312 310.4 193.113 310.4 c 1
+ 196.586 326.739 201.687 350.737 211.096 395 c 1
+ 158.943 397.989 127.484 436.111 127.484 492.214 c 0
+ 127.484 584.78 203.721 677 294.438 677 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowheadleftmod
+Encoding: 706 706 1844
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+431.916 554.75 m 1
+ 196.249 641 l 1
+ 201.51 665.75 l 1
+ 473.843 752 l 1
+ 468.104 725 l 1
+ 242.879 653.375 l 1
+ 437.654 581.75 l 1
+ 431.916 554.75 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowheadrightmod
+Encoding: 707 707 1845
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+176.215 546.75 m 1
+ 181.954 573.75 l 1
+ 407.179 645.375 l 1
+ 212.403 717 l 1
+ 218.142 744 l 1
+ 453.809 657.75 l 1
+ 448.548 633 l 1
+ 176.215 546.75 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowheadupmod
+Encoding: 708 708 1846
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+169.679 516 m 1
+ 325.171 706.5 l 1
+ 358.171 706.5 l 1
+ 432.679 516 l 1
+ 396.679 516 l 1
+ 334.657 673.5 l 1
+ 205.679 516 l 1
+ 169.679 516 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowheaddownmod
+Encoding: 709 709 1847
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+210.171 706.5 m 1
+ 246.171 706.5 l 1
+ 308.193 549 l 1
+ 437.171 706.5 l 1
+ 473.171 706.5 l 1
+ 317.679 516 l 1
+ 284.679 516 l 1
+ 210.171 706.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: verticallinemod
+Encoding: 712 712 1848
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 422 781 S 1 0 0.212557 1 155 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: macronmodifier
+Encoding: 713 713 1849
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutemodifier
+Encoding: 714 714 1850
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gravemodifier
+Encoding: 715 715 1851
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: verticallinelowmod
+Encoding: 716 716 1852
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+94.9482 -259 m 1
+ 77.9482 -259 60.9482 -259 44.9482 -259 c 1
+ 50.8994 -231 81.9326 -85 86.8213 -62 c 1
+ 108.821 -62 112.821 -62 136.821 -62 c 1
+ 131.933 -85 102.388 -224 94.9482 -259 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: macronsub
+Encoding: 717 717 1853
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 108 175 S 1 0 0.212557 1 -243.79 -700 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gravelowmod
+Encoding: 718 718 1854
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1851 715 S 1 0 0 1 -158 -743 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: acutelowmod
+Encoding: 719 719 1855
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1850 714 S 1 0 0 1 -131.396 -747 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: colontriangularmod
+Encoding: 720 720 1856
+Width: 250
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+194 0 m 25
+ 84 0 l 25
+ 160.256 100 l 25
+ 194 0 l 25
+181.776 460 m 25
+ 291.776 460 l 25
+ 215.521 360 l 25
+ 181.776 460 l 25
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: colontriangularhalfmod
+Encoding: 721 721 1857
+Width: 250
+VWidth: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+181.776 460 m 25
+ 291.776 460 l 25
+ 215.521 360 l 25
+ 181.776 460 l 25
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfrightcentered
+Encoding: 722 722 1858
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+160.149 203 m 17
+ 208.571 203 240.281 170.103 240.281 124.996 c 0
+ 240.281 56.2556 173.785 4 116.851 4 c 9
+ 124.077 38 l 17
+ 160.502 38 205.336 71.4023 205.336 116.427 c 0
+ 205.336 146.162 183.459 169 152.922 169 c 9
+ 160.149 203 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfleftcentered
+Encoding: 723 723 1859
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+174.851 0 m 1
+ 126.428 0 94.7184 32.898 94.7184 78.0056 c 0
+ 94.7184 146.745 161.215 199 218.149 199 c 1
+ 210.922 165 l 1
+ 174.497 165 129.663 131.598 129.663 86.5726 c 0
+ 129.663 56.8378 151.54 34 182.077 34 c 1
+ 174.851 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tackupmid
+Encoding: 724 724 1860
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+161.318 105 m 1
+ 200.216 288 l 1
+ 254.216 288 l 1
+ 215.318 105 l 1
+ 343.318 105 l 1
+ 331.841 51 l 1
+ 20.8408 51 l 1
+ 32.3184 105 l 1
+ 161.318 105 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tackdownmid
+Encoding: 725 725 1861
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+187.888 230 m 1
+ 58.8877 230 l 1
+ 70.3662 284 l 1
+ 381.366 284 l 1
+ 369.888 230 l 1
+ 241.888 230 l 1
+ 202.99 47 l 1
+ 148.99 47 l 1
+ 187.888 230 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plusmod
+Encoding: 726 726 1862
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+339.212 208 m 1
+ 327.733 154 l 1
+ 225.733 154 l 1
+ 204.053 52 l 1
+ 150.053 52 l 1
+ 171.733 154 l 1
+ 69.7334 154 l 1
+ 81.2119 208 l 1
+ 183.212 208 l 1
+ 204.893 310 l 1
+ 258.893 310 l 1
+ 237.212 208 l 1
+ 339.212 208 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minusmod
+Encoding: 727 727 1863
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+54.5742 205 m 1
+ 365.574 205 l 1
+ 354.096 151 l 1
+ 43.0957 151 l 1
+ 54.5742 205 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rhotichookmod
+Encoding: 734 734 1864
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+82.4717 388 m 17
+ 113.424 416 259.669 563 290.669 563 c 0
+ 301.417 563 305.432 555.331 305.432 542.741 c 0
+ 305.432 517.435 283.966 454.67 275.79 416.211 c 0
+ 272.516 400.809 270.336 386.045 270.336 373.02 c 0
+ 270.336 344.278 280.953 324 313.868 324 c 0
+ 324.868 324 336.719 328 346.994 334 c 1
+ 330.392 336.572 319.81 350.173 319.81 366.606 c 0
+ 319.81 394.977 346.474 416 370.424 416 c 0
+ 390.365 416 403.672 402.469 403.672 383.879 c 0
+ 403.672 350.327 361.116 300 307.767 300 c 0
+ 259.354 300 245.072 329.55 245.072 367.673 c 0
+ 245.072 384.848 247.97 403.764 251.953 422.501 c 0
+ 258.304 452.378 267.41 481.803 271.916 503 c 0
+ 272.265 504.64 272.66 507.288 272.66 509.843 c 0
+ 272.66 513.519 271.842 517 268.892 517 c 0
+ 264 517 163.5 428 99.0078 367 c 1
+ 82.4717 388 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02DF
+Encoding: 735 735 1865
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+284.933 653.743 m 1
+ 177.843 749.294 l 1
+ 214.017 772.693 l 1
+ 321.003 676.656 l 1
+ 468.816 772.693 l 1
+ 495.042 749.294 l 1
+ 347.332 653.743 l 1
+ 454.319 557.706 l 1
+ 418.146 534.306 l 1
+ 311.159 630.344 l 1
+ 163.346 534.306 l 1
+ 137.119 557.706 l 1
+ 284.933 653.743 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gammasuperior
+Encoding: 736 736 1866
+Width: 311
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+435.361 647 m 1
+ 410.559 640.4 381.489 608.672 365.991 588.8 c 2
+ 279.112 477.4 l 1
+ 288.018 448.17 304.075 404.124 304.075 367.663 c 0
+ 304.075 324.118 272.764 256.6 210.18 256.6 c 0
+ 175.448 256.6 163.743 283.054 163.743 312.632 c 0
+ 163.743 367.499 194.047 402.715 230.846 449.8 c 1
+ 181.785 617 l 2
+ 177.646 631.4 166.996 643.4 150.962 647 c 1
+ 155.085 666.4 l 1
+ 276.886 666.4 l 1
+ 272.762 647 l 1
+ 248.069 646.059 243.358 623.269 243.358 607.448 c 0
+ 243.358 573.595 263.258 528.164 271.214 501.4 c 1
+ 291.825 527.8 350.573 590.6 357.205 621.8 c 0
+ 357.878 624.964 358.22 627.831 358.22 630.401 c 0
+ 358.22 640.984 352.412 646.518 339.962 647 c 1
+ 344.085 666.4 l 1
+ 439.485 666.4 l 1
+ 435.361 647 l 1
+258.637 338.989 m 0
+ 258.637 365.918 245.452 403.562 239.004 424.2 c 1
+ 213.168 391.739 185.623 359.88 185.623 317 c 0
+ 185.623 298.797 192.182 282.4 213.264 282.4 c 0
+ 249.562 282.4 258.637 320.891 258.637 338.989 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: lsuper
+Encoding: 737 737 1867
+Width: 200
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+178.658 755.4 m 1
+ 182.611 774 l 1
+ 226.18 784.2 250.255 790.2 283.623 800.4 c 1
+ 285.769 799.2 l 1
+ 211.756 451 l 2
+ 210.125 443.326 209.194 437.113 209.194 432.065 c 0
+ 209.194 415.404 219.338 411.442 247.956 409.6 c 1
+ 243.918 390.6 l 1
+ 102.317 390.6 l 1
+ 106.356 409.6 l 1
+ 144.794 412.6 154.852 420.4 161.739 452.8 c 2
+ 218.534 720 l 2
+ 220.187 727.777 221.064 734.048 221.064 739.052 c 0
+ 221.064 752.194 215.018 756.6 201.113 756.6 c 0
+ 196.313 756.6 188.985 756 182.259 755.4 c 2
+ 178.658 755.4 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ssuper
+Encoding: 738 738 1868
+Width: 243
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+300.513 657.8 m 0
+ 304.113 657.8 307.278 661.4 311.389 663.8 c 1
+ 321.988 663.8 l 1
+ 307.044 582.2 l 1
+ 298.044 582.2 l 1
+ 295.594 635.6 281.505 654 247.306 654 c 0
+ 217.894 654 191.895 636.66 191.895 606.284 c 0
+ 191.895 593.59 197.98 582.209 209.986 574.4 c 2
+ 266.623 536 l 2
+ 292.143 518.451 303.656 502.089 303.656 480.479 c 0
+ 303.656 427.369 250.398 387.8 200.923 387.8 c 0
+ 173.923 387.8 150.817 398.6 135.817 398.6 c 0
+ 128.619 398.6 125.963 397.4 120.487 391.4 c 1
+ 108.688 391.4 l 1
+ 128.583 485 l 1
+ 142.183 485 l 1
+ 142.183 449.453 144.338 403 196.953 403 c 0
+ 229.345 403 256.567 420.54 256.567 453.738 c 0
+ 256.567 467.848 249.043 479.335 233.876 489.2 c 2
+ 203.284 509 l 2
+ 165.686 533.128 149.692 553.887 149.692 579.744 c 0
+ 149.692 633.704 198.561 669.2 248.736 669.2 c 0
+ 283.536 669.2 287.312 657.8 300.513 657.8 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xsuperior
+Encoding: 739 739 1869
+Width: 328
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+276.16 573.4 m 1
+ 306.665 604 322.756 617.6 325.562 630.8 c 0
+ 325.878 632.288 326.068 633.626 326.068 634.826 c 0
+ 326.068 640.401 321.968 643.013 307.367 644 c 1
+ 310.98 661 l 1
+ 405.78 661 l 1
+ 402.167 644 l 1
+ 382.84 643.4 361.861 638.8 347.019 622.6 c 2
+ 284.552 553.6 l 1
+ 336.355 436 l 1
+ 349.344 409.6 361.004 408 379.604 408 c 1
+ 375.99 391 l 1
+ 255.391 391 l 1
+ 259.004 408 l 1
+ 275.716 409 277.322 409.5 280.064 422.4 c 0
+ 280.83 426 280.395 429.6 278.76 433.2 c 2
+ 246.314 509.2 l 1
+ 183.228 435.4 l 2
+ 174.375 425.044 173.747 423.727 172.7 418.8 c 0
+ 172.385 417.317 172.186 416.008 172.186 414.86 c 0
+ 172.186 409.968 175.797 408 189.403 408 c 1
+ 185.79 391 l 1
+ 98.791 391 l 1
+ 102.404 408 l 1
+ 122.587 409.8 128.251 405.4 151.008 430.6 c 0
+ 240.45 529.6 l 1
+ 204.715 608 l 2
+ 192.108 636.2 180.167 644 162.167 644 c 2
+ 156.767 644 l 1
+ 160.38 661 l 1
+ 284.58 661 l 1
+ 280.967 644 l 1
+ 262.84 643.4 258.722 637.2 256.937 628.8 c 0
+ 256.684 627.612 256.553 626.365 256.553 625.014 c 0
+ 256.553 617.491 260.61 606.764 270.312 585.4 c 2
+ 276.16 573.4 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glottalrevsuper
+Encoding: 740 740 1870
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+328.226 796.8 m 0
+ 374.332 796.8 408.393 773.199 408.393 743.454 c 0
+ 408.393 740.685 408.098 737.862 407.489 735 c 0
+ 404.556 721.2 388.933 709.8 373.333 709.8 c 0
+ 360.732 709.8 352.229 720.6 350.999 737.4 c 2
+ 350.205 750.6 l 2
+ 348.924 772.8 342.526 779.4 320.927 779.4 c 0
+ 272.326 779.4 230.271 736.8 217.136 675 c 0
+ 214.538 662.78 213.285 651.218 213.285 640.465 c 0
+ 213.285 590.503 240.337 558 285.267 558 c 0
+ 297.267 558 297.521 559.2 304.85 559.8 c 25
+ 280.107 443.4 l 2
+ 278.577 436.2 277.72 430.215 277.72 425.227 c 0
+ 277.72 407.77 288.221 402.534 317.125 400.2 c 1
+ 315.212 391.2 l 1
+ 173.612 391.2 l 1
+ 175.525 400.2 l 1
+ 213.835 402.6 222.311 408.6 229.325 441.6 c 2
+ 244.884 514.8 l 1
+ 192.731 517.788 161.273 555.91 161.273 612.013 c 0
+ 161.273 623.503 162.593 635.748 165.324 648.6 c 0
+ 184.581 739.2 259.226 796.8 328.226 796.8 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: toneextrahigh
+Encoding: 741 741 1871
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+580.045 800 m 1
+ 410 0 l 9
+ 362 0 l 17
+ 521.843 752 l 1
+ 179.843 752 l 9
+ 190.045 800 l 17
+ 580.045 800 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tonebarhighmod
+Encoding: 742 742 1872
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+580.258 801 m 17
+ 410 0 l 9
+ 362 0 l 17
+ 491.447 609 l 1
+ 149.447 609 l 9
+ 159.649 657 l 17
+ 501.649 657 l 1
+ 532.258 801 l 9
+ 580.258 801 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tonebarmidmod
+Encoding: 743 743 1873
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+580.258 801 m 17
+ 410 0 l 9
+ 362 0 l 17
+ 447.447 402 l 1
+ 105.447 402 l 9
+ 115.65 450 l 17
+ 457.65 450 l 1
+ 532.258 801 l 9
+ 580.258 801 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tonebarlowmod
+Encoding: 744 744 1874
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+580.258 801 m 17
+ 410 0 l 9
+ 362 0 l 17
+ 402.173 189 l 1
+ 60.1729 189 l 9
+ 70.376 237 l 17
+ 412.376 237 l 1
+ 532.258 801 l 9
+ 580.258 801 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: toneextralow
+Encoding: 745 745 1875
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+580.258 801 m 17
+ 410 0 l 9
+ 20 0 l 9
+ 30.2031 48 l 17
+ 372.203 48 l 1
+ 532.258 801 l 9
+ 580.258 801 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02EA
+Encoding: 746 746 1876
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+49.7871 -1 m 1
+ 161.38 524 l 9
+ 209.38 524 l 17
+ 107.99 47 l 1
+ 466.99 47 l 9
+ 456.787 -1 l 17
+ 49.7871 -1 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02EB
+Encoding: 747 747 1877
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+50 0 m 17
+ 150.539 473 l 9
+ 198.539 473 l 17
+ 153.902 263 l 1
+ 510.902 263 l 9
+ 500.699 215 l 17
+ 143.699 215 l 1
+ 98 0 l 9
+ 50 0 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02EC
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+ -160.379 591 l 1
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+Encoding: 863 863 1942
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -244 0 mark 0
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+AnchorPoint: "below" -231 0 mark 0
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+-319.159 -156 m 1
+ -313.207 -128 l 1
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+ 160.597 -56 l 1
+ 179.604 -39.5 l 1
+ 255.711 -142.5 l 1
+ 136.03 -244.5 l 1
+ 124.037 -228 l 1
+ 198.841 -156 l 1
+ -319.159 -156 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0363
+Encoding: 867 867 1944
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+AnchorPoint: "above" -224 460 mark 0
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+Refer: 65 97 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -305.485 505.25 2
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+Encoding: 868 868 1945
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+AnchorPoint: "above" -203 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -273.035 505.25 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0365
+Encoding: 869 869 1946
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 665
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -189 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -226.335 506.655 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0366
+Encoding: 870 870 1947
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 610
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -247 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -307.785 505.25 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni0367
+Encoding: 871 871 1948
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 610
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -220 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 85 117 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -301.92 504.4 2
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+StartChar: uni0368
+Encoding: 872 872 1949
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 612
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -236 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 67 99 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -304.455 503.25 2
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+StartChar: uni0369
+Encoding: 873 873 1950
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 665
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -220 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 68 100 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -303.37 503.805 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni036A
+Encoding: 874 874 1951
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 668
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -206 459 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 72 104 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -281.64 506.655 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni036B
+Encoding: 875 875 1952
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 613
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -211 460 mark 0
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+Refer: 77 109 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -321.565 508.1 2
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+StartChar: uni036C
+Encoding: 876 876 1953
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 612
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -187 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 82 114 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -245.1 508.1 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni036D
+Encoding: 877 877 1954
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 639
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -221 460 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 84 116 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -256.36 504.471 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni036E
+Encoding: 878 878 1955
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 607
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -226 460 mark 0
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+Refer: 86 118 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -293.64 504.26 2
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+StartChar: uni036F
+Encoding: 879 879 1956
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 612
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -227 460 mark 0
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+Refer: 88 120 S 0.43 0 0 0.43 -301.64 506.25 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ccurl
+Encoding: 597 597 1957
+Width: 407
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+361 138 m 0
+ 361 164 340 168 325 168 c 0
+ 282 168 198 63 167 31 c 1
+ 180 27 193.967 25 209 25 c 0
+ 258 25 361 84 361 138 c 0
+309 420 m 0
+ 182 420 110 251 110 139 c 0
+ 110 93 124 59 150 40 c 1
+ 179 74 l 2
+ 214 115 279 194 332 194 c 0
+ 358 194 387 184 387 151 c 0
+ 387 70 290 -11 173 -11 c 0
+ 159 -11 146 -10 133 -8 c 1
+ 107 -39 82 -70 53 -102 c 1
+ 33 -98 l 1
+ 114 -3 l 1
+ 56 16 24 66 24 139 c 0
+ 24 295 164 441 314 441 c 0
+ 374 441 419 406 419 360 c 0
+ 419 334 398 314 371 314 c 0
+ 347 314 332 328 332 352 c 0
+ 332 370 347 389 347 400 c 0
+ 347 412 332 420 309 420 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1E9A
+Encoding: 7834 7834 1958
+Width: 444
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1840 702 S 1 0 0 1 54 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohornacute
+Encoding: 7898 7898 1959
+Width: 771
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 318 212 0
+Refer: 1528 416 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
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+StartChar: ohornacute
+Encoding: 7899 7899 1960
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 178 2 0
+Refer: 1529 417 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohorngrave
+Encoding: 7900 7900 1961
+Width: 771
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 221 212 0
+Refer: 1528 416 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohorngrave
+Encoding: 7901 7901 1962
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 81 0 0
+Refer: 1529 417 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohornhookabove
+Encoding: 7902 7902 1963
+Width: 807
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1528 416 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 475 212 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohornhookabove
+Encoding: 7903 7903 1964
+Width: 585
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1529 417 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 313 -4 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohorntilde
+Encoding: 7904 7904 1965
+Width: 771
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1528 416 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Refer: 407 732 N 1 0 0 1 208 219 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohorntilde
+Encoding: 7905 7905 1966
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1529 417 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 5 -20 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ohorndotbelow
+Encoding: 7906 7906 1967
+Width: 771
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 475 659 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1528 416 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ohorndotbelow
+Encoding: 7907 7907 1968
+Width: 576
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" 332 443 basechar 0
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+Refer: 404 729 N 1 0 0 1 -205 -692 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhornacute
+Encoding: 7912 7912 1969
+Width: 801
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 N 1 0 0 1 308 212 0
+Refer: 1540 431 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhornacute
+Encoding: 7913 7913 1970
+Width: 605
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 168 2 0
+Refer: 1541 432 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhorngrave
+Encoding: 7914 7914 1971
+Width: 801
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 N 1 0 0 1 241 212 0
+Refer: 1540 431 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhorngrave
+Encoding: 7915 7915 1972
+Width: 605
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 64 96 S 1 0 0 1 71 0 0
+Refer: 1541 432 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhornhookabove
+Encoding: 7916 7916 1973
+Width: 807
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1540 431 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 461 210 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uhornhookabove
+Encoding: 7917 7917 1974
+Width: 585
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1541 432 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 418 777 S 1 0 0 1 290 -2 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Uhorntilde
+Encoding: 7918 7918 1975
+Width: 801
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1540 431 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 163 199 0
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+StartChar: uhorntilde
+Encoding: 7919 7919 1976
+Width: 605
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1541 432 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
+Refer: 407 732 S 1 0 0 1 2 2 0
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+Encoding: 598 598 1979
+Width: 524
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+LayerCount: 2
+359 361 m 0
+ 359 410 331 418 310 418 c 0
+ 215 418 105 227 105 103 c 0
+ 105 64 129 37 163 37 c 0
+ 255 37 359 209 359 361 c 0
+364.652 53.9492 m 2
+ 337.131 -49.9219 332.909 -97.5459 332.909 -141.988 c 0
+ 332.909 -171.988 342.784 -184 365.89 -184 c 0
+ 403.89 -184 427.643 -124 468.643 -124 c 0
+ 488.72 -124 502.234 -136.954 502.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 502.234 -192.752 450.138 -218 395.663 -218 c 0
+ 308.587 -218 263.592 -170.376 263.592 -80.0879 c 0
+ 263.592 -56.3184 265.721 -29.3604 273 0 c 2
+ 303 121 l 1
+ 235 21 191 -11 123 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 18 32 18 103 c 0
+ 18 253 180 441 310 441 c 0
+ 349 441 367 425 375 383 c 1
+ 419 547 l 2
+ 432.704 598.08 434 604 434 617 c 0
+ 434 638 427 641 372 643 c 1
+ 372 660 l 1
+ 436 666 472 672 525 683 c 1
+ 530 678 l 1
+ 364.652 53.9492 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: schwahook
+Encoding: 602 602 1980
+Width: 722
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+644.767 300 m 0
+ 596.354 300 582.072 329.55 582.072 367.673 c 0
+ 582.072 413.249 601.666 468.893 608.916 503 c 0
+ 609.265 504.64 609.66 507.288 609.66 509.843 c 0
+ 609.66 513.519 608.842 517 605.892 517 c 0
+ 592.892 517 453.409 383 431.158 363 c 1
+ 436.397 347.595 440.065 331.623 440.065 316 c 0
+ 440.065 104.008 285.947 -10 156.874 -10 c 0
+ 108.874 -10 64.7002 8 33.0771 38 c 1
+ 341.593 318 l 1
+ 323.521 360 286.472 388 235.472 388 c 0
+ 167.472 388 118.757 347 72.4912 294 c 1
+ 60.4043 303 l 1
+ 118.472 388 191.776 460 293.776 460 c 0
+ 348.776 460 394.612 431 419.472 388 c 1
+ 450.424 416 596.669 563 627.669 563 c 0
+ 638.417 563 642.433 555.331 642.433 542.74 c 0
+ 642.433 508.796 607.336 423.936 607.336 373.02 c 0
+ 607.336 344.278 617.953 324 650.868 324 c 0
+ 661.868 324 673.719 328 683.994 334 c 1
+ 667.392 336.572 656.81 350.173 656.81 366.606 c 0
+ 656.81 394.977 683.474 416 707.424 416 c 0
+ 727.365 416 740.672 402.469 740.672 383.879 c 0
+ 740.672 350.328 698.116 300 644.767 300 c 0
+353.952 251.72 m 0
+ 353.952 264.471 352.845 276.993 350.429 289 c 1
+ 102.391 63 l 1
+ 119.077 38 147.039 19 181.039 19 c 0
+ 284.787 19 353.952 152.148 353.952 251.72 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eopenreversedhook
+Encoding: 605 605 1981
+Width: 664
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+581.767 300 m 0
+ 533.354 300 519.072 329.55 519.072 367.673 c 0
+ 519.072 408.702 541.529 482.831 545.667 502.295 c 0
+ 546.481 506.126 546.935 509.167 546.935 511.465 c 0
+ 546.935 515.226 545.721 517 542.892 517 c 0
+ 532.289 517 449.495 438.148 418.357 408.751 c 1
+ 433.656 395.747 443.318 378.777 443.318 357.577 c 0
+ 443.318 299.575 375.061 236.706 289.515 229 c 1
+ 318.595 223.753 371.255 196.029 371.255 141.618 c 0
+ 371.255 71.2305 283.152 -10 149.497 -10 c 0
+ 54.4971 -10 4.12793 26 3.39844 108 c 1
+ 32.0088 119 l 1
+ 36.3604 63 59.1279 26 130.128 26 c 0
+ 229.571 26 285.118 102.672 285.118 160.036 c 0
+ 285.118 191.147 268.043 214 229.502 214 c 0
+ 205.502 214 176.687 196 152.687 196 c 0
+ 136.823 196 127.057 204.562 127.057 217.422 c 0
+ 127.057 235.811 147.745 262 174.344 262 c 0
+ 200.344 262 208.923 238 245.923 238 c 0
+ 301.538 238 351.857 310.551 351.857 363.609 c 0
+ 351.857 395.554 334.121 418 295.082 418 c 0
+ 216.082 418 200.399 325 141.399 325 c 0
+ 124.602 325 117.025 334.357 117.025 347.46 c 0
+ 117.025 366.968 150.534 442 308.503 442 c 0
+ 338.325 442 370.508 435.959 395.948 423.281 c 1
+ 427.035 452.383 535.499 563 564.669 563 c 0
+ 575.417 563 579.433 555.331 579.433 542.74 c 0
+ 579.433 535.62 578.149 526.928 576.072 517.158 c 0
+ 566.651 472.838 544.336 415.917 544.336 373.02 c 0
+ 544.336 344.278 554.953 324 587.868 324 c 0
+ 598.868 324 610.719 328 620.994 334 c 1
+ 604.392 336.572 593.81 350.173 593.81 366.606 c 0
+ 593.81 394.977 620.474 416 644.424 416 c 0
+ 664.365 416 677.672 402.469 677.672 383.879 c 0
+ 677.672 350.328 635.116 300 581.767 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eopenreversedclosed
+Encoding: 606 606 1982
+Width: 462
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+LayerCount: 2
+152 -10 m 0
+ 49.9216 -10 10 77 10 171 c 0
+ 10 310 166 442 296 442 c 0
+ 361 442 443 426 443 357 c 0
+ 443 295 371 239 291 228 c 1
+ 334 220 372 192 372 138 c 0
+ 372 70 284 -10 152 -10 c 0
+286 155 m 0
+ 286 193 267 214 233 214 c 0
+ 203 214 175 196 154 196 c 0
+ 137 196 126 203 126 218 c 0
+ 126 236 148 262 172 262 c 0
+ 197 262 218 237 243 237 c 0
+ 294 237 352 302 352 357 c 0
+ 352 397 340 418 293 418 c 0
+ 178 418 40 299 40 177 c 0
+ 40 96 50 26 138 26 c 0
+ 223 26 286 105 286 155 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jdotlessbar
+Encoding: 607 607 1983
+Width: 353
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+LayerCount: 2
+263.802 32 m 1
+ 257 0 l 1
+ 181.466 0 l 1
+ 141.431 -139.888 83.7246 -207 2 -207 c 0
+ -44 -207 -77 -181 -77 -146 c 0
+ -77 -122 -60 -104 -37 -104 c 0
+ -14 -104 4 -120 4 -141 c 0
+ 4 -160 -9 -162 -9 -173 c 0
+ -9 -180 -3 -184 9 -184 c 0
+ 49.4209 -184 73.0557 -136.609 106.739 0 c 1
+ 9 0 l 1
+ 15.8018 32 l 1
+ 114.63 32 l 1
+ 178 289 l 2
+ 188.626 332.094 194 359 194 369 c 0
+ 194 396 170 400 156 400 c 2
+ 120 400 l 1
+ 120 416 l 1
+ 151 417 201 425 290 441 c 1
+ 293 439 l 1
+ 190.012 32 l 1
+ 263.802 32 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gsmallcap
+Encoding: 610 610 1984
+Width: 482
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 39 71 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: gammalatin
+Encoding: 611 611 1985
+Width: 491
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+LayerCount: 2
+551 409 m 1
+ 509 398 465 340 439 307 c 2
+ 288 119 l 1
+ 308 10 311 -13 311 -74 c 0
+ 311 -136 286 -233 174 -233 c 0
+ 117 -233 87 -189 87 -140 c 0
+ 87 -51 169 39 222 107 c 1
+ 191 256 148 404 77 404 c 0
+ 66 404 59 403 46 400 c 1
+ 46 417 l 1
+ 143 435 156 438 189 441 c 1
+ 209 441 264 249 279 163 c 1
+ 320 213 430 328 430 377 c 0
+ 430 397 414 408 392 409 c 1
+ 392 428 l 1
+ 551 428 l 1
+ 551 409 l 1
+233 70 m 1
+ 196 23 131 -58 131 -129 c 0
+ 131 -160 143 -190 180 -190 c 0
+ 243 -190 250 -120 250 -96 c 0
+ 250 -51 246 28 233 70 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ramshorn
+Encoding: 612 612 1986
+Width: 602
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+587.404 283 m 1
+ 570.491 274 l 1
+ 554.521 340 494.188 409 418.188 409 c 0
+ 408.188 409 397.975 408 387.549 406 c 1
+ 425.202 375.371 440.23 329.013 440.23 278.853 c 0
+ 440.23 162.617 344.666 -9 248.087 -9 c 0
+ 191.509 -9 176.257 63.7422 176.257 133.697 c 0
+ 176.257 214 195.727 294.954 262.047 366 c 1
+ 253.26 367 244.472 368 235.472 368 c 0
+ 167.472 368 118.757 327 72.4912 274 c 1
+ 60.4043 283 l 1
+ 118.472 368 191.776 440 293.776 440 c 0
+ 315.776 440 335.713 435 354.013 427 c 1
+ 375.926 436 398.776 440 420.776 440 c 0
+ 522.776 440 565.472 368 587.404 283 c 1
+353.56 229.405 m 0
+ 353.56 280.996 335.849 329.046 292.283 353 c 1
+ 230.683 288.202 209.902 216 209.902 142.921 c 0
+ 209.902 84.3594 220.197 20 258.251 20 c 0
+ 309.05 20 353.56 171.228 353.56 229.405 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hhook
+Encoding: 614 614 1987
+Width: 497
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+184 249 m 0
+ 158 211 139 180 125 107 c 0
+ 106.546 10.7725 108.67 31.3779 102 0 c 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 112.65 430 l 2
+ 141.287 566.15 190 678 322 678 c 0
+ 377.012 678 406 643.381 406 612 c 0
+ 406 587.5 383.5 573 364 573 c 0
+ 336.569 573 327 596 327 612 c 0
+ 327 626.852 336.484 635.333 336.484 644.381 c 0
+ 336.484 653.313 325.833 655.5 315 655.5 c 0
+ 266 655.5 230.407 594.365 217.307 535 c 2
+ 150 230 l 1
+ 243 375 314 441 379 441 c 0
+ 418 441 445 414 445 374 c 0
+ 445 316 364 92 364 56 c 0
+ 364 47 371 38 380 38 c 0
+ 396 38 408 49 462 117 c 1
+ 475 105 l 1
+ 415 18 380 -9 329 -9 c 0
+ 302 -9 285 7 285 33 c 0
+ 285 45 292 76 305 125 c 2
+ 360 332 l 2
+ 364 348 367 361 367 365 c 0
+ 367 378 354 390 339 390 c 0
+ 304 390 236 328 184 249 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: henghook
+Encoding: 615 615 1988
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+362.283 573 m 0
+ 337.667 573 325.657 594.667 325.657 612.104 c 0
+ 325.657 628.333 336.497 636 336.497 643.552 c 0
+ 336.497 647.13 332.812 656 314.225 656 c 0
+ 230.333 656 204.636 486 192.307 428 c 2
+ 181.921 376 l 1
+ 240.675 436 287.776 460 346.776 460 c 0
+ 410.589 460 443.072 426.486 443.072 360.924 c 0
+ 443.072 343.265 440.715 323.28 435.979 301 c 2
+ 372 0 l 2
+ 341.817 -142 266.663 -218 156.663 -218 c 0
+ 107.147 -218 73.5127 -198.661 73.5127 -170.777 c 0
+ 73.5127 -149.56 93.5654 -124 123.643 -124 c 0
+ 164.643 -124 162.89 -184 200.89 -184 c 0
+ 240.89 -184 256.542 -148 278.435 -45 c 2
+ 351.767 300 l 2
+ 355.196 316.135 356.914 330.463 356.914 342.961 c 0
+ 356.914 384.683 337.773 406 299.298 406 c 0
+ 260.298 406 226.685 389 174.907 343 c 1
+ 102 0 l 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 114.65 428 l 2
+ 132.117 506.158 188 678 319.176 678 c 0
+ 373.333 678 404.945 645.333 404.945 612.762 c 0
+ 404.945 586.667 381 573 362.283 573 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iotalatin
+Encoding: 617 617 1989
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 238 305 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni026B
+Encoding: 619 619 1990
+Width: 378
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+191 32 m 0
+ 214 32 223 44 287 123 c 1
+ 300 114 l 1
+ 235 18 200 -11 148 -11 c 0
+ 116 -11 99 9 99 45 c 0
+ 99 50 101 60 104 71 c 2
+ 175.275 345.696 l 1
+ 158.982 352.699 144.352 358 134.096 358 c 0
+ 111.096 358 90.9072 343 73.3174 312 c 1
+ 44.3174 312 l 1
+ 73.1338 377 116.786 413 166.786 413 c 0
+ 173.95 413 182.356 411.172 191.507 408.252 c 1
+ 241 599 l 2
+ 244 608 245 614 245 617 c 0
+ 245 633 225 640 177 640 c 1
+ 177 656 l 1
+ 236 663 274 670 333 683 c 1
+ 338 678 l 1
+ 260.235 379.814 l 1
+ 276.783 373.074 292.215 368 304.221 368 c 0
+ 327.221 368 342.771 380 367.849 418 c 1
+ 396.849 418 l 1
+ 359.694 342 324.317 312 269.317 312 c 0
+ 261.898 312 253.208 313.866 243.813 316.846 c 1
+ 187 99 l 2
+ 185.142 91.876 176 60 176 50 c 0
+ 176 39 181 32 191 32 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni026C
+Encoding: 620 620 1991
+Width: 376
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+116 87 m 2
+ 163 304 l 1
+ 120 304 68 312 68 356 c 0
+ 68 396 93 418 129 418 c 0
+ 152 418 170 400 179 383 c 1
+ 218 564 l 2
+ 221 577 222 587 222 596 c 0
+ 222 619 210 625 187 625 c 0
+ 178 625 166 624 151 623 c 1
+ 155 639 l 1
+ 211 652 261 666 316 683 c 1
+ 320 681 l 1
+ 245 327 l 1
+ 348 327 l 1
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+ 238 304 l 1
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+ 190 80 185 60 185 50 c 0
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+ 108 50 114 76 116 87 c 2
+168 327 m 1
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+ 78.9092 -171.988 95.7842 -184 118.89 -184 c 0
+ 156.89 -184 180.643 -124 221.643 -124 c 0
+ 241.72 -124 255.234 -136.954 255.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 255.234 -192.752 203.138 -218 148.663 -218 c 0
+ 61.5869 -218 16.5918 -170.376 16.5918 -80.0879 c 0
+ 16.5918 -56.3184 18.3271 -29.2637 26 0 c 2
+ 182 599 l 2
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+ 186 633 166 640 118 640 c 1
+ 118 656 l 1
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+ 236 599 l 2
+ 239 608 240 614 240 617 c 0
+ 240 633 220 640 172 640 c 1
+ 172 656 l 1
+ 231 663 269 670 328 683 c 1
+ 333 678 l 1
+ 273.539 450 l 1
+ 585.65 450 l 1
+ 585.1 438 l 1
+ 388.637 210 l 1
+ 488.601 187.253 526.227 119.627 526.227 45.1895 c 0
+ 526.227 -99.2344 401.888 -209 249.576 -209 c 0
+ 158.887 -209 135.258 -177.99 135.258 -150.1 c 0
+ 135.258 -126.64 148.598 -111 182.406 -111 c 0
+ 229.406 -111 261.652 -171 317.652 -171 c 0
+ 395.129 -171 446.78 -89.8135 446.78 -0.314453 c 0
+ 446.78 69.7832 412.276 136.153 316.584 158 c 1
+ 512.685 389 l 1
+ 257.63 389 l 1
+ 182 99 l 1
+ 181 97 171 60 171 50 c 0
+ 171 39 176 32 186 32 c 0
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+ 186 99 l 2
+ 181 81 179 69 179 64 c 0
+ 179 53 188 43 199 43 c 0
+ 228 43 278 87 327 155 c 0
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+ 513 432 l 1
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+ 472 43 532 99 588 184 c 0
+ 622 236 637 273 685 432 c 1
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+ 747 381 744 371 721 289 c 0
+ 685 162 611 -109 611 -120 c 0
+ 611 -135 624 -142 650 -142 c 2
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+ 675 -158 l 1
+ 592 -173 571 -177 515 -189 c 1
+ 512 -187 l 1
+ 621 202 l 1
+ 529 57 459 -9 398 -9 c 0
+ 364 -9 341 16 341 51 c 0
+ 341 70 356 127 381 203 c 1
+ 352 157 253 -9 159 -9 c 0
+ 125 -9 100 18 100 54 c 0
+ 100 60 102 78 103 82 c 2
+ 171 333 l 2
+ 177 357 181 373 181 378 c 0
+ 181 388 176 394 168 394 c 0
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+642 0 m 2
+ 604.72 -140.304 546.663 -218 436.663 -218 c 0
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+ 353.513 -168.252 353.789 -165.657 354.354 -163 c 0
+ 359.029 -141 380.643 -124 403.643 -124 c 0
+ 444.643 -124 442.89 -184 480.89 -184 c 0
+ 520.89 -184 534.156 -147.464 558.435 -45 c 2
+ 648 333 l 2
+ 652.308 351.179 655 363 655 368 c 0
+ 655 379 646 389 635 389 c 0
+ 606 389 556 345 507 277 c 0
+ 456 206 436 156 396 0 c 1
+ 321 0 l 1
+ 384 234 416 355 416 364 c 0
+ 416 380 409 389 396 389 c 0
+ 362 389 302 333 246 248 c 0
+ 212 196 197 159 149 0 c 1
+ 74 0 l 1
+ 87 51 90 61 113 143 c 0
+ 149 270 172 361 172 372 c 0
+ 172 387 159 394 133 394 c 2
+ 108 394 l 1
+ 108 410 l 1
+ 191 425 212 429 268 441 c 1
+ 271 439 l 1
+ 213 230 l 1
+ 305 375 375 441 436 441 c 0
+ 470 441 493 416 493 381 c 0
+ 493 362 478 305 453 229 c 1
+ 482 275 581 441 675 441 c 0
+ 709 441 734 414 734 378 c 0
+ 734 372 732.016 353.994 731 350 c 2
+ 642 0 l 2
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+ 511 442 538 417 538 381 c 0
+ 538 367 535 345 529 324 c 2
+ 472 118 l 1
+ 458 62 458 62 458 55 c 0
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+ 488 39 506 55 535 92 c 2
+ 556 118 l 1
+ 570 105 l 1
+ 501 13 475 -8 430 -8 c 0
+ 397 -8 383 8 383 46 c 0
+ 383 56 385 70 399 121 c 2
+ 443 286 l 2
+ 451 317 457 350 457 362 c 0
+ 457 380 448 391 433 391 c 0
+ 396 391 345 341 285 249 c 0
+ 241 181 228.004 159 184 0 c 0
+ 144 -139 87 -206 5 -206 c 0
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+ -74 -121 -57 -103 -34 -103 c 0
+ -11 -103 7 -119 7 -140 c 0
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+330 -46 m 2
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+ 400.89 -184 424.643 -124 465.643 -124 c 0
+ 485.72 -124 499.234 -136.954 499.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 499.234 -192.752 447.138 -218 392.663 -218 c 0
+ 307.032 -218 257.72 -170.895 257.72 -83.8516 c 0
+ 257.72 -59.0801 261.713 -31.0752 270 0 c 2
+ 346 285 l 2
+ 354.248 315.931 360 349 360 361 c 0
+ 360 379 351 390 336 390 c 0
+ 299 390 248 340 188 248 c 0
+ 144 180 135 158 88 0 c 1
+ 13 0 l 1
+ 109 350 l 2
+ 110 355 111 361 111 367 c 0
+ 111 387 98 393 47 394 c 1
+ 47 410 l 1
+ 134 426 155 430 209 441 c 1
+ 212 439 l 1
+ 145 221 l 1
+ 248 381 311 441 375 441 c 0
+ 414 441 441 416 441 380 c 0
+ 441 366 437.819 344.053 432 323 c 2
+ 330 -46 l 2
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+ 126.043 99 l 2
+ 122.352 81.6345 119.429 66.834 119.429 54.7475 c 0
+ 119.429 30.6419 131.055 17.3321 171.401 16 c 1
+ 168 0 l 1
+ 8 0 l 1
+ 11.4014 16 l 1
+ 76.0391 19 81.9277 42 94.043 99 c 2
+ 158.022 400 l 1
+ 143.549 426 134.037 433 100.037 433 c 1
+ 103.65 450 l 1
+ 229.65 450 l 1
+ 416.058 132 l 1
+ 462.395 350 l 2
+ 466.318 368.458 469.12 383.068 469.12 394.57 c 0
+ 469.12 419.211 456.263 429.591 414.037 433 c 1
+ 417.65 450 l 1
+ 578.65 450 l 1
+ 575.037 433 l 1
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+ 79.335 0 28.0039 73.1855 28.0039 162.296 c 0
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+ 352.776 440 395.65 430 443.65 430 c 2
+ 663.65 430 l 1
+ 644.82 332 l 1
+ 623.82 332 l 1
+ 623.949 334.424 624.012 336.773 624.012 339.049 c 0
+ 624.012 383.808 599.513 400.338 563.38 400.5 c 2
+ 451.273 400 l 2
+ 437.273 400 434.596 390.947 432.022 380 c 2
+ 400.352 241 l 1
+ 489.352 241 l 2
+ 542.352 241 559.479 251 578.743 304 c 1
+ 596.743 304 l 1
+ 563.371 147 l 1
+ 545.371 147 l 1
+ 545.743 152.539 545.94 157.592 545.94 162.199 c 0
+ 545.94 203.339 530.212 209 482.55 209 c 2
+ 393.55 209 l 1
+ 359.69 55 l 2
+ 359.377 53.5723 359.242 52.2295 359.242 50.9707 c 0
+ 359.242 33.5234 387.08 32 404.802 32 c 2
+ 485.802 32 l 2
+ 533.802 32 567.291 52.624 607.231 114 c 1
+ 629.231 114 l 1
+281.13 90 m 2
+ 338.945 342 l 2
+ 341.567 354.333 343.016 364.716 343.016 373.389 c 0
+ 343.016 401.991 327.259 412 285.824 412 c 0
+ 172.661 412 119.885 253.442 119.885 154.126 c 0
+ 119.885 90.1152 137.626 22 199.676 22 c 0
+ 251.676 22 269.471 39.1816 281.13 90 c 2
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+419 -10 m 0
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+ 68 -10 30 78 30 165 c 0
+ 30 354 221 443 392 443 c 0
+ 555 443 653 374 653 255 c 0
+ 653 143 551 -10 419 -10 c 0
+388 420 m 0
+ 216 420 113 292 113 113 c 0
+ 113 63 128 19 181 19 c 0
+ 253 19 292 102 304 160 c 0
+ 309.88 187.591 310.645 209.044 310.645 228.616 c 0
+ 310.645 288.958 316 355 374 355 c 0
+ 400 355 410 339 410 318 c 0
+ 410 273 367 231 352 160 c 0
+ 349 144 346 125 346 107 c 0
+ 346 62 362 19 414 19 c 0
+ 533 19 562 194 562 268 c 0
+ 562 367 500 420 388 420 c 0
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+289 16 m 1
+ 396.376 33.2207 507.33 155.904 507.33 287.591 c 0
+ 507.33 347.809 474.338 396.878 394 412 c 1
+ 289 16 l 1
+402 442 m 1
+ 503.674 429.412 591.284 382.13 591.284 281.996 c 0
+ 591.284 186.704 512.01 5.15872 282 -13 c 1
+ 253 -116 l 2
+ 250 -129 248 -139 248 -148 c 0
+ 248 -175.167 263.742 -182.047 310 -185 c 1
+ 310 -200 l 1
+ 84 -200 l 1
+ 84 -185 l 1
+ 148 -180 165 -167 180 -113 c 2
+ 208 -13 l 1
+ 97.101 -4.32095 19.6802 54.5754 19.6802 156.515 c 0
+ 19.6802 337.988 180.373 424.925 324 442 c 1
+ 365 599 l 2
+ 367.42 608.266 368 614 368 617 c 0
+ 368 633 349 640 301 640 c 1
+ 301 656 l 1
+ 360 663 398 670 457 683 c 1
+ 462 678 l 1
+ 400 442 l 1
+ 402 442 l 1
+316 412 m 1
+ 170.844 385.608 105.707 261.165 105.707 163.046 c 0
+ 105.707 92.2056 142.712 27.4139 215 16 c 1
+ 316 412 l 1
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+252 0 m 2
+ 241.69 -37.7451 236.818 -72.8457 236.818 -102.054 c 0
+ 236.818 -151.452 250.753 -184 275.89 -184 c 0
+ 313.89 -184 337.643 -124 378.643 -124 c 0
+ 398.72 -124 412.234 -136.954 412.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 412.234 -192.752 360.138 -218 305.663 -218 c 0
+ 219.969 -218 171.171 -171.818 171.171 -84.4795 c 0
+ 171.171 -61.7451 174.477 -36.2227 181.3 -8 c 2
+ 234 210 l 1
+ 172.041 50.6758 84.4004 -9 47 -9 c 0
+ 19 -9 0 12 0 43 c 0
+ 0 74 17 92 46 92 c 0
+ 90 92 76 56 98 56 c 0
+ 115 56 143 87 176 143 c 0
+ 222 219 239 262 291 432 c 1
+ 367 432 l 1
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+366 340 m 0
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+ 297 376 269 345 236 289 c 0
+ 190 213 120 -30 68 -200 c 1
+ -8 -200 l 1
+ 126 292 l 2
+ 140.271 344.4 142.132 356.394 142.132 365.749 c 0
+ 142.132 382.5 140.5 402 107 402 c 0
+ 100 402 97 402 73 397 c 1
+ 73 414 l 1
+ 146 426 155 428 228 441 c 1
+ 231 439 l 1
+ 178 222 l 1
+ 192 258 l 2
+ 209 301 296 441 365 441 c 0
+ 393 441 412 420 412 389 c 0
+ 412 358 395 340 366 340 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+121 0 m 0
+ 107.206 -50.2482 98.9945 -91.0317 98.9945 -119.481 c 0
+ 98.9945 -148.782 107.705 -165 128 -165 c 0
+ 166 -165 190 -105 231 -105 c 0
+ 250.861 -105 264.011 -117.676 264.011 -135.302 c 0
+ 264.011 -173.521 215.237 -199 158 -199 c 0
+ 74.8711 -199 31.1487 -167.018 31.1487 -90.9692 c 0
+ 31.1487 -66.3867 35.7172 -37.1996 45 -3 c 10
+ 126 292 l 2
+ 140 344 142 356 142 366 c 0
+ 142 380.333 140 402 107 402 c 0
+ 100 402 97 402 73 397 c 1
+ 73 414 l 1
+ 146 426 155 428 228 441 c 1
+ 231 439 l 1
+ 178 222 l 1
+ 192 258 l 2
+ 209 301 296 441 365 441 c 0
+ 393 441 412 420 412 389 c 0
+ 412 358 395 340 366 340 c 0
+ 322 340 336 376 314 376 c 0
+ 297 376 269 345 236 289 c 0
+ 190 213 169 171 121 0 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni027E
+Encoding: 638 638 2006
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+386 339 m 0
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+ 266 414 237.649 368.521 228 325 c 2
+ 179 104 l 2
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+ 173 24 193 17 253 15 c 1
+ 253 0 l 1
+ -7 0 l 1
+ -7 15 l 1
+ 66 19 79 31 95 104 c 2
+ 121 228 l 2
+ 134.317 291.514 145 320 186 371 c 0
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+ 401 442 438 420 438 389 c 0
+ 438 359 409 339 386 339 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+202.037 413 m 0
+ 148.037 413 134.096 338 88.0957 338 c 0
+ 68.0107 338 53.8936 351.726 53.8936 370.522 c 0
+ 53.8936 412.809 131.538 441 191.988 441 c 0
+ 303.543 441 310.432 361.756 310.432 302.209 c 0
+ 310.432 277.803 305.376 237.799 297.463 208 c 2
+ 216.565 -96.6475 l 2
+ 211.574 -115.442 210 -131.21 210 -143 c 0
+ 210 -175.473 228.451 -182.713 280.648 -185.647 c 1
+ 281.46 -200.647 l 1
+ 21.46 -200.647 l 1
+ 20.6484 -185.647 l 1
+ 103.286 -182.647 113.571 -170.933 132.565 -96.6475 c 2
+ 240.119 324 l 2
+ 242.724 334.187 244.714 351.119 244.714 362.124 c 0
+ 244.714 395.475 230.609 413 202.037 413 c 0
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+417.38 335.94 m 0
+ 417.38 242.88 315.08 225.72 287.36 219.78 c 1
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+ 361.28 23.7598 374.48 12.54 403.52 10.5596 c 1
+ 403.52 0 l 1
+ 296.84 0 l 1
+ 215.66 213.84 l 1
+ 172.76 217.14 l 1
+ 135.8 79.2002 l 2
+ 129.86 56.0996 127.88 47.5195 127.88 40.9199 c 0
+ 127.88 19.1396 132.5 15.8398 172.76 10.5596 c 1
+ 172.76 0 l 1
+ -5.28027 0 l 1
+ -5.28027 10.5596 l 1
+ 31.6797 16.5 37.6201 20.46 48.1797 59.4004 c 2
+ 129.36 351.12 l 2
+ 133.98 368.94 137.28 384.78 137.28 392.7 c 0
+ 137.28 415.8 116.16 416.46 90.4199 420.42 c 1
+ 90.4199 430.98 l 1
+ 271.1 430.98 l 2
+ 359.54 430.98 417.38 397.32 417.38 335.94 c 0
+223.58 389.7 m 2
+ 180.68 244.56 l 1
+ 196.52 241.92 203.78 241.26 214.34 241.26 c 0
+ 296.84 241.26 339.08 271.92 339.08 337.26 c 0
+ 339.08 386.1 312.02 408.18 257.24 408.18 c 0
+ 236.12 408.18 227.666 403.522 223.58 389.7 c 2
+Validated: 3073
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+ 92.8896 -184 116.643 -124 157.643 -124 c 0
+ 177.72 -124 191.234 -136.954 191.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 191.234 -192.752 139.138 -218 84.6631 -218 c 0
+ 11.2578 -218 -14.4297 -184.156 -14.4297 -119.441 c 0
+ -14.4297 -88.0918 -7.42773 -49.6914 1.14941 -4 c 2
+ 29 146 l 1
+ 45.3086 146 l 2
+ 45.3086 146 56.2637 10 147 10 c 0
+ 191 10 221 42 221 87 c 0
+ 221 175 102 236 102 331 c 0
+ 102 398 150 441 223 441 c 0
+ 260 441 293 424 315 424 c 0
+ 329 424 337 428 345 442 c 1
+ 359 442 l 1
+ 339 303 l 1
+ 323 303 l 1
+ 313 381 283 418 231 418 c 0
+ 196 418 175 397 175 364 c 0
+ 175 290 297 215 297 119 c 0
+ 297 43 237 -11 153 -11 c 0
+ 113.269 -11 76 7.96484 47.5908 7.96484 c 1
+ 47.5908 -1.74316 21.9092 -91.8984 21.9092 -141.988 c 0
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+ 370 32 l 1
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+ -22 -231 -77 -217 -77 -179 c 0
+ -77 -150 -51 -128 -24 -128 c 0
+ 19 -128 6 -203 54 -203 c 0
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+ 157 0 l 1
+ 75 0 l 1
+ 82 32 l 1
+ 164 32 l 1
+ 253 450 l 2
+ 279 573 339 683 482 683 c 0
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+ 570 602 544 580 517 580 c 0
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+216.414 463 m 0
+ 317.27 463 354.307 408.946 354.307 322.206 c 0
+ 354.307 294.56 350.545 263.594 343.888 230 c 2
+ 285.435 -45 l 2
+ 276.188 -88.5029 270.909 -120.053 270.909 -141.988 c 0
+ 270.909 -171.988 280.784 -184 303.89 -184 c 0
+ 341.89 -184 365.643 -124 406.643 -124 c 0
+ 426.72 -124 440.234 -136.954 440.234 -154.88 c 0
+ 440.234 -192.752 388.138 -218 333.663 -218 c 0
+ 246.587 -218 201.592 -170.376 201.592 -80.0879 c 0
+ 201.592 -56.3184 204.71 -29.5928 211 0 c 2
+ 284.545 346 l 2
+ 287.604 360.39 289.139 373.118 289.139 384.123 c 0
+ 289.139 417.474 275.034 435 246.462 435 c 0
+ 192.462 435 178.521 360 132.521 360 c 0
+ 112.436 360 98.3184 373.727 98.3184 392.523 c 0
+ 98.3184 434.809 155.963 463 216.414 463 c 0
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+ 264 -300 l 1
+ 261 -240 252 -199 236 -144 c 1
+ 192 -209 126 -230 59 -230 c 0
+ 4 -230 -34 -191 -34 -139 c 0
+ -34 -73 29 0 108 0 c 0
+ 143 0 175 -12 200 -32 c 1
+ 303 450 l 2
+ 329 573 388 683 532 683 c 0
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+ 620 602 594 580 567 580 c 0
+183 -114 m 2
+ 194 -62 l 1
+ 171 -36 142 -24 103 -24 c 0
+ 51 -24 -9 -73 -9 -134 c 0
+ -9 -175 20 -206 64 -206 c 0
+ 123 -206 170 -176 183 -114 c 2
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+547.462 413 m 1
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+ 293.472 63.3779 292.346 54.6992 292.346 47.6084 c 0
+ 292.346 26 314.5 19 353.401 16 c 1
+ 353 0 l 1
+ 128 0 l 1
+ 128.188 15 l 1
+ 186 18.5 199.814 27.3584 211.217 81 c 2
+ 236.299 199 l 1
+ 175.144 324 l 2
+ 156.646 364 140.399 408 87.4619 413 c 1
+ 87.6504 428 l 1
+ 286.65 428 l 1
+ 286.462 413 l 1
+ 273.647 412.03 243.175 403.313 243.175 381.268 c 0
+ 243.175 352.269 296.59 263.005 309.951 235 c 1
+ 425.368 365 l 2
+ 439.125 380.55 442.365 386.42 442.365 395.318 c 0
+ 442.365 412.114 411.643 413 398.462 413 c 1
+ 398.65 428 l 1
+ 547.65 428 l 1
+ 547.462 413 l 1
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+269 -62 m 0
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+ 65 313 l 1
+ 96 428 l 1
+ 380 428 l 1
+ 380 417 l 1
+ 90 73 l 1
+ 224 43 207 -35 281 -35 c 0
+ 297 -35 313.084 -9.67919 314.333 -0.000976562 c 0
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+ 133 119 l 2
+ 129.921 107.21 129 100 129 90 c 0
+ 129 79 135 72 145 72 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 684 684 2041
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+168.621 201 m 2
+ 193.689 79 l 1
+ 277.983 198 l 1
+ 270.974 245 262.186 246 234.611 248 c 1
+ 239.713 272 l 1
+ 371.713 272 l 1
+ 366.611 248 l 1
+ 343.048 244.945 333.987 226.646 333.987 204.13 c 0
+ 333.987 198.438 334.59 192.631 335.646 187 c 2
+ 355.327 82 l 1
+ 429.559 196 l 2
+ 437.362 207.984 448.733 226.461 448.733 237.407 c 0
+ 448.733 243.731 445.221 248 435.611 248 c 1
+ 440.713 272 l 1
+ 520.713 272 l 1
+ 515.398 247 l 1
+ 501.548 243 492.562 242.84 471.534 210 c 2
+ 351.786 23 l 2
+ 337.252 0.303711 331.622 -6 326.622 -6 c 0
+ 323.622 -6 320.972 -0.889648 316.936 19 c 2
+ 288.119 161 l 1
+ 184.511 17 l 2
+ 174.466 3.03906 166.622 -6 163.622 -6 c 0
+ 159.622 -6 155.66 3.96582 152.148 20 c 2
+ 110.534 210 l 2
+ 103.123 241 93.3984 247 78.6113 248 c 1
+ 83.7129 272 l 1
+ 200.713 272 l 1
+ 195.611 248 l 1
+ 176.907 246.332 167.22 232.849 167.22 214.034 c 0
+ 167.22 209.935 167.682 205.57 168.621 201 c 2
+251.621 591 m 2
+ 276.689 469 l 1
+ 360.983 588 l 1
+ 353.974 635 345.186 636 317.611 638 c 1
+ 322.713 662 l 1
+ 454.713 662 l 1
+ 449.611 638 l 1
+ 426.048 634.945 416.987 616.646 416.987 594.13 c 0
+ 416.987 588.438 417.59 582.631 418.646 577 c 2
+ 438.327 472 l 1
+ 512.559 586 l 2
+ 520.362 597.985 531.733 616.461 531.733 627.407 c 0
+ 531.733 633.731 528.221 638 518.611 638 c 1
+ 523.713 662 l 1
+ 603.713 662 l 1
+ 598.398 637 l 1
+ 584.548 633 575.563 632.84 554.534 600 c 2
+ 434.786 413 l 2
+ 420.252 390.304 414.622 384 409.622 384 c 0
+ 406.622 384 403.972 389.11 399.936 409 c 2
+ 371.119 551 l 1
+ 267.511 407 l 2
+ 257.466 393.039 249.622 384 246.622 384 c 0
+ 242.622 384 238.66 393.966 235.148 410 c 2
+ 193.534 600 l 2
+ 186.123 631 176.398 637 161.611 638 c 1
+ 166.713 662 l 1
+ 283.713 662 l 1
+ 278.611 638 l 1
+ 259.907 636.332 250.22 622.849 250.22 604.034 c 0
+ 250.22 599.935 250.682 595.57 251.621 591 c 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 685 685 2042
+Width: 500
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+408.85 211 m 2
+ 168.85 211 l 2
+ 120.85 211 95.2461 147 76.4678 101 c 1
+ 50.3184 105 l 1
+ 92.8154 272 l 1
+ 510.815 272 l 1
+ 482.318 105 l 1
+ 454.468 101 l 1
+ 454.578 107.517 454.705 114.395 454.705 121.401 c 0
+ 454.705 163.849 450.049 211 408.85 211 c 2
+491.746 601 m 2
+ 251.746 601 l 2
+ 203.746 601 178.143 537 159.365 491 c 1
+ 133.216 495 l 1
+ 175.713 662 l 1
+ 593.713 662 l 1
+ 565.216 495 l 1
+ 537.365 491 l 1
+ 537.475 497.514 537.602 504.389 537.602 511.393 c 0
+ 537.602 553.843 532.949 601 491.746 601 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02AE
+Encoding: 686 686 2043
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+299.71 168 m 2
+ 295.884 150 l 2
+ 292.454 133.865 290.737 119.537 290.737 107.039 c 0
+ 290.737 65.3168 309.877 44 348.353 44 c 0
+ 387.353 44 420.966 61 472.743 107 c 1
+ 523.97 348 l 2
+ 528.114 367.496 530.492 382.442 530.492 393.987 c 0
+ 530.492 423.302 515.159 430.695 474.462 435 c 1
+ 477.65 450 l 1
+ 693.65 450 l 1
+ 690.462 435 l 1
+ 630.762 427 622.849 418 607.97 348 c 2
+ 507.855 -123 l 2
+ 505.551 -133.844 504.228 -142.463 504.228 -149.288 c 0
+ 504.228 -169.526 515.86 -174 548.016 -174 c 0
+ 553.016 -174 556.016 -174 560.228 -173 c 1
+ 556.827 -189 l 1
+ 450.544 -218.625 435.408 -223.172 405.475 -233 c 1
+ 401.112 -230 l 1
+ 465.729 74 l 1
+ 406.976 14 359.874 -10 300.874 -10 c 0
+ 237.062 -10 204.578 23.5144 204.578 89.0764 c 0
+ 204.578 106.735 206.935 126.72 211.671 149 c 2
+ 250.781 333 l 2
+ 253.854 347.457 257.637 366.861 257.637 384.66 c 0
+ 257.637 409.951 249.998 432 221.824 432 c 0
+ 184.824 432 163.071 372 120.071 372 c 0
+ 101.536 372 87.374 385.243 87.374 402.792 c 0
+ 87.374 440.717 138.213 466 193.052 466 c 0
+ 296.352 466 324.455 407.074 324.455 332.161 c 0
+ 324.455 280.456 310.619 218.98 299.71 168 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni02AF
+Encoding: 687 687 2044
+Width: 716
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+299.072 165 m 2
+ 295.884 150 l 2
+ 292.772 135.359 290.728 120.718 290.728 107.194 c 0
+ 290.728 71.7623 304.756 44 350.353 44 c 0
+ 394.353 44 438.941 75 472.743 107 c 1
+ 523.97 348 l 2
+ 527.841 366.212 530.584 380.973 530.584 392.841 c 0
+ 530.584 418.768 517.491 430.884 474.462 435 c 1
+ 477.65 450 l 1
+ 693.65 450 l 1
+ 690.462 435 l 1
+ 624.975 428 620.298 406 607.97 348 c 2
+ 513.17 -98 l 2
+ 510.097 -112.457 506.313 -131.862 506.313 -149.661 c 0
+ 506.313 -174.952 513.953 -197 542.126 -197 c 0
+ 579.126 -197 600.88 -137 643.88 -137 c 0
+ 662.415 -137 676.577 -150.243 676.577 -167.792 c 0
+ 676.577 -205.717 625.738 -231 570.899 -231 c 0
+ 467.597 -231 439.495 -172.073 439.495 -97.1577 c 0
+ 439.495 -43.7099 454.142 19.8004 465.304 72 c 1
+ 421.102 24 361.874 -10 301.874 -10 c 0
+ 228.585 -10 204.361 31.3861 204.361 87.8086 c 0
+ 204.361 106.833 207.115 127.567 211.671 149 c 2
+ 251.206 335 l 2
+ 254.279 349.457 258.063 368.862 258.063 386.661 c 0
+ 258.063 411.952 250.423 434 222.25 434 c 0
+ 185.25 434 163.496 374 120.496 374 c 0
+ 101.961 374 87.7988 387.243 87.7988 404.792 c 0
+ 87.7988 442.717 138.638 468 193.477 468 c 0
+ 296.779 468 324.881 409.073 324.881 334.158 c 0
+ 324.881 280.71 310.235 217.2 299.072 165 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plussuperior
+Encoding: 8314 8314 2045
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+373.554 626 m 1
+ 362.926 576 l 1
+ 287.926 576 l 1
+ 271.984 501 l 1
+ 221.984 501 l 1
+ 237.926 576 l 1
+ 162.926 576 l 1
+ 173.554 626 l 1
+ 248.554 626 l 1
+ 264.495 701 l 1
+ 314.495 701 l 1
+ 298.554 626 l 1
+ 373.554 626 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minussuperior
+Encoding: 8315 8315 2046
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+373.554 626 m 1
+ 362.926 576 l 25
+ 162.926 576 l 25
+ 173.554 626 l 1
+ 373.554 626 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: equalsuperior
+Encoding: 8316 8316 2047
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+362.926 576 m 1
+ 352.298 526 l 25
+ 152.298 526 l 25
+ 162.926 576 l 1
+ 362.926 576 l 1
+384.182 676 m 1
+ 373.554 626 l 25
+ 173.554 626 l 25
+ 184.182 676 l 1
+ 384.182 676 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: plusinferior
+Encoding: 8330 8330 2048
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2045 8314 S 1 0 0 1 -122 -600 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni208B
+Encoding: 8331 8331 2049
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2046 8315 S 1 0 0 1 -117 -600 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equalinferior
+Encoding: 8332 8332 2050
+Width: 300
+VWidth: 520
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2047 8316 S 1 0 0 1 -108 -600 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: nsuperior
+Encoding: 8319 8319 2051
+Width: 318
+VWidth: 690
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 78 110 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 112.96 391.44 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2071
+Encoding: 8305 8305 2052
+Width: 235
+VWidth: 735
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 140.21 394.31 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: hyphendot
+Encoding: 8231 8231 2053
+Width: 250
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lineseparator
+Encoding: 8232 8232 2054
+Width: 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: paragraphseparator
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+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: lre
+Encoding: 8234 8234 2056
+Width: 0
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: rle
+Encoding: 8235 8235 2057
+Width: 0
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+StartChar: pdf
+Encoding: 8236 8236 2058
+Width: 0
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+Encoding: 8237 8237 2059
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+StartChar: rlo
+Encoding: 8238 8238 2060
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+StartChar: nbspnarrow
+Encoding: 8239 8239 2061
+Width: 166
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+StartChar: second
+Encoding: 8243 8243 2062
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+Refer: 2078 8242 S 1 0 0 1 185 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: twoasterisksvert
+Encoding: 8273 8273 2063
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 10 42 S 1 0 0 1 75 199 2
+Refer: 10 42 S 1 0 0 1 -50 -275 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: minuscommercial
+Encoding: 8274 8274 2064
+Width: 497
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 N 1 0 0 1 168 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 37 384 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 266 -191 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dashswung
+Encoding: 8275 8275 2065
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+453 399 m 1
+ 496.5 399 l 1
+ 465 323 421.5 293 339 293 c 0
+ 301.5 293 279 297 217.5 317 c 2
+ 183 328 l 2
+ 160.5 335 139.5 339 121.5 339 c 0
+ 87 339 61.5 324 45 293 c 1
+ 1.5 293 l 1
+ 24 358 78 394 153 394 c 0
+ 186 394 223.5 388 258 376 c 2
+ 294 364 l 2
+ 322.5 355 351 349 373.5 349 c 0
+ 408 349 427.5 361 453 399 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: threedotpunctuation
+Encoding: 8278 8278 2066
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 142 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 273 292 2
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourdotpunctuation
+Encoding: 8280 8280 2067
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -33 108 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 465 108 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 138 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 301 383 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fivedotpunctuation
+Encoding: 8281 8281 2068
+Width: 620
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -116 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 385 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 15 289 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 516 292 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 185 52 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: twodotpunctuation
+Encoding: 8282 8282 2069
+Width: 179
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -91 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 100 497 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourdotmark
+Encoding: 8283 8283 2070
+Width: 621
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 69 -385 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 354 520 2
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+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 458 93 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dottedcross
+Encoding: 8284 8284 2071
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -45 222 2
+Refer: 11 43 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -45 -183 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 360 -183 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 360 224 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tricolon
+Encoding: 8285 8285 2072
+Width: 179
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 2 172 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 92 497 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -97 -182 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourdotsvertical
+Encoding: 8286 8286 2073
+Width: 179
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -34 42 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 91 497 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -96 -182 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 33 287 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: quadupleprime
+Encoding: 8279 8279 2074
+Width: 855
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 204 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 409 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 613 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: asterisklow
+Encoding: 8270 8270 2075
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 10 42 S 1 0 0 1 -30 -276 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Koppa
+Encoding: 990 990 2076
+Width: 653
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+175.715 581.562 m 0
+ 164.705 581.562 152.168 577 140 577 c 0
+ 111 577 93 591.5 93 614.5 c 0
+ 93 648 127.5 666 152 666 c 0
+ 209 666 244 620.5 244 574 c 0
+ 244 512.5 207 394 162 293 c 1
+ 621 527 l 1
+ 579 419 483 166 483 166 c 2
+ 472.988 140.438 471 114.168 471 105 c 0
+ 471 90 477 75.5 491.5 75.5 c 0
+ 507.5 75.5 518.678 83.5 527.5 83.5 c 0
+ 557.5 83.5 576.803 68.5 576.803 42 c 0
+ 576.803 6.5 547.5 -16 513 -16 c 0
+ 484.5 -16 433 3 433 79 c 0
+ 433 138.5 491 284 526 364 c 1
+ 62 130 l 1
+ 123 279 l 2
+ 149.443 343.59 207 477.769 207 552 c 0
+ 207 572 193.064 581.562 175.715 581.562 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Sampi
+Encoding: 992 992 2077
+Width: 719
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+672 0 m 1
+ 422 0 l 1
+ 422 19 l 1
+ 451 19 495 21 495 61 c 0
+ 495 103 458 218 443 265 c 1
+ 423 228 338 97 338 54 c 0
+ 338 25 365 19 388 19 c 1
+ 388 0 l 1
+ 206 0 l 1
+ 206 19 l 1
+ 225 21 243 28 258 41 c 0
+ 300 79 392 261 428 322 c 1
+ 369 528 l 1
+ 133 98 l 2
+ 126 85 120 69 120 54 c 0
+ 120 25 147 19 170 19 c 1
+ 170 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 19 l 1
+ 55 22 99 125 131 182 c 2
+ 404 669 l 1
+ 424 669 l 1
+ 596 105 l 2
+ 610 59 615 23 672 19 c 1
+ 672 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: prime
+Encoding: 8242 8242 2078
+Width: 247
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+315.229 735 m 0
+ 360.081 735 369.118 703.009 369.118 686.514 c 0
+ 369.118 679.953 367.273 673.632 363.2 669 c 2
+ 158.839 465 l 2
+ 153.988 461 148.563 459 143.563 459 c 0
+ 133.629 459 124.267 465.524 124.267 474.89 c 0
+ 124.267 476.712 124.803 481.09 126.877 484 c 2
+ 285.891 724 l 2
+ 291.592 732 303.229 735 315.229 735 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tripleprime
+Encoding: 8244 8244 2079
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 379 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 185 0 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: primerev
+Encoding: 8245 8245 2080
+Width: 220
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+218.562 666 m 0
+ 257.562 666 259.384 604 282.288 453 c 1
+ 260.95 442 l 1
+ 237.868 478.664 164.123 587.943 164.123 619.831 c 0
+ 164.123 629.907 181.159 666 218.562 666 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: primerevdouble
+Encoding: 8246 8246 2081
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 190 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: primerevtriple
+Encoding: 8247 8247 2082
+Width: 600
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 190 0 0
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 380 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: overline
+Encoding: 8254 8254 2083
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 63 95 S 1 0 0.212557 1 180.838 672 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: tironiansignet
+Encoding: 8266 8266 2084
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+194.6 -8 m 1
+ 485.842 376 l 1
+ 268.842 376 l 2
+ 213.842 376 190.316 363 118.408 295 c 1
+ 104.809 303 l 1
+ 226.301 450 l 1
+ 596.301 450 l 1
+ 589.5 434 l 1
+ 258.6 -8 l 1
+ 194.6 -8 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: pilcrowrev
+Encoding: 8267 8267 2085
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+314.028 273 m 1
+ 249.411 -31 l 2
+ 244.359 -54.7656 241.333 -72.768 241.333 -86.479 c 0
+ 241.333 -121.23 260.772 -128.415 315.942 -132 c 1
+ 311.267 -154 l 1
+ 157.267 -154 l 1
+ 326.036 640 l 1
+ 268.036 640 l 1
+ 99.2666 -154 l 1
+ -54.7334 -154 l 1
+ -50.0576 -132 l 1
+ 27.2178 -126 41.9814 -113 57.0723 -42 c 2
+ 183.544 553 l 2
+ 187.511 571.661 189.867 586.225 189.867 597.683 c 0
+ 189.867 630.433 170.615 637.814 114.674 643 c 1
+ 118.713 662 l 1
+ 381.713 662 l 2
+ 503.189 662 558.636 624.442 558.636 538.038 c 0
+ 558.636 462.076 526.936 280.288 314.028 273 c 1
+392.036 640 m 1
+ 318.704 295 l 1
+ 471.69 310.662 485.139 517.262 485.139 551.934 c 0
+ 485.139 620.255 448.842 635.313 392.036 640 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulletleftblack
+Encoding: 8268 8268 2086
+Width: 453
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2087 8269 S -1 0 0 -1 550.001 711 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bulletrightblack
+Encoding: 8269 8269 2087
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+303.293 533 m 1
+ 245.293 533 l 1
+ 172.173 189 l 1
+ 230.173 189 l 1
+ 303.293 533 l 1
+359.182 556 m 2
+ 481.724 556 534.89 517.597 534.89 429.747 c 0
+ 534.89 317.387 489.776 166 276.284 166 c 2
+ 13.2842 166 l 1
+ 17.9609 188 l 1
+ 95.3896 194.012 110.014 207.07 125.091 278 c 2
+ 160.375 444 l 2
+ 164.225 462.113 166.492 476.451 166.492 487.861 c 0
+ 166.492 521.177 147.166 529.531 91.5049 534 c 1
+ 96.1816 556 l 1
+ 359.182 556 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: semicolonrev
+Encoding: 8271 8271 2088
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+132.575 -2 m 0
+ 125.269 -2 114.309 -5.44881 114.309 -28.3771 c 0
+ 114.309 -57.3634 134.771 -89.6817 175.068 -122 c 1
+ 162.029 -141 l 1
+ 109.606 -112.146 79.8881 -64.5669 79.8881 -14.1536 c 0
+ 79.8881 49.9691 129.288 102 181.681 102 c 0
+ 211.776 102 230.281 85.7338 230.281 59.559 c 0
+ 230.281 36.9132 215.97 -6 158.725 -6 c 0
+ 141.725 -6 136.575 -2 132.575 -2 c 0
+260.563 459 m 0
+ 286.616 459 304.73 439.392 304.73 413.929 c 0
+ 304.73 375.648 266.956 348 237.97 348 c 0
+ 210.664 348 191.359 367.397 191.359 391.84 c 0
+ 191.359 423.902 224.606 459 260.563 459 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: closure
+Encoding: 8272 8272 2089
+Width: 882
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+594.978 715 m 24
+ 435.375 715 253.351 665 178.621 591 c 1
+ 167.935 616 l 1
+ 292.881 771 439.255 801 613.258 801 c 24
+ 787.616 801 921.881 771 980.935 616 c 1
+ 959.621 591 l 1
+ 916.35 665 754.953 715 594.978 715 c 24
+461.492 87 m 24
+ 621.468 87 804.12 137 878.85 211 c 1
+ 889.535 186 l 1
+ 764.589 31 617.57 1 443.213 1 c 24
+ 269.21 1 135.589 31 76.5352 186 c 1
+ 97.8496 211 l 1
+ 141.12 137 301.89 87 461.492 87 c 24
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: undertieinv
+Encoding: 8276 8276 2090
+Width: 953
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1296 8256 S 1 0 0 1 -9 -919 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: wordjoiner
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+StartChar: invisfunction
+Encoding: 8289 8289 2092
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+StartChar: invistimes
+Encoding: 8290 8290 2093
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+StartChar: invisseparator
+Encoding: 8291 8291 2094
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+StartChar: invisplus
+Encoding: 8292 8292 2095
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+StartChar: spacemediummath
+Encoding: 8287 8287 2096
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+StartChar: uni210f
+Encoding: 8463 8463 2097
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+508 105 m 1
+ 472 53 429 -9 363 -9 c 0
+ 331 -9 318 10 318 37 c 0
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+ 171 181 157 126 124 0 c 1
+ 49 0 l 1
+ 164 438 l 1
+ 67 403 l 1
+ 54 436 l 1
+ 175 479 l 1
+ 175 479 208 600 208 615 c 0
+ 208 627 201 641 170 641 c 0
+ 167 641 l 2
+ 141 640 l 1
+ 141 656 l 1
+ 193 662 246 671 298 683 c 1
+ 303 678 l 1
+ 257 509 l 1
+ 421 567 l 1
+ 434 534 l 1
+ 246 467 l 1
+ 185 239 l 1
+ 187 237 l 1
+ 218 287 320 441 410 441 c 0
+ 432 441 478 434 478 369 c 0
+ 478 334 397 78 397 57 c 0
+ 397 45 405 38 413 38 c 0
+ 433 38 457 69 495 117 c 1
+ 508 105 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni212a
+Encoding: 8490 8490 2098
+Width: 722
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+Refer: 43 75 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni212b
+Encoding: 8491 8491 2099
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+StartChar: uni213b
+Encoding: 8507 8507 2100
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+Refer: 38 70 N 0.8 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 360 0 2
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2121
+Encoding: 8481 8481 2101
+Width: 1156
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+Refer: 44 76 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 790 0 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 400 0 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 0.8 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2129
+Encoding: 8489 8489 2102
+Width: 286
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+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: accountof
+Encoding: 8448 8448 2103
+Width: 604
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+Refer: 65 97 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 83 375 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 S 1 0 0 1 201 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: addresssubject
+Encoding: 8449 8449 2104
+Width: 605
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+Refer: 83 115 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 330 0 2
+Refer: 65 97 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 83 375 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 S 1 0 0 1 201 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: centigrade
+Encoding: 8451 8451 2105
+Width: 954
+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 109 176 S 1 0 0 1 -10 0 0
+Refer: 35 67 N 1 0 0 1 300 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: careof
+Encoding: 8453 8453 2106
+Width: 593
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+Refer: 79 111 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 300 -1.047 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 120 375 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 N 1 0 0 1 189 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cadauna
+Encoding: 8454 8454 2107
+Width: 667
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+Refer: 85 117 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 340 0 2
+Refer: 67 99 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 120 375 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 N 1 0 0 1 189 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2109
+Encoding: 8457 8457 2108
+Width: 862
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+Refer: 109 176 N 1 0 0 1 -10 0 0
+Refer: 38 70 N 1 0 0 1 300 0 0
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+StartChar: uni213a
+Encoding: 8506 8506 2109
+Width: 906
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+Refer: 49 81 N 0 1 -1 0 730 -78 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni214b
+Encoding: 8523 8523 2110
+Width: 778
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+Refer: 6 38 S -1 0 0 -1 839 648 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni214d
+Encoding: 8525 8525 2111
+Width: 926
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 42 228 2
+Refer: 51 83 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 630 0 2
+Refer: 1300 8260 N 1 0 0 1 420 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni214e
+Encoding: 8526 8526 2112
+Width: 378
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+Refer: 38 70 N -0.66 0 0 -0.66 430 431 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni211e
+Encoding: 8478 8478 2113
+Width: 616
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+LayerCount: 2
+313 595 m 2
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+ 424 361 488 412 488 511 c 0
+ 488 585 447 623 364 623 c 0
+ 332 623 319 616 313 595 c 2
+593 509 m 0
+ 593 368 438 342 396 333 c 1
+ 457.083 172.083 l 1
+ 564 279 l 1
+ 637 279 l 1
+ 477.169 119.169 l 1
+ 489 88 l 2
+ 508 36 528 19 572 16 c 1
+ 572 0 l 1
+ 424 0 l 1
+ 405.839 47.8389 l 1
+ 346 -12 l 1
+ 273 -12 l 1
+ 385.752 100.752 l 1
+ 301 324 l 1
+ 236 329 l 1
+ 180 120 l 2
+ 171 85 168 72 168 62 c 0
+ 168 29 175 24 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 25 56.6112 31.1068 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 559 208 583 208 595 c 0
+ 208 630 176 631 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 385 653 l 2
+ 519 653 593 602 593 509 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2120
+Encoding: 8480 8480 2114
+Width: 879
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 350 222 2
+Refer: 51 83 S 0.66 0 0 0.66 50 222 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: alephmath
+Encoding: 8501 8501 2115
+Width: 547
+Flags: HMW
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+Refer: 726 1488 N 1 0 0 1 50 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: bethmath
+Encoding: 8502 8502 2116
+Width: 557
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+StartChar: gimelmath
+Encoding: 8503 8503 2117
+Width: 360
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+Refer: 728 1490 N 1 0 0 1 50 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dalethmath
+Encoding: 8504 8504 2118
+Width: 537
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+StartChar: yotgreek
+Encoding: 1011 1011 2119
+Width: 285
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+StartChar: uni03f4
+Encoding: 1012 1012 2120
+Width: 661
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+Refer: 1527 415 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+Encoding: 1015 1015 2121
+Width: 540
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+Refer: 155 222 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
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+StartChar: uni03f8
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+Width: 500
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+ 36 535 l 1
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+ 191 333 l 1
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+ 469 167 320 -11 171 -11 c 0
+ 147 -11 124 -5 103 6 c 1
+ 94 -27 50 -205 50 -205 c 1
+ -29 -205 l 1
+ 176.998 562.999 l 2
+379 313 m 0
+ 379 359 368 398 313 398 c 0
+ 253 398 203 335 182 284 c 0
+ 164 239 117 90 117 45 c 0
+ 117 18 144 8 167 8 c 0
+ 295 8 379 205 379 313 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03f9
+Encoding: 1017 1017 2123
+Width: 704
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+673 547 m 1
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+ 616 599 552 630 480 630 c 0
+ 295 630 178 404 178 241 c 0
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+ 451 27 516 79 583 145 c 1
+ 600 131 l 1
+ 529 46 444 -18 328 -18 c 0
+ 168 -18 66 93 66 252 c 0
+ 66 463 259 666 472 666 c 0
+ 555 666 634 621 673 547 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03fa
+Encoding: 1018 1018 2124
+Width: 832
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+873 637 m 1
+ 815 627 807 621 791 563 c 2
+ 668 120 l 2
+ 663 100 657 80 657 60 c 0
+ 657 15 700 19 734 16 c 1
+ 734 0 l 1
+ 461 0 l 1
+ 461 16 l 1
+ 518 21 546 34 562 91 c 2
+ 696.043 582 l 1
+ 693.043 582 l 1
+ 372.074 212 l 1
+ 355.074 212 l 1
+ 246.43 570 l 1
+ 242.43 570 l 1
+ 118 113 l 2
+ 114 98 109 79 109 63 c 0
+ 109 23 149 18 180 16 c 1
+ 180 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 53 27 62 84 80 146 c 2
+ 186 518 l 2
+ 190 532 208 587 208 598 c 0
+ 208 632 159 637 134 637 c 1
+ 134 653 l 1
+ 315 653 l 1
+ 415.484 322 l 1
+ 418.484 322 l 1
+ 706 653 l 1
+ 873 653 l 1
+ 873 637 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1019 1019 2125
+Width: 703
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+LayerCount: 2
+232 68 m 0
+ 232 142.839 310 201.458 310 293 c 0
+ 310 337.388 302.093 403.951 247.113 404.002 c 0
+ 224.658 404.002 153.105 402.077 132 270 c 2
+ 70 -118 l 2
+ 63 -159 53 -212 10 -212 c 0
+ -20 -212 -34 -194 -34 -163 c 0
+ -34 -127 -12.9805 -65.0049 -2 -22 c 2
+ 49 179 l 2
+ 79.4834 298.394 102 441 241 441 c 0
+ 300.727 441 334.996 393.939 334.996 322.18 c 0
+ 334.996 312.24 334.338 301.827 333 291 c 1
+ 336 290 l 1
+ 374 408 427 441 509 441 c 0
+ 602 441 611 355 611 338 c 0
+ 611 245 542 132 542 54 c 0
+ 542 45.5 544 30 562 30 c 0
+ 602 30 625 98 633 129 c 1
+ 654 121 l 1
+ 639 57 605 -11 530 -11 c 0
+ 481 -11 467 25 467 69 c 0
+ 467 163 533 265 533 340 c 0
+ 533 364 529 404 477 404 c 0
+ 366 404 344 212 344 100 c 0
+ 344 44 318 15 279 15 c 0
+ 246 15 232 46 232 68 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1020 1020 2126
+Width: 533
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+-126 -165 m 1
+ -126 -129 l 1
+ -33 -103 l 1
+ -25 222 86 441 291 441 c 0
+ 387 441 451 386 451 288 c 0
+ 451 138 327 -11 173 -11 c 0
+ 89.658 -11 26.9883 44.1261 26.9883 129.961 c 0
+ 26.9883 130.639 26.9922 131.319 27 132 c 1
+ 25 132 l 1
+ 19 105 16 77 16 49 c 0
+ 16 -14.0434 27.5232 -34.554 47 -80 c 1
+ 144 -52 l 1
+ 144 -88 l 1
+ 60 -112 l 1
+ 65 -129 70 -145 70 -160 c 0
+ 70 -186 56 -212 23 -212 c 0
+ -13 -212 -34 -186 -34 -144 c 2
+ -34 -139 l 1
+ -126 -165 l 1
+367 291 m 0
+ 367 347 354 418 284 418 c 0
+ 160 418 92 253 92 152 c 0
+ 92 90 108 12 184 12 c 0
+ 305 12 367 196 367 291 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 1021 1021 2127
+Width: 704
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+66 101 m 1
+ 85 112 l 1
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+ 444 18 561 244 561 407 c 0
+ 561 523 517 621 387 621 c 0
+ 288 621 223 569 156 503 c 1
+ 139 517 l 1
+ 210 602 295 666 411 666 c 0
+ 571 666 673 555 673 396 c 0
+ 673 185 480 -18 267 -18 c 0
+ 184 -18 105 27 66 101 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03fe
+Encoding: 1022 1022 2128
+Width: 704
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2123 1017 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 14 46 N 1 0 0 1 318.955 281 2
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+Encoding: 1023 1023 2129
+Width: 704
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2127 1021 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 14 46 N 1 0 0 1 254.955 281 2
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+Encoding: 8468 8468 2130
+Width: 777
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+LayerCount: 2
+429 518 m 1
+ 237 518 l 1
+ 128 99 l 2
+ 126 90 118 63 118 52 c 0
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+ 158 32 179 60 228 123 c 1
+ 241 114 l 1
+ 190 37 151 -11 89 -11 c 0
+ 45 -11 41 23 41 51 c 0
+ 41 66 121 360 162 518 c 1
+ 99 518 l 1
+ 99 564 l 1
+ 174 564 l 1
+ 182 593 186 611 186 615 c 0
+ 186 638.667 143.333 640 118 640 c 1
+ 118 656 l 1
+ 170 662 222 671 274 683 c 1
+ 279 678 l 1
+ 249 564 l 1
+ 442 564 l 1
+ 448 585 452 603 452 614 c 0
+ 452 637 446 642 388 643 c 1
+ 388 660 l 1
+ 438 666 489 673 541 683 c 1
+ 546 678 l 1
+ 515 564 l 1
+ 811 564 l 1
+ 811 518 l 1
+ 503 518 l 1
+ 444 297 l 1
+ 446 296 l 1
+ 479 348 542 441 632 441 c 0
+ 702 441 751 393 751 320 c 0
+ 751 162 584 -11 431 -11 c 0
+ 378 -11 301 20 301 42 c 2
+ 301 46 l 1
+ 429 518 l 1
+666 307 m 0
+ 666 338 656 392 593 392 c 0
+ 483 392 387 150 387 45 c 0
+ 387 38 387 12 434 12 c 0
+ 571 12 666 223 666 307 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni03f6
+Encoding: 1014 1014 2131
+Width: 280
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+36.002 19 m 1
+ 125.476 19 173.276 118.921 190.04 210 c 1
+ 71.1982 210 l 1
+ 74.9521 240 l 1
+ 194.598 240 l 1
+ 196.263 253.905 197.165 268.18 197.165 282.365 c 0
+ 197.165 358.473 171.186 432 97.5732 432 c 1
+ 96.9014 461 l 1
+ 222.062 461 286.964 368.865 286.964 263.159 c 0
+ 286.964 145.85 201.384 -10 33.6729 -10 c 1
+ 36.002 19 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 984 984 2132
+Width: 555
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+643 633 m 1
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+ 417 118 l 2
+ 412 98 405 80 405 59 c 0
+ 405 18 441 20 473 16 c 1
+ 473 0 l 1
+ 228 0 l 1
+ 228 16 l 1
+ 285 25 295 32 310 90 c 2
+ 363 297 l 1
+ 345 295 326 294 308 294 c 0
+ 204 294 90 323 90 450 c 0
+ 90 593 232 652 355 652 c 2
+ 643 652 l 1
+ 643 633 l 1
+450 607 m 0
+ 450 622 435.942 623.066 423.71 623.066 c 0
+ 420.992 623.066 418 623 416 623 c 0
+ 293 623 197 586 197 444 c 0
+ 197 336 265 325 357 325 c 0
+ 363 325 369 326 374 326 c 1
+ 384 363 450 585 450 607 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 59648 -1 2133
+Width: 728
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+473 704 m 0
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+ 362 819 376.5 838 403.5 838 c 0
+ 431.5 838 446 821.5 446 801.5 c 0
+ 446 789.5 443 787.5 443 778 c 0
+ 443 768 446 740 495 740 c 0
+ 546 740 588 770 619 824 c 1
+ 631.5 817 l 1
+ 614.5 781 576.5 704 473 704 c 0
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+Encoding: 1240 1240 2134
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+ 141 48 211 15 260 15 c 0
+ 335 15 378.319 86.6504 398 161 c 2
+ 407 195 l 2
+ 413.644 220.097 417 238 417 252 c 0
+ 417 280 402 300 362 300 c 1
+ 362 316 l 1
+ 609 316 l 1
+ 609 300 l 1
+ 552 290 529.331 284.909 513 226 c 2
+ 495 150 l 2
+ 492.759 140.537 491.669 131.055 491.669 121.748 c 0
+ 491.669 65.1334 532.012 15 599 15 c 0
+ 770 15 843 282 843 485 c 0
+ 843 600 777 633 721 633 c 0
+ 710 633 673 628 673 606 c 0
+ 673 588.74 693 578.57 693 556 c 0
+ 693 525.5 671 506 648 506 c 0
+ 619 506 598 524.5 598 557.5 c 0
+ 598 632.5 665 666 730 666 c 0
+ 798 666 948 618 948 438 c 0
+ 948 237 816 -18 594 -18 c 0
+ 494 -18 448 63 448 137 c 1
+ 443 138 l 1
+ 417 68 353 -18 259 -18 c 0
+ 132 -18 37 72 37 234 c 0
+ 37 459 190 666 390 666 c 0
+ 481 666 518 609 518 563.5 c 0
+ 518 528 495.5 506 464.5 506 c 0
+ 435 506 416 528.5 416 554 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 406 453 basechar 0
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+ 433.127 420 488 442 531 442 c 0
+ 609 442 662 384 662 300 c 0
+ 662 174 560 -10 411 -10 c 0
+ 334 -10 308.5 30 308.5 94.5 c 1
+ 305.5 95.5 l 1
+ 279 36 234 -10 161 -10 c 0
+ 68 -10 33 74 33 155 c 0
+ 33 291 133 442 273 442 c 0
+ 314 442 351.5 421.5 351.5 370 c 0
+ 351.5 346 333 330 311.5 330 c 0
+ 291 330 273.5 342 273.5 366.5 c 0
+ 273.5 386.711 289 396.446 289 407.5 c 0
+ 289 413.743 279.487 419 272 419 c 0
+ 140.5 419 117 180 117 105 c 0
+ 117 61 125 13 177 13 c 0
+ 255 13 302 130 302 179 c 0
+ 302 238 320 280 364 280 c 0
+ 386 280 395.464 263 395.464 240 c 0
+ 395.464 210 361.167 163.155 351 145 c 0
+ 337 120 336 102 336 77 c 0
+ 336 33 369 13 412 13 c 0
+ 524 13 578 258 578 347 c 0
+ 578 389 562.665 419 525.665 419 c 0
+ 517.988 419 495.667 413.993 495.667 399.667 c 0
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+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 390 672 basechar 0
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+ 106 16 l 1
+ 162 26 170.688 31.5029 187 90 c 2
+ 306 511 l 2
+ 307.12 515.015 307.632 518.68 307.632 522.013 c 0
+ 307.632 541.961 289.28 550 273 550 c 0
+ 162 550 136 530 90 440 c 1
+ 65 440 l 1
+ 108 583 l 1
+ 320 583 l 1
+ 321 587 321 591 321 594 c 0
+ 321 622 309 630 251 637 c 1
+ 251 653 l 1
+ 498 653 l 1
+ 498 637 l 1
+ 448 628 436 624 422 583 c 1
+ 657 583 l 1
+ 620 440 l 1
+ 595 440 l 1
+ 596.102 452.401 596.749 463.473 596.749 473.347 c 0
+ 596.749 535.132 571.43 550 474 550 c 2
+ 458.915 550 l 2
+ 430.915 550 409.596 539.09 401.915 511 c 2
+ 363 371 l 1
+280 71 m 2
+ 277.756 63.4275 276.535 57.4282 276.535 52.7152 c 0
+ 276.535 40.6241 284.573 37 304 37 c 0
+ 439 37 551 90 551 248 c 0
+ 551 282 525 334 410 334 c 0
+ 390 334 376 333 352 331 c 1
+ 280 71 l 2
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+ 825 342 842 355 853 365 c 1
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+ 843 320 804 295 757 295 c 0
+ 692 295 631 352 570 352 c 0
+ 504 352 487 302 487 241 c 0
+ 487 125 531 27 661 27 c 0
+ 760 27 825 79 892 145 c 1
+ 909 131 l 1
+ 838 46 753 -18 637 -18 c 0
+ 477 -18 375 93 375 252 c 0
+ 375 275 377 297 381 319 c 1
+ 234 319 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 170 88 168 76 168 57 c 0
+ 168 29 179 23 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 244 354 l 1
+ 390 354 l 1
+ 439 524 603 666 781 666 c 0
+ 837 666 891 642 937 642 c 0
+ 953 642 971 647 977 664 c 1
+ 998 664 l 1
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+ 591 296 l 1
+ 587 373 563 415 492 415 c 0
+ 425 415 351 339 326 231 c 1
+ 338 244 367 260 393 260 c 0
+ 438 260 456 231 502 231 c 0
+ 523 231 536 236 546 250 c 1
+ 555 234 l 1
+ 547 220 518 194 484 194 c 0
+ 434 194 421 224 378 224 c 0
+ 325 224 318 193 318 147 c 0
+ 318 86 338 25 409 25 c 0
+ 467 25 515 65 552 106 c 1
+ 568 96 l 1
+ 519 34 463 -11 380 -11 c 0
+ 279 -11 232 48 232 147 c 0
+ 232 167 234 187 238 206 c 1
+ 144 206 l 1
+ 87 0 l 1
+ 12 0 l 1
+ 108 350 l 2
+ 109 355 110 361 110 367 c 0
+ 110 387 97 393 46 394 c 1
+ 46 410 l 1
+ 133 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 152 230 l 1
+ 244 230 l 1
+ 278 343 376 440 498 440 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yuslittlecyrillic
+Encoding: 1126 1126 2141
+Width: 812
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 511 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+259 262 m 1
+ 524 262 l 1
+ 452 552 l 1
+ 259 262 l 1
+770 16 m 1
+ 770 0 l 1
+ 498 0 l 1
+ 498 16 l 1
+ 552 16 571 37 571 60 c 0
+ 571 68 569 85 564 104 c 2
+ 533 227 l 1
+ 440 227 l 1
+ 411 120 l 2
+ 402 88 400 76 400 57 c 0
+ 400 29 411 23 468 16 c 1
+ 468 0 l 1
+ 224 0 l 1
+ 224 16 l 1
+ 280 26 289 31 305 90 c 2
+ 342 227 l 1
+ 236 227 l 1
+ 167 124 l 2
+ 147 92 134 70 134 51 c 0
+ 134 23 152 16 194 16 c 1
+ 194 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 36 22 63 30 151 160 c 2
+ 494 668 l 1
+ 520 668 l 1
+ 658 116 l 2
+ 677 40 710 16 770 16 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yuslittlecyrillic
+Encoding: 1127 1127 2142
+Width: 624
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 381 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+223 212 m 1
+ 247 212 281 195 289 166 c 1
+ 304 188 358 212 385 212 c 1
+ 351 353 l 1
+ 284 304 249 260 223 212 c 1
+169 99 m 0
+ 148 57 122 -9 39 -9 c 0
+ 20 -9 -27 -5 -27 38 c 0
+ -27 55 -16 75 12 75 c 0
+ 30 75 42 62 48 56 c 0
+ 56 48 64 38 77 38 c 0
+ 115 38 127 77 139 103 c 0
+ 180 188 224 300 343 373 c 1
+ 343 393 317 400 276 400 c 1
+ 276 414 l 1
+ 333 421 349 428 406 441 c 1
+ 428 347.667 487 102 487 102 c 2
+ 498.216 55.0625 506 44 521 44 c 0
+ 539 44 552 67 572 90 c 2
+ 590 111 l 1
+ 604 103 l 1
+ 549 19 524 -11 480 -11 c 0
+ 446 -11 434 14 419 75 c 2
+ 391 188 l 1
+ 311 162 289 93 258 0 c 1
+ 224 0 l 1
+ 232 24 247 68 247 97 c 0
+ 247 144 236 188 210 188 c 1
+ 196 160 184 129 169 99 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1128 1128 2143
+Width: 1096
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 550 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+1054 16 m 1
+ 1054 0 l 1
+ 782 0 l 1
+ 782 16 l 1
+ 836 16 855 37 855 60 c 0
+ 855 68 853 85 848 104 c 2
+ 817 227 l 1
+ 724 227 l 1
+ 695 120 l 2
+ 686 88 684 76 684 57 c 0
+ 684 29 695 23 752 16 c 1
+ 752 0 l 1
+ 508 0 l 1
+ 508 16 l 1
+ 564 26 573 31 589 90 c 2
+ 626 227 l 1
+ 520 227 l 1
+ 451 124 l 2
+ 431 92 418 70 418 51 c 0
+ 418 23 436 16 478 16 c 1
+ 478 0 l 1
+ 266 0 l 1
+ 266 16 l 1
+ 320 22 347 30 435 160 c 2
+ 480 227 l 1
+ 208 227 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 170 88 168 76 168 57 c 0
+ 168 29 179 23 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 218 262 l 1
+ 504 262 l 1
+ 778 668 l 1
+ 804 668 l 1
+ 942 116 l 2
+ 961 40 994 16 1054 16 c 1
+550 262 m 1
+ 815 262 l 1
+ 743 552 l 1
+ 550 262 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1129 1129 2144
+Width: 791
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 371 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+390 212 m 1
+ 414 212 448 195 456 166 c 1
+ 471 188 525 212 552 212 c 1
+ 518 353 l 1
+ 451 304 416 260 390 212 c 1
+336 99 m 0
+ 315 57 289 -9 206 -9 c 0
+ 187 -9 140 -5 140 38 c 0
+ 140 55 151 75 179 75 c 0
+ 197 75 209 62 215 56 c 0
+ 223 48 231 38 244 38 c 0
+ 282 38 294 77 306 103 c 0
+ 319 129 332 158 347 188 c 1
+ 141 188 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
+ 213 439 l 1
+ 149 212 l 1
+ 360 212 l 1
+ 393 270 438 329 510 373 c 1
+ 510 393 484 400 443 400 c 1
+ 443 414 l 1
+ 500 421 516 428 573 441 c 1
+ 579.438 413.75 654 102 654 102 c 2
+ 665.218 55.0498 673 44 688 44 c 0
+ 706 44 719 67 739 90 c 2
+ 757 111 l 1
+ 771 103 l 1
+ 716 19 691 -11 647 -11 c 0
+ 613 -11 601 14 586 75 c 2
+ 558 188 l 1
+ 478 162 456 93 425 0 c 1
+ 391 0 l 1
+ 399 24 414 68 414 97 c 0
+ 414 144 403 188 377 188 c 1
+ 363 160 351 129 336 99 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yusbigcyrillic
+Encoding: 1130 1130 2145
+Width: 964
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 592 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+565 364 m 25
+ 757 620 l 25
+ 481 620 l 25
+ 565 364 l 25
+602 364 m 1
+ 633 364 l 2
+ 723 364 769.366 303.185 789 242 c 2
+ 832 108 l 2
+ 865 29 866 17 918 16 c 1
+ 918 0 l 1
+ 754 0 l 1
+ 688 215 l 2
+ 676 254 665 329 610 329 c 2
+ 574 329 l 1
+ 517 120 l 2
+ 508 88 506 76 506 57 c 0
+ 506 29 517 23 574 16 c 1
+ 574 0 l 1
+ 330 0 l 1
+ 330 16 l 1
+ 386 26 393 32 411 90 c 2
+ 477 329 l 1
+ 447 329 l 2
+ 401 329 358 299 308 222 c 2
+ 151 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 44 16 72 53 125 127 c 2
+ 225 256 l 2
+ 258 298 341 364 459 364 c 2
+ 481 364 l 9
+ 377 653 l 25
+ 825 653 l 25
+ 602 364 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yusbigcyrillic
+Encoding: 1131 1131 2146
+Width: 738
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 455 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+423 250 m 25
+ 551 408 l 25
+ 360 408 l 25
+ 423 250 l 25
+59 26 m 0
+ 137.254 26 134.637 250 327 250 c 2
+ 363.227 250 l 9
+ 283 432 l 25
+ 594 432 l 25
+ 443 250 l 1
+ 462 250 l 2
+ 521 250 559 217 573 171 c 0
+ 588.285 120.777 590 42 636 42 c 0
+ 654 42 670 53 688 84 c 2
+ 703 110 l 1
+ 718 99 l 1
+ 681 13 649 -10 598 -10 c 0
+ 547 -10 517.961 28.8926 509 120 c 0
+ 503 181 487 226 448 226 c 2
+ 437 226 l 1
+ 374 0 l 1
+ 299 0 l 1
+ 361 226 l 1
+ 339 226 l 2
+ 285 226 250 170 224 104 c 0
+ 179.711 -8.42578 113.43 -11.0059 71.8291 -11.0059 c 0
+ 69.8271 -11.0059 67.8818 -11 66 -11 c 0
+ 47 -11 14 15 -3 57 c 9
+ 10 66 l 17
+ 27 41 41 26 59 26 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yusbigiotifiedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1132 1132 2147
+Width: 1260
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 580 672 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+898 364 m 1
+ 929 364 l 2
+ 1019 364 1065 303 1085 242 c 2
+ 1128 108 l 2
+ 1161 29 1162 17 1214 16 c 1
+ 1214 0 l 1
+ 1050 0 l 1
+ 984 215 l 2
+ 972 254 961 329 906 329 c 2
+ 870 329 l 1
+ 813 120 l 2
+ 804 88 802 76 802 57 c 0
+ 802 29 813 23 870 16 c 1
+ 870 0 l 1
+ 626 0 l 1
+ 626 16 l 1
+ 682 26 689 32 707 90 c 2
+ 773 329 l 1
+ 743 329 l 2
+ 697 329 654 299 604 222 c 2
+ 447 0 l 1
+ 278 0 l 1
+ 278 16 l 1
+ 340 16 368 53 421 127 c 2
+ 521 256 l 2
+ 538 278 569 307 612 329 c 1
+ 237 329 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
+ 170 88 168 76 168 57 c 0
+ 168 29 179 23 236 16 c 1
+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 247 364 l 1
+ 777 364 l 1
+ 673 653 l 1
+ 1121 653 l 1
+ 898 364 l 1
+866 364 m 1
+ 1058 620 l 1
+ 782 620 l 1
+ 866 364 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yusbigiotifiedcyrillic
+Encoding: 1133 1133 2148
+Width: 886
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 411 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+591 250 m 1
+ 610 250 l 2
+ 669 250 707 217 721 171 c 0
+ 736 121 738 42 784 42 c 0
+ 802 42 818 53 836 84 c 2
+ 851 110 l 1
+ 866 99 l 1
+ 829 13 797 -10 746 -10 c 0
+ 695 -10 666 29 657 120 c 0
+ 651 181 635 226 596 226 c 2
+ 585 226 l 1
+ 522 0 l 1
+ 447 0 l 1
+ 509 226 l 1
+ 487 226 l 2
+ 433 226 398 170 372 104 c 0
+ 328.226 -8.29032 261.812 -11.007 220.156 -11.007 c 0
+ 218.038 -11.007 215.984 -11 214 -11 c 0
+ 195 -11 162 15 145 57 c 1
+ 158 66 l 1
+ 175 41 189 26 207 26 c 0
+ 264.973 26 288.067 172.04 378 226 c 1
+ 152 226 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
+ 213 439 l 1
+ 160 250 l 1
+ 511 250 l 1
+ 431 432 l 1
+ 742 432 l 1
+ 591 250 l 1
+571 250 m 1
+ 699 408 l 1
+ 508 408 l 1
+ 571 250 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ksicyrillic
+Encoding: 1134 1134 2149
+Width: 574
+VWidth: 1500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+274 364 m 2
+ 433 364 450 493 450 529 c 0
+ 450 594 409 632 340 632 c 0
+ 240 632 216 580 216 524 c 0
+ 216 497 193 476 162 476 c 0
+ 133 476 117 498 117 521 c 0
+ 117 590 219 663 311 663 c 1
+ 247 837 l 1
+ 332 837 l 1
+ 382 685 l 1
+ 458 775 l 2
+ 495 814 530 843 567 843 c 0
+ 602 843 623 820.5 623 795 c 0
+ 623 775 608 744 567 744 c 0
+ 534.5 744 520.5 761.5 492.5 761.5 c 0
+ 476.5 761.5 467 752 454 737 c 2
+ 388 663 l 1
+ 442 663 554 626 554 518 c 0
+ 554 394 403 359 359 354 c 1
+ 358 351 l 1
+ 383 351 499 310 499 192 c 0
+ 499 91 423 -14 231 -14 c 0
+ 183 -14 135 8 97 8 c 0
+ 41 8 13 -31 13 -75 c 0
+ 13 -137 66 -171 112 -171 c 0
+ 174 -171 205 -154 226 -138 c 0
+ 251 -118 289 -78 323 -78 c 0
+ 352 -78 365 -98 365 -118 c 0
+ 365 -156 310 -212 147 -212 c 0
+ 59 -212 -24 -158 -24 -75 c 0
+ -24 28 47 72 121 72 c 0
+ 153 72 213 46 242 46 c 0
+ 347 46 379 130 379 206 c 0
+ 379 284 326 331 289 331 c 0
+ 240 331 182 317 131 198 c 1
+ 105 198 l 1
+ 158 364 l 1
+ 274 364 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ksicyrillic
+Encoding: 1135 1135 2150
+Width: 400
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+189 245 m 2
+ 294 245 302 322 302 342 c 0
+ 302 402 247 412 227 412 c 0
+ 166 412 137 381 137 344 c 0
+ 137 322 124 308 100 308 c 0
+ 76 308 68 328 68 344 c 0
+ 68 384 123 439 211 439 c 1
+ 138 569 l 1
+ 209 569 l 1
+ 262 464 l 1
+ 328 533 l 2
+ 348 555 380 573 402 573 c 0
+ 426 573 440 554 440 541 c 0
+ 440 523 428 507 401 507 c 0
+ 381 507 372 519 356 519 c 0
+ 345 519 333 508 328 502 c 2
+ 265 439 l 1
+ 325 439 378 395 378 345 c 0
+ 378 269 316 242 266 236 c 1
+ 264 232 l 1
+ 279 231 346 208 346 143 c 0
+ 346 -61 19 8 19 -100 c 0
+ 19 -128 51 -152 81 -152 c 0
+ 113 -152 135 -141 148 -133 c 0
+ 177 -114 199 -82 232 -82 c 0
+ 250 -82 259 -95 259 -110 c 0
+ 259 -154 181 -184 112 -184 c 0
+ 53 -184 -14 -154 -14 -94 c 0
+ -14 99 264 -13 264 155 c 0
+ 264 208 221 220 196 220 c 0
+ 163 220 126 214 96 144 c 1
+ 78 144 l 1
+ 112 245 l 1
+ 189 245 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Psicyrillic
+Encoding: 1136 1136 2151
+Width: 812
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+977.532 582.69 m 0
+ 977.532 549.915 950.62 528 926.229 528 c 0
+ 902.229 528 892.418 543 888.819 559 c 0
+ 885.68 572.954 875.983 588 861.983 588 c 0
+ 817.983 588 776.629 504.277 760.539 473 c 0
+ 723.5 401 720.5 394.5 682.042 306 c 0
+ 672.638 284.359 667.343 268.393 667.343 256.172 c 0
+ 667.343 228.585 692.583 220.851 744.912 216 c 1
+ 744.874 197 l 1
+ 528.874 197 l 1
+ 505.067 85 l 2
+ 504.73 83.4134 504.567 81.784 504.567 80.1216 c 0
+ 504.567 52.2091 550.549 15 590.188 15 c 1
+ 590 0 l 1
+ 288 0 l 1
+ 288.188 15 l 1
+ 328.137 15 393.147 38.3311 403.067 85 c 2
+ 426.874 197 l 1
+ 147.874 197 l 1
+ 147.912 216 l 1
+ 216.557 222.122 257.614 235.76 257.614 283.353 c 0
+ 257.614 290.178 256.77 297.701 255.042 306 c 2
+ 212.979 508 l 2
+ 199.088 574.708 192.983 588 144.108 598 c 1
+ 144.147 617 l 1
+ 390.147 617 l 1
+ 390.108 598 l 1
+ 335.983 589.689 309.348 579.704 309.348 531.459 c 0
+ 309.348 521.655 310.448 510.271 312.641 497 c 2
+ 349.815 272 l 2
+ 353.832 247.691 357.951 235 384.951 235 c 2
+ 434.951 235 l 1
+ 507.433 576 l 2
+ 508.922 583.008 509.623 589.257 509.623 594.84 c 0
+ 509.623 635.465 472.537 640.846 432.524 647 c 1
+ 432.713 662 l 1
+ 714.713 662 l 1
+ 714.524 647 l 1
+ 669.887 644 620.91 630 609.646 577 c 2
+ 536.951 235 l 1
+ 575.951 235 l 2
+ 601.951 235 614.395 245.889 626.815 272 c 2
+ 653.931 329 l 2
+ 783.492 601.35 806.249 641 901.249 641 c 0
+ 945.93 641 977.532 617.044 977.532 582.69 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: psicyrillic
+Encoding: 1137 1137 2152
+Width: 694
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+716 376 m 0
+ 687 376 688 401 666 401 c 0
+ 629 401 582 262 520 100 c 0
+ 512 79 508 62 508 50 c 0
+ 508 27 523 19 555 16 c 1
+ 555 0 l 1
+ 389 0 l 1
+ 361 -131 l 2
+ 358 -144 357 -155 357 -163 c 0
+ 357 -191 373 -197 421 -200 c 1
+ 421 -215 l 1
+ 185 -215 l 1
+ 185 -200 l 1
+ 249 -195 266 -182 278 -128 c 2
+ 305 0 l 1
+ 96 0 l 1
+ 96 16 l 1
+ 167.525 23.529 176.087 37.2648 176.087 80.5276 c 0
+ 176.087 83.2342 176.054 86.0565 176 89 c 2
+ 171 363 l 2
+ 171 415 157 430 106 436 c 1
+ 106 451 l 1
+ 318 451 l 1
+ 318 436 l 1
+ 265 430 249 403 249 363 c 2
+ 254 59 l 2
+ 254.312 40.0029 257 31 269 31 c 2
+ 312 31 l 1
+ 424 560 l 2
+ 427 574 429 585 429 593 c 0
+ 429 612 419 617 395 617 c 0
+ 386 617 379 617 370 616 c 1
+ 373 632 l 1
+ 432 649 470 662 528 683 c 1
+ 534 681 l 1
+ 396 31 l 1
+ 440 31 l 2
+ 455 31 460 39 467 59 c 2
+ 492 132 l 2
+ 558 320 606 460 702 460 c 0
+ 734 460 758 447 758 421 c 0
+ 758 408 750 376 716 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Fitacyrillic
+Encoding: 1138 1138 2153
+Width: 721
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+486 313 m 0
+ 532 313 550 320 575 344 c 1
+ 587 392 594 439 594 481 c 0
+ 594 575 544 633 465 633 c 0
+ 328.609 633 238.658 486.389 193 338 c 1
+ 224 360 262 385 308 385 c 0
+ 398 385 418 313 486 313 c 0
+60 221 m 0
+ 60 443.869 277.911 666 474 666 c 0
+ 603.483 666 699.353 566.092 699.353 432.139 c 0
+ 699.353 216.196 500.698 -18 278 -18 c 0
+ 151 -18 60 81 60 221 c 0
+278 342 m 0
+ 249 342 230 340 184 307 c 1
+ 172 262 165 219 165 184 c 0
+ 165 76 211 15 295 15 c 0
+ 458.2 15 542.124 232.908 567 315 c 1
+ 538 294 512 265 454 265 c 0
+ 374 265 342 342 278 342 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: fitacyrillic
+Encoding: 1139 1139 2154
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+313 420 m 0
+ 270 420 228 390 189 334 c 0
+ 166 300 147 262 133 224 c 1
+ 158 246 175 255 209 255 c 0
+ 257 255 280 212 326 212 c 0
+ 343 212 357 229 374 246 c 1
+ 380 274 384 302 384 326 c 0
+ 384 383 356 420 313 420 c 0
+325 441 m 0
+ 410 441 468 384 468 301 c 0
+ 468 226 428 141 362 76 c 0
+ 304 19 240 -11 174 -11 c 0
+ 83 -11 27 43 27 129 c 0
+ 27 286 175 441 325 441 c 0
+124 193 m 1
+ 116 162 111 130 111 101 c 0
+ 111 46 142 10 189 10 c 0
+ 232 10 270 35 307 88 c 0
+ 331 124 352 169 366 215 c 1
+ 340 188 323 170 286 170 c 0
+ 231 170 213 213 170 213 c 0
+ 152 213 136 205 124 193 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Izhitsacyrillic
+Encoding: 1140 1140 2155
+Width: 745
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+584 516 m 2
+ 259 -18 l 1
+ 240 -18 l 1
+ 155 502 l 2
+ 134 627 132 630 76 637 c 1
+ 76 653 l 1
+ 317 653 l 1
+ 317 637 l 1
+ 254 630 240 620 240 586 c 0
+ 240 580 240 576 241 571 c 2
+ 307 128 l 1
+ 555 548 l 2
+ 608 638 673 668 726 668 c 0
+ 774 668 799 636 799 607 c 0
+ 799 570 762 549 730 549 c 0
+ 714 549 698 556 684 566 c 0
+ 670 574 659 583 645 583 c 0
+ 624 583 610 558 584 516 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: izhitsacyrillic
+Encoding: 1141 1141 2156
+Width: 533
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+155 17 m 2
+ 108 295 l 2
+ 99 388 90 404 51 404 c 0
+ 40 404 32 404 21 403 c 1
+ 21 416 l 1
+ 124 433 143 441 150 441 c 0
+ 179 441 194 314 227 82 c 1
+ 378 349 l 2
+ 424.672 432.851 465.712 441.611 488.25 441.611 c 0
+ 544.699 441.611 551 408.338 551 394 c 0
+ 551 369 540 348 508 348 c 0
+ 474 348 467 380 440 380 c 0
+ 428 380 419 371 409 354 c 10
+ 202 -7 l 2
+ 200 -10 182 -18 179 -18 c 0
+ 163 -18 158 -11 155 17 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Izhitsagravedbl
+Encoding: 1142 1142 2157
+Width: 745
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2155 1140 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 660 219 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: izhitsagravedbl
+Encoding: 1143 1143 2158
+Width: 533
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2156 1141 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 424 783 S 1 0 0 1 534 18 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Ukcyrillic
+Encoding: 1144 1144 2159
+Width: 1108
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 615 1091 N 1 0 0 1 630 0 2
+Refer: 578 1054 N 0.92 0 0 1 26 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ukcyrillic
+Encoding: 1145 1145 2160
+Width: 908
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 610 1086 N 0.94 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 615 1091 N 1 0 0 1 430 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Omegaroundcyrillic
+Encoding: 1146 1146 2161
+Width: 868
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+478 629 m 1
+ 334 629 138 484 138 231 c 0
+ 138 54 256 17 307 17 c 1
+ 322 55 340 64 369 64 c 0
+ 397 64 412 36 412 17 c 1
+ 578 17 744 198 744 426 c 0
+ 744 576 641 629 584 629 c 1
+ 576 605 561 582 520 582 c 0
+ 496.034 582 477.898 604.055 477.898 626.142 c 0
+ 477.898 627.095 477.931 628.048 478 629 c 1
+592 662 m 1
+ 702 662 852 564 852 414 c 0
+ 852 128 595 -16 406 -16 c 1
+ 395 -47.5 383 -64 348 -64 c 0
+ 315.5 -64 300 -40 300 -16 c 1
+ 172 -16 33 74 33 238 c 0
+ 33 530.043 322 662 486 662 c 1
+ 498 693 515 710 544 710 c 0
+ 575 710 592 686.5 592 662 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: omegaroundcyrillic
+Encoding: 1147 1147 2162
+Width: 602
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 371 453 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+215 13 m 1
+ 219 28 230.5 46 253 46 c 0
+ 268.014 46 285.228 36.3145 285.228 16.9435 c 0
+ 285.228 15.6708 285.154 14.3563 285 13 c 1
+ 360 13 494 124 494 277 c 0
+ 494 362 439.5 416 398 416 c 1
+ 395.5 399 380 383 359 383 c 0
+ 344.319 383 327.843 395.112 327.843 412.961 c 0
+ 327.843 413.957 327.894 414.97 328 416 c 1
+ 236.5 416 115 300 115 159 c 0
+ 115 68 183 13 215 13 c 1
+210 -10 m 1
+ 135 -10 31 40 31 153 c 0
+ 31 316 190 439 333 439 c 1
+ 337 454 348.5 472 371 472 c 0
+ 386.014 472 403.228 462.315 403.228 442.944 c 0
+ 403.228 441.671 403.154 440.356 403 439 c 1
+ 472 439 578 380 578 271 c 0
+ 578 90 405 -10 280 -10 c 1
+ 277.5 -27 262 -43 241 -43 c 0
+ 226.319 -43 209.843 -30.8885 209.843 -13.0387 c 0
+ 209.843 -12.0432 209.894 -11.03 210 -10 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Omegatitlocyrillic
+Encoding: 1148 1148 2163
+Width: 964
+VWidth: 1500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+416 554 m 0
+ 416 579.425 431 593.55 431 610.5 c 0
+ 431 624.5 414.5 633 381 633 c 0
+ 215 633 141 378 141 201 c 0
+ 141 48 211 15 260 15 c 0
+ 335 15 378.319 86.6504 398 161 c 2
+ 407 195 l 2
+ 413.644 220.097 417 238 417 252 c 0
+ 417 280 402 300 362 300 c 1
+ 362 316 l 1
+ 609 316 l 1
+ 609 300 l 1
+ 552 290 529.331 284.909 513 226 c 2
+ 495 150 l 2
+ 492.759 140.537 491.669 131.055 491.669 121.748 c 0
+ 491.669 65.1334 532.012 15 599 15 c 0
+ 770 15 843 282 843 485 c 0
+ 843 600 777 633 721 633 c 0
+ 710 633 673 628 673 606 c 0
+ 673 588.74 693 578.57 693 556 c 0
+ 693 525.5 671 506 648 506 c 0
+ 619 506 598 524.5 598 557.5 c 0
+ 598 632.5 665 666 730 666 c 0
+ 798 666 948 618 948 438 c 0
+ 948 237 816 -18 594 -18 c 0
+ 494 -18 448 63 448 137 c 1
+ 443 138 l 1
+ 417 68 353 -18 259 -18 c 0
+ 132 -18 37 72 37 234 c 0
+ 37 459 190 666 390 666 c 0
+ 481 666 518 609 518 563.5 c 0
+ 518 528 495.5 506 464.5 506 c 0
+ 435 506 416 528.5 416 554 c 0
+623 690 m 1
+ 605 686 l 1
+ 612 696 622 729 622 740 c 0
+ 622 758 619 787 584 787 c 0
+ 548 787 533 754 530 718 c 1
+ 514 724 l 1
+ 514 771 535 830 586 830 c 0
+ 643 830 658 798 658 758 c 0
+ 658 735 633 700 623 690 c 1
+475 753 m 0
+ 475 736 465 714 441 714 c 0
+ 416 714 406 734 406 755 c 0
+ 406 824 500 900 614 900 c 0
+ 742 900 775.299 827.317 806 773 c 0
+ 819 750 836 741 873 741 c 9
+ 864 720 l 17
+ 833 720 l 2
+ 741 720 725 754 701 804 c 0
+ 675.602 856.914 645.338 874 606 874 c 0
+ 558 874 475 851 475 753 c 0
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+463 454 m 1
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+ 483 594 498 562 498 522 c 0
+ 498 499 473 464 463 454 c 1
+315 517 m 0
+ 315 500 305 478 281 478 c 0
+ 256 478 246 498 246 519 c 0
+ 246 588 340 664 454 664 c 0
+ 582 664 615.299 591.318 646 537 c 0
+ 659 514 676 505 713 505 c 9
+ 704 484 l 17
+ 673 484 l 2
+ 581 484 565 518 541 568 c 0
+ 515.601 620.914 485.338 638 446 638 c 0
+ 398 638 315 615 315 517 c 0
+494 400 m 0
+ 494 387.386 505 378.875 505 362 c 0
+ 505 340 488 326 469 326 c 0
+ 450 326 431 339 431 364 c 0
+ 431 420 486 442 529 442 c 0
+ 607 442 660 384 660 300 c 0
+ 660 174 558 -10 409 -10 c 0
+ 329 -10 306 34 306 94 c 1
+ 304 96 l 1
+ 277 36 232 -10 159 -10 c 0
+ 66 -10 31 74 31 155 c 0
+ 31 291 131 442 271 442 c 0
+ 312 442 350 422 350 370 c 0
+ 350 346 331 330 310 330 c 0
+ 289 330 272 342 272 366 c 0
+ 272 391.2 287 395.4 287 408 c 0
+ 287 414 277 419 270 419 c 0
+ 138 419 115 180 115 105 c 0
+ 115 61 123 13 175 13 c 0
+ 253 13 300 130 300 179 c 0
+ 300 238 318 280 362 280 c 0
+ 384 280 393 263 393 240 c 0
+ 393 210 359 163 349 145 c 0
+ 335 120 334 102 334 77 c 0
+ 334 33 367 13 410 13 c 0
+ 522 13 576 258 576 347 c 0
+ 576 389 561 419 524 419 c 0
+ 516 419 494 414 494 400 c 0
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+Refer: 556 986 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 3
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+ 265 25 313 65 350 106 c 1
+ 366 96 l 1
+ 366 96 335 -35 318 -100 c 0
+ 311 -129 302 -172 257 -172 c 0
+ 238 -172 217 -159 217 -133 c 0
+ 217 -91 261.448 -69.7202 276 -56 c 0
+ 311 -23 322.647 12.5879 328 34 c 2
+ 333.5 60.5 l 1
+ 289 13 240 -11 178 -11 c 0
+ 77 -11 30 48 30 147 c 0
+ 30 291 170 441 316 441 c 0
+ 365 441 425 418 425 360 c 0
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+ 111 -63 l 1
+ 98 -91 94 -132 94 -167 c 0
+ 94 -190 72 -212 46 -212 c 0
+ 15 -212 6 -184 6 -166 c 0
+ 6 -122 34 -64 61 -31 c 1
+ 8 2 l 1
+ 27 32 l 1
+ 83 -3 l 1
+ 88.3584 3.69824 97 16 119 35 c 1
+ 57 74 l 1
+ 76 104 l 1
+ 148 58 l 1
+ 190 90 231 108 279 123 c 1
+ 288 110 l 1
+ 244 95 203 70.5 175 42 c 1
+ 231 6 l 1
+ 212 -24 l 1
+ 151 15 l 1
+ 137 0 125.5 -23 123 -30 c 1
+ 182 -66 l 1
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+ -118 623 l 2
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+ 63 550 l 1
+ 86 626 l 2
+ 90.5488 641.031 93 644 108 644 c 2
+ 144 644 l 2
+ 155.094 644 159.573 641.59 159.573 634.836 c 0
+ 159.573 632.458 159.018 629.541 158 626 c 2
+ 135 546 l 2
+ 130.92 531.81 130 528 114 528 c 2
+ 76.5 528 l 2
+ 66.5 528 57.6787 531.59 45 537 c 2
+ -105 601 l 1
+ -127 525 l 2
+ -131.188 511.162 -135 507 -150 507 c 2
+ -186 507 l 2
+ -194.973 507 -200.307 509.439 -200.307 517.158 c 0
+ -200.307 519.332 -199.884 521.925 -199 525 c 2
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+ 105.61 536 74 599 -29 599 c 0
+ -128 599 -197 558 -238 486 c 1
+ -262 486 l 1
+ -219 584 -126 657 -18 657 c 0
+ 68 657 131 605 131 527 c 0
+ 131 519 130 496 129 486 c 1
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+ 515 84 434 -7 271 -14 c 1
+ 306 -47 321 -81 321 -119 c 0
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+ 118 -110 l 1
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+ 260 -72 253 -16 219 -12 c 0
+ 111 1 37 70 15 118 c 1
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+ 63 86 152 31 232 31 c 0
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+ 395 289 328 333 242 333 c 1
+ 258 374 l 1
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+ 466 593 414 633 350 633 c 0
+ 278 633 180 586 118 479 c 1
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+ 172 -47 159 -10 137 -7 c 0
+ 56 3 6 71 -3 95 c 1
+ 10 103 l 1
+ 36 60 99 27 152 27 c 0
+ 231 27 268 73 268 130 c 0
+ 268 189 218 208 170 213 c 1
+ 177 238 l 1
+ 275 238 304 298 304 337 c 0
+ 304 371 285 412 221 412 c 0
+ 168 412 115 385 68 296 c 1
+ 53 296 l 1
+ 94 432 l 1
+ 105 432 l 1
+ 113 424 111 422 119 422 c 0
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+ 253 223 l 1
+ 297 218 349 183 349 132 c 0
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+ 263 179 l 1
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+ 237 329 l 1
+ 179 120 l 2
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+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
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+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
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+ 315 364 l 1
+ 357 515 l 1
+ 400 515 l 1
+ 359 368 l 1
+ 408 384 469 444 505 520 c 0
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+ 735 564 712 546 683 546 c 0
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+ 14 0 l 1
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+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
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+ 158 250 l 1
+ 201 250 l 1
+ 227 343 l 1
+ 255 343 l 1
+ 230 251 l 1
+ 276 260 306 318 325 349 c 0
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+ 491 441 507 414 507 390 c 0
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+ 413 377 404 378 395 378 c 0
+ 357 378 324 260 271 243 c 1
+ 271 241 l 1
+ 305 237 338 209 355 170 c 0
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+ 491 110 l 1
+ 506 99 l 1
+ 461 15 435 -10 395 -10 c 0
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+ 502 349 547 302 570 242 c 2
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+ 708 0 l 1
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+ 454 281 458 329 385 329 c 2
+ 349 329 l 1
+ 291 120 l 2
+ 282 88 280 76 280 57 c 0
+ 280 29 291 23 348 16 c 1
+ 348 0 l 1
+ 104 0 l 1
+ 104 16 l 1
+ 160 26 168.9 31.4443 185 90 c 2
+ 322 581 l 2
+ 323.137 585.134 323.657 588.895 323.657 592.305 c 0
+ 323.657 612.057 306.203 620 290 620 c 2
+ 279 620 l 2
+ 167 620 137 592 83 483 c 1
+ 59 483 l 1
+ 112 653 l 1
+ 496 653 l 1
+ 496 637 l 1
+ 439 627 432 621 414 563 c 2
+ 359 364 l 1
+ 412 364 l 2
+ 462 364 538.662 431.16 581 520 c 0
+ 641.987 647.972 706.157 658 735.981 658 c 0
+ 794 658 811 621 811 597 c 0
+ 811 564 788 546 759 546 c 0
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+309 350 m 2
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+ 125 412 104 396 104 381 c 0
+ 104 348 111 365 111 327 c 0
+ 111 306 94 294 75 294 c 0
+ 43 294 36 320 36 339 c 0
+ 36 400 121 441 178 441 c 0
+ 217 441 260 424 307 424 c 0
+ 344 424 360 431 387 439 c 1
+ 410 439 l 1
+ 357 250 l 1
+ 376 250 l 2
+ 429 250 460.167 316.203 483 349 c 0
+ 538 428 593 441 612 441 c 0
+ 649 441 665 414 665 390 c 0
+ 665 366 642 348 617 348 c 0
+ 603 348 592 357 580 368 c 0
+ 571 377 562 378 553 378 c 0
+ 515 378 482 260 429 243 c 1
+ 429 241 l 1
+ 463 237 496 209 513 170 c 0
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+ 605 42 616 53 634 84 c 2
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+ 664 99 l 1
+ 619 15 593 -10 553 -10 c 0
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+ 628 0 l 1
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+ 420 23 442 38 456 90 c 2
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+ 236 326 l 1
+ 170 82 l 2
+ 168 75 167 67 167 60 c 0
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+ 238 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 31 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 343 633 317 614 302 563 c 2
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 579 532 l 2
+ 586 557 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 982 653 l 1
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+ 376 117 l 2
+ 362 61 362 61 362 54 c 0
+ 362 46 370 38 378 38 c 0
+ 392 38 409 54 439 91 c 2
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+ 474 104 l 1
+ 405 12 379 -9 334 -9 c 0
+ 301 -9 287 7 287 45 c 0
+ 287 55 288 70 303 120 c 2
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+ 146 206 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
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+ 152 230 l 1
+ 334 230 l 1
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+ 670 432 l 1
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+ 600 131 l 1
+ 537 56 454 -18 331 -18 c 0
+ 323 -18 316 -18 308 -17 c 1
+ 339 -44 354 -83 354 -119 c 0
+ 354 -171 311 -209 259 -209 c 0
+ 197 -209 152 -171 134 -128 c 1
+ 151 -110 l 1
+ 176 -139 203 -146 234 -146 c 0
+ 268 -146 293 -125 293 -95 c 0
+ 293 -55 291 -19 259 -11 c 0
+ 153 16 66 98 66 252 c 0
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+ 89.5 -170.647 53.5 -140.647 39.5 -105.647 c 1
+ 53.5 -91.6475 l 1
+ 73.5 -114.647 94.5 -120.647 119.5 -120.647 c 0
+ 146.5 -120.647 166.5 -100.647 166.5 -71.6475 c 0
+ 166.5 -43.6475 161.5 -15.6475 139.5 -11.6475 c 0
+ 78.1357 -0.490234 25.5 40.3525 25.5 145.353 c 0
+ 25.5 289.353 165.5 439.353 311.5 439.353 c 0
+ 360.5 439.353 420.5 416.353 420.5 358.353 c 0
+ 420.5 331.353 399.5 312.353 373.5 312.353 c 0
+ 350.5 312.353 333.5 325.353 333.5 349.353 c 0
+ 333.5 373.353 348.5 382.353 348.5 398.353 c 0
+ 348.5 415.353 322.5 418.353 310.5 418.353 c 0
+ 186.5 418.353 111.5 251.353 111.5 145.353 c 0
+ 111.5 84.3525 131.5 23.3525 202.5 23.3525 c 0
+ 260.5 23.3525 308.5 63.3525 345.5 104.353 c 1
+ 361.5 94.3525 l 1
+ 313.5 34.3525 259.5 -10.6475 180.5 -12.6475 c 1
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+ 404 466 l 1
+ 363 318 l 1
+ 407 321 467 339 504 372 c 1
+ 548 532 l 2
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+ 559 622 547 630 489 637 c 1
+ 489 653 l 1
+ 736 653 l 1
+ 736 637 l 1
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+ 344 16 l 1
+ 400 26 409 31 425 90 c 2
+ 493 334 l 1
+ 450 304 401 283 351 276 c 1
+ 310 130 l 1
+ 267 130 l 1
+ 307 273 l 1
+ 240.574 273 136.494 305.162 136.494 391.719 c 0
+ 136.494 402.89 138.228 414.968 142 428 c 2
+ 172 532 l 2
+ 179 557 183 580 183 594 c 0
+ 183 622 171 630 113 637 c 1
+ 113 653 l 1
+ 360 653 l 1
+ 360 637 l 1
+ 303 627 295 621 278 563 c 2
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+ 157 58 l 1
+ 177 136 l 1
+ 151 136 84 138 84 207 c 0
+ 84 225 91 261 101 299 c 2
+ 109 328 l 2
+ 118 362 118 368 118 376 c 0
+ 118 396 99 400 58 400 c 1
+ 58 414 l 1
+ 115 421 151 428 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 161 230 l 2
+ 160 227 160 225 160 221 c 0
+ 160 199 166 183 190 183 c 1
+ 213 267 l 1
+ 241 267 l 1
+ 219 187 l 1
+ 299 221 337 304 405 432 c 1
+ 477 432 l 1
+ 402 133 l 2
+ 384 61 383 61 383 55 c 0
+ 383 44 387 38 394 38 c 0
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+ 378 307 l 1
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+ 383 390 371 395 331 395 c 2
+ 229 395 l 2
+ 204.5 395 197.067 386.982 194 376 c 2
+ 158.396 248.502 l 1
+ 201.318 289.713 227.698 305 279.779 305 c 0
+ 359.197 305 388.667 228.008 388.667 141.995 c 0
+ 388.667 117.539 386.284 92.3525 381.99 68 c 0
+ 357.305 -72 266.561 -218 129.561 -218 c 0
+ 88.04 -218 44.7871 -197.519 44.7871 -168.32 c 0
+ 44.7871 -166.577 44.9414 -164.803 45.2588 -163 c 0
+ 49.1377 -141 70.1357 -124 93.1357 -124 c 0
+ 134.136 -124 134.556 -184 172.556 -184 c 0
+ 221.556 -184 269.426 -94 296.403 59 c 0
+ 302.266 92.249 305.012 120.438 305.012 144.104 c 0
+ 305.012 220.801 276.169 250 231.082 250 c 0
+ 194.041 250 182.274 241.838 147.691 210.169 c 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 105 332 l 2
+ 111 352 114 368 114 380 c 0
+ 114 405 105 417 70 417 c 1
+ 70 432 l 1
+ 434 432 l 1
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+ 386.313 25 l 2
+ 398.313 25 438.313 25 448.729 74 c 2
+ 467.009 160 l 1
+ 492.009 160 l 1
+ 458 0 l 1
+ 45 0 l 1
+ 79.0088 160 l 1
+ 104.009 160 l 1
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+ 320 491 l 2
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+ 45 74 104 61 128 55 c 1
+ 122 61 113 70 113 95 c 0
+ 113 109 128 159 184 159 c 0
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+Validated: 3073
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+73 760 m 1
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+ 283 598 282 586 278 574 c 2
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+ 322 558 l 1
+ 308 508 l 1
+ 98 477 2 280 2 153 c 0
+ 2 111 16 73 66 55 c 2
+ 83 53 l 1
+ 68 64 64 78 64 90 c 0
+ 64 131 95 160 142 160 c 0
+ 179 160 185 130 185 108 c 0
+ 185 77 164 31 61 31 c 0
+ -19 39 -39 105 -39 169 c 0
+ -39 312 33 414 144 506 c 2
+ 222 569 l 2
+ 231 581 234 589 234 594 c 0
+ 234 606 225 629 183 629 c 2
+ 110 625 l 2
+ 86 625 18 641 18 700 c 0
+ 18 715 24 751 60 777 c 1
+ 73 760 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_reph
+Encoding: 60611 -1 2188
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-292 599 m 1
+ 57 812 l 1
+ 99 806 l 1
+ -172 599 l 1
+ -292 599 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'rphf' Reph Form in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_hasanta
+Ligature2: "'rphf' Reph Form in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_baphala
+Encoding: 60612 -1 2189
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-166 72 m 0
+ -186 62 -205 50 -225 36 c 1
+ -200 28 -169 -1 -142 -46 c 1
+ -100 104 l 1
+ -137 86 -137 86 -166 72 c 0
+-152 -84 m 2
+ -162 -60 -200 -18 -259 -15 c 2
+ -270 -16 l 1
+ -297 44 l 1
+ -210 97 -168 121 -138 136 c 2
+ -86 163 l 1
+ -81 163 -74 154 -68 138 c 2
+ -57 118 l 2
+ -54 111 -52 107 -50 104 c 1
+ -116 -134 l 1
+ -138 -122 l 1
+ -152 -84 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blwf' Below Base Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ba bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_raphala
+Encoding: 60613 -1 2190
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-219 55 m 0
+ -197 55 -149 48 -137 -4 c 1
+ -99 132 l 1
+ -37 177 l 1
+ -111 -93 l 1
+ -132 -77 l 1
+ -144 -39 l 2
+ -154 -16 -180 -10 -212 -10 c 0
+ -280 -10 -335 -12 -364 -13 c 0
+ -442 -6 -488 13 -488 76 c 0
+ -488 102 -479 159 -441 206 c 1
+ -426 186 l 1
+ -427 185 -429 182 -431 178 c 2
+ -437 166 l 2
+ -444 150 -449 128 -449 117 c 0
+ -449 77 -410 54 -292 54 c 0
+ -279 54 -266 54 -253 55 c 0
+ -235 55 -235 55 -219 55 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blwf' Below Base Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_hasanta
+Ligature2: "'blwf' Below Base Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ka
+Encoding: 60614 -1 2191
+Width: 468
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+250 415 m 1
+ 189 398 131 365 105 349 c 1
+ 137 331 l 2
+ 156 321 180 301 201 239 c 1
+ 250 415 l 1
+404 322 m 1
+ 407 325 411 339 411 349 c 0
+ 411 402 330 416 301 416 c 1
+ 219 119 l 1
+ 196 133 l 1
+ 194 167 l 2
+ 160 260 134 286 55 297 c 1
+ 21 362 l 1
+ 75 395 168 452 268 478 c 1
+ 276 508 l 1
+ 37 508 l 1
+ 51 558 l 1
+ 541 558 l 1
+ 527 508 l 1
+ 327 508 l 1
+ 319 479 l 1
+ 382 479 450 432 450 358 c 0
+ 450 291 396 242 348 242 c 0
+ 322 242 303 259 303 284 c 0
+ 303 320 334 342 374 342 c 0
+ 382 342 397 338 404 322 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ka bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_kha
+Encoding: 60615 -1 2192
+Width: 346
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+330 403 m 0
+ 330 328 219 284 193 279 c 1
+ 222 266 281 229 303 177 c 1
+ 291 134 l 1
+ 275 170 236 221 108 239 c 1
+ 51 320 l 1
+ 104 320 l 2
+ 179 320 281 355 281 407 c 0
+ 281 418 275 427 267 434 c 1
+ 219 392 166 379 98 370 c 0
+ 65 370 42 386 42 412 c 0
+ 42 457 90 468 105 469 c 0
+ 125 468 143 466 143 443 c 0
+ 143 440 143 437 142 433 c 1
+ 188 436 219 473 261 495 c 1
+ 284 474 330 453 330 403 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_kha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ga
+Encoding: 60616 -1 2193
+Width: 250
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+35 401 m 0
+ 35 439 107 554 210 554 c 0
+ 333 547 360 492 380 463 c 1
+ 363 403 l 1
+ 337 438 l 2
+ 295 483 259 492 233 492 c 0
+ 180 485 156 475 111 418 c 1
+ 132 422 159 426 171 426 c 0
+ 219 426 246 401 246 367 c 0
+ 246 333 201 262 107 188 c 1
+ 75 247 l 1
+ 97 260 118 277 129 287 c 2
+ 156 311 l 2
+ 166 320 173 328 180 335 c 2
+ 197 354 l 2
+ 205 364 206 368 206 372 c 0
+ 206 384 193 391 184 391 c 0
+ 180 391 173 389 163 385 c 2
+ 130 370 l 2
+ 118 365 83 349 75 349 c 0
+ 48 349 35 375 35 401 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ga bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_gha
+Encoding: 60617 -1 2194
+Width: 361
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+190 508 m 2
+ 154 508 134 468 134 455 c 0
+ 134 437 151 426 167 426 c 0
+ 202 426 225 443 233 451 c 1
+ 263 410 l 1
+ 234 396 166 342 144 322 c 1
+ 194 307 219 276 235 230 c 1
+ 313 508 l 1
+ 190 508 l 2
+58 449 m 0
+ 58 474 76 499 85 508 c 1
+ 36 508 l 1
+ 49 558 l 1
+ 448 558 l 1
+ 435 508 l 1
+ 363 508 l 1
+ 254 115 l 1
+ 230 134 l 1
+ 225 174 l 2
+ 218 229 161 273 101 273 c 2
+ 93 273 l 2
+ 92 273 89 273 86 272 c 1
+ 50 324 l 1
+ 100 365 l 2
+ 120 381 139 394 150 401 c 1
+ 144 398 130 394 118 394 c 0
+ 90 394 58 416 58 449 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_gha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_nga
+Encoding: 60618 -1 2195
+Width: 270
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+331 513 m 0
+ 279 513 253 479 253 470 c 0
+ 253 452 282 447 308 447 c 0
+ 318 447 319 449 326 449 c 0
+ 341 449 366 468 374 486 c 1
+ 372 502 360 513 331 513 c 0
+226 440 m 1
+ 189 393 177 363 177 343 c 0
+ 177 329 182 313 206 309 c 0
+ 238 309 283 342 300 375 c 1
+ 335 359 358 328 358 281 c 0
+ 358 172 254 100 176 100 c 0
+ 78 100 26 177 26 311 c 0
+ 26 358 32 411 45 470 c 1
+ 64 450 l 1
+ 63 440 62 425 62 408 c 0
+ 62 324 82 182 201 166 c 0
+ 272 166 319 236 319 279 c 0
+ 319 292 315 304 307 314 c 1
+ 275 284 244 257 206 257 c 0
+ 158 257 131 287 131 333 c 0
+ 131 398 189 477 216 508 c 1
+ 36 508 l 1
+ 50 558 l 1
+ 335 558 l 2
+ 403 558 420 532 420 506 c 0
+ 420 470 401 419 300 412 c 0
+ 264 412 230 427 226 440 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nga bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ca
+Encoding: 60619 -1 2196
+Width: 222
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+228 318 m 1
+ 227 318 225 318 223 319 c 2
+ 220 319 217 319 214 320 c 2
+ 195 320 155 343 136 382 c 2
+ 122 412 l 1
+ 67 213 l 2
+ 65 207 65 202 65 198 c 0
+ 65 187 70 184 79 184 c 1
+ 140 203 199 259 228 318 c 1
+149 508 m 1
+ 146 496 145 485 145 476 c 0
+ 145 362 310 410 310 337 c 0
+ 310 295 188 146 67 112 c 0
+ 28 112 15 161 15 193 c 0
+ 15 201 16 207 17 212 c 2
+ 99 508 l 1
+ 43 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 352 558 l 1
+ 338 508 l 1
+ 149 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ca bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_cha
+Encoding: 60620 -1 2197
+Width: 348
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+101 331 m 0
+ 123 331 185 366 197 408 c 1
+ 177 414 l 1
+ 162 424 l 2
+ 153 428 132 440 126 462 c 1
+ 95 351 l 2
+ 93.0976 344.912 92.0638 340.562 92.0638 337.508 c 0
+ 92.0638 332.535 94.8048 331 101 331 c 0
+330 374 m 0
+ 330 280 244 244 177 218 c 1
+ 201 208 229 194 277 132 c 2
+ 309 88 l 1
+ 306 58 l 1
+ 258 145 125 188 57 196 c 1
+ 40 267 l 1
+ 51 262 73 254 106 254 c 0
+ 183 254 303 321 303 376 c 0
+ 303 401 269 405 248 408 c 1
+ 248.131 406.872 248.196 405.728 248.196 404.569 c 0
+ 248.196 361.529 159.4 297.895 100 294 c 2
+ 86 297 l 2
+ 76 300 54 312 54 334 c 0
+ 54 337 54 341 55 344 c 2
+ 100 508 l 1
+ 53 508 l 1
+ 67 558 l 1
+ 425 558 l 1
+ 411 508 l 1
+ 136 508 l 1
+ 136 505 l 0
+ 136 461 198 452 216 451 c 2
+ 265 455 l 2
+ 298 455 330 425 330 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_cha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ja
+Encoding: 60621 -1 2198
+Width: 295
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+136 271 m 0
+ 205 271 224 320 224 333 c 0
+ 224 341 221 348 216 356 c 1
+ 190 341 154 334 139 334 c 0
+ 102 334 80 352 80 382 c 0
+ 80 410 101 440 110 452 c 2
+ 130 478 l 2
+ 138 487 146 497 154 508 c 1
+ 18 508 l 1
+ 32 558 l 1
+ 445 558 l 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 227 508 l 1
+ 227 506 227 503 227 500 c 0
+ 227 482 236 452 292 452 c 0
+ 304 452 336 455 357 467 c 1
+ 345 423 l 1
+ 326 416 309 413 292 413 c 0
+ 223 413 201 464 196 485 c 1
+ 131.71 438.243 118 403.794 118 386 c 0
+ 118 377 126 373 138 373 c 0
+ 165 378 194 389 227 411 c 1
+ 250 400 257 377 257 358 c 0
+ 257 326 228 217 115 217 c 0
+ 47 217 20 308 20 394 c 0
+ 20 427 24 459 31 486 c 1
+ 36.3333 480.667 37.2222 479.333 37.2222 475.778 c 0
+ 37.2222 474 37 471.667 37 468 c 0
+ 37 340 63 281 136 271 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ja bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_jha
+Encoding: 60622 -1 2199
+Width: 424
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+247 417 m 1
+ 222 410 205 404 181 393 c 2
+ 146 376 l 1
+ 106 354 l 1
+ 134 340 171 322 198 241 c 1
+ 247 417 l 1
+64 305 m 2
+ 54 305 l 2
+ 53 305 52 305 51 304 c 1
+ 16 368 l 1
+ 42 383 64 397 84 408 c 2
+ 145 438 l 2
+ 174 452 218 470 267 488 c 1
+ 272 508 l 1
+ 35 508 l 1
+ 49 558 l 1
+ 336 558 l 1
+ 281 359 l 1
+ 294 351 312 336 327 293 c 1
+ 420 631 l 1
+ 445 615 l 1
+ 444 610 l 1
+ 441 592 l 2
+ 441 590 441 588 441 584 c 0
+ 441 574 444 558 463 558 c 2
+ 515 558 l 1
+ 501 508 l 1
+ 436 508 l 1
+ 342 169 l 1
+ 318 188 l 1
+ 319 191 319 195 319 199 c 0
+ 319 227 314 268 266 304 c 1
+ 216 124 l 1
+ 190 141 l 1
+ 186 176 l 2
+ 162 268 98 305 64 305 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_jha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_nya
+Encoding: 60623 -1 2200
+Width: 594
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+533 467 m 2
+ 462 457 377 385 377 340 c 0
+ 377 290 421 254 465 254 c 2
+ 467 254 l 2
+ 510 254 538 283 538 303 c 0
+ 538 311 533 316 524 330 c 1
+ 504 320 487 315 477 314 c 0
+ 456 314 441 325 441 344 c 0
+ 441 374 477 398 499 398 c 1
+ 515.5 398 525.245 394.644 538 391 c 1
+ 548 396 568 418 568 438 c 0
+ 568 461 543 467 535 467 c 2
+ 533 467 l 2
+606 454 m 0
+ 606 413 570 372 551 357 c 1
+ 555.239 338.467 561 314.443 561 293 c 0
+ 561 254 527 199 477 199 c 0
+ 448 202 409 217 360 292 c 1
+ 316 131 l 1
+ 302 150 l 1
+ 302 159 l 0
+ 302 185 299 227 253 227 c 0
+ 213.11 227 150.11 216 121 216 c 0
+ 61 216 27 253 27 308 c 0
+ 27 358 51 412 94 454 c 1
+ 105 438 l 1
+ 91 425 61 386 61 343 c 0
+ 61 302 94 276 184 276 c 0
+ 241.448 276 273.54 269.369 307 238 c 1
+ 377 491 l 1
+ 378 505 l 1
+ 378 514.5 373.85 517 363 517 c 1
+ 308 501 259 464 231 415 c 1
+ 237 417 242 418 247 418 c 0
+ 254 418 275 414 275 390 c 0
+ 275 370.385 243.5 331 211 331 c 0
+ 171.5 331 161 348.09 161 372 c 0
+ 161 452 297 560 366 560 c 2
+ 371 560 l 1
+ 410.5 560 420 525 420 513 c 0
+ 420 509 419.191 505.267 418 501 c 2
+ 394 415 l 1
+ 434 468 492 521 543 521 c 0
+ 561 521 606 497 606 454 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_tta
+Encoding: 60624 -1 2201
+Width: 317
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+268 558 m 1
+ 273 567 275 575 275 583 c 0
+ 275 601 260 612 239 612 c 2
+ 214 612 l 2
+ 199 612 184 612 168 611 c 2
+ 123 607 l 2
+ 100 607 26 621 26 671 c 0
+ 26 697 45 724 69 737 c 1
+ 66 723 l 1
+ 57 715 50 704 50 693 c 0
+ 50 674 72 663 95 660 c 2
+ 225 667 l 2
+ 279 667 311 639 311 593 c 0
+ 311 582 309 570 306 558 c 1
+ 364 558 l 1
+ 350 508 l 1
+ 94 508 l 1
+ 22 249 l 2
+ 21 246 21 243 21 240 c 0
+ 21 231 25 221 41 221 c 2
+ 43 221 l 1
+ 44 220 45 220 48 220 c 0
+ 72 220 172 287 189 337 c 1
+ 187 336 185 336 182 335 c 1
+ 176 335 l 2
+ 167 335 138 341 138 366 c 0
+ 138 391 167 431 203 431 c 2
+ 206 431 l 1
+ 240 418 252 395 252 371 c 0
+ 252 292 121 173 37 173 c 2
+ 30 173 l 2
+ 4 173 -13 212 -14 241 c 0
+ 4 335 34 418 57 508 c 1
+ 12 508 l 1
+ 26 558 l 1
+ 268 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_tta bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ttha
+Encoding: 60625 -1 2202
+Width: 312
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+43 182 m 0
+ 144 194 202 308 202 378 c 0
+ 202 413 191 443 184 459 c 1
+ 177 427 l 2
+ 159 365 101 304 76 291 c 2
+ 45 276 l 2
+ 20 266 -1 256 -1 220 c 0
+ -1 191 22 183 43 182 c 0
+220 755 m 1
+ 184 742 146 723 146 673 c 0
+ 146 653 153 623 174 586 c 2
+ 189 558 l 1
+ 349 558 l 1
+ 335 508 l 1
+ 199 508 l 1
+ 224 468 232 422 232 381 c 0
+ 232 195 88 149 45 149 c 0
+ -24 149 -40 203 -40 242 c 0
+ -40 265 -34 285 -20 309 c 1
+ 14 314 149 386 149 501 c 0
+ 149 504 149 506 149 508 c 1
+ 10 508 l 1
+ 24 558 l 1
+ 139 558 l 1
+ 137 599 117 635 117 677 c 0
+ 117 701 124 756 184 794 c 1
+ 220 755 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ttha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_dda
+Encoding: 60626 -1 2203
+Width: 401
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+182 231 m 0
+ 238 231 323 276 323 345 c 0
+ 323 356 321 367 315 377 c 1
+ 299 357 235 301 191 301 c 2
+ 188 301 l 2
+ 155 304 150 326 149 350 c 1
+ 193 508 l 1
+ 41 508 l 1
+ 54 558 l 1
+ 475 558 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 231 508 l 1
+ 189 359 l 1
+ 232 362 290 417 312 440 c 1
+ 338 420 351 386 351 350 c 0
+ 351 275 278 165 170 165 c 2
+ 152 165 l 2
+ 69 175 43 253 43 343 c 0
+ 43 390 50 440 60 485 c 1
+ 79 472 l 1
+ 75 448 73 422 73 396 c 0
+ 73 314 97 234 182 231 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_dda bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ddha
+Encoding: 60627 -1 2204
+Width: 318
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+276 376 m 0
+ 276 286 155 180 71 172 c 0
+ 44 172 30 204 20 233 c 1
+ 97 508 l 1
+ 40 508 l 1
+ 54 558 l 1
+ 384 558 l 1
+ 370 508 l 1
+ 134 508 l 1
+ 62 248 l 2
+ 61 247 61 244 61 241 c 0
+ 61 233 63 223 76 222 c 1
+ 129 236 193 287 213 338 c 1
+ 208 337 204 336 200 336 c 0
+ 191 336 162 342 162 367 c 0
+ 162 391.8 187.059 433 228 433 c 0
+ 260 433 276 410 276 376 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ddha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_nna
+Encoding: 60628 -1 2205
+Width: 212
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-2 360 m 0
+ -2 426 79 470 126 470 c 0
+ 132 471 135 471 136 471 c 2
+ 138 471 l 2
+ 251 471 278 355 281 310 c 1
+ 274 285 l 1
+ 266 321 219 411 154 411 c 2
+ 142 411 l 2
+ 135 410 131 409 128 409 c 1
+ 138 401 144 393 144 379 c 0
+ 144 348 112 302 56 302 c 0
+ 8 302 -2 336 -2 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nna bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_tha
+Encoding: 60629 -1 2206
+Width: 367
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+263 482 m 0
+ 263 421 207 364 134 328 c 1
+ 163 315 212 267 231 219 c 1
+ 345 630 l 1
+ 358 605 l 1
+ 358 598 l 2
+ 356 590 354 582 354 575 c 0
+ 354 568 356 562 360 558 c 1
+ 427 558 l 1
+ 413 507 l 1
+ 348 507 l 1
+ 242 125 l 1
+ 227 169 193 287 71 287 c 2
+ 62 287 l 1
+ 23 367 l 1
+ 36 366 l 2
+ 82 366 229 415 229 485 c 0
+ 229 511 201 518 191 518 c 0
+ 174 516 138 501 117 484 c 1
+ 125 474 127 464 127 456 c 0
+ 127 427 91 404 68 404 c 2
+ 65 404 l 2
+ 42 404 29 419 29 441 c 0
+ 29 513 127 558 191 558 c 2
+ 194 558 l 2
+ 239 558 263 519 263 482 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_tha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_da
+Encoding: 60630 -1 2207
+Width: 196
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+288 426 m 1
+ 213 344 205 281 205 250 c 0
+ 205 240 206 231 207 221 c 1
+ 178 228 l 1
+ 175 247 173 264 173 278 c 0
+ 173 339 199 386 213 407 c 1
+ 150 390 92 350 58 304 c 1
+ 26 341 l 1
+ 72 507 l 1
+ 33 507 l 1
+ 47 558 l 1
+ 361 558 l 1
+ 347 507 l 1
+ 122 507 l 1
+ 91 395 l 1
+ 132 417 172 451 236 468 c 1
+ 288 426 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_da bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_dha
+Encoding: 60631 -1 2208
+Width: 345
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+277 424 m 1
+ 206 399 146 359 115 336 c 1
+ 142 320 197 285 219 215 c 1
+ 277 424 l 1
+145 498 m 1
+ 136 494 132 475 132 469 c 0
+ 132 449 153 437 172 437 c 0
+ 175 437 177 437 179 438 c 1
+ 185 438 l 1
+ 296 494 l 1
+ 314 558 l 1
+ 417 558 l 1
+ 403 508 l 1
+ 338 508 l 1
+ 226 102 l 1
+ 223 111 221 121 220 130 c 2
+ 216 160 l 2
+ 193 227 141 284 63 287 c 1
+ 35 348 l 1
+ 152 420 l 1
+ 147 420 l 2
+ 110 420 88 438 88 468 c 0
+ 88 511 123 550 178 550 c 0
+ 205 550 211 532 211 521 c 0
+ 211 494 175 489 166 489 c 0
+ 156 489 149 492 145 498 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_dha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_na
+Encoding: 60632 -1 2209
+Width: 200
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+39 355 m 0
+ 39 393 82 460 154 460 c 0
+ 219 460 264 396 278 335 c 1
+ 261 292 l 1
+ 245 343 218 393 171 393 c 2
+ 165 393 l 2
+ 164 393 163 393 160 392 c 1
+ 163 388 168 383 168 373 c 0
+ 168 345 131 307 94 307 c 2
+ 88 307 l 2
+ 47 314 39 338 39 355 c 0
+23 558 m 1
+ 271 558 l 1
+ 257 508 l 1
+ 9 508 l 1
+ 23 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_na bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_pa
+Encoding: 60633 -1 2210
+Width: 306
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+22 399 m 0
+ 22 433 142 552 238 552 c 2
+ 245 552 l 2
+ 289 549 364 525 403 415 c 1
+ 387 357 l 1
+ 364 389 l 2
+ 347 408 334 410 325 411 c 0
+ 320 411 317 410 313 407 c 2
+ 110 240 l 1
+ 69 273 l 1
+ 124 315 l 2
+ 131 321 151 334 151 361 c 0
+ 151 376 143 382 134 387 c 1
+ 127 387 121 386 117 385 c 2
+ 52 368 l 2
+ 42 368 22 380 22 399 c 0
+183 380 m 0
+ 183 371 181 371 183 369 c 1
+ 178 352 l 1
+ 308 463 l 1
+ 279 486 l 2
+ 267 496 247 498 239 498 c 0
+ 183 498 141 451 128 432 c 1
+ 167 432 183 404 183 380 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_pa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_pha
+Encoding: 60634 -1 2211
+Width: 471
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+452 389 m 0
+ 452 329 413 286 364 286 c 0
+ 335 286 330 307 330 320 c 0
+ 330 340 342 358 369 367 c 2
+ 383 369 l 2
+ 391 369 403 363 413 355 c 1
+ 413 354 413 353 415 353 c 0
+ 416 353 416 353 417 354 c 1
+ 422 363 l 1
+ 423 368 424 373 424 378 c 0
+ 424 404 400 422 359 422 c 0
+ 349 422 340 421 331 419 c 1
+ 247 117 l 1
+ 236 131 l 1
+ 231 152 l 2
+ 222 186 189 275 84 275 c 1
+ 56 339 l 1
+ 78 358 99 375 123 390 c 2
+ 192 436 l 1
+ 169 474 120 452 90 489 c 0
+ 84 496 77 503 69 508 c 1
+ 47 508 l 1
+ 61 558 l 1
+ 543 558 l 1
+ 529 508 l 1
+ 175 508 l 1
+ 214 476 239 427 249 404 c 1
+ 133 325 l 1
+ 160 313 220 274 235 213 c 1
+ 309 478 l 1
+ 324 481 338 482 344 482 c 0
+ 411 482 452 444 452 389 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_pha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ba
+Encoding: 60635 -1 2212
+Width: 341
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+217 390 m 2
+ 187 378 l 1
+ 159 363 l 1
+ 124 342 l 1
+ 160 326 179 306 193 275 c 2
+ 208 238 l 1
+ 253 401 l 1
+ 239 397 227 393 217 390 c 2
+222 109 m 1
+ 199 144 l 1
+ 196 164 l 2
+ 191 199 164 284 55 293 c 1
+ 25 363 l 1
+ 87 399 l 2
+ 123 419 204 461 275 481 c 1
+ 282 508 l 1
+ 36 508 l 1
+ 50 558 l 1
+ 417 558 l 1
+ 403 508 l 1
+ 332 508 l 1
+ 222 109 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ba bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_bha
+Encoding: 60636 -1 2213
+Width: 411
+Flags: MW
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+ 245 475 255 459 255 441 c 0
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+ 245 392 l 1
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+ 357 453 400 423 400 367 c 0
+ 400 284 314 156 182 156 c 0
+ 44 156 36 307 34 451 c 2
+ 33 472 l 1
+ 63 464 l 1
+ 74 294 126 239 212 239 c 0
+ 323 239 353 337 353 363 c 0
+ 353 374 350 388 341 405 c 1
+ 322 379 265 315 200 315 c 0
+ 166 315 119 326 119 380 c 0
+56 558 m 1
+ 476 558 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 42 508 l 1
+ 56 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_bha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ma
+Encoding: 60637 -1 2214
+Width: 282
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+376 459 m 0
+ 376 401 320 301 235 301 c 2
+ 216 301 l 2
+ 200 301 177 308 151 345 c 2
+ 129 373 l 1
+ 124 354 99 307 46 307 c 0
+ 36 307 5 315 5 346 c 0
+ 5 411 78 426 98 432 c 1
+ 101 437 106 455 106 470 c 0
+ 106 493 96 508 79 508 c 2
+ 19 508 l 1
+ 33 558 l 1
+ 411 558 l 1
+ 397 508 l 1
+ 359 508 l 1
+ 370 494 376 478 376 459 c 0
+253 372 m 0
+ 312 372 326 434 326 470 c 0
+ 326 489 321 506 305 508 c 2
+ 142 508 l 1
+ 159 474 121 419 223 378 c 0
+ 235 374 244 372 253 372 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ma bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ya
+Encoding: 60638 -1 2215
+Width: 356
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+163 508 m 1
+ 182 495 207 477 237 419 c 1
+ 207 396 l 2
+ 197 389 187 382 178 375 c 2
+ 150 353 l 1
+ 119 326 l 1
+ 178 310 214 247 228 214 c 1
+ 310 508 l 1
+ 163 508 l 1
+184 441 m 1
+ 129 489 78 465 61 508 c 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 430 558 l 1
+ 416 508 l 1
+ 349 508 l 1
+ 239 113 l 1
+ 227 130 l 1
+ 218 207 167 277 93 277 c 2
+ 80 277 l 1
+ 78 276 76 276 75 276 c 1
+ 42 341 l 1
+ 64 360 87 378 111 393 c 0
+ 149 417 149 417 184 441 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ra
+Encoding: 60639 -1 2216
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-292 599 m 1
+ 57 812 l 1
+ 99 806 l 1
+ -172 599 l 1
+ -292 599 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_la
+Encoding: 60640 -1 2217
+Width: 295
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+251 391 m 1
+ 264 437 308 450 322 450 c 0
+ 356 450 376 428 387 398 c 1
+ 372 342 l 1
+ 369 356 349 384 322 384 c 0
+ 290 384 274 347 271 336 c 2
+ 265 312 l 1
+ 246 302 l 1
+ 233 371 201 398 149 398 c 0
+ 68 398 48 318 48 298 c 0
+ 48 271 68 257 88 250 c 1
+ 85 258 83 266 83 274 c 0
+ 83 287 97 336 152 336 c 0
+ 177 336 191 319 191 292 c 0
+ 191 214 105 200 87 200 c 0
+ 19 200 4 259 4 304 c 0
+ 4 434 122 458 153 458 c 0
+ 171 458 212 448 228 426 c 2
+ 251 391 l 1
+430 558 m 1
+ 416 508 l 1
+ 22 508 l 1
+ 36 558 l 1
+ 430 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_la bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_sha
+Encoding: 60641 -1 2218
+Width: 282
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+35 353 m 0
+ 35 409 133 442 133 463 c 0
+ 133 476 122 486 98 494 c 2
+ 54 498 l 1
+ 32 532 l 1
+ 34 533 36 533 38 533 c 2
+ 57 533 l 2
+ 87 533 168 528 176 471 c 1
+ 200 502 239 534 269 534 c 2
+ 274 534 l 2
+ 325 534 368 458 368 426 c 0
+ 368 426 368 425 368 424 c 1
+ 343 380 l 1
+ 332 430 309 489 265 489 c 0
+ 236 489 216 464 216 459 c 0
+ 216 452 258 414 258 377 c 0
+ 258 363 246 317 198 317 c 0
+ 175 317 170 321 152 370 c 1
+ 122 332 99 319 69 317 c 0
+ 41 317 35 338 35 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_sha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ssa
+Encoding: 60642 -1 2219
+Width: 236
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+142 442 m 1
+ 113 439 90 410 90 388 c 0
+ 90 371 100 353 122 353 c 0
+ 131 353 148 356 178 376 c 2
+ 194 389 l 1
+ 194 390 195 391 194 392 c 2
+ 142 442 l 1
+229 413 m 1
+ 251 413 284 451 284 475 c 0
+ 284 492 263 504 244 504 c 0
+ 202.877 504 179.949 473.305 179.949 471.086 c 9
+ 229 413 l 1
+36 382 m 0
+ 36 432 76 473 123 508 c 1
+ 2 508 l 1
+ 16 558 l 1
+ 396 558 l 1
+ 382 508 l 1
+ 315 508 l 1
+ 320 497 322 485 322 474 c 0
+ 322 362 167 301 116 298 c 2
+ 112 298 l 2
+ 61 298 36 340 36 382 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ssa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_sa
+Encoding: 60643 -1 2220
+Width: 359
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+436 458 m 0
+ 436 436 413 362 327 344 c 0
+ 231 344 213 409 213 443 c 0
+ 213 450 214 456 215 460 c 1
+ 188 422 l 2
+ 160 378 119 336 77 328 c 2
+ 74 328 l 2
+ 58 328 14 362 14 400 c 0
+ 14 403 l 1
+ 33 427 l 1
+ 54 425 50 397 74 397 c 0
+ 88 397 154 451 166 492 c 0
+ 166.4 493.8 166.64 495.52 166.64 497.12 c 0
+ 166.64 503.52 162.8 508 150 508 c 2
+ 0 508 l 1
+ 14 558 l 1
+ 476 558 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 414 508 l 1
+ 421 501 436 480 436 458 c 0
+328 410 m 2
+ 355 410 398 432 398 469 c 0
+ 398 487 390 508 375 508 c 2
+ 246 508 l 1
+ 246 507 245 505 245 503 c 0
+ 245 495 248 484 251 475 c 2
+ 253 465 l 2
+ 262 428 284 409 319 409 c 2
+ 328 410 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_sa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_ha
+Encoding: 60644 -1 2221
+Width: 323
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+135 300 m 0
+ 188 300 280 338 280 387 c 0
+ 280 409 263 432 228 432 c 0
+ 191 432 197 363 115 357 c 2
+ 112 357 l 2
+ 93 357 80 369 80 388 c 0
+ 80 440 166 474 190 476 c 1
+ 191 477 192 479 192 481 c 0
+ 192 488 185 502 167 508 c 1
+ 56 508 l 1
+ 70 558 l 1
+ 415 558 l 1
+ 401 508 l 1
+ 221 508 l 1
+ 223 488 l 2
+ 223 487 223 487 223 486 c 0
+ 223 468 312 474 312 386 c 0
+ 312 330 265 279 169 246 c 1
+ 174 217 219 240 297 104 c 1
+ 298 51 l 1
+ 266 101 187 201 43 232 c 1
+ 30 336 l 1
+ 64 304 113 300 135 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_rra
+Encoding: 60645 -1 2222
+Width: 402
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+210 88 m 0
+ 210 66 185 28 151 28 c 0
+ 130 28 115 40 115 60 c 0
+ 115 84 137 117 176 120 c 0
+ 185 120 210 113 210 88 c 0
+207 223 m 2
+ 286 223 351 293 351 341 c 0
+ 351 351 348 361 344 371 c 1
+ 322 351 257 296 216 296 c 0
+ 182 296 173 324 173 355 c 0
+ 173 358 173 360 173 363 c 2
+ 214 508 l 1
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 73 558 l 1
+ 493 558 l 1
+ 480 508 l 1
+ 252 508 l 1
+ 217 382 l 2
+ 215.876 378.627 213.803 370.513 213.803 363.699 c 0
+ 213.803 358.393 215.06 353.876 219 353 c 1
+ 269 369 309 414 346 442 c 1
+ 361 431 384 405 384 359 c 0
+ 384 270 307 151 193 151 c 2
+ 189 151 l 2
+ 84 154 58 255 58 348 c 0
+ 58 406 68 461 75 486 c 1
+ 94 474 l 1
+ 90 449 87 421 87 394 c 0
+ 87 309 113 226 203 223 c 2
+ 207 223 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_rra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_rha
+Encoding: 60646 -1 2223
+Width: 324
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+130 108 m 0
+ 130 83 103 42 66 42 c 0
+ 47 42 34 54 34 73 c 0
+ 34 98 61 139 96 139 c 0
+ 116 139 130 127 130 108 c 0
+294 380 m 0
+ 294 298 160 182 93 182 c 2
+ 90 182 l 2
+ 49 185 50 241 48 263 c 1
+ 116 508 l 1
+ 58 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 407 558 l 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 157 508 l 1
+ 87 257 l 2
+ 86 254 86 251 86 248 c 0
+ 86 240 89 233 99 233 c 0
+ 144 243 210 295 232 348 c 1
+ 228 347 224 346 219 346 c 0
+ 211 346 182 352 182 377 c 0
+ 182 395 204.35 442 246 442 c 0
+ 259 442 294 434 294 380 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_rha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_yya
+Encoding: 60647 -1 2224
+Width: 360
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+171 508 m 1
+ 184 498 209 472 224 442 c 2
+ 238 417 l 1
+ 179 372 l 2
+ 159 357 140 341 121 324 c 1
+ 180 304 211 268 229 211 c 1
+ 311 508 l 1
+ 171 508 l 1
+62 169 m 0
+ 62 199 94 218 113 218 c 0
+ 136 218 146 201 146 186 c 0
+ 146 178 144 175 140 167 c 2
+ 131 155 l 2
+ 119 143 107 137 94 137 c 0
+ 79 137 62 150 62 169 c 0
+240 110 m 1
+ 228 128 l 1
+ 218 205 167 277 92 277 c 2
+ 85 277 l 2
+ 84 277 81 277 78 276 c 1
+ 44 341 l 1
+ 104 389 158 423 185 440 c 1
+ 169 444 187 457 102 473 c 0
+ 72 483 67 498 63 508 c 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 439 558 l 1
+ 425 508 l 1
+ 350 508 l 1
+ 240 110 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_yya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_asamira
+Encoding: 60648 -1 2225
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-292 599 m 1
+ 57 812 l 1
+ 99 806 l 1
+ -172 599 l 1
+ -292 599 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_half_asamiba
+Encoding: 60649 -1 2226
+Width: 341
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+15 207 m 0
+ 15 212.75 35.7 246 56 246 c 1
+ 83 239 160 182 160 124 c 0
+ 160 111 157 102 150 91 c 1
+ 139 155 84 198 18 203 c 0
+ 16 203 15 204 15 207 c 0
+272 419 m 1
+ 213 403 140 363 103 342 c 1
+ 155 318 193 279 216 217 c 1
+ 272 419 l 1
+28 363 m 1
+ 80 394 177 447 289 481 c 1
+ 297 508 l 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 420 558 l 1
+ 406 508 l 1
+ 335 508 l 1
+ 224 109 l 1
+ 212 138 l 2
+ 205 257 103 290 57 293 c 1
+ 28 363 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'half' Half Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_asamiba bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_yaphala
+Encoding: 60650 -1 2227
+Width: 241
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+284 508 m 2
+ 133 508 171 286 132 145 c 2
+ 126 125 l 2
+ 112 73 7 -3 -58 -12 c 0
+ -69 -12 -75 -6 -77 6 c 1
+ -69 34 36 30 61 121 c 0
+ 67 143 70 161 72 229 c 2
+ 75 285 l 2
+ 77 378 134 441 204 508 c 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 325 558 l 1
+ 311 508 l 1
+ 284 508 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pstf' Post Base Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_k_ra
+Encoding: 60651 -1 2228
+Width: 723
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+55 558 m 1
+ 821 558 l 1
+ 807 508 l 1
+ 41 508 l 1
+ 55 558 l 1
+597 248 m 0
+ 608 248 641 271 641 311 c 0
+ 641 340 618 359 582 359 c 0
+ 537 359 480 324 455 308 c 1
+ 366 -14 l 1
+ 341 10 l 2
+ 339 12 338 16 338 22 c 0
+ 338 28 338 35 338 43 c 0
+ 338 74 326 99 270 99 c 0
+ 200 99 123 84 90 84 c 0
+ 28 84 -7 123 -7 186 c 0
+ -7 276 51 352 83 385 c 1
+ 98 364 l 1
+ 76 344 37 290 37 229 c 0
+ 37 174 79 158 115 158 c 0
+ 156 158 174 166 217 166 c 0
+ 309 166 331 133 351 112 c 1
+ 431 401 l 1
+ 431 417 l 2
+ 431.082 417.822 431.124 418.59 431.124 419.308 c 0
+ 431.124 427.322 425.931 429.082 414 430 c 0
+ 346 415 280 369 246 310 c 1
+ 275 314 l 1
+ 284 311 303 297 303 272 c 0
+ 303 232 259 201 233 201 c 0
+ 173 201 154 221 154 252 c 0
+ 154 392 356 482 423 487 c 0
+ 439 483 485 459 485 422 c 0
+ 485 418 484 414 483 410 c 2
+ 467 351 l 1
+ 492 371 558 408 608 408 c 0
+ 662 408 691 382 691 332 c 0
+ 691 247 600 194 549 194 c 0
+ 524 194 499 218 499 242 c 0
+ 499 258 514 314 574 314 c 0
+ 595 314 605 300 605 283 c 0
+ 605 276 603 264 593 249 c 1
+ 594 248 596 248 597 248 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ka bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_k_ra1
+Encoding: 60652 -1 2229
+Width: 628
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+560 267 m 1
+ 563 272 568 291 568 307 c 0
+ 568 364 515 403 463 403 c 2
+ 457 403 l 2
+ 456 403 454 403 450 402 c 1
+ 318 -74 l 1
+ 300 -59 l 1
+ 289 -21 l 2
+ 278 8 248 9 231 9 c 0
+ 228 9 l 0
+ 178 9 118 8 89 5 c 0
+ 19 12 -21 31 -21 90 c 0
+ -21 116 -13 174 25 225 c 1
+ 38 205 l 1
+ 30 193 29 184 22 171 c 2
+ 19 160 l 2
+ 17 150 15 141 15 133 c 0
+ 15 83 71 73 158 73 c 2
+ 192 73 l 2
+ 203 74 213 74 223 74 c 0
+ 275 74 289 49 295 22 c 1
+ 314 91 l 1
+ 297 152 255 223 143 234 c 1
+ 97 319 l 1
+ 170 363 291 435 419 469 c 1
+ 430 508 l 1
+ 58 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 738 558 l 1
+ 724 508 l 1
+ 480 508 l 1
+ 469 470 l 1
+ 538 470 607 411 607 320 c 0
+ 607 198 514 175 490 175 c 0
+ 460 175 444 201 444 227 c 0
+ 444 265 486 292 521 292 c 0
+ 530 292 552 290 560 267 c 1
+400 401 m 1
+ 353 387 308 370 193 301 c 1
+ 235 280 286 263 327 139 c 1
+ 400 401 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_kh_ra
+Encoding: 60653 -1 2230
+Width: 511
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+515 631 m 1
+ 513 619 506 602 506 585 c 0
+ 506 571 510 563 514 558 c 1
+ 600 558 l 1
+ 587 508 l 1
+ 501 508 l 1
+ 340 -70 l 1
+ 325 -54 l 1
+ 312 -16 l 2
+ 301 3 283 13 260 13 c 2
+ 186 13 l 2
+ 165 12 149 12 136 11 c 0
+ 123 11 113 11 105 10 c 2
+ 92 10 l 2
+ -7 10 -32 55 -32 102 c 0
+ -32 156 -2 205 16 229 c 1
+ 31 209 l 1
+ 23 195 8 169 8 142 c 0
+ 8 93 63 78 203 78 c 0
+ 280 78 304 63 317 24 c 1
+ 336 92 l 1
+ 318 179 238 217 147 235 c 1
+ 92 338 l 1
+ 109 334 123 334 132 334 c 0
+ 215 334 340 378 340 446 c 0
+ 340 455 337 467 325 478 c 1
+ 271 429 208 399 144 399 c 0
+ 109 399 87 418 87 444 c 0
+ 87 473 112 519 157 521 c 0
+ 186 521 195 510 195 493 c 0
+ 195 488 194 482 193 476 c 1
+ 217 477 235 487 259 506 c 2
+ 290 531 l 2
+ 299 540 310 547 321 554 c 1
+ 347 526 l 2
+ 370 500 385 468 385 431 c 0
+ 385 372 306 300 239 285 c 1
+ 307 247 338 185 352 148 c 1
+ 491 649 l 1
+ 515 631 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_kha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_g_ra
+Encoding: 60654 -1 2231
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+59 401 m 0
+ 59 439 128 553 246 553 c 0
+ 337 553 410 504 414 364 c 1
+ 421 425 l 1
+ 428 467 l 2
+ 429 477 432 498 437 514 c 2
+ 475 653 l 1
+ 497 624 l 1
+ 492 611 l 2
+ 490 606 490 600 490 595 c 0
+ 490 580 495 565 505 558 c 1
+ 591 558 l 1
+ 577 508 l 1
+ 486 508 l 1
+ 334 -42 l 1
+ 313 -26 l 1
+ 301 12 l 2
+ 290 31 273 41 249 41 c 2
+ 175 41 l 2
+ 153 40 137 40 124 40 c 0
+ 111 39 101 39 94 39 c 0
+ 87 38 83 38 81 38 c 0
+ -18 38 -43 86 -43 132 c 0
+ -43 188 -12 236 5 257 c 1
+ 19 237 l 1
+ 12 224 -3 197 -3 171 c 0
+ -3 123 52 106 194 106 c 0
+ 225 106 297 106 308 47 c 1
+ 385 324 l 2
+ 386 331 386 338 386 345 c 0
+ 386 431 327 490 258 490 c 0
+ 197 490 154 453 135 418 c 1
+ 156 422 183 426 195 426 c 0
+ 258 426 270 388 270 364 c 0
+ 270 346 259 316 216 267 c 2
+ 174 222 l 2
+ 159 207 145 194 131 182 c 1
+ 91 247 l 1
+ 204 337 l 2
+ 219 349 230 365 230 373 c 0
+ 230 385 217 391 208 391 c 0
+ 204 391 197 389 187 385 c 2
+ 154 370 l 2
+ 143 365 107 349 99 349 c 0
+ 72 349 59 375 59 401 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ga bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_gh_ra
+Encoding: 60655 -1 2232
+Width: 481
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+258 508 m 2
+ 224 508 182 463 182 434 c 0
+ 182 410 204 394 224 394 c 0
+ 258 394 298 420 312 434 c 1
+ 352 381 l 1
+ 312 362 225 293 197 266 c 1
+ 258 248 304 199 327 132 c 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 258 508 l 2
+101 438 m 0
+ 101 464 114 489 134 508 c 1
+ 58 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 589 558 l 1
+ 575 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 317 -82 l 1
+ 303 -66 l 1
+ 292 -27 l 2
+ 282 -8 266 2 244 2 c 0
+ 216 2 193 2 173 1 c 0
+ 154 1 138 1 126 0 c 2
+ 98 0 l 2
+ 91 -1 87 -1 85 -1 c 0
+ -8 -1 -31 46 -31 92 c 0
+ -31 118 -27 158 17 221 c 1
+ 31 201 l 1
+ 22 188 8 159 8 131 c 0
+ 8 83 60 68 191 68 c 0
+ 261 68 288 55 295 18 c 1
+ 314 86 l 1
+ 296 151 231 202 154 202 c 2
+ 140 202 l 2
+ 139 202 137 202 136 201 c 1
+ 89 269 l 1
+ 153 322 l 1
+ 188 348 l 2
+ 199 356 209 363 219 369 c 1
+ 207 363 193 360 179 360 c 0
+ 128 360 101 398 101 438 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_gha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_c_ra
+Encoding: 60656 -1 2233
+Width: 460
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+156 143 m 2
+ 154 137 153 133 153 129 c 0
+ 153 119 160 117 167 115 c 1
+ 207 126 329 187 364 302 c 1
+ 270 334 241 394 234 426 c 1
+ 156 143 l 2
+8 135 m 1
+ 1 123 -14 92 -14 67 c 0
+ -14 17 38 7 79 7 c 2
+ 149 7 l 2
+ 215 7 244 -13 252 -53 c 1
+ 299 114 l 1
+ 230 59 187 48 161 48 c 0
+ 130 48 103 98 103 129 c 0
+ 103 132 104 136 105 139 c 2
+ 207 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 576 558 l 1
+ 562 508 l 1
+ 256 508 l 1
+ 256 504 255 500 255 496 c 0
+ 255 428 319 406 343 396 c 2
+ 381 382 l 2
+ 398 376 444 367 444 320 c 0
+ 444 264 383 194 362 172 c 1
+ 275 -141 l 1
+ 255 -125 l 1
+ 245 -88 l 2
+ 231 -64 205 -57 172 -57 c 2
+ 73 -64 l 2
+ -27 -64 -52 -20 -52 25 c 0
+ -52 77 -21 130 -4 155 c 1
+ 8 135 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ca bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_ch_ra
+Encoding: 60657 -1 2234
+Width: 452
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+138 306 m 2
+ 136 298 135 293 135 289 c 0
+ 135 282 138 280 146 280 c 0
+ 195 280 261 350 270 379 c 1
+ 203 402 186 428 178 450 c 1
+ 138 306 l 2
+444 337 m 0
+ 444 251 386 187 243 132 c 1
+ 306 106 349 52 372 21 c 2
+ 415 -37 l 1
+ 410 -76 l 1
+ 405 -67 399 -59 393 -52 c 2
+ 375 -30 l 1
+ 340 -157 l 1
+ 330 -144 325 -148 321 -139 c 2
+ 299 -94 l 2
+ 281 -69 236 -60 217 -60 c 0
+ 157 -60 138 -69 85 -69 c 0
+ 31 -69 -42 -48 -42 32 c 0
+ -42 79 -16 130 -4 149 c 1
+ 26 117 l 1
+ 17 112 0 91 0 63 c 0
+ 0 32 25 0 109 0 c 2
+ 132 0 l 2
+ 134 0 136 0 140 1 c 1
+ 218 1 297 -8 320 -67 c 1
+ 340 5 l 1
+ 254 78 138 97 88 104 c 1
+ 65 196 l 1
+ 78 191 111 180 145 180 c 0
+ 259 180 406 275 406 336 c 0
+ 406 370 365 376 336 380 c 1
+ 336.598 377.285 336.887 374.519 336.887 371.711 c 0
+ 336.887 313.523 212.686 237.724 144 232 c 0
+ 103 239 84 263 84 286 c 0
+ 84 290 85 293 86 297 c 2
+ 144 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 572 558 l 1
+ 558 508 l 1
+ 194 508 l 1
+ 194 507 194 505 194 504 c 0
+ 194 482 208 435 311 435 c 0
+ 333 439 337 441 354 441 c 0
+ 397 441 444 403 444 337 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_cha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_j_ra
+Encoding: 60658 -1 2235
+Width: 591
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+400 258 m 0
+ 400 156 304 83 222 83 c 0
+ 175 83 138 101 112 137 c 1
+ 106 129 94 107 94 88 c 0
+ 94 49 141 29 213 26 c 0
+ 230 26 246 26 262 25 c 0
+ 266 25 270 25 275 25 c 0
+ 316 25 388 22 414 -41 c 1
+ 426 17 l 1
+ 428 75 l 2
+ 431 195 447 275 515 367 c 1
+ 458 368 336 374 320.25 467.125 c 1
+ 268.003 449.04 206 365.49 206 337 c 0
+ 206 322 215 315 235 315 c 0
+ 281.135 318.219 335.305 358 354 358 c 0
+ 370.975 358 400 313.075 400 258 c 0
+53 61 m 0
+ 53 107 78 154 90 175 c 1
+ 77 207 72 244 72 281 c 0
+ 72 321 78 394 107 467 c 1
+ 123 451 l 2
+ 125 450 127 445 127 437 c 0
+ 127 414 110 379 110 328 c 0
+ 110 249 146 167 234 167 c 0
+ 286 167 368 199 368 249 c 0
+ 368 264 360 275 351 277 c 1
+ 344 275 337 273 328 271 c 2
+ 300 263 l 2
+ 271 255 262 253 252 253 c 0
+ 197 253 168 306 168 354 c 0
+ 168 412 222 462 280 508 c 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 708 558 l 1
+ 694 508 l 1
+ 413 508 l 1
+ 397 496 373 500 373 477 c 0
+ 373 458 384 426 452 426 c 0
+ 475 426 522 431 566 450 c 1
+ 619 373 l 1
+ 519 290 469 186 469 61 c 0
+ 469 37 471 17 472 5 c 1
+ 434 -131 l 1
+ 433.5 -125.125 431.219 -119.177 394 -68 c 0
+ 377.732 -45.631 345 -37 310 -37 c 2
+ 181 -44 l 2
+ 101 -44 53 -4 53 61 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ja bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60659 -1 2236
+Width: 480
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+180 772 m 1
+ 162 756 159 742 159 734 c 0
+ 159 699 219 690 235 690 c 2
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+ 480 699 497 640 497 600 c 0
+ 497 586 495 575 494 568 c 2
+ 491 558 l 1
+ 567 558 l 1
+ 553 508 l 1
+ 222 508 l 1
+ 129 173 l 2
+ 128 169 127 165 127 162 c 0
+ 127 148 137 141 158 137 c 0
+ 190 137 322 224 344 287 c 1
+ 335 285 l 1
+ 327 285 l 2
+ 313 285 277 294 277 327 c 0
+ 277 376 333 409 366 409 c 0
+ 396 409 427 394 427 345 c 0
+ 427 314 408 235 360 196 c 1
+ 269 -134 l 1
+ 254 -118 l 1
+ 244 -79 l 2
+ 229 -57 205 -49 170 -49 c 0
+ 126 -49 106 -55 59 -55 c 0
+ -32 -55 -71 -21 -71 37 c 0
+ -71 93 -42 144 -24 169 c 1
+ -12 148 l 1
+ -19 135 -34 104 -34 78 c 0
+ -34 31 17 16 145 16 c 0
+ 194 16 236 14 252 -44 c 1
+ 305 149 l 1
+ 245 104 202 77 138 74 c 0
+ 94 82 82 131 82 166 c 0
+ 82 177 83 186 85 193 c 2
+ 172 508 l 1
+ 35 508 l 1
+ 49 558 l 1
+ 442 558 l 1
+ 449 580 l 2
+ 451 587 451 589 451 592 c 0
+ 451 620 412 629 364 629 c 0
+ 345 629 327 628 309 626 c 2
+ 254 622 l 2
+ 147 622 128 680 128 714 c 0
+ 128 753 154 784 183 790 c 1
+ 181 781 l 1
+ 181 778 180 775 180 772 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_tta bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_tth_ra
+Encoding: 60660 -1 2237
+Width: 462
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+134 84 m 0
+ 228 84 350 195 350 347 c 0
+ 350 383 342 417 327 445 c 1
+ 324 346 217 222 105 186 c 1
+ 93 171 87 155 87 136 c 0
+ 87 113 96 84 134 84 c 0
+-53 54 m 0
+ -53 16 -30 -10 106 -10 c 0
+ 180 -10 207 -17 219 -52 c 2
+ 226 -69 l 1
+ 270 88 l 1
+ 249 74 193 41 152 41 c 0
+ 120 41 33 65 33 154 c 0
+ 33 197 51 232 62 250 c 1
+ 139 262 256 379 273 437 c 0
+ 280 464 282 481 282 508 c 1
+ 43 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 265 558 l 1
+ 269 571 l 1
+ 247 617 237 670 237 713 c 0
+ 237 808 298 847 324 863 c 1
+ 369 812 l 1
+ 335 798 l 2
+ 283 774 273 724 273 706 c 0
+ 273 682 283 647 309 594 c 2
+ 329 558 l 1
+ 537 558 l 1
+ 523 508 l 1
+ 347 508 l 1
+ 365 478 391 418 391 340 c 0
+ 391 224 346 175 325 141 c 2
+ 242 -159 l 1
+ 229 -143 l 1
+ 218 -105 l 2
+ 202 -80 189 -74 145 -74 c 2
+ 11 -82 l 2
+ -50 -82 -91 -47 -91 13 c 0
+ -91 68 -58 122 -44 142 c 1
+ -31 122 l 1
+ -38 108 -53 81 -53 54 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ttha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_dd_ra
+Encoding: 60661 -1 2238
+Width: 516
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+267 148 m 0
+ 373 148 450 235 450 294 c 0
+ 450 306 447 321 439 338 c 1
+ 413 308 330 238 275 238 c 0
+ 244 238 239 253 231 272 c 2
+ 224 303 l 1
+ 281 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 628 558 l 1
+ 615 508 l 1
+ 330 508 l 1
+ 276 314 l 1
+ 333 320 409 392 435 420 c 1
+ 469 394 485 353 485 306 c 0
+ 485 267 473 199 409 127 c 1
+ 336 -137 l 1
+ 320 -121 l 1
+ 316 -106 308 -54 261 -54 c 2
+ 256 -54 l 2
+ 253 -54 251 -54 248 -53 c 1
+ 222 -53 l 1
+ 100 -60 l 2
+ -9 -60 -37 -11 -37 37 c 0
+ -37 90 -5 141 12 162 c 1
+ 26 142 l 1
+ 20 130 4 103 4 75 c 0
+ 4 21 68 11 157 11 c 2
+ 199 11 l 2
+ 278 11 303 -4 315 -48 c 1
+ 353 88 l 1
+ 317 71 276 62 227 62 c 0
+ 115 62 88 178 88 291 c 0
+ 88 368 101 442 108 478 c 1
+ 133 462 l 1
+ 130 442 124 401 124 356 c 0
+ 124 262 148 148 267 148 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_dda bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_ddh_ra
+Encoding: 60662 -1 2239
+Width: 528
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+28 135 m 1
+ 18 124 4 81 4 64 c 0
+ 4 27 38 3 162 3 c 2
+ 200 3 l 2
+ 213 4 224 4 235 4 c 0
+ 256 4 305 -3 317 -55 c 1
+ 369 130 l 1
+ 329 101 284 81 238 73 c 0
+ 205 73 183 114 173 152 c 1
+ 271 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 639 558 l 1
+ 625 508 l 1
+ 321 508 l 1
+ 228 172 l 2
+ 227 167 226 162 226 157 c 0
+ 226 148 230 139 245 138 c 1
+ 315 156 396 222 422 289 c 1
+ 409 287 412 285 400 285 c 0
+ 389 285 358 294 358 330 c 0
+ 358 373 393 412 446 412 c 0
+ 492 412 503 370 503 336 c 0
+ 503 308 493 254 435 190 c 1
+ 343 -144 l 1
+ 322 -128 l 1
+ 310 -90 l 2
+ 292 -63 264 -61 247 -61 c 0
+ 245 -61 243 -61 242 -61 c 0
+ 174 -61 120 -63 90 -64 c 0
+ -4 -58 -34 -26 -34 24 c 0
+ -34 86 -3 135 14 155 c 1
+ 28 135 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ddha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_t_ra
+Encoding: 60663 -1 2240
+Width: 499
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+303 273 m 0
+ 303 216 241 202 224 201 c 0
+ 172 201 155 221 155 254 c 0
+ 155 394 354 479 423 487 c 1
+ 457 478 486 449 486 420 c 0
+ 486 417 485 413 484 410 c 2
+ 367 -14 l 1
+ 341 10 l 2
+ 339 12 338 16 338 22 c 0
+ 338 28 338 35 338 43 c 0
+ 338 74 326 99 270 99 c 0
+ 206 99 159 85 87 85 c 0
+ 27 85 -7 124 -7 187 c 0
+ -7 276 53 354 83 385 c 1
+ 98 364 l 1
+ 51 325 37 255 37 227 c 0
+ 37 169 80 158 112 158 c 0
+ 166 158 176 166 219 166 c 0
+ 281 166 325 153 351 112 c 1
+ 431 401 l 2
+ 431 410 l 0
+ 431 428 426 428 414 430 c 1
+ 346 415 280 369 246 310 c 1
+ 253 313 261 315 268 315 c 0
+ 296 315 303 292 303 273 c 0
+64 558 m 1
+ 589 558 l 1
+ 575 508 l 1
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 64 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ta bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_t_ra1
+Encoding: 60664 -1 2241
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+246 327 m 0
+ 246 409 333 464 392 464 c 0
+ 511 464 536 377 536 313 c 0
+ 536 277 529 193 435 120 c 1
+ 365 -132 l 1
+ 345 -116 l 1
+ 332 -78 l 2
+ 319 -51 288 -49 271 -49 c 0
+ 268 -49 266 -49 264 -49 c 0
+ 196 -49 143 -51 113 -52 c 0
+ 38 -46 -11 -31 -11 35 c 0
+ -11 74 2 124 36 167 c 1
+ 51 147 l 1
+ 45 142 38 121 35 114 c 2
+ 31 102 l 2
+ 29 93 27 85 27 77 c 0
+ 27 39 63 15 185 15 c 0
+ 198 15 211 15 223 16 c 2
+ 257 16 l 2
+ 278 16 327 9 340 -43 c 1
+ 375 84 l 1
+ 350 74 325 68 297 68 c 0
+ 120 79 103 258 100 432 c 2
+ 98 479 l 1
+ 123 467 l 1
+ 142 376 144 166 310 149 c 0
+ 351 149 499 208 499 325 c 0
+ 499 381 450 397 432 397 c 0
+ 423 397 413 395 404 392 c 1
+ 409 384 411 373 411 363 c 0
+ 411 309 370 262 308 262 c 0
+ 271 262 246 286 246 327 c 0
+83 558 m 1
+ 669 558 l 1
+ 655 508 l 1
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_th_ra
+Encoding: 60665 -1 2242
+Width: 477
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+475 619 m 1
+ 474 601 469 595 469 578 c 0
+ 469 569 471 561 477 558 c 1
+ 564 558 l 1
+ 550 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 306 -70 l 1
+ 291 -54 l 1
+ 280 -16 l 2
+ 275 -6 263 13 225 13 c 0
+ 216 14 207 14 198 14 c 2
+ 81 7 l 2
+ -22 7 -48 56 -48 104 c 0
+ -48 160 -16 209 -1 229 c 1
+ 12 209 l 1
+ -3 183 -10 155 -10 140 c 0
+ -10 88 52 78 136 78 c 2
+ 177 78 l 2
+ 247 78 273 64 284 27 c 1
+ 294 64 l 1
+ 269 150 190 205 96 205 c 2
+ 89 205 l 1
+ 39 309 l 1
+ 41 309 43 309 44 308 c 1
+ 58 308 l 2
+ 162 308 307 390 307 463 c 0
+ 307 497 271 506 258 506 c 0
+ 236 502 218 495 207 490 c 2
+ 181 476 l 2
+ 173 471 167 466 160 461 c 1
+ 172 450 175 439 175 430 c 0
+ 175 400 143 358 95 358 c 0
+ 64 358 47 378 47 406 c 0
+ 47 498 176 558 260 558 c 0
+ 304 558 352 518 352 458 c 0
+ 352 381 281 307 183 259 c 1
+ 218 243 278 189 309 117 c 1
+ 457 651 l 1
+ 475 619 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_tha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_d_ra
+Encoding: 60666 -1 2243
+Width: 478
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+20 198 m 1
+ 17 190 8 181 8 157 c 0
+ 8 119 40 96 91 96 c 2
+ 215 106 l 1
+ 232 105 l 2
+ 253 100 309 86 327 47 c 1
+ 326 61 325 75 325 89 c 0
+ 325 199 373 297 400 347 c 1
+ 311 320 217 251 149 159 c 1
+ 100 233 l 1
+ 176 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 611 558 l 1
+ 597 508 l 1
+ 230 508 l 1
+ 172 297 l 1
+ 236 341 l 2
+ 274 368 356 424 437 447 c 1
+ 505 383 l 1
+ 460 314 l 2
+ 377 187 358 112 358 59 c 0
+ 358 33 363 9 373 -13 c 1
+ 351 -12 l 2
+ 311 1 310 40 241 40 c 0
+ 206 40 111 21 76 21 c 0
+ 31 21 -28 37 -28 118 c 0
+ -28 136 -25 159 -17 185 c 2
+ -11 209 l 2
+ -10 212 -9 214 -7 217 c 1
+ 20 198 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_da bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_dh_ra
+Encoding: 60667 -1 2244
+Width: 449
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+369 401 m 1
+ 287 370 226 336 158 286 c 1
+ 193 265 267 217 293 129 c 1
+ 369 401 l 1
+197 497 m 1
+ 187 492 181 469 181 462 c 0
+ 181 446 190 417 232 417 c 0
+ 240 417 245 418 249 419 c 2
+ 394 492 l 1
+ 412 558 l 1
+ 546 558 l 1
+ 532 508 l 1
+ 448 508 l 1
+ 288 -70 l 1
+ 275 -54 l 1
+ 265 -17 l 2
+ 255 2 241 12 220 12 c 2
+ 123 12 l 2
+ 115 11 108 11 100 10 c 0
+ 93 10 87 10 82 9 c 2
+ 71 9 l 2
+ -12 9 -36 53 -36 99 c 0
+ -36 153 -5 203 10 226 c 1
+ 23 206 l 1
+ 15 195 0 165 0 137 c 0
+ 0 86 56 76 138 76 c 2
+ 171 76 l 2
+ 181 76 191 76 201 75 c 0
+ 216 75 263 69 266 31 c 1
+ 281 83 l 1
+ 238 164 190 214 91 222 c 1
+ 54 301 l 1
+ 206 395 l 1
+ 198 395 l 2
+ 149 395 124 421 124 460 c 0
+ 124 517 169 564 240 564 c 0
+ 264 564 279 551 279 529 c 0
+ 279 506 267 485 221 485 c 0
+ 210 485 202 493 197 497 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_dha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_n_ra
+Encoding: 60668 -1 2245
+Width: 511
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 229 m 1
+ 35 222 20 175 20 160 c 0
+ 20 120 59 97 178 97 c 0
+ 191 97 204 97 217 98 c 2
+ 250 98 l 2
+ 310 98 328 59 333 39 c 1
+ 371 173 l 1
+ 361 300 290 328 251 335 c 1
+ 246 326 l 1
+ 254 314 258 301 258 286 c 0
+ 258 234 221 194 159 194 c 0
+ 109 194 95 224 95 255 c 0
+ 95 293 130 404 267 404 c 0
+ 334 404 377 319 389 241 c 1
+ 463 508 l 1
+ 58 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 613 558 l 1
+ 599 508 l 1
+ 513 508 l 1
+ 359 -50 l 1
+ 337 -34 l 1
+ 326 4 l 2
+ 312 31 282 33 264 33 c 0
+ 258 33 l 0
+ 229 33 163 33 105 30 c 0
+ 33 36 -18 51 -18 117 c 0
+ -18 156 -5 206 30 249 c 1
+ 44 229 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_na bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_n_ra1
+Encoding: 60669 -1 2246
+Width: 510
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+375 378 m 1
+ 425 391 447 435 447 469 c 0
+ 447 486 441 508 416 508 c 2
+ 38 508 l 1
+ 51 558 l 1
+ 613 558 l 1
+ 600 508 l 1
+ 485 508 l 1
+ 489 495 496 472 496 447 c 0
+ 496 413 482 382 457 357 c 1
+ 366 28 l 1
+ 345 44 l 1
+ 332 82 l 2
+ 321 109 288 111 271 111 c 0
+ 268 111 266 111 265 111 c 0
+ 197 111 143 109 113 108 c 0
+ 36 115 -11 134 -11 197 c 0
+ -11 243 6 286 36 327 c 1
+ 51 307 l 1
+ 50 306 48 303 46 299 c 2
+ 40 287 l 2
+ 35 268 28 259 28 238 c 0
+ 28 198 66 175 186 175 c 0
+ 199 175 211 175 224 176 c 2
+ 258 176 l 2
+ 280 176 328 169 340 117 c 1
+ 398 327 l 1
+ 394 326 389 326 384 326 c 0
+ 318 326 322 403 251 415 c 1
+ 248 411 l 1
+ 253 402 256 394 256 385 c 0
+ 256 356 214 308 179 308 c 0
+ 141 308 130 331 130 356 c 0
+ 130 377 147 462 244 462 c 0
+ 296 462 342 425 357 406 c 2
+ 370 389 l 2
+ 373 384 374 380 375 378 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_p_ra
+Encoding: 60670 -1 2247
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+364 460 m 1
+ 359 482 316 496 299 496 c 0
+ 235 496 196 468 168 432 c 1
+ 207 432 218 404 218 377 c 0
+ 218 365 216 353 213 343 c 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+63 398 m 0
+ 63 429 165 550 296 550 c 0
+ 443 550 442 394 448 351 c 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 514 624 l 1
+ 529 613 l 1
+ 528 605 527 598 527 592 c 0
+ 527 581 529 574 532 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 623 558 l 1
+ 609 508 l 1
+ 530 508 l 1
+ 374 -56 l 1
+ 358 -40 l 1
+ 346 -2 l 2
+ 340 8 328 27 288 27 c 0
+ 279 28 270 28 260 28 c 2
+ 138 21 l 2
+ 29 21 2 70 2 118 c 0
+ 2 171 32 220 50 243 c 1
+ 64 223 l 1
+ 58 211 42 185 42 157 c 0
+ 42 107 97 93 169 93 c 2
+ 247 93 l 2
+ 249 93 250 93 252 93 c 0
+ 279 93 334 91 352 39 c 1
+ 423 294 l 2
+ 423 296 l 0
+ 423 325 421 381 391 407 c 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 109 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 180 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 149 387 140 379 93 368 c 0
+ 81 368 63 379 63 398 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_pa bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_ph_ra
+Encoding: 60671 -1 2248
+Width: 616
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+31 197 m 1
+ 17 178 9 159 9 138 c 0
+ 9 109 27 80 88 80 c 2
+ 195 87 l 2
+ 247 87 304 58 314 16 c 1
+ 330 72 l 1
+ 302 152 238 206 152 206 c 2
+ 148 206 l 1
+ 113 289 l 1
+ 140 313 168 335 198 355 c 2
+ 289 415 l 1
+ 270 436 252 451 221 451 c 0
+ 149 451 209 473 102 508 c 2
+ 73 508 l 1
+ 87 558 l 1
+ 757 558 l 1
+ 743 508 l 1
+ 268 508 l 1
+ 314 469 349 402 363 373 c 1
+ 212 270 l 1
+ 277 234 319 196 344 122 c 1
+ 441 471 l 1
+ 468 473 l 2
+ 592 473 627 416 627 357 c 0
+ 627 278 577 220 512 220 c 0
+ 475 220 470 249 470 268 c 0
+ 470 316 525 327 537 328 c 1
+ 579 307 l 1
+ 581 307 589 323 589 346 c 0
+ 589 394 545 403 514 403 c 0
+ 497 403 485 403 469 392 c 1
+ 341 -67 l 1
+ 328 -57 l 2
+ 299 -17 298 18 209 18 c 2
+ 98 10 l 2
+ 16 10 -33 29 -33 97 c 0
+ -33 155 -3 212 9 233 c 1
+ 31 197 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_pha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_b_ra
+Encoding: 60672 -1 2249
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+362 394 m 1
+ 273 369 188 322 141 294 c 1
+ 208 262 258 212 289 131 c 1
+ 362 394 l 1
+23 209 m 1
+ 16 197 2 166 2 141 c 0
+ 2 102 35 78 132 78 c 0
+ 140 78 150 78 161 78 c 0
+ 203 78 258 74 261 33 c 1
+ 274 78 l 1
+ 256 160 177 224 82 230 c 1
+ 43 321 l 1
+ 113 362 238 432 384 474 c 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 549 558 l 1
+ 535 508 l 1
+ 442 508 l 1
+ 282 -70 l 1
+ 269 -54 l 1
+ 260 -16 l 2
+ 255 -7 245 11 210 14 c 2
+ 186 14 l 1
+ 80 8 l 2
+ 32 8 -35 23 -35 99 c 0
+ -35 154 -4 205 12 229 c 1
+ 23 209 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ba bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_bh_ra
+Encoding: 60673 -1 2250
+Width: 523
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+299 418 m 0
+ 299 396 287 372 268 355 c 1
+ 270 354 l 1
+ 297 354 391 424 410 453 c 0
+ 412 455 413 456 416 456 c 0
+ 431 456 473 418 473 385 c 0
+ 473 382 l 2
+ 366 -5 l 1
+ 348 14 l 2
+ 320 47 363 99 277 99 c 2
+ 136 91 l 2
+ 72 91 -8 116 -8 207 c 0
+ -8 272 31 337 53 361 c 1
+ 70 349 l 1
+ 60 335 39 299 39 258 c 0
+ 39 209 75 174 174 174 c 2
+ 225 174 l 2
+ 311 174 339 140 352 119 c 1
+ 419 359 l 1
+ 331 305 309 284 234 277 c 0
+ 215 277 149 293 149 350 c 0
+ 149 395 190 465 252 465 c 0
+ 279 465 299 447 299 418 c 0
+58 558 m 1
+ 617 558 l 1
+ 603 508 l 1
+ 44 508 l 1
+ 58 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_bha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_bh_ra1
+Encoding: 60674 -1 2251
+Width: 534
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+30 156 m 1
+ 21 147 7 103 7 87 c 0
+ 7 47 45 24 165 24 c 2
+ 202 24 l 2
+ 215 25 226 25 237 25 c 0
+ 259 25 307 18 319 -34 c 1
+ 354 92 l 1
+ 327 82 299 76 270 76 c 0
+ 156 86 88 167 82 370 c 2
+ 79 461 l 1
+ 108 451 l 1
+ 121 173 241 156 306 156 c 0
+ 395 156 484 257 484 329 c 0
+ 484 346 479 361 469 374 c 1
+ 447 345 380 279 285 279 c 0
+ 238 279 203 307 203 354 c 0
+ 203 413 247 460 315 460 c 0
+ 335 460 356 443 356 415 c 0
+ 356 390 341 365 322 353 c 1
+ 345 357 l 2
+ 392 379 433 411 461 454 c 1
+ 485 439 529 401 529 331 c 0
+ 529 253 480 171 413 124 c 1
+ 345 -123 l 1
+ 324 -107 l 1
+ 312 -69 l 2
+ 298 -42 266 -40 249 -40 c 0
+ 247 -40 245 -40 244 -40 c 0
+ 216 -40 150 -40 92 -43 c 0
+ 2 -38 -32 -7 -32 46 c 0
+ -32 92 -15 135 15 176 c 1
+ 30 156 l 1
+79 558 m 1
+ 640 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 66 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_m_ra
+Encoding: 60675 -1 2252
+Width: 526
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 508 m 1
+ 290 464 330 402 330 332 c 0
+ 330 315 328 298 323 280 c 2
+ 318 264 l 1
+ 317 262 316 260 316 259 c 1
+ 342 223 365 182 373 159 c 1
+ 470 508 l 1
+ 237 508 l 1
+113 205 m 0
+ 113 297 215 320 242 320 c 0
+ 257 320 267 317 277 310 c 1
+ 281 324 283 337 283 348 c 0
+ 283 452 125 425 125 497 c 0
+ 125 501 125 504 126 508 c 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 625 558 l 1
+ 611 508 l 1
+ 518 508 l 1
+ 362 -55 l 1
+ 362 -44 347 -46 343 -37 c 2
+ 321 8 l 2
+ 312 22 290 39 230 39 c 0
+ 178 39 164 33 119 33 c 0
+ 15 33 -20 72 -20 129 c 0
+ -20 178 3 227 18 251 c 1
+ 48 219 l 1
+ 39 214 22 191 22 160 c 0
+ 22 114 72 102 143 102 c 0
+ 152 102 161 102 169 103 c 2
+ 191 103 l 2
+ 288 103 329 67 341 42 c 1
+ 356 97 l 1
+ 351 147 300 185 276 198 c 1
+ 256 172 210 149 178 149 c 0
+ 128 149 113 176 113 205 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ma bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_y_ra
+Encoding: 60676 -1 2253
+Width: 523
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+283 508 m 1
+ 325 477 356 444 380 393 c 1
+ 339 362 l 2
+ 328 353 315 344 303 335 c 2
+ 266 306 l 2
+ 253 296 240 285 226 272 c 1
+ 303 251 351 166 369 126 c 1
+ 475 508 l 1
+ 283 508 l 1
+49 201 m 1
+ 40 196 22 174 22 144 c 0
+ 22 95 85 85 127 85 c 2
+ 203 85 l 2
+ 235 85 323 73 341 26 c 1
+ 355 75 l 1
+ 320 146 278 209 193 209 c 0
+ 190 209 186 209 181 208 c 0
+ 178 208 174 208 170 207 c 1
+ 125 291 l 1
+ 185 344 257 384 312 421 c 1
+ 273 447 l 2
+ 244 461 166 464 151 508 c 1
+ 59 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 625 558 l 1
+ 612 508 l 1
+ 525 508 l 1
+ 364 -73 l 1
+ 364 -60 349 -66 344 -55 c 0
+ 335 -8 299 23 207 23 c 0
+ 156 23 139 19 91 19 c 2
+ 70 19 l 2
+ 13 23 -18 61 -18 117 c 0
+ -18 169 6 212 19 233 c 1
+ 49 201 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ya bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_sh_ra
+Encoding: 60677 -1 2254
+Width: 507
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+60 329 m 0
+ 60 396 149 437 176 448 c 1
+ 170 468 l 2
+ 162 490 146 507 123 507 c 2
+ 58 507 l 1
+ 22 557 l 1
+ 125 557 l 2
+ 197 557 210 486 212 464 c 1
+ 233 491 258 530 337 554 c 2
+ 362 559 l 1
+ 375 556 398 538 415 491 c 2
+ 428 455 l 2
+ 432 444 436 432 439 421 c 2
+ 446 391 l 1
+ 466 530 l 1
+ 498 647 l 1
+ 502 643 507 638 510 633 c 2
+ 521 614 l 2
+ 522.8 610.7 523.43 607.13 523.43 603.533 c 0
+ 523.43 595.14 520 586.6 520 581 c 0
+ 520 568 534 562 547 558 c 2
+ 614 558 l 1
+ 600 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 358 -54 l 1
+ 342 -38 l 1
+ 330 0 l 2
+ 319 19 302 29 278 29 c 2
+ 194 29 l 2
+ 185 29 177 29 168 28 c 0
+ 159 28 151 28 142 27 c 0
+ 135 27 128 27 122 26 c 2
+ 110 26 l 2
+ 10 26 -15 72 -15 118 c 0
+ -15 172 16 223 34 245 c 1
+ 48 225 l 1
+ 42 212 26 187 26 160 c 0
+ 26 108 87 94 179 94 c 2
+ 221 94 l 2
+ 292 94 325 82 331 44 c 1
+ 418 359 l 2
+ 419 362 419 365 419 369 c 0
+ 419 404 391 477 354 477 c 0
+ 314 477 294 446 292 438 c 1
+ 331 406 341 376 341 354 c 0
+ 341 308 293 277 259 277 c 0
+ 244 277 208 286 197 327 c 1
+ 173 285 114 278 100 277 c 0
+ 73 277 60 302 60 329 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_sha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_ss_ra
+Encoding: 60678 -1 2255
+Width: 538
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+293 508 m 1
+ 318 487 l 2
+ 363 449 375 426 381 411 c 2
+ 395 396 l 1
+ 410 376 l 2
+ 422 363 434 351 443 349 c 1
+ 487 508 l 1
+ 293 508 l 1
+426 288 m 1
+ 410 318 381 352 366 365 c 1
+ 324 344 289 313 273 299 c 2
+ 243 275 l 1
+ 306 240 348 196 382 130 c 1
+ 426 288 l 1
+64 215 m 1
+ 46 209 36 161 36 153 c 0
+ 36 111 95 100 114 100 c 2
+ 182 100 l 2
+ 257 100 329 91 357 38 c 1
+ 366 70 l 1
+ 361 112 288 211 195 211 c 2
+ 184 210 l 1
+ 140 298 l 1
+ 279 395 l 2
+ 295 406 311 416 328 425 c 1
+ 310 440 288 441 261 441 c 2
+ 235 441 l 2
+ 165 441 177 466 161 508 c 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 641 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 536 508 l 1
+ 378 -59 l 1
+ 376 -48 363 -49 359 -41 c 2
+ 338 4 l 2
+ 327 16 300 39 265 39 c 0
+ 238 36 180 31 121 31 c 0
+ 24 31 -2 77 -2 127 c 0
+ -2 175 21 224 34 247 c 1
+ 64 215 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ssa bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_s_ra
+Encoding: 60679 -1 2256
+Width: 523
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+276 380 m 1
+ 303 392 330 416 353 416 c 1
+ 378 416 412 375.6 420 344 c 1
+ 465 508 l 1
+ 249 508 l 1
+ 273 492 287 462 287 430 c 0
+ 287 408 280 390 276 380 c 1
+36 190 m 1
+ 18 184 8 135 8 128 c 0
+ 8 86 65 75 85 75 c 2
+ 150 75 l 2
+ 227 75 296 66 328 14 c 1
+ 399 268 l 2
+ 399 271 l 0
+ 399 304 383 341 358 341 c 0
+ 294 341 212 182 140 179 c 1
+ 67.852 179 66.3181 248.901 55 288 c 1
+ 97 320 l 1
+ 97 317 l 0
+ 97 287 105 255 127 253 c 1
+ 167.102 253 220.575 329.124 245 353 c 1
+ 247 367 249 383 249 397 c 0
+ 249 433 237 464 178 464 c 0
+ 129.705 464 112.775 471.268 99 508 c 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 630 558 l 1
+ 616 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 350 -84 l 1
+ 347 -72 335 -76 331 -66 c 2
+ 309 -21 l 2
+ 299 -9 271 14 236 14 c 0
+ 178 7 119 6 93 6 c 0
+ 20 6 -31 30 -31 99 c 0
+ -31 148 -7 203 6 222 c 1
+ 36 190 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_sa bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_s_ra1
+Encoding: 60680 -1 2257
+Width: 489
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+256 181 m 0
+ 278 181 326 174 339 122 c 1
+ 399 340 l 1
+ 394 340 l 2
+ 330 340 288 395 288 443 c 0
+ 288 449 288 454 290 460 c 1
+ 231 382 183 328 149 328 c 1
+ 126.941 328 89 365.915 89 403 c 1
+ 106 427 l 1
+ 114.075 421.617 136.026 398 144 398 c 0
+ 169 398 231 458 240 492 c 0
+ 240.941 495.136 241.488 497.878 241.488 500.165 c 0
+ 241.488 505.173 238.864 508 232 508 c 2
+ 43 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 579 558 l 1
+ 565 508 l 1
+ 508 508 l 1
+ 511 499 516 481 516 459 c 0
+ 516 398 473 373 457 363 c 1
+ 365 33 l 1
+ 344 49 l 1
+ 331 87 l 2
+ 321 112 293 116 263 116 c 0
+ 195 116 142 114 111 113 c 0
+ 34 120 -12 139 -12 202 c 0
+ -12 248 4 291 35 332 c 1
+ 50 312 l 1
+ 37.0384 305.519 26 259.738 26 243 c 0
+ 26 181.474 133.754 181 256 181 c 0
+393 408 m 0
+ 409 409 472 421 472 471 c 0
+ 472 492 460 508 449 508 c 2
+ 329 508 l 1
+ 328 503 327 495 327 487 c 0
+ 327 457 337 412 393 408 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_h_ra
+Encoding: 60681 -1 2258
+Width: 419
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+419 353 m 0
+ 419 284 363 214 232 169 c 1
+ 242 134 295 157 400 -16 c 1
+ 400 -84 l 1
+ 378 -48 l 1
+ 346 -164 l 1
+ 344 -153 331 -154 327 -146 c 2
+ 305 -101 l 2
+ 295 -89 267 -66 232 -66 c 0
+ 205 -69 148 -74 89 -74 c 0
+ 16 -74 -36 -50 -36 19 c 0
+ -36 71 -10 121 2 142 c 1
+ 32 110 l 1
+ 12 104 4 56 4 51 c 0
+ 4 16 49 -6 83 -6 c 2
+ 146 -6 l 2
+ 227 -6 301 -15 326 -74 c 1
+ 344 -8 l 1
+ 299 38 197 130 69 151 c 1
+ 52 286 l 1
+ 95 246 157 239 189 239 c 0
+ 267 239 377 292 377 351 c 0
+ 377 374 366 410 309 410 c 0
+ 301 410 293 409 284 407 c 1
+ 271 366 218 316 162 313 c 0
+ 134 313 117 328 117 354 c 0
+ 117 422 222 462 259 468 c 1
+ 260 469 262 470 262 472 c 1
+ 261 492 240 505 230 508 c 2
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 549 558 l 1
+ 535 508 l 1
+ 301 508 l 1
+ 301.602 501.975 302 495.948 302 489 c 0
+ 302 480.709 303.762 475.769 307 472.568 c 1
+ 370 463 419 423.73 419 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_asamir_ra
+Encoding: 60682 -1 2259
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+453 394 m 1
+ 408 380 368 363 346 354 c 1
+ 389 328 397 316 406 303 c 2
+ 422 281 l 1
+ 453 394 l 1
+404 217 m 1
+ 377 276 328 313 298 330 c 1
+ 233 294 l 1
+ 304 260 354 207 380 131 c 1
+ 404 217 l 1
+58 198 m 1
+ 42 195 30 148 30 139 c 0
+ 30 103 75 82 109 82 c 2
+ 172 82 l 2
+ 318 82 338 47 349 18 c 1
+ 365 74 l 1
+ 349 164 262 225 174 230 c 1
+ 135 321 l 1
+ 208 364 330 432 476 474 c 1
+ 485 508 l 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 641 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 534 508 l 1
+ 372 -76 l 1
+ 371 -63 357 -68 353 -58 c 2
+ 332 -13 l 2
+ 321 -1 293 22 258 22 c 0
+ 230 19 175 14 115 14 c 0
+ 61 14 -8 36 -8 114 c 0
+ -8 160 16 211 28 230 c 1
+ 58 198 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_asamib_ra
+Encoding: 60683 -1 2260
+Width: 527
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+313 3 m 0
+ 313 -17 308 -34 304 -34 c 1
+ 303 14 244 103 131 113 c 0
+ 127.944 113 126.639 114.751 126.639 118.252 c 0
+ 126.639 131.357 159.05 169 181 169 c 1
+ 247 135 313 75 313 3 c 0
+462 394 m 1
+ 373 369 288 322 241 294 c 1
+ 308 262 358 212 389 131 c 1
+ 462 394 l 1
+44 76 m 1
+ 25 64 12 27 12 14 c 0
+ 12 -12 37 -38 123 -38 c 0
+ 132 -38 141 -38 149 -38 c 0
+ 238 -38 304.5 -43.5 328 -90 c 1
+ 374 78 l 1
+ 356 160 278 224 182 230 c 1
+ 144 321 l 1
+ 213 362 338 432 484 474 c 1
+ 493 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 649 558 l 1
+ 635 508 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 350 -187 l 1
+ 317 -142 l 2
+ 287 -101 256 -97 233 -97 c 0
+ 154 -97 122 -105 99 -105 c 0
+ 4 -105 -23 -52 -23 0 c 0
+ -23 41 -3 90 7 109 c 1
+ 44 76 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_asamiba bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_k_ss_ra
+Encoding: 60684 -1 2261
+Width: 655
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+378 508 m 2
+ 362 508 358 472 358 464 c 0
+ 358 439 375 423 426 423 c 0
+ 437 423 444 425 450 428 c 1
+ 472 508 l 1
+ 378 508 l 2
+431 361 m 1
+ 375 361 318 404 318 489 c 0
+ 318 495 319 501 319 508 c 1
+ 196 508 l 1
+ 206 459 l 1
+ 244 450 327 410 327 302 c 0
+ 327 291 326 279 324 266 c 1
+ 341 254 365 231 378 168 c 1
+ 431 361 l 1
+163 453 m 1
+ 165 457 167 458 167 465 c 0
+ 167 483 148 502 141 508 c 1
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+ 759 558 l 1
+ 745 508 l 1
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 500 428 l 1
+ 512 431 523 433 534 433 c 0
+ 590 433 645 392 645 330 c 0
+ 645 254 581 223 560 216 c 0
+ 517 216 488 232 488 258 c 0
+ 488 271 502 315 555 315 c 0
+ 565 315 593 311 595 287 c 1
+ 608 304 609 315 609 322 c 0
+ 609 344 591 369 525 369 c 0
+ 517 369 501 369 482 364 c 1
+ 358 -84 l 1
+ 342 -68 l 1
+ 330 -30 l 1
+ 314.444 -2.77778 292.84 0.246914 268.949 0.246914 c 0
+ 262.123 0.246914 255.111 9.93411e-09 248 0 c 0
+ 219 0 147 -4 109 -7 c 1
+ 58 -7 -14 14 -14 90 c 0
+ -14 146 20 196 34 215 c 1
+ 48 195 l 1
+ 42 184 25 155 25 125 c 0
+ 25 78 74 66 194 66 c 0
+ 281 66 323 55 335 12 c 1
+ 361 106 l 1
+ 351 182 318 205 295 214 c 1
+ 282 192 242 166 212 166 c 0
+ 188 166 165 188 165 216 c 0
+ 165 261 225 295 257 295 c 0
+ 262 295 264 295 269 294 c 1
+ 274 300 284 317 284 334 c 0
+ 284 362 266 392 234 392 c 0
+ 226 392 216 388 205 381 c 1
+ 196 348 158 317 133 317 c 0
+ 96.8433 317 82.4356 336.678 82.4356 361.066 c 0
+ 82.4356 400.082 119.31 451.154 163 453 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'vatu' Vattu Variants in Bengali subtable" bn_k_ssa bn_raphala
+StartChar: bn_k_ka
+Encoding: 60685 -1 2262
+Width: 568
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+294 238 m 1
+ 218.484 214.926 188.007 194.596 129 164 c 1
+ 169.746 164 233.986 81.3863 242 52 c 1
+ 294 238 l 1
+337 394 m 1
+ 249 373 167 326 128 304 c 1
+ 147.235 294.382 169.158 279.052 182 263 c 1
+ 314 311 l 1
+ 337 394 l 1
+499 312 m 1
+ 500 317 501 320 501 324 c 0
+ 501 371.98 422.5 396 387 396 c 1
+ 363 307 l 1
+ 398 292 405 275 433 275 c 1
+ 431.389 278.807 430.658 282.679 430.658 286.515 c 0
+ 430.658 308.871 455.515 330 476 330 c 0
+ 482 330 495 327 499 312 c 1
+349 122 m 0
+ 349 158 393 168 406 168 c 0
+ 413 168 432 167 435 147 c 1
+ 437 155 438 163 438 171 c 0
+ 438 205 420 240 344 240 c 1
+ 262 -58 l 1
+ 252 -51 l 1
+ 244 -16 l 2
+ 221 53 166 112 86 117 c 1
+ 48 192 l 1
+ 137 239 l 1
+ 130 249 92 256 80 256 c 1
+ 37 333 l 1
+ 160.782 408.43 232.973 428.026 360 477 c 1
+ 369 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 85 558 l 1
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 660 508 l 1
+ 419 508 l 1
+ 410 476 l 1
+ 479 469 547 396 547 333 c 0
+ 547 313.513 530.405 243 466 243 c 1
+ 463 230 l 1
+ 471 218 474 205 474 190 c 0
+ 474 146 444 84 392 84 c 0
+ 380 85 349 89 349 122 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_ka
+StartChar: bn_k_tta
+Encoding: 60686 -1 2263
+Width: 440
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+92 364 m 1
+ 124 348 146 336 146 294 c 0
+ 146 290 146 286 145 281 c 1
+ 169 304 207 362 226 430 c 1
+ 171 419 139 390 92 364 c 1
+414 603 m 0
+ 414 585 406 566 400 558 c 1
+ 506 558 l 1
+ 492 508 l 1
+ 300 508 l 1
+ 294 485 l 1
+ 338 483 388 449 388 388 c 0
+ 388 361 370 271 298 271 c 0
+ 273 271 256 284 256 304 c 0
+ 256 317 273 369 312 369 c 0
+ 326 369 341 365 341 351 c 0
+ 341 347 340 343 339 341 c 1
+ 343 349 350 363 350 378 c 0
+ 350 414 312 433 279 439 c 1
+ 223 269 63 162 63 85 c 0
+ 63 66 74 59 89 59 c 0
+ 113 59 206 97 235 136 c 1
+ 204 136 182 151 182 177 c 0
+ 182 209 224 255 270 255 c 0
+ 307 255 333 236 333 203 c 0
+ 333 134 234 12 91 12 c 0
+ 27 12 8 50 8 88 c 0
+ 8 132 28 159 61 194 c 2
+ 121 252 l 1
+ 121.875 254.5 122 258 122 261 c 0
+ 122 285.8 92 292 47 292 c 1
+ 36.5 333.5 27.6186 364.736 22 384 c 1
+ 64.2934 410.027 166.806 475.972 244 487 c 1
+ 249 508 l 1
+ 31 508 l 1
+ 45 558 l 1
+ 371 558 l 1
+ 375 563 383 576 383 587 c 0
+ 383 605 359 610 342 610 c 0
+ 316 610 265.739 601 226 601 c 0
+ 124 601 99 634 99 667 c 0
+ 99 702 125 740 140 756 c 1
+ 168 738 l 1
+ 143 729 136 704 136 695 c 0
+ 136 675 160 664 229 664 c 0
+ 270 664 281 666 316 666 c 0
+ 378 666 414 641 414 603 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_k_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60687 -1 2264
+Width: 504
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 281 m 1
+ 260 303 298 359 317 430 c 1
+ 261 419 227 388 184 364 c 1
+ 214.751 348.624 240 329.704 240 301 c 0
+ 240 295 239 288 237 281 c 1
+506 604 m 0
+ 506 580 496 566 492 558 c 1
+ 598 558 l 1
+ 584 508 l 1
+ 392 508 l 1
+ 386 485 l 1
+ 433 483 481 447 481 389 c 0
+ 481 362 462 272 386 272 c 0
+ 362 272 348 284 348 302 c 0
+ 348 327 370 365 404 369 c 0
+ 417 369 433 365 433 351 c 0
+ 433 347 431 343 431 341 c 1
+ 441 361 442 372 442 379 c 0
+ 442 416 405 430 371 439 c 1
+ 335 321 223 197 173 148 c 1
+ 165.759 129.656 154 107.67 154 84 c 0
+ 154 65 164 59 181 59 c 0
+ 206 59 301 98 327 136 c 1
+ 297 136 273 150 273 175 c 0
+ 273 208 311 253 366 253 c 0
+ 404 253 424 230 424 200 c 0
+ 424 156.604 412.648 151.736 375 105 c 1
+ 294 -188 l 1
+ 279 -172 l 1
+ 266 -134 l 2
+ 255 -115 238 -105 214 -105 c 0
+ 158.999 -105 98.5944 -108 46 -108 c 0
+ -9 -108 -78 -94 -78 -18 c 0
+ -78 7 -69 63 -30 111 c 1
+ -16 91 l 1
+ -24 79 -38 50 -38 23 c 0
+ -38 -29 20 -39 151 -39 c 0
+ 224.17 -39 260.657 -58.9699 274 -99 c 1
+ 317 57 l 1
+ 276.806 34.6699 270.155 26.4827 196 13 c 1
+ 120 13 99 48 99 86 c 0
+ 99 155.623 165.35 205.938 213 252 c 1
+ 214 255 214 257 214 260 c 0
+ 214 290.333 169.573 292 139 292 c 1
+ 139 322.658 122.004 356.558 114 384 c 1
+ 181.284 425.406 303.965 482.436 335 487 c 1
+ 341 508 l 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 463 558 l 1
+ 474 569 475 580 475 585 c 0
+ 475 601.97 459.868 610 437 610 c 0
+ 395 610 385 605 312 605 c 0
+ 222 605 189 627 189 664 c 0
+ 189 695 217 745 232 756 c 1
+ 260 738 l 1
+ 233 728 228 703 228 694 c 0
+ 228 670 262 666 358 666 c 2
+ 408 666 l 2
+ 449 666 506 653 506 604 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_k_ta
+Encoding: 60688 -1 2265
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+75 558 m 1
+ 835 558 l 1
+ 821 508 l 1
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+160 312 m 0
+ 160 410 314 486 408 486 c 0
+ 471 486 502 438 502 395 c 0
+ 502 381 498 365 494 359 c 1
+ 519 377 579 408 625 408 c 0
+ 695 408 705 358 705 327 c 0
+ 705 266.717 633.705 194 564 194 c 0
+ 542 194 514 201 514 239 c 0
+ 514 283 536.5 311 579 311 c 0
+ 612 311 620 297 620 283 c 0
+ 620 275 616 256 605 247 c 1
+ 607 246 609 246 610 246 c 0
+ 621 246 655 270 655 310 c 0
+ 655 339 629 357 588 357 c 0
+ 554 357 507.297 331.502 467 300.816 c 1
+ 458.5 287 448.5 275.5 429 255 c 1
+ 442 241 449 220 449 199 c 0
+ 449 98 366 20 253 20 c 0
+ 52 20 63.3333 388 61 442 c 1
+ 90 423 l 1
+ 93 350 121 95 278 95 c 0
+ 358 95 413 154 413 197 c 0
+ 413 208 410 222 396 231 c 1
+ 388 224 370 212 347 212 c 0
+ 317 212 300 226 300 252 c 0
+ 300 298 350 334 384 334 c 0
+ 396 334 406 330 413 323 c 1
+ 440 333 467 368 467 397 c 0
+ 467 421 450 437 420 437 c 0
+ 327 427 288 389 260 365 c 1
+ 273 351 276 340 276 331 c 0
+ 276 316.698 270.862 263 211 263 c 0
+ 178 263 160 282 160 312 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_k_ta1
+Encoding: 60689 -1 2266
+Width: 501
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+463 322 m 1
+ 466 325 468 335 468 342 c 0
+ 468 368 449 416 360 416 c 1
+ 308 226 l 1
+ 313 227 317 227 320 227 c 0
+ 359.36 227 399 202.695 399 137 c 0
+ 399 54 324 -67 203 -67 c 0
+ 58.479 -67 36 174.038 36 267 c 1
+ 75 256 l 1
+ 97 47 183 17 226 17 c 0
+ 293 17 358 80 358 126 c 0
+ 358 149.42 342.5 175 311 175 c 1
+ 315 167 317 159 317 149 c 0
+ 317 101 273 68 240 68 c 0
+ 210 68 193 87 193 114 c 0
+ 193 144 212 179 241 199 c 1
+ 225.558 238.709 211.83 283.506 114 297 c 1
+ 79 362 l 1
+ 131 393 227 451 326 478 c 1
+ 335 508 l 1
+ 57 508 l 1
+ 71 558 l 1
+ 601 558 l 1
+ 587 508 l 1
+ 386 508 l 1
+ 378 479 l 1
+ 437 479 510 436 510 359 c 0
+ 510 266 430 242 408 242 c 0
+ 380 242 363 257 363 282 c 0
+ 363 330 405 342 433 342 c 0
+ 446 342 458 333 463 322 c 1
+309 415 m 1
+ 247 397 190 365 164 349 c 1
+ 212.657 321.63 246.942 283.77 260 239 c 1
+ 309 415 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_k_t_ba
+Encoding: 60690 -1 2267
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+281 -67 m 1
+ 298 -7 l 1
+ 276.105 -7 248.904 -8.072 201 -44 c 1
+ 245.421 -44 261.377 -46.1508 281 -67 c 1
+97 558 m 1
+ 857 558 l 1
+ 843 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+632 246 m 0
+ 643 246 677 270 677 310 c 0
+ 677 339 651 357 610 357 c 0
+ 545 357 525 332 479.764 290 c 1
+ 475.344 283.254 466.906 272.906 450 256 c 1
+ 464 241 472 223 472 204 c 0
+ 472 146.755 448.568 71.6293 352 35 c 1
+ 303 -140 l 1
+ 261.862 -107.09 262.179 -84.5232 160 -79 c 1
+ 135 -34 l 1
+ 203.733 11.301 194.453 5.14453 237 25 c 1
+ 168.582 40.5496 131.442 112.301 110.9 195 c 0
+ 88.9983 283.169 85.9624 383.783 84 442 c 1
+ 112 423 l 1
+ 117 272 174 95 300 95 c 0
+ 380 95 436 154 436 197 c 0
+ 436 208 432 222 418 231 c 1
+ 405 219 387 212 372 212 c 0
+ 361 212 323 220 323 256 c 0
+ 323 303 374 334 407 334 c 0
+ 419 334 429 330 436 323 c 1
+ 462 333 489 368 489 397 c 0
+ 489 421 472 437 442 437 c 0
+ 372 437 321 411 282 365 c 1
+ 293 356 297 343 297 328 c 0
+ 297 273 258 263 233 263 c 0
+ 200 263 182 282 182 312 c 0
+ 182 410 336 486 430 486 c 0
+ 493 486 524 438 524 395 c 0
+ 524 381 520 365 517 359 c 1
+ 537.234 369.895 582.146 406 647 406 c 0
+ 700 406 728 375 728 331 c 0
+ 728 254 644 193 587 193 c 0
+ 565 193 535 211 535 240 c 0
+ 535 256 546 304 601 311 c 0
+ 634 311 642 297 642 283 c 0
+ 642 275 638 256 628 247 c 1
+ 629.174 246.261 631 246 632 246 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_k_ta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_k_t_ba1
+Encoding: 60691 -1 2268
+Width: 498
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 -141 m 1
+ 254 -81 l 1
+ 207.842 -81 187.152 -95.7488 156 -118 c 1
+ 196.382 -118 219.477 -123.477 237 -141 c 1
+479 322 m 1
+ 482 325 484 335 484 342 c 0
+ 484 368 465 416 377 416 c 1
+ 324 226 l 1
+ 329 227 333 227 336 227 c 0
+ 375.276 227 416 202.635 416 137 c 0
+ 416 79 372 -8 306 -45 c 1
+ 259 -213 l 1
+ 206.568 -176.297 174.037 -152 116 -152 c 1
+ 90 -107 l 1
+ 117 -87 145 -71 173 -58 c 1
+ 63.5172 -9.9094 52 199.993 52 267 c 1
+ 91 256 l 1
+ 120 38 197 17 242 17 c 0
+ 310 17 375 80 375 126 c 0
+ 375 146 367 175 333 175 c 2
+ 328 175 l 1
+ 332 167 334 159 334 149 c 0
+ 334 101 289 68 256 68 c 0
+ 226 68 210 87 210 114 c 0
+ 210 144 229 179 257 199 c 1
+ 241.595 238.612 227.763 283.498 131 297 c 1
+ 96 362 l 1
+ 147 393 243 451 343 478 c 1
+ 351 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+ 617 558 l 1
+ 603 508 l 1
+ 402 508 l 1
+ 394 479 l 1
+ 453 479 526 436 526 359 c 0
+ 526 266 446 242 424 242 c 0
+ 396 242 379 258 379 283 c 0
+ 379 330 422 342 449 342 c 0
+ 462 342 475 333 479 322 c 1
+325 415 m 1
+ 267 398 210 368 180 349 c 1
+ 224.917 323.734 249.951 321.259 276 239 c 1
+ 325 415 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_k_t_ra
+Encoding: 60692 -1 2269
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+103 558 m 1
+ 863 558 l 1
+ 849 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+26 93 m 1
+ 8 68 4 38 4 25 c 0
+ 4 -27 59 -37 193 -37 c 0
+ 208.5 -37 226.5 -39 242 -39 c 0
+ 293 -39 310 -79 316 -97 c 1
+ 352 33 l 1
+ 326 23 309 20 282 20 c 0
+ 95.5251 20 92.088 326.117 90 442 c 1
+ 119 423 l 1
+ 121 350 150 95 307 95 c 0
+ 387 95 442 154 442 197 c 0
+ 442 208 439 222 424 231 c 1
+ 417 224 403 214 375 212 c 0
+ 346 212 329 226 329 252 c 0
+ 329 285 362 334 405 334 c 0
+ 430.08 334 436 328 442 323 c 1
+ 469 333 496 368 496 398 c 0
+ 496 422 479 437 449 437 c 0
+ 368 437 316 389 289 365 c 1
+ 301 354 304 341 304 329 c 0
+ 304 300 291 263 239 263 c 0
+ 207 263 188 282 188 312 c 0
+ 188 410 342 486 436 486 c 0
+ 513 486 532 421 532 393 c 0
+ 532 384.5 526.692 364.538 523 359 c 1
+ 547.91 372.413 590.317 406 653 406 c 0
+ 706 406 734 375 734 331 c 0
+ 734 247 643 193 597 193 c 0
+ 568.048 193 542 210.365 542 248 c 1
+ 556 298 583 308 608 311 c 0
+ 640 311 648 297 648 283 c 0
+ 648 275 644 256 634 247 c 1
+ 636.273 246.273 637.818 246 640 246 c 0
+ 649 246 683 270 683 310 c 0
+ 683 339 657 357 616 357 c 0
+ 558 357 519 321 495.333 300.958 c 1
+ 485 282.333 478.667 274 460 253 c 1
+ 474 238 478 223 478 204 c 0
+ 478 149 447 77 402 54 c 1
+ 336 -186 l 1
+ 319.751 -174.916 314.066 -153.267 308 -132 c 1
+ 297 -113 280 -103 256 -103 c 0
+ 235.098 -103 104.8 -106 88 -106 c 0
+ 34 -106 -36 -92 -36 -16 c 0
+ -36 42 -5 92 12 113 c 1
+ 26 93 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_t_ra
+StartChar: bn_k_t_ra1
+Encoding: 60693 -1 2270
+Width: 468
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+441 322 m 1
+ 444 325 447 339 447 349 c 0
+ 447 404 363 416 338 416 c 1
+ 283 217 l 1
+ 293 216 296 215 301 215 c 0
+ 314 211 337 187 337 167 c 0
+ 337 165 337 163 336 161 c 2
+ 252 -144 l 1
+ 231 -131 l 1
+ 221 -87 199 -77 166 -77 c 0
+ 150 -77 88 -87 74 -87 c 0
+ -13 -80 -30 -29 -30 9 c 0
+ -30 33 -22 75 18 120 c 1
+ 37 100 l 1
+ 26.6997 78.6637 11 60.2792 11 28 c 0
+ 11 -3 37 -14 77 -14 c 0
+ 86.0184 -14 145.001 -10 169 -10 c 0
+ 199.949 -10 214.817 -25.2959 230 -46 c 1
+ 278 129 l 2
+ 280 134 280 139 280 145 c 0
+ 280 157 277 169 269 169 c 0
+ 230 169 188 133 179 106 c 1
+ 182 107 189 109 195 109 c 0
+ 219 109 223 93 223 82 c 0
+ 223 60 195 14 149 14 c 0
+ 115 14 96 35 96 64 c 0
+ 96 92 130 166 216 204 c 1
+ 188 267 159 288 92 297 c 1
+ 57 362 l 1
+ 111 395 205 452 304 478 c 1
+ 312 508 l 1
+ 73 508 l 1
+ 87 558 l 1
+ 577 558 l 1
+ 563 508 l 1
+ 363 508 l 1
+ 355 479 l 1
+ 419 479 487 432 487 358 c 0
+ 487 291 432 242 385 242 c 0
+ 358 242 340 259 340 284 c 0
+ 340 320 371 342 410 342 c 0
+ 418 342 433 338 441 322 c 1
+287 415 m 1
+ 225 398 168 365 141 349 c 1
+ 187.916 322.61 208.019 323.491 238 239 c 1
+ 287 415 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_k_t_ra2
+Encoding: 60694 -1 2271
+Width: 495
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+25 5 m 1
+ 15 1 0 -31 0 -54 c 0
+ 0 -99 55 -109 70 -111 c 2
+ 132 -111 l 2
+ 163 -111 240 -111 261 -179 c 1
+ 296 -53 l 1
+ 275 -62 252 -67 226 -67 c 0
+ 83 -67 58 170 58 260 c 0
+ 58 263 58 265 58 267 c 1
+ 97 256 l 1
+ 126 39 203 17 248 17 c 0
+ 316 17 381 80 381 126 c 0
+ 381 146 373 175 339 175 c 2
+ 334 175 l 1
+ 338 167 340 159 340 149 c 0
+ 340 130 323 68 262 68 c 0
+ 232 68 216 88 216 114 c 0
+ 216 143 234 179 264 199 c 1
+ 256 217 l 2
+ 244 242 223 285 137 297 c 1
+ 103 362 l 1
+ 156 394 250 451 349 478 c 1
+ 357 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 628 558 l 1
+ 614 508 l 1
+ 408 508 l 1
+ 400 479 l 1
+ 465 479 533 431 533 358 c 0
+ 533 285 473 242 430 242 c 0
+ 402 242 385 258 385 283 c 0
+ 385 330 428 342 455 342 c 0
+ 472 342 484 329 487 322 c 1
+ 489 325 491 334 491 341 c 0
+ 491 367 472 416 383 416 c 1
+ 330 226 l 1
+ 335 227 339 227 342 227 c 0
+ 347 227 351 227 356 226 c 0
+ 384 226 422 194 422 137 c 0
+ 422 73 377 10 354 -13 c 1
+ 280 -279 l 1
+ 271 -271 l 2
+ 268 -268 261 -260 259 -251 c 2
+ 242 -206 l 2
+ 232 -192 221 -184 207 -178 c 2
+ 192 -172 l 1
+ 176 -172 l 2
+ 136 -179 100 -180 82 -180 c 0
+ 10 -180 -37 -161 -37 -93 c 0
+ -37 -41 -14 11 1 37 c 1
+ 25 5 l 1
+331 415 m 1
+ 269 397 217 367 186 349 c 1
+ 236 320 258 316 283 239 c 1
+ 331 415 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_k_na
+Encoding: 60695 -1 2272
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+345 401 m 1
+ 300 387 256 371 139 301 c 1
+ 175 282 241 255 273 139 c 1
+ 345 401 l 1
+388 225 m 0
+ 388 265 434 292 464 292 c 0
+ 489 290 495 283 499 277 c 2
+ 505 267 l 1
+ 511 276 l 1
+ 513 286 515 296 515 305 c 0
+ 515 365 460 403 408 403 c 2
+ 395 402 l 1
+ 256 -97 l 1
+ 242 -78 239 -82 236 -78 c 0
+ 205 32 180 37 153 41 c 0
+ 139 41 130 37 112 28 c 1
+ 118 23 132 12 132 -8 c 0
+ 132 -23 115 -76 49 -76 c 0
+ 36 -76 -7 -64 -7 -19 c 0
+ -7 3 18 91 138 91 c 0
+ 181 91 228 60 240 20 c 1
+ 261 96 l 1
+ 218 213 136 226 88 234 c 1
+ 43 319 l 1
+ 163 396 252 436 364 469 c 1
+ 375 508 l 1
+ 71 508 l 1
+ 85 558 l 1
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 659 508 l 1
+ 424 508 l 1
+ 413 470 l 1
+ 425 472 l 2
+ 487 472 552 408 552 319 c 0
+ 552 197 459 175 436 175 c 0
+ 412 175 388 194 388 225 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_na
+StartChar: bn_k_ma
+Encoding: 60696 -1 2273
+Width: 660
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+348 401 m 1
+ 302 387 257 370 142 301 c 1
+ 248 247 260 183 276 139 c 1
+ 348 401 l 1
+293 -9 m 0
+ 293 48 368 82 390 82 c 0
+ 429 82 460 76 496 13 c 1
+ 633 508 l 1
+ 427 508 l 1
+ 417 470 l 1
+ 428 472 l 2
+ 490 472 556 408 556 319 c 0
+ 556 201 467 175 442 175 c 0
+ 417 175 391 196 391 223 c 0
+ 391 266 449 292 467 292 c 0
+ 485 292 502 282 508 267 c 1
+ 514 276 l 1
+ 517 286 518 296 518 305 c 0
+ 518 365 463 403 411 403 c 2
+ 398 402 l 1
+ 287 3 l 1
+ 274 21 l 1
+ 271 65 l 2
+ 271 97 236 210 91 234 c 1
+ 46 319 l 1
+ 166 396 255 436 367 469 c 1
+ 378 508 l 1
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+ 768 558 l 1
+ 754 508 l 1
+ 681 508 l 1
+ 507 -120 l 1
+ 488 -96 l 1
+ 477 -38 479 19 436 22 c 0
+ 421 22 414 11 410 8 c 1
+ 402 -13 l 2
+ 398 -22 369 -52 337 -52 c 0
+ 326 -52 293 -44 293 -9 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_k_la
+Encoding: 60697 -1 2274
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+342 401 m 1
+ 297 387 253 371 136 301 c 1
+ 242 247 254 183 270 139 c 1
+ 342 401 l 1
+386 227 m 0
+ 386 263 433 292 461 292 c 0
+ 479 292 496 282 502 267 c 1
+ 508 276 l 1
+ 510 286 512 296 512 305 c 0
+ 512 365 457 403 405 403 c 2
+ 392 402 l 1
+ 259 -75 l 1
+ 230 -55 l 1
+ 225 7 208 34 197 34 c 0
+ 177 34 170 10 162 -6 c 1
+ 141.306 -6.82778 138.739 -7.00879 136.131 -7.00879 c 1
+ 131.087 18.4348 106 50 76 50 c 0
+ 48 50 29 36 18 7 c 0
+ 18 3 18 0 18 -3 c 0
+ 18 -14 19 -22 34 -33 c 1
+ 33.2473 -29.774 32.8877 -26.6174 32.8877 -23.5526 c 0
+ 32.8877 1.88404 57.6561 21 88 21 c 0
+ 97 21 107 15 107 -7 c 0
+ 107 -65 65 -75 38 -75 c 0
+ -16 -75 -32 -42 -32 -7 c 0
+ -32 93 62 120 86 120 c 0
+ 136 120 143 91 154 57 c 1
+ 171 97 202 102 212 102 c 0
+ 220 102 240 98 244 47 c 1
+ 258 96 l 1
+ 215 213 133 226 85 234 c 1
+ 39 319 l 1
+ 160 396 249 436 361 469 c 1
+ 372 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 670 558 l 1
+ 656 508 l 1
+ 421 508 l 1
+ 410 470 l 1
+ 422 472 l 2
+ 483 472 549 408 549 319 c 0
+ 549 198 457 175 434 175 c 0
+ 401 175 386 202 386 227 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_la
+StartChar: bn_k_ssa
+Encoding: 60698 -1 2275
+Width: 652
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+419 361 m 1
+ 366 361 305 401 305 483 c 0
+ 305 491 306 499 307 508 c 1
+ 184 508 l 1
+ 193 459 l 1
+ 197 459 l 2
+ 232 459 315 394 315 299 c 0
+ 315 288 314 277 312 266 c 1
+ 329 254 353 231 366 168 c 1
+ 419 361 l 1
+366 508 m 2
+ 350 508 346 472 346 465 c 0
+ 346 441 362 423 413 423 c 0
+ 424 423 432 425 437 428 c 1
+ 459 508 l 1
+ 366 508 l 2
+141 448 m 0
+ 151 448 154 455 154 460 c 0
+ 154 469 149 487 129 508 c 1
+ 57 508 l 1
+ 71 558 l 1
+ 747 558 l 1
+ 733 508 l 1
+ 510 508 l 1
+ 488 428 l 1
+ 502 433 514 433 521 433 c 0
+ 574 433 632 394 632 332 c 0
+ 632 263 566 216 518 216 c 0
+ 500 216 476 223 476 254 c 0
+ 476 291 503 315 541 315 c 0
+ 551 315 580 311 583 287 c 1
+ 587 293 597 308 597 323 c 0
+ 597 352 563 370 513 370 c 0
+ 489 370 479 367 470 364 c 1
+ 370 4 l 1
+ 355 32 l 1
+ 350 86 l 2
+ 347 141 330 194 282 214 c 1
+ 266 188 242 170 200 166 c 0
+ 188 166 153 176 153 214 c 0
+ 153 264 217 295 235 295 c 2
+ 257 294 l 1
+ 269 321 l 2
+ 271 326 271 332 271 337 c 0
+ 271 364 255 392 222 392 c 0
+ 214 392 204 388 193 381 c 1
+ 184 348 147 319 121 317 c 0
+ 81 317 70 339 70 363 c 0
+ 70 396 90 437 141 448 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'akhn' Akhand in Bengali subtable" bn_ka bn_hasanta bn_ssa
+StartChar: bn_k_ss_nna
+Encoding: 60699 -1 2276
+Width: 636
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+385 508 m 1
+ 366 488 364 476 364 468 c 0
+ 364 450 374 422 423 422 c 0
+ 435 422 445 424 455 428 c 1
+ 478 508 l 1
+ 385 508 l 1
+438 361 m 1
+ 381 361 325 404 325 489 c 0
+ 325 495 325 501 326 508 c 1
+ 203 508 l 1
+ 212 459 l 1
+ 250 450 333 410 333 302 c 0
+ 333 291 332 279 330 266 c 1
+ 347 254 372 231 384 168 c 1
+ 438 361 l 1
+601 287 m 1
+ 606 293 616 308 616 323 c 0
+ 616 352 581 370 531 370 c 0
+ 507 370 497 367 489 364 c 1
+ 352 -130 l 1
+ 336 -106 l 1
+ 335 -95 l 2
+ 328 -22 317 66 234 66 c 1
+ 240 58 243 48 243 37 c 0
+ 243 1 209 -49 158 -49 c 0
+ 123 -49 100 -37 100 -4 c 0
+ 100 61 155 115 242 115 c 0
+ 293 115 331 83 347 34 c 1
+ 367 106 l 1
+ 357 182 325 205 301 214 c 1
+ 288 189 258 168 222 168 c 0
+ 191 168 171 185 171 213 c 0
+ 171 262 228 295 258 295 c 2
+ 275 294 l 1
+ 281 300 290 317 290 334 c 0
+ 290 362 272 392 240 392 c 0
+ 232 392 222 388 211 381 c 1
+ 204 354 170 317 135 317 c 0
+ 106 317 88 334 88 363 c 0
+ 88 380 101 432 144 448 c 1
+ 160 448 l 2
+ 171 448 174 458 174 465 c 0
+ 174 483 155 502 148 508 c 1
+ 66 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 765 558 l 1
+ 752 508 l 1
+ 529 508 l 1
+ 506 428 l 1
+ 518 432 530 434 541 434 c 0
+ 612 434 651 378 651 329 c 0
+ 651 280 604 216 547 216 c 0
+ 514 216 495 232 495 257 c 0
+ 495 269 506 315 560 315 c 0
+ 570 315 599 311 601 287 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_k_ssa bn_hasanta bn_nna
+StartChar: bn_k_ss_ma
+Encoding: 60700 -1 2277
+Width: 757
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+383 508 m 1
+ 365 488 362 476 362 468 c 0
+ 362 450 373 422 421 422 c 0
+ 433 422 444 424 454 428 c 1
+ 476 508 l 1
+ 383 508 l 1
+436 361 m 1
+ 380 361 323 404 323 489 c 0
+ 323 495 324 501 324 508 c 1
+ 201 508 l 1
+ 211 459 l 1
+ 249 450 332 410 332 302 c 0
+ 332 291 331 279 329 266 c 1
+ 346 254 370 231 383 168 c 1
+ 436 361 l 1
+600 287 m 1
+ 604 293 614 308 614 323 c 0
+ 614 352 580 370 530 370 c 0
+ 506 370 496 367 487 364 c 1
+ 391 18 l 1
+ 418 66 458 82 491 82 c 0
+ 535 82 577 54 587 13 c 1
+ 724 508 l 1
+ 527 508 l 1
+ 505 428 l 1
+ 519 433 531 433 538 433 c 0
+ 590 433 651 393 651 334 c 0
+ 651 286 603 216 542 216 c 0
+ 512 216 493 232 493 255 c 0
+ 493 267 503 315 559 315 c 0
+ 569 315 598 311 600 287 c 1
+159 448 m 2
+ 170 448 172 457 172 463 c 0
+ 172 481 153 502 146 508 c 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 862 558 l 1
+ 848 508 l 1
+ 774 508 l 1
+ 600 -120 l 1
+ 579 -96 l 1
+ 566 -31 569 19 526 22 c 0
+ 488 22 504 -51 430 -51 c 0
+ 420 -51 383 -45 383 -12 c 0
+ 383 -8 383 -3 386 6 c 1
+ 372 32 l 1
+ 367 86 l 2
+ 364 141 347 194 300 214 c 1
+ 277 174 231 166 216 166 c 0
+ 188 166 170 186 170 214 c 0
+ 170 258 221 295 252 295 c 2
+ 254 295 l 1
+ 274 294 l 1
+ 279 300 289 317 289 334 c 0
+ 289 362 271 392 239 392 c 0
+ 231 392 221 388 210 381 c 1
+ 202 354 168 317 133 317 c 0
+ 105 317 87 336 87 364 c 0
+ 87 397 110 436 143 448 c 1
+ 159 448 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_k_ssa bn_hasanta bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_k_sa
+Encoding: 60701 -1 2278
+Width: 626
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+180 343 m 1
+ 213 343 289 222 300 176 c 1
+ 371 432 l 1
+ 294 408 220 368 180 343 c 1
+475 324 m 1
+ 478 335 480 342 480 354 c 0
+ 480 385 464 419 417 432 c 1
+ 342 163 l 1
+ 358 169 373 172 387 172 c 0
+ 426 172 455 148 469 116 c 1
+ 578 508 l 1
+ 438 508 l 1
+ 432 488 l 1
+ 459 478 523 439 523 368 c 0
+ 523 318 483 235 436 235 c 0
+ 426 235 396 243 396 271 c 0
+ 396 294 418 332 453 332 c 0
+ 460 332 467 329 475 324 c 1
+138 148 m 1
+ 138 145 l 0
+ 138 125 151 81 197 81 c 0
+ 225 81 268 110 278 130 c 1
+ 255 216 192 267 103 278 c 1
+ 78 358 l 1
+ 157 396 l 2
+ 245 440 340 476 386 488 c 1
+ 392 508 l 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 727 558 l 1
+ 713 508 l 1
+ 631 508 l 1
+ 477 -45 l 1
+ 437 1 l 1
+ 452 56 l 2
+ 453 58 453 60 453 62 c 0
+ 453 97 402 109 383 109 c 0
+ 322 109 253 13 190 13 c 0
+ 144 13 108 64 104 118 c 1
+ 138 148 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ka bn_sa
+StartChar: bn_g_ga
+Encoding: 60702 -1 2279
+Width: 484
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+43 399 m 0
+ 43 479 158 552 233 552 c 0
+ 355 552 372 461 388 382 c 1
+ 392 431 402 493 409 516 c 2
+ 442 638 l 2
+ 443 645 444 650 445 653 c 1
+ 470 624 l 1
+ 465 611 l 2
+ 462 602 461 592 461 588 c 0
+ 461 577 465 566 473 560 c 1
+ 492 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 545 508 l 1
+ 454 508 l 1
+ 310 -14 l 1
+ 269 46 l 1
+ 309 188 l 1
+ 305 212 288 274 204 274 c 0
+ 161 274 121 252 83 200 c 1
+ 104 208 123 209 134 209 c 0
+ 184 209 219 186 219 149 c 0
+ 219 121 194 72 116 -2 c 2
+ 78 -36 l 1
+ 38 29 l 1
+ 75 57 l 2
+ 98 74 178 138 178 155 c 0
+ 178 166 165 173 155 173 c 0
+ 147 173 114 158 102 152 c 2
+ 68 137 l 2
+ 58 133 52 131 47 131 c 0
+ 19 131 7 158 7 183 c 0
+ 7 216 72 331 178 331 c 0
+ 193 331 214 355 214 369 c 0
+ 214 380 206 391 191 391 c 0
+ 187 391 179 389 169 385 c 2
+ 104 356 l 2
+ 94 351 86 349 82 349 c 0
+ 50 349 43 377 43 399 c 0
+257 373 m 0
+ 257 352 243 332 236 324 c 1
+ 238 320 l 1
+ 247 320 l 2
+ 307 320 322 254 323 229 c 1
+ 337 240 346 303 346 347 c 0
+ 346 416 327 493 250 493 c 0
+ 163 493 134 439 118 418 c 1
+ 133 424 150 427 169 427 c 0
+ 188 427 257 419 257 373 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_g_da
+Encoding: 60703 -1 2280
+Width: 775
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+744 382 m 1
+ 606 212 597 97 597 31 c 0
+ 597 17 598 6 599 -4 c 1
+ 568 11 l 1
+ 567 29 565 51 565 77 c 0
+ 565 132 574 245 637 347 c 1
+ 547 321 450 246 383 153 c 1
+ 335 222 l 1
+ 386 408 l 1
+ 362 440 l 2
+ 318 491 279 497 256 497 c 0
+ 192 497 169 467 134 423 c 1
+ 149 429 166 432 184 432 c 0
+ 234 432 270 408 270 371 c 0
+ 270 340 238 292 169 228 c 2
+ 131 193 l 1
+ 97 252 l 1
+ 124 266 229 351 229 380 c 0
+ 229 388 224 396 207 396 c 0
+ 202 396 195 394 185 389 c 2
+ 152 375 l 2
+ 140 369 106 354 98 354 c 0
+ 66 354 59 383 59 405 c 0
+ 59 492 173 558 245 558 c 0
+ 351 558 382 498 403 468 c 1
+ 428 558 l 1
+ 865 558 l 1
+ 851 508 l 1
+ 468 508 l 1
+ 410 297 l 1
+ 474 341 l 2
+ 510 366 589 422 675 447 c 1
+ 744 382 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_da
+StartChar: bn_g_dha
+Encoding: 60704 -1 2281
+Width: 588
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+46 399 m 0
+ 46 464 138 553 233 553 c 0
+ 374 553 388 450 391 364 c 1
+ 410 516 l 1
+ 448 653 l 1
+ 474 624 l 1
+ 468 605 l 2
+ 466 596 465 589 465 583 c 0
+ 465 563 477 558 494 558 c 2
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 659 508 l 1
+ 456 508 l 1
+ 407 328 l 1
+ 492 352 l 1
+ 522 341 543 306 543 272 c 0
+ 543 239 481 156 473 -35 c 1
+ 438 -3 l 2
+ 428.442 5.73869 426 29 426 43 c 0
+ 426 50.8333 426.801 60.6659 428 65 c 2
+ 480 253 l 2
+ 480.704 255.546 481 259 481 261 c 0
+ 481 272 472 274 465 274 c 0
+ 438 274 400 255 385 251 c 1
+ 297 -66 l 1
+ 289 -56 l 1
+ 276 30 218 106 133 106 c 0
+ 125.333 106 122.333 105.667 116 105 c 1
+ 73 188 l 1
+ 103 205 l 1
+ 78 247 l 1
+ 101 263 216 349 216 374 c 0
+ 216 384 209 391 195 391 c 0
+ 173.231 391 115.925 348 84 348 c 0
+ 57 348 46 372 46 399 c 0
+173 427 m 0
+ 223 427 258 404 258 368 c 0
+ 258 323 201 272 181 245 c 1
+ 244 278 260 277 354 316 c 1
+ 356 327 357 339 357 350 c 0
+ 357 417 331 493 253 493 c 0
+ 167 493 141 442 123 418 c 1
+ 139 424 156 427 173 427 c 0
+333 241 m 1
+ 294 228 226 202 161 161 c 1
+ 202 146 244 120 281 51 c 1
+ 333 241 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_dha
+StartChar: bn_g_dh_ba
+Encoding: 60705 -1 2282
+Width: 563
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+275 -56 m 1
+ 233 -62 228 -61 178 -93 c 1
+ 187 -94 196 -94 203 -94 c 2
+ 222 -96 l 2
+ 230 -98 246 -105 258 -116 c 1
+ 275 -56 l 1
+350 241 m 1
+ 312 228 243 202 178 161 c 1
+ 236 141 282 79 298 51 c 1
+ 350 241 l 1
+202 426 m 0
+ 262 426 274 388 274 364 c 0
+ 274 341 260 321 198 245 c 1
+ 371 316 l 1
+ 374 327 376 339 376 351 c 0
+ 376 415 338 492 261 492 c 0
+ 207 483 184 477 140 418 c 1
+ 171 424 l 2
+ 182 425 192 426 202 426 c 0
+64 402 m 0
+ 64 437 131 554 240 554 c 0
+ 289 554 404 551 408 364 c 1
+ 432 516 l 1
+ 470 653 l 1
+ 492 624 l 1
+ 486 611 l 2
+ 483 601 482 592 482 586 c 0
+ 482 561 499 560 511 558 c 2
+ 665 558 l 1
+ 652 508 l 1
+ 474 508 l 1
+ 424 328 l 1
+ 509 352 l 1
+ 524 348 558 319 558 276 c 0
+ 558 268 557 260 555 252 c 2
+ 524 160 l 2
+ 501 77 495 4 492 -35 c 1
+ 455 -3 l 2
+ 450 4 444 17 444 39 c 0
+ 444 46 445 55 447 65 c 2
+ 499 253 l 2
+ 499.211 253.844 499.377 254.821 499.377 255.931 c 0
+ 499.377 260.086 497.047 266.109 486 274 c 1
+ 482 274 451 266 443 264 c 2
+ 416 257 l 2
+ 407 254 403 252 402 251 c 2
+ 280 -189 l 1
+ 264 -174 l 2
+ 251 -156 202 -134 137 -128 c 1
+ 112 -83 l 1
+ 146 -53 258 0 293 0 c 1
+ 263 44 l 2
+ 213.487 104.629 163.689 105 133 105 c 1
+ 90 188 l 1
+ 121 205 l 1
+ 95 247 l 1
+ 170 308 l 2
+ 203 335 235 360 235 373 c 0
+ 235 385 222 391 212 391 c 0
+ 190 391 125 349 103 349 c 0
+ 76 349 64 376 64 402 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_g_na
+Encoding: 60706 -1 2283
+Width: 484
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+47 398 m 0
+ 47 450 121 552 234 552 c 0
+ 367 552 398 455 402 362 c 1
+ 408 417 l 2
+ 411 440 414 475 425 513 c 2
+ 463 651 l 1
+ 485 623 l 1
+ 479 609 l 2
+ 477 600 475 591 475 583 c 0
+ 475 571 479 561 487 557 c 1
+ 574 557 l 1
+ 560 506 l 1
+ 469 506 l 1
+ 309 -71 l 1
+ 293 -55 l 1
+ 291 -54 290 -53 289 -52 c 1
+ 285.886 -40.9266 280 -20.3239 280 -19 c 0
+ 280 21 245 66 205 66 c 0
+ 190 66 185 65 165 54 c 1
+ 171 49 185 39 185 19 c 0
+ 185 5 168 -50 102 -50 c 0
+ 56 -50 46 -16 46 8 c 0
+ 46 98 160 117 191 117 c 0
+ 247 117 286 71 296 46 c 1
+ 373 323 l 2
+ 374 331 374 338 374 345 c 0
+ 374 428 318 489 250 489 c 0
+ 188 489 143 455 123 417 c 1
+ 148 422 172 425 186 425 c 0
+ 206 425 259 412 259 368 c 0
+ 259 348 252 323 217 281 c 2
+ 185 245 l 2
+ 160 218 134 194 119 181 c 1
+ 79 246 l 1
+ 99 259 119 274 136 290 c 2
+ 191 335 l 2
+ 211 353 218 364 218 372 c 0
+ 218 383 206 390 196 390 c 0
+ 174 390 109 348 87 348 c 0
+ 69 348 47 367 47 398 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_na
+StartChar: bn_g_ma
+Encoding: 60707 -1 2284
+Width: 631
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+368 81 m 0
+ 392 81 429 68 455 12 c 1
+ 592 506 l 1
+ 476 506 l 1
+ 358 81 l 1
+ 360 81 366 81 368 81 c 0
+241 552 m 0
+ 386 552 399 444 409 362 c 1
+ 415 417 l 2
+ 418 440 421 475 432 513 c 2
+ 470 651 l 1
+ 492 623 l 1
+ 487 609 l 2
+ 484 601 483 592 483 584 c 0
+ 483 572 486 562 494 557 c 1
+ 727 557 l 1
+ 713 506 l 1
+ 640 506 l 1
+ 466 -122 l 1
+ 446 -98 l 1
+ 435 -18 429 21 395 21 c 0
+ 378 21 373 9 369 6 c 1
+ 360 -15 l 2
+ 356 -25 330 -53 302 -53 c 0
+ 269 -53 251 -35 251 -12 c 0
+ 251 19 278 53 309 67 c 1
+ 380 323 l 1
+ 378 353 391 436 300 481 c 0
+ 287 488 273 491 258 491 c 0
+ 205 483 177 477 130 417 c 1
+ 144 420 166 424 189 424 c 0
+ 237 424 266 399 266 366 c 0
+ 266 347 259 322 224 281 c 2
+ 192 245 l 2
+ 167 218 141 194 126 181 c 1
+ 86 246 l 1
+ 106 259 126 274 143 290 c 2
+ 199 335 l 2
+ 216 351 225 363 225 371 c 0
+ 225 378 218 390 203 390 c 0
+ 181 390 116 348 94 348 c 0
+ 76 348 54 367 54 398 c 0
+ 54 447 127 552 241 552 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_g_la
+Encoding: 60708 -1 2285
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 399 m 0
+ 44 461 139 554 219 554 c 0
+ 359 554 390.5 484.5 395 403.5 c 1
+ 418.588 503.469 426.136 528.129 460 652 c 1
+ 482 623 l 1
+ 477.858 612.23 473 600.2 473 585 c 0
+ 473 560 486.11 557.789 504 556 c 2
+ 571 556 l 1
+ 557 507 l 1
+ 466 507 l 1
+ 312 -50 l 1
+ 282 -30 l 1
+ 280 18 l 2
+ 279.512 29.7158 266 59 250 59 c 0
+ 228 59 218 29.6667 215 19 c 1
+ 190 18 l 1
+ 184.602 35.5447 175.866 75 128 75 c 0
+ 91 75 70 42 70 31 c 0
+ 70 -2.25 83 -6.25 86 -8 c 1
+ 85.5143 -5.57161 85.2834 -3.11492 85.2834 -0.65833 c 0
+ 85.2834 8.94256 89.4831 46 140 46 c 0
+ 152 46 163 35 163 17 c 0
+ 163 -8 133 -50 91 -50 c 0
+ 46 -50 21 -23 21 20 c 0
+ 21 94 87 145 139 145 c 0
+ 182 145 195.204 112.228 206 82 c 1
+ 210.333 94 230 127 265 127 c 0
+ 285 127 297 92 299 68 c 1
+ 370 324 l 1
+ 368.823 344.004 377.244 492 242 492 c 0
+ 191 492 169 481 120 418 c 1
+ 144.502 422.742 157.2 426 182 426 c 0
+ 242 426 255 387 255 363 c 0
+ 255 332 210 266 116 182 c 1
+ 76 247 l 1
+ 97 261 116 276 133 291 c 2
+ 189 337 l 2
+ 210 356 215 366 215 373 c 0
+ 215 385 203 391 193 391 c 0
+ 171 391 106 349 84 349 c 0
+ 66 349 44 368 44 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ga bn_la
+StartChar: bn_gh_na
+Encoding: 60709 -1 2286
+Width: 471
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 508 m 2
+ 214 508 173 463 173 434 c 0
+ 173 409 196 394 215 394 c 0
+ 250 394 290 421 303 434 c 1
+ 342 381 l 1
+ 314 367 245 317 188 266 c 1
+ 253 246 296 199 317 132 c 1
+ 422 508 l 1
+ 249 508 l 2
+92 432 m 0
+ 92 466 114 497 125 508 c 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 580 558 l 1
+ 566 508 l 1
+ 472 508 l 1
+ 304 -95 l 1
+ 300.736 -87.7504 290.379 -79.9616 285 -76 c 1
+ 276 -43 l 2
+ 274 -4 242 44 200 44 c 0
+ 187 44 174 39 160 30 c 1
+ 164 23 182 13 182 -5 c 0
+ 182 -34 146 -74 99 -74 c 0
+ 64 -74 41 -50 41 -17 c 0
+ 41 66.8189 129.986 93 187 93 c 0
+ 228 93 274 67 287 24 c 1
+ 305 86 l 1
+ 282.768 159.365 216.564 201 127 201 c 1
+ 79 269 l 1
+ 122.45 302.55 162.652 339.348 210 369 c 1
+ 194.25 360.25 179 359 171 359 c 0
+ 137 359 92 385 92 432 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_gha bn_na
+StartChar: bn_ng_ka
+Encoding: 60710 -1 2287
+Width: 528
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+288 272 m 1
+ 219 250 164 218 137 202 c 1
+ 194 180 226 123 239 95 c 1
+ 288 272 l 1
+370 508 m 1
+ 394 476 399 457 433 454 c 0
+ 472.306 457.494 487.961 476.247 487.961 491.599 c 0
+ 487.961 493.823 487.633 495.976 487 498 c 2
+ 482 508 l 1
+ 370 508 l 1
+335 138 m 0
+ 335 176 372 201 398 201 c 0
+ 424 201 432 183 434 175 c 1
+ 438 185 l 2
+ 439 190 439 194 439 198 c 0
+ 439 231 420 257 368 273 c 2
+ 355 275 l 1
+ 339 275 l 1
+ 259 -14 l 1
+ 245 1 l 1
+ 240 24 l 2
+ 235 85 159 149 96 149 c 2
+ 91 149 l 1
+ 46 225 l 1
+ 94 252 195 308 308 347 c 1
+ 310 354 311 360 311 366 c 0
+ 311 399 283 414 271 419 c 1
+ 243 417 l 2
+ 232 417 218 409 203 393 c 1
+ 198 371 l 2
+ 192 346 152 309 109 309 c 0
+ 82 309 64 326 64 350 c 0
+ 64 418 149 449 171 456 c 1
+ 174 463 l 1
+ 166 501 135 506 119 508 c 2
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 64 558 l 1
+ 621 558 l 1
+ 607 508 l 1
+ 515 508 l 1
+ 516 504 516 497 516 489 c 0
+ 516 481 516 460 515 455 c 0
+ 504 415 448 405 433 405 c 0
+ 379 405 361 468 329 508 c 1
+ 203 508 l 1
+ 218 495 221 482 221 473 c 0
+ 221 471 220 469 220 468 c 1
+ 262 462 l 2
+ 299 462 358 434 358 361 c 0
+ 358 358 358 354 358 350 c 1
+ 363 350 365 349 367 348 c 2
+ 400 336 l 2
+ 454 309 473 271 473 231 c 0
+ 473 127 395 106 375 106 c 0
+ 359 106 335 111 335 138 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_ka
+StartChar: bn_ng_k_ra
+Encoding: 60711 -1 2288
+Width: 581
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+435 508 m 1
+ 458 476 464 457 498 454 c 0
+ 540.794 458.832 551.668 477.003 551.668 491.743 c 0
+ 551.668 498.358 549.478 504.283 547 508 c 1
+ 435 508 l 1
+352 272 m 1
+ 291 254 231 219 201 202 c 1
+ 255 181 293 122 303 95 c 1
+ 352 272 l 1
+32 181 m 1
+ 16 158 9 120 9 105 c 0
+ 9 66 42 56 114 49 c 0
+ 159 49 172 47 213 47 c 2
+ 220 47 l 2
+ 233 46 273 39 277 1 c 1
+ 294 61 l 1
+ 293 64 290 66 288 69 c 2
+ 281 79 l 2
+ 231 141 186 149 157 149 c 2
+ 155 149 l 1
+ 110 225 l 1
+ 159 252 259 308 372 347 c 1
+ 374 354 375 360 375 366 c 0
+ 375 399 347 415 335 419 c 1
+ 307 417 l 2
+ 296 417 282 409 267 393 c 1
+ 263 371 l 2
+ 256 346 216 309 173 309 c 0
+ 147 309 128 325 128 350 c 0
+ 128 413 217 453 238 460 c 1
+ 238 472 228 503 184 508 c 2
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 686 558 l 1
+ 672 508 l 1
+ 580 508 l 1
+ 582 494 582 484 582 477 c 0
+ 582 435 545 405 496 405 c 0
+ 442 405 421 474 394 508 c 1
+ 268 508 l 1
+ 274 503 285 495 285 474 c 0
+ 285 468 l 1
+ 378 456 422 436 422 361 c 0
+ 422 357 422 354 422 350 c 1
+ 499 334 535 281 535 223 c 0
+ 535 129 462 106 439 106 c 0
+ 407 106 402 129 402 145 c 0
+ 402 192 451 201 464 201 c 0
+ 473 201 496 198 498 175 c 1
+ 500 180 502 190 502 202 c 0
+ 502 259 436 275 412 275 c 2
+ 403 275 l 1
+ 298 -102 l 1
+ 285 -86 l 1
+ 276 -47 l 2
+ 271 -38 260 -18 230 -18 c 2
+ 168 -18 l 2
+ 133 -18 97 -20 80 -21 c 0
+ 34 -21 -27 -6 -27 68 c 0
+ -27 124 3 178 20 201 c 1
+ 32 181 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_k_ra
+StartChar: bn_ng_k_ssa
+Encoding: 60712 -1 2289
+Width: 917
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+321 508 m 1
+ 299 501 276 485 276 468 c 0
+ 276 459 285 456 315 450 c 2
+ 346 449 l 2
+ 395.314 449 395.493 495.947 397 508 c 1
+ 321 508 l 1
+625 508 m 2
+ 608 508 604 471 604 460 c 0
+ 604 449 606 440 612 440 c 1
+ 623 426 655 423 666 423 c 0
+ 672 423 684 423 696 428 c 1
+ 718 508 l 1
+ 625 508 l 2
+248 440 m 1
+ 232 420 199 377 199 335 c 0
+ 199 318 207 309 228 309 c 0
+ 280 309 333 375 344 414 c 1
+ 339 413 335 413 332 413 c 2
+ 328 412 325 412 322 412 c 0
+ 285 412 252 428 248 440 c 1
+678 361 m 1
+ 601 361 565 426 565 488 c 0
+ 565 495 565 501 566 508 c 1
+ 443 508 l 1
+ 452 459 l 1
+ 552 435 573 353 573 298 c 0
+ 573 286 572 275 571 266 c 1
+ 607 239 621 190 625 168 c 1
+ 678 361 l 1
+153 333 m 0
+ 153 368 170 423 234 508 c 1
+ 43 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 1006 558 l 1
+ 992 508 l 1
+ 769 508 l 1
+ 747 428 l 1
+ 758 432 769 434 781 434 c 0
+ 834 434 893 392 893 335 c 0
+ 893 292 857 215 800 215 c 0
+ 764 215 735 231 735 258 c 0
+ 735 281 760 315 801 315 c 0
+ 810 315 838 313 842 287 c 1
+ 854 304 856 315 856 323 c 0
+ 856 350 824 370 772 370 c 0
+ 748 370 738 367 729 364 c 1
+ 629 4 l 1
+ 614 32 l 1
+ 612 114 602 187 541 214 c 1
+ 532 194 502 170 456 166 c 0
+ 435 166 410 185 410 212 c 0
+ 410 247 447 295 502 295 c 2
+ 516 294 l 1
+ 526 306 530 320 530 335 c 0
+ 530 362 513 392 482 392 c 0
+ 473 392 463 388 452 381 c 1
+ 444 354 413 320 375 317 c 1
+ 379 302 381 290 381 278 c 0
+ 381 169 270 100 199 100 c 0
+ 101 100 48 175 48 310 c 0
+ 48 356 55 410 67 470 c 1
+ 86 450 l 1
+ 85 439 85 428 85 417 c 0
+ 85 250 132 171 214 166 c 0
+ 268 168 342 213 342 273 c 0
+ 342 290 334 307 329 314 c 1
+ 305 293 l 2
+ 282 273 256 257 228 257 c 0
+ 179 257 153 287 153 333 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_k_ssa
+StartChar: bn_ng_k_ss_ra
+Encoding: 60713 -1 2290
+Width: 917
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+330 508 m 1
+ 306 499 283 484 283 468 c 0
+ 283 459 294 456 324 450 c 2
+ 352 449 l 2
+ 369.547 449 395.817 461.513 405 486 c 1
+ 406 508 l 1
+ 330 508 l 1
+634 508 m 2
+ 618 508 613 473 613 465 c 0
+ 613 440 630 423 681 423 c 0
+ 691 423 699 425 705 428 c 1
+ 727 508 l 1
+ 634 508 l 2
+257 440 m 1
+ 241 420 208 376 208 334 c 0
+ 208 318 216 309 237 309 c 0
+ 258 309 292 326 311 349 c 2
+ 331 375 l 1
+ 334 373.5 332.75 374 338 371 c 1
+ 338 383 348.108 406.662 353 414 c 1
+ 347 413 341 412 332 412 c 0
+ 297 412 261 428 257 440 c 1
+687 361 m 1
+ 605 361 574 430 574 488 c 0
+ 574 495 574 502 575 508 c 1
+ 452 508 l 1
+ 461 459 l 1
+ 501 450 583 410 583 302 c 0
+ 583 291 582 279 580 266 c 1
+ 599 253 623 214 634 168 c 1
+ 687 361 l 1
+390 281 m 0
+ 390 249 376 167 292 126 c 1
+ 306 115 328 98 389 98 c 2
+ 460 98 l 2
+ 488 98 554 91 588 54 c 2
+ 600 30 l 1
+ 618 95 l 1
+ 612 132 l 2
+ 599 188 567 208 550 214 c 1
+ 534 187 509 170 468 166 c 0
+ 457 166 421 176 421 214 c 0
+ 421 264 478 295 511 295 c 2
+ 524 294 l 1
+ 534 307 539 319 539 335 c 0
+ 539 363 523 392 490 392 c 0
+ 482 392 472 388 461 381 c 1
+ 451 347 412 319 384 317 c 1
+ 386 308 390 298 390 281 c 0
+162 328 m 0
+ 162 400 218 473 243 508 c 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 1015 558 l 1
+ 1001 508 l 1
+ 778 508 l 1
+ 756 428 l 1
+ 769 431 783 432 790 432 c 0
+ 863 432 901 380 901 330 c 0
+ 901 284 860 215 809 215 c 0
+ 793 215 743 223 743 256 c 0
+ 743 280 769 309 793 315 c 2
+ 799 315 l 0
+ 825 315 843 314 851 287 c 1
+ 865 303 867 314 867 322 c 0
+ 867 361 800 371 777 371 c 0
+ 760 371 746 368 738 364 c 1
+ 620 -60 l 1
+ 618 -50 606 -52 601 -42 c 2
+ 580 3 l 2
+ 570 17 550 33 492 33 c 2
+ 373 25 l 2
+ 341 25 257 29 241 104 c 1
+ 234 103 221 100 208 100 c 0
+ 106 100 57 186 57 315 c 0
+ 57 361 63 414 76 470 c 1
+ 95 450 l 1
+ 94 432 94 415 94 399 c 0
+ 94 300 108 261 128 230 c 2
+ 149 204 l 2
+ 180 169 205 167 224 167 c 0
+ 230 167 236 167 244 168 c 1
+ 252 197 259 216 276 246 c 1
+ 306 214 l 1
+ 296 209 290 200 286 184 c 1
+ 319 199 351 242 351 273 c 0
+ 351 292 343 308 338 314 c 1
+ 319 299 282 257 237 257 c 0
+ 206 257 162 269 162 328 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_k_ss_ra
+StartChar: bn_ng_kha
+Encoding: 60714 -1 2291
+Width: 765
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+350 513 m 2
+ 303 513 271 485 271 469 c 0
+ 271 457 288 455 311 450 c 2
+ 322 449 l 1
+ 329 475 l 2
+ 340 500 352 506 361 512 c 1
+ 350 513 l 2
+319 375 m 1
+ 330 369 353 357 364 334 c 1
+ 407 337 l 1
+ 447 345 l 2
+ 478 353 576 387 576 450 c 0
+ 576 456 575 462 570 468 c 2
+ 561 478 l 1
+ 507 438 l 1
+ 484 427 l 2
+ 466 419 416 399 380 399 c 0
+ 361 399 347 404 336 413 c 1
+ 319 412 l 2
+ 283 412 249 427 245 440 c 1
+ 229 420 l 2
+ 220 407 213 396 210 388 c 2
+ 199 362 l 2
+ 196 352 195 344 195 337 c 0
+ 195 315 208 309 224 309 c 0
+ 247 309 282 328 298 349 c 2
+ 319 375 l 1
+148 328 m 0
+ 148 355 166 419 230 508 c 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 353 558 l 2
+ 421 558 439 529 439 502 c 0
+ 439 496 437 480 434 477 c 1
+ 461 482 l 1
+ 557 554 l 1
+ 603 502 l 2
+ 610 492 624 465 624 437 c 0
+ 624 386 581 341 531 310 c 2
+ 499 294 l 1
+ 475 285 l 1
+ 543 248 575 184 588 148 c 1
+ 727 649 l 1
+ 751 631 l 1
+ 744 600 l 1
+ 742 573 l 1
+ 744 569 749 566 755 563 c 1
+ 836 558 l 1
+ 822 508 l 1
+ 736 508 l 1
+ 596 3 l 1
+ 587 17 l 1
+ 579 50 l 2
+ 566 196 444 227 383 235 c 1
+ 374 250 l 1
+ 370.209 185.547 281.492 100 195 100 c 0
+ 97 100 45 182 45 315 c 0
+ 45 361 51 413 64 470 c 1
+ 82 450 l 1
+ 82 435 81 421 81 408 c 0
+ 81 248 127 172 211 166 c 0
+ 293 172 338 230 338 273 c 0
+ 338 292 330 308 326 314 c 1
+ 293 284 263 257 225 257 c 0
+ 178 257 148 284 148 328 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_kha
+StartChar: bn_ng_ga
+Encoding: 60715 -1 2292
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+353 456 m 0
+ 375.823 456 399 486.333 399 508 c 1
+ 305 508 l 1
+ 327 473 340 456 353 456 c 0
+77 366 m 0
+ 77 417.955 119.312 464.333 177.502 464.333 c 1
+ 175.167 476.833 169.51 493.733 167 508 c 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 611 558 l 1
+ 598 508 l 1
+ 443 508 l 1
+ 444.664 504.435 445.438 500.544 445.438 496.457 c 0
+ 445.438 472.947 412.882 425 360 425 c 0
+ 317 425 285 487 275 508 c 1
+ 230 508 l 2
+ 221.234 508 217.925 489.36 217.925 477.216 c 0
+ 217.925 471.35 219 469.938 220 467 c 1
+ 265.708 458.689 299 425.13 299 380 c 0
+ 299 365 295 349 293 342 c 1
+ 328.5 374.5 332.908 379.938 363 400 c 0
+ 410.212 429.961 419.653 437.921 461 454 c 1
+ 528 400 l 1
+ 472.786 360.548 425.267 313.4 388 256 c 0
+ 375.854 235.25 327 160.258 327 75 c 0
+ 327 41.8 333.105 15.6859 341 -8 c 1
+ 304 13 l 1
+ 301.75 34.25 300 63 300 82 c 0
+ 300 189 319.198 251 401 359 c 1
+ 355.5 318.5 315.27 282.701 263.5 235.118 c 0
+ 214.711 190.275 161.228 140.735 107.729 140.735 c 0
+ 72.9044 140.735 53.3964 183.314 53.3964 220.501 c 0
+ 53.3964 232.847 55.5465 244.598 60 254 c 9
+ 85 272 l 1
+ 85 235.028 91.1133 217 111 217 c 0
+ 151 217 259 304.708 259 364 c 0
+ 259 394.942 239.333 401 224 401 c 0
+ 219 401 211 398 200 391 c 1
+ 192.953 365.16 179 324 128 324 c 0
+ 106 324 77 331 77 366 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_ng_gha
+Encoding: 60716 -1 2293
+Width: 766
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+342 511 m 0
+ 318 507 284 486 284 469 c 0
+ 284 458 299 455 325 450 c 2
+ 353 449 l 1
+ 363 449 l 1
+ 377 455 371 460 383 482 c 2
+ 397 503 l 1
+ 397 506 394 507 391 508 c 1
+ 351 508 l 1
+ 352 512 l 1
+ 346 512 l 1
+ 344 511 343 511 342 511 c 0
+332 375 m 1
+ 385 352 385 314 389 295 c 1
+ 418 319 l 2
+ 444 341 460 352 487 369 c 1
+ 466 362 l 1
+ 447 360 l 2
+ 408 360 371 393 369 416 c 1
+ 354 414 350 414 332 412 c 0
+ 296 412 262 427 258 440 c 1
+ 242 420 l 2
+ 234 407 227 396 224 388 c 2
+ 212 362 l 2
+ 209 352 208 344 208 337 c 0
+ 208 315 221 309 238 309 c 0
+ 260 309 297 328 312 349 c 2
+ 332 375 l 1
+526 508 m 2
+ 491 508 450 463 450 434 c 0
+ 450 409 473 394 492 394 c 0
+ 527 394 567 421 580 434 c 1
+ 620 381 l 1
+ 583 364 493 294 465 266 c 1
+ 497 251 l 2
+ 552 232 586 157 595 132 c 1
+ 699 508 l 1
+ 526 508 l 2
+231 167 m 0
+ 310 167 351 249 351 273 c 0
+ 351 290 344 307 339 314 c 1
+ 318 294 l 1
+ 282 269 l 2
+ 266 260 253 257 238 257 c 0
+ 192 257 162 283 162 327 c 0
+ 162 337 163 348 166 359 c 2
+ 176 394 l 2
+ 192 435 194 437 210 460 c 2
+ 231 489 l 2
+ 235 497 241 505 244 508 c 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 857 558 l 1
+ 843 508 l 1
+ 749 508 l 1
+ 607 -2 l 1
+ 591 22 l 1
+ 584 74 l 2
+ 574 130 523 190 457 197 c 2
+ 429 200 l 1
+ 404 201 l 1
+ 383 230 l 1
+ 361 152 266 100 209 100 c 0
+ 100 100 74 198 65 235 c 2
+ 58 284 l 1
+ 59 346 l 1
+ 61 377 l 1
+ 71 443 l 1
+ 77 470 l 1
+ 96 450 l 1
+ 94 366 l 1
+ 98 323 l 2
+ 100 309 102 296 107 284 c 2
+ 116 252 l 1
+ 129 230 l 2
+ 140 211 176 166 224 166 c 0
+ 225 166 227 166 231 167 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_gha
+StartChar: bn_ng_gh_ra
+Encoding: 60717 -1 2294
+Width: 771
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+354 511 m 0
+ 331 507 297 486 297 469 c 0
+ 297 458 311 455 337 450 c 2
+ 366 449 l 1
+ 376 449 l 1
+ 389 455 383 460 395 482 c 2
+ 410 503 l 1
+ 409 506 406 507 403 508 c 1
+ 363 508 l 1
+ 364 512 l 1
+ 358 512 l 1
+ 356 511 355 511 354 511 c 0
+344 375 m 1
+ 397 352 397 314 401 295 c 1
+ 431 319 l 2
+ 457 341 472 352 499 369 c 1
+ 478 362 l 1
+ 459 360 l 2
+ 420 360 383 393 381 416 c 1
+ 366 414 362 414 344 412 c 0
+ 308 412 275 427 270 440 c 1
+ 255 420 l 2
+ 246 407 239 396 236 388 c 2
+ 224 362 l 2
+ 222 352 220 344 220 337 c 0
+ 220 315 233 309 250 309 c 0
+ 272 309 309 328 324 349 c 2
+ 344 375 l 1
+395 230 m 1
+ 373 151 283 113 257 105 c 1
+ 264 96 274 89 288 83 c 2
+ 312 74 l 1
+ 331 68 l 1
+ 434 68 l 2
+ 438 67 442 67 446 67 c 2
+ 448 66 452 66 456 66 c 0
+ 496 59 531 57 562 24 c 2
+ 574 0 l 1
+ 596 78 l 1
+ 589 112 545 189 469 197 c 2
+ 442 200 l 1
+ 416 201 l 1
+ 395 230 l 1
+538 508 m 2
+ 503 508 462 463 462 434 c 0
+ 462 409 485 394 504 394 c 0
+ 539 394 579 421 592 434 c 1
+ 632 381 l 1
+ 595 364 506 294 477 266 c 1
+ 509 251 l 2
+ 564 232 599 157 607 132 c 1
+ 711 508 l 1
+ 538 508 l 2
+265 169 m 1
+ 306 177 364 229 364 273 c 0
+ 364 290 356 307 351 314 c 1
+ 331 294 l 1
+ 294 269 l 2
+ 278 260 265 257 250 257 c 0
+ 205 257 174 283 174 327 c 0
+ 174 337 175 348 179 359 c 2
+ 188 394 l 2
+ 205 436 206 437 223 460 c 2
+ 243 489 l 2
+ 247 497 253 505 256 508 c 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 869 558 l 1
+ 855 508 l 1
+ 761 508 l 1
+ 594.262 -90.2188 l 1
+ 592.262 -77.2188 580 -81 575 -72 c 2
+ 554 -27 l 2
+ 544 -16 528 -6 509 1 c 2
+ 490 6 l 1
+ 471 7 l 1
+ 417 0 l 1
+ 306 0 l 2
+ 232 0 213 66 213 96 c 0
+ 213 98 213 99 213 100 c 1
+ 114 104 86 197 77 235 c 2
+ 70 284 l 1
+ 71 346 l 1
+ 74 377 l 1
+ 83 443 l 1
+ 89 470 l 1
+ 108 450 l 1
+ 107 366 l 1
+ 111 323 l 2
+ 112 309 114 296 119 284 c 2
+ 128 252 l 1
+ 141 230 l 2
+ 152 213 187 171 226 166 c 1
+ 227 169 228 171 229 173 c 1
+ 244 207 l 1
+ 250 216 l 1
+ 280 184 l 1
+ 274 181 269 176 265 169 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_ng_ma
+Encoding: 60718 -1 2295
+Width: 759
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+285 469 m 0
+ 285 458 309 450 325 450 c 0
+ 346 450 364 452 380 456 c 1
+ 366 470 359 482 355 508 c 1
+ 335 508 l 1
+ 310 500 285 485 285 469 c 0
+332 375 m 1
+ 385 352 385 314 389 295 c 1
+ 418 316 445 316 473 320 c 0
+ 493 320 504 317 506 311 c 1
+ 510 326 512 339 512 351 c 0
+ 512 414 434 431 420 438 c 1
+ 407 428 369 412 332 412 c 0
+ 296 412 262 427 258 440 c 1
+ 237 412 208 380 208 337 c 0
+ 208 315 221 309 238 309 c 0
+ 278 309 311 348 332 375 c 1
+467 508 m 1
+ 490 482 514 457 535 429 c 0
+ 543 418 558 376 558 355 c 0
+ 558 320 554 283 545 260 c 1
+ 566 232 588 197 602 160 c 1
+ 699 508 l 1
+ 467 508 l 1
+351 273 m 0
+ 351 290 344 307 339 314 c 1
+ 316 291 281 257 238 257 c 0
+ 192 257 162 283 162 327 c 0
+ 162 402 208 472 244 508 c 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 849 558 l 1
+ 835 508 l 1
+ 747 508 l 1
+ 605 -3 l 1
+ 591 20 l 1
+ 591 103 586 152 505 199 c 1
+ 493 178 435 150 407 150 c 1
+ 357 150 359 162 351 173 c 1
+ 315 130 252 100 209 100 c 0
+ 60 100 59 236 59 346 c 1
+ 63 389 68 432 77 470 c 1
+ 96 450 l 1
+ 97 275.5 115 166 224 166 c 0
+ 306 166 351 245 351 273 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nga bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_ng_ma1
+Encoding: 60719 -1 2296
+Width: 555
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+406 508 m 1
+ 405 460 325 422 279 422 c 0
+ 268 422 259 424 251 429 c 1
+ 245.955 409.902 235 386.334 235 366 c 0
+ 235 355 242.75 351 250 351 c 0
+ 276 351 311 383 338 413 c 1
+ 370 399 391 355 391 310 c 0
+ 391 257 359 206 315 180 c 1
+ 324 163 333 132 333 116 c 0
+ 333 103.049 332.333 89 331 78 c 1
+ 367.939 63.5455 378.419 39.0383 393 13 c 1
+ 530 508 l 1
+ 406 508 l 1
+353 519 m 1
+ 335 517 290 513 261 472 c 1
+ 262 469 273 462 280 462 c 0
+ 298 462 356 470 366 508 c 1
+ 366 515.915 362.976 519 353 519 c 1
+240 234 m 0
+ 313 234 355 284 355 319 c 0
+ 355 330 352 341 345 350 c 1
+ 318.816 327.089 265.5 280 238 280 c 0
+ 191 280 183 321 182 361 c 2
+ 205 442 l 1
+ 158 475 125 517 114 543 c 1
+ 192 558 l 1
+ 204 517 201 508 220 489 c 1
+ 231 507 281 558 343 558 c 0
+ 356 558 367 556 377 553 c 1
+ 378 558 l 1
+ 665 558 l 1
+ 651 508 l 1
+ 578 508 l 1
+ 404 -120 l 1
+ 385 -96 l 1
+ 377.826 -49.8844 374.759 22 333 22 c 0
+ 318 22 311 11 307 8 c 1
+ 296.148 -20.4876 271.682 -52 240 -52 c 1
+ 215.417 -49.5417 196.006 -48.6383 190 -9 c 1
+ 195.995 32.9679 233.853 82 284 82 c 1
+ 286 94 287 104 287 112 c 0
+ 287 135 281 150 273 161 c 1
+ 255 155 235 152 215 152 c 0
+ 123 152 90 267 90 375 c 0
+ 90 415 94 453 102 485 c 1
+ 122 461 l 1
+ 120 445 119 428 119 411 c 0
+ 119 322 148 234 240 234 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_c_ca
+Encoding: 60720 -1 2297
+Width: 604
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+159 508 m 1
+ 158 497 155 489 155 480 c 0
+ 155 396 286 380 289 379 c 1
+ 325 508 l 1
+ 159 508 l 1
+91 184 m 0
+ 126 184 232 278 240 318 c 1
+ 174 318 139 393 133 412 c 1
+ 78 213 l 2
+ 76 207 76 202 76 198 c 0
+ 76 187 81 184 91 184 c 0
+285 115 m 1
+ 325 115 473 216 482 302 c 1
+ 477 304 372 332 351 426 c 1
+ 273 143 l 2
+ 271 138 271 134 271 131 c 0
+ 271 120 278 117 285 115 c 1
+279 48 m 0
+ 235 52 221 106 221 126 c 0
+ 221 131 222 137 223 142 c 2
+ 246 223 l 1
+ 146 119 88 112 79 112 c 0
+ 43 112 25 163 25 187 c 0
+ 25 196 27 204 29 212 c 2
+ 111 508 l 1
+ 57 508 l 1
+ 71 558 l 1
+ 684 558 l 1
+ 670 508 l 1
+ 373 508 l 1
+ 372 504 372 502 372 494 c 0
+ 372 407 480 395 535 368 c 0
+ 552 358 562 331 562 319 c 0
+ 562 237 385 48 279 48 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ca bn_ca
+StartChar: bn_c_cha
+Encoding: 60721 -1 2298
+Width: 659
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+333 306 m 2
+ 330.813 298.126 330 293 330 289 c 0
+ 330 282 333 280 342 280 c 0
+ 369.053 280 455.756 323.535 465 379 c 1
+ 425.879 394.578 384.798 407.423 373 450 c 1
+ 333 306 l 2
+173 508 m 1
+ 171 496 171 496 169 481 c 1
+ 182 394 275 382 304 379 c 1
+ 340 508 l 1
+ 173 508 l 1
+254 318 m 1
+ 184.361 318 150.242 401.348 147 412 c 1
+ 92 213 l 2
+ 91 207 90 202 90 198 c 0
+ 90 187 96 184 105 184 c 0
+ 142.454 184 246.377 279.884 254 318 c 1
+641 341 m 0
+ 641 215.6 506.617 152.805 439 132 c 1
+ 514.917 98.6402 561.35 34.217 611 -37 c 1
+ 606 -76 l 1
+ 530.843 36.7357 410.655 90.3076 284 104 c 1
+ 261 196 l 1
+ 274 191 307 180 341 180 c 0
+ 489.523 180 601 294.751 601 336 c 0
+ 601 365.494 573.667 374 532 380 c 1
+ 521.037 281.329 368.905 232 340 232 c 0
+ 317.333 232 303.606 235.917 289 256 c 1
+ 196.725 138.093 100.181 112 93 112 c 0
+ 50 112 40 162.626 40 187 c 0
+ 40 196 41 204 43 212 c 2
+ 125 508 l 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 758 558 l 1
+ 744 508 l 1
+ 386 508 l 1
+ 393 478 419 435 490 435 c 0
+ 509.5 435 524 441 539 441 c 0
+ 617.475 441 641 382.375 641 341 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ca bn_cha
+StartChar: bn_c_ch_ba
+Encoding: 60722 -1 2299
+Width: 659
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+523 -28 m 2
+ 420 -86 l 1
+ 458.949 -96.6225 503.002 -165.505 504 -168 c 1
+ 545 -18 l 1
+ 536 -22 529 -25 523 -28 c 2
+358 306 m 2
+ 356 298 355 293 355 289 c 0
+ 355 282 358 280 367 280 c 0
+ 391.823 280 480.534 322.204 490 379 c 1
+ 450.879 394.578 409.798 407.423 398 450 c 1
+ 358 306 l 2
+198 508 m 1
+ 196 496 194 489 194 481 c 0
+ 194 394.254 326.535 379.616 329 379 c 1
+ 365 508 l 1
+ 198 508 l 1
+279 318 m 1
+ 214.006 318 177.901 392.612 172 412 c 1
+ 117 213 l 2
+ 115 207 115 202 115 198 c 0
+ 115 187 121 184 130 184 c 0
+ 164.129 184 270.658 276.288 279 318 c 1
+666 341 m 0
+ 666 215.6 531.617 152.805 464 132 c 1
+ 550.296 83.3202 552.494 78.6235 636 -37 c 1
+ 631 -76 l 1
+ 620.151 -57.9188 614.748 -52.8274 588 -20 c 1
+ 522 -256 l 1
+ 504.528 -247.138 500.274 -225.059 493 -206 c 0
+ 487 -185 447 -138 375 -138 c 1
+ 348 -78 l 1
+ 532 27 l 1
+ 480.379 62.6009 388.103 95.4483 309 104 c 1
+ 285 196 l 1
+ 318 188 373.167 180 383 180 c 0
+ 478.095 180 626 278.66 626 336 c 0
+ 626 363.5 618.601 367.255 557 380 c 1
+ 545.998 280.979 392.454 232 364 232 c 0
+ 341.719 235.714 328.409 236.188 314 256 c 1
+ 221.442 137.731 124.815 112 118 112 c 0
+ 75 112 65 162.626 65 187 c 0
+ 65 196 66 204 68 212 c 2
+ 150 508 l 1
+ 99 508 l 1
+ 113 558 l 1
+ 783 558 l 1
+ 769 508 l 1
+ 411 508 l 1
+ 422.5 441 493.472 434.866 510.5 434.866 c 0
+ 538.5 434.866 559 441 564 441 c 0
+ 642.475 441 666 382.375 666 341 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_c_cha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_c_ch_ra
+Encoding: 60723 -1 2300
+Width: 659
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+345 306 m 2
+ 343 298 342 293 342 289 c 0
+ 342 282 345 280 354 280 c 0
+ 380 280 468 324 477 379 c 1
+ 438 395 397 407 385 450 c 1
+ 345 306 l 2
+185 508 m 1
+ 183 496 181 489 181 481 c 0
+ 181 478 181 474 182 470 c 2
+ 188 452 l 1
+ 194 442 l 2
+ 234 386 282 387 316 379 c 1
+ 352 508 l 1
+ 185 508 l 1
+266 318 m 1
+ 200 318 165 393 159 412 c 1
+ 104 213 l 2
+ 102 207 102 202 102 198 c 0
+ 102 187 107 184 117 184 c 0
+ 154 184 258 280 266 318 c 1
+175 26 m 0
+ 175 78 202 131 212 145 c 1
+ 242 113 l 1
+ 221 104 215 56 215 53 c 0
+ 215 20 256 -3 293 -3 c 0
+ 369 -3 368 -4 419 -5 c 0
+ 514 -7 531 -61 536 -71 c 1
+ 555 -2 l 1
+ 476 68 364 97 296 104 c 1
+ 272 196 l 1
+ 294.667 186.667 334.333 181 380 181 c 0
+ 459 181 613 276 613 336 c 0
+ 613 366 606 367 543 380 c 1
+ 532 280 378 232 351 232 c 0
+ 329 232 315 236 301 256 c 1
+ 209 138 112 112 105 112 c 0
+ 64 112 51 163 51 187 c 0
+ 51 196 53 204 55 212 c 2
+ 137 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 770 558 l 1
+ 756 508 l 1
+ 398 508 l 1
+ 398 508 398 435 502 435 c 0
+ 521 435 536 441 551 441 c 0
+ 624 441 652 388 652 341 c 0
+ 652 216 520 153 451 132 c 1
+ 542 79 539 79 623 -37 c 1
+ 618 -76 l 1
+ 596 -46 597 -45 590 -39 c 1
+ 556 -161 l 1
+ 544 -147 542 -152 516 -98 c 1
+ 494 -74 466 -65 452 -65 c 0
+ 424 -65 403 -69 379 -71 c 2
+ 268 -71 l 1
+ 256 -71 175 -68 175 26 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ca bn_ch_ra
+StartChar: bn_c_nya
+Encoding: 60724 -1 2301
+Width: 774
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+71 224 m 0
+ 45 224 32 246 27 264 c 1
+ 22 249 l 2
+ 19 238 17 226 17 215 c 0
+ 17 182 33 152 89 152 c 0
+ 169.596 152 226.891 195 311 195 c 0
+ 345.996 195 377.724 173.034 407 134 c 1
+ 499 465 l 1
+ 499 484 l 2
+ 499 485 499 485 499 486 c 0
+ 499 495 492 499 479 499 c 0
+ 415.408 499 328.925 405.604 306 364 c 1
+ 331.447 364 361 362.961 361 324 c 1
+ 358.574 280.2 326.256 254.913 279 251 c 1
+ 230 251 222 284 217 319 c 1
+ 180.708 264.562 101.439 224 71 224 c 0
+794 414 m 0
+ 794 391 783 341 724 291 c 1
+ 728.652 268.515 737 245.686 737 221 c 0
+ 737 150.91 693.283 86 630 86 c 0
+ 555.637 86 497.268 171.463 479 208 c 1
+ 423 4 l 1
+ 406 21 l 1
+ 394.971 30.3324 414 130 315 130 c 0
+ 232.306 130 166 76 77 76 c 0
+ 16 76 -18 114 -18 175 c 0
+ -18 197 -11 257 17 285 c 1
+ 78 510 l 1
+ 40 510 l 1
+ 3 560 l 1
+ 219 560 l 1
+ 254 512 l 1
+ 126 512 l 1
+ 122 485 l 2
+ 122 484 122 484 122 483 c 0
+ 122 418.069 195.045 408.318 232 396 c 1
+ 260.45 455.089 384.108 555 480 555 c 0
+ 515.911 555 553 518.638 553 488 c 0
+ 553 484 553 479 551 474 c 2
+ 521 366 l 1
+ 581.786 443.806 674.428 505 714 505 c 0
+ 753 505 794 466 794 414 c 0
+701 334 m 1
+ 719 342 734 365 734 385 c 0
+ 734 410 717 436 689 436 c 0
+ 641 436 523 350 507 292 c 2
+ 502 266 l 2
+ 501 264 501 262 501 259 c 0
+ 501 228 538 154 621 154 c 0
+ 669 154 695 189 695 214 c 0
+ 695 227.504 686.648 238.775 682 249 c 1
+ 666.195 242.472 650 235 629 235 c 0
+ 620 235 590 241 590 272 c 0
+ 590 315 634 344 665 344 c 0
+ 681.392 344 701 334 701 334 c 1
+65 297 m 2
+ 65 296 64 293 64 290 c 0
+ 64 282 67 271 82 271 c 0
+ 128.912 271 171.494 327.975 180 362 c 1
+ 142.354 367.341 117.096 396.316 102 426 c 1
+ 65 297 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_c_na
+Encoding: 60725 -1 2302
+Width: 408
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+107 143 m 2
+ 106 138 105 134 105 131 c 0
+ 105 120 112 115 120 115 c 0
+ 184 115 296 237 316 302 c 1
+ 253 325 201 361 186 426 c 1
+ 107 143 l 2
+74 -91 m 0
+ 74 -106 57 -160 -10 -160 c 0
+ -38 -160 -66 -141 -66 -102 c 0
+ -66 -52 -6 7 80 7 c 0
+ 131 7 166 -22 186 -66 c 1
+ 232 99 l 1
+ 167 50 137 49 102 49 c 0
+ 74 49 57 74 57 130 c 0
+ 57 135 57 139 58 142 c 2
+ 160 508 l 1
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 101 558 l 1
+ 518 558 l 1
+ 505 508 l 1
+ 208 508 l 1
+ 208 406 295 398 370 368 c 1
+ 389 357 397 330 397 318 c 0
+ 397 267 335 180 288 147 c 1
+ 198 -181 l 1
+ 184 -164 181 -166 178 -162 c 2
+ 169 -129 l 2
+ 159 -86 141 -43 102 -43 c 0
+ 77.75 -43 65 -47.5 53 -56 c 1
+ 70 -70 74 -82 74 -91 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ca bn_na
+StartChar: bn_j_ja
+Encoding: 60726 -1 2303
+Width: 775
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+538 219 m 0
+ 538 229 533 240 530 244 c 1
+ 506.671 232.472 468.184 217 454 217 c 0
+ 410 217 381 243 381 285 c 0
+ 381 322.909 400.313 349.011 416 383 c 1
+ 341.786 395.632 298.453 429.943 269 474 c 1
+ 255.844 465.449 180 418.674 180 368 c 0
+ 180 357 188 352 205 352 c 0
+ 248.486 352 276.794 380.671 300 387 c 1
+ 312 387 340 368 340 314 c 0
+ 340 301.2 336 262.8 336 250 c 0
+ 336 221.71 353.5 141 446 141 c 0
+ 521.667 141 538 217.697 538 219 c 0
+138 358 m 0
+ 138 416 173 472 226 508 c 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 873 558 l 1
+ 859 508 l 1
+ 340 508 l 2
+ 330.283 508 323.108 505.728 321 498 c 2
+ 315 476 l 1
+ 327.482 443.547 415 435 428 435 c 0
+ 438 435 490 440 533 461 c 1
+ 565.149 383.842 599.982 388.134 665 382 c 1
+ 672.03 383.883 707.33 393.217 736 398 c 1
+ 777 330 l 1
+ 638.293 203.182 641.04 127.323 615 -23 c 1
+ 586 -9 l 1
+ 586 22.6667 587.617 44 593 83 c 1
+ 607.293 194.488 667.925 281.573 694 320 c 1
+ 692.738 320 689.61 319.896 685.028 319.896 c 0
+ 654.428 319.896 558.959 324.548 521 396 c 1
+ 492.281 378.769 423 339.765 423 296 c 0
+ 423 284 431 278 457 278 c 0
+ 486 278 533 315 549 315 c 0
+ 560.548 315 588 295.897 588 233 c 0
+ 588 143 503.329 78 429 78 c 0
+ 369.5 78 308.335 112.974 302 208 c 1
+ 281 158 231 136 197 136 c 0
+ 75.4 136 45 229.3 45 282 c 2
+ 44 342 l 2
+ 46.177 391.49 56.0363 433.297 63 478 c 1
+ 91 461 l 1
+ 87.008 430.661 83 404.138 83 383 c 0
+ 83 352.044 97.6031 205 192 205 c 0
+ 267 205 301 257.8 301 293 c 0
+ 301 308 294 318 286 318 c 0
+ 266 314 235 289 206 289 c 0
+ 178 289 138 304 138 358 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ja bn_ja
+StartChar: bn_j_j_ba
+Encoding: 60727 -1 2304
+Width: 775
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+571 -110 m 1
+ 588 -50 l 1
+ 551 -50 527 -59 491 -87 c 1
+ 525 -87 549 -88 571 -110 c 1
+561 219 m 0
+ 561 229 556 240 553 244 c 1
+ 529 233 505 217 476 217 c 1
+ 432 217 403 243 403 285 c 0
+ 403 330 428 358 438 383 c 1
+ 380 388 291 428 291 474 c 1
+ 254 450 202 402 202 368 c 0
+ 202 357 210 352 228 352 c 0
+ 247 352 275 374 322 387 c 1
+ 341 387 362 356 362 298 c 1
+ 362 283 359 266 358 250 c 0
+ 358 190 414 141 468 141 c 0
+ 495 141 561 169 561 219 c 0
+160 358 m 0
+ 160 416 195 472 248 508 c 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 895 558 l 1
+ 881 508 l 1
+ 362 508 l 2
+ 342 508 337 500 331 486 c 1
+ 351 444 409 438 451 435 c 1
+ 483 435 513 441 555 461 c 1
+ 585 402 607 390 687 382 c 1
+ 709 388 734 398 758 398 c 1
+ 800 330 l 1
+ 711 249 665 139 638 -23 c 1
+ 593 -183 l 1
+ 556 -146 520.5 -122 450 -122 c 1
+ 425 -77 l 1
+ 472 -40 530 -3 607 5 c 1
+ 607 145 669 251 716 320 c 1
+ 628 320 576 334 543 396 c 1
+ 509 376 445 346 445 296 c 0
+ 445 284 454 278 479 278 c 0
+ 509 278 555 315 573 315 c 0
+ 598 315 611 265 611 233 c 1
+ 598 138 534 78 439 78 c 0
+ 371 78 329 142 325 208 c 1
+ 303 158 253 136 219 136 c 0
+ 91 136 68 226 66 342 c 1
+ 68 392 76 433 86 478 c 1
+ 113 461 l 1
+ 110 443 108 424 108 405 c 0
+ 108 324 112 205 214 205 c 1
+ 285 210 323 256 323 293 c 0
+ 323 308 316 318 308 318 c 0
+ 288 314 257 289 228 289 c 0
+ 200 289 160 304 160 358 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_j_ja bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_j_jha
+Encoding: 60728 -1 2305
+Width: 599
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+281 89 m 1
+ 212 54 l 1
+ 182 37 l 1
+ 187 36 193 33 202 23 c 2
+ 230 -8 l 1
+ 254 -38 l 2
+ 258 -43 261 -48 263 -55 c 2
+ 269 -75 l 1
+ 319 104 l 1
+ 281 89 l 1
+452 236 m 2
+ 465 281 505 344 527 367 c 1
+ 525 370 l 1
+ 488 368 l 2
+ 438 368 384 393 375 410 c 2
+ 352 431 l 2
+ 339 444 333 456 333 464 c 0
+ 333 467 l 1
+ 289 442 l 2
+ 235 395 217 361 217 339 c 0
+ 217 327 223 315 247 315 c 0
+ 266 315 309 332 318 338 c 2
+ 335 347 l 1
+ 366 360 l 1
+ 369 359 372 357 372 356 c 2
+ 384 342 l 2
+ 394 328 413 298 413 261 c 0
+ 413 260 413 260 413 259 c 2
+ 410 240 l 2
+ 408 233 408 229 408 226 c 1
+ 401 198 383 182 379 168 c 2
+ 343 36 l 1
+ 350 32 359 24 369 6 c 2
+ 381 -17 l 1
+ 386 -31 l 1
+ 410 54 l 1
+ 436 184 l 2
+ 438 193 443 202 444 208 c 2
+ 452 236 l 2
+169 338 m 0
+ 169 410 245 486 278 507 c 1
+ 89 507 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 720 558 l 1
+ 706 507 l 1
+ 447 507 l 2
+ 433 507 419 504 413 502 c 2
+ 381 492 l 1
+ 381 486 l 0
+ 381 453 412 425 460 425 c 2
+ 485 425 l 2
+ 505 425 558 440 574 453 c 1
+ 628 374 l 1
+ 575 338 529 273 518 250 c 2
+ 502 226 l 2
+ 491 206 478 191 457 117 c 2
+ 454 104 l 2
+ 443 67 443 53 443 40 c 0
+ 443 32 443 25 444 22 c 1
+ 397 -147 l 1
+ 383 -123 l 1
+ 381 -97 l 1
+ 375 -75 l 1
+ 365 -50 l 2
+ 363 -44 361 -39 351 -28 c 2
+ 329 -13 l 1
+ 281 -188 l 1
+ 263 -151 l 1
+ 242 -81 l 2
+ 235 -65 223 -52 207 -41 c 2
+ 184 -25 l 2
+ 171 -17 155 -12 135 -12 c 1
+ 95 51 l 1
+ 101 51 113 56 132 65 c 2
+ 206 101 l 1
+ 192 103 l 2
+ 142 115 99 165 89 221 c 2
+ 81 250 l 1
+ 77 323 l 1
+ 95 420 l 1
+ 106 460 l 1
+ 135 444 l 1
+ 124 399 l 1
+ 121 364 l 2
+ 121 361 120 357 120 354 c 0
+ 120 313 125 305 129 294 c 2
+ 133 258 l 1
+ 144 227 l 1
+ 161 201 l 1
+ 178 188 l 2
+ 194 180 202 166 241 166 c 0
+ 319 166 373 218 373 253 c 0
+ 373 276 359 276 357 279 c 1
+ 307 261 l 2
+ 290 256 274 253 260 253 c 2
+ 235 255 l 2
+ 207 258 169 287 169 338 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ja bn_jha
+StartChar: bn_j_nya
+Encoding: 60729 -1 2306
+Width: 671
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+547 306 m 1
+ 557 313 592 338 592 359 c 0
+ 592 383 550 398 536 398 c 0
+ 485 398 382 311 375 292 c 0
+ 372 282 371 271 371 261 c 0
+ 371 203 410 140 474 140 c 0
+ 520 140 551 177 551 202 c 0
+ 551 219 541 235 537 241 c 1
+ 517 228 498 222 479 222 c 0
+ 455 222 442 234 442 252 c 0
+ 442 277 472 326 517 326 c 0
+ 530 326 540 319 547 306 c 1
+177 332 m 0
+ 177 310 188 303 205 303 c 0
+ 238.328 303 290.619 333.089 317 350 c 1
+ 306.448 378.358 286 416.601 286 451 c 1
+ 244.339 441.742 177 407.716 177 332 c 0
+131 327 m 0
+ 131 404 218 489 251 508 c 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 745 558 l 1
+ 731 508 l 1
+ 357 508 l 1
+ 343.452 484.291 341 451.005 341 414 c 0
+ 341 390.816 353.606 351 373 351 c 0
+ 432.021 351 478 444 545 444 c 0
+ 585.369 444 642.847 426.614 642.847 357.679 c 0
+ 642.847 316.108 601.225 282.096 569 263 c 1
+ 575.427 237.749 585.408 213.457 585.408 183.521 c 0
+ 585.408 138.179 526.802 89 460 89 c 0
+ 386 89 353.793 145.679 351 204 c 1
+ 338 184 301 89 185 89 c 0
+ 73.217 89 31 188.2 31 299 c 0
+ 31 350.2 36 400.2 45 457 c 1
+ 77 438 l 1
+ 72.4468 401.574 66 362.555 66 323 c 0
+ 66 253.144 119 152 184 152 c 1
+ 238 152 328 200 328 261 c 0
+ 328 268.609 325.047 276.398 322 283 c 1
+ 303 283 278 247 211 247 c 0
+ 154 247 131 270.2 131 327 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ja bn_nya
+StartChar: bn_ny_ca
+Encoding: 60730 -1 2307
+Width: 625
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+130 247 m 1
+ 165 227 l 1
+ 188 211 l 2
+ 195 206 200 200 205 193 c 2
+ 230 160 l 1
+ 247 123 l 1
+ 310 352 l 1
+ 130 247 l 1
+440 310 m 0
+ 440 359 490 400 523 400 c 0
+ 537 400 551 393 559 381 c 1
+ 581 393 l 2
+ 602 407 605 425 605 434 c 0
+ 605 464 566 470 554 472 c 0
+ 483 472 373 391 373 322 c 0
+ 373 268 416 190 464 190 c 0
+ 500 190 555 222 555 263 c 0
+ 555 278 548 289 537 298 c 1
+ 518 284 497 277 476 277 c 0
+ 450 277 440 290 440 310 c 0
+593 269 m 0
+ 593 151 493 121 462 121 c 0
+ 394 121 349 176 342 298 c 1
+ 258 -6 l 1
+ 246 8 l 1
+ 233 66 l 2
+ 226 121 150 160 117 170 c 2
+ 62 178 l 1
+ 30 275 l 1
+ 141 339 l 1
+ 302 417 l 1
+ 303 421 303 425 303 428 c 0
+ 303 491 227 494 207 494 c 0
+ 177 494 151 487 136 455 c 0
+ 134 449 137 448 141 447 c 0
+ 158 447 167 445 167 432 c 0
+ 167 402 133 352 90 352 c 0
+ 81 352 75 353 71 356 c 2
+ 44 371 l 2
+ 40 375 37 383 37 397 c 0
+ 37 401 37 407 38 413 c 2
+ 41 428 l 2
+ 55 479 140 539 230 539 c 0
+ 284 539 333 497 338 452 c 1
+ 381 608 l 1
+ 412 551 l 1
+ 370 397 l 1
+ 384 422 401 441 411 453 c 2
+ 445 482 l 2
+ 507 534 555 545 580 545 c 0
+ 623 545 645 514 645 470 c 0
+ 645 422 621 360 573 329 c 1
+ 587 314 593 293 593 269 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nya bn_ca
+StartChar: bn_ny_cha
+Encoding: 60731 -1 2308
+Width: 545
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+153 196 m 0
+ 205.717 201.751 249.248 213.933 249.248 257.203 c 0
+ 249.248 259.076 249.166 261.008 249 263 c 2
+ 246 293 l 1
+ 250 310 l 1
+ 248 316 l 1
+ 101 237 l 2
+ 93 230 93 228 93 225 c 0
+ 93 208 138 196 153 196 c 0
+449 294 m 0
+ 480 294 508 320 508 340 c 0
+ 508 349 503 360 493 372 c 1
+ 480 358 466 351 451 351 c 0
+ 421 351 415 373 415 389 c 0
+ 415 395 416 400 417 403 c 2
+ 423 418 l 2
+ 427 426 446 446 473 446 c 0
+ 481 446 490 443 498 437 c 1
+ 508 442 527 451 538 477 c 2
+ 540 487 l 2
+ 540 489 540 490 540 492 c 0
+ 540 505 531 511 512 511 c 0
+ 496 511 479 507 460 498 c 2
+ 415 475 l 2
+ 397 464 384 452 375 438 c 2
+ 361 408 l 2
+ 360 405 360 401 360 396 c 0
+ 360 362 383 294 449 294 c 0
+190 455 m 1
+ 193.331 451.225 195.034 445.232 195.034 438.191 c 0
+ 195.034 413.523 174.121 376 129 376 c 0
+ 90 376 84 404 84 422 c 0
+ 84 426 84 430 85 433 c 2
+ 87 446 l 2
+ 107 518 220 574 287 574 c 2
+ 309 571 l 2
+ 328 565 365 546 365 489 c 0
+ 365 486 l 1
+ 416 527 l 1
+ 455 555 l 2
+ 470 564 484 571 496 574 c 2
+ 516 579 l 1
+ 533 580 l 2
+ 579 580 589 541 589 513 c 0
+ 589 503 588 494 586 489 c 2
+ 581 474 l 2
+ 577 460 568 436 534 407 c 1
+ 540 398 542 396 545 387 c 2
+ 550 370 l 1
+ 553 357 l 2
+ 553.414 353.272 553.657 349.716 553.657 346.26 c 0
+ 553.657 341.373 553.172 336.686 552 332 c 2
+ 548 321 l 1
+ 543 303 l 2
+ 517 239 466 236 452 235 c 2
+ 430 238 l 2
+ 372 256 327 307 327 373 c 0
+ 327 388 l 1
+ 273 337 l 1
+ 277 309 l 1
+ 285 287 l 1
+ 302 266 l 1
+ 340 226 l 2
+ 362 205 373 183 373 158 c 0
+ 373 156 373 153 373 151 c 2
+ 371 140 l 2
+ 367 126 359 112 348 98 c 2
+ 331 79 l 2
+ 318 63 277 34 243 26 c 1
+ 256 18 253 20 259 16 c 2
+ 271 6 l 2
+ 276 2 282 -3 288 -9 c 2
+ 363 -81 l 1
+ 376 -96 l 2
+ 394 -117 411 -140 417 -152 c 1
+ 408 -196 l 1
+ 369 -140 326 -112 285 -81 c 2
+ 258 -62 l 2
+ 224 -39 189 -20 74 -6 c 1
+ 43 96 l 1
+ 82 81 l 1
+ 127 77 l 2
+ 261 77 312 116 327 172 c 1
+ 327 175 322 180 313 187 c 2
+ 293 201 l 1
+ 290 196 284 191 270 182 c 2
+ 242 164 l 1
+ 193 141 l 1
+ 149 135 l 2
+ 103 135 45 149 45 220 c 0
+ 45 293 96 314 159 345 c 2
+ 215 373 l 2
+ 230 381 242 388 253 395 c 2
+ 296 426 l 2
+ 315 443 326 463 326 487 c 0
+ 326 509 314 523 293 523 c 0
+ 273 523 205 505 178 465 c 1
+ 186 460 190 457 190 455 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nya bn_cha
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+523 434 m 1
+ 548 444 551 469 551 477 c 0
+ 551 496 540 502 523 502 c 0
+ 477 502 352 444 352 406 c 0
+ 352 343 391 304 449 295 c 1
+ 498 295 516 340 516 347 c 0
+ 516 349 513 366 504 366 c 0
+ 500 366 476 351 465 350 c 1
+ 451 350 420 351 420 384 c 0
+ 420 423 462 448 487 448 c 0
+ 498 448 518 440 523 434 c 1
+93 398 m 0
+ 93 460 198 554 278 554 c 0
+ 360 554 343 486 361 486 c 0
+ 376 486 479 546 530 546 c 0
+ 560 546 600 528 600 472 c 0
+ 600 434 568 412 547 397 c 1
+ 556 379 564 375 565 349 c 0
+ 565 348 565 348 565 347 c 0
+ 565 317 530 280 513 269 c 1
+ 544 228 l 1
+ 429 162 403 70 403 29 c 0
+ 403 14 406 -4 415 -26 c 1
+ 382 -50 l 1
+ 374 -23 362 7 362 40 c 0
+ 362 134 409 199 451 250 c 1
+ 380 250 316 314 310 379 c 1
+ 283 352 207 283 207 246 c 0
+ 207 240 212 237 223 237 c 0
+ 237 237 280 247 295 278 c 1
+ 313 270 351 257 351 195 c 0
+ 351 109 292 11 179 11 c 0
+ 73 11 44 103 44 183 c 0
+ 44 236 50 287 56 335 c 1
+ 80 310 l 1
+ 80 194 102 80 175 80 c 0
+ 204 80 301 111 301 177 c 0
+ 301 190.663 292.079 195.147 279.491 195.147 c 0
+ 257.069 195.147 225 179 207 179 c 0
+ 170 179 151 202 151 236 c 0
+ 151 254 156 287 188 327 c 0
+ 281 435 299 445 299 482 c 0
+ 299 490 296 492 291 493 c 0
+ 246 493 214 465 214 458 c 0
+ 214 453 219 449 219 436 c 0
+ 219 376 136 359 136 359 c 1
+ 109 359 93 374 93 398 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nya bn_ja
+StartChar: bn_ny_jha
+Encoding: 60733 -1 2310
+Width: 644
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 233 m 1
+ 229 189 255 157 269 133 c 2
+ 295 86 l 1
+ 368 350 l 1
+ 140 233 l 1
+496 118 m 1
+ 472 118 427 154 408 189 c 2
+ 400 203 l 1
+ 388 233 l 1
+ 368 160 l 1
+ 399 141 l 1
+ 427 120 l 2
+ 440 111 466 92 479 58 c 1
+ 496 118 l 1
+592 230 m 2
+ 593 235 594 240 594 244 c 0
+ 594 254 591 263 585 271 c 2
+ 577 285 l 2
+ 571 290 568 293 565 294 c 1
+ 563 290 562 284 541 272 c 2
+ 517 265 l 2
+ 487 265 475 278 472 286 c 2
+ 465 305 l 1
+ 465 322 l 2
+ 470 339 492 364 499 366 c 2
+ 515 374 l 2
+ 524 378 532 381 542 382 c 0
+ 550 382 556 381 561 379 c 2
+ 574 370 l 1
+ 582 362 l 1
+ 589 362 610 374 622 386 c 2
+ 633 399 l 1
+ 645 416 l 1
+ 648 434 l 2
+ 649.183 437.55 649.744 440.944 649.744 444.183 c 0
+ 649.744 449.156 648.422 453.761 646 458 c 2
+ 635 474 l 2
+ 632 480 627 482 618 484 c 2
+ 598 487 l 1
+ 568 484 l 1
+ 545 478 l 1
+ 505 454 l 2
+ 499 451 481 436 474 430 c 2
+ 457 412 l 2
+ 451 405 446 399 442 392 c 2
+ 426 360 l 1
+ 409 300 l 1
+ 417 244 l 1
+ 436 218 l 1
+ 456 197 l 1
+ 480 178 l 2
+ 487 173 495 171 505 170 c 0
+ 518 170 526 171 529 172 c 2
+ 556 185 l 2
+ 566 191 574 199 582 210 c 2
+ 588 220 l 1
+ 592 230 l 2
+682 458 m 0
+ 682 405 613 327 596 325 c 1
+ 607 301 l 1
+ 617 270 l 2
+ 617 268 617 264 617 259 c 0
+ 617 254 617 246 616 235 c 2
+ 608 194 l 2
+ 592 136 549 144 530 118 c 1
+ 497 0 l 1
+ 469 14 l 1
+ 457 42 l 1
+ 444 58 l 2
+ 423 80 397 90 384 95 c 2
+ 353 106 l 1
+ 324 0 l 1
+ 294 14 l 1
+ 294 16 294 19 294 21 c 0
+ 294 87 178 158 142 173 c 2
+ 87 189 l 1
+ 55 261 l 1
+ 190 323 l 1
+ 320 393 l 1
+ 337 407 l 2
+ 346 419 350 424 350 436 c 0
+ 350 451 342 466 337 471 c 2
+ 325 488 l 1
+ 314 492 l 2
+ 296 498 288 500 271 502 c 0
+ 246 502 234 498 228 493 c 1
+ 227 493 224 492 221 490 c 2
+ 207 483 l 1
+ 191 474 l 2
+ 182 468 162 456 145 422 c 1
+ 154 429 153 431 166 432 c 0
+ 181 432 188 416 193 410 c 1
+ 192 390 l 2
+ 189 380 182 370 172 360 c 1
+ 142 348 l 1
+ 126 346 l 2
+ 119 346 113 347 109 350 c 2
+ 100 357 l 1
+ 92 370 l 2
+ 87 378 83 385 83 394 c 0
+ 83 481 196 531 237 539 c 2
+ 274 542 l 2
+ 324 542 386 508 386 434 c 0
+ 386 428 386 421 385 414 c 1
+ 426 564 l 1
+ 469 532 l 1
+ 441 430 l 1
+ 452 445 461 455 465 458 c 2
+ 489 479 l 2
+ 503 493 524 507 554 520 c 2
+ 592 533 l 1
+ 604 533 637 531 649 517 c 2
+ 655 517 662 512 670 501 c 2
+ 680 484 l 1
+ 682 463 l 2
+ 682 462 682 460 682 458 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nya bn_jha
+StartChar: bn_tt_tta
+Encoding: 60734 -1 2311
+Width: 451
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+123 94 m 0
+ 153 94 264 118 264 168 c 0
+ 264 186 251 195 245 198 c 1
+ 242 195 238 192 232 188 c 2
+ 214 177 l 2
+ 197 167 162 150 133 150 c 0
+ 101 150 63 179 58 213 c 2
+ 55 227 l 2
+ 55 228 54 230 54 232 c 0
+ 54 239 56 249 60 262 c 2
+ 128 508 l 1
+ 25 508 l 1
+ 39 558 l 1
+ 355 558 l 1
+ 368 564 l 2
+ 386 579 389 591 389 599 c 0
+ 389 615 371 618 365 620 c 2
+ 328 624 l 1
+ 265 620 l 1
+ 205 620 l 2
+ 86 620 58 665 58 706 c 0
+ 58 756 95 794 104 794 c 1
+ 129 778 l 1
+ 105 769 100 759 96 746 c 2
+ 92 727 l 2
+ 91.7171 726.01 91.5743 725.02 91.5743 724.03 c 0
+ 91.5743 718.02 96.8386 712.01 108 706 c 2
+ 129 697 l 1
+ 149 694 l 1
+ 171 693 l 1
+ 190 694 l 1
+ 307 694 l 2
+ 312 694 316 694 321 693 c 0
+ 344 693 418 673 418 597 c 0
+ 418 585 417 572 413 558 c 1
+ 508 558 l 1
+ 494 508 l 1
+ 177 508 l 1
+ 110 267 l 2
+ 108 260 107 252 107 244 c 0
+ 107 229 113 215 133 215 c 0
+ 146 215 161 221 179 232 c 2
+ 200 245 l 2
+ 203 247 207 249 210 252 c 2
+ 221 262 l 2
+ 230 271 247 290 261 310 c 2
+ 290 359 l 1
+ 277 364 l 2
+ 266 367 242 379 242 405 c 0
+ 242 453 301 479 320 481 c 2
+ 339 478 l 2
+ 355 475 364 463 367 456 c 2
+ 377 428 l 1
+ 375 406 l 1
+ 367 371 l 2
+ 355 329 344 308 320 275 c 2
+ 289 231 l 1
+ 297 180 l 2
+ 297 178 298 175 298 172 c 2
+ 296 152 l 2
+ 295 118 227 21 125 21 c 0
+ 54 21 -1 87 -17 120 c 2
+ -28 165 l 1
+ -34 215 l 2
+ -35 222 -35 229 -35 234 c 0
+ -35 250 -33 259 -31 268 c 1
+ -10 256 l 1
+ -3 218 l 2
+ 1 198 6 182 11 174 c 2
+ 34 136 l 2
+ 71 95 109 94 123 94 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_tta bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_tt_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60735 -1 2312
+Width: 520
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+221 94 m 0
+ 253 94 362 120 362 168 c 0
+ 362 186 349 195 343 198 c 1
+ 340 195 336 192 330 188 c 2
+ 312 177 l 2
+ 266 153 246 150 231 150 c 0
+ 199 150 161 179 156 213 c 2
+ 153 227 l 2
+ 153 228 152 230 152 232 c 0
+ 152 239 154 249 158 262 c 2
+ 226 508 l 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 453 558 l 1
+ 466 564 l 2
+ 483 579 487 591 487 599 c 0
+ 487 615 469 618 463 620 c 2
+ 426 624 l 1
+ 363 620 l 1
+ 303 620 l 2
+ 184 620 156 665 156 706 c 0
+ 156 756 193 794 202 794 c 1
+ 227 778 l 1
+ 206 769 202 766 194 746 c 2
+ 190 727 l 2
+ 189.717 726.01 189.574 725.02 189.574 724.03 c 0
+ 189.574 718.02 194.839 712.01 206 706 c 2
+ 227 697 l 1
+ 247 694 l 1
+ 269 693 l 1
+ 288 694 l 1
+ 405 694 l 2
+ 410 694 414 694 419 693 c 0
+ 440 693 517 678 517 600 c 0
+ 517 588 515 574 511 558 c 1
+ 606 558 l 1
+ 592 508 l 1
+ 275 508 l 1
+ 208 267 l 2
+ 206 259 205 252 205 246 c 0
+ 205 227 214 215 231 215 c 0
+ 244 215 259 221 277 232 c 2
+ 298 245 l 2
+ 311 252 340 282 359 310 c 2
+ 388 359 l 1
+ 375 364 l 2
+ 365 367 340 379 340 405 c 0
+ 340 453 398 479 418 481 c 2
+ 437 478 l 2
+ 453 475 462 463 465 456 c 2
+ 475 428 l 1
+ 473 406 l 1
+ 465 371 l 2
+ 450 316 432 292 387 231 c 1
+ 395 180 l 2
+ 395 178 396 175 396 172 c 2
+ 394 152 l 2
+ 394 137 380 105 354 80 c 1
+ 282 -181 l 1
+ 267 -165 l 1
+ 256 -127 l 2
+ 246 -108 230 -98 207 -98 c 2
+ 127 -98 l 2
+ 119 -98 111 -98 103 -99 c 0
+ 94 -99 86 -99 78 -100 c 0
+ 71 -100 64 -100 59 -101 c 2
+ 47 -101 l 2
+ -46 -101 -69 -56 -69 -10 c 0
+ -69 12 -59 64 -34 102 c 2
+ -22 118 l 1
+ -9 98 l 1
+ -10 97 -14 91 -19 81 c 2
+ -26 56 l 2
+ -29 46 -31 35 -31 26 c 0
+ -31 7 -24 -9 2 -19 c 2
+ 44 -30 l 2
+ 50 -31 56 -32 61 -32 c 0
+ 66 -33 69 -33 72 -33 c 0
+ 75 -33 77 -33 79 -32 c 1
+ 157 -32 l 2
+ 162 -33 168 -33 173 -33 c 2
+ 195 -34 l 2
+ 227 -34 255 -58 261 -87 c 1
+ 296 40 l 1
+ 269 27 244 21 223 21 c 0
+ 205 21 171 24 141 52 c 2
+ 124 63 l 2
+ 95 91 87 108 81 120 c 2
+ 70 165 l 1
+ 64 215 l 2
+ 63 219 63 224 63 228 c 0
+ 63 244 65 260 67 268 c 1
+ 88 256 l 1
+ 95 218 l 2
+ 98 199 103 185 109 174 c 2
+ 132 136 l 2
+ 169 95 207 94 221 94 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_tta bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_tt_ma
+Encoding: 60736 -1 2313
+Width: 512
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+317 699 m 2
+ 390 699 431 659 431 606 c 0
+ 431 596 430 586 427 575 c 2
+ 422 558 l 1
+ 588 558 l 1
+ 574 508 l 1
+ 501 508 l 1
+ 327 -120 l 1
+ 307 -96 l 1
+ 301 -51 l 2
+ 296 -20 290 -2 283 4 c 2
+ 272 18 l 2
+ 269 20 266 21 263 21 c 2
+ 260 22 257 22 256 22 c 0
+ 241 22 234 11 230 8 c 1
+ 221 -13 l 2
+ 213 -32 181 -52 163 -52 c 2
+ 153 -51 l 2
+ 136 -51 117 -42 113 -9 c 2
+ 114 5 l 1
+ 123 24 l 1
+ 133 41 l 2
+ 145 52 180 82 206 82 c 2
+ 231 82 l 2
+ 233 82 236 82 239 81 c 2
+ 262 81 285 61 302 38 c 2
+ 316 13 l 1
+ 453 508 l 1
+ 151 508 l 1
+ 58 173 l 2
+ 57 169 56 166 56 162 c 0
+ 56 149 63 137 86 137 c 0
+ 134 137 248 221 275 287 c 1
+ 259 285 l 2
+ 230 285 209 301 209 327 c 0
+ 209 331 209 337 211 342 c 2
+ 217 358 l 2
+ 239 397 272 409 298 409 c 0
+ 333 409 358 384 358 342 c 0
+ 358 331 357 320 353 307 c 0
+ 315 169 149 83 103 77 c 2
+ 78 74 l 1
+ 69 74 l 2
+ 52 74 13 101 11 162 c 0
+ 34 285 74 391 103 508 c 1
+ 44 508 l 1
+ 58 558 l 1
+ 373 558 l 1
+ 379 578 l 2
+ 381 583 382 588 382 592 c 0
+ 382 622 350 628 325 628 c 2
+ 246 628 l 1
+ 220 624 l 2
+ 210 624 203 623 199 622 c 2
+ 185 622 l 2
+ 78 622 59 679 59 713 c 0
+ 59 743 81 781 102 786 c 2
+ 114 790 l 1
+ 112 781 l 2
+ 111 762 98 769 92 746 c 2
+ 90 733 l 1
+ 91 719 l 2
+ 92 716 98 711 109 703 c 2
+ 125 695 l 1
+ 148 690 l 1
+ 317 699 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_tta bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_dd_ga
+Encoding: 60737 -1 2314
+Width: 522
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+528 337 m 2
+ 535 344 554 359 554 373 c 0
+ 554 381 547 391 532 391 c 0
+ 513 391 464 362 443 353 c 1
+ 448 345 450 327 450 307 c 0
+ 450 295 449 283 447 270 c 1
+ 528 337 l 2
+383 409 m 2
+ 386 420 l 2
+ 392 442 406 465 430 490 c 2
+ 448 508 l 1
+ 294 508 l 1
+ 241 314 l 1
+ 281 314 349 369 371 393 c 2
+ 383 406 l 1
+ 382 407 383 408 383 409 c 2
+404 338 m 1
+ 394 317 296 238 240 238 c 0
+ 206 238 199 264 196 274 c 2
+ 189 303 l 1
+ 245 508 l 1
+ 47 508 l 1
+ 61 558 l 1
+ 581 558 l 1
+ 580 553 l 1
+ 668 548 732 504 738 364 c 1
+ 745 419 l 2
+ 748 453 756 497 761 514 c 2
+ 800 653 l 1
+ 822 624 l 1
+ 816 611 l 2
+ 814 603 812 594 812 585 c 0
+ 812 573 815 562 824 559 c 2
+ 842 555 l 1
+ 910 558 l 1
+ 896 508 l 1
+ 805 508 l 1
+ 670 21 l 1
+ 638 66 l 1
+ 709 324 l 1
+ 709 335 709 343 709 351 c 0
+ 709 360 l 0
+ 709 383 707 396 683 434 c 2
+ 669 450 l 2
+ 659 463 626 493 590 493 c 0
+ 542 488 506 480 459 418 c 1
+ 484 423 l 1
+ 517 427 l 1
+ 543 424 l 2
+ 579 417 595 393 595 368 c 0
+ 595 325 554 282 535 262 c 2
+ 492 216 l 1
+ 455 182 l 1
+ 431 219 l 1
+ 390 113 308 62 192 62 c 0
+ 106 62 84 129 76 155 c 2
+ 58 218 l 1
+ 50 293 l 2
+ 50 299 l 0
+ 50 345 57 383 60 403 c 2
+ 73 478 l 1
+ 98 462 l 1
+ 90 436 87 406 87 377 c 0
+ 87 314 101 252 115 225 c 2
+ 134 190 l 2
+ 155 158 208 148 232 148 c 0
+ 293 148 370 180 411 265 c 2
+ 415 281 l 2
+ 416 284 416 288 416 292 c 0
+ 416 305 414 323 404 338 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_dda bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_dd_dda
+Encoding: 60738 -1 2315
+Width: 873
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+780 338 m 1
+ 766 315 665 236 611 236 c 0
+ 582 236 567 258 566 303 c 0
+ 568 308 568 311 567 312 c 1
+ 621 508 l 1
+ 305 508 l 1
+ 268 373 l 1
+ 273 369 277 367 282 367 c 0
+ 287 367 296 369 306 373 c 2
+ 338 391 l 1
+ 374 419 l 1
+ 423 465 l 1
+ 451 452 459 414 463 399 c 2
+ 469 378 l 1
+ 482 282 l 2
+ 493 211 506 142 604 142 c 0
+ 653 142 708 170 746 210 c 2
+ 770 242 l 2
+ 789 268 791 287 791 298 c 0
+ 791 309 788 322 780 338 c 1
+825 305 m 0
+ 825 204 737 60 606 60 c 2
+ 591 60 l 1
+ 569 64 l 2
+ 524 73 490 108 469 167 c 2
+ 446 251 l 1
+ 413 195 l 2
+ 384 150 302 106 243 106 c 2
+ 217 109 l 2
+ 105 140 89 228 81 263 c 2
+ 77 291 l 1
+ 74 338 l 2
+ 73 348 72 360 72 374 c 0
+ 72 389 73 405 74 424 c 2
+ 83 478 l 1
+ 108 462 l 1
+ 108 461 108 460 108 458 c 0
+ 108 443 111 402 112 393 c 2
+ 116 349 l 2
+ 117 332 122 296 138 272 c 2
+ 156 235 l 2
+ 176 202 231 193 254 193 c 0
+ 338 193 404 261 420 287 c 2
+ 433 310 l 2
+ 436 316 439 321 439 337 c 0
+ 439 352 435 371 427 383 c 1
+ 417 362 319 284 261 284 c 0
+ 232 284 217 305 214 348 c 0
+ 224 405 243 454 256 508 c 1
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 962 558 l 1
+ 948 508 l 1
+ 670 508 l 1
+ 625 344 l 2
+ 621.875 332.75 620.312 324.625 620.312 319.625 c 0
+ 620.312 316.625 620.875 314.75 622 314 c 1
+ 633 314 648 321 681 345 c 2
+ 776 420 l 1
+ 790 410 l 2
+ 817 385 825 342 825 305 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_dda bn_dda
+StartChar: bn_dd_ma
+Encoding: 60739 -1 2316
+Width: 621
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+484 305 m 0
+ 484 260 459 135 334 81 c 1
+ 344 82 l 1
+ 368 82 l 2
+ 371 82 374 82 377 81 c 2
+ 400 81 423 61 440 38 c 2
+ 454 13 l 1
+ 591 508 l 1
+ 327 508 l 1
+ 273 314 l 1
+ 313 314 382 369 403 393 c 2
+ 416 406 l 1
+ 433 420 l 1
+ 443 413 l 2
+ 446 411 449 409 451 406 c 2
+ 465 384 l 2
+ 477 358 484 333 484 305 c 0
+437 338 m 1
+ 427 317 328 238 272 238 c 0
+ 238 238 231 264 228 274 c 2
+ 221 303 l 1
+ 278 508 l 1
+ 80 508 l 1
+ 94 558 l 1
+ 726 558 l 1
+ 712 508 l 1
+ 639 508 l 1
+ 465 -120 l 1
+ 446 -96 l 1
+ 439 -51 l 2
+ 434 -20 428 -2 421 4 c 2
+ 410 18 l 2
+ 407 20 404 21 401 21 c 2
+ 398 22 396 22 394 22 c 0
+ 379 22 372 11 368 8 c 1
+ 360 -13 l 2
+ 351 -32 319 -52 301 -52 c 2
+ 291 -51 l 2
+ 257 -51 252 -20 251 -9 c 2
+ 253 5 l 1
+ 261 24 l 1
+ 272 41 l 2
+ 290 59 311 72 321 76 c 1
+ 281 62 242 62 224 62 c 0
+ 138 62 117 129 108 155 c 2
+ 91 218 l 1
+ 83 293 l 2
+ 82 295 82 297 82 299 c 0
+ 82 345 89 383 93 403 c 2
+ 106 478 l 1
+ 130 462 l 1
+ 123 436 120 406 120 377 c 0
+ 120 314 134 252 148 225 c 2
+ 167 190 l 2
+ 188 158 240 148 264 148 c 0
+ 325 148 403 180 444 265 c 2
+ 448 281 l 2
+ 449 284 449 288 449 292 c 0
+ 449 305 446 323 437 338 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_dda bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_nn_tta
+Encoding: 60740 -1 2317
+Width: 613
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+258 443 m 1
+ 244 473 212 488 173 488 c 0
+ 132 488 100 466 86 441 c 2
+ 79 421 l 1
+ 76 410 l 2
+ 73 398 71 388 71 379 c 0
+ 71 364 76 353 85 346 c 1
+ 96 348 l 1
+ 98 371 l 2
+ 104 393 130 414 162 414 c 2
+ 174 413 l 2
+ 191 413 201 400 203 375 c 2
+ 200 358 l 2
+ 195 339 163 282 104 282 c 0
+ 30 291 9 326 9 368 c 0
+ 9 387 13 407 19 427 c 2
+ 22 439 l 2
+ 62 543 164 558 192 558 c 2
+ 202 558 l 2
+ 237 558 261 540 278 514 c 1
+ 290 558 l 1
+ 546 558 l 1
+ 552 578 l 2
+ 554 583 555 588 555 592 c 0
+ 555 622 523 628 498 628 c 2
+ 419 628 l 1
+ 393 624 l 2
+ 383 624 376 623 372 622 c 2
+ 358 622 l 2
+ 252 622 232 679 232 713 c 0
+ 232 744 257 784 275 786 c 2
+ 287 790 l 1
+ 285 781 l 2
+ 284 762 271 769 265 746 c 2
+ 263 733 l 1
+ 265 719 l 2
+ 265 716 271 710 282 703 c 2
+ 298 695 l 1
+ 322 690 l 1
+ 490 699 l 2
+ 562 699 604 660 604 607 c 0
+ 604 597 603 586 600 575 c 2
+ 595 558 l 1
+ 671 558 l 1
+ 657 508 l 1
+ 324 508 l 1
+ 231 173 l 2
+ 230 169 229 165 229 161 c 0
+ 229 149 236 137 259 137 c 0
+ 310 137 420 222 448 287 c 1
+ 432 285 l 2
+ 403 285 382 301 382 327 c 0
+ 382 331 383 337 384 342 c 2
+ 390 358 l 2
+ 412 397 445 409 471 409 c 0
+ 505 409 531 385 531 342 c 0
+ 531 308 515 238 436 170 c 0
+ 353 104 308 82 277 77 c 2
+ 251 74 l 1
+ 242 74 l 2
+ 211 74 186 122 184 162 c 2
+ 189 193 l 1
+ 258 443 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_nn_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60741 -1 2318
+Width: 613
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+133 19 m 2
+ 175 19 181 17 211 17 c 2
+ 234 17 l 2
+ 270 17 297 -6 308 -41 c 1
+ 344 89 l 1
+ 336 85 320 79 305 77 c 2
+ 279 74 l 1
+ 270 74 l 2
+ 239 74 214 122 212 162 c 2
+ 217 193 l 1
+ 286 443 l 1
+ 273 473 240 488 201 488 c 0
+ 160 488 129 466 115 441 c 2
+ 107 421 l 1
+ 104 410 l 2
+ 101 398 99 388 99 379 c 0
+ 99 364 104 353 113 346 c 1
+ 124 348 l 1
+ 126 371 l 2
+ 132 393 158 414 190 414 c 2
+ 202 413 l 2
+ 219 413 229 400 231 375 c 2
+ 229 358 l 2
+ 223 339 192 282 133 282 c 0
+ 58 291 37 326 37 368 c 0
+ 37 387 41 407 47 427 c 2
+ 50 439 l 2
+ 90 543 192 558 220 558 c 2
+ 230 558 l 2
+ 265 558 289 540 306 514 c 1
+ 318 558 l 1
+ 574 558 l 1
+ 581 578 l 2
+ 582 583 583 588 583 592 c 0
+ 583 622 551 628 527 628 c 2
+ 448 628 l 1
+ 422 624 l 2
+ 412 624 404 623 400 622 c 2
+ 386 622 l 2
+ 280 622 260 679 260 713 c 0
+ 260 744 285 784 303 786 c 2
+ 316 790 l 1
+ 313 781 l 2
+ 312 762 300 769 293 746 c 2
+ 292 733 l 1
+ 293 719 l 2
+ 293 716 299 710 310 703 c 2
+ 326 695 l 1
+ 350 690 l 1
+ 518 699 l 2
+ 591 699 632 660 632 607 c 0
+ 632 597 631 586 628 575 c 2
+ 623 558 l 1
+ 699 558 l 1
+ 685 508 l 1
+ 352 508 l 1
+ 259 173 l 2
+ 258 169 258 165 258 161 c 0
+ 258 149 265 137 287 137 c 0
+ 338 137 448 222 476 287 c 1
+ 461 285 l 2
+ 431 285 410 301 410 327 c 0
+ 410 331 411 337 412 342 c 2
+ 419 358 l 2
+ 441 397 473 409 499 409 c 0
+ 533 409 560 385 560 342 c 0
+ 560 308 543 238 465 170 c 2
+ 430 143 l 2
+ 419 135 409 128 398 121 c 1
+ 328 -130 l 1
+ 313 -114 l 1
+ 300 -76 l 2
+ 289 -57 271 -47 248 -47 c 2
+ 138 -47 l 2
+ 129 -48 121 -48 113 -48 c 0
+ 106 -49 99 -49 93 -49 c 0
+ 87 -50 83 -50 81 -50 c 0
+ 30 -50 -43 -35 -43 42 c 0
+ -43 55 -41 69 -37 86 c 2
+ -33 100 l 2
+ -23 119 -28 122 -8 153 c 2
+ 4 169 l 1
+ 19 149 l 1
+ 18 148 14 142 9 132 c 2
+ 0 107 l 2
+ -3 97 -4 88 -4 80 c 0
+ -4 59 5 42 31 32 c 2
+ 75 21 l 2
+ 90 19 100 18 105 18 c 1
+ 109 19 111 19 113 19 c 2
+ 133 19 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 60742 -1 2319
+Width: 512
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+LayerCount: 2
+364 294 m 2
+ 365 304 367 319 367 336 c 0
+ 367 363 363 395 347 426 c 1
+ 309 290 215 239 170 211 c 2
+ 106 177 l 2
+ 101 174 91 164 91 144 c 0
+ 91 122 104 102 113 97 c 2
+ 134 89 l 1
+ 154 87 l 2
+ 240 87 315 190 336 222 c 2
+ 349 249 l 2
+ 354 259 357 268 360 276 c 2
+ 364 294 l 2
+403 802 m 1
+ 378 791 314 773 314 674 c 0
+ 314 633 328 599 352 558 c 1
+ 557 558 l 1
+ 543 508 l 1
+ 376 508 l 1
+ 395 461 l 2
+ 408 428 413 390 413 354 c 0
+ 413 310 406 270 399 246 c 2
+ 385 206 l 2
+ 313 50 189 39 151 39 c 2
+ 136 39 l 2
+ 81 39 26 98 26 145 c 0
+ 26 150 27 154 28 159 c 1
+ 28 161 28 164 28 167 c 0
+ 28 175 29 184 32 195 c 0
+ 47 249 55 244 89 258 c 2
+ 138 280 l 2
+ 166 292 198 309 209 320 c 2
+ 224 335 l 2
+ 231 344 234 349 240 360 c 2
+ 246 376 l 1
+ 249 388 l 1
+ 249 395 l 1
+ 254 409 l 2
+ 256 413 256 418 256 422 c 0
+ 256 430 254 439 251 447 c 2
+ 238 470 l 2
+ 224 494 190 498 174 500 c 0
+ 138 500 103 495 78 453 c 2
+ 70 433 l 1
+ 67 422 l 2
+ 64 411 62 400 62 391 c 0
+ 62 376 67 365 76 358 c 1
+ 87 360 l 1
+ 89 383 l 2
+ 96 408 123 426 153 426 c 2
+ 165 425 l 2
+ 183 425 192 412 194 387 c 2
+ 192 370 l 2
+ 186 351 155 294 96 294 c 2
+ 77 296 l 2
+ 34 305 1 320 1 377 c 0
+ 1 492 93 557 146 567 c 2
+ 184 571 l 2
+ 197 571 208 569 218 565 c 2
+ 231 556 l 2
+ 270 540 289 496 289 450 c 0
+ 289 435 287 420 283 405 c 2
+ 274 382 l 1
+ 293 407 l 2
+ 298 416 302 423 304 430 c 2
+ 311 466 l 2
+ 311 470 312 473 312 476 c 2
+ 312 478 313 480 313 482 c 0
+ 313 490 310 502 309 507 c 2
+ 278 637 l 2
+ 276 648 274 660 273 671 c 2
+ 271 705 l 2
+ 275 803 333 835 365 855 c 1
+ 403 802 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_ttha
+StartChar: bn_nn_dda
+Encoding: 60743 -1 2320
+Width: 434
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+116 406 m 0
+ 116 479.014 197.633 564 260 564 c 1
+ 306 560 327 534 327 505 c 0
+ 327 492.82 328.891 478 330 478 c 9
+ 401 558 l 1
+ 412 540 l 1
+ 411 535 410 530 410 525 c 0
+ 410 500.544 421.249 459.905 429 432 c 0
+ 434 416 436 398 436 383 c 0
+ 436 318.266 410.957 289.08 370 256 c 1
+ 376 250 378 226 378 203 c 0
+ 378 89 293 69 239 69 c 0
+ 81 69 48 219 48 368 c 0
+ 48 395.74 56 490.947 56 494 c 1
+ 77 496 l 1
+ 77 278.752 103.439 147 258 147 c 0
+ 283 147 321 159 334 206 c 0
+ 334.601 209.604 335.467 218.219 339 235 c 1
+ 326 225 312 219 297 219 c 0
+ 274 219 248 241 248 270 c 0
+ 248 311 295 338 326 338 c 0
+ 337 338 346 335 353 329 c 1
+ 384.832 344.916 400 361.565 400 407 c 0
+ 400 431 394 452 389 462 c 1
+ 315 383 l 1
+ 306 416 l 1
+ 308 425 310 430 310 438 c 0
+ 310 472 278 496 248 496 c 0
+ 218 496 165 462 165 410 c 0
+ 165 398 168 387 178 387 c 0
+ 182.708 387 185.375 388.875 185.375 388.875 c 1
+ 195.71 426.082 211.052 438 238 438 c 1
+ 257 437 267 430 267 414 c 0
+ 267 399 254 335 180 335 c 0
+ 127 335 116 375 116 406 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_dda
+StartChar: bn_nn_dda1
+Encoding: 60744 -1 2321
+Width: 624
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+556 267 m 1
+ 555.923 268.154 555.888 269.243 555.888 270.28 c 0
+ 555.888 282.728 561 287.769 561 309 c 0
+ 561 323 557 333 552 350 c 1
+ 533 327 521 314 498 294 c 2
+ 485 282 l 1
+ 431 245 l 2
+ 414 236 404 234 387 234 c 0
+ 289 234 350 438 280 438 c 1
+ 286 434 291 429 292 422 c 2
+ 291 399 l 1
+ 280 379 l 1
+ 266 365 l 1
+ 254 358 l 1
+ 238 351 l 1
+ 220 348 l 2
+ 209 349 184 351 175 364 c 2
+ 167 374 l 2
+ 162 385 160 397 160 406 c 0
+ 160 410 160 413 161 415 c 2
+ 164 428 l 2
+ 169 443 201 501 266 501 c 2
+ 272 501 l 2
+ 311 501 336 473 342 460 c 2
+ 353 431 l 1
+ 359 405 l 1
+ 401 558 l 1
+ 745 558 l 1
+ 732 508 l 1
+ 436 508 l 1
+ 387 334 l 2
+ 387 323 391 296 411 296 c 2
+ 414 296 l 2
+ 433 296 491 343 520 374 c 2
+ 554 410 l 1
+ 587 390 597 337 597 294 c 0
+ 597 210 536 130 507 107 c 2
+ 470 78 l 2
+ 445 57 396 28 317 28 c 0
+ 236 28 168 98 152 130 c 2
+ 135 160 l 2
+ 128 174 115 197 108 228 c 2
+ 99 254 l 1
+ 94 272 l 2
+ 87 294 88 297 84 314 c 2
+ 73 384 l 1
+ 70 431 l 2
+ 70 432 70 433 70 435 c 0
+ 70 442 70 451 71 464 c 1
+ 101 454 l 1
+ 101 433 105 416 108 406 c 2
+ 137 305 l 2
+ 151 255 165 232 185 199 c 2
+ 197 182 l 2
+ 232 134 280 106 342 106 c 2
+ 368 106 l 2
+ 410 106 454 127 486 159 c 2
+ 501 174 l 2
+ 505 179 509 183 513 188 c 2
+ 521 197 l 2
+ 531 207 551 250 556 267 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_nn_dd_ra
+Encoding: 60745 -1 2322
+Width: 434
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+16 144 m 1
+ 4 122 -8 87 -8 71 c 0
+ -8 31 28 9 139 9 c 0
+ 221 9 272 -1 281 -50 c 1
+ 316 76 l 1
+ 301 71 285 69 268 69 c 0
+ 110 69 77 219 77 368 c 0
+ 77 395 85 492 85 494 c 1
+ 106 496 l 1
+ 106 279 133 147 287 147 c 0
+ 331 147 354 178 369 235 c 1
+ 355 225 341 219 326 219 c 0
+ 303 219 277 241 277 270 c 0
+ 277 311 324 338 355 338 c 0
+ 366 338 375 335 383 329 c 1
+ 407 341 429 356 429 407 c 0
+ 429 431 423 452 418 462 c 1
+ 345 383 l 1
+ 335 416 l 1
+ 337 425 339 430 339 438 c 0
+ 339 472 307 496 277 496 c 0
+ 248 496 194 462 194 410 c 0
+ 194 398 197 387 207 387 c 0
+ 210 387 212 389 213 390 c 0
+ 223 426 240 438 265 438 c 0
+ 285 438 296 430 296 414 c 0
+ 296 399 283 335 209 335 c 0
+ 156 335 145 375 145 406 c 0
+ 145 477 226 564 286 564 c 0
+ 334 564 356 533 356 505 c 0
+ 356 493 358 478 359 478 c 9
+ 430 558 l 1
+ 441 540 l 1
+ 440 535 439 530 439 525 c 0
+ 439 483 466 429 466 383 c 0
+ 466 319 440 289 399 256 c 1
+ 406 249 407 218 407 194 c 0
+ 407 172 405 134 371 105 c 1
+ 303 -141 l 1
+ 284 -125 l 1
+ 273 -86 l 1
+ 263 -56 230 -56 212 -56 c 0
+ 155 -56 98 -60 69 -60 c 0
+ -4 -60 -44 -33 -44 27 c 0
+ -44 52 -36 116 4 164 c 1
+ 16 144 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_dd_ra
+StartChar: bn_nn_dd_ra1
+Encoding: 60746 -1 2323
+Width: 624
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+585 267 m 1
+ 584.923 268.154 584.888 269.243 584.888 270.28 c 0
+ 584.888 282.728 590 287.769 590 309 c 0
+ 590 323 587 333 581 350 c 1
+ 563 327 550 314 528 294 c 2
+ 514 282 l 1
+ 460 245 l 2
+ 444 236 433 234 416 234 c 0
+ 318 234 380 438 310 438 c 1
+ 316 434 320 429 321 422 c 2
+ 321 399 l 1
+ 309 379 l 1
+ 296 365 l 1
+ 284 358 l 1
+ 268 351 l 1
+ 250 348 l 2
+ 238 349 214 351 204 364 c 2
+ 197 374 l 2
+ 192 385 189 397 189 406 c 0
+ 189 410 190 413 190 415 c 2
+ 194 428 l 2
+ 198 443 230 501 295 501 c 2
+ 301 501 l 2
+ 340 501 365 473 372 460 c 2
+ 383 431 l 1
+ 389 405 l 1
+ 431 559 l 1
+ 775 559 l 1
+ 761 509 l 1
+ 465 509 l 1
+ 417 334 l 2
+ 417 323 421 296 440 296 c 2
+ 443 296 l 2
+ 462 296 520 343 550 374 c 2
+ 584 410 l 1
+ 616 390 627 337 627 294 c 0
+ 627 210 566 130 537 107 c 2
+ 500 78 l 2
+ 489 69 477 61 463 54 c 1
+ 397 -186 l 1
+ 381 -170 l 1
+ 369 -132 l 2
+ 358 -113 341 -103 317 -103 c 2
+ 233 -103 l 2
+ 224 -103 216 -103 206 -104 c 2
+ 181 -104 l 2
+ 173 -105 166 -105 161 -105 c 0
+ 155 -106 151 -106 149 -106 c 0
+ 50 -106 25 -59 25 -14 c 0
+ 25 8 36 60 60 97 c 2
+ 73 113 l 1
+ 87 93 l 1
+ 86 92 82 86 77 76 c 2
+ 68 51 l 2
+ 66 41 64 32 64 24 c 0
+ 64 3 73 -14 100 -24 c 2
+ 144 -35 l 2
+ 158 -37 169 -38 174 -38 c 0
+ 177 -38 179 -38 181 -37 c 1
+ 201 -37 l 2
+ 243 -37 249 -39 279 -39 c 2
+ 302 -39 l 2
+ 321 -39 360 -48 376 -97 c 1
+ 413 35 l 1
+ 398 31 387 28 346 28 c 0
+ 265 28 197 98 181 130 c 2
+ 165 160 l 2
+ 158 174 145 197 138 228 c 2
+ 129 254 l 1
+ 124 272 l 2
+ 117 294 118 297 113 314 c 2
+ 103 384 l 1
+ 100 431 l 2
+ 100 432 100 433 100 435 c 0
+ 100 442 100 451 101 464 c 1
+ 130 454 l 1
+ 130 433 135 416 138 406 c 2
+ 167 305 l 2
+ 181 255 195 232 214 199 c 2
+ 227 182 l 2
+ 261 134 310 106 372 106 c 2
+ 398 106 l 2
+ 440 106 483 127 515 159 c 2
+ 531 174 l 2
+ 535 179 539 183 542 188 c 2
+ 551 197 l 2
+ 560 207 581 250 585 267 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_nn_ddha
+Encoding: 60747 -1 2324
+Width: 415
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+108 437 m 1
+ 94 468 58 488 20 488 c 0
+ -23 488 -50 466 -66 441 c 2
+ -74 421 l 1
+ -77 410 l 2
+ -80 398 -82 388 -82 379 c 0
+ -82 364 -77 353 -68 346 c 1
+ -57 348 l 1
+ -55 371 l 2
+ -49 393 -23 414 9 414 c 2
+ 21 413 l 2
+ 38 413 48 400 51 375 c 2
+ 48 358 l 2
+ 43 339 11 282 -48 282 c 0
+ -123 291 -144 326 -144 368 c 0
+ -144 387 -140 407 -134 427 c 2
+ -131 439 l 2
+ -91 543 11 558 39 558 c 2
+ 49 558 l 2
+ 67 558 104 554 128 510 c 1
+ 141 558 l 1
+ 496 558 l 1
+ 482 508 l 1
+ 175 508 l 1
+ 82 172 l 2
+ 81 168 80 164 80 160 c 0
+ 80 147 87 139 102 138 c 0
+ 132 138 233 205 262 254 c 2
+ 279 289 l 1
+ 262 287 l 2
+ 233 287 213 303 213 329 c 0
+ 213 334 214 339 215 345 c 2
+ 224 366 l 2
+ 228 376 249 412 298 412 c 2
+ 325 407 l 2
+ 347 407 361 360 361 340 c 0
+ 361 338 361 337 361 336 c 2
+ 357 305 l 2
+ 332 213 254 140 168 95 c 2
+ 121 76 l 1
+ 95 73 l 2
+ 62 73 40 116 29 153 c 1
+ 108 437 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_ddha
+StartChar: bn_nn_nna
+Encoding: 60748 -1 2325
+Width: 450
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+47 351 m 0
+ 47 450 118 560 254 560 c 0
+ 338 560 350 459 366 390 c 1
+ 374 445 380 463 392 521 c 1
+ 422 655 l 1
+ 430 644 438 632 441 616 c 1
+ 441 588 455 570 467 558 c 1
+ 535 558 l 1
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 269 -76 l 1
+ 229 -20 l 1
+ 250 55 l 2
+ 251 60 252 62 252 66 c 0
+ 252 88 219 149 149 156 c 0
+ 63 156 30 90 30 50 c 0
+ 30 25 42 15 67 10 c 1
+ 73 49 94 64 126 64 c 0
+ 158 64 170 43 170 14 c 0
+ 170 -25 86 -43 69 -43 c 0
+ 38 -43 -35 -33 -35 47 c 0
+ -35 127 32 205 161 215 c 0
+ 220 215 257 155 267 117 c 1
+ 328 334 l 2
+ 333 350 335 365 335 379 c 0
+ 335 446 295 484 238 489 c 0
+ 166 489 112 421 112 357 c 0
+ 112 329 123 319 149 313 c 1
+ 149 356.9 185 379 211 379 c 0
+ 222 379 254 371 254 340 c 0
+ 254 297 213 249 147 249 c 0
+ 85 249 47 284 47 351 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_nna
+StartChar: bn_nn_ma
+Encoding: 60749 -1 2326
+Width: 581
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+437 508 m 1
+ 318 81 l 1
+ 322 81 l 2
+ 346 81 369 61 385 38 c 2
+ 399 13 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 437 508 l 1
+143 249 m 2
+ 88 249 54 290 54 351 c 0
+ 54 433 108 533 222 556 c 2
+ 260 560 l 2
+ 273 560 284 558 292 554 c 2
+ 310 544 l 2
+ 318 541 324 533 328 520 c 2
+ 338 501 l 2
+ 348 482 355 464 360 440 c 2
+ 372 390 l 1
+ 376 418 l 2
+ 381 462 386 498 392 521 c 2
+ 412 593 l 1
+ 417 605 l 1
+ 428 655 l 1
+ 441 635 l 1
+ 447 616 l 1
+ 446 613 446 611 446 609 c 0
+ 446 597 449 586 452 579 c 2
+ 474 558 l 1
+ 672 558 l 1
+ 658 508 l 1
+ 585 508 l 1
+ 411 -120 l 1
+ 391 -96 l 1
+ 385 -51 l 2
+ 379 -20 374 -1 367 4 c 2
+ 356 18 l 2
+ 352 20 350 21 347 21 c 2
+ 344 22 342 22 340 22 c 0
+ 325 22 318 11 314 8 c 1
+ 305 -13 l 2
+ 297 -32 264 -52 246 -52 c 2
+ 237 -51 l 2
+ 203 -51 197 -20 196 -9 c 2
+ 198 5 l 1
+ 206 24 l 1
+ 217 41 l 2
+ 226 50 237 60 262 74 c 1
+ 334 334 l 2
+ 339 350 341 365 341 379 c 0
+ 341 436 307 477 266 487 c 2
+ 244 489 l 2
+ 189 489 139 439 128 402 c 2
+ 123 385 l 2
+ 120 375 118 366 118 357 c 0
+ 118 342 123 329 132 318 c 1
+ 155 313 l 1
+ 155 325 l 1
+ 158 338 l 2
+ 167 371 199 379 217 379 c 0
+ 228 379 254 379 260 340 c 2
+ 258 318 l 2
+ 250 290 207 249 153 249 c 2
+ 143 249 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_nna bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_t_ta
+Encoding: 60750 -1 2327
+Width: 508
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+159 311 m 0
+ 159 401 304 486 408 486 c 0
+ 471 486 502 438 502 395 c 0
+ 502 364 470 286 431 253 c 1
+ 440 240 447 228 449 217 c 2
+ 449 188 l 1
+ 443 157 l 2
+ 421 76 386 54 307 28 c 0
+ 286 23 268 20 253 20 c 0
+ 230 20 209 25 189 35 c 2
+ 171 46 l 2
+ 166 50 161 54 156 59 c 2
+ 119 112 l 2
+ 113 121 102 145 94 166 c 2
+ 78 232 l 1
+ 71 284 l 2
+ 68 290 66 324 65 334 c 2
+ 61 442 l 1
+ 90 423 l 1
+ 96 356 l 2
+ 99 328 105 298 116 265 c 2
+ 129 227 l 2
+ 133 216 140 196 153 180 c 2
+ 177 147 l 2
+ 218 99 256 95 278 95 c 0
+ 337 95 388 130 405 168 c 2
+ 412 186 l 2
+ 414 191 415 196 415 200 c 0
+ 415 208 412 215 406 221 c 2
+ 396 231 l 1
+ 384 223 l 2
+ 380 220 375 218 371 216 c 2
+ 347 212 l 2
+ 317 212 300 226 300 252 c 0
+ 300 283 326 328 376 334 c 2
+ 398 331 l 1
+ 413 323 l 1
+ 440 333 467 368 467 398 c 0
+ 467 422 450 437 420 437 c 0
+ 404 437 386 434 367 428 c 2
+ 343 420 l 2
+ 338 418 333 416 332 414 c 1
+ 288 389 l 2
+ 278 382 269 374 260 365 c 1
+ 273 351 276 340 276 331 c 0
+ 276 322 273 316 273 311 c 0
+ 273 308 l 1
+ 263 272 231 263 211 263 c 0
+ 188 263 159 275 159 311 c 0
+75 558 m 1
+ 597 558 l 1
+ 583 508 l 1
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_khanda_ta bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_t_t_ba
+Encoding: 60751 -1 2328
+Width: 508
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+251 -64 m 0
+ 259 -64 271 -72 280 -81 c 1
+ 296 -21 l 1
+ 283 -21 l 1
+ 273 -23 l 2
+ 240 -29 210 -50 199 -58 c 1
+ 210 -58 231 -58 251 -64 c 0
+99 558 m 1
+ 621 558 l 1
+ 607 508 l 1
+ 85 508 l 1
+ 99 558 l 1
+526 395 m 0
+ 526 364 494 286 455 253 c 1
+ 465 240 471 228 473 217 c 2
+ 473 188 l 1
+ 468 157 l 2
+ 441 60 382 46 354 35 c 1
+ 301 -154 l 1
+ 291 -146 l 2
+ 284 -137 279 -131 267 -124 c 2
+ 255 -116 l 2
+ 246 -111 235 -101 195 -95 c 2
+ 158 -93 l 1
+ 133 -48 l 1
+ 227 20 241 6 260 21 c 1
+ 249 22 227 27 213 35 c 2
+ 195 46 l 2
+ 190 50 185 54 180 59 c 2
+ 143 112 l 2
+ 138 121 126 145 118 166 c 2
+ 102 232 l 1
+ 95 284 l 2
+ 92 290 90 324 90 334 c 2
+ 86 442 l 1
+ 114 423 l 1
+ 120 356 l 2
+ 123 328 130 298 140 265 c 2
+ 153 227 l 2
+ 157 216 164 196 177 180 c 2
+ 201 147 l 2
+ 242 99 280 95 302 95 c 0
+ 361 95 412 130 430 168 c 2
+ 437 186 l 2
+ 438 191 439 196 439 200 c 0
+ 439 208 436 215 430 221 c 2
+ 420 231 l 1
+ 408 223 l 2
+ 404 220 399 218 395 216 c 2
+ 371 212 l 2
+ 342 212 324 226 324 252 c 0
+ 324 283 350 328 401 334 c 2
+ 422 331 l 1
+ 438 323 l 1
+ 464 333 491 368 491 398 c 0
+ 491 422 474 437 444 437 c 0
+ 428 437 410 434 391 428 c 2
+ 367 420 l 2
+ 362 418 357 416 356 414 c 1
+ 312 389 l 2
+ 302 382 293 374 284 365 c 1
+ 297 351 300 340 300 331 c 0
+ 300 322 297 316 297 311 c 0
+ 297 308 l 1
+ 287 272 255 263 235 263 c 0
+ 212 263 184 275 184 311 c 0
+ 184 401 328 486 432 486 c 0
+ 495 486 526 438 526 395 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_t_ta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_t_tha
+Encoding: 60752 -1 2329
+Width: 515
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+173 413 m 0
+ 173 355 119 340 103 340 c 0
+ 46.0235 340 43.6133 388.685 40 420 c 1
+ 52.3871 495.893 123 553 180 553 c 0
+ 216.526 553 228.619 524.412 239 495 c 1
+ 318 561 l 1
+ 338.009 534.703 377.96 489.199 384 459 c 1
+ 384 413 l 1
+ 384 339.6 303.966 281.078 237 248 c 1
+ 227.234 241.489 223.429 236.965 223.429 234.429 c 0
+ 223.429 230.69 228.5 225.125 233 221 c 0
+ 294.015 179.161 311.265 151.975 351 103 c 1
+ 499 637 l 1
+ 518 603 l 1
+ 514 579 l 2
+ 514 562 521 558 538 558 c 2
+ 608 558 l 1
+ 594 506 l 1
+ 511 506 l 1
+ 363 -27 l 1
+ 343 -12 l 1
+ 307.614 116.904 248.182 164.02 95 184 c 1
+ 45 296 l 1
+ 63.3214 291.655 85 287 104 287 c 0
+ 185.37 287 336 358.082 336 434 c 0
+ 336 457.934 328.205 463.954 319 475 c 1
+ 245 410 l 1
+ 213 415 l 1
+ 217.512 424.588 223 430.821 223 445 c 0
+ 223 463 216 493 191 495 c 1
+ 167.386 495 129 475.455 129 451 c 1
+ 156 442 l 2
+ 168 437 173 427 173 413 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_khanda_ta bn_tha
+StartChar: bn_t_na
+Encoding: 60753 -1 2330
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+96 558 m 1
+ 672 558 l 1
+ 658 508 l 1
+ 82 508 l 1
+ 96 558 l 1
+80 -75 m 0
+ 80 -49 110 33 225 33 c 0
+ 278 33 319 -4 332 -40 c 1
+ 366 81 l 1
+ 360 80 356 78 351 76 c 2
+ 338 72 l 2
+ 330 70 312 69 287 69 c 0
+ 264 69 242 74 220 85 c 2
+ 196 99 l 2
+ 189 104 184 108 180 113 c 2
+ 167 131 l 2
+ 165 134 162 139 159 146 c 2
+ 147 171 l 1
+ 125 233 l 2
+ 121 239 116 274 115 277 c 2
+ 100 397 l 2
+ 99 411 99 423 99 435 c 0
+ 99 450 100 464 101 479 c 1
+ 127 467 l 1
+ 143 361 l 2
+ 146 346 150 334 152 325 c 2
+ 173 260 l 2
+ 183 237 186 232 189 224 c 2
+ 201 203 l 2
+ 205 196 210 191 214 187 c 2
+ 238 163 l 2
+ 256 152 286 148 298 148 c 0
+ 421 148 487 257 496 287 c 2
+ 500 302 l 2
+ 501 306 501.25 309.25 501.25 312.375 c 0
+ 501.25 315.5 501 318.5 501 322 c 2
+ 500 335 l 2
+ 495 367 471 397 441 397 c 0
+ 431 397 420 395 407 392 c 1
+ 412 382 414 372 414 361 c 0
+ 414 326 391 278 341 267 c 2
+ 322 264 l 1
+ 305 263 l 2
+ 257 263 250 302 250 327 c 0
+ 250 333 251 339 251 342 c 2
+ 254 361 l 2
+ 259 379 269 395 282 409 c 2
+ 307 431 l 2
+ 335 453 368 464 400 464 c 2
+ 422 462 l 1
+ 444 458 l 2
+ 502 443 541 389 541 316 c 0
+ 541 273 526 175 415 104 c 1
+ 343 -155 l 1
+ 343 -150 326 -139 323 -136 c 2
+ 315 -103 l 2
+ 308 -60 282 -17 247 -17 c 2
+ 239 -17 l 2
+ 228 -17 221 -18 211 -23 c 2
+ 199 -30 l 1
+ 216 -44 220 -56 220 -65 c 0
+ 220 -79 203 -134 136 -134 c 2
+ 129 -134 l 2
+ 108 -134 80 -111 80 -75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_khanda_ta bn_na
+StartChar: bn_t_ma
+Encoding: 60754 -1 2331
+Width: 673
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
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+ 495 335 l 2
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+ 317 264 l 1
+ 300 263 l 2
+ 252 263 245 302 245 327 c 0
+ 245 333 246 339 246 342 c 2
+ 249 361 l 2
+ 254 379 264 395 277 409 c 2
+ 302 431 l 2
+ 330 453 363 464 395 464 c 2
+ 417 462 l 1
+ 439 458 l 2
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+ 355 80 351 78 346 76 c 2
+ 333 72 l 2
+ 325 70 307 69 282 69 c 0
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+ 191 99 l 2
+ 184 104 179 108 176 113 c 2
+ 163 131 l 2
+ 160 134 157 139 154 146 c 2
+ 142 171 l 1
+ 120 233 l 2
+ 117 239 111 274 110 277 c 2
+ 95 397 l 2
+ 94 411 94 423 94 435 c 0
+ 94 450 95 464 96 479 c 1
+ 122 467 l 1
+ 138 361 l 2
+ 141 346 145 334 147 325 c 2
+ 168 260 l 2
+ 178 237 182 232 184 224 c 2
+ 197 203 l 2
+ 201 196 205 191 209 187 c 2
+ 233 163 l 2
+ 251 152 281 148 293 148 c 0
+77 508 m 1
+ 91 558 l 1
+ 778 558 l 1
+ 764 508 l 1
+ 691 508 l 1
+ 517 -120 l 1
+ 498 -96 l 1
+ 491 -51 l 2
+ 486 -20 480 -2 473 4 c 2
+ 462 18 l 2
+ 459 20 456 21 453 21 c 2
+ 450 22 447 22 446 22 c 0
+ 431 22 424 11 420 8 c 1
+ 412 -13 l 2
+ 403 -32 371 -52 353 -52 c 2
+ 343 -51 l 2
+ 309 -51 305 -20 303 -9 c 2
+ 305 5 l 1
+ 313 24 l 1
+ 324 41 l 2
+ 335 52 370 82 396 82 c 2
+ 421 82 l 2
+ 423 82 426 82 429 81 c 2
+ 456 81 487 49 492 38 c 2
+ 506 13 l 1
+ 643 508 l 1
+ 77 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_khanda_ta bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_t_ma1
+Encoding: 60755 -1 2332
+Width: 634
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+257 358 m 0
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+ 446 475 481 438 481 378 c 0
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+ 404 111 401 89 397 75 c 2
+ 394 63 l 2
+ 393 62 393 61 392 60 c 1
+ 414 30 440 23 456 -16 c 1
+ 601 508 l 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 751 558 l 1
+ 737 508 l 1
+ 649 508 l 1
+ 475 -120 l 1
+ 458 -107 l 1
+ 446 -49 381 -4 352 -1 c 1
+ 329 -31 283 -50 250 -50 c 0
+ 201 -50 189 -23 189 5 c 0
+ 189 98 289 121 318 121 c 0
+ 333 121 345 118 353 111 c 1
+ 356 121 359 135 359 151 c 0
+ 359 162 358 173 353 184 c 1
+ 329 173 304 168 278 168 c 0
+ 124 168 107 400 106 476 c 1
+ 148 455 l 1
+ 178 259 257 248 299 248 c 0
+ 354 248 439 300 439 369 c 0
+ 439 406 404 413 394 413 c 0
+ 391 413 388 413 387 412 c 1
+ 393 403 396 394 396 384 c 0
+ 396 366 368 299 313 299 c 0
+ 274 299 257 330 257 358 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_t_la
+Encoding: 60756 -1 2333
+Width: 551
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+98 558 m 1
+ 674 558 l 1
+ 660 508 l 1
+ 84 508 l 1
+ 98 558 l 1
+64 -103 m 0
+ 64 -27 132 23 182 23 c 0
+ 236 23 245 -23 249 -40 c 1
+ 253 -26 278 5 304 5 c 0
+ 318 5 337 0 341 -55 c 1
+ 380 85 l 1
+ 349 73 334 69 290 69 c 0
+ 132 69 101 278 101 435 c 0
+ 101 450 102 464 103 479 c 1
+ 129 467 l 1
+ 155 353 164 148 301 148 c 0
+ 438 148 504 263 504 322 c 0
+ 504 360 481 397 444 397 c 0
+ 434 397 422 395 409 392 c 1
+ 414 382 416 372 416 361 c 0
+ 416 313.821 358 262.284 300.486 262.284 c 0
+ 272.052 262.284 253 303.735 253 327 c 0
+ 253 407 328 464 402 464 c 1
+ 490 456 543 410 543 316 c 0
+ 543 241 503 161 434 115 c 1
+ 355 -172 l 1
+ 325 -152 l 1
+ 324 -123 326 -63 293 -63 c 0
+ 270 -63 263 -91 258 -103 c 1
+ 233 -104 l 1
+ 221 -65 200 -47 171 -47 c 0
+ 135 -47 113 -77 113 -96 c 0
+ 113 -111 126 -125 129 -130 c 1
+ 129 -128 129 -125 129 -123 c 0
+ 129 -89 154 -76 183 -76 c 0
+ 198 -76 207 -92 207 -107 c 0
+ 207 -138 181 -172 134 -172 c 0
+ 79 -172 64 -138 64 -103 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_khanda_ta bn_la
+StartChar: bn_d_ga
+Encoding: 60757 -1 2334
+Width: 804
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+98 297 m 1
+ 170 342 263 402 368 442 c 1
+ 383 476 402 489 419 508 c 1
+ 156 508 l 1
+ 98 297 l 1
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+ 531 386 523 396 508 396 c 0
+ 487 396 434 362 413 356 c 1
+ 323 235 294 173 287 -4 c 1
+ 257 11 l 1
+ 255.823 30.2232 255.245 48.5059 255.245 65.9822 c 0
+ 255.245 182.147 280.8 262.685 326 347 c 1
+ 230 318 130 239 71 153 c 1
+ 23 222 l 1
+ 102 508 l 1
+ 51 508 l 1
+ 65 558 l 1
+ 565 558 l 2
+ 660 558 707 491 715 369 c 1
+ 720 414 730 488 737 519 c 1
+ 776 658 l 1
+ 798 629 l 1
+ 793 618 789 605 789 590 c 0
+ 789 566 804 558 818 558 c 1
+ 885 558 l 1
+ 871 508 l 1
+ 780 508 l 1
+ 636 -13 l 1
+ 603 32 l 1
+ 686 329 l 1
+ 681 376 662 498 567 498 c 0
+ 520 498 479 484 436 423 c 1
+ 462 429 489 429 520 429 c 0
+ 542 429 571 405 571 372 c 0
+ 571 305 475 226 431 187 c 1
+ 391 252 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_d_gha
+Encoding: 60758 -1 2335
+Width: 771
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+388 304 m 2
+ 374 280 l 1
+ 422 319 l 2
+ 448 341 463 352 491 369 c 1
+ 470 362 l 1
+ 450 360 l 1
+ 439 360 l 2
+ 436 360 432 361 430 362 c 1
+ 421 351 397 316 388 304 c 2
+111 297 m 1
+ 169 333 250 406 373 446 c 1
+ 375 454 379 469 386 482 c 2
+ 405 508 l 1
+ 169 508 l 1
+ 111 297 l 1
+529 508 m 2
+ 494 508 453 463 453 434 c 0
+ 453 409 476 394 495 394 c 0
+ 529 394 570 420 584 434 c 1
+ 623 381 l 1
+ 591 365 523 316 468 266 c 1
+ 500 251 l 2
+ 555 231 587 163 598 132 c 1
+ 702 508 l 1
+ 529 508 l 2
+338 347 m 1
+ 242 318 142 239 84 153 c 1
+ 36 222 l 1
+ 115 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 860 558 l 1
+ 846 508 l 1
+ 752 508 l 1
+ 611 -2 l 1
+ 594 22 l 1
+ 588 74 l 2
+ 576 135 523 190 460 197 c 2
+ 433 200 l 1
+ 407 201 l 1
+ 363 263 l 1
+ 356 251 344 227 340 217 c 2
+ 327 182 l 1
+ 310 129 l 1
+ 301 74 l 1
+ 299 48 l 2
+ 300 16 300 8 300 2 c 0
+ 300 -4 l 1
+ 269 11 l 1
+ 266 62 l 2
+ 266 69 266 76 266 84 c 0
+ 266 105 268 126 269 138 c 2
+ 279 198 l 1
+ 291 240 l 2
+ 303 283 314 301 338 347 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_gha
+StartChar: bn_d_da
+Encoding: 60759 -1 2336
+Width: 561
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+101 316 m 1
+ 189 391 l 2
+ 211 408 234 424 260 439 c 2
+ 307 463 l 1
+ 362 404 l 1
+ 335 379 l 2
+ 321 366 295 340 277 311 c 2
+ 257 278 l 2
+ 247 262 240 244 238 235 c 1
+ 243 244 258 260 278 276 c 2
+ 335 321 l 1
+ 365 341 l 2
+ 385 353 418 374 459 389 c 1
+ 520 337 l 1
+ 467 280 l 2
+ 450 259 408 203 397 162 c 2
+ 389 145 l 1
+ 372 85 l 2
+ 372 80 371 74 371 68 c 2
+ 368 50 l 2
+ 367 47 367 43 367 38 c 0
+ 367 26 368 8 370 -15 c 1
+ 338 11 l 1
+ 337 18 337 27 337 37 c 0
+ 337 68 345 175 354 182 c 1
+ 360 203 l 2
+ 366 223 382 259 411 300 c 1
+ 380 282 307 226 282 200 c 2
+ 265 181 l 2
+ 255 169 239 148 220 119 c 1
+ 196 192 l 2
+ 189 212 192 213 190 229 c 2
+ 194 249 l 2
+ 200 272 218 327 261 370 c 1
+ 240 358 201 334 171 302 c 2
+ 115 243 l 2
+ 97 223 84 202 76 190 c 1
+ 33 249 l 1
+ 105 508 l 1
+ 66 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 651 558 l 1
+ 638 508 l 1
+ 155 508 l 1
+ 101 316 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_da
+StartChar: bn_d_d_ba
+Encoding: 60760 -1 2337
+Width: 561
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+329 55 m 2
+ 255 16 l 1
+ 239 5 l 1
+ 226 -3 l 1
+ 237 -6 248 -12 259 -22 c 2
+ 268 -32 l 2
+ 279 -48 299 -62 309 -85 c 1
+ 351 65 l 1
+ 342 61 335 58 329 55 c 2
+299 -123 m 2
+ 293 -104 257 -55 180 -55 c 1
+ 154 5 l 1
+ 155 5 182 22 183 23 c 0
+ 255 66 326 107 363 123 c 1
+ 364 123 364 123 365 124 c 1
+ 369 156 l 2
+ 370 161 374 180 376 182 c 1
+ 382 203 l 2
+ 387 223 404 259 433 300 c 1
+ 402 282 329 226 304 200 c 2
+ 287 181 l 2
+ 276 169 261 148 242 119 c 1
+ 218 192 l 2
+ 211 212 214 213 212 229 c 2
+ 216 249 l 2
+ 222 272 240 327 283 370 c 1
+ 262 358 223 334 193 302 c 2
+ 137 243 l 2
+ 118 223 106 202 98 190 c 1
+ 55 249 l 1
+ 126 508 l 1
+ 87 508 l 1
+ 101 558 l 1
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 659 508 l 1
+ 176 508 l 1
+ 123 316 l 1
+ 211 391 l 2
+ 233 408 256 424 282 439 c 2
+ 329 463 l 1
+ 384 404 l 1
+ 357 379 l 2
+ 343 366 317 340 299 311 c 2
+ 279 278 l 2
+ 269 262 262 244 260 235 c 1
+ 265 244 280 260 300 276 c 2
+ 357 321 l 1
+ 387 341 l 2
+ 407 353 440 374 480 389 c 1
+ 542 337 l 1
+ 489 280 l 2
+ 471 259 430 203 419 162 c 2
+ 411 145 l 1
+ 394 85 l 2
+ 394 80 393 74 392 68 c 0
+ 375 -16 348 -92 328 -173 c 1
+ 313 -161 l 1
+ 299 -123 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_d_da bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_d_d_ra
+Encoding: 60761 -1 2338
+Width: 561
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+356 12 m 1
+ 355 19 355 26 355 35 c 0
+ 355 64 364 175 373 182 c 1
+ 379 203 l 2
+ 384 223 401 259 430 300 c 1
+ 399 282 326 226 301 200 c 2
+ 284 181 l 2
+ 273 169 258 148 239 119 c 1
+ 215 192 l 2
+ 208 212 211 213 209 229 c 2
+ 213 249 l 2
+ 219 272 237 327 280 370 c 1
+ 259 358 220 334 190 302 c 2
+ 134 243 l 2
+ 115 223 103 202 95 190 c 1
+ 52 249 l 1
+ 123 508 l 1
+ 84 508 l 1
+ 98 558 l 1
+ 670 558 l 1
+ 656 508 l 1
+ 173 508 l 1
+ 120 316 l 1
+ 208 391 l 2
+ 230 408 253 424 279 439 c 2
+ 326 463 l 1
+ 381 404 l 1
+ 354 379 l 2
+ 340 366 314 340 296 311 c 2
+ 276 278 l 2
+ 266 262 259 244 257 235 c 1
+ 262 244 277 260 297 276 c 2
+ 354 321 l 1
+ 384 341 l 2
+ 403 353 437 374 477 389 c 1
+ 539 337 l 1
+ 486 280 l 2
+ 468 259 427 203 415 162 c 2
+ 408 145 l 1
+ 391 85 l 2
+ 391 80 390 74 389 68 c 2
+ 386 50 l 2
+ 386 47 386 43 386 38 c 0
+ 386 26 387 8 388 -15 c 1
+ 351 -151 l 1
+ 347 -137 335 -142 332 -133 c 2
+ 310 -88 l 2
+ 302 -80 286 -67 266 -60 c 2
+ 246 -55 l 1
+ 228 -54 l 1
+ 174 -61 l 1
+ 63 -61 l 2
+ 41 -61 -31 -45 -31 37 c 0
+ -31 69 -21 97 -14 112 c 2
+ 0 146 l 1
+ 7 155 l 1
+ 37 123 l 1
+ 28 119 21 110 17 96 c 2
+ 12 81 l 2
+ 10 75 10 69 10 65 c 0
+ 10 41 27 29 45 22 c 2
+ 68 13 l 1
+ 88 7 l 1
+ 191 7 l 2
+ 194 6 198 6 201 6 c 0
+ 205 5 209 5 213 5 c 0
+ 271 -5 288 -6 318 -37 c 2
+ 331 -61 l 1
+ 356 12 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_d_ra
+StartChar: bn_d_dha
+Encoding: 60762 -1 2339
+Width: 536
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+200 188 m 1
+ 171 171 l 1
+ 194 161 211 153 225 134 c 2
+ 247 109 l 2
+ 254 99 258 90 259 85 c 1
+ 302 240 l 1
+ 200 188 l 1
+442 290 m 1
+ 419 290 372 272 359 263 c 1
+ 279 -23 l 1
+ 258 2 l 1
+ 246 43 l 2
+ 240 64 220 85 189 105 c 2
+ 154 121 l 2
+ 144 125 133 127 118 127 c 1
+ 86 193 l 1
+ 189 253 l 1
+ 274 297 l 2
+ 286 302 293 304 320 323 c 1
+ 334 372 l 2
+ 335.392 377.105 336.138 381.133 336.138 384.284 c 0
+ 336.138 387.923 335.144 390.392 333 392 c 1
+ 321 394 l 2
+ 281 394 228 362 210 351 c 2
+ 170 322 l 2
+ 154 309 146 302 133 287 c 2
+ 99 250 l 1
+ 83 230 l 1
+ 54 288 l 1
+ 115 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 641 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 164 508 l 1
+ 122 357 l 1
+ 135 368 l 2
+ 145 377 156 386 165 393 c 2
+ 192 413 l 2
+ 214 427 275 463 316 463 c 2
+ 329 462 l 2
+ 373 448 386 407 386 387 c 0
+ 386 386 386 384 386 383 c 2
+ 382 360 l 1
+ 374 336 l 1
+ 448 365 l 1
+ 449 366 450 366 451 366 c 2
+ 455 366 l 2
+ 460 366 464 365 467 363 c 2
+ 479 353 l 2
+ 492 341 496 312 496 301 c 0
+ 496 300 492 261 492 260 c 1
+ 468 195 l 1
+ 449 128 l 2
+ 442 102 435 64 433 47 c 2
+ 428 -4 l 1
+ 417 2 l 1
+ 409 10 l 2
+ 397 21 389 37 388 58 c 2
+ 383 78 l 1
+ 442 290 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_dha
+StartChar: bn_d_dh_ba
+Encoding: 60763 -1 2340
+Width: 581
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+352 170 m 1
+ 325 163 264 139 217 102 c 1
+ 244 90 l 2
+ 258 86 266 81 270 76 c 2
+ 300 49 l 1
+ 307 40 l 2
+ 309 37 311 33 312 28 c 1
+ 352 170 l 1
+214 206 m 1
+ 227 197 233 193 241 180 c 2
+ 249 168 l 1
+ 270 180 l 1
+ 296 194 l 1
+ 367 224 l 1
+ 388 302 l 1
+ 214 206 l 1
+371 462 m 0
+ 389 462 448 449 448 398 c 0
+ 448 391 447 384 445 376 c 2
+ 441 362 l 1
+ 465 382 l 1
+ 495 397 l 2
+ 504 401 512 403 519 403 c 2
+ 535 401 l 2
+ 544 401 568 387 568 348 c 0
+ 568 343 568 338 567 333 c 2
+ 557 288 l 1
+ 535 224 l 1
+ 500 100 l 1
+ 490 32 l 2
+ 488 19 487 9 487 1 c 0
+ 487 -1 487 -4 487 -6 c 1
+ 480 -4 469 6 464 32 c 2
+ 458 58 l 1
+ 457 82 l 1
+ 460 108 l 1
+ 463 132 l 1
+ 472 170 l 1
+ 483 204 l 1
+ 490 228 l 2
+ 490 233 490 237 491 240 c 2
+ 508 302 l 1
+ 516 322 l 1
+ 516 333 513 341 506 344 c 2
+ 490 347 l 2
+ 483 347 473 343 460 336 c 2
+ 444 324 l 1
+ 432 306 l 1
+ 334 -46 l 1
+ 309 -6 l 1
+ 294 10 l 1
+ 277 25 l 2
+ 264 39 232 56 186 68 c 1
+ 163 116 l 1
+ 219 152 l 1
+ 216 158 214 162 209 164 c 2
+ 192 170 l 1
+ 169 176 l 1
+ 142 222 l 1
+ 211 265 283 304 356 343 c 0
+ 382 356 394 365 394 380 c 0
+ 394 394 375 400 359 403 c 0
+ 325 399 258 370 202 326 c 2
+ 171 300 l 1
+ 128 256 l 1
+ 103 320 l 1
+ 152 494 l 1
+ 68 494 l 1
+ 82 546 l 1
+ 682 546 l 1
+ 668 494 l 1
+ 202 494 l 1
+ 163 354 l 1
+ 170 360 176 366 185 373 c 2
+ 212 392 l 2
+ 234 409 244 411 268 426 c 2
+ 313 447 l 2
+ 335 457 355 462 371 462 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_d_dha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_d_na
+Encoding: 60764 -1 2341
+Width: 478
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+9 21 m 0
+ 9 45 35 137 142 137 c 0
+ 231 137 245 76 260 51 c 1
+ 262 54 262 56 263 59 c 0
+ 303 206 293 252 353 347 c 1
+ 257 318 157 239 98 153 c 1
+ 50 222 l 1
+ 129 508 l 1
+ 49 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 592 558 l 1
+ 578 508 l 1
+ 183 508 l 1
+ 125 297 l 1
+ 185 333 255 396 348 431 c 2
+ 391 447 l 1
+ 460 382 l 1
+ 381 295 345 200 321 112 c 1
+ 321 109 320 106 320 104 c 1
+ 272 -72 l 1
+ 260 -108 l 1
+ 244 -84 l 1
+ 237 -30 l 2
+ 225 87 167 88 142 88 c 1
+ 141 83 l 1
+ 148 74 152 64 152 53 c 0
+ 152 21 117 -27 66 -27 c 2
+ 59 -27 l 2
+ 44 -27 9 -18 9 21 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_d_bha
+Encoding: 60765 -1 2342
+Width: 547
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+299 288 m 1
+ 304 288 332 280 332 250 c 0
+ 332 241 331 221 309 204 c 1
+ 294 202 l 1
+ 297 198 303 196 312 196 c 2
+ 327 196 l 1
+ 344 204 l 1
+ 366 218 l 1
+ 362 231 l 1
+ 358 255 l 1
+ 358 278 l 2
+ 359 295 373 343 379 356 c 2
+ 401 399 l 1
+ 362 381 l 1
+ 312 354 l 1
+ 275 327 l 1
+ 256 312 l 2
+ 249 307 243 301 236 294 c 1
+ 205 342 l 1
+ 249 502 l 1
+ 53 502 l 1
+ 68 554 l 1
+ 675 554 l 1
+ 660 502 l 1
+ 303 502 l 1
+ 269 378 l 1
+ 348 426 l 1
+ 376 440 l 1
+ 419 458 l 1
+ 479 401 l 1
+ 453 373 l 2
+ 434 351 425 336 410 310 c 2
+ 392 260 l 1
+ 390 251 l 1
+ 390 232 l 1
+ 397 235 404 241 407 244 c 2
+ 472 310 l 1
+ 492 290 l 2
+ 503 267 508 243 508 219 c 0
+ 508 146 455 50 389 12 c 2
+ 341 -13 l 2
+ 320 -22 272 -35 255 -35 c 2
+ 241 -35 l 2
+ 233 -35 225 -35 219 -34 c 0
+ 149 -34 94 34 79 68 c 2
+ 60 119 l 2
+ 48 163 45 201 43 221 c 2
+ 39 282 l 1
+ 56 462 l 1
+ 82 440 l 1
+ 81 430 81 417 81 400 c 0
+ 81 391 81 382 81 372 c 2
+ 83 327 l 2
+ 89 258 106 33 263 33 c 2
+ 266 33 l 2
+ 298 33 376 47 430 122 c 2
+ 450 157 l 1
+ 463 190 l 1
+ 467 207 l 1
+ 470 252 l 1
+ 444 223 l 2
+ 437 215 431 210 427 207 c 2
+ 385 176 l 2
+ 353 152 319 140 283 140 c 2
+ 264 140 l 1
+ 250 144 l 2
+ 236 147 202 167 202 206 c 0
+ 202 257 250 283 266 287 c 2
+ 283 290 l 2
+ 291 290 296 289 299 288 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_bha
+StartChar: bn_d_bh_ra
+Encoding: 60766 -1 2343
+Width: 451
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+362 288 m 0
+ 377 288 397 262 397 239 c 0
+ 397 235 396 232 395 229 c 2
+ 306 -92 l 1
+ 291 -75 l 1
+ 284 -53 l 2
+ 283 -42 276 -24 246 -13 c 2
+ 221 -10 l 1
+ 132 -17 l 1
+ 111 -17 l 1
+ 80 -13 l 2
+ 26 -5 14 36 14 70 c 0
+ 14 89 18 107 20 115 c 2
+ 25 132 l 2
+ 28 139 24 134 36 158 c 2
+ 45 175 l 2
+ 48 181 58 203 69 207 c 1
+ 98 208 l 1
+ 83 186 l 1
+ 69 162 l 1
+ 62 143 l 2
+ 59 134 58 125 58 117 c 0
+ 58 79 83 56 110 49 c 2
+ 133 47 l 1
+ 144 47 l 2
+ 208 47 231 43 251 37 c 2
+ 286 13 l 1
+ 335 193 l 1
+ 291 160 l 2
+ 255 136 235 125 198 121 c 2
+ 185 120 l 2
+ 166 120 152 124 143 131 c 2
+ 134 141 l 2
+ 124 150 121 165 121 179 c 0
+ 121 221 141 236 150 247 c 2
+ 172 261 l 2
+ 178 265 188 267 201 267 c 0
+ 226 267 238 255 238 241 c 2
+ 236 219 l 2
+ 234 212 230 205 225 198 c 2
+ 214 183 l 1
+ 241 183 269 204 293 227 c 1
+ 288 238 287 251 287 263 c 0
+ 287 318 317 378 331 399 c 1
+ 229 352 194 321 165 294 c 1
+ 135 342 l 1
+ 179 502 l 1
+ 61 502 l 1
+ 76 554 l 1
+ 561 554 l 1
+ 546 502 l 1
+ 233 502 l 1
+ 199 378 l 1
+ 272 422 l 2
+ 297 437 322 449 349 458 c 1
+ 409 401 l 1
+ 339 333 330 286 322 257 c 1
+ 340 274 354 288 362 288 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_bh_ra
+StartChar: bn_d_bh_ra1
+Encoding: 60767 -1 2344
+Width: 547
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+158 -88 m 2
+ 201 -88 206 -90 236 -90 c 2
+ 259 -90 l 2
+ 297 -90 322 -115 333 -148 c 1
+ 371 -12 l 1
+ 360 -20 297 -35 283 -35 c 2
+ 269 -35 l 2
+ 261 -35 253 -35 247 -34 c 0
+ 177 -34 122 34 107 68 c 2
+ 88 119 l 2
+ 76 163 73 201 71 221 c 2
+ 67 282 l 1
+ 84 462 l 1
+ 110 440 l 1
+ 109 430 109 417 109 400 c 0
+ 109 391 109 382 109 372 c 2
+ 111 327 l 2
+ 117 258 134 33 291 33 c 2
+ 294 33 l 2
+ 326 33 404 47 458 122 c 2
+ 478 157 l 1
+ 491 190 l 1
+ 495 207 l 1
+ 498 252 l 1
+ 472 223 l 2
+ 465 215 459 210 455 207 c 2
+ 413 176 l 2
+ 381 152 347 140 311 140 c 2
+ 292 140 l 1
+ 278 144 l 2
+ 264 147 230 167 230 206 c 0
+ 230 257 278 283 294 287 c 2
+ 311 290 l 2
+ 319 290 324 289 327 288 c 1
+ 332 288 360 280 360 250 c 0
+ 360 241 359 221 337 204 c 1
+ 322 202 l 1
+ 325 198 331 196 340 196 c 2
+ 355 196 l 1
+ 372 204 l 1
+ 395 218 l 1
+ 390 231 l 1
+ 386 255 l 1
+ 386 278 l 2
+ 387 295 401 343 407 356 c 2
+ 429 399 l 1
+ 390 381 l 1
+ 340 354 l 1
+ 303 327 l 1
+ 284 312 l 2
+ 277 307 271 301 264 294 c 1
+ 233 342 l 1
+ 277 502 l 1
+ 81 502 l 1
+ 96 554 l 1
+ 703 554 l 1
+ 688 502 l 1
+ 331 502 l 1
+ 297 378 l 1
+ 376 426 l 1
+ 404 440 l 1
+ 447 458 l 1
+ 507 401 l 1
+ 481 373 l 2
+ 462 351 453 336 438 310 c 2
+ 420 260 l 1
+ 418 251 l 1
+ 418 232 l 1
+ 425 235 432 241 435 244 c 2
+ 500 310 l 1
+ 520 290 l 2
+ 531 267 536 243 536 219 c 0
+ 536 152 492 62 423 15 c 1
+ 353 -237 l 1
+ 338 -221 l 1
+ 325 -183 l 2
+ 314 -164 296 -154 273 -154 c 2
+ 163 -154 l 2
+ 154 -155 146 -155 139 -156 c 0
+ 131 -156 124 -156 118 -157 c 2
+ 106 -157 l 2
+ 7 -157 -18 -111 -18 -65 c 0
+ -18 -43 -8 8 17 46 c 2
+ 29 62 l 1
+ 44 42 l 1
+ 42 41 39 35 34 25 c 2
+ 25 0 l 2
+ 23 -9 21 -18 21 -28 c 0
+ 21 -47 29 -65 56 -75 c 2
+ 100 -86 l 2
+ 115 -88 124 -89 130 -89 c 1
+ 134 -88 136 -88 138 -88 c 2
+ 158 -88 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_d_ma
+Encoding: 60768 -1 2345
+Width: 600
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+326 129 m 2
+ 324 122 321 94 321 92 c 2
+ 318 81 l 1
+ 320 82 321 82 322 82 c 2
+ 350 82 l 2
+ 353 82 356 82 359 81 c 2
+ 389 81 414 49 422 38 c 2
+ 436 13 l 1
+ 573 508 l 1
+ 185 508 l 1
+ 127 297 l 1
+ 187 333 257 396 350 431 c 2
+ 392 447 l 1
+ 461 382 l 1
+ 422 329 l 2
+ 377 264 365 238 356 217 c 2
+ 343 182 l 1
+ 326 129 l 2
+354 347 m 1
+ 258 318 159 239 100 153 c 1
+ 52 222 l 1
+ 131 508 l 1
+ 80 508 l 1
+ 94 558 l 1
+ 708 558 l 1
+ 694 508 l 1
+ 621 508 l 1
+ 447 -120 l 1
+ 428 -96 l 1
+ 421 -51 l 2
+ 416 -20 410 -1 403 4 c 2
+ 392 18 l 2
+ 389 20 386 21 383 21 c 2
+ 380 22 378 22 376 22 c 0
+ 361 22 354 11 350 8 c 1
+ 342 -13 l 2
+ 333 -32 301 -52 283 -52 c 2
+ 273 -51 l 2
+ 263 -51 241 -46 235 -19 c 2
+ 233 -9 l 1
+ 235 5 l 1
+ 243 24 l 1
+ 254 41 l 1
+ 267 53 l 2
+ 271 58 276 61 282 64 c 1
+ 281 70 281 76 281 84 c 0
+ 281 96 282 112 286 138 c 2
+ 295 198 l 1
+ 307 240 l 2
+ 319 283 330 301 354 347 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_da bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_dh_na
+Encoding: 60769 -1 2346
+Width: 449
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+314 377 m 2
+ 256 347 l 1
+ 208 319 l 1
+ 161 286 l 1
+ 184 272 l 2
+ 253 232 285 161 297 129 c 1
+ 372 401 l 1
+ 352 394 333 386 314 377 c 2
+201 497 m 1
+ 191 492 184 469 184 462 c 0
+ 184 446 193 417 236 417 c 0
+ 244 417 249 418 252 419 c 2
+ 397 492 l 1
+ 416 558 l 1
+ 550 558 l 1
+ 536 508 l 1
+ 452 508 l 1
+ 285 -95 l 1
+ 276 -84 l 1
+ 273 -83 265 -76 265 -76 c 1
+ 256 -43 l 2
+ 250 -1 225 43 189 43 c 2
+ 181 43 l 2
+ 170 43 163 42 152 37 c 2
+ 140 30 l 1
+ 157 16 161 4 161 -5 c 0
+ 161 -23 149 -41 142 -48 c 2
+ 125 -61 l 2
+ 112 -70 96 -74 77 -74 c 2
+ 70 -74 l 2
+ 46 -74 22 -49 22 -15 c 0
+ 22 11 52 93 167 93 c 0
+ 217 93 253 65 268 24 c 1
+ 284 83 l 1
+ 267 114 l 2
+ 208 209 135 217 95 222 c 1
+ 57 301 l 1
+ 210 395 l 1
+ 192 395 142 397 130 441 c 2
+ 127 458 l 1
+ 130 484 l 2
+ 142 527 181 564 243 564 c 0
+ 272 564 286 545 286 530 c 0
+ 286 528 286 526 285 524 c 2
+ 281 514 l 2
+ 271 497 259 485 224 485 c 0
+ 221 485 218 485 216 486 c 2
+ 213 486 211 487 209 489 c 2
+ 201 497 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_dha bn_na
+StartChar: bn_dh_ma
+Encoding: 60770 -1 2347
+Width: 585
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+317 377 m 2
+ 260 347 l 1
+ 212 319 l 1
+ 165 286 l 1
+ 188 272 l 2
+ 257 232 288 161 300 129 c 1
+ 376 401 l 1
+ 356 394 336 386 317 377 c 2
+455 508 m 1
+ 337 81 l 1
+ 344 81 l 2
+ 370 81 402 50 407 38 c 2
+ 421 13 l 1
+ 558 508 l 1
+ 455 508 l 1
+204 497 m 1
+ 194 492 188 469 188 462 c 0
+ 188 446 197 417 239 417 c 0
+ 247 417 252 418 256 419 c 2
+ 401 492 l 1
+ 419 558 l 1
+ 693 558 l 1
+ 679 508 l 1
+ 606 508 l 1
+ 432 -120 l 1
+ 413 -96 l 1
+ 406 -51 l 2
+ 401 -20 395 -2 389 4 c 2
+ 377 18 l 2
+ 374 20 371 21 368 21 c 2
+ 366 22 363 22 362 22 c 0
+ 347 22 339 11 336 8 c 1
+ 327 -13 l 2
+ 319 -32 286 -52 268 -52 c 2
+ 258 -51 l 2
+ 224 -51 220 -20 218 -9 c 2
+ 220 5 l 1
+ 228 24 l 1
+ 239 41 l 2
+ 256 58 281 73 290 77 c 1
+ 278 114 218 188 185 198 c 0
+ 165 209 136 217 98 222 c 1
+ 61 301 l 1
+ 213 395 l 1
+ 195 395 146 397 134 441 c 2
+ 130 458 l 1
+ 134 484 l 2
+ 146 527 185 564 247 564 c 0
+ 275 564 290 545 290 530 c 0
+ 290 528 289 526 289 524 c 2
+ 284 514 l 2
+ 274 497 263 485 228 485 c 0
+ 225 485 222 485 219 486 c 2
+ 216 486 214 487 212 489 c 2
+ 204 497 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_dha bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_n_tta
+Encoding: 60771 -1 2348
+Width: 655
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+51 359 m 0
+ 51 396 97 460 166 460 c 0
+ 184 460 219 457 249 415 c 2
+ 258 406 l 2
+ 263 400 275 379 280 370 c 1
+ 318 508 l 1
+ 21 508 l 1
+ 35 558 l 1
+ 588 558 l 1
+ 594 578 l 2
+ 596 583 597 588 597 592 c 0
+ 597 622 565 628 540 628 c 2
+ 461 628 l 1
+ 435 624 l 2
+ 425 624 418 623 414 622 c 2
+ 400 622 l 2
+ 294 622 274 679 274 713 c 0
+ 274 743 298 784 317 786 c 2
+ 329 790 l 1
+ 327 781 l 2
+ 326 762 313 769 307 746 c 2
+ 305 733 l 1
+ 307 719 l 2
+ 307 716 313 710 324 703 c 2
+ 340 695 l 1
+ 364 690 l 1
+ 532 699 l 2
+ 604 699 646 660 646 607 c 0
+ 646 597 645 586 642 575 c 2
+ 637 558 l 1
+ 713 558 l 1
+ 699 508 l 1
+ 366 508 l 1
+ 273 173 l 2
+ 272 169 271 165 271 161 c 0
+ 271 149 278 137 301 137 c 0
+ 352 137 462 222 490 287 c 1
+ 474 285 l 2
+ 445 285 424 301 424 327 c 0
+ 424 331 425 337 426 342 c 2
+ 432 358 l 2
+ 454 397 487 409 513 409 c 0
+ 547 409 573 385 573 342 c 0
+ 573 308 557 238 478 170 c 0
+ 395 104 350 82 319 77 c 2
+ 293 74 l 1
+ 284 74 l 2
+ 253 74 228 122 226 162 c 2
+ 231 193 l 1
+ 264 314 l 1
+ 254 333 237 393 183 393 c 2
+ 177 393 l 2
+ 176 393 174 393 172 392 c 1
+ 179 385 181 377 181 371 c 0
+ 181 345 144 307 100 307 c 0
+ 67 307 51 337 51 359 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_n_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60772 -1 2349
+Width: 655
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+79 359 m 0
+ 79 396 124 460 193 460 c 0
+ 211 460 246 457 277 415 c 2
+ 285 406 l 2
+ 290 400 303 379 307 370 c 1
+ 345 508 l 1
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 615 558 l 1
+ 622 578 l 2
+ 623 583 624 588 624 592 c 0
+ 624 622 592 628 568 628 c 2
+ 489 628 l 1
+ 463 624 l 2
+ 453 624 445 623 441 622 c 2
+ 427 622 l 2
+ 321 622 301 679 301 713 c 0
+ 301 743 325 784 344 786 c 2
+ 357 790 l 1
+ 354 781 l 2
+ 353 762 341 769 334 746 c 2
+ 333 733 l 1
+ 334 719 l 2
+ 334 716 340 710 351 703 c 2
+ 367 695 l 1
+ 391 690 l 1
+ 559 699 l 2
+ 632 699 673 660 673 607 c 0
+ 673 597 672 586 669 575 c 2
+ 664 558 l 1
+ 740 558 l 1
+ 726 508 l 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 300 173 l 2
+ 299 169 299 165 299 161 c 0
+ 299 149 306 137 329 137 c 0
+ 380 137 489 222 517 287 c 1
+ 502 285 l 2
+ 472 285 451 301 451 327 c 0
+ 451 331 452 337 453 342 c 2
+ 460 358 l 2
+ 482 397 514 409 540 409 c 0
+ 574 409 601 385 601 342 c 0
+ 601 331 599 320 596 307 c 0
+ 566 201 498 165 461 136 c 1
+ 389 -123 l 1
+ 374 -107 l 1
+ 361 -69 l 2
+ 351 -50 333 -40 309 -40 c 2
+ 225 -40 l 2
+ 216 -40 208 -40 199 -41 c 0
+ 190 -41 182 -41 174 -42 c 2
+ 154 -42 l 2
+ 149 -43 145 -43 142 -43 c 0
+ 43 -43 18 4 18 49 c 0
+ 18 71 28 123 53 160 c 2
+ 65 176 l 1
+ 80 156 l 1
+ 78 155 75 149 70 139 c 2
+ 61 114 l 2
+ 59 105 57 96 57 87 c 0
+ 57 68 65 50 92 39 c 2
+ 136 28 l 2
+ 151 26 161 25 166 25 c 0
+ 169 25 171 25 174 26 c 1
+ 194 26 l 2
+ 237 26 241 24 272 24 c 2
+ 295 24 l 2
+ 314 24 353 15 369 -34 c 1
+ 407 101 l 1
+ 375 83 358 79 346 77 c 2
+ 320 74 l 1
+ 311 74 l 2
+ 280 74 255 122 253 162 c 2
+ 258 193 l 1
+ 292 314 l 1
+ 281 333 265 393 211 393 c 2
+ 205 393 l 2
+ 204 393 202 393 199 392 c 1
+ 206 385 208 377 208 371 c 0
+ 208 345 171 307 128 307 c 0
+ 94 307 79 337 79 359 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_n_ttha
+Encoding: 60773 -1 2350
+Width: 463
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+331 332 m 0
+ 331 362 326 398 311 426 c 1
+ 260 244 52 217 52 135 c 0
+ 52 91 85 83 113 83 c 0
+ 222 83 331 226 331 332 c 0
+28 367 m 0
+ 28 392 54 478 152 478 c 0
+ 212 478 218 447 223 402 c 0
+ 223 377 206 347 192 328 c 1
+ 231 351 277 421 277 485 c 0
+ 277 491 276 498 273 508 c 1
+ 14 508 l 1
+ 28 558 l 1
+ 272 558 l 1
+ 255 599 236 650 236 706 c 0
+ 236 801 301 837 329 855 c 1
+ 367 802 l 1
+ 320 783 285 760 285 697 c 0
+ 285 644 302 595 320 558 c 1
+ 500 558 l 1
+ 486 508 l 1
+ 340 508 l 1
+ 359 461 381 413 381 348 c 0
+ 381 208 242 39 121 39 c 0
+ 62 39 -4 65 -4 140 c 0
+ -4 290.053 187 271 187 380 c 0
+ 187 399 172 410 153 413 c 1
+ 153 401.624 155 395.235 155 385 c 0
+ 155 358 124 317 75 317 c 0
+ 48 317 28 336 28 367 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_ttha
+StartChar: bn_n_dda
+Encoding: 60774 -1 2351
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+495 313 m 0
+ 495 261 444 56 237 56 c 0
+ 198 56 106 80 73 181 c 2
+ 55 256 l 2
+ 53 269 52 288 52 313 c 2
+ 52 375 l 2
+ 53 423 57 448 57 464 c 0
+ 57 467 l 1
+ 87 432 l 1
+ 86 412 86 395 86 380 c 0
+ 86 274 99 281 105 254 c 2
+ 114 232 l 2
+ 117 225 121 217 127 208 c 2
+ 132 198 l 2
+ 150 164 182 143 220 134 c 2
+ 261 131 l 2
+ 303 131 356 147 394 180 c 2
+ 424 211 l 1
+ 438 233 l 1
+ 452 257 l 2
+ 456 272 459 286 459 299 c 0
+ 459 311 457 322 452 333 c 1
+ 437 308 346 238 299 238 c 0
+ 271 238 256 257 255 296 c 2
+ 255 321 l 1
+ 253 344 l 2
+ 253 347 253 351 251 354 c 2
+ 246 366 l 2
+ 245 370 244 371 234 384 c 2
+ 219 395 l 1
+ 219 392 l 0
+ 219 380 221 375 221 369 c 0
+ 221 356 213 345 201 336 c 2
+ 182 325 l 1
+ 164 322 l 2
+ 140 322 123 336 123 360 c 0
+ 123 365 124 370 125 376 c 2
+ 129 388 l 2
+ 136 402 157 445 207 445 c 0
+ 216 445 225 443 234 439 c 2
+ 246 432 l 1
+ 266 400 l 1
+ 270 384 l 1
+ 271 362 l 1
+ 312 508 l 1
+ 54 508 l 1
+ 68 558 l 1
+ 641 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 361 508 l 1
+ 309 322 l 1
+ 308 307 l 2
+ 308 303 313 301 322 301 c 0
+ 327 301 338 308 357 323 c 2
+ 398 355 l 1
+ 460 422 l 1
+ 463 421 466 415 471 405 c 2
+ 486 374 l 1
+ 495 327 l 2
+ 495 322 495 317 495 313 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_dda
+StartChar: bn_n_dd_ra
+Encoding: 60775 -1 2352
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+154 10 m 2
+ 197 10 201 8 232 8 c 2
+ 255 8 l 2
+ 291 8 317 -16 329 -50 c 1
+ 364 76 l 1
+ 324 58 285 56 264 56 c 0
+ 225 56 133 80 100 181 c 2
+ 82 256 l 2
+ 81 269 79 288 79 313 c 2
+ 79 375 l 2
+ 80 423 84 448 84 464 c 0
+ 84 467 l 1
+ 114 432 l 1
+ 113 412 113 395 113 380 c 0
+ 113 274 126 281 132 254 c 2
+ 141 232 l 2
+ 144 225 148 217 154 208 c 2
+ 159 198 l 2
+ 177 164 209 143 247 134 c 2
+ 288 131 l 2
+ 330 131 383 147 421 180 c 2
+ 451 211 l 1
+ 466 233 l 1
+ 479 257 l 2
+ 483 272 486 286 486 299 c 0
+ 486 311 484 322 479 333 c 1
+ 464 308 373 238 326 238 c 0
+ 298 238 283 257 282 296 c 2
+ 282 321 l 1
+ 280 344 l 2
+ 280 347 280 351 278 354 c 2
+ 273 366 l 2
+ 272 370 271 371 261 384 c 2
+ 246 395 l 1
+ 246 392 l 0
+ 246 380 248 375 248 369 c 0
+ 248 356 240 345 228 336 c 2
+ 209 325 l 1
+ 191 322 l 2
+ 167 322 150 336 150 360 c 0
+ 150 365 151 370 152 376 c 2
+ 157 388 l 2
+ 163 402 184 445 234 445 c 0
+ 243 445 252 443 261 439 c 2
+ 273 432 l 1
+ 293 400 l 1
+ 297 384 l 1
+ 298 362 l 1
+ 339 508 l 1
+ 81 508 l 1
+ 95 558 l 1
+ 668 558 l 1
+ 654 508 l 1
+ 388 508 l 1
+ 336 322 l 1
+ 335 307 l 2
+ 335 303 340 301 349 301 c 0
+ 354 301 365 308 384 323 c 2
+ 425 355 l 1
+ 487 422 l 1
+ 490 421 493 415 498 405 c 2
+ 513 374 l 1
+ 522 327 l 2
+ 522 322 522 317 522 313 c 0
+ 522 239 478 160 418 109 c 1
+ 349 -139 l 1
+ 334 -123 l 1
+ 321 -85 l 2
+ 311 -66 293 -56 269 -56 c 2
+ 185 -56 l 2
+ 177 -56 168 -56 159 -57 c 0
+ 150 -57 142 -57 134 -58 c 0
+ 127 -58 120 -58 114 -59 c 2
+ 102 -59 l 2
+ 3 -59 -22 -13 -22 33 c 0
+ -22 55 -12 106 13 144 c 2
+ 25 160 l 1
+ 40 140 l 1
+ 38 139 35 133 30 123 c 2
+ 21 98 l 2
+ 18 88 17 79 17 71 c 0
+ 17 51 26 34 52 23 c 2
+ 96 12 l 2
+ 103 11 110 10 115 10 c 0
+ 119 9 123 9 126 9 c 0
+ 129 9 131 9 134 10 c 1
+ 154 10 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_dd_ra
+StartChar: bn_n_ddha
+Encoding: 60776 -1 2353
+Width: 628
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+84 359 m 0
+ 84 396 129 460 198 460 c 0
+ 216 460 251 457 282 415 c 2
+ 290 406 l 2
+ 293 403 303 387 306 382 c 1
+ 341 508 l 1
+ 53 508 l 1
+ 67 558 l 1
+ 710 558 l 1
+ 696 508 l 1
+ 389 508 l 1
+ 296 172 l 2
+ 295 168 294 164 294 160 c 0
+ 294 147 301 139 316 138 c 0
+ 346 138 453 210 476 254 c 2
+ 493 289 l 1
+ 476 287 l 2
+ 447 287 427 303 427 329 c 0
+ 427 334 428 339 429 345 c 2
+ 438 366 l 2
+ 442 377 463 412 512 412 c 2
+ 539 407 l 2
+ 549 407 574 384 575 336 c 2
+ 571 305 l 2
+ 546 216 471 141 382 95 c 2
+ 335 76 l 1
+ 309 73 l 2
+ 291 73 262 86 243 153 c 1
+ 291 326 l 1
+ 272 375 246 393 215 393 c 2
+ 209 393 l 2
+ 208 393 206 393 204 392 c 1
+ 211 385 213 377 213 371 c 0
+ 213 345 176 307 133 307 c 0
+ 99 307 84 337 84 359 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_ddha
+StartChar: bn_n_ta
+Encoding: 60777 -1 2354
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+503 447 m 0
+ 503 426 498 382 447 342 c 1
+ 479 326 499 302 499 260 c 0
+ 499 107.319 367.395 28 270 28 c 0
+ 162.689 28 56 193.373 56 398 c 1
+ 93 386 l 1
+ 112.03 298.778 147.988 113 292 113 c 0
+ 391 113 457 191 457 243 c 0
+ 457 278.296 431.558 293 394 293 c 1
+ 400 283 403 272 403 260 c 0
+ 403 189 330 171 308 171 c 0
+ 268 171 249 197 249 219 c 0
+ 249 301.23 321.196 328.513 348 340 c 1
+ 348 342.545 349 345 349 347 c 1
+ 342 351 337 355 334 359 c 0
+ 315.823 381.217 298.403 409.228 258 415 c 1
+ 255 411 l 1
+ 261 402 264 394 264 385 c 0
+ 264 352 220 308 186 308 c 0
+ 167 308 137 318 137 356 c 0
+ 137 377 160 462 251 462 c 0
+ 313 462 378 400 382 378 c 1
+ 438 397 454 436 454 470 c 0
+ 454 487 449 508 424 508 c 2
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 73 558 l 1
+ 653 558 l 1
+ 640 508 l 1
+ 492 508 l 1
+ 496 495 503 472 503 447 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_n_t_ba
+Encoding: 60778 -1 2355
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+320 -70 m 1
+ 337 -10 l 1
+ 293.492 -10 255.417 -36.0555 239 -47 c 1
+ 267.747 -47 302 -52 320 -70 c 1
+527 447 m 0
+ 527 426 522 382 470 342 c 1
+ 502 326 523 302 523 260 c 0
+ 523 179 464 88 398 59 c 1
+ 342 -143 l 1
+ 302.213 -108.441 289.91 -86.566 199 -82 c 1
+ 173 -37 l 1
+ 233 7 268 17 288 28 c 1
+ 283 28 278 28 272 29 c 0
+ 185.864 29 80 209.773 80 398 c 1
+ 117 386 l 1
+ 134.464 298.682 172.7 113 316 113 c 0
+ 415 113 481 191 481 243 c 0
+ 481 278.296 455.558 293 418 293 c 1
+ 424 283 427 272 427 260 c 0
+ 427 189 354 171 332 171 c 0
+ 292 171 273 197 273 219 c 0
+ 273 302.822 345.216 328.521 372 340 c 1
+ 371 343 372 345 373 347 c 1
+ 338.216 366.876 334.122 407.278 282 415 c 1
+ 278 411 l 1
+ 285 402 288 394 288 385 c 0
+ 288 352 243 308 210 308 c 0
+ 191 308 161 318 161 356 c 0
+ 161 377 183 462 275 462 c 0
+ 337 462 401 400 405 378 c 1
+ 461 397 478 436 478 470 c 0
+ 478 487 472 508 447 508 c 2
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+ 677 558 l 1
+ 663 508 l 1
+ 515 508 l 1
+ 520 495 527 472 527 447 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_n_ta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_n_t_ra
+Encoding: 60779 -1 2356
+Width: 463
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+342 378 m 1
+ 398 397 415 436 415 470 c 0
+ 415 487 410 508 384 508 c 2
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+ 634 558 l 1
+ 620 508 l 1
+ 452 508 l 1
+ 457 495 464 472 464 447 c 0
+ 464 375.674 425.5 360.9 419 352 c 1
+ 423 347 431 340 431 327 c 0
+ 431 323 430 319 429 315 c 2
+ 330 -43 l 1
+ 315 -26 l 1
+ 312 -16 l 2
+ 305 31 274 45 239 45 c 0
+ 213.34 45 155.5 31 127 31 c 0
+ 75.2086 31 5 59.2934 5 131 c 0
+ 5 191.848 33.7983 231.293 64 273 c 1
+ 82 255 l 1
+ 68.4258 225.912 49 198.939 49 158 c 0
+ 49 117.413 81.5 104 137 104 c 0
+ 166.635 105.133 193.5 109 225 109 c 0
+ 279.718 109 287.673 91.3378 310 63 c 1
+ 368 273 l 2
+ 370.237 281.101 371 291.5 371 298 c 0
+ 371 311.918 368.207 326.002 360 326 c 0
+ 303.856 326 266.916 280.694 247 243 c 1
+ 271 247 l 0
+ 289.961 247 300 230.9 300 211 c 1
+ 300 166.9 255.5 148 218 148 c 0
+ 190.5 148 167 169 164 191 c 0
+ 164 274.696 235.252 323.442 294 359 c 1
+ 278.345 379.259 257.132 411.949 219 415 c 1
+ 216 411 l 1
+ 222 402 225 394 225 385 c 0
+ 225 347.134 177.902 308 147 308 c 0
+ 126 308 98 318 98 355 c 0
+ 98 376 115 462 212 462 c 0
+ 274 462 342 399 342 378 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_t_ra
+StartChar: bn_n_t_ra1
+Encoding: 60780 -1 2357
+Width: 566
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+65 116 m 1
+ 57 109 43 64 43 49 c 0
+ 43 10 82 -16 200 -16 c 0
+ 224.497 -16 247.032 -15 272 -15 c 0
+ 292 -15 343 -22 355 -74 c 1
+ 390 54 l 1
+ 350.361 34.6886 314.091 28 296 28 c 0
+ 109 28 86 326 83 398 c 1
+ 119 386 l 1
+ 137.027 302.422 158 113 319 113 c 0
+ 410 113 483 188 483 239 c 0
+ 483 266 470.419 293 420 293 c 1
+ 426 283 429 272 429 260 c 0
+ 429 189 356 171 335 171 c 0
+ 297 171 275 193 275 226 c 0
+ 275 299 349 331 375 340 c 1
+ 357.68 373.622 307.045 415 284 415 c 1
+ 281 411 l 1
+ 287 402 291 394 291 385 c 0
+ 291 356 246 308 213 308 c 0
+ 201 310 161 318 161 355 c 0
+ 161 376 190 462 277 462 c 0
+ 306 462 357 449 408 378 c 1
+ 427 384 482 412 482 464 c 0
+ 482 482 473 499 450 508 c 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 680 558 l 1
+ 666 508 l 1
+ 518 508 l 1
+ 527 492 530 474 530 456 c 0
+ 530 410 510 364 473 342 c 1
+ 505 326 525 301 525 258 c 0
+ 525 205 500 140 452 96 c 1
+ 380 -163 l 1
+ 359 -147 l 1
+ 347 -109 l 2
+ 336 -88 322 -80 279 -80 c 0
+ 211 -80 157 -82 127 -83 c 0
+ 51 -76 4 -57 4 7 c 0
+ 4 34 12 89 51 136 c 1
+ 65 116 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_n_tha
+Encoding: 60781 -1 2358
+Width: 474
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+217 335 m 1
+ 240 344 265 351 274 351 c 2
+ 313 351 l 1
+ 320 352 l 1
+ 316 354 314 356 313 359 c 2
+ 295 381 l 2
+ 284 390 262 413 236 415 c 1
+ 233 411 l 1
+ 239 402 243 394 243 385 c 0
+ 243 363 225 342 217 335 c 1
+481 447 m 0
+ 481 371 417 334 393 328 c 1
+ 410 315 422 288 422 257 c 0
+ 422 135 278 75 230 54 c 1
+ 241 46 l 2
+ 244 43 247 41 247 40 c 2
+ 277 17 l 2
+ 292 7 298 -2 309 -13 c 2
+ 369 -79 l 1
+ 404 -125 l 1
+ 398 -170 l 1
+ 380 -145 346 -101 295 -64 c 2
+ 246 -30 l 2
+ 239 -25 232 -21 226 -18 c 2
+ 209 -8 l 2
+ 199 -3 171 12 141 22 c 2
+ 62 48 l 1
+ 45 167 l 1
+ 67 148 104 129 208 129 c 0
+ 268.512 129 359.47 194.503 359.47 231.578 c 0
+ 359.47 233.102 359.316 234.578 359 236 c 1
+ 366 257 l 1
+ 368 273 l 2
+ 366 287 357 297 334 297 c 0
+ 320 297 308 294 298 288 c 1
+ 283 232 214 191 174 191 c 0
+ 142 191 123 207 123 231 c 0
+ 123 262 156 296 169 308 c 1
+ 165 308 l 2
+ 144 308 115 318 115 355 c 0
+ 115 376 132 462 229 462 c 0
+ 291 462 360 399 360 378 c 1
+ 416 397 433 436 433 470 c 0
+ 433 487 427 508 402 508 c 2
+ 87 508 l 1
+ 101 558 l 1
+ 599 558 l 1
+ 585 508 l 1
+ 470 508 l 1
+ 474 495 481 472 481 447 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_tha
+StartChar: bn_n_da
+Encoding: 60782 -1 2359
+Width: 706
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+94 359 m 0
+ 94 396 140 460 209 460 c 0
+ 227 460 262 457 292 415 c 2
+ 301 406 l 1
+ 311 391 l 1
+ 343 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 806 558 l 1
+ 792 508 l 1
+ 397 508 l 1
+ 339 297 l 1
+ 383 324 476 399 562 431 c 2
+ 604 447 l 1
+ 673 382 l 1
+ 633 329 l 2
+ 589 264 577 238 568 217 c 2
+ 555 182 l 1
+ 538 129 l 2
+ 535 118 536 109 533 98 c 2
+ 533.11 97.3423 533.159 96.6606 533.159 95.9549 c 0
+ 533.159 90.2222 529.89 82.9039 529 74 c 2
+ 527 48 l 2
+ 528 16 528 8 528 2 c 0
+ 528 -4 l 1
+ 497 11 l 1
+ 494 62 l 2
+ 494 69 494 76 494 84 c 0
+ 494 105 496 126 497 138 c 2
+ 507 198 l 1
+ 519 240 l 2
+ 531 283 542 301 566 347 c 1
+ 467 317 369 236 312 153 c 1
+ 264 222 l 1
+ 296 339 l 1
+ 291 351 l 2
+ 272 386 241 393 226 393 c 2
+ 220 393 l 2
+ 219 393 217 393 215 392 c 1
+ 222 385 224 377 224 371 c 0
+ 224 345 187 307 143 307 c 0
+ 110 307 94 337 94 359 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_da
+StartChar: bn_n_d_ba
+Encoding: 60783 -1 2360
+Width: 624
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+431 183 m 1
+ 399 165 l 1
+ 419 158 431 152 445 137 c 2
+ 469 109 l 1
+ 477 91 l 1
+ 513 223 l 1
+ 431 183 l 1
+97 359 m 0
+ 97 396 142 460 211 460 c 0
+ 229 460 265 457 295 415 c 2
+ 303 406 l 1
+ 313 391 l 1
+ 346 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 713 558 l 1
+ 699 508 l 1
+ 398 508 l 1
+ 353 346 l 1
+ 375 370 l 2
+ 428 423 515 461 539 461 c 0
+ 595 461 602 397 603 377 c 0
+ 575 236 531 112 496 -23 c 1
+ 479 6 l 1
+ 468 42 l 2
+ 467 49 462 57 452 68 c 2
+ 437 81 l 1
+ 415 98 l 2
+ 398 111 377 118 354 118 c 1
+ 315 178 l 1
+ 425 247 l 1
+ 491 284 l 1
+ 536 307 l 1
+ 556 367 l 1
+ 557 377 l 1
+ 556 386 553 390 549 391 c 0
+ 534 391 512 384 484 370 c 2
+ 430 337 l 2
+ 368 294 329 238 311 211 c 1
+ 279 266 l 1
+ 299 339 l 1
+ 293 351 l 2
+ 275 386 244 393 229 393 c 2
+ 223 393 l 2
+ 222 393 220 393 218 392 c 1
+ 224 385 226 377 226 371 c 0
+ 226 345 190 307 146 307 c 0
+ 112 307 97 337 97 359 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_n_da bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_n_d_ra
+Encoding: 60784 -1 2361
+Width: 664
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+96 360 m 0
+ 96 397 141 461 210 461 c 0
+ 247 461 303 419 324 371 c 1
+ 362 509 l 1
+ 263 509 164 509 65 509 c 1
+ 79 559 l 1
+ 797 559 l 1
+ 783 508 l 1
+ 416 508 l 1
+ 358 297 l 1
+ 413 331 526 410 623 447 c 1
+ 691 383 l 1
+ 632 273 545 201 545 30 c 0
+ 545 12 554 -5 559 -13 c 1
+ 537 -12 l 1
+ 492 -12 490 40 426 40 c 0
+ 387 40 297 21 262 21 c 0
+ 188 21 159 43 157 125 c 0
+ 159 161 166 188 178 217 c 1
+ 206 198 l 1
+ 198 184 194 175 194 161 c 0
+ 194 105 233 94 281 94 c 0
+ 318 94 350 105 391 105 c 0
+ 448 105 495 83 513 47 c 1
+ 513 177.8 541 266.8 586 347 c 1
+ 467 310 403 257 334 159 c 1
+ 286 233 l 1
+ 309 315 l 1
+ 304 325 277 393 216 393 c 1
+ 223 386 225 378 225 372 c 0
+ 225 346 188 308 145 308 c 0
+ 111 308 96 338 96 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_d_ra
+StartChar: bn_n_dha
+Encoding: 60785 -1 2362
+Width: 549
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+160 209 m 1
+ 177 200 222 154 245 116 c 1
+ 289 277 l 1
+ 160 209 l 1
+66 360 m 0
+ 66 406 117 476 192 476 c 0
+ 260 476 296 424 316 370 c 1
+ 354 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 643 558 l 1
+ 629 508 l 1
+ 403 508 l 1
+ 364 369 l 1
+ 394 381 415 396 458 396 c 0
+ 478 396 505 384 505 362 c 0
+ 505 291 442 187 421 110 c 1
+ 417 87 414 30 414 6 c 1
+ 395 20 366 51 366 74 c 25
+ 436 324 l 1
+ 409 320 359 309 344 294 c 1
+ 256 -24 l 1
+ 234 -2 l 1
+ 234 81.8 218.5 165 104 165 c 1
+ 73 229 l 1
+ 140 273 222 302 292 343 c 1
+ 290 365 259 414 216 414 c 0
+ 203 414 187 409 178 402 c 1
+ 180 392 183 382 183 372 c 0
+ 183 348 152 315 112 315 c 0
+ 100 315 66 325 66 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_dha
+StartChar: bn_n_dh_ba
+Encoding: 60786 -1 2363
+Width: 549
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+217 -67 m 1
+ 234 -7 l 1
+ 191 -7 152 -33 137 -44 c 1
+ 167 -44 198 -46 217 -67 c 1
+176 209 m 1
+ 194 201 239 156 261 116 c 1
+ 305 277 l 1
+ 176 209 l 1
+82 360 m 0
+ 82 406 133 476 208 476 c 0
+ 276 476 312 424 332 370 c 1
+ 370 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+ 659 558 l 1
+ 645 508 l 1
+ 419 508 l 1
+ 380 369 l 1
+ 410 381 431 396 474 396 c 0
+ 494 396 521 384 521 362 c 0
+ 521 360 521 357 520 355 c 0
+ 488 278 459 198 438 110 c 0
+ 433 87 430 30 430 6 c 1
+ 411 20 383 50 383 74 c 25
+ 452 324 l 1
+ 428 320 371 308 361 294 c 1
+ 320 148 280 4 239 -140 c 1
+ 201 -105 183 -81 96 -79 c 1
+ 71 -34 l 1
+ 103 -11 181 39 249 48 c 1
+ 245 95 225 165 120 165 c 1
+ 90 229 l 1
+ 156 273 239 302 308 343 c 1
+ 306 365 275 414 232 414 c 0
+ 219 414 196 409 195 402 c 1
+ 197 390 200 378 200 366 c 0
+ 200 354 172 315 128 315 c 0
+ 116 315 82 325 82 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_n_dh_ra
+Encoding: 60787 -1 2364
+Width: 590
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+211 209 m 1
+ 228 200 273 154 296 116 c 1
+ 340 277 l 1
+ 211 209 l 1
+117 360 m 0
+ 117 406 167 476 243 476 c 0
+ 310 476 348 426 366 370 c 1
+ 405 508 l 1
+ 77 508 l 1
+ 91 558 l 1
+ 694 558 l 1
+ 680 508 l 1
+ 454 508 l 1
+ 415 369 l 1
+ 445 381 466 396 509 396 c 0
+ 529 396 556 384 556 362 c 0
+ 556 360 556 357 555 355 c 2
+ 505 229 l 1
+ 472 110 l 2
+ 470 93 465 43 464 6 c 1
+ 446 20 417 51 417 74 c 25
+ 487 324 l 1
+ 461 320 407 312 394 294 c 1
+ 286 -95 l 1
+ 274 -79 l 1
+ 264 -42 l 2
+ 256 -23 242 -13 221 -13 c 0
+ 171 -13 116.5 -16 78 -16 c 0
+ -3 -16 -23 27 -23 71 c 0
+ -23 126 4 173 21 200 c 1
+ 34 180 l 1
+ 22 174 11 127 11 108 c 0
+ 11 71 60 51 102 51 c 0
+ 145 51 175 50 212 50 c 0
+ 252 50 259 23 266 7 c 1
+ 282 66 l 1
+ 274 149 191 165 155 165 c 1
+ 124 229 l 1
+ 191 273 273 302 343 343 c 1
+ 341 365 310 414 267 414 c 0
+ 254 414 231 409 229 402 c 1
+ 231 392 234 382 234 372 c 0
+ 234 348 203 315 163 315 c 0
+ 151 315 117 325 117 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_dh_ra
+StartChar: bn_n_na
+Encoding: 60788 -1 2365
+Width: 448
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+156 129 m 0
+ 156 91 119 38 64 38 c 0
+ 2 38 -4 76 -4 95 c 0
+ -4 235.891 150.081 243 154 243 c 0
+ 267 243 293 84 293 82 c 1
+ 339 250 l 2
+ 339.681 252.486 340.039 256.052 340.039 260.466 c 0
+ 340.039 282.25 309.261 415 219 415 c 1
+ 212 408 l 1
+ 220 392 223 378 223 366 c 0
+ 223 322 186 275 131 275 c 0
+ 84 275 62 291 62 331 c 0
+ 62 414 137 483 220 483 c 0
+ 335 483 356 331 356 321 c 1
+ 408 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 571 558 l 1
+ 557 508 l 1
+ 459 508 l 1
+ 287 -112 l 1
+ 273 -90 l 1
+ 274.292 -77.0813 274.854 -64.0583 274.854 -51.0995 c 0
+ 274.854 -23.9339 272.385 2.94978 269 28 c 0
+ 269 28 256 175 153 175 c 1
+ 146 168 l 1
+ 153 154 156 141 156 129 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_na
+StartChar: bn_n_ma
+Encoding: 60789 -1 2366
+Width: 588
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+459 508 m 1
+ 341 81 l 1
+ 345 81 l 2
+ 371 81 403 50 408 38 c 2
+ 422 13 l 1
+ 559 508 l 1
+ 459 508 l 1
+46 288 m 2
+ 66 359 137 403 199 403 c 2
+ 211 403 l 1
+ 214 402 217 402 220 402 c 0
+ 246 394 287 388 316 311 c 0
+ 329 274 335 252 335 243 c 0
+ 335 242 335 242 335 241 c 1
+ 409 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 694 558 l 1
+ 680 508 l 1
+ 607 508 l 1
+ 433 -120 l 1
+ 414 -96 l 1
+ 407 -51 l 2
+ 402 -20 396 -2 389 4 c 2
+ 378 18 l 2
+ 375 20 372 21 369 21 c 2
+ 366 22 363 22 362 22 c 0
+ 347 22 340 11 336 8 c 1
+ 328 -13 l 2
+ 319 -32 287 -52 269 -52 c 2
+ 259 -51 l 2
+ 225 -51 221 -20 219 -9 c 2
+ 221 5 l 1
+ 229 24 l 1
+ 240 41 l 2
+ 251 52 286 82 312 82 c 2
+ 316 82 l 1
+ 318 98 318 114 318 129 c 0
+ 318 260 261 335 198 335 c 1
+ 192 326 l 1
+ 200 308 204 293 204 279 c 0
+ 204 273 204 268 202 263 c 2
+ 199 251 l 2
+ 184 223 165 194 115 194 c 2
+ 90 197 l 2
+ 48 201 41 229 41 249 c 0
+ 41 256 42 263 42 267 c 2
+ 46 288 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_n_sa
+Encoding: 60790 -1 2367
+Width: 671
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+386 508 m 1
+ 408 485 l 2
+ 420 473 424 453 424 433 c 0
+ 424 421 419 385 413 380 c 1
+ 436 393 l 2
+ 457 406 470 414 475 415 c 2
+ 490 416 l 2
+ 516 416 523 403 527 396 c 2
+ 558 344 l 1
+ 602 508 l 1
+ 386 508 l 1
+94 359 m 0
+ 94 396 140 460 209 460 c 0
+ 227 460 262 457 292 415 c 2
+ 301 406 l 2
+ 310 396 325 367 329 354 c 2
+ 333 335 l 1
+ 316 292 l 1
+ 288 356 275 393 226 393 c 2
+ 220 393 l 2
+ 219 393 217 393 215 392 c 1
+ 222 385 224 377 224 371 c 0
+ 224 345 187 307 143 307 c 0
+ 110 307 94 337 94 359 c 0
+382 353 m 1
+ 386 384 388 387 388 397 c 0
+ 388 422 378 464 315 464 c 0
+ 287 464 273 464 254 475 c 2
+ 246 484 l 1
+ 236 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 767 558 l 1
+ 753 508 l 1
+ 651 508 l 1
+ 509 -5 l 1
+ 477 52 l 1
+ 537 268 l 1
+ 534 294 l 1
+ 521 326 l 2
+ 516 336 507 341 495 341 c 0
+ 464 341 441 315 433 306 c 2
+ 377 248 l 2
+ 353 224 312 183 297 180 c 2
+ 277 179 l 2
+ 265 179 257 180 253 181 c 2
+ 239 188 l 2
+ 232 189 224 198 216 213 c 2
+ 202 251 l 1
+ 192 288 l 1
+ 234 320 l 1
+ 233 318 233 315 233 312 c 0
+ 233 306 234 298 236 289 c 2
+ 246 263 l 2
+ 250 257 256 254 264 253 c 0
+ 272 253 282 257 293 266 c 2
+ 382 353 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_na bn_sa
+StartChar: bn_p_tta
+Encoding: 60791 -1 2368
+Width: 747
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+131 437 m 1
+ 178 437 187 404 187 386 c 0
+ 187 383 187 380 186 378 c 1
+ 186 376 186 375 186 374 c 2
+ 181 357 l 1
+ 311 468 l 1
+ 282 491 l 2
+ 282 492 268 497 264 499 c 2
+ 239 503 l 2
+ 186 503 143 452 131 437 c 1
+25 404 m 0
+ 25 448 155 558 249 558 c 0
+ 309 558 356 510 372 488 c 2
+ 389 461 l 2
+ 389 459 392 456 394 452 c 1
+ 423 558 l 1
+ 679 558 l 1
+ 685 578 l 2
+ 687 583 688 588 688 592 c 0
+ 688 622 656 628 631 628 c 2
+ 552 628 l 1
+ 526 624 l 2
+ 516 624 509 623 505 622 c 2
+ 491 622 l 2
+ 385 622 365 679 365 713 c 0
+ 365 743 387 781 408 786 c 2
+ 420 790 l 1
+ 418 781 l 2
+ 417 762 404 769 398 746 c 2
+ 396 733 l 1
+ 398 719 l 2
+ 398 716 404 711 415 703 c 2
+ 431 695 l 1
+ 455 690 l 1
+ 623 699 l 2
+ 696 699 737 659 737 606 c 0
+ 737 596 736 586 733 575 c 2
+ 728 558 l 1
+ 804 558 l 1
+ 790 508 l 1
+ 457 508 l 1
+ 364 173 l 2
+ 363 169 363 166 363 162 c 0
+ 363 149 369 137 392 137 c 0
+ 440 137 554 221 581 287 c 1
+ 565 285 l 2
+ 536 285 515 301 515 327 c 0
+ 515 331 516 337 517 342 c 2
+ 523 358 l 2
+ 545 397 578 409 604 409 c 0
+ 639 409 664 384 664 342 c 0
+ 664 331 663 320 659 307 c 0
+ 621 169 455 83 410 77 c 2
+ 384 74 l 1
+ 375 74 l 2
+ 345 74 317 123 317 160 c 0
+ 317 160 317 161 317 162 c 2
+ 322 193 l 1
+ 375 384 l 1
+ 367 394 l 2
+ 364 399 357 405 347 411 c 2
+ 334 416 l 1
+ 329 416 l 2
+ 325 416 320 415 316 412 c 2
+ 113 245 l 1
+ 72 278 l 1
+ 127 320 l 2
+ 135 326 154 340 154 365 c 0
+ 154 379 147 387 137 392 c 1
+ 129 392 124 391 120 390 c 2
+ 56 373 l 2
+ 44 373 25 385 25 404 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_p_ta
+Encoding: 60792 -1 2369
+Width: 490
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+315 473 m 1
+ 307 485 302 492 289 498 c 2
+ 266 502 l 2
+ 232 502 194 480 174 460 c 1
+ 183 458 202 457 209 438 c 2
+ 214 417 l 1
+ 212 398 l 1
+ 315 473 l 1
+276 134 m 2
+ 377 134 403 226 403 250 c 0
+ 403 264 399 274 391 280 c 2
+ 371 292 l 1
+ 356 296 l 1
+ 334 294 l 1
+ 340 286 343 277 343 266 c 0
+ 343 239 329 204 286 188 c 2
+ 259 183 l 2
+ 221 183 214 209 214 228 c 0
+ 214 235 215 241 216 244 c 2
+ 224 263 l 2
+ 234 298 284 343 341 343 c 2
+ 363 340 l 1
+ 367 375 l 2
+ 366 391 365 401 363 406 c 2
+ 349 435 l 1
+ 172 303 l 1
+ 114 329 l 1
+ 137 337 150 349 167 369 c 1
+ 174 384 l 1
+ 179 397 l 1
+ 171 407 l 2
+ 168 409 163 411 156 412 c 0
+ 142 412 126 404 120 404 c 2
+ 114 404 l 2
+ 96 404 81 413 81 429 c 0
+ 81 431 81 434 82 437 c 2
+ 91 455 l 2
+ 124 506 206 557 268 557 c 0
+ 314 557 378 516 387 431 c 1
+ 448 648 l 1
+ 465 626 l 1
+ 463 614 l 1
+ 467 601 l 1
+ 465 581 l 1
+ 469 566 l 2
+ 471 562 477 559 486 558 c 2
+ 560 558 l 1
+ 546 508 l 1
+ 455 508 l 1
+ 402 316 l 1
+ 416 302 440 265 440 225 c 0
+ 440 217 439 208 436 200 c 2
+ 433 183 l 2
+ 409 99 337 59 273 43 c 2
+ 213 38 l 1
+ 191 41 l 1
+ 173 47 l 2
+ 139 57 131 68 120 76 c 2
+ 88 113 l 2
+ 69 136 72 137 41 207 c 2
+ 36 224 l 2
+ 34 229 33 233 34 237 c 2
+ 21 360 l 2
+ 20 366 20 374 20 384 c 0
+ 20 403 22 428 29 455 c 1
+ 57 434 l 1
+ 58 379 l 2
+ 65 336 60 334 73 286 c 2
+ 80 263 l 1
+ 90 235 l 1
+ 99 217 l 1
+ 118 188 l 2
+ 121 181 129 171 141 160 c 2
+ 154 151 l 2
+ 158 148 161 146 166 144 c 2
+ 200 136 l 1
+ 247 132 l 1
+ 261 132 l 1
+ 276 134 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_p_na
+Encoding: 60793 -1 2370
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+353 472 m 2
+ 340 484 l 2
+ 332 492 318 496 297 496 c 0
+ 229 496 192 464 166 432 c 1
+ 211 432 218 399 218 375 c 0
+ 218 366 217 359 217 355 c 2
+ 211 343 l 1
+ 362 460 l 1
+ 361 464 358 468 353 472 c 2
+421 294 m 1
+ 419 299 421 303 421 306 c 0
+ 421 332 411 392 399 399 c 2
+ 389 407 l 1
+ 171 237 l 1
+ 107 263 l 1
+ 163 309 l 2
+ 178 319 183 347 183 357 c 0
+ 183 375 175 387 161 387 c 0
+ 148 387 152 381 93 368 c 2
+ 91 368 l 2
+ 80 368 61 380 61 399 c 0
+ 61 406 64 412 67 419 c 2
+ 79 435 l 2
+ 113 474 177 550 294 550 c 0
+ 409 550 440 446 440 404 c 0
+ 440 402 440 400 440 399 c 0
+ 440 393 441 387 442 381 c 2
+ 446 351 l 1
+ 472 477 l 1
+ 512 624 l 1
+ 527 613 l 1
+ 529 608 l 1
+ 527 600 526 593 526 587 c 0
+ 526 580 527 574 530 570 c 1
+ 553 558 l 1
+ 621 558 l 1
+ 607 508 l 1
+ 528 508 l 1
+ 376 -42 l 1
+ 373 -38 358 -23 356 -23 c 1
+ 347 10 l 2
+ 338 55 319 96 280 96 c 2
+ 272 96 l 2
+ 261 96 254 95 243 90 c 2
+ 231 83 l 1
+ 248 69 252 57 252 48 c 0
+ 252 34 236 -21 168 -21 c 2
+ 161 -21 l 2
+ 140 -21 113 2 113 38 c 0
+ 113 63 143 146 258 146 c 0
+ 310 146 351 110 361 80 c 1
+ 421 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_na
+StartChar: bn_p_pa
+Encoding: 60794 -1 2371
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+524 608 m 1
+ 522 599 520 592 520 586 c 0
+ 520 572 527 566 543 558 c 1
+ 611 558 l 1
+ 598 508 l 1
+ 517 508 l 1
+ 371 -18 l 1
+ 332 23 l 1
+ 360 122 l 2
+ 361 128 362 133 362 138 c 0
+ 362 156 351 166 345 171 c 2
+ 328 183 l 1
+ 323 186 l 1
+ 96 3 l 1
+ 49 30 l 1
+ 105 76 l 2
+ 120 86 125 115 125 125 c 0
+ 125 149 108 154 102 154 c 0
+ 98 154 29 134 29 134 c 2
+ 20 134 10 139 10 155 c 0
+ 10 170 17 186 20 193 c 2
+ 35 220 l 2
+ 45 238 100 280 116 290 c 2
+ 160 315 l 2
+ 175 325 179 349 179 358 c 0
+ 179 380 162 387 156 387 c 0
+ 143 387 147 381 89 368 c 2
+ 87 368 l 2
+ 75 368 56 380 56 399 c 0
+ 56 406 59 412 63 419 c 2
+ 74 435 l 2
+ 108 474 172 550 289 550 c 0
+ 378 550 442 445 442 360 c 0
+ 442 354 l 1
+ 450 408 l 2
+ 464 490 462 492 467 510 c 2
+ 501 633 l 1
+ 523 613 l 1
+ 524 608 l 1
+257 308 m 1
+ 317 308 342 265 365 215 c 2
+ 380 194 l 1
+ 418 332 l 2
+ 418 333 418 335 418 337 c 0
+ 418 351 411 378 409 380 c 2
+ 385 407 l 1
+ 316 358 l 1
+ 257 308 l 1
+295 239 m 2
+ 280 251 l 1
+ 261 261 l 1
+ 231 265 l 2
+ 222 265 214 264 209 263 c 0
+ 190 263 136 248 99 199 c 1
+ 126 199 160 192 160 143 c 0
+ 160 137 160 130 159 122 c 2
+ 153 110 l 1
+ 304 227 l 1
+ 303 230 300 234 295 239 c 2
+349 472 m 2
+ 335 484 l 2
+ 327 492 313 496 292 496 c 0
+ 224 496 187 464 162 432 c 1
+ 206 432 214 399 214 375 c 0
+ 214 366 213 359 212 355 c 2
+ 207 343 l 1
+ 357 460 l 1
+ 356 464 354 468 349 472 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_pa
+StartChar: bn_p_ma
+Encoding: 60795 -1 2372
+Width: 684
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+364 472 m 2
+ 350 484 l 2
+ 343 492 329 496 308 496 c 0
+ 240 496 203 464 177 432 c 1
+ 222 432 229 399 229 375 c 0
+ 229 366 228 359 228 355 c 2
+ 222 343 l 1
+ 373 460 l 1
+ 372 464 369 468 364 472 c 2
+539 508 m 1
+ 421 82 l 1
+ 426 82 l 1
+ 428 81 430 81 433 81 c 0
+ 456 81 479 61 496 38 c 2
+ 510 13 l 1
+ 647 508 l 1
+ 539 508 l 1
+432 294 m 1
+ 430 299 431 303 431 306 c 0
+ 431 332 421 392 410 399 c 2
+ 400 407 l 1
+ 182 237 l 1
+ 118 263 l 1
+ 174 309 l 2
+ 189 319 194 347 194 357 c 0
+ 194 375 186 387 171 387 c 0
+ 158 387 163 381 104 368 c 2
+ 102 368 l 2
+ 91 368 72 380 72 399 c 0
+ 72 406 74 412 78 419 c 2
+ 90 435 l 2
+ 124 474 188 550 305 550 c 0
+ 420 550 451 446 451 404 c 0
+ 451 402 451 400 451 399 c 0
+ 451 393 451 387 453 381 c 2
+ 456 351 l 1
+ 482 477 l 1
+ 523 624 l 1
+ 538 613 l 1
+ 540 608 l 1
+ 538 600 536 593 536 587 c 0
+ 536 580 538 574 541 570 c 1
+ 564 558 l 1
+ 782 558 l 1
+ 768 508 l 1
+ 695 508 l 1
+ 521 -120 l 1
+ 501 -96 l 1
+ 495 -51 l 2
+ 490 -20 484 -1 477 4 c 2
+ 466 18 l 2
+ 463 20 460 21 457 21 c 2
+ 454 22 452 22 450 22 c 0
+ 435 22 428 11 424 8 c 1
+ 416 -13 l 2
+ 407 -32 375 -52 357 -52 c 2
+ 347 -51 l 2
+ 337 -51 314 -46 309 -19 c 2
+ 307 -9 l 1
+ 309 5 l 1
+ 317 24 l 1
+ 327 41 l 2
+ 339 52 351 62 364 69 c 1
+ 366 69 366 70 370 72 c 1
+ 432 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_p_la
+Encoding: 60796 -1 2373
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+356 472 m 2
+ 342 484 l 2
+ 334 492 320 496 299 496 c 0
+ 231 496 194 464 168 432 c 1
+ 213 432 221 399 221 375 c 0
+ 221 366 220 359 219 355 c 2
+ 214 343 l 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+ 363 464 360 468 356 472 c 2
+423 294 m 1
+ 421 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 401 399 c 2
+ 392 407 l 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 110 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 181 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 154 381 96 368 c 2
+ 94 368 l 2
+ 82 368 63 380 63 399 c 0
+ 63 406 66 412 70 419 c 2
+ 81 435 l 2
+ 115 474 179 550 296 550 c 0
+ 411 550 442 446 442 404 c 0
+ 442 402 442 400 442 399 c 0
+ 443 393 443 387 444 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 515 624 l 1
+ 530 613 l 1
+ 531 608 l 1
+ 529 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 530 574 533 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 623 558 l 1
+ 610 508 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 373 -59 l 1
+ 344 -39 l 1
+ 341 9 l 2
+ 340 29 321 50 312 50 c 0
+ 289 50 281 19 276 10 c 1
+ 251 9 l 1
+ 247 23 l 2
+ 237 56 211 66 198 66 c 2
+ 190 66 l 2
+ 155 66 132 36 132 18 c 0
+ 132 1 135 -10 148 -17 c 1
+ 147.437 -14.2988 147.166 -11.5722 147.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 147.166 12.574 164.039 33.4502 188 37 c 2
+ 202 37 l 2
+ 217 37 226 21 226 6 c 0
+ 226 3 225 -1 225 -4 c 2
+ 216 -23 l 2
+ 202 -42 183 -59 152 -59 c 0
+ 92 -59 82 -15 82 8 c 0
+ 82 13 83 16 83 19 c 2
+ 85 33 l 2
+ 87 58 127 136 200 136 c 0
+ 235 136 254 122 268 73 c 1
+ 278 100 304 118 322 118 c 2
+ 326 118 l 2
+ 346 118 357 91 359 63 c 1
+ 423 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_la
+StartChar: bn_p_sa
+Encoding: 60797 -1 2374
+Width: 797
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+161 387 m 1
+ 204 387 216 352 216 335 c 0
+ 216 332 216 330 215 328 c 2
+ 216 327 215 325 215 324 c 2
+ 210 307 l 1
+ 340 418 l 1
+ 312 441 l 2
+ 308 443 301 446 293 449 c 2
+ 268 453 l 2
+ 216 453 173 405 161 387 c 1
+512 508 m 1
+ 534 485 l 2
+ 546 473 550 453 550 433 c 0
+ 550 423 549 400 539 380 c 1
+ 562 393 l 2
+ 583 406 596 414 601 415 c 2
+ 616 416 l 2
+ 642 416 649 403 653 396 c 2
+ 684 344 l 1
+ 728 508 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+55 354 m 0
+ 55 398 184 508 278 508 c 0
+ 338 508 385 460 401 438 c 2
+ 418 411 l 2
+ 423 405 432 377 436 370 c 1
+ 420 312 l 1
+ 397 344 l 2
+ 395 348 392 351 376 361 c 2
+ 363 366 l 1
+ 358 366 l 2
+ 353 366 350 365 346 362 c 2
+ 142 195 l 1
+ 102 228 l 1
+ 156 270 l 2
+ 164 276 183 290 183 315 c 0
+ 183 329 176 337 166 342 c 1
+ 158 342 153 341 150 340 c 2
+ 85 323 l 2
+ 73 323 55 335 55 354 c 0
+508 353 m 1
+ 512 384 514 387 514 397 c 0
+ 514 422 504 464 441 464 c 0
+ 413 464 399 464 380 475 c 2
+ 372 484 l 1
+ 362 508 l 1
+ 338 508 l 1
+ 352 558 l 1
+ 893 558 l 1
+ 879 508 l 1
+ 777 508 l 1
+ 635 -5 l 1
+ 603 52 l 1
+ 663 268 l 1
+ 660 294 l 1
+ 647 326 l 2
+ 642 336 633 341 621 341 c 0
+ 590 341 567 315 559 306 c 2
+ 503 248 l 2
+ 479 224 438 183 423 180 c 2
+ 403 179 l 2
+ 391 179 383 180 379 181 c 2
+ 365 188 l 2
+ 358 189 350 198 342 213 c 2
+ 328 251 l 1
+ 318 288 l 1
+ 360 320 l 1
+ 359 318 359 315 359 312 c 0
+ 359 306 360 298 362 289 c 2
+ 372 263 l 2
+ 376 257 382 254 390 253 c 0
+ 398 253 408 257 419 266 c 2
+ 508 353 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pa bn_sa
+StartChar: bn_ph_tta
+Encoding: 60798 -1 2375
+Width: 624
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+499 187 m 0
+ 499 117 362 -30 241 -30 c 0
+ 222 -30 175 7 175 38 c 1
+ 214 177 l 1
+ 188 231 135 268 70 268 c 1
+ 45 339 l 1
+ 87 377 134 405 181 436 c 1
+ 157 474 108 452 78 489 c 0
+ 72 496 65 503 57 508 c 1
+ 35 508 l 1
+ 49 558 l 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 558 568 564 579 564 592 c 0
+ 564 622 532 628 508 628 c 0
+ 453.333 628 390 622 356 622 c 0
+ 330 622 241 641 241 710 c 0
+ 241 753 268 784 297 790 c 1
+ 295 785 294 780 294 772 c 1
+ 275 759 273 742 273 734 c 0
+ 273 699 319 690 331 690 c 0
+ 499 699 l 0
+ 573 699 613 659 613 606 c 0
+ 613 590 608 572 604 558 c 1
+ 693 558 l 1
+ 679 508 l 1
+ 163 508 l 1
+ 203 476 227 427 238 404 c 1
+ 121 325 l 1
+ 198 290 221 253 227 225 c 1
+ 297 478 l 1
+ 302 479 309 480 316 480 c 0
+ 397 480 449 452 449 387 c 0
+ 449 326 411 283 361 283 c 0
+ 332 283 328 306 328 319 c 0
+ 328 341 354 366 380 366 c 0
+ 388 366 406 357 414 351 c 1
+ 417 357 421 365 421 374 c 0
+ 421 404 397 419 357 419 c 0
+ 350 419 341 418 330 416 c 1
+ 230 54 l 2
+ 229 51 228 47 228 44 c 0
+ 228 35 233 26 250 25 c 1
+ 316 40 396 96 419 153 c 1
+ 415 152 406 149 397 149 c 0
+ 369 149 354 165 354 189 c 0
+ 354 229 387 257 438 257 c 0
+ 488 257 499 215 499 187 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pha bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_ph_la
+Encoding: 60799 -1 2376
+Width: 611
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+603 356 m 0
+ 603 280 554 220 488 220 c 0
+ 451 220 445 250 445 267 c 0
+ 445 279.2 460 328 513 328 c 1
+ 538 328 546 307 555 307 c 1
+ 560 311 566 319.4 566 338 c 0
+ 566 363 553 387 526 391 c 2
+ 465 398 l 2
+ 453 398 447 396 446 392 c 2
+ 310 -96 l 1
+ 280 -76 l 1
+ 277 -28 l 2
+ 276.44 -19.035 263 13 248 13 c 0
+ 225 13 217 -18 212 -27 c 1
+ 187 -28 l 1
+ 182.057 -3.28312 166.607 29 126 29 c 0
+ 88 29 68 -5 68 -18 c 0
+ 68 -48.6385 81.3456 -51.3456 84 -54 c 1
+ 83.4584 -51.4003 83.1984 -48.7771 83.1984 -46.1609 c 0
+ 83.1984 -38.4428 86.5494 0 138 0 c 0
+ 153 0 162 -16 162 -31 c 0
+ 162 -53.0064 133.734 -96 88 -96 c 0
+ 34 -96 19 -61 19 -27 c 0
+ 19 49 86 99 136 99 c 0
+ 190.454 99 197.369 56.9972 204 36 c 1
+ 208 52 232 81 258 81 c 0
+ 293.014 81 294.555 30.2272 295 28 c 1
+ 307 74 l 1
+ 263.198 180.376 191.508 206 124 206 c 1
+ 89 289 l 1
+ 142.469 336.197 204.46 374.873 265 415 c 1
+ 253.5 429.5 237.121 443.624 229 445 c 0
+ 199.5 450 168.428 454.543 161 459 c 0
+ 139.44 472.107 125.722 493.055 106 508 c 1
+ 77 508 l 1
+ 91 558 l 1
+ 717 558 l 1
+ 703 508 l 1
+ 244 508 l 1
+ 283.062 470.396 315.045 425.712 339 373 c 1
+ 188 270 l 1
+ 205.203 263.119 289.512 220.554 322 125 c 1
+ 417 469 l 1
+ 428.448 473.579 435.965 475 481 475 c 0
+ 508 475 603 450 603 356 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_pha bn_la
+StartChar: bn_b_ja
+Encoding: 60800 -1 2377
+Width: 619
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+279 435 m 2
+ 270 433 260 428 249 421 c 2
+ 226 408 l 2
+ 216 403 208 397 204 392 c 1
+ 211 391 218 385 220 382 c 2
+ 237 364 l 1
+ 250 344 l 2
+ 253 339 256 329 259 315 c 1
+ 292 435 l 1
+ 279 435 l 2
+250 145 m 2
+ 346 145 370 229 370 255 c 0
+ 370 262 368 267 363 267 c 2
+ 361 267 l 2
+ 360 267 360 267 359 266 c 2
+ 320 241 l 2
+ 313 237 304 234 301 234 c 0
+ 298 234 297 234 296 235 c 1
+ 284 231 276 229 271 229 c 0
+ 260 229 252 235 249 248 c 2
+ 241 288 l 2
+ 238 305 232 316 222 321 c 2
+ 196 340 l 2
+ 185 346 175 349 166 349 c 2
+ 162 349 l 1
+ 150 413 l 1
+ 161 423 173 430 179 433 c 2
+ 269 478 l 1
+ 308 494 l 1
+ 313 508 l 1
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 74 558 l 1
+ 714 558 l 1
+ 700 508 l 1
+ 401 508 l 1
+ 392 501 l 1
+ 384 485 l 1
+ 386 471 l 2
+ 392 459 413 440 466 429 c 0
+ 469 429 471 429 472 428 c 1
+ 504 426 l 1
+ 539 429 l 2
+ 551 431 562 436 573 443 c 1
+ 627 375 l 1
+ 477 232 461 114 461 47 c 0
+ 461 28 462 12 463 3 c 1
+ 430 24 l 1
+ 430 78 l 2
+ 433 139 454 267 531 354 c 1
+ 519 363 l 1
+ 510 365 498 366 479 366 c 0
+ 421 366 372 402 364 422 c 2
+ 356 435 l 2
+ 351 444 348 451 348 458 c 1
+ 306 305 l 1
+ 324 304 l 2
+ 344 304 367 335 389 335 c 2
+ 390 336 392 336 393 336 c 0
+ 395 336 397 335 398 334 c 1
+ 400 334 l 2
+ 411 334 417 303 417 271 c 0
+ 417 260 416 248 414 238 c 2
+ 408 206 l 2
+ 401 179 373 108 247 80 c 2
+ 220 77 l 2
+ 200 77 171 79 132 115 c 2
+ 116 135 l 2
+ 106 149 85 178 77 213 c 2
+ 69 283 l 1
+ 68 343 l 1
+ 79 442 l 1
+ 107 429 l 1
+ 105 326 l 1
+ 120 254 l 2
+ 124 229 159 158 215 149 c 0
+ 226 149 233 148 240 147 c 2
+ 250 145 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_ja
+StartChar: bn_b_da
+Encoding: 60801 -1 2378
+Width: 558
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+121 354 m 1
+ 161 336 190 300 214 266 c 1
+ 257 424 l 1
+ 206 408 159 382 121 354 c 1
+438 347 m 1
+ 393 323 295 249 238 150 c 1
+ 189 199 l 1
+ 189 272 135.5 302 69 302 c 1
+ 45 381 l 1
+ 118 423 194 463 279 493 c 1
+ 283 508 l 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 650 558 l 1
+ 636 508 l 1
+ 331 508 l 1
+ 271 293 l 1
+ 345 355 445 426 487 446 c 1
+ 553 385 l 1
+ 458 285 393 201 393 5 c 1
+ 365 15 l 1
+ 362.933 39.323 361.928 61.7759 361.928 82.7402 c 0
+ 361.928 193.649 390.062 262.897 438 347 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_da
+StartChar: bn_b_d_ra
+Encoding: 60802 -1 2379
+Width: 558
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 354 m 1
+ 180 337 209 301 232 266 c 1
+ 275 424 l 1
+ 225 407 178 383 140 354 c 1
+457 347 m 1
+ 411 323 314 249 256 150 c 1
+ 208 199 l 1
+ 208 264.3 161 302 87 302 c 1
+ 63 381 l 1
+ 137 423 212 463 297 493 c 1
+ 301 508 l 1
+ 81 508 l 1
+ 95 558 l 1
+ 668 558 l 1
+ 654 508 l 1
+ 349 508 l 1
+ 290 293 l 1
+ 363 355 464 426 505 446 c 1
+ 571 385 l 1
+ 484 293 411 206 411 29 c 0
+ 411 23 412 14 412 7 c 1
+ 375 -129 l 1
+ 371 -115 359 -120 356 -111 c 0
+ 340 -67 315 -34 252 -32 c 0
+ 201 -32 144 -39 87 -39 c 0
+ 42 -39 -6 -1 -6 59 c 0
+ -6 113 9 149 31 177 c 1
+ 61 145 l 1
+ 46 138 34 110 34 87 c 0
+ 34 52 88 29 112 29 c 0
+ 215 29 l 16
+ 288 29 325 16 355 -39 c 1
+ 384 15 l 1
+ 381 44 381 68.5 381 106 c 0
+ 381 215 409 265 457 347 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_d_ra
+StartChar: bn_b_dha
+Encoding: 60803 -1 2380
+Width: 578
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+286 227 m 2
+ 244 210 l 2
+ 233 206 243 209 230 204 c 2
+ 184 180 l 1
+ 152 161 l 1
+ 189 145 205 135 234 103 c 2
+ 255 79 l 2
+ 260 72 266 63 272 51 c 1
+ 325 241 l 1
+ 314 238 300 233 286 227 c 2
+367 394 m 1
+ 351 391 321 382 296 373 c 2
+ 225 342 l 1
+ 177 319 l 1
+ 148 303 l 1
+ 156 298 162 294 166 290 c 2
+ 203 261 l 1
+ 345 316 l 1
+ 367 394 l 1
+54 330 m 1
+ 179 404 265 436 387 467 c 1
+ 399 508 l 1
+ 73 508 l 1
+ 87 558 l 1
+ 675 558 l 1
+ 661 508 l 1
+ 448 508 l 1
+ 398 328 l 1
+ 483 352 l 2
+ 488 352 493 351 497 348 c 2
+ 510 333 l 1
+ 516 331 520 325 523 314 c 2
+ 533 295 l 1
+ 534 267 l 1
+ 519 234 l 1
+ 478 89 l 2
+ 476 75 473 61 472 48 c 2
+ 464 -35 l 1
+ 429 -3 l 1
+ 424 7 l 1
+ 419 20 l 1
+ 418 39 l 1
+ 421 65 l 1
+ 473 253 l 2
+ 473.493 254.974 473.713 256.735 473.713 258.311 c 0
+ 473.713 269.509 462.63 271.37 460 274 c 1
+ 444 274 378 254 376 251 c 1
+ 288 -66 l 1
+ 280 -56 l 1
+ 273 -19 l 2
+ 268 -2 265 7 263 8 c 1
+ 245 33 l 2
+ 212 91 166 104 140 105 c 2
+ 107 105 l 1
+ 64 188 l 1
+ 161 238 l 1
+ 138 248 l 1
+ 120 252 l 1
+ 99 254 l 1
+ 54 330 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_dha
+StartChar: bn_b_na
+Encoding: 60804 -1 2381
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+11 -3 m 0
+ 11 19 40 106 156 106 c 0
+ 210 106 243 76 263 33 c 1
+ 276 78 l 1
+ 257 141 206 222 84 230 c 1
+ 45 321 l 1
+ 114 362 240 432 385 474 c 1
+ 395 508 l 1
+ 57 508 l 1
+ 71 558 l 1
+ 551 558 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 445 508 l 1
+ 281 -82 l 1
+ 274 -82 l 1
+ 273 -78 255 -62 255 -62 c 1
+ 246 -30 l 2
+ 239 1 245 -10 236 8 c 2
+ 230 20 l 2
+ 224 31 201 57 179 57 c 2
+ 171 57 l 2
+ 165 57 152 55 142 50 c 2
+ 130 43 l 1
+ 133 41 137 37 141 32 c 2
+ 150 19 l 2
+ 151.289 17.282 151.962 14.4161 151.962 10.7663 c 0
+ 151.962 -11.077 127.835 -61 67 -61 c 2
+ 60 -61 l 2
+ 39 -61 11 -40 11 -3 c 0
+363 394 m 1
+ 274 369 189 322 143 294 c 1
+ 210 262 260 212 290 131 c 1
+ 363 394 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_b_bha
+Encoding: 60805 -1 2382
+Width: 537
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+339 401 m 1
+ 299 389 283 384 246 363 c 2
+ 211 342 l 1
+ 246 325 263 306 279 275 c 2
+ 294 238 l 1
+ 339 401 l 1
+204 115 m 0
+ 204 165 238 194 270 204 c 1
+ 254 242 218 287 141 293 c 1
+ 112 363 l 1
+ 174 399 l 2
+ 206 417 289 460 361 481 c 1
+ 369 508 l 1
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+ 645 558 l 1
+ 631 508 l 1
+ 419 508 l 1
+ 332 196 l 1
+ 338 191 340 183 340 175 c 0
+ 340 165 338 143 312 123 c 1
+ 330 126 l 1
+ 369 145 399 170 419 200 c 1
+ 437 189 485 162 485 102 c 0
+ 485 17 398 -110 267 -110 c 0
+ 59 -110 15 151 14 229 c 2
+ 13 250 l 1
+ 43 242 l 1
+ 96 41 155 -27 297 -27 c 0
+ 410 -27 438 72 438 97 c 0
+ 438 108 436 122 426 139 c 1
+ 407 112 350 49 285 49 c 0
+ 220 49 204 82 204 115 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_bha
+StartChar: bn_b_la
+Encoding: 60806 -1 2383
+Width: 443
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+144 294 m 1
+ 260.141 238.454 285.341 147.904 292 131 c 1
+ 365 394 l 1
+ 250.435 356.766 234.056 343.206 144 294 c 1
+-13 -27 m 0
+ -13 49 55 99 105 99 c 0
+ 159 99 169 53 173 36 c 1
+ 179.395 51.9868 196.2 81 231 81 c 1
+ 257.667 81 263.667 38.3333 264 28 c 1
+ 278 78 l 1
+ 233.597 204.865 134.514 230 86 230 c 1
+ 47 321 l 1
+ 130.443 372.013 277.844 444.714 387 474 c 1
+ 397 508 l 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 553 558 l 1
+ 539 508 l 1
+ 446 508 l 1
+ 278 -96 l 1
+ 249 -76 l 1
+ 246 -28 l 2
+ 245 -18 233 13 217 13 c 0
+ 194 13 186 -18 181 -27 c 1
+ 156 -28 l 1
+ 144.522 21.7399 113.6 29 103 29 c 0
+ 41.0387 29 37 -14.5039 37 -18 c 0
+ 37 -36.5589 42.12 -48.56 53 -54 c 1
+ 52.4372 -51.2988 52.1658 -48.5722 52.1658 -45.8545 c 0
+ 52.1658 -36.7627 55.8831 0 107 0 c 0
+ 122 0 131 -16 131 -31 c 0
+ 131 -54.1094 103.279 -96 57 -96 c 0
+ 3 -96 -13 -62 -13 -27 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ba bn_la
+StartChar: bn_bh_la
+Encoding: 60807 -1 2384
+Width: 534
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+98 558 m 1
+ 644 558 l 1
+ 631 508 l 1
+ 85 508 l 1
+ 98 558 l 1
+36 -83 m 0
+ 36 -7 106 43 154 43 c 0
+ 189 43 207 27 221 -20 c 1
+ 229 -1 251 25 276 25 c 2
+ 280 25 l 2
+ 290 25 308 17 313 -35 c 1
+ 347 86 l 1
+ 345 85 344 85 343 85 c 0
+ 316 79 293 76 274 76 c 0
+ 229 76 183 98 167 112 c 0
+ 97 180 86 332 85 394 c 2
+ 83 461 l 1
+ 112 451 l 1
+ 112 441 112 430 113 419 c 2
+ 118 382 l 2
+ 152 166 238 168 284 160 c 2
+ 306 159 l 2
+ 392 159 448 228 466 252 c 2
+ 481 291 l 2
+ 485 304 487 315 487 325 c 0
+ 487 342 482 356 473 374 c 1
+ 431 323 374 288 325 280 c 2
+ 282 280 l 2
+ 262 280 205 296 205 353 c 0
+ 205 362 207 372 210 383 c 2
+ 217 401 l 2
+ 237 440 270 460 319 460 c 0
+ 330 459 360 449 360 416 c 0
+ 360 397 354 383 342 369 c 2
+ 326 353 l 1
+ 349 357 l 2
+ 396 379 437 411 465 454 c 1
+ 509 404 l 2
+ 526 369 534 339 534 314 c 0
+ 534 235 454 151 415 124 c 2
+ 400 113 l 1
+ 327 -152 l 1
+ 297 -132 l 1
+ 294 -84 l 2
+ 293 -72 279 -43 265 -43 c 0
+ 242 -43 234 -74 230 -83 c 1
+ 204 -84 l 1
+ 201 -70 l 2
+ 190 -48 188 -45 182 -41 c 2
+ 173 -33 l 2
+ 168 -31 156 -27 151 -27 c 2
+ 143 -27 l 2
+ 107 -27 85 -58 85 -74 c 0
+ 85 -96 92 -104 98 -108 c 1
+ 99 -108 100 -109 101 -110 c 1
+ 100.497 -107.484 100.257 -104.938 100.257 -102.393 c 0
+ 100.257 -79.6481 119.415 -57 141 -57 c 0
+ 147 -56 152 -56 155 -56 c 0
+ 171 -56 179 -71 179 -87 c 0
+ 179 -90 179 -94 178 -97 c 2
+ 170 -116 l 2
+ 155 -135 137 -152 106 -152 c 0
+ 51 -152 36 -117 36 -83 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_bha bn_la
+StartChar: bn_m_ta
+Encoding: 60808 -1 2385
+Width: 550
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+403 372 m 0
+ 462 372 476 434 476 471 c 0
+ 476 490 471 506 455 508 c 2
+ 292 508 l 1
+ 312.667 466.665 300.877 372 403 372 c 0
+255 470 m 0
+ 255 488 250 508 229 508 c 2
+ 56 508 l 1
+ 70 558 l 1
+ 640 558 l 1
+ 626 508 l 1
+ 509 508 l 1
+ 519 493 524 476 524 457 c 0
+ 524 430 507 367 463 331 c 1
+ 490 316 497 286 497 258 c 0
+ 497 146.491 394.517 27 268 27 c 0
+ 147.5 27 55 193.199 55 397 c 1
+ 92 385 l 1
+ 128.347 202.051 158.102 112 291 112 c 0
+ 390 112 456 190 456 242 c 0
+ 456 277.296 430.558 292 393 292 c 1
+ 399 282 402 271 402 259 c 0
+ 402 188 329 170 307 170 c 0
+ 269 170 248 193 248 221 c 1
+ 248 276.2 271.136 299.087 315 327 c 1
+ 279 373 l 1
+ 264.117 318.784 218.563 307 196 307 c 0
+ 176 307 155 323 155 348 c 0
+ 155 372 175.5 424 222 424 c 0
+ 241.715 424 255 430.54 255 470 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_m_tha
+Encoding: 60809 -1 2386
+Width: 786
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+388 508 m 1
+ 389 507 395 495 395 495 c 1
+ 400 500 403 502 410 508 c 1
+ 388 508 l 1
+283 372 m 0
+ 341 372 356 434 356 470 c 0
+ 356 489 350 506 334 508 c 2
+ 171 508 l 1
+ 187 478 162 440 206 404 c 2
+ 225 388 l 2
+ 250 376 270 372 283 372 c 0
+776 619 m 1
+ 775 601 770 595 770 578 c 0
+ 770 569 772 561 778 558 c 1
+ 865 558 l 1
+ 851 508 l 1
+ 767 508 l 1
+ 625 -5 l 1
+ 587 83 l 2
+ 563 162 476 195 437 202 c 2
+ 390 205 l 1
+ 340 309 l 1
+ 367 308 l 1
+ 407 315 l 2
+ 481 323 607 400 607 462 c 0
+ 607 496 571 506 559 506 c 0
+ 552 506 545 505 542 504 c 2
+ 489 480 l 2
+ 475 473 466 467 461 461 c 1
+ 471 444 l 2
+ 474 437 475 430 475 423 c 0
+ 475 399 455 378 436 369 c 2
+ 422 362 l 1
+ 396 358 l 2
+ 387 358 378 360 371 363 c 1
+ 361 347 322 301 265 301 c 2
+ 240 301 l 2
+ 229 301 204 316 187 336 c 2
+ 159 373 l 1
+ 145 322 100 308 83 308 c 2
+ 79 308 l 1
+ 78 307 77 307 76 307 c 0
+ 66 307 35 315 35 346 c 0
+ 35 372 53 414 102 424 c 0
+ 103 424 104 424 107 425 c 0
+ 124 425 135 434 135 469 c 0
+ 135 487 130 508 108 508 c 2
+ 48 508 l 1
+ 62 558 l 1
+ 440 558 l 1
+ 430 521 l 1
+ 433 523 436 525 439 526 c 2
+ 451 532 l 2
+ 490 550 521 558 561 558 c 0
+ 603 558 653 523 653 461 c 0
+ 653 347 525 280 484 259 c 1
+ 490 257 498 254 505 246 c 2
+ 526 230 l 2
+ 552 214 602 144 610 117 c 1
+ 758 651 l 1
+ 776 619 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_tha
+StartChar: bn_m_da
+Encoding: 60810 -1 2387
+Width: 757
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+295 372 m 0
+ 354 372 368 434 368 470 c 0
+ 368 489 363 506 347 508 c 2
+ 184 508 l 1
+ 200 478 175 440 219 404 c 2
+ 238 388 l 2
+ 262 376 282 372 295 372 c 0
+120 425 m 0
+ 136 425 147 434 147 469 c 0
+ 147 487 142 508 121 508 c 2
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+ 850 558 l 1
+ 836 508 l 1
+ 441 508 l 1
+ 383 297 l 1
+ 438 331 509 394 605 431 c 2
+ 648 447 l 1
+ 717 382 l 1
+ 677 329 l 2
+ 633 264 621 238 612 217 c 2
+ 599 182 l 1
+ 582 129 l 2
+ 580 122 581 117 578 108 c 2
+ 577 98 l 2
+ 577.11 97.3423 577.159 96.6606 577.159 95.9549 c 0
+ 577.159 90.2222 573.89 82.9039 573 74 c 2
+ 571 48 l 1
+ 572 -4 l 1
+ 541 11 l 1
+ 538 62 l 2
+ 538 69 538 76 538 84 c 0
+ 538 105 540 126 541 138 c 2
+ 551 198 l 1
+ 563 240 l 2
+ 575 283 586 301 610 347 c 1
+ 514 318 414 239 356 153 c 1
+ 308 222 l 1
+ 334 317 l 1
+ 315 305 298 301 278 301 c 2
+ 253 301 l 2
+ 242 301 217 316 199 336 c 2
+ 172 373 l 1
+ 157 322 113 308 96 308 c 2
+ 92 308 l 1
+ 90 307 89 307 88 307 c 0
+ 79 307 47 315 47 346 c 0
+ 47 372 66 414 115 424 c 0
+ 116 424 117 424 120 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_da
+StartChar: bn_m_na
+Encoding: 60811 -1 2388
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+ 363 489 357 506 341 508 c 2
+ 178 508 l 1
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+ 232 388 l 2
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+114 425 m 0
+ 131 425 142 434 142 469 c 0
+ 142 487 136 508 115 508 c 2
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 491 558 l 1
+ 477 508 l 1
+ 395 508 l 1
+ 405 493 411 476 411 457 c 0
+ 411 447 409 436 406 424 c 2
+ 402 410 l 2
+ 396 398 386 362 349 331 c 1
+ 268 38 l 1
+ 267 39 250 57 248 57 c 1
+ 239 90 l 2
+ 230 157 190 176 172 176 c 2
+ 164 176 l 2
+ 148 176 140 172 136 170 c 2
+ 124 163 l 1
+ 141 149 145 137 145 128 c 0
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+ 108 72 l 2
+ 97 63 81 59 61 59 c 2
+ 54 59 l 2
+ 33 59 5 82 5 118 c 0
+ 5 144 35 226 150 226 c 0
+ 203 226 244 189 257 153 c 1
+ 299 304 l 1
+ 294 303 290 302 285 301 c 2
+ 247 301 l 2
+ 236 301 211 316 194 336 c 2
+ 166 373 l 1
+ 152 322 107 308 90 308 c 2
+ 86 308 l 1
+ 84 307 83 307 82 307 c 0
+ 73 307 41 315 41 346 c 0
+ 41 372 60 414 109 424 c 0
+ 110 424 111 424 114 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_na
+StartChar: bn_m_na1
+Encoding: 60812 -1 2389
+Width: 492
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+54 -10 m 0
+ 54 77 166 99 199 99 c 0
+ 227 99 277 86 306 25 c 1
+ 326 97 l 1
+ 312 145 282 187 245 194 c 1
+ 215 168 177 150 146 150 c 0
+ 97 150 83 177 83 206 c 0
+ 83 298 183 321 212 321 c 0
+ 226 321 236 319 247 311 c 1
+ 251 325 253 338 253 349 c 0
+ 253 452 131 418 103 481 c 2
+ 96 508 l 1
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+ 595 558 l 1
+ 581 508 l 1
+ 488 508 l 1
+ 322 -89 l 1
+ 317 -89 l 1
+ 316 -87 298 -71 298 -70 c 2
+ 288 -38 l 1
+ 285 -18 l 2
+ 284 -10 284 -7 279 0 c 2
+ 272 12 l 2
+ 265 23 246 49 222 49 c 2
+ 214 49 l 2
+ 212.6 49 211.24 49.04 209.832 49.04 c 0
+ 204.2 49.04 197.8 48.4 185 42 c 2
+ 173 36 l 1
+ 190 22 194 10 194 1 c 0
+ 194 -14 177 -68 110 -68 c 2
+ 103 -68 l 2
+ 80 -68 54 -45 54 -10 c 0
+208 508 m 1
+ 257 466 300 404 300 332 c 0
+ 300 315 298 298 293 281 c 2
+ 288 265 l 1
+ 287 263 286 261 286 260 c 1
+ 312 224 335 183 343 160 c 1
+ 440 508 l 1
+ 208 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Width: 828
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+637 472 m 2
+ 624 484 l 2
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+ 495 432 502 399 502 375 c 0
+ 502 366 501 359 501 355 c 2
+ 495 343 l 1
+ 646 460 l 1
+ 645 464 642 468 637 472 c 2
+286 372 m 0
+ 345 372 360 434 360 470 c 0
+ 360 489 354 506 338 508 c 2
+ 175 508 l 1
+ 191 478 166 440 210 404 c 2
+ 229 388 l 2
+ 254 376 273 372 286 372 c 0
+111 425 m 0
+ 128 425 139 434 139 469 c 0
+ 139 487 133 508 112 508 c 2
+ 52 508 l 1
+ 66 558 l 1
+ 444 558 l 1
+ 430 508 l 1
+ 392 508 l 1
+ 400 494 l 2
+ 403 486 403 486 405 479 c 1
+ 430 504 486 550 578 550 c 0
+ 694 550 724 444 724 403 c 0
+ 724 402 724 400 724 399 c 0
+ 724 393 725 387 726 381 c 2
+ 730 351 l 1
+ 756 477 l 1
+ 796 624 l 1
+ 811 613 l 1
+ 813 608 l 1
+ 811 600 810 593 810 587 c 0
+ 810 580 811 574 814 570 c 1
+ 837 558 l 1
+ 905 558 l 1
+ 891 508 l 1
+ 812 508 l 1
+ 670 -6 l 1
+ 634 39 l 1
+ 705 294 l 1
+ 705 294 699 390 683 399 c 2
+ 673 407 l 1
+ 455 237 l 1
+ 391 263 l 1
+ 447 309 l 2
+ 462 319 467 347 467 357 c 0
+ 467 375 459 387 445 387 c 0
+ 431 387 430 381 410 376 c 2
+ 378 368 l 1
+ 365 348 327 301 269 301 c 2
+ 244 301 l 2
+ 233 301 208 316 190 336 c 2
+ 163 373 l 1
+ 149 322 104 308 87 308 c 2
+ 83 308 l 1
+ 81 307 80 307 79 307 c 0
+ 70 307 38 315 38 346 c 0
+ 38 372 57 414 106 424 c 0
+ 107 424 108 424 111 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_pa
+StartChar: bn_m_p_ra
+Encoding: 60814 -1 2391
+Width: 824
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+644 472 m 2
+ 630 484 l 2
+ 623 492 609 496 588 496 c 0
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+ 502 432 509 399 509 375 c 0
+ 509 366 508 359 508 355 c 2
+ 502 343 l 1
+ 653 460 l 1
+ 652 464 649 468 644 472 c 2
+296 370 m 0
+ 351 370 369 429 369 469 c 0
+ 369 488 364 504 348 506 c 2
+ 185 506 l 1
+ 200 476 176 438 220 402 c 2
+ 238 386 l 2
+ 263 374 283 370 296 370 c 0
+121 423 m 0
+ 137 423 148 432 148 467 c 0
+ 148 485 143 506 122 506 c 2
+ 62 506 l 1
+ 75 556 l 1
+ 453 556 l 1
+ 440 506 l 1
+ 402 506 l 1
+ 405 501 409 495 413 480 c 1
+ 441 506 494 550 585 550 c 0
+ 700 550 731 444 731 403 c 0
+ 731 402 731 400 731 399 c 0
+ 731 393 732 387 733 381 c 2
+ 737 351 l 1
+ 763 477 l 1
+ 803 624 l 1
+ 818 613 l 1
+ 820 608 l 1
+ 818 600 817 593 817 587 c 0
+ 817 580 818 574 821 570 c 1
+ 844 557 l 1
+ 912 557 l 1
+ 898 508 l 1
+ 819 508 l 1
+ 663 -56 l 1
+ 647 -40 l 1
+ 635 -2 l 2
+ 624 17 607 27 583 27 c 2
+ 499 27 l 2
+ 491 27 482 27 472 26 c 0
+ 463 26 455 26 448 25 c 0
+ 440 25 433 25 427 24 c 2
+ 415 24 l 2
+ 316 24 291 70 291 116 c 0
+ 291 138 302 189 326 227 c 2
+ 339 243 l 1
+ 353 223 l 1
+ 352 222 348 216 343 206 c 2
+ 334 181 l 2
+ 332 171 330 162 330 154 c 0
+ 330 134 339 117 366 106 c 2
+ 410 95 l 2
+ 416 94 423 93 428 93 c 0
+ 433 92 437 92 440 92 c 0
+ 443 92 445 92 447 93 c 1
+ 467 93 l 2
+ 509 93 515 91 545 91 c 2
+ 568 91 l 2
+ 601 91 631 69 641 39 c 1
+ 712 294 l 1
+ 712 294 706 390 690 399 c 2
+ 680 407 l 1
+ 462 237 l 1
+ 398 263 l 1
+ 454 309 l 2
+ 469 319 474 347 474 357 c 0
+ 474 375 466 387 452 387 c 0
+ 441 387 446 384 390 369 c 1
+ 357 320 316 299 278 299 c 2
+ 253 299 l 2
+ 240 299 217 315 200 334 c 2
+ 172 371 l 1
+ 158 320 113 306 96 306 c 2
+ 92 306 l 1
+ 91 305 90 305 89 305 c 0
+ 69 305 48 321 48 346 c 0
+ 48 370 66 412 115 422 c 0
+ 116 422 117 422 121 423 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_p_ra
+StartChar: bn_m_p_la
+Encoding: 60815 -1 2392
+Width: 830
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+594 496 m 0
+ 526 496 489 464 463 432 c 1
+ 508 432 516 399 516 375 c 0
+ 516 358.885 513.155 352.971 509 343 c 1
+ 659 460 l 1
+ 648.126 481.749 629.345 496 594 496 c 0
+297 371 m 0
+ 355 371 370 433 370 470 c 0
+ 370 489 364 505 348 507 c 2
+ 185 507 l 1
+ 201 477 176 439 220 403 c 0
+ 239.147 386.876 275.992 371 297 371 c 0
+718 294 m 1
+ 713.5 330.7 713.519 383.427 687 407 c 1
+ 468 237 l 1
+ 405 263 l 1
+ 460 309 l 2
+ 475.325 321.818 480 347 480 357 c 0
+ 480 375 472 387 458 387 c 0
+ 447.058 387 431 368 389 368 c 1
+ 377 348 337 300 279 300 c 1
+ 232.5 300 197.622 341.682 173 372 c 1
+ 158.117 317.784 112.563 306 90 306 c 0
+ 70 306 49 322 49 347 c 0
+ 49 378.95 85.5 424 121 424 c 1
+ 137 424 149 433 149 470 c 0
+ 149 488 144 507 122 507 c 2
+ 62 507 l 1
+ 76 557 l 1
+ 454 557 l 1
+ 440 507 l 1
+ 402 507 l 1
+ 409 497 409 492 416 477 c 1
+ 443 503 498 550 591 550 c 0
+ 732.647 550 731.661 436.039 743 351 c 1
+ 769 477 l 1
+ 810 624 l 1
+ 825 613 l 1
+ 831.685 579.575 830 568 850 557 c 1
+ 918 557 l 1
+ 904 507 l 1
+ 825 507 l 1
+ 668 -59 l 1
+ 639 -39 l 1
+ 636.955 -6.27936 634.972 50 607 50 c 0
+ 584 50 576 19 571 10 c 1
+ 546 9 l 1
+ 532.118 47.1756 515.616 66 485 66 c 0
+ 449 66 427 37 427 18 c 0
+ 427 3 431 -12 443 -17 c 1
+ 442.437 -14.2988 442.166 -11.5722 442.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 442.166 12.574 460 37 483 37 c 0
+ 507.658 37 521 19.3333 521 6 c 0
+ 521 -37.9473 465.32 -59 447 -59 c 0
+ 381.21 -59 377.961 -11.891 377.961 12.0545 c 0
+ 377.961 53.5055 413.104 136 495 136 c 0
+ 529 136 549 124 563 73 c 1
+ 573 100 599 118 617 118 c 0
+ 641.106 118 651.779 94.096 654 63 c 1
+ 718 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_p_la
+StartChar: bn_m_pha
+Encoding: 60816 -1 2393
+Width: 874
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+295 372 m 0
+ 354 372 368 437 368 470 c 0
+ 368 478 367 486 364 493 c 1
+ 348 508 l 1
+ 184 508 l 1
+ 199 478 175 440 219 404 c 2
+ 237 388 l 2
+ 262 376 282 372 295 372 c 0
+119 425 m 0
+ 136 425 147 434 147 469 c 0
+ 147 487 142 508 121 508 c 2
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 74 558 l 1
+ 958 558 l 1
+ 945 508 l 1
+ 486 508 l 1
+ 494 499 504 490 512 480 c 2
+ 541 448 l 1
+ 581 373 l 1
+ 430 270 l 1
+ 445 264 453 259 467 249 c 2
+ 503 220 l 2
+ 539 187 556 147 563 125 c 1
+ 659 469 l 1
+ 669 473 682 475 698 475 c 2
+ 722 475 l 2
+ 750 475 845 450 845 356 c 0
+ 845 280 796 220 730 220 c 0
+ 693 220 687 248 687 266 c 0
+ 687 287 700 313 737 325 c 2
+ 755 328 l 2
+ 782 328 788 307 797 307 c 0
+ 798 307 799 308 800 309 c 1
+ 805 320 l 2
+ 807 326 808 332 808 338 c 0
+ 808 363 795 387 768 391 c 2
+ 707 398 l 2
+ 695 398 688 396 687 392 c 2
+ 579 0 l 1
+ 564 18 l 1
+ 557 46 l 2
+ 546 91 503 206 366 206 c 1
+ 331 289 l 1
+ 390 338 l 1
+ 507 415 l 1
+ 488 432 l 2
+ 481 439 476 444 471 445 c 2
+ 439 451 l 2
+ 434 452 429 452 426 453 c 2
+ 423 453 419 453 416 454 c 1
+ 416 447 414 435 411 424 c 2
+ 407 410 l 2
+ 395 387 361 301 277 301 c 2
+ 252 301 l 2
+ 241 301 216 316 199 336 c 2
+ 171 373 l 1
+ 157 322 112 308 95 308 c 2
+ 91 308 l 1
+ 90 307 89 307 88 307 c 0
+ 78 307 47 315 47 346 c 0
+ 47 372 65 414 114 424 c 0
+ 115 424 116 424 119 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_pha
+StartChar: bn_m_ph_ra
+Encoding: 60817 -1 2394
+Width: 844
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+855 357 m 0
+ 855 278 805 220 740 220 c 0
+ 703 220 697 248 697 266 c 0
+ 697 294 724 328 765 328 c 0
+ 792 328 798 307 807 307 c 0
+ 815 307 819 334 819 343 c 0
+ 819 369 800 401 775 401 c 0
+ 722 401 698 398 696 392 c 2
+ 569 -67 l 1
+ 556 -57 l 1
+ 544 -50 526.15 18 443 18 c 0
+ 386 18 356 11 299 11 c 0
+ 218 11 196 54 196 99 c 0
+ 196 129 215 192 236 233 c 1
+ 258 197 l 1
+ 248 178 238 158 238 143 c 0
+ 238 122 246 85 275 85 c 0
+ 318 85 369 87 418 87 c 0
+ 490 87 520 58 545 14 c 1
+ 560 70 l 1
+ 515 177 430 206 376 206 c 1
+ 341 289 l 1
+ 394.079 336.588 456.677 374.657 517 415 c 1
+ 491 449 465 454 428 454 c 1
+ 428 405 376 302 290 302 c 0
+ 233 302 211 336 183 374 c 1
+ 168 320 124 308 100 308 c 0
+ 90 308 59 317 59 348 c 0
+ 59 373 84 427 139 427 c 1
+ 150 432 160 432 160 472 c 0
+ 160 490 155 509 133 509 c 2
+ 73 509 l 1
+ 87 559 l 1
+ 985 559 l 1
+ 971 508 l 1
+ 496 508 l 1
+ 521 480 567 418 591 373 c 1
+ 440 270 l 1
+ 500 240 551 179 572 122 c 1
+ 668 471 l 1
+ 814 471 855 426.199 855 357 c 0
+307 373 m 0
+ 366 373 381 434 381 481 c 0
+ 381 493 380 503 378 508 c 1
+ 196 508 l 1
+ 211 477 187 441 231 405 c 0
+ 250 389 286 373 307 373 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_ph_ra
+StartChar: bn_m_bha
+Encoding: 60818 -1 2395
+Width: 597
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+451 376 m 2
+ 464 384 485 403 485 442 c 0
+ 485 494 438 508 426 508 c 2
+ 245 508 l 1
+ 259 496 l 2
+ 266 490 266 485 268 474 c 2
+ 267 452 l 1
+ 260 434 262 436 259 433 c 1
+ 263 428 259 432 268 422 c 2
+ 277 412 l 1
+ 292 399 l 2
+ 304 386 328 364 360 357 c 2
+ 383 354 l 1
+ 390 354 l 2
+ 412 354 416 357 434 365 c 2
+ 451 376 l 2
+394 286 m 0
+ 394 255 371 234 353 234 c 2
+ 349 234 l 2
+ 348 234 347 234 345 235 c 1
+ 345 232 l 0
+ 345 221 352 210 369 210 c 0
+ 396 210 437 244 514 318 c 1
+ 526 318 552 288 552 233 c 0
+ 552 179 505 -4 314 -4 c 0
+ 246 -4 196 22 154 69 c 2
+ 134 96 l 2
+ 124 109 112 127 91 181 c 2
+ 81 210 l 2
+ 67 251 64 286 64 309 c 2
+ 63 344 l 1
+ 84 336 l 1
+ 107 241 l 2
+ 122 192 163 56 323 56 c 0
+ 438 56 528 155 528 223 c 0
+ 528 235 525 248 514 251 c 1
+ 494 234 468 217 438 201 c 2
+ 389 179 l 2
+ 381 176 373 175 361 174 c 2
+ 336 174 l 2
+ 323 174 324 175 312 179 c 2
+ 288 188 l 1
+ 272 199 l 2
+ 265 206 261 213 260 220 c 2
+ 260 242 l 2
+ 275 295 316 313 334 316 c 1
+ 329 316 l 2
+ 312 316 292 334 267 369 c 2
+ 244 399 l 1
+ 245.777 395.308 246.62 391.168 246.62 386.771 c 0
+ 246.62 359.007 213.027 321 169 321 c 0
+ 139 321 122 339 122 364 c 0
+ 122 387 137 415 161 430 c 2
+ 180 438 l 2
+ 188 442 196 446 214 446 c 1
+ 220 451 223 454 223 455 c 2
+ 228 470 l 1
+ 227 478 224 485 216 491 c 2
+ 203 499 l 2
+ 196 502 180 508 166 508 c 2
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 718 558 l 1
+ 704 508 l 1
+ 488 508 l 1
+ 508 492 545 476 545 431 c 0
+ 545 408 537 387 524 369 c 2
+ 516 359 l 2
+ 503 343 472 315 418 305 c 2
+ 391 304 l 1
+ 393 300 394 293 394 286 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_bha
+StartChar: bn_m_bh_ra
+Encoding: 60819 -1 2396
+Width: 456
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+195 363 m 1
+ 184 321 150 298 119 298 c 2
+ 113 298 l 2
+ 104 298 71 305 71 336 c 0
+ 71 361 90 400 139 413 c 2
+ 155 418 l 2
+ 173 424 175 456 175 467 c 0
+ 175 492 163 508 150 508 c 2
+ 76 508 l 1
+ 90 558 l 1
+ 551 558 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 438 508 l 1
+ 447 494 452 477 452 456 c 0
+ 452 445 451 432 447 418 c 2
+ 443 406 l 2
+ 439 388 420 344 387 318 c 2
+ 361 297 l 2
+ 355 292 350 290 347 289 c 1
+ 360 276 371 263 371 246 c 0
+ 371 242 371 237 369 233 c 2
+ 280 -88 l 1
+ 266 -71 l 1
+ 259 -49 l 2
+ 257 -30 241 -18 233 -14 c 2
+ 221 -9 l 1
+ 195 -6 l 1
+ 107 -13 l 1
+ 86 -13 l 1
+ 55 -9 l 2
+ 1 -1 -12 39 -12 73 c 0
+ -12 92 -8 110 -5 119 c 2
+ 0 136 l 2
+ 6 160 33 206 44 211 c 1
+ 73 212 l 1
+ 58 190 l 1
+ 44 166 l 1
+ 37 147 l 2
+ 34 138 33 129 33 121 c 0
+ 33 83 58 60 85 53 c 2
+ 107 51 l 1
+ 119 51 l 2
+ 180 51 206 47 226 41 c 2
+ 261 17 l 1
+ 310 197 l 1
+ 265 164 l 2
+ 213 128 191 127 173 125 c 2
+ 160 124 l 2
+ 119 124 96 147 96 182 c 0
+ 96 190 97 198 99 207 c 2
+ 103 222 l 2
+ 111 238 110 235 125 251 c 2
+ 146 265 l 2
+ 153 269 163 271 176 271 c 0
+ 185 271 212 268 213 245 c 2
+ 211 223 l 2
+ 208 215 205 208 200 202 c 2
+ 188 187 l 1
+ 207 187 287 232 317 281 c 1
+ 295 283 251 296 223 326 c 2
+ 195 363 l 1
+319 355 m 0
+ 386 355 403 428 403 472 c 0
+ 403 491 399 508 384 508 c 2
+ 213 508 l 1
+ 220 485 l 1
+ 221 457 l 1
+ 219 443 l 2
+ 218 441 218 439 216 438 c 1
+ 213 425 l 1
+ 215 421 217 417 223 412 c 2
+ 263 377 l 2
+ 293 358 305 355 319 355 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_bh_ra
+StartChar: bn_m_bh_ra1
+Encoding: 60820 -1 2397
+Width: 597
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+421 286 m 0
+ 421 255 398 234 380 234 c 2
+ 376 234 l 2
+ 375 234 374 234 373 235 c 1
+ 373 232 l 0
+ 373 221 379 210 397 210 c 0
+ 424 210 464 244 542 318 c 1
+ 553 318 580 288 580 233 c 0
+ 580 165 540 85 476 39 c 1
+ 410 -201 l 1
+ 389 -185 l 1
+ 377 -147 l 2
+ 363 -120 336 -118 318 -118 c 0
+ 314 -118 311 -118 309 -118 c 0
+ 241 -118 187 -120 157 -121 c 0
+ 85 -115 33 -100 33 -33 c 0
+ 33 -5 42 51 81 98 c 1
+ 95 78 l 1
+ 94 77 92 74 90 70 c 2
+ 85 58 l 2
+ 77 42 72 20 72 9 c 0
+ 72 -31 111 -54 230 -54 c 0
+ 243 -54 256 -54 268 -53 c 2
+ 302 -53 l 2
+ 323 -53 372 -60 384 -112 c 1
+ 418 9 l 1
+ 393 0 368 -4 341 -4 c 0
+ 273 -4 224 22 182 69 c 2
+ 161 96 l 2
+ 152 109 140 127 119 181 c 2
+ 109 210 l 2
+ 94 251 92 286 91 309 c 2
+ 90 344 l 1
+ 112 336 l 1
+ 134 241 l 2
+ 150 192 190 56 350 56 c 0
+ 466 56 556 155 556 223 c 0
+ 556 235 552 248 541 251 c 1
+ 521 234 496 217 465 201 c 2
+ 416 179 l 2
+ 408 176 400 175 389 174 c 2
+ 364 174 l 2
+ 351 174 351 175 339 179 c 2
+ 316 188 l 1
+ 300 199 l 2
+ 293 206 289 213 288 220 c 2
+ 288 242 l 2
+ 302 295 343 313 361 316 c 1
+ 356 316 l 2
+ 339 316 319 334 294 369 c 2
+ 271 399 l 1
+ 272.78 395.303 273.623 391.155 273.623 386.75 c 0
+ 273.623 358.989 240.153 321 197 321 c 0
+ 166 321 150 339 150 364 c 0
+ 150 387 165 415 189 430 c 2
+ 207 438 l 2
+ 215 442 223 446 241 446 c 1
+ 248 451 250 454 251 455 c 2
+ 255 470 l 1
+ 254 478 251 485 244 491 c 2
+ 230 499 l 2
+ 224 502 207 508 193 508 c 2
+ 91 508 l 1
+ 105 558 l 1
+ 745 558 l 1
+ 731 508 l 1
+ 515 508 l 1
+ 535 492 573 476 573 431 c 0
+ 573 408 565 387 551 369 c 2
+ 543 359 l 2
+ 531 343 499 315 445 305 c 2
+ 419 304 l 1
+ 420 300 421 293 421 286 c 0
+479 376 m 2
+ 491 384 512 403 512 442 c 0
+ 512 494 465 508 453 508 c 2
+ 272 508 l 1
+ 286 496 l 2
+ 293 490 293 485 295 474 c 2
+ 294 452 l 1
+ 287 434 289 436 287 433 c 1
+ 290 428 286 432 296 422 c 2
+ 305 412 l 1
+ 319 399 l 2
+ 332 386 355 364 388 357 c 2
+ 411 354 l 1
+ 418 354 l 2
+ 440 354 444 357 462 365 c 2
+ 479 376 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_m_ma
+Encoding: 60821 -1 2398
+Width: 571
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+307 372 m 0
+ 366 372 380 434 380 470 c 0
+ 380 489 375 506 359 508 c 2
+ 196 508 l 1
+ 212 478 187 440 231 404 c 2
+ 250 388 l 2
+ 275 376 294 372 307 372 c 0
+345 316 m 1
+ 353 294 357 279 357 268 c 0
+ 357 267 357 266 356 264 c 2
+ 355 227 l 2
+ 355 226 355 226 355 225 c 0
+ 355 212 354 201 351 192 c 2
+ 344 172 l 1
+ 358 154 l 1
+ 359 149 362 143 369 136 c 2
+ 389 98 l 1
+ 401 72 l 1
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 413 508 l 1
+ 423 493 429 476 429 457 c 0
+ 429 447 427 436 424 424 c 2
+ 420 410 l 2
+ 414 398 398 346 345 316 c 1
+132 425 m 0
+ 149 425 160 434 160 469 c 0
+ 160 487 154 508 133 508 c 2
+ 73 508 l 1
+ 87 558 l 1
+ 672 558 l 1
+ 658 508 l 1
+ 570 508 l 1
+ 404 -91 l 1
+ 389 -68 l 1
+ 389 -23 l 2
+ 386 38 364 65 320 101 c 2
+ 304 111 l 1
+ 303 106 l 1
+ 265 80 l 1
+ 249 72 l 2
+ 243 69 239 67 235 66 c 2
+ 205 62 l 2
+ 170 62 155 75 151 84 c 2
+ 141 101 l 1
+ 141 122 l 1
+ 144 145 l 2
+ 148 157 154 169 163 181 c 2
+ 188 207 l 2
+ 215 227 247 229 272 232 c 0
+ 292 232 303 229 305 223 c 1
+ 309 238 312 251 312 264 c 0
+ 312 277 309 289 303 301 c 1
+ 265 301 l 2
+ 254 301 229 316 211 336 c 2
+ 184 373 l 1
+ 170 322 125 308 108 308 c 2
+ 104 308 l 1
+ 102 307 101 307 100 307 c 0
+ 91 307 59 315 59 346 c 0
+ 59 372 78 414 127 424 c 0
+ 128 424 129 424 132 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_m_la
+Encoding: 60822 -1 2399
+Width: 414
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-10 120 m 0
+ -10 196 58 246 108 246 c 0
+ 162 246 171 200 175 183 c 1
+ 179 198 205 228 230 228 c 0
+ 257 228 263 202 263 181 c 1
+ 297 305 l 1
+ 283.333 302.333 273 300 245 300 c 0
+ 218 300 181 350 164 373 c 1
+ 149 318 104 307 81 307 c 0
+ 71 307 40 315 40 346 c 0
+ 40 374 61 416 112 425 c 0
+ 129 428 140 434 140 469 c 0
+ 140 487 135 508 113 508 c 2
+ 53 508 l 1
+ 67 558 l 1
+ 505 558 l 1
+ 491 508 l 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 404 493 409 476 409 457 c 0
+ 409 410 398 386 363 347 c 1
+ 281 51 l 1
+ 251 71 l 1
+ 249 119 l 2
+ 247 129 235 160 219 160 c 0
+ 196 160 189 132 184 120 c 1
+ 159 119 l 1
+ 155 142 132 176 105 176 c 0
+ 66 176 39 153 39 129 c 0
+ 39 103 48 100 55 93 c 1
+ 55 95 54 98 54 100 c 0
+ 54 131 79 147 109 147 c 0
+ 124 147 133 131 133 116 c 0
+ 133 84 104 51 60 51 c 0
+ 5 51 -10 85 -10 120 c 0
+288 372 m 0
+ 347 372 361 434 361 470 c 0
+ 361 489 355 506 339 508 c 2
+ 176 508 l 1
+ 192 478 168 440 212 404 c 1
+ 231 387 267 372 288 372 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_la
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+28 -33 m 0
+ 28 41 95 93 146 93 c 0
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+ 271 75 l 2
+ 301 75 303 28 305 15 c 1
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+ 99 150 85 177 85 206 c 0
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+ 228 321 238 319 249 311 c 1
+ 253 325 255 338 255 349 c 0
+ 255 452 133 418 105 481 c 2
+ 98 508 l 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 597 558 l 1
+ 583 508 l 1
+ 490 508 l 1
+ 320 -102 l 1
+ 289 -82 l 1
+ 285 -34 l 2
+ 285 -30 285 -26 284 -22 c 2
+ 278 -11 l 1
+ 268 2 l 2
+ 264 5 261 7 256 7 c 0
+ 233 7 225 -24 221 -33 c 1
+ 196 -34 l 1
+ 193 -26 195 -28 189 -11 c 2
+ 182 1 l 2
+ 177 8 161 23 143 23 c 2
+ 134 23 l 2
+ 89 23 77 -16 77 -27 c 0
+ 77 -47 86 -57 89 -57 c 1
+ 92 -60 l 1
+ 91.6679 -57.592 91.5081 -55.2254 91.5081 -52.9088 c 0
+ 91.5081 -27.3252 110.993 -7.83393 133 -6 c 2
+ 146 -6 l 2
+ 158 -6 171 -17 171 -36 c 0
+ 171 -39 171 -43 170 -47 c 2
+ 162 -65 l 2
+ 153 -77 131 -102 96 -102 c 0
+ 51 -102 28 -74 28 -33 c 0
+210 508 m 1
+ 259 466 302 404 302 332 c 0
+ 302 315 300 298 295 281 c 2
+ 290 265 l 1
+ 289 263 288 261 288 260 c 1
+ 314 224 337 183 345 160 c 1
+ 442 508 l 1
+ 210 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 60824 -1 2401
+Width: 805
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+519 508 m 1
+ 541 485 l 2
+ 553 474 557 452 557 433 c 0
+ 557 409 551 389 546 380 c 1
+ 569 393 l 2
+ 578 398 603 414 608 415 c 2
+ 623 416 l 2
+ 649 416 655 404 660 396 c 2
+ 691 344 l 1
+ 735 508 l 1
+ 519 508 l 1
+298 372 m 0
+ 357 372 372 434 372 471 c 0
+ 372 490 366 506 350 508 c 2
+ 187 508 l 1
+ 203 478 178 440 222 404 c 2
+ 241 388 l 2
+ 266 376 285 372 298 372 c 0
+123 425 m 0
+ 139 425 151 434 151 471 c 0
+ 151 489 146 508 124 508 c 2
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 900 558 l 1
+ 886 508 l 1
+ 784 508 l 1
+ 642 -5 l 1
+ 610 52 l 1
+ 670 268 l 1
+ 667 294 l 1
+ 654 326 l 2
+ 648 336 639 341 628 341 c 0
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+ 410 179 l 2
+ 398 179 390 180 386 181 c 2
+ 372 188 l 2
+ 365 189 357 198 349 213 c 2
+ 335 251 l 1
+ 325 288 l 1
+ 367 320 l 1
+ 367 318 366 316 366 313 c 0
+ 366 307 368 299 369 289 c 2
+ 379 263 l 2
+ 384 257 390 254 397 253 c 0
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+ 515 353 l 1
+ 516 359 l 1
+ 520 385 l 2
+ 521 388 521 393 521 398 c 0
+ 521 423 510 464 448 464 c 2
+ 425 464 l 2
+ 423 464 421 464 419 465 c 1
+ 420 461 420 457 420 453 c 0
+ 420 444 418 436 415 424 c 2
+ 411 410 l 2
+ 399 387 366 301 281 301 c 2
+ 256 301 l 2
+ 243 301 219 317 203 336 c 2
+ 175 373 l 1
+ 161 322 116 308 99 308 c 2
+ 95 308 l 1
+ 93 307 92 307 91 307 c 0
+ 82 307 51 318 51 348 c 0
+ 51 372 69 414 118 424 c 0
+ 119 424 120 424 123 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_sa
+StartChar: bn_m_s_ra
+Encoding: 60825 -1 2402
+Width: 805
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+533 508 m 1
+ 554 485 l 2
+ 567 474 570 452 570 433 c 0
+ 570 409 565 389 559 380 c 1
+ 583 393 l 2
+ 591 398 617 414 622 415 c 2
+ 636 416 l 2
+ 662 416 669 404 674 396 c 2
+ 704 344 l 1
+ 749 508 l 1
+ 533 508 l 1
+312 372 m 0
+ 371 372 385 434 385 471 c 0
+ 385 490 380 506 364 508 c 2
+ 201 508 l 1
+ 216 478 192 440 236 404 c 2
+ 254 388 l 2
+ 279 376 299 372 312 372 c 0
+137 425 m 0
+ 152 425 164 434 164 471 c 0
+ 164 489 159 508 138 508 c 2
+ 78 508 l 1
+ 92 558 l 1
+ 914 558 l 1
+ 900 508 l 1
+ 798 508 l 1
+ 628 -102 l 1
+ 613 -86 l 1
+ 600 -48 l 2
+ 590 -29 573 -19 549 -19 c 2
+ 465 -19 l 2
+ 457 -19 448 -19 438 -20 c 0
+ 429 -20 421 -20 413 -21 c 2
+ 393 -21 l 2
+ 388 -22 384 -22 381 -22 c 0
+ 281 -22 257 25 257 71 c 0
+ 257 93 268 144 292 181 c 2
+ 304 197 l 1
+ 319 177 l 1
+ 318 176 314 170 309 160 c 2
+ 300 135 l 2
+ 298 126 296 117 296 108 c 0
+ 296 89 304 71 331 60 c 2
+ 375 49 l 2
+ 390 47 400 46 406 46 c 0
+ 409 46 411 46 413 47 c 1
+ 433 47 l 2
+ 476 47 480 45 511 45 c 2
+ 534 45 l 2
+ 568 45 597 22 607 -8 c 1
+ 683 268 l 1
+ 680 294 l 1
+ 667 326 l 2
+ 661 336 652 341 641 341 c 0
+ 610 341 588 315 580 306 c 2
+ 482 208 l 2
+ 465 191 451 181 444 180 c 2
+ 423 179 l 2
+ 411 179 404 180 399 181 c 2
+ 386 188 l 2
+ 378 189 371 198 363 213 c 2
+ 348 251 l 1
+ 339 288 l 1
+ 381 320 l 1
+ 380 318 380 316 380 313 c 0
+ 380 307 381 299 383 289 c 2
+ 393 263 l 2
+ 397 257 403 254 411 253 c 0
+ 419 253 428 257 440 266 c 2
+ 529 353 l 1
+ 529 359 l 1
+ 534 385 l 2
+ 534 388 535 393 535 398 c 0
+ 535 423 524 464 461 464 c 2
+ 438 464 l 2
+ 436 464 434 464 433 465 c 1
+ 433 453 l 0
+ 433 444 432 436 428 424 c 2
+ 424 410 l 2
+ 412 387 379 301 294 301 c 2
+ 269 301 l 2
+ 256 301 233 317 216 336 c 2
+ 188 373 l 1
+ 174 322 129 308 112 308 c 2
+ 108 308 l 1
+ 107 307 106 307 105 307 c 0
+ 95 307 64 318 64 348 c 0
+ 64 372 82 414 131 424 c 0
+ 132 424 133 424 137 425 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ma bn_s_ra
+StartChar: bn_l_ka
+Encoding: 60826 -1 2403
+Width: 584
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+200 190 m 1
+ 251.977 177.357 288.324 146.519 306 99 c 1
+ 354 271 l 1
+ 300.083 263.298 241.269 216.096 200 190 c 1
+214 324 m 0
+ 214 291 177 246 121 246 c 0
+ 77.5 246 37 271.009 37 314 c 0
+ 37 379.514 84 466 198 466 c 0
+ 224.5 466 250 447 264 411 c 1
+ 272 440 298 460 317 460 c 0
+ 356.463 460 381.817 440 381.817 410.377 c 0
+ 381.817 400.851 381 394.333 379.664 379.994 c 1
+ 387.914 409.807 402.079 461.791 415 507 c 1
+ 59 507 l 1
+ 73 558 l 1
+ 681 558 l 1
+ 667 507 l 1
+ 465 507 l 1
+ 416 330 l 1
+ 491 311.5 534 298 534 216 c 0
+ 534 131.1 476 91 434 91 c 0
+ 410 91 402 112 402 122 c 0
+ 402 167 428 183 463 183 c 0
+ 475 183 482 180 486 173 c 1
+ 491.469 180.519 496 188.047 496 201 c 0
+ 496 248.79 454.955 270.63 417.091 270.63 c 0
+ 413.271 270.63 402.553 269.418 399 269 c 1
+ 319 -21 l 1
+ 303 -3 l 1
+ 297 36 l 1
+ 294 93 241 130 128 130 c 1
+ 99 202 l 1
+ 174.743 249.923 254.291 294.042 342 330 c 1
+ 344.836 336.238 350 351.5 350 364 c 0
+ 350 386.327 337.539 400.069 323.559 400.069 c 0
+ 294.27 400.069 279.56 368.992 268 332 c 1
+ 239 356 l 1
+ 240 360 241 363 241 366 c 0
+ 241 390 216 404 198 404 c 0
+ 130.636 404 81 371.622 81 311 c 0
+ 81 300 92.5 286 115 277 c 1
+ 113 284 112 291 112 298 c 0
+ 112 319 125 355 173 355 c 0
+ 205 355 214 340 214 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_ka
+StartChar: bn_l_ga
+Encoding: 60827 -1 2404
+Width: 804
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+19 300 m 0
+ 19 332 49 458 170 458 c 0
+ 186 458 223 452 245 426 c 2
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+ 376 456 395 481 415 499 c 2
+ 424 508 l 1
+ 39 508 l 1
+ 53 558 l 1
+ 447 558 l 1
+ 436 517 l 1
+ 451 527 482 552 544 552 c 0
+ 630 552 659 514 672 496 c 2
+ 683 480 l 2
+ 697 461 708 437 713 363 c 1
+ 719 418 l 1
+ 727 473 l 2
+ 730 489 732 502 735 513 c 2
+ 774 652 l 1
+ 796 623 l 1
+ 790 610 l 2
+ 788 602 787 593 787 585 c 0
+ 787 573 790 562 798 558 c 1
+ 885 558 l 1
+ 871 508 l 1
+ 780 508 l 1
+ 634 -19 l 1
+ 601 26 l 1
+ 684 323 l 1
+ 683 332 683 340 683 347 c 0
+ 683 352 l 0
+ 683 387 682 414 626 468 c 0
+ 616 476 581 492 565 492 c 0
+ 515 487 478 478 434 417 c 1
+ 458 422 l 1
+ 491 426 l 1
+ 518 423 l 2
+ 543 418 569 398 569 366 c 0
+ 569 324 527 280 510 261 c 2
+ 467 215 l 1
+ 429 181 l 1
+ 389 246 l 1
+ 420 267 529 351 529 372 c 0
+ 529 380 521 390 506 390 c 0
+ 484 390 420 348 398 348 c 2
+ 391 348 l 1
+ 389 342 l 1
+ 386 357 368 353 361 378 c 1
+ 354 382 347 384 340 384 c 2
+ 335 384 l 2
+ 313 381 297 365 289 336 c 2
+ 283 312 l 1
+ 263 302 l 1
+ 246 377 218 398 167 398 c 0
+ 86 398 65 318 65 298 c 0
+ 65 271 85 257 106 250 c 1
+ 102 258 100 266 100 274 c 0
+ 100 287 114 336 169 336 c 0
+ 194 336 208 319 208 292 c 0
+ 208 214 123 200 105 200 c 0
+ 64 200 19 236 19 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_l_tta
+Encoding: 60828 -1 2405
+Width: 752
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+1 301 m 0
+ 1 341 33 458 152 458 c 0
+ 169 458 211 448 227 426 c 2
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+ 383 404 384 403 385 401 c 1
+ 415 508 l 1
+ 21 508 l 1
+ 35 558 l 1
+ 685 558 l 1
+ 691 578 l 2
+ 693 583 694 588 694 592 c 0
+ 694 622 662 628 637 628 c 2
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+ 532 624 l 2
+ 521 624 514 623 511 622 c 1
+ 497 622 l 2
+ 390 622 371 680 371 714 c 0
+ 371 744 396 784 414 786 c 2
+ 426 790 l 1
+ 424 781 l 2
+ 423 762 410 769 404 746 c 2
+ 402 733 l 1
+ 404 719 l 2
+ 404 716 410 710 421 703 c 2
+ 437 695 l 1
+ 461 690 l 1
+ 629 699 l 2
+ 702 699 743 659 743 606 c 0
+ 743 596 742 586 739 575 c 2
+ 734 558 l 1
+ 810 558 l 1
+ 796 508 l 1
+ 463 508 l 1
+ 370 173 l 2
+ 369 169 368 165 368 161 c 0
+ 368 149 375 137 398 137 c 0
+ 446 137 560 221 587 287 c 1
+ 571 285 l 2
+ 542 285 521 301 521 327 c 0
+ 521 331 522 337 523 342 c 2
+ 529 358 l 2
+ 551 397 584 409 610 409 c 0
+ 644 409 670 384 670 341 c 0
+ 670 310 654 236 575 170 c 0
+ 497 106 445 81 416 77 c 2
+ 390 74 l 1
+ 381 74 l 2
+ 350 74 324 122 323 162 c 2
+ 328 193 l 1
+ 370 346 l 1
+ 365 359 347 384 322 384 c 2
+ 317 384 l 2
+ 295 381 279 365 271 336 c 2
+ 265 312 l 1
+ 245 302 l 1
+ 229 374 203 398 149 398 c 0
+ 68 398 47 318 47 298 c 0
+ 47 271 67 257 88 250 c 1
+ 84 258 82 266 82 274 c 0
+ 82 287 96 336 151 336 c 0
+ 176 336 190 320 190 294 c 0
+ 190 214 107 200 87 200 c 0
+ 47 200 1 237 1 301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_l_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60829 -1 2406
+Width: 752
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+30 301 m 0
+ 30 341 63 458 181 458 c 0
+ 198 458 241 448 257 426 c 2
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+ 412 404 413 403 415 401 c 1
+ 444 508 l 1
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 64 558 l 1
+ 714 558 l 1
+ 721 578 l 2
+ 722 583 723 588 723 592 c 0
+ 723 622 691 628 667 628 c 2
+ 588 628 l 1
+ 562 624 l 2
+ 551 624 543 623 540 622 c 1
+ 526 622 l 2
+ 420 622 400 680 400 714 c 0
+ 400 744 425 784 443 786 c 2
+ 456 790 l 1
+ 453 781 l 2
+ 452 762 440 769 433 746 c 2
+ 432 733 l 1
+ 433 719 l 2
+ 433 716 439 710 450 703 c 2
+ 466 695 l 1
+ 490 690 l 1
+ 658 699 l 2
+ 732 699 772 659 772 606 c 0
+ 772 596 771 586 768 575 c 2
+ 763 558 l 1
+ 839 558 l 1
+ 825 508 l 1
+ 492 508 l 1
+ 399 173 l 2
+ 398 169 398 165 398 161 c 0
+ 398 149 404 137 427 137 c 0
+ 475 137 590 221 616 287 c 1
+ 600 285 l 2
+ 571 285 550 301 550 327 c 0
+ 550 331 551 337 552 342 c 2
+ 559 358 l 2
+ 581 397 613 409 639 409 c 0
+ 673 409 700 384 700 341 c 0
+ 700 310 683 236 605 170 c 2
+ 564 139 l 2
+ 551 130 538 121 527 114 c 1
+ 457 -137 l 1
+ 442 -121 l 1
+ 429 -83 l 2
+ 419 -64 401 -54 377 -54 c 2
+ 293 -54 l 2
+ 285 -54 277 -54 268 -55 c 0
+ 259 -55 250 -55 243 -56 c 0
+ 235 -56 228 -56 222 -57 c 2
+ 210 -57 l 2
+ 111 -57 86 -11 86 35 c 0
+ 86 57 96 108 121 146 c 2
+ 133 162 l 1
+ 148 142 l 1
+ 147 141 143 135 138 125 c 2
+ 129 100 l 2
+ 127 91 125 81 125 72 c 0
+ 125 53 133 35 160 25 c 2
+ 204 14 l 2
+ 219 12 229 11 235 11 c 1
+ 238 12 240 12 242 12 c 2
+ 262 12 l 2
+ 305 12 310 10 340 10 c 2
+ 363 10 l 2
+ 384 10 421 1 437 -48 c 1
+ 474 85 l 1
+ 464 81 454 78 445 77 c 2
+ 419 74 l 1
+ 410 74 l 2
+ 379 74 353 122 352 162 c 2
+ 357 193 l 1
+ 399 346 l 1
+ 394 359 376 384 351 384 c 2
+ 346 384 l 2
+ 324 381 309 365 301 336 c 2
+ 294 312 l 1
+ 274 302 l 1
+ 258 374 232 398 178 398 c 0
+ 97 398 77 318 77 298 c 0
+ 77 271 97 257 117 250 c 1
+ 113 258 112 266 112 274 c 0
+ 112 287 125 336 181 336 c 0
+ 205 336 219 320 219 294 c 0
+ 219 214 136 200 116 200 c 0
+ 76 200 30 237 30 301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_l_dda
+Encoding: 60830 -1 2407
+Width: 618
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+199 324 m 0
+ 199 291 161 246 105 246 c 0
+ 68 249 52 258 47 265 c 2
+ 25 293 l 2
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+ 21 321 22 330 26 342 c 2
+ 32 361 l 2
+ 43 387 63 443 163 464 c 2
+ 182 466 l 2
+ 193 466 204 463 214 457 c 2
+ 224 445 l 1
+ 246 411 l 1
+ 251 431 276 456 293 459 c 2
+ 314 461 l 2
+ 328 461 338 458 343 451 c 2
+ 363 405 l 1
+ 366 385 l 1
+ 400 508 l 1
+ 54 508 l 1
+ 68 558 l 1
+ 708 558 l 1
+ 694 508 l 1
+ 446 508 l 1
+ 394 322 l 1
+ 393 307 l 2
+ 393 303 398 301 407 301 c 0
+ 412 301 423 308 442 323 c 2
+ 483 355 l 1
+ 545 422 l 1
+ 548 421 551 415 556 405 c 2
+ 571 374 l 1
+ 580 327 l 2
+ 580 323 580 318 580 314 c 0
+ 580 259 522 56 322 56 c 0
+ 248 56 180 109 159 182 c 2
+ 155 223 l 1
+ 159 237 166 243 179 251 c 2
+ 192 257 l 1
+ 194 238 l 2
+ 195 233 197 230 197 227 c 1
+ 207 207 l 2
+ 231 161 280 139 305 134 c 2
+ 346 131 l 2
+ 388 131 441 147 479 180 c 2
+ 509 211 l 1
+ 523 233 l 1
+ 537 257 l 2
+ 541 272 544 286 544 299 c 0
+ 544 311 542 322 537 333 c 1
+ 521 307 434 239 382 239 c 0
+ 354 239 337 254 337 278 c 0
+ 337 284 338 290 340 296 c 2
+ 349 320 l 1
+ 349 334 l 1
+ 352 336 352 341 352 343 c 0
+ 352 361 336 395 325 400 c 1
+ 309 400 l 2
+ 305 400 284 395 281 381 c 2
+ 279 366 l 2
+ 279 362 281 359 285 356 c 1
+ 280 348 273 341 265 336 c 2
+ 252 332 l 1
+ 233 370 l 2
+ 229 383 221 391 208 395 c 2
+ 182 404 l 2
+ 180 405 178 405 176 405 c 2
+ 169 405 l 2
+ 153 405 100 396 82 362 c 2
+ 68 326 l 2
+ 67 321 66 316 66 312 c 0
+ 66 300 74 293 100 277 c 1
+ 98 284 97 291 97 298 c 0
+ 97 319 109 355 157 355 c 0
+ 190 355 199 340 199 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_dda
+StartChar: bn_l_dd_ra
+Encoding: 60831 -1 2408
+Width: 618
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+228 324 m 0
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+ 97 249 82 258 76 265 c 2
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+ 53 298 50 304 50 314 c 0
+ 50 321 52 330 55 342 c 2
+ 61 361 l 2
+ 72 387 92 443 192 464 c 2
+ 211 466 l 2
+ 222 466 233 463 243 457 c 2
+ 253 445 l 1
+ 275 411 l 1
+ 281 431 305 456 322 459 c 2
+ 343 461 l 2
+ 357 461 367 458 372 451 c 2
+ 392 405 l 1
+ 395 385 l 1
+ 429 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+ 737 558 l 1
+ 723 508 l 1
+ 475 508 l 1
+ 423 322 l 1
+ 422 307 l 2
+ 422 303 427 301 436 301 c 0
+ 441 301 452 308 472 323 c 2
+ 512 355 l 1
+ 574 422 l 1
+ 577 421 580 415 585 405 c 2
+ 600 374 l 1
+ 609 327 l 2
+ 609 323 609 318 609 314 c 0
+ 609 232 555 141 487 96 c 1
+ 417 -154 l 1
+ 402 -138 l 1
+ 389 -100 l 2
+ 378 -81 360 -71 337 -71 c 2
+ 227 -71 l 1
+ 202 -73 l 2
+ 195 -73 188 -73 181 -74 c 2
+ 169 -74 l 2
+ 71 -74 46 -28 46 18 c 0
+ 46 40 56 91 81 129 c 2
+ 93 145 l 1
+ 108 125 l 1
+ 106 124 103 118 98 108 c 2
+ 89 83 l 2
+ 86 73 85 64 85 55 c 0
+ 85 35 93 18 120 8 c 2
+ 164 -3 l 2
+ 179 -5 189 -6 194 -6 c 1
+ 198 -5 200 -5 202 -5 c 2
+ 222 -5 l 2
+ 265 -5 269 -7 300 -7 c 2
+ 323 -7 l 2
+ 361 -7 386 -32 397 -65 c 1
+ 434 69 l 1
+ 410 60 383 56 352 56 c 0
+ 278 56 209 109 188 182 c 2
+ 184 223 l 1
+ 188 237 196 243 209 251 c 2
+ 221 257 l 1
+ 223 238 l 2
+ 225 233 226 230 226 227 c 1
+ 236 207 l 2
+ 260 161 310 139 334 134 c 2
+ 375 131 l 2
+ 417 131 470 147 508 180 c 2
+ 538 211 l 1
+ 553 233 l 1
+ 566 257 l 2
+ 571 272 573 286 573 299 c 0
+ 573 311 571 322 566 333 c 1
+ 550 307 463 239 411 239 c 0
+ 383 239 366 254 366 278 c 0
+ 366 284 367 290 369 296 c 2
+ 378 320 l 1
+ 379 334 l 1
+ 381 336 381 341 381 343 c 0
+ 381 361 365 395 354 400 c 1
+ 338 400 l 2
+ 334 400 314 395 310 381 c 2
+ 308 366 l 2
+ 308 362 311 359 314 356 c 1
+ 309 348 303 341 294 336 c 2
+ 281 332 l 1
+ 263 370 l 2
+ 258 383 250 391 238 395 c 2
+ 211 404 l 2
+ 209 405 207 405 205 405 c 2
+ 198 405 l 2
+ 182 405 129 396 111 362 c 2
+ 97 326 l 2
+ 96 321 95 316 95 312 c 0
+ 95 300 103 293 129 277 c 1
+ 127 284 126 291 126 298 c 0
+ 126 319 138 355 186 355 c 0
+ 219 355 228 340 228 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_dd_ra
+StartChar: bn_l_ta
+Encoding: 60832 -1 2409
+Width: 571
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+406 199 m 0
+ 406 128 333 110 312 110 c 0
+ 271 110 253 137 253 161 c 2
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+ 270 243 323 270 342 278 c 1
+ 362 280 367 289 372 289 c 2
+ 393 291 l 1
+ 431 291 l 1
+ 451 281 l 1
+ 469 346 l 1
+ 461 372 450 406 419 406 c 0
+ 406 406 391 389 385 369 c 2
+ 378 342 l 1
+ 358 328 l 1
+ 346 356 l 2
+ 335 383 322 393 298 408 c 1
+ 275 410 l 2
+ 244 410 213 404 191 368 c 2
+ 181 342 l 2
+ 179 336 178 330 178 324 c 0
+ 178 305 189 288 210 276 c 1
+ 206.809 282.183 205.328 288.844 205.328 295.546 c 0
+ 205.328 322.443 229.178 350 262 350 c 0
+ 300 350 307 324 307 308 c 0
+ 307 304 306 300 306 298 c 2
+ 296 276 l 1
+ 262 240 232 240 218 240 c 0
+ 210 240 189 243 182 246 c 2
+ 165 254 l 2
+ 153 260 134 286 134 317 c 0
+ 134 323 134 330 136 336 c 2
+ 145 368 l 2
+ 170 429 213 464 274 464 c 0
+ 292 464 338 456 347 432 c 2
+ 359 404 l 1
+ 388 442 l 1
+ 397 449 407 455 420 458 c 2
+ 423 458 l 2
+ 434 458 456 453 466 439 c 2
+ 472 426 l 2
+ 478 413 481 399 482 392 c 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 559 l 1
+ 665 559 l 1
+ 651 508 l 1
+ 562 508 l 1
+ 490 247 l 1
+ 494 236 502 223 502 197 c 0
+ 502 55 370 -8 328 -26 c 2
+ 304 -31 l 2
+ 295 -32 285 -33 273 -33 c 0
+ 267 -33 261 -33 254 -32 c 0
+ 186 -32 125 54 111 87 c 2
+ 90 140 l 2
+ 88 149 86 151 83 168 c 2
+ 77 192 l 1
+ 72 210 l 2
+ 70 226 71 221 67 257 c 2
+ 63 292 l 2
+ 60 309 60 316 60 320 c 0
+ 60 323 60 325 60 327 c 0
+ 60 329 60 332 60 337 c 1
+ 96 325 l 1
+ 99 312 101 302 103 293 c 2
+ 112 253 l 1
+ 118 233 l 2
+ 127 204 150 131 193 92 c 2
+ 228 69 l 2
+ 252 58 274 52 295 52 c 0
+ 395 52 461 130 461 182 c 0
+ 461 192 458 200 453 207 c 2
+ 434 228 l 1
+ 416 232 l 1
+ 397 232 l 1
+ 403 222 406 211 406 199 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_l_da
+Encoding: 60833 -1 2410
+Width: 813
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 301 m 0
+ 44 341 76 458 195 458 c 0
+ 212 458 254 448 270 426 c 2
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+ 299 404 319 450 364 450 c 0
+ 400 450 415 424 424 412 c 1
+ 451 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 914 558 l 1
+ 900 508 l 1
+ 505 508 l 1
+ 447 297 l 1
+ 508 335 540 366 595 395 c 2
+ 637 417 l 2
+ 646 422 656 426 669 431 c 2
+ 712 447 l 1
+ 781 382 l 1
+ 741 329 l 2
+ 697 264 685 238 676 217 c 2
+ 663 182 l 1
+ 646 129 l 2
+ 645 126 642 110 642 108 c 2
+ 641 98 l 2
+ 641.067 97.2667 641.098 96.5911 641.098 95.9484 c 0
+ 641.098 86.9511 635 84.4 635 20 c 0
+ 635 10 636 2 636 -4 c 1
+ 605 11 l 1
+ 602 62 l 2
+ 602 70 602 77 602 85 c 0
+ 602 106 603 125 605 138 c 2
+ 615 198 l 1
+ 627 240 l 2
+ 639 283 650 301 674 347 c 1
+ 578 318 478 239 420 153 c 1
+ 372 222 l 1
+ 408 354 l 1
+ 398 369 385 384 365 384 c 2
+ 360 384 l 2
+ 338 381 322 365 314 336 c 2
+ 308 312 l 1
+ 288 302 l 1
+ 272 374 246 398 192 398 c 0
+ 111 398 90 318 90 298 c 0
+ 90 271 110 257 131 250 c 1
+ 127 258 125 266 125 274 c 0
+ 125 287 139 336 194 336 c 0
+ 219 336 233 320 233 294 c 0
+ 233 214 150 200 130 200 c 0
+ 90 200 44 237 44 301 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_da
+StartChar: bn_l_dha
+Encoding: 60834 -1 2411
+Width: 516
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+366 197 m 1
+ 348 190 331 178 322 173 c 0
+ 288 155 256 135 224 115 c 1
+ 253 106 l 2
+ 259 104 275 95 285 85 c 2
+ 308 61 l 2
+ 315 54 320 45 321 34 c 1
+ 366 197 l 1
+232 263 m 0
+ 232 193 154 180 134 180 c 0
+ 127 180 121 181 114 182 c 2
+ 94 186 l 2
+ 59 196 27 224 27 276 c 0
+ 27 289 29 303 34 319 c 2
+ 46 352 l 2
+ 76 420 138 460 181 460 c 0
+ 206 460 226 454 244 442 c 2
+ 263 421 l 1
+ 275 398 l 1
+ 281 420 330 455 352 457 c 0
+ 371 457 385 451 393 440 c 2
+ 411 401 l 1
+ 416 373 l 1
+ 453 508 l 1
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 559 l 1
+ 615 559 l 1
+ 601 508 l 1
+ 505 508 l 1
+ 431 242 l 1
+ 452 255 l 2
+ 463 264 475 268 489 268 c 0
+ 514 268 521 257 521 231 c 0
+ 521 229 521 226 521 223 c 2
+ 509 180 l 1
+ 484 106 l 1
+ 470 58 l 1
+ 462 22 l 2
+ 460 12 459 5 458 0 c 2
+ 456 -22 l 1
+ 445 -1 l 1
+ 441 16 l 1
+ 440 48 l 1
+ 444 78 l 1
+ 454 106 l 1
+ 480 200 l 2
+ 481 204 482 208 482 211 c 0
+ 482 223 474 226 467 226 c 0
+ 463 226 457 224 452 221 c 2
+ 438 214 l 1
+ 420 200 l 1
+ 355 -35 l 1
+ 341 -12 337 -23 329 -12 c 2
+ 313 7 l 1
+ 295 25 l 1
+ 275 41 l 1
+ 254 50 l 1
+ 226 58 l 1
+ 206 59 l 1
+ 190 62 l 1
+ 160 109 l 1
+ 174 120 198 137 252 168 c 2
+ 320 208 l 1
+ 360 229 l 2
+ 375 237 380 246 382 251 c 2
+ 401 321 l 2
+ 402 324 403 328 403 331 c 0
+ 403 354 386 385 349 385 c 0
+ 324 382 309 360 301 330 c 2
+ 298 305 l 1
+ 275 297 l 1
+ 271 321 l 2
+ 259 370 244 374 210 384 c 2
+ 190 387 l 2
+ 157 387 112 369 83 317 c 2
+ 74 296 l 2
+ 73 292 72 286 72 278 c 0
+ 72 259 80 234 122 228 c 1
+ 118 236 116 244 116 252 c 0
+ 116 294 162 321 189 321 c 0
+ 225 321 232 288 232 263 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_dha
+StartChar: bn_l_pa
+Encoding: 60835 -1 2412
+Width: 832
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+643 472 m 2
+ 630 484 l 2
+ 622 492 608 496 587 496 c 0
+ 519 496 482 464 456 432 c 1
+ 500 432 509 399 509 375 c 0
+ 509 367 508 359 507 355 c 2
+ 501 343 l 1
+ 652 460 l 1
+ 650 464 647 468 643 472 c 2
+449 558 m 1
+ 435 508 l 1
+ 41 508 l 1
+ 55 558 l 1
+ 449 558 l 1
+711 294 m 1
+ 709 299 711 303 711 306 c 0
+ 711 332 701 392 689 399 c 2
+ 679 407 l 1
+ 461 237 l 1
+ 397 263 l 1
+ 453 309 l 2
+ 468 319 473 347 473 357 c 0
+ 473 375 465 387 451 387 c 0
+ 446 387 399 371 399 371 c 1
+ 391 342 l 1
+ 386 364 355 384 342 384 c 2
+ 337 384 l 2
+ 315 381 300 365 291 336 c 2
+ 285 312 l 1
+ 265 302 l 1
+ 248 377 220 398 169 398 c 0
+ 88 398 67 318 67 298 c 0
+ 67 271 87 257 108 250 c 1
+ 104 258 102 266 102 274 c 0
+ 102 287 116 336 171 336 c 0
+ 196 336 210 319 210 292 c 0
+ 210 214 125 200 107 200 c 0
+ 66 200 21 236 21 300 c 0
+ 21 332 51 458 172 458 c 0
+ 188 458 225 452 247 426 c 2
+ 271 391 l 1
+ 276 404 298 450 341 450 c 0
+ 355 450 363 448 374 441 c 1
+ 403 476 469 550 584 550 c 0
+ 693 550 721 460 730 419 c 2
+ 731 399 l 2
+ 730.707 397.243 730.586 395.485 730.586 393.728 c 0
+ 730.586 389.485 731.293 385.243 732 381 c 2
+ 736 351 l 1
+ 762 477 l 1
+ 802 624 l 1
+ 817 613 l 1
+ 819 608 l 1
+ 817 600 816 594 816 588 c 0
+ 816 581 817 575 820 570 c 1
+ 843 558 l 1
+ 911 558 l 1
+ 897 508 l 1
+ 818 508 l 1
+ 676 -6 l 1
+ 640 39 l 1
+ 711 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_pa
+StartChar: bn_l_pha
+Encoding: 60836 -1 2413
+Width: 834
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+30 300 m 0
+ 30 332 60 458 181 458 c 0
+ 197 458 233 452 256 426 c 2
+ 279 391 l 1
+ 285 404 306 450 349 450 c 0
+ 363 450 371 448 382 441 c 2
+ 393 433 l 2
+ 404 423 411 411 415 398 c 1
+ 408 372 l 1
+ 473 415 l 1
+ 454 432 l 2
+ 447 439 442 444 437 445 c 2
+ 405 451 l 2
+ 386 453 375 456 369 459 c 2
+ 346 476 l 1
+ 335 490 l 1
+ 314 508 l 1
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 63 558 l 1
+ 924 558 l 1
+ 911 508 l 1
+ 452 508 l 1
+ 507 448 l 1
+ 547 373 l 1
+ 396 270 l 1
+ 404 266 420 259 433 249 c 2
+ 469 220 l 2
+ 505 187 522 147 529 125 c 1
+ 625 469 l 1
+ 635 473 647 475 664 475 c 2
+ 688 475 l 2
+ 716 475 811 450 811 356 c 0
+ 811 280 762 220 696 220 c 0
+ 659 220 653 248 653 266 c 0
+ 653 287 666 313 703 325 c 2
+ 721 328 l 2
+ 746 328 754 307 763 307 c 0
+ 764 307 765 308 766 309 c 1
+ 771 320 l 2
+ 773 326 774 332 774 338 c 0
+ 774 363 761 387 734 391 c 2
+ 673 398 l 2
+ 661 398 654 396 653 392 c 2
+ 545 0 l 1
+ 530 18 l 1
+ 523 46 l 2
+ 514 90 469 206 332 206 c 1
+ 297 289 l 1
+ 356 338 l 1
+ 389 360 l 1
+ 375 380 359 384 350 384 c 2
+ 345 384 l 2
+ 323 381 308 365 300 336 c 2
+ 293 312 l 1
+ 273 302 l 1
+ 256 377 228 398 177 398 c 0
+ 97 398 76 318 76 298 c 0
+ 76 271 96 257 116 250 c 1
+ 113 258 111 266 111 274 c 0
+ 111 287 125 336 180 336 c 0
+ 204 336 218 319 218 292 c 0
+ 218 214 133 200 115 200 c 0
+ 74 200 30 236 30 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_pha
+StartChar: bn_l_ph_ra
+Encoding: 60837 -1 2414
+Width: 834
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+43 300 m 0
+ 43 332 73 458 194 458 c 0
+ 234 458 269 426 292 391 c 1
+ 298 404 319 450 362 450 c 0
+ 397 450 420 424 428 398 c 1
+ 421 372 l 1
+ 486 415 l 1
+ 468 433 451 451 418 451 c 1
+ 364 457 360 484 327 508 c 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 937 558 l 1
+ 924 508 l 1
+ 465 508 l 1
+ 504 471 536 426 560 373 c 1
+ 409 270 l 1
+ 467 241 526 176 542 125 c 1
+ 638 469 l 1
+ 654 472 678 475 701 475 c 0
+ 729 475 824 450 824 356 c 0
+ 824 280 775 220 709 220 c 0
+ 672 220 666 248 666 266 c 0
+ 666 294 697 328 734 328 c 0
+ 759 328 767 307 776 307 c 0
+ 783 307 787 331 787 338 c 0
+ 787 363 774 387 747 391 c 2
+ 686 398 l 2
+ 674 398 667 396 666 392 c 0
+ 620 229 575 67 531 -94 c 1
+ 525 -88 520 -83 512 -76 c 9
+ 490 -31 l 1
+ 473 -12 445 1 407 3 c 1
+ 360 3 300 -4 243 -4 c 1
+ 184 10 149 43 149 94 c 0
+ 149 149 166 182 186 212 c 1
+ 217 180 l 1
+ 208 170 189 144 189 121 c 0
+ 189 88 235 74 267 64 c 1
+ 370 64 l 2
+ 424 64 480 52 511 -4 c 1
+ 531 68 l 1
+ 503 148 441 206 345 206 c 1
+ 310 289 l 1
+ 340 313 370 336 402 360 c 1
+ 388 380 372 384 363 384 c 0
+ 330 384 315 346 306 312 c 1
+ 286 302 l 1
+ 269 377 241 398 190 398 c 0
+ 110 398 89 318 89 298 c 0
+ 89 271 109 257 129 250 c 1
+ 126 258 124 266 124 274 c 0
+ 124 287 138 336 193 336 c 0
+ 217 336 231 319 231 292 c 0
+ 231 214 146 200 128 200 c 0
+ 88 200 43 236 43 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_ph_ra
+StartChar: bn_l_ma
+Encoding: 60838 -1 2415
+Width: 679
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+429 82 m 1
+ 466.667 82 496.574 45.4448 512 14 c 1
+ 649 509 l 1
+ 615 509 581 509 547 509 c 1
+ 429 82 l 1
+274 263 m 0
+ 274 193 196 180 176 180 c 0
+ 116.265 180 69 211.413 69 275 c 0
+ 69 373.531 159.105 460 223 460 c 0
+ 274.833 460 298.492 434.608 316 398 c 1
+ 322 420 371 455 394 457 c 1
+ 441.922 457 449.817 413.224 457 373 c 1
+ 495 508 l 1
+ 80 508 l 1
+ 94 559 l 1
+ 784 559 l 1
+ 770 509 l 1
+ 697 509 l 1
+ 523 -119 l 1
+ 504 -95 l 1
+ 497 -50 l 2
+ 492 -20 486 -2 479 5 c 1
+ 472.713 13.0019 463.635 23 452 23 c 0
+ 437 23 430 12 426 9 c 1
+ 418 -12 l 2
+ 409 -31 377 -51 359 -51 c 0
+ 336.333 -51 309 -46.6375 309 -8 c 0
+ 309 37.6667 336.063 53.1955 375 75 c 1
+ 443 321 l 2
+ 444 324 444 328 444 331 c 0
+ 444 354 428 385 391 385 c 1
+ 347.35 378.386 343.591 334.923 340 305 c 1
+ 316 297 l 1
+ 310.245 360.808 286.386 383.282 231 387 c 1
+ 194.369 387 113 347.194 113 277 c 0
+ 113 239 152 230 163 228 c 1
+ 160 236 158 244 158 252 c 0
+ 158 294 204 321 231 321 c 0
+ 266 321 274 288 274 263 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_l_la
+Encoding: 60839 -1 2416
+Width: 516
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+124 265 m 0
+ 124 278 138 326 195 326 c 0
+ 223 326 237 307 237 282 c 0
+ 237 274 236 266 233 258 c 2
+ 230 248 l 2
+ 208 217 174 193 126 193 c 2
+ 109 193 l 1
+ 92 197 l 1
+ 72 206 l 2
+ 40 228 24 257 24 293 c 0
+ 24 305 26 318 30 331 c 2
+ 36 350 l 2
+ 65 422 133 460 182 460 c 0
+ 207 460 228 454 245 442 c 2
+ 265 421 l 1
+ 276 398 l 1
+ 282 420 331 455 354 457 c 0
+ 394 457 424 410 424 380 c 1
+ 460 508 l 1
+ 70 508 l 1
+ 84 559 l 1
+ 611 559 l 1
+ 597 508 l 1
+ 508 508 l 1
+ 364 -10 l 1
+ 351 6 l 1
+ 343 38 l 1
+ 336 60 l 2
+ 329 90 311 120 285 120 c 0
+ 270 120 257 102 252 83 c 2
+ 244 56 l 1
+ 225 42 l 1
+ 212 70 l 2
+ 202 97 189 107 165 122 c 1
+ 141 124 l 2
+ 109 124 80 118 58 82 c 2
+ 47 56 l 2
+ 46 50 45 44 45 38 c 0
+ 45 19 55 2 76 -10 c 1
+ 72.9335 -3.86707 71.52 2.63317 71.52 9.13466 c 0
+ 71.52 36.5562 96.6662 64 129 64 c 0
+ 165 64 173 38 173 22 c 0
+ 173 18 173 14 172 12 c 2
+ 162 -10 l 1
+ 140 -27 128 -46 84 -46 c 0
+ 79 -46 74 -45 68 -44 c 2
+ 49 -40 l 2
+ 10 -27 1 8 1 32 c 0
+ 1 39 2 46 3 50 c 2
+ 12 82 l 2
+ 37 143 79 178 140 178 c 0
+ 157 178 204 170 213 146 c 2
+ 226 118 l 1
+ 254 156 l 2
+ 262 163 273 169 287 172 c 2
+ 290 172 l 2
+ 319 172 340 156 348 106 c 1
+ 405 312 l 1
+ 404 335 l 2
+ 402 343 400 356 390 369 c 2
+ 378 385 l 2
+ 366 397 355 398 348 398 c 2
+ 345 398 l 2
+ 328 394 313 370 302 330 c 2
+ 296 308 l 1
+ 276 297 l 1
+ 275 313 l 1
+ 258 366 l 2
+ 250 379 236 389 214 394 c 0
+ 209 394 205 395 203 396 c 2
+ 188 398 l 2
+ 171 398 112 390 90 348 c 2
+ 80 323 l 2
+ 79 316 78 309 78 302 c 0
+ 78 274 94 248 129 240 c 1
+ 126 248 124 257 124 265 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_la bn_la
+StartChar: bn_sh_ta
+Encoding: 60840 -1 2417
+Width: 520
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+350 140 m 0
+ 350 69 276 51 255 51 c 0
+ 205 51 196 88 195 102 c 2
+ 200 132 l 2
+ 214 184 274 223 312 223 c 0
+ 317 224 324 225 330 227 c 1
+ 348 227 l 2
+ 357 227 364 226 384 217 c 1
+ 423 359 l 2
+ 424 363 424 368 424 373 c 0
+ 424 412 395 477 358 477 c 0
+ 318 477 299 446 297 438 c 1
+ 303 435 309 430 315 421 c 2
+ 326 408 l 2
+ 344 392 348 375 348 361 c 0
+ 348 349 344 336 336 325 c 2
+ 328 310 l 2
+ 318 291 293 277 263 277 c 0
+ 240 277 221 288 207 311 c 2
+ 202 327 l 1
+ 192 314 l 2
+ 175 295 152 280 123 271 c 2
+ 105 268 l 2
+ 69 268 62 303 61 314 c 2
+ 64 339 l 2
+ 69 357 81 376 100 395 c 2
+ 127 418 l 1
+ 159 439 l 2
+ 166 444 173 447 180 448 c 1
+ 164 490 l 1
+ 152 499 l 2
+ 144 504 134 508 128 508 c 2
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 27 557 l 1
+ 130 557 l 2
+ 153 557 172 551 186 539 c 2
+ 202 515 l 1
+ 212 491 l 2
+ 216 481 217 472 217 464 c 1
+ 237 491 262 530 342 554 c 2
+ 366 559 l 2
+ 381 559 399 538 420 490 c 2
+ 433 451 l 2
+ 442 426 448 404 451 391 c 1
+ 470 530 l 1
+ 503 647 l 1
+ 513 635 l 1
+ 525 614 l 2
+ 526.652 610.697 527.394 607.394 527.394 603.924 c 0
+ 527.394 601.091 526.899 598.146 526 595 c 2
+ 523 580 l 1
+ 524 573 528 568 535 564 c 1
+ 610 558 l 1
+ 596 508 l 1
+ 513 508 l 1
+ 424 187 l 1
+ 437 169 444 148 444 126 c 0
+ 444 75 397 -86 211 -86 c 2
+ 199 -86 l 2
+ 193 -86 182 -84 171 -78 c 2
+ 142 -64 l 2
+ 55 -21 39 69 26 109 c 2
+ 20 133 l 1
+ 8 276 l 2
+ 8 279 l 0
+ 8 300 9 326 12 358 c 1
+ 31 345 l 1
+ 55 210 l 1
+ 67 160 l 2
+ 80 104 116 52 136 33 c 2
+ 172 10 l 2
+ 196 -1 218 -7 239 -7 c 0
+ 333 -7 404 68 404 120 c 0
+ 404 149 384 165 377 169 c 2
+ 360 173 l 1
+ 341 173 l 1
+ 347 163 350 152 350 140 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_sh_ca
+Encoding: 60841 -1 2418
+Width: 687
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+368 115 m 0
+ 411 115 542 213 561 282 c 2
+ 564 292 l 1
+ 564 302 l 1
+ 533 313 l 1
+ 518 320 l 1
+ 480 349 l 2
+ 458 368 442 390 434 426 c 1
+ 355 143 l 2
+ 354 138 353 134 353 131 c 0
+ 353 120 360 117 368 115 c 0
+299 404 m 0
+ 299 390 287 343 239 343 c 0
+ 220 343 208 355 202 372 c 2
+ 193 396 l 1
+ 179 380 150 343 110 343 c 0
+ 82 343 76 364 76 379 c 0
+ 76 392 81 415 112 439 c 2
+ 172 482 l 1
+ 173 484 173 487 173 489 c 0
+ 173 502 162 512 139 520 c 2
+ 95 524 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 130 558 l 2
+ 189 548 200 533 217 497 c 1
+ 253 536 l 2
+ 263 543 290 560 310 560 c 0
+ 327 560 356 553 386 512 c 2
+ 395 497 l 1
+ 401 484 l 1
+ 421 558 l 1
+ 766 558 l 1
+ 753 508 l 1
+ 456 508 l 1
+ 455 505 454 503 455 502 c 1
+ 455 501 454 499 455 498 c 1
+ 454.707 497.121 454.586 495.556 454.586 493.707 c 0
+ 454.586 489.243 455.293 483.121 456 481 c 2
+ 458 466 l 2
+ 461 454 471 443 474 439 c 2
+ 493 422 l 2
+ 508 411 513 408 533 401 c 2
+ 618 368 l 2
+ 635 358 645 331 645 319 c 0
+ 645 318 645 318 645 317 c 2
+ 643 300 l 1
+ 639 286 l 2
+ 588 171 445 48 362 48 c 2
+ 350 49 l 2
+ 334 52 304 89 304 126 c 0
+ 304 131 305 137 306 142 c 2
+ 382 416 l 1
+ 371 466 348 515 306 515 c 0
+ 302 515 299 515 297 514 c 2
+ 279 514 257 489 257 483 c 0
+ 257 466 299 441 299 404 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_ca
+StartChar: bn_sh_cha
+Encoding: 60842 -1 2419
+Width: 745
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+419 306 m 2
+ 417 298 416 293 416 289 c 0
+ 416 282 419 280 428 280 c 2
+ 434 280 l 2
+ 446 282 456 286 465 291 c 2
+ 485 303 l 2
+ 522 326 543 348 549 367 c 2
+ 551 379 l 1
+ 526 388 l 2
+ 512 393 501 399 494 408 c 2
+ 467 426 l 1
+ 459 450 l 1
+ 419 306 l 2
+314 404 m 0
+ 314 390 302 343 254 343 c 0
+ 235 343 223 355 217 372 c 2
+ 208 396 l 1
+ 194 380 165 343 125 343 c 0
+ 97 343 91 364 91 379 c 0
+ 91 392 96 415 128 439 c 2
+ 188 482 l 1
+ 188 484 189 487 189 489 c 0
+ 189 502 177 512 154 520 c 2
+ 110 524 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 146 558 l 2
+ 204 548 215 533 232 497 c 1
+ 269 536 l 2
+ 278 543 305 560 325 560 c 0
+ 349 560 390 543 418 480 c 1
+ 440 558 l 1
+ 844 558 l 1
+ 830 508 l 1
+ 472 508 l 1
+ 474 499 475 491 476 485 c 2
+ 480 474 l 2
+ 490 460 530 435 576 435 c 2
+ 593 435 l 1
+ 625 441 l 1
+ 635 441 l 2
+ 661 441 726 419 726 341 c 0
+ 726 266 690 212 586 158 c 2
+ 551 140 l 1
+ 524 132 l 1
+ 563 110 l 1
+ 596 87 l 2
+ 609 77 627 59 658 17 c 2
+ 697 -37 l 1
+ 692 -76 l 1
+ 646 -7 587 41 517 66 c 2
+ 462 85 l 2
+ 445 91 407 100 370 104 c 1
+ 346 196 l 1
+ 360 191 393 180 427 180 c 2
+ 443 180 l 2
+ 447 180 450 180 453 181 c 2
+ 516 181 576 220 643 268 c 2
+ 665 287 l 2
+ 678 301 687 316 687 336 c 0
+ 687 345 685 354 682 363 c 1
+ 647 374 l 1
+ 617 380 l 1
+ 615 362 l 2
+ 594 285 461 232 425 232 c 2
+ 407 235 l 2
+ 393 238 365 255 365 284 c 0
+ 365 288 366 292 367 297 c 2
+ 399 410 l 1
+ 393 435 l 2
+ 380 476 359 515 321 515 c 2
+ 316 515 l 2
+ 315 515 314 515 312 514 c 2
+ 295 514 272 489 272 483 c 0
+ 272 466 314 441 314 404 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_cha
+StartChar: bn_sh_na
+Encoding: 60843 -1 2420
+Width: 507
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+94 14 m 0
+ 94 102 207 121 238 121 c 0
+ 291 121 329 81 338 64 c 1
+ 420 359 l 2
+ 421 363 422 368 422 373 c 0
+ 422 412 392 477 356 477 c 0
+ 316 477 296 446 294 438 c 1
+ 300 435 307 430 312 421 c 2
+ 324 408 l 2
+ 341 392 346 375 346 361 c 0
+ 346 347 339 330 336 326 c 2
+ 325 308 l 2
+ 305 280 273 277 260 277 c 0
+ 237 277 218 288 205 311 c 2
+ 199 327 l 1
+ 190 314 l 2
+ 166 290 120 277 104 277 c 0
+ 70 277 62 313 61 324 c 2
+ 64 349 l 2
+ 69 367 71 369 97 395 c 2
+ 124 418 l 1
+ 156 439 l 2
+ 164 444 171 447 178 448 c 1
+ 161 490 l 1
+ 149 499 l 2
+ 140 504 132 507 125 507 c 2
+ 60 507 l 1
+ 24 557 l 1
+ 127 557 l 2
+ 150 557 169 551 183 539 c 2
+ 199 515 l 1
+ 210 491 l 2
+ 213 481 214 472 214 464 c 1
+ 235 491 260 530 339 554 c 2
+ 364 559 l 2
+ 379 559 397 538 417 490 c 2
+ 431 451 l 2
+ 440 426 446 404 448 391 c 1
+ 468 530 l 1
+ 500 647 l 1
+ 511 635 l 1
+ 523 614 l 2
+ 524.236 610.292 525.09 606.584 525.09 602.639 c 0
+ 525.09 600.202 524.764 597.674 524 595 c 2
+ 520 580 l 1
+ 521 573 528 563 548 558 c 2
+ 615 558 l 1
+ 601 508 l 1
+ 515 508 l 1
+ 356 -67 l 1
+ 355 -63 338 -48 336 -48 c 1
+ 327 -15 l 2
+ 318 52 278 71 260 71 c 2
+ 252 71 l 2
+ 236 71 228 67 224 65 c 2
+ 212 58 l 1
+ 229 44 233 32 233 23 c 0
+ 233 14 227 -8 213 -20 c 2
+ 196 -33 l 2
+ 184 -42 168 -46 149 -46 c 0
+ 104 -46 94 -12 94 14 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_na
+StartChar: bn_sh_ma
+Encoding: 60844 -1 2421
+Width: 669
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+523 508 m 1
+ 405 82 l 1
+ 410 82 l 1
+ 411 81 413 81 416 81 c 0
+ 443 81 475 49 479 38 c 2
+ 494 13 l 1
+ 631 508 l 1
+ 523 508 l 1
+427 359 m 2
+ 429 363 429 368 429 373 c 0
+ 429 412 399 477 363 477 c 0
+ 323 477 304 446 301 438 c 1
+ 308 435 314 430 320 421 c 2
+ 331 408 l 2
+ 348 392 353 375 353 361 c 0
+ 353 347 346 330 343 326 c 2
+ 332 308 l 2
+ 313 280 281 277 268 277 c 0
+ 245 277 226 288 212 311 c 2
+ 207 327 l 1
+ 197 314 l 2
+ 173 290 128 277 112 277 c 0
+ 78 277 70 313 69 324 c 2
+ 72 349 l 2
+ 77 367 78 369 104 395 c 2
+ 132 418 l 1
+ 164 439 l 2
+ 171 444 178 447 185 448 c 1
+ 169 490 l 1
+ 156 499 l 2
+ 148 504 140 507 133 507 c 2
+ 68 507 l 1
+ 31 557 l 1
+ 134 557 l 2
+ 157 557 177 551 190 539 c 2
+ 207 515 l 1
+ 217 491 l 2
+ 220 481 222 472 222 464 c 1
+ 242 491 267 530 347 554 c 2
+ 371 559 l 2
+ 386 559 404 538 425 490 c 2
+ 438 451 l 2
+ 447 426 453 404 455 391 c 1
+ 475 530 l 1
+ 507 647 l 1
+ 518 635 l 1
+ 530 614 l 2
+ 531.652 610.697 532.394 607.394 532.394 603.924 c 0
+ 532.394 601.091 531.899 598.146 531 595 c 2
+ 528 580 l 1
+ 529 573 535 563 556 558 c 2
+ 766 558 l 1
+ 752 508 l 1
+ 679 508 l 1
+ 505 -120 l 1
+ 485 -96 l 1
+ 479 -51 l 2
+ 473 -20 467 -2 461 4 c 2
+ 450 18 l 2
+ 446 20 444 21 441 21 c 2
+ 438 22 435 22 434 22 c 0
+ 419 22 412 11 408 8 c 1
+ 399 -13 l 2
+ 391 -32 359 -52 341 -52 c 2
+ 331 -51 l 2
+ 297 -51 292 -20 290 -9 c 2
+ 292 5 l 1
+ 301 24 l 1
+ 311 41 l 1
+ 319 48 332 59 347 68 c 1
+ 427 359 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_sh_la
+Encoding: 60845 -1 2422
+Width: 507
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+134 2 m 1
+ 133.514 4.42839 133.283 6.88508 133.283 9.34167 c 0
+ 133.283 32.1754 153.234 55 174 55 c 0
+ 179 56 184 56 188 56 c 0
+ 203 56 212 40 212 25 c 0
+ 212 22 212 18 211 15 c 2
+ 203 -4 l 2
+ 185 -34 151 -40 139 -40 c 0
+ 74 -40 69 2 69 26 c 0
+ 69 31 69 35 69 38 c 2
+ 71 52 l 2
+ 73 78 114 155 187 155 c 0
+ 241 155 250 109 254 92 c 1
+ 259 109 285 137 309 137 c 2
+ 313 137 l 2
+ 329 137 341 114 341 106 c 0
+ 341 100.066 341.545 95.6364 342 91 c 1
+ 416 359 l 2
+ 417 363 418 368 418 373 c 0
+ 418 412 388 477 352 477 c 0
+ 312 477 293 446 290 438 c 1
+ 296 435 303 430 309 421 c 2
+ 320 408 l 2
+ 337 392 342 375 342 361 c 0
+ 342 347 335 330 332 326 c 2
+ 321 308 l 2
+ 301 280 270 277 257 277 c 0
+ 234 277 215 288 201 311 c 2
+ 196 327 l 1
+ 186 314 l 2
+ 162 290 117 277 101 277 c 0
+ 67 277 59 313 58 324 c 2
+ 61 349 l 2
+ 66 367 67 369 93 395 c 2
+ 121 418 l 1
+ 153 439 l 2
+ 160 444 167 447 174 448 c 1
+ 158 490 l 1
+ 145 499 l 2
+ 137 504 128 507 121 507 c 2
+ 56 507 l 1
+ 20 557 l 1
+ 123 557 l 2
+ 146 557 166 551 179 539 c 2
+ 196 515 l 1
+ 206 491 l 2
+ 209 481 211 472 211 464 c 1
+ 231 491 256 530 335 554 c 2
+ 360 559 l 2
+ 375 559 393 538 414 490 c 2
+ 427 451 l 2
+ 436 426 442 404 444 391 c 1
+ 464 530 l 1
+ 496 647 l 1
+ 507 635 l 1
+ 519 614 l 2
+ 520.236 610.292 521.09 606.584 521.09 602.639 c 0
+ 521.09 600.202 520.764 597.674 520 595 c 2
+ 517 580 l 1
+ 518 573 524 563 545 558 c 2
+ 612 558 l 1
+ 598 508 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+ 360 -40 l 1
+ 330 -20 l 1
+ 328 28 l 2
+ 326 39 313 69 298 69 c 0
+ 275 69 268 41 263 29 c 1
+ 238 28 l 1
+ 234 39 237 32 230 51 c 2
+ 223 63 l 2
+ 218 71 203 85 184 85 c 2
+ 176 85 l 2
+ 141 85 118 56 118 37 c 0
+ 118 22 122 7 134 2 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sha bn_la
+StartChar: bn_ss_ka
+Encoding: 60846 -1 2423
+Width: 508
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 413 m 1
+ 311.548 413 365.735 427.397 365.735 475.647 c 0
+ 365.735 492.852 341.873 502.891 325 505 c 1
+ 284 505 261 472 261 471 c 2
+ 310 413 l 1
+222 443 m 9
+ 220 443 l 2
+ 214 443 201 435 191 426 c 2
+ 177 412 l 2
+ 171 405 170 401 169 398 c 1
+ 172.369 374.419 174.886 350 202 350 c 0
+ 214 350 228 356 245 368 c 2
+ 268 381 l 2
+ 271.247 383.435 275.811 387.188 275.811 390.119 c 0
+ 275.811 397.977 222 443 222 443 c 9
+285 304 m 1
+ 222.698 290.884 178.731 252.991 132 223 c 1
+ 168.788 198.5 208.089 167.822 233 118 c 1
+ 285 304 l 1
+466 252 m 0
+ 466 175 408 124 365 124 c 0
+ 337.5 124 335 153 335 169 c 1
+ 335 200 374.5 216 395 216 c 1
+ 407 216 414 213 417 206 c 1
+ 422.627 213.737 427 220.397 427 234 c 0
+ 427 277 378 304 347 304 c 2
+ 330 302 l 1
+ 241 -22 l 1
+ 224 0 l 1
+ 218 47 l 2
+ 217 97 174 163 59 163 c 1
+ 31 234 l 1
+ 70.6622 259.671 111.736 283.93 154 307 c 1
+ 132.735 323.708 116 343.626 116 376 c 0
+ 116 432 157 472 205 508 c 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 80 558 l 1
+ 604 558 l 1
+ 591 508 l 1
+ 397 508 l 1
+ 400.667 497 401 474.667 401 451 c 0
+ 401 420 371.928 394.277 351 370 c 1
+ 390 368 466 326 466 252 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_ka
+StartChar: bn_ss_k_ra
+Encoding: 60847 -1 2424
+Width: 666
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 413 m 2
+ 311.195 413 365.735 425.211 365.735 475.095 c 0
+ 365.735 492.466 342.541 502.807 325 505 c 1
+ 284 505 261 472 261 471 c 2
+ 310 413 l 2
+219 443 m 2
+ 212 443 175 419 169 398 c 1
+ 171 384 l 1
+ 176 367 l 2
+ 179 356 188 350 202 350 c 0
+ 214 350 228 356 245 368 c 2
+ 268 381 l 2
+ 269.69 381.845 275.665 386.975 275.665 390.355 c 1
+ 261 406.25 238.416 427.177 223 442 c 0
+ 222 443 222 443 221 443 c 2
+ 219 443 l 2
+116 374 m 0
+ 116 431 156 474 204 508 c 1
+ 40 508 l 1
+ 54 558 l 1
+ 767 558 l 1
+ 753 508 l 1
+ 396 508 l 1
+ 402 499 404 490 405 482 c 2
+ 401 451 l 2
+ 395 430 389 417 376 399 c 2
+ 356 375 l 1
+ 391.82 375 411.004 359.367 422 336 c 1
+ 437 346 l 2
+ 480 372 512 391 560 391 c 0
+ 611.51 391 643 362.295 643 312 c 0
+ 643 243.158 577.089 179 513 179 c 0
+ 480.521 179 451.444 191.505 451.444 224.074 c 0
+ 451.444 282.09 501.187 293.076 518 296 c 1
+ 551 296 558 281 558 268 c 0
+ 558 260 554 240 544 232 c 1
+ 573 232 593 270.61 593 294 c 0
+ 593 323 568.833 342 543 342 c 0
+ 490.815 342 454.005 318.968 417 296 c 1
+ 323 -43 l 1
+ 308 -26 l 1
+ 305 -16 l 2
+ 298 31 267 45 232 45 c 0
+ 222 45 196 43 173 38 c 2
+ 120 31 l 2
+ 92 31 26 43 10 83 c 2
+ -1 120 l 2
+ -2 123 -2 127 -2 131 c 0
+ -2 191.294 28.442 233.563 57 273 c 1
+ 75 255 l 1
+ 61.2465 226.1 42 198.758 42 158 c 0
+ 42 137 51 113 89 107 c 2
+ 130 104 l 1
+ 185 106 l 2
+ 193 106 199 107 205 108 c 2
+ 218 109 l 2
+ 245 109 265 105 277 96 c 2
+ 303 63 l 1
+ 361 273 l 2
+ 363 280 364 288 364 295 c 0
+ 364 316.556 357.75 326 353 326 c 4
+ 295.667 326 261.98 278.862 240 243 c 5
+ 264 247 l 2
+ 278 247 288 239 292 223 c 2
+ 293 211 l 2
+ 288 178 265 165 252 158 c 2
+ 231 151 l 1
+ 211 148 l 2
+ 184 148 159 169 157 191 c 2
+ 162 225 l 2
+ 178 283 197 284 205 298 c 1
+ 197 298 l 2
+ 192 298 189 299 186 300 c 1
+ 169 300 116 315 116 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_k_ra
+StartChar: bn_ss_tta
+Encoding: 60848 -1 2425
+Width: 439
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+154 331 m 0
+ 194.172 331 226.195 350.956 226.195 363.368 c 0
+ 226.195 363.932 225.571 365.894 225 367 c 2
+ 178 458 l 1
+ 169 454 l 1
+ 153 442 l 2
+ 114 417 108 384 108 369 c 0
+ 108 350 118 331 154 331 c 0
+259 390 m 1
+ 288 400 316 441 316 471 c 0
+ 316 484 310 499 287 504 c 2
+ 270 507 l 2
+ 260 507 220 499 209 476 c 1
+ 232 432 l 2
+ 237 424 247 407 259 390 c 1
+115 779 m 1
+ 98 763 89 744 89 723 c 0
+ 89 710 94 702 97 699 c 2
+ 112 691 l 1
+ 139 684 l 1
+ 241 684 l 1
+ 303 689 l 2
+ 323 689 376 678 390 651 c 2
+ 399 625 l 2
+ 401 617 402 608 402 598 c 0
+ 402 582 399 566 397 558 c 1
+ 480 558 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 359 508 l 1
+ 368 477 l 2
+ 369 472 369 466 369 461 c 0
+ 369 453 368 444 366 436 c 2
+ 359 417 l 2
+ 351 403 341 390 330 379 c 2
+ 305 353 l 2
+ 265 309 56 204 41 149 c 0
+ 40 145 40 141 40 138 c 0
+ 40 126 44 119 65 119 c 2
+ 97 123 l 1
+ 132 130 l 2
+ 152 133 234 169 234 180 c 0
+ 234 195 220 202 220 218 c 0
+ 220 255 274 278 293 281 c 1
+ 309 278 l 1
+ 322 271 l 2
+ 333 262 339 250 339 236 c 0
+ 339 220 331 198 326 193 c 2
+ 308 170 l 2
+ 289 142 245 122 227 115 c 2
+ 196 101 l 1
+ 164 91 l 2
+ 133 82 104 77 77 77 c 2
+ 63 78 l 2
+ 14 78 -14 102 -14 138 c 0
+ -14 180 22 218 60 251 c 2
+ 86 271 l 1
+ 126 297 l 1
+ 130 301 l 1
+ 117 303 l 1
+ 99 303 l 2
+ 93 303 88 305 84 308 c 2
+ 62 323 l 2
+ 52 333 48 349 48 363 c 0
+ 48 372 50 381 51 386 c 2
+ 55 398 l 1
+ 60 410 l 2
+ 71 435 86 457 106 476 c 2
+ 128 494 l 2
+ 136 501 133 497 150 508 c 1
+ 21 508 l 1
+ 35 558 l 1
+ 347 558 l 2
+ 354 559 357 559 361 571 c 2
+ 367 587 l 2
+ 367 589 368 591 368 593 c 0
+ 368 602 363 613 349 616 c 2
+ 322 622 l 1
+ 308 624 l 1
+ 223 618 l 2
+ 207 616 186 615 159 615 c 0
+ 71 615 52 670 52 704 c 0
+ 52 737 82 778 92 787 c 1
+ 115 779 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_ss_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60849 -1 2426
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+357 390 m 1
+ 385 400 413 441 413 471 c 0
+ 413 493.35 395.667 507 367 507 c 0
+ 357 507 317 499 307 476 c 1
+ 330 432 l 2
+ 333 425 337 419 340 413 c 2
+ 357 390 l 1
+252 331 m 0
+ 292.714 331 324.092 350.553 324.092 362.865 c 0
+ 324.092 363.254 323.542 365.951 323 367 c 2
+ 276 458 l 1
+ 267 454 l 1
+ 250 442 l 2
+ 211 417 206 384 206 369 c 0
+ 206 350 215 331 252 331 c 0
+111 4 m 2
+ 152 4 158 2 188 2 c 2
+ 210 2 l 2
+ 248 2 272 -23 283 -56 c 1
+ 331 117 l 1
+ 287.087 102.141 230.504 77 174 77 c 1
+ 121.5 77 84 93.5786 84 138 c 0
+ 84 188 134 235 184 271 c 2
+ 223 297 l 1
+ 227 301 l 1
+ 215 303 l 1
+ 173.411 303 146 321.551 146 364 c 0
+ 146 429.326 201.201 480.471 248 508 c 1
+ 52 508 l 1
+ 66 558 l 1
+ 446 558 l 1
+ 459.656 561.641 465 577.468 465 593 c 0
+ 465 618.019 429.9 620.323 406 624 c 1
+ 320 618 l 2
+ 305 616 283 615 256 615 c 0
+ 169 615 150 670 150 704 c 0
+ 150 737 179 778 190 787 c 1
+ 213 779 l 1
+ 202 769.833 187.578 749.52 187.578 724.049 c 0
+ 187.578 693.674 211.801 690.3 237 684 c 1
+ 339 684 l 1
+ 401 689 l 1
+ 447.708 689 500 657.79 500 598 c 0
+ 500 582 497 566 495 558 c 1
+ 578 558 l 1
+ 564 508 l 1
+ 457 508 l 1
+ 461.259 493.33 467 480.491 467 462 c 0
+ 467 408.816 430.176 381.263 403 353 c 1
+ 366 309 154 207 138 149 c 0
+ 138 145 137 141 137 138 c 0
+ 137 123.457 148.612 119.729 162.799 119.729 c 0
+ 198.354 119.729 332 151.671 332 180 c 4
+ 332 195 317 202 317 218 c 0
+ 317 232 355 281 391 281 c 1
+ 417.5 281 437 261.95 437 236 c 0
+ 437 195.574 407.222 166.061 384 148 c 1
+ 303 -144 l 1
+ 287 -128 l 1
+ 276 -91 l 2
+ 265 -72 248 -62 225 -62 c 2
+ 117 -62 l 2
+ 107 -63 99 -63 91 -63 c 0
+ 84 -64 77 -64 71 -64 c 0
+ 65 -65 61 -65 59 -65 c 0
+ 37 -65 -24 -57 -46 -30 c 0
+ -58 -14 -61 7 -61 27 c 0
+ -61 70 -41 115 -27 136 c 2
+ -15 152 l 1
+ -2 132 l 1
+ -3 131 -6 125 -11 115 c 2
+ -20 91 l 2
+ -23 81 -24 72 -24 64 c 0
+ -24 43 -15 26 11 16 c 2
+ 55 6 l 2
+ 69 4 79 3 84 3 c 0
+ 87 3 89 3 91 4 c 1
+ 111 4 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_ss_ttha
+Encoding: 60850 -1 2427
+Width: 486
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+121 84 m 2
+ 181 84 296 170 326 280 c 2
+ 331 299 l 2
+ 336 318 338 336 338 352 c 0
+ 338 388 328 417 322 433 c 1
+ 288 311 233 257 143 209 c 2
+ 80 176 l 2
+ 66 169 61 149 61 132 c 0
+ 61 115 67 98 79 94 c 2
+ 99 87 l 1
+ 121 84 l 2
+178 397 m 2
+ 164 406 l 1
+ 138 388 l 1
+ 108 364 l 2
+ 99 356 93 346 88 334 c 2
+ 81 319 l 2
+ 80 316 80 313 80 310 c 0
+ 80 299 86 290 99 284 c 2
+ 119 281 l 2
+ 128 281 144 283 167 297 c 2
+ 198 317 l 2
+ 209 324 216 333 219 342 c 1
+ 207 362 192 379 178 397 c 2
+283 508 m 1
+ 146 508 l 1
+ 159 488 177 471 193 452 c 2
+ 217 418 l 2
+ 222 409 242 379 249 377 c 1
+ 251 378 256 388 265 405 c 2
+ 280 443 l 1
+ 282 457 l 2
+ 284 464 285 472 285 481 c 0
+ 285 489 284 498 283 508 c 1
+373 808 m 1
+ 346 792 290 761 290 678 c 0
+ 290 658 295 638 303 618 c 2
+ 336 558 l 1
+ 532 558 l 1
+ 519 508 l 1
+ 351 508 l 1
+ 359 489 367 466 372 439 c 2
+ 382 369 l 2
+ 384 358 384 345 384 334 c 0
+ 384 313 382 294 379 284 c 2
+ 367 238 l 2
+ 360 215 355 198 350 188 c 2
+ 328 152 l 2
+ 315 129 282 90 221 63 c 2
+ 204 54 l 1
+ 188 47 l 2
+ 170 40 152 36 133 36 c 2
+ 117 37 l 2
+ 71 44 -7 53 -7 154 c 0
+ -7 168 -4 183 0 199 c 2
+ 3 211 l 1
+ 9 223 l 1
+ 91 252 l 1
+ 76 255 62 263 48 274 c 2
+ 24 301 l 2
+ 21.1369 306.726 19.8608 312.531 19.8608 318.376 c 0
+ 19.8608 363.564 96.1452 411.123 105 443 c 2
+ 105 458 l 2
+ 99 491 77 508 39 508 c 2
+ 19 508 l 1
+ 32 558 l 1
+ 282 558 l 1
+ 281 576 l 1
+ 258 636 l 2
+ 252 657 249 678 249 698 c 0
+ 249 796 301 828 325 846 c 1
+ 373 808 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_ttha
+StartChar: bn_ss_nna
+Encoding: 60851 -1 2428
+Width: 652
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+214 508 m 1
+ 259 469 l 2
+ 282 449 295 425 302 411 c 2
+ 333 374 l 2
+ 348 359 357 350 364 349 c 1
+ 408 508 l 1
+ 214 508 l 1
+319 331 m 1
+ 292 360 l 2
+ 291 362 291 363 288 365 c 1
+ 266 353 l 2
+ 257 348 241 336 225 324 c 2
+ 165 275 l 1
+ 198 256 l 2
+ 227 231 239 221 250 209 c 2
+ 271 185 l 2
+ 287 163 298 142 303 130 c 1
+ 349 288 l 1
+ 319 331 l 1
+498 318 m 0
+ 498 351 535 379 560 379 c 0
+ 565 379 580 376 586 368 c 2
+ 597 356 l 1
+ 621 384 l 2
+ 639 403 641 418 641 427 c 0
+ 641 454 616 471 594 471 c 2
+ 590 471 l 2
+ 589 471 587 471 585 470 c 1
+ 508 470 413 351 413 314 c 0
+ 413 269 455 197 496 197 c 2
+ 504 197 l 2
+ 559 197 597 242 597 275 c 0
+ 597 281 595 286 593 291 c 2
+ 588 301 l 2
+ 586 304 583 307 580 308 c 1
+ 566 297 l 2
+ 561 293 546 286 533 286 c 0
+ 516 288 498 299 498 318 c 0
+623 266 m 0
+ 623 238 603 140 502 140 c 0
+ 443 140 399 229 389 263 c 1
+ 317 1 l 1
+ 303 23 l 1
+ 288 75 l 2
+ 277 120 205 209 130 209 c 0
+ 125 210 119 210 114 210 c 2
+ 106 210 l 1
+ 62 298 l 1
+ 216 405 l 1
+ 249 425 l 1
+ 233 434 l 1
+ 212 440 l 1
+ 195 441 l 1
+ 157 441 l 2
+ 125 441 95 445 90 488 c 1
+ 90.127 488.381 90.1895 488.73 90.1895 489.081 c 0
+ 90.1895 491.496 87.2379 494.032 82 508 c 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 559 l 1
+ 514 559 l 1
+ 500 508 l 1
+ 457 508 l 1
+ 432 418 l 1
+ 453 446 544 527 603 527 c 0
+ 649 527 673 496 673 453 c 0
+ 673 442 672 421 661 399 c 2
+ 639 368 l 1
+ 604 332 l 1
+ 614 310 l 1
+ 620 291 l 1
+ 623 279 l 1
+ 623 278 623 277 623 275 c 0
+ 623 273 623 270 623 266 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_nna
+StartChar: bn_ss_pa
+Encoding: 60852 -1 2429
+Width: 768
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+348 508 m 1
+ 354 493 356 496 356 487 c 1
+ 366 495 375 502 383 508 c 1
+ 348 508 l 1
+262 413 m 1
+ 271 413 304 425 317 470 c 0
+ 317.472 471.889 317.721 473.721 317.721 475.498 c 0
+ 317.721 481.249 315.111 486.416 309 491 c 2
+ 294 500 l 2
+ 291 502 285 504 276 505 c 0
+ 236.803 505 212.97 473.311 212.97 471.098 c 1
+ 262 413 l 1
+171 443 m 2
+ 164 443 126 417 121 398 c 1
+ 123 384 l 1
+ 128 367 l 2
+ 132 356 140 350 153 350 c 0
+ 164 350 179 356 196 368 c 2
+ 220 381 l 2
+ 221.754 381.877 227.356 387.371 227.356 390.732 c 0
+ 227.356 391.203 227.246 391.631 227 392 c 2
+ 175 442 l 2
+ 174 443 174 443 173 443 c 2
+ 171 443 l 2
+580 472 m 2
+ 567 484 l 2
+ 559 492 545 496 524 496 c 0
+ 456 496 419 464 393 432 c 1
+ 438 432 445 398 445 374 c 0
+ 445 366 444 359 444 355 c 2
+ 438 343 l 1
+ 589 460 l 1
+ 587 464 584 468 580 472 c 2
+67 374 m 0
+ 67 431 106 471 156 508 c 1
+ 35 508 l 1
+ 49 558 l 1
+ 429 558 l 1
+ 421 529 l 1
+ 450 543 484 550 521 550 c 0
+ 630 550 658 460 667 419 c 2
+ 668 399 l 2
+ 667.707 397.243 667.586 395.485 667.586 393.728 c 0
+ 667.586 389.485 668.293 385.243 669 381 c 2
+ 673 351 l 1
+ 699 477 l 1
+ 739 624 l 1
+ 754 613 l 1
+ 756 608 l 1
+ 754 600 753 593 753 587 c 0
+ 753 580 754 574 757 570 c 1
+ 780 558 l 1
+ 848 558 l 1
+ 834 508 l 1
+ 755 508 l 1
+ 613 -6 l 1
+ 577 39 l 1
+ 648 294 l 1
+ 646 299 648 303 648 306 c 0
+ 648 332 638 392 626 399 c 2
+ 616 407 l 1
+ 398 237 l 1
+ 334 263 l 1
+ 390 309 l 2
+ 405 319 410 347 410 357 c 0
+ 410 375 402 387 388 387 c 0
+ 376 387 378 381 320 368 c 2
+ 318 368 l 2
+ 314 368 310 369 304 372 c 1
+ 279 349 225 318 204 311 c 2
+ 181 304 l 2
+ 167 301 156 298 149 298 c 0
+ 144 298 140 299 138 300 c 1
+ 120 300 67 315 67 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_pa
+StartChar: bn_ss_p_ra
+Encoding: 60853 -1 2430
+Width: 784
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+375 507 m 1
+ 380 500 382 496 383 489 c 1
+ 406 507 l 1
+ 375 507 l 1
+288 412 m 1
+ 291 412 344 428 344 475 c 0
+ 344 492 320 504 303 504 c 0
+ 264 504 240 472 240 470 c 9
+ 288 412 l 1
+147 397 m 1
+ 147 377 155 349 180 349 c 0
+ 190 349 242 376 254 390 c 1
+ 248 397 204 437 200 442 c 1
+ 186 439 152 413 147 397 c 1
+548 496 m 0
+ 480 496 443 464 417 432 c 1
+ 462 432 469 398 469 374 c 0
+ 469 357 467 353 462 343 c 1
+ 613 460 l 1
+ 608 481 579 496 548 496 c 0
+94 373 m 0
+ 94 430 134 471 183 507 c 1
+ 62 507 l 1
+ 76 557 l 1
+ 456 557 l 1
+ 448 531 l 1
+ 490 548 527 550 545 550 c 0
+ 660 550 691 446 691 404 c 0
+ 691 385 695 368 697 351 c 1
+ 723 477 l 1
+ 763 624 l 1
+ 778 613 l 1
+ 779 611 779 608 779 606 c 0
+ 779 599 777 592 777 587 c 0
+ 777 580 778 574 781 570 c 1
+ 804 557 l 1
+ 872 557 l 1
+ 858 507 l 1
+ 779 507 l 1
+ 623 -56 l 1
+ 607 -40 l 1
+ 595 -2 l 2
+ 584 17 567 27 543 27 c 0
+ 485 27 430 24 375 24 c 0
+ 276 24 251 70 251 116 c 0
+ 251 145 272 210 299 243 c 1
+ 313 223 l 1
+ 302 212 290 177 290 154 c 0
+ 290 111 350 92 400 92 c 0
+ 450 92 486 92 528 92 c 0
+ 561 92 591 69 601 39 c 1
+ 672 294 l 1
+ 671 299 667 407 640 407 c 5
+ 422 237 l 1
+ 358 263 l 1
+ 414 309 l 2
+ 429 319 434 347 434 357 c 0
+ 434 375 426 387 412 387 c 0
+ 399 387 377 375 344 368 c 1
+ 339 368 337 369 331 371 c 1
+ 291 335 232 297 176 297 c 0
+ 151 297 94 309 94 373 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_p_ra
+StartChar: bn_ss_pha
+Encoding: 60854 -1 2431
+Width: 832
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+270 413 m 1
+ 279 413 312 425 325 470 c 0
+ 325.485 471.941 325.735 473.823 325.735 475.647 c 0
+ 325.735 481.338 323.302 486.456 318 491 c 2
+ 302 500 l 2
+ 299 502 293 504 285 505 c 0
+ 244 505 221 472 221 471 c 2
+ 270 413 l 1
+179 443 m 2
+ 173 443 134 417 129 398 c 1
+ 131 384 l 1
+ 136 367 l 2
+ 140 356 149 350 162 350 c 0
+ 173 350 187 356 205 368 c 2
+ 228 381 l 2
+ 229.69 381.845 235.665 386.975 235.665 390.355 c 0
+ 235.665 390.975 235.465 391.535 235 392 c 2
+ 183 442 l 2
+ 182 443 182 443 181 443 c 2
+ 179 443 l 2
+76 374 m 0
+ 76 431 114 471 165 508 c 1
+ 44 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 919 558 l 1
+ 906 508 l 1
+ 447 508 l 1
+ 456 498 479 476 502 448 c 2
+ 542 373 l 1
+ 391 270 l 1
+ 406 264 414 259 428 249 c 2
+ 464 220 l 2
+ 500 187 517 147 524 125 c 1
+ 620 469 l 1
+ 630 473 643 475 659 475 c 2
+ 683 475 l 2
+ 711 475 806 450 806 356 c 0
+ 806 279 756 220 691 220 c 0
+ 654 220 648 248 648 266 c 0
+ 648 287 661 313 698 325 c 2
+ 716 328 l 2
+ 743 328 749 307 758 307 c 0
+ 759 307 760 308 761 309 c 1
+ 766 320 l 2
+ 768 326 769 332 769 338 c 0
+ 769 362 757 386 729 391 c 2
+ 668 398 l 2
+ 656 398 649 396 648 392 c 2
+ 540 0 l 1
+ 525 18 l 1
+ 518 46 l 2
+ 509 93 460 206 327 206 c 1
+ 292 289 l 1
+ 351 338 l 1
+ 468 415 l 1
+ 449 432 l 2
+ 442 439 437 444 432 445 c 2
+ 400 451 l 2
+ 377 453 368 456 362 460 c 1
+ 360 446 352 419 336 399 c 2
+ 311 370 l 1
+ 268 340 l 2
+ 242 324 237 319 212 311 c 2
+ 189 304 l 2
+ 175 301 164 298 157 298 c 0
+ 152 298 149 299 146 300 c 1
+ 129 300 76 315 76 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_pha
+StartChar: bn_ss_ph_ra
+Encoding: 60855 -1 2432
+Width: 815
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+300 414 m 1
+ 338 428 355 454 355 478 c 0
+ 355 498 332 506 308 506 c 0
+ 269 501 257 482 251 472 c 1
+ 300 414 l 1
+158 390 m 0
+ 158 370 170 354 196 354 c 0
+ 206 354 236 368 265 392 c 1
+ 258 401 214 442 211 444 c 1
+ 189 431 158 400 158 390 c 0
+827 357 m 0
+ 827 280 779 220 712 220 c 0
+ 674 220 669 250 669 267 c 0
+ 669 297 698 328 737 328 c 0
+ 762 328 774 316 779 307 c 1
+ 785 309 791 334 791 343 c 0
+ 791 385 764 403 716 403 c 0
+ 701 403 670 399 668 392 c 2
+ 541 -67 l 1
+ 528 -61 519 -55 517 -40 c 1
+ 507 -22 475 14 415 18 c 0
+ 367 18 328 11 280 11 c 0
+ 194.529 11 168 48.9105 168 99 c 4
+ 168 129 187 192 208 233 c 1
+ 230 197 l 1
+ 221 180 209 161 209 139 c 0
+ 209 90 242 80 279 80 c 0
+ 315 80 355 87 390 87 c 0
+ 467 87 496 51 517 14 c 1
+ 532 70 l 1
+ 501 144 440 206 348 206 c 1
+ 313 289 l 1
+ 366 337 429 375 489 415 c 1
+ 463 440 426 449 390 456 c 1
+ 390 380 261 299 187 299 c 0
+ 162 299 105 311 105 375 c 0
+ 105 432 144 472 194 509 c 1
+ 73 509 l 1
+ 87 559 l 1
+ 957 559 l 1
+ 943 508 l 1
+ 468 508 l 1
+ 507 471 539 426 563 373 c 1
+ 412 270 l 1
+ 471 244 524 176 544 122 c 1
+ 640 471 l 1
+ 668 473 l 2
+ 792 473 827 416 827 357 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_ph_ra
+StartChar: bn_ss_ma
+Encoding: 60856 -1 2433
+Width: 525
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+283 413 m 1
+ 292 413 325 425 338 470 c 0
+ 338.472 471.889 338.721 473.721 338.721 475.498 c 0
+ 338.721 481.249 336.111 486.416 330 491 c 2
+ 315 500 l 2
+ 311 502 306 504 297 505 c 0
+ 257.803 505 233.969 473.302 233.969 471.089 c 1
+ 283 413 l 1
+192 443 m 2
+ 185 443 147 417 142 398 c 1
+ 144 384 l 1
+ 149 367 l 2
+ 153 356 161 350 174 350 c 0
+ 185 350 200 356 217 368 c 2
+ 241 381 l 2
+ 242.754 381.877 248.356 387.371 248.356 390.732 c 0
+ 248.356 391.203 248.246 391.631 248 392 c 2
+ 196 442 l 2
+ 195 443 195 443 194 443 c 2
+ 192 443 l 2
+288 345 m 1
+ 300 333 315 287 315 266 c 0
+ 315 266 315 265 314 264 c 2
+ 313 227 l 2
+ 313 226 313 226 313 225 c 0
+ 313 212 312 201 309 192 c 2
+ 302 172 l 1
+ 316 154 l 1
+ 317 149 320 143 327 136 c 2
+ 347 98 l 1
+ 359 72 l 1
+ 480 508 l 1
+ 369 508 l 1
+ 377 494 378 488 378 482 c 2
+ 373 451 l 2
+ 367 430 360 412 349 399 c 2
+ 324 370 l 1
+ 288 345 l 1
+88 374 m 0
+ 88 431 127 471 177 508 c 1
+ 56 508 l 1
+ 70 558 l 1
+ 630 558 l 1
+ 616 508 l 1
+ 528 508 l 1
+ 362 -91 l 1
+ 347 -68 l 1
+ 347 -23 l 2
+ 344 38 322 65 278 101 c 2
+ 262 111 l 1
+ 261 106 l 1
+ 223 80 l 1
+ 207 72 l 2
+ 201 69 197 67 193 66 c 2
+ 163 62 l 2
+ 128 62 113 75 109 84 c 2
+ 99 101 l 1
+ 99 122 l 1
+ 102 145 l 2
+ 106 157 112 169 121 181 c 2
+ 146 207 l 2
+ 173 227 205 229 230 232 c 0
+ 250 232 261 229 263 223 c 1
+ 266 234 270 248 270 264 c 0
+ 270 283 265 303 247 320 c 1
+ 230 309 179 298 170 298 c 0
+ 165 298 161 299 158 300 c 1
+ 141 300 88 315 88 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ssa bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_s_ka
+Encoding: 60857 -1 2434
+Width: 595
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+566 250 m 0
+ 566 174 508 124 466 124 c 0
+ 443 124 435 145 435 154 c 0
+ 435 155 l 2
+ 436 169 l 2
+ 442 193 461 204 468 211 c 1
+ 496 216 l 2
+ 507 216 515 213 518 206 c 1
+ 526 217 l 1
+ 527 223 528 228 528 234 c 0
+ 528 277 479 304 448 304 c 2
+ 431 302 l 1
+ 342 -22 l 1
+ 325 0 l 1
+ 319 47 l 2
+ 318 97 275 163 160 163 c 1
+ 132 234 l 1
+ 186 269 243 301 300 333 c 2
+ 335 351 l 1
+ 326.667 355.167 325.972 355.167 325.972 357.366 c 0
+ 325.972 357.806 326 358.333 326 359 c 0
+ 326 376 291 401 291 441 c 0
+ 291 447 291 453 293 460 c 1
+ 291 455 287 450 283 444 c 2
+ 247 396 l 1
+ 219 363 l 2
+ 192 336 168 328 156 328 c 0
+ 135 328 118 347 111 355 c 2
+ 97 379 l 2
+ 93.6863 388.113 91.7452 395.167 91.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 91.7452 401.196 91.8284 402.142 92 403 c 1
+ 111 427 l 1
+ 132 425 128 398 149 398 c 0
+ 178 398 235 459 244 492 c 0
+ 244.766 494.299 245.141 496.402 245.141 498.276 c 0
+ 245.141 503.739 241.956 507.255 236 508 c 2
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+ 722 558 l 1
+ 709 508 l 1
+ 519 508 l 1
+ 510 504 l 1
+ 517 498 520 489 520 477 c 0
+ 520 419 472 392 450 380 c 2
+ 414 366 l 1
+ 449 370 l 2
+ 478 370 566 339 566 250 c 0
+406 410 m 2
+ 420 410 477 422 477 470 c 0
+ 477 488 469 506 459 508 c 2
+ 332 508 l 1
+ 330 501 328 493 328 485 c 0
+ 328 448 350 409 397 409 c 2
+ 406 410 l 2
+386 304 m 1
+ 365 300 345 289 335 284 c 2
+ 300 266 l 1
+ 233 223 l 1
+ 261 205 l 2
+ 267 201 281 189 283 186 c 2
+ 317 146 l 2
+ 323 140 328 131 334 118 c 1
+ 386 304 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_ka
+StartChar: bn_s_k_ra
+Encoding: 60858 -1 2435
+Width: 844
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+417 410 m 2
+ 431 410 487 422 487 470 c 0
+ 487 488 479 506 469 508 c 2
+ 342 508 l 1
+ 340 501 339 493 339 485 c 0
+ 339 448 361 409 408 409 c 2
+ 417 410 l 2
+122 427 m 1
+ 142 425 139 398 160 398 c 0
+ 189 398 246 459 255 492 c 0
+ 255.46 494.071 255.709 495.984 255.709 497.713 c 0
+ 255.709 503.497 252.929 507.23 246 508 c 2
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 956 558 l 1
+ 942 508 l 1
+ 513 508 l 1
+ 522 494 524 473 524 457 c 0
+ 524 448 524 441 522 437 c 2
+ 509 412 l 2
+ 507 407 502 400 493 393 c 1
+ 533 413 l 2
+ 541 416 549 419 561 420 c 0
+ 593 420 627 382 627 346 c 0
+ 627 343 626 341 626 338 c 2
+ 603 256 l 1
+ 663 314 l 2
+ 675 323 672 324 699 332 c 2
+ 713 337 l 2
+ 719 338 714 337 730 341 c 2
+ 750 341 l 1
+ 769 337 l 2
+ 777 337 800 320 809 278 c 2
+ 811 254 l 1
+ 807 232 l 2
+ 799 205 775 173 763 163 c 2
+ 737 143 l 1
+ 717 132 l 1
+ 695 125 l 1
+ 669 122 l 1
+ 645 126 l 1
+ 628 139 l 2
+ 622 148 617 156 617 167 c 0
+ 617 180 625 221 677 226 c 0
+ 691 226 706 212 706 192 c 0
+ 706 180 700 163 684 160 c 1
+ 688 159 691 158 694 158 c 0
+ 716 158 749 187 755 198 c 2
+ 766 222 l 1
+ 768 237 l 2
+ 769 239 769 242 769 245 c 0
+ 769 261 762 285 737 290 c 2
+ 720 293 l 1
+ 702 290 l 1
+ 686 284 l 1
+ 665 272 l 1
+ 641 254 l 1
+ 613 225 l 2
+ 607 219 600 212 590 193 c 2
+ 509 -98 l 1
+ 488 -80 l 1
+ 489 -45 489 -44 489 -37 c 0
+ 489 -22 467 12 415 12 c 0
+ 399 12 371 9 332 2 c 2
+ 284 -6 l 2
+ 270 -7 260 -8 253 -8 c 2
+ 236 -7 l 2
+ 142 -7 115 46 115 103 c 0
+ 115 166 151 232 168 262 c 2
+ 185 291 l 1
+ 202 265 l 1
+ 189 240 l 1
+ 174 187 l 2
+ 173 181 171 171 171 159 c 0
+ 171 123 185 70 260 70 c 0
+ 287 70 318 74 334 77 c 2
+ 370 80 l 2
+ 420 80 460 62 488 28 c 1
+ 578 352 l 2
+ 578.12 352.718 578.182 353.407 578.182 354.066 c 0
+ 578.182 358.914 574.804 362.12 566 363 c 2
+ 547 360 l 1
+ 523 351 l 2
+ 516 349 509 346 490 334 c 2
+ 449 307 l 2
+ 420 288 392 259 374 224 c 1
+ 381 228 390 231 401 232 c 0
+ 422 232 433 222 434 202 c 2
+ 434 189 l 1
+ 431 174 l 2
+ 420 131 376 122 365 120 c 0
+ 312 120 291 143 291 180 c 0
+ 291 256 336 293 418 353 c 1
+ 398 347 l 1
+ 380 347 366 349 356 352 c 2
+ 341 359 l 2
+ 328 367 301 400 301 439 c 0
+ 301 446 302 453 304 460 c 1
+ 301 455 298 450 293 444 c 2
+ 258 396 l 1
+ 230 363 l 2
+ 202 336 178 328 166 328 c 0
+ 145 328 128 347 122 355 c 2
+ 107 379 l 2
+ 103.944 387.403 102.639 394.056 102.639 398.957 c 0
+ 102.639 400.472 102.764 401.82 103 403 c 1
+ 122 427 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_k_ra
+StartChar: bn_s_kha
+Encoding: 60859 -1 2436
+Width: 640
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+307 508 m 1
+ 305 500 304 492 304 483 c 0
+ 304 454 318 420 363 408 c 2
+ 383 408 l 2
+ 384 408 388 409 392 410 c 2
+ 405 415 l 2
+ 439 427 451 448 451 470 c 0
+ 451 489 444 508 427 508 c 2
+ 307 508 l 1
+187 284 m 0
+ 187 296 203 342 250 342 c 0
+ 279 342 289 331 289 317 c 0
+ 289 314 288 310 287 306 c 1
+ 318 311 l 1
+ 364 341 l 1
+ 293 342 266 412 266 448 c 0
+ 266 452 267 457 268 460 c 1
+ 265 455 262 450 257 444 c 2
+ 222 396 l 1
+ 194 363 l 2
+ 166 336 142 328 130 328 c 0
+ 109 328 93 347 86 355 c 2
+ 71 379 l 2
+ 67.9443 387.403 66.6393 394.056 66.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 66.6393 400.472 66.7639 401.82 67 403 c 1
+ 86 427 l 1
+ 90 423 118 398 124 398 c 0
+ 153 398 210 459 219 492 c 0
+ 219.618 494.781 220.045 497.371 220.045 499.623 c 0
+ 220.045 504.658 217.91 508 211 508 c 2
+ 61 508 l 1
+ 75 558 l 1
+ 558 558 l 1
+ 544 508 l 1
+ 487 508 l 1
+ 492 489 494 473 494 460 c 0
+ 494 427 479 394 457 377 c 2
+ 447 368 l 2
+ 441 364 433 359 422 354 c 1
+ 452 327 l 2
+ 459 318 474 293 474 270 c 0
+ 474 233 432 195 391 172 c 2
+ 362 160 l 1
+ 338 152 l 1
+ 365 138 l 1
+ 390 121 l 2
+ 422 95 446 61 451 42 c 1
+ 619 649 l 1
+ 643 631 l 1
+ 637 600 l 1
+ 635 573 l 1
+ 637 569 641 566 647 563 c 1
+ 729 558 l 1
+ 715 508 l 1
+ 629 508 l 1
+ 468 -74 l 1
+ 458 -63 l 2
+ 449 -43 445 -20 439 2 c 2
+ 431 18 l 2
+ 415 40 379 98 253 112 c 1
+ 196 193 l 1
+ 272 193 l 1
+ 310 200 l 2
+ 336 206 428 233 428 282 c 0
+ 428 294 421 300 412 307 c 1
+ 363 274 l 2
+ 356 271 343 265 332 261 c 2
+ 313 256 l 2
+ 278 249 269 243 244 243 c 0
+ 197 243 187 270 187 284 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_kha
+StartChar: bn_s_tta
+Encoding: 60860 -1 2437
+Width: 526
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+267 508 m 1
+ 265 500 264 492 264 483 c 0
+ 264 454 278 420 323 408 c 2
+ 343 408 l 2
+ 344 408 348 409 352 410 c 2
+ 365 415 l 2
+ 400 428 411 448 411 470 c 0
+ 411 486 407 506 390 508 c 2
+ 267 508 l 1
+202 779 m 1
+ 197 774 184 759 180 745 c 2
+ 177 735 l 2
+ 177 734 176 731 176 729 c 0
+ 176 719 179 705 184 699 c 2
+ 199 691 l 1
+ 226 684 l 1
+ 328 684 l 1
+ 390 689 l 2
+ 409 689 463 677 477 651 c 2
+ 486 625 l 2
+ 488 617 489 608 489 598 c 0
+ 489 582 486 566 484 558 c 1
+ 567 558 l 1
+ 553 508 l 1
+ 447 508 l 1
+ 449 498 l 2
+ 450 495 452 492 452 489 c 2
+ 455 477 l 2
+ 456 472 457 467 457 462 c 0
+ 457 454 456 445 453 436 c 2
+ 449 426 l 2
+ 446 415 439 395 406 367 c 2
+ 392 353 l 2
+ 356 309 143 207 128 149 c 0
+ 127 145 127 141 127 138 c 0
+ 127 126 131 119 152 119 c 2
+ 184 123 l 1
+ 219 130 l 2
+ 241 133 321 168 321 180 c 0
+ 321 195 307 202 307 218 c 0
+ 307 232 329 273 380 281 c 1
+ 396 278 l 1
+ 409 271 l 2
+ 420 262 426 250 426 236 c 0
+ 426 219 418 201 413 193 c 2
+ 395 170 l 2
+ 372 140 331 122 314 115 c 2
+ 283 101 l 1
+ 251 91 l 2
+ 220 82 191 77 164 77 c 2
+ 150 78 l 2
+ 101 78 73 102 73 138 c 0
+ 73 194 146 254 173 271 c 2
+ 237 306 l 2
+ 258 318 279 331 300 346 c 1
+ 296 348 292 350 288 351 c 2
+ 277 355 l 2
+ 259 363 225 404 225 442 c 0
+ 225 447 226 453 227 458 c 1
+ 221 448 213 436 203 423 c 2
+ 182 396 l 1
+ 154 363 l 2
+ 126 336 102 328 90 328 c 0
+ 69 328 52 347 46 355 c 2
+ 31 379 l 2
+ 27.9443 387.403 26.6393 394.056 26.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 26.6393 400.472 26.7639 401.82 27 403 c 1
+ 46 427 l 1
+ 50 423 78 398 84 398 c 0
+ 113 398 169 459 179 492 c 0
+ 179.606 494.725 179.936 497.175 179.936 499.294 c 0
+ 179.936 504.175 178.183 507.303 174 508 c 2
+ 21 508 l 1
+ 35 558 l 1
+ 434 558 l 2
+ 442 558 445 561 448 571 c 2
+ 454 587 l 2
+ 454 589 455 591 455 593 c 0
+ 455 602 450 613 436 616 c 2
+ 409 622 l 1
+ 395 624 l 1
+ 310 618 l 2
+ 294 616 273 615 246 615 c 0
+ 158 615 139 670 139 704 c 0
+ 139 737 168 778 179 787 c 1
+ 202 779 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_tta
+StartChar: bn_s_tt_ra
+Encoding: 60861 -1 2438
+Width: 553
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+398 408 m 2
+ 410 408 466 427 466 470 c 0
+ 466 486 461 506 445 508 c 2
+ 322 508 l 1
+ 320 500 318 492 318 483 c 0
+ 318 453 333 420 378 408 c 2
+ 398 408 l 2
+83 -50 m 0
+ -12 -50 -40 -4 -40 44 c 0
+ -40 67 -29 117 -6 153 c 2
+ 7 169 l 1
+ 21 149 l 1
+ 20 148 16 142 12 132 c 2
+ 3 107 l 2
+ 0 97 -2 88 -2 80 c 0
+ -2 59 7 42 34 32 c 2
+ 78 21 l 2
+ 92 19 103 18 108 18 c 1
+ 111 19 113 19 115 19 c 2
+ 135 19 l 2
+ 177 19 184 17 214 17 c 2
+ 237 17 l 2
+ 273 17 299 -6 311 -41 c 1
+ 352 107 l 1
+ 338 101 l 1
+ 306 91 l 2
+ 275 82 245 77 218 77 c 2
+ 205 78 l 2
+ 156 78 128 103 128 138 c 0
+ 128 195 201 254 228 271 c 2
+ 292 306 l 2
+ 313 318 334 331 355 346 c 1
+ 350 348 347 350 342 351 c 2
+ 331 355 l 2
+ 314 363 280 401 280 441 c 0
+ 280 447 280 452 282 457 c 1
+ 277 448 269 436 257 423 c 2
+ 237 396 l 1
+ 209 363 l 2
+ 181 336 157 328 145 328 c 0
+ 124 328 107 347 100 355 c 2
+ 86 379 l 2
+ 83.0718 387.053 81.2154 393.497 81.2154 398.335 c 0
+ 81.2154 400.105 81.4641 401.66 82 403 c 1
+ 100 427 l 1
+ 107 421 132 398 138 398 c 0
+ 167 398 224 459 233 492 c 0
+ 234.077 495.23 234.638 498.074 234.638 500.439 c 0
+ 234.638 504.663 232.847 507.359 229 508 c 2
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 64 558 l 1
+ 489 558 l 2
+ 497 558 499 561 502 571 c 2
+ 509 587 l 2
+ 509 593 l 0
+ 509 602 505 613 491 616 c 2
+ 463 622 l 1
+ 450 624 l 1
+ 364 618 l 2
+ 349 616 327 615 300 615 c 0
+ 213 615 194 670 194 704 c 0
+ 194 735 222 777 234 787 c 1
+ 257 779 l 1
+ 252 774 238 759 235 745 c 2
+ 232 735 l 1
+ 232 733.125 231.578 729 231.578 724.049 c 0
+ 231.578 715.797 232.75 705.25 239 699 c 2
+ 254 691 l 1
+ 281 684 l 1
+ 383 684 l 1
+ 445 689 l 2
+ 461 689 516 680 531 651 c 2
+ 540 625 l 2
+ 543 619 545 611 545 599 c 0
+ 545 588 543 575 539 558 c 1
+ 622 558 l 1
+ 608 508 l 1
+ 502 508 l 1
+ 504 498 l 2
+ 504 495 505 492 507 489 c 2
+ 510 477 l 2
+ 511 472 511 467 511 462 c 0
+ 511 453 510 444 508 436 c 2
+ 504 426 l 2
+ 501 415 493 395 461 367 c 2
+ 447 353 l 2
+ 410 309 198 207 182 149 c 0
+ 182 145 181 141 181 138 c 0
+ 181 126 186 119 207 119 c 2
+ 239 123 l 1
+ 274 130 l 2
+ 295 133 376 168 376 180 c 0
+ 376 195 361 202 361 218 c 0
+ 361 242 397 275 435 281 c 1
+ 451 278 l 1
+ 464 271 l 2
+ 475 262 481 250 481 236 c 0
+ 481 219 472 201 467 193 c 2
+ 450 170 l 2
+ 438 154 405 131 403 131 c 1
+ 331 -130 l 1
+ 315 -114 l 1
+ 303 -76 l 2
+ 291 -57 274 -47 251 -47 c 2
+ 141 -47 l 2
+ 132 -48 124 -48 116 -48 c 0
+ 107 -49 100 -49 95 -49 c 0
+ 89 -50 85 -50 83 -50 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_tt_ra
+StartChar: bn_s_ta
+Encoding: 60862 -1 2439
+Width: 564
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+446 408 m 2
+ 459 408 514 428 514 470 c 0
+ 514 489 507 508 490 508 c 2
+ 370 508 l 1
+ 368 500 366 492 366 483 c 0
+ 366 454 381 420 426 408 c 2
+ 446 408 l 2
+412 259 m 0
+ 412 188 339 170 317 170 c 0
+ 276 170 259 197 258 221 c 2
+ 261 251 l 2
+ 277 307 336 335 357 340 c 0
+ 364 340 373 349 378 349 c 2
+ 393 350 l 1
+ 376 357 l 2
+ 363 361 328 405 328 444 c 0
+ 328 449 329 454 330 459 c 1
+ 327 452 322 443 305 423 c 2
+ 285 396 l 1
+ 257 363 l 2
+ 229 336 205 328 193 328 c 0
+ 172 328 155 347 148 355 c 2
+ 134 379 l 2
+ 131.072 387.053 129.215 393.497 129.215 398.335 c 0
+ 129.215 400.105 129.464 401.66 130 403 c 1
+ 148 427 l 1
+ 152 423 180 398 186 398 c 0
+ 215 398 272 459 281 492 c 0
+ 282.062 495.185 282.748 498.12 282.748 500.582 c 0
+ 282.748 505.078 280.461 508 274 508 c 2
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 74 558 l 1
+ 650 558 l 1
+ 636 508 l 1
+ 550 508 l 1
+ 555 489 557 473 557 460 c 0
+ 557 427 542 394 519 377 c 2
+ 510 368 l 2
+ 499 361 495 353 452 343 c 1
+ 468 334 l 2
+ 499 316 508 285 508 257 c 0
+ 508 182 462 107 394 64 c 2
+ 383 58 l 2
+ 365 48 342 37 333 34 c 2
+ 310 29 l 2
+ 301 28 290 27 278 27 c 0
+ 272 27 266 27 260 28 c 0
+ 191 28 131 115 117 147 c 2
+ 95 200 l 2
+ 94 209 91 211 88 228 c 2
+ 83 252 l 1
+ 78 270 l 1
+ 65 397 l 1
+ 102 385 l 1
+ 104 372 106 362 109 353 c 2
+ 118 313 l 1
+ 123 293 l 2
+ 133 261 156 191 198 152 c 2
+ 234 129 l 2
+ 269 113 286 112 301 112 c 0
+ 400 112 466 190 466 242 c 0
+ 466 252 464 260 459 267 c 2
+ 440 288 l 1
+ 422 292 l 1
+ 403 292 l 1
+ 409 282 412 271 412 259 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_ta
+StartChar: bn_s_t_ba
+Encoding: 60863 -1 2440
+Width: 564
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 -46 m 0
+ 318 -46 330 -54 338 -63 c 1
+ 355 -3 l 1
+ 342 -3 l 1
+ 331 -5 l 2
+ 298 -11 269 -32 257 -40 c 1
+ 268 -40 289 -40 310 -46 c 0
+469 408 m 2
+ 482 408 537 428 537 470 c 0
+ 537 489 529 508 512 508 c 2
+ 392 508 l 1
+ 390 500 389 492 389 483 c 0
+ 389 454 403 420 449 408 c 2
+ 469 408 l 2
+434 259 m 0
+ 434 188 361 170 340 170 c 0
+ 299 170 281 197 281 221 c 2
+ 284 251 l 2
+ 300 307 358 335 380 340 c 0
+ 387 340 395 349 400 349 c 2
+ 416 350 l 1
+ 398 357 l 2
+ 383 361 350 405 350 442 c 0
+ 350 447 351 452 352 457 c 1
+ 348 448 339 436 328 423 c 2
+ 307 396 l 1
+ 279 363 l 2
+ 252 336 227 328 215 328 c 0
+ 194 328 178 347 171 355 c 2
+ 157 379 l 2
+ 153.686 388.113 151.745 395.167 151.745 400.161 c 0
+ 151.745 401.196 151.828 402.142 152 403 c 1
+ 171 427 l 1
+ 175 423 203 398 209 398 c 0
+ 238 398 295 459 304 492 c 0
+ 304.618 494.781 305.045 497.371 305.045 499.623 c 0
+ 305.045 504.658 302.91 508 296 508 c 2
+ 82 508 l 1
+ 96 558 l 1
+ 672 558 l 1
+ 658 508 l 1
+ 572 508 l 1
+ 578 489 580 473 580 460 c 0
+ 580 427 564 394 542 377 c 2
+ 533 368 l 2
+ 522 361 517 353 475 343 c 1
+ 490 334 l 2
+ 522 316 530 285 530 257 c 0
+ 530 182 484 106 415 63 c 1
+ 360 -136 l 1
+ 350 -128 l 2
+ 325 -99 293 -82 253 -77 c 2
+ 217 -75 l 1
+ 191 -30 l 1
+ 204 -21 263 16 268 18 c 2
+ 287 26 l 1
+ 288 27 l 1
+ 216 27 157 109 139 147 c 2
+ 118 200 l 2
+ 116 209 114 211 111 228 c 2
+ 105 252 l 1
+ 100 270 l 1
+ 88 397 l 1
+ 124 385 l 1
+ 127 372 129 362 131 353 c 2
+ 140 313 l 1
+ 146 293 l 2
+ 156 261 178 191 221 152 c 2
+ 256 129 l 2
+ 292 113 309 112 324 112 c 0
+ 423 112 489 190 489 242 c 0
+ 489 252 486 260 482 267 c 2
+ 462 288 l 1
+ 444 292 l 1
+ 425 292 l 1
+ 431 282 434 271 434 259 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_ta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_s_t_ra
+Encoding: 60864 -1 2441
+Width: 498
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+315 508 m 1
+ 313 500 312 492 312 483 c 0
+ 312 454 327 420 372 408 c 2
+ 392 408 l 2
+ 393 408 396 409 400 410 c 2
+ 414 415 l 2
+ 448 427 460 448 460 470 c 0
+ 460 489 452 508 435 508 c 2
+ 315 508 l 1
+495 508 m 1
+ 501 489 503 473 503 460 c 0
+ 503 427 487 394 465 377 c 2
+ 456 368 l 2
+ 428 350 433 354 427 351 c 1
+ 434 344 438 336 438 326 c 0
+ 438 323 437 319 436 315 c 2
+ 337 -43 l 1
+ 322 -26 l 1
+ 319 -16 l 2
+ 312 31 281 45 246 45 c 0
+ 236 45 209 43 187 38 c 2
+ 134 31 l 2
+ 111 31 40 41 24 83 c 2
+ 13 120 l 2
+ 12 124 12 127 12 131 c 0
+ 12 144 15 158 19 176 c 2
+ 23 189 l 1
+ 29 205 l 2
+ 32 214 36 222 50 244 c 2
+ 71 273 l 1
+ 89 255 l 1
+ 75 225 l 1
+ 63 197 l 1
+ 60 186 l 2
+ 58 180 56 169 56 158 c 0
+ 56 137 65 113 103 107 c 2
+ 144 104 l 1
+ 199 106 l 2
+ 206 106 213 107 219 108 c 2
+ 232 109 l 2
+ 259 109 279 105 291 96 c 2
+ 317 63 l 1
+ 375 273 l 2
+ 377 278 378 288 378 298 c 0
+ 378 311 376 324 369 324 c 2
+ 368 324 l 1
+ 367 326 l 1
+ 358 326 l 1
+ 334 320 l 1
+ 313 308 l 1
+ 288 290 l 1
+ 273 274 l 1
+ 254 243 l 1
+ 278 247 l 2
+ 292 247 302 239 306 223 c 2
+ 307 211 l 2
+ 302 178 279 165 266 158 c 2
+ 245 151 l 1
+ 225 148 l 2
+ 198 148 172 171 171 191 c 2
+ 176 225 l 2
+ 180 239 193 275 215 295 c 0
+ 230 309 247 323 263 336 c 2
+ 287 350 l 2
+ 300 357 296 358 311 364 c 1
+ 309 372 273 400 273 440 c 0
+ 273 446 274 452 276 458 c 1
+ 270 448 262 436 251 423 c 2
+ 230 396 l 1
+ 202 363 l 2
+ 175 336 151 328 139 328 c 0
+ 118 328 101 347 94 355 c 2
+ 80 379 l 2
+ 76.6863 388.113 74.7452 395.167 74.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 74.7452 401.196 74.8284 402.142 75 403 c 1
+ 94 427 l 1
+ 98 423 126 398 132 398 c 0
+ 161 398 218 459 227 492 c 0
+ 227.941 494.822 228.488 497.447 228.488 499.722 c 0
+ 228.488 504.702 225.864 508 219 508 c 2
+ 69 508 l 1
+ 83 558 l 1
+ 599 558 l 1
+ 585 508 l 1
+ 495 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_t_ra
+StartChar: bn_s_t_ra1
+Encoding: 60865 -1 2442
+Width: 564
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+441 259 m 0
+ 441 188 368 170 346 170 c 0
+ 305 170 287 197 287 221 c 2
+ 290 251 l 2
+ 306 307 365 335 386 340 c 0
+ 393 340 402 349 407 349 c 2
+ 422 350 l 1
+ 405 357 l 2
+ 392 361 357 405 357 444 c 0
+ 357 449 358 454 359 459 c 1
+ 356 452 351 443 334 423 c 2
+ 314 396 l 1
+ 286 363 l 2
+ 258 336 234 328 222 328 c 0
+ 201 328 184 347 177 355 c 2
+ 163 379 l 2
+ 160.072 387.053 158.215 393.497 158.215 398.335 c 0
+ 158.215 400.105 158.464 401.66 159 403 c 1
+ 177 427 l 1
+ 181 423 209 398 215 398 c 0
+ 244 398 301 459 310 492 c 0
+ 311.062 495.185 311.748 498.12 311.748 500.582 c 0
+ 311.748 505.078 309.461 508 303 508 c 2
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 679 558 l 1
+ 665 508 l 1
+ 579 508 l 1
+ 584 489 586 473 586 460 c 0
+ 586 427 571 394 548 377 c 2
+ 539 368 l 2
+ 528 361 524 353 481 343 c 1
+ 496 334 l 2
+ 528 316 537 285 537 257 c 0
+ 537 187 494 111 430 69 c 1
+ 360 -182 l 1
+ 340 -166 l 1
+ 327 -128 l 2
+ 315 -101 283 -99 265 -99 c 0
+ 259 -99 l 0
+ 195 -99 139 -100 108 -102 c 0
+ 30 -95 -16 -76 -16 -13 c 0
+ -16 33 0 76 31 117 c 1
+ 46 97 l 1
+ 44 96 43 93 41 89 c 2
+ 35 77 l 2
+ 27 60 23 38 23 28 c 0
+ 23 -12 61 -35 181 -35 c 0
+ 194 -35 206 -35 218 -34 c 2
+ 252 -34 l 2
+ 273 -34 323 -41 335 -93 c 1
+ 371 38 l 1
+ 368 36 365 35 362 34 c 2
+ 339 29 l 2
+ 330 28 319 27 307 27 c 0
+ 301 27 295 27 289 28 c 0
+ 220 28 160 115 146 147 c 2
+ 124 200 l 2
+ 123 209 120 211 117 228 c 2
+ 112 252 l 1
+ 107 270 l 1
+ 94 397 l 1
+ 131 385 l 1
+ 133 372 135 362 138 353 c 2
+ 147 313 l 1
+ 152 293 l 2
+ 162 261 185 191 227 152 c 2
+ 263 129 l 2
+ 298 113 315 112 330 112 c 0
+ 429 112 495 190 495 242 c 0
+ 495 252 493 260 488 267 c 2
+ 469 288 l 1
+ 451 292 l 1
+ 432 292 l 1
+ 438 282 441 271 441 259 c 0
+475 408 m 2
+ 488 408 543 428 543 470 c 0
+ 543 489 536 508 519 508 c 2
+ 399 508 l 1
+ 397 500 395 492 395 483 c 0
+ 395 454 410 420 455 408 c 2
+ 475 408 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 60866 -1 2443
+Width: 498
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+LayerCount: 2
+332 508 m 1
+ 330 500 328 492 328 483 c 0
+ 328 454 343 420 388 408 c 2
+ 408 408 l 2
+ 409 408 412 409 417 410 c 2
+ 430 415 l 2
+ 464 427 476 448 476 470 c 0
+ 476 489 469 508 452 508 c 2
+ 332 508 l 1
+204 139 m 0
+ 264.512 139 355.47 204.503 355.47 241.578 c 0
+ 355.47 243.102 355.316 244.578 355 246 c 1
+ 363 267 l 1
+ 364 283 l 2
+ 364 295 355 307 330 307 c 0
+ 315 307 303 304 294 298 c 1
+ 279 242 210 201 171 201 c 0
+ 139 201 119 217 119 241 c 0
+ 119 257 129 274 133 280 c 0
+ 186 366 248 344 270 361 c 1
+ 309 361 l 2
+ 311 361 313 361 314 362 c 1
+ 319 362 l 2
+ 322 362 325 362 328 363 c 1
+ 314 383 290 410 290 442 c 0
+ 290 447 290 453 292 459 c 1
+ 288 450 279 438 267 423 c 2
+ 247 396 l 1
+ 218 363 l 2
+ 191 336 167 328 155 328 c 0
+ 134 328 117 347 110 355 c 2
+ 96 379 l 2
+ 93.0718 387.053 91.2154 393.497 91.2154 398.335 c 0
+ 91.2154 400.105 91.4641 401.66 92 403 c 1
+ 110 427 l 1
+ 114 423 142 398 148 398 c 0
+ 177 398 234 459 243 492 c 0
+ 244.062 495.185 244.748 498.12 244.748 500.582 c 0
+ 244.748 505.078 242.461 508 236 508 c 2
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 612 558 l 1
+ 598 508 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+ 517 489 519 473 519 460 c 0
+ 519 427 503 394 481 377 c 2
+ 472 368 l 2
+ 457 359 432 341 390 341 c 2
+ 385 341 l 1
+ 407 327 418 299 418 268 c 0
+ 418 146 274 85 227 64 c 1
+ 238 55 l 2
+ 241 53 243 51 244 50 c 2
+ 273 27 l 2
+ 279 23 285 18 290 12 c 2
+ 366 -69 l 1
+ 400 -115 l 1
+ 394 -160 l 1
+ 379 -138 343 -91 292 -54 c 2
+ 242 -20 l 2
+ 212 1 162 24 138 32 c 2
+ 58 58 l 1
+ 41 177 l 1
+ 63 158 103 139 204 139 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_tha
+StartChar: bn_s_na
+Encoding: 60867 -1 2444
+Width: 498
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+304 510 m 1
+ 301 502 300 494 300 484 c 0
+ 300 455 313 420 359 408 c 2
+ 379 408 l 2
+ 380 408 384 409 388 410 c 2
+ 401 415 l 2
+ 434 427 447 447 447 469 c 0
+ 447 489 439 510 424 510 c 2
+ 304 510 l 1
+206 137 m 0
+ 206 122 189 68 122 68 c 2
+ 115 68 l 2
+ 92 68 66 91 66 126 c 0
+ 66 163 94 208 159 227 c 2
+ 186 233 l 2
+ 195 234 203 235 211 235 c 0
+ 264 235 305 198 318 162 c 1
+ 368 341 l 1
+ 362 341 l 2
+ 289 341 262 412 262 447 c 0
+ 262 451 262 455 263 458 c 1
+ 257 448 249 436 238 423 c 2
+ 218 396 l 1
+ 190 363 l 2
+ 162 336 138 328 126 328 c 0
+ 105 328 88 347 82 355 c 2
+ 67 379 l 2
+ 64.0718 387.053 62.2154 393.497 62.2154 398.335 c 0
+ 62.2154 400.105 62.4641 401.66 63 403 c 1
+ 82 427 l 1
+ 85 423 113 398 119 398 c 0
+ 148 398 205 459 215 492 c 0
+ 215.875 495.498 216.324 498.486 216.324 500.965 c 0
+ 216.324 506.988 213.668 510 208 510 c 2
+ 58 510 l 1
+ 71 558 l 1
+ 587 558 l 1
+ 574 510 l 1
+ 484 510 l 1
+ 489 492 491 476 491 463 c 0
+ 491 427 475 394 453 377 c 2
+ 443 368 l 2
+ 414 349 419 354 413 351 c 1
+ 329 47 l 1
+ 320 60 312 62 309 66 c 2
+ 301 99 l 2
+ 296 133 294 129 291 136 c 2
+ 284 148 l 2
+ 277 160 257 185 233 185 c 2
+ 225 185 l 2
+ 214 185 207 184 197 179 c 2
+ 185 172 l 1
+ 202 158 206 146 206 137 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_na
+StartChar: bn_s_pa
+Encoding: 60868 -1 2445
+Width: 901
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+481 508 m 1
+ 483 493 486 494 487 484 c 1
+ 499 497 503 498 516 508 c 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+301 508 m 1
+ 299 500 298 492 298 483 c 0
+ 298 454 312 420 357 408 c 2
+ 377 408 l 2
+ 378 408 382 409 386 410 c 2
+ 399 415 l 2
+ 433 427 445 448 445 470 c 0
+ 445 489 438 508 421 508 c 2
+ 301 508 l 1
+713 472 m 2
+ 700 484 l 2
+ 693 492 678 496 657 496 c 0
+ 589 496 552 464 526 432 c 1
+ 570 432 578 399 578 374 c 0
+ 578 366 578 360 577 355 c 2
+ 571 343 l 1
+ 722 460 l 1
+ 722 463 719 467 713 472 c 2
+213 492 m 0
+ 213.618 494.781 214.045 497.371 214.045 499.623 c 0
+ 214.045 504.658 211.91 508 205 508 c 2
+ 55 508 l 1
+ 69 558 l 1
+ 552 558 l 1
+ 542 523 l 1
+ 574 541 612 550 654 550 c 0
+ 763 550 791 460 800 419 c 2
+ 801 399 l 2
+ 800.707 397.243 800.586 395.485 800.586 393.728 c 0
+ 800.586 389.485 801.293 385.243 802 381 c 2
+ 806 351 l 1
+ 832 477 l 1
+ 872 624 l 1
+ 887 613 l 1
+ 889 608 l 1
+ 887 600 886 593 886 587 c 0
+ 886 580 887 574 890 570 c 1
+ 913 558 l 1
+ 981 558 l 1
+ 967 508 l 1
+ 888 508 l 1
+ 746 -6 l 1
+ 710 39 l 1
+ 781 294 l 1
+ 779 312 775 390 759 399 c 2
+ 749 407 l 1
+ 531 237 l 1
+ 467 263 l 1
+ 523 309 l 2
+ 538 319 543 347 543 357 c 0
+ 543 375 535 387 521 387 c 0
+ 509 387 511 381 453 368 c 2
+ 447 368 l 1
+ 447 369 445 369 443 370 c 1
+ 429 359 406 341 360 341 c 0
+ 287 341 260 412 260 447 c 0
+ 260 452 261 456 262 459 c 1
+ 257 450 249 438 237 423 c 2
+ 216 396 l 1
+ 188 363 l 2
+ 160 336 136 328 124 328 c 0
+ 103 328 87 347 80 355 c 2
+ 65 379 l 2
+ 61.9443 387.403 60.6393 394.056 60.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 60.6393 400.472 60.7639 401.82 61 403 c 1
+ 80 427 l 1
+ 84 423 112 398 118 398 c 0
+ 147 398 204 459 213 492 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_pa
+StartChar: bn_s_p_ra
+Encoding: 60869 -1 2446
+Width: 895
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+493 488 m 1
+ 505 499 509 499 518 508 c 1
+ 488 508 l 1
+ 490 501 492 495 493 488 c 1
+308 508 m 1
+ 306 500 305 492 305 483 c 0
+ 305 454 319 420 364 408 c 2
+ 384 408 l 2
+ 385 408 389 409 393 410 c 2
+ 406 415 l 2
+ 440 427 452 448 452 470 c 0
+ 452 489 445 508 428 508 c 2
+ 308 508 l 1
+715 472 m 2
+ 701 484 l 2
+ 695 492 680 496 659 496 c 0
+ 591 496 554 464 528 432 c 1
+ 572 432 581 399 581 375 c 0
+ 581 367 580 359 579 355 c 2
+ 573 343 l 1
+ 724 460 l 1
+ 722 464 719 468 715 472 c 2
+783 294 m 1
+ 781 299 783 303 783 306 c 0
+ 783 332 773 392 761 399 c 2
+ 751 407 l 1
+ 533 237 l 1
+ 469 263 l 1
+ 525 309 l 2
+ 540 319 545 348 545 358 c 0
+ 545 382 528 387 523 387 c 0
+ 511 387 513 381 455 368 c 2
+ 448 368 l 1
+ 435 358 l 2
+ 407 345 392 341 367 341 c 0
+ 339 341 266 371 266 439 c 0
+ 266 445 267 451 268 457 c 1
+ 260 442 258 440 244 423 c 2
+ 223 396 l 1
+ 195 363 l 2
+ 167 336 143 328 131 328 c 0
+ 110 328 93 347 87 355 c 2
+ 72 379 l 2
+ 68.9443 387.403 67.6393 394.056 67.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 67.6393 400.472 67.7639 401.82 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 220.618 494.781 221.045 497.371 221.045 499.623 c 0
+ 221.045 504.658 218.91 508 212 508 c 2
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 550 526 l 1
+ 582 542 617 550 656 550 c 0
+ 765 550 793 460 801 419 c 2
+ 803 399 l 2
+ 802.707 397.243 802.586 395.485 802.586 393.728 c 0
+ 802.586 389.485 803.293 385.243 804 381 c 2
+ 808 351 l 1
+ 834 477 l 1
+ 874 624 l 1
+ 889 613 l 1
+ 891 608 l 1
+ 889 600 888 594 888 588 c 0
+ 888 581 889 575 892 570 c 1
+ 915 558 l 1
+ 983 558 l 1
+ 969 508 l 1
+ 890 508 l 1
+ 734 -56 l 1
+ 718 -40 l 1
+ 706 -2 l 2
+ 695 17 678 27 654 27 c 2
+ 570 27 l 2
+ 561 27 553 27 543 26 c 0
+ 534 26 526 26 518 25 c 0
+ 511 25 504 25 498 24 c 2
+ 486 24 l 2
+ 387 24 362 70 362 116 c 0
+ 362 138 373 189 397 227 c 2
+ 410 243 l 1
+ 424 223 l 1
+ 423 222 419 216 414 206 c 2
+ 405 181 l 2
+ 403 172 401 163 401 154 c 0
+ 401 135 409 117 437 106 c 2
+ 481 95 l 2
+ 487 94 494 93 499 93 c 0
+ 504 92 508 92 511 92 c 0
+ 514 92 516 92 518 93 c 1
+ 538 93 l 2
+ 581 93 585 91 616 91 c 2
+ 639 91 l 2
+ 673 91 703 67 712 39 c 1
+ 783 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_p_ra
+StartChar: bn_s_p_la
+Encoding: 60870 -1 2447
+Width: 890
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+489 508 m 1
+ 490 498 492 498 492 492 c 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 489 508 l 1
+385 408 m 2
+ 395 408 453 429 453 470 c 0
+ 453 489 445 508 429 508 c 2
+ 309 508 l 1
+ 306 500 305 492 305 483 c 0
+ 305 454 320 420 365 408 c 2
+ 385 408 l 2
+711 472 m 2
+ 697 484 l 2
+ 689 492 675 496 654 496 c 0
+ 586 496 549 464 523 432 c 1
+ 568 432 576 399 576 375 c 0
+ 576 366 575 359 574 355 c 2
+ 569 343 l 1
+ 719 460 l 1
+ 718 464 715 468 711 472 c 2
+778 294 m 1
+ 776 299 778 303 778 306 c 0
+ 778 332 768 392 756 399 c 2
+ 747 407 l 1
+ 528 237 l 1
+ 465 263 l 1
+ 520 309 l 2
+ 536 319 540 347 540 357 c 0
+ 540 375 532 387 518 387 c 0
+ 505 387 509 381 451 368 c 2
+ 449 368 l 1
+ 435 358 l 2
+ 407 345 392 341 367 341 c 0
+ 295 341 267 412 267 447 c 0
+ 267 451 268 455 269 458 c 1
+ 263 448 255 436 244 423 c 2
+ 223 396 l 1
+ 195 363 l 2
+ 168 336 144 328 132 328 c 0
+ 111 328 94 347 87 355 c 2
+ 73 379 l 2
+ 69.6863 388.113 67.7452 395.167 67.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 67.7452 401.196 67.8284 402.142 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 221.062 495.185 221.748 498.12 221.748 500.582 c 0
+ 221.748 505.078 219.461 508 213 508 c 2
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 551 529 l 1
+ 580 543 614 550 651 550 c 0
+ 766 550 797 446 797 404 c 0
+ 797 402 797 400 797 399 c 0
+ 798 393 798 387 799 381 c 2
+ 803 351 l 1
+ 829 477 l 1
+ 870 624 l 1
+ 885 613 l 1
+ 886 608 l 1
+ 884 600 883 593 883 587 c 0
+ 883 580 885 574 888 570 c 1
+ 910 558 l 1
+ 978 558 l 1
+ 965 508 l 1
+ 886 508 l 1
+ 728 -59 l 1
+ 699 -39 l 1
+ 696 9 l 2
+ 695 29 676 50 667 50 c 0
+ 644 50 636 19 631 10 c 1
+ 606 9 l 1
+ 602 23 l 2
+ 592 55 565 66 553 66 c 2
+ 545 66 l 2
+ 509 66 487 37 487 18 c 0
+ 487 3 491 -12 503 -17 c 1
+ 502.437 -14.2988 502.166 -11.5722 502.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 502.166 12.574 519.039 33.4502 543 37 c 2
+ 557 37 l 2
+ 572 37 581 21 581 6 c 0
+ 581 3 580 -1 580 -4 c 2
+ 571 -23 l 2
+ 557 -42 537 -59 507 -59 c 0
+ 447 -59 437 -15 437 8 c 0
+ 437 13 438 16 438 19 c 2
+ 440 33 l 2
+ 442 58 482 136 555 136 c 0
+ 590 136 609 122 623 73 c 1
+ 633 100 659 118 677 118 c 2
+ 681 118 l 2
+ 701 118 712 91 714 63 c 1
+ 778 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_p_la
+StartChar: bn_s_pha
+Encoding: 60871 -1 2448
+Width: 954
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 508 m 1
+ 307 500 306 492 306 483 c 0
+ 306 454 321 420 366 408 c 2
+ 386 408 l 2
+ 387 408 390 409 394 410 c 2
+ 408 415 l 2
+ 442 427 454 449 454 470 c 0
+ 454 478 451 485 448 493 c 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 310 508 l 1
+930 356 m 0
+ 930 279 880 220 815 220 c 0
+ 778 220 772 248 772 266 c 0
+ 772 287 785 313 822 325 c 2
+ 840 328 l 2
+ 867 328 873 307 882 307 c 0
+ 883 307 884 308 885 309 c 1
+ 890 320 l 2
+ 892 326 893 332 893 338 c 0
+ 893 362 881 386 853 391 c 2
+ 792 398 l 2
+ 780 398 773 396 772 392 c 2
+ 664 0 l 1
+ 649 18 l 1
+ 642 46 l 2
+ 631 91 584 206 451 206 c 1
+ 416 289 l 1
+ 475 338 l 1
+ 592 415 l 1
+ 573 432 l 2
+ 566 439 561 444 556 445 c 2
+ 524 451 l 2
+ 507 453 502 454 496 455 c 1
+ 493 426 486 398 459 377 c 2
+ 450 368 l 2
+ 435 359 410 341 368 341 c 0
+ 296 341 269 412 269 447 c 0
+ 269 452 269 456 270 459 c 1
+ 265 450 257 438 245 423 c 2
+ 224 396 l 1
+ 196 363 l 2
+ 169 336 145 328 133 328 c 0
+ 112 328 95 347 88 355 c 2
+ 74 379 l 2
+ 70.6863 388.113 68.7452 395.167 68.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 68.7452 401.196 68.8284 402.142 69 403 c 1
+ 88 427 l 1
+ 92 423 120 398 126 398 c 0
+ 155 398 212 459 221 492 c 0
+ 222.062 495.185 222.748 498.12 222.748 500.582 c 0
+ 222.748 505.078 220.461 508 214 508 c 2
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 1043 558 l 1
+ 1030 508 l 1
+ 571 508 l 1
+ 580 498 603 476 626 448 c 2
+ 666 373 l 1
+ 515 270 l 1
+ 530 264 538 259 552 249 c 2
+ 588 220 l 2
+ 624 187 641 147 648 125 c 1
+ 744 469 l 1
+ 754 473 767 475 783 475 c 2
+ 807 475 l 2
+ 835 475 930 450 930 356 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_pha
+StartChar: bn_s_ph_ra
+Encoding: 60872 -1 2449
+Width: 916
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+319 509 m 1
+ 317 501 316 493 316 484 c 0
+ 316 455 330 421 375 409 c 2
+ 395 409 l 2
+ 396 409 399 410 404 411 c 2
+ 417 416 l 2
+ 455.881 429.938 460.319 448.182 460.319 463.23 c 0
+ 460.319 467.682 459.93 471.853 459.93 475.551 c 0
+ 459.93 476.393 459.951 477.21 460 478 c 1
+ 450 493 l 1
+ 402 508 l 1
+ 373 508 l 1
+ 373 509 l 1
+ 319 509 l 1
+927 357 m 0
+ 927 280 879 220 812 220 c 0
+ 774 220 769 250 769 267 c 0
+ 769 290 784 314 819 325 c 2
+ 837 328 l 2
+ 862 328 870 307 879 307 c 0
+ 880 307 881 308 882 309 c 1
+ 888 321 l 2
+ 890 328 891 336 891 343 c 0
+ 891 369 878 394 847 401 c 2
+ 816 403 l 1
+ 783 400 l 2
+ 774 399 770 396 768 392 c 2
+ 641 -67 l 1
+ 628 -57 l 2
+ 606 -46 625 -12 553 12 c 2
+ 532 17 l 1
+ 515 18 l 1
+ 450 11 l 1
+ 371 11 l 2
+ 290 11 268 54 268 99 c 0
+ 268 125 278 172 299 216 c 2
+ 308 233 l 1
+ 330 197 l 1
+ 319 176 l 2
+ 314 160 309 156 309 139 c 0
+ 309 107 335 89 347 85 c 2
+ 379 80 l 1
+ 401 81 l 1
+ 419 83 l 1
+ 490 87 l 2
+ 498 87 514 87 529 83 c 2
+ 530 83 l 1
+ 533 82 536 81 542 79 c 2
+ 565 70 l 2
+ 582 64 593 55 600 44 c 2
+ 617 14 l 1
+ 632 70 l 1
+ 621 96 l 2
+ 590 163 531 206 448 206 c 1
+ 413 289 l 1
+ 473 338 l 1
+ 589 415 l 1
+ 571 432 l 2
+ 564 439 558 444 553 445 c 2
+ 521 451 l 2
+ 516 451 510 452 505 453 c 1
+ 503 422 489 394 469 378 c 2
+ 459 369 l 2
+ 445 360 420 342 378 342 c 0
+ 303 342 279 418 279 451 c 0
+ 279 454 279 457 279 459 c 1
+ 273 449 265 437 254 424 c 2
+ 234 397 l 1
+ 206 364 l 2
+ 178 337 154 329 142 329 c 0
+ 121 329 104 348 98 356 c 2
+ 83 380 l 2
+ 80.0718 388.053 78.2154 394.497 78.2154 399.335 c 0
+ 78.2154 401.105 78.4641 402.66 79 404 c 1
+ 97 428 l 1
+ 98 427 129 399 135 399 c 0
+ 164 399 221 459 230 493 c 0
+ 231.062 496.185 231.748 499.12 231.748 501.582 c 0
+ 231.748 506.078 229.461 509 223 509 c 2
+ 73 509 l 1
+ 87 559 l 1
+ 1057 559 l 1
+ 1043 508 l 1
+ 568 508 l 1
+ 623 448 l 1
+ 663 373 l 1
+ 512 270 l 1
+ 516 268 522 265 528 262 c 2
+ 549 249 l 1
+ 585 218 l 2
+ 603 203 628 168 644 122 c 1
+ 740 471 l 1
+ 768 473 l 2
+ 892 473 927 416 927 357 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_ph_ra
+StartChar: bn_s_ma
+Encoding: 60873 -1 2450
+Width: 676
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+320 510 m 1
+ 318 502 316 494 316 484 c 0
+ 316 455 330 420 376 408 c 2
+ 396 408 l 2
+ 397 408 400 409 404 410 c 2
+ 418 415 l 2
+ 450 427 463 447 463 469 c 0
+ 463 489 455 510 440 510 c 2
+ 320 510 l 1
+507 463 m 0
+ 507 403 470 376 452 363 c 1
+ 464 353 477 302 477 284 c 2
+ 476 247 l 2
+ 476 245 l 0
+ 476 232 475 221 472 212 c 2
+ 465 192 l 1
+ 479 174 l 1
+ 479 169 483 163 490 156 c 2
+ 510 118 l 1
+ 522 92 l 1
+ 637 508 l 1
+ 549 508 l 1
+ 550 510 l 1
+ 500 510 l 1
+ 505 492 507 476 507 463 c 0
+136 398 m 0
+ 165 398 222 459 231 492 c 0
+ 231.875 495.498 232.324 498.486 232.324 500.965 c 0
+ 232.324 506.988 229.668 510 224 510 c 2
+ 74 510 l 1
+ 87 558 l 1
+ 787 558 l 1
+ 773 508 l 1
+ 685 508 l 1
+ 525 -71 l 1
+ 510 -48 l 1
+ 510 -3 l 2
+ 501 81 465 101 441 121 c 2
+ 425 131 l 1
+ 423 124 413 116 386 100 c 2
+ 370 92 l 2
+ 364 89 360 87 355 86 c 2
+ 326 82 l 2
+ 291 82 276 95 271 104 c 2
+ 262 121 l 1
+ 262 142 l 1
+ 265 165 l 2
+ 269 177 275 189 284 201 c 2
+ 308 227 l 2
+ 331 243 362 250 376 250 c 0
+ 382 251 387 251 392 252 c 0
+ 412 252 424 249 426 243 c 1
+ 428 252 432 266 432 282 c 0
+ 432 302 426 324 406 343 c 1
+ 400 342 395 341 390 341 c 2
+ 378 341 l 2
+ 305 341 278 412 278 447 c 0
+ 278 451 279 455 279 458 c 1
+ 274 448 265 436 255 423 c 2
+ 234 396 l 1
+ 206 363 l 2
+ 179 336 154 328 142 328 c 0
+ 121 328 105 347 98 355 c 2
+ 84 379 l 2
+ 80.6863 388.113 78.7452 395.167 78.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 78.7452 401.196 78.8284 402.142 79 403 c 1
+ 98 427 l 1
+ 102 423 130 398 136 398 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_s_la
+Encoding: 60874 -1 2451
+Width: 523
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+246 508 m 1
+ 268 485 l 2
+ 280 473 284 451 284 432 c 0
+ 284 421 282 396 273 380 c 1
+ 296 393 l 2
+ 317 406 330 414 335 415 c 2
+ 350 416 l 2
+ 376 416 383 403 387 396 c 2
+ 418 344 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 246 508 l 1
+62 6 m 0
+ 62 80 132 132 180 132 c 0
+ 234 132 243 86 247 69 c 1
+ 252 86 278 114 302 114 c 2
+ 306 114 l 2
+ 324 114 334 92 336 72 c 2
+ 338 56 l 1
+ 397 268 l 1
+ 394 294 l 1
+ 381 326 l 2
+ 376 336 367 341 355 341 c 0
+ 326 341 304 317 293 306 c 2
+ 237 248 l 2
+ 209 220 172 183 157 180 c 2
+ 137 179 l 2
+ 125 179 117 180 113 181 c 2
+ 99 188 l 2
+ 92 189 84 198 76 213 c 2
+ 62 251 l 1
+ 52 288 l 1
+ 94 320 l 1
+ 93 318 93 315 93 312 c 0
+ 93 306 94 298 97 289 c 2
+ 106 263 l 2
+ 110 257 116 254 125 253 c 0
+ 133 253 142 257 153 266 c 2
+ 242 353 l 1
+ 246 384 248 387 248 397 c 0
+ 248 422 238 464 175 464 c 0
+ 147 464 133 464 114 475 c 2
+ 106 484 l 1
+ 96 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 627 558 l 1
+ 613 508 l 1
+ 511 508 l 1
+ 353 -63 l 1
+ 323 -43 l 1
+ 321 5 l 2
+ 319 17 305 46 291 46 c 0
+ 269 46 260 15 256 6 c 1
+ 231 5 l 1
+ 228 11 l 1
+ 227 19 l 1
+ 223 28 l 1
+ 216 40 l 2
+ 207 53 188 62 178 62 c 2
+ 170 62 l 2
+ 135 62 112 32 112 14 c 0
+ 112 -3 115 -14 128 -21 c 1
+ 127.298 -18.0766 126.966 -15.1122 126.966 -12.1564 c 0
+ 126.966 10.1655 145.923 32 168 32 c 0
+ 174 33 179 33 182 33 c 0
+ 193 33 206 20 206 3 c 0
+ 206 -1 205 -4 204 -8 c 2
+ 196 -27 l 2
+ 189 -38 166 -63 132 -63 c 0
+ 73 -63 62 -22 62 6 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_sa bn_la
+StartChar: bn_s_la1
+Encoding: 60875 -1 2452
+Width: 491
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+58 124 m 0
+ 58 200 126 250 176 250 c 0
+ 213 250 231 233 244 187 c 1
+ 248 202 273 232 298 232 c 2
+ 302 232 l 2
+ 323 232 331 206 331 194 c 0
+ 331 191 l 1
+ 332 190 331 188 331 185 c 1
+ 375 342 l 1
+ 371 341 366 341 361 341 c 0
+ 288 341 261 412 261 448 c 0
+ 261 453 262 457 263 460 c 1
+ 260 455 257 450 252 444 c 2
+ 217 396 l 1
+ 189 363 l 2
+ 161 336 137 328 125 328 c 0
+ 104 328 87 347 80 355 c 2
+ 66 379 l 2
+ 63.0718 387.053 61.2154 393.497 61.2154 398.335 c 0
+ 61.2154 400.105 61.4641 401.66 62 403 c 1
+ 80 427 l 1
+ 84 423 112 398 118 398 c 0
+ 147 398 204 459 213 492 c 0
+ 214.194 495.581 214.764 498.628 214.764 501.141 c 0
+ 214.764 507.047 211.613 510 206 510 c 2
+ 56 510 l 1
+ 70 558 l 1
+ 582 558 l 1
+ 568 510 l 1
+ 482 510 l 1
+ 488 492 489 476 489 463 c 0
+ 489 427 474 394 452 377 c 2
+ 442 368 l 1
+ 435 363 l 1
+ 349 55 l 1
+ 320 75 l 1
+ 317 123 l 2
+ 315 135 301 164 287 164 c 0
+ 265 164 257 133 252 124 c 1
+ 227 123 l 1
+ 223 134 227 127 219 146 c 2
+ 213 158 l 2
+ 206 172 183 180 174 180 c 2
+ 166 180 l 2
+ 128 180 108 147 108 136 c 0
+ 108 111 114 102 120 99 c 1
+ 121 99 123 98 124 97 c 1
+ 123.323 99.8206 123.003 102.679 123.003 105.532 c 0
+ 123.003 127.962 142.821 150 165 150 c 0
+ 170 151 175 151 178 151 c 0
+ 190 151 202 138 202 121 c 0
+ 202 117 202 114 201 110 c 2
+ 192 91 l 2
+ 185 80 162 55 128 55 c 0
+ 74 55 58 89 58 124 c 0
+302 510 m 1
+ 300 502 299 494 299 484 c 0
+ 299 455 312 420 358 408 c 2
+ 378 408 l 2
+ 379 408 382 409 387 410 c 2
+ 400 415 l 2
+ 433 427 446 447 446 469 c 0
+ 446 489 437 510 422 510 c 2
+ 302 510 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_h_nna
+Encoding: 60876 -1 2453
+Width: 419
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+420 353 m 0
+ 420 280 368 217 234 169 c 1
+ 236 160 l 1
+ 279 133 l 1
+ 314 101 l 1
+ 336 77 l 2
+ 343 70 348 63 353 56 c 2
+ 401 -16 l 1
+ 401 -84 l 1
+ 386 -58 l 2
+ 350 -4 324 12 310 28 c 2
+ 295 40 l 1
+ 235 -174 l 1
+ 220 -150 l 1
+ 213 -96 l 2
+ 201 21 142 22 118 22 c 1
+ 116 17 l 1
+ 124 8 128 -2 128 -12 c 0
+ 128 -43 94 -93 42 -93 c 2
+ 35 -93 l 2
+ 20 -93 -15 -84 -15 -45 c 0
+ -15 -16 12 71 117 71 c 0
+ 200 71 227 12 232 -12 c 1
+ 255 69 l 1
+ 242 78 l 2
+ 185 118 145 135 71 151 c 1
+ 53 286 l 1
+ 93 249 160 240 189 240 c 2
+ 211 240 l 1
+ 230 243 l 2
+ 246 243 307 269 325 283 c 2
+ 350 299 l 2
+ 377 321 380 344 380 355 c 0
+ 380 399 326 411 308 411 c 0
+ 299 411 291 410 286 407 c 1
+ 280 388 270 372 254 357 c 2
+ 221 333 l 2
+ 201 318 184 313 164 313 c 0
+ 126 313 118 341 118 356 c 0
+ 118 360 118 363 119 365 c 2
+ 123 379 l 2
+ 127 393 163 436 219 455 c 2
+ 261 468 l 1
+ 263 470 264 471 264 475 c 0
+ 264 490 241 505 232 508 c 2
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 551 558 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 303 508 l 1
+ 304 483 l 2
+ 304 467 315 469 318 467 c 1
+ 343 467 420 430 420 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ha bn_nna
+StartChar: bn_h_na
+Encoding: 60877 -1 2454
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+539 248 m 0
+ 563 248 584 285 584 312 c 0
+ 584 341 557.75 359 534 359 c 0
+ 465.374 359 425.734 322.645 400 308.25 c 1
+ 379.916 266.256 365.571 221.046 221 169 c 1
+ 224 160 l 1
+ 297.089 119.411 345.566 54.0168 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 271.513 106.916 87.1612 144.779 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 88.689 240.757 166.937 240 199 240 c 1
+ 278.698 252.584 367 299.986 367 355 c 0
+ 367 399 314 411 295 411 c 0
+ 286 411 279 410 273 407 c 1
+ 262.596 367.466 201.763 313 151 313 c 0
+ 113 313 106 341 106 356 c 0
+ 106 429.472 223.056 460.279 248 468 c 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 475 c 0
+ 252 490 229 505 219 508 c 2
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 763 558 l 1
+ 749 508 l 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 483 l 2
+ 291.478 471.039 302 467 306 467 c 0
+ 328 467 406 437 407 349 c 1
+ 459.013 385.409 500.717 408 553 408 c 0
+ 566.106 408 634 399.404 634 328 c 0
+ 634 270.778 568.199 196 491 196 c 0
+ 455.75 196 441.666 228.459 441.666 242.211 c 0
+ 441.666 270.303 468.844 307.29 508 313 c 0
+ 540 313 549 299 549 285 c 0
+ 549 277 544 257 534 249 c 1
+ 536 248 538 248 539 248 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ha bn_na
+StartChar: bn_h_ma
+Encoding: 60878 -1 2455
+Width: 639
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+275 297 m 1
+ 284.514 292.243 291.514 281.2 291.514 267.36 c 0
+ 291.514 263.743 291.036 259.936 290 256 c 1
+ 303 254 324 248 343 219 c 2
+ 351 192 l 1
+ 354 175 l 1
+ 408 373 l 1
+ 366 373 329 393 309 423 c 2
+ 290 454 l 1
+ 273 486 l 2
+ 268 495 267 503 265 508 c 1
+ 204 506 l 2
+ 199 506 197 507 196 508 c 1
+ 195 486 l 2
+ 195 482 195 479 212 472 c 2
+ 228 465 l 2
+ 240 459 277 436 281 423 c 2
+ 296 388 l 2
+ 298 380 299 369 299 360 c 0
+ 299 351 298 343 297 338 c 2
+ 293 323 l 2
+ 285 307 284 307 275 297 c 1
+314 508 m 1
+ 313 506 313 502 309 497 c 1
+ 309 477 330 436 385 436 c 2
+ 409 434 l 2
+ 414 434 420 435 426 438 c 1
+ 445 508 l 1
+ 314 508 l 1
+247 301 m 1
+ 259 318 264 336 264 353 c 0
+ 264 386 243 406 215 406 c 2
+ 205 406 l 1
+ 196 387 190 380 186 375 c 2
+ 163 346 l 2
+ 156 339 145 333 133 329 c 2
+ 112 324 l 1
+ 104 324 l 2
+ 74 324 60 343 60 366 c 0
+ 60 399 93 446 130 455 c 2
+ 147 460 l 2
+ 155.5 463 159.75 467.25 159.75 473.5 c 0
+ 159.75 479.75 155.5 488 147 499 c 2
+ 139 508 l 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 724 558 l 1
+ 710 508 l 1
+ 496 508 l 1
+ 477 438 l 1
+ 569 455 l 1
+ 607 402 l 1
+ 563 292 532 159 520 96 c 1
+ 455 66 l 1
+ 526 319 l 2
+ 534 349 543 378 550 394 c 1
+ 460 381 l 1
+ 353 -3 l 1
+ 328 30 l 1
+ 333 98 l 2
+ 334 103 334 108 334 113 c 0
+ 334 153 312 196 275 220 c 1
+ 263 206 l 1
+ 248 195 l 1
+ 218 180 l 2
+ 213 178 206 177 196 177 c 2
+ 173 177 l 1
+ 170 178 168 179 166 179 c 1
+ 151 184 140 196 140 216 c 0
+ 140 250 178 302 235 302 c 2
+ 247 301 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ha bn_ma
+StartChar: bn_h_la
+Encoding: 60879 -1 2456
+Width: 831
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+681 457 m 2
+ 731 457 734 396 742 373 c 1
+ 779 508 l 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 498 l 2
+ 291 494 291 491 291 488 c 0
+ 291 449 355 489 399 396 c 1
+ 427 431 465 460 502 460 c 2
+ 512 460 l 2
+ 555 460 589 435 601 398 c 1
+ 603 408 641 452 678 457 c 2
+ 681 457 l 2
+558 260 m 0
+ 558 196 485 180 463 180 c 2
+ 460 180 l 2
+ 406 180 370 205 358 243 c 1
+ 328 215 284 191 221 169 c 1
+ 231 134 284 157 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 373 -58 l 2
+ 324 7 219 120 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 80 250 152 240 186 240 c 2
+ 199 240 l 2
+ 240 247 366 284 366 350 c 0
+ 366 373 355 410 298 410 c 0
+ 290 410 282 409 273 407 c 1
+ 260 366 207 316 151 313 c 0
+ 130 313 105 329 105 357 c 0
+ 105 396 158 440 206 455 c 2
+ 248 468 l 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 476 c 0
+ 252 489 233 501 219 508 c 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 941 558 l 1
+ 927 508 l 1
+ 830 508 l 1
+ 688 -5 l 1
+ 650 44 l 1
+ 727 321 l 2
+ 728 325 728 328 728 332 c 0
+ 728 362 702 385 677 385 c 2
+ 674 385 l 2
+ 640.757 380.251 622.85 337.612 622.85 309.352 c 0
+ 622.85 307.858 622.9 306.405 623 305 c 1
+ 600 297 l 1
+ 595 365 564 383 516 387 c 0
+ 481 387 438 369 409 317 c 2
+ 399 296 l 2
+ 398 292 397 286 397 279 c 0
+ 397 260 406 235 448 228 c 1
+ 443 234 441 241 441 248 c 0
+ 441 278 471 322 523 322 c 0
+ 550 322 558 286 558 260 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_ha bn_la
+StartChar: bn_h_la1
+Encoding: 60880 -1 2457
+Width: 419
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+420 353 m 0
+ 420 280 368 217 234 169 c 1
+ 236 160 l 1
+ 279 133 l 1
+ 314 101 l 1
+ 336 77 l 2
+ 343 70 349 63 354 56 c 2
+ 402 -16 l 1
+ 402 -84 l 1
+ 386 -58 l 2
+ 380 -49 374 -41 367 -32 c 2
+ 345 -7 l 1
+ 305 -152 l 1
+ 271 -131 l 1
+ 273 -91 l 2
+ 269 -53 259 -40 241 -40 c 0
+ 227 -40 216 -55 210 -66 c 2
+ 201 -85 l 1
+ 177 -87 l 1
+ 172 -76 l 2
+ 168 -65 144 -40 120 -40 c 0
+ 62 -40 48 -77 48 -102 c 0
+ 48 -117 55 -125 59 -126 c 1
+ 60 -110 l 1
+ 61 -107 73 -70 106 -70 c 0
+ 131 -70 136 -86 136 -103 c 0
+ 136 -161 83 -176 67 -176 c 0
+ 15 -176 -11 -134 -11 -98 c 0
+ -11 -92 -10 -86 -8 -80 c 2
+ -4 -64 l 2
+ 12 -23 57 29 118 29 c 0
+ 127 29 134 29 139 28 c 0
+ 168 28 194 1 200 -26 c 1
+ 205 -15 224 25 255 25 c 0
+ 300 25 288 -21 294 -24 c 1
+ 309 28 l 1
+ 281 51 l 1
+ 243 78 l 2
+ 186 118 145 135 71 151 c 1
+ 53 286 l 1
+ 93 249 161 240 190 240 c 2
+ 212 240 l 1
+ 230 243 l 2
+ 246 243 308 269 326 283 c 2
+ 350 299 l 2
+ 377 321 380 344 380 355 c 0
+ 380 399 327 411 308 411 c 0
+ 299 411 292 410 286 407 c 1
+ 281 388 270 372 254 357 c 2
+ 221 333 l 2
+ 201 318 184 313 164 313 c 0
+ 126 313 118 341 118 356 c 0
+ 118 360 119 363 119 365 c 2
+ 123 379 l 2
+ 127 393 163 436 219 455 c 2
+ 261 468 l 1
+ 263 470 264 471 264 475 c 0
+ 264 490 241 505 232 508 c 2
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 551 558 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 303 508 l 1
+ 304 483 l 2
+ 305 467 315 469 319 467 c 1
+ 343 467 420 430 420 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rr_ga
+Encoding: 60881 -1 2458
+Width: 853
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+561 336 m 2
+ 567 342 587 359 587 372 c 0
+ 587 380 579 390 565 390 c 0
+ 555 390 537 383 511 369 c 2
+ 493 360 l 2
+ 488 357 484 355 480 354 c 1
+ 483 337 485 320 485 302 c 0
+ 485 293 485 283 484 272 c 1
+ 561 336 l 2
+261 -38 m 0
+ 261 -65 231 -114 185 -114 c 0
+ 159 -114 139 -99 139 -73 c 0
+ 139 -42 167 -2 218 5 c 0
+ 238 5 261 -10 261 -38 c 0
+415 407 m 1
+ 419 419 l 2
+ 422 433 432 457 463 489 c 2
+ 472 499 l 2
+ 476 502 478 505 482 508 c 1
+ 315 508 l 1
+ 270 345 l 2
+ 269 340 267 330 267 321 c 0
+ 267 315 268 309 273 308 c 1
+ 286 312 l 2
+ 289 313 292 314 296 316 c 2
+ 342 344 l 1
+ 373 367 l 1
+ 415 407 l 1
+849 610 m 2
+ 846 602 845 592 845 584 c 0
+ 845 572 848 562 856 558 c 1
+ 943 558 l 1
+ 929 508 l 1
+ 838 508 l 1
+ 698 3 l 1
+ 666 48 l 1
+ 742 323 l 1
+ 741 332 741 340 741 347 c 0
+ 741 352 l 0
+ 741 387 740 414 684 468 c 0
+ 674 476 639 492 623 492 c 0
+ 573 487 536 478 492 417 c 1
+ 516 422 l 1
+ 550 426 l 1
+ 576 423 l 2
+ 612 416 628 391 628 366 c 0
+ 628 324 585 280 568 261 c 2
+ 525 215 l 1
+ 488 181 l 1
+ 467 213 l 1
+ 457 188 l 2
+ 401 83 312 44 250 44 c 2
+ 248 44 l 2
+ 247 44 247 44 246 45 c 1
+ 215 45 l 2
+ 129 45 100 97 72 221 c 2
+ 66 258 l 1
+ 63 296 l 2
+ 63 301 63 306 63 312 c 0
+ 63 331 65 359 73 406 c 2
+ 86 481 l 1
+ 111 465 l 1
+ 104 440 101 411 101 380 c 0
+ 101 378 101 375 101 373 c 2
+ 107 307 l 2
+ 109 292 109 277 113 270 c 2
+ 122 243 l 1
+ 144 193 l 2
+ 163 161 206 139 253 139 c 0
+ 307 139 373 169 407 211 c 2
+ 428 237 l 2
+ 440 253 446 272 446 293 c 0
+ 446 307 443 320 436 332 c 1
+ 431 322 414 307 385 288 c 2
+ 332 254 l 2
+ 309 241 288 234 270 234 c 0
+ 224 234 215 274 214 309 c 2
+ 214 321 l 1
+ 266 508 l 1
+ 66 508 l 1
+ 80 558 l 1
+ 626 558 l 1
+ 624 551 l 1
+ 674 546 707 528 730 496 c 2
+ 742 480 l 2
+ 755 461 767 437 771 363 c 1
+ 777 418 l 2
+ 781 452 789 496 794 513 c 2
+ 832 652 l 1
+ 854 623 l 1
+ 849 610 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'pres' Pre Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_half_rra bn_ga
+StartChar: bn_k_ba
+Encoding: 60882 -1 2459
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+266 84 m 1
+ 222 65 236 62 194 40 c 2
+ 176 29 l 2
+ 164 21 156 17 146 11 c 1
+ 163 6 186 -12 206 -39 c 2
+ 214 -48 l 2
+ 217 -51 219 -54 220 -57 c 2
+ 224 -66 l 1
+ 266 84 l 1
+317 388 m 0
+ 306 384 296 380 286 376 c 2
+ 224 346 l 1
+ 147 301 l 1
+ 218 265 256 225 281 139 c 1
+ 354 401 l 1
+ 334 394 334 394 317 388 c 0
+561 322 m 0
+ 561 199 471 175 447 175 c 0
+ 427 175 412 184 402 202 c 2
+ 396 219 l 1
+ 398 236 l 2
+ 403 253 412 264 428 279 c 2
+ 441 287 l 1
+ 473 292 l 2
+ 489 292 500 287 507 277 c 2
+ 514 267 l 1
+ 519 276 l 1
+ 522 284 523 293 523 302 c 0
+ 523 351 486 403 416 403 c 2
+ 403 402 l 1
+ 248 -159 l 1
+ 233 -147 l 1
+ 218 -109 l 2
+ 213 -89 168 -42 122 -42 c 0
+ 115 -41 108 -41 100 -41 c 1
+ 74 19 l 1
+ 94 31 169 79 256 124 c 1
+ 231 139 251 208 97 234 c 1
+ 51 319 l 1
+ 104 351 l 2
+ 122 362 142 373 163 384 c 2
+ 221 413 l 2
+ 238 421 253 428 267 433 c 2
+ 313 450 l 2
+ 330 456 350 462 373 469 c 1
+ 384 508 l 1
+ 80 508 l 1
+ 93 558 l 1
+ 681 558 l 1
+ 668 508 l 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 422 470 l 1
+ 434 472 l 2
+ 492 472 561 414 561 322 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ka bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_g_ba
+Encoding: 60883 -1 2460
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+327 158 m 1
+ 283 137 251 116 213 85 c 1
+ 250 76 274 61 292 29 c 1
+ 327 158 l 1
+47 399 m 0
+ 47 451 122 553 234 553 c 0
+ 299.805 553 396.497 528.737 403 364 c 1
+ 407 431 417.036 484.797 425 514 c 2
+ 464 653 l 1
+ 486 624 l 1
+ 481.092 613.367 476 604.169 476 585 c 0
+ 476 557.772 489 555 506 555 c 0
+ 574 558 l 1
+ 560 508 l 1
+ 469 508 l 1
+ 308 -73 l 1
+ 279 -61 l 1
+ 273 -34 254 43 168 43 c 1
+ 149 106 l 1
+ 289 191 303.76 198.88 344 219 c 1
+ 373 324 l 1
+ 362.997 477.38 285.891 493 254 493 c 0
+ 204 493 167 479 123 418 c 1
+ 141.202 422.132 160 427 181 427 c 0
+ 212.644 427 259 418.904 259 368 c 0
+ 259 330.8 228.554 282.671 119 182 c 1
+ 79 247 l 1
+ 110 267 218 352 218 373 c 0
+ 218 381 211 391 196 391 c 0
+ 174 391 109 349 87 349 c 0
+ 69 349 47 368 47 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ga bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_gh_ba
+Encoding: 60884 -1 2461
+Width: 471
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+265 47 m 2
+ 234 28 l 2
+ 221 21 217 16 194 -2 c 1
+ 231 -11 258 -28 273 -58 c 1
+ 310 71 l 1
+ 292 62 278 54 265 47 c 2
+258 508 m 2
+ 223 508 182 463 182 434 c 0
+ 182 409 205 394 224 394 c 0
+ 259 394 299 421 312 434 c 1
+ 351 381 l 1
+ 323 367 254 317 197 266 c 1
+ 228 251 l 2
+ 284 231 315 164 326 132 c 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 258 508 l 2
+179 360 m 2
+ 144 360 100 385 100 431 c 0
+ 100 451 110 474 114 482 c 2
+ 134 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+ 589 558 l 1
+ 575 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 295 -160 l 1
+ 266 -148 l 1
+ 261 -122 244 -44 155 -44 c 1
+ 136 19 l 1
+ 169 39 237 84 299 119 c 1
+ 263 181 216 194 188 197 c 2
+ 161 200 l 1
+ 136 201 l 1
+ 88 269 l 1
+ 150 319 l 2
+ 176 341 191 352 219 369 c 1
+ 198 362 l 1
+ 179 360 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_gha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_c_ba
+Encoding: 60885 -1 2462
+Width: 408
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+201 65 m 2
+ 170 46 l 2
+ 157 39 154 34 131 16 c 1
+ 166 8 193 -8 209 -40 c 1
+ 246 89 l 1
+ 229 80 214 72 201 65 c 2
+202 508 m 1
+ 202 507 203 481 203 481 c 2
+ 205 466 l 2
+ 208 456 216 444 221 439 c 2
+ 239 422 l 2
+ 247 415 260 408 280 401 c 2
+ 364 368 l 2
+ 384 357 391 330 391 318 c 0
+ 391 317 l 2
+ 390 300 l 2
+ 373 242 332 196 312 174 c 1
+ 313 174 313 175 314 175 c 1
+ 226 -142 l 1
+ 196 -130 l 1
+ 191 -103 174 -26 85 -26 c 1
+ 67 37 l 1
+ 89 51 l 1
+ 65 62 51 105 51 131 c 0
+ 51 135 52 139 53 142 c 2
+ 154 508 l 1
+ 82 508 l 1
+ 96 558 l 1
+ 513 558 l 1
+ 499 508 l 1
+ 202 508 l 1
+102 143 m 2
+ 101 138 100 134 100 131 c 0
+ 100 120 107 117 114 115 c 0
+ 133 115 176 137 217 171 c 2
+ 251 201 l 2
+ 258 208 265 214 271 221 c 2
+ 289 243 l 2
+ 298 259 305 272 308 282 c 2
+ 310 292 l 1
+ 311 302 l 1
+ 280 313 l 2
+ 267 319 260 323 257 327 c 2
+ 227 349 l 2
+ 202 370 187 396 180 426 c 1
+ 102 143 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ca bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_ch_ba
+Encoding: 60886 -1 2463
+Width: 452
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+319 -17 m 2
+ 305 -24 l 2
+ 296 -29 295 -31 281 -36 c 2
+ 263 -45 l 1
+ 245 -56 l 1
+ 229 -67 l 1
+ 216 -75 l 1
+ 228 -78 238 -85 249 -94 c 2
+ 258 -104 l 2
+ 269 -120 289 -134 299 -157 c 1
+ 341 -7 l 1
+ 332 -11 325 -14 319 -17 c 2
+149 306 m 2
+ 147 298 146 293 146 289 c 0
+ 146 282 150 280 158 280 c 2
+ 164 280 l 2
+ 177 282 187 286 195 291 c 2
+ 216 303 l 2
+ 253 326 274 348 279 367 c 2
+ 282 379 l 1
+ 257 388 l 2
+ 243 392 232 399 225 408 c 2
+ 198 426 l 1
+ 189 450 l 1
+ 149 306 l 2
+366 441 m 2
+ 391 441 457 419 457 341 c 0
+ 457 266 421 212 316 158 c 2
+ 281 140 l 1
+ 255 132 l 1
+ 294 110 l 1
+ 327 87 l 2
+ 342 76 364 49 388 17 c 2
+ 427 -37 l 1
+ 423 -76 l 1
+ 416 -66 409 -56 402 -47 c 2
+ 380 -21 l 1
+ 318 -245 l 1
+ 303 -233 l 1
+ 289 -195 l 2
+ 283 -174 238 -128 192 -128 c 0
+ 185 -127 178 -127 170 -127 c 1
+ 144 -67 l 1
+ 161 -57 191 -37 233 -13 c 2
+ 280 14 l 1
+ 315 32 l 1
+ 305 39 294 45 283 51 c 2
+ 248 66 l 1
+ 193 85 l 2
+ 174 92 140 99 100 104 c 1
+ 77 196 l 1
+ 91 191 124 180 158 180 c 2
+ 174 180 l 2
+ 178 180 181 180 184 181 c 2
+ 211 181 255 189 317 229 c 2
+ 374 268 l 1
+ 396 287 l 2
+ 409 301 418 316 418 336 c 0
+ 418 345 416 354 412 363 c 1
+ 377 374 l 1
+ 348 380 l 1
+ 346 362 l 2
+ 325 285 192 232 156 232 c 2
+ 138 235 l 2
+ 124 238 96 255 96 284 c 0
+ 96 288 97 292 98 297 c 2
+ 156 508 l 1
+ 94 508 l 1
+ 108 558 l 1
+ 574 558 l 1
+ 560 508 l 1
+ 202 508 l 1
+ 209 473 204 473 257 443 c 0
+ 269 438 285 435 306 435 c 2
+ 323 435 l 1
+ 356 441 l 1
+ 366 441 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_cha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_j_ba
+Encoding: 60887 -1 2464
+Width: 591
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+346 -110 m 0
+ 365 -110 386 -116 402 -132 c 1
+ 419 -72 l 1
+ 406 -72 l 1
+ 396 -74 l 2
+ 380 -77 349 -88 322 -109 c 1
+ 330 -109 338 -109 346 -110 c 0
+244 167 m 0
+ 271 167 378 187 378 249 c 0
+ 378 260 375 275 361 277 c 1
+ 348 274 l 1
+ 302 258 l 2
+ 290 255 281 254 276 253 c 2
+ 262 253 l 2
+ 204 253 179 303 179 348 c 0
+ 179 405 213 439 254 478 c 2
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 82 508 l 1
+ 96 558 l 1
+ 718 558 l 1
+ 704 508 l 1
+ 423 508 l 1
+ 387 491 l 1
+ 386 489 383 482 383 477 c 0
+ 383 461 396 425 465 425 c 2
+ 479 426 l 1
+ 489 426 l 2
+ 501 426 520 433 524 434 c 2
+ 576 450 l 1
+ 629 373 l 1
+ 600 351 523 271 506 208 c 2
+ 490 170 l 1
+ 483 145 l 2
+ 478 126 475 105 475 81 c 0
+ 475 58 478 32 482 5 c 1
+ 424 -205 l 1
+ 414 -197 l 2
+ 389 -168 357 -152 318 -146 c 2
+ 281 -144 l 1
+ 256 -99 l 1
+ 265 -92 275 -85 288 -78 c 2
+ 322 -57 l 2
+ 364 -33 372 -38 380 -31 c 2
+ 401 -19 l 2
+ 410 -13 420 -8 436 17 c 1
+ 442 140 l 2
+ 445 186 453 262 525 367 c 1
+ 514 369 l 1
+ 486 367 l 2
+ 456 367 373 379 350 426 c 2
+ 332 464 l 2
+ 331 465 329 466 327 466 c 0
+ 312 466 255 415 222 361 c 2
+ 218 350 l 2
+ 217 345 216 341 216 337 c 0
+ 216 322 226 315 245 315 c 2
+ 262 318 l 2
+ 270 319 278 322 290 327 c 2
+ 356 356 l 2
+ 358 357 359 357 360 357 c 1
+ 361 358 363 358 364 358 c 0
+ 366 358 368 357 371 356 c 1
+ 372 356 l 2
+ 375 356 379 353 384 346 c 2
+ 393 328 l 2
+ 405 306 409 276 409 251 c 0
+ 409 144 303 83 232 83 c 0
+ 120 83 93 186 87 231 c 2
+ 83 274 l 2
+ 83 280 82 286 82 293 c 0
+ 82 299 83 307 83 314 c 2
+ 88 365 l 1
+ 115 462 l 1
+ 118 467 l 1
+ 133 451 l 2
+ 138 448 139 443 139 435 c 0
+ 139 428 138 420 136 413 c 2
+ 130 393 l 2
+ 125 376 123 364 123 357 c 0
+ 122 300 l 2
+ 126 234 179 167 244 167 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ja bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_tt_ba
+Encoding: 60888 -1 2465
+Width: 414
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+166 90 m 2
+ 134 71 l 2
+ 126 66 113 56 95 41 c 1
+ 129 32 157 19 174 -15 c 1
+ 210 114 l 1
+ 193 105 179 97 166 90 c 2
+358 342 m 0
+ 358 273 302 203 272 177 c 1
+ 190 -117 l 1
+ 161 -105 l 1
+ 156 -79 138 -1 49 -1 c 1
+ 31 62 l 1
+ 43 70 l 2
+ 47 72 50 74 54 77 c 1
+ 22 96 12 140 11 162 c 0
+ 34 285 73 391 103 508 c 1
+ 44 508 l 1
+ 57 558 l 1
+ 372 558 l 1
+ 379 578 l 2
+ 380 583 381 588 381 592 c 0
+ 381 622 349 628 325 628 c 2
+ 246 628 l 1
+ 220 624 l 2
+ 210 624 202 623 198 622 c 2
+ 184 622 l 2
+ 78 622 58 679 58 713 c 0
+ 58 743 81 781 102 786 c 2
+ 114 790 l 1
+ 111 781 l 2
+ 110 762 98 769 92 746 c 2
+ 90 733 l 1
+ 91 719 l 2
+ 91 716 98 711 109 703 c 2
+ 124 695 l 1
+ 148 690 l 1
+ 317 699 l 2
+ 390 699 431 659 431 606 c 0
+ 431 596 429 586 426 575 c 2
+ 421 558 l 1
+ 497 558 l 1
+ 484 508 l 1
+ 151 508 l 1
+ 58 173 l 2
+ 57 169 56 166 56 162 c 0
+ 56 149 63 137 86 137 c 0
+ 134 137 248 221 274 287 c 1
+ 259 285 l 2
+ 229 285 208 301 208 327 c 0
+ 208 331 209 337 211 342 c 2
+ 217 358 l 2
+ 239 397 271 409 297 409 c 0
+ 332 409 358 384 358 342 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_tta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_dd_ba
+Encoding: 60889 -1 2466
+Width: 522
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+180 -14 m 1
+ 235 -14 251 -26 261 -37 c 1
+ 277 23 l 1
+ 272 23 268 23 264 22 c 0
+ 235 22 196 -2 180 -14 c 1
+436 338 m 1
+ 426 317 327 238 271 238 c 0
+ 237 238 230 264 227 274 c 2
+ 220 303 l 1
+ 277 508 l 1
+ 79 508 l 1
+ 93 558 l 1
+ 640 558 l 1
+ 626 508 l 1
+ 326 508 l 1
+ 272 314 l 1
+ 312 314 380 369 402 393 c 2
+ 414 406 l 1
+ 431 420 l 1
+ 441 413 l 2
+ 445 411 447 409 449 406 c 2
+ 463 384 l 2
+ 476 358 482 333 482 305 c 0
+ 482 227 429 129 352 90 c 2
+ 336 82 l 1
+ 282 -110 l 1
+ 273 -102 l 2
+ 248 -73 211 -55 176 -51 c 2
+ 139 -49 l 1
+ 114 -4 l 1
+ 140 15 215 58 231 62 c 1
+ 223 62 l 2
+ 137 62 116 129 107 155 c 2
+ 89 218 l 1
+ 81 293 l 2
+ 81 299 l 0
+ 81 345 88 383 92 403 c 2
+ 104 478 l 1
+ 129 462 l 1
+ 122 436 119 406 119 377 c 0
+ 119 314 132 252 146 225 c 2
+ 166 190 l 2
+ 187 158 239 148 263 148 c 0
+ 324 148 402 180 442 265 c 2
+ 447 281 l 2
+ 447 284 447 288 447 292 c 0
+ 447 305 445 323 436 338 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_dda bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_nn_ba
+Encoding: 60890 -1 2467
+Width: 450
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+239 157 m 2
+ 208 138 l 2
+ 200 133 187 123 169 108 c 1
+ 208 98 230 84 247 52 c 1
+ 283 180 l 1
+ 265 171 251 164 239 157 c 2
+134 249 m 2
+ 79 249 44 290 44 351 c 0
+ 44 433 99 533 213 556 c 2
+ 251 560 l 2
+ 264 560 274 558 283 554 c 2
+ 301 544 l 2
+ 309 541 314 533 319 520 c 2
+ 329 501 l 2
+ 339 482 346 464 351 440 c 2
+ 363 390 l 1
+ 367 418 l 2
+ 372 462 377 498 383 521 c 2
+ 403 593 l 1
+ 407 605 l 1
+ 419 655 l 1
+ 432 635 l 1
+ 437 616 l 1
+ 437 613 437 611 437 609 c 0
+ 437 597 439 586 443 579 c 2
+ 464 558 l 1
+ 535 558 l 1
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 428 508 l 1
+ 272 -54 l 1
+ 242 -42 l 1
+ 237 -16 220 62 131 62 c 1
+ 112 125 l 1
+ 175 163 180 169 222 194 c 2
+ 270 221 l 2
+ 283 228 292 233 298 235 c 1
+ 325 334 l 2
+ 330 350 332 365 332 379 c 0
+ 332 436 298 477 257 487 c 2
+ 235 489 l 2
+ 180 489 129 439 119 402 c 2
+ 113 385 l 2
+ 111 375 109 366 109 357 c 0
+ 109 342 114 329 123 318 c 1
+ 145 313 l 1
+ 146 325 l 1
+ 148 338 l 2
+ 158 371 190 379 208 379 c 0
+ 219 379 245 379 251 340 c 2
+ 249 318 l 2
+ 241 290 198 249 144 249 c 2
+ 134 249 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_nna bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_t_ba
+Encoding: 60891 -1 2468
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+241 -9 m 1
+ 293 -9 311 -21 321 -32 c 1
+ 338 28 l 1
+ 333 28 329 28 325 27 c 0
+ 296 27 257 3 241 -9 c 1
+89 558 m 1
+ 665 558 l 1
+ 651 508 l 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+525 255 m 0
+ 498 158 411 99 400 99 c 1
+ 343 -105 l 1
+ 333 -97 l 2
+ 315 -76 325 -88 308 -75 c 2
+ 297 -67 l 2
+ 288 -59 261 -49 236 -46 c 2
+ 200 -44 l 1
+ 174 1 l 1
+ 186 10 241 44 252 49 c 2
+ 270 57 l 2
+ 276 60 293 67 298 69 c 1
+ 280 69 l 2
+ 257 69 235 74 213 85 c 2
+ 189 99 l 2
+ 182 104 177 108 174 113 c 2
+ 161 131 l 2
+ 158 134 155 139 152 146 c 2
+ 140 171 l 1
+ 118 233 l 2
+ 114 239 109 274 108 277 c 2
+ 93 397 l 2
+ 92 411 92 423 92 435 c 0
+ 92 450 93 464 94 479 c 1
+ 120 467 l 1
+ 136 361 l 2
+ 139 346 143 334 145 325 c 2
+ 166 260 l 2
+ 176 237 180 232 182 224 c 2
+ 194 203 l 2
+ 199 196 203 191 207 187 c 2
+ 231 163 l 2
+ 249 152 279 148 291 148 c 0
+ 414 148 480 257 489 287 c 2
+ 493 302 l 2
+ 494.172 306.686 494.657 310.343 494.657 313.976 c 0
+ 494.657 316.544 494.414 319.1 494 322 c 2
+ 493 335 l 2
+ 488 367 464 397 434 397 c 0
+ 424 397 413 395 400 392 c 1
+ 405 382 407 372 407 361 c 0
+ 407 326 384 278 334 267 c 2
+ 315 264 l 1
+ 298 263 l 2
+ 250 263 243 302 243 327 c 0
+ 243 333 244 339 244 342 c 2
+ 247 361 l 2
+ 252 379 262 395 275 409 c 2
+ 300 431 l 2
+ 328 453 361 464 393 464 c 2
+ 415 462 l 1
+ 437 458 l 2
+ 495 443 534 389 534 316 c 0
+ 534 297 531 276 525 255 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ta bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_th_ba
+Encoding: 60892 -1 2469
+Width: 477
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+263 28 m 2
+ 232 9 l 2
+ 222 3 209 -7 192 -21 c 1
+ 229 -30 254 -45 271 -77 c 1
+ 308 52 l 1
+ 290 43 276 35 263 28 c 2
+491 619 m 1
+ 490 601 485 595 485 578 c 0
+ 485 569 487 561 493 558 c 1
+ 580 558 l 1
+ 566 508 l 1
+ 482 508 l 1
+ 290 -184 l 1
+ 261 -172 l 1
+ 255 -145 238 -68 149 -68 c 1
+ 131 -5 l 1
+ 161 14 249 70 271 82 c 2
+ 295 95 l 1
+ 297 96 l 1
+ 274 145 224 189 152 202 c 2
+ 105 205 l 1
+ 55 309 l 1
+ 82 308 l 1
+ 122 315 l 2
+ 196 321 322 401 322 463 c 0
+ 322 497 287 506 274 506 c 0
+ 267 506 260 505 257 504 c 2
+ 203 480 l 2
+ 190 473 181 467 176 461 c 1
+ 185 444 l 2
+ 188 437 190 430 190 423 c 0
+ 190 399 170 378 151 369 c 2
+ 137 362 l 1
+ 111 358 l 2
+ 80 358 63 378 63 406 c 0
+ 63 413 64 421 66 429 c 2
+ 72 443 l 1
+ 82 462 l 2
+ 135 545 241 558 276 558 c 0
+ 318 558 368 523 368 461 c 0
+ 368 370 284 304 199 259 c 1
+ 208 257 214 253 219 246 c 2
+ 241 230 l 2
+ 267 214 317 144 325 117 c 1
+ 473 651 l 1
+ 491 619 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_d_ba
+Encoding: 60893 -1 2470
+Width: 392
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+199 183 m 1
+ 167 165 l 1
+ 187 158 199 152 213 137 c 2
+ 237 109 l 1
+ 245 91 l 1
+ 281 223 l 1
+ 199 183 l 1
+121 346 m 1
+ 143 370 l 2
+ 200 427 287 461 307 461 c 0
+ 363 461 370 397 371 377 c 0
+ 343 236 299 112 264 -23 c 1
+ 247 6 l 1
+ 236 42 l 2
+ 235 49 230 57 220 68 c 2
+ 205 81 l 1
+ 183 98 l 2
+ 166 111 145 118 122 118 c 1
+ 83 178 l 1
+ 193 247 l 1
+ 259 284 l 1
+ 304 307 l 1
+ 324 367 l 1
+ 325 377 l 2
+ 325 386 322 390 317 391 c 0
+ 302 391 280 384 252 370 c 2
+ 198 337 l 2
+ 136 294 97 238 79 211 c 1
+ 47 266 l 1
+ 114 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 481 558 l 1
+ 467 508 l 1
+ 166 508 l 1
+ 121 346 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_da bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_dh_ba
+Encoding: 60894 -1 2471
+Width: 750
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+399 355 m 1
+ 426 371 456 384 484 399 c 2
+ 582 441 l 2
+ 620 457 639 463 680 474 c 1
+ 689 508 l 1
+ 441 508 l 1
+ 399 355 l 1
+303 377 m 2
+ 246 347 l 1
+ 198 319 l 1
+ 151 286 l 1
+ 174 272 l 2
+ 243 232 274 161 286 129 c 1
+ 361 401 l 1
+ 342 394 322 386 303 377 c 2
+534 347 m 2
+ 437 294 l 1
+ 460 283 504 260 533 220 c 2
+ 558 188 l 2
+ 565 179 572 164 585 131 c 1
+ 658 394 l 1
+ 617 381 576 366 534 347 c 2
+190 497 m 1
+ 180 492 174 469 174 462 c 0
+ 174 446 183 417 225 417 c 0
+ 233 417 238 418 241 419 c 2
+ 387 492 l 1
+ 405 558 l 1
+ 845 558 l 1
+ 831 508 l 1
+ 738 508 l 1
+ 595 -9 l 1
+ 579 29 l 1
+ 575 54 l 2
+ 559 149 483 230 378 230 c 1
+ 370 250 l 1
+ 295 -18 l 1
+ 289 6 l 1
+ 282 57 l 2
+ 277 103 202 188 171 198 c 0
+ 151 209 121 217 84 222 c 1
+ 47 301 l 1
+ 199 395 l 1
+ 181 395 131 397 120 441 c 2
+ 116 458 l 1
+ 120 484 l 2
+ 132 527 171 564 233 564 c 0
+ 261 564 275 545 275 530 c 0
+ 275 524 l 2
+ 270 514 l 2
+ 260 497 249 485 214 485 c 0
+ 211 485 208 485 205 486 c 2
+ 202 486 200 487 198 489 c 2
+ 190 497 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_dha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_n_ba
+Encoding: 60895 -1 2472
+Width: 450
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+314 268 m 1
+ 224 224 208 211 184 192 c 1
+ 223 183 236 175 247 166 c 2
+ 263 151 l 2
+ 268 146 273 140 276 134 c 1
+ 314 268 l 1
+315 365 m 1
+ 351 377 390 405 390 469 c 0
+ 390 489 383 508 361 508 c 2
+ 46 508 l 1
+ 60 558 l 1
+ 578 558 l 1
+ 564 508 l 1
+ 429 508 l 1
+ 435 489 437 467 437 447 c 0
+ 437 377 399 340 383 331 c 1
+ 298 27 l 1
+ 264 40 l 1
+ 256 69 235 148 132 148 c 1
+ 109 214 l 1
+ 234 286 l 2
+ 246 293 258 299 268 304 c 2
+ 295 318 l 1
+ 285.833 321.056 281.918 323.528 281.918 328.537 c 0
+ 281.918 330.085 282.292 331.875 283 334 c 1
+ 279 336 271 340 268 346 c 2
+ 250 368 l 1
+ 236 381 l 1
+ 223 390 l 2
+ 212 397 202 401 191 402 c 1
+ 188 398 l 1
+ 195 389 198 381 198 372 c 0
+ 198 342 155 295 120 295 c 0
+ 102 295 70 304 70 343 c 0
+ 70 364 88 449 184 449 c 0
+ 246 449 313 383 315 365 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_na bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_p_ba
+Encoding: 60896 -1 2473
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+346 152 m 2
+ 315 133 l 2
+ 306 128 293 118 276 103 c 1
+ 312 94 337 79 354 47 c 1
+ 391 176 l 1
+ 373 167 359 159 346 152 c 2
+356 472 m 2
+ 342 484 l 2
+ 335 492 321 496 300 496 c 0
+ 232 496 195 464 169 432 c 1
+ 214 432 221 399 221 375 c 0
+ 221 366 220 359 220 355 c 2
+ 214 343 l 1
+ 365 460 l 1
+ 364 464 361 468 356 472 c 2
+424 294 m 1
+ 422 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 402 399 c 2
+ 392 407 l 1
+ 174 237 l 1
+ 110 263 l 1
+ 166 309 l 2
+ 181 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 178 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 155 381 96 368 c 2
+ 94 368 l 2
+ 83 368 64 380 64 399 c 0
+ 64 406 66 412 70 419 c 2
+ 82 435 l 2
+ 116 474 180 550 297 550 c 0
+ 412 550 443 446 443 404 c 0
+ 443 402 443 400 443 399 c 0
+ 443 393 443 387 445 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 515 624 l 1
+ 530 613 l 1
+ 532 608 l 1
+ 530 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 530 574 533 570 c 1
+ 556 558 l 1
+ 624 558 l 1
+ 610 508 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 373 -62 l 1
+ 343 -50 l 1
+ 338 -23 321 54 232 54 c 1
+ 214 117 l 1
+ 252 142 386 228 404 228 c 2
+ 405 228 l 1
+ 424 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_pa bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_b_ba
+Encoding: 60897 -1 2474
+Width: 709
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+735 510 m 1
+ 589 -14 l 1
+ 574 24 l 1
+ 570 49 l 1
+ 564 72 l 2
+ 550 136 515 169 457 202 c 2
+ 432 215 l 2
+ 422 219 406 225 373 225 c 1
+ 363 249 l 1
+ 304 34 l 1
+ 289 66 l 1
+ 283 92 l 2
+ 274 131 260 158 232 184 c 2
+ 208 205 l 1
+ 172 231 l 2
+ 154 241 134 246 111 246 c 1
+ 78 326 l 1
+ 181 380 l 1
+ 372 462 l 1
+ 386 510 l 1
+ 62 510 l 1
+ 76 560 l 1
+ 844 560 l 1
+ 830 510 l 1
+ 735 510 l 1
+390 346 m 1
+ 511 402 l 1
+ 674 466 l 1
+ 686 510 l 1
+ 436 510 l 1
+ 390 346 l 1
+591 368 m 2
+ 528 342 l 1
+ 431 289 l 1
+ 449 289 512 239 529 218 c 2
+ 560 176 l 1
+ 571 154 l 2
+ 574 147 578 139 580 130 c 1
+ 652 389 l 1
+ 632 383 612 376 591 368 c 2
+295 363 m 1
+ 277 356 l 2
+ 270 354 262 351 252 347 c 2
+ 163 298 l 1
+ 189 286 197 279 203 274 c 2
+ 230 252 l 2
+ 257 230 277 200 289 162 c 1
+ 350 380 l 1
+ 295 363 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ba bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_bh_ba
+Encoding: 60898 -1 2475
+Width: 534
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+311 54 m 2
+ 307 54 301 54 289 50 c 2
+ 276 45 l 2
+ 256 39 244 31 227 18 c 1
+ 283 18 284 7 297 4 c 1
+ 307 -5 l 1
+ 324 55 l 1
+ 319 55 315 55 311 54 c 2
+196 354 m 0
+ 196 413 240 460 309 460 c 0
+ 329 460 350 443 350 415 c 0
+ 350 390 335 365 315 353 c 1
+ 338 357 l 2
+ 386 379 426 411 454 454 c 1
+ 478 439 523 401 523 331 c 0
+ 523 243 459 151 380 107 c 1
+ 329 -78 l 1
+ 319 -70 l 2
+ 294 -41 258 -23 222 -19 c 2
+ 186 -17 l 1
+ 160 28 l 1
+ 169 35 180 42 193 49 c 2
+ 227 70 l 1
+ 244 78 l 1
+ 142 96 81 179 76 370 c 2
+ 72 461 l 1
+ 102 451 l 1
+ 114 173 235 156 300 156 c 0
+ 389 156 478 257 478 329 c 0
+ 478 346 473 361 463 374 c 1
+ 441 345 374 279 279 279 c 0
+ 232 279 196 307 196 354 c 0
+73 558 m 1
+ 639 558 l 1
+ 625 508 l 1
+ 59 508 l 1
+ 73 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_bha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_m_ba
+Encoding: 60899 -1 2476
+Width: 456
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+188 363 m 1
+ 176 321 142 298 112 298 c 0
+ 97.6166 298 63 302.055 63 336 c 0
+ 63 361 82 400 131 413 c 1
+ 144.687 418.988 145.272 418.1 158 428 c 1
+ 159.933 439.116 163.5 451.036 163.5 462.875 c 0
+ 163.5 479.287 157.216 508 144 508 c 2
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 545 558 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 430 508 l 1
+ 439 494 444 477 444 456 c 0
+ 444 386.011 401.101 332.308 347 304 c 1
+ 254 -31 l 1
+ 225 -16 l 1
+ 218 17 l 2
+ 211 40 186 99 105 99 c 1
+ 97 190 l 1
+ 281 291 l 1
+ 238 291 210 326.1 188 363 c 1
+311 355 m 0
+ 365 355 396 411 396 469 c 0
+ 396 498 383 507 376 508 c 2
+ 203 508 l 1
+ 205.201 490.394 215.392 484.516 215.392 469.373 c 0
+ 215.392 456.86 208 445.318 208 432 c 0
+ 208 401.843 285.516 355 311 355 c 0
+158 158 m 1
+ 191.797 150.758 217.801 100.914 236 63 c 1
+ 283 230 l 1
+ 242.131 205.203 201.442 180.225 158 158 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ma bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_m_b_ra
+Encoding: 60900 -1 2477
+Width: 504
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+271 186 m 1
+ 219 158 l 1
+ 234 155 257 144 274 113 c 2
+ 298 63 l 1
+ 344 230 l 1
+ 271 186 l 1
+373 355 m 0
+ 445 355 458 444 458 469 c 0
+ 458 498 444 507 438 508 c 2
+ 265 508 l 1
+ 267 498 l 2
+ 268 495 269 491 271 488 c 2
+ 277 473 l 2
+ 277.268 471.928 277.392 470.713 277.392 469.373 c 0
+ 277.392 465.713 276.464 461.124 275 456 c 2
+ 271 441 l 2
+ 270 438 269 436 269 433 c 0
+ 269 426 274 416 295 397 c 2
+ 317 377 l 2
+ 345 359 360 355 373 355 c 0
+249 363 m 1
+ 238 321 204 298 173 298 c 2
+ 167 298 l 2
+ 158 298 125 305 125 336 c 0
+ 125 385 176 409 193 413 c 2
+ 209 420 l 2
+ 211 421 219 428 219 428 c 1
+ 224 451 l 2
+ 225 455 225.5 459 225.5 462.875 c 0
+ 225.5 466.75 225 470.5 224 474 c 2
+ 220 493 l 2
+ 217 503 213 508 206 508 c 2
+ 81 508 l 1
+ 94 558 l 1
+ 606 558 l 1
+ 593 508 l 1
+ 492 508 l 1
+ 501 494 506 476 506 457 c 0
+ 506 444 504 431 501 418 c 2
+ 497 406 l 2
+ 493 392 483 363 459 342 c 2
+ 435 321 l 2
+ 422.699 309.929 419.5 309 409 304 c 1
+ 291 -123 l 1
+ 277 -107 l 1
+ 268 -70 l 2
+ 259 -51 243 -41 223 -41 c 2
+ 149 -41 l 2
+ 142 -41 134 -41 127 -42 c 2
+ 105 -42 l 2
+ 98 -43 92 -43 87 -43 c 0
+ 81 -44 77 -44 75 -44 c 0
+ -5 -44 -29 -2 -29 44 c 0
+ -29 86 -7 136 5 157 c 2
+ 17 173 l 1
+ 28 153 l 1
+ 27 152 23 146 19 136 c 2
+ 11 112 l 2
+ 8 102 6 91 6 82 c 0
+ 6 63 13 47 36 37 c 2
+ 74 26 l 2
+ 81 25 85 24 89 24 c 2
+ 124 24 l 2
+ 138 24 151 24 162 23 c 2
+ 213 23 l 2
+ 229 23 256 12 262 -5 c 2
+ 267 -14 l 2
+ 269 -17 271 -22 273 -29 c 1
+ 282 6 l 1
+ 277 25 l 1
+ 270 41 l 2
+ 248 80 214 99 167 99 c 1
+ 158 190 l 1
+ 342 291 l 1
+ 315 296 290.5 312.5 277 326 c 0
+ 249 363 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_l_ba
+Encoding: 60901 -1 2478
+Width: 543
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+393 180 m 1
+ 315 140 306 129 279 108 c 1
+ 316 99 341 84 358 52 c 1
+ 393 180 l 1
+263 263 m 0
+ 263 193 185 180 165 180 c 0
+ 158 180 152 181 145 182 c 2
+ 125 186 l 2
+ 90 197 58 224 58 275 c 0
+ 58 288 60 303 65 319 c 2
+ 77 352 l 2
+ 107 419 167 460 212 460 c 0
+ 237 460 257 454 275 442 c 2
+ 294 421 l 1
+ 306 398 l 1
+ 312 420 361 455 383 457 c 0
+ 402 457 416 451 424 440 c 2
+ 442 401 l 1
+ 447 373 l 1
+ 484 508 l 1
+ 71 508 l 1
+ 85 559 l 1
+ 646 559 l 1
+ 632 508 l 1
+ 536 508 l 1
+ 380 -57 l 1
+ 350 -45 l 1
+ 344 -18 328 59 239 59 c 1
+ 220 122 l 1
+ 330 191 l 1
+ 380 220 l 2
+ 393 227 402 231 408 232 c 1
+ 432 321 l 2
+ 433 324 434 327 434 331 c 0
+ 434 354 417 385 380 385 c 0
+ 354 381 340 360 332 330 c 2
+ 329 305 l 1
+ 306 297 l 1
+ 302 321 l 2
+ 290 367 276 375 241 384 c 2
+ 221 387 l 2
+ 187 387 143 369 114 317 c 2
+ 105 296 l 2
+ 104 292 103 286 103 278 c 0
+ 103 259 111 234 153 228 c 1
+ 149 236 147 244 147 252 c 0
+ 147 294 193 321 220 321 c 0
+ 256 321 263 288 263 263 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_la bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_sh_ba
+Encoding: 60902 -1 2479
+Width: 507
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+254 100 m 1
+ 275 94 315 76 333 41 c 1
+ 369 168 l 1
+ 332 149 l 2
+ 300 136 269 113 254 100 c 1
+422 359 m 2
+ 423 363 423 368 423 373 c 0
+ 423 412 394 477 357 477 c 0
+ 317 477 298 446 296 438 c 1
+ 302 435 308 430 314 421 c 2
+ 325 408 l 2
+ 343 392 347 375 347 361 c 0
+ 347 347 340 330 338 326 c 2
+ 327 308 l 2
+ 307 280 275 277 262 277 c 0
+ 239 277 220 288 206 311 c 2
+ 201 327 l 1
+ 191 314 l 2
+ 168 290 122 277 106 277 c 0
+ 72 277 64 313 63 324 c 2
+ 66 349 l 2
+ 71 367 72 369 99 395 c 2
+ 126 418 l 1
+ 158 439 l 2
+ 165 444 172 447 179 448 c 1
+ 163 490 l 1
+ 150 499 l 2
+ 142 504 134 507 127 507 c 2
+ 62 507 l 1
+ 26 557 l 1
+ 129 557 l 2
+ 152 557 171 551 185 539 c 2
+ 201 515 l 1
+ 211 491 l 2
+ 214 481 216 472 216 464 c 1
+ 236 491 261 530 341 554 c 2
+ 365 559 l 2
+ 380 559 398 538 419 490 c 2
+ 432 451 l 2
+ 441 426 447 404 450 391 c 1
+ 469 530 l 1
+ 502 647 l 1
+ 512 635 l 1
+ 524 614 l 2
+ 525.652 610.697 526.394 607.394 526.394 603.924 c 0
+ 526.394 601.091 525.899 598.146 525 595 c 2
+ 522 580 l 1
+ 523 573 529 563 550 558 c 2
+ 617 558 l 1
+ 603 508 l 1
+ 517 508 l 1
+ 354 -78 l 1
+ 329 -55 l 1
+ 311 0 271 42 209 42 c 1
+ 186 118 l 1
+ 293 183 l 2
+ 327 202 358 219 386 232 c 1
+ 422 359 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_s_ba
+Encoding: 60903 -1 2480
+Width: 532
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+108 427 m 1
+ 129 425 125 398 146 398 c 0
+ 175 398 232 459 241 492 c 0
+ 241.766 494.299 242.141 496.402 242.141 498.276 c 0
+ 242.141 503.739 238.956 507.255 233 508 c 2
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 629 558 l 1
+ 615 508 l 1
+ 516 508 l 1
+ 508 504 l 1
+ 513 498 516 489 516 478 c 0
+ 516 469 514 459 510 446 c 2
+ 505 426 l 2
+ 495 411 483 378 442 358 c 2
+ 414 344 l 1
+ 318 -1 l 1
+ 290 14 l 1
+ 287 27 284 38 282 47 c 2
+ 272 71 l 2
+ 250 110 217 129 170 129 c 1
+ 160 222 l 1
+ 380 342 l 1
+ 385 342 l 1
+ 315 358 287 399 287 438 c 0
+ 287 446 288 453 290 460 c 1
+ 288 455 285 450 280 444 c 2
+ 245 396 l 1
+ 216 363 l 2
+ 189 336 165 328 153 328 c 0
+ 132 328 115 347 108 355 c 2
+ 94 379 l 2
+ 91.0718 387.053 89.2154 393.497 89.2154 398.335 c 0
+ 89.2154 400.105 89.4641 401.66 90 403 c 1
+ 108 427 l 1
+403 410 m 2
+ 418 410 474 422 474 470 c 0
+ 474 488 466 506 456 508 c 2
+ 329 508 l 1
+ 327 501 326 493 326 485 c 0
+ 326 448 347 409 394 409 c 2
+ 403 410 l 2
+274 216 m 1
+ 222 188 l 1
+ 242 184 261 169 276 143 c 2
+ 301 93 l 1
+ 347 260 l 1
+ 274 216 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sa bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_h_ba
+Encoding: 60904 -1 2481
+Width: 762
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+552 347 m 2
+ 455 294 l 1
+ 478 283 522 260 551 220 c 2
+ 576 188 l 2
+ 583 179 590 164 603 131 c 1
+ 676 394 l 1
+ 635 381 594 366 552 347 c 2
+291 498 m 0
+ 291 494 291 491 291 488 c 0
+ 291 453 324 484 374 432 c 0
+ 385 421 408 392 409 352 c 1
+ 502 399 l 1
+ 600 441 l 2
+ 638 457 657 463 698 474 c 1
+ 707 508 l 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 503 291 503 291 498 c 0
+199 240 m 2
+ 239 247 366 284 366 351 c 0
+ 366 373 355 410 298 410 c 0
+ 290 410 282 409 273 407 c 1
+ 260 366 207 316 151 313 c 0
+ 130 313 105 329 105 357 c 0
+ 105 395 155 439 206 455 c 2
+ 248 468 l 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 475 c 0
+ 252 490 229 505 219 508 c 2
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 863 558 l 1
+ 849 508 l 1
+ 756 508 l 1
+ 613 -9 l 1
+ 597 29 l 1
+ 593 54 l 2
+ 588 82 574 137 538 167 c 2
+ 510 188 l 1
+ 482 207 l 2
+ 443 229 419 230 401 230 c 0
+ 399 230 398 230 396 230 c 1
+ 379 269 l 1
+ 343 220 289 192 221 169 c 1
+ 231 134 284 157 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 373 -58 l 2
+ 324 7 219 120 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 80 250 152 240 186 240 c 2
+ 199 240 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_baphala
+StartChar: bn_h_ba1
+Encoding: 60905 -1 2482
+Width: 419
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+256 18 m 2
+ 182 -21 l 1
+ 166 -32 l 2
+ 160 -36 156 -39 153 -40 c 1
+ 165 -43 175 -49 185 -59 c 2
+ 201 -77 l 2
+ 224 -102 232 -112 236 -122 c 1
+ 278 28 l 1
+ 268 24 262 21 256 18 c 2
+425 353 m 0
+ 425 280 373 217 239 169 c 1
+ 241 160 l 1
+ 284 133 l 1
+ 319 101 l 1
+ 341 77 l 2
+ 348 70 353 63 358 56 c 2
+ 406 -16 l 1
+ 406 -84 l 1
+ 391 -58 l 2
+ 355 -4 330 8 319 23 c 1
+ 255 -210 l 1
+ 240 -198 l 1
+ 225 -160 l 2
+ 221 -144 186 -92 107 -92 c 1
+ 81 -32 l 1
+ 101 -20 162 20 217 49 c 2
+ 258 70 l 1
+ 247 78 l 2
+ 190 118 150 135 76 151 c 1
+ 58 286 l 1
+ 98 249 165 240 194 240 c 2
+ 216 240 l 1
+ 235 243 l 2
+ 251 243 312 269 330 283 c 2
+ 355 299 l 2
+ 382 321 385 344 385 355 c 0
+ 385 399 331 411 313 411 c 0
+ 304 411 296 410 291 407 c 1
+ 285 388 275 372 259 357 c 2
+ 226 333 l 2
+ 206 318 189 313 169 313 c 0
+ 131 313 123 341 123 356 c 0
+ 123 360 123 363 124 365 c 2
+ 128 379 l 2
+ 132 393 168 436 224 455 c 2
+ 266 468 l 1
+ 268 470 269 471 269 475 c 0
+ 269 490 246 505 237 508 c 2
+ 93 508 l 1
+ 106 558 l 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 308 508 l 1
+ 309 483 l 2
+ 309 467 320 469 323 467 c 1
+ 348 467 425 430 425 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_kh_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60906 -1 2483
+Width: 687
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+482 369 m 0
+ 482 386 495 438 579 448 c 0
+ 598 448 613 442 623 431 c 2
+ 641 414 l 2
+ 647 407 654 395 654 373 c 0
+ 654 325 629 274 588 251 c 2
+ 558 237 l 1
+ 532 233 l 2
+ 519 233 509 235 500 239 c 2
+ 473 260 l 2
+ 463 268 449 282 436 300 c 2
+ 422 319 l 1
+ 314 -70 l 1
+ 299 -54 l 1
+ 286 -16 l 2
+ 275 3 257 13 234 13 c 2
+ 124 13 l 1
+ 99 11 l 2
+ 92 11 85 11 78 10 c 2
+ 66 10 l 2
+ -32 10 -57 56 -57 102 c 0
+ -57 125 -46 177 -22 213 c 2
+ -10 229 l 1
+ 5 209 l 1
+ 3 208 0 202 -5 192 c 2
+ -14 167 l 2
+ -17 157 -18 148 -18 140 c 0
+ -18 119 -9 102 17 92 c 2
+ 61 81 l 2
+ 76 79 86 78 91 78 c 1
+ 95 79 97 79 99 79 c 2
+ 119 79 l 2
+ 162 79 166 77 197 77 c 2
+ 220 77 l 2
+ 237 77 276 70 291 24 c 1
+ 310 92 l 1
+ 309 98 309 101 305 107 c 2
+ 302 117 l 2
+ 301 122 298 127 296 131 c 2
+ 290 142 l 2
+ 254 192 197 224 121 235 c 1
+ 66 338 l 1
+ 107 334 l 1
+ 145 337 l 1
+ 185 345 l 2
+ 217 354 314 387 314 450 c 0
+ 314 456 313 462 309 468 c 2
+ 299 478 l 1
+ 245 438 l 1
+ 229 430 l 2
+ 202 417 142 399 118 399 c 0
+ 70 399 61 428 61 446 c 0
+ 61 451 62 455 63 458 c 2
+ 67 473 l 2
+ 86 517 119 521 131 521 c 0
+ 160 521 169 510 169 493 c 0
+ 169 488 168 482 167 476 c 1
+ 199 482 l 1
+ 295 554 l 1
+ 341 502 l 2
+ 347 493 361 465 361 435 c 0
+ 361 386 319 341 269 310 c 2
+ 237 294 l 1
+ 213 285 l 1
+ 240 268 l 1
+ 265 246 l 2
+ 290 221 310 188 317 171 c 2
+ 326 148 l 1
+ 465 649 l 1
+ 489 631 l 1
+ 482 600 l 1
+ 481 573 l 1
+ 483 569 487 566 493 563 c 1
+ 574 558 l 1
+ 774 558 l 1
+ 761 508 l 1
+ 475 508 l 1
+ 434 363 l 1
+ 443 348 l 2
+ 452 330 479 291 520 283 c 0
+ 558 283 579 306 593 330 c 2
+ 601 348 l 2
+ 603 354 604 360 604 365 c 0
+ 604 381 596 395 584 403 c 1
+ 581 378 l 2
+ 575 359 566 345 518 334 c 2
+ 513 334 l 2
+ 499 334 482 347 482 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_kh_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_kh_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60907 -1 2484
+Width: 627
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+131 521 m 0
+ 160 521 169 510 169 493 c 0
+ 169 488 168 482 167 476 c 1
+ 199 482 l 1
+ 295 554 l 1
+ 341 502 l 2
+ 347 493 361 465 361 435 c 0
+ 361 386 319 341 269 310 c 2
+ 237 294 l 1
+ 213 285 l 1
+ 240 268 l 1
+ 265 246 l 2
+ 290 221 310 188 317 171 c 2
+ 326 148 l 1
+ 465 649 l 1
+ 489 631 l 1
+ 482 600 l 1
+ 481 573 l 2
+ 483 561 486 560 488 558 c 1
+ 715 558 l 1
+ 702 510 l 1
+ 561 510 l 1
+ 561 508 l 1
+ 475 508 l 1
+ 431 351 l 1
+ 497 378 l 1
+ 514 372 l 1
+ 536 359 l 2
+ 544 352 546 350 549 336 c 2
+ 553 311 l 1
+ 506 205 482 111 482 59 c 0
+ 482 58 l 2
+ 481 5 l 1
+ 433 42 l 1
+ 437 78 l 2
+ 442 107 442 112 449 137 c 2
+ 487 274 l 2
+ 490.137 286.024 491.634 293.675 491.634 298.525 c 0
+ 491.634 302.952 490.386 305.046 488 306 c 1
+ 476 295 443 284 410 276 c 1
+ 314 -70 l 1
+ 299 -54 l 1
+ 286 -16 l 2
+ 275 3 257 13 234 13 c 2
+ 124 13 l 1
+ 99 11 l 2
+ 92 11 85 11 78 10 c 2
+ 66 10 l 2
+ -32 10 -57 56 -57 102 c 0
+ -57 125 -46 177 -22 213 c 2
+ -10 229 l 1
+ 5 209 l 1
+ 3 208 0 202 -5 192 c 2
+ -14 167 l 2
+ -17 157 -18 148 -18 140 c 0
+ -18 119 -9 102 17 92 c 2
+ 61 81 l 2
+ 76 79 86 78 91 78 c 1
+ 95 79 97 79 99 79 c 2
+ 119 79 l 2
+ 162 79 166 77 197 77 c 2
+ 220 77 l 2
+ 237 77 276 70 291 24 c 1
+ 310 92 l 1
+ 309 98 309 101 305 107 c 2
+ 302 117 l 2
+ 301 122 298 127 296 131 c 2
+ 290 142 l 2
+ 254 192 197 224 121 235 c 1
+ 66 338 l 1
+ 107 334 l 1
+ 145 337 l 1
+ 185 345 l 2
+ 217 354 314 387 314 450 c 0
+ 314 456 313 462 309 468 c 2
+ 299 478 l 1
+ 245 438 l 1
+ 229 430 l 2
+ 202 417 142 399 118 399 c 0
+ 70 399 61 428 61 446 c 0
+ 61 451 62 455 63 458 c 2
+ 67 473 l 2
+ 86 517 119 521 131 521 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_kh_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_g_ukaar
+Encoding: 60908 -1 2485
+Width: 512
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 449 m 0
+ 262 449 303 430 303 397 c 0
+ 303 376.343 279.892 327.797 180 256 c 1
+ 132 309 l 1
+ 242.333 381.667 250.62 387 250.62 394.994 c 0
+ 250.62 401.508 242.855 405 238 405 c 0
+ 207 405 183 388 148 388 c 0
+ 130 388 120 397 120 414 c 0
+ 120 461.527 204.804 544 273 544 c 0
+ 349.331 544 360.573 470.829 362 448 c 1
+ 436 558 l 1
+ 481 389 l 2
+ 483 381 484 374 484 363 c 0
+ 484 307 472 274 405 236 c 1
+ 409.967 228.798 413 219.667 413 207 c 1
+ 394.554 64.0397 297.881 51 281 51 c 0
+ 93.7886 51 46.9858 194.105 46.9858 377.683 c 0
+ 46.9858 395.731 47.731 398.579 60 509 c 1
+ 89 485 l 1
+ 87.5 477.5 83 435.5 83 393 c 0
+ 83 246.887 178.558 127 277 127 c 0
+ 303.688 127 372.995 132.954 381 201 c 1
+ 366 192 351 187 339 187 c 0
+ 327 187 291 193 291 236 c 0
+ 291 293 348 308 363 308 c 0
+ 373.932 308 383 305 400 296 c 1
+ 419.333 296 444 306.211 444 350 c 0
+ 444 385 434 437 421 441 c 1
+ 347 360 l 1
+ 349 368 349 377 349 384 c 0
+ 349 440 319 481 282 481 c 0
+ 251 481 237 477 199 441 c 1
+ 214.37 444.964 230 449 249 449 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ga bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_g_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60909 -1 2486
+Width: 705
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+494 370 m 0
+ 494 401 528 448 591 448 c 0
+ 628 448 666 413 666 373 c 0
+ 666 346 638 233 544 233 c 1
+ 521 233 492 237 430 324 c 1
+ 329 -42 l 1
+ 313 -31 307 -9 301 12 c 1
+ 290 31 273 41 249 41 c 0
+ 81 41 90 38 81 38 c 0
+ -18 38 -43 85 -43 130 c 0
+ -43 143 -38 204 5 257 c 1
+ 19 237 l 1
+ 13 231 -4 196 -4 168 c 0
+ -4 112 90 107 113 107 c 2
+ 234 105 l 2
+ 270 105 297 82 308 47 c 1
+ 385 324 l 18
+ 385.573 326.067 386 328 386 330 c 1
+ 386 360 379 493 266 493 c 0
+ 218 493 181 480 135 418 c 1
+ 153 422 170 427 193 427 c 0
+ 224 423 271 419 271 368 c 0
+ 271 331 241 283 131 182 c 1
+ 91 247 l 1
+ 122 268 230 351 230 373 c 0
+ 230 381 223 391 208 391 c 0
+ 186 391 122 349 99 349 c 0
+ 81 349 59 368 59 399 c 0
+ 59 451 134 553 246 553 c 0
+ 381 553 410 458 414 364 c 1
+ 420 419 l 2
+ 424 453 432 497 437 514 c 2
+ 475 653 l 1
+ 497 624 l 1
+ 493 613 488 604 488 585 c 0
+ 488 573 490 558 499 558 c 2
+ 786 558 l 1
+ 772 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 443 370 l 1
+ 456 345 482 291 532 283 c 1
+ 586 283 615 337 615 365 c 0
+ 615 381 608 395 596 403 c 1
+ 590 368 580 334 530 334 c 1
+ 498 334 494 360 494 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_g_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_g_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60910 -1 2487
+Width: 639
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+59 399 m 0
+ 59 451 134 553 246 553 c 0
+ 381 553 410 458 414 364 c 1
+ 420 419 l 2
+ 424 453 432 497 437 514 c 2
+ 475 653 l 1
+ 497 624 l 1
+ 493 613 488 604 488 585 c 0
+ 488 573 490 558 499 558 c 2
+ 719 558 l 1
+ 705 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 438 352 l 1
+ 500 378 l 1
+ 533 370 555 351 557 311 c 1
+ 510 206 485 111 485 59 c 0
+ 485 5 l 1
+ 437 42 l 1
+ 447 158 495 268 495 299 c 0
+ 495 303 494 305 491 306 c 1
+ 483 299 462 286 417 276 c 1
+ 329 -42 l 1
+ 313 -31 307 -9 301 12 c 1
+ 290 31 273 41 249 41 c 0
+ 185 41 144 38 81 38 c 0
+ -18 38 -43 85 -43 130 c 0
+ -43 143 -38 204 5 257 c 1
+ 19 237 l 1
+ 13 231 -4 196 -4 168 c 0
+ -4 109 102 107 106 107 c 0
+ 164 107 184 105 234 105 c 0
+ 270 105 297 82 308 47 c 1
+ 385 323 l 2
+ 388.207 334.495 389.9 348.684 389.9 365.755 c 0
+ 389.9 425.284 362 493 266 493 c 1
+ 216 493 181 480 135 418 c 1
+ 153 422 173 425 193 427 c 1
+ 224 423 271 419 271 368 c 0
+ 271 331 241 283 131 182 c 1
+ 91 247 l 1
+ 122 268 230 351 230 373 c 0
+ 230 381 223 391 208 391 c 0
+ 186 391 122 349 99 349 c 0
+ 81 349 59 368 59 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_g_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_g_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60911 -1 2488
+Width: 684
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 399 m 0
+ 44 451 119 553 231 553 c 0
+ 365 553 395 453 399 364 c 1
+ 406 419 l 2
+ 417.091 495.249 417.074 495.982 422 514 c 2
+ 460 653 l 1
+ 482 624 l 1
+ 477.709 612.844 473 600.6 473 585 c 0
+ 473 573 476.667 558 484 558 c 2
+ 771 558 l 1
+ 757 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 428 370 l 1
+ 442.058 344.226 480 283 517 283 c 1
+ 570 283 600 335 600 365 c 0
+ 600 381 593 395 581 403 c 1
+ 576.268 373.424 569.333 334 515 334 c 0
+ 483 334 479 359 479 369 c 0
+ 479 386 500 448 576 448 c 0
+ 613 448 651 413 651 373 c 0
+ 651 346 616 233 529 233 c 1
+ 499 233 476 242 415 324 c 1
+ 312 -50 l 1
+ 282 -30 l 1
+ 279 18 l 2
+ 278.315 28.9572 268 59 250 59 c 0
+ 227 59 217.773 29 215 19 c 1
+ 189 18 l 1
+ 176.912 70.3825 146.6 75 136 75 c 0
+ 79 75 70 37.5 70 31 c 0
+ 70 5.88798 76.5181 -3.25906 86 -8 c 1
+ 85 -5 85 -3 85 -0 c 0
+ 85 9.82773 89.1 46 140 46 c 0
+ 155 46 164 30 164 15 c 0
+ 164 -14.2502 131.747 -50 91 -50 c 0
+ 46 -50 20 -24 20 18 c 0
+ 20 94 89 145 139 145 c 0
+ 193 145 202 99 206 82 c 1
+ 211.664 96.16 229.6 127 265 127 c 0
+ 274 127 292 122 298 67 c 1
+ 370 324 l 1
+ 360 477 283 493 251 493 c 0
+ 203 493 164 479 120 418 c 1
+ 138 422 158 427 178 427 c 0
+ 206 427 256 419 256 368 c 0
+ 256 331 226 283 116 182 c 1
+ 76 247 l 1
+ 107 267 215 352 215 373 c 0
+ 215 381 208 391 193 391 c 0
+ 171 391 106 349 84 349 c 0
+ 66 349 44 368 44 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_g_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_g_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60912 -1 2489
+Width: 625
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+44 399 m 0
+ 44 451 119 553 231 553 c 0
+ 365.4 553 395.471 453.41 399 364 c 1
+ 406.661 424.196 414.066 484.909 422 514 c 2
+ 460 653 l 1
+ 482 624 l 1
+ 477.709 612.844 473 600.6 473 585 c 0
+ 473 573 476 563 484 558 c 1
+ 706 558 l 1
+ 692 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 423 351 l 1
+ 487 378 l 1
+ 520.01 369.596 543.705 352.419 544 311 c 1
+ 488 176 473 104.5 473 68 c 0
+ 473 47 472 36 472 5 c 1
+ 424 42 l 1
+ 430.97 131.149 457.318 197.09 477 274 c 0
+ 480.635 286.462 482.382 294.071 482.382 298.787 c 0
+ 482.382 303.153 480.884 305.039 478 306 c 1
+ 465 295 434 284 402 276 c 1
+ 312 -50 l 1
+ 282 -30 l 1
+ 279 18 l 2
+ 277 26 268 59 250 59 c 0
+ 227 59 219 28 215 19 c 1
+ 189 18 l 1
+ 176.912 70.3825 146.6 75 136 75 c 0
+ 74.75 75 70 35 70 31 c 0
+ 70 5.88798 76.5181 -3.25906 86 -8 c 1
+ 85.4968 -5.48417 85.257 -2.93796 85.257 -0.392966 c 0
+ 85.257 9.95277 89.3916 46 140 46 c 0
+ 155 46 164 30 164 15 c 0
+ 164 -13.5633 132.286 -50 91 -50 c 0
+ 46 -50 20 -24 20 18 c 0
+ 20 94 89 145 139 145 c 0
+ 193 145 202 99 206 82 c 1
+ 211.664 96.16 229.6 127 265 127 c 0
+ 274 127 292 122 298 67 c 1
+ 370 324 l 1
+ 359.997 477.38 282.891 493 251 493 c 0
+ 202 488 164 479 120 418 c 1
+ 138.202 422.132 160 427 178 427 c 0
+ 212 427 256 418.904 256 368 c 0
+ 256 330.8 225.554 282.671 116 182 c 1
+ 76 247 l 1
+ 107 267 215 352 215 373 c 0
+ 215 381 208 391 193 391 c 0
+ 171 391 106 349 84 349 c 0
+ 66 349 44 368 44 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_g_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_j_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60913 -1 2490
+Width: 591
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+399 251 m 0
+ 399 144 293 83 222 83 c 0
+ 175 83 138 101 112 137 c 1
+ 107 132 103 125 101 116 c 2
+ 96 101 l 2
+ 94 95 93 89 93 84 c 0
+ 93 61 110 49 128 42 c 2
+ 152 33 l 1
+ 171 27 l 1
+ 274 27 l 2
+ 278 26 282 26 285 26 c 0
+ 289 25 293 25 297 25 c 0
+ 337 18 375 15 402 -17 c 2
+ 414 -41 l 1
+ 426 17 l 1
+ 432 140 l 2
+ 434 186 443 262 515 367 c 1
+ 504 369 l 1
+ 476 367 l 2
+ 446 367 363 379 340 426 c 2
+ 321 464 l 2
+ 321 465 319 466 317 466 c 0
+ 302 466 245 415 212 361 c 2
+ 208 350 l 2
+ 207 345 206 341 206 337 c 0
+ 206 322 215 315 235 315 c 2
+ 252 318 l 2
+ 259 319 268 322 279 327 c 2
+ 346 356 l 2
+ 348 357 349 357 350 357 c 1
+ 351 358 353 358 354 358 c 0
+ 356 358 358 357 361 356 c 1
+ 362 356 l 2
+ 365 356 369 353 374 346 c 2
+ 383 328 l 2
+ 395 306 399 276 399 251 c 0
+645 370 m 0
+ 645 401 679 441 742 448 c 0
+ 761 448 776 442 786 431 c 2
+ 804 414 l 2
+ 810 407 817 395 817 373 c 0
+ 817 325 792 274 751 251 c 2
+ 722 237 l 1
+ 695 233 l 2
+ 682 233 672 235 663 239 c 2
+ 636 260 l 2
+ 626 268 612 282 599 300 c 2
+ 576 332 l 1
+ 561 318 509 257 495 208 c 2
+ 480 170 l 1
+ 473 145 l 2
+ 468 126 465 105 465 81 c 0
+ 465 58 468 32 472 5 c 1
+ 434 -131 l 1
+ 432 -118 420 -123 415 -113 c 2
+ 394 -68 l 2
+ 380 -53 368 -46 350 -40 c 2
+ 330 -35 l 1
+ 311 -34 l 1
+ 257 -41 l 1
+ 146 -41 l 2
+ 132 -41 88 -32 72 -5 c 2
+ 63 11 l 2
+ 56 26 53 42 53 59 c 0
+ 53 88 63 118 69 132 c 2
+ 84 166 l 1
+ 90 175 l 1
+ 83 189 78 208 77 231 c 2
+ 73 274 l 2
+ 72 280 72 286 72 293 c 0
+ 72 299 72 307 73 314 c 2
+ 78 365 l 1
+ 105 462 l 1
+ 107 467 l 1
+ 123 451 l 2
+ 127 448 129 443 129 435 c 0
+ 129 428 127 420 125 413 c 2
+ 120 393 l 2
+ 115 376 113 364 113 357 c 0
+ 112 300 l 2
+ 116 234 169 167 234 167 c 0
+ 261 167 368 187 368 249 c 0
+ 368 260 364 275 351 277 c 1
+ 338 274 l 1
+ 291 258 l 2
+ 280 255 271 254 266 253 c 2
+ 252 253 l 2
+ 193 253 169 303 169 348 c 0
+ 169 405 202 439 243 478 c 2
+ 280 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 938 558 l 1
+ 924 508 l 1
+ 413 508 l 1
+ 377 491 l 1
+ 375 489 373 482 373 477 c 0
+ 373 461 386 425 455 425 c 2
+ 469 426 l 1
+ 479 426 l 2
+ 491 426 510 433 514 434 c 2
+ 566 450 l 1
+ 619 373 l 1
+ 616 371 608 364 602 359 c 1
+ 601 359 601 359 601 358 c 1
+ 606 348 l 2
+ 615 330 644 289 683 283 c 0
+ 721 283 742 306 756 330 c 2
+ 764 348 l 2
+ 766 354 767 360 767 365 c 0
+ 767 381 760 395 748 403 c 1
+ 744 378 l 2
+ 739 360 734 346 681 334 c 2
+ 676 334 l 2
+ 661 334 645 348 645 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_j_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_j_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60914 -1 2491
+Width: 591
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+399 251 m 0
+ 399 144 293 83 222 83 c 0
+ 175 83 138 101 112 137 c 1
+ 107 132 103 125 101 116 c 2
+ 96 101 l 2
+ 94 95 93 89 93 84 c 0
+ 93 61 110 49 128 42 c 2
+ 152 33 l 1
+ 171 27 l 1
+ 274 27 l 2
+ 278 26 282 26 285 26 c 0
+ 289 25 293 25 297 25 c 0
+ 337 18 375 15 402 -17 c 2
+ 414 -41 l 1
+ 426 17 l 1
+ 432 140 l 2
+ 434 186 443 262 515 367 c 1
+ 504 369 l 1
+ 476 367 l 2
+ 446 367 363 379 340 426 c 2
+ 321 464 l 2
+ 321 465 319 466 317 466 c 0
+ 302 466 245 415 212 361 c 2
+ 208 350 l 2
+ 207 345 206 341 206 337 c 0
+ 206 322 215 315 235 315 c 2
+ 252 318 l 2
+ 259 319 268 322 279 327 c 2
+ 346 356 l 2
+ 348 357 349 357 350 357 c 1
+ 351 358 353 358 354 358 c 0
+ 356 358 358 357 361 356 c 1
+ 362 356 l 2
+ 365 356 369 353 374 346 c 2
+ 383 328 l 2
+ 395 306 399 276 399 251 c 0
+234 167 m 0
+ 261 167 368 187 368 249 c 0
+ 368 260 364 275 351 277 c 1
+ 338 274 l 1
+ 291 258 l 2
+ 280 255 271 254 266 253 c 2
+ 252 253 l 2
+ 193 253 169 303 169 348 c 0
+ 169 405 202 439 243 478 c 2
+ 280 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 836 558 l 1
+ 822 508 l 1
+ 413 508 l 1
+ 377 491 l 1
+ 375 489 373 482 373 477 c 0
+ 373 461 386 425 455 425 c 2
+ 469 426 l 1
+ 479 426 l 2
+ 491 426 510 433 514 434 c 2
+ 566 450 l 1
+ 615 377 l 1
+ 617 378 l 1
+ 634 372 l 1
+ 656 359 l 2
+ 663 354 667 347 669 336 c 2
+ 673 311 l 1
+ 594 133 614 108 603 68 c 0
+ 602 63 601 60 602 58 c 2
+ 601 5 l 1
+ 553 42 l 1
+ 557 78 l 2
+ 562 107 562 112 569 137 c 2
+ 607 274 l 2
+ 610.137 286.547 611.634 294.174 611.634 298.882 c 0
+ 611.634 303.18 610.386 305.046 608 306 c 1
+ 596 296 560 282 529 275 c 1
+ 521 263 503 235 495 208 c 2
+ 480 170 l 1
+ 473 145 l 2
+ 468 126 465 105 465 81 c 0
+ 465 58 468 32 472 5 c 1
+ 434 -131 l 1
+ 432 -118 420 -123 415 -113 c 2
+ 394 -68 l 2
+ 380 -53 368 -46 350 -40 c 2
+ 330 -35 l 1
+ 311 -34 l 1
+ 257 -41 l 1
+ 146 -41 l 2
+ 132 -41 88 -32 72 -5 c 2
+ 63 11 l 2
+ 56 26 53 42 53 59 c 0
+ 53 88 63 118 69 132 c 2
+ 84 166 l 1
+ 90 175 l 1
+ 83 189 78 208 77 231 c 2
+ 73 274 l 2
+ 72 280 72 286 72 293 c 0
+ 72 299 72 307 73 314 c 2
+ 78 365 l 1
+ 105 462 l 1
+ 107 467 l 1
+ 123 451 l 2
+ 127 448 129 443 129 435 c 0
+ 129 428 127 420 125 413 c 2
+ 120 393 l 2
+ 115 376 113 364 113 357 c 0
+ 112 300 l 2
+ 116 234 169 167 234 167 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_j_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_t_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60915 -1 2492
+Width: 499
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+79 558 m 1
+ 816 558 l 1
+ 802 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+524 370 m 0
+ 524 401 558 441 621 448 c 0
+ 640 448 655 442 665 431 c 2
+ 682 414 l 2
+ 689 407 696 395 696 373 c 0
+ 696 325 671 274 630 251 c 2
+ 600 237 l 1
+ 574 233 l 2
+ 561 233 551 235 542 239 c 2
+ 515 260 l 2
+ 505 268 491 282 478 300 c 2
+ 460 324 l 1
+ 367 -14 l 1
+ 341 10 l 2
+ 339 12 338 16 338 22 c 0
+ 338 28 338 35 338 43 c 0
+ 338 74 326 99 270 99 c 2
+ 249 99 l 2
+ 214 95 163 86 123 86 c 2
+ 101 86 l 2
+ 19 86 -7 133 -7 187 c 0
+ -7 248 29 322 42 336 c 2
+ 50 346 l 2
+ 52 349 56 354 60 360 c 2
+ 83 385 l 1
+ 98 364 l 1
+ 76 341 l 1
+ 62 320 l 1
+ 54 300 l 1
+ 44 273 l 2
+ 40 258 37 243 37 228 c 0
+ 37 199 48 174 81 163 c 2
+ 83 163 l 2
+ 95 161 93 161 102 159 c 0
+ 105 159 108 159 110 158 c 1
+ 136 158 l 1
+ 147 160 l 2
+ 174 164 198 166 217 166 c 0
+ 235 166 278 165 309 150 c 2
+ 351 112 l 1
+ 431 401 l 1
+ 431 417 l 2
+ 431.082 417.822 431.124 418.59 431.124 419.308 c 0
+ 431.124 427.322 425.931 429.082 414 430 c 2
+ 399 428 l 1
+ 386 424 l 1
+ 365 415 l 2
+ 345 404 336 399 318 385 c 2
+ 291 367 l 2
+ 274 353 259 334 246 310 c 1
+ 275 314 l 1
+ 289 311 l 2
+ 295 309 303 291 303 271 c 0
+ 303 227 255 202 242 202 c 2
+ 233 201 l 2
+ 186 201 155 213 155 255 c 0
+ 155 284 175 352 241 401 c 2
+ 264 419 l 2
+ 317 456 347 469 369 477 c 2
+ 392 484 l 1
+ 412 488 l 1
+ 423 487 l 2
+ 438 487 486 462 486 423 c 0
+ 486 419 486 415 484 410 c 2
+ 473 370 l 1
+ 485 348 l 2
+ 494 330 523 289 562 283 c 0
+ 600 283 620 306 635 330 c 2
+ 643 348 l 2
+ 645 354 646 360 646 365 c 0
+ 646 381 638 395 626 403 c 1
+ 622 378 l 2
+ 617 360 609 345 560 334 c 2
+ 555 334 l 2
+ 540 334 524 348 524 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_t_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_t_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60916 -1 2493
+Width: 652
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+79 558 m 1
+ 746 558 l 1
+ 732 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+303 271 m 0
+ 303 227 255 202 242 202 c 2
+ 233 201 l 2
+ 186 201 155 213 155 255 c 0
+ 155 284 175 352 241 401 c 2
+ 264 419 l 2
+ 317 456 347 469 369 477 c 2
+ 392 484 l 1
+ 412 488 l 1
+ 423 487 l 2
+ 438 487 486 462 486 423 c 0
+ 486 419 486 415 484 410 c 2
+ 468 353 l 1
+ 527 378 l 1
+ 545 372 l 1
+ 567 359 l 2
+ 571 356 577 350 580 336 c 2
+ 584 311 l 1
+ 537 206 513 111 513 59 c 0
+ 513 58 l 2
+ 512 5 l 1
+ 464 42 l 1
+ 468 78 l 2
+ 473 107 473 112 480 137 c 2
+ 518 274 l 2
+ 521 286 522.5 293.5 522.5 298.25 c 0
+ 522.5 303 521 305 518 306 c 1
+ 509 299 487 287 447 277 c 1
+ 367 -14 l 1
+ 341 10 l 2
+ 339 12 338 16 338 22 c 0
+ 338 28 338 35 338 43 c 0
+ 338 74 326 99 270 99 c 2
+ 249 99 l 2
+ 214 95 163 86 123 86 c 2
+ 101 86 l 2
+ 19 86 -7 133 -7 187 c 0
+ -7 248 29 322 42 336 c 2
+ 50 346 l 2
+ 52 349 56 354 60 360 c 2
+ 83 385 l 1
+ 98 364 l 1
+ 76 341 l 1
+ 62 320 l 1
+ 54 300 l 1
+ 44 273 l 2
+ 40 258 37 243 37 228 c 0
+ 37 199 48 174 81 163 c 2
+ 83 163 l 2
+ 95 161 93 161 102 159 c 0
+ 105 159 108 159 110 158 c 1
+ 136 158 l 1
+ 147 160 l 2
+ 174 164 198 166 217 166 c 0
+ 235 166 278 165 309 150 c 2
+ 351 112 l 1
+ 431 401 l 1
+ 431 417 l 2
+ 431.082 417.822 431.124 418.59 431.124 419.308 c 0
+ 431.124 427.322 425.931 429.082 414 430 c 2
+ 399 428 l 1
+ 386 424 l 1
+ 365 415 l 2
+ 345 404 336 399 318 385 c 2
+ 291 367 l 2
+ 274 353 259 334 246 310 c 1
+ 275 314 l 1
+ 289 311 l 2
+ 295 309 303 291 303 271 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_t_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_th_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60917 -1 2494
+Width: 681
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+482 369 m 0
+ 482 386 495 438 579 448 c 0
+ 598 448 613 442 623 431 c 2
+ 640 414 l 2
+ 647 407 654 395 654 373 c 0
+ 654 325 629 274 588 251 c 2
+ 558 237 l 1
+ 532 233 l 2
+ 519 233 509 235 500 239 c 2
+ 473 260 l 2
+ 463 268 449 282 436 300 c 2
+ 416 327 l 1
+ 306 -70 l 1
+ 291 -54 l 1
+ 280 -16 l 2
+ 270 3 253 13 230 13 c 2
+ 125 13 l 2
+ 116 12 108 12 100 11 c 0
+ 93 11 86 11 81 10 c 2
+ 69 10 l 2
+ -21 10 -47 54 -47 102 c 0
+ -47 125 -37 176 -12 213 c 2
+ -1 229 l 1
+ 12 209 l 1
+ 11 208 9 203 4 192 c 2
+ -5 167 l 2
+ -8 157 -10 147 -10 138 c 0
+ -10 119 -1 102 24 92 c 2
+ 66 81 l 2
+ 79 79 89 78 94 78 c 1
+ 97 79 99 79 101 79 c 2
+ 120 79 l 2
+ 161 79 166 77 196 77 c 2
+ 218 77 l 2
+ 234 77 270 70 284 27 c 1
+ 294 64 l 1
+ 286 83 l 2
+ 272 134 214 187 136 202 c 2
+ 89 205 l 1
+ 39 309 l 1
+ 66 308 l 1
+ 106 315 l 2
+ 180 321 307 401 307 463 c 0
+ 307 497 271 506 258 506 c 0
+ 251 506 244 505 241 504 c 2
+ 188 480 l 2
+ 175 473 165 467 160 461 c 1
+ 170 444 l 2
+ 173 437 174 430 174 423 c 0
+ 174 399 154 378 135 369 c 2
+ 121 362 l 1
+ 95 358 l 2
+ 64 358 47 378 47 406 c 0
+ 47 413 48 421 50 429 c 2
+ 56 443 l 1
+ 67 462 l 2
+ 120 545 225 558 260 558 c 0
+ 303 558 352 523 352 461 c 0
+ 352 370 268 304 183 259 c 1
+ 192 257 199 253 204 246 c 2
+ 225 230 l 2
+ 251 214 301 144 309 117 c 1
+ 457 651 l 1
+ 475 619 l 1
+ 474 601 469 595 469 578 c 0
+ 469 569 471 561 477 558 c 1
+ 774 558 l 1
+ 760 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 429 374 l 1
+ 443 348 l 2
+ 452 330 479 291 520 283 c 0
+ 558 283 578 306 593 330 c 2
+ 601 348 l 2
+ 603 354 603 360 603 365 c 0
+ 603 381 596 395 584 403 c 1
+ 580 378 l 2
+ 575 359 566 345 518 334 c 2
+ 513 334 l 2
+ 499 334 482 347 482 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_th_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_th_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60918 -1 2495
+Width: 606
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+475 619 m 1
+ 474 601 469 595 469 578 c 0
+ 469 569 471 561 477 558 c 1
+ 692 558 l 1
+ 678 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 425 358 l 1
+ 473 378 l 1
+ 491 372 l 1
+ 513 359 l 2
+ 521 352 523 350 526 336 c 2
+ 530 311 l 1
+ 451 133 470 108 459 68 c 0
+ 459 63 458 60 459 58 c 2
+ 458 5 l 1
+ 410 42 l 1
+ 414 78 l 2
+ 419 107 418 112 425 137 c 2
+ 463 274 l 2
+ 466.635 286.462 468.382 294.071 468.382 298.787 c 0
+ 468.382 303.153 466.884 305.039 464 306 c 1
+ 455 297 431 287 403 280 c 1
+ 306 -70 l 1
+ 291 -54 l 1
+ 280 -16 l 2
+ 270 3 253 13 230 13 c 2
+ 125 13 l 2
+ 116 12 108 12 100 11 c 0
+ 93 11 86 11 81 10 c 2
+ 69 10 l 2
+ -21 10 -47 54 -47 102 c 0
+ -47 125 -37 176 -12 213 c 2
+ -1 229 l 1
+ 12 209 l 1
+ 11 208 9 203 4 192 c 2
+ -5 167 l 2
+ -8 157 -10 147 -10 138 c 0
+ -10 119 -1 102 24 92 c 2
+ 66 81 l 2
+ 79 79 89 78 94 78 c 1
+ 97 79 99 79 101 79 c 2
+ 120 79 l 2
+ 161 79 166 77 196 77 c 2
+ 218 77 l 2
+ 234 77 270 70 284 27 c 1
+ 294 64 l 1
+ 286 83 l 2
+ 272 134 214 187 136 202 c 2
+ 89 205 l 1
+ 39 309 l 1
+ 66 308 l 1
+ 106 315 l 2
+ 180 321 307 401 307 463 c 0
+ 307 497 271 506 258 506 c 0
+ 251 506 244 505 241 504 c 2
+ 188 480 l 2
+ 175 473 165 467 160 461 c 1
+ 170 444 l 2
+ 173 437 174 430 174 423 c 0
+ 174 399 154 378 135 369 c 2
+ 121 362 l 1
+ 95 358 l 2
+ 64 358 47 378 47 406 c 0
+ 47 413 48 421 50 429 c 2
+ 56 443 l 1
+ 67 462 l 2
+ 120 545 225 558 260 558 c 0
+ 303 558 352 523 352 461 c 0
+ 352 370 268 304 183 259 c 1
+ 192 257 199 253 204 246 c 2
+ 225 230 l 2
+ 251 214 301 144 309 117 c 1
+ 457 651 l 1
+ 475 619 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_th_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_d_ukaar
+Encoding: 60919 -1 2496
+Width: 498
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+208 71 m 0
+ 167 71 156 45 156 37 c 0
+ 156 25.9383 170.603 20.7513 188.462 20.7513 c 0
+ 214.194 20.7513 246.687 31.5199 252 51 c 0
+ 252 52 252 52 251 53 c 1
+ 252 55 l 1
+ 243 70 237 71 208 71 c 0
+169 283 m 1
+ 264 295 293 376 383 436 c 1
+ 449 408 472 368 472 323 c 0
+ 472 275 450 210 357 86 c 2
+ 343 72 l 2
+ 338 67 334 63 329 60 c 1
+ 376 15 405 -24 405 -87 c 0
+ 405 -106 398 -99 397 -102 c 1
+ 394 -101 394 -100 393 -98 c 2
+ 388 -89 l 2
+ 386 -75 340 -22 325 -7 c 2
+ 307 11 l 1
+ 290 23 l 1
+ 249 -7 l 2
+ 228 -22 207 -29 187 -29 c 0
+ 140 -29 109 -6 109 15 c 0
+ 109 17 109 18 109 19 c 2
+ 113 44 l 2
+ 121 74 158 110 201 117 c 2
+ 224 120 l 2
+ 238 120 250 117 261 112 c 2
+ 271 106 l 1
+ 288 93 l 1
+ 290 93 l 2
+ 308 93 405 222 405 300 c 0
+ 405 333 386 350 375 359 c 1
+ 297 256 227 243 184 233 c 2
+ 177 233 l 2
+ 117 233 83 268 83 323 c 0
+ 83 388 126 463 188 508 c 1
+ 78 508 l 1
+ 92 558 l 1
+ 611 558 l 1
+ 597 508 l 1
+ 242 508 l 1
+ 188 466 148 369 148 330 c 0
+ 148 314 152 295 169 283 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_da bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_d_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60920 -1 2497
+Width: 744
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+541 372 m 0
+ 541 418 595 444 638 449 c 0
+ 657 449 672 443 682 432 c 2
+ 699 415 l 2
+ 706 408 713 396 713 374 c 0
+ 713 326 688 276 647 252 c 2
+ 617 238 l 1
+ 591 234 l 2
+ 578 234 567 236 559 240 c 2
+ 532 261 l 2
+ 517 274 505 288 495 301 c 2
+ 472 331 l 1
+ 404 221 l 1
+ 389 192 l 1
+ 373 151 l 1
+ 369 131 l 1
+ 361 75 l 1
+ 359 31 l 2
+ 359 30 l 0
+ 359 12 368 -5 373 -13 c 1
+ 351 -12 l 2
+ 341 -12 319 5 312 11 c 2
+ 297 25 l 2
+ 286 35 267 40 240 40 c 0
+ 202 40 111 21 76 21 c 0
+ 35 21 7 28 -11 53 c 2
+ -19 67 l 2
+ -25 76 -28 80 -29 125 c 2
+ -26 154 l 1
+ -10 211 l 1
+ -8 217 l 1
+ 20 198 l 1
+ 15.3258 189.586 8.90365 175.055 8.90365 170.746 c 0
+ 8.90365 170.446 8.93485 170.195 9 170 c 1
+ 8.58579 167.929 8.34315 164.657 8.34315 161.108 c 0
+ 8.34315 156.088 8.82843 150.515 10 147 c 2
+ 16 127 l 2
+ 22 115 30 107 38 104 c 2
+ 68 97 l 1
+ 95 94 l 1
+ 173 103 l 1
+ 205 105 l 1
+ 231 105 l 1
+ 280 91 l 2
+ 302 76 317 67 327 47 c 1
+ 325 83 l 2
+ 325 85 325 89 325 94 c 0
+ 325 103 325 113 325 116 c 2
+ 327 138 l 1
+ 339 199 l 2
+ 352 244 372 294 400 347 c 1
+ 358 334 307 308 286 292 c 2
+ 246 261 l 2
+ 222 242 181 206 148 159 c 1
+ 100 233 l 1
+ 176 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 559 l 1
+ 833 559 l 1
+ 819 508 l 1
+ 230 508 l 1
+ 172 297 l 1
+ 216 324 309 399 395 431 c 2
+ 437 447 l 1
+ 505 383 l 1
+ 494 365 l 1
+ 502 349 l 2
+ 511 329 540 290 579 284 c 0
+ 617 284 637 307 652 331 c 2
+ 660 349 l 2
+ 662 355 663 361 663 366 c 0
+ 663 382 655 396 643 404 c 1
+ 639 379 l 2
+ 634 361 626 346 577 335 c 2
+ 572 335 l 2
+ 558 335 541 349 541 372 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_d_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_d_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60921 -1 2498
+Width: 648
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+20 198 m 1
+ 15.3258 189.586 8.90365 175.055 8.90365 170.746 c 0
+ 8.90365 170.446 8.93485 170.195 9 170 c 1
+ 8.58579 167.929 8.34315 164.657 8.34315 161.108 c 0
+ 8.34315 156.088 8.82843 150.515 10 147 c 2
+ 16 127 l 2
+ 22 115 30 107 38 104 c 2
+ 68 97 l 1
+ 95 94 l 1
+ 173 103 l 1
+ 205 105 l 1
+ 231 105 l 1
+ 280 91 l 2
+ 302 76 317 67 327 47 c 1
+ 325 83 l 2
+ 325 85 325 89 325 94 c 0
+ 325 103 325 113 325 116 c 2
+ 327 138 l 1
+ 339 199 l 2
+ 352 244 372 294 400 347 c 1
+ 358 334 307 308 286 292 c 2
+ 246 261 l 2
+ 222 242 181 206 148 159 c 1
+ 100 233 l 1
+ 176 509 l 1
+ 65 509 l 1
+ 79 559 l 1
+ 739 559 l 1
+ 725 509 l 1
+ 230 509 l 1
+ 172 297 l 1
+ 216 324 309 399 395 431 c 2
+ 437 447 l 1
+ 505 383 l 1
+ 495 368 l 1
+ 520 379 l 1
+ 538 373 l 1
+ 560 360 l 2
+ 568 353 570 351 573 337 c 2
+ 577 312 l 1
+ 530 207 506 112 506 60 c 0
+ 506 59 l 2
+ 505 6 l 1
+ 457 43 l 1
+ 461 79 l 2
+ 466 108 466 113 473 138 c 2
+ 511 275 l 2
+ 514 287 515.5 294.5 515.5 299.25 c 0
+ 515.5 304 514 306 511 307 c 1
+ 501 297 479 288 438 278 c 1
+ 404 221 l 1
+ 389 192 l 1
+ 373 151 l 1
+ 369 131 l 1
+ 361 75 l 1
+ 359 31 l 2
+ 359 30 l 0
+ 359 12 368 -5 373 -13 c 1
+ 351 -12 l 2
+ 341 -12 319 5 312 11 c 2
+ 297 25 l 2
+ 286 35 267 40 240 40 c 0
+ 202 40 111 21 76 21 c 0
+ 35 21 7 28 -11 53 c 2
+ -19 67 l 2
+ -25 76 -28 80 -29 125 c 2
+ -26 154 l 1
+ -10 211 l 1
+ -8 217 l 1
+ 20 198 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_d_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_dh_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60922 -1 2499
+Width: 659
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 377 m 2
+ 253 347 l 1
+ 205 319 l 1
+ 158 286 l 1
+ 181 272 l 2
+ 250 232 281 161 293 129 c 1
+ 369 401 l 1
+ 349 394 330 386 310 377 c 2
+462 369 m 0
+ 462 417 514 443 559 448 c 0
+ 578 448 593 442 603 431 c 2
+ 620 414 l 2
+ 627 407 634 395 634 373 c 0
+ 634 325 609 275 568 251 c 2
+ 538 237 l 1
+ 512 233 l 2
+ 499 233 489 235 480 239 c 2
+ 453 260 l 2
+ 446 267 429 284 416 300 c 2
+ 398 325 l 1
+ 288 -70 l 1
+ 275 -54 l 1
+ 265 -17 l 2
+ 255 2 241 12 220 12 c 2
+ 123 12 l 2
+ 115 11 108 11 100 10 c 0
+ 93 10 87 10 82 9 c 2
+ 71 9 l 2
+ 26 9 -36 23 -36 96 c 0
+ -36 121 -24 175 -1 210 c 2
+ 10 226 l 1
+ 23 206 l 1
+ 21 205 18 199 13 189 c 2
+ 4 165 l 2
+ 1 154 0 145 0 137 c 0
+ 0 111 13 98 29 90 c 2
+ 68 79 l 2
+ 75 78 80 78 85 77 c 2
+ 158 77 l 2
+ 169 76 180 76 189 76 c 2
+ 210 76 l 2
+ 236 76 248 63 261 45 c 1
+ 260.828 44.6569 260.745 44.402 260.745 44.1496 c 0
+ 260.745 42.931 262.686 41.7696 266 31 c 1
+ 281 83 l 1
+ 263 114 l 2
+ 204 209 132 217 91 222 c 1
+ 54 301 l 1
+ 206 395 l 1
+ 188 395 139 397 127 441 c 2
+ 124 458 l 1
+ 127 484 l 2
+ 139 527 178 564 240 564 c 0
+ 268 564 283 545 283 530 c 0
+ 283 528 282 526 282 524 c 2
+ 277 514 l 2
+ 267 497 256 485 221 485 c 0
+ 218 485 215 485 212 486 c 2
+ 209 486 208 487 205 489 c 2
+ 197 497 l 1
+ 187 492 181 469 181 462 c 0
+ 181 446 190 417 232 417 c 0
+ 240 417 245 418 249 419 c 2
+ 394 492 l 1
+ 412 558 l 1
+ 754 558 l 1
+ 740 508 l 1
+ 448 508 l 1
+ 410 371 l 1
+ 423 348 l 2
+ 432 331 462 289 500 283 c 0
+ 538 283 558 306 573 330 c 2
+ 581 348 l 2
+ 583 354 583 360 583 365 c 0
+ 583 381 576 395 564 403 c 1
+ 560 378 l 2
+ 555 359 546 345 498 334 c 2
+ 493 334 l 2
+ 479 334 462 347 462 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_dh_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_dh_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60923 -1 2500
+Width: 579
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+310 377 m 2
+ 253 347 l 1
+ 205 319 l 1
+ 158 286 l 1
+ 181 272 l 2
+ 250 232 281 161 293 129 c 1
+ 369 401 l 1
+ 349 394 330 386 310 377 c 2
+197 497 m 1
+ 187 492 181 469 181 462 c 0
+ 181 446 190 417 232 417 c 0
+ 240 417 245 418 249 419 c 2
+ 394 492 l 1
+ 412 558 l 1
+ 678 558 l 1
+ 664 508 l 1
+ 448 508 l 1
+ 406 356 l 1
+ 459 378 l 1
+ 477 372 l 1
+ 499 359 l 2
+ 506 354 510 347 512 336 c 2
+ 516 311 l 1
+ 437 133 456 108 445 68 c 0
+ 445 63 444 60 445 58 c 2
+ 444 5 l 1
+ 396 42 l 1
+ 400 78 l 2
+ 403 103 408 124 411 137 c 2
+ 449 274 l 2
+ 452.635 286.462 454.382 294.071 454.382 298.787 c 0
+ 454.382 303.153 452.884 305.039 450 306 c 1
+ 441 298 420 288 385 278 c 1
+ 288 -70 l 1
+ 275 -54 l 1
+ 265 -17 l 2
+ 255 2 241 12 220 12 c 2
+ 123 12 l 2
+ 115 11 108 11 100 10 c 0
+ 93 10 87 10 82 9 c 2
+ 71 9 l 2
+ 26 9 -36 23 -36 96 c 0
+ -36 121 -24 175 -1 210 c 2
+ 10 226 l 1
+ 23 206 l 1
+ 21 205 18 199 13 189 c 2
+ 4 165 l 2
+ 1 154 0 145 0 137 c 0
+ 0 111 13 98 29 90 c 2
+ 68 79 l 2
+ 75 78 80 78 85 77 c 2
+ 158 77 l 2
+ 169 76 180 76 189 76 c 2
+ 210 76 l 2
+ 236 76 248 63 261 45 c 1
+ 260.828 44.6569 260.745 44.402 260.745 44.1496 c 0
+ 260.745 42.931 262.686 41.7696 266 31 c 1
+ 281 83 l 1
+ 263 114 l 2
+ 204 209 132 217 91 222 c 1
+ 54 301 l 1
+ 206 395 l 1
+ 188 395 139 397 127 441 c 2
+ 124 458 l 1
+ 127 484 l 2
+ 139 527 178 564 240 564 c 0
+ 268 564 283 545 283 530 c 0
+ 283 528 282 526 282 524 c 2
+ 277 514 l 2
+ 267 497 256 485 221 485 c 0
+ 218 485 215 485 212 486 c 2
+ 209 486 208 487 205 489 c 2
+ 197 497 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_dh_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_n_t_ukaar
+Encoding: 60924 -1 2501
+Width: 540
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+369 378 m 1
+ 425 397 442 436 442 470 c 0
+ 442 487 436 508 411 508 c 2
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 82 558 l 1
+ 643 558 l 1
+ 629 508 l 1
+ 479 508 l 1
+ 483 495 490 472 490 447 c 0
+ 490 378 447 360 442 348 c 1
+ 465 330 476 300 478 268 c 2
+ 476 253 l 1
+ 473 239 l 2
+ 463 203 438 177 411 177 c 1
+ 433 169 439 147 444 125 c 2
+ 445 105 l 1
+ 441 81 l 2
+ 420 6 369 -9 349 -16 c 2
+ 322 -25 l 2
+ 303 -30 289 -32 272 -33 c 2
+ 225 -33 l 2
+ 207 -33 196 -32 192 -30 c 2
+ 173 -24 l 2
+ 167 -22 143 -10 137 -6 c 2
+ 124 4 l 2
+ 119 6 88 47 82 63 c 2
+ 76 80 l 2
+ 45 170 37 265 34 308 c 1
+ 70 282 l 1
+ 90 190 l 2
+ 95 171 106 139 122 109 c 2
+ 139 84 l 2
+ 171 45 191 22 236 22 c 2
+ 239 21 242 21 245 21 c 2
+ 265 21 l 2
+ 272 21 279 22 289 24 c 2
+ 331 35 l 2
+ 379 56 398 91 398 106 c 0
+ 398 125 384 141 381 143 c 1
+ 364 130 357 126 332 123 c 0
+ 292 123 282 143 282 160 c 0
+ 282 189 311 234 354 234 c 0
+ 355 234 357 234 358 235 c 1
+ 368 235 l 2
+ 371 235 374 234 378 233 c 2
+ 390 225 l 1
+ 399 228 422 242 422 278 c 0
+ 422 308 401 312 390 317 c 2
+ 364 321 l 1
+ 359 321 l 2
+ 325 316 304 315 266 276 c 1
+ 275 271 278 261 278 248 c 0
+ 278 200 232 173 201 173 c 0
+ 176 173 147 183 147 217 c 0
+ 147 306 274 356 316 366 c 1
+ 304 381 l 2
+ 292 392 273 411 245 415 c 1
+ 242 411 l 1
+ 248 402 252 394 252 385 c 0
+ 252 352 207 308 174 308 c 0
+ 155 308 124 318 124 356 c 0
+ 124 377 147 462 238 462 c 0
+ 300 462 365 400 369 378 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_n_ta bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_n_d_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60925 -1 2502
+Width: 664
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+720 371 m 0
+ 720 386 733 439 817 449 c 0
+ 836 449 851 443 861 432 c 2
+ 878 415 l 2
+ 885 408 892 396 892 373 c 0
+ 892 326 868 275 826 252 c 2
+ 796 238 l 1
+ 770 234 l 2
+ 756 234 746 236 738 240 c 2
+ 711 261 l 2
+ 704 268 696 274 690 281 c 2
+ 655 326 l 1
+ 590 221 l 1
+ 575 192 l 1
+ 559 151 l 1
+ 555 131 l 1
+ 547 75 l 1
+ 545 31 l 2
+ 545 30 l 0
+ 545 12 554 -5 559 -13 c 1
+ 537 -12 l 2
+ 527 -12 505 5 498 11 c 2
+ 483 25 l 2
+ 473 35 453 40 426 40 c 0
+ 387 40 297 21 262 21 c 0
+ 221 21 193 28 175 53 c 2
+ 167 67 l 2
+ 161 76 158 80 157 125 c 2
+ 160 154 l 1
+ 176 211 l 1
+ 178 217 l 1
+ 206 198 l 1
+ 201.326 189.586 194.904 175.055 194.904 170.746 c 0
+ 194.904 170.446 194.935 170.195 195 170 c 1
+ 194.586 167.929 194.343 164.657 194.343 161.108 c 0
+ 194.343 156.088 194.828 150.515 196 147 c 2
+ 202 127 l 2
+ 208 115 216 107 224 104 c 2
+ 254 97 l 1
+ 281 94 l 1
+ 359 103 l 1
+ 391 105 l 1
+ 417 105 l 1
+ 466 91 l 2
+ 488 76 503 67 513 47 c 1
+ 511 83 l 2
+ 511 85 511 89 511 94 c 0
+ 511 103 511 113 511 116 c 2
+ 513 138 l 1
+ 525 199 l 2
+ 542 258 569 317 586 347 c 1
+ 544 334 493 308 472 292 c 2
+ 432 261 l 2
+ 408 242 367 206 334 159 c 1
+ 286 233 l 1
+ 309 315 l 1
+ 301 330 284 394 228 394 c 2
+ 222 394 l 2
+ 221 394 219 394 216 393 c 1
+ 223 386 225 378 225 372 c 0
+ 225 346 188 308 145 308 c 0
+ 111 308 96 338 96 360 c 0
+ 96 397 141 461 210 461 c 0
+ 228 461 263 458 294 416 c 2
+ 302 407 l 2
+ 307 401 320 380 324 371 c 1
+ 362 509 l 1
+ 65 509 l 1
+ 79 559 l 1
+ 1012 559 l 1
+ 998 509 l 1
+ 416 509 l 1
+ 358 297 l 1
+ 402 324 495 399 581 431 c 2
+ 623 447 l 1
+ 691 383 l 1
+ 675 359 l 1
+ 681 349 l 2
+ 690 329 719 290 758 284 c 0
+ 796 284 816 307 831 331 c 2
+ 839 349 l 2
+ 841 355 842 361 842 366 c 0
+ 842 382 834 396 822 404 c 1
+ 818 379 l 2
+ 813 360 804 346 756 335 c 2
+ 751 335 l 2
+ 743 335 720 345 720 371 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_n_d_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_n_d_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60926 -1 2503
+Width: 664
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+96 360 m 0
+ 96 397 141 461 210 461 c 0
+ 228 461 263 458 294 416 c 2
+ 302 407 l 2
+ 307 401 320 380 324 371 c 1
+ 362 509 l 1
+ 65 509 l 1
+ 79 559 l 1
+ 932 559 l 1
+ 918 509 l 1
+ 416 509 l 1
+ 358 297 l 1
+ 402 324 495 399 581 431 c 2
+ 623 447 l 1
+ 691 383 l 1
+ 679 365 l 1
+ 713 379 l 1
+ 731 373 l 1
+ 753 360 l 2
+ 761 353 763 351 766 337 c 2
+ 770 312 l 1
+ 723 207 699 112 699 60 c 0
+ 699 59 l 2
+ 698 6 l 1
+ 650 43 l 1
+ 654 79 l 2
+ 659 108 659 113 666 138 c 2
+ 704 275 l 2
+ 707 287 708.5 294.5 708.5 299.25 c 0
+ 708.5 304 707 306 704 307 c 1
+ 692 296 658 284 624 276 c 1
+ 590 221 l 1
+ 575 192 l 1
+ 559 151 l 1
+ 555 131 l 1
+ 547 75 l 1
+ 545 31 l 2
+ 545 30 l 0
+ 545 12 554 -5 559 -13 c 1
+ 537 -12 l 2
+ 527 -12 505 5 498 11 c 2
+ 483 25 l 2
+ 473 35 453 40 426 40 c 0
+ 387 40 297 21 262 21 c 0
+ 221 21 193 28 175 53 c 2
+ 167 67 l 2
+ 161 76 158 80 157 125 c 2
+ 160 154 l 1
+ 176 211 l 1
+ 178 217 l 1
+ 206 198 l 1
+ 201.326 189.586 194.904 175.055 194.904 170.746 c 0
+ 194.904 170.446 194.935 170.195 195 170 c 1
+ 194.586 167.929 194.343 164.657 194.343 161.108 c 0
+ 194.343 156.088 194.828 150.515 196 147 c 2
+ 202 127 l 2
+ 208 115 216 107 224 104 c 2
+ 254 97 l 1
+ 281 94 l 1
+ 359 103 l 1
+ 391 105 l 1
+ 417 105 l 1
+ 466 91 l 2
+ 488 76 503 67 513 47 c 1
+ 511 83 l 2
+ 511 85 511 89 511 94 c 0
+ 511 103 511 113 511 116 c 2
+ 513 138 l 1
+ 525 199 l 2
+ 542 258 569 317 586 347 c 1
+ 544 334 493 308 472 292 c 2
+ 432 261 l 2
+ 408 242 367 206 334 159 c 1
+ 286 233 l 1
+ 309 315 l 1
+ 301 330 284 394 228 394 c 2
+ 222 394 l 2
+ 221 394 219 394 216 393 c 1
+ 223 386 225 378 225 372 c 0
+ 225 346 188 308 145 308 c 0
+ 111 308 96 338 96 360 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_n_d_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_p_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60927 -1 2504
+Width: 746
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+355 472 m 2
+ 341 484 l 2
+ 334 492 320 496 299 496 c 0
+ 231 496 194 464 168 432 c 1
+ 213 432 220 399 220 375 c 0
+ 220 366 219 359 219 355 c 2
+ 213 343 l 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+ 363 464 360 468 355 472 c 2
+538 362 m 0
+ 538 409 590 435 634 440 c 0
+ 653 440 669 434 679 423 c 2
+ 696 406 l 2
+ 702 399 709 386 709 364 c 0
+ 709 316 685 267 644 243 c 2
+ 614 229 l 1
+ 588 225 l 2
+ 575 225 564 227 555 231 c 2
+ 528 252 l 2
+ 513 267 511 264 476 313 c 1
+ 374 -56 l 1
+ 358 -40 l 1
+ 346 -2 l 2
+ 335 17 318 27 294 27 c 2
+ 210 27 l 2
+ 202 27 193 27 183 26 c 0
+ 174 26 166 26 158 25 c 0
+ 151 25 144 25 138 24 c 2
+ 126 24 l 2
+ 27 24 2 71 2 116 c 0
+ 2 138 13 190 37 227 c 2
+ 50 243 l 1
+ 64 223 l 1
+ 63 222 59 216 54 206 c 2
+ 45 181 l 2
+ 43 172 41 163 41 154 c 0
+ 41 135 49 117 77 106 c 2
+ 121 95 l 2
+ 127 94 134 93 139 93 c 0
+ 144 92 148 92 151 92 c 0
+ 154 92 156 92 158 93 c 1
+ 178 93 l 2
+ 221 93 225 91 256 91 c 2
+ 279 91 l 2
+ 313 91 343 68 352 39 c 1
+ 423 294 l 1
+ 421 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 401 399 c 2
+ 391 407 l 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 109 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 180 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 154 381 95 368 c 2
+ 93 368 l 2
+ 82 368 63 380 63 399 c 0
+ 63 406 65 412 69 419 c 2
+ 81 435 l 2
+ 115 474 179 550 296 550 c 0
+ 411 550 442 446 442 404 c 0
+ 442 402 442 400 442 399 c 0
+ 442 393 443 387 444 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 514 624 l 1
+ 529 613 l 1
+ 531 608 l 1
+ 529 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 529 574 532 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 832 558 l 1
+ 818 508 l 1
+ 530 508 l 1
+ 489 358 l 1
+ 499 340 l 2
+ 507 323 540 278 576 275 c 0
+ 614 275 634 298 649 322 c 2
+ 657 340 l 2
+ 658 346 659 352 659 357 c 0
+ 659 373 652 387 640 395 c 1
+ 636 370 l 2
+ 628 342 612 337 574 326 c 2
+ 569 326 l 2
+ 554 326 538 340 538 362 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_p_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_p_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60928 -1 2505
+Width: 679
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+355 472 m 2
+ 341 484 l 2
+ 334 492 320 496 299 496 c 0
+ 231 496 194 464 168 432 c 1
+ 213 432 220 399 220 375 c 0
+ 220 366 219 359 219 355 c 2
+ 213 343 l 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+ 363 464 360 468 355 472 c 2
+423 294 m 1
+ 421 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 401 399 c 2
+ 391 407 l 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 109 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 180 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 154 381 95 368 c 2
+ 93 368 l 2
+ 82 368 63 380 63 399 c 0
+ 63 406 65 412 69 419 c 2
+ 81 435 l 2
+ 115 474 179 550 296 550 c 0
+ 411 550 442 446 442 404 c 0
+ 442 402 442 400 442 399 c 0
+ 442 393 443 387 444 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 514 624 l 1
+ 529 613 l 1
+ 531 608 l 1
+ 529 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 529 574 532 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 768 558 l 1
+ 754 508 l 1
+ 530 508 l 1
+ 487 352 l 1
+ 549 378 l 1
+ 566 372 l 1
+ 589 359 l 2
+ 595 354 599 347 601 336 c 2
+ 605 311 l 1
+ 559 206 534 111 534 59 c 0
+ 534 58 l 2
+ 534 5 l 1
+ 486 42 l 1
+ 490 78 l 2
+ 493 103 498 124 501 137 c 2
+ 539 274 l 2
+ 542.635 286.462 544.382 294.071 544.382 298.787 c 0
+ 544.382 303.153 542.884 305.039 540 306 c 1
+ 532 299 511 286 466 276 c 1
+ 374 -56 l 1
+ 358 -40 l 1
+ 346 -2 l 2
+ 335 17 318 27 294 27 c 2
+ 210 27 l 2
+ 202 27 193 27 183 26 c 0
+ 174 26 166 26 158 25 c 0
+ 151 25 144 25 138 24 c 2
+ 126 24 l 2
+ 27 24 2 71 2 116 c 0
+ 2 138 13 190 37 227 c 2
+ 50 243 l 1
+ 64 223 l 1
+ 63 222 59 216 54 206 c 2
+ 45 181 l 2
+ 43 172 41 163 41 154 c 0
+ 41 135 49 117 77 106 c 2
+ 121 95 l 2
+ 127 94 134 93 139 93 c 0
+ 144 92 148 92 151 92 c 0
+ 154 92 156 92 158 93 c 1
+ 178 93 l 2
+ 221 93 225 91 256 91 c 2
+ 279 91 l 2
+ 313 91 343 68 352 39 c 1
+ 423 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_p_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_p_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60929 -1 2506
+Width: 740
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+356 472 m 2
+ 342 484 l 2
+ 334 492 320 496 299 496 c 0
+ 231 496 194 464 168 432 c 1
+ 213 432 221 399 221 375 c 0
+ 221 366 220 359 219 355 c 2
+ 214 343 l 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+ 363 464 360 468 356 472 c 2
+423 294 m 1
+ 421 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 401 399 c 2
+ 392 407 l 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 110 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 181 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 154 381 96 368 c 2
+ 94 368 l 2
+ 82 368 63 380 63 399 c 0
+ 63 406 66 412 70 419 c 2
+ 81 435 l 2
+ 115 474 179 550 296 550 c 0
+ 411 550 442 446 442 404 c 0
+ 442 402 442 400 442 399 c 0
+ 443 393 443 387 444 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 515 624 l 1
+ 530 613 l 1
+ 531 608 l 1
+ 529 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 530 574 533 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 827 558 l 1
+ 814 508 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 487 352 l 1
+ 494 340 l 2
+ 505 319 532 281 571 275 c 0
+ 609 275 629 298 644 322 c 2
+ 652 340 l 2
+ 654 346 654 352 654 357 c 0
+ 654 373 647 387 635 395 c 1
+ 631 370 l 2
+ 624 342 609 338 569 326 c 2
+ 564 326 l 2
+ 548 326 533 340 533 362 c 0
+ 533 378 549 431 630 440 c 0
+ 649 440 664 434 674 423 c 2
+ 691 406 l 2
+ 698 399 705 386 705 364 c 0
+ 705 316 680 267 639 243 c 2
+ 609 229 l 1
+ 583 225 l 2
+ 570 225 560 227 551 231 c 2
+ 524 252 l 2
+ 516 259 500 276 487 292 c 2
+ 475 308 l 1
+ 373 -59 l 1
+ 344 -39 l 1
+ 341 9 l 2
+ 340 29 321 50 312 50 c 0
+ 289 50 281 19 276 10 c 1
+ 251 9 l 1
+ 247 23 l 2
+ 237 56 211 66 198 66 c 2
+ 190 66 l 2
+ 155 66 132 36 132 18 c 0
+ 132 1 135 -10 148 -17 c 1
+ 147.437 -14.2988 147.166 -11.5722 147.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 147.166 12.574 164.039 33.4502 188 37 c 2
+ 202 37 l 2
+ 217 37 226 21 226 6 c 0
+ 226 3 225 -1 225 -4 c 2
+ 216 -23 l 2
+ 202 -42 183 -59 152 -59 c 0
+ 92 -59 82 -15 82 8 c 0
+ 82 13 83 16 83 19 c 2
+ 85 33 l 2
+ 87 58 127 136 200 136 c 0
+ 235 136 254 122 268 73 c 1
+ 278 100 304 118 322 118 c 2
+ 326 118 l 2
+ 346 118 357 91 359 63 c 1
+ 423 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_p_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_p_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60930 -1 2507
+Width: 673
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+356 472 m 2
+ 342 484 l 2
+ 334 492 320 496 299 496 c 0
+ 231 496 194 464 168 432 c 1
+ 213 432 221 399 221 375 c 0
+ 221 366 220 359 219 355 c 2
+ 214 343 l 1
+ 364 460 l 1
+ 363 464 360 468 356 472 c 2
+423 294 m 1
+ 421 299 423 303 423 306 c 0
+ 423 332 413 392 401 399 c 2
+ 392 407 l 1
+ 173 237 l 1
+ 110 263 l 1
+ 165 309 l 2
+ 181 319 185 347 185 357 c 0
+ 185 375 177 387 163 387 c 0
+ 150 387 154 381 96 368 c 2
+ 94 368 l 2
+ 82 368 63 380 63 399 c 0
+ 63 406 66 412 70 419 c 2
+ 81 435 l 2
+ 115 474 179 550 296 550 c 0
+ 411 550 442 446 442 404 c 0
+ 442 402 442 400 442 399 c 0
+ 443 393 443 387 444 381 c 2
+ 448 351 l 1
+ 474 477 l 1
+ 515 624 l 1
+ 530 613 l 1
+ 531 608 l 1
+ 529 600 528 593 528 587 c 0
+ 528 580 530 574 533 570 c 1
+ 555 558 l 1
+ 768 558 l 1
+ 755 508 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 487 352 l 1
+ 549 378 l 1
+ 567 372 l 1
+ 589 359 l 2
+ 596 354 600 347 602 336 c 2
+ 606 311 l 1
+ 559 206 535 111 535 59 c 0
+ 535 58 l 2
+ 534 5 l 1
+ 486 42 l 1
+ 490 78 l 2
+ 493 103 498 124 502 137 c 2
+ 540 274 l 2
+ 543.137 286.547 544.634 294.174 544.634 298.882 c 0
+ 544.634 303.18 543.386 305.046 541 306 c 1
+ 533 299 511 286 466 276 c 1
+ 373 -59 l 1
+ 344 -39 l 1
+ 341 9 l 2
+ 340 29 321 50 312 50 c 0
+ 289 50 281 19 276 10 c 1
+ 251 9 l 1
+ 247 23 l 2
+ 237 56 211 66 198 66 c 2
+ 190 66 l 2
+ 155 66 132 36 132 18 c 0
+ 132 1 135 -10 148 -17 c 1
+ 147.437 -14.2988 147.166 -11.5722 147.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 147.166 12.574 164.039 33.4502 188 37 c 2
+ 202 37 l 2
+ 217 37 226 21 226 6 c 0
+ 226 3 225 -1 225 -4 c 2
+ 216 -23 l 2
+ 202 -42 183 -59 152 -59 c 0
+ 92 -59 82 -15 82 8 c 0
+ 82 13 83 16 83 19 c 2
+ 85 33 l 2
+ 87 58 127 136 200 136 c 0
+ 235 136 254 122 268 73 c 1
+ 278 100 304 118 322 118 c 2
+ 326 118 l 2
+ 346 118 357 91 359 63 c 1
+ 423 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_p_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_b_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60931 -1 2508
+Width: 648
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+238 347 m 2
+ 141 294 l 1
+ 164 283 208 260 237 220 c 2
+ 262 188 l 2
+ 269 179 276 164 289 131 c 1
+ 362 394 l 1
+ 321 381 280 366 238 347 c 2
+455 369 m 0
+ 455 386 468 438 552 448 c 0
+ 571 448 586 442 596 431 c 2
+ 613 414 l 2
+ 620 407 627 395 627 373 c 0
+ 627 325 602 274 561 251 c 2
+ 531 237 l 1
+ 505 233 l 2
+ 492 233 482 235 473 239 c 2
+ 445 260 l 2
+ 438 267 431 273 426 280 c 2
+ 409 300 l 1
+ 391 324 l 1
+ 282 -70 l 1
+ 269 -54 l 1
+ 260 -16 l 2
+ 250 3 236 13 216 13 c 2
+ 120 13 l 1
+ 98 11 l 2
+ 91 11 85 11 80 10 c 2
+ 70 10 l 2
+ -13 10 -35 53 -35 97 c 0
+ -35 122 -22 177 0 213 c 2
+ 12 229 l 1
+ 23 209 l 1
+ 22 208 18 202 15 192 c 2
+ 6 167 l 2
+ 3 156 1 146 1 136 c 0
+ 1 118 8 102 30 92 c 2
+ 68 81 l 2
+ 80 79 89 78 94 78 c 1
+ 96 79 98 79 100 79 c 2
+ 117 79 l 2
+ 153 79 159 77 186 77 c 2
+ 206 77 l 2
+ 231 77 236 64 243 64 c 1
+ 253 54 252 56 255 49 c 1
+ 256 49 l 1
+ 256 48 l 1
+ 258 44 257 48 261 33 c 1
+ 274 78 l 1
+ 268 98 l 2
+ 257 127 248 147 224 167 c 2
+ 196 188 l 2
+ 154 217 132 230 82 230 c 1
+ 43 321 l 1
+ 115 362 l 1
+ 188 399 l 1
+ 286 441 l 2
+ 324 457 343 463 384 474 c 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 70 508 l 1
+ 84 558 l 1
+ 747 558 l 1
+ 733 508 l 1
+ 442 508 l 1
+ 404 370 l 1
+ 416 348 l 2
+ 425 329 452 291 493 283 c 0
+ 531 283 551 306 566 330 c 2
+ 574 348 l 2
+ 575 354 576 360 576 365 c 0
+ 576 381 569 395 557 403 c 1
+ 553 378 l 2
+ 548 360 540 345 491 334 c 2
+ 486 334 l 2
+ 478 334 455 343 455 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_b_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_b_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60932 -1 2509
+Width: 575
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+238 347 m 2
+ 141 294 l 1
+ 164 283 208 260 237 220 c 2
+ 262 188 l 2
+ 269 179 276 164 289 131 c 1
+ 362 394 l 1
+ 321 381 280 366 238 347 c 2
+243 64 m 1
+ 253 54 252 56 255 49 c 1
+ 256 49 l 1
+ 256 48 l 1
+ 258 44 257 48 261 33 c 1
+ 274 78 l 1
+ 268 98 l 2
+ 257 127 248 147 224 167 c 2
+ 196 188 l 2
+ 154 217 132 230 82 230 c 1
+ 43 321 l 1
+ 115 362 l 1
+ 188 399 l 1
+ 286 441 l 2
+ 324 457 343 463 384 474 c 1
+ 393 508 l 1
+ 70 508 l 1
+ 84 558 l 1
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 659 508 l 1
+ 442 508 l 1
+ 400 355 l 1
+ 454 378 l 1
+ 471 372 l 1
+ 494 359 l 2
+ 501 354 505 347 507 336 c 2
+ 511 311 l 1
+ 464 205 439 111 439 59 c 0
+ 439 58 l 2
+ 439 5 l 1
+ 391 42 l 1
+ 395 78 l 2
+ 398 103 403 124 406 137 c 2
+ 444 274 l 2
+ 447.635 286.462 449.382 294.071 449.382 298.787 c 0
+ 449.382 303.153 447.884 305.039 445 306 c 1
+ 436 298 416 288 378 278 c 1
+ 282 -70 l 1
+ 269 -54 l 1
+ 260 -16 l 2
+ 250 3 236 13 216 13 c 2
+ 120 13 l 1
+ 98 11 l 2
+ 91 11 85 11 80 10 c 2
+ 70 10 l 2
+ -13 10 -35 53 -35 97 c 0
+ -35 122 -22 177 0 213 c 2
+ 12 229 l 1
+ 23 209 l 1
+ 22 208 18 202 15 192 c 2
+ 6 167 l 2
+ 3 156 1 146 1 136 c 0
+ 1 118 8 102 30 92 c 2
+ 68 81 l 2
+ 80 79 89 78 94 78 c 1
+ 96 79 98 79 100 79 c 2
+ 117 79 l 2
+ 153 79 159 77 186 77 c 2
+ 206 77 l 2
+ 231 77 236 64 243 64 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_b_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_b_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60933 -1 2510
+Width: 444
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+145 294 m 1
+ 261.141 238.454 286.341 147.904 293 131 c 1
+ 366 394 l 1
+ 251.435 356.767 235.056 343.206 145 294 c 1
+-12 -27 m 0
+ -12 49 56 99 106 99 c 0
+ 160 99 170 53 174 36 c 1
+ 180.395 51.9863 197.2 81 232 81 c 1
+ 260.5 81 264.75 35.75 265 28 c 1
+ 279 78 l 1
+ 234.598 204.865 135.514 230 87 230 c 1
+ 48 321 l 1
+ 93.5723 347.316 245.815 435.853 388 474 c 1
+ 398 508 l 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 752 558 l 1
+ 738 508 l 1
+ 447 508 l 1
+ 409 370 l 1
+ 415.949 356.102 448.5 283 497 283 c 0
+ 557.89 283 581 346.631 581 365 c 0
+ 581 381 574 395 562 403 c 1
+ 559.123 385.019 558.037 334 496 334 c 0
+ 466.4 334 459 357.009 459 369 c 0
+ 459 386 481 448 556 448 c 0
+ 592.899 448 631 415.173 631 373 c 0
+ 631 346.514 597 233 510 233 c 0
+ 487.2 233 458.466 235.812 396 324 c 1
+ 279 -96 l 1
+ 250 -76 l 1
+ 247 -28 l 2
+ 246 -18 234 13 218 13 c 0
+ 195 13 187 -18 182 -27 c 1
+ 157 -28 l 1
+ 145.521 21.7402 114.6 29 104 29 c 0
+ 42.0391 29 38 -14.5039 38 -18 c 0
+ 38 -36.5586 43.1201 -48.5596 54 -54 c 1
+ 53.4375 -51.2988 53.166 -48.5723 53.166 -45.8545 c 0
+ 53.166 -36.7627 56.8828 0 108 0 c 0
+ 123 0 132 -16 132 -31 c 0
+ 132 -54.1094 104.279 -96 58 -96 c 0
+ 4 -96 -12 -62 -12 -27 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_b_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_b_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60934 -1 2511
+Width: 571
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+144 294 m 1
+ 260.141 238.454 285.341 147.904 292 131 c 1
+ 365 394 l 1
+ 250.435 356.766 234.056 343.206 144 294 c 1
+-13 -27 m 0
+ -13 49 55 99 105 99 c 0
+ 159 99 169 53 173 36 c 1
+ 185 66 209 81 227 81 c 0
+ 261.809 81 263.563 30.1868 264 28 c 1
+ 278 78 l 1
+ 233.597 204.865 134.514 230 86 230 c 1
+ 47 321 l 1
+ 92.572 347.316 244.815 435.853 387 474 c 1
+ 397 508 l 1
+ 74 508 l 1
+ 88 558 l 1
+ 677 558 l 1
+ 663 508 l 1
+ 446 508 l 1
+ 403 355 l 1
+ 458 378 l 1
+ 490.276 369.198 513.729 352.109 514 311 c 1
+ 467 206 445 109.75 443 59 c 0
+ 442.787 53.6051 442 42 442 5 c 1
+ 395 42 l 1
+ 402.285 134.165 428.438 196.72 448 274 c 0
+ 451.248 286.993 453.031 294.711 453.031 299.374 c 0
+ 453.031 303.324 451.75 306 449 306 c 1
+ 440 298 420 288 382 278 c 1
+ 278 -96 l 1
+ 249 -76 l 1
+ 246 -28 l 2
+ 245 -18 233 13 217 13 c 0
+ 194 13 185.5 -12 181 -27 c 1
+ 156 -28 l 1
+ 144.522 21.7399 113.6 29 103 29 c 0
+ 42 29 37 -12 37 -18 c 0
+ 37 -36.5589 42.12 -48.56 53 -54 c 1
+ 52.4372 -51.2988 52.1658 -48.5722 52.1658 -45.8545 c 0
+ 52.1658 -36.7627 58 0 107 0 c 0
+ 122 0 131 -16 131 -31 c 0
+ 131 -54.1094 103.279 -96 57 -96 c 0
+ 3 -96 -13 -62 -13 -27 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_b_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_bh_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60935 -1 2512
+Width: 726
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+78 558 m 1
+ 815 558 l 1
+ 801 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+523 370 m 0
+ 523 401 557 441 620 448 c 0
+ 639 448 654 442 664 431 c 2
+ 681 414 l 2
+ 688 407 695 395 695 373 c 0
+ 695 325 670 274 629 251 c 2
+ 599 237 l 1
+ 573 233 l 2
+ 560 233 549 235 541 239 c 2
+ 513 260 l 2
+ 504 268 490 282 477 300 c 2
+ 458 326 l 1
+ 366 -5 l 1
+ 345 17 l 1
+ 339 35 l 1
+ 338 53 l 2
+ 334 88 322 89 315 91 c 2
+ 290 98 l 1
+ 265 98 l 1
+ 136 91 l 2
+ 24 91 -8 151 -8 209 c 0
+ -8 227 -5 244 -1 259 c 2
+ 4 278 l 1
+ 15 300 l 1
+ 35 338 l 1
+ 53 361 l 1
+ 70 349 l 1
+ 61 335 55 323 51 314 c 2
+ 46 296 l 1
+ 41 279 l 1
+ 37 254 l 2
+ 37 254 37 254 37 253 c 0
+ 37 237 53 194 89 183 c 2
+ 189 171 l 1
+ 229 174 l 2
+ 280 174 300 166 315 157 c 2
+ 352 119 l 1
+ 419 359 l 1
+ 404 348 l 2
+ 386 336 322 297 302 291 c 2
+ 283 284 l 2
+ 267 278 250 277 243 277 c 0
+ 202 277 170 290 154 320 c 2
+ 151 336 l 2
+ 149 341 149 345 149 351 c 0
+ 149 368 156 388 160 394 c 2
+ 166 405 l 2
+ 193 461 237 463 250 463 c 0
+ 283 463 299 447 299 417 c 0
+ 299 416 299.01 414.98 299.01 413.932 c 0
+ 299.01 404.5 298.2 392.8 282 373 c 2
+ 268 355 l 1
+ 272 354 l 2
+ 278 354 286 355 302 365 c 2
+ 366 408 l 1
+ 390 432 l 2
+ 395 437 409 456 416 456 c 0
+ 421 456 427 453 437 445 c 2
+ 450 432 l 2
+ 470 413 474 398 474 388 c 0
+ 474 386 473 384 473 382 c 2
+ 470 372 l 1
+ 484 348 l 2
+ 493 330 521 289 561 283 c 0
+ 599 283 619 306 634 330 c 2
+ 642 348 l 2
+ 643 354 644 360 644 365 c 0
+ 644 381 637 395 625 403 c 1
+ 621 378 l 2
+ 616 360 608 345 559 334 c 2
+ 554 334 l 2
+ 539 334 523 348 523 370 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_bh_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_bh_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60936 -1 2513
+Width: 652
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+78 558 m 1
+ 748 558 l 1
+ 734 508 l 1
+ 64 508 l 1
+ 78 558 l 1
+520 306 m 1
+ 507 295 476 284 444 276 c 1
+ 366 -5 l 1
+ 345 17 l 1
+ 339 35 l 1
+ 338 53 l 2
+ 334 88 322 89 315 91 c 2
+ 290 98 l 1
+ 265 98 l 1
+ 136 91 l 2
+ 24 91 -8 151 -8 209 c 0
+ -8 227 -5 244 -1 259 c 2
+ 4 278 l 1
+ 15 300 l 1
+ 35 338 l 1
+ 53 361 l 1
+ 70 349 l 1
+ 61 335 55 323 51 314 c 2
+ 46 296 l 1
+ 41 279 l 1
+ 37 254 l 2
+ 37 254 37 254 37 253 c 0
+ 37 237 53 194 89 183 c 2
+ 189 171 l 1
+ 229 174 l 2
+ 280 174 300 166 315 157 c 2
+ 352 119 l 1
+ 419 359 l 1
+ 404 348 l 2
+ 386 336 322 297 302 291 c 2
+ 283 284 l 2
+ 267 278 250 277 243 277 c 0
+ 202 277 170 290 154 320 c 2
+ 151 336 l 2
+ 149 341 149 345 149 351 c 0
+ 149 368 156 388 160 394 c 2
+ 166 405 l 2
+ 193 461 237 463 250 463 c 0
+ 283 463 299 447 299 417 c 0
+ 299 416 299.01 414.98 299.01 413.932 c 0
+ 299.01 404.5 298.2 392.8 282 373 c 2
+ 268 355 l 1
+ 272 354 l 2
+ 278 354 286 355 302 365 c 2
+ 366 408 l 1
+ 390 432 l 2
+ 395 437 409 456 416 456 c 0
+ 421 456 427 453 437 445 c 2
+ 450 432 l 2
+ 470 413 474 398 474 388 c 0
+ 474 386 473 384 473 382 c 2
+ 465 351 l 1
+ 529 378 l 1
+ 546 372 l 1
+ 569 359 l 2
+ 575 354 580 347 582 336 c 2
+ 586 311 l 1
+ 539 206 514 111 514 59 c 0
+ 514 58 l 2
+ 514 5 l 1
+ 466 42 l 1
+ 470 78 l 2
+ 473 103 478 124 481 137 c 2
+ 519 274 l 2
+ 522.635 286.462 524.382 294.071 524.382 298.787 c 0
+ 524.382 303.153 522.884 305.039 520 306 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_bh_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_m_p_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60937 -1 2514
+Width: 1035
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+644 472 m 2
+ 630 484 l 2
+ 623 492 609 496 588 496 c 0
+ 520 496 483 464 457 432 c 1
+ 502 432 509 399 509 375 c 0
+ 509 366 508 359 508 355 c 2
+ 502 343 l 1
+ 653 460 l 1
+ 652 464 649 468 644 472 c 2
+296 370 m 0
+ 351 370 369 429 369 469 c 0
+ 369 488 364 504 348 506 c 2
+ 185 506 l 1
+ 200 476 176 438 220 402 c 2
+ 238 386 l 2
+ 263 374 283 370 296 370 c 0
+830 369 m 0
+ 830 385 841 432 927 447 c 0
+ 946 447 962 441 971 430 c 2
+ 989 413 l 2
+ 995 406 1002 393 1002 371 c 0
+ 1002 323 978 274 937 250 c 2
+ 907 236 l 1
+ 881 232 l 2
+ 868 232 857 234 848 238 c 2
+ 821 259 l 2
+ 809 271 792 284 768 322 c 1
+ 663 -56 l 1
+ 647 -40 l 1
+ 635 -2 l 2
+ 624 17 607 27 583 27 c 2
+ 499 27 l 2
+ 491 27 482 27 472 26 c 0
+ 463 26 455 26 448 25 c 0
+ 440 25 433 25 427 24 c 2
+ 415 24 l 2
+ 316 24 291 70 291 116 c 0
+ 291 138 302 189 326 227 c 2
+ 339 243 l 1
+ 353 223 l 1
+ 352 222 348 216 343 206 c 2
+ 334 181 l 2
+ 332 171 330 162 330 154 c 0
+ 330 134 339 117 366 106 c 2
+ 410 95 l 2
+ 416 94 423 93 428 93 c 0
+ 433 92 437 92 440 92 c 0
+ 443 92 445 92 447 93 c 1
+ 467 93 l 2
+ 509 93 515 91 545 91 c 2
+ 568 91 l 2
+ 601 91 631 69 641 39 c 1
+ 712 294 l 1
+ 712 294 706 390 690 399 c 2
+ 680 407 l 1
+ 462 237 l 1
+ 398 263 l 1
+ 454 309 l 2
+ 469 319 474 347 474 357 c 0
+ 474 375 466 387 452 387 c 0
+ 441 387 446 384 390 369 c 1
+ 357 320 316 299 278 299 c 2
+ 253 299 l 2
+ 240 299 217 315 200 334 c 2
+ 172 371 l 1
+ 158 320 113 306 96 306 c 2
+ 92 306 l 1
+ 91 305 90 305 89 305 c 0
+ 69 305 48 321 48 346 c 0
+ 48 370 66 412 115 422 c 0
+ 116 422 117 422 121 423 c 0
+ 137 423 148 432 148 467 c 0
+ 148 485 143 506 122 506 c 2
+ 62 506 l 1
+ 75 556 l 1
+ 453 556 l 1
+ 440 506 l 1
+ 402 506 l 1
+ 405 501 409 495 413 480 c 1
+ 441 506 494 550 585 550 c 0
+ 700 550 731 444 731 403 c 0
+ 731 402 731 400 731 399 c 0
+ 731 393 732 387 733 381 c 2
+ 737 351 l 1
+ 763 477 l 1
+ 803 624 l 1
+ 818 613 l 1
+ 820 608 l 1
+ 818 600 817 593 817 587 c 0
+ 817 580 818 574 821 570 c 1
+ 844 557 l 1
+ 1123 557 l 1
+ 1109 507 l 1
+ 819 507 l 1
+ 780 367 l 1
+ 791 347 l 2
+ 800 328 830 288 868 282 c 0
+ 906 282 927 305 941 329 c 2
+ 949 347 l 2
+ 951 353 952 359 952 364 c 0
+ 952 380 945 394 933 402 c 1
+ 929 377 l 2
+ 924 359 916 344 867 333 c 2
+ 862 333 l 2
+ 847 333 830 347 830 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_m_p_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_m_p_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60938 -1 2515
+Width: 960
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+644 472 m 2
+ 630 484 l 2
+ 623 492 609 496 588 496 c 0
+ 520 496 483 464 457 432 c 1
+ 502 432 509 399 509 375 c 0
+ 509 366 508 359 508 355 c 2
+ 502 343 l 1
+ 653 460 l 1
+ 652 464 649 468 644 472 c 2
+296 370 m 0
+ 351 370 369 429 369 469 c 0
+ 369 488 364 504 348 506 c 2
+ 185 506 l 1
+ 200 476 176 438 220 402 c 2
+ 238 386 l 2
+ 263 374 283 370 296 370 c 0
+121 423 m 0
+ 137 423 148 432 148 467 c 0
+ 148 485 143 506 122 506 c 2
+ 62 506 l 1
+ 75 556 l 1
+ 453 556 l 1
+ 440 506 l 1
+ 402 506 l 1
+ 405 501 409 495 413 480 c 1
+ 441 506 494 550 585 550 c 0
+ 700 550 731 444 731 403 c 0
+ 731 402 731 400 731 399 c 0
+ 731 393 732 387 733 381 c 2
+ 737 351 l 1
+ 763 477 l 1
+ 803 624 l 1
+ 818 613 l 1
+ 820 608 l 1
+ 818 600 817 593 817 587 c 0
+ 817 580 818 574 821 570 c 1
+ 844 557 l 1
+ 1055 557 l 1
+ 1041 507 l 1
+ 819 507 l 1
+ 776 352 l 1
+ 836 377 l 1
+ 853 371 l 1
+ 876 358 l 2
+ 880 355 885 349 888 335 c 2
+ 892 310 l 1
+ 845 205 821 110 821 58 c 0
+ 821 57 l 2
+ 820 4 l 1
+ 773 41 l 1
+ 777 77 l 2
+ 782 106 781 111 788 136 c 2
+ 826 273 l 2
+ 830 286 831 294 831 297 c 1
+ 832 302 831 304 827 305 c 1
+ 815 295 784 283 755 276 c 1
+ 663 -56 l 1
+ 647 -40 l 1
+ 635 -2 l 2
+ 624 17 607 27 583 27 c 2
+ 499 27 l 2
+ 491 27 482 27 472 26 c 0
+ 463 26 455 26 448 25 c 0
+ 440 25 433 25 427 24 c 2
+ 415 24 l 2
+ 316 24 291 70 291 116 c 0
+ 291 138 302 189 326 227 c 2
+ 339 243 l 1
+ 353 223 l 1
+ 352 222 348 216 343 206 c 2
+ 334 181 l 2
+ 332 171 330 162 330 154 c 0
+ 330 134 339 117 366 106 c 2
+ 410 95 l 2
+ 416 94 423 93 428 93 c 0
+ 433 92 437 92 440 92 c 0
+ 443 92 445 92 447 93 c 1
+ 467 93 l 2
+ 509 93 515 91 545 91 c 2
+ 568 91 l 2
+ 601 91 631 69 641 39 c 1
+ 712 294 l 1
+ 712 294 706 390 690 399 c 2
+ 680 407 l 1
+ 462 237 l 1
+ 398 263 l 1
+ 454 309 l 2
+ 469 319 474 347 474 357 c 0
+ 474 375 466 387 452 387 c 0
+ 441 387 446 384 390 369 c 1
+ 357 320 316 299 278 299 c 2
+ 253 299 l 2
+ 240 299 217 315 200 334 c 2
+ 172 371 l 1
+ 158 320 113 306 96 306 c 2
+ 92 306 l 1
+ 91 305 90 305 89 305 c 0
+ 69 305 48 321 48 346 c 0
+ 48 370 66 412 115 422 c 0
+ 116 422 117 422 121 423 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_m_p_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_m_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60939 -1 2516
+Width: 724
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 508 m 1
+ 289 450 l 1
+ 306 428 l 2
+ 308 425 311 420 313 415 c 2
+ 321 394 l 2
+ 326 376 329 362 329 351 c 0
+ 329 339 328 293 324 279 c 2
+ 316 259 l 1
+ 330 241 l 1
+ 330 235 334 229 341 223 c 2
+ 362 185 l 1
+ 373 159 l 1
+ 470 508 l 1
+ 237 508 l 1
+531 369 m 0
+ 531 402 565 441 627 448 c 0
+ 646 448 662 442 672 431 c 2
+ 689 414 l 2
+ 696 407 703 395 703 373 c 0
+ 703 325 678 274 637 251 c 2
+ 607 237 l 1
+ 581 233 l 2
+ 568 233 557 235 549 239 c 2
+ 521 260 l 2
+ 512 268 497 282 484 300 c 2
+ 467 324 l 1
+ 362 -55 l 1
+ 360 -42 347 -47 343 -37 c 2
+ 321 8 l 2
+ 312 19 296 29 277 36 c 2
+ 258 41 l 1
+ 239 42 l 1
+ 185 35 l 1
+ 74 35 l 1
+ 71 36 69 36 68 36 c 0
+ 11 48 -19 72 -19 132 c 0
+ -19 152 -15 172 -12 184 c 2
+ -8 198 l 2
+ -6 202 -5 205 -3 208 c 2
+ 11 242 l 1
+ 18 251 l 1
+ 48 219 l 1
+ 39 215 32 206 28 192 c 2
+ 23 177 l 2
+ 22 170 21 165 21 159 c 0
+ 21 137 37 127 56 118 c 2
+ 79 109 l 1
+ 99 103 l 1
+ 202 103 l 2
+ 206 103 210 103 213 102 c 2
+ 217 102 221 102 224 101 c 0
+ 248 101 305 88 330 59 c 2
+ 341 42 l 1
+ 356 97 l 1
+ 352 109 l 2
+ 345 145 307 178 292 188 c 2
+ 276 198 l 1
+ 274 191 265 183 238 167 c 2
+ 221 159 l 2
+ 216 156 211 154 207 153 c 2
+ 178 149 l 2
+ 143 149 127 162 123 171 c 2
+ 113 188 l 1
+ 113 209 l 1
+ 117 232 l 2
+ 120 244 126 256 136 268 c 2
+ 160 294 l 2
+ 187 314 219 316 244 319 c 0
+ 263 319 274 316 277 310 c 1
+ 281 325 283 338 283 350 c 0
+ 283 391 260 414 234 423 c 2
+ 195 436 l 2
+ 167 445 152 453 149 458 c 2
+ 141 467 l 2
+ 136 474 131 480 129 486 c 2
+ 126 508 l 1
+ 70 508 l 1
+ 84 558 l 1
+ 823 558 l 1
+ 809 508 l 1
+ 518 508 l 1
+ 480 370 l 1
+ 492 348 l 2
+ 501 330 529 289 569 283 c 0
+ 607 283 627 306 642 330 c 2
+ 650 348 l 2
+ 651 354 652 360 652 365 c 0
+ 652 381 645 395 633 403 c 1
+ 629 378 l 2
+ 624 360 619 346 567 334 c 2
+ 562 334 l 2
+ 548 334 531 347 531 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_m_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_m_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60940 -1 2517
+Width: 655
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 508 m 1
+ 289 450 l 1
+ 306 428 l 2
+ 308 425 311 420 313 415 c 2
+ 321 394 l 2
+ 326 376 329 362 329 351 c 0
+ 329 339 328 293 324 279 c 2
+ 316 259 l 1
+ 330 241 l 1
+ 330 235 334 229 341 223 c 2
+ 362 185 l 1
+ 373 159 l 1
+ 470 508 l 1
+ 237 508 l 1
+68 36 m 0
+ 11 48 -19 72 -19 132 c 0
+ -19 152 -15 172 -12 184 c 2
+ -8 198 l 2
+ -6 202 -5 205 -3 208 c 2
+ 11 242 l 1
+ 18 251 l 1
+ 48 219 l 1
+ 39 215 32 206 28 192 c 2
+ 23 177 l 2
+ 22 170 21 165 21 159 c 0
+ 21 137 37 127 56 118 c 2
+ 79 109 l 1
+ 99 103 l 1
+ 202 103 l 2
+ 206 103 210 103 213 102 c 2
+ 217 102 221 102 224 101 c 0
+ 248 101 305 88 330 59 c 2
+ 341 42 l 1
+ 356 97 l 1
+ 352 109 l 2
+ 345 145 307 178 292 188 c 2
+ 276 198 l 1
+ 274 191 265 183 238 167 c 2
+ 221 159 l 2
+ 216 156 211 154 207 153 c 2
+ 178 149 l 2
+ 143 149 127 162 123 171 c 2
+ 113 188 l 1
+ 113 209 l 1
+ 117 232 l 2
+ 120 244 126 256 136 268 c 2
+ 160 294 l 2
+ 187 314 219 316 244 319 c 0
+ 263 319 274 316 277 310 c 1
+ 281 325 283 338 283 350 c 0
+ 283 391 260 414 234 423 c 2
+ 195 436 l 2
+ 167 445 152 453 149 458 c 2
+ 141 467 l 2
+ 136 474 131 480 129 486 c 2
+ 126 508 l 1
+ 70 508 l 1
+ 84 558 l 1
+ 752 558 l 1
+ 738 508 l 1
+ 518 508 l 1
+ 475 354 l 1
+ 533 378 l 1
+ 550 372 l 1
+ 573 359 l 2
+ 577 356 582 350 585 336 c 2
+ 590 311 l 1
+ 543 206 518 111 518 59 c 0
+ 518 58 l 2
+ 518 5 l 1
+ 470 42 l 1
+ 474 78 l 2
+ 479 107 478 112 485 137 c 2
+ 523 274 l 2
+ 526.635 286.462 528.382 294.071 528.382 298.787 c 0
+ 528.382 303.153 526.884 305.039 524 306 c 1
+ 516 300 496 288 454 277 c 1
+ 362 -55 l 1
+ 360 -42 347 -47 343 -37 c 2
+ 321 8 l 2
+ 312 19 296 29 277 36 c 2
+ 258 41 l 1
+ 239 42 l 1
+ 185 35 l 1
+ 74 35 l 1
+ 71 36 69 36 68 36 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_m_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60941 -1 2518
+Width: 618
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+60 81 m 0
+ 60 107 87 145 124 145 c 0
+ 157 145 164 121 164 105 c 0
+ 164 96 161 88 157 80 c 2
+ 147 66 l 2
+ 133 50 118 42 101 42 c 0
+ 92 42 60 50 60 81 c 0
+304 390 m 0
+ 292 387 283 384 277 381 c 2
+ 217 354 l 1
+ 165 327 l 1
+ 118 299 l 1
+ 167 277 192 254 216 220 c 2
+ 246 175 l 2
+ 252 166 259 147 264 124 c 1
+ 341 401 l 1
+ 321 395 321 395 304 390 c 0
+420 369 m 0
+ 420 386 433 438 517 448 c 0
+ 536 448 551 442 561 431 c 2
+ 578 414 l 2
+ 585 407 592 395 592 373 c 0
+ 592 325 567 274 526 251 c 2
+ 496 237 l 1
+ 470 233 l 2
+ 457 233 447 235 438 239 c 2
+ 411 260 l 2
+ 401 268 387 282 374 300 c 2
+ 366 311 l 1
+ 280 1 l 1
+ 266 19 l 1
+ 244 102 l 2
+ 240 124 214 166 179 193 c 2
+ 140 218 l 2
+ 119 229 96 235 63 235 c 1
+ 22 324 l 1
+ 129 383 l 2
+ 142 390 154 395 166 400 c 2
+ 263 440 l 2
+ 285 449 333 466 361 475 c 1
+ 370 508 l 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 712 558 l 1
+ 698 508 l 1
+ 420 508 l 1
+ 378 354 l 1
+ 408 300 437 287 458 283 c 0
+ 496 283 516 306 531 330 c 2
+ 539 348 l 2
+ 541 354 541 360 541 365 c 0
+ 541 381 534 395 522 403 c 1
+ 518 378 l 2
+ 513 360 508 346 456 334 c 2
+ 451 334 l 2
+ 437 334 420 347 420 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60942 -1 2519
+Width: 558
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+60 81 m 0
+ 60 107 87 145 124 145 c 0
+ 157 145 164 121 164 105 c 0
+ 164 96 161 88 157 80 c 2
+ 147 66 l 2
+ 133 50 118 42 101 42 c 0
+ 92 42 60 50 60 81 c 0
+304 390 m 0
+ 292 387 283 384 277 381 c 2
+ 217 354 l 1
+ 165 327 l 1
+ 118 299 l 1
+ 167 277 192 254 216 220 c 2
+ 246 175 l 2
+ 252 166 259 147 264 124 c 1
+ 341 401 l 1
+ 321 395 321 395 304 390 c 0
+438 174 m 0
+ 430.559 146.098 418.794 74.0787 418.794 60.1203 c 0
+ 418.794 59.0709 418.86 58.3496 419 58 c 2
+ 418 5 l 1
+ 370 42 l 1
+ 374 78 l 2
+ 379 107 379 112 385 137 c 2
+ 423 274 l 2
+ 426.635 286.462 428.382 294.071 428.382 298.787 c 0
+ 428.382 303.153 426.884 305.039 424 306 c 1
+ 414 296 388 285 357 278 c 1
+ 280 1 l 1
+ 266 19 l 1
+ 244 102 l 2
+ 240 124 214 166 179 193 c 2
+ 140 218 l 2
+ 119 229 96 235 63 235 c 1
+ 22 324 l 1
+ 129 383 l 2
+ 142 390 154 395 166 400 c 2
+ 263 440 l 2
+ 285 449 333 466 361 475 c 1
+ 370 508 l 1
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 77 558 l 1
+ 652 558 l 1
+ 638 508 l 1
+ 420 508 l 1
+ 378 355 l 1
+ 433 378 l 1
+ 451 372 l 1
+ 473 359 l 2
+ 481 352 483 350 486 336 c 2
+ 490 311 l 1
+ 470 267 455 220 438 174 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_l_g_ukaar
+Encoding: 60943 -1 2520
+Width: 516
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+163 276 m 1
+ 160.044 282.096 158.692 288.466 158.692 294.799 c 0
+ 158.692 322.749 185.02 350 216 350 c 0
+ 253 350 261 324 261 307 c 0
+ 261 303 260 300 260 298 c 2
+ 249 276 l 1
+ 247 274 236 264 236 263 c 1
+ 247 262 255 260 262 256 c 2
+ 279 243 l 2
+ 281 242 283 239 285 236 c 2
+ 293 223 l 1
+ 300 208 l 2
+ 301 203 303 198 303 193 c 1
+ 366 275 l 1
+ 388 219 l 1
+ 425 354 l 1
+ 421 368 399 406 373 406 c 0
+ 360 406 345 389 339 369 c 2
+ 332 342 l 1
+ 312 328 l 1
+ 300 356 l 2
+ 289 383 276 393 252 408 c 1
+ 229 410 l 2
+ 198 410 167 404 145 368 c 2
+ 135 342 l 2
+ 133 336 132 330 132 324 c 0
+ 132 305 143 288 163 276 c 1
+81 170 m 0
+ 81 208 132 229 145 243 c 1
+ 102 255 87 288 87 316 c 0
+ 87 323 88 330 90 336 c 2
+ 99 368 l 2
+ 124 429 167 464 228 464 c 0
+ 246 464 291 456 301 432 c 2
+ 313 404 l 1
+ 341 442 l 2
+ 349 449 360 455 374 458 c 2
+ 377 458 l 2
+ 423 458 432 412 436 392 c 1
+ 468 508 l 1
+ 78 508 l 1
+ 92 559 l 1
+ 619 559 l 1
+ 605 508 l 1
+ 516 508 l 1
+ 416 148 l 1
+ 419 142 420 137 420 124 c 0
+ 420 76 409 60 353 34 c 1
+ 363 13 l 1
+ 360 -10 l 1
+ 360.107 -10.4653 360.161 -11.0177 360.161 -11.6503 c 0
+ 360.161 -28.6943 321.28 -104 248 -104 c 0
+ 95 -104 67 -42 33 47 c 0
+ 19 85 16 122 16 148 c 0
+ 16 157 16 165 16 171 c 2
+ 21 238 l 1
+ 49 221 l 1
+ 47 201 46 206 46 187 c 0
+ 46 164 49 126 60 96 c 2
+ 73 60 l 2
+ 77 46 88 31 119 2 c 2
+ 133 -9 l 1
+ 172 -33 l 2
+ 192 -42 215 -47 240 -47 c 0
+ 287 -47 325 -30 332 -5 c 2
+ 333 8 l 1
+ 319 1 306 -2 295 -2 c 0
+ 284 -2 248 1 248 37 c 0
+ 248 78 296 88 311 88 c 2
+ 320 88 l 1
+ 346 79 l 1
+ 355 79 l 1
+ 385 89 385 107 385 115 c 0
+ 385 143 369 185 358 188 c 1
+ 294 127 l 1
+ 295 131 295 135 295 139 c 0
+ 295 184 265 217 227 217 c 0
+ 189 217 179 208 153 188 c 1
+ 188 194 l 1
+ 200 194 l 2
+ 219 189 251 178 251 153 c 0
+ 251 134 223 101 173 66 c 2
+ 144 49 l 1
+ 98 89 l 1
+ 182 136 l 2
+ 193 141 200 147 203 154 c 0
+ 203.1 154.5 203.15 154.97 203.15 155.411 c 0
+ 203.15 159.38 199.1 161 191 161 c 2
+ 176 157 l 1
+ 109 147 l 2
+ 85 147 81 161 81 170 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_l_ga bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_sh_ukaar
+Encoding: 60944 -1 2521
+Width: 497
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+297 288 m 0
+ 297 317 322 350 370 358 c 0
+ 384 358 401 348 406 342 c 1
+ 422 348 l 1
+ 441 365 l 2
+ 452 376 453 401 453 410 c 0
+ 453 445 440 482 428 488 c 1
+ 359 406 l 1
+ 359 424 359 425 353 446 c 2
+ 347 463 l 1
+ 340 480 l 2
+ 336 486 327 496 323 499 c 2
+ 307 511 l 1
+ 299 507 295 503 290 498 c 2
+ 280 488 l 1
+ 284 487 289 483 294 477 c 2
+ 308 455 l 1
+ 317 426 l 2
+ 317.951 421.245 318.299 417.495 318.299 414.463 c 0
+ 318.299 407.931 316.683 404.732 316 402 c 1
+ 293 374 l 2
+ 287 370 281 369 275 369 c 2
+ 269 369 l 1
+ 266 367 259 365 250 364 c 0
+ 240 364 230 370 223 382 c 2
+ 219 392 l 1
+ 216 393 l 1
+ 196 375 l 1
+ 186 367 l 2
+ 174 358 160 352 148 352 c 2
+ 143 352 l 2
+ 117 355 105 366 105 383 c 0
+ 105 407 126 435 134 444 c 2
+ 154 462 l 1
+ 180 482 l 2
+ 189 488 192 492 202 494 c 1
+ 185 520 l 1
+ 145 529 l 1
+ 132 528 l 1
+ 105 532 l 1
+ 94 571 l 1
+ 125 575 l 2
+ 165 575 210 560 220 547 c 2
+ 230 530 l 1
+ 236 516 l 1
+ 239 501 l 1
+ 241 509 246 517 254 525 c 2
+ 275 544 l 2
+ 291 560 305 562 311 562 c 2
+ 314 562 l 1
+ 314 561 314 561 315 561 c 1
+ 342 549 l 2
+ 350 544 359 525 370 493 c 1
+ 441 597 l 1
+ 442 581 l 2
+ 442 556 443 541 452 522 c 2
+ 456 510 l 1
+ 466 491 l 1
+ 485 432 l 2
+ 485 428 485 424 485 419 c 0
+ 485 371 473 328 439 304 c 2
+ 411 284 l 1
+ 414 273 417 261 417 250 c 0
+ 417 249 417 249 417 248 c 2
+ 414 228 l 1
+ 409 202 l 2
+ 398 162 362 123 285 95 c 2
+ 267 90 l 1
+ 248 89 l 1
+ 232 89 l 2
+ 227 90 222 90 219 91 c 2
+ 199 96 l 1
+ 179 102 l 2
+ 173 105 168 108 162 112 c 2
+ 114 152 l 1
+ 93 182 l 2
+ 86 192 75 207 62 251 c 2
+ 50 297 l 1
+ 44 332 l 2
+ 41 351 38 382 38 418 c 0
+ 38 438 39 458 42 479 c 2
+ 50 549 l 1
+ 79 524 l 1
+ 75 499 73 472 73 447 c 0
+ 73 409 77 376 82 357 c 2
+ 96 309 l 1
+ 96 309 117 270 119 267 c 2
+ 137 244 l 2
+ 172 200 210 169 273 169 c 0
+ 347 169 373 202 378 212 c 2
+ 384 225 l 1
+ 386 250 l 1
+ 371 241 356 236 345 236 c 0
+ 324 236 297 253 297 288 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sha bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_sh_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60945 -1 2522
+Width: 726
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+522 369 m 0
+ 522 386 535 438 619 448 c 0
+ 638 448 653 442 663 431 c 2
+ 681 414 l 2
+ 687 407 694 395 694 373 c 0
+ 694 325 669 274 628 251 c 2
+ 598 237 l 1
+ 572 233 l 2
+ 559 233 549 235 540 239 c 2
+ 513 260 l 2
+ 503 268 489 282 476 300 c 2
+ 462 320 l 1
+ 358 -54 l 1
+ 342 -38 l 1
+ 330 0 l 2
+ 319 19 302 29 278 29 c 2
+ 194 29 l 2
+ 185 29 177 29 168 28 c 0
+ 159 28 151 28 142 27 c 0
+ 135 27 128 27 122 26 c 2
+ 110 26 l 2
+ 11 26 -14 72 -14 118 c 0
+ -14 140 -2 193 21 229 c 2
+ 34 245 l 1
+ 48 225 l 1
+ 47 224 43 218 38 208 c 2
+ 30 183 l 2
+ 27 173 25 164 25 156 c 0
+ 25 135 34 118 61 108 c 2
+ 105 97 l 2
+ 119 95 130 94 135 94 c 1
+ 138 95 140 95 142 95 c 2
+ 162 95 l 2
+ 205 95 210 93 241 93 c 2
+ 264 93 l 2
+ 279 93 317 87 331 44 c 1
+ 418 359 l 2
+ 419 363 420 368 420 373 c 0
+ 420 412 390 477 354 477 c 0
+ 314 477 294 446 292 438 c 1
+ 298 435 305 430 311 421 c 2
+ 322 408 l 2
+ 339 392 344 375 344 361 c 0
+ 344 347 337 330 334 326 c 2
+ 323 308 l 2
+ 303 280 272 277 259 277 c 0
+ 236 277 217 288 203 311 c 2
+ 197 327 l 1
+ 188 314 l 2
+ 164 290 119 277 103 277 c 0
+ 69 277 61 313 60 324 c 2
+ 63 349 l 2
+ 68 367 69 369 95 395 c 2
+ 123 418 l 1
+ 155 439 l 2
+ 162 444 169 447 176 448 c 1
+ 160 490 l 1
+ 147 499 l 2
+ 139 504 130 507 123 507 c 2
+ 58 507 l 1
+ 22 557 l 1
+ 125 557 l 2
+ 148 557 168 551 181 539 c 2
+ 198 515 l 1
+ 208 491 l 2
+ 210.469 482.771 212.26 475.22 212.26 468.345 c 0
+ 212.26 466.865 212.177 465.417 212 464 c 1
+ 233 491 258 530 337 554 c 2
+ 362 559 l 2
+ 377 559 395 538 416 490 c 2
+ 429 451 l 2
+ 438 426 444 404 446 391 c 1
+ 466 530 l 1
+ 498 647 l 1
+ 509 635 l 1
+ 521 614 l 2
+ 522.236 610.292 523.09 606.584 523.09 602.639 c 0
+ 523.09 600.202 522.764 597.674 522 595 c 2
+ 519 580 l 1
+ 520 573 526 563 547 558 c 2
+ 815 558 l 1
+ 801 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 474 365 l 1
+ 483 348 l 2
+ 492 329 519 291 560 283 c 0
+ 598 283 619 306 633 330 c 2
+ 641 348 l 2
+ 643 354 644 360 644 365 c 0
+ 644 381 637 395 625 403 c 1
+ 621 378 l 2
+ 616 360 607 345 558 334 c 2
+ 553 334 l 2
+ 539 334 522 347 522 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sh_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_sh_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60946 -1 2523
+Width: 660
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+531 174 m 0
+ 523.316 145.184 511.941 69.3164 511.941 58.9398 c 0
+ 511.941 58.5133 511.961 58.1974 512 58 c 2
+ 511 5 l 1
+ 463 42 l 1
+ 467 78 l 2
+ 470 103 475 124 479 137 c 2
+ 517 274 l 2
+ 520.137 286.547 521.634 294.174 521.634 298.882 c 0
+ 521.634 303.18 520.386 305.046 518 306 c 1
+ 507 297 480 285 450 278 c 1
+ 358 -54 l 1
+ 342 -38 l 1
+ 330 0 l 2
+ 319 19 302 29 278 29 c 2
+ 194 29 l 2
+ 185 29 177 29 168 28 c 0
+ 159 28 151 28 142 27 c 0
+ 135 27 128 27 122 26 c 2
+ 110 26 l 2
+ 11 26 -14 72 -14 118 c 0
+ -14 140 -2 193 21 229 c 2
+ 34 245 l 1
+ 48 225 l 1
+ 47 224 43 218 38 208 c 2
+ 30 183 l 2
+ 27 173 25 164 25 156 c 0
+ 25 135 34 118 61 108 c 2
+ 105 97 l 2
+ 119 95 130 94 135 94 c 1
+ 138 95 140 95 142 95 c 2
+ 162 95 l 2
+ 205 95 210 93 241 93 c 2
+ 264 93 l 2
+ 279 93 317 87 331 44 c 1
+ 418 359 l 2
+ 419 363 420 368 420 373 c 0
+ 420 412 390 477 354 477 c 0
+ 314 477 294 446 292 438 c 1
+ 298 435 305 430 311 421 c 2
+ 322 408 l 2
+ 339 392 344 375 344 361 c 0
+ 344 347 337 330 334 326 c 2
+ 323 308 l 2
+ 303 280 272 277 259 277 c 0
+ 236 277 217 288 203 311 c 2
+ 197 327 l 1
+ 188 314 l 2
+ 164 290 119 277 103 277 c 0
+ 69 277 61 313 60 324 c 2
+ 63 349 l 2
+ 68 367 69 369 95 395 c 2
+ 123 418 l 1
+ 155 439 l 2
+ 162 444 169 447 176 448 c 1
+ 160 490 l 1
+ 147 499 l 2
+ 139 504 130 507 123 507 c 2
+ 58 507 l 1
+ 22 557 l 1
+ 125 557 l 2
+ 148 557 168 551 181 539 c 2
+ 198 515 l 1
+ 208 491 l 2
+ 210.469 482.771 212.26 475.22 212.26 468.345 c 0
+ 212.26 466.865 212.177 465.417 212 464 c 1
+ 233 491 258 530 337 554 c 2
+ 362 559 l 2
+ 377 559 395 538 416 490 c 2
+ 429 451 l 2
+ 438 426 444 404 446 391 c 1
+ 466 530 l 1
+ 498 647 l 1
+ 509 635 l 1
+ 521 614 l 2
+ 522.236 610.292 523.09 606.584 523.09 602.639 c 0
+ 523.09 600.202 522.764 597.674 522 595 c 2
+ 519 580 l 1
+ 520 573 526 563 547 558 c 2
+ 746 558 l 1
+ 732 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 471 355 l 1
+ 527 378 l 1
+ 544 372 l 1
+ 566 359 l 2
+ 573 354 577 347 579 336 c 2
+ 583 311 l 1
+ 564 267 548 220 531 174 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sh_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_sh_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60947 -1 2524
+Width: 719
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+134 2 m 1
+ 133.514 4.42839 133.283 6.88508 133.283 9.34167 c 0
+ 133.283 32.1754 153.234 55 174 55 c 0
+ 179 56 184 56 188 56 c 0
+ 203 56 212 40 212 25 c 0
+ 212 22 212 18 211 15 c 2
+ 203 -4 l 2
+ 185 -34 151 -40 139 -40 c 0
+ 74 -40 69 2 69 26 c 0
+ 69 31 69 35 69 38 c 2
+ 71 52 l 2
+ 73 78 114 155 187 155 c 0
+ 241 155 250 109 254 92 c 1
+ 259 109 285 137 309 137 c 2
+ 313 137 l 2
+ 329 137 341 114 341 106 c 0
+ 341 105 l 1
+ 342 101 l 1
+ 342 100 341 98 342 97 c 1
+ 341 96 342 94 342 91 c 1
+ 416 359 l 2
+ 417 363 418 368 418 373 c 0
+ 418 412 388 477 352 477 c 0
+ 312 477 293 446 290 438 c 1
+ 296 435 303 430 309 421 c 2
+ 320 408 l 2
+ 337 392 342 375 342 361 c 0
+ 342 347 335 330 332 326 c 2
+ 321 308 l 2
+ 301 280 270 277 257 277 c 0
+ 234 277 215 288 201 311 c 2
+ 196 327 l 1
+ 186 314 l 2
+ 162 290 117 277 101 277 c 0
+ 67 277 59 313 58 324 c 2
+ 61 349 l 2
+ 66 367 67 369 93 395 c 2
+ 121 418 l 1
+ 153 439 l 2
+ 160 444 167 447 174 448 c 1
+ 158 490 l 1
+ 145 499 l 2
+ 137 504 128 507 121 507 c 2
+ 56 507 l 1
+ 20 557 l 1
+ 123 557 l 2
+ 146 557 166 551 179 539 c 2
+ 196 515 l 1
+ 206 491 l 2
+ 209 481 211 472 211 464 c 1
+ 231 491 256 530 335 554 c 2
+ 360 559 l 2
+ 375 559 393 538 414 490 c 2
+ 427 451 l 2
+ 436 426 442 404 444 391 c 1
+ 464 530 l 1
+ 496 647 l 1
+ 507 635 l 1
+ 519 614 l 2
+ 520.236 610.292 521.09 606.584 521.09 602.639 c 0
+ 521.09 600.202 520.764 597.674 520 595 c 2
+ 517 580 l 1
+ 518 573 524 563 545 558 c 2
+ 808 558 l 1
+ 794 508 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+ 470 359 l 1
+ 476 348 l 2
+ 485 330 514 289 553 283 c 0
+ 591 283 612 306 626 330 c 2
+ 634 348 l 2
+ 636 354 637 360 637 365 c 0
+ 637 381 630 395 618 403 c 1
+ 614 378 l 2
+ 609 360 601 345 551 334 c 2
+ 546 334 l 2
+ 531 334 515 348 515 370 c 0
+ 515 401 549 441 612 448 c 0
+ 631 448 646 442 656 431 c 2
+ 674 414 l 2
+ 680 407 687 395 687 373 c 0
+ 687 325 662 274 621 251 c 2
+ 592 237 l 1
+ 565 233 l 2
+ 552 233 542 235 533 239 c 2
+ 506 260 l 2
+ 496 268 482 282 469 300 c 2
+ 458 315 l 1
+ 360 -40 l 1
+ 330 -20 l 1
+ 328 28 l 2
+ 326 39 313 69 298 69 c 0
+ 275 69 268 41 263 29 c 1
+ 238 28 l 1
+ 234 39 237 32 230 51 c 2
+ 223 63 l 2
+ 218 71 203 85 184 85 c 2
+ 176 85 l 2
+ 141 85 118 56 118 37 c 0
+ 118 22 122 7 134 2 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sh_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_sh_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60948 -1 2525
+Width: 666
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+134 2 m 1
+ 133.514 4.42839 133.283 6.88508 133.283 9.34167 c 0
+ 133.283 32.1754 153.234 55 174 55 c 0
+ 179 56 184 56 188 56 c 0
+ 203 56 212 40 212 25 c 0
+ 212 22 212 18 211 15 c 2
+ 203 -4 l 2
+ 185 -34 151 -40 139 -40 c 0
+ 74 -40 69 2 69 26 c 0
+ 69 31 69 35 69 38 c 2
+ 71 52 l 2
+ 73 78 114 155 187 155 c 0
+ 241 155 250 109 254 92 c 1
+ 259 109 285 137 309 137 c 2
+ 313 137 l 2
+ 329 137 341 114 341 106 c 0
+ 341 105 l 1
+ 342 101 l 1
+ 342 100 341 98 342 97 c 1
+ 341 96 342 94 342 91 c 1
+ 416 359 l 2
+ 417 363 418 368 418 373 c 0
+ 418 412 388 477 352 477 c 0
+ 312 477 293 446 290 438 c 1
+ 296 435 303 430 309 421 c 2
+ 320 408 l 2
+ 337 392 342 375 342 361 c 0
+ 342 347 335 330 332 326 c 2
+ 321 308 l 2
+ 301 280 270 277 257 277 c 0
+ 234 277 215 288 201 311 c 2
+ 196 327 l 1
+ 186 314 l 2
+ 162 290 117 277 101 277 c 0
+ 67 277 59 313 58 324 c 2
+ 61 349 l 2
+ 66 367 67 369 93 395 c 2
+ 121 418 l 1
+ 153 439 l 2
+ 160 444 167 447 174 448 c 1
+ 158 490 l 1
+ 145 499 l 2
+ 137 504 128 507 121 507 c 2
+ 56 507 l 1
+ 20 557 l 1
+ 123 557 l 2
+ 146 557 166 551 179 539 c 2
+ 196 515 l 1
+ 206 491 l 2
+ 209 481 211 472 211 464 c 1
+ 231 491 256 530 335 554 c 2
+ 360 559 l 2
+ 375 559 393 538 414 490 c 2
+ 427 451 l 2
+ 436 426 442 404 444 391 c 1
+ 464 530 l 1
+ 496 647 l 1
+ 507 635 l 1
+ 519 614 l 2
+ 520.236 610.292 521.09 606.584 521.09 602.639 c 0
+ 521.09 600.202 520.764 597.674 520 595 c 2
+ 517 580 l 1
+ 518 573 524 563 545 558 c 2
+ 747 558 l 1
+ 733 508 l 1
+ 512 508 l 1
+ 469 353 l 1
+ 528 378 l 1
+ 545 372 l 1
+ 567 359 l 2
+ 574 354 578 347 580 336 c 2
+ 584 311 l 1
+ 505 133 525 108 514 68 c 0
+ 513 63 512 60 513 58 c 2
+ 512 5 l 1
+ 464 42 l 1
+ 468 78 l 2
+ 471 103 476 124 480 137 c 2
+ 518 274 l 2
+ 521.137 286.547 522.634 294.174 522.634 298.882 c 0
+ 522.634 303.18 521.386 305.046 519 306 c 1
+ 507 297 480 285 448 277 c 1
+ 360 -40 l 1
+ 330 -20 l 1
+ 328 28 l 2
+ 326 39 313 69 298 69 c 0
+ 275 69 268 41 263 29 c 1
+ 238 28 l 1
+ 234 39 237 32 230 51 c 2
+ 223 63 l 2
+ 218 71 203 85 184 85 c 2
+ 176 85 l 2
+ 141 85 118 56 118 37 c 0
+ 118 22 122 7 134 2 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sh_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_ss_p_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60949 -1 2526
+Width: 981
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+375 507 m 5
+ 380 496 382 497 383 489 c 5
+ 406 507 l 5
+ 375 507 l 5
+288 412 m 5
+ 291 412 344 428 344 475 c 4
+ 344 491 320 504 303 504 c 4
+ 264 504 240 472 240 470 c 13
+ 288 412 l 5
+150 394 m 4
+ 150 374 155 349 180 349 c 4
+ 190 349 227 365 254 390 c 5
+ 239 409 216 432 200 442 c 5
+ 188 440 150 407 150 394 c 4
+548 496 m 4
+ 480 496 443 464 417 432 c 5
+ 462 432 469 398 469 374 c 4
+ 469 357 467 353 462 343 c 5
+ 613 460 l 5
+ 608 481 579 496 548 496 c 4
+783 369 m 4
+ 783 416 830 447 880 447 c 4
+ 921 447 955 416 955 371 c 4
+ 955 298 896 232 834 232 c 4
+ 781 232 751 278 726 315 c 5
+ 623 -56 l 5
+ 607 -40 l 5
+ 596 -4 587 27 543 27 c 4
+ 485 27 431 24 375 24 c 4
+ 276 24 251 70 251 116 c 4
+ 251 145 272 210 299 243 c 5
+ 313 223 l 5
+ 302 212 290 177 290 154 c 4
+ 290 111 350 92 400 92 c 4
+ 451 92 484 92 528 92 c 4
+ 561 92 591 69 601 39 c 5
+ 672 294 l 5
+ 671 340.5 661 407 640 407 c 5
+ 422 237 l 5
+ 358 263 l 5
+ 414 309 l 6
+ 429 319 434 347 434 357 c 4
+ 434 375 426 387 412 387 c 4
+ 399 387 403 381 344 368 c 5
+ 339 368 337 369 331 371 c 5
+ 291 335 232 297 176 297 c 4
+ 151 297 94 309 94 373 c 4
+ 94 430 134 471 183 507 c 5
+ 62 507 l 5
+ 76 557 l 5
+ 456 557 l 5
+ 448 531 l 5
+ 490 548 527 550 545 550 c 4
+ 660 550 691 446 691 404 c 4
+ 691 385 695 368 697 351 c 5
+ 723 477 l 5
+ 763 624 l 5
+ 769 619 778 617 780 608 c 5
+ 778 600 777 593 777 587 c 5
+ 777 566 789 557 804 557 c 6
+ 1076 557 l 5
+ 1062 507 l 5
+ 779 507 l 5
+ 738 359 l 5
+ 751 334 792 282 821 282 c 4
+ 866 282 905 321 905 364 c 4
+ 905 380 898 394 886 402 c 5
+ 881 369 871 333 815 333 c 4
+ 799 333 783 347 783 369 c 4
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ss_p_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_ss_p_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60950 -1 2527
+Width: 925
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+375 507 m 1
+ 380 500 382 495 383 489 c 1
+ 406 507 l 1
+ 375 507 l 1
+288 412 m 1
+ 291 412 344 428 344 475 c 0
+ 344 491 325 504 303 504 c 0
+ 264 504 240 472 240 470 c 9
+ 288 412 l 1
+147 397 m 0
+ 147 375 155 349 180 349 c 0
+ 190 349 225 360 254 390 c 1
+ 240 410 215 431 200 442 c 1
+ 185 436 147 406 147 397 c 0
+548 496 m 0
+ 480 496 443 464 417 432 c 1
+ 462 432 469 398 469 374 c 0
+ 469 357 467 353 462 343 c 1
+ 613 460 l 1
+ 608 481 579 496 548 496 c 0
+94 373 m 0
+ 94 430 134 471 183 507 c 1
+ 62 507 l 1
+ 76 557 l 1
+ 456 557 l 1
+ 448 531 l 1
+ 490 548 527 550 545 550 c 0
+ 660 550 691 446 691 404 c 0
+ 691 394 695 368 697 351 c 1
+ 723 477 l 1
+ 763 624 l 1
+ 769 619 778 617 780 608 c 1
+ 778 600 777 593 777 587 c 0
+ 777 580 778 574 781 570 c 1
+ 804 557 l 1
+ 1015 557 l 1
+ 1001 507 l 1
+ 779 507 l 1
+ 736 352 l 1
+ 796 377 l 1
+ 828 368 852 352 852 310 c 1
+ 805 204 780 110 780 57 c 2
+ 780 4 l 1
+ 733 41 l 1
+ 740 130 767 196 786 273 c 0
+ 790 286 791 294 791 297 c 0
+ 791 302 790 305 787 305 c 1
+ 775 295 744 283 715 276 c 1
+ 623 -56 l 1
+ 607 -40 l 1
+ 595 -2 l 2
+ 584 17 567 27 543 27 c 0
+ 484 27 430 24 375 24 c 0
+ 276 24 251 70 251 116 c 0
+ 251 145 272 210 299 243 c 1
+ 313 223 l 1
+ 302 212 290 177 290 154 c 0
+ 290 112 350 92 400 92 c 0
+ 451 92 484 92 528 92 c 0
+ 561 92 591 69 601 39 c 1
+ 672 294 l 5
+ 671 342.333 664.333 407 640 407 c 5
+ 422 237 l 1
+ 358 263 l 1
+ 414 309 l 2
+ 429 319 434 347 434 357 c 0
+ 434 375 426 387 412 387 c 0
+ 400 387 366 368 342 368 c 0
+ 339 368 336 369 331 371 c 1
+ 291 335 232 297 176 297 c 0
+ 151 297 94 309 94 373 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ss_p_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_t_ukaar
+Encoding: 60951 -1 2528
+Width: 554
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+438 408 m 2
+ 450 408 506 428 506 470 c 0
+ 506 489 498 508 482 508 c 2
+ 362 508 l 1
+ 359 500 358 492 358 483 c 0
+ 358 453 373 420 418 408 c 2
+ 438 408 l 2
+163 222 m 0
+ 163 316 302 366 350 373 c 1
+ 340 384 320 413 320 443 c 0
+ 320 448 320 453 322 458 c 1
+ 317 448 309 436 297 423 c 2
+ 276 396 l 1
+ 248 363 l 2
+ 221 336 197 328 185 328 c 0
+ 164 328 147 347 140 355 c 2
+ 126 379 l 2
+ 122.686 388.113 120.745 395.167 120.745 400.161 c 0
+ 120.745 401.196 120.828 402.142 121 403 c 1
+ 140 427 l 1
+ 146 421 172 398 178 398 c 0
+ 207 398 264 459 273 492 c 0
+ 274.062 495.185 274.748 498.12 274.748 500.582 c 0
+ 274.748 505.078 272.461 508 266 508 c 2
+ 68 508 l 1
+ 81 558 l 1
+ 651 558 l 1
+ 638 508 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 547 489 549 473 549 460 c 0
+ 549 447 545 415 529 398 c 2
+ 521 386 l 2
+ 518 383 515 380 511 377 c 2
+ 502 368 l 2
+ 465 344 487 359 463 348 c 1
+ 483 329 492 301 493 272 c 2
+ 492 257 l 1
+ 489 243 l 2
+ 479 207 454 181 427 181 c 1
+ 449 173 453 153 459 129 c 2
+ 461 109 l 1
+ 456 85 l 2
+ 443 37 406 -21 288 -29 c 2
+ 241 -29 l 2
+ 119 -29 71 76 49 312 c 1
+ 86 286 l 1
+ 105 194 l 2
+ 109 179 115 165 117 158 c 2
+ 126 136 l 2
+ 129 129 133 122 138 113 c 2
+ 174 66 l 2
+ 196 40 216 26 252 26 c 2
+ 255 25 258 25 261 25 c 2
+ 281 25 l 2
+ 335 25 414 66 414 110 c 0
+ 414 129 399 145 396 147 c 1
+ 372 128 359 129 348 127 c 0
+ 308 127 298 147 298 164 c 0
+ 298 193 327 238 370 238 c 0
+ 371 238 373 238 374 239 c 1
+ 384 239 l 2
+ 387 239 391 238 393 237 c 2
+ 405 229 l 1
+ 414 232 438 246 438 282 c 0
+ 438 313 416 316 406 321 c 2
+ 380 325 l 1
+ 375 325 l 2
+ 326 325 294 294 281 280 c 1
+ 291 273 294 262 294 252 c 0
+ 294 204 247 177 217 177 c 0
+ 174 177 163 200 163 222 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_ta bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60952 -1 2529
+Width: 715
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 508 m 1
+ 271 485 l 2
+ 283 473 287 451 287 432 c 0
+ 287 421 285 396 276 380 c 1
+ 299 393 l 2
+ 320 406 333 414 338 415 c 2
+ 353 416 l 2
+ 379 416 386 403 390 396 c 2
+ 421 344 l 1
+ 465 508 l 1
+ 249 508 l 1
+523 369 m 0
+ 523 386 536 438 620 448 c 0
+ 639 448 654 442 664 431 c 2
+ 681 414 l 2
+ 687 407 694 395 694 372 c 0
+ 694 324 670 274 629 251 c 2
+ 599 237 l 1
+ 573 233 l 2
+ 560 233 549 235 541 239 c 2
+ 513 260 l 2
+ 498 275 480 292 462 320 c 1
+ 350 -84 l 1
+ 348 -70 336 -77 331 -66 c 2
+ 309 -21 l 2
+ 300 -9 284 0 265 7 c 2
+ 246 12 l 1
+ 227 13 l 1
+ 173 6 l 1
+ 62 6 l 2
+ 48 6 3 15 -12 42 c 2
+ -21 59 l 2
+ -29 69 -31 85 -31 101 c 0
+ -31 117 -28 152 -15 179 c 2
+ -1 213 l 1
+ 6 222 l 1
+ 36 190 l 1
+ 27 186 20 177 16 163 c 2
+ 11 148 l 2
+ 10 142 9 137 9 132 c 0
+ 9 101 40 88 67 80 c 2
+ 87 74 l 1
+ 190 74 l 2
+ 194 74 198 74 201 73 c 2
+ 205 73 209 73 212 72 c 2
+ 226 70 l 2
+ 245 68 291 61 318 30 c 2
+ 329 14 l 1
+ 400 268 l 1
+ 397 294 l 1
+ 384 326 l 2
+ 378 336 370 341 358 341 c 0
+ 329 341 307 317 296 306 c 2
+ 240 248 l 2
+ 212 220 175 183 160 180 c 2
+ 140 179 l 2
+ 128 179 120 180 115 181 c 2
+ 102 188 l 2
+ 95 189 87 198 79 213 c 2
+ 65 251 l 1
+ 55 288 l 1
+ 97 320 l 1
+ 96 318 96 315 96 312 c 0
+ 96 306 97 298 99 289 c 2
+ 109 263 l 2
+ 113 257 119 254 127 253 c 0
+ 135 253 145 257 156 266 c 2
+ 245 353 l 1
+ 249 384 251 387 251 397 c 0
+ 251 422 241 464 178 464 c 0
+ 150 464 136 464 117 475 c 2
+ 108 484 l 1
+ 99 508 l 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 815 558 l 1
+ 801 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 474 365 l 1
+ 484 348 l 2
+ 492 328 521 289 561 283 c 0
+ 599 283 619 306 634 330 c 2
+ 642 348 l 2
+ 643 354 644 360 644 365 c 0
+ 644 381 637 395 625 403 c 1
+ 621 378 l 2
+ 616 359 607 345 559 334 c 2
+ 554 334 l 2
+ 546 334 523 343 523 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60953 -1 2530
+Width: 645
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 508 m 1
+ 271 485 l 2
+ 283 473 287 451 287 432 c 0
+ 287 421 285 396 276 380 c 1
+ 299 393 l 2
+ 320 406 333 414 338 415 c 2
+ 353 416 l 2
+ 379 416 386 403 390 396 c 2
+ 421 344 l 1
+ 465 508 l 1
+ 249 508 l 1
+534 174 m 0
+ 525.355 145.183 513.941 69.3064 513.941 58.9377 c 0
+ 513.941 58.5123 513.961 58.1971 514 58 c 2
+ 514 5 l 1
+ 466 42 l 1
+ 470 78 l 2
+ 475 107 474 112 481 137 c 2
+ 519 274 l 2
+ 522.635 286.462 524.382 294.071 524.382 298.787 c 0
+ 524.382 303.153 522.884 305.039 520 306 c 1
+ 509 296 479 285 450 277 c 1
+ 350 -84 l 1
+ 348 -70 336 -77 331 -66 c 2
+ 309 -21 l 2
+ 300 -9 284 0 265 7 c 2
+ 246 12 l 1
+ 227 13 l 1
+ 173 6 l 1
+ 62 6 l 2
+ 48 6 3 15 -12 42 c 2
+ -21 59 l 2
+ -29 69 -31 85 -31 101 c 0
+ -31 117 -28 152 -15 179 c 2
+ -1 213 l 1
+ 6 222 l 1
+ 36 190 l 1
+ 27 186 20 177 16 163 c 2
+ 11 148 l 2
+ 10 142 9 137 9 132 c 0
+ 9 101 40 88 67 80 c 2
+ 87 74 l 1
+ 190 74 l 2
+ 194 74 198 74 201 73 c 2
+ 205 73 209 73 212 72 c 2
+ 226 70 l 2
+ 245 68 291 61 318 30 c 2
+ 329 14 l 1
+ 400 268 l 1
+ 397 294 l 1
+ 384 326 l 2
+ 378 336 370 341 358 341 c 0
+ 329 341 307 317 296 306 c 2
+ 240 248 l 2
+ 212 220 175 183 160 180 c 2
+ 140 179 l 2
+ 128 179 120 180 115 181 c 2
+ 102 188 l 2
+ 95 189 87 198 79 213 c 2
+ 65 251 l 1
+ 55 288 l 1
+ 97 320 l 1
+ 96 318 96 315 96 312 c 0
+ 96 306 97 298 99 289 c 2
+ 109 263 l 2
+ 113 257 119 254 127 253 c 0
+ 135 253 145 257 156 266 c 2
+ 245 353 l 1
+ 249 384 251 387 251 397 c 0
+ 251 422 241 464 178 464 c 0
+ 150 464 136 464 117 475 c 2
+ 108 484 l 1
+ 99 508 l 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 748 558 l 1
+ 734 508 l 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 471 354 l 1
+ 529 378 l 1
+ 546 372 l 1
+ 569 359 l 2
+ 577 352 578 350 581 336 c 2
+ 586 311 l 1
+ 566 267 550 220 534 174 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60954 -1 2531
+Width: 723
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+246 508 m 1
+ 268 485 l 2
+ 280 473 284 451 284 432 c 0
+ 284 421 282 396 273 380 c 1
+ 296 393 l 2
+ 317 406 330 414 335 415 c 2
+ 350 416 l 2
+ 376 416 383 403 387 396 c 2
+ 418 344 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 246 508 l 1
+62 6 m 0
+ 62 80 132 132 180 132 c 0
+ 234 132 243 86 247 69 c 1
+ 252 86 278 114 302 114 c 2
+ 306 114 l 2
+ 324 114 334 92 336 72 c 2
+ 338 56 l 1
+ 397 268 l 1
+ 394 294 l 1
+ 381 326 l 2
+ 376 336 367 341 355 341 c 0
+ 326 341 304 317 293 306 c 2
+ 237 248 l 2
+ 209 220 172 183 157 180 c 2
+ 137 179 l 2
+ 125 179 117 180 113 181 c 2
+ 99 188 l 2
+ 92 189 84 198 76 213 c 2
+ 62 251 l 1
+ 52 288 l 1
+ 94 320 l 1
+ 93 318 93 315 93 312 c 0
+ 93 306 94 298 97 289 c 2
+ 106 263 l 2
+ 110 257 116 254 125 253 c 0
+ 133 253 142 257 153 266 c 2
+ 242 353 l 1
+ 246 384 248 387 248 397 c 0
+ 248 422 238 464 175 464 c 0
+ 147 464 133 464 114 475 c 2
+ 106 484 l 1
+ 96 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 819 558 l 1
+ 805 508 l 1
+ 511 508 l 1
+ 474 374 l 1
+ 488 348 l 2
+ 496 328 526 289 565 283 c 0
+ 603 283 623 306 638 330 c 2
+ 646 348 l 2
+ 648 354 648 360 648 365 c 0
+ 648 381 641 395 629 403 c 1
+ 625 378 l 2
+ 620 360 612 345 563 334 c 2
+ 558 334 l 2
+ 544 334 527 348 527 371 c 0
+ 527 417 580 443 624 448 c 0
+ 643 448 658 442 668 431 c 2
+ 685 414 l 2
+ 692 407 699 395 699 373 c 0
+ 699 325 674 275 633 251 c 2
+ 603 237 l 1
+ 577 233 l 2
+ 564 233 554 235 545 239 c 2
+ 517 260 l 2
+ 510 267 503 273 498 280 c 2
+ 481 300 l 1
+ 461 327 l 1
+ 353 -63 l 1
+ 323 -43 l 1
+ 321 5 l 2
+ 319 17 305 46 291 46 c 0
+ 269 46 260 15 256 6 c 1
+ 231 5 l 1
+ 228 11 l 1
+ 227 19 l 1
+ 223 28 l 1
+ 216 40 l 2
+ 207 53 188 62 178 62 c 2
+ 170 62 l 2
+ 135 62 112 32 112 14 c 0
+ 112 -3 115 -14 128 -21 c 1
+ 127.298 -18.0766 126.966 -15.1122 126.966 -12.1564 c 0
+ 126.966 10.1655 145.923 32 168 32 c 0
+ 174 33 179 33 182 33 c 0
+ 193 33 206 20 206 3 c 0
+ 206 -1 205 -4 204 -8 c 2
+ 196 -27 l 2
+ 189 -38 166 -63 132 -63 c 0
+ 73 -63 62 -22 62 6 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60955 -1 2532
+Width: 639
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+246 508 m 1
+ 268 485 l 2
+ 280 473 284 451 284 432 c 0
+ 284 421 282 396 273 380 c 1
+ 296 393 l 2
+ 317 406 330 414 335 415 c 2
+ 350 416 l 2
+ 376 416 383 403 387 396 c 2
+ 418 344 l 1
+ 462 508 l 1
+ 246 508 l 1
+62 6 m 0
+ 62 80 132 132 180 132 c 0
+ 234 132 243 86 247 69 c 1
+ 252 86 278 114 302 114 c 2
+ 306 114 l 2
+ 324 114 334 92 336 72 c 2
+ 338 56 l 1
+ 397 268 l 1
+ 394 294 l 1
+ 381 326 l 2
+ 376 336 367 341 355 341 c 0
+ 326 341 304 317 293 306 c 2
+ 237 248 l 2
+ 209 220 172 183 157 180 c 2
+ 137 179 l 2
+ 125 179 117 180 113 181 c 2
+ 99 188 l 2
+ 92 189 84 198 76 213 c 2
+ 62 251 l 1
+ 52 288 l 1
+ 94 320 l 1
+ 93 318 93 315 93 312 c 0
+ 93 306 94 298 97 289 c 2
+ 106 263 l 2
+ 110 257 116 254 125 253 c 0
+ 133 253 142 257 153 266 c 2
+ 242 353 l 1
+ 246 384 248 387 248 397 c 0
+ 248 422 238 464 175 464 c 0
+ 147 464 133 464 114 475 c 2
+ 106 484 l 1
+ 96 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 738 558 l 1
+ 724 508 l 1
+ 511 508 l 1
+ 469 357 l 1
+ 519 378 l 1
+ 537 372 l 1
+ 559 359 l 2
+ 566 354 570 347 572 336 c 2
+ 576 311 l 1
+ 529 205 504 111 504 59 c 0
+ 504 58 l 2
+ 504 5 l 1
+ 456 42 l 1
+ 460 78 l 2
+ 463 103 468 124 471 137 c 2
+ 509 274 l 2
+ 512.635 286.462 514.382 294.071 514.382 298.787 c 0
+ 514.382 303.153 512.884 305.039 510 306 c 1
+ 500 297 479 288 448 279 c 1
+ 353 -63 l 1
+ 323 -43 l 1
+ 321 5 l 2
+ 319 17 305 46 291 46 c 0
+ 269 46 260 15 256 6 c 1
+ 231 5 l 1
+ 228 11 l 1
+ 227 19 l 1
+ 223 28 l 1
+ 216 40 l 2
+ 207 53 188 62 178 62 c 2
+ 170 62 l 2
+ 135 62 112 32 112 14 c 0
+ 112 -3 115 -14 128 -21 c 1
+ 127.298 -18.0766 126.966 -15.1122 126.966 -12.1564 c 0
+ 126.966 10.1655 145.923 32 168 32 c 0
+ 174 33 179 33 182 33 c 0
+ 193 33 206 20 206 3 c 0
+ 206 -1 205 -4 204 -8 c 2
+ 196 -27 l 2
+ 189 -38 166 -63 132 -63 c 0
+ 73 -63 62 -22 62 6 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_p_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60956 -1 2533
+Width: 1102
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+493 488 m 1
+ 505 499 509 499 518 508 c 1
+ 488 508 l 1
+ 490 501 492 495 493 488 c 1
+308 508 m 1
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+ 384 408 l 2
+ 385 408 389 409 393 410 c 2
+ 406 415 l 2
+ 440 427 452 448 452 470 c 0
+ 452 489 445 508 428 508 c 2
+ 308 508 l 1
+715 472 m 2
+ 701 484 l 2
+ 695 492 680 496 659 496 c 0
+ 591 496 554 464 528 432 c 1
+ 572 432 581 399 581 375 c 0
+ 581 367 580 359 579 355 c 2
+ 573 343 l 1
+ 724 460 l 1
+ 722 464 719 468 715 472 c 2
+900 369 m 0
+ 900 386 913 438 996 448 c 0
+ 1015 448 1031 442 1041 431 c 2
+ 1058 414 l 2
+ 1065 407 1072 395 1072 373 c 0
+ 1072 325 1047 274 1006 251 c 2
+ 976 237 l 1
+ 950 233 l 2
+ 937 233 926 235 918 239 c 2
+ 890 260 l 2
+ 881 268 866 282 853 300 c 2
+ 838 321 l 1
+ 734 -56 l 1
+ 718 -40 l 1
+ 706 -2 l 2
+ 695 17 678 27 654 27 c 2
+ 570 27 l 2
+ 561 27 553 27 543 26 c 0
+ 534 26 526 26 518 25 c 0
+ 511 25 504 25 498 24 c 2
+ 486 24 l 2
+ 387 24 362 70 362 116 c 0
+ 362 138 373 189 397 227 c 2
+ 410 243 l 1
+ 424 223 l 1
+ 423 222 419 216 414 206 c 2
+ 405 181 l 2
+ 403 172 401 163 401 154 c 0
+ 401 135 409 117 437 106 c 2
+ 481 95 l 2
+ 487 94 494 93 499 93 c 0
+ 504 92 508 92 511 92 c 0
+ 514 92 516 92 518 93 c 1
+ 538 93 l 2
+ 581 93 585 91 616 91 c 2
+ 639 91 l 2
+ 673 91 703 67 712 39 c 1
+ 783 294 l 1
+ 781 299 783 303 783 306 c 0
+ 783 332 773 392 761 399 c 2
+ 751 407 l 1
+ 533 237 l 1
+ 469 263 l 1
+ 525 309 l 2
+ 540 319 545 348 545 358 c 0
+ 545 382 528 387 523 387 c 0
+ 511 387 513 381 455 368 c 2
+ 448 368 l 1
+ 435 358 l 2
+ 407 345 392 341 367 341 c 0
+ 340 341 266 371 266 438 c 0
+ 266 444 267 450 268 456 c 1
+ 260 443 255 435 244 423 c 2
+ 223 396 l 1
+ 195 363 l 2
+ 167 336 143 328 131 328 c 0
+ 110 328 93 347 87 355 c 2
+ 72 379 l 2
+ 68.9443 387.403 67.6393 394.056 67.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 67.6393 400.472 67.7639 401.82 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 220.618 494.781 221.045 497.371 221.045 499.623 c 0
+ 221.045 504.658 218.91 508 212 508 c 2
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 550 526 l 1
+ 582 542 617 550 656 550 c 0
+ 765 550 793 460 801 419 c 2
+ 803 399 l 2
+ 802.707 397.243 802.586 395.485 802.586 393.728 c 0
+ 802.586 389.485 803.293 385.243 804 381 c 2
+ 808 351 l 1
+ 834 477 l 1
+ 874 624 l 1
+ 889 613 l 1
+ 891 608 l 1
+ 889 600 888 594 888 588 c 0
+ 888 581 889 575 892 570 c 1
+ 915 558 l 1
+ 1192 558 l 1
+ 1178 508 l 1
+ 890 508 l 1
+ 851 366 l 1
+ 861 348 l 2
+ 870 330 897 291 938 283 c 0
+ 976 283 996 306 1011 330 c 2
+ 1019 348 l 2
+ 1020 354 1021 360 1021 365 c 0
+ 1021 381 1014 395 1002 403 c 1
+ 998 378 l 2
+ 993 359 984 345 936 334 c 2
+ 931 334 l 2
+ 917 334 900 347 900 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_p_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_p_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60957 -1 2534
+Width: 1039
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+493 488 m 1
+ 505 499 509 499 518 508 c 1
+ 488 508 l 1
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+308 508 m 1
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+ 384 408 l 2
+ 385 408 389 409 393 410 c 2
+ 406 415 l 2
+ 440 427 452 448 452 470 c 0
+ 452 489 445 508 428 508 c 2
+ 308 508 l 1
+715 472 m 2
+ 701 484 l 2
+ 695 492 680 496 659 496 c 0
+ 591 496 554 464 528 432 c 1
+ 572 432 581 399 581 375 c 0
+ 581 367 580 359 579 355 c 2
+ 573 343 l 1
+ 724 460 l 1
+ 722 464 719 468 715 472 c 2
+783 294 m 1
+ 781 299 783 303 783 306 c 0
+ 783 332 773 392 761 399 c 2
+ 751 407 l 1
+ 533 237 l 1
+ 469 263 l 1
+ 525 309 l 2
+ 540 319 545 348 545 358 c 0
+ 545 382 528 387 523 387 c 0
+ 511 387 513 381 455 368 c 1
+ 455 368 454 368 453 368 c 0
+ 440 368 424 341 367 341 c 0
+ 340 341 266 371 266 438 c 0
+ 266 444 267 450 268 456 c 1
+ 241 410 173 328 131 328 c 0
+ 110 328 93 347 87 355 c 2
+ 72 379 l 2
+ 68.9443 387.403 67.6393 394.056 67.6393 398.957 c 0
+ 67.6393 400.472 67.7639 401.82 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 220.618 494.781 221.045 497.371 221.045 499.623 c 0
+ 221.045 504.658 218.91 508 212 508 c 2
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 550 526 l 1
+ 582 542 617 550 656 550 c 0
+ 765 550 793 460 801 419 c 2
+ 803 399 l 2
+ 802.707 397.243 802.586 395.485 802.586 393.728 c 0
+ 802.586 389.485 803.293 385.243 804 381 c 2
+ 808 351 l 1
+ 834 477 l 1
+ 874 624 l 1
+ 889 613 l 1
+ 891 608 l 1
+ 889 600 888 594 888 588 c 0
+ 888 581 889 575 892 570 c 1
+ 915 558 l 1
+ 1128 558 l 1
+ 1114 508 l 1
+ 890 508 l 1
+ 847 352 l 1
+ 909 378 l 1
+ 932 378 966 346 966 318 c 0
+ 966 316 966 313 965 311 c 2
+ 913 174 l 2
+ 905.316 145.184 893.941 69.3164 893.941 58.9398 c 0
+ 893.941 58.5133 893.961 58.1974 894 58 c 2
+ 894 5 l 1
+ 846 42 l 1
+ 850 78 l 2
+ 855 107 854 112 861 137 c 2
+ 899 274 l 2
+ 902.635 286.462 904.382 294.071 904.382 298.787 c 0
+ 904.382 303.153 902.884 305.039 900 306 c 1
+ 891 298 869 286 826 276 c 1
+ 734 -56 l 1
+ 718 -40 l 1
+ 706 -2 l 2
+ 695 17 678 27 654 27 c 2
+ 570 27 l 2
+ 561 27 553 27 543 26 c 0
+ 534 26 526 26 518 25 c 0
+ 511 25 504 25 498 24 c 2
+ 486 24 l 2
+ 387 24 362 70 362 116 c 0
+ 362 138 373 189 397 227 c 2
+ 410 243 l 1
+ 424 223 l 1
+ 423 222 419 216 414 206 c 2
+ 405 181 l 2
+ 403 172 401 163 401 154 c 0
+ 401 135 409 117 437 106 c 2
+ 481 95 l 2
+ 487 94 494 93 499 93 c 0
+ 504 92 508 92 511 92 c 0
+ 514 92 516 92 518 93 c 1
+ 538 93 l 2
+ 581 93 585 91 616 91 c 2
+ 639 91 l 2
+ 673 91 703 67 712 39 c 1
+ 783 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_p_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_p_l_ukaar
+Encoding: 60958 -1 2535
+Width: 1102
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+489 508 m 1
+ 490 498 492 498 492 492 c 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 489 508 l 1
+385 408 m 2
+ 395 408 453 429 453 470 c 0
+ 453 489 445 508 429 508 c 2
+ 309 508 l 1
+ 306 500 305 492 305 483 c 0
+ 305 454 320 420 365 408 c 2
+ 385 408 l 2
+711 472 m 2
+ 697 484 l 2
+ 689 492 675 496 654 496 c 0
+ 586 496 549 464 523 432 c 1
+ 568 432 576 399 576 375 c 0
+ 576 366 575 359 574 355 c 2
+ 569 343 l 1
+ 719 460 l 1
+ 718 464 715 468 711 472 c 2
+778 294 m 1
+ 776 299 778 303 778 306 c 0
+ 778 332 768 392 756 399 c 2
+ 747 407 l 1
+ 528 237 l 1
+ 465 263 l 1
+ 520 309 l 2
+ 536 319 540 347 540 357 c 0
+ 540 375 532 387 518 387 c 0
+ 505 387 509 381 451 368 c 2
+ 449 368 l 1
+ 435 358 l 2
+ 407 345 392 341 367 341 c 0
+ 294 341 267 411 267 446 c 0
+ 267 450 268 454 268 457 c 1
+ 260 442 259 440 244 423 c 2
+ 223 396 l 1
+ 195 363 l 2
+ 168 336 144 328 132 328 c 0
+ 111 328 94 347 87 355 c 2
+ 73 379 l 2
+ 69.6863 388.113 67.7452 395.167 67.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 67.7452 401.196 67.8284 402.142 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 221.062 495.185 221.748 498.12 221.748 500.582 c 0
+ 221.748 505.078 219.461 508 213 508 c 2
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 551 529 l 1
+ 580 543 614 550 651 550 c 0
+ 766 550 797 446 797 404 c 0
+ 797 402 797 400 797 399 c 0
+ 798 393 798 387 799 381 c 2
+ 803 351 l 1
+ 829 477 l 1
+ 870 624 l 1
+ 885 613 l 1
+ 886 608 l 1
+ 884 600 883 593 883 587 c 0
+ 883 580 885 574 888 570 c 1
+ 910 558 l 1
+ 1192 558 l 1
+ 1179 508 l 1
+ 886 508 l 1
+ 848 372 l 1
+ 861 348 l 2
+ 870 330 897 291 938 283 c 0
+ 976 283 997 306 1011 330 c 2
+ 1019 348 l 2
+ 1021 354 1022 360 1022 365 c 0
+ 1022 381 1014 395 1002 403 c 1
+ 998 378 l 2
+ 993 359 984 345 936 334 c 2
+ 931 334 l 2
+ 917 334 900 347 900 369 c 0
+ 900 386 913 438 997 448 c 0
+ 1016 448 1031 442 1041 431 c 2
+ 1058 414 l 2
+ 1065 407 1072 395 1072 373 c 0
+ 1072 325 1047 274 1006 251 c 2
+ 976 237 l 1
+ 950 233 l 2
+ 937 233 927 235 918 239 c 2
+ 891 260 l 2
+ 881 268 867 282 854 300 c 2
+ 835 326 l 1
+ 728 -59 l 1
+ 699 -39 l 1
+ 696 9 l 2
+ 695 29 676 50 667 50 c 0
+ 644 50 636 19 631 10 c 1
+ 606 9 l 1
+ 602 23 l 2
+ 592 55 565 66 553 66 c 2
+ 545 66 l 2
+ 509 66 487 37 487 18 c 0
+ 487 3 491 -12 503 -17 c 1
+ 502.437 -14.2988 502.166 -11.5722 502.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 502.166 12.574 519.039 33.4502 543 37 c 2
+ 557 37 l 2
+ 572 37 581 21 581 6 c 0
+ 581 3 580 -1 580 -4 c 2
+ 571 -23 l 2
+ 557 -42 537 -59 507 -59 c 0
+ 447 -59 437 -15 437 8 c 0
+ 437 13 438 16 438 19 c 2
+ 440 33 l 2
+ 442 58 482 136 555 136 c 0
+ 590 136 609 122 623 73 c 1
+ 633 100 659 118 677 118 c 2
+ 681 118 l 2
+ 701 118 712 91 714 63 c 1
+ 778 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_p_la bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_s_p_l_uukaar
+Encoding: 60959 -1 2536
+Width: 1027
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+489 508 m 1
+ 490 498 492 498 492 492 c 1
+ 514 508 l 1
+ 489 508 l 1
+385 408 m 2
+ 395 408 453 429 453 470 c 0
+ 453 489 445 508 429 508 c 2
+ 309 508 l 1
+ 306 500 305 492 305 483 c 0
+ 305 454 320 420 365 408 c 2
+ 385 408 l 2
+711 472 m 2
+ 697 484 l 2
+ 689 492 675 496 654 496 c 0
+ 586 496 549 464 523 432 c 1
+ 568 432 576 399 576 375 c 0
+ 576 366 575 359 574 355 c 2
+ 569 343 l 1
+ 719 460 l 1
+ 718 464 715 468 711 472 c 2
+778 294 m 1
+ 776 299 778 303 778 306 c 0
+ 778 332 768 392 756 399 c 2
+ 747 407 l 1
+ 528 237 l 1
+ 465 263 l 1
+ 520 309 l 2
+ 536 319 540 347 540 357 c 0
+ 540 375 532 387 518 387 c 0
+ 505 387 509 381 451 368 c 2
+ 449 368 l 1
+ 435 358 l 2
+ 407 345 392 341 367 341 c 0
+ 294 341 267 411 267 446 c 0
+ 267 450 268 454 268 457 c 1
+ 260 442 259 440 244 423 c 2
+ 223 396 l 1
+ 195 363 l 2
+ 168 336 144 328 132 328 c 0
+ 111 328 94 347 87 355 c 2
+ 73 379 l 2
+ 69.6863 388.113 67.7452 395.167 67.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 67.7452 401.196 67.8284 402.142 68 403 c 1
+ 87 427 l 1
+ 91 423 119 398 125 398 c 0
+ 154 398 211 459 220 492 c 0
+ 221.062 495.185 221.748 498.12 221.748 500.582 c 0
+ 221.748 505.078 219.461 508 213 508 c 2
+ 63 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 559 558 l 1
+ 551 529 l 1
+ 580 543 614 550 651 550 c 0
+ 766 550 797 446 797 404 c 0
+ 797 402 797 400 797 399 c 0
+ 798 393 798 387 799 381 c 2
+ 803 351 l 1
+ 829 477 l 1
+ 870 624 l 1
+ 885 613 l 1
+ 886 608 l 1
+ 884 600 883 593 883 587 c 0
+ 883 580 885 574 888 570 c 1
+ 910 558 l 1
+ 1121 558 l 1
+ 1108 508 l 1
+ 886 508 l 1
+ 843 353 l 1
+ 902 378 l 1
+ 920 372 l 1
+ 942 359 l 2
+ 949 354 953 347 955 336 c 2
+ 959 311 l 1
+ 912 206 888 111 888 59 c 0
+ 888 58 l 2
+ 887 5 l 1
+ 839 42 l 1
+ 843 78 l 2
+ 846 103 851 124 855 137 c 2
+ 893 274 l 2
+ 896.137 286.547 897.634 294.174 897.634 298.882 c 0
+ 897.634 303.18 896.386 305.046 894 306 c 1
+ 882 296 850 284 821 277 c 1
+ 728 -59 l 1
+ 699 -39 l 1
+ 696 9 l 2
+ 695 29 676 50 667 50 c 0
+ 644 50 636 19 631 10 c 1
+ 606 9 l 1
+ 602 23 l 2
+ 592 55 565 66 553 66 c 2
+ 545 66 l 2
+ 509 66 487 37 487 18 c 0
+ 487 3 491 -12 503 -17 c 1
+ 502.437 -14.2988 502.166 -11.5722 502.166 -8.85454 c 0
+ 502.166 12.574 519.039 33.4502 543 37 c 2
+ 557 37 l 2
+ 572 37 581 21 581 6 c 0
+ 581 3 580 -1 580 -4 c 2
+ 571 -23 l 2
+ 557 -42 537 -59 507 -59 c 0
+ 447 -59 437 -15 437 8 c 0
+ 437 13 438 16 438 19 c 2
+ 440 33 l 2
+ 442 58 482 136 555 136 c 0
+ 590 136 609 122 623 73 c 1
+ 633 100 659 118 677 118 c 2
+ 681 118 l 2
+ 701 118 712 91 714 63 c 1
+ 778 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_s_p_la bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_h_ukaar
+Encoding: 60960 -1 2537
+Width: 441
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+439 339 m 0
+ 439 204 315 148 221 116 c 1
+ 248 84 l 1
+ 298 41 l 1
+ 399 -76 l 1
+ 401 -137 l 1
+ 381 -113 l 2
+ 370 -100 357 -85 341 -70 c 2
+ 286 -21 l 2
+ 249 9 214 33 193 42 c 2
+ 125 73 l 2
+ 113 78 97 84 55 94 c 1
+ 40 219 l 1
+ 82 199 125 189 172 189 c 0
+ 197 189 218 192 235 198 c 2
+ 275 212 l 2
+ 283 214 295 219 323 236 c 2
+ 343 249 l 2
+ 373 273 394 297 394 332 c 0
+ 394 350 391 372 385 384 c 2
+ 375 393 l 1
+ 275 298 l 1
+ 258 309 l 1
+ 238 320 l 1
+ 252 349 252 348 252 357 c 0
+ 252 377 236 388 228 391 c 2
+ 211 393 l 2
+ 165 393 146 357 143 348 c 1
+ 168 346 l 2
+ 183 346 192 336 194 316 c 2
+ 194 306 l 1
+ 193 296 l 2
+ 181 254 128 246 116 246 c 2
+ 96 246 l 1
+ 94 247 92 247 91 247 c 1
+ 69 260 43 274 43 306 c 0
+ 43 313 44 320 47 328 c 2
+ 56 358 l 1
+ 70 386 l 2
+ 113 448 169 456 191 459 c 2
+ 209 461 l 2
+ 237 461 248 453 270 414 c 2
+ 280 391 l 1
+ 377 479 l 1
+ 399 449 l 2
+ 425 417 439 380 439 339 c 0
+96 558 m 1
+ 557 558 l 1
+ 544 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 96 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_h_rikaar
+Encoding: 60961 -1 2538
+Width: 582
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+306 467 m 1
+ 329 467 401 440 407 352 c 1
+ 470 378 l 1
+ 487 372 l 1
+ 510 359 l 2
+ 518 352 519 350 522 336 c 2
+ 527 311 l 1
+ 480 205 455 111 455 59 c 0
+ 455 58 l 2
+ 455 5 l 1
+ 407 42 l 1
+ 411 78 l 2
+ 416 107 415 112 422 137 c 2
+ 460 274 l 2
+ 463.635 286.462 465.382 294.071 465.382 298.787 c 0
+ 465.382 303.153 463.884 305.039 461 306 c 1
+ 448 295 416 283 383 275 c 1
+ 349 221 292 195 221 169 c 1
+ 224 160 l 1
+ 266 133 l 1
+ 301 101 l 1
+ 324 77 l 2
+ 331 70 336 63 341 56 c 2
+ 389 -16 l 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 373 -58 l 2
+ 339 -8 296 29 275 46 c 2
+ 230 78 l 2
+ 173 118 133 135 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 80 249 148 240 177 240 c 2
+ 199 240 l 1
+ 218 243 l 2
+ 234 243 295 269 313 283 c 2
+ 337 299 l 2
+ 365 321 367 344 367 355 c 0
+ 367 399 314 411 295 411 c 0
+ 286 411 279 410 273 407 c 1
+ 268 388 257 372 241 357 c 2
+ 209 333 l 2
+ 188 318 171 313 151 313 c 0
+ 113 313 106 341 106 356 c 0
+ 106 360 106 363 106 365 c 2
+ 110 379 l 2
+ 114 393 150 436 206 455 c 2
+ 248 468 l 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 475 c 0
+ 252 490 229 505 219 508 c 2
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 689 558 l 1
+ 675 508 l 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 483 l 2
+ 292 467 302 469 306 467 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_rikaar
+StartChar: bn_asamir_ukaar
+Encoding: 60962 -1 2539
+Width: 645
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+353 394 m 1
+ 307 380 270 364 246 354 c 1
+ 279 336 306 307 317 292 c 2
+ 322 281 l 1
+ 353 394 l 1
+295 233 m 2
+ 295 237 292 242 288 247 c 2
+ 276 262 l 2
+ 241 310 214 314 197 330 c 1
+ 132 294 l 1
+ 155 283 200 260 229 220 c 2
+ 254 188 l 2
+ 261 179 267 164 280 131 c 1
+ 304 217 l 1
+ 295 233 l 2
+449 369 m 0
+ 449 386 462 438 546 448 c 0
+ 565 448 580 442 590 431 c 2
+ 608 414 l 2
+ 614 407 621 395 621 372 c 0
+ 621 324 596 274 555 251 c 2
+ 526 237 l 1
+ 499 233 l 2
+ 486 233 476 235 467 239 c 2
+ 440 260 l 2
+ 424 275 425 270 384 327 c 1
+ 290 -9 l 1
+ 275 29 l 1
+ 271 54 l 2
+ 266 82 252 137 215 167 c 2
+ 188 188 l 2
+ 145 217 124 230 74 230 c 1
+ 35 321 l 1
+ 106 362 l 1
+ 180 399 l 1
+ 277 441 l 2
+ 316 457 334 463 375 474 c 1
+ 385 508 l 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 742 558 l 1
+ 728 508 l 1
+ 434 508 l 1
+ 397 374 l 1
+ 410 348 l 2
+ 419 328 448 289 487 283 c 0
+ 525 283 546 306 560 330 c 2
+ 568 348 l 2
+ 570 354 571 360 571 365 c 0
+ 571 381 564 395 552 403 c 1
+ 548 378 l 2
+ 542 359 534 345 486 334 c 2
+ 481 334 l 2
+ 473 334 449 343 449 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_asamir_uukaar
+Encoding: 60963 -1 2540
+Width: 579
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+353 394 m 1
+ 307 380 270 364 246 354 c 1
+ 279 336 306 307 317 292 c 2
+ 322 281 l 1
+ 353 394 l 1
+295 233 m 2
+ 295 237 292 242 288 247 c 2
+ 276 262 l 2
+ 241 310 214 314 197 330 c 1
+ 132 294 l 1
+ 155 283 200 260 229 220 c 2
+ 254 188 l 2
+ 261 179 267 164 280 131 c 1
+ 304 217 l 1
+ 295 233 l 2
+456 174 m 0
+ 448.316 145.184 436.941 69.3164 436.941 58.9398 c 0
+ 436.941 58.5133 436.961 58.1974 437 58 c 2
+ 436 5 l 1
+ 389 42 l 1
+ 393 78 l 2
+ 395 103 400 124 404 137 c 2
+ 442 274 l 2
+ 445.137 286.547 446.634 294.174 446.634 298.882 c 0
+ 446.634 303.18 445.386 305.046 443 306 c 1
+ 431 296 400 284 370 277 c 1
+ 290 -9 l 1
+ 275 29 l 1
+ 271 54 l 2
+ 266 82 252 137 215 167 c 2
+ 188 188 l 2
+ 145 217 124 230 74 230 c 1
+ 35 321 l 1
+ 106 362 l 1
+ 180 399 l 1
+ 277 441 l 2
+ 316 457 334 463 375 474 c 1
+ 385 508 l 1
+ 62 508 l 1
+ 76 558 l 1
+ 671 558 l 1
+ 657 508 l 1
+ 434 508 l 1
+ 390 352 l 1
+ 452 378 l 1
+ 469 372 l 1
+ 491 359 l 2
+ 498 354 502 347 504 336 c 2
+ 508 311 l 1
+ 489 267 473 220 456 174 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_asamib_ukaar
+Encoding: 60964 -1 2541
+Width: 645
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+21 117 m 0
+ 21 130 54 169 74 169 c 2
+ 76 169 l 2
+ 95 165 135 135 162 105 c 2
+ 183 74 l 2
+ 192 66 211 40 211 11 c 0
+ 211 0 204 -34 199 -34 c 2
+ 198 -34 l 1
+ 198 -33 198 -32 198 -30 c 0
+ 198 -10 169 50 125 76 c 2
+ 100 94 l 2
+ 70 112 55 109 26 113 c 0
+ 23 113 21 114 21 117 c 0
+233 347 m 2
+ 136 294 l 1
+ 159 283 203 260 232 220 c 2
+ 257 188 l 2
+ 264 179 271 164 284 131 c 1
+ 357 394 l 1
+ 316 381 275 366 233 347 c 2
+448 369 m 0
+ 448 386 461 438 545 448 c 0
+ 564 448 579 442 589 431 c 2
+ 606 414 l 2
+ 613 407 620 395 620 373 c 0
+ 620 325 595 274 554 251 c 2
+ 524 237 l 1
+ 498 233 l 2
+ 485 233 475 235 466 239 c 2
+ 438 260 l 2
+ 429 268 415 282 402 300 c 2
+ 386 322 l 1
+ 294 -9 l 1
+ 278 29 l 1
+ 274 54 l 2
+ 269 82 255 137 219 167 c 2
+ 191 188 l 2
+ 149 217 127 230 77 230 c 1
+ 38 321 l 1
+ 110 362 l 1
+ 183 399 l 1
+ 281 441 l 2
+ 319 457 338 463 379 474 c 1
+ 388 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 740 558 l 1
+ 726 508 l 1
+ 437 508 l 1
+ 398 367 l 1
+ 409 348 l 2
+ 418 330 445 291 486 283 c 0
+ 524 283 544 306 559 330 c 2
+ 567 348 l 2
+ 569 354 569 360 569 365 c 0
+ 569 381 562 395 550 403 c 1
+ 546 378 l 2
+ 541 359 532 345 484 334 c 2
+ 479 334 l 2
+ 465 334 448 347 448 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamiba bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_asamib_uukaar
+Encoding: 60965 -1 2542
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+21 117 m 0
+ 21 130 54 169 74 169 c 2
+ 76 169 l 2
+ 95 165 135 135 162 105 c 2
+ 183 74 l 2
+ 192 66 211 40 211 11 c 0
+ 211 0 204 -34 199 -34 c 2
+ 198 -34 l 1
+ 198 -33 198 -32 198 -30 c 0
+ 198 -10 169 50 125 76 c 2
+ 100 94 l 2
+ 70 112 55 109 26 113 c 0
+ 23 113 21 114 21 117 c 0
+233 347 m 2
+ 136 294 l 1
+ 159 283 203 260 232 220 c 2
+ 257 188 l 2
+ 264 179 271 164 284 131 c 1
+ 357 394 l 1
+ 316 381 275 366 233 347 c 2
+460 174 m 0
+ 451.355 145.183 439.941 69.3064 439.941 58.9377 c 0
+ 439.941 58.5123 439.961 58.1971 440 58 c 2
+ 440 5 l 1
+ 392 42 l 1
+ 396 78 l 2
+ 399 103 404 124 407 137 c 2
+ 445 274 l 2
+ 448.635 286.462 450.382 294.071 450.382 298.787 c 0
+ 450.382 303.153 448.884 305.039 446 306 c 1
+ 434 296 403 284 373 277 c 1
+ 294 -9 l 1
+ 278 29 l 1
+ 274 54 l 2
+ 269 82 255 137 219 167 c 2
+ 191 188 l 2
+ 149 217 127 230 77 230 c 1
+ 38 321 l 1
+ 110 362 l 1
+ 183 399 l 1
+ 281 441 l 2
+ 319 457 338 463 379 474 c 1
+ 388 508 l 1
+ 65 508 l 1
+ 79 558 l 1
+ 674 558 l 1
+ 660 508 l 1
+ 437 508 l 1
+ 394 352 l 1
+ 455 378 l 1
+ 473 372 l 1
+ 495 359 l 2
+ 502 354 506 347 508 336 c 2
+ 512 311 l 1
+ 492 267 476 220 460 174 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamiba bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_asamib_r_ukaar
+Encoding: 60966 -1 2543
+Width: 729
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+316 11 m 0
+ 316 5.25 311.333 -34 303 -34 c 1
+ 303 -22 280 113 131 113 c 0
+ 128 113 127 116 127 122 c 0
+ 127 128 159 169 181 169 c 0
+ 212 169 316 69 316 11 c 0
+241 294 m 1
+ 351 241 378 159 389 131 c 1
+ 462 394 l 1
+ 352 359 327 341 241 294 c 1
+555 369 m 0
+ 555 386 572 448 652 448 c 0
+ 689 448 727 413 727 373 c 0
+ 727 346 706 233 605 233 c 1
+ 581 233 557 236 491 324 c 1
+ 350 -187 l 1
+ 336.466 -168.954 343.944 -190.398 317 -141 c 0
+ 313.746 -136.266 296.229 -97 233 -97 c 0
+ 181.25 -97 99 -105 99 -105 c 0
+ -10.7063 -105 -27 -48 -27 -10 c 0
+ -27 24.8735 -3.37318 85.9485 7 109 c 1
+ 44 76 l 1
+ 14.0261 48.3318 11 11 11 11 c 0
+ 11 -34.3962 100.175 -37 196 -37 c 0
+ 251 -44 318 -46 328 -90 c 1
+ 374 78 l 1
+ 339 193 241 230 182 230 c 1
+ 144 321 l 1
+ 144 321 336 437 484 474 c 1
+ 493 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 847 558 l 1
+ 833 508 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 504 370 l 1
+ 517 346 557 283 593 283 c 1
+ 646 283 676 335 676 365 c 0
+ 676 381 669 395 657 403 c 1
+ 651 360 629 334 586 334 c 1
+ 578 334 555 343 555 369 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamib_ra bn_ukaar
+StartChar: bn_asamib_r_uukaar
+Encoding: 60967 -1 2544
+Width: 655
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+316 11 m 0
+ 316 5 311 -34 303 -34 c 1
+ 303 -18 266 113 131 113 c 0
+ 127 113 127 116 127 122 c 0
+ 127 136 160 169 181 169 c 1
+ 212 169 316 66 316 11 c 0
+241 294 m 1
+ 351 241 378 159 389 131 c 1
+ 462 394 l 1
+ 352 359 327 341 241 294 c 1
+11 11 m 0
+ 11 -26 80 -37 93 -37 c 1
+ 196 -37 l 2
+ 252 -37 318 -46 328 -90 c 1
+ 374 78 l 1
+ 339 193 241 230 182 230 c 1
+ 144 321 l 1
+ 144 321 336 437 484 474 c 1
+ 493 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 772 558 l 1
+ 758 508 l 1
+ 542 508 l 1
+ 500 356 l 1
+ 553 378 l 1
+ 590 378 610 352 610 311 c 1
+ 550 166 538 58 538 5 c 1
+ 490 42 l 1
+ 499 152 548 266 548 298 c 0
+ 548 303 547 305 544 306 c 1
+ 536 299 515 288 479 278 c 1
+ 350 -187 l 1
+ 336.466 -168.954 343.944 -190.398 317 -141 c 0
+ 289.161 -100.507 280 -97 233 -97 c 0
+ 68 -105 l 2
+ 66 -105 -27 -97 -27 -10 c 0
+ -27 25 -3 86 7 109 c 1
+ 44 76 l 1
+ 14 48 11 11 11 11 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'blws' Below Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_asamib_ra bn_uukaar
+StartChar: bn_d_ya
+Encoding: 60968 -1 2545
+Width: 709
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+228 508 m 1
+ 175 466 134 369 134 330 c 0
+ 134 314 139 295 156 283 c 1
+ 180 286 216 293 268 344 c 2
+ 332 407 l 2
+ 344 418 356 427 369 436 c 1
+ 392 428 460 394 460 323 c 0
+ 460 274 398 133 265 78 c 1
+ 282 75 300 74 310 74 c 0
+ 411 74 508 131 532 219 c 2
+ 535 232 l 2
+ 557 311 522 364 631 472 c 2
+ 668 508 l 1
+ 228 508 l 1
+69 324 m 0
+ 69 361 93 447 174 508 c 1
+ 58 508 l 1
+ 72 558 l 1
+ 796 558 l 1
+ 782 508 l 1
+ 754 508 l 2
+ 642 508 633 405 623 337 c 2
+ 618 299 l 2
+ 611 244 559 38 323 38 c 0
+ 264 38 240 48 224 55 c 2
+ 192 71 l 1
+ 249 96 392 203 392 299 c 0
+ 392 333 371 351 362 359 c 1
+ 286 256 209 242 171 233 c 2
+ 164 233 l 2
+ 103 233 69 269 69 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_da zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_n_ya
+Encoding: 60969 -1 2546
+Width: 599
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+244 18 m 1
+ 249 15 260 11 275 11 c 0
+ 279 12 285 13 292 15 c 2
+ 314 21 l 2
+ 334 28 342 32 348 35 c 2
+ 400 71 l 2
+ 414 85 425 109 435 143 c 2
+ 440 253 l 2
+ 442 298 459 403 508 444 c 2
+ 573 510 l 1
+ 493 510 l 2
+ 465 503 435 484 420 460 c 2
+ 405 422 l 1
+ 398 395 l 2
+ 380 332 390 286 376 235 c 2
+ 372 224 l 1
+ 357 144 l 1
+ 351 121 l 1
+ 351 121 333 66 244 18 c 1
+83 362 m 0
+ 83 395 126 462 197 462 c 0
+ 254 462 300 410 317 357 c 1
+ 325 380 352 430 368 444 c 2
+ 433 510 l 1
+ 52 510 l 1
+ 66 560 l 1
+ 694 560 l 1
+ 680 510 l 1
+ 659 510 l 2
+ 642 510 588 506 560 460 c 2
+ 545 422 l 1
+ 538 395 l 2
+ 520 333 530 286 516 235 c 2
+ 514 224 l 2
+ 501 19 320 -19 279 -19 c 2
+ 238 -19 l 1
+ 235 -18 232 -18 231 -18 c 2
+ 225 -18 l 2
+ 222 -18 219 -18 216 -19 c 1
+ 209 -19 l 2
+ 203 -19 196 -18 182 -13 c 1
+ 181 -13 l 2
+ 177 -13 176 -10 171 -10 c 0
+ 160 -10 154 -4 152 8 c 1
+ 157 26 197 27 208 35 c 2
+ 260 71 l 2
+ 274 85 285 109 295 143 c 2
+ 300 253 l 2
+ 300 261 302 287 303 296 c 1
+ 294 320 l 2
+ 286 335 269 395 215 395 c 2
+ 209 395 l 2
+ 208 395 206 395 203 394 c 1
+ 209 388 211 381 211 372 c 0
+ 211 345 175 309 132 309 c 0
+ 98 309 83 341 83 362 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_na zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_sh_ya
+Encoding: 60970 -1 2547
+Width: 621
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+461 508 m 1
+ 396 508 l 1
+ 407 489 l 1
+ 414 472 l 1
+ 417 463 l 1
+ 461 508 l 1
+272 16 m 1
+ 277 13 288 9 303 9 c 0
+ 318 9 364 26 376 33 c 2
+ 428 69 l 2
+ 442 83 453 107 463 141 c 2
+ 468 251 l 2
+ 470 294 486 400 536 442 c 2
+ 601 508 l 1
+ 521 508 l 2
+ 493 501 463 482 448 458 c 2
+ 433 420 l 1
+ 426 393 l 2
+ 408 330 418 284 404 233 c 2
+ 400 222 l 1
+ 385 142 l 1
+ 379 119 l 1
+ 379 119 359 62 272 16 c 1
+308 402 m 0
+ 308 388 296 341 248 341 c 0
+ 229 341 217 353 211 370 c 2
+ 202 394 l 1
+ 188 378 159 341 119 341 c 0
+ 91 341 85 362 85 377 c 0
+ 85 390 91 413 122 437 c 2
+ 182 480 l 1
+ 182 483 183 485 183 487 c 0
+ 183 500 173 510 148 518 c 2
+ 104 522 l 1
+ 82 556 l 1
+ 140 556 l 2
+ 198 546 208 533 226 495 c 1
+ 263 534 l 2
+ 273 541 299 558 319 558 c 0
+ 324 558 330 557 335 555 c 1
+ 336 558 l 1
+ 722 558 l 1
+ 708 508 l 1
+ 687 508 l 2
+ 635 508 604 483 588 458 c 2
+ 573 420 l 1
+ 566 393 l 2
+ 549 332 558 283 544 233 c 2
+ 542 222 l 2
+ 539 178 531 75 409 11 c 2
+ 374 -6 l 2
+ 343 -20 328 -21 315 -21 c 0
+ 312 -21 310 -21 307 -21 c 2
+ 266 -21 l 1
+ 263 -20 260 -20 259 -20 c 2
+ 253 -20 l 2
+ 250 -20 247 -20 244 -21 c 1
+ 237 -21 l 2
+ 231 -21 224 -20 210 -15 c 1
+ 209 -15 l 2
+ 201 -15 203 -12 199 -12 c 0
+ 188 -12 182 -6 180 6 c 1
+ 185 24 225 25 236 33 c 2
+ 288 69 l 2
+ 302 83 313 107 323 141 c 2
+ 328 251 l 2
+ 330 287 341 380 386 431 c 1
+ 364 504 349 496 335 508 c 1
+ 322 508 l 1
+ 324 512 l 1
+ 322 512 320 512 319 513 c 1
+ 315 513 l 2
+ 311 513 308 513 307 512 c 2
+ 289 512 266 487 266 481 c 0
+ 266 464 308 439 308 402 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sha zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_ss_ya
+Encoding: 60971 -1 2548
+Width: 546
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+359 508 m 1
+ 363 501 365 496 366 492 c 1
+ 382 508 l 1
+ 359 508 l 1
+273 413 m 1
+ 282 413 315 425 328 470 c 0
+ 328.485 471.941 328.735 473.823 328.735 475.647 c 0
+ 328.735 481.338 326.302 486.456 321 491 c 2
+ 305 500 l 2
+ 302 502 296 504 288 505 c 0
+ 247.823 505 223.969 473.29 223.969 471.077 c 1
+ 273 413 l 1
+182 443 m 2
+ 175 443 137 417 132 398 c 1
+ 134 384 l 1
+ 139 367 l 2
+ 143 356 152 350 165 350 c 0
+ 176 350 190 356 208 368 c 2
+ 231 381 l 2
+ 232.69 381.845 238.665 386.975 238.665 390.355 c 0
+ 238.665 390.975 238.465 391.535 238 392 c 2
+ 186 442 l 2
+ 185 443 185 443 184 443 c 2
+ 182 443 l 2
+193 16 m 1
+ 198 14 210 9 224 9 c 0
+ 239 9 285 26 297 33 c 2
+ 349 69 l 2
+ 363 83 374 107 384 141 c 2
+ 389 251 l 2
+ 391 294 404 393 457 442 c 2
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 442 508 l 2
+ 415 501 383 482 369 458 c 2
+ 354 420 l 1
+ 347 393 l 2
+ 329 331 339 284 325 233 c 2
+ 321 222 l 1
+ 306 142 l 1
+ 300 119 l 1
+ 294 112 279 62 193 16 c 1
+78 374 m 0
+ 78 431 117 471 167 508 c 1
+ 46 508 l 1
+ 60 558 l 1
+ 643 558 l 1
+ 630 509 l 1
+ 609 509 l 2
+ 590 509 540 505 509 458 c 2
+ 494 420 l 1
+ 487 393 l 2
+ 469 330 479 284 465 233 c 2
+ 463 222 l 2
+ 460 178 448 73 330 11 c 2
+ 295 -6 l 2
+ 264 -20 249 -21 236 -21 c 0
+ 233 -21 231 -21 228 -21 c 2
+ 187 -21 l 1
+ 184 -20 181 -20 180 -20 c 2
+ 174 -20 l 2
+ 171 -20 168 -20 165 -21 c 1
+ 158 -21 l 2
+ 152 -21 146 -21 131 -15 c 1
+ 130 -15 l 2
+ 122 -15 125 -12 120 -12 c 0
+ 109 -12 103 -6 101 6 c 1
+ 106 24 146 25 157 33 c 2
+ 209 69 l 2
+ 223 83 234 107 244 141 c 2
+ 248 251 l 2
+ 248 280 255 316 260 332 c 1
+ 225 309 176 298 160 298 c 0
+ 155 298 151 299 149 300 c 1
+ 132 300 78 315 78 374 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ssa zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_s_ya
+Encoding: 60972 -1 2549
+Width: 687
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+493 508 m 1
+ 494 493 498 494 498 484 c 1
+ 522 508 l 1
+ 493 508 l 1
+313 508 m 1
+ 310 500 309 492 309 483 c 0
+ 309 454 324 420 369 408 c 2
+ 389 408 l 2
+ 390 408 393 409 397 410 c 2
+ 411 415 l 2
+ 445 427 457 448 457 470 c 0
+ 457 489 449 508 433 508 c 2
+ 313 508 l 1
+527 240 m 2
+ 530 412 619 459 662 508 c 1
+ 582 508 l 2
+ 554 501 523 482 508 458 c 2
+ 493 420 l 1
+ 486 393 l 2
+ 452 234 488 100 332 16 c 1
+ 346 14 l 1
+ 359 14 l 2
+ 387 14 494 33 520 129 c 2
+ 523 141 l 2
+ 524 156 525 170 525 186 c 0
+ 525 187 525 189 525 190 c 2
+ 527 240 l 2
+748 508 m 2
+ 681 508 647 470 632 417 c 2
+ 626 393 l 2
+ 622 375 619 356 617 335 c 2
+ 609 273 l 2
+ 607 250 603 199 591 155 c 0
+ 551 13 419 -22 337 -22 c 0
+ 308 -22 274 -17 259 -12 c 0
+ 248 -12 242 -6 240 6 c 1
+ 248 34 352 26 380 127 c 2
+ 383 141 l 1
+ 388 251 l 2
+ 390 290 394 315 402 344 c 1
+ 395 343 390 342 384 341 c 2
+ 371 341 l 2
+ 299 341 272 412 272 447 c 0
+ 272 452 272 456 273 459 c 1
+ 268 450 260 438 248 423 c 2
+ 227 396 l 1
+ 199 363 l 2
+ 172 336 148 328 136 328 c 0
+ 115 328 98 347 91 355 c 2
+ 77 379 l 2
+ 73.6863 388.113 71.7452 395.167 71.7452 400.161 c 0
+ 71.7452 401.196 71.8284 402.142 72 403 c 1
+ 91 427 l 1
+ 95 423 123 398 129 398 c 0
+ 158 398 215 459 224 492 c 0
+ 225.062 495.185 225.748 498.12 225.748 500.582 c 0
+ 225.748 505.078 223.461 508 217 508 c 2
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 80 558 l 1
+ 782 558 l 1
+ 769 508 l 1
+ 748 508 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_sa zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_h_ya
+Encoding: 60973 -1 2550
+Width: 669
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+407 352 m 0
+ 407 296 368 243 318 213 c 1
+ 361 203 l 2
+ 375 200 389 199 404 199 c 0
+ 433 199 517 216 517 279 c 0
+ 517 308 505 332 505 361 c 0
+ 505 448 598 484 630 508 c 1
+ 290 508 l 1
+ 291 483 l 2
+ 292 467 302 469 306 467 c 1
+ 330 467 407 428 407 352 c 0
+601 320 m 2
+ 589 167 437 155 400 155 c 0
+ 336 155 291 173 266 186 c 1
+ 259 183 252 180 244 177 c 2
+ 221 169 l 1
+ 266 135 343 72 389 -16 c 1
+ 389 -84 l 1
+ 348 -20 239 115 58 151 c 1
+ 41 286 l 1
+ 59 267 117 240 177 240 c 2
+ 199 240 l 1
+ 218 243 l 2
+ 237 243 293 270 313 283 c 2
+ 337 299 l 2
+ 355 313 366 330 366 350 c 0
+ 366 373 354 411 295 411 c 0
+ 286 411 279 410 273 407 c 1
+ 268 388 257 372 241 357 c 2
+ 209 333 l 2
+ 188 318 171 313 151 313 c 0
+ 123 313 106 328 106 354 c 0
+ 106 397 157 438 206 455 c 2
+ 248 468 l 1
+ 250 470 252 471 252 477 c 0
+ 252 488 240 497 219 508 c 1
+ 75 508 l 1
+ 89 558 l 1
+ 771 558 l 1
+ 757 508 l 1
+ 724 508 l 2
+ 667 508 606 493 601 406 c 2
+ 601 320 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'psts' Post Base Substitutions in Bengali subtable" bn_ha zerojoin bn_yaphala
+StartChar: bn_k_hasanta
+Encoding: 60974 -1 2551
+Width: 570
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+283 -33 m 1
+ 361 -33 l 1
+ 480 -162 l 1
+ 429 -162 l 1
+ 283 -33 l 1
+318 388 m 0
+ 307 384 296 380 286 376 c 2
+ 224 346 l 1
+ 148 301 l 1
+ 219 265 256 225 282 139 c 1
+ 354 401 l 1
+ 334 394 334 394 318 388 c 0
+562 322 m 0
+ 562 199 471 175 448 175 c 0
+ 428 175 412 184 402 202 c 2
+ 397 219 l 1
+ 399 236 l 2
+ 403 253 412 264 428 279 c 2
+ 442 287 l 1
+ 473 292 l 2
+ 489 292 501 287 508 277 c 2
+ 514 267 l 1
+ 520 276 l 1
+ 522 284 523 293 523 302 c 0
+ 523 351 487 403 417 403 c 2
+ 404 402 l 1
+ 293 3 l 1
+ 280 21 l 1
+ 277 65 l 2
+ 275 102 239 211 97 234 c 1
+ 52 319 l 1
+ 104 351 l 2
+ 122 362 143 373 164 384 c 2
+ 222 413 l 2
+ 239 421 254 428 267 433 c 2
+ 314 450 l 2
+ 331 456 350 462 373 469 c 1
+ 384 508 l 1
+ 80 508 l 1
+ 94 558 l 1
+ 682 558 l 1
+ 668 508 l 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 422 470 l 1
+ 434 472 l 2
+ 492 472 562 414 562 322 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ka bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_kh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60975 -1 2552
+Width: 485
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+337 -33 m 1
+ 415 -33 l 1
+ 535 -162 l 1
+ 484 -162 l 1
+ 337 -33 l 1
+144 521 m 0
+ 173 521 182 510 182 493 c 0
+ 182 488 181 482 179 476 c 1
+ 212 482 l 1
+ 308 554 l 1
+ 354 502 l 2
+ 360 493 374 465 374 435 c 0
+ 374 386 332 341 281 310 c 2
+ 250 294 l 1
+ 226 285 l 1
+ 253 268 l 1
+ 278 246 l 2
+ 303 221 323 188 330 171 c 2
+ 339 148 l 1
+ 477 649 l 1
+ 501 631 l 1
+ 495 600 l 1
+ 493 573 l 1
+ 495 569 499 566 506 563 c 1
+ 587 558 l 1
+ 573 508 l 1
+ 487 508 l 1
+ 347 3 l 1
+ 338 17 l 1
+ 334 33 l 1
+ 330 50 l 1
+ 328 68 l 1
+ 322 98 l 1
+ 315 117 l 2
+ 313 122 311 127 309 131 c 2
+ 303 142 l 2
+ 267 192 210 224 134 235 c 1
+ 79 338 l 1
+ 120 334 l 1
+ 158 337 l 1
+ 198 345 l 2
+ 229 354 327 387 327 450 c 0
+ 327 456 326 462 321 468 c 2
+ 312 478 l 1
+ 258 438 l 1
+ 242 430 l 2
+ 215 417 155 399 131 399 c 0
+ 83 399 74 428 74 446 c 0
+ 74 451 75 455 75 458 c 2
+ 80 473 l 2
+ 99 517 132 521 144 521 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_kha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_g_hasanta
+Encoding: 60976 -1 2553
+Width: 484
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+328 -58 m 1
+ 406 -58 l 1
+ 526 -187 l 1
+ 475 -187 l 1
+ 328 -58 l 1
+63 399 m 0
+ 63 451 138 553 250 553 c 0
+ 384.4 553 414.471 453.41 418 364 c 1
+ 433 474 l 0
+ 435.256 492.045 435.181 492.714 479 653 c 1
+ 501 624 l 1
+ 496.709 612.844 492 600.6 492 585 c 0
+ 492 573 496.833 559 503 559 c 2
+ 590 559 l 1
+ 577 509 l 1
+ 486 509 l 1
+ 339 -18 l 1
+ 307 27 l 1
+ 389 324 l 1
+ 378.997 477.38 301.891 493 270 493 c 0
+ 221 488 183 479 139 418 c 1
+ 157.202 422.132 174 427 197 427 c 0
+ 226 427 275 418.904 275 368 c 0
+ 275 330.8 244.554 282.671 135 182 c 1
+ 95 247 l 1
+ 126 267 234 352 234 373 c 0
+ 234 381 227 391 212 391 c 0
+ 190 391 125 349 103 349 c 0
+ 85 349 63 368 63 399 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ga bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_gh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60977 -1 2554
+Width: 471
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+328 -51 m 1
+ 406 -51 l 1
+ 526 -180 l 1
+ 475 -180 l 1
+ 328 -51 l 1
+260 508 m 2
+ 226 508 184 463 184 434 c 0
+ 184 409 208 394 227 394 c 0
+ 262 394 301 421 315 434 c 1
+ 354 381 l 1
+ 325 367 256 317 199 266 c 1
+ 231 251 l 2
+ 287 231 318 164 329 132 c 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 260 508 l 2
+181 360 m 2
+ 147 360 103 385 103 431 c 0
+ 103 450 112 472 117 482 c 2
+ 136 508 l 1
+ 85 508 l 1
+ 99 558 l 1
+ 591 558 l 1
+ 577 508 l 1
+ 483 508 l 1
+ 342 -2 l 1
+ 326 22 l 1
+ 319 74 l 2
+ 308 134 254 190 191 197 c 2
+ 164 200 l 1
+ 138 201 l 1
+ 91 269 l 1
+ 153 319 l 2
+ 179 341 194 352 222 369 c 1
+ 201 362 l 1
+ 181 360 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_gha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ng_hasanta
+Encoding: 60978 -1 2555
+Width: 457
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+236 -56 m 1
+ 314 -56 l 1
+ 433 -185 l 1
+ 382 -185 l 1
+ 236 -56 l 1
+330 404 m 2
+ 351 408 418 429 418 469 c 0
+ 418 476 413 481 400 481 c 0
+ 396 481 388 481 378 477 c 2
+ 359 472 l 2
+ 326 462 296 440 277 408 c 1
+ 277 403 286 401 301 401 c 2
+ 330 404 l 2
+253 97 m 0
+ 375 97 406 190 406 213 c 0
+ 406 228 401 243 392 258 c 1
+ 386 252 370 237 369 236 c 0
+ 302 194 271 175 247 175 c 0
+ 213 175 181 218 181 253 c 0
+ 181 255 181 258 182 260 c 2
+ 215 381 l 1
+ 203 390 159 433 134 476 c 2
+ 125 493 l 1
+ 115 515 l 1
+ 195 535 l 1
+ 214 458 l 1
+ 223 444 l 1
+ 232 433 l 1
+ 250 460 304 531 384 531 c 0
+ 418 531 456 517 456 481 c 0
+ 456 480 456 478 456 477 c 2
+ 455 467 l 2
+ 444 369 325 361 296 361 c 0
+ 273 361 260 364 258 371 c 1
+ 233 281 l 2
+ 232 276 231 271 231 267 c 0
+ 231 254 239 247 255 246 c 0
+ 267 246 280 251 295 261 c 2
+ 334 292 l 1
+ 360 314 l 1
+ 380 339 l 1
+ 431 319 444 266 444 222 c 0
+ 444 56 298 15 259 15 c 0
+ 258 15 257 15 256 16 c 1
+ 219 16 l 1
+ 200 19 l 2
+ 162 24 94 57 73 170 c 2
+ 65 215 l 1
+ 62 268 l 1
+ 63 316 l 1
+ 80 434 l 1
+ 100 414 l 1
+ 97 346 l 2
+ 97 332 97 322 97 315 c 0
+ 97 314 97 312 97 311 c 2
+ 104 252 l 2
+ 113 213 138 97 253 97 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nga bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_c_hasanta
+Encoding: 60979 -1 2556
+Width: 408
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+136 -33 m 1
+ 214 -33 l 1
+ 333 -162 l 1
+ 282 -162 l 1
+ 136 -33 l 1
+105 143 m 2
+ 103 138 103 134 103 131 c 0
+ 103 120 110 117 117 115 c 0
+ 136 115 179 137 220 171 c 2
+ 254 201 l 2
+ 261 208 267 214 273 221 c 2
+ 291 243 l 2
+ 301 259 308 272 310 282 c 2
+ 313 292 l 1
+ 314 302 l 1
+ 283 313 l 2
+ 270 319 263 323 260 327 c 2
+ 230 349 l 2
+ 205 370 190 396 183 426 c 1
+ 105 143 l 2
+205 508 m 1
+ 205 481 l 1
+ 207 466 l 2
+ 211 456 219 444 224 439 c 2
+ 242 422 l 2
+ 250 415 263 408 282 401 c 2
+ 367 368 l 2
+ 387 357 394 330 394 318 c 0
+ 394 317 l 2
+ 392 300 l 2
+ 391 295 390 290 387 286 c 0
+ 363 198 197 48 111 48 c 2
+ 100 49 l 2
+ 70 53 54 103 54 130 c 0
+ 54 135 55 139 55 142 c 2
+ 157 508 l 1
+ 85 508 l 1
+ 99 558 l 1
+ 516 558 l 1
+ 502 508 l 1
+ 205 508 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ca bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ch_hasanta
+Encoding: 60980 -1 2557
+Width: 452
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+230 -76 m 1
+ 308 -76 l 1
+ 427 -205 l 1
+ 376 -205 l 1
+ 230 -76 l 1
+144 306 m 2
+ 142 298 141 293 141 289 c 0
+ 141 282 144 280 153 280 c 0
+ 179.103 280 266.681 323.088 276 379 c 1
+ 236.879 394.578 195.333 409.667 184 450 c 1
+ 144 306 l 2
+360 441 m 0
+ 386 441 451 419 451 341 c 0
+ 451 215.6 319.307 153.325 250 132 c 1
+ 325.917 98.6402 372.35 34.217 422 -37 c 1
+ 417 -76 l 1
+ 383.902 -26.3536 303 79 95 104 c 1
+ 71 196 l 1
+ 112.75 182 141.75 180 168 180 c 0
+ 263.656 180 412 278.219 412 336 c 0
+ 412 365.526 388 374 342 380 c 1
+ 330.847 279.624 177.428 232 150 232 c 0
+ 136 232 91 241 91 284 c 1
+ 91 289 91.3502 294.676 92 297 c 2
+ 151 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 569 558 l 1
+ 555 508 l 1
+ 197 508 l 1
+ 196.352 504.994 196.037 502.015 196.037 499.075 c 0
+ 196.037 464.203 240.438 435 301 435 c 0
+ 323.667 435 338.333 441 360 441 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_cha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_j_hasanta
+Encoding: 60981 -1 2558
+Width: 591
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+436 -33 m 1
+ 514 -33 l 1
+ 633 -162 l 1
+ 582 -162 l 1
+ 436 -33 l 1
+238 167 m 0
+ 265 167 372 187 372 249 c 0
+ 372 260 369 275 355 277 c 1
+ 342 274 l 1
+ 296 258 l 2
+ 284 255 276 254 270 253 c 2
+ 256 253 l 2
+ 198 253 173 303 173 348 c 0
+ 173 405 207 439 248 478 c 2
+ 284 508 l 1
+ 76 508 l 1
+ 90 558 l 1
+ 714 558 l 1
+ 700 508 l 1
+ 417 508 l 1
+ 381 491 l 1
+ 380 489 377 482 377 477 c 0
+ 377 461 390 425 459 425 c 2
+ 473 426 l 1
+ 483 426 l 2
+ 495 426 514 433 518 434 c 2
+ 570 450 l 1
+ 624 373 l 1
+ 594 351 517 271 500 208 c 2
+ 484 170 l 1
+ 477 145 l 2
+ 472 126 469 105 469 81 c 0
+ 469 58 472 32 476 5 c 1
+ 452 5 433 13 430 18 c 1
+ 436 140 l 2
+ 439 186 447 262 519 367 c 1
+ 508 369 l 1
+ 480 367 l 2
+ 450 367 367 379 344 426 c 2
+ 326 464 l 2
+ 325 465 323 466 321 466 c 0
+ 306 466 249 415 216 361 c 2
+ 212 350 l 2
+ 211 345 210 341 210 337 c 0
+ 210 322 220 315 239 315 c 2
+ 256 318 l 2
+ 264 319 272 322 284 327 c 2
+ 350 356 l 2
+ 352 357 353 357 354 357 c 1
+ 355 358 357 358 358 358 c 0
+ 360 358 362 357 365 356 c 1
+ 366 356 l 2
+ 369 356 373 353 378 346 c 2
+ 387 328 l 2
+ 399 306 403 276 403 251 c 0
+ 403 144 297 83 226 83 c 0
+ 114 83 87 186 81 231 c 2
+ 77 274 l 2
+ 77 280 76 286 76 293 c 0
+ 76 299 77 307 77 314 c 2
+ 82 365 l 1
+ 109 462 l 1
+ 112 467 l 1
+ 127 451 l 2
+ 132 448 133 443 133 435 c 0
+ 133 428 132 420 130 413 c 2
+ 124 393 l 2
+ 119 376 117 364 117 357 c 0
+ 116 300 l 2
+ 120 234 173 167 238 167 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ja bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_jh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60982 -1 2559
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+361 -33 m 1
+ 439 -33 l 1
+ 558 -162 l 1
+ 507 -162 l 1
+ 361 -33 l 1
+352 405 m 1
+ 325 397 296 386 282 380 c 2
+ 182 328 l 1
+ 150 309 l 1
+ 180 292 l 2
+ 189 287 195 282 199 277 c 2
+ 223 250 l 2
+ 237 233 266 190 279 142 c 1
+ 352 405 l 1
+441 69 m 1
+ 424 93 l 1
+ 421 137 l 2
+ 419 154 422 151 414 172 c 2
+ 398 203 l 2
+ 387 220 373 234 355 245 c 1
+ 290 10 l 1
+ 274 33 l 1
+ 268 78 l 2
+ 264 111 219 236 92 244 c 1
+ 48 328 l 1
+ 168 395 l 2
+ 204 414 238 430 271 443 c 2
+ 373 483 l 1
+ 380 508 l 1
+ 72 508 l 1
+ 86 558 l 1
+ 442 558 l 1
+ 371 302 l 1
+ 384 293 389 288 392 284 c 2
+ 406 266 l 1
+ 420 243 l 1
+ 430 216 l 1
+ 551 651 l 1
+ 569 631 l 1
+ 564 586 l 1
+ 566 568 l 1
+ 579 562 l 2
+ 589 558 597 558 603 558 c 2
+ 660 558 l 1
+ 646 508 l 1
+ 563 508 l 1
+ 441 69 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_jha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ny_hasanta
+Encoding: 60983 -1 2560
+Width: 771
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+371 -56 m 1
+ 449 -56 l 1
+ 568 -185 l 1
+ 517 -185 l 1
+ 371 -56 l 1
+725 335 m 1
+ 735 341 763 367 763 393 c 0
+ 763 409 755 434 718 434 c 2
+ 708 434 l 2
+ 671 434 536 353 517 286 c 2
+ 515 276 l 2
+ 515 244 536 157 631 157 c 0
+ 646 157 702 161 723 212 c 0
+ 724.125 215.375 724.688 218.609 724.688 221.703 c 0
+ 724.688 226.859 723.125 231.625 720 236 c 2
+ 706 256 l 1
+ 681 245 l 2
+ 667 240 655 236 646 235 c 0
+ 619 235 599 250 599 274 c 0
+ 599 314 645 344 673 344 c 0
+ 682 344 685 343 693 338 c 1
+ 706 339 l 1
+ 725 335 l 1
+811 414 m 0
+ 811 389 798 340 741 291 c 1
+ 753 233 l 2
+ 754 229 754 225 754 219 c 0
+ 754 209 753 196 749 181 c 2
+ 745 166 l 1
+ 731 139 l 1
+ 724 129 l 1
+ 713 115 l 2
+ 692 96 670 86 647 86 c 0
+ 582 86 519 166 504 189 c 2
+ 493 207 l 1
+ 435 -3 l 1
+ 418 22 l 1
+ 415 66 l 2
+ 415 67 l 0
+ 415 94 399 116 376 119 c 2
+ 343 121 l 1
+ 317 121 l 1
+ 293 118 l 2
+ 274 115 214 108 198 108 c 2
+ 177 108 l 2
+ 124 108 76 141 65 188 c 2
+ 60 231 l 2
+ 60 244 63 259 68 277 c 2
+ 80 322 l 1
+ 97 354 l 1
+ 124 392 l 1
+ 147 417 l 1
+ 162 397 l 1
+ 140 373 l 1
+ 126 352 l 1
+ 118 334 l 1
+ 111 310 l 1
+ 103 272 l 2
+ 103 194 192 186 272 186 c 0
+ 315 186 351 181 377 171 c 2
+ 425 137 l 1
+ 516 465 l 1
+ 516 484 l 2
+ 516.063 484.627 516.094 485.235 516.094 485.823 c 0
+ 516.094 494.608 509.122 499 496 499 c 0
+ 487 499 480 497 471 493 c 2
+ 454 484 l 2
+ 369 436 345 397 326 366 c 1
+ 354 369 l 2
+ 377 369 383 349 383 332 c 0
+ 383 286 341 257 321 257 c 2
+ 299 257 l 2
+ 260 257 234 271 234 311 c 0
+ 234 415 409 555 508 555 c 1
+ 529 543 l 2
+ 553 530 570 511 570 489 c 0
+ 570 486 569 482 568 478 c 2
+ 537 366 l 1
+ 554 397 659 505 731 505 c 0
+ 768 505 811 466 811 414 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_tt_hasanta
+Encoding: 60984 -1 2561
+Width: 414
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+104 -33 m 1
+ 182 -33 l 1
+ 301 -162 l 1
+ 250 -162 l 1
+ 104 -33 l 1
+323 699 m 2
+ 396 699 437 659 437 606 c 0
+ 437 596 435 586 432 575 c 2
+ 428 558 l 1
+ 507 558 l 1
+ 493 508 l 1
+ 157 508 l 1
+ 64 173 l 2
+ 63 169 62 166 62 162 c 0
+ 62 149 69 137 92 137 c 0
+ 140 137 254 221 281 287 c 1
+ 265 285 l 2
+ 235 285 215 301 215 327 c 0
+ 215 331 215 337 217 342 c 2
+ 223 358 l 2
+ 245 397 277 409 303 409 c 0
+ 339 409 364 384 364 342 c 0
+ 364 331 363 320 359 307 c 0
+ 321 169 155 83 109 77 c 2
+ 83 74 l 1
+ 74 74 l 2
+ 57 74 19 101 17 162 c 0
+ 40 285 80 391 109 508 c 1
+ 50 508 l 1
+ 64 558 l 1
+ 379 558 l 1
+ 385 578 l 2
+ 387 583 387 588 387 592 c 0
+ 387 622 356 628 331 628 c 2
+ 252 628 l 1
+ 226 624 l 2
+ 216 624 209 623 204 622 c 2
+ 190 622 l 2
+ 84 622 65 679 65 713 c 0
+ 65 743 87 781 108 786 c 2
+ 120 790 l 1
+ 118 781 l 2
+ 116 762 104 769 98 746 c 2
+ 96 733 l 1
+ 97 719 l 2
+ 97 716 104 711 115 703 c 2
+ 131 695 l 1
+ 154 690 l 1
+ 323 699 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_tta bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_tth_hasanta
+Encoding: 60985 -1 2562
+Width: 404
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 -33 m 1
+ 218 -33 l 1
+ 337 -162 l 1
+ 286 -162 l 1
+ 140 -33 l 1
+96 85 m 2
+ 138 85 294 181 294 342 c 0
+ 294 387 280 424 269 445 c 1
+ 261 403 l 2
+ 224 272 113 216 71 198 c 2
+ 47 186 l 2
+ 34 179 29 144 29 133 c 0
+ 29 111 39 98 46 95 c 2
+ 67 88 l 1
+ 86 85 l 1
+ 96 85 l 2
+311 812 m 1
+ 262 793 216 769 216 703 c 0
+ 216 675 226 648 232 636 c 2
+ 255 587 l 1
+ 272 558 l 1
+ 480 558 l 1
+ 465 507 l 1
+ 289 507 l 1
+ 308 475 l 2
+ 312 464 316 453 320 441 c 2
+ 331 373 l 1
+ 334 334 l 2
+ 334 328.5 334.25 323.25 334.25 318.25 c 0
+ 334.25 313.25 334 308.5 333 304 c 2
+ 319 239 l 2
+ 314 222 309 209 303 200 c 2
+ 282 163 l 2
+ 225 71 128 42 95 42 c 2
+ 77 44 l 2
+ -5 58 -23 112 -23 154 c 0
+ -23 195 -6 234 4 250 c 1
+ 61 265 225 350 225 500 c 0
+ 225 502 225 505 224 507 c 1
+ 43 507 l 1
+ 58 558 l 1
+ 208 558 l 1
+ 211 571 l 1
+ 210 574 209 580 207 587 c 2
+ 196 614 l 2
+ 184 644 180 681 180 711 c 0
+ 180 807 237 844 266 863 c 1
+ 311 812 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ttha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_dd_hasanta
+Encoding: 60986 -1 2563
+Width: 522
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+236 -33 m 1
+ 314 -33 l 1
+ 433 -162 l 1
+ 382 -162 l 1
+ 236 -33 l 1
+490 305 m 0
+ 490 256 451 62 230 62 c 0
+ 144 62 123 129 114 155 c 2
+ 97 218 l 1
+ 88 293 l 2
+ 88 299 l 0
+ 88 345 95 383 99 403 c 2
+ 112 478 l 1
+ 136 462 l 1
+ 129 436 126 406 126 377 c 0
+ 126 314 140 252 153 225 c 2
+ 173 190 l 2
+ 194 158 246 148 270 148 c 0
+ 331 148 409 180 450 265 c 2
+ 454 281 l 2
+ 454 284 455 288 455 292 c 0
+ 455 305 452 323 443 338 c 1
+ 433 317 334 238 278 238 c 0
+ 244 238 237 264 234 274 c 2
+ 227 303 l 1
+ 284 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 647 558 l 1
+ 633 508 l 1
+ 333 508 l 1
+ 279 314 l 1
+ 319 314 387 369 409 393 c 2
+ 422 406 l 1
+ 439 420 l 1
+ 449 413 l 2
+ 452 411 455 409 457 406 c 2
+ 471 384 l 2
+ 483 358 490 333 490 305 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_dda bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ddh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60987 -1 2564
+Width: 415
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+136 -33 m 1
+ 214 -33 l 1
+ 333 -162 l 1
+ 282 -162 l 1
+ 136 -33 l 1
+115 172 m 2
+ 114 168 113 164 113 160 c 0
+ 113 147 120 139 134 138 c 0
+ 164 138 266 205 295 254 c 2
+ 311 289 l 1
+ 295 287 l 2
+ 265 287 245 303 245 329 c 0
+ 245 334 246 339 248 345 c 2
+ 257 366 l 2
+ 260 376 281 412 330 412 c 2
+ 358 407 l 2
+ 380 407 393 360 393 340 c 0
+ 393 338 393 337 393 336 c 2
+ 390 305 l 2
+ 364 213 287 140 200 95 c 2
+ 153 76 l 1
+ 127 73 l 2
+ 94 73 72 116 62 153 c 1
+ 160 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 529 558 l 1
+ 515 508 l 1
+ 208 508 l 1
+ 115 172 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ddha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_nn_hasanta
+Encoding: 60988 -1 2565
+Width: 450
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+237 -33 m 1
+ 315 -33 l 1
+ 435 -162 l 1
+ 384 -162 l 1
+ 237 -33 l 1
+149 249 m 2
+ 94 249 59 290 59 351 c 0
+ 59 433 114 533 228 556 c 2
+ 266 560 l 2
+ 279 560 289 558 298 554 c 2
+ 316 544 l 2
+ 324 541 329 533 334 520 c 2
+ 344 501 l 2
+ 354 482 361 464 366 440 c 2
+ 378 390 l 1
+ 382 418 l 2
+ 387 462 392 498 398 521 c 2
+ 418 593 l 1
+ 422 605 l 1
+ 434 655 l 1
+ 447 635 l 1
+ 452 616 l 1
+ 452 613 452 611 452 609 c 0
+ 452 597 454 586 458 579 c 2
+ 479 558 l 1
+ 550 558 l 1
+ 537 508 l 1
+ 443 508 l 1
+ 302 1 l 1
+ 263 57 l 1
+ 340 334 l 2
+ 345 350 347 365 347 379 c 0
+ 347 436 313 477 272 487 c 2
+ 250 489 l 2
+ 195 489 144 439 134 402 c 2
+ 128 385 l 2
+ 126 375 124 366 124 357 c 0
+ 124 342 129 329 138 318 c 1
+ 160 313 l 1
+ 161 325 l 1
+ 163 338 l 2
+ 173 371 205 379 223 379 c 0
+ 234 379 260 379 266 340 c 2
+ 264 318 l 2
+ 256 290 213 249 159 249 c 2
+ 149 249 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_nna bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_t_hasanta
+Encoding: 60989 -1 2566
+Width: 551
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+336 -33 m 1
+ 414 -33 l 1
+ 533 -162 l 1
+ 482 -162 l 1
+ 336 -33 l 1
+97 558 m 1
+ 673 558 l 1
+ 659 508 l 1
+ 83 508 l 1
+ 97 558 l 1
+299 148 m 0
+ 422 148 488 257 497 287 c 2
+ 501 302 l 2
+ 502 306 502.25 309.25 502.25 312.375 c 0
+ 502.25 315.5 502 318.5 502 322 c 2
+ 501 335 l 2
+ 496 367 472 397 442 397 c 0
+ 432 397 421 395 408 392 c 1
+ 413 382 415 372 415 361 c 0
+ 415 326 392 278 342 267 c 2
+ 323 264 l 1
+ 306 263 l 2
+ 258 263 251 302 251 327 c 0
+ 251 333 252 339 252 342 c 2
+ 255 361 l 2
+ 260 379 270 395 283 409 c 2
+ 308 431 l 2
+ 336 453 369 464 401 464 c 2
+ 423 462 l 1
+ 445 458 l 2
+ 503 443 542 389 542 316 c 0
+ 542 167 412 96 367 81 c 0
+ 361 80 357 78 352 76 c 2
+ 339 72 l 2
+ 331 70 313 69 288 69 c 0
+ 265 69 243 74 221 85 c 2
+ 197 99 l 2
+ 190 104 185 108 181 113 c 2
+ 168 131 l 2
+ 166 134 163 139 160 146 c 2
+ 148 171 l 1
+ 126 233 l 2
+ 122 239 117 274 116 277 c 2
+ 101 397 l 2
+ 100 411 100 423 100 435 c 0
+ 100 450 101 464 102 479 c 1
+ 128 467 l 1
+ 144 361 l 2
+ 147 346 151 334 153 325 c 2
+ 174 260 l 2
+ 184 237 187 232 190 224 c 2
+ 202 203 l 2
+ 206 196 211 191 215 187 c 2
+ 239 163 l 2
+ 257 152 287 148 299 148 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ta bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_th_hasanta
+Encoding: 60990 -1 2567
+Width: 477
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+279 -39 m 1
+ 357 -39 l 1
+ 476 -168 l 1
+ 425 -168 l 1
+ 279 -39 l 1
+489 619 m 1
+ 488 601 483 595 483 578 c 0
+ 483 569 485 561 491 558 c 1
+ 578 558 l 1
+ 564 508 l 1
+ 480 508 l 1
+ 338 -5 l 1
+ 300 83 l 2
+ 285 134 228 187 150 202 c 2
+ 103 205 l 1
+ 53 309 l 1
+ 79 308 l 1
+ 119 315 l 2
+ 193 321 320 401 320 463 c 0
+ 320 497 284 506 271 506 c 0
+ 264 506 258 505 255 504 c 2
+ 201 480 l 2
+ 188 473 179 467 174 461 c 1
+ 183 444 l 2
+ 186 437 188 430 188 423 c 0
+ 188 399 167 378 148 369 c 2
+ 134 362 l 1
+ 108 358 l 2
+ 78 358 61 378 61 406 c 0
+ 61 413 62 421 64 429 c 2
+ 70 443 l 1
+ 80 462 l 2
+ 133 545 239 558 274 558 c 0
+ 316 558 366 523 366 461 c 0
+ 366 370 282 304 197 259 c 1
+ 205 257 212 253 217 246 c 2
+ 239 230 l 2
+ 264 214 315 144 322 117 c 1
+ 471 651 l 1
+ 489 619 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_tha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_d_hasanta
+Encoding: 60991 -1 2568
+Width: 478
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+288 -36 m 1
+ 366 -36 l 1
+ 485 -165 l 1
+ 434 -165 l 1
+ 288 -36 l 1
+361 347 m 1
+ 265 318 165 239 106 153 c 1
+ 58 222 l 1
+ 137 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 600 558 l 1
+ 586 508 l 1
+ 191 508 l 1
+ 133 297 l 1
+ 193 333 263 396 356 431 c 2
+ 398 447 l 1
+ 467 382 l 1
+ 428 329 l 2
+ 384 264 372 238 363 217 c 2
+ 349 182 l 1
+ 332 129 l 1
+ 323 74 l 1
+ 322 48 l 2
+ 322 16 323 8 323 2 c 0
+ 323 0 323 -2 322 -4 c 1
+ 292 11 l 1
+ 289 62 l 2
+ 288 69 288 76 288 84 c 0
+ 288 105 290 126 292 138 c 2
+ 301 198 l 1
+ 313 240 l 2
+ 325 283 336 301 361 347 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_da bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_dh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60992 -1 2569
+Width: 449
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+257 -66 m 1
+ 335 -66 l 1
+ 454 -195 l 1
+ 403 -195 l 1
+ 257 -66 l 1
+327 377 m 2
+ 270 347 l 1
+ 222 319 l 1
+ 175 286 l 1
+ 198 272 l 2
+ 267 232 298 161 311 129 c 1
+ 386 401 l 1
+ 366 394 347 386 327 377 c 2
+215 497 m 1
+ 205 492 198 469 198 462 c 0
+ 198 446 207 417 249 417 c 0
+ 257 417 263 418 266 419 c 2
+ 411 492 l 1
+ 430 558 l 1
+ 564 558 l 1
+ 550 508 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 320 -18 l 1
+ 313 6 l 1
+ 307 57 l 2
+ 301 103 227 188 196 198 c 0
+ 176 209 146 217 108 222 c 1
+ 71 301 l 1
+ 223 395 l 1
+ 205 395 156 397 144 441 c 2
+ 141 458 l 1
+ 144 484 l 2
+ 156 527 195 564 257 564 c 0
+ 285 564 300 545 300 530 c 0
+ 300 528 300 526 299 524 c 2
+ 294 514 l 2
+ 285 497 273 485 238 485 c 0
+ 235 485 232 485 230 486 c 2
+ 227 486 225 487 222 489 c 2
+ 215 497 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_dha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_n_hasanta
+Encoding: 60993 -1 2570
+Width: 448
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+262 -59 m 1
+ 340 -59 l 1
+ 460 -188 l 1
+ 409 -188 l 1
+ 262 -59 l 1
+56 288 m 2
+ 75 359 146 403 208 403 c 2
+ 220 403 l 1
+ 223 402 226 402 229 402 c 0
+ 255 394 296 388 325 311 c 0
+ 338 274 345 252 345 243 c 0
+ 345 242 345 242 345 241 c 1
+ 419 508 l 1
+ 78 508 l 1
+ 91 558 l 1
+ 569 558 l 1
+ 556 508 l 1
+ 469 508 l 1
+ 324 -14 l 1
+ 312 11 l 1
+ 317 26 l 2
+ 324 52 328 84 328 117 c 0
+ 328 220 292 335 208 335 c 1
+ 201 326 l 1
+ 210 308 214 293 214 279 c 0
+ 214 273 213 268 212 263 c 2
+ 208 251 l 2
+ 194 223 175 194 124 194 c 2
+ 99 197 l 2
+ 57 201 51 229 51 249 c 0
+ 51 256 51 263 52 267 c 2
+ 56 288 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_na bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_p_hasanta
+Encoding: 60994 -1 2571
+Width: 535
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+343 -59 m 1
+ 421 -59 l 1
+ 540 -188 l 1
+ 489 -188 l 1
+ 343 -59 l 1
+373 472 m 2
+ 360 484 l 2
+ 352 492 338 496 317 496 c 0
+ 249 496 212 464 186 432 c 1
+ 231 432 239 399 239 375 c 0
+ 239 366 238 359 237 355 c 2
+ 232 343 l 1
+ 382 460 l 1
+ 381 464 378 468 373 472 c 2
+441 294 m 1
+ 439 299 441 303 441 306 c 0
+ 441 332 431 392 419 399 c 2
+ 409 407 l 1
+ 191 237 l 1
+ 127 263 l 1
+ 183 309 l 2
+ 198 319 203 347 203 357 c 0
+ 203 375 195 387 181 387 c 0
+ 168 387 172 381 114 368 c 2
+ 112 368 l 2
+ 100 368 81 380 81 399 c 0
+ 81 406 84 412 88 419 c 2
+ 99 435 l 2
+ 133 474 197 550 314 550 c 0
+ 429 550 460 446 460 404 c 0
+ 460 402 460 400 460 399 c 0
+ 461 393 461 387 462 381 c 2
+ 466 351 l 1
+ 492 477 l 1
+ 533 624 l 1
+ 548 613 l 1
+ 549 608 l 1
+ 547 600 546 593 546 587 c 0
+ 546 580 547 574 551 570 c 1
+ 573 558 l 1
+ 641 558 l 1
+ 627 508 l 1
+ 548 508 l 1
+ 406 -6 l 1
+ 370 39 l 1
+ 441 294 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_pa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ph_hasanta
+Encoding: 60995 -1 2572
+Width: 611
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+285 -49 m 1
+ 363 -49 l 1
+ 482 -178 l 1
+ 431 -178 l 1
+ 285 -49 l 1
+615 356 m 0
+ 615 280 565 220 499 220 c 0
+ 462 220 457 250 457 267 c 0
+ 457 290 472 313 506 325 c 2
+ 524 328 l 2
+ 549 328 557 307 566 307 c 0
+ 567 307 569 308 570 309 c 1
+ 575 320 l 2
+ 577 326 577 332 577 338 c 0
+ 577 363 565 387 538 391 c 2
+ 477 398 l 2
+ 465 398 458 396 457 392 c 2
+ 348 0 l 1
+ 333 18 l 1
+ 327 46 l 2
+ 315 90 299 121 271 150 c 2
+ 249 169 l 2
+ 221 194 183 206 135 206 c 1
+ 100 289 l 1
+ 160 338 l 1
+ 276 415 l 1
+ 258 432 l 2
+ 251 439 245 444 241 445 c 2
+ 208 451 l 2
+ 190 453 178 456 173 459 c 2
+ 149 476 l 1
+ 138 490 l 1
+ 117 508 l 1
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 728 558 l 1
+ 714 508 l 1
+ 255 508 l 1
+ 311 448 l 1
+ 351 373 l 1
+ 199 270 l 1
+ 215 264 223 259 236 249 c 2
+ 272 220 l 2
+ 290 204 317 175 333 125 c 1
+ 428 469 l 1
+ 438 473 451 475 468 475 c 2
+ 492 475 l 2
+ 520 475 615 450 615 356 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_pha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_b_hasanta
+Encoding: 60996 -1 2573
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+251 -52 m 1
+ 329 -52 l 1
+ 449 -181 l 1
+ 398 -181 l 1
+ 251 -52 l 1
+253 347 m 2
+ 156 294 l 1
+ 179 283 224 260 253 220 c 2
+ 278 188 l 2
+ 284 179 291 164 304 131 c 1
+ 377 394 l 1
+ 336 381 295 366 253 347 c 2
+314 -9 m 1
+ 299 29 l 1
+ 295 54 l 2
+ 289 82 276 137 239 167 c 2
+ 212 188 l 2
+ 169 217 148 230 98 230 c 1
+ 59 321 l 1
+ 130 362 l 1
+ 203 399 l 1
+ 301 441 l 2
+ 339 457 358 463 399 474 c 1
+ 409 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 99 558 l 1
+ 564 558 l 1
+ 551 508 l 1
+ 458 508 l 1
+ 314 -9 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ba bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_bh_hasanta
+Encoding: 60997 -1 2574
+Width: 534
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+236 -33 m 1
+ 314 -33 l 1
+ 433 -162 l 1
+ 382 -162 l 1
+ 236 -33 l 1
+100 558 m 1
+ 646 558 l 1
+ 632 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+475 374 m 1
+ 433 323 375 288 327 280 c 2
+ 284 280 l 2
+ 263 280 207 296 207 353 c 0
+ 207 362 208 372 211 383 c 2
+ 218 401 l 2
+ 238 440 272 460 321 460 c 0
+ 331 459 361 449 361 416 c 0
+ 361 397 355 383 343 369 c 2
+ 327 353 l 1
+ 350 357 l 2
+ 397 379 438 411 466 454 c 1
+ 510 404 l 2
+ 527 369 536 339 536 314 c 0
+ 536 235 455 151 416 124 c 2
+ 390 106 l 1
+ 367 93 l 2
+ 347 84 309 76 275 76 c 0
+ 230 76 184 98 168 112 c 0
+ 98 180 87 332 86 394 c 2
+ 84 461 l 1
+ 113 451 l 1
+ 113 441 113 430 114 419 c 2
+ 119 382 l 2
+ 153 166 240 168 285 160 c 2
+ 307 159 l 2
+ 393 159 449 228 467 252 c 2
+ 483 291 l 2
+ 487 304 488 315 488 325 c 0
+ 488 342 483 356 475 374 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_bha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_m_hasanta
+Encoding: 60998 -1 2575
+Width: 492
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+298 -49 m 1
+ 376 -49 l 1
+ 495 -178 l 1
+ 444 -178 l 1
+ 298 -49 l 1
+220 508 m 1
+ 271 451 l 1
+ 288 429 l 2
+ 297 418 311 376 311 355 c 0
+ 311 352 l 2
+ 310 315 l 2
+ 310 300 308 289 306 280 c 2
+ 298 260 l 1
+ 312 242 l 1
+ 313 237 316 231 323 224 c 2
+ 344 186 l 1
+ 356 160 l 1
+ 452 508 l 1
+ 220 508 l 1
+358 -3 m 1
+ 344 20 l 1
+ 343 65 l 2
+ 340 118 319 158 275 189 c 2
+ 258 199 l 1
+ 255 186 207 159 189 154 c 2
+ 160 150 l 2
+ 125 150 110 163 105 172 c 2
+ 96 189 l 1
+ 96 210 l 1
+ 99 233 l 2
+ 102 245 109 257 118 269 c 2
+ 142 295 l 2
+ 170 315 201 317 226 320 c 0
+ 246 320 257 317 260 311 c 1
+ 264 326 266 339 266 351 c 0
+ 266 392 242 415 216 424 c 2
+ 177 437 l 2
+ 149 446 134 453 132 459 c 2
+ 123 468 l 1
+ 117 477 l 2
+ 114 480 113 483 111 487 c 2
+ 108 508 l 1
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 602 558 l 1
+ 588 508 l 1
+ 500 508 l 1
+ 358 -3 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ma bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_y_hasanta
+Encoding: 60999 -1 2576
+Width: 463
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+276 -59 m 1
+ 354 -59 l 1
+ 474 -188 l 1
+ 423 -188 l 1
+ 276 -59 l 1
+239 508 m 1
+ 261 491 l 2
+ 273 482 280 475 284 470 c 2
+ 305 445 l 1
+ 329 407 l 1
+ 336 393 l 1
+ 294 360 l 1
+ 269 342 l 2
+ 260 335 254 332 232 314 c 2
+ 182 272 l 1
+ 243 251 265 220 298 177 c 2
+ 325 126 l 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 239 508 l 1
+338 -5 m 1
+ 322 17 l 1
+ 319 65 286 164 210 195 c 0
+ 192 203 164 207 126 207 c 1
+ 81 291 l 1
+ 137 336 l 1
+ 267 421 l 1
+ 229 447 l 2
+ 216 454 197 460 174 465 c 2
+ 145 475 l 1
+ 116 491 l 1
+ 107 508 l 1
+ 90 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 581 558 l 1
+ 568 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 338 -5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_r_hasanta
+Encoding: 61000 -1 2577
+Width: 430
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+241 -49 m 1
+ 319 -49 l 1
+ 438 -178 l 1
+ 387 -178 l 1
+ 241 -49 l 1
+328 390 m 0
+ 317 387 308 384 302 381 c 2
+ 241 354 l 1
+ 190 327 l 1
+ 143 299 l 1
+ 192 277 217 254 241 220 c 2
+ 271 175 l 2
+ 276 166 284 147 289 124 c 1
+ 366 401 l 1
+ 346 395 346 395 328 390 c 0
+85 81 m 0
+ 85 107 111 145 149 145 c 0
+ 181 145 189 121 189 105 c 0
+ 189 96 186 88 181 80 c 2
+ 172 66 l 2
+ 158 50 143 42 126 42 c 0
+ 116 42 85 50 85 81 c 0
+305 1 m 1
+ 291 19 l 1
+ 269 102 l 2
+ 265 124 238 166 204 193 c 2
+ 165 218 l 2
+ 144 229 120 235 87 235 c 1
+ 47 324 l 1
+ 154 383 l 2
+ 166 390 179 395 191 400 c 2
+ 287 440 l 2
+ 310 449 358 466 386 475 c 1
+ 395 508 l 1
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 547 558 l 1
+ 533 508 l 1
+ 445 508 l 1
+ 305 1 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_l_hasanta
+Encoding: 61001 -1 2578
+Width: 516
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+318 -55 m 1
+ 396 -55 l 1
+ 515 -184 l 1
+ 464 -184 l 1
+ 318 -55 l 1
+253 263 m 0
+ 253 193 175 180 155 180 c 0
+ 148 180 141 181 134 182 c 2
+ 115 186 l 2
+ 80 196 48 224 48 276 c 0
+ 48 289 50 303 54 319 c 2
+ 67 352 l 2
+ 96 420 159 460 202 460 c 0
+ 227 460 247 454 265 442 c 2
+ 284 421 l 1
+ 295 398 l 1
+ 301 420 350 455 373 457 c 0
+ 392 457 406 451 414 440 c 2
+ 431 401 l 1
+ 436 373 l 1
+ 474 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 559 l 1
+ 636 559 l 1
+ 622 508 l 1
+ 526 508 l 1
+ 384 -5 l 1
+ 345 44 l 1
+ 422 321 l 2
+ 423 324 423 328 423 331 c 0
+ 423 354 407 385 370 385 c 0
+ 345 382 330 360 322 330 c 2
+ 319 305 l 1
+ 295 297 l 1
+ 292 321 l 2
+ 280 370 265 374 230 384 c 2
+ 210 387 l 2
+ 177 387 132 369 104 317 c 2
+ 95 296 l 2
+ 94 292 93 286 93 278 c 0
+ 93 259 101 234 142 228 c 1
+ 139 236 137 244 137 252 c 0
+ 137 294 183 321 210 321 c 0
+ 245 321 253 288 253 263 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_la bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_sh_hasanta
+Encoding: 61002 -1 2579
+Width: 507
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+323 -49 m 1
+ 401 -49 l 1
+ 521 -178 l 1
+ 470 -178 l 1
+ 323 -49 l 1
+436 359 m 2
+ 437 363 437 368 437 373 c 0
+ 437 412 407 477 371 477 c 0
+ 331 477 312 446 309 438 c 1
+ 316 435 322 430 328 421 c 2
+ 339 408 l 2
+ 357 392 361 375 361 361 c 0
+ 361 347 354 330 351 326 c 2
+ 340 308 l 2
+ 321 280 289 277 276 277 c 0
+ 253 277 234 288 220 311 c 2
+ 215 327 l 1
+ 205 314 l 2
+ 181 290 136 277 120 277 c 0
+ 86 277 78 313 77 324 c 2
+ 80 349 l 2
+ 85 367 86 369 113 395 c 2
+ 140 418 l 1
+ 172 439 l 2
+ 179 444 186 447 193 448 c 1
+ 177 490 l 1
+ 164 499 l 2
+ 156 504 148 507 141 507 c 2
+ 76 507 l 1
+ 39 557 l 1
+ 142 557 l 2
+ 165 557 185 551 198 539 c 2
+ 215 515 l 1
+ 225 491 l 2
+ 228 481 230 472 230 464 c 1
+ 250 491 275 530 355 554 c 2
+ 379 559 l 2
+ 394 559 412 538 433 490 c 2
+ 446 451 l 2
+ 455 426 461 404 463 391 c 1
+ 483 530 l 1
+ 515 647 l 1
+ 526 635 l 1
+ 538 614 l 2
+ 539.652 610.697 540.394 607.394 540.394 603.924 c 0
+ 540.394 601.091 539.899 598.146 539 595 c 2
+ 536 580 l 1
+ 537 573 543 563 564 558 c 2
+ 631 558 l 1
+ 617 508 l 1
+ 531 508 l 1
+ 389 -4 l 1
+ 348 42 l 1
+ 436 359 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_sha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_ss_hasanta
+Encoding: 61003 -1 2580
+Width: 467
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+279 -51 m 1
+ 357 -51 l 1
+ 477 -180 l 1
+ 426 -180 l 1
+ 279 -51 l 1
+344 331 m 1
+ 317 360 l 2
+ 316 362 316 363 313 365 c 1
+ 291 353 l 2
+ 282 348 266 336 250 324 c 2
+ 190 275 l 1
+ 223 256 l 2
+ 253 231 264 221 275 209 c 2
+ 296 185 l 2
+ 312 163 323 142 328 130 c 1
+ 374 288 l 1
+ 344 331 l 1
+239 508 m 1
+ 285 469 l 2
+ 307 449 320 425 327 411 c 2
+ 358 374 l 2
+ 373 359 383 350 389 349 c 1
+ 433 508 l 1
+ 239 508 l 1
+115 488 m 1
+ 115.127 488.381 115.189 488.73 115.189 489.081 c 0
+ 115.189 491.496 112.238 494.032 107 508 c 1
+ 88 508 l 1
+ 102 559 l 1
+ 587 559 l 1
+ 573 508 l 1
+ 482 508 l 1
+ 342 1 l 1
+ 328 23 l 1
+ 313 75 l 2
+ 302 120 230 209 155 209 c 0
+ 150 210 144 210 139 210 c 2
+ 131 210 l 1
+ 87 298 l 1
+ 241 405 l 1
+ 274 425 l 1
+ 258 434 l 1
+ 237 440 l 1
+ 220 441 l 1
+ 182 441 l 2
+ 150 441 120 445 115 488 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ssa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_s_hasanta
+Encoding: 61004 -1 2581
+Width: 523
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+325 -55 m 1
+ 403 -55 l 1
+ 522 -184 l 1
+ 471 -184 l 1
+ 325 -55 l 1
+263 508 m 1
+ 285 485 l 2
+ 297 473 301 451 301 432 c 0
+ 301 421 299 396 290 380 c 1
+ 313 393 l 2
+ 334 406 347 414 352 415 c 2
+ 367 416 l 2
+ 393 416 400 403 404 396 c 2
+ 435 344 l 1
+ 479 508 l 1
+ 263 508 l 1
+259 353 m 1
+ 262 384 265 387 265 397 c 0
+ 265 422 254 464 192 464 c 0
+ 164 464 150 464 131 475 c 2
+ 122 484 l 1
+ 113 508 l 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 103 558 l 1
+ 644 558 l 1
+ 630 508 l 1
+ 528 508 l 1
+ 386 -5 l 1
+ 354 52 l 1
+ 413 268 l 1
+ 411 294 l 1
+ 398 326 l 2
+ 392 336 384 341 372 341 c 0
+ 343 341 321 317 310 306 c 2
+ 254 248 l 2
+ 226 220 189 183 174 180 c 2
+ 154 179 l 2
+ 142 179 134 180 129 181 c 2
+ 116 188 l 2
+ 109 189 101 198 93 213 c 2
+ 79 251 l 1
+ 69 288 l 1
+ 111 320 l 1
+ 110 318 110 315 110 312 c 0
+ 110 306 111 298 113 289 c 2
+ 123 263 l 2
+ 126 257 133 254 141 253 c 0
+ 149 253 158 257 170 266 c 2
+ 259 353 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_sa bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_h_hasanta
+Encoding: 61005 -1 2582
+Width: 419
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+186 -36 m 1
+ 264 -36 l 1
+ 383 -165 l 1
+ 332 -165 l 1
+ 186 -36 l 1
+419 353 m 0
+ 419 280 367 217 232 169 c 1
+ 235 160 l 1
+ 277 133 l 1
+ 313 101 l 1
+ 335 77 l 2
+ 342 70 347 63 352 56 c 2
+ 400 -16 l 1
+ 400 -84 l 1
+ 384 -58 l 2
+ 350 -8 308 29 286 46 c 2
+ 241 78 l 2
+ 184 118 144 135 69 151 c 1
+ 52 286 l 1
+ 92 249 159 240 188 240 c 2
+ 210 240 l 1
+ 229 243 l 2
+ 245 243 306 269 324 283 c 2
+ 348 299 l 2
+ 376 321 379 344 379 355 c 0
+ 379 399 325 411 306 411 c 0
+ 297 411 290 410 284 407 c 1
+ 279 388 269 372 253 357 c 2
+ 220 333 l 2
+ 200 318 182 313 162 313 c 0
+ 124 313 117 341 117 356 c 0
+ 117 360 117 363 118 365 c 2
+ 122 379 l 2
+ 125 393 161 436 218 455 c 2
+ 259 468 l 1
+ 261 470 263 471 263 475 c 0
+ 263 490 240 505 230 508 c 2
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 549 558 l 1
+ 535 508 l 1
+ 301 508 l 1
+ 302 483 l 2
+ 303 467 314 469 317 467 c 1
+ 342 467 419 430 419 353 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_ha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_rr_hasanta
+Encoding: 61006 -1 2583
+Width: 523
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+336 -33 m 1
+ 414 -33 l 1
+ 533 -162 l 1
+ 482 -162 l 1
+ 336 -33 l 1
+281 -38 m 0
+ 281 -65 250 -114 204 -114 c 0
+ 179 -114 159 -99 159 -73 c 0
+ 159 -42 187 -2 237 5 c 0
+ 257 5 281 -10 281 -38 c 0
+506 300 m 0
+ 506 195 407 44 269 44 c 2
+ 267 44 l 2
+ 266 44 266 44 266 45 c 1
+ 235 45 l 2
+ 149 45 120 97 91 221 c 2
+ 86 258 l 1
+ 83 296 l 2
+ 83 301 83 306 83 312 c 0
+ 83 331 85 359 93 406 c 2
+ 105 481 l 1
+ 131 465 l 1
+ 124 440 120 411 120 380 c 0
+ 120 378 120 375 121 373 c 2
+ 126 307 l 2
+ 129 292 129 277 133 270 c 2
+ 141 243 l 1
+ 164 193 l 2
+ 183 161 226 139 273 139 c 0
+ 327 139 393 169 427 211 c 2
+ 448 237 l 2
+ 459 253 466 272 466 293 c 0
+ 466 307 462 320 456 332 c 1
+ 450 322 433 307 405 288 c 2
+ 352 254 l 2
+ 329 241 308 234 290 234 c 0
+ 244 234 235 274 234 309 c 2
+ 234 321 l 1
+ 286 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 646 558 l 1
+ 632 508 l 1
+ 335 508 l 1
+ 290 345 l 2
+ 289 340 286 330 286 321 c 0
+ 286 315 288 309 293 308 c 1
+ 306 312 l 2
+ 309 313 312 314 316 316 c 2
+ 361 344 l 1
+ 393 367 l 1
+ 440 412 l 2
+ 449 420 455 424 459 424 c 1
+ 478 417 506 363 506 300 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_rra bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_rh_hasanta
+Encoding: 61007 -1 2584
+Width: 420
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+239 -33 m 1
+ 317 -33 l 1
+ 436 -162 l 1
+ 385 -162 l 1
+ 239 -33 l 1
+180 -10 m 0
+ 180 -45 146 -97 98 -97 c 0
+ 70 -97 55 -80 55 -57 c 0
+ 55 -9 105 29 136 29 c 0
+ 162 29 180 15 180 -10 c 0
+125 182 m 2
+ 123 178 123 174 123 170 c 0
+ 123 159 129 151 140 151 c 0
+ 169 151 261 213 299 267 c 2
+ 313 300 l 1
+ 297 298 l 2
+ 268 298 248 313 248 339 c 0
+ 248 344 249 349 251 355 c 2
+ 257 371 l 2
+ 264 386 283 423 330 423 c 2
+ 356 420 l 2
+ 388 414 396 380 396 351 c 0
+ 396 245 277 126 155 87 c 2
+ 128 84 l 2
+ 112 84 83 94 73 172 c 2
+ 73 190 l 1
+ 161 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 535 558 l 1
+ 521 508 l 1
+ 215 508 l 1
+ 125 182 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_rha bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_yy_hasanta
+Encoding: 61008 -1 2585
+Width: 469
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+275 -52 m 1
+ 353 -52 l 1
+ 473 -181 l 1
+ 422 -181 l 1
+ 275 -52 l 1
+249 508 m 1
+ 268 492 l 2
+ 280 484 327 414 336 391 c 1
+ 285 346 307 377 184 270 c 1
+ 190 268 204 263 213 259 c 2
+ 223 254 l 2
+ 299 199 315 156 324 123 c 1
+ 431 508 l 1
+ 249 508 l 1
+216 95 m 0
+ 216 66 184 27 149 27 c 0
+ 120 27 107 49 107 70 c 0
+ 107 108 148 133 173 133 c 0
+ 185 133 216 125 216 95 c 0
+338 -8 m 1
+ 323 15 l 1
+ 304 156 231 208 127 208 c 1
+ 84 293 l 1
+ 142 337 l 2
+ 160 351 180 365 201 378 c 2
+ 267 421 l 1
+ 250 426 256 452 188 459 c 0
+ 146 464 121 478 108 508 c 1
+ 89 508 l 1
+ 102 558 l 1
+ 592 558 l 1
+ 579 508 l 1
+ 481 508 l 1
+ 338 -8 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_yya bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_asamir_hasanta
+Encoding: 61009 -1 2586
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+253 -52 m 1
+ 331 -52 l 1
+ 451 -181 l 1
+ 400 -181 l 1
+ 253 -52 l 1
+377 394 m 1
+ 331 380 294 364 270 354 c 1
+ 303 336 330 307 341 292 c 2
+ 346 281 l 1
+ 377 394 l 1
+319 233 m 2
+ 318 237 316 242 312 247 c 2
+ 299 262 l 2
+ 265 310 238 314 221 330 c 1
+ 156 294 l 1
+ 179 283 224 260 253 220 c 2
+ 278 188 l 2
+ 284 179 291 164 304 131 c 1
+ 328 217 l 1
+ 319 233 l 2
+314 -9 m 1
+ 299 29 l 1
+ 295 54 l 2
+ 289 82 276 137 239 167 c 2
+ 212 188 l 2
+ 169 217 148 230 98 230 c 1
+ 59 321 l 1
+ 130 362 l 1
+ 203 399 l 1
+ 301 441 l 2
+ 339 457 358 463 399 474 c 1
+ 409 508 l 1
+ 86 508 l 1
+ 99 558 l 1
+ 564 558 l 1
+ 551 508 l 1
+ 458 508 l 1
+ 314 -9 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_asamira bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_asamib_hasanta
+Encoding: 61010 -1 2587
+Width: 443
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+252 -59 m 1
+ 330 -59 l 1
+ 450 -188 l 1
+ 399 -188 l 1
+ 252 -59 l 1
+43 117 m 0
+ 43 130 75 169 96 169 c 2
+ 98 169 l 2
+ 116 165 156 135 184 105 c 2
+ 204 74 l 2
+ 214 66 232 40 232 11 c 0
+ 232 0 226 -34 220 -34 c 2
+ 219 -34 l 1
+ 220 -33 220 -32 220 -30 c 0
+ 220 -10 190 50 147 76 c 2
+ 122 94 l 2
+ 92 112 76 109 47 113 c 0
+ 44 113 43 114 43 117 c 0
+254 347 m 2
+ 157 294 l 1
+ 180 283 225 260 254 220 c 2
+ 279 188 l 2
+ 285 179 292 164 305 131 c 1
+ 378 394 l 1
+ 337 381 296 366 254 347 c 2
+315 -9 m 1
+ 300 29 l 1
+ 296 54 l 2
+ 290 82 277 137 240 167 c 2
+ 213 188 l 2
+ 170 217 148 230 98 230 c 1
+ 60 321 l 1
+ 131 362 l 1
+ 204 399 l 1
+ 302 441 l 2
+ 340 457 359 463 400 474 c 1
+ 410 508 l 1
+ 87 508 l 1
+ 100 558 l 1
+ 565 558 l 1
+ 552 508 l 1
+ 459 508 l 1
+ 315 -9 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'haln' Halant Forms in Bengali subtable" bn_asamiba bn_hasanta
+StartChar: bn_one_two
+Encoding: 61011 -1 2588
+Width: 318
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+40 228 m 1
+ 57 291 l 1
+ 303 291 l 1
+ 286 228 l 1
+ 40 228 l 1
+169 -207 m 2
+ 168 -202 165 -198 163 -196 c 2
+ 155 -184 l 2
+ 149 -179 143 -174 136 -167 c 2
+ 113 -145 l 2
+ 53 -89 25 -84 -5 -75 c 1
+ -4 35 l 1
+ -3 34 -2 34 -2 31 c 1
+ 6 22 l 2
+ 12 13 22 4 50 -11 c 2
+ 77 -22 l 2
+ 82 -23 85 -24 87 -24 c 2
+ 89 -25 92 -25 97 -25 c 0
+ 106 -25 114 -24 119 -23 c 2
+ 139 -15 l 2
+ 148 -11 177 4 177 32 c 0
+ 177 58 154 86 141 93 c 2
+ 92 122 l 2
+ 79 130 76 142 76 152 c 0
+ 76 158 77 163 78 167 c 2
+ 88 191 l 1
+ 95 196 108 205 118 205 c 2
+ 122 205 l 2
+ 135 205 141 197 141 181 c 0
+ 141 177 141 173 140 169 c 1
+ 142 168 144 167 146 167 c 0
+ 153 167 159 160 171 149 c 2
+ 182 136 l 2
+ 192 123 211 106 211 70 c 0
+ 211 60 210 48 206 35 c 2
+ 201 21 l 2
+ 189 -10 187 -20 135 -58 c 1
+ 95 -72 l 1
+ 111 -87 l 2
+ 117 -93 124 -100 130 -109 c 2
+ 165 -149 l 1
+ 171 -161 l 1
+ 190 -189 l 1
+ 185 -233 l 1
+ 169 -207 l 2
+141 317 m 2
+ 105 327 103 347 103 354 c 0
+ 103 382 139 406 170 417 c 2
+ 193 420 l 2
+ 207 420 246 415 256 397 c 1
+ 275 412 l 2
+ 287 422 290 445 290 453 c 0
+ 290 458 289 462 287 466 c 2
+ 279 481 l 2
+ 223 567 178 587 178 615 c 0
+ 178 616 178 616 178 617 c 2
+ 179 629 l 1
+ 182 639 l 1
+ 190 649 l 2
+ 195 655 216 667 221 667 c 2
+ 224 668 228 668 232 669 c 0
+ 247 669 257 660 260 641 c 1
+ 256 624 l 2
+ 255 622 249 611 249 611 c 1
+ 282 573 l 1
+ 313 527 l 2
+ 317 517 321 507 324 498 c 2
+ 329 470 l 1
+ 328 452 l 1
+ 324 434 l 2
+ 306 371 242 344 220 335 c 2
+ 203 327 l 1
+ 183 320 l 2
+ 178 319 173 318 168 318 c 0
+ 162 317 158 317 154 317 c 2
+ 141 317 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable" bn_one slash bn_two
+StartChar: bn_one_three
+Encoding: 61012 -1 2589
+Width: 346
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+40 228 m 1
+ 58 291 l 1
+ 304 291 l 1
+ 286 228 l 1
+ 40 228 l 1
+273 645 m 1
+ 263 615 l 1
+ 328 533 l 2
+ 337 510 340 487 341 474 c 2
+ 340 456 l 1
+ 336 438 l 2
+ 325 398 299 368 233 339 c 2
+ 216 331 l 1
+ 196 324 l 2
+ 191 323 185 322 180 322 c 0
+ 175 321 171 321 167 321 c 0
+ 140.017 321 114.892 333.073 114.892 362.588 c 0
+ 114.892 363.7 114.927 364.838 115 366 c 0
+ 124 398 170 417 183 421 c 2
+ 206 424 l 2
+ 220 424 258 419 268 401 c 1
+ 287 416 l 2
+ 300 426 302 448 302 457 c 0
+ 302 462 301 466 299 470 c 2
+ 291 485 l 2
+ 238 567 190 590 190 620 c 0
+ 190 621 l 2
+ 192 633 l 1
+ 194 643 l 1
+ 202 653 l 2
+ 215 667 231 669 245 673 c 0
+ 260 673 269 664 273 645 c 1
+96 -65 m 2
+ 153 -65 230 -3 230 89 c 0
+ 230 128 208 138 182 149 c 1
+ 182 146 183 141 183 133 c 2
+ 181 110 l 2
+ 176 90 159 71 139 59 c 2
+ 124 52 l 1
+ 111 49 l 2
+ 84 49 71 77 71 102 c 0
+ 71 124 81 142 87 151 c 2
+ 95 164 l 2
+ 119 189 132 204 173 204 c 2
+ 175 205 177 205 179 205 c 0
+ 217 205 257 166 257 91 c 0
+ 257 81 256 70 254 59 c 2
+ 249 32 l 2
+ 243 10 235 -9 227 -25 c 2
+ 210 -55 l 2
+ 195 -78 150 -132 83 -132 c 0
+ 16 -132 -21 -26 -21 55 c 0
+ -21 64 l 2
+ -20 108 l 1
+ -13 156 l 1
+ 10 142 l 1
+ 8 127 6 111 6 94 c 0
+ 6 23 32 -54 78 -63 c 2
+ 96 -65 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable" bn_one slash bn_three
+StartChar: bn_one_four
+Encoding: 61013 -1 2590
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+128 174 m 1
+ 106 174 60 149 60 113 c 0
+ 60 79 100 62 114 58 c 1
+ 154 79 l 2
+ 165 86 191 102 191 133 c 0
+ 191 166 152 175 137 175 c 0
+ 133 175 130 175 128 174 c 1
+80 9 m 1
+ 45 -9 6 -38 6 -70 c 0
+ 6 -85 14 -111 58 -111 c 0
+ 71 -111 107 -107 134 -77 c 2
+ 143 -63 l 1
+ 145 -59 145 -55 145 -52 c 0
+ 145 -16 99 10 87 10 c 0
+ 86 10 84 10 82 9 c 1
+ 80 9 l 1
+32 228 m 1
+ 50 291 l 1
+ 296 291 l 1
+ 278 228 l 1
+ 32 228 l 1
+155 327 m 0
+ 125 327 103 342 103 365 c 0
+ 103 393 140 417 170 427 c 2
+ 193 430 l 2
+ 209 430 243 425 256 407 c 1
+ 275 422 l 2
+ 281 426 289 438 289 462 c 0
+ 289 468 288 473 287 476 c 2
+ 279 491 l 2
+ 230 567 187 587 180 617 c 2
+ 178 627 l 1
+ 179 639 l 1
+ 182 649 l 1
+ 190 659 l 2
+ 193 664 207 675 232 679 c 0
+ 246 679 256 670 260 651 c 1
+ 255 632 l 1
+ 254 631 l 1
+ 249 621 l 1
+ 281 582 l 1
+ 313 537 l 2
+ 318 526 327 504 329 480 c 2
+ 328 462 l 1
+ 324 444 l 2
+ 314 407 286 373 221 345 c 2
+ 203 337 l 1
+ 183 330 l 2
+ 172 328 163 327 155 327 c 0
+230 141 m 0
+ 230 100 186 54 150 43 c 1
+ 174 36 197 16 197 -20 c 0
+ 197 -119 80 -140 50 -144 c 2
+ 38 -145 l 2
+ -19 -145 -46 -107 -46 -73 c 0
+ -46 -14 29 18 54 22 c 1
+ 29 29 6 45 6 77 c 0
+ 6 128 70 201 152 201 c 2
+ 159 202 l 2
+ 202 202 230 176 230 141 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable" bn_one slash bn_four
+StartChar: bn_two_three
+Encoding: 61014 -1 2591
+Width: 347
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+96 -73 m 2
+ 153 -73 231 -12 231 79 c 0
+ 231 128 198 135 183 141 c 1
+ 185 123 l 1
+ 182 102 l 2
+ 173 71 148 56 140 51 c 2
+ 125 44 l 1
+ 111 41 l 2
+ 84 41 72 68 72 94 c 0
+ 72 104 74 120 87 143 c 2
+ 96 156 l 2
+ 118 181 133 196 173 196 c 2
+ 181 196 l 2
+ 219 196 257 157 257 84 c 0
+ 257 73 256 63 255 51 c 2
+ 249 24 l 2
+ 242 -1 233 -21 226 -33 c 2
+ 211 -63 l 2
+ 191 -103 140 -140 84 -140 c 0
+ 19 -140 -20 -37 -20 49 c 0
+ -20 51 -20 54 -20 56 c 2
+ -20 100 l 1
+ -12 148 l 1
+ 11 134 l 1
+ 9 117 8 101 8 85 c 0
+ 8 8 28 -59 78 -71 c 2
+ 96 -73 l 2
+239 698 m 1
+ 242 694 258 695 258 679 c 0
+ 258 675 257 671 257 667 c 0
+ 257 664 258 661 262 660 c 1
+ 271 660 326 620 326 558 c 0
+ 326 548 325 538 322 528 c 2
+ 317 514 l 2
+ 306 485 304 471 251 435 c 1
+ 210 421 l 1
+ 226 409 240 391 246 384 c 2
+ 281 343 l 2
+ 288 329 298 317 306 304 c 1
+ 301 260 l 1
+ 293 272 l 1
+ 281 228 l 1
+ 35 228 l 1
+ 52 291 l 1
+ 282 291 l 1
+ 270 309 l 2
+ 265 314 259 319 253 326 c 2
+ 229 348 l 2
+ 220 357 211 366 202 373 c 2
+ 173 394 l 2
+ 153 405 136 412 111 418 c 1
+ 113 527 l 1
+ 114.333 523.084 113.935 524.083 121 515 c 0
+ 128 506 137 497 166 482 c 2
+ 193 471 l 2
+ 198 470 201 469 203 469 c 2
+ 204 468 207 468 212 468 c 0
+ 217 468 221 468 225 469 c 2
+ 228 469 232 469 235 470 c 2
+ 255 478 l 2
+ 283.997 490.686 293.287 510.763 293.287 518.883 c 0
+ 293.287 519.724 293.188 520.437 293 521 c 1
+ 293 524 l 0
+ 293 538 279 569 257 585 c 2
+ 208 615 l 2
+ 203 619 192 628 192 646 c 0
+ 192 661 197 668 203 684 c 1
+ 215 691 l 2
+ 229 698 230 698 234 698 c 2
+ 239 698 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable" bn_two slash bn_three
+StartChar: bn_three_four
+Encoding: 61015 -1 2592
+Width: 333
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+132 174 m 1
+ 109 174 64 149 64 113 c 0
+ 64 79 104 62 118 58 c 1
+ 158 79 l 2
+ 168 86 195 102 195 133 c 0
+ 195 166 155 175 141 175 c 0
+ 137 175 134 175 132 174 c 1
+84 9 m 1
+ 48 -9 10 -38 10 -70 c 0
+ 10 -85 18 -111 62 -111 c 0
+ 75 -111 111 -107 137 -77 c 2
+ 147 -63 l 1
+ 148 -59 149 -55 149 -52 c 0
+ 149 -16 103 10 90 10 c 0
+ 89 10 87 10 86 9 c 1
+ 84 9 l 1
+36 228 m 1
+ 53 291 l 1
+ 299 291 l 1
+ 282 228 l 1
+ 36 228 l 1
+198 384 m 2
+ 261 384 332 449 332 536 c 0
+ 332 585 300 592 285 598 c 1
+ 285 594.5 284.75 592.75 284.75 590.5 c 0
+ 284.75 588.25 285 585.5 286 580 c 2
+ 284 559 l 2
+ 275 528 250 513 242 508 c 2
+ 227 501 l 1
+ 213 498 l 2
+ 178 498 176 535 174 544 c 1
+ 174 545 l 1
+ 173.675 547.488 173.526 549.977 173.526 552.448 c 0
+ 173.526 572.813 183.649 591.974 189 600 c 2
+ 198 613 l 2
+ 220 639 235 653 275 653 c 2
+ 282 653 l 2
+ 320 653 359 617 359 541 c 0
+ 359 531 358 520 357 508 c 2
+ 351 481 l 2
+ 345 459 338 440 329 424 c 2
+ 312 394 l 2
+ 300 373 252 317 186 317 c 0
+ 121 317 79 428 79 513 c 2
+ 82 557 l 1
+ 89 605 l 1
+ 113 591 l 1
+ 109 566 107 570 107 547 c 0
+ 107 495 126 399 180 386 c 2
+ 198 384 l 2
+234 141 m 0
+ 234 100 190 54 154 43 c 1
+ 178 36 201 16 201 -20 c 0
+ 201 -119 83 -140 54 -144 c 2
+ 41 -146 l 2
+ 2 -146 -42 -118 -42 -74 c 0
+ -42 -14 32 17 58 22 c 1
+ 33 29 10 45 10 77 c 0
+ 10 128 74 201 155 201 c 2
+ 163 202 l 2
+ 206 202 234 176 234 141 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 2 0 0 
+Ligature2: "'frac' Diagonal Fractions in Bengali subtable" bn_three slash bn_four
+StartChar: bn_ukaar1
+Encoding: 61016 -1 2593
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-300 -21 m 0
+ -335 -21 -359 -44 -359 -60 c 0
+ -359 -68 -354.833 -78 -337 -78 c 0
+ -294 -78 -263 -47 -258 -36 c 1
+ -267.758 -26.7579 -282.403 -22.4028 -300 -21 c 0
+-288 22 m 0
+ -256 22 -232 5 -225 -2 c 1
+ -216 9 -213.493 52.095 -197 76 c 1
+ -197 71.2 -183 52 -183 28 c 0
+ -183 13.6617 -191.47 -11.9071 -195 -23 c 1
+ -148.788 -57.1308 -113.883 -98.5044 -99 -165 c 1
+ -102.067 -183.599 -106.516 -200.818 -112 -217 c 1
+ -126.941 -134.827 -202.638 -81.4245 -221 -66 c 1
+ -264 -119 -323 -127 -340 -127 c 0
+ -388.408 -127 -407 -96.52 -407 -74 c 0
+ -407 4.16667 -309.157 22 -288 22 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_ukaar2
+Encoding: 61017 -1 2594
+Width: 158
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-35 371 m 0
+ -35 417 18 443 62 448 c 0
+ 81 448 96 442 106 431 c 2
+ 123 414 l 2
+ 130 407 137 395 137 373 c 0
+ 137 325 112 275 71 251 c 2
+ 41 237 l 1
+ 15 233 l 2
+ 2 233 -9 235 -17 239 c 2
+ -45 260 l 2
+ -52 267 -59 273 -64 280 c 2
+ -81 300 l 1
+ -107 335 l 1
+ -92 388 l 1
+ -87 371 l 1
+ -74 348 l 2
+ -66 328 -37 289 3 283 c 0
+ 41 283 61 306 76 330 c 2
+ 84 348 l 2
+ 85 354 86 360 86 365 c 0
+ 86 381 79 395 67 403 c 1
+ 63 378 l 2
+ 58 360 50 345 1 334 c 2
+ -4 334 l 2
+ -18 334 -35 348 -35 371 c 0
+41 558 m 1
+ 257 558 l 1
+ 243 508 l 1
+ 27 508 l 1
+ 41 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_uukaar1
+Encoding: 61018 -1 2595
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-242 33 m 0
+ -230 33 -228 31 -215 28 c 1
+ -196 87 l 1
+ -179 61 l 1
+ -178.5 60.5 -178.25 56 -178.25 51 c 0
+ -178.25 46 -178.5 40.5 -179 38 c 2
+ -184 5 l 2
+ -186 -3 -189 -8 -194 -9 c 1
+ -202 -5 -211 -3 -221 -3 c 0
+ -249 -3 -287 -15 -312 -42 c 2
+ -325 -64 l 2
+ -325.416 -65.3519 -325.605 -66.6389 -325.605 -67.8611 c 0
+ -325.605 -78.391 -311.584 -84.104 -308 -85 c 2
+ -292 -87 l 2
+ -281 -87 -269 -85 -257 -82 c 2
+ -224 -73 l 2
+ -220 -71 -213 -68 -199 -60 c 1
+ -92 -178 l 1
+ -92 -193 l 1
+ -95 -213 l 1
+ -101 -230 l 1
+ -206 -109 l 1
+ -224 -120 -245 -129 -267 -134 c 2
+ -294 -138 l 2
+ -303 -138 -310 -137 -318 -134 c 2
+ -334 -129 l 2
+ -344 -129 -368 -110 -368 -76 c 0
+ -368 -70 -368 -63 -365 -55 c 2
+ -360 -42 l 2
+ -351 -12 -296 33 -242 33 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_uukaar2
+Encoding: 61019 -1 2596
+Width: 113
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+18 174 m 0
+ 10.3158 145.184 -1.0587 69.3164 -1.0587 58.9398 c 0
+ -1.0587 58.5133 -1.03948 58.1974 -1 58 c 2
+ -2 5 l 1
+ -49 42 l 1
+ -45 78 l 2
+ -40 107 -41 112 -34 137 c 2
+ 4 274 l 2
+ 7.24829 286.993 9.03111 294.711 9.03111 299.374 c 0
+ 9.03111 303.324 7.75171 305.083 5 306 c 1
+ -7 295 -42 283 -77 275 c 1
+ -56 349 l 1
+ 14 378 l 1
+ 31 372 l 1
+ 53 359 l 2
+ 60 354 64 347 66 336 c 2
+ 70 311 l 1
+ 51 267 35 220 18 174 c 0
+41 558 m 1
+ 233 558 l 1
+ 219 508 l 1
+ 27 508 l 1
+ 41 558 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_rikaar1
+Encoding: 61020 -1 2597
+Width: 0
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+-197 -240 m 2
+ -237 -203 -274 -174 -295 -159 c 2
+ -387 -96 l 1
+ -211 11 l 1
+ -180 61 l 1
+ -161 -20 l 1
+ -296 -100 l 1
+ -284 -108 -267 -121 -248 -140 c 2
+ -215 -173 l 1
+ -200 -184 l 2
+ -178 -202 -174 -216 -174 -227 c 0
+ -174 -228 -174 -230 -174 -231 c 2
+ -177 -267 l 1
+ -197 -240 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bn_post_ka
+Encoding: 61021 -1 2598
+Width: 187
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+63 248 m 0
+ 87 248 108 285 108 312 c 0
+ 108 341 82 356 58 359 c 2
+ 41 359 l 2
+ 12 356 -11 347 -40 331 c 2
+ -59 319 l 1
+ -79 308 l 1
+ -81 341 l 1
+ -49 363 l 1
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+ 9 123 l 1
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+ -134 122 l 1
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+ 243 558 l 1
+ 269 507 l 1
+ 246 507 l 1
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+444 508 m 1
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+ -40 146 -189 83 -231 65 c 1
+ -220 56 l 2
+ -217 54 -215 52 -214 51 c 2
+ -185 28 l 2
+ -179 24 -173 19 -168 13 c 2
+ -92 -68 l 1
+ -58 -114 l 1
+ -64 -159 l 1
+ -79 -137 -115 -90 -166 -53 c 2
+ -216 -19 l 2
+ -246 2 -296 25 -320 33 c 2
+ -400 59 l 1
+ -417 178 l 1
+ -395 159 -358 140 -254 140 c 0
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+Encoding: 61044 -1 2621
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+485 361 m 0
+ 430 361 387 299 387 260 c 0
+ 387 246 396 237 423 237 c 0
+ 457 237 519 279 519 333 c 0
+ 519 355 505 361 485 361 c 0
+560 343 m 0
+ 560 295 505 207 423 207 c 0
+ 388 207 346 220 346 268 c 0
+ 346 295 374 396 483 396 c 0
+ 515 396 560 385 560 343 c 0
+83 205 m 0
+ 166 205 226 462 321 462 c 0
+ 337 462 345 452 345 432 c 0
+ 345 420 343 405 338 387 c 2
+ 267 134 l 2
+ 265 126 264 120 264 115 c 0
+ 264 105 270 101 283 101 c 2
+ 284 101 l 1
+ 274 64 257 45 233 45 c 0
+ 217 45 209 56 209 78 c 0
+ 209 91 212 107 218 128 c 2
+ 286 373 l 2
+ 287.541 378.777 288.34 383.516 288.34 387.16 c 0
+ 288.34 392.976 286.304 396 282 396 c 0
+ 274 396 235 324 205 282 c 2
+ 173 239 l 2
+ 153 213 132 188 118 177 c 2
+ 109 168 l 2
+ 88 151 66 143 44 143 c 0
+ 28 143 21 153 21 174 c 0
+ 21 186 23 202 29 222 c 2
+ 95 460 l 2
+ 97 467 98 472 98 477 c 0
+ 98 491 90 498 76 498 c 1
+ 90 534 109 552 132 552 c 0
+ 147 552 155 542 155 523 c 0
+ 155 511 152 497 147 480 c 2
+ 77 228 l 2
+ 75.6667 223 75 218.778 75 215.37 c 0
+ 75 208.556 77.6667 205 83 205 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61045 -1 2622
+Width: 500
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+418 364 m 0
+ 358 364 317 301 317 263 c 0
+ 317 249 326 240 353 240 c 0
+ 369 240 379 245 395 254 c 2
+ 410 264 l 2
+ 435 281 449 314 449 337 c 0
+ 449 358 436 364 418 364 c 0
+489 344 m 0
+ 489 298 437 210 353 210 c 0
+ 318 210 276 223 276 271 c 0
+ 276 298 304 399 413 399 c 0
+ 460 399 489 378 489 344 c 0
+198 135 m 2
+ 196 128 195 122 195 118 c 0
+ 195 106 201 102 216 102 c 2
+ 217 102 l 1
+ 206 64 188 45 163 45 c 0
+ 146 45 137 56 137 78 c 0
+ 137 91 140 108 146 129 c 2
+ 237 456 l 2
+ 239 462 240 468 240 473 c 0
+ 240 487 232 494 216 494 c 1
+ 231 531 251 549 276 549 c 0
+ 293 549 298 535 298 517 c 0
+ 298 502 295 485 291 471 c 2
+ 198 135 l 2
+59 137 m 2
+ 57 130 56 124 56 120 c 0
+ 56 108 63 104 77 104 c 2
+ 78 104 l 1
+ 68 66 49 47 24 47 c 0
+ 7 47 -1 58 -1 80 c 0
+ -1 93 2 110 8 131 c 2
+ 98 458 l 2
+ 100 464 101 470 101 475 c 0
+ 101 489 94 496 78 496 c 1
+ 92 533 112 551 137 551 c 0
+ 154 551 160 537 160 518 c 0
+ 160 504 156 487 153 473 c 2
+ 59 137 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61046 -1 2623
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+221 341 m 2
+ 208 331 178 297 178 262 c 0
+ 178 248 186 239 213 239 c 0
+ 236 239 247 247 255 253 c 2
+ 270 263 l 2
+ 296 280 309 313 309 336 c 0
+ 309 357 296 363 279 363 c 0
+ 266 363 256 361 245 357 c 2
+ 233 351 l 1
+ 221 341 l 2
+350 343 m 0
+ 350 299 296 209 213 209 c 0
+ 178 209 137 222 137 269 c 0
+ 137 297 164 398 273 398 c 0
+ 320 398 350 377 350 343 c 0
+59 137 m 2
+ 57 130 56 124 56 120 c 0
+ 56 108 63 104 77 104 c 2
+ 78 104 l 1
+ 67 66 49 47 24 47 c 0
+ 7 47 -1 58 -1 80 c 0
+ -1 93 2 110 7 131 c 2
+ 98 458 l 2
+ 100 464 101 470 101 475 c 0
+ 101 489 93 496 78 496 c 1
+ 92 533 112 551 137 551 c 0
+ 154 551 159 537 159 518 c 0
+ 159 504 156 487 152 473 c 2
+ 59 137 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61047 -1 2624
+Width: 199
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+94 247 m 2
+ 39 247 5 288 5 349 c 0
+ 5 434 63 531 173 554 c 2
+ 211 558 l 2
+ 224 558 236 556 243 552 c 2
+ 261 542 l 2
+ 267 539 274 531 279 518 c 2
+ 289 499 l 2
+ 297 486 304 470 308 453 c 1
+ 291 392 l 1
+ 291 405 283 422 274 439 c 2
+ 261 459 l 2
+ 255 466 240 481 217 485 c 2
+ 195 487 l 2
+ 140 487 90 437 79 400 c 2
+ 74 383 l 2
+ 71 373 69 364 69 355 c 0
+ 69 340 74 327 83 316 c 1
+ 106 311 l 1
+ 106 323 l 1
+ 109 336 l 2
+ 118 369 149 377 168 377 c 0
+ 179 377 205 377 211 338 c 2
+ 209 316 l 2
+ 205 300 172 247 104 247 c 2
+ 94 247 l 2
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+497 249 m 0
+ 497 173 438 124 397 124 c 0
+ 373 124 367 147 366 155 c 2
+ 367 169 l 2
+ 373 193 392 204 399 211 c 1
+ 427 216 l 2
+ 439 216 446 213 449 206 c 1
+ 457 217 l 1
+ 459 223 459 229 459 234 c 0
+ 459 278 409 304 379 304 c 2
+ 362 302 l 1
+ 273 -22 l 1
+ 256 0 l 1
+ 250 47 l 2
+ 249 98 206 163 91 163 c 1
+ 63 234 l 1
+ 117 269 174 301 231 333 c 2
+ 345 366 l 1
+ 380 370 l 2
+ 407 370 497 339 497 249 c 0
+317 304 m 1
+ 298 300 277 290 267 284 c 2
+ 232 266 l 1
+ 164 223 l 1
+ 192 205 l 2
+ 200 201 209 191 224 176 c 2
+ 248 146 l 2
+ 254 141 260 131 265 118 c 1
+ 317 304 l 1
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+StartChar: glyph576
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+115 779 m 1
+ 98 763 89 744 89 723 c 0
+ 89 710 94 702 97 699 c 2
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+ 139 684 l 1
+ 241 684 l 1
+ 303 689 l 2
+ 323 689 376 678 390 651 c 2
+ 399 625 l 2
+ 401 617 402 608 402 598 c 0
+ 402 582 399 566 397 558 c 1
+ 480 558 l 1
+ 466 508 l 1
+ 359 508 l 1
+ 368 477 l 2
+ 369 472 369 466 369 461 c 0
+ 369 453 368 444 366 436 c 2
+ 359 417 l 2
+ 351 403 341 390 330 379 c 2
+ 305 353 l 2
+ 265 309 56 204 41 149 c 0
+ 40 145 40 141 40 138 c 0
+ 40 126 44 119 65 119 c 2
+ 97 123 l 1
+ 132 130 l 2
+ 152 133 234 169 234 180 c 0
+ 234 195 220 202 220 218 c 0
+ 220 255 274 278 293 281 c 1
+ 309 278 l 1
+ 322 271 l 2
+ 333 262 339 250 339 236 c 0
+ 339 220 331 198 326 193 c 2
+ 308 170 l 2
+ 289 142 245 122 227 115 c 2
+ 196 101 l 1
+ 164 91 l 2
+ 133 82 104 77 77 77 c 2
+ 63 78 l 2
+ 14 78 -14 102 -14 138 c 0
+ -14 194 59 254 86 271 c 0
+ 205 333 317 403 351 508 c 1
+ 21 508 l 1
+ 35 558 l 1
+ 347 558 l 2
+ 354 559 357 559 361 571 c 2
+ 367 587 l 2
+ 367 589 368 591 368 593 c 0
+ 368 602 363 613 349 616 c 2
+ 322 622 l 1
+ 308 624 l 1
+ 223 618 l 2
+ 207 616 186 615 159 615 c 0
+ 71 615 52 670 52 704 c 0
+ 52 737 82 778 92 787 c 1
+ 115 779 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61050 -1 2627
+Width: 241
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+266 508 m 2
+ 173 486 165 389 159 319 c 2
+ 154 273 l 2
+ 136 72 60 36 16 16 c 1
+ 21 15 25 15 29 14 c 2
+ 43 14 l 2
+ 71 14 178 33 204 129 c 2
+ 207 141 l 2
+ 208 156 209 172 210 189 c 2
+ 212 240 l 2
+ 217 358 252 414 280 442 c 2
+ 346 508 l 1
+ 266 508 l 2
+432 508 m 2
+ 334 500 311 456 295 281 c 2
+ 287 217 l 2
+ 256 -12 70 -22 21 -22 c 0
+ 2 -22 -29 -21 -57 -12 c 0
+ -68 -12 -74 -6 -76 6 c 1
+ -65 46 62 14 69 179 c 2
+ 72 231 l 2
+ 73 315 84 374 140 442 c 2
+ 206 508 l 1
+ 67 508 l 1
+ 80 558 l 1
+ 466 558 l 1
+ 453 508 l 1
+ 432 508 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: glyph578
+Encoding: 61051 -1 2628
+Width: 498
+Flags: MW
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+448 324 m 0
+ 448 227 331 126 223 82 c 1
+ 219 82 187 76 162 76 c 0
+ 152 76 144 77 140 79 c 1
+ 207 109 381 206 381 300 c 0
+ 381 333 361 350 351 359 c 1
+ 272 256 202 243 160 233 c 2
+ 153 233 l 2
+ 92 233 58 268 58 323 c 0
+ 58 388 101 463 163 508 c 1
+ 53 508 l 1
+ 67 558 l 1
+ 586 558 l 1
+ 572 508 l 1
+ 217 508 l 1
+ 164 466 123 369 123 330 c 0
+ 123 314 128 295 145 283 c 1
+ 239 295 268 376 358 436 c 1
+ 383 427 448 394 448 324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61052 -1 2629
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+333 378 m 1
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+ 406 487 400 508 375 508 c 2
+ 60 508 l 1
+ 74 558 l 1
+ 738 558 l 1
+ 724 508 l 1
+ 636 508 l 1
+ 474 -76 l 1
+ 460 -53 l 1
+ 459 -8 l 2
+ 458 0 457 8 456 15 c 2
+ 450 37 l 2
+ 443 73 403 107 390 116 c 2
+ 374 125 l 1
+ 372 119 360 109 351 104 c 2
+ 336 95 l 2
+ 323 87 319 85 305 81 c 2
+ 276 77 l 2
+ 242 77 226 90 221 99 c 2
+ 211 116 l 1
+ 211 137 l 1
+ 215 160 l 2
+ 218 171 224 183 234 196 c 2
+ 258 222 l 1
+ 291 243 308 242 342 247 c 0
+ 362 247 373 244 375 238 c 1
+ 378 247 381 261 381 277 c 0
+ 381 293 377 312 365 328 c 1
+ 355 328 347 328 338 329 c 0
+ 323 329 300 332 300 343 c 0
+ 300 344 300 344 300 347 c 1
+ 294 351 289 355 286 359 c 2
+ 268 381 l 2
+ 256 392 237 411 209 415 c 1
+ 206 411 l 1
+ 212 402 216 394 216 385 c 0
+ 216 352 171 308 138 308 c 0
+ 118 308 88 318 88 356 c 0
+ 88 377 111 462 202 462 c 0
+ 264 462 329 400 333 378 c 1
+454 447 m 0
+ 454 410 436 375 407 350 c 1
+ 418 333 427 295 428 279 c 2
+ 425 242 l 2
+ 425 227 424 216 422 207 c 2
+ 414 187 l 1
+ 428 168 l 1
+ 429 164 432 158 439 151 c 2
+ 460 113 l 1
+ 471 86 l 1
+ 588 508 l 1
+ 443 508 l 1
+ 447 495 454 472 454 447 c 0
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+Encoding: 65859 65859 2630
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+ 589 215 l 2
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+ 652 578 l 2
+ 654 586 656 593 656 597 c 0
+ 656 609 648 612 629 612 c 2
+ 292 612 l 2
+ 265 612 257 606 249 578 c 2
+ 95 26 l 2
+ 86 -6 79 -18 45 -18 c 2
+ 23 -18 l 2
+ 0 -18 -8 -10 -8 2 c 0
+ -8 8 -6 16 -3 26 c 2
+ 161 613 l 2
+ 170 645 176 653 210 653 c 2
+ 733 653 l 2
+ 756 653 764 648 764 636 c 0
+ 764 630 763 623 760 613 c 2
+ 661 259 l 2
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+Encoding: 65860 65860 2631
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+661 259 m 2
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+ 589 215 l 2
+ 566 215 557 219 557 231 c 0
+ 557 237 560 249 563 259 c 2
+ 652 578 l 2
+ 654 586 656 593 656 597 c 0
+ 656 609 648 612 629 612 c 2
+ 292 612 l 2
+ 265 612 257 606 249 578 c 2
+ 95 26 l 2
+ 86 -6 79 -18 45 -18 c 2
+ 23 -18 l 2
+ 0 -18 -9 -14 -9 -2 c 0
+ -9 4 -6 16 -3 26 c 2
+ 161 613 l 2
+ 170 645 176 653 210 653 c 2
+ 733 653 l 2
+ 756 653 765 649 765 637 c 0
+ 765 631 763 623 760 613 c 2
+ 661 259 l 2
+518 231 m 1
+ 202 231 l 1
+ 453 569 l 1
+ 457 569 l 1
+ 518 231 l 1
+449 252 m 1
+ 409 478 l 1
+ 243 252 l 1
+ 449 252 l 1
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+ 491 513 493 522 493 529 c 0
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+ 466 561 l 1
+ 598 561 l 1
+ 598 546 l 1
+ 568 546 562 537 552 501 c 2
+ 493 291 l 2
+ 489 278 487 269 487 262 c 0
+ 487 250 495 246 514 246 c 1
+ 514 231 l 1
+ 382 231 l 1
+ 382 246 l 1
+ 412 246 419 255 431 297 c 2
+ 457 390 l 1
+ 339 390 l 1
+ 311 291 l 2
+ 307 278 305 269 305 262 c 0
+ 305 250 313 246 332 246 c 1
+ 332 231 l 1
+ 200 231 l 1
+ 200 246 l 1
+ 230 246 237 255 249 297 c 2
+ 306 501 l 2
+ 309 513 311 522 311 529 c 0
+ 311 542 304 546 284 546 c 1
+ 284 561 l 1
+ 416 561 l 1
+ 416 546 l 1
+ 386 546 380 537 370 501 c 2
+ 345 411 l 1
+661 259 m 2
+ 652 227 645 215 611 215 c 2
+ 589 215 l 2
+ 566 215 557 219 557 231 c 0
+ 557 237 560 249 563 259 c 2
+ 652 578 l 2
+ 654 586 656 593 656 597 c 0
+ 656 609 648 612 629 612 c 2
+ 292 612 l 2
+ 265 612 257 606 249 578 c 2
+ 95 26 l 2
+ 86 -6 79 -18 45 -18 c 2
+ 23 -18 l 2
+ 0 -18 -9 -14 -9 -2 c 0
+ -9 4 -6 16 -3 26 c 2
+ 161 613 l 2
+ 170 645 176 653 210 653 c 2
+ 733 653 l 2
+ 756 653 765 649 765 637 c 0
+ 765 631 763 623 760 613 c 2
+ 661 259 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+610 562 m 1
+ 610 547 l 1
+ 578 545 569 543 526 503 c 2
+ 431 422 l 1
+ 490 287 l 2
+ 502 259 508 250 534 247 c 1
+ 534 232 l 1
+ 382 232 l 1
+ 382 247 l 1
+ 388 248 394 248 396 248 c 0
+ 412 248 422 265 422 275 c 0
+ 422 279 419 284 412 302 c 2
+ 383 377 l 1
+ 299 300 l 2
+ 273 274 269 268 269 259 c 0
+ 269 252 277 249 301 247 c 1
+ 301 232 l 1
+ 192 232 l 1
+ 192 247 l 1
+ 217 249 218 247 277 301 c 2
+ 377 392 l 1
+ 335 482 l 2
+ 312 534 306 546 274 547 c 1
+ 274 562 l 1
+ 433 562 l 1
+ 433 547 l 1
+ 419 546 l 2
+ 405 546 394 541 394 521 c 0
+ 394 512 399 501 412 471 c 2
+ 426 436 l 1
+ 503 504 l 2
+ 523 522 529 531 529 539 c 0
+ 529 545 521 546 499 547 c 1
+ 499 562 l 1
+ 610 562 l 1
+661 260 m 2
+ 652 228 645 216 611 216 c 2
+ 589 216 l 2
+ 565 216 558 222 558 234 c 0
+ 558 240 561 251 563 260 c 2
+ 652 579 l 2
+ 654 587 655 593 655 597 c 0
+ 655 612 645 613 629 613 c 2
+ 292 613 l 2
+ 265 613 257 607 249 579 c 2
+ 95 26 l 2
+ 86 -6 79 -18 45 -18 c 2
+ 23 -18 l 2
+ -1 -18 -9 -12 -9 0 c 0
+ -9 6 -6 17 -3 26 c 2
+ 161 614 l 2
+ 170 646 176 654 210 654 c 2
+ 733 654 l 2
+ 757 654 765 648 765 636 c 0
+ 765 630 763 623 760 614 c 2
+ 661 260 l 2
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+513 539 m 1
+ 364 326 l 1
+ 358 326 l 1
+ 310 501 l 1
+ 257 312 l 2
+ 253 296 250 284 250 275 c 0
+ 250 255 261 249 282 248 c 1
+ 281 233 l 1
+ 187 233 l 1
+ 188 248 l 1
+ 221 251 230 261 244 312 c 2
+ 298 503 l 2
+ 301 514 303 522 303 529 c 0
+ 303 542 294 546 272 548 c 1
+ 272 563 l 1
+ 356 563 l 1
+ 400 402 l 1
+ 513 563 l 1
+ 612 563 l 1
+ 612 548 l 1
+ 581 545 575 539 565 503 c 2
+ 506 293 l 2
+ 503 281 501 273 501 266 c 0
+ 501 253 509 250 529 248 c 1
+ 528 233 l 1
+ 393 233 l 1
+ 394 248 l 1
+ 425 251 432 257 444 299 c 2
+ 513 539 l 1
+664 259 m 2
+ 655 227 647 215 613 215 c 2
+ 588 215 l 2
+ 565 215 557 219 557 231 c 0
+ 557 237 560 249 563 259 c 2
+ 652 578 l 2
+ 654 586 655 592 655 597 c 0
+ 655 609 648 612 628 612 c 2
+ 294 612 l 2
+ 267 612 259 606 252 578 c 2
+ 98 26 l 2
+ 89 -6 81 -18 47 -18 c 2
+ 22 -18 l 2
+ -1 -18 -9 -14 -9 -2 c 0
+ -9 4 -6 16 -3 26 c 2
+ 160 613 l 2
+ 169 645 176 653 210 653 c 2
+ 736 653 l 2
+ 759 653 767 649 767 637 c 0
+ 767 631 765 623 762 613 c 2
+ 664 259 l 2
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+655.493 320.314 m 0
+ 655.493 222.925 571.307 158 496.584 158 c 0
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+ 378.061 225.029 377.34 212.855 377.34 201.426 c 0
+ 377.34 45.4524 511.515 28.3856 557.251 20 c 1
+ 553 0 l 1
+ 72 0 l 1
+ 76.251 20 l 1
+ 129.164 29 288.203 48 346.589 238 c 1
+ 302.748 187 248.584 158 195.584 158 c 0
+ 133.828 158 91.6695 200.367 91.6695 258.121 c 0
+ 91.6695 429.37 340.815 457.155 462.853 705 c 1
+ 473.924 483.311 655.493 453.599 655.493 320.314 c 0
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+148.126 512.33 m 0
+ 148.126 619.501 236.075 704 331.64 704 c 0
+ 385.796 704 453.764 679.573 467.031 560 c 1
+ 511.516 651.668 583.196 704 660.64 704 c 0
+ 731.644 704 781.274 654.053 781.274 589.185 c 0
+ 781.274 403.856 455.59 229.572 345.024 -14 c 1
+ 333.809 209.988 148.126 374.804 148.126 512.33 c 0
+365.43 82 m 1
+ 457.778 259.964 742.187 418.467 742.187 589.408 c 0
+ 742.187 638.145 711.977 666 653.562 666 c 0
+ 520.709 666 498.038 520 458.529 520 c 8
+ 417.98 520 443.074 670 324.413 670 c 0
+ 240.913 670 185.247 587.722 185.247 518.374 c 0
+ 185.247 407.609 356.673 222.246 365.43 82 c 1
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+ 464.461 642 575.187 429 633.545 346 c 1
+ 515.589 238 352.816 65 293.024 -14 c 1
+ 261.367 77 195.149 203 107.545 346 c 1
+ 282.254 514 375.085 612 445.853 705 c 1
+430.548 633 m 1
+ 373.819 559 300.027 480 159.545 346 c 1
+ 230.101 231 282.845 131 308.328 58 c 1
+ 356.72 121 486.052 259 581.545 346 c 1
+ 534.573 412 445.921 583 430.548 633 c 1
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+Encoding: 9827 9827 2638
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+ 812.757 250.965 715.972 157 618.371 157 c 0
+ 508.371 157 473.902 263 464.279 293 c 1
+ 459.011 261.551 453.86 229.139 453.86 197.947 c 0
+ 453.86 119.045 486.823 47.9504 634.251 20 c 1
+ 630 0 l 1
+ 146 0 l 1
+ 150.251 20 l 1
+ 373.753 60 408.323 185 436.279 293 c 1
+ 412.478 261 401.502 247 384.101 231 c 0
+ 338.535 186 274.371 157 224.371 157 c 0
+ 149.894 157 99.0538 211.748 99.0538 284.224 c 0
+ 99.0538 374.928 180.292 476 278.177 476 c 0
+ 322.177 476 344.501 454 363.8 446 c 1
+ 350.191 473.919 343.829 496.966 343.829 520.583 c 0
+ 343.829 611.327 433.541 705 537.853 705 c 0
+ 613.985 705 666.634 652.161 666.634 582.67 c 0
+ 666.634 528.002 638.5 486.217 601.8 446 c 1
+ 642.414 463 662.177 476 700.177 476 c 0
+ 767.77 476 812.757 424.756 812.757 355.464 c 0
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+350.159 156 m 1
+ 300.579 78 290.966 61 214.015 33 c 1
+ 437.015 33 l 1
+ 364.179 62 362.579 78 350.159 156 c 1
+481.323 185 m 0
+ 544.577 185 617.797 240.449 617.797 323.623 c 0
+ 617.797 437.009 457.772 450.415 449.249 641 c 1
+ 339.217 428.901 132.994 419.331 132.994 270.934 c 0
+ 132.994 221.325 169.258 185 222.323 185 c 0
+ 268.323 185 342.627 257 379.979 301 c 1
+ 399.627 257 435.323 185 481.323 185 c 0
+655.493 320.314 m 0
+ 655.493 222.925 571.307 158 496.584 158 c 0
+ 443.584 158 401.748 187 379.589 238 c 1
+ 378.061 225.029 377.34 212.855 377.34 201.426 c 0
+ 377.34 45.4524 511.515 28.3856 557.251 20 c 1
+ 553 0 l 1
+ 72 0 l 1
+ 76.251 20 l 1
+ 129.164 29 288.203 48 346.589 238 c 1
+ 302.748 187 248.584 158 195.584 158 c 0
+ 133.828 158 91.6695 200.367 91.6695 258.121 c 0
+ 91.6695 429.37 340.815 457.155 462.853 705 c 1
+ 473.924 483.311 655.493 453.599 655.493 320.314 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: heart
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+Width: 694
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+148.126 512.33 m 0
+ 148.126 619.501 236.075 704 331.64 704 c 0
+ 397.64 704 454.775 667 467.031 560 c 1
+ 518.35 665 595.64 704 660.64 704 c 0
+ 731.644 704 781.274 654.053 781.274 589.185 c 0
+ 781.274 403.59 455.81 230.979 345.024 -14 c 1
+ 333.809 209.988 148.126 374.804 148.126 512.33 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: diamond
+Encoding: 9830 9830 2641
+Width: 595
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+445.853 705 m 1
+ 464.461 642 575.187 429 633.545 346 c 1
+ 515.589 238 352.816 65 293.024 -14 c 1
+ 261.367 77 195.149 203 107.545 346 c 1
+ 282.254 514 375.085 612 445.853 705 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+421.159 156 m 1
+ 371.579 78 361.966 61 285.015 33 c 1
+ 508.015 33 l 1
+ 435.179 62 433.579 78 421.159 156 c 1
+273.003 439.71 m 0
+ 223.783 439.71 149.953 378.273 149.953 293.807 c 0
+ 149.953 234.683 190.968 198.37 233.745 198.37 c 0
+ 361.157 198.37 435.675 324.874 467.008 367 c 1
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+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
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+ -205.887 678 -352.616 604 -418.606 557 c 1
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+ 143.209 -35.9717 129.954 -24.5683 110.072 -24.5683 c 0
+ 105.504 -24.5683 100.696 -24.9033 95.8247 -24.9033 c 0
+ 62.8841 -24.9033 55.7319 -2.10586 55.7319 9.75135 c 0
+ 55.7319 29.5416 72.081 49.0088 96.6045 49.0088 c 0
+ 123.272 49.0088 163.273 23.1384 163.273 -47.009 c 0
+ 163.273 -69.342 159.313 -94.6843 151.394 -122.402 c 1
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+ 141.396 -99.96 143.209 -84.3025 143.209 -71.4245 c 0
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+ -574.209 673.972 -560.954 662.568 -541.072 662.568 c 0
+ -536.504 662.568 -531.696 662.903 -526.825 662.903 c 0
+ -493.884 662.903 -486.732 640.106 -486.732 628.249 c 0
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+ -634.96 -38.3957 -619.303 -40.2086 -606.424 -40.2086 c 0
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+ 139.972 678.209 128.568 664.954 128.568 645.072 c 0
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+ 216.287 -77.416 247.5 -48.8955 247.5 -16.5 c 0
+ 247.5 -1 270 40.5 291.18 54.7196 c 1
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+ 201.025 85.4114 224.803 32 319.802 32 c 0
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+ 457.377 30 376.812 -15 283.812 -15 c 0
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+ 555.327 472 l 1
+ 555.609 477.953 555.751 483.749 555.751 489.386 c 0
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+ 141.964 50.3673 178.699 22 229.676 22 c 0
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+ 116.039 -14 47.7478 25.4312 47.7478 94.9092 c 0
+ 47.7478 124.727 56.637 219.217 218.864 244 c 1
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+ 116.138 383.078 164.523 463 309.414 463 c 0
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+ 428.375 444 436.8 446 446.075 452 c 1
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+ 418.105 311 l 1
+ 416.173 396 384.312 439 321.312 439 c 0
+ 257.066 439 203.162 394.746 203.162 328.542 c 0
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+ 450 620 l 2
+ 422 620 400.683 609.09 393 581 c 0
+ 302.729 250.946 224 -8 54 -8 c 0
+ 3 -8 -34 27.5 -34 67.5 c 0
+ -34 101.5 -9.5 119 14 119 c 0
+ 47 119 59 86 64.5 69 c 0
+ 70.0259 51.9201 82.5 46 96 46 c 0
+ 125 46 162.8 84.3351 183.5 119.5 c 0
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+ 346.021 565.703 349.603 582.133 349.603 594.692 c 0
+ 349.603 623.803 330.395 632.11 278 637 c 1
+ 278 653 l 1
+ 765 653 l 1
+ 765 637 l 1
+ 690 627 698 621 680 563 c 2
+ 547.923 86.6943 l 2
+ 468.245 -230.281 312.785 -242 254 -242 c 0
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+ 127 -143 147 -129 166 -129 c 0
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+-6 75 m 0
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+ 97 38 119 102 149 207 c 2
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+ 400.924 441 430.887 404.395 430.887 370.432 c 0
+ 430.887 365.527 430.253 360.679 429 356 c 2
+ 365 117 l 2
+ 343.627 36.8516 262.424 -218 108.561 -218 c 0
+ 67.04 -218 23.7871 -197.519 23.7871 -168.32 c 0
+ 23.7871 -166.577 23.9414 -164.803 24.2588 -163 c 0
+ 28.1377 -141 49.1357 -124 72.1357 -124 c 0
+ 113.136 -124 113.556 -184 151.556 -184 c 0
+ 207.733 -184 275.219 54.1663 292 120 c 2
+ 352 335 l 2
+ 354.032 342.494 355.073 349.832 355.073 356.768 c 0
+ 355.073 383.973 339.06 405 304 405 c 0
+ 290 405 231.213 404.413 211 336 c 2
+ 159 160 l 2
+ 140 92 104 -9 21 -9 c 0
+ 2 -9 -45 -5 -45 38 c 0
+ -45 55 -34 75 -6 75 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+ 361 349 l 1
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+ 432 0 l 1
+ 366 215 l 2
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+ 237 329 l 1
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+ 236 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 55 32 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 202.96 557.011 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 622 195 630 137 637 c 1
+ 137 653 l 1
+ 384 653 l 1
+ 384 637 l 1
+ 327 627 320 621 302 563 c 2
+ 247 364 l 1
+ 300 364 l 2
+ 340.38 364 398.432 407.669 441.348 471.375 c 1
+ 365 573 l 1
+ 387 573 410 573 434 573 c 1
+ 470.866 523.929 l 1
+ 534.184 656.038 594.292 658 624 658 c 0
+ 682 658 699 621 699 597 c 0
+ 699 564 676 546 647 546 c 0
+ 602.641 546 604.151 580 562 580 c 0
+ 546 580 534 569 504 510 c 0
+ 500.93 503.962 497.781 498.087 494.569 492.378 c 1
+ 582 376 l 1
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+ 230 241 l 1
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+ 338.345 114.149 332 42 390 42 c 0
+ 406 42 417 53 435 84 c 2
+ 450 110 l 1
+ 465 99 l 1
+ 420 15 394 -10 354 -10 c 0
+ 284 -10 264 36 252 78 c 0
+ 237.736 127.925 230 226 170 226 c 2
+ 152 226 l 1
+ 89 0 l 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 154 430 208 441 c 1
+ 211 439 l 1
+ 158 250 l 1
+ 177 250 l 2
+ 220.044 250 249.896 292.872 270.842 327.193 c 1
+ 216 400 l 1
+ 238 400 248 400 272 400 c 1
+ 296.548 367.41 l 1
+ 347.9 437.577 395.424 441 413 441 c 0
+ 450 441 466 414 466 390 c 0
+ 466 366 443 348 418 348 c 0
+ 404 348 393 357 381 368 c 0
+ 372 377 363 378 354 378 c 0
+ 340.588 378 327.799 363.301 314.534 343.532 c 1
+ 388 246 l 1
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+ 374 456 381 440 381 425 c 0
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+ 334 275 334 275 339 272 c 1
+ 431 372 l 2
+ 452 394 461 399 478 399 c 0
+ 498 399 507 386 507 371 c 0
+ 507 350 497 339 470 322 c 2
+ 356 252 l 1
+ 357 248 357 248 358 239 c 1
+ 484 260 l 2
+ 496 262 498 262 505 262 c 0
+ 522 262 537 253 537 232 c 0
+ 537 203 524 188 489 188 c 0
+ 482 188 479 188 469 190 c 2
+ 353 211 l 1
+ 350 205 350 205 346 198 c 1
+ 431 127 l 2
+ 443 117 450 107 450 93 c 0
+ 450 66 435 50 406 50 c 0
+ 392 50 381 58 371 77 c 2
+ 322 177 l 1
+ 316 174 316 174 308 171 c 1
+ 303 50 l 2
+ 302 12 288 -9 255 -9 c 0
+ 238 -9 225 -3 225 17 c 0
+ 225 24 227 33 234 50 c 2
+ 279 170 l 1
+ 272 172 272 172 267 175 c 1
+ 175 75 l 2
+ 154 52 144 47 128 47 c 0
+ 115 47 99 58 99 75 c 0
+ 99 99 106 106 136 124 c 2
+ 251 195 l 1
+ 249 200 249 200 248 207 c 1
+ 122 187 l 2
+ 112 185 109 185 102 185 c 0
+ 84 185 70 195 70 214 c 0
+ 70 239 81 259 117 259 c 0
+ 124 259 130 257 137 256 c 2
+ 254 236 l 1
+ 256 242 256 242 261 248 c 1
+ 175 320 l 2
+ 160 332 156 340 156 354 c 0
+ 156 379 171 396 200 396 c 0
+ 218 396 227 385 235 369 c 2
+ 285 270 l 1
+ 290 274 290 274 298 276 c 1
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+Encoding: 8317 8317 2686
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+250.416 306.95 m 1
+ 214.81 331.816 143.893 402.72 143.893 519.659 c 0
+ 143.893 605.217 179.029 752.753 370.219 861.4 c 1
+ 373.857 841 l 1
+ 360.272 831.653 192.753 740.645 192.753 460.389 c 0
+ 192.753 382.081 220.68 354.881 260.427 317.35 c 1
+ 250.416 306.95 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: parenrightsuperior
+Encoding: 8318 8318 2687
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+ 718 518 l 1
+ 600 75 l 2
+ 586 25 560 0 520 0 c 2
+ 301 0 l 1
+ 395 352 l 2
+ 399 366 401 379 401 391 c 0
+ 401 446 360 483 302 483 c 0
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+ 180 424 212 404 230 364 c 1
+ 193 353 168 326 156 283 c 2
+ 115 128 l 1
+ 124 140 150 145 158 145 c 0
+ 185 145 199 120 199 92 c 0
+ 199 39 160 -11 94 -11 c 0
+ 34.7998 -11 20 29.3379 20 57 c 0
+ 20 65 21 74 24 85 c 2
+ 72 264 l 2
+ 88 322 124 357 183 374 c 1
+ 165 392 129 402 78 402 c 1
+ 99.4961 446.474 197.309 527 318 527 c 0
+122 19 m 0
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+ 171 101 163 117 149 117 c 0
+ 127 116 101 79 101 54 c 0
+ 101 40 105.2 19 122 19 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 61169 -1 2691
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 622 514 basechar 0 {150-150 13} {}
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel" 631 518 basechar 0 {150-150 4} {150-150 3}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2690 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 813 3640 N 1 0 0 1 716 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai sarauthai
+StartChar: thai_yo_uu
+Encoding: 61170 -1 2692
+Width: 717
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 622 514 basechar 0 {150-150 13} {}
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel" 619 518 basechar 0 {150-150 6} {150-150 2}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2690 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 814 3641 N 1 0 0 1 716 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai sarauuthai
+StartChar: thai_yo_phinthu
+Encoding: 61171 -1 2693
+Width: 717
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel_centered" 622 514 basechar 0 {150-150 15} {}
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+AnchorPoint: "thai_vowel" 619 518 basechar 0 {150-150 8} {150-150 3}
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2690 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 815 3642 N 1 0 0 1 710 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" yoyingthai phinthuthai
+StartChar: thai_tho
+Encoding: 61172 -1 2694
+Width: 406
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+112 146 m 0
+ 76.7998 146 68 180.825 68 199 c 0
+ 68 222 88 302 169 302 c 0
+ 200 302 243 289 247 221 c 1
+ 263 277 l 2
+ 264.453 282.085 265 289 265 294 c 0
+ 265 367 113 377 62 385 c 1
+ 90 464 155 528 254 529 c 0
+ 309 529 352 479 380 477 c 0
+ 406 477 428 492 448 520 c 1
+ 478 520 l 1
+ 452 466 416 443 368 443 c 0
+ 340 443 337 446 235 471 c 0
+ 168 471 132 450 112 409 c 1
+ 268 409 347 376 347 306 c 0
+ 347 297 344.969 287.075 342 276 c 2
+ 268 0 l 1
+ 191 0 l 1
+ 208 67 218 122 218 165 c 0
+ 218 207 209 237 193 255 c 1
+ 193.696 251.913 194 249.565 194 247 c 0
+ 194 187 144 146 112 146 c 0
+95 201 m 0
+ 95 183 107 171 121 171 c 0
+ 137 171 167 205 167 237 c 0
+ 167 249 162 271 144 271 c 0
+ 118 271 95 229 95 201 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_than
+Encoding: 61173 -1 2695
+Width: 406
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+80 -118 m 0
+ 80 -97 100 -22 171 -22 c 0
+ 216 -22 239 -41 239 -79 c 0
+ 239 -90 237.829 -102.184 234 -116 c 2
+ 183 -300 l 1
+ 118 -300 l 1
+ 93 -245 l 1
+ 44 -300 l 1
+ 13 -300 l 1
+ 15 -294 16 -290 16 -285 c 0
+ 16 -272 10 -262 6 -252 c 1
+ -24 -284 -52 -300 -78 -300 c 0
+ -112 -300 -122 -275 -122 -257 c 0
+ -122 -226 -89 -186 -42 -186 c 0
+ -19 -186 2 -194 15 -208 c 1
+ 46 -171 l 1
+ 64 -184 l 1
+ 28 -227 l 1
+ 34 -235 39 -246 43 -264 c 1
+ 105 -195 l 1
+ 136 -255 l 1
+ 164 -159 l 1
+ 152 -169 135 -175 121 -175 c 0
+ 89 -175 80 -138 80 -118 c 0
+130 -147 m 0
+ 162 -147 180 -94 180 -78 c 0
+ 180 -61 171 -49 156 -48 c 0
+ 145 -48 106 -76 106 -123 c 0
+ 106 -140 114 -147 130 -147 c 0
+-95 -253 m 0
+ -95 -270 -79 -275 -69 -275 c 0
+ -54 -275 -32 -259 -6 -232 c 1
+ -17 -218 -34 -211 -50 -211 c 0
+ -87 -211 -95 -245 -95 -253 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_tho_u
+Encoding: 61174 -1 2696
+Width: 457
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2694 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 813 3640 S 1 0 0 1 413 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai sarauthai
+StartChar: thai_tho_uu
+Encoding: 61175 -1 2697
+Width: 457
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2694 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 814 3641 S 1 0 0 1 412 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai sarauuthai
+StartChar: thai_tho_phinthu
+Encoding: 61176 -1 2698
+Width: 457
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2694 -1 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 815 3642 S 1 0 0 1 414 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" thothanthai phinthuthai
+StartChar: thai_maihanakat
+Encoding: 61177 -1 2699
+Width: 0
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-73 520 m 1
+ -60 500 -30 492 0 492 c 0
+ 81 492 99.2817 593.786 118 671 c 1
+ 187 671 l 1
+ 150 540.5 89 461 -15 461 c 0
+ -79 461 -131 495 -131 553 c 0
+ -131 616 -89 671 -21 671 c 0
+ 9 671 23 650 23 620 c 0
+ 23 559 -27 517 -62 517 c 0
+ -65.7826 517 -69.5786 517.992 -73 520 c 1
+-54 547 m 0
+ -29 547 -6 588 -6 612 c 0
+ -6 628 -13 637 -29 640 c 0
+ -66 640 -76 584 -76 571 c 0
+ -76 555 -69 547 -54 547 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: dottedcircle
+Encoding: 9676 9676 2700
+Width: 791
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "below" 497 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "ogonek" 634 0 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 497 337 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "above" 496 693 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+379.03 5.35156 m 1
+ 365.971 9.82422 353.252 15.0264 340.922 20.9111 c 1
+ 354.622 49.9609 l 1
+ 365.928 44.5459 377.591 39.7617 389.566 35.6533 c 1
+ 379.03 5.35156 l 1
+478.605 -13.5898 m 1
+ 480.141 18.376 l 1
+ 485.395 18.126 490.683 18 496 18 c 0
+ 502.233 18 508.426 18.1758 514.576 18.5215 c 1
+ 516.161 -13.4434 l 1
+ 509.487 -13.8125 502.765 -14 496 -14 c 0
+ 490.167 -14 484.368 -13.8623 478.605 -13.5898 c 1
+619.391 687.11 m 1
+ 630.953 682.877 642.254 678.043 653.258 672.645 c 1
+ 639.197 643.753 l 1
+ 629.245 648.628 619.026 652.998 608.574 656.831 c 1
+ 619.391 687.11 l 1
+517.747 707.635 m 1
+ 515.819 675.646 l 1
+ 510.903 675.882 505.963 676 501 676 c 0
+ 493.701 676 486.457 675.774 479.277 675.329 c 1
+ 477.423 707.225 l 1
+ 485.542 707.739 493.738 708 502 708 c 0
+ 507.273 708 512.523 707.878 517.747 707.635 c 1
+738.535 614.257 m 1
+ 747.557 605.973 756.171 597.234 764.338 588.078 c 1
+ 740.403 566.865 l 1
+ 733.006 575.138 725.209 583.035 717.045 590.523 c 1
+ 738.535 614.257 l 1
+256.344 77.2197 m 1
+ 246.12 86.3486 236.417 96.0566 227.286 106.294 c 1
+ 251.101 127.926 l 1
+ 259.469 118.531 268.361 109.624 277.734 101.251 c 1
+ 256.344 77.2197 l 1
+821.586 502.233 m 1
+ 826.922 491.109 831.709 479.679 835.91 467.982 c 1
+ 805.697 457.55 l 1
+ 801.884 468.14 797.544 478.487 792.71 488.558 c 1
+ 821.586 502.233 l 1
+170.962 190.785 m 1
+ 165.117 202.961 159.924 215.522 155.428 228.422 c 1
+ 185.625 239.263 l 1
+ 189.746 227.444 194.51 215.935 199.874 204.778 c 1
+ 170.962 190.785 l 1
+856.462 366.631 m 1
+ 856.819 360.127 857 353.582 857 347 c 0
+ 857 340.966 856.851 334.967 856.557 329.005 c 1
+ 824.61 330.931 l 1
+ 824.869 336.256 825 341.613 825 347 c 0
+ 825 353.052 824.833 359.068 824.503 365.045 c 1
+ 856.462 366.631 l 1
+135.648 327.852 m 1
+ 135.219 335.176 135 342.561 135 350 c 0
+ 135 356.084 135.152 362.13 135.453 368.136 c 1
+ 167.42 366.601 l 1
+ 167.141 361.103 167 355.569 167 350 c 0
+ 167 343.185 167.201 336.42 167.6 329.71 c 1
+ 135.648 327.852 l 1
+836.586 227.289 m 1
+ 832.479 215.641 827.789 204.265 822.552 193.196 c 1
+ 793.671 207.251 l 1
+ 798.407 217.266 802.651 227.553 806.372 238.083 c 1
+ 836.586 227.289 l 1
+154.951 467.608 m 1
+ 159.525 480.611 164.841 493.266 170.849 505.526 c 1
+ 199.885 491.832 l 1
+ 194.35 480.595 189.455 468.995 185.246 457.075 c 1
+ 154.951 467.608 l 1
+765.191 106.754 m 1
+ 756.964 97.5459 748.273 88.7617 739.155 80.4365 c 1
+ 717.812 104.517 l 1
+ 726.049 112.06 733.903 120.015 741.342 128.348 c 1
+ 765.191 106.754 l 1
+227.961 589.142 m 1
+ 237.163 599.183 246.942 608.708 257.25 617.67 c 1
+ 278.816 593.927 l 1
+ 269.357 585.723 260.382 576.999 251.938 567.799 c 1
+ 227.961 589.142 l 1
+653.062 22.0098 m 1
+ 641.852 16.5684 630.321 11.6895 618.505 7.41211 c 1
+ 608.03 37.7451 l 1
+ 618.724 41.6475 629.163 46.0898 639.314 51.041 c 1
+ 653.062 22.0098 l 1
+341.66 672.607 m 1
+ 353.76 678.29 366.238 683.345 379.049 687.731 c 1
+ 389.838 657.682 l 1
+ 378.103 653.673 366.671 649.045 355.584 643.838 c 1
+ 341.66 672.607 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: thai_ru_saraaa
+Encoding: 61179 -1 2701
+Width: 814
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 793 3620 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 822 3653 N 1 0 0 1 479 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" ruthai saraaathai
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: thai_lu_saraaa
+Encoding: 61180 -1 2702
+Width: 859
+VWidth: 930
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 795 3622 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 822 3653 S 1 0 0 1 524 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Thai subtable" luthai saraaathai
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: cyrillic_titlo
+Encoding: 59651 -1 2703
+Width: 743
+VWidth: 1500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+850.001 800 m 1
+ 806.001 660 l 1
+ 788.001 660 l 1
+ 791.671 674.067 794.592 689.817 794.592 704.906 c 0
+ 794.592 739.158 779.537 770 724.001 770 c 2
+ 634.001 770 l 1
+ 605.001 662 l 1
+ 521.001 662 l 1
+ 550.001 770 l 1
+ 456.001 770 l 2
+ 380.001 770 351.001 740 320.001 660 c 1
+ 302.001 660 l 1
+ 346.001 800 l 1
+ 850.001 800 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f9
+Encoding: 4345 4345 2704
+Width: 544
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1734 4306 S -1 0 0 -1 587 140 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni10fb
+Encoding: 4347 4347 2705
+Width: 410
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2066 8278 S -1 0 0 -1 574 577 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dageshhebrew
+Encoding: 1468 1468 2706
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 272 259 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+266 182 m 0
+ 242.99 182.859 231.814 197.737 231.814 214.593 c 0
+ 231.814 229.833 244.423 262 283.005 262 c 0
+ 305.976 262 316.46 247.524 316.46 230.888 c 0
+ 316.46 207.548 296.276 182 266 182 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: afii57799
+Encoding: 1456 1456 2707
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 207 -87 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 250 0 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_below_yiddish" 250 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 717 1460 S 1 0 0 1 20 -108 2
+Refer: 717 1460 S 1 0 0 1 50 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: afii57802
+Encoding: 1459 1459 2708
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 53 -87 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 230 0 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_below_yiddish" 230 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 721 1464 S 1 0 0 1 -89 -18 2
+Refer: 717 1460 N 1 0 0 1 78 -88 2
+Refer: 717 1460 N 1 0 0 1 105 12 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: afii57839
+Encoding: 1469 1469 2709
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 178 -87 basemark 0
+AnchorPoint: "low_mkmk_heb" 270 -87 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 225 0 mark 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_below_yiddish" 225 0 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+204.726 -213 m 1
+ 152.726 -213 l 1
+ 186.734 -53 l 1
+ 238.734 -53 l 1
+ 204.726 -213 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rafehebrew
+Encoding: 1471 1471 2710
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 240 570 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 720 1463 S 1 0 0 1 100 770 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: afii57645
+Encoding: 1470 1470 2711
+Width: 370
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 240 570 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+124 652 m 1
+ 145 727 l 1
+ 419 727 l 1
+ 398 652 l 1
+ 124 652 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shindothebrew
+Encoding: 1473 1473 2712
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+561.572 619 m 0
+ 538.562 619.859 527.386 634.737 527.386 651.593 c 0
+ 527.386 666.833 539.995 699 578.577 699 c 0
+ 601.548 699 612.032 684.524 612.032 667.888 c 0
+ 612.032 644.548 591.848 619 561.572 619 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sindothebrew
+Encoding: 1474 1474 2713
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2712 1473 S 1 0 0 1 -350 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: upperdothebrew
+Encoding: 1476 1476 2714
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 240 570 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2712 1473 S 1 0 0 1 -160 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: yodhiraqhebrew
+Encoding: 64285 64285 2715
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 98 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 115 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 269 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 161 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 735 1497 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 717 1460 S 1 0 0 1 -73 369 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: unifb1e
+Encoding: 64286 64286 2716
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+406.828 719 m 0
+ 341.138 719 279.321 748.966 279.321 802.823 c 0
+ 279.321 819.513 287.829 865 321.861 865 c 0
+ 340.875 865 346.209 846.327 346.209 836.093 c 0
+ 346.209 821.867 334.391 800.673 334.391 790.531 c 0
+ 334.391 768.879 381.017 763 416.181 763 c 0
+ 453.137 763 505.881 771 510.77 794 c 0
+ 512.022 799.893 512.299 803.214 512.299 805.927 c 0
+ 512.299 808.08 512.125 809.851 512.125 812.221 c 0
+ 512.125 848.954 539.477 865 552.861 865 c 0
+ 567.201 865 577.113 856.115 577.113 836.324 c 0
+ 577.113 768.691 494.431 719 406.828 719 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yodyodpatahhebrew
+Encoding: 64287 64287 2717
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 100 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 205 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 37 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 469 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 755 1522 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 720 1463 S 1 0 0 1 58 363 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ayinaltonehebrew
+Encoding: 64288 64288 2718
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 118 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 280 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 195 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 80 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 459 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+533.882 564 m 0
+ 571.652 564 588.3 556.87 588.3 527.037 c 0
+ 588.3 449.244 433.347 93.3675 380.753 60 c 0
+ 365.639 50.9092 290.153 48.4297 212.302 48.4297 c 0
+ 118.881 48.4297 22.0527 52 22.0527 52 c 1
+ 48.0674 85 86.7334 154 88.8594 164 c 0
+ 225.072 165 l 1
+ 211.846 218.663 185.184 274.648 185.184 316.615 c 0
+ 185.184 367.605 246.936 428.541 252.1 438 c 1
+ 252.1 438 247.888 437 242.888 437 c 0
+ 208.784 437 197.742 453.848 197.742 479.522 c 0
+ 197.742 517.053 221.593 591.302 246.321 599 c 1
+ 245.867 596.863 245.584 594.656 245.584 592.451 c 0
+ 245.584 580.206 254.296 568 290.732 568 c 1
+ 324.579 568 352.715 557.976 352.715 517.935 c 0
+ 352.715 472.368 316.893 415.441 311.573 412 c 1
+ 311.573 418.625 296.626 435 258.462 435 c 1
+ 257.883 432.278 211.787 366.658 211.787 319.833 c 0
+ 211.787 288.232 234.053 274.867 248.497 167 c 1
+ 250.314 167 270.59 166.736 296.064 166.736 c 0
+ 340.647 166.736 401.158 167.545 406.56 172 c 1
+ 484.494 262.126 526.026 386.434 526.026 413.077 c 0
+ 526.026 431.653 507.808 434.015 481.253 434.015 c 0
+ 457.39 434.015 429.607 439.492 429.607 477.287 c 0
+ 429.607 516.681 459.982 588.086 487.534 600 c 1
+ 487.534 595.5 497.988 587.75 498.22 575 c 1
+ 501.352 564.106 517.469 564 533.882 564 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: unifb29
+Encoding: 64297 64297 2719
+Width: 564
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+249 286 m 1
+ 249 506 l 1
+ 315 506 l 1
+ 315 286 l 1
+ 534 286 l 1
+ 534 220 l 1
+ 30 220 l 1
+ 30 286 l 1
+ 249 286 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shinshindothebrew
+Encoding: 64298 64298 2720
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 464 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 382 274 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 240 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 519 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 751 1513 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2712 1473 S 1 0 0 1 34 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew shindothebrew
+StartChar: shinsindothebrew
+Encoding: 64299 64299 2721
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 276 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 94 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 382 274 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 240 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 10 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 489 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 751 1513 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2712 1473 S 1 0 0 1 -338 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew sindothebrew
+StartChar: shindageshshindothebrew
+Encoding: 64300 64300 2722
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 478 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 372 274 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 240 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 519 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 39 0 2
+Refer: 751 1513 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2712 1473 N 1 0 0 1 43 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shindageshhebrew shindothebrew
+StartChar: shindageshsindothebrew
+Encoding: 64301 64301 2723
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 286 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 89 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 237 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 10 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 519 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 751 1513 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 54 0 2
+Refer: 2713 1474 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shindageshhebrew sindothebrew
+StartChar: alefpatahhebrew
+Encoding: 64302 64302 2724
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 186 563 basechar 0
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+Refer: 726 1488 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 720 1463 S 1 0 0 1 21 64 0
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+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew patahhebrew
+StartChar: alefqamatshebrew
+Encoding: 64303 64303 2725
+Width: 537
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+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 196 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 88 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 491 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 721 1464 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 726 1488 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew qamatshebrew
+StartChar: alefdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64304 64304 2726
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 186 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 88 563 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 726 1488 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -89 -315 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: betdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64305 64305 2727
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 62 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 727 1489 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" bethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: gimeldageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64306 64306 2728
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 176 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 201 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -156 0 2
+Refer: 728 1490 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" gimelhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: daletdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64307 64307 2729
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 48 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 25 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 381 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -39 0 2
+Refer: 729 1491 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" dalethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: hedageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64308 64308 2730
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 48 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -45 0 2
+Refer: 730 1492 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" hehebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: vavdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64309 64309 2731
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 156 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 88 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -185 0 2
+Refer: 731 1493 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" vavhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: zayindageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64310 64310 2732
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 143 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 85 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 269 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 161 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -215 0 2
+Refer: 732 1494 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" zayinhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tetdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64312 64312 2733
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 10 0 2
+Refer: 734 1496 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tethebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: yoddageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64313 64313 2734
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 156 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 98 563 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -183 167 2
+Refer: 735 1497 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" yodhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: finalkafdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64314 64314 2735
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 248 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 736 1498 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" finalkafhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: kafdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64315 64315 2736
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 256 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 60 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 33 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 737 1499 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" kafhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: lameddageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64316 64316 2737
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 316 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 188 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 221 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -83 0 2
+Refer: 738 1500 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" lamedhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: memdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64318 64318 2738
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 58 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 459 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 740 1502 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -31 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" memhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: nundageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64320 64320 2739
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 166 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 94 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 135 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 60 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 269 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 151 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -167 0 2
+Refer: 742 1504 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" nunhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: samekhdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64321 64321 2740
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 266 563 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 S 1 0 0 1 -29 0 2
+Refer: 743 1505 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" samekhhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: pefinaldageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64323 64323 2741
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 96 0 2
+Refer: 745 1507 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: pedageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64324 64324 2742
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 57 563 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 57 0 2
+Refer: 746 1508 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" pehebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tsadidageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64326 64326 2743
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -218 0 2
+Refer: 748 1510 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tsadihebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: qofdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64327 64327 2744
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 246 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 59 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 310 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 315 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 749 1511 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" qofhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: reshdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64328 64328 2745
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 52 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 28 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 421 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 -25 0 2
+Refer: 750 1512 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" reshhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: shindageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64329 64329 2746
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 276 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 68 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 245 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 499 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 251 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 45 0 2
+Refer: 751 1513 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" shinhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: tavdageshhebrew
+Encoding: 64330 64330 2747
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 276 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 73 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 275 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 41 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 278 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2706 1468 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 752 1514 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" tavhebrew dageshhebrew
+StartChar: vavholamhebrew
+Encoding: 64331 64331 2748
+Width: 350
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 220 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_left_heb" 130 280 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 115 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 29 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 259 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 731 1493 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 722 1465 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" vavhebrew holamhebrew
+StartChar: betrafehebrew
+Encoding: 64332 64332 2749
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_above_heb" 59 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 235 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 30 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 727 1489 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2710 1471 S 1 0 0 1 -10 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" bethebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: kafrafehebrew
+Encoding: 64333 64333 2750
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 236 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 34 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 241 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 737 1499 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2710 1471 S 1 0 0 1 -6 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" kafhebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: perafehebrew
+Encoding: 64334 64334 2751
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 226 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_low_heb" 225 -87 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 26 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "point_right_heb" 449 563 basechar 0
+AnchorPoint: "vowel_low_heb" 231 0 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 746 1508 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 2710 1471 N 1 0 0 1 -27 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+MultipleSubs2: "'ccmp' Glyph Composition/Decomposition in Hebrew subtable" pehebrew rafehebrew
+StartChar: aleflamedhebrew
+Encoding: 64335 64335 2752
+Width: 537
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "point_above_heb" 256 563 basechar 0
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+AnchorPoint: "point_left_heb" 0 563 basechar 0
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+LayerCount: 2
+240 843 m 0
+ 279 843 280 780 280 780 c 1
+ 276 762 247 748 227 653 c 0
+ 213.265 591.19 209 580.18 209 540 c 0
+ 209 462 358 340 365 340 c 1
+ 431 411 l 1
+ 426.285 411 367.328 459.907 367.328 498.186 c 0
+ 367.328 528.378 416.931 584 450 584 c 0
+ 453.467 584 454.661 582.82 454.661 579.725 c 0
+ 454.661 574.76 451.087 562.346 451.087 554.898 c 0
+ 451.087 501.606 572.646 478.961 572.646 406.885 c 0
+ 572.646 345.874 499.022 291 476 291 c 0
+ 474.714 291 474.347 292.469 474.347 297.219 c 0
+ 474.347 303.551 475 315.714 475 338 c 0
+ 475 384 448 398 448 398 c 1
+ 382 321 l 1
+ 386.585 321 512.269 240.268 512.269 129.702 c 0
+ 512.269 99.1319 492.991 -5 443 -5 c 0
+ 436 -5 435.313 -4.75 435.313 -2.98985 c 0
+ 435.313 1.39002 437.443 12.6003 437.443 27.3999 c 0
+ 437.443 52.8191 431.159 88.8266 397 119 c 0
+ 168.233 322.991 125.67 395.343 125.67 450.969 c 0
+ 125.67 487.055 140.18 513.013 186 694 c 0
+ 197.48 743.052 234.529 738.652 234.529 780.307 c 0
+ 234.529 799.835 214.77 789.144 214.77 809.604 c 0
+ 214.77 818.806 219.816 843 240 843 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Hebrew subtable" alefhebrew lamedhebrew
+StartChar: leftharpoonaccent
+Encoding: 8400 8400 2753
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
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+LayerCount: 2
+120.636 572.25 m 1
+ -299.364 572.25 l 1
+ -164.102 688.75 l 1
+ -152.108 672.25 l 1
+ -227.413 600.25 l 1
+ 126.587 600.25 l 1
+ 120.636 572.25 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: rightharpoonaccent
+Encoding: 8401 8401 2754
+Width: 0
+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "above" -122.861 457 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-322.364 572.25 m 1
+ -316.413 600.25 l 1
+ 37.5869 600.25 l 1
+ -7.1084 672.25 l 1
+ 11.8984 688.75 l 1
+ 97.6357 572.25 l 1
+ -322.364 572.25 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+AnchorPoint: "middle" -149.237 220 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-233.367 -77 m 1
+ -99.2441 554 l 1
+ -59.2441 554 l 1
+ -193.367 -77 l 1
+ -233.367 -77 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni20D3
+Encoding: 8403 8403 2756
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+Flags: HMW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" -149.237 220 mark 0
+LayerCount: 2
+-217.213 -1 m 1
+ -119.861 457 l 1
+ -79.8613 457 l 1
+ -177.213 -1 l 1
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+ 375 -188 378 -191 378 -198 c 0
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+ 375 -216 l 2
+ 373.808 -221.962 370 -226 365 -226 c 0
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+ 217.903 662.319 218.052 663.598 218.35 665 c 0
+ 251.471 802 341.861 865 364.861 865 c 0
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+ 557.405 833.025 540.164 850 512.673 850 c 0
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+ 458.679 719.24 456.146 717.479 452.553 713 c 2
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+ 407.562 666 405.562 666 402.775 667 c 2
+ 386.9 677 l 2
+ 383.254 679.298 380.661 681.417 380.661 684.611 c 0
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+ 423.286 736.833 424.523 739.389 425.05 741.866 c 0
+ 425.259 742.854 425.354 743.846 425.354 744.855 c 0
+ 425.354 754.12 417.387 764.742 417.387 784.108 c 0
+ 417.387 840.184 475.95 883 521.688 883 c 0
+ 562.931 883 588.346 857.16 588.346 820.069 c 0
+ 588.346 757.628 528.253 716 488.19 716 c 0
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+ 282 852 l 2
+ 289 852 294 847 294 841 c 0
+ 294 840 294 839 294 838 c 2
+ 284 791 l 2
+ 275 749 264 730 220 730 c 2
+ 161 730 l 1
+ 151 682 l 2
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+ 121 668 l 2
+ 114 668 109 673 109 679 c 0
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+ 142 838 l 2
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+ 172 852 l 2
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+ 273.15 -211 l 2
+ 271.237 -220 263.537 -228 256.537 -228 c 2
+ 132.537 -228 l 2
+ 126.666 -228 122.695 -222.373 122.695 -215.248 c 0
+ 122.695 -213.878 122.842 -212.452 123.15 -211 c 2
+ 124.001 -207 l 2
+ 125.914 -198 133.401 -191 140.401 -191 c 2
+ 231.401 -191 l 1
+ 163.532 -101 l 2
+ 156.529 -91.7139 152.554 -86.1367 152.554 -76.9482 c 0
+ 152.554 -74.0635 152.946 -70.8232 153.759 -67 c 2
+ 154.184 -65 l 2
+ 156.31 -55 163.797 -48 170.797 -48 c 2
+ 294.797 -48 l 2
+ 300.613 -48 304.713 -52.833 304.713 -60.2051 c 0
+ 304.713 -61.7051 304.543 -63.3096 304.184 -65 c 2
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+ 301.421 -78 293.933 -85 286.933 -85 c 2
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+ 222.033 737.485 222.341 735.799 223.017 734 c 2
+ 241.302 693 l 2
+ 242.357 690.636 242.949 688.902 242.949 687.298 c 0
+ 242.949 682.153 238.389 679.564 232.9 677 c 2
+ 215.775 669 l 2
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+ 201.909 666 198.614 670.419 197.263 674 c 2
+ 182.553 713 l 2
+ 180.863 717.479 179.079 719.24 175.159 719.24 c 0
+ 169.279 719.24 160.19 716 148.19 716 c 0
+ 118.345 716 84.167 739.116 84.167 781.967 c 0
+ 84.167 837.255 132.074 883 185.688 883 c 0
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+ 303 0 l 1
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+ 129.625 4.625 106.481 82.1111 106.481 86.8591 c 0
+ 106.481 91.3223 148 291.69 148.704 295 c 0
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+ 428.713 662 l 2
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+ 222.955 28.9898 242.676 19 300.039 19 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 19 0 l 1
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+ 98.0391 19 111.864 37 129.507 120 c 2
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+ 227.95 629.625 209.527 637.122 155.674 643 c 1
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+ 435.713 662 l 2
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+ 688.578 492 l 1
+ 664.578 492 l 1
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+ 600.905 286.536 605.028 320.27 605.028 350.357 c 0
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+ 74.4851 -9 33.5478 60.1937 33.5478 135.475 c 0
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+ 211.312 439 320.191 509 431.805 526 c 1
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+ 660.713 662 l 1
+ 656.461 642 l 1
+ 576.336 632 550.872 611 532.229 528 c 1
+ 626.449 513.357 705.967 450.489 705.967 338.119 c 0
+ 705.967 263.693 645.336 -9 438.087 -9 c 0
+ 399.626 -9 380.122 7.69289 380.122 43.6509 c 0
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+ 214.686 31 259.868 123.186 259.868 216.502 c 0
+ 259.868 265.631 244.763 300 220.767 300 c 0
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+ 129.513 53.6344 146.894 31 169.589 31 c 0
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+520.27 340 m 2
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+ 176.196 94.3916 201.68 31 294.589 31 c 0
+ 445.589 31 485.622 177 510.279 293 c 2
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+ 674.144 330 645.907 343 624.732 361 c 1
+ 620.27 340 l 2
+ 577.758 140 466.087 -9 296.087 -9 c 0
+ 158.95 -9 87.9754 87.9603 87.9754 230.437 c 0
+ 87.9754 323.141 130.863 671 430.625 671 c 0
+ 558.625 671 620.81 606 632.278 500 c 0
+ 643.013 447 664.646 370 726.646 370 c 0
+ 782.991 370 819.383 483.618 819.383 546.637 c 0
+ 819.383 580.152 807.442 590 793.408 590 c 0
+ 745.408 590 750.756 554 727.756 554 c 0
+ 722.428 554 716.815 556.365 716.815 562.496 c 0
+ 716.815 575.997 756.434 630 796.91 630 c 0
+ 860.386 630 887.503 592.227 887.503 536.661 c 0
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+187.965 475 m 1
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+ 212.507 120 l 2
+ 207.447 96.1971 204.422 78.2756 204.422 64.6984 c 0
+ 204.422 29.7914 224.419 23.5998 281.251 20 c 1
+ 277 0 l 1
+ -3 0 l 1
+ 1.25098 20 l 1
+ 82.3135 25 94.4395 35 112.507 120 c 2
+ 187.965 475 l 1
+327.998 622.417 m 0
+ 327.998 580.846 287.122 550 253.906 550 c 0
+ 225.159 550 205.321 570.489 205.321 597.584 c 0
+ 205.321 639.155 246.198 670 279.413 670 c 0
+ 308.159 670 327.998 649.512 327.998 622.417 c 0
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+225.302 184.554 m 0
+ 225.302 138.113 166.184 155.782 166.184 91.6713 c 0
+ 166.184 60.4304 184.435 26 219.526 26 c 0
+ 306.829 26 347.508 137.812 347.508 174.425 c 0
+ 347.508 220.171 304.324 268.45 261.019 320 c 1
+ 100.019 320 l 1
+ 108.521 360 l 1
+ 228.521 360 l 1
+ 199.231 398.275 176.037 437.997 176.037 478.55 c 0
+ 176.037 485.676 176.754 492.827 178.278 500 c 0
+ 208.036 640 309.688 676 425.688 676 c 0
+ 527.852 676 569.247 605.414 569.247 548.953 c 0
+ 569.247 484.181 516.147 441 456.737 441 c 0
+ 426.891 441 403.253 466.358 403.253 491.18 c 0
+ 403.253 534.066 458.32 521.026 458.32 571.522 c 0
+ 458.32 597.643 439.553 627 405.273 627 c 0
+ 337.547 627 281.129 553.987 281.129 506.54 c 0
+ 281.129 460.508 328.177 411.913 374.521 360 c 1
+ 568.521 360 l 1
+ 560.019 320 l 1
+ 409.019 320 l 1
+ 439.269 282.662 462.579 243.163 462.579 202.116 c 0
+ 462.579 194.792 461.837 187.419 460.26 180 c 0
+ 426.251 20 323.024 -14 219.024 -14 c 0
+ 115.282 -14 68.0715 67.5832 68.0715 126.313 c 0
+ 68.0715 185.303 116.194 233 175.525 233 c 0
+ 204.17 233 225.302 208.961 225.302 184.554 c 0
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+282.526 26 m 0
+ 414.728 26 502.862 320.248 502.862 451.289 c 0
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+ 292.186 636 231.983 588 188.167 523 c 1
+ 161.993 541 l 1
+ 220.485 628 280.688 676 400.688 676 c 0
+ 543.169 676 605.813 595.173 605.813 467.74 c 0
+ 605.813 434.183 601.469 397.395 593.096 358 c 0
+ 552.922 169 434.024 -14 294.024 -14 c 0
+ 161.092 -14 81.754 43.2925 81.754 171.068 c 0
+ 81.754 309.929 168.331 488 280.728 488 c 0
+ 361.847 488 397.75 461.021 397.75 400.656 c 0
+ 397.75 268.237 273.413 169.931 180.396 143 c 1
+ 186.217 81 214.526 26 282.526 26 c 0
+180.173 189 m 1
+ 243.274 213 272.052 259 286.931 329 c 0
+ 291.956 352.64 298.325 382.606 298.325 406.552 c 0
+ 298.325 430.214 292.106 448 272.226 448 c 0
+ 232.226 448 212.032 353 186.951 235 c 0
+ 183.763 220 181.361 204 180.173 189 c 1
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+ 303.109 391 l 1
+ 420.529 520 l 1
+ 413.004 484.598 407.487 453.112 407.487 429.01 c 0
+ 407.487 398.647 416.243 380 440.771 380 c 0
+ 500.771 380 530.529 520 530.529 520 c 1
+ 546.278 500 l 1
+ 533.525 440 463.767 300 403.767 300 c 0
+ 363.767 300 358.019 320 357.148 410 c 1
+ 292.057 339 l 1
+ 245.507 120 l 2
+ 240.447 96.1971 237.422 78.2756 237.422 64.6984 c 0
+ 237.422 29.7914 257.419 23.5998 314.251 20 c 1
+ 310 0 l 1
+ 20 0 l 1
+ 24.251 20 l 1
+ 105.313 25 117.439 35 135.507 120 c 2
+ 225.206 542 l 2
+ 230.265 565.802 233.291 583.724 233.291 597.301 c 0
+ 233.291 632.208 213.294 638.4 156.461 642 c 1
+ 160.713 662 l 1
+ 450.713 662 l 1
+ 446.461 642 l 1
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+203.859 156.813 m 0
+ 203.859 108.254 156.571 71 120.092 71 c 1
+ 126.277 46 148.015 33 181.015 33 c 0
+ 222.015 33 256.092 71 339.473 181 c 2
+ 386.864 244 l 1
+ 273.37 571 l 2
+ 254.636 624 257.186 636 178.461 642 c 1
+ 182.713 662 l 1
+ 472.713 662 l 1
+ 468.461 642 l 1
+ 401.79 637.048 385.11 626.548 385.11 603.371 c 0
+ 385.11 594.002 388.137 583.017 392.944 569 c 2
+ 470.183 349 l 1
+ 642.944 569 l 2
+ 661.274 590.884 666.414 602.923 666.414 611.404 c 0
+ 666.414 631.241 639.246 638.317 588.461 642 c 1
+ 592.713 662 l 1
+ 832.713 662 l 1
+ 828.461 642 l 1
+ 747.186 636 745.423 623 702.944 569 c 2
+ 304.179 62 l 2
+ 268.613 17 218.174 -18 178.174 -18 c 0
+ 79.5457 -18 46.8593 40.5559 46.8593 93.744 c 0
+ 46.8593 164.848 99.2932 208 155.212 208 c 0
+ 187.238 208 203.859 183.567 203.859 156.813 c 0
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+ 428.039 19 l 1
+ 487.9 20.125 506.746 29.2802 506.746 70.4008 c 0
+ 506.746 84.2822 504.7 101.917 500.507 120 c 2
+ 479.912 216 l 1
+ 217.912 216 l 1
+ 147.043 99 l 2
+ 134.105 77.3329 129.623 59.9163 129.623 50.1454 c 0
+ 129.623 28.9363 148.075 19 190.039 19 c 1
+ 186 0 l 1
+ -12 0 l 1
+ -7.96094 19 l 1
+ 40.4639 21 57.6523 36 150.897 183 c 2
+ 463.263 674 l 1
+ 483.263 674 l 1
+ 611.531 106 l 2
+ 630.802 32 638.676 22 683.039 19 c 1
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+ 417.08 532 l 1
+ 243.627 257 l 1
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+9.93325 45.1825 m 0
+ 9.93325 81.5282 43.4513 108 70.9561 108 c 0
+ 131.956 108 96.1016 24 132.102 24 c 0
+ 158.102 24 174.565 45 184.13 90 c 2
+ 282.544 553 l 2
+ 286.516 571.687 288.904 586.311 288.904 597.829 c 0
+ 288.904 631.304 268.734 638.536 208.674 643 c 1
+ 212.713 662 l 1
+ 499.713 662 l 1
+ 495.674 643 l 1
+ 413.398 637 400.061 626 384.544 553 c 2
+ 305.897 183 l 2
+ 279.328 58 203.024 -14 95.0244 -14 c 0
+ 43.117 -14 9.93325 10.0283 9.93325 45.1825 c 0
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+224.005 80 m 2
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+ 346.864 37 l 2
+ 489.864 37 537.966 61 610.922 169 c 1
+ 638.922 169 l 1
+ 558 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 96.1016 24 113.29 39 128.169 109 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.278 570.566 228.443 584.606 228.443 595.877 c 0
+ 228.443 629.523 209.149 638.506 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 689.713 662 l 1
+ 662.316 519 l 1
+ 637.316 519 l 1
+ 637.417 523.231 637.47 527.296 637.47 531.202 c 0
+ 637.47 610.377 615.324 624 507.636 624 c 2
+ 372.636 624 l 2
+ 345.636 624 338.36 618 332.408 590 c 2
+ 285.221 368 l 1
+ 439.221 368 l 2
+ 532.221 368 544.385 397 569.414 463 c 1
+ 592.414 463 l 1
+ 543.101 231 l 1
+ 520.101 231 l 1
+ 520.641 240.655 520.952 249.362 520.952 257.213 c 0
+ 520.952 316.849 502.967 327 430.506 327 c 2
+ 276.506 327 l 1
+ 224.005 80 l 2
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+243.288 453 m 0
+ 206.126 453 150.382 431.115 150.382 324.338 c 0
+ 150.382 272.833 169.667 237 207.376 237 c 0
+ 283.129 237 302.067 320.43 302.067 370.071 c 0
+ 302.067 420.134 280.735 453 243.288 453 c 0
+72.5257 312.066 m 0
+ 72.5257 390.045 138.417 486 259.303 486 c 0
+ 332.48 486 379.261 444.632 379.261 382.541 c 0
+ 379.261 378.448 379.058 374.266 378.646 370 c 1
+ 440.646 370 l 1
+ 481.669 563 l 2
+ 485.597 581.479 487.941 596.029 487.941 607.539 c 0
+ 487.941 642.12 466.776 649.249 403.8 653 c 1
+ 407.838 672 l 1
+ 704.838 672 l 1
+ 700.8 653 l 1
+ 615.949 649 599.186 636 583.669 563 c 2
+ 542.646 370 l 1
+ 763.646 370 l 1
+ 433.126 10 l 1
+ 364.126 10 l 1
+ 431.719 328 l 1
+ 368.719 328 l 1
+ 342.414 256 270.361 204 191.361 204 c 0
+ 118.616 204 72.5257 248.249 72.5257 312.066 c 0
+533.719 328 m 1
+ 487.807 112 l 1
+ 685.719 328 l 1
+ 533.719 328 l 1
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+186.919 537.204 m 0
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+ 496.812 676 537.924 576.505 537.924 497.251 c 0
+ 537.924 432.015 502.982 279.361 292.689 262 c 1
+ 262.507 120 l 2
+ 259.258 104.714 257.469 91.8117 257.469 80.8776 c 0
+ 257.469 41.7418 280.383 27.8162 341.251 20 c 1
+ 337 0 l 1
+ 37 0 l 1
+ 41.251 20 l 1
+ 123.377 30 147.628 50 162.507 120 c 2
+ 198.642 290 l 2
+ 201.891 305.286 203.679 318.188 203.679 329.122 c 0
+ 203.679 368.258 180.766 382.184 119.897 390 c 1
+ 124.148 410 l 1
+ 324.148 410 l 1
+ 301.404 303 l 1
+ 389.806 319 418.834 385 433.713 455 c 0
+ 439.207 480.845 443.183 508.883 443.183 534.998 c 0
+ 443.183 589.718 425.725 636 368.186 636 c 0
+ 342.186 636 317.21 622 299.021 607 c 1
+ 316.07 600.281 330.014 582.277 330.014 557.726 c 0
+ 330.014 514.114 289.445 473 249.539 473 c 0
+ 223.773 473 186.919 495.103 186.919 537.204 c 0
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+9.03041 78.9516 m 0
+ 9.03041 175.433 71.0561 208 119.212 208 c 0
+ 151.611 208 167.852 183.284 167.852 156.785 c 0
+ 167.852 107.931 119.741 71 84.0918 71 c 1
+ 87.4395 35 100.313 25 116.313 25 c 0
+ 240.05 25 338.736 667 514.775 667 c 0
+ 595.848 667 652.891 553.948 652.891 423.229 c 0
+ 652.891 392.711 649.782 361.23 643.144 330 c 0
+ 613.811 192 528.024 -14 399.024 -14 c 0
+ 327.36 -14 300.151 35.5324 300.151 87.6479 c 0
+ 300.151 167.873 353.998 208 409.212 208 c 0
+ 441.611 208 457.852 183.284 457.852 156.785 c 0
+ 457.852 107.931 409.741 71 374.092 71 c 1
+ 382.502 40 391.313 25 416.313 25 c 0
+ 458.313 25 512.961 188 532.516 280 c 1
+ 307.516 280 l 1
+ 244.656 116 206.024 -14 99.0244 -14 c 0
+ 30.5833 -14 9.03041 30.1561 9.03041 78.9516 c 0
+541.019 320 m 1
+ 551.638 369.964 559.967 434.451 559.967 492.203 c 0
+ 559.967 570.845 544.524 637 498.398 637 c 0
+ 459.398 637 387.027 480 324.019 320 c 1
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+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 103.313 25 115.439 35 133.507 120 c 2
+ 223.206 542 l 2
+ 228.265 565.802 231.291 583.724 231.291 597.301 c 0
+ 231.291 632.208 211.294 638.4 154.461 642 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 458.713 662 l 1
+ 454.461 642 l 1
+ 373.398 637 361.273 627 343.206 542 c 2
+ 304.521 360 l 1
+ 404.521 360 l 2
+ 489.521 360 501.646 370 523.65 450 c 1
+ 543.65 450 l 1
+ 496.888 230 l 1
+ 476.888 230 l 1
+ 479.618 248.196 481.32 262.771 481.32 274.431 c 0
+ 481.32 314.032 461.685 320 396.019 320 c 2
+ 296.019 320 l 1
+ 253.507 120 l 2
+ 248.447 96.1971 245.422 78.2756 245.422 64.6984 c 0
+ 245.422 29.7914 265.419 23.5998 322.251 20 c 1
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+662.316 519 m 1
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+ 637.526 523.739 637.631 528.264 637.631 532.585 c 0
+ 637.631 620.367 594.366 624 507.636 624 c 2
+ 371.636 624 l 2
+ 344.636 624 337.935 616 332.408 590 c 2
+ 230.169 109 l 2
+ 226.715 92.7511 224.874 79.4253 224.874 68.4934 c 0
+ 224.874 30.3125 247.338 21.3322 302.039 19 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 101.889 23 114.565 45 130.507 120 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.147 569.951 228.113 583.632 228.113 594.708 c 0
+ 228.113 630.678 207.382 639.177 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 689.713 662 l 1
+ 662.316 519 l 1
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+451.022 400 m 0
+ 465.972 470.333 473.514 529.561 473.514 571.091 c 0
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+ 421.186 636 380.78 540 351.022 400 c 0
+ 346.531 378.87 343.968 349.934 343.968 317.553 c 0
+ 343.968 279.438 347.52 236.55 355.661 196 c 1
+ 402.603 271 441.245 354 451.022 400 c 0
+41.7224 139.724 m 0
+ 41.7224 270.783 139.917 360 167.521 360 c 0
+ 171.37 360 173.009 357.324 173.009 352.386 c 0
+ 173.009 324.083 119.159 221.461 119.159 122.454 c 0
+ 119.159 56.457 146.466 26 191.526 26 c 0
+ 218.526 26 256.179 62 292.743 107 c 1
+ 260.227 172.221 243.999 254.773 243.999 325.732 c 0
+ 243.999 485.333 357.648 676 449.688 676 c 0
+ 495.896 676 512.442 630.629 512.442 565.322 c 0
+ 512.442 434.864 466.678 272.736 372.058 132 c 1
+ 391.729 74 423.526 26 471.526 26 c 0
+ 564.65 26 607.581 288.931 607.581 297.323 c 0
+ 607.581 326.006 586.102 341.562 520.395 350 c 1
+ 524.646 370 l 1
+ 784.646 370 l 1
+ 780.395 350 l 1
+ 698.27 340 674.019 320 665.516 280 c 0
+ 629.381 110 543.024 -14 443.024 -14 c 0
+ 390.024 -14 349.251 20 317.604 64 c 1
+ 276.251 20 229.024 -14 183.024 -14 c 0
+ 114.706 -14 41.7224 32.6743 41.7224 139.724 c 0
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+ 996.548 633 983.636 624 953.582 572 c 2
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+ 610.662 -11 l 1
+ 540.573 412 l 1
+ 296.662 -11 l 1
+ 281.662 -11 l 1
+ 202.805 526 l 2
+ 188.998 621 174.611 638 124.674 643 c 1
+ 128.713 662 l 1
+ 373.713 662 l 1
+ 369.674 643 l 1
+ 313.851 639.757 296.372 633.204 296.372 594.019 c 0
+ 296.372 585.302 297.276 575.315 299.095 565 c 2
+ 363.173 189 l 1
+ 530.114 471 l 1
+ 514.544 553 l 2
+ 499.761 634 489.461 642 432.674 643 c 1
+ 436.713 662 l 1
+ 703.713 662 l 1
+ 699.674 643 l 1
+ 630.657 641.727 614.219 624.658 614.219 597.144 c 0
+ 614.219 580.76 619.61 558.425 625.018 527 c 2
+ 684.535 186 l 1
+ 881.592 525 l 2
+ 895.882 550.083 914.659 588.351 914.659 609.677 c 0
+ 914.659 629.74 897.166 638.645 853.674 643 c 1
+ 857.713 662 l 1
+ 1055.71 662 l 1
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+51.157 149.443 m 0
+ 51.157 305.861 163.466 450 267.65 450 c 0
+ 303.65 450 327.312 439 343.124 424 c 1
+ 343.975 574.506 403.851 676 475.688 676 c 0
+ 568.105 676 598.359 616.003 598.359 562.426 c 0
+ 598.359 549.947 585.324 429 533.187 429 c 0
+ 498.005 429 482.077 446.792 482.077 466.728 c 0
+ 482.077 472.104 496.66 536.352 496.66 578.581 c 0
+ 496.66 612.729 488.759 636 467.186 636 c 0
+ 431.546 636 378.088 535.059 378.088 400.18 c 0
+ 378.088 371.144 379.528 342.119 379.528 314.494 c 0
+ 379.528 149.136 273.769 -14 169.024 -14 c 0
+ 89.5241 -14 51.157 60.5795 51.157 149.443 c 0
+344.132 323.557 m 0
+ 344.132 392.711 311.76 410 259.148 410 c 0
+ 190.794 410 142.804 179.674 142.804 100.164 c 0
+ 142.804 51.2615 156.825 26 187.526 26 c 0
+ 281.043 26 344.132 232.445 344.132 323.557 c 0
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+617.6 527.836 m 0
+ 617.6 441.167 549.744 285 436.578 285 c 0
+ 379.109 285 309.504 325.774 309.504 388.346 c 0
+ 309.504 449.354 370.329 488 406.728 488 c 0
+ 437.649 488 457.493 463.654 457.493 433.338 c 0
+ 457.493 391.395 422.697 361.916 399.245 354 c 1
+ 411.057 339 430.081 325 456.081 325 c 0
+ 508.13 325 574.26 436.992 574.26 516.577 c 0
+ 574.26 574.134 544.882 641 475.249 641 c 0
+ 400.249 641 319.81 606 283.887 437 c 2
+ 216.507 120 l 2
+ 211.447 96.1971 208.422 78.2756 208.422 64.6984 c 0
+ 208.422 29.7914 228.419 23.5998 285.251 20 c 1
+ 281 0 l 1
+ -9 0 l 1
+ -4.74902 20 l 1
+ 76.3135 25 89.4395 35 107.507 120 c 2
+ 175.737 441 l 2
+ 211.447 609 307.688 676 467.688 676 c 0
+ 567.86 676 617.6 608.259 617.6 527.836 c 0
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+509.186 636 m 0
+ 302.413 636 195.573 409.778 195.573 232.606 c 0
+ 195.573 74.851 296.618 30 390.377 30 c 1
+ 577.381 68.5663 589.262 197.446 589.262 247.29 c 0
+ 589.262 306.661 560.778 326 536.293 326 c 0
+ 456.293 326 444.129 297 419.101 231 c 1
+ 396.101 231 l 1
+ 445.414 463 l 1
+ 468.414 463 l 1
+ 467.874 453.345 467.562 444.637 467.562 436.787 c 0
+ 467.562 377.151 485.547 367 558.008 367 c 0
+ 640.406 367 683.599 342.202 683.599 268.883 c 0
+ 683.599 140.177 589.059 -14 349.024 -14 c 0
+ 182.186 -14 79.4594 83.0921 79.4594 238.42 c 0
+ 79.4594 461.406 262.479 676 498.688 676 c 0
+ 607.688 676 640.674 643 676.674 643 c 0
+ 696.674 643 715.225 655 725.688 676 c 1
+ 746.688 676 l 1
+ 707.65 450 l 1
+ 684.65 450 l 1
+ 676.844 545 638.186 636 509.186 636 c 0
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+799.795 573 m 1
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+ 408 0 l 1
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+ 188.246 147 l 2
+ 182.165 118.389 178.778 96.0379 178.778 78.6043 c 0
+ 178.778 34.4941 200.46 21.8669 255.039 19 c 1
+ 251 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 20.0391 19 l 1
+ 104.313 25 122.353 44 144.246 147 c 2
+ 230.544 553 l 2
+ 234.371 571.005 236.618 585.298 236.618 596.692 c 0
+ 236.618 631.494 215.649 639.233 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 356.713 662 l 1
+ 480.371 157 l 1
+ 808.713 662 l 1
+ 1007.71 662 l 1
+ 1003.67 643 l 1
+ 928.398 637 912.636 624 897.544 553 c 2
+ 803.169 109 l 2
+ 799.427 91.394 797.29 77.293 797.29 65.965 c 0
+ 797.29 31.6102 816.94 22.7601 871.039 19 c 1
+ 867 0 l 1
+ 587 0 l 1
+ 591.039 19 l 1
+ 671.102 24 685.864 37 703.507 120 c 2
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+155.919 537.204 m 0
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+ 443.815 676 512.713 617.113 512.713 539.802 c 0
+ 512.713 530.448 511.704 520.823 509.616 511 c 2
+ 426.507 120 l 2
+ 421.25 95.2705 418.19 76.8893 418.19 63.1325 c 0
+ 418.19 29.6045 436.37 23.5453 485.251 20 c 1
+ 481 0 l 1
+ 221 0 l 1
+ 225.251 20 l 1
+ 296.313 25 308.439 35 326.507 120 c 2
+ 347.763 220 l 1
+ 284.763 220 l 2
+ 202.763 220 229.704 295 182.704 295 c 0
+ 137.704 295 125.579 285 103.574 205 c 1
+ 83.5742 205 l 1
+ 132.462 435 l 1
+ 152.462 435 l 1
+ 149.218 413.38 147.426 396.872 147.426 384.293 c 0
+ 147.426 350.325 160.493 345 193.332 345 c 0
+ 267.332 345 241.453 275 303.453 275 c 2
+ 359.453 275 l 1
+ 413.867 531 l 2
+ 415.572 539.019 416.39 546.827 416.39 554.33 c 0
+ 416.39 601.097 384.582 636 337.186 636 c 0
+ 311.186 636 286.21 622 268.021 607 c 1
+ 285.07 600.281 299.014 582.277 299.014 557.726 c 0
+ 299.014 514.114 258.445 473 218.539 473 c 0
+ 192.773 473 155.919 495.103 155.919 537.204 c 0
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+32.9029 159.346 m 0
+ 32.9029 233.965 128.712 380 277.771 380 c 0
+ 285.771 380 294.559 379 302.347 378 c 1
+ 330.928 452.115 360.308 553.966 360.308 597.958 c 0
+ 360.308 635.081 338.336 641.108 273.887 644 c 1
+ 278.138 664 l 1
+ 578.138 664 l 1
+ 573.887 644 l 1
+ 481.974 635 469.848 625 451.78 540 c 0
+ 451.062 536.619 450.711 533.175 450.711 529.724 c 0
+ 450.711 502.556 472.473 475 507.965 475 c 0
+ 617.965 475 689.413 670 779.413 670 c 0
+ 825.863 670 895.051 638.083 895.051 564.271 c 0
+ 895.051 474.974 786.232 365 724.583 365 c 0
+ 688.14 365 677.481 369.15 677.481 377.451 c 0
+ 677.481 393.98 703.352 400.451 723.085 405 c 0
+ 764.526 415.138 803.803 509.418 803.803 575.24 c 0
+ 803.803 606.728 794.342 630 770.91 630 c 0
+ 720.91 630 614.148 410 494.148 410 c 0
+ 444.148 410 426.273 420 410.524 440 c 1
+ 405.211 415 389.409 383 369.97 348 c 1
+ 411.595 317.281 438.778 267.261 438.778 213.392 c 0
+ 438.778 121.518 350.925 -14 254.024 -14 c 0
+ 206.727 -14 194.003 19.7844 194.003 57.1221 c 0
+ 194.003 128.88 227.6 187.785 285.994 334 c 1
+ 275.844 338 263.27 340 249.27 340 c 0
+ 207.685 340 92.4574 271.981 92.4574 209.155 c 0
+ 92.4574 187.798 112.441 194.063 112.441 171.86 c 0
+ 112.441 156.109 102.454 120 62.5068 120 c 0
+ 46.311 120 32.9029 133.115 32.9029 159.346 c 0
+262.526 26 m 0
+ 302.929 26 340.671 170.767 340.671 235.024 c 0
+ 340.671 252.46 338.664 269.601 333.578 285 c 1
+ 281.691 196.996 245.212 131.413 245.212 64.9896 c 0
+ 245.212 42.7569 250.184 26 262.526 26 c 0
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+82.3895 246.054 m 0
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+ 712.611 385.916 710.198 363.191 706.119 344 c 1
+ 816.119 344 l 1
+ 860.544 553 l 2
+ 864.326 570.793 866.517 584.944 866.517 596.254 c 0
+ 866.517 630.076 846.922 638.504 791.674 643 c 1
+ 795.713 662 l 1
+ 1073.71 662 l 1
+ 1069.67 643 l 1
+ 990.611 638 978.061 626 960.206 542 c 2
+ 868.169 109 l 2
+ 864.202 90.3385 861.845 75.7748 861.845 64.3166 c 0
+ 861.845 31.5666 881.098 24.1857 937.039 19 c 1
+ 933 0 l 1
+ 655 0 l 1
+ 659.039 19 l 1
+ 737.526 26 750.864 37 766.169 109 c 2
+ 807.404 303 l 1
+ 697.404 303 l 1
+ 664.033 146 514.024 -14 325.024 -14 c 0
+ 187.746 -14 82.3895 84.8762 82.3895 246.054 c 0
+466.036 640 m 0
+ 308.181 640 192.359 404.088 192.359 217.259 c 0
+ 192.359 60.1239 283.995 22 332.676 22 c 0
+ 389.676 22 536.304 72 591.781 333 c 0
+ 600.865 375.736 604.811 412.903 604.811 445.145 c 0
+ 604.811 597.743 516.423 640 466.036 640 c 0
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+284.308 359 m 1
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+ 628.544 553 l 2
+ 632.51 571.661 634.867 586.224 634.867 597.683 c 0
+ 634.867 630.433 615.614 637.814 559.674 643 c 1
+ 563.713 662 l 1
+ 841.713 662 l 1
+ 837.674 643 l 1
+ 759.186 636 745.848 625 730.544 553 c 2
+ 636.169 109 l 2
+ 632.387 91.2066 630.195 77.0559 630.195 65.7453 c 0
+ 630.195 31.9237 649.79 23.4963 705.039 19 c 1
+ 701 0 l 1
+ 423 0 l 1
+ 427.039 19 l 1
+ 506.102 24 518.652 36 536.507 120 c 2
+ 577.955 315 l 1
+ 274.955 315 l 1
+ 231.169 109 l 2
+ 227.387 91.2066 225.195 77.0559 225.195 65.7453 c 0
+ 225.195 31.9237 244.79 23.4963 300.039 19 c 1
+ 296 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 101.102 24 113.652 36 131.507 120 c 2
+ 223.544 553 l 2
+ 227.51 571.661 229.867 586.224 229.867 597.683 c 0
+ 229.867 630.433 210.614 637.814 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 436.713 662 l 1
+ 432.674 643 l 1
+ 354.186 636 340.848 625 325.544 553 c 2
+ 284.308 359 l 1
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+317.152 135.338 m 0
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+ 270.715 41 290.526 26 316.526 26 c 0
+ 449.362 26 510.376 173.839 510.376 252.793 c 0
+ 510.376 337.83 448.86 390 353.897 390 c 0
+ 243.897 390 217.317 312 137.317 312 c 0
+ 101.297 312 73.7619 329.029 73.7619 356.516 c 0
+ 73.7619 362.842 77.7395 421 138.486 421 c 0
+ 168.486 421 147.96 395 203.96 395 c 0
+ 265.96 395 254.998 414 311.337 425 c 1
+ 336.206 542 l 2
+ 341.093 564.992 344.082 582.496 344.082 595.899 c 0
+ 344.082 632.044 322.341 638.352 257.461 642 c 1
+ 261.713 662 l 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 557.461 642 l 1
+ 466.398 637 454.273 627 436.206 542 c 2
+ 411.975 428 l 1
+ 550.156 414.697 623.487 347.913 623.487 263.219 c 0
+ 623.487 144.431 481.859 -13 307.236 -13 c 0
+ 249.172 -13 169.377 28.6224 169.377 92.2952 c 0
+ 169.377 150.779 230.164 190 266.386 190 c 0
+ 297.307 190 317.152 165.654 317.152 135.338 c 0
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+104.137 90.4759 m 0
+ 104.137 142.206 121.302 181.004 121.302 219.802 c 0
+ 121.302 251.096 106.933 256.662 74.2646 260 c 1
+ 78.5156 280 l 1
+ 328.516 280 l 1
+ 324.265 260 l 1
+ 223.202 255 211.076 245 188.758 140 c 0
+ 184.783 121.299 182.887 104.152 182.887 89.4072 c 0
+ 182.887 56.8461 192.133 36 208.652 36 c 0
+ 238.652 36 281.768 93 359.386 190 c 2
+ 403.076 245 l 1
+ 290.37 571 l 2
+ 271.636 624 274.186 636 195.461 642 c 1
+ 199.713 662 l 1
+ 489.713 662 l 1
+ 485.461 642 l 1
+ 420.758 637.194 402.195 626.792 402.195 603.981 c 0
+ 402.195 594.783 405.1 583.123 409.944 569 c 2
+ 486.395 350 l 1
+ 659.944 569 l 2
+ 678.161 590.749 683.372 602.645 683.372 611.056 c 0
+ 683.372 630.353 656.375 638.307 605.461 642 c 1
+ 609.713 662 l 1
+ 849.713 662 l 1
+ 845.461 642 l 1
+ 764.186 636 762.423 623 719.944 569 c 2
+ 324.092 71 l 2
+ 285.889 23 238.024 -14 198.024 -14 c 0
+ 124.618 -14 104.137 36.1819 104.137 90.4759 c 0
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+753.576 415.953 m 0
+ 753.576 208.864 589.455 -14 344.024 -14 c 0
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+ 80.7385 450.716 245.351 676 490.688 676 c 0
+ 659.148 676 753.576 567.074 753.576 415.953 c 0
+627.183 318 m 1
+ 202.003 318 l 1
+ 194.979 284.956 190.889 250.764 190.889 217.87 c 0
+ 190.889 113.392 232.146 22 351.676 22 c 0
+ 512.676 22 600.826 194 627.183 318 c 1
+210.635 359 m 1
+ 635.98 359 l 1
+ 640.918 382.227 643.872 408.612 643.872 435.688 c 0
+ 643.872 533.344 605.445 640 483.036 640 c 0
+ 326.688 640 234.653 472 210.635 359 c 1
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+365.014 240 m 1
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+ 669.265 260 l 1
+ 665.014 240 l 1
+ 573.951 235 561.825 225 543.758 140 c 2
+ 514 0 l 1
+ 414 0 l 1
+ 431.005 80 l 1
+ 431.005 80 312.087 -9 212.087 -9 c 0
+ 169.44 -9 142.159 15.7556 142.159 87.5308 c 0
+ 142.159 116.736 146.676 153.726 156.512 200 c 2
+ 203.273 420 l 1
+ 83.2734 420 l 1
+ 91.7764 460 l 1
+ 211.776 460 l 1
+ 254.713 662 l 1
+ 354.713 662 l 1
+ 311.776 460 l 1
+ 491.776 460 l 1
+ 483.273 420 l 1
+ 303.273 420 l 1
+ 256.512 200 l 2
+ 247.738 158.723 243.619 128.212 243.619 105.946 c 0
+ 243.619 63.4806 258.6 51 284.841 51 c 0
+ 344.841 51 443.758 140 443.758 140 c 1
+ 448.645 162.992 451.634 180.497 451.634 193.899 c 0
+ 451.634 230.044 429.894 236.352 365.014 240 c 1
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+78.1353 237.125 m 0
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+ 699.674 643 720.649 657 730.688 676 c 1
+ 752.688 676 l 1
+ 715.839 465 l 1
+ 692.839 465 l 1
+ 676.269 547 644.186 636 514.186 636 c 0
+ 285.935 636 191.98 379.452 191.98 235.106 c 0
+ 191.98 103.558 267.08 26 401.526 26 c 0
+ 473.526 26 540.266 53 547.067 85 c 2
+ 581.502 247 l 2
+ 585.514 265.878 587.731 280.548 587.731 292.013 c 0
+ 587.731 327.312 566.72 332.226 512.419 336 c 1
+ 516.245 354 l 1
+ 771.245 354 l 1
+ 767.419 336 l 1
+ 708.356 331 693.593 318 681.052 259 c 2
+ 637.903 56 l 1
+ 590.464 21 458.024 -14 372.024 -14 c 0
+ 252.113 -14 78.1353 38.8635 78.1353 237.125 c 0
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+156.939 134.339 m 0
+ 156.939 92.3958 122.143 62.9162 98.6904 55 c 1
+ 110.502 40 130.313 25 156.313 25 c 0
+ 323.313 25 288.538 680 602.538 680 c 0
+ 680.185 680 714.481 640.138 714.481 553.381 c 0
+ 714.481 517.232 708.527 472.941 697.273 420 c 2
+ 633.507 120 l 2
+ 628.62 97.0077 625.631 79.5031 625.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 625.631 29.9559 647.371 23.6475 712.251 20 c 1
+ 708 0 l 1
+ 408 0 l 1
+ 412.251 20 l 1
+ 503.313 25 515.439 35 533.507 120 c 2
+ 588.771 380 l 2
+ 605.46 458.512 616.669 522.577 616.669 567.469 c 0
+ 616.669 614.062 604.594 640 574.036 640 c 0
+ 459.036 640 379.67 356 311.333 138 c 0
+ 274.464 21 218.024 -14 136.024 -14 c 0
+ 78.5551 -14 8.94921 26.7743 8.94921 89.3461 c 0
+ 8.94921 150.354 69.7747 189 106.173 189 c 0
+ 137.094 189 156.939 164.654 156.939 134.339 c 0
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+455.912 216 m 2
+ 461.937 244.345 465.983 271.057 465.983 293.736 c 0
+ 465.983 335.066 452.545 363 413.158 363 c 0
+ 358.158 363 324.844 338 272.192 302 c 1
+ 231.169 109 l 2
+ 226.266 85.9332 223.082 69.0247 223.082 56.4988 c 0
+ 223.082 29.9269 237.409 23.0778 280.039 19 c 1
+ 276 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 100.526 26 113.864 37 129.169 109 c 2
+ 223.544 553 l 2
+ 227.326 570.793 229.517 584.944 229.517 596.254 c 0
+ 229.517 630.076 209.923 638.504 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 436.713 662 l 1
+ 432.674 643 l 1
+ 353.611 638 341.061 626 323.206 542 c 2
+ 281.545 346 l 1
+ 328.771 380 359.511 407 419.511 407 c 0
+ 527.894 407 566.135 360.185 566.135 285.044 c 0
+ 566.135 263.818 563.083 240.331 557.699 215 c 2
+ 535.169 109 l 2
+ 531.202 90.3385 528.845 75.7748 528.845 64.3166 c 0
+ 528.845 31.5666 548.098 24.1857 604.039 19 c 1
+ 600 0 l 1
+ 342 0 l 1
+ 346.039 19 l 1
+ 411.313 25 417.864 37 433.169 109 c 2
+ 455.912 216 l 2
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+422.077 38 m 2
+ 557.077 38 589.381 110 623.41 176 c 1
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+ 585 0 l 1
+ 21 0 l 1
+ 24.1885 15 l 1
+ 590.636 624 l 1
+ 369.636 624 l 2
+ 227.636 624 199.819 559 173.365 491 c 1
+ 147.365 491 l 1
+ 203.713 662 l 1
+ 729.713 662 l 1
+ 726.524 647 l 1
+ 165.077 38 l 1
+ 422.077 38 l 2
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+165.304 298.958 m 0
+ 165.304 315.921 170.206 332.883 170.206 341.364 c 0
+ 170.206 363.387 152.833 370.886 88.709 375 c 1
+ 92.96 395 l 1
+ 322.96 395 l 1
+ 318.709 375 l 1
+ 250.071 372 245.521 360 240.206 335 c 0
+ 236.608 318.071 234.829 303.381 234.829 290.741 c 0
+ 234.829 243.647 259.522 225 306.825 225 c 0
+ 366.825 225 429.019 320 446.022 400 c 2
+ 463.027 480 l 2
+ 466.599 496.805 468.362 513.609 468.362 529.672 c 0
+ 468.362 590.079 443.433 640 396.036 640 c 0
+ 336.036 640 299.659 610 282.655 530 c 0
+ 281.439 524.279 280.442 519.344 280.442 515.074 c 0
+ 280.442 500.685 291.762 493.856 344.152 490 c 1
+ 339.901 470 l 1
+ 108.901 470 l 1
+ 113.152 490 l 1
+ 194.216 495 206.341 505 213.78 540 c 0
+ 228.659 610 304.538 680 404.538 680 c 0
+ 507.737 680 571.449 633.406 571.449 545.943 c 0
+ 571.449 531.704 569.76 516.381 566.278 500 c 2
+ 485.507 120 l 2
+ 480.353 95.7511 477.391 77.6061 477.391 63.9398 c 0
+ 477.391 29.7013 495.98 23.5736 545.251 20 c 1
+ 541 0 l 1
+ 281 0 l 1
+ 285.251 20 l 1
+ 356.313 25 368.439 35 386.507 120 c 2
+ 409.676 229 l 1
+ 377.637 210 336.323 185 298.323 185 c 0
+ 210.789 185 165.304 238.636 165.304 298.958 c 0
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+349.676 22 m 0
+ 553.708 22 643.404 287.679 643.404 444.649 c 0
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+ 284.076 640 191.983 380.206 191.983 220.413 c 0
+ 191.983 120.266 226.838 22 349.676 22 c 0
+80.836 244.821 m 0
+ 80.836 460.472 254.116 676 490.688 676 c 0
+ 651.675 676 753.543 574.992 753.543 416.092 c 0
+ 753.543 409.17 753.35 402.138 752.96 395 c 1
+ 866.529 520 l 1
+ 859.005 484.598 853.487 453.112 853.487 429.009 c 0
+ 853.487 398.646 862.243 380 886.771 380 c 0
+ 946.771 380 976.529 520 976.529 520 c 1
+ 992.278 500 l 1
+ 979.525 440 909.767 300 849.767 300 c 0
+ 809.767 300 804.019 320 803.148 410 c 1
+ 747.183 349 l 1
+ 746.694 342 745.206 335 743.506 327 c 0
+ 700.782 126 535.024 -14 338.024 -14 c 0
+ 188.319 -14 80.836 84.7941 80.836 244.821 c 0
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+391.928 42 m 1
+ 445.928 42 l 2
+ 559.928 42 585.754 60 632.135 170 c 1
+ 656.135 170 l 1
+ 614 0 l 1
+ 50 0 l 1
+ 80.1348 170 l 1
+ 104.135 170 l 1
+ 104.966 61 123.928 42 235.928 42 c 2
+ 289.928 42 l 1
+ 412.785 620 l 1
+ 358.785 620 l 2
+ 246.785 620 219.746 601 172.578 492 c 1
+ 148.578 492 l 1
+ 190.713 662 l 1
+ 754.713 662 l 1
+ 724.578 492 l 1
+ 700.578 492 l 1
+ 700.578 603 682.785 620 568.785 620 c 2
+ 514.785 620 l 1
+ 391.928 42 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+488.526 26 m 0
+ 573.785 26 677.685 248.098 677.685 392.937 c 0
+ 677.685 503.486 640.669 640 585.036 640 c 0
+ 469.036 640 526.525 440 396.524 440 c 0
+ 373.582 440 364.823 451.696 364.823 470.617 c 0
+ 364.823 531.515 461.683 680 557.538 680 c 0
+ 686.327 680 732.985 537.459 732.985 419.265 c 0
+ 732.985 314.699 656.391 -14 460.024 -14 c 0
+ 385.304 -14 369.017 39.1016 369.017 92.4013 c 0
+ 369.017 133.595 378.746 174.906 378.746 191.914 c 0
+ 378.746 197.077 377.849 200 375.512 200 c 0
+ 345.512 200 290.024 -14 150.024 -14 c 0
+ 96.2386 -14 19.5324 29.3937 19.5324 110.418 c 0
+ 19.5324 204.673 150.746 360 189.521 360 c 0
+ 197.017 360 203.318 354.381 203.318 338.93 c 0
+ 203.318 277.031 120.848 230.233 120.848 106.752 c 0
+ 120.848 56.9712 140.66 26 178.526 26 c 0
+ 258.526 26 351.019 320 421.019 320 c 0
+ 468.024 320 479.356 274.889 479.356 220.008 c 0
+ 479.356 168.908 469.532 109.337 469.532 69.8256 c 0
+ 469.532 43.4404 473.913 26 488.526 26 c 0
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+Width: 675
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+312.265 260 m 0
+ 297.315 189.667 289.773 130.439 289.773 88.9091 c 0
+ 289.773 47.7723 297.173 24 312.102 24 c 0
+ 342.102 24 382.507 120 412.265 260 c 0
+ 416.863 281.636 419.441 311.457 419.441 344.886 c 0
+ 419.441 382.529 416.172 424.746 408.839 465 c 1
+ 361.685 389 322.042 306 312.265 260 c 0
+541.844 410.286 m 0
+ 541.844 423.294 550.982 427 558.762 427 c 0
+ 566.762 427 585.022 400 607.022 400 c 0
+ 656.775 400 683.674 483.482 683.674 533.747 c 0
+ 683.674 609.824 625.15 640 573.036 640 c 0
+ 546.036 640 507.108 598 470.544 553 c 1
+ 503.06 487.779 519.289 405.228 519.289 334.27 c 0
+ 519.289 174.371 406.113 -14 314.024 -14 c 0
+ 267.65 -14 251.008 31.0287 251.008 96.1524 c 0
+ 251.008 215.627 291.587 381.992 392.229 528 c 1
+ 378.732 568 352.461 642 293.461 642 c 0
+ 233.461 642 200.303 486 185.424 416 c 0
+ 176.921 376 152.67 356 132.67 356 c 0
+ 116.474 356 103.066 369.115 103.066 395.344 c 0
+ 103.066 433.941 162.783 680 321.538 680 c 0
+ 374.538 680 414.036 640 445.684 596 c 1
+ 487.036 640 535.538 680 581.538 680 c 0
+ 653.138 680 764.285 639.949 764.285 525.436 c 0
+ 764.285 413.994 680.899 355 606.458 355 c 0
+ 569.518 355 541.844 386.555 541.844 410.286 c 0
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+1052.05 564.271 m 0
+ 1052.05 474.974 943.232 365 881.583 365 c 0
+ 845.14 365 834.481 367.333 834.481 377.451 c 0
+ 834.481 392.667 860.352 400.451 880.085 405 c 0
+ 921.526 415.138 960.803 509.418 960.803 575.24 c 0
+ 960.803 606.728 951.342 630 927.91 630 c 0
+ 848.91 630 820.148 410 681.148 410 c 0
+ 657.148 410 636.636 417 619.187 429 c 1
+ 563.907 343 469.787 206 426 0 c 1
+ 350 0 l 1
+ 350.685 8.39032 350.993 18.5765 350.993 30.116 c 0
+ 350.993 129 332 302 325.97 348 c 1
+ 308.468 308 272.516 280 208.516 280 c 0
+ 151.046 280 81.4404 320.774 81.4404 383.346 c 0
+ 81.4404 444.354 142.267 483 178.665 483 c 0
+ 209.587 483 229.431 458.654 229.431 428.338 c 0
+ 229.431 386.395 194.634 356.916 171.183 349 c 1
+ 182.994 334 202.019 320 228.019 320 c 0
+ 263.019 320 297.757 347 304.771 380 c 0
+ 310.712 407.949 314.778 428.989 314.778 461.258 c 0
+ 314.778 500.572 308.743 556.552 292.713 662 c 1
+ 404.713 662 l 1
+ 429.854 498 447.481 341 448.937 202 c 1
+ 492.791 286 551.709 375 593.65 450 c 1
+ 568.57 478.803 554.628 517.847 554.628 553.818 c 0
+ 554.628 590.491 575.027 671 656.625 671 c 0
+ 687.735 671 700.19 640.151 700.19 607.62 c 0
+ 700.19 581.896 693.363 547.731 649.814 479 c 1
+ 659.201 462 671.65 450 689.65 450 c 0
+ 795.65 450 821.413 670 936.413 670 c 0
+ 982.863 670 1052.05 638.083 1052.05 564.271 c 0
+657.698 629 m 0
+ 641.769 629 635.595 570.033 635.595 552.538 c 0
+ 635.595 545.468 635.994 538.234 636.867 531 c 1
+ 656.319 571.375 663.201 599.931 663.201 617.164 c 0
+ 663.201 624.211 661.715 629 657.698 629 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5066 5066 2863
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+566.012 258.943 m 0
+ 566.012 202.271 541.046 160 509.009 160 c 0
+ 490.124 160 485.152 174.952 485.152 195.599 c 0
+ 485.152 218.56 491.301 248.564 491.301 272.875 c 0
+ 491.301 297.313 485.087 316 460.168 316 c 0
+ 442.168 316 409.216 288 401.989 254 c 0
+ 396.977 230.421 394.749 208.126 394.749 187.366 c 0
+ 394.749 86.622 447.219 22 488.676 22 c 0
+ 558.309 22 678.727 232.944 678.727 393.617 c 0
+ 678.727 504.585 642.013 642 586.461 642 c 0
+ 470.461 642 527.525 440 397.524 440 c 0
+ 374.582 440 365.823 451.696 365.823 470.617 c 0
+ 365.823 531.515 462.683 680 558.538 680 c 0
+ 687.327 680 733.985 537.459 733.985 419.265 c 0
+ 733.985 390.622 731.245 363.408 726.27 340 c 0
+ 690.135 170 610.174 -18 460.174 -18 c 0
+ 300.174 -18 314.072 165 306.072 165 c 0
+ 284.072 165 255.174 -18 150.174 -18 c 0
+ 79.5172 -18 19.763 26.1331 19.763 103.779 c 0
+ 19.763 208.919 153.645 360 190.521 360 c 0
+ 198.017 360 204.318 354.381 204.318 338.93 c 0
+ 204.318 275.562 119.601 231.562 119.601 91.6395 c 0
+ 119.601 49.0312 133.542 22 167.676 22 c 0
+ 215.676 22 310.158 363 483.158 363 c 0
+ 533.001 363 566.012 319.524 566.012 258.943 c 0
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+586.69 593.385 m 0
+ 586.69 556.363 552.74 540 536.78 540 c 0
+ 519.003 540 504.585 555.801 504.585 573.358 c 0
+ 504.585 579.01 506.045 580.424 506.045 587.489 c 0
+ 506.045 608.559 488.963 640 418.036 640 c 0
+ 305.535 640 266.224 522.8 266.224 480.643 c 0
+ 266.224 427.745 312.488 380 392.771 380 c 2
+ 522.771 380 l 2
+ 533.44 380 538.131 373.021 538.131 364.893 c 0
+ 538.131 353.562 529.016 340 514.27 340 c 2
+ 374.27 340 l 2
+ 167.218 340 154.401 149.421 154.401 144.504 c 0
+ 154.401 87.994 215.997 26 307.526 26 c 0
+ 435.86 26 446.409 124.529 446.409 133.564 c 0
+ 446.409 182.294 358.559 187.852 358.559 221.588 c 0
+ 358.559 239.353 381.71 266 427.54 266 c 0
+ 499.753 266 551.451 215.482 551.451 161.518 c 0
+ 551.451 126.414 516.323 -14 299.024 -14 c 0
+ 152.906 -14 53.2654 47.7167 53.2654 134.591 c 0
+ 53.2654 230.624 171.928 333.046 258.521 360 c 1
+ 207.323 368.846 166.106 424.646 166.106 478.941 c 0
+ 166.106 566.079 298.71 680 426.538 680 c 0
+ 551.606 680 586.69 632.117 586.69 593.385 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+LayerCount: 2
+239.525 233 m 2
+ 232.288 198.953 227.6 168.098 227.6 141.307 c 0
+ 227.6 72.0981 258.89 30 358.377 30 c 0
+ 531.377 30 566.709 168 583.076 245 c 2
+ 601.144 330 l 1
+ 260.144 330 l 1
+ 239.525 233 l 2
+274.173 396 m 1
+ 615.173 396 l 1
+ 640.467 515 l 2
+ 646.53 543.523 649.942 565.7 649.942 582.971 c 0
+ 649.942 626.248 628.514 638.711 573.674 643 c 1
+ 577.713 662 l 1
+ 809.713 662 l 1
+ 805.674 643 l 1
+ 721.548 633 706.147 617 684.467 515 c 2
+ 628.989 254 l 2
+ 598.594 111 540.024 -14 326.024 -14 c 0
+ 189.661 -14 128.212 38.7606 128.212 148.927 c 0
+ 128.212 176.102 131.951 206.77 139.227 241 c 2
+ 205.544 553 l 2
+ 209.559 571.888 211.955 586.625 211.955 598.199 c 0
+ 211.955 631.357 192.288 638.552 134.674 643 c 1
+ 138.713 662 l 1
+ 421.713 662 l 1
+ 417.674 643 l 1
+ 336.186 636 322.848 625 307.544 553 c 2
+ 274.173 396 l 1
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+43.1598 99.4057 m 0
+ 43.1598 199.867 89.266 380 213.771 380 c 0
+ 298.771 380 284.776 253 363.776 253 c 0
+ 394.776 253 426.178 269 433.791 286 c 1
+ 436.214 300.226 437.586 311.963 437.586 321.669 c 0
+ 437.586 360.406 415.737 366.801 351.646 370 c 1
+ 355.897 390 l 1
+ 605.897 390 l 1
+ 601.646 370 l 1
+ 560.583 365 548.458 355 530.391 270 c 0
+ 514.69 196.138 508.567 145.742 508.567 111.501 c 0
+ 508.567 51.1739 527.577 41 546.715 41 c 0
+ 610.715 41 636.584 158 679.521 360 c 0
+ 689.025 404.715 693.789 443.245 693.789 476.161 c 0
+ 693.789 594.15 632.573 640 509.036 640 c 0
+ 429.036 640 400.534 600 396.283 580 c 0
+ 392.031 560 367.78 540 347.78 540 c 0
+ 330.003 540 315.585 555.801 315.585 573.358 c 0
+ 315.585 594.686 347.978 680 517.538 680 c 0
+ 691.971 680 787.297 599.966 787.297 444.482 c 0
+ 787.297 319.368 703.555 -14 515.024 -14 c 0
+ 451.455 -14 412.199 26.867 412.199 126.305 c 0
+ 412.199 155.136 415.499 188.89 422.463 228 c 1
+ 402.699 215 375.999 207 350.999 207 c 0
+ 332.999 207 314.85 211 298.55 219 c 1
+ 298.55 219 269.384 -14 130.024 -14 c 0
+ 63.5922 -14 43.1598 36.311 43.1598 99.4057 c 0
+143.526 26 m 0
+ 175.379 26 223.157 186.915 223.157 277.914 c 0
+ 223.157 315.614 215.507 340 200.27 340 c 0
+ 154.106 340 123.33 162.879 123.33 93.0523 c 0
+ 123.33 53.0914 129.96 26 143.526 26 c 0
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+Encoding: 5070 5070 2867
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+385.119 344 m 1
+ 445.119 344 l 2
+ 527.119 344 544.883 357 575.525 440 c 1
+ 598.525 440 l 1
+ 549.212 208 l 1
+ 526.212 208 l 1
+ 526.679 218.173 527.077 227.467 527.077 235.911 c 0
+ 527.077 282.251 515.07 303 436.404 303 c 2
+ 376.192 302 l 1
+ 335.169 109 l 2
+ 331.241 90.5212 328.897 75.9709 328.897 64.4615 c 0
+ 328.897 29.8804 350.062 22.7514 413.039 19 c 1
+ 409 0 l 1
+ 112 0 l 1
+ 116.039 19 l 1
+ 200.889 23 217.652 36 233.169 109 c 2
+ 274.192 302 l 1
+ 53.1924 302 l 1
+ 383.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 385.119 344 l 1
+283.119 344 m 1
+ 329.031 560 l 1
+ 131.119 344 l 1
+ 283.119 344 l 1
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+590.932 238.744 m 0
+ 590.932 97.422 475.966 0 283 0 c 2
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 23.0391 19 l 1
+ 98.7393 27 110.864 37 126.169 109 c 2
+ 218.206 542 l 2
+ 223.46 566.719 226.659 585.029 226.659 598.741 c 0
+ 226.659 631.626 208.259 638.06 155.674 643 c 1
+ 159.713 662 l 1
+ 439.713 662 l 1
+ 435.674 643 l 1
+ 356.036 640 338.061 626 322.544 553 c 2
+ 288.747 394 l 1
+ 357.747 394 l 2
+ 546.655 394 590.932 313.79 590.932 238.744 c 0
+246.864 37 m 0
+ 450.714 37 482.635 173.983 482.635 239.057 c 0
+ 482.635 311.041 434.554 354 337.245 354 c 0
+ 317.245 354 303.032 353 279.607 351 c 1
+ 220.092 71 l 2
+ 218.767 64.7679 218.042 59.6014 218.042 55.3405 c 0
+ 218.042 41.1415 226.096 37 246.864 37 c 0
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+Encoding: 5072 5072 2869
+Width: 536
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+76.4047 350.773 m 0
+ 76.4047 370.948 93.8399 408 130.723 408 c 0
+ 151.731 408 171.34 389.646 171.34 371.226 c 0
+ 171.34 364.981 168.967 356.417 157.27 340 c 1
+ 167.781 333 182.144 330 199.144 330 c 0
+ 221.144 330 248.206 335 277.481 341 c 1
+ 320.206 542 l 2
+ 325.093 564.992 328.082 582.496 328.082 595.899 c 0
+ 328.082 632.044 306.341 638.352 241.461 642 c 1
+ 245.713 662 l 1
+ 545.713 662 l 1
+ 541.461 642 l 1
+ 450.398 637 438.273 627 420.206 542 c 2
+ 382.37 364 l 1
+ 409.434 369 437.071 372 464.071 372 c 0
+ 506.363 372 579.457 363.168 579.457 321.43 c 0
+ 579.457 296.051 552.773 265 523.327 265 c 0
+ 500.683 265 483.69 283.87 483.69 301.545 c 0
+ 483.69 314.127 493.859 327.495 497.781 333 c 1
+ 487.27 340 472.907 343 456.907 343 c 0
+ 433.907 343 405.632 337 375.356 331 c 1
+ 330.507 120 l 2
+ 325.62 97.0077 322.631 79.5031 322.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 322.631 29.9559 344.371 23.6475 409.251 20 c 1
+ 405 0 l 1
+ 105 0 l 1
+ 109.251 20 l 1
+ 200.313 25 212.439 35 230.507 120 c 2
+ 270.468 308 l 1
+ 243.404 303 216.767 300 191.767 300 c 0
+ 148.52 300 76.4047 309.723 76.4047 350.773 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D1
+Encoding: 5073 5073 2870
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+782.176 574.272 m 0
+ 782.176 484.974 673.357 375 611.709 375 c 0
+ 575.266 375 564.607 379.15 564.607 387.451 c 0
+ 564.607 403.98 590.478 410.451 610.211 415 c 0
+ 651.651 425.138 690.929 519.419 690.929 585.24 c 0
+ 690.929 616.728 681.468 640 658.036 640 c 0
+ 542.036 640 505.428 496 293.901 470 c 1
+ 293.986 468.314 294.027 466.502 294.027 464.57 c 0
+ 294.027 394.883 240.729 169.008 240.729 71.5034 c 0
+ 240.729 43.4314 245.147 26 256.526 26 c 0
+ 312.447 26 326.427 170.063 326.427 191.812 c 0
+ 326.427 234.579 309.376 240 302.014 240 c 0
+ 291.345 240 286.654 246.979 286.654 255.107 c 0
+ 286.654 266.438 295.77 280 310.516 280 c 0
+ 362.216 280 400.112 221.814 400.112 155.367 c 0
+ 400.112 58.3809 310.977 -14 248.024 -14 c 0
+ 180.015 -14 157.684 46.0151 157.684 130.192 c 0
+ 157.684 201.97 173.921 291.315 191.921 376 c 2
+ 214.027 480 l 1
+ 161.161 497.33 131.319 532.961 131.319 561.855 c 0
+ 131.319 593.489 173.438 680 255.538 680 c 0
+ 288.084 680 298.199 622.785 298.199 548.562 c 0
+ 298.199 536.122 297.915 523.205 297.404 510 c 1
+ 450.954 522 548.538 680 666.538 680 c 0
+ 712.988 680 782.176 648.083 782.176 574.272 c 0
+233.123 631 m 0
+ 225.184 631 208.754 595.214 208.754 574.21 c 0
+ 208.754 554.223 215.486 533.209 223.592 525 c 1
+ 226.664 546.397 238.557 593.925 238.557 617.375 c 0
+ 238.557 625.707 237.056 631 233.123 631 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5074 5074 2871
+Width: 631
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+402.409 383 m 0
+ 490.121 383 512.049 495.015 512.049 535.01 c 0
+ 512.049 598.583 463.938 622 334.21 622 c 1
+ 225.381 110 l 2
+ 220.991 89.3463 218.407 73.622 218.407 61.5739 c 0
+ 218.407 29.8715 236.298 23.6231 286.251 20 c 1
+ 282 0 l 1
+ 22 0 l 1
+ 26.251 20 l 1
+ 97.3135 25 109.439 35 125.381 110 c 2
+ 214.655 530 l 2
+ 220.75 558.675 224.236 579.789 224.236 595.43 c 0
+ 224.236 631.607 205.59 638.509 157.461 642 c 1
+ 161.713 662 l 1
+ 461.713 662 l 2
+ 566.32 662 616.932 622.485 616.932 559.354 c 0
+ 616.932 502.695 560.418 338.809 449.994 334 c 1
+ 449.994 334 513.13 90 521.879 70 c 0
+ 536.864 37 544 24.5 611.251 20 c 1
+ 607 0 l 1
+ 417 0 l 1
+ 418.47 6.91716 419.142 15.5987 419.142 25.6877 c 0
+ 419.142 126 356 360 344.173 396 c 1
+ 365.26 387 384.409 383 402.409 383 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13d3
+Encoding: 5075 5075 2872
+Width: 495
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+493 104 m 0
+ 493 52 376 -14 278 -14 c 0
+ 156 -14 90 18 90 135 c 0
+ 90 181 100 239 121 314 c 2
+ 187 553 l 2
+ 193 574 196 590 196 602 c 0
+ 196 631 177 638 124 643 c 1
+ 130 662 l 1
+ 408 662 l 1
+ 402 643 l 1
+ 323 636 309 625 289 553 c 2
+ 202 238 l 2
+ 190 194 184 157 184 127 c 0
+ 184 48 222 15 281 15 c 0
+ 317 15 364 31 384 68 c 2
+ 396 90 l 2
+ 412 118 435 136 456 136 c 0
+ 478 136 493 123 493 104 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D4
+Encoding: 5076 5076 2873
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+704.713 662 m 1
+ 809.713 662 l 1
+ 805.674 643 l 1
+ 757.036 640 742.91 630 693.906 550 c 2
+ 624.675 436 l 1
+ 685.222 161 l 1
+ 984.713 662 l 1
+ 1089.71 662 l 1
+ 1085.67 643 l 1
+ 1037.04 640 1022.91 630 973.906 550 c 2
+ 632.662 -11 l 1
+ 617.662 -11 l 1
+ 543.404 303 l 1
+ 352.662 -11 l 1
+ 337.662 -11 l 1
+ 208.355 538 l 2
+ 187.485 628 173.249 641 124.674 643 c 1
+ 128.713 662 l 1
+ 294.713 662 l 1
+ 405.222 161 l 1
+ 528.008 367 l 1
+ 488.355 538 l 2
+ 467.485 628 453.249 641 404.674 643 c 1
+ 408.713 662 l 1
+ 574.713 662 l 1
+ 609.916 503 l 1
+ 704.713 662 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D5
+Encoding: 5077 5077 2874
+Width: 543
+VWidth: 0
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+212.302 184.554 m 0
+ 212.302 142.01 153.252 147.163 153.252 92.2152 c 0
+ 153.252 61.3361 171.348 26 206.526 26 c 0
+ 293.964 26 334.488 138.037 334.488 174.256 c 0
+ 334.488 265.091 163.038 368.44 163.038 478.567 c 0
+ 163.038 485.684 163.754 492.829 165.278 500 c 0
+ 195.036 640 297.538 680 413.538 680 c 0
+ 523.538 680 550.471 595 553.78 540 c 0
+ 554.805 526 558.467 515 607.404 510 c 1
+ 603.152 490 l 1
+ 308.152 490 l 1
+ 312.404 510 l 1
+ 418.467 515 430.592 525 438.031 560 c 0
+ 439.764 568.15 440.666 576.299 440.666 584.111 c 0
+ 440.666 614.639 426.886 640 395.036 640 c 0
+ 277.311 640 268.136 510.684 268.136 506.595 c 0
+ 268.136 463.523 309.422 417.991 352.646 370 c 1
+ 597.646 370 l 1
+ 587.019 320 l 1
+ 396.019 320 l 1
+ 426.269 282.662 449.579 243.163 449.579 202.116 c 0
+ 449.579 194.792 448.837 187.419 447.26 180 c 0
+ 413.251 20 310.024 -14 206.024 -14 c 0
+ 102.282 -14 55.0715 67.5832 55.0715 126.313 c 0
+ 55.0715 185.303 103.194 233 162.525 233 c 0
+ 191.17 233 212.302 208.961 212.302 184.554 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D6
+Encoding: 5078 5078 2875
+Width: 607
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+403.526 26 m 0
+ 468.664 26 555.865 179.696 555.865 301.64 c 0
+ 555.865 348.1 536.448 363 494.158 363 c 0
+ 483.582 363 476.822 369.991 476.822 378.497 c 0
+ 476.822 391.399 491.302 400 513.022 400 c 0
+ 598.547 400 628.265 336.528 628.265 265.983 c 0
+ 628.265 101.772 488.055 -14 385.024 -14 c 0
+ 286.626 -14 250.019 34.125 250.019 113.896 c 0
+ 250.019 139.515 253.795 168.399 260.512 200 c 2
+ 341.708 582 l 2
+ 342.94 587.796 343.574 592.753 343.574 596.991 c 0
+ 343.574 622 321.515 622 270.21 622 c 2
+ 230.21 622 l 2
+ 190.21 622 163.833 592 124.703 502 c 1
+ 104.703 502 l 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 658.713 662 l 1
+ 650.21 622 l 1
+ 530.21 622 l 2
+ 470.21 622 450.21 622 441.708 582 c 2
+ 369.014 240 l 2
+ 357.897 187.699 352.649 145.853 352.649 113.53 c 0
+ 352.649 53.1505 370.96 26 403.526 26 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D7
+Encoding: 5079 5079 2876
+Width: 652
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+167.852 156.785 m 0
+ 167.852 107.931 119.741 71 84.0918 71 c 1
+ 90.7773 46 112.015 33 145.015 33 c 0
+ 305.015 33 489.854 291 531.09 485 c 2
+ 542.78 540 l 2
+ 547.667 562.992 550.657 580.497 550.657 593.899 c 0
+ 550.657 630.044 528.916 636.352 464.036 640 c 1
+ 468.287 660 l 1
+ 768.287 660 l 1
+ 764.036 640 l 1
+ 672.974 635 660.848 625 642.78 540 c 2
+ 553.507 120 l 2
+ 548.62 97.0077 545.631 79.5031 545.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 545.631 29.9559 567.371 23.6475 632.251 20 c 1
+ 628 0 l 1
+ 368 0 l 1
+ 372.251 20 l 1
+ 423.313 25 435.439 35 453.507 120 c 2
+ 484.327 265 l 1
+ 420.169 109 237.174 -18 142.174 -18 c 0
+ 43.5457 -18 10.8593 40.5559 10.8593 93.744 c 0
+ 10.8593 164.848 63.2932 208 119.212 208 c 0
+ 151.611 208 167.852 183.284 167.852 156.785 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D8
+Encoding: 5080 5080 2877
+Width: 652
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+LayerCount: 2
+167.852 156.785 m 0
+ 167.852 107.931 119.741 71 84.0918 71 c 1
+ 90.7773 46 112.015 33 145.015 33 c 0
+ 305.015 33 489.854 291 531.09 485 c 2
+ 555.534 600 l 2
+ 555.534 600 555.912 601.78 555.912 604.277 c 0
+ 555.912 610.152 553.819 620 539.785 620 c 2
+ 459.785 620 l 2
+ 374.785 620 362.659 610 317.273 420 c 1
+ 277.273 420 l 1
+ 328.287 660 l 1
+ 768.287 660 l 1
+ 764.036 640 l 1
+ 672.974 635 660.848 625 642.78 540 c 2
+ 553.507 120 l 2
+ 548.62 97.0077 545.631 79.5031 545.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 545.631 29.9559 567.371 23.6475 632.251 20 c 1
+ 628 0 l 1
+ 368 0 l 1
+ 372.251 20 l 1
+ 423.313 25 435.439 35 453.507 120 c 2
+ 484.327 265 l 1
+ 420.169 109 237.174 -18 142.174 -18 c 0
+ 43.5457 -18 10.8593 40.5559 10.8593 93.744 c 0
+ 10.8593 164.848 63.2932 208 119.212 208 c 0
+ 151.611 208 167.852 183.284 167.852 156.785 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13D9
+Encoding: 5081 5081 2878
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+LayerCount: 2
+361.249 641 m 0
+ 320.615 638.494 307.555 623.957 307.555 598.392 c 0
+ 307.555 582.351 312.456 555.823 326.065 499 c 2
+ 405.222 161 l 1
+ 630.229 528 l 2
+ 647.733 556.574 665.934 592.07 665.934 611.143 c 0
+ 665.934 631.743 647.919 640.393 600.674 643 c 1
+ 604.713 662 l 1
+ 809.713 662 l 1
+ 805.674 643 l 1
+ 757.036 640 742.91 630 693.906 550 c 2
+ 352.662 -11 l 1
+ 337.662 -11 l 1
+ 208.355 538 l 2
+ 187.485 628 173.249 641 124.674 643 c 1
+ 128.713 662 l 1
+ 394.713 662 l 1
+ 390.674 643 l 1
+ 376.461 642 365.249 641 361.249 641 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5082 5082 2879
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+260.676 22 m 0
+ 346.75 22 410.577 86.5715 410.577 161.166 c 0
+ 410.577 296.182 163.257 309.724 163.257 468.171 c 0
+ 163.257 577.111 263.551 676 376.688 676 c 0
+ 450.688 676 488.461 642 519.461 642 c 0
+ 536.461 642 549.8 653 558.688 676 c 1
+ 579.688 676 l 1
+ 556.414 463 l 1
+ 531.414 463 l 1
+ 523.771 587 457.974 635 384.974 635 c 0
+ 301.523 635 259 571.239 259 521.837 c 0
+ 259 396.63 519.542 366.376 519.542 202.805 c 0
+ 519.542 96.6592 412.48 -14 273.024 -14 c 0
+ 186.024 -14 152.251 20 115.251 20 c 0
+ 100.251 20 85.2754 6 80.2363 -13 c 1
+ 58.2363 -13 l 1
+ 73.2988 199 l 1
+ 96.2988 199 l 1
+ 120.367 77 171.676 22 260.676 22 c 0
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+177.516 280 m 0
+ 158.932 192.571 147.523 124.848 147.523 81.4011 c 0
+ 147.523 45.3379 155.384 26 173.526 26 c 0
+ 212.526 26 279.289 246 350.433 576 c 1
+ 280.742 521 206.849 418 177.516 280 c 0
+908.176 574.272 m 0
+ 908.176 484.974 799.357 375 737.709 375 c 0
+ 701.266 375 690.607 379.15 690.607 387.451 c 0
+ 690.607 403.98 716.478 410.451 736.211 415 c 0
+ 776.532 424.864 816.316 518.47 816.316 580.286 c 0
+ 816.316 614.256 804.479 640 774.036 640 c 0
+ 683.036 640 605.819 559 565.776 460 c 0
+ 557.525 440 549.399 430 529.399 430 c 0
+ 500.399 430 531.636 624 463.823 639 c 1
+ 368.448 195 303.024 -14 165.024 -14 c 0
+ 95.8886 -14 67.0134 40.4893 67.0134 126.997 c 0
+ 67.0134 394.453 279.339 680 472.538 680 c 0
+ 552.538 680 579.785 620 587.031 560 c 1
+ 623.636 624 694.538 680 792.538 680 c 0
+ 838.988 680 908.176 648.083 908.176 574.272 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5084 5084 2881
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+428.123 631 m 0
+ 395.969 631 366.625 558.007 366.625 520.364 c 0
+ 366.625 495.671 377.531 475.561 395.351 458 c 1
+ 439.154 494.125 463.592 522.004 463.592 580.302 c 0
+ 463.592 613.826 450.453 631 428.123 631 c 0
+395.735 86.2886 m 0
+ 395.735 104.563 403.245 195.65 491.091 278 c 1
+ 450.317 312 397.694 342 353.496 374 c 1
+ 267.317 312 l 1
+ 283.536 286.063 294.286 255.212 294.286 215.658 c 0
+ 294.286 164.2 267.287 -9 132.087 -9 c 0
+ 62.6828 -9 16.1704 27.8796 16.1704 89.8856 c 0
+ 16.1704 214.731 183.231 310.893 318.447 402 c 1
+ 285.452 430.934 262.332 462.041 262.332 499.634 c 0
+ 262.332 506.216 263.041 512.997 264.529 520 c 0
+ 285.785 620 336.625 671 436.625 671 c 0
+ 504.645 671 535.911 634.131 535.911 586.209 c 0
+ 535.911 532.141 499.378 488.287 428.612 431 c 1
+ 516.468 371.814 665.765 325.495 665.765 175.937 c 0
+ 665.765 105.083 635.029 -9 512.087 -9 c 0
+ 428.677 -9 395.735 32.0477 395.735 86.2886 c 0
+120.589 31 m 0
+ 162.894 31 191.097 149 191.097 198.288 c 0
+ 191.097 221.269 186.055 235.101 179.289 246 c 1
+ 82.163 165.899 76.6528 123.654 76.6528 93.0671 c 0
+ 76.6528 60.9084 89.3382 31 120.589 31 c 0
+490.589 31 m 0
+ 543.991 31 564.389 126.586 564.389 155.548 c 0
+ 564.389 186.516 551.876 213.506 532.589 238 c 1
+ 500.85 211 472.26 180 459.507 120 c 0
+ 456.922 107.837 455.658 96.3257 455.658 85.868 c 0
+ 455.658 53.3341 467.886 31 490.589 31 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5085 5085 2882
+Width: 597
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+571.088 586.091 m 0
+ 571.088 549.423 539.038 530 512.655 530 c 0
+ 491.655 530 477.481 548 475.433 576 c 2
+ 474.108 598 l 2
+ 471.974 635 461.312 646 425.312 646 c 0
+ 344.312 646 299.22 575 277.327 472 c 2
+ 194.005 80 l 2
+ 192.782 74.2459 192.077 69.2756 192.077 64.987 c 0
+ 192.077 43.1893 210.291 39 271.29 39 c 2
+ 338.29 39 l 2
+ 513.29 39 556.207 128 585.984 174 c 1
+ 610.984 174 l 1
+ 526 0 l 1
+ -12 0 l 1
+ -7.96094 19 l 1
+ 66.1016 24 83.29 39 98.1689 109 c 2
+ 165.975 428 l 2
+ 198.708 582 326.476 675 437.476 675 c 0
+ 514.32 675 571.088 635.666 571.088 586.091 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5086 5086 2883
+Width: 627
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+LayerCount: 2
+368.29 39 m 2
+ 543.29 39 586.207 128 615.984 174 c 1
+ 640.984 174 l 1
+ 556 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 96.1016 24 113.29 39 128.169 109 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.278 570.566 228.443 584.606 228.443 595.877 c 0
+ 228.443 629.523 209.149 638.506 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 440.713 662 l 1
+ 436.674 643 l 1
+ 356.611 638 339.636 624 324.544 553 c 2
+ 224.005 80 l 2
+ 222.782 74.2459 222.077 69.2756 222.077 64.987 c 0
+ 222.077 43.1893 240.291 39 301.29 39 c 2
+ 368.29 39 l 2
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5087 5087 2884
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+79.4594 238.42 m 0
+ 79.4594 461.406 262.479 676 498.688 676 c 0
+ 607.688 676 640.674 643 676.674 643 c 0
+ 696.674 643 715.225 655 725.688 676 c 1
+ 746.688 676 l 1
+ 707.65 450 l 1
+ 684.65 450 l 1
+ 676.844 545 638.186 636 509.186 636 c 0
+ 302.413 636 195.573 409.778 195.573 232.606 c 0
+ 195.573 74.851 296.618 30 390.377 30 c 0
+ 473.377 30 545.754 60 634.845 131 c 1
+ 649.019 113 l 1
+ 570.802 32 462.024 -14 349.024 -14 c 0
+ 182.186 -14 79.4594 83.0921 79.4594 238.42 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E0
+Encoding: 5088 5088 2885
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+LayerCount: 2
+267.694 342 m 1
+ 288.524 440 l 2
+ 298.456 486.725 302.455 519.805 302.455 542.782 c 0
+ 302.455 578.814 292.621 590 280.408 590 c 0
+ 240.408 590 214.031 560 197.027 480 c 0
+ 192.409 458.273 189.397 439.488 189.397 423.224 c 0
+ 189.397 382.6 208.191 357.711 267.694 342 c 1
+110.871 428.225 m 0
+ 110.871 517.555 167.219 630 268.91 630 c 0
+ 315.744 630 343.918 599.535 343.918 538.606 c 0
+ 343.918 521.478 341.691 501.943 337.027 480 c 2
+ 306.206 335 l 1
+ 349.719 328 406.868 324 483.443 322 c 1
+ 530.206 542 l 2
+ 535.093 564.992 538.082 582.496 538.082 595.899 c 0
+ 538.082 632.044 516.341 638.352 451.461 642 c 1
+ 455.713 662 l 1
+ 755.713 662 l 1
+ 751.461 642 l 1
+ 660.398 637 648.273 627 630.206 542 c 2
+ 583.019 320 l 1
+ 693.019 320 l 2
+ 711.617 320 719.135 312.157 719.135 303.417 c 0
+ 719.135 289.367 702.946 280 684.516 280 c 2
+ 574.516 280 l 1
+ 557.512 200 l 2
+ 532.005 80 472.024 -14 352.024 -14 c 0
+ 261.353 -14 227.763 39.6664 227.763 117.665 c 0
+ 227.763 142.895 231.278 170.671 237.512 200 c 2
+ 258.979 301 l 1
+ 154.227 320.657 110.871 357.754 110.871 428.225 c 0
+474.941 282 m 1
+ 404.366 284 346.216 288 297.704 295 c 1
+ 286.014 240 l 2
+ 276.022 192.993 270.994 153.427 270.994 121.605 c 0
+ 270.994 58.6497 290.672 26 330.526 26 c 0
+ 390.526 26 436.256 100 466.014 240 c 2
+ 474.941 282 l 1
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+Encoding: 5089 5089 2886
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+383.689 262 m 0
+ 368.74 191.667 361.198 132.439 361.198 90.9091 c 0
+ 361.198 49.7723 368.598 26 383.526 26 c 0
+ 413.526 26 453.932 122 483.689 262 c 0
+ 488.181 283.13 490.745 312.066 490.745 344.448 c 0
+ 490.745 382.562 487.193 425.45 479.052 466 c 1
+ 432.109 391 393.468 308 383.689 262 c 0
+792.99 522.276 m 0
+ 792.99 391.217 694.796 302 667.192 302 c 0
+ 663.296 302 661.638 304.717 661.638 309.723 c 0
+ 661.638 338.273 715.553 441.291 715.553 539.545 c 0
+ 715.553 605.543 688.247 636 643.186 636 c 0
+ 616.186 636 578.534 600 541.969 555 c 1
+ 574.485 489.779 590.714 407.228 590.714 336.27 c 0
+ 590.714 176.669 477.066 -14 385.024 -14 c 0
+ 338.817 -14 322.27 31.3718 322.27 96.6797 c 0
+ 322.27 227.137 368.034 389.265 462.655 530 c 1
+ 442.983 588 411.186 636 363.186 636 c 0
+ 269.956 636 227.132 372.805 227.132 364.679 c 0
+ 227.132 335.995 248.61 320.438 314.317 312 c 1
+ 310.066 292 l 1
+ 50.0664 292 l 1
+ 54.3174 312 l 1
+ 136.443 322 160.694 342 169.196 382 c 0
+ 205.331 552 291.688 676 391.688 676 c 0
+ 444.688 676 485.461 642 517.108 598 c 1
+ 558.461 642 605.688 676 651.688 676 c 0
+ 720.007 676 792.99 629.326 792.99 522.276 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E2
+Encoding: 5090 5090 2887
+Width: 563
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+LayerCount: 2
+651.415 518.365 m 0
+ 651.415 426.219 581.426 288 335.216 288 c 0
+ 309.216 288 292.429 289 266.854 291 c 1
+ 228.169 109 l 2
+ 224.432 91.4181 222.292 77.2587 222.292 65.8511 c 0
+ 222.292 29.8943 243.549 21.2775 303.039 19 c 1
+ 299 0 l 1
+ 19 0 l 1
+ 23.0391 19 l 1
+ 100.526 26 110.652 36 128.507 120 c 2
+ 220.544 553 l 2
+ 224.627 572.21 227.06 587.006 227.06 598.528 c 0
+ 227.06 630.194 208.684 637.134 155.674 643 c 1
+ 159.713 662 l 1
+ 423.713 662 l 2
+ 521.761 662 651.415 632.329 651.415 518.365 c 0
+331.719 328 m 0
+ 511.36 328 541.8 454.801 541.8 516.768 c 0
+ 541.8 590.786 487.031 625 371.848 625 c 0
+ 344.848 625 336.36 618 330.621 591 c 2
+ 275.356 331 l 1
+ 297.931 329 311.719 328 331.719 328 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E3
+Encoding: 5091 5091 2888
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+431.036 640 m 0
+ 296.316 640 184.212 393.126 184.212 235.894 c 0
+ 184.212 124.696 230.471 26 310.526 26 c 0
+ 426.526 26 509.105 104 530.361 204 c 1
+ 520.299 199 508.661 196 496.661 196 c 0
+ 461.901 196 439.395 221.675 439.395 253.339 c 0
+ 439.395 305.72 491.542 333 531.781 333 c 0
+ 572.302 333 596.73 306.73 596.73 260.043 c 0
+ 596.73 160.261 487.975 -14 282.024 -14 c 0
+ 152.5 -14 80.961 73.8152 80.961 213.371 c 0
+ 80.961 443.403 259.045 680 419.538 680 c 0
+ 603.538 680 605.008 574 608.191 509 c 0
+ 610.776 460 613 453.5 695.438 449 c 1
+ 691.187 429 l 1
+ 441.187 429 l 1
+ 445.438 449 l 1
+ 510.288 453 529.988 461 536.365 491 c 0
+ 539.36 509.097 541.201 526.242 541.201 542.02 c 0
+ 541.201 600.351 516.042 640 431.036 640 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E4
+Encoding: 5092 5092 2889
+Width: 767
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+LayerCount: 2
+756.283 580 m 2
+ 333 0 l 1
+ 253 0 l 1
+ 380.534 600 l 2
+ 380.534 600 380.912 601.875 380.912 604.277 c 0
+ 380.912 610.152 378.819 620 364.785 620 c 2
+ 284.785 620 l 2
+ 199.785 620 187.659 610 142.273 420 c 1
+ 102.273 420 l 1
+ 153.287 660 l 1
+ 563.287 660 l 1
+ 559.036 640 l 1
+ 497.974 635 485.848 625 467.78 540 c 2
+ 382.758 140 l 1
+ 706.283 580 l 2
+ 721.856 601.856 727.377 611.912 727.377 619.89 c 0
+ 727.377 632.845 710.497 637.258 669.036 640 c 1
+ 673.287 660 l 1
+ 883.287 660 l 1
+ 879.036 640 l 1
+ 802.974 635 788.848 625 756.283 580 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E5
+Encoding: 5093 5093 2890
+Width: 776
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+LayerCount: 2
+830.5 377.59 m 0
+ 830.5 323.548 772.852 275 726.453 275 c 0
+ 698.788 275 676.636 297.423 676.636 329.345 c 0
+ 676.636 376.191 717.698 404.294 740.36 411 c 1
+ 715.462 435 676.95 442 638.95 442 c 0
+ 626.95 442 614.737 441 603.525 440 c 1
+ 535.507 120 l 2
+ 530.62 97.0077 527.631 79.5031 527.631 66.1007 c 0
+ 527.631 29.9559 549.371 23.6475 614.251 20 c 1
+ 610 0 l 1
+ 340 0 l 1
+ 344.251 20 l 1
+ 405.313 25 417.439 35 435.507 120 c 2
+ 497.998 414 l 1
+ 388.732 361 269.227 241 256.26 180 c 2
+ 243.507 120 l 2
+ 238.022 94.1938 234.927 75.3006 234.927 61.3617 c 0
+ 234.927 29.3888 251.207 23.482 292.251 20 c 1
+ 288 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.251 20 l 1
+ 113.313 25 125.439 35 143.507 120 c 2
+ 233.206 542 l 2
+ 238.093 564.992 241.082 582.496 241.082 595.899 c 0
+ 241.082 632.044 219.341 638.352 154.461 642 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 458.713 662 l 1
+ 454.461 642 l 1
+ 363.398 637 351.273 627 333.206 542 c 2
+ 284.955 315 l 1
+ 374.022 400 505.027 480 620.027 480 c 0
+ 733.027 480 775.201 462 802.1 438 c 0
+ 821.934 419.833 830.5 398.546 830.5 377.59 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5094 5094 2891
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+533.674 643 m 1
+ 537.713 662 l 1
+ 799.713 662 l 1
+ 795.674 643 l 1
+ 726.611 638 708.123 631 627.095 565 c 2
+ 397.134 377 l 1
+ 576.995 127 l 2
+ 647.377 30 659.251 20 711.039 19 c 1
+ 707 0 l 1
+ 402 0 l 1
+ 406.039 19 l 1
+ 418.251 20 429.251 20 434.251 20 c 0
+ 456.125 20.7753 481.376 25.3433 481.376 46.7167 c 0
+ 481.376 74.3704 443.586 141.414 387.062 212 c 2
+ 303.381 317 l 1
+ 272.917 296 l 1
+ 233.169 109 l 2
+ 229.208 90.3656 226.874 75.706 226.874 64.123 c 0
+ 226.874 30.3298 246.741 22.7237 304.039 19 c 1
+ 300 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 22.0391 19 l 1
+ 102.102 24 115.864 37 133.507 120 c 2
+ 225.544 553 l 2
+ 229.366 570.982 231.628 585.243 231.628 596.613 c 0
+ 231.628 630.136 211.967 638.52 154.674 643 c 1
+ 158.713 662 l 1
+ 442.713 662 l 1
+ 438.674 643 l 1
+ 356.398 637 343.061 626 327.544 553 c 2
+ 283.97 348 l 1
+ 495.191 509 l 2
+ 573.957 570.013 596.002 597.68 596.002 619.85 c 0
+ 596.002 634.162 584.814 640.286 559.461 642 c 0
+ 555.461 642 545.461 642 533.674 643 c 1
+Validated: 3073
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+41.9936 139.923 m 0
+ 41.9936 231.866 114.895 380 248.771 380 c 0
+ 288.771 380 319.709 375 345.158 363 c 1
+ 383.206 542 l 2
+ 388.093 564.992 391.082 582.496 391.082 595.899 c 0
+ 391.082 632.044 369.341 638.352 304.461 642 c 1
+ 308.713 662 l 1
+ 608.713 662 l 1
+ 604.461 642 l 1
+ 513.398 637 501.273 627 483.206 542 c 2
+ 406.26 180 l 2
+ 385.005 80 305.024 -14 185.024 -14 c 0
+ 98.5663 -14 41.9936 56.2651 41.9936 139.923 c 0
+334.743 314 m 1
+ 314.931 329 290.27 340 260.27 340 c 0
+ 200.27 340 167.516 280 146.26 180 c 0
+ 141.271 156.531 139.025 135.595 139.025 117.297 c 0
+ 139.025 57.6275 162.914 26 193.526 26 c 0
+ 233.526 26 289.256 100 319.014 240 c 2
+ 334.743 314 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E8
+Encoding: 5096 5096 2893
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+82.3348 240.228 m 0
+ 82.3348 476.958 284.667 680 411.538 680 c 0
+ 531.538 680 559.746 601 592.742 521 c 1
+ 699.746 601 l 1
+ 728.491 501 l 1
+ 849.746 601 l 1
+ 884.239 481 l 1
+ 858.264 467 l 1
+ 842.742 521 l 1
+ 721.486 421 l 1
+ 692.742 521 l 1
+ 561.486 421 l 1
+ 550.616 511 503.036 640 423.036 640 c 0
+ 363.036 640 253.157 570 204.27 340 c 0
+ 193.42 288.957 188.778 245.105 188.778 207.766 c 0
+ 188.778 76.8536 245.842 26 292.526 26 c 0
+ 372.526 26 474.946 155 524.076 245 c 1
+ 612.82 145 l 1
+ 684.076 245 l 1
+ 762.82 145 l 1
+ 801.299 199 l 1
+ 821.323 185 l 1
+ 735.816 65 l 1
+ 657.072 165 l 1
+ 585.816 65 l 1
+ 512.82 145 l 1
+ 445.816 65 384.024 -14 264.024 -14 c 0
+ 179.132 -14 82.3348 82.5711 82.3348 240.228 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13E9
+Encoding: 5097 5097 2894
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+626.476 565.038 m 0
+ 626.476 495.023 547.845 390 469.897 390 c 0
+ 422.8 390 403.241 426.513 403.241 455.751 c 0
+ 403.241 501.5 452.238 532 488.08 532 c 0
+ 520.08 532 539.404 510 542.728 488 c 1
+ 562.129 504 567.829 512 576.331 552 c 0
+ 576.863 554.5 577.15 557.435 577.15 560.686 c 0
+ 577.15 588.641 555.91 640 486.036 640 c 0
+ 261.446 640 179.392 365.957 179.392 239.603 c 0
+ 179.392 117.521 241.147 26 315.526 26 c 0
+ 415.526 26 462.753 60 486.135 170 c 0
+ 490.525 190.654 493.109 206.378 493.109 218.426 c 0
+ 493.109 250.128 475.218 256.377 425.265 260 c 1
+ 429.516 280 l 1
+ 689.516 280 l 1
+ 685.265 260 l 1
+ 614.202 255 602.076 245 586.135 170 c 0
+ 581.191 146.742 578.225 124.836 578.225 105.462 c 0
+ 578.225 58.1962 595.877 26 645.526 26 c 0
+ 728.526 26 753.169 109 764.435 162 c 2
+ 770.386 190 l 2
+ 776.763 220 791.014 240 811.014 240 c 0
+ 826.865 240 838.71 221.156 838.71 193.424 c 0
+ 838.71 132.199 778.373 -14 637.024 -14 c 0
+ 577.024 -14 543.188 15 511.69 55 c 1
+ 463.188 15 397.024 -14 297.024 -14 c 0
+ 157.882 -14 73.7459 102.466 73.7459 224.907 c 0
+ 73.7459 243.261 75.6364 261.75 79.5156 280 c 0
+ 143.283 580 364.538 680 484.538 680 c 0
+ 569.89 680 626.476 630.201 626.476 565.038 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13EA
+Encoding: 5098 5098 2895
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+603.861 433.057 m 0
+ 603.861 513.898 683.766 680 772.538 680 c 0
+ 850.239 680 875.26 621.199 875.26 548.188 c 0
+ 875.26 516.899 870.664 482.999 863.65 450 c 0
+ 825.391 270 635.024 -14 535.024 -14 c 0
+ 462.024 -14 403.777 46 358.807 112 c 1
+ 292.353 44 218.024 -14 165.024 -14 c 0
+ 74.1652 -14 47.9351 74.2869 47.9351 151.892 c 0
+ 47.9351 199.901 66.402 340 140.27 340 c 0
+ 158.973 340 166.598 324.453 166.598 298.205 c 0
+ 166.598 253.048 145.755 207.892 145.755 117.579 c 0
+ 145.755 67.2163 154.569 26 179.526 26 c 0
+ 223.526 26 279.067 85 334.096 151 c 1
+ 296.788 219.369 277.106 306.93 277.106 381.452 c 0
+ 277.106 530.955 382.884 680 462.538 680 c 0
+ 523.756 680 551.227 603.876 551.227 523.323 c 0
+ 551.227 388.794 463.788 243.024 422.748 187 c 1
+ 454.318 105 502.526 26 531.526 26 c 0
+ 595.526 26 683.521 153 742.965 268 c 1
+ 657.014 302.554 603.861 358.003 603.861 433.057 c 0
+474.036 640 m 0
+ 438.425 640 381.705 504.312 381.705 401.321 c 0
+ 381.705 351.525 389.416 294.263 403.864 244 c 1
+ 451.046 317.593 506.607 432.181 506.607 557.634 c 0
+ 506.607 610.743 493.431 640 474.036 640 c 0
+774.036 640 m 0
+ 739.452 640 705.014 474.111 705.014 432.361 c 0
+ 705.014 388.993 721.183 353.496 767.593 318 c 1
+ 805.462 400.863 824.41 474.484 824.41 544.462 c 0
+ 824.41 596.581 811.732 640 774.036 640 c 0
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+611.014 240 m 1
+ 618.178 261.919 652.671 376.324 652.671 467.207 c 0
+ 652.671 607.765 576.59 641 490.249 641 c 0
+ 345.249 641 271.906 550 232.776 460 c 1
+ 439.55 456.549 473.899 416.805 473.899 372.003 c 0
+ 473.899 349.712 465.396 326.168 465.396 305.219 c 0
+ 465.396 270.675 488.518 243.186 611.014 240 c 1
+749.035 443.07 m 0
+ 749.035 282.315 646.222 -14 351.024 -14 c 0
+ 177.706 -14 86.9241 93.9622 86.9241 246.492 c 0
+ 86.9241 276.133 90.3524 307.458 97.2695 340 c 0
+ 139.993 541 253.538 680 486.538 680 c 0
+ 668.819 680 749.035 586.46 749.035 443.07 c 0
+218.273 420 m 1
+ 208.496 389.789 181.429 293.892 181.429 209.821 c 0
+ 181.429 114.878 215.198 26 347.526 26 c 0
+ 484.526 26 555.594 111 595.512 200 c 1
+ 394.622 203.955 364.683 245.191 364.683 290.937 c 0
+ 364.683 310.362 370.081 330.6 370.081 349.143 c 0
+ 370.081 386.292 348.415 416.635 218.273 420 c 1
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+485.567 466.193 m 0
+ 485.567 528.344 560.355 680 672.538 680 c 0
+ 757.72 680 785.669 600.386 785.669 511.621 c 0
+ 785.669 279.34 609.411 -14 345.024 -14 c 0
+ 156.292 -14 90.1635 97.3126 90.1635 237.266 c 0
+ 90.1635 454.429 233.58 680 352.538 680 c 0
+ 415.224 680 435.198 626.951 435.198 558.296 c 0
+ 435.198 517.428 428.121 471.031 418.762 427 c 0
+ 395.593 318 321.212 208 219.907 136 c 1
+ 251.941 75 289.526 26 373.526 26 c 0
+ 513.526 26 652.874 197 693.047 386 c 0
+ 705.343 443.849 713.219 497.771 713.219 541.135 c 0
+ 713.219 602.714 697.336 643 655.674 643 c 0
+ 592.674 643 560.819 559 554.867 531 c 1
+ 562.718 535 572.143 537 582.143 537 c 0
+ 617.781 537 639.327 509.8 639.327 479.043 c 0
+ 639.327 428.145 588.707 401 550.235 401 c 0
+ 518.445 401 485.567 420.194 485.567 466.193 c 0
+363.186 636 m 0
+ 249.321 636 192.715 339.35 192.715 259.711 c 0
+ 192.715 227.401 197.023 198.069 205.56 172 c 1
+ 301.801 239 335.381 317 358.762 427 c 0
+ 372.83 493.185 381.946 550.876 381.946 588.779 c 0
+ 381.946 618.454 376.359 636 363.186 636 c 0
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+588.698 502.576 m 0
+ 588.698 360.572 463.308 -14 214.024 -14 c 0
+ 181.024 -14 149.449 -12 114.275 6 c 0
+ 74.5528 26.2526 36.3438 68.2152 36.3438 118.233 c 0
+ 36.3438 177.119 87.756 225 139.825 225 c 0
+ 172.258 225 190.422 202.417 190.422 174.039 c 0
+ 190.422 125.802 146.24 90.3595 112.705 88 c 1
+ 124.053 52 173.526 26 218.526 26 c 0
+ 308.526 26 361.381 110 417.038 226 c 1
+ 245.021 282.855 190.184 396.72 190.184 461.022 c 0
+ 190.184 467.972 190.825 474.343 192.027 480 c 0
+ 221.785 620 334.538 680 414.538 680 c 0
+ 528.573 680 588.698 613.653 588.698 502.576 c 0
+406.249 641 m 0
+ 352.051 641 291.447 540.579 291.447 456.74 c 0
+ 291.447 393.16 325.785 329.58 434.54 266 c 1
+ 447.017 296.244 483.549 394.903 483.549 480.839 c 0
+ 483.549 568.913 452.56 641 406.249 641 c 0
+Validated: 3073
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+Encoding: 5102 5102 2899
+Width: 521
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+430.142 491.96 m 0
+ 430.142 540.198 474.322 575.64 507.857 578 c 1
+ 496.51 614 470.036 640 402.036 640 c 0
+ 307.036 640 237.38 524 193.806 319 c 1
+ 239.096 358 294.771 380 366.771 380 c 0
+ 484.516 380 533.646 323.413 533.646 245.933 c 0
+ 533.646 175.149 483.521 -14 283.024 -14 c 0
+ 156.381 -14 82.5093 57.4215 82.5093 206.215 c 0
+ 82.5093 483.009 277.684 680 420.538 680 c 0
+ 522.775 680 584.968 625.466 584.968 554.339 c 0
+ 584.968 477.215 522.43 441 480.737 441 c 0
+ 448.304 441 430.142 463.582 430.142 491.96 c 0
+338.27 340 m 0
+ 279.08 340 185.4 243.526 185.4 143.734 c 0
+ 185.4 72.4105 233.162 26 291.526 26 c 0
+ 378.545 26 434.807 148.508 434.807 227.189 c 0
+ 434.807 289.332 403.59 340 338.27 340 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13EF
+Encoding: 5103 5103 2900
+Width: 719
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+203.318 338.93 m 0
+ 203.318 277.031 120.848 230.233 120.848 106.752 c 0
+ 120.848 56.9712 140.66 26 178.526 26 c 0
+ 238.526 26 336.289 246 365.955 315 c 1
+ 336.032 353 l 1
+ 276.178 269 l 1
+ 256.153 283 l 1
+ 363.037 433 l 1
+ 432.332 345 l 1
+ 503.588 445 l 1
+ 582.332 345 l 1
+ 620.811 399 l 1
+ 640.834 385 l 1
+ 555.327 265 l 1
+ 476.583 365 l 1
+ 437.17 302.942 426.437 319.57 426.437 219.922 c 0
+ 426.437 138.794 440.468 26 498.526 26 c 0
+ 576.799 26 721.693 216.523 721.693 402.056 c 0
+ 721.693 536.52 651.732 640 594.036 640 c 0
+ 478.036 640 506.129 504 436.129 504 c 0
+ 414.694 504 407.56 520.847 407.56 541.41 c 0
+ 407.56 585.597 437.556 680 557.538 680 c 0
+ 692.006 680 776.664 571.934 776.664 426.441 c 0
+ 776.664 271.639 660.886 -14 475.024 -14 c 0
+ 325.024 -14 369.512 200 349.512 200 c 0
+ 319.512 200 290.024 -14 150.024 -14 c 0
+ 96.2386 -14 19.5324 29.3937 19.5324 110.418 c 0
+ 19.5324 204.673 150.746 360 189.521 360 c 0
+ 197.017 360 203.318 354.381 203.318 338.93 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F0
+Encoding: 5104 5104 2901
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+643.398 566.6 m 0
+ 643.398 422.131 514.865 350.268 420.27 340 c 0
+ 414.27 340 411.844 338 411.206 335 c 1
+ 480.814 315.901 572.279 298.456 572.279 220.229 c 0
+ 572.279 115.207 426.876 -10 285.874 -10 c 2
+ 274.874 -10 l 1
+ 263.121 -70 l 2
+ 258.87 -90 236.532 -101 216.532 -101 c 0
+ 198.764 -101 184.42 -92.3184 184.42 -76.3575 c 0
+ 184.42 -74.3523 184.647 -72.2322 185.121 -70 c 2
+ 201 0 l 1
+ 101.257 25.1886 34.2959 101.678 34.2959 196.049 c 0
+ 34.2959 210.328 35.829 225.017 39.0137 240 c 0
+ 45.3906 270 81.7666 300 101.767 300 c 0
+ 119.497 300 140.075 276.423 140.075 250.171 c 0
+ 140.075 239.762 131.682 213.217 131.682 174.619 c 0
+ 131.682 109.406 156.618 58.2405 210.502 40 c 1
+ 332.78 540 l 2
+ 354.485 628 442.538 680 522.538 680 c 0
+ 597.265 680 643.398 642.772 643.398 566.6 c 0
+344.607 351 m 1
+ 395.308 359 512.173 396 531.94 489 c 0
+ 538.723 520.912 544.088 551.391 544.088 576.504 c 0
+ 544.088 614.346 531.906 640 494.036 640 c 0
+ 433.52 640 397.496 609.228 372.152 490 c 2
+ 344.607 351 l 1
+282.377 30 m 1
+ 436.665 34.0376 470.499 160.989 470.499 216.109 c 0
+ 470.499 269.939 435.624 303.031 336.468 308 c 1
+ 282.377 30 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F1
+Encoding: 5105 5105 2902
+Width: 776
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+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+503.651 243 m 1
+ 464.934 234.658 446.157 143.51 446.157 123.771 c 0
+ 446.157 83.7744 472.116 31 524.589 31 c 0
+ 624.291 31 710.977 191.179 710.977 260.177 c 0
+ 710.977 326.1 656.523 430 539.399 430 c 0
+ 409.399 430 317.516 280 238 0 c 1
+ 158 0 l 1
+ 136.888 230 l 2
+ 129.255 307 114.955 315 56.0186 320 c 1
+ 60.2695 340 l 1
+ 230.27 340 l 1
+ 246.26 180 l 1
+ 298.332 345 402.25 434 494.713 455 c 1
+ 513.206 542 l 2
+ 518.172 565.365 521.208 583.119 521.208 596.668 c 0
+ 521.208 632.991 499.391 639.087 434.461 642 c 1
+ 438.713 662 l 1
+ 738.713 662 l 1
+ 734.461 642 l 1
+ 643.611 638 631.485 628 613.206 542 c 2
+ 594.926 456 l 1
+ 724.497 437.174 805.897 358.075 805.897 269.132 c 0
+ 805.897 201.325 736.296 -9 496.087 -9 c 0
+ 409.842 -9 364.259 42.323 364.259 107.762 c 0
+ 364.259 197.05 443.152 294 561.491 294 c 0
+ 609.346 294 625.817 277.662 625.817 251.726 c 0
+ 625.817 211.713 598.135 173 545.772 173 c 0
+ 510.588 173 501.023 195.976 501.023 219.695 c 0
+ 501.023 227.66 502.102 235.709 503.651 243 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F2
+Encoding: 5106 5106 2903
+Width: 634
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+630.659 582.187 m 0
+ 630.659 550.383 599.163 530 572.655 530 c 0
+ 551.655 530 537.481 548 535.433 576 c 2
+ 534.108 598 l 2
+ 531.974 635 493.374 651 457.374 651 c 0
+ 376.374 651 300.22 575 278.327 472 c 2
+ 251.545 346 l 1
+ 298.771 380 349.511 407 409.511 407 c 0
+ 524.394 407 574.132 354.401 574.132 271.222 c 0
+ 574.132 253.761 571.94 234.953 567.699 215 c 2
+ 545.169 109 l 2
+ 541.202 90.3385 538.845 75.7748 538.845 64.3166 c 0
+ 538.845 31.5666 558.098 24.1857 614.039 19 c 1
+ 610 0 l 1
+ 332 0 l 1
+ 336.039 19 l 1
+ 414.526 26 427.864 37 443.169 109 c 2
+ 465.912 216 l 2
+ 471.605 242.782 475.867 268.107 475.867 289.949 c 0
+ 475.867 333.351 459.037 363 403.158 363 c 0
+ 348.158 363 294.844 338 242.192 302 c 1
+ 201.169 109 l 2
+ 197.202 90.3385 194.845 75.7748 194.845 64.3166 c 0
+ 194.845 31.5666 214.098 24.1857 270.039 19 c 1
+ 266 0 l 1
+ -12 0 l 1
+ -7.96094 19 l 1
+ 70.5264 26 83.8643 37 99.1689 109 c 2
+ 166.975 428 l 2
+ 199.708 582 357.538 680 468.538 680 c 0
+ 547.417 680 630.659 634.147 630.659 582.187 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F3
+Encoding: 5107 5107 2904
+Width: 822
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+LayerCount: 2
+79.1353 237.125 m 0
+ 79.1353 457.281 259.149 677 503.9 677 c 0
+ 573.9 677 611.012 654 632.983 588 c 1
+ 739.988 668 l 1
+ 768.732 568 l 1
+ 889.988 668 l 1
+ 924.481 548 l 1
+ 898.505 534 l 1
+ 882.983 588 l 1
+ 761.728 488 l 1
+ 732.983 588 l 1
+ 611.728 488 l 1
+ 610.529 520 575.398 637 513.398 637 c 0
+ 290.416 637 192.98 382.677 192.98 235.106 c 0
+ 192.98 103.558 268.08 26 402.526 26 c 0
+ 474.526 26 541.266 53 548.067 85 c 2
+ 582.502 247 l 2
+ 586.514 265.878 588.731 280.548 588.731 292.013 c 0
+ 588.731 327.312 567.72 332.226 513.419 336 c 1
+ 517.245 354 l 1
+ 772.245 354 l 1
+ 768.419 336 l 1
+ 709.356 331 694.593 318 682.052 259 c 2
+ 638.903 56 l 1
+ 591.464 21 459.024 -14 373.024 -14 c 0
+ 253.113 -14 79.1353 38.8635 79.1353 237.125 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni13F4
+Encoding: 5108 5108 2905
+Width: 621
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+635.211 215.374 m 0
+ 635.211 129.224 562.215 0 351 0 c 2
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 21.0391 19 l 1
+ 104.676 22 120.439 35 136.169 109 c 2
+ 230.544 553 l 2
+ 234.485 571.541 236.832 586.126 236.832 597.654 c 0
+ 236.832 632.135 215.832 639.253 153.674 643 c 1
+ 157.713 662 l 1
+ 437.713 662 l 2
+ 590.168 662 667.815 616.958 667.815 529.61 c 0
+ 667.815 375.628 507.822 350.89 495.97 348 c 1
+ 530.13 338.98 635.211 315.317 635.211 215.374 c 0
+285.864 37 m 0
+ 394.864 37 490.966 61 516.048 179 c 0
+ 518.846 192.163 520.251 204.321 520.251 215.539 c 0
+ 520.251 258.016 500.098 287.014 459.042 306 c 0
+ 426.23 321 384.293 326 284.293 326 c 1
+ 231.579 78 l 2
+ 230.445 72.6631 229.836 67.966 229.836 63.8436 c 0
+ 229.836 43.2483 245.036 37 285.864 37 c 0
+387.796 366 m 2
+ 529.232 366 564.592 461.88 564.592 522.116 c 0
+ 564.592 589.203 513.16 625 413.848 625 c 2
+ 369.848 625 l 2
+ 354.848 625 345.935 616 341.471 595 c 2
+ 292.796 366 l 1
+ 387.796 366 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9f
+Encoding: 7839 7839 2906
+Width: 464
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 521 948 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1e9e
+Encoding: 7838 7838 2907
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+LayerCount: 2
+492 377 m 1
+ 533 369 640 345 640 232 c 0
+ 640 100 516 -9 404 -9 c 0
+ 353 -9 321 14 321 50 c 0
+ 321 83 348 112 378 112 c 0
+ 398 112 412 98 412 78 c 0
+ 412 66.3702 408 53.0368 408 41 c 0
+ 408 26 415 20 431 20 c 0
+ 513 20 533 189 533 238 c 0
+ 533 315 501 354 435 357 c 0
+ 415 358 406 362 406 371 c 0
+ 406 386 424 388 439 389 c 0
+ 553 401 565 526 565 557 c 0
+ 565 619 529 655 481 655 c 0
+ 373 655 300 540 275 424 c 2
+ 208 109 l 2
+ 204 92 202 78 202 67 c 0
+ 202 30 225 21 287 19 c 1
+ 287 0 l 1
+ 188 0 89 0 -10 0 c 1
+ -10 19 l 1
+ 75 22 90 34 106 109 c 2
+ 180 454 l 2
+ 206 576 317 683 487 683 c 0
+ 581 683 664 634 664 556 c 0
+ 664 449 561 406 492 377 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9c
+Encoding: 7836 7836 2908
+Width: 383
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+359.776 460 m 1
+ 349.36 411 l 1
+ 218.838 333.711 l 1
+ 161 76 l 2
+ 119.719 -107.937 50 -207 -39 -207 c 0
+ -83 -207 -118 -180 -118 -146 c 0
+ -118 -123 -102 -105 -81 -105 c 0
+ -60 -105 -42 -122 -42 -143 c 0
+ -42 -158 -51 -160 -51 -170 c 0
+ -51 -179 -43 -186 -31 -186 c 0
+ 11 -186 43.5986 -130.917 66 -24 c 2
+ 129.916 281.055 l 1
+ 30.1875 222 l 1
+ 40.6025 271 l 1
+ 140.162 329.954 l 1
+ 154 396 l 1
+ 64 396 l 1
+ 71 428 l 1
+ 163 428 l 1
+ 196 535 245 678 367 678 c 0
+ 416 678 453 650 453 613 c 0
+ 453 591 434 573 411 573 c 0
+ 389 573 374 589 374 613 c 0
+ 374 628 384 637 384 644 c 0
+ 384 651 375 656 362 656 c 0
+ 306 656 269 585 240 428 c 2
+ 229.925 383.108 l 1
+ 359.776 460 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1e9d
+Encoding: 7837 7837 2909
+Width: 424
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-1 -143 m 0
+ -1 -158 -10 -160 -10 -170 c 0
+ -10 -179 -2 -186 10 -186 c 0
+ 52 -186 84.5986 -130.917 107 -24 c 2
+ 195 396 l 1
+ 105 396 l 1
+ 112 428 l 1
+ 204 428 l 1
+ 209.049 444.371 214.473 461.585 220.475 479 c 1
+ 124 479 l 1
+ 131 511 l 1
+ 232.171 511 l 1
+ 265.59 596.805 316.07 678 408 678 c 0
+ 457 678 494 650 494 613 c 0
+ 494 591 475 573 452 573 c 0
+ 430 573 415 589 415 613 c 0
+ 415 628 425 637 425 644 c 0
+ 425 651 416 656 403 656 c 0
+ 358.049 656 325.34 610.253 299.184 511 c 1
+ 408 511 l 1
+ 402 479 l 1
+ 291.39 479 l 1
+ 287.808 463.133 284.351 446.14 281 428 c 2
+ 202 76 l 2
+ 160.719 -107.937 91 -207 2 -207 c 0
+ -42 -207 -77 -180 -77 -146 c 0
+ -77 -123 -61 -105 -40 -105 c 0
+ -19 -105 -1 -122 -1 -143 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Aybarmenian
+Encoding: 1329 1329 2910
+Width: 794
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+LayerCount: 2
+583.304 72 m 1
+ 583.304 72 605.579 78 622.579 78 c 0
+ 691.845 78 790.41 40.7925 790.41 30.3236 c 0
+ 790.41 18.7557 726.298 -24 677.898 -24 c 0
+ 661.898 -24 660.777 46 601.777 46 c 0
+ 530.777 46 512.024 -14 353.024 -14 c 0
+ 214.003 -14 146.157 40.8377 146.157 155.435 c 0
+ 146.157 180.971 149.526 209.475 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 438.713 662 l 1
+ 434.674 643 l 1
+ 353.186 636 339.848 625 324.544 553 c 2
+ 256.525 233 l 2
+ 250.194 203.211 246.587 175.867 246.587 151.549 c 0
+ 246.587 76.2734 281.143 30 376.377 30 c 0
+ 466.377 30 537.72 121 561.525 233 c 2
+ 629.544 553 l 2
+ 633.467 571.458 635.816 585.908 635.816 597.308 c 0
+ 635.816 630.377 616.058 637.795 557.674 643 c 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 844.713 662 l 1
+ 840.674 643 l 1
+ 760.398 637 747.061 626 731.544 553 c 2
+ 665.227 241 l 2
+ 645.033 146 612.043 99 583.304 72 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Benarmenian
+Encoding: 1330 1330 2911
+Width: 712
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+698.558 515.759 m 0
+ 698.558 490.631 691.149 478.068 691.149 452.94 c 0
+ 691.149 417.768 711.917 402.48 773.385 397 c 1
+ 769.347 378 l 1
+ 486.347 378 l 1
+ 490.385 397 l 1
+ 570.66 403 583.998 414 599.515 487 c 0
+ 600.951 493.756 601.656 501.205 601.656 509.051 c 0
+ 601.656 561.597 570.021 632 514.336 632 c 0
+ 376.336 632 325.119 551 299.187 429 c 2
+ 268.791 286 l 1
+ 584.791 286 l 2
+ 654.057 286 752.622 248.793 752.622 238.324 c 0
+ 752.622 226.756 688.51 184 640.11 184 c 0
+ 624.11 184 622.989 254 563.989 254 c 2
+ 261.989 254 l 1
+ 231.169 109 l 2
+ 227.245 90.5411 224.897 76.0916 224.897 64.691 c 0
+ 224.897 31.6227 244.655 24.2054 303.039 19 c 1
+ 299 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 20.0391 19 l 1
+ 100.313 25 113.652 36 129.169 109 c 2
+ 195.486 421 l 2
+ 232.259 594 330.688 676 500.688 676 c 0
+ 620.208 676 698.558 600.089 698.558 515.759 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Gimarmenian
+Encoding: 1331 1331 2912
+Width: 782
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+124.016 420.297 m 0
+ 124.016 557.959 257.862 676 414.688 676 c 0
+ 553.71 676 621.556 621.162 621.556 506.565 c 0
+ 621.556 481.029 618.187 452.525 611.486 421 c 2
+ 582.791 286 l 1
+ 654.791 286 l 2
+ 724.057 286 822.622 248.793 822.622 238.324 c 0
+ 822.622 226.756 758.51 184 710.11 184 c 0
+ 694.11 184 692.989 254 633.989 254 c 2
+ 575.989 254 l 1
+ 545.169 109 l 2
+ 541.154 90.1119 538.758 75.3745 538.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 538.758 30.6424 558.424 23.4475 616.039 19 c 1
+ 612 0 l 1
+ 329 0 l 1
+ 333.039 19 l 1
+ 414.526 26 427.864 37 443.169 109 c 2
+ 473.989 254 l 1
+ 324.989 254 l 2
+ 210.661 254 124.016 315.101 124.016 420.297 c 0
+382.336 632 m 0
+ 316.894 632 223.876 532.256 223.876 404.144 c 0
+ 223.876 330.916 260.663 286 341.791 286 c 2
+ 480.791 286 l 1
+ 511.187 429 l 2
+ 517.601 459.175 521.401 486.842 521.401 511.395 c 0
+ 521.401 586.113 486.204 632 382.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Daarmenian
+Encoding: 1332 1332 2913
+Width: 854
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+454.336 632 m 0
+ 394.417 632 301.104 538.323 301.104 441.801 c 0
+ 301.104 408.643 320.77 401.448 378.385 397 c 1
+ 374.347 378 l 1
+ 91.3467 378 l 1
+ 95.3848 397 l 1
+ 176.873 404 198.762 427 211.515 487 c 0
+ 231.708 582 353.688 676 486.688 676 c 0
+ 625.71 676 693.556 621.162 693.556 506.565 c 0
+ 693.556 481.029 690.187 452.525 683.486 421 c 2
+ 654.791 286 l 1
+ 726.791 286 l 2
+ 796.057 286 894.622 248.793 894.622 238.324 c 0
+ 894.622 226.756 830.51 184 782.11 184 c 0
+ 766.11 184 764.989 254 705.989 254 c 2
+ 647.989 254 l 1
+ 617.169 109 l 2
+ 613.154 90.1119 610.758 75.3745 610.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 610.758 30.6424 630.424 23.4475 688.039 19 c 1
+ 684 0 l 1
+ 401 0 l 1
+ 405.039 19 l 1
+ 486.526 26 499.864 37 515.169 109 c 2
+ 583.187 429 l 2
+ 589.601 459.175 593.401 486.842 593.401 511.395 c 0
+ 593.401 586.113 558.204 632 454.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Echarmenian
+Encoding: 1333 1333 2914
+Width: 711
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+385.377 30 m 0
+ 445.926 30 538.608 124.367 538.608 220.199 c 0
+ 538.608 253.357 518.942 260.552 461.327 265 c 1
+ 465.366 284 l 1
+ 748.366 284 l 1
+ 744.327 265 l 1
+ 662.84 258 640.951 235 628.197 175 c 0
+ 608.005 80 486.024 -14 353.024 -14 c 0
+ 214.003 -14 146.157 40.8377 146.157 155.435 c 0
+ 146.157 180.971 149.526 209.475 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 438.713 662 l 1
+ 434.674 643 l 1
+ 353.186 636 339.848 625 324.544 553 c 2
+ 300.524 440 l 1
+ 616.525 440 l 2
+ 685.792 440 784.356 402.793 784.356 392.324 c 0
+ 784.356 380.756 720.244 338 671.844 338 c 0
+ 655.844 338 654.723 408 595.723 408 c 2
+ 293.723 408 l 1
+ 256.525 233 l 2
+ 250.112 202.826 246.311 175.159 246.311 150.606 c 0
+ 246.311 75.8873 281.509 30 385.377 30 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zaarmenian
+Encoding: 1334 1334 2915
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+122.592 358.087 m 0
+ 122.592 473.764 194.126 674 480.263 674 c 0
+ 642.622 674 730.561 609.011 730.561 485.897 c 0
+ 730.561 464.938 728.013 442.294 722.849 418 c 0
+ 671.622 177 204.802 32 204.802 32 c 1
+ 520.802 32 l 2
+ 590.068 32 688.633 -5.20748 688.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 688.633 -27.2443 624.521 -70 576.121 -70 c 0
+ 560.121 -70 559 0 500 0 c 2
+ 142 0 l 1
+ 133.072 -42 l 1
+ 43.0723 -42 l 1
+ 71.5557 92 l 1
+ 161.556 92 l 1
+ 152.841 51 l 1
+ 244.367 77 350.294 119 429.984 174 c 1
+ 409.135 170 387.71 168 366.71 168 c 0
+ 215.862 168 122.592 232.643 122.592 358.087 c 0
+472.611 638 m 0
+ 328.415 638 237.813 483.809 237.813 367.159 c 0
+ 237.813 284.649 278.345 204 378.361 204 c 0
+ 536.979 204 616.05 366.333 616.05 481.15 c 0
+ 616.05 586.937 547.241 638 472.611 638 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Eharmenian
+Encoding: 1335 1335 2916
+Width: 707
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+112 0 m 1
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 448.674 643 l 1
+ 363.823 639 347.061 626 331.544 553 c 2
+ 310.501 454 l 1
+ 615.501 454 l 2
+ 684.767 454 783.331 416.793 783.331 406.324 c 0
+ 783.331 394.756 719.22 352 670.82 352 c 0
+ 654.82 352 653.699 422 594.699 422 c 2
+ 303.699 422 l 1
+ 220.802 32 l 1
+ 481.802 32 l 2
+ 551.068 32 649.633 -5.20748 649.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 649.633 -27.2443 585.521 -70 537.121 -70 c 0
+ 521.121 -70 520 0 461 0 c 2
+ 112 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Etarmenian
+Encoding: 1336 1336 2917
+Width: 655
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+642.558 515.759 m 0
+ 642.558 490.631 635.149 478.068 635.149 452.94 c 0
+ 635.149 417.768 655.917 402.48 717.385 397 c 1
+ 713.347 378 l 1
+ 430.347 378 l 1
+ 434.385 397 l 1
+ 514.66 403 527.998 414 543.515 487 c 0
+ 544.951 493.756 545.656 501.205 545.656 509.051 c 0
+ 545.656 561.597 514.021 632 458.336 632 c 0
+ 320.336 632 269.119 551 243.187 429 c 2
+ 158.802 32 l 1
+ 474.802 32 l 2
+ 544.068 32 642.633 -5.20748 642.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 642.633 -27.2443 578.521 -70 530.121 -70 c 0
+ 514.121 -70 513 0 454 0 c 2
+ 50 0 l 9
+ 139.486 421 l 2
+ 176.259 594 274.688 676 444.688 676 c 0
+ 564.208 676 642.558 600.089 642.558 515.759 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Toarmenian
+Encoding: 1337 1337 2918
+Width: 777
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+315.318 251.534 m 0
+ 315.318 371.814 423.639 439.862 589.075 452 c 1
+ 592.092 474.65 593.613 494.973 593.613 513.075 c 0
+ 593.613 595.669 561.955 632 496.336 632 c 0
+ 376.336 632 324.119 551 298.187 429 c 2
+ 230.169 109 l 2
+ 226.245 90.5411 223.897 76.0916 223.897 64.691 c 0
+ 223.897 31.6227 243.655 24.2054 302.039 19 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 231.259 594 339.688 676 482.688 676 c 0
+ 617.536 676 691.897 617.096 691.897 488.48 c 0
+ 691.897 476.889 691.293 464.732 690.075 452 c 1
+ 777.297 444.098 853.333 415.705 853.333 406.339 c 0
+ 853.333 394.768 789.221 352 740.82 352 c 0
+ 728.82 352 726.109 391 684.36 411 c 1
+ 637.173 189 520.309 152 448.309 152 c 0
+ 372.437 152 315.318 177.274 315.318 251.534 c 0
+584.486 421 m 1
+ 478.998 414 440.771 380 419.516 280 c 0
+ 416.585 266.211 415.269 253.908 415.269 243.09 c 0
+ 415.269 203.697 432.712 184 453.11 184 c 0
+ 531.11 184 542.188 222 584.486 421 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zhearmenian
+Encoding: 1338 1338 2919
+Width: 782
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+67.1766 154.744 m 0
+ 67.1766 280.075 186.028 408 357.723 408 c 2
+ 506.723 408 l 1
+ 537.544 553 l 2
+ 541.467 571.458 543.816 585.908 543.816 597.308 c 0
+ 543.816 630.377 524.058 637.795 465.674 643 c 1
+ 469.713 662 l 1
+ 752.713 662 l 1
+ 748.674 643 l 1
+ 668.398 637 655.061 626 639.544 553 c 2
+ 608.723 408 l 1
+ 680.723 408 l 2
+ 749.989 408 848.554 370.793 848.554 360.324 c 0
+ 848.554 348.756 784.442 306 736.042 306 c 0
+ 720.042 306 718.921 376 659.921 376 c 2
+ 601.921 376 l 1
+ 573.227 241 l 2
+ 536.454 68 438.024 -14 268.024 -14 c 0
+ 150.553 -14 67.1766 54.6507 67.1766 154.744 c 0
+360.921 376 m 2
+ 207.732 376 169.435 213.574 169.435 155.39 c 0
+ 169.435 90.3478 201.378 30 254.377 30 c 0
+ 392.377 30 443.594 111 469.525 233 c 2
+ 499.921 376 l 1
+ 360.921 376 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Iniarmenian
+Encoding: 1339 1339 2920
+Width: 710
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+666.936 338.758 m 0
+ 666.936 313.63 659.527 301.067 659.527 275.939 c 0
+ 659.527 240.768 680.295 225.48 741.763 220 c 1
+ 737.724 201 l 1
+ 454.724 201 l 1
+ 458.763 220 l 1
+ 539.038 226 552.376 237 567.893 310 c 0
+ 569.329 316.756 570.034 324.204 570.034 332.05 c 0
+ 570.034 384.595 538.398 455 482.713 455 c 0
+ 344.713 455 293.496 374 267.564 252 c 2
+ 237.169 109 l 2
+ 233.542 91.9367 231.474 78.097 231.474 66.8677 c 0
+ 231.474 30.0562 253.694 21.2988 316.039 19 c 1
+ 312 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 103.676 22 119.227 34 135.169 109 c 2
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 448.674 643 l 1
+ 363.823 639 347.061 626 331.544 553 c 2
+ 313.264 467 l 1
+ 355.728 488 408.065 499 469.065 499 c 0
+ 588.586 499 666.936 423.088 666.936 338.758 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Liwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1340 1340 2921
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+220.802 32 m 1
+ 481.802 32 l 2
+ 551.068 32 649.633 -5.20748 649.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 649.633 -27.2443 585.521 -70 537.121 -70 c 0
+ 521.121 -70 520 0 461 0 c 2
+ 112 0 l 1
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 448.674 643 l 1
+ 363.823 639 347.061 626 331.544 553 c 2
+ 220.802 32 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Xeharmenian
+Encoding: 1341 1341 2922
+Width: 830
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+135.169 109 m 2
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 448.674 643 l 1
+ 363.823 639 347.061 626 331.544 553 c 2
+ 307.95 442 l 1
+ 487.95 442 l 1
+ 477.109 391 l 2
+ 457.837 300.328 445.548 233.958 445.548 187.119 c 0
+ 445.548 118.761 471.721 92 540.555 92 c 0
+ 626.555 92 661.961 188 692.781 333 c 0
+ 696.796 351.888 699.192 366.625 699.192 378.199 c 0
+ 699.192 411.357 679.526 418.552 621.911 423 c 1
+ 625.95 442 l 1
+ 908.95 442 l 1
+ 904.911 423 l 1
+ 823.424 416 801.535 393 788.781 333 c 0
+ 754.984 174 681.203 48 508.203 48 c 0
+ 391.089 48 350.869 103.649 350.869 207.106 c 0
+ 350.869 261.774 362.099 329.791 379.148 410 c 1
+ 301.148 410 l 1
+ 237.169 109 l 2
+ 233.542 91.9367 231.474 78.097 231.474 66.8677 c 0
+ 231.474 30.0562 253.694 21.2988 316.039 19 c 1
+ 312 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 103.676 22 119.227 34 135.169 109 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Caarmenian
+Encoding: 1342 1342 2923
+Width: 917
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+447.251 20 m 0
+ 675.797 20 732.934 286.162 732.934 400.409 c 0
+ 732.934 548.765 638.669 568 565.732 568 c 0
+ 340.141 568 283.743 305.966 283.743 199.15 c 0
+ 283.743 105.459 320.946 20 447.251 20 c 0
+843.1 373.785 m 0
+ 843.1 196.741 722.427 -16 435.599 -16 c 0
+ 284.896 -16 171.779 59.6422 171.779 214.758 c 0
+ 171.779 299.308 209.424 492.977 403.582 572 c 1
+ 309.582 572 l 2
+ 240.316 572 141.752 609.207 141.752 619.676 c 0
+ 141.752 631.244 205.863 674 254.263 674 c 0
+ 270.263 674 271.384 604 330.384 604 c 2
+ 857.384 604 l 2
+ 926.65 604 1025.21 566.793 1025.21 556.324 c 0
+ 1025.21 544.756 961.103 502 912.703 502 c 0
+ 896.703 502 895.582 572 836.582 572 c 2
+ 729.582 572 l 1
+ 800.691 535.745 843.1 469.673 843.1 373.785 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Kenarmenian
+Encoding: 1343 1343 2924
+Width: 672
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+273.656 323 m 2
+ 268.915 300.696 265.944 279.403 265.944 260.291 c 0
+ 265.944 210.849 285.829 176 346.41 176 c 0
+ 401.41 176 464.724 201 517.376 237 c 1
+ 540.119 344 l 2
+ 544.086 362.662 546.443 377.225 546.443 388.684 c 0
+ 546.443 421.433 527.19 428.814 471.25 434 c 1
+ 475.288 453 l 1
+ 753.288 453 l 1
+ 749.25 434 l 1
+ 670.762 427 657.424 416 642.119 344 c 2
+ 592.169 109 l 2
+ 588.387 91.2066 586.195 77.0559 586.195 65.7453 c 0
+ 586.195 31.9237 605.79 23.4963 661.039 19 c 1
+ 657 0 l 1
+ 379 0 l 1
+ 383.039 19 l 1
+ 462.102 24 474.652 36 492.507 120 c 2
+ 508.023 193 l 1
+ 460.797 159 400.058 132 340.058 132 c 0
+ 222.66 132 166.156 186.927 166.156 273.283 c 0
+ 166.156 289.173 168.069 306.128 171.868 324 c 2
+ 220.544 553 l 2
+ 224.51 571.661 226.867 586.224 226.867 597.683 c 0
+ 226.867 630.433 207.614 637.814 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 433.713 662 l 1
+ 429.674 643 l 1
+ 351.186 636 337.848 625 322.544 553 c 2
+ 273.656 323 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Hoarmenian
+Encoding: 1344 1344 2925
+Width: 469
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+159.681 102 m 1
+ 442.681 102 l 1
+ 441.034 -61 l 1
+ 404.034 -61 l 1
+ 405 0 l 1
+ 10 0 l 1
+ 409.211 415 l 1
+ 219.152 490 l 1
+ 317.713 662 l 1
+ 351.713 662 l 1
+ 302.22 575 l 1
+ 529.09 485 l 1
+ 159.681 102 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Jaarmenian
+Encoding: 1345 1345 2926
+Width: 666
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+257.748 187 m 0
+ 220.223 187 176.827 134.158 176.827 89.8394 c 0
+ 176.827 58.9441 195.494 32 222.802 32 c 0
+ 288.802 32 357.966 61 419.381 110 c 1
+ 392.096 151 344.748 187 257.748 187 c 0
+57.545 73.2955 m 0
+ 57.545 113.744 94.6987 232 243.313 232 c 0
+ 338.313 232 414.874 197 471.159 156 c 1
+ 583.647 274.2 618.05 416.12 618.05 481.15 c 0
+ 618.05 586.937 549.241 638 474.611 638 c 0
+ 358.611 638 280.78 540 252.013 447 c 1
+ 131.911 423 l 1
+ 165.921 583 291.263 674 482.263 674 c 0
+ 644.622 674 732.561 609.011 732.561 485.897 c 0
+ 732.561 426.399 708.27 253.36 518.444 115 c 1
+ 557.173 75.5838 577.475 40.7887 577.475 31.0511 c 0
+ 577.475 14.6595 504.273 -24 464.898 -24 c 0
+ 457.898 -24 458.039 19 440.816 65 c 1
+ 342.338 11 243.024 -14 185.024 -14 c 0
+ 94.381 -14 57.545 27.8207 57.545 73.2955 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ghadarmenian
+Encoding: 1346 1346 2927
+Width: 858
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+458.336 632 m 0
+ 398.417 632 305.104 538.323 305.104 441.801 c 0
+ 305.104 408.643 324.77 401.448 382.385 397 c 1
+ 378.347 378 l 1
+ 95.3467 378 l 1
+ 99.3848 397 l 1
+ 180.873 404 202.762 427 215.515 487 c 0
+ 235.708 582 357.688 676 490.688 676 c 0
+ 629.71 676 697.556 621.162 697.556 506.565 c 0
+ 697.556 481.029 694.187 452.525 687.486 421 c 2
+ 604.802 32 l 1
+ 676.802 32 l 2
+ 746.068 32 844.633 -5.20748 844.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 844.633 -27.2443 780.521 -70 732.121 -70 c 0
+ 716.121 -70 715 0 656 0 c 2
+ 496 0 l 1
+ 587.187 429 l 2
+ 593.601 459.175 597.401 486.842 597.401 511.395 c 0
+ 597.401 586.113 562.204 632 458.336 632 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cheharmenian
+Encoding: 1347 1347 2928
+Width: 685
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+732.994 667.488 m 0
+ 732.994 639.405 688.755 562 665.457 562 c 0
+ 654.457 562 638.52 567 618.52 567 c 0
+ 600.52 567 579.669 563 557.906 550 c 0
+ 510.954 522 461.79 493 414.988 461 c 1
+ 516.97 348 558.637 210 599.903 56 c 0
+ 606.015 33 624.889 23 674.039 19 c 1
+ 670 0 l 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 485.071 15.3651 485.607 30.7302 485.607 46.0953 c 0
+ 485.607 51.7302 485.535 57.3651 485.391 63 c 1
+ 400.126 10 301.024 -14 209.024 -14 c 0
+ 127.212 -14 64.6382 31.8659 64.6382 102.501 c 0
+ 64.6382 173.401 126.318 301.15 345.139 457 c 1
+ 287.08 532 220.921 583 168.81 606 c 1
+ 172.636 624 l 1
+ 264.559 586 334.78 540 388.515 487 c 1
+ 557.534 600 729.476 675 731.476 675 c 0
+ 732.126 675 732.994 672.037 732.994 667.488 c 0
+483.343 91 m 1
+ 474.25 227 426.27 340 366.762 427 c 1
+ 228.137 319.035 171.716 191.73 171.716 132.912 c 0
+ 171.716 73.5014 257.158 45 317.565 45 c 0
+ 364.565 45 424.179 62 483.343 91 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Menarmenian
+Encoding: 1348 1348 2929
+Width: 856
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+787.91 630 m 0
+ 757.91 630 745.36 618 731.544 553 c 2
+ 665.227 241 l 2
+ 635.256 100 495.024 -14 353.024 -14 c 0
+ 214.003 -14 146.157 40.8377 146.157 155.435 c 0
+ 146.157 180.971 149.526 209.475 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 438.713 662 l 1
+ 434.674 643 l 1
+ 353.186 636 339.848 625 324.544 553 c 2
+ 256.525 233 l 2
+ 250.194 203.211 246.587 175.867 246.587 151.549 c 0
+ 246.587 76.2734 281.143 30 376.377 30 c 0
+ 466.377 30 537.72 121 561.525 233 c 2
+ 629.544 553 l 2
+ 633.467 571.458 635.816 585.908 635.816 597.308 c 0
+ 635.816 630.377 616.058 637.795 557.674 643 c 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 808.713 662 l 2
+ 877.979 662 976.543 624.793 976.543 614.324 c 0
+ 976.543 602.756 912.431 560 864.031 560 c 0
+ 848.031 560 846.91 630 787.91 630 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yiarmenian
+Encoding: 1349 1349 2930
+Width: 618
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+312.164 29 m 0
+ 422.263 29 509.067 107.284 509.067 211.21 c 0
+ 509.067 285.508 456.445 344 335.119 344 c 2
+ 306.119 344 l 2
+ 247.119 344 203.216 288 187.216 288 c 0
+ 159.546 288 116.641 336.25 116.641 358.917 c 0
+ 116.641 369.167 151.749 376 299.921 376 c 2
+ 341.921 376 l 2
+ 535.518 376 564.51 486.848 564.51 541.617 c 0
+ 564.51 604.539 508.832 636 451.186 636 c 0
+ 369.186 636 269.234 608 210.452 482 c 1
+ 187.452 482 l 1
+ 233.713 662 l 1
+ 253.713 662 l 1
+ 257.225 655 260.099 645 290.099 645 c 0
+ 309.099 645 393.688 676 462.688 676 c 0
+ 568.187 676 671.862 636.298 671.862 544.858 c 0
+ 671.862 509.686 660.12 409.825 484.434 369 c 1
+ 483.796 366 l 1
+ 529.903 365.092 631.258 313.909 631.258 218.437 c 0
+ 631.258 136.855 556.282 -15 314.812 -15 c 0
+ 127.618 -15 74.1172 139.941 74.1172 159.747 c 0
+ 74.1172 167.699 96.23 173 122.772 173 c 0
+ 140.968 173 190.427 168.389 190.427 149.947 c 0
+ 190.427 140.1 185.751 123.194 185.751 105.091 c 0
+ 185.751 69.3739 203.951 29 312.164 29 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nowarmenian
+Encoding: 1350 1350 2931
+Width: 858
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+543.353 44 m 0
+ 603.902 44 696.584 138.367 696.584 234.2 c 0
+ 696.584 267.358 676.918 274.552 619.304 279 c 1
+ 623.342 298 l 1
+ 906.342 298 l 1
+ 902.304 279 l 1
+ 820.815 272 798.927 249 786.173 189 c 0
+ 765.98 94 644 0 511 0 c 0
+ 371.979 0 304.132 54.8377 304.132 169.435 c 0
+ 304.132 194.971 307.501 223.475 314.202 255 c 2
+ 393.91 630 l 1
+ 321.91 630 l 2
+ 252.644 630 154.08 667.207 154.08 677.676 c 0
+ 154.08 689.244 218.192 732 266.592 732 c 0
+ 282.592 732 283.713 662 342.713 662 c 2
+ 502.713 662 l 1
+ 414.502 247 l 2
+ 408.088 216.825 404.287 189.158 404.287 164.605 c 0
+ 404.287 89.8868 439.485 44 543.353 44 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Shaarmenian
+Encoding: 1351 1351 2932
+Width: 709
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+83.779 214.758 m 0
+ 83.779 476.875 351.097 606 488.81 606 c 0
+ 519.81 606 547.172 603 572.321 599 c 1
+ 517.848 625 445.249 641 352.249 641 c 0
+ 303.249 641 260.708 582 245.708 582 c 0
+ 222.751 582 175.136 629.58 175.136 652.97 c 0
+ 175.136 672.994 293.365 678 310.113 678 c 0
+ 606.113 678 707.78 540 728.404 510 c 1
+ 692.365 491 l 1
+ 655.756 554 570.732 568 477.732 568 c 0
+ 252.141 568 195.743 305.966 195.743 199.15 c 0
+ 195.743 105.459 232.946 20 359.251 20 c 0
+ 514.251 20 590.183 142 622.989 254 c 1
+ 744.578 285 l 1
+ 700.492 87 542.6 -16 347.599 -16 c 0
+ 196.896 -16 83.779 59.6422 83.779 214.758 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Voarmenian
+Encoding: 1352 1352 2933
+Width: 719
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+506.688 676 m 0
+ 645.71 676 713.556 621.162 713.556 506.565 c 0
+ 713.556 481.029 710.187 452.525 703.486 421 c 2
+ 637.169 109 l 2
+ 633.154 90.1119 630.758 75.3745 630.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 630.758 30.6424 650.424 23.4475 708.039 19 c 1
+ 704 0 l 1
+ 421 0 l 1
+ 425.039 19 l 1
+ 506.526 26 519.864 37 535.169 109 c 2
+ 603.187 429 l 2
+ 609.519 458.789 613.125 486.134 613.125 510.453 c 0
+ 613.125 585.727 578.57 632 483.336 632 c 0
+ 393.336 632 321.993 541 298.187 429 c 2
+ 230.169 109 l 2
+ 226.245 90.5411 223.897 76.0916 223.897 64.691 c 0
+ 223.897 31.6227 243.655 24.2054 302.039 19 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 224.457 562 364.688 676 506.688 676 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Chaarmenian
+Encoding: 1353 1353 2934
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+770.934 447.241 m 0
+ 770.934 255.384 625.626 58 336.328 58 c 9
+ 474.236 -13 l 1
+ 432.918 -118 l 1
+ 114.99 47 l 1
+ 156.309 152 l 1
+ 224.507 120 240.98 94 376.98 94 c 0
+ 602.572 94 658.969 356.035 658.969 462.85 c 0
+ 658.969 556.541 621.766 642 495.461 642 c 0
+ 340.461 642 264.529 520 231.723 408 c 1
+ 110.134 377 l 1
+ 154.22 575 312.113 678 507.113 678 c 0
+ 657.816 678 770.934 602.358 770.934 447.241 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Peharmenian
+Encoding: 1354 1354 2935
+Width: 731
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+110.337 425 m 1
+ 123.515 487 l 2
+ 143.708 582 275.688 676 458.688 676 c 0
+ 633.459 676 723.606 616.401 723.606 491.625 c 0
+ 723.606 470.043 720.909 446.511 715.486 421 c 2
+ 649.169 109 l 2
+ 645.154 90.1119 642.758 75.3745 642.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 642.758 30.6424 662.424 23.4475 720.039 19 c 1
+ 716 0 l 1
+ 433 0 l 1
+ 437.039 19 l 1
+ 518.526 26 531.864 37 547.169 109 c 2
+ 615.187 429 l 2
+ 619.715 450.306 622.14 470.371 622.14 488.974 c 0
+ 622.14 560.304 586.487 610.137 497.061 626 c 1
+ 402.897 183 l 1
+ 321.352 251 l 1
+ 401.91 630 l 1
+ 305.36 618 229.718 535 219.515 487 c 2
+ 191.883 357 l 1
+ 110.337 425 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Jheharmenian
+Encoding: 1355 1355 2936
+Width: 702
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+472.611 638 m 0
+ 319.767 638 233.824 470.718 233.824 346.417 c 0
+ 233.824 305.423 247.137 272 293.815 272 c 0
+ 340.644 272 371.415 238.911 371.415 195.557 c 0
+ 371.415 172.064 362.749 148.154 345.569 125 c 1
+ 556.55 231.46 616.05 376.763 616.05 481.15 c 0
+ 616.05 586.937 547.241 638 472.611 638 c 0
+279.98 94 m 0
+ 303.132 103.596 328.463 141.512 328.463 182.301 c 0
+ 328.463 212.461 313.699 236 282.163 236 c 0
+ 184.784 236 124.53 287.076 124.53 374.893 c 0
+ 124.53 491.548 212.376 674 480.263 674 c 0
+ 642.622 674 730.561 609.011 730.561 485.897 c 0
+ 730.561 182.167 218.376 42.1144 204.802 32 c 1
+ 520.802 32 l 2
+ 590.068 32 688.633 -5.20748 688.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 688.633 -27.2443 624.521 -70 576.121 -70 c 0
+ 560.121 -70 559 0 500 0 c 2
+ 142 0 l 1
+ 133.072 -42 l 1
+ 43.0723 -42 l 1
+ 71.5557 92 l 1
+ 161.556 92 l 1
+ 152.841 51 l 1
+ 199.604 64 230.729 74 279.98 94 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Raarmenian
+Encoding: 1356 1356 2937
+Width: 874
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+506.688 676 m 0
+ 645.71 676 713.556 621.162 713.556 506.565 c 0
+ 713.556 481.029 710.187 452.525 703.486 421 c 2
+ 674.791 286 l 1
+ 746.791 286 l 2
+ 816.057 286 914.622 248.793 914.622 238.324 c 0
+ 914.622 226.756 850.51 184 802.11 184 c 0
+ 786.11 184 784.989 254 725.989 254 c 2
+ 667.989 254 l 1
+ 637.169 109 l 2
+ 633.154 90.1119 630.758 75.3745 630.758 63.8004 c 0
+ 630.758 30.6424 650.424 23.4475 708.039 19 c 1
+ 704 0 l 1
+ 421 0 l 1
+ 425.039 19 l 1
+ 506.526 26 519.864 37 535.169 109 c 2
+ 603.187 429 l 2
+ 609.519 458.789 613.125 486.134 613.125 510.453 c 0
+ 613.125 585.727 578.57 632 483.336 632 c 0
+ 393.336 632 321.993 541 298.187 429 c 2
+ 230.169 109 l 2
+ 226.245 90.5411 223.897 76.0916 223.897 64.691 c 0
+ 223.897 31.6227 243.655 24.2054 302.039 19 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 224.457 562 364.688 676 506.688 676 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Seharmenian
+Encoding: 1357 1357 2938
+Width: 719
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+353.024 -14 m 0
+ 214.003 -14 146.157 40.8377 146.157 155.435 c 0
+ 146.157 180.971 149.526 209.475 156.227 241 c 2
+ 222.544 553 l 2
+ 226.559 571.888 228.955 586.625 228.955 598.199 c 0
+ 228.955 631.357 209.288 638.552 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 438.713 662 l 1
+ 434.674 643 l 1
+ 353.186 636 339.848 625 324.544 553 c 2
+ 256.525 233 l 2
+ 250.194 203.211 246.587 175.867 246.587 151.549 c 0
+ 246.587 76.2734 281.143 30 376.377 30 c 0
+ 466.377 30 537.72 121 561.525 233 c 2
+ 629.544 553 l 2
+ 633.467 571.458 635.816 585.908 635.816 597.308 c 0
+ 635.816 630.377 616.058 637.795 557.674 643 c 1
+ 561.713 662 l 1
+ 844.713 662 l 1
+ 840.674 643 l 1
+ 760.398 637 747.061 626 731.544 553 c 2
+ 665.227 241 l 2
+ 635.256 100 495.024 -14 353.024 -14 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Vewarmenian
+Encoding: 1358 1358 2939
+Width: 844
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+575.802 32 m 1
+ 662.802 32 l 2
+ 732.068 32 830.633 -5.20748 830.633 -15.6764 c 0
+ 830.633 -27.2443 766.521 -70 718.121 -70 c 0
+ 702.121 -70 701 0 642 0 c 2
+ 467 0 l 1
+ 508.023 193 l 1
+ 460.797 159 400.058 132 340.058 132 c 0
+ 222.66 132 166.156 186.927 166.156 273.283 c 0
+ 166.156 289.173 168.069 306.128 171.868 324 c 2
+ 176.119 344 l 2
+ 180.086 362.662 182.443 377.225 182.443 388.684 c 0
+ 182.443 421.433 163.19 428.814 107.25 434 c 1
+ 111.288 453 l 1
+ 389.288 453 l 1
+ 385.25 434 l 1
+ 306.762 427 293.424 416 278.119 344 c 2
+ 273.656 323 l 2
+ 268.915 300.696 265.944 279.403 265.944 260.291 c 0
+ 265.944 210.849 285.829 176 346.41 176 c 0
+ 401.41 176 464.724 201 517.376 237 c 1
+ 584.544 553 l 2
+ 588.51 571.661 590.867 586.224 590.867 597.683 c 0
+ 590.867 630.433 571.614 637.814 515.674 643 c 1
+ 519.713 662 l 1
+ 797.713 662 l 1
+ 793.674 643 l 1
+ 715.186 636 701.848 625 686.544 553 c 2
+ 575.802 32 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1359 1359 2940
+Width: 519
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+528.61 203.502 m 0
+ 528.61 90.9194 410.02 -15 274.812 -15 c 0
+ 102.812 -15 76.9414 75 69.9707 141 c 1
+ 191.56 172 l 1
+ 190.711 163.872 190.277 155.769 190.277 147.782 c 0
+ 190.277 83.0528 218.764 26 285.526 26 c 0
+ 392.767 26 419.577 118.096 419.577 161.166 c 0
+ 419.577 296.182 172.257 309.724 172.257 468.171 c 0
+ 172.257 577.111 272.551 676 385.688 676 c 0
+ 459.688 676 497.461 642 528.461 642 c 0
+ 545.461 642 558.8 653 567.688 676 c 1
+ 588.688 676 l 1
+ 565.414 463 l 1
+ 540.414 463 l 1
+ 532.771 587 466.974 635 393.974 635 c 0
+ 322.284 635 268.002 583.001 268.002 521.732 c 0
+ 268.002 397.333 528.61 365.505 528.61 203.502 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Reharmenian
+Encoding: 1360 1360 2941
+Width: 703
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+697.558 515.759 m 0
+ 697.558 490.631 690.149 478.068 690.149 452.94 c 0
+ 690.149 417.768 710.917 402.48 772.385 397 c 1
+ 768.347 378 l 1
+ 485.347 378 l 1
+ 489.385 397 l 1
+ 569.66 403 582.998 414 598.515 487 c 0
+ 599.951 493.756 600.656 501.205 600.656 509.051 c 0
+ 600.656 561.597 569.021 632 513.336 632 c 0
+ 375.336 632 324.119 551 298.187 429 c 2
+ 230.169 109 l 2
+ 226.245 90.5411 223.897 76.0916 223.897 64.691 c 0
+ 223.897 31.6227 243.655 24.2054 302.039 19 c 1
+ 298 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 99.3135 25 112.652 36 128.169 109 c 2
+ 194.486 421 l 2
+ 231.259 594 329.688 676 499.688 676 c 0
+ 619.208 676 697.558 600.089 697.558 515.759 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Coarmenian
+Encoding: 1361 1361 2942
+Width: 608
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+223.835 473.65 m 0
+ 223.835 603.649 359.051 676 472.688 676 c 0
+ 576.422 676 662.399 637.615 662.399 549.403 c 0
+ 662.399 501.077 642.949 408.158 474.434 369 c 1
+ 473.796 366 l 1
+ 519.903 365.092 621.258 313.909 621.258 218.437 c 0
+ 621.258 136.855 546.282 -15 304.812 -15 c 0
+ 117.618 -15 64.1172 139.941 64.1172 159.747 c 0
+ 64.1172 167.699 86.23 173 112.772 173 c 0
+ 130.968 173 180.427 168.389 180.427 149.947 c 0
+ 180.427 140.1 175.751 123.194 175.751 105.091 c 0
+ 175.751 69.3739 193.951 29 302.164 29 c 0
+ 412.263 29 499.067 107.284 499.067 211.21 c 0
+ 499.067 285.508 446.445 344 325.119 344 c 0
+ 214.119 344 202.216 288 177.216 288 c 0
+ 149.546 288 106.641 336.25 106.641 358.917 c 0
+ 106.641 369.167 139.588 376 283.921 376 c 1
+ 245.946 394.155 223.835 425.393 223.835 473.65 c 0
+461.186 636 m 0
+ 401.806 636 330.364 571.512 330.364 468.982 c 0
+ 330.364 410.786 358.58 376 401.921 376 c 0
+ 530.418 376 555.44 510.677 555.44 549.273 c 0
+ 555.44 607.091 516.444 636 461.186 636 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Yiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1362 1362 2943
+Width: 586
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+135.169 109 m 2
+ 229.544 553 l 2
+ 233.472 571.479 235.816 586.029 235.816 597.539 c 0
+ 235.816 632.12 214.651 639.249 151.674 643 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 452.713 662 l 1
+ 448.674 643 l 1
+ 363.823 639 347.061 626 331.544 553 c 2
+ 313.052 466 l 1
+ 366.814 479 408.09 485 441.09 485 c 0
+ 634.09 485 484.729 281 630.729 281 c 1
+ 623.714 248 l 1
+ 607.289 246 593.076 245 580.076 245 c 0
+ 379.076 245 491.524 440 358.524 440 c 0
+ 344.524 440 327.1 438 306.037 433 c 1
+ 237.169 109 l 2
+ 233.542 91.9367 231.474 78.097 231.474 66.8677 c 0
+ 231.474 30.0562 253.694 21.2988 316.039 19 c 1
+ 312 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 19.0391 19 l 1
+ 103.676 22 119.227 34 135.169 109 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Piwrarmenian
+Encoding: 1363 1363 2944
+Width: 751
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 509 934 S 1 0 0 1 5 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Keharmenian
+Encoding: 1364 1364 2945
+Width: 780
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+530.791 286 m 0
+ 683.98 286 722.278 448.426 722.278 506.61 c 0
+ 722.278 571.652 690.335 632 637.336 632 c 0
+ 429.354 632 418.86 410.299 418.86 398.208 c 0
+ 418.86 334.017 464.095 286 530.791 286 c 0
+824.536 507.256 m 0
+ 824.536 381.925 705.685 254 533.989 254 c 0
+ 467.989 254 422.24 274 401.144 330 c 1
+ 367.135 170 l 1
+ 628.135 170 l 2
+ 697.401 170 795.965 132.793 795.965 122.324 c 0
+ 795.965 110.756 731.854 68 683.454 68 c 0
+ 667.454 68 666.333 138 607.333 138 c 2
+ 360.333 138 l 1
+ 354.169 109 l 2
+ 350.245 90.5411 347.897 76.0916 347.897 64.691 c 0
+ 347.897 31.6227 367.655 24.2054 426.039 19 c 1
+ 422 0 l 1
+ 139 0 l 1
+ 143.039 19 l 1
+ 223.313 25 236.652 36 252.169 109 c 2
+ 258.333 138 l 1
+ 217.333 138 l 2
+ 148.067 138 49.5018 175.207 49.5018 185.676 c 0
+ 49.5018 197.244 113.614 240 162.014 240 c 0
+ 178.014 240 179.135 170 238.135 170 c 2
+ 265.135 170 l 1
+ 318.486 421 l 2
+ 355.259 594 453.688 676 623.688 676 c 0
+ 741.16 676 824.536 607.349 824.536 507.256 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Oharmenian
+Encoding: 1365 1365 2946
+Width: 714
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+763.493 417.094 m 0
+ 763.493 197.707 593.332 -14 348.024 -14 c 0
+ 198.319 -14 90.836 84.7941 90.836 244.821 c 0
+ 90.836 460.472 264.116 676 500.688 676 c 0
+ 661.869 676 763.493 575.25 763.493 417.094 c 0
+359.676 22 m 0
+ 563.708 22 653.404 287.679 653.404 444.649 c 0
+ 653.404 597.556 565.267 640 493.036 640 c 0
+ 294.076 640 201.983 380.206 201.983 220.413 c 0
+ 201.983 120.266 236.838 22 359.676 22 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Feharmenian
+Encoding: 1366 1366 2947
+Width: 684
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+698.2 225.277 m 0
+ 698.2 81.111 526.736 -15 341.812 -15 c 0
+ 152.72 -15 64.1589 143.099 64.1589 160.307 c 0
+ 64.1589 162.846 72.6123 173 112.772 173 c 0
+ 135.772 173 161.922 169 177.584 158 c 0
+ 193.458 148 166.841 51 289.164 29 c 1
+ 358.032 353 l 1
+ 245.965 373.937 136.384 394.874 136.384 486.715 c 0
+ 136.384 607.775 302.381 662 408.713 662 c 2
+ 623.713 662 l 1
+ 619.674 643 l 1
+ 534.823 639 518.061 626 502.544 553 c 2
+ 462.158 363 l 1
+ 579.042 347.643 698.2 331.469 698.2 225.277 c 0
+397.186 636 m 0
+ 344.778 636 243.183 580.757 243.183 485.19 c 0
+ 243.183 421.032 295.398 394.694 363.559 379 c 1
+ 400.544 553 l 2
+ 406.932 583.054 410.568 603.474 410.568 616.538 c 0
+ 410.568 630.425 406.46 636 397.186 636 c 0
+391.164 29 m 1
+ 472.762 43.9375 592.725 100.283 592.725 207.207 c 0
+ 592.725 279.44 532.738 311.856 455.568 332 c 1
+ 391.164 29 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringhalfleftarmenian
+Encoding: 1369 1369 2948
+Width: 120
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1841 703 N 1 0 0 1 -137 -6 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: apostrophearmenian
+Encoding: 1370 1370 2949
+Width: 120
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1840 702 N 1 0 0 1 -136 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: emphasismarkarmenian
+Encoding: 1371 1371 2950
+Width: 269
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2078 8242 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: exclamarmenian
+Encoding: 1372 1372 2951
+Width: 307
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+379.713 662 m 1
+ 407.713 662 l 1
+ 400.698 629 l 2
+ 391.559 586 384.095 565 345.293 533 c 0
+ 276.177 476 173.065 499 149.685 389 c 1
+ 122.685 389 l 1
+ 129.699 422 l 2
+ 138.839 465 146.303 486 185.104 518 c 0
+ 254.22 575 356.119 551 379.713 662 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: commaarmenian
+Encoding: 1373 1373 2952
+Width: 241
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2080 8245 N 1 0 0 1 -43 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: questionarmenian
+Encoding: 1374 1374 2953
+Width: 312
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+197.505 534 m 25
+ 214.481 548 l 25
+ 214.481 548 225.38 524 256.38 524 c 0
+ 288.396 524 309.74 541.632 309.74 568.08 c 0
+ 309.74 591.57 288.928 604 248.384 604 c 0
+ 190.384 604 143.433 576 116.767 507 c 1
+ 87.7666 507 l 1
+ 112.959 602 209.138 664 279.138 664 c 0
+ 324.19 664 395.721 645.402 395.721 589.552 c 0
+ 395.721 552.131 366.355 496 266.428 496 c 0
+ 206.428 496 197.505 534 197.505 534 c 25
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: abbreviationmarkarmenian
+Encoding: 1375 1375 2954
+Width: 300
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+358.655 530 m 2
+ 207.655 530 l 2
+ 157.093 530 109.528 547.935 109.528 592.636 c 0
+ 109.528 646.855 165.576 683 241.176 683 c 0
+ 249.032 683 252.868 678.428 252.868 673.275 c 0
+ 252.868 664.974 244.449 659 236.075 659 c 0
+ 182.793 659 172.836 615.655 172.836 588.019 c 0
+ 172.836 565.34 184.976 554 212.756 554 c 2
+ 363.756 554 l 2
+ 371.612 554 375.449 549.428 375.449 544.275 c 0
+ 375.449 535.974 367.029 530 358.655 530 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: aybarmenian
+Encoding: 1377 1377 2955
+Width: 786
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+164.409 383 m 2
+ 165.924 390.126 166.739 396.318 166.739 401.69 c 0
+ 166.739 425.719 150.43 433.365 107.462 435 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 262.65 450 l 9
+ 199.309 152 l 2
+ 194.438 129.085 191.846 110.439 191.846 95.4509 c 0
+ 191.846 56.1496 209.664 42 250.928 42 c 0
+ 296.928 42 333.753 60 372.894 103 c 1
+ 426.458 355 l 2
+ 429.662 370.076 431.414 382.491 431.414 392.662 c 0
+ 431.414 424.321 414.442 434.243 371.462 435 c 1
+ 374.65 450 l 1
+ 530.65 450 l 1
+ 466.246 147 l 2
+ 462.486 129.311 460.606 113.857 460.606 100.637 c 0
+ 460.606 61.5458 477.047 42 509.928 42 c 0
+ 572.928 42 637.918 89 640.468 101 c 2
+ 700.409 383 l 2
+ 701.924 390.126 702.739 396.318 702.739 401.69 c 0
+ 702.739 425.719 686.43 433.365 643.462 435 c 1
+ 646.65 450 l 1
+ 798.65 450 l 1
+ 726.807 112 l 2
+ 723.654 97.1707 722.011 85.3957 722.011 76.2032 c 0
+ 722.011 55.6409 730.236 48 748.203 48 c 0
+ 759.203 48 767.415 49 781.053 52 c 1
+ 777.439 35 l 1
+ 719.251 20 682.913 9 627.874 -10 c 1
+ 621.3 -8 l 1
+ 637.241 67 l 1
+ 540.851 4 509.874 -10 465.874 -10 c 0
+ 411.874 -10 383.613 17 377.729 74 c 1
+ 311.401 16 254.874 -10 196.874 -10 c 0
+ 138.713 -10 109.509 24.2318 109.509 91.8337 c 0
+ 109.509 113.731 112.573 139.13 118.71 168 c 2
+ 164.409 383 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: benarmenian
+Encoding: 1378 1378 2956
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+481.014 240 m 2
+ 478.555 228.434 477.204 218.93 477.204 211.092 c 0
+ 477.204 185.725 491.363 177.82 527.984 174 c 1
+ 524.797 159 l 1
+ 316.797 159 l 1
+ 319.984 174 l 1
+ 370.835 178 387.448 195 400.84 258 c 2
+ 411.468 308 l 2
+ 414.596 322.717 416.161 335.693 416.161 346.974 c 0
+ 416.161 386.284 397.159 405 359.085 405 c 0
+ 326.085 405 301.535 393 243.97 348 c 1
+ 176.802 32 l 1
+ 436.802 32 l 1
+ 430 0 l 1
+ 170 0 l 1
+ 147.257 -107 l 2
+ 144.135 -121.686 142.321 -133.546 142.321 -143.112 c 0
+ 142.321 -174.585 161.961 -181.233 219.314 -182 c 1
+ 215.488 -200 l 1
+ -26.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.8975 -183 l 1
+ 37.3779 -177 50.7158 -166 61.7686 -114 c 2
+ 157.844 338 l 2
+ 161.01 352.894 162.676 364.646 162.676 373.791 c 0
+ 162.676 394.733 153.937 402 134.447 402 c 0
+ 123.447 402 113.235 401 106.598 398 c 1
+ 110.211 415 l 1
+ 168.612 431 204.95 442 257.776 460 c 1
+ 264.351 458 l 1
+ 247.559 379 l 1
+ 329.162 443 363.776 460 409.776 460 c 0
+ 469.304 460 501.716 423.762 501.716 360.656 c 0
+ 501.716 345.314 499.8 328.384 495.893 310 c 2
+ 481.014 240 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gimarmenian
+Encoding: 1379 1379 2957
+Width: 542
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+340.037 433 m 0
+ 217.677 433 153.923 284.125 153.923 174.361 c 0
+ 153.923 112.404 175.447 51 251.841 51 c 0
+ 269.841 51 353.115 57 367.995 127 c 2
+ 411.781 333 l 2
+ 414.435 345.487 415.762 356.793 415.762 366.924 c 0
+ 415.762 411.154 390.482 433 340.037 433 c 0
+60.122 138.297 m 0
+ 60.122 298.317 189.404 461 342.988 461 c 0
+ 381.988 461 410.075 452 450.337 425 c 1
+ 511.139 457 l 1
+ 522.139 457 l 1
+ 431.802 32 l 1
+ 538.802 32 l 1
+ 532 0 l 1
+ 425 0 l 1
+ 398.643 -124 l 2
+ 396.532 -133.928 395.273 -141.957 395.273 -148.587 c 0
+ 395.273 -170.006 408.414 -176.837 448.465 -186 c 1
+ 445.488 -200 l 1
+ 209.488 -200 l 1
+ 213.103 -183 l 1
+ 285.165 -178 306.354 -163 318.257 -107 c 2
+ 354.604 64 l 1
+ 300.401 16 239.874 -10 181.874 -10 c 0
+ 105.52 -10 60.122 48.7219 60.122 138.297 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0564
+Encoding: 1380 1380 2958
+Width: 541
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+100.598 398 m 1
+ 104.211 415 l 1
+ 162.612 431 198.95 442 251.776 460 c 1
+ 258.351 458 l 1
+ 241.559 379 l 1
+ 323.162 443 357.776 460 403.776 460 c 0
+ 463.304 460 495.716 423.762 495.716 360.656 c 0
+ 495.716 345.314 493.8 328.384 489.893 310 c 2
+ 430.802 32 l 1
+ 537.802 32 l 1
+ 531 0 l 1
+ 424 0 l 1
+ 398.706 -119 l 2
+ 396.247 -130.566 394.896 -140.071 394.896 -147.908 c 0
+ 394.896 -173.275 409.055 -181.18 445.677 -185 c 1
+ 442.488 -200 l 1
+ 234.488 -200 l 1
+ 237.677 -185 l 1
+ 288.527 -181 305.141 -164 318.532 -101 c 2
+ 405.468 308 l 2
+ 408.596 322.717 410.161 335.693 410.161 346.974 c 0
+ 410.161 386.284 391.159 405 353.085 405 c 0
+ 320.085 405 295.535 393 237.97 348 c 1
+ 178.241 67 l 2
+ 176.889 60.6398 176.165 55.0287 176.165 50.0786 c 0
+ 176.165 27.0096 191.899 18.2933 233.188 15 c 1
+ 230 0 l 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 21.1885 15 l 1
+ 73.0391 19 87.0146 33 99.1299 90 c 2
+ 151.844 338 l 2
+ 155.01 352.894 156.676 364.646 156.676 373.791 c 0
+ 156.676 394.733 147.937 402 128.447 402 c 0
+ 117.447 402 107.235 401 100.598 398 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: echarmenian
+Encoding: 1381 1381 2959
+Width: 506
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+204.795 573 m 2
+ 206.976 583.263 208.181 591.583 208.181 598.29 c 0
+ 208.181 618.38 197.374 624 169.636 624 c 0
+ 161.636 624 155.636 624 147.423 623 c 1
+ 150.823 639 l 1
+ 218.438 656 255.562 666 307.176 683 c 1
+ 311.751 681 l 1
+ 269.452 482 l 1
+ 529.452 482 l 1
+ 522.65 450 l 1
+ 262.65 450 l 1
+ 193.357 124 l 2
+ 192.126 118.206 191.536 112.564 191.536 107.143 c 0
+ 191.536 73.2663 214.583 48 248.203 48 c 0
+ 268.203 48 357.541 59 373.695 135 c 2
+ 400.902 263 l 2
+ 403.261 274.098 404.61 283.225 404.61 290.743 c 0
+ 404.61 317.094 388.036 323.666 340.293 326 c 1
+ 343.907 343 l 1
+ 501.907 343 l 1
+ 451.743 107 l 2
+ 449.431 96.1226 448.15 87.2022 448.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 448.15 56.4128 461.505 50 496.628 50 c 2
+ 501.628 50 l 1
+ 498.652 36 l 1
+ 444.676 22 401.338 11 347.087 -9 c 1
+ 343.512 -7 l 1
+ 359.666 69 l 1
+ 317.227 34 273.874 -10 201.874 -10 c 0
+ 140.548 -10 104.516 25.9929 104.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 104.516 95.4496 105.822 107.367 108.507 120 c 2
+ 204.795 573 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zaarmenian
+Encoding: 1382 1382 2960
+Width: 503
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+60.122 138.297 m 0
+ 60.122 298.317 189.404 461 342.988 461 c 0
+ 381.988 461 410.075 452 450.337 425 c 1
+ 511.139 457 l 1
+ 522.139 457 l 1
+ 398.643 -124 l 2
+ 396.532 -133.928 395.273 -141.957 395.273 -148.587 c 0
+ 395.273 -170.006 408.414 -176.837 448.465 -186 c 1
+ 445.488 -200 l 1
+ 209.488 -200 l 1
+ 213.103 -183 l 1
+ 285.165 -178 306.354 -163 318.257 -107 c 2
+ 354.604 64 l 1
+ 300.401 16 239.874 -10 181.874 -10 c 0
+ 105.52 -10 60.122 48.7219 60.122 138.297 c 0
+340.037 433 m 0
+ 217.677 433 153.923 284.125 153.923 174.361 c 0
+ 153.923 112.404 175.447 51 251.841 51 c 0
+ 282.841 51 318.391 63 344.43 82 c 0
+ 356.13 90 362.894 103 367.995 127 c 2
+ 411.781 333 l 2
+ 414.435 345.487 415.762 356.793 415.762 366.924 c 0
+ 415.762 411.154 390.482 433 340.037 433 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: eharmenian
+Encoding: 1383 1383 2961
+Width: 478
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+204.795 573 m 2
+ 206.976 583.263 208.181 591.583 208.181 598.29 c 0
+ 208.181 618.38 197.374 624 169.636 624 c 0
+ 161.636 624 155.636 624 147.423 623 c 1
+ 150.823 639 l 1
+ 218.438 656 255.562 666 307.176 683 c 1
+ 311.751 681 l 1
+ 269.452 482 l 1
+ 529.452 482 l 1
+ 522.65 450 l 1
+ 262.65 450 l 1
+ 173.802 32 l 1
+ 296.802 32 l 2
+ 366.068 32 464.632 -5.20712 464.632 -15.6762 c 0
+ 464.632 -27.2442 400.521 -70 352.121 -70 c 0
+ 336.121 -70 335 0 276 0 c 2
+ 83 0 l 1
+ 204.795 573 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: etarmenian
+Encoding: 1384 1384 2962
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+150.844 338 m 2
+ 154.01 352.894 155.676 364.646 155.676 373.791 c 0
+ 155.676 394.733 146.937 402 127.447 402 c 0
+ 116.447 402 106.235 401 99.5977 398 c 1
+ 103.211 415 l 1
+ 161.612 431 197.95 442 250.776 460 c 1
+ 257.351 458 l 1
+ 240.559 379 l 1
+ 322.162 443 356.776 460 402.776 460 c 0
+ 462.304 460 494.716 423.762 494.716 360.656 c 0
+ 494.716 345.314 492.8 328.384 488.893 310 c 2
+ 440.217 81 l 2
+ 437.758 69.4342 436.407 59.9297 436.407 52.0922 c 0
+ 436.407 26.7251 450.566 18.8198 487.188 15 c 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 276 0 l 1
+ 279.188 15 l 1
+ 330.039 19 346.652 36 360.043 99 c 2
+ 404.468 308 l 2
+ 407.596 322.717 409.161 335.693 409.161 346.974 c 0
+ 409.161 386.284 390.159 405 352.085 405 c 0
+ 319.085 405 294.535 393 236.97 348 c 1
+ 127.29 -168 l 1
+ 387.29 -168 l 1
+ 380.488 -200 l 1
+ 36.4883 -200 l 1
+ 150.844 338 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: toarmenian
+Encoding: 1385 1385 2963
+Width: 541
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+539.394 309.096 m 0
+ 539.394 274.258 531.383 238.621 526.188 222 c 1
+ 578.188 222 l 1
+ 571.386 190 l 1
+ 516.386 190 l 1
+ 477.367 77 392.449 -12 285.449 -12 c 0
+ 230.519 -12 192.354 27.5311 192.354 79.4172 c 0
+ 192.354 147.165 259.511 222 335.188 222 c 2
+ 441.188 222 l 1
+ 445.149 243.383 447.073 263.178 447.073 281.196 c 0
+ 447.073 355.867 414.026 400 356.022 400 c 0
+ 310.022 400 246.37 364 239.994 334 c 2
+ 146.257 -107 l 2
+ 143.135 -121.686 141.321 -133.546 141.321 -143.112 c 0
+ 141.321 -174.585 160.961 -181.233 218.314 -182 c 1
+ 214.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -23.8975 -183 l 1
+ 36.3779 -177 49.7158 -166 60.7686 -114 c 2
+ 156.632 337 l 2
+ 159.573 350.839 161.226 361.47 161.226 369.582 c 0
+ 161.226 389.022 151.736 394 127.747 394 c 0
+ 118.747 394 111.747 394 102.535 393 c 1
+ 105.936 409 l 1
+ 164.549 426 202.312 439 260.776 460 c 1
+ 266.351 458 l 1
+ 249.984 381 l 1
+ 305.462 435 354.776 460 410.776 460 c 0
+ 490.654 460 539.394 399.647 539.394 309.096 c 0
+328.386 190 m 2
+ 266.159 190 224.674 133.447 224.674 82.7819 c 0
+ 224.674 43.5796 251.65 17 294.613 17 c 0
+ 334.613 17 398.077 38 434.386 190 c 1
+ 328.386 190 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: zhearmenian
+Encoding: 1386 1386 2964
+Width: 539
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+326.975 428 m 2
+ 223.738 428 154.914 295.345 154.914 173.414 c 0
+ 154.914 91.8761 192.392 42 257.928 42 c 0
+ 314.928 42 356.067 85 359.681 102 c 2
+ 428.975 428 l 1
+ 326.975 428 l 2
+61.8068 144.324 m 0
+ 61.8068 293.184 187.645 460 330.776 460 c 2
+ 435.776 460 l 1
+ 459.795 573 l 2
+ 461.976 583.263 463.181 591.583 463.181 598.29 c 0
+ 463.181 618.38 452.374 624 424.636 624 c 0
+ 416.636 624 410.636 624 402.423 623 c 1
+ 405.823 639 l 1
+ 473.438 656 510.562 666 562.176 683 c 1
+ 566.751 681 l 1
+ 519.776 460 l 1
+ 626.776 460 l 1
+ 619.975 428 l 1
+ 512.975 428 l 1
+ 468.55 219 l 2
+ 442.618 97 298.874 -10 207.874 -10 c 0
+ 116.307 -10 61.8068 50.286 61.8068 144.324 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: iniarmenian
+Encoding: 1387 1387 2965
+Width: 508
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+235.907 343 m 1
+ 142.17 -98 l 2
+ 138.026 -117.497 135.647 -132.443 135.647 -143.988 c 0
+ 135.647 -173.303 150.981 -180.695 191.677 -185 c 1
+ 188.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -24.3232 -185 l 1
+ 35.3779 -177 43.29 -168 58.1699 -98 c 2
+ 200.795 573 l 2
+ 203.1 583.845 204.423 592.463 204.423 599.289 c 0
+ 204.423 619.526 192.791 624 160.636 624 c 0
+ 155.636 624 152.636 624 148.423 623 c 1
+ 151.823 639 l 1
+ 180.524 647 l 2
+ 239.925 663 266.625 671 303.176 683 c 1
+ 307.538 680 l 1
+ 242.921 376 l 1
+ 301.675 436 348.776 460 407.776 460 c 0
+ 471.589 460 504.072 426.486 504.072 360.924 c 0
+ 504.072 343.265 501.715 323.28 496.979 301 c 2
+ 454.681 102 l 2
+ 450.093 80.4141 447.361 64.7982 447.361 53.2234 c 0
+ 447.361 27.7988 460.542 21.8716 496.188 15 c 1
+ 493 0 l 1
+ 281 0 l 1
+ 284.188 15 l 1
+ 343.464 21 356.227 34 370.681 102 c 2
+ 412.767 300 l 2
+ 416.196 316.135 417.914 330.463 417.914 342.961 c 0
+ 417.914 384.683 398.773 406 360.298 406 c 0
+ 321.298 406 287.685 389 235.907 343 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni056C
+Encoding: 1388 1388 2966
+Width: 289
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+48.4883 -200 m 9
+ 161.994 334 l 2
+ 164.821 347.298 166.281 358.038 166.281 366.552 c 0
+ 166.281 386.21 158.494 394 141.747 394 c 0
+ 132.747 394 114.322 392 98.8975 390 c 1
+ 102.085 405 l 1
+ 268.776 460 l 1
+ 272.139 457 l 1
+ 152.257 -107 l 2
+ 149.814 -118.493 148.537 -128.256 148.537 -136.543 c 0
+ 148.537 -173.681 174.171 -181.182 235.314 -182 c 1
+ 231.488 -200 l 1
+ 48.4883 -200 l 9
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: xeharmenian
+Encoding: 1389 1389 2967
+Width: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+147.423 623 m 1
+ 150.823 639 l 1
+ 223.438 656 263.562 666 319.176 683 c 1
+ 322.751 681 l 1
+ 273.65 450 l 1
+ 506.65 450 l 1
+ 437.357 124 l 2
+ 436.126 118.206 435.536 112.564 435.536 107.143 c 0
+ 435.536 73.2663 458.583 48 492.203 48 c 0
+ 512.203 48 601.541 59 617.695 135 c 2
+ 667.646 370 l 2
+ 670.005 381.098 671.353 390.226 671.353 397.743 c 0
+ 671.353 424.094 654.779 430.666 607.037 433 c 1
+ 610.65 450 l 1
+ 768.65 450 l 1
+ 695.743 107 l 2
+ 693.383 95.8941 692.182 86.9398 692.182 79.723 c 0
+ 692.182 52.4993 709.267 50 745.628 50 c 1
+ 742.652 36 l 1
+ 688.676 22 650.338 11 596.087 -9 c 1
+ 592.512 -7 l 1
+ 610.154 76 l 1
+ 567.715 41 517.874 -10 445.874 -10 c 0
+ 384.548 -10 348.516 25.9929 348.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 348.516 95.4496 349.822 107.367 352.507 120 c 2
+ 402.245 354 l 2
+ 403.818 361.4 404.642 368.075 404.642 374.068 c 0
+ 404.642 405.326 382.231 418 326.849 418 c 2
+ 266.849 418 l 1
+ 153.344 -116 l 2
+ 150.625 -128.79 149.072 -139.147 149.072 -147.561 c 0
+ 149.072 -175.327 165.98 -181.93 213.677 -185 c 1
+ 210.488 -200 l 1
+ -25.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.3232 -185 l 1
+ 41.7402 -180 58.5029 -167 69.9814 -113 c 2
+ 213.882 564 l 2
+ 216.637 576.962 218.098 587.414 218.098 595.754 c 0
+ 218.098 617.657 208.023 625 184.848 625 c 0
+ 176.848 625 164.636 624 153.423 623 c 2
+ 147.423 623 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: caarmenian
+Encoding: 1390 1390 2968
+Width: 540
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+260.826 18 m 0
+ 403.146 18 442.337 280.558 442.337 354.175 c 0
+ 442.337 383.539 438.872 409.239 432.824 432 c 1
+ 324.824 432 l 2
+ 227.526 432 162.66 322.443 162.66 177.112 c 0
+ 162.66 86.3711 194.471 18 260.826 18 c 0
+66.3225 167.387 m 0
+ 66.3225 313.169 190.239 460 334.776 460 c 2
+ 422.776 460 l 1
+ 380.457 562 275.346 585 215.408 590 c 1
+ 306.664 690 l 1
+ 366.664 690 l 1
+ 291.234 608 l 1
+ 372.234 608 464.119 551 508.776 460 c 1
+ 627.776 460 l 1
+ 621.824 432 l 1
+ 519.824 432 l 1
+ 528.926 405.662 534.094 376.697 534.094 345.796 c 0
+ 534.094 205.967 418.063 -10 240.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.869 -10 66.3225 63.082 66.3225 167.387 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: kenarmenian
+Encoding: 1391 1391 2969
+Width: 513
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+398.344 -116 m 2
+ 395.625 -128.79 394.072 -139.147 394.072 -147.561 c 0
+ 394.072 -175.327 410.98 -181.93 458.677 -185 c 1
+ 455.488 -200 l 1
+ 219.488 -200 l 1
+ 222.677 -185 l 1
+ 286.74 -180 303.503 -167 314.981 -113 c 2
+ 355.154 76 l 1
+ 317.928 42 273.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 201.133 584 l 2
+ 203.273 594.068 204.426 602.651 204.426 609.948 c 0
+ 204.426 635.991 189.732 645.657 152.736 648 c 1
+ 155.713 662 l 1
+ 301.713 662 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 417.646 370 l 2
+ 420.005 381.098 421.353 390.226 421.353 397.743 c 0
+ 421.353 424.094 404.779 430.666 357.037 433 c 1
+ 360.65 450 l 1
+ 518.65 450 l 1
+ 398.344 -116 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: hoarmenian
+Encoding: 1392 1392 2970
+Width: 508
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+235.907 343 m 1
+ 184.681 102 l 2
+ 180.537 82.5036 178.158 67.558 178.158 56.0126 c 0
+ 178.158 26.6977 193.492 19.3047 234.188 15 c 1
+ 231 0 l 1
+ 15 0 l 1
+ 18.1885 15 l 1
+ 77.8887 23 85.8018 32 100.681 102 c 2
+ 200.795 573 l 2
+ 203.1 583.845 204.423 592.463 204.423 599.289 c 0
+ 204.423 619.526 192.791 624 160.636 624 c 0
+ 155.636 624 152.636 624 148.423 623 c 1
+ 151.823 639 l 1
+ 180.524 647 l 2
+ 239.925 663 266.625 671 303.176 683 c 1
+ 307.538 680 l 1
+ 242.921 376 l 1
+ 301.675 436 348.776 460 407.776 460 c 0
+ 471.589 460 504.072 426.486 504.072 360.924 c 0
+ 504.072 343.265 501.715 323.28 496.979 301 c 2
+ 454.681 102 l 2
+ 450.093 80.4141 447.361 64.7982 447.361 53.2234 c 0
+ 447.361 27.7988 460.542 21.8716 496.188 15 c 1
+ 493 0 l 1
+ 281 0 l 1
+ 284.188 15 l 1
+ 343.464 21 356.227 34 370.681 102 c 2
+ 412.767 300 l 2
+ 416.196 316.135 417.914 330.463 417.914 342.961 c 0
+ 417.914 384.683 398.773 406 360.298 406 c 0
+ 321.298 406 287.685 389 235.907 343 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jaarmenian
+Encoding: 1393 1393 2971
+Width: 503
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+337.824 432 m 0
+ 215.446 432 154.794 274.397 154.794 175.286 c 0
+ 154.794 111.644 177.904 51 249.841 51 c 0
+ 301.841 51 356.666 69 368.995 127 c 2
+ 412.781 333 l 2
+ 415.396 345.302 416.736 356.493 416.736 366.554 c 0
+ 416.736 409.652 392.144 432 337.824 432 c 0
+353.776 460 m 1
+ 432.362 456.625 488.303 406.987 488.303 318.291 c 0
+ 488.303 301.854 486.382 284.075 482.327 265 c 2
+ 448.743 107 l 2
+ 447.018 98.8809 446.217 91.9117 446.217 85.9306 c 0
+ 446.217 52.8683 470.683 50 498.628 50 c 1
+ 495.652 36 l 1
+ 446.102 24 396.7 8 347.087 -9 c 1
+ 345.512 -7 l 1
+ 363.154 76 l 1
+ 318.739 27 246.874 -10 186.874 -10 c 0
+ 93.6208 -10 61.8874 59.5273 61.8874 138.292 c 0
+ 61.8874 305.129 187.45 444.798 321.563 459 c 1
+ 417.703 502 l 1
+ 338.959 602 l 1
+ 471.713 662 l 1
+ 478.312 646 l 1
+ 415.36 618 l 1
+ 490.954 522 l 1
+ 353.776 460 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni0572
+Encoding: 1394 1394 2972
+Width: 531
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+404.468 308 m 2
+ 407.596 322.717 409.161 335.693 409.161 346.974 c 0
+ 409.161 386.284 390.159 405 352.085 405 c 0
+ 319.085 405 294.535 393 236.97 348 c 1
+ 177.241 67 l 2
+ 175.889 60.6398 175.165 55.0287 175.165 50.0786 c 0
+ 175.165 27.0096 190.899 18.2933 232.188 15 c 1
+ 229 0 l 1
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 20.1885 15 l 1
+ 72.0391 19 86.0146 33 98.1299 90 c 2
+ 150.844 338 l 2
+ 154.01 352.894 155.676 364.646 155.676 373.791 c 0
+ 155.676 394.733 146.937 402 127.447 402 c 0
+ 116.447 402 106.235 401 99.5977 398 c 1
+ 103.211 415 l 1
+ 161.612 431 197.95 442 250.776 460 c 1
+ 257.351 458 l 1
+ 240.559 379 l 1
+ 322.162 443 356.776 460 402.776 460 c 0
+ 462.304 460 494.716 423.762 494.716 360.656 c 0
+ 494.716 345.314 492.8 328.384 488.893 310 c 2
+ 397.706 -119 l 2
+ 395.592 -128.947 394.334 -137.575 394.334 -145.01 c 0
+ 394.334 -174.201 413.714 -185 476.677 -185 c 1
+ 473.488 -200 l 1
+ 296.488 -200 l 1
+ 404.468 308 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cheharmenian
+Encoding: 1395 1395 2973
+Width: 518
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+648.929 664.865 m 0
+ 648.929 636.075 586.695 565 570.095 565 c 0
+ 557.095 565 533.495 581 502.495 581 c 0
+ 471.891 581 419.786 553.869 356.341 505 c 1
+ 454.418 467.828 489.061 400.008 489.061 325.283 c 0
+ 489.061 305.525 486.639 285.284 482.327 265 c 2
+ 448.743 107 l 2
+ 446.646 97.1353 445.684 88.9755 445.684 82.2265 c 0
+ 445.684 51.3469 465.829 50 489.628 50 c 2
+ 498.628 50 l 1
+ 495.652 36 l 1
+ 446.102 24 396.7 8 347.087 -9 c 1
+ 345.512 -7 l 1
+ 363.154 76 l 1
+ 318.739 27 246.874 -10 186.874 -10 c 0
+ 93.6208 -10 61.8874 59.5273 61.8874 138.292 c 0
+ 61.8874 209.833 75.6723 327.116 296.428 496 c 1
+ 257.616 511 206.104 518 143.104 518 c 1
+ 147.143 537 l 1
+ 219.143 537 276.655 530 322.892 517 c 1
+ 388.882 564 444.896 597 461.597 605 c 0
+ 523.186 636 623.2 669 644.2 669 c 0
+ 647.177 669 648.929 668.446 648.929 664.865 c 0
+328.452 482 m 1
+ 176.394 351.296 145.648 190.369 145.648 142.085 c 0
+ 145.648 92.5561 168.746 51 249.841 51 c 0
+ 301.841 51 356.666 69 368.995 127 c 2
+ 401.729 281 l 2
+ 406.377 302.871 408.817 323.586 408.817 342.98 c 0
+ 408.817 404.28 384.447 452.373 328.452 482 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: menarmenian
+Encoding: 1396 1396 2974
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+389.446 509.879 m 0
+ 389.446 601.162 454.683 662 517.713 662 c 0
+ 537.378 662 578.464 650.015 578.464 607.478 c 0
+ 578.464 602.427 577.885 596.944 576.621 591 c 9
+ 548.621 591 l 17
+ 549.231 593.868 549.512 596.617 549.512 599.237 c 0
+ 549.512 619.46 532.73 632 520.336 632 c 0
+ 468.788 632 455.9 568.54 455.9 533.7 c 0
+ 455.9 472.281 498.416 454.309 498.416 379.906 c 0
+ 498.416 364.126 496.504 345.809 491.868 324 c 2
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.383 95.8941 442.182 86.9398 442.182 79.723 c 0
+ 442.182 52.4993 459.267 50 495.628 50 c 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 400.338 11 346.087 -9 c 1
+ 342.512 -7 l 1
+ 360.154 76 l 1
+ 317.715 41 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 414.458 355 l 2
+ 417.602 369.791 418.901 382.158 418.901 392.837 c 0
+ 418.901 443.687 389.446 456.253 389.446 509.879 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yiarmenian
+Encoding: 1397 1397 2975
+Width: 243
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-105.487 -170.777 m 0
+ -105.487 -149.56 -85.4352 -124 -55.3574 -124 c 0
+ -14.3574 -124 -16.1104 -184 21.8896 -184 c 0
+ 63.8896 -184 79.4551 -139 99.4346 -45 c 2
+ 179.994 334 l 2
+ 182.779 347.103 184.215 357.792 184.215 366.321 c 0
+ 184.215 385.782 176.738 394 160.747 394 c 0
+ 136.747 394 114.897 390 114.897 390 c 1
+ 118.298 406 l 1
+ 181.124 424 221.888 437 285.776 460 c 1
+ 290.139 457 l 1
+ 193 0 l 2
+ 162.817 -142 87.6631 -218 -22.3369 -218 c 0
+ -71.853 -218 -105.487 -198.661 -105.487 -170.777 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: nowarmenian
+Encoding: 1398 1398 2976
+Width: 473
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+359.036 640 m 2
+ 300.831 640 235.61 601.829 235.61 544.573 c 0
+ 235.61 510.214 257.396 478 303.602 478 c 1
+ 297.65 450 l 1
+ 237.65 450 221.998 414 197.342 298 c 10
+ 160.357 124 l 2
+ 159.126 118.206 158.536 112.564 158.536 107.143 c 0
+ 158.536 73.2663 181.583 48 215.203 48 c 0
+ 235.203 48 324.541 59 340.695 135 c 2
+ 390.646 370 l 2
+ 393.551 383.667 395.266 394.196 395.266 402.383 c 0
+ 395.266 424.149 383.145 429.367 349.037 433 c 1
+ 352.65 450 l 1
+ 491.65 450 l 1
+ 418.743 107 l 2
+ 416.431 96.1226 415.15 87.2022 415.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 415.15 56.4128 428.505 50 463.628 50 c 2
+ 468.628 50 l 1
+ 465.652 36 l 1
+ 411.676 22 373.338 11 319.087 -9 c 1
+ 315.512 -7 l 1
+ 331.028 66 l 1
+ 288.589 31 240.874 -10 168.874 -10 c 0
+ 107.548 -10 71.5159 25.9929 71.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 71.5159 95.4496 72.8216 107.367 75.5068 120 c 2
+ 120.568 332 l 2
+ 135.873 404 155.8 446 244.414 463 c 1
+ 182.014 481.512 166.348 507.163 166.348 536.283 c 0
+ 166.348 586.57 196.49 662 363.713 662 c 2
+ 389.713 662 l 1
+ 385.036 640 l 1
+ 359.036 640 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: shaarmenian
+Encoding: 1399 1399 2977
+Width: 406
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+434.602 323.842 m 0
+ 434.602 123.976 138.057 -60.8924 125.068 -122 c 0
+ 124.293 -125.649 123.874 -129.009 123.874 -132.104 c 0
+ 123.874 -166.318 175.043 -168 360.29 -168 c 1
+ 353.488 -200 l 1
+ 51.4778 -200 -17.0251 -198.304 -17.0251 -155.882 c 0
+ -17.0251 -152.231 -16.5178 -148.279 -15.6084 -144 c 0
+ -4.34277 -91 279.687 -25 334.951 235 c 0
+ 338.897 253.566 341.017 271.351 341.017 287.792 c 0
+ 341.017 345.737 314.694 387 249.26 387 c 0
+ 180.26 387 151.458 355 90.627 257 c 1
+ 70.6895 262 l 1
+ 91.6797 309 145.988 461 306.988 461 c 0
+ 392.843 461 434.602 401.028 434.602 323.842 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: voarmenian
+Encoding: 1400 1400 2978
+Width: 499
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+99.5977 398 m 1
+ 103.211 415 l 1
+ 161.612 431 197.95 442 250.776 460 c 1
+ 257.351 458 l 1
+ 240.559 379 l 1
+ 322.162 443 356.776 460 402.776 460 c 0
+ 462.304 460 494.716 423.762 494.716 360.656 c 0
+ 494.716 345.314 492.8 328.384 488.893 310 c 2
+ 440.217 81 l 2
+ 437.758 69.4342 436.407 59.9297 436.407 52.0922 c 0
+ 436.407 26.7251 450.566 18.8198 487.188 15 c 1
+ 484 0 l 1
+ 276 0 l 1
+ 279.188 15 l 1
+ 330.039 19 346.652 36 360.043 99 c 2
+ 404.468 308 l 2
+ 407.596 322.717 409.161 335.693 409.161 346.974 c 0
+ 409.161 386.284 390.159 405 352.085 405 c 0
+ 319.085 405 294.535 393 236.97 348 c 1
+ 177.241 67 l 2
+ 175.889 60.6398 175.165 55.0287 175.165 50.0786 c 0
+ 175.165 27.0096 190.899 18.2933 232.188 15 c 1
+ 229 0 l 1
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 20.1885 15 l 1
+ 72.0391 19 86.0146 33 98.1299 90 c 2
+ 150.844 338 l 2
+ 154.01 352.894 155.676 364.646 155.676 373.791 c 0
+ 155.676 394.733 146.937 402 127.447 402 c 0
+ 116.447 402 106.235 401 99.5977 398 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: chaarmenian
+Encoding: 1401 1401 2979
+Width: 407
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+264.879 402.017 m 0
+ 264.879 360.201 400.809 318.654 400.809 233.617 c 0
+ 400.809 227.942 400.203 222.075 398.912 216 c 0
+ 387.222 161 157.313 25 126.068 -122 c 0
+ 125.293 -125.649 124.874 -129.009 124.874 -132.104 c 0
+ 124.874 -166.318 176.043 -168 361.29 -168 c 1
+ 354.488 -200 l 1
+ 52.4778 -200 -16.0251 -198.304 -16.0251 -155.882 c 0
+ -16.0251 -152.231 -15.5178 -148.279 -14.6084 -144 c 0
+ -0.367188 -77 288.894 103 304.835 178 c 0
+ 305.83 182.68 306.299 187.267 306.299 191.763 c 0
+ 306.299 266.022 178.342 315.392 178.342 348.448 c 0
+ 178.342 349.309 178.429 350.16 178.607 351 c 0
+ 191.148 410 283.65 450 307.626 464 c 9
+ 344.626 464 l 17
+ 341.422 461.658 264.879 425.233 264.879 402.017 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: peharmenian
+Encoding: 1402 1402 2980
+Width: 793
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+465.874 -10 m 0
+ 411.874 -10 383.613 17 377.729 74 c 1
+ 311.401 16 254.874 -10 196.874 -10 c 0
+ 138.713 -10 109.509 24.2318 109.509 91.8337 c 0
+ 109.509 113.731 112.573 139.13 118.71 168 c 2
+ 164.409 383 l 2
+ 165.924 390.126 166.739 396.318 166.739 401.69 c 0
+ 166.739 425.719 150.43 433.365 107.462 435 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 262.65 450 l 9
+ 199.309 152 l 2
+ 194.438 129.085 191.846 110.439 191.846 95.4509 c 0
+ 191.846 56.1496 209.664 42 250.928 42 c 0
+ 296.928 42 333.753 60 372.894 103 c 1
+ 426.458 355 l 2
+ 429.662 370.076 431.414 382.491 431.414 392.662 c 0
+ 431.414 424.321 414.442 434.243 371.462 435 c 1
+ 374.65 450 l 1
+ 530.65 450 l 1
+ 466.246 147 l 2
+ 462.486 129.311 460.606 113.857 460.606 100.637 c 0
+ 460.606 61.5458 477.047 42 509.928 42 c 0
+ 572.928 42 637.918 89 640.468 101 c 2
+ 700.409 383 l 2
+ 701.924 390.126 702.739 396.318 702.739 401.69 c 0
+ 702.739 425.719 686.43 433.365 643.462 435 c 1
+ 646.65 450 l 1
+ 798.65 450 l 1
+ 678.344 -116 l 2
+ 675.625 -128.79 674.072 -139.147 674.072 -147.561 c 0
+ 674.072 -175.327 690.98 -181.93 738.677 -185 c 1
+ 735.488 -200 l 1
+ 499.488 -200 l 1
+ 502.677 -185 l 1
+ 566.74 -180 583.503 -167 594.981 -113 c 2
+ 635.154 76 l 1
+ 596.227 34 545.874 -10 465.874 -10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: jheharmenian
+Encoding: 1403 1403 2981
+Width: 414
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+257.26 387 m 0
+ 118.445 387 105.416 296.745 105.416 286.118 c 0
+ 105.416 235.774 260.677 257.331 260.677 141.468 c 0
+ 260.677 105.637 242.897 54.2259 237.502 40 c 1
+ 343.582 151.363 349.017 263.867 349.017 287.792 c 0
+ 349.017 345.737 322.694 387 257.26 387 c 0
+71.2938 230.901 m 0
+ 71.2938 258.71 105.449 461 314.988 461 c 0
+ 400.843 461 442.602 401.028 442.602 323.842 c 0
+ 442.602 123.976 146.057 -60.8924 133.068 -122 c 0
+ 132.293 -125.649 131.874 -129.009 131.874 -132.104 c 0
+ 131.874 -166.318 183.043 -168 368.29 -168 c 1
+ 361.488 -200 l 1
+ 59.4778 -200 -9.02513 -198.304 -9.02513 -155.882 c 0
+ -9.02513 -70.0975 180.659 -95.6969 219.28 86 c 0
+ 219.838 88.6227 220.105 91.111 220.105 93.4781 c 0
+ 220.105 149.32 71.2938 137.689 71.2938 230.901 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: raarmenian
+Encoding: 1404 1404 2982
+Width: 463
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+507.565 351.747 m 0
+ 507.565 287.798 468.299 186.621 372.802 32 c 1
+ 454.802 32 l 1
+ 448 0 l 1
+ 287 0 l 1
+ 304.179 40.6035 421.826 251.765 421.826 337.411 c 0
+ 421.826 383.254 393.125 405 352.085 405 c 0
+ 319.085 405 294.535 393 236.97 348 c 1
+ 177.241 67 l 2
+ 175.889 60.6398 175.165 55.0287 175.165 50.0786 c 0
+ 175.165 27.0096 190.899 18.2933 232.188 15 c 1
+ 229 0 l 1
+ 17 0 l 1
+ 20.1885 15 l 1
+ 72.0391 19 86.0146 33 98.1299 90 c 2
+ 150.844 338 l 2
+ 154.01 352.894 155.676 364.646 155.676 373.791 c 0
+ 155.676 394.733 146.937 402 127.447 402 c 0
+ 116.447 402 106.235 401 99.5977 398 c 1
+ 103.211 415 l 1
+ 161.612 431 197.95 442 250.776 460 c 1
+ 257.351 458 l 1
+ 240.559 379 l 1
+ 322.162 443 356.776 460 402.776 460 c 0
+ 465.052 460 507.565 420.34 507.565 351.747 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: seharmenian
+Encoding: 1405 1405 2983
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+495.628 50 m 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 400.338 11 346.087 -9 c 1
+ 342.512 -7 l 1
+ 358.666 69 l 1
+ 316.227 34 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 417.646 370 l 2
+ 420.005 381.098 421.353 390.226 421.353 397.743 c 0
+ 421.353 424.094 404.779 430.666 357.037 433 c 1
+ 360.65 450 l 1
+ 518.65 450 l 1
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.431 96.1226 442.15 87.2022 442.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 442.15 56.4128 455.505 50 490.628 50 c 2
+ 495.628 50 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: vewarmenian
+Encoding: 1406 1406 2984
+Width: 516
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+387.29 -168 m 17
+ 470.29 -168 l 1
+ 463.488 -200 l 1
+ 296.488 -200 l 1
+ 352.604 64 l 1
+ 310.164 29 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 458.882 564 l 2
+ 461.637 576.962 463.098 587.414 463.098 595.754 c 0
+ 463.098 617.657 453.023 625 429.848 625 c 0
+ 416.848 625 405.423 623 392.423 623 c 1
+ 395.823 639 l 1
+ 468.438 656 508.562 666 564.176 683 c 1
+ 567.751 681 l 1
+ 387.29 -168 l 17
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1407 1407 2985
+Width: 758
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+410.419 336 m 2
+ 413.79 351.859 415.554 363.405 415.554 371.804 c 0
+ 415.554 392.004 405.349 394 382.747 394 c 1
+ 385.723 408 l 1
+ 435.124 424 460.824 432 515.075 452 c 1
+ 518.65 450 l 1
+ 503.347 378 l 1
+ 584.95 442 615.776 460 661.776 460 c 0
+ 721.304 460 753.716 423.762 753.716 360.656 c 0
+ 753.716 345.314 751.8 328.384 747.893 310 c 2
+ 699.217 81 l 2
+ 696.758 69.4342 695.407 59.9297 695.407 52.0922 c 0
+ 695.407 26.7251 709.566 18.8198 746.188 15 c 1
+ 743 0 l 1
+ 535 0 l 1
+ 538.188 15 l 1
+ 589.039 19 605.652 36 619.043 99 c 2
+ 663.468 308 l 2
+ 666.596 322.717 668.161 335.693 668.161 346.974 c 0
+ 668.161 386.284 649.159 405 611.085 405 c 0
+ 578.085 405 554.535 393 496.97 348 c 1
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 442.488 91.6827 440.77 80.4581 440.77 72.24 c 0
+ 440.77 52.0221 451.165 50 474.628 50 c 1
+ 471.652 36 l 1
+ 421.251 20 396.338 11 342.087 -9 c 1
+ 338.512 -7 l 1
+ 353.816 65 l 1
+ 310.164 29 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 410.419 336 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: reharmenian
+Encoding: 1408 1408 2986
+Width: 504
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+437.241 67 m 2
+ 435.889 60.6398 435.165 55.0287 435.165 50.0786 c 0
+ 435.165 27.0096 450.899 18.2933 492.188 15 c 1
+ 489 0 l 1
+ 277 0 l 1
+ 280.188 15 l 1
+ 332.039 19 346.015 33 358.13 90 c 2
+ 404.468 308 l 2
+ 407.596 322.717 409.161 335.693 409.161 346.974 c 0
+ 409.161 386.284 390.159 405 352.085 405 c 0
+ 319.085 405 294.535 393 236.97 348 c 1
+ 134.73 -133 l 2
+ 133.378 -139.36 132.654 -144.972 132.654 -149.922 c 0
+ 132.654 -172.991 148.388 -181.707 189.677 -185 c 1
+ 186.488 -200 l 1
+ -25.5117 -200 l 1
+ -22.3232 -185 l 1
+ 29.5273 -181 43.5029 -167 55.6191 -110 c 2
+ 150.844 338 l 2
+ 154.01 352.894 155.676 364.646 155.676 373.791 c 0
+ 155.676 394.733 146.937 402 127.447 402 c 0
+ 116.447 402 106.235 401 99.5977 398 c 1
+ 103.211 415 l 1
+ 161.612 431 197.95 442 250.776 460 c 1
+ 257.351 458 l 1
+ 240.559 379 l 1
+ 322.162 443 356.776 460 402.776 460 c 0
+ 462.304 460 494.716 423.762 494.716 360.656 c 0
+ 494.716 345.314 492.8 328.384 488.893 310 c 2
+ 437.241 67 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: coarmenian
+Encoding: 1409 1409 2987
+Width: 466
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+341.037 433 m 0
+ 218.677 433 154.923 284.125 154.923 174.361 c 0
+ 154.923 112.404 176.447 51 252.841 51 c 0
+ 283.841 51 319.391 63 345.43 82 c 0
+ 357.13 90 363.894 103 368.995 127 c 2
+ 412.781 333 l 2
+ 415.435 345.487 416.762 356.793 416.762 366.924 c 0
+ 416.762 411.154 391.482 433 341.037 433 c 0
+61.122 138.297 m 0
+ 61.122 298.317 190.404 461 343.988 461 c 0
+ 382.988 461 411.075 452 451.337 425 c 1
+ 512.139 457 l 1
+ 523.139 457 l 1
+ 426 0 l 2
+ 405.807 -95 333.663 -218 154.663 -218 c 0
+ 106.926 -218 45.4679 -208.363 45.4679 -171.047 c 0
+ 45.4679 -147.111 68.2901 -124 96.6426 -124 c 0
+ 145.643 -124 127.89 -184 218.89 -184 c 0
+ 243.89 -184 309.267 -154 332.435 -45 c 2
+ 355.604 64 l 1
+ 301.401 16 240.874 -10 182.874 -10 c 0
+ 106.52 -10 61.122 48.7219 61.122 138.297 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: yiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1410 1410 2988
+Width: 288
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+90 0 m 9
+ 160.994 334 l 2
+ 163.821 347.298 165.281 358.038 165.281 366.552 c 0
+ 165.281 386.21 157.494 394 140.747 394 c 0
+ 131.747 394 113.322 392 97.8975 390 c 1
+ 101.085 405 l 1
+ 267.776 460 l 1
+ 271.139 457 l 1
+ 193.768 93 l 2
+ 191.325 81.507 190.048 71.7447 190.048 63.4578 c 0
+ 190.048 26.3194 215.682 18.8176 276.826 18 c 1
+ 273 0 l 1
+ 90 0 l 9
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: piwrarmenian
+Encoding: 1411 1411 2989
+Width: 758
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+352.604 64 m 1
+ 308.951 28 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 460.795 573 l 2
+ 463.1 583.845 464.423 592.463 464.423 599.289 c 0
+ 464.423 619.526 452.791 624 420.636 624 c 0
+ 415.636 624 412.636 624 408.423 623 c 1
+ 411.823 639 l 1
+ 440.524 647 l 2
+ 499.925 663 526.625 671 563.176 683 c 1
+ 567.538 680 l 1
+ 503.347 378 l 1
+ 584.95 442 615.776 460 661.776 460 c 0
+ 721.304 460 753.716 423.762 753.716 360.656 c 0
+ 753.716 345.314 751.8 328.384 747.893 310 c 2
+ 699.217 81 l 2
+ 696.758 69.4342 695.407 59.9297 695.407 52.0922 c 0
+ 695.407 26.7251 709.566 18.8198 746.188 15 c 1
+ 743 0 l 1
+ 535 0 l 1
+ 538.188 15 l 1
+ 589.039 19 605.652 36 619.043 99 c 2
+ 663.468 308 l 2
+ 666.596 322.717 668.161 335.693 668.161 346.974 c 0
+ 668.161 386.284 649.159 405 611.085 405 c 0
+ 578.085 405 554.535 393 496.97 348 c 1
+ 402.17 -98 l 2
+ 398.026 -117.497 395.647 -132.443 395.647 -143.988 c 0
+ 395.647 -173.303 410.981 -180.695 451.677 -185 c 1
+ 448.488 -200 l 1
+ 232.488 -200 l 1
+ 235.677 -185 l 1
+ 295.378 -177 303.29 -168 318.17 -98 c 2
+ 352.604 64 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: keharmenian
+Encoding: 1412 1412 2990
+Width: 510
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+277.676 22 m 0
+ 380.079 22 446.31 166.095 446.31 278.763 c 0
+ 446.31 353.923 413.642 400 356.022 400 c 0
+ 310.022 400 246.37 364 239.994 334 c 2
+ 187.705 88 l 2
+ 187.329 86.229 187.146 84.437 187.146 82.6328 c 0
+ 187.146 53.875 233.45 22 277.676 22 c 0
+539.394 309.096 m 0
+ 539.394 160.669 417.324 -10 267.874 -10 c 0
+ 225.874 -10 204 0 176.015 33 c 1
+ 154.546 -68 l 1
+ 445.546 -68 l 1
+ 438.744 -100 l 1
+ 147.744 -100 l 1
+ 143.806 -118.53 141.116 -133.039 141.116 -144.348 c 0
+ 141.116 -173.319 158.77 -181.281 218.314 -182 c 1
+ 214.488 -200 l 1
+ -27.5117 -200 l 1
+ -23.8975 -183 l 1
+ 44.8027 -175 52.0537 -155 63.7441 -100 c 1
+ -6.25586 -100 l 1
+ 0.545898 -68 l 1
+ 70.5459 -68 l 1
+ 156.632 337 l 2
+ 159.573 350.839 161.226 361.47 161.226 369.582 c 0
+ 161.226 389.022 151.736 394 127.747 394 c 0
+ 118.747 394 111.747 394 102.535 393 c 1
+ 105.936 409 l 1
+ 164.549 426 202.312 439 260.776 460 c 1
+ 266.351 458 l 1
+ 249.984 381 l 1
+ 305.462 435 354.776 460 410.776 460 c 0
+ 490.654 460 539.394 399.647 539.394 309.096 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: oharmenian
+Encoding: 1413 1413 2991
+Width: 501
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+71.7351 168.451 m 0
+ 71.7351 309.513 183.321 460 348.776 460 c 0
+ 458.313 460 526.698 390.43 526.698 288.265 c 0
+ 526.698 145.406 402.226 -10 246.874 -10 c 0
+ 139.543 -10 71.7351 63.2882 71.7351 168.451 c 0
+329.824 432 m 0
+ 231.197 432 167.39 320.696 167.39 176.125 c 0
+ 167.39 84.3373 200.344 18 264.826 18 c 0
+ 339.826 18 399.28 86 423.299 199 c 0
+ 429.799 229.582 432.925 258.122 432.925 284.006 c 0
+ 432.925 374.076 395.073 432 329.824 432 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: feharmenian
+Encoding: 1414 1414 2992
+Width: 562
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+345.887 644 m 0
+ 275.072 644 234.582 539.801 234.582 488.412 c 0
+ 234.582 433.956 275.155 405.614 327.622 384 c 1
+ 357.38 524 l 2
+ 363.576 553.15 368.258 581.415 368.258 603.185 c 0
+ 368.258 627.717 362.312 644 345.887 644 c 0
+150.974 491.649 m 0
+ 150.974 562.989 222.115 670 373.413 670 c 0
+ 426.705 670 451.014 631.685 451.014 584.815 c 0
+ 451.014 574.518 449.841 563.807 447.544 553 c 2
+ 406.096 358 l 1
+ 490.886 331.117 575.506 303.432 575.506 219.539 c 0
+ 575.506 209.81 574.368 199.326 571.961 188 c 0
+ 549.43 82 497.512 -7 326.812 -15 c 1
+ 309.17 -98 l 2
+ 305.026 -117.497 302.647 -132.443 302.647 -143.988 c 0
+ 302.647 -173.303 317.981 -180.695 358.677 -185 c 1
+ 355.488 -200 l 1
+ 139.488 -200 l 1
+ 142.677 -185 l 1
+ 202.378 -177 210.29 -168 225.17 -98 c 2
+ 244.087 -9 l 1
+ 105.484 19.1406 64.1075 141.442 64.1075 159.631 c 0
+ 64.1075 166.232 80.118 173 112.772 173 c 0
+ 135.772 173 161.922 169 177.584 158 c 0
+ 181.454 155.562 182.76 150.878 182.76 144.658 c 0
+ 182.76 131.747 177.135 112.215 177.135 92.3968 c 0
+ 177.135 63.0148 189.499 33.0025 250.889 23 c 1
+ 321.458 355 l 1
+ 236.479 386.79 150.974 416.104 150.974 491.649 c 0
+334.464 21 m 1
+ 465.604 39.3317 488.486 168.169 488.486 205.417 c 0
+ 488.486 262.952 449.616 297.359 398.656 323 c 1
+ 334.464 21 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: echyiwnarmenian
+Encoding: 1415 1415 2993
+Width: 543
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+193.357 124 m 2
+ 192.126 118.206 191.536 112.564 191.536 107.143 c 0
+ 191.536 73.2663 214.583 48 248.203 48 c 0
+ 268.203 48 357.541 59 373.695 135 c 2
+ 415.994 334 l 2
+ 418.821 347.298 420.281 358.038 420.281 366.552 c 0
+ 420.281 386.21 412.494 394 395.747 394 c 0
+ 386.747 394 368.322 392 352.897 390 c 1
+ 356.085 405 l 1
+ 522.776 460 l 1
+ 526.139 457 l 1
+ 448.768 93 l 2
+ 446.325 81.507 445.048 71.7447 445.048 63.4578 c 0
+ 445.048 26.3194 470.682 18.8176 531.826 18 c 1
+ 528 0 l 1
+ 345 0 l 1
+ 359.666 69 l 1
+ 317.227 34 273.874 -10 201.874 -10 c 0
+ 140.548 -10 104.516 25.9929 104.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 104.516 95.4496 105.822 107.367 108.507 120 c 2
+ 204.795 573 l 2
+ 206.976 583.263 208.181 591.583 208.181 598.29 c 0
+ 208.181 618.38 197.374 624 169.636 624 c 0
+ 161.636 624 155.636 624 147.423 623 c 1
+ 150.823 639 l 1
+ 218.438 656 255.562 666 307.176 683 c 1
+ 311.751 681 l 1
+ 193.357 124 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Armenian subtable" echarmenian yiwnarmenian
+StartChar: periodarmenian
+Encoding: 1417 1417 2994
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 26 58 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni058A
+Encoding: 1418 1418 2995
+Width: 280
+VWidth: -77
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+116.279 293 m 0
+ 141.606 293 148.281 283.567 148.281 270.487 c 0
+ 148.281 254.549 140.847 239.443 140.847 223.386 c 0
+ 140.847 207.438 149.605 195 186.448 195 c 0
+ 222.448 195 272.438 242 299.004 287 c 1
+ 318.004 287 l 1
+ 291.525 233 237.984 174 171.984 174 c 0
+ 98.0374 174 76.4658 211.706 76.4658 243.89 c 0
+ 76.4658 279.262 99.5028 293 116.279 293 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: m_n_armenian
+Encoding: 64275 64275 2996
+Width: 971
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+800.254 514 m 1
+ 800.534 517.593 800.68 521.32 800.68 525.145 c 0
+ 800.68 576.674 774.161 646 691.312 646 c 0
+ 582.312 646 555.998 621 531.829 512 c 1
+ 740.829 512 l 1
+ 658.357 124 l 2
+ 657.126 118.206 656.536 112.564 656.536 107.143 c 0
+ 656.536 73.2663 679.583 48 713.203 48 c 0
+ 733.203 48 822.541 59 838.695 135 c 2
+ 888.646 370 l 2
+ 891.005 381.098 892.353 390.226 892.353 397.743 c 0
+ 892.353 424.094 875.779 430.666 828.037 433 c 1
+ 831.65 450 l 1
+ 989.65 450 l 1
+ 916.743 107 l 2
+ 914.431 96.1226 913.15 87.2022 913.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 913.15 56.4128 926.505 50 961.628 50 c 2
+ 966.628 50 l 1
+ 963.652 36 l 1
+ 909.676 22 871.338 11 817.087 -9 c 1
+ 813.512 -7 l 1
+ 829.666 69 l 1
+ 787.227 34 738.874 -10 666.874 -10 c 0
+ 605.548 -10 569.516 25.9929 569.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 569.516 95.4496 570.822 107.367 573.507 120 c 2
+ 650.027 480 l 1
+ 525.027 480 l 1
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.431 96.1226 442.15 87.2022 442.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 442.15 56.4128 455.505 50 490.628 50 c 2
+ 495.628 50 l 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 400.338 11 346.087 -9 c 1
+ 342.512 -7 l 1
+ 358.666 69 l 1
+ 316.227 34 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 441.027 480 l 1
+ 394.027 480 l 2
+ 324.761 480 226.196 517.207 226.196 527.676 c 0
+ 226.196 539.244 290.308 582 338.708 582 c 0
+ 354.708 582 355.829 512 414.829 512 c 2
+ 447.829 512 l 1
+ 478.123 631 550.688 676 712.688 676 c 0
+ 837.825 676 873.338 616.688 873.338 548.873 c 0
+ 873.338 544.611 873.198 540.316 872.931 536 c 1
+ 800.254 514 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian nowarmenian
+StartChar: m_e_armenian
+Encoding: 64276 64276 2997
+Width: 969
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+680.123 631 m 1
+ 606.123 631 548.834 592 522.052 466 c 2
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.383 95.8941 442.182 86.9398 442.182 79.723 c 0
+ 442.182 52.4993 459.267 50 495.628 50 c 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 395.338 11 341.087 -9 c 1
+ 337.512 -7 l 1
+ 353.666 69 l 1
+ 310.227 34 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 438.052 466 l 2
+ 463.346 585 526.713 662 731.713 662 c 2
+ 770.713 662 l 1
+ 732.452 482 l 1
+ 992.452 482 l 1
+ 985.65 450 l 1
+ 725.65 450 l 1
+ 656.357 124 l 2
+ 655.126 118.206 654.536 112.564 654.536 107.143 c 0
+ 654.536 73.2663 677.583 48 711.203 48 c 0
+ 731.203 48 820.541 59 836.695 135 c 2
+ 863.902 263 l 2
+ 866.261 274.098 867.61 283.225 867.61 290.743 c 0
+ 867.61 317.094 851.036 323.666 803.293 326 c 1
+ 806.907 343 l 1
+ 964.907 343 l 1
+ 914.743 107 l 2
+ 912.383 95.8941 911.182 86.9398 911.182 79.723 c 0
+ 911.182 52.4993 928.267 50 964.628 50 c 1
+ 961.652 36 l 1
+ 907.676 22 864.338 11 810.087 -9 c 1
+ 806.512 -7 l 1
+ 822.666 69 l 1
+ 780.227 34 736.874 -10 664.874 -10 c 0
+ 603.548 -10 567.516 25.9929 567.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 567.516 95.4496 568.822 107.367 571.507 120 c 2
+ 680.123 631 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian echarmenian
+StartChar: m_i_armenian
+Encoding: 64277 64277 2998
+Width: 978
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+712.921 376 m 1
+ 771.675 436 818.776 460 877.776 460 c 0
+ 941.589 460 974.072 426.486 974.072 360.924 c 0
+ 974.072 343.265 971.715 323.28 966.979 301 c 2
+ 924.681 102 l 2
+ 920.093 80.4141 917.361 64.7982 917.361 53.2234 c 0
+ 917.361 27.7988 930.542 21.8716 966.188 15 c 1
+ 963 0 l 1
+ 751 0 l 1
+ 754.188 15 l 1
+ 813.464 21 826.227 34 840.681 102 c 2
+ 882.767 300 l 2
+ 886.196 316.135 887.914 330.463 887.914 342.961 c 0
+ 887.914 384.683 868.773 406 830.298 406 c 0
+ 791.298 406 757.685 389 705.907 343 c 1
+ 612.17 -98 l 2
+ 608.026 -117.497 605.647 -132.443 605.647 -143.988 c 0
+ 605.647 -173.303 620.981 -180.695 661.677 -185 c 1
+ 658.488 -200 l 1
+ 442.488 -200 l 1
+ 445.677 -185 l 1
+ 505.378 -177 513.291 -168 528.17 -98 c 2
+ 683.123 631 l 1
+ 609.123 631 548.834 592 522.052 466 c 2
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.383 95.8941 442.182 86.9398 442.182 79.723 c 0
+ 442.182 52.4993 459.267 50 495.628 50 c 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 395.338 11 341.087 -9 c 1
+ 337.512 -7 l 1
+ 353.666 69 l 1
+ 310.227 34 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 438.052 466 l 2
+ 463.346 585 529.713 662 734.713 662 c 2
+ 773.713 662 l 1
+ 712.921 376 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian iniarmenian
+StartChar: v_n_armenian
+Encoding: 64278 64278 2999
+Width: 971
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+563.713 662 m 1
+ 531.829 512 l 1
+ 740.829 512 l 1
+ 658.357 124 l 2
+ 657.126 118.206 656.536 112.564 656.536 107.143 c 0
+ 656.536 73.2663 679.583 48 713.203 48 c 0
+ 733.203 48 822.541 59 838.695 135 c 2
+ 888.646 370 l 2
+ 891.005 381.098 892.353 390.226 892.353 397.743 c 0
+ 892.353 424.094 875.779 430.666 828.037 433 c 1
+ 831.65 450 l 1
+ 989.65 450 l 1
+ 916.743 107 l 2
+ 914.431 96.1226 913.15 87.2022 913.15 79.9215 c 0
+ 913.15 56.4128 926.505 50 961.628 50 c 2
+ 966.628 50 l 1
+ 963.652 36 l 1
+ 909.676 22 871.338 11 817.087 -9 c 1
+ 813.512 -7 l 1
+ 829.666 69 l 1
+ 787.227 34 738.874 -10 666.874 -10 c 0
+ 605.548 -10 569.516 25.9929 569.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 569.516 95.4496 570.822 107.367 573.507 120 c 2
+ 650.027 480 l 1
+ 525.027 480 l 1
+ 387.29 -168 l 1
+ 470.29 -168 l 1
+ 463.488 -200 l 1
+ 296.488 -200 l 1
+ 352.604 64 l 1
+ 310.164 29 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 441.027 480 l 1
+ 394.027 480 l 2
+ 324.761 480 226.196 517.207 226.196 527.676 c 0
+ 226.196 539.244 290.308 582 338.708 582 c 0
+ 354.708 582 355.829 512 414.829 512 c 2
+ 447.829 512 l 1
+ 479.713 662 l 17
+ 563.713 662 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" vewarmenian nowarmenian
+StartChar: m_x_armenian
+Encoding: 64279 64279 3000
+Width: 1219
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+742.65 450 m 1
+ 975.65 450 l 1
+ 906.357 124 l 2
+ 905.126 118.206 904.536 112.564 904.536 107.143 c 0
+ 904.536 73.2663 927.583 48 961.203 48 c 0
+ 981.203 48 1070.54 59 1086.7 135 c 2
+ 1136.65 370 l 2
+ 1139 381.098 1140.35 390.226 1140.35 397.743 c 0
+ 1140.35 424.094 1123.78 430.666 1076.04 433 c 1
+ 1079.65 450 l 1
+ 1237.65 450 l 1
+ 1164.74 107 l 2
+ 1162.38 95.8941 1161.18 86.9398 1161.18 79.723 c 0
+ 1161.18 52.4993 1178.27 50 1214.63 50 c 1
+ 1211.65 36 l 1
+ 1157.68 22 1119.34 11 1065.09 -9 c 1
+ 1061.51 -7 l 1
+ 1079.15 76 l 1
+ 1036.71 41 986.874 -10 914.874 -10 c 0
+ 853.548 -10 817.516 25.9929 817.516 84.3425 c 0
+ 817.516 95.4496 818.822 107.367 821.507 120 c 2
+ 871.245 354 l 2
+ 872.818 361.4 873.642 368.075 873.642 374.068 c 0
+ 873.642 405.326 851.231 418 795.849 418 c 2
+ 735.849 418 l 1
+ 622.344 -116 l 2
+ 619.625 -128.79 618.072 -139.147 618.072 -147.561 c 0
+ 618.072 -175.327 634.98 -181.93 682.677 -185 c 1
+ 679.488 -200 l 1
+ 443.488 -200 l 1
+ 446.677 -185 l 1
+ 510.74 -180 527.503 -167 538.981 -113 c 2
+ 697.123 631 l 1
+ 623.123 631 548.834 592 522.052 466 c 2
+ 445.743 107 l 2
+ 443.383 95.8941 442.182 86.9398 442.182 79.723 c 0
+ 442.182 52.4993 459.267 50 495.628 50 c 1
+ 492.652 36 l 1
+ 438.676 22 395.338 11 341.087 -9 c 1
+ 337.512 -7 l 1
+ 353.666 69 l 1
+ 310.227 34 267.874 -10 195.874 -10 c 0
+ 134.548 -10 98.5159 25.9929 98.5159 84.3425 c 0
+ 98.5159 95.4496 99.8216 107.367 102.507 120 c 2
+ 156.071 372 l 2
+ 158.211 382.068 159.365 390.651 159.365 397.948 c 0
+ 159.365 423.991 144.671 433.657 107.675 436 c 1
+ 110.65 450 l 1
+ 256.65 450 l 1
+ 187.357 124 l 2
+ 186.126 118.206 185.536 112.564 185.536 107.143 c 0
+ 185.536 73.2663 208.583 48 242.203 48 c 0
+ 262.203 48 351.541 59 367.695 135 c 2
+ 438.052 466 l 2
+ 463.346 585 543.713 662 748.713 662 c 2
+ 787.713 662 l 1
+ 742.65 450 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+Ligature2: "'dlig' Discretionary Ligatures in Armenian subtable" menarmenian xeharmenian
+StartChar: Euler
+Encoding: 8455 8455 3001
+Width: 518
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1409 400 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2141
+Encoding: 8513 8513 3002
+Width: 663
+VWidth: 942
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+330.765 86 m 0
+ 516.189 86 629.639 268.452 629.639 435.054 c 0
+ 629.639 530.355 589.656 632 442.271 632 c 0
+ 321.241 632 215.698 546.46 190.553 428.16 c 2
+ 186.685 409.96 l 1
+ 388.705 409.96 l 1
+ 372.844 335.34 l 1
+ 96.2031 335.34 l 1
+ 171.446 689.33 l 1
+ 225.137 689.33 l 1
+ 227.305 601.06 l 1
+ 307.195 672.95 386.242 706.62 476.332 706.62 c 0
+ 626.515 706.62 717.201 606.99 717.201 454.812 c 0
+ 717.201 280.781 595.025 11.3799 313.994 11.3799 c 0
+ 166.212 11.3799 81.3076 84.5254 81.3076 212.405 c 0
+ 81.3076 216.029 81.376 219.698 81.5127 223.41 c 1
+ 167.962 223.41 l 1
+ 167.98 137.87 229.755 86 330.765 86 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2142
+Encoding: 8514 8514 3003
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+330.4 0 m 1
+ 455.547 588.77 l 1
+ 127.946 588.77 l 1
+ 143.808 663.39 l 1
+ 556.038 663.39 l 1
+ 415.03 0 l 1
+ 330.4 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2143
+Encoding: 8515 8515 3004
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+491.408 663.39 m 1
+ 576.038 663.39 l 1
+ 435.03 0 l 1
+ 22.7998 0 l 1
+ 38.6611 74.6201 l 1
+ 366.261 74.6201 l 1
+ 491.408 663.39 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2144
+Encoding: 8516 8516 3005
+Width: 637
+VWidth: 942
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+355.359 403.935 m 1
+ 410.679 664.195 l 1
+ 495.309 664.195 l 1
+ 439.989 403.935 l 1
+ 610.011 0.804688 l 1
+ 505.361 0.804688 l 1
+ 379.287 323.855 l 1
+ 121.341 0.804688 l 1
+ 20.3311 0.804688 l 1
+ 355.359 403.935 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2139
+Encoding: 8505 8505 3006
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+401.95 442 m 1
+ 328.618 97 l 2
+ 327.273 90.6719 326.569 85.0094 326.569 79.9431 c 0
+ 326.569 54.5868 344.214 44.1674 387.502 40 c 1
+ 379 0 l 1
+ 20 0 l 1
+ 28.502 40 l 1
+ 99.8408 51 112.541 59 121.256 100 c 2
+ 166.105 311 l 2
+ 167.71 318.547 168.609 325.009 168.609 330.587 c 0
+ 168.609 355.313 150.936 362.657 98.6455 370 c 1
+ 107.148 410 l 1
+ 401.95 442 l 1
+220.438 554.943 m 0
+ 220.438 623.456 284.354 683 349.176 683 c 0
+ 399.503 683 433.273 647.613 433.273 600.358 c 0
+ 433.273 537.284 375.282 475 303.965 475 c 0
+ 253.18 475 220.438 507.6 220.438 554.943 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: afii61289
+Encoding: 8467 8467 3007
+Width: 417
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+531.489 617.683 m 0
+ 531.489 508.61 323.857 388.18 250.332 345 c 1
+ 210.99 267.686 126.515 127.879 126.515 73.5986 c 0
+ 126.515 46.3281 141.423 26 173.526 26 c 0
+ 233.526 26 296.618 97 331.608 144 c 1
+ 348.12 137 l 1
+ 299.879 70 221.662 -11 138.662 -11 c 0
+ 85.2812 -11 58.1816 21.001 58.1816 67.0166 c 0
+ 58.1816 131.712 112.961 211.619 145.878 277 c 1
+ 40.9121 216 l 1
+ 34.5254 233 l 1
+ 161.68 309 l 1
+ 212.148 410 308.9 677 462.9 677 c 0
+ 502.939 677 531.489 655.029 531.489 617.683 c 0
+266.709 375 m 1
+ 290.679 390.208 501.552 515.429 501.552 605.578 c 0
+ 501.552 627.471 486.073 640 462.036 640 c 0
+ 406.036 640 363.307 566 340.954 522 c 2
+ 266.709 375 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni214a
+Encoding: 8522 8522 3008
+Width: 516
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+557.765 471.057 m 0
+ 557.765 389.127 497.846 311.4 404.99 311.4 c 2
+ 311.99 311.4 l 1
+ 256.258 49.2002 l 1
+ 472.258 49.2002 l 1
+ 461.8 0 l 1
+ 190 0 l 1
+ 299.297 514.2 l 1
+ 180.697 514.2 l 1
+ 95.207 112 l 1
+ 39.4062 112 l 1
+ 135.354 563.4 l 1
+ 309.754 563.4 l 1
+ 331.01 663.4 l 1
+ 386.81 663.4 l 1
+ 365.555 563.4 l 1
+ 445.954 563.4 l 2
+ 518.771 563.4 557.765 530.584 557.765 471.057 c 0
+394.448 360.6 m 2
+ 477.427 360.6 498.172 424.912 498.172 456.982 c 0
+ 498.172 493.124 472.778 514.2 427.097 514.2 c 2
+ 355.097 514.2 l 1
+ 322.448 360.6 l 1
+ 394.448 360.6 l 2
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+StartChar: scruple
+Encoding: 8456 8456 3009
+Width: 667
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+235.674 643 m 0
+ 265.724 643 322.732 676 427.688 676 c 0
+ 500.349 676 698.595 635.171 698.595 417.843 c 0
+ 698.595 389.908 695.32 359.056 688.081 325 c 0
+ 627.502 40 383.024 -14 284.024 -14 c 0
+ 171.024 -14 81.8018 32 38.0186 113 c 1
+ 59.8447 131 l 1
+ 118.753 60 178.377 30 261.377 30 c 0
+ 447.377 30 542.173 189 567.68 309 c 1
+ 365.68 309 l 2
+ 284.68 309 264.491 294 235.274 213 c 1
+ 212.274 213 l 1
+ 261.588 445 l 1
+ 284.588 445 l 1
+ 284.028 436.045 283.716 427.905 283.716 420.508 c 0
+ 283.716 361.83 303.349 350 374.395 350 c 2
+ 576.395 350 l 1
+ 582.858 380.407 585.998 409.001 585.998 435.473 c 0
+ 585.998 558.744 517.906 636 400.186 636 c 0
+ 244.186 636 178.467 515 145.65 450 c 1
+ 122.65 450 l 1
+ 179.688 676 l 1
+ 200.688 676 l 1
+ 202.225 655 215.674 643 235.674 643 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ounce
+Encoding: 8485 8485 3010
+Width: 409
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+147.652 -171 m 0
+ 238.153 -171 273.359 -67.3184 273.359 -30.9639 c 0
+ 273.359 49.5684 170.172 132.98 60.584 158 c 1
+ 304.732 361 l 1
+ 111.733 361 l 1
+ 123.998 414 l 1
+ 126.349 414 l 1
+ 358.172 603 l 1
+ 223.172 603 l 2
+ 175.172 603 160.196 589 141.418 543 c 1
+ 125.269 547 l 1
+ 157.138 664 l 1
+ 461.138 664 l 1
+ 460.587 652 l 1
+ 171.097 414 l 1
+ 393.998 414 l 1
+ 393.447 402 l 1
+ 160.637 210 l 1
+ 271.878 184.687 353.326 103.797 353.326 19.792 c 0
+ 353.326 -71.7246 254.461 -209 79.5762 -209 c 0
+ -11.1143 -209 -34.7422 -177.99 -34.7422 -150.1 c 0
+ -34.7422 -126.64 -21.4023 -111 12.4062 -111 c 0
+ 59.4062 -111 91.6523 -171 147.652 -171 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zblackletter
+Encoding: 8488 8488 3011
+Width: 663
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+661.114 520.935 m 0
+ 661.114 395.878 529.314 326.705 451.404 303 c 1
+ 542.808 283.554 600.989 225.51 600.989 133.701 c 0
+ 600.989 -15.5253 468.037 -162 251.565 -162 c 0
+ 59.5654 -162 124.976 14 53.9756 14 c 0
+ 28.9756 14 11.3623 -3 1.34766 -36 c 1
+ -14.6523 -36 l 1
+ 1.12598 10 47.9902 47 100.99 47 c 0
+ 139.99 47 168.589 31 185.575 -2 c 2
+ 221.232 -93 l 2
+ 237.218 -126 263.817 -142 302.817 -142 c 0
+ 480.161 -142 500.979 108.047 500.979 170.762 c 0
+ 500.979 250.135 471.892 290 413.642 290 c 0
+ 366.642 290 329.753 267 302.975 221 c 1
+ 289.676 229 l 1
+ 309.689 262 338.791 286 377.555 299 c 1
+ 349.317 312 330.568 332 320.521 360 c 1
+ 335.646 370 l 1
+ 350.568 332 374.53 313 408.53 313 c 0
+ 512.016 313 566.316 429.804 566.316 529.969 c 0
+ 566.316 596.305 538.625 656 445.438 656 c 0
+ 337.75 656 228.451 571.667 228.451 479.28 c 0
+ 228.451 471.623 229.31 464.197 231.139 457 c 1
+ 216.65 450 l 1
+ 214.053 459.948 212.826 469.895 212.826 479.843 c 0
+ 212.826 584.83 332.237 674 458.263 674 c 0
+ 573.559 674 661.114 614.887 661.114 520.935 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Heng
+Encoding: 42790 42790 3012
+Width: 722
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+521 326 m 1
+ 236 326 l 1
+ 170 82 l 2
+ 168 75 167 67 167 60 c 0
+ 167 31 178 24 238 16 c 1
+ 238 0 l 1
+ -8 0 l 1
+ -8 16 l 1
+ 48 26 57 31 73 90 c 2
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 203 557 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 343 633 316 614 302 563 c 2
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 579 532 l 2
+ 586 557 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
+ 767 637 l 1
+ 710 627 701 621 685 563 c 2
+ 544 49 l 2
+ 497 -122 432 -186 345 -186 c 0
+ 299 -186 253 -160 253 -125 c 0
+ 253 -101 270 -83 293 -83 c 0
+ 316 -83 334 -99 334 -120 c 0
+ 334 -139 321 -141 321 -152 c 0
+ 321 -159 327 -163 339 -163 c 0
+ 379 -163 400 -112 436 18 c 2
+ 521 326 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: heng
+Encoding: 42791 42791 3013
+Width: 491
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+348 304 m 2
+ 352 320 355 333 355 337 c 0
+ 355 350 342 362 327 362 c 0
+ 292 362 224 300 172 221 c 0
+ 132 160 119 126 79 -28 c 1
+ 4 -28 l 1
+ 139 484 l 2
+ 156 545 163 568 163 589 c 0
+ 163 601 145 615 131 615 c 0
+ 124 615 126 613 122 613 c 2
+ 96 613 l 1
+ 96 628 l 1
+ 156 635 195 642 253 655 c 1
+ 258 650 l 1
+ 138 202 l 1
+ 231 347 302 413 367 413 c 0
+ 406 413 433 386 433 346 c 0
+ 433 288 352 28 352 28 c 2
+ 308 -144 252 -207 165 -207 c 0
+ 119 -207 86 -181 86 -146 c 0
+ 86 -122 103 -104 126 -104 c 0
+ 149 -104 167 -120 167 -141 c 0
+ 167 -160 154 -162 154 -173 c 0
+ 154 -180 160 -184 172 -184 c 0
+ 212 -184 235 -134 269 -3 c 2
+ 348 304 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: TZ
+Encoding: 42792 42792 3014
+Width: 799
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+633 653 m 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 363 428 l 1
+ 790 428 l 1
+ 790 417 l 1
+ 500 73 l 1
+ 634 43 617 -60 691 -60 c 0
+ 707 -60 718 -54 718 -45 c 0
+ 718 -35 704 -20 704 0 c 0
+ 704 18 718 31 738 31 c 0
+ 759 31 773 16 773 -5 c 0
+ 773 -45 729 -81 679 -81 c 0
+ 603 -81 532 5 463 5 c 0
+ 446 5 433 0 417 -13 c 1
+ 408 -4 l 1
+ 718 368 l 1
+ 346.188 368 l 1
+ 277 120 l 2
+ 267.549 86.1221 265 74 265 61 c 0
+ 265 31 277 22 317 19 c 0
+ 323 19 338 17 355 16 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 65 0 l 1
+ 65 16 l 1
+ 131 21 157 37 171 90 c 2
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 294 618 l 2
+ 159 618 127 598 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: tz
+Encoding: 42793 42793 3015
+Width: 609
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+489 -81 m 0
+ 413 -81 342 5 273 5 c 0
+ 256 5 243 0 227 -13 c 1
+ 218 -4 l 1
+ 528 368 l 1
+ 198.688 368 l 1
+ 119 63 l 2
+ 118.199 59.9355 118 59 118 58 c 0
+ 118 46 124 38 133 38 c 0
+ 149 38 165 54 214 117 c 1
+ 227 110 l 1
+ 164 17 131 -11 85 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 37 5 37 27 c 0
+ 37 46 57 108 60 121 c 2
+ 132 396 l 1
+ 58 396 l 1
+ 57 399 57 401 57 402 c 0
+ 57 434 127 413 222 537 c 0
+ 228 545 231 546 237 546 c 0
+ 242 546 245 543 245 536 c 0
+ 245 535 245 533 244 531 c 2
+ 216 428 l 1
+ 600 428 l 1
+ 600 417 l 1
+ 310 73 l 1
+ 444 43 427 -60 501 -60 c 0
+ 517 -60 528 -54 528 -45 c 0
+ 528 -35 514 -20 514 0 c 0
+ 514 18 528 31 548 31 c 0
+ 569 31 583 16 583 -5 c 0
+ 583 -45 539 -81 489 -81 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: Tresillo
+Encoding: 42794 42794 3016
+Width: 532
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+277.377 467.012 m 0
+ 277.377 394.98 329.402 362 447.945 362 c 1
+ 440.931 329 l 1
+ 418.931 329 l 2
+ 245.798 329 201.025 217.288 201.025 138.274 c 0
+ 201.025 85.4114 224.803 32 319.802 32 c 0
+ 388.802 32 452.604 64 512.42 129 c 1
+ 525.507 120 l 1
+ 457.377 30 376.812 -15 283.812 -15 c 0
+ 160.663 -15 77.1664 42.2995 77.1664 137.427 c 0
+ 77.1664 186.131 105.151 323.915 274.119 344 c 1
+ 203.9 362.105 167.901 397.82 167.901 459.506 c 0
+ 167.901 572.507 262.893 676 402.688 676 c 0
+ 487.688 676 528.312 646 558.312 646 c 0
+ 575.312 646 588.438 656 596.688 676 c 1
+ 615.688 676 l 1
+ 572.327 472 l 1
+ 555.327 472 l 1
+ 555.609 477.953 555.751 483.749 555.751 489.386 c 0
+ 555.751 586.95 513.428 637 427.398 637 c 0
+ 307.381 637 277.377 521.88 277.377 467.012 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: tresillo
+Encoding: 42795 42795 3017
+Width: 409
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+263 479 m 0
+ 263 396 299 357 345 357 c 1
+ 338 327 l 1
+ 222 327 162 232 162 151 c 0
+ 162 70 179 22 230 22 c 0
+ 282 22 338 43 399 83 c 1
+ 409 72 l 1
+ 348 15 282 -14 212 -14 c 0
+ 116 -14 68 50 68 145 c 0
+ 68 205 97 319 259 344 c 1
+ 191 359 176 415 176 480 c 0
+ 176 564 245 663 389 663 c 0
+ 458 663 472 644 503 644 c 0
+ 508 644 517 646 526 652 c 1
+ 544 652 l 1
+ 517 511 l 1
+ 498 511 l 1
+ 496 596 464 639 401 639 c 0
+ 337 639 263 570 263 479 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cuatrillo
+Encoding: 42796 42796 3018
+Width: 437
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+107 -5 m 0
+ 107 14 128 42 160 42 c 0
+ 201 42 195 -18 233 -18 c 0
+ 275 -18 300 27 327 121 c 2
+ 339 167 l 1
+ 58 167 l 1
+ 76 231 l 1
+ 513 676 l 1
+ 557 676 l 1
+ 416 166 l 2
+ 377 24 307 -52 197 -52 c 0
+ 147 -52 107 -33 107 -5 c 0
+451 574 m 1
+ 116 231 l 1
+ 356 231 l 1
+ 451 574 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cuatrillo
+Encoding: 42797 42797 3019
+Width: 389
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+61 -168 m 0
+ 61 -149 83 -121 114 -121 c 0
+ 155 -121 150 -181 188 -181 c 0
+ 230 -181 255 -136 281 -42 c 1
+ 292 0 l 1
+ 53 0 l 1
+ 71 64 l 1
+ 451 450 l 1
+ 495 450 l 1
+ 371 3 l 2
+ 331 -139 261 -215 151 -215 c 0
+ 102 -215 61 -196 61 -168 c 0
+389 348 m 1
+ 111 64 l 1
+ 309 64 l 1
+ 389 348 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cuatrillocomma
+Encoding: 42798 42798 3020
+Width: 578
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3018 42796 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 12 44 N 1 0 0 1 396 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cuatrillocomma
+Encoding: 42799 42799 3021
+Width: 580
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3019 42797 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 12 44 N 1 0 0 1 398 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: lowcircumflex
+Encoding: 42888 42888 3022
+Width: 333
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 401 710 S 1 0 0 1 -156 -609 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: colonmodifier
+Encoding: 42889 42889 3023
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 26 58 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: shortequals
+Encoding: 42890 42890 3024
+Width: 282
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 0.5 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Saltillo
+Encoding: 42891 42891 3025
+Width: 286
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+344.379 712.37 m 0
+ 344.379 659.373 298.039 547.756 186.41 176 c 1
+ 173.41 176 l 1
+ 210.543 463.357 219.679 610.09 235.176 683 c 0
+ 245.166 730 271.543 760 304.543 760 c 0
+ 330.626 760 344.379 743.521 344.379 712.37 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: saltillo
+Encoding: 42892 42892 3026
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+337.001 716.37 m 0
+ 337.001 648.096 295.363 595.155 224.709 375 c 1
+ 211.709 375 l 1
+ 237.22 575 219.679 610.09 235.176 683 c 0
+ 245.166 730 267.543 760 300.543 760 c 0
+ 325.486 760 337.001 744.93 337.001 716.37 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10fc
+Encoding: 4348 4348 3027
+Width: 339
+VWidth: 750
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1744 4316 S 0.75 0 0 0.75 0 196 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni10f6
+Encoding: 4342 4342 3028
+Width: 741
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+380.666 276 m 2
+ 382.093 282.712 382.778 289.307 382.778 295.704 c 0
+ 382.778 338.867 351.571 373 306.283 373 c 0
+ 246.283 373 199.506 327 188.666 276 c 2
+ 157.845 131 l 2
+ 156.202 123.273 155.421 115.878 155.421 108.865 c 0
+ 155.421 64.1434 187.217 35 230.439 35 c 0
+ 289.439 35 338.579 78 350.058 132 c 2
+ 380.666 276 l 2
+71.7356 162.912 m 0
+ 71.7356 280.312 187.278 397 309.385 397 c 0
+ 344.987 397 375.988 387.398 400.833 370.878 c 1
+ 426.578 492 l 2
+ 449.746 601 556.813 686 661.813 686 c 1
+ 656.713 662 l 1
+ 599.287 660 550.147 617 539.307 566 c 2
+ 498.071 372 l 1
+ 531.472 388 564.385 397 600.385 397 c 0
+ 692.785 397 755.775 330.132 755.775 244.087 c 0
+ 755.775 126.687 640.233 10 518.126 10 c 0
+ 482.523 10 451.522 19.6016 426.678 36.1221 c 1
+ 400.933 -85 l 2
+ 377.764 -194 270.696 -279 165.696 -279 c 1
+ 170.798 -255 l 1
+ 228.224 -253 277.363 -210 288.203 -159 c 2
+ 329.439 35 l 1
+ 296.039 19 263.126 10 227.126 10 c 0
+ 134.726 10 71.7356 76.8674 71.7356 162.912 c 0
+446.845 131 m 2
+ 445.418 124.288 444.733 117.693 444.733 111.296 c 0
+ 444.733 68.1328 475.939 34 521.227 34 c 0
+ 581.227 34 628.005 80 638.845 131 c 2
+ 669.666 276 l 2
+ 671.308 283.727 672.09 291.122 672.09 298.135 c 0
+ 672.09 342.857 640.294 372 597.071 372 c 0
+ 538.071 372 488.931 329 477.453 275 c 2
+ 446.845 131 l 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f7
+Encoding: 4343 4343 3029
+Width: 452
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+399.639 -77.8621 m 0
+ 399.639 -159.148 318.862 -273 164.972 -273 c 0
+ 63.1656 -273 10.5046 -211.101 10.5046 -128.215 c 0
+ 10.5046 -113.403 12.1865 -97.9197 15.5703 -82 c 0
+ 46.6035 64 347.184 118.479 366.212 208 c 2
+ 385.342 298 l 2
+ 386.508 303.487 387.062 308.674 387.062 313.557 c 0
+ 387.062 351.389 353.829 371 314.858 371 c 0
+ 251.858 371 222.781 333 215.767 300 c 2
+ 205.564 252 l 1
+ 217.184 244.576 223.65 238.513 223.65 227.638 c 0
+ 223.65 199.055 190.73 180 153.26 180 c 0
+ 136.879 180 107.103 190.406 107.103 230.44 c 0
+ 107.103 280.203 153.849 396 308.173 396 c 0
+ 417.59 396 474.501 358.295 474.501 286.813 c 0
+ 474.501 275.98 473.194 264.371 470.564 252 c 0
+ 442.291 118.985 138.077 38 117.885 -57 c 2
+ 92.165 -178 l 2
+ 91.3815 -181.686 91.0066 -185.275 91.0066 -188.755 c 0
+ 91.0066 -223.98 129.422 -248 171.286 -248 c 0
+ 212.286 -248 277.088 -216 284.952 -179 c 2
+ 313.647 -44 l 2
+ 314.784 -38.6538 315.255 -33.2396 315.255 -27.9642 c 0
+ 315.255 -4.62374 306.033 16 304.401 16 c 1
+ 377.177 12.6976 399.639 -34.9087 399.639 -77.8621 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10f8
+Encoding: 4344 4344 3030
+Width: 452
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+480.198 301.138 m 0
+ 480.198 219.852 399.42 106 245.531 106 c 0
+ 209.966 106 180.397 113.555 156.978 126.919 c 1
+ 92.165 -178 l 2
+ 91.3815 -181.686 91.0066 -185.275 91.0066 -188.755 c 0
+ 91.0066 -223.98 129.422 -248 171.286 -248 c 0
+ 212.286 -248 277.088 -216 284.952 -179 c 2
+ 313.647 -44 l 2
+ 314.784 -38.6538 315.255 -33.2396 315.255 -27.9642 c 0
+ 315.255 -4.62374 306.033 16 304.401 16 c 1
+ 377.177 12.6976 399.639 -34.9087 399.639 -77.8621 c 0
+ 399.639 -159.148 318.862 -273 164.972 -273 c 0
+ 63.1656 -273 10.5046 -211.101 10.5046 -128.215 c 0
+ 10.5046 -113.403 12.1865 -97.9197 15.5703 -82 c 2
+ 118.022 400 l 1
+ 215.022 400 l 1
+ 172.724 201 l 2
+ 171.94 197.314 171.565 193.725 171.565 190.245 c 0
+ 171.565 155.02 209.98 131 251.845 131 c 0
+ 292.845 131 357.646 163 365.512 200 c 2
+ 394.206 335 l 2
+ 395.342 340.346 395.814 345.76 395.814 351.036 c 0
+ 395.814 374.376 386.591 395 384.96 395 c 1
+ 457.735 391.698 480.198 344.091 480.198 301.138 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni10fa
+Encoding: 4346 4346 3031
+Width: 454
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+167.128 140.934 m 0
+ 167.128 -45.7956 413.721 34.6112 413.721 -168.369 c 0
+ 413.721 -177.687 413.14 -187.551 411.914 -198 c 1
+ 374.294 -116.768 242.652 -21.7549 31.0869 -9 c 1
+ 35.7637 13 l 1
+ 51.9756 14 69.1885 15 85.1885 15 c 0
+ 117.188 15 142.764 13 142.764 13 c 1
+ 131.622 31.6619 65.3504 62.1696 65.3504 137.507 c 0
+ 65.3504 146.946 66.3907 157.089 68.71 168 c 2
+ 80.8252 225 l 2
+ 96.9795 301 158.173 396 313.173 396 c 0
+ 374.709 396 477.056 372.251 477.056 278.807 c 0
+ 477.056 244.228 464.627 174 391.984 174 c 0
+ 363.647 174 348.486 199.094 348.486 219.422 c 0
+ 348.486 245.369 383.859 276.911 384.091 278 c 0
+ 385.104 283.651 385.848 290.544 385.848 298.01 c 0
+ 385.848 330.181 372.025 373 306.283 373 c 0
+ 259.283 373 204.395 350 189.516 280 c 2
+ 178.24 226.953 l 2
+ 171.28 194.208 167.128 165.857 167.128 140.934 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2090
+Encoding: 8336 8336 3032
+Width: 350
+VWidth: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 65 97 N 0.68 0 0 0.68 -20 -205 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2091
+Encoding: 8337 8337 3033
+Width: 304
+VWidth: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 0.68 0 0 0.68 -20 -205 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2092
+Encoding: 8338 8338 3034
+Width: 340
+VWidth: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 79 111 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 -20 -206 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2093
+Encoding: 8339 8339 3035
+Width: 317
+VWidth: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 88 120 N 0.68 0 0 0.68 -20 -204 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2094
+Encoding: 8340 8340 3036
+Width: 278
+VWidth: 524
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1421 601 S 0.68 0 0 0.68 -20 -205 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: Cbb
+Encoding: 8450 8450 3037
+Width: 674
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+45.8018 238.779 m 0
+ 45.8018 441.133 195.995 673 469.051 673 c 0
+ 545.051 673 597.698 629 650.698 629 c 0
+ 681.698 629 680.051 673 705.051 673 c 0
+ 714.259 673 719.218 669.497 719.218 661.903 c 0
+ 719.218 660.425 719.03 658.792 718.649 657 c 2
+ 678.052 466 l 2
+ 675.713 455 668.438 449 657.438 449 c 0
+ 624.438 449 661.167 523 565.896 597 c 0
+ 530.636 624 496.398 637 461.398 637 c 0
+ 305.439 637 209.432 365.56 209.432 200.02 c 0
+ 209.432 100.693 245.872 31 343.589 31 c 0
+ 521.589 31 590.033 146 616.033 146 c 0
+ 627.579 146 633.352 141.239 633.352 131.717 c 0
+ 633.352 89.8613 471.685 -18 322.174 -18 c 0
+ 145.959 -18 45.8018 83.2002 45.8018 238.779 c 0
+658.481 548 m 1
+ 668.896 597 l 1
+ 661.259 594 651.834 592 642.834 592 c 0
+ 637.834 592 632.834 592 628.046 593 c 1
+ 640.857 578 650.669 563 658.481 548 c 1
+330.51 614 m 1
+ 128.596 540.211 82.7998 340.648 82.7998 247.993 c 0
+ 82.7998 140.548 136.467 66.8516 221.652 36 c 1
+ 188.81 69.6455 172.316 121.426 172.316 190.829 c 0
+ 172.316 297.656 212.632 502.406 330.51 614 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Hbb
+Encoding: 8461 8461 3038
+Width: 808
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+722.565 23.6084 m 0
+ 722.565 16.3213 718.252 0 701 0 c 2
+ 408 0 l 2
+ 399.312 0 395.164 3.74219 395.164 11.7178 c 0
+ 395.164 31.9434 410.372 37 426.864 37 c 0
+ 476.337 37 485.638 45.3398 495.343 91 c 2
+ 541.68 309 l 1
+ 313.68 309 l 1
+ 266.067 85 l 2
+ 264.209 76.2559 263.239 69.0908 263.239 63.2236 c 0
+ 263.239 39.5684 279.006 37 315.864 37 c 0
+ 329.665 37 336.565 32.5361 336.565 23.6084 c 0
+ 336.565 16.4219 332.052 0 314 0 c 2
+ 22 0 l 2
+ 13.3135 0 9.16406 3.74219 9.16406 11.7178 c 0
+ 9.16406 29.6865 20.9248 37 41.8643 37 c 0
+ 93.7891 37 99.9277 46.707 109.343 91 c 2
+ 211.157 570 l 2
+ 213.018 578.756 213.974 585.922 213.974 591.784 c 0
+ 213.974 616.054 197.605 618 161.36 618 c 0
+ 147.74 618 140.994 623.073 140.994 632.602 c 0
+ 140.994 639.917 145.083 656 161.438 656 c 2
+ 453.438 656 l 2
+ 463.334 656 468.282 651.919 468.282 643.758 c 0
+ 468.282 633.855 464.216 619 435.572 619 c 0
+ 383.649 619 377.508 609.291 368.095 565 c 2
+ 323.458 355 l 1
+ 551.458 355 l 1
+ 597.157 570 l 2
+ 598.929 578.335 599.818 585.264 599.818 591.021 c 0
+ 599.818 616.345 582.607 619 547.572 619 c 0
+ 533.906 619 527.007 623.377 527.007 632.755 c 0
+ 527.007 640.01 531.093 656 547.438 656 c 2
+ 840.438 656 l 2
+ 849.485 656 854.288 651.941 854.288 643.822 c 0
+ 854.288 633.893 850.227 619 821.572 619 c 0
+ 767.965 619 762.317 608.393 753.095 565 c 2
+ 651.067 85 l 2
+ 649.268 76.5342 648.339 69.5498 648.339 63.7891 c 0
+ 648.339 39.6094 664.715 37 701.864 37 c 0
+ 715.665 37 722.565 32.5361 722.565 23.6084 c 0
+612.864 37 m 1
+ 611.881 41.8164 611.357 47.2773 611.357 53.3828 c 0
+ 611.357 62.4883 612.523 73.0273 615.067 85 c 2
+ 717.095 565 l 2
+ 721.983 588 728.81 606 736.572 619 c 1
+ 634.572 619 l 1
+ 636.099 613.689 636.871 607.595 636.871 600.631 c 0
+ 636.871 591.859 635.646 581.706 633.157 570 c 2
+ 531.343 91 l 2
+ 526.454 68 519.628 50 511.864 37 c 1
+ 612.864 37 l 1
+227.864 37 m 1
+ 226.319 42.375 225.547 48.5527 225.547 55.5322 c 0
+ 225.547 64.1357 226.72 73.958 229.067 85 c 2
+ 331.095 565 l 2
+ 335.983 588 342.81 606 350.572 619 c 1
+ 249.572 619 l 1
+ 250.543 614.244 251.066 608.861 251.066 602.786 c 0
+ 251.066 593.533 249.852 582.678 247.157 570 c 2
+ 145.343 91 l 2
+ 140.454 68 133.628 50 125.864 37 c 1
+ 227.864 37 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Nbb
+Encoding: 8469 8469 3039
+Width: 711
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+653.269 547 m 2
+ 656.236 560.962 657.872 572.348 657.872 581.595 c 0
+ 657.872 611.425 640.847 619 596.572 619 c 0
+ 586.771 619 582.379 625.6 582.379 633.226 c 0
+ 582.379 643.654 590.596 656 604.438 656 c 2
+ 777.438 656 l 2
+ 786.767 656 790.824 650.238 790.824 643.294 c 0
+ 790.824 633.958 783.492 622.484 771.785 620 c 0
+ 717.935 616 710.085 612 696.906 550 c 2
+ 579.787 -1 l 2
+ 577.449 -12 570.174 -18 558.174 -18 c 0
+ 552.174 -18 547.6 -16 544.662 -11 c 2
+ 246.355 538 l 1
+ 154.531 106 l 2
+ 151.792 93.1104 150.278 82.5 150.278 73.8008 c 0
+ 150.278 44.7041 167.214 37 211.864 37 c 0
+ 221.753 37 226.11 30.5254 226.11 22.9922 c 0
+ 226.11 12.5186 217.687 0 204 0 c 2
+ 23 0 l 2
+ 13.29 0 8.74414 6.70605 8.74414 14.3682 c 0
+ 8.74414 24.5781 16.8174 36.4854 31.5049 36.4854 c 0
+ 77.7549 36.4854 99.6279 50 109.83 98 c 2
+ 214.408 590 l 1
+ 201.447 609 184.572 619 165.572 619 c 0
+ 156.347 619 152.226 625.485 152.226 633.026 c 0
+ 152.226 643.496 160.172 656 173.438 656 c 2
+ 372.438 656 l 2
+ 377.438 656 380.8 653 383.736 648 c 2
+ 591.414 256 l 1
+ 653.269 547 l 2
+550.391 63 m 1
+ 578.236 194 l 1
+ 352.572 619 l 1
+ 248.572 619 l 1
+ 550.391 63 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Pbb
+Encoding: 8473 8473 3040
+Width: 589
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+141.007 632.755 m 0
+ 141.007 640.01 145.093 656 161.438 656 c 2
+ 452.438 656 l 2
+ 579.851 656 668.361 612.941 668.361 515.045 c 0
+ 668.361 381.218 540.327 292 375.066 292 c 0
+ 367.066 292 341.279 293 333.279 293 c 258
+ 305.279 293 l 1
+ 261.918 89 l 2
+ 259.94 79.6953 258.92 71.6367 258.92 64.877 c 0
+ 258.92 38.208 271.78 37 318.864 37 c 0
+ 328.753 37 333.11 30.5254 333.11 22.9922 c 0
+ 333.11 12.5186 324.688 0 311 0 c 2
+ 22 0 l 2
+ 12.9658 0 8.57422 6.55273 8.57422 14.1426 c 0
+ 8.57422 24.5889 16.8916 37 32.8643 37 c 0
+ 59.8643 37 77.502 40 84.5654 45 c 128
+ 91.6279 50 98.0283 66 103.343 91 c 2
+ 204.52 567 l 2
+ 207.148 579.367 208.418 589.422 208.418 596.852 c 0
+ 208.418 612.62 203.944 619 161.572 619 c 0
+ 147.906 619 141.007 623.377 141.007 632.755 c 0
+475.27 340 m 1
+ 624.822 379.137 631.428 476.747 631.428 506.546 c 0
+ 631.428 558.936 598.905 593.087 534.447 609 c 1
+ 541.259 596.556 544.469 576.631 544.469 552.861 c 0
+ 544.469 485.072 518.366 386.009 475.27 340 c 1
+364.144 330 m 2
+ 450.144 330 479.26 387 497.752 474 c 0
+ 503.708 502.02 507.511 526.319 507.511 546.594 c 0
+ 507.511 593.614 487.058 619 425.572 619 c 0
+ 400.572 619 371.597 605 366.921 583 c 2
+ 313.144 330 l 1
+ 364.144 330 l 2
+348.572 619 m 1
+ 244.572 619 l 1
+ 245.484 614.531 245.972 609.369 245.972 603.461 c 0
+ 245.972 593.506 244.588 581.435 241.52 567 c 2
+ 140.343 91 l 2
+ 135.454 68 129.628 50 121.864 37 c 1
+ 222.864 37 l 1
+ 221.519 42.4023 220.839 48.4951 220.839 55.3506 c 0
+ 220.839 64.9922 222.185 76.1426 224.918 89 c 2
+ 329.921 583 l 2
+ 332.684 596 339.234 608 348.572 619 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Qbb
+Encoding: 8474 8474 3041
+Width: 729
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+737.751 416.848 m 0
+ 737.751 268.073 646.851 44.2197 402.3 -8 c 1
+ 417.609 -63 466.831 -109 542.831 -109 c 0
+ 554.831 -109 594.532 -101 606.532 -101 c 0
+ 616.429 -101 621.377 -105.081 621.377 -113.242 c 0
+ 621.377 -159.448 440.021 -171 429.652 -171 c 0
+ 313.652 -171 231.744 -100 210.149 -4 c 1
+ 101.439 27.0781 35.6816 112.336 35.6816 238.096 c 0
+ 35.6816 446.041 192.588 673 460.051 673 c 256
+ 681.11 673 737.751 521.587 737.751 416.848 c 0
+463.777 46 m 1
+ 661.538 126.488 699.896 323.724 699.896 409.836 c 0
+ 699.896 507.62 655.624 575.845 582.659 610 c 1
+ 602.054 577.556 611.857 533.847 611.857 478.699 c 0
+ 611.857 397.281 580.2 161.365 463.777 46 c 1
+574.886 475.859 m 0
+ 574.886 583.412 533.905 637 452.398 637 c 0
+ 248.367 637 197.36 279.157 197.36 179.36 c 0
+ 197.36 71.6611 238.542 18 320.826 18 c 0
+ 524.074 18 574.886 377.142 574.886 475.859 c 0
+309.659 610 m 1
+ 110.585 529.159 72.0566 328.128 72.0566 243.321 c 0
+ 72.0566 152.228 111.158 86.6309 188.99 47 c 1
+ 170.566 79.4893 161.371 122.591 161.371 176.138 c 0
+ 161.371 255.21 192.963 494.362 309.659 610 c 1
+462.73 -133 m 1
+ 417.556 -115 385.059 -75 364.236 -13 c 1
+ 348.387 -17 330.961 -19 312.961 -19 c 0
+ 290.961 -19 271.599 -16 254.087 -9 c 1
+ 285.232 -93 346.305 -135 437.305 -135 c 0
+ 442.305 -135 450.518 -134 462.73 -133 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Rbb
+Encoding: 8477 8477 3042
+Width: 755
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+161.067 633.246 m 0
+ 161.067 640.31 165.141 656 181.438 656 c 2
+ 496.438 656 l 2
+ 619.011 656 718.054 606.45 718.054 510.279 c 0
+ 718.054 468.322 698.992 342.468 511.893 310 c 1
+ 589.207 128 643.864 37 674.864 37 c 0
+ 684.173 37 688.263 30.635 688.263 23.1849 c 0
+ 688.263 12.6726 680.119 -1.27157e-06 667 0 c 2
+ 501 0 l 2
+ 496 0 492.425 2 490.488 7 c 2
+ 363.555 299 l 1
+ 332.555 299 l 1
+ 287.918 89 l 2
+ 285.821 79.1376 284.773 70.7461 284.773 63.8256 c 0
+ 284.773 42.769 291.005 37 332.864 37 c 0
+ 349.705 37 358.473 32.2863 358.473 22.859 c 0
+ 358.473 16.1399 354.178 0 337 0 c 2
+ 42 0 l 2
+ 33.3132 0 29.1636 3.74183 29.1636 11.718 c 0
+ 29.1636 29.6865 40.9246 37 61.8643 37 c 0
+ 115.499 37 121.124 47.6314 130.343 91 c 2
+ 231.52 567 l 2
+ 233.513 576.38 234.568 584.123 234.568 590.502 c 0
+ 234.568 614.047 220.193 619 185.572 619 c 0
+ 169.063 619 161.067 623.53 161.067 633.246 c 0
+525.97 348 m 1
+ 669.918 379.423 680.408 474.766 680.408 504.075 c 0
+ 680.408 554.356 645.854 589.206 577.234 608 c 1
+ 587.394 590.5 591.827 566.426 591.827 539.708 c 0
+ 591.827 471.059 562.562 384.949 525.97 348 c 1
+362.206 335 m 2
+ 484.163 335 522.936 361.956 547.39 477 c 0
+ 552.204 499.648 554.868 519.514 554.868 536.649 c 0
+ 554.868 592.144 526.924 619 453.572 619 c 0
+ 418.572 619 398.021 607 392.921 583 c 2
+ 340.206 335 l 1
+ 362.206 335 l 2
+608.864 37 m 1
+ 570.217 81 522.772 173 466.317 312 c 1
+ 450.255 307 430.404 303 406.767 300 c 1
+ 521.864 37 l 1
+ 608.864 37 l 1
+374.572 619 m 1
+ 269.572 619 l 1
+ 270.918 613.598 271.598 607.505 271.598 600.65 c 0
+ 271.598 591.008 270.252 579.858 267.52 567 c 2
+ 166.343 91 l 2
+ 161.454 68 154.628 50 146.864 37 c 1
+ 248.864 37 l 1
+ 247.519 42.4021 246.839 48.495 246.839 55.3503 c 0
+ 246.839 64.992 248.185 76.1421 250.918 89 c 2
+ 355.921 583 l 2
+ 358.684 596 365.234 608 374.572 619 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Zbb
+Encoding: 8484 8484 3043
+Width: 659
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+653.912 216 m 2
+ 584.826 18 l 2
+ 580.275 6 574 0 565 0 c 2
+ 43 0 l 2
+ 34.0611 0 29.2663 3.96214 29.2663 12.423 c 0
+ 29.2663 14.374 29.5212 16.5641 30.0391 19 c 1
+ 523.572 619 l 1
+ 451.572 619 l 2
+ 345.572 619 268.983 588 220.805 526 c 1
+ 197.602 478 188.552 466 176.052 466 c 0
+ 165.984 466 161.006 471.231 161.006 478.617 c 0
+ 161.006 480.608 161.368 482.756 162.09 485 c 2
+ 211.823 639 l 2
+ 215.52 650.443 222.438 656 231.438 656 c 2
+ 701.438 656 l 2
+ 711.803 656 715.271 650.291 715.271 643.555 c 0
+ 715.271 638.245 713.116 632.295 710.485 628 c 1
+ 220.864 37 l 1
+ 356.864 37 l 2
+ 452.864 37 537.343 91 587.797 159 c 1
+ 618.337 218 l 2
+ 624.676 229 631.738 234 639.738 234 c 0
+ 649.669 234 655.075 229.409 655.075 222.233 c 0
+ 655.075 220.326 654.693 218.235 653.912 216 c 2
+286.572 619 m 1
+ 242.572 619 l 1
+ 230.921 583 l 1
+ 246.896 597 265.447 609 286.572 619 c 1
+659.572 619 m 1
+ 566.572 619 l 1
+ 85.8643 37 l 1
+ 177.864 37 l 1
+ 659.572 619 l 1
+573.98 94 m 1
+ 550.092 71 523.053 52 493.864 37 c 1
+ 553.864 37 l 1
+ 573.98 94 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: CL
+Encoding: 8452 8452 3044
+Width: 536
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+202 131 m 1
+ 99 141 70 218 70 292 c 0
+ 70 409 144 571 299 587 c 1
+ 316 666 l 1
+ 371 666 l 1
+ 354 587 l 1
+ 432.639 577.436 464 530.835 464 445 c 1
+ 407 445 l 1
+ 407 495 389 526 344 536 c 1
+ 268 182 l 1
+ 323 193 359 233 385 303 c 1
+ 443 303 l 1
+ 409 199 347 143 258 132 c 1
+ 240 50 l 1
+ 456 50 l 1
+ 446 1 l 1
+ 174 1 l 1
+ 202 131 l 1
+288 538 m 1
+ 174 523 126 384 126 301 c 0
+ 126 234 157 191 212 181 c 1
+ 288 538 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: weierstrass
+Encoding: 8472 8472 3045
+Width: 792
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+-10.7568 -114.423 m 0
+ -10.7568 -11.333 76.4424 60.1836 126.357 124 c 1
+ 121.954 148.274 113.534 171.466 113.534 201.535 c 0
+ 113.534 406.322 440.631 569.613 446.795 573 c 1
+ 452.394 557 l 1
+ 450.344 555.68 253.607 449.796 223.68 309 c 0
+ 221.603 299.228 221.428 288.987 218.637 210 c 1
+ 251.209 238.682 501.167 501 686.491 501 c 0
+ 736.86 501 799.764 477.677 799.764 389.344 c 0
+ 799.764 234.014 587.561 -12 415.449 -12 c 0
+ 352.956 -12 317.883 23.9102 317.883 75.6533 c 0
+ 317.883 121.993 349.841 205 412.574 205 c 0
+ 433.706 205 447.714 193.372 447.714 176.258 c 0
+ 447.714 101.161 351.878 144.563 351.878 65.2598 c 0
+ 351.878 38.9941 376.484 23 406.889 23 c 0
+ 526.513 23 698.532 267.717 698.532 402.761 c 0
+ 698.532 444.948 678.83 461 647.988 461 c 0
+ 574.988 461 440.26 387 225.26 180 c 1
+ 243.086 99.7881 254.954 60.127 254.954 15.8848 c 0
+ 254.954 -147.835 142.611 -211 91.1504 -211 c 0
+ 28.5059 -211 -10.7568 -175.167 -10.7568 -114.423 c 0
+134.98 94 m 1
+ 119.759 75.4062 30.0352 -23.6133 30.0352 -102.022 c 0
+ 30.0352 -147.479 56.8682 -179 83.9521 -179 c 0
+ 116.865 -179 166.234 -146.495 166.234 -57.6152 c 0
+ 166.234 -5.94043 148.393 46.1982 134.98 94 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Ifraktur
+Encoding: 8465 8465 3046
+Width: 613
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+152.64 517.543 m 0
+ 152.64 602.991 246.077 685 349.602 685 c 0
+ 384.602 685 416.688 676 447.649 657 c 2
+ 514.384 604 l 2
+ 538.346 585 559.433 576 576.433 576 c 0
+ 621.433 576 658.935 616 677.5 661 c 1
+ 689.012 654 l 1
+ 662.133 584 596.38 524 523.38 524 c 0
+ 426.38 524 384.91 630 293.91 630 c 0
+ 223.244 630 173.785 568.395 173.785 517.314 c 0
+ 173.785 478.225 203.945 453 243.288 453 c 0
+ 254.288 453 263.501 454 272.139 457 c 1
+ 272.737 441 l 1
+ 260.887 437 248.462 435 237.462 435 c 0
+ 183.681 435 152.64 469.979 152.64 517.543 c 0
+458.805 370.682 m 0
+ 458.805 447.352 525.301 501 580.491 501 c 0
+ 608.491 501 632.729 488 652.414 463 c 1
+ 639.438 449 l 1
+ 621.901 470 605.027 480 588.027 480 c 0
+ 564.621 480 536.026 461.419 536.026 432.548 c 0
+ 536.026 385.491 594.752 303.325 594.752 225.441 c 0
+ 594.752 105.448 449.048 -4 295.149 -4 c 0
+ 149.149 -4 158.633 130 96.6328 130 c 0
+ 75.6328 130 56.8691 117 39.3428 91 c 1
+ 20.5557 92 l 1
+ 46.4824 134 101.41 176 155.41 176 c 0
+ 187.41 176 214.646 163 237.12 137 c 2
+ 290.604 64 l 2
+ 312.077 38 338.312 25 368.312 25 c 0
+ 419.17 25 510.484 69.8457 510.484 157.871 c 0
+ 510.484 229.206 458.805 299.976 458.805 370.682 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Rfraktur
+Encoding: 8476 8476 3047
+Width: 711
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+297.225 655 m 0
+ 238.77 655 182.087 603.957 182.087 551.938 c 0
+ 182.087 534.476 188.218 518.163 200.916 503 c 2
+ 249.501 454 l 1
+ 260.927 437.688 266.5 419.867 266.5 400.18 c 0
+ 266.5 335.606 212.762 266.838 153.352 251 c 1
+ 153.753 267 l 1
+ 171.43 273.806 213.339 292.67 213.339 331.175 c 0
+ 213.339 383.578 120.87 400.089 120.87 480.991 c 0
+ 120.87 565.126 214.442 679 326.326 679 c 0
+ 406 679 465.22 636 465.22 575 c 1
+ 529.384 604 594.823 639 661.751 681 c 1
+ 726.998 621 l 1
+ 740.286 603.222 746.968 582.915 746.968 559.72 c 0
+ 746.968 490.91 697.095 435.143 588.897 390 c 1
+ 617.37 367.312 626.56 329.756 626.56 288.434 c 0
+ 626.56 212.457 602.492 163.221 602.492 109.519 c 0
+ 602.492 84.746 609.586 69 629.666 69 c 0
+ 638.666 69 654.579 78 676.405 96 c 1
+ 684.217 81 l 1
+ 559.149 -4 l 1
+ 527.465 16.0467 511.658 52.3403 511.658 104.55 c 0
+ 511.658 127.869 514.811 154.362 521.11 184 c 2
+ 528.125 217 l 2
+ 533.721 243.329 536.072 264.814 536.072 282.245 c 0
+ 536.072 335.653 514.004 351 495.607 351 c 0
+ 490.607 351 468.907 343 428.719 328 c 1
+ 393.009 160 349.594 111 236.353 44 c 0
+ 198.889 23 173.488 7 159.149 -4 c 1
+ 112.816 65 l 1
+ 74.502 40 l 1
+ 66.4785 54 l 1
+ 189.907 136 l 1
+ 234.816 65 l 1
+ 282.705 88 289.72 121 297.584 158 c 2
+ 358.375 444 l 2
+ 367.32 486.083 371.803 521.841 371.803 551.301 c 0
+ 371.803 620.549 347.034 655 297.225 655 c 0
+432.97 348 m 1
+ 507.391 373.847 655.989 415.985 655.989 517.961 c 0
+ 655.989 563.078 622.53 599 575.321 599 c 0
+ 556.321 599 520.346 585 466.182 556 c 1
+ 466.167 523 455.288 453 432.97 348 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Cblackletter
+Encoding: 8493 8493 3048
+Width: 613
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+316.524 647 m 0
+ 184.567 647 151.578 347.652 151.578 284.895 c 0
+ 151.578 159.146 202.063 71 326.092 71 c 0
+ 439.092 71 520.743 107 570.26 180 c 1
+ 586.26 180 l 1
+ 517.115 57 420.149 -4 297.149 -4 c 0
+ 147.694 -4 63.7773 107.541 63.7773 255.537 c 0
+ 63.7773 415.501 176.648 667 313.775 667 c 0
+ 358.775 667 384.249 641 389.195 589 c 1
+ 484.176 683 l 1
+ 525.587 652 560.186 636 589.186 636 c 0
+ 616.186 636 640.736 648 663.625 671 c 1
+ 675.925 663 l 1
+ 622.384 604 571.008 574 521.008 574 c 0
+ 496.008 574 465.346 585 429.81 606 c 1
+ 394.375 576.777 380.456 554.455 380.456 523.285 c 0
+ 380.456 459.294 434.97 378.362 434.97 312.215 c 0
+ 434.97 276.172 414.076 207.959 310.058 132 c 1
+ 303.033 146 l 1
+ 326.391 162.935 351.575 191.938 351.575 234.861 c 0
+ 351.575 295.331 304.962 366.758 304.962 433.212 c 0
+ 304.962 460.57 313.834 502.988 371.157 570 c 1
+ 371.157 611 358.977 647 316.524 647 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: escript
+Encoding: 8495 8495 3049
+Width: 430
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+162.033 146 m 1
+ 133.294 103.689 106.833 52.332 106.833 28.915 c 0
+ 106.833 16.7676 115.507 11 133.338 11 c 0
+ 223.338 11 303.092 71 391.435 162 c 1
+ 402.733 154 l 1
+ 311.179 62 234.512 -7 130.512 -7 c 0
+ 64.0029 -7 23.2822 26.5723 23.2822 82.1191 c 0
+ 23.2822 110.415 33.9648 137.79 41.7334 154 c 1
+ 35.458 148 l 1
+ 23.1592 156 l 1
+ 31.2842 166 40.5596 172 51.7725 173 c 1
+ 157.898 324.193 284.806 347 339.757 347 c 0
+ 395.975 347 423.692 329.047 423.692 293.788 c 0
+ 423.692 234.673 337.964 146 162.033 146 c 1
+171.009 160 m 1
+ 273.458 162.613 376.756 261.311 376.756 313.025 c 0
+ 376.756 325.675 368.497 332 352.568 332 c 0
+ 310.568 332 250.453 275 171.009 160 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Bscript
+Encoding: 8492 8492 3050
+Width: 936
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+184.583 378.065 m 0
+ 184.583 505.192 425.663 701 745.002 701 c 0
+ 799.002 701 850.515 694 899.326 679 c 1
+ 919.026 687 944.727 695 976.428 703 c 1
+ 977.239 688 l 1
+ 953.964 682 933.688 676 917.413 670 c 1
+ 966.781 645.667 991.82 612.884 991.82 571.062 c 0
+ 991.82 450.884 810.648 382.656 764.945 362 c 1
+ 828.44 334.057 860.252 295.359 860.252 245.299 c 0
+ 860.252 208.839 844.144 137.907 742.391 63 c 0
+ 679.4 16 619.512 -7 563.512 -7 c 0
+ 526.055 -7 501.3 13.4873 501.3 45.8691 c 0
+ 501.3 77.6953 524.129 149.3 638.574 205 c 1
+ 643.599 191 l 1
+ 574.429 158.655 517.468 94.7129 517.468 48.1533 c 0
+ 517.468 26.0371 531.635 10 552.126 10 c 0
+ 614.477 10 766.585 197.632 766.585 301.597 c 0
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+ 240.93 338.884 239.3 352.769 239.3 366.604 c 0
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+216.864 37 m 1
+ 215.319 42.3749 214.547 48.5523 214.547 55.5321 c 0
+ 214.547 64.1355 215.72 73.9582 218.067 85 c 2
+ 320.095 565 l 2
+ 324.983 588 331.81 606 339.572 619 c 1
+ 258.572 619 l 1
+ 259.543 614.244 260.066 608.861 260.066 602.786 c 0
+ 260.066 593.533 258.852 582.678 256.157 570 c 2
+ 154.343 91 l 2
+ 149.454 68 142.628 50 134.864 37 c 1
+ 216.864 37 l 1
+635.36 618 m 1
+ 591.36 618 l 1
+ 608.234 608 621.684 596 631.708 582 c 1
+ 635.36 618 l 1
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+226.864 37 m 1
+ 225.319 42.3749 224.547 48.5523 224.547 55.5321 c 0
+ 224.547 64.1355 225.72 73.9582 228.067 85 c 2
+ 330.095 565 l 2
+ 334.983 588 341.81 606 349.572 619 c 1
+ 268.572 619 l 1
+ 269.543 614.244 270.066 608.861 270.066 602.786 c 0
+ 270.066 593.533 268.852 582.678 266.157 570 c 2
+ 164.343 91 l 2
+ 159.454 68 152.628 50 144.864 37 c 1
+ 226.864 37 l 1
+593.864 37 m 1
+ 592.881 41.8164 592.357 47.2773 592.357 53.3825 c 0
+ 592.357 62.4882 593.523 73.0274 596.067 85 c 2
+ 698.095 565 l 2
+ 702.983 588 709.81 606 717.572 619 c 1
+ 635.572 619 l 1
+ 637.099 613.689 637.871 607.595 637.871 600.631 c 0
+ 637.871 591.859 636.646 581.706 634.157 570 c 2
+ 532.343 91 l 2
+ 527.454 68 520.628 50 512.864 37 c 1
+ 593.864 37 l 1
+703.565 23.6086 m 0
+ 703.565 16.3216 699.252 0 682 0 c 2
+ 409 0 l 2
+ 400.313 0 396.164 3.74183 396.164 11.718 c 0
+ 396.164 31.9436 411.372 37 427.864 37 c 0
+ 477.336 37 486.638 45.3398 496.343 91 c 2
+ 598.157 570 l 2
+ 600.021 578.77 601.199 587.54 601.199 595.544 c 0
+ 601.199 604.271 599.798 612.088 596.36 618 c 1
+ 387.36 618 l 1
+ 380.085 612 372.195 589 367.095 565 c 2
+ 265.067 85 l 2
+ 263.209 76.2557 262.239 69.0912 262.239 63.2239 c 0
+ 262.239 39.5681 278.006 37 314.864 37 c 0
+ 328.665 37 335.565 32.5362 335.565 23.6086 c 0
+ 335.565 16.4216 331.052 0 313 0 c 2
+ 41 0 l 2
+ 32.3132 0 28.1636 3.74183 28.1636 11.718 c 0
+ 28.1636 29.6865 39.9246 37 60.8643 37 c 0
+ 112.789 37 118.928 46.7072 128.343 91 c 2
+ 230.157 570 l 2
+ 232.018 578.756 232.974 585.922 232.974 591.784 c 0
+ 232.974 616.054 216.605 618 180.36 618 c 0
+ 166.74 618 159.994 623.073 159.994 632.602 c 0
+ 159.994 639.917 164.083 656 180.438 656 c 2
+ 821.438 656 l 2
+ 830.485 656 835.288 651.941 835.288 643.822 c 0
+ 835.288 633.893 831.227 619 802.572 619 c 0
+ 748.965 619 743.317 608.393 734.095 565 c 2
+ 632.067 85 l 2
+ 630.268 76.5345 629.339 69.5496 629.339 63.789 c 0
+ 629.339 39.6089 645.715 37 682.864 37 c 0
+ 696.665 37 703.565 32.5362 703.565 23.6086 c 0
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+609.226 448 m 2
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+ 744.983 518 750.066 513.799 750.066 505.982 c 0
+ 750.066 502.875 737.486 320 568.019 320 c 1
+ 519.768 93 l 2
+ 517.512 82.39 516.394 73.2602 516.394 65.6341 c 0
+ 516.394 46.6656 523.313 37 536.864 37 c 0
+ 546.665 37 551.058 30.3989 551.058 22.7732 c 0
+ 551.058 12.3448 542.842 1.58946e-07 529 0 c 2
+ 380 0 l 2
+ 370.952 0 366.15 4.05937 366.15 12.1781 c 0
+ 366.15 13.9298 366.374 15.8704 366.826 18 c 2
+ 431.019 320 l 17
+ 343.019 320 l 1
+ 278.826 18 l 2
+ 276.275 6 269 0 258 0 c 2
+ 109 0 l 2
+ 99.1111 0 94.7543 6.47492 94.7543 14.0075 c 0
+ 94.7543 24.4813 103.178 37 116.864 37 c 0
+ 135.864 37 148.903 56 156.768 93 c 2
+ 205.017 319.993 l 1
+ 139.395 319.564 110.639 299.396 103.753 267 c 0
+ 101.414 256 94.1387 250 82.1387 250 c 0
+ 71.2612 250 66.1775 254.201 66.1775 262.016 c 0
+ 66.1775 263.422 78.8846 448 247.226 448 c 2
+ 609.226 448 l 2
+482.864 37 m 1
+ 481.065 44.0825 480.123 52.0569 480.123 60.8177 c 0
+ 480.123 70.6113 481.3 81.3877 483.768 93 c 2
+ 532.019 320 l 17
+ 467.019 320 l 1
+ 406.864 37 l 1
+ 482.864 37 l 1
+575.67 356 m 2
+ 630.67 356 669.709 375 692.399 430 c 1
+ 666.849 418 636.573 412 601.573 412 c 2
+ 239.573 412 l 2
+ 184.573 412 146.535 393 123.844 338 c 1
+ 149.395 350 179.67 356 214.67 356 c 2
+ 575.67 356 l 2
+242.019 320 m 1
+ 193.768 93 l 2
+ 189.304 72 181.266 53 170.864 37 c 1
+ 245.864 37 l 1
+ 306.019 320 l 1
+ 242.019 320 l 1
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+402 708 m 0
+ 595 708 757 544 757 347 c 0
+ 757 148 595 -14 396 -14 c 0
+ 196 -14 35 148 35 350 c 0
+ 35 549 198 708 402 708 c 0
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+606 428 m 1
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+ 537 110 l 1
+ 474 17 441 -11 395 -11 c 0
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+ 347 46 367 108 370 121 c 2
+ 442 396 l 1
+ 368 396 l 1
+ 367 399 367 401 367 402 c 0
+ 367 425.029 403.253 420.609 458.988 462.537 c 1
+ 476 536 l 2
+ 478.845 548.286 486 560.25 486 567 c 0
+ 486 596 478 656 433 656 c 0
+ 377 656 316.011 583.998 281 428 c 2
+ 202 76 l 2
+ 160.719 -107.937 91 -207 2 -207 c 0
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+ 52 -186 84.5986 -130.917 107 -24 c 2
+ 195 396 l 1
+ 105 396 l 1
+ 112 428 l 1
+ 204 428 l 1
+ 237 535 316 678 438 678 c 0
+ 532.825 678 555.869 593.17 555.869 549.512 c 0
+ 555.869 541.843 555.158 535.445 554 531 c 2
+ 526 428 l 1
+ 606 428 l 1
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+ 289 176 l 1
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+ 488 611 459 642 408 642 c 0
+ 365 642 338 624 338 594 c 0
+274 93 m 0
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+ 327 13 302 -12 275 -12 c 0
+ 245 -12 222 11 222 40 c 0
+ 222 69 245 93 274 93 c 0
+725 750 m 1
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+ 19 -71 l 1
+ 193 750 l 1
+ 725 750 l 1
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+ 75 -39 l 1
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+355.395 350 m 1
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+ 342.131 415.734 346.835 383.412 355.395 350 c 1
+225.126 -197 m 1
+ 296.286 -156.854 376.081 -106.434 376.081 37.8388 c 0
+ 376.081 114.869 345.831 171.28 327.139 250 c 9
+ 163 0 l 25
+ 135.444 115 l 25
+ 69 0 l 25
+ 12 0 l 25
+ 166.265 260 l 17
+ 188.894 103 l 1
+ 191.894 103 308.642 290 308.642 290 c 17
+ 282.866 364.872 250.666 446.984 250.666 512.313 c 0
+ 250.666 584.443 297.58 672 432.838 672 c 0
+ 478.847 672 501.946 630.508 501.946 598.783 c 0
+ 501.946 571.531 454.457 417.511 370.042 306 c 1
+ 410.602 190.562 473.273 108.272 473.273 14.0115 c 0
+ 473.273 -136.671 302.286 -197 225.126 -197 c 1
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+1357.84 322.127 m 0
+ 1357.84 196.663 1196.01 -11 1012.66 -11 c 0
+ 947.662 -11 938.575 -2 917.526 26 c 1
+ 804.001 -207 l 1
+ 703.001 -207 l 1
+ 761.005 -127 805.985 -33 819.787 -1 c 2
+ 899.835 178 l 2
+ 973.907 343 1092.74 441 1232.74 441 c 0
+ 1335.46 441 1357.84 372.086 1357.84 322.127 c 0
+1040.4 16 m 0
+ 1183.2 16 1283.66 239.178 1283.66 335.581 c 0
+ 1283.66 374.889 1270.1 417 1211.64 417 c 0
+ 1065.54 417 968.618 185.03 968.618 100.947 c 0
+ 968.618 64.2162 980.289 16 1040.4 16 c 0
+936.109 391 m 0
+ 879.569 125 645.836 -29 391.836 -29 c 0
+ 359.836 -29 329.049 -28 297.049 -28 c 0
+ 212.049 -28 132.976 14 67.9756 14 c 0
+ 49.9756 14 30.9131 9 15.1494 -4 c 1
+ 7 0 l 1
+ 30.1162 57 94.3672 77 145.367 77 c 0
+ 242.367 77 302.438 242 333.53 313 c 0
+ 395.926 456 439.182 556 591.186 636 c 1
+ 429.963 632.119 244.431 497.746 244.431 378.24 c 0
+ 244.431 363.265 248.866 349.561 261.694 342 c 1
+ 256.057 339 250.844 338 244.844 338 c 0
+ 209.469 338 183.903 384.143 183.903 420.406 c 0
+ 183.903 571.363 475.236 672 685.838 672 c 0
+ 826.543 672 942.173 583.508 942.173 446.72 c 0
+ 942.173 428.934 940.218 410.331 936.109 391 c 0
+442.976 14 m 0
+ 653.043 14 832.677 241.446 832.677 439.522 c 0
+ 832.677 548.382 777.337 640 653.036 640 c 0
+ 553.036 640 479.699 422 447.183 349 c 0
+ 388.125 217 332.207 128 191.028 66 c 1
+ 274.203 48 352.976 14 442.976 14 c 0
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+600.288 453 m 1
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+ 225.787 -1 l 1
+ 322.288 453 l 1
+ 116.288 453 l 1
+ 131.592 525 l 1
+ 615.592 525 l 1
+ 600.288 453 l 1
+147.534 600 m 1
+ 161.562 666 l 1
+ 645.562 666 l 1
+ 631.534 600 l 1
+ 147.534 600 l 1
+Validated: 3073
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+482 428 m 1
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+ 393 396 l 1
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+ 335 38 351 54 400 117 c 1
+ 413 110 l 1
+ 350 17 317 -11 271 -11 c 0
+ 244 -11 223 5 223 27 c 0
+ 223 46 243 108 246 121 c 2
+ 318 396 l 1
+ 211 396 l 1
+ 107 0 l 1
+ 31 0 l 1
+ 182 579 l 2
+ 184 588 186 594 186 597 c 0
+ 186 613 166 620 118 620 c 1
+ 118 636 l 1
+ 238.302 650.197 261.454 662.719 270.895 662.719 c 0
+ 274.089 662.719 275.714 661.286 279 658 c 1
+ 219 428 l 1
+ 326 428 l 1
+ 365 579 l 2
+ 367 588 369 594 369 597 c 0
+ 369 613 349 620 301 620 c 1
+ 301 636 l 1
+ 421.302 650.197 444.454 662.719 453.895 662.719 c 0
+ 457.089 662.719 458.714 661.286 462 658 c 1
+ 402 428 l 1
+ 482 428 l 1
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+ 491 28 l 2
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+ 286 -104 306 -119 306 -140 c 0
+ 306 -159 293 -162 293 -173 c 0
+ 293 -184 306 -184 313 -184 c 0
+ 382 -184 429 -25 444 26 c 1
+ 233 529 l 1
+ 229 529 l 1
+ 117 113 l 2
+ 113 96 108 78 108 61 c 0
+ 108 22 148 18 178 16 c 1
+ 178 0 l 1
+ -20 0 l 1
+ -20 16 l 1
+ 58 27 64 97 83 164 c 2
+ 202 581 l 1
+ 184 621 159 634 116 637 c 1
+ 116 653 l 1
+ 277 653 l 1
+ 483 158 l 1
+ 486 158 l 1
+ 587 534 l 2
+ 591 550 598 567 598 584 c 0
+ 598 631 568 634 528 637 c 1
+ 528 653 l 1
+ 727 653 l 1
+ 727 637 l 1
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+767 653 m 1
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+ 628 0 l 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 355 16 l 1
+ 420 23 441.7 38.0816 456 90 c 2
+ 521 326 l 1
+ 138.674 326 l 1
+ 196 532 l 2
+ 202.96 557.011 207 580 207 594 c 0
+ 207 623 192 631 130 637 c 1
+ 130 653 l 1
+ 403 653 l 1
+ 403 637 l 1
+ 343 633 316.114 613.968 302 563 c 2
+ 248 368 l 1
+ 533 368 l 1
+ 579 532 l 2
+ 586 557 590 580 590 594 c 0
+ 590 622 578 630 520 637 c 1
+ 520 653 l 1
+ 767 653 l 1
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+ 729 653 l 1
+ 729 637 l 1
+ 666 623 662 617 625 488 c 2
+ 499.596 49.9551 l 1
+ 498.905 46.9885 498.579 44.3074 498.579 41.8832 c 0
+ 498.579 17.9357 531.805 17.5997 559 16 c 1
+ 526 -129 l 1
+ 500.992 -129 l 1
+ 502.992 -111 504 -94 504 -80 c 0
+ 504 -15 481 -15 463 -15 c 1
+ 233 535 l 1
+ 119 113 l 2
+ 113 92 110 72 110 59 c 0
+ 110 31 129 20 180 16 c 1
+ 180 0 l 1
+ -18 0 l 1
+ -18 16 l 1
+ 39 24 48 36 85 164 c 2
+ 204 581 l 1
+ 186 620 165 633 118 637 c 1
+ 118 653 l 1
+ 279 653 l 1
+ 487 154 l 1
+ 589 534 l 1
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+ 301 -9 287 7 287 45 c 0
+ 287 55 289.373 68.8994 303 120 c 2
+ 347 285 l 2
+ 355 316 361 349 361 361 c 0
+ 361 379 352 390 337 390 c 0
+ 300 390 249 340 189 248 c 0
+ 145 180 136 158 89 0 c 1
+ 14 0 l 1
+ 110 350 l 2
+ 111 355 112 361 112 367 c 0
+ 112 387 99 393 48 394 c 1
+ 48 410 l 1
+ 135 426 156 430 210 441 c 1
+ 213 439 l 1
+ 146 221 l 1
+ 249 381 312 441 376 441 c 0
+ 415 441 442 416 442 380 c 0
+ 442 366 438.824 344.049 433 323 c 2
+ 376 117 l 1
+ 362 61 362 61 362 54 c 0
+ 362 46 370 38 378 38 c 0
+ 392 38 410 54 439 91 c 2
+ 460 117 l 1
+ 474 104 l 1
+ 436.974 51.8721 427.481 23.9531 427.481 0.469727 c 0
+ 427.481 -24.248 438 -44.0518 438 -82 c 0
+ 438 -110 417 -134 351 -186 c 1
+ 339 -170 l 1
+ 363 -150 376 -142 376 -120 c 0
+ 376 -97.667 375 -86.333 375 -70 c 0
+ 375 -46.1802 377.627 -28.9276 411.672 28.2464 c 1
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+ 76 227 180 298 279 298 c 1
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+Flags: HW
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+Refer: 2001 632 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 78 404 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db3
+Encoding: 7603 7603 3100
+Width: 234
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2010 642 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 70 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db4
+Encoding: 7604 7604 3101
+Width: 282
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1573 643 S 0.67 0 0 0.67 110 440 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db5
+Encoding: 7605 7605 3102
+Width: 217
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1536 427 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 80 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db6
+Encoding: 7606 7606 3103
+Width: 384
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1424 649 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 90 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db7
+Encoding: 7607 7607 3104
+Width: 356
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1577 650 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 70 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db8
+Encoding: 7608 7608 3105
+Width: 344
+VWidth: 850
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3121 7452 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 83 391 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1db9
+Encoding: 7609 7609 3106
+Width: 334
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1578 651 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 90 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbc
+Encoding: 7612 7612 3107
+Width: 403
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2015 656 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 70 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbd
+Encoding: 7613 7613 3108
+Width: 318
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 2016 657 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 80 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1dbe
+Encoding: 7614 7614 3109
+Width: 297
+VWidth: 1064
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 400 658 N 0.67 0 0 0.67 80 390 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d00
+Encoding: 7424 7424 3110
+Width: 416
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 33 65 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d04
+Encoding: 7428 7428 3111
+Width: 428
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 35 67 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d05
+Encoding: 7429 7429 3112
+Width: 450
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 36 68 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d07
+Encoding: 7431 7431 3113
+Width: 401
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 37 69 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0a
+Encoding: 7434 7434 3114
+Width: 268
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 42 74 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0b
+Encoding: 7435 7435 3115
+Width: 449
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 43 75 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0d
+Encoding: 7437 7437 3116
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 45 77 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0f
+Encoding: 7439 7439 3117
+Width: 443
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 47 79 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d18
+Encoding: 7448 7448 3118
+Width: 361
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 48 80 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1a
+Encoding: 7450 7450 3119
+Width: 390
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 50 82 S -0.66 0 0 -0.66 436.1 430.98 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1b
+Encoding: 7451 7451 3120
+Width: 380
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 52 84 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d1c
+Encoding: 7452 7452 3121
+Width: 449
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 53 85 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d20
+Encoding: 7456 7456 3122
+Width: 384
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 54 86 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d21
+Encoding: 7457 7457 3123
+Width: 527
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 55 87 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d22
+Encoding: 7458 7458 3124
+Width: 395
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 58 90 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d01
+Encoding: 7425 7425 3125
+Width: 587
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 131 198 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d03
+Encoding: 7427 7427 3126
+Width: 410
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1814 579 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d80
+Encoding: 7552 7552 3127
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+155 12 m 0
+ 302 12 388 239 388 306 c 0
+ 388 359 361 392 318 392 c 0
+ 190 392 109 125 109 46 c 0
+ 109 23 124 12 155 12 c 0
+110 643 m 1
+ 110 660 l 1
+ 177 668 213 674 263 683 c 1
+ 268 678 l 1
+ 164 290 l 1
+ 235 400 287 441 357 441 c 0
+ 424 441 473 391 473 321 c 0
+ 473 247.212 436.332 169.447 381.787 107.743 c 1
+ 344.49 -9.05684 294.731 -142 153 -142 c 0
+ 125 -142 74 -134 74 -97 c 0
+ 74 -71 100 -48 125 -48 c 0
+ 167 -48 162 -108 198 -108 c 0
+ 262.315 -108 321.881 7.8489 338.762 65.5841 c 1
+ 283.876 19.1222 218.647 -11 156 -11 c 0
+ 100 -11 23 19 23 42 c 2
+ 23 46 l 1
+ 159 547 l 2
+ 163 561 175 603 175 616 c 0
+ 175 638 169 641 110 643 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uniA7FA
+Encoding: 43002 43002 3128
+Width: 725
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 77 109 S -1 0 0 -1 725 427 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: serb.be
+Encoding: 59654 -1 3129
+Width: 472
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "abovecyr" 393 654 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+363 666 m 0
+ 413 666 431 650 469 650 c 0
+ 484 650 511 653 536 659 c 1
+ 535 632 l 1
+ 497 608 456 586 412 586 c 0
+ 353 586 335 604 298 604 c 0
+ 249.382 604 212.055 566 212.055 521.752 c 0
+ 212.055 493.841 263 441 322 441 c 0
+ 407 441 465 384 465 301 c 0
+ 465 172 334 -11 171 -11 c 0
+ 80 -11 24 43 24 129 c 0
+ 24 264.938 134.953 399.375 262.089 433 c 1
+ 217.589 446.186 180.089 488.311 180.089 523.542 c 0
+ 180.089 632.855 288.985 666 363 666 c 0
+186 10 m 0
+ 298 10 381 208 381 326 c 0
+ 381 383 353 420 310 420 c 0
+ 204 420 108 231 108 101 c 0
+ 108 46 139 10 186 10 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: serb.alt_sha
+Encoding: 59655 -1 3130
+Width: 734
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 63 95 S 1 0 0 1 60 0 2
+Refer: 620 1096 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cyrillic.macedon_gje
+Encoding: 59656 -1 3131
+Width: 278
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 113 180 S 1 0 0 1 20 136 2
+Refer: 232 299 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dapostrophe
+Encoding: 59584 -1 3132
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 1779 700 N 1 0 0 1 412 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" d commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" d commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: lapostrophe
+Encoding: 59585 -1 3133
+Width: 355
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 76 108 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 1779 700 N 1 0 0 1 153 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" l commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" l commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: tapostrophe
+Encoding: 59586 -1 3134
+Width: 369
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 84 116 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 1779 700 N 1 0 0 1 167 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" t commaabovecmb
+Ligature2: "'liga' Standard Ligatures in Latin-commaright" t commaaboverightcmb
+LCarets2: 1 0 
+StartChar: epsiloninv
+Encoding: 8714 8714 3135
+Width: 439
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+346.278 500 m 0
+ 375.278 500 406.428 496 439.728 488 c 1
+ 430.588 445 l 1
+ 414.013 447 398.438 449 381.438 449 c 0
+ 260.438 449 170.757 347 148.965 268 c 1
+ 358.965 268 l 1
+ 347.274 213 l 1
+ 139.274 213 l 1
+ 137.783 201.418 137.083 190.566 137.083 180.4 c 0
+ 137.083 43.9912 263.224 31 298.589 31 c 0
+ 321.589 31 346.227 34 373.14 43 c 1
+ 364.638 3 l 1
+ 345.362 -3 317.387 -17 268.387 -17 c 0
+ 122.089 -17 46.1006 79.6182 46.1006 196.456 c 0
+ 46.1006 366.459 184.933 500 346.278 500 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni220d
+Encoding: 8717 8717 3136
+Width: 439
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+96.3867 -17 m 0
+ 47.3867 -17 25.3623 -3 8.6377 3 c 1
+ 17.1396 43 l 1
+ 40.2266 34 63.5889 31 86.5889 31 c 0
+ 125.589 31 276.69 55 323.274 213 c 1
+ 115.274 213 l 1
+ 126.965 268 l 1
+ 336.965 268 l 1
+ 338.233 276.286 338.866 284.699 338.866 293.133 c 0
+ 338.866 370.194 285.994 449 181.438 449 c 0
+ 164.438 449 148.013 447 130.588 445 c 1
+ 139.728 488 l 1
+ 176.428 496 209.278 500 238.278 500 c 0
+ 364.182 500 434.632 418.574 434.632 312.269 c 0
+ 434.632 133.453 276.069 -17 96.3867 -17 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: gradient
+Encoding: 8711 8711 3137
+Width: 612
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1321 8710 S -1 0 0 -1 732 668 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: universal
+Encoding: 8704 8704 3138
+Width: 587
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+652.713 662 m 1
+ 242.024 -14 l 1
+ 226.024 -14 l 1
+ 115.713 662 l 1
+ 157.713 662 l 1
+ 201.984 381 l 1
+ 382.984 381 l 1
+ 546.713 662 l 1
+ 652.713 662 l 1
+359.481 341 m 1
+ 208.481 341 l 1
+ 240.333 138 l 1
+ 359.481 341 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: existential
+Encoding: 8707 8707 3139
+Width: 587
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+503 0 m 1
+ 4 0 l 1
+ 12 37 l 1
+ 380 37 l 2
+ 398 37 416 52 423 87 c 2
+ 475 328 l 1
+ 159 328 l 1
+ 167 365 l 1
+ 483 365 l 1
+ 529 585 l 2
+ 529.644 588.218 529.956 591.271 529.956 594.146 c 0
+ 529.956 613.613 515.653 615 493 615 c 2
+ 147 615 l 1
+ 155 652 l 1
+ 644 652 l 1
+ 503 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: product
+Encoding: 8719 8719 3140
+Width: 823
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+810 629 m 2
+ 677 3 l 2
+ 675 -8 674 -18 674 -26 c 0
+ 674 -70 706 -78 756 -78 c 1
+ 756 -101 l 1
+ 450 -101 l 1
+ 450 -78 l 1
+ 508 -78 549 -67 564 3 c 2
+ 711 696 l 1
+ 353 696 l 1
+ 206 3 l 2
+ 204 -8 203 -18 203 -26 c 0
+ 203 -70 235 -78 285 -78 c 1
+ 285 -101 l 1
+ -22 -101 l 1
+ -22 -78 l 1
+ 38 -78 78 -67 93 3 c 2
+ 226 629 l 2
+ 229 641 230 652 230 661 c 0
+ 230 724 176 728 152 728 c 1
+ 152 751 l 1
+ 925 751 l 1
+ 925 728 l 1
+ 897 728 830 722 810 629 c 2
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringoperator
+Encoding: 8728 8728 3141
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+435 257 m 0
+ 435 153 352 71 249 71 c 0
+ 144 71 62 153 62 257 c 0
+ 62 360 144 443 249 443 c 0
+ 352 443 435 360 435 257 c 0
+387 257 m 0
+ 387 333 324 395 249 395 c 0
+ 171 395 110 333 110 257 c 0
+ 110 180 171 119 249 119 c 0
+ 324 119 387 180 387 257 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulletoperator
+Encoding: 8729 8729 3142
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+236 354 m 0
+ 294 354 338 309 338 252 c 0
+ 338 198 292 152 237 152 c 0
+ 181 152 136 197 136 254 c 0
+ 136 309 180 354 236 354 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: cuberoot
+Encoding: 8731 8731 3143
+Width: 549
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1399 8730 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 112 179 S 0.85 0 0 0.85 163.225 220.25 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: fourthroot
+Encoding: 8732 8732 3144
+Width: 549
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1399 8730 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
+Refer: 1378 8308 S 0.85 0 0 0.85 140.925 216 0
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: orthogonal
+Encoding: 8735 8735 3145
+Width: 509
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+447 0 m 1
+ 62 0 l 1
+ 62 385 l 1
+ 129 385 l 1
+ 129 67 l 1
+ 447 67 l 1
+ 447 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angle
+Encoding: 8736 8736 3146
+Width: 575
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+530 0 m 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 470 453 l 1
+ 525 408 l 1
+ 181 65 l 1
+ 530 65 l 1
+ 530 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: asteriskmath
+Encoding: 8727 8727 3147
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 10 42 N 0.8 0 0 0.8 0.0999908 -125.9 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: dotplus
+Encoding: 8724 8724 3148
+Width: 675
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 11 43 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 147 370 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: divides
+Encoding: 8739 8739 3149
+Width: 200
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+112 -94 m 1
+ 112 662 l 1
+ 168 662 l 1
+ 168 -94 l 1
+ 112 -94 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: parallel
+Encoding: 8741 8741 3150
+Width: 320
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3149 8739 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 3149 8739 S 1 0 0 1 120 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: eop
+Encoding: 8718 8718 3151
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+77 0 m 1
+ 223.877 691 l 1
+ 569.877 691 l 1
+ 423 0 l 1
+ 77 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2204
+Encoding: 8708 8708 3152
+Width: 587
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+129 0 m 1
+ 4 0 l 1
+ 12 37 l 1
+ 152 37 l 1
+ 327 328 l 1
+ 159 328 l 1
+ 167 365 l 1
+ 350 365 l 1
+ 503 616 l 1
+ 147 616 l 1
+ 155 653 l 1
+ 526 653 l 1
+ 598 776 l 1
+ 649 776 l 1
+ 580 653 l 1
+ 644 653 l 1
+ 503 0 l 1
+ 180 0 l 1
+ 114 -110 l 1
+ 63 -110 l 1
+ 129 0 l 1
+203 37 m 1
+ 380 37 l 2
+ 398 37 416 52 423 87 c 2
+ 475 328 l 1
+ 378 328 l 1
+ 203 37 l 1
+401 365 m 1
+ 483 365 l 1
+ 527 574 l 1
+ 401 365 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: emptyset
+Encoding: 8709 8709 3153
+Width: 662
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+71 -10 m 1
+ 41 22 l 1
+ 106.114 87.1142 l 1
+ 58.7845 140.307 30 210.349 30 287 c 0
+ 30 453 165 588 331 588 c 0
+ 407.651 588 477.693 559.216 530.886 511.886 c 1
+ 600 581 l 1
+ 630 549 l 1
+ 561.451 480.451 l 1
+ 605.462 428.104 632 360.599 632 287 c 0
+ 632 121 497 -14 331 -14 c 0
+ 257.401 -14 189.896 12.5376 137.549 56.5486 c 1
+ 71 -10 l 1
+138.052 119.052 m 1
+ 498.759 479.759 l 1
+ 453.632 519.111 394.809 543 331 543 c 0
+ 190 543 75 428 75 287 c 0
+ 75 222.838 98.8128 164.06 138.052 119.052 c 1
+169.563 88.5626 m 1
+ 213.66 52.6029 269.888 31 331 31 c 0
+ 471 31 587 146 587 287 c 0
+ 587 348.031 565.267 404.191 529.262 448.262 c 1
+ 169.563 88.5626 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: element
+Encoding: 8712 8712 3154
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+455.7 8 m 1
+ 269.7 8 l 2
+ 149.054 8 71.0898 95.3896 71.0898 205.434 c 0
+ 71.0898 372.118 227.009 506 375.554 506 c 2
+ 561.554 506 l 1
+ 550.926 456 l 1
+ 360.926 456 l 2
+ 260.926 456 165.134 377 133.941 282 c 1
+ 496.941 282 l 1
+ 486.313 232 l 1
+ 123.313 232 l 1
+ 122.775 226.191 122.514 220.471 122.514 214.847 c 0
+ 122.514 123.653 191.556 58 276.328 58 c 2
+ 466.328 58 l 1
+ 455.7 8 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: suchthat
+Encoding: 8715 8715 3155
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3154 8712 S -1 0 0 -1 606 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2209
+Encoding: 8713 8713 3156
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+455.7 8 m 1
+ 269.7 8 l 2
+ 237.495 8 208.332 14.2269 182.881 25.4493 c 1
+ 134 -50 l 1
+ 83 -50 l 1
+ 145.916 47.1124 l 1
+ 98.4809 82.9398 71.0898 140.207 71.0898 205.434 c 0
+ 71.0898 372.118 227.009 506 375.554 506 c 2
+ 443.213 506 l 1
+ 508 606 l 1
+ 559 606 l 1
+ 494.213 506 l 1
+ 561.554 506 l 1
+ 550.926 456 l 1
+ 461.82 456 l 1
+ 349.091 282 l 1
+ 496.941 282 l 1
+ 486.313 232 l 1
+ 316.698 232 l 1
+ 212.624 71.3579 l 1
+ 232.047 62.7095 253.623 58 276.328 58 c 2
+ 466.328 58 l 1
+ 455.7 8 l 1
+410.82 456 m 1
+ 360.926 456 l 2
+ 260.926 456 165.134 377 133.941 282 c 1
+ 298.091 282 l 1
+ 410.82 456 l 1
+265.698 232 m 1
+ 123.313 232 l 1
+ 122.775 226.191 122.514 220.471 122.514 214.847 c 0
+ 122.514 164.644 143.437 122.181 176.391 94.1514 c 1
+ 265.698 232 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni220c
+Encoding: 8716 8716 3157
+Width: 536
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+150.3 506 m 1
+ 336.3 506 l 2
+ 358.297 506 378.876 503.095 397.821 497.677 c 1
+ 468 606 l 1
+ 519 606 l 1
+ 438.105 481.136 l 1
+ 498.959 447.573 534.91 383.293 534.91 308.566 c 0
+ 534.91 141.882 378.991 8 230.446 8 c 2
+ 131.576 8 l 1
+ 94 -50 l 1
+ 43 -50 l 1
+ 80.5762 8 l 1
+ 44.4463 8 l 1
+ 55.0742 58 l 1
+ 112.97 58 l 1
+ 225.698 232 l 1
+ 109.059 232 l 1
+ 119.687 282 l 1
+ 258.091 282 l 1
+ 367.838 451.398 l 1
+ 355.629 454.416 342.84 456 329.672 456 c 2
+ 139.672 456 l 1
+ 150.3 506 l 1
+408.228 435.02 m 1
+ 309.091 282 l 1
+ 482.687 282 l 1
+ 483.225 287.809 483.486 293.529 483.486 299.153 c 0
+ 483.486 359.502 453.25 408.667 408.228 435.02 c 1
+276.698 232 m 1
+ 163.97 58 l 1
+ 245.074 58 l 2
+ 345.074 58 440.866 137 472.059 232 c 1
+ 276.698 232 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: backslashmath
+Encoding: 8726 8726 3158
+Width: 610
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+110 676 m 1
+ 156 676 l 1
+ 609 -14 l 1
+ 560 -14 l 1
+ 110 676 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: proportional
+Encoding: 8733 8733 3159
+Width: 677
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+18 194 m 0
+ 18 284 100 412 214 412 c 0
+ 267 412 298 395 321 310 c 1
+ 352 353 404 434 528 434 c 0
+ 564.023 434 594.257 422.999 616.836 404.474 c 1
+ 611.292 394.13 605.748 383.786 600.204 373.442 c 1
+ 585.989 387.735 565.966 398 538 398 c 0
+ 464 398 424 342 340 216 c 1
+ 358 119 395 97 451 97 c 0
+ 489.502 97 522.496 109.89 549.397 129.965 c 1
+ 561.571 105.539 l 1
+ 521.395 72.5303 475.591 53 437 53 c 0
+ 361 53 337 124 318 186 c 1
+ 257 109 205 78 137 78 c 0
+ 63 78 18 130 18 194 c 0
+44 201 m 0
+ 44 155 73 114 121 114 c 0
+ 198 114 250 196 298 274 c 1
+ 286 342 257 369 200 369 c 0
+ 76 369 44 238 44 201 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: coproduct
+Encoding: 8720 8720 3160
+Width: 823
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3140 8719 S -1 0 0 -1 908 650 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: complement
+Encoding: 8705 8705 3161
+Width: 532
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+522 217 m 5
+ 477 75 372 -13 243 -13 c 4
+ 132 -13 57 72 57 173 c 4
+ 57 187 59 202 62 217 c 6
+ 137 571 l 6
+ 164 700 293 801 416 801 c 4
+ 539 801 600 731 600 613 c 4
+ 600 600 599 586 597 571 c 5
+ 525 571 l 5
+ 526 582 527 592 527 602 c 4
+ 527 685 486 729 401 729 c 4
+ 312 729 229 660 210 571 c 6
+ 135 217 l 6
+ 133 208 132 198 132 189 c 4
+ 132 118 191 60 259 60 c 4
+ 344 60 418 116 450 217 c 5
+ 522 217 l 5
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: similar
+Encoding: 8764 8764 3162
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+65.9609 188 m 1
+ 105.753 267 164.019 320 251.019 320 c 0
+ 341.019 320 383.637 210 461.637 210 c 0
+ 527.637 210 570.478 261 598.806 319 c 1
+ 616.68 309 l 1
+ 583.975 221 526.797 159 430.797 159 c 0
+ 333.797 159 298.965 268 220.965 268 c 0
+ 161.965 268 118.101 231 84.0479 179 c 1
+ 65.9609 188 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: therefore
+Encoding: 8756 8756 3163
+Width: 565
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 105 195 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 304 -198 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -90 -198 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: because
+Encoding: 8757 8757 3164
+Width: 568
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -40 188 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 158 -204 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 357 190 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ratio
+Encoding: 8758 8758 3165
+Width: 250
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -20 190 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -206 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: proportion
+Encoding: 8759 8759 3166
+Width: 629
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -61 188 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 -61 -208 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 336 190 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 335 -204 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: intersection
+Encoding: 8745 8745 3167
+Width: 654
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+582 0 m 1
+ 516 0 l 1
+ 583 313 l 2
+ 585.348 324.292 586.471 335.483 586.471 346.456 c 0
+ 586.471 433.632 515.597 507 425 507 c 0
+ 320 507 208 423 185 313 c 2
+ 118 0 l 1
+ 52 0 l 1
+ 118 309 l 2
+ 150 458 298 573 440 573 c 0
+ 563.747 573 654.079 485.665 654.079 364.601 c 0
+ 654.079 346.744 652.113 328.153 648 309 c 2
+ 582 0 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: union
+Encoding: 8746 8746 3168
+Width: 654
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3167 8745 S -1 0 0 -1 714 573 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2266
+Encoding: 8806 8806 3169
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 N 1 0 0 1 16 190 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 -11 -233 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2267
+Encoding: 8807 8807 3170
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 39 -235 2
+Refer: 30 62 S 1 0 0 1 41 197 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equivalence
+Encoding: 8801 8801 3171
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 S 1 0 0 1 6 3 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 S 1 0 0 1 6 203 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 S 1 0 0 1 6 -197 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: logicaland
+Encoding: 8743 8743 3172
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 S 0 -1 1 0 29 562 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: logicalor
+Encoding: 8744 8744 3173
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 S 0 1 -1 0 595 -54 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: approxequal
+Encoding: 8776 8776 3174
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 N 1 0 0 1 0 -85 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 N 1 0 0 1 0 120 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: subset
+Encoding: 8834 8834 3175
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+560 28 m 1
+ 274 28 l 2
+ 153 28 75 115 75 225 c 0
+ 75 392 231 526 380 526 c 2
+ 666 526 l 1
+ 652 460 l 1
+ 362 460 l 2
+ 245 460 142 357 142 236 c 0
+ 142 153 200 94 284 94 c 2
+ 574 94 l 1
+ 560 28 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: propersuperset
+Encoding: 8835 8835 3176
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3175 8834 S -1 0 0 -1 686 554 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: questionequal
+Encoding: 8799 8799 3177
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 31 63 N 0.48 0 0 0.48 241.32 474.68 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: definequal
+Encoding: 8797 8797 3178
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 68 100 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 123.7 492.4 2
+Refer: 69 101 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 320.5 492.8 2
+Refer: 70 102 N 0.4 0 0 0.4 460.3 494.4 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: measurequal
+Encoding: 8798 8798 3179
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 77 109 N 0.48 0 0 0.48 169.66 470.6 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: measuredangle
+Encoding: 8737 8737 3180
+Width: 559
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+257 288 m 1
+ 287.5 318.5 l 1
+ 311.29 293.939 l 1
+ 470 453 l 1
+ 525 408 l 1
+ 356.962 240.45 l 1
+ 399.247 185.277 425.73 130.191 438.609 65 c 1
+ 530 65 l 1
+ 530 0 l 1
+ 446.802 0 l 1
+ 447.605 -12.8939 448 -26.2082 448 -40 c 1
+ 404 -40 l 1
+ 404 -26.2628 403.506 -12.946 402.512 0 c 1
+ 18 0 l 1
+ 280.717 263.298 l 1
+ 257 288 l 1
+392.618 65 m 1
+ 380.38 117.106 358.158 163.675 325.396 208.976 c 1
+ 181 65 l 1
+ 392.618 65 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: sphericalangle
+Encoding: 8738 8738 3181
+Width: 509
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+467 0 m 1
+ 35 257 l 1
+ 467 510 l 1
+ 466 438 l 1
+ 340 363 l 1
+ 360 332 372 295 372 256 c 0
+ 372 218 361 182 341 151 c 1
+ 466 77 l 1
+ 467 0 l 1
+338 256 m 0
+ 338 289 328 320 311 345 c 1
+ 165 257 l 1
+ 313 168 l 1
+ 329 194 338 224 338 256 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: notbar
+Encoding: 8740 8740 3182
+Width: 250
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+105 269 m 1
+ 65 309 l 1
+ 137 381 l 1
+ 137 662 l 1
+ 193 662 l 1
+ 193 437 l 1
+ 224 468 l 1
+ 264 428 l 1
+ 193 357 l 1
+ 193 -94 l 1
+ 137 -94 l 1
+ 137 301 l 1
+ 105 269 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: notparallel
+Encoding: 8742 8742 3183
+Width: 404
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+325 502 m 1
+ 384 561 l 1
+ 424 521 l 1
+ 325 422 l 1
+ 325 -94 l 1
+ 269 -94 l 1
+ 269 366 l 1
+ 205 302 l 1
+ 205 -94 l 1
+ 149 -94 l 1
+ 149 246 l 1
+ 80 177 l 1
+ 40 217 l 1
+ 149 326 l 1
+ 149 662 l 1
+ 205 662 l 1
+ 205 382 l 1
+ 269 446 l 1
+ 269 662 l 1
+ 325 662 l 1
+ 325 502 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: minustilde
+Encoding: 8770 8770 3184
+Width: 586
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 N 1 0 0 1 0 -32 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 N 1 0 0 1 14 155 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2243
+Encoding: 8771 8771 3185
+Width: 586
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3184 8770 N -1 0 0 -1 656 566 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: congruent
+Encoding: 8773 8773 3186
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 -2 -63 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 N 1 0 0 1 -4 242 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: approaches
+Encoding: 8784 8784 3187
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 157 286 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: geometricallyequal
+Encoding: 8785 8785 3188
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 157 291 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 157 -256 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equaldotleftright
+Encoding: 8786 8786 3189
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 S 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 9 289 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 301 -258 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equaldotrightleft
+Encoding: 8787 8787 3190
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 353 288 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -39 -252 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: colonequal
+Encoding: 8788 8788 3191
+Width: 735
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 171 3 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -40 211 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 -40 -178 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: equalcolon
+Encoding: 8789 8789 3192
+Width: 755
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 544 208 2
+Refer: 116 183 N 1 0 0 1 542 -178 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: ringinequal
+Encoding: 8790 8790 3193
+Width: 675
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+338 321 m 0
+ 293 321 273 280 273 256 c 0
+ 273 231 292 190 337 190 c 0
+ 375 190 404 219 404 255 c 0
+ 404 291 375 321 338 321 c 0
+590 189 m 1
+ 590 123 l 1
+ 86 123 l 1
+ 86 189 l 1
+ 263.642 189 l 1
+ 248.125 206.614 239 229.829 239 255 c 0
+ 239 280.906 248.897 304.972 265.378 323 c 1
+ 86 323 l 1
+ 86 389 l 1
+ 590 389 l 1
+ 590 323 l 1
+ 411.157 323 l 1
+ 427.792 305.123 438 281.195 438 255 c 0
+ 438 229.557 428.37 206.468 412.575 189 c 1
+ 590 189 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: ringequal
+Encoding: 8791 8791 3194
+Width: 657
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 405 730 N 1 0 0 1 25 -31 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2259
+Encoding: 8793 8793 3195
+Width: 614
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 3172 8743 N 0.5 0 0 0.5 205.5 443 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni225A
+Encoding: 8794 8794 3196
+Width: 675
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 29 61 N 1 0 0 1 0 3 2
+Refer: 3173 8744 N 0.5 0 0 0.5 165.5 443 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni226A
+Encoding: 8810 8810 3197
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 28 60 S 1 0 0 1 331 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni226B
+Encoding: 8811 8811 3198
+Width: 899
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 30 62 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Refer: 30 62 N 1 0 0 1 330 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2272
+Encoding: 8818 8818 3199
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 28 60 N 1 0 0 1 -4 83 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 S 1 0 0 1 -30 -271 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2273
+Encoding: 8819 8819 3200
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3162 8764 N 1 0 0 1 -3 -271 2
+Refer: 30 62 S 1 0 0 1 4 83 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni224A
+Encoding: 8778 8778 3201
+Width: 636
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3174 8776 N 1 0 0 1 0 83 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 S 1 0 0 1 4 -197 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2239
+Encoding: 8761 8761 3202
+Width: 767
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 500 -140 2
+Refer: 116 183 S 1 0 0 1 500 190 2
+Refer: 1323 8722 S 1 0 0 1 -20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: revlogicalnot
+Encoding: 8976 8976 3203
+Width: 564
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+108.956 108 m 1
+ 42.9561 108 l 1
+ 102.047 386 l 1
+ 606.047 386 l 1
+ 592.019 320 l 1
+ 154.019 320 l 1
+ 108.956 108 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: frown
+Encoding: 8994 8994 3204
+Width: 658
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+631.284 166 m 1
+ 615.159 156 l 1
+ 556.651 243 458.84 258 382.84 258 c 0
+ 306.84 258 203.651 243 108.159 156 c 1
+ 97.2842 166 l 1
+ 125.236 194 213.168 316 396.168 316 c 0
+ 578.168 316 615.236 194 631.284 166 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: slurbelow
+Encoding: 8995 8995 3205
+Width: 658
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+626 307 m 1
+ 604 278 541 156 359 156 c 0
+ 176 156 114 278 92 307 c 1
+ 105 316 l 1
+ 182 229 282 214 358 214 c 0
+ 434 214 535 229 612 316 c 1
+ 626 307 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angleright
+Encoding: 9002 9002 3206
+Width: 329
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+360 274 m 1
+ 30 -198 l 1
+ -16 -173 l 1
+ 297 274 l 1
+ 174 721 l 1
+ 231 746 l 1
+ 360 274 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: angleleft
+Encoding: 9001 9001 3207
+Width: 329
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3206 9002 S -1 0 0 -1 424.468 548 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: arrowboth
+Encoding: 8596 8596 3208
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+925 258 m 1
+ 685 52 l 1
+ 661 84 l 1
+ 810 229 l 1
+ 187 229 l 1
+ 275 85 l 1
+ 237 52 l 1
+ 84 256 l 1
+ 324 462 l 1
+ 348 429 l 1
+ 199 285 l 1
+ 822 285 l 1
+ 734 428 l 1
+ 772 462 l 1
+ 925 258 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2195
+Encoding: 8597 8597 3209
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+416 -163 m 1
+ 252 33 l 1
+ 291 64 l 1
+ 411 -54 l 1
+ 543 569 l 1
+ 374 450 l 1
+ 347 481 l 1
+ 593 677 l 1
+ 757 481 l 1
+ 718 450 l 1
+ 599 569 l 1
+ 467 -54 l 1
+ 635 64 l 1
+ 662 33 l 1
+ 416 -163 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2196
+Encoding: 8598 8598 3210
+Width: 800
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+740 -1 m 1
+ 699 -35 l 1
+ 213 582 l 1
+ 156 391 l 1
+ 111 391 l 1
+ 172 677 l 1
+ 458 677 l 1
+ 448 632 l 1
+ 254 616 l 1
+ 740 -1 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2197
+Encoding: 8599 8599 3211
+Width: 800
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+35 -35 m 1
+ 8 -1 l 1
+ 756 616 l 1
+ 568 632 l 1
+ 578 677 l 1
+ 864 677 l 1
+ 803 391 l 1
+ 758 391 l 1
+ 783 582 l 1
+ 35 -35 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni2198
+Encoding: 8600 8600 3212
+Width: 800
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3210 8598 N -1 0 0 -1 800 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni2199
+Encoding: 8601 8601 3213
+Width: 800
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3211 8599 N -1 0 0 -1 872 642 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21A4
+Encoding: 8612 8612 3214
+Width: 1013
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+969.053 52 m 1
+ 913.053 52 l 1
+ 950.676 229 l 1
+ 186.676 229 l 1
+ 275.067 85 l 1
+ 237.053 52 l 1
+ 84.4141 256 l 1
+ 324.201 462 l 1
+ 348.187 429 l 1
+ 198.578 285 l 1
+ 962.578 285 l 1
+ 1000.2 462 l 1
+ 1056.2 462 l 1
+ 969.053 52 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21a5
+Encoding: 8613 8613 3215
+Width: 570
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+36.001 -207 m 1
+ 47.9043 -151 l 1
+ 224.904 -151 l 1
+ 387.297 613 l 1
+ 218.003 494 l 1
+ 191.592 525 l 1
+ 437.253 721 l 1
+ 601.592 525 l 1
+ 562.003 494 l 1
+ 443.297 613 l 1
+ 280.904 -151 l 1
+ 457.904 -151 l 1
+ 446.001 -207 l 1
+ 36.001 -207 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21A6
+Encoding: 8614 8614 3216
+Width: 1013
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3214 8612 S -1 0 0 -1 1113 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21A7
+Encoding: 8615 8615 3217
+Width: 500
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3215 8613 S -1 0 0 -1 650 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: arrowhookleft
+Encoding: 8617 8617 3218
+Width: 910
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+817.573 412 m 1
+ 829.477 468 l 1
+ 896.468 468 928.333 437.903 928.333 385.064 c 0
+ 928.333 289.927 873.187 229 779.676 229 c 2
+ 779.676 229 419.676 229 166.676 229 c 1
+ 255.28 86 l 1
+ 217.053 52 l 1
+ 64.627 257 l 1
+ 304.201 462 l 1
+ 328.399 430 l 1
+ 178.578 285 l 1
+ 790.578 285 l 2
+ 831.891 285 869.125 315.084 869.125 366.207 c 0
+ 869.125 396.123 849.006 412 817.573 412 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowhookright
+Encoding: 8618 8618 3219
+Width: 910
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+227.573 412 m 1
+ 186.788 412 149.167 382.688 149.167 331.17 c 0
+ 149.167 301.393 168.497 285 200.578 285 c 2
+ 812.578 285 l 1
+ 724.399 430 l 1
+ 762.201 462 l 1
+ 914.627 257 l 1
+ 675.053 52 l 1
+ 651.28 86 l 1
+ 800.676 229 l 1
+ 187.676 229 l 2
+ 118.083 229 89.5977 259.117 89.5977 309.826 c 0
+ 89.5977 407.533 148.938 468 239.477 468 c 1
+ 239.477 468 232.355 434.5 227.573 412 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21BC
+Encoding: 8636 8636 3220
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+908.676 229 m 1
+ 68.6758 229 l 1
+ 339.201 462 l 1
+ 363.187 429 l 1
+ 212.578 285 l 1
+ 920.578 285 l 1
+ 908.676 229 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21BD
+Encoding: 8637 8637 3221
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+908.676 229 m 1
+ 200.676 229 l 1
+ 290.067 85 l 1
+ 252.053 52 l 1
+ 80.5791 285 l 1
+ 920.578 285 l 1
+ 908.676 229 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21be
+Encoding: 8638 8638 3222
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+76.4092 -174.5 m 1
+ 254.956 665.5 l 1
+ 440.981 444.5 l 1
+ 401.393 413.5 l 1
+ 282.898 533.5 l 1
+ 132.409 -174.5 l 1
+ 76.4092 -174.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21bf
+Encoding: 8639 8639 3223
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+154.047 -171.5 m 1
+ 304.536 536.5 l 1
+ 135.03 416.5 l 1
+ 108.619 447.5 l 1
+ 388.594 668.5 l 1
+ 210.047 -171.5 l 1
+ 154.047 -171.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21c0
+Encoding: 8640 8640 3224
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3221 8637 S -1 0 0 -1 980 517 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21c1
+Encoding: 8641 8641 3225
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3220 8636 S -1 0 0 -1 980 511 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21c3
+Encoding: 8643 8643 3226
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3222 8638 S -1 0 0 -1 450 491 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21c2
+Encoding: 8642 8642 3227
+Width: 400
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3223 8639 S -1 0 0 -1 460 497 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21C4
+Encoding: 8644 8644 3228
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1481 8594 S 1 0 0 1 40 170 2
+Refer: 1479 8592 N 1 0 0 1 -20 -170 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21C5
+Encoding: 8645 8645 3229
+Width: 790
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1482 8595 N 1 0 0 1 380 0 2
+Refer: 1480 8593 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21C6
+Encoding: 8646 8646 3230
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1481 8594 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -170 2
+Refer: 1479 8592 N 1 0 0 1 40 171 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21CB
+Encoding: 8651 8651 3231
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3220 8636 S 1 0 0 1 20 102 2
+Refer: 3225 8641 N 1 0 0 1 -20 -100 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21CC
+Encoding: 8652 8652 3232
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3224 8640 S 1 0 0 1 30 101 2
+Refer: 3221 8637 N 1 0 0 1 -30 -101 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21B4
+Encoding: 8628 8628 3233
+Width: 658
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+117.844 545 m 1
+ 129.534 600 l 1
+ 690.534 600 l 1
+ 601.048 179 l 1
+ 685.048 179 l 1
+ 537.764 13 l 1
+ 462.048 179 l 1
+ 546.048 179 l 1
+ 623.844 545 l 1
+ 117.844 545 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21b5
+Encoding: 8629 8629 3234
+Width: 658
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+696.698 629 m 1
+ 751.698 629 l 1
+ 632.454 68 l 1
+ 211.454 68 l 1
+ 193.599 -16 l 1
+ 51.4053 96 l 1
+ 240.999 207 l 1
+ 223.145 123 l 1
+ 589.145 123 l 1
+ 696.698 629 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: arrowdblleft
+Encoding: 8656 8656 3235
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+886.995 127 m 1
+ 239.995 127 l 1
+ 296.227 34 l 1
+ 262.062 5 l 1
+ 74.627 257 l 1
+ 369.404 510 l 1
+ 390.814 479 l 1
+ 295.047 386 l 1
+ 942.047 386 l 1
+ 930.144 330 l 1
+ 236.144 330 l 1
+ 159.414 256 l 1
+ 203.897 183 l 1
+ 898.897 183 l 1
+ 886.995 127 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21d1
+Encoding: 8657 8657 3236
+Width: 550
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+94.96 -162.5 m 1
+ 232.483 484.5 l 1
+ 123.329 408.5 l 1
+ 100.281 436.5 l 1
+ 403.507 677.5 l 1
+ 605.281 436.5 l 1
+ 568.329 408.5 l 1
+ 491.483 484.5 l 1
+ 353.96 -162.5 l 1
+ 297.96 -162.5 l 1
+ 445.474 531.5 l 1
+ 384.439 592.5 l 1
+ 298.687 532.5 l 1
+ 150.96 -162.5 l 1
+ 94.96 -162.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21d2
+Encoding: 8658 8658 3237
+Width: 900
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3235 8656 S -1 0 0 -1 980 515 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni21d3
+Encoding: 8659 8659 3238
+Width: 550
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3236 8657 S -1 0 0 -1 630 515 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: arrowdblboth
+Encoding: 8660 8660 3239
+Width: 910
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+934.627 257 m 1
+ 640.062 5 l 1
+ 618.227 34 l 1
+ 714.207 128 l 1
+ 250.207 128 l 1
+ 306.439 35 l 1
+ 272.062 5 l 1
+ 84.4141 256 l 1
+ 379.404 510 l 1
+ 401.027 480 l 1
+ 305.047 386 l 1
+ 769.047 386 l 1
+ 712.814 479 l 1
+ 747.404 510 l 1
+ 934.627 257 l 1
+849.627 257 m 1
+ 804.356 331 l 1
+ 246.356 331 l 1
+ 169.627 257 l 1
+ 213.897 183 l 1
+ 773.897 183 l 1
+ 849.627 257 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21d5
+Encoding: 8661 8661 3240
+Width: 650
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+318.896 -167.5 m 1
+ 118.123 73.5 l 1
+ 153.074 101.5 l 1
+ 230.92 25.5 l 1
+ 329.547 489.5 l 1
+ 220.393 413.5 l 1
+ 196.344 441.5 l 1
+ 498.57 682.5 l 1
+ 701.344 441.5 l 1
+ 665.393 413.5 l 1
+ 587.547 489.5 l 1
+ 488.92 25.5 l 1
+ 598.074 101.5 l 1
+ 623.123 73.5 l 1
+ 318.896 -167.5 l 1
+336.964 -82.5 m 1
+ 423.93 -21.5 l 1
+ 542.537 536.5 l 1
+ 481.503 597.5 l 1
+ 394.749 537.5 l 1
+ 275.718 -22.5 l 1
+ 336.964 -82.5 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21DD
+Encoding: 8669 8669 3241
+Width: 1078
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+1102.84 258 m 1
+ 863.053 52 l 1
+ 839.067 85 l 1
+ 988.676 229 l 1
+ 896.676 229 l 2
+ 834.676 229 754.357 124 696.357 124 c 0
+ 644.357 124 606.743 314 578.743 314 c 0
+ 552.743 314 443.357 124 384.357 124 c 0
+ 314.357 124 298.23 321 261.23 321 c 0
+ 215.23 321 152.676 229 68.6758 229 c 1
+ 80.5791 285 l 1
+ 147.791 286 223.897 390 281.897 390 c 0
+ 334.897 390 369.299 199 399.299 199 c 0
+ 429.299 199 529.897 390 593.897 390 c 0
+ 655.897 390 681.811 192 717.811 192 c 0
+ 758.811 192 830.578 285 901.578 285 c 2
+ 1000.58 285 l 1
+ 912.187 429 l 1
+ 950.201 462 l 1
+ 1102.84 258 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni21dc
+Encoding: 8668 8668 3242
+Width: 1078
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3241 8669 N -1 0 0 -1 1171.52 514 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: cyrillic.alt_de
+Encoding: 59657 -1 3243
+Width: 483
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+161 42 m 0
+ 256 42 374 239 374 358 c 0
+ 374 392 348 419 315 419 c 0
+ 223 419 105 234 105 119 c 0
+ 105 72 127 42 161 42 c 0
+325.582 150.979 m 1
+ 237.509 25.607 191.622 -11 121 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 19 34 19 105 c 0
+ 19 257 180 441 312 441 c 0
+ 353 441 373 425 389 379 c 1
+ 404 426 l 1
+ 477 426 l 1
+ 477 426 401.827 160.387 364 28 c 0
+ 318.144 -129.411 228 -207 105 -207 c 0
+ 23 -207 -24 -181 -24 -146 c 0
+ -24 -122 -7 -104 16 -104 c 0
+ 39 -104 57 -120 57 -141 c 0
+ 57 -160 44 -162 44 -173 c 0
+ 44 -180 84 -184 112 -184 c 0
+ 152 -184 238.126 -138.11 279 -3 c 0
+ 294.521 48.3543 325.582 150.979 325.582 150.979 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulg.alt_ve
+Encoding: 59658 -1 3244
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+356 674 m 0
+ 424 674 491 638 491 550 c 0
+ 491 445 386 399 329 386 c 1
+ 329 384 l 1
+ 410 357 453 290 453 228 c 0
+ 453 83 317 -10 183 -10 c 0
+ 124 -10 12 -6.4 12 52 c 0
+ 12 58 14 73 15 78 c 2
+ 104 397 l 2
+ 149.442 559.877 200 674 356 674 c 0
+296 369 m 0
+ 219.5 369 149.503 340.704 138 286 c 2
+ 93 72 l 2
+ 92.4023 68.9473 92.1504 65.9561 92.1504 63.042 c 0
+ 92.1504 30.6 129.075 13 189 13 c 0
+ 282 13 365 144 365 230 c 0
+ 365 317.6 343.5 369 296 369 c 0
+333 651 m 0
+ 255 651 200.248 574.858 167 436 c 2
+ 150 365 l 1
+ 173 379 245.5 400 285 400 c 0
+ 358 400 415 461 415 538 c 0
+ 415 587 397 651 333 651 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: bulg.alt_zhe
+Encoding: 59659 -1 3245
+Width: 914
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+341.609 206 m 1
+ 304 88 230 -11 105 -11 c 0
+ 45 -11 0 24 0 70 c 0
+ 0 96 21 116 48 116 c 0
+ 72 116 87 102 87 78 c 0
+ 87 60 72 41.3252 72 30 c 0
+ 72 18 87 10 110 10 c 0
+ 218 10 271 178.6 271 291 c 0
+ 271 350 249 405 192 405 c 0
+ 148 405 118 386 86 340 c 1
+ 70 350 l 1
+ 120 430 160 441 222 441 c 0
+ 315 441 357 366 357 291 c 0
+ 357 271 354 248 349 230 c 1
+ 424 230 l 1
+ 456.578 353.001 522 599 522 599 c 2
+ 524.296 607.646 526 614 526 617 c 0
+ 526 633 506 640 458 640 c 1
+ 458 656 l 1
+ 517 663 553 670 612 683 c 1
+ 617 678 l 1
+ 577.683 528.65 538.188 379.479 499 230 c 1
+ 574 230 l 1
+ 612 344 684 441 809 441 c 0
+ 869 441 914 406 914 360 c 0
+ 914 334 893 314 866 314 c 0
+ 842 314 827 328 827 352 c 0
+ 827 370 842 388.675 842 400 c 0
+ 842 412 827 420 804 420 c 0
+ 696 420 643 251.4 643 139 c 0
+ 643 80 665 25 722 25 c 0
+ 766 25 796 44 828 90 c 1
+ 844 80 l 1
+ 794 0 754 -11 692 -11 c 0
+ 599 -11 557 64 557 139 c 0
+ 557 159 561 188 566 206 c 1
+ 493 206 l 1
+ 436 0 l 1
+ 361 0 l 1
+ 417 206 l 1
+ 341.609 206 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: uni1d02
+Encoding: 7426 7426 3246
+Width: 703
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 163 230 S -1 0 0 -1 663 430 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d08
+Encoding: 7432 7432 3247
+Width: 435
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 1589 604 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d09
+Encoding: 7433 7433 3248
+Width: 246
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 73 105 N -1 0 0 -1 278 474 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: uni1d0c
+Encoding: 7436 7436 3249
+Width: 364
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 254 321 N 0.66 0 0 0.66 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+StartChar: old.0
+Encoding: 59488 -1 3250
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+AnchorPoint: "middle" 257 215 basechar 0
+LayerCount: 2
+483 293 m 0
+ 483 123 344.5 -7 179 -7 c 0
+ 82 -7 18 40 18 133 c 0
+ 18 316 161.5 443 327 443 c 0
+ 429.5 443 483 396 483 293 c 0
+183 21 m 0
+ 318.5 21 404 160 404 312 c 0
+ 404 356 374 415 320 415 c 0
+ 185.5 415 97 282 97 116 c 0
+ 97 77 129 21 183 21 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.0
+StartChar: old.1
+Encoding: 59489 -1 3251
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+49 0 m 1
+ 49 14 l 1
+ 128 21 151 31 161 68 c 2
+ 234 326 l 2
+ 239 344 241 354 241 360 c 0
+ 241 378 227 391 205 391 c 0
+ 204 391 204 391 203 391 c 2
+ 146 389 l 1
+ 146 404 l 1
+ 157 406 165 408 167 408 c 2
+ 339 442 l 2
+ 342 442 344 439 344 435 c 0
+ 344 430 342 421 338 406 c 2
+ 260 121 l 2
+ 257 109 242 64 242 47 c 0
+ 242 19.6586 276.989 15 328 15 c 1
+ 328 0 l 1
+ 235 0 142 0 49 0 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.1
+StartChar: old.2
+Encoding: 59490 -1 3252
+Width: 500
+Flags: MW
+LayerCount: 2
+50 282 m 1
+ 100 406 181 442 260 442 c 0
+ 364 442 422 382 422 302 c 0
+ 422 186.17 288 139 191 81 c 1
+ 191 76 l 1
+ 331 76 l 2
+ 385 76 406 89 430 139 c 1
+ 447 132 l 1
+ 397 0 l 1
+ 42 0 l 1
+ 42 17 l 1
+ 191 135 336 212 336 277 c 0
+ 336 338 290 369 211 369 c 0
+ 151 369 108 340 71 275 c 1
+ 50 282 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.2
+StartChar: old.3
+Encoding: 59491 -1 3253
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+140 143 m 1
+ 202 153 379 184 379 309 c 0
+ 379 363 343 400 290 400 c 0
+ 248 400 213 379 178 333 c 1
+ 162 338 l 1
+ 195 402 257 442 326 442 c 0
+ 406 442 466 388 466 315 c 0
+ 466 247 431 214 310 167 c 1
+ 310 164 l 1
+ 377 133 406 75 406 15 c 0
+ 406 -101 333 -208 151 -208 c 0
+ 80 -208 49 -192 12 -163 c 1
+ 17 -157 20.5 -153 25.5 -148 c 1
+ 76 -176.5 96 -184 150 -184 c 0
+ 253 -184 326 -125 326 -39 c 0
+ 326 95 252 127 140 127 c 1
+ 140 143 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.3
+StartChar: old.4
+Encoding: 59492 -1 3254
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+468 63 m 1
+ 455 0 l 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 302 -200 l 1
+ 223 -200 l 1
+ 278 0 l 1
+ 16 0 l 1
+ 36 67 l 1
+ 438 443 l 1
+ 479 443 l 1
+ 373 63 l 1
+ 468 63 l 1
+292 63 m 1
+ 373 330 l 1
+ 369 330 l 1
+ 80 67 l 1
+ 80 63 l 1
+ 292 63 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.4
+StartChar: old.5
+Encoding: 59493 -1 3255
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+326 4 m 0
+ 326 156 194 176 107 195 c 1
+ 107 210 l 1
+ 211 428 l 1
+ 467 428 l 1
+ 444 357 l 1
+ 214 357 l 1
+ 175 269 l 1
+ 256 249 292 233 329 198 c 0
+ 372 157 395 104 395 42 c 0
+ 395 -108.5 295.5 -207 118 -207 c 0
+ 57 -207 22.5 -187 -8 -162 c 1
+ -0.666992 -153.667 0 -153.333 5.5 -147 c 1
+ 41 -168 80 -182 125 -182 c 0
+ 231.5 -182 326 -92.5 326 4 c 0
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.5
+StartChar: old.6
+Encoding: 59494 -1 3256
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 22 54 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.6
+StartChar: old.7
+Encoding: 59495 -1 3257
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+517 418 m 1
+ 149 -200 l 1
+ 79 -200 l 1
+ 426 352 l 1
+ 424 355 l 1
+ 202 355 l 2
+ 144 355 117 340 69 283 c 1
+ 55 292 l 1
+ 136 428 l 1
+ 511 428 l 1
+ 517 418 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.7
+StartChar: old.8
+Encoding: 59496 -1 3258
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 24 56 N 1 0 0 1 0 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.8
+StartChar: old.9
+Encoding: 59497 -1 3259
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 25 57 S 1 0 0 1 -40 -216 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'pnum' Proportional Numbers subtable" oldprop.9
+StartChar: fit.0
+Encoding: 59498 -1 3260
+Width: 483
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 16 48 S 1 0 0 1 3 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'zero' Slashed Zero subtable" zeroslashed
+StartChar: fit.1
+Encoding: 59499 -1 3261
+Width: 342
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 17 49 N 1 0 0 1 -47 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+StartChar: fit.2
+Encoding: 59500 -1 3262
+Width: 494
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 18 50 N 1 0 0 1 13 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+StartChar: fit.3
+Encoding: 59501 -1 3263
+Width: 424
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 19 51 N 1 0 0 1 -13 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+StartChar: fit.4
+Encoding: 59502 -1 3264
+Width: 488
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 20 52 N 1 0 0 1 8 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+StartChar: fit.5
+Encoding: 59503 -1 3265
+Width: 429
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 21 53 N 1 0 0 1 -12 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+StartChar: fit.6
+Encoding: 59504 -1 3266
+Width: 488
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 22 54 N 1 0 0 1 1 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+StartChar: fit.7
+Encoding: 59505 -1 3267
+Width: 475
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 23 55 N 1 0 0 1 20 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+StartChar: fit.8
+Encoding: 59506 -1 3268
+Width: 485
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 24 56 N 1 0 0 1 -11 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+StartChar: fit.9
+Encoding: 59507 -1 3269
+Width: 480
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 25 57 N 1 0 0 1 15 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+StartChar: oldprop.0
+Encoding: 59508 -1 3270
+Width: 501
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3250 -1 N 1 0 0 1 9 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" zero
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" zero
+StartChar: oldprop.1
+Encoding: 59509 -1 3271
+Width: 352
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3251 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -46 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" one
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" one
+StartChar: oldprop.2
+Encoding: 59510 -1 3272
+Width: 470
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3252 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -10 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" two
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" two
+StartChar: oldprop.3
+Encoding: 59511 -1 3273
+Width: 467
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3253 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -35 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" three
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" three
+StartChar: oldprop.4
+Encoding: 59512 -1 3274
+Width: 497
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3254 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -8 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" four
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" four
+StartChar: oldprop.5
+Encoding: 59513 -1 3275
+Width: 459
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3255 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -15 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" five
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" five
+StartChar: oldprop.6
+Encoding: 59514 -1 3276
+Width: 493
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3256 -1 N 1 0 0 1 6 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" six
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" six
+StartChar: oldprop.7
+Encoding: 59515 -1 3277
+Width: 480
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 23 55 S 1 0 0 1 -20 -212 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" seven
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" seven
+StartChar: oldprop.8
+Encoding: 59516 -1 3278
+Width: 475
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3258 -1 N 1 0 0 1 -11 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" eight
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" eight
+StartChar: oldprop.9
+Encoding: 59517 -1 3279
+Width: 490
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+Refer: 3259 -1 N 1 0 0 1 5 0 2
+Validated: 32769
+Substitution2: "'lnum' Lining Figures-subtable" nine
+Substitution2: "'tnum' Tabular Numbers-subtable" nine
+StartChar: zeroslashed
+Encoding: 59519 -1 3280
+Width: 500
+Flags: HMW
+LayerCount: 2
+497 423 m 0
+ 497 251 375 -7 193 -7 c 0
+ 96 -7 32 81 32 213 c 0
+ 32 448 184 676 341 676 c 0
+ 438 676 497 581 497 423 c 0
+116.707 99.6424 m 1
+ 128.152 49.3487 156.339 21 197 21 c 0
+ 318.551 21 402.515 282.43 416.071 470.948 c 1
+ 116.707 99.6424 l 1
+113.285 194.8 m 1
+ 413.874 568.895 l 1
+ 403.944 619.702 376.354 648 334 648 c 0
+ 198.504 648 126.618 330.752 113.285 194.8 c 1
+Validated: 3073
+StartChar: Tz.lig
+Encoding: 63600 -1 3281
+Width: 766
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+633 653 m 1
+ 589 490 l 1
+ 572 492 l 1
+ 574 509 575 524 575 537 c 0
+ 575 593 543 618 471 618 c 2
+ 416 618 l 1
+ 363 428 l 1
+ 582 428 l 2
+ 665 428 726 405 726 327 c 0
+ 726 261 680.5 219.7 563 190 c 1
+ 563 187 l 1
+ 675 173 687 70 687 40 c 0
+ 687 -126.3 602 -207 474 -207 c 0
+ 416 -207 376 -167 354 -103.5 c 1
+ 363 -98 363.5 -97 370.5 -92.5 c 1
+ 407 -148 441.5 -167 472 -167 c 0
+ 566 -167 600 -34.2998 600 58 c 0
+ 600 128 574 173 519 175 c 0
+ 499 176 493 180 493 190 c 0
+ 493 200 497 203 510 203 c 0
+ 591 203 646 253.7 646 326 c 0
+ 646 377 619 396 579 396 c 2
+ 354 396 l 1
+ 277 120 l 2
+ 267.549 86.1221 265 74 265 61 c 0
+ 265 31 277 22 317 19 c 0
+ 323 19 338 17 355 16 c 1
+ 355 0 l 1
+ 65 0 l 1
+ 65 16 l 1
+ 131 21 157 37 171 90 c 2
+ 315 618 l 1
+ 294 618 l 2
+ 159 618 127 598 77 495 c 1
+ 59 499 l 1
+ 101 653 l 1
+ 633 653 l 1
+Validated: 3073
+Ligature2: "'hlig' Historic Ligatures in Latin for German subtable" T z
+StartChar: tz.lig
+Encoding: 63601 -1 3282
+Width: 516
+Flags: HW
+LayerCount: 2
+476 327 m 0
+ 476 261 430.5 219.7 313 190 c 1
+ 313 187 l 1
+ 425 173 437 70 437 40 c 0
+ 437 -126.3 352 -207 224 -207 c 0
+ 166 -207 126 -167 104 -103.5 c 1
+ 113 -98 113.5 -97 120.5 -92.5 c 1
+ 157 -148 191.5 -167 222 -167 c 0
+ 316 -167 350 -34.3 350 58 c 0
+ 350 128 324 173 269 175 c 0
+ 249 176 243 180 243 190 c 0
+ 243 200 247 203 260 203 c 0
+ 341 203 396 253.7 396 326 c 0
+ 396 377 369 396 329 396 c 2
+ 206.004 396 l 1
+ 119 63 l 2
+ 118.199 59.9355 118 59 118 58 c 0
+ 118 46 124 38 133 38 c 0
+ 149 38 165 54 214 117 c 1
+ 227 110 l 1
+ 164 17 131 -11 85 -11 c 0
+ 58 -11 37 5 37 27 c 0
+ 37 46 57 108 60 121 c 2
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diff --git a/fonts/MuseJazz.ttf b/fonts/MuseJazz.ttf
index 3cd393f..6470493 100644
Binary files a/fonts/MuseJazz.ttf and b/fonts/MuseJazz.ttf differ
diff --git a/fonts/README.md b/fonts/README.md
index 8c2a6e0..636dcfe 100644
--- a/fonts/README.md
+++ b/fonts/README.md
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Other files in the main **fonts** directories are for collateral fonts used by M
 1. **Version**: FontForge version of 2014-05-27 is known to have generated .ttf fonts not working under Windows. Until the actual reason of the failure is understood, **please do not use it**. Version of 2012-07-31 is known to work.
 2. **Font names**: In some Fontforge versions and/or under some platforms, Fontforge seems to skip the "FullName" line while saving the font and this makes a .ttf generated from the source unusable under Windows. To ensure that this line is always output, select "Element | Font info...", tab "PS Names" and make sure the string "Name for humans:" is different from the string "Fontname:".
 3. **Kern**: To ensure fonts are properly kerned under all supported platforms, **uncheck** the "Old style 'kern'" checkbox in the "Option" subdialog of the "Generate Font" dialog box.
-4. **OpenType**: For MuseJazz at least but perhaps other fonts, it had at one time been determined that MacOS requires you to check the OpenType box in order for kerning to work, although this box must **not** be checked on Linux or Windows.  However, this may not always be true.  Please try to verify that fonts you generate from *.sfd* sources kern properly on all platforms, and be aware that playing with the Apple / OpenType / Old style kern options may be necessary.
+4. **OpenType**: For MuseJazz at least but perhaps other fonts, it had at one time been determined that MacOS requires you to check the "OpenType" box in order for kerning to work, although Linux and Windows required it to be **unchecked**.  It seems this has changed since then (probably on account of a change within Qt) and now it seems proper to always check "OpenType".  But please try to verify that fonts you generate from *.sfd* sources kern properly on all platforms, and be aware that playing with the "Apple" / "OpenType" / "Old style kern" options may be necessary, regardless of what we believe **should** work in theory.
diff --git a/fonts/bravura/smufl-1.12.pdf b/fonts/bravura/smufl-1.12.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2a9f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/fonts/bravura/smufl-1.12.pdf differ
diff --git a/libmscore/accidental.cpp b/libmscore/accidental.cpp
index c0753fa..17e4794 100644
--- a/libmscore/accidental.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/accidental.cpp
@@ -242,12 +242,10 @@ void Accidental::read(XmlReader& e)
 void Accidental::write(Xml& xml) const
-      if (_hasBracket)
-            xml.tag("bracket", _hasBracket);
-      if (_role != Role::AUTO)
-            xml.tag("role", int(_role));
-      if (_small)
-            xml.tag("small", _small);
+      writeProperty(xml, P_ID::ACCIDENTAL_BRACKET);
+      writeProperty(xml, P_ID::ROLE);
+      writeProperty(xml, P_ID::SMALL);
       xml.tag("subtype", accList[int(_accidentalType)].tag);
@@ -263,28 +261,55 @@ const char* Accidental::subtypeUserName() const
-//   setSubtype
+//   symbol
-void Accidental::setSubtype(const QString& tag)
+SymId Accidental::symbol() const
-      int n = sizeof(accList)/sizeof(*accList);
-      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            if (accList[i].tag == tag) {
-                  setAccidentalType(Type(i));
-                  return;
-                  }
+      return accList[int(accidentalType())].sym;
+      }
+//   subtype2value
+//    returns the resulting pitch offset
+AccidentalVal Accidental::subtype2value(Type st)
+      {
+      return accList[int(st)].offset;
+      }
+//   subtype2name
+const char* Accidental::subtype2name(Type st)
+      {
+      return accList[int(st)].name;
+      }
+//   name2subtype
+Accidental::Type Accidental::name2subtype(const QString& tag)
+      {
+      int i = 0;
+      for (const Acc& acc : accList) {
+            if (acc.tag == tag)
+                  return Type(i);
+            ++i;
-      setAccidentalType(Type::NONE);
+      return Type::NONE;
-//   symbol
+//   setSubtype
-SymId Accidental::symbol() const
+void Accidental::setSubtype(const QString& tag)
-      return accList[int(accidentalType())].sym;
+      setAccidentalType(name2subtype(tag));
@@ -331,25 +356,6 @@ void Accidental::layout()
-//   subtype2value
-//    returns the resulting pitch offset
-AccidentalVal Accidental::subtype2value(Type st)
-      {
-      return accList[int(st)].offset;
-      }
-//   subtype2name
-const char* Accidental::subtype2name(Type st)
-      {
-      return accList[int(st)].tag;
-      }
 //   value2subtype
@@ -368,20 +374,6 @@ Accidental::Type Accidental::value2subtype(AccidentalVal v)
-//   name2subtype
-Accidental::Type Accidental::name2subtype(const QString& tag)
-      {
-      int n = sizeof(accList)/sizeof(*accList);
-      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            if (accList[i].tag == tag)
-                  return Type(i);
-            }
-      return Type::NONE;
-      }
 //   draw
@@ -451,27 +443,46 @@ void Accidental::undoSetSmall(bool val)
 QVariant Accidental::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
-      switch(propertyId) {
+      switch (propertyId) {
             case P_ID::SMALL:              return _small;
             case P_ID::ACCIDENTAL_BRACKET: return _hasBracket;
+            case P_ID::ROLE:               return int(role());
                   return Element::getProperty(propertyId);
+//   propertyDefault
+QVariant Accidental::propertyDefault(P_ID propertyId) const
+      {
+      switch (propertyId) {
+            case P_ID::SMALL:              return false;
+            case P_ID::ACCIDENTAL_BRACKET: return false;
+            case P_ID::ROLE:               return int(Role::AUTO);
+            default:
+                  return Element::propertyDefault(propertyId);
+            }
+      }
 //   setProperty
 bool Accidental::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
-      switch(propertyId) {
+      switch (propertyId) {
             case P_ID::SMALL:
                   _small = v.toBool();
             case P_ID::ACCIDENTAL_BRACKET:
                   _hasBracket = v.toBool();
+            case P_ID::ROLE:
+                  _role = Role(v.toInt());
+                  break;
                   return Element::setProperty(propertyId, v);
diff --git a/libmscore/accidental.h b/libmscore/accidental.h
index f79328f..352577a 100644
--- a/libmscore/accidental.h
+++ b/libmscore/accidental.h
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ class Accidental : public Element {
       Q_PROPERTY(bool                 hasBracket  READ hasBracket  WRITE undoSetHasBracket)
@@ -139,6 +138,7 @@ class Accidental : public Element {
       virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const override;
       virtual bool setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant&) override;
+      virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID propertyId) const override;
       static AccidentalVal subtype2value(Type);             // return effective pitch offset
       static const char* subtype2name(Type);
diff --git a/libmscore/barline.cpp b/libmscore/barline.cpp
index 3518576..226a026 100644
--- a/libmscore/barline.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/barline.cpp
@@ -208,15 +208,19 @@ void BarLine::getY(qreal* y1, qreal* y2) const
             Measure* measure;
             System* system;
+            SysStaff* sysStaff0 = nullptr;      // top staff for barline in system
             bool systemBarLine;
             if (parent()->type() == Element::Type::SEGMENT) {
                   Segment* segment = static_cast<Segment*>(parent());
                   measure = segment->measure();
                   system  = measure->system();
+                  if (system)
+                        sysStaff0 = system->staff(staffIdx1);
                   systemBarLine = false;
             else {
                   system  = static_cast<System*>(parent());
+                  sysStaff0 = system->staff(staffIdx1);
                   measure = system->firstMeasure();
                   for (int i = staffIdx1; i < staffIdx2; ++i) {
                         if (!score()->staff(i)->hideSystemBarLine()) {
@@ -265,7 +269,19 @@ void BarLine::getY(qreal* y1, qreal* y2) const
                   StaffLines* l1 = measure->staffLines(staffIdx1);
                   StaffLines* l2 = measure->staffLines(staffIdx2);
-                  qreal yp = (system && !systemBarLine) ? sysStaff1->y() : 0.0;
+                  qreal yp = 0.0;
+                  if (systemBarLine) {
+                        // system initial barline, parent is system
+                        // base y on top staff for barline
+                        // system barline span already accounts for staff visibility
+                        yp = sysStaff0->y();
+                        }
+                  else if (system) {
+                        // ordinary barline within system, parent is measure
+                        // base y on top visible staff in barline span
+                        // after skipping ones with hideSystemBarLine set
+                        yp = sysStaff1->y();
+                        }
                   *y1 = l1->y1() - yp;
                   *y1 += (_spanFrom * staff1->lineDistance() * staff1->spatium()) / 2;
                   *y2 = l2->y1() - yp;
@@ -782,9 +798,9 @@ void BarLine::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
       y1 -= yoff1;                  // current positions of barline ends, ignoring any in-process dragging
       y2 -= yoff2;
       if (ed.curGrip == Grip::START) {
-            // min offset for top grip is line -1
+            // min offset for top grip is line -1 (-2 for 1-line staves)
             // max offset is 1 line above bottom grip or 1 below last staff line, whichever comes first
-            min = -y1 - lineDist;
+            min = -y1 - (staff()->lines() == 1 ? lineDist * 2 : lineDist);
             max = y2 - y1 - lineDist;                                   // 1 line above bottom grip
             lastmax = (staff()->lines() - _spanFrom/2) * lineDist;      // 1 line below last staff line
             if (lastmax < max)
@@ -870,10 +886,12 @@ void BarLine::endEditDrag()
                   // round bar line top coord to nearest line of 1st staff (in half line dist units)
                   newSpanFrom = ((int)floor(y1 / (staff()->lineDistance() * spatium()) + 0.5 )) * 2;
                   // min = 1 line dist above 1st staff line | max = 1 line dist below last staff line
-                  if (newSpanFrom <  MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO)
-                        newSpanFrom = MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO;
-                  if (newSpanFrom > Staff1lines*2)
-                        newSpanFrom = Staff1lines*2;
+                  // except for 1-line staves
+                  int minFrom = Staff1lines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO;
+                  if (newSpanFrom <  minFrom)
+                        newSpanFrom = minFrom;
+                  if (newSpanFrom > Staff1lines * 2)
+                        newSpanFrom = Staff1lines * 2;
             newSpanTo = _spanTo;
@@ -882,17 +900,18 @@ void BarLine::endEditDrag()
                   qreal staff2TopY = systTopY + syst->staff(staffIdx2)->y();
                   newSpanTo = ((int)floor( (ay2 - staff2TopY) / (staff2->lineDistance() * spatium()) + 0.5 )) * 2;
                   // min = 1 line dist above 1st staff line | max = 1 line dist below last staff line
+                  int maxTo = Staff2lines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : Staff2lines * 2;
                   if (newSpanTo <  MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO)
                         newSpanTo = MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO;
-                  if (newSpanTo > Staff2lines*2)
-                        newSpanTo = Staff2lines*2;
+                  if (newSpanTo > maxTo)
+                        newSpanTo = maxTo;
 //            shiftDrag = false;          // NO: a last call to this function is made when exiting editing:
             }                             // it would find shiftDrag = false and reset extrema to coarse resolution
       else {                              // if coarse dragging
-            newSpanFrom = 0;
-            newSpanTo   = (Staff2lines - 1) * 2;
+            newSpanFrom = Staff1lines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM: 0;
+            newSpanTo   = Staff2lines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (Staff2lines - 1) * 2;
       // if any value changed, update
diff --git a/libmscore/beam.cpp b/libmscore/beam.cpp
index 4c3169b..f9cdaac 100644
--- a/libmscore/beam.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/beam.cpp
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ void Beam::layout2(QList<ChordRest*>crl, SpannerSegmentType, int frag)
                         else {
                               if (cr1->up())
                                     x2 -= stemWidth;
-                              else if (!cr2->up())
+                              if (!cr2->up())
                                     x3 += stemWidth;
diff --git a/libmscore/bend.cpp b/libmscore/bend.cpp
index b564aa7..8d2feec 100644
--- a/libmscore/bend.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/bend.cpp
@@ -160,8 +160,6 @@ void Bend::layout()
 void Bend::draw(QPainter* painter) const
-      if (staff() && !staff()->isTabStaff())
-            return;
       QPen pen(curColor(), _lw, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
diff --git a/libmscore/box.cpp b/libmscore/box.cpp
index f5efa41..a8815a8 100644
--- a/libmscore/box.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/box.cpp
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ Element* Box::drop(const DropData& data)
                   Text* text = new Text(score());
-                  text->setText(static_cast<StaffText*>(e)->text());
+                  text->setXmlText(static_cast<StaffText*>(e)->xmlText());
                   delete e;
                   return text;
diff --git a/libmscore/check.cpp b/libmscore/check.cpp
index 8a7c7d4..6da324f 100644
--- a/libmscore/check.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/check.cpp
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ bool Score::checkClefs()
                   if (staff(i)->clef(m->tick()) != clef) {
-                        qDebug("measure %d (tick %d) : clef %d, map %d", m->no(), m->tick(), clef, staff(i)->clef(m->tick()));
+                        qDebug("measure %d (tick %d) : clef %hhd, map %hhd", m->no(), m->tick(), clef, staff(i)->clef(m->tick()));
                         rc = false;
                   cm = m;
diff --git a/libmscore/chord.cpp b/libmscore/chord.cpp
index 653e685..84729ca 100644
--- a/libmscore/chord.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/chord.cpp
@@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ void Chord::cmdUpdateNotes(AccidentalState* as)
       StaffGroup staffGroup = staff()->staffType()->group();
       if (staffGroup == StaffGroup::TAB) {
-            const Instrument* instrument = staff()->part()->instr();
+            const Instrument* instrument = part()->instrument();
             for (Chord* ch : graceNotes())
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ void Chord::cmdUpdateNotes(AccidentalState* as)
             else if (staffGroup == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION) {
-                  const Instrument* instrument = staff()->part()->instr();
+                  const Instrument* instrument = part()->instrument();
                   const Drumset* drumset = instrument->drumset();
                   int pitch = note->pitch();
                   if (drumset) {
@@ -1986,7 +1986,7 @@ void Chord::layoutPitched()
                         qreal available = oldR - stemX;
                         qreal newR = stemX + qMax(available, llsp);
                         if (newR > oldR)
-                              pc->_space.rRw() = newR;
+                              pc->_space.setRw(newR);
                   lll = qMax(llsp, lll);
@@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ void Chord::setSlash(bool flag, bool stemless)
                   n->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::PLAY, true);
                   n->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::VISIBLE, true);
                   if (staff()->isDrumStaff()) {
-                        const Drumset* ds = staff()->part()->instr()->drumset();
+                        const Drumset* ds = part()->instrument()->drumset();
                         int pitch = n->pitch();
                         if (ds && ds->isValid(pitch)) {
                               undoChangeProperty(P_ID::STEM_DIRECTION, static_cast<int>(ds->stemDirection(pitch)));
diff --git a/libmscore/chordline.cpp b/libmscore/chordline.cpp
index 5067058..c027a57 100644
--- a/libmscore/chordline.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/chordline.cpp
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ void ChordLine::layout()
             setPos(0.0, 0.0);
+      adjustReadPos();
       QRectF r(path.boundingRect());
       int x1, y1, width, height = 0;
diff --git a/libmscore/chordlist.cpp b/libmscore/chordlist.cpp
index 60954c7..83ab950 100644
--- a/libmscore/chordlist.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/chordlist.cpp
@@ -809,10 +809,12 @@ bool ParsedChord::parse(const QString& s, const ChordList* cl, bool syntaxOnly,
             // eat spaces
             while (i < len && s[i] == ' ')
-            // get second token - up to first non-digit
+            // get second token - a number <= 13
             for (j = 0, tok2 = ""; i < len; ++i) {
                   if (!s[i].isDigit())
+                  if (j == 1 && (tok2[0] != '1' || s[i] > '3'))
+                        break;
                   tok2[j++] = s[i];
             tok2L = tok2.toLower();
@@ -887,6 +889,8 @@ bool ParsedChord::parse(const QString& s, const ChordList* cl, bool syntaxOnly,
                         d = 0;
                         d = tok2L.toInt();
+                  if (d > 13)
+                        d = 13;
                   QString degree;
                   bool alter = false;
                   if (tok1L == "add") {
@@ -947,6 +951,10 @@ bool ParsedChord::parse(const QString& s, const ChordList* cl, bool syntaxOnly,
                         _xmlText = tok1 + tok2;
                         if (_extension == "7" || _extension == "9" || _extension == "11" || _extension == "13") {
                               _xmlDegrees += (_quality == "major") ? "add#7" : "add7";
+                              // hack for programs that cannot assemble names well
+                              // even though the kind is suspended, set text to also include the extension
+                              // in export, we will set the degree text to null
+                              _xmlText = _extension + _xmlText;
                               degree = "";
                         else if (_extension != "")
diff --git a/libmscore/chordrest.cpp b/libmscore/chordrest.cpp
index 12a455d..47a06e8 100644
--- a/libmscore/chordrest.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/chordrest.cpp
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ void ChordRest::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
       if (!isGrace()) {
             Fraction t(globalDuration());
             if (staff())
-                  t *= staff()->timeStretch(xml.curTick);
+                  t /= staff()->timeStretch(xml.curTick);
             xml.curTick += t.ticks();
       for (auto i : score()->spanner()) {     // TODO: dont search whole list
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ Element* ChordRest::drop(const DropData& data)
             case Element::Type::STAFF_STATE:
             case Element::Type::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE:
                   if (e->type() == Element::Type::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE
-                     && staff()->part()->instrList()->find(tick()) != staff()->part()->instrList()->end()) {
+                     && part()->instruments()->find(tick()) != part()->instruments()->end()) {
                         qDebug()<<"InstrumentChange already exists at tick = "<<tick();
                         delete e;
                         return 0;
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ Element* ChordRest::drop(const DropData& data)
                   if (st >= TextStyleType::DEFAULT && fromPalette)
                         t->textStyle().restyle(MScore::baseStyle()->textStyle(st), score()->textStyle(st));
                   if (e->type() == Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK)
-                        t->setText(score()->createRehearsalMarkText(static_cast<RehearsalMark*>(e)));
+                        t->setXmlText(score()->createRehearsalMarkText(static_cast<RehearsalMark*>(e)));
                   return e;
diff --git a/libmscore/clef.cpp b/libmscore/clef.cpp
index 7528a7e..44dcf41 100644
--- a/libmscore/clef.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/clef.cpp
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ void Clef::layout()
             bool showClef = true;
             // only if there is a clef change
-            if (!bHide && tick > 0 && stf->clef(tick) != stf->clef(tick-1)) {
-                  Measure*    meas        = static_cast<Measure*>(clefSeg->parent());
+            if (!bHide && tick > 0 ) {
+                  Measure* meas = clefSeg->measure();
                   showClef =                    // show this clef if:
                         // it is not a courtesy clef (not at the end of the last measure of the system)
-                        (meas != meas->system()->lastMeasure()) || (clefSeg->tick() != meas->tick() + meas->ticks())
+                        (meas != meas->system()->lastMeasure()) || (clefSeg->tick() != meas->endTick())
                         // if courtesy clef: show if score has courtesy clefs on
                         || ( score()->styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyClef)
                               // AND measure is not at the end of a repeat or of a section
diff --git a/libmscore/cmd.cpp b/libmscore/cmd.cpp
index a15f100..2cfaf97 100644
--- a/libmscore/cmd.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/cmd.cpp
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void Score::cmdAddInterval(int val, const QList<Note*>& nl)
                   npitch        = line2pitch(line, clef, key);
                   int ntpc   = pitch2tpc(npitch, key, Prefer::NEAREST);
-                  Interval v = on->staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  Interval v = on->part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   if (v.isZero())
                         ntpc1 = ntpc2 = ntpc;
                   else {
@@ -694,16 +694,22 @@ Fraction Score::makeGap(Segment* segment, int track, const Fraction& _sd, Tuplet
             Tuplet* ltuplet = cr->tuplet();
-            if (cr->tuplet() != tuplet) {
+            if (ltuplet != tuplet) {
                   // Current location points to the start of a (nested)tuplet.
                   // We have to remove the complete tuplet.
+                  // get top level tuplet
+                  while (ltuplet->tuplet())
+                        ltuplet = ltuplet->tuplet();
+                  // get last segment of tuplet, drilling down to leaf nodes as necessary
                   Tuplet* t = ltuplet;
                   while (t->elements().last()->type() == Element::Type::TUPLET)
                         t = static_cast<Tuplet*>(t->elements().last());
                   seg = static_cast<ChordRest*>(t->elements().last())->segment();
+                  // now delete the full tuplet
                   td = ltuplet->duration();
                   cmdDeleteTuplet(ltuplet, false);
                   tuplet = 0;
@@ -711,6 +717,8 @@ Fraction Score::makeGap(Segment* segment, int track, const Fraction& _sd, Tuplet
             else {
                   if (seg != firstSegment || !keepChord)
+                  // even if there was a tuplet, we didn't remove it
+                  ltuplet = 0;
             nextTick += td.ticks();
             if (sd < td) {
@@ -731,13 +739,28 @@ Fraction Score::makeGap(Segment* segment, int track, const Fraction& _sd, Tuplet
                   if ((tuplet == 0) && (((measure->tick() - tick) % dList[0].ticks()) == 0)) {
                         foreach(TDuration d, dList) {
-                              qDebug("    addClone at %d, %d", tick, d.ticks());
-                              tick += addClone(cr, tick, d)->actualTicks();
+                              qDebug("    reinstate at %d, %d", tick, d.ticks());
+                              if (ltuplet) {
+                                    // take care not to recreate tuplet we just deleted
+                                    Rest* r = setRest(tick, track, d.fraction(), false, 0, false);
+                                    tick += r->actualTicks();
+                                    }
+                              else {
+                                    tick += addClone(cr, tick, d)->actualTicks();
+                                    }
                   else {
-                        for (int i = dList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-                              tick += addClone(cr, tick, dList[i])->actualTicks();
+                        for (int i = dList.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+                              if (ltuplet) {
+                                    // take care not to recreate tuplet we just deleted
+                                    Rest* r = setRest(tick, track, dList[i].fraction(), false, 0, false);
+                                    tick += r->actualTicks();
+                                    }
+                              else {
+                                    tick += addClone(cr, tick, dList[i])->actualTicks();
+                                    }
+                              }
                   return akkumulated;
@@ -786,7 +809,7 @@ bool Score::makeGap1(int baseTick, int staffIdx, Fraction len, int voiceOffset[V
             Fraction newLen = len - Fraction::fromTicks(voiceOffset[track-strack]);
             Q_ASSERT(newLen.numerator() != 0);
             bool result = makeGapVoice(seg, track, newLen, tick);
-            if(track == strack && !result) // makeGap failed for first voice
+            if (track == strack && !result) // makeGap failed for first voice
                   return false;
       return true;
@@ -1178,14 +1201,14 @@ void Score::upDown(bool up, UpDownMode mode)
             switch (staff->staffType()->group()) {
                   case StaffGroup::PERCUSSION:
-                        const Drumset* ds = part->instr()->drumset();
+                        const Drumset* ds = part->instrument()->drumset();
                         if (ds)
                               newPitch = up ? ds->prevPitch(pitch) : ds->nextPitch(pitch);
                   case StaffGroup::TAB:
-                        const StringData* stringData = part->instr()->stringData();
+                        const StringData* stringData = part->instrument()->stringData();
                         switch (mode) {
                               case UpDownMode::OCTAVE:          // move same note to next string, if possible
@@ -1215,7 +1238,7 @@ void Score::upDown(bool up, UpDownMode mode)
                                     fret += (up ? 1 : -1);
-                                    if (fret < 0 || fret >= stringData->frets()) {
+                                    if (fret < 0 || fret > stringData->frets()) {
                                           qDebug("upDown tab in-string: out of fret range");
@@ -1318,7 +1341,7 @@ void Score::upDown(bool up, UpDownMode mode)
                         refret = true;
                   if (refret) {
-                        const StringData* stringData = part->instr()->stringData();
+                        const StringData* stringData = part->instrument()->stringData();
@@ -1392,7 +1415,7 @@ static void changeAccidental2(Note* n, int pitch, int tpc)
                   // as pitch has changed, calculate new
                   // string & fret
-                  const StringData* stringData = n->staff()->part()->instr()->stringData();
+                  const StringData* stringData = n->part()->instrument()->stringData();
                   if (stringData)
                         stringData->convertPitch(pitch, st, chord->tick(), &string, &fret);
@@ -1477,45 +1500,26 @@ void Score::changeAccidental(Note* note, Accidental::Type accidental)
       else if (acc == acc2 || accidental > Accidental::Type::NATURAL)
             forceAdd = true;
-      if (note->links()) {
-            for (ScoreElement* e : *note->links()) {
-                  Note* ln = static_cast<Note*>(e);
-                  if (ln->concertPitch() != note->concertPitch())
-                        continue;
-                  Score* lns = ln->score();
-                  if (forceRemove) {
-                        Accidental* a = ln->accidental();
-                        if (a)
-                              lns->undoRemoveElement(a);
-                        }
-                  else if (forceAdd) {
-                        Accidental* a = new Accidental(lns);
-                        a->setParent(ln);
-                        a->setAccidentalType(accidental);
-                        a->setRole(Accidental::Role::USER);
-                        lns->undoAddElement(a);
-                        }
-                  changeAccidental2(ln, pitch, tpc);
-                  }
-            }
-      else {
+      for (ScoreElement* se : note->linkList()) {
+            Note* ln = static_cast<Note*>(se);
+            if (ln->concertPitch() != note->concertPitch())
+                  continue;
+            Score* lns    = ln->score();
+            Accidental* a = ln->accidental();
             if (forceRemove) {
-                  Accidental* a = note->accidental();
                   if (a)
-                        undoRemoveElement(a);
+                        lns->undoRemoveElement(a);
             else if (forceAdd) {
-                  Accidental* a = note->accidental();
                   if (a)
-                  a = new Accidental(this);
-                  a->setParent(note);
+                  Accidental* a = new Accidental(lns);
+                  a->setParent(ln);
-                  undoAddElement(a);
+                  lns->undoAddElement(a);
-            changeAccidental2(note, pitch, tpc);
+            changeAccidental2(ln, pitch, tpc);
@@ -1714,17 +1718,18 @@ bool Score::processMidiInput()
                         p = staff(staffIdx)->part();
                   if (p) {
                         if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-                              ev.pitch += p->instr(selection().tickStart())->transpose().chromatic;
+                              ev.pitch += p->instrument(selection().tickStart())->transpose().chromatic;
-                                          p->instr()->channel(0)->channel,
+                                          p->instrument()->channel(0)->channel,
-                                          80,
-                                          MScore::defaultPlayDuration,
+                                          ev.velocity,
             else  {
+                  if (ev.velocity == 0)
+                        continue;
                   if (!cmdActive) {
                         cmdActive = true;
@@ -1735,7 +1740,7 @@ bool Score::processMidiInput()
                   // if transposing, interpret MIDI pitch as representing desired written pitch
                   // set pitch based on corresponding sounding pitch
                   if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch))
-                        nval.pitch += st->part()->instr(inputState().tick())->transpose().chromatic;
+                        nval.pitch += st->part()->instrument(inputState().tick())->transpose().chromatic;
                   // let addPitch calculate tpc values from pitch
                   //Key key   = st->key(inputState().tick());
                   //nval.tpc1 = pitch2tpc(nval.pitch, key, Prefer::NEAREST);
diff --git a/libmscore/dynamic.cpp b/libmscore/dynamic.cpp
index bb1cf19..4614cbc 100644
--- a/libmscore/dynamic.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/dynamic.cpp
@@ -222,9 +222,8 @@ void Dynamic::read(XmlReader& e)
       while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
             const QStringRef& tag = e.name();
-            if (tag == "subtype") {
+            if (tag == "subtype")
-                  }
             else if (tag == "velocity")
                   _velocity = e.readInt();
             else if (tag == "dynType")
@@ -285,13 +284,13 @@ void Dynamic::setDynamicType(const QString& tag)
       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
             if (dynList[i].tag == tag || dynList[i].text == tag) {
-                  setText(QString::fromUtf8(dynList[i].text));
+                  setXmlText(QString::fromUtf8(dynList[i].text));
       qDebug("setDynamicType: other <%s>", qPrintable(tag));
-      setText(tag);
+      setXmlText(tag);
@@ -319,7 +318,7 @@ void Dynamic::startEdit(MuseScoreView* v, const QPointF& p)
 void Dynamic::endEdit()
-      if (text() != QString::fromUtf8(dynList[int(_dynamicType)].text))
+      if (xmlText() != QString::fromUtf8(dynList[int(_dynamicType)].text))
             _dynamicType = Type::OTHER;
@@ -329,7 +328,6 @@ void Dynamic::endEdit()
 void Dynamic::reset()
-//      setDynamicType(getText());
diff --git a/libmscore/edit.cpp b/libmscore/edit.cpp
index 04d5108..4159a12 100644
--- a/libmscore/edit.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/edit.cpp
@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ Chord* Score::addChord(int tick, TDuration d, Chord* oc, bool genTie, Tuplet* tu
       foreach(Note* n, oc->notes()) {
             Note* nn = new Note(this);
-            chord->add(nn);
+            chord->add(nn);
       undoAddCR(chord, measure, tick);
@@ -476,6 +476,8 @@ bool Score::rewriteMeasures(Measure* fm, Measure* lm, const Fraction& ns, int st
             s->undo(new InsertMeasures(nfm, nlm));
+      if (!fill.isZero())
+            undoInsertTime(lm->endTick(), fill.ticks());
       if (!range.write(rootScore(), fm->tick()))
             qFatal("Cannot write measures");
@@ -598,6 +600,8 @@ bool Score::rewriteMeasures(Measure* fm, const Fraction& ns, int staffIdx)
                   // we may use this to reinstate time signatures
                   if (m && m->prevMeasure())
                         nm = m->prevMeasure()->nextMeasure();
+                  else
+                        nm = nullptr;
                   if (sectionBreak) {
                         // reinstate section break, then stop rewriting
@@ -657,13 +661,16 @@ bool Score::rewriteMeasures(Measure* fm, const Fraction& ns, int staffIdx)
       Segment* s = nm->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, nm->tick());
       for (int i = 0; i < nstaves(); ++i) {
             if (!s->element(i * VOICES)) {
-                  TimeSig* nts = new TimeSig(*staff(i)->timeSig(nm->tick()));
-                  nts->setParent(s);
-                  if (sectionBreak) {
-                        nts->setGenerated(false);
-                        nts->setShowCourtesySig(false);
+                  TimeSig* ots = staff(i)->timeSig(nm->tick());
+                  if (ots) {
+                        TimeSig* nts = new TimeSig(*ots);
+                        nts->setParent(s);
+                        if (sectionBreak) {
+                              nts->setGenerated(false);
+                              nts->setShowCourtesySig(false);
+                              }
+                        undoAddElement(nts);
-                  undoAddElement(nts);
@@ -713,7 +720,6 @@ void Score::cmdAddTimeSig(Measure* fm, int staffIdx, TimeSig* ts, bool local)
       if (ots && ots->sig().identical(ns) && ots->stretch() == ts->stretch()) {
             ots->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TIMESIG, QVariant::fromValue(ns));
             ots->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::GROUPS,  QVariant::fromValue(ts->groups()));
@@ -811,13 +817,16 @@ void Score::cmdAddTimeSig(Measure* fm, int staffIdx, TimeSig* ts, bool local)
                               nsig->setTrack(staffIdx * VOICES);
+                              nsig->setNeedLayout(true);
                         else {
-                              nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::SHOW_COURTESY, false);
+                              nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::SHOW_COURTESY, ts->showCourtesySig());
+                              nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TIMESIG_TYPE, int(ts->timeSigType()));
                               nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TIMESIG, QVariant::fromValue(ts->sig()));
                               nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::NUMERATOR_STRING, ts->numeratorString());
                               nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::DENOMINATOR_STRING, ts->denominatorString());
+                              // HACK do it twice to accommodate undo
                               nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TIMESIG_TYPE, int(ts->timeSigType()));
                               nsig->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TIMESIG_STRETCH, QVariant::fromValue(ts->stretch()));
@@ -945,7 +954,7 @@ NoteVal Score::noteValForPosition(Position pos, bool &error)
       int staffIdx    = pos.staffIdx;
       Staff* st       = staff(staffIdx);
       ClefType clef   = st->clef(tick);
-      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instr(s->tick());
+      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instrument(s->tick());
       NoteVal nval;
       const StringData* stringData = 0;
       StaffType* tab = 0;
@@ -1001,7 +1010,7 @@ NoteVal Score::noteValForPosition(Position pos, bool &error)
                   else {
                         nval.pitch += instr->transpose().chromatic;
                         nval.tpc2 = step2tpc(step % 7, acci);
-                        Interval v = st->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                        Interval v = st->part()->instrument()->transpose();
                         if (v.isZero())
                               nval.tpc1 = nval.tpc2;
@@ -1193,7 +1202,7 @@ void Score::putNote(const Position& p, bool replace)
       const StringData* stringData = 0;
-      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instr(s->tick());
+      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instrument(s->tick());
       switch (st->staffType()->group()) {
             case StaffGroup::PERCUSSION: {
                   const Drumset* ds = instr->drumset();
@@ -1294,7 +1303,7 @@ void Score::repitchNote(const Position& p, bool replace)
       if (styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch))
             nval.tpc1 = step2tpc(step % 7, acci);
       else {
-            nval.pitch += st->part()->instr(s->tick())->transpose().chromatic;
+            nval.pitch += st->part()->instrument(s->tick())->transpose().chromatic;
             nval.tpc2 = step2tpc(step % 7, acci);
@@ -1355,6 +1364,8 @@ void Score::repitchNote(const Position& p, bool replace)
       // add new note to chord
+      _playNote = true;
+      _playChord = true;
       // recreate tie forward if there is a note to tie to
       // one-sided ties will not be recreated
       if (firstTiedNote) {
@@ -1438,7 +1449,7 @@ void Score::cmdAddTie()
                   // this code appears to mostly duplicate searchTieNote()
                   // not clear if it served any additional purpose
                   // it might have before we supported extended ties?
-                  Part* part = chord->staff()->part();
+                  Part* part = chord->part();
                   int strack = part->staves()->front()->idx() * VOICES;
                   int etrack = strack + part->staves()->size() * VOICES;
@@ -1625,7 +1636,7 @@ void Score::deleteItem(Element* el)
       switch (el->type()) {
             case Element::Type::INSTRUMENT_NAME: {
-                  Part* part = el->staff()->part();
+                  Part* part = el->part();
                   InstrumentName* in = static_cast<InstrumentName*>(el);
                   if (in->instrumentNameType() == InstrumentNameType::LONG)
                         undo(new ChangeInstrumentLong(0, part, QList<StaffName>()));
@@ -2766,7 +2777,7 @@ void Score::checkSpanner(int startTick, int endTick)
             if (s->type() == Element::Type::SLUR) {
                   Segment* seg = tick2segmentMM(s->tick(), false, Segment::Type::ChordRest);
                   if (!seg || !seg->element(s->track())) {
-                        qDebug("checkSpanner::remove (1)");
+                        qDebug("checkSpanner::remove (1) tick %d seg %p", s->tick(), seg);
                   else {
diff --git a/libmscore/element.cpp b/libmscore/element.cpp
index 4de6b82..4d34594 100644
--- a/libmscore/element.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/element.cpp
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ static const ElementName elementNames[] = {
       ElementName("Selection",            QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Selection")),
       ElementName("Lasso",                QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Lasso")),
       ElementName("ShadowNote",           QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Shadow Note")),
-      ElementName("RubberBand",           QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Rubber Band")),
       ElementName("TabDurationSymbol",    QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Tab Duration Symbol")),
       ElementName("FSymbol",              QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Font Symbol")),
       ElementName("Page",                 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("elementName", "Page")),
@@ -457,6 +456,44 @@ QRectF Element::drag(EditData* data)
       setUserOff(QPointF(x, y));
+      if (type() == Type::TEXT) {         // TODO: check for other types
+            //
+            // restrict move to page boundaries
+            //
+            QRectF r(canvasBoundingRect());
+            Page* p = 0;
+            Element* e = this;
+            while (e) {
+                  if (e->type() == Element::Type::PAGE) {
+                        p = static_cast<Page*>(e);
+                        break;
+                        }
+                  e = e->parent();
+                  }
+            if (p) {
+                  bool move = false;
+                  QRectF pr(p->canvasBoundingRect());
+                  if (r.right() > pr.right()) {
+                        x -= r.right() - pr.right();
+                        move = true;
+                        }
+                  else if (r.left() < pr.left()) {
+                        x += pr.left() - r.left();
+                        move = true;
+                        }
+                  if (r.bottom() > pr.bottom()) {
+                        y -= r.bottom() - pr.bottom();
+                        move = true;
+                        }
+                  else if (r.top() < pr.top()) {
+                        y += pr.top() - r.top();
+                        move = true;
+                        }
+                  if (move)
+                        setUserOff(QPointF(x, y));
+                  }
+            }
       return canvasBoundingRect() | r;
@@ -694,12 +731,16 @@ bool Element::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
                   //   the tick is not needed for glissandi anyhow, so we can ignore it
                   // - another bug allowed text items attached to notes or chords to also have invalid tick values (#25616)
                   //   the text might be of any type, but we are now converting any text elements within notes into FINGERING
-                  // - at some point, a check for SYMBOL was included here, but it isn't clear what the issue was
-                  //   ignoring ticks for symbols means they will be positioned incorrectly if not at start of measure, and it is not safe in any case:
-                  //   it causes problems if there is also another item such as a STAFF_TEXT that was depending on the tick value of the symbol (http://musescore.org/en/node/25572)
-                  //   when we re-discover the issue that caused the check for SYMBOL to be added,
-                  //   we will need to find a different solution if possible
-                  if (score()->mscVersion() > 114 || (type() != Element::Type::GLISSANDO && type() != Element::Type::FINGERING))
+                  // - another bug allowed copy & paste of symbols attached to notes to produce invalid tick values (#56146)
+                  //   we can't ignore tick for all symbols, because it is needed for correct positioning of symbols attached to measures
+                  //   and it also can be relied upon by subsequent elements (http://musescore.org/en/node/25572)
+                  //   so honor tick only for elements attached to measures
+                  //   symbols attached to notes or other elements don't need the tick anyhow
+                  if (score()->mscVersion() <= 114 && type() == Element::Type::SYMBOL) {
+                        if (!parent() || parent()->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
+                              val = -1;
+                        }
+                  if (score()->mscVersion() > 114 || (type() != Element::Type::GLISSANDO && type() != Element::Type::FINGERING && val >= 0))
@@ -1133,18 +1174,6 @@ void Element::dump() const
-//   RubberBand::draw
-void RubberBand::draw(QPainter* painter) const
-      {
-      if (!showRubberBand)
-            return;
-      painter->setPen(Qt::red);
-      painter->drawLine(QLineF(_p1.x(), _p1.y(), _p2.x(), _p2.y()));
-      }
 //   mimeData
@@ -1328,7 +1357,6 @@ Element* Element::create(Element::Type type, Score* score)
             case Element::Type::SELECTION:
             case Element::Type::LASSO:
             case Element::Type::SHADOW_NOTE:
-            case Element::Type::RUBBERBAND:
             case Element::Type::SEGMENT:
             case Element::Type::SYSTEM:
             case Element::Type::COMPOUND:
@@ -1418,17 +1446,6 @@ void collectElements(void* data, Element* e)
-//   Space::operator+=
-Space& Space::operator+=(const Space& s)
-      {
-      _lw += s._lw;
-      _rw += s._rw;
-      return *this;
-      }
 //   undoSetPlacement
@@ -1444,6 +1461,7 @@ void Element::undoSetPlacement(Placement v)
 QVariant Element::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
       switch (propertyId) {
+            case P_ID::TRACK:     return track();
             case P_ID::GENERATED: return _generated;
             case P_ID::COLOR:     return color();
             case P_ID::VISIBLE:   return _visible;
@@ -1462,6 +1480,9 @@ QVariant Element::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
 bool Element::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
       switch (propertyId) {
+            case P_ID::TRACK:
+                  setTrack(v.toInt());
+                  break;
             case P_ID::GENERATED:
                   _generated = v.toBool();
@@ -1566,7 +1587,6 @@ bool Element::isPrintable() const
             case Element::Type::SPACER:
             case Element::Type::SHADOW_NOTE:
             case Element::Type::LASSO:
-            case Element::Type::RUBBERBAND:
             case Element::Type::ELEMENT_LIST:
             case Element::Type::STAFF_LIST:
             case Element::Type::MEASURE_LIST:
@@ -1601,6 +1621,15 @@ void Element::undoSetColor(const QColor& c)
+//   undoSetVisible
+void Element::undoSetVisible(bool v)
+      {
+      score()->undoChangeProperty(this, P_ID::VISIBLE, v);
+      }
 //   bbox() function for scripts
 //    use spatium units rather than raster units
diff --git a/libmscore/element.h b/libmscore/element.h
index da249fb..01875a6 100644
--- a/libmscore/element.h
+++ b/libmscore/element.h
@@ -71,24 +71,29 @@ Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(ElementFlags);
 ///   \brief Unit of horizontal measure
+//    represent the space used by a Segment
 class Space {
-      qreal _lw;       // space needed to the left
-      qreal _rw;       // space needed to the right
+      qreal _lw { 0.0 };       // space needed to the left
+      qreal _rw { 0.0 };       // space needed to the right
-      Space() : _lw(0.0), _rw(0.0)  {}
+      Space() {}
       Space(qreal a, qreal b) : _lw(a), _rw(b) {}
       qreal lw() const             { return _lw; }
       qreal rw() const             { return _rw; }
-      qreal& rLw()                 { return _lw; }
-      qreal& rRw()                 { return _rw; }
       qreal width() const          { return _lw + _rw; }
       void setLw(qreal e)          { _lw = e; }
       void setRw(qreal m)          { _rw = m; }
+      void addL(qreal v)           { _lw += v; }
+      void addR(qreal v)           { _rw += v; }
       void max(const Space& s);
-      Space& operator+=(const Space&);
+      Space& operator+=(const Space& s) {
+            _lw += s._lw;
+            _rw += s._rw;
+            return *this;
+            }
@@ -170,9 +175,9 @@ class Element : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       Q_PROPERTY(int                      track       READ track        WRITE setTrack)
       Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Element::Type        type        READ type)
       Q_PROPERTY(QPointF                  userOff     READ scriptUserOff WRITE scriptSetUserOff)
-      Q_PROPERTY(bool                     visible     READ visible      WRITE setVisible)
+      Q_PROPERTY(bool                     visible     READ visible      WRITE undoSetVisible)
-      Element* _parent       = 0;
+      Element* _parent { 0 };
       bool _generated;            ///< automatically generated Element
@@ -253,7 +258,6 @@ class Element : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
-            RUBBERBAND,
@@ -434,7 +438,7 @@ class Element : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       int staffIdx() const                    { return _track >> 2;        }
       int voice() const                       { return _track & 3;         }
-      void setVoice(int v)                    { _track = (_track / VOICES) + v; }
+      void setVoice(int v)                    { _track = (_track / VOICES) * VOICES + v; }
       Staff* staff() const;
       Part* part() const;
@@ -460,6 +464,7 @@ class Element : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       QColor curColor(const Element* proxy) const;
       virtual void setColor(const QColor& c)     { _color = c;    }
       void undoSetColor(const QColor& c);
+      void undoSetVisible(bool v);
       static Element::Type readType(XmlReader& node, QPointF*, Fraction*);
@@ -684,26 +689,6 @@ class Compound : public Element {
       virtual void layout();
-//   @@ RubberBand
-class RubberBand : public Element {
-      Q_OBJECT
-      QPointF _p1, _p2;
-   public:
-      RubberBand(Score* s) : Element(s) {}
-      virtual RubberBand* clone() const  { return new RubberBand(*this); }
-      virtual Element::Type type() const { return Element::Type::RUBBERBAND; }
-      virtual void draw(QPainter*) const;
-      void set(const QPointF& p1, const QPointF& p2) { _p1 = p1; _p2 = p2; }
-      QPointF p1() const { return _p1; }
-      QPointF p2() const { return _p2; }
-      };
 extern bool elementLessThan(const Element* const, const Element* const);
 extern void collectElements(void* data, Element* e);
diff --git a/libmscore/excerpt.cpp b/libmscore/excerpt.cpp
index 42c8169..84df59e 100644
--- a/libmscore/excerpt.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/excerpt.cpp
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ void createExcerpt(Excerpt* excerpt)
       foreach (Part* part, parts) {
             Part* p = new Part(score);
-            p->setInstrument(*part->instr());
+            p->setInstrument(*part->instrument());
             foreach (Staff* staff, *part->staves()) {
                   Staff* s = new Staff(score);
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void createExcerpt(Excerpt* excerpt)
             for (Staff* staff : score->staves()) {
                   if (staff->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION)
-                  Interval interval = staff->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  Interval interval = staff->part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   if (interval.isZero())
                   if (oscore->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch))
@@ -218,6 +218,9 @@ void createExcerpt(Excerpt* excerpt)
 static void cloneSpanner(Spanner* s, Score* score, int dstTrack, int dstTrack2)
+      // dont clone voltas for track != 0
+      if (s->type() == Element::Type::VOLTA && s->track() != 0)
+            return;
       Spanner* ns = static_cast<Spanner*>(s->linkedClone());
diff --git a/libmscore/excerpt.h b/libmscore/excerpt.h
index abb4658..480da9a 100644
--- a/libmscore/excerpt.h
+++ b/libmscore/excerpt.h
@@ -22,17 +22,23 @@ class Staff;
 class XmlReader;
-//   Excerpt
+//   @@ Excerpt
+//   @P partScore  Ms::Score  the score object for this part
+//   @P title      QString    the title of this part
-class Excerpt {
+class Excerpt : public QObject {
+      Q_OBJECT
+      Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Score*  partScore  READ partScore)
+      Q_PROPERTY(QString     title      READ title)
       Score* _oscore;               // main score
       Score* _partScore  { 0 };
       QString _title;
       QList<Part*> _parts;
-      Excerpt(Score* s)                    { _oscore = s;       }
+      Excerpt(Score* s = 0)                { _oscore = s;       }
       QList<Part*>& parts()                { return _parts;     }
       void setParts(const QList<Part*>& p) { _parts = p;        }
diff --git a/libmscore/figuredbass.cpp b/libmscore/figuredbass.cpp
index 75e0d2f..51337a0 100644
--- a/libmscore/figuredbass.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/figuredbass.cpp
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ void FiguredBass::read(XmlReader& e)
       // if items could be parsed set normalized text
       if (items.size() > 0)
-            setText(normalizedText);      // this is the text to show while editing
+            setXmlText(normalizedText);      // this is the text to show while editing
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ void FiguredBass::endEdit()
       // retrieve and work only on the plain text
       QString txt = plainText();
       if(txt.isEmpty()) {                       // if no text, nothing to do
-            setText(txt);                       // clear the stored text: the empty f.b. element will be deleted
+            setXmlText(txt);                       // clear the stored text: the empty f.b. element will be deleted
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ void FiguredBass::endEdit()
       // if all items parsed and text is styled, replaced entered text with normalized text
       if (items.size()) {
-            setText(normalizedText);
+            setXmlText(normalizedText);
diff --git a/libmscore/fingering.cpp b/libmscore/fingering.cpp
index 4cd97ad..53943f2 100644
--- a/libmscore/fingering.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/fingering.cpp
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ QString Fingering::accessibleInfo()
       if (textStyleType() == TextStyleType::STRING_NUMBER) {
             rez += " " + tr("String number");
-      return QString("%1: %2").arg(rez).arg(text());
+      return QString("%1: %2").arg(rez).arg(plainText());
diff --git a/libmscore/glissando.cpp b/libmscore/glissando.cpp
index 92ff78a..8ee7949 100644
--- a/libmscore/glissando.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/glissando.cpp
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ void Glissando::computeStartElement()
       int         trk   = track();
-      Part*       part  = _endElement->staff()->part();
+      Part*       part  = _endElement->part();
       Segment*    segm  = static_cast<Note*>(_endElement)->chord()->segment();
       if (segm != nullptr)
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ void Glissando::computeStartElement()
                   // if no chord, look for other chords in the same instrument
                   for (Element* currChord : segm->elist())
                         if (currChord != nullptr && currChord->type() == Element::Type::CHORD
-                                    && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->staff()->part() == part) {
+                                    && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->part() == part) {
                               _startElement = static_cast<Chord*>(currChord->upNote();
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ Note* Glissando::guessInitialNote(Chord* chord)
       int         chordTrack  = chord->track();
       Segment*    segm        = chord->segment();
-      Part*       part        = chord->staff()->part();
+      Part*       part        = chord->part();
       if (segm != nullptr)
             segm = segm->prev1();
       while (segm) {
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ Note* Glissando::guessInitialNote(Chord* chord)
                   else              // if no same track, look for other chords in the same instrument
                         for (Element* currChord : segm->elist())
                               if (currChord != nullptr && currChord->type() == Element::Type::CHORD
-                                          && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->staff()->part() == part) {
+                                          && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->part() == part) {
                                     target = static_cast<Chord*>(currChord);
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ Note* Glissando::guessFinalNote(Chord* chord)
       // look for first ChordRest segment after initial note is elapsed
       Segment*    segm        = chord->score()->tick2rightSegment(chord->tick() + chord->actualTicks());
       int         chordTrack  = chord->track();
-      Part*       part        = chord->staff()->part();
+      Part*       part        = chord->part();
       while (segm) {
             // if next segment is a ChordRest segment
             if (segm->segmentType() == Segment::Type::ChordRest) {
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ Note* Glissando::guessFinalNote(Chord* chord)
                   else              // if no same track, look for other chords in the same instrument
                         for (Element* currChord : segm->elist())
                               if (currChord != nullptr && currChord->type() == Element::Type::CHORD
-                                          && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->staff()->part() == part) {
+                                          && static_cast<Chord*>(currChord)->part() == part) {
                                     target = static_cast<Chord*>(currChord);
diff --git a/libmscore/groups.cpp b/libmscore/groups.cpp
index 5e5da4d..d733699 100644
--- a/libmscore/groups.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/groups.cpp
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void Groups::write(Xml& xml) const
       for (const GroupNode& n : *this)
-            xml.tagE(QString("Node pos=\"%1\" action=\"%3\"")
+            xml.tagE(QString("Node pos=\"%1\" action=\"%2\"")
diff --git a/libmscore/hairpin.cpp b/libmscore/hairpin.cpp
index d11f7d6..3b44119 100644
--- a/libmscore/hairpin.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/hairpin.cpp
@@ -455,6 +455,7 @@ bool Hairpin::setProperty(P_ID id, const QVariant& v)
                   SLine::setProperty(id, v);
             case P_ID::HAIRPIN_HEIGHT:
+                  hairpinHeightStyle = PropertyStyle::UNSTYLED;
                   _hairpinHeight = Spatium(v.toDouble());
             case P_ID::HAIRPIN_CONT_HEIGHT:
diff --git a/libmscore/hairpin.h b/libmscore/hairpin.h
index ae48711..6866d9a 100644
--- a/libmscore/hairpin.h
+++ b/libmscore/hairpin.h
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ class HairpinSegment : public LineSegment {
       virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID id) const override;
       virtual PropertyStyle propertyStyle(P_ID id) const override;
       virtual void resetProperty(P_ID id) override;
-      virtual void reset() override { spanner()->reset(); }
diff --git a/libmscore/harmony.cpp b/libmscore/harmony.cpp
index bf5e088..269bc12 100644
--- a/libmscore/harmony.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/harmony.cpp
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void Harmony::write(Xml& xml) const
             int rRootTpc = _rootTpc;
             int rBaseTpc = _baseTpc;
             if (staff()) {
-                  const Interval& interval = staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  const Interval& interval = part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   if (xml.clipboardmode && !score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && interval.chromatic) {
                         rRootTpc = transposeTpc(_rootTpc, interval, true);
                         rBaseTpc = transposeTpc(_baseTpc, interval, true);
@@ -702,10 +702,8 @@ const ChordDescription* Harmony::parseHarmony(const QString& ss, int* root, int*
 void Harmony::startEdit(MuseScoreView* view, const QPointF& p)
-      if (!textList.isEmpty()) {
-            QString s(harmonyName());
-            setText(s);
-            }
+      if (!textList.isEmpty())
+            setXmlText(harmonyName());
       Text::startEdit(view, p);
@@ -719,7 +717,7 @@ bool Harmony::edit(MuseScoreView* view, Grip grip, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifier
       if (key == Qt::Key_Return)
             return true; // Harmony only single line
       bool rv = Text::edit(view, grip, key, mod, s);
-      QString str = text();
+      QString str = xmlText();
       int root, base;
       bool badSpell = !str.isEmpty() && !parseHarmony(str, &root, &base, true);
@@ -744,8 +742,8 @@ void Harmony::endEdit()
                   // (as a result of Text::endEdit() calling setText() for linked elements)
                   // we may now need to change the TPC's and the text, and re-render
                   if (score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) != h->score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-                        Part* partDest = h->staff()->part();
-                        Interval interval = partDest->instr()->transpose();
+                        Part* partDest = h->part();
+                        Interval interval = partDest->instrument()->transpose();
                         if (!interval.isZero()) {
                               if (!h->score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch))
@@ -755,7 +753,7 @@ void Harmony::endEdit()
                               // this invokes textChanged(), which handles the rendering
-                              h->setText(h->harmonyName());
+                              h->setXmlText(h->harmonyName());
diff --git a/libmscore/image.cpp b/libmscore/image.cpp
index 6ef04f8..81df717 100644
--- a/libmscore/image.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/image.cpp
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Image::Image(const Image& img)
       _linkPath        = img._linkPath;
       _linkIsValid     = img._linkIsValid;
       if (imageType == ImageType::RASTER)
-            rasterDoc = img.rasterDoc;
+            rasterDoc = new QImage(*img.rasterDoc);
       else if (imageType == ImageType::SVG)
-            svgDoc = img.svgDoc;
+            svgDoc = new QSvgRenderer(img.svgDoc);
diff --git a/libmscore/input.cpp b/libmscore/input.cpp
index 4df576a..c9ae84e 100644
--- a/libmscore/input.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/input.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ const Drumset* InputState::drumset() const
       if (_segment == 0 || _track == -1)
             return 0;
-      return _segment->score()->staff(_track/VOICES)->part()->instr(_segment->tick())->drumset();
+      return _segment->score()->staff(_track/VOICES)->part()->instrument(_segment->tick())->drumset();
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void InputState::update(Element* e)
       if (e->type() == Element::Type::NOTE || e->type() == Element::Type::REST) {
-            const Instrument* instr = e->staff()->part()->instr();
+            const Instrument* instr = e->part()->instrument();
             if (instr->useDrumset()) {
                   if (e->type() == Element::Type::NOTE)
diff --git a/libmscore/instrtemplate.cpp b/libmscore/instrtemplate.cpp
index a81db91..6752c40 100644
--- a/libmscore/instrtemplate.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/instrtemplate.cpp
@@ -192,19 +192,10 @@ InstrumentTemplate::~InstrumentTemplate()
 void InstrumentTemplate::write(Xml& xml) const
       xml.stag(QString("Instrument id=\"%1\"").arg(id));
-      foreach(StaffName sn, longNames) {
-            if (sn.pos == 0)
-                  xml.tag("longName", sn.name);
-            else
-                  xml.tag(QString("longName pos=\"%1\"").arg(sn.pos), sn.name);
-            }
-      foreach(StaffName sn, shortNames) {
-            if (sn.pos == 0)
-                  xml.tag("shortName", sn.name);
-            else
-                  xml.tag(QString("shortName pos=\"%1\"").arg(sn.pos), sn.name);
-            }
-      if(longNames.size() > 1)
+      longNames.write(xml, "longName");
+      shortNames.write(xml, "shortName");
+      if (longNames.size() > 1)
             xml.tag("trackName", trackName);
       xml.tag("description", description);
       xml.tag("musicXMLid", musicXMLid);
@@ -303,19 +294,9 @@ void InstrumentTemplate::write(Xml& xml) const
 void InstrumentTemplate::write1(Xml& xml) const
       xml.stag(QString("Instrument id=\"%1\"").arg(id));
-      foreach(StaffName sn, longNames) {
-            if (sn.pos == 0)
-                  xml.tag("longName", sn.name);
-            else
-                  xml.tag(QString("longName pos=\"%1\"").arg(sn.pos), sn.name);
-            }
-      foreach(StaffName sn, shortNames) {
-            if (sn.pos == 0)
-                  xml.tag("shortName", sn.name);
-            else
-                  xml.tag(QString("shortName pos=\"%1\"").arg(sn.pos), sn.name);
-            }
-      if(longNames.size() > 1)
+      longNames.write(xml, "longName");
+      shortNames.write(xml, "shortName");
+      if (longNames.size() > 1)
             xml.tag("trackName", trackName);
       xml.tag("description", description);
@@ -335,7 +316,7 @@ void InstrumentTemplate::read(XmlReader& e)
             if (tag == "longName" || tag == "name") {               // "name" is obsolete
                   int pos = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
                   for (QList<StaffName>::iterator i = longNames.begin(); i != longNames.end(); ++i) {
-                        if((*i).pos == pos)
+                        if ((*i).pos() == pos)
@@ -344,7 +325,7 @@ void InstrumentTemplate::read(XmlReader& e)
             else if (tag == "shortName" || tag == "short-name") {   // "short-name" is obsolete
                   int pos = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
                   for (QList<StaffName>::iterator i = shortNames.begin(); i != shortNames.end(); ++i) {
-                        if((*i).pos == pos)
+                        if ((*i).pos() == pos)
@@ -526,9 +507,9 @@ void InstrumentTemplate::read(XmlReader& e)
       if (trackName.isEmpty() && !longNames.isEmpty())
-            trackName = longNames[0].name;
+            trackName = longNames[0].name();
       if (description.isEmpty() && !longNames.isEmpty())
-            description = longNames[0].name;
+            description = longNames[0].name();
       if (id.isEmpty())
             id = trackName.toLower().replace(" ", "-");
diff --git a/libmscore/instrtemplate.h b/libmscore/instrtemplate.h
index 782bb7a..8979d9e 100644
--- a/libmscore/instrtemplate.h
+++ b/libmscore/instrtemplate.h
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ class InstrumentTemplate {
       QString id;
       QString trackName;
-      QList<StaffName> longNames;      ///< shown on first system
-      QList<StaffName> shortNames;     ///< shown on followup systems
-      QString musicXMLid;              ///< used in MusicXML 3.0
-      QString description;             ///< a longer description of the instrument
+      StaffNameList longNames;   ///< shown on first system
+      StaffNameList shortNames;  ///< shown on followup systems
+      QString musicXMLid;        ///< used in MusicXML 3.0
+      QString description;       ///< a longer description of the instrument
       char minPitchA;         // pitch range playable by an amateur
       char maxPitchA;
diff --git a/libmscore/instrument.cpp b/libmscore/instrument.cpp
index 6594efe..a3e4979 100644
--- a/libmscore/instrument.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/instrument.cpp
@@ -159,8 +159,12 @@ Instrument::~Instrument()
 void StaffName::write(Xml& xml, const char* tag) const
-      if (!name.isEmpty())
-            xml.writeXml(QString("%1 pos=\"%2\"").arg(tag).arg(pos), name);
+      if (!name().isEmpty()) {
+            if (pos() == 0)
+                  xml.writeXml(QString("%1").arg(tag), name());
+            else
+                  xml.writeXml(QString("%1 pos=\"%2\"").arg(tag).arg(pos()), name());
+            }
@@ -169,11 +173,11 @@ void StaffName::write(Xml& xml, const char* tag) const
 void StaffName::read(XmlReader& e)
-      pos  = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
-      name = e.readXml();
-      if (name.startsWith("<html>")) {
+      _pos  = e.intAttribute("pos", 0);
+      _name = e.readXml();
+      if (_name.startsWith("<html>")) {
             // compatibility to old html implementation:
-            name = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(name).toPlainText();
+            _name = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(_name).toPlainText();
@@ -184,10 +188,8 @@ void StaffName::read(XmlReader& e)
 void Instrument::write(Xml& xml) const
-      foreach(const StaffName& doc, _longNames)
-            doc.write(xml, "longName");
-      foreach(const StaffName& doc, _shortNames)
-            doc.write(xml, "shortName");
+      _longNames.write(xml, "longName");
+      _shortNames.write(xml, "shortName");
 //      if (!_trackName.isEmpty())
             xml.tag("trackName", _trackName);
       if (_minPitchP > 0)
@@ -691,7 +693,7 @@ bool Instrument::operator==(const Instrument& i) const
       if (i._shortNames.size() != n)
             return false;
       for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
-            if (!(i._shortNames[k] == _shortNames[k].name))
+            if (!(i._shortNames[k] == _shortNames[k].name()))
                   return false;
       return i._minPitchA == _minPitchA
@@ -715,7 +717,7 @@ bool Instrument::operator==(const Instrument& i) const
 bool StaffName::operator==(const StaffName& i) const
-      return (i.pos == pos) && (i.name == name);
+      return (i._pos == _pos) && (i._name == _name);
@@ -748,6 +750,7 @@ void Instrument::setDrumset(const Drumset* ds)
 //   setLongName
+//    f is in richtext format
 void Instrument::setLongName(const QString& f)
@@ -759,6 +762,7 @@ void Instrument::setLongName(const QString& f)
 //   setShortName
+//    f is in richtext format
 void Instrument::setShortName(const QString& f)
@@ -955,10 +959,10 @@ Instrument Instrument::fromTemplate(const InstrumentTemplate* t)
       Instrument instr;
       instr.setAmateurPitchRange(t->minPitchA, t->maxPitchA);
       instr.setProfessionalPitchRange(t->minPitchP, t->maxPitchP);
-      foreach(StaffName sn, t->longNames)
-            instr.addLongName(StaffName(sn.name, sn.pos));
-      foreach(StaffName sn, t->shortNames)
-            instr.addShortName(StaffName(sn.name, sn.pos));
+      for (StaffName sn : t->longNames)
+            instr.addLongName(StaffName(sn.name(), sn.pos()));
+      for (StaffName sn : t->shortNames)
+            instr.addShortName(StaffName(sn.name(), sn.pos()));
@@ -975,5 +979,14 @@ Instrument Instrument::fromTemplate(const InstrumentTemplate* t)
       return instr;
+//   StaffNameList::write
+void StaffNameList::write(Xml& xml, const char* name) const
+      {
+      for (const StaffName& sn : *this)
+            sn.write(xml, name);
+      }
diff --git a/libmscore/instrument.h b/libmscore/instrument.h
index d2396b4..15278be 100644
--- a/libmscore/instrument.h
+++ b/libmscore/instrument.h
@@ -31,15 +31,29 @@ class StringData;
 //   StaffName
-struct StaffName {
-      QString name;
-      int pos;          // even number -> between staves
+class StaffName {
+      QString _name;    // html string
+      int _pos;         // even number -> between staves
+   public:
       StaffName() {}
-      StaffName(const QString& s, int p=0) : name(s), pos(p) {}
+      StaffName(const QString& s, int p=0) : _name(s), _pos(p) {}
       bool operator==(const StaffName&) const;
       void read(XmlReader&);
       void write(Xml& xml, const char* name) const;
+      int pos() const { return _pos; }
+      QString name() const { return _name; }
+      };
+//   StaffNameList
+class StaffNameList : public QList<StaffName> {
+   public:
+      void write(Xml& xml, const char* name) const;
@@ -117,8 +131,8 @@ struct Channel {
 class Instrument {
-      QList<StaffName> _longNames;
-      QList<StaffName> _shortNames;
+      StaffNameList _longNames;
+      StaffNameList _shortNames;
       QString _trackName;
       char _minPitchA, _maxPitchA, _minPitchP, _maxPitchP;
@@ -126,7 +140,7 @@ class Instrument {
       QString _instrumentId;
       bool _useDrumset;
-      const Drumset* _drumset;
+      Drumset* _drumset;
       StringData  _stringData;
       QList<NamedEventList>   _midiActions;
@@ -160,6 +174,7 @@ class Instrument {
       void setDrumset(const Drumset* ds);
       const Drumset* drumset() const                         { return _drumset;    }
+      Drumset* drumset()                                     { return _drumset;    }
       bool useDrumset() const                                { return _useDrumset; }
       void setUseDrumset(bool val);
       void setAmateurPitchRange(int a, int b)                { _minPitchA = a; _maxPitchA = b; }
diff --git a/libmscore/jump.cpp b/libmscore/jump.cpp
index 0f94d0c..8bb35f7 100644
--- a/libmscore/jump.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/jump.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void Jump::setJumpType(Type t)
       for (const JumpTypeTable& p : jumpTypeTable) {
             if (p.type == t) {
-                  setText(p.text);
+                  setXmlText(p.text);
diff --git a/libmscore/key.cpp b/libmscore/key.cpp
index 149ce88..c130c3b 100644
--- a/libmscore/key.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/key.cpp
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ bool KeySigEvent::operator==(const KeySigEvent& e) const
 void AccidentalState::init(Key key)
-      memset(state, 2, 74);
+//      memset(state, 2, 74);
+      memset(state, 2, 75);
       for (int octave = 0; octave < 11; ++octave) {
             if (key > 0) {
                   for (int i = 0; i < int(key); ++i) {
diff --git a/libmscore/layout.cpp b/libmscore/layout.cpp
index 41c0bf2..4888cbe 100644
--- a/libmscore/layout.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/layout.cpp
@@ -1726,7 +1726,6 @@ void Score::addSystemHeader(Measure* m, bool isFirstSystem)
             else {
                   if (clef && clef->generated())
                         undo(new RemoveElement(clef));
-                        // undoRemoveElement(clef);
@@ -1894,9 +1893,8 @@ void Score::createMMRests()
-                  Measure* mmr;
-                  if (m->mmRest()) {
-                        mmr = m->mmRest();
+                  Measure* mmr = m->mmRest();
+                  if (mmr) {
                         if (mmr->len() != len) {
                               Segment* s = mmr->findSegment(Segment::Type::EndBarLine, mmr->endTick());
@@ -1948,13 +1946,13 @@ void Score::createMMRests()
                   for (Element* e : oldList)
                         delete e;
-                  Segment* s = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, m->tick());
+                  Segment* s = mmr->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, mmr->tick());
                   for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < _staves.size(); ++staffIdx) {
                         int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
                         if (s->element(track) == 0) {
                               Rest* r = new Rest(this);
+                              r->setDuration(mmr->len());
                               undo(new AddElement(r));
@@ -1983,7 +1981,6 @@ void Score::createMMRests()
                   else if (ns)
                         undo(new RemoveElement(ns));
                   // check for time signature
@@ -2570,11 +2567,7 @@ void Score::removeGeneratedElements(Measure* sm, Measure* em)
                         Element* el = seg->element(staffIdx * VOICES);
                         if (el == 0)
-                        if (el->generated() && ((st == Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce && m != em)
-                            || (el->type() == Element::CLEF   && seg->tick() != sm->tick())
-                            || (el->type() == Element::KEYSIG && seg->tick() != sm->tick())))
                         // courtesy time sigs and key sigs: remove if not in last measure (generated or not!)
                         // clefs & keysig: remove if generated and not at beginning of first measure
                         if ( ((st == Segment::Type::TimeSigAnnounce || st == Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce) && m != em)
@@ -2591,25 +2584,6 @@ void Score::removeGeneratedElements(Measure* sm, Measure* em)
-#if 0
-                              //
-                              // if measure is not the first in the system, the clef at
-                              // measure start has to be moved to the end of the previous measure
-                              // TODO: DEBUG - is this code needed?
-                              // clefs should now be placed in correct measure when adding them (cmdInsertClef)
-                              // and it is good to support clefs at beginning of measures, for use in cues
-                              //
-                              if (s->firstMeasure() != m && seg->tick() == m->tick()) {
-                                    undoRemoveElement(el);
-                                    Measure* pm = m->prevMeasure();
-                                    Segment* s = pm->undoGetSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, m->tick());
-                                    Clef* nc = clef->clone();
-                                    nc->setParent(s);
-                                    undoAddElement(nc);
-                                    m->setDirty();
-                                    pm->setDirty();
-                                    }
@@ -2846,14 +2820,14 @@ QList<System*> Score::layoutSystemRow(qreal rowWidth, bool isFirstSystem, bool u
             Measure* nm = m ? m->nextMeasure() : 0;
             Segment* s;
-            if (m && nm && !(m->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT)) {
+            if (m && nm) {
                   int tick = m->tick() + m->ticks();
                   // locate a time sig. in the next measure and, if found,
                   // check if it has cout. sig. turned off
                   TimeSig* ts;
                   Segment* tss         = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::TimeSig, tick);
-                  bool showCourtesySig = tss && styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyTimesig);
+                  bool showCourtesySig = tss && styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyTimesig) && !(m->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT);
                   if (showCourtesySig) {
                         ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(tss->element(0));
                         if (ts && !ts->showCourtesySig())
@@ -2892,11 +2866,11 @@ QList<System*> Score::layoutSystemRow(qreal rowWidth, bool isFirstSystem, bool u
                   for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < n; ++staffIdx) {
                         int track = staffIdx * VOICES;
                         Staff* staff = _staves[staffIdx];
-                        showCourtesySig = false;
+                        showCourtesySig = styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyKeysig) && !(m->sectionBreak() && _layoutMode != LayoutMode::FLOAT);
                         KeySigEvent key1 = staff->keySigEvent(tick - 1);
                         KeySigEvent key2 = staff->keySigEvent(tick);
-                        if (styleB(StyleIdx::genCourtesyKeysig) && !(key1 == key2)) {
+                        if (showCourtesySig && !(key1 == key2)) {
                               // locate a key sig. in next measure and, if found,
                               // check if it has court. sig turned off
                               s = nm->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySig, tick);
@@ -2936,7 +2910,6 @@ QList<System*> Score::layoutSystemRow(qreal rowWidth, bool isFirstSystem, bool u
                   // courtesy clefs: show/hide of courtesy clefs moved to Clef::layout()
@@ -3888,8 +3861,8 @@ qreal Score::computeMinWidth(Segment* fs, bool firstMeasureInSystem)
                               foreach (Lyrics* l, cr->lyricsList()) {
                                     if (!l)
+                                    l->layout();      // need to create layout even if empty
                                     if (!l->isEmpty()) {
-                                          l->layout();
                                           lyrics = l;
                                           QRectF b(l->bbox().translated(l->pos()));
                                           llw = qMax(llw, -(b.left()+lx+cx));
@@ -3975,7 +3948,7 @@ qreal Score::computeMinWidth(Segment* fs, bool firstMeasureInSystem)
                   space += Space(elsp, etsp);
                   if (found || eFound) {
-                        space.rLw()    += clefWidth[staffIdx];
+                        space.addL(clefWidth[staffIdx]);
                         qreal sp        = minDistance + rest[staffIdx] + qMax(space.lw(), stretchDistance);
                         rest[staffIdx]  = space.rw();
                         rest2[staffIdx] = false;
@@ -4073,9 +4046,12 @@ void Score::updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew)
                   // if it has no bar line, set barLineTo to a default value
                   if(_staff->barLineSpan() == 0)
                         _staff->setBarLineTo( (linesNew-1) * 2);
-                  // if new line number is 1, set default From for 1-line staves
+                  // if new line count is 1, set default From for 1-line staves
                   else if(linesNew == 1)
+                  // if old line count was 1, set default From for normal staves
+                  else if (linesOld == 1)
+                        _staff->setBarLineFrom(0);
                   // if barLineFrom was below the staff middle position
                   // raise or lower it to account for new number of lines
                   else if(_staff->barLineFrom() > linesOld - 1)
@@ -4084,9 +4060,12 @@ void Score::updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew)
             // if the modified staff is the destination of the current staff bar span:
             if(sIdx + _staff->barLineSpan() - 1 == idx) {
-                  // if new line number is 1, set default To for 1-line staves
+                  // if new line count is 1, set default To for 1-line staves
                   if(linesNew == 1)
+                  // if old line count was 1, set default To for normal staves
+                  else if (linesOld == 1)
+                        _staff->setBarLineTo((linesNew - 1) * 2);
                   // if barLineTo was below its middle position, raise or lower it
                   else if(_staff->barLineTo() > linesOld - 1)
                         _staff->setBarLineTo(_staff->barLineTo() + (linesNew - linesOld)*2);
diff --git a/libmscore/layoutbreak.cpp b/libmscore/layoutbreak.cpp
index 25c7b39..3f1a1f9 100644
--- a/libmscore/layoutbreak.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/layoutbreak.cpp
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ QVariant LayoutBreak::propertyDefault(P_ID id) const
             case P_ID::LAYOUT_BREAK:
                   return QVariant(); // LAYOUT_BREAK_LINE;
             case P_ID::PAUSE:
-                  return 0.0; // score()->styleD(StyleIdx::SectionPause);
+                  return score()->styleD(StyleIdx::SectionPause);
                   return Element::propertyDefault(id);
diff --git a/libmscore/marker.cpp b/libmscore/marker.cpp
index 322954e..a5a699a 100644
--- a/libmscore/marker.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/marker.cpp
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void Marker::setMarkerType(Type t)
       if (isEmpty() && txt)
-            setText(txt);
+            setXmlText(txt);
 QString Marker::markerTypeUserName()
diff --git a/libmscore/measure.cpp b/libmscore/measure.cpp
index 862e2ab..93ac4d3 100644
--- a/libmscore/measure.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/measure.cpp
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ void Measure::layoutCR0(ChordRest* cr, qreal mm, AccidentalState* as)
             if (chord->noteType() != NoteType::NORMAL)
                   m *= score()->styleD(StyleIdx::graceNoteMag);
             const Drumset* drumset = 0;
-            if (cr->staff()->part()->instr()->useDrumset())
-                  drumset = cr->staff()->part()->instr()->drumset();
+            if (cr->part()->instrument()->useDrumset())
+                  drumset = cr->part()->instrument()->drumset();
             if (drumset) {
                   for (Note* note : chord->notes()) {
                         int pitch = note->pitch();
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ void Measure::layout2()
                         score()->undo(new AddElement(t));
                         // score()->undoAddElement(t);
-                  t->setText(s);
+                  t->setXmlText(s);
             else {
@@ -830,9 +830,9 @@ void Measure::add(Element* el)
                               // use order of segments in segment.h
                               if (s && s->tick() == t) {
                                     while (s && s->segmentType() <= st) {
-                                          if (s->next() && s->next()->tick() != t)
-                                                break;
                                           s = s->next();
+                                          if (s && s->tick() != t)
+                                                break;
@@ -1682,12 +1682,10 @@ void Measure::write(Xml& xml, int staff, bool writeSystemElements) const
             if (_breakMultiMeasureRest)
-            if (_userStretch != 1.0)
-                  xml.tag("stretch", _userStretch);
-            if (_noOffset)
-                  xml.tag("noOffset", _noOffset);
-            if (_systemInitialBarLineType != BarLineType::NORMAL)
-                  xml.tag("sysInitBarLineType", BarLine::barLineTypeName(_systemInitialBarLineType));
+            writeProperty(xml, P_ID::USER_STRETCH);
+            writeProperty(xml, P_ID::NO_OFFSET);
+            writeProperty(xml, P_ID::MEASURE_NUMBER_MODE);
+            writeProperty(xml, P_ID::SYSTEM_INITIAL_BARLINE_TYPE);
       qreal _spatium = spatium();
       MStaff* mstaff = staves[staff];
@@ -1797,12 +1795,6 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                   Segment::Type st;
-                  if (isMMRest()) {
-                        // to find out the right segment type
-                        setTick(e.lastMeasure()->tick());
-                        e.initTick(e.lastMeasure()->tick());
-                        }
                   //  SegStartRepeatBarLine: always at the beginning tick of a measure
                   //  SegBarLine:            in the middle of a measure, has no semantic
@@ -1814,6 +1806,7 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                         st = Segment::Type::StartRepeatBarLine;
                         st = Segment::Type::EndBarLine;
                   segment = getSegment(st, e.tick()); // let the bar line know it belongs to a Segment,
                   segment->add(barLine);              // before setting its flags
                   if (st == Segment::Type::EndBarLine) {
@@ -2082,7 +2075,7 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                   if (e.tick() != tick())
-                        clef->setSmall(true);
+                        clef->setSmall(true);         // layout does this ?
             else if (tag == "TimeSig") {
@@ -2160,6 +2153,14 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                         qDebug("reading empty text: deleted");
                         delete t;
+                  else if ((score()->mscVersion() <= 114) && t->textStyleType() == TextStyleType::REHEARSAL_MARK) {
+                        RehearsalMark* rh = new RehearsalMark(score());
+                        rh->setXmlText(t->xmlText());
+                        rh->setTrack(t->track());
+                        segment = getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, e.tick());
+                        segment->add(rh);
+                        delete t;
+                        }
                   else {
                         segment = getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, e.tick());
@@ -2174,7 +2175,7 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                   if (score()->mscVersion() <= 114)
-                        dyn->setDynamicType(dyn->text());
+                        dyn->setDynamicType(dyn->xmlText());
                   segment = getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, e.tick());
@@ -2190,6 +2191,10 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
                || tag == "FiguredBass"
                ) {
                   Element* el = Element::name2Element(tag, score());
+                  // hack - needed because tick tags are unreliable in 1.3 scores
+                  // for symbols attached to anything but a measure
+                  if (score()->mscVersion() <= 114 && el->type() == Element::Type::SYMBOL)
+                        el->setParent(this);    // this will get reset when adding to segment
                   segment = getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, e.tick());
@@ -2224,14 +2229,12 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
             else if (tag == "noOffset")
                   _noOffset = e.readInt();
-            else if (tag == "irregular") {
-                  _irregular = true;
-                  e.readNext();
-                  }
-            else if (tag == "breakMultiMeasureRest") {
-                  _breakMultiMeasureRest = true;
-                  e.readNext();
-                  }
+            else if (tag == "measureNumberMode")
+                  setMeasureNumberMode(MeasureNumberMode(e.readInt()));
+            else if (tag == "irregular")
+                  _irregular = e.readBool();
+            else if (tag == "breakMultiMeasureRest")
+                  _breakMultiMeasureRest = e.readBool();
             else if (tag == "sysInitBarLineType") {
                   const QString& val(e.readElementText());
                   _systemInitialBarLineType = BarLineType::NORMAL;
@@ -2306,8 +2309,12 @@ void Measure::read(XmlReader& e, int staffIdx)
-            else if (tag == "multiMeasureRest")
+            else if (tag == "multiMeasureRest") {
                   _mmRestCount = e.readInt();
+                  // set tick to previous measure
+                  setTick(e.lastMeasure()->tick());
+                  e.initTick(e.lastMeasure()->tick());
+                  }
             else if (Element::readProperties(e))
@@ -3397,7 +3404,7 @@ void Measure::layoutX(qreal stretch)
                         // minDistance = 0;
                   if (found || eFound) {
-                        space.rLw() += clefWidth[staffIdx];
+                        space.addL(clefWidth[staffIdx]);
                         qreal sp     = minDistance + rest[staffIdx] + qMax(space.lw(), stretchDistance);
                         rest[staffIdx]  = space.rw();
                         rest2[staffIdx] = false;
@@ -3999,7 +4006,7 @@ QVariant Measure::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
             case P_ID::MEASURE_NUMBER_MODE:
                   return int(measureNumberMode());
             case P_ID::BREAK_MMR:
-                  return breakMultiMeasureRest();
+                  return getBreakMultiMeasureRest();
             case P_ID::REPEAT_COUNT:
                   return repeatCount();
             case P_ID::USER_STRETCH:
diff --git a/libmscore/measurebase.cpp b/libmscore/measurebase.cpp
index d4c8973..807410f 100644
--- a/libmscore/measurebase.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/measurebase.cpp
@@ -208,13 +208,7 @@ Measure* MeasureBase::nextMeasure() const
 Measure* MeasureBase::nextMeasureMM() const
-      MeasureBase* m = _next;
-      for (;;) {
-            if (m == 0 || m->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE)
-                  break;
-            m = m->_next;
-            }
-      Measure* mm = static_cast<Measure*>(m);
+      Measure* mm = nextMeasure();
       if (mm && score()->styleB(StyleIdx::createMultiMeasureRests) && mm->hasMMRest())
             return mm->mmRest();
       return mm;
diff --git a/libmscore/mscore.cpp b/libmscore/mscore.cpp
index fd34831..71953fa 100644
--- a/libmscore/mscore.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/mscore.cpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 #include "hook.h"
 #include "stem.h"
 #include "stemslash.h"
+#include "excerpt.h"
 namespace Ms {
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ void MScore::init()
+            ":/fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf",
+            ":/fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf",
@@ -335,7 +337,7 @@ QQmlEngine* MScore::qml()
             qmlRegisterType<Stem>       ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Stem");
             qmlRegisterType<StemSlash>  ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "StemSlash");
             qmlRegisterType<Beam>       ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Beam");
+            qmlRegisterType<Excerpt>    ("MuseScore", 1, 0, "Excerpt");
             qmlRegisterUncreatableType<Element>("MuseScore", 1, 0,
                "Element", tr("you cannot create an element"));
diff --git a/libmscore/musescoreCore.h b/libmscore/musescoreCore.h
index d05a52a..174a22b 100644
--- a/libmscore/musescoreCore.h
+++ b/libmscore/musescoreCore.h
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ class MuseScoreCore
       Score* currentScore() const        { return cs;     }
       void setCurrentScore(Score* score) { cs = score;    }
-      bool saveAs(Score*, bool /*saveCopy*/, const QString& /*path*/, const QString& /*ext*/) { return false; }
+      virtual bool saveAs(Score*, bool /*saveCopy*/, const QString& /*path*/, const QString& /*ext*/) { return false; }
+      virtual void closeScore(Score*) {}
       virtual void cmd(QAction* /*a*/) {}
       virtual void setCurrentView(int /*tabIdx*/, int /*idx*/) {}
diff --git a/libmscore/note.cpp b/libmscore/note.cpp
index feb2b97..35a1c48 100644
--- a/libmscore/note.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/note.cpp
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ int Note::tpc1default(int p) const
       if (staff() && chord()) {
             key = staff()->key(chord()->tick());
             if (!concertPitch()) {
-                  Interval interval = staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  Interval interval = part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   if (!interval.isZero()) {
                         key = transposeKey(key, interval);
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ int Note::tpc2default(int p) const
       if (staff() && chord()) {
             key = staff()->key(chord()->tick());
             if (concertPitch()) {
-                  Interval interval = staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  Interval interval = part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   if (!interval.isZero())
                         key = transposeKey(key, interval);
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ int Note::tpc2default(int p) const
 void Note::setTpcFromPitch()
       // works best if note is already added to score, otherwise we can't determine transposition or key
-      Interval v = staff() ? staff()->part()->instr()->transpose() : Interval();
+      Interval v = staff() ? part()->instrument()->transpose() : Interval();
       Key key = (staff() && chord()) ? staff()->key(chord()->tick()) : Key::C;
       // convert key to concert pitch
       if (!concertPitch() && !v.isZero())
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ QString Note::tpcUserName(bool explicitAccidental)
 int Note::transposeTpc(int tpc)
-      Interval v = staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+      Interval v = part()->instrument()->transpose();
       if (v.isZero())
             return tpc;
       if (concertPitch()) {
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void Note::draw(QPainter* painter) const
             if (chord() && chord()->segment() && staff() && !selected()
                && !score()->printing() && MScore::warnPitchRange) {
-                  const Instrument* in = staff()->part()->instr();
+                  const Instrument* in = part()->instrument();
                   int i = ppitch();
                   if (i < in->minPitchP() || i > in->maxPitchP())
@@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ void Note::write(Xml& xml) const
       writeProperty(xml, P_ID::PITCH);
       // write tpc1 before tpc2 !
       writeProperty(xml, P_ID::TPC1);
-      if ((_tpc[1] != _tpc[0]) && transposition())
+      if (_tpc[1] != _tpc[0])
             writeProperty(xml, P_ID::TPC2);
       writeProperty(xml, P_ID::SMALL);
       writeProperty(xml, P_ID::MIRROR_HEAD);
@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ void Note::read(XmlReader& e)
                   _tpc[1] = tpc;
       if (!(tpcIsValid(_tpc[0]) && tpcIsValid(_tpc[1]))) {
-            Interval v = staff() ? staff()->part()->instr()->transpose() : Interval();
+            Interval v = staff() ? part()->instrument()->transpose() : Interval();
             if (tpcIsValid(_tpc[0])) {
                   if (v.isZero())
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ QRectF Note::drag(EditData* data)
 int Note::transposition() const
-      return staff() ? staff()->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
+      return staff() ? part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ void Note::endDrag()
             // on TABLATURE staves, dragging a note keeps same pitch on a different string (if possible)
             // determine new string of dragged note (if tablature is upside down, invert _lineOffset)
             // and fret for the same pitch on the new string
-            const StringData* strData = staff->part()->instr()->stringData();
+            const StringData* strData = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData();
             int nString = _string + (staff->staffType()->upsideDown() ? -_lineOffset : _lineOffset);
             int nFret   = strData->fret(_pitch, nString, staff, tick);
             if (nFret < 0)                      // no fret?
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ void Note::endDrag()
             // determine new pitch of dragged note
             int nPitch = line2pitch(nLine, clef, key);
             if (!concertPitch()) {
-                  Interval interval = staff->part()->instr()->transpose();
+                  Interval interval = staff->part()->instrument()->transpose();
                   nPitch += interval.chromatic;
             int tpc1 = pitch2tpc(nPitch, key, Prefer::NEAREST);
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ bool Note::acceptDrop(const DropData& data) const
          || (type == Element::Type::HAIRPIN)
          || (type == Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT)
          || (type == Element::Type::TEMPO_TEXT)
-         || (type == Element::Type::BEND && (staff()->isTabStaff()))
+         || (type == Element::Type::BEND)
          || (type == Element::Type::TREMOLOBAR)
          || (type == Element::Type::FRET_DIAGRAM));
@@ -2086,8 +2086,8 @@ void Note::updateRelLine(int relLine, bool undoable)
       if (staff() && chord()->staffMove()) {
             // check that destination staff makes sense (might have been deleted)
             int idx = staffIdx() + chord()->staffMove();
-            int minStaff = staff()->part()->startTrack() / VOICES;
-            int maxStaff = staff()->part()->endTrack() / VOICES;
+            int minStaff = part()->startTrack() / VOICES;
+            int maxStaff = part()->endTrack() / VOICES;
             if (idx < minStaff || idx >= maxStaff || score()->staff(idx)->staffGroup() != staff()->staffGroup())
                   chord()->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::STAFF_MOVE, 0);
@@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@ void Note::setNval(const NoteVal& nval, int tick)
       _tpc[0] = nval.tpc1;
       _tpc[1] = nval.tpc2;
-      Interval v = staff()->part()->instr()->transpose();
+      Interval v = part()->instrument()->transpose();
       if (nval.tpc1 == Tpc::TPC_INVALID) {
             if (tick == -1)
                   tick = chord()->tick();
@@ -2480,10 +2480,11 @@ QString Note::accessibleInfo()
       QString duration = chord()->durationUserName();
       QString voice = tr("Voice: %1").arg(QString::number(track() % VOICES + 1));
       QString pitchName;
+      const Drumset* drumset = part()->instrument()->drumset();
       if (fixed() && headGroup() == NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASH)
             pitchName = chord()->noStem() ? tr("Beat Slash") : tr("Rhythm Slash");
-      else if (staff()->isDrumStaff())
-            pitchName = qApp->translate("drumset", staff()->part()->instr()->drumset()->name(pitch()).toUtf8().constData());
+      else if (staff()->isDrumStaff() && drumset)
+            pitchName = qApp->translate("drumset", drumset->name(pitch()).toUtf8().constData());
             pitchName = tpcUserName(false);
       return tr("%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4").arg(noteTypeUserName()).arg(pitchName).arg(duration).arg((chord()->isGrace() ? "" : QString("; %1").arg(voice)));
@@ -2498,10 +2499,11 @@ QString Note::screenReaderInfo()
       QString duration = chord()->durationUserName();
       QString voice = tr("Voice: %1").arg(QString::number(track() % VOICES + 1));
       QString pitchName;
+      const Drumset* drumset = part()->instrument()->drumset();
       if (fixed() && headGroup() == NoteHead::Group::HEAD_SLASH)
             pitchName = chord()->noStem() ? tr("Beat Slash") : tr("Rhythm Slash");
-      else if (staff()->isDrumStaff())
-            pitchName = qApp->translate("drumset", staff()->part()->instr()->drumset()->name(pitch()).toUtf8().constData());
+      else if (staff()->isDrumStaff() && drumset)
+            pitchName = qApp->translate("drumset", drumset->name(pitch()).toUtf8().constData());
             pitchName = tpcUserName(true);
       return QString("%1 %2 %3%4").arg(noteTypeUserName()).arg(pitchName).arg(duration).arg((chord()->isGrace() ? "" : QString("; %1").arg(voice)));
diff --git a/libmscore/page.cpp b/libmscore/page.cpp
index 8cb5696..e17756e 100644
--- a/libmscore/page.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/page.cpp
@@ -258,11 +258,6 @@ void Page::drawHeaderFooter(QPainter* p, int area, const QString& ss) const
       Text text(score());
       text.setTextStyleType(area < 3 ? TextStyleType::HEADER : TextStyleType::FOOTER);
-//      QString txt = text.convertFromHtml(s);
-//      if (txt.isEmpty())
-//            return;
@@ -276,7 +271,7 @@ void Page::drawHeaderFooter(QPainter* p, int area, const QString& ss) const
             case 5: flags = AlignmentFlags::RIGHT   | AlignmentFlags::BOTTOM; break;
-      text.setText(s);
+      text.setXmlText(s);
diff --git a/libmscore/part.cpp b/libmscore/part.cpp
index dfc0db5..84414d5 100644
--- a/libmscore/part.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/part.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Part::Part(Score* s)
    : ScoreElement(s)
       _show  = true;
-      _instrList.setInstrument(new Instrument, -1);   // default instrument
+      _instruments.setInstrument(new Instrument, -1);   // default instrument
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ void Part::read(XmlReader& e)
                   setInstrument(instr, -1);
             else if (tag == "name")
-                  instr()->setLongName(e.readElementText());
+                  instrument()->setLongName(e.readElementText());
             else if (tag == "shortName")
-                  instr()->setShortName(e.readElementText());
+                  instrument()->setShortName(e.readElementText());
             else if (tag == "trackName")
                   _partName = e.readElementText();
             else if (tag == "show")
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void Part::read(XmlReader& e)
       if (_partName.isEmpty())
-            _partName = instr()->trackName();
+            _partName = instrument()->trackName();
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void Part::write(Xml& xml) const
       if (!_show)
             xml.tag("show", _show);
       xml.tag("trackName", _partName);
-      instr()->write(xml);
+      instrument()->write(xml);
@@ -113,12 +113,12 @@ void Part::write(Xml& xml) const
 void Part::setLongNames(QList<StaffName>& name, int tick)
-      instr(tick)->longNames() = name;
+      instrument(tick)->longNames() = name;
 void Part::setShortNames(QList<StaffName>& name, int tick)
-      instr(tick)->shortNames() = name;
+      instrument(tick)->shortNames() = name;
@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ void Part::removeStaff(Staff* staff)
 void Part::setMidiProgram(int program, int bank)
-      Channel* c = instr()->channel(0);
+      Channel* c = instrument()->channel(0);
       c->program = program;
       c->bank    = bank;
-//      instr()->setChannel(0, c);
+//      instrument()->setChannel(0, c);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ void Part::setMidiProgram(int program, int bank)
 int Part::volume() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->volume;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->volume;
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int Part::volume() const
 void Part::setVolume(int volume)
-      instr()->channel(0)->volume = volume;
+      instrument()->channel(0)->volume = volume;
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ void Part::setVolume(int volume)
 bool Part::mute() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->mute;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->mute;
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ bool Part::mute() const
 void Part::setMute(bool mute)
-      instr()->channel(0)->mute = mute;
+      instrument()->channel(0)->mute = mute;
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void Part::setMute(bool mute)
 int Part::reverb() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->reverb;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->reverb;
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ int Part::reverb() const
 void Part::setReverb(int val)
-      instr()->channel(0)->reverb = val;
+      instrument()->channel(0)->reverb = val;
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ void Part::setReverb(int val)
 int Part::chorus() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->chorus;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->chorus;
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ int Part::chorus() const
 void Part::setChorus(int val)
-      instr()->channel(0)->chorus = val;
+      instrument()->channel(0)->chorus = val;
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void Part::setChorus(int val)
 int Part::pan() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->pan;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->pan;
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ int Part::pan() const
 void Part::setPan(int pan)
-      instr()->channel(0)->pan = pan;
+      instrument()->channel(0)->pan = pan;
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void Part::setPan(int pan)
 int Part::midiProgram() const
-      return instr()->channel(0)->program;
+      return instrument()->channel(0)->program;
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ int Part::midiProgram() const
 int Part::midiChannel() const
-      return score()->midiChannel(instr()->channel(0)->channel);
+      return score()->midiChannel(instrument()->channel(0)->channel);
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ int Part::midiChannel() const
 int Part::midiPort() const
-      return score()->midiPort(instr()->channel(0)->channel);
+      return score()->midiPort(instrument()->channel(0)->channel);
@@ -318,16 +318,16 @@ void Part::setMidiChannel(int) const
 void Part::setInstrument(Instrument* i, int tick)
-      _instrList.setInstrument(i, tick);
+      _instruments.setInstrument(i, tick);
 void Part::setInstrument(const Instrument&& i, int tick)
-      _instrList.setInstrument(new Instrument(i), tick);
+      _instruments.setInstrument(new Instrument(i), tick);
 void Part::setInstrument(const Instrument& i, int tick)
-      _instrList.setInstrument(new Instrument(i), tick);
+      _instruments.setInstrument(new Instrument(i), tick);
@@ -336,31 +336,30 @@ void Part::setInstrument(const Instrument& i, int tick)
 void Part::removeInstrument(int tick)
-      auto i = _instrList.find(tick);
-      if (i == _instrList.end()) {
+      auto i = _instruments.find(tick);
+      if (i == _instruments.end()) {
             qDebug("Part::removeInstrument: not found at tick %d", tick);
-//      delete i->second;
-      _instrList.erase(i);
+      _instruments.erase(i);
 //   instr
-Instrument* Part::instr(int tick)
+Instrument* Part::instrument(int tick)
-      return _instrList.instrument(tick);
+      return _instruments.instrument(tick);
 //   instr
-const Instrument* Part::instr(int tick) const
+const Instrument* Part::instrument(int tick) const
-      return _instrList.instrument(tick);
+      return _instruments.instrument(tick);
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ const Instrument* Part::instr(int tick) const
 QString Part::instrumentId(int tick) const
-      return instr(tick)->instrumentId();
+      return instrument(tick)->instrumentId();
@@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ QString Part::instrumentId(int tick) const
 QString Part::longName(int tick) const
       const QList<StaffName>& nl = longNames(tick);
-      return nl.isEmpty() ? "" : nl[0].name;
+      return nl.isEmpty() ? "" : nl[0].name();
@@ -388,7 +387,7 @@ QString Part::longName(int tick) const
 QString Part::instrumentName(int tick) const
-      return instr(tick)->trackName();
+      return instrument(tick)->trackName();
@@ -398,7 +397,7 @@ QString Part::instrumentName(int tick) const
 QString Part::shortName(int tick) const
       const QList<StaffName>& nl = shortNames(tick);
-      return nl.isEmpty() ? "" : nl[0].name;
+      return nl.isEmpty() ? "" : nl[0].name();
@@ -407,7 +406,7 @@ QString Part::shortName(int tick) const
 void Part::setLongName(const QString& s)
-      instr()->setLongName(s);
+      instrument()->setLongName(s);
@@ -416,7 +415,25 @@ void Part::setLongName(const QString& s)
 void Part::setShortName(const QString& s)
-      instr()->setShortName(s);
+      instrument()->setShortName(s);
+      }
+//   setPlainLongName
+void Part::setPlainLongName(const QString& s)
+      {
+      setLongName(Xml::xmlString(s));
+      }
+//   setPlainShortName
+void Part::setPlainShortName(const QString& s)
+      {
+      setShortName(Xml::xmlString(s));
@@ -429,7 +446,7 @@ QVariant Part::getProperty(P_ID id) const
             case P_ID::VISIBLE:
                   return QVariant(_show);
             case P_ID::USE_DRUMSET:
-                  return instr()->useDrumset();
+                  return instrument()->useDrumset();
             case P_ID::PART_VOLUME:
                   return volume();
             case P_ID::PART_MUTE:
@@ -462,7 +479,7 @@ bool Part::setProperty(P_ID id, const QVariant& property)
             case P_ID::USE_DRUMSET:
-                  instr()->setUseDrumset(property.toBool());
+                  instrument()->setUseDrumset(property.toBool());
             case P_ID::PART_VOLUME:
@@ -504,6 +521,5 @@ int Part::endTrack() const
       return _staves.back()->idx() * VOICES + VOICES;
diff --git a/libmscore/part.h b/libmscore/part.h
index 356bc9a..0d8d257 100644
--- a/libmscore/part.h
+++ b/libmscore/part.h
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ class InstrumentTemplate;
 //   @P mute       bool
 //   @P endTrack   int      (read only)
 //   @P startTrack int      (read only)
+//   @  midiProgram int     (read only)
+//   @  midiChannel int     (read only)
+//   @  instrumentId string (read only)
 class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
@@ -48,11 +51,11 @@ class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       Q_PROPERTY(int endTrack READ endTrack)
       Q_PROPERTY(int startTrack READ startTrack)
       Q_PROPERTY(int midiProgram READ midiProgram)
+      Q_PROPERTY(int midiChannel READ midiChannel)
       Q_PROPERTY(QString instrumentId READ instrumentId)
       QString _partName;           ///< used in tracklist (mixer)
-      InstrumentList _instrList;
+      InstrumentList _instruments;
       QList<Staff*> _staves;
       QString _id;                  ///< used for MusicXml import
       bool _show;                   ///< show part in partitur if true
@@ -80,8 +83,8 @@ class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       QString instrumentName(int tick = -1) const;
       QString instrumentId(int tick = -1) const;
-      const QList<StaffName>& longNames(int tick = -1) const  { return instr(tick)->longNames();  }
-      const QList<StaffName>& shortNames(int tick = -1) const { return instr(tick)->shortNames(); }
+      const QList<StaffName>& longNames(int tick = -1) const  { return instrument(tick)->longNames();  }
+      const QList<StaffName>& shortNames(int tick = -1) const { return instrument(tick)->shortNames(); }
       void setLongNames(QList<StaffName>& s, int tick = -1);
       void setShortNames(QList<StaffName>& s, int tick = -1);
@@ -89,6 +92,9 @@ class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       void setLongName(const QString& s);
       void setShortName(const QString& s);
+      void setPlainLongName(const QString& s);
+      void setPlainShortName(const QString& s);
       void setStaves(int);
       int volume() const;
@@ -114,8 +120,8 @@ class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       bool show() const                        { return _show;  }
       void setShow(bool val)                   { _show = val;   }
-      Instrument* instr(int tick = -1);
-      const Instrument* instr(int tick = -1) const;
+      Instrument* instrument(int tick = -1);
+      const Instrument* instrument(int tick = -1) const;
       void setInstrument(Instrument*, int tick = -1);       // transfer ownership
       void setInstrument(const Instrument&&, int tick = -1);
       void setInstrument(const Instrument&, int tick = -1);
@@ -123,7 +129,7 @@ class Part : public QObject, public ScoreElement {
       QString partName() const                 { return _partName; }
       void setPartName(const QString& s)       { _partName = s; }
-      InstrumentList* instrList()              { return &_instrList;       }
+      InstrumentList* instruments()              { return &_instruments;       }
       QVariant getProperty(P_ID) const override;
       bool setProperty(P_ID, const QVariant&) override;
diff --git a/libmscore/paste.cpp b/libmscore/paste.cpp
index efe012b..f6831dc 100644
--- a/libmscore/paste.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/paste.cpp
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ static void transposeChord(Chord* c, Interval srcTranspose)
       int nn     = (track / VOICES) + c->staffMove();
       if (nn < 0 || nn >= c->score()->nstaves())
-      Part* part = c->staff()->part();
-      Interval dstTranspose = part->instr()->transpose();
+      Part* part = c->part();
+      Interval dstTranspose = part->instrument()->transpose();
       if (srcTranspose != dstTranspose) {
             if (!dstTranspose.isZero()) {
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ bool Score::pasteStaff(XmlReader& e, Segment* dst, int dstStaff)
                               int tick = e.readInt();
                               int shift = tick - tickStart;
-                              if (makeGap && !makeGap1(dstTick, dstStaffIdx, Fraction::fromTicks(tickLen),voiceOffset)) {
+                              if (makeGap && !makeGap1(dstTick, dstStaffIdx, Fraction::fromTicks(tickLen), voiceOffset)) {
                                     qDebug("cannot make gap in staff %d at tick %d", dstStaffIdx, dstTick + shift);
                                     done = true; // break main loop, cannot make gap
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ bool Score::pasteStaff(XmlReader& e, Segment* dst, int dstStaff)
                               // transpose
                               Part* partDest = staff(e.track() / VOICES)->part();
-                              Interval interval = partDest->instr()->transpose();
+                              Interval interval = partDest->instrument()->transpose();
                               if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && !interval.isZero()) {
                                     int rootTpc = transposeTpc(harmony->rootTpc(), interval, true);
@@ -324,9 +324,10 @@ bool Score::pasteStaff(XmlReader& e, Segment* dst, int dstStaff)
                               // be sure to paste the element in the destination track;
                               // setting track needs to be repeated, as it might have been overwritten by el->read()
-                              el->setTrack(e.track());
+                              // preserve *voice* from source, though
+                              el->setTrack((e.track() / VOICES) * VOICES + el->voice());
-                              undoChangeElement(seg->element(e.track()), el);
+                              undoAddElement(el);
                         else if (tag == "Clef") {
                               Clef* clef = new Clef(this);
@@ -603,13 +604,18 @@ void Score::pasteSymbols(XmlReader& e, ChordRest* dst)
                                     Measure* meas     = tick2measure(destTick);
                                     harmSegm          = meas->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, destTick);
+                              if (destTrack >= maxTrack) {
+                                    qDebug("PasteSymbols: no track for %s", tag.toUtf8().data());
+                                    e.skipCurrentElement();       // ignore
+                                    continue;
+                                    }
                               Harmony* el = new Harmony(this);
                               // transpose
                               Part* partDest = staff(track2staff(destTrack))->part();
-                              Interval interval = partDest->instr()->transpose();
+                              Interval interval = partDest->instrument()->transpose();
                               if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && !interval.isZero()) {
                                     int rootTpc = transposeTpc(el->rootTpc(), interval, true);
diff --git a/libmscore/pitchspelling.cpp b/libmscore/pitchspelling.cpp
index f98ac14..9b061c8 100644
--- a/libmscore/pitchspelling.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/pitchspelling.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #include "staff.h"
 #include "chord.h"
 #include "score.h"
+#include "part.h"
+#include "utils.h"
 namespace Ms {
@@ -738,6 +740,22 @@ void spell(QList<Event>& notes, int key)
+//   changeAllTpcs
+void changeAllTpcs(Note* n, int tpc1)
+      {
+      Interval v;
+      if (n && n->part() && n->part()->instrument()) {
+            v = n->part()->instrument()->transpose();
+            v.flip();
+            }
+      int tpc2 = Ms::transposeTpc(tpc1, v, true);
+      n->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TPC1, tpc1);
+      n->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TPC2, tpc2);
+      }
 //   spell
@@ -760,16 +778,16 @@ void Score::spellNotelist(QList<Note*>& notes)
                   tab = tab1;
             if (start == 0) {
-                  undoChangeTpc(notes[0], tab[(notes[0]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + (opt & 1)]);
+                  changeAllTpcs(notes[0], tab[(notes[0]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + (opt & 1)]);
                   if (n > 1)
-                        undoChangeTpc(notes[1], tab[(notes[1]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 2)>>1)]);
+                        changeAllTpcs(notes[1], tab[(notes[1]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 2)>>1)]);
                   if (n > 2)
-                        undoChangeTpc(notes[2], tab[(notes[2]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 4)>>2)]);
+                        changeAllTpcs(notes[2], tab[(notes[2]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 4)>>2)]);
             if ((end - start) >= 6) {
-                  undoChangeTpc(notes[start+3], tab[(notes[start+3]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt &  8) >> 3)]);
-                  undoChangeTpc(notes[start+4], tab[(notes[start+4]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 16) >> 4)]);
-                  undoChangeTpc(notes[start+5], tab[(notes[start+5]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 32) >> 5)]);
+                  changeAllTpcs(notes[start+3], tab[(notes[start+3]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt &  8) >> 3)]);
+                  changeAllTpcs(notes[start+4], tab[(notes[start+4]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 16) >> 4)]);
+                  changeAllTpcs(notes[start+5], tab[(notes[start+5]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & 32) >> 5)]);
             if (end == n) {
                   int n = end - start;
@@ -777,13 +795,13 @@ void Score::spellNotelist(QList<Note*>& notes)
                   switch(n - 6) {
                         case 3:
                               k = end - start - 3;
-                              undoChangeTpc(notes[end-3], tab[(notes[end-3]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
+                              changeAllTpcs(notes[end-3], tab[(notes[end-3]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
                         case 2:
                               k = end - start - 2;
-                              undoChangeTpc(notes[end-2], tab[(notes[end-2]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
+                              changeAllTpcs(notes[end-2], tab[(notes[end-2]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
                         case 1:
                               k = end - start - 1;
-                              undoChangeTpc(notes[end-1], tab[(notes[end-1]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
+                              changeAllTpcs(notes[end-1], tab[(notes[end-1]->pitch() % 12) * 2 + ((opt & (1<<k)) >> k)]);
diff --git a/libmscore/plugins.cpp b/libmscore/plugins.cpp
index f212e7d..1e34fa4 100644
--- a/libmscore/plugins.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/plugins.cpp
@@ -129,6 +129,21 @@ bool FileIO::exists()
       return file.exists();
+int FileIO::modifiedTime()
+      {
+      if (mSource.isEmpty()) {
+            emit error("source is empty");
+            return 0;
+            }
+      QUrl url(mSource);
+      QString source(mSource);
+      if(url.isValid() && url.isLocalFile()) {
+            source = url.toLocalFile();
+            }
+      QFileInfo fileInfo(source);
+      return fileInfo.lastModified().toTime_t();
+      }
 //   setScore
diff --git a/libmscore/plugins.h b/libmscore/plugins.h
index b613709..fdd7788 100644
--- a/libmscore/plugins.h
+++ b/libmscore/plugins.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class FileIO : public QObject {
       Q_INVOKABLE bool write(const QString& data);
       Q_INVOKABLE bool remove();
       Q_INVOKABLE QString tempPath() {QDir dir; return dir.tempPath();};
+      Q_INVOKABLE int modifiedTime();
       QString source() { return mSource; };
diff --git a/libmscore/property.cpp b/libmscore/property.cpp
index 0890b9b..e97507f 100644
--- a/libmscore/property.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/property.cpp
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ static const PropertyData propertyList[] = {
       { P_ID::END_BARLINE_TYPE,    false, 0,               P_TYPE::INT    },
       { P_ID::END_BARLINE_VISIBLE, false, 0,               P_TYPE::BOOL   },
       { P_ID::END_BARLINE_COLOR,   false, 0,               P_TYPE::COLOR  },
-      { P_ID::MEASURE_NUMBER_MODE, false, 0,               P_TYPE::INT    },
+      { P_ID::MEASURE_NUMBER_MODE, false, "measureNumberMode", P_TYPE::INT    },
       { P_ID::GLISS_TYPE,          false, 0,               P_TYPE::INT    },
       { P_ID::GLISS_TEXT,          false, 0,               P_TYPE::STRING },
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ static const PropertyData propertyList[] = {
       { P_ID::DURATION,            false, 0,                       P_TYPE::FRACTION },
       { P_ID::DURATION_TYPE,       false, 0,                       P_TYPE::TDURATION },
+      { P_ID::ROLE,                false, "role",                  P_TYPE::INT },
+      { P_ID::TRACK,               false, 0,                       P_TYPE::INT },
       { P_ID::END,                 false, "",                      P_TYPE::INT }
diff --git a/libmscore/property.h b/libmscore/property.h
index d057f9c..e58a64d 100644
--- a/libmscore/property.h
+++ b/libmscore/property.h
@@ -217,6 +217,8 @@ enum class P_ID : unsigned char {
+      ROLE,
+      TRACK,
diff --git a/libmscore/read114.cpp b/libmscore/read114.cpp
index dce8c8e..8b21ec7 100644
--- a/libmscore/read114.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/read114.cpp
@@ -231,25 +231,25 @@ void Part::read114(XmlReader& e)
             else if (tag == "Instrument") {
-                  Instrument* instrument = instr();
-                  instrument->read(e);
+                  Instrument* i = instrument();
+                  i->read(e);
                   // add string data from MIDI program number, if possible
-                  if (instrument->stringData()->strings() == 0
-                              && instrument->channel().count() > 0
-                              && instrument->drumset() == nullptr) {
-                        int program = instrument->channel(0)->program;
+                  if (i->stringData()->strings() == 0
+                     && i->channel().count() > 0
+                     && i->drumset() == nullptr) {
+                        int program = i->channel(0)->program;
                         if (program >= 24 && program <= 30)       // guitars
-                              instrument->setStringData(StringData(19, 6, g_guitarStrings));
+                              i->setStringData(StringData(19, 6, g_guitarStrings));
                         else if ( (program >= 32 && program <= 39) || program == 43)      // bass / double-bass
-                              instrument->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_bassStrings));
+                              i->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_bassStrings));
                         else if (program == 40)                   // violin and other treble string instr.
-                              instrument->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_violinStrings));
+                              i->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_violinStrings));
                         else if (program == 41)                   // viola and other alto string instr.
-                              instrument->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_violaStrings));
+                              i->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_violaStrings));
                         else if (program == 42)                   // cello and other bass string instr.
-                              instrument->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_celloStrings));
+                              i->setStringData(StringData(24, 4, g_celloStrings));
-                  Drumset* d = const_cast<Drumset*>(instr()->drumset());
+                  Drumset* d = i->drumset();
                   Staff*   st = staff(0);
                   if (d && st && st->lines() != 5) {
                         int n = 0;
@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ void Part::read114(XmlReader& e)
             else if (tag == "name") {
                   Text* t = new Text(score());
-                  instr()->setLongName(t->text());
+                  instrument()->setLongName(t->xmlText());
                   delete t;
             else if (tag == "shortName") {
                   Text* t = new Text(score());
-                  instr()->setShortName(t->text());
+                  instrument()->setShortName(t->xmlText());
                   delete t;
             else if (tag == "trackName")
@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ void Part::read114(XmlReader& e)
       if (_partName.isEmpty())
-            _partName = instr()->trackName();
+            _partName = instrument()->trackName();
-      if (instr()->useDrumset()) {
+      if (instrument()->useDrumset()) {
             foreach(Staff* staff, _staves) {
                   int lines = staff->lines();
                   int bf    = staff->barLineFrom();
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ void Part::read114(XmlReader& e)
       articulations.append(MidiArticulation("staccato", "", 100, 50));
       articulations.append(MidiArticulation("tenuto", "", 100, 100));
       articulations.append(MidiArticulation("sforzato", "", 120, 100));
-      instr()->setArticulation(articulations);
+      instrument()->setArticulation(articulations);
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ Score::FileError Score::read114(XmlReader& e)
             qreal tempo = i->second.tempo;
             if (tempomap()->tempo(tick) != tempo) {
                   TempoText* tt = new TempoText(this);
-                  tt->setText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(qRound(tempo*60)));
+                  tt->setXmlText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(qRound(tempo*60)));
diff --git a/libmscore/rendermidi.cpp b/libmscore/rendermidi.cpp
index 6579355..aa8c2cb 100644
--- a/libmscore/rendermidi.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/rendermidi.cpp
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ void Score::updateSwing()
                   if (e->type() != Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT)
                   const StaffText* st = static_cast<const StaffText*>(e);
-                  QString an(st->plainText());
-                  if (an.isEmpty())
+                  if (st->xmlText().isEmpty())
                   Staff* staff = st->staff();
                   if (!st->swing())
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ void Score::updateChannel()
                         if (an.isEmpty())
                         Staff* staff = _staves[st->staffIdx()];
-                        int a = staff->part()->instr(s->tick())->channelIdx(an);
+                        int a = staff->part()->instrument(s->tick())->channelIdx(an);
                         if (a != -1)
                               staff->channelList(voice)->insert(s->tick(), a);
@@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ static void collectNote(EventMap* events, int channel, const Note* note, int vel
                               collectNote(events, channel, n, velo, tickOffset);
-                        if (n->tieFor())
+                        if (n->tieFor() && n != n->tieFor()->endNote())
                               n = n->tieFor()->endNote();
@@ -343,7 +342,7 @@ static void collectMeasureEvents(EventMap* events, Measure* m, Staff* staff, int
                   Chord* chord = static_cast<Chord*>(cr);
                   Staff* staff = chord->staff();
                   int velocity = staff->velocities().velo(seg->tick());
-                  Instrument* instr = chord->staff()->part()->instr(tick);
+                  Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(tick);
                   int channel = instr->channel(chord->upNote()->subchannel())->channel;
                   foreach (Articulation* a, chord->articulations()) {
@@ -384,7 +383,7 @@ static void collectMeasureEvents(EventMap* events, Measure* m, Staff* staff, int
                   const StaffText* st = static_cast<const StaffText*>(e);
                   int tick = s->tick() + tickOffset;
-                  Instrument* instr = e->staff()->part()->instr(tick);
+                  Instrument* instr = e->part()->instrument(tick);
                   foreach (const ChannelActions& ca, *st->channelActions()) {
                         int channel = ca.channel;
                         foreach(const QString& ma, ca.midiActionNames) {
@@ -630,7 +629,8 @@ void Score::renderSpanners(EventMap* events, int staffIdx)
       foreach (const RepeatSegment* rs, *repeatList()) {
             int tickOffset = rs->utick - rs->tick;
             int utick1 = rs->utick;
-            int utick2 = utick1 + rs->len;
+            int tick1 = repeatList()->utick2tick(utick1);
+            int tick2 = tick1 + rs->len;
             std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>> channelPedalEvents = std::map<int, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>>();
             for (const auto& sp : _spanner.map()) {
                   Spanner* s = sp.second;
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ void Score::renderSpanners(EventMap* events, int staffIdx)
                   int idx = s->staff()->channel(s->tick(), 0);
-                  int channel = s->staff()->part()->instr(s->tick())->channel(idx)->channel;
+                  int channel = s->part()->instrument(s->tick())->channel(idx)->channel;
                   channelPedalEvents.insert({channel, std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>>()});
                   std::vector<std::pair<int, bool>> pedalEventList = channelPedalEvents.at(channel);
                   std::pair<int, bool> lastEvent;
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ void Score::renderSpanners(EventMap* events, int staffIdx)
                         lastEvent = std::pair<int, bool>(0, true);
-                  if (s->tick() >= utick1 && s->tick() < utick2) {
+                  if (s->tick() >= tick1 && s->tick() < tick2) {
                         // Handle "overlapping" pedal segments (usual case for connected pedal line)
                         if (lastEvent.second == false && lastEvent.first >= (s->tick() + tickOffset + 2)) {
@@ -656,8 +656,12 @@ void Score::renderSpanners(EventMap* events, int staffIdx)
                         channelPedalEvents.at(channel).push_back(std::pair<int, bool>(s->tick() + tickOffset + 2, true));
-                  if (s->tick2() >= utick1 && s->tick2() < utick2)
-                        channelPedalEvents.at(channel).push_back(std::pair<int, bool>(s->tick2() + tickOffset + 1, false));
+                  if (s->tick2() >= tick1 && s->tick2() <= tick2) {
+                        int t = s->tick2() + tickOffset + 1;
+                        if (t > repeatList()->last()->utick + repeatList()->last()->len)
+                             t = repeatList()->last()->utick + repeatList()->last()->len;
+                        channelPedalEvents.at(channel).push_back(std::pair<int, bool>(t, false));
+                        }
             for (const auto& pedalEvents : channelPedalEvents) {
@@ -829,7 +833,7 @@ static QList<NoteEventList> renderChord(Chord* chord, int gateTime, int ontime)
       if (!chord->articulations().isEmpty() && !chord->arpeggio()) {
-            Instrument* instr = chord->staff()->part()->instr(seg->tick());
+            Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(seg->tick());
             int channel  = 0;  // note->subchannel();
@@ -846,7 +850,7 @@ static QList<NoteEventList> renderChord(Chord* chord, int gateTime, int ontime)
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(0, 0, 125));
                                     Key key     = chord->staff()->key(chord->segment()->tick());
-                                    int pitch   = chord->notes()[k]->pitch();
+                                    int pitch   = chord->notes()[k]->epitch();
                                     int pitchDown = diatonicUpDown(key, pitch, -1);
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(pitchDown - pitch, 125, 125));
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(0, 250, 750));
@@ -860,7 +864,7 @@ static QList<NoteEventList> renderChord(Chord* chord, int gateTime, int ontime)
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(0, 0, 125));
                                     Key key       = chord->staff()->key(chord->segment()->tick());
-                                    int pitch     = chord->notes()[k]->pitch();
+                                    int pitch     = chord->notes()[k]->epitch();
                                     int pitchUp = diatonicUpDown(key, pitch, 1);
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(pitchUp - pitch, 125, 125));
                                     events->append(NoteEvent(0, 250, 750));
@@ -917,7 +921,7 @@ void Score::createPlayEvents(Chord* chord)
       // gateTime is 100% for slured notes
       if (!slur) {
-            Instrument* instr = chord->staff()->part()->instr(tick);
+            Instrument* instr = chord->part()->instrument(tick);
             instr->updateGateTime(&gateTime, 0, "");
diff --git a/libmscore/repeat.cpp b/libmscore/repeat.cpp
index 50ac830..d876d9f 100644
--- a/libmscore/repeat.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/repeat.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ void RepeatMeasure::draw(QPainter* painter) const
 void RepeatMeasure::layout()
+      for (Element* e : _el)
+            e->layout();
       qreal sp  = spatium();
       qreal y   = sp;
diff --git a/libmscore/repeatlist.cpp b/libmscore/repeatlist.cpp
index 5a316a4..ab0c644 100644
--- a/libmscore/repeatlist.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/repeatlist.cpp
@@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ void RepeatList::unwind()
 // qDebug("unwind===================");
+      QList<Jump*> jumps; // take the jumps only once so store them
       rs                  = new RepeatSegment;
       rs->tick            = 0;
-      Measure* endRepeat  = 0;
-      Measure* continueAt = 0;
+      Measure* endRepeat  = 0; // measure where the current repeat should stop
+      Measure* continueAt = 0; // measure where the playback should continue after the repeat (To coda)
       int loop            = 0;
       int repeatCount     = 0;
       bool isGoto         = false;
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ void RepeatList::unwind()
       for (Measure* m = fm; m;) {
             m->setPlaybackCount(m->playbackCount() + 1);
             Repeat flags = m->repeatFlags();
+            bool doJump = false; // process jump after endrepeat
 // qDebug("repeat m%d(%d) lc%d loop %d repeatCount %d isGoto %d endRepeat %p flags 0x%x",
 //               m->no(), m->tick(), m->playbackCount(), loop, repeatCount, isGoto, endRepeat, int(flags));
@@ -290,36 +291,15 @@ void RepeatList::unwind()
                         rs->tick = m->endTick();
-                  }
-            else {
-                  // Jumps are only accepted outside of other repeats
-                  if (flags & Repeat::JUMP) {
-                        Jump* s = 0;
-                        foreach(Element* e, m->el()) {
-                              if (e->type() == Element::Type::JUMP) {
-                                    s = static_cast<Jump*>(e);
-                                    break;
-                                    }
-                              }
-                        if (s) {
-                              Measure* nm = _score->searchLabel(s->jumpTo());
-                              endRepeat   = _score->searchLabel(s->playUntil());
-                              continueAt  = _score->searchLabel(s->continueAt());
-                              isGoto      = true;
-                              if (nm && endRepeat) {
-                                    rs->len = m->endTick() - rs->tick;
-                                    append(rs);
-                                    rs = new RepeatSegment;
-                                    rs->tick  = nm->tick();
-                                    m = nm;
-                                    continue;
-                                    }
-                              }
-                        else
-                              qDebug("Jump not found");
+                  else if (flags & Repeat::JUMP) {
+                        doJump = true;
+                        isGoto = false;
+            else if (flags & Repeat::JUMP) { // Jumps are only accepted outside of other repeats
+                  doJump = true;
+                  }
             if (isGoto && (endRepeat == m)) {
                   if (continueAt == 0) {
@@ -339,6 +319,7 @@ void RepeatList::unwind()
                   rs->tick = continueAt->tick();
                   m        = continueAt;
                   isGoto   = false;
+                  endRepeat = 0;
             else if (flags & Repeat::END) {
@@ -361,6 +342,39 @@ void RepeatList::unwind()
+            if (doJump && !isGoto) {
+                  Jump* s = 0;
+                  foreach(Element* e, m->el()) {
+                        if (e->type() == Element::Type::JUMP) {
+                              s = static_cast<Jump*>(e);
+                              break;
+                              }
+                        }
+                  // jump only once
+                  if (jumps.contains(s)) {
+                        m = m->nextMeasure();
+                        endRepeat = 0;
+                        continue;
+                        }
+                  jumps.append(s);
+                  if (s) {
+                        Measure* nm = _score->searchLabel(s->jumpTo());
+                        endRepeat   = _score->searchLabel(s->playUntil());
+                        continueAt  = _score->searchLabel(s->continueAt());
+                        isGoto      = true;
+                        if (nm && endRepeat) {
+                              rs->len = m->endTick() - rs->tick;
+                              append(rs);
+                              rs = new RepeatSegment;
+                              rs->tick  = nm->tick();
+                              m = nm;
+                              continue;
+                              }
+                        }
+                  else
+                        qDebug("Jump not found");
+                  }
             m = m->nextMeasure();
diff --git a/libmscore/rest.cpp b/libmscore/rest.cpp
index 1d3a408..75d49f4 100644
--- a/libmscore/rest.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/rest.cpp
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ int Rest::computeLineOffset()
 #if 0
-      if (offsetVoices && staff()->mergeMatchingRests())
+      if (offsetVoices && staff()->mergeMatchingRests()) {
             // automatically merge matching rests in voices 1 & 2 if nothing in any other voice
             // this is not always the right thing to do do, but is useful in choral music
             // and perhaps could be made enabled via a staff property
diff --git a/libmscore/rest.h b/libmscore/rest.h
index ce78c93..3884546 100644
--- a/libmscore/rest.h
+++ b/libmscore/rest.h
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ enum class SymId;
 //    @@ Rest
 ///     This class implements a rest.
+//    @P isFullMeasure  bool  (read only)
 class Rest : public ChordRest {
-      ElementList _el;              ///< symbols or images
+      Q_PROPERTY(bool  isFullMeasure  READ isFullMeasureRest)
       // values calculated by layout:
       SymId _sym;
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class Rest : public ChordRest {
       virtual qreal centerX() const override;
       virtual void setUserOff(const QPointF& o) override;
+   protected:
+      ElementList _el;              ///< symbols or images
       Rest(Score* s = 0);
       Rest(Score*, const TDuration&);
diff --git a/libmscore/score.cpp b/libmscore/score.cpp
index 9736b20..46ce6a5 100644
--- a/libmscore/score.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/score.cpp
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ void Score::rebuildMidiMapping()
       int idx         = 0;
       int maxport     = 0;
       for (Part* part : _parts) {
-            InstrumentList* il = part->instrList();
+            InstrumentList* il = part->instruments();
             for (auto i = il->begin(); i != il->end(); ++i) {
                   Instrument* instr = i->second;
                   bool drum         = instr->useDrumset();
@@ -2196,10 +2196,31 @@ void Score::splitStaff(int staffIdx, int splitPoint)
-                  foreach(Note* note, removeNotes) {
+                  for (Note* note : removeNotes) {
-                        if (note->chord()->notes().isEmpty())
-                              undoRemoveElement(note->chord());
+                        Chord* chord = note->chord();
+                        if (chord->notes().isEmpty()) {
+                              undoRemoveElement(chord);
+                              for (auto sp : spanner()) {
+                                    Slur* slur = static_cast<Slur*>(sp.second);
+                                    if (slur->type() != Element::Type::SLUR)
+                                          continue;
+                                    if (slur->startCR() == chord) {
+                                          slur->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TRACK, slur->track()+VOICES);
+                                          for (ScoreElement* ee : slur->linkList()) {
+                                                Slur* lslur = static_cast<Slur*>(ee);
+                                                lslur->setStartElement(0);
+                                                }
+                                          }
+                                    if (slur->endCR() == chord) {
+                                          slur->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::SPANNER_TRACK2, slur->track2()+VOICES);
+                                          for (ScoreElement* ee : slur->linkList()) {
+                                                Slur* lslur = static_cast<Slur*>(ee);
+                                                lslur->setEndElement(0);
+                                                }
+                                          }
+                                    }
+                              }
@@ -2416,7 +2437,7 @@ void Score::adjustKeySigs(int sidx, int eidx, KeyList km)
                   KeySigEvent oKey = i->second;
                   KeySigEvent nKey = oKey;
-                  int diff = -staff->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic;
+                  int diff = -staff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic;
                   if (diff != 0 && !styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && !oKey.custom())
                         nKey.setKey(transposeKey(nKey.key(), diff));
                   staff->setKey(tick, nKey);
@@ -2524,7 +2545,7 @@ void Score::cmdConcertPitchChanged(bool flag, bool /*useDoubleSharpsFlats*/)
       for (Staff* staff : _staves) {
             if (staff->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION)
-            Interval interval = staff->part()->instr()->transpose();
+            Interval interval = staff->part()->instrument()->transpose();
             if (interval.isZero())
             if (!flag)
@@ -2543,7 +2564,13 @@ void Score::cmdConcertPitchChanged(bool flag, bool /*useDoubleSharpsFlats*/)
                         Harmony* h  = static_cast<Harmony*>(e);
                         int rootTpc = transposeTpc(h->rootTpc(), interval, true);
                         int baseTpc = transposeTpc(h->baseTpc(), interval, true);
-                        undoTransposeHarmony(h, rootTpc, baseTpc);
+                        for (ScoreElement* e : h->linkList()) {
+                              // don't transpose all links
+                              // just ones resulting from mmrests
+                              Harmony* he = static_cast<Harmony*>(e);
+                              if (he->staff() == h->staff())
+                                    undoTransposeHarmony(he, rootTpc, baseTpc);
+                              }
@@ -2599,13 +2626,13 @@ void Score::padToggle(Pad n)
             case Pad::DOT:
-                  if (_is.duration().dots() == 1)
+                  if ((_is.duration().dots() == 1) || (_is.duration() == TDuration::DurationType::V_128TH))
             case Pad::DOTDOT:
-                  if (_is.duration().dots() == 2)
+                  if ((_is.duration().dots() == 2) || (_is.duration() == TDuration::DurationType::V_64TH) || (_is.duration() == TDuration::DurationType::V_128TH))
@@ -3111,7 +3138,7 @@ void Score::addLyrics(int tick, int staffIdx, const QString& txt)
       ChordRest* cr = static_cast<ChordRest*>(seg->element(track));
       if (cr) {
             Lyrics* l = new Lyrics(this);
-            l->setText(txt);
+            l->setXmlText(txt);
@@ -3342,7 +3369,7 @@ void Score::appendPart(const QString& name)
                   staff->setBracket(0, t->bracket[0]);
                   staff->setBracketSpan(0, t->nstaves());
-            undoInsertStaff(staff, n + i);
+            undoInsertStaff(staff, i);
@@ -3361,6 +3388,7 @@ void Score::appendMeasures(int n)
             insertMeasure(Element::Type::MEASURE, 0, false);
 //   addText
@@ -3378,7 +3406,7 @@ void Score::addText(const QString& type, const QString& txt)
       else if (type == "subtitle")
-      text->setText(txt);
+      text->setXmlText(txt);
@@ -3390,6 +3418,7 @@ Cursor* Score::newCursor()
       return new Cursor(this);
 //   addSpanner
@@ -3609,7 +3638,7 @@ QString Score::title()
       QString fn;
       Text* t = getText(TextStyleType::TITLE);
       if (t)
-            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->text()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
+            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->xmlText()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
       if (fn.isEmpty())
             fn = metaTag("workTitle");
@@ -3632,7 +3661,7 @@ QString Score::subtitle()
       QString fn;
       Text* t = getText(TextStyleType::SUBTITLE);
       if (t)
-            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->text()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
+            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->xmlText()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
       return fn.simplified();
@@ -3646,7 +3675,7 @@ QString Score::composer()
       QString fn;
       Text* t = getText(TextStyleType::COMPOSER);
       if (t)
-            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->text()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
+            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->xmlText()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
       if (fn.isEmpty())
             fn = metaTag("composer");
@@ -3663,7 +3692,7 @@ QString Score::poet()
       QString fn;
       Text* t = getText(TextStyleType::POET);
       if (t)
-            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->text()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
+            fn = QTextDocumentFragment::fromHtml(t->xmlText()).toPlainText().replace("&","&").replace(">",">").replace("<","<").replace(""", "\"");
       if (fn.isEmpty())
             fn = metaTag("lyricist");
@@ -3731,7 +3760,7 @@ int Score::keysig()
             if (st->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::PERCUSSION || st->keySigEvent(0).custom())      // ignore percussion and custom key
             result = key;
-            int diff = st->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic;
+            int diff = st->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic;
             if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && diff)
                   result = transposeKey(key, diff);
@@ -3774,21 +3803,20 @@ QString Score::createRehearsalMarkText(RehearsalMark* current) const
       QString s = "A";
-      QString s1 = before ? before->text() : "";
-      QString s2 = after ? after->text()  : "";
-//      qDebug("createRehearsalMark <%s> xx <%s>", qPrintable(s1), qPrintable(s2));
+      QString s1 = before ? before->xmlText() : "";
+      QString s2 = after ? after->xmlText()  : "";
       if (s1.isEmpty())
             return s;
       s = nextRehearsalMarkText(before, current);                       // try to sequence
       if (!s2.isEmpty()) {
-            if (s != s2 && s != current->text())
+            if (s != s2 && s != current->xmlText())
                   return s;                                             // found something between before & after
             else if (s1.size() == 2)
                   s = s1[0] + QChar::fromLatin1(s1[1].toLatin1() + 1);  // B1 -> B2, BB -> BC, etc
             else if (s1[0].isLetter())
                   s = s1 + QChar::fromLatin1('1');                      // B -> B1, Bridge -> Bridge1, etc
-      else if (s == current->text()) {
+      else if (s == current->xmlText()) {
             s = s1 + QChar::fromLatin1('1');                            // B -> B1, Bridge -> Bridge1, etc
       return s;
@@ -3807,8 +3835,8 @@ QString Score::createRehearsalMarkText(RehearsalMark* current) const
 QString Score::nextRehearsalMarkText(RehearsalMark* previous, RehearsalMark* current) const
-      QString previousText = previous->text();
-      QString fallback = current ? current->text() : previousText + "'";
+      QString previousText = previous->xmlText();
+      QString fallback = current ? current->xmlText() : previousText + "'";
       if (previousText.length() == 1 && previousText[0].isLetter()) {
             // single letter sequence
diff --git a/libmscore/score.h b/libmscore/score.h
index e79cd5e..0a53a73 100644
--- a/libmscore/score.h
+++ b/libmscore/score.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
  Definition of Score class.
+#include "config.h"
 #include "input.h"
 #include "select.h"
 #include "synthesizerstate.h"
@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ struct MidiMapping {
 struct MidiInputEvent {
       int pitch;
       bool chord;
+      int velocity;
@@ -247,6 +249,7 @@ enum class PasteStatus : char {
 //   @P hasHarmonies    bool              score has chord symbols (read only)
 //   @P keysig          int               key signature at the start of the score (read only)
 //   @P duration        int               duration of score in seconds (read only)
+//   @P excerpts        array[Ms::Excerpt] the list of the excerpts (linked parts)
 class Score : public QObject {
@@ -270,6 +273,7 @@ class Score : public QObject {
       Q_PROPERTY(bool                   hasHarmonies      READ hasHarmonies)
       Q_PROPERTY(int                    keysig            READ keysig)
       Q_PROPERTY(int                    duration          READ duration)
+      Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<Ms::Excerpt> excerpts   READ qmlExcerpts)
       Q_PROPERTY(Ms::PageFormat*        pageFormat        READ pageFormat     WRITE undoChangePageFormat)
@@ -473,6 +477,7 @@ class Score : public QObject {
       void selectRange(Element* e, int staffIdx);
       QQmlListProperty<Ms::Part> qmlParts() { return QQmlListProperty<Ms::Part>(this, _parts); }
+      QQmlListProperty<Ms::Excerpt> qmlExcerpts() { return QQmlListProperty<Ms::Excerpt>(this, _excerpts); }
       void createPlayEvents(Chord*);
@@ -990,8 +995,10 @@ class Score : public QObject {
       void layoutPage(const PageContext&,  qreal);
       Q_INVOKABLE void appendPart(const QString&);
       Q_INVOKABLE void appendMeasures(int);
       Q_INVOKABLE void addText(const QString&, const QString&);
       Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Cursor* newCursor();
       qreal computeMinWidth(Segment* fs, bool firstMeasureInSystem);
       void updateBarLineSpans(int idx, int linesOld, int linesNew);
diff --git a/libmscore/scorefile.cpp b/libmscore/scorefile.cpp
index a47e12a..80c7f32 100644
--- a/libmscore/scorefile.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/scorefile.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "excerpt.h"
 #include "mscore.h"
 #include "stafftype.h"
+#include "sym.h"
 #ifdef OMR
 #include "omr/omr.h"
 #include "omr/omrpage.h"
@@ -1055,11 +1056,12 @@ bool Score::read(XmlReader& e)
                         // float mode
+                  _scoreFont = ScoreFont::fontFactory(_style.value(StyleIdx::MusicalSymbolFont).toString());
             else if (tag == "copyright" || tag == "rights") {
                   Text* text = new Text(this);
-                  setMetaTag("copyright", text->text());
+                  setMetaTag("copyright", text->xmlText());
                   delete text;
             else if (tag == "movement-number")
@@ -1191,10 +1193,11 @@ bool Score::read(XmlReader& e)
             // check spanFrom
-            if(st->barLineFrom() < MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO)
-                  st->setBarLineFrom(MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO);
-            if(st->barLineFrom() > st->lines()*2)
-                  st->setBarLineFrom(st->lines()*2);
+            int minBarLineFrom = st->lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO;
+            if (st->barLineFrom() < minBarLineFrom)
+                  st->setBarLineFrom(minBarLineFrom);
+            if (st->barLineFrom() > st->lines() * 2)
+                  st->setBarLineFrom(st->lines() * 2);
             // check spanTo
             Staff* stTo = st->barLineSpan() <= 1 ? st : staff(idx + st->barLineSpan() - 1);
             // 1-line staves have special bar line spans
@@ -1208,7 +1211,7 @@ bool Score::read(XmlReader& e)
             // on single staff span, check spanFrom and spanTo are distant enough
             if (st->barLineSpan() == 1) {
-                  if(st->barLineTo() - st->barLineFrom() < MIN_BARLINE_FROMTO_DIST) {
+                  if (st->barLineTo() - st->barLineFrom() < MIN_BARLINE_FROMTO_DIST) {
diff --git a/libmscore/segment.cpp b/libmscore/segment.cpp
index 607c440..e4ba8ac 100644
--- a/libmscore/segment.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/segment.cpp
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ void Segment::add(Element* el)
             case Element::Type::STAFF_STATE:
                   if (static_cast<StaffState*>(el)->staffStateType() == StaffStateType::INSTRUMENT) {
                         StaffState* ss = static_cast<StaffState*>(el);
-                        Part* part = el->staff()->part();
+                        Part* part = el->part();
                         part->setInstrument(ss->instrument(), tick());
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ void Segment::add(Element* el)
             case Element::Type::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE: {
                   InstrumentChange* is = static_cast<InstrumentChange*>(el);
-                  Part* part = is->staff()->part();
+                  Part* part = is->part();
                   part->setInstrument(is->instrument(), tick());
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void Segment::remove(Element* el)
             case Element::Type::STAFF_STATE:
                   if (static_cast<StaffState*>(el)->staffStateType() == StaffStateType::INSTRUMENT) {
-                        Part* part = el->staff()->part();
+                        Part* part = el->part();
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ void Segment::remove(Element* el)
             case Element::Type::INSTRUMENT_CHANGE:
                   InstrumentChange* is = static_cast<InstrumentChange*>(el);
-                  Part* part = is->staff()->part();
+                  Part* part = is->part();
diff --git a/libmscore/select.cpp b/libmscore/select.cpp
index 29151b5..33975a4 100644
--- a/libmscore/select.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/select.cpp
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ QByteArray Selection::staffMimeData() const
             Staff* staff = score()->staff(staffIdx);
             Part* part = staff->part();
-            Interval interval = part->instr(seg1->tick())->transpose();
+            Interval interval = part->instrument(seg1->tick())->transpose();
             if (interval.chromatic)
                   xml.tag("transposeChromatic", interval.chromatic);
             if (interval.diatonic)
@@ -953,6 +953,8 @@ QList<Note*> Selection::noteList(int selTrack) const
                         if (!(seg->segmentType() & (Segment::Type::ChordRest)))
                         for (int track = startTrack; track < endTrack; ++track) {
+                              if (!canSelectVoice(track))
+                                  continue;
                               Element* e = seg->element(track);
                               if (e == 0 || e->type() != Element::Type::CHORD
                                  || (selTrack != -1 && selTrack != track))
diff --git a/libmscore/sequencer.h b/libmscore/sequencer.h
index 842f1fc..8c77b96 100644
--- a/libmscore/sequencer.h
+++ b/libmscore/sequencer.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class Sequencer {
       virtual ~Sequencer() {}
       virtual void sendEvent(const NPlayEvent&) = 0;
+      virtual void startNote(int channel, int, int, double nt) = 0;
       virtual void startNote(int channel, int, int, int, double nt) = 0;
diff --git a/libmscore/slur.cpp b/libmscore/slur.cpp
index 56fa693..b567497 100644
--- a/libmscore/slur.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/slur.cpp
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ bool SlurSegment::edit(MuseScoreView* viewer, Grip curGrip, int key, Qt::Keyboar
       else if (key == Qt::Key_Right)
             cr = nextChordRest(e);
       else if (key == Qt::Key_Up) {
-            Part* part     = e->staff()->part();
+            Part* part     = e->part();
             int startTrack = part->startTrack();
             int endTrack   = e->track();
             cr = searchCR(e->segment(), endTrack, startTrack);
       else if (key == Qt::Key_Down) {
             int startTrack = e->track() + 1;
-            Part* part     = e->staff()->part();
+            Part* part     = e->part();
             int endTrack   = part->endTrack();
             cr = searchCR(e->segment(), startTrack, endTrack);
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ void SlurSegment::editDrag(const EditData& ed)
                         if (ed.curGrip == Grip::END && spanner->type() == Element::Type::TIE) {
                               Tie* tie = static_cast<Tie*>(spanner);
                               if (tie->startNote()->pitch() == note->pitch()
-                                 && tie->startNote()->chord()->tick() <= note->chord()->tick()) {
+                                 && tie->startNote()->chord()->tick() < note->chord()->tick()) {
                                     if (note != tie->endNote()) {
                                           changeAnchor(ed.view, ed.curGrip, note);
diff --git a/libmscore/spanner.cpp b/libmscore/spanner.cpp
index 0677540..41a52ef 100644
--- a/libmscore/spanner.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/spanner.cpp
@@ -457,8 +457,13 @@ bool Spanner::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
             case P_ID::SPANNER_TICKS:
+            case P_ID::TRACK:
+                  setTrack(v.toInt());
+                  setStartElement(0);
+                  break;
             case P_ID::SPANNER_TRACK2:
+                  setEndElement(0);
             case P_ID::ANCHOR:
diff --git a/libmscore/spanner.h b/libmscore/spanner.h
index b83ff52..5663449 100644
--- a/libmscore/spanner.h
+++ b/libmscore/spanner.h
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class SpannerSegment : public Element {
       virtual QVariant getProperty(P_ID id) const override;
       virtual bool setProperty(P_ID id, const QVariant& v) override;
       virtual QVariant propertyDefault(P_ID id) const override;
-      virtual void reset() override;
+      void reset() override;
       virtual void setSelected(bool f) override;
       virtual void setVisible(bool f) override;
       virtual void setColor(const QColor& col) override;
@@ -93,9 +93,11 @@ class SpannerSegment : public Element {
 //   @@ Spanner
 ///   Virtual base class for slurs, ties, lines etc.
-//    @P tick      int                  tick start position
-//    @P tick2     int                  tick end position
-//    @P anchor    Ms::Spanner::Anchor  (SEGMENT, MEASURE, CHORD, NOTE)
+//    @P anchor         Ms::Spanner::Anchor     (SEGMENT, MEASURE, CHORD, NOTE)
+//    @P endElement     MS::Element             the element the spanner end is anchored to (read-only)
+//    @P startElement   MS::Element             the element the spanner start is anchored to (read-only)
+//    @P tick           int                     tick start position
+//    @P tick2          int                     tick end position
 class Spanner : public Element {
@@ -107,9 +109,11 @@ class Spanner : public Element {
-      Q_PROPERTY(int                 tick    READ tick    WRITE setTick)
-      Q_PROPERTY(int                 tick2   READ tick2   WRITE setTick2)
-      Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Spanner::Anchor anchor  READ anchor  WRITE setAnchor)
+      Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Spanner::Anchor      anchor            READ anchor       WRITE setAnchor)
+      Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Element*             endElement        READ endElement)
+      Q_PROPERTY(Ms::Element*             startElement      READ startElement)
+      Q_PROPERTY(int                      tick              READ tick         WRITE setTick)
+      Q_PROPERTY(int                      tick2             READ tick2        WRITE setTick2)
       Element* _startElement { 0  };
       Element* _endElement   { 0  };
diff --git a/libmscore/staff.cpp b/libmscore/staff.cpp
index ea5b7e2..c5c074f 100644
--- a/libmscore/staff.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/staff.cpp
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ void Staff::write(Xml& xml) const
       // for copy/paste we need to know the actual transposition
       if (xml.clipboardmode) {
-            Interval v = part()->instr()->transpose();
+            Interval v = part()->instrument()->transpose();
             if (v.diatonic)
                   xml.tag("transposeDiatonic", v.diatonic);
             if (v.chromatic)
@@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ void Staff::write(Xml& xml) const
       if (_hideSystemBarLine)
             xml.tag("hideSystemBarLine", _hideSystemBarLine);
-      foreach(const BracketItem& i, _brackets)
-            xml.tagE("bracket type=\"%d\" span=\"%d\"", i._bracket, i._bracketSpan);
+      for (const BracketItem& i : _brackets)
+            xml.tagE(QString("bracket type=\"%1\" span=\"%2\"").arg((signed char)(i._bracket)).arg(i._bracketSpan));
       // for economy and consistency, only output "from" and "to" attributes if different from default
       int defaultLineFrom = (lines() == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : 0);
diff --git a/libmscore/staff.h b/libmscore/staff.h
index 83ed603..d4a5a2b 100644
--- a/libmscore/staff.h
+++ b/libmscore/staff.h
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 namespace Ms {
-class Instrument;
 class InstrumentTemplate;
 class Xml;
 class Part;
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ class Score;
 class KeyList;
 class StaffType;
 class Staff;
-class StringData;
 struct ClefTypeList;
 class Segment;
 class Clef;
diff --git a/libmscore/stem.cpp b/libmscore/stem.cpp
index 77e31d3..d05f375 100644
--- a/libmscore/stem.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/stem.cpp
@@ -227,8 +227,6 @@ void Stem::read(XmlReader& e)
             else if (!Element::readProperties(e))
-      if (_userLen < 0.0)
-            _userLen = -_userLen;
diff --git a/libmscore/stringdata.cpp b/libmscore/stringdata.cpp
index 97ebe5b..8826d53 100644
--- a/libmscore/stringdata.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/stringdata.cpp
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ void StringData::fretChords(Chord * chord) const
       int   count = 0;
       // store staff pitch offset at this tick, to speed up actual note pitch calculations
       // (ottavas not implemented yet)
-      int transp = chord->staff() ? chord->staff()->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
+      int transp = chord->staff() ? chord->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
       int pitchOffset = /*chord->staff()->pitchOffset(chord->segment()->tick())*/ - transp;
       // if chord parent is not a segment, the chord is special (usually a grace chord):
       // fret it by itself, ignoring the segment
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ void StringData::fretChords(Chord * chord) const
 int StringData::pitchOffsetAt(Staff* staff, int /*tick*/)
-      int transp = staff ? staff->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
+      int transp = staff ? staff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic : 0;
       return (/*staff->pitchOffset(tick)*/ - transp);
diff --git a/libmscore/style.cpp b/libmscore/style.cpp
index 8829b29..98f1dd7 100644
--- a/libmscore/style.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/style.cpp
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ void initStyle(MStyle* s)
       s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Dynamics"),  ff, 12, false, false,false,
          AlignmentFlags::HCENTER | AlignmentFlags::BASELINE, QPointF(0.0, 8.0), OffsetType::SPATIUM, true));
       s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Technique"), ff, 12, false, true, false,
-         AlignmentFlags::LEFT | AlignmentFlags::BASELINE, QPointF(0.0, -2.0), OffsetType::SPATIUM));
+         AlignmentFlags::LEFT | AlignmentFlags::BASELINE, QPointF(0.0, -2.0), OffsetType::SPATIUM, true));
       s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Tempo"), ff, 12, true, false, false,
          AlignmentFlags::LEFT | AlignmentFlags::BASELINE, QPointF(0, -4.0), OffsetType::SPATIUM,
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void initStyle(MStyle* s)
          AlignmentFlags::HCENTER | AlignmentFlags::BOTTOM, QPointF(.0, -2.0), OffsetType::SPATIUM, true));
       s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Translator"),     ff, 11, false, false, false,
          AlignmentFlags::HCENTER | AlignmentFlags::TOP, QPointF(0, 6)));
-      s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Tuplet"),         ff,  10, false, true, false,
+      s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "Tuplet"),         ff, 10, false, true, false,
          AlignmentFlags::CENTER, QPointF(), OffsetType::ABS, true));
       s->addTextStyle(TextStyle(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP ("TextStyle", "System"), ff,  10, false, false, false,
diff --git a/libmscore/system.cpp b/libmscore/system.cpp
index de1f6fc..e81c451 100644
--- a/libmscore/system.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/system.cpp
@@ -404,6 +404,8 @@ void System::layout2()
             _barLine->setSpan(lastStaffIdx - firstStaffIdx + 1);
             if (score()->staff(firstStaffIdx)->lines() == 1)
+            else
+                  _barLine->setSpanFrom(0);
             int spanTo = (score()->staff(lastStaffIdx)->lines() == 1) ?
                               BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO :
@@ -570,8 +572,8 @@ void System::setInstrumentNames(bool longName)
                         iname->setInstrumentNameType(longName ? InstrumentNameType::LONG : InstrumentNameType::SHORT);
-                  iname->setText(sn.name);
-                  iname->setLayoutPos(sn.pos);
+                  iname->setXmlText(sn.name());
+                  iname->setLayoutPos(sn.pos());
             for (; idx < staff->instrumentNames.size(); ++idx)
diff --git a/libmscore/tempotext.cpp b/libmscore/tempotext.cpp
index 930e2b2..f6ec6e8 100644
--- a/libmscore/tempotext.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/tempotext.cpp
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ void TempoText::read(XmlReader& e)
 //                  }
       // check sanity
-      if (text().isEmpty()) {
-            setText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(lrint(60 * _tempo)));
+      if (xmlText().isEmpty()) {
+            setXmlText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(lrint(60 * _tempo)));
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ int TempoText::findTempoDuration(const QString& s, int& len, TDuration& dur)
 QString TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(const TDuration dur)
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(tp)/sizeof(*tp); ++i) {
-            if (tp[i].d == dur) {
-                  QString res = tp[i].pattern;
+      for (const TempoPattern& pa : tp) {
+            if (pa.d == dur) {
+                  QString res = pa.pattern;
                   return res;
@@ -153,16 +153,16 @@ void TempoText::textChanged()
       if (!_followText)
-      QString s = text();
-      s.replace(QString(","), QString("."));
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(tp)/sizeof(*tp); ++i) {
-            QRegExp re(QString(tp[i].pattern)+"\\s*=\\s*(\\d+[.]{0,1}\\d*)");
+      QString s = xmlText();
+      s.replace(",", ".");
+      for (const TempoPattern& pa : tp) {
+            QRegExp re(QString(pa.pattern)+"\\s*=\\s*(\\d+[.]{0,1}\\d*)");
             if (re.indexIn(s) != -1) {
                   QStringList sl = re.capturedTexts();
                   if (sl.size() == 2) {
-                        qreal nt = qreal(sl[1].toDouble()) * tp[i].f;
+                        qreal nt = qreal(sl[1].toDouble()) * pa.f;
                         if (nt != _tempo) {
-                              _tempo = qreal(sl[1].toDouble()) * tp[i].f;
+                              _tempo = qreal(sl[1].toDouble()) * pa.f;
                                     score()->setTempo(segment(), _tempo);
diff --git a/libmscore/text.cpp b/libmscore/text.cpp
index 13ba4c5..2778e05 100644
--- a/libmscore/text.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/text.cpp
@@ -1737,13 +1737,13 @@ bool Text::edit(MuseScoreView*, Grip, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers,
                   case Qt::Key_Minus:
-                        s = "-";
-                        modifiers = 0;
+                        if (modifiers == 0)
+                              s = "-";
                   case Qt::Key_Underscore:
-                        s = "_";
-                        modifiers = 0;
+                        if (modifiers == 0)
+                              s = "_";
                   case Qt::Key_A:
@@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ void Text::writeProperties(Xml& xml, bool writeText, bool writeStyle) const
             _textStyle.writeProperties(xml, score()->textStyle(_styleIndex));
       if (writeText)
-            xml.writeXml("text", text());
+            xml.writeXml("text", xmlText());
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ bool Text::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
       else if (tag == "text")
             _text = e.readXml();
       else if (tag == "html-data")
-            setText(convertFromHtml(e.readXml()));
+            setXmlText(convertFromHtml(e.readXml()));
       else if (tag == "subtype")          // obsolete
       else if (tag == "frameWidth") {           // obsolete
@@ -2345,7 +2345,7 @@ void Text::setTextStyle(const TextStyle& st)
       _textStyle = st;
       if (editMode()) {
-            setText(plainText());
+            setXmlText(plainText());
@@ -2449,7 +2449,7 @@ QVariant Text::getProperty(P_ID propertyId) const
             case P_ID::TEXT_STYLE_TYPE:
                   return QVariant(int(_styleIndex));
             case P_ID::TEXT:
-                  return text();
+                  return xmlText();
                   return Element::getProperty(propertyId);
@@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ bool Text::setProperty(P_ID propertyId, const QVariant& v)
             case P_ID::TEXT:
-                  setText(v.toString());
+                  setXmlText(v.toString());
                   rv = Element::setProperty(propertyId, v);
@@ -2696,14 +2696,14 @@ Element* Text::drop(const DropData& data)
 void Text::setPlainText(const QString& s)
-      setText(s.toHtmlEscaped());
+      setXmlText(s.toHtmlEscaped());
-//   setText
+//   setXmlText
-void Text::setText(const QString& s)
+void Text::setXmlText(const QString& s)
       _text = s;
diff --git a/libmscore/text.h b/libmscore/text.h
index 4dda720..2e950ca 100644
--- a/libmscore/text.h
+++ b/libmscore/text.h
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class TextBlock {
 class Text : public Element {
-      Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE undoSetText)
+      Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ xmlText WRITE undoSetText)
       QString _text;
       static QString oldText;      // used to remember original text in edit mode
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ class Text : public Element {
       void restyle(TextStyleType);
       void setPlainText(const QString&);
-      void setText(const QString&);
-      QString text() const                    { return _text; }
+      void setXmlText(const QString&);
+      QString xmlText() const                 { return _text; }
       QString plainText(bool noSym = false) const;
       void insertText(const QString&);
diff --git a/libmscore/textline.cpp b/libmscore/textline.cpp
index 8db2508..0c1e793 100644
--- a/libmscore/textline.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/textline.cpp
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ void TextLineSegment::setText(Text* t)
             else {
-                  _text->setText(t->text());
+                  _text->setXmlText(t->xmlText());
       else {
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void TextLineSegment::layout1()
             else {
-                  _endText->setText(tl->_endText->text());
+                  _endText->setXmlText(tl->_endText->xmlText());
       else {
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ void TextLine::setBeginText(const QString& s, TextStyleType textStyle)
-      _beginText->setText(s);
+      _beginText->setXmlText(s);
 void TextLine::setBeginText(const QString& s)
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ void TextLine::setBeginText(const QString& s)
-      _beginText->setText(s);
+      _beginText->setXmlText(s);
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ void TextLine::setContinueText(const QString& s, TextStyleType textStyle)
-      _continueText->setText(s);
+      _continueText->setXmlText(s);
 void TextLine::setContinueText(const QString& s)
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ void TextLine::setContinueText(const QString& s)
-      _continueText->setText(s);
+      _continueText->setXmlText(s);
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ void TextLine::setEndText(const QString& s, TextStyleType textStyle)
-      _endText->setText(s);
+      _endText->setXmlText(s);
 void TextLine::setEndText(const QString& s)
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ void TextLine::setEndText(const QString& s)
-      _endText->setText(s);
+      _endText->setXmlText(s);
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ void TextLine::spatiumChanged(qreal ov, qreal nv)
 QString TextLine::beginText() const
-      return _beginText ? _beginText->text() : "";
+      return _beginText ? _beginText->xmlText() : "";
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ QString TextLine::beginText() const
 QString TextLine::continueText() const
-      return _continueText ? _continueText->text() : "";
+      return _continueText ? _continueText->xmlText() : "";
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ QString TextLine::continueText() const
 QString TextLine::endText() const
-      return _endText ? _endText->text() : "";
+      return _endText ? _endText->xmlText() : "";
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ void TextLine::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
       if (_beginText) {
-            bool textDiff  = _beginText->text() != propertyDefault(P_ID::BEGIN_TEXT).toString();
+            bool textDiff  = _beginText->xmlText() != propertyDefault(P_ID::BEGIN_TEXT).toString();
             bool styleDiff = _beginText->textStyle() != propertyDefault(P_ID::BEGIN_TEXT_STYLE).value<TextStyle>();
             if (styleDiff)
                   textDiff = true;
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ void TextLine::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
       if (_continueText) {
-            bool textDiff  = _continueText->text() != propertyDefault(P_ID::CONTINUE_TEXT).toString();
+            bool textDiff  = _continueText->xmlText() != propertyDefault(P_ID::CONTINUE_TEXT).toString();
             bool styleDiff = _continueText->textStyle() != propertyDefault(P_ID::CONTINUE_TEXT_STYLE).value<TextStyle>();
             if (styleDiff)
                   textDiff = true;
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ void TextLine::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
       if (_endText) {
-            bool textDiff  = _endText->text() != propertyDefault(P_ID::END_TEXT).toString();
+            bool textDiff  = _endText->xmlText() != propertyDefault(P_ID::END_TEXT).toString();
             bool styleDiff = _endText->textStyle() != propertyDefault(P_ID::END_TEXT_STYLE).value<TextStyle>();
             if (styleDiff)
                   textDiff = true;
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ bool TextLine::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
-                  _beginText->setText("");
+                  _beginText->setXmlText("");
       else if (tag == "continueText") {
@@ -792,7 +792,7 @@ bool TextLine::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
-                  _continueText->setText("");
+                  _continueText->setXmlText("");
       else if (tag == "endText") {
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ bool TextLine::readProperties(XmlReader& e)
-                  _endText->setText("");
+                  _endText->setXmlText("");
       else if (!SLine::readProperties(e)) {
diff --git a/libmscore/transpose.cpp b/libmscore/transpose.cpp
index 63e12a9..02795c6 100644
--- a/libmscore/transpose.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/transpose.cpp
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ bool Score::transpose(TransposeMode mode, TransposeDirection direction, Key trKe
                   // calculate interval from "transpose by key"
                   Key oKey = st->key(startTick);
                   if (!styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-                        int diff = st->part()->instr(startTick)->transpose().chromatic;
+                        int diff = st->part()->instrument(startTick)->transpose().chromatic;
                         if (diff)
                               oKey = transposeKey(oKey, diff);
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ void Note::transposeDiatonic(int interval, bool keepAlterations, bool useDoubleA
 void Score::transpositionChanged(Part* part, Interval oldV)
-      Interval v = part->instr()->transpose();
+      Interval v = part->instrument()->transpose();
       // transpose keys first
diff --git a/libmscore/tremolo.cpp b/libmscore/tremolo.cpp
index 485346c..cbffd0a 100644
--- a/libmscore/tremolo.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/tremolo.cpp
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ void Tremolo::layout()
             int idx = _chord1->hook() ? 1 : (_chord1->beam() ? 2 : 0);
             y = (line + t[idx][up][_lines-1][line & 1]) * spatium() * .5;
             setPos(x, y);
+            adjustReadPos();
       y += (h - bbox().height()) * .5;
@@ -252,6 +253,7 @@ void Tremolo::layout()
       // qreal x1     = _chord1->stemPos(_chord1->up(), true).x();
       x             = x1 - _chord1->pagePos().x() + (x2 - x1 + _chord1->upNote()->headWidth()) * .5;
       setPos(x, y);
+      adjustReadPos();
diff --git a/libmscore/tremolobar.cpp b/libmscore/tremolobar.cpp
index 9c82069..3d42687 100644
--- a/libmscore/tremolobar.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/tremolobar.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ void TremoloBar::layout()
                   noteWidth = -_spatium*2;
                   notePos   = QPointF(0.0, _spatium*3);
-            return;
       _lw = _spatium * 0.1;
@@ -82,8 +81,6 @@ void TremoloBar::layout()
 void TremoloBar::draw(QPainter* painter) const
-      if (staff() && !staff()->isTabStaff())
-            return;
       QPen pen(curColor(), _lw, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
diff --git a/libmscore/tuplet.cpp b/libmscore/tuplet.cpp
index 19d40ab..93c84c5 100644
--- a/libmscore/tuplet.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/tuplet.cpp
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ void Tuplet::layout()
             if (_numberType == NumberType::SHOW_NUMBER)
-                  _number->setText(QString("%1").arg(_ratio.numerator()));
+                  _number->setXmlText(QString("%1").arg(_ratio.numerator()));
-                  _number->setText(QString("%1:%2").arg(_ratio.numerator()).arg(_ratio.denominator()));
+                  _number->setXmlText(QString("%1:%2").arg(_ratio.numerator()).arg(_ratio.denominator()));
       else {
             if (_number) {
@@ -209,6 +209,16 @@ void Tuplet::layout()
       qreal noteLeft = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tupletNoteLeftDistance).val() * _spatium;
       qreal noteRight = score()->styleS(StyleIdx::tupletNoteRightDistance).val() * _spatium;
+      int move = 0;
+      if (outOfStaff && cr1->isChordRest() && cr2->isChordRest()) {
+            // account for staff move when adjusting bracket to avoid staff
+            // but don't attempt adjustment unless both endpoints are in same staff
+            if (static_cast<const ChordRest*>(cr1)->staffMove() == static_cast<const ChordRest*>(cr2)->staffMove())
+                  move = static_cast<const ChordRest*>(cr1)->staffMove();
+            else
+                  outOfStaff = false;
+            }
       qreal l1 = _spatium;          // bracket tip height
       qreal l2l = vHeadDistance;    // left bracket vertical distance
       qreal l2r = vHeadDistance;    // right bracket vertical distance right
@@ -296,12 +306,12 @@ void Tuplet::layout()
             // outOfStaff
             if (outOfStaff) {
-                  qreal min = cr1->measure()->staffabbox(cr1->staffIdx()).y();
+                  qreal min = cr1->measure()->staffabbox(cr1->staffIdx() + move).y();
                   if (min < p1.y()) {
                         p1.ry() = min;
                         l2l = vStemDistance;
-                  min = cr2->measure()->staffabbox(cr2->staffIdx()).y();
+                  min = cr2->measure()->staffabbox(cr2->staffIdx() + move).y();
                   if (min < p2.y()) {
                         p2.ry() = min;
                         l2r = vStemDistance;
@@ -407,12 +417,12 @@ void Tuplet::layout()
             // outOfStaff
             if (outOfStaff) {
-                  qreal max = cr1->measure()->staffabbox(cr1->staffIdx()).bottom();
+                  qreal max = cr1->measure()->staffabbox(cr1->staffIdx() + move).bottom();
                   if (max > p1.y()) {
                         p1.ry() = max;
                         l2l = vStemDistance;
-                  max = cr2->measure()->staffabbox(cr2->staffIdx()).bottom();
+                  max = cr2->measure()->staffabbox(cr2->staffIdx() + move).bottom();
                   if (max > p2.y()) {
                         p2.ry() = max;
                         l2r = vStemDistance;
diff --git a/libmscore/undo.cpp b/libmscore/undo.cpp
index 14c010f..736e21f 100644
--- a/libmscore/undo.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/undo.cpp
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ void Score::undoChangeKeySig(Staff* ostaff, int tick, KeySigEvent key)
             int track    = staffIdx * VOICES;
             KeySig* ks   = static_cast<KeySig*>(s->element(track));
-            Interval interval = staff->part()->instr()->transpose();
+            Interval interval = staff->part()->instrument()->transpose();
             KeySigEvent nkey = key;
             bool concertPitch = score->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch);
             if (interval.chromatic && !concertPitch && !nkey.custom()) {
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ void Score::undoChangeClef(Staff* ostaff, Segment* seg, ClefType st)
                   // for transposing instruments, differentiate
                   // clef type for concertPitch
-                  Instrument* i = staff->part()->instr(tick);
+                  Instrument* i = staff->part()->instrument(tick);
                   ClefType cp, tp;
                   if (i->transpose().isZero()) {
                         cp = st;
@@ -878,13 +878,16 @@ void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
             foreach(Score* s, scoreList())
-            foreach(Staff* staff, staffList) {
+            foreach (Staff* staff, staffList) {
                   Score* score = staff->score();
                   int staffIdx = score->staffIdx(staff);
                   Element* ne;
-                  if (staff == ostaff)
+                  if (staff->score() == ostaff->score())
                         ne = element;
                   else {
+                        // only create linked volta for first staff
+                        if (et == Element::Type::VOLTA && element->track() != 0)
+                              continue;
                         ne = element->linkedClone();
@@ -1027,6 +1030,7 @@ void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
          && et != Element::Type::TREMOLO
          && et != Element::Type::ARPEGGIO
          && et != Element::Type::SYMBOL
+         && et != Element::Type::TREMOLOBAR
          && et != Element::Type::FRET_DIAGRAM
          && et != Element::Type::HARMONY)
             ) {
@@ -1127,6 +1131,7 @@ void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
             else if (element->type() == Element::Type::SYMBOL
                || element->type() == Element::Type::IMAGE
+               || element->type() == Element::Type::TREMOLOBAR
                || element->type() == Element::Type::DYNAMIC
                || element->type() == Element::Type::STAFF_TEXT
                || element->type() == Element::Type::FRET_DIAGRAM
@@ -1143,8 +1148,8 @@ void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
                   if (element->type() == Element::Type::HARMONY && ne != element) {
                         Harmony* h = static_cast<Harmony*>(ne);
                         if (score->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) != element->score()->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-                              Part* partDest = h->staff()->part();
-                              Interval interval = partDest->instr()->transpose();
+                              Part* partDest = h->part();
+                              Interval interval = partDest->instrument()->transpose();
                               if (!interval.isZero()) {
                                     if (!score->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch))
@@ -1272,7 +1277,7 @@ void Score::undoAddElement(Element* element)
                   // ws: instrument should not be changed here
                   if (is->instrument()->channel().isEmpty() || is->instrument()->channel(0)->program == -1)
-                        nis->setInstrument(*staff->part()->instr(s1->tick()));
+                        nis->setInstrument(*staff->part()->instrument(s1->tick()));
                   else if (nis != is)
                   undo(new AddElement(nis));
@@ -2245,7 +2250,7 @@ void TransposeHarmony::flip()
       int rootTpc1 = harmony->rootTpc();
-      harmony->setText(harmony->harmonyName());
+      harmony->setXmlText(harmony->harmonyName());
       rootTpc = rootTpc1;
       baseTpc = baseTpc1;
@@ -2384,8 +2389,8 @@ void EditText::redo()
 void EditText::undoRedo()
-      QString s = text->text();
-      text->setText(oldText);
+      QString s = text->xmlText();
+      text->setXmlText(oldText);
       oldText = s;
@@ -2580,7 +2585,7 @@ ChangePart::ChangePart(Part* _part, Instrument* i, const QString& s)
 void ChangePart::flip()
-      Instrument* oi = part->instr();
+      Instrument* oi = part->instrument();
       QString s      = part->partName();
@@ -3047,6 +3052,7 @@ void InsertRemoveMeasures::removeMeasures()
             score->connectTies(true);   // ??
+      score->setLayoutAll(true);
diff --git a/libmscore/undo.h b/libmscore/undo.h
index e0e9d83..071397d 100644
--- a/libmscore/undo.h
+++ b/libmscore/undo.h
@@ -456,21 +456,6 @@ class ChangeSingleBarLineSpan : public UndoCommand {
-//   SigInsertTime
-class SigInsertTime : public UndoCommand {
-      Score* score;
-      int tick;
-      int len;
-      void flip();
-   public:
-      SigInsertTime(Score*, int tick, int len);
-      UNDO_NAME("SigInsertTime")
-      };
 //   TransposeHarmony
diff --git a/libmscore/utils.cpp b/libmscore/utils.cpp
index a3e48ad..01b3436 100644
--- a/libmscore/utils.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/utils.cpp
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ Note* searchTieNote(Note* note)
       Note* note2  = 0;
       Chord* chord = note->chord();
       Segment* seg = chord->segment();
-      Part* part   = chord->staff()->part();
+      Part* part   = chord->part();
       int strack   = part->staves()->front()->idx() * VOICES;
       int etrack   = strack + part->staves()->size() * VOICES;
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ Note* searchTieNote114(Note* note)
       Note* note2  = 0;
       Chord* chord = note->chord();
       Segment* seg = chord->segment();
-      Part* part   = chord->staff()->part();
+      Part* part   = chord->part();
       int strack   = part->staves()->front()->idx() * VOICES;
       int etrack   = strack + part->staves()->size() * VOICES;
diff --git a/libmscore/volta.cpp b/libmscore/volta.cpp
index d66350c..0fb0dc1 100644
--- a/libmscore/volta.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/volta.cpp
@@ -199,10 +199,7 @@ void Volta::setText(const QString& s)
 QString Volta::text() const
-      if (_beginText)
-            return _beginText->text();
-      else
-            return QString();
+      return _beginText ? _beginText->xmlText() : QString();
diff --git a/libmscore/volta.h b/libmscore/volta.h
index e9bde0b..50231a7 100644
--- a/libmscore/volta.h
+++ b/libmscore/volta.h
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class VoltaSegment : public TextLineSegment {
       virtual PropertyStyle propertyStyle(P_ID) const override;
       virtual void resetProperty(P_ID id) override;
       virtual void styleChanged() override;
-      virtual void reset() override { spanner()->reset(); }
diff --git a/libmscore/xml.cpp b/libmscore/xml.cpp
index 604b019..3032a85 100644
--- a/libmscore/xml.cpp
+++ b/libmscore/xml.cpp
@@ -214,6 +214,23 @@ double XmlReader::readDouble(double min, double max)
+//   readBool
+bool XmlReader::readBool()
+      {
+      bool val;
+      XmlStreamReader::TokenType tt = readNext();
+      if (tt == XmlStreamReader::Characters) {
+            val = text().toInt() != 0;
+            readNext();
+            }
+      else
+            val = true;
+      return val;
+      }
 //   compareProperty
@@ -541,7 +558,7 @@ void Xml::tag(const char* name, const QWidget* g)
-//   toHtml
+//   xmlString
 QString Xml::xmlString(ushort c)
@@ -564,7 +581,7 @@ QString Xml::xmlString(ushort c)
-//   toHtml
+//   xmlString
 QString Xml::xmlString(const QString& s)
diff --git a/libmscore/xml.h b/libmscore/xml.h
index 7dde78f..56a0c72 100644
--- a/libmscore/xml.h
+++ b/libmscore/xml.h
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class XmlReader : public XmlStreamReader {
       int readInt(bool* ok) { return readElementText().toInt(ok);  }
       double readDouble()   { return readElementText().toDouble(); }
       double readDouble(double min, double max);
-      bool readBool()       { return readElementText().toInt() != 0; }
+      bool readBool();
       QPointF readPoint();
       QSizeF readSize();
       QRectF readRect();
diff --git a/midi/midifile.cpp b/midi/midifile.cpp
index b1fc5fa..af4e2cf 100644
--- a/midi/midifile.cpp
+++ b/midi/midifile.cpp
@@ -857,8 +857,8 @@ void MidiFile::separateChannel()
                         // create a list of channels used in current track
             QList<int> channel;
             MidiTrack &mt = _tracks[i];      // current track
-            for (auto i : mt.events()) {
-                  const MidiEvent& e = i.second;
+            for (const auto& ie : mt.events()) {
+                  const MidiEvent& e = ie.second;
                   if (e.isChannelEvent() && !channel.contains(e.channel()))
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ void MidiFile::separateChannel()
             for (int ii = 1; ii < nn; ++ii) {
                   MidiTrack t;
-                  _tracks.insert(i + 1, t);
+                  _tracks.insert(i + ii, t);
                         // extract all different channel events from current track to inserted tracks
             for (auto ie = mt.events().begin(); ie != mt.events().end(); ) {
diff --git a/mscore/CMakeLists.txt b/mscore/CMakeLists.txt
index dfe5a59..dbcbce0 100644
--- a/mscore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mscore/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -527,6 +527,8 @@ if (APPLE)
+      ../fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf
+      ../fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf
diff --git a/mscore/aboutbox.ui b/mscore/aboutbox.ui
index 994936b..4983d40 100644
--- a/mscore/aboutbox.ui
+++ b/mscore/aboutbox.ui
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
            <property name="pixmap">
-            <pixmap>:/data/musescore_logo_full.png</pixmap>
+            <pixmap resource="musescore.qrc">:/data/musescore_logo_full.png</pixmap>
            <property name="margin">
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
-            <widget class="QPushButton" name="copyRevisionButton">
+            <widget class="QToolButton" name="copyRevisionButton">
              <property name="toolTip">
               <string>Copy revision number</string>
              <property name="text">
-              <string/>
+              <string notr="true"/>
diff --git a/mscore/album.cpp b/mscore/album.cpp
index 9773701..c1998f3 100644
--- a/mscore/album.cpp
+++ b/mscore/album.cpp
@@ -48,11 +48,9 @@ void Album::print()
       QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
-      Score* score = _scores[0]->score;
       printer.setCreator("MuseScore Version: " MSC_VERSION);
-      printer.setDoubleSidedPrinting(score->pageFormat()->twosided());
       QPrintDialog pd(&printer, 0);
diff --git a/mscore/articulationprop.cpp b/mscore/articulationprop.cpp
index 9425174..aa39fc1 100644
--- a/mscore/articulationprop.cpp
+++ b/mscore/articulationprop.cpp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ArticulationProperties::ArticulationProperties(Articulation* na, QWidget* parent
       if (cr) {
             Segment* segment       = cr->segment();
             Part* part             = articulation->staff()->part();
-            Instrument* instrument = part->instr(segment->tick());
+            Instrument* instrument = part->instrument(segment->tick());
 //      const QList<NamedEventList>& midiActions() const;
 //      const QList<MidiArticulation>& articulation() const;
diff --git a/mscore/bb.cpp b/mscore/bb.cpp
index b9570cc..5c0e0bc 100644
--- a/mscore/bb.cpp
+++ b/mscore/bb.cpp
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ Score::FileError importBB(Score* score, const QString& name)
       Text* text = new Text(score);
 //      text->setSubtype(TEXT_TITLE);
-      text->setText(bb.title());
+      text->setPlainText(bb.title());
       MeasureBase* measure = score->first();
       if (measure->type() != Element::Type::VBOX) {
@@ -552,10 +552,11 @@ Score::FileError importBB(Score* score, const QString& name)
 int BBFile::processPendingNotes(Score* score, QList<MNote*>* notes, int len, int track)
-      Staff* cstaff          = score->staff(track/VOICES);
-      const Drumset* drumset = cstaff->part()->instr()->drumset();
-      bool useDrumset        = cstaff->part()->instr()->useDrumset();
-      int tick               = notes->at(0)->mc.ontime();
+      Staff* cstaff                = score->staff(track/VOICES);
+      const Instrument* instrument = cstaff->part()->instrument();
+      const Drumset* drumset       = instrument->drumset();
+      bool useDrumset              = instrument->useDrumset();
+      int tick                     = notes->at(0)->mc.ontime();
       // look for len of shortest note
diff --git a/mscore/capella.cpp b/mscore/capella.cpp
index 7b03b1e..69de2e9 100644
--- a/mscore/capella.cpp
+++ b/mscore/capella.cpp
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ static void processBasicDrawObj(QList<BasicDrawObj*> objects, Segment* s, int tr
-                        text->setText(st->text());
+                        text->setPlainText(st->text());
                         QPointF p(st->pos());
                         p = p / 32.0 * score->spatium();
                         // text->setUserOff(st->pos());
@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ static int readCapVoice(Score* score, CapVoice* cvoice, int staffIdx, int tick,
                                     pitch = pitchKeyAdjust(l, key) + octave * 12;
                               pitch += n.alteration;
-                              pitch += score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic; // assume not in concert pitch
+                              pitch += score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic; // assume not in concert pitch
                               pitch = limit(pitch, 0, 127);
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ static int readCapVoice(Score* score, CapVoice* cvoice, int staffIdx, int tick,
                         foreach(Verse v, o->verse) {
                               Lyrics* l = new Lyrics(score);
-                              l->setText(v.text);
+                              l->setPlainText(v.text);
                               if (v.hyphen)
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ static int readCapVoice(Score* score, CapVoice* cvoice, int staffIdx, int tick,
                               // qDebug("string %f:%f w %d ratio %d <%s>",
                               //    to->relPos.x(), to->relPos.y(), to->width, to->yxRatio, qPrintable(ss));
-                              s->setText(ss);
+                              s->setXmlText(ss);
                               MeasureBase* measure = score->measures()->first();
                               if (measure->type() != Element::Type::VBOX) {
                                     MeasureBase* mb = new VBox(score);
@@ -1164,8 +1164,8 @@ void convertCapella(Score* score, Capella* cap, bool capxMode)
                   part->setMidiProgram(cl->sound, 0);
-            part->setLongName(cl->name);
-            part->setShortName(cl->abbrev);
+            part->setPlainLongName(cl->name);
+            part->setPlainShortName(cl->abbrev);
             // ClefType clefType = CapClef::clefType(cl->form, cl->line, cl->oct);
             // s->setClef(0, clefType);
@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ void convertCapella(Score* score, Capella* cap, bool capxMode)
             int values[23] = {-6,-6,-5,-5,-4,-3,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,0,1,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,5,6,6};
             interval.diatonic = values[(cl->transp % 12) + 11] + (cl->transp / 12) * 7;
             interval.chromatic = cl->transp;
-            s->part()->instr()->setTranspose(interval);
+            s->part()->instrument()->setTranspose(interval);
             // _parts.push_back(part);
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ void convertCapella(Score* score, Capella* cap, bool capxMode)
                         QString ss = to->text();
-                        s->setText(ss);
+                        s->setPlainText(ss);
                         MeasureBase* measure = new VBox(score);
                         score->addMeasure(measure, score->measures()->first());
diff --git a/mscore/capxml.cpp b/mscore/capxml.cpp
index c6d6ae5..3c73469 100644
--- a/mscore/capxml.cpp
+++ b/mscore/capxml.cpp
@@ -169,6 +169,14 @@ void CapExplicitBarline::readCapx(XmlReader& e)
       else if (type == "dashed") _type = BarLineType::BROKEN;
       else _type = BarLineType::NORMAL; // default
       _barMode = 0;
+      while (e.readNextStartElement()) {
+            const QStringRef& tag(e.name());
+            if (tag == "drawObjects") {
+                  e.skipCurrentElement();
+                  }
+            else
+                  e.unknown();
+            }
diff --git a/mscore/continuouspanel.cpp b/mscore/continuouspanel.cpp
index 6635a3e..5cab780 100644
--- a/mscore/continuouspanel.cpp
+++ b/mscore/continuouspanel.cpp
@@ -196,14 +196,14 @@ void ContinuousPanel::findElementWidths(const QList<Element*>& el) {
                   // Find maximum height for the staff name
-                  QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instr()->shortNames();
-                  QString staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name;
+                  QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->shortNames();
+                  QString staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name();
                   if (staffName == "") {
-                        QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instr()->longNames();
-                        staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name;
+                        QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->longNames();
+                        staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name();
                   Text* newName = new Text(_score);
-                  newName->setText(staffName);
+                  newName->setXmlText(staffName);
@@ -246,10 +246,10 @@ void ContinuousPanel::findElementWidths(const QList<Element*>& el) {
-                  if ((newName->height() > _heightName) && (newName->text() != ""))
+                  if ((newName->height() > _heightName) && (newName->xmlText() != ""))
                         _heightName = newName->height();
-                  if ((newName->lineHeight() > _lineHeightName) && (newName->text() != ""))
+                  if ((newName->lineHeight() > _lineHeightName) && (newName->xmlText() != ""))
                         _lineHeightName = newName->lineHeight();
                   if (newClef->width() > _widthClef)
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ void ContinuousPanel::draw(QPainter& painter, const QList<Element*>& el) {
       Text* newElement = new Text(_score);
       newElement->setFlag(ElementFlag::MOVABLE, false);
-      newElement->setText(text);
+      newElement->setXmlText(text);
       pos = QPointF (_heightName * 1.5, _y + newElement->height());
@@ -370,15 +370,15 @@ void ContinuousPanel::draw(QPainter& painter, const QList<Element*>& el) {
                   // Draw the current staff name
-                  QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instr()->shortNames();
-                  QString staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name;
+                  QList<StaffName>& staffNamesShort = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->shortNames();
+                  QString staffName = staffNamesShort.isEmpty() ? "" : staffNamesShort[0].name();
                   if (staffName == "") {
-                        QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instr()->longNames();
-                        staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name;
+                        QList<StaffName>& staffNamesLong = currentStaff->part()->instrument()->longNames();
+                        staffName = staffNamesLong.isEmpty() ? " " : staffNamesLong[0].name();
                   Text* newName = new Text(_score);
-                  newName->setText(staffName);
+                  newName->setXmlText(staffName);
diff --git a/mscore/data/splash.png b/mscore/data/splash.png
index 7039f5f..ab73330 100644
Binary files a/mscore/data/splash.png and b/mscore/data/splash.png differ
diff --git a/mscore/debugger/debugger.cpp b/mscore/debugger/debugger.cpp
index 4a9d063..b60e59a 100644
--- a/mscore/debugger/debugger.cpp
+++ b/mscore/debugger/debugger.cpp
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ void TextView::setElement(Element* e)
       TextStyle ts = te->textStyle();
-      tb.text->setPlainText(te->text());
+      tb.text->setPlainText(te->xmlText());
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ void HarmonyView::setElement(Element* e)
       const TextStyle& ts = harmony->textStyle();
-      tb.text->setPlainText(harmony->text());
+      tb.text->setPlainText(harmony->xmlText());
@@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ void DynamicView::setElement(Element* e)
       const TextStyle& ts = dynamic->textStyle();
-      tb.text->setPlainText(dynamic->text());
+      tb.text->setPlainText(dynamic->xmlText());
diff --git a/mscore/dragdrop.cpp b/mscore/dragdrop.cpp
index d46ba4e..7a0e7d0 100644
--- a/mscore/dragdrop.cpp
+++ b/mscore/dragdrop.cpp
@@ -329,8 +329,8 @@ void ScoreView::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent* event)
       if (dragElement) {
             switch(dragElement->type()) {
                   case Element::Type::VOLTA:
-                        dragMeasureAnchorElement(pos);
-                        break;
+                        // dragMeasureAnchorElement(pos);
+                        // break;
                   case Element::Type::PEDAL:
                   case Element::Type::DYNAMIC:
                   case Element::Type::OTTAVA:
diff --git a/mscore/drumroll.cpp b/mscore/drumroll.cpp
index 2db9e2a..9ba326e 100644
--- a/mscore/drumroll.cpp
+++ b/mscore/drumroll.cpp
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void DrumrollEditor::velocityChanged(int val)
 void DrumrollEditor::keyPressed(int pitch)
-      seq->startNote(staff->part()->instr()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, 0, 0.0);
+      seq->startNote(staff->part()->instrument()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, 0, 0.0);
diff --git a/mscore/drumtools.cpp b/mscore/drumtools.cpp
index 4807b08..e585397 100644
--- a/mscore/drumtools.cpp
+++ b/mscore/drumtools.cpp
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void DrumTools::editDrumset()
       EditDrumset eds(drumset, this);
       if (eds.exec()) {
-            _score->undo(new ChangeDrumset(staff->part()->instr(), eds.drumset()));
+            _score->undo(new ChangeDrumset(staff->part()->instrument(), eds.drumset()));
             if (_score->undo()->active()) {
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void DrumTools::drumNoteSelected(int val)
             Note* note       = ch->downNote();
             int ticks        = MScore::defaultPlayDuration;
             int pitch        = note->pitch();
-            seq->startNote(staff->part()->instr()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, ticks, 0.0);
+            seq->startNote(staff->part()->instrument()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, ticks, 0.0);
             int track = (_score->inputState().track() / VOICES) * VOICES + element->track();
diff --git a/mscore/editstaff.cpp b/mscore/editstaff.cpp
index 54c4550..5a86c9e 100644
--- a/mscore/editstaff.cpp
+++ b/mscore/editstaff.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ EditStaff::EditStaff(Staff* s, QWidget* parent)
       Part* part        = orgStaff->part();
-      instrument        = *part->instr();
+      instrument        = *part->instrument();
       Score* score      = part->score();
       staff             = new Staff(score);
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ void EditStaff::updateInstrument()
       QList<StaffName>& snl = instrument.shortNames();
-      QString df = snl.isEmpty() ? "" : snl[0].name;
+      QString df = snl.isEmpty() ? "" : snl[0].name();
       QList<StaffName>& lnl = instrument.longNames();
-      df = lnl.isEmpty() ? "" : lnl[0].name;
+      df = lnl.isEmpty() ? "" : lnl[0].name();
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ void EditStaff::apply()
       bool hideSystemBL = hideSystemBarLine->isChecked();
       QString newPartName = partName->text().simplified();
-      if (!(instrument == *part->instr()) || part->partName() != newPartName) {
+      if (!(instrument == *part->instrument()) || part->partName() != newPartName) {
             Interval v1 = instrument.transpose();
-            Interval v2 = part->instr()->transpose();
+            Interval v2 = part->instrument()->transpose();
             score->undo(new ChangePart(part, new Instrument(instrument), newPartName));
             emit instrumentChanged();
diff --git a/mscore/editstafftype.cpp b/mscore/editstafftype.cpp
index 1172117..4cede66 100644
--- a/mscore/editstafftype.cpp
+++ b/mscore/editstafftype.cpp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ EditStaffType::EditStaffType(QWidget* parent, Staff* st)
       staff     = st;
       staffType = *staff->staffType();
-      Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instr();
+      Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instrument();
       // template combo
diff --git a/mscore/exportaudio.cpp b/mscore/exportaudio.cpp
index ce1dfe3..d5f3ca3 100644
--- a/mscore/exportaudio.cpp
+++ b/mscore/exportaudio.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ bool MuseScore::saveAudio(Score* score, const QString& name)
       int sampleRate = preferences.exportAudioSampleRate;
-      synti->setState(score->synthesizerState());
+      bool r = synti->setState(score->synthesizerState());
+      if (!r)
+          synti->init();
       int oldSampleRate  = MScore::sampleRate;
       MScore::sampleRate = sampleRate;
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ bool MuseScore::saveAudio(Score* score, const QString& name)
             // init instruments
             foreach(Part* part, score->parts()) {
-                  InstrumentList* il = part->instrList();
+                  InstrumentList* il = part->instruments();
                   for(auto i = il->begin(); i!= il->end(); i++) {
                         foreach(const Channel* a, i->second->channel()) {
@@ -171,6 +173,8 @@ bool MuseScore::saveAudio(Score* score, const QString& name)
                         progress.setValue((pass * et + playTime) / 2);
+                  if (playTime >= et)
+                        synti->allNotesOff(-1);
                   // create sound until the sound decays
                   if (playTime >= et && max*peak < 0.000001)
diff --git a/mscore/exportmidi.cpp b/mscore/exportmidi.cpp
index 1ff4a4e..dfd91e4 100644
--- a/mscore/exportmidi.cpp
+++ b/mscore/exportmidi.cpp
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ bool ExportMidi::write(const QString& name, bool midiExpandRepeats)
             cs->renderSpanners(&events, staffIdx);
             // Pass throught the all instruments in the part
-            const InstrumentList* il = part->instrList();
+            const InstrumentList* il = part->instruments();
             for(auto j = il->begin(); j!= il->end(); j++) {
                   // Pass throught the all channels of the instrument
                   // "normal", "pizzicato", "tremolo" for Strings,
diff --git a/mscore/exportmp3.cpp b/mscore/exportmp3.cpp
index 8f078c0..2fac0d3 100644
--- a/mscore/exportmp3.cpp
+++ b/mscore/exportmp3.cpp
@@ -685,7 +685,9 @@ bool MuseScore::saveMp3(Score* score, const QString& name)
       MasterSynthesizer* synti = synthesizerFactory();
-      synti->setState(score->synthesizerState());
+      bool r = synti->setState(score->synthesizerState());
+      if (!r)
+          synti->init();
       MScore::sampleRate = sampleRate;
@@ -716,7 +718,7 @@ bool MuseScore::saveMp3(Score* score, const QString& name)
             // init instruments
             foreach(Part* part, score->parts()) {
-                  InstrumentList* il = part->instrList();
+                  InstrumentList* il = part->instruments();
                   for(auto i = il->begin(); i!= il->end(); i++) {
                         foreach(const Channel* a, i->second->channel()) {
@@ -823,6 +825,8 @@ bool MuseScore::saveMp3(Score* score, const QString& name)
                         progress.setValue((pass * et + playTime) / 2);
+                  if (playTime >= et)
+                        synti->allNotesOff(-1);
                   // create sound until the sound decays
                   if (playTime >= et && max * peak < 0.000001)
diff --git a/mscore/exportxml.cpp b/mscore/exportxml.cpp
index 91d9382..7ba9b55 100644
--- a/mscore/exportxml.cpp
+++ b/mscore/exportxml.cpp
@@ -235,8 +235,11 @@ class SlurHandler {
-      void doSlurStart(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml, bool grace = false);
-      void doSlurStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml);
+      void doSlurs(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml);
+      void doSlurStart(const Slur* s, Notations& notations, Xml& xml);
+      void doSlurStop(const Slur* s, Notations& notations, Xml& xml);
@@ -456,72 +459,126 @@ int SlurHandler::findSlur(const Slur* s) const
-//   doSlurStart
+//   findFirstChord -- find first chord (in musical order) for slur s
+//   note that this is not necessarily the same as s->startElement()
+static const Chord* findFirstChord(const Slur* s)
+      {
+      const Element* e1 = s->startElement();
+      if (e1 == 0 || e1->type() != Element::Type::CHORD) {
+            qDebug("no valid start chord for slur %p", s);
+            return 0;
+            }
+      const Element* e2 = s->endElement();
+      if (e2 == 0 || e2->type() != Element::Type::CHORD) {
+            qDebug("no valid stop chord for slur %p", s);
+            return 0;
+            }
+      const Chord* c1 = static_cast<const Chord*>(e1);
+      const Chord* c2 = static_cast<const Chord*>(e2);
+      if (c1->tick() < c2->tick())
+            return c1;
+      else if (c1->tick() > c2->tick())
+            return c2;
+      else {
+            // c1->tick() == c2->tick()
+            if (!c1->isGrace() && !c2->isGrace()) {
+                  // slur between two regular notes at the same tick
+                  // probably shouldn't happen but handle just in case
+                  qDebug("invalid slur between chords %p and %p at tick %d", c1, c2, c1->tick());
+                  return 0;
+                  }
+            else if (c1->isGraceBefore() && !c2->isGraceBefore())
+                  return c1;  // easy case: c1 first
+            else if (c1->isGraceAfter() && !c2->isGraceAfter())
+                  return c2;  // easy case: c2 first
+            else if (c2->isGraceBefore() && !c1->isGraceBefore())
+                  return c2;  // easy case: c2 first
+            else if (c2->isGraceAfter() && !c1->isGraceAfter())
+                  return c1;  // easy case: c1 first
+            else {
+                  // both are grace before or both are grace after -> compare grace indexes
+                  // (note: higher means closer to the non-grace chord it is attached to)
+                  if ((c1->isGraceBefore() && c1->graceIndex() < c2->graceIndex())
+                      || (c1->isGraceAfter() && c1->graceIndex() > c2->graceIndex()))
+                        return c1;
+                  else
+                        return c2;
+                  }
+            }
+      // not reached
+      return 0;
+      }
+//   doSlurs
-void SlurHandler::doSlurStart(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml, bool grace)
+void SlurHandler::doSlurs(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml)
-      // slurs on grace notes are not in spanner list, therefore:
-      if (grace){
-            foreach(Element* el, chord->el()){
-                  if (el->type() == Element::Type::SLUR){
-                        const Slur* s = static_cast<const Slur*>(el);
-                        //define line type
-                        QString rest = slurTieLineStyle(s);
-                        if (chord->isGraceBefore()){
-                             int i = findSlur(0);
-                             if (i >= 0) {
-                                   slur[i] = s;
-                                   started[i] = true;
-                                   notations.tag(xml);
-                                   xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\" number=\"%2\"").arg(rest).arg(i + 1));
-                                   }
-                             else
-                                   qDebug("no free slur slot");
-                             }
-                        else if (chord->isGraceAfter()){
-                             int i = findSlur(s);
-                             if (i >= 0) {
-                                   // remove from list and print stop
-                                   slur[i] = 0;
-                                   started[i] = false;
-                                   notations.tag(xml);
-                                   xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"stop\"%2 number=\"%3\"").arg(rest).arg(s->slurDirection() == MScore::Direction::UP ? " placement=\"above\"" : "").arg(i + 1));
-                                   }
-                             }
+      // loop over all slurs twice, first to handle the stops, then the starts
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+            // search for slur(s) starting or stopping at this chord
+            for (auto it : chord->score()->spanner()) {
+                  Spanner* sp = it.second;
+                  if (sp->generated() || sp->type() != Element::Type::SLUR)
+                        continue;
+                  if (chord == sp->startElement() || chord == sp->endElement()) {
+                        const Slur* s = static_cast<const Slur*>(sp);
+                        const Chord* firstChord = findFirstChord(s);
+                        if (firstChord) {
+                              if (i == 0) {
+                                    // first time: do slur stops
+                                    if (firstChord != chord)
+                                          doSlurStop(s, notations, xml);
+                                    }
+                              else {
+                                    // second time: do slur starts
+                                    if (firstChord == chord)
+                                          doSlurStart(s, notations, xml);
+                                    }
+                              }
-             return;
-      // search for slur(s) starting at this chord
-      for (auto it : chord->score()->spanner()) {
-            Spanner* sp = it.second;
-            if (sp->type() != Element::Type::SLUR || sp->tick() != chord->tick() || sp->track() != chord->track())
-                  continue;
-            const Slur* s = static_cast<const Slur*>(sp);
-            // check if on slur list (i.e. stop already seen)
-            int i = findSlur(s);
-            //define line type
-            QString rest = slurTieLineStyle(s);
+      }
+//   doSlurStart
+void SlurHandler::doSlurStart(const Slur* s, Notations& notations, Xml& xml)
+      {
+      // check if on slur list (i.e. stop already seen)
+      int i = findSlur(s);
+      //define line type
+      QString rest = slurTieLineStyle(s);
+      if (i >= 0) {
+            // remove from list and print start
+            slur[i] = 0;
+            started[i] = false;
+            notations.tag(xml);
+            xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\"%2 number=\"%3\"")
+                     .arg(rest)
+                     .arg(s->slurDirection() == MScore::Direction::UP ? " placement=\"above\"" : "")
+                     .arg(i + 1));
+            }
+      else {
+            // find free slot to store it
+            i = findSlur(0);
             if (i >= 0) {
-                  // remove from list and print start
-                  slur[i] = 0;
-                  started[i] = false;
+                  slur[i] = s;
+                  started[i] = true;
-                  xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\"%2 number=\"%3\"").arg(rest).arg(s->slurDirection() == MScore::Direction::UP ? " placement=\"above\"" : "").arg(i + 1));
-                  }
-            else {
-                  // find free slot to store it
-                  i = findSlur(0);
-                  if (i >= 0) {
-                        slur[i] = s;
-                        started[i] = true;
-                        notations.tag(xml);
-                        xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\" number=\"%2\"").arg(rest).arg(i + 1));
-                        }
-                  else
-                        qDebug("no free slur slot");
+                  xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\" number=\"%2\"").arg(rest).arg(i + 1));
+            else
+                  qDebug("no free slur slot");
@@ -535,59 +592,28 @@ void SlurHandler::doSlurStart(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml, bool
 // - generate stop anyway and put it on the slur list
 // - doSlurStart() starts slur but doesn't store it
-void SlurHandler::doSlurStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Xml& xml)
+void SlurHandler::doSlurStop(const Slur* s, Notations& notations, Xml& xml)
-      // search for slur(s) stopping at this chord but not on slur list yet
-      for (auto it : chord->score()->spanner()) {
-            Spanner* sp = it.second;
-            if (sp->type() != Element::Type::SLUR || sp->tick2() != chord->tick() || sp->track() != chord->track())
-                  continue;
-            const Slur* s = static_cast<const Slur*>(sp);
-            // check if on slur list
-            int i = findSlur(s);
-            if (i < 0) {
-                  // if not, find free slot to store it
-                  i = findSlur(0);
-                  if (i >= 0) {
-                        slur[i] = s;
-                        started[i] = false;
-                        notations.tag(xml);
-                        xml.tagE("slur type=\"stop\" number=\"%d\"", i + 1);
-                        }
-                  else
-                        qDebug("no free slur slot");
-                  }
-            }
-      // search slur list for already started slur(s) stopping at this chord
-      for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i) {
-            if (slur[i] && slur[i]->tick2() == chord->tick() && slur[i]->track() == chord->track()) {
-                  if (started[i]) {
-                        slur[i] = 0;
-                        started[i] = false;
-                        notations.tag(xml);
-                        xml.tagE("slur type=\"stop\" number=\"%d\"", i + 1);
-                        }
+      // check if on slur list
+      int i = findSlur(s);
+      if (i < 0) {
+            // if not, find free slot to store it
+            i = findSlur(0);
+            if (i >= 0) {
+                  slur[i] = s;
+                  started[i] = false;
+                  notations.tag(xml);
+                  xml.tagE(QString("slur type=\"stop\" number=\"%1\"").arg(i + 1));
+            else
+                  qDebug("no free slur slot");
-      // surch for slurs to grace notes after
-      for (Chord* g : chord->graceNotesAfter()) {
-            foreach(Element* el, g->el()){
-                  if (el->type() == Element::Type::SLUR){
-                        const Slur* s = static_cast<const Slur*>(el);
-                        //define line type
-                        QString rest = slurTieLineStyle(s);
-                        int i = findSlur(0);
-                        if (i >= 0) {
-                              slur[i] = s;
-                              started[i] = true;
-                              notations.tag(xml);
-                              xml.tagE(QString("slur%1 type=\"start\" number=\"%2\"").arg(rest).arg(i + 1));
-                              }
-                        else
-                              qDebug("no free slur slot"); break;
-                        }
-                  }
+      else {
+            // found (already started), stop it and remove from list
+            slur[i] = 0;
+            started[i] = false;
+            notations.tag(xml);
+            xml.tagE(QString("slur type=\"stop\" number=\"%1\"").arg(i + 1));
@@ -676,14 +702,14 @@ void GlissandoHandler::doGlissandoStart(Glissando* gliss, Notations& notations,
       if (i >= 0) {
             // print error and remove from list
             qDebug("doGlissandoStart: note for glissando/slide %p already on list", gliss);
-            if (type == Glissando::Type::STRAIGHT)      slideNote[i] = 0;
-            if (type == Glissando::Type::WAVY)          glissNote[i] = 0;
+            if (type == Glissando::Type::STRAIGHT) slideNote[i] = 0;
+            if (type == Glissando::Type::WAVY) glissNote[i] = 0;
       // find free slot to store it
       i = findNote(0, int(type));
       if (i >= 0) {
-            if (type == Glissando::Type::STRAIGHT)      slideNote[i] = note;
-            if (type == Glissando::Type::WAVY)          glissNote[i] = note;
+            if (type == Glissando::Type::STRAIGHT) slideNote[i] = note;
+            if (type == Glissando::Type::WAVY) glissNote[i] = note;
             glissando(gliss, i + 1, true, notations, xml);
@@ -807,7 +833,7 @@ static void findTrills(Measure* measure, int strack, int etrack, TrillHash& tril
             Spanner* e = it->second;
             //qDebug("findTrills 1 trill %p type %d track %d tick %d", e, e->type(), e->track(), e->tick());
             if (e->type() == Element::Type::TRILL && strack <= e->track() && e->track() < etrack
-               && e->tick() >= measure->tick() && e->tick() < (measure->tick() + measure->ticks()))
+                && e->tick() >= measure->tick() && e->tick() < (measure->tick() + measure->ticks()))
                   //qDebug("findTrills 2 trill %p", e);
                   // a trill is found starting in this segment, trill end time is known
@@ -1084,16 +1110,16 @@ static void creditWords(Xml& xml, Score* s, double x, double y, QString just, QS
 static double parentHeight(const Element* element)
-            const Element* parent = element->parent();
+      const Element* parent = element->parent();
-            if (!parent)
-                  return 0;
+      if (!parent)
+            return 0;
-            if (parent->type() == Element::Type::VBOX) {
-                  return parent->height();
-                  }
+      if (parent->type() == Element::Type::VBOX) {
+            return parent->height();
+            }
-            return 0;
+      return 0;
@@ -1224,7 +1250,7 @@ static void pitch2xml(const Note* note, QString& s, int& alter, int& octave)
       const Staff* st = note->staff();
-      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instr();
+      const Instrument* instr = st->part()->instrument();
       const Interval intval = instr->transpose();
       s      = tpc2stepName(note->tpc());
@@ -1244,7 +1270,7 @@ static void pitch2xml(const Note* note, QString& s, int& alter, int& octave)
       if (ct == ClefType::PERC || ct == ClefType::PERC2) {
             alter = 0;
             octave = line2pitch(note->line(), ct, Key::C) / 12 - 1;
-      }
+            }
       // correct for ottava lines
       int ottava = 0;
@@ -1327,9 +1353,9 @@ static Volta* findVolta(Measure* m, bool left)
             Spanner* el = i.value;
             if (el->type() != Element::Type::VOLTA)
-            if(left && el->tick() == stick)
+            if (left && el->tick() == stick)
                   return (Volta*) el;
-            if(!left && el->tick2() == etick)
+            if (!left && el->tick2() == etick)
                   return (Volta*) el;
       return 0;
@@ -1366,9 +1392,9 @@ static void ending(Xml& xml, Volta* v, bool left)
-      xml.tagE("ending number=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"",
-               number.toLatin1().data(),
-               type.toLatin1().data());
+      xml.tagE(QString("ending number=\"%1\" type=\"%2\"")
+               .arg(number.toLatin1().data())
+               .arg(type.toLatin1().data()));
@@ -1435,13 +1461,13 @@ void ExportMusicXml::barlineRight(Measure* m)
       if (volta)
             ending(xml, volta, false);
       if (bst == BarLineType::END_REPEAT || bst == BarLineType::END_START_REPEAT)
-      {
-          if (m->repeatCount() > 2) {
-              xml.tagE("repeat direction=\"backward\" times=\"%i\"",m->repeatCount());
-          }else{
-              xml.tagE("repeat direction=\"backward\"");
-          }
-      }
+            {
+            if (m->repeatCount() > 2) {
+                  xml.tagE(QString("repeat direction=\"backward\" times=\"%1\"").arg(m->repeatCount()));
+                  } else {
+                  xml.tagE("repeat direction=\"backward\"");
+                  }
+            }
@@ -1554,8 +1580,9 @@ void ExportMusicXml::keysig(const KeySigEvent kse, ClefType ct, int staff, bool
             // first put the KeySyms in a map
             QMap<qreal, KeySym> map;
-            foreach(const KeySym& ksym, keysyms)
+            foreach(const KeySym& ksym, keysyms) {
                   map.insert(ksym.spos.x(), ksym);
+                  }
             // then write them (automatically sorted on key)
             foreach(const KeySym& ksym, map) {
                   int line = static_cast<int>(round(2 * ksym.spos.y()));
@@ -1646,7 +1673,7 @@ int ExportMusicXml::findTrill(const Trill* tr) const
 void ExportMusicXml::wavyLineStartStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Ornaments& ornaments,
-                              TrillHash& trillStart, TrillHash& trillStop)
+                                       TrillHash& trillStart, TrillHash& trillStop)
       if (trillStop.contains(chord)) {
             const Trill* tr = trillStop.value(chord);
@@ -1661,7 +1688,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::wavyLineStartStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Ornam
-            xml.tagE("wavy-line type=\"stop\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
+            xml.tagE(QString("wavy-line type=\"stop\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
       if (trillStart.contains(chord)) {
@@ -1676,7 +1703,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::wavyLineStartStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Ornam
-                  xml.tagE("wavy-line type=\"start\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
+                  xml.tagE(QString("wavy-line type=\"start\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
@@ -1752,7 +1779,7 @@ static void tremoloSingleStartStop(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Ornaments
 void ExportMusicXml::chordAttributes(Chord* chord, Notations& notations, Technical& technical,
-                            TrillHash& trillStart, TrillHash& trillStop)
+                                     TrillHash& trillStart, TrillHash& trillStop)
       const QList<Articulation*>& na = chord->articulations();
       // first output the fermatas
@@ -2172,9 +2199,11 @@ static int determineTupletNormalTicks(ChordRest const* const chord)
       Tuplet const* const t = chord->tuplet();
       if (!t)
             return 0;
-//      qDebug("determineTupletNormalTicks t %p baselen %d", t, t->baseLen().ticks());
-//      for (int i = 0; i < t->elements().size(); ++i)
-//            qDebug("determineTupletNormalTicks t %p i %d ticks %d", t, i, t->elements().at(i)->duration().ticks());
+      /*
+      qDebug("determineTupletNormalTicks t %p baselen %d", t, t->baseLen().ticks());
+      for (int i = 0; i < t->elements().size(); ++i)
+            qDebug("determineTupletNormalTicks t %p i %d ticks %d", t, i, t->elements().at(i)->duration().ticks());
+            */
       for (int i = 1; i < t->elements().size(); ++i)
             if (t->elements().at(0)->duration().ticks() != t->elements().at(i)->duration().ticks())
                   return t->baseLen().ticks();
@@ -2232,9 +2261,9 @@ static void writeBeam(Xml& xml, ChordRest* cr, Beam* b)
 static QString instrId(int partNr, int instrNr)
+      {
       return QString("id=\"P%1-I%2\"").arg(partNr).arg(instrNr);
+      }
 //   chord
@@ -2250,12 +2279,12 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
       Part* part = chord->score()->staff(chord->track() / VOICES)->part();
       int partNr = _score->parts().indexOf(part);
-      int instNr = instrMap.value(part->instr(tick), -1);
+      int instNr = instrMap.value(part->instrument(tick), -1);
       qDebug("chord() %p parent %p isgrace %d #gracenotes %d graceidx %d",
              chord, chord->parent(), chord->isGrace(), chord->graceNotes().size(), chord->graceIndex());
       qDebug("track %d tick %d part %p nr %d instr %p nr %d",
-             chord->track(), chord->tick(), part, partNr, part->instr(tick), instNr);
+             chord->track(), chord->tick(), part, partNr, part->instrument(tick), instNr);
       foreach(Element* e, chord->el())
             qDebug("chord %p el %p", chord, e);
@@ -2308,6 +2337,8 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
             if (note != nl.front())
+            else if (note->chord()->small()) // need this only once per chord
+                  xml.tagE("cue");
             // step / alter / octave
             QString step;
@@ -2315,15 +2346,15 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
             int octave = 0;
             if (chord->staff() && chord->staff()->isTabStaff()) {
                   tabpitch2xml(note->pitch(), note->tpc(), step, alter, octave);
-            }
+                  }
             else {
                   if (!useDrumset) {
                         pitch2xml(note, step, alter, octave);
-                  }
+                        }
                   else {
                         unpitch2xml(note, step, octave);
+                        }
-            }
             xml.stag(useDrumset ? "unpitched" : "pitch");
             xml.tag(useDrumset  ? "display-step" : "step", step);
             // Check for microtonal accidentals and overwrite "alter" tag
@@ -2389,7 +2420,10 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
                   qDebug("no note type found for ticks %d",
-            xml.tag("type", s);
+            if (note->small())
+                  xml.tag("type size=\"cue\"", s);
+            else
+                  xml.tag("type", s);
             for (int ni = dots; ni > 0; ni--)
@@ -2450,7 +2484,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
             for (Element* elem : note->el()) {
                   if (elem->type() == Element::Type::SYMBOL) {
                         Symbol* s = static_cast<Symbol*>(elem);
-                        if(s->sym() == SymId::noteheadParenthesisLeft)
+                        if (s->sym() == SymId::noteheadParenthesisLeft)
                               leftParenthesis = true;
                         else if (s->sym() == SymId::noteheadParenthesisRight)
                               rightParenthesis = true;
@@ -2517,22 +2551,20 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
             if (note == nl.front()) {
-                  if (grace){
-                        sh.doSlurStart(chord, notations, xml, true);
-                        }
-                  else {
+                  if (!grace)
                         tupletStartStop(chord, notations, xml);
-                        sh.doSlurStop(chord, notations, xml);
-                        sh.doSlurStart(chord, notations, xml);
-                        }
+                  sh.doSlurs(chord, notations, xml);
                   chordAttributes(chord, notations, technical, trillStart, trillStop);
             foreach (const Element* e, note->el()) {
                   if (e->type() == Element::Type::FINGERING) {
                         Text* f = (Text*)e;
-                        QString t = MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(f->text());
+                        QString t = MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(f->xmlText());
                         if (f->textStyleType() == TextStyleType::RH_GUITAR_FINGERING)
                               xml.tag("pluck", t);
                         else if (f->textStyleType() == TextStyleType::LH_GUITAR_FINGERING)
@@ -2573,19 +2605,21 @@ void ExportMusicXml::chord(Chord* chord, int staff, const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, bo
             for (Spanner* spanner : note->spannerFor())
                   if (spanner->type() == Element::Type::GLISSANDO) {
                         gh.doGlissandoStart(static_cast<Glissando*>(spanner), notations, xml);
-                  }
+                        }
             for (Spanner* spanner : note->spannerBack())
                   if (spanner->type() == Element::Type::GLISSANDO) {
                         gh.doGlissandoStop(static_cast<Glissando*>(spanner), notations, xml);
-                  }
-/*            // write glissando (only for last note)
+                        }
+            // write glissando (only for last note)
+            /*
             Chord* ch = nextChord(chord);
             if ((note == nl.back()) && ch && ch->glissando()) {
                   gh.doGlissandoStart(ch, notations, xml);
             if (chord->glissando()) {
                   gh.doGlissandoStop(chord, notations, xml);
-                  } */
+                  }
+            */
             // write lyrics (only for first note)
             if ((note == nl.front()) && ll)
@@ -2673,7 +2707,10 @@ void ExportMusicXml::rest(Rest* rest, int staff)
       if (d.type() != TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE) {
             QString s = d.name();
             int dots  = rest->dots();
-            xml.tag("type", s);
+            if (rest->small())
+                  xml.tag("type size=\"cue\"", s);
+            else
+                  xml.tag("type", s);
             for (int i = dots; i > 0; i--)
@@ -3003,9 +3040,9 @@ static void wordsMetrome(Xml& xml, Score* s, Text const* const text)
       //qDebug("wordsMetrome('%s')", qPrintable(text->text()));
       const QList<TextFragment> list = text->fragmentList();
       QList<TextFragment>       wordsLeft;  // words left of metronome
-      bool                      hasParen;   // parenthesis
-      QString                   metroLeft;  // left part of metronome
-      QString                   metroRight; // right part of metronome
+      bool hasParen;                        // parenthesis
+      QString metroLeft;                    // left part of metronome
+      QString metroRight;                   // right part of metronome
       QList<TextFragment>       wordsRight; // words right of metronome
       // set the default words format
@@ -3095,7 +3132,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::words(Text const* const text, int staff)
              text->userOff().x(), text->userOff().y(), qPrintable(text->text()));
-      if (text->text() == "") {
+      if (text->xmlText() == "") {
             // sometimes empty Texts are present, exporting would result
             // in invalid MusicXML (as an empty direction-type would be created)
@@ -3112,7 +3149,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::words(Text const* const text, int staff)
 void ExportMusicXml::rehearsal(RehearsalMark const* const rmk, int staff)
-      if (rmk->text() == "") {
+      if (rmk->xmlText() == "") {
             // sometimes empty Texts are present, exporting would result
             // in invalid MusicXML (as an empty direction-type would be created)
@@ -3142,9 +3179,9 @@ void ExportMusicXml::rehearsal(RehearsalMark const* const rmk, int staff)
 int ExportMusicXml::findHairpin(const Hairpin* hp) const
-            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
-                  if (hairpins[i] == hp) return i;
-            return -1;
+      for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
+            if (hairpins[i] == hp) return i;
+      return -1;
@@ -3164,26 +3201,26 @@ void ExportMusicXml::hairpin(Hairpin const* const hp, int staff, int tick)
             hairpins[n] = hp;
-      if (hp->tick() == tick){
-          if( hp->hairpinType() == Hairpin::Type::CRESCENDO ){
-              if( hp->hairpinCircledTip() ){
-                xml.tagE("wedge type=\"crescendo\" niente=\"yes\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
-              }
-              else{
-                xml.tagE("wedge type=\"crescendo\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
-              }
-          }
-          else{
-              xml.tagE("wedge type=\"diminuendo\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
-          }
-      }
-      else{
-          if( hp->hairpinCircledTip() && hp->hairpinType() == Hairpin::Type::DECRESCENDO )
-                xml.tagE("wedge type=\"stop\" niente=\"yes\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
-          else
-                xml.tagE("wedge type=\"stop\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
+      if (hp->tick() == tick) {
+            if ( hp->hairpinType() == Hairpin::Type::CRESCENDO ) {
+                  if ( hp->hairpinCircledTip() ) {
+                        xml.tagE(QString("wedge type=\"crescendo\" niente=\"yes\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
+                        }
+                  else {
+                        xml.tagE(QString("wedge type=\"crescendo\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
+                        }
+                  }
+            else {
+                  xml.tagE(QString("wedge type=\"diminuendo\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
+                  }
+            }
+      else {
+            if ( hp->hairpinCircledTip() && hp->hairpinType() == Hairpin::Type::DECRESCENDO )
+                  xml.tagE(QString("wedge type=\"stop\" niente=\"yes\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
+            else
+                  xml.tagE(QString("wedge type=\"stop\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
-      }
+            }
       directionETag(xml, staff);
@@ -3195,9 +3232,9 @@ void ExportMusicXml::hairpin(Hairpin const* const hp, int staff, int tick)
 int ExportMusicXml::findOttava(const Ottava* ot) const
-            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
-                  if (ottavas[i] == ot) return i;
-            return -1;
+      for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
+            if (ottavas[i] == ot) return i;
+      return -1;
@@ -3218,7 +3255,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::ottava(Ottava const* const ot, int staff, int tick)
       else {
             n = findOttava(0);
             ottavas[n] = ot;
-      }
+            }
       if (ot->tick() == tick) {
             const char* sz = 0;
@@ -3244,13 +3281,13 @@ void ExportMusicXml::ottava(Ottava const* const ot, int staff, int tick)
                         qDebug("ottava subtype %hhd not understood", st);
             if (sz && tp)
-                  xml.tagE("octave-shift type=\"%s\" size=\"%s\" number=\"%d\"", tp, sz, n + 1);
+                  xml.tagE(QString("octave-shift type=\"%1\" size=\"%2\" number=\"%3\"").arg(tp).arg(sz).arg(n + 1));
       else {
             if (st == Ottava::Type::OTTAVA_8VA || st == Ottava::Type::OTTAVA_8VB)
-                  xml.tagE("octave-shift type=\"stop\" size=\"8\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
+                  xml.tagE(QString("octave-shift type=\"stop\" size=\"8\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
             else if (st == Ottava::Type::OTTAVA_15MA || st == Ottava::Type::OTTAVA_15MB)
-                  xml.tagE("octave-shift type=\"stop\" size=\"15\" number=\"%d\"", n + 1);
+                  xml.tagE(QString("octave-shift type=\"stop\" size=\"15\" number=\"%1\"").arg(n + 1));
                   qDebug("ottava subtype %hhd not understood", st);
@@ -3457,7 +3494,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::symbol(Symbol const* const sym, int staff)
 void ExportMusicXml::lyrics(const QList<Lyrics*>* ll, const int trk)
       foreach(const Lyrics* l, *ll) {
-            if (l && !l->text().isEmpty()) {
+            if (l && !l->xmlText().isEmpty()) {
                   if ((l)->track() == trk) {
                         xml.stag(QString("lyric number=\"%1\"").arg((l)->no() + 1));
                         Lyrics::Syllabic syl = (l)->syllabic();
@@ -3506,41 +3543,41 @@ static void directionJump(Xml& xml, const Jump* const jp)
       QString type  = "";
       QString sound = "";
       if (jtp == Jump::Type::DC) {
-            if (jp->text() == "")
+            if (jp->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "D.C.";
-                  words = jp->text();
+                  words = jp->xmlText();
             sound = "dacapo=\"yes\"";
       else if (jtp == Jump::Type::DC_AL_FINE) {
-            if (jp->text() == "")
+            if (jp->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "D.C. al Fine";
-                  words = jp->text();
+                  words = jp->xmlText();
             sound = "dacapo=\"yes\"";
       else if (jtp == Jump::Type::DC_AL_CODA) {
-            if (jp->text() == "")
+            if (jp->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "D.C. al Coda";
-                  words = jp->text();
+                  words = jp->xmlText();
             sound = "dacapo=\"yes\"";
       else if (jtp == Jump::Type::DS_AL_CODA) {
-            if (jp->text() == "")
+            if (jp->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "D.S. al Coda";
-                  words = jp->text();
+                  words = jp->xmlText();
             if (jp->jumpTo() == "")
                   sound = "dalsegno=\"1\"";
                   sound = "dalsegno=\"" + jp->jumpTo() + "\"";
       else if (jtp == Jump::Type::DS_AL_FINE) {
-            if (jp->text() == "")
+            if (jp->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "D.S. al Fine";
-                  words = jp->text();
+                  words = jp->xmlText();
             if (jp->jumpTo() == "")
                   sound = "dalsegno=\"1\"";
@@ -3597,10 +3634,10 @@ static void directionMarker(Xml& xml, const Marker* const m)
             sound = "fine=\"yes\"";
       else if (mtp == Marker::Type::TOCODA) {
-            if (m->text() == "")
+            if (m->xmlText() == "")
                   words = "To Coda";
-                  words = m->text();
+                  words = m->xmlText();
             if (m->label() == "")
                   sound = "tocoda=\"1\"";
@@ -4349,7 +4386,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
             xml.stag(QString("score-part id=\"P%1\"").arg(idx+1));
-            initInstrMap(instrMap, part->instrList(), _score);
+            initInstrMap(instrMap, part->instruments(), _score);
             // by default export the parts long name as part-name
             if (part->longName() != "")
                   xml.tag("part-name", MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(part->longName()));
@@ -4366,8 +4403,8 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
             if (!part->shortName().isEmpty())
                   xml.tag("part-abbreviation", MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(part->shortName()));
-            if (part->instr()->useDrumset()) {
-                  const Drumset* drumset = part->instr()->drumset();
+            if (part->instrument()->useDrumset()) {
+                  const Drumset* drumset = part->instrument()->drumset();
                   for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
                         DrumInstrument di = drumset->drum(i);
                         if (di.notehead != NoteHead::Group::HEAD_INVALID)
@@ -4378,14 +4415,15 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
                   for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
                         DrumInstrument di = drumset->drum(i);
                         if (di.notehead != NoteHead::Group::HEAD_INVALID)
-                              midiInstrument(xml, idx + 1, i + 1, part->instr(), _score, i + 1);
+                              midiInstrument(xml, idx + 1, i + 1, part->instrument(), _score, i + 1);
             else {
                   MxmlReverseInstrumentMap rim;
                   initReverseInstrMap(rim, instrMap);
-                  foreach(int instNr, rim.keys())
+                  foreach(int instNr, rim.keys()) {
                         scoreInstrument(xml, idx + 1, instNr + 1, MScoreTextToMXML::toPlainText(rim.value(instNr)->trackName()));
+                        }
                   foreach(int instNr, rim.keys()) {
                         xml.tag(QString("midi-device %1 port=\"%2\"").arg(instrId(idx+1, instNr + 1)).arg(part->midiPort() + 1), "");
                         midiInstrument(xml, idx + 1, instNr + 1, rim.value(instNr), _score);
@@ -4398,7 +4436,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
                   int end = partGroupEnd[i];
                   if (end >= 0) {
                         if (staffCount >= end) {
-                              xml.tagE("part-group type=\"stop\" number=\"%d\"", i + 1);
+                              xml.tagE(QString("part-group type=\"stop\" number=\"%1\"").arg(i + 1));
                               partGroupEnd[i] = -1;
@@ -4419,7 +4457,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
-            initInstrMap(instrMap, part->instrList(), _score);
+            initInstrMap(instrMap, part->instruments(), _score);
             int measureNo = 1;          // number of next regular measure
             int irregularMeasureNo = 1; // number of next irregular measure
@@ -4596,57 +4634,57 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
                               xml.tag("instruments", instrMap.size());
-                  {
-                  Measure* prevMeasure = m->prevMeasure();
-                  int tick             = m->tick();
-                  Segment* cs1;
-                  Segment* cs2         = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, tick);
-                  Segment* seg         = 0;
-                  if (prevMeasure)
-                        cs1 = prevMeasure->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef,  tick);
-                  else
-                        cs1 = 0;
+                        {
+                        Measure* prevMeasure = m->prevMeasure();
+                        int tick             = m->tick();
+                        Segment* cs1;
+                        Segment* cs2         = m->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef, tick);
+                        Segment* seg         = 0;
+                        if (prevMeasure)
+                              cs1 = prevMeasure->findSegment(Segment::Type::Clef,  tick);
+                        else
+                              cs1 = 0;
-                  if (cs1 && cs2)         // should not happen
-                        seg = cs2;
-                  else if (cs1)
-                        seg = cs1;
-                  else
-                        seg = cs2;
-                  // output attribute at start of measure: clef
-                  if (seg) {
-                        for (int st = strack; st < etrack; st += VOICES) {
-                              // sstaff - xml staff number, counting from 1 for this
-                              // instrument
-                              // special number 0 -> dont show staff number in
-                              // xml output (because there is only one staff)
-                              int sstaff = (staves > 1) ? st - strack + VOICES : 0;
-                              sstaff /= VOICES;
-                              Clef* cle = static_cast<Clef*>(seg->element(st));
-                              if (cle) {
-                                    ClefType ct = cle->clefType();
-                                    clefDebug("exportxml: clef at start measure ti=%d ct=%d gen=%d", tick, int(ct), cle->generated());
-                                    // output only clef changes, not generated clefs at line beginning
-                                    // exception: at tick=0, export clef anyway
-                                    if (tick == 0 || !cle->generated()) {
-                                          clefDebug("exportxml: clef exported");
-                                          clef(sstaff, ct);
-                                          }
-                                    else {
-                                          clefDebug("exportxml: clef not exported");
+                        if (cs1 && cs2)   // should not happen
+                              seg = cs2;
+                        else if (cs1)
+                              seg = cs1;
+                        else
+                              seg = cs2;
+                        // output attribute at start of measure: clef
+                        if (seg) {
+                              for (int st = strack; st < etrack; st += VOICES) {
+                                    // sstaff - xml staff number, counting from 1 for this
+                                    // instrument
+                                    // special number 0 -> dont show staff number in
+                                    // xml output (because there is only one staff)
+                                    int sstaff = (staves > 1) ? st - strack + VOICES : 0;
+                                    sstaff /= VOICES;
+                                    Clef* cle = static_cast<Clef*>(seg->element(st));
+                                    if (cle) {
+                                          ClefType ct = cle->clefType();
+                                          clefDebug("exportxml: clef at start measure ti=%d ct=%d gen=%d", tick, int(ct), cle->generated());
+                                          // output only clef changes, not generated clefs at line beginning
+                                          // exception: at tick=0, export clef anyway
+                                          if (tick == 0 || !cle->generated()) {
+                                                clefDebug("exportxml: clef exported");
+                                                clef(sstaff, ct);
+                                                }
+                                          else {
+                                                clefDebug("exportxml: clef not exported");
+                                                }
-                  }
                   // output attributes with the first actual measure (pickup or regular) only
                   if ((irregularMeasureNo + measureNo + pickupMeasureNo) == 4) {
-                        const Instrument* instrument = part->instr();
+                        const Instrument* instrument = part->instrument();
                         // staff details
                         // TODO: decide how to handle linked regular / TAB staff
@@ -4730,12 +4768,12 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
                                     annotations(this, xml, strack, etrack, st, sstaff, seg);
                                     // look for more harmony
                                     for (Segment* seg1 = seg->next(); seg1; seg1 = seg1->next()) {
-                                          if(seg1->isChordRest()) {
+                                          if (seg1->isChordRest()) {
                                                 Element* el1 = seg1->element(st);
                                                 if (el1) // found a ChordRest, next harmony will be attach to this one
                                                 foreach (Element* annot, seg1->annotations()) {
-                                                      if(annot->type() == Element::Type::HARMONY && annot->track() == st)
+                                                      if (annot->type() == Element::Type::HARMONY && annot->track() == st)
                                                             harmony(static_cast<Harmony*>(annot), 0, (seg1->tick() - seg->tick()) / div);
@@ -4781,15 +4819,15 @@ void ExportMusicXml::write(QIODevice* dev)
                                           Chord* c                 = static_cast<Chord*>(el);
                                           const QList<Lyrics*>* ll = &c->lyricsList();
-                                   // ise grace after
-                                          if(c){
+                                          // ise grace after
+                                          if (c) {
                                                 for (Chord* g : c->graceNotesBefore()) {
-                                                      chord(g, sstaff, ll, part->instr()->useDrumset());
+                                                      chord(g, sstaff, ll, part->instrument()->useDrumset());
+                                                      }
+                                                chord(c, sstaff, ll, part->instrument()->useDrumset());
+                                                for (Chord* g : c->graceNotesAfter()) {
+                                                      chord(g, sstaff, ll, part->instrument()->useDrumset());
-                                                chord(c, sstaff, ll, part->instr()->useDrumset());
-                                                 for (Chord* g : c->graceNotesAfter()) {
-                                                       chord(g, sstaff, ll, part->instr()->useDrumset());
-                                                       }
@@ -4972,8 +5010,9 @@ void ExportMusicXml::harmony(Harmony const* const h, FretDiagram const* const fd
             if (!h->xmlKind().isEmpty()) {
                   QString s = "kind";
+                  QString kindText = h->xmlText();
                   if (h->xmlText() != "")
-                        s += " text=\"" + h->xmlText() + "\"";
+                        s += " text=\"" + kindText + "\"";
                   if (h->xmlSymbols() == "yes")
                         s += " use-symbols=\"yes\"";
                   if (h->xmlParens() == "yes")
@@ -4982,7 +5021,24 @@ void ExportMusicXml::harmony(Harmony const* const h, FretDiagram const* const fd
                   QStringList l = h->xmlDegrees();
                   if (!l.isEmpty()) {
                         foreach(QString tag, l) {
-                              xml.stag("degree");
+                              QString degreeText;
+                              if (h->xmlKind().startsWith("suspended")
+                                  && tag.startsWith("add") && tag[3].isDigit()
+                                  && !kindText.isEmpty() && kindText[0].isDigit()) {
+                                    // hack to correct text for suspended chords whose kind text has degree information baked in
+                                    // (required by some other applications)
+                                    int tagDegree = tag.mid(3).toInt();
+                                    QString kindTextExtension;
+                                    for (int i = 0; i < kindText.length() && kindText[i].isDigit(); ++i)
+                                          kindTextExtension[i] = kindText[i];
+                                    int kindExtension = kindTextExtension.toInt();
+                                    if (tagDegree <= kindExtension && (tagDegree & 1) && (kindExtension & 1))
+                                          degreeText = "\"\"";
+                                    }
+                              if (degreeText.isEmpty())
+                                    xml.stag("degree");
+                              else
+                                    xml.stag("degree text=" + degreeText);
                               int alter = 0;
                               int idx = 3;
                               if (tag[idx] == '#') {
@@ -5022,7 +5078,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::harmony(Harmony const* const h, FretDiagram const* const fd
-            if(offset > 0)
+            if (offset > 0)
                   xml.tag("offset", offset);
             if (fd)
@@ -5045,7 +5101,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::harmony(Harmony const* const h, FretDiagram const* const fd
             xml.tag(k, "none");
             xml.etag();       // harmony
 #if 0
-// prior to 2.0, MuseScore exported unrecognized chords as plain text
+            // prior to 2.0, MuseScore exported unrecognized chords as plain text
             xml.tag("words", h->text());
@@ -5054,7 +5110,7 @@ void ExportMusicXml::harmony(Harmony const* const h, FretDiagram const* const fd
 #if 0
-// this is very old code that may never have actually been used
+      // this is very old code that may never have actually been used
       xml.tag(QString("kind text=\"%1\"").arg(h->extensionName()), extension);
       for (int i = 0; i < h->numberOfDegrees(); i++) {
             HDegree hd = h->degree(i);
diff --git a/mscore/file.cpp b/mscore/file.cpp
index e739e2b..ca31b04 100644
--- a/mscore/file.cpp
+++ b/mscore/file.cpp
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ void MuseScore::newFile()
             // create instruments from template
             for (Part* tpart : tscore->parts()) {
                   Part* part = new Part(score);
-                  part->setInstrument(tpart->instr());
+                  part->setInstrument(tpart->instrument());
                   for (Staff* tstaff : *tpart->staves()) {
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ void MuseScore::newFile()
             MeasureBase* mb = tscore->first();
-            if (mb->type() == Element::Type::VBOX) {
+            if (mb && mb->type() == Element::Type::VBOX) {
                   VBox* tvb = static_cast<VBox*>(mb);
                   nvb = new VBox(score);
@@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ void MuseScore::newFile()
                               Segment* s = m->getSegment(ts, 0);
                               Part* part = staff->part();
-                              if (!part->instr()->useDrumset()) {
+                              if (!part->instrument()->useDrumset()) {
                                     // transpose key
                                     KeySigEvent nKey = ks;
-                                    if (!nKey.custom() && part->instr()->transpose().chromatic && !score->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-                                          int diff = -part->instr()->transpose().chromatic;
+                                    if (!nKey.custom() && part->instrument()->transpose().chromatic && !score->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
+                                          int diff = -part->instrument()->transpose().chromatic;
                                           nKey.setKey(transposeKey(nKey.key(), diff));
                                     // do not create empty, invisible keysig
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ void MuseScore::newFile()
       if (newWizard->createTempo()) {
             double tempo = newWizard->tempo();
             TempoText* tt = new TempoText(score);
-            tt->setText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempo));
+            tt->setXmlText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempo));
             tempo /= 60;      // bpm -> bps
@@ -822,6 +822,11 @@ QStringList MuseScore::getOpenScoreNames(const QString& filter, const QString& t
+      else {
+            // dialog already exists, but set title and filter
+            loadScoreDialog->setWindowTitle(title);
+            loadScoreDialog->setNameFilter(filter);
+            }
       QStringList result;
       if (loadScoreDialog->exec())
@@ -1463,7 +1468,6 @@ void MuseScore::printFile()
             qDebug("unable to clear printer margins");
-      printerDev.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
       printerDev.setFromTo(1, cs->pages().size());
@@ -1854,7 +1858,6 @@ bool MuseScore::savePdf(Score* cs, const QString& saveName)
             qDebug("unable to clear printer margins");
-      printerDev.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
@@ -1910,7 +1913,6 @@ bool MuseScore::savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName)
             qDebug("unable to clear printer margins");
-      printerDev.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
@@ -1933,6 +1935,12 @@ bool MuseScore::savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName)
             pageOffset = firstScore->pageNumberOffset();
       bool firstPage = true;
       for (Score* s : cs) {
+            LayoutMode layoutMode = s->layoutMode();
+            if (layoutMode != LayoutMode::PAGE) {
+                  s->startCmd();
+                  s->undo(new ChangeLayoutMode(s, LayoutMode::PAGE));
+                  s->doLayout();
+                  }
             // here we ignore the configured page offset
@@ -1945,7 +1953,6 @@ bool MuseScore::savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName)
             const PageFormat* pf = s->pageFormat();
             printerDev.setPaperSize(pf->size(), QPrinter::Inch);
-            //printerDev.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
             const QList<Page*> pl = s->pages();
             int pages    = pl.size();
@@ -1962,6 +1969,8 @@ bool MuseScore::savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName)
             s->style()->set(StyleIdx::footerFirstPage, oldFirstPageNumber);
+            if (layoutMode != s->layoutMode())
+                  s->endCmd(true);       // rollback
       return true;
@@ -2085,6 +2094,7 @@ Score::FileError readScore(Score* score, QString name, bool ignoreVersionError)
                   qDebug("unknown file suffix <%s>, name <%s>", qPrintable(suffix), qPrintable(name));
                   return Score::FileError::FILE_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
+            score->setMetaTag("originalFormat", suffix);
             score->setCreated(true); // force save as for imported files
diff --git a/mscore/globals.h b/mscore/globals.h
index 8576c9d..d422991 100644
--- a/mscore/globals.h
+++ b/mscore/globals.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ extern bool pluginMode;
 extern double converterDpi;
 extern double guiScaling;
 extern int trimMargin;
+extern bool noWebView;
 // MsWidget
diff --git a/mscore/helpBrowser.cpp b/mscore/helpBrowser.cpp
index e3dd08e..7b51e9b 100644
--- a/mscore/helpBrowser.cpp
+++ b/mscore/helpBrowser.cpp
@@ -20,100 +20,96 @@ namespace Ms {
 //    manual css style sheets:
-static const char* css = R"XXXX(
-body {
-	font-family:	Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, "DejaVu Sans", sans-serif;
-	font-size:		11pt;
-	margin:		15px;
-      }
-h2, h3 {
-	font-size:		24px;
-	padding:		6px 0 6px 48px;
-	/*background:		#dcdcdc left center no-repeat url('mscore.png');*/
-	background-size:32px 32px;
-      }
-h4 {
-	margin:  10px 0 8px 16px;
-      }
-table {
-	border-collapse:collapse;
-      }
-td {
-	padding:		2px 12px 2px 0;
-	vertical-align:	text-top;
-      }
-.class-description {
-	margin:			0 0 16px 0;
-      }
-.class-inherit {
-	margin:			0 0 16px 0;
-	font-size:		0.8em;
-      }
-.method {
-	font-family:	"Lucida Console", Monaco, "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace;
-	font-size:		0.8em;
-      }
-.prop-odd {
-	background:		#dcdcdc;
-      }
-.prop-name {
-	font-weight:	bold;
-      }
-.prop-type {
-	font-style:		italic
-      }
-.prop-desc {
-      }
-.footer {
-	margin-top:		24px;
-	background:		#dcdcdc;
-	padding:		16px;
-	text-align:		center;
-	font-size:		0.8em;
-      }
-static const char* cssDark = R"XXXX(
-body {
-	font-family:	Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, "DejaVu Sans", sans-serif;
-	font-size:		11pt;
-	margin-left:	15px;
-      }
-h1, h2, h3 {
-      }
-h4 {
-	margin-left:      0px;
-      }
-table {
-	border-collapse:collapse;
-      }
-td {
-	padding:		2px 12px 2px 0;
-	vertical-align:	text-top;
-      }
-.class-description {
-	margin-top:		16px;
-      }
-.class-inherit {
-	margin-top:		16px;
-	font-size:		0.8em;
-      }
-.method {
-	font-family:	"Lucida Console", Monaco, "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace;
-	font-size:		0.7em;
-      }
-.prop-odd {
-	background:		#989898;
-      }
-.prop-name {
-	font-weight:	bold;
-      }
-.prop-type {
-	font-style:		italic;
-      }
-.prop-desc {
-      }
+static const char* css = "body {"
+"	font-family:	Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, \"DejaVu Sans\", sans-serif;"
+"	font-size:		11pt;"
+"	margin:		15px;"
+"      }"
+"h2, h3 {"
+"	font-size:		24px;"
+"	padding:		6px 0 6px 48px;"
+"	/*background:		#dcdcdc left center no-repeat url('mscore.png');*/"
+"	background-size:32px 32px;"
+"      }"
+"h4 {"
+"	margin:  10px 0 8px 16px;"
+"      }"
+"table {"
+"	border-collapse:collapse;"
+"      }"
+"td {"
+"	padding:		2px 12px 2px 0;"
+"	vertical-align:	text-top;"
+"      }"
+".class-description {"
+"	margin:			0 0 16px 0;"
+"      }"
+".class-inherit {"
+"	margin:			0 0 16px 0;"
+"	font-size:		0.8em;"
+"      }"
+".method {"
+"	font-family:	\"Lucida Console\", Monaco, \"DejaVu Sans Mono\", monospace;"
+"	font-size:		0.8em;"
+"     }"
+".prop-odd {"
+"	background:		#dcdcdc;"
+"      }"
+".prop-name {"
+"	font-weight:	bold;"
+"      }"
+".prop-type {"
+"	font-style:		italic"
+"      }"
+".prop-desc {"
+"      }"
+".footer {"
+"	margin-top:		24px;"
+"	background:		#dcdcdc;"
+"	padding:		16px;"
+"	text-align:		center;"
+"	font-size:		0.8em;"
+"     }";
+static const char* cssDark = "body {"
+"	font-family:	Arial, Helvetica, FreeSans, \"DejaVu Sans\", sans-serif;"
+"	font-size:		11pt;"
+"	margin-left:	15px;"
+"     }"
+"h1, h2, h3 {"
+"      }"
+"h4 {"
+"	margin-left:      0px;"
+"      }"
+"table {"
+"	border-collapse:collapse;"
+"      }"
+"td {"
+"	padding:		2px 12px 2px 0;"
+"	vertical-align:	text-top;"
+"      }"
+".class-description {"
+"	margin-top:		16px;"
+"      }"
+".class-inherit {"
+"	margin-top:		16px;"
+"	font-size:		0.8em;"
+"      }"
+".method {"
+"	font-family:	\"Lucida Console\", Monaco, \"DejaVu Sans Mono\", monospace;"
+"	font-size:		0.7em;"
+"      }"
+".prop-odd {"
+"	background:		#989898;"
+"      }"
+".prop-name {"
+"	font-weight:	bold;"
+"      }"
+".prop-type {"
+"	font-style:		italic;"
+"      }"
+".prop-desc {"
+"      }";
diff --git a/mscore/importbww.cpp b/mscore/importbww.cpp
index 3203e69..cc02285 100644
--- a/mscore/importbww.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importbww.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ static void addText(Ms::VBox*& vbx, Ms::Score* s, QString strTxt, Ms::TextStyleT
       if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
             Ms::Text* text = new Ms::Text(s);
-            text->setText(strTxt);
+            text->setPlainText(strTxt);
             if (vbx == 0)
                   vbx = new Ms::VBox(s);
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ static void setTempo(Ms::Score* score, int tempo)
       QString tempoText = Ms::TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(Ms::TDuration::DurationType::V_QUARTER);
       tempoText += QString(" = %1").arg(tempo);
-      tt->setText(tempoText);
+      tt->setPlainText(tempoText);
       Ms::Measure* measure = score->firstMeasure();
       Ms::Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Ms::Segment::Type::ChordRest, 0);
@@ -444,9 +444,9 @@ void MsScWriter::header(const QString title, const QString type,
             score->style()->set(Ms::StyleIdx::oddFooterC, footer);
       Ms::Part* part = score->staff(0)->part();
-      part->setLongName(instrumentName());
+      part->setPlainLongName(instrumentName());
-      part->instr()->setTrackName(instrumentName());
+      part->instrument()->setTrackName(instrumentName());
       part->setMidiProgram(midiProgram() - 1);
diff --git a/mscore/importgtp-gp4.cpp b/mscore/importgtp-gp4.cpp
index 162f96f..f83fd16 100644
--- a/mscore/importgtp-gp4.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importgtp-gp4.cpp
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ bool GuitarPro4::readNote(int string, int staffIdx, Note* note)
                   else if (rightFinger == 4)
                         finger = "O";
-            f->setText(finger);
+            f->setPlainText(finger);
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ bool GuitarPro4::readNote(int string, int staffIdx, Note* note)
                         fret = 0;
-                  int grace_pitch = note->staff()->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fret, nullptr, 0);
+                  int grace_pitch = note->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fret, nullptr, 0);
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ bool GuitarPro4::readNote(int string, int staffIdx, Note* note)
       // dead note represented as high numbers - fix to zero
       if (fretNumber > 99 || fretNumber == -1)
             fretNumber = 0;
-      int pitch = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
+      int pitch = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
@@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
                   tuning2[strings-k-1] = tuning[k];
             StringData stringData(frets, strings, tuning2);
             Part* part = score->staff(i)->part();
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
-            part->setLongName(name);
+            part->setPlainLongName(name);
             // determine clef
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
                   Segment* s = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
                   StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                  st->setText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
+                  st->setPlainText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
                   st->setTrack(i * VOICES);
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
                               tuple = readInt();
                         Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_CHORD) {
-                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                               int header = readUChar();
                               QString name;
                               if ((header & 1) == 0) {
@@ -720,14 +720,14 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
                         Lyrics* lyrics = 0;
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_LYRICS) {
                               lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                              lyrics->setText(readDelphiString());
+                              lyrics->setPlainText(readDelphiString());
                         if (gpLyrics.beatCounter >= gpLyrics.fromBeat && gpLyrics.lyricTrack == staffIdx + 1) {
                               int index = gpLyrics.beatCounter - gpLyrics.fromBeat;
                               if (index < gpLyrics.lyrics.size()) {
                                     lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                                    lyrics->setText(gpLyrics.lyrics[index]);
+                                    lyrics->setPlainText(gpLyrics.lyrics[index]);
                         int beatEffects = 0;
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ void GuitarPro4::read(QFile* fp)
                         Staff* staff = cr->staff();
-                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                         bool hasSlur = false;
                         for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
diff --git a/mscore/importgtp-gp5.cpp b/mscore/importgtp-gp5.cpp
index 06f88bc..75b7d77 100644
--- a/mscore/importgtp-gp5.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importgtp-gp5.cpp
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int GuitarPro5::readBeat(int tick, int voice, Measure* measure, int staffIdx, Tu
       Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
       if (beatBits & BEAT_CHORD) {
-            int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+            int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
             QString name = readPascalString(21);
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ int GuitarPro5::readBeat(int tick, int voice, Measure* measure, int staffIdx, Tu
       if (beatBits & BEAT_LYRICS) {
             QString txt = readDelphiString();
             lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-            lyrics->setText(txt);
+            lyrics->setPlainText(txt);
       if (gpLyrics.beatCounter >= gpLyrics.fromBeat && gpLyrics.lyricTrack == staffIdx+1) {
             int index = gpLyrics.beatCounter - gpLyrics.fromBeat;
             if (index < gpLyrics.lyrics.size()) {
                   lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                  lyrics->setText(gpLyrics.lyrics[index]);
+                  lyrics->setPlainText(gpLyrics.lyrics[index]);
       int beatEffects = 0;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ int GuitarPro5::readBeat(int tick, int voice, Measure* measure, int staffIdx, Tu
             Staff* staff = cr->staff();
-            int numStrings = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+            int numStrings = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
             bool hasSlur = false;
             for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
                   if (strings & (1 << i) && ((6-i) < numStrings)) {
@@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ void GuitarPro5::readTracks()
             for (int k = 0; k < strings; ++k)
                   tuning2[strings-k-1] = tuning[k];
             StringData stringData(frets, strings, tuning2);
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
-            part->setLongName(name);
+            part->setPlainLongName(name);
             // determine clef
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void GuitarPro5::readTracks()
                   Segment* s = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
                   StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                  st->setText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
+                  st->setPlainText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
                   st->setTrack(i * VOICES);
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ void GuitarPro5::readMeasures(int /*startingTempo*/)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ bool GuitarPro5::readNoteEffects(Note* note)
-            int grace_pitch = note->staff()->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(note->string(), fret, nullptr, 0);
+            int grace_pitch = note->staff()->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(note->string(), fret, nullptr, 0);
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ bool GuitarPro5::readNote(int string, Note* note)
                   else if (rightFinger == 4)
                         finger = "O";
-            f->setText(finger);
+            f->setPlainText(finger);
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ bool GuitarPro5::readNote(int string, Note* note)
-      int pitch = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
+      int pitch = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
diff --git a/mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp b/mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp
index afc3b34..8e20c24 100644
--- a/mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importgtp-gp6.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 //  Music Composition & Notation
 //  Copyright (C) 2014 John Pirie
+//  Parts of the GPX Import based on code contributed by J.Jørgen von Bargen
 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ void GuitarPro6::readTracks(QDomNode* track)
             while (!currentNode.isNull()) {
                   QString nodeName = currentNode.nodeName();
                   if (nodeName == "Name")
-                        part->setLongName(currentNode.toElement().text());
+                        part->setPlainLongName(currentNode.toElement().text());
                   else if (nodeName == "Color") {}
                   else if (nodeName == "SystemsLayout") {}
                   // this is a typo is guitar pro - 'defaut' is correct here
@@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ void GuitarPro6::readTracks(QDomNode* track)
                                           StringData* stringData = new StringData(frets, strings, tuning);
-                                          Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+                                          Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
                               else if (!propertyName.compare("DiagramCollection")) {
@@ -887,7 +888,7 @@ int GuitarPro6::readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure,
                                                             Staff* staff = note->staff();
                                                             int harmonicFret = fretNum.toInt();
-                                                            int musescoreString = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings() - 1 - stringNum.toInt();
+                                                            int musescoreString = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings() - 1 - stringNum.toInt();
                                                             harmonicNote->setFret(harmonicFret); // add the octave for the harmonic
@@ -910,7 +911,7 @@ int GuitarPro6::readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure,
                                                             else if (!value.compare("1.8"))
                                                                   harmonicFret += 40;
-                                                            harmonicNote->setPitch(staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(musescoreString, harmonicFret, nullptr, 0));
+                                                            harmonicNote->setPitch(staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(musescoreString, harmonicFret, nullptr, 0));
                                                             if (harmonicText.compare("Natural")) {
@@ -929,8 +930,8 @@ int GuitarPro6::readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure,
                                                 else if (stringNum != "" && note->headGroup() != NoteHead::Group::HEAD_DIAMOND) {
                                                       Staff* staff = note->staff();
                                                       int fretNumber = fretNum.toInt();
-                                                      int musescoreString = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings() - 1 - stringNum.toInt();
-                                                      auto pitch = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(musescoreString, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
+                                                      int musescoreString = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings() - 1 - stringNum.toInt();
+                                                      auto pitch = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(musescoreString, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
                                                       // we need to turn this string number for GP to the the correct string number for musescore
@@ -1182,7 +1183,7 @@ int GuitarPro6::readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure,
                                                             else if (!finger.compare("C"))
                                                                   finger = "4";
-                                                      f->setText(finger);
+                                                      f->setPlainText(finger);
@@ -1348,7 +1349,7 @@ int GuitarPro6::readBeats(QString beats, GPPartInfo* partInfo, Measure* measure,
                                     if (!argument.compare("Rasgueado")) {
                                           StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                                          st->setText("rasg.");
+                                          st->setXmlText("rasg.");
@@ -1646,7 +1647,7 @@ void GuitarPro6::readMasterBars(GPPartInfo* partInfo)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -1666,7 +1667,7 @@ void GuitarPro6::readMasterBars(GPPartInfo* partInfo)
                         StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                        st->setText("Free time");
+                        st->setXmlText("Free time");
@@ -1689,33 +1690,33 @@ void GuitarPro6::readMasterBars(GPPartInfo* partInfo)
                         StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
                         if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("Fine"))
-                              st->setText("fine");
+                              st->setXmlText("fine");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaCapo"))
-                              st->setText("Da Capo");
+                              st->setXmlText("Da Capo");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaCapoAlCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.C. al Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.C. al Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaCapoAlDoubleCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.C. al Double Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.C. al Double Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaCapoAlFine"))
-                              st->setText("D.C. al Fine");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.C. al Fine");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoAlCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.S. al Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S. al Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoAlDoubleCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.S. al Double Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S. al Double Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoAlFine"))
-                              st->setText("D.S. al Fine");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S. al Fine");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoSegno"))
-                              st->setText("Da Segno Segno");
+                              st->setXmlText("Da Segno Segno");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoSegnoAlCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.S.S. al Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S.S. al Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoSegnoAlDoubleCoda"))
-                              st->setText("D.S.S. al Double Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S.S. al Double Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaSegnoSegnoAlFine"))
-                              st->setText("D.S.S. al Fine");
+                              st->setXmlText("D.S.S. al Fine");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaCoda"))
-                              st->setText("Da Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("Da Coda");
                         else if (!bars[measureCounter].direction.compare("DaDoubleCoda"))
-                              st->setText("Da Double Coda");
+                              st->setXmlText("Da Double Coda");
diff --git a/mscore/importgtp.cpp b/mscore/importgtp.cpp
index a3a2438..e29ee01 100644
--- a/mscore/importgtp.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importgtp.cpp
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ void GuitarPro::addTextToNote(QString string, TextStyle textStyle, Note* note)
       Text* text = new Text(score);
-      text->setText(string);
+      text->setPlainText(string);
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ void GuitarPro::readVolta(GPVolta* gpVolta, Measure* m)
-            volta->setText(voltaTextString);
+            volta->setText(Xml::xmlString(voltaTextString));
             volta->setTick2(m->tick() + m->ticks());
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ void GuitarPro::createSlide(int slide, ChordRest* cr, int staffIdx)
       // shift / legato slide
       if (slide == SHIFT_SLIDE || slide == LEGATO_SLIDE) {
             Glissando* s = new Glissando(score);
-/*            s->setText("");
+/*            s->setXmlText("");
             cr->add(s); */
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::read(QFile* fp)
             int frets = 32;   // TODO
             StringData stringData(frets, strings, tuning2);
             Part* part = score->staff(i)->part();
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::read(QFile* fp)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::read(QFile* fp)
                               tuple = readInt();
                         Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_CHORD) {
-                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                               int header = readUChar();
                               QString name;
                               if ((header & 1) == 0) {
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::read(QFile* fp)
                         Lyrics* lyrics = 0;
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_LYRICS) {
                               lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                              lyrics->setText(readDelphiString());
+                              lyrics->setPlainText(readDelphiString());
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_EFFECTS)
                               readBeatEffects(track, segment);
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::read(QFile* fp)
                         Staff* staff = cr->staff();
-                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                         for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
                               if (strings & (1 << i) && ((6-i) < numStrings)) {
                                     Note* note = new Note(score);
@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ void GuitarPro::setTempo(int tempo, Measure* measure)
       TempoText* tt = new TempoText(score);
-      tt->setText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempo));
+      tt->setXmlText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempo));
       Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -1306,10 +1306,10 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
                   tuning2[strings-k-1] = tuning[k];
             StringData stringData(frets, strings, tuning2);
             Part* part = score->staff(i)->part();
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
-            part->setLongName(name);
+            part->setPlainLongName(name);
             // determine clef
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
                   Segment* s = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
                   StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                  st->setText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
+                  st->setPlainText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
                   st->setTrack(i * VOICES);
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -1396,7 +1396,7 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
                               tuple = readInt();
                         Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_CHORD) {
-                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                               int header = readUChar();
                               QString name;
                               if ((header & 1) == 0) {
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_LYRICS) {
                               QString txt = readDelphiString();
                               lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                              lyrics->setText(txt);
+                              lyrics->setPlainText(txt);
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_EFFECTS)
                               readBeatEffects(track, segment);
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@ void GuitarPro2::read(QFile* fp)
                         Staff* staff = cr->staff();
-                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                         for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
                               if (strings & (1 << i) && ((6-i) < numStrings)) {
                                     Note* note = new Note(score);
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::readNote(int string, Note* note)
                         fret = 0;
-                  int grace_pitch = note->staff()->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fret, nullptr, 0);
+                  int grace_pitch = note->staff()->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fret, nullptr, 0);
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ void GuitarPro1::readNote(int string, Note* note)
       // dead note represented as high numbers - fix to zero
       if (fretNumber > 99 || fretNumber == -1)
             fretNumber = 0;
-      int pitch = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
+      int pitch = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->getPitch(string, fretNumber, nullptr, 0);
       /* it's possible to specifiy extraordinarily high pitches by
       specifying fret numbers that don't exist. This is an issue that
@@ -1922,10 +1922,10 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
                   tuning2[strings-k-1] = tuning[k];
             StringData stringData(frets, strings, tuning2);
             Part* part = score->staff(i)->part();
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr();
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument();
-            part->setLongName(name);
+            part->setPlainLongName(name);
             // determine clef
@@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
                   Segment* s = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
                   StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-                  st->setText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
+                  st->setPlainText(QString("Capo. fret ") + QString::number(capo));
                   st->setTrack(i * VOICES);
@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
             if (!gpbar.marker.isEmpty()) {
                   Text* s = new RehearsalMark(score);
-                  s->setText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
+                  s->setPlainText(gpbar.marker.trimmed());
                   Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, measure->tick());
@@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
                         Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_CHORD) {
-                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                              int numStrings = score->staff(staffIdx)->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                               int header = readUChar();
                               QString name;
                               if ((header & 1) == 0) {
@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_LYRICS) {
                               QString txt = readDelphiString();
                               lyrics = new Lyrics(score);
-                              lyrics->setText(txt);
+                              lyrics->setPlainText(txt);
                         int beatEffects = 0;
                         if (beatBits & BEAT_EFFECTS)
@@ -2106,7 +2106,7 @@ void GuitarPro3::read(QFile* fp)
                         Staff* staff = cr->staff();
-                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings();
+                        int numStrings = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings();
                         for (int i = 6; i >= 0; --i) {
                               if (strings & (1 << i) && ((6-i) < numStrings)) {
                                     Note* note = new Note(score);
@@ -2324,7 +2324,7 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
             Text* s = new Text(score);
             // s->setSubtype(TEXT_TITLE);
-            s->setText(gp->title);
+            s->setPlainText(gp->title);
       if (!gp->subtitle.isEmpty() && !gp->artist.isEmpty() && !gp->album.isEmpty()) {
@@ -2344,14 +2344,14 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
-            s->setText(str);
+            s->setPlainText(str);
       if (!gp->composer.isEmpty()) {
             Text* s = new Text(score);
             // s->setSubtype(TEXT_COMPOSER);
-            s->setText(gp->composer);
+            s->setPlainText(gp->composer);
       int idx = 0;
@@ -2373,7 +2373,7 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
             QList<int> stavesMap;
             Part*   p = new Part(pscore);
-            p->setInstrument(*part->instr());
+            p->setInstrument(*part->instrument());
             Staff* staff = part->staves()->front();
@@ -2390,14 +2390,14 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
             cloneStaves(score, pscore, stavesMap);
-            if (staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings() > 0 && part->staves()->front()->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::STANDARD) {
+            if (staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings() > 0 && part->staves()->front()->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::STANDARD) {
                   Staff* s1 = p->staff(1);
                   StaffType st = *StaffType::preset(StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT);
-                  s1->setLines(staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings());
+                  s1->setLines(staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings());
                   p->staves()->front()->addBracket(BracketItem(BracketType::NORMAL, 2));
@@ -2410,10 +2410,10 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
-            if (staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings() > 0 && part->staves()->front()->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::STANDARD) {
+            if (staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings() > 0 && part->staves()->front()->staffType()->group() == StaffGroup::STANDARD) {
                   Staff* staff2 = pscore->staff(1);
-                  staff2->setLines(staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->strings());
+                  staff2->setLines(staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->strings());
@@ -2428,7 +2428,7 @@ Score::FileError importGTP(Score* score, const QString& name)
             Text* txt = new Text(pscore);
-            txt->setText(part->longName());
+            txt->setPlainText(part->longName());
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi.cpp
index 59cc92a..b670542 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 #include "libmscore/bracket.h"
 #include "libmscore/drumset.h"
 #include "libmscore/box.h"
-#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
 #include "libmscore/pitchspelling.h"
 #include "importmidi_meter.h"
 #include "importmidi_chord.h"
@@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ void MTrack::processMeta(int tick, const MidiEvent& mm)
                   auto &opers = preferences.midiImportOperations;
                   if (opers.data()->processingsOfOpenedFile == 0) {
-                        const int currentTrack = opers.currentTrack();
+                        const int currentTrack = indexOfOperation;
                         opers.data()->trackOpers.staffName.setValue(currentTrack, text);
@@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ void MTrack::processMeta(int tick, const MidiEvent& mm)
-                  text->setText((const char*)(mm.edata()));
+                  text->setPlainText((const char*)(mm.edata()));
                   MeasureBase* measure = cs->first();
                   if (measure->type() != Element::Type::VBOX) {
@@ -519,11 +518,11 @@ void MTrack::processPendingNotes(QList<MidiChord> &midiChords,
       Score* score = staff->score();
       const int track = staff->idx() * VOICES + voice;
-      const Drumset* drumset = staff->part()->instr()->drumset();
-      const bool useDrumset  = staff->part()->instr()->useDrumset();
+      const Drumset* drumset = staff->part()->instrument()->drumset();
+      const bool useDrumset  = staff->part()->instrument()->useDrumset();
       const auto& opers = preferences.midiImportOperations.data()->trackOpers;
-      const int currentTrack = preferences.midiImportOperations.currentTrack();
+      const int currentTrack = indexOfOperation;
                   // all midiChords here should have the same onTime value
                   // and all notes in each midiChord should have the same duration
@@ -576,36 +575,28 @@ void MTrack::processPendingNotes(QList<MidiChord> &midiChords,
       fillGapWithRests(score, voice, startChordTick, nextChordTick - startChordTick, track);
-void MTrack::createKeys(Key k)
+void MTrack::createKeys(Key defaultKey, const KeyList &allKeyList)
-      Score* score = staff->score();
-      const int track = staff->idx() * VOICES;
+      KeyList &staffKeyList = *staff->keyList();
-      KeyList* km = staff->keyList();
       if (!hasKey && !mtrack->drumTrack()) {
-            KeySigEvent ke;
-            ke.setKey(k);
-            (*km)[0] = ke;
+            if (allKeyList.empty()) {
+                  KeySigEvent ke;
+                  ke.setKey(defaultKey);
+                  staffKeyList[0] = ke;
+                  MidiKey::assignKeyListToStaff(staffKeyList, staff);
+                  }
+            else {
+                  hasKey = true;
+                  MidiKey::assignKeyListToStaff(allKeyList, staff);
+                  }
-      Key pkey = Key::C;
-      for (auto it = km->begin(); it != km->end(); ++it) {
-            const int tick = it->first;
-            Key key  = it->second.key();
-            if ((key == Key::C) && (key == pkey))     // dont insert uneccessary C key
-                  continue;
-            pkey = key;
-            KeySig* ks = new KeySig(score);
-            ks->setTrack(track);
-            ks->setGenerated(false);
-            ks->setKey(key);
-            ks->setMag(staff->mag());
-            Measure* m = score->tick2measure(tick);
-            Segment* seg = m->getSegment(ks, tick);
-            seg->add(ks);
+      else {
+            MidiKey::assignKeyListToStaff(staffKeyList, staff);
-void MTrack::convertTrack(const ReducedFraction &lastTick)
+void MTrack::createNotes(const ReducedFraction &lastTick)
       for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
                         // startChordTick is onTime value of all simultaneous notes
@@ -640,23 +631,6 @@ void MTrack::convertTrack(const ReducedFraction &lastTick)
                         // process last chords at the end of the score
             processPendingNotes(midiChords, voice, startChordTick, lastTick);
-      const Key key = Key::C;                // TODO-LIB findKey(mtrack, score->sigmap());
-      MidiTuplet::createTuplets(staff, tuplets);
-      createKeys(key);
-      const auto& opers = preferences.midiImportOperations.data()->trackOpers;
-      const auto swingType = opers.swing.value(indexOfOperation);
-      Swing::detectSwing(staff, swingType);
-      Q_ASSERT_X(MidiTie::areTiesConsistent(staff), "MTrack::convertTrack", "Ties are inconsistent");
-      Q_ASSERT_X(MidiTuplet::haveTupletsEnoughElements(staff),
-                 "MTrack::convertTrack",
-                 "Tuplet has less than 2 elements or all elements are rests");
-      MidiClef::createClefs(staff, indexOfOperation, mtrack->drumTrack());
 Fraction metaTimeSignature(const MidiEvent& e)
@@ -880,7 +854,7 @@ void setTrackInfo(MidiType midiType, MTrack &mt)
       auto &opers = preferences.midiImportOperations;
-      const int currentTrack = opers.currentTrack();
+      const int currentTrack = mt.indexOfOperation;
       const QString instrName = MidiInstr::instrumentName(midiType, mt.program,
       if (opers.data()->processingsOfOpenedFile == 0) {
@@ -894,7 +868,7 @@ void setTrackInfo(MidiType midiType, MTrack &mt)
       if (mt.staff->isTop()) {
             Part *part  = mt.staff->part();
-            part->setLongName(MidiInstr::concatenateWithComma(trackInstrName, mt.name));
+            part->setLongName(Xml::xmlString(MidiInstr::concatenateWithComma(trackInstrName, mt.name)));
             int bank = 0;
@@ -954,24 +928,92 @@ void processMeta(MTrack &mt, bool isLyric)
-void createNotes(const ReducedFraction &lastTick, QList<MTrack> &tracks, MidiType midiType)
+// key list with key signatures of all tracks
+//   to assign it to tracks without any specified key signature
+KeyList findAllKeyList(const QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      KeyList kl;
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            if (tracks[i].hasKey) {
+                  for (const auto &key: *tracks[i].staff->keyList())
+                        kl.setKey(key.first, key.second);
+                  }
+            }
+      return kl;
+      }
+void createNotes(const ReducedFraction &lastTick, QList<MTrack> &tracks)
       for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
             MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
-                        // pass current track index to the convertTrack function
-                        //   through MidiImportOperations
-            auto &opers = preferences.midiImportOperations;
-            MidiOperations::CurrentTrackSetter setCurrentTrack(opers, mt.indexOfOperation);
+            mt.createNotes(lastTick);
+            MidiTuplet::createTupletNotes(mt.staff, mt.tuplets);
+            }
+      }
+void processNonLyricMeta(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
             processMeta(mt, false);
+            }
+      }
+void setTrackInfo(QList<MTrack> &tracks, MidiType midiType)
+      {
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
             if (midiType == MidiType::UNKNOWN)
                   midiType = MidiType::GM;
             setTrackInfo(midiType, mt);
-            mt.convertTrack(lastTick);
+            }
+      }
+void processLyricMeta(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
             processMeta(mt, true);
+void createKeys(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      const Key defaultKey = Key::C;     // TODO-LIB findKey(mtrack, score->sigmap());
+      const KeyList &allKeyList = findAllKeyList(tracks);
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
+            mt.createKeys(defaultKey, allKeyList);
+            }
+      }
+void applySwing(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
+            const auto& opers = preferences.midiImportOperations.data()->trackOpers;
+            const auto swingType = opers.swing.value(mt.indexOfOperation);
+            Swing::detectSwing(mt.staff, swingType);
+            Q_ASSERT_X(MidiTie::areTiesConsistent(mt.staff),
+                       "applySwing", "Ties are inconsistent");
+            Q_ASSERT_X(MidiTuplet::haveTupletsEnoughElements(mt.staff),
+                       "MTrack::convertTrack",
+                       "Tuplet has less than 2 elements or all elements are rests");
+            }
+      }
+void createClefs(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      {
+      for (int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); ++i) {
+            MTrack &mt = tracks[i];
+            MidiClef::createClefs(mt.staff, mt.indexOfOperation, mt.mtrack->drumTrack());
+            }
+      }
 void setLeftRightHandSplit(const std::multimap<int, MTrack> &tracks)
       for (auto it = tracks.begin(); it != tracks.end(); ++it) {
@@ -1099,13 +1141,21 @@ void convertMidi(Score *score, const MidiFile *mf)
       const auto firstTick = findFirstChordTick(trackList);
       createMeasures(firstTick, lastTick, score);
-      createNotes(lastTick, trackList, mf->midiType());
+      processNonLyricMeta(trackList);
+      setTrackInfo(trackList, mf->midiType());
+      createKeys(trackList);
+      MidiKey::recognizeMainKeySig(trackList);
+      createNotes(lastTick, trackList);
+      processLyricMeta(trackList);
+      applySwing(trackList);
+      createClefs(trackList);
       MidiTempo::setTempo(tracks, score);
-      MidiKey::setMainKeySig(trackList);
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_fraction.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_fraction.cpp
index 7b5939b..bcaa4e7 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_fraction.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_fraction.cpp
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int ReducedFraction::ticks() const
       Q_ASSERT_X(!isDivisionOverflow(tmp, denominator_),
                  "ReducedFraction::ticks", "Division overflow");
-      Q_ASSERT_X(!isMultiplicationOverflow(integral, denominator_),
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isMultiplicationOverflow(integral, division),
                  "ReducedFraction::ticks", "Multiplication overflow");
       Q_ASSERT_X(!isAdditionOverflow(tmp / denominator_, integral * division),
                  "ReducedFraction::ticks", "Addition overflow");
@@ -341,17 +341,29 @@ ReducedFraction toMuseScoreTicks(int tick, int oldDivision, bool isDivisionInTps
       if (isDivisionInTps)
             return ReducedFraction::fromTicks(tick);
-      Q_ASSERT_X(!isMultiplicationOverflow(tick, MScore::division),
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isDivisionOverflow(tick, oldDivision),
+                 "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Division overflow");
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isRemainderOverflow(tick, oldDivision),
+                 "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Remainder overflow");
+      const int integral = tick / oldDivision;
+      const int remainder = tick % oldDivision;
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isMultiplicationOverflow(remainder, MScore::division),
                  "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Multiplication overflow");
-      Q_ASSERT_X(!isAdditionOverflow(tick * MScore::division, oldDivision / 2),
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isAdditionOverflow(remainder * MScore::division, oldDivision / 2),
                  "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Addition overflow");
-      const int tmp = tick * MScore::division + oldDivision / 2;
+      const int tmp = remainder * MScore::division + oldDivision / 2;
       Q_ASSERT_X(!isDivisionOverflow(tmp, oldDivision),
                  "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Division overflow");
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isMultiplicationOverflow(integral, MScore::division),
+                 "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Multiplication overflow");
+      Q_ASSERT_X(!isAdditionOverflow(tmp / oldDivision, integral *  MScore::division),
+                 "ReducedFraction::toMuseScoreTicks", "Addition overflow");
-      return ReducedFraction::fromTicks(tmp / oldDivision);
+      return ReducedFraction::fromTicks(tmp / oldDivision + integral * MScore::division);
 } // namespace Ms
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_inner.h b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_inner.h
index e799649..8a8c0c3 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_inner.h
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_inner.h
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class MidiChord;
 class MidiEvent;
 class TDuration;
 class Measure;
+class KeyList;
 class MTrack {
    public:              // chords store tuplet iterators, so we need to copy class explicitly
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ class MTrack {
       std::multimap<ReducedFraction, MidiChord> chords;
       std::multimap<ReducedFraction, MidiTuplet::TupletData> tuplets;   // <tupletOnTime, ...>
-      void convertTrack(const ReducedFraction &lastTick);
+      void createNotes(const ReducedFraction &lastTick);
       void processPendingNotes(QList<MidiChord>& midiChords,
                                int voice,
                                const ReducedFraction &startChordTickFrac,
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ class MTrack {
       QList<std::pair<ReducedFraction, TDuration> >
             toDurationList(const Measure *measure, int voice, const ReducedFraction &startTick,
                            const ReducedFraction &len, Meter::DurationType durationType);
-      void createKeys(Key);
+      void createKeys(Key defaultKey, const Ms::KeyList &allKeyList);
       void updateTupletsFromChords();
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_instrument.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_instrument.cpp
index 9ce30c1..bc5c606 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_instrument.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_instrument.cpp
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ void createInstruments(Score *score, QList<MTrack> &tracks)
                   if (track.mtrack->drumTrack()) {
                         if (!instr) {
-                              part->instr()->setDrumset(smDrumset);
+                              part->instrument()->setDrumset(smDrumset);
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ QString msInstrName(int trackIndex)
       if (!instr->trackName.isEmpty())
             return instr->trackName;
       if (!instr->longNames.isEmpty())
-            return instr->longNames.front().name;
+            return instr->longNames.front().name();
       return "";
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.cpp
index 5daa624..63ba8ec 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 #include "importmidi_chord.h"
 #include "importmidi_inner.h"
 #include "libmscore/key.h"
+#include "libmscore/keysig.h"
+#include "libmscore/keylist.h"
+#include "libmscore/measure.h"
 #include "libmscore/staff.h"
+#include "libmscore/score.h"
 #include "mscore/preferences.h"
@@ -36,6 +40,30 @@ class KeyData {
       int count_;
+void assignKeyListToStaff(const KeyList &kl, Staff *staff)
+      {
+      Score* score = staff->score();
+      const int track = staff->idx() * VOICES;
+      Key pkey = Key::C;
+      for (auto it = kl.begin(); it != kl.end(); ++it) {
+            const int tick = it->first;
+            Key key  = it->second.key();
+            if ((key == Key::C) && (key == pkey))     // dont insert uneccessary C key
+                  continue;
+            pkey = key;
+            KeySig* ks = new KeySig(score);
+            ks->setTrack(track);
+            ks->setGenerated(false);
+            ks->setKey(key);
+            ks->setMag(staff->mag());
+            Measure* m = score->tick2measure(tick);
+            Segment* seg = m->getSegment(ks, tick);
+            seg->add(ks);
+            }
+      }
 Key findKey(const QList<MTrack> &tracks)
       const int octave = 12;
@@ -81,18 +109,41 @@ Key findKey(const QList<MTrack> &tracks)
       return keys[0].key();
-void setMainKeySig(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+void recognizeMainKeySig(QList<MTrack> &tracks)
+      bool needToFindKey = false;
+      const auto &opers = preferences.midiImportOperations;
+      const bool isHuman = opers.data()->trackOpers.isHumanPerformance.value();
+      if (isHuman)
+            needToFindKey = true;
+      if (!needToFindKey) {
+            for (const MTrack &track: tracks) {
+                  if (track.mtrack->drumTrack())
+                        continue;
+                  if (!track.hasKey) {
+                        needToFindKey = true;
+                        break;
+                        }
+                  }
+            }
+      if (!needToFindKey)
+            return;
       const Key key = findKey(tracks);
       for (MTrack &track: tracks) {
             if (track.mtrack->drumTrack())
-            auto &opers = preferences.midiImportOperations;
-            MidiOperations::CurrentTrackSetter setCurrentTrack{opers, track.indexOfOperation};
-            if (!track.hasKey || opers.data()->trackOpers.isHumanPerformance.value()) {
+            if (!track.hasKey || isHuman) {
                   KeySigEvent ke;
-                  track.staff->setKey(0, ke);
+                  KeyList &staffKeyList = *track.staff->keyList();
+                  staffKeyList[0] = ke;
+                  assignKeyListToStaff(staffKeyList, track.staff);
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.h b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.h
index 49a614b..e17e715 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.h
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_key.h
@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@
 namespace Ms {
+class Staff;
 class MTrack;
+class KeyList;
 namespace MidiKey {
-void setMainKeySig(QList<MTrack> &tracks);
+void assignKeyListToStaff(const KeyList &kl, Staff *staff);
+void recognizeMainKeySig(QList<MTrack> &tracks);
 } // namespace MidiKey
 } // namespace Ms
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_lyrics.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_lyrics.cpp
index ef6508c..7b308de 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_lyrics.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_lyrics.cpp
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void addTitle(Score *score, const QString &string, int *textCounter)
             else if (*textCounter == 2)
-            text->setText(string.right(string.size() - TEXT_PREFIX.size()));
+            text->setPlainText(string.right(string.size() - TEXT_PREFIX.size()));
             MeasureBase* measure = score->first();
             if (measure->type() != Element::Type::VBOX) {
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_model.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_model.cpp
index e3a087d..3c7e020 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_model.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_model.cpp
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ void TracksModel::reset(const MidiOperations::Opers &opers,
                               return instr->trackName;
                         if (instr->longNames.isEmpty())
                               return instr->id;
-                        return instr->longNames.front().name;
+                        return instr->longNames.front().name();
             _columns.push_back(std::unique_ptr<Column>(new MsInstrument(_trackOpers)));
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_swing.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_swing.cpp
index 88275ac..26a0167 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_swing.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_swing.cpp
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void detectSwing(Staff *staff, MidiOperations::Swing swingType)
                         // add swing label to the score
             StaffText* st = new StaffText(score);
-            st->setText(swingCaption(swingType));
+            st->setPlainText(swingCaption(swingType));
             Segment* seg = score->firstSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest);
             st->setTrack(strack);   // voice == 0
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tempo.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tempo.cpp
index 16f68f5..2c05efd 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tempo.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tempo.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void setTempoToScore(Score *score, int tick, double beatsPerSecond)
             TempoText *tempoText = new TempoText(score);
-            tempoText->setText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempoInBpm));
+            tempoText->setXmlText(QString("<sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = %1").arg(tempoInBpm));
             Measure *measure = score->tick2measure(tick);
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.cpp b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.cpp
index 014b348..fa286bf 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.cpp
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ void addElementToTuplet(int voice,
-void createTuplets(Staff *staff,
-                   const std::multimap<ReducedFraction, TupletData> &tuplets)
+void createTupletNotes(
+            Staff *staff,
+            const std::multimap<ReducedFraction, TupletData> &tuplets)
       Score* score = staff->score();
       const int track = staff->idx() * VOICES;
diff --git a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.h b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.h
index d80740c..2bcc1ed 100644
--- a/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.h
+++ b/mscore/importmidi/importmidi_tuplet_tonotes.h
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ void addElementToTuplet(int voice,
                         DurationElement *el,
                         std::multimap<ReducedFraction, TupletData> &tuplets);
-void createTuplets(Staff *staff,
-                   const std::multimap<ReducedFraction, TupletData> &tuplets);
+void createTupletNotes(Staff *staff,
+                       const std::multimap<ReducedFraction, TupletData> &tuplets);
 #ifdef QT_DEBUG
 bool haveTupletsEnoughElements(const Staff *staff);
diff --git a/mscore/importove.cpp b/mscore/importove.cpp
index 607b3eb..2a7718a 100644
--- a/mscore/importove.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importove.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include "ove.h"
 #include "globals.h"
-#include "musescore.h"
+//#include "musescore.h"
 #include "libmscore/sig.h"
 #include "libmscore/tempo.h"
 #include "libmscore/arpeggio.h"
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ void addText(VBox* & vbox, Score* s, QString strTxt, TextStyleType stl) {
       if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
             Text* text = new Text(s);
-            text->setText(strTxt);
+            text->setPlainText(strTxt);
             if(vbox == 0) {
                   vbox = new VBox(s);
@@ -343,9 +343,22 @@ void OveToMScore::convertHeader() {
             addText(vbox, score_, title, TextStyleType::TITLE);
+      QList<QString> copyrights = ove_->getCopyrights();
+      if( !copyrights.empty() && !copyrights[0].isEmpty() ) {
+            QString copyright = copyrights[0];
+            score_->setMetaTag("copyright", copyright);
+            }
+      QList<QString> annotates = ove_->getAnnotates();
+      if( !annotates.empty() && !annotates[0].isEmpty() ) {
+            QString annotate = annotates[0];
+            addText(vbox, score_, annotate, TextStyleType::POET);
+            }
       QList<QString> writers = ove_->getWriters();
       if(!writers.empty()) {
             QString composer = writers[0];
+            score_->setMetaTag("composer", composer);
             addText(vbox, score_, composer, TextStyleType::COMPOSER);
@@ -568,20 +581,20 @@ void OveToMScore::convertTrackHeader(OVE::Track* track, Part* part){
       QString longName = track->getName();
       if (longName != QString() && track->getShowName()){
-            part->setLongName(longName);
+            part->setPlainLongName(longName);
       QString shortName = track->getBriefName();
       if (shortName != QString() && track->getShowBriefName()) {
-            part->setShortName(shortName);
+            part->setPlainShortName(shortName);
       if (ove_->getShowTransposeTrack() && track->getTranspose() != 0 ) {
-            Ms::Interval interval = part->instr()->transpose();
+            Ms::Interval interval = part->instrument()->transpose();
             interval.diatonic = -track->getTranspose();
-            part->instr()->setTranspose(interval);
+            part->instrument()->setTranspose(interval);
       // DrumSet
@@ -607,10 +620,10 @@ void OveToMScore::convertTrackHeader(OVE::Track* track, Part* part){
-            part->instr()->channel(0)->bank = 128;
+            part->instrument()->channel(0)->bank = 128;
-            part->instr()->setDrumset(smDrumset);
-            part->instr()->setDrumset(drumset);
+            part->instrument()->setDrumset(smDrumset);
+            part->instrument()->setDrumset(drumset);
@@ -867,7 +880,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertSignatures(){
       // Tempo
-      std::map<int, int> tempos;
+      std::map<int, double> tempos;
       for(i=0; i<ove_->getPartCount(); ++i){
             int partStaffCount = ove_->getStaffCount(i);
@@ -879,13 +892,13 @@ void OveToMScore::convertSignatures(){
                         if(k==0 || ( k>0 && qAbs(measure->getTypeTempo()-ove_->getMeasure(k-1)->getTypeTempo())>0.01 )){
                               int tick = mtt_->getTick(k, 0);
-                              tempos[tick] = (int)measure->getTypeTempo();
+                              tempos[tick] = measure->getTypeTempo();
                         for(int l=0; l<tempoPtrs.size(); ++l) {
                               OVE::Tempo* ptr = static_cast<OVE::Tempo*>(tempoPtrs[l]);
                               int tick = mtt_->getTick(measure->getBarNumber()->getIndex(), ptr->getTick());
-                              int tempo = ptr->getQuarterTempo()>0 ? ptr->getQuarterTempo() : 1;
+                              double tempo = ptr->getQuarterTempo()>0 ? ptr->getQuarterTempo() : 1.0;
                               tempos[tick] = tempo;
@@ -893,11 +906,11 @@ void OveToMScore::convertSignatures(){
-      std::map<int, int>::iterator it;
+      std::map<int, double>::iterator it;
       int lastTempo = 0;
       for(it=tempos.begin(); it!=tempos.end(); ++it) {
             if( it==tempos.begin() || (*it).second != lastTempo ) {
-                  double tpo = ((double)(*it).second) / 60.0;
+                  double tpo = ((*it).second) / 60.0;
                   score_->setTempo((*it).first, tpo);
@@ -1122,7 +1135,9 @@ void OveToMScore::convertMeasures() {
             if (mb->type() != Element::Type::MEASURE)
             Measure* measure = static_cast<Measure*>(mb);
+            int tick = measure->tick();
+            measure->setLen(score_->sigmap()->timesig(tick).timesig());
+            measure->setTimesig(score_->sigmap()->timesig(tick).timesig()); //?
@@ -1140,10 +1155,10 @@ void OveToMScore::convertMeasure(Measure* measure){
       int staffCount = 0;
       int measureCount = ove_->getMeasureCount();
-      for( int i=0; i<ove_->getPartCount(); ++i ){
+      for (int i=0; i < ove_->getPartCount(); ++i) {
             int partStaffCount = ove_->getStaffCount(i);
-            for( int j=0; j<partStaffCount; ++j ){
+            for (int j=0; j < partStaffCount; ++j) {
                   int measureID = measure->no();
                   if (measureID >= 0 && measureID < measureCount) {
@@ -1258,7 +1273,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertMeasureMisc(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int
             OVE::Text* textPtr = static_cast<OVE::Text*>(texts[i]);
             if(textPtr->getTextType() == OVE::Text::Type::Rehearsal){
                   Text* text = new RehearsalMark(score_);
-                  text->setText(textPtr->getText());
+                  text->setPlainText(textPtr->getText());
@@ -1273,12 +1288,57 @@ void OveToMScore::convertMeasureMisc(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int
             OVE::Tempo* tempoPtr = static_cast<OVE::Tempo*>(tempos[i]);
             TempoText* t = new TempoText(score_);
             int absTick = mtt_->getTick(measure->no(), tempoPtr->getTick());
-            double tpo = ((double)tempoPtr->getQuarterTempo())/60.0;
+            double tpo = (tempoPtr->getQuarterTempo())/60.0;
             score_->setTempo(absTick, tpo);
-            t->setText(tempoPtr->getRightText());
+            QString durationTempoL;
+            QString durationTempoR;
+            if ((int)(tempoPtr->getLeftNoteType()))
+                  durationTempoL = TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(OveNoteType_To_Duration(tempoPtr->getLeftNoteType()));
+            if ((int)(tempoPtr->getRightNoteType()))
+                  durationTempoR = TempoText::duration2tempoTextString(OveNoteType_To_Duration(tempoPtr->getRightNoteType()));
+            QString textTempo;
+            if (tempoPtr->getShowBeforeText())
+                  textTempo += (tempoPtr->getLeftText()).toHtmlEscaped();
+            if (tempoPtr->getShowMark()) {
+                  if (!textTempo.isEmpty())
+                        textTempo += " ";
+                  if (tempoPtr->getShowParenthesis())
+                        textTempo += "(";
+                  textTempo += durationTempoL;
+                  if (tempoPtr->getLeftNoteDot())
+                        textTempo += "<sym>space</sym><sym>unicodeAugmentationDot</sym>";
+                  textTempo += " = ";
+                  switch (tempoPtr->getRightSideType()) {
+                        case 1:
+                              textTempo += durationTempoR;
+                              if (tempoPtr->getRightNoteDot())
+                                    textTempo += "<sym>space</sym><sym>unicodeAugmentationDot</sym>";
+                              break;
+                        case 2:
+                              textTempo += (tempoPtr->getRightText()).toHtmlEscaped();
+                              break;
+                        case 3:
+                              textTempo += QString::number(qFloor(tempoPtr->getTypeTempo()));
+                              break;
+                        case 0:
+                        default:
+                              textTempo += QString::number(tempoPtr->getTypeTempo());
+                              break;
+                        }
+                  if (tempoPtr->getShowParenthesis())
+                        textTempo += ")";
+                  }
+            if (textTempo.isEmpty()) {
+                  textTempo = durationTempoL;
+                  if (tempoPtr->getLeftNoteDot())
+                        textTempo += "<sym>space</sym><sym>unicodeAugmentationDot</sym>";
+                  textTempo += " = " + QString::number(tempoPtr->getTypeTempo());
+                  t->setVisible(false);
+                  }
+            t->setXmlText(textTempo);
@@ -1351,7 +1411,7 @@ bool isRestDefaultLine(OVE::Note* rest, OVE::NoteType noteType) {
 Drumset* getDrumset(Score* score, int part) {
       Part* p = score->parts().at(part);
-      return const_cast<Drumset*>(p->instr()->drumset());   //TODO: remove cast
+      return const_cast<Drumset*>(p->instrument()->drumset());   //TODO: remove cast
 void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track){
@@ -1365,16 +1425,16 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
       int partStaffCount = ove_->getStaffCount(part);
-            TDuration duration(TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE);
             int absTick = mtt_->getTick(measure->no(), 0);
-            cr = new Rest(score_, duration);
+            cr = new Rest(score_);
+            cr->setDurationType(TDuration::DurationType::V_MEASURE);
             Segment* s = measure->getSegment(cr, absTick);
+      QList<Ms::Chord*> graceNotes;
       for (int i = 0; i < containers.size(); ++i) {
             OVE::NoteContainer* container = containers[i];
             int tick = mtt_->getTick(measure->no(), container->getTick());
@@ -1384,30 +1444,31 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                   TDuration duration = OveNoteType_To_Duration(container->getNoteType());
-                  cr = new Rest(score_, duration);
+                  cr = new Rest(score_);
+                  cr->setDurationType(duration);
+                  Segment* s = measure->getSegment(cr, tick);
+                  s->add(cr);
                   QList<OVE::Note*> notes = container->getNotesRests();
                   for (j = 0; j < notes.size(); ++j) {
                         OVE::Note* notePtr = notes[j];
                         if(!isRestDefaultLine(notePtr, container->getNoteType()) && notePtr->getLine() != 0) {
                               double yOffset = -((double)notePtr->getLine()/2.0 * score_->spatium());
+                              int stepOffset = cr->staff()->staffType()->stepOffset();
+                              int lineOffset = static_cast<Ms::Rest*>(cr)->computeLineOffset();
+                              yOffset -= (qreal(lineOffset + stepOffset) * .5) * score_->spatium();
-                  Segment* s = measure->getSegment(cr, tick);
-                  s->add(cr);
-                  } else {
+                  }
+            else {
                   QList<OVE::Note*> notes = container->getNotesRests();
-                  int graceLevel = getGraceLevel(containers, container->getTick(), container->start()->getOffset());
-                  // TODO-S          cr = measure->findChord(tick, noteTrack, graceLevel);
                   cr = measure->findChord(tick, noteTrack);
                   if (cr == 0) {
-                        // Segment::Type st = Segment::Type::ChordRest;
                         cr = new Ms::Chord(score_);
@@ -1431,25 +1492,36 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                               // st = Segment::Type::Grace;
-                              } else {
+                              }
+                        else {
                               TDuration duration = OveNoteType_To_Duration(container->getNoteType());
                               if (duration.type() == TDuration::DurationType::V_INVALID)
+                              // append grace notes before
+                              int ii = -1;
+                              for (ii = graceNotes.size() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
+                                    Ms::Chord* gc = graceNotes[ii];
+                                    if(gc->voice() == cr->voice()){
+                                          cr->add(gc);
+                                          }
+                                    }
+                              graceNotes.clear();
-                        //TODO-S	Deal with grace notes
-                        //        Segment* s = measure->getGraceSegment(tick, graceLevel);
-                        //				s->add(cr);
-                        if(graceLevel == 0) {
+                        if(!container->getIsGrace()) {
                               Segment* s = measure->getSegment(cr, tick);
+                        else {
+                              graceNotes.append(static_cast<Ms::Chord*>(cr));
+                              }
+                  cr->setVisible(container->getShow());
                   for (j = 0; j < notes.size(); ++j) {
                         OVE::Note* oveNote = notes[j];
                         Note* note = new Note(score_);
@@ -1469,7 +1541,8 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                               if(drumset != 0) {
                                     if (!drumset->isValid(pitch) || pitch == -1) {
                                           qDebug("unmapped drum note 0x%02x %d", note->pitch(), note->pitch());
-                                          } else {
+                                          }
+                                    else {
                                           int line = drumset->line(pitch);
@@ -1478,7 +1551,8 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                                           setDirection = true;
-                              } else {
+                              }
+                        else {
                               const int OCTAVE = 7;
                               OVE::ToneType clefMiddleTone;
                               int clefMiddleOctave;
@@ -1488,11 +1562,13 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                               int alter = accidentalToAlter(oveNote->getAccidental());
                               NoteVal nv(pitch);
-                              note->setNval(nv, cr->tick());
+                              note->setNval(nv, tick);
                               // note->setTpcFromPitch();
                               note->setTpc(step2tpc(tone, AccidentalVal(alter)));
+                              if ((oveNote->getHeadType() == OVE::NoteHeadType::Invisible) || !(oveNote->getShow()))
+                                    note->setVisible(false);
                         // tie
@@ -1507,7 +1583,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
                         // is inserted into pitch sorted list (ws)
-                        cr->setVisible(oveNote->getShow());
+                        //cr->setVisible(oveNote->getShow());
                         ((Ms::Chord*) cr)->setNoStem(int(container->getNoteType()) <= int(OVE::NoteType::Note_Whole));
                               ((Ms::Chord*) cr)->setStemDirection(container->getStemUp() ? MScore::Direction::UP : MScore::Direction::DOWN);
@@ -1522,7 +1598,8 @@ void OveToMScore::convertNotes(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track)
             // beam
-            Beam::Mode bm = container->getIsRest() ? Beam::Mode::NONE : Beam::Mode::AUTO;
+            //Beam::Mode bm = container->getIsRest() ? Beam::Mode::NONE : Beam::Mode::AUTO;
+            Beam::Mode bm = Beam::Mode::NONE;
                   OVE::MeasurePos pos = container->start()->shiftMeasure(0);
                   OVE::MusicData* data = getCrossMeasureElementByPos(part, staff, pos, container->getVoice(), OVE::MusicDataType::Beam);
@@ -1842,7 +1919,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertArticulation(
                         Segment* seg = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, absTick);
-                        seg->add(pedal_);
+                        score_->addSpanner(pedal_);
@@ -1877,7 +1954,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertLyrics(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int track
             Lyrics* lyric = new Lyrics(score_);
-            lyric->setText(oveLyric->getLyric());
+            lyric->setPlainText(oveLyric->getLyric());
             Segment* segment = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, tick);
             if (segment->element(track))
@@ -2260,7 +2337,7 @@ void OveToMScore::convertExpressions(Measure* measure, int part, int staff, int
             Text* t = new Text(score_);
-            t->setText(expressionPtr->getText());
+            t->setPlainText(expressionPtr->getText());
             Segment* s = measure->getSegment(Segment::Type::ChordRest, absTick);
@@ -2385,11 +2462,6 @@ Score::FileError importOve(Score* score, const QString& name) {
             otm.convert(&oveSong, score);
             //		score->connectSlurs();
-            for (Measure* m = score->firstMeasure(); m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
-                  int tick = m->tick();
-                  m->setLen(score->sigmap()->timesig(tick).timesig());
-                  m->setTimesig(score->sigmap()->timesig(tick).timesig()); //?
-                  }
       return result ? Score::FileError::FILE_NO_ERROR : Score::FileError::FILE_ERROR;
diff --git a/mscore/importxml.cpp b/mscore/importxml.cpp
index 73aaf65..06add05 100644
--- a/mscore/importxml.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importxml.cpp
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ static void xmlSetPitch(Note* n, char step, int alter, int octave, Ottava* (&ott
       //       n, step, alter, octave);
       const Staff* staff = n->score()->staff(track / VOICES);
-      const Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instr();
+      const Instrument* instr = staff->part()->instrument();
       const Interval intval = instr->transpose();
       //qDebug("  staff=%p instr=%p dia=%d chro=%d",
       //       staff, instr, (int) intval.diatonic, (int) intval.chromatic);
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ static int musicXMLValidationErrorDialog(QString text, QString detailedText)
       QMessageBox errorDialog;
-      errorDialog.setInformativeText("Do you want to try to load this file anyway?");
+      errorDialog.setInformativeText(QObject::tr("Do you want to try to load this file anyway?"));
       errorDialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No);
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ void MusicXml::import(Score* s)
  Initialize members as required for reading the MusicXML part element.
- TODO: factor out part reading into a separate
+ TODO: factor out part reading into a separate class
 void MusicXml::initPartState()
@@ -770,6 +770,7 @@ void MusicXml::initPartState()
       lastMeasureLen        = 0;
       multiMeasureRestCount = -1;
       startMultiMeasureRest = false;
+      hasDrumset = false;
       tie    = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_LEVEL; ++i)
             slur[i] = SlurDesc();
@@ -803,7 +804,7 @@ static void addText(VBox* vbx, Score* s, QString strTxt, TextStyleType stl)
       if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
             Text* text = new Text(s);
-            text->setText(strTxt);
+            text->setXmlText(strTxt);
@@ -813,7 +814,7 @@ static void addText2(VBox* vbx, Score* s, QString strTxt, TextStyleType stl, Ali
       if (!strTxt.isEmpty()) {
             Text* text = new Text(s);
-            text->setText(strTxt);
+            text->setXmlText(strTxt);
@@ -1069,7 +1070,7 @@ static bool determineTimeSig(const QString beats, const QString beatType, const
             return true;
       else {
-            if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty()) {
+            if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty() && timeSymbol != "normal") {
                   qDebug("ImportMusicXml: time symbol <%s> not recognized with beats=%s and beat-type=%s",
                          qPrintable(timeSymbol), qPrintable(beats), qPrintable(beatType));
                   return false;
@@ -1774,7 +1775,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlScorePart(QDomElement e, QString id, int& parts)
                   // As of MusicXML 3.0, formatting is deprecated, with part-name in plain text
                   // and the formatted version in the part-name-display element
                   if (!(e.attribute("print-object") == "no"))
-                        part->setLongName(e.text());
+                        part->setPlainLongName(e.text());
             else if (e.tagName() == "part-name-display") {
@@ -1787,7 +1788,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlScorePart(QDomElement e, QString id, int& parts)
                   // As of MusicXML 3.0, formatting is deprecated, with part-name in plain text
                   // and the formatted version in the part-abbreviation-display element
                   if (!(e.attribute("print-object") == "no"))
-                        part->setShortName(e.text());
+                        part->setPlainShortName(e.text());
             else if (e.tagName() == "part-abbreviation-display") {
                   // TODO
@@ -2050,7 +2051,7 @@ static QString findDeleteStaffText(Segment* s, int track)
             Text* t = static_cast<Text*>(e);
             //qDebug("findDeleteWords t %p text '%s'", t, qPrintable(t->text()));
-            QString res = t->text();
+            QString res = t->xmlText();
             if (res != "") {
                   return res;
@@ -2088,6 +2089,23 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
+      // determine if the part contains a drumset
+      // this is the case if any instrument has a midi-unpitched element,
+      // (which stored in the MusicXMLDrumInstrument pitch field)
+      // debug: also dump the drumset for this part
+      hasDrumset = false;
+      MusicXMLDrumsetIterator iii(drumsets[id]);
+      while (iii.hasNext()) {
+            iii.next();
+            //qDebug("xmlPart: instrument: %s %s", qPrintable(iii.key()), qPrintable(iii.value().toString()));
+            int pitch = iii.value().pitch;
+            if (0 <= pitch && pitch <= 127) {
+                  hasDrumset = true;
+            }
+      }
+      //qDebug("xmlPart: hasDrumset %d", hasDrumset);
       KeySigEvent ev;
       KeySig currKeySig;
@@ -2134,14 +2152,10 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
-      // determine if the part contains a drumset
-      // this is the case if any instrument has a midi-unpitched element,
-      // (which stored in the MusicXMLDrumInstrument pitch field)
-      // if the part contains a drumset, Drumset drumset is intialized
+      // intialize Drumset drumset
       // debug: also dump the drumset for this part
       Drumset* drumset = new Drumset;
-      bool hasDrumset = false;
       MusicXMLDrumsetIterator ii(drumsets[id]);
       while (ii.hasNext()) {
@@ -2149,13 +2163,11 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
             //qDebug("xmlPart: instrument: %s %s", qPrintable(ii.key()), qPrintable(ii.value().toString()));
             int pitch = ii.value().pitch;
             if (0 <= pitch && pitch <= 127) {
-                  hasDrumset = true;
                         = DrumInstrument(ii.value().name.toLatin1().constData(),
                                          ii.value().notehead, ii.value().line, ii.value().stemDirection);
-      //qDebug("xmlPart: hasDrumset %d", hasDrumset);
       // debug: dump the instrument map
@@ -2185,7 +2197,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
-            part->instr()->setTrackName(instr.name);
+            part->instrument()->setTrackName(instr.name);
             qDebug("xmlPart: no instrument found for part '%s'", qPrintable(id));
@@ -2198,9 +2210,9 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
                   if (part->staff(j)->lines() == 5 && !part->staff(j)->isDrumStaff())
             // set drumset for instrument
-            part->instr()->setDrumset(drumset);
-            part->instr()->channel(0)->bank = 128;
-            part->instr()->channel(0)->updateInitList();
+            part->instrument()->setDrumset(drumset);
+            part->instrument()->channel(0)->bank = 128;
+            part->instrument()->channel(0)->updateInitList();
       else {
             // drumset is not needed
@@ -2235,9 +2247,9 @@ void MusicXml::xmlPart(QDomElement e, QString id)
                               // delete it and use its text here instead of "Instrument"
                               QString text = findDeleteStaffText(segment, track);
                               if (text == "")
-                                    ic->setText("Instrument");
+                                    ic->setXmlText("Instrument");
-                                    ic->setText(text);
+                                    ic->setXmlText(text);
@@ -2344,7 +2356,7 @@ static bool readFigBass(FiguredBass* fb, const QDomElement& de, int divisions)
                   return false;
-      fb->setPlainText(normalizedText);                  // this is the text to show while editing
+      fb->setXmlText(normalizedText);                  // this is the text to show while editing
       bool res = !normalizedText.isEmpty();
       return res;
@@ -3390,7 +3402,7 @@ void MusicXml::direction(Measure* measure, int staff, QDomElement e)
             //qDebug("formatted words '%s'", qPrintable(formattedText));
-            t->setText(formattedText);
+            t->setXmlText(formattedText);
             if (enclosure == "circle") {
@@ -3408,7 +3420,7 @@ void MusicXml::direction(Measure* measure, int staff, QDomElement e)
             Text* t = new RehearsalMark(score);
             if (!formattedText.contains("<b>"))
                   formattedText = "<b></b>" + formattedText; // explicitly turn bold off
-            t->setText(formattedText);
+            t->setXmlText(formattedText);
             t->textStyle().setHasFrame(enclosure != "none");
             if (hasYoffset) t->textStyle().setYoff(yoffset);
             else t->setPlacement(placement == "above" ? Element::Placement::ABOVE : Element::Placement::BELOW);
@@ -3705,7 +3717,7 @@ static void xmlStaffDetails(Score* score, int staff, StringData* t, QDomElement
       if (t) {
             readStringData(t, e);
-            Instrument* i = score->staff(staff)->part()->instr();
+            Instrument* i = score->staff(staff)->part()->instrument();
@@ -3973,7 +3985,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlAttributes(Measure* measure, int staff, QDomElement e, KeySig*
                         staffIdx += number - 1;
                   // qDebug("xmlAttributes clef score->staff(0) %p staffIdx %d score->staff(%d) %p",
                   //       score->staff(0), staffIdx, staffIdx, score->staff(staffIdx));
-                  if (st != StaffTypes::STANDARD)
+                  if (st == StaffTypes::TAB_DEFAULT || (hasDrumset && st == StaffTypes::PERC_DEFAULT))
             else if (e.tagName() == "staves")
@@ -4005,7 +4017,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlAttributes(Measure* measure, int staff, QDomElement e, KeySig*
-                  score->staff(staff)->part()->instr()->setTranspose(interval);
+                  score->staff(staff)->part()->instrument()->setTranspose(interval);
             else if (e.tagName() == "measure-style")
                   for (QDomElement ee = e.firstChildElement(); !ee.isNull(); ee = ee.nextSiblingElement()) {
@@ -4172,7 +4184,7 @@ void MusicXml::xmlLyric(int trk, QDomElement e,
             //qDebug("formatted lyric '%s'", qPrintable(formattedText));
-            l->setText(formattedText);
+            l->setXmlText(formattedText);
 #if 0
@@ -4689,7 +4701,7 @@ static void addTextToNote(QString txt, TextStyleType style, Score* score, Note*
       if (!txt.isEmpty()) {
             Text* t = new Fingering(score);
-            t->setPlainText(txt);
+            t->setXmlText(txt);
@@ -4815,16 +4827,11 @@ void MusicXml::xmlNotations(Note* note, ChordRest* cr, int trk, int tick, int ti
                         if (slur[slurNo].isStart()) {
                               // slur stop when slur already started: wrap up
                               Slur* newSlur = slur[slurNo].slur();
-                              if(cr->isGrace()){
-                                    newSlur->setAnchor(Spanner::Anchor::CHORD);
-                                    newSlur->setEndElement(newSlur->startElement());
-                                    newSlur->setStartElement(cr);
-                                    }
-                              else {
+                              if(!(cr->isGrace())){
-                                    newSlur->setEndElement(cr);
+                              newSlur->setEndElement(cr);
                               slur[slurNo] = SlurDesc();
                         else if (slur[slurNo].isStop())
@@ -4833,8 +4840,10 @@ void MusicXml::xmlNotations(Note* note, ChordRest* cr, int trk, int tick, int ti
                         else {
                               // slur stop for new slur: init
                               Slur* newSlur = new Slur(score);
-                              newSlur->setTick2(tick);
-                              newSlur->setTrack2(track);
+                              if(!(cr->isGrace())){
+                                    newSlur->setTick2(tick);
+                                    newSlur->setTrack2(track);
+                                    }
@@ -5387,6 +5396,8 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
       bool chord = false;
       int velocity = -1;
       bool unpitched = false;
+      bool small = false;
+      bool cue = false;
       QString instrId;
       QList<QDomElement> notations;
@@ -5540,8 +5551,11 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
-            else if (tag == "type")
+            else if (tag == "type") {
                   duration = TDuration(s);
+                  small = e.attribute(QString("size")) == "cue";
+                  }
             else if (tag == "chord" || tag == "duration" || tag == "staff" || tag == "voice")
                   // already handled by voice mapper, ignore here but prevent
                   // spurious "Unknown Node <staff>" or "... <voice>" messages
@@ -5634,7 +5648,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
                   instrId = e.attribute("id");
             else if (tag == "cue")
-                  domNotImplemented(e);
+                  cue = true;
@@ -5676,6 +5690,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
             if (!s->element(cr->track()))
             cr->setVisible(printObject == "yes");
+            cr->setSmall(small);
             handleDisplayStep(cr, step, octave, loc_tick, score->spatium());
       else {
@@ -5747,7 +5762,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
                         Segment* s = measure->getSegment(cr, loc_tick);
-                   // append grace notes
+                  // append grace notes
                   // first excerpt grace notes after
                   QList<Chord*> toRemove;
@@ -5782,6 +5797,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
             char c = step[0].toLatin1();
             note = new Note(score);
+            note->setSmall(small);
             if (noteheadColor != QColor::Invalid)
@@ -5806,6 +5822,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
             // is inserted into pitch sorted list (ws)
             if (unpitched
+                && hasDrumset
                 && drumsets.contains(partId)
                 && drumsets[partId].contains(instrId)) {
                   // step and oct are display-step and ...-oct
@@ -5821,6 +5838,7 @@ Note* MusicXml::xmlNote(Measure* measure, int staff, const QString& partId, Beam
+            if (cue) cr->setSmall(cue); // only once per chord
             // qDebug("staff for new note: %p (staff=%d, relStaff=%d)",
             //        score->staff(staff + relStaff), staff, relStaff);
diff --git a/mscore/importxmlfirstpass.cpp b/mscore/importxmlfirstpass.cpp
index e3e1b4d..8e92910 100644
--- a/mscore/importxmlfirstpass.cpp
+++ b/mscore/importxmlfirstpass.cpp
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ static Fraction noteDurationAsFraction(const int divisions, QDomElement e, Fract
       if (rest && type == "")
             // typeless "whole" measure rests are determined by duration
             return duration;
       if (rest && type == "whole" && duration.isValid())
             // "whole" measure rests with valid duration are determined by duration
             return duration;
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ static bool determineTimeSig(const QString beats, const QString beatType, const
             return true;
       else {
-            if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty()) {
+            if (!timeSymbol.isEmpty() && timeSymbol != "normal") {
                   qDebug("ImportMusicXml: time symbol <%s> not recognized with beats=%s and beat-type=%s",
                          qPrintable(timeSymbol), qPrintable(beats), qPrintable(beatType));
                   return false;
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ void MxmlReaderFirstPass::initVoiceMapperAndMapVoices(QDomElement e, int partNr)
                                     // Same fix is required in MusicXml::xmlNote
                                     // make sure staff is valid
                                     int corrStaff = (staff >= 0 && staff < staves) ? staff : 0;
                                     // count the chords (only the first note in a chord is counted)
                                     if (corrStaff < MAX_STAVES) {
                                           if (!parts[partNr].voicelist.contains(voice)) {
@@ -925,4 +925,4 @@ void MusicXmlInstrList::setInstrument(const QString instr, const Fraction f)
             //(*this)[f] = instr;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mscore/inspector/inspector.cpp b/mscore/inspector/inspector.cpp
index d1298cc..c54bfbe 100644
--- a/mscore/inspector/inspector.cpp
+++ b/mscore/inspector/inspector.cpp
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ void InspectorBarLine::manageSpanData()
       //          max = max possible according to number of staff lines
       min   = bl->span() < 2 ? bl->spanFrom() + MIN_BARLINE_FROMTO_DIST
                   : (staffToLines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_FROM : MIN_BARLINE_SPAN_FROMTO);
-      max   = staffFromLines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (staffToLines-1) * 2 + 2;
+      max   = staffToLines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (staffToLines-1) * 2 + 2;
diff --git a/mscore/inspector/inspectorBase.cpp b/mscore/inspector/inspectorBase.cpp
index cc5d3d6..bbe5aa0 100644
--- a/mscore/inspector/inspectorBase.cpp
+++ b/mscore/inspector/inspectorBase.cpp
@@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ void InspectorBase::checkDifferentValues(const InspectorItem& ii)
       else {
             if (ii.r)
+            ii.w->setStyleSheet("");
diff --git a/mscore/instrdialog.cpp b/mscore/instrdialog.cpp
index b9b913b..955b9b8 100644
--- a/mscore/instrdialog.cpp
+++ b/mscore/instrdialog.cpp
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ void MuseScore::editInstrList()
       Key normalizedC = Key::C;
       // normalize the keyevents to concert pitch if necessary
-      if (firstStaff && !rootScore->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && firstStaff->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic ) {
-            int interval = firstStaff->part()->instr()->transpose().chromatic;
+      if (firstStaff && !rootScore->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch) && firstStaff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic ) {
+            int interval = firstStaff->part()->instrument()->transpose().chromatic;
             normalizedC = transposeKey(normalizedC, interval);
             for (auto i = tmpKeymap.begin(); i != tmpKeymap.end(); ++i) {
                   int tick = i->first;
diff --git a/mscore/instrwidget.cpp b/mscore/instrwidget.cpp
index b81b617..34a0fc4 100644
--- a/mscore/instrwidget.cpp
+++ b/mscore/instrwidget.cpp
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ void StaffListItem::initStaffTypeCombo(bool forceRecreate)
       // or in Instruments Wizard
       if (part) {
             const StringData* stringData = part->it ? &(part->it->stringData) :
-                        ( (part->part && part->part->instr()) ? part->part->instr()->stringData() : 0);
+                        ( (part->part && part->part->instrument()) ? part->part->instrument()->stringData() : 0);
             canUseTabs = stringData && stringData->strings() > 0;
             canUsePerc = part->it ? part->it->useDrumset :
-                        ( (part->part && part->part->instr()) ? part->part->instr()->useDrumset() : false);
+                        ( (part->part && part->part->instrument()) ? part->part->instrument()->useDrumset() : false);
       _staffTypeCombo = new QComboBox();
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ StaffListItem* InstrumentsWidget::on_belowButton_clicked()
       if (pli->it)
             clefType = pli->it->clefType(ridx);
-            clefType = pli->part->instr()->clefType(ridx);
+            clefType = pli->part->instrument()->clefType(ridx);
diff --git a/mscore/keyb.cpp b/mscore/keyb.cpp
index ec0e639..d0d656d 100644
--- a/mscore/keyb.cpp
+++ b/mscore/keyb.cpp
@@ -319,6 +319,21 @@ void MuseScore::updateInputState(Score* score)
       getAction("pad-dot")->setChecked(is.duration().dots() == 1);
       getAction("pad-dotdot")->setChecked(is.duration().dots() == 2);
+      if ((mscore->state() & STATE_NORMAL) | (mscore->state() & STATE_NOTE_ENTRY)) {
+            getAction("pad-dot")->setEnabled(true);
+            getAction("pad-dotdot")->setEnabled(true);
+            }
+      switch (is.duration().type()) {
+            case TDuration::DurationType::V_128TH:
+                  getAction("pad-dot")->setChecked(false);
+                  getAction("pad-dot")->setEnabled(false);
+            case TDuration::DurationType::V_64TH:
+                  getAction("pad-dotdot")->setChecked(false);
+                  getAction("pad-dotdot")->setEnabled(false);
+                  break;
+            default:
+                  break;
+            }
       getAction("note-longa")->setChecked(is.duration()  == TDuration::DurationType::V_LONG);
       getAction("note-breve")->setChecked(is.duration()  == TDuration::DurationType::V_BREVE);
diff --git a/mscore/measureproperties.cpp b/mscore/measureproperties.cpp
index 0ea5aa0..6e2468e 100644
--- a/mscore/measureproperties.cpp
+++ b/mscore/measureproperties.cpp
@@ -47,15 +47,41 @@ MeasureProperties::MeasureProperties(Measure* _m, QWidget* parent)
+//   getNextMeasure
+//    skip multi measure rests
+Measure* getNextMeasure(Measure* m)
+      {
+      Measure* mm = m->nextMeasureMM();
+      while (mm && mm->isMMRest())
+            mm = mm->nextMeasureMM();
+      return mm;
+      }
+//   getPrevMeasure
+//    skip multi measure rests
+Measure* getPrevMeasure(Measure* m)
+      {
+      Measure* mm = m->prevMeasureMM();
+      while (mm && mm->isMMRest())
+            mm = mm->prevMeasureMM();
+      return mm;
+      }
 //   gotoNextMeasure
 void MeasureProperties::gotoNextMeasure()
-      if (m->nextMeasure())
-            setMeasure(m->nextMeasure());
-      nextButton->setEnabled(m->nextMeasure() != 0);
-      previousButton->setEnabled(m->prevMeasure() != 0);
+      if (getNextMeasure(m))
+            setMeasure(getNextMeasure(m));
+      nextButton->setEnabled(getNextMeasure(m));
+      previousButton->setEnabled(getPrevMeasure(m));
@@ -65,10 +91,10 @@ void MeasureProperties::gotoNextMeasure()
 void MeasureProperties::gotoPreviousMeasure()
-      if (m->prevMeasure())
-            setMeasure(m->prevMeasure());
-      nextButton->setEnabled(m->nextMeasure() != 0);
-      previousButton->setEnabled(m->prevMeasure() != 0);
+      if (getPrevMeasure(m))
+            setMeasure(getPrevMeasure(m));
+      nextButton->setEnabled(getNextMeasure(m));
+      previousButton->setEnabled(getPrevMeasure(m));
diff --git a/mscore/menus.cpp b/mscore/menus.cpp
index d788120..1c88818 100644
--- a/mscore/menus.cpp
+++ b/mscore/menus.cpp
@@ -438,28 +438,28 @@ Palette* MuseScore::newFingeringPalette()
       const char* finger = "012345";
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(finger); ++i) {
             Fingering* f = new Fingering(gscore);
-            f->setText(QString(finger[i]));
+            f->setXmlText(QString(finger[i]));
             sp->append(f, tr("Fingering %1").arg(finger[i]));
       finger = "pimac";
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(finger); ++i) {
             Fingering* f = new Fingering(gscore);
-            f->setText(QString(finger[i]));
+            f->setXmlText(QString(finger[i]));
             sp->append(f, tr("RH Guitar Fingering %1").arg(finger[i]));
       finger = "012345";
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(finger); ++i) {
             Fingering* f = new Fingering(gscore);
-            f->setText(QString(finger[i]));
+            f->setXmlText(QString(finger[i]));
             sp->append(f, tr("LH Guitar Fingering %1").arg(finger[i]));
       const char* stringnumber = "0123456";
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < strlen(stringnumber); ++i) {
             Fingering* f = new Fingering(gscore);
-            f->setText(QString(stringnumber[i]));
+            f->setXmlText(QString(stringnumber[i]));
             sp->append(f, tr("String number %1").arg(stringnumber[i]));
       return sp;
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ Palette* MuseScore::newTempoPalette()
             // (it will then be set to 0 there)
-            tt->setText(tp[i].pattern);
+            tt->setXmlText(tp[i].pattern);
             sp->append(tt, tr("Tempo text"), QString(), 1.5);
       return sp;
@@ -999,26 +999,26 @@ Palette* MuseScore::newTextPalette()
       StaffText* st = new StaffText(gscore);
-      st->setText(tr("Staff Text"));
+      st->setXmlText(tr("Staff Text"));
       sp->append(st, tr("Staff text"));
       st = new StaffText(gscore);
-      st->setText(tr("System Text"));
+      st->setXmlText(tr("System Text"));
       sp->append(st, tr("System text"));
       st = new StaffText(gscore);
-      st->setText(tr("Swing"));
+      st->setXmlText(tr("Swing"));
       sp->append(st, tr("Swing"));
       RehearsalMark* rhm = new RehearsalMark(gscore);
-      rhm->setText("B1");
+      rhm->setXmlText("B1");
       sp->append(rhm, tr("Rehearsal mark"));
       InstrumentChange* is = new InstrumentChange(gscore);
-      is->setText(tr("Instrument"));
+      is->setXmlText(tr("Instrument"));
       sp->append(is, tr("Instrument change"));
       return sp;
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ void MuseScore::addTempo()
       TempoText* tt = new TempoText(cs);
-      tt->setText(text);
+      tt->setXmlText(text);
diff --git a/mscore/mixer.cpp b/mscore/mixer.cpp
index ab9c69d..6129f87 100644
--- a/mscore/mixer.cpp
+++ b/mscore/mixer.cpp
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void PartEdit::setPart(Part* p, Channel* a)
-      drumset->setChecked(p->instr()->useDrumset());
+      drumset->setChecked(p->instrument()->useDrumset());
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ void Mixer::patchListChanged()
       foreach (const MidiMapping& m, *mm) {
             QWidgetItem* wi  = (QWidgetItem*)(vb->itemAt(idx));
             PartEdit* pe     = (PartEdit*)(wi->widget());
-            bool drum        = m.part->instr()->useDrumset();
+            bool drum        = m.part->instrument()->useDrumset();
             foreach(const MidiPatch* p, pl) {
                   if (p->drum == drum)
@@ -338,11 +338,15 @@ void PartEdit::soloToggled(bool val)
       if (val) {
             for (Part* p : part->score()->parts()) {
-                  for (Channel* a : p->instr()->channel()) {
-                        a->soloMute = (channel != a && !a->solo);
-                        a->solo     = (channel == a || a->solo);
-                        if (a->soloMute)
-                              seq->stopNotes(a->channel);
+                  const InstrumentList* il = p->instruments();
+                  for (auto i = il->begin(); i != il->end(); ++i) {
+                        const Instrument* instr = i->second;
+                        for (Channel* a : instr->channel()) {
+                              a->soloMute = (channel != a && !a->solo);
+                              a->solo     = (channel == a || a->solo);
+                              if (a->soloMute)
+                                    seq->stopNotes(a->channel);
+                              }
             emit soloChanged(true);
@@ -350,18 +354,26 @@ void PartEdit::soloToggled(bool val)
       else { //do nothing except if it's the last solo to be switched off
             bool found = false;
             for (Part* p : part->score()->parts()) {
-                  for (Channel* a : p->instr()->channel()) {
-                        if (a->solo){
-                            found = true;
-                            break;
-                            }
+                  const InstrumentList* il = p->instruments();
+                  for (auto i = il->begin(); i != il->end(); ++i) {
+                        const Instrument* instr = i->second;
+                        for (Channel* a : instr->channel()) {
+                              if (a->solo){
+                                    found = true;
+                                    break;
+                                    }
+                              }
             if (!found){
                   foreach(Part* p, part->score()->parts()) {
-                        for (Channel* a : p->instr()->channel()) {
-                              a->soloMute = false;
-                              a->solo     = false;
+                        const InstrumentList* il = p->instruments();
+                        for (auto i = il->begin(); i != il->end(); ++i) {
+                              const Instrument* instr = i->second;
+                              for (Channel* a : instr->channel()) {
+                                    a->soloMute = false;
+                                    a->solo     = false;
+                                    }
                   emit soloChanged(false);
diff --git a/mscore/mscorePlugins.cpp b/mscore/mscorePlugins.cpp
index 9707854..e15a0c1 100644
--- a/mscore/mscorePlugins.cpp
+++ b/mscore/mscorePlugins.cpp
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ void MuseScore::pluginTriggered(int idx)
       QmlPlugin* p = qobject_cast<QmlPlugin*>(obj);
+      p->setFilePath(pp.section('/', 0, -2));
       if (p->pluginType() == "dock" || p->pluginType() == "dialog") {
             QQuickView* view = new QQuickView(engine, 0);
diff --git a/mscore/musedata.cpp b/mscore/musedata.cpp
index 4e6e783..31b6912 100644
--- a/mscore/musedata.cpp
+++ b/mscore/musedata.cpp
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void MuseData::readNote(Part* part, const QString& s)
             foreach(QString w, sl) {
                   w = diacritical(w);
                   Lyrics* l = new Lyrics(score);
-                  l->setText(w);
+                  l->setPlainText(w);
                   l->setTrack(gstaff * VOICES);
                   Segment* segment = measure->tick2segment(tick);
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ bool MuseData::read(const QString& name)
                   if(part.size() > 8)
-                        mpart->setLongName(part[8]);
+                        mpart->setPlainLongName(part[8]);
diff --git a/mscore/musescore.cpp b/mscore/musescore.cpp
index 33abf79..195056d 100644
--- a/mscore/musescore.cpp
+++ b/mscore/musescore.cpp
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ static bool startWithNewScore = false;
 double converterDpi = 0;
 double guiScaling = 1.0;
 int trimMargin = -1;
+bool noWebView = false;
 QString mscoreGlobalShare;
@@ -952,10 +953,8 @@ MuseScore::MuseScore()
       menuHelp->addAction(tr("Check for &Update"), this, SLOT(checkForUpdate()));
       menuHelp->addAction(tr("Report a Bug"), this, SLOT(reportBug()));
@@ -1270,6 +1269,7 @@ static void usage()
         "   -x factor set scaling factor for GUI elements\n"
         "   -S style  load style file\n"
         "   -p name   execute named plugin\n"
+        "   -P        save template mode, no page size\n"
         "   -F        use factory settings\n"
         "   -R        revert to default preferences\n"
         "   -i        load icons from INSTALLPATH/icons\n"
@@ -1277,6 +1277,7 @@ static void usage()
         "   -c dir    override config/settings folder\n"
         "   -t        set testMode flag for all files\n"
         "   -M file   specify MIDI import operations file\n"
+        "   -w        no web view in start center\n"
@@ -1797,7 +1798,7 @@ void MuseScore::midiNoteReceived(int channel, int pitch, int velo)
                   iter = 0;
 // qDebug("    midiNoteReceived %d active %d", pitch, active);
-            cv->midiNoteReceived(pitch, active > 0);
+            cv->midiNoteReceived(pitch, active > 0, velo);
       else {
@@ -1808,6 +1809,7 @@ void MuseScore::midiNoteReceived(int channel, int pitch, int velo)
             if ((channel != 0x09) && (active > 0))
+            cv->midiNoteReceived(pitch, false, velo);
@@ -2491,6 +2493,8 @@ void MuseScore::changeState(ScoreState val)
                         qDebug("disable synth control");
+            else if (s->key() == "pad-dot" || s->key() == "pad-dot-dot")
+                        a->setEnabled(!(val & (STATE_ALLTEXTUAL_EDIT | STATE_EDIT)));
             else {
                   a->setEnabled(s->state() & val);
@@ -2791,7 +2795,7 @@ void MuseScore::play(Element* e) const
             Part* part = c->staff()->part();
             int tick = c->segment() ? c->segment()->tick() : 0;
-            Instrument* instr = part->instr(tick);
+            Instrument* instr = part->instrument(tick);
             foreach(Note* n, c->notes()) {
                   const Channel* channel = instr->channel(n->subchannel());
                   seq->startNote(channel->channel, n->ppitch(), 80, n->tuning());
@@ -2809,7 +2813,7 @@ void MuseScore::play(Element* e, int pitch) const
             int tick = note->chord()->tick();
             if (tick < 0)
                   tick = 0;
-            Instrument* instr = note->part()->instr(tick);
+            Instrument* instr = note->part()->instrument(tick);
             const Channel* channel = instr->channel(note->subchannel());
             seq->startNote(channel->channel, pitch, 80, MScore::defaultPlayDuration, note->tuning());
@@ -2854,12 +2858,9 @@ AboutBoxDialog::AboutBoxDialog()
       revisionLabel->setText(tr("Revision: %1").arg(revision));
       setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
       connect(copyRevisionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(copyRevisionToClipboard()));
-      copyRevisionButton->hide();
@@ -3586,7 +3587,7 @@ PaletteBox* MuseScore::getPaletteBox()
 void MuseScore::midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool ctrl)
       if (cv)
-            cv->midiNoteReceived(pitch, ctrl);
+            cv->midiNoteReceived(pitch, ctrl, 80);
@@ -3823,7 +3824,7 @@ void MuseScore::transpose()
       Staff* staff = cs->staff(startStaffIdx);
       Key key = staff->key(startTick);
       if (!cs->styleB(StyleIdx::concertPitch)) {
-            int diff = staff->part()->instr(startTick)->transpose().chromatic;
+            int diff = staff->part()->instrument(startTick)->transpose().chromatic;
             if (diff)
                   key = transposeKey(key, diff);
@@ -4600,6 +4601,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* av[])
                         pluginName = argv.takeAt(i + 1);
+                  case 'P':
+                        MScore::saveTemplateMode = true;
+                        break;
                   case 'r':
                         if (argv.size() - i < 2)
@@ -4651,6 +4655,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* av[])
                         preferences.midiImportOperations.setOperationsFile(argv.takeAt(i + 1));
+                  case 'w':
+                        noWebView = true;
+                        break;
diff --git a/mscore/musescore.h b/mscore/musescore.h
index bc0a69d..e972c82 100644
--- a/mscore/musescore.h
+++ b/mscore/musescore.h
@@ -533,6 +533,7 @@ class MuseScore : public QMainWindow, public MuseScoreCore {
       void editInDrumroll(Staff* staff);
       PianorollEditor* getPianorollEditor() const { return pianorollEditor; }
       DrumrollEditor* getDrumrollEditor() const   { return drumrollEditor; }
+      PianoTools* pianoTools() const              { return _pianoTools; }
       void writeSessionFile(bool);
       bool restoreSession(bool);
       bool splitScreen() const { return _splitScreen; }
@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ class MuseScore : public QMainWindow, public MuseScoreCore {
       void printFile();
       void exportFile();
       bool exportParts();
-      bool saveAs(Score*, bool saveCopy, const QString& path, const QString& ext);
+      virtual bool saveAs(Score*, bool saveCopy, const QString& path, const QString& ext);
       bool savePdf(const QString& saveName);
       bool savePdf(Score* cs, const QString& saveName);
       bool savePdf(QList<Score*> cs, const QString& saveName);
@@ -615,7 +616,7 @@ class MuseScore : public QMainWindow, public MuseScoreCore {
 //      bool saveLilypond(Score*, const QString& name);
       bool saveMidi(Score* score, const QString& name);
-      void closeScore(Score* score);
+      virtual void closeScore(Score* score);
       void addTempo();
       void addMetronome();
diff --git a/mscore/musescorefonts-Free.qrc b/mscore/musescorefonts-Free.qrc
index 22d6be5..dcddeaf 100644
--- a/mscore/musescorefonts-Free.qrc
+++ b/mscore/musescorefonts-Free.qrc
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
     <qresource prefix="/">
         <file alias="fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf">../fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf</file>
+        <file alias="fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf">../fonts/FreeSerifItalic.ttf</file>
+        <file alias="fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf">../fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic.ttf</file>
         <file alias="fonts/FreeSans.ttf">../fonts/FreeSans.ttf</file>
diff --git a/mscore/musicxml.h b/mscore/musicxml.h
index fc1af26..4d40d4a 100644
--- a/mscore/musicxml.h
+++ b/mscore/musicxml.h
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ class MusicXml {
       int lastMeasureLen;
       int multiMeasureRestCount;                ///< Remaining measures in a multi measure rest
       bool startMultiMeasureRest;               ///< Multi measure rest started in this measure
+      bool hasDrumset;                          ///< Part has defined a drumset
       int divisions;                            ///< Current MusicXML divisions
       QVector<Tuplet*> tuplets;                 ///< Current tuplet for each track in the current part
diff --git a/mscore/ove.cpp b/mscore/ove.cpp
index f5cee6e..823a04a 100644
--- a/mscore/ove.cpp
+++ b/mscore/ove.cpp
@@ -2576,6 +2576,9 @@ Tempo::Tempo() {
       rightText_ = QString();
       swingEighth_ = false;
       rightNoteType_ = 3;
+      leftNoteDot_ = false;
+      rightNoteDot_ = false;
+      rightSideType_ = 0;
 void Tempo::setLeftNoteType(int type) {
@@ -2610,17 +2613,19 @@ bool Tempo::getShowParenthesis() const {
       return showParenthesis_;
-void Tempo::setTypeTempo(int tempo) {
+void Tempo::setTypeTempo(double tempo) {
       typeTempo_ = tempo;
-int Tempo::getTypeTempo() const {
+double Tempo::getTypeTempo() const {
       return typeTempo_;
-int Tempo::getQuarterTempo() const {
+double Tempo::getQuarterTempo() const {
       double factor = pow(2.0, int(NoteType::Note_Quarter) - int(getLeftNoteType()));
-      int tempo = int((double) getTypeTempo() * factor);
+      if (getLeftNoteDot())
+            factor *= 3.0/2.0;
+      double tempo = getTypeTempo() * factor;
       return tempo;
@@ -2653,8 +2658,32 @@ void Tempo::setRightNoteType(int type) {
       rightNoteType_ = type;
-int Tempo::getRightNoteType() const {
-      return rightNoteType_;
+NoteType Tempo::getRightNoteType() const {
+      return (NoteType) rightNoteType_;
+      }
+void Tempo::setLeftNoteDot(bool showDot) {
+      leftNoteDot_ = showDot;
+      }
+bool Tempo::getLeftNoteDot() const {
+      return leftNoteDot_;
+      }
+void Tempo::setRightNoteDot(bool showDot) {
+      rightNoteDot_ = showDot;
+      }
+bool Tempo::getRightNoteDot() const {
+      return rightNoteDot_;
+      }
+void Tempo::setRightSideType(int type) {
+      rightSideType_ = type;
+      }
+int Tempo::getRightSideType() const {
+      return rightSideType_;
@@ -4718,15 +4747,14 @@ bool BarsParse::parseTempo(MeasureData* measureData, int /*length*/) {
       Tempo* tempo = new Tempo();
-      if( !jump(3) ) { return false; }
+      if( !jump(3) )
+            return false;
       // common
-      if( !parseCommonBlock(tempo) ) { return false; }
-      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 1) ) { return false; }
+      if( !parseCommonBlock(tempo) )
+            return false;
+      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 1) )
+            return false;
       thisByte = placeHolder.toUnsignedInt();
       // show tempo
       tempo->setShowMark( (getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x4) == 0x4 );
       // show before text
@@ -4735,47 +4763,56 @@ bool BarsParse::parseTempo(MeasureData* measureData, int /*length*/) {
       tempo->setShowParenthesis( (getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x1 ) == 0x1 );
       // left note type
       tempo->setLeftNoteType( getLowNibble(thisByte) );
-      if( !jump(1) ) { return false; }
+      // left note dot
+      tempo->setLeftNoteDot((getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x2 ) == 0x2 );
+      if( !jump(1) )  // dimension of the note symbol
+            return false;
       if( ove_->getIsVersion4() ) {
-            if( !jump(2) ) { return false; }
+            if( !jump(2) )
+                  return false;
             // tempo
-            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 2) ) { return false; }
-            tempo->setTypeTempo(placeHolder.toUnsignedInt()/100);
-            } else {
+            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 2) )
+                  return false;
+            tempo->setTypeTempo(((double)placeHolder.toUnsignedInt())/100.0);
+            }
+      else {
             // tempo
-            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 2) ) { return false; }
-            tempo->setTypeTempo(placeHolder.toUnsignedInt());
-            if( !jump(2) ) { return false; }
+            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 2) )
+                  return false;
+            tempo->setTypeTempo((double)placeHolder.toUnsignedInt());
+            if( !jump(2) )
+                  return false;
       // offset
-      if( !parseOffsetElement(tempo) ) { return false; }
-      if( !jump(16) ) { return false; }
+      if( !parseOffsetElement(tempo) )
+            return false;
+      if( !jump(16) )
+            return false;
       // 31 bytes left text
-      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 31) ) { return false; }
+      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 31) )
+            return false;
-      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 1) ) { return false; }
+      if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 1) )
+            return false;
       thisByte = placeHolder.toUnsignedInt();
       // swing eighth
-      tempo->setSwingEighth(getHighNibble(thisByte)!=8);
+      tempo->setSwingEighth((getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x4 ) == 0x4 );
+      // right note dot
+      tempo->setRightNoteDot((getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x1 ) == 0x1 );
+      // compatibility with v3 files ?
+      tempo->setRightSideType((int)(getHighNibble(thisByte) & 0x2));
       // right note type
       // right text
       if( ove_->getIsVersion4() ) {
-            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 31) ) { return false; }
+            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 31) )
+                  return false;
-            if( !jump(1) ) { return false; }
+            if( !readBuffer(placeHolder, 1) )
+                  return false;
+            // 00 -> float      03 -> integer(floor)     01 -> notetype    02 -> text
+            tempo->setRightSideType(placeHolder.toInt());
       return true;
diff --git a/mscore/ove.h b/mscore/ove.h
index 2cab61c..eea1ac1 100644
--- a/mscore/ove.h
+++ b/mscore/ove.h
@@ -1819,9 +1819,9 @@ public:
       void setShowParenthesis(bool show);
       bool getShowParenthesis() const;
-      void setTypeTempo(int tempo); //0x2580 = 96.00
-      int getTypeTempo() const;
-      int getQuarterTempo() const;
+      void setTypeTempo(double tempo); //0x2580 = 96.00
+      double getTypeTempo() const;
+      double getQuarterTempo() const;
       void setLeftText(const QString& str);// string at left of the mark
       QString getLeftText() const;
@@ -1833,18 +1833,30 @@ public:
       bool getSwingEighth() const;
       void setRightNoteType(int type);
-      int getRightNoteType() const;
+      NoteType getRightNoteType() const;
+      void setLeftNoteDot(bool showDot);
+      bool getLeftNoteDot() const;
+      void setRightNoteDot(bool showDot);
+      bool getRightNoteDot() const;
+      void setRightSideType(int type);
+      int getRightSideType() const;
       int leftNoteType_;
       bool showMark_;
       bool showText_;
       bool showParenthesis_;
-      int typeTempo_;
+      double typeTempo_;
       QString leftText_;
       QString rightText_;
       bool swingEighth_;
       int rightNoteType_;
+      bool leftNoteDot_;
+      bool rightNoteDot_;
+      int rightSideType_;
 class Text: public MusicData, public LengthElement {
diff --git a/mscore/palettebox.cpp b/mscore/palettebox.cpp
index f3d83f9..8664953 100644
--- a/mscore/palettebox.cpp
+++ b/mscore/palettebox.cpp
@@ -27,11 +27,21 @@ namespace Ms {
 PaletteBox::PaletteBox(QWidget* parent)
    : QDockWidget(tr("Palettes"), parent)
+      setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
       setAllowedAreas(Qt::DockWidgetAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea));
+      QAction* a = new QAction(this);
+      a->setText(tr("Single Palette"));
+      a->setCheckable(true);
+      a->setChecked(preferences.singlePalette);
+      addAction(a);
+      connect(a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(setSinglePalette(bool)));
       QWidget* w = new QWidget(this);
+      w->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::NoContextMenu);
       QVBoxLayout* vl = new QVBoxLayout(w);
+      vl->setMargin(0);
       QHBoxLayout* hl = new QHBoxLayout;
@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ PaletteBox::PaletteBox(QWidget* parent)
       QToolButton* nb = new QToolButton;
       nb->setToolTip(tr("Add new workspace"));
@@ -58,7 +68,6 @@ PaletteBox::PaletteBox(QWidget* parent)
-      // setWidget(sa);
       QWidget* paletteList = new QWidget;
@@ -348,5 +357,14 @@ QSize PaletteBoxScrollArea::sizeHint() const
       return QSize(170 * guiScaling, 170 * guiScaling);
+//   setSinglePalette
+void PaletteBox::setSinglePalette(bool val)
+      {
+      preferences.singlePalette = val;
+      preferences.dirty = true;
+      }
diff --git a/mscore/palettebox.h b/mscore/palettebox.h
index f8eac7e..27148fc 100644
--- a/mscore/palettebox.h
+++ b/mscore/palettebox.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class PaletteBox : public QDockWidget {
       void displayMore(const QString& paletteName);
       void workspaceSelected(int idx);
       void newWorkspaceClicked();
+      void setSinglePalette(bool);
       void changed();
@@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ class PaletteBox : public QDockWidget {
       void updateWorkspaces();
+//   PaletteBoxScrollArea
 class PaletteBoxScrollArea : public QScrollArea {
diff --git a/mscore/pianoroll.cpp b/mscore/pianoroll.cpp
index cf363f7..b995e73 100644
--- a/mscore/pianoroll.cpp
+++ b/mscore/pianoroll.cpp
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ void PianorollEditor::velocityChanged(int val)
 void PianorollEditor::keyPressed(int pitch)
-      seq->startNote(staff->part()->instr()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, 0, 0.0);
+      seq->startNote(staff->part()->instrument()->channel(0)->channel, pitch, 80, 0, 0.0);
diff --git a/mscore/pianotools.cpp b/mscore/pianotools.cpp
index d9c4f81..1eb1cc9 100644
--- a/mscore/pianotools.cpp
+++ b/mscore/pianotools.cpp
@@ -129,6 +129,21 @@ QSize HPiano::sizeHint() const
+//   pressKeys
+void HPiano::pressKeys(QSet<int> pitches)
+      {
+	for (PianoKeyItem* key : keys) {
+            if (pitches.contains(key->pitch()))
+                  key->setPressed(true);
+            else
+                  key->setPressed(false);
+            key->update();
+            }
+      }
 //   PianoKeyItem
@@ -136,8 +151,8 @@ PianoKeyItem::PianoKeyItem(HPiano* _piano, int p)
    : QGraphicsPathItem()
       piano = _piano;
-      pitch = p;
-      pressed = false;
+      _pitch = p;
+      _pressed = false;
       type = -1;
@@ -247,10 +262,10 @@ void PianoKeyItem::setType(int val)
 void PianoKeyItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)
-      pressed = true;
+      _pressed = true;
       bool ctrl = qApp->keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier;
-      emit piano->keyPressed(pitch, ctrl);
+      emit piano->keyPressed(_pitch, ctrl);
@@ -259,7 +274,7 @@ void PianoKeyItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)
 void PianoKeyItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*)
-      pressed = false;
+      _pressed = false;
@@ -271,12 +286,12 @@ void PianoKeyItem::paint(QPainter* p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* /*o*/, QWi
       p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
       p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, .8));
-      if (pressed)
+      if (_pressed)
             p->setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 128));
             p->setBrush(type >= 7 ? Qt::black : Qt::white);
-      if (pitch == 60) {
+      if (_pitch == 60) {
             QFont f("FreeSerif", 8);
             p->drawText(QRectF(KEY_WIDTH / 2, KEY_HEIGHT - 8, 0, 0),
@@ -293,16 +308,26 @@ PianoTools::PianoTools(QWidget* parent)
       setWindowTitle(tr("Piano Keyboard"));
-      setAllowedAreas(Qt::TopDockWidgetArea | Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea);
+      setAllowedAreas(Qt::DockWidgetAreas(Qt::TopDockWidgetArea | Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea));
-      HPiano* piano = new HPiano;
-      piano->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
-      setWidget(piano);
+      _piano = new HPiano;
+      _piano->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus);
+      setWidget(_piano);
-//      QWidget* w = new QWidget(this);
-//      setTitleBarWidget(w);
-//      titleBarWidget()->hide();
-      connect(piano, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, bool)), SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, bool)));
+      connect(_piano, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, bool)), SIGNAL(keyPressed(int, bool)));
+      }
+//   heartBeat
+void PianoTools::heartBeat(QList<const Ms::Note *> notes)
+      {
+      QSet<int> pitches;
+      for (const Note* note : notes) {
+          pitches.insert(note->pitch());
+          }
+      _piano->pressKeys(pitches);
diff --git a/mscore/pianotools.h b/mscore/pianotools.h
index 17d468f..8978e01 100644
--- a/mscore/pianotools.h
+++ b/mscore/pianotools.h
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #ifndef __PIANOTOOLS_H__
 #define __PIANOTOOLS_H__
+#include "libmscore/note.h"
 namespace Ms {
 class HPiano;
@@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ class HPiano;
 class PianoKeyItem : public QGraphicsPathItem {
       int type;
-      int pitch;
-      bool pressed;
+      int _pitch;
+      bool _pressed;
       HPiano* piano;
       virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget = 0);
@@ -40,8 +42,10 @@ class PianoKeyItem : public QGraphicsPathItem {
       virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*);
-      PianoKeyItem(HPiano* , int pitch);
+      PianoKeyItem(HPiano* , int p);
       void setType(int val);
+      int pitch() { return _pitch; }
+      void setPressed(bool p) { _pressed = p; }
@@ -64,6 +68,7 @@ class HPiano : public QGraphicsView {
       HPiano(QWidget* parent = 0);
       friend class PianoKeyItem;
+      void pressKeys(QSet<int> pitches);
       virtual QSize sizeHint() const;
@@ -74,11 +79,14 @@ class HPiano : public QGraphicsView {
 class PianoTools : public QDockWidget {
+      HPiano* _piano;
       void keyPressed(int pitch, bool ctrl);
       PianoTools(QWidget* parent = 0);
+      void heartBeat(QList<const Note*> notes);
diff --git a/mscore/pluginCreator.cpp b/mscore/pluginCreator.cpp
index 8d549f4..0a3e89e 100644
--- a/mscore/pluginCreator.cpp
+++ b/mscore/pluginCreator.cpp
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ void PluginCreator::runClicked()
       item = qobject_cast<QmlPlugin*>(obj);
+      item->setFilePath(path.isEmpty() ? QString() : path.section('/', 0, -2));
       if (item->pluginType() == "dock" || item->pluginType() == "dialog") {
             view = new QQuickView(qml, 0);
diff --git a/mscore/pm.cpp b/mscore/pm.cpp
index 8ac3236..752ec22 100644
--- a/mscore/pm.cpp
+++ b/mscore/pm.cpp
@@ -225,6 +225,11 @@ void PortMidiDriver::read()
                         (void)Pm_MessageData2(buffer[0].message); // read but ignore
                         mscore->midiNoteReceived(channel, pitch, 0);
+                  else if (type == ME_CONTROLLER) {
+                        int param = Pm_MessageData1(buffer[0].message);
+                        int value = Pm_MessageData2(buffer[0].message);
+                        mscore->midiCtrlReceived(param, value);
+                        }
diff --git a/mscore/preferences.cpp b/mscore/preferences.cpp
index 63bbd82..542d97b 100644
--- a/mscore/preferences.cpp
+++ b/mscore/preferences.cpp
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ PreferenceDialog::PreferenceDialog(QWidget* parent)
       connect(clearShortcut,  SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(clearShortcutClicked()));
       connect(defineShortcut, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(defineShortcutClicked()));
       connect(resetToDefault, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(resetAllValues()));
+      connect(filterShortcuts, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(filterShortcutsTextChanged(const QString &)));
       connect(printShortcuts, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(printShortcutsClicked()));
       recordButtons = new QButtonGroup(this);
@@ -1081,6 +1081,23 @@ void PreferenceDialog::clearShortcutClicked()
       shortcutsChanged = true;
+//   filterShortcutsTextChanged
+void  PreferenceDialog::filterShortcutsTextChanged(const QString &query )
+    {
+    QTreeWidgetItem *item;
+    for(int i = 0; i < shortcutList->topLevelItemCount(); i++) {
+        item = shortcutList->topLevelItem(i);
+        if(item->text(0).toLower().contains(query.toLower()))
+            item->setHidden(false);
+        else
+            item->setHidden(true);
+        }
+    }
 //   selectFgWallpaper
@@ -1728,6 +1745,8 @@ bool Preferences::readPluginList()
+                              d.shortcut.setState(STATE_NORMAL | STATE_NOTE_ENTRY | STATE_EDIT |
+                                          STATE_ALLTEXTUAL_EDIT | STATE_PLAY | STATE_FOTO | STATE_LOCK );
                               if (d.path.endsWith(".qml"))
@@ -1851,7 +1870,6 @@ void PreferenceDialog::printShortcutsClicked()
       printer.setDocName(tr("MuseScore Shortcuts"));
-      printer.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
       QPrintDialog pd(&printer, 0);
diff --git a/mscore/prefsdialog.h b/mscore/prefsdialog.h
index 060f0c9..7961509 100644
--- a/mscore/prefsdialog.h
+++ b/mscore/prefsdialog.h
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ class PreferenceDialog : public QDialog, private Ui::PrefsDialogBase {
       void selectPluginsDirectory();
       void selectImagesDirectory();
       void printShortcutsClicked();
+      void filterShortcutsTextChanged(const QString &);
       void languageChanged(int);
       void changeSoundfontPaths();
diff --git a/mscore/prefsdialog.ui b/mscore/prefsdialog.ui
index 0939f4d..2ad2032 100644
--- a/mscore/prefsdialog.ui
+++ b/mscore/prefsdialog.ui
@@ -3365,6 +3365,19 @@
+          <widget class="QLineEdit" name="filterShortcuts">
+           <property name="inputMask">
+            <string/>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string/>
+           </property>
+           <property name="placeholderText">
+            <string>Filter</string>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
           <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_18">
            <property name="orientation">
diff --git a/mscore/propertymenu.cpp b/mscore/propertymenu.cpp
index 686d3f1..99d65c1 100644
--- a/mscore/propertymenu.cpp
+++ b/mscore/propertymenu.cpp
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #include "libmscore/slur.h"
 #include "libmscore/jump.h"
 #include "libmscore/marker.h"
+#include "libmscore/measure.h"
 namespace Ms {
@@ -259,6 +260,22 @@ void ScoreView::createElementPropertyMenu(Element* e, QMenu* popup)
             //popup->addAction(tr("Edit Mode"))->setData("edit");
       else if (e->type() == Element::Type::REST) {
+            QAction* b = popup->actions()[0];
+            QAction* a = popup->insertSeparator(b);
+            a->setText(tr("Staff"));
+            a = new QAction(tr("Staff Properties..."), 0);
+            a->setData("staff-props");
+            popup->insertAction(b, a);
+            a = popup->insertSeparator(b);
+            a->setText(tr("Measure"));
+            a = new QAction(tr("Measure Properties..."), 0);
+            a->setData("measure-props");
+            // disable property changes for multi measure rests
+            a->setEnabled(!static_cast<Rest*>(e)->segment()->measure()->isMMRest());
+            popup->insertAction(b, a);
             genPropertyMenu1(e, popup);
       else if (e->type() == Element::Type::NOTE) {
@@ -273,6 +290,9 @@ void ScoreView::createElementPropertyMenu(Element* e, QMenu* popup)
             a = new QAction(tr("Measure Properties..."), 0);
+            // disable property changes for multi measure rests
+            a->setEnabled(!static_cast<Note*>(e)->chord()->segment()->measure()->isMMRest());
             popup->insertAction(b, a);
             genPropertyMenu1(e, popup);
@@ -325,8 +345,15 @@ void ScoreView::elementPropertyAction(const QString& cmd, Element* e)
       else if (cmd == "measure-props") {
-            MeasureProperties vp(static_cast<Note*>(e)->chord()->segment()->measure());
-            vp.exec();
+            Measure* m = 0;
+            if (e->type() == Element::Type::NOTE)
+                  m = static_cast<Note*>(e)->chord()->segment()->measure();
+            else if (e->type() == Element::Type::REST)
+                  m = static_cast<Rest*>(e)->segment()->measure();
+            if (m) {
+                  MeasureProperties vp(m);
+                  vp.exec();
+                  }
       else if (cmd == "picture") {
             mscore->addImage(score(), static_cast<HBox*>(e));
@@ -411,8 +438,10 @@ void ScoreView::elementPropertyAction(const QString& cmd, Element* e)
       else if (cmd == "tr-props") {
             TremoloBar* tb = static_cast<TremoloBar*>(e);
             TremoloBarProperties bp(tb, 0);
-            if (bp.exec())
-                  score()->undo(new ChangeTremoloBar(tb, bp.points()));
+            if (bp.exec()) {
+                  for (ScoreElement* b : tb->linkList())
+                        score()->undo(new ChangeTremoloBar(static_cast<TremoloBar*>(b), bp.points()));
+                  }
       if (cmd == "ts-courtesy") {
             TimeSig* ts = static_cast<TimeSig*>(e);
@@ -475,8 +504,8 @@ void ScoreView::elementPropertyAction(const QString& cmd, Element* e)
                   if (ot->textStyle() != nText->textStyle())
                         ot->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TEXT_STYLE, QVariant::fromValue<TextStyle>(nText->textStyle()));
-                  if (ot->text() != nText->text())
-                        ot->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TEXT, nText->text());
+                  if (ot->xmlText() != nText->xmlText())
+                        ot->undoChangeProperty(P_ID::TEXT, nText->xmlText());
             delete nText;
diff --git a/mscore/qmlplugin.cpp b/mscore/qmlplugin.cpp
index 11c7387..79a90c3 100644
--- a/mscore/qmlplugin.cpp
+++ b/mscore/qmlplugin.cpp
@@ -69,18 +69,34 @@ bool QmlPlugin::writeScore(Score* s, const QString& name, const QString& ext)
 //   readScore
+// noninteractive can be used to avoid a 'save changes'
+// dialog on closing a score that is either imported
+// or was created with an older version of MuseScore
-Score* QmlPlugin::readScore(const QString& name)
+Score* QmlPlugin::readScore(const QString& name, bool noninteractive)
       Score * score = msc->openScore(name);
       // tell QML not to garbage collect this score
-      if (score)
+      if (score) {
             QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(score, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
+            if (noninteractive)
+	          score->setCreated(false);
+            }
       return score;
+//   closeScore
+void QmlPlugin::closeScore(Ms::Score* score)
+      {
+      msc->closeScore(score);
+      }
 //   newElement
diff --git a/mscore/qmlplugin.h b/mscore/qmlplugin.h
index 8b45027..3091154 100644
--- a/mscore/qmlplugin.h
+++ b/mscore/qmlplugin.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ extern int updateVersion();
 //   QmlPlugin
 //   @@ MuseScore
 //   @P menuPath             QString           where the plugin is placed in menu
+//   @P filePath             QString           source file path, without the file name (read only)
 //   @P version              QString
 //   @P description          QString
 //   @P pluginType           QString
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ extern int updateVersion();
 class QmlPlugin : public QQuickItem {
       Q_PROPERTY(QString menuPath        READ menuPath WRITE setMenuPath)
+      Q_PROPERTY(QString filePath        READ filePath)
       Q_PROPERTY(QString version         READ version WRITE setVersion)
       Q_PROPERTY(QString description     READ description WRITE setDescription)
       Q_PROPERTY(QString pluginType      READ pluginType WRITE setPluginType)
@@ -73,6 +75,8 @@ class QmlPlugin : public QQuickItem {
       QString _version;
       QString _description;
+   protected:
+      QString _filePath;            // the path of the source file, without file name
       void run();
@@ -86,6 +90,8 @@ class QmlPlugin : public QQuickItem {
       QString version() const              { return _version; }
       void setDescription(const QString& s) { _description = s; }
       QString description() const          { return _description; }
+      void setFilePath(const QString s)   { _filePath = s;        }
+      QString filePath() const            { return _filePath;     }
       void setPluginType(const QString& s) { _pluginType = s;    }
       QString pluginType() const           { return _pluginType; }
@@ -108,7 +114,8 @@ class QmlPlugin : public QQuickItem {
       Q_INVOKABLE void cmd(const QString&);
       Q_INVOKABLE Ms::MsProcess* newQProcess();
       Q_INVOKABLE bool writeScore(Ms::Score*, const QString& name, const QString& ext);
-      Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Score* readScore(const QString& name);
+      Q_INVOKABLE Ms::Score* readScore(const QString& name, bool noninteractive = false);
+      Q_INVOKABLE void closeScore(Ms::Score*);
diff --git a/mscore/resourceManager.cpp b/mscore/resourceManager.cpp
index c21318f..c587bac 100644
--- a/mscore/resourceManager.cpp
+++ b/mscore/resourceManager.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ResourceManager::ResourceManager(QWidget *parent) :
       setWindowFlags(this->windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
       QDir dir;
       dir.mkpath(dataPath + "/locale");
-      baseAddr = "http://extensions.musescore.org/2.0/";
+      baseAddr = "http://extensions.musescore.org/2.0.1/";
diff --git a/mscore/revision.h b/mscore/revision.h
index debb99f..c1d1c50 100644
--- a/mscore/revision.h
+++ b/mscore/revision.h
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/mscore/scoreBrowser.cpp b/mscore/scoreBrowser.cpp
index f98d94f..d7b7f2e 100644
--- a/mscore/scoreBrowser.cpp
+++ b/mscore/scoreBrowser.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ ScoreBrowser::ScoreBrowser(QWidget* parent)
 ScoreListWidget* ScoreBrowser::createScoreList()
       ScoreListWidget* sl = new ScoreListWidget;
-      static_cast<QVBoxLayout*>(scoreList->layout())->addWidget(sl);
       sl->setIconSize(QSize(sl->cellWidth(), sl->cellHeight() - 30));
@@ -168,12 +167,12 @@ ScoreItem* ScoreBrowser::genScoreItem(const QFileInfo& fi, ScoreListWidget* l)
 //   setScores
-void ScoreBrowser::setScores(const QFileInfoList& s)
+void ScoreBrowser::setScores(QFileInfoList& s)
-      QLayout* l = scoreList->layout();
+      QVBoxLayout* l = static_cast<QVBoxLayout*>(scoreList->layout());
       while (l->count())
@@ -181,6 +180,9 @@ void ScoreBrowser::setScores(const QFileInfoList& s)
       QStringList filter = { "*.mscz" };
+      if (_showCustomCategory)
+            std::sort(s.begin(), s.end(), [](QFileInfo a, QFileInfo b)->bool { return a.fileName() < b.fileName(); });
       QSet<QString> entries; //to avoid duplicates
       for (const QFileInfo& fi : s) {
             if (fi.isDir()) {
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@ void ScoreBrowser::setScores(const QFileInfoList& s)
                   QDir dir(fi.filePath());
                   sl = createScoreList();
+                  l->addWidget(sl);
                   unsigned count = 0; //nbr of entries added
                   for (const QFileInfo& fi : dir.entryInfoList(filter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name)){
                         if (entries.contains(fi.filePath()))
@@ -222,9 +225,10 @@ void ScoreBrowser::setScores(const QFileInfoList& s)
                                     QFont f = label->font();
-                                    static_cast<QVBoxLayout*>(l)->addWidget(label);
+                                    l->insertWidget(2,label);
                               sl = createScoreList();
+                              l->insertWidget(3,sl);
                         sl->addItem(genScoreItem(fi, sl));
diff --git a/mscore/scoreBrowser.h b/mscore/scoreBrowser.h
index 695c510..f836c24 100644
--- a/mscore/scoreBrowser.h
+++ b/mscore/scoreBrowser.h
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class ScoreBrowser : public QWidget, public Ui::ScoreBrowser
       ScoreBrowser(QWidget* parent = 0);
-      void setScores(const QFileInfoList&);
+      void setScores(QFileInfoList&);
       void setStripNumbers(bool val) { _stripNumbers = val; }
       void selectFirst();
       void selectLast();
diff --git a/mscore/scoreview.cpp b/mscore/scoreview.cpp
index 2ab796d..b41ee5e 100644
--- a/mscore/scoreview.cpp
+++ b/mscore/scoreview.cpp
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ ScoreView::ScoreView(QWidget* parent)
-      grabGesture(Qt::PinchGesture);      // laptop pad
+      grabGesture(Qt::PinchGesture);      // laptop pad (Mac) and touchscreen
@@ -1107,9 +1107,9 @@ void ScoreView::measurePopup(const QPoint& gpos, Measure* obj)
       a = popup->addAction(tr("Edit Drumset..."));
-      a->setEnabled(staff->part()->instr()->drumset() != 0);
+      a->setEnabled(staff->part()->instrument()->drumset() != 0);
-      if (staff->part()->instr()->drumset()) {
+      if (staff->part()->instrument()->drumset()) {
             a = popup->addAction(tr("Drumroll Editor..."));
@@ -1132,7 +1132,9 @@ void ScoreView::measurePopup(const QPoint& gpos, Measure* obj)
-      popup->addAction(tr("Measure Properties..."))->setData("props");
+      a = popup->addAction(tr("Measure Properties..."));
+      a->setData("props");
+      a->setEnabled(!obj->isMMRest());
       popup->addAction(tr("Object Debugger"))->setData("list");
@@ -1159,9 +1161,9 @@ void ScoreView::measurePopup(const QPoint& gpos, Measure* obj)
       else if (cmd == "edit-drumset") {
-            EditDrumset drumsetEdit(staff->part()->instr()->drumset(), this);
+            EditDrumset drumsetEdit(staff->part()->instrument()->drumset(), this);
             if (drumsetEdit.exec()) {
-                  _score->undo(new ChangeDrumset(staff->part()->instr(), drumsetEdit.drumset()));
+                  _score->undo(new ChangeDrumset(staff->part()->instrument(), drumsetEdit.drumset()));
@@ -1614,7 +1616,7 @@ void ScoreView::setShadowNote(const QPointF& p)
       Staff* staff      = score()->staff(pos.staffIdx);
-      const Instrument* instr     = staff->part()->instr();
+      const Instrument* instr     = staff->part()->instrument();
       NoteHead::Group noteheadGroup = NoteHead::Group::HEAD_NORMAL;
       int line                    = pos.line;
       NoteHead::Type noteHead       = is.duration().headType();
@@ -2059,6 +2061,7 @@ void ScoreView::zoom(qreal _mag, const QPointF& pos)
 //   gestureEvent
+//    fired on touchscreen gestures as well as Mac touchpad gestures
 bool ScoreView::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event)
@@ -2068,13 +2071,17 @@ bool ScoreView::gestureEvent(QGestureEvent *event)
             QPinchGesture *pinch = static_cast<QPinchGesture *>(gesture);
             static qreal magStart = 1.0;
             if (pinch->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
                   magStart = mag();
             if (pinch->changeFlags() & QPinchGesture::ScaleFactorChanged) {
-                  qreal value = pinch->property("scaleFactor").toReal();
-                  zoom(magStart*value, pinch->startCenterPoint());
+                  // On Windows, totalScaleFactor() contains the net magnification.
+                  // On OS X, totalScaleFactor() is 1, and scaleFactor() contains the net magnification.
+                  qreal value = pinch->totalScaleFactor();
+                  if (value == 1) {
+                        value = pinch->scaleFactor();
+                        }
+                  zoom(magStart*value, pinch->centerPoint());
       return true;
@@ -2120,7 +2127,7 @@ void ScoreView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
-      if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+      if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // Windows touch pad pinches also execute this
             QApplication::sendPostedEvents(this, 0);
             zoomStep(nReal, event->pos());
@@ -4363,11 +4370,11 @@ void ScoreView::cmdChangeEnharmonic(bool up)
       for (Note* n : _score->selection().noteList()) {
             Staff* staff = n->staff();
-            if (staff->part()->instr()->useDrumset())
+            if (staff->part()->instrument()->useDrumset())
             if (staff->isTabStaff()) {
                   int string = n->line() + (up ? 1 : -1);
-                  int fret   = staff->part()->instr()->stringData()->fret(n->pitch(), string, staff, n->chord()->tick());
+                  int fret   = staff->part()->instrument()->stringData()->fret(n->pitch(), string, staff, n->chord()->tick());
                   if (fret != -1) {
                         score()->undoChangeProperty(n, P_ID::FRET, fret);
                         score()->undoChangeProperty(n, P_ID::STRING, string);
@@ -4414,10 +4421,20 @@ void ScoreView::cmdChangeEnharmonic(bool up)
-                  if (i == 36)
+                  if (i == 36) {
                         qDebug("tpc %d not found", tpc);
-                  else
+                        }
+                  else {
+                        if (up || staff->part()->instrument()->transpose().isZero()) {
+                              // change both spellings
+                              int t = n->transposeTpc(tpc);
+                              if (n->concertPitch())
+                                    n->undoSetTpc2(t);
+                              else
+                                    n->undoSetTpc1(t);
+                              }
+                        }
@@ -4894,11 +4911,12 @@ void ScoreView::cmdTuplet(int n)
 //   midiNoteReceived
-void ScoreView::midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool chord)
+void ScoreView::midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool chord, int velocity)
       MidiInputEvent ev;
       ev.pitch = pitch;
       ev.chord = chord;
+      ev.velocity = velocity;
 qDebug("midiNoteReceived %d chord %d", pitch, chord);
@@ -4974,7 +4992,12 @@ void ScoreView::cmdAddPitch(int note, bool addFlag)
                   Chord* chord = static_cast<Note*>(el)->chord();
                   Note* n = chord->upNote();
                   octave = n->epitch() / 12;
-                  if (tab[note] <= n->epitch() % 12)
+                  int tpc = n->tpc();
+                  if (tpc == Tpc::TPC_C_BB || tpc == Tpc::TPC_C_B)
+                        ++octave;
+                  else if (tpc == Tpc::TPC_B_S || tpc == Tpc::TPC_B_SS)
+                        --octave;
+                  if (note <= tpc2step(tpc))
             else {
@@ -5441,7 +5464,7 @@ bool ScoreView::searchRehearsalMark(const QString& s)
             for (Element* e : seg->annotations()){
                   if (e->type() == Element::Type::REHEARSAL_MARK) {
                         RehearsalMark* rm = static_cast<RehearsalMark*>(e);
-                        QString rms = rm->text().toLower();
+                        QString rms = rm->plainText().toLower();
                         if (rms.startsWith(ss)) {
                               found = true;
@@ -5846,7 +5869,7 @@ void ScoreView::cmdAddRemoveBreaks()
       // loop through measures in selection
       int count = 0;
-      for (Measure* m = startMeasure; m != endMeasure; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
+      for (Measure* m = startMeasure; m; m = m->nextMeasure()) {
             if (lock) {
                   // skip if it already has a break
                   if (m->lineBreak() || m->pageBreak())
@@ -5862,9 +5885,11 @@ void ScoreView::cmdAddRemoveBreaks()
                   else {
+                        // skip last measure in score (even if in selection)
                         if (++count == interval) {
                               // found place for break; add if not already one present
-                              if (!(m->lineBreak() || m->pageBreak()))
+                              // but skip last measure in score (even if in selection)
+                              if (!(m->lineBreak() || m->pageBreak() || m == m->system()->lastMeasure()))
                               // reset count
                               count = 0;
@@ -5875,6 +5900,8 @@ void ScoreView::cmdAddRemoveBreaks()
+            if (m == endMeasure)
+                  break;
       if (noSelection)
diff --git a/mscore/scoreview.h b/mscore/scoreview.h
index f28c90b..63b2928 100644
--- a/mscore/scoreview.h
+++ b/mscore/scoreview.h
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ class ScoreView : public QWidget, public MuseScoreView {
       void setCursorVisible(bool v);
       void showOmr(bool flag);
       Element* getCurElement() const { return curElement; }   // current item at mouse press
-      void midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool);
+      void midiNoteReceived(int pitch, bool chord, int velocity);
       void setEditPos(const QPointF&);
       virtual void moveCursor() override;
diff --git a/mscore/seq.cpp b/mscore/seq.cpp
index 6b53e54..4ce7b1b 100644
--- a/mscore/seq.cpp
+++ b/mscore/seq.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include "libmscore/audio.h"
 #include "synthcontrol.h"
 #include "pianoroll.h"
+#include "pianotools.h"
 #include "click.h"
@@ -403,6 +404,9 @@ void Seq::unmarkNotes()
+      PianoTools* piano = mscore->pianoTools();
+      if (piano && piano->isVisible())
+            piano->heartBeat(markedNotes);
@@ -499,7 +503,7 @@ void Seq::playEvent(const NPlayEvent& event, unsigned framePos)
             const Note* note = event.note();
             if (note) {
-                  Instrument* instr = note->staff()->part()->instr(note->chord()->tick());
+                  Instrument* instr = note->staff()->part()->instrument(note->chord()->tick());
                   const Channel* a = instr->channel(note->subchannel());
                   mute = a->mute || a->soloMute;
@@ -614,7 +618,7 @@ void Seq::metronome(unsigned n, float* p, bool force)
 void Seq::addCountInClicks()
-      int         plPos       = playPos->first;
+      int         plPos       = cs->playPos();
       Measure*    m           = cs->tick2measure(plPos);
       int         msrTick     = m->tick();
       qreal       tempo       = cs->tempomap()->tempo(msrTick);
@@ -1482,6 +1486,11 @@ void Seq::heartBeatTimeout()
       PianorollEditor* pre = mscore->getPianorollEditor();
       if (pre && pre->isVisible())
+      PianoTools* piano = mscore->pianoTools();
+      if (piano && piano->isVisible())
+            piano->heartBeat(markedNotes);
diff --git a/mscore/seq.h b/mscore/seq.h
index d4188a5..ca6ec79 100644
--- a/mscore/seq.h
+++ b/mscore/seq.h
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class Seq : public QObject, public Sequencer {
       int getEndTick() const    { return endTick;  }
       bool isRealtime() const   { return true;     }
       void sendMessage(SeqMsg&) const;
-      virtual void startNote(int channel, int, int, int, double nt);
       void setController(int, int, int);
       virtual void sendEvent(const NPlayEvent&);
       void setScoreView(ScoreView*);
@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ class Seq : public QObject, public Sequencer {
       void putEvent(const NPlayEvent&, unsigned framePos = 0);
       void startNoteTimer(int duration);
-      void startNote(int channel, int, int, double nt);
+      virtual void startNote(int channel, int, int, double nt) override;
+      virtual void startNote(int channel, int, int, int, double nt) override;
       void eventToGui(NPlayEvent);
       void stopNoteTimer();
       void recomputeMaxMidiOutPort();
diff --git a/mscore/shortcut.h b/mscore/shortcut.h
index aafb3a3..462390e 100644
--- a/mscore/shortcut.h
+++ b/mscore/shortcut.h
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ class Shortcut {
       void reset();           //! reset to buildin
       void addShortcut(const QKeySequence&);
       int state() const                        { return _state; }
+      void setState(int v)                      { _state = v;     }
       bool needsScore() const                  { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_SCORE; }
       bool isCmd() const                       { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_CMD; }
       bool isCheckable() const                 { return _flags & ShortcutFlags::A_CHECKABLE; }
diff --git a/mscore/shortcutcapturedialog.cpp b/mscore/shortcutcapturedialog.cpp
index a8e3c98..aaab548 100644
--- a/mscore/shortcutcapturedialog.cpp
+++ b/mscore/shortcutcapturedialog.cpp
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ void ShortcutCaptureDialog::keyPress(QKeyEvent* e)
       foreach (Shortcut* ss, localShortcuts) {
             if (s == ss)
-//            if (!(s->state() & ss->state()))    // no conflict if states do not overlap
-//                  continue;
+            if (!(s->state() & ss->state()))    // no conflict if states do not overlap
+                  continue;
             foreach(const QKeySequence& ks, ss->keys()) {
                   if (ks == key) {
                         msgString = tr("Shortcut conflicts with ") + ss->descr();
diff --git a/mscore/stafftextproperties.cpp b/mscore/stafftextproperties.cpp
index c3603a9..6cc41f2 100644
--- a/mscore/stafftextproperties.cpp
+++ b/mscore/stafftextproperties.cpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static void initChannelCombo(QComboBox* cb, StaffText* st)
       Part* part = st->staff()->part();
       int tick = static_cast<Segment*>(st->parent())->tick();
-      foreach(const Channel* a, part->instr(tick)->channel()) {
+      foreach(const Channel* a, part->instrument(tick)->channel()) {
             if (a->name.isEmpty() || a->name == "normal")
@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ StaffTextProperties::StaffTextProperties(const StaffText* st, QWidget* parent)
       Part* part = _staffText->staff()->part();
       int tick = static_cast<Segment*>(st->parent())->tick();
-      int n = part->instr(tick)->channel().size();
+      int n = part->instrument(tick)->channel().size();
       int rows = 0;
       for (int voice = 0; voice < VOICES; ++voice) {
             if (_staffText->channelName(voice).isEmpty())
             for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-                  const Channel* a = part->instr(tick)->channel(i);
+                  const Channel* a = part->instrument(tick)->channel(i);
                   if (a->name != _staffText->channelName(voice))
                   int row = 0;
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ StaffTextProperties::StaffTextProperties(const StaffText* st, QWidget* parent)
       QTreeWidgetItem* selectedItem = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-            const Channel* a = part->instr(tick)->channel(i);
+            const Channel* a = part->instrument(tick)->channel(i);
             QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(channelList);
             item->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, i);
             if (a->name.isEmpty() || a->name == "normal")
@@ -358,10 +358,10 @@ void StaffTextProperties::channelItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* item, QTreeWidgetI
       int channelIdx      = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toInt();
       int tick = static_cast<Segment*>(_staffText->parent())->tick();
-      Channel* channel    = part->instr(tick)->channel(channelIdx);
+      Channel* channel    = part->instrument(tick)->channel(channelIdx);
       QString channelName = channel->name;
-      foreach(const NamedEventList& e, part->instr(tick)->midiActions()) {
+      foreach(const NamedEventList& e, part->instrument(tick)->midiActions()) {
             QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem(actionList);
             if (e.name.isEmpty() || e.name == "normal")
                   item->setText(0, tr("normal"));
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void StaffTextProperties::saveValues()
                   if (vb[voice][row]->isChecked()) {
                         int idx     = channelCombo[row]->currentIndex();
                         int instrId = static_cast<Segment*>(_staffText->parent())->tick();
-                        _staffText->setChannelName(voice, part->instr(instrId)->channel()[idx]->name);
+                        _staffText->setChannelName(voice, part->instrument(instrId)->channel()[idx]->name);
diff --git a/mscore/startcenter.cpp b/mscore/startcenter.cpp
index fe2dc45..5986cfd 100644
--- a/mscore/startcenter.cpp
+++ b/mscore/startcenter.cpp
@@ -52,9 +52,11 @@ Startcenter::Startcenter()
       setStyleSheet(QString("QPushButton { background-color: %1 }").arg(openScore->palette().color(QPalette::Base).name()));
       //init webview
-      MyWebView* _webView = new MyWebView(this);
-      _webView->setUrl(QUrl("https://connect2.musescore.com/"));
-      horizontalLayout->addWidget(_webView);
+      if (!noWebView) {
+            _webView = new MyWebView(this);
+            _webView->setUrl(QUrl("https://connect2.musescore.com/"));
+            horizontalLayout->addWidget(_webView);
+            }
       if (enableExperimental)
             QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled, true);
@@ -68,7 +70,8 @@ Startcenter::Startcenter()
 Startcenter::~Startcenter() {
-      delete _webView;
+      if (_webView)
+            delete _webView;
diff --git a/mscore/textproperties.cpp b/mscore/textproperties.cpp
index 19dc3c8..032f00a 100644
--- a/mscore/textproperties.cpp
+++ b/mscore/textproperties.cpp
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ TextProperties::TextProperties(Text* t, QWidget* parent)
 void TextProperties::resetToStyle()
-      text->setText(text->plainText());
+      text->setPlainText(text->plainText());
diff --git a/mscore/timedialog.ui b/mscore/timedialog.ui
index c088c7a..6841c32 100644
--- a/mscore/timedialog.ui
+++ b/mscore/timedialog.ui
@@ -236,6 +236,19 @@
         <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
+          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+           <property name="orientation">
+            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+            <size>
+             <width>40</width>
+             <height>20</height>
+            </size>
+           </property>
+          </spacer>
+         </item>
+         <item>
           <widget class="QPushButton" name="addButton">
            <property name="sizePolicy">
             <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
@@ -251,19 +264,6 @@
-         <item>
-          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
-           <property name="orientation">
-            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-           </property>
-           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-            <size>
-             <width>40</width>
-             <height>20</height>
-            </size>
-           </property>
-          </spacer>
-         </item>
diff --git a/mscore/uploadscoredialog.cpp b/mscore/uploadscoredialog.cpp
index 9702401..e787427 100644
--- a/mscore/uploadscoredialog.cpp
+++ b/mscore/uploadscoredialog.cpp
@@ -23,14 +23,25 @@ namespace Ms {
 void MuseScore::showUploadScoreDialog()
+      if (!currentScore())
+            return;
+      if (!currentScore()->sanityCheck()) {
+            QMessageBox msgBox;
+            msgBox.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("MuseScore: Upload Error"));
+            msgBox.setText(tr("This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again."));
+            msgBox.setDetailedText(MScore::lastError);
+            msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
+            msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning);
+            msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok);
+            msgBox.exec();
+            return;
+            }
       if (uploadScoreDialog == nullptr) {
             uploadScoreDialog = new UploadScoreDialog(_loginManager);
-      if (currentScore()) {
-            uploadScoreDialog->setTitle(currentScore()->title());
-            _loginManager->tryLogin();
-            }
+      uploadScoreDialog->setTitle(currentScore()->title());
+      _loginManager->tryLogin();
diff --git a/mtest/CMakeLists.txt b/mtest/CMakeLists.txt
index f2baf72..4c9f5a9 100644
--- a/mtest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mtest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ add_library(
+      ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mscore/importove.cpp
+      ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/mscore/ove.cpp
@@ -149,8 +151,7 @@ add_custom_target(reporthtml
-subdirs (libmscore importmidi capella biab musicxml guitarpro)
+subdirs (libmscore importmidi capella biab musicxml guitarpro testoves)
diff --git a/mtest/biab/chords-ref.mscx b/mtest/biab/chords-ref.mscx
index e76a766..0f68f68 100644
--- a/mtest/biab/chords-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/biab/chords-ref.mscx
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -189,7 +188,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -237,7 +235,6 @@
       <Measure number="13">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -285,7 +282,6 @@
       <Measure number="17">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -333,7 +329,6 @@
       <Measure number="21">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -381,7 +376,6 @@
       <Measure number="25">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -429,7 +423,6 @@
       <Measure number="29">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -477,7 +470,6 @@
       <Measure number="33">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -525,7 +517,6 @@
       <Measure number="37">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -573,7 +564,6 @@
       <Measure number="41">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -621,7 +611,6 @@
       <Measure number="45">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test1.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test1.cap-ref.mscx
index f04f031..e1cf46a 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test1.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test1.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -239,7 +238,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test1.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test1.capx-ref.mscx
index 200f91c..4dd3ca9 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test1.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test1.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -234,7 +233,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test2.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test2.cap-ref.mscx
index 59ae1bb..3819088 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test2.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test2.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -171,7 +171,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -239,7 +238,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test2.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test2.capx-ref.mscx
index 4507324..a3d8b6d 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test2.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test2.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -234,7 +233,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test3.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test3.cap-ref.mscx
index a0945bf..27be1eb 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test3.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test3.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test3.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test3.capx-ref.mscx
index 5d03746..aa836dc 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test3.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test3.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -248,7 +247,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test4.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test4.cap-ref.mscx
index 4004a36..abfc179 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test4.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test4.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="3">
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test4.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test4.capx-ref.mscx
index 327c6d4..0730241 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test4.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test4.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="3">
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test5.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test5.cap-ref.mscx
index 9c26870..b9e5a75 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test5.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test5.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -251,7 +250,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test5.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test5.capx-ref.mscx
index 6a64548..8ab8fed 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test5.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test5.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -147,7 +147,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -251,7 +250,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test6.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test6.cap-ref.mscx
index 04a5fb6..ecc07a2 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test6.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test6.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -260,7 +259,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx
index 8c5ce06..bad1a4c 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -260,7 +259,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test7.cap-ref.mscx
index 699ee53..a26ded0 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test7.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -328,7 +327,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -490,7 +488,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -652,7 +649,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -814,7 +810,6 @@
       <Measure number="10">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -895,7 +890,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
index e65657c..18a6142 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx
index 63dd939..e87fd35 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -155,7 +155,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -254,7 +253,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx b/mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2be0dbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx differ
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx-ref.mscx
similarity index 80%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx-ref.mscx
index e65657c..5a5c0d4 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testBarline.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
+      <smallStaffMag>0.62766</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.88</Spatium>
@@ -54,64 +54,63 @@
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+        <bracket type="0" span="2"/>
-      <trackName></trackName>
+      <trackName>unbenannt</trackName>
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="61"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>5</height>
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
+      <Measure number="1" len="4/4">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Beam id="1">
-          <l1>8</l1>
-          <l2>4</l2>
-          </Beam>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
-            <pitch>61</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          </LayoutBreak>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testPianoG4G5.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testPianoG4G5.capx-ref.mscx
index de91cfa..4b8a02d 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testPianoG4G5.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testPianoG4G5.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testScaleC4C5.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testScaleC4C5.capx-ref.mscx
index d494571..9270ff9 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testScaleC4C5.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testScaleC4C5.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -120,7 +120,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testSlurTie.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testSlurTie.capx-ref.mscx
index e0bfbed..56316e5 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testSlurTie.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testSlurTie.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testText1.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testText1.capx-ref.mscx
index 6392bbb..106dcbc 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testText1.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testText1.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet1.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet1.capx-ref.mscx
index f8d436b..5d61b5c 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet1.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet1.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.cap-ref.mscx
index f719aab..8f05156 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.cap-ref.mscx
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -256,7 +254,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -370,7 +367,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -497,7 +493,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -595,7 +590,6 @@
       <Measure number="6" len="12/8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -671,7 +665,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -769,7 +762,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -888,7 +880,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1025,7 +1016,6 @@
       <Measure number="10">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1244,7 +1234,6 @@
       <Measure number="11" len="4/4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1393,7 +1382,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1542,7 +1530,6 @@
       <Measure number="13">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1731,7 +1718,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.capx-ref.mscx
index f719aab..8f05156 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testTuplet2.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -256,7 +254,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -370,7 +367,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -497,7 +493,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -595,7 +590,6 @@
       <Measure number="6" len="12/8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -671,7 +665,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -769,7 +762,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -888,7 +880,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1025,7 +1016,6 @@
       <Measure number="10">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1244,7 +1234,6 @@
       <Measure number="11" len="4/4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1393,7 +1382,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1542,7 +1530,6 @@
       <Measure number="13">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1731,7 +1718,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/testVolta1.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/capella/io/testVolta1.capx-ref.mscx
index 68be969..236898d 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/testVolta1.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/testVolta1.capx-ref.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Gtr.</shortName>
+        <longName>Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Gtr.</shortName>
           <program value="24"/>
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
           <pos x="5" y="-4"/>
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/tst_capella_io.cpp b/mtest/capella/io/tst_capella_io.cpp
index 499f3a8..e9e20e7 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/tst_capella_io.cpp
+++ b/mtest/capella/io/tst_capella_io.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ private slots:
       void capxTestTuplet1() { capxReadTest("testTuplet1"); } // generates different (incorrect ?) l1 and l2 values in beams
       void capxTestTuplet2() { capxReadTest("testTuplet2"); } // generates different beaming with respect to the original
       void capxTestVolta1() { capxReadTest("testVolta1"); }
+      void capxTestBarline() { capxReadTest("testBarline"); }
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/accent.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/accent.gpx-ref.mscx
index 79f1aa9..3d04aa9 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/accent.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/accent.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/all-percussion.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/all-percussion.gp5-ref.mscx
index cad5666..7de5d4b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/all-percussion.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/all-percussion.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Percussions</longName>
+        <longName>Percussions</longName>
         <Drum pitch="27">
@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Percussions</longName>
+          <longName>Percussions</longName>
           <Drum pitch="27">
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/arpeggio.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/arpeggio.gpx-ref.mscx
index 469b907..709f3ff 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/arpeggio.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/arpeggio.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/artificial-harmonic.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/artificial-harmonic.gpx-ref.mscx
index c41e4c8..8e91004 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/artificial-harmonic.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/artificial-harmonic.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -440,8 +440,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/barre.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/barre.gpx-ref.mscx
index a68106e..2ecc8fa 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/barre.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/barre.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/basic-bend.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/basic-bend.gp5-ref.mscx
index 96f87dd..d62cb12 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/basic-bend.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/basic-bend.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/beams-stems-ledger-lines.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/beams-stems-ledger-lines.gp5-ref.mscx
index 11d220d..2b30c25 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/beams-stems-ledger-lines.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/beams-stems-ledger-lines.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Acoustic (DADGAD)</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic (DADGAD)</longName>
+        <longName>Acoustic (DADGAD)</longName>
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic (DADGAD)</longName>
+          <longName>Acoustic (DADGAD)</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp3-ref.mscx
index bb94451..3280c2e 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Guitar I</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+        <longName>Guitar I</longName>
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+          <longName>Guitar I</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp4-ref.mscx
index 3155f8b..7b38f85 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Guitar I</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+        <longName>Guitar I</longName>
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+          <longName>Guitar I</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp5-ref.mscx
index 09f4328..bc62545 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/bend.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Guitar I</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+        <longName>Guitar I</longName>
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Guitar I</longName>
+          <longName>Guitar I</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp4-ref.mscx
index d240efb..e588752 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp5-ref.mscx
index 127c82e..8fa8211 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gpx-ref.mscx
index d5a8040..69ee7ef 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/brush.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp3-ref.mscx
index c21ae85..4018787 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp4-ref.mscx
index 1b3e18b..635ed7d 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp5-ref.mscx
index a3061cd..021a862 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gpx-ref.mscx
index dc43622..62b1b2a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/copyright.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/crescendo-diminuendo.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/crescendo-diminuendo.gpx-ref.mscx
index 799fa12..1467015 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/crescendo-diminuendo.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/crescendo-diminuendo.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/dead-note.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/dead-note.gpx-ref.mscx
index 96fc7d3..b50839b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/dead-note.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/dead-note.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/directions.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/directions.gpx-ref.mscx
index aa919bb..9dbbc66 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/directions.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/directions.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -857,8 +857,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>17280</tick>
@@ -887,8 +887,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>21120</tick>
@@ -917,8 +917,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>24960</tick>
@@ -947,8 +947,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>28800</tick>
@@ -977,8 +977,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>34560</tick>
@@ -1014,8 +1014,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>40320</tick>
@@ -1051,8 +1051,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>46080</tick>
@@ -1088,8 +1088,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>49920</tick>
@@ -1118,8 +1118,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>53760</tick>
@@ -1148,8 +1148,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>57600</tick>
@@ -1372,8 +1372,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>17280</tick>
@@ -1398,8 +1398,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>21120</tick>
@@ -1424,8 +1424,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>24960</tick>
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>28800</tick>
@@ -1476,8 +1476,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>34560</tick>
@@ -1509,8 +1509,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>40320</tick>
@@ -1542,8 +1542,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>46080</tick>
@@ -1575,8 +1575,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>49920</tick>
@@ -1601,8 +1601,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>53760</tick>
@@ -1627,8 +1627,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>57600</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-gliss.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-gliss.gp3-ref.mscx
index 71e0df6..b6d3747 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-gliss.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-gliss.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Guitar 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar 1</longName>
+        <longName>Guitar 1</longName>
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Guitar 1</longName>
+          <longName>Guitar 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-tuplets.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-tuplets.gp5-ref.mscx
index fab329f..fe4b14a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-tuplets.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/dotted-tuplets.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Bells</longName>
+        <longName>Bells</longName>
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Bells</longName>
+          <longName>Bells</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/double-bar.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/double-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
index 3a6f25e..f2307c2 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/double-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/double-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/dynamic.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/dynamic.gp5-ref.mscx
index 9208e2f..1e21cc1 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/dynamic.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/dynamic.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp4-ref.mscx
index f5f267b..f1876e5 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp5-ref.mscx
index b88abe3..5c58357 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fade-in.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fermata.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fermata.gpx-ref.mscx
index d23f28c..c25bda5 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fermata.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fermata.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp4-ref.mscx
index 41798fb..1d174eb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp5-ref.mscx
index 15e9e4c..ede78eb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gpx-ref.mscx
index 0ec9e8e..81fafcd 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fingering.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/free-time.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/free-time.gpx-ref.mscx
index 4a83d83..3d80dc5 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/free-time.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/free-time.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp4-ref.mscx
index 4a12204..006f7ca 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic</longName>
+        <longName>Acoustic</longName>
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic</longName>
+          <longName>Acoustic</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp5-ref.mscx
index eedd983..c855492 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic</longName>
+        <longName>Acoustic</longName>
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic</longName>
+          <longName>Acoustic</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gpx-ref.mscx
index cd0cf2a..b011747 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/fret-diagram.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic (DADGAD, capo 6)</longName>
+        <longName>Acoustic (DADGAD, capo 6)</longName>
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic (DADGAD, capo 6)</longName>
+          <longName>Acoustic (DADGAD, capo 6)</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/ghost-note.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/ghost-note.gpx-ref.mscx
index 9291e57..877eeca 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/ghost-note.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/ghost-note.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/ghost_note.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/ghost_note.gp3-ref.mscx
index 1ba19ab..fbd87c7 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/ghost_note.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/ghost_note.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/grace-before-beat.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/grace-before-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
index 9d88318..da5b577 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/grace-before-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/grace-before-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/grace-on-beat.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/grace-on-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
index 27d3e79..784ca13 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/grace-on-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/grace-on-beat.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/heavy-accent.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/heavy-accent.gp5-ref.mscx
index 8794349..bee9d9c 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/heavy-accent.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/heavy-accent.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/high-pitch.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/high-pitch.gp3-ref.mscx
index ddb6d04..aa831f2 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/high-pitch.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/high-pitch.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 3</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 3</longName>
+        <longName>Track 3</longName>
@@ -146,9 +146,6 @@
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
@@ -348,7 +345,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 3</longName>
+          <longName>Track 3</longName>
@@ -445,9 +442,6 @@
-              <Accidental>
-                <subtype>natural</subtype>
-                </Accidental>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp4-ref.mscx
index a0c347c..54c57b7 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp5-ref.mscx
index bcade8c..d7aa82b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/keysig.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
index 8919450..7726b9b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
index 6b48ede..96436dd 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
index 4cb37a9..0f8247c 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/legato-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp4-ref.mscx
index 3a3ccd8..b346c98 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp5-ref.mscx
index 8ef03ee..43b4240 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gpx-ref.mscx
index b9176f5..2bf9ccf 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/let-ring.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/mordents.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/mordents.gpx-ref.mscx
index 9222a41..88bfa4e 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/mordents.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/mordents.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp4-ref.mscx
index 7ba5b1c..0d0c0a4 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp5-ref.mscx
index 9b4a80c..e64dc6b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gpx-ref.mscx
index cfeef34..e5ab9e2 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/palm-mute.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp4-ref.mscx
index bc27743..5ca577f 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp5-ref.mscx
index c28a67a..ba04bbb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gpx-ref.mscx
index 20729d1..71a9603 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/pick-up-down.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/rasg.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/rasg.gpx-ref.mscx
index 2367f4a..a0afa8f 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/rasg.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/rasg.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/repeated-bars.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/repeated-bars.gpx-ref.mscx
index 1fda50c..f7ab118 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/repeated-bars.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/repeated-bars.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/repeats.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/repeats.gpx-ref.mscx
index 4a9fd43..a9c27f1 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/repeats.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/repeats.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp4-ref.mscx
index ec9ae77..ffdd7d6 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp5-ref.mscx
index aa806fd..64be077 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gpx-ref.mscx
index 394861e..17f4607 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/rest-centered.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/sforzato.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/sforzato.gp4-ref.mscx
index b9e6c35..3687810 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/sforzato.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/sforzato.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
index 2804584..d2b8c2f 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
index e0b1d0c..b977964 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
index 85f2ff5..871b95b 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/shift-slide.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp4-ref.mscx
index 7dc0e64..504a318 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp5-ref.mscx
index 0496139..a6f98b5 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gpx-ref.mscx
index 0cd3ed6..d30e72c 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-above.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp4-ref.mscx
index 1ef409b..daf37b9 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp5-ref.mscx
index 268cc64..04dea8a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gpx-ref.mscx
index 3a0cc8c..77d66ec 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-in-below.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp4-ref.mscx
index 0f06840..fadb0e4 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp5-ref.mscx
index 797c802..d3326a7 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gpx-ref.mscx
index d3e2c43..71fb7eb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-down.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp4-ref.mscx
index 2ff90df..3685e08 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp5-ref.mscx
index 1594eff..7b9ccf9 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gpx-ref.mscx
index 30266ba..ae6767a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slide-out-up.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slur-notes-effect-mask.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slur-notes-effect-mask.gp5-ref.mscx
index e9e6461..ebfd302 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slur-notes-effect-mask.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slur-notes-effect-mask.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Bass</longName>
+        <longName>Bass</longName>
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Bass</longName>
+          <longName>Bass</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gp4-ref.mscx
index 1a011ba..267a768 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gpx-ref.mscx
index ac03289..af2b188 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/slur.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gp5-ref.mscx
index 5057dbd..c090bfd 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Steel Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Steel Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Steel Guitar</longName>
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Steel Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Steel Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gpx-ref.mscx
index 8957fe7..1f64f0c 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tap-slap-pop.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp3-ref.mscx
index 3c2cb00..9430334 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp4-ref.mscx
index 60c15df..3352f05 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp5-ref.mscx
index 0edd41c..68dfba2 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tempo.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/testIrrTuplet.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/testIrrTuplet.gp4-ref.mscx
index 67cb286..5c9af8a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/testIrrTuplet.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/testIrrTuplet.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Gtr 2</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Gtr 2</longName>
+        <longName>Gtr 2</longName>
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Gtr 2</longName>
+          <longName>Gtr 2</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/text.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/text.gpx-ref.mscx
index 8544d17..ecb8b20 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/text.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/text.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/timer.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/timer.gpx-ref.mscx
index 6b7161e..4ea1728 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/timer.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/timer.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -1487,8 +1487,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>7680</tick>
@@ -1614,8 +1614,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>17280</tick>
@@ -1732,8 +1732,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>26880</tick>
@@ -1850,8 +1850,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>36480</tick>
@@ -1968,8 +1968,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>46080</tick>
@@ -2086,8 +2086,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>55680</tick>
@@ -2204,8 +2204,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>65280</tick>
@@ -2357,8 +2357,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>76800</tick>
@@ -2475,8 +2475,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>86400</tick>
@@ -2593,8 +2593,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>96000</tick>
@@ -2739,8 +2739,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>7680</tick>
@@ -2866,8 +2866,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>17280</tick>
@@ -2984,8 +2984,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>26880</tick>
@@ -3102,8 +3102,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>36480</tick>
@@ -3220,8 +3220,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>46080</tick>
@@ -3338,8 +3338,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>55680</tick>
@@ -3456,8 +3456,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>65280</tick>
@@ -3609,8 +3609,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>76800</tick>
@@ -3727,8 +3727,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>86400</tick>
@@ -3845,8 +3845,8 @@
+            <duration z="12" n="4"/>
-          <tick>96000</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolo-bar.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolo-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
index ac8f6fe..06e69b0 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolo-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolo-bar.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -140,6 +140,11 @@
           <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 120</text>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="50" pitch="-125" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="-250" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -170,6 +175,11 @@
           <point time="50" pitch="150" vibrato="0"/>
           <point time="100" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="50" pitch="150" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -200,6 +210,11 @@
           <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
           <point time="100" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -216,6 +231,11 @@
           <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
           <point time="100" pitch="-400" vibrato="0"/>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="-400" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -242,6 +262,11 @@
           <point time="50" pitch="200" vibrato="0"/>
           <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="50" pitch="200" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -257,6 +282,10 @@
           <point time="0" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
           <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+        <TremoloBar>
+          <point time="0" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+          <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+          </TremoloBar>
@@ -352,8 +381,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -443,6 +472,11 @@
             <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 120</text>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="50" pitch="-125" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="-250" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
@@ -473,6 +507,11 @@
             <point time="50" pitch="150" vibrato="0"/>
             <point time="100" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="50" pitch="150" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
@@ -503,6 +542,11 @@
             <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
             <point time="100" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
@@ -519,6 +563,11 @@
             <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
             <point time="100" pitch="-400" vibrato="0"/>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="50" pitch="-550" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="-400" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
@@ -545,6 +594,11 @@
             <point time="50" pitch="200" vibrato="0"/>
             <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="0" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="50" pitch="200" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
@@ -560,6 +614,10 @@
             <point time="0" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
             <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+          <TremoloBar>
+            <point time="0" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+            <point time="100" pitch="300" vibrato="0"/>
+            </TremoloBar>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gp5-ref.mscx
index 4a1d411..0865bb1 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gpx-ref.mscx
index 0104460..40b1de0 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tremolos.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gp4-ref.mscx
index 26ccd5f..9780e4d 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gpx-ref.mscx
index 8e6f023..b81fc94 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/trill.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/tuplet-with-slur.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/tuplet-with-slur.gp4-ref.mscx
index 67cb286..5c9af8a 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/tuplet-with-slur.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/tuplet-with-slur.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
       <trackName>Gtr 2</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Gtr 2</longName>
+        <longName>Gtr 2</longName>
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Gtr 2</longName>
+          <longName>Gtr 2</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/turn.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/turn.gpx-ref.mscx
index 4ef5852..8885ab9 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/turn.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/turn.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/vibrato.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/vibrato.gpx-ref.mscx
index 679d22f..82d2e79 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/vibrato.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/vibrato.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Electric Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">El. Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Electric Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>El. Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Electric Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp3-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp3-ref.mscx
index ba80043..5500c66 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp3-ref.mscx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp4-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp4-ref.mscx
index a6a1f18..53437eb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp4-ref.mscx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
       <trackName>Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+        <longName>Track 1</longName>
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Track 1</longName>
+          <longName>Track 1</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp5-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp5-ref.mscx
index e9ed8c8..a8718ec 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gp5-ref.mscx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Guitar</longName>
+        <longName>Guitar</longName>
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Guitar</longName>
+          <longName>Guitar</longName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gpx-ref.mscx
index 935638e..d60e4b0 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/volta.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -320,8 +320,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/volume-swell.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/volume-swell.gpx-ref.mscx
index 0fda2e9..e2c04ce 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/volume-swell.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/volume-swell.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/guitarpro/wah.gpx-ref.mscx b/mtest/guitarpro/wah.gpx-ref.mscx
index 46e44c9..134b2fb 100644
--- a/mtest/guitarpro/wah.gpx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/guitarpro/wah.gpx-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+          <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+          <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
           <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/chord_1_tick_long.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/chord_1_tick_long.mscx
index e1296df..412e463 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/chord_1_tick_long.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/chord_1_tick_long.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/chord_big_error.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/chord_big_error.mscx
index 814c11e..224fbbc 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/chord_big_error.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/chord_big_error.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/chord_collect.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/chord_collect.mscx
index f9bfad0..71486d9 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/chord_collect.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/chord_collect.mscx
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
       <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Acoustic Guitar</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Guit.</shortName>
+        <longName>Acoustic Guitar</longName>
+        <shortName>Guit.</shortName>
         <trackName>Acoustic Guitar</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/chord_legato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/chord_legato.mscx
index 4900991..be3ebf8 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/chord_legato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/chord_legato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/chord_small_error.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/chord_small_error.mscx
index 814c11e..224fbbc 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/chord_small_error.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/chord_small_error.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/clef_melody.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/clef_melody.mscx
index f4ccdd2..f1dadb3 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/clef_melody.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/clef_melody.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/clef_prev.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/clef_prev.mscx
index 01893ab..e3405fa 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/clef_prev.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/clef_prev.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/clef_tied.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/clef_tied.mscx
index 412171b..b64a3c0 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/clef_tied.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/clef_tied.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/division.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/division.mscx
index b509902..6a5d7da 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/division.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/division.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/human_4-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/human_4-4.mscx
index 746ba77..722fc92 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/human_4-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/human_4-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
       <trackName>Piano, Track 1</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano, Track 1</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano, Track 1</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>1</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/human_tempo.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/human_tempo.mscx
index d608f82..9b43598 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/human_tempo.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/human_tempo.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Piano, PIANO                               </trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano, PIANO                               </longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano, PIANO                               </longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx
index ffad8ef..ea75566 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
       <trackName>Organ, Manual</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Organ, Manual</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Org.</shortName>
+        <longName>Organ, Manual</longName>
+        <shortName>Org.</shortName>
         <clef staff="2">F</clef>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_channels.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_channels.mscx
index 149b5df..40abcb7 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_channels.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_channels.mscx
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>String Section</trackName>
+      <trackName>Violins</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">String Section</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Str.</shortName>
-        <trackName>String Section</trackName>
+        <longName>Violins</longName>
+        <shortName>Vlns.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Violins</trackName>
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Cornet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Cornet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Cnt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Cornet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Cnt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Cornet</trackName>
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Trombone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Trb.</shortName>
+        <longName>Trombone</longName>
+        <shortName>Trb.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_clef.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_clef.mscx
index 1c19c94..1a397f7 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_clef.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_clef.mscx
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
       <trackName>Electric Bass</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Bass</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. B.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Bass</longName>
+        <shortName>El. B.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Bass</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand.mscx
index 3d81762..785ef67 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>String Synthesizer</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">String Synthesizer</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Synth.</shortName>
+        <longName>String Synthesizer</longName>
+        <shortName>Synth.</shortName>
         <trackName>String Synthesizer</trackName>
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand2.mscx
index e5305bc..7dc59c3 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/instrument_grand2.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Electric Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>El. Pno.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Piano</trackName>
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/m1.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/m1.mscx
index 0298a28..44237f3 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/m1.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/m1.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/m2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/m2.mscx
index 18b39f0..61085e5 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/m2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/m2.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/m3.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/m3.mscx
index 8c0407f..913bb08 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/m3.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/m3.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/m4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/m4.mscx
index 6192eeb..d5c54a5 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/m4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/m4.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/m5.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/m5.mscx
index 0298a28..44237f3 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/m5.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/m5.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx
index f9f5fbc..a5bb65a 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_15-8.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_15-8.mscx
index 1d6c686..a9d9d36 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_15-8.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_15-8.mscx
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
       <trackName>Electric Bass</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Electric Bass</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">El. B.</shortName>
+        <longName>Electric Bass</longName>
+        <shortName>El. B.</shortName>
         <trackName>Electric Bass</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_4-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_4-4.mscx
index a94cc1d..f2b87d3 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_4-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_4-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_9-8.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_9-8.mscx
index e499f7a..d233c1f 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_9-8.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_9-8.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx
index 6a8bcbb..98bb8aa 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx
index 7ca4a9e..711a79d 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_chord_example.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_chord_example.mscx
index 34c7f32..ddd5887 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_chord_example.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_chord_example.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dot_tie.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dot_tie.mscx
index 71c689e..c384500 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dot_tie.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dot_tie.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example1.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example1.mscx
index 8ac4feb..6bc0212 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example1.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example1.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example2.mscx
index 2005b3e..8d0fed6 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example2.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example3.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example3.mscx
index 6453916..926c08a 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example3.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_dots_example3.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_first_2_8th_rests_compound.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_first_2_8th_rests_compound.mscx
index 3bc6db0..7a314cf 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_first_2_8th_rests_compound.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_first_2_8th_rests_compound.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_half_rest_3-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_half_rest_3-4.mscx
index b8ad4f6..9a8837f 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_half_rest_3-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_half_rest_3-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_last_quarter_rest_compound.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_last_quarter_rest_compound.mscx
index 066616f..a371d3d 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_last_quarter_rest_compound.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_last_quarter_rest_compound.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_rests.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_rests.mscx
index fadaafe..6b43de5 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_rests.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_rests.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
index eb734e4..fa6e1ba 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/min_duration.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/min_duration.mscx
index 123c6cd..1823cdb 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/min_duration.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/min_duration.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_drums.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_drums.mscx
index 63813db..6d14030 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_drums.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_drums.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
       <trackName>Drumset, drum</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset, drum</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset, drum</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_no_grand_staff.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_no_grand_staff.mscx
index e46e64a..9142972 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_no_grand_staff.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_no_grand_staff.mscx
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tambourine</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Tamb.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tambourine</longName>
+        <shortName>Tamb.</shortName>
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_remove_ties.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_remove_ties.mscx
index 984971a..da150a9 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_remove_ties.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_remove_ties.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
       <trackName>Drumset, Drum Set</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset, Drum Set</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset, Drum Set</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_respect_beat.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_respect_beat.mscx
index 6d0b295..f39438a 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_respect_beat.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_respect_beat.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_short_notes.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_short_notes.mscx
index 5840170..71b64ad 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_short_notes.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_short_notes.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_triplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_triplet.mscx
index 6b21772..c3464b4 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_triplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_triplet.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify.mscx
index d4b215e..71d1f38 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify2.mscx
index 346f440..7481410 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_simplify2.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_voice.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_voice.mscx
index 533cd84..0abada7 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_voice.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/perc_tuplet_voice.mscx
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/pickup.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/pickup.mscx
index 1ea79f2..95becce 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/pickup.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/pickup.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/pickup_long.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/pickup_long.mscx
index f2de09c..829b7f8 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/pickup_long.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/pickup_long.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
       <trackName>Horn in F</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Horn in F</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">F Hn.</shortName>
+        <longName>Horn in F</longName>
+        <shortName>F Hn.</shortName>
         <trackName>Horn in F</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/pickup_turn_off.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/pickup_turn_off.mscx
index f7f7d75..7fb926b 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/pickup_turn_off.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/pickup_turn_off.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
       <trackName>Soprano, Staff</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Soprano, Staff</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">S.</shortName>
+        <longName>Soprano, Staff</longName>
+        <shortName>S.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/quant_dotted_4th.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/quant_dotted_4th.mscx
index 8693fb9..3976ab6 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/quant_dotted_4th.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/quant_dotted_4th.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_16th_staccato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_16th_staccato.mscx
index a57a2cc..6cee030 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_16th_staccato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_16th_staccato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_32nd_staccato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_32nd_staccato.mscx
index ac362e1..0465c52 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_32nd_staccato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_32nd_staccato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_4th_dotted_tied.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_4th_dotted_tied.mscx
index c6c93e8..8071e85 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_4th_dotted_tied.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_4th_dotted_tied.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx
index e1e25ab..e5e1245 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dotted_no_staccato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dotted_no_staccato.mscx
index dfd31d0..baadefd 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dotted_no_staccato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dotted_no_staccato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_dotted_3-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_dotted_3-4.mscx
index ce6717d..3537761 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_dotted_3-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_dotted_3-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_staccato_9-8.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_staccato_9-8.mscx
index d8c2556..d6d0e19 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_staccato_9-8.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_staccato_9-8.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_triplet_staccato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_triplet_staccato.mscx
index d4654eb..2220ff8 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_triplet_staccato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/simplify_triplet_staccato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx
index 356043f..4384ae2 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_acid.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/split_acid.mscx
index 770ee51..6ae7bab 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_acid.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/split_acid.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx
index 5de9647..d549f84 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_octave.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/split_octave.mscx
index 91ba891..6317591 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_octave.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/split_octave.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_tuplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/split_tuplet.mscx
index 63653e2..6466db9 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_tuplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/split_tuplet.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx
index 3592767..dbbcb38 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/swing_shuffle.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/swing_shuffle.mscx
index f52e97d..c5da035 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/swing_shuffle.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/swing_shuffle.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/swing_triplets.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/swing_triplets.mscx
index da96330..f91cfe2 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/swing_triplets.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/swing_triplets.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/timesig_changes.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/timesig_changes.mscx
index 57e1991..fcb749c 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/timesig_changes.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/timesig_changes.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
       <trackName>Piano, untitled</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano, untitled</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano, untitled</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_16th_8th.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_16th_8th.mscx
index bca3e06..4cf08d6 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_16th_8th.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_16th_8th.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>2</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
@@ -113,7 +116,7 @@
-            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@
-            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <tpc>24</tpc>
@@ -181,7 +184,7 @@
-            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <tpc>23</tpc>
@@ -203,7 +206,7 @@
             <Tie id="2">
-            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <tpc>24</tpc>
@@ -215,7 +218,7 @@
             <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <tpc>24</tpc>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_3_5_tuplets.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_3_5_tuplets.mscx
index fb5946e..365a3d6 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_3_5_tuplets.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_3_5_tuplets.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_tuplet_non.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_tuplet_non.mscx
index 41a9661..7a79bd9 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_tuplet_non.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_2_voices_tuplet_non.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx
index 782327b..0f7bd39 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx
index d83953e..8c60f84 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx
index a2b6cd1..81ca2de 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@
         <Tuplet id="2">
-          <track>1</track>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_7_staccato.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_7_staccato.mscx
index e69eab4..bc60d20 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_7_staccato.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_7_staccato.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_duplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_duplet.mscx
index 6f73003..d35d6e8 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_duplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_duplet.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_mars.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_mars.mscx
index 3c295d0..565a30b 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_mars.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_mars.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_3-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_3-4.mscx
index 2388651..c7a982b 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_3-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_3-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_4-4.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_4-4.mscx
index f5076e9..8c8f2cb 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_4-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_nonuplet_4-4.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar.mscx
index c261874..a9df960 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar2.mscx
index 0b7598b..9200859 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar2.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_quadruplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_quadruplet.mscx
index a579bc2..8edd7aa 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_quadruplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_quadruplet.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_septuplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_septuplet.mscx
index 6a65ff6..9a1b35b 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_septuplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_septuplet.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets.mscx
index 546ec30..f6457eb 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx
index a1474f3..6a34832 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet.mscx
index 1e39fae..d151f0a 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied.mscx
index f58360c..a28fc3c 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx
index a4c0637..9b2bc1d 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_last_tied.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_last_tied.mscx
index 6577f57..fa4e758 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_last_tied.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_last_tied.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplets_mixed.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplets_mixed.mscx
index 79fe331..6d99dde 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplets_mixed.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplets_mixed.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -391,7 +391,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
         <Tuplet id="5">
-          <track>1</track>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/updateReference b/mtest/importmidi/updateReference
index e161ebb..f631de4 100755
--- a/mtest/importmidi/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/updateReference
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+# min_duration_no_reduce.mscx
@@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ timesig_changes.mscx
@@ -65,6 +65,43 @@ perc_remove_ties.mscx
 for i in $FILES; do
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/voice_acid.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/voice_acid.mscx
index 2bad6b8..4919d38 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/voice_acid.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/voice_acid.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/voice_central.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/voice_central.mscx
index 0e17957..5470a60 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/voice_central.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/voice_central.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/voice_intersect.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/voice_intersect.mscx
index 7f77bfb..211913d 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/voice_intersect.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/voice_intersect.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/voice_tuplet.mscx b/mtest/importmidi/voice_tuplet.mscx
index dafaf18..e09b177 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/voice_tuplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/importmidi/voice_tuplet.mscx
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
index 2923450..3cdac5d 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flûte</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -212,11 +212,9 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <endSpanner id="4"/>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/album/updateReference
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3547543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/album/updateReference
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/album/album01.mscx   album01-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-2.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-2.mscx
index 6eb7e9e..2d90b4a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-2.mscx
@@ -277,7 +277,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -509,7 +508,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -685,7 +683,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="25">
@@ -904,7 +901,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="35">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-23.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-23.mscx
index f88604b..7ef10c1 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-23.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-23.mscx
@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -254,7 +253,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -270,7 +268,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -286,7 +283,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-A.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-A.mscx
index befc90a..fb5f39d 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-A.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-A.mscx
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -284,7 +283,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -513,7 +511,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -611,7 +608,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="22">
@@ -767,7 +763,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="29">
@@ -991,7 +986,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1087,7 +1081,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="43">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-B.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-B.mscx
index bd04f94..c2d26b1 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-B.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-B.mscx
@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -300,7 +299,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="9">
@@ -550,7 +548,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="20">
@@ -670,7 +667,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="25">
@@ -826,7 +822,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="32">
@@ -1070,7 +1065,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="43">
@@ -1186,7 +1180,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="48">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-C.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-C.mscx
index 5ea0ff4..d70a672 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-C.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-C.mscx
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -278,7 +277,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -462,7 +460,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -556,7 +553,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="20">
@@ -710,7 +706,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="27">
@@ -892,7 +887,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -986,7 +980,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="39">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-D.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-D.mscx
index b5cc5f1..0e4b0e7 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-D.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-D.mscx
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -282,7 +281,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -488,7 +486,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -586,7 +583,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="21">
@@ -742,7 +738,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="28">
@@ -927,7 +922,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1021,7 +1015,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="40">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-E.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-E.mscx
index fa78fc3..adb5ca5 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-E.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-E.mscx
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -282,7 +281,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -510,7 +508,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -608,7 +605,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="22">
@@ -764,7 +760,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="29">
@@ -988,7 +983,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1082,7 +1076,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
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diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-F.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-F.mscx
index 4391f8a..b499dee 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-F.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-F.mscx
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -282,7 +281,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -511,7 +509,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -609,7 +606,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="22">
@@ -765,7 +761,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="29">
@@ -989,7 +984,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1083,7 +1077,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="43">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-G.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-G.mscx
index 7c60241..dad3737 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-G.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-G.mscx
@@ -185,7 +185,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -282,7 +281,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="8">
@@ -493,7 +491,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -591,7 +588,6 @@
       <Measure number="9">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="21">
@@ -747,7 +743,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="28">
@@ -957,7 +952,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -1055,7 +1049,6 @@
       <Measure number="16">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="41">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-S0.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-S0.mscx
index 8305b8f..8575333 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-S0.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-S0.mscx
@@ -227,7 +227,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="4">
@@ -452,7 +451,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="10">
@@ -741,7 +739,6 @@
       <Measure number="10">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="18">
@@ -1041,7 +1038,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="26">
@@ -1260,7 +1256,6 @@
       <Measure number="18">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="30">
@@ -1526,7 +1521,6 @@
       <Measure number="22">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="35">
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-dir.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-dir.mscx
index 7658481..27c2480 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-dir.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/beam/Beam-dir.mscx
@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Beam id="3">
@@ -457,7 +456,6 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -485,7 +483,6 @@
       <Measure number="10">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -513,7 +510,6 @@
       <Measure number="14">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -541,7 +537,6 @@
       <Measure number="18">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -569,7 +564,6 @@
       <Measure number="22">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx
index 4552598..b71f4f9 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath02-ref.mscx
index ae2d5fc..dd8b01d 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath02-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/breath/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/breath/updateReference
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c4c0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/breath/updateReference
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-test.mscx   breath01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath02-test.mscx   breath02-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system-ref.mscx
index cd2f18b..20260b6 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system-ref.mscx
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
       <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Alto Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>A. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
@@ -291,8 +291,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto Saxophone</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A. Sax.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto Saxophone</longName>
+          <shortName>A. Sax.</shortName>
           <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-part-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-part-ref.mscx
index b1dfdc4..a079b27 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-part-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-part-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-ref.mscx
index 268c163..89bc9c2 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/updateReference
index 27c3710..b8ae908 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/updateReference
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/add-part.mscx add-part-ref.mscx
-cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/add-link.mscx add-link-ref.mscx
-cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/clear.mscx    clear-ref.mscx
-cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/extend.mscx   extend-ref.mscx
-cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system.mscx   no-system-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/add-part-test.mscx add-part-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/add-link-test.mscx add-link-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/clear-test.mscx    clear-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/extend-test.mscx   extend-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/no-system-test.mscx   no-system-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-part-test.mscx   transpose-part-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/chordsymbol/transpose-test.mscx   transpose-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy01-ref.mscx
index f0e9e57..8a09d21 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy01-ref.mscx
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>2</pause>
@@ -169,11 +168,9 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>2</pause>
-          <pause>2</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy02-ref.mscx
index b0e6261..b4a09d7 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/clef_courtesy/clef_courtesy02-ref.mscx
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-          <pause>2</pause>
@@ -170,11 +169,9 @@
       <Measure number="6">
-          <pause>2</pause>
-          <pause>2</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/accidentals-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/accidentals-ref.mscx
index 9782492..9a444fd 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/accidentals-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/accidentals-ref.mscx
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -407,7 +406,6 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -584,7 +582,6 @@
       <Measure number="11">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/chord_symbol-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/chord_symbol-ref.mscx
index aa1f1d0..878e957 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/chord_symbol-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/chord_symbol-ref.mscx
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/clef_missing_first-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/clef_missing_first-ref.mscx
index ae28062..5bd7e79 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/clef_missing_first-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/clef_missing_first-ref.mscx
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/hairpin-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/hairpin-ref.mscx
index 88557bb..aa168a0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/hairpin-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/hairpin-ref.mscx
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/hor_frame_and_mmrest-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/hor_frame_and_mmrest-ref.mscx
index ae99c7e..a43891d 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/hor_frame_and_mmrest-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/hor_frame_and_mmrest-ref.mscx
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
+          <duration z="16" n="4"/>
-        <tick>7680</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/keysig-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/keysig-ref.mscx
index d75a1f3..d9ba0e7 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/keysig-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/keysig-ref.mscx
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/notes-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/notes-ref.mscx
index df24919..5c58992 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/notes-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/notes-ref.mscx
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/slurs-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/slurs-ref.mscx
index bfea481..d8a1964 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/slurs-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/slurs-ref.mscx
@@ -239,7 +239,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Slur id="5">
@@ -464,7 +463,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
         <Slur id="10">
@@ -670,7 +668,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/style-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/style-ref.mscx
index dd9d449..5689dd9 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/style-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/style-ref.mscx
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
+          <duration z="128" n="4"/>
-        <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/text_scaling-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/text_scaling-ref.mscx
index d7b56cd..fa7e321 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/text_scaling-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/text_scaling-ref.mscx
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font size="11.5438"/><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font size="11.5438"/><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName><font size="11.5438"/><font face="Times New Roman"/>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName><font size="11.5438"/><font face="Times New Roman"/>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/compat/title-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/compat/title-ref.mscx
index 607dcfb..ca6893e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/compat/title-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/compat/title-ref.mscx
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0"><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName><font face="Times New Roman"/>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste13-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste13-ref.mscx
index 442d500..7b6a48b 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste13-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste13-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste14-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste14-ref.mscx
index 08afea3..a3ca857 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste14-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste14-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste15-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste15-ref.mscx
index d876141..191f37d 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste15-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste15-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste16-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste16-ref.mscx
index a8f9181..4cad001 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste16-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste16-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste17-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste17-ref.mscx
index 5999616..fe3d077 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste17-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste17-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste18-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste18-ref.mscx
index a081689..842fb0e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste18-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste18-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste20-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste20-ref.mscx
index 9497794..1283f7f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste20-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste20-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste21-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste21-ref.mscx
index 2aa6d8d..10f3ef6 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste21-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste21-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01-ref.mscx
similarity index 78%
copy from mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01-ref.mscx
index 0505c81..dd47474 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01-ref.mscx
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-        <page-height>1683.78</page-height>
-        <page-width>1190.55</page-width>
+        <page-height>1683.36</page-height>
+        <page-width>1190.88</page-width>
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@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@
         <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Voice</trackName>
+      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Voice</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>36</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>94</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>40</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>79</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>wind.flutes.flute</instrumentId>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
+          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
         <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
-          <program value="52"/>
+          <program value="73"/>
@@ -101,52 +101,52 @@
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-          <Lyrics>
-            <ticks>1440</ticks>
-            <text>A</text>
-            </Lyrics>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
       <Measure number="2">
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01.mscx
similarity index 70%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01.mscx
index a4c0637..fb95cbc 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_triplet_first_tied2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_01.mscx
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-        <page-height>1683.78</page-height>
-        <page-width>1190.55</page-width>
+        <page-height>1683.36</page-height>
+        <page-width>1190.88</page-width>
         <page-margins type="even">
@@ -39,23 +39,28 @@
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+          <name>stdNormal</name>
+        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>wind.flutes.flute</instrumentId>
@@ -85,80 +90,97 @@
-          <program value="0"/>
+          <program value="73"/>
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>-1</l1>
+          <l2>-1</l2>
+          </Beam>
         <Tuplet id="1">
+          <Number>
+            <style>Tuplet</style>
+            <text>3</text>
+            </Number>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-        <Rest>
+        <Chord>
-          </Rest>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02-ref.mscx
similarity index 78%
copy from mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02-ref.mscx
index 0505c81..dd47474 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02-ref.mscx
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-        <page-height>1683.78</page-height>
-        <page-width>1190.55</page-width>
+        <page-height>1683.36</page-height>
+        <page-width>1190.88</page-width>
         <page-margins type="even">
@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@
         <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Voice</trackName>
+      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Voice</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>36</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>94</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>40</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>79</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>wind.flutes.flute</instrumentId>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
+          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
         <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
-          <program value="52"/>
+          <program value="73"/>
@@ -101,52 +101,52 @@
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-          <Lyrics>
-            <ticks>1440</ticks>
-            <text>A</text>
-            </Lyrics>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
       <Measure number="2">
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02.mscx
similarity index 69%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02.mscx
index a1474f3..1e76497 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_tied_3_5_tuplets2.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste_tuplet_02.mscx
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-        <page-height>1683.78</page-height>
-        <page-width>1190.55</page-width>
+        <page-height>1683.36</page-height>
+        <page-width>1190.88</page-width>
         <page-margins type="even">
@@ -39,23 +39,28 @@
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+          <name>stdNormal</name>
+        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>wind.flutes.flute</instrumentId>
@@ -85,117 +90,127 @@
-          <program value="0"/>
+          <program value="73"/>
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>eighth</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>-4</l1>
+          <l2>-4</l2>
+          </Beam>
+        <Tuplet id="1">
+          <direction>down</direction>
+          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
+          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
+          <baseNote>eighth</baseNote>
+          <Number>
+            <style>Tuplet</style>
+            <text>3</text>
+            </Number>
+          </Tuplet>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
         <Tuplet id="2">
-          <normalNotes>4</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>5</actualNotes>
+          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
+          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
+          <Number>
+            <style>Tuplet</style>
+            <text>3</text>
+            </Number>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <tick>2720</tick>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/tst_copypaste.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/tst_copypaste.cpp
index a2702f4..e168a3e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/tst_copypaste.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/tst_copypaste.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class TestCopyPaste : public QObject, public MTest
       void copypaste(const char*);
       void copypastestaff(const char*);
       void copypastevoice(const char*, int);
+      void copypastetuplet(const char*);
    private slots:
       void initTestCase();
@@ -65,6 +66,10 @@ class TestCopyPaste : public QObject, public MTest
       void copypastestaff50() { copypastestaff("50"); }       // staff & slurs
       void copyPastePartial();
+      void copyPasteTuplet01() { copypastetuplet("01"); }
+      void copyPasteTuplet02() { copypastetuplet("02"); }
@@ -381,15 +386,45 @@ void TestCopyPaste::copypaste2Voice6()
-      score->endCmd();
+      score->endCmd();
       QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, QString("copypaste20.mscx"),
          DIR + QString("copypaste20-ref.mscx")));
       delete score;
+void TestCopyPaste::copypastetuplet(const char* idx)
+      {
+      Score* score = readScore(DIR + QString("copypaste_tuplet_%1.mscx").arg(idx));
+      score->doLayout();
+      Measure* m1 = score->firstMeasure();
+      Measure* m2 = m1->nextMeasure();
+      Segment* s = m1->first(Segment::Type::ChordRest);
+      score->select(static_cast<Chord*>(s->element(0))->notes().at(0));
+      s = s->next(Segment::Type::ChordRest);
+      score->select(s->element(0), SelectType::RANGE);
+      QVERIFY(score->selection().canCopy());
+      QString mimeType = score->selection().mimeType();
+      QVERIFY(!mimeType.isEmpty());
+      QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData;
+      mimeData->setData(mimeType, score->selection().mimeData());
+      QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mimeData);
+      Element* dest = m2->first(Segment::Type::ChordRest)->element(0);
+      score->select(dest);
+      score->startCmd();
+      score->cmdPaste(mimeData,0);
+      score->doLayout();
+      score->endCmd();
+      QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, QString("copypaste_tuplet_%1.mscx").arg(idx),
+         DIR + QString("copypaste_tuplet_%1-ref.mscx").arg(idx)));
+      delete score;
+      }
 #include "tst_copypaste.moc"
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/updateReference
index 133be92..f3ab67f 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/updateReference
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-for a in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 50; do
+for a in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 50; do
       echo cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste${a}.mscx copypaste${a}-ref.mscx
       cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/copypaste/copypaste${a}.mscx copypaste${a}-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-articulation-rest-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-articulation-rest-ref.mscx
index 5b46e06..d98363a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-articulation-rest-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-articulation-rest-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-fermata-rest-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-fermata-rest-ref.mscx
index 7abe773..39af1ff 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-fermata-rest-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-fermata-rest-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-01-ref.mscx
index e7a2dbc..cdab5d0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-01-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Viola</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vla.</shortName>
+        <longName>Viola</longName>
+        <shortName>Vla.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-ref.mscx
index b47d8f0..0d1bc80 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/copypastesymbollist/copypastesymbollist-range-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Viola</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vla.</shortName>
+        <longName>Viola</longName>
+        <shortName>Vla.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01-ref.mscx
index cb2b26a..81c35dd 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01.mscx
index 27e6d7d..708558f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/updateReference
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b14239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/updateReference
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/earlymusic/mensurstrich01.mscx   mensurstrich01.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/add-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/add-ref.mscx
index 54733fc..e548ee1 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/add-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/add-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <longName>Oboe</longName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-            <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-            <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+            <longName>Flute</longName>
+            <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/change-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/change-ref.mscx
index 6f70611..ae12460 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/change-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/change-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <longName>Oboe</longName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-            <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-            <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+            <longName>Oboe</longName>
+            <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/copy-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/copy-ref.mscx
index 71e3213..6bf411e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/copy-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/copy-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <longName>Oboe</longName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-            <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-            <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+            <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+            <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
             <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -351,8 +351,8 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-            <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-            <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+            <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+            <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
             <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/delete-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/delete-ref.mscx
index e94db35..1f57b86 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/delete-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/delete-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <longName>Oboe</longName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/mixer-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/mixer-ref.mscx
index e5fc5f9..d9c948c 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/mixer-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/mixer-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Oboe</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <longName>Oboe</longName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-            <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-            <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+            <longName>Flute</longName>
+            <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/tst_instrumentchange.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/tst_instrumentchange.cpp
index 1cd9024..f61ae20 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/tst_instrumentchange.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/instrumentchange/tst_instrumentchange.cpp
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void TestInstrumentChange::testAdd()
       InstrumentChange* ic = new InstrumentChange(score);
-      ic->setText("Instrument");
+      ic->setXmlText("Instrument");
       test_post(score, "add");
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ void TestInstrumentChange::testChange()
       Measure* m = score->firstMeasure()->nextMeasure();
       Segment* s = m->first(Segment::Type::ChordRest);
       InstrumentChange* ic = static_cast<InstrumentChange*>(s->annotations()[0]);
-      Instrument* ni = score->staff(1)->part()->instr();
+      Instrument* ni = score->staff(1)->part()->instrument();
-      ic->setText("Instrument Oboe");
+      ic->setXmlText("Instrument Oboe");
       score->undo(new ChangeInstrument(ic, ic->instrument()));
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void TestInstrumentChange::testMixer()
       Segment* s = m->first(Segment::Type::ChordRest);
       InstrumentChange* ic = static_cast<InstrumentChange*>(s->annotations()[0]);
       int idx = score->staff(0)->channel(s->tick(), 0);
-      Channel* c = score->staff(0)->part()->instr(s->tick())->channel(idx);
+      Channel* c = score->staff(0)->part()->instrument(s->tick())->channel(idx);
       MidiPatch* mp = new MidiPatch;
       mp->bank = 0;
       mp->drum = false;
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ void TestInstrumentChange::testMixer()
       mp->prog = 41;
       mp->synti = "Fluid";
-      ic->setText("Mixer Viola");
+      ic->setXmlText("Mixer Viola");
       score->undo(new ChangePatch(score, c, mp));
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-01-ref.mscx
index e1a8bbc..92534a9 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-01-ref.mscx
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
       <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Alto Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>A. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
       <trackName>Tenor Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>T. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Tenor Saxophone</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-02-ref.mscx
index f46e2eb..74c185a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/keysig/concert-pitch-02-ref.mscx
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
       <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Alto Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>A. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
       <trackName>Tenor Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>T. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Tenor Saxophone</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-1-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-1-ref.mscx
index ce2f6ed..dce4c77 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-1-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-1-ref.mscx
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+          <longName>Piano</longName>
+          <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -631,8 +631,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -711,6 +711,7 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-2-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-2-ref.mscx
index a44ff1b..1c76722 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-2-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-2-ref.mscx
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+          <longName>Piano</longName>
+          <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -626,8 +626,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -707,8 +707,8 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
-          <tick>4800</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-3-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-3-ref.mscx
index 045fef5..e4607fa 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-3-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-3-ref.mscx
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+          <longName>Piano</longName>
+          <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -628,8 +628,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -708,6 +708,7 @@
+            <duration z="8" n="4"/>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-4-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-4-ref.mscx
index 537d6af..f14e521 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-4-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-4-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-5-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-5-ref.mscx
index 7f57092..c486883 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-5-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-5-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-6-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-6-ref.mscx
index 6b3c05c..b18344b 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-6-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-6-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-7-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-7-ref.mscx
index 590de82..474d041 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-7-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-7-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-8-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-8-ref.mscx
index b852f50..9ae73b4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-8-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-8-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-9-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-9-ref.mscx
index c8fca16..a3623f2 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-9-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/measure/measure-9-ref.mscx
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal-ref.txt b/mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal-ref.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7aaaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal-ref.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Tick  =      0   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =      0   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    113   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    120   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    233   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    240   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    353   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    360   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    473   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    480   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    480   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    593   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    960   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =    960   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1073   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1080   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1193   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1200   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1313   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1320   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1433   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1440   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1440   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1553   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1920   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1920   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   1922   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =   127   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2033   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2040   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2153   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2160   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2273   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2280   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2393   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2400   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2400   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2513   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2880   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2880   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   2993   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3000   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3113   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3120   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3233   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3240   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3353   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3360   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3360   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3473   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3840   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3840   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3841   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3953   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   3960   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4073   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4080   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4193   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4200   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4313   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4320   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4320   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4433   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4800   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4800   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4913   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   4920   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5033   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5040   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5153   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5160   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5273   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5280   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5280   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5393   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5760   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5760   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5762   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =   127   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5873   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5880   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   5993   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6000   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6113   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6120   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6233   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6240   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6240   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6353   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6720   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6720   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6833   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6840   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6953   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   6960   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7073   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7080   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7193   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7200   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7200   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7313   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    79   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7680   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7680   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7681   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7793   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7800   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7913   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    74   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   7920   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   8033   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    76   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   8040   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   8153   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    78   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   8160   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   8640   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   9120   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   9600   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =    80   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   9600   Type  =     3   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =   9602   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =   127   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =  10080   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =  10560   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =  11040   Type  =     4   Pitch  =     0   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =  11423   Type  =   144   Pitch  =    72   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
+Tick  =  11520   Type  =   176   Pitch  =    64   Velocity  =     0   Channel  =     0    
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal.mscx
similarity index 51%
copy from mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal.mscx
index fa79915..4b0ceef 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/midi/testPedal.mscx
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">Arlan Bergoustz</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">2014 Bergoust</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
@@ -37,11 +37,15 @@
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">December 26, 2014</metaTag>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -49,17 +53,28 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+        <bracket type="1" span="2"/>
+        <barLineSpan>2</barLineSpan>
+        </Staff>
+      <Staff id="2">
+        <StaffType group="pitched">
+          <name>stdNormal</name>
+          </StaffType>
+        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
         <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
+        <barLineSpan>0</barLineSpan>
-      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Flute</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
+        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -89,359 +104,347 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
+          <controller ctrl="93" value="72"/>
+          <controller ctrl="91" value="50"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Pedal test</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <startRepeat/>
+          <subtype>1</subtype>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>19</l1>
+          <l2>15</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>quarter</baseNote>
-          <Number>
-            <style>Tuplet</style>
-            <text>3</text>
-            </Number>
-          </Tuplet>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
-            <pitch>73</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>78</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
-        <tick>0</tick>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
-        <Tuplet id="2">
-          <track>1</track>
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>quarter</baseNote>
-          <Number>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <style>Tuplet</style>
-            <text>3</text>
-            </Number>
-          </Tuplet>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Beam id="2">
+          <l1>19</l1>
+          <l2>15</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-              <track>1</track>
-              </Accidental>
-            <pitch>70</pitch>
-            <tpc>24</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-        <tick>0</tick>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
-        <Tuplet id="3">
-          <track>2</track>
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>quarter</baseNote>
-          <Number>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <style>Tuplet</style>
-            <text>3</text>
-            </Number>
-          </Tuplet>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-              <track>2</track>
-              </Accidental>
-            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <pitch>78</pitch>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
       <Measure number="2">
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          <pause>3</pause>
+          </LayoutBreak>
+        <Pedal id="2">
+          <beginHookHeight>-1.2</beginHookHeight>
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <endHookHeight>-1.2</endHookHeight>
+          <beginText>
+            <style>Text Line</style>
+            <text><sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym></text>
+            </beginText>
+          </Pedal>
+        <Beam id="3">
+          <l1>19</l1>
+          <l2>15</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <dots>1</dots>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-        <tick>1920</tick>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>78</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <dots>1</dots>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          </Rest>
+        <Beam id="4">
+          <l1>19</l1>
+          <l2>15</l2>
+          </Beam>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>4</Beam>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              <track>1</track>
-              </Tie>
-        <tick>1920</tick>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>4</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>4</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>flat</subtype>
-              <track>2</track>
-              </Accidental>
-            <pitch>68</pitch>
-            <tpc>10</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <dots>1</dots>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>4</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>78</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <Tie id="4">
-              <track>2</track>
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
       <Measure number="3">
+        <endSpanner id="2"/>
+        <Beam id="5">
+          <l1>19</l1>
+          <l2>15</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>5</Beam>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <tick>3840</tick>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>5</Beam>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-        <Rest>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <tick>3840</tick>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>5</Beam>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <endSpanner id="4"/>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>5</Beam>
+          <Note>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>78</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
+          <dots>1</dots>
       <Measure number="4">
+        <Pedal id="3">
+          <beginHook>1</beginHook>
+          <beginHookHeight>-1.2</beginHookHeight>
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <endHookHeight>-1.2</endHookHeight>
+          </Pedal>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-          <span>1</span>
+          <span>2</span>
-        <tick>5760</tick>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        <endSpanner id="3"/>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <TimeSig>
+          <subtype>1</subtype>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-        <tick>5760</tick>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/midi/tst_midi.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/midi/tst_midi.cpp
index 2f22b56..d174651 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/midi/tst_midi.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/midi/tst_midi.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ void TestMidi::events_data()
       // ornaments
       QTest::newRow("testMordents") <<  "testMordents";
       QTest::newRow("testGraceBefore") <<  "testGraceBefore";
+      // pedal
+      QTest::newRow("testPedal") <<  "testPedal";
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/note/grace-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/note/grace-ref.mscx
index a08d632..debf4cc 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/note/grace-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/note/grace-ref.mscx
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-ref.mscx
index 7a3bf6e..961d7c0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose-ref.mscx
index 79e69b1..f857300 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Clarinet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Clarinet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Cl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Clarinet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Cl.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Clarinet</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose2-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose2-ref.mscx
index 8280011..a55ff78 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose2-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose2-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Alto Saxophone</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A. Sax.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto Saxophone</longName>
+        <shortName>A. Sax.</shortName>
         <trackName>Alto Saxophone</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/note/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/note/updateReference
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18e82f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/note/updateReference
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/note/grace-test.mscx   grace-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-test.mscx   tpc-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose-test.mscx   tpc-transpose-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/note/tpc-transpose2-test.mscx   tpc-transpose2-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346-parts.mscx
similarity index 61%
copy from mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346-parts.mscx
index 168396a..eda596c 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346-parts.mscx
@@ -5,19 +5,10 @@
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+    <metaTag name="workTitle">Pickup-bug</metaTag>
@@ -63,31 +54,51 @@
         <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Flute</trackName>
+      <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
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-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
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+        <minPitchA>52</minPitchA>
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+          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
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+          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
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+          <program value="56"/>
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+        <Channel name="mute">
+          <program value="59"/>
@@ -98,32 +109,49 @@
         <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Oboe</trackName>
+      <trackName>C Trumpet</trackName>
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-        <trackName>Oboe</trackName>
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-        <maxPitchP>93</maxPitchP>
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-        <maxPitchA>87</maxPitchA>
+        <longName>C Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>C Tpt.</shortName>
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+        <maxPitchP>85</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>54</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>82</maxPitchA>
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+          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
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+          <velocity>120</velocity>
+          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
+          </Articulation>
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+          <program value="56"/>
+          </Channel>
+        <Channel name="mute">
+          <program value="59"/>
@@ -134,103 +162,132 @@
-          <text>Style Score</text>
+          <text>Test</text>
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-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          <lid>2</lid>
-          </Clef>
+      <Measure number="1" len="1/4">
+        <irregular/>
-          <lid>3</lid>
+          <lid>2</lid>
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+        <Rest>
+          <lid>3</lid>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <StaffText>
+          <swing unit="eighth" ratio= "60"/>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <style>Tempo</style>
+          <text>Swing</text>
+          </StaffText>
+        <Chord>
+          <lid>5</lid>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <lid>5</lid>
+            <lid>6</lid>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
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+          <lid>8</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <lid>8</lid>
+            <lid>9</lid>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-        </Measure>
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-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <lid>12</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <lid>14</lid>
+            <lid>13</lid>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-          <lid>16</lid>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <lid>14</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <lid>17</lid>
+            <lid>15</lid>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
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+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          <lid>16</lid>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="6">
-        <Chord>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1" len="1/4">
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+          <lid>18</lid>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Chord>
+          <lid>20</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <lid>20</lid>
+            <lid>21</lid>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="7">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="8">
-          <lid>25</lid>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <lid>24</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <lid>26</lid>
+            <lid>25</lid>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <lid>26</lid>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <lid>27</lid>
@@ -238,81 +295,7 @@
-          <lid>27</lid>
-          </BarLine>
-        </Measure>
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-    <Staff id="2">
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-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          <lid>29</lid>
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-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
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-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>32</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
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-          <lid>33</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>34</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>35</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="6">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>36</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="7">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>37</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="8">
-        <Rest>
-          <lid>38</lid>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
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+          <lid>28</lid>
@@ -321,16 +304,7 @@
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-          <size>48</size>
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@@ -353,6 +327,7 @@
+      <metaTag name="partName">Bâ™­ Trumpet</metaTag>
@@ -371,29 +346,49 @@
-          <trackName>Flute</trackName>
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-          <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-          <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-          <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+          <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+          <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+          <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
+          <minPitchP>52</minPitchP>
+          <maxPitchP>85</maxPitchP>
+          <minPitchA>52</minPitchA>
+          <maxPitchA>80</maxPitchA>
+          <transposeDiatonic>-1</transposeDiatonic>
+          <transposeChromatic>-2</transposeChromatic>
+          <instrumentId>brass.trumpet.bflat</instrumentId>
+          <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <gateTime>33</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
           <Articulation name="staccato">
-            <gateTime>85</gateTime>
+            <gateTime>50</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Articulation name="portato">
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <gateTime>67</gateTime>
           <Articulation name="tenuto">
+          <Articulation name="marcato">
+            <velocity>120</velocity>
+            <gateTime>67</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
           <Articulation name="sforzato">
-            <program value="73"/>
+            <program value="56"/>
+            </Channel>
+          <Channel name="mute">
+            <program value="59"/>
@@ -404,131 +399,101 @@
-            <text>Style Score</text>
+            <text>Test</text>
+            </Text>
+          <Text>
+            <style>Instrument Name (Part)</style>
+            <text>Bâ™­ Trumpet</text>
-        <Measure number="1">
-          <Clef>
-            <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-            <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-            <lid>2</lid>
-            </Clef>
+        <Measure number="1" len="1/4">
+          <irregular/>
+          <KeySig>
+            <accidental>2</accidental>
+            </KeySig>
-            <lid>3</lid>
+            <lid>2</lid>
-          <Chord>
+          <Rest>
+            <lid>3</lid>
+            <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+            </Rest>
+          <StaffText>
+            <swing unit="eighth" ratio= "60"/>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
+            <style>Tempo</style>
+            <text>Swing</text>
+            </StaffText>
+          <Chord>
+            <lid>5</lid>
+            <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-              <lid>5</lid>
+              <lid>6</lid>
+              <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-        <Measure number="2">
+        <Measure number="1">
-            <lid>7</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
+            <lid>8</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-              <lid>8</lid>
+              <lid>9</lid>
+              <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="3">
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+              <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="4">
-            <lid>13</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
+            <lid>12</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-              <lid>14</lid>
+              <lid>13</lid>
+              <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="5">
-            <lid>16</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
-            <Note>
-              <lid>17</lid>
-              <pitch>72</pitch>
-              <tpc>14</tpc>
-              </Note>
-            </Chord>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="6">
-          <Chord>
-            <lid>19</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
-            <Note>
-              <lid>20</lid>
-              <pitch>72</pitch>
-              <tpc>14</tpc>
-              </Note>
-            </Chord>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="7">
-          <Chord>
-            <lid>22</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
-            <Note>
-              <lid>23</lid>
-              <pitch>72</pitch>
-              <tpc>14</tpc>
-              </Note>
-            </Chord>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="8">
-          <Chord>
-            <lid>25</lid>
-            <durationType>whole</durationType>
+            <lid>14</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-              <lid>26</lid>
+              <lid>15</lid>
+              <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-            <lid>27</lid>
+            <lid>16</lid>
-      <name>Flute</name>
+      <name>Bâ™­ Trumpet</name>
       <LayerTag id="0" tag="default"></LayerTag>
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-          <valign>top</valign>
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-          <name>Title</name>
-          <family>Arial</family>
-          <size>48</size>
-          </TextStyle>
@@ -551,6 +516,7 @@
+      <metaTag name="partName">C Trumpet</metaTag>
@@ -569,30 +535,47 @@
-          <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
-          <trackName>Oboe</trackName>
-          <minPitchP>58</minPitchP>
-          <maxPitchP>93</maxPitchP>
-          <minPitchA>58</minPitchA>
-          <maxPitchA>87</maxPitchA>
+          <longName>C Trumpet</longName>
+          <shortName>C Tpt.</shortName>
+          <trackName>C Trumpet</trackName>
+          <minPitchP>54</minPitchP>
+          <maxPitchP>85</maxPitchP>
+          <minPitchA>54</minPitchA>
+          <maxPitchA>82</maxPitchA>
+          <instrumentId>brass.trumpet.c</instrumentId>
+          <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <gateTime>33</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
           <Articulation name="staccato">
-            <gateTime>85</gateTime>
+            <gateTime>50</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
+          <Articulation name="portato">
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <gateTime>67</gateTime>
           <Articulation name="tenuto">
+          <Articulation name="marcato">
+            <velocity>120</velocity>
+            <gateTime>67</gateTime>
+            </Articulation>
           <Articulation name="sforzato">
-            <program value="68"/>
+            <program value="56"/>
+            </Channel>
+          <Channel name="mute">
+            <program value="59"/>
@@ -603,83 +586,78 @@
-            <text>Style Score</text>
+            <text>Test</text>
+            </Text>
+          <Text>
+            <style>Instrument Name (Part)</style>
+            <text>C Trumpet</text>
-        <Measure number="1">
-          <Clef>
-            <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-            <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-            <lid>29</lid>
-            </Clef>
+        <Measure number="1" len="1/4">
+          <irregular/>
-            <lid>30</lid>
+            <lid>18</lid>
-            <lid>31</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="2">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>32</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="3">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>33</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="4">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>34</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="5">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>35</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="6">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>36</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
-          </Measure>
-        <Measure number="7">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>37</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <lid>19</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <tick>240</tick>
+          <StaffText>
+            <swing unit="eighth" ratio= "60"/>
+            <lid>4</lid>
+            <style>Tempo</style>
+            <text>Swing</text>
+            </StaffText>
-        <Measure number="8">
-          <Rest>
-            <lid>38</lid>
-            <durationType>measure</durationType>
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-            </Rest>
+        <Measure number="1">
+          <Chord>
+            <lid>20</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <Note>
+              <lid>21</lid>
+              <pitch>72</pitch>
+              <tpc>14</tpc>
+              </Note>
+            </Chord>
+          <Chord>
+            <lid>22</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <Note>
+              <lid>23</lid>
+              <pitch>72</pitch>
+              <tpc>14</tpc>
+              </Note>
+            </Chord>
+          <Chord>
+            <lid>24</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <Note>
+              <lid>25</lid>
+              <pitch>72</pitch>
+              <tpc>14</tpc>
+              </Note>
+            </Chord>
+          <Chord>
+            <lid>26</lid>
+            <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <Note>
+              <lid>27</lid>
+              <pitch>72</pitch>
+              <tpc>14</tpc>
+              </Note>
+            </Chord>
-            <lid>39</lid>
+            <lid>28</lid>
-      <name>Oboe</name>
+      <name>C Trumpet</name>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346.mscx
similarity index 67%
copy from mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346.mscx
index 4552598..4ef873a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/breath/breath01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346.mscx
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
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+          </System>
@@ -52,19 +54,21 @@
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+      <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
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@@ -91,7 +95,10 @@
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+          <program value="56"/>
+          </Channel>
+        <Channel name="mute">
+          <program value="59"/>
@@ -100,21 +107,21 @@
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+      <trackName>C Trumpet</trackName>
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@@ -141,60 +148,78 @@
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+          <program value="56"/>
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+        <Channel name="mute">
+          <program value="59"/>
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+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="1">
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+            <tpc2>16</tpc2>
-        <Breath>
-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
@@ -202,45 +227,38 @@
     <Staff id="2">
-      <Measure number="1">
+      <Measure number="1" len="1/4">
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="1">
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
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-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          </Breath>
@@ -248,9 +266,6 @@
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index 1082297..593fe90 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all-appendmeasures.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all-appendmeasures.mscx
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
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+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
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-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -340,7 +340,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -988,8 +987,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1276,8 +1275,8 @@
+            <duration z="104" n="4"/>
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@@ -1553,8 +1552,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1709,8 +1708,8 @@
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--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all-parts.mscx
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@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
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+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -340,7 +340,6 @@
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@@ -980,8 +979,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1529,8 +1528,8 @@
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--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all-uappendmeasures.mscx
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@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
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@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -340,7 +340,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -976,8 +975,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1264,8 +1263,8 @@
+            <duration z="104" n="4"/>
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@@ -1535,8 +1534,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1691,8 +1690,8 @@
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--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all-uinsertmeasures.mscx
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@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
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-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -340,7 +340,6 @@
       <Measure number="5">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -976,8 +975,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1264,8 +1263,8 @@
+            <duration z="104" n="4"/>
-          <tick>59520</tick>
@@ -1535,8 +1534,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1691,8 +1690,8 @@
+            <duration z="112" n="4"/>
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--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-all.mscx
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@
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-          <pause>3</pause>
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--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-add.mscx
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+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
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index b6bbc40..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-del.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-del.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,9 +823,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1097,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1203,9 +1202,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
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index 83d8b76..b90bb76 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-parts.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-parts.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -737,8 +737,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1110,8 +1110,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
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index 3f091ea..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-uadd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-uadd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
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index cb375b5..366cbc4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-udel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-udel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,9 +831,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1105,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1211,9 +1210,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
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index 454969b..f6d2b4b 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-uradd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-uradd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-urdel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-urdel.mscx
index b6bbc40..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-urdel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath-urdel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,9 +823,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1097,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1203,9 +1202,8 @@
-            <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
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index 48d43af..25efb09 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-breath.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
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index 6a4b1bc..2dfdbea 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-add.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-add.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-del.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-del.mscx
index 9d6c3cb..0e0b627 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-del.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-del.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -813,8 +813,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1187,8 +1187,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-parts.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-parts.mscx
index a79dc76..4a0eb73 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-parts.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-parts.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uadd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uadd.mscx
index 3f091ea..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uadd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uadd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-udel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-udel.mscx
index 76fc404..d12cb06 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-udel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-udel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -721,8 +721,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -821,8 +821,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1094,8 +1094,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1195,8 +1195,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uradd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uradd.mscx
index edb8f90..556e8dd 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uradd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uradd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-urdel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-urdel.mscx
index 9d6c3cb..0e0b627 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-urdel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-urdel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -717,8 +717,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -813,8 +813,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1086,8 +1086,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1187,8 +1187,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline.mscx
index 3d957f9..4bb58eb 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty-parts.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty-parts.mscx
index 882fe8c..23ab5fd 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty-parts.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty-parts.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1088,8 +1088,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty.mscx
index dce8012..52cd606 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-empty.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-add.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-add.mscx
index 3ca667d..5ef7411 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-add.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-add.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -833,8 +833,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1212,8 +1212,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-del.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-del.mscx
index 6518011..54d0bd3 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-del.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-del.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -833,8 +833,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1217,8 +1217,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-parts.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-parts.mscx
index 5b51df2..4ead1f2 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-parts.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-parts.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -734,8 +734,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1108,8 +1108,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uadd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uadd.mscx
index 3f091ea..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uadd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uadd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-udel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-udel.mscx
index 1975851..226f6c4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-udel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-udel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -732,8 +732,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -843,8 +843,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1116,8 +1116,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1227,8 +1227,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uradd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uradd.mscx
index e46caff..4492156 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uradd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-uradd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -833,8 +833,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1212,8 +1212,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-urdel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-urdel.mscx
index 6518011..54d0bd3 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-urdel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering-urdel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -727,8 +727,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -833,8 +833,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1106,8 +1106,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1217,8 +1217,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering.mscx
index ffc79b0..363cc09 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-fingering.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-add.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-add.mscx
index b168409..dd9c6bb 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-add.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-add.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-del.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-del.mscx
index 858056b..51cdc63 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-del.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-del.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-parts.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-parts.mscx
index 0380736..9c51f91 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-parts.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-parts.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -728,8 +728,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uadd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uadd.mscx
index 3f091ea..3959924 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uadd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uadd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-udel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-udel.mscx
index 444e260..0ede14c 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-udel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-udel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uradd.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uradd.mscx
index 456a30e..c23c33f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uradd.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-uradd.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -726,8 +726,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1104,8 +1104,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1210,8 +1210,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-urdel.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-urdel.mscx
index 858056b..51cdc63 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-urdel.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol-urdel.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -722,8 +722,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+          <longName>Alto</longName>
+          <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -823,8 +823,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+          <longName>Tenor</longName>
+          <shortName>T.</shortName>
@@ -1202,8 +1202,8 @@
+            <duration z="124" n="4"/>
-          <tick>61440</tick>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol.mscx
index ecc132f..d0b7483 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-symbol.mscx
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Alto</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">A.</shortName>
+        <longName>Alto</longName>
+        <shortName>A.</shortName>
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Tenor</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">T.</shortName>
+        <longName>Tenor</longName>
+        <shortName>T.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx
index 168396a..07ce9da 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-ref.mscx
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
-          <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+          <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-reload-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-reload-ref.mscx
index 186c30a..7a1a251 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-reload-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/partStyle-score-reload-ref.mscx
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
-          <shortName pos="0">Ob.</shortName>
+          <shortName>Ob.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/tst_parts.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/parts/tst_parts.cpp
index 2e2747b..b82ebe4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/tst_parts.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/tst_parts.cpp
@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ class TestParts : public QObject, public MTest
 //      void staffStyles();
       void measureProperties();
+ // second part has system text on empty chordrest segment
+      void createPart3() {
+            testPartCreation("part-54346");
+            }
@@ -487,7 +492,7 @@ Score* TestParts::doAddFingering()
       DropData dd;
       dd.view = 0;
       Fingering* b = new Fingering(score);
-      b->setText("3");
+      b->setXmlText("3");
       dd.element = b;
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/parts/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/parts/updateReference
index d69610e..656cbff 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/parts/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/parts/updateReference
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-udel.mscx  part-cho
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-uradd.mscx part-chordline-uradd.mscx
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-chordline-urdel.mscx part-chordline-urdel.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346-1.mscx   part-54346.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/parts/part-54346-parts.mscx   part-54346-parts.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat14.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat14.mscx
index a906fe0..e921751 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat14.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat14.mscx
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
-      <lyricsDistance>2</lyricsDistance>
@@ -24,10 +23,32 @@
-      <FixMeasureNumbers>4</FixMeasureNumbers>
-      <FixMeasureWidth>1</FixMeasureWidth>
+      <TextStyle>
+        <halign>left</halign>
+        <valign>baseline</valign>
+        <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+        <yoffset>-3.5</yoffset>
+        <offsetType>spatium</offsetType>
+        <name>Repeat Text Left</name>
+        <family>FreeSerif</family>
+        <size>20</size>
+        <sizeIsSpatiumDependent>1</sizeIsSpatiumDependent>
+        <systemFlag>1</systemFlag>
+        </TextStyle>
+      <TextStyle>
+        <halign>right</halign>
+        <valign>baseline</valign>
+        <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+        <yoffset>-3.5</yoffset>
+        <offsetType>spatium</offsetType>
+        <name>Repeat Text Right</name>
+        <family>FreeSerif</family>
+        <size>12</size>
+        <sizeIsSpatiumDependent>1</sizeIsSpatiumDependent>
+        <systemFlag>1</systemFlag>
+        </TextStyle>
         <font id="0" family="default">
@@ -1436,23 +1457,19 @@
-        <System>
-          </System>
-        <System>
-          </System>
-        <System>
-          </System>
       <Staff id="1">
-        <type>0</type>
+        <StaffType group="pitched">
+          <name>stdNormal</name>
+          </StaffType>
         <bracket type="-1" span="1"/>
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
@@ -1468,7 +1485,7 @@
     <Staff id="1">
-        <bottomGap>57.96</bottomGap>
+        <bottomGap>11.6667</bottomGap>
           <text>Play It Again, Sam</text>
@@ -1479,9 +1496,6 @@
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
@@ -1490,7 +1504,6 @@
           <pos x="-8.03037" y="-4"/>
-          <style>Tempo</style>
           <text>Adjust Tempo for faster or slower playback</text>
@@ -1554,11 +1567,14 @@
       <Measure number="7">
-          <pos x="21.8599" y="-3.20773"/>
           <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
           <text>To Coda</text>
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          <pause>3</pause>
+          </LayoutBreak>
@@ -1599,20 +1615,14 @@
       <Measure number="9">
         <Volta id="2">
-          <subtype>1</subtype>
-          <beginHookHeight>1.9</beginHookHeight>
-          <endHookHeight>1.9</endHookHeight>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
-          <anchor>1</anchor>
             <off2 x="0" y="0"/>
             <offset x="0.244584" y="-2.60023"/>
-            <style>Volta</style>
@@ -1624,10 +1634,6 @@
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>normal</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
-          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="10">
@@ -1663,20 +1669,14 @@
       <Measure number="11">
         <endSpanner id="2"/>
         <Volta id="3">
-          <subtype>1</subtype>
-          <beginHookHeight>1.9</beginHookHeight>
-          <endHookHeight>1.9</endHookHeight>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
-          <anchor>1</anchor>
             <off2 x="-1.81159" y="0"/>
             <offset x="0.832017" y="-2.6585"/>
-            <style>Volta</style>
@@ -1723,19 +1723,13 @@
       <Measure number="13">
         <endSpanner id="3"/>
         <Volta id="4">
-          <subtype>0</subtype>
-          <beginHookHeight>1.9</beginHookHeight>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
-          <beginTextPlace>2</beginTextPlace>
-          <anchor>1</anchor>
             <off2 x="0" y="0"/>
             <offset x="0.113878" y="-2.65662"/>
-            <style>Volta</style>
@@ -1759,6 +1753,10 @@
       <Measure number="15">
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          <pause>3</pause>
+          </LayoutBreak>
@@ -1769,6 +1767,10 @@
       <Measure number="16">
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
@@ -1838,7 +1840,6 @@
-          <pos x="30.314" y="-1.27536"/>
           <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
           <text>D.S. al Coda</text>
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat16.mscx
similarity index 64%
copy from mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat16.mscx
index f9f5fbc..6840709 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_12-8.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat16.mscx
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
+      <lastSystemFillLimit>0</lastSystemFillLimit>
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@@ -39,16 +40,21 @@
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+          <name>stdNormal</name>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -91,52 +97,69 @@
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>1</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>12</sigN>
-          <sigD>8</sigD>
+          <subtype>2</subtype>
+          <sigN>2</sigN>
+          <sigD>2</sigD>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>Fine</text>
+          <label>fine</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
@@ -144,29 +167,26 @@
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
@@ -174,59 +194,54 @@
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-            <Tie id="4">
-              </Tie>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.C. al Fine</text>
+          <jumpTo>start</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>fine</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-          <dots>1</dots>
-            <Tie id="5">
-              </Tie>
-            <endSpanner id="4"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <endSpanner id="5"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>100</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <dots>1</dots>
+        <Chord>
-          </Rest>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat17.mscx
similarity index 66%
copy from mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat17.mscx
index 2923450..2ea5a64 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat17.mscx
@@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+<museScore version="2.06">
+  <programVersion>2.1.0</programVersion>
+  <programRevision>3543170</programRevision>
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@@ -28,20 +33,24 @@
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     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">Title</metaTag>
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -49,17 +58,17 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
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-        <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
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-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -89,17 +98,26 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
+          <synti>Fluid</synti>
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <StaffText>
+          <text>121345467879</text>
+          </StaffText>
@@ -107,12 +125,8 @@
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
@@ -120,7 +134,6 @@
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
@@ -135,90 +148,92 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
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+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
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+          </Volta>
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-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
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-              </Tie>
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-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
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-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
       <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="4">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+        <endSpanner id="2"/>
+        <Volta id="3">
+          <beginText>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>2</endings>
+          </Volta>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
       <Measure number="4">
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-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>section</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <endSpanner id="4"/>
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+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>To Coda</text>
+          <label>coda</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <endSpanner id="3"/>
@@ -247,178 +262,199 @@
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
-          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Jump>
+          <pos x="-2" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S. al Coda</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>coda</playUntil>
+          <continueAt>codab</continueAt>
+          </Jump>
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          <pause>3</pause>
+          </LayoutBreak>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-        <Slur id="5">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
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-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <MeasureNumber>
+          <style>Measure Number</style>
+          <text>6</text>
+          </MeasureNumber>
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="-1.34062" y="-4.68484"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>coda</sym></text>
+          <label>codab</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <Tie id="6">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="6"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="7">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <startRepeat/>
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+            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <endSpanner id="7"/>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <Volta id="4">
+          <endHook>1</endHook>
+          <beginText>
+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-      <Measure number="5">
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <endSpanner id="4"/>
+        <Volta id="5">
+          <beginText>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>2</endings>
+          </Volta>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+        <endSpanner id="5"/>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat18.mscx
similarity index 70%
copy from mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat18.mscx
index 2923450..e7f00e1 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat18.mscx
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
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@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
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@@ -37,11 +38,13 @@
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+    <metaTag name="workTitle">Title</metaTag>
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -49,17 +52,17 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
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-        <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
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-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
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+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -89,17 +92,22 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
@@ -107,12 +115,8 @@
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
@@ -120,7 +124,6 @@
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
@@ -135,77 +138,77 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
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+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
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+          </Volta>
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-              </Accidental>
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-              </Tie>
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-            <tpc>14</tpc>
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+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
       <Measure number="3">
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-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
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-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
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+          <beginText>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
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+          </Volta>
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+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
@@ -214,11 +217,7 @@
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>section</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <endSpanner id="4"/>
+        <endSpanner id="3"/>
@@ -247,172 +246,145 @@
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <startRepeat/>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="1">
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-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
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-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        <Slur id="5">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
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-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+      <Measure number="6">
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+            <text>1.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>1</endings>
+          </Volta>
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-              </Tie>
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+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
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-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-      <Measure number="3">
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-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="7">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+      <Measure number="7">
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+          <beginText>
+            <text>2.</text>
+            </beginText>
+          <endings>2</endings>
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+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-      <Measure number="4">
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-          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
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+      <Measure number="8">
+        <endSpanner id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
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-        <Chord>
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-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat19.mscx
similarity index 64%
copy from mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat19.mscx
index 3280f36..8301af1 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat19.mscx
@@ -5,20 +5,19 @@
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+    <metaTag name="composer">Composer</metaTag>
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@@ -39,17 +38,11 @@
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-          </System>
-        <System>
-          </System>
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -57,17 +50,17 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
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+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
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-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
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+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
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+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -97,175 +90,152 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <StaffText>
+          <text>1234124</text>
+          </StaffText>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
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-            </Note>
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-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
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-          <text>1</text>
-          </RehearsalMark>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-      <Measure number="6">
+      <Measure number="2">
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+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>To Coda</text>
+          <label>coda</label>
+          </Marker>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="7">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="8">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="9">
-        <RehearsalMark>
-          <text>2</text>
-          </RehearsalMark>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-      <Measure number="10">
+      <Measure number="3">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="11">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="12">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="13">
-        <RehearsalMark>
-          <text>3</text>
-          </RehearsalMark>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-      <Measure number="14">
+      <Measure number="4">
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          <pause>3</pause>
+          </LayoutBreak>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>coda</sym></text>
+          <label>codab</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S. al Coda</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>coda</playUntil>
+          <continueAt>codab</continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="15">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="16">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat20.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat20.mscx
index 2923450..c768911 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat20.mscx
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
+      <lastSystemFillLimit>0</lastSystemFillLimit>
         <page-margins type="even">
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+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
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-          <right-margin>57.0217</right-margin>
+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
@@ -42,6 +43,10 @@
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -49,17 +54,18 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -89,330 +95,307 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Repeat test</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>To Coda</text>
+          <label>coda</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <StaffText>
+          <text>12314567856</text>
+          </StaffText>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
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-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="4">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S. al Coda</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>coda</playUntil>
+          <continueAt>codab</continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>section</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <endSpanner id="4"/>
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="1.0875" y="-1.75719"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>coda</sym></text>
+          <label>codab</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
-          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="1.09475" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym>1</text>
+          <label>segno1</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <Slur id="5">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+      <Measure number="6">
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>Fine</text>
+          <label>fine</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <Tie id="6">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="6"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="7">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+      <Measure number="7">
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <endSpanner id="7"/>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S. al Fine</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno1</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>fine</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat21.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat21.mscx
index 2923450..232e248 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat21.mscx
@@ -5,18 +5,19 @@
+      <lastSystemFillLimit>0</lastSystemFillLimit>
         <page-margins type="even">
-          <right-margin>57.0217</right-margin>
+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
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+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">Composer</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
@@ -37,11 +38,15 @@
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">Title</metaTag>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -49,17 +54,17 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
-      <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
+      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Flûte</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>59</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>98</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>60</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>93</maxPitchA>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
+        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
+        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
+        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
+        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
+        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
@@ -89,12 +94,25 @@
-          <program value="73"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Repeat Test</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="1.02663" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno</label>
+          </Marker>
@@ -103,316 +121,284 @@
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="4">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S.</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>end</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>section</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-        <endSpanner id="4"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
-          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="1.14841" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno1</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>To Coda</text>
+          <label>coda</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <Slur id="5">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>double</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+      <Measure number="6">
-            <Tie id="6">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="6"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="7">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+      <Measure number="7">
+        <Jump>
+          <pos x="-3.2" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S. al Coda</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno1</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>coda</playUntil>
+          <continueAt>codab</continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>double</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <endSpanner id="7"/>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          </LayoutBreak>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>coda</sym></text>
+          <label>codab</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat22.mscx
similarity index 67%
copy from mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat22.mscx
index 2923450..9cd88a4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/album/album01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat22.mscx
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
         <page-margins type="even">
-          <right-margin>57.0217</right-margin>
+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
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-          <right-margin>57.0217</right-margin>
+          <right-margin>56.6929</right-margin>
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
+        <System>
+          </System>
@@ -53,13 +55,14 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flûte</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flûte</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
+        <instrumentId>wind.flutes.flute</instrumentId>
@@ -94,25 +97,31 @@
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Test repeat DS + repeat</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <StaffText>
+          <text>123234556</text>
+          </StaffText>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
@@ -120,10 +129,9 @@
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
@@ -135,25 +143,21 @@
       <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym></text>
+          <label>segno</label>
+          </Marker>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
@@ -161,8 +165,8 @@
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
@@ -174,17 +178,18 @@
       <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="4">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+        <Jump>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S.</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>end</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
@@ -197,8 +202,8 @@
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
@@ -210,22 +215,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>section</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <endSpanner id="4"/>
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-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
@@ -236,88 +225,15 @@
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <BarLine>
-          <subtype>end</subtype>
-          <span>1</span>
-          </BarLine>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
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-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Slur id="5">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-            <Tie id="6">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <endSpanner id="6"/>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
@@ -328,18 +244,14 @@
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <KeySig>
-          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          </KeySig>
-        <Ottava id="7">
-          <subtype>8va</subtype>
-          </Ottava>
+      <Measure number="5">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
@@ -352,8 +264,8 @@
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
@@ -364,55 +276,33 @@
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <endSpanner id="7"/>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+      <Measure number="6">
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat23.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat23.mscx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c00a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/repeat23.mscx
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
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+          <text>Complex roadmap</text>
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+      <Measure number="1">
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+        <Chord>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
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+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
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+      <Measure number="2">
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="3">
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+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S.</text>
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+          <playUntil>end</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
+        <Chord>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
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+          <subtype>double</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
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+          </LayoutBreak>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="5">
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+            <tpc>15</tpc>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="6">
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
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+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
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+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="8">
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          </LayoutBreak>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="9">
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="3.67477" y="-2.59996"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym><font size="12"></font>1</text>
+          <label>segno1</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="10">
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>To Coda</text>
+          <label>coda</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>double</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="11">
+        <Jump>
+          <pos x="-0.899943" y="-2.59996"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S1. al Coda</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno1</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>coda</playUntil>
+          <continueAt>codab</continueAt>
+          </Jump>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="12">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <LayoutBreak>
+          <subtype>line</subtype>
+          </LayoutBreak>
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="0" y="-2"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>coda</sym></text>
+          <label>codab</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="13">
+        <startRepeat/>
+        <Marker>
+          <pos x="3.82476" y="-2.74995"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Left</style>
+          <text><sym>segno</sym><font size="12"></font>2</text>
+          <label>segno2</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>start-repeat</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="14">
+        <endRepeat>2</endRepeat>
+        <Marker>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>Fine</text>
+          <label>fine</label>
+          </Marker>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="15">
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="16">
+        <Jump>
+          <pos x="-1.19992" y="-2.14999"/>
+          <style>Repeat Text Right</style>
+          <text>D.S2. al Fine</text>
+          <jumpTo>segno2</jumpTo>
+          <playUntil>fine</playUntil>
+          <continueAt></continueAt>
+          </Jump>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    </Score>
+  </museScore>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/repeat/tst_repeat.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/tst_repeat.cpp
index 2481cca..bc7a379 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/repeat/tst_repeat.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/repeat/tst_repeat.cpp
@@ -32,25 +32,38 @@ class TestRepeat : public QObject, public MTest
    private slots:
       void initTestCase();
-      void repeat01() { repeat("repeat01.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat02() { repeat("repeat02.mscx", "1;2;2;3;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat03() { repeat("repeat03.mscx", "1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat04() { repeat("repeat04.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat05() { repeat("repeat05.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat06() { repeat("repeat06.mscx", "1;2;3;2;4;5;6"); }
-      void repeat07() { repeat("repeat07.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3"); }
-      void repeat08() { repeat("repeat08.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11"); }
+      void repeat01() { repeat("repeat01.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;4;5;6"); }        // repeat barline 2 measures ||: | :||
+      void repeat02() { repeat("repeat02.mscx", "1;2;2;3;4;5;6"); }          // repeat barline 1 measure ||: :||
+      void repeat03() { repeat("repeat03.mscx", "1;2;1;2;3;4;5;6"); }        // repeat barline end to start :||
+      void repeat04() { repeat("repeat04.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;6"); }  // repeat barline ||: | :|| :||
+      void repeat05() { repeat("repeat05.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;2;3;4;2;3;4;5;6"); } // repeat barline ||: | x2 :|| :||
+      void repeat06() { repeat("repeat06.mscx", "1;2;3;2;4;5;6"); }             // simple volta
+      void repeat07() { repeat("repeat07.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;1;2;3"); }         // DC al fine
+      void repeat08() { repeat("repeat08.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;2;3;4;7;8;9;10;11"); } // DS al coda
-      void repeat09() { repeat("repeat09.mscx", "1;2;3;2;4;2;5;6"); }
-      void repeat10() { repeat("repeat10.mscx", "1;2;3;4;1;2;5;6;7;8;1;2;9;10;1;2;11;12"); }
-      void repeat11() { repeat("repeat11.mscx", "1;2;3;4;2;3;5;6;7;8;2;9;10"); }
-      void repeat12() { repeat("repeat12.mscx", "1;2;3;4;3;5;6;2;3;5;6;7"); }
-      void repeat13() { repeat("repeat13.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5"); }
-      void repeat14() { repeat("repeat14.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10; 2;3;4;5;6;7;8;11;12; 2;3;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15; 16;17;18; 16;17;18; 19;20;21;22;23; 5;6;7; 24;25;26"); }
-      void repeat15() { repeat("repeat15.mscx", "1;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;3"); }
+      void repeat09() { repeat("repeat09.mscx", "1;2;3;2;4;2;5;6"); }                        // 3 voltas
+      void repeat10() { repeat("repeat10.mscx", "1;2;3;4;1;2;5;6;7;8;1;2;9;10;1;2;11;12"); } // 3 voltas
+      void repeat11() { repeat("repeat11.mscx", "1;2;3;4;2;3;5;6;7;8;2;9;10"); }  // volta after to coda
+      void repeat12() { repeat("repeat12.mscx", "1;2;3;4;3;5;6;2;3;5;6;7"); }     // volta between segno & DS
+      void repeat13() { repeat("repeat13.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5"); }                   // no repeat
+      void repeat14() { repeat("repeat14.mscx", "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10; 2;3;4;5;6;7;8;11;12; 2;3;4;5;6;7;8;13;14;15; 16;17;18; 16;17;18; 19;20;21;22;23; 5;6;7; 24;25;26"); } // complex roadmap DS al coda, volta, repeat
+      void repeat15() { repeat("repeat15.mscx", "1;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;3"); } // repeat barline ||: x8 :||
+      void repeat16() { repeat("repeat16.mscx", "1;2;3;4;4;1;2"); } // simple repeat ||: :|| in coda
+      void repeat17() { repeat("repeat17.mscx", "1;2;1;3;4;5;4;6;7;8;7;9"); } // volta in coda
+      void repeat18() { repeat("repeat18.mscx", "1;2;1;3;4;5;6;5;7;8"); } // twice volta
+      void repeat19() { repeat("repeat19.mscx", "1;2;3;4;1;2;4"); } // DS al coda after the coda
+      void repeat20() { repeat("repeat20.mscx", "1;2;3;1;4;5;6;7;8;5;6"); } // two sections, 1/ DS al Coda, 2/DS Al fine
+      void repeat21() { repeat("repeat21.mscx", "1;2;3;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;5;8"); } // two sections, 1/DS, 2/DS al Coda
+      void repeat22() { repeat("repeat22.mscx", "1;2;3;2;3;4;5;5;6"); } // DS and ||: :||
+      // complex roadmap
+      void repeat23() { repeat("repeat23.mscx", "1;2;1;2;3;2;3;4;5;6;7;6;7;8;9;10;11;9;10;12;12;13;14;13;14;15;16;13;14"); }
 //   initTestCase
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete03-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete03-ref.mscx
index 4ff21de..b67c13f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete03-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete03-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete04-ref.mscx
index 693f1e4..c4db4a8 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete04-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete05-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete05-ref.mscx
index 7006db0..5122603 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete05-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete05-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violin</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vln.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violin</longName>
+        <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/updateReference
index 409c15e..01569ba 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/updateReference
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete03.mscx selectionrangedelete03-ref.mscx
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete04.mscx selectionrangedelete04-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/selectionrangedelete/selectionrangedelete05.mscx selectionrangedelete05-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning01-ref.mscx
index 2a141de..f11c8b0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning01-ref.mscx
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning02-ref.mscx
index c6b1178..bbf35ec 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning02-ref.mscx
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning03-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning03-ref.mscx
index 3131ae8..147ec6e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning03-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning03-ref.mscx
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning04-ref.mscx
index 8f271da..93cca96 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning04-ref.mscx
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-crossstaff01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-crossstaff01-ref.mscx
index c438aad..6e3220b 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-crossstaff01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-crossstaff01-ref.mscx
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-graces01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-graces01-ref.mscx
index 1070ffe..db625f7 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-graces01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-graces01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando01-ref.mscx
index 7088d2c..fc6e426 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando01-ref.mscx
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01-ref.mscx
index ce7b310..dd845d2 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01.mscx
index 8809740..3c78229 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02-ref.mscx
index ca6b8b9..9d19ed6 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
index 0505c81..e039dc5 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03-ref.mscx
index ad10e16..7283769 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03.mscx
index d586b08..d2cd359 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04-ref.mscx
index 857029a..8f2461e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04.mscx
index a5457b4..42581fa 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05-ref.mscx
index c819b78..c1747d0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05.mscx
index a058059..b84da79 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06-ref.mscx
index 3a48be1..f59d60b 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
       <Measure number="1">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06.mscx
index 3254076..fa3d50c 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/spanners/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/updateReference
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a0a4e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/spanners/updateReference
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando01.mscx            glissando01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning01.mscx    glissando-cloning01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning02.mscx    glissando-cloning02-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning03.mscx    glissando-cloning03-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-cloning04.mscx    glissando-cloning04-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-crsossstaff01.mscx glissando-crossstaff01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/glissando-graces01.mscx     glissando-graces01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline01.mscx           lyricsline01-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline02.mscx           lyricsline02-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline03.mscx           lyricsline03-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline04.mscx           lyricsline04-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline05.mscx           lyricsline05-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/spanners/lyricsline06.mscx           lyricsline06-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff03-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff03-ref.mscx
index 568c8eb..2ad8440 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff03-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff03-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Harp</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Hrp.</shortName>
+        <longName>Harp</longName>
+        <shortName>Hrp.</shortName>
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Violoncello</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vlc.</shortName>
+        <longName>Violoncello</longName>
+        <shortName>Vlc.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04-ref.mscx
similarity index 67%
copy from mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04-ref.mscx
index 5d9e4e3..2fd0aac 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04-ref.mscx
@@ -37,13 +37,11 @@
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle">timesig</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">mops</metaTag>
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -51,17 +49,21 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
+        </Staff>
+      <Staff id="2">
+        <StaffType group="pitched">
+          </StaffType>
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
+        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
@@ -96,48 +98,79 @@
     <Staff id="1">
-      <VBox>
-        <height>10</height>
-        <Text>
-          <style>Title</style>
-          <text>timesig</text>
-          </Text>
-        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="2">
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>6</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          </Rest>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <track>4</track>
+          <track2>0</track2>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="6" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04.mscx
similarity index 66%
copy from mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04.mscx
index 5d9e4e3..014c2fa 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04.mscx
@@ -1,8 +1,37 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<museScore version="2.00">
+<museScore version="2.06">
+  <programVersion>2.1.0</programVersion>
+  <programRevision>3543170</programRevision>
     <LayerTag id="0" tag="default"></LayerTag>
+    <Synthesizer>
+      <master>
+        <val id="0">Zita1</val>
+        <val id="1">NoEffect</val>
+        <val id="2">0.0978611</val>
+        <val id="3">440</val>
+        </master>
+      <Fluid>
+        <val id="0">wurlyhard.sf2</val>
+        <val id="0">FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3</val>
+        </Fluid>
+      <Zerberus>
+        <val id="0">/home/ws/ws/zerberus/instruments/salamander48/SalamanderGrandPiano.sfz</val>
+        </Zerberus>
+      <Zita1>
+        <val id="0">0.25</val>
+        <val id="1">0.462756</val>
+        <val id="2">0.528321</val>
+        <val id="3">0.333333</val>
+        <val id="4">0.25</val>
+        <val id="5">0.335245</val>
+        <val id="6">0.5</val>
+        <val id="7">0.664755</val>
+        <val id="8">0.5</val>
+        <val id="9">0.5</val>
+        </Zita1>
+      </Synthesizer>
@@ -30,20 +59,20 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="creationDate">2015-01-05</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="platform">Linux</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle">timesig</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">mops</metaTag>
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -51,7 +80,6 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
@@ -62,6 +90,7 @@
+        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
@@ -92,53 +121,49 @@
           <program value="52"/>
+          <synti>Fluid</synti>
     <Staff id="1">
-      <VBox>
-        <height>10</height>
-        <Text>
-          <style>Title</style>
-          <text>timesig</text>
-          </Text>
-        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>6</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <track>0</track>
+          </Slur>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="6" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
@@ -147,3 +172,4 @@
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05-ref.mscx
similarity index 67%
copy from mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05-ref.mscx
index 5d9e4e3..a06317c 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05-ref.mscx
@@ -37,13 +37,11 @@
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle">timesig</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">mops</metaTag>
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -51,17 +49,21 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
+        </Staff>
+      <Staff id="2">
+        <StaffType group="pitched">
+          </StaffType>
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
+        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
@@ -96,49 +98,80 @@
     <Staff id="1">
-      <VBox>
-        <height>10</height>
-        <Text>
-          <style>Title</style>
-          <text>timesig</text>
-          </Text>
-        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <track2>4</track2>
+          </Slur>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="2">
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>6</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="6" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05.mscx
similarity index 66%
copy from mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05.mscx
index 5d9e4e3..b5832f8 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05.mscx
@@ -1,8 +1,37 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<museScore version="2.00">
+<museScore version="2.06">
+  <programVersion>2.1.0</programVersion>
+  <programRevision>3543170</programRevision>
     <LayerTag id="0" tag="default"></LayerTag>
+    <Synthesizer>
+      <master>
+        <val id="0">Zita1</val>
+        <val id="1">NoEffect</val>
+        <val id="2">0.0978611</val>
+        <val id="3">440</val>
+        </master>
+      <Fluid>
+        <val id="0">wurlyhard.sf2</val>
+        <val id="0">FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3</val>
+        </Fluid>
+      <Zerberus>
+        <val id="0">/home/ws/ws/zerberus/instruments/salamander48/SalamanderGrandPiano.sfz</val>
+        </Zerberus>
+      <Zita1>
+        <val id="0">0.25</val>
+        <val id="1">0.462756</val>
+        <val id="2">0.528321</val>
+        <val id="3">0.333333</val>
+        <val id="4">0.25</val>
+        <val id="5">0.335245</val>
+        <val id="6">0.5</val>
+        <val id="7">0.664755</val>
+        <val id="8">0.5</val>
+        <val id="9">0.5</val>
+        </Zita1>
+      </Synthesizer>
@@ -30,20 +59,20 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="creationDate">2015-01-05</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="platform">Linux</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="workTitle">timesig</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="workTitle">mops</metaTag>
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -51,7 +80,6 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <bracket type="-1" span="0"/>
@@ -62,6 +90,7 @@
+        <instrumentId>voice.vocals</instrumentId>
@@ -92,53 +121,49 @@
           <program value="52"/>
+          <synti>Fluid</synti>
     <Staff id="1">
-      <VBox>
-        <height>10</height>
-        <Text>
-          <style>Title</style>
-          <text>timesig</text>
-          </Text>
-        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigN>3</sigN>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          <showCourtesySig>0</showCourtesySig>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>6</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <track>0</track>
+          </Slur>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>59</pitch>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="6" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
@@ -147,3 +172,4 @@
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/tst_splitstaff.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/tst_splitstaff.cpp
index a0eaa5d..40becc5 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/tst_splitstaff.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/tst_splitstaff.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ class TestSplitStaff : public QObject, public MTest
       void splitstaff01() { splitstaff(1, 0); } //single notes
       void splitstaff02() { splitstaff(2, 0); } //chord
       void splitstaff03() { splitstaff(3, 1); } //non-top staff
+      void splitstaff04() { splitstaff(4, 0); } //slur up
+      void splitstaff05() { splitstaff(5, 0); } //slur down
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/updateReference
index 289857e..c1d3072 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/updateReference
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff01.mscx splitstaff01-ref.mscx
 cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff02.mscx splitstaff02-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff03.mscx splitstaff03-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff04.mscx splitstaff04-ref.mscx
+cp ../../../build.debug/mtest/libmscore/splitstaff/splitstaff05.mscx splitstaff05-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/text/tst_text.cpp b/mtest/libmscore/text/tst_text.cpp
index 680da5d..e723482 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/text/tst_text.cpp
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/text/tst_text.cpp
@@ -60,32 +60,32 @@ void TestText::testText()
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("a"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("a"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("abc"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("abc"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("abcde"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("abcde"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("1abcde"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("1abcde"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("01abcde"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("01abcde"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void TestText::testText()
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("012abcde"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("012abcde"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -104,20 +104,20 @@ void TestText::testText()
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("0123abcde"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("0123abcde"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("0123abcde<sym>segno</sym>"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("0123abcde<sym>segno</sym>"));
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("0123abcde#<sym>segno</sym>"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("0123abcde#<sym>segno</sym>"));
@@ -135,31 +135,31 @@ void TestText::testSpecialSymbols()
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("<"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("<"));
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("&"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("&"));
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString(">"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString(">"));
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("""));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("""));
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("&gt;"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("&gt;"));
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("ILoveMuseScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("ILoveMuseScore"));
       //select Love and make it bold
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Bold , true);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
       //select Love and unbold it
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Bold , false);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("ILoveMuseScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("ILoveMuseScore"));
       //select Love and make it bold again
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Bold , true);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
       //select veMu and make it bold
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Bold , true);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("I<b>LoveMu</b>seScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("I<b>LoveMu</b>seScore"));
       //select Mu and make it nonbold
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Bold , false);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("I<b>Love</b>MuseScore"));
       //make veMuse italic
       text->startEdit(0, QPoint());
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void TestText::testTextProperties()
       text->setFormat(FormatId::Italic , true);
-      QCOMPARE(text->text(), QString("I<b>Lo<i>ve</i></b><i>Muse</i>Score"));
+      QCOMPARE(text->xmlText(), QString("I<b>Lo<i>ve</i></b><i>Muse</i>Score"));
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
index 5d9e4e3..1334681 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig-04-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Voice</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <longName>Voice</longName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig01-ref.mscx
index 972f9fd..2805989 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/timesig/timesig01-ref.mscx
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-        <shortName pos="0">Vo.</shortName>
+        <shortName>Vo.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice01-ref.mscx
index d5d046d..37d2fbf 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice01-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -674,8 +674,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+          <longName>Piano</longName>
+          <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice02-ref.mscx
index a298c3f..99e43b7 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoChangeVoice02-ref.mscx
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
@@ -637,8 +637,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+          <longName>Piano</longName>
+          <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode01-ref.mscx
index 72398f4..72df82f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode01-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode02-ref.mscx
index 6094b31..6d1ceae 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoExplode02-ref.mscx
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
       <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
+        <longName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</longName>
+        <shortName>Bâ™­ Tpt.</shortName>
         <trackName>Bâ™­ Trumpet</trackName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode01-ref.mscx
index c6faad3..69f533e 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode02-ref.mscx
index 2696df4..1c90be5 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplode02-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice01-ref.mscx
index a869c5e..10f7bd4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx
index fa79915..2e889e4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoImplodeVoice02-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha01-ref.mscx
index 4042d56..1de3496 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha01-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha02-ref.mscx
index cd5722a..a7c1f8f 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceAlpha02-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure01-ref.mscx
index 59292fd..41b9aa3 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure01-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure02-ref.mscx
index cd971e5..4b7f9be 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceMeasure02-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx
index 3280f36..8c623b4 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric01-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric02-ref.mscx
index 2f7de3c..5419e16 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequenceNumeric02-ref.mscx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -180,7 +179,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart01-ref.mscx
index e69335f..6dc9e60 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart01-ref.mscx
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -202,7 +201,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -242,7 +240,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -352,8 +349,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart02-ref.mscx
index 3798994..696383a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoResequencePart02-ref.mscx
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -202,7 +201,6 @@
       <Measure number="8">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -242,7 +240,6 @@
       <Measure number="12">
-          <pause>3</pause>
@@ -352,8 +349,8 @@
-          <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-          <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+          <longName>Flute</longName>
+          <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill01-ref.mscx
index 4278be7..18fab3a 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
         <Drum pitch="35">
@@ -537,7 +537,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill02-ref.mscx
index b26a66a..adfeb72 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashFill02-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
         <Drum pitch="35">
@@ -394,7 +394,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm01-ref.mscx
index 4f38be0..65875d0 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm01-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
         <Drum pitch="35">
@@ -641,7 +641,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm02-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm02-ref.mscx
index 2484be7..8a92401 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm02-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/undoSlashRhythm02-ref.mscx
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Flute</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Fl.</shortName>
+        <longName>Flute</longName>
+        <shortName>Fl.</shortName>
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Drumset</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Drs.</shortName>
+        <longName>Drumset</longName>
+        <shortName>Drs.</shortName>
         <Drum pitch="35">
@@ -561,7 +561,6 @@
       <Measure number="4">
-          <pause>3</pause>
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/tools/updateReference b/mtest/libmscore/tools/updateReference
index ea65b4c..d190226 100755
--- a/mtest/libmscore/tools/updateReference
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/tools/updateReference
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-for a in undoExplode undoImplode undoImplodeVoice undoSlashFill undoSlashRhythm undoResequenceAlpha undoResequenceNumeric undoResequenceMeasure; do
+for a in undoExplode undoImplode undoImplodeVoice undoSlashFill \
+   undoSlashRhythm undoResequenceAlpha undoResequenceNumeric \
+   undoChangeVoice undoResequencePart \
+   undoResequenceMeasure; do
       echo ${a}
       cp $BUILD/mtest/libmscore/tools/${a}01-test.mscx ${a}01-ref.mscx
       cp $BUILD/mtest/libmscore/tools/${a}02-test.mscx ${a}02-ref.mscx
diff --git a/mtest/libmscore/transpose/undoTranspose01-ref.mscx b/mtest/libmscore/transpose/undoTranspose01-ref.mscx
index 3a82d4c..67a75fe 100644
--- a/mtest/libmscore/transpose/undoTranspose01-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/libmscore/transpose/undoTranspose01-ref.mscx
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <shortName>Pno.</shortName>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+    <work-number>MuseScore testfile</work-number>
+    <work-title>Cue Notes, Chords and Rests</work-title>
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+      <note>
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+      <note>
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+        <staff>1</staff>
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+        <duration>4</duration>
+        </backup>
+      <note>
+        <rest/>
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+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <rest/>
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+        </note>
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+        <cue/>
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+          <step>C</step>
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+          </pitch>
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+          </pitch>
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+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
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+          <beats>4</beats>
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+          </time>
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+          </clef>
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+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
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+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="2">
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+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
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+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+        </note>
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+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
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+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
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+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
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+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
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+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
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+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="5">
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">continue</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="6">
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>E</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">continue</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>D</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="7">
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      </measure>
+    <measure number="8">
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>4</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>whole</type>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="start" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <grace/>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>E</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        <notations>
+          <slur type="stop" number="1"/>
+          </notations>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testSpecialCharacters.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testSpecialCharacters.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db533e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testSpecialCharacters.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testStaffTwoKeySigs.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testStaffTwoKeySigs.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31a6a64
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testStaffTwoKeySigs.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testSystemBrackets2.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testSystemBrackets2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc6746d
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testSystemBrackets2.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTempo1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTempo1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..321b566
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTempo1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68776db
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig3.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig3.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea18db1
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTimesig3.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..030714c
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets2.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0817c78
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets2.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets3.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets3.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91f22cd
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testTuplets3.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments.xml b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f88be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">
+  <work>
+    <work-number>MuseScore testfile</work-number>
+    <work-title>Virtual instruments</work-title>
+    </work>
+  <identification>
+    <encoding>
+      <software>MuseScore 0.7.0</software>
+      <encoding-date>2007-09-10</encoding-date>
+      <supports element="accidental" type="yes"/>
+      <supports element="beam" type="yes"/>
+      <supports element="print" attribute="new-page" type="no"/>
+      <supports element="print" attribute="new-system" type="no"/>
+      <supports element="stem" type="yes"/>
+      </encoding>
+    <miscellaneous>
+      <miscellaneous-field name="description">
+        Sibelius 7.1.3 (direct export) uses virtual instruments and leaves out
+        the MIDI information. For a drumset, this means the required staff line
+        to program mapping is missing. The drum part cannot be imported as a
+        percussion staff, instead a standard staff is used.
+        </miscellaneous-field>
+      </miscellaneous>
+    </identification>
+  <part-list>
+    <score-part id="P1">
+      <part-name>Lead Guitar</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>L. Guit.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Electric Guitar (2)</instrument-name>
+        <virtual-instrument>
+          <virtual-library>Sibelius 7 Sounds (Jazz)</virtual-library>
+          <virtual-name>Electric Guitar flange</virtual-name>
+          </virtual-instrument>
+        </score-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    <score-part id="P2">
+      <part-name>Bass Guitar</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>B. Guit.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P2-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Bass Guitar (2)</instrument-name>
+        <instrument-sound>pluck.bass.electric</instrument-sound>
+        <virtual-instrument>
+          <virtual-library>Sibelius 7 Sounds (Jazz)</virtual-library>
+          <virtual-name>Pick Bass Guitar</virtual-name>
+          </virtual-instrument>
+        </score-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    <score-part id="P3">
+      <part-name>Drumset</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>Drs.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P3-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Drum Set</instrument-name>
+        <virtual-instrument>
+          <virtual-library>Sibelius 7 Sounds (Jazz)</virtual-library>
+          <virtual-name>Woodblocks</virtual-name>
+          </virtual-instrument>
+        </score-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    </part-list>
+  <part id="P1">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>G</sign>
+          <line>2</line>
+          <clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P1-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P1-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P1-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P1-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  <part id="P2">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>F</sign>
+          <line>4</line>
+          <clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P2-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P2-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P2-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>2</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P2-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  <part id="P3">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>percussion</sign>
+          <line>2</line>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>G</display-step>
+          <display-octave>5</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <backup>
+        <duration>8</duration>
+        </backup>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>F</display-step>
+          <display-octave>4</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>A</display-step>
+          <display-octave>4</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>F</display-step>
+          <display-octave>4</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <unpitched>
+          <display-step>D</display-step>
+          <display-octave>4</display-octave>
+          </unpitched>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <instrument id="P3-I1"/>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments_ref.xml b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments_ref.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1204662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVirtualInstruments_ref.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 3.0 Partwise//EN" "http://www.musicxml.org/dtds/partwise.dtd">
+  <work>
+    <work-number>MuseScore testfile</work-number>
+    <work-title>Virtual instruments</work-title>
+    </work>
+  <identification>
+    <encoding>
+      <software>MuseScore 0.7.0</software>
+      <encoding-date>2007-09-10</encoding-date>
+      <supports element="accidental" type="yes"/>
+      <supports element="beam" type="yes"/>
+      <supports element="print" attribute="new-page" type="no"/>
+      <supports element="print" attribute="new-system" type="no"/>
+      <supports element="stem" type="yes"/>
+      </encoding>
+    </identification>
+  <part-list>
+    <score-part id="P1">
+      <part-name>Lead Guitar</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>L. Guit.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Electric Guitar (2)</instrument-name>
+        </score-instrument>
+      <midi-device id="P1-I1" port="1"></midi-device>
+      <midi-instrument id="P1-I1">
+        <midi-channel>1</midi-channel>
+        <volume>78.7402</volume>
+        <pan>0</pan>
+        </midi-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    <score-part id="P2">
+      <part-name>Bass Guitar</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>B. Guit.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P2-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Bass Guitar (2)</instrument-name>
+        </score-instrument>
+      <midi-device id="P2-I1" port="1"></midi-device>
+      <midi-instrument id="P2-I1">
+        <midi-channel>2</midi-channel>
+        <volume>78.7402</volume>
+        <pan>0</pan>
+        </midi-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    <score-part id="P3">
+      <part-name>Drumset</part-name>
+      <part-abbreviation>Drs.</part-abbreviation>
+      <score-instrument id="P3-I1">
+        <instrument-name>Drum Set</instrument-name>
+        </score-instrument>
+      <midi-device id="P3-I1" port="1"></midi-device>
+      <midi-instrument id="P3-I1">
+        <midi-channel>3</midi-channel>
+        <volume>78.7402</volume>
+        <pan>0</pan>
+        </midi-instrument>
+      </score-part>
+    </part-list>
+  <part id="P1">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>G</sign>
+          <line>2</line>
+          <clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>3</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  <part id="P2">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>F</sign>
+          <line>4</line>
+          <clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>B</step>
+          <octave>1</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>C</step>
+          <octave>2</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  <part id="P3">
+    <measure number="1">
+      <attributes>
+        <divisions>2</divisions>
+        <key>
+          <fifths>0</fifths>
+          </key>
+        <time>
+          <beats>4</beats>
+          <beat-type>4</beat-type>
+          </time>
+        <clef>
+          <sign>percussion</sign>
+          <line>2</line>
+          </clef>
+        </attributes>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">begin</beam>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>G</step>
+          <octave>5</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>1</duration>
+        <voice>1</voice>
+        <type>eighth</type>
+        <stem>up</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        <beam number="1">end</beam>
+        </note>
+      <backup>
+        <duration>8</duration>
+        </backup>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>A</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>F</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        </note>
+      <note>
+        <pitch>
+          <step>D</step>
+          <octave>4</octave>
+          </pitch>
+        <duration>2</duration>
+        <voice>2</voice>
+        <type>quarter</type>
+        <stem>down</stem>
+        <notehead>x</notehead>
+        </note>
+      <barline location="right">
+        <bar-style>light-heavy</bar-style>
+        </barline>
+      </measure>
+    </part>
+  </score-partwise>
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e0f56
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper2.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aef834
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper2.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper3.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper3.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560cb5a
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoiceMapper3.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoicePiano1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoicePiano1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7668eb
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testVoicePiano1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e73af1
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge2.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e43c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWedge2.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords1.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab4722
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords1.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords2.pdf b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..272e394
Binary files /dev/null and b/mtest/musicxml/io/testWords2.pdf differ
diff --git a/mtest/musicxml/io/tst_mxml_io.cpp b/mtest/musicxml/io/tst_mxml_io.cpp
index 74b6c71..20b2b04 100644
--- a/mtest/musicxml/io/tst_mxml_io.cpp
+++ b/mtest/musicxml/io/tst_mxml_io.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ private slots:
       void chordNoVoice() { mxmlIoTestRef("testChordNoVoice"); }
       void clefs1() { mxmlIoTest("testClefs1"); }
       void completeMeasureRests() { mxmlIoTest("testCompleteMeasureRests"); }
+      void cueNotes() { mxmlIoTest("testCueNotes"); }
       void dalSegno() { mxmlIoTest("testDalSegno"); }
       void dcalCoda() { mxmlIoTest("testDCalCoda"); }
       void dcalFine() { mxmlIoTest("testDCalFine"); }
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ private slots:
       void restsNoType() { mxmlIoTestRef("testRestsNoType"); }
       void slurTieLineStyle() { mxmlIoTest("testSlurTieLineStyle"); }
       void slurs() { mxmlIoTest("testSlurs"); }
+      //void slurs2() { mxmlIoTest("testSlurs2"); } OK in DOM parser, fails in pull parser
       void specialCharacters() { mxmlIoTest("testSpecialCharacters"); }
       void staffTwoKeySigs() { mxmlIoTest("testStaffTwoKeySigs"); }
       void stringVoiceName() { mxmlIoTestRef("testStringVoiceName"); }
@@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ private slots:
       void tuplets4() { mxmlIoTest("testTuplets4"); }
       void uninitializedDivisions() { mxmlIoTestRef("testUninitializedDivisions"); }
       void unusualDurations() { mxmlIoTestRef("testUnusualDurations"); }
+      void virtualInstruments() { mxmlIoTestRef("testVirtualInstruments"); }
       void voiceMapper1() { mxmlIoTestRef("testVoiceMapper1"); }
       void voiceMapper2() { mxmlIoTestRef("testVoiceMapper2"); }
       void voiceMapper3() { mxmlIoTestRef("testVoiceMapper3"); }
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/CMakeLists.txt b/mtest/testoves/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6aa79f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#  MuseScore
+#  Music Composition & Notation
+#  $Id:$
+#  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+#  the file LICENSE.GPL
+      bdat ove3 structure
+      )
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/bdat/CMakeLists.txt b/mtest/testoves/bdat/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde685b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#  MuseScore
+#  Music Composition & Notation
+#  $Id:$
+#  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+#  the file LICENSE.GPL
+set(TARGET tst_ove_bdat)
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 53%
copy from mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove-ref.mscx
index 356043f..4128f12 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_2_melodies.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam - multiple voices.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -28,17 +28,23 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
@@ -50,220 +56,284 @@
       <Staff id="2">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>-24</l1>
+          <l2>-24</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>88</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>88</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <Beam id="2">
+          <l1>-20</l1>
+          <l2>-20</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>84</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>77</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>84</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>79</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      </Staff>
-    <Staff id="2">
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="-4.5"/>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <tick>0</tick>
+        <Beam id="3">
+          <track>1</track>
+          <l1>7</l1>
+          <l2>8</l2>
+          </Beam>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>59</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>88</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>88</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>84</pitch>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>3</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>84</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="-1"/>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove-ref.mscx
index e65657c..37f7de6 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam 2.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -59,59 +55,84 @@
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
         <Beam id="1">
-          <l1>8</l1>
-          <l2>4</l2>
+          <l1>0</l1>
+          <l2>0</l2>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>61</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 57%
copy from mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove-ref.mscx
index 5de9647..a32ce4b 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/split_nontuplet.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam-George Winston - Joy.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -28,17 +28,23 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">George Winston</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">Joy</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
@@ -50,151 +56,145 @@
       <Staff id="2">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Joy</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>George Winston</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-4</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>eighth</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>2.25</tempo>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 135</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>-4</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>0</l1>
+          <l2>0</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>56</pitch>
+            <tpc>10</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>10</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-          <dots>1</dots>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>77</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        </Measure>
-      </Staff>
-    <Staff id="2">
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>10</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <velocity>40</velocity>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/beam.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/beam.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 59%
copy from mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/beam.ove-ref.mscx
index 3592767..2ec2dab 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/swing_clef.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/beam.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,86 +28,82 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <StaffText>
-          <text>Swing</text>
-          </StaffText>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          </Rest>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <l1>0</l1>
+          <l2>0</l2>
+          </Beam>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
@@ -116,7 +112,10 @@
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
@@ -125,16 +124,22 @@
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
@@ -142,8 +147,15 @@
+        <Beam id="2">
+          <l1>1</l1>
+          <l2>1</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
@@ -152,43 +164,55 @@
+          <BeamMode>mid</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>2</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>58</pitch>
-            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <pitch>58</pitch>
-            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>measure</durationType>
-          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
-          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove-ref.mscx
index 7ca4a9e..b6fcde2 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_rest.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/clef-2.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,83 +28,83 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
@@ -112,18 +112,25 @@
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/key.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/key.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/key.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/key.ove
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/bdat/key.ove-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/key.ove-ref.mscx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..478ed72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/key.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
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+            </Lyrics>
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+            </Lyrics>
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@@ -112,18 +117,32 @@
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-          </Rest>
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+            <text>efgh</text>
+            </Lyrics>
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+            <no>1</no>
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+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
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+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-arpeggio.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-arpeggio.ove
similarity index 100%
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rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-arpeggio.ove
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similarity index 60%
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index 814c11e..38ba039 100644
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-          </Articulation>
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-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
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-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
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-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
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-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
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-          </Articulation>
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+          </Text>
+        <Text>
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+          </Text>
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+          </KeySig>
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+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
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+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
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-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
@@ -123,10 +127,26 @@
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+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
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+            </Note>
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+            <subtype>0</subtype>
+            </Arpeggio>
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+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-tremolo.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-tremolo.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-tremolo.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-tremolo.ove
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similarity index 58%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_off_time_other_bar2.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-tremolo.ove-ref.mscx
index 0b7598b..285609e 100644
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@@ -28,165 +28,173 @@
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-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
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+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
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     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
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+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
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-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r8</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>quarter</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r16</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r32</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r64</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="2">
-        <Tuplet id="2">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>quarter</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
+            <Tie id="2">
+              </Tie>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r16</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <endSpanner id="2"/>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+          <Tremolo>
+            <subtype>r16</subtype>
+            </Tremolo>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 58%
copy from mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove-ref.mscx
index eb734e4..43119d9 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-articulation-trill.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,118 +28,133 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <subtype>trill</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <subtype>trill</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <dots>1</dots>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Articulation>
+            <subtype>trill</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Articulation>
+            <subtype>trill</subtype>
+            </Articulation>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 59%
copy from mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove-ref.mscx
index e1e25ab..54423d8 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/simplify_8th_dont.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-clef.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,120 +28,117 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          </Rest>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
-          <Note>
-            <Tie id="3">
-              </Tie>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+          </Rest>
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="2">
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <endSpanner id="3"/>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>40</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+          <dots>1</dots>
@@ -150,6 +147,14 @@
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>G8vb</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>G8vb</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 60%
copy from mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove-ref.mscx
index eb734e4..5ec1251 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_two_beats_over.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-dot.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,118 +28,122 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <dots>2</dots>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Tie id="2">
-              </Tie>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          </Rest>
-          <dots>1</dots>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <dots>3</dots>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <endSpanner id="2"/>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            <velocity>80</velocity>
-            <veloType>user</veloType>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>64th</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 56%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove-ref.mscx
index 8c5ce06..d76a854 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test6.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-scale-c.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">composer</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">title</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -48,8 +44,6 @@
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -61,13 +55,21 @@
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>title</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>composer</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
@@ -75,200 +77,204 @@
-          <accidental>2</accidental>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <Accidental>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
-              </Accidental>
-            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>52</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-            <pitch>53</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>55</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>61</pitch>
+            <tpc>21</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>57</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>59</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>63</pitch>
+            <tpc>11</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="3">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
+      <Measure number="2">
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>66</pitch>
+            <tpc>20</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+      <Measure number="3">
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-              <subtype>natural</subtype>
+              <subtype>sharp</subtype>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>68</pitch>
+            <tpc>22</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="5">
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <Accidental>
+              <subtype>flat</subtype>
+              </Accidental>
+            <pitch>70</pitch>
+            <tpc>12</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>77</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>79</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>81</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
-      <Measure number="6">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
+      <Measure number="4">
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <noStem>1</noStem>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>83</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <velocity>100</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 63%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove-ref.mscx
index a2b6cd1..fbdeac4 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_5_5_tuplets_rests.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices 5.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -28,17 +28,23 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
@@ -50,210 +56,205 @@
       <Staff id="2">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>4</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>5</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>16th</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
-          </Chord>
-        <Rest>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      </Staff>
-    <Staff id="2">
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-        <Tuplet id="2">
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <tick>0</tick>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="0.5"/>
-          <normalNotes>4</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>5</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>16th</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <track>1</track>
+          <l1>-12</l1>
+          <l2>-11</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>45</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>48</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <pitch>47</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="3.5"/>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>47</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+          </Chord>
+        <Chord>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 58%
copy from mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove-ref.mscx
index ffad8ef..eed5a3e 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/instrument_3staff_organ.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-3.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,17 +28,23 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
@@ -50,115 +56,118 @@
       <Staff id="2">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
-      <Staff id="3">
-        <StaffType group="pitched">
-          </StaffType>
-        <defaultClef>F</defaultClef>
-        </Staff>
-      <trackName>Organ, Manual</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Organ, Manual</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Org.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Organ</trackName>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.organ</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <clef staff="3">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <trackName></trackName>
-          <program value="19"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <tempo>2</tempo>
-          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 120</text>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      </Staff>
-    <Staff id="2">
-      <Measure number="1">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
-        <TimeSig>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
-          <sigD>4</sigD>
-          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
-          </TimeSig>
-          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>48</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
+          </Chord>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <tick>0</tick>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="1.5"/>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Chord>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
-    <Staff id="3">
+    <Staff id="2">
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <noStem>1</noStem>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 60%
copy from mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove-ref.mscx
index 6a8bcbb..223c2fe 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/meter_central_long_note.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices-4.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,101 +28,112 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <noStem>1</noStem>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <tick>0</tick>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>71</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <tpc>16</tpc>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 54%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove-ref.mscx
index d83953e..ce5011f 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3_5_7_tuplets.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note-voices.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -28,321 +28,307 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
+        <bracket type="1" span="2"/>
+        <barLineSpan>2</barLineSpan>
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <Staff id="2">
+        <StaffType group="pitched">
+          </StaffType>
+        </Staff>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <longName>Piano</longName>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>eighth</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>77</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>81</pitch>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-            <pitch>79</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <tick>0</tick>
-        <Tuplet id="2">
-          <track>1</track>
-          <normalNotes>4</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>5</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>16th</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>74</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>77</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <Tuplet>2</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <pitch>64</pitch>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>1</track>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-            <track>1</track>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>60</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
-            <track>1</track>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
+          <Note>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+            </Note>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>2</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        <tick>0</tick>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="2"/>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Beam id="1">
+          <track>1</track>
+          <l1>-12</l1>
+          <l2>-11</l2>
+          </Beam>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>begin</BeamMode>
+          <dots>1</dots>
+          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-          </Chord>
-        <tick>0</tick>
-        <Tuplet id="3">
-          <track>2</track>
-          <normalNotes>8</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>7</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>32nd</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <BeamMode>end</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>16th</durationType>
+          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>47</pitch>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
-          </Chord>
-        <tick>137</tick>
-        <Chord>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
+            <track>1</track>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+        <Rest>
+          <offset x="0" y="-6"/>
+          <track>1</track>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        </Measure>
+      </Staff>
+    <Staff id="2">
+      <Measure number="1">
+        <Clef>
+          <concertClefType>F</concertClefType>
+          <transposingClefType>F</transposingClefType>
+          </Clef>
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
+        <TimeSig>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigD>4</sigD>
+          <showCourtesySig>1</showCourtesySig>
+          </TimeSig>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>47</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        <tick>274</tick>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>41</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
+            <pitch>43</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
-        <tick>411</tick>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <Tuplet>3</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>32nd</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <track>2</track>
-            <pitch>53</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>48</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
-        <Rest>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <track>2</track>
-          <durationType>half</durationType>
-          </Rest>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/note.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/note.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/note.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 65%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/note.ove-ref.mscx
index e65657c..2998702 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/note.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -59,59 +55,62 @@
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
-        <Beam id="1">
-          <l1>8</l1>
-          <l2>4</l2>
-          </Beam>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>whole</durationType>
+          <noStem>1</noStem>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>61</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove
diff --git a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 60%
copy from mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove-ref.mscx
index 782327b..1a697f1 100644
--- a/mtest/importmidi/tuplet_3-4.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur 2.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -28,126 +28,128 @@
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workNumber"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="workTitle"></metaTag>
+      <Page>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        <System>
+          </System>
+        </Page>
       <Staff id="1">
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>Piano</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-        <longName pos="0">Piano</longName>
-        <shortName pos="0">Pno.</shortName>
-        <trackName>Piano</trackName>
-        <minPitchP>21</minPitchP>
-        <maxPitchP>108</maxPitchP>
-        <minPitchA>21</minPitchA>
-        <maxPitchA>108</maxPitchA>
-        <instrumentId>keyboard.piano</instrumentId>
-        <clef staff="2">F</clef>
-        <Articulation>
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>95</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccatissimo">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>33</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="staccato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>50</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="portato">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="tenuto">
-          <velocity>100</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="marcato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>67</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
-        <Articulation name="sforzato">
-          <velocity>120</velocity>
-          <gateTime>100</gateTime>
-          </Articulation>
+        <trackName></trackName>
           <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
+      <VBox>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
+        </VBox>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-          <sigN>3</sigN>
+          <sigN>4</sigN>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
-        <Rest>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          </Rest>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="2">
-        <Tuplet id="1">
-          <normalNotes>2</normalNotes>
-          <actualNotes>3</actualNotes>
-          <baseNote>eighth</baseNote>
-          </Tuplet>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <up>1</up>
+          </Slur>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <tpc>18</tpc>
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>72</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
-          <Tuplet>1</Tuplet>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
@@ -156,8 +158,12 @@
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/test/testoves/bdat/slur.ove b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/bdat/slur.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/bdat/slur.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 52%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/bdat/slur.ove-ref.mscx
index 63dd939..7f9d856 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test8.cap-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/slur.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.666667</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.8</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -48,8 +44,6 @@
-        <System>
-          </System>
@@ -57,233 +51,297 @@
         <StaffType group="pitched">
-      <trackName>unnamed1</trackName>
+      <trackName></trackName>
-          <program value="1"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>4</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
+        <KeySig>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
+          </KeySig>
-        <Slur id="2">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
-          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>48</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>50</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Slur id="3">
+          </Rest>
+        <Slur id="2">
+          <up>1</up>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
-          <Slur type="start" id="3"/>
+          <Slur type="start" id="2"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>52</pitch>
+            <pitch>76</pitch>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>53</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="2">
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="3"/>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="2"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>55</pitch>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        <Slur id="4">
-          <track>0</track>
-          </Slur>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Slur type="start" id="4"/>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>57</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>59</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+          </Rest>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="3">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Slur type="stop" id="4"/>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>65</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+          </Rest>
+        <Slur id="3">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <up>1</up>
+          </Slur>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="start" id="3"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>67</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        </Measure>
-      <Measure number="4">
-        <Clef>
-          <concertClefType>G</concertClefType>
-          <transposingClefType>G</transposingClefType>
-          </Clef>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>69</pitch>
-            <tpc>17</tpc>
+            <pitch>71</pitch>
+            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <Slur id="4">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <up>1</up>
+          </Slur>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="start" id="4"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="4">
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="4"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-          <durationType>quarter</durationType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <durationType>half</durationType>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="3"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="5">
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>76</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>77</pitch>
-            <tpc>13</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+          </Rest>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>79</pitch>
-            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <pitch>65</pitch>
+            <tpc>13</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <Slur id="5">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <up>1</up>
+          </Slur>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="start" id="5"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>81</pitch>
+            <pitch>69</pitch>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
       <Measure number="6">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
+        <Slur id="6">
+          <track>0</track>
+          <up>1</up>
+          </Slur>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="start" id="6"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>83</pitch>
-            <tpc>19</tpc>
+            <pitch>72</pitch>
+            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="5"/>
+          <StemDirection>up</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>60</pitch>
-            <tpc>14</tpc>
+            <pitch>67</pitch>
+            <tpc>15</tpc>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
+          <BeamMode>no</BeamMode>
+          <Slur type="stop" id="6"/>
+          <StemDirection>down</StemDirection>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
+            <pitch>74</pitch>
+            <velocity>80</velocity>
+            <veloType>user</veloType>
-        <Chord>
+        <Rest>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/bdat/tst_ove_bdat.cpp b/mtest/testoves/bdat/tst_ove_bdat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1287c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/bdat/tst_ove_bdat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+//  MuseScore
+//  Music Composition & Notation
+//  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+//  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+//  the file LICENCE.GPL
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include "mtest/testutils.h"
+#include "libmscore/score.h"
+#include "mscore/preferences.h"
+#define DIR QString("testoves/bdat/")
+using namespace Ms;
+//   TestOveIO
+class TestOveIO : public QObject, public MTest
+      {
+      Q_OBJECT
+      void oveReadTest(const char* file);
+private slots:
+      void initTestCase();
+      // The list of Ove regression tests
+      // Currently failing tests are commented out and annotated with the failure reason
+      //void oveBeamMultipleVoicesTest() { oveReadTest("beam - multiple voices"); }
+      void oveBeam2Test()              { oveReadTest("beam 2"); }
+      void oveBeamWinstonTest()        { oveReadTest("beam-George Winston - Joy"); }
+      //void oveBeamOverBarlineTest()    { oveReadTest("beam-over-barline"); }
+      //void oveBeamTest()               { oveReadTest("beam"); }
+      void oveClef2Test()              { oveReadTest("clef-2"); }
+      //void oveClefTypes()              { oveReadTest("clef-types"); }
+      //void oveClefTest()               { oveReadTest("clef"); }
+      //void oveArticulationTest()       { oveReadTest("decorator-articulation"); }
+      //void oveMeasureRepeatTest()      { oveReadTest("decorator-measure-repeat"); }
+      //void oveDynamicsTest()           { oveReadTest("dynamics"); }
+      //void oveTempoChangeTest()        { oveReadTest("expression-tempo-change"); }
+      //void oveExpressionTest()         { oveReadTest("expression"); }
+      //void oveGlissandoSimpleTest()    { oveReadTest("glissando-simple"); }
+      //void oveGlissandoTest()          { oveReadTest("glissando"); }
+      //void oveGraphicsTest()           { oveReadTest("graphics"); }
+      //void oveGuitarBarreTest()        { oveReadTest("guitar-barre"); }
+      //void oveGuitarBendTest()         { oveReadTest("guitar-bend"); }
+      //void oveHarmony2Test()           { oveReadTest("harmony 2"); }
+      //void oveGuitarFretTest()         { oveReadTest("harmony-guitar-frame"); }
+      //void oveHarmonyTypeTest()        { oveReadTest("harmony-type"); }
+      //void oveHarmonyTest()            { oveReadTest("harmony"); }
+      //void oveHarpPedalTest()          { oveReadTest("harp-pedal"); }
+      //void oveInvisibleTest()          { oveReadTest("invisible-object"); }
+      //void oveKeyTransposeTest()       { oveReadTest("key-transpose-instrument"); }
+      void oveKeyTest()                { oveReadTest("key"); }
+      //void oveParenthesisTest()        { oveReadTest("kuohao-brace-bracket-parentheses"); }
+      //void oveLyricsVerseTest()        { oveReadTest("lyric-verse"); }
+      void oveLyricsTest()             { oveReadTest("lyric"); }
+      //void oveMultimeasureRestTest()   { oveReadTest("multi-measure-rest"); }
+      //void oveAccidentalsTest()        { oveReadTest("note-accidental"); }
+      //void oveArticulations2Test()     { oveReadTest("note-articulation-2"); }
+      void oveArpeggioTest()           { oveReadTest("note-articulation-arpeggio"); }
+      //void ovePedalTest()              { oveReadTest("note-articulation-pedal"); }
+      void oveTremoloTest()            { oveReadTest("note-articulation-tremolo"); }
+      //void oveTrillLineTest()          { oveReadTest("note-articulation-trill-section"); }
+      void oveTrillTest()              { oveReadTest("note-articulation-trill"); }
+      //void oveFermataRestTest()        { oveReadTest("note-articulation-with-rest"); }
+      //void oveArticulationsTest()      { oveReadTest("note-articulation"); }
+      void oveClefChangeTest()         { oveReadTest("note-clef"); }
+      //void oveCrossStaff2Test()        { oveReadTest("note-cross-staff 2"); }
+      //void oveCrossStaff3Test()        { oveReadTest("note-cross-staff 3"); }
+      //void oveCrossStaffTest()         { oveReadTest("note-cross-staff"); }
+      //void oveCueTest()                { oveReadTest("note-cue"); }
+      void oveNoteDotTest()            { oveReadTest("note-dot"); }
+      //void oveGraceBeamTest()          { oveReadTest("note-grace-with-beam"); }
+      //void oveGraceTest()              { oveReadTest("note-grace"); }
+      //void oveNoteHeadTest()           { oveReadTest("note-head"); }
+      //void oveNoteRawTest()            { oveReadTest("note-raw"); }
+      //void oveRestsTest()              { oveReadTest("note-rest"); }
+      void oveScaleTest()              { oveReadTest("note-scale-c"); }
+      //void oveScaleKeysTest()          { oveReadTest("note-scale-key"); }
+      //void oveDurationTest()           { oveReadTest("note-type"); }
+      //void oveVoices5Test()            { oveReadTest("note-voices 5"); }
+      //void oveVoices2Test()            { oveReadTest("note-voices-2."); }
+      //void oveVoices3Test()            { oveReadTest("note-voices-3"); }
+      //void oveVoices4Test()            { oveReadTest("note-voices-4"); }
+      //void oveVoicesTest()             { oveReadTest("note-voices"); }
+      void oveNoteTest()               { oveReadTest("note"); }
+      //void oveOctaveTest()             { oveReadTest("octave-shift"); }
+      //void ovePedal2Test()             { oveReadTest("pedal-half-pedal"); }
+      //void ovePedal3Test()             { oveReadTest("pedal"); }
+      //void oveSlur2Test()              { oveReadTest("slur 2"); }
+      //void oveSlurTest()               { oveReadTest("slur"); }
+      //void oveTextLinesTest()          { oveReadTest("text-measure-text-lines"); }
+      //void oveTextTest()               { oveReadTest("text-measure-text"); }
+      //void oveRehearsalLinesTest()     { oveReadTest("text-rehearsal-lines"); }
+      //void oveRehearsalTest()          { oveReadTest("text-rehearsal"); }
+      //void oveSystemText2Test()        { oveReadTest("text-system-text-lines"); }
+      //void oveSystemTextTest()         { oveReadTest("text-system-text"); }
+      //void oveTie2Test()               { oveReadTest("tie-2"); }
+      //void oveTieTest()                { oveReadTest("tie"); }
+      //void oveTuplet2Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet 2"); }
+      //void oveTuplet3Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet-beam"); }
+      //void oveTuplet4Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet-in-second-staff"); }
+      //void oveTuplet5Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet-rest-start 2"); }
+      //void oveTuplet6Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet-rest-start 3"); }
+      //void oveTuplet7Test()            { oveReadTest("tuplet-rest-start"); }
+      //void oveTupletTest()             { oveReadTest("tuplet"); }
+      //void oveWedge2Test()             { oveReadTest("wedge-2"); }
+      //void oveWedgeTest()              { oveReadTest("wedge"); }
+/* TODO midi tests ?
+      };
+//   initTestCase
+void TestOveIO::initTestCase()
+      {
+      initMTest();
+      }
+//   oveReadTest
+//   read an Ove file, write to a MuseScore file and verify against reference
+void TestOveIO::oveReadTest(const char* file)
+      {
+      preferences.importCharsetOve = "GBK";
+      Score* score = readScore(DIR + file + ".ove");
+      QVERIFY(score);
+      score->doLayout();
+      score->connectTies();
+      score->setLayoutAll(true);
+      score->update();
+      QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, QString("%1.ove.mscx").arg(file),
+                               DIR + QString("%1.ove-ref.mscx").arg(file)));
+      delete score;
+      }
+#include "tst_ove_bdat.moc"
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/ove3/CMakeLists.txt b/mtest/testoves/ove3/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a52a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/ove3/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#  MuseScore
+#  Music Composition & Notation
+#  $Id:$
+#  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+#  the file LICENSE.GPL
+set(TARGET tst_ove_ove3)
diff --git a/test/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove b/mtest/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove-ref.mscx
index e65657c..142bd51 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/ove3/[ove3].Untitled.ove-ref.mscx
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">Composer</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">Copyright</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">Title</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -59,59 +55,64 @@
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>Title</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>Instructions</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>Composer</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
-        <Beam id="1">
-          <l1>8</l1>
-          <l2>4</l2>
-          </Beam>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>61</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="4" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/ove3/tst_ove_ove3.cpp b/mtest/testoves/ove3/tst_ove_ove3.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..131a753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/ove3/tst_ove_ove3.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+//  MuseScore
+//  Music Composition & Notation
+//  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+//  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+//  the file LICENCE.GPL
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include "mtest/testutils.h"
+#include "libmscore/score.h"
+#include "mscore/preferences.h"
+#define DIR QString("testoves/ove3/")
+using namespace Ms;
+//   TestOveIO
+class TestOveIO : public QObject, public MTest
+      {
+      Q_OBJECT
+      void oveReadTest(const char* file);
+private slots:
+      void initTestCase();
+      // The list of Ove regression tests
+      // Currently failing tests are commented out and annotated with the failure reason
+      //void ove3PianoChangeClefTest() { oveReadTest("piano - change clef"); }
+      //void ove3BeamCrossBarTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - beam cross bar"); }
+      //void ove3BeamTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - beam"); }
+      //void ove3Clef2Test() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - clef 2"); }
+      //void ove3ClefTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - clef"); }
+      //void ove3MeasureRepeatTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - decorator - measure repeat"); }
+      //void ove3DynamicsTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - dynamics"); }
+      //void ove3ExpressionTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - expression"); }
+      //void ove3GlissandoTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - glissando"); }
+      //void ove3BDatGraphicsTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - graphics"); }
+      //void ove3GuitarBarreTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - guitar - barre"); }
+      //void ove3GuitarBendTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - guitar - bend"); }
+      //void ove3GuitarFrameTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - harmony - guitar frame"); }
+      //void ove3HarmonyTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - harmony"); }
+      //void ove3HarpPedalTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - harp pedal"); }
+      //void ove3InvisibleTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - invisible object"); }
+      //void ove3KeyTransposeInstrumentTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - key - transpose instrument"); }
+      //void ove3KeyTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - key"); }
+      //void ove3ParenthesisTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - kuohao - brace.bracket.parentheses"); }
+      //void ove3LyricsTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - lyric"); }
+      //void ove3MultimeasureRestTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - multi-measure rest"); }
+      //void ove3AccidentalTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - accidental"); }
+      //void ove3TrillTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - articulation - trill"); }
+      //void ove3Articulation2Test() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - articulation 2"); }
+      //void ove3FermataOnRestTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - articulation on rest"); }
+      //void ove3ArticulationTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - articulation"); }
+      //void ove3CelfAndScaleTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - clef & scale"); }
+      //void ove3CrossStaffTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - cross staff"); }
+      //void ove3CueAndGraceTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - cue & grace"); }
+      //void ove3DotTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - dot"); }
+      //void ove3NoteRawTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - raw"); }
+      //void ove3RestTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - rest"); }
+      //void ove3ScaleTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - scale"); }
+      //void ove3NoteTypeTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - type"); }
+      //void ove3NoteVoicesTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - note - voices"); }
+      //void ove3OctaveTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - octave shift"); }
+      //void ove3PedalHalfTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - pedal - half"); }
+      //void ove3PedalTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - pedal"); }
+      //void ove3SlurTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - slur"); }
+      //void ove3TextLinesTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - text - measure - line break"); }
+      //void ove3TextTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - text - measure"); }
+      //void ove3TieTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - tie"); }
+      //void ove3TupletRestTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - tuplet - rest start"); }
+      //void ove3TupletTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - tuplet"); }
+      //void ove3WedgeTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].bdat - wedge"); }
+      //void ove3EndingTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].cond - ending"); }
+      //void ove3RehearsalTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].cond - rehearsal"); }
+      //void ove3RepeatTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].cond - repeat"); }
+      //void ove3TempoTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].cond - tempo"); }
+      //void ove3GraphicsTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].graphics"); }
+      //void ove3BarlineTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].meas - barline"); }
+      //void ove3PickupTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].meas - pickup"); }
+      //void ove3FourHandsTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].track - four hands"); }
+      //void ove3TrebleBassCopyTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].track - treble bass - Copy"); }
+      //void ove3TrebleBassTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].track - treble bass"); }
+      //void ove3VoicesTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].track - voices"); }
+      void ove3UntitledTest() { oveReadTest("[ove3].Untitled"); }
+/* TODO midi tests ?
+[ove3].bdat - midi - channel pressure
+[ove3].bdat - midi - controller
+[ove3].bdat - midi - pitch wheel
+[ove3].bdat - midi - program change
+      };
+//   initTestCase
+void TestOveIO::initTestCase()
+      {
+      initMTest();
+      }
+//   oveReadTest
+//   read an Ove file, write to a MuseScore file and verify against reference
+void TestOveIO::oveReadTest(const char* file)
+      {
+      preferences.importCharsetOve = "GBK";
+      Score* score = readScore(DIR + file + ".ove");
+      QVERIFY(score);
+      score->doLayout();
+      score->connectTies();
+      score->setLayoutAll(true);
+      score->update();
+      QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, QString("%1.ove.mscx").arg(file),
+                               DIR + QString("%1.ove-ref.mscx").arg(file)));
+      delete score;
+      }
+#include "tst_ove_ove3.moc"
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/structure/CMakeLists.txt b/mtest/testoves/structure/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ccb04b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/structure/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#  MuseScore
+#  Music Composition & Notation
+#  $Id:$
+#  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+#  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+#  the file LICENSE.GPL
+set(TARGET tst_ove_structure)
diff --git a/test/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove b/mtest/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove
similarity index 100%
rename from test/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove
rename to mtest/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove
diff --git a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx b/mtest/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove-ref.mscx
similarity index 62%
copy from mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
copy to mtest/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove-ref.mscx
index e65657c..01c2035 100644
--- a/mtest/capella/io/test7.capx-ref.mscx
+++ b/mtest/testoves/structure/cond - time 24.ove-ref.mscx	
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@
-      <minSystemDistance>8</minSystemDistance>
-      <maxSystemDistance>12</maxSystemDistance>
-      <measureSpacing>1</measureSpacing>
-      <smallStaffMag>0.681818</smallStaffMag>
@@ -25,18 +21,18 @@
-      <Spatium>1.76</Spatium>
+      <Spatium>1.76389</Spatium>
     <metaTag name="arranger"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="composer"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="copyright"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="composer">作者</metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="copyright">www.popiano.org</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="lyricist"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="movementNumber"></metaTag>
-    <metaTag name="movementTitle"></metaTag>
+    <metaTag name="movementTitle">标题</metaTag>
     <metaTag name="poet"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="source"></metaTag>
     <metaTag name="translator"></metaTag>
@@ -59,59 +55,64 @@
-          <program value="24"/>
+          <program value="0"/>
     <Staff id="1">
-        <height>14</height>
+        <height>10</height>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Title</style>
+          <text>标题</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Lyricist</style>
+          <text>注解</text>
+          </Text>
+        <Text>
+          <style>Composer</style>
+          <text>作者</text>
+          </Text>
       <Measure number="1">
-        <LayoutBreak>
-          <subtype>line</subtype>
-          <pause>3</pause>
-          </LayoutBreak>
-          <accidental>3</accidental>
+          <accidental>0</accidental>
-          <sigN>4</sigN>
+          <sigN>2</sigN>
-        <Beam id="1">
-          <l1>8</l1>
-          <l2>4</l2>
-          </Beam>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>61</pitch>
-            <tpc>21</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>62</pitch>
-            <tpc>16</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
-        <Chord>
-          <durationType>eighth</durationType>
-          <Beam>1</Beam>
-          <Note>
-            <pitch>64</pitch>
-            <tpc>18</tpc>
-            </Note>
-          </Chord>
+        <Tempo>
+          <tempo>1.6</tempo>
+          <visible>0</visible>
+          <xoffset>0</xoffset>
+          <yoffset>-2</yoffset>
+          <text><sym>unicodeNoteQuarterUp</sym> = 96</text>
+          </Tempo>
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="2" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>normal</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
+        </Measure>
+      <Measure number="2">
+        <Rest>
+          <durationType>measure</durationType>
+          <duration z="2" n="4"/>
+          </Rest>
+        <BarLine>
+          <subtype>end</subtype>
+          <span>1</span>
+          </BarLine>
diff --git a/mtest/testoves/structure/tst_ove_structure.cpp b/mtest/testoves/structure/tst_ove_structure.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90734c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mtest/testoves/structure/tst_ove_structure.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+//  MuseScore
+//  Music Composition & Notation
+//  Copyright (C) 2015 Werner Schweer and others
+//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+//  as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in
+//  the file LICENCE.GPL
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include "mtest/testutils.h"
+#include "libmscore/score.h"
+#include "mscore/preferences.h"
+#define DIR QString("testoves/structure/")
+using namespace Ms;
+//   TestOveIO
+class TestOveIO : public QObject, public MTest
+      {
+      Q_OBJECT
+      void oveReadTest(const char* file);
+private slots:
+      void initTestCase();
+      // The list of Ove regression tests
+      // Currently failing tests are commented out and annotated with the failure reason
+      //void oveBarNumberTest() { oveReadTest("cond - bar number"); }
+      //void oveEndingTest() { oveReadTest("cond - ending"); }
+      //void oveExpressionsTest() { oveReadTest("cond - expressions"); }
+      //void oveRepeatBackwardTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - backward"); }
+      //void oveRepeatBackwardForward2Test() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - backward_forward 2"); }
+      //void oveRepeatBackwardForwardTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - backward_forward"); }
+      //void oveBingyu2Test() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - bingyu 2"); }
+      //void oveBingyuTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - bingyu"); }
+      //void oveChunniTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - chunni"); }
+      //void oveRepeatDCCodaTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - dc al coda"); }
+      //void oveRepeatDCCodaToCodaTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - dc al coda_to coda"); }
+      //void oveRepeatDCFineTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - dc al fine"); }
+      //void oveRepeatDSCodaTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - ds al coda_segno"); }
+      //void oveRepeatDSCodaToCodaTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - ds al coda_segno_to coda"); }
+      //void oveRepepatDSFineTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - ds al fine_segno"); }
+      //void oveRepeatNumericEndingTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - numeric ending"); }
+      //void oveRepeatTheMomentTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - the moment"); }
+      //void oveRepeatToCodaCodaTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat - to coda_coda"); }
+      //void oveRepeatTest() { oveReadTest("cond - repeat"); }
+      //void oveTempoTest() { oveReadTest("cond - tempo"); }
+      //void oveTimeCommonTest() { oveReadTest("cond - time - common"); }
+      void oveTime24Test() { oveReadTest("cond - time 24"); }
+      //void oveTimeTest() { oveReadTest("cond - time"); }
+      //void oveLineTest() { oveReadTest("line"); }
+      //void oveBarlineLastTest() { oveReadTest("meas - barline - last one"); }
+      //void oveBarlineTest() { oveReadTest("meas - barline"); }
+      //void ovePickupTest() { oveReadTest("meas - pickup"); }
+      //void ovePageTextTest() { oveReadTest("page text"); }
+      //void ovePageTest() { oveReadTest("page"); }
+      //void oveStaffTest() { oveReadTest("staff"); }
+      //void oveFourHandsTest() { oveReadTest("track - four hands"); }
+      //void ovePercussionCopyTest() { oveReadTest("track - percussion - Copy"); }
+      //void ovePercussionTest() { oveReadTest("track - percussion"); }
+      //void ovePianoTest() { oveReadTest("track - piano accompaniment"); }
+      //void oveTransposeInstrumentTest() { oveReadTest("track - transpose instrument"); }
+      //void oveTrebleBassTest() { oveReadTest("track - treble bass"); }
+      //void oveVoicesPatchTest() { oveReadTest("track - voices patch"); }
+      //void oveVoicesTest() { oveReadTest("track - voices"); }
+      };
+//   initTestCase
+void TestOveIO::initTestCase()
+      {
+      initMTest();
+      }
+//   oveReadTest
+//   read an Ove file, write to a MuseScore file and verify against reference
+void TestOveIO::oveReadTest(const char* file)
+      {
+      preferences.importCharsetOve = "GBK";
+      Score* score = readScore(DIR + file + ".ove");
+      QVERIFY(score);
+      score->doLayout();
+      score->connectTies();
+      score->setLayoutAll(true);
+      score->update();
+      QVERIFY(saveCompareScore(score, QString("%1.ove.mscx").arg(file),
+                               DIR + QString("%1.ove-ref.mscx").arg(file)));
+      delete score;
+      }
+#include "tst_ove_structure.moc"
diff --git a/mtest/testutils.cpp b/mtest/testutils.cpp
index 5342774..249a807 100644
--- a/mtest/testutils.cpp
+++ b/mtest/testutils.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QTextStream>
 #include "config.h"
 #include "libmscore/score.h"
 #include "libmscore/note.h"
@@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ inline void initMyResources() {
+extern Ms::Score::FileError importOve(Ms::Score*, const QString& name);
 namespace Ms {
 #ifdef OMR
@@ -139,6 +142,8 @@ Score* MTest::readCreatedScore(const QString& name)
             rv = importCapella(score, name);
       else if (csl == "capx")
             rv = importCapXml(score, name);
+      else if (csl == "ove")
+            rv = importOve(score, name);
       else if (csl == "sgu")
             rv = importBB(score, name);
       else if (csl == "mscz" || csl == "mscx")
@@ -188,15 +193,16 @@ bool MTest::compareFiles(const QString& saveName, const QString& compareWith) co
       args.append(root + "/" + compareWith);
       QProcess p;
-      //qDebug() << "Running " << cmd << " with arg1:" << saveName << " and arg2: " << compareWith;
+qDebug() << "Running " << cmd << " with arg1:" << saveName << " and arg2: " << compareWith;
       p.start(cmd, args);
-      if (!p.waitForFinished())
-            return false;
-      if (p.exitCode()) {
+      if (!p.waitForFinished() || p.exitCode()) {
             QByteArray ba = p.readAll();
-            qDebug("%s", qPrintable(ba));
-            qDebug("   <diff -u %s %s failed", qPrintable(saveName),
-               qPrintable(QString(root + "/" + compareWith)));
+            //qDebug("%s", qPrintable(ba));
+            //qDebug("   <diff -u %s %s failed", qPrintable(saveName),
+            //   qPrintable(QString(root + "/" + compareWith)));
+            QTextStream outputText(stdout);
+            outputText << QString(ba);
+            outputText << QString("   <diff -u %1 %2 failed").arg(QString(saveName)).arg(QString(root + "/" + compareWith));
             return false;
       return true;
@@ -208,7 +214,8 @@ bool MTest::compareFiles(const QString& saveName, const QString& compareWith) co
 bool MTest::saveCompareScore(Score* score, const QString& saveName, const QString& compareWith) const
-      saveScore(score, saveName);
+      if (!saveScore(score, saveName))
+            return false;
       return compareFiles(saveName, compareWith);
@@ -236,7 +243,6 @@ bool MTest::savePdf(Score* cs, const QString& saveName)
-      printerDev.setDoubleSidedPrinting(pf->twosided());
diff --git a/share/instruments/instruments.xml b/share/instruments/instruments.xml
index f5364d5..0ae64e8 100644
--- a/share/instruments/instruments.xml
+++ b/share/instruments/instruments.xml
@@ -3447,7 +3447,7 @@
             <Instrument id="euphonium-bugle">
                   <longName>Euphonium Bugle</longName>
-                  <shortName>Eu. Bu.</shortName>
+                  <shortName>Euph. Bu.</shortName>
                   <description>Euphonium Bugle</description>
@@ -3785,7 +3785,7 @@
             <Instrument id="euphonium">
-                  <shortName>Eu.</shortName>
+                  <shortName>Euph.</shortName>
@@ -3801,7 +3801,7 @@
             <Instrument id="euphonium-treble">
                   <trackName>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</trackName>
-                  <shortName>Eu.</shortName>
+                  <shortName>Euph.</shortName>
@@ -3817,7 +3817,7 @@
             <Instrument id="tuba">
-                  <shortName>Tu.</shortName>
+                  <shortName>Tba.</shortName>
                   <description>Tuba (generic)</description>
@@ -3914,7 +3914,7 @@
-                  <transposeDiatonic>-16</transposeDiatonic>
+                  <transposeDiatonic>-15</transposeDiatonic>
                         <program value="58"/>
@@ -8888,6 +8888,7 @@
                         <program value="24"/>
+                  <genre>common</genre>
             <Instrument id="ukulele-4-str-tab">
                   <trackName>Ukulele [Tablature]</trackName>
@@ -8896,6 +8897,7 @@
                   <stafftype staffTypePreset="tabUkulele">tablature</stafftype>
 <!--                  <clef>TAB</clef> -->
+                  <genre>common</genre>
             <Instrument id="tenor-ukulele">
                   <longName>Tenor Ukulele</longName>
@@ -9108,18 +9110,17 @@
-            <Instrument id="string-section">
-                  <longName>String Section</longName>
-                  <shortName>Str.</shortName>
-                  <description>String Section</description>
-                  <trackName>String Section</trackName>
-                  <musicXMLid>strings.group</musicXMLid>
+            <Instrument id="violin">
+                  <longName>Violin</longName>
+                  <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
+                  <description>Violin</description>
+                  <musicXMLid>strings.violin</musicXMLid>
-                        <program value="48"/>
+                        <program value="40"/>
                   <Channel name="pizzicato">
                         <program value="45"/>
@@ -9127,18 +9128,21 @@
                   <Channel name="tremolo">
                         <program value="44"/>
+                  <genre>common</genre>
+                  <genre>jazz</genre>
+                  <genre>orchestra</genre>
-            <Instrument id="violin">
-                  <longName>Violin</longName>
-                  <shortName>Vln.</shortName>
-                  <description>Violin</description>
-                  <musicXMLid>strings.violin</musicXMLid>
+            <Instrument id="violins">
+                  <longName>Violins</longName>
+                  <shortName>Vlns.</shortName>
+                  <description>Violins</description>
+                  <musicXMLid>strings.group</musicXMLid>
-                        <program value="40"/>
+                        <program value="48"/>
                   <Channel name="pizzicato">
                         <program value="45"/>
@@ -9146,11 +9150,8 @@
                   <Channel name="tremolo">
                         <program value="44"/>
-                  <genre>common</genre>
-                  <genre>jazz</genre>
-            <!-- Violins 1 & 2 have been removed as un-necessary duplications -->
             <Instrument id="viola">
@@ -9173,6 +9174,26 @@
+            <Instrument id="violas">
+                  <longName>Violas</longName>
+                  <shortName>Vlas.</shortName>
+                  <description>Violas</description>
+                  <musicXMLid>strings.group</musicXMLid>
+                  <clef>C3</clef>
+                  <barlineSpan>1</barlineSpan>
+                  <aPitchRange>48-79</aPitchRange>
+                  <pPitchRange>48-93</pPitchRange>
+                  <Channel>
+                        <program value="48"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="pizzicato">
+                        <program value="45"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="tremolo">
+                        <program value="44"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <genre>orchestra</genre>
+            </Instrument>
             <Instrument id="violoncello">
@@ -9195,6 +9216,26 @@
+            <Instrument id="violoncellos">
+                  <longName>Violoncellos</longName>
+                  <shortName>Vlcs.</shortName>
+                  <description>Violoncellos</description>
+                  <musicXMLid>strings.group</musicXMLid>
+                  <clef>F</clef>
+                  <barlineSpan>1</barlineSpan>
+                  <aPitchRange>36-67</aPitchRange>
+                  <pPitchRange>36-90</pPitchRange>
+                  <Channel>
+                        <program value="48"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="pizzicato">
+                        <program value="45"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="tremolo">
+                        <program value="44"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <genre>orchestra</genre>
+            </Instrument>
             <Instrument id="contrabass">
@@ -9217,9 +9258,30 @@
+            <Instrument id="contrabasss">
+                  <longName>Contrabasses</longName>
+                  <shortName>Cbs.</shortName>
+                  <description>Contrabasses</description>
+                  <musicXMLid>strings.group</musicXMLid>
+                  <clef>F8vb</clef>
+                  <barlineSpan>1</barlineSpan>
+                  <aPitchRange>28-62</aPitchRange>
+                  <pPitchRange>28-67</pPitchRange>
+                  <Channel>
+                        <program value="48"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="pizzicato">
+                        <program value="45"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <Channel name="tremolo">
+                        <program value="44"/>
+                  </Channel>
+                  <genre>orchestra</genre>
+            </Instrument>
             <Instrument id="double-bass">
                   <longName>Double Bass</longName>
+                  <shortName>Db.</shortName>
diff --git a/share/instruments/instrumentsxml.h b/share/instruments/instrumentsxml.h
index 74a6655..cbf4720 100644
--- a/share/instruments/instrumentsxml.h
+++ b/share/instruments/instrumentsxml.h
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Kuhlohorn"),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Klhn."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euphonium Bugle"),
 //: Euphonium Bugle
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Eu. Bu."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euph. Bu."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Mellophone Bugle"),
 //: Mellophone Bugle
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Mel. Bu."),
@@ -769,14 +769,14 @@ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Cimbasso"),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Cim."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euphonium"),
 //: Euphonium
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Eu."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euph."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euphonium"),
 //: Euphonium
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Eu."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euph."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Euphonium (Treble Clef)"),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Tuba"),
 //: Tuba
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Tu."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Tba."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "F Tuba"),
 //: F Tuba
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "F Tu."),
@@ -1489,23 +1489,32 @@ QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Strings"),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Erhu"),
 //: Erhu
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Eh."),
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "String Section"),
-//: String Section
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Str."),
-QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "String Section"),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Violin"),
 //: Violin
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vln."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Violins"),
+//: Violins
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vlns."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Viola"),
 //: Viola
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vla."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Violas"),
+//: Violas
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vlas."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Violoncello"),
 //: Violoncello
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vlc."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Violoncellos"),
+//: Violoncellos
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Vlcs."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Contrabass"),
 //: Contrabass
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Cb."),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Contrabasses"),
+//: Contrabasses
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Cbs."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Double Bass"),
+QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Db."),
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Pardessus de viole"),
 //: Pardessus de viole
 QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("InstrumentsXML", "Pds. v."),
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_af.ts b/share/locale/instruments_af.ts
index 065aa9e..5fae909 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_af.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_af.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ar.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ar.ts
index 435fa22..4661f9e 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ar.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ar.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ast.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ast.ts
index 81d74e6..38b3294 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ast.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ast.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_be.ts b/share/locale/instruments_be.ts
index 94e7bfa..f43fd13 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_be.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_be.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_bg.ts b/share/locale/instruments_bg.ts
index 920d33e..bc0e3d9 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_bg.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_bg.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ca.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ca.ts
index 694f3fc..a70cbe9 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ca.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ca.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Bugle Bombardí</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bu. Bbr.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Bugle Melòfon</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombó (Clau de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombó Soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bbr.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardí (Clau de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba en Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Fifre en Siâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bu. Bomb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombó (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bomb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardí (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Lt. Contr.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolina [Tabulatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Baix elèctric 5 cordes</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Baix elèctric 5 cordes [Tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violins</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violes</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncels</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabaixos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Cb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola de gamba (Tabulatura)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fifre en Siâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolina [Tabulatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Secció de cordes</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Crd.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola Soprano</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. S.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola Contralt</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. Contr.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola Tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. T.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola de gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola de gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violó en Re</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ca at valencia.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ca at valencia.ts
index 601f5df..7a70f9d 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ca at valencia.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ca at valencia.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1"/>
         <source>Common instruments</source>
-        <translation>Insturments generics</translation>
+        <translation>Insturments habituals</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="7"/>
-        <translation>Flautí</translation>
+        <translation>Octaví</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="9"/>
-        <translation>Ftí.</translation>
+        <translation>Ocví.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="10"/>
@@ -367,13 +367,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="103"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation>Ocarina soprano Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Ocarina soprano Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="105"/>
         <source>B♭­ S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation>Oc. Sop. Sâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Oc. Sop. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="106"/>
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="115"/>
         <source>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</source>
-        <translation>Ocarina Alto Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Ocarina Alto Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="117"/>
         <source>B♭­ A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation>Oc. Al. S♭­</translation>
+        <translation>Oc. Al. Siâ™­b</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="118"/>
@@ -613,13 +613,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="172"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</source>
-        <translation>Flauta Whistle Bâ™­ </translation>
+        <translation>Flauta Whistle Bb</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="174"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fl. Wh. Bâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fl. Wh. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="178"/>
@@ -989,13 +989,13 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="280"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Duduk</source>
-        <translation>Duduk Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Duduk Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="282"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Du.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation>Du. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Du. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="283"/>
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="322"/>
         <source>Piccolo Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet Piccolo Laâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet Piccolo Lab</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="324"/>
@@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="331"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Requint - Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Requint - Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="333"/>
@@ -1190,13 +1190,13 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="334"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet Soprano Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet Soprano Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="336"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cl Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Cl Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="337"/>
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="340"/>
         <source>Alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet Alto - Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet Alto - Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="342"/>
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="349"/>
         <source>Bass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet Greu - Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet Greu - Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="351"/>
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="352"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet Contralto - Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet Contralto - Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="354"/>
@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Clarinet contragreu - Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Clarinet contragreu - Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="357"/>
@@ -1934,13 +1934,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="552"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompa Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompa Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="554"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trmp. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trmp. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="555"/>
@@ -1956,13 +1956,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="558"/>
         <source>Horn in Aâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompa Laâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompa Lab</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="560"/>
         <source>Aâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Aâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trmp. Laâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trmp. Lab</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="561"/>
@@ -1989,13 +1989,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="567"/>
         <source>Horn in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompa Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompa Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="569"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trmp. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trmp. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="570"/>
@@ -2033,35 +2033,35 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="579"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</source>
-        <translation>Trompa greu Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompa greu Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="581"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ ba Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trmp. Gr. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trmp. Gr. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="582"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation>Corneta Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Corneta Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="584"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cnta. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Cnta. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="585"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation>Corneta Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Corneta Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="587"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cnta Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Cnta Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="588"/>
@@ -2084,13 +2084,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="594"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</source>
-        <translation>Trompa Alt Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompa Alt Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="596"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trmp. Alt Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trmp. Alt Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="597"/>
@@ -2157,13 +2157,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="616"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="618"/>
         <source>P. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tpt. Pic. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tpt. Pic. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="619"/>
@@ -2179,13 +2179,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="622"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="624"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trt Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trt Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="625"/>
@@ -2212,13 +2212,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="631"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="633"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trp. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trp. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="634"/>
@@ -2267,13 +2267,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="646"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Greu Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Greu Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="648"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trp. Gr. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trp. Gr. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="649"/>
@@ -2289,13 +2289,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="652"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Greu Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Greu Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="654"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trp. Gr. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trp. Gr. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="655"/>
@@ -2322,13 +2322,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="661"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Barroca Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Barroca Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="663"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trp. Barroca Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trp. Barroca Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="664"/>
@@ -2355,13 +2355,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="670"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Trompeta Barroca Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trompeta Barroca Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="672"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trp. Barr. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Trp. Barr. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="673"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Bombardí de Marcha</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bo. Mch.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Mellófon de Marcha</translation>
@@ -2520,13 +2514,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="715"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation>Figle Alto Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Figle Alto Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="717"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation>Figle A. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Figle A. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="718"/>
@@ -2542,24 +2536,24 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="721"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation>Figle Baix Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Figle Baix Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="723"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation>Figle B Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Figle B Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="724"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation>Figle Contrabaix Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Figle Contrabaix Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="726"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cb. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fgl. CB Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fgl. CB Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="727"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombó (Clau de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombó Soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bdí.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardí (Clau de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Musica antiga</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Pifre Sib</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bodí. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombó (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bodí.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardí (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -2758,19 +2773,19 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="783"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="786"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation>Tuba Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="785"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="788"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tb. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tb. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="789"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Tuba Mi â™­ (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Mi b (Clau de Sol)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="790"/>
@@ -2787,19 +2802,19 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="793"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="796"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation>Tuba Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="795"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="798"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tb Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tb Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="799"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Tuba Si â™­ (Clau de Sol)</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Si b (Clau de Sol)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="800"/>
@@ -2815,13 +2830,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="803"/>
         <source>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation>Tauba Baixa Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Baixa Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="805"/>
         <source>Ba. Tu. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tb. B. Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tb. B. Mib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="806"/>
@@ -2866,13 +2881,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="818"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation>Tuba Wagner Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tuba Wagner Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="820"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tu. Wag. Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Tu. Wag. Sib</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="821"/>
@@ -2943,7 +2958,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="839"/>
         <source>Pitched Percussion</source>
-        <translation>Percussió de to afinat</translation>
+        <translation>Percussió de to templat</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="840"/>
@@ -3605,68 +3620,68 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1024"/>
         <source>Automobile Brake Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fre d'automovil</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1026"/>
         <source>Aut. Brk. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Automobile Brake Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fre Aut.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1027"/>
         <source>Iron Pipes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canons de ferro</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1029"/>
         <source>Ir. Pi.</source>
         <extracomment>Iron Pipes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Can. Fe.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1030"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cadenes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1032"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cad.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1033"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Encrusa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1035"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1036"/>
         <source>Wood Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Caixa chinesa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1038"/>
         <source>Wd. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Wood Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ca. Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1039"/>
         <source>Temple Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Temple Block</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1041"/>
         <source>Tmp. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Temple Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tmp. Bl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1042"/>
@@ -3682,57 +3697,57 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1045"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Platillo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1047"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plat.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1048"/>
         <source>Ride Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ride</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1050"/>
         <source>R. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Ride Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rid.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1051"/>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
-        <translation>Plat chinés</translation>
+        <translation>Platillo chinés</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1053"/>
         <source>Ch. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Chinese Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plat. Chin.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1054"/>
         <source>Crash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crash</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1056"/>
         <source>Cr. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Crash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crsh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1057"/>
         <source>Splash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation>Plat Splash</translation>
+        <translation>Splash</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1059"/>
         <source>Sp. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Splash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Spl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1060"/>
@@ -3743,7 +3758,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1062"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cwb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1063"/>
@@ -3754,7 +3769,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1065"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1066"/>
@@ -3825,134 +3840,134 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1084"/>
         <source>Slit Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tabal de llengües</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1086"/>
         <source>Slt. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Slit Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. Ll.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1087"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tralla</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1089"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1090"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Batzoles</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1092"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Batz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1093"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tro</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1095"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tro.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1096"/>
         <source>Sandpaper Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blocs de paper d'escatar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1098"/>
         <source>Sa. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Sandpaper Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bl. Esc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1099"/>
         <source>Wooden Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carilló vent de fusta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1101"/>
         <source>Wd. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Wooden Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Car. fus.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1102"/>
         <source>Bamboo Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carilló vent de bambú</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1104"/>
         <source>Bam. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Bamboo Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Car. Bam.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1105"/>
         <source>Metal Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carilló vent de metal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1107"/>
         <source>Met. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Metal Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Car. Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1108"/>
         <source>Glass Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carilló vent vidre</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1110"/>
         <source>Gl. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Glass Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Car. vid.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1111"/>
         <source>Shell Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carilló vent Pechines</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1113"/>
         <source>Sh. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Shell Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Car. Pech.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1114"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedres</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1116"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ped.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1117"/>
         <source>Finger Snap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garguirot</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1119"/>
         <source>Fi. Sna.</source>
         <extracomment>Finger Snap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1120"/>
@@ -3963,7 +3978,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1122"/>
         <source>Hd. Clp.</source>
         <extracomment>Hand Clap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Apl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1123"/>
@@ -3974,18 +3989,18 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1125"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1126"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Matassagells</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1128"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Msag.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1129"/>
@@ -3996,89 +4011,89 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1131"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tamb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1132"/>
         <source>Marching Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Percussió de marcha</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1135"/>
         <extracomment>Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. Mar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1136"/>
         <source>Tenor Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tabal Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1138"/>
         <extracomment>Tenor Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. Ten.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1139"/>
         <source>Bass Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tabal Greu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1141"/>
         <extracomment>Bass Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. Gr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1142"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Platillos</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1144"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plat.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1145"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veus</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1146"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1148"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ve.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1149"/>
         <source>Boy Soprano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chiquet soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1151"/>
         <source>B. S.</source>
         <extracomment>Boy Soprano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ch. sop.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1152"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1154"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sop.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1155"/>
@@ -4094,35 +4109,35 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1158"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1160"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1161"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contralt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1163"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>CAl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1164"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contratenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1166"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>CTen.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1167"/>
@@ -4133,12 +4148,12 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1169"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1170"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baritono</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1172"/>
@@ -4151,13 +4166,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1476"/>
         <extracomment>Acoustic Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Greu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1175"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1176"/>
@@ -4173,7 +4188,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1179"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teclats</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
@@ -4195,12 +4210,12 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano coa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
         <source>Upright Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano paret</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
@@ -4216,46 +4231,46 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1192"/>
         <source>Toy Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano Joguet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1194"/>
         <source>Toy Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Toy Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pi. Jog.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1195"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavicort</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1197"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1198"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavicémbal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1200"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1201"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Virginal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1203"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vir.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1204"/>
@@ -4271,29 +4286,29 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1207"/>
         <source>Electric Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano electric</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1209"/>
         <source>El. Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pi. elec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1210"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavinet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1212"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clav.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1213"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgue</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1215"/>
@@ -4302,72 +4317,72 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
 Pipe Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1216"/>
         <source>Percussive Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgue persussió</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1218"/>
         <source>Perc. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussive Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org. Perc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1219"/>
         <source>Hammond Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgue Hammond</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1221"/>
         <source>Hm. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Hammond Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org. Ham.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1222"/>
         <source>Rotary Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgue de disc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1224"/>
         <source>Rot. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Rotary Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org. dis.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1225"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1228"/>
         <source>Pipe Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Organ tubs</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1229"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>harmònium</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1232"/>
         <source>Reed Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgue de llengüetes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1234"/>
         <source>Rd. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Reed Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org. Lle,</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1235"/>
         <source>Electronic Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrument electrònic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1236"/>
         <source>Effect Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor d'efectes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1238"/>
@@ -4442,107 +4457,107 @@ Bass Synthesizer
 Brass Synthesizer
 String Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sint.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1239"/>
         <source>Atmosphere Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor atmòsfera</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1242"/>
         <source>Brightness Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor brillant</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1245"/>
         <source>Crystal Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Vidre</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1248"/>
         <source>Echoes Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor ecos</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1251"/>
         <source>Goblins Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Goblins</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1254"/>
         <source>Rain Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Pluja</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1257"/>
         <source>Sci-fi Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor ciencia ficcio</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1260"/>
         <source>Soundtrack Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Banda sonora</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1263"/>
         <source>Pad Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Pad</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1266"/>
         <source>New Age Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor New age</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1269"/>
         <source>Warm Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Warm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1272"/>
         <source>Poly Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Polifónic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1275"/>
         <source>Choir Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Choir</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1278"/>
         <source>Bowed Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Bowed</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1281"/>
         <source>Metallic Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Metàlic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1284"/>
         <source>Halo Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Halo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1287"/>
         <source>Sweep Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Sweep</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1290"/>
         <source>Saw Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Sax</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1293"/>
         <source>Sine Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor ona senoidal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1296"/>
         <source>Square Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor ona quadrà</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1299"/>
@@ -4558,55 +4573,55 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1302"/>
         <source>Mallet Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Baquetes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1304"/>
         <source>Mal. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Mallet Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sin. baq.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1305"/>
         <source>Bass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Greu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1308"/>
         <source>Brass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Vent metal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1311"/>
         <source>String Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Cordes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1314"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theremin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1316"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Them.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1317"/>
         <source>Percussion Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sintetisaor Percussio</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1319"/>
         <source>Perc. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussion Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sin. Perc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1320"/>
         <source>Plucked Strings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corda de pua</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1321"/>
@@ -4622,7 +4637,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1324"/>
         <source>Banjo [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Banjo [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1325"/>
@@ -4735,39 +4750,39 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1359"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (3-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bouzouki (3-ordens)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1363"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (4-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bouzouki (4-ordens)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1364"/>
         <source>Soprano Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1366"/>
         <source>S. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guit. Sop.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1367"/>
         <source>Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation> Guitarra alt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1369"/>
         <source>A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guit. alt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1370"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra classica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1372"/>
@@ -4776,71 +4791,71 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Classical Guitar
 Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guit</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1373"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra clàssica [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1374"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra acústica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1377"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra Acústica [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1378"/>
         <source>11-string Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra Alt 11-cordes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1380"/>
         <source>11-str. A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>11-string Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gui. A. 11</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1381"/>
         <source>12-string Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra 12-cordes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1383"/>
         <source>12-str. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>12-string Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gui. 12</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1384"/>
         <source>Pedal Steel Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra d'acer en pedal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1386"/>
         <source>Ped. St. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Pedal Steel Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gui. Ac. Ped.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1387"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra electrica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1389"/>
         <source>El. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guit. Elec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1390"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra electrica  [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1391"/>
@@ -4887,7 +4902,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1427"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>LLüt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1400"/>
@@ -4897,75 +4912,128 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1404"/>
         <source>Lute 5-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 5-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1408"/>
         <source>Lute 6-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 6-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1412"/>
         <source>Lute 7-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 7-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1416"/>
         <source>Lute 8-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 8-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1420"/>
         <source>Lute 9-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 9-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1424"/>
         <source>Lute 10-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 10-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1428"/>
         <source>Lute 13-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 13-ordens</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1431"/>
         <source>A. Lt.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>LLüt. A.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolina [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix electric 5-cordes</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1487"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix electric 5-cordes [Tab]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violins</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncellos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabaixos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>CBaixs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <translation>Archillaüt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,14 +5058,9 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1441"/>
@@ -5009,61 +5072,61 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
 Alto Mandola
 Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mda.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1442"/>
         <source>Alto Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola Alt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1445"/>
         <source>Tenor Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1448"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandocello</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1450"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mncl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1451"/>
         <source>Octave Mandolin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bandúrria</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1453"/>
         <extracomment>Octave Mandolin</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ban.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1454"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shamisen</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1456"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1457"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1459"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>si.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1460"/>
@@ -5106,28 +5169,28 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1470"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra Greu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1472"/>
         <source>B. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gui. Gr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1473"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitarra Greu [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1474"/>
         <source>Acoustic Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix Acústic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1477"/>
         <source>Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix Electric</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1479"/>
@@ -5136,23 +5199,23 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Electric Bass
 5-str. Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Elec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1480"/>
         <source>Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix Electric [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1481"/>
         <source>Fretless Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix Electric Sense trasts</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1483"/>
         <source>Frtl. El. B.</source>
         <extracomment>Fretless Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Ele. NTras.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1488"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Secció cordes</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cord.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violoncel</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vlc.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contrabaix</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>CBaix.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contrabaix</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola Pardessus</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>V. Pard.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola Tiple</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vl. Tp.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola Alt</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vl. A.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola Tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vl. Ten.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,28 +5330,28 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violó</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
 D Violone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vló.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violó en Re</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_cs.ts b/share/locale/instruments_cs.ts
index 652f11f..fc73b57 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_cs.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_cs.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Eufoniový lovecký roh</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. lov. r.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Melafonový lovecký roh</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Pozoun (trombón) (houslový klíč)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Sopránový pozoun</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Eufonium (houslový klíč)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F tuba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Stará hudba</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>B píšťala (malá flétna)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf. lov.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Pozoun (trombón) (houslový klíč)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Eufonium (houslový klíč)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. lout.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolína [tabulatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Pětistrunná elektrická basová kytara</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Pětistrunná elektrická basová kytara [tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Housle</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Hsl.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violy, brače</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vly.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncella</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vla.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Kontrabasy</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Kby.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba  (tabulatura)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Stará hudba</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>B píšťala (malá flétna)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolína [tabulatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation>Smyčcové nástroje</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Smyčce</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Smyč.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation>Viola, brač</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Sopránová viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>S. vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Altová viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Tenorová viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba [tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D Violon (basová viola)</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_da.ts b/share/locale/instruments_da.ts
index aeefb2b..c9bb8c4 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_da.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_da.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. hn.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (diskant-nøgle)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Sopran Trombone</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (diskantnøgle)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tubs i F</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Tidlig musik</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Fife i Bâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euphonium horn</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (diskant-nøgle)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (diskantnøgle)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolin [Tablature]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-str. elektrisk bas</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-str. elektrisk bas  [Tablatur]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violiner</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlnr.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violaer</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vla.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Celloer</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cel.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Kontrabasser</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Kbs</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Tidlig musik</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fife i Bâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolin [Tablature]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Strygersektion</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Diskant viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Ds. vi.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Alt viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. v.d. gam.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Tenor viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. v.d.gam.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D Violone</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_de.ts b/share/locale/instruments_de.ts
index 1d69595..8b9016c 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_de.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_de.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Posaune (Violinschlüssel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Sopran Posaune</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (Violinschlüssel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F Tuba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Alte Musik</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>B Schwegel</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Posaune (Violinschlüssel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (Violinschlüssel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandoline [Tablatur]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-stg. elektrischer Bass</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-stg. elektrischer Bass [Tabulatur]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violinen</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncellos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Kontrabasse</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Kbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Kb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Gambe (Tabulatur)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Alte Musik</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>B Schwegel</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandoline [Tablatur]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Streicher</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation>Viola</translation>
+        <translation>Bratsche</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Gambe (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D Violone</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_el.ts b/share/locale/instruments_el.ts
index e893316..acb5245 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_el.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_el.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Ευφώνιο Μπάγκλ</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Μελόφωνο Μπάγκλ</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Τρομπόνι. (Κλειδί του Σολ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Σοπράνο Τρομπόνι</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation>Ευφώνιο </translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Ευφώνιο (Κλειδί του Σολ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Φα Τούμπα</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Παλαιά μουσική</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Τρομπόνι. (Κλειδί του Σολ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Ευφώνιο (Κλειδί του Σολ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Μαντολίνο [Ταμπλατούρα]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5χορδο Ηλεκτρικό Μπάσο</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5χορδο Ηλεκτρικό Μπάσο [Ταμπλατούρα]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα [Ταμπλατούρα]</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Παλαιά μουσική</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Μαντολίνο [Ταμπλατούρα]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Ομάδα Εγχόρδων</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα Pardessus</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα Σοπράνο</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα Άλτο</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα Τενόρο</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα </translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Βιόλα ντα γκάμπα (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Ρε Βιολόνε</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_en_GB.ts b/share/locale/instruments_en_GB.ts
index 6dd253a..41b7624 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_en_GB.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_en_GB.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Euphonium Bugle</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Mellophone Bugle</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (Treble Clef)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Soprano Trombone</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F Tuba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Early music</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (Treble Clef)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolin [Tablature]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-str. Electric Bass</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-str. Electric Bass [Tablature]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violins</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncellos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabasses</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Early music</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolin [Tablature]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>String Section</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation>Double Bass</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Treble Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Alto Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Tenor Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D Violone</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_eo.ts b/share/locale/instruments_eo.ts
index 7d53eae..7fc2808 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_eo.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_eo.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_es.ts b/share/locale/instruments_es.ts
index ce7bb46..7682c6b 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_es.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_es.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Fliscorno Bombardino</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Flisc. Bo.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Fliscorno Melófono</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombón (Clave de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombón soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bomb.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba en Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Música antigua</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Pífano en B♭</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombón (Clave de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3405,13 +3420,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="964"/>
         <source>Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation>Tambor bajo</translation>
+        <translation>Bombo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="966"/>
         <source>B. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bomb.</translation>
+        <translation>Bmb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="967"/>
@@ -3433,7 +3448,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="972"/>
         <source>Mil. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Military Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tamb. Mil.</translation>
+        <translation>Tamb. mil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="973"/>
@@ -3611,7 +3626,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1026"/>
         <source>Aut. Brk. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Automobile Brake Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tamb. Fren. Auto.</translation>
+        <translation>Tamb. fren. auto.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1027"/>
@@ -3682,7 +3697,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1045"/>
-        <translation>Platillo</translation>
+        <translation>Platillos</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1047"/>
@@ -3831,7 +3846,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1086"/>
         <source>Slt. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Slit Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tamb. Mad.</translation>
+        <translation>Tamb. mad.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1087"/>
@@ -4023,13 +4038,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1139"/>
         <source>Bass Drums</source>
-        <translation>Tambores bajo</translation>
+        <translation>Bombos</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1141"/>
         <extracomment>Bass Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tamb. B. </translation>
+        <translation>Bmb. </translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1142"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolina [Tablatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Bajo eléctrico de 5 cuerdas</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Bajo eléctrico de 5 cuerdas [Tablatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Er.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violines</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violonchelos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabajos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablatura)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Música antigua</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pífano en B♭</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolina [Tablatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Er.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Sección de Cuerdas</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cuerd.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola soprano</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. S.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola Alto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. A.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola Tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. T.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablatura)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violón en Re</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_et.ts b/share/locale/instruments_et.ts
index 3d03e21..392b43e 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_et.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_et.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_eu.ts b/share/locale/instruments_eu.ts
index d2130d3..5530a83 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_eu.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_eu.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_fa.ts b/share/locale/instruments_fa.ts
index 5ead4c8..eb5781b 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_fa.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_fa.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation>زهی ها</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_fi.ts b/share/locale/instruments_fi.ts
index 585f7ed..f75dba7 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_fi.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_fi.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Pasuuna (Diskanttiavain)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (Diskanttiavain)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Varhainen musiikki</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bâ™­-fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Pasuuna (Diskanttiavain)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (Diskanttiavain)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandoliini [Tabulatuuri]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-kielinen sähköbasso</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-kielinen sähköbasso [Tabulatuuri]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tabulatuuri)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Varhainen musiikki</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bâ™­-fife</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandoliini [Tabulatuuri]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5157,132 +5220,109 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1488"/>
-        <translation>Kielet</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Jousisektio</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_fo.ts b/share/locale/instruments_fo.ts
index 1a2b2ff..8b716e1 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_fo.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_fo.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_fr.ts b/share/locale/instruments_fr.ts
index bdbc401..05cf51a 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_fr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_fr.ts
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="13"/>
         <source>Treble Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flûte aigüe</translation>
+        <translation>Flûte aiguë</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="15"/>
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="19"/>
         <source>Sub Contra-alto Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flûte Sub-contralto</translation>
+        <translation>Flûte sub-contralto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="21"/>
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="28"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flûte Contre-alto</translation>
+        <translation>Flûte contre-alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="30"/>
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="37"/>
         <source>Hyperbass Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flûte Hyperbasse</translation>
+        <translation>Flûte hyperbasse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="39"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Clairon Euphonium</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cl. Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Clairon Mellophone</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation>Trb. </translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (clé de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombone soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (clé de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba en Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Musique ancienne</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Fifre en Siâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bu. Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (clé de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (clé de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Lt. A.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandoline [Tablature]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Basse électrique à 5 cordes</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Basse électrique à 5 cordes [Tablature]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violons</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Altos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Alt.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncelles</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrebasses</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viole de gambe (Tablature)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Musique ancienne</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fifre en Siâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandoline [Tablature]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Pupitre de cordes</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Crds</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. Vle.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Dessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Des. Vle.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viole de gambe alto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vle. A.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viole de gambe ténor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vle T.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viole de gambe</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vle. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viole de gambe (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violone en Ré</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_gl.ts b/share/locale/instruments_gl.ts
index cc7ed49..5a328e7 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_gl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_gl.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Corneta natural eufónica</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cnta. na. eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Corneta natural melófona</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombón (Clave de sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombón soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba en Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Pífano en Si bemol</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bdno. B.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombón (Clave de sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bdno.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolina [tabulatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Baixo eléctrico de 5 cordas</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Baixo eléctrico de 5 cordas [Tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violins</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncellos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabaixos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba [Tabulatura]</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pífano en Si bemol</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolina [tabulatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Sección de cordas</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Crd.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation>Contrabaixo [rexistro]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Violín sopranino</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. si.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Violín alto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. a.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Violín tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. t.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation>Violón (violone)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violón en Re</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_he.ts b/share/locale/instruments_he.ts
index b2615b1..5fe15b7 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_he.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_he.ts
@@ -4,32 +4,32 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1"/>
         <source>Common instruments</source>
-        <translation>מכשירים משותפים</translation>
+        <translation>כלים נפוצים</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
         <source>Jazz instruments</source>
-        <translation>מכשירי ג'ז</translation>
+        <translation>כלי ג'אז</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="3"/>
         <source>Orchestral instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>כלי תזמורת</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="5"/>
         <source>Ethnic instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>כלים אתניים</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="6"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>כלי נשיפה מעץ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="7"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>פיקולו</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="9"/>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="16"/>
         <source>Soprano Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>חליל סופרן</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="18"/>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="22"/>
         <source>Alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>חליל אלטו</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="24"/>
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="25"/>
         <source>Bass Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>חליל בס</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="27"/>
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>אבוב</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_hi_IN.ts b/share/locale/instruments_hi_IN.ts
index 6cc075c..2fc6cba 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_hi_IN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_hi_IN.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_hr.ts b/share/locale/instruments_hr.ts
index eef1161..72a22bd 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_hr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_hr.ts
@@ -4,49 +4,49 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1"/>
         <source>Common instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uobičajeni instrumenti</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
         <source>Jazz instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jazz instrumenti</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="3"/>
         <source>Orchestral instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orkestarski instrumenti</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="5"/>
         <source>Ethnic instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Narodni instrumenti</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="6"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Drveni puhački</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="7"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="9"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Picc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="10"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flauta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="12"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="13"/>
@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="73"/>
         <source>Irish Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Irska flauta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="75"/>
         <source>Ir. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Irish Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ir. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="76"/>
@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="91"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Okarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="93"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="94"/>
@@ -635,24 +635,24 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oboa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="184"/>
         <source>Baroque Oboe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barokna oboa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="186"/>
         <source>Bq. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="187"/>
@@ -679,13 +679,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="193"/>
         <source>English Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engleski rog</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="195"/>
         <source>E. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>English Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="196"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3405,7 +3420,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="964"/>
         <source>Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation>Bass Drum</translation>
+        <translation>Acoustic Bass Drum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="966"/>
@@ -4178,7 +4193,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klavir</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1182"/>
@@ -4195,7 +4210,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Koncertni glasovir</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
@@ -4205,7 +4220,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
         <source>Honky Tonk Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ÄŒembalo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1191"/>
@@ -4216,7 +4231,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1192"/>
         <source>Toy Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dječji klavir</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1194"/>
@@ -4271,7 +4286,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1207"/>
         <source>Electric Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Električni klavir</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1209"/>
@@ -4293,7 +4308,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1213"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgulje</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1215"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_hu.ts b/share/locale/instruments_hu.ts
index df0d5c4..af0643c 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_hu.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_hu.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1"/>
         <source>Common instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szokásos hangszerek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="3"/>
         <source>Orchestral instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zenekari hangszerek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="5"/>
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="12"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="13"/>
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="15"/>
         <source>Tr. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="16"/>
         <source>Soprano Flute</source>
-        <translation>Szopránfuvola</translation>
+        <translation>Esz-fuvola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="18"/>
         <source>Sop. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz-fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="19"/>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="21"/>
         <source>Sc-a. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Sub Contra-alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szkb.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="22"/>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="24"/>
         <source>A. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="25"/>
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="27"/>
         <source>B. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="28"/>
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="30"/>
         <source>C-a. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ka.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="31"/>
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="33"/>
         <source>Cb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="34"/>
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="36"/>
         <source>D. Cb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Double Contrabass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Okb.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="37"/>
@@ -145,18 +145,18 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="39"/>
         <source>Hb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Hyperbass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hb.fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="40"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Danso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="42"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Da.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="43"/>
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="69"/>
         <source>Fr. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>French Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fr.fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="70"/>
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="72"/>
         <source>Eng. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>English Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ang.fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="73"/>
@@ -263,62 +263,62 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="75"/>
         <source>Ir. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Irish Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ír fuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="76"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zergekürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="78"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="79"/>
         <source>Soprano Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán zergekürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="81"/>
         <source>S. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.zk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="82"/>
         <source>Alto Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt zergekürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="84"/>
         <source>A. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.zk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="85"/>
         <source>Tenor Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor zergekürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="87"/>
         <source>T. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.zk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="88"/>
         <source>Bass Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus zergekürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="90"/>
         <source>B. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.zk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="91"/>
@@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="94"/>
         <source>G Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G szoprán okarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="96"/>
         <source>G S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>G Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G sz.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="97"/>
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="99"/>
         <source>F S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>F Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F sz.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="100"/>
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="102"/>
         <source>C S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C sz.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="103"/>
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="105"/>
         <source>B♭­ S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B sz.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="106"/>
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="108"/>
         <source>G A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>G Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G a.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="109"/>
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="111"/>
         <source>F A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F a.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="112"/>
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="114"/>
         <source>C A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C a.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="115"/>
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="117"/>
         <source>B♭­ A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B a.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="118"/>
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="120"/>
         <source>C B. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Bass Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C b.ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="121"/>
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="123"/>
         <source>Pn. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Pan Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Páns.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="124"/>
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="141"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="142"/>
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="144"/>
         <source>Gk. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Garklein Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gk.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="145"/>
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="147"/>
         <source>Si. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szno.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="148"/>
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="150"/>
         <source>S. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="151"/>
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="153"/>
         <source>A. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="154"/>
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="156"/>
         <source>T. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="157"/>
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="159"/>
         <source>B. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="160"/>
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="162"/>
         <source>Cb. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="163"/>
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="165"/>
         <source>Gb. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nb.fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="166"/>
@@ -595,31 +595,31 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="168"/>
         <source>Sl. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Slide Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cs.síp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="169"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="175"/>
         <source>Tin Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ír furulya</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="171"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="177"/>
         <source>Tin. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tin Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ír fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="172"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B ír furulya</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="174"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B ír fur.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="178"/>
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
-        <translation>Oboe</translation>
+        <translation>Oboa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="186"/>
         <source>Bq. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bk.ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="187"/>
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="195"/>
         <source>E. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>English Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ang.k.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="196"/>
@@ -701,13 +701,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="199"/>
         <source>Piccolo Heckelphone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pikkoló heckelphon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="201"/>
         <source>P. Hph.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Heckelphone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.hph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="202"/>
@@ -726,211 +726,211 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="205"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Heckelphon-klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="208"/>
         <source>Sopranino Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranínó töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="210"/>
         <source>Si. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szno.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="211"/>
         <source>Soprano Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="213"/>
         <source>S. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="214"/>
         <source>Alto Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="216"/>
         <source>A. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="217"/>
         <source>Tenor Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="219"/>
         <source>T. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="220"/>
         <source>Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="222"/>
         <source>B. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="223"/>
         <source>Great Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagybasszus töröksíp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="225"/>
         <source>G.B. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Great Bass Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nb.ts.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="226"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Görbekürt (cromorne)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="228"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="229"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Görbekürt (crumhorn)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="231"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="232"/>
         <source>Soprano Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="234"/>
         <source>S. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="235"/>
         <source>Alto Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="237"/>
         <source>A. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="238"/>
         <source>Tenor Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="240"/>
         <source>T. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="241"/>
         <source>Bass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="243"/>
         <source>B. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="244"/>
         <source>Greatbass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagybasszus crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="246"/>
         <source>Gb. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nb.crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="247"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="249"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="250"/>
         <source>Soprano Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="252"/>
         <source>S. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="253"/>
         <source>Alto Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="255"/>
         <source>A. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="256"/>
         <source>Tenor Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="258"/>
         <source>T. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="259"/>
         <source>Bass Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="261"/>
         <source>B. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="262"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="271"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="264"/>
@@ -940,188 +940,188 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="265"/>
         <source>F Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="267"/>
         <source>F Du.</source>
         <extracomment>F Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="268"/>
         <source>E Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="270"/>
         <source>E Du.</source>
         <extracomment>E Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="274"/>
         <source>C Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="276"/>
         <source>C Du.</source>
         <extracomment>C Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="277"/>
         <source>B Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>H duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="279"/>
         <source>B Du.</source>
         <extracomment>B Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation> H du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="280"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="282"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Du.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="283"/>
         <source>A Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="285"/>
         <source>A Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="286"/>
         <source>G Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="288"/>
         <source>G Du.</source>
         <extracomment>G Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="289"/>
         <source>A Bass Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A basszus duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="291"/>
         <source>A B. Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Bass Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A b.du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="292"/>
         <source>Soprano Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán kelhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="294"/>
         <source>S. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="295"/>
         <source>Alto Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt kelhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="297"/>
         <source>A. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="298"/>
         <source>Tenor Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor kelhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="300"/>
         <source>T. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="301"/>
         <source>Bass Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus kelhron</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="303"/>
         <source>B. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="304"/>
         <source>Greatbass Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagybasszus kelhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="306"/>
         <source>Gb. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nb.kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="307"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rauschpfeife</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="309"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="310"/>
         <source>Sopranino Rauschpfeife</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranino Rauschpfeife</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="312"/>
         <source>Si. Rpf.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Rauschpfeife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szi.Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="313"/>
         <source>Soprano Rauschpfeife</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán Rauschpfeife</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="315"/>
         <source>S. Rpf.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Rauschpfeife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="316"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shenai</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="318"/>
@@ -1130,216 +1130,216 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="319"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="321"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="322"/>
         <source>Piccolo Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="324"/>
         <source>P. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="325"/>
         <source>Soprano Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="327"/>
         <source>S. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="328"/>
         <source>D Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="330"/>
         <source>D Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>D Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="331"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="333"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="334"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B-klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="336"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="337"/>
         <source>A Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A-klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="339"/>
         <source>A Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>A Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="340"/>
         <source>Alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altklarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="342"/>
         <source>A. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="343"/>
         <source>Basset Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszetklarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="345"/>
         <source>Ba. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Basset Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="346"/>
         <source>Basset Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszetkürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="348"/>
         <source>Ba. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Basset Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="349"/>
         <source>Bass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusklarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="351"/>
         <source>B. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="352"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontraalt klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="354"/>
         <source>C-a. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ka.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus klarinét</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="357"/>
         <source>Cb. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="358"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="360"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="361"/>
         <source>Sopranino Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranino chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="363"/>
         <source>Si. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szno.cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="364"/>
         <source>Soprano Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="366"/>
         <source>S. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="367"/>
         <source>Alto Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="369"/>
         <source>A. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="370"/>
         <source>Tenor Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="372"/>
         <source>T. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="373"/>
         <source>Bass Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="375"/>
         <source>B. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="376"/>
@@ -1355,293 +1355,293 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="379"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Octavin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="381"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="382"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fagott</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="384"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fgt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="385"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrafagott</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="387"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kfgt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="388"/>
         <source>Reed Contrabass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyelves kontrabasszus</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="390"/>
         <source>Rd. Cbs.</source>
         <extracomment>Reed Contrabass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ny.kbsz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="391"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dulcian</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="394"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rackett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="396"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ra.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="397"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="399"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="400"/>
         <source>Sopranino Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranino szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="402"/>
         <source>Si. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szno.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="403"/>
         <source>Soprano Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="405"/>
         <source>S. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="406"/>
         <source>Alto Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="408"/>
         <source>A. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="409"/>
         <source>Tenor Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="411"/>
         <source>T. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="412"/>
         <source>Baritone Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="414"/>
         <source>Bar. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="415"/>
         <source>Bass Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="417"/>
         <source>B. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="418"/>
         <source>Contrabass Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus szarruszofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="420"/>
         <source>Cb. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.szr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="421"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="423"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="424"/>
         <source>Sopranissimo Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranisszimo szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="426"/>
         <source>Sio. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranissimo Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sznmo.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="427"/>
         <source>Sopranino Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopranino szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="429"/>
         <source>Si. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szno.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="430"/>
         <source>Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopránszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="432"/>
         <source>S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="433"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aulochrome</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="435"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aul.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="436"/>
         <source>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mezzoszoprán szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="438"/>
         <source>M.S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="439"/>
         <source>Alto Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="441"/>
         <source>A. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="442"/>
         <source>Melody Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dallamszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="444"/>
         <source>Mel. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Melody Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dal.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="445"/>
         <source>Tenor Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="447"/>
         <source>T. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="448"/>
         <source>Baritone Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baritonszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="450"/>
         <source>Bar. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="451"/>
         <source>Bass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusszaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="453"/>
         <source>B. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="454"/>
         <source>Contrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus-szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="456"/>
         <source>Cb. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="457"/>
         <source>Subcontrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subkontrabasszus-szaxofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="459"/>
         <source>Scb. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Subcontrabass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szkb.szax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="460"/>
@@ -1652,17 +1652,17 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="462"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duda</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="463"/>
         <source>Free Reed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szabad nyelv</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="464"/>
-        <translation>Harmonika</translation>
+        <translation>Szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="466"/>
@@ -1715,72 +1715,72 @@ Harmonium</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="467"/>
         <source>12 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 lyukú C kromatikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="470"/>
         <source>14 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>14 lyukú C kromatikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="473"/>
         <source>12 Hole G Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 lyukú G kromatikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="476"/>
         <source>16 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16 lyukú C kromatikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="479"/>
         <source>12 Hole Tenor C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 lyukú tenor C kromatikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="482"/>
         <source>10 Hole High G Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú magas G diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="485"/>
         <source>10 Hole F Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú F diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="488"/>
         <source>10 Hole D Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú D diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="491"/>
         <source>10 Hole C Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú C diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="494"/>
         <source>10 Hole A Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú A diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="497"/>
         <source>10 Hole G Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú G diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="500"/>
         <source>10 Hole Low D Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 lyukú alsó D diatonikus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="503"/>
         <source>20 Hole Chordet Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>20 lyukú Chordet szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="506"/>
         <source>Bass Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="508"/>
@@ -1792,345 +1792,345 @@ Harmonium</extracomment>
 Bass Hohner Harmonica
 Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bsz.szjh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="509"/>
         <source>Bass Hohner Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus Hohner szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="512"/>
         <source>Bass Huang Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus Huang szájharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="515"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="517"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="518"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bandoneón</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="520"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ban.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="521"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Concertina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="523"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="524"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Melodika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="526"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mel.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="527"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="530"/>
         <source>Soprano Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="532"/>
         <source>S She.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.she.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="533"/>
         <source>Alto Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="535"/>
         <source>A She.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.she.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="536"/>
         <source>Tenor Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="538"/>
         <source>T She.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.she.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="539"/>
         <source>Bass Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="541"/>
         <source>B She.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.she.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="542"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="543"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rézfúvós</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="545"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rézf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="546"/>
         <source>Horn in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="548"/>
         <source>F Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="549"/>
         <source>High C Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas C kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="551"/>
         <source>H. C Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>High C Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.C kt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="552"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="554"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="555"/>
         <source>Horn in A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="557"/>
         <source>A Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in A</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="558"/>
         <source>Horn in Aâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Asz kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="560"/>
         <source>Aâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Aâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Asz kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="561"/>
         <source>Horn in G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="563"/>
         <source>G Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in G</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="564"/>
         <source>E Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="566"/>
         <source>E Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>E Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation> E kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="567"/>
         <source>Horn in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="569"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="570"/>
         <source>Horn in D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="572"/>
         <extracomment>Horn in D</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="573"/>
         <source>Horn in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="575"/>
         <source>C Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="576"/>
         <source>Vienna Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bécsi kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="578"/>
         <source>V. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Vienna Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="579"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B basszus kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="581"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ ba Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B ba.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="582"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="584"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz knt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="585"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B kornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="587"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B knt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="588"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="590"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baritonkürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="591"/>
         <source>F Alto Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F altkürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="593"/>
         <source>F A. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F a.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="594"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz altkürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="596"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz a.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="597"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="600"/>
         <source>Baritone Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorkürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="599"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="602"/>
         <source>Bar. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="603"/>
         <source>Baritone Horn (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorkürt (violinkulcs)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="604"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Postakürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="606"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pstkt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="607"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fakürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="609"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fakt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="610"/>
@@ -2141,430 +2141,424 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="612"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="613"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="615"/>
         <source>P. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="616"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B pikkolo trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="618"/>
         <source>P. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B p.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="619"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet in A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A piccolo trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="621"/>
         <source>P. Tpt. A</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet in A</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A p.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="622"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="624"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="625"/>
         <source>D Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="627"/>
         <source>D Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>D Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="628"/>
         <source>C Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="630"/>
         <source>C Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>C Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="631"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="633"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="634"/>
         <source>Pocket Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zsebtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="636"/>
         <source>Pkt. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Pocket Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zsebtb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="637"/>
         <source>Slide Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tolótrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="639"/>
         <extracomment>Slide Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tol.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="640"/>
         <source>Tenor Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="642"/>
         <source>Tnr. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="643"/>
         <source>Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="645"/>
         <source>B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="646"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz basszus trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="648"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz b.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="649"/>
         <source>Bass Trumpet in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C basszus trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="651"/>
         <source>B. Tpt. C</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trumpet in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C b.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="652"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B basszus trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="654"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B b.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="655"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="657"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="658"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="660"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. F</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="661"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="663"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="664"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="666"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. D</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in D</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="667"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="669"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. C</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="670"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B barokk trombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="672"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B bk.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="673"/>
         <source>Rag Dung</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rag-dung</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="675"/>
         <source>Rg. Dng.</source>
         <extracomment>Rag Dung</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rg.dng.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="676"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="678"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>N.tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="679"/>
         <source>Soprano Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="681"/>
         <source>Sop. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.ntb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="682"/>
         <source>Alto Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="684"/>
         <source>Alt. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.ntb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="685"/>
         <source>Baritone Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="687"/>
         <source>Bar. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.ntb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="688"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szárnykürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="690"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sznykt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="691"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fiscorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="693"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fsc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="694"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kuhlohorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="696"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klhn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="697"/>
         <source>Euphonium Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eufónium natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mellophone natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="702"/>
         <source>Mel. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Mellophone Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mel.ntb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="703"/>
         <source>Contrabass Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus natúrtrombita</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="705"/>
         <source>Con. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ktb.ntb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="706"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mellophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="708"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="709"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="711"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="712"/>
         <source>F Alto Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F alt ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="714"/>
         <source>F A. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F a.oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="715"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz alt ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="717"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz a.oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="718"/>
         <source>C Bass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C basszus ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="720"/>
         <source>C B. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>C Bass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C b.oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="721"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B basszus ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="723"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B b.oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="724"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kontrabasszus ophikleid</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="726"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cb. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz kb.oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="727"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kvartcink</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="729"/>
@@ -2576,808 +2570,829 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kvc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="730"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cink</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="733"/>
         <source>Soprano Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán cink</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="735"/>
         <source>S. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.ck.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="736"/>
         <source>Alto Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altcink</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="738"/>
         <source>A. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.ck.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="739"/>
         <source>Tenor Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorcink</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="741"/>
         <source>T. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.ck.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="742"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szerpent</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="744"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="745"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="748"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="747"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="750"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szopránharsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="754"/>
         <source>S. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="755"/>
         <source>Alto Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altharsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="757"/>
         <source>A. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="758"/>
         <source>Tenor Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorharsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="760"/>
         <source>T. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="761"/>
         <source>Bass Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusharsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="763"/>
         <source>B. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="764"/>
         <source>Contrabass Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus-harsona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="766"/>
         <source>Cb. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.hrs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="767"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cimbasso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="769"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cim.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="770"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="773"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eufónium</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tuba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="780"/>
         <source>F Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F tuba</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Régizene</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>B fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eu.ntb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Harsona (violinkulcs)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Eufónium (violinkulcs)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="783"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="786"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="785"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="788"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="789"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz tuba (violinkulcs)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="790"/>
         <source>C Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="792"/>
         <source>C Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>C Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="793"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="796"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="795"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="798"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="799"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B tuba (violinkulcs)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="800"/>
         <source>Bass Tuba in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F basszustuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="802"/>
         <source>Ba. Tu. F</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Tuba in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F ba.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="803"/>
         <source>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz basszustuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="805"/>
         <source>Ba. Tu. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esz ba.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="806"/>
         <source>Sub-Contrabass Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szubkontrabasszus-tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="808"/>
         <source>SCB. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Sub-Contrabass Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szkb.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="809"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="811"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Helikon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="812"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sousaphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="814"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sphn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="815"/>
         <source>Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wagner-tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="817"/>
         <source>Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wag.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="818"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B Wagner-tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="820"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B Wag.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="821"/>
         <source>F Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Wagner-tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="823"/>
         <source>F Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Wag.tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="824"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conch</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="826"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cnch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="827"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Didgeridoo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="829"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doo.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="830"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Horagai</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="832"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hor.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="833"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shofar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="835"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sho.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="836"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vuvuzela</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="838"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="839"/>
         <source>Pitched Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangolt ütőhangszer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="840"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœstdob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="842"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœstd.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="843"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Roto-tam szett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="845"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rt-t.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="846"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harangjáték</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="848"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hgj.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="849"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Glockenspiel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff szoprán harangjáték</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="851"/>
         <source>O. S. Glk.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Glockenspiel</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.sz.hgj.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="852"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Glockenspiel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff alt harangjáték</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="854"/>
         <source>O. A. Glk.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Glockenspiel</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.a.hgj.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="855"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crotales</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="857"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cro.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="858"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tubaphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="860"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="861"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Almglocken</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="863"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="864"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibrafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="866"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vib.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="867"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metallofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="869"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="870"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff szoprán metallofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="872"/>
         <source>O. S. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.sz.met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="873"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff alt metallofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="875"/>
         <source>O. A. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.a.met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="876"/>
         <source>Orff Bass Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff basszus metallofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="878"/>
         <source>O. B. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Bass Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.b.met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="879"/>
         <source>Tubular Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csőharang</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="881"/>
         <source>Tu. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Tubular Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csőhg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="882"/>
         <source>Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="884"/>
         <source>St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="885"/>
         <source>Soprano Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="887"/>
         <source>S. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="888"/>
         <source>Alto Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="890"/>
         <source>A. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="891"/>
         <source>Guitar Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gitár-acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="893"/>
         <source>Gtr. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Guitar Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Git.ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="894"/>
         <source>Tenor Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="896"/>
         <source>T. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="897"/>
         <source>Cello Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cselló-acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="899"/>
         <source>Ce. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Cello Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cs.ac.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="900"/>
         <source>Bass Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus-acéldob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="902"/>
         <source>B. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.ac.db.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="903"/>
         <source>Hand Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csengettyű</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="905"/>
         <source>Ha. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Hand Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cseng.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="906"/>
         <source>Tuned Gongs</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangolt gong</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="908"/>
         <source>Td. Go.</source>
         <extracomment>Tuned Gongs</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hn.gn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="909"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flexatone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="911"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="912"/>
         <source>Musical Saw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Éneklő fűrész</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="914"/>
         <source>Mu. Sw.</source>
         <extracomment>Musical Saw</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Én.fűr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="915"/>
         <source>Musical Glasses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Éneklő poharak</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="917"/>
         <source>Mu. Gla.</source>
         <extracomment>Musical Glasses</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Én.poh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="918"/>
         <source>Glass Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pohárharmonika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="920"/>
         <source>Gla. Har.</source>
         <extracomment>Glass Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Poh.har.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="921"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xilofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="923"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="924"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff szoprán xilofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="926"/>
         <source>O. S. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.sz.xil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="927"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff alt xilofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="929"/>
         <source>O. A. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.a.xil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="930"/>
         <source>Orff Bass Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff basszus xilofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="932"/>
         <source>O. B. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Bass Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.b.xil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="933"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xilomarimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="935"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xmrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="936"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="938"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="939"/>
         <source>Bass Marimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusmarimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="941"/>
         <source>B. Mrm.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Marimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.mrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="942"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cimbalom</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="944"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cim.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="945"/>
         <source>Tuned Klaxon Horns</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangolt klaxon-kürt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="947"/>
         <source>Tn. Klx. Hns.</source>
         <extracomment>Tuned Klaxon Horns</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hn.kx.kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="948"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="950"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="951"/>
         <source>Treble Kalimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="953"/>
         <source>Tr. Kal.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Kalimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="954"/>
         <source>Alto Kalimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="956"/>
         <source>A. Kal.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Kalimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="957"/>
         <source>Unpitched Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangolatlan ütőhangszer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="958"/>
@@ -3388,19 +3403,19 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="960"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dobf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="961"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1133"/>
         <source>Snare Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pergődob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="963"/>
         <source>Sn. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.db.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="964"/>
@@ -3411,262 +3426,262 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="966"/>
         <source>B. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lábd.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="967"/>
         <source>Piccolo Snare Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo pergődob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="969"/>
         <source>P. Sn. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.p.db.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="970"/>
         <source>Military Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Katonai dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="972"/>
         <source>Mil. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Military Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kat.dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="973"/>
         <source>Tom Toms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tamtam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="975"/>
         <extracomment>Tom Toms</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="976"/>
         <source>Chinese Tom-toms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kinai tamtam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="978"/>
         <source>Ch. To.</source>
         <extracomment>Chinese Tom-toms</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kín.tam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="979"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bongók</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="981"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bo.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="982"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kongák</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="985"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timbalék</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="987"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="988"/>
         <source>Frame Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Frame Drum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="990"/>
         <source>Fr. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Frame Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fr.dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="991"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tablák</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="993"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="994"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="996"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="997"/>
         <source>Finger Cymbals</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ujj cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="999"/>
         <source>Fi. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Finger Cymbals</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ujjcn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1000"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1002"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lábcin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1003"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1005"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tamtam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1006"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csengők</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1008"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1009"/>
         <source>Sleigh Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Száncsengők</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1011"/>
         <source>Sle. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Sleigh Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Száncs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1012"/>
         <source>Bell Plate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csengőlap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1014"/>
         <source>Be. Pla.</source>
         <extracomment>Bell Plate</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cs.lap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1015"/>
         <source>Bowl Gongs</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangtál gongok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1017"/>
         <source>Bw. Go.</source>
         <extracomment>Bowl Gongs</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hgt.gk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1018"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tubo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1021"/>
         <source>Metal Castanets</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fém kasztanyett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1023"/>
         <source>Met. Cst.</source>
         <extracomment>Metal Castanets</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fém kszt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1024"/>
         <source>Automobile Brake Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gépkocsi-fékhenger-dob</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1026"/>
         <source>Aut. Brk. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Automobile Brake Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gk.fkh.d.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1027"/>
         <source>Iron Pipes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vascsövek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1029"/>
         <source>Ir. Pi.</source>
         <extracomment>Iron Pipes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vascs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1030"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Láncok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1032"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lánc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1033"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Üllő</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1035"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1036"/>
         <source>Wood Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fapálcikák</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1038"/>
         <source>Wd. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Wood Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fap.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1039"/>
         <source>Temple Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Békák</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1041"/>
         <source>Tmp. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Temple Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bék.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1042"/>
@@ -3677,315 +3692,315 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1044"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trgl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1045"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1047"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cint.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1048"/>
         <source>Ride Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kísérő cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1050"/>
         <source>R. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Ride Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>K.cint.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1051"/>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kínai cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1053"/>
         <source>Ch. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Chinese Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kí.ct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1054"/>
         <source>Crash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beütő cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1056"/>
         <source>Cr. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Crash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beüt.ct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1057"/>
         <source>Splash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Splash cintányér</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1059"/>
         <source>Sp. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Splash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sp.ct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1060"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kolomp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1062"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kol.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1063"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tikfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1065"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1066"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kasztanyetta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1068"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kszt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1069"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guiro</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1071"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gro.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1072"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Maracas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1074"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mrcs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1075"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cabasa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1077"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cab.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1078"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quijada</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1080"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Qui.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1081"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1083"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibslp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1084"/>
         <source>Slit Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slit Drum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1086"/>
         <source>Slt. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Slit Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slt. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1087"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ostor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1089"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ost.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1090"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratchet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1092"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rat.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1093"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Villámlap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1095"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vil.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1096"/>
         <source>Sandpaper Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csiszolópapír</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1098"/>
         <source>Sa. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Sandpaper Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1099"/>
         <source>Wooden Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa szélhárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1101"/>
         <source>Wd. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Wooden Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa szh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1102"/>
         <source>Bamboo Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bambusz szélhárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1104"/>
         <source>Bam. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Bamboo Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bam.sz.hf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1105"/>
         <source>Metal Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fém szélhárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1107"/>
         <source>Met. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Metal Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fém szh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1108"/>
         <source>Glass Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Üveg szélhárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1110"/>
         <source>Gl. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Glass Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœv.szh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1111"/>
         <source>Shell Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kagyló szélhárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1113"/>
         <source>Sh. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Shell Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>K.szélh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1114"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kövek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1116"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Köv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1117"/>
         <source>Finger Snap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csettintés</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1119"/>
         <source>Fi. Sna.</source>
         <extracomment>Finger Snap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cset.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1120"/>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Taps</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1122"/>
         <source>Hd. Clp.</source>
         <extracomment>Hand Clap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Taps</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1123"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütés</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1125"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1126"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dobbantás</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1128"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dobb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1129"/>
@@ -3996,184 +4011,184 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1131"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csör.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1132"/>
         <source>Marching Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Menetelő ütőhangszer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1135"/>
         <extracomment>Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SZD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1136"/>
         <source>Tenor Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor dobok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1138"/>
         <extracomment>Tenor Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>TD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1139"/>
         <source>Bass Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus dobok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1141"/>
         <extracomment>Bass Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>BD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1142"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cintányérok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1144"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ci</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1145"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Énekhang</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1146"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ének</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1148"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Én.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1149"/>
         <source>Boy Soprano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fiú szoprán</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1151"/>
         <source>B. S.</source>
         <extracomment>Boy Soprano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F.sz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1152"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1154"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1155"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mezzoszoprán</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1157"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1158"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1160"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1161"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontraalt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1163"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1164"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontratenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1166"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1167"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1169"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1170"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1172"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1173"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1476"/>
         <extracomment>Acoustic Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1175"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1176"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kazoo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1178"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kaz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1179"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Billentyűk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
@@ -4190,110 +4205,110 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
 Grand Piano
 Upright Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zon.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangversenyzongora</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
         <source>Upright Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pianínó</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
         <source>Honky Tonk Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Honky-tonk zongora</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1191"/>
         <source>Hnk. Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Honky Tonk Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hnk.zon.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1192"/>
         <source>Toy Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Játékzongora</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1194"/>
         <source>Toy Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Toy Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ját.zon.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1195"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klavikord</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1197"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kkd.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1198"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csembaló</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1200"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csem.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1201"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Virginál</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1203"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vir.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1204"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cseleszta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1206"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csel.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1207"/>
         <source>Electric Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos zongora</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1209"/>
         <source>El. Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El.zon.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1210"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavinet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1212"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clav.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1213"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1215"/>
@@ -4302,72 +4317,72 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
 Pipe Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1216"/>
         <source>Percussive Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perkusszív orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1218"/>
         <source>Perc. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussive Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perk.org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1219"/>
         <source>Hammond Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hammond-orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1221"/>
         <source>Hm. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Hammond Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hm.org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1222"/>
         <source>Rotary Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Forgattyús orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1224"/>
         <source>Rot. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Rotary Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Forg.org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1225"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1228"/>
         <source>Pipe Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sípos orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1229"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmónium</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1232"/>
         <source>Reed Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyelvsípos orgona</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1234"/>
         <source>Rd. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Reed Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nys.org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1235"/>
         <source>Electronic Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektronikus hangszerek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1236"/>
         <source>Effect Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Effektszintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1238"/>
@@ -4442,332 +4457,332 @@ Bass Synthesizer
 Brass Synthesizer
 String Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szint.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1239"/>
         <source>Atmosphere Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atmoszféra szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1242"/>
         <source>Brightness Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fényesség szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1245"/>
         <source>Crystal Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kristály szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1248"/>
         <source>Echoes Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visszhangok szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1251"/>
         <source>Goblins Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Manók szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1254"/>
         <source>Rain Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eső szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1257"/>
         <source>Sci-fi Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sci-fi szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1260"/>
         <source>Soundtrack Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Filmzene szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1263"/>
         <source>Pad Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szőnyeg szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1266"/>
         <source>New Age Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>New age szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1269"/>
         <source>Warm Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meleg szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1272"/>
         <source>Poly Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Poli szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1275"/>
         <source>Choir Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kórus szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1278"/>
         <source>Bowed Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonós szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1281"/>
         <source>Metallic Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fémes szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1284"/>
         <source>Halo Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halo szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1287"/>
         <source>Sweep Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sweep szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1290"/>
         <source>Saw Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fűrészfog szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1293"/>
         <source>Sine Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szinuszjel szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1296"/>
         <source>Square Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Négyszögjel szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1299"/>
         <source>Ondes Martenot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ondes Martenot</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1301"/>
         <extracomment>Ondes Martenot</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.M.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1302"/>
         <source>Mallet Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mallet szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1304"/>
         <source>Mal. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Mallet Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mal.szin.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1305"/>
         <source>Bass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1308"/>
         <source>Brass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rézfúvós szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1311"/>
         <source>String Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonóskar szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1314"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theremin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1316"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thmn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1317"/>
         <source>Percussion Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütös szintetizátor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1319"/>
         <source>Perc. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussion Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœt.szint.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1320"/>
         <source>Plucked Strings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Húros hangszerek</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1321"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bendzsó</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1323"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bdzs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1324"/>
         <source>Banjo [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bendzsó (tabulatúra)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1325"/>
         <source>Tenor Banjo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor bendzsó</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1327"/>
         <source>T. Bj.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Banjo</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.bdzs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1328"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1331"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1330"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1332"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1335"/>
         <source>Piccolo Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1334"/>
         <source>Pic. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pic.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1336"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1339"/>
         <source>Prima Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Első balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1338"/>
         <source>Pr. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Prima Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1340"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1343"/>
         <source>Secunda Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Második balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1342"/>
         <source>Sec. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Secunda Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1344"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1347"/>
         <source>Alto Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1346"/>
         <source>Al. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1348"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1351"/>
         <source>Bass Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1350"/>
         <source>B. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1352"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrabasszus balalajka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1354"/>
         <source>CB. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1356"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1360"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buzuki</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1358"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1362"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1359"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (3-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buzuki (3 húrpáros)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1363"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (4-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buzuki (4 húrpáros)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1364"/>
         <source>Soprano Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1366"/>
         <source>S. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1367"/>
         <source>Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1369"/>
         <source>A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1370"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klasszikus gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1372"/>
@@ -4776,93 +4791,93 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Classical Guitar
 Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1373"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klasszikus gitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1374"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akusztikus gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1377"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akusztikus gitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1378"/>
         <source>11-string Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11-húros alt gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1380"/>
         <source>11-str. A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>11-string Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11-h.a.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1381"/>
         <source>12-string Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 húros gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1383"/>
         <source>12-str. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>12-string Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12-h.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1384"/>
         <source>Pedal Steel Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedal steel gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1386"/>
         <source>Ped. St. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Pedal Steel Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pd.st.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1387"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos gitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1389"/>
         <source>El. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1390"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos gitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1391"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hárfa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1393"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hrf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1394"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Koto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1396"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ko.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1397"/>
@@ -4874,7 +4889,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1421"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1425"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1399"/>
@@ -4887,117 +4902,165 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1427"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1400"/>
         <source>Lute [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant [tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1404"/>
         <source>Lute 5-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (5 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1408"/>
         <source>Lute 6-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (6 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1412"/>
         <source>Lute 7-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (7 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1416"/>
         <source>Lute 8-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (8 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1420"/>
         <source>Lute 9-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (8 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1424"/>
         <source>Lute 10-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (10 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1428"/>
         <source>Lute 13-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant (13 kórusos)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1431"/>
         <source>A. Lt.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.lt.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolin [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5-húros elektromos basszusgitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1487"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5-húros elektromos basszusgitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Hegedűk</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Heg.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Brácsák</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Br.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Gordonkák</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Gord.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Nagybőgők</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Nb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba (Tabulatúra)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <translation>Archiliuto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theorba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1434"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1435"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandolin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1437"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mdn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1441"/>
@@ -5009,125 +5072,125 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
 Alto Mandola
 Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mda.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1442"/>
         <source>Alto Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altmandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1445"/>
         <source>Tenor Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenormandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1448"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandocello</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1450"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mncl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1451"/>
         <source>Octave Mandolin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oktávmandolin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1453"/>
         <extracomment>Octave Mandolin</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Om.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1454"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shamisen</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1456"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1457"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1459"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szi.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1460"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1462"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1463"/>
         <source>Ukulele [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukulele [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1464"/>
         <source>Tenor Ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenorukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1466"/>
         <source>Ten. Uk.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Ukulele</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ten.uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1467"/>
         <source>Baritone Ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton ukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1469"/>
         <source>Bar. Uk.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Ukulele</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1470"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusgitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1472"/>
         <source>B. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1473"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszusgitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1474"/>
         <source>Acoustic Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akusztikus basszus</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1477"/>
         <source>Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos basszus</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1479"/>
@@ -5136,182 +5199,159 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Electric Bass
 5-str. Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El.bg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1480"/>
         <source>Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos basszusgitár [Tabulatúra]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1481"/>
         <source>Fretless Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bundozatlan basszusgitár</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1483"/>
         <source>Frtl. El. B.</source>
         <extracomment>Fretless Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bdn.el.bg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1488"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonósok</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hegedű</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Heg.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Brácsa</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Br.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gordonka</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gor.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bőgő</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagybőgő</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pds.v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szoprán viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sz.vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
 Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vla.d.g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violone</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
 D Violone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vne.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D violone</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_id.ts b/share/locale/instruments_id.ts
index d4afd9f..f0e0d95 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_id.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_id.ts
@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1"/>
         <source>Common instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrumen Umum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
         <source>Jazz instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrumen Jazz</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="3"/>
         <source>Orchestral instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrumen Orkestra</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="5"/>
         <source>Ethnic instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrumen Etnik</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="6"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_it.ts b/share/locale/instruments_it.ts
index b616c8a..74c9e96 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_it.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_it.ts
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="13"/>
         <source>Treble Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flauto in Sol</translation>
+        <translation>Flauto soprano in Sol</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="15"/>
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="22"/>
         <source>Alto Flute</source>
-        <translation>Flauto contralto</translation>
+        <translation>Flauto contralto in Sol</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="24"/>
@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="421"/>
-        <translation>Saxofono</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="423"/>
@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="424"/>
         <source>Sopranissimo Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono sopranissimo</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono sopranissimo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="426"/>
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="427"/>
         <source>Sopranino Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono sopranino</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono sopranino</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="429"/>
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="430"/>
         <source>Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono soprano</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="432"/>
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="436"/>
         <source>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono mezzo soprano</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono mezzo soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="438"/>
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="439"/>
         <source>Alto Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono contralto</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono contralto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="441"/>
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="442"/>
         <source>Melody Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono in do</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono in do</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="444"/>
@@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="445"/>
         <source>Tenor Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono tenore</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono tenore</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="447"/>
@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="448"/>
         <source>Baritone Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono baritono</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono baritono</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="450"/>
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="451"/>
         <source>Bass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono basso</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono basso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="453"/>
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="454"/>
         <source>Contrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono contrabbasso</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono contrabbasso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="456"/>
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="457"/>
         <source>Subcontrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>Saxofono subcontrabbasso</translation>
+        <translation>Sassofono subcontrabbasso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="459"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Bombardino Bugle</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bombno. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Mellofono Bugle</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (Chiave di violino)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombone soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bombno.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (Chiave di violino)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba in Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Musica antica (Early music)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Piffero Siâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf. Bomb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (Chiave di violino)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (Chiave di violino)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Lt. a.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolino [Tablatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Basso elettrico 5- co.</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Basso Elettrico 5- c. [Tablatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violini</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vl.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Viole</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vla.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncelli</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlc.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabbassi</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Reb</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablatura)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Musica antica (Early music)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Piffero Siâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolino [Tablatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Sezione archi</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Archi</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation>Double Bass</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Treble Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola contralto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. a.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola tenore</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. t.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violone in Re</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ja.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ja.ts
index 2238896..7979701 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ja.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ja.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>ユーフォニウム ビューグル</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>メロフォン ビューグル</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>トロンボーン(ト音記号)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>ユーフォニウム(ト音記号)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F テューバ</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>初期音楽</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>B♭ ファイフ</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>トロンボーン(ト音記号)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>ユーフォニウム(ト音記号)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4569,7 +4584,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1305"/>
         <source>Bass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation>シンセベース</translation>
+        <translation>ベース+リード シンセサイザー</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1308"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>マンドリン[TAB譜]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>二胡</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>ヴァイオリンズ</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>ヴィオラズ</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>チェロズ</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>コントラバスズ</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>ヴィオラ ダ ガンバ (TAB譜)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>初期音楽</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>B♭ ファイフ</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>マンドリン[TAB譜]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>二胡</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>ストリングセクション</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>パルドゥシュ ド ヴィオール</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>ソプラノ ヴィオール</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>アルト ヴィオール</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>テノール ヴィオール</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>ヴィオラ ダ ガンバ</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>ヴィオラ ダ ガンバ(TAB)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D ヴィオローネ</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ka.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ka.ts
index 742ce68..20edf9b 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ka.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ka.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ko.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ko.ts
index 07304c6..79107fe 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ko.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ko.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3737,7 +3752,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1060"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>카우벨</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1062"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_lt.ts b/share/locale/instruments_lt.ts
index 85425e7..7c145a2 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_lt.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_lt.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_lv.ts b/share/locale/instruments_lv.ts
index fccf825..9e189a2 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_lv.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_lv.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_mn_MN.ts b/share/locale/instruments_mn_MN.ts
index c747998..ce3d929 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_mn_MN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_mn_MN.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3671,7 +3686,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1042"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвалжин</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1044"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_nb.ts b/share/locale/instruments_nb.ts
index e2350de..98e71de 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_nb.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_nb.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. By.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (G-nøkkel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Euphonium (G-nøkkel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Tidlig musikk</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (G-nøkkel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Euphonium (G-nøkkel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3460,7 +3475,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="979"/>
-        <translation>Bongotromme</translation>
+        <translation>Bongotrommer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="981"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolin [Tablatur]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-strengs elektrisk bass</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-strengs elektrisk bass [Tablatur]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Fioliner</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Fior.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Bratsjer</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bratr.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Celloer</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Celr.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Kontrabasser</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Kbr.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Gambe (Tablatur)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Tidlig musikk</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolin [Tablatur]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Strykerseksjon</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation>Viola</translation>
+        <translation>Bratsj</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Gambe (Tablatur)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_nl.ts b/share/locale/instruments_nl.ts
index dc99698..45616da 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_nl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_nl.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="2"/>
         <source>Jazz instruments</source>
-        <translation>Jazz instrumenten</translation>
+        <translation>Jazz-instrumenten</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="3"/>
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="145"/>
         <source>Sopranino Recorder</source>
-        <translation>Sopraninoblokfuit</translation>
+        <translation>Sopraninoblokfluit</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="147"/>
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="223"/>
         <source>Great Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation>Grote bas Great Bass Shawm</translation>
+        <translation>Grote bas schalmei</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="225"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Eufonium Bugel</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (G-sleutel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Sopraan Trombone</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Eufonium (G-sleutel)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F tuba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Oude muziek</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (G-sleutel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Eufonium (G-sleutel)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolin [Tablatuur]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5 snarige electrische bas</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5 snarige electrische bas [Tablatuur]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Vedel (tablatuur)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Oude muziek</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ Fife</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolin [Tablatuur]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Snaren sectie</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>S. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Tenor viola</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Vedel (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>D viool</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_nn.ts b/share/locale/instruments_nn.ts
index 3886646..1632f3f 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_nn.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_nn.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_pl.ts b/share/locale/instruments_pl.ts
index 3031680..7573495 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_pl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_pl.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Eufonio - corno</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Euf. - c.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Mellofono - corno</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (Klucz wiolinowy)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombone soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Euf.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Eufonio (Klucz wiolinowy)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba in F</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Muzyka dawna</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Piffero in Bâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf. - c.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (Klucz wiolinowy)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euf.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Eufonio (Klucz wiolinowy)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>T.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>L. a.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolino [Tabulatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Basso elettrico a 5 corde</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Basso elettrico a 5 corde [Tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Er.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violini</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>V-ni</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Viole</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>V-le</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncelli</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>V-c.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabbassi</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>C-b.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>C-b.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba [Tabulatura]</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Muzyka dawna</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Piffero in Bâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolino [Tabulatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Er.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Archi</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Archi</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>P. d. v-le</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Viol soprano</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>V. s.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viol contralto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>V. c-a.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viol tenore</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>V. t.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>V-la d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba [Tabulatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violone in D</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_pt.ts b/share/locale/instruments_pt.ts
index 8178f10..4d10a0d 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_pt.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_pt.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombone Soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba em F</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardino (Clave de Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Naipe de Cordas</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cordas.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_pt_BR.ts b/share/locale/instruments_pt_BR.ts
index 759eccd..6ee9382 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_pt_BR.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Cornetão Eufônico</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Corn. Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Corneta Melofone</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombone (clave de sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombone Soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bomb.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bombardino (clave de sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba em Fá</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Pífano Bb</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Barit.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombone (clave de sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Bomb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bombardino (clave de sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Bandolim [Tablatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Baixo elétrico de 5 cordas</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Baixo elétrico de 5 cordas [Tablatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Erh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Violinos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Violas</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Violoncelos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabaixos</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Cb.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tablatura)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Música antiga</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pífano Bb</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Bandolim [Tablatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Erh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Seção de Cordas</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cord.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba piccolo</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Vio. Gam. Pic.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba soprano</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vio. Gam. Sop.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba alto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vio. Gam. Al.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vio. Gam. Ten.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vio. Gam.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violone em D</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ro.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ro.ts
index fb2a1a9..fa8ec1e 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ro.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ro.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Goarnă Eufoniu</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Gn. Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Goarnă Melofon</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombom (Cheia Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Trombon Soprano</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Eufoniu (Cheia Sol)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Tuba Fa</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Muzică Veche</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Fife Siâ™­</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombom (Cheia Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Eufoniu (Cheia Sol)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolină [Tabulatură]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Bass Electric 5 coarde</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Bass Electric 5 coarde [Tabulatură]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba (Tabulatură)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Muzică Veche</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fife Siâ™­</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolină [Tabulatură]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation>Coarde cu ArcuÈ™</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Secțiunea Coarde</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>SecÈ›. Crd.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Violă Pardessus</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>V. Pds.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba Cheia Sol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vl. d. g. Ch. Sol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba Alto</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vlă. d. g. A.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba Tenor</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Vlă. d. g. T.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vlă. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Violă da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Violone Re</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_ru.ts b/share/locale/instruments_ru.ts
index 8f6621b..02f5483 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_ru.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_ru.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Баритоновый рожок</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Бар. Р.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Меллофоновый рожок</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Тромбон (скрипичный ключ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Сопрановый тромбон</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Эу.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Эуфониум (скрипичный ключ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Фа Туба</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Старинная музыка</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Си♭ Файф</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Барит.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Тромбон (скрипичный ключ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Эуф </translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Эуфониум (скрипичный ключ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Тба.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Мандолина [Табулатура]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-стр. Бас-гитара</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-стр. Бас-гитара [Табулатура]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Эрху</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Эх.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Скрипки</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Скр-и.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Альты</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Ал-ы.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Виолончели</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Виолнч-и.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Контрабасы</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Контрб-ы.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Дв. б.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Виола да гамба (Табулатура)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Старинная музыка</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Си♭ Файф</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Мандолина [Табулатура]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Эрху</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Эх.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Струнная секция</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Стр.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation>Двойной бас</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Высокая дискантовая виола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Выс. диск. вла.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation>Дискантовая виола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Диск. вла.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Малая альтовая виола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Мл. алт. вла.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Альтовая виола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Алт. вла.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Виола да гамба</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Вла. д .г</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Виола да гамба (Таб)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Ре виолоне</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_sk.ts b/share/locale/instruments_sk.ts
index b8a6650..440fa27 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_sk.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_sk.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation>Strunové nástroje</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_sl.ts b/share/locale/instruments_sl.ts
index ef30367..3907857 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_sl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_sl.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Pozavna (violinski ključ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation>Sopranska pozavna</translation>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bariton (violinski ključ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>F Tuba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Zgodnja glasba</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Pozavna (violinski ključ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Bariton (violinski ključ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Mandolina [tablatura]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-strunski električni bas</translation>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-strunski električni bas [tablatura]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Zgodnja glasba</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Mandolina [tablatura]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_sr.ts b/share/locale/instruments_sr.ts
index a940762..be76255 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_sr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_sr.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_sv.ts b/share/locale/instruments_sv.ts
index de4308e..58f081a 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_sv.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_sv.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Trombon (diskantklav)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Tidig musik</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Trombon (diskantklav)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -3814,7 +3829,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1081"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1083"/>
@@ -3968,7 +3983,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1123"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1125"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>Elbas 5-strängad</translation>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>Elbas 5-strängad [Tabulatur]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
-        <translation>Viola da gamba [Tabulatur]</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Tidig musik</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba [Tabulatur]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_th.ts b/share/locale/instruments_th.ts
index 7a474d5..8e507ef 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_th.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_th.ts
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="7"/>
-        <translation>ปิคโคโล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="9"/>
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="10"/>
-        <translation>ฟลูต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="12"/>
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="40"/>
-        <translation>ขลุ่ยดันโซ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="42"/>
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="73"/>
         <source>Irish Flute</source>
-        <translation>ขลุ่ยไอริช</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="75"/>
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="91"/>
-        <translation>โอคาริน่า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="93"/>
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="121"/>
         <source>Pan Flute</source>
-        <translation>ขลุ่ยแพน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="123"/>
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="139"/>
-        <translation>รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="141"/>
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="145"/>
         <source>Sopranino Recorder</source>
-        <translation>โซปรานิโน รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="147"/>
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="148"/>
         <source>Soprano Recorder</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="150"/>
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="151"/>
         <source>Alto Recorder</source>
-        <translation>อัลโตรี คอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="153"/>
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="154"/>
         <source>Tenor Recorder</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="156"/>
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="157"/>
         <source>Bass Recorder</source>
-        <translation>เบส รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="159"/>
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="160"/>
         <source>Contrabass Recorder</source>
-        <translation>คอนทราเบส รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="162"/>
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="163"/>
         <source>Greatbass Recorder</source>
-        <translation>เกรทเบส รีคอร์เดอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="165"/>
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="178"/>
         <source>Piccolo Oboe</source>
-        <translation>ปิคโคโล โอโบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="180"/>
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
-        <translation>โอโบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="184"/>
         <source>Baroque Oboe</source>
-        <translation>บาโรก โอโบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="186"/>
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="187"/>
         <source>Oboe d'amore</source>
-        <translation>โอโบ ดิ อามอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="189"/>
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="193"/>
         <source>English Horn</source>
-        <translation>อิงลิชฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="195"/>
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="196"/>
         <source>Baritone Oboe</source>
-        <translation>แบริโทน โอโบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="198"/>
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="199"/>
         <source>Piccolo Heckelphone</source>
-        <translation>ปิคโคโล เฮคเคลโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="201"/>
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="202"/>
-        <translation>เฮคเคลโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="204"/>
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="208"/>
         <source>Sopranino Shawm</source>
-        <translation>โซปรานิโน ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="210"/>
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="211"/>
         <source>Soprano Shawm</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="213"/>
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="214"/>
         <source>Alto Shawm</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="216"/>
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="217"/>
         <source>Tenor Shawm</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="219"/>
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="220"/>
         <source>Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation>เบส ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="222"/>
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="223"/>
         <source>Great Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation>เกรทเบส ชอว์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="225"/>
@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="229"/>
-        <translation>ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="231"/>
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="232"/>
         <source>Soprano Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="234"/>
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="235"/>
         <source>Alto Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="237"/>
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="238"/>
         <source>Tenor Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="240"/>
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="241"/>
         <source>Bass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation>เบส ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="243"/>
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="244"/>
         <source>Greatbass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation>เกรทเบส ครัมฮอร์น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="246"/>
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="319"/>
-        <translation>คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="321"/>
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="322"/>
         <source>Piccolo Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>ปิคโคโล คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="324"/>
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="325"/>
         <source>Soprano Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="327"/>
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="328"/>
         <source>D Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>ดี คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="330"/>
@@ -1179,7 +1179,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="331"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>อีแฟลต คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="333"/>
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="334"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>บีแฟลต คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="336"/>
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="337"/>
         <source>A Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>เอ คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="339"/>
@@ -1212,7 +1212,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="340"/>
         <source>Alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="342"/>
@@ -1245,7 +1245,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="349"/>
         <source>Bass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>เบส คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="351"/>
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="352"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>คอนทรา-อัลโต คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="354"/>
@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>คอนทราเบส คลาริเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="357"/>
@@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="379"/>
-        <translation>ออคเทวิน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="381"/>
@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="382"/>
-        <translation>บาสซูน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="384"/>
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="385"/>
-        <translation>คอนทราบาสซูน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="387"/>
@@ -1503,7 +1503,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="421"/>
-        <translation>แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="423"/>
@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="424"/>
         <source>Sopranissimo Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>โซปรานิสซิโม แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="426"/>
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="427"/>
         <source>Sopranino Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>โซปรานิโน แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="429"/>
@@ -1536,7 +1536,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="430"/>
         <source>Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="432"/>
@@ -1558,7 +1558,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="436"/>
         <source>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>เมซโซ-โซปราโน แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="438"/>
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="439"/>
         <source>Alto Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="441"/>
@@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="445"/>
         <source>Tenor Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="447"/>
@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="448"/>
         <source>Baritone Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>แบริโทน แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="450"/>
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="451"/>
         <source>Bass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>เบส แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="453"/>
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="454"/>
         <source>Contrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>คอนทราเบส แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="456"/>
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="457"/>
         <source>Subcontrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation>ซับคอนทราเบส แซ็กโซโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="459"/>
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="460"/>
-        <translation>ปี่สก๊อต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="462"/>
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="464"/>
-        <translation>ฮาร์โมนิก้า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="466"/>
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="515"/>
-        <translation>แอคคอร์เดียน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="517"/>
@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="518"/>
-        <translation>แบนดูนีออน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="520"/>
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="521"/>
-        <translation>คอนเซอทินา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="523"/>
@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="524"/>
-        <translation>เมโลเดียน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="526"/>
@@ -2135,7 +2135,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="610"/>
-        <translation>ทรัมเป็ต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="612"/>
@@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="613"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>ปิคโคโล ทรัมเป็ต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="615"/>
@@ -2256,7 +2256,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="643"/>
         <source>Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation>เบสทรัมเป็ต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="645"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2581,7 +2575,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="730"/>
-        <translation>คอร์เน็ต</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="733"/>
@@ -2631,7 +2625,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="745"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="748"/>
-        <translation>ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="747"/>
@@ -2641,14 +2635,9 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="754"/>
@@ -2659,7 +2648,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="755"/>
         <source>Alto Trombone</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="757"/>
@@ -2670,7 +2659,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="758"/>
         <source>Tenor Trombone</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="760"/>
@@ -2681,7 +2670,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="761"/>
         <source>Bass Trombone</source>
-        <translation>เบส ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="763"/>
@@ -2692,7 +2681,7 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="764"/>
         <source>Contrabass Trombone</source>
-        <translation>คอนทราเบส ทรอมโบน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="766"/>
@@ -2715,32 +2704,17 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="770"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="773"/>
-        <translation>ยูโฟเนียม</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <translation>ทูบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -2844,7 +2859,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="812"/>
-        <translation>ซูซาโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="814"/>
@@ -2855,7 +2870,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="815"/>
         <source>Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation>วากเนอร์ทูบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="817"/>
@@ -2932,7 +2947,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="836"/>
-        <translation>วูวูเซล่า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="838"/>
@@ -2948,7 +2963,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="840"/>
-        <translation>ทิมปานี</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="842"/>
@@ -2959,7 +2974,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="843"/>
-        <translation>โรโต-ทอม</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="845"/>
@@ -2970,7 +2985,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="846"/>
-        <translation>กลอคเค็นชปิล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="848"/>
@@ -3014,7 +3029,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="858"/>
-        <translation>ทูบาโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="860"/>
@@ -3036,7 +3051,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="864"/>
-        <translation>ไวบราโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="866"/>
@@ -3091,7 +3106,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="879"/>
         <source>Tubular Bells</source>
-        <translation>ระฆังราว</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="881"/>
@@ -3245,7 +3260,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="921"/>
-        <translation>ไซโลโฟน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="923"/>
@@ -3289,7 +3304,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="933"/>
-        <translation>ไซโลมาริมบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="935"/>
@@ -3300,7 +3315,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="936"/>
-        <translation>มาริมบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="938"/>
@@ -3344,7 +3359,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="948"/>
-        <translation>คาลิมบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="950"/>
@@ -3382,7 +3397,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="958"/>
-        <translation>ชุดกลอง</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="960"/>
@@ -3394,7 +3409,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="961"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1133"/>
         <source>Snare Drum</source>
-        <translation>กลองสแนร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="963"/>
@@ -3405,7 +3420,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="964"/>
         <source>Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation>กลองใหญ่</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="966"/>
@@ -3460,7 +3475,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="979"/>
-        <translation>บองโก</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="981"/>
@@ -3471,7 +3486,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="982"/>
-        <translation>คองกา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="985"/>
@@ -3540,7 +3555,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1005"/>
-        <translation>แทม-แทม</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1006"/>
@@ -3671,7 +3686,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1042"/>
-        <translation>ไทรแองเกิ้ล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1044"/>
@@ -3682,7 +3697,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1045"/>
-        <translation>ฉาบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1047"/>
@@ -3737,7 +3752,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1060"/>
-        <translation>คาวเบล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1062"/>
@@ -3781,7 +3796,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1072"/>
-        <translation>มาราคัส</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1074"/>
@@ -3990,7 +4005,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1129"/>
-        <translation>แทมบูรีน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1131"/>
@@ -4012,7 +4027,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1136"/>
         <source>Tenor Drums</source>
-        <translation>กลองเทเนอร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1138"/>
@@ -4023,7 +4038,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1139"/>
         <source>Bass Drums</source>
-        <translation>กลองใหญ่</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1141"/>
@@ -4034,7 +4049,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1142"/>
-        <translation>ฉาบ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1144"/>
@@ -4178,7 +4193,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
-        <translation>เปียโน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1182"/>
@@ -4195,12 +4210,12 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation>แกรนด์เปียโน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
         <source>Upright Piano</source>
-        <translation>อัพไรท์เปียโน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
@@ -4216,7 +4231,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1192"/>
         <source>Toy Piano</source>
-        <translation>เปียโนของเล่น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1194"/>
@@ -4227,7 +4242,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1195"/>
-        <translation>แคลฟวิคอร์ด</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1197"/>
@@ -4238,7 +4253,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1198"/>
-        <translation>ฮาร์ปซิคอร์ด</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1200"/>
@@ -4249,7 +4264,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1201"/>
-        <translation>เวอร์จินัล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1203"/>
@@ -4260,7 +4275,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1204"/>
-        <translation>เซเลสต้า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1206"/>
@@ -4271,7 +4286,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1207"/>
         <source>Electric Piano</source>
-        <translation>เปียโนไฟฟ้า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1209"/>
@@ -4282,7 +4297,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1210"/>
-        <translation>แคลฟวิเน็ท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1212"/>
@@ -4346,7 +4361,7 @@ Pipe Organ</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1229"/>
-        <translation>ฮาร์โมเนียม</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1232"/>
@@ -4611,7 +4626,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1321"/>
-        <translation>แบนโจ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1323"/>
@@ -4627,7 +4642,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1325"/>
         <source>Tenor Banjo</source>
-        <translation>เทเนอร์ แบนโจ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1327"/>
@@ -4745,7 +4760,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1364"/>
         <source>Soprano Guitar</source>
-        <translation>โซปราโน กีตาร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1366"/>
@@ -4756,7 +4771,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1367"/>
         <source>Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation>อัลโต กีตาร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1369"/>
@@ -4767,7 +4782,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1370"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar</source>
-        <translation>กีตาร์คลาสสิค</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1372"/>
@@ -4786,7 +4801,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1374"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar</source>
-        <translation>อคูสติก กีตาร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1377"/>
@@ -4829,7 +4844,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1387"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar</source>
-        <translation>กีตาร์ไฟฟ้า</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1389"/>
@@ -4845,7 +4860,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1391"/>
-        <translation>ฮาร์ป</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1393"/>
@@ -4856,7 +4871,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1394"/>
-        <translation>โคโตะ</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1396"/>
@@ -4874,7 +4889,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1421"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1425"/>
-        <translation>ลูท</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1399"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4981,7 +5049,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1435"/>
-        <translation>แมนโดลิน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1437"/>
@@ -4990,14 +5058,9 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
-        <translation>แมนโดลา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1441"/>
@@ -5046,7 +5109,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1454"/>
-        <translation>ซามิเซ็น</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1456"/>
@@ -5057,7 +5120,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1457"/>
-        <translation>ซิตาร์</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1459"/>
@@ -5068,7 +5131,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1460"/>
-        <translation>อูคูเลเล่</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1462"/>
@@ -5122,7 +5185,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1474"/>
         <source>Acoustic Bass</source>
-        <translation>อคูสติก เบส</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1477"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
+        <source>Violin</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <source>Violin</source>
-        <translation>ไวโอลิน</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation>วิโอลา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <translation>วิโอลอนเชลโล</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <translation>คอนทราเบส</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <translation>ดับเบิลเบส</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <translation>วิโอลา ดา แกมบา</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <translation>วิโอโลน</translation>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_tr.ts b/share/locale/instruments_tr.ts
index 9a4d49b..655ed5e 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_tr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_tr.ts
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="16"/>
         <source>Soprano Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soprano Flüt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="18"/>
         <source>Sop. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sop. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="19"/>
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="22"/>
         <source>Alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Flüt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="24"/>
         <source>A. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="25"/>
@@ -101,18 +101,18 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="27"/>
         <source>B. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="28"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontralto Flüt </translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="30"/>
         <source>C-a. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ka.Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="31"/>
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="33"/>
         <source>Cb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="34"/>
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="66"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="67"/>
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="69"/>
         <source>Fr. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>French Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fr. Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="70"/>
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="72"/>
         <source>Eng. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>English Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ä°ng. Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="73"/>
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="75"/>
         <source>Ir. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Irish Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ä°r. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="76"/>
@@ -323,13 +323,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="91"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Okarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="93"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ok.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="94"/>
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="123"/>
         <source>Pn. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Pan Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pn. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="124"/>
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="141"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bl.Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="142"/>
@@ -624,13 +624,13 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="178"/>
         <source>Piccolo Oboe</source>
-        <translation>Küçük Obua</translation>
+        <translation>Pikolo Obua</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="180"/>
         <source>P. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="184"/>
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="186"/>
         <source>Bq. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bk. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="187"/>
@@ -679,24 +679,24 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="193"/>
         <source>English Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ä°ngiliz Kornosu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="195"/>
         <source>E. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>English Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ä°. Kn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="196"/>
         <source>Baritone Oboe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton Obua</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="198"/>
         <source>Bar. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="199"/>
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="265"/>
@@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="267"/>
         <source>F Du.</source>
         <extracomment>F Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="268"/>
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="270"/>
         <source>E Du.</source>
         <extracomment>E Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="274"/>
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="276"/>
         <source>C Du.</source>
         <extracomment>C Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="277"/>
@@ -984,18 +984,18 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="279"/>
         <source>B Du.</source>
         <extracomment>B Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="280"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Duduk</source>
-        <translation>Sib Duduk</translation>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="282"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Du.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="283"/>
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="285"/>
         <source>A Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="286"/>
@@ -1017,18 +1017,18 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="288"/>
         <source>G Du.</source>
         <extracomment>G Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sol Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="289"/>
         <source>A Bass Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La Bas Duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="291"/>
         <source>A B. Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Bass Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La B. Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="292"/>
@@ -1141,18 +1141,18 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="321"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="322"/>
         <source>Piccolo Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Küçük Klarnet</translation>
+        <translation>Pikolo Klarnet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="324"/>
         <source>P. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="325"/>
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="327"/>
         <source>S. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="328"/>
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="330"/>
         <source>D Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>D Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="331"/>
@@ -1185,18 +1185,18 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="333"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Miâ™­.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="334"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation>Sib Klarnet</translation>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Klarnet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="336"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="337"/>
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="339"/>
         <source>A Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>A Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="340"/>
@@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="342"/>
         <source>A. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="343"/>
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="351"/>
         <source>B. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="352"/>
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="354"/>
         <source>C-a. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ka.Kl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="355"/>
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="384"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="385"/>
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="387"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>K. Fg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="388"/>
@@ -1503,29 +1503,29 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="421"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="423"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="424"/>
         <source>Sopranissimo Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sopranissimo Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="426"/>
         <source>Sio. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranissimo Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sio. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="427"/>
         <source>Sopranino Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sopranino Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="429"/>
@@ -1536,13 +1536,13 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="430"/>
         <source>Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soprano Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="432"/>
         <source>S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="433"/>
@@ -1558,24 +1558,24 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="436"/>
         <source>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mezzo-Soprano Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="438"/>
         <source>M.S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.S. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="439"/>
         <source>Alto Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="441"/>
         <source>A. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="442"/>
@@ -1591,46 +1591,46 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="445"/>
         <source>Tenor Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="447"/>
         <source>T. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="448"/>
         <source>Baritone Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="450"/>
         <source>Bar. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="451"/>
         <source>Bass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bas Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="453"/>
         <source>B. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="454"/>
         <source>Contrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrbas Saksafon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="456"/>
         <source>Cb. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb. Saks.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="457"/>
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="460"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gayda</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="462"/>
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="464"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="466"/>
@@ -1710,27 +1710,27 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
 20 Hole Chordet Harmonica
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mız.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="467"/>
         <source>12 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 Delikli Do Kromatik Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="470"/>
         <source>14 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>14 Delikli Do Kromatik Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="473"/>
         <source>12 Hole G Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 Delikli Sol Kromatik Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="476"/>
         <source>16 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16 Delikli Do Kromatik Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="479"/>
@@ -1780,7 +1780,7 @@ Harmonium</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="506"/>
         <source>Bass Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bas Mızıka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="508"/>
@@ -1807,24 +1807,24 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="515"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akordiyon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="517"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="518"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bandoneon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="520"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ban.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="521"/>
@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="524"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Melodika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="526"/>
@@ -1901,13 +1901,13 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="542"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="543"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bakır Nefesli Çalgılar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="545"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bk. Nef.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="546"/>
@@ -2135,24 +2135,24 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="610"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trompet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="612"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="613"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pikolo Trompet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="615"/>
         <source>P. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="616"/>
@@ -2201,24 +2201,24 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="628"/>
         <source>C Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do Trompet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="630"/>
         <source>C Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>C Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="631"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Trompet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="633"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="634"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2631,19 +2625,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="745"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="748"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trombon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="747"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="750"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
@@ -2718,34 +2707,60 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
+        <source>Tuba</source>
+        <translation>Tuba</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
+        <source>Tu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="780"/>
+        <source>F Tuba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <source>Tuba</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <source>Tu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="780"/>
-        <source>F Tuba</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2855,7 +2870,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="815"/>
         <source>Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wagner Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="817"/>
@@ -2932,7 +2947,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="836"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vuvuzela</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="838"/>
@@ -2948,7 +2963,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="840"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timpani</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="842"/>
@@ -3047,13 +3062,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="867"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metalofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="869"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="870"/>
@@ -3245,13 +3260,13 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="921"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ksilofon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="923"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ksl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="924"/>
@@ -4050,7 +4065,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1146"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Åžan</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1148"/>
@@ -4105,18 +4120,18 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1161"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontralto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1163"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1164"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrtenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1166"/>
@@ -4138,26 +4153,26 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1170"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bariton</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1172"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1173"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1476"/>
         <extracomment>Acoustic Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1175"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1176"/>
@@ -4178,7 +4193,7 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piyano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1182"/>
@@ -4190,17 +4205,17 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
 Grand Piano
 Upright Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pno.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kuyruklu Piyano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
         <source>Upright Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duvar Piyanosu</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
@@ -4293,7 +4308,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1213"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1215"/>
@@ -4302,7 +4317,7 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
 Pipe Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1216"/>
@@ -4341,7 +4356,7 @@ Pipe Organ</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1225"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1228"/>
         <source>Pipe Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Borulu Org</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1229"/>
@@ -4362,7 +4377,7 @@ Pipe Organ</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1235"/>
         <source>Electronic Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektronik Çalgılar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1236"/>
@@ -4639,13 +4654,13 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1328"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1331"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Balalayka</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1330"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1332"/>
@@ -4723,14 +4738,14 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1356"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1360"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buzuki</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1358"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1362"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1359"/>
@@ -4745,7 +4760,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1364"/>
         <source>Soprano Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soprano Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1366"/>
@@ -4756,7 +4771,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1367"/>
         <source>Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1369"/>
@@ -4767,7 +4782,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1370"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klasik Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1372"/>
@@ -4776,7 +4791,7 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Classical Guitar
 Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1373"/>
@@ -4786,7 +4801,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1374"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akustik Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1377"/>
@@ -4807,7 +4822,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1381"/>
         <source>12-string Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 Telli Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1383"/>
@@ -4829,13 +4844,13 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1387"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektrik Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1389"/>
         <source>El. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El. Git.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1390"/>
@@ -4845,13 +4860,13 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1391"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1393"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1394"/>
@@ -4874,7 +4889,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1421"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1425"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lavta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1399"/>
@@ -4887,7 +4902,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1427"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lvt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1400"/>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Kemanlar</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Viyolalar</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Viyolonseller</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Kontrbaslar</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4981,7 +5049,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1435"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandolin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1437"/>
@@ -4990,14 +5058,9 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1441"/>
@@ -5057,7 +5120,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1457"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1459"/>
@@ -5068,7 +5131,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1460"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1462"/>
@@ -5106,7 +5169,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1470"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bas Gitar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1472"/>
@@ -5122,7 +5185,7 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1474"/>
         <source>Acoustic Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akustik Bas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1477"/>
@@ -5157,132 +5220,109 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1488"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Yaylılar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keman</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kem.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viyola</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vyl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viyolonsel</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vls.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kontrbas</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kb.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_uk.ts b/share/locale/instruments_uk.ts
index 96fc773..e47352d 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_uk.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_uk.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation>Баритональна сурма</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation>Мелофонова сурма</translation>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Тромбон (скрипковий ключ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>Еуфоніум (скрипковий ключ)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation>Туба в ладу Фа</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Старовинна музика</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Сі♭ файф</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Тромбон (скрипковий ключ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Еуфоніум (скрипковий ключ)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Мандоліна [Табулатура]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5-стр. Електрична бас-гітара</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,68 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5-стр. Електрична бас-гітара [Табулатура]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Ерху</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
         <translation>Віола да гамба (Табулатоура)</translation>
@@ -4956,18 +5037,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>Старовинна музика</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>Сі♭ файф</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5059,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>Мандоліна [Табулатура]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,130 +5224,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>Ерху</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>Струнна секція</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation>Подвійний бас</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation>Альтова віола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation>Тенорова віола</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation>Віола да гамба</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5291,18 +5331,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation>Віола да гамба (Таб)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5310,7 +5350,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation>Віолоне в ладу D</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_uz at Latn.ts b/share/locale/instruments_uz at Latn.ts
index 1e842d2..a967a50 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_uz at Latn.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_uz at Latn.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4946,25 +4966,73 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_vi.ts b/share/locale/instruments_vi.ts
index 848076e..0522570 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_vi.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_vi.ts
@@ -24,166 +24,166 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="6"/>
-        <translation>Bá»™ gá»—</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ gỗ dùng hơi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="7"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="9"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Picc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="10"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="12"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="13"/>
         <source>Treble Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Treble</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="15"/>
         <source>Tr. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tr. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="16"/>
         <source>Soprano Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="18"/>
         <source>Sop. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sop. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="19"/>
         <source>Sub Contra-alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Sub Contra-alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="21"/>
         <source>Sc-a. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Sub Contra-alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sc-a. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="22"/>
         <source>Alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="24"/>
         <source>A. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="25"/>
         <source>Bass Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="27"/>
         <source>B. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="28"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Contra-alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="30"/>
         <source>C-a. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C-a. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="31"/>
         <source>Contrabass Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Contrabass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="33"/>
         <source>Cb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="34"/>
         <source>Double Contrabass Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Contrabass đôi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="36"/>
         <source>D. Cb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Double Contrabass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D. Cb. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="37"/>
         <source>Hyperbass Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Hyperbass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="39"/>
         <source>Hb. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Hyperbass Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hb. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="40"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Danso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="42"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Da.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="43"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="45"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="46"/>
         <source>C Dizi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo C Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="48"/>
         <source>C Di.</source>
         <extracomment>C Dizi</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Di.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="49"/>
         <source>A Dizi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo A Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="51"/>
@@ -192,527 +192,527 @@
         <extracomment>A Dizi
 F Dizi</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A Di.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="52"/>
         <source>G Dizi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo G Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="54"/>
         <source>G Di.</source>
         <extracomment>G Dizi</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Di.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="55"/>
         <source>F Dizi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo F Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="58"/>
         <source>E Dizi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo E Dizi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="60"/>
         <source>E Di.</source>
         <extracomment>E Dizi</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E Di.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="64"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo dọc thời cổ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="66"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="67"/>
         <source>French Flageolet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo dọc thời cổ Pháp</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="69"/>
         <source>Fr. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>French Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fr. Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="70"/>
         <source>English Flageolet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo dọc thời cổ Anh</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="72"/>
         <source>Eng. Fla.</source>
         <extracomment>English Flageolet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eng. Fla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="73"/>
         <source>Irish Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc Ai-len</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="75"/>
         <source>Ir. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Irish Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ir. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="76"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn sừng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="78"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="79"/>
         <source>Soprano Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn sừng Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="81"/>
         <source>S. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Gh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="82"/>
         <source>Alto Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn sừng Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="84"/>
         <source>A. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Gh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="85"/>
         <source>Tenor Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn sừng Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="87"/>
         <source>T. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Gh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="88"/>
         <source>Bass Gemshorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn sừng Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="90"/>
         <source>B. Gh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Gemshorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Gh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="91"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="93"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="94"/>
         <source>G Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Soprano Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="96"/>
         <source>G S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>G Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G S. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="97"/>
         <source>F Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Soprano Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="99"/>
         <source>F S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>F Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F S. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="100"/>
         <source>C Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Soprano Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="102"/>
         <source>C S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C S. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="103"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="105"/>
         <source>B♭­ S. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Soprano Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B♭­ S. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="106"/>
         <source>G Alto Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Alto Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="108"/>
         <source>G A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>G Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G A. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="109"/>
         <source>F Alto Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Alto Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="111"/>
         <source>F A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F A. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="112"/>
         <source>C Alto Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Alto Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="114"/>
         <source>C A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C A. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="115"/>
         <source>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="117"/>
         <source>B♭­ A. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>B♭­ Alto Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B♭­ A. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="118"/>
         <source>C Bass Ocarina</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Bass Ocarina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="120"/>
         <source>C B. Oc.</source>
         <extracomment>C Bass Ocarina</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C B. Oc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="121"/>
         <source>Pan Flute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo trúc quạt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="123"/>
         <source>Pn. Fl.</source>
         <extracomment>Pan Flute</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pn. Fl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="124"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="136"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiêu Quena</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="126"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="138"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Qn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="127"/>
         <source>C Quena</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiêu C Quena</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="129"/>
         <source>C Qn.</source>
         <extracomment>C Quena</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Qn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="130"/>
         <source>G Quena</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiêu G Quena</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="132"/>
         <source>G Qn.</source>
         <extracomment>G Quena</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Qn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="133"/>
         <source>F Quena</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiêu F Quena</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="135"/>
         <source>F Qn.</source>
         <extracomment>F Quena</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Qn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="139"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="141"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="142"/>
         <source>Garklein Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Garklein Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="144"/>
         <source>Gk. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Garklein Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gk. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="145"/>
         <source>Sopranino Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Sopranino Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="147"/>
         <source>Si. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="148"/>
         <source>Soprano Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Soprano Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="150"/>
         <source>S. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="151"/>
         <source>Alto Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Alto Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="153"/>
         <source>A. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="154"/>
         <source>Tenor Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Tenor Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="156"/>
         <source>T. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="157"/>
         <source>Bass Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Bass Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="159"/>
         <source>B. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="160"/>
         <source>Contrabass Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Contrabass Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="162"/>
         <source>Cb. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="163"/>
         <source>Greatbass Recorder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Greatbass Recorder</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="165"/>
         <source>Gb. Rec.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Recorder</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gb. Rec.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="166"/>
         <source>Slide Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Slide Whistle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="168"/>
         <source>Sl. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Slide Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sl. Wh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="169"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="175"/>
         <source>Tin Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáo Tin Whistle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="171"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="177"/>
         <source>Tin. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tin Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tin. Wh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="172"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="174"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tin. Wh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tin Whistle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Tin. Wh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="178"/>
         <source>Piccolo Oboe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn ôboa piccolo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="180"/>
         <source>P. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="181"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Ôboa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="183"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="184"/>
         <source>Baroque Oboe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn ôboa Ba-rốc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="186"/>
         <source>Bq. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="187"/>
         <source>Oboe d'amore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn ôboa d'amore</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="189"/>
         <source>Ob. d'a.</source>
         <extracomment>Oboe d'amore</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ob. d'a.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="190"/>
         <source>Oboe da caccia</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn ôboa da caccia</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="192"/>
         <source>Ob. d. ca.</source>
         <extracomment>Oboe da caccia</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ob. d. ca.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="193"/>
         <source>English Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn Anh</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="195"/>
         <source>E. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>English Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="196"/>
         <source>Baritone Oboe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn ôboa baritone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="198"/>
         <source>Bar. Ob.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Oboe</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Ob.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="199"/>
         <source>Piccolo Heckelphone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Piccolo Heckelphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="201"/>
         <source>P. Hph.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Heckelphone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Hph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="202"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Heckelphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="204"/>
@@ -721,216 +721,216 @@ F Dizi</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="205"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Heckelphone-clarinet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="208"/>
         <source>Sopranino Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sopranino Shawm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="210"/>
         <source>Si. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="211"/>
         <source>Soprano Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Shawm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="213"/>
         <source>S. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="214"/>
         <source>Alto Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Shawm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="216"/>
         <source>A. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="217"/>
         <source>Tenor Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Shawm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="219"/>
         <source>T. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="220"/>
         <source>Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Shawm Bass </translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="222"/>
         <source>B. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="223"/>
         <source>Great Bass Shawm</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Shawm bass lớn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="225"/>
         <source>G.B. Sh.</source>
         <extracomment>Great Bass Shawm</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G.B. Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="226"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cromorne</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="228"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="229"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="231"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="232"/>
         <source>Soprano Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="234"/>
         <source>S. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="235"/>
         <source>Alto Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="237"/>
         <source>A. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="238"/>
         <source>Tenor Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="240"/>
         <source>T. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="241"/>
         <source>Bass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="243"/>
         <source>B. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="244"/>
         <source>Greatbass Crumhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Crumhorn Bass lớn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="246"/>
         <source>Gb. Crh.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Crumhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gb. Crh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="247"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornamuse</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="249"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="250"/>
         <source>Soprano Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornamuse Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="252"/>
         <source>S. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="253"/>
         <source>Alto Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornamuse Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="255"/>
         <source>A. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="256"/>
         <source>Tenor Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornamuse Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="258"/>
         <source>T. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="259"/>
         <source>Bass Cornamuse</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornamuse Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="261"/>
         <source>B. Cm.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Cornamuse</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Cm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="262"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="271"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="264"/>
@@ -940,188 +940,188 @@ Heckelphone-clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="265"/>
         <source>F Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="267"/>
         <source>F Du.</source>
         <extracomment>F Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="268"/>
         <source>E Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk E</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="270"/>
         <source>E Du.</source>
         <extracomment>E Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="274"/>
         <source>C Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="276"/>
         <source>C Du.</source>
         <extracomment>C Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="277"/>
         <source>B Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk B</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="279"/>
         <source>B Du.</source>
         <extracomment>B Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="280"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk B♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="282"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Du.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="283"/>
         <source>A Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="285"/>
         <source>A Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="286"/>
         <source>G Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk G</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="288"/>
         <source>G Du.</source>
         <extracomment>G Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="289"/>
         <source>A Bass Duduk</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Duduk Bass A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="291"/>
         <source>A B. Du.</source>
         <extracomment>A Bass Duduk</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A B. Du.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="292"/>
         <source>Soprano Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kelhorn Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="294"/>
         <source>S. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="295"/>
         <source>Alto Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kelhorn Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="297"/>
         <source>A. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="298"/>
         <source>Tenor Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kelhorn Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="300"/>
         <source>T. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="301"/>
         <source>Bass Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kelhorn Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="303"/>
         <source>B. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="304"/>
         <source>Greatbass Kelhorn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kelhorn Bass lớn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="306"/>
         <source>Gb. Kh.</source>
         <extracomment>Greatbass Kelhorn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gb. Kh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="307"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Rauschpfeife</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="309"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="310"/>
         <source>Sopranino Rauschpfeife</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Rauschpfeife Sopranino</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="312"/>
         <source>Si. Rpf.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Rauschpfeife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="313"/>
         <source>Soprano Rauschpfeife</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Rauschpfeife Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="315"/>
         <source>S. Rpf.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Rauschpfeife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Rpf.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="316"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Shenai</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="318"/>
@@ -1130,539 +1130,539 @@ Dulcian</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="319"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="321"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="322"/>
         <source>Piccolo Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Sáo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="324"/>
         <source>P. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="325"/>
         <source>Soprano Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="327"/>
         <source>S. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="328"/>
         <source>D Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet D</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="330"/>
         <source>D Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>D Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="331"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet E♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="333"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="334"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet B♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="336"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="337"/>
         <source>A Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="339"/>
         <source>A Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>A Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="340"/>
         <source>Alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="342"/>
         <source>A. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="343"/>
         <source>Basset Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Bassset</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="345"/>
         <source>Ba. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Basset Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="346"/>
         <source>Basset Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn Basset</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="348"/>
         <source>Ba. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Basset Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="349"/>
         <source>Bass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="351"/>
         <source>B. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="352"/>
         <source>Contra-alto Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Contra-alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="354"/>
         <source>C-a. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contra-alto Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C-a. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Clarinet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Clarinet Contrabass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="357"/>
         <source>Cb. Cl.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Clarinet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Cl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="358"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="360"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="361"/>
         <source>Sopranino Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau Sopranino</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="363"/>
         <source>Si. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="364"/>
         <source>Soprano Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="366"/>
         <source>S. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="367"/>
         <source>Alto Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="369"/>
         <source>A. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="370"/>
         <source>Tenor Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="372"/>
         <source>T. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="373"/>
         <source>Bass Chalumeau</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Chalumeau Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="375"/>
         <source>B. Cha.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Chalumeau</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Cha.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="376"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tarogato</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="378"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="379"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Octavin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="381"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="382"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bassoon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="384"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bsn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="385"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Contrabassoon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="387"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cbsn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="388"/>
         <source>Reed Contrabass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Reed Contrabass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="390"/>
         <source>Rd. Cbs.</source>
         <extracomment>Reed Contrabass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rd. Cbs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="391"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Dulcian</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="394"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Rackett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="396"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ra.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="397"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="399"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="400"/>
         <source>Sopranino Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sopranino Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="402"/>
         <source>Si. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="403"/>
         <source>Soprano Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="405"/>
         <source>S. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="406"/>
         <source>Alto Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="408"/>
         <source>A. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="409"/>
         <source>Tenor Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="411"/>
         <source>T. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="412"/>
         <source>Baritone Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baritone Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="414"/>
         <source>Bar. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="415"/>
         <source>Bass Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="417"/>
         <source>B. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="418"/>
         <source>Contrabass Sarrusophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Contrabass Sarrusophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="420"/>
         <source>Cb. Sar.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Sarrusophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Sar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="421"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="423"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="424"/>
         <source>Sopranissimo Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sopranissimo Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="426"/>
         <source>Sio. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranissimo Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sio. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="427"/>
         <source>Sopranino Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sopranino Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="429"/>
         <source>Si. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Sopranino Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="430"/>
         <source>Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="432"/>
         <source>S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="433"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Aulochrome</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="435"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aul.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="436"/>
         <source>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="438"/>
         <source>M.S. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Mezzo-Soprano Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>M.S. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="439"/>
         <source>Alto Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="441"/>
         <source>A. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="442"/>
         <source>Melody Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Melody Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="444"/>
         <source>Mel. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Melody Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mel. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="445"/>
         <source>Tenor Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="447"/>
         <source>T. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="448"/>
         <source>Baritone Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baritone Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="450"/>
         <source>Bar. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="451"/>
         <source>Bass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="453"/>
         <source>B. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="454"/>
         <source>Contrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Contrabass Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="456"/>
         <source>Cb. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="457"/>
         <source>Subcontrabass Saxophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Subcontrabass Saxophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="459"/>
         <source>Scb. Sax.</source>
         <extracomment>Subcontrabass Saxophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scb. Sax.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="460"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Túi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="462"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bagp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="463"/>
         <source>Free Reed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ có lưỡi gà</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="464"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Harmonica </translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="466"/>
@@ -1710,77 +1710,77 @@ Sheng</extracomment>
 20 Hole Chordet Harmonica
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="467"/>
         <source>12 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 12 lá»— C Chromati</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="470"/>
         <source>14 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 14 lá»— C Chromatic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="473"/>
         <source>12 Hole G Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 12 lá»— G Chromatic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="476"/>
         <source>16 Hole C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 16 lá»— C Chromatic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="479"/>
         <source>12 Hole Tenor C Chromatic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 12 lá»— Tenor C Chromatic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="482"/>
         <source>10 Hole High G Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— High G Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="485"/>
         <source>10 Hole F Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— F Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="488"/>
         <source>10 Hole D Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— D Diatoni</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="491"/>
         <source>10 Hole C Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— C Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="494"/>
         <source>10 Hole A Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— A Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="497"/>
         <source>10 Hole G Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— G Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="500"/>
         <source>10 Hole Low D Diatonic Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 10 lá»— Low D Diatonic</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="503"/>
         <source>20 Hole Chordet Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica 20 lá»— Chordet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="506"/>
         <source>Bass Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="508"/>
@@ -1792,779 +1792,773 @@ Harmonium</extracomment>
 Bass Hohner Harmonica
 Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bs. Harm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="509"/>
         <source>Bass Hohner Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica Bass Hohner</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="512"/>
         <source>Bass Huang Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica Bass Huang</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="515"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn xếp Accordion</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="517"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="518"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn xếp Bandoneon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="520"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ban.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="521"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn xếp Concertina</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="523"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="524"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn hơi Melodica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="526"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mel.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="527"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="530"/>
         <source>Soprano Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="532"/>
         <source>S She.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="533"/>
         <source>Alto Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="535"/>
         <source>A She.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="536"/>
         <source>Tenor Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="538"/>
         <source>T She.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="539"/>
         <source>Bass Sheng</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Sheng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="541"/>
         <source>B She.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Sheng</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B She.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="542"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="543"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ đồng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="545"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Br.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="546"/>
         <source>Horn in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="548"/>
         <source>F Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="549"/>
         <source>High C Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn C cao</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="551"/>
         <source>H. C Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>High C Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>H. C Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="552"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn B♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="554"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="555"/>
         <source>Horn in A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="557"/>
         <source>A Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in A</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="558"/>
         <source>Horn in Aâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="560"/>
         <source>Aâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Aâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aâ™­ Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="561"/>
         <source>Horn in G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn G</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="563"/>
         <source>G Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in G</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="564"/>
         <source>E Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn E</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="566"/>
         <source>E Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>E Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="567"/>
         <source>Horn in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn E</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="569"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="570"/>
         <source>Horn in D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn D</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="572"/>
         <extracomment>Horn in D</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="573"/>
         <source>Horn in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="575"/>
         <source>C Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="576"/>
         <source>Vienna Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Vienna Horn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="578"/>
         <source>V. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Vienna Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>V. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="579"/>
         <source>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horn B♭ basso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="581"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ ba Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Horn in Bâ™­ basso</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ ba Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="582"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Cornet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="584"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Cnt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="585"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cornet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Cornet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="587"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Cnt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Cornet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Cnt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="588"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="590"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Saxhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="591"/>
         <source>F Alto Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn F Alto Horn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="593"/>
         <source>F A. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F A. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="594"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Alto Horn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="596"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ A. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="597"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="600"/>
         <source>Baritone Horn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baritone Horn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="599"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="602"/>
         <source>Bar. Hn.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Horn</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Hn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="603"/>
         <source>Baritone Horn (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baritone Horn (khóa Treble)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="604"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Posthorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="606"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Psthn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="607"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alphorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="609"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>AlpHn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="610"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="612"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="613"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Piccolo Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="615"/>
         <source>P. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="616"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Piccolo Trumpet B♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="618"/>
         <source>P. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Tpt. Bâ™­</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="619"/>
         <source>Piccolo Trumpet in A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Piccolo Trumpet tông A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="621"/>
         <source>P. Tpt. A</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Trumpet in A</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Tpt. A</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="622"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kên tông E♭ Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="624"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="625"/>
         <source>D Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn D Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="627"/>
         <source>D Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>D Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="628"/>
         <source>C Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn C Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="630"/>
         <source>C Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>C Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="631"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="633"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="634"/>
         <source>Pocket Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Pocket Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="636"/>
         <source>Pkt. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Pocket Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pkt. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="637"/>
         <source>Slide Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Slide Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="639"/>
         <extracomment>Slide Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sl.Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="640"/>
         <source>Tenor Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="642"/>
         <source>Tnr. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tnr. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="643"/>
         <source>Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="645"/>
         <source>B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="646"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Bass Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="648"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ B. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="649"/>
         <source>Bass Trumpet in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Trumpet tông C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="651"/>
         <source>B. Tpt. C</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trumpet in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Tpt. C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="652"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Bass Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="654"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ B. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="655"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="657"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt.</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="658"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet tông F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="660"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. F</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt. F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="661"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet tông E♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="663"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt. Eâ™­</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="664"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet tông D</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="666"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. D</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in D</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt. D</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="667"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet tông C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="669"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. C</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in C</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt. C</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="670"/>
         <source>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baroque Trumpet tông B♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="672"/>
         <source>Bq. Tpt. Bâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Baroque Trumpet in Bâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bq. Tpt. Bâ™­</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="673"/>
         <source>Rag Dung</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Rag Dung</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="675"/>
         <source>Rg. Dng.</source>
         <extracomment>Rag Dung</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rg. Dng.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="676"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="678"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="679"/>
         <source>Soprano Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="681"/>
         <source>Sop. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sop. Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="682"/>
         <source>Alto Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="684"/>
         <source>Alt. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt. Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="685"/>
         <source>Baritone Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Baritone Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="687"/>
         <source>Bar. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="688"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Flugelhorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="690"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flghn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="691"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Fiscorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="693"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fsc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="694"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Kuhlohorn</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="696"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klhn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="697"/>
         <source>Euphonium Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Euphonium Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Mellophone Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="702"/>
         <source>Mel. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Mellophone Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mel. Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="703"/>
         <source>Contrabass Bugle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Contrabass Bugle</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="705"/>
         <source>Con. Bu.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Con. Bu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="706"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Mellophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="708"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="709"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="711"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="712"/>
         <source>F Alto Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn F Alto Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="714"/>
         <source>F A. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>F Alto Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F A. Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="715"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Alto Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="717"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ A. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Alto Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ A. Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="718"/>
         <source>C Bass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn C Bass Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="720"/>
         <source>C B. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>C Bass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C B. Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="721"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Bass Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="723"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ B. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Bass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ B. Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="724"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Contrabass Ophicleide</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="726"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Cb. Oph.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Contrabass Ophicleide</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Cb. Oph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="727"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornettino</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="729"/>
@@ -2576,1097 +2570,1118 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Co.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="730"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="733"/>
         <source>Soprano Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Cornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="735"/>
         <source>S. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Co.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="736"/>
         <source>Alto Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Cornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="738"/>
         <source>A. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Co.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="739"/>
         <source>Tenor Cornett</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Cornett</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="741"/>
         <source>T. Co.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Cornett</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Co.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="742"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Trompet cổ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="744"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Spt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="745"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="748"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="747"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="750"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Soprano Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="754"/>
         <source>S. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="755"/>
         <source>Alto Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Alto Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="757"/>
         <source>A. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="758"/>
         <source>Tenor Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tenor Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="760"/>
         <source>T. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="761"/>
         <source>Bass Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="763"/>
         <source>B. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="764"/>
         <source>Contrabass Trombone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Contrabass Trombone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="766"/>
         <source>Cb. Trb.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Trombone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb. Trb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="767"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Cimbasso</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="769"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cim.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="770"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="773"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Euphonium</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tuba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="780"/>
         <source>F Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn F Tuba</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>Early music</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>Sáo Fife B♭</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph. Bu.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Kèn Trombone (khóa Treble)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation>Euph.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>Kèn Euphonium (khóa Treble)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation>Tba.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="783"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="786"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="785"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="788"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Eâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="789"/>
         <source>Eâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn E♭ Tuba (khóa Treble)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="790"/>
         <source>C Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn C Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="792"/>
         <source>C Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>C Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="793"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="796"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="795"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="798"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="799"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Tuba (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Tuba (khóa Treble)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="800"/>
         <source>Bass Tuba in F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Tuba F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="802"/>
         <source>Ba. Tu. F</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Tuba in F</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Tu. F</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="803"/>
         <source>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Bass Tuba E♭</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="805"/>
         <source>Ba. Tu. Eâ™­</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Tuba in Eâ™­</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ba. Tu. Eâ™­</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="806"/>
         <source>Sub-Contrabass Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sub-Contrabass Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="808"/>
         <source>SCB. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Sub-Contrabass Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SCB. Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="809"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="811"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Helicon</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="812"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Sousaphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="814"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sphn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="815"/>
         <source>Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Wagner Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="817"/>
         <source>Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wag. Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="818"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn B♭ Wagner Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="820"/>
         <source>Bâ™­ Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>Bâ™­ Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ Wag. Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="821"/>
         <source>F Wagner Tuba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn F Wagner Tuba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="823"/>
         <source>F Wag. Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Wagner Tuba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F Wag. Tu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="824"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conch</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="826"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cnch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="827"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Didgeridoo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="829"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doo.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="830"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Horagai</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="832"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hor.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="833"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Shofar</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="835"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sho.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="836"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Vuvuzela</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="838"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vuv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="839"/>
         <source>Pitched Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ gõ có cao độ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="840"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timpani</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="842"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="843"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Roto-toms</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="845"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rt-t.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="846"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glockenspiel</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="848"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="849"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Glockenspiel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff Soprano Glockenspiel</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="851"/>
         <source>O. S. Glk.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Glockenspiel</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. S. Glk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="852"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Glockenspiel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff Alto Glockenspiel</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="854"/>
         <source>O. A. Glk.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Glockenspiel</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. A. Glk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="855"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crotales</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="857"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cro.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="858"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tubaphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="860"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tph.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="861"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Almglocken</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="863"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="864"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraphone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="866"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vib.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="867"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metallophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="869"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="870"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff Soprano Metallophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="872"/>
         <source>O. S. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. S. Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="873"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff Alto Metallophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="875"/>
         <source>O. A. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. A. Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="876"/>
         <source>Orff Bass Metallophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Orff Bass Metallophone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="878"/>
         <source>O. B. Met.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Bass Metallophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. B. Met.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="879"/>
         <source>Tubular Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tubular Bells</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="881"/>
         <source>Tu. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Tubular Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tu. Be.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="882"/>
         <source>Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="884"/>
         <source>St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="885"/>
         <source>Soprano Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="887"/>
         <source>S. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="888"/>
         <source>Alto Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="890"/>
         <source>A. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="891"/>
         <source>Guitar Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép ghi-ta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="893"/>
         <source>Gtr. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Guitar Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gtr. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="894"/>
         <source>Tenor Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="896"/>
         <source>T. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="897"/>
         <source>Cello Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép Cello</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="899"/>
         <source>Ce. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Cello Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ce. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="900"/>
         <source>Bass Steel Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống thép Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="902"/>
         <source>B. St. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Steel Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. St. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="903"/>
         <source>Hand Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông cầm tay</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="905"/>
         <source>Ha. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Hand Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ha. Be.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="906"/>
         <source>Tuned Gongs</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chiêng gồng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="908"/>
         <source>Td. Go.</source>
         <extracomment>Tuned Gongs</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Td. Go.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="909"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flexatone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="911"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="912"/>
         <source>Musical Saw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Musical Saw</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="914"/>
         <source>Mu. Sw.</source>
         <extracomment>Musical Saw</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mu. Sw.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="915"/>
         <source>Musical Glasses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhạc cụ thủy tinh</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="917"/>
         <source>Mu. Gla.</source>
         <extracomment>Musical Glasses</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mu. Gla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="918"/>
         <source>Glass Harmonica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonica thủy tinh</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="920"/>
         <source>Gla. Har.</source>
         <extracomment>Glass Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gla. Har.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="921"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="923"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xyl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="924"/>
         <source>Orff Soprano Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm Orff Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="926"/>
         <source>O. S. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Soprano Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. S. Xyl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="927"/>
         <source>Orff Alto Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm Orff Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="929"/>
         <source>O. A. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Alto Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. A. Xyl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="930"/>
         <source>Orff Bass Xylophone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm Orff Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="932"/>
         <source>O. B. Xyl.</source>
         <extracomment>Orff Bass Xylophone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O. B. Xyl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="933"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xylomarimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="935"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>XMrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="936"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm Marimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="938"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="939"/>
         <source>Bass Marimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mộc cầm Bass Marimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="941"/>
         <source>B. Mrm.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Marimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Mrm.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="942"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn Dulcimer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="944"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dlc.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="945"/>
         <source>Tuned Klaxon Horns</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn Tuned Klaxon Horns</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="947"/>
         <source>Tn. Klx. Hns.</source>
         <extracomment>Tuned Klaxon Horns</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tn. Klx. Hns.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="948"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="950"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="951"/>
         <source>Treble Kalimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Treble Kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="953"/>
         <source>Tr. Kal.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Kalimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tr. Kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="954"/>
         <source>Alto Kalimba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Kalimba</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="956"/>
         <source>A. Kal.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Kalimba</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Kal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="957"/>
         <source>Unpitched Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ gõ không cao độ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="958"/>
-        <translation>drumset</translation>
+        <translation>Trống</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="960"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trg.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="961"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1133"/>
         <source>Snare Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Két-le</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="963"/>
         <source>Sn. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>K.L.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="964"/>
         <source>Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation>Bass Drum</translation>
+        <translation>Trống bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="966"/>
         <source>B. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tr.B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="967"/>
         <source>Piccolo Snare Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Két-le Piccolo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="969"/>
         <source>P. Sn. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P. Sn. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="970"/>
         <source>Military Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Military Drum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="972"/>
         <source>Mil. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Military Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mil. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="973"/>
         <source>Tom Toms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom Toms</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="975"/>
         <extracomment>Tom Toms</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Toms</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="976"/>
         <source>Chinese Tom-toms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom-toms Trung Quốc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="978"/>
         <source>Ch. To.</source>
         <extracomment>Chinese Tom-toms</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ch. To.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="979"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bông-gô</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="981"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bo.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="982"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Congas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="985"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ trống Timbales</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="987"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="988"/>
         <source>Frame Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Frame</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="990"/>
         <source>Fr. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Frame Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fr. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="991"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tablas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="993"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tbs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="994"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuica</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="996"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="997"/>
         <source>Finger Cymbals</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban đeo ngón</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="999"/>
         <source>Fi. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Finger Cymbals</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fi. Cym.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1000"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1002"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban kép</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1003"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1005"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tam-tam</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1006"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1008"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Be.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1009"/>
         <source>Sleigh Bells</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông xe trượt tuyết</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1011"/>
         <source>Sle. Be.</source>
         <extracomment>Sleigh Bells</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sle. Be.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1012"/>
         <source>Bell Plate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông đĩa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1014"/>
         <source>Be. Pla.</source>
         <extracomment>Bell Plate</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Be. Pla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1015"/>
         <source>Bowl Gongs</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chiêng hình cái bát</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1017"/>
         <source>Bw. Go.</source>
         <extracomment>Bowl Gongs</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bw. Go.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1018"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tubo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1021"/>
         <source>Metal Castanets</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Castanet kim loại</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1023"/>
         <source>Met. Cst.</source>
         <extracomment>Metal Castanets</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Met. Cst.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1024"/>
         <source>Automobile Brake Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Automobile Brake</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1026"/>
         <source>Aut. Brk. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Automobile Brake Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aut. Brk. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1027"/>
         <source>Iron Pipes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng ống sắt</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1029"/>
         <source>Ir. Pi.</source>
         <extracomment>Iron Pipes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ir. Pi.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1030"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng xích</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1032"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1033"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng cái đe</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1035"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1036"/>
         <source>Wood Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wood Blocks</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1038"/>
         <source>Wd. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Wood Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wd. Bl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1039"/>
         <source>Temple Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Temple Blocks</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1041"/>
         <source>Tmp. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Temple Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tmp. Bl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1042"/>
@@ -3677,508 +3692,508 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1044"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trgl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1045"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1047"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S.B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1048"/>
         <source>Ride Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ride Cymbal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1050"/>
         <source>R. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Ride Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>R. Cym.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1051"/>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Trung Quốc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1053"/>
         <source>Ch. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Chinese Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ch. Cym.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1054"/>
         <source>Crash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crash Cymbal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1056"/>
         <source>Cr. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Crash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cr. Cym.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1057"/>
         <source>Splash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Splash</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1059"/>
         <source>Sp. Cym.</source>
         <extracomment>Splash Cymbal</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sp. Cym.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1060"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông (bò)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1062"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cwb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1063"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Claves</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1065"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clv.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1066"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Castanets</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1068"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cst.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1069"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guiro</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1071"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gro.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1072"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Maracas</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1074"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mrcs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1075"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cabasa</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1077"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cab.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1078"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quijada</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1080"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Qui.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1081"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1083"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibslp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1084"/>
         <source>Slit Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slit Drum</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1086"/>
         <source>Slt. Dr.</source>
         <extracomment>Slit Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slt. Dr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1087"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng roi da</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1089"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1090"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratchet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1092"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rat.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1093"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thundersheet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1095"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thu.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1096"/>
         <source>Sandpaper Blocks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sandpaper Blocks</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1098"/>
         <source>Sa. Bl.</source>
         <extracomment>Sandpaper Blocks</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sa. Bl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1099"/>
         <source>Wooden Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông gió gỗ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1101"/>
         <source>Wd. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Wooden Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wd. Wn. Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1102"/>
         <source>Bamboo Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông gió bằng tre</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1104"/>
         <source>Bam. Wn. Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Bamboo Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bam. Wn. Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1105"/>
         <source>Metal Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông gió kim loại</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1107"/>
         <source>Met. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Metal Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Met. Wn Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1108"/>
         <source>Glass Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông gió thủy tinh</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1110"/>
         <source>Gl. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Glass Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gl. Wn Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1111"/>
         <source>Shell Wind Chimes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông gió vỏ sò</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1113"/>
         <source>Sh. Wn Ch.</source>
         <extracomment>Shell Wind Chimes</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sh. Wn Ch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1114"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Stones</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1116"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sto.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1117"/>
         <source>Finger Snap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Finger Snap</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1119"/>
         <source>Fi. Sna.</source>
         <extracomment>Finger Snap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fi. Sna.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1120"/>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng vỗ tay</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1122"/>
         <source>Hd. Clp.</source>
         <extracomment>Hand Clap</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hd. Clp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1123"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vá»— tay</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1125"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sla.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1126"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng dập chân</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1128"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sta.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1129"/>
-        <translation>Tambourine</translation>
+        <translation>Tam-bô-rin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1131"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tamb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1132"/>
         <source>Marching Percussion</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ trống hành quân</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1135"/>
         <extracomment>Snare Drum</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1136"/>
         <source>Tenor Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1138"/>
         <extracomment>Tenor Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>TD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1139"/>
         <source>Bass Drums</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1141"/>
         <extracomment>Bass Drums</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>BD</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1142"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các Sâm-ban</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1144"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cy</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1145"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các âm giọng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1146"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Voice</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1148"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vo.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1149"/>
         <source>Boy Soprano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nam Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1151"/>
         <source>B. S.</source>
         <extracomment>Boy Soprano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. S.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1152"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1154"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1155"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mezzo-soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1157"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mzs.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1158"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1160"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1161"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contralto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1163"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contr.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1164"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Countertenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1166"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ct.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1167"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1169"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1170"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baritone</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1172"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1173"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1476"/>
         <extracomment>Acoustic Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1175"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1176"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kazoo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1178"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kaz.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1179"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ có bàn phím</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1180"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1182"/>
@@ -4190,110 +4205,110 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
 Grand Piano
 Upright Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pno.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1183"/>
         <source>Grand Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đại dương cầm</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1186"/>
         <source>Upright Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano đứng</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1189"/>
         <source>Honky Tonk Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Honky Tonk Piano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1191"/>
         <source>Hnk. Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Honky Tonk Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hnk. Pno.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1192"/>
         <source>Toy Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano đồ chơi</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1194"/>
         <source>Toy Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Toy Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Toy Pno.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1195"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavichord</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1197"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1198"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harpsichord</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1200"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hch.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1201"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Virginal</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1203"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vir.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1204"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Celesta</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1206"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cel.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1207"/>
         <source>Electric Piano</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piano điện tử</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1209"/>
         <source>El. Pno.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Piano</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>P.Đ.T.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1210"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clavinet</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1212"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clav.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1213"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oọc-gan</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1215"/>
@@ -4302,72 +4317,72 @@ Upright Piano</extracomment>
 Pipe Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Og.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1216"/>
         <source>Percussive Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Percussive Organ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1218"/>
         <source>Perc. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussive Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1219"/>
         <source>Hammond Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hammond Organ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1221"/>
         <source>Hm. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Hammond Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hm. Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1222"/>
         <source>Rotary Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rotary Organ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1224"/>
         <source>Rot. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Rotary Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rot. Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1225"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1228"/>
         <source>Pipe Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn ống</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1229"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Harmonium</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1232"/>
         <source>Reed Organ</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reed Organ</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1234"/>
         <source>Rd. Org.</source>
         <extracomment>Reed Organ</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rd. Org.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1235"/>
         <source>Electronic Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ nhạc cụ điện tử</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1236"/>
         <source>Effect Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Effect Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1238"/>
@@ -4442,332 +4457,332 @@ Bass Synthesizer
 Brass Synthesizer
 String Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Synth.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1239"/>
         <source>Atmosphere Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atmosphere Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1242"/>
         <source>Brightness Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Brightness Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1245"/>
         <source>Crystal Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crystal Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1248"/>
         <source>Echoes Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Echoes Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1251"/>
         <source>Goblins Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Goblins Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1254"/>
         <source>Rain Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rain Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1257"/>
         <source>Sci-fi Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sci-fi Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1260"/>
         <source>Soundtrack Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soundtrack Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1263"/>
         <source>Pad Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pad Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1266"/>
         <source>New Age Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>New Age Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1269"/>
         <source>Warm Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Warm Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1272"/>
         <source>Poly Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Poly Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1275"/>
         <source>Choir Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Choir Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1278"/>
         <source>Bowed Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bowed Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1281"/>
         <source>Metallic Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metallic Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1284"/>
         <source>Halo Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halo Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1287"/>
         <source>Sweep Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sweep Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1290"/>
         <source>Saw Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Saw Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1293"/>
         <source>Sine Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sine Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1296"/>
         <source>Square Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Square Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1299"/>
         <source>Ondes Martenot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ondes Martenot</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1301"/>
         <extracomment>Ondes Martenot</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O.M.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1302"/>
         <source>Mallet Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mallet Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1304"/>
         <source>Mal. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Mallet Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mal. Syn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1305"/>
         <source>Bass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bass Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1308"/>
         <source>Brass Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Brass Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1311"/>
         <source>String Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>String Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1314"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theremin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1316"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thmn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1317"/>
         <source>Percussion Synthesizer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Percussion Synthesizer</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1319"/>
         <source>Perc. Syn.</source>
         <extracomment>Percussion Synthesizer</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. Syn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1320"/>
         <source>Plucked Strings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ đàn khảy dây</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1321"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Banjo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1323"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bj.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1324"/>
         <source>Banjo [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Banjo [Tablature]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1325"/>
         <source>Tenor Banjo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor Banjo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1327"/>
         <source>T. Bj.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Banjo</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Bj.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1328"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1331"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1330"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1332"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1335"/>
         <source>Piccolo Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piccolo Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1334"/>
         <source>Pic. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Piccolo Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pic. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1336"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1339"/>
         <source>Prima Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prima Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1338"/>
         <source>Pr. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Prima Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pr. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1340"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1343"/>
         <source>Secunda Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Secunda Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1342"/>
         <source>Sec. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Secunda Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sec. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1344"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1347"/>
         <source>Alto Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1346"/>
         <source>Al. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1348"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1351"/>
         <source>Bass Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bass Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1350"/>
         <source>B. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1352"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1355"/>
         <source>Contrabass Balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contrabass Balalaika</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1354"/>
         <source>CB. Bal.</source>
         <extracomment>Contrabass Balalaika</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>CB. Bal.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1356"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1360"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bouzouki</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1358"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1362"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bou.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1359"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (3-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bouzouki (3-course)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1363"/>
         <source>Bouzouki (4-course)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bouzouki (4-course)</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1364"/>
         <source>Soprano Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta Soprano</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1366"/>
         <source>S. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Soprano Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1367"/>
         <source>Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta Alto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1369"/>
         <source>A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1370"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta cổ điển</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1372"/>
@@ -4776,93 +4791,93 @@ String Synthesizer</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Classical Guitar
 Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1373"/>
         <source>Classical Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta cổ điển [dạng Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1374"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta má»™c</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1377"/>
         <source>Acoustic Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta mộc [dạng Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1378"/>
         <source>11-string Alto Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta Alto 11-dây</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1380"/>
         <source>11-str. A. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>11-string Alto Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11-str. A. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1381"/>
         <source>12-string Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta 12-dây</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1383"/>
         <source>12-str. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>12-string Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12-str. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1384"/>
         <source>Pedal Steel Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta Pedal Steel</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1386"/>
         <source>Ped. St. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Pedal Steel Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ped. St. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1387"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta điện</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1389"/>
         <source>El. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Electric Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El. Guit.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1390"/>
         <source>Electric Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta điện [dạng Tab.]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1391"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn Hạc</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1393"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hrp.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1394"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn Koto</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1396"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ko.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1397"/>
@@ -4874,7 +4889,7 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1421"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1425"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn dây Lute</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1399"/>
@@ -4887,117 +4902,165 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1427"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lt.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1400"/>
         <source>Lute [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute [Tab]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1404"/>
         <source>Lute 5-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 5-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1408"/>
         <source>Lute 6-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 6-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1412"/>
         <source>Lute 7-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 7-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1416"/>
         <source>Lute 8-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 8-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1420"/>
         <source>Lute 9-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 9-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1424"/>
         <source>Lute 10-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 10-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1428"/>
         <source>Lute 13-course</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute 13-course</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1431"/>
         <source>A. Lt.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>Măng-đô-lin [dạng Tab.]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass điện 5-dây</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1487"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass điện 5-dây [Tab]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>Erhu</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation>Eh.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation>Vĩ cầm</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlns.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation>Vĩ cầm alto</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlas.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation>Vi-ô-lông-xen</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation>Vlcs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation>Contrabasses</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation>Cbs.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation>Db.</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba [Tab]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <translation>Đàn Archlute</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theorbo</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1434"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thb.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1435"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Măng-đô-lin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1437"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mdn.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1441"/>
@@ -5009,125 +5072,125 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
 Alto Mandola
 Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mda.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1442"/>
         <source>Alto Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1445"/>
         <source>Tenor Mandola</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor Mandola</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1448"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mandocello</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1450"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mncl.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1451"/>
         <source>Octave Mandolin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Octave Mandolin</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1453"/>
         <extracomment>Octave Mandolin</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>OM.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1454"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shamisen</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1456"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sh.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1457"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đàn </translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1459"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1460"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>U-ku-le-le</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1462"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1463"/>
         <source>Ukulele [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>U-ku-le-le [dạng Tab.]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1464"/>
         <source>Tenor Ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor Ukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1466"/>
         <source>Ten. Uk.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Ukulele</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ten. Uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1467"/>
         <source>Baritone Ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baritone Ukulele</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1469"/>
         <source>Bar. Uk.</source>
         <extracomment>Baritone Ukulele</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bar. Uk.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1470"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1472"/>
         <source>B. Guit.</source>
         <extracomment>Bass Guitar</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gh.B.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1473"/>
         <source>Bass Guitar [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass [dạng Tab.]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1474"/>
         <source>Acoustic Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass má»™c</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1477"/>
         <source>Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass điện</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1479"/>
@@ -5136,182 +5199,159 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Electric Bass
 5-str. Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gh.B.Đ.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1480"/>
         <source>Electric Bass [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass điện [Tab.]</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1481"/>
         <source>Fretless Electric Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi-ta bass không phím</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1483"/>
         <source>Frtl. El. B.</source>
         <extracomment>Fretless Electric Bass</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B.Kh.P.</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1488"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ dây</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vĩ cầm</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vi.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vla.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violoncello</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vlc.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contrabass</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cb.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bass đôi</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Treble Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alto Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenor Viol</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
 Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viola da gamba (Tab)</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Violone</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
 D Violone</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vne.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D Violone</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_zh_CN.ts b/share/locale/instruments_zh_CN.ts
index c906557..78d47f5 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_zh_CN.ts
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="16"/>
         <source>Soprano Flute</source>
-        <translation> 降E调高音长笛</translation>
+        <translation>降E调高音长笛</translation>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="18"/>
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu. Bu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>长号(指法谱)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation>Eu.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>早期音乐</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>长号(指法谱)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Lt.</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>曼陀铃[指法谱]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
@@ -4946,28 +4966,76 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
-        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
-        <translation>低音提琴 (指法谱)</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>二胡</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
-        <source>Archlute</source>
-        <translation>长颈鲁特琴</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>早期音乐</translation>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
+        <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
+        <translation>低音提琴 (指法谱)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1429"/>
+        <source>Archlute</source>
+        <translation>长颈鲁特琴</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>曼陀铃[指法谱]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>二胡</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>弦乐组</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation>Str.</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation>Pardessus de viole</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation>Pds. v.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>Tr. vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>A. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation>T. Vl.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation>Vla. d. g.</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/instruments_zh_TW.ts b/share/locale/instruments_zh_TW.ts
index 2f474d2..85af97a 100644
--- a/share/locale/instruments_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/share/locale/instruments_zh_TW.ts
@@ -2457,12 +2457,6 @@ Bass Huang Harmonica</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
-        <source>Eu. Bu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="700"/>
         <source>Mellophone Bugle</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2641,11 +2635,6 @@ Congas</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
-        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>長號(高音譜號)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="752"/>
         <source>Soprano Trombone</source>
@@ -2718,29 +2707,14 @@ Congas</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
-        <source>Eu.</source>
-        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
-        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
-        <translation>粗管上低音號(高音譜號)</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="777"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1020"/>
-        <extracomment>Tuba
+        <extracomment>Tubo</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -2749,6 +2723,47 @@ Tubo</extracomment>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
+        <source>Early music</source>
+        <translation>早期音樂</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
+        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
+        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
+        <translation>降B調鼓笛</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="699"/>
+        <source>Euph. Bu.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium Bugle</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="751"/>
+        <source>Trombone (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>長號(高音譜號)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="772"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="775"/>
+        <source>Euph.</source>
+        <extracomment>Euphonium</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="776"/>
+        <source>Euphonium (Treble Clef)</source>
+        <translation>粗管上低音號(高音譜號)</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="779"/>
+        <source>Tba.</source>
+        <extracomment>Tuba</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="782"/>
         <source>F Tu.</source>
         <extracomment>F Tuba</extracomment>
@@ -4936,6 +4951,11 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
+        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
+        <translation>曼陀林琴[圖表記譜法]</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1484"/>
         <source>5-str. Electric Bass</source>
         <translation>5 弦電貝斯</translation>
@@ -4946,7 +4966,67 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation>5 弦電貝斯[圖表記譜法]</translation>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
+        <source>Erhu</source>
+        <translation>二胡</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
+        <source>Eh.</source>
+        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
+        <source>Violins</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1497"/>
+        <source>Vlns.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violins</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <source>Violas</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1503"/>
+        <source>Vlas.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violas</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <source>Violoncellos</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <source>Vlcs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Violoncellos</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1513"/>
+        <source>Contrabasses</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <source>Cbs.</source>
+        <extracomment>Contrabasses</extracomment>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <source>Db.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1536"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tablature)</source>
@@ -4956,18 +5036,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="4"/>
-        <source>Early music</source>
-        <translation>早期音樂</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="61"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="63"/>
-        <source>Bâ™­ Fife</source>
-        <extracomment>Bâ™­ Fife</extracomment>
-        <translation>降B調鼓笛</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1432"/>
@@ -4990,11 +5058,6 @@ Acoustic Guitar</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1438"/>
-        <source>Mandolin [Tablature]</source>
-        <translation>曼陀林琴[圖表記譜法]</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1439"/>
@@ -5160,129 +5223,106 @@ Tenor Mandola</extracomment>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1489"/>
-        <source>Erhu</source>
-        <translation>二胡</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1491"/>
-        <source>Eh.</source>
-        <extracomment>Erhu</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1492"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1495"/>
-        <source>String Section</source>
-        <translation>弦樂部</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
-        <source>Str.</source>
-        <extracomment>String Section</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1496"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1494"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1499"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1498"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1501"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1500"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1502"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1504"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1506"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1505"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1510"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1507"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1508"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1516"/>
         <source>Double Bass</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1509"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
         <source>Pardessus de viole</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1511"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
         <source>Pds. v.</source>
         <extracomment>Pardessus de viole</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1512"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
         <source>Treble Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1514"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
         <source>Tr. vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Treble Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1515"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
         <source>Alto Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1517"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
         <source>A. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Alto Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1518"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1527"/>
         <source>Tenor Viol</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1520"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1529"/>
         <source>T. Vl.</source>
         <extracomment>Tenor Viol</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1521"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1523"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1526"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1532"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1535"/>
         <source>Vla. d. g.</source>
         <extracomment>Viola da gamba
@@ -5290,18 +5330,18 @@ Viola da gamba (Tab)</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1524"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
         <source>Viola da gamba (Tab)</source>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1528"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1537"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1530"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1533"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1539"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1542"/>
@@ -5309,7 +5349,7 @@ D Violone</extracomment>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1531"/>
+        <location filename="../instruments/instrumentsxml.h" line="1540"/>
         <source>D Violone</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_af.ts b/share/locale/mscore_af.ts
index ca09522..770e8e1 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_af.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_af.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ar.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ar.ts
index ccc9c4a..1040504 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ar.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ar.ts
@@ -7158,6 +7158,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7358,6 +7362,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7563,6 +7571,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10332,6 +10351,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10633,6 +10656,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10779,17 +10810,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17160,10 +17180,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ast.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ast.ts
index b90ebe8..30a9476 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ast.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ast.ts
@@ -7158,6 +7158,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7358,6 +7362,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7563,6 +7571,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10332,6 +10351,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10633,6 +10656,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10779,17 +10810,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17160,10 +17180,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_be.ts b/share/locale/mscore_be.ts
index f5a15cf..e91f050 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_be.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_be.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_bg.ts b/share/locale/mscore_bg.ts
index 6dab9d5..6dbf867 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_bg.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_bg.ts
@@ -7173,6 +7173,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7373,6 +7377,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7578,6 +7586,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10347,6 +10366,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10648,6 +10671,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10796,17 +10827,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17177,10 +17197,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ca.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ca.ts
index 35af83c..51abf1b 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ca.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ca.ts
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Album Manager</source>
-        <translation>type="MuseScore: Gestió d'Àlbums"</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Gestió d'Àlbums</translation>
         <source>Add Score</source>
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Join Scores</source>
-        <translation>type="Juntar Partitures"</translation>
+        <translation>Fusionar Partitures</translation>
         <source>Album name:</source>
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Acord Automàtic</translation>
+        <translation>Automàtic</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -251,18 +251,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>custom span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Extensió personalitzat</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Propietats del bending</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de bending:</translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -270,23 +270,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending/Alliberar</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending/Alliberar/Bending</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prebending</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prebending/Alliberar</translation>
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix salts de sistema al final de cada sistema</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir salts de sistema al final de cada sistema</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
@@ -335,11 +335,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Tab 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pestanya 1</translation>
         <source>Tab 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pestanya 2</translation>
         <source>Save As</source>
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ID</translation>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slash</translation>
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Short name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Abreviatura</translation>
         <source>MIDI program:</source>
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nombre de cordes:</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línies de pentagrama invisible</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
@@ -1333,15 +1333,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom de la particel·la:</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Nom de l'instrument:</translation>
+        <translation>Nom llarg de l'instrument:</translation>
         <source>Short instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Abreviatura de l'instrument:</translation>
+        <translation>Nom curt de l'instrument:</translation>
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
@@ -1349,11 +1349,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Play transposition:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transposició:</translation>
         <source>+ Octave:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>+ Octava:</translation>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Editar dades corda...</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Style group:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grup d'estil:</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
@@ -1389,11 +1389,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre línies:</translation>
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància extra per sobre del pentagramal:</translation>
         <source>Never hide</source>
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escala</translation>
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PENTAGRAMA ESTÀNDARD</translation>
@@ -1448,11 +1448,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Fret Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marques del trast</translation>
-        <translation>Font:</translation>
+        <translation>Tipografia:</translation>
@@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Les marques són:</translation>
@@ -1472,15 +1472,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletres</translation>
         <source>Marks are drawn:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Les marques es dibuixen:</translation>
         <source>Lines are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Les línies son:</translation>
@@ -1488,11 +1488,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Discontínua</translation>
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valors de la nota</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pliques i barres</translation>
         <source>Stem style:</source>
@@ -1512,11 +1512,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Beside staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al costat del pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Through staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A través del pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Stem position:</source>
@@ -1536,11 +1536,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>As short stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Com plica curta</translation>
         <source>As slashed stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Com plica barrada</translation>
@@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre línies:</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
@@ -1564,19 +1564,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament vertical:</translation>
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sobre les línies</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Per sobre les línies</translation>
         <source>Note symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols de nota</translation>
         <source>Upside down</source>
@@ -1588,11 +1588,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir a la plantilla</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plantilla:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
@@ -1608,11 +1608,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>< Reset to Template</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>< Restablir a la plantilla</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetició:</translation>
@@ -1620,42 +1620,42 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>En el nou sistema</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>En el nou compàs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sempre</translation>
         <source>String Data</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dades corda</translation>
         <source>Strings Tuning:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afinació de les cordes:</translation>
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir corda...</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Editar corda...</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eliminar corda</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nombre de trast:</translation>
@@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
-        <translation>Capçalera, Peu de pàgina, Nombres</translation>
+        <translation>Capçalera, Peu de la pàgina, Números</translation>
@@ -1715,7 +1715,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Ligadures d'expressió o de prolongació</translation>
+        <translation>Lligadures d'expressió o de prolongació</translation>
@@ -1723,19 +1723,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Hairpins, Volta, Ottava</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reguladors, Volta, Octaves</translation>
         <source>Pedal, Trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedal, trinat</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix xifrat</translation>
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Articulacions / Ornaments</translation>
+        <translation>Articulacions, Ornaments</translation>
@@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Minimum width of measure:</source>
-        <translation>Longitud mínima de compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Ample mínim del compàs:</translation>
@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum number of empty measures:</source>
-        <translation>Número mínim de compassos buits:</translation>
+        <translation>Nombre mínim de compassos buits:</translation>
         <source>Hide empty staves</source>
@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Music top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge superior de la partitura:</translation>
         <source>Create clef for all systems</source>
@@ -1786,35 +1786,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Music bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge inferior de la partitura:</translation>
         <source>Staff distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre pentagrames:</translation>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància  del sistema de piano:</translation>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància mínima entre sistemes:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge superior de la lletra:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge inferior de la lletra:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge superior del marc vertical:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge inferior del marc vertical:</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy clefs</source>
@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Create key signature for all systems</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crear l'armadura per a tots els sistemes</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy key signatures</source>
@@ -1834,15 +1834,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lyrics line height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada de la línea de lletra</translation>
         <source>Max. system distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància màxima entre sistemes:</translation>
         <source>Last system fill threshold:</source>
-        <translation>Espaiament entre l'últim sistema i el final de la pàgina</translation>
+        <translation>Llindar per omplir l'últim sistema:</translation>
         <source>Show first</source>
@@ -1862,11 +1862,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dreta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Parell</translation>
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>All staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tots  els pentagrames</translation>
         <source>Every system</source>
@@ -1882,91 +1882,91 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>System bracket distance:</source>
-        <translation>Distància de claudàtors de sistema:</translation>
+        <translation>Distància del claudàtors al sistema:</translation>
         <source>Brace distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la claudàtor:</translation>
         <source>Spacing (1=tight):</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiat (1=atapeït):</translation>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
-        <translation>Longitud mínima de compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Ample mínim de compàs:</translation>
         <source>Note to barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la nota a la barra:</translation>
         <source>Barline to note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la barra a la nota:</translation>
         <source>Clef left margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge esquerra de la clau:</translation>
         <source>Minimum note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància mínima entre notes:</translation>
         <source>Key signature left margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge esquerra de l'armadura:</translation>
         <source>Time signature left margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge esquerra de  l'indicació de compàs:</translation>
         <source>Clef/Key right margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge dret clau/armadura</translation>
         <source>Clef to barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la clau a la barra:</translation>
         <source>Staff line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de les línies del pentagrama:</translation>
         <source>Barline to accidental distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la barra a l'alteració:</translation>
         <source>Show repeat bar tips ("winged" repeats)</source>
-        <translation>Mostra consells de barra de repetició</translation>
+        <translation>Mostra les "ales" de la barra de repetició</translation>
         <source>Barline at start of single staff</source>
-        <translation>Barra de compàs a l'inici de pentagrama sol</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de compàs a l'inici d'un únic pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Barline at start of multiple staves</source>
-        <translation>Barra de compàs a l'inici de múltiples pentagrames</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de compàs a l'inici de diversos pentagrames</translation>
         <source>Barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de les línies de compàs:</translation>
         <source>End barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la barra final:</translation>
         <source>End barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la barra final:</translation>
         <source>Double barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la doble barra:</translation>
         <source>Double barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la doble barra:</translation>
         <source>Shorten stems</source>
@@ -1982,91 +1982,91 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de l'ateració a la nota:</translation>
         <source>Accidental distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre alteracions:</translation>
         <source>Note dot distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la nota al punt:</translation>
         <source>Dot dot distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre punts:</translation>
         <source>Ledger line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de les línies addicionals:</translation>
         <source>Ledger line length:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Longitud de les línies addicionals:</translation>
         <source>Stem thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de les pliques:</translation>
         <source>Dot size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida del punt:</translation>
         <source>Distance to note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància a la nota:</translation>
         <source>Line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia:</translation>
         <source>Hook length:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Longitud del ganxo:</translation>
         <source>Beam thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la barra:</translation>
         <source>Beam distance (in beam thickness units):</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre barres (en unitats del gruix):</translation>
         <source>Broken beam minimum length:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Longitud mínima de les barres trencades:</translation>
         <source>Flatten all beams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Totes les barres horitzontals</translation>
         <source>Line thickness at end:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia al final:</translation>
         <source>Line thickness middle:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia a la meitat:</translation>
         <source>Dotted line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia puntejada:</translation>
         <source>Small staff size:</source>
-        <translation>Dimensions de pentagrama petit</translation>
+        <translation>Mida del pentagrama petit:</translation>
         <source>Small note size:</source>
-        <translation>Dimensions de nota petita</translation>
+        <translation>Mida de la nota petita:</translation>
         <source>Grace note size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida de la nota ornamental:</translation>
         <source>Small clef size:</source>
-        <translation>DImensions de clau petita</translation>
+        <translation>Mida de la clau petita</translation>
@@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Default vertical position:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició vertical per defecte:</translation>
@@ -2086,11 +2086,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hook height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada del ganxo:</translation>
         <source>Line style:</source>
-        <translation>Estil de línia:</translation>
+        <translation>Estil de la línia:</translation>
@@ -2098,11 +2098,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Pedal Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línea del pedal</translation>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línea del trinat</translation>
@@ -2110,43 +2110,43 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Estàndard</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jazz</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Personalitzat</translation>
         <source>Load chords.xml</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carregar acords.xml</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alemany</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Solfeig</translation>
         <source>Lower case minor chords</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acords menors en minúscules</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posicionament</translation>
         <source>Minimum chord spacing:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiament mínim dels acords:</translation>
-        <translation>Font:</translation>
+        <translation>Tipografia:</translation>
@@ -2158,31 +2158,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada de la línea:</translation>
         <source>Vertical position:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició vertical:</translation>
         <source>from top of staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>des de la part superior del pentagrama</translation>
         <source>of font height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>de l'alçada de la tipografia</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alineació</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Superior</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inferior</translation>
@@ -2190,11 +2190,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modern</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Històric</translation>
@@ -2203,15 +2203,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de l'articulació:</translation>
         <source>Note head distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància del cap de la nota:</translation>
         <source>Articulation size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida de l'articulació:</translation>
@@ -2219,55 +2219,55 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Maximum slope:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inclinació màxima:</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from stem:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància vertical des de la plica:</translation>
         <source>Avoid the staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Evitar els pentagrames</translation>
         <source>Distance before the stem of the first note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància abans de la plica de la primera nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance before the head of the first note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància abans del cap de la primera nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance after the stem of the last note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància després de la plica de l'última nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance after the head of the last note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància després del cap de l'última nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance to fretboard diagram:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància al diagrama de l'acord:</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer estil símbols d'acords:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Celleta</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from note head:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància vertical des del cap:</translation>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició de la celleta:</translation>
         <source>Semitones offset</source>
@@ -2283,51 +2283,51 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Symbols, Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols i diagrama d'acords</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrames d'acords</translation>
         <source>Fret offset number font size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida de la font pel número del trast:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició:</translation>
         <source>Minimum tie length:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Longitud mínima de la lligadura:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Interval:</translation>
         <source>Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Amaga el nom de l'instrument si només hi ha 1 Instrument</translation>
         <source>Maximum barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància màxima barres de compàs:</translation>
         <source>Standard TAB clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clau de tabulatura estàndard</translation>
         <source>Serif TAB clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clau de tebulatura Serif</translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Opcions Swing</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tancat</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -2343,7 +2343,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Musical symbols font:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipografia dels símbols musicals</translation>
@@ -2351,23 +2351,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona la proporció del swing:</translation>
         <source>Musical text font:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipografia del text musical</translation>
         <source>Emmentaler Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text Emmentale</translation>
         <source>Bravura Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text Bravura</translation>
         <source>Gonville Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text Gonville</translation>
         <source>Show header also on first page</source>
@@ -2375,11 +2375,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show footer also on first page</source>
-        <translation>Mostrar el peu de pàgina també en la primera pàgina</translation>
+        <translation>Mostrar el peu de la pàgina també en la primera pàgina</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
@@ -2387,19 +2387,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Use odd/even page footer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitzar parell/senar peu de pàgina</translation>
         <source>System bracket thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix del claudàtor del sistema:</translation>
         <source>Brace thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la claudàtor:</translation>
         <source>Continue height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada de continuació:</translation>
@@ -2407,23 +2407,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Ratllada</translation>
+        <translation>Discontínua</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puntejada</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratlla-punt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratlla-punt-punt</translation>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Només números</translation>
         <source>Header Text</source>
@@ -2431,7 +2431,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Footer Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text de peu de la pàgina</translation>
         <source>Measure Numbers</source>
@@ -2439,23 +2439,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Default TAB Clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Clau de tabulatura per defecte</translation>
         <source>Naturals in Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Becaires en les armadures</translation>
         <source>Vertical Distance from the Notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància vertical des de les notes</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Distance from the Notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància horitzontal des de les notes</translation>
         <source>Only for a change to C Maj / A min</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Només per un canvi a Do Major / La menor</translation>
         <source>Create multimeasure rests</source>
@@ -2467,11 +2467,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Abans de l'armadura si es canvia a una tonalitat amb menys sostinguts o bemolls</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Després de l'armadura si es canvia a una tonalitat amb menys sostinguts o bemolls. Abans si es canvia entre sostinguts i bemolls</translation>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
@@ -2483,35 +2483,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Full German</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alemany complet</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Ré♭, Ré, ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do, Do♯, Ré♭, Ré, ...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Francès</translation>
         <source>Lower case bass notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Notes del baix en minúscules</translation>
         <source>All caps note names</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tots els noms de les notes en majúscula</translation>
         <source>Note Spelling</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nomenclatura de les notes</translation>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Majúscula automàtica</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
@@ -2527,15 +2527,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barré line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia de la celleta:</translation>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar barres de compas a la mida del pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Barline to grace note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància de la barra a la nota ornamental:</translation>
@@ -2554,7 +2554,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>New All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tot nou</translation>
@@ -2562,15 +2562,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Part title:</source>
-        <translation>T'tol de la part:</translation>
+        <translation>Títol de la particel·la:</translation>
         <source>Edit Part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Edita la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Select Part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona particel·la</translation>
@@ -2589,7 +2589,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
@@ -2597,11 +2597,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Sound Fonts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sound Fonts</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SoundFont% 1 ja està carregat</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
@@ -2612,15 +2612,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cordes:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Fretboard Diagram Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Propietats del diagrama d'acord</translation>
@@ -2649,23 +2649,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Close MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tancar panell d'importació MIDI</translation>
         <source>Move track up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure pista amunt</translation>
         <source>Move track down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure pista avall</translation>
         <source>Text charset:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Normes de codificació de text:</translation>
         <source>Apply MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aplicar les operacions d'importació MIDI</translation>
@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Cancel not applied MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cancel·lar i no aplicar les operacions d'importació MIDI</translation>
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Alteracions</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
@@ -2723,14 +2723,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Head group</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap de nota</translation>
@@ -2738,7 +2738,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Bottom note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota inferior</translation>
@@ -2794,19 +2794,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi♯♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Faâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Faâ™­</translation>
@@ -2818,15 +2818,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa♯♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Solâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Solâ™­</translation>
@@ -2834,15 +2834,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sol♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sol♯♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>LAâ™­â™­</translation>
@@ -2854,15 +2854,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La♯♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Siâ™­â™­</translation>
@@ -2874,11 +2874,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si♯</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si♯♯</translation>
         <source>Oct </source>
@@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Top note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota superior</translation>
@@ -2898,11 +2898,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rodona</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca</translation>
@@ -2910,11 +2910,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quadrada</translation>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de cap</translation>
         <source>Update Range</source>
@@ -2938,7 +2938,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ambitus Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Àmbit</translation>
@@ -2954,7 +2954,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Direcció</translation>
         <source>Update range</source>
@@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de cap</translation>
@@ -2982,7 +2982,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slash</translation>
@@ -3022,23 +3022,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors gruix de la línia</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[Sense definir]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Àmbit</translation>
@@ -3057,7 +3057,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Acord Automàtic</translation>
+        <translation>Automàtic</translation>
@@ -3089,23 +3089,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ampliació temporal</translation>
         <source>Articulation Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Articulacions</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Direcció</translation>
         <source>Reset Anchor value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors àncora</translation>
         <source>Reset Time stretch value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors ampliació temporal</translation>
@@ -3120,23 +3120,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Span from:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estendre des de:</translation>
         <source>Spanned staves:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrames estesos:</translation>
         <source>Span to:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estendre fins:</translation>
         <source>Span preset:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Extensió predefinida:</translation>
         <source>Barline Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Barra de compàs</translation>
@@ -3144,11 +3144,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
         <source>Span from</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estendre des de</translation>
@@ -3156,19 +3156,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Span to</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estendre fins</translation>
         <source>Reset Span value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors d'estendre</translation>
         <source>Reset Span from value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors d'estendre des de</translation>
         <source>Reset Span to value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors d'estendre fins</translation>
@@ -3176,11 +3176,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Span type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus d'estendre</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -3211,7 +3211,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>type="Posició"</translation>
+        <translation>Posició</translation>
@@ -3219,7 +3219,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Beam Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Agrupació</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset left</source>
@@ -3227,7 +3227,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Direcció</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset right</source>
@@ -3235,15 +3235,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset User position value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors posició d'usuari</translation>
         <source>Reset Local Relayout value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Retablir valors redistribució local</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors horitzontal</translation>
@@ -3251,38 +3251,38 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dreta</translation>
         <source>Grow right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Grow left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar a l'esquerra</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow right value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors augmentar a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow left value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors augmentar a l'esquerra</translation>
         <source>Local relayout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Redistribució local</translation>
         <source>User position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició d'usuari</translation>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Element</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
@@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament vertical</translation>
@@ -3322,7 +3322,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament horitzontal</translation>
@@ -3334,15 +3334,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Acord</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor desplaçament vertical</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor desplaçament horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Reset Stem direction value</source>
@@ -3350,7 +3350,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Reset Small Value</source>
@@ -3362,7 +3362,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -3377,7 +3377,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Clef Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Claus</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -3385,7 +3385,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -3396,11 +3396,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic Range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rang dinàmic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Velocitat</translation>
@@ -3408,7 +3408,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Particel·la</translation>
@@ -3416,7 +3416,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Dinàmiques</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
@@ -3424,15 +3424,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors rang dinàmic</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rang dinàmic</translation>
@@ -3443,7 +3443,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament vertical:</translation>
@@ -3456,7 +3456,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament horitzontal</translation>
@@ -3464,23 +3464,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Element</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor desplaçament horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor desplaçament vertical</translation>
         <source>Reset Visible value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors visible</translation>
         <source>Reset Color value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Color</translation>
@@ -3491,30 +3491,30 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Res selecccionat</translation>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Octaves</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escala</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrama d'acord</translation>
@@ -3533,15 +3533,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Glissando Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Glissandis</translation>
         <source>Reset Text value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Text</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
@@ -3549,11 +3549,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ondulat</translation>
         <source>Reset Show text value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Mostrar text</translation>
         <source>Show text</source>
@@ -3591,7 +3591,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc horitzontal</translation>
@@ -3604,11 +3604,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Marc horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Right gap</source>
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada</translation>
@@ -3643,7 +3643,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rang dinàmic</translation>
@@ -3651,7 +3651,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Particel·la</translation>
@@ -3659,11 +3659,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Velocity change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canvi de velocitat</translation>
         <source>Continue height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada de continuació</translation>
@@ -3671,31 +3671,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Circled tip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punta amb cercle</translation>
         <source>Hairpin Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Reguladors</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity change value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors canvi de velocitat</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors rang dinàmic</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors alçada</translation>
         <source>Reset Circled tip value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors punta amb cercle</translation>
@@ -3707,11 +3707,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors alçada de continuació</translation>
@@ -3726,11 +3726,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escala</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Imatge</translation>
         <source>Scale to frame size</source>
@@ -3738,7 +3738,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada</translation>
@@ -3766,7 +3766,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre dues línies en un pentagrama estàndard de 5 línies</translation>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
@@ -3785,15 +3785,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Jump to</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salta a</translation>
         <source>Play until</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix fins</translation>
         <source>Continue at</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contínua a</translation>
         <source>Jump Inspector</source>
@@ -3809,7 +3809,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Continue at value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors contínua a</translation>
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Armadures</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -3843,7 +3843,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>type="Posició"</translation>
+        <translation>Posició</translation>
@@ -3855,15 +3855,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lasso Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Lasso</translation>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició vertical</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada</translation>
@@ -3871,7 +3871,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició horitzontal</translation>
@@ -3891,7 +3891,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estil de la línia</translation>
         <source>Allow diagonal</source>
@@ -3899,7 +3899,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Línia</translation>
         <source>Reset Line color value</source>
@@ -3911,43 +3911,43 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line style value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors estil de la línia</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia</translation>
-        <translation>Continu</translation>
+        <translation>Contínua</translation>
-        <translation>Ratllada</translation>
+        <translation>Discontínua</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puntejada</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratlla-punt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ratlla-punt-punt</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors gruix de la línia</translation>
         <source>Reset Line visible value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors línia visible</translation>
         <source>Line visible</source>
@@ -3962,7 +3962,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Etiqueta</translation>
@@ -3982,7 +3982,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>To Coda</source>
-        <translation>Coda</translation>
+        <translation>a Coda</translation>
         <source>Marker type</source>
@@ -3994,7 +3994,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Marker type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de marc</translation>
         <source>Reset Label value</source>
@@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segno, variació</translation>
         <source>Varied coda</source>
@@ -4014,7 +4014,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Personalitzat</translation>
@@ -4033,11 +4033,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Velocitat</translation>
         <source>Mirror head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverteix cap de la nota</translation>
@@ -4045,19 +4045,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Superior</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inferior</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rodona</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca</translation>
@@ -4065,7 +4065,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quadrada</translation>
@@ -4077,15 +4077,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de cap</translation>
         <source>Head group</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap de nota</translation>
         <source>Dot position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posició del punt</translation>
         <source>Velocity type</source>
@@ -4097,7 +4097,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dreta</translation>
         <source>Small </source>
@@ -4105,19 +4105,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Note Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector de nota</translation>
         <source>Reset Mirror head value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors inverteix cap de la nota</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de velocitat</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de cap</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
@@ -4125,7 +4125,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Mirror Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverteix cap de la nota</translation>
@@ -4149,11 +4149,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Dot position value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Retableix valors posició del punt</translation>
@@ -4204,23 +4204,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>22ma</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>22mb</translation>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Només números</translation>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Octaves</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
         <source>Reset Placement value</source>
@@ -4228,7 +4228,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -4240,7 +4240,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Numbers only value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors només números</translation>
@@ -4255,7 +4255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Rest Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Silencis</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
@@ -4263,7 +4263,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -4279,11 +4279,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trailing space</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espai al final</translation>
         <source>Leading space</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espai a l'inici</translation>
         <source>Segment Inspector</source>
@@ -4291,54 +4291,54 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Leading space value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor espai a l'inici</translation>
         <source>Reset Trailing space value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor espai al final</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Line type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de línia:</translation>
-        <translation>Ligadura d'expressió o de prolongació</translation>
+        <translation>Lligadura d'expressió o de prolongació</translation>
         <source>Slur Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Lligadures</translation>
         <source>Reset Line type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de línia</translation>
         <source>Line type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de línia</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
-        <translation>Continu</translation>
+        <translation>Contínua</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puntejada</translation>
-        <translation>Ratllada</translation>
+        <translation>Discontínua</translation>
@@ -4349,7 +4349,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada</translation>
@@ -4362,14 +4362,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors alçada</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking</source>
-        <translation>Tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Indicadors del tempo</translation>
@@ -4381,11 +4381,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>BPM</translation>
+        <translation>PPM</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Indicadors del tempo</translation>
         <source>Reset Tempo value</source>
@@ -4393,7 +4393,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Follow text value</source>
@@ -4412,7 +4412,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Text Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Text</translation>
         <source>Reset Style value</source>
@@ -4420,22 +4420,22 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir text als ajustos d'estil</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia de text</translation>
         <source>Text Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Línia de text</translation>
@@ -4450,7 +4450,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Indicació de compàs</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -4458,14 +4458,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
-        <translation>Trino</translation>
+        <translation>Trinat</translation>
@@ -4473,35 +4473,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Trinat</translation>
         <source>Reset Trill type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir tipus detrinat</translation>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línea del trinat</translation>
         <source>Up Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació superior sense terminació</translation>
         <source>Down Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació inferior sense terminació</translation>
         <source>Prall Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu</translation>
         <source>Wavy Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia ondulada</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -4524,7 +4524,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automàtic</translation>
@@ -4548,23 +4548,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Grups irregulars</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Direcció</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Reset Number type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de número</translation>
         <source>Reset Bracket type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors tipus de claudàtors</translation>
         <source>Number type</source>
@@ -4579,7 +4579,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc vertical</translation>
@@ -4592,15 +4592,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alçada</translation>
         <source>Vertical Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspector Marc vertical</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
         <source>Right margin</source>
@@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge inferior</translation>
         <source>Left margin</source>
@@ -4632,23 +4632,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Top margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge superior</translation>
         <source>Reset Left margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors marge esquerra</translation>
         <source>Reset Right margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors marge dret</translation>
         <source>Reset Top margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors marge superior</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors marge inferior</translation>
@@ -4671,15 +4671,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Volta Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector de volta</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Volta</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valors Tipus</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir valor</translation>
@@ -4690,7 +4690,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cerca</translation>
+        <translation>Cercar</translation>
@@ -4698,7 +4698,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
@@ -4714,11 +4714,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Staff</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama enllaçat</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama enllaçat</translation>
@@ -4788,7 +4788,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Cerca</translation>
+        <translation>Cercar</translation>
@@ -4796,7 +4796,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
@@ -4812,11 +4812,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Staff</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama enllaçat</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama enllaçat</translation>
@@ -4871,11 +4871,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
         <source>Add time signature to palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir indicació de compàs a la paleta</translation>
@@ -4890,7 +4890,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crea</translation>
@@ -5081,7 +5081,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Continua</translation>
+        <translation>Contínua</translation>
@@ -5093,7 +5093,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lligadura:</translation>
@@ -5104,15 +5104,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Log in to MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inicia sessió MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Username or email</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom d'usuari o correu electrònic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contrasenya</translation>
@@ -5143,7 +5143,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Detect swing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Detectar swing</translation>
         <source>None (1:1)</source>
@@ -5151,11 +5151,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Swing (2:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing (2:1)</translation>
         <source>Shuffle (3:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shuffle (3:1)</translation>
@@ -5163,7 +5163,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom del pentagrama</translation>
@@ -5255,7 +5255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indicació de compàs</translation>
         <source>2x less
@@ -5266,21 +5266,24 @@ nombre de compassos</translation>
         <source>Is human
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>És interpretació
         <source>Split staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dividir pentagrama</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canvis
+de clau</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simplificar
@@ -5291,7 +5294,8 @@ staccato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Notes
+amb punt</translation>
@@ -5303,15 +5307,15 @@ text tempo</translation>
 pickup measure</source>
-compàs d'anacrusa</translation>
+compàs d'anacrusi</translation>
         <source>Max. quantization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màx. quantificació</translation>
         <source>Max. voices</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màx. veus</translation>
@@ -5350,7 +5354,10 @@ símbols d'acords</translation>
 You only need to do this once.
 Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore no exporta  directament fitxers MP3, sinó que utilitza la biblioteca LAME lliurement disponible. Primer ha d'obtenir %1 per separat (per a més detalls comprovi el manual), i a continuació, cerqueu el fitxer per MuseScore.
+Només cal fer-ho una vegada.
+Vols provar-ho %2 ara?</translation>
@@ -5361,7 +5368,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Notes ornamentals</translation>
@@ -5413,7 +5420,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation>Tremolo</translation>
+        <translation>Trèmolo</translation>
@@ -5425,7 +5432,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Agrupacions</translation>
+        <translation>Propietats d'agrupacions</translation>
         <source>Frames & Measures</source>
@@ -5569,7 +5576,7 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix a nombre de compàs:</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir a nombre de compàs:</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
@@ -5589,11 +5596,11 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Go to previous measure</source>
-        <translation>Ves a compàs previ</translation>
+        <translation>Anar a compàs previ</translation>
         <source>Go to next measure</source>
-        <translation>Ves a compàs posterior</translation>
+        <translation>Anar al compàs següent</translation>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
@@ -5604,7 +5611,7 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Mscore: Append Measures</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Afegeix compassos al final</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Afegir compassos al final</translation>
@@ -5616,7 +5623,7 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Append empty measures</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix compassos buits al final</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir compassos buits al final</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to append:</source>
@@ -5647,7 +5654,7 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Add Audio</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix àudio</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir àudio</translation>
         <source>Remove Audio</source>
@@ -5665,15 +5672,15 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Version:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore Versió:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Revisió:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nivell API:</translation>
@@ -5688,19 +5695,19 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plop</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scoop</translation>
@@ -5748,11 +5755,11 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Add Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Afegeix partitura</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Afegir partitura</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Carrega Àlbum</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx)</source>
@@ -5760,11 +5767,11 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Album Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxers MuseScore Àlbum (*.album)</translation>
         <source>Error while creating score from album.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error en crear la pratitura de l'àlbum.</translation>
@@ -5807,39 +5814,39 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
-        <translation>Duplet</translation>
+        <translation>Doset</translation>
-        <translation>Triplet</translation>
+        <translation>Treset</translation>
-        <translation>Quadruplet</translation>
+        <translation>Quartet</translation>
-        <translation>Sextuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Sextet</translation>
-        <translation>Septuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Septet</translation>
-        <translation>Octuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Octet</translation>
         <source>Custom Tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grup irregular personalitzat</translation>
-        <translation>Quintuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Quintet</translation>
-        <translation>Nonuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Noutet</translation>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
@@ -5851,22 +5858,22 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt %1</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble punt %1</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple punt %1</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Chord Symbols Style Editor</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Editor estil de símbols d'acords</translation>
@@ -5877,7 +5884,7 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Edita grup de percussió</translation>
@@ -5941,14 +5948,16 @@ el grupetto sobrepassa el compàs</translation>
         <source>Open File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre fitxer
         <source>The instrument name is invalid.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El nom de l'instrument és invàlid.</translation>
@@ -5984,7 +5993,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Acord Automàtic</translation>
+        <translation>Automàtic</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -5996,23 +6005,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Special symbols in header/footer</source>
-        <translation>Símbols especials a la capçalera / peu de pàgina</translation>
+        <translation>Símbols especials a la capçalera / peu de la pàgina</translation>
         <source>page number, except on first page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>nombre de pàgina, excepte en la primera pàgina</translation>
         <source>page number, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>nombre de pàgina a totes les pàgines</translation>
         <source>number of pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>nombre de pàgines</translation>
         <source>file name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom del fitxer</translation>
         <source>file path+name</source>
@@ -6028,11 +6037,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>copyright, només en la primera pàgina</translation>
         <source>copyright, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>copyright, a totes les pàgines</translation>
         <source>the $ sign itself</source>
@@ -6060,7 +6069,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>nombre de pàgina, si hi ha més d'una pàgina</translation>
@@ -6069,14 +6078,16 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Cannot open figured bass description:
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot obrir la descripció del baix xifrat:
         <source>String number</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Número de corda</translation>
@@ -6091,32 +6102,32 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Personalitzat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>sostingut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bemoll</translation>
         <source>Search for: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cercar per:</translation>
-        <translation>Inspector d'objectes</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Objectes</translation>
         <source>Inspector Subwindow</source>
@@ -6153,15 +6164,15 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt3</translation>
@@ -6217,7 +6228,9 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Open Instruments File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre fitxer d'instrument
         <source>MuseScore Instruments (*.xml)</source>
@@ -6262,7 +6275,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>%1: Custom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1: Personalitzat</translation>
@@ -6280,19 +6293,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source><a href="%1">Create an account</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Crea un compte</a></translation>
         <source><a href="%1">Forgot password?</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Has oblidat la contrasenya?</a></translation>
         <source>Login error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error login</translation>
         <source>Please fill in your username and password</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si us plau, introdueix el nom d'usuari i la contrasenya</translation>
@@ -6303,47 +6316,47 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unsuccessful login. Please try again.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inici de sessió sense èxit. Si us plau, torneu a intentar-ho.</translation>
         <source>Sorry, wrong email address, username or password. Please check again. <a href="%1">Have you forgotten your password</a>?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ho sentim, adreça del correu electrònic, nom d'usuari o contrasenya equivocada. Si us plau, pots tornar a intentar-ho. <a href="%1">Has oblidat la teva contrasenya</a>?</translation>
         <source>This account has been blocked.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aquest compte ha estat bloquejat.</translation>
         <source>Your account has not been activated yet. Please check your mailbox to activate your account or <a href="%1">request a new activation email</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El teu compte no s'ha activat encara. Si us plau revisa els teus correus per activar el teu compte o <a href="%1"> sol·licitar una nova activació del correu electrònic</a>.</translation>
         <source>Error while getting user info. Please try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error en obtenir informació de l'usuari. Si us plau, torneu a intertar-ho</translation>
         <source>Error while getting user info: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error en obtenir informació de l'usuari: %1</translation>
         <source>An error occurred during the file transfer. Please try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>S'ha produït un error durant la transferència del fitxer. Torna a provar-ho, si us plau </translation>
         <source>Cannot upload: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot carregar: %1</translation>
         <source>Please upgrade</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si us plau, actualitza</translation>
         <source>Your MuseScore version is too old to use this feature.<br/> <a href="%1">Please upgrade first</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La versió de MuseScore és massa vella per utilitzar aquesta funció.<br/> <a href="%1"> Si us plau, actualitza primer</a>.</translation>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si us plau, comprova la connexió a Internet</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
@@ -6354,7 +6367,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>you cannot create an element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot crear un element</translation>
@@ -6401,7 +6414,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: Mixer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Mesclador</translation>
@@ -6420,11 +6433,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unable to open target file for writing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot obrir el fitxer de destinació per a l'escriptura</translation>
         <source>Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Erro %1 tornar des del codificador MP3</translation>
@@ -6462,7 +6475,7 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>Overture / Score Writer Files <experimental> (*.ove *.scw);;</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxers Overture / Score Writer <experimental> (*.ove *.scw);;</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Music Writer Files <experimental> (*.bww);;</source>
@@ -6498,19 +6511,19 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>PDF Scan File (*.pdf);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer PDF Scan (*.pdf);;All (*)</translation>
         <source>Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria PDF Scan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tria PDF Scan</translation>
         <source>Choose Audio File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria fitxer d'àudio</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Image</source>
@@ -6518,7 +6531,7 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Carrega paleta</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Palette</source>
@@ -6526,7 +6539,7 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Palette (*.mpal)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore paleta (*.mpal)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Plugin</source>
@@ -6538,7 +6551,7 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>Fitxer de connector del MuseScore (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>Fitxer de connector de MuseScore (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Drumset</source>
@@ -6550,7 +6563,7 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer grup de percussió MuseScore (*.drm)</translation>
         <source>Standard MIDI File (*.mid)</source>
@@ -6596,11 +6609,13 @@ abans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>"%1" already exists.
 Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"%1" ja existeix.
+Voleu reemplaçar-lo?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reemplaçar</translation>
@@ -6608,7 +6623,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Replace All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reemplaçar tot</translation>
         <source>Skip All</source>
@@ -6616,7 +6631,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Parts were successfully exported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Les particel·les s'han exportat amb èxit</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save a Copy</source>
@@ -6636,7 +6651,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Repeat measure sign</source>
-        <translation>Repeteix signe de compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Signe de repetició de compàs</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
@@ -6644,19 +6659,19 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Page break</source>
-        <translation>Trencament de pàgina</translation>
+        <translation>Salts de pàgina</translation>
         <source>Section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salt de secció</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiament de pentagrama avall</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiament de pentagrama amunt</translation>
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
@@ -6672,11 +6687,11 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Claudàtor</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quadrat</translation>
@@ -6688,7 +6703,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation>Caesura</translation>
+        <translation>Cesura</translation>
@@ -6850,11 +6865,11 @@ Restaurar sessió?</translation>
         <source>Go To: </source>
-        <translation>Ves a: </translation>
+        <translation>Anar a: </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tuplet Error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Error grup irregular</translation>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2</source>
@@ -6875,35 +6890,36 @@ Restaurar sessió?</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
 please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>'%1' ja existeix,
+si us plau escolliu un altre nom:</translation>
         <source>Ogg Audio File (*.ogg);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer Ogg Audio (*.ogg);;Tots (*)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose Ogg Audio File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tria fitxer d'àudio Ogg </translation>
         <source>FLAC Audio (*.flac)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer FLAC Audio (*.flac)</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols Style File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer estil símbols d'acords (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Càrrega estil de símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Desa estil de símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Insert Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Insereix imatge</translation>
         <source>Report a Bug</source>
@@ -6920,7 +6936,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Error Opening LAME library</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error d'obertura de la biblioteca LAME</translation>
         <source>Encoding Error</source>
@@ -6928,7 +6944,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Confirm Replace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Confirmeu reemplaçar</translation>
         <source>Error reading language file %s at line %d column %d: %s
@@ -6937,7 +6953,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Warning</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Advertència</translation>
         <source>PDF Files <experimental OMR> (*.pdf);;</source>
@@ -6985,7 +7001,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot crear el grup irregular: valor de la note és massa curt</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
@@ -6997,11 +7013,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>MusicXML File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer MusicXML (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>Compressed MusicXML File (*.mxl)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer MusicXML comprimit (*.mxl)</translation>
         <source>Show MIDI import panel</source>
@@ -7009,7 +7025,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Tempo text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text tempo</translation>
         <source>Staff text</source>
@@ -7029,11 +7045,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Set visible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fes visible</translation>
         <source>Set invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fes invisible</translation>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
@@ -7045,7 +7061,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Fretboard diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrama d'acord</translation>
@@ -7057,11 +7073,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Switch play mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canviar el mode de reproducció</translation>
         <source>Workspace name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom espai de treball:</translation>
@@ -7085,11 +7101,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Digitació guitarra MD %1</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Digitació guitarra ME %1</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
@@ -7109,15 +7125,15 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Text edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode d'edició de Text</translation>
         <source>Lyrics edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode d'edició de Lletra</translation>
         <source>Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode d'edició de símbols d'acords/baix xifrat</translation>
@@ -7125,7 +7141,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Score locked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura bloquejada</translation>
@@ -7145,7 +7161,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura d'imatge</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -7165,7 +7181,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode de captura d'imatge</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7179,6 +7195,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7225,7 +7245,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Define a set of instruments. Each instrument is represented by one or more staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Defineix un conjunt d'instruments. Cada instrument està representat per un o més pentagrames</translation>
@@ -7258,7 +7278,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Select Key Signature and Tempo:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona armadura i tempo</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
@@ -7270,11 +7290,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>BPM:</translation>
+        <translation>PPM:</translation>
         <source>Beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsacions per minut</translation>
@@ -7292,11 +7312,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental darrere</translation>
         <source>Grace note before</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental davant</translation>
         <source>Invalid note</source>
@@ -7328,18 +7348,18 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsació amb slash</translation>
         <source>Rhythm Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritme amb slash</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panell OMR</translation>
@@ -7354,7 +7374,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>More Elements...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Més elements...</translation>
@@ -7365,7 +7385,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Select workspace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona espai de treball</translation>
@@ -7373,10 +7393,14 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Add new workspace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nou espai de treball</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
+        <translation>nova paleta</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -7384,11 +7408,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats de paleta...</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix nova paleta...</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
@@ -7404,11 +7428,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar paleta</translation>
         <source>Load Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carrega paleta</translation>
         <source>Delete Palette</source>
@@ -7419,7 +7443,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Choose a directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria un directori</translation>
@@ -7449,7 +7473,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Manual</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -7473,7 +7497,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>The language will be changed once you restart MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>L'idioma es canviarà una vegada que es reinicia MuseScore.</translation>
         <source>Choose Notepaper</source>
@@ -7485,11 +7509,11 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>Choose Default Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria l'estil per defecte</translation>
         <source>Choose Default Style for Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria per defecte l'estil de les particel·les</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument List</source>
@@ -7517,31 +7541,31 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>Choose Score Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta de partitures</translation>
         <source>Choose Style Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta d'estils</translation>
         <source>Choose Template Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta de plantilles</translation>
         <source>Choose Plugin Folder</source>
-        <translation>Selecciona la carpeta dels connectors</translation>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta dels connectors</translation>
         <source>Choose Image Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria carpeta d'imatges</translation>
         <source>Action: %1; Shortcut: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acció: %1; Drecera: %2</translation>
         <source>No shortcut defined</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No drecera definida</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;All (*)</source>
@@ -7584,10 +7608,21 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Veu: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Durada: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El fitxer d'estil no és compatible amb aquesta versió de MuseScore.</translation>
         <source>The following file is locked: 
@@ -7618,7 +7653,9 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Open File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre fitxer
         <source>Open File
@@ -7642,7 +7679,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>No selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No hi ha selecció</translation>
         <source>Measure %1 Staff %2 incomplete. Expected: %3; Found: %4</source>
@@ -7657,15 +7694,15 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>No selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No hi ha selecció</translation>
         <source>Beat: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Temps: %1</translation>
         <source>Range Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rang de selecció</translation>
         <source>List Selection</source>
@@ -7700,7 +7737,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plantilles personalitzades</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
@@ -7711,11 +7748,11 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Set Standard Size...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establir mida estàndard...</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Set Output Resolution</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Establir la resolució de sortida</translation>
         <source>PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png)</source>
@@ -7747,11 +7784,11 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Bend Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats del bending...</translation>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties...</source>
@@ -7759,7 +7796,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats indicació de compàs...</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
@@ -7799,7 +7836,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats Salt de secció...</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
@@ -7823,7 +7860,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Depurador</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
@@ -7839,17 +7876,19 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Parteix pentagrama ...</translation>
+        <translation>Dividir pentagrama...</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Depurador d'objectes</translation>
         <source>No staves found:
 please use the instruments dialog to
 first create some staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrames no trobats:
+si us plau, utilitzar el diàleg d'instruments
+per crear primer alguns pentagrames</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
@@ -7859,19 +7898,19 @@ Selecciona un compàs i torna a intentar-ho</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats del diagrama d'acord...</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establir la resolució de sortida per PNG/SVG</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats barra de trèmolo...</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estil de text...</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
@@ -7879,7 +7918,7 @@ Selecciona un compàs i torna a intentar-ho</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Resolució (%1 PPP)...</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Time Signature</source>
@@ -7900,7 +7939,8 @@ Selecciona un compàs i torna a intentar-ho</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
 Please select a chord/rest and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap acord/silenci seleccionat:
+Selecciona un acord/silenci i torna a intentar-ho</translation>
         <source>Cannot split measure here:
@@ -7916,7 +7956,7 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar mida a pàgina</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Clef</source>
@@ -7928,19 +7968,19 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si us plau seleccioneu completament el grup irregular/trèmolo i torneu a provar la comanda</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura d'imatge</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anomena i desa (Mode d'impressió)...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anomena i desa (Mode captura de pantalla)...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7952,15 +7992,15 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot enganxar en el grup irregular</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>El grup irregular no pot creuar les barres de compàs</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fons transparent</translation>
@@ -7971,7 +8011,7 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escriure per cercar. Premeu Enter per tornar a la partitura.</translation>
@@ -8059,30 +8099,30 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt %1</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble punt %1</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple punt %1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negreta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursiva</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subratllat</translation>
         <source>Align left</source>
@@ -8090,11 +8130,11 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>Align center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear al centre</translation>
         <source>Align right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear a la dreta</translation>
@@ -8134,7 +8174,8 @@ Per favor seleccioni un rang de compassos per fusionar i provi una altra vegada<
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
 please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>'%1' ja existeix,
+si us plau escolliu un altre nom:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
@@ -8157,15 +8198,15 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negreta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursiva</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subratllat</translation>
@@ -8253,7 +8294,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Missing title</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Títol desaparegut</translation>
         <source>Please provide a title</source>
@@ -8265,7 +8306,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Finished! <a href="%1">Go to my score</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acabat! <a href="%1">Anar a la meva partitura</a>.</translation>
@@ -8273,7 +8314,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source><a href="%1">What does this mean?</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Què vol dir això?</a></translation>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
@@ -8285,7 +8326,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[<a href="%1">enllaç</a>]</translation>
@@ -8330,51 +8371,51 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cb major, Ab minor</source>
-        <translation>Dob Major, Lab menor</translation>
+        <translation>Doâ™­ Major, Laâ™­ menor</translation>
         <source>Gb major, Eb minor</source>
-        <translation>Solb Major, Mib menor</translation>
+        <translation>Solâ™­ Major, Miâ™­ menor</translation>
         <source>A major, F# minor</source>
-        <translation>La Major, Fa# menor</translation>
+        <translation>La Major, Fa♯ menor</translation>
         <source>Db major, Bb minor</source>
-        <translation>Reb Major, Sib menor</translation>
+        <translation>Reâ™­ Major, Siâ™­ menor</translation>
         <source>E major, C# minor</source>
-        <translation>Mi Major, Do# menor</translation>
+        <translation>Mi Major, Do♯ menor</translation>
         <source>Ab major, F minor</source>
-        <translation>Lab Major, Fa menor</translation>
+        <translation>Laâ™­ Major, Fa menor</translation>
         <source>B major, G# minor</source>
-        <translation>Si Major, Sol# menor</translation>
+        <translation>Si Major, Sol♯ menor</translation>
         <source>Eb major, C minor</source>
-        <translation>Mib Major, Do menor</translation>
+        <translation>Miâ™­ Major, Do menor</translation>
         <source>F# major, D# minor</source>
-        <translation>Fa# Major, Do# menor</translation>
+        <translation>Fa♯ Major, Do♯ menor</translation>
         <source>Bb major, G minor</source>
-        <translation>Sib Major, Sol menor</translation>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ Major, Sol menor</translation>
         <source>C# major, A# minor</source>
-        <translation>Do# Major, La# menor</translation>
+        <translation>Do♯ Major, La♯ menor</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tonalitat oberta/Atonal</translation>
@@ -8393,7 +8434,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>Poeta:</translation>
+        <translation>Lletrista:</translation>
@@ -8425,11 +8466,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletrista</translation>
         <source>Insert lyricist's name here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix nom del lletrista aquí</translation>
@@ -8437,7 +8478,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert copyright here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix copyright aquí</translation>
@@ -8448,19 +8489,19 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>Semicorxera 1/16</translation>
+        <translation>Semicorxera</translation>
-        <translation>Fusa 1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Fusa</translation>
-        <translation>Corxera 1/8</translation>
+        <translation>Corxeres</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir</translation>
@@ -8491,11 +8532,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre dues línies en un pentagrama estàndard de 5 línies</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiador de pentagrama:</translation>
@@ -8534,7 +8575,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Printable Area</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Àrea imprimible</translation>
         <source>Odd Page Margins</source>
@@ -8566,7 +8607,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>First page number:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Núm. de la primera pàgina:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
@@ -8574,11 +8615,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre dues línies en un pentagrama estàndard de 5 línies</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espaiador de pentagrama:</translation>
@@ -8613,7 +8654,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>Tremolo</translation>
+        <translation>Trèmolo</translation>
         <source>Note Heads</source>
@@ -8633,7 +8674,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Notes ornamentals</translation>
@@ -8689,7 +8730,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Text line</source>
-        <translation>Text de línia</translation>
+        <translation>Línia de text</translation>
@@ -8729,7 +8770,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Àmbit</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Palette File</source>
@@ -8751,11 +8792,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marca 1 lapse</translation>
         <source>Tick 2 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marca 2 lapse</translation>
         <source>Short 1 span</source>
@@ -8779,7 +8820,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Dotted barline</source>
-        <translation>Barra de còmpas de punts</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de còmpas puntejat</translation>
         <source>End bar barline</source>
@@ -8803,7 +8844,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrama d'acord</translation>
@@ -8826,7 +8867,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Content offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament del contingut</translation>
@@ -8838,11 +8879,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Draw staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dibuixar pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Content scale:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escala del contingut:</translation>
@@ -8881,11 +8922,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Show grid</source>
-        <translation>Mostrar graella</translation>
+        <translation>Mostrar reixa</translation>
         <source>Show 'More Elements...'</source>
-        <translation>Mostrar 'Més Elements...'</translation>
+        <translation>Mostrar 'Més elements...'</translation>
@@ -8920,7 +8961,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Mute</translation>
+        <translation>Mut</translation>
@@ -8936,11 +8977,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI sound for part</source>
-        <translation>So MIDI per la part</translation>
+        <translation>So MIDI per la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Part name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom de la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Panorama position</source>
@@ -8948,11 +8989,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI sound</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>So MIDI</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
-        <translation>Nom de part</translation>
+        <translation>Nom de particel·la</translation>
         <source>Use arrows to modify</source>
@@ -8975,7 +9016,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
@@ -9041,7 +9082,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>h:mm:s</translation>
+        <translation>h:mn:s</translation>
@@ -9049,11 +9090,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Relative tempo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo relatiu</translation>
         <source>Master volume</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volum Màster</translation>
@@ -9062,11 +9103,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Actual tempo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo real</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>120PPM</translation>
@@ -9083,7 +9124,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Relative Tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo relatiu a 120 pulsacions per minut</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to change value</source>
@@ -9091,18 +9132,18 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Master Volume</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volum Màster</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo relatiu a 120 pulsacions per minut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Executar</translation>
@@ -9150,7 +9191,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Recarregar l'origen del connector actual</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -9165,7 +9206,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Define Shortcut</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Definir drecera</translation>
@@ -9185,7 +9226,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Clear Shortcut</source>
-        <translation>Netejar drecera de teclat</translation>
+        <translation>Netejar drecera</translation>
@@ -9224,7 +9265,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>OSC remote control</source>
-        <translation>Control remot OSC</translation>
+        <translation>Telecontrol OSC</translation>
@@ -9316,7 +9357,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Use JACK MIDI</source>
-        <translation>Utilitza MIDI JACK</translation>
+        <translation>Utilitza JACK MIDI</translation>
         <source>Remember last connection(s)</source>
@@ -9432,11 +9473,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar joc de caràcters Overture</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar joc de caràcters Guitar Pro</translation>
@@ -9444,11 +9485,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Import layout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar disseny</translation>
         <source>Import system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importa salts de sistema i de pàgina</translation>
@@ -9484,7 +9525,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fons transparent</translation>
         <source>Expand repeats</source>
@@ -9500,15 +9541,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Export all system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Exporta tots els salts de sistema i de pàgina</translation>
         <source>Export manually added system and page breaks only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Només exportar els salts de sistema i de pàgina afegits manualment</translation>
         <source>Do not export system or page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No exporta els salts de sistema i de pàgina</translation>
@@ -9524,11 +9565,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to Default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir dreceres per defecte</translation>
-        <translation>Defineix ...</translation>
+        <translation>Definir...</translation>
@@ -9580,7 +9621,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Telecontrol MIDI</translation>
@@ -9588,7 +9629,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle play</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva reproducció</translation>
         <source>Whole note</source>
@@ -9632,7 +9673,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Style for part:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estil de la particel·la:</translation>
         <source>ALSA audio</source>
@@ -9644,15 +9685,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>JACK audio server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Servidor d'àudio JACK</translation>
         <source>Character Set Used When Importing Binary Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Joc de caràcters utilitzat quan s'importar fitxers binaris</translation>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota més curta:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
@@ -9672,7 +9713,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Resolution DPI:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Resolució PPP</translation>
         <source>Port number:</source>
@@ -9681,19 +9722,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Use JACK Audio</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitza JACK Audio</translation>
         <source>Use JACK Transport</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitzat JACK Transport</translation>
         <source>Timebase Master</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Base de temps principal</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Entrada MIDI:</translation>
@@ -9709,11 +9750,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Select language</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar idioma</translation>
         <source>The language will be changed once you restart MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>L'idioma es canviarà una vegada que es reinicia MuseScore.</translation>
         <source>Start with score</source>
@@ -9729,7 +9770,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar una partitura d'inici</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
@@ -9741,7 +9782,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Select style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar estil</translation>
         <source>Icon Height</source>
@@ -9753,7 +9794,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpeta d'estils</translation>
         <source>Insert path for style folder</source>
@@ -9761,23 +9802,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta de partitures</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar la carpeta de partitures</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta d'estils</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar la carpeta d'estils</translation>
         <source>Score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpeta de partitures</translation>
         <source>Insert path to score folder.</source>
@@ -9785,7 +9826,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpeta de plantilles</translation>
         <source>Insert path to Template folder</source>
@@ -9801,15 +9842,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Selecciona la carpeta dels connectors</translation>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta dels connectors</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar la carpeta de connectors</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpeta d'imatges</translation>
         <source>Insert path to image folder</source>
@@ -9817,15 +9858,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria la carpeta de plantilles</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar la carpeta de plantilles</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar la carpeta d'imatges</translation>
         <source>Canvas Tab</source>
@@ -9833,11 +9874,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Background Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fons d'escriptori</translation>
         <source>Background Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Color de fons</translation>
         <source>Background wallpaper path</source>
@@ -9849,19 +9890,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose Background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria fons d'escriptori</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre un caixa de diàleg per seleccionar un fons d'escriptori</translation>
         <source>Select background color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar color de fons</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the background color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar el color de fons</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
@@ -9877,11 +9918,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Select paper color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar el color del paper</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the paper color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar el color del paper</translation>
         <source>Paper Wallpaper</source>
@@ -9897,11 +9938,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Default duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada per defecte</translation>
         <source>Rewind is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rebobinar està actiu</translation>
         <source>Rewind record</source>
@@ -9909,15 +9950,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle play record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva enregistrament</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La rodona està actiu</translation>
         <source>Half note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La blanca està actiu</translation>
         <source>Whole note record</source>
@@ -9929,7 +9970,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Rest is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Els silencis estan actius</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot is active</source>
@@ -9949,7 +9990,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Tie is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La lligadura està actiu</translation>
         <source>Tie record</source>
@@ -9961,11 +10002,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Play is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix està actiu</translation>
         <source>Stop is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aturar està acttiu</translation>
         <source>Play record</source>
@@ -9977,7 +10018,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>16th note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La semicorxera està actiu</translation>
         <source>16th note record</source>
@@ -9985,7 +10026,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>32nd note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La fusa està actiu</translation>
         <source>32nd note record</source>
@@ -10005,7 +10046,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar un llistat d'instruments</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1</source>
@@ -10025,11 +10066,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar un fitxer d'estil </translation>
         <source>Style for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estil de la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file for part</source>
@@ -10037,11 +10078,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose style for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triar l'estil de les particel·les</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per seleccionar un fitxer d'estil per una particel·la</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2</source>
@@ -10049,7 +10090,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Choose Instrument list 2</source>
-        <translation>Tira llistat d'instruments 2</translation>
+        <translation>Tria llistat d'instruments 2</translation>
         <source>I/O Tab</source>
@@ -10061,19 +10102,19 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>API</translation>
         <source>Choose API</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria API</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Entrada MIDI</translation>
         <source>Choose MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria entrada MIDI</translation>
@@ -10101,11 +10142,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Sample rate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Freqüencia de mostreig</translation>
         <source>Choose sample rate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria freqüencia de mostreig</translation>
         <source>Import Tab</source>
@@ -10117,31 +10158,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Use style file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitza fitxer d'estil</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar joc de caràcters Overture</translation>
         <source>Choose Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria importar joc de caràcters Overture</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar joc de caràcters Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Choose Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria importar joc de caràcters Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota més curta</translation>
         <source>Choose the shortest note value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria el valor de la nota més curta</translation>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
@@ -10149,11 +10190,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Resolution DPI</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Resolució PPP</translation>
         <source>Choose resolution DPI</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tria resolució PPP</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts Tab</source>
@@ -10165,11 +10206,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir dreceres per defecte</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Definir</translation>
         <source>Update Tab</source>
@@ -10177,11 +10218,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corxera</translation>
         <source>Quarter note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La negra està actiu</translation>
         <source>Quarter note record</source>
@@ -10189,7 +10230,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Eighth note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La corxera està actiu</translation>
         <source>Eighth note record</source>
@@ -10213,15 +10254,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Resets the shortcuts to their default assignment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir les dreceres a la seva assignació per defecte</translation>
         <source>Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Neteja l'assignació de la drecera per a l'acció seleccionada</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre una caixa de diàleg per la definició d'una nova drecera per a l'acció seleccionada</translation>
         <source>Print the shortcuts list</source>
@@ -10241,11 +10282,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enable MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Habilita telecontrol MIDI</translation>
         <source>Is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Està actiu</translation>
@@ -10265,11 +10306,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>OSC Remote Control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Telecontrol OSC</translation>
         <source>MIDI Remote Control</source>
-        <translation>Control remot MIDI</translation>
+        <translation>Telecontrol MIDI</translation>
         <source>Show start center</source>
@@ -10277,7 +10318,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desfer està actiu</translation>
         <source>Undo record</source>
@@ -10289,7 +10330,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Play whole chord when adding note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix tot l'acord mentre afegeix nota</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
@@ -10353,7 +10394,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
-        <translation>Comprova si hi han noves versions de MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Comprova si hi ha noves versions de MuseScore</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -10362,7 +10407,9 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>No note or lyrics selected:
 Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap nota o lletra selecccionat:
+Tria una nota o lletra i tornar-ho a intentar
         <source>Please select a single note or slur and retry operation
@@ -10384,7 +10431,9 @@ Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
         <source>No note or figured bass selected:
 Please select a single note or figured bass and retry.
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap nota o baix cifrat seleccionat:
+Tria una nota o baix xifrat i tornar-ho a intentar.
         <source>No note selected:
@@ -10407,23 +10456,23 @@ Tria una nota o silenci i torna-ho a intentar
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Estàndard</translation>
         <source>Perc. 3 lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 3 línies</translation>
         <source>Perc. 5 lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 5 línies</translation>
         <source>Tab. ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. ukulele</translation>
         <source>Perc. 1 line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 1 línia</translation>
         <source>Cannot open chord description:
@@ -10463,12 +10512,13 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Es va guardar per última vegada amb la versió 0.9.5 o més.<br>Pots convertir aquesta partitura obrint i després desant-la amb MuseScore versió 1.x </a></translation>
         <source>This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.<br>
 Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a> to obtain the latest version.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aquesta partitura es va guardar utilitzant la versió més recent de MuseScore.<br>
+Visiteu la <a href="http://musescore.org"> web de MuseScore </a> per obtenir l'última versió.</translation>
         <source>File not found %1</source>
@@ -10495,7 +10545,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer '% 1' no és un fitxer MusicXML vàlid</translation>
         <source>Error at line %1 column %2: %3
@@ -10505,12 +10555,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>Could not open MusicXML file
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No és pot obrir el fitxer MusicXML
         <source>Could not open compressed MusicXML file
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No és pot obrir el fitxer MusicXML comprimit
@@ -10518,7 +10570,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Personalitzat</translation>
@@ -10526,15 +10578,15 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quadrada</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rodona</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca</translation>
@@ -10554,7 +10606,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa</translation>
@@ -10562,7 +10614,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semigarrapatea</translation>
@@ -10586,19 +10638,19 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>doble bemoll</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bemoll</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>sostingut</translation>
         <source>double sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>doble sostingut</translation>
         <source>Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd
@@ -10607,54 +10659,62 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>Tab. balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. balalaica</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. simple 6 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. comú 6 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. completa 6 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. simple 4 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. comú 4 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. completa 4 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. simple 5 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. comú 5 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. completa 5 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. Italian</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. italià 6 cordes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. French</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. francès 6 cordes</translation>
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
+        <translation>Fitxer corromput %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -10674,15 +10734,15 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Desa Àlbum</translation>
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Error escrivint Àlbum:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Escriu Àlbum</translation>
@@ -10698,7 +10758,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Import Guitar Pro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Importa Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load MIDI</source>
@@ -10718,17 +10778,19 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Error en l'obertura de l'Àlbum</translation>
         <source>Open Album File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obre fitxer Àlbum
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Obre fitxer Àlbum</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
@@ -10736,11 +10798,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxers MuseScore (*.album)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sobreescriure?</translation>
         <source>%1 already exists.
@@ -10761,7 +10823,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SoundFont instal·lat. Si us plau, aneu a Visualització > Sintetitzador per afegir-lo i Visualització > Mesclador per triar un so d'instrument.</translation>
@@ -10779,7 +10841,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Tab 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pestanya 1</translation>
@@ -10799,18 +10861,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Tab 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pestanya 2</translation>
@@ -10833,14 +10884,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Res selecccionat</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Section Break Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Propietats Salt de secció</translation>
@@ -10852,7 +10903,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Start new section with long instrument names</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Començar una nova secció amb els noms dels instruments llargs</translation>
         <source>Start new section with measure number one</source>
@@ -10875,19 +10926,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Element type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tious d'element:</translation>
         <source>Same staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mateix pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Same voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mateixa veu</translation>
         <source>Same subtype:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mateix subtipus:</translation>
         <source>Same system</source>
@@ -10895,30 +10946,30 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Replace selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reemplaçar selecció</translation>
         <source>Add to selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir a la selecció</translation>
         <source>Search in selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cercar en la selecció</translation>
         <source>Subtract from selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Treure de la selecció</translation>
         <source>In selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>En la selecció</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Select Instrument</source>
-        <translation>Musescore: Seleccion instrument</translation>
+        <translation>Musescore: Seleccionar instrument</translation>
@@ -10926,7 +10977,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Cerca</translation>
+        <translation>Cercar</translation>
@@ -10934,7 +10985,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Current instrument:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrument actual:</translation>
@@ -10948,14 +10999,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>SFZ Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxers SFZ</translation>
         <source>Old shortcuts:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Drecera de teclat vella:</translation>
         <source>New shortcut:</source>
@@ -10972,11 +11023,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reemplaçar</translation>
@@ -10992,11 +11043,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Old shortcuts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Drecera de teclat vella</translation>
         <source>New shortcut</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Drecera de teclat nova:</translation>
         <source>Type to set shortcut</source>
@@ -11011,18 +11062,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
-        <translation>Parteix pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Dividir pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punt de divisió:</translation>
     <name>Staff type group name</name>
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Estàndard</translation>
@@ -11030,14 +11081,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Tablatura</translation>
+        <translation>Tabulatura</translation>
         <source>Change Channel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canviar de canal</translation>
@@ -11095,7 +11146,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Switch one or more voices to a specified channel:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Canviar una o més veus a un canal especificat:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
@@ -11107,7 +11158,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Opcions Swing</translation>
@@ -11115,11 +11166,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tancat</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona la proporció del swing:</translation>
@@ -11127,7 +11178,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corxera</translation>
         <source>Sixteenth note</source>
@@ -11142,11 +11193,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desa plantilles</translation>
         <source>Load Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carrega plantilles</translation>
@@ -11187,11 +11238,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Font:</translation>
+        <translation>Tipografia:</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indicador de sistema</translation>
@@ -11202,11 +11253,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save to Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar a la partitura</translation>
         <source>Load from Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carregar des de la partitura</translation>
@@ -11214,15 +11265,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Master Effects</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efectes Màster</translation>
         <source>Effect B:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte B:</translation>
         <source>Effect A:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte A:</translation>
@@ -11239,7 +11290,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Master volume</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volum Màster</translation>
         <source>Set as Default</source>
@@ -11251,15 +11302,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Master tuning:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afinació Màster:</translation>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar a la partitura</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carregar des de la partitura</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
@@ -11271,19 +11322,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Effect A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte A:</translation>
         <source>Effect B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte B:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hertz</translation>
         <source>Master tuning</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afinació Màster</translation>
@@ -11294,7 +11345,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Code Page:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pàgina de codi:</translation>
@@ -11302,7 +11353,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tot</translation>
@@ -11317,7 +11368,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Font:</translation>
+        <translation>Tipografia:</translation>
@@ -11329,7 +11380,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indicador de sistema</translation>
@@ -11355,7 +11406,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Marc</translation>
+        <translation>Rectangle</translation>
@@ -11371,15 +11422,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Foreground color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Color del primer pla:</translation>
         <source>Background color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Color de fons:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alineació</translation>
         <source>Reset to Style</source>
@@ -11387,31 +11438,31 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Text margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge del text:</translation>
         <source>Border radius:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Radi de la vora:</translation>
         <source>Font face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aspecte de la tipografia</translation>
         <source>Font point size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida de la tipografia</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negreta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursiva</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subratllat</translation>
         <source>Text color</source>
@@ -11419,71 +11470,71 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Horizontal offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament horitzontal al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament vertical al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Offset is absolute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament absolut</translation>
         <source>Align left edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear vora esquerra del text al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Center text on reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Centrar text al punt de referència </translation>
         <source>Align top edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear vora superior del text al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Align right edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear vora dreta del text al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Center text vertical to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Centrar text vertical al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Align bottom edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear vora inferior del text al punt de referència</translation>
         <source>Enable text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar marc de text</translation>
         <source>Draw circled frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dibuixar un marc circular</translation>
         <source>Draw boxed frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dibuixar un marc rectangular</translation>
         <source>Border thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la vora:</translation>
         <source>Frame line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gruix de la línia del marc</translation>
         <source>Frame inner margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marge intern del marc</translation>
         <source>Corner round</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cantonada rodona</translation>
         <source>Text background color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Color de fons del text</translation>
         <source>Frame color</source>
@@ -11491,24 +11542,24 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Distància entre dues línies en un pentagrama estàndard de 5 línies</translation>
         <source>Offset in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçament en unitats d'espai de pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Staff space</source>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Unitats d'espai</translation>
         <source>Size follows 'Staff space' setting</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida s'adapta al valor de les "opcions del pentagrama"</translation>
         <source>Align baseline of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alinear la base de text al punt de referència</translation>
@@ -11527,15 +11578,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletrista</translation>
         <source>Lyrics Odd Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletra línies senars</translation>
         <source>Lyrics Even Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletra línies parells</translation>
@@ -11559,7 +11610,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tècnica</translation>
@@ -11591,7 +11642,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -11599,11 +11650,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Repeat Text Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text de repetició esquerra</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text de repetició dreta</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text</source>
@@ -11619,7 +11670,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia de text</translation>
@@ -11635,7 +11686,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending</translation>
@@ -11643,7 +11694,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Peu de la pàgina</translation>
         <source>Instrument Change</source>
@@ -11651,19 +11702,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix xifrat</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Digitació guitarra ME</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Digitació guitarra MD</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedal</translation>
@@ -11692,7 +11743,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valor:</translation>
@@ -11712,7 +11763,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
@@ -11720,7 +11771,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
@@ -11732,18 +11783,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
         <source>Add time signature to palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir indicació de compàs a la paleta</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Propietats indicació de compàs</translation>
@@ -11759,7 +11810,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valors</translation>
@@ -11771,11 +11822,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Global value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valor global:</translation>
         <source>Actual value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valor actual:</translation>
@@ -11802,7 +11853,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
@@ -11810,7 +11861,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
@@ -11818,11 +11869,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Pickup Measure</source>
-        <translation>Compas d'anacrusa</translation>
+        <translation>Compas d'anacrusi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada:</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures:</source>
@@ -12041,7 +12092,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Keep degree alterations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mantenir les alteracions dels graus</translation>
@@ -12097,11 +12148,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Single Sharps and Flats Only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitza només sostinguts i bemolls</translation>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utilitza doble sostinguts i doble bemolls</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
@@ -12109,11 +12160,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>By Key</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Per tonalitat</translation>
         <source>By Interval</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Per interval</translation>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
@@ -12124,42 +12175,42 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Eighth through stem</source>
-        <translation>8 per plica</translation>
+        <translation>Corxera per plica</translation>
         <source>16th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorxera per plica</translation>
         <source>32nd through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa per plica</translation>
         <source>64th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa per plica</translation>
         <source>Eighth between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corxera entre notes</translation>
         <source>16th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorxera entre notes</translation>
         <source>32nd between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa entre notes</translation>
         <source>64th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa entre notes</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipus de bending:</translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -12167,31 +12218,31 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dip</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dive</translation>
         <source>Inverted Dip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dip Invertit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Retorn</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tremolo Bar Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Propietats barra de trèmolo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alliberat(Amunt)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alliberat(Avall)</translation>
@@ -12248,19 +12299,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Score Information</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Informació de la partitura</translation>
         <source>You're logged in as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estàs connectat com</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>NOM D'USUARI</translation>
         <source>Sign out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desconnectar</translation>
         <source>Sign out on exit</source>
@@ -12276,7 +12327,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llicència</translation>
@@ -12284,7 +12335,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Update the existing score </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Actualització de la partitura existent</translation>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
@@ -12363,7 +12414,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Versió XML no compatible.</translation>
         <source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
@@ -12391,7 +12442,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Document no vàlid.</translation>
         <source>Expected </source>
@@ -12418,7 +12469,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Afegeix</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir</translation>
@@ -12457,23 +12508,23 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Natural / Becaire</translation>
+        <translation>Becaire</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bemoll barrat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bemoll doble barrat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bemoll i mig</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig bemoll</translation>
@@ -12485,27 +12536,27 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig sostingut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sostingut barrat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig sostingut barrat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sostingut i mig</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sostingut fletxa amunt</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sostingut fletxa avall</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow both</source>
@@ -12513,11 +12564,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Flat arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bemoll fletxa amunt</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bemoll fletxa avall</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow both</source>
@@ -12525,11 +12576,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Natural arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Becaire fletxa amunt</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Becaire fletxa avall</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow both</source>
@@ -12537,11 +12588,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sori</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Koron</translation>
@@ -12564,7 +12615,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
-        <translation>Obre partitura des de fitxer</translation>
+        <translation>Obre la partitura des del fitxer</translation>
@@ -12604,7 +12655,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Export score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Exportar partitura</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in various formats</source>
@@ -12880,115 +12931,115 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add A</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix La</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir La</translation>
         <source>Add note A to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota La a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota La a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add B</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Si</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Si</translation>
         <source>Add note B to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Si a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Si a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add C</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Do</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Do</translation>
         <source>Add note C to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Do a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Do a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add D</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Re</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Re</translation>
         <source>Add note D to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Re a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Re a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add E</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Mi</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Mi</translation>
         <source>Add note E to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Mi a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Mi a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add F</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Fa</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Fa</translation>
         <source>Add note F to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Fa a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Fa a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Add G</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Sol</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Sol</translation>
         <source>Add note G to chord</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nota Sol a l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nota Sol a l'acord</translation>
         <source>Insert A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix La</translation>
         <source>Insert note A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota La</translation>
         <source>Insert B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Si</translation>
         <source>Insert note B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Si</translation>
         <source>Insert C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Do</translation>
         <source>Insert note C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Do</translation>
         <source>Insert D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Re</translation>
         <source>Insert note D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Re</translation>
         <source>Insert E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Mi</translation>
         <source>Insert note E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Mi</translation>
         <source>Insert F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Fa</translation>
         <source>Insert note F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Fa</translation>
         <source>Insert G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Sol</translation>
         <source>Insert note G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix la nota Sol</translation>
@@ -13004,27 +13055,27 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenuto</translation>
-        <translation>Trino</translation>
+        <translation>Trinat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marcato</translation>
         <source>Reset Beam Mode</source>
-        <translation>Reestableix mode d'agrupacions</translation>
+        <translation>Restablir mode d'agrupacions</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode</source>
-        <translation>Reestableix mode d'agrupacions</translation>
+        <translation>Restablir mode d'agrupacions</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode of selected measures</source>
-        <translation>Reestableix mode d'agrupacions dels compassos seleccionats</translation>
+        <translation>Restablir mode d'agrupacions dels compassos seleccionats</translation>
         <source>Flip direction</source>
@@ -13036,11 +13087,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch up or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semitò cap amunt o moure text o articulació cap amunt</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Interval diatònica ascendent</translation>
         <source>Up Octave</source>
@@ -13052,7 +13103,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Interval d'octava cap amunt o moure text o articulació cap amunt</translation>
         <source>Up Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13060,7 +13111,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to higher pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Ves a la nota més aguda de l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Anar a la nota més aguda de l'acord</translation>
         <source>Top Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13068,7 +13119,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to top note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Ves a la nota més alta de l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Anar a la nota més alta de l'acord</translation>
         <source>Move up</source>
@@ -13080,11 +13131,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch down or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semitò cap avall o moure text o articulació cap avall</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Interval diatònic descendent</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
@@ -13092,7 +13143,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Interval d'octava cap avall o moure text o articulació cap avall</translation>
         <source>Down Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13100,7 +13151,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to lower pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Ves a la nota més greu de l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Anar a la nota més greu de l'acord</translation>
         <source>Bottom Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13108,7 +13159,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to bottom note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Ves a la nota més baixa de l'acord</translation>
+        <translation>Anar a la nota més baixa de l'acord</translation>
         <source>Move down</source>
@@ -13116,31 +13167,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to previous chord or move text left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anar a l'acord anterior o desplaça el text a l'esquerra</translation>
         <source>Go to previous measure or move text left</source>
-        <translation>Ves al compàs anterior o desplaça el text a l'esquerra</translation>
+        <translation>Anar al compàs anterior o desplaça el text a l'esquerra</translation>
         <source>Previous staff or voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o veu anterior</translation>
         <source>Go to next chord or move text right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anar a l'acord anterior o desplaça el text a l'esquerra</translation>
         <source>Go to next measure or move text right</source>
-        <translation>Ves al compàs posterior o desplaça el text a la dreta</translation>
+        <translation>Anar al compàs següent o desplaça el text a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Next staff or voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o veu següent</translation>
         <source>Add previous chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix acord previ a la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir acord anterior a la selecció</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of measure</source>
@@ -13148,7 +13199,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add next chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix nou acord a la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir nou acord a la selecció</translation>
         <source>Select Section</source>
@@ -13156,11 +13207,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Move chord/rest right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure acord/silenci a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Move chord/rest left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure acord/silenci a la esquerra</translation>
         <source>Select to end of measure</source>
@@ -13184,11 +13235,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add staff above to selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama per damunt de la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama per damunt de la selecció</translation>
         <source>Add staff below to selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama a sota de la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama a sota de la selecció</translation>
@@ -13196,7 +13247,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add slur</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix lligadura d'expressió</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir lligadura d'expressió</translation>
@@ -13216,19 +13267,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Octava 8va</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir octava 8va</translation>
         <source>Ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Octava 8vb</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir octava 8vb</translation>
@@ -13244,7 +13295,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Timewise delete</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elimina segons temps</translation>
         <source>Timewise Delete</source>
@@ -13264,11 +13315,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Append Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix compassos ...</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir compassos ...</translation>
         <source>Append measures</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir compassos</translation>
         <source>Insert One Measure</source>
@@ -13288,11 +13339,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix marc de text</translation>
         <source>Append Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Annexa marc de text</translation>
         <source>Insert Vertical Frame</source>
@@ -13308,35 +13359,35 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Duplet</translation>
+        <translation>Doset</translation>
-        <translation>Triplet</translation>
+        <translation>Treset</translation>
-        <translation>Quadruplet</translation>
+        <translation>Quartet</translation>
-        <translation>Quintuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Quintet</translation>
-        <translation>Sextuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Sextet</translation>
-        <translation>Septuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Septet</translation>
-        <translation>Octuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Octet</translation>
-        <translation>Nonuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Noutet</translation>
@@ -13372,7 +13423,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: 16th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Semicorxera</translation>
         <source>32nd note</source>
@@ -13380,7 +13431,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: 32nd</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Fusa</translation>
         <source>64th note</source>
@@ -13388,7 +13439,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: 64th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Semifusa</translation>
         <source>128th note</source>
@@ -13396,15 +13447,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: 128th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Garrapatea</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar la durada activa</translation>
         <source>Decrease active duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Disminuir la durada activa</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
@@ -13428,7 +13479,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Natural / Becaire</translation>
+        <translation>Becaire</translation>
@@ -13444,7 +13495,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add acciaccatura</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix acciaccatura</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir acciaccatura</translation>
@@ -13452,27 +13503,27 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add appoggiatura</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir appoggiatura</translation>
         <source>Grace: quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: negra</translation>
         <source>Grace: 16th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: semicorxera</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental semicorxera</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: fusa</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental fusa</translation>
@@ -13512,11 +13563,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Beam start</source>
-        <translation>Inici d'agrupació</translation>
+        <translation>Inici del grup</translation>
         <source>Beam middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meitat del grup</translation>
         <source>No beam</source>
@@ -13524,7 +13575,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Beam 32nd sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra secundària de fusa</translation>
         <source>Auto beam</source>
@@ -13532,11 +13583,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Feathered beam, slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barres en angle, més lent</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barres en angle, més ràpid</translation>
@@ -13552,7 +13603,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI Import Panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panell d'importació MIDI</translation>
@@ -13568,7 +13619,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Finestra del zoom</translation>
@@ -13580,11 +13631,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indicadors del tempo...</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir indicadors del tempo</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
@@ -13592,7 +13643,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add system text</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix text de sistema</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir text de sistema</translation>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
@@ -13600,7 +13651,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add staff text</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix text de pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir text de pentagrama</translation>
@@ -13608,7 +13659,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add frame text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir marc de text</translation>
@@ -13616,7 +13667,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add title text</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix text de títol</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir text de títol</translation>
@@ -13624,7 +13675,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add subtitle text</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix text de subtítol</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir text de subtítol</translation>
@@ -13632,15 +13683,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add composer text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir text de compositor</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lletrista</translation>
         <source>Add lyricist text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir text de lletrista</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -13648,7 +13699,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add rehearsal mark</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix marca d'assaig</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir marca d'assaig</translation>
@@ -13656,7 +13707,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add picture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir imatge</translation>
@@ -13672,7 +13723,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Play Previous Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix Acord Anterior</translation>
         <source>Play Previous Measure</source>
@@ -13680,15 +13731,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Play Next Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix Acord Següent</translation>
         <source>Play Next Measure</source>
-        <translation>Reprodueix Compàs Anterior</translation>
+        <translation>Reprodueix Compàs Següent</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to Begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del Reproductor a Inici</translation>
@@ -13704,7 +13755,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del Reproductor al Final</translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
@@ -13712,7 +13763,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle repeats playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva reproducció repeticions</translation>
@@ -13720,7 +13771,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle pan score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva moure la partitura</translation>
         <source>Pan score during playback</source>
@@ -13760,7 +13811,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add treble clef</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Clau de Sol</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Clau de Sol</translation>
         <source>Bass Clef</source>
@@ -13768,7 +13819,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add bass clef</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix Clau de Fa</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir Clau de Fa</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-2</source>
@@ -13812,19 +13863,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Edit score info</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Editar informació de la partitura</translation>
         <source>Toggle System Break</source>
-        <translation>Activa/desactiva trencament de sistema</translation>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva salts de sistema</translation>
         <source>Toggle Page Break</source>
-        <translation>Activa/desactiva trencament de pàgina</translation>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva salts de pàgina</translation>
         <source>Toggle Section Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva Salt de secció</translation>
         <source>Edit Element</source>
@@ -13832,23 +13883,23 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Reestableix</translation>
+        <translation>Restablir</translation>
         <source>Reset user settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restablir les opcions d'usuari</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Depurador</translation>
         <source>Reset Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Reestableix estirament</translation>
+        <translation>Reestablir estirament</translation>
         <source>Reset measure stretch</source>
-        <translation>Restableix mida del compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Restablir mida del compàs</translation>
         <source>Show Invisible</source>
@@ -13868,11 +13919,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert Special Characters...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix caràcters especials...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Espai enrera</translation>
@@ -13888,23 +13939,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Mirror note head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverteix cap de la nota</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>General...</translation>
         <source>Edit general style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Edita estil general</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Text...</translation>
         <source>Edit text style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Edita estil de text</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements</source>
@@ -13928,11 +13979,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Double duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble durada</translation>
         <source>Half duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meitat de la durada</translation>
         <source>Repeat selection</source>
@@ -13944,7 +13995,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva moure la partitura</translation>
         <source>Pan roll during playback</source>
@@ -13956,7 +14007,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Display documents side by side</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visualitzar documents adjacent</translation>
         <source>Documents Stacked</source>
@@ -13964,7 +14015,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Display documents stacked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visualitzar documents apilats</translation>
@@ -13972,19 +14023,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Manage parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Administrador de les particel·les</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmònic amunt</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmònic avall</translation>
         <source>Create new revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crea nova revisió</translation>
         <source>Show OMR image</source>
@@ -14000,7 +14051,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Replace pitches without changing rhythms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reemplaçar tons sense canviar els ritmes</translation>
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
@@ -14016,7 +14067,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Split Measure</source>
-        <translation>Divideix compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Dividir compàs</translation>
         <source>Page Settings...</source>
@@ -14028,7 +14079,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Àlbum</translation>
@@ -14040,11 +14091,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Next Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura següent</translation>
         <source>Previous Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura Anterior</translation>
@@ -14060,7 +14111,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle loop playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva reproducció en bucle</translation>
         <source>Loop playback</source>
@@ -14072,7 +14123,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle metronome playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva metrònom</translation>
         <source>Play metronome during playback</source>
@@ -14080,19 +14131,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle count-in playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar/desactivar la claqueta</translation>
         <source>Play count-in at playback start</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reproduir la claqueta a l'inici de la reproducció</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix xifrat</translation>
         <source>Add figured bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir baix xifrat</translation>
         <source>Transpose Up</source>
@@ -14112,31 +14163,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle View Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar/desactivar mode de visualització</translation>
         <source>Next syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Síl·laba següent</translation>
         <source>Previous syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Síl·laba anterior</translation>
         <source>Toggle visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva visibilitat</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fes visible</translation>
         <source>Set invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fes invisible</translation>
         <source>Lock Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bloquejar partitura</translation>
         <source>Longa (TAB)</source>
@@ -14144,31 +14195,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: 16th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Semicorxera (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 32nd (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Fusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 64th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Semifusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 128th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Garrapatea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar la durada activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease active duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Disminuir la durada activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Enter rest (TAB)</source>
@@ -14176,127 +14227,127 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Select string above (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar corda anterior (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Select string below (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar corda posterior (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 0 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 0 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 0 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 0 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 1 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 1 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 1 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 1 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 2 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 2 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 2 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 2 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 3 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 3 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 3 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 3 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 4 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 4 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 4 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 4 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 5 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 5 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 5 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 5 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 6 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 6 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 6 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 6 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 7 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 7 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 7 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 7 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 8 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 8 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 8 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 8 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 9 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 9 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 9 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 9 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Insert Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix Marc diagrama d'acord</translation>
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental negra</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chord Symbols...</translation>
         <source>Edit chord symbols style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Edita estil de símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Add chord symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Previous beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsació anterior (símbols d'acords)</translation>
         <source>Next beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsació següent (símbols d'acords)</translation>
         <source>Respell Pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tons Enharmònics</translation>
         <source>Full Measure Rest</source>
@@ -14308,67 +14359,67 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Join Measures</source>
-        <translation>Fusiona compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Fusionar compassos</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panell OMR</translation>
         <source>Fret 10 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 10 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 10 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 10 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 11 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 11 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 11 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 11 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 12 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 12 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 12 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 12 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 13 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 13 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 13 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 13 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 14 (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trast 14 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Add fret 14 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir trast 14 a la corda actual (només TAB)</translation>
         <source>Grace: 16th after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: semicorxera darrere</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental semicorxera darrere</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: fusa darrere</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental fusa darrere</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
@@ -14380,7 +14431,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir parèntesi al element</translation>
         <source>Selection Filter</source>
@@ -14388,23 +14439,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corxera</translation>
         <source>Add Eighth grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nota ornamental corxera darrere</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra secundària de semicorxera</translation>
         <source>Go to the first element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anar al primer element</translation>
         <source>Go to the last element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anar a l'últim element</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures...</source>
@@ -14432,19 +14483,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Grace: eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: corxera darrere</translation>
         <source>Enable snap to horizontal grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar ajustament a la reixa horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Enable snap to vertical grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar ajustament a la reixa vertical</translation>
         <source>Configure grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Configurar reixa</translation>
         <source>Insert one measure</source>
@@ -14452,23 +14503,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix marc horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Insert text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix marc de text</translation>
         <source>Insert vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix marc vertical</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
-        <translation>Nom de part</translation>
+        <translation>Nom de la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Add part name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir nom de la particel·la</translation>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
@@ -14476,31 +14527,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desa la partitura en MuseScore.com</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esclatar</translation>
         <source>Explode contents of top selected staff into staves below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Esclatar els continguts del pentagrama superior seleccionat en els pentagrames de sota</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Implosionar</translation>
         <source>Implode contents of selected staves into top selected staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Implosionar els continguts dels pentagrames seleccionats en el pentagrama superior seleccionat</translation>
         <source>Fill With Slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Omplir amb slashes</translation>
         <source>Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva notació rítmica amb slash </translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
@@ -14556,11 +14607,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: Open</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer: Obre</translation>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer: Desa</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
@@ -14568,7 +14619,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer: Desa com</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
@@ -14576,7 +14627,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer: Desa una còpia</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
@@ -14588,7 +14639,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: New</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fitxer: Nou</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
@@ -14596,7 +14647,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tons enharmònics</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
@@ -14604,43 +14655,43 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatònica ascendent</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mou amunt</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatònica descendent</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Octava baixa</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Següent element</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Next element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Accessibilitat: Element posterior</translation>
         <source>Previous Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Element Anterior</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Previous element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Accessibilitat: Element anterior</translation>
         <source>First Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Primer element</translation>
         <source>Last Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Darrer element</translation>
         <source>Move Down</source>
@@ -14656,7 +14707,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Previous Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o Veu Anterior</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
@@ -14668,19 +14719,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o veu següent</translation>
         <source>Add Previous Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir acord anterior a la selecció</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona l'inici de compàs</translation>
         <source>Add Next Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir acord posterior a la selecció</translation>
         <source>Select section</source>
@@ -14688,55 +14739,55 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure acord/silenci a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure acord/silenci a la esquerra</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona l'inici de la línia</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar al final de línia</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecciona l'inici de partitura</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar al final de línia</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Above to Selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama per damunt de la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama per damunt de la selecció</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Below to Selection</source>
-        <translation>Afegeix pentagrama a sota de la selecció</translation>
+        <translation>Afegir pentagrama a sota de la selecció</translation>
         <source>Page: Previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pàgina: Anterior</translation>
         <source>Page: Next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pàgina: Següent</translation>
         <source>Page: Top</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pàgina: Principi</translation>
         <source>Page: End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pàgina: Final</translation>
         <source>Full measure rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compàs complet en silenci</translation>
         <source>Delete selected measures</source>
@@ -14744,27 +14795,27 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Append one measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir un compàs la final</translation>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Annexa marc de text</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix marc diagrama d'acord</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Annexa marc horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Append vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Annexa marc vertical</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Longa</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
@@ -14772,31 +14823,31 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Quadrada</translation>
         <source>Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rodona</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Rodona</translation>
         <source>Half Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Blanca</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Negra</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -14804,15 +14855,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Corxera</translation>
         <source>16th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorxera</translation>
         <source>32nd Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa</translation>
         <source>64th Note</source>
@@ -14824,11 +14875,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Increase Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar la durada activa</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Disminuir la durada activa</translation>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
@@ -14836,7 +14887,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Punt</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
@@ -14844,11 +14895,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Doble punt</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Lligadura</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest</source>
@@ -14856,7 +14907,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Double Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble Sostingut</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double sharp</source>
@@ -14876,7 +14927,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Double Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble Bemoll</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double flat</source>
@@ -14884,51 +14935,51 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: Negra</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental: Corxera darrere</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Entrada MIDI</translation>
         <source>Beam Start</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inici del grup</translation>
         <source>Beam Middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meitat del grup</translation>
         <source>No Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sense agrupació</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra secundària de semicorxera</translation>
         <source>Beam 32nd Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra secundària de fusa</translation>
         <source>Auto Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agrupació automàtica</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barres en angle, més lent</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barres en angle, més ràpid</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panell de reproducció</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
@@ -14936,39 +14987,39 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panell d'importació MIDI</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra d'estat</translation>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
-        <translation>Finestra de zoom</translation>
+        <translation>Finestra del zoom</translation>
         <source>Play previous chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix acord anterior</translation>
         <source>Play previous measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix compàs anterior</translation>
         <source>Play next chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix acord següent</translation>
         <source>Play next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reprodueix compàs següent</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del reproductor a inici</translation>
         <source>Player seek to end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del reproductor al final</translation>
         <source>Play Repeats</source>
@@ -15008,19 +15059,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle system break</source>
-        <translation>Activa/desactiva trencament de sistema</translation>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva salts de sistema</translation>
         <source>Toggle page break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva salts de pàgina</translation>
         <source>Toggle section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva salt de secció</translation>
         <source>Edit element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Editar element</translation>
         <source>Show invisible</source>
@@ -15040,11 +15091,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert special characters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insereix caràcters especials</translation>
         <source>Whole Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de rodona</translation>
         <source>Note input: Whole rest</source>
@@ -15052,7 +15103,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Half Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de blanca</translation>
         <source>Note input: Half rest</source>
@@ -15060,7 +15111,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Quarter Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de negra</translation>
         <source>Note input: Quarter rest</source>
@@ -15068,7 +15119,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Eighth Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de corxera</translation>
         <source>Note input: Eighth rest</source>
@@ -15076,39 +15127,39 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Més zoom</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Menys zoom</translation>
         <source>Mirror Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverteix cap de la nota</translation>
         <source>Double Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble durada</translation>
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meitat de la durada</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetir selecció</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmònic amunt</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmònic avall</translation>
         <source>Create New Revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crea nova revisió</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
@@ -15124,19 +15175,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Full screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pantalla completa</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Horizontal Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar ajustament a la reixa horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Vertical Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar ajustament a la reixa vertical</translation>
         <source>Configure Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>configurar la reixa</translation>
         <source>Piano keyboard</source>
@@ -15144,23 +15195,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Split measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dividir compàs</translation>
         <source>Join measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusionar compassos</translation>
         <source>Page settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Opcions de pàgina</translation>
         <source>Next score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura següent</translation>
         <source>Previous score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura Anterior</translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
@@ -15188,11 +15239,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Set loop out position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fixar el punt de sortida del bucle</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Claqueta</translation>
         <source>Transpose up</source>
@@ -15204,19 +15255,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar/desactivar mode de visualització</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Síl·laba següent</translation>
         <source>Previous Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Síl·laba Anterior</translation>
         <source>Toggle Visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva Visibilitat</translation>
         <source>Set Visible</source>
@@ -15228,19 +15279,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ancorada a la línia de text</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ancorada a la línia de text</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bloquejar partitura</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
@@ -15248,47 +15299,47 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Quadrada (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rodona (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Rodona (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Half Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Blanca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corxera (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durada de la nota: Corxera (TAB)</translation>
         <source>16th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorxera (TAB)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>64th Note (TAB)</source>
@@ -15300,11 +15351,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Increase Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augmentar la durada activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Disminuir la durada activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest (TAB)</source>
@@ -15312,27 +15363,27 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>String Above (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corda anterior (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Below (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corda posterior (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsació Anterior (Símbols d'acords)</translation>
         <source>Next Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulsació següent (símbols d'acords)</translation>
         <source>Add Brackets to Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir parèntesi al element</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/Desactiva crear compassos d'espera</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
@@ -15344,35 +15395,35 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursiva</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subratllat</translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moveu paraula a la esquerra</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moveu paraula a la esquerra</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moveu paraula a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moveu paraula a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Omplir amb slashes</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva notació rítmica amb slash </translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
@@ -15392,7 +15443,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una longa (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15400,7 +15451,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una quadrada (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15408,7 +15459,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una rodona (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15416,7 +15467,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una blanca (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15424,7 +15475,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una negra (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15432,7 +15483,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una corxera (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15440,7 +15491,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una semicorxera (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15448,7 +15499,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una fusa (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15456,39 +15507,39 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avançar d'una semifusa (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compàs Anterior (Baix xifrat/Símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compàs anterior (Baix xifrat/Símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compàs següent (baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compàs següent (Només baix xifrat/símbol d'acord)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva staccato</translation>
         <source>Toggle tenuto</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva tenuto</translation>
         <source>Toggle trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva trinat</translation>
         <source>Toggle marcato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activa/desactiva marcato</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
@@ -15504,7 +15555,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fixar el punt d'entrada del bucle</translation>
@@ -15530,43 +15581,43 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending</translation>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide out descendent</translation>
         <source>Slide out up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide out ascendent</translation>
         <source>Slide in below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide in per sota</translation>
         <source>Slide in above</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide in per sobre</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Calderó</translation>
         <source>Short fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Calderó curt</translation>
         <source>Long fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Calderó llarg</translation>
         <source>Very long fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Calderó molt llarg</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sforzato</translation>
@@ -15574,47 +15625,47 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Staccatissimo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenuto</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Portato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marcato</translation>
         <source>Fade in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fade in</translation>
         <source>Fade out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fade out</translation>
         <source>Volume swell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volum swell</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibrato ona de serra</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibrato ona de serra ampli</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibrato gran més ràpid</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large slowest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibrato gran més lent</translation>
@@ -15622,79 +15673,79 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Stopped/Pizzicato left hand</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pizzicato sec mà esquerra</translation>
         <source>Up bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arc cap amunt</translation>
         <source>Down bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arc cap avall</translation>
         <source>Reverse turn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grupet invertit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grupet</translation>
-        <translation>Trino</translation>
+        <translation>Trinat</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent superior</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent inferior</translation>
         <source>Prall prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu</translation>
         <source>Prall mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb mordent</translation>
         <source>Up prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació superior sense terminació</translation>
         <source>Down prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació inferior sense terminació</translation>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació superior amb terminació</translation>
         <source>Down mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb doble preparació inferior amb terminació</translation>
         <source>Prall down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb mordent inferior</translation>
         <source>Prall up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb mordent superior</translation>
         <source>Line prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat breu amb accent</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Schleifer (Coulé)</translation>
         <source>Snap pizzicato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pizzicato Bartók</translation>
@@ -15710,27 +15761,27 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Thumb pos.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Capotasto</translation>
         <source>Lute thumb fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt digitació del polze</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 1 digitació</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 2 digitació</translation>
         <source>Lute 3 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llaüt 3 digitació</translation>
         <source>Tremolo bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de trèmolo</translation>
@@ -15836,43 +15887,43 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Single grace low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Sol greu</translation>
         <source>Single grace low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental La greu</translation>
         <source>Single grace B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Si</translation>
         <source>Single grace C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Do</translation>
         <source>Single grace D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Re</translation>
         <source>Single grace E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Mi</translation>
         <source>Single grace F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Fa</translation>
         <source>Single grace high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Single grace high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota ornamental Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Double grace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Note ornamental doble</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
@@ -16531,7 +16582,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation>Tablatura</translation>
+        <translation>Tabulatura</translation>
@@ -16555,7 +16606,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tabulatura2</translation>
@@ -16574,7 +16625,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>High Q</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>High Q</translation>
@@ -16582,31 +16633,31 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Scratch Push</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Push</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Pull</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baquetes</translation>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metrònom click</translation>
         <source>Metronome Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metrònom campana</translation>
         <source>Bass Drum 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bombo 1</translation>
         <source>Acoustic Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Caixa acústica</translation>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
@@ -16614,11 +16665,11 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Electric Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Caixa elèctrica</translation>
         <source>Low Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Goliat greu</translation>
         <source>Closed Hi-Hat</source>
@@ -16626,39 +16677,39 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>High Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Goliat agut</translation>
         <source>Pedal Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedal xarleston</translation>
         <source>Low Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom greu</translation>
         <source>Open Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xarleston obert</translation>
         <source>Low-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom greu-mig</translation>
         <source>Hi-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom agut-mig</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crash 1</translation>
         <source>High Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom agut</translation>
         <source>Ride Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ride Bell</translation>
@@ -16670,35 +16721,35 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Low Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bongo greu</translation>
         <source>Mute Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conga aguda muda</translation>
         <source>Open Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conga aguda oberta</translation>
         <source>Low Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conga greu</translation>
         <source>High Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timbal agut</translation>
         <source>Low Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timbal greu</translation>
         <source>High Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agogó agut</translation>
         <source>Low Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agogó greu</translation>
@@ -16710,19 +16761,19 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Short Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Whistle curt</translation>
         <source>Long Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Whistle llarg</translation>
         <source>Short Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Güiro curt</translation>
         <source>Long Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Güiro llarg</translation>
@@ -16730,47 +16781,47 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Hi Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Caixa xinesa aguda</translation>
         <source>Low Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Caixa xinesa greu</translation>
         <source>Mute Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuica muda</translation>
         <source>Open Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuica oberta</translation>
         <source>Mute Triangle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triangle mut</translation>
         <source>Open Triangle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triangle obert</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shaker</translation>
         <source>Bell Tree</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bell Tree</translation>
         <source>Mute Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Surdo mut</translation>
         <source>Open Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Surdo pbert</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ride 1</translation>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
@@ -16782,11 +16833,11 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crash 2</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ride 2</translation>
@@ -16794,15 +16845,15 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Square Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Square Click</translation>
         <source>Hi Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bongo agut</translation>
         <source>Sleigh Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cascavell</translation>
@@ -16911,7 +16962,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>invàlid</translation>
@@ -17011,7 +17062,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bending</translation>
@@ -17023,7 +17074,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation>Tremolo</translation>
+        <translation>Trèmolo</translation>
@@ -17051,7 +17102,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation>Trino</translation>
+        <translation>Trinat</translation>
@@ -17083,23 +17134,23 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ossia</translation>
         <source>Instrument Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nom de l'instrument</translation>
         <source>Slur Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment lligadura d'expressió</translation>
         <source>Staff Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línies de pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Bar Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compàs</translation>
         <source>Stem Slash</source>
@@ -17115,7 +17166,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Repeat Measure</source>
-        <translation>Repetir Compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Repetició de compàs</translation>
         <source>Chord Line</source>
@@ -17123,7 +17174,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix xifrat</translation>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
@@ -17143,15 +17194,15 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Ottava Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment Octava</translation>
         <source>Trill Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment del trinat</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment línia de text</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
@@ -17159,7 +17210,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Pedal Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment del pedal</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
@@ -17171,11 +17222,11 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línies addicionals</translation>
         <source>Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap de nota</translation>
         <source>Note Dot</source>
@@ -17186,10 +17237,6 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17203,7 +17250,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia de text</translation>
         <source>Note Line</source>
@@ -17211,11 +17258,11 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Element List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llistat d'elements</translation>
         <source>Staff List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>LListat de pentagrames</translation>
         <source>Measure List</source>
@@ -17223,19 +17270,19 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc horitzontal</translation>
         <source>Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc vertical</translation>
         <source>Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc de text</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marc diagrama d'acord</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
@@ -17243,19 +17290,19 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrama d'acord</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Àmbit</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de trèmolo</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line</source>
@@ -17274,35 +17321,35 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Resize to A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar mida a A</translation>
         <source>Resize to B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar mida a B</translation>
         <source>Resize to C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar mida a C</translation>
         <source>Resize to D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adaptar mida a D</translation>
         <source>Set size A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida estàndard A</translation>
         <source>Set size B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida estàndard B</translation>
         <source>Set size C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida estàndard C</translation>
         <source>Set size D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mida estàndard D</translation>
@@ -17316,27 +17363,27 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Staff default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama per defecte</translation>
         <source>Tick 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marca 1</translation>
         <source>Tick 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marca 2</translation>
         <source>Short 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Curta 1</translation>
         <source>Short 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Curta 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[Personalitzat]</translation>
@@ -17416,15 +17463,15 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>To Coda</source>
-        <translation>Coda</translation>
+        <translation>a Coda</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Personalitzat</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segno, variació</translation>
@@ -17451,7 +17498,7 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slash</translation>
@@ -17501,34 +17548,34 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Every Day</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada dia</translation>
         <source>Every 3 Days</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada 3 dies</translation>
         <source>Every Week</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada setmana</translation>
         <source>Every 2 Weeks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada 2 setmanes</translation>
         <source>Every Month</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada mes</translation>
         <source>Every 2 Months</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cada 2 mesos</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitures</translation>
@@ -17547,23 +17594,23 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbols d'acords</translation>
         <source>Other Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altre text</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Articulacions</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lligadures d'expressió</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baix xifrat</translation>
@@ -17571,19 +17618,19 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation>Tremolo</translation>
+        <translation>Trèmolo</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Notes ornamentals</translation>
         <source>Pedal Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línies del pedal</translation>
         <source>Other Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Altres línies</translation>
@@ -17591,11 +17638,11 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glissandis</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagrames d'acord</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
@@ -17603,19 +17650,19 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 1</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 2</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 3</translation>
         <source>Voice 4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 4</translation>
@@ -17629,15 +17676,15 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PENTAGRAMA ESTÁNDARD</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PENTAGRAMA PERCUSIONS</translation>
         <source>TABLATURE STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PENTAGRAMA TABULATURA</translation>
@@ -17651,30 +17698,30 @@ El compàs no és buit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plantilles</translation>
         <source>Trill line</source>
-        <translation>Trino</translation>
+        <translation>Línea del trinat</translation>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia del trinat breu superior</translation>
         <source>Downprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia del trinat breu inferior</translation>
         <source>Prallprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia del trinat breu</translation>
         <source>Wavy line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Línia ondulada</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ca at valencia.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ca at valencia.ts
index 46d564d..44df7c9 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ca at valencia.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ca at valencia.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Published under the GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
+<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+</style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Ves a</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"> </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> per vore noves versions i més informacio.</span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Apoya MuseScore en </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">la teua donacio</span></a></p>
+<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Difòs baix la llicencia GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></translation>
@@ -289,7 +297,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation>Traure tots els bots de llínea</translation>
+        <translation>Bots de llínea cada</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
@@ -316,7 +324,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Glissando end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fi de glissando</translation>
@@ -1135,7 +1143,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>»Do</translation>
@@ -1225,7 +1233,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>3 - Minor Third</source>
-        <translation>3 - Tercera menor</translation>
+        <translation>3 - Tercera Menor</translation>
         <source>4 - Major Third</source>
@@ -1301,11 +1309,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
-        <translation>Número de compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Número de cordes:</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation>Característiques de Pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Caracteristiques de Pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
@@ -1313,7 +1321,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Small staff</source>
-        <translation>Pentagrama chicotet</translation>
+        <translation>Pentagrama chicotiu</translation>
@@ -1361,7 +1369,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation>Vore indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Vore indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Style group:</source>
@@ -1385,7 +1393,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
-        <translation>Tret extra damunt del pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Text extra damunt del pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Never hide</source>
@@ -1484,7 +1492,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation>Valor de nota</translation>
+        <translation>Figures de Notes</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
@@ -1496,7 +1504,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
-        <translation>Pliques i barres de corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Pliques i barres de corchets</translation>
         <source>Stem style:</source>
@@ -1540,7 +1548,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation>Lluntania de reglons</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania de reglons:</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
@@ -1548,7 +1556,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation>Vore indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Vore indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
@@ -1604,7 +1612,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetix:</translation>
@@ -1612,15 +1620,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al nou sistema</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al nou compas</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sempre</translation>
@@ -1703,7 +1711,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Barra/Corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de corchets</translation>
@@ -2046,11 +2054,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Small staff size:</source>
-        <translation>Tamany de pentagrama chicotet</translation>
+        <translation>Tamany de pentagrama chicotiu</translation>
         <source>Small note size:</source>
-        <translation>Tamany nota chicoteta</translation>
+        <translation>Tamany nota chicotiua</translation>
         <source>Grace note size:</source>
@@ -2102,7 +2110,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Usual</translation>
+        <translation>Habitual</translation>
@@ -2118,7 +2126,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Alamà</translation>
+        <translation>Alemà</translation>
@@ -2223,15 +2231,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance before the stem of the first note:</source>
-        <translation>Lluntania abans de la plica de la primera nota:</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania ans de la plica de la primera nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance before the head of the first note:</source>
-        <translation>Lluntania abans del cap de la primera nota:</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania ans del cap de la primera nota:</translation>
         <source>Distance after the stem of the last note:</source>
-        <translation>Lluntanía darrere de la plica de l'última nota</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania darrere de la plica de l'última nota</translation>
         <source>Distance after the head of the last note:</source>
@@ -2239,7 +2247,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance to fretboard diagram:</source>
-        <translation>Lluntanía al diagrama del diapasó</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania al diagrama del diapasó</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
@@ -2259,7 +2267,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
-        <translation>Pocició celleta en diapasó</translation>
+        <translation>Posició celleta en diapasó</translation>
         <source>Semitones offset</source>
@@ -2271,7 +2279,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>A, B♭, B, C, C♯, ...</source>
-        <translation>A, B♭, B, C, C♯, ...</translation>
+        <translation>A, Bb, B, C, C♯, ...</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols, Fretboard Diagrams</source>
@@ -2375,7 +2383,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
-        <translation>Utilisar capçañera en fulla par/impar</translation>
+        <translation>Utilisar capçalera en fulla par/impar</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page footer</source>
@@ -2459,15 +2467,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation>Abans de l'armadura si es reemplaça a manco sostinguts o bemols</translation>
+        <translation>Ans de l'armadura si es reemplaça a manco sostinguts o bemols</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
-        <translation>Enacabant de l'armadura si es reemplaça a manco sostinguts o bemols. Abans si es reemplaça entre sostinguts i bemols</translation>
+        <translation>En acabant de l'armadura si es reemplaça a manco sostinguts o bemols. Abans si es reemplaça entre sostinguts i bemols</translation>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
-        <translation>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</translation>
+        <translation>A, Bb, H, C, C♯, ...</translation>
         <source>A, B, H, C, Cis</source>
@@ -2479,11 +2487,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
-        <translation>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</translation>
+        <translation>Do, Do♯, Reb, Re, ...</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Ré♭, Ré, ...</source>
-        <translation>Do, Do♯, Ré♭, Ré, ...</translation>
+        <translation>Do, Do♯, Réb, Ré, ...</translation>
@@ -2503,7 +2511,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation>Mayúscules Automàtiques</translation>
+        <translation>Mayuúscules Automatiques</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
@@ -2589,15 +2597,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Sound Fonts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons %1 carregada</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot carregar la Llibreria de Sons %1</translation>
@@ -2734,11 +2742,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Doâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Dobb</translation>
-        <translation>Doâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Dob</translation>
@@ -2754,11 +2762,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Reâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Rebb</translation>
-        <translation>Reâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Reb</translation>
@@ -2774,11 +2782,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Miâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Mibb</translation>
-        <translation>Mi â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Mi b</translation>
@@ -2794,11 +2802,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Faâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fabb</translation>
-        <translation>Faâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fab</translation>
@@ -2814,11 +2822,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Solâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Solbb</translation>
-        <translation>Solâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Solb</translation>
@@ -2834,11 +2842,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Laâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Labb</translation>
-        <translation>La â™­</translation>
+        <translation>La b</translation>
@@ -2854,11 +2862,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Siâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Sibb</translation>
-        <translation>Si</translation>
+        <translation>Sib</translation>
@@ -2914,7 +2922,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Direccio</translation>
@@ -2946,7 +2954,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Restaura Valor de Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Restaura Valor de Direccio</translation>
         <source>Update range</source>
@@ -2966,11 +2974,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>diamant</translation>
+        <translation>Diamant</translation>
-        <translation>Ferret</translation>
+        <translation>Triàngul</translation>
@@ -3041,7 +3049,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Direccio</translation>
@@ -3077,7 +3085,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation>Deavall del Acort</translation>
+        <translation>Devall del Acort</translation>
         <source>Time stretch</source>
@@ -3089,7 +3097,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direccio</translation>
         <source>Reset Anchor value</source>
@@ -3128,7 +3136,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barline Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector Barra de compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Barra de compas</translation>
@@ -3179,7 +3187,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Barra de corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de corchets</translation>
@@ -3195,7 +3203,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Direcci</translation>
@@ -3211,7 +3219,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Beam Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector Barra de corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Barra de corchets</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset left</source>
@@ -3219,7 +3227,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direccio</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset right</source>
@@ -3318,7 +3326,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Chicotiua</translation>
+        <translation>Chicotiu</translation>
@@ -3483,7 +3491,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
-        <translation>No ne hi ha res elegit</translation>
+        <translation>No n'hi ha res elegit</translation>
@@ -3537,11 +3545,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>recte</translation>
+        <translation>Recte</translation>
-        <translation>ondulat</translation>
+        <translation>Aonat</translation>
         <source>Reset Show text value</source>
@@ -3549,7 +3557,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show text</source>
-        <translation>vore text</translation>
+        <translation>Vore text</translation>
@@ -3592,7 +3600,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Amplaria</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
@@ -3734,11 +3742,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Amplaria</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
-        <translation>Escala Amplaria</translation>
+        <translation>Escala Amplea</translation>
         <source>Scale Height</source>
@@ -3758,7 +3766,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation>Lluntania entre dos reglons en un pentagrama de 5 reglons</translation>
+        <translation>Lluntania entre dos reglons en un pentagrama de 5 llínees</translation>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
@@ -3781,7 +3789,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Play until</source>
-        <translation>Reproduir hasda</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïx hasda</translation>
         <source>Continue at</source>
@@ -3859,7 +3867,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Amplaria</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -4017,7 +4025,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Reproduix</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïx</translation>
@@ -4137,7 +4145,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Play value</source>
-        <translation>Restaurar valor Reproduix</translation>
+        <translation>Restaurar valor Reproduïx</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4271,7 +4279,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trailing space</source>
-        <translation>Espay de darrere</translation>
+        <translation>Espay darrere</translation>
         <source>Leading space</source>
@@ -4287,7 +4295,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Trailing space value</source>
-        <translation>Restaurar valor Espay de darrere</translation>
+        <translation>Restaurar valor Espay darrere</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4337,7 +4345,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Espayador</translation>
+        <translation>Espayaor</translation>
@@ -4350,7 +4358,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacer Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector Espayador</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Espayaor</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
@@ -4377,7 +4385,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tempo Marking Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector Indicació de Tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Indicacio de Tempo</translation>
         <source>Reset Tempo value</source>
@@ -4416,7 +4424,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Restaura Text a Estil inicial</translation>
@@ -4434,7 +4442,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
@@ -4442,7 +4450,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -4508,7 +4516,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Relació</translation>
+        <translation>Relacio</translation>
@@ -4524,7 +4532,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Direccio</translation>
@@ -4532,11 +4540,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pujar</translation>
+        <translation>Damunt</translation>
-        <translation>Devallar</translation>
+        <translation>Avall</translation>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
@@ -4544,7 +4552,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Restaurar Valor de Direccio</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4564,7 +4572,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Bracket type</source>
-        <translation>Tipo Corchet</translation>
+        <translation>Tipo corchet</translation>
@@ -5247,7 +5255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time signature</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>2x less
@@ -5319,7 +5327,8 @@ Compas d'Anacrusis</translation>
 chord symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore
+símbols d'acorts</translation>
@@ -5344,7 +5353,11 @@ chord symbols</source>
 You only need to do this once.
 Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore no pot exportar archius MP3 de forma directa, en lloc d'aixó usa
+la llibrería lliure LAME. Deus obtindre %1 a banda (per als detalls revisa el manual), i en acabant busca l'archiu pera MuseScore.
+No més has de fer açó una volta.
+¿Vols buscar %2 ara mateixa?</translation>
@@ -5367,7 +5380,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
@@ -5419,11 +5432,11 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Característiques de Barres de Corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Característiques de Barres de Corchets</translation>
         <source>Frames & Measures</source>
-        <translation>Caixons & compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Caixons i compassos</translation>
@@ -5443,7 +5456,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repeticions i Salts</translation>
@@ -5543,11 +5556,11 @@ grup irregular traspassaria el compas</translation>
         <source>Repeat count:</source>
-        <translation>Repetix conte:</translation>
+        <translation>Número repeticions:</translation>
         <source>Layout stretch:</source>
-        <translation>Diseny amplea</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea</translation>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
@@ -5563,7 +5576,7 @@ grup irregular traspassaria el compas</translation>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
-        <translation>Afig a número de compas:</translation>
+        <translation>Afig al número de compas:</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
@@ -5809,7 +5822,7 @@ grup irregular traspassaria el compas</translation>
-        <translation>cuatreset</translation>
+        <translation>Quatreset</translation>
@@ -5921,7 +5934,7 @@ grup irregular traspassaria el compas</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Aubrir Archiu</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Obrir Archiu</translation>
         <source>Write File failed: </source>
@@ -5988,7 +6001,7 @@ errat: </translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation>Deavall del Acort</translation>
+        <translation>Devall del Acort</translation>
         <source>Special symbols in header/footer</source>
@@ -6107,7 +6120,7 @@ errat: </translation>
         <source>Search for: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Burcant:</translation>
@@ -6140,7 +6153,7 @@ errat: </translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencis</translation>
@@ -6171,7 +6184,7 @@ errat: </translation>
-        <translation>Barra de corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de corchet</translation>
@@ -6307,7 +6320,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Sorry, wrong email address, username or password. Please check again. <a href="%1">Have you forgotten your password</a>?</source>
-        <translation>Disculpe, direcció correu electrónic, nom d'usuari o contrasenya equivocats. Per favor verifica de nou. ¿<a href="%1">Has perdut la teua contrasenya</a>?</translation>
+        <translation>Disculpe, correu electrónic, nom d'usuari o contrasenya equivocats. Per favor verifica de nou. ¿<a href="%1">Has perdut la teua contrasenya</a>?</translation>
         <source>This account has been blocked.</source>
@@ -6343,11 +6356,11 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Per favor verifica la teua conexio d'internet</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>L'hora local del teu dispositiu no es la correcta. Per favor verificala i la definixes. Es recomanable establir l'hora/espai horari en automatic. Si encara no pots iniciar sessio, <a href="%1">mos crida</a>.</translation>
@@ -6368,7 +6381,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Measure Properties for Measure %1</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Característiques de Compas per al compas %1</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Caracteristiques de Compas per al compas %1</translation>
@@ -6433,8 +6446,8 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Save changes to the score "%1"
 before closing?</source>
-        <translation>¿Guardar cambis a la partitura "%1"
-abans de tancar?</translation>
+        <translation>¿Guardar canvis a la partitura "%1"
+ans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;</source>
@@ -6638,7 +6651,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Repeat measure sign</source>
-        <translation>Senyal repetició de compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Repetició de compassos</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
@@ -6646,7 +6659,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Page break</source>
-        <translation>Bot de fulla</translation>
+        <translation>Bot de plana</translation>
         <source>Section break</source>
@@ -6654,11 +6667,11 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
-        <translation>Espayador pentagrama baix</translation>
+        <translation>Espayaor pentagrama devall</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer up</source>
-        <translation>Espayador pentagrama dalt</translation>
+        <translation>Espayaor pentagrama damunt</translation>
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
@@ -6714,7 +6727,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>4/4 common time</source>
-        <translation>4/4 temps comu</translation>
+        <translation>4/4</translation>
         <source>2/2 alla breve</source>
@@ -6981,7 +6994,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
@@ -7041,7 +7054,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
-        <translation>Cambiar tipo pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Canviar tipo pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Change instrument</source>
@@ -7125,7 +7138,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
-        <translation>Reproduix</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïx</translation>
         <source>Score locked</source>
@@ -7137,19 +7150,19 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al &Voltant...</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al voltant de &Qt...</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Al voltant de &MusicXML</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura Image</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -7161,27 +7174,31 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Drum input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introduccio modo Percussio</translation>
         <source>TAB input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introduccio modo TAB</translation>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modo Captura image</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot determinar el tipo d'archiu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot escriure en %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Esta partitura no es pot guardar on-line. Per favor corregix els compassos roins i fes de nou</translation>
@@ -7296,7 +7313,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Grace note after</source>
-        <translation>Notes d'embelliment d'enacabant</translation>
+        <translation>Notes d'embelliment d'en acabant</translation>
         <source>Grace note before</source>
@@ -7383,6 +7400,10 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nova Paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Paleta única</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7463,7 +7484,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Plugin "%1" has changes.
 Save before closing?</source>
         <translation>Plug-in "%1" té càmbits.
-¿Guardar abans de tancar?</translation>
+¿Guardar ans de tancar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
@@ -7471,7 +7492,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot determinar el tipo d'archiu</translation>
@@ -7498,7 +7519,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>Choose Instrument List</source>
-        <translation>Elagix Llista Instruments</translation>
+        <translation>Elegix Llista Instruments</translation>
         <source>Instrument List (*.xml)</source>
@@ -7554,7 +7575,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>SoundFont Folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpetes de les Llibreria de Sons</translation>
@@ -7589,6 +7610,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Veu: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Dura: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7608,7 +7640,7 @@ Procura guardar en un atre puesto.</translation>
         <source>Open Temp File
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Aubrir Archiu Temporal
+        <translation>Obrir Archiu Temporal
 erro: %2</translation>
@@ -7660,11 +7692,11 @@ erro: %2</translation>
         <source>Measure %1 Staff %2 incomplete. Expected: %3; Found: %4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas %1 Pentagrama %2 incomplet. S'aguarda: %3; Trobat: %4</translation>
         <source>Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas %1, pentagrama %2, veu %3 massa llarga. S'aguarda: %4; Trobat: %5</translation>
@@ -7706,7 +7738,7 @@ erro: %2</translation>
         <source>Choose Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elegix instruments</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
@@ -7714,11 +7746,11 @@ erro: %2</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plantilles Personalisaes</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escomençant</translation>
@@ -7773,7 +7805,7 @@ erro: %2</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Característiques de Indicació de compas...</translation>
+        <translation>Caracteristiques de Indicacio de compas...</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
@@ -7797,7 +7829,7 @@ erro: %2</translation>
-        <translation>Compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Compas</translation>
         <source>Measure Properties...</source>
@@ -7916,7 +7948,7 @@ Per favor selecciona el compas i ho fas de nou</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
 Please select a chord/rest and try again</source>
-        <translation>No ne hi ha cap acort/silenci seleccionat:
+        <translation>No n'hi ha cap acort/silenci seleccionat:
 Per favor selecciona el acort/silenci i ho fas de nou</translation>
@@ -7949,31 +7981,31 @@ Per favor selecciona el ranc de compassos a juntar i ho fas de nou</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura image</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar com (Modo Impressora)...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar com (Modo Captura pantalla)...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot determinar el tipo d'archiu</translation>
         <source>No destination to paste</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cap desti per apegar</translation>
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No pots apegar dins del grup irregular</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grup múltiple no pot creuar les barres de compas</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
@@ -8014,7 +8046,7 @@ Per favor selecciona el ranc de compassos a juntar i ho fas de nou</translation>
         <source>Use Tab and Backtab to move through the check boxes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Usa tecles Tab i Aixar arrere per moure's per les caselles de verificacio</translation>
@@ -8291,19 +8323,19 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source><a href="%1">What does this mean?</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">¿Qué vol dir aixo?</a></translation>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obedix les <a href="%1">directrius de la comunitat</a>. Fes les teues partitures accessibles per a tot lo mon no més en el permis dels titulars del seus drets.</translation>
         <source>Use a comma to separate the tags</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escriu coma per a divdir els rótuls</translation>
         <source>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[<a href="%1">enllaç</a>]</translation>
@@ -8356,7 +8388,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>A major, F# minor</source>
-        <translation>La M, F# m</translation>
+        <translation>La M, Fa# m</translation>
         <source>Db major, Bb minor</source>
@@ -8364,7 +8396,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>E major, C# minor</source>
-        <translation>Mi M, C# m</translation>
+        <translation>Mi M, Do# m</translation>
         <source>Ab major, F minor</source>
@@ -8372,7 +8404,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>B major, G# minor</source>
-        <translation>B M, G# m</translation>
+        <translation>Si M, Sol# m</translation>
         <source>Eb major, C minor</source>
@@ -8380,7 +8412,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>F# major, D# minor</source>
-        <translation>F# M, D# m</translation>
+        <translation>Fa# M, Re# m</translation>
         <source>Bb major, G minor</source>
@@ -8392,7 +8424,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obert/Atonal</translation>
@@ -8536,7 +8568,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
-        <translation>Amplaria:</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea:</translation>
@@ -8603,7 +8635,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Característiques Barra de corchees</translation>
+        <translation>Barra de corchets</translation>
@@ -8723,7 +8755,7 @@ per favor elegix un atre nom:</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Staff Changes</source>
@@ -8787,27 +8819,27 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Repeats && Jumps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repeticions && Salts</translation>
         <source>Normal barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compas simple</translation>
         <source>Dashed barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compas a ralletes</translation>
         <source>Dotted barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compas a puntets</translation>
         <source>End bar barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compas final</translation>
         <source>Double barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de compas doble</translation>
         <source>Start repeat</source>
@@ -8885,7 +8917,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Amplaria:</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea:</translation>
@@ -8976,7 +9008,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Use arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Usa flecha per a modificar</translation>
@@ -9099,23 +9131,23 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Playback Position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda de reproduccio</translation>
         <source>Relative Tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo Relatiu 120 colps per minuts </translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to change value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Usa fleches cap amunt i cap a baix per canviar el valor</translation>
         <source>Master Volume</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volum General</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tempo relatiu 120 colps per minuts</translation>
@@ -9158,11 +9190,11 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Anterior</translation>
+        <translation>Desfer</translation>
-        <translation>Següent</translation>
+        <translation>Refer</translation>
@@ -9174,7 +9206,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanca Plug-in Creator</translation>
@@ -9205,7 +9237,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Clear Shortcut</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Borrar Atall</translation>
@@ -9288,7 +9320,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Play notes when editing</source>
-        <translation>Reproduir notes en edició</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïr notes en edició</translation>
@@ -9296,7 +9328,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Color notes outside of usable pitch range</source>
-        <translation>Colorix notes mes alla de la seua tessitura utilisable</translation>
+        <translation>Coloreja notes mes alla de la seua tessitura utilisable</translation>
         <source>16th note</source>
@@ -9428,7 +9460,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Attention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>¡Aguaita!: Qualsevol cambi en esta plana requerix el reinici de MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>¡Aguaita!: Qualsevol canvi en esta plana requerix el reinici de MuseScore</translation>
@@ -9636,7 +9668,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Reproduix</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïx</translation>
@@ -9733,7 +9765,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>The language will be changed once you restart MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>L'idioma cambiarà quant reinicies MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>L'idioma canviarà quant reinicies MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Start with score</source>
@@ -9749,7 +9781,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec d'archiu per triar la partitura d'inici</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec d'archiu per triar la partitura d'inici</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
@@ -9769,7 +9801,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Icon Width</source>
-        <translation>Amplaria Icon</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea Icon</translation>
         <source>Style folder</source>
@@ -9785,7 +9817,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta de partitura</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta de partitura</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
@@ -9793,7 +9825,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the style folder</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta d'estil</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta d'estil</translation>
         <source>Score folder</source>
@@ -9825,7 +9857,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta plug-in</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta plug-in</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
@@ -9841,11 +9873,11 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the template folder</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta plantilla</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta plantilla</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the image folder</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta image</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec de carpeta per triar la carpeta image</translation>
         <source>Canvas Tab</source>
@@ -9873,7 +9905,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec d'archiu per triar el archiu de tipo de fondo</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec d'archiu per triar el archiu de tipo de fondo</translation>
         <source>Select background color</source>
@@ -9881,7 +9913,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the background color</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec per triar el color de fondo</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec per triar el color de fondo</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
@@ -9901,7 +9933,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the paper color</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec per triar el color del paper</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec per triar el color del paper</translation>
         <source>Paper Wallpaper</source>
@@ -9981,7 +10013,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Play is active</source>
-        <translation>Reproduir esta actiu</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïr esta actiu</translation>
         <source>Stop is active</source>
@@ -10025,7 +10057,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec d'archiu per triar el archiu de llista d'instruments</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec d'archiu per triar el archiu de llista d'instruments</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1</source>
@@ -10045,7 +10077,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec d'archiu per triar l'archiu d'estil</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec d'archiu per triar l'archiu d'estil</translation>
         <source>Style for part</source>
@@ -10061,7 +10093,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for part</source>
-        <translation>Aubri diàlec d'archiu per triar l'archiu d'estil per la part</translation>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec d'archiu per triar l'archiu d'estil per la part</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2</source>
@@ -10161,7 +10193,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Choose the shortest note value</source>
-        <translation>Elegix el valor de la nota més curta</translation>
+        <translation>Elegix la figura de la nota més curta</translation>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
@@ -10293,7 +10325,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Show start center</source>
-        <translation>Vore centre d'inici</translation>
+        <translation>Vore finestra d'inici</translation>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
@@ -10305,27 +10337,27 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Anterior</translation>
+        <translation>Desfer</translation>
         <source>Play whole chord when adding note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reproduïr acort complet quant afiges notes</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpetes de les Llibreries de Sons</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insertar ruta carpetes de Llibreries de Sons</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obri diàlec per configurar les carpetes de les Llibreries de Sons</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introduccio notes Tab</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -10333,47 +10365,51 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció de Notes</translation>
         <source>Note input is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció notes està actiu</translation>
         <source>Note input record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grabar Inntroducció notes</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Carpetes</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Images:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitures:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estils:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plantilles:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plug-in:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Verificar per nova versio de MuseScore</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtre</translation>
@@ -10414,7 +10450,7 @@ Per favor puncha en una nota o baix sifrat i ho tornes a fer.
         <source>No note selected:
 Please select a single note and retry operation
-        <translation>No ne hi ha cap nota seleccionat:
+        <translation>No n'hi ha cap nota seleccionat:
 Per favor elegix una nota i fes l'operació de nou
@@ -10422,7 +10458,7 @@ Per favor elegix una nota i fes l'operació de nou
         <source>No note or rest selected:
 Please select a single note or rest and retry operation
-        <translation>No ne hi ha cap nota o acort seleccionat:
+        <translation>No n'hi ha cap nota o acort seleccionat:
 Per favor elegix una nota o silenci i fes l'operació de nou
@@ -10473,7 +10509,7 @@ erro: %2</translation>
         <source>Cannot open tablature font description:
-        <translation>No es pot obrir la descripció de la font de la tab:
+        <translation>No es pot obrir la descripció de la font tab:
@@ -10693,6 +10729,14 @@ Ves a la <a href="http://musescore.org">website de MuseScore<
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
+        <translation>Archiu corrupte %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Erro de càrrega</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -10790,19 +10834,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Install SoundFont</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instalar Llibreria de Sons</translation>
         <source>Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>¿Vols instalar la Llibreria de Sons %1?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons instalat</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons instalat. Per favor ves a Vore > Sintetisaor per afegirles i Vore > Mesclaor per elegir el so d'instrument.</translation>
@@ -10844,17 +10888,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Veu: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Dura: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -10874,7 +10907,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
-        <translation>No ne hi ha res elegit</translation>
+        <translation>No n'hi ha res elegit</translation>
@@ -10944,7 +10977,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Search in selection</source>
-        <translation>Sesburga en la seleccio</translation>
+        <translation>Desburga en la seleccio</translation>
         <source>Subtract from selection</source>
@@ -10982,7 +11015,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>SoundFont Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archius Llibreria de Sons</translation>
@@ -11025,7 +11058,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Enter Shortcut Sequence</source>
-        <translation>Introduix nova seqüencia de teclat</translation>
+        <translation>Introduïx nova seqüencia de teclat</translation>
         <source>Press up to four keys to enter shortcut sequence</source>
@@ -11056,7 +11089,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation>Punt de diivisió</translation>
+        <translation>Punt de divisio</translation>
@@ -11215,11 +11248,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation>Centre d'inici</translation>
+        <translation>Finestra d'inici</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Obri a partitura...</translation>
@@ -11306,27 +11339,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Usa fleches cap amunt i cap a baix per modificar</translation>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Increment metronom</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte A</translation>
         <source>Effect B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Efecte B</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hertzi</translation>
         <source>Master tuning</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Templat general</translation>
@@ -11551,7 +11584,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Align baseline of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Allinea llínea base del text al punt de referencia</translation>
@@ -11706,7 +11739,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedal</translation>
@@ -11786,7 +11819,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Time Signature Properties</source>
-        <translation>Característiques de Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Caracteristiques de Indicacio de compas</translation>
@@ -11825,7 +11858,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Enter Time Signature:</source>
-        <translation>Introduix indicació de compas:</translation>
+        <translation>Introduïx indicacio de compas:</translation>
@@ -11885,7 +11918,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Time Signature Wizard</source>
-        <translation>Assistent Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Assistent Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Beat unit</source>
@@ -11897,7 +11930,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
-        <translation>Introduix el número de compassos</translation>
+        <translation>Introduïx el número de compassos</translation>
@@ -12068,7 +12101,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Cuart</translation>
+        <translation>Quart</translation>
@@ -12096,27 +12129,27 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Câ™­ major / Aâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Doâ™­ M / Laâ™­ m</translation>
+        <translation>Dob M / Lab m</translation>
         <source>Gâ™­ major / Eâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Solâ™­ M / Miâ™­ m</translation>
+        <translation>Solb M / Mib m</translation>
         <source>Dâ™­ major / Bâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Reâ™­ M / Siâ™­ m</translation>
+        <translation>Reb M / Sib m</translation>
         <source>Aâ™­ major / F minor</source>
-        <translation>Laâ™­ M / Fa m</translation>
+        <translation>Lab M / Fa m</translation>
         <source>Eâ™­ major / C minor</source>
-        <translation>Miâ™­ M / Do m</translation>
+        <translation>Mib M / Do m</translation>
         <source>Bâ™­ major / G minor</source>
-        <translation>Siâ™­ M / Sol m</translation>
+        <translation>Sib M / Sol m</translation>
         <source>A major / F♯ minor</source>
@@ -12331,7 +12364,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fer esta partitura privat</translation>
@@ -12432,7 +12465,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Premature end of document.</source>
-        <translation>Fi de document abans d'hora.</translation>
+        <translation>Fi de document ans d'hora.</translation>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
@@ -12471,11 +12504,11 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llibreria de Sons %1 carregada</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot carregar la Llibreria de Sons %1</translation>
@@ -12502,7 +12535,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Natural</translation>
+        <translation>Bequadro</translation>
@@ -12693,7 +12726,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Anterior</translation>
+        <translation>Desfer</translation>
         <source>Undo last change</source>
@@ -12701,7 +12734,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Següent</translation>
+        <translation>Refer</translation>
         <source>Redo last undo</source>
@@ -13041,7 +13074,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Enter rest</source>
-        <translation>Introduix silenci</translation>
+        <translation>Introduïx silenci</translation>
@@ -13073,7 +13106,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Flip direction</source>
-        <translation>Invertir direcció</translation>
+        <translation>Alternar direccio</translation>
@@ -13233,7 +13266,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Add staff below to selection</source>
-        <translation>Afig pentagrama deavall de la seleccio</translation>
+        <translation>Afig pentagrama devall de la seleccio</translation>
@@ -13361,7 +13394,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>cuatreset</translation>
+        <translation>Quatreset</translation>
@@ -13473,7 +13506,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Natural</translation>
+        <translation>Bequadro</translation>
@@ -13705,7 +13738,7 @@ erro: </translation>
-        <translation>Reproduix</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduïx</translation>
         <source>Player play</source>
@@ -13745,7 +13778,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Rewind to start position</source>
-        <translation>Tirar arrere a la posició inicial</translation>
+        <translation>Tirar a la posició inicial</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
@@ -13753,7 +13786,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
-        <translation>Eixecutar de nou</translation>
+        <translation>Reproduir en iteracions</translation>
         <source>Toggle repeats playback</source>
@@ -13769,7 +13802,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Pan score during playback</source>
-        <translation>Partitura sancera en la reproducció</translation>
+        <translation>Moure la partitura en la reproducció</translation>
         <source>Load Style...</source>
@@ -13817,27 +13850,27 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation>Baratar veu 1-2</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 1-2</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation>Baratar Veu 1-3</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar Veu 1-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation>Baratar Veu 1-4</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar Veu 1-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation>Baratar Veu 2-3</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar Veu 2-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation>Baratar Veu 2-4</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar Veu 2-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation>Baratar Veu 3-4</translation>
+        <translation>Trocar Veu 3-4</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
@@ -13865,7 +13898,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Toggle Page Break</source>
-        <translation>Commuta bot de fulla</translation>
+        <translation>Commuta bot de plana</translation>
         <source>Toggle Section Break</source>
@@ -13961,7 +13994,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Same Staff</source>
-        <translation>Tots els Elements Pareguts dins del Mateix Pentagrama</translation>
+        <translation>Tots els Elements Semblants dins del Mateix Pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in same staff</source>
@@ -14121,7 +14154,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Play metronome during playback</source>
-        <translation>Sonar metrónom en la reproduccio</translation>
+        <translation>Escoltar metrónom en la reproduccio</translation>
         <source>Toggle count-in playback</source>
@@ -14145,7 +14178,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Transpose Down</source>
-        <translation>Transportar Davall</translation>
+        <translation>Transportar Devall</translation>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
@@ -14413,7 +14446,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note after</source>
-        <translation>Afig enacabant una nota d'embelliment fusa</translation>
+        <translation>Afig enacabant nota d'embelliment fusa</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
@@ -14425,7 +14458,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
-        <translation>Afig corchets a l'element</translation>
+        <translation>Afig corchets a l'alteració</translation>
         <source>Selection Filter</source>
@@ -14437,7 +14470,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Add Eighth grace note after</source>
-        <translation>Afig enacabant una nota d'embelliment corchea</translation>
+        <translation>Afig enacabant nota d'embelliment corchea</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th sub</source>
@@ -14461,11 +14494,11 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas...</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas...</translation>
         <source>Show time signature palette</source>
-        <translation>Vore paleta indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Vore paleta indicacio de compas</translation>
@@ -14493,7 +14526,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Insert one measure</source>
-        <translation>Insertar Compas: u</translation>
+        <translation>Insertar Compas</translation>
         <source>Insert horizontal frame</source>
@@ -14549,7 +14582,7 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation>Centre d'inici</translation>
+        <translation>Finestra d'inici</translation>
         <source>Toggle create multimeasure rest</source>
@@ -14561,287 +14594,287 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Increase Stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumentar Espansio</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumentar espansio</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumentar espansio dels compassos seleccionats</translation>
         <source>Decrease Stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reduïx Espansio</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Redüix espansio</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Redüix espansio dels compassos seleccionats</translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plug-in Creator...</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Organisador de Plug-in...</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Organisador de Recursos...</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig/Trau Bots de Llínea...</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Aubrir</translation>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Guardar</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Guardar on-line</translation>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Guardar com</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guardar seleccio</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Guardar una còpia</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Exportar parts</translation>
         <source>File: Close</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Tancar</translation>
         <source>File: New</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Archiu: Nou</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció notes</translation>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Torna nomenar To</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alternar Direccio</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pujar Diatonic</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Amunt</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baixar Diatonic</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baixar octava</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Següent Element</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Next element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Accessibilitat: Proxim element</translation>
         <source>Previous Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Element Previ</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Previous element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>accessibilitat: Element previ</translation>
         <source>First Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Primer Element</translation>
         <source>Last Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>L'últim element</translation>
         <source>Move Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Avall</translation>
         <source>Previous Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acort Previ</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas Previ</translation>
         <source>Previous Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o Veu Previ</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acort Següent</translation>
         <source>Next Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas Següent</translation>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama o Veu Següent</translation>
         <source>Add Previous Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig Acort Previ a la Selecció</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecció Hasda Inici de Compas</translation>
         <source>Add Next Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig Acort Próxim a la Selecció</translation>
         <source>Select section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eleccio Seccio</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Acort/Silenci a la dreta</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Acort/Silenci esquerra</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecció hasda Inici de Llínea</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecció hasda Fi de Llínea</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecció hasda Inici de Partitura</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selecció hasda Fi de Partitura</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Above to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afix Pentagrama Damunt de la Seleccio</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Below to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig Pentagrama Devall de la Seleccio</translation>
         <source>Page: Previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plana: Anterior</translation>
         <source>Page: Next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plana: Ppróxima</translation>
         <source>Page: Top</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plana:. Inici</translation>
         <source>Page: End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plana: Fi</translation>
         <source>Full measure rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de compas sancer</translation>
         <source>Delete selected measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Suprimir compas seleccionat</translation>
         <source>Append one measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afegir u unic compas</translation>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anexa caixó text</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insertar taula del diapasó</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anexa caixo horisontal</translation>
         <source>Append vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anexa caixo vertical</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Longa</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota Breu</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Bbreu</translation>
         <source>Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Redona</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Redona</translation>
         <source>Half Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Blanca</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Negra</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -14849,91 +14882,91 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Corchea</translation>
         <source>16th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorchea</translation>
         <source>32nd Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa</translation>
         <source>64th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa</translation>
         <source>128th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garrapatea</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumenta la Dura Activa</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Devalla la Dura Aactiva</translation>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puntet</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Puntet</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble puntet</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Doble puntet</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Lligatura</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció nota: Silenci</translation>
         <source>Double Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble Sostingut</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció nota: Doble sostingut</translation>
         <source>Note input: Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció nota: Sostingut</translation>
         <source>Note input: Natural</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció nota: Bequadro</translation>
         <source>Note input: Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció nota: Bemol</translation>
         <source>Double Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble bemol</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció nota: Doble bemol</translation>
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Embelliment: Negra</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Embelliment: Enacabant corchea</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
@@ -14941,39 +14974,39 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Beam Start</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escomençament de la Barra</translation>
         <source>Beam Middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig de la Barra</translation>
         <source>No Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sense Barra</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra d'unió en Semicorchea</translation>
         <source>Beam 32nd Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra d'unió en Fusa</translation>
         <source>Auto Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de corchets auto</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra en àngul, Més calmós</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra en àngul, Més rapit</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel de reproduccio</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
@@ -14981,287 +15014,287 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel d'importació MIDI</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra d'estat</translation>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Encaixar Amplaria</translation>
         <source>Play previous chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eixecuta acort previ</translation>
         <source>Play previous measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eixecuta compas previ</translation>
         <source>Play next chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eixecuta acort següent</translation>
         <source>Play next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eixecuta següent compas</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del reproductor a l'escomençament</translation>
         <source>Player seek to end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cursor del reproductor a la fi</translation>
         <source>Play Repeats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reproduir en Iteracions</translation>
         <source>Select all</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elegix tot</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 1-2</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 1-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 1-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 2-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 2-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trocar veu 3-4</translation>
         <source>Repeat Last Command</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetix última orde</translation>
         <source>Toggle system break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta bot de sistema</translation>
         <source>Toggle page break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta bot de plana</translation>
         <source>Toggle section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta bot de secció</translation>
         <source>Edit element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modifica element</translation>
         <source>Show invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore invisible</translation>
         <source>Show unprintable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore lo no-imprimible</translation>
         <source>Show frames</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore caixons</translation>
         <source>Show page margins</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore marge de planes</translation>
         <source>Insert special characters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Insertar lletres especials</translation>
         <source>Whole Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de Redona</translation>
         <source>Note input: Whole rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intorducció notes: Silenci de redona</translation>
         <source>Half Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de Blanca</translation>
         <source>Note input: Half rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció notes: Silenci de blanca</translation>
         <source>Quarter Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de Negra</translation>
         <source>Note input: Quarter rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció de notes: Silenci de negra</translation>
         <source>Eighth Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silenci de Corchea</translation>
         <source>Note input: Eighth rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció de notes: Silenci de corchea</translation>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Acostar</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alluntar</translation>
         <source>Mirror Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Invertix Cap de Nota</translation>
         <source>Double Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble Dura</translation>
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura Mitat</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetix Seleccio</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enarmmonic Damunt</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enarmonic Devall</translation>
         <source>Create New Revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crear Nova Revisió</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta Captura Image</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta Captura image</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore Image OMR</translation>
         <source>Full screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pantalla plena</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Horizontal Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Habilitar Imant a Reixa Horisontal</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Vertical Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Habilitar Imant a Reixa Vertical</translation>
         <source>Configure Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Configurar Reixa</translation>
         <source>Piano keyboard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teclat piano</translation>
         <source>Split measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dividir compas</translation>
         <source>Join measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Unir compassos</translation>
         <source>Page settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ajusts de plana</translation>
         <source>Next score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Següent partitura</translation>
         <source>Previous score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anterior Partitura</translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plug-in creator</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Organisador de plug-in</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Organisador de recursos</translation>
         <source>Show OMR panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vore panel OMR</translation>
         <source>Loop In</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inici Bucle</translation>
         <source>Loop Out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eixida Bucle</translation>
         <source>Set loop out position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establix lloc eixida bucle</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conte d'inici</translation>
         <source>Transpose up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transportar amunt</translation>
         <source>Transpose down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transportar devall</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta modo vista</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sílaba Següent</translation>
         <source>Previous Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sílaba Previa</translation>
         <source>Toggle Visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmuta Visibilitat</translation>
         <source>Set Visible</source>
@@ -15273,119 +15306,119 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ancorar Nota a Regló de text</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ancorar nota a regló de text</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bloquejar partitura</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota Breu (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Breu (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Redona (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Redona (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Half Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Blanca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Blanca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota corchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dura nota: Corchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>16th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>64th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>128th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garrapatea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumenta la Dura Activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Devalla la Dura Activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introducció nota: Silenci (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Above (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cadena damunt (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Below (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cadena devall (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pols Previ (Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Next Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pols següent (Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Add Brackets to Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig Corchets a l'Alteració</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmuta Crear Silencis Multicompas</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Traça de la Negreta</translation>
         <source>Bold face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Traça de la negreta</translation>
@@ -15397,159 +15430,159 @@ erro: </translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Paraula Esquerra</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure paraula esquerra</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure Paraula Dreta</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Moure paraula dreta</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ompli en barres de gaidó</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmuta notacio ritme slash</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afig/Trau bots de llínea</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tornar numerar punts d'ensaig</translation>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Finestra d'inici</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Llonga (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Llonga (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Breu (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Breu (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Redona (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Redona (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Blanca (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Blanca (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Negra (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Negra (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Corchea (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Corchea (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Semicorchea (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Semicorchea (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Fusa (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Fusa (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar Semifusa (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desplaçar una Semufusa (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas previ (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas previ (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas següent (B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compas següent (assoles B.S./Simbol d'acort)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta staccato</translation>
         <source>Toggle tenuto</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta tenuto</translation>
         <source>Toggle trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta trinat</translation>
         <source>Toggle marcato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Commuta marcato</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar PDF...</translation>
         <source>Import PDF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar PDF</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar el archiu PDF d'un servici experimental en musescore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establix lloc inici bucle</translation>
@@ -15567,7 +15600,8 @@ grup irregular traspassaria el compas</translation>
         <source>Cannot change local time signature:
 Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>No es pot canviar l'indicacio del compas local:
+El compas no esta buit</translation>
@@ -15690,27 +15724,27 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent invertit</translation>
-        <translation>Mordent</translation>
+        <translation>Mordent directe</translation>
         <source>Prall prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble mordent descendent</translation>
         <source>Prall mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grupet</translation>
         <source>Up prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat preparació ascendent</translation>
         <source>Down prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat preparació descendent</translation>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
@@ -15722,15 +15756,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Prall down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat resolució descendent</translation>
         <source>Prall up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trinat resolució ascendent</translation>
         <source>Line prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Llínea trinat</translation>
@@ -15920,131 +15954,131 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Sol greu</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Sol greu</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre La greu</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on B</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Si</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on C</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Do</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on D</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Re</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on E</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Mi</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on F</source>
-        <translation>Semi-doble sobre Fa</translation>
+        <translation>Mig "doubling" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high G</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Sol agut</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high A</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre La agut</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en La agut</translation>
         <source>Half strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Half strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "strike" en Sol agut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grip</translation>
         <source>Half D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "throw" de Re </translation>
         <source>Doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Sol greu</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Sol greu</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre La greu</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Doubling on B</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Si</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Si</translation>
         <source>Doubling on C</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Do</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Do</translation>
         <source>Doubling on D</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Re</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Re</translation>
         <source>Doubling on E</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Mi</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Doubling on F</source>
-        <translation>Doble sobre Fa</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Sol greu</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Sol greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre La greu</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Si</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Do</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Re</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Mi</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation>Doblar dit gros sobre Fa</translation>
+        <translation>"Doubling" de dit gros en Fa</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
@@ -16072,451 +16106,451 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Si</translation>
         <source>Double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Do</translation>
         <source>Double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Re</translation>
         <source>Double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" en La agut</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Strike" de dit gros en Sol agut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Birl</translation>
         <source>D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Throw de Re</translation>
         <source>Half heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "heavy throw" en Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Taorluath</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bubly</translation>
         <source>Heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Heavy throw" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig doble "strike" en La agut</translation>
         <source>Half grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "grip" en La agut</translation>
         <source>Half pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Half pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig "pele" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre Si</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre Do</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre Re</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre Mi</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "grip" Sol sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Grip" de dit gros en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en Si</translation>
         <source>Pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en Do</translation>
         <source>Pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en Re</translation>
         <source>Pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Pele" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment "pele" de dit gros sobre Sol agut</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre Si</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre Do</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre Re</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre Mi</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment doble "strike" Sol sobre Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doble "strike" de dit gros sobre Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Si</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Do</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Re</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" en La agut</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en La greu</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Si</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Do</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Re</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Mi</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Fa</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en Sol agut</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mig triple "strike" en La agut</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre La greu</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre Si</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre Do</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre Re</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre Mi</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota d'embelliment Sol triple "strike" sobre Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en La greu</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Si</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Do</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Re</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Mi</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Fa</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple "strike" de dit gros en Sol agut</translation>
@@ -16555,23 +16589,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Subbass clef</source>
-        <translation>Clau de Fa 8va Greu</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Fa en quint</translation>
         <source>Soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Clau de Do en primer</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Do en primer, Soprano</translation>
         <source>Mezzo-soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Clau de Do en segon</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Do en segon, Mezzo</translation>
         <source>Alto clef</source>
-        <translation>Clau de Do en tercer</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Do en tercer, Alt</translation>
         <source>Tenor clef</source>
-        <translation>Clau de do en quart</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Do en quart, Tenor</translation>
@@ -16583,7 +16617,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Baritone clef (C clef)</source>
-        <translation>Clau de Do en quint</translation>
+        <translation>Clau de Do en quint, Baríton</translation>
         <source>French violin clef</source>
@@ -16606,11 +16640,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Acoustic Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bombo acustic</translation>
         <source>Side Stick</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Side Stick</translation>
@@ -16634,7 +16668,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Claus</translation>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
@@ -16762,11 +16796,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Short Guiro</source>
-        <translation>Guiro curt</translation>
+        <translation>Güiro curt</translation>
         <source>Long Guiro</source>
-        <translation>Guiro llarc</translation>
+        <translation>Güiro llarc</translation>
@@ -16865,7 +16899,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Mi â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Mi b</translation>
@@ -16885,7 +16919,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>La â™­</translation>
+        <translation>La b</translation>
@@ -16916,7 +16950,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Mi â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Mi b</translation>
@@ -16936,7 +16970,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>La â™­</translation>
+        <translation>La b</translation>
@@ -17063,7 +17097,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Espayador</translation>
+        <translation>Espayaor</translation>
@@ -17071,7 +17105,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Compàs</translation>
+        <translation>Compas</translation>
@@ -17127,7 +17161,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ossia</translation>
         <source>Instrument Name</source>
@@ -17155,7 +17189,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Indicació de compas</translation>
+        <translation>Indicacio de compas</translation>
         <source>Repeat Measure</source>
@@ -17211,7 +17245,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Staff State</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estat Pentagrama</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
@@ -17227,15 +17261,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Shadow Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota Ombra</translation>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Símbol de la Dura Tab</translation>
         <source>Font Symbol</source>
@@ -17307,7 +17337,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Glissando Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segment Glissando</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line Segment</source>
@@ -17399,15 +17429,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>D.S. al Coda</source>
-        <translation>D.S. al Coda</translation>
+        <translation>Da Segno al Coda</translation>
         <source>D.S. al Fine</source>
-        <translation>D.S. al Fine</translation>
+        <translation>Da Segno al Fine</translation>
-        <translation>D.S.</translation>
+        <translation>Da Segno</translation>
@@ -17425,7 +17455,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Page Width</source>
-        <translation>Amplaria de full</translation>
+        <translation>Amplea de full</translation>
         <source>Whole Page</source>
@@ -17483,11 +17513,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>diamant</translation>
+        <translation>Diamant</translation>
-        <translation>Ferret</translation>
+        <translation>Triàngul</translation>
@@ -17643,23 +17673,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marques de respiracio</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 1</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 2</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 3</translation>
         <source>Voice 4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Veu 4</translation>
@@ -17706,15 +17736,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Regló mordent ascendent</translation>
         <source>Downprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Regló mordent descendent</translation>
         <source>Prallprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Regló mordent doble</translation>
         <source>Wavy line</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_cs.ts b/share/locale/mscore_cs.ts
index 7d9e7bf..6543446 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_cs.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_cs.ts
@@ -4719,7 +4719,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Přidat spojenou notovou osnovu</translation>
+        <translation>Přidat propojenou notovou osnovu</translation>
@@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Přidat spojenou notovou osnovu</translation>
+        <translation>Přidat propojenou notovou osnovu</translation>
@@ -4833,7 +4833,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Spojeno</translation>
+        <translation>Propojeno</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
@@ -4857,7 +4857,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff linked to previous</source>
-        <translation>Notová osnova spojena s předchozí</translation>
+        <translation>Notová osnova propojena s předchozí</translation>
@@ -6264,7 +6264,7 @@ se nezdařilo:</translation>
-        <translation>Spojeno</translation>
+        <translation>Propojeno</translation>
@@ -7200,6 +7200,10 @@ Vyberte, prosím, jiný název:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Nelze zapisovat do %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Tento notový zápis nelze uložit na internet. Opravte, prosím, poškozené takty a zkuste to znovu.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7400,6 +7404,10 @@ Vyberte, prosím, jiný název:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Nová paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Jedna paleta</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7606,6 +7614,17 @@ Uložit před zavřením?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Hlas: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Doba trvání: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10394,6 +10413,10 @@ se nezdařil:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Podívat se po nové verzi MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtr</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10713,6 +10736,14 @@ Navštivte <a href="http://musescore.org">stránky MuseScore<
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Soubor poškozen %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Chyba při nahrávání</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Přesto se chcete pokusit o nahrání tohoto souboru?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10862,17 +10893,6 @@ Chcete ji nahradit?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Hlas: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Doba trvání: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17249,10 +17269,6 @@ Takt není prázdný</translation>
         <translation>Stínová nota</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Gumička</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Symbol pro dobu trvání tabulatury</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_da.ts b/share/locale/mscore_da.ts
index e861a36..fbc84ea 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_da.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_da.ts
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Over nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Over nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Under nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Under nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Takter</translation>
+        <translation>takter</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stem style:</source>
-        <translation>Bjælketype</translation>
+        <translation>Nodehalstype</translation>
         <source>Beside staff</source>
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>As slashed stem</source>
-        <translation>Som skråstreg nodehals</translation>
+        <translation>Som nodehals med skråstreg</translation>
@@ -2022,7 +2022,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hook length:</source>
-        <translation>Fanelængde:</translation>
+        <translation>Hook længde:</translation>
         <source>Beam thickness:</source>
@@ -2086,7 +2086,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hook height:</source>
-        <translation>Fanehøjde:</translation>
+        <translation>Hook højde:</translation>
         <source>Line style:</source>
@@ -3073,11 +3073,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Over nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Over nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Under nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Under nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -3647,7 +3647,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje</translation>
@@ -3978,7 +3978,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Ende</translation>
+        <translation>Slut</translation>
         <source>To Coda</source>
@@ -4604,7 +4604,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Right margin</source>
-        <translation>Højre margin</translation>
+        <translation>Højre margen</translation>
         <source>Reset Top gap value</source>
@@ -4820,7 +4820,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Nodelinier</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinjer</translation>
@@ -4836,7 +4836,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation>Nodelinie type</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje type</translation>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
@@ -5093,7 +5093,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Fane:</translation>
+        <translation>Hook:</translation>
@@ -5388,7 +5388,7 @@ Du skal kun gøre dette én gang.
-        <translation>Linier</translation>
+        <translation>Linjer</translation>
         <source>Breaths & Pauses</source>
@@ -5480,7 +5480,7 @@ tuplet ville overskride taktstreg</translation>
-        <translation>Nodelinier</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinjer</translation>
         <source>New Row</source>
@@ -5488,7 +5488,7 @@ tuplet ville overskride taktstreg</translation>
-        <translation>Nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje</translation>
@@ -5560,7 +5560,7 @@ tuplet ville overskride taktstreg</translation>
         <source>Layout stretch:</source>
-        <translation>layoutstræk</translation>
+        <translation>Layoutstræk:</translation>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
@@ -5923,7 +5923,7 @@ tuplet ville overskride taktstreg</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Nodelinie: %2</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Nodelinje: %2</translation>
@@ -5985,11 +5985,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Over nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Over nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Under nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Under nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -6176,7 +6176,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>Hak</translation>
+        <translation>Hook</translation>
@@ -6654,7 +6654,7 @@ Vil du erstatte den?</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
-        <translation>Linieskift</translation>
+        <translation>Linjeskift</translation>
         <source>Page break</source>
@@ -7195,6 +7195,10 @@ vælg et andet navn:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Kan ikke skrive til %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Nodearket kan ikke gemmes online. Ret de ødelagte takter og prøv igen.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7204,7 +7208,7 @@ vælg et andet navn:</translation>
         <source>To connect with the community, <br /> you need to have internet <br /> connection enabled</source>
-        <translation>For at komme i kontakt med community'et, <br/>skal du have en fungerende <br/> internetforbindelse</translation>
+        <translation>For at komme i kontakt med Community'et, <br/>skal du have en fungerende <br/> internetforbindelse</translation>
@@ -7395,6 +7399,10 @@ vælg et andet navn:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>ny palette</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Enkelt palette</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7510,7 +7518,7 @@ Gem før lukning?</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument List</source>
-        <translation>Vælg instrument liste</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg instrumentliste</translation>
         <source>Instrument List (*.xml)</source>
@@ -7602,10 +7610,21 @@ Gem før lukning?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Stemme: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Varighed: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>Stilfilen kan ikke bruges af denne version af MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Layoutfilen kan ikke bruges af denne version af MuseScore</translation>
         <source>The following file is locked: 
@@ -7615,13 +7634,13 @@ Try saving to a different location.</source>
         <translation>Denne fil er låst:
-Prøv af gemme den et andet sted.</translation>
+Prøv af gemme et andet sted.</translation>
         <source>Open Temp File
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Åbn temporær fil
+        <translation>Ã…bn midlertidig fil
 fejlede: %2</translation>
@@ -7632,14 +7651,14 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed:
-        <translation>Omdøbning af temporær fil: <%1> til <%2> fejlede:
+        <translation>Omdøbning af midlertidig fil: <%1> til <%2> fejlede:
         <source>Open File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Ã…bning af fil
+        <translation>Ã…bn fil
@@ -7661,7 +7680,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Write Style failed: %1</source>
-        <translation>Skrivning af layoutfil fejlede: %1</translation>
+        <translation>Skriv layoutfil fejlede: %1</translation>
         <source>file not found</source>
@@ -7677,7 +7696,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5</source>
-        <translation>Takt %1, nodelinje %2, stemme %3 er for lang. Forventet: %4; fundet: %5</translation>
+        <translation>Takt %1, nodelinje %2, stemme %3 er for lang. Forventet: %4; Fundet: %5</translation>
@@ -7708,11 +7727,11 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>End Measure: %1; End Beat: %2</source>
-        <translation>Slut takt: %1; slut slag: %2</translation>
+        <translation>Slut takt: %1; Slut taktslag: %2</translation>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation>Linie %1</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje %1</translation>
@@ -7738,7 +7757,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Set Standard Size...</source>
-        <translation>Sæt standardstørrelse</translation>
+        <translation>Sæt standardstørrelse...</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Set Output Resolution</source>
@@ -7746,7 +7765,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png)</source>
-        <translation>PNG billed fil (*.png)</translation>
+        <translation>PNG billedfil (*.png)</translation>
         <source>PDF File (*.pdf)</source>
@@ -7790,7 +7809,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Linie egenskaber:</translation>
+        <translation>Linjeegenskaber...</translation>
         <source>Staff Text Properties...</source>
@@ -7802,19 +7821,19 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
-        <translation>Nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Nodelinie egenskaber...</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje egenskaber...</translation>
-        <translation>Takst</translation>
+        <translation>Takt</translation>
         <source>Measure Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Takt egenskaber...</translation>
+        <translation>Taktegenskaber...</translation>
@@ -7822,11 +7841,11 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
-        <translation>Akkortartikulation...</translation>
+        <translation>Akkordartikulation...</translation>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Sektiondelingsegenskaber...</translation>
+        <translation>Afsnitdelingsegenskaber...</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
@@ -7834,7 +7853,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Glissando angivelser...</translation>
+        <translation>Glissando egenskaber...</translation>
@@ -7854,7 +7873,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
-        <translation>Rediger trommesæt...</translation>
+        <translation>Redigér trommesæt...</translation>
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
@@ -7866,7 +7885,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Split nodelinie...</translation>
+        <translation>Del nodelinje...</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
@@ -7882,12 +7901,12 @@ Vælg nogle instrumenter først for at oprette nodelinjer</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
 Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation>Ingen takt valgt.
-vælg venligst en takt og prøv igen</translation>
+        <translation>Ingen takt valgt:
+Vælg en takt og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Becifringsdiagramsegenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>Becifringsdiagram egenskaber</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
@@ -7903,7 +7922,7 @@ vælg venligst en takt og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Systemtekstegenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>Systemtekstegenskaber...</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
@@ -7928,8 +7947,8 @@ vælg venligst en takt og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
 Please select a chord/rest and try again</source>
-        <translation>Ingen valgt akkord/pause:
-Vælg en akkort eller pause og prøv igen </translation>
+        <translation>Ingen akkord/pause valgt:
+Vælg en akkord eller pause og prøv igen </translation>
         <source>Cannot split measure here:
@@ -7945,7 +7964,7 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
-        <translation>Vælg hele siden</translation>
+        <translation>Ombryd til hele siden</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Clef</source>
@@ -8000,7 +8019,7 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.</source>
-        <translation>Indtast for at søge. Tast Retur for at gå tilbage til nodearket.</translation>
+        <translation>Indtast for at søge. Tryk 'linjeskrift' for at gå tilbage til nodearket.</translation>
@@ -8026,14 +8045,14 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>Use Tab and Backtab to move through the check boxes</source>
-        <translation>Brug Tab eller baglænstab for at navigere mellem tjekboksene</translation>
+        <translation>Brug Tab eller Baglænstab for at navigere mellem tjekboksene</translation>
-        <translation>Valgt</translation>
+        <translation>Valg</translation>
@@ -8063,7 +8082,7 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Staff Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Nodelinie tekstegenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nodelinje tekstegenskaber</translation>
@@ -8115,7 +8134,7 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
         <source>Align left</source>
-        <translation>justér venstre</translation>
+        <translation>Justér venstre</translation>
         <source>Align center</source>
@@ -8127,11 +8146,11 @@ Vælg en serie af takter som skal slås sammen og prøv igen</translation>
-        <translation>Subscript</translation>
+        <translation>Sænket skrift</translation>
-        <translation>Superscript</translation>
+        <translation>Hævet skrift</translation>
@@ -8183,7 +8202,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>Text Edit</source>
-        <translation>Rediger tekst</translation>
+        <translation>Redigér tekst</translation>
@@ -8199,11 +8218,11 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
-        <translation>Subscript</translation>
+        <translation>Sænket skrift</translation>
-        <translation>Superscript</translation>
+        <translation>Hævet skrift</translation>
@@ -8303,15 +8322,15 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source><a href="%1">What does this mean?</a></source>
-        <translation><a href="%1">Hvad betyder det?</a></translation>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Hvad betyder dette?</a></translation>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
-        <translation>Respekter <a href="%1">'community guidelines'</a>. Gør kun noder offentlig tilgængelige med tilladelse fra rettighedshaveren.</translation>
+        <translation>Respektér <a href="%1">'community guidelines'</a>. Gør kun noder offentlig tilgængelige med tilladelse fra rettighedshaveren.</translation>
         <source>Use a comma to separate the tags</source>
-        <translation>Brug komma for at adskille mærker</translation>
+        <translation>Brug komma for at adskille mærkerne</translation>
         <source>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</source>
@@ -8348,7 +8367,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>D major, B minor</source>
-        <translation>D dur, B mol</translation>
+        <translation>D dur, H mol</translation>
         <source>C major, A minor</source>
@@ -8380,11 +8399,11 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>Ab major, F minor</source>
-        <translation>Ab durr, F mol</translation>
+        <translation>Ab dur, F mol</translation>
         <source>B major, G# minor</source>
-        <translation>B dur, G# mol</translation>
+        <translation>H dur, G# mol</translation>
         <source>Eb major, C minor</source>
@@ -8396,7 +8415,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>Bb major, G minor</source>
-        <translation>Bb durr, G mol</translation>
+        <translation>Bb dur. G mol</translation>
         <source>C# major, A# minor</source>
@@ -8474,7 +8493,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>Note Groups</source>
-        <translation>Node Grupper</translation>
+        <translation>Nodegrupper</translation>
@@ -8667,7 +8686,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
-        <translation>Linier</translation>
+        <translation>Linjer</translation>
@@ -8755,7 +8774,7 @@ vælg et andet navn: </translation>
         <source>Articulations && Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Accenter</translation>
+        <translation>Artikulationer && ornamenteringer</translation>
@@ -8846,7 +8865,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Palette Cell Properties</source>
-        <translation>Palette celle egenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>Palette celleegenskaber</translation>
@@ -8968,7 +8987,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>MIDI sound for part</source>
-        <translation>midi lyd for stemme</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI lyd for stemme</translation>
         <source>Part name</source>
@@ -9022,7 +9041,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Show wave display</source>
-        <translation>Vis "wave" visning</translation>
+        <translation>Vis bølgevisning</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 2</source>
@@ -9030,7 +9049,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Cursor</translation>
+        <translation>Markør</translation>
@@ -9058,7 +9077,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Nodelinie: %2</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Nodelinje: %2</translation>
@@ -9107,7 +9126,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>takt.slag</translation>
+        <translation>Takt.Taktslag</translation>
         <source>Playback Position</source>
@@ -9150,7 +9169,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Rediger</translation>
+        <translation>Redigér</translation>
@@ -9182,7 +9201,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation>Genindlæs nuværende kilde til tilføjelse</translation>
+        <translation>Genindlæs nuværende programtilføjelse</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -9252,7 +9271,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>minut</translation>
+        <translation>minutter</translation>
         <source>OSC remote control</source>
@@ -9272,7 +9291,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Lærred</translation>
+        <translation>Baggrundsflade</translation>
@@ -9280,7 +9299,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Baggrundsbillede</translation>
+        <translation>Baggrundstapet</translation>
@@ -9296,11 +9315,11 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Slå midi input til</translation>
+        <translation>Slå MIDI input til</translation>
         <source>Play notes when editing</source>
-        <translation>Afspil node under redigering</translation>
+        <translation>Afspil noder under redigering</translation>
@@ -9360,7 +9379,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>PortAdio</translation>
+        <translation>PortAudio</translation>
@@ -9392,7 +9411,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>4410044100</translation>
+        <translation>44100</translation>
@@ -9408,7 +9427,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Period Size:</source>
-        <translation>Periode størrelse:</translation>
+        <translation>Periodestørrelse:</translation>
@@ -9444,7 +9463,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Importer</translation>
+        <translation>Importér</translation>
         <source>Style Used for Import</source>
@@ -9596,15 +9615,15 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Disable antialiased drawing</source>
-        <translation>slå antialiased optegning fra</translation>
+        <translation>Slå antialiased optegning fra</translation>
         <source>Uncheck this to speed up drawing</source>
-        <translation>fjern krydset her for at optegning hurtigere</translation>
+        <translation>Fjern krydset for at optegne hurtigere</translation>
         <source>Draw antialiased</source>
-        <translation>Optegn antialiased</translation>
+        <translation>Blødgør kanter ved tegning</translation>
         <source>Default duration:</source>
@@ -9616,11 +9635,11 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Spol tilbage</translation>
+        <translation>Tilbagespoling</translation>
         <source>Toggle play</source>
-        <translation>Skift afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'afspilning' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Whole note</source>
@@ -9692,7 +9711,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Save every:</source>
-        <translation>Gem hver</translation>
+        <translation>Gem hvert:</translation>
         <source>Proximity for selecting elements:</source>
@@ -9897,7 +9916,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
-        <translation>Papirbaggrundstapetsti</translation>
+        <translation>Sti til papirbaggrundstapet</translation>
         <source>Insert path to paper wallpaper file</source>
@@ -9937,11 +9956,11 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Rewind record</source>
-        <translation>Tilbagespol optag</translation>
+        <translation>Tilbagespol og optag</translation>
         <source>Toggle play record</source>
-        <translation>Skift afspil optag</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'afspil optag' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
@@ -9957,7 +9976,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Half note record</source>
-        <translation>halvnode optag</translation>
+        <translation>Halvnode optag</translation>
         <source>Rest is active</source>
@@ -9977,7 +9996,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot record</source>
-        <translation>Dobbelt punktering optag</translation>
+        <translation>Dobbeltpunktering optag</translation>
         <source>Tie is active</source>
@@ -10105,7 +10124,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Choose MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation>Vælg MISI input</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg MIDI input</translation>
@@ -10249,7 +10268,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected action</source>
-        <translation>Fjerne genvej for en given funktion</translation>
+        <translation>Fjerner genvejen til den valgte funktion</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected action</source>
@@ -10261,7 +10280,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Update translations</source>
-        <translation>Opdatér oversættelse</translation>
+        <translation>Opdatér oversættelser</translation>
@@ -10281,7 +10300,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>optag</translation>
+        <translation>Optag</translation>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
@@ -10309,7 +10328,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
-        <translation>Fortryd funktion er aktiv</translation>
+        <translation>Fortryd-funktion er aktiv</translation>
         <source>Undo record</source>
@@ -10345,7 +10364,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation>Node imput</translation>
+        <translation>Nodeindtastning</translation>
         <source>Note input is active</source>
@@ -10365,7 +10384,7 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
-        <translation>Nodeark</translation>
+        <translation>Nodeark:</translation>
@@ -10387,6 +10406,10 @@ mislykkedes:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Tjek for ny version af MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filter</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10401,13 +10424,13 @@ Vælg en enkelt node eller tekst og prøv igen
         <source>Please select a single note or slur and retry operation
-        <translation>Vælg venligst en node eller pause of prøv igen
+        <translation>Vælg venligst en node eller pause og prøv igen
         <source>Please select one or more staves and retry operation
-        <translation>Venligst vælg en eller flere nodelinier og prøv igen
+        <translation>Vælg en eller flere nodelinjer og prøv igen
@@ -10426,7 +10449,7 @@ Venligst vælg en node eller generalbas og prøv igen. </translation>
 Please select a single note and retry operation
         <translation>Ingen node valgt:
-Vær venlig at vælge en node og prøv igen
+Vælg en node og prøv igen
@@ -10490,7 +10513,7 @@ fejlede: %2</translation>
         <source>Cannot read file %1:
-        <translation>Kan ikke læse file %1:
+        <translation>Kan ikke læse filen %1:
@@ -10522,7 +10545,7 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
         <source>Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid
-        <translation>Intern fejl: MusicXML skama er ikke gyldigt
+        <translation>Intern fejl: MusicXML skema er ikke gyldigt
@@ -10625,11 +10648,11 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
-        <translation>Takst</translation>
+        <translation>Takt</translation>
-        <translation>ugyldig</translation>
+        <translation>Ugyldig</translation>
         <source>double flat</source>
@@ -10705,6 +10728,14 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Fil er defekt %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Upload fejl</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10738,7 +10769,7 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
         <source>MuseScore: Import Capella</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Importer Capella</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Importér Capella</translation>
         <source>Load failed: </source>
@@ -10750,7 +10781,7 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
         <source>MuseScore: Load MIDI</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: indlæs midi</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: indlæs MIDI</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Style Failed</source>
@@ -10762,7 +10793,7 @@ Besøg <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore hjemmesiden og h
         <source>MuseScore: Invalid Command</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: ugyldig kommando</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ugyldig kommando</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album failed</source>
@@ -10826,7 +10857,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Resources</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore elementer</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore resurser</translation>
         <source>Tab 1</source>
@@ -10854,17 +10885,6 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Stemme: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Varighed: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -10876,7 +10896,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Created: </source>
-        <translation>Dannet:</translation>
+        <translation>Oprettet:</translation>
@@ -10891,7 +10911,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Section Break Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Sektionsbrudsegenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Egenskaber ved afsnitsskift</translation>
@@ -10907,7 +10927,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Start new section with measure number one</source>
-        <translation>Begynd nyt afsnit med takt nummer én</translation>
+        <translation>Begynd nyt afsnit med takt nummer ét</translation>
@@ -11058,11 +11078,11 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Rediger nodelinie/stemme egenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Rediger nodelinje/stemme egenskaber</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
-        <translation>Del system</translation>
+        <translation>Del nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
@@ -11152,7 +11172,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation>Midi handling</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI handling</translation>
@@ -11288,7 +11308,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Change Tuning</source>
-        <translation>Skift Stemning</translation>
+        <translation>Skift stemning</translation>
         <source>Master volume</source>
@@ -11320,7 +11340,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation>Metronomøgning</translation>
+        <translation>Metronom-øgning</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
@@ -11416,7 +11436,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
-        <translation>Boks</translation>
+        <translation>Kasse</translation>
@@ -11476,7 +11496,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation>Loadret offset til referencepunkt</translation>
+        <translation>Lodret offset til referencepunkt</translation>
         <source>Offset is absolute</source>
@@ -11640,7 +11660,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
-        <translation>Nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
@@ -11688,7 +11708,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
-        <translation>BÃ¥nd</translation>
+        <translation>Bend</translation>
@@ -11796,7 +11816,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties</source>
-        <translation>Taktart Egenskaber</translation>
+        <translation>Taktart egenskaber</translation>
@@ -11808,7 +11828,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Note Groups</source>
-        <translation>Node Grupper</translation>
+        <translation>Nodegrupper</translation>
@@ -11879,7 +11899,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures:</source>
-        <translation>Indtast antal takter:</translation>
+        <translation>Indtast taktantal:</translation>
@@ -11895,7 +11915,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Wizard</source>
-        <translation>Taktart Hjælper</translation>
+        <translation>Taktart hjælper</translation>
         <source>Beat unit</source>
@@ -11923,7 +11943,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Hint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score.</source>
-        <translation>Husk: Du kan også tilføje eller fjerne takter efter du har oprettet nodearket</translation>
+        <translation>Tip: Du kan også tilføje eller fjerne takter efter du har oprettet nodearket</translation>
@@ -12114,7 +12134,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Dâ™­ major / Bâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Dâ™­ dur / Hâ™­ mol</translation>
+        <translation>Dâ™­ dur / Bâ™­ mol</translation>
         <source>Aâ™­ major / F minor</source>
@@ -12301,7 +12321,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Score Information</source>
-        <translation>Informsation om nodearket</translation>
+        <translation>Information om nodearket</translation>
         <source>You're logged in as</source>
@@ -12356,7 +12376,7 @@ Vil du overskrive?</translation>
         <source>Repeat list:</source>
-        <translation>Gentagelses liste:</translation>
+        <translation>Gentagelsesliste:</translation>
@@ -12398,11 +12418,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
-        <translation>XML namespace prefiks '%1' er ikke deklareret</translation>
+        <translation>XML namespace prefiks '%1' er ikke erklæret</translation>
         <source>Illegal namespace declaration.</source>
-        <translation>Ulovlig XML namespace deklaration</translation>
+        <translation>Ulovlig XML namespace erklæret</translation>
         <source>Attribute redefined.</source>
@@ -12414,7 +12434,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
-        <translation>Ugyldig XML versionstreng</translation>
+        <translation>Ugyldig XML versionsstreng</translation>
         <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
@@ -12481,7 +12501,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation>Lydfont %1 er allerede inlæst</translation>
+        <translation>Lydfont %1 er allerede indlæst</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
@@ -12492,11 +12512,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>ingen</translation>
+        <translation>Ingen</translation>
-        <translation>kryds</translation>
+        <translation>Kryds</translation>
@@ -12504,15 +12524,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
-        <translation>dobbelkryds</translation>
+        <translation>Dobbelkryds</translation>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation>dobbelt-b</translation>
+        <translation>Dobbelt-b</translation>
-        <translation>opløsningstegn</translation>
+        <translation>Opløsningstegn</translation>
@@ -12520,7 +12540,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>B-streg2</translation>
+        <translation>b-streg2</translation>
@@ -12603,7 +12623,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Local Handbook...</source>
-        <translation>Lokal HÃ¥ndbog...</translation>
+        <translation>Lokal håndbog...</translation>
         <source>Local handbook</source>
@@ -12651,7 +12671,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation>Gem en kopi af nodearket ud over den nuværende fil</translation>
+        <translation>Gem en kopi af nodearket i forlængelse af den nuværende fil</translation>
@@ -12667,7 +12687,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation>Eksportér Stemmer...</translation>
+        <translation>Eksportér stemmer...</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
@@ -12735,7 +12755,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
-        <translation>Vil instrument dialog</translation>
+        <translation>Vis instrument dialog</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -13107,7 +13127,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation>Tonehøjde en oktav op eller flyt text eller artikulation op</translation>
+        <translation>Tonehøjde en oktav op eller flyt tekst eller artikulation op</translation>
         <source>Up Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13195,15 +13215,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Add previous chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>tilføj forrige akkord til det valgte</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj forrige akkord til det valgte</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of measure</source>
-        <translation>vælg til begyndelsen af takten</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg til begyndelsen af takten</translation>
         <source>Add next chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>tilføj næste akkord til det valgte</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj næste akkord til det valgte</translation>
         <source>Select Section</source>
@@ -13219,15 +13239,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Select to end of measure</source>
-        <translation>vælg til slutningen af takten</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg til slutningen af takten</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of line</source>
-        <translation>vælg til begyndelse af linien</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg til begyndelse af linjen</translation>
         <source>Select to end of line</source>
-        <translation>vælg til slutningen af linien</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg til slutningen af linjen</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of score</source>
@@ -13239,11 +13259,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Add staff above to selection</source>
-        <translation>tilføj linie over det valgte</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj linie over det valgte</translation>
         <source>Add staff below to selection</source>
-        <translation>tilføj linie under det valgte</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj linie under det valgte</translation>
@@ -13251,7 +13271,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Add slur</source>
-        <translation>tilføj bindebue</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj bindebue</translation>
@@ -13263,7 +13283,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>Decrescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Diminuendo</translation>
         <source>Add decrescendo</source>
@@ -13287,7 +13307,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>ESCAPE</translation>
+        <translation>Escape</translation>
@@ -13303,7 +13323,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Timewise Delete</source>
-        <translation>Tidsmæssigt sletning</translation>
+        <translation>Tidsmæssig sletning</translation>
         <source>Delete element and duration</source>
@@ -13339,7 +13359,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Insert Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Indsæt horisontal ramme</translation>
+        <translation>Indsæt vandret ramme</translation>
         <source>Insert Text Frame</source>
@@ -13351,15 +13371,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Insert Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation>Indsæt vertikal ramme</translation>
+        <translation>Indsæt lodret ramme</translation>
         <source>Append Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Tilføj horisontal ramme</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj vandret ramme</translation>
         <source>Append Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation>Tilføj vertikal ramme</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj lodret ramme</translation>
@@ -13475,15 +13495,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
-        <translation>dobbelkryds</translation>
+        <translation>Dobbelkryds</translation>
-        <translation>kryds</translation>
+        <translation>Kryds</translation>
-        <translation>opløsningstegn</translation>
+        <translation>Opløsningstegn</translation>
@@ -13491,11 +13511,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation>dobbelt-b</translation>
+        <translation>Dobbelt-b</translation>
-        <translation>acciaccatura</translation>
+        <translation>Acciaccatura</translation>
         <source>Add acciaccatura</source>
@@ -13503,7 +13523,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Appoggiatura</translation>
         <source>Add appoggiatura</source>
@@ -13563,7 +13583,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Slå midi input til</translation>
+        <translation>Slå MIDI input til</translation>
         <source>Beam start</source>
@@ -13635,11 +13655,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation>Tempo markering...</translation>
+        <translation>Tempomarkering...</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
-        <translation>Tilføj tempo markering</translation>
+        <translation>Tilføj tempomarkering</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
@@ -13743,7 +13763,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to Begin</source>
-        <translation>Søg til begyndelse</translation>
+        <translation>Afspiller søg til begyndelse</translation>
@@ -13751,7 +13771,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Player rewind</source>
-        <translation>Spol tilbage</translation>
+        <translation>Afspiller spol tilbage</translation>
         <source>Rewind to start position</source>
@@ -13759,7 +13779,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
-        <translation>Søg til slutning</translation>
+        <translation>Afspiller søg til slutning</translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
@@ -13767,7 +13787,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle repeats playback</source>
-        <translation>Ændr gentagelse ved afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'gentagelse ved afspilning' til/fra</translation>
@@ -13775,7 +13795,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan score</source>
-        <translation>Skift panorering</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'panorering' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Pan score during playback</source>
@@ -13871,19 +13891,19 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle System Break</source>
-        <translation>Slå systemskift til/fra</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'systemskift' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle Page Break</source>
-        <translation>Slå sideskift til/fra</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'sideskift' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle Section Break</source>
-        <translation>Slå sektionsskift til/fra</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'afsnitsskift' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Edit Element</source>
-        <translation>Rediger element</translation>
+        <translation>Redigér element</translation>
@@ -13951,7 +13971,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Edit general style</source>
-        <translation>Redigér overordnet layout</translation>
+        <translation>Redigér grundlæggende layout</translation>
@@ -13971,11 +13991,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Same Staff</source>
-        <translation>Alle lignende elemener i samme nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Alle lignende elemener i samme nodelinje</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in same staff</source>
-        <translation>Vælg alle lignende elementer i samme nodelinie</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg alle lignende elementer i samme nodelinje</translation>
@@ -13987,7 +14007,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Half duration</source>
-        <translation>Hakv varighed</translation>
+        <translation>Halv varighed</translation>
         <source>Repeat selection</source>
@@ -13995,11 +14015,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation>Panorër klaverrulle</translation>
+        <translation>Panorér klaverrulle</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation>Skift panoréring af klaverrulle</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'panoréring af klaverrulle' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Pan roll during playback</source>
@@ -14011,7 +14031,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Display documents side by side</source>
-        <translation>Vis dokumenter side ved side</translation>
+        <translation>Vis dokumenter side om side</translation>
         <source>Documents Stacked</source>
@@ -14115,7 +14135,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle loop playback</source>
-        <translation>Skift løkkeafspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'løkkeafspilning' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Loop playback</source>
@@ -14127,19 +14147,19 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle metronome playback</source>
-        <translation>Skift metronome afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'metronom afspilning' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Play metronome during playback</source>
-        <translation>Afspil metronome under afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Afspil metronom under afspilning</translation>
         <source>Toggle count-in playback</source>
-        <translation>Skift afspilning af metronomen slag før afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'afspilning af metronomslag før afspilning' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Play count-in at playback start</source>
-        <translation>Afspil metronomen slag før start af afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Afspil metronomslag før start af afspilning</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
@@ -14179,7 +14199,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle visibility</source>
-        <translation>Skift synlighed</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'synlighed' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
@@ -14431,7 +14451,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in the range selection</source>
-        <translation>Vælg alle lignende elementer i udvalgte</translation>
+        <translation>Vælg alle lignende elementer inden for den valgte afgrænsning</translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
@@ -14555,7 +14575,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation</source>
-        <translation>Skift rytmisk skråstregsnotation</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'rytmisk skråstregsnotation' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
@@ -14563,7 +14583,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle create multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation>Skift dan flertaktspause</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'Dan flertaktspause' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Resequence Rehearsal Marks</source>
@@ -14603,7 +14623,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Programelementhåndtering</translation>
+        <translation>Resursehåndtering...</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
@@ -14647,7 +14667,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation>Node imput</translation>
+        <translation>Node input</translation>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
@@ -14655,7 +14675,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
-        <translation>Skift Retning</translation>
+        <translation>Skift retning</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
@@ -14715,11 +14735,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
-        <translation>Næste Akkord</translation>
+        <translation>Næste akkord</translation>
         <source>Next Measure</source>
-        <translation>Næste Takt</translation>
+        <translation>Næste takt</translation>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
@@ -14935,7 +14955,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double flat</source>
-        <translation>Nodeindtastning: Dobbelt-b</translation>
+        <translation>Nodeindtastning: Dobbelt b</translation>
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
@@ -14995,7 +15015,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
-        <translation>Statuslinie</translation>
+        <translation>Statuslinje</translation>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
@@ -15063,15 +15083,15 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle system break</source>
-        <translation>Skift systemskift</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'systemskift' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle page break</source>
-        <translation>Skift sideskift</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'sideskift' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle section break</source>
-        <translation>Skift sektionsbrud</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'Afsnitsbrud' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Edit element</source>
@@ -15147,7 +15167,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation>Havlvarighed</translation>
+        <translation>Halv varighed</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
@@ -15167,11 +15187,11 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation>Skift billedfangst</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'billedfangst' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation>Skift billedfangst</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'billedfangst' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
@@ -15227,7 +15247,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
-        <translation>Elementhåndtering</translation>
+        <translation>Resursehåndtering</translation>
         <source>Show OMR panel</source>
@@ -15247,7 +15267,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
-        <translation>Metronomenslag før afspilning</translation>
+        <translation>Metronomslag før afspilning</translation>
         <source>Transpose up</source>
@@ -15259,7 +15279,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation>Skift visningstilstand</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'visningstilstand'</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
@@ -15271,7 +15291,8 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Visibility</source>
-        <translation>Skift synlighed</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'synlighed' til/fra
         <source>Set Visible</source>
@@ -15387,7 +15408,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation>Skift Dan flertaktspause</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'Dan flertaktspause' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
@@ -15427,7 +15448,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation>Skift rytmisk skråstregsnotation</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'rytmisk skråstregsnotation' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
@@ -15519,7 +15540,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation>Forrige takt (kun generalbas/akkordsymbol)</translation>
+        <translation>Forrige takt (kun Generalbas/Akkordsymbol)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15527,23 +15548,23 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation>Næste takt (kun generalbas/akkordsymbol)</translation>
+        <translation>Næste takt (kun Generalbas/Akkordsymbol)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
-        <translation>Skift staccato</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'staccato' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle tenuto</source>
-        <translation>Skift tenuto</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'tenuto' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle trill</source>
-        <translation>Skift trille</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'trille' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Toggle marcato</source>
-        <translation>Skift marcato</translation>
+        <translation>Slå 'marcato' til/fra</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
@@ -15555,7 +15576,7 @@ fejlede:</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation>Importer en PDF fil med en eksperimentel service på MuseScore.com</translation>
+        <translation>Importér en PDF fil med en eksperimentel service på MuseScore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
@@ -15625,7 +15646,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>staccato</translation>
+        <translation>Staccato</translation>
@@ -15812,7 +15833,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>f</translation>
+        <translation>fa</translation>
@@ -15828,7 +15849,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>a</translation>
+        <translation>la</translation>
@@ -16566,7 +16587,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Subbass clef</source>
-        <translation>Subbas-nøgle</translation>
+        <translation>Subbasnøgle</translation>
         <source>Soprano clef</source>
@@ -16574,15 +16595,15 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Mezzo-soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Mezzosopran-nøgle</translation>
+        <translation>Mezzosoprannøgle</translation>
         <source>Alto clef</source>
-        <translation>Altnøgle (c-nøgle)</translation>
+        <translation>Altnøgle (C-nøgle)</translation>
         <source>Tenor clef</source>
-        <translation>Tenornøgle (c-nøgle)</translation>
+        <translation>Tenornøgle (C-nøgle)</translation>
@@ -16594,7 +16615,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Baritone clef (C clef)</source>
-        <translation>Barytonnøgle (c-nøgle)</translation>
+        <translation>Barytonnøgle (C-nøgle)</translation>
         <source>French violin clef</source>
@@ -16625,7 +16646,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Tamborin</translation>
+        <translation>Tamburin</translation>
         <source>High Q</source>
@@ -16657,7 +16678,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Bass Drum 1</source>
-        <translation>1. Bastrumme</translation>
+        <translation>1. Bastromme</translation>
         <source>Acoustic Snare</source>
@@ -16868,7 +16889,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>C#C#</translation>
+        <translation>C#</translation>
@@ -16888,7 +16909,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>F#F#</translation>
+        <translation>F#</translation>
@@ -16919,7 +16940,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>C#C#</translation>
+        <translation>C#</translation>
@@ -16939,7 +16960,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>F##</translation>
+        <translation>F#</translation>
@@ -16955,7 +16976,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>H</translation>
+        <translation>B</translation>
@@ -17038,7 +17059,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Hak</translation>
+        <translation>Hook</translation>
@@ -17082,11 +17103,11 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Takst</translation>
+        <translation>Takt</translation>
-        <translation>Valgt</translation>
+        <translation>Valg</translation>
@@ -17154,7 +17175,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Bar Line</source>
-        <translation>Takstreg</translation>
+        <translation>Taktstreg</translation>
         <source>Stem Slash</source>
@@ -17206,7 +17227,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation>Tekstlinjeudsnit</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstlinjeafsnit</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
@@ -17241,10 +17262,6 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Elastik</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Tab varighedssymbol</translation>
@@ -17254,7 +17271,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Styrke kiler</translation>
+        <translation>Hårnåle</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
@@ -17436,7 +17453,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Page Width</source>
-        <translation>Side bredde</translation>
+        <translation>Sidebredde</translation>
         <source>Whole Page</source>
@@ -17444,7 +17461,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Two Pages</source>
-        <translation>2 sider</translation>
+        <translation>To sider</translation>
@@ -17455,7 +17472,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Hale</translation>
+        <translation>Coda</translation>
         <source>Varied coda</source>
@@ -17467,7 +17484,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>Ende</translation>
+        <translation>Slut</translation>
         <source>To Coda</source>
@@ -17538,7 +17555,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
-        <translation>alt. brevis</translation>
+        <translation>Alt. brevis</translation>
@@ -17713,7 +17730,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
         <source>Trill line</source>
-        <translation>Trille linie</translation>
+        <translation>Trillelinje</translation>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
@@ -17756,7 +17773,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>f</translation>
+        <translation>fa</translation>
@@ -17772,7 +17789,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>a</translation>
+        <translation>la</translation>
@@ -17780,7 +17797,7 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <translation>h </translation>
+        <translation>ti</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_de.ts b/share/locale/mscore_de.ts
index 023f5a3..3c77a3a 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_de.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_de.ts
@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bendingeigenschaften</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bending-Eigenschaften</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation>Bendingtyp:</translation>
+        <translation>Bending-Typ:</translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Öffnen</translation>
+        <translation>Laden</translation>
@@ -1181,11 +1181,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Auszug</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Stimme/Instrument</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Instrument ändern …</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument ändern…</translation>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation>Saitendaten bearbeiten …</translation>
+        <translation>Saitendaten bearbeiten…</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
@@ -1643,11 +1643,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation>Neue Saite …</translation>
+        <translation>Neue Saite…</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation>Saite bearbeiten …</translation>
+        <translation>Saite bearbeiten…</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Versetzungszeichen-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Versetzungszeichen-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
@@ -3093,7 +3093,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Artikulationsinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Artikulationsinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
@@ -3334,7 +3334,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Akkordinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Akkordinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
@@ -3377,7 +3377,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Clef Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Schlüsselinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Schlüsselinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -3408,7 +3408,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Auszug</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument</translation>
@@ -3416,7 +3416,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Dynamikinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Dynamikinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
@@ -3464,7 +3464,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Elementinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Elementinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
@@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Empty Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Leerer Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Leerer Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Ottava-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Ottava-Inspekteur</translation>
@@ -3533,7 +3533,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Glissando Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Glissando-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Glissando-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Text value</source>
@@ -3651,7 +3651,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Auszug</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument</translation>
@@ -3730,7 +3730,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Bildinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Bildinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Scale to frame size</source>
@@ -3797,7 +3797,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Jump Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Sprunginspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Sprunginspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Jump to value</source>
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tonartinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Tonartinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -3855,7 +3855,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lasso Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Lasso-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Lasso-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
@@ -3899,7 +3899,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Lineninspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Lineninspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Line color value</source>
@@ -4216,7 +4216,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Ottava-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Ottava-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -4358,7 +4358,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacer Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Platzhalterinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Platzhalterinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
@@ -4412,7 +4412,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Text Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Textinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Textinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Style value</source>
@@ -4435,7 +4435,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Text Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Textzeileninspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Textzeileninspekteur</translation>
@@ -4450,7 +4450,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Taktartinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Taktartinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
@@ -4473,7 +4473,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Trillerinspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Trillerinspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Trill type</source>
@@ -4548,7 +4548,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
-        <translation>N-Tolen-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>N-Tolen-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
@@ -4596,7 +4596,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Vertikalrahmen-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Vertikalrahmen-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4616,7 +4616,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
-        <translation>Rand unten</translation>
+        <translation>Unterer Rand</translation>
         <source>Left margin</source>
@@ -4632,7 +4632,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Top margin</source>
-        <translation>Rand oben</translation>
+        <translation>Oberer Rand</translation>
         <source>Reset Left margin value</source>
@@ -4671,7 +4671,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Volta Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Volta-Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Volta-Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -5444,7 +5444,7 @@ Möchten Sie %2 nun lokalisieren?</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
-        <translation>Arpeggios & Glissandi</translation>
+        <translation>Arpeggien & Glissandi</translation>
         <source>Breaks & Spacers</source>
@@ -5714,7 +5714,7 @@ N-Tole würde Taktgrenze überschreiten</translation>
         <source>Unstable Prerelease for Version: </source>
-        <translation>Instabiles Prerelease für Version: </translation>
+        <translation>Instabile Vorabausgabe für Version: </translation>
         <source>Version: </source>
@@ -6127,18 +6127,18 @@ fehlgeschlagen:</translation>
-        <translation>Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Inspekteur</translation>
         <source>Inspector Subwindow</source>
-        <translation>Inspektor-Unterfenster</translation>
+        <translation>Inspekteur-Unterfenster</translation>
-        <translation>Inspektor</translation>
+        <translation>Inspekteur</translation>
@@ -6389,7 +6389,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Halslos</translation>
+        <translation>halslos</translation>
@@ -6499,7 +6499,7 @@ vor dem Schließen speichern?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Stilvorlage öffnen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Stilvorlage laden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Style</source>
@@ -6543,15 +6543,15 @@ vor dem Schließen speichern?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Plugin laden</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Plug-In laden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Plugin speichern</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Plug-In speichern</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore-Plugin-Datei (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore Plug-In Datei (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Drumset</source>
@@ -6735,7 +6735,7 @@ Wollen Sie es ersetzen?
-        <translation>&Hinzufügen</translation>
+        <translation>H&inzufügen</translation>
@@ -6813,7 +6813,7 @@ Bitte zuerst Takt wählen und dann nochmal probieren</translation>
-        <translation>&Einstellungen …</translation>
+        <translation>&Einstellungen…</translation>
@@ -6841,7 +6841,7 @@ Bitte zuerst Takt wählen und dann nochmal probieren</translation>
-        <translation>&Plugins</translation>
+        <translation>&Plug-Ins</translation>
@@ -6962,7 +6962,7 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
-        <translation>Neu …</translation>
+        <translation>Neu…</translation>
         <source>Clear Recent Files</source>
@@ -7094,7 +7094,7 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore-Plugin (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore Plug-In (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset (*.drm)</source>
@@ -7150,15 +7150,15 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
-        <translation>&Über MuseScore …</translation>
+        <translation>&Über MuseScore…</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation>Über &Qt …</translation>
+        <translation>Über &Qt…</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
-        <translation>Über &MusicXML …</translation>
+        <translation>Über &MusicXML…</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
@@ -7194,7 +7194,11 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
-        <translation>Kann nicht in %1 hinein schreiben</translation>
+        <translation>Kann %1 nicht überschreiben</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Diese Partitur kann nicht online gespeichert werden. Bitte die korrupten Takte reparieren und dann nochmal versuchen.</translation>
@@ -7298,7 +7302,7 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>No Plugin</source>
-        <translation>Kein Plugin</translation>
+        <translation>Kein Plug-In</translation>
@@ -7367,11 +7371,11 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften…</translation>
         <source>More Elements...</source>
-        <translation>Mehr Elemente …</translation>
+        <translation>Mehr Elemente…</translation>
@@ -7396,16 +7400,20 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Neue Palette</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Einzelne Palette</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Palette …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Palette…</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Neue Palette einfügen …</translation>
+        <translation>Neue Palette einfügen…</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
@@ -7470,17 +7478,17 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore Plugin-Editor</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore Plug-InEditor</translation>
         <source>Plugin "%1" has changes.
 Save before closing?</source>
-        <translation>Plugin "%1" wurde verändert.
+        <translation>Plug-In "%1" wurde verändert.
 Vor dem Schließen speichern?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Plugin speichern</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Plug-In speichern</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7547,7 +7555,7 @@ Vor dem Schließen speichern?</translation>
         <source>Choose Plugin Folder</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Ordner auswählen</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Ordner auswählen</translation>
         <source>Choose Image Folder</source>
@@ -7603,6 +7611,17 @@ mal versuchen</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Stimme: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Dauer: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7740,7 +7759,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Set Standard Size...</source>
-        <translation>Standardgröße einstellen …</translation>
+        <translation>Standardgröße einstellen…</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Set Output Resolution</source>
@@ -7768,15 +7787,15 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Text …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Text…</translation>
         <source>Articulation Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Artikulationen …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Artikulationen…</translation>
         <source>Bend Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Bending …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Bending…</translation>
@@ -7784,23 +7803,23 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Volta …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Volta…</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Taktart …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Taktart…</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Linie …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Linie…</translation>
         <source>Staff Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Notenzeilentext …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Notenzeilentext…</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Instrument ändern …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Instrument ändern…</translation>
@@ -7808,7 +7827,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Notenzeile …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Notenzeile…</translation>
@@ -7816,27 +7835,27 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Measure Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Takt …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Takt…</translation>
-        <translation>Stil …</translation>
+        <translation>Stil…</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
-        <translation>Akkord-Artikulation …</translation>
+        <translation>Akkord-Artikulation…</translation>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Abschnittsumbruch …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Abschnittsumbruch…</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Instrument ändern …</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument ändern…</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Glissando …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Glissando…</translation>
@@ -7844,7 +7863,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
-        <translation>Mehr …</translation>
+        <translation>Mehr…</translation>
@@ -7856,19 +7875,19 @@ fehlgeschlagen: %</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
-        <translation>Schlagzeug bearbeiten …</translation>
+        <translation>Schlagzeug bearbeiten…</translation>
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Schlagzeug-Editor …</translation>
+        <translation>Schlagzeug-Editor…</translation>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Pianoroll-Editor …</translation>
+        <translation>Pianoroll-Editor…</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Notenzeile teilen …</translation>
+        <translation>Notenzeile teilen…</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
@@ -7890,7 +7909,7 @@ Bitte zuerst Takt auswählen und dann nochmal probieren</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Griffbrettdiagramm …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Griffbrettdiagramm…</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
@@ -7898,19 +7917,19 @@ Bitte zuerst Takt auswählen und dann nochmal probieren</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Tremolohebel …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Tremolohebel…</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
-        <translation>Textstil …</translation>
+        <translation>Textstil…</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Eigenschaften Systemtext …</translation>
+        <translation>Eigenschaften Systemtext…</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
-        <translation>Auflösung (%1 DPI) …</translation>
+        <translation>Auflösung (%1 DPI)…</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Time Signature</source>
@@ -7968,11 +7987,11 @@ Bitte zuerst Takte auswählen und dann nochmal probieren</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Speichern als (Druckmodus) …</translation>
+        <translation>Speichern als (Druckmodus)…</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Speichern als (Bildschirmmodus) …</translation>
+        <translation>Speichern als (Bildschirmmodus)…</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -8746,7 +8765,7 @@ bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen:</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
-        <translation>Arpeggios && Glissandi</translation>
+        <translation>Arpeggien && Glissandi</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -8920,7 +8939,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Show 'More Elements...'</source>
-        <translation>‚Mehr Elemente …‘ anzeigen</translation>
+        <translation>‚Mehr Elemente…‘ anzeigen</translation>
@@ -8971,7 +8990,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>MIDI sound for part</source>
-        <translation>MIDI-Klangmuster für Auszug</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-Klangmuster für Stimme/Instrument</translation>
         <source>Part name</source>
@@ -9185,18 +9204,18 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation>Aktuelles Plugin neu laden.</translation>
+        <translation>Aktuelles Plug-In neu laden.</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Editor schließen</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Editor schließen</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Verwaltung</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Verwaltung</translation>
         <source>Define Shortcut</source>
@@ -9463,7 +9482,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Durchsuchen …</translation>
+        <translation>Durchsuchen…</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
@@ -9563,7 +9582,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Festlegen …</translation>
+        <translation>Festlegen…</translation>
@@ -9828,19 +9847,19 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Ordner</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Ordner</translation>
         <source>Insert path to plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Pfad zum Plugin-Ordner eingeben</translation>
+        <translation>Pfad zum Plug-In Ordner eingeben</translation>
         <source>Choose plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Ordner auswählen</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Ordner auswählen</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Öffnet einen Ordnerdialog zur Auswahl des Plugin-Ordners</translation>
+        <translation>Öffnet einen Ordnerdialog zur Auswahl des Plug-In Ordners</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
@@ -10380,7 +10399,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Plugins:</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-Ins:</translation>
@@ -10390,6 +10409,10 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Nach neuer Version von MuseScore suchen</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Suchfilter</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10568,7 +10591,7 @@ Besuchen Sie die <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore Websit
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>normal</translation>
@@ -10712,6 +10735,14 @@ Besuchen Sie die <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore Websit
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Datei korrumpiert %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Upload Fehler</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Möchten Sie versuchen diese Datei dennoch zu laden?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10861,17 +10892,6 @@ Soll sie überschrieben werden?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Stimme: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Dauer: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -11236,7 +11256,7 @@ Soll sie überschrieben werden?</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation>Partitur öffnen …</translation>
+        <translation>Partitur öffnen…</translation>
@@ -12169,11 +12189,11 @@ Soll sie überschrieben werden?</translation>
         <source>By Key</source>
-        <translation>Nach Tonart</translation>
+        <translation>Zu Tonart</translation>
         <source>By Interval</source>
-        <translation>Nach Intervall</translation>
+        <translation>Um Intervall</translation>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
@@ -12610,7 +12630,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Local Handbook...</source>
-        <translation>Lokales Handbuch …</translation>
+        <translation>Lokales Handbuch…</translation>
         <source>Local handbook</source>
@@ -12622,7 +12642,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Öffnen …</translation>
+        <translation>Öffnen…</translation>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
@@ -12638,7 +12658,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
-        <translation>Speichern &als …</translation>
+        <translation>Speichern &als…</translation>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
@@ -12646,7 +12666,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation>Auswahl sichern …</translation>
+        <translation>Auswahl sichern…</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
@@ -12654,7 +12674,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
-        <translation>Kopie speichern …</translation>
+        <translation>Kopie speichern…</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
@@ -12662,7 +12682,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Export …</translation>
+        <translation>Export…</translation>
         <source>Export score</source>
@@ -12674,7 +12694,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation>Auszüge exportieren …</translation>
+        <translation>Auszüge exportieren…</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
@@ -12690,7 +12710,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Neu …</translation>
+        <translation>Neu…</translation>
         <source>Create new score</source>
@@ -12698,7 +12718,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Drucken …</translation>
+        <translation>Drucken…</translation>
@@ -12738,7 +12758,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Instrumente …</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumente…</translation>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
@@ -13326,7 +13346,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Append Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Takte anhängen …</translation>
+        <translation>Takte anhängen…</translation>
         <source>Append measures</source>
@@ -13338,7 +13358,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Insert Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Takte einfügen …</translation>
+        <translation>Takte einfügen…</translation>
         <source>Insert measures</source>
@@ -13402,7 +13422,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Sonstige …</translation>
+        <translation>Sonstige…</translation>
         <source>Other tuplets</source>
@@ -13642,7 +13662,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation>Tempo …</translation>
+        <translation>Tempo…</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
@@ -13790,7 +13810,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Load Style...</source>
-        <translation>Stilvorlage öffnen …</translation>
+        <translation>Stilvorlage laden…</translation>
         <source>Load style</source>
@@ -13798,7 +13818,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Save Style...</source>
-        <translation>Stilvorlage speichern …</translation>
+        <translation>Stilvorlage speichern…</translation>
         <source>Save style</source>
@@ -13810,7 +13830,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>&Transponieren …</translation>
+        <translation>&Transponieren…</translation>
@@ -13870,7 +13890,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Info …</translation>
+        <translation>Info…</translation>
         <source>Edit score info</source>
@@ -13930,7 +13950,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Insert Special Characters...</source>
-        <translation>Spezialzeichen einfügen …</translation>
+        <translation>Spezialzeichen einfügen…</translation>
@@ -13954,7 +13974,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Allgemein …</translation>
+        <translation>Allgemein…</translation>
         <source>Edit general style</source>
@@ -13962,7 +13982,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Text …</translation>
+        <translation>Text…</translation>
         <source>Edit text style</source>
@@ -14030,7 +14050,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Auszüge …</translation>
+        <translation>Auszüge…</translation>
         <source>Manage parts</source>
@@ -14070,7 +14090,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Additional Media...</source>
-        <translation>Zusätzliche Medien …</translation>
+        <translation>Zusätzliche Medien…</translation>
         <source>Show media dialog</source>
@@ -14082,11 +14102,11 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Page Settings...</source>
-        <translation>Seiteneinstellungen …</translation>
+        <translation>Seiteneinstellungen…</translation>
-        <translation>Album …</translation>
+        <translation>Album…</translation>
@@ -14094,7 +14114,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Ebenen …</translation>
+        <translation>Ebenen…</translation>
@@ -14166,7 +14186,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Gesamtpalette …</translation>
+        <translation>Gesamtpalette…</translation>
         <source>Show master palette</source>
@@ -14334,7 +14354,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
-        <translation>Akkordsymbole …</translation>
+        <translation>Akkordsymbole…</translation>
         <source>Edit chord symbols style</source>
@@ -14470,7 +14490,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Key Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Vorzeichen (Tonart) …</translation>
+        <translation>Vorzeichen (Tonart)…</translation>
         <source>Show key signature palette</source>
@@ -14478,7 +14498,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Taktarten …</translation>
+        <translation>Taktarten…</translation>
         <source>Show time signature palette</source>
@@ -14486,7 +14506,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
-        <translation>Symbole …</translation>
+        <translation>Symbole…</translation>
         <source>Show symbol palette</source>
@@ -14534,7 +14554,7 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
-        <translation>Online speichern …</translation>
+        <translation>Online speichern…</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
@@ -14602,19 +14622,19 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Editor …</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Editor …</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Plugin-Manager …</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Manager …</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation>&Hilfsmittelverwaltung …</translation>
+        <translation>&Hilfsmittelverwaltung…</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation>Zeilenumbrüche hinzufügen/entfernen …</translation>
+        <translation>Zeilenumbrüche hinzufügen/entfernen…</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
@@ -15226,11 +15246,11 @@ fehlgeschlagen: </translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation>Plugin Editor</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Editor</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation>Plugin Manager</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-In Manager</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
@@ -17248,10 +17268,6 @@ Takt ist nicht leer.</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Gummiband</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
@@ -17552,7 +17568,7 @@ Takt ist nicht leer.</translation>
-        <translation>Plugins</translation>
+        <translation>Plug-Ins</translation>
@@ -17621,7 +17637,7 @@ Takt ist nicht leer.</translation>
-        <translation>Haltebögen</translation>
+        <translation>Bindebögen</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
@@ -17649,7 +17665,7 @@ Takt ist nicht leer.</translation>
-        <translation>Arpeggios</translation>
+        <translation>Arpeggien</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_el.ts b/share/locale/mscore_el.ts
index f37d810..2c79360 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_el.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_el.ts
@@ -1794,11 +1794,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
-        <translation>Απόσταση κύριου πενταγράμμου-για πιάνο:</translation>
+        <translation>Απόσταση κύριου πενταγράμμου:</translation>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
-        <translation>Ελάχιστη απόσταση συστήματος:</translation>
+        <translation>Ελάχ. απόσταση συστήματος:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Φουρκέτες</translation>
+        <translation>Ψαλίδια Δυναμικής</translation>
@@ -2183,7 +2183,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Κάτω μέρος</translation>
+        <translation>Βάση</translation>
@@ -2328,15 +2328,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Απενεργό</translation>
+        <translation>Ανενεργό</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
-        <translation>Όγδοο </translation>
+        <translation>Νότα Ογδόου</translation>
         <source>Sixteenth Note</source>
-        <translation>Δεκατο έκτο</translation>
+        <translation>Νότα Δεκάτου-έκτου</translation>
@@ -2747,139 +2747,139 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>C♭ /Ντο♭</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο♭</translation>
-        <translation>C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο</translation>
-        <translation>C♯ /Ντο♯</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο♯</translation>
-        <translation>C♯♯ /Ντο♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>D♭♭ /Ρε♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>D♭ /Ρε♭</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε♭</translation>
-        <translation>D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε</translation>
-        <translation>D♯ /Ρε♯</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε♯</translation>
-        <translation>D♯♯ /Ρε♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>E♭♭ /Μι♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Μι♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>Eâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Μι♭</translation>
-        <translation>E /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Μι</translation>
-        <translation>E♯ /Μι♯</translation>
+        <translation>Μι♯</translation>
-        <translation>E♯♯ /Μι♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Μι♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>F♭♭ /Φα♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Φα♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>F♭ /Φα♭</translation>
+        <translation>Φα♭</translation>
-        <translation>F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Φα</translation>
-        <translation>F♯</translation>
+        <translation>Φα♯</translation>
-        <translation>F♯♯ /Φα♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Φα♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>G♭♭ /Σολ♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>G♭ /Σολ♭</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ♭</translation>
-        <translation>G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ</translation>
-        <translation>G♯ /Σολ♯</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ♯</translation>
-        <translation>G♯♯ /Σολ♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>A♭♭ /Λα♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Λα♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>A♭ /Λα♭</translation>
+        <translation>Λα♭</translation>
-        <translation>Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Λα</translation>
-        <translation>A♯ /Λα♯</translation>
+        <translation>Λα♯</translation>
-        <translation>A♯♯ /Λα♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Λα♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>B♭♭ /Σι♭♭</translation>
+        <translation>Σι♭♭</translation>
-        <translation>B♭ /Σι♭</translation>
+        <translation>Σι♭</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
-        <translation>B♯ /Σι♯</translation>
+        <translation>Σι♯</translation>
-        <translation>B♯♯ /Σι♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>Σι♯♯</translation>
         <source>Oct </source>
@@ -3444,7 +3444,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical offset</source>
-        <translation>Kατακόρυφη Mετατόπιση</translation>
+        <translation>Kατακόρυφη μετατόπιση</translation>
@@ -3592,7 +3592,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Οριζόντιο πλαίσιο</translation>
+        <translation>Οριζόντιο Πλαίσιο</translation>
@@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Κλίμακα:</translation>
+        <translation>Κλίμακα</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
@@ -3735,7 +3735,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Scale to frame size</source>
-        <translation>Κλίμακα στο Μέγεθος πλαισίου</translation>
+        <translation>Κλίμακα στο μέγεθος πλαισίου</translation>
@@ -5989,11 +5989,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Πάνω Πεντάγραμμο</translation>
+        <translation>Πάνω από Πεντάγραμμο</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Κάτω Πεντάγραμμο</translation>
+        <translation>Κάτω από Πεντάγραμμο</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -6065,11 +6065,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>last modification time</source>
-        <translation>τελευταία τροποποίηση χρόνου</translation>
+        <translation>τελευταία ώρα τροποποίησης</translation>
         <source>last modification date</source>
-        <translation>Τελευταία ημερομηνία τροποποίησης</translation>
+        <translation>τελευταία ημερομηνία τροποποίησης</translation>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
@@ -6320,7 +6320,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unsuccessful login. Please try again.</source>
-        <translation>Αποτυχία εισόδου. Προσπαθήστε ξανά</translation>
+        <translation>Αποτυχία εισόδου. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά</translation>
         <source>Sorry, wrong email address, username or password. Please check again. <a href="%1">Have you forgotten your password</a>?</source>
@@ -6344,7 +6344,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>An error occurred during the file transfer. Please try again</source>
-        <translation>Ένα συνέβη σφάλμα κατά τη μεταφορά του αρχείο. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά</translation>
+        <translation>Ένα σφάλμα συνέβη κατά τη μεταφορά του αρχείου. Παρακαλώ προσπαθήστε ξανά</translation>
         <source>Cannot upload: %1</source>
@@ -6364,7 +6364,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation>Η τοπική ώρα στη συσκευή σας δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε και ρυθμίστε την. Συνιστάται να βάλετε την ώρα/ζώνη ώρας στο αυτόματο. Άν ακόμα δεν μπορείται να συνδεθείτε, <a href="%1">επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας</a>.</translation>
+        <translation>Η τοπική ώρα στη συσκευή σας δεν έχει ρυθμιστεί σωστά. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε και ρυθμίστε. Συνιστάται να βάλετε την ώρα/ζώνη ώρας στο αυτόματο. Αν ακόμα δεν μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε, <a href="%1">επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας</a>.</translation>
@@ -6519,7 +6519,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation>Επιλογή Σάρωσης-PDF</translation>
+        <translation>Επιλογή Σάρωσης PDF</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan</source>
@@ -6797,7 +6797,7 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>Open &Recent</source>
-        <translation>Άνοιγμα &Πρόσφατο</translation>
+        <translation>Άνοιγμα &Πρόσφατου</translation>
@@ -6817,7 +6817,7 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation>&Επιλογές</translation>
+        <translation>&Προτιμήσεις...</translation>
@@ -7190,7 +7190,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation>Αδύνατος ο προσδιορισμός του τύπου αρχείου</translation>
+        <translation>Αδύνατος προσδιορισμός τύπου του αρχείου</translation>
@@ -7200,6 +7200,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Αδύνατο γράψιμο στο %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7400,6 +7404,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>νέα Παλέτα</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7606,6 +7614,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Φωνή: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Διάρκεια: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10291,7 +10310,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Προεπιλεγμένη κλίμακα για νέες προβολές παρτιτούρων</translation>
         <source>Show play panel</source>
@@ -10359,7 +10378,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note input record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Εγγραφή εισαγωγής νοτών</translation>
@@ -10393,6 +10412,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Έλεγχος για νέα έκδοση του MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10711,6 +10734,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Κατεστραμμένο αρχείο %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10860,17 +10891,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Φωνή: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Διάρκεια: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -11433,7 +11453,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Background color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Χρώμα παρασκηνίου:</translation>
@@ -11825,7 +11845,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Άλλο:</translation>
+        <translation>Άλλα:</translation>
         <source>Global value:</source>
@@ -11912,7 +11932,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Αριθμού Μέτρων</translation>
@@ -12159,7 +12179,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation>Χρήση διπλών διέσεων και υφέσεων</translation>
+        <translation>Χρήση Διπλών Διέσεων και Υφέσεων</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
@@ -12450,7 +12470,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Μη έγκυρο έγγραφο.</translation>
         <source>Expected </source>
@@ -12462,7 +12482,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unexpected '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Μη αναμενόμενο'</translation>
         <source>Expected character data.</source>
@@ -12883,59 +12903,59 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>A (Λα)</translation>
+        <translation>Λα</translation>
         <source>Enter note A</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας A (Λα)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Λα</translation>
-        <translation>B (Σι)</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
         <source>Enter note B</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Β (Σι)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Σι</translation>
-        <translation>C (Ντο)</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο</translation>
         <source>Enter note C</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας C (Ντο)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Ντο</translation>
-        <translation>D (Ρε)</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε</translation>
         <source>Enter note D</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας D (Ρε)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Ρε</translation>
-        <translation>E (Μι)</translation>
+        <translation>Μι</translation>
         <source>Enter note E</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Ε (Μι)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Μι</translation>
-        <translation>F(Φα)</translation>
+        <translation>Φα</translation>
         <source>Enter note F</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας F (Φα)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Φα</translation>
-        <translation>G (Σολ)</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ</translation>
         <source>Enter note G</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας G (Σολ)</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Σολ</translation>
         <source>Add A</source>
@@ -12995,59 +13015,59 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert A</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Λα</translation>
         <source>Insert note A</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Λα</translation>
         <source>Insert B</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Β /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Σι</translation>
         <source>Insert note B</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Β /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Σι</translation>
         <source>Insert C</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Ντο</translation>
         <source>Insert note C</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Ντο</translation>
         <source>Insert D</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Ρε</translation>
         <source>Insert note D</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Ρε</translation>
         <source>Insert E</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Ε /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Μι</translation>
         <source>Insert note E</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας Ε /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Ε /Μι</translation>
         <source>Insert F</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Φα</translation>
         <source>Insert note F</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Φα</translation>
         <source>Insert G</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή Σολ</translation>
         <source>Insert note G</source>
-        <translation>Εισαγωγή Νότας G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Εισαγωγή νότας Σολ</translation>
@@ -13467,11 +13487,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tελεία Επαυξήσεως</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Τελεία διπλής επαύξησης</translation>
@@ -14435,7 +14455,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Select all similar elements in the range selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Επιλογή όλων των ομοίων στοιχείων στην επιλογή εύρους</translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
@@ -14563,7 +14583,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Κέντρο Εκκίνησης </translation>
         <source>Toggle create multimeasure rest</source>
@@ -15019,7 +15039,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Play next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Αναπαραγωγή επόμενου μέτρου</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
@@ -15443,7 +15463,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Κέντρο εκκίνησης</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -16868,102 +16888,102 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο</translation>
-        <translation>C# /Ντο#</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο#</translation>
-        <translation>D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε</translation>
-        <translation>Eb /Μιb</translation>
+        <translation>Μιb</translation>
-        <translation>E /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Μι</translation>
-        <translation>F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Φα</translation>
-        <translation>F# /Φα#</translation>
+        <translation>Φα#</translation>
-        <translation>G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ</translation>
-        <translation>Ab /Λαb</translation>
+        <translation>Λαb</translation>
-        <translation>Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Λα</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
-        <translation>C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο</translation>
-        <translation>C# /Ντο#</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο#</translation>
-        <translation>D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε</translation>
-        <translation>Eb /Μιb</translation>
+        <translation>Μιb</translation>
-        <translation>E /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Μι</translation>
-        <translation>F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Φα</translation>
-        <translation>F# /Φα#</translation>
+        <translation>Φα#</translation>
-        <translation>G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ</translation>
-        <translation>Ab /Λαb</translation>
+        <translation>Λαb</translation>
-        <translation>Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Λα</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σιb</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
@@ -17146,7 +17166,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Instrument Name</source>
-        <translation>Όνομα οργάνου</translation>
+        <translation>Όνομα Οργάνου</translation>
         <source>Slur Segment</source>
@@ -17214,7 +17234,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
-        <translation>Βόλτα</translation>
+        <translation>Τμήμα Volta</translation>
         <source>Pedal Segment</source>
@@ -17230,7 +17250,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Βοηθητική Γραμμή</translation>
         <source>Note Head</source>
@@ -17242,11 +17262,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Shadow Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Σκίαση Νότας</translation>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
@@ -17744,7 +17760,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>c#</translation>
+        <translation>ντο#</translation>
@@ -17752,7 +17768,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>d#</translation>
+        <translation>ρε#</translation>
@@ -17764,7 +17780,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>f#</translation>
+        <translation>φα#</translation>
@@ -17772,7 +17788,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>g#</translation>
+        <translation>σολ#</translation>
@@ -17780,59 +17796,59 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>a#</translation>
+        <translation>λα#</translation>
-        <translation>b</translation>
+        <translation>σι</translation>
-        <translation>C /Ντο</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο</translation>
-        <translation>C# /Ντο#</translation>
+        <translation>Ντο#</translation>
-        <translation>D /Ρε</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε</translation>
-        <translation>D#</translation>
+        <translation>Ρε#</translation>
-        <translation>E /Μι</translation>
+        <translation>Μι</translation>
-        <translation>F /Φα</translation>
+        <translation>Φα</translation>
-        <translation>F# /Φα#</translation>
+        <translation>Φα#</translation>
-        <translation>G /Σολ</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ</translation>
-        <translation>G#</translation>
+        <translation>Σολ#</translation>
-        <translation>Α /Λα</translation>
+        <translation>Λα</translation>
-        <translation>A#</translation>
+        <translation>Λα#</translation>
-        <translation>B /Σι</translation>
+        <translation>Σι</translation>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_en_GB.ts b/share/locale/mscore_en_GB.ts
index 63786df..f788cc8 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_en_GB.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_en_GB.ts
@@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show ledger lines</source>
-        <translation>Show ledger lines</translation>
+        <translation>Show leger lines</translation>
         <source>Show Key signature</source>
@@ -1998,11 +1998,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ledger line thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Ledger line thickness:</translation>
+        <translation>Leger line thickness:</translation>
         <source>Ledger line length:</source>
-        <translation>Ledger line length:</translation>
+        <translation>Leger line length:</translation>
         <source>Stem thickness:</source>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ please choose a different name:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Cannot write into %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted bars and try again.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7396,6 +7400,10 @@ please choose a different name:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>new Palette</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Single Palette</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Save before closing?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voice: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Duration: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10388,6 +10407,10 @@ failed: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Check for new version of MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filter</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10731,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>File corrupted %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Upload Error</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voice: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Duration: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17230,7 +17250,7 @@ Bar is not empty</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
-        <translation>Ledger Line</translation>
+        <translation>Leger Line</translation>
         <source>Note Head</source>
@@ -17245,10 +17265,6 @@ Bar is not empty</translation>
         <translation>Shadow Note</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Rubber Band</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Tab Duration Symbol</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_en_US.ts b/share/locale/mscore_en_US.ts
index 43a021d..a827745 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_en_US.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_en_US.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_eo.ts b/share/locale/mscore_eo.ts
index 57a34ef..863ec59 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_eo.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_eo.ts
@@ -7165,6 +7165,10 @@ bonvole elektu malsaman nomon:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7365,6 +7369,10 @@ bonvole elektu malsaman nomon:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7570,6 +7578,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; DaÅ­ro: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10338,6 +10357,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10637,6 +10660,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10783,17 +10814,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; DaÅ­ro: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17164,10 +17184,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_es.ts b/share/locale/mscore_es.ts
index b3fd621..d9f0c5b 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_es.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_es.ts
@@ -2287,7 +2287,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Diagramas de Acorde</translation>
+        <translation>Diagramas de acorde</translation>
         <source>Fret offset number font size:</source>
@@ -5456,7 +5456,7 @@ Solo tiene que hacer esto una vez.
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
-        <translation>Repeticiones y Saltos</translation>
+        <translation>Repeticiones y saltos</translation>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ escoja un nombre distinto:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>No se puede escribir en %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Esta partitura no puede guardarse online. Por favor arregle los compases corruptos y pruebe de nuevo.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7396,6 +7400,10 @@ escoja un nombre distinto:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nueva paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Panel individual</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Duración: %2, %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8616,7 +8635,7 @@ elija un nombre distinto:</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Propiedades de Agrupación</translation>
+        <translation>Propiedades de agrupación</translation>
@@ -8800,7 +8819,7 @@ falló:</translation>
         <source>Repeats && Jumps</source>
-        <translation>Repeticiones && Saltos</translation>
+        <translation>Repeticiones y saltos</translation>
         <source>Normal barline</source>
@@ -8836,7 +8855,7 @@ falló:</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Diagramas de Acorde</translation>
+        <translation>Diagramas de acorde</translation>
@@ -10388,6 +10407,10 @@ falló:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Buscar nuevas versiones de MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtro</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10731,14 @@ Visite el <a href="http://musescore.org/es">sitio web de MuseSco
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Archivo corrupto %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore : Error de carga</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>¿Desea abrir este archivo de todas formas?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Duración: %2, %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17244,10 +17264,6 @@ El compás no está vacio</translation>
         <translation>Nota fantasma</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Banda elástica</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Símbolo de duración de tablatura</translation>
@@ -17653,7 +17669,7 @@ El compás no está vacio</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Diagramas de Acorde</translation>
+        <translation>Diagramas de acorde</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_et.ts b/share/locale/mscore_et.ts
index 52e8868..48cf10b 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_et.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_et.ts
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Album Manager</source>
-        <translation>Musescore: Albumi Manager</translation>
+        <translation>Musescore: Albumihaldur</translation>
         <source>Add Score</source>
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Print Album</source>
-        <translation>Prindi Album</translation>
+        <translation>Prindi album</translation>
         <source>Join Scores</source>
-        <translation>Ãœhenda Partituurid</translation>
+        <translation>Ãœhenda partituurid</translation>
         <source>Album name:</source>
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Articulations Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Artikulatsiooni Omadused</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: artikulatsiooni omadused</translation>
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Auto</translation>
+        <translation>Automaatne</translation>
@@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation>Midi Toiming</translation>
+        <translation>Midi toiming</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Noodiridade kohal</translation>
+        <translation>Noodirea kohal</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Noodiridade all</translation>
+        <translation>Noodirea all</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Automaatne Akord</translation>
+        <translation>Automaatne, vastavalt akordile</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -225,25 +225,25 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Select Color</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Vali Värv</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: vali värv</translation>
         <source>custom subtype</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>oma alamliik</translation>
         <source>custom span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>oma paan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Muuda Omadusi</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: muuda omadusi</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Add/Remove Line Breaks</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lisa/Eemalda Noodirea Murdmine</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: lisa/eemalda reavahetused</translation>
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation>Murra noodirida iga</translation>
+        <translation>Reavahetus iga</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
@@ -294,15 +294,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation>Lisa reamurdmine iga süsteemi lõppu</translation>
+        <translation>Lisa reavahetus iga süsteemi lõppu</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Eemalda praegused reamurdmised</translation>
+        <translation>Eemalda praegused reavahetused</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation>Murra noodirida iga X takti järel</translation>
+        <translation>Reavahetus iga X takti järel</translation>
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Save As</source>
-        <translation>Salvesta Kui</translation>
+        <translation>Salvesta kui ...</translation>
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Muuda Trummikomplekti</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: muuda trummikomplekti</translation>
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Auto</translation>
+        <translation>automaatne</translation>
@@ -490,15 +490,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line:</source>
-        <translation>Koosseisu Noodirida:</translation>
+        <translation>Noodirida:</translation>
         <source>Stem direction:</source>
-        <translation>Noodivarre Suund</translation>
+        <translation>Noodivarre suund</translation>
         <source>Default voice:</source>
-        <translation>Vaikimisi Hääl</translation>
+        <translation>Vaikimisi hääl</translation>
         <source>Note head:</source>
@@ -509,11 +509,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Muuda Muusikariista Omadusi</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: muuda muusikariista omadusi</translation>
         <source>Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>Muusikariista Omadused</translation>
+        <translation>Muusikariista omadused</translation>
@@ -552,11 +552,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Note Selection</source>
-        <translation>Noodi Valimine</translation>
+        <translation>Noodi nalimine</translation>
         <source>Select Note:</source>
-        <translation>Vali Noot:</translation>
+        <translation>Vali noot:</translation>
         <source>Octave 8</source>
@@ -1162,15 +1162,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Muuda Koosseisu/Partii Omadusi</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: muuda noodirea/partii omadusi</translation>
         <source>Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>Partii Omadused</translation>
+        <translation>Partii omadused</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Muuda Muusikariista</translation>
+        <translation>Muuda muusikariista</translation>
@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Amatöör:</translation>
+        <translation>Harrastaja:</translation>
@@ -1186,127 +1186,127 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Professional:</translation>
+        <translation>Professionaal:</translation>
         <source>0 - Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - puhas priim</translation>
         <source>1 - Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - suurendatud priim</translation>
         <source>0 - Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - vähendatud sekund</translation>
         <source>1 - Minor Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - väike sekund</translation>
         <source>2 - Major Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2 - suur sekund</translation>
         <source>3 - Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - suurendatud sekund</translation>
         <source>2 - Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2 - vähendatud terts</translation>
         <source>3 - Minor Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - väike terts</translation>
         <source>4 - Major Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - suur terts</translation>
         <source>5 - Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - suurendatud terts</translation>
         <source>4 - Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - vähendatud kvart</translation>
         <source>5 - Perfect Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - puhas kvart</translation>
         <source>6 - Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - suurendatud kvart</translation>
         <source>6 - Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - vähendatud kvint</translation>
         <source>7 - Perfect Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - puhas kvint</translation>
         <source>8 - Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8 - suurendatud kvint</translation>
         <source>7 - Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - vähendatud sekst</translation>
         <source>8 - Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8- väike sekst</translation>
         <source>9 - Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - suur sekst</translation>
         <source>10 - Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - suurendatud sekst</translation>
         <source>9 - Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - vähendatud septim</translation>
         <source>10 - Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - väike septim</translation>
         <source>11 - Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11 - suur septim</translation>
         <source>12 - Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12- suurendatud septim</translation>
         <source>11 - Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11- vähendatud oktaav</translation>
         <source>12 - Perfect Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 - puhas oktaav</translation>
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keelte arv:</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation>Koosseisu Omadused</translation>
+        <translation>Noodirea omadused</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Peidetud noodiread</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Väikeses mõõdus noodirida</translation>
@@ -1314,31 +1314,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodirea värv:</translation>
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partii nimi:</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Pikk muusikariista Nimi:</translation>
+        <translation>Muusikariista täisnimi:</translation>
         <source>Short instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Lühike muusikariista Nimi:</translation>
+        <translation>Muusikariista lühinimi:</translation>
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hääleulatus:</translation>
         <source>Play transposition:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transponeerimine:</translation>
         <source>+ Octave:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>+ oktaav:</translation>
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita taktimõõtu</translation>
         <source>Style group:</source>
@@ -1362,11 +1362,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita taktijooni</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita noodivõtit</translation>
@@ -1374,19 +1374,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Joonevahed:</translation>
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisaruum noodirea kohal:</translation>
         <source>Never hide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ära peida iial</translation>
         <source>Do not hide if system is empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ära peida ka siis, kui süsteem on tühi</translation>
@@ -1398,18 +1398,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Advanced Style Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Täpsemad stiiliomadused:</translation>
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Peida süsteemi taktijoon</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff Type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: muuda noodirea liiki</translation>
@@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Standardne noodirida</translation>
@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisa sellele grupile uus noodirealiik</translation>
         <source>Fret Marks</source>
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Märgistuse kuju:</translation>
@@ -1457,31 +1457,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tähed</translation>
         <source>Marks are drawn:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Märgistus on loodud:</translation>
         <source>Lines are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jooned on:</translation>
-        <translation>Jätka</translation>
+        <translation>pidevad</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>katkendlikud</translation>
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodi väärtused</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näidatakse kui:</translation>
@@ -1489,43 +1489,43 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Varred ja lipud</translation>
         <source>Stem style:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodivarre välimus:</translation>
         <source>Beside staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodirea kõrval</translation>
         <source>Through staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Läbi noodirea</translation>
         <source>Stem position:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodivarre suund</translation>
-        <translation>Kohal</translation>
+        <translation>ülal</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>all</translation>
         <source>Half notes:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Poolnoodid:</translation>
         <source>As short stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>lühendatud noodivarrena</translation>
         <source>As slashed stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>läbikriipsutatud noodivarrena</translation>
@@ -1533,55 +1533,55 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Joonevahed:</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita noodivõtit</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita taktimõõtu</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita taktijooni</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vertikaalne nihe:</translation>
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Joontel</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Joonte kohal</translation>
         <source>Note symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodimärgid</translation>
         <source>Upside down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tagurpidi</translation>
         <source>Show rests</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita pause</translation>
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisa mallidele</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mall:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita helistikku</translation>
         <source>Show ledger lines</source>
@@ -1589,58 +1589,58 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show Key signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita helistikku</translation>
         <source>< Reset to Template</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>< taasta mall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Korda:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mitte kunagi</translation>
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uue süsteemi juures</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uue takti juures</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alati</translation>
         <source>String Data</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pillikeele andmed</translation>
         <source>Strings Tuning:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pillikeelte häälestus:</translation>
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uus pillikeel ...</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muuda pillikeelt ...</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eemalda pillikeel</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Griffide arv:</translation>
@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Päis, jalus, numbrid</translation>
@@ -1700,19 +1700,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kaared/pided</translation>
-        <translation>Suurus</translation>
+        <translation>Suurused</translation>
         <source>Hairpins, Volta, Ottava</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dünaamika, voldid, oktaavid</translation>
         <source>Pedal, Trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedaal, triller</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Artikulatsioonid, Kaunistused</translation>
+        <translation>Artikulatsioonid ja kaunistused</translation>
@@ -1732,11 +1732,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation>Kuva Algkõrguses (transponeerimata)</translation>
+        <translation>Kuva algkõrguses, transponeerimata</translation>
         <source>Minimum width of measure:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Takti vähim laius:</translation>
@@ -1751,19 +1751,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hide empty staves</source>
-        <translation>Peida Tühjad Noodijooned</translation>
+        <translation>Peida tühjad noodijooned</translation>
         <source>Don't hide empty staves in first system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ära peida tühje noodijooni esimeses süsteemis</translation>
         <source>Display note values across measure bar (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita noote taktijoonte peal (KATSELINE, kohaldatav ainult varajasele muusikale!)</translation>
         <source>Music top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muusika ülemine vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Create clef for all systems</source>
@@ -1771,11 +1771,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Music bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muusika alumine vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Staff distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Noodijoonte/partiide vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
@@ -1783,15 +1783,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Süsteemide vähim vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lauluteksti ülemine vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Lyrics bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lauluteksti alumine vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame top margin:</source>
@@ -1811,23 +1811,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Create key signature for all systems</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Loo helistik kõigile süsteemidele</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy key signatures</source>
-        <translation>Tekita taktimõõdu muutumine</translation>
+        <translation>Loo helistikud</translation>
         <source>Lyrics line height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lauluteksti reakõrgus</translation>
         <source>Max. system distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Süsteemide suurim vahekaugus</translation>
         <source>Last system fill threshold:</source>
-        <translation>Viimane süsteemi täitmise lävi</translation>
+        <translation>Viimase süsteemi täitmise lävi</translation>
         <source>Show first</source>
@@ -1847,19 +1847,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paremal</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paaris</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paaritu</translation>
         <source>All staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>kõik partiid</translation>
         <source>Every system</source>
@@ -1871,23 +1871,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Brace distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klambrite vahekaugus:</translation>
         <source>Spacing (1=tight):</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tihedus (1=tihe)</translation>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Takti vähim laius:</translation>
         <source>Note to barline distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vahemaa noodist taktijooneni:</translation>
         <source>Barline to note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vahemaa taktijoonest noodini:</translation>
         <source>Clef left margin:</source>
@@ -3236,7 +3236,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paremal</translation>
         <source>Grow right</source>
@@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paremal</translation>
         <source>Small </source>
@@ -4221,7 +4221,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>all</translation>
         <source>Reset Numbers only value</source>
@@ -5042,7 +5042,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>all</translation>
@@ -7157,6 +7157,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7357,6 +7361,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7562,6 +7570,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -9508,7 +9527,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prindi</translation>
@@ -10331,6 +10350,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10632,6 +10655,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10778,17 +10809,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -12555,15 +12575,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salvesta noodid uue failinimega</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salvesta valik ...</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salvesta valik uue partituurina</translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
@@ -12571,27 +12591,27 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation>Salvesta partituurist lisakoopia</translation>
+        <translation>Salvesta partituurist ka lisakoopia</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspordi ...</translation>
         <source>Export score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspordi noodid / partituur</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in various formats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salvesta partituurist lisakoopiad eri vormingutes</translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspordi partiid ...</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Salvesta partiidest lisakoopiad eri vormingutes</translation>
@@ -12599,7 +12619,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Close current score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sulge käesolev partituur</translation>
@@ -12615,11 +12635,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prindi</translation>
         <source>Print score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prindi noodid</translation>
@@ -12627,7 +12647,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Undo last change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Võta viimane muudatus tagasi</translation>
@@ -12635,7 +12655,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Redo last undo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soorita tagasivõetud toiming uuesti</translation>
@@ -12655,7 +12675,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näita muusikariistade dialoogiakent</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -12667,7 +12687,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter unison above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita priim üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta priim üles</translation>
         <source>Second Above</source>
@@ -12675,7 +12695,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter second above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita sekund üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta sekund üles</translation>
         <source>Third Above</source>
@@ -12683,7 +12703,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter third above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita terts üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta terts üles</translation>
         <source>Fourth Above</source>
@@ -12691,7 +12711,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter fourth above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita kvart üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta kvart üles</translation>
         <source>Fifth Above</source>
@@ -12699,7 +12719,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter fifth above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita kvint üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta kvint üles</translation>
         <source>Sixth Above</source>
@@ -12707,7 +12727,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enter sixth above</source>
-        <translation>Ehita sekst üles</translation>
+        <translation>Sisesta sekst üles</translation>
         <source>Seventh Above</source>
@@ -17159,10 +17179,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17470,7 +17486,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mitte kunagi</translation>
         <source>Every Day</source>
@@ -17602,7 +17618,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Standardne noodirida</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_eu.ts b/share/locale/mscore_eu.ts
index 82c5851..9586069 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_eu.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_eu.ts
@@ -7158,6 +7158,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7358,6 +7362,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7563,6 +7571,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10332,6 +10351,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10632,6 +10655,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10780,17 +10811,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17161,10 +17181,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_fa.ts b/share/locale/mscore_fa.ts
index 2e42084..aed0842 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_fa.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_fa.ts
@@ -7156,6 +7156,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7356,6 +7360,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>قالب جدید</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7561,6 +7569,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10328,6 +10347,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10627,6 +10650,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10773,17 +10804,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17154,10 +17174,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_fi.ts b/share/locale/mscore_fi.ts
index 0c4e3a8..7233c9f 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_fi.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_fi.ts
@@ -209,37 +209,37 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston alapuolella</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automaattinen sointu</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun alapuolella</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Select Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Valitse väri</translation>
         <source>custom subtype</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>oma alatyyppi</translation>
         <source>custom span</source>
@@ -285,38 +285,38 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Add/Remove Line Breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lisää/Poista rivinvaihdot</translation>
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rivinvaihto joka</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tahtien lukumäärä</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tahdit</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisää rivin vaihto jokaisen osan loppuun</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Poista tämä rivin vaihto</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vaihda riviä X tahdin jälkeen</translation>
         <source>Glissando end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glissandon loppu</translation>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tunnus</translation>
@@ -354,11 +354,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ristiin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>timantti</translation>
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi</translation>
@@ -378,23 +378,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ti</translation>
@@ -544,26 +544,26 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivastot</translation>
         <source>Short name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lyhyt nimi</translation>
         <source>MIDI program:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Midi-ohjelma</translation>
         <source>Note Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nuottien valinta</translation>
         <source>Select Note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valitse nuotti:</translation>
         <source>Octave 8</source>
@@ -1150,15 +1150,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ruudukon päivitys</translation>
         <source>Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muokkaa</translation>
         <source>Horizontal grid:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vaakasuora ruudukko</translation>
         <source>Vertical  grid:</source>
@@ -1197,11 +1197,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>0 - Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puhdas unisono</translation>
         <source>1 - Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ylinouseva unisono</translation>
         <source>0 - Diminished Second</source>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Style group:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyyli ryhmä:</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
@@ -1409,7 +1409,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piiloita järjestelmärivi</translation>
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Merkit ovat:</translation>
@@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kirjaimet</translation>
         <source>Marks are drawn:</source>
@@ -1480,15 +1480,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rikki</translation>
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tuottien arvot</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näytä:</translation>
@@ -1524,7 +1524,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Half notes:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Puolinuotit:</translation>
         <source>As short stem</source>
@@ -1560,7 +1560,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivoilla</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
@@ -1580,11 +1580,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisää malliin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Malli:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Toista</translation>
@@ -1612,15 +1612,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uudesta systeemistä</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uudesta tahd.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aina</translation>
@@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Otsikko, Alatunniste, Numerot</translation>
@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacing (1=tight):</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Välistys (1=tiivis)</translation>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eteneminen:</translation>
         <source>Shortest stem:</source>
@@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Maximum slope:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Maksimi kaltevuus</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from stem:</source>
@@ -2247,15 +2247,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sointujen tyylitiedosto:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Da Capo</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from note head:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pystysuora etäisyys nuotin päästä:</translation>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
@@ -2271,7 +2271,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>A, B♭, B, C, C♯, ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A, B♭, B, C, C♯, ... </translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols, Fretboard Diagrams</source>
@@ -2287,19 +2287,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sijainti</translation>
         <source>Minimum tie length:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Minimi pituus</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intervalli:</translation>
         <source>Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Piiloita soittimen nimi, jos on vain 1 soitin</translation>
         <source>Maximum barline distance:</source>
@@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pois</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Sixteenth Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kuudestoistaosanuotti</translation>
@@ -2363,23 +2363,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show header also on first page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näytä otsikot myös ensimmäisellä sivulla</translation>
         <source>Show footer also on first page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Näytä alatunnisteet myös ensimmäisellä sivulla</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Käytä parittoman/parillisen sivun otsikkoa</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page footer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Käytä parittoman/parillisen sivun alatunnistetta</translation>
         <source>System bracket thickness:</source>
@@ -2391,7 +2391,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Continue height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jatka korkeutta:</translation>
@@ -2415,15 +2415,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vain numeroita</translation>
         <source>Header Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Otsikon teksti</translation>
         <source>Footer Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alatunnisteen teksti</translation>
         <source>Measure Numbers</source>
@@ -2467,19 +2467,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ... </translation>
         <source>A, B, H, C, Cis</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A, B, H, C, Cis </translation>
         <source>Full German</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kokonaan saksaksi</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ... </translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Ré♭, Ré, ...</source>
@@ -2487,7 +2487,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ranska</translation>
         <source>Lower case bass notes</source>
@@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automaattisesti isot kirjaimet</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
@@ -2558,11 +2558,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Edit Part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muokkaa osaa:</translation>
         <source>Select Part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Valise osa:</translation>
@@ -2585,19 +2585,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>Sound Fonts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Äänifontit</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Äänifontti %1 on jo ladattu</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Äänifontin %1 lataus ei onnistu</translation>
@@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Insert empty measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lisää tyhjiä tahteja:</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to insert:</source>
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -2930,11 +2930,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ambitus Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ambituksen tarkistus</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oct.</translation>
         <source>Reset Has line value</source>
@@ -2962,11 +2962,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ristiin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>timantti</translation>
@@ -2982,19 +2982,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa</translation>
@@ -3002,11 +3002,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ti</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
@@ -3018,7 +3018,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
@@ -3049,7 +3049,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automaattinen sointu</translation>
@@ -3065,19 +3065,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston alapuolella</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun alapuolella</translation>
         <source>Time stretch</source>
@@ -3172,7 +3172,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -3354,7 +3354,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -3377,7 +3377,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
@@ -3498,7 +3498,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -3600,7 +3600,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Right gap</source>
@@ -3699,7 +3699,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -3907,7 +3907,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
@@ -4141,7 +4141,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Dot position value</source>
@@ -4204,7 +4204,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vain numeroita</translation>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
@@ -4220,7 +4220,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4255,7 +4255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4291,7 +4291,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4318,7 +4318,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4385,7 +4385,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Follow text value</source>
@@ -4412,7 +4412,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
@@ -4450,7 +4450,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4493,7 +4493,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -4548,7 +4548,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Reset Number type value</source>
@@ -4592,7 +4592,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
         <source>Right margin</source>
@@ -4671,7 +4671,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tyhjennä arvo</translation>
@@ -5424,7 +5424,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arpeggiot & glissandot</translation>
         <source>Breaks & Spacers</source>
@@ -5443,7 +5443,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>cannot change measure length:
@@ -5962,23 +5962,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viivaston alapuolella</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automaattinen sointu</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun yläpuolella</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soinnun alapuolella</translation>
         <source>Special symbols in header/footer</source>
@@ -6414,7 +6414,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>Save changes to the score "%1"
@@ -7165,6 +7165,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7365,6 +7369,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7427,7 +7435,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
@@ -7570,6 +7578,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7821,7 +7840,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Pianorulla editori ...</translation>
+        <translation>Pianorullaeditori ...</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
@@ -8698,7 +8717,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arpeggiot & glissandot</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -10340,6 +10359,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10363,7 +10386,7 @@ Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>No note or figured bass selected:
@@ -10641,6 +10664,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10787,17 +10818,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -11099,7 +11119,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pois</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
@@ -12406,15 +12426,15 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Äänifontti %1 on jo ladattu</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Äänifontin %1 lataus ei onnistu</translation>
@@ -15495,7 +15515,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore </translation>
         <source>Cannot rewrite measures:
@@ -17169,10 +17189,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17418,11 +17434,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ristiin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>timantti</translation>
@@ -17430,7 +17446,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mi</translation>
@@ -17442,23 +17458,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ti</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_fo.ts b/share/locale/mscore_fo.ts
index fd774eb..9d6f95d 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_fo.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_fo.ts
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
         <source>About MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Um MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Copy revision number</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rita av útgávutal</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>About MusicXML</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Um MusicXML</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -41,34 +41,34 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>The MusicXML Public License:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Almannaloyvi MusicXML:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Breidd</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Breidd</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Spegla</translation>
-        <translation>Reverb</translation>
+        <translation>Snjella</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seinkan</translation>
-        <translation>Tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Stev</translation>
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Støða</translation>
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Aşağı</translation>
+        <translation>Niður</translation>
-        <translation>Yukarı</translation>
+        <translation>Upp</translation>
-        <translation>New</translation>
+        <translation>Nýtt</translation>
-        <translation>Yükle</translation>
+        <translation>Laða</translation>
         <source>Print Album</source>
@@ -178,27 +178,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>auto</translation>
+        <translation>Sjálvvirkið</translation>
-        <translation>Yukarı</translation>
+        <translation>Upp</translation>
-        <translation>Aşağı</translation>
+        <translation>Niður</translation>
-        <translation>Anchor:</translation>
+        <translation>Akker:</translation>
-        <translation>Kanal</translation>
+        <translation>Rás</translation>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation>Midi hending</translation>
+        <translation>Midi-hending</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Yükle</translation>
+        <translation>Laða</translation>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Vanligt</translation>
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Triangle</translation>
+        <translation>Tríhyrningur</translation>
@@ -394,15 +394,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Broyt Trummusett</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Rætta trummusett</translation>
-        <translation>Ad:</translation>
+        <translation>Navn:</translation>
-        <translation>Yükle</translation>
+        <translation>Laða</translation>
@@ -426,15 +426,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>auto</translation>
+        <translation>Sjálvvirkið</translation>
-        <translation>Yukarı</translation>
+        <translation>Upp</translation>
-        <translation>Aşağı</translation>
+        <translation>Niður</translation>
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Kısayol:</translation>
+        <translation>Sniðvegur:</translation>
@@ -490,46 +490,46 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line:</source>
-        <translation>Stave Line:</translation>
+        <translation>Stavstrika:</translation>
         <source>Stem direction:</source>
-        <translation>Stem Direction:</translation>
+        <translation>Leggjaætt nóta:</translation>
         <source>Default voice:</source>
-        <translation>Default Voice:</translation>
+        <translation>Rødd í sjálvgildi:</translation>
         <source>Note head:</source>
-        <translation>Note Head:</translation>
+        <translation>Nótahøvd:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Rætta hættir ljóðføra</translation>
         <source>Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>Instrument Properties</translation>
+        <translation>Hættir ljóðføra</translation>
-        <translation>TAMAM</translation>
+        <translation>Í lagi</translation>
-        <translation>Vazgeç</translation>
+        <translation>Ógilda</translation>
-        <translation>Ad:</translation>
+        <translation>Navn:</translation>
-        <translation>Pitch:</translation>
+        <translation>Tónahædd:</translation>
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>H</translation>
+        <translation>B</translation>
         <source>C 8</source>
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>H</translation>
+        <translation>Bâ™­</translation>
         <source>C♯ 8</source>
@@ -1162,23 +1162,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Edit Stave/Part Properties</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Rætta hættir stava/tátta</translation>
         <source>Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>Part Properties</translation>
+        <translation>Hættir táttar</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Change Instrument…</translation>
+        <translation>Broyt ljóðføri...</translation>
-        <translation>Instrument:</translation>
+        <translation>Ljóðføri:</translation>
-        <translation>Amateur:</translation>
+        <translation>Leikmaður:</translation>
@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Professional:</translation>
+        <translation>Yrkismaður:</translation>
         <source>0 - Perfect Unison</source>
@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation>Stave Properties</translation>
+        <translation>Hættir stava</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
@@ -1322,11 +1322,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Long Instrument Name:</translation>
+        <translation>Laða navn ljóðføris</translation>
         <source>Short instrument name:</source>
-        <translation>Short Instrument Name:</translation>
+        <translation>Stuttnevni ljóðføris:</translation>
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
@@ -1342,11 +1342,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Yukarı</translation>
+        <translation>Upp</translation>
-        <translation>Aşağı</translation>
+        <translation>Niður</translation>
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
@@ -1370,7 +1370,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Lines:</translation>
+        <translation>Strikur:</translation>
         <source>Line distance:</source>
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Lines:</translation>
+        <translation>Strikur:</translation>
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>stemless</translation>
+        <translation>Leggleyst</translation>
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
@@ -1437,11 +1437,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Font:</translation>
+        <translation>Stavsnið:</translation>
-        <translation>Size:</translation>
+        <translation>Stødd:</translation>
@@ -1453,7 +1453,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Numbers</translation>
+        <translation>Tøl</translation>
@@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Continue</translation>
+        <translation>Áhaldandi</translation>
@@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>eingin</translation>
+        <translation>Eingi</translation>
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Above</translation>
+        <translation>Fyri oman</translation>
@@ -1529,7 +1529,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Preview</translation>
+        <translation>Undansýning</translation>
         <source>Line distance:</source>
@@ -1601,7 +1601,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Never</translation>
+        <translation>Aldrin</translation>
         <source>At new system</source>
@@ -1648,22 +1648,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Pitch</translation>
+        <translation>Tónahædd</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Edit Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Rætta hátt</translation>
-        <translation>Score</translation>
+        <translation>Raddskrá</translation>
-        <translation>Page</translation>
+        <translation>Síða</translation>
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
@@ -1672,31 +1672,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <extracomment>a music system, a line of music</extracomment>
-        <translation>System</translation>
+        <translation>Kervi</translation>
-        <translation>Bar</translation>
+        <translation>Mál</translation>
-        <translation>Bar lines</translation>
+        <translation>Málstrikur</translation>
-        <translation>Notes</translation>
+        <translation>Nótar</translation>
-        <translation>Clefs</translation>
+        <translation>Lyklar</translation>
-        <translation>Arpeggios</translation>
+        <translation>Brotin ljómur</translation>
-        <translation>Beams</translation>
+        <translation>Bogar</translation>
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Sizes</translation>
+        <translation>Støddir</translation>
         <source>Hairpins, Volta, Ottava</source>
@@ -1720,19 +1720,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Articulations, Ornaments</translation>
+        <translation>Ljóðmyndan, prýði</translation>
-        <translation>Accidentals</translation>
+        <translation>Fortekn</translation>
-        <translation>Tuplets</translation>
+        <translation>Órádnir</translation>
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation>Display in Concert Pitch</translation>
+        <translation>Sýn í sannari tónahædd</translation>
         <source>Minimum width of measure:</source>
@@ -1747,11 +1747,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum number of empty measures:</source>
-        <translation>Minimum Number of empty bars:</translation>
+        <translation>Lágmark tómra mála:</translation>
         <source>Hide empty staves</source>
-        <translation>Hide Empty Staves</translation>
+        <translation>Fjal tómar stavir</translation>
         <source>Don't hide empty staves in first system</source>
@@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Create clef for all systems</source>
-        <translation>Create clef for all systems</translation>
+        <translation>Ger lykil fyri allar skipanir</translation>
         <source>Music bottom margin:</source>
@@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Støða</translation>
@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Breidd</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
@@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Breidd</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
@@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Støða</translation>
@@ -3852,7 +3852,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Breidd</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10326,6 +10345,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10625,6 +10648,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10771,17 +10802,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17152,10 +17172,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_fr.ts b/share/locale/mscore_fr.ts
index b2c1e75..b530780 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_fr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_fr.ts
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Album name:</source>
-        <translation>Nom de l'album :</translation>
+        <translation>Nom de l'album </translation>
         <source>Move current score down in list</source>
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>custom subtype</source>
-        <translation>sous-type personnalisé</translation>
+        <translation>Sous-type personnalisé</translation>
         <source>custom span</source>
@@ -258,11 +258,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore : Propriétés du Bend</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore : Propriétés du bend</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation>Type de Bend :</translation>
+        <translation>Type de bend </translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Bend/Relache</translation>
+        <translation>Bend/Release</translation>
-        <translation>Bend/Relache/Bend</translation>
+        <translation>Bend/Release/Bend</translation>
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>mesures</translation>
+        <translation>Mesures</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Retirer les sauts de lignes actuels</translation>
+        <translation>Retirer les sauts de ligne actuels</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Barre oblique</translation>
+        <translation>Slash</translation>
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Nom :</translation>
+        <translation>Nom </translation>
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Raccourci :</translation>
+        <translation>Raccourci </translation>
@@ -540,15 +540,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Nom :</translation>
+        <translation>Nom </translation>
-        <translation>Tessiture :</translation>
+        <translation>Tessiture </translation>
-        <translation>Transposer :</translation>
+        <translation>Transposer </translation>
@@ -615,31 +615,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Do</translation>
+        <translation>C</translation>
-        <translation>Ré</translation>
+        <translation>D</translation>
-        <translation>Mi</translation>
+        <translation>E</translation>
-        <translation>Fa</translation>
+        <translation>F</translation>
-        <translation>Sol</translation>
+        <translation>G</translation>
-        <translation>La</translation>
+        <translation>A</translation>
-        <translation>Si</translation>
+        <translation>B</translation>
         <source>C 8</source>
@@ -923,23 +923,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Do♯</translation>
+        <translation>C♯</translation>
-        <translation>Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Eâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Fa♯</translation>
+        <translation>F♯</translation>
-        <translation>Laâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Aâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Bâ™­</translation>
         <source>C♯ 8</source>
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>»Do</translation>
+        <translation>»C</translation>
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Changer d'instrument...</translation>
+        <translation>Changer d'instrument</translation>
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>3 - Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation>3 - Seconde augmenté</translation>
+        <translation>3 - Seconde augmentée</translation>
         <source>2 - Diminished Third</source>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation>Éditer les paramètres des cordes...</translation>
+        <translation>Éditer les paramètres des cordes</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
@@ -1405,7 +1405,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Échelle</translation>
+        <translation>Échelle :</translation>
@@ -1413,7 +1413,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Advanced Style Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de style avancées...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de style avancées</translation>
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
-        <translation>Hampes et Ligatures</translation>
+        <translation>Hampes et ligatures</translation>
         <source>Stem style:</source>
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>< Reset to Template</source>
-        <translation>< Restaurer par rapport au modèle</translation>
+        <translation> Restaurer par rapport au modèle</translation>
@@ -1643,15 +1643,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation>Nouvelle corde...</translation>
+        <translation>Nouvelle corde</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation>Éditer la Corde...</translation>
+        <translation>Éditer la corde</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation>Supprimer la Corde...</translation>
+        <translation>Supprimer la corde</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
@@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Every system</source>
-        <translation>À chaque système</translation>
+        <translation>A chaque système</translation>
         <source>System bracket distance:</source>
@@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line style:</source>
-        <translation>Style de ligne :</translation>
+        <translation>Style de ligne</translation>
@@ -2403,27 +2403,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Continues</translation>
+        <translation>Continue</translation>
-        <translation>Pointillé</translation>
+        <translation>En tireté</translation>
-        <translation>Pointée</translation>
+        <translation>Pointillée</translation>
-        <translation>Tiret  point</translation>
+        <translation>Tiret-point</translation>
-        <translation>Tiret point point</translation>
+        <translation>Tiret-point-point</translation>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation>Numérique uniquement</translation>
+        <translation>Nombres seulement</translation>
         <source>Header Text</source>
@@ -2483,7 +2483,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Full German</source>
-        <translation>Notation Allemande complète</translation>
+        <translation>Notation allemande complète</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
@@ -2527,7 +2527,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barré line thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Épaisseur de la ligne du barré</translation>
+        <translation>Épaisseur de la ligne du barré :</translation>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
@@ -2642,7 +2642,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>enregistrer</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer</translation>
@@ -2696,7 +2696,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Insert empty measures</source>
-        <translation>Insérer des mesures vides :</translation>
+        <translation>Insérer des mesures vides </translation>
         <source>Number of measures to insert:</source>
@@ -2742,143 +2742,143 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Doâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Câ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Doâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Câ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Do</translation>
+        <translation>C</translation>
-        <translation>Do♯</translation>
+        <translation>C♯</translation>
-        <translation>Do♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>C♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Reâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Dâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Reâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Dâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Re</translation>
+        <translation>D</translation>
-        <translation>Re♯</translation>
+        <translation>D♯</translation>
-        <translation>Re♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>D♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Miâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Eâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Miâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Eâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Mi</translation>
+        <translation>E</translation>
-        <translation>Mi♯</translation>
+        <translation>E♯</translation>
-        <translation>Mi♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>E♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Faâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Faâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Fâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Fa</translation>
+        <translation>F</translation>
-        <translation>Fa♯</translation>
+        <translation>F♯</translation>
-        <translation>Fa♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>F♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Solâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Gâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Solâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Gâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>So</translation>
+        <translation>G</translation>
-        <translation>So♯</translation>
+        <translation>G♯</translation>
-        <translation>Sol♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>G♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Laâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Aâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Laâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Aâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>La</translation>
+        <translation>A</translation>
-        <translation>La♯</translation>
+        <translation>A♯</translation>
-        <translation>La♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>A♯♯</translation>
-        <translation>Siâ™­â™­</translation>
+        <translation>Bâ™­â™­</translation>
-        <translation>Siâ™­</translation>
+        <translation>Bâ™­</translation>
-        <translation>Si</translation>
+        <translation>B</translation>
-        <translation>Si♯</translation>
+        <translation>B♯</translation>
-        <translation>Si♯♯</translation>
+        <translation>B♯♯</translation>
         <source>Oct </source>
@@ -3057,7 +3057,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Accords Automatiques</translation>
+        <translation>Accords automatiques</translation>
@@ -3859,7 +3859,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
-        <translation>Position Verticale</translation>
+        <translation>Position verticale</translation>
@@ -3923,23 +3923,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Continues</translation>
+        <translation>Continue</translation>
-        <translation>Pointillé</translation>
+        <translation>En tireté</translation>
-        <translation>Pointée</translation>
+        <translation>Pointillée</translation>
-        <translation>Tiret  point</translation>
+        <translation>Tiret-point</translation>
-        <translation>Tiret point point</translation>
+        <translation>Tiret-point-point</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
@@ -4002,7 +4002,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Marker Type</source>
-        <translation>Type de Repère</translation>
+        <translation>Type de repère</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
@@ -4192,27 +4192,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>15a</translation>
+        <translation>15ma</translation>
-        <translation>8vab</translation>
+        <translation>8vb</translation>
-        <translation>15b</translation>
+        <translation>15mb</translation>
-        <translation>22va</translation>
+        <translation>22ma</translation>
-        <translation>22b</translation>
+        <translation>22mb</translation>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation>Numérique uniquement</translation>
+        <translation>Nombres seulement</translation>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
@@ -4334,11 +4334,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pointée</translation>
+        <translation>Pointillée</translation>
-        <translation>Pointillé</translation>
+        <translation>En tireté</translation>
@@ -4385,7 +4385,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tempo Marking Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspecteur d'indications de tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Inspecteur d'indication de tempo</translation>
         <source>Reset Tempo value</source>
@@ -4742,11 +4742,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Added Instruments</source>
-        <translation>Instruments Ajoutés</translation>
+        <translation>Instruments ajoutés</translation>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
-        <translation>filtre de famille d'instrument</translation>
+        <translation>Filtre de famille d'instrument</translation>
@@ -5139,7 +5139,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>quintuple croche</translation>
+        <translation>Quintuple croche</translation>
         <source>Detect swing</source>
@@ -5311,7 +5311,7 @@ l'anacrouse </translation>
         <source>Max. quantization</source>
-        <translation>Discrétisation max.</translation>
+        <translation>Quantification max.</translation>
         <source>Max. voices</source>
@@ -5504,7 +5504,7 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
-        <translation>visible</translation>
+        <translation>Visible</translation>
@@ -5580,7 +5580,7 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
-        <translation>non numérotée</translation>
+        <translation>Non numérotée</translation>
@@ -5642,11 +5642,11 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
         <source>Add Scan</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter un scanne</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter un scan</translation>
         <source>Remove Scan</source>
-        <translation>Supprimer un scanne</translation>
+        <translation>Supprimer un scan</translation>
@@ -5785,7 +5785,7 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
-        <translation>normal</translation>
+        <translation>Normal</translation>
@@ -5858,15 +5858,15 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Pointillé %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 pointée</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Double pointillé %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 double pointée</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Triple pointillé %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 triple pointée </translation>
@@ -5911,11 +5911,11 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
-        <translation>décalage</translation>
+        <translation>Décalage</translation>
-        <translation>personnalisé</translation>
+        <translation>Personnalisé</translation>
@@ -5930,7 +5930,7 @@ Un n-olet traverserait la barre de mesure</translation>
-        <translation>non valide</translation>
+        <translation>Non valide</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open File</source>
@@ -6009,19 +6009,19 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>page number, except on first page</source>
-        <translation>numéro de page, sauf sur la première page</translation>
+        <translation>Numéro de page, sauf sur la première page</translation>
         <source>page number, on all pages</source>
-        <translation>numéro de page, sur toutes les pages</translation>
+        <translation>Numéro de page, sur toutes les pages</translation>
         <source>number of pages</source>
-        <translation>nombre de pages</translation>
+        <translation>Nombre de pages</translation>
         <source>file name</source>
-        <translation>nom du fichier</translation>
+        <translation>Nom du fichier</translation>
         <source>file path+name</source>
@@ -6029,15 +6029,15 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>current date</source>
-        <translation>date actuelle</translation>
+        <translation>Date actuelle</translation>
         <source>creation date</source>
-        <translation>date de création</translation>
+        <translation>Date de création</translation>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
-        <translation>copyright, uniquement sur la première page</translation>
+        <translation>Copyright, uniquement sur la première page</translation>
         <source>copyright, on all pages</source>
@@ -6045,11 +6045,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>the $ sign itself</source>
-        <translation>le signe $ lui-même</translation>
+        <translation>Le signe $ lui-même</translation>
         <source>meta data tag</source>
-        <translation>balise de métadonnées</translation>
+        <translation>Balise de métadonnées</translation>
         <source>Available tags and their current values:</source>
@@ -6061,15 +6061,15 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>last modification time</source>
-        <translation>heure de la dernière modification</translation>
+        <translation>Heure de la dernière modification</translation>
         <source>last modification date</source>
-        <translation>date de la dernière modification</translation>
+        <translation>Date de la dernière modification</translation>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
-        <translation>numéro de page, s'il y a plus d'une page</translation>
+        <translation>Numéro de page, s'il y a plus d'une page</translation>
@@ -6316,7 +6316,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Unsuccessful login. Please try again.</source>
-        <translation>La connexion à échouée. Veuillez réessayer.</translation>
+        <translation>La connexion a échoué. Veuillez réessayer.</translation>
         <source>Sorry, wrong email address, username or password. Please check again. <a href="%1">Have you forgotten your password</a>?</source>
@@ -6367,7 +6367,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>you cannot create an element</source>
-        <translation>vous ne pouvez pas créer d'élément</translation>
+        <translation>Vous ne pouvez pas créer d'élément</translation>
@@ -6385,7 +6385,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>visible</translation>
+        <translation>Visible</translation>
@@ -6515,7 +6515,7 @@ avant de fermer ?</translation>
         <source>Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation>Choisir le scanne PDF</translation>
+        <translation>Choisir le scan PDF</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan</source>
@@ -6675,11 +6675,11 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>Doigté %1</translation>
+        <translation>Doigté </translation>
         <source>String number %1</source>
-        <translation>Numéro de corde %1</translation>
+        <translation>Numéro de corde </translation>
@@ -6739,19 +6739,19 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?
-        <translation>&Mesures</translation>
+        <translation>Mesures</translation>
-        <translation>&Cadres</translation>
+        <translation>Cadres</translation>
-        <translation>&Texte</translation>
+        <translation>Texte</translation>
-        <translation>&Lignes</translation>
+        <translation>Lignes</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
@@ -6761,11 +6761,11 @@ Sélectionnez une mesure et réessayez</translation>
-        <translation>synthétiseur</translation>
+        <translation>Synthétiseur</translation>
         <source>audio track</source>
-        <translation>piste audio</translation>
+        <translation>Piste audio</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
@@ -6793,7 +6793,7 @@ Sélectionnez une mesure et réessayez</translation>
         <source>Open &Recent</source>
-        <translation>Partitions &récentes</translation>
+        <translation>Partitions récentes</translation>
@@ -6801,19 +6801,19 @@ Sélectionnez une mesure et réessayez</translation>
-        <translation>&Mesure</translation>
+        <translation>Mesures</translation>
-        <translation>&Voix</translation>
+        <translation>Voix</translation>
-        <translation>E&space de travail</translation>
+        <translation>Espace de travail</translation>
-        <translation>Préférences...</translation>
+        <translation>Préférences</translation>
@@ -6821,15 +6821,15 @@ Sélectionnez une mesure et réessayez</translation>
         <source>Add N&ote</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une n&ote</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une note</translation>
         <source>Add &Interval</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter un &intervalle</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter un intervalle</translation>
-        <translation>D&ivisions irrégulières</translation>
+        <translation>Divisions irrégulières</translation>
@@ -6849,11 +6849,11 @@ Sélectionnez une mesure et réessayez</translation>
         <source>&Online Handbook</source>
-        <translation>Manuel en &ligne</translation>
+        <translation>Manuel en ligne</translation>
         <source>Check for &Update</source>
-        <translation>Rechercher les &mises à jours</translation>
+        <translation>Rechercher les mises à jour</translation>
         <source>The previous session quit unexpectedly.
@@ -6962,7 +6962,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Nouveau....</translation>
+        <translation>Nouveau</translation>
         <source>Clear Recent Files</source>
@@ -7082,7 +7082,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Conducteur_et_Parties</translation>
+        <translation>Conducteur et parties</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX)</source>
@@ -7114,11 +7114,11 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>&Outils</translation>
+        <translation>Outils</translation>
         <source>No score</source>
-        <translation>aucune partition</translation>
+        <translation>Aucune partition</translation>
         <source>Edit mode</source>
@@ -7126,11 +7126,11 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Text edit mode</source>
-        <translation>Mode Édition de texte</translation>
+        <translation>Mode édition de texte</translation>
         <source>Lyrics edit mode</source>
-        <translation>Mode Édition des paroles</translation>
+        <translation>Mode édition des paroles</translation>
         <source>Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode</source>
@@ -7150,15 +7150,15 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>&A propos...</translation>
+        <translation>A propos</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation>A propos de &Qt....</translation>
+        <translation>A propos de Qt</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
-        <translation>À propos de &MusicXML...</translation>
+        <translation>A propos de MusicXML</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Impossible d'écrire dans %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>La partition ne peut pas être enregistrée en ligne. Merci de corriger les mesures corrompues et essayez de nouveau.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7264,7 +7268,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Select Template File:</source>
-        <translation>Sélectionner le modèle :</translation>
+        <translation>Sélectionner le modèle </translation>
@@ -7275,7 +7279,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Select Key Signature and Tempo:</source>
-        <translation>Sélectionner l'armature et le tempo :</translation>
+        <translation>Sélectionner l'armature et le tempo </translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
@@ -7287,7 +7291,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>BPM :</translation>
+        <translation>BPM </translation>
         <source>Beats per minute</source>
@@ -7305,7 +7309,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Appogiatures</translation>
+        <translation>Appoggiatures</translation>
         <source>Grace note after</source>
@@ -7329,7 +7333,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Acciaccature</translation>
+        <translation>Acciaccatura</translation>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
@@ -7367,11 +7371,11 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Propriétés...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés</translation>
         <source>More Elements...</source>
-        <translation>Plus d'éléments...</translation>
+        <translation>Plus d'éléments</translation>
@@ -7394,18 +7398,22 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
-        <translation>nouvelle palette</translation>
+        <translation>Nouvelle palette</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Palette seule</translation>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la palette...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la palette</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Insérer une nouvelle palette...</translation>
+        <translation>Insérer une nouvelle palette</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Voulez vous sauvegarder avant de fermer ?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voix : %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1 ; Durée : %2 ; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7727,7 +7746,7 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation>Modèles Personnalisés</translation>
+        <translation>Modèles personnalisés</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
@@ -7738,7 +7757,7 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Set Standard Size...</source>
-        <translation>Définir la taille par défaut...</translation>
+        <translation>Définir la taille par défaut</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Set Output Resolution</source>
@@ -7766,15 +7785,15 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du texte...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du texte</translation>
         <source>Articulation Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de l'articulation...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de l'articulation</translation>
         <source>Bend Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du Bend...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du bend</translation>
@@ -7782,23 +7801,23 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la reprise...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la reprise</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de l'indication de mesure...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de l'indication de mesure</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la ligne...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la ligne</translation>
         <source>Staff Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du texte de portée...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du texte de portée</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Changer les propriétés de l'instrument...</translation>
+        <translation>Changer les propriétés de l'instrument</translation>
@@ -7806,7 +7825,7 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la portée...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la portée</translation>
@@ -7814,27 +7833,27 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Measure Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la mesure...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la mesure</translation>
-        <translation>Style...</translation>
+        <translation>Style</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
-        <translation>Articulation des accords...</translation>
+        <translation>Articulation des accords</translation>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du saut de section...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du saut de section</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Changer l'instrument...</translation>
+        <translation>Changer l'instrument</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du glissando...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du glissando</translation>
@@ -7842,7 +7861,7 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
-        <translation>Plus...</translation>
+        <translation>Plus</translation>
@@ -7854,19 +7873,19 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
-        <translation>Éditer le set de batterie...</translation>
+        <translation>Éditer le set de batterie</translation>
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Éditeur Drumroll...</translation>
+        <translation>Éditeur Drumroll</translation>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Éditeur Pianoroll...</translation>
+        <translation>Éditeur Pianoroll</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Scinder la portée...</translation>
+        <translation>Scinder la portée</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
@@ -7888,7 +7907,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner une mesure et réessayer</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du diagramme d'accord...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du diagramme d'accord</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
@@ -7896,19 +7915,19 @@ Veuillez sélectionner une mesure et réessayer</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés de la barre de trémolo...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés de la barre de trémolo</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
-        <translation>Style du texte ...</translation>
+        <translation>Style du texte</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Propriétés du texte de système...</translation>
+        <translation>Propriétés du texte de système</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
-        <translation>Résolution (%1 DPI)...</translation>
+        <translation>Résolution (%1 DPI)</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Time Signature</source>
@@ -8016,7 +8035,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner un ensemble de mesures et réessayer</translation>
-        <translation>Annotations :</translation>
+        <translation>Annotations </translation>
@@ -8045,7 +8064,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner un ensemble de mesures et réessayer</translation>
         <source>Shortcut conflicts with</source>
-        <translation>Le raccourcis est en conflit avec</translation>
+        <translation>Le raccourci est en conflit avec</translation>
         <source>New shortcut</source>
@@ -8056,7 +8075,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner un ensemble de mesures et réessayer</translation>
-        <translation>normal</translation>
+        <translation>Normal</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: System Text Properties</source>
@@ -8089,15 +8108,15 @@ Veuillez sélectionner un ensemble de mesures et réessayer</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Pointillé simple %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 pointée</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Pointillé double %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 double pointée</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Pointillé triple %</translation>
+        <translation>%1 triple pointée</translation>
@@ -8116,7 +8135,7 @@ Veuillez sélectionner un ensemble de mesures et réessayer</translation>
         <source>Align left</source>
-        <translation>aligné à gauche</translation>
+        <translation>Aligné à gauche</translation>
         <source>Align center</source>
@@ -8292,7 +8311,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Réussis</translation>
+        <translation>Réussi</translation>
         <source>Finished! <a href="%1">Go to my score</a>.</source>
@@ -8405,7 +8424,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Sans armure/Atonale</translation>
+        <translation>Sans armature/Atonal</translation>
@@ -8526,7 +8545,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation>Espace de portée :</translation>
+        <translation>Espace de portée </translation>
@@ -8545,11 +8564,11 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>Hauteur :</translation>
+        <translation>Hauteur </translation>
-        <translation>Largeur :</translation>
+        <translation>Largeur </translation>
@@ -8609,7 +8628,7 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation>Espace de portée :</translation>
+        <translation>Espace de portée </translation>
@@ -8696,23 +8715,23 @@ veuillez choisir un nom différent :</translation>
-        <translation>8vab</translation>
+        <translation>8vb</translation>
-        <translation>15a</translation>
+        <translation>15ma</translation>
-        <translation>15b</translation>
+        <translation>15mb</translation>
-        <translation>22va</translation>
+        <translation>22ma</translation>
-        <translation>22vab</translation>
+        <translation>22mb</translation>
@@ -8780,7 +8799,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>all font symbols</source>
-        <translation>tous les symboles de la police d'écriture</translation>
+        <translation>Tous les symboles de la police d'écriture</translation>
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
@@ -8910,7 +8929,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Element offset:</source>
-        <translation>Décalage de l'élément</translation>
+        <translation>Décalage de l'élément :</translation>
         <source>Show grid</source>
@@ -8918,7 +8937,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Show 'More Elements...'</source>
-        <translation>Afficher « Plus d'éléments... »</translation>
+        <translation>Afficher « Plus d'éléments »</translation>
@@ -8961,11 +8980,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>set de batterie</translation>
+        <translation>Set de batterie</translation>
-        <translation>Son :</translation>
+        <translation>Son </translation>
         <source>MIDI sound for part</source>
@@ -9031,11 +9050,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Curseur :</translation>
+        <translation>Curseur </translation>
-        <translation>Vélocité :</translation>
+        <translation>Vélocité </translation>
@@ -9047,11 +9066,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Tessiture :</translation>
+        <translation>Tessiture </translation>
-        <translation>sur le temps :</translation>
+        <translation>Sur le temps </translation>
@@ -9202,19 +9221,19 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Chemin :</translation>
+        <translation>Chemin </translation>
-        <translation>Version : </translation>
+        <translation>Version </translation>
-        <translation>Nom :</translation>
+        <translation>Nom </translation>
-        <translation>Raccourci :</translation>
+        <translation>Raccourci </translation>
         <source>Clear Shortcut</source>
@@ -9253,7 +9272,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>minutes</translation>
+        <translation>Minutes</translation>
         <source>OSC remote control</source>
@@ -9265,7 +9284,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Icon size:</source>
-        <translation>Taille d'icône :</translation>
+        <translation>Taille d'icône </translation>
@@ -9333,7 +9352,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation>échelle par défaut pour l'affichage des nouvelles partitions</translation>
+        <translation>Echelle par défaut pour l'affichage des nouvelles partitions</translation>
         <source>Default Files</source>
@@ -9341,7 +9360,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Style :</translation>
+        <translation>Style </translation>
@@ -9373,7 +9392,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>par défaut</translation>
+        <translation>Par défaut</translation>
@@ -9461,15 +9480,15 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Parcourir...</translation>
+        <translation>Parcourir</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
-        <translation>Définir les caractéristiques d'import d'un fichier Overture :</translation>
+        <translation>Définir les caractéristiques d'import d'un fichier Overture </translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set:</source>
-        <translation>Définir les caractéristiques d'import d'un fichier Guitar Pro :</translation>
+        <translation>Définir les caractéristiques d'import d'un fichier Guitar Pro </translation>
@@ -9561,7 +9580,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Définir...</translation>
+        <translation>Définir</translation>
@@ -9609,7 +9628,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Default duration:</source>
-        <translation>Durée par défaut :</translation>
+        <translation>Durée par défaut </translation>
         <source>MIDI remote control</source>
@@ -9657,11 +9676,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2:</source>
-        <translation>Liste d'instruments 2 :</translation>
+        <translation>Liste d'instruments 2 </translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1:</source>
-        <translation>Liste d'instruments 1 :</translation>
+        <translation>Liste d'instruments 1 </translation>
         <source>Style for part:</source>
@@ -9673,7 +9692,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Sample rate:</source>
-        <translation>Échantillonnage :</translation>
+        <translation>Échantillonnage </translation>
         <source>JACK audio server</source>
@@ -9685,7 +9704,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
-        <translation>Plus courte note :</translation>
+        <translation>Plus courte note </translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
@@ -9697,20 +9716,20 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Proximity for selecting elements:</source>
-        <translation>Proximité des éléments sélectionnés :</translation>
+        <translation>Proximité des éléments sélectionnés </translation>
         <source>Default zoom:</source>
-        <translation>Zoom par défaut :</translation>
+        <translation>Zoom par défaut </translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI:</source>
-        <translation>Résolution (en DPI) :</translation>
+        <translation>Résolution (en DPI) </translation>
         <source>Port number:</source>
         <extracomment>The UDP port number on which the MuseScore OSC server will listen on</extracomment>
-        <translation>Numéro du port :</translation>
+        <translation>Numéro du port </translation>
         <source>Use JACK Audio</source>
@@ -9726,7 +9745,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input:</source>
-        <translation>Entrée MIDI : </translation>
+        <translation>Entrée MIDI </translation>
@@ -9738,7 +9757,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>General Tab</source>
-        <translation>Onglet Général</translation>
+        <translation>Onglet général</translation>
         <source>Select language</source>
@@ -9870,7 +9889,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Background Color</source>
-        <translation>Couleur d'Arrière-plan</translation>
+        <translation>Couleur d'arrière-plan</translation>
         <source>Background wallpaper path</source>
@@ -9946,7 +9965,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
-        <translation>Ronde activé</translation>
+        <translation>Ronde activée</translation>
         <source>Half note is active</source>
@@ -9974,7 +9993,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation>double pointé activé</translation>
+        <translation>Double pointé activé</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot record</source>
@@ -10190,7 +10209,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts Tab</source>
-        <translation>Onglet de Racourcis</translation>
+        <translation>Onglet de raccourcis</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts table</source>
@@ -10222,7 +10241,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Eighth note is active</source>
-        <translation>Croche activé</translation>
+        <translation>Croche activée</translation>
         <source>Eighth note record</source>
@@ -10282,7 +10301,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>enregistrer</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer</translation>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
@@ -10362,32 +10381,36 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Images:</translation>
+        <translation>Images</translation>
-        <translation>Partitions:</translation>
+        <translation>Partitions</translation>
-        <translation>Styles:</translation>
+        <translation>Styles</translation>
-        <translation>Modèles:</translation>
+        <translation>Modèles</translation>
-        <translation>Plugins:</translation>
+        <translation>Plugins</translation>
-        <translation>SoundFonts:</translation>
+        <translation>SoundFonts</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Vérifier la disponibilité d'une nouvelle version</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtre</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10498,11 +10521,11 @@ a échoué : %2</translation>
         <source>bad format</source>
-        <translation>mauvais format</translation>
+        <translation>Mauvais format</translation>
         <source>unknown type</source>
-        <translation>type inconnu</translation>
+        <translation>Type inconnu</translation>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
@@ -10547,7 +10570,7 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
         <source>Error at line %1 column %2: %3
-        <translation>erreur à la ligne %1, colonne %2 : %3
+        <translation>Erreur à la ligne %1, colonne %2 : %3
@@ -10564,7 +10587,7 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
-        <translation>normal</translation>
+        <translation>Normal</translation>
@@ -10632,7 +10655,7 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
-        <translation>invalide</translation>
+        <translation>Invalide</translation>
         <source>double flat</source>
@@ -10706,7 +10729,15 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
-        <translation>Fichier %1 corrompu</translation>
+        <translation>Fichier  corrompu</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Erreur</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Voulez-vous essayer d'ouvrir ce fichier malgré tout ?</translation>
@@ -10729,7 +10760,7 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
-        <translation>Échec lors de l'écriture de l'album :</translation>
+        <translation>Échec lors de l'écriture de l'album </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Album</source>
@@ -10745,7 +10776,7 @@ Visitez le <a href="http://musescore.org">site de MuseScore</
         <source>Load failed: </source>
-        <translation>Le chargement a échoué :</translation>
+        <translation>Le chargement a échoué </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Import Guitar Pro</source>
@@ -10822,7 +10853,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>enregistrer</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer</translation>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voix : %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1;Durée : %2, %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -10879,11 +10899,11 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Created: </source>
-        <translation>Créé :</translation>
+        <translation>Créé </translation>
-        <translation>Nom :</translation>
+        <translation>Nom </translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -10898,7 +10918,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Pause :</translation>
+        <translation>Pause </translation>
@@ -10929,7 +10949,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Element type:</source>
-        <translation>Type d'élément :</translation>
+        <translation>Type d'élément </translation>
         <source>Same staff</source>
@@ -10988,7 +11008,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Current instrument:</source>
-        <translation>Instrument actuel :</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument actuel </translation>
@@ -11009,11 +11029,11 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Old shortcuts:</source>
-        <translation>Anciens raccourcis :</translation>
+        <translation>Anciens raccourcis </translation>
         <source>New shortcut:</source>
-        <translation>Nouveau raccourci :</translation>
+        <translation>Nouveau raccourci </translation>
         <source>Type to set shortcut</source>
@@ -11069,7 +11089,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation>Note de scission :</translation>
+        <translation>Note de scission </translation>
@@ -11111,7 +11131,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Canal :</translation>
+        <translation>Canal </translation>
@@ -11123,7 +11143,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Actions for selected channel:</source>
-        <translation>Actions pour le canal sélectionné :</translation>
+        <translation>Actions pour le canal sélectionné </translation>
         <source>Aeolus Stops</source>
@@ -11159,7 +11179,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Voix :</translation>
+        <translation>Voix </translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
@@ -11232,7 +11252,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation>Ouvrir une partition...</translation>
+        <translation>Ouvrir une partition</translation>
@@ -11243,7 +11263,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Police :</translation>
+        <translation>Police </translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
@@ -11274,11 +11294,11 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Effect B:</source>
-        <translation>Effet B :</translation>
+        <translation>Effet B </translation>
         <source>Effect A:</source>
-        <translation>Effet A :</translation>
+        <translation>Effet A </translation>
@@ -11350,7 +11370,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Code Page:</source>
-        <translation>Page de code :</translation>
+        <translation>Page de code </translation>
@@ -11365,7 +11385,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Style :</translation>
+        <translation>Style </translation>
@@ -11373,15 +11393,15 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Police :</translation>
+        <translation>Police </translation>
-        <translation>Taille :</translation>
+        <translation>Taille </translation>
-        <translation>Couleur :</translation>
+        <translation>Couleur </translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
@@ -11523,7 +11543,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Border thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Épaisseur de la bordure :</translation>
+        <translation>Épaisseur de la bordure </translation>
         <source>Frame line thickness</source>
@@ -11691,7 +11711,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Faire un Bend</translation>
+        <translation>Faire un bend</translation>
@@ -11823,7 +11843,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
-        <translation>Autre :</translation>
+        <translation>Autre </translation>
         <source>Global value:</source>
@@ -11910,7 +11930,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
-        <translation>Entrer le Nombre de Mesures</translation>
+        <translation>Entrer le nombre de mesures</translation>
@@ -12109,47 +12129,47 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Câ™­ major / Aâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Câ™­ majeur / Aâ™­ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Doâ™­ majeur / Laâ™­ mineur</translation>
         <source>Gâ™­ major / Eâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Gâ™­ majeur / Eâ™­ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Solâ™­ majeur / Miâ™­ mineur</translation>
         <source>Dâ™­ major / Bâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Dâ™­ majeur / Bâ™­ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Ré♭ majeur / Si♭ mineur</translation>
         <source>Aâ™­ major / F minor</source>
-        <translation>Aâ™­ majeur / F mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Laâ™­ majeur / Fa mineur</translation>
         <source>Eâ™­ major / C minor</source>
-        <translation>Eâ™­ majeur / C mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Miâ™­ majeur / Do mineur</translation>
         <source>Bâ™­ major / G minor</source>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ majeur / G mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Siâ™­ majeur / Sol mineur</translation>
         <source>A major / F♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>A majeur / F♯ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>La majeur / Fa♯ mineur</translation>
         <source>E major / C♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>E majeur / C♯ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Mi majeur / Do♯ mineur</translation>
         <source>B major / G♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>B majeur / G♯ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Si majeur / Sol♯ mineur</translation>
         <source>F♯ major / D♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>F♯ majeur / D♯ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Fa♯ majeur / Ré♯ mineur</translation>
         <source>C♯ major / A♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>C♯ majeur / A♯ mineur</translation>
+        <translation>Do♯ majeur / La♯ mineur</translation>
         <source>Single Sharps and Flats Only</source>
@@ -12157,7 +12177,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation>Utiliser des double dièses et bémols</translation>
+        <translation>Utiliser des doubles dièses et bémols</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
@@ -12215,7 +12235,7 @@ Voulez-vous le remplacer ?</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation>Type de Bend :</translation>
+        <translation>Type de bend </translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -12461,7 +12481,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Unexpected '</source>
-        <translation>Inattendu '</translation>
+        <translation>Inattendu </translation>
         <source>Expected character data.</source>
@@ -12503,7 +12523,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>bémol</translation>
+        <translation>Bémol</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
@@ -12606,7 +12626,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Local Handbook...</source>
-        <translation>Manuel local...</translation>
+        <translation>Manuel local</translation>
         <source>Local handbook</source>
@@ -12618,7 +12638,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Ouvrir...</translation>
+        <translation>Ouvrir</translation>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
@@ -12634,7 +12654,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
-        <translation>Enregistrer sous...</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer sous</translation>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
@@ -12642,7 +12662,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation>Enregistrer la sélection...</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer la sélection</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
@@ -12650,7 +12670,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
-        <translation>Enregistrer une copie...</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer une copie</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
@@ -12658,7 +12678,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Exporter...</translation>
+        <translation>Exporter</translation>
         <source>Export score</source>
@@ -12670,7 +12690,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation>Exporter les parties...</translation>
+        <translation>Exporter les parties</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
@@ -12686,7 +12706,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Nouveau...</translation>
+        <translation>Nouveau</translation>
         <source>Create new score</source>
@@ -12694,7 +12714,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Imprimer...</translation>
+        <translation>Imprimer</translation>
@@ -12734,7 +12754,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Instruments...</translation>
+        <translation>Instruments</translation>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
@@ -13118,7 +13138,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Go to higher pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Aller à la note la plus aigüe de l'accord</translation>
+        <translation>Aller à la note la plus aiguë de l'accord</translation>
         <source>Top Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13278,15 +13298,15 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une octave supérieure 8va</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une octave 8va</translation>
         <source>Ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Octave 8vab</translation>
+        <translation>Octave 8vb</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une octave inférieure 8vab </translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une octave  8vb </translation>
@@ -13322,7 +13342,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Append Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter des mesures...</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter des mesures</translation>
         <source>Append measures</source>
@@ -13334,7 +13354,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Insert Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Insérer des mesures...</translation>
+        <translation>Insérer des mesures</translation>
         <source>Insert measures</source>
@@ -13498,19 +13518,19 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Acciaccature</translation>
+        <translation>Acciaccatura</translation>
         <source>Add acciaccatura</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une acciaccature</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une acciaccatura</translation>
-        <translation>Appogiatures</translation>
+        <translation>Appoggiature</translation>
         <source>Add appoggiatura</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une appogiature</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une appoggiature</translation>
         <source>Grace: quarter</source>
@@ -13530,7 +13550,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une appogiature triple croche</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une appoggiature triple croche</translation>
@@ -13638,7 +13658,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation>Indication de tempo...</translation>
+        <translation>Indication de tempo</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
@@ -13786,7 +13806,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Load Style...</source>
-        <translation>Charger un style...</translation>
+        <translation>Charger un style</translation>
         <source>Load style</source>
@@ -13794,7 +13814,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Save Style...</source>
-        <translation>Enregistrer le style...</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer le style</translation>
         <source>Save style</source>
@@ -13806,7 +13826,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>&Transposer...</translation>
+        <translation>Transposer</translation>
@@ -13866,7 +13886,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Infos...</translation>
+        <translation>Infos</translation>
         <source>Edit score info</source>
@@ -13910,7 +13930,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Show Invisible</source>
-        <translation>Afficher les élements invisibles</translation>
+        <translation>Afficher les éléments invisibles</translation>
         <source>Show Unprintable</source>
@@ -13926,7 +13946,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Insert Special Characters...</source>
-        <translation>Insérer des caractères spéciaux...</translation>
+        <translation>Insérer des caractères spéciaux</translation>
@@ -13950,7 +13970,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Général...</translation>
+        <translation>Général</translation>
         <source>Edit general style</source>
@@ -13958,7 +13978,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Texte...</translation>
+        <translation>Texte</translation>
         <source>Edit text style</source>
@@ -14026,7 +14046,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Parties...</translation>
+        <translation>Parties</translation>
         <source>Manage parts</source>
@@ -14066,7 +14086,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Additional Media...</source>
-        <translation>Média additionnel...</translation>
+        <translation>Média additionnel</translation>
         <source>Show media dialog</source>
@@ -14078,11 +14098,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Page Settings...</source>
-        <translation>Paramètres de la page...</translation>
+        <translation>Paramètres de la page</translation>
-        <translation>Album...</translation>
+        <translation>Album</translation>
@@ -14090,7 +14110,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Calques...</translation>
+        <translation>Calques</translation>
@@ -14162,7 +14182,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Palette principale...</translation>
+        <translation>Palette principale</translation>
         <source>Show master palette</source>
@@ -14326,11 +14346,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter une appogiature noire</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter une appoggiature noire</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
-        <translation>Symboles d'accord...</translation>
+        <translation>Symboles d'accord</translation>
         <source>Edit chord symbols style</source>
@@ -14466,7 +14486,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Armatures...</translation>
+        <translation>Armatures</translation>
         <source>Show key signature palette</source>
@@ -14474,7 +14494,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Indications de mesure...</translation>
+        <translation>Indications de mesure</translation>
         <source>Show time signature palette</source>
@@ -14482,7 +14502,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
-        <translation>Symboles...</translation>
+        <translation>Symboles</translation>
         <source>Show symbol palette</source>
@@ -14530,7 +14550,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
-        <translation>Enregistrer en ligne...</translation>
+        <translation>Enregistrer en ligne</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
@@ -14554,7 +14574,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Fill With Slashes</source>
-        <translation>Remplir avec des Slashs</translation>
+        <translation>Remplir avec des slashs</translation>
         <source>Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation</source>
@@ -14598,19 +14618,19 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation>Créateur de plugins...</translation>
+        <translation>Créateur de plugins</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Gestionnaire de plugins...</translation>
+        <translation>Gestionnaire de plugins</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Gestionnaire de ressources...</translation>
+        <translation>Gestionnaire de ressources</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter/Enlever les sauts de lignes...</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter/Enlever les sauts de ligne</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
@@ -14662,7 +14682,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation>Demi ton diatonique supérieur</translation>
+        <translation>Demi-ton diatonique supérieur</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
@@ -14670,7 +14690,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation>Demi ton diatonique inferieur</translation>
+        <translation>Demi-ton diatonique inferieur</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
@@ -14810,7 +14830,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation>Insertion d'un cadre de schéma d'un manche de guitare</translation>
+        <translation>Insérer un cadre de diagramme d'accord</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
@@ -14822,7 +14842,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation>Durée de la note : Longue</translation>
+        <translation>Durée de la note : longue</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
@@ -14862,7 +14882,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth</source>
-        <translation>Durée de la note : Croche</translation>
+        <translation>Durée de la note : croche</translation>
         <source>16th Note</source>
@@ -14946,7 +14966,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
-        <translation>Fioriture : Croche après la note</translation>
+        <translation>Fioriture : croche après la note</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
@@ -15110,11 +15130,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Half Rest</source>
-        <translation>Demi pause</translation>
+        <translation>Demi-pause</translation>
         <source>Note input: Half rest</source>
-        <translation>Saisie de la note : Demi pause</translation>
+        <translation>Saisie de la note : Demi-pause</translation>
         <source>Quarter Rest</source>
@@ -15154,7 +15174,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
-        <translation>Répéter sélection</translation>
+        <translation>Répéter la sélection</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Up</source>
@@ -15286,11 +15306,11 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation>Ligne de texte accroché a une note</translation>
+        <translation>Ligne de texte ancrée à une note</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation>Ligne de texte accroché a une note</translation>
+        <translation>Ligne de texte ancrée à une note</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
@@ -15410,19 +15430,19 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation>déplacer le mot vers la gauche</translation>
+        <translation>Déplacer le mot vers la gauche</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation>déplacer le mot vers la gauche</translation>
+        <translation>Déplacer le mot vers la gauche</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation>déplacer le mot vers la droite</translation>
+        <translation>Déplacer le mot vers la droite</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation>déplacer le mot vers la droite</translation>
+        <translation>Déplacer le mot vers la droite</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
@@ -15434,7 +15454,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Ajouter/Enlever les sauts de lignes...</translation>
+        <translation>Ajouter/Enlever les sauts de ligne</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
@@ -15550,7 +15570,7 @@ a échoué :</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
-        <translation>Importer PDF...</translation>
+        <translation>Importer PDF</translation>
         <source>Import PDF</source>
@@ -15588,7 +15608,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>Faire un Bend</translation>
+        <translation>Faire un bend</translation>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
@@ -15628,7 +15648,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>staccato</translation>
+        <translation>Staccato</translation>
@@ -15664,7 +15684,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation>Large tortillon en dent de scie </translation>
+        <translation>Large tortillon en dents de scie </translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
@@ -15772,19 +15792,19 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Lute thumb fing.</source>
-        <translation>Dgté Pouce du Luth</translation>
+        <translation>Dgté pouce du luth</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation>Lute 1er dgt</translation>
+        <translation>Doigt 1 luth</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
-        <translation>Lute 2è dgt</translation>
+        <translation>Doigt 2 luth</translation>
         <source>Lute 3 fing.</source>
-        <translation>Lute 3è dgt</translation>
+        <translation>Doigt 3 luth</translation>
         <source>Tremolo bar</source>
@@ -16652,7 +16672,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
-        <translation>Tic du Métronome</translation>
+        <translation>Tic du métronome</translation>
         <source>Metronome Bell</source>
@@ -16744,7 +16764,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>High Timbale</source>
-        <translation>Timbale Aigüe</translation>
+        <translation>Timbale Aiguë</translation>
         <source>Low Timbale</source>
@@ -16969,7 +16989,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>non valide</translation>
+        <translation>Non valide</translation>
@@ -17069,7 +17089,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>Faire un Bend</translation>
+        <translation>Faire un bend</translation>
@@ -17101,7 +17121,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>Octaviation</translation>
+        <translation>Octave</translation>
@@ -17209,7 +17229,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation>Segment de Ligne avec texte</translation>
+        <translation>Segment de ligne avec texte</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
@@ -17244,10 +17264,6 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <translation>Note invisible</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Bande de Caoutchouc</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Symbole de durée pour tablature</translation>
@@ -17297,7 +17313,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
-        <translation>Ornement pour cornemuse</translation>
+        <translation>Ornements pour cornemuse</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
@@ -17394,7 +17410,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
-        <translation>[Personnalisée]</translation>
+        <translation>[Personnalisé]</translation>
@@ -17653,7 +17669,7 @@ La mesure n'est pas vide</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Diagramme d'accord de guitare</translation>
+        <translation>Diagrammes d'accord de guitare</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_gl.ts b/share/locale/mscore_gl.ts
index 7c68dd0..2fdc3ba 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_gl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_gl.ts
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
 p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MusicXML é un formato de ficheiro aberto para intercambiar partituras,</p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MusicXML é un formato de ficheiro aberto para intercambiar partituras</p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">recoñecido por moitos aplicativos. MusicXML é copyright de © MakeMusic, Inc.</p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Todos os dereitos reservados. Para máis información, vexa: <a href="http://www.musicxml.com"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">MusicXML.com</span></a></p>
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></p></body></html></translation>
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Abaixar</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar</translation>
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Move current score down in list</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar esta partitura na lista</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar esta partitura na lista</translation>
         <source>Move current score up in list</source>
@@ -1484,7 +1484,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Continuas</translation>
+        <translation>Continua</translation>
@@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Continuas</translation>
+        <translation>Continua</translation>
@@ -2601,11 +2601,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A fonte de son %1 xa está cargada</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel cargar a fonte de son %1</translation>
@@ -2657,7 +2657,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Move track down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a pista</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a pista</translation>
         <source>Text charset:</source>
@@ -3675,7 +3675,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hairpin Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Inspector de exresións</translation>
+        <translation>Inspector de expresións</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity change value</source>
@@ -4330,7 +4330,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Continuas</translation>
+        <translation>Continua</translation>
@@ -4710,7 +4710,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Abaixar</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar</translation>
         <source>Add Staff</source>
@@ -5139,7 +5139,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Semicorchea</translation>
+        <translation>Cuartifusa</translation>
         <source>Detect swing</source>
@@ -5325,7 +5325,8 @@ as anacrusas</translation>
 chord symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar os
+símbolos dos acordes</translation>
@@ -6352,11 +6353,11 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Comprobe a conexión á Internet</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A hora local do dispositivo non está ben configurada. Compróbea e axústea. Recoméndase estabelecer o fuso horario e a hora de maneira automatizada. Se, mesmo así, non é quen de acceder ao sitio, <a href="%1">contacte con nós</a>.</translation>
@@ -7156,7 +7157,7 @@ escolla un nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura de imaxe</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -7168,19 +7169,19 @@ escolla un nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>Drum input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modo de introdución de percusión</translation>
         <source>TAB input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modo de introdución de tabulatura</translation>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modo de captura de imaxes</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel determinar o tipo de ficheiro</translation>
@@ -7188,7 +7189,11 @@ escolla un nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel escribir en %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Non foi posíbel gardar esta partitura na rede. Solucione os compases corrompidos e ténteo de novo.</translation>
@@ -7390,6 +7395,10 @@ escolla un nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nova paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Paleta simple</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7407,7 +7416,7 @@ escolla un nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a paleta</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a paleta</translation>
         <source>Enable Editing</source>
@@ -7478,7 +7487,7 @@ Gárdanse antes de fechar?</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel determinar o tipo de ficheiro</translation>
@@ -7561,7 +7570,7 @@ Gárdanse antes de fechar?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cartafoles de fontes de son</translation>
@@ -7596,6 +7605,17 @@ Gárdanse antes de fechar?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Duración: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7723,7 +7743,7 @@ o ficheiro de estilo %1:
         <source>Getting Started</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Como comezar</translation>
@@ -7952,31 +7972,31 @@ Seleccione un intervalo de compases que unir e ténteo de novo</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Captura de imaxes</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gardar como (Modo de impresión)...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gardar como (Modo de captura de pantalla)...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel determinar o tipo de ficheiro</translation>
         <source>No destination to paste</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non hai destino no que apegar</translation>
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel apegar nunha quiáltera</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>As quiálteras non poden atravesar compases</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
@@ -9208,7 +9228,7 @@ produciu un erro:</translation>
         <source>Clear Shortcut</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Limpar o atallo</translation>
@@ -9255,7 +9275,7 @@ produciu un erro:</translation>
         <source>Icon size:</source>
-        <translation>Tamaño da iconas:</translation>
+        <translation>Tamaño das iconas:</translation>
@@ -9423,7 +9443,7 @@ produciu un erro:</translation>
-        <translation>128</translation>
+        <translation>Cuartifusa</translation>
@@ -10316,19 +10336,19 @@ produciu un erro:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cartafoles de fontes de son</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introduza a ruta aos cartafoles de fontes de son</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Abre un diálogo para configurar os cartafoles de fontes de son</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lapela de introdución de notas</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -10336,47 +10356,51 @@ produciu un erro:</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas</translation>
         <source>Note input is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A introdución de notas está activada</translation>
         <source>Note input record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rexistro da introdución de notas</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cartafoles</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Imaxes:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partituras:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Estilos:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Modelos:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadidos:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fontes de son:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Comprobar se hai versións novas do MuseScore</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtro</translation>
@@ -10693,6 +10717,14 @@ Visite o <a href="http://musescore.org/gl">sitio web do MuseScor
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Ficheiro corrupto %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Erro de envío</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10788,19 +10820,19 @@ Desexa substituílo?</translation>
         <source>Install SoundFont</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instalar fonte de son</translation>
         <source>Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Desexa instalar a fonte de son %1?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A fonte de son foi instalada</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A fonte de son foi instalada. Vaia a Ver > Sintetizador para engadila e a Ver > Mesturador para escoller un son de instrumento.</translation>
@@ -10842,17 +10874,6 @@ Desexa substituílo?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Duración: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -10980,7 +11001,7 @@ Desexa substituílo?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiros de fontes de son</translation>
@@ -12469,11 +12490,11 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A fonte de son %1 xa está cargada</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Non é posíbel cargar a fonte de son %1</translation>
@@ -13123,23 +13144,23 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Pitch down or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a altura ou baixar o texto ou a articulación</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a altura ou baixar o texto ou a articulación</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a altura diatónica</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a altura diatónica</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a altura en unha oitava</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a altura en unha oitava</translation>
         <source>Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a altura unha oitava ou baixar o texto ou a articulación</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a altura unha oitava ou baixar o texto ou a articulación</translation>
         <source>Down Note in Chord</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar a nota no acorde</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar a nota no acorde</translation>
         <source>Go to lower pitched note in chord</source>
@@ -13155,7 +13176,7 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Move down</source>
-        <translation>Abaixar</translation>
+        <translation>Baixar</translation>
         <source>Go to previous chord or move text left</source>
@@ -13351,7 +13372,7 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
-        <translation>Dousillo</translation>
+        <translation>Duína</translation>
@@ -13359,23 +13380,23 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
-        <translation>Cuatrillo</translation>
+        <translation>Cuartina</translation>
-        <translation>Cinquillo</translation>
+        <translation>Quintina</translation>
-        <translation>Sextillo</translation>
+        <translation>Sextina</translation>
-        <translation>Septillo</translation>
+        <translation>Septina</translation>
-        <translation>Octillo</translation>
+        <translation>Oitina</translation>
@@ -13439,7 +13460,7 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Note duration: 128th</source>
-        <translation>Duración de notas: garrapatea</translation>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Cuartifusa</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration</source>
@@ -14599,47 +14620,47 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Abrir</translation>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Gardar</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Gardar na rede</translation>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Gardar como</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gardar a selección</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Gardar unha copia</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Exportar as partes</translation>
         <source>File: Close</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Pechar</translation>
         <source>File: New</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ficheiro: Nova</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas</translation>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corrixir as notas</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
@@ -14647,47 +14668,47 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatónico arriba</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Subir</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatónico abaixo</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baixar unha oitava</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elemento seguinte</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Next element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Accesibilidade: Elemento seguinte</translation>
         <source>Previous Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elemento anterior</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Previous element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Accesibilidade: Elemento anterior</translation>
         <source>First Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Primeiro elemento</translation>
         <source>Last Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Derradeiro elemento</translation>
         <source>Move Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Baixar</translation>
         <source>Previous Chord</source>
@@ -14699,7 +14720,7 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Previous Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama ou voz anterior</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
@@ -14711,75 +14732,75 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pentagrama ou voz seguinte</translation>
         <source>Add Previous Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir o acorde anterior á selección</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar até o inicio do compás</translation>
         <source>Add Next Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir o acorde seguinte á selecció</translation>
         <source>Select section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar a selección</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover o acorde/silencio para a dereita</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover o acorde/silencio para a esquerda</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar até o principio da liña</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar até o final da liña</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Seleccionar até o principio da partitura</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Escoller até ao final da partitura</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Above to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir o pentagrama de encima á selección</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Below to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir o pentagrama de embaixo á selección</translation>
         <source>Page: Previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Páxina: Anterior</translation>
         <source>Page: Next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Páxina: Seguinte</translation>
         <source>Page: Top</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Páxina: Arriba</translation>
         <source>Page: End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Páxina: Final</translation>
         <source>Full measure rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencio de un compás</translation>
         <source>Delete selected measures</source>
@@ -14787,59 +14808,59 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Append one measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir un compás</translation>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anexar unha moldura de texto</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inserir unha moldura cun diagrama de trastes</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir unha moldura horizontal</translation>
         <source>Append vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir unha moldura vertical</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Longa</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cadrada ou breve</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Cadrada ou breve</translation>
         <source>Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota redonda</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Redonda</translation>
         <source>Half Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Branca</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Branca</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Negra</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -14847,91 +14868,91 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Corchea</translation>
         <source>16th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorchea</translation>
         <source>32nd Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa</translation>
         <source>64th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa</translation>
         <source>128th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuartifusa</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumentar a duración activa</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reducir a duración activa</translation>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Punto de prolongación</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Punto de prolongación</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duplo punto de prolongación</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Duplo punto de prolongación</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Ligadura de prolongación</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio</translation>
         <source>Double Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dupla díese</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Dupla díese</translation>
         <source>Note input: Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Díese</translation>
         <source>Note input: Natural</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: becuadro</translation>
         <source>Note input: Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Bemol</translation>
         <source>Double Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duplo bemol</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Duplo bemol</translation>
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota de adorno: Negra</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Adorno: Corchea posterior</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
@@ -14939,39 +14960,39 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Beam Start</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inicio da liña de unión</translation>
         <source>Beam Middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Centro da liña de unión</translation>
         <source>No Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sen liña de unión</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Liña de unión con semicorchea</translation>
         <source>Beam 32nd Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Liña de unión con fusa</translation>
         <source>Auto Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra automática</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra inclinada, máis lento</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra inclinada, máis rápido</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel de reprodución</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
@@ -14979,11 +15000,11 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel de importación de MIDI</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barra de estado</translation>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
@@ -14991,31 +15012,31 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Play previous chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tocar o acorde anterior</translation>
         <source>Play previous measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tocar o compás anterior</translation>
         <source>Play next chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tocar o acorde seguinte</translation>
         <source>Play next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tocar o compás seguinte</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Localizar o principio</translation>
         <source>Player seek to end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Localizar o final</translation>
         <source>Play Repeats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tocar as repeticións</translation>
         <source>Select all</source>
@@ -15023,243 +15044,243 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 1 e 2</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 1 e 3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 1 e 4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 2 e 3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 2 e 4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Intercambiar as voces 3 e 4</translation>
         <source>Repeat Last Command</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetir a última orde</translation>
         <source>Toggle system break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a quebra de sistema</translation>
         <source>Toggle page break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a quebra de páxina</translation>
         <source>Toggle section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a quebra de sección</translation>
         <source>Edit element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Editar o elemento</translation>
         <source>Show invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar o invisíbel</translation>
         <source>Show unprintable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar os caracteres non imprimíbeis</translation>
         <source>Show frames</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar as molduras</translation>
         <source>Show page margins</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar as marxes da páxina</translation>
         <source>Insert special characters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inserir caracteres especiais</translation>
         <source>Whole Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencio de redonda</translation>
         <source>Note input: Whole rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio de redonda</translation>
         <source>Half Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencio de branca</translation>
         <source>Note input: Half rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio de branca</translation>
         <source>Quarter Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencio de negra</translation>
         <source>Note input: Quarter rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio de negra</translation>
         <source>Eighth Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Silencio de corchea</translation>
         <source>Note input: Eighth rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio de corchea</translation>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Achegar</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Afastar</translation>
         <source>Mirror Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reflectir a cabeza</translation>
         <source>Double Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración dobre</translation>
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración a metade</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Repetir a selección</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmónica arriba</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Enharmónica abaixo</translation>
         <source>Create New Revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crear unha revisión nova</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a captura de imaxes</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a captura de imaxes</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar imaxe OMR</translation>
         <source>Full screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pantalla completa</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Horizontal Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar o axuste á grade horizontal</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Vertical Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar o axuste á grade vertical</translation>
         <source>Configure Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Configurar a grade</translation>
         <source>Piano keyboard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teclado de piano</translation>
         <source>Split measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quebrar compás</translation>
         <source>Join measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Unir os compases</translation>
         <source>Page settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Configuración da páxina</translation>
         <source>Next score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura seguinte</translation>
         <source>Previous score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitura anterior</translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creador de engadidos</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xestor de engadidos</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xestor de recursos</translation>
         <source>Show OMR panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mostrar o panel de OMR</translation>
         <source>Loop In</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Entrada no bucle</translation>
         <source>Loop Out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Saída do bucle</translation>
         <source>Set loop out position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establecer o final do bucle</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Contar para comezar</translation>
         <source>Transpose up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transportar para arriba</translation>
         <source>Transpose down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transportar para abaixo</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar o modo de vista</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sílaba seguinte</translation>
         <source>Previous Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sílaba anterior</translation>
         <source>Toggle Visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Activar ou desactivar a visibilidade</translation>
         <source>Set Visible</source>
@@ -15271,119 +15292,119 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Liña de texto ancorado á nota</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Liña de texto ancorado á nota</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bloquear a partitura</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cadrada ou breve (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Cadrada ou breve (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nota redonda (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Redonda (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Half Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Branca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Branca (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Negra (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duración de notas: Corchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>16th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semicorchea (TAB)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>64th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Semifusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>128th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuartifusa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aumentar a duración activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reducir a duración activa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Introdución de notas: Silencio (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Above (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corda superior (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Below (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Corda inferior (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulso anterior (símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Next Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pulso seguinte (símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Add Brackets to Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Colocar o elemento entre parénteses</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar que se creen silencios de varios compases</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grosa</translation>
         <source>Bold face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grosa</translation>
@@ -15395,159 +15416,159 @@ produciu un fallo: </translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover a palabra á esquerda</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover a palabra á esquerda</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover a palabra á dereita</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mover a palabra á dereita</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cubrir con barras diagonais</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar a notación rítmica de barras</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Engadir/Retirar quebras de liña</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reorganizar as marcas de ensaio</translation>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Centro de inicio</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de longa (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de longa (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de breve (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de redonda dupla (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de redonda dupla (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de redonda (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de branca (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de branca (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de negra (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de negra (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de corchea (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de corchea (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de semicorchea (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de semicorchea (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de fusa (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de fusa (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de semifusa (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Avance de semifusa (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compás anterior (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compás anterior (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compás seguinte (BF/Símbolo de acorde)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Compás seguinte (Baixo figurado/Símbolo de acorde só)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar o staccato</translation>
         <source>Toggle tenuto</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar o tenuto</translation>
         <source>Toggle trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar o trino</translation>
         <source>Toggle marcato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conmutar o marcato</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar un PDF...</translation>
         <source>Import PDF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar un PDF</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Importar un ficheiro en PDF cun servizo experimental en musescore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Establecer o inicio do bucle</translation>
@@ -15760,7 +15781,7 @@ O compás non está baleiro</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation>laúde dedo 1</translation>
+        <translation>Laúde dedo 1</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
@@ -17228,10 +17249,6 @@ O compás non está baleiro</translation>
         <translation>Nota sombra</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Elástico</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Símbolo de duración de tablatura</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_he.ts b/share/locale/mscore_he.ts
index bc5cef5..a54a445 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_he.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_he.ts
@@ -7169,6 +7169,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7369,6 +7373,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7574,6 +7582,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10341,6 +10360,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10642,6 +10665,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10788,17 +10819,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17169,10 +17189,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_hi_IN.ts b/share/locale/mscore_hi_IN.ts
index 093fa33..4d0c112 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_hi_IN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_hi_IN.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_hr.ts b/share/locale/mscore_hr.ts
index 4182b6a..fe75656 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_hr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_hr.ts
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
         <source>About MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>O MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Copy revision number</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kopiraj serijski broj programa</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Azimut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Å irina</translation>
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vremenski odmak</translation>
@@ -406,11 +406,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Spremi</translation>
+        <translation>Spremi kao</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ne</translation>
@@ -628,19 +628,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>C 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C8</translation>
         <source>D 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D8</translation>
         <source>E 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E8</translation>
         <source>F 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F8</translation>
         <source>G 8</source>
@@ -1190,107 +1190,107 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>0 - Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - ÄŒista prima</translation>
         <source>1 - Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - Povećana prima</translation>
         <source>0 - Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - Smanjena sekunda</translation>
         <source>1 - Minor Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - Mala sekunda</translation>
         <source>2 - Major Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2 - Velika sekunda</translation>
         <source>3 - Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - Povećana sekunda</translation>
         <source>2 - Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2 - Smanjena terca</translation>
         <source>3 - Minor Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - Mala terca</translation>
         <source>4 - Major Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - Velika terca</translation>
         <source>5 - Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - Povećana terca</translation>
         <source>4 - Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - Smanjena kvarta</translation>
         <source>5 - Perfect Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - ÄŒista kvinta</translation>
         <source>6 - Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - Povećana kvarta</translation>
         <source>6 - Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - Smanjena kvinta</translation>
         <source>7 - Perfect Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - ÄŒista kvinta</translation>
         <source>8 - Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8 - Povećana kvinta</translation>
         <source>7 - Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - Smanjena seksta</translation>
         <source>8 - Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8 - Mala seksta</translation>
         <source>9 - Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - Velika seksta</translation>
         <source>10 - Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - Povećana seksta</translation>
         <source>9 - Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - Smanjena septima</translation>
         <source>10 - Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - Mala septima</translation>
         <source>11 - Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11 - Velika septima</translation>
         <source>12 - Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 - Povećana septima</translation>
         <source>11 - Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11 - Smanjena oktava</translation>
         <source>12 - Perfect Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 - ÄŒista oktava</translation>
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nevidljive notne linije</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
@@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Naslov dijela</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Å irina</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
@@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Å irina</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
@@ -3852,7 +3852,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Å irina</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8364,7 +8383,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>Tekstopisac:</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstopisac</translation>
@@ -8396,11 +8415,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tekstopisac</translation>
         <source>Insert lyricist's name here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Umetni ime tekstopisca</translation>
@@ -10326,6 +10345,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10625,6 +10648,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10771,17 +10802,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -11495,7 +11515,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tekstopisac</translation>
         <source>Lyrics Odd Lines</source>
@@ -13604,11 +13624,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tekstopisac</translation>
         <source>Add lyricist text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dodaj tekst tekstopisca</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -17152,10 +17172,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17569,11 +17585,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1.glas</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2. glas</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_hu.ts b/share/locale/mscore_hu.ts
index 7924d9d..7127aaf 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_hu.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_hu.ts
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visszaverődés</translation>
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>D</translation>
+        <translation>I</translation>
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Irány:</translation>
+        <translation>Elhelyezés:</translation>
@@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Fel</translation>
+        <translation>Fent</translation>
-        <translation>Le</translation>
+        <translation>Lent</translation>
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>custom span</source>
-        <translation>egyedi ív</translation>
+        <translation>egyedi hossz</translation>
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés minden</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
@@ -309,15 +309,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés hozzáadása minden sorcsoport végénél</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meglévő sortörések eltávolítása</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés X ütemenként</translation>
@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>»C</translation>
@@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Grid</source>
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Staff line color:</source>
@@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sorcsoport-ütemvonal elrejtése</translation>
@@ -1432,15 +1432,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation>STANDARD KOTTASOR</translation>
+        <translation>NORMÁL KOTTASOR</translation>
-        <translation>Csak kottafej</translation>
+        <translation>Szár nélkül</translation>
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ismétlés:</translation>
@@ -1620,15 +1620,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Új sorcsoportnál</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Új ütemnél</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mindig</translation>
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Hairpins, Volta, Ottava</source>
-        <translation>Hajtűk, volta, ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dinamikai jelek, volta, ottava</translation>
         <source>Pedal, Trill</source>
@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Módosítók</translation>
+        <translation>Módosítójelek</translation>
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <extracomment>spatium unit
 space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Minimum number of empty measures:</source>
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
-        <translation>Minimális rendszertávolság:</translation>
+        <translation>Sorcsoportok min. távolsága:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Max. system distance:</source>
-        <translation>Maximális rendszertávolság:</translation>
+        <translation>Sorcsoportok max. távolsága:</translation>
         <source>Last system fill threshold:</source>
@@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Villák</translation>
+        <translation>Dinamikai jelek</translation>
@@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Default vertical position:</source>
-        <translation>Alapértelmezett függőleges helyzet:</translation>
+        <translation>Alapértelmezett függőleges pozíció:</translation>
@@ -2199,7 +2199,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <comment>space unit</comment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Articulation distance:</source>
@@ -2259,7 +2259,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Capo</translation>
+        <translation>Kápó</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from note head:</source>
@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
-        <translation>Capo helyzete (érintő):</translation>
+        <translation>Kápó helyzete (érintő):</translation>
         <source>Semitones offset</source>
@@ -2291,7 +2291,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Fret offset number font size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kápójelzés betűmérete:</translation>
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ki</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
@@ -2351,7 +2351,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing arányszám:</translation>
         <source>Musical text font:</source>
@@ -2395,11 +2395,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Brace thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Kapcsos zárójel vastagsága:</translation>
+        <translation>Hangszersorok összekapcsolásának vastagsága:</translation>
         <source>Continue height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés utáni kezdőmagasság:</translation>
@@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Áthúzott</translation>
+        <translation>Szaggatott</translation>
@@ -2455,7 +2455,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Only for a change to C Maj / A min</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csak C-dúrra / a-mollra váltáskor</translation>
         <source>Create multimeasure rests</source>
@@ -2467,11 +2467,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kevesebb keresztre / bére váltáskor</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kevesebb keresztre / bére váltás után. Keresztek és bék közötti váltás előtt</translation>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
@@ -2479,11 +2479,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>A, B, H, C, Cis</source>
-        <translation>A, B, H, C, Cisz</translation>
+        <translation>A, B, H, C, Cis</translation>
         <source>Full German</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hosszú német</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
@@ -2499,27 +2499,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lower case bass notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Basszus hangok kisbetűvel</translation>
         <source>All caps note names</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangok csupa nagybetűvel</translation>
         <source>Note Spelling</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangok írásmódja</translation>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automatikus nagy kezdőbetűk</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Függőleges keret felső margó</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame lower margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Függőleges keret alsó margó</translation>
@@ -2527,15 +2527,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barré line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Barré vonal vastagsága:</translation>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemvonalak skálázása a kottasor méretéhez</translation>
         <source>Barline to grace note distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemvonal-díszítőhang távolság:</translation>
@@ -2601,11 +2601,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A %1 hangminta már be lett töltve</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A %1 hangminta nem tölthető be</translation>
@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Cancel not applied MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem végrehajtott MIDI import műveletek visszavonása</translation>
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Módosító-vizsgáló</translation>
+        <translation>Módosítójel-vizsgáló</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
@@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Bottom note</source>
@@ -3018,7 +3018,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt. Brevis</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
@@ -3038,7 +3038,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangterjedelem</translation>
@@ -3207,7 +3207,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -3223,7 +3223,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical position offset left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Függőleges pozíció eltolása balra</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
@@ -3231,11 +3231,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical position offset right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Függőleges pozíció eltolása jobbra</translation>
         <source>Reset User position value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pozíció érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Local Relayout value</source>
@@ -3255,19 +3255,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Grow right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Növekedés jobbra</translation>
         <source>Grow left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Növekedés balra</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow right value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Növekedés jobbra érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow left value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Növekedés balra érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Local relayout</source>
@@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Töréspont</translation>
@@ -3318,7 +3318,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Horizontal offset</source>
@@ -3400,7 +3400,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás</translation>
@@ -3420,7 +3420,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság visszaállítása</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
@@ -3448,7 +3448,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -3487,7 +3487,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Empty Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Üres vizsgáló</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -3596,7 +3596,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -3659,15 +3659,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Velocity change</source>
-        <translation>Sebességváltozás</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás változás</translation>
         <source>Continue height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés utáni kezdőmagasság</translation>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Circled tip</source>
@@ -3675,11 +3675,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hairpin Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Villa-vizsgáló</translation>
+        <translation>Dinamikai jel vizsgáló</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity change value</source>
-        <translation>Sebességváltozás visszaállítása</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás változás visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Sortörés utáni kezdőmagasság" visszaállítása</translation>
@@ -3754,27 +3754,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Scale to frame size value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Átméretezés a kerethez" érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Lock aspect ratio value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"Oldalarány megőrzése" érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Lock aspect ratio</source>
-        <translation>oldalarány megőrzése</translation>
+        <translation>Oldalarány megőrzése</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottavonalak távolsága egy hagyományos ötvonalas kottasorban</translation>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagyság vonalköz méret egységekben</translation>
         <source>Reset Size in staff space units value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagyság vonalköz méret egységekben visszaállítása</translation>
@@ -3855,7 +3855,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lasso Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lasszó vizsgáló</translation>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
@@ -3883,7 +3883,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>Staff space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Line color</source>
@@ -3927,7 +3927,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Áthúzott</translation>
+        <translation>Szaggatott</translation>
@@ -4033,7 +4033,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás</translation>
         <source>Mirror head</source>
@@ -4089,7 +4089,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Velocity type</source>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság típusa</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás típusa</translation>
@@ -4113,7 +4113,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Velocity type value</source>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság típusának visszaállítása</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás típusának visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
@@ -4121,7 +4121,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság visszaállítása</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás érték visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Mirror Head</source>
@@ -4161,15 +4161,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Fix to line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonalhoz rögzítés</translation>
         <source>Reset Fix to line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonalhoz rögzítés visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonal visszaállítása</translation>
@@ -4275,7 +4275,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vg</translation>
         <source>Trailing space</source>
@@ -4338,7 +4338,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Áthúzott</translation>
+        <translation>Szaggatott</translation>
@@ -4354,7 +4354,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Spacer Inspector</source>
@@ -4424,7 +4424,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szöveg visszaállítás a stílus alapján</translation>
@@ -4465,7 +4465,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>trilla</translation>
+        <translation>Trilla</translation>
@@ -4485,15 +4485,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Up Prall</source>
-        <translation>Paránytrilla felfelé</translation>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla alsó előkével</translation>
         <source>Down Prall</source>
-        <translation>Paránytrilla lefelé</translation>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla felső előkével</translation>
         <source>Prall Prall</source>
-        <translation>Paránytrilla</translation>
+        <translation>Kettős paránytrilla</translation>
         <source>Wavy Line</source>
@@ -4548,7 +4548,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritmusosztás vizsgáló</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
@@ -4588,7 +4588,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -4608,15 +4608,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Top gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felső térköz visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alsó térköz visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alsó margó</translation>
         <source>Left margin</source>
@@ -4624,11 +4624,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Top gap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felső térköz</translation>
         <source>Bottom gap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alsó térköz</translation>
         <source>Top margin</source>
@@ -5065,7 +5065,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -5143,7 +5143,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Detect swing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing érzékelése</translation>
         <source>None (1:1)</source>
@@ -5151,11 +5151,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Swing (2:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing (2:1)</translation>
         <source>Shuffle (3:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inga (3:1)</translation>
@@ -5260,7 +5260,8 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>2x less
 measure count</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemszám
         <source>Is human
@@ -5310,7 +5311,7 @@ felismerése</translation>
         <source>Max. quantization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Max. kvantálás</translation>
         <source>Max. voices</source>
@@ -5391,7 +5392,7 @@ Szeretnéd most megadni a %2 helyét?</translation>
         <source>Breaths & Pauses</source>
-        <translation>Cezúrák és szünetek</translation>
+        <translation>Tagoló jelek és cezúrák</translation>
@@ -5403,7 +5404,7 @@ Szeretnéd most megadni a %2 helyét?</translation>
-        <translation>Módosítók</translation>
+        <translation>Módosítójelek</translation>
@@ -5443,11 +5444,11 @@ Szeretnéd most megadni a %2 helyét?</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
-        <translation>Arpeggio, glissando</translation>
+        <translation>Arpeggio és glissando</translation>
         <source>Breaks & Spacers</source>
-        <translation>Törések, elválasztás</translation>
+        <translation>Törések és elválasztás</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -5467,7 +5468,8 @@ Szeretnéd most megadni a %2 helyét?</translation>
         <source>cannot change measure length:
 tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>nem lehet újraírni az ütemeket:
+a ritmusosztás kilógna az ütemből</translation>
@@ -5693,19 +5695,19 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plop</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scoop</translation>
@@ -5769,7 +5771,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Error while creating score from album.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kotta létrehozásakor hiba történt.</translation>
@@ -5790,11 +5792,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 kezdete</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 vége</translation>
@@ -5848,23 +5850,23 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 kezdete</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 vége</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pontozott %1</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kétszeresen pontozott %1</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Háromszorosan pontozott %1</translation>
@@ -5897,7 +5899,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Toolbar 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eszköztár 3</translation>
@@ -5905,7 +5907,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság:</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás:</translation>
@@ -6076,7 +6078,9 @@ sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Cannot open figured bass description:
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni a számozott basszus leírást:
@@ -6278,11 +6282,11 @@ sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: select layer tag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: rétegcímke kijelölése</translation>
         <source>layer tag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>rétegcímke</translation>
@@ -6356,7 +6360,7 @@ sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Az eszközödön helytelen a helyi idő beállítása. Ellenőrizd és állítsd be. Célszerű az időt/időzonát automatikusra állítani. Ha továbbra sem tudsz belépni,  <a href="%1">keress meg minket</a>.</translation>
@@ -6399,11 +6403,11 @@ sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Input Tag Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Címkenév megadása</translation>
         <source>New tag name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Új címke név:</translation>
@@ -6881,7 +6885,7 @@ Helyreállítsa a munkamenetet?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Munkaterületnév beolvasása</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -6998,7 +7002,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet hangjegycsoportot létrehozni: A hang túl rövid</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
@@ -7078,7 +7082,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teljes_kotta_és_kivonatok</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX)</source>
@@ -7098,11 +7102,11 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>JK gitár ujjrend %1</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>BK gitár ujjrend %1</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
@@ -7110,7 +7114,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Eszközök</translation>
         <source>No score</source>
@@ -7158,7 +7162,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Képernyőkép</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -7178,7 +7182,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Képernyőkép mód</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7190,6 +7194,10 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
+        <translation>Nem lehet írni: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -7294,7 +7302,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>No Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nincs bővítmény</translation>
@@ -7329,23 +7337,23 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 kezdete</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 %2 vége</translation>
         <source>%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1; Hangmagasság: %2; Hossz: %3%4</translation>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütésvonal</translation>
         <source>Rhythm Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritmusvonal</translation>
@@ -7392,6 +7400,10 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>új paletta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Egyszerű Paletta</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7480,7 +7492,7 @@ Menti bezárás előtt?</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem sikerült megállapítani a fájltípust</translation>
@@ -7598,6 +7610,17 @@ Menti bezárás előtt?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Szólam: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Hosszúság: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7669,11 +7692,11 @@ nem sikerült: %2</translation>
         <source>Measure %1 Staff %2 incomplete. Expected: %3; Found: %4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%2. sor %1. ütem hiányos. Várt: %3; Kapott: %4</translation>
         <source>Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%2. sor %1. ütem %3. szólam túl hosszú. Várt: %4; Kapott: %5</translation>
@@ -7723,7 +7746,7 @@ nem sikerült: %2</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Egyéni sablonok</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
@@ -7866,7 +7889,7 @@ nem sikerült: %2</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Objektum hibakereső</translation>
         <source>No staves found:
@@ -7892,7 +7915,7 @@ válassz ki egy ütemet és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tremolo ütem tulajdonságok:</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
@@ -7931,7 +7954,8 @@ Jelölj ki egy akkordot/szünetet és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Cannot split measure here:
 Cannot split tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Az ütemet nem lehet itt szétválasztani:
+A hangjegycsoportot nem lehet szétválasztani</translation>
         <source>No measures selected:
@@ -7941,7 +7965,7 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Automatikus méretezés az oldalhoz</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Clef</source>
@@ -7953,11 +7977,11 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válaszd ki a teljes ritmusosztást/tremolót és próbáld újra a műveletet</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Képernyőkép</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
@@ -7977,11 +8001,11 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet beilleszteni ritmusosztásba</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritmusosztás nem nyúlhat át ütemvonalakon</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
@@ -7992,11 +8016,11 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Search Box</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keresőmező</translation>
         <source>Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gépelj a kereséshez. Nyomd meg az Entert, hogy visszatérj a kottához.</translation>
@@ -8011,18 +8035,18 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jegyzetek:</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kijelölésszűrő</translation>
         <source>Use Tab and Backtab to move through the check boxes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A Tab és a Visszatab használatával válts a jelölőnégyzetek között</translation>
@@ -8084,15 +8108,15 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pontozott %1</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kétszeresen pontozott %1</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Háromszorosan pontozott %1</translation>
@@ -8140,7 +8164,7 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <comment>spatium unit</comment>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -8154,7 +8178,7 @@ Jelöld ki az egyesítendő ütemeket és próbáld újra</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Style Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Stílusnév beolvasása</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -8168,7 +8192,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Text style name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szövegstílus neve:</translation>
@@ -8243,7 +8267,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>All Rights reserved</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Minden jog fenntartva</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution</source>
@@ -8303,15 +8327,15 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tartsd tiszteletben a <a href="%1">közösségi irányelveket</a>. Csak akkor tedd mindenki számára elérhetővé a kottáidat, ha van engedélyed a szerzői jog tulajdonosaitól.</translation>
         <source>Use a comma to separate the tags</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A címkéket vesszővel választhatod el</translation>
         <source>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</translation>
@@ -8501,15 +8525,15 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Mark staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sorok megjelölése</translation>
         <source>Mark slices</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szeletek megjelölése</translation>
         <source>Mark barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemvonalak megjelölése</translation>
         <source>Show lines</source>
@@ -8517,11 +8541,11 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottavonalak távolsága hagyományos ötvonalas kottasorban</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonalköz méret:</translation>
@@ -8600,11 +8624,11 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottavonalak távolsága hagyományos ötvonalas kottasorban</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonalköz méret:</translation>
@@ -8623,7 +8647,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
-        <translation>Módosítók</translation>
+        <translation>Módosítójelek</translation>
@@ -8651,7 +8675,7 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Breaths && Pauses</source>
-        <translation>Cezúrák és szünetek</translation>
+        <translation>Tagoló jelek és cezúrák</translation>
@@ -8735,11 +8759,11 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Staff Changes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sorváltások</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
-        <translation>Arpeggio, glissando</translation>
+        <translation>Arpeggio és glissando</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -8747,15 +8771,15 @@ válassz egy másik nevet:</translation>
         <source>Frames && Measures</source>
-        <translation>Keretek, ütemek</translation>
+        <translation>Keretek és ütemek</translation>
         <source>Articulations && Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Artikuláció, díszítések</translation>
+        <translation>Artikuláció és díszítések</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangterjedelem</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Palette File</source>
@@ -8770,19 +8794,19 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>common symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>szokásos szimbólumok</translation>
         <source>all font symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>minden szimbólum</translation>
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
-        <translation>Felső 1 típus</translation>
+        <translation>Vonalka 1 típus</translation>
         <source>Tick 2 span</source>
-        <translation>Felső 2 típus</translation>
+        <translation>Vonalka 2 típus</translation>
         <source>Short 1 span</source>
@@ -8849,7 +8873,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Content offset</source>
@@ -8869,7 +8893,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Content scale:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tartalom méretezés:</translation>
@@ -8884,7 +8908,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
@@ -8983,7 +9007,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Use arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Használd a nyilakat a módosításhoz</translation>
@@ -9017,7 +9041,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Show wave display</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hullámforma megjelenítése</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 2</source>
@@ -9029,7 +9053,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation>Gyorsaság:</translation>
+        <translation>Hangindítás:</translation>
@@ -9049,7 +9073,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hossz:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
@@ -9106,23 +9130,23 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Playback Position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lejátszási pozíció</translation>
         <source>Relative Tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Relatív tempó a 120 ütés/perchez képest</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to change value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Használd a fel és le nyilat a módosításhoz</translation>
         <source>Master Volume</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fő hangerő</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Relatív tempó a 120 ütés/perchez képest</translation>
@@ -9177,7 +9201,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Az aktuális bővítmény forráskódjának újratöltése</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -9615,7 +9639,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Toggle play</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lejátszás indít/leállít</translation>
         <source>Whole note</source>
@@ -9635,7 +9659,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy pontozás</translation>
@@ -9683,7 +9707,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy kétszeres pontozás</translation>
         <source>Save every:</source>
@@ -9716,7 +9740,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Timebase Master</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemezés vezérlő</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input:</source>
@@ -9728,7 +9752,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Preferences Tab Manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beállítások fül kezelője</translation>
         <source>General Tab</source>
@@ -9748,7 +9772,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be az induláskor megjelenő kotta elérési útját</translation>
         <source>Choose starting score</source>
@@ -9756,11 +9780,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a fájlkiválasztó ablakot az induló kotta kiválasztásához</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Add meg, hány perc teljen el két automatikus mentés között</translation>
         <source>Port number</source>
@@ -9784,7 +9808,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path for style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a stílusokat tartalmazó mappa elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose score folder</source>
@@ -9792,7 +9816,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a mappakiválasztó ablakot a kottákat tartalmazó mappa kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
@@ -9800,7 +9824,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a mappakiválasztó ablakot a stílusokat tartalmazó mappa kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Score folder</source>
@@ -9808,7 +9832,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to score folder.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a kottákat tartalmazó mappa elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Template folder</source>
@@ -9816,7 +9840,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to Template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a sablonokat tartalmazó mappa elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Plugin folder</source>
@@ -9824,7 +9848,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a bővítmenyeket tartalmazó mappa elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose plugin folder</source>
@@ -9832,7 +9856,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a mappakiválasztó ablakot a bővítményeket tartalmazó mappa kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
@@ -9840,7 +9864,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a képeket tartalmazó mappa elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose template folder</source>
@@ -9848,19 +9872,19 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a mappakiválasztó ablakot a sablonokat tartalmazó mappa kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a mappakiválasztó ablakot a képeket tartalmazó mappa kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Canvas Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vászon fül</translation>
         <source>Background Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Háttérminta</translation>
         <source>Background Color</source>
@@ -9868,19 +9892,19 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Background wallpaper path</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Háttérminta elérési útvonala</translation>
         <source>Insert path to background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a háttérmintát tartalmazó fájl elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose Background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válaszd ki a háttérmintát tartalmazó fájlt</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a fájlkiválasztó ablakot a háttérminta kiválasztásához</translation>
         <source>Select background color</source>
@@ -9888,7 +9912,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the background color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a háttérszín-kiválasztó ablakot</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
@@ -9896,7 +9920,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to paper wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a kottapapír-mintát tartalmazó fájl elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose paper wallpaper file</source>
@@ -9904,11 +9928,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Select paper color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válaszd ki a papír színét</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the paper color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a papírszín-kiválasztó ablakot</translation>
         <source>Paper Wallpaper</source>
@@ -9936,7 +9960,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Toggle play record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felvétel lejátszás be/ki</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
@@ -9948,11 +9972,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Whole note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Egészhang felvétel</translation>
         <source>Half note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Félhang felvétel</translation>
         <source>Rest is active</source>
@@ -9960,19 +9984,19 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy pontozás aktív</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy pontozás felvétel</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kettős hangjegypontozás aktív</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kettős hangjegypontozás felvétel</translation>
         <source>Tie is active</source>
@@ -9980,27 +10004,27 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Tie record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Átkötés felvétel</translation>
         <source>Rest record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szünet felvétel</translation>
         <source>Play is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lejátszás aktív</translation>
         <source>Stop is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megállítás aktív</translation>
         <source>Play record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felvétel lejátszása</translation>
         <source>Stop record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felvétel leállítása</translation>
         <source>16th note is active</source>
@@ -10008,7 +10032,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>16th note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16-od hang felvétel</translation>
         <source>32nd note is active</source>
@@ -10016,7 +10040,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>32nd note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32-ed hang felvétel</translation>
         <source>Score Tab</source>
@@ -10032,7 +10056,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a fájlkiválasztó ablakot a hangszerlista kiválasztásához</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1</source>
@@ -10040,11 +10064,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a hangszerlistát tartalmazó fájl elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a stílusfájl elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose style</source>
@@ -10052,7 +10076,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a fájlkiválasztó ablakot a stílusfájl kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Style for part</source>
@@ -10060,15 +10084,15 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a kivonatra vonatkozó stílusfájl elérési útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Choose style for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válassz stílust a kivonathoz</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for part</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a fájlkiválasztó ablakot a kivonatra vonatkozó stílusfájl kijelöléséhez</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2</source>
@@ -10092,7 +10116,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Choose API</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válassz API-t</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
@@ -10100,7 +10124,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Choose MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válassz MIDI bemenetet</translation>
@@ -10112,19 +10136,19 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Töredékek</translation>
         <source>Choose number of fragments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válaszd ki a töredékek számát</translation>
         <source>Period Size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Periódusméret</translation>
         <source>Choose period size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válaszd ki a periódusméretet</translation>
         <source>Sample rate</source>
@@ -10132,7 +10156,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Choose sample rate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Válassz mintavételi frekvenciát</translation>
         <source>Import Tab</source>
@@ -10152,7 +10176,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Choose Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Overture importálási karakterkészlet kiválasztása</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set</source>
@@ -10160,7 +10184,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Choose Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guitar Pro importálási karakterkészlet kiválasztása</translation>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
@@ -10196,7 +10220,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Definiálás</translation>
         <source>Update Tab</source>
@@ -10212,7 +10236,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Quarter note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Negyedhang felvétel</translation>
         <source>Eighth note is active</source>
@@ -10220,7 +10244,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Eighth note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyolcadhang felvétel</translation>
         <source>64th note</source>
@@ -10232,11 +10256,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>64th note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>64-ed hang fevétel</translation>
         <source>Here you can configure shortcuts for actions</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Itt gyorsbillentyűket rendelhetsz a műveletekhez</translation>
         <source>Resets the shortcuts to their default assignment</source>
@@ -10244,11 +10268,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eltávolítja a kijelölt művelethez tartozó gyorsbillentyűket</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a kijelölt művelethez tartozó gyorsbillentyű megadására szolgáló ablakot</translation>
         <source>Print the shortcuts list</source>
@@ -10268,11 +10292,11 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI távirányítás bekapcsolása</translation>
         <source>Is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aktív</translation>
@@ -10280,7 +10304,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alapértelmezett nagyítás</translation>
         <source>Show play panel</source>
@@ -10300,15 +10324,15 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Show start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indítópult megjelenítése</translation>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Utolsó változtatás visszavonása aktív</translation>
         <source>Undo record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felvétel visszavonása</translation>
@@ -10316,7 +10340,7 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Play whole chord when adding note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegybevitel során az egész akkor lejátszása</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
@@ -10324,15 +10348,15 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Illeszd be a SoundFont mappák útvonalát</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Megnyitja a SoundFont mappák beállítására szolgáló ablakot</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegybevitel fül</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -10340,15 +10364,15 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegybevitel</translation>
         <source>Note input is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegybevitel aktív</translation>
         <source>Note input record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegybevitel felvétele</translation>
@@ -10382,6 +10406,10 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>MuseScore frissítés keresése</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Szűrő</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10389,7 +10417,9 @@ paletta-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>No note or lyrics selected:
 Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nincs kiválasztva hangjegy vagy szöveg:
+Válassz ki egyetlen hangjegyet vagy szöveget és próbáld újra
         <source>Please select a single note or slur and retry operation
@@ -10458,28 +10488,35 @@ Válassz ki egyetlen hangjegyet vagy szünetet és próbáld újra
         <source>Cannot open chord description:
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni az akkordleírást:
         <source>Open Chord Description
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akkordleírás megnyitása:
+sikertelen: %2</translation>
         <source>Write Chord Description failed: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni az akkord leírását: %1</translation>
         <source>Cannot open tablature font description:
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni a tabulatúra betűtípusleírást:
         <source>Cannot read file %1:
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A %1 fájl nem olvasható:
         <source>bad format</source>
@@ -10501,7 +10538,7 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>File not found %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A fájl nem található %1</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Error</source>
@@ -10510,36 +10547,42 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Belső hiba: a MusicXML séma érvénytelen
         <source>Error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiba a container.xml olvasásakor az %1. sor %2. oszlopában: %3
         <source>Can't find rootfile
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem található a gyökérfájl
         <source>File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A '%1' fájl nem szabályos MusicXML fájl</translation>
         <source>Error at line %1 column %2: %3
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiba a %1. sor %2. oszlopban: %3
         <source>Could not open MusicXML file
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A MusicXML fájl megnyitása nem lehetséges
         <source>Could not open compressed MusicXML file
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A tömörített MusicXML fájl megnyitása nem lehetséges
@@ -10632,7 +10675,8 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Belső hiba: a musicxml.xsd fájl megnyitása sikertelen
         <source>Tab. balalaika</source>
@@ -10640,50 +10684,58 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>Tab. 6-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6 húr egyszerű</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6 húr szokásos</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6 húr teljes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4 húr egyszerű</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4 húr szokásos</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4 húr teljes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5 húr egyszerű</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5 húr szokásos</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5 húr teljes</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. Italian</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6 húr olasz</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. French</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6 húr francia</translation>
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
+        <translation>Sérült fájl %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -10707,11 +10759,11 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Album írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Album írása</translation>
@@ -10727,7 +10779,7 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>MuseScore: Import Guitar Pro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Guitar Pro importálás</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load MIDI</source>
@@ -10735,11 +10787,11 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>MuseScore: Load Style Failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: a stílus betöltése sikertelen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Languages Failed:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nyelvek betöltése sikertelen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Invalid Command</source>
@@ -10747,17 +10799,19 @@ Látogass el a <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore weboldal
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Album betöltése sikertelen</translation>
         <source>Open Album File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Album fájl megnyitása
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Album fájl megnyitása</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
@@ -10765,7 +10819,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore fájlok (*.album)</translation>
@@ -10783,7 +10837,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szeretnéd a %1 SoundFontot telepíteni?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed</source>
@@ -10791,7 +10845,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SoundFont telepítve. A Nézet > Szintetizátor menüben tudod hozzáadni és a Nézet > Keverő menüben kiválasztani a hangmintát.</translation>
@@ -10833,17 +10887,6 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Szólam: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -10863,7 +10906,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nincs kijelölés</translation>
@@ -10882,11 +10925,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Start new section with long instrument names</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hosszú hangszernevek az új szakasz elején</translation>
         <source>Start new section with measure number one</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemszámozás újrakezdése az új szakasz elején</translation>
@@ -10905,23 +10948,23 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Element type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elem típusa:</translation>
         <source>Same staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Azonos kottasorban</translation>
         <source>Same voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Azonos szólamban</translation>
         <source>Same subtype:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Azonos altípus:</translation>
         <source>Same system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ugyanebben a sorcsoportban</translation>
         <source>Replace selection</source>
@@ -11045,7 +11088,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szétválasztási pont:</translation>
@@ -11099,7 +11142,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Actions for selected channel:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Műveletek a megadott csatornára:</translation>
         <source>Aeolus Stops</source>
@@ -11127,7 +11170,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Switch one or more voices to a specified channel:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Egy vagy több szólam a megadott csatornára kapcsolása:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
@@ -11139,7 +11182,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing beállítások</translation>
@@ -11147,11 +11190,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ki</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing arányszám:</translation>
@@ -11163,14 +11206,14 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Sixteenth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tizenhatod hang</translation>
         <source>Staff Type Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottasor sablonok</translation>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
@@ -11204,7 +11247,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indítópult</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
@@ -11246,15 +11289,15 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Master Effects</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rendszer effektek</translation>
         <source>Effect B:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B effekt:</translation>
         <source>Effect A:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A effekt:</translation>
@@ -11283,39 +11326,39 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Master tuning:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rendszerhangolás:</translation>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mentés kottába</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Betöltés kottából</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Használd a fel és le nyilat a módosításhoz</translation>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metronóm hangerő</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A effekt</translation>
         <source>Effect B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B effekt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hertz</translation>
         <source>Master tuning</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rendszerhangolás</translation>
@@ -11330,7 +11373,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szokásos</translation>
@@ -11399,7 +11442,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation>sp</translation>
+        <translation>vk</translation>
         <source>Foreground color:</source>
@@ -11415,7 +11458,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Reset to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visszaállítás a stílus alapján</translation>
         <source>Text margin:</source>
@@ -11427,11 +11470,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Font face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Betűtípus</translation>
         <source>Font point size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Betűtípus pontmérete</translation>
@@ -11451,67 +11494,67 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Horizontal offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vízszintes eltolás a referenciaponttól</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Függőleges eltolás a referenciaponttól</translation>
         <source>Offset is absolute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Az eltolás abszolút</translation>
         <source>Align left edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveg bal szélét igazítja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Center text on reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveget középre zárja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Align top edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveg felső szélét igazítja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Align right edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveg jobb szélét igazítja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Center text vertical to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveget függőlegesen középre zárja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Align bottom edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveg alsó szélét igazítja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
         <source>Enable text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szövegkeret engedélyezése</translation>
         <source>Draw circled frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bekarikázás rajzolása</translation>
         <source>Draw boxed frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dobozos keret rajzolása</translation>
         <source>Border thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keret vastagsága:</translation>
         <source>Frame line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keretvonal vastagsága</translation>
         <source>Frame inner margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keret belső margója</translation>
         <source>Corner round</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gömbölyű sarok</translation>
         <source>Text background color</source>
@@ -11523,24 +11566,24 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottavonalak távolsága egy hagyományos ötvonalas kottasorban</translation>
         <source>Offset in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eltolás vonalköz méret egységekben</translation>
         <source>Staff space</source>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vonalköz méret</translation>
         <source>Size follows 'Staff space' setting</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A méret a 'Vonalköz méret' beállítást követi</translation>
         <source>Align baseline of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A szöveg alapvonalát igazítja a referenciaponthoz</translation>
@@ -11591,7 +11634,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Technika</translation>
@@ -11631,11 +11674,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bal oldali ismétlésszöveg</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jobb oldali ismétlésszöveg</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text</source>
@@ -11687,11 +11730,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>BK gitár ujjrend</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>JK gitár ujjrend</translation>
@@ -11878,15 +11921,15 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Beat unit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütés egység</translation>
         <source>Common Time</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szokásos ütemmutató</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Add meg az ütemek számát</translation>
@@ -11894,15 +11937,15 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Cut Time</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2/2 alla breve</translation>
         <source>Beats in a measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütések ütemenként</translation>
         <source>Hint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipp: A kotta létrehozása után is hozzáadhatsz és elvehetsz ütemeket.</translation>
@@ -12129,11 +12172,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Single Sharps and Flats Only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csak egyszeres keresztek és b-k</translation>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Használjon dupla kereszteket és b-ket</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
@@ -12156,35 +12199,35 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Eighth through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyolcad a száron keresztül</translation>
         <source>16th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16-od a száron keresztül</translation>
         <source>32nd through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32-ed a száron keresztül</translation>
         <source>64th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>64-ed a száron keresztül</translation>
         <source>Eighth between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyolcad a hangjegyek között</translation>
         <source>16th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16-od a hangjegyek között</translation>
         <source>32nd between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32-ed a hangjegyek között</translation>
         <source>64th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>64-ed a hangjegyek között</translation>
@@ -12199,31 +12242,31 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Emelés</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Süllyesztés</translation>
         <source>Inverted Dip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fordított emelés</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Visszatérés</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tremolo Bar Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tremoló jelölő tulajdonságok</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elengedés (fel)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elengedés (le)</translation>
@@ -12288,7 +12331,7 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>USERNAME</translation>
         <source>Sign out</source>
@@ -12316,11 +12359,11 @@ Szeretnéd felülírni?</translation>
         <source>Update the existing score </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Meglévő kotta frissítése</translation>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ez a kotta legyen privát</translation>
@@ -12388,7 +12431,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Váratlan karakter a publikus azonosítóban: '%1'</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
@@ -12400,7 +12443,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A különálló pszeudoattribútumnak a kódolás megadása után kell szerepelnie.</translation>
         <source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
@@ -12412,7 +12455,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Standalone accepts only yes or no.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Különálló csak igen vagy nem lehet.</translation>
         <source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
@@ -12459,11 +12502,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A %1 hangminta már be lett töltve</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A %1 hangminta nem tölthető be</translation>
@@ -12494,79 +12537,79 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott b</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott b 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tükrözött b 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tükrözött b</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tükrözött b áthúzva</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott kétszeres b</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott kereszt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott kereszt 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott kereszt 3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Áthúzott kereszt 4</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kereszt felfelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kereszt lefelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kereszt mindkét nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bé felfelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bé lefelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bé mindkét nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Feloldójel felfelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Feloldójel lefelé nyíllal</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Feloldójel mindkét nyíllal</translation>
@@ -13069,11 +13112,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Pitch up or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magasabb hang vagy szöveg vagy artikuláció mozgatása felfelé</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magasabb hang diatonikusan</translation>
         <source>Up Octave</source>
@@ -13085,7 +13128,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oktávval magasabb hang vagy szöveg vagy artikuláció mozgatása felfelé</translation>
         <source>Up Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13113,11 +13156,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Pitch down or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mélyebb hang vagy szöveg vagy artikuláció mozgatása lefelé</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mélyebb hang diatonikusan</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
@@ -13125,7 +13168,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oktávval mélyebb hang vagy szöveg vagy artikuláció mozgatása lefelé</translation>
         <source>Down Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13277,7 +13320,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Timewise delete</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Időarányos törlés</translation>
         <source>Timewise Delete</source>
@@ -13441,11 +13484,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy pontozás</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy kétszeres pontozás</translation>
@@ -13565,11 +13608,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tollas gerenda, lassabb</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tollas gerenda, gyorsabb</translation>
@@ -13601,7 +13644,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Zoom canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vászon közelítés</translation>
@@ -13673,7 +13716,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Add lyricist text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szövegíró hozzáadása</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -13681,7 +13724,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Add rehearsal mark</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemjelölés (Ziffer) hozzáadása</translation>
@@ -13721,7 +13764,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to Begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ugrás a lejátszás elejére</translation>
@@ -13737,7 +13780,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ugrás a lejátszás végére</translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
@@ -13753,11 +13796,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kotta követése ki/be</translation>
         <source>Pan score during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kotta követése lejátszás alatt</translation>
         <source>Load Style...</source>
@@ -13881,7 +13924,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Reset measure stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemszélesség visszaállítása</translation>
         <source>Show Invisible</source>
@@ -13973,15 +14016,15 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zongora-leporelló követése</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zongora-leporelló követése ki/be</translation>
         <source>Pan roll during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A zongora-leporelló követése lejátszás alatt</translation>
         <source>Documents Side by Side</source>
@@ -14017,7 +14060,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Create new revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Új változat létrehozása</translation>
         <source>Show OMR image</source>
@@ -14041,11 +14084,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Additional Media...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiegészítő Média...</translation>
         <source>Show media dialog</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Média ablak megnyitása</translation>
         <source>Split Measure</source>
@@ -14089,15 +14132,15 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdés</translation>
         <source>Toggle loop playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdéses lejátszás ki/be</translation>
         <source>Loop playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdéses lejátszás</translation>
@@ -14145,7 +14188,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Toggle View Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nézet mód ki/be</translation>
         <source>Next syllable</source>
@@ -14173,7 +14216,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 16th (TAB)</source>
@@ -14209,11 +14252,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Select string above (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Feljebbi húr kijelölése (csak TAB)</translation>
         <source>Select string below (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lejjebbi húr kijelölése (csak TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 0 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14297,7 +14340,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Insert Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akkordábra keret beszúrása</translation>
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
@@ -14405,11 +14448,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Minden hasonló elem ebben a tartománykijelölésben</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in the range selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Minden hasonló elem kiválasztása ebben a tartománykijelölésben</translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
@@ -14517,59 +14560,59 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Explode contents of top selected staff into staves below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A legfelső kijelölt sor tartalmának szétosztása a lenti sorokba</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Összegyűjtés</translation>
         <source>Implode contents of selected staves into top selected staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A kijelölt sorok tartalmának összegyűjtése a legfelső sorba</translation>
         <source>Fill With Slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kitöltés vonásokkal</translation>
         <source>Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritmusjelölés vonásokkal ki/be</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indítópult</translation>
         <source>Toggle create multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Többütemes szünetek létrehozása be/ki</translation>
         <source>Resequence Rehearsal Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemjelölések (zifferek) újragenerálása</translation>
         <source>Increase Stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés növelése</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés növelése</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés növelése a kijelölt ütemekben</translation>
         <source>Decrease Stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés csökkentése</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés csökkentése</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szélesítés csökkentése a kijelölt ütemekben</translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
@@ -14585,7 +14628,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés hozzadása/törlése...</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
@@ -14629,7 +14672,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Módosítójelek újragenerálása</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
@@ -14637,7 +14680,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatonikusan fel</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
@@ -14645,11 +14688,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diatonikusan le</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oktáv le</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
@@ -14797,7 +14840,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy hossz: Longa</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
@@ -14865,19 +14908,19 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy pontozás</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy hossz: pontozás</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy kétszeres pontozás</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy hossz: kétszeres pontozás</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
@@ -14953,11 +14996,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tollas gerenda, lassabb</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tollas gerenda, gyorsabb</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
@@ -15141,15 +15184,15 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Create New Revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Új változat létrehozása</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Képernyőkép be/ki</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Képernyőkép be/ki</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
@@ -15213,15 +15256,15 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Loop In</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdés be</translation>
         <source>Loop Out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdés ki</translation>
         <source>Set loop out position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdés végének pozíciója</translation>
@@ -15237,7 +15280,7 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nézet mód ki/be</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
@@ -15261,11 +15304,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegyhez illesztett szövegvonal</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegyhez illesztett szövegvonal</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
@@ -15273,15 +15316,15 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy hossz: Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kétszeres egész hang (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegy hossz: Kétszeres egész (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note (TAB)</source>
@@ -15345,11 +15388,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>String Above (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Feljebbi húr (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Below (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lejjebbi húr (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15361,11 +15404,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Add Brackets to Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elem zárójelbe</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Többütemes szünetek létrehozása be/ki</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
@@ -15385,127 +15428,127 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szó mozgatása balra</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szó mozgatása balra</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szó mozgatása jobbra</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szó mozgatása jobbra</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kitöltés vonásokkal</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ritmusjelölés vonásokkal ki/be</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sortörés hozzadása/törlése</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemjelölések (zifferek) újragenerálása</translation>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Indítópult</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy longa hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy longa hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy breve hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy kettős egész hang hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy egész hang hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy egész hang hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy fél hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy fél hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy negyed hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy negyed hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy nyolcad hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy nyolcad hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre 16-od hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy 16-od hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre 32-ed hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy 32-ed hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre 64-ed hosszúsággal (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előre egy 64-ed hosszúsággal (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előző ütem (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Előző ütem (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Következő ütem (sz.b./akkordjel)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Következő ütem (csak számozott basszus/akkordjelzés)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
@@ -15533,11 +15576,11 @@ munkaterület-fájl írása sikertelen:</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PDF fájl importálása a musescore.com kísérleti szolgáltatásával</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Újrakezdés elejének pozíciója</translation>
@@ -15555,7 +15598,8 @@ A hangjegycsoport kilógna az ütemből</translation>
         <source>Cannot change local time signature:
 Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nem lehet megváltoztatni a helyi ütemmutatót:
+az ütem nem üres</translation>
@@ -15566,19 +15610,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kicsúszás lefelé</translation>
         <source>Slide out up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kicsúszás felfelé</translation>
         <source>Slide in below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Becsúszás alulra</translation>
         <source>Slide in above</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Becsúszás felülre</translation>
@@ -15622,55 +15666,55 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Fade in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beúszás</translation>
         <source>Fade out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiúszás</translation>
         <source>Volume swell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangerő hullám</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fűrészfog</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Széles fűrészfog</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagy gyors vibrato</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large slowest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nagy lassú vibrato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ouvert</translation>
         <source>Stopped/Pizzicato left hand</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Balkéz-pizzicato</translation>
         <source>Up bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Felfelé vonás</translation>
         <source>Down bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lefelé vonás</translation>
         <source>Reverse turn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Völgymotívum</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dombmotívum</translation>
@@ -15678,98 +15722,98 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent</translation>
         <source>Prall prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kettős paránytrilla</translation>
         <source>Prall mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla-mordent</translation>
         <source>Up prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla alsó előkével</translation>
         <source>Down prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla felső előkével</translation>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent felfelé</translation>
         <source>Down mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent lefelé</translation>
         <source>Prall down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla alsó utókával</translation>
         <source>Prall up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla felső utókával</translation>
         <source>Line prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrila hosszú előkével</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Schleifer</translation>
         <source>Snap pizzicato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bartók-pizzicato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tapping</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slapping</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Popping</translation>
         <source>Thumb pos.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hüvely poz.</translation>
         <source>Lute thumb fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant hüvelykujj</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant 1. ujj</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant 2. ujj</translation>
         <source>Lute 3 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lant 3. ujj</translation>
         <source>Tremolo bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tremolo jelölés</translation>
-        <translation>dó</translation>
+        <translation>c</translation>
@@ -15777,7 +15821,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>ré</translation>
+        <translation>d</translation>
@@ -15785,7 +15829,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>mi</translation>
+        <translation>e</translation>
@@ -15797,7 +15841,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>szó</translation>
+        <translation>g</translation>
@@ -15805,7 +15849,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>lá</translation>
+        <translation>a</translation>
@@ -15868,643 +15912,643 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Single grace low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace low G</translation>
         <source>Single grace low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace low A</translation>
         <source>Single grace B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace B</translation>
         <source>Single grace C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace C</translation>
         <source>Single grace D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace D</translation>
         <source>Single grace E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace E</translation>
         <source>Single grace F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace F</translation>
         <source>Single grace high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace high G</translation>
         <source>Single grace high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace high A</translation>
         <source>Double grace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double grace</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on F</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on high G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on high A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grip</translation>
         <source>Half D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half D throw</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on F</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on F</translation>
         <source>Double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kettős ütés F-en</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hüvelyk ütés D-n</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Birl</translation>
         <source>D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D throw</translation>
         <source>Half heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half heavy D throw</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Taorluath</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bubly</translation>
         <source>Heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Heavy D throw</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on low A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on B</translation>
         <source>Half grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on C</translation>
         <source>Half grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on D</translation>
         <source>Half grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on E</translation>
         <source>Half grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on F</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on high G</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on high A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on B</translation>
         <source>Half pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on C</translation>
         <source>Half pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on D</translation>
         <source>Half pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on E</translation>
         <source>Half pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on F</translation>
         <source>Half pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on high G</translation>
         <source>Pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on B</translation>
         <source>Pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on C</translation>
         <source>Pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on D</translation>
         <source>Pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on E</translation>
         <source>Pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on high G</translation>
@@ -16587,7 +16631,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tabulatúra 2</translation>
@@ -16606,19 +16650,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>High Q</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas Q</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Csapó</translation>
         <source>Scratch Push</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch tolás</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch húzás</translation>
@@ -16634,11 +16678,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Bass Drum 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lábdob 1</translation>
         <source>Acoustic Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akusztikus pergő</translation>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
@@ -16646,91 +16690,91 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Electric Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elektromos pergo</translation>
         <source>Low Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Álló mély tam</translation>
         <source>Closed Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zárt lábcin</translation>
         <source>High Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Álló magas tam</translation>
         <source>Pedal Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lábcin</translation>
         <source>Low Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély tam</translation>
         <source>Open Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyitott lábcin</translation>
         <source>Low-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mélyközép tam</translation>
         <source>Hi-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magasközép tam</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beütő cintányér 1</translation>
         <source>High Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas tam</translation>
         <source>Ride Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kísérő kolomp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kolomp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <source>Low Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély bongó</translation>
         <source>Mute Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tompított magas konga</translation>
         <source>Open Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyitott magas konga</translation>
         <source>Low Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély konga</translation>
         <source>High Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas kubai üstdob</translation>
         <source>Low Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély kubai üstdob</translation>
         <source>High Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas agogo</translation>
         <source>Low Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély agogo</translation>
@@ -16750,91 +16794,91 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Short Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rövid guiro</translation>
         <source>Long Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hosszú guiro</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tikfa</translation>
         <source>Hi Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas woodblock</translation>
         <source>Low Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mély woodblock</translation>
         <source>Mute Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tompított cuica</translation>
         <source>Open Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyitott cuica</translation>
         <source>Mute Triangle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lefogott triangulum</translation>
         <source>Open Triangle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyitott triangulum</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shaker</translation>
         <source>Bell Tree</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bell Tree</translation>
         <source>Mute Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tompított surdo</translation>
         <source>Open Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nyitott surdo</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kísérő cintányér</translation>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kínai cintányér</translation>
         <source>Splash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Splash cintányér</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beütő cintányér 2</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kísérő cintányér 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kasztanyetta</translation>
         <source>Square Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Négyszögjel kattanás</translation>
         <source>Hi Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Magas bongó</translation>
         <source>Sleigh Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Száncsengő</translation>
@@ -17135,7 +17179,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Stem Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottaszár áthúzás</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
@@ -17147,7 +17191,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Repeat Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ütemismétlés</translation>
         <source>Chord Line</source>
@@ -17171,19 +17215,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Hairpin Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dinamikai jel szegmens</translation>
         <source>Ottava Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ottava szegmens</translation>
         <source>Trill Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trilla szegmens</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Szöveg vonalszegmens</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
@@ -17191,15 +17235,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Pedal Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pedál szegmens</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Töréspont</translation>
         <source>Staff State</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sor állapot</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
@@ -17215,19 +17259,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Shadow Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Árnyékhangjegy</translation>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab hosszúság szimbólum</translation>
         <source>Font Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Betűkészlet szimbólum</translation>
@@ -17239,19 +17279,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Note Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangjegyvonal</translation>
         <source>Element List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Elemlista</translation>
         <source>Staff List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kottasorlista</translation>
         <source>Measure List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ãœtemlista</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
@@ -17267,11 +17307,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Akkordábra keret</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skót duda díszítések</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
@@ -17279,7 +17319,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hangterjedelem</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
@@ -17287,19 +17327,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Tremolo Bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tremolo jelölés</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Melizma vonal</translation>
         <source>Glissando Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glissando szegmens</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Melizma vonalszakasz</translation>
@@ -17515,7 +17555,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt. Brevis</translation>
@@ -17631,7 +17671,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tagoló jelek</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
@@ -17694,15 +17734,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paránytrilla alsó előkével vonal</translation>
         <source>Downprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall lefelé vonal</translation>
         <source>Prallprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kettős paránytrilla vonal</translation>
         <source>Wavy line</source>
@@ -17713,7 +17753,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>dó</translation>
+        <translation>c</translation>
@@ -17721,7 +17761,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>ré</translation>
+        <translation>d</translation>
@@ -17729,7 +17769,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>mi</translation>
+        <translation>e</translation>
@@ -17741,7 +17781,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>szó</translation>
+        <translation>g</translation>
@@ -17749,7 +17789,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>lá</translation>
+        <translation>a</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_id.ts b/share/locale/mscore_id.ts
index b588b16..39efbd5 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_id.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_id.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Published under the GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
+<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+</style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Kunjungi</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"> </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">  untuk versi terbaru dan informasi lebih lanjut.</span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Dukung MuseScore dengan </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">donasi anda</span></a></p>
+<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Hak Cipta </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Publikasi dibawah GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></translation>
@@ -55,11 +63,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Azimut</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar</translation>
@@ -197,7 +205,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jangkar:</translation>
@@ -209,11 +217,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di atas Paranada</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di bawah Paranada</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -293,11 +301,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Number of measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jumlah ruas birama</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ruas birama</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
@@ -309,7 +317,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pisahkan garis setiap X ruas birama</translation>
@@ -497,7 +505,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis Paranada</translation>
         <source>Stem direction:</source>
@@ -524,7 +532,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -536,11 +544,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transposisi:</translation>
@@ -1169,7 +1177,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ubah Properti Paranada/Bagian</translation>
         <source>Part Properties</source>
@@ -1197,123 +1205,123 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>0 - Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - Prim Sempurna</translation>
         <source>1 - Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - Prim Lebih</translation>
         <source>0 - Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>0 - Sekon Kurang</translation>
         <source>1 - Minor Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1 - Sekon Minor</translation>
         <source>2 - Major Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2 - Sekon Mayor</translation>
         <source>3 - Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - Sekon Lebih</translation>
         <source>2 - Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - Terts Kurang</translation>
         <source>3 - Minor Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3 - Terts Minor</translation>
         <source>4 - Major Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - Terts Mayor</translation>
         <source>5 - Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - Terts Lebih</translation>
         <source>4 - Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4 - Quart Kurang</translation>
         <source>5 - Perfect Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5 - Quart Sempurna</translation>
         <source>6 - Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - Quart Lebih</translation>
         <source>6 - Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>6 - Quin Kurang</translation>
         <source>7 - Perfect Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - Quin Sempurna</translation>
         <source>8 - Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8 - Quin Lebih</translation>
         <source>7 - Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7 - Sekt Kurang</translation>
         <source>8 - Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8 - Sekt Minor</translation>
         <source>9 - Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - Sekt Mayor</translation>
         <source>10 - Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - Sekt Lebih</translation>
         <source>9 - Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9 - Septim Kurang</translation>
         <source>10 - Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10 - Septim Minor</translation>
         <source>11 - Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11 - Septim Mayor</translation>
         <source>12 - Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 - Septim Lebih</translation>
         <source>11 - Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11 - Oktaf Kurang</translation>
         <source>12 - Perfect Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12 - Oktaf Sempurna</translation>
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jumlah senar:</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Properti Paranada</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paranada transparan</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paranada kecil</translation>
@@ -1321,7 +1329,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Warna garis paranada:</translation>
         <source>Part name:</source>
@@ -1329,23 +1337,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nama lengkap instrumen:</translation>
         <source>Short instrument name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nama pendek instrumen:</translation>
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Rentang nada yang bisa dipakai:</translation>
         <source>Play transposition:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mainkan transposisi:</translation>
         <source>+ Octave:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>+ Oktaf:</translation>
@@ -1361,43 +1369,43 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan birama</translation>
         <source>Style group:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kelompok gaya:</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan garis birama</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan klef</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis:</translation>
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak garis:</translation>
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak ekstra di atas paranada:</translation>
         <source>Never hide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jangan pernah sembunyikan</translation>
         <source>Do not hide if system is empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jangan sembunyikan jika sistem kosong</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tangga Nada</translation>
@@ -1405,22 +1413,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Advanced Style Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Properti Gaya Lanjutan...</translation>
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sembunyikan garis birama sistem</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff Type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ubah Tipe Paranada</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis:</translation>
@@ -1428,15 +1436,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PARANADA STANDAR</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanpa tangkai</translation>
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buat tipe paranada baru pada grup ini.</translation>
         <source>Fret Marks</source>
@@ -1444,11 +1452,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huruf.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran:</translation>
@@ -1500,15 +1508,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stem style:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya Tangkai:</translation>
         <source>Beside staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di samping paranada</translation>
         <source>Through staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Melewati Paranada</translation>
         <source>Stem position:</source>
@@ -1540,19 +1548,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak garis:</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan klef</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan birama</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan garis birama</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
@@ -1560,43 +1568,43 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pada garis</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di atas garis</translation>
         <source>Note symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simbol Not</translation>
         <source>Upside down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terbalik</translation>
         <source>Show rests</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan tanda istirahat</translation>
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tambahkan pada template</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Template:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perlihatkan tanda kunci</translation>
         <source>Show ledger lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan garis bantu</translation>
         <source>Show Key signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perlihatkan tanda kunci</translation>
         <source>< Reset to Template</source>
@@ -1604,7 +1612,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ulang:</translation>
@@ -1620,7 +1628,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Selalu</translation>
@@ -1635,19 +1643,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Senar baru...</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ubah senar...</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hapus Senar</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jumlah fret:</translation>
@@ -1655,18 +1663,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ubah Gaya</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skor</translation>
@@ -1687,7 +1695,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis Birama</translation>
@@ -1699,7 +1707,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arpegio</translation>
@@ -1727,7 +1735,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Artikulasi, Ornamen</translation>
@@ -1739,11 +1747,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perlihatkan dalam nada konser</translation>
         <source>Minimum width of measure:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar minimal ruas birama</translation>
@@ -1754,7 +1762,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum number of empty measures:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Minimal jumlah ruas birama kosong</translation>
         <source>Hide empty staves</source>
@@ -1766,7 +1774,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Display note values across measure bar (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perlihatkan nilai not di seberang ruas birama (EKSPERIMEN, hanya untuk musik abad pertengahan!)</translation>
         <source>Music top margin:</source>
@@ -1782,11 +1790,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak Paranada:</translation>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak Paranada Besar:</translation>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
@@ -1818,11 +1826,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Create key signature for all systems</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buat tanda kunci untuk semua sistem</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy key signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buat tanda kunci bantu</translation>
         <source>Lyrics line height:</source>
@@ -1886,7 +1894,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar minimal ruas birama:</translation>
         <source>Note to barline distance:</source>
@@ -1906,7 +1914,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key signature left margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Batas kiri tanda kunci:</translation>
         <source>Time signature left margin:</source>
@@ -1922,7 +1930,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff line thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ketebalan garis paranada:</translation>
         <source>Barline to accidental distance:</source>
@@ -1934,7 +1942,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barline at start of single staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis Birama diawal paranada tunggal</translation>
         <source>Barline at start of multiple staves</source>
@@ -2046,7 +2054,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Small staff size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran paranada kecil:</translation>
         <source>Small note size:</source>
@@ -2082,7 +2090,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line style:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya Garis:</translation>
@@ -2138,11 +2146,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huruf.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran:</translation>
@@ -2158,7 +2166,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>from top of staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>dari atas paranada</translation>
         <source>of font height</source>
@@ -2178,7 +2186,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya</translation>
@@ -2247,7 +2255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas gaya simbol akor:</translation>
@@ -2295,7 +2303,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak Nada:</translation>
         <source>Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument</source>
@@ -2427,7 +2435,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Measure Numbers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Angka Ruas Birama</translation>
         <source>Default TAB Clef</source>
@@ -2435,7 +2443,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Naturals in Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda natural pada tanda kunci</translation>
         <source>Vertical Distance from the Notes</source>
@@ -2451,15 +2459,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Create multimeasure rests</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buat tanda istirahat ruas birama jamak</translation>
         <source>Multimeasure rest margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Batas ruas birama jamak:</translation>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sebelum tanda kunci jika diubah ke tanda</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
@@ -2523,7 +2531,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skala garis birama ke ukuran paranada</translation>
         <source>Barline to grace note distance:</source>
@@ -2641,7 +2649,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Close MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tutup panel impor MIDI</translation>
         <source>Move track up</source>
@@ -2657,7 +2665,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Apply MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Aplikasikan operasi impor MIDI</translation>
@@ -2665,7 +2673,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Cancel not applied MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Batalkan operasi impor MIDI yang tidak diaplikasikan</translation>
@@ -2676,11 +2684,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Mscore: Insert Measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mscore: Sisipkan Ruas Birama</translation>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -2688,11 +2696,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Insert empty measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sisipkan ruas birama kosong</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to insert:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jumlah ruas birama yang ditambahkan</translation>
@@ -3065,11 +3073,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di atas Paranada</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di bawah Paranada</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -3108,7 +3116,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya:</translation>
         <source>Span from:</source>
@@ -3322,7 +3330,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanpa tangkai</translation>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
@@ -3494,7 +3502,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tangga Nada</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3592,7 +3600,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
@@ -3718,7 +3726,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tangga Nada</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
@@ -3734,7 +3742,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
@@ -3758,15 +3766,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak antara dua garis pada paranada standar 5 garis</translation>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Satuan ukuran ruang paranada</translation>
         <source>Reset Size in staff space units value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nilai satuan tata ulang ukuran ruang paranada</translation>
@@ -3808,7 +3816,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci</translation>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
@@ -3859,7 +3867,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lebar</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -3883,7 +3891,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya garis</translation>
         <source>Allow diagonal</source>
@@ -3903,7 +3911,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line style value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tata ulang nilai gaya garis</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4400,7 +4408,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya</translation>
         <source>Text Inspector</source>
@@ -4706,11 +4714,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan Paranada</translation>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan Paranada Terhubung</translation>
@@ -4761,7 +4769,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -4804,11 +4812,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan Paranada</translation>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan Paranada Terhubung</translation>
@@ -4828,7 +4836,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipe Paranada</translation>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
@@ -4848,14 +4856,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff linked to previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paranada terhubung dengan sebelumnya</translation>
         <source>Create Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buat Tanda Kunci</translation>
@@ -5096,7 +5104,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Log in to MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Masuk ke MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Username or email</source>
@@ -5151,11 +5159,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor</translation>
         <source>Staff name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nama Paranada</translation>
@@ -5252,7 +5260,8 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>2x less
 measure count</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2x lebih sedikit
+menghitung ruas birama</translation>
         <source>Is human
@@ -5261,7 +5270,7 @@ performance</source>
         <source>Split staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pisahkan Paranada</translation>
@@ -5291,7 +5300,8 @@ tempo text</source>
 pickup measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mengenali
+Ruas birama jemputan</translation>
         <source>Max. quantization</source>
@@ -5307,7 +5317,7 @@ pickup measure</source>
         <source>MuseScore instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instrumen MuseScore</translation>
@@ -5330,14 +5340,17 @@ chord symbols</source>
         <source>Save as MP3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan sebagai MP3</translation>
         <source>MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library.  You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore.
 You only need to do this once.
 Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore tidak mengekspor file MP3 secara langsung, melainkan menggunakan perpustakaan Lame yang tersedia secara bebas. Anda harus mendapatkan % 1 secara terpisah (untuk rincian periksa buku panduan), dan kemudian cari file untuk MuseScore.
+Anda hanya perlu melakukan ini sekali.
+Apakah Anda ingin mencari % 2 sekarang ?</translation>
@@ -5356,7 +5369,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation> Tanda Kunci</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
@@ -5364,7 +5377,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis Birama</translation>
@@ -5448,14 +5461,16 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>cannot change measure length:
 tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tidak dapat mengubah panjang ruas birama:
+tuplet akan melewati ruas birama</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Measure Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Properti Ruas Birama
@@ -5467,7 +5482,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation>Sistem</translation>
+        <translation>Paranada</translation>
@@ -5475,7 +5490,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanpa tangkai</translation>
@@ -5491,7 +5506,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Measure Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Durasi Rias Birama</translation>
@@ -5531,7 +5546,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Exclude from measure count</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keluarkan dari hitungan ruas birama</translation>
         <source>Repeat count:</source>
@@ -5543,7 +5558,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode angka ruas birama:</translation>
@@ -5555,7 +5570,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan ke angka ruas birama:</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
@@ -5575,26 +5590,26 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Go to previous measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kembali ke ruas birama sebelumnya</translation>
         <source>Go to next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lanjut ke ruas birama berikutnya</translation>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pecahkan tanda istirahat ruas birama jamak</translation>
         <source>Mscore: Append Measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mscore: Bubuhkan Ruas Birama</translation>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -5602,11 +5617,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Append empty measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan ruas birama kosong</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to append:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jumlah ruas birama yang ditambahkan:</translation>
@@ -5693,7 +5708,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Unstable Prerelease for Version: </source>
-        <translation>Unstable Prerelease untuk Versi: </translation>
+        <translation>Pra-Rilis yang belum stabil untuk Versi:</translation>
         <source>Version: </source>
@@ -5757,7 +5772,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>%1; Top pitch: %2%3; Bottom pitch: %4%5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1; Nada atas: %2%3; Nada bawah: %4%5</translation>
@@ -5898,11 +5913,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Paranada: %2</translation>
@@ -5947,7 +5962,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <comment>string data</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada</translation>
@@ -5962,11 +5977,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di atas Paranada</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Di bawah Paranada</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -6014,11 +6029,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hak Cipta, halaman pertama saja</translation>
         <source>copyright, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hak Cipta, semua halaman</translation>
         <source>the $ sign itself</source>
@@ -6102,18 +6117,18 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspektor</translation>
         <source>Inspector Subwindow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Anak jendela Inspektor</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspektor</translation>
@@ -6181,7 +6196,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Instrument List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Daftar Instrumen</translation>
         <source>Write Style failed: </source>
@@ -6214,7 +6229,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paranada %1</translation>
@@ -6226,7 +6241,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tipe Paranada</translation>
@@ -6241,7 +6256,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tanda Kunci</translation>
@@ -6347,7 +6362,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran</translation>
@@ -6460,11 +6475,11 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Skor</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Berkas</translation>
@@ -6476,7 +6491,7 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Gaya</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Style File (*.mss)</source>
@@ -6500,7 +6515,7 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Gambar</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Palette</source>
@@ -6508,7 +6523,7 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Palet</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Palette (*.mpal)</source>
@@ -6520,7 +6535,7 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Plugin</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
@@ -6532,7 +6547,7 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Drumset</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Set Drum</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm)</source>
@@ -6568,15 +6583,15 @@ sebelum keluar?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Export</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ekspor</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Sebagai</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Export Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ekspor Bagian</translation>
         <source>"%1" already exists.
@@ -6602,19 +6617,19 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Parts were successfully exported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bagian sudah berhasil diekspor</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save a Copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan sebagai Salinan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Pilihan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Terpilih</translation>
         <source>Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;All (*)</source>
@@ -6622,7 +6637,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Repeat measure sign</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ulangi tanda ruas birama</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
@@ -6686,7 +6701,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teks Paranada</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
@@ -6727,7 +6742,8 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>No measure selected:
 Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tidak ada ruas birama yang dipilih:
+Mohon pilih ruas birama dan coba lagi.</translation>
@@ -6755,7 +6771,7 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada Konser</translation>
@@ -6795,7 +6811,7 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>Add &Interval</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan Jarak Nada</translation>
@@ -6851,11 +6867,11 @@ Pulihkan sesi sebelumnya?</translation>
         <source>Undo Changes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi perubahan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Baca nama wilayah kerja</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -6884,7 +6900,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Gaya Simbol Akor</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Insert Image</source>
@@ -6901,7 +6917,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Please select one or more measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mohon pilih satu atau lebih ruas birama</translation>
         <source>Error Opening LAME library</source>
@@ -6946,7 +6962,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran</translation>
         <source>View Mode</source>
@@ -6958,7 +6974,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
@@ -6990,7 +7006,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Show MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan panel impor MIDI</translation>
         <source>Tempo text</source>
@@ -6998,7 +7014,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Staff text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teks Paranada</translation>
         <source>System text</source>
@@ -7022,7 +7038,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ganti Tipe Paranada</translation>
         <source>Change instrument</source>
@@ -7046,7 +7062,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Workspace name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nama wilayah kerja</translation>
@@ -7164,6 +7180,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7243,11 +7263,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Select Key Signature and Tempo:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih Tanda Kunci dan Tempo</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci</translation>
@@ -7309,7 +7329,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1; Nada: %2; Durasi: %3%4</translation>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
@@ -7350,7 +7370,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Select workspace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih wilayah kerja</translation>
@@ -7358,12 +7378,16 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Add new workspace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tambahkan wilayah kerja baru</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7389,7 +7413,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Palet</translation>
         <source>Load Palette</source>
@@ -7443,11 +7467,12 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Plugin "%1" has changes.
 Save before closing?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plugin "%1" telah berubah.
+Simpan sebelum ditutup?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Plugin</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7498,7 +7523,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>Choose Default Style for Imports</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih Gaya Asal untuk diimpor</translation>
         <source>Choose Score Folder</source>
@@ -7569,6 +7594,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7589,7 +7625,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File failed: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Berkas gagal: %1</translation>
         <source>Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed:
@@ -7667,7 +7703,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Paranada %1</translation>
@@ -7713,7 +7749,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Sebagai</translation>
@@ -7773,7 +7809,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya...</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
@@ -7836,7 +7872,8 @@ first create some staves</source>
         <source>No measure selected:
 Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tidak ada ruas birama yang dipilih:
+Mohon pilih ruas birama dan coba lagi.</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
@@ -7872,11 +7909,11 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sembunyikan Tanda Kunci Bantu</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan Tanda Kunci Bantu</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
@@ -7886,12 +7923,14 @@ Please select a chord/rest and try again</source>
         <source>Cannot split measure here:
 Cannot split tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tidak dapat memisahkan ruas birama di sini:
+Tidak dapat memisahkan tuplet</translation>
         <source>No measures selected:
 Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tidak ada ruas birama yang dipilih:
+Mohon pilih jarak ruas birama yang ingin digabungkan dan coba lagi.</translation>
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
@@ -7915,11 +7954,11 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Sebagai (Mode Cetak)...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Sebagai (Mode Tampilan Layar)...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7927,11 +7966,11 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <source>No destination to paste</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak ada yang bisa direkat</translation>
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak bisa merekat ke tuplet</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
@@ -8286,7 +8325,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -8376,7 +8415,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hak Cipta:</translation>
@@ -8412,11 +8451,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hak Cipta</translation>
         <source>Insert copyright here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sisipkan Hak Cipta di sini</translation>
@@ -8470,7 +8509,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak antara dua garis pada paranada standar 5 garis</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
@@ -8533,7 +8572,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -8553,7 +8592,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak antara dua garis pada paranada standar 5 garis</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
@@ -8572,7 +8611,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci</translation>
@@ -8580,7 +8619,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Garis Birama</translation>
         <source>Breaks && Spacers</source>
@@ -8993,7 +9032,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada:</translation>
@@ -9005,7 +9044,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Paranada: %2</translation>
@@ -9089,7 +9128,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas</translation>
@@ -9117,11 +9156,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Batalkan</translation>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jadi-Lagi</translation>
@@ -9195,7 +9234,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Auto Save</source>
-        <translation>Simpan otomatis</translation>
+        <translation>Simpan Otomatis</translation>
@@ -9207,7 +9246,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya</translation>
         <source>Icon size:</source>
@@ -9255,7 +9294,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Color notes outside of usable pitch range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Warnai not di luar rentang nada yang dipakai</translation>
         <source>16th note</source>
@@ -9271,7 +9310,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skor</translation>
@@ -9283,11 +9322,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Default Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas Asal</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya:</translation>
@@ -9391,11 +9430,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor</translation>
         <source>Style Used for Import</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya yang dipakai untuk diimpor</translation>
         <source>Built in style</source>
@@ -9403,7 +9442,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Use style file:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gunakan berkas gaya:</translation>
@@ -9411,11 +9450,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor set karakter Overture:</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor set karakter GuitarPro:</translation>
@@ -9423,11 +9462,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Import layout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor tata letak</translation>
         <source>Import system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor sistem dan pecahan halaman</translation>
@@ -9455,7 +9494,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor</translation>
@@ -9475,19 +9514,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Export layout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor tata letak</translation>
         <source>Export all system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor semua sistem dan pecahan halaman</translation>
         <source>Export manually added system and page breaks only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor sistem dan pecahan halaman yang ditambah secara manual saja</translation>
         <source>Do not export system or page breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jangan mengekspor sistem atau pecahan halaman</translation>
@@ -9627,7 +9666,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Character Set Used When Importing Binary Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Set karakter yang digunakan ketika mengimpor berkas biner</translation>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
@@ -9639,7 +9678,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save every:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan setiap:</translation>
         <source>Proximity for selecting elements:</source>
@@ -9647,7 +9686,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Default zoom:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran asal:</translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI:</source>
@@ -9708,11 +9747,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Membuka dialoq berkas untuk memilih skor pembuka</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih jeda (dalam menit) antara simpan otomatis</translation>
         <source>Port number</source>
@@ -9744,7 +9783,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Membuka sebuah dialog pelipat untuk memilih pelipat skor</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
@@ -9824,7 +9863,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert path to background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sisipkan alur ke berkas latar belakang dinding kertas</translation>
         <source>Choose Background wallpaper file</source>
@@ -9976,7 +10015,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Default zoom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran asal</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument list 1</source>
@@ -10088,7 +10127,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Import Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor Tab</translation>
         <source>Build in style</source>
@@ -10100,19 +10139,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor set karakter Overture</translation>
         <source>Choose Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih Impor set karakter Overture</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor set karakter Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Choose Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pilih Impor set karakter Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
@@ -10124,7 +10163,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor Tab</translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI</source>
@@ -10144,7 +10183,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tata-Ulang Jalan-Pintas ke Asal</translation>
@@ -10256,15 +10295,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi masih aktif</translation>
         <source>Undo record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi rekam</translation>
-        <translation>Batalkan</translation>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi</translation>
         <source>Play whole chord when adding note</source>
@@ -10316,7 +10355,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya:</translation>
@@ -10334,6 +10373,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10435,12 +10478,13 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terakhir kali disimpan dengan versi 0.9.5 atau lebih lama.<br>Anda dapat mengkonversikan skor ini dengan membuka dan kemudian menyimpan dengan MuseScore versi 1.x</a></translation>
         <source>This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.<br>
 Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a> to obtain the latest version.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skor ini disimpan menggunakan versi terbaru dari MuseScore.<br>
+Kunjungi <a href="http://musescore.org">situs MuseScore</a> untuk memperoleh versi terbaru.</translation>
         <source>File not found %1</source>
@@ -10629,16 +10673,24 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album into Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Album ke dalam Skor</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Berkas</translation>
@@ -10646,7 +10698,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Simpan Album</translation>
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
@@ -10662,7 +10714,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Import Capella</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Impor Capella</translation>
         <source>Load failed: </source>
@@ -10670,7 +10722,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Import Guitar Pro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Impor Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load MIDI</source>
@@ -10690,7 +10742,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Gagal membuka album</translation>
         <source>Open Album File
@@ -10700,7 +10752,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Buka Berkas Album</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
@@ -10759,11 +10811,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nama Berkas</translation>
         <source>File Size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran Berkas</translation>
@@ -10775,17 +10827,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -10793,7 +10834,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran:</translation>
         <source>Created: </source>
@@ -10913,14 +10954,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>SoundFont Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas SoundFont</translation>
         <source>SFZ Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas SFZ</translation>
@@ -10979,7 +11020,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ubah Properti Paranada/Bagian</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
@@ -11114,7 +11155,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Templat</translation>
         <source>Load Templates</source>
@@ -11148,7 +11189,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Buka sebuah skor...</translation>
@@ -11159,7 +11200,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huruf.</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
@@ -11174,7 +11215,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save to Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan ke Skor</translation>
         <source>Load from Score</source>
@@ -11227,7 +11268,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan ke skor</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
@@ -11239,7 +11280,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beban Metronom</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
@@ -11281,7 +11322,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya:</translation>
@@ -11289,11 +11330,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huruf.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukuran:</translation>
@@ -11463,7 +11504,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jarak antara dua garis pada paranada standar 5 garis</translation>
         <source>Offset in staff space units</source>
@@ -11539,7 +11580,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metronom</translation>
         <source>Measure Number</source>
@@ -11653,7 +11694,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
     <name>Time signature editor</name>
-        <translation>OK</translation>
+        <translation>OKE</translation>
@@ -11885,43 +11926,43 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prim Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekon Kurang</translation>
         <source>Minor Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekon Minor</translation>
         <source>Major Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekon Mayor</translation>
         <source>Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekon Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terts Kurang</translation>
         <source>Minor Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terts Minor</translation>
         <source>Major Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terts Mayor</translation>
         <source>Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Terts Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quart Kurang</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fourth</source>
@@ -11929,11 +11970,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quart Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quin Kurang</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fifth</source>
@@ -11941,43 +11982,43 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quin Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekt Kurang</translation>
         <source>Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekt Minor</translation>
         <source>Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekt Mayor</translation>
         <source>Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sekt Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Septim Kurang</translation>
         <source>Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Septim Minor</translation>
         <source>Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Septim Mayor</translation>
         <source>Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Septim Lebih</translation>
         <source>Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oktaf Kurang</translation>
         <source>Perfect Octave</source>
@@ -11985,7 +12026,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Transpose key signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transposisi Tanda Kunci</translation>
@@ -12085,7 +12126,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>By Interval</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Oleh Jarak Nada</translation>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
@@ -12282,13 +12323,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Workspace File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Menulis Berkas Wilayah Kerja</translation>
         <source>Writing Workspace File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Menulis Berkas Wilayah Kerja
@@ -12536,7 +12579,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Muat skor dari berkas</translation>
@@ -12544,7 +12587,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score to file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan skor ke berkas</translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
@@ -12552,15 +12595,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan skor dengan nama berkas baru</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Pilihan...</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan pilihan aktual sebagai skor baru</translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
@@ -12568,27 +12611,27 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan salinan skor sebagai tambahan dari berkas aktual</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor...</translation>
         <source>Export score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor skor</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in various formats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan salinan skor dalam berbagai format</translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor Bagian...</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan salinan bagian skor dalam berbagai format</translation>
@@ -12620,23 +12663,23 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Batalkan</translation>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi</translation>
         <source>Undo last change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tak-Jadi perubahan terakhir</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jadi-Lagi</translation>
         <source>Redo last undo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jadi-Lagi Tak-Jadi terakhir</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Potong</translation>
@@ -12644,7 +12687,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>Tempel</translation>
+        <translation>Rekat</translation>
@@ -13008,11 +13051,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch up or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada naik atau pindah teks atau artikulasi naik</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada naik diatonis</translation>
         <source>Up Octave</source>
@@ -13020,11 +13063,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch up octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada naik oktaf</translation>
         <source>Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada naik satu oktaf atau pindah teks atau artikulasi naik</translation>
         <source>Up Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13032,7 +13075,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to higher pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Raih not nada tertinggi pada akor</translation>
         <source>Top Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13052,19 +13095,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pitch down or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada turun atau pindah teks atau artikulasi turun</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada turun diatonis</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada turun oktaf</translation>
         <source>Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada turun satu oktaf atau pindah teks atau artikulasi turun</translation>
         <source>Down Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13072,7 +13115,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Go to lower pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Raih not nada terrendah pada akor</translation>
         <source>Bottom Note in Chord</source>
@@ -13524,7 +13567,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI Import Panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel Impor MIDI</translation>
@@ -13540,7 +13583,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran kanvas</translation>
@@ -13568,7 +13611,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teks Paranada</translation>
         <source>Add staff text</source>
@@ -13708,11 +13751,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Style...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Gaya...</translation>
         <source>Save style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan gaya</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
@@ -13768,11 +13811,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nada Konser</translation>
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perlihatkan dalam Nada Konser</translation>
         <source>Repeat last command</source>
@@ -13852,11 +13895,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom In</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesar</translation>
         <source>Zoom Out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perkecil</translation>
         <source>Mirror note head</source>
@@ -13968,11 +14011,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Re-Pitch Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mode ubah kembali nada</translation>
         <source>Replace pitches without changing rhythms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tukar nada tanpa mengganti ritme</translation>
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
@@ -14020,11 +14063,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inspektor</translation>
         <source>Show inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan inspektor</translation>
@@ -14040,15 +14083,15 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Metronom</translation>
         <source>Toggle metronome playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tekan tombol metronom</translation>
         <source>Play metronome during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mainkan metronom selama memainkan ulang</translation>
         <source>Toggle count-in playback</source>
@@ -14268,7 +14311,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Respell Pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eja ulang nada</translation>
         <source>Full Measure Rest</source>
@@ -14380,11 +14423,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Key Signatures...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci...</translation>
         <source>Show key signature palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tampilkan palet tanda kunci</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
@@ -14444,11 +14487,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan Dalam-Jaringan...</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan skor ke MuseScore.com</translation>
@@ -14528,39 +14571,39 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: Open</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Buka</translation>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Simpan</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Simpan Dalam-Jaringan</translation>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Simpan sebagai</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simpan pilihan</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Simpan sebagai salinan</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ekspor bagian</translation>
         <source>File: Close</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Tutup</translation>
         <source>File: New</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Berkas: Baru</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
@@ -14568,7 +14611,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eja ulang nada</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
@@ -14908,7 +14951,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Panel Impor MIDI</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
@@ -14916,7 +14959,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesaran Kanvas</translation>
         <source>Play previous chord</source>
@@ -15048,11 +15091,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perbesar</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perkecil</translation>
         <source>Mirror Note Head</source>
@@ -15464,15 +15507,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor PDF...</translation>
         <source>Import PDF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor PDF</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Impor berkas PDF dengan layanan percobaan di musescore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
@@ -16564,11 +16607,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Klik Metronom</translation>
         <source>Metronome Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bel Metronom</translation>
         <source>Bass Drum 1</source>
@@ -17077,7 +17120,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tanda Kunci</translation>
         <source>Time Signature</source>
@@ -17097,7 +17140,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Teks Paranada</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -17156,10 +17199,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17557,7 +17596,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Arpegio</translation>
@@ -17599,7 +17638,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PARANADA STANDAR</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
@@ -17614,7 +17653,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gaya</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_it.ts b/share/locale/mscore_it.ts
index 892751a..aa956ff 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_it.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_it.ts
@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show first</source>
-        <translation>mostra il primo</translation>
+        <translation>Mostra il primo</translation>
@@ -5559,7 +5559,7 @@ il gruppo irregolare la attraversa</translation>
         <source>Layout stretch:</source>
-        <translation>Allarga impaginazione:</translation>
+        <translation>Larghezza battuta:</translation>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
@@ -5571,7 +5571,7 @@ il gruppo irregolare la attraversa</translation>
-        <translation>Corrente:</translation>
+        <translation>Reale:</translation>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
@@ -6787,7 +6787,7 @@ selezionare una battuta e riprovare</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation>Spartito in Do</translation>
+        <translation>Partitura in Do</translation>
@@ -7198,6 +7198,10 @@ scegli un nome diverso:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Impossibile scrivere in %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Questo spartito non può essere salvato online. Si prega di correggere le battute corrotte e riprovare.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7398,6 +7402,10 @@ scegli un nome diverso:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nuova tavolozza</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Singola tavolozza</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7604,6 +7612,17 @@ Salvare prima di chiudere?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voce: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Durata: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8325,7 +8344,7 @@ scegli un nome diverso:</translation>
-        <translation>Avanzato</translation>
+        <translation>Avanzata</translation>
@@ -9097,7 +9116,7 @@ fallita: </translation>
         <source>Actual tempo</source>
-        <translation>Tempo attuale</translation>
+        <translation>Tempo reale</translation>
@@ -10344,7 +10363,7 @@ fallita: </translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
-        <translation>Barra inserimento note</translation>
+        <translation>Inserimento note</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
@@ -10390,6 +10409,10 @@ fallita: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Controlla la presenza di nuove versioni di MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtro</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10710,6 +10733,14 @@ Visita il <a href="http://musescore.org">sito MuseScore </a&g
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>File corrotto %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Errore di caricamento</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Vuoi provare a caricare questo file comunque?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10859,17 +10890,6 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voce: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Durata: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -11833,7 +11853,7 @@ Vuoi sovrascriverlo?</translation>
         <source>Actual value:</source>
-        <translation>Valore corrente:</translation>
+        <translation>Valore reale:</translation>
@@ -13856,7 +13876,7 @@ fallita: </translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation>Spartito in Do</translation>
+        <translation>Partitura in Do</translation>
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
@@ -17246,10 +17266,6 @@ la battuta non è vuota</translation>
         <translation>Nota Ombra</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Elastico</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Simbolo durata tablatura</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ja.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ja.ts
index 2d04545..2e4f3b6 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ja.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ja.ts
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>符幹無し</translation>
+        <translation>符幹なし</translation>
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show first</source>
-        <translation>最初のページに表示</translation>
+        <translation>最初の小節に表示</translation>
@@ -3328,7 +3328,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>符幹無し</translation>
+        <translation>符幹なし</translation>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
@@ -5602,7 +5602,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation>多重小節休み区切り</translation>
+        <translation>長休符区切り</translation>
@@ -6387,7 +6387,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>符幹無し</translation>
+        <translation>符幹なし</translation>
@@ -7194,6 +7194,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>%1 に書き込むことができません</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7394,6 +7398,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>シングルパレット</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7600,6 +7608,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>声部:%1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; 音価: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10385,6 +10404,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>フィルタ</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10706,6 +10729,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>ファイル破損 %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10855,17 +10886,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>声部:%1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; 音価: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -12326,7 +12346,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>定義</translation>
+        <translation>ユーザコメント</translation>
@@ -13096,7 +13116,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Diatonic pitch up</source>
-        <translation>全音単位で上へ</translation>
+        <translation>ダイアトニックに従って音高を上へ</translation>
         <source>Up Octave</source>
@@ -13140,7 +13160,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation>全音単位で下へ</translation>
+        <translation>ダイアトニックに従って音高を下へ</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
@@ -13332,7 +13352,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert Measures...</source>
-        <translation>小節挿入...</translation>
+        <translation>小節挿入(2小節以上)...</translation>
         <source>Insert measures</source>
@@ -13404,7 +13424,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation>ロンガ</translation>
+        <translation>四倍全音符</translation>
         <source>Double whole note</source>
@@ -14196,7 +14216,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>ロンガ(TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>四倍全音符(TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 16th (TAB)</source>
@@ -14600,7 +14620,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation>プラグイン マネージャー...</translation>
+        <translation>プラグイン マネージャ...</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
@@ -14820,7 +14840,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation>音価: ロンガ</translation>
+        <translation>音価: 四倍全音符</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
@@ -14828,7 +14848,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole</source>
-        <translation>音価: 2全音符</translation>
+        <translation>音価: 倍全音符</translation>
         <source>Whole Note</source>
@@ -15296,7 +15316,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>音価: ロンガ(TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>音価: 四倍全音符(TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
@@ -17242,10 +17262,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>輪ゴム</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ka.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ka.ts
index e34ac4d..eca5908 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ka.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ka.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ko.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ko.ts
index ec66fce..fd2b399 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ko.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ko.ts
@@ -386,19 +386,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>도</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ë ˆ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>파</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>라</translation>
@@ -2990,11 +2990,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>도</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ë ˆ</translation>
@@ -3002,15 +3002,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>파</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>솔</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>라</translation>
@@ -5356,7 +5356,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>꾸밈음</translation>
@@ -5396,7 +5396,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>셈여림</translation>
@@ -7119,7 +7119,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>매뉴얼</translation>
@@ -7169,6 +7169,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7369,6 +7373,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7439,7 +7447,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>매뉴얼</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -7574,6 +7582,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8573,7 +8592,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>셈여림</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
@@ -8617,7 +8636,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>꾸밈음</translation>
@@ -9118,7 +9137,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>매뉴얼</translation>
@@ -10339,6 +10358,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10634,6 +10657,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10780,17 +10811,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -11532,7 +11552,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>셈여림</translation>
@@ -16565,7 +16585,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>스틱</translation>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
@@ -16581,7 +16601,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Acoustic Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>어쿠스틱 스네어</translation>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
@@ -16637,7 +16657,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>카우벨</translation>
@@ -17161,10 +17181,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17194,7 +17210,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Measure List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>마디 목록</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
@@ -17284,7 +17300,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>이미지</translation>
@@ -17434,19 +17450,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>도</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ë ˆ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>파</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>라</translation>
@@ -17454,7 +17470,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>솔</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
@@ -17465,7 +17481,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>플러그인</translation>
@@ -17510,7 +17526,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>셈여림</translation>
@@ -17550,7 +17566,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>꾸밈음</translation>
         <source>Pedal Lines</source>
@@ -17597,7 +17613,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>사운드폰트</translation>
@@ -17626,7 +17642,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>템플릿</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_lt.ts b/share/locale/mscore_lt.ts
index c2d2070..e1789ba 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_lt.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_lt.ts
@@ -7171,6 +7171,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7371,6 +7375,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7576,6 +7584,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10341,6 +10360,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10641,6 +10664,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10787,17 +10818,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17168,10 +17188,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_lv.ts b/share/locale/mscore_lv.ts
index c857e8f..5e15cab 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_lv.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_lv.ts
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ielādēšana</translation>
@@ -413,11 +413,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nosaukums:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ielādēšana</translation>
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -2546,7 +2546,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Instruments:</translation>
@@ -2677,7 +2677,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
@@ -2688,11 +2688,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
         <source>Insert empty measures</source>
@@ -2750,7 +2750,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
@@ -2770,7 +2770,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D</translation>
@@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E</translation>
@@ -2810,7 +2810,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F</translation>
@@ -2830,7 +2830,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G</translation>
@@ -2850,7 +2850,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A</translation>
@@ -2870,7 +2870,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B</translation>
@@ -2894,7 +2894,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -2990,11 +2990,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re</translation>
@@ -3002,7 +3002,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa</translation>
@@ -3010,11 +3010,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
@@ -3061,7 +3061,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -3073,11 +3073,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Virs nošu raksta</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zem nošu raksta</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -3191,7 +3191,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -3301,7 +3301,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -4041,7 +4041,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -4536,7 +4536,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Auto</translation>
@@ -4655,7 +4655,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volta</translation>
@@ -4722,15 +4722,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
         <source>Instrument wizard</source>
@@ -4761,7 +4761,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ielādēšana</translation>
@@ -4769,11 +4769,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
@@ -4910,19 +4910,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -5038,7 +5038,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Apraksts</translation>
@@ -5203,15 +5203,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -5475,7 +5475,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Staff</translation>
@@ -5507,15 +5507,15 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -5602,11 +5602,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
         <source>Append empty measures</source>
@@ -5906,7 +5906,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augstums:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
@@ -5970,11 +5970,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Virs nošu raksta</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zem nošu raksta</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -6422,7 +6422,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Save changes to the score "%1"
@@ -7169,6 +7169,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7369,6 +7373,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7431,7 +7439,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore</translation>
@@ -7574,6 +7582,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7672,7 +7691,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nošu raksts %1</translation>
@@ -7790,7 +7809,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mainīt instrumentu...</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
@@ -8291,7 +8310,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
@@ -8538,11 +8557,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
         <source>Two sided</source>
@@ -8802,7 +8821,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nosaukums:</translation>
@@ -8837,7 +8856,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nosaukums:</translation>
@@ -8998,7 +9017,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Augstums:</translation>
@@ -9161,7 +9180,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nosaukums:</translation>
@@ -10339,6 +10358,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10360,7 +10383,7 @@ Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore</translation>
         <source>No note or figured bass selected:
@@ -10638,6 +10661,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Fails bojāts %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10784,17 +10815,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -10810,7 +10830,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nosaukums:</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -10961,7 +10981,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Atcelt</translation>
         <source>Enter Shortcut Sequence</source>
@@ -10977,7 +10997,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>New shortcut</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Jauna saīsne</translation>
         <source>Type to set shortcut</source>
@@ -10988,7 +11008,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: labot nošu raksta/daļas rekvizītus</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
@@ -11022,19 +11042,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -11046,7 +11066,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Apraksts</translation>
         <source>Actions for selected channel:</source>
@@ -11058,7 +11078,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>III</translation>
@@ -11080,7 +11100,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI darbība</translation>
@@ -11168,7 +11188,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fonts:</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
@@ -11298,7 +11318,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fonts:</translation>
@@ -11592,7 +11612,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volta</translation>
@@ -11662,7 +11682,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
     <name>Time signature editor</name>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Skaidrs</translation>
@@ -11681,15 +11701,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -11771,15 +11791,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
@@ -12403,7 +12423,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
@@ -12805,7 +12825,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A</translation>
         <source>Enter note A</source>
@@ -12813,7 +12833,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B</translation>
         <source>Enter note B</source>
@@ -12821,7 +12841,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
         <source>Enter note C</source>
@@ -12829,7 +12849,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D</translation>
         <source>Enter note D</source>
@@ -12837,7 +12857,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E</translation>
         <source>Enter note E</source>
@@ -12845,7 +12865,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F</translation>
         <source>Enter note F</source>
@@ -12853,7 +12873,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G</translation>
         <source>Enter note G</source>
@@ -13457,7 +13477,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>1</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
@@ -13465,7 +13485,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
@@ -13473,7 +13493,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
@@ -13481,7 +13501,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4</translation>
         <source>Voice 4</source>
@@ -15492,7 +15512,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Cannot rewrite measures:
@@ -15764,7 +15784,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
@@ -15772,43 +15792,43 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B</translation>
@@ -16788,7 +16808,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
@@ -16796,7 +16816,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D</translation>
@@ -16804,19 +16824,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G</translation>
@@ -16824,7 +16844,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A</translation>
@@ -16832,14 +16852,14 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
@@ -16847,7 +16867,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D</translation>
@@ -16855,19 +16875,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>E</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F#</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G</translation>
@@ -16875,7 +16895,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>A</translation>
@@ -16883,7 +16903,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>B</translation>
@@ -16994,7 +17014,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volta</translation>
@@ -17165,10 +17185,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17438,23 +17454,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Do</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>La</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Si</translation>
@@ -17608,7 +17624,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>STANDARTA NOÅ U RAKSTS</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
@@ -17708,7 +17724,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>C</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_mn_MN.ts b/share/locale/mscore_mn_MN.ts
index 987aca3..bdf5711 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_mn_MN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_mn_MN.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         <source>About MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore-ийн талаар</translation>
         <source>Copy revision number</source>
@@ -48,31 +48,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Айзимут</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өргөн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тусгал</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Чих</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Удаашруулах</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хугацаа</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Чиг</translation>
@@ -92,22 +92,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Байрлал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Album Manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Цомгийг эмхлэх</translation>
         <source>Add Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугам нэмэх</translation>
         <source>Remove Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугам арилгах</translation>
@@ -127,46 +127,46 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Print Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цомгийг хэвлэх</translation>
         <source>Join Scores</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамыг нэгтгэх</translation>
         <source>Album name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цомгийн нэр:</translation>
         <source>Move current score down in list</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Энэ нотнуудыг жагсаалтанд доошлуулах</translation>
         <source>Move current score up in list</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Энэ нотнуудыг жагсаалтанд нь дээшлүүлэх</translation>
         <source>Album name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цомгийн нэр</translation>
         <source>Remove current score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>энэ нотыг арилга</translation>
         <source>Create new album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ цомог үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Load an existing album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цомгийг дуудах</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Articulations Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Articulations Properties</translation>
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тээг:</translation>
@@ -198,34 +198,34 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI үйлдэл</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын өмнө</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэрийн шугамын дараа</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Автомат аккорд</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>өмнөх аккорд</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>дараах аккорд</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Select Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Өнгө сонгох</translation>
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bend Properties</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
@@ -278,31 +278,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Add/Remove Line Breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:Мөрийн хуваалтыг арилгах, нэмэх</translation>
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Мөр бүрийг хуваах</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээсийн тоо</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хэмжээсүүд</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>систем бүрийн төгсгөлд таслагч шугам нэмэх</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>таслагч шугамыг арилгах</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Х хэмжээсс бүрт шугамаар таслах</translation>
@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Tab 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Таб 1</translation>
         <source>Tab 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Таб 2</translation>
         <source>Save As</source>
@@ -336,30 +336,30 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ID</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Энгийн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөндлөн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Очир алмаз</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвалжин</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ми</translation>
@@ -371,23 +371,23 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>До</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ре</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фө</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ля</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Си</translation>
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үгүй</translation>
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Note head:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотны толгой</translation>
@@ -533,70 +533,70 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өнгө шилжүүлэх:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугам:</translation>
         <source>Short name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Товч нэр:</translation>
         <source>MIDI program:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI програм:</translation>
         <source>Note Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот идвэхжүүлэх</translation>
         <source>Select Note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотыг сонгох:</translation>
         <source>Octave 8</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 8</translation>
         <source>Octave 7</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 7</translation>
         <source>Octave 6</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 6</translation>
         <source>Octave 5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 5</translation>
         <source>Octave 4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 4</translation>
         <source>Octave 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 3</translation>
         <source>Octave 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 2</translation>
         <source>Octave 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 1</translation>
         <source>Octave 0</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав 0</translation>
         <source>Octave -1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Октав -1</translation>
@@ -1143,26 +1143,26 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Торлоосыг засах</translation>
         <source>Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Торлоосыг засах</translation>
         <source>Horizontal grid:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөндлөн шугам:</translation>
         <source>Vertical  grid:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Босоо шугам:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Засварлах Staff/Part Properties</translation>
         <source>Part Properties</source>
@@ -1298,15 +1298,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын хэлбэр</translation>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын тохиргоо</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>нуугдмал дэвсгэр шугамууд</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Жижиг дэвсгэр шугам</translation>
@@ -1314,19 +1314,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын өнгө:</translation>
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэсгийн нэр:</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зэмсгийн бүтэн нэр:</translation>
         <source>Short instrument name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зэмсгийн товч нэр:</translation>
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>+ Octave:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>+ Октав:</translation>
@@ -1350,31 +1350,31 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Стринг өгөдлийг засахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хугацааны хэмжээсийг харуулах</translation>
         <source>Style group:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Стилийн бүлэг:</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тактийг харуулах</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүр харуулах</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд:</translation>
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамын алслалт:</translation>
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
@@ -1382,15 +1382,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Never hide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Харагдуулахгүй</translation>
         <source>Do not hide if system is empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэрэв систем хоосон бол нуухгүй</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Багасгах</translation>
@@ -1398,22 +1398,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Advanced Style Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үндсэн стилийн тохируулахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Системийн тактууд нуух</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff Type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Дэвсгэр шугамын хэлбэрийг засах</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд:</translation>
@@ -1437,11 +1437,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фонт:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээ:</translation>
@@ -1449,43 +1449,43 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэмдэглэгээнүүд:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тоонууд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үсэгнүүд</translation>
         <source>Marks are drawn:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дараахыг тэмдэглэх:</translation>
         <source>Lines are:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд:</translation>
-        <translation>Үргэлжлүүл</translation>
+        <translation>Үргэлжлүүлэн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Эвдэрсэн</translation>
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотны утгууд</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Харуулахдаа:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үгүй</translation>
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
@@ -1509,15 +1509,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Дараа</translation>
+        <translation>Өмнө</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дараа</translation>
         <source>Half notes:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хагас нот</translation>
         <source>As short stem</source>
@@ -1533,27 +1533,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Line distance:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамын алслалт:</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүрийг харуул</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээг харуул</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тактийн шугамыг харуул</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Босоо чиг</translation>
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам дээр</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
@@ -1569,15 +1569,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show rests</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зогсоцийг харуул</translation>
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Загварт нэм</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Загвар:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
@@ -1597,15 +1597,15 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Давт:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үгүй</translation>
         <source>At new system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ системд</translation>
         <source>At new meas.</source>
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дандаа</translation>
@@ -1644,7 +1644,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нээх</translation>
@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Толгой, хөл, дугаарууд</translation>
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүрүүд</translation>
@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Pedal, Trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Педал, трил</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
@@ -1787,19 +1787,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дууны үгийг гаргах дээд зах:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дууны үгийг харуулах доод зах:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame top margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Босоо хүрээний дээд зах:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Босоо хүрээний доод зах:</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy clefs</source>
@@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lyrics line height:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дууны үгний мөрийн өндөр:</translation>
         <source>Max. system distance:</source>
@@ -1831,11 +1831,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show first</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Эхнийхийг харуул</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэгш, Сондгой</translation>
@@ -1843,19 +1843,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дунд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Баруун</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэгш</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сондгой</translation>
         <source>All staves</source>
@@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Every system</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Систем бүрт</translation>
         <source>System bracket distance:</source>
@@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өөрийнхөөрөө</translation>
         <source>Load chords.xml</source>
@@ -2111,7 +2111,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Герман</translation>
@@ -2131,11 +2131,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фонт:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээ:</translation>
@@ -2175,11 +2175,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Орчин үеийн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түүхэн</translation>
@@ -2236,7 +2236,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Аккордын тэмдэгтүүд</translation>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
@@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
@@ -2696,7 +2696,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Жижиг</translation>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
@@ -2708,7 +2708,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -2879,19 +2879,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүтэн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хагас</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрөвний нэг</translation>
@@ -2951,19 +2951,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Энгийн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөндлөн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Очир алмаз</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвалжин</translation>
@@ -2975,31 +2975,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>До</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ре</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ми</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фа</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ля</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Си</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
@@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
@@ -3019,7 +3019,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[Тодорхойгүй]</translation>
@@ -3038,15 +3038,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зангуу</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Автомат аккорд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -3058,19 +3058,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын өмнө</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэрийн шугамын дараа</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>өмнөх аккорд</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>дараах аккорд</translation>
         <source>Time stretch</source>
@@ -3125,7 +3125,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -3165,7 +3165,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Байрлал</translation>
@@ -3236,7 +3236,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Баруун</translation>
         <source>Grow right</source>
@@ -3260,7 +3260,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>User position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэрэглэгчийн байрлал</translation>
@@ -3286,7 +3286,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -3311,7 +3311,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Жижиг</translation>
@@ -3347,14 +3347,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүр</translation>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
@@ -3370,7 +3370,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -3413,7 +3413,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
@@ -3445,7 +3445,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нуугдмал</translation>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
@@ -3487,11 +3487,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Багасгах</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -3514,7 +3514,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
         <source>Glissando Inspector</source>
@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өргөн</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
@@ -3593,7 +3593,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Right gap</source>
@@ -3624,7 +3624,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
@@ -3692,7 +3692,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
@@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Багасгах</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
@@ -3727,7 +3727,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өргөн</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
@@ -3817,7 +3817,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Байрлал</translation>
@@ -3852,7 +3852,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өргөн</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам</translation>
@@ -3900,7 +3900,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
@@ -3999,7 +3999,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өөрийнхөөрөө</translation>
@@ -4010,7 +4010,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тоглуулах</translation>
@@ -4026,7 +4026,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -4038,15 +4038,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүтэн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хагас</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрөвний нэг</translation>
@@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Баруун</translation>
         <source>Small </source>
@@ -4114,7 +4114,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Жижиг</translation>
         <source>Reset Head group value</source>
@@ -4134,7 +4134,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Dot position value</source>
@@ -4142,7 +4142,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам</translation>
         <source>Fix to line</source>
@@ -4165,7 +4165,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
@@ -4213,7 +4213,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4221,7 +4221,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дараа</translation>
         <source>Reset Numbers only value</source>
@@ -4236,7 +4236,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Жижиг</translation>
         <source>Rest Inspector</source>
@@ -4248,7 +4248,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4284,7 +4284,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4311,7 +4311,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4358,7 +4358,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
         <source>Follow text</source>
@@ -4378,7 +4378,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Follow text value</source>
@@ -4405,7 +4405,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
@@ -4443,7 +4443,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4454,7 +4454,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
         <source>Trill Inspector</source>
@@ -4486,7 +4486,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4513,7 +4513,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хаалт</translation>
@@ -4521,7 +4521,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Авто</translation>
@@ -4541,7 +4541,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Reset Number type value</source>
@@ -4585,7 +4585,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
         <source>Right margin</source>
@@ -4644,7 +4644,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нээх</translation>
@@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
         <source>Volta Inspector</source>
@@ -4664,7 +4664,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Утга шинэчилэх</translation>
@@ -4809,19 +4809,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нуугдмал</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүр</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Холбоотой</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэрийн шугамын төрөл</translation>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
@@ -5042,7 +5042,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дараа</translation>
@@ -5104,7 +5104,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
     <name>MIDI import operations</name>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрөвний нэг</translation>
@@ -5323,7 +5323,7 @@ chord symbols</source>
         <source>Save as MP3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MP3 болгон хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library.  You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore.
@@ -5345,7 +5345,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүрүүд</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
@@ -5361,11 +5361,11 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд</translation>
         <source>Breaths & Pauses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зогсоц </translation>
@@ -5397,7 +5397,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -5413,7 +5413,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэмдэгтүүд</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
@@ -5464,7 +5464,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нуугдмал</translation>
@@ -5720,14 +5720,14 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Not found </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Байхгүй байна</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Add Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Нот нэмэх</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Album</source>
@@ -5757,7 +5757,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>энгийн</translation>
@@ -5790,11 +5790,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвал</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрвөл</translation>
@@ -5852,30 +5852,30 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Drum Tools</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бөмбөрийн хэрэглүүр</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бөмбөрийг засварлах</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бөмбөрүүд</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэрэгслүүд 1</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэрэгсэл 3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Заагч:</translation>
@@ -5887,7 +5887,7 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хэрэглэгч</translation>
@@ -5906,15 +5906,15 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Open File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Файл нээх</translation>
         <source>Write File failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хадгалах боломжгүй болсон:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Drumset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Багц бөмбөр</translation>
         <source>Open File
@@ -5927,7 +5927,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>The instrument name is invalid.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөгжмийн зэмсгийн нэр буруу.</translation>
@@ -5935,7 +5935,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <comment>string data</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нээх</translation>
@@ -5947,71 +5947,71 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэмдэг</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зангуу</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын өмнө</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэрийн шугамын дараа</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Автомат аккорд</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>өмнөх аккорд</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>дараах аккорд</translation>
         <source>Special symbols in header/footer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хөл/толгойн хэсгийн тусгай тэмдэгт</translation>
         <source>page number, except on first page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>эхний хуудас дугаарлах</translation>
         <source>page number, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>бүх хуудас дугаарлах</translation>
         <source>number of pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хуудасны тоо</translation>
         <source>file name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>файлын нэр</translation>
         <source>file path+name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>файл хадгалах зам</translation>
         <source>current date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>өнөөдрийн огноо</translation>
         <source>creation date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>огноо үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зохиогчийн эрхийг эхний хуудаст</translation>
         <source>copyright, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>зохиогчийн эрхийг бүх хуудаст</translation>
         <source>the $ sign itself</source>
@@ -6027,7 +6027,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүх хэсэгт хэрэглэх</translation>
         <source>last modification time</source>
@@ -6039,7 +6039,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>нэгээс олон хуудастай бол хуудас дугаарлах</translation>
@@ -6070,7 +6070,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өөрийнхөөрөө</translation>
@@ -6088,7 +6088,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Search for: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хайх утга:</translation>
@@ -6113,34 +6113,34 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сонго</translation>
-        <translation>Нотнууд</translation>
+        <translation>Нотууд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зогсоцууд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сонго</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цэг1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цэг2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Цэг3</translation>
@@ -6163,7 +6163,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сонго</translation>
@@ -6174,23 +6174,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Instrument List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Хөгжмийн зэмсгийн жагсаалтыг хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Write Style failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Стилийг бичих боломжгүй</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Стилийг бичих</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Instrument List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Хөгжмийн зэмсгийн жагсаалтыг дуудах</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open Instruments File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Хөгжмийн зэмсгийн файл нээх</translation>
         <source>Open Instruments File
@@ -6200,7 +6200,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>MuseScore Instruments (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore хөгжмийн зэмсгүүд</translation>
@@ -6215,33 +6215,33 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүр</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэрийн шугамын төрөл</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нуугдмал</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Холбоотой</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Түлхүүр тэмдэгүүд</translation>
         <source>%1: Custom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1: Өөрийнхөөр</translation>
@@ -6340,7 +6340,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Томсгох, багасгах</translation>
@@ -6452,11 +6452,11 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Нотны дэвтэрээ хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Файл хадгал</translation>
@@ -6468,7 +6468,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Стилийг хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Style File (*.mss)</source>
@@ -6492,7 +6492,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Зураг хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Palette</source>
@@ -6500,7 +6500,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Palette хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Palette (*.mpal)</source>
@@ -6512,7 +6512,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Нэмэлтээр хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
@@ -6524,7 +6524,7 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Drumset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Бөмбөрүүд хадгал</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm)</source>
@@ -6560,15 +6560,15 @@ before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Export</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Экпортлох</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хадгалахдаа..</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Export Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэсгийг экспортлох</translation>
         <source>"%1" already exists.
@@ -6578,19 +6578,19 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Солих</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Алгасах</translation>
         <source>Replace All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүгдийг солих</translation>
         <source>Skip All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүгдийг алгасах</translation>
         <source>Parts were successfully exported</source>
@@ -6598,35 +6598,35 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>MuseScore: Save a Copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хувилан хадгалах</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Идвэхжүүлсэнийг хадгалах</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Идвэхтэйг хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зургууд (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;All (*)</translation>
         <source>Repeat measure sign</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээсийн тэмдгийг давтах</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>мөрийг таслах</translation>
         <source>Page break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хуудас таслах</translation>
         <source>Section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хэсгийг таслах</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
@@ -6638,15 +6638,15 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хурууны дугаарлалт  %1</translation>
         <source>String number %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Мөрийн дугуур  %1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хаалт</translation>
@@ -6654,11 +6654,11 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Квадрат</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам</translation>
@@ -6678,19 +6678,19 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсэр шугамын техст</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Системийн техст</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөгжмийн зэмсгүүд</translation>
         <source>4/4 common time</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4/4 нийтлэг хэмжээ</translation>
         <source>2/2 alla breve</source>
@@ -6698,23 +6698,23 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Нэмэх</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Хэмжээсүүд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хүрээнүүд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation> Техстүүд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
@@ -6727,23 +6727,23 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>audio track</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>аудио бичлэг</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файлын үйлдлүүд</translation>
         <source>Transport Tools</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дамжуулах хэрэгсэл</translation>
         <source>Page View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хуудсаар харах</translation>
         <source>Continuous View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үргэлжлүүлэн харах</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
@@ -6751,43 +6751,43 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Файл</translation>
         <source>Open &Recent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сүүлд нээсэн &файлууд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Засах</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Хэмжүүрүүд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Хоолойнууд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ажлын &талбар</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Тохиргоо</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Харах</translation>
         <source>Add N&ote</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот &нэмэх</translation>
         <source>Add &Interval</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Интервэл &нэмэх</translation>
@@ -6803,19 +6803,19 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Н&эмэгдлүүд</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Зөвлөмж</translation>
         <source>&Online Handbook</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Онлайн &гарын авлага</translation>
         <source>Check for &Update</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нэмэлтийг &шалга</translation>
         <source>The previous session quit unexpectedly.
@@ -6841,11 +6841,11 @@ Restore session?</source>
         <source>Undo Changes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>өөрчлөлтийг буцаах</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ажлын талбарын нэрийг унших</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -6920,27 +6920,27 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ..</translation>
         <source>Clear Recent Files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Саяхны файлуудыг арилгах</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүх зөвшөөрөгдсөн файлууд (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зөвшөөрөгдсөн бүх файлууд (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Томсгох/Багасгах</translation>
         <source>View Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Харах горим</translation>
@@ -6956,7 +6956,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэмдэгтүүд</translation>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short</source>
@@ -6984,15 +6984,15 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Tempo text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>темпийн техст</translation>
         <source>Staff text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>дэвсгэрийн шугамын техст</translation>
         <source>System text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>системийн техст</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal mark</source>
@@ -7000,7 +7000,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Instrument change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>хөгжмийн зэмсгийг солих</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
@@ -7012,11 +7012,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсгэр шугамын  төрлийг солих</translation>
         <source>Change instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөгжмийн зэмсгийг солих</translation>
         <source>Fretboard diagram</source>
@@ -7036,7 +7036,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Workspace name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ажлын талбарын нэр:</translation>
@@ -7044,35 +7044,35 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Guitar Pro (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гитар про (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Styles (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore стилүүд (*.mss)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore нэмэлт (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset (*.drm)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore бөмбөр (*.drm)</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Баруун гарын гитар дугаарлалт %1</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зүүн гарын гитар дугаарлалт %1</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зөвшөөрөгдсөн файлууд (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Өөрчлөх боломжтой графих (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Хэрэгслүүд</translation>
         <source>No score</source>
@@ -7080,15 +7080,15 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Засах горим</translation>
         <source>Text edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Техст засах горим</translation>
         <source>Lyrics edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дууны үг засах горим</translation>
         <source>Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode</source>
@@ -7096,7 +7096,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тоглуулах</translation>
         <source>Score locked</source>
@@ -7108,11 +7108,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тухай</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Програмын тухай</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
@@ -7120,19 +7120,19 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зургийн нэршил</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот оруулах</translation>
         <source>Note input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот оруулах горим</translation>
         <source>Drum input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бөмбөр оруулах горим</translation>
         <source>TAB input mode</source>
@@ -7140,11 +7140,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зураг оруулах горим</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>файлын төрлийг тодорхойлж чадсангүй</translation>
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7185,51 +7189,51 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ хуудас үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>This wizard creates a new score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинээр нотны дэвтэр үүсгэнэ</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ нотны дэвтэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Define a set of instruments. Each instrument is represented by one or more staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөгжмийн зэмсгүүдийг тодорхойлно. Хөгжмийн зэмсэг бүрт дэвсгэр шугам байх болно.</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ дэвсгэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Create Time Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ хэмжээ оруул</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ дэвсгэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Select Template File:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Загвар файл сонгох:</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ дэвсгэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Select Key Signature and Tempo:</source>
@@ -7241,7 +7245,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -7249,7 +7253,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>нэг минутын веат</translation>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7408,7 +7416,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файлын үйлдлүүд</translation>
         <source>Edit Operations</source>
@@ -7437,11 +7445,11 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Нэмэлт хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>файлын төрлийг тодорхойлж чадсангүй</translation>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7579,7 +7598,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File failed: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Файл хадгалах боломжгүй: %1</translation>
         <source>Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed:
@@ -7668,7 +7687,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ нотны дэвтэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
@@ -7703,7 +7722,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хадгалахдаа..</translation>
@@ -7783,7 +7802,7 @@ failed: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сонго</translation>
@@ -7901,19 +7920,19 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зургийн нэршил</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>(Хэвлэх горим)-оор хадгалахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>(Screenshot горим)-оор хадгалахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>файлын төрлийг тодорхойлж чадсангүй</translation>
         <source>No destination to paste</source>
@@ -7995,7 +8014,7 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>энгийн</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: System Text Properties</source>
@@ -8107,7 +8126,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүх хэсэгт хэрэглэх</translation>
         <source>Text style name:</source>
@@ -8539,7 +8558,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүх хэсэгт хэрэглэх</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
@@ -8598,7 +8617,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүрүүд</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
@@ -8606,7 +8625,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугамууд</translation>
@@ -8662,11 +8681,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -8865,7 +8884,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Чих</translation>
@@ -8951,7 +8970,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Toolbar 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэрэгслүүд 1</translation>
@@ -8967,7 +8986,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Заагч:</translation>
@@ -9040,7 +9059,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <extracomment>short text for tempo slider</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -9095,7 +9114,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нээх</translation>
@@ -9425,7 +9444,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрөвний нэг</translation>
@@ -9585,7 +9604,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тоглуулах</translation>
@@ -10278,7 +10297,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот оруулах</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10476,11 +10499,11 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>энгийн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өөрийнхөөрөө</translation>
@@ -10492,15 +10515,15 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бүтэн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хагас</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрөвний нэг</translation>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10628,7 +10659,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Файл хадгалах</translation>
@@ -10636,7 +10667,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Цомог хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
@@ -10741,7 +10772,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Tab 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Таб 1</translation>
@@ -10761,18 +10792,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Tab 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Таб 2</translation>
@@ -10783,7 +10803,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээ:</translation>
         <source>Created: </source>
@@ -10833,7 +10853,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Сонго</translation>
         <source>Element type:</source>
@@ -10938,7 +10958,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Солих</translation>
@@ -10969,7 +10989,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Засварлах Staff/Part Properties</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
@@ -11061,7 +11081,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI үйлдэл</translation>
@@ -11104,7 +11124,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Загвар хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Load Templates</source>
@@ -11119,7 +11139,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ нотны дэвтэр үүсгэх</translation>
         <source>Load Score</source>
@@ -11149,7 +11169,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фонт:</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
@@ -11164,7 +11184,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save to Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотоор хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Load from Score</source>
@@ -11217,7 +11237,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотоор хадгалахдаа</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
@@ -11279,11 +11299,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фонт:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хэмжээ:</translation>
@@ -11525,7 +11545,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -11650,7 +11670,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Create Time Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ хэмжээ оруул</translation>
@@ -12171,7 +12191,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Төрөл</translation>
@@ -12187,7 +12207,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хаалт</translation>
@@ -12399,7 +12419,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үгүй</translation>
@@ -12522,7 +12542,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нээх...</translation>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
@@ -12534,11 +12554,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score to file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нотыг файлруу хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хадгалахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
@@ -12546,15 +12566,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Идвэхжүүлснийг хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Идвэхжүүлсэн хэсгийг шинэ нот болгон хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хувилан хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
@@ -12590,7 +12610,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шинэ..</translation>
         <source>Create new score</source>
@@ -12646,7 +12666,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Note Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нот оруулах</translation>
         <source>Unison Above</source>
@@ -13274,11 +13294,11 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвал</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дөрвөл</translation>
@@ -13550,7 +13570,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>System Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Системийн техст</translation>
         <source>Add system text</source>
@@ -13558,7 +13578,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсэр шугамын техст</translation>
         <source>Add staff text</source>
@@ -13622,7 +13642,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тоглуулах</translation>
         <source>Player play</source>
@@ -13698,11 +13718,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Style...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Стилийг хадгалахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Save style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Стил хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
@@ -14434,11 +14454,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Онлайнд хадгалахдаа...</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore.com-д нотоо хадгалах</translation>
@@ -14522,23 +14542,23 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файл: Хадгалах</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файл: Онлайнд хадгалах</translation>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файл: Хадгалахдаа</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Идвэхжүүлснийг хадгалах</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Файл: Хувилан хадгалах</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
@@ -16875,7 +16895,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тэмдэг</translation>
@@ -16883,11 +16903,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Шугам</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хаалт</translation>
@@ -16907,7 +16927,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Түлхүүр</translation>
@@ -16967,7 +16987,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Темп</translation>
@@ -17087,7 +17107,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Дэвсэр шугамын техст</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17380,7 +17396,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Өөрийнхөөрөө</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
@@ -17391,23 +17407,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Энгийн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Хөндлөн</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Очир алмаз</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гурвалжин</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ми</translation>
@@ -17419,27 +17435,27 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>До</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ре</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Фө</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ля</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Си</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль</translation>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
@@ -17457,7 +17473,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Үгүй</translation>
         <source>Every Day</source>
@@ -17507,7 +17523,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Аккордын тэмдэгтүүд</translation>
         <source>Other Text</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_nb.ts b/share/locale/mscore_nb.ts
index 280a1f9..aa84897 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_nb.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_nb.ts
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ vennligst velg et annet navn:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Kan ikke skrive til %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7396,6 +7400,10 @@ vennligst velg et annet navn:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Ny palett</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Lagre endringene?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Stemme: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Varighet: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10388,6 +10407,10 @@ feilet: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Sjekk etter ny versjon av MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10731,14 @@ Besøk <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScores nettside</a&
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Fil korrupt  %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Vil du overskrive den?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Stemme: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Varighet: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17243,10 +17263,6 @@ Takten er ikke tom</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Strikk</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_nl.ts b/share/locale/mscore_nl.ts
index 6a55a7e..774f4b7 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_nl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_nl.ts
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>The MusicXML Public License:</source>
-        <translation>De MusicXML Openbare Licentie:</translation>
+        <translation>De openbare licentie van MusicXML:</translation>
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Articulations Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Articulatieeigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Articulatie-eigenschappen</translation>
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk drumset</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Drumset bewerken</translation>
@@ -524,11 +524,11 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk instrument eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk instrument-eigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>Instrument eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument-eigenschappen</translation>
@@ -560,18 +560,18 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MIDI program:</source>
-        <translation>MIDI programma:</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-programma:</translation>
         <source>Note Selection</source>
-        <translation>Noot selectie</translation>
+        <translation>Nootselectie</translation>
         <source>Select Note:</source>
-        <translation>Selecteer noot:</translation>
+        <translation>Noot selecteren:</translation>
         <source>Octave 8</source>
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk raster</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Raster bewerken</translation>
         <source>Edit Grid</source>
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Horizontal grid:</source>
-        <translation>Horizontaal raster</translation>
+        <translation>Horizontaal raster:</translation>
         <source>Vertical  grid:</source>
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation>Naam partij</translation>
+        <translation>Partijnaam:</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig snaar data...</translation>
+        <translation>Wijzig snaargegevens...</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Stem position:</source>
-        <translation>Stok positie</translation>
+        <translation>Stokpositie:</translation>
@@ -1552,19 +1552,19 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation>Toon sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Sleutel tonen</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation>Toon maatsoort</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoort tonen</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation>Toon maatstrepen</translation>
+        <translation>Maatstrepen tonen</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
-        <translation>Verticale offset:</translation>
+        <translation>Verticale verschuiving:</translation>
         <source>On lines</source>
@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Upside down</source>
-        <translation>Onderste boven</translation>
+        <translation>Ondersteboven</translation>
         <source>Show rests</source>
@@ -1635,27 +1635,27 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>String Data</source>
-        <translation>Snaar data</translation>
+        <translation>Snaargegevens</translation>
         <source>Strings Tuning:</source>
-        <translation>Snaar tuning</translation>
+        <translation>Snaarstemming:</translation>
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation>Nieuwe snaar</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe snaar...</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig snaar</translation>
+        <translation>Snaar bewerken...</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation>Verwijder snaar</translation>
+        <translation>Snaar verwijderen</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
-        <translation>Aantal frets</translation>
+        <translation>Aantal frets:</translation>
@@ -1778,19 +1778,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Music top margin:</source>
-        <translation>Muziek bovenkant rand</translation>
+        <translation>Bovenmarge muziek</translation>
         <source>Create clef for all systems</source>
-        <translation>Creëer sleutel voor alle systemen</translation>
+        <translation>Maak sleutel aan voor alle systemen</translation>
         <source>Music bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation>Muziek onderkant rand</translation>
+        <translation>Ondermarge muziek</translation>
         <source>Staff distance:</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk afstand</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkafstand</translation>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
@@ -1810,19 +1810,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical frame top margin:</source>
-        <translation>Verticaal frame bovenste marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Verticaal frame bovenmarge:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation>Verticaal frame onderste marge</translation>
+        <translation>Verticaal frame ondermarge</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy clefs</source>
-        <translation>Creëer gunstige muzieksleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Maak hulpsleutel aan</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy time signatures</source>
-        <translation>Creëer hulp maatsoorten</translation>
+        <translation>Maak hulpmaatsoorten aan</translation>
         <source>Create key signature for all systems</source>
@@ -1894,7 +1894,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
-        <translation>Minimum breedte per maat:</translation>
+        <translation>Minimum maatbreedte:</translation>
         <source>Note to barline distance:</source>
@@ -1906,7 +1906,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Clef left margin:</source>
-        <translation>Muzieksleutel linker marge</translation>
+        <translation>Muzieksleutel linkermarge</translation>
         <source>Minimum note distance:</source>
@@ -1914,15 +1914,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key signature left margin:</source>
-        <translation>Toonsoort linker marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Toonsoort linkermarge:</translation>
         <source>Time signature left margin:</source>
-        <translation>Linker maatsoort marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoort linkermarge:</translation>
         <source>Clef/Key right margin:</source>
-        <translation>Muzieksleutel/sleutel rechter marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Muzieksleutel/sleutel rechtermarge:</translation>
         <source>Clef to barline distance:</source>
@@ -1950,23 +1950,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Maatstreep dikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Dikte maatstreep:</translation>
         <source>End barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Eind maatstreep dikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Dikte slotmaatstreep:</translation>
         <source>End barline distance:</source>
-        <translation>Eind maatstreep afstand:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand slotmaatstreep:</translation>
         <source>Double barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Dubbele maatstreep dikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Dikte dubbele maatstreep:</translation>
         <source>Double barline distance:</source>
-        <translation>Dubbele maatstreep afstand:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand dubbele maatstreep:</translation>
         <source>Shorten stems</source>
@@ -1990,11 +1990,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Note dot distance:</source>
-        <translation>Afstand noot punt:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand tussen noot en punt:</translation>
         <source>Dot dot distance:</source>
-        <translation>Afstand punt punt:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand tussen punt en punt:</translation>
         <source>Ledger line thickness:</source>
@@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Beam distance (in beam thickness units):</source>
-        <translation>Afstand waardestreep (in waardestreep dikte eenheden):</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand waardestreep (in waardestreepdikte-eenheden):</translation>
         <source>Broken beam minimum length:</source>
@@ -2050,23 +2050,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dotted line thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Gestippelde lijndikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Dikte gestippelde lijn:</translation>
         <source>Small staff size:</source>
-        <translation>Kleine notenbalkmaat:</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte kleine notenbalk:</translation>
         <source>Small note size:</source>
-        <translation>Kleine nootmaat:</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte kleine noot:</translation>
         <source>Grace note size:</source>
-        <translation>Voorslag maat:</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte voorslag:</translation>
         <source>Small clef size:</source>
-        <translation>Kleine muzieksleutel maat:</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte van kleine sleutel:</translation>
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum chord spacing:</source>
-        <translation>Minimale akkoord tussenruimte</translation>
+        <translation>Minimale tussenruimte akkoord:</translation>
@@ -2158,11 +2158,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line height:</source>
-        <translation>Regel hoogte</translation>
+        <translation>Regelhoogte</translation>
         <source>Vertical position:</source>
-        <translation>Vertikale positie</translation>
+        <translation>Verticale positie</translation>
         <source>from top of staff</source>
@@ -2170,7 +2170,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>of font height</source>
-        <translation>van lettertype hoogte</translation>
+        <translation>van lettertypehoogte</translation>
@@ -2203,15 +2203,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation distance:</source>
-        <translation>Articulatie afstand</translation>
+        <translation>Articulatieafstand</translation>
         <source>Note head distance:</source>
-        <translation>Noot kop afstand:</translation>
+        <translation>Nootkopafstand:</translation>
         <source>Articulation size:</source>
-        <translation>Articulatie maat:</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte articulatie:</translation>
@@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance to fretboard diagram:</source>
-        <translation>Afstand naar fretboord diagram:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand naar fretborddiagram:</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
-        <translation>Akkoordsymbolen stijl bestand:</translation>
+        <translation>Stijlbestand akkoordsymbolen:</translation>
@@ -2263,7 +2263,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical distance from note head:</source>
-        <translation>Verticale afstand van noot kop:</translation>
+        <translation>Verticale afstand van nootkop:</translation>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
@@ -2283,15 +2283,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Symbols, Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Akkoord symbool, fretboord diagram</translation>
+        <translation>Akkoordsymbool, fretborddiagram</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagrammen</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagrammen</translation>
         <source>Fret offset number font size:</source>
-        <translation>Fret offsetser nummer lettertype maat:</translation>
+        <translation>Lettergrootte fret offset number:</translation>
@@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum tie length:</source>
-        <translation>Minimale bindboog lengte</translation>
+        <translation>Minimale lengte bindboog:</translation>
@@ -2311,19 +2311,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Maximum barline distance:</source>
-        <translation>Maximum maatstreep afstand:</translation>
+        <translation>Maximum maatstreepafstand:</translation>
         <source>Standard TAB clef</source>
-        <translation>Standaard TAB sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Standaard TAB-sleutel</translation>
         <source>Serif TAB clef</source>
-        <translation>Serif TAB sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>TAB-sleutel met schreef</translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation>Swing instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Swing-instellingen</translation>
@@ -2343,19 +2343,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Musical symbols font:</source>
-        <translation>Muzikale symbolen lettertype:</translation>
+        <translation>Lettertype muzikale symbolen:</translation>
-        <translation>Swing</translation>
+        <translation>Swing:</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation>Selecteer swing ratio:</translation>
+        <translation>Selecteer swingratio:</translation>
         <source>Musical text font:</source>
-        <translation>Muzikale tekst lettertype</translation>
+        <translation>Lettertype muzikale tekst:</translation>
         <source>Emmentaler Text</source>
@@ -2383,19 +2383,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
-        <translation>Gebruik even/oneven pagina kopteksten</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruik even/oneven kopteksten</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page footer</source>
-        <translation>Gebruik even/oneven pagina voettekst</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruik even/oneven voettekst</translation>
         <source>System bracket thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Systeem haak dikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Dikte systeemhaak:</translation>
         <source>Brace thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Accolade dikte:</translation>
+        <translation>Accoladedikte:</translation>
         <source>Continue height:</source>
@@ -2463,15 +2463,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Multimeasure rest margin:</source>
-        <translation>Rust over meerdere maten marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Marge van rust over meerdere maten:</translation>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation>Voor wijzigingen naar minder kruisen / mollen</translation>
+        <translation>Voor voortekens bij wijziginging naar minder kruisen of mollen</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
-        <translation>Na wijzigen naar minder kruisen / mollen (maar voor wijzigen tussen kruis / mol)</translation>
+        <translation>Na voortekens bij wijziging naar minder kruisen of mollen. Ervoor bij wisseling tussen kruisen en mollen</translation>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
@@ -2499,27 +2499,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lower case bass notes</source>
-        <translation>Bas noten in kleine letters</translation>
+        <translation>Basnoten in kleine letters</translation>
         <source>All caps note names</source>
-        <translation>Alleen hoofdletters noot namen</translation>
+        <translation>Nootnamen in hoofdletters</translation>
         <source>Note Spelling</source>
-        <translation>Noot Spelling</translation>
+        <translation>Spelling noot</translation>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation>Automatische Hoofdletters</translation>
+        <translation>Automatische hoofdletters</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
-        <translation>Verticaal frame boven marge</translation>
+        <translation>Bovenmarge verticaal frame</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame lower margin</source>
-        <translation>Verticaal frame onder marge</translation>
+        <translation>Ondermarge verticaal frame</translation>
@@ -2527,15 +2527,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barré line thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Barré lijndikte</translation>
+        <translation>Barrélijndikte</translation>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
-        <translation>Schaal maatstrepen naar Notenbalk grootte</translation>
+        <translation>Maatstreepgrotte aan notenbalk aanpassen</translation>
         <source>Barline to grace note distance:</source>
-        <translation>Maatstreep tot voorslag afstand:</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand tussen maatstreep en voorslag:</translation>
@@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Verwijder</translation>
+        <translation>Verwijderen</translation>
         <source>New All</source>
@@ -2562,7 +2562,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Part title:</source>
-        <translation>Partij titel</translation>
+        <translation>Partijtitel:</translation>
         <source>Edit Part</source>
@@ -2620,14 +2620,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>MuseScore: Fretboard Diagram Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Fretboard diagram eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Fretborddiagrameigenschappen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Glissando Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Glissando eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Glissando-eigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Show Text</source>
@@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Close MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation>Sluit MIDI import paneel</translation>
+        <translation>Sluit MIDI importeerpaneel</translation>
         <source>Move track up</source>
@@ -2665,7 +2665,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Apply MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation>Voer MIDI import handelingen uit</translation>
+        <translation>Voer MIDI importeerhandelingen uit</translation>
@@ -2673,7 +2673,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Cancel not applied MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation>Annuleer niet toegepaste MIDI import operaties</translation>
+        <translation>Annuleer niet toegepaste MIDI importeeroperaties</translation>
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Voorteken instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Voorteken-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
@@ -2914,7 +2914,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation>Kop type</translation>
+        <translation>Type kop</translation>
         <source>Update Range</source>
@@ -2926,19 +2926,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Upright</translation>
+        <translation>Recht</translation>
         <source>Leaning Left</source>
-        <translation>Leunend links</translation>
+        <translation>Naar links leunend</translation>
         <source>Leaning Right</source>
-        <translation>Leunend rechts</translation>
+        <translation>Naar rechts leunend</translation>
         <source>Ambitus Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Ambitus instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Ambitusinstellingen</translation>
@@ -2946,15 +2946,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Has line value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel heeft lijn waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel Waarde heeft lijn</translation>
         <source>Reset Head group value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel groepswaarde kop</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel Waarde kopgroep</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen richting waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel Richtingwaarde</translation>
         <source>Update range</source>
@@ -2962,7 +2962,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel koptype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel Waarde koptype</translation>
@@ -3030,7 +3030,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation>Opnieuw instellen lijndikte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Opnieuw instellen waarde lijndikte</translation>
@@ -3093,19 +3093,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Articulatie instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Articulatie-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen richting waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen richtingwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Anchor value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel veranker waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel verankerwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Time stretch value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel time stretch waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel time-stretchwaarde</translation>
@@ -3136,7 +3136,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barline Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Maatstreep inspecteur</translation>
+        <translation>Maatstreepinstellingen</translation>
@@ -3144,7 +3144,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Opnieuw instellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Opnieuw instellen typewaarde</translation>
         <source>Span from</source>
@@ -3164,11 +3164,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Span from value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel omspan van waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde omspan vanaf</translation>
         <source>Reset Span to value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel omspan naar waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde omspan tot</translation>
@@ -3176,7 +3176,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Span type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel omspantype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde omspantype</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3219,7 +3219,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Beam Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Waardestrepen instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Waardestreepinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset left</source>
@@ -3227,7 +3227,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen richting waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel richtingwaarde</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset right</source>
@@ -3263,11 +3263,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Grow right value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel toenemen rechts waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde toenemen rechts</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow left value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel toenemen links waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde toenemen links</translation>
         <source>Local relayout</source>
@@ -3275,18 +3275,18 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>User position</source>
-        <translation>Gebruiker positie</translation>
+        <translation>Positie gebruiker</translation>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Element instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Elementinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation>Lay-out onderbreking</translation>
+        <translation>Lay-outonderbreking</translation>
@@ -3334,19 +3334,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Akkoord instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Akkoordinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen verticale offset waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel verticale offsetwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen horizontale offset waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel horizontale offsetwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Stem direction value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel stok richting waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde stokrichting</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Offset</source>
@@ -3354,11 +3354,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Small Value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen kleine waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel kleine waarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Stemless value</source>
-        <translation>Hersel stokloos waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde stokloos</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3377,11 +3377,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Clef Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Sleutel instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Sleutelinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen hulp tonen waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde hulp tonen</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3420,11 +3420,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel geluidssterkte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde geluidssterkte</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation>Opnieuw dynamisch bereik waarde instellen</translation>
+        <translation>Waarde dynamisch bereik opnieuw instellen</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3432,7 +3432,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
-        <translation>Dynamische bereik</translation>
+        <translation>Dynamisch bereik</translation>
@@ -3464,30 +3464,30 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Element instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Elementinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen horizontaal offset waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde horizontale offset</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen verticaal offset waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde verticale offset</translation>
         <source>Reset Visible value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen zichtbaarheid waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel zichtbaarheidswaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Color value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen kleur waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel kleurwaarde</translation>
         <source>Empty Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Lege instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Maak instellingen leeg</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -3510,11 +3510,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel typewaarde</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagram</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagram</translation>
@@ -3533,15 +3533,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Glissando Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Glissando instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Glissando-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Text value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen tekst waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel tekstwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Opnieuw instellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Stel typewaarde opnieuw in</translation>
@@ -3553,7 +3553,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Show text value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen toon tekst waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde toon tekst</translation>
         <source>Show text</source>
@@ -3564,7 +3564,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Group</source>
-        <translation>Element groep</translation>
+        <translation>Elementengroep</translation>
         <source>Set Color</source>
@@ -3580,7 +3580,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Group Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Element groep instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Elementengroepinstellingen</translation>
@@ -3604,7 +3604,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Horizontaal frame instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Instellingen horizontaal frame</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3612,19 +3612,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Right gap</source>
-        <translation>Rechter ruimte</translation>
+        <translation>Ruimte rechts</translation>
         <source>Left gap</source>
-        <translation>Linker ruimte</translation>
+        <translation>Ruimte links</translation>
         <source>Reset Left gap value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel linker ruimte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde ruimte links</translation>
         <source>Reset Right gap value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel rechter ruimte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde ruimte rechts</translation>
@@ -3675,27 +3675,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Hairpin Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Crescendoteken instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Instellingen crescendoteken</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity change value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel wijziging geluidssterkte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel wijziging waarde geluidssterkte</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel typewaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen dynamisch bereik waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde dynamisch bereik</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen hoogte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel hoogtewaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Circled tip value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen omcircelde tip waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde omcircelde tip</translation>
@@ -3711,7 +3711,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen waarde hoogte voortzetten</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde hoogte voortzetten</translation>
@@ -3726,11 +3726,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Schaal:</translation>
+        <translation>Schaal</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Afbeeldingsinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Scale to frame size</source>
@@ -3746,19 +3746,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
-        <translation>Schaal breedte</translation>
+        <translation>Schaalbreedte</translation>
         <source>Scale Height</source>
-        <translation>Schaal hoogte</translation>
+        <translation>Schaalhoogte</translation>
         <source>Reset Scale to frame size value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel verschaal naar framemaat waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde verschaal naar framemaat</translation>
         <source>Reset Lock aspect ratio value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen behoud verhoudingen waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde behoud verhoudingen</translation>
         <source>Lock aspect ratio</source>
@@ -3770,11 +3770,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
-        <translation>Maat in notenbalk ruimte eenheden</translation>
+        <translation>Maat in notenbalkruimte-eenheden</translation>
         <source>Reset Size in staff space units value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen maat van de notenbalk ruimte eenheden waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde van maat in notenbalkruimte-eenheden</translation>
@@ -3793,23 +3793,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Continue at</source>
-        <translation>Voortzetten bij</translation>
+        <translation>Zet voort vanaf</translation>
         <source>Jump Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Spring instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Springinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Jump to value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel spring naar waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel 'spring naar'-waarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Play until value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen speel tot waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel 'speel tot'-waarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue at value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen waarde voortzetten bij</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel 'zet voort vanaf'-waarde</translation>
@@ -3824,11 +3824,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Key Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Voortekens instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Voortekens-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen hulp tonen waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde hulp tonen</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3855,7 +3855,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lasso Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Lasso instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Lasso-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
@@ -3895,23 +3895,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Allow diagonal</source>
-        <translation>Toestaan diagonaal</translation>
+        <translation>Diagonaal toestaan</translation>
         <source>Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Lijn instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Lijninstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Line color value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen lijnkleur waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel lijnkleurwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Allow diagonal value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel toestaan diagonaal waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde diagonaal toestaan</translation>
         <source>Reset Line style value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen lijn stijl waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel lijnstijlwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -3919,7 +3919,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation>Lijn dikte</translation>
+        <translation>Lijndikte</translation>
@@ -3943,11 +3943,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen lijn dikte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde lijndikte</translation>
         <source>Reset Line visible value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen lijn zichtbaarheid waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen waarde lijnzichtbaarheid</translation>
         <source>Line visible</source>
@@ -3958,7 +3958,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Markeer</translation>
+        <translation>Marker</translation>
@@ -3986,27 +3986,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Marker type</source>
-        <translation>Markeer type</translation>
+        <translation>Type marker</translation>
         <source>Marker Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Markeer instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Markerinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Marker type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel markeer type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde type marker</translation>
         <source>Reset Label value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen label waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel labelwaarde</translation>
         <source>Marker Type</source>
-        <translation>Markeer type</translation>
+        <translation>Markertype</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
-        <translation>Segno variatie</translation>
+        <translation>Segno-variatie</translation>
         <source>Varied coda</source>
@@ -4077,19 +4077,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation>Kop type</translation>
+        <translation>Koptype</translation>
         <source>Head group</source>
-        <translation>Hoofdgroep</translation>
+        <translation>Kopgroep</translation>
         <source>Dot position</source>
-        <translation>Punt posititie</translation>
+        <translation>Puntposititie</translation>
         <source>Velocity type</source>
-        <translation>Geluidssterkte type</translation>
+        <translation>Type geluidssterkte</translation>
@@ -4105,23 +4105,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Note Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Noot instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Nootinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Mirror head value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel koptype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde koptype</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel geluidssterkte type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde type geluidssterkte</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel koptype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde koptype</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel geluidssterkte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde geluidssterkte</translation>
         <source>Mirror Head</source>
@@ -4133,11 +4133,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Head group value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel groepswaarde kop</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde kopgroep</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen kleine waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel kleine waarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Tuning value</source>
@@ -4145,7 +4145,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Play value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen speel waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel speelwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4153,7 +4153,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Dot position value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel Puntposititie</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel puntposititie</translation>
@@ -4220,11 +4220,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel typewaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset Placement value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen vervangingswaarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel vervangingswaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4240,7 +4240,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Numbers only value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen alleen nummers waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde alleen nummers</translation>
@@ -4287,15 +4287,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Segment Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Segment instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Segmentinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Leading space value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel vooruitlopende spatie waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde vooruitlopende spatie</translation>
         <source>Reset Trailing space value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel spatie waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel spatiewaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4318,7 +4318,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen lijntype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde lijntype</translation>
         <source>Line type</source>
@@ -4358,11 +4358,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacer Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tussenruimte instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Tussenruimte-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen hoogte waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel hoogtewaarde</translation>
@@ -4385,11 +4385,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tempo Marking Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tempo markering instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Tempomarkeringsinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Tempo value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen tempo waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel tempowaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4412,15 +4412,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Text Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tekst instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Style value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen stijl waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel stijlwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Waarde hertellen</translation>
+        <translation>Waarde herstellen</translation>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
@@ -4435,7 +4435,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Text Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tekstlijn instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstlijninstellingen</translation>
@@ -4450,11 +4450,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Time Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Maatsoort instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoortinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen hulp tonen waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen waarde hulp tonen</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4465,7 +4465,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Trillen</translation>
+        <translation>Triller</translation>
@@ -4473,11 +4473,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tril instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Trillerinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Trill type</source>
-        <translation>Herstel tril type</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel trillertype</translation>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
@@ -4548,11 +4548,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Tuplet instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Tupletinstellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen richting waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel richtingwaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4560,11 +4560,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Number type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen nummer type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen waarde nummersoort</translation>
         <source>Reset Bracket type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel haaktype waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde haaktype</translation>
         <source>Number type</source>
@@ -4596,7 +4596,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Verticaal frame instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Istellingen verticaal frame</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4604,23 +4604,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Right margin</source>
-        <translation>Rechter marge</translation>
+        <translation>Rechtermarge</translation>
         <source>Reset Top gap value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel bovenmarge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde bovenmarge</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom gap value</source>
-        <translation>Herstel ondermarge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde ondermarge</translation>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
-        <translation>Onderkant marge</translation>
+        <translation>Ondermarge</translation>
         <source>Left margin</source>
-        <translation>Linker marge</translation>
+        <translation>Linkermarge</translation>
         <source>Top gap</source>
@@ -4632,23 +4632,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Top margin</source>
-        <translation>Boven marge</translation>
+        <translation>Bovenmarge</translation>
         <source>Reset Left margin value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen linker marge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde linkermarge</translation>
         <source>Reset Right margin value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen rechter marge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde rechtermarge</translation>
         <source>Reset Top margin value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen bovenste marge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde bovenste marge</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom margin value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen onderste marge waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstel waarde onderste marge</translation>
@@ -4659,7 +4659,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Open...</translation>
+        <translation>Open</translation>
@@ -4671,11 +4671,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Volta Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Volta instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Volta-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen type waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen typewaarde</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4698,11 +4698,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Voeg toe</translation>
+        <translation>Toevoegen</translation>
-        <translation>Verwijder</translation>
+        <translation>Verwijderen</translation>
@@ -4718,7 +4718,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Voeg gelinkte notenbalk toe</translation>
+        <translation>Gekoppelde notenbalk toevoegen</translation>
@@ -4734,7 +4734,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Instrument wizard</source>
-        <translation>Instrument wizard</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumentwizard</translation>
         <source>Instrument List</source>
@@ -4800,7 +4800,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Verwijder</translation>
+        <translation>Verwijderen</translation>
@@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add time signature to palette</source>
-        <translation>Voeg maarsoort toe aan palet</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg maatsoort toe aan palet</translation>
@@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>MuseScore: Line Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lijn eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lijneigenschappen</translation>
@@ -5081,7 +5081,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Midden</translation>
+        <translation>Doorgaan</translation>
@@ -5089,7 +5089,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>plaats:</translation>
+        <translation>Plaats:</translation>
@@ -5104,11 +5104,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Log in to MuseScore</source>
-        <translation>Meld u aan bij MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Aanmelden bij MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Username or email</source>
-        <translation>Gebruikersnaam of email</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruikersnaam of e-mail</translation>
@@ -5163,7 +5163,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Staff name</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk naam</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalknaam</translation>
@@ -5261,7 +5261,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>2x less
 measure count</source>
         <translation>2x minder
-maten telling</translation>
         <source>Is human
@@ -5354,8 +5354,8 @@ akkoordsymbolen</translation>
 You only need to do this once.
 Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore exporteert niet direct naar MP3 bestanden, maar in plaats daarvan gebruikt het de gratis beschikbare LAME software.  U moet %1 eerst apart verkrijgen (zie het handboek voor details), en vervolgens het bestand aanwijzen voor MuseScore.
-Dit is slechts een eenmalige handeling.
+        <translation>MuseScore exporteert niet direct naar MP3-bestanden, maar in plaats daarvan gebruikt het de gratis beschikbare LAME-software.  U moet %1 eerst apart verkrijgen (zie het handboek voor details), en vervolgens het bestand aanwijzen voor MuseScore.
+Dit hoeft u slechts eenmaal te doen.
 Wilt u %2 nu aanwijzen?</translation>
@@ -5432,7 +5432,7 @@ Wilt u %2 nu aanwijzen?</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Waardestreep eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Waardestreepeigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Frames & Measures</source>
@@ -5452,7 +5452,7 @@ Wilt u %2 nu aanwijzen?</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation>Doedelzak versierselen</translation>
+        <translation>Doedelzakversieringen</translation>
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
@@ -5476,7 +5476,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Measure Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Maat eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Maateigenschappen</translation>
@@ -5552,7 +5552,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Exclude from measure count</source>
-        <translation>Sluit uit van maten telling</translation>
+        <translation>Sluit uit van matentelling</translation>
         <source>Repeat count:</source>
@@ -5560,15 +5560,15 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Layout stretch:</source>
-        <translation>Indeling uitrekken</translation>
+        <translation>Indeling uitrekken:</translation>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
-        <translation>Maten nummer modus</translation>
+        <translation>Maatnummermodus</translation>
-        <translation>weergave</translation>
+        <translation>weergave:</translation>
@@ -5576,7 +5576,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
-        <translation>Voeg toe aan maten nummer:</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg toe aan maatnummer:</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
@@ -5604,7 +5604,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation>Onderbreek meerdere maten rust</translation>
+        <translation>Onderbreek rust over meerdere maten</translation>
@@ -5623,7 +5623,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Append empty measures</source>
-        <translation>Hecht legen maten aan</translation>
+        <translation>Hecht lege maten aan</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to append:</source>
@@ -5638,7 +5638,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
-        <translation>PDF-Scan</translation>
+        <translation>PDF-scan</translation>
         <source>Add Scan</source>
@@ -5680,7 +5680,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
-        <translation>API-nivo</translation>
+        <translation>API-niveau:</translation>
@@ -5763,11 +5763,11 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore bestanden (*.mscz *.mscx)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-bestanden (*.mscz *.mscx)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Album Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore album bestanden (*.album)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-albumbestanden (*.album)</translation>
         <source>Error while creating score from album.</source>
@@ -5873,7 +5873,7 @@ tuplet zou maat overschrijden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Chord Symbols Style Editor</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Akkoordsymbolen stijl editor</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Akkoordsymbolenstijl-editor</translation>
@@ -6025,7 +6025,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>file path+name</source>
-        <translation>bestand pad+naam</translation>
+        <translation>bestandspad+naam</translation>
         <source>current date</source>
@@ -6033,7 +6033,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>creation date</source>
-        <translation>aanmaak datum</translation>
+        <translation>aanmaakdatum</translation>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
@@ -6049,11 +6049,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>meta data tag</source>
-        <translation>meta data etiket</translation>
+        <translation>metadata-etiket</translation>
         <source>Available tags and their current values:</source>
-        <translation>Beschikbare etiketten en de huidige waarden:</translation>
+        <translation>Beschikbare etiketten en hun huidige waarden:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
@@ -6061,15 +6061,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>last modification time</source>
-        <translation>laatste modificatietijd</translation>
+        <translation>tijd laatste wijziging</translation>
         <source>last modification date</source>
-        <translation>laatste modificatiedatum</translation>
+        <translation>datum laatste wijziging</translation>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
-        <translation>paginanummer, als er meer dan een pagina is</translation>
+        <translation>paginanummer, als er meer dan één pagina is</translation>
@@ -6078,7 +6078,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Cannot open figured bass description:
-        <translation>Kan basso beschrijving niet openen
+        <translation>Kan basso-beschrijving niet openen
@@ -6222,19 +6222,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open Instruments File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Open instrumenten bestand</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Open instrumentenbestand</translation>
         <source>Open Instruments File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Openen instrument bestand
+        <translation>Openen instrumentenbestand
         <source>MuseScore Instruments (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore instrumenten (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumenten van MuseScore (*.xml)</translation>
@@ -6253,7 +6253,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk type</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalktype</translation>
@@ -6282,11 +6282,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: select layer tag</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Selecteer laag etiket</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Selecteer laagetiket</translation>
         <source>layer tag</source>
-        <translation>laag etiket</translation>
+        <translation>laagetiket</translation>
@@ -6356,7 +6356,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation>Controleer je internet connectie a.u.b.</translation>
+        <translation>Controleer je internetconnectie a.u.b.</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
@@ -6367,7 +6367,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>you cannot create an element</source>
-        <translation>Er kan geen element worden gecreëerd</translation>
+        <translation>Er kan geen element worden aangemaakt</translation>
@@ -6381,7 +6381,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Measure Properties for Measure %1</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: maat eigenschappen voor maat %1</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: maateigenschappen voor maat %1</translation>
@@ -6425,11 +6425,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library!</source>
-        <translation>Incorrecte of niet ondersteunde MP3 encoding bibliotheek!</translation>
+        <translation>Incorrecte of niet ondersteunde MP3encodingsbibliotheek!</translation>
         <source>Unable to initialize MP3 stream</source>
-        <translation>Kan geen MP3 stroom initialiseren</translation>
+        <translation>Kan geen MP3-stroom initialiseren</translation>
         <source>Unable to open target file for writing</source>
@@ -6437,7 +6437,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder</source>
-        <translation>Fout %1 teruggekeerd van MP3 encoder</translation>
+        <translation>Fout %1 teruggekeerd van MP3-encoder</translation>
@@ -6446,8 +6446,8 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Save changes to the score "%1"
 before closing?</source>
-        <translation>Bewaar de wijzigingen aan partituur "%1"
-voordat u afsluit?</translation>
+        <translation>De wijzigingen aan partituur "%1"
+bewaren voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;</source>
@@ -6463,31 +6463,31 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>Muse Data Files (*.md);;</source>
-        <translation>Muse databestanden (*.md);;</translation>
+        <translation>Muse-databestanden (*.md);;</translation>
         <source>Capella Files (*.cap *.capx);;</source>
-        <translation>Capella bestanden (*.cap *.capx);;</translation>
+        <translation>Capella-bestanden (*.cap *.capx);;</translation>
         <source>BB Files <experimental> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</source>
-        <translation>BB bestanden <experimenteel> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</translation>
+        <translation>BB-bestanden <experimenteel> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</translation>
         <source>Overture / Score Writer Files <experimental> (*.ove *.scw);;</source>
-        <translation>Overture / Score Writer bestanden <experimenteel> (*.ove *.scw);;</translation>
+        <translation>Overture / Score Writer-bestanden <experimenteel> (*.ove *.scw);;</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Music Writer Files <experimental> (*.bww);;</source>
-        <translation>Bagpipe Music Writer bestanden <experimenteel> (*.bww);;</translation>
+        <translation>Bagpipe Music Writer-bestanden <experimenteel> (*.bww);;</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Laad partituur</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Partituur laden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Opslaan partituur</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Partituur opslaan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
@@ -6507,15 +6507,15 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Style File (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore stijlbestand (*.mss)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-stijlbestand (*.mss)</translation>
         <source>PDF Scan File (*.pdf);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>PDF scan bestand (*.pdf);;All (*)</translation>
+        <translation>PDF-scanbestand (*.pdf);;All (*)</translation>
         <source>Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation>Kies PDF scan</translation>
+        <translation>Kies PDF-scan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan</source>
@@ -6523,7 +6523,7 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>Choose Audio File</source>
-        <translation>Kies audiobestand</translation>
+        <translation>Audiobestand kiezen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Image</source>
@@ -6531,11 +6531,11 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Palette</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Laad palet</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Palet laden</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Palette</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Opslaan palet</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Palet opslaan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Palette (*.mpal)</source>
@@ -6551,7 +6551,7 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore plugin bestand (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-pluginbestand (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Drumset</source>
@@ -6563,11 +6563,11 @@ voordat u afsluit?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore drumset bestand (*.drm)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore drumsetbestand (*.drm)</translation>
         <source>Standard MIDI File (*.mid)</source>
-        <translation>Standaard MIDI Bestand (*.mid)</translation>
+        <translation>Standaard MIDI-bestand (*.mid)</translation>
         <source>PDF File (*.pdf)</source>
@@ -6663,15 +6663,15 @@ Wil je dit vervangen?
         <source>Section break</source>
-        <translation>Sectie einde</translation>
+        <translation>Sectie-einde</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk tussenruimte naar onder</translation>
+        <translation>Tussenruimte notenbalk naar onder</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer up</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk tussenruimte naar boven</translation>
+        <translation>Tussenruimte notenbalk naar boven</translation>
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
@@ -6769,11 +6769,11 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation>Bestand acties</translation>
+        <translation>Bestandsacties</translation>
         <source>Transport Tools</source>
-        <translation>Afspeel werkbalk</translation>
+        <translation>Afspeelwerkbalk</translation>
         <source>Page View</source>
@@ -6801,7 +6801,7 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
-        <translation>&Maten</translation>
+        <translation>&Maat</translation>
@@ -6813,11 +6813,11 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
-        <translation>&Voorkeuren</translation>
+        <translation>&Voorkeuren...</translation>
-        <translation>&Beeld</translation>
+        <translation>&Weergave</translation>
         <source>Add N&ote</source>
@@ -6869,7 +6869,7 @@ Sessie herstellen?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tuplet Error</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Tuplet fout</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tuplet-fout</translation>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2</source>
@@ -6881,11 +6881,11 @@ Sessie herstellen?</translation>
         <source>Undo Changes</source>
-        <translation>Verwijder wijzigingen</translation>
+        <translation>Maak wijzigingen ongedaan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lees werkruimte naam</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lees naam werkruimte</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -6895,7 +6895,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Ogg Audio File (*.ogg);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>Ogg audio bestand (*.ogg);;All (*)</translation>
+        <translation>Ogg audiobestand (*.ogg);;All (*)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose Ogg Audio File</source>
@@ -6907,15 +6907,15 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols Style File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>Akkoordsymbolen stijl bestand (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>Stijlbestand akkoordsymbolen (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Laad akkoordsymbolen stijl</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Laad akkoordsymbolenstijl</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Sla akkoordsymbolen stijl op</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Sla akkoordsymbolenstijl op</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Insert Image</source>
@@ -6940,7 +6940,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Encoding Error</source>
-        <translation>Encoding fout</translation>
+        <translation>Encoding-fout</translation>
         <source>Confirm Replace</source>
@@ -6949,7 +6949,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Error reading language file %s at line %d column %d: %s
-        <translation>Fout in lezen taalbestand %s op lijn %d kolom %d: %s
+        <translation>Fout bij lezen taalbestand %s op lijn %d kolom %d: %s
@@ -6958,7 +6958,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>PDF Files <experimental OMR> (*.pdf);;</source>
-        <translation>PDF bestanden <experimenteel OMR> (*.pdf);;</translation>
+        <translation>PDF-bestanden <experimenteel OMR> (*.pdf);;</translation>
@@ -6978,7 +6978,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
-        <translation>Vergroting</translation>
+        <translation>Zoomen</translation>
         <source>View Mode</source>
@@ -7002,31 +7002,31 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short</source>
-        <translation>Kan geen tuplet creëren: noot waarde is te kort</translation>
+        <translation>Kan geen tuplet creëren: nootwaarde is te kort</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore bestand (*.mscz)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-bestand (*.mscz)</translation>
         <source>Uncompressed MuseScore File (*.mscx)</source>
-        <translation>Ongecomprimeerd MuseScore bestand (*.mscx)</translation>
+        <translation>Ongecomprimeerd MuseScore-bestand (*.mscx)</translation>
         <source>MusicXML File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>MusicXML bestand (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>MusicXML-bestand (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>Compressed MusicXML File (*.mxl)</source>
-        <translation>Gecomprimeerd MusicXML bestand (*.mxl)</translation>
+        <translation>Gecomprimeerd MusicXML-bestand (*.mxl)</translation>
         <source>Show MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation>Toon MIDI import paneel</translation>
+        <translation>Toon MIDI-importpaneel</translation>
         <source>Tempo text</source>
-        <translation>Tempo tekst</translation>
+        <translation>Tempotekst</translation>
         <source>Staff text</source>
@@ -7034,7 +7034,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>System text</source>
-        <translation>Systeem tekst</translation>
+        <translation>Systeemtekst</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal mark</source>
@@ -7042,7 +7042,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Instrument change</source>
-        <translation>Instrument wijziging</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumentwijziging</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
@@ -7054,15 +7054,15 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig notenbalk type</translation>
+        <translation>Wijzig notenbalktype</translation>
         <source>Change instrument</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig instrument</translation>
+        <translation>Van instrument veranderen</translation>
         <source>Fretboard diagram</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagram</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagram</translation>
@@ -7074,11 +7074,11 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Switch play mode</source>
-        <translation>Wissel speel modus</translation>
+        <translation>Wissel speelmodus</translation>
         <source>Workspace name:</source>
-        <translation>Werkruimte naam</translation>
+        <translation>Naam werkruimte:</translation>
@@ -7090,23 +7090,23 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Styles (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore stijlen (*.mss)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-stijlen (*.mss)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore plugin (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-plugin (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset (*.drm)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore drumset (*.drm)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-drumset (*.drm)</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>Rechtshandige gitaar vingerzetting %1</translation>
+        <translation>Rechtshandige gitaarvingerzetting %1</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>Linkshandige gitaar vingerzetting %1</translation>
+        <translation>Linkshandige gitaarvingerzetting %1</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
@@ -7162,7 +7162,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding opname</translation>
+        <translation>Opname afbeelding</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -7170,19 +7170,19 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Note input mode</source>
-        <translation>Noteninvoer modus</translation>
+        <translation>Noteninvoermodus</translation>
         <source>Drum input mode</source>
-        <translation>Drum invoer modus</translation>
+        <translation>Druminvoermodus</translation>
         <source>TAB input mode</source>
-        <translation>TAB invoer modus</translation>
+        <translation>TAB-invoermodus</translation>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding aanmaak modus</translation>
+        <translation>Afbeeldingsaanmaakmodus</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Kan niet schrijven naar %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Deze partituur kan niet online opgeslagen worden. Corrigeer de corrupte maten en probeer opnieuw.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7205,7 +7209,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>To connect with the community, <br /> you need to have internet <br /> connection enabled</source>
-        <translation>Om te verbinden met de community, <br /> moet je internetverbinding <br /> zijn ingeschakeld.</translation>
+        <translation>Om te verbinden met de community, <br /> moet je internetverbinding <br /> ingeschakeld zijn.</translation>
@@ -7220,14 +7224,14 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Creëer nieuwe partituur</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nieuwe partituur aanmaken</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Creëer nieuwe partituur</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe partituur aanmaken</translation>
         <source>This wizard creates a new score</source>
@@ -7238,11 +7242,11 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Creëer nieuwe partituur</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe partituur aanmaken</translation>
         <source>Define a set of instruments. Each instrument is represented by one or more staves</source>
-        <translation>Defineer een set instrumenten. Elk instrument is gerepresenteerd met een of meerdere notenbalen</translation>
+        <translation>Defineer een set instrumenten. Elk instrument wordt gerepresenteerd door een of meerdere notenbalen</translation>
@@ -7345,7 +7349,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
-        <translation>Maat slash</translation>
+        <translation>Maatslash</translation>
         <source>Rhythm Slash</source>
@@ -7356,7 +7360,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation>OMR paneel</translation>
+        <translation>OMR-paneel</translation>
@@ -7394,18 +7398,22 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
-        <translation>Nieuwe palet</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuw palet</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Enkel palet</translation>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Palet eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Paleteigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Voeg nieuwe palet toe...</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg nieuw palet toe...</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
@@ -7443,14 +7451,14 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
-        <translation>Piano toestenbord</translation>
+        <translation>Pianotoestenbord</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation>Bestand bewerkingen</translation>
+        <translation>Bestandsbewerkingen</translation>
         <source>Edit Operations</source>
@@ -7470,7 +7478,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore plugin maker</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore plugin-maker</translation>
         <source>Plugin "%1" has changes.
@@ -7491,7 +7499,7 @@ Opslaan voor sluiten?</translation>
         <source>The language will be changed once you restart MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>De taal wordt aangepast als je MuseScore herstart.</translation>
+        <translation>De taal zal aangepast worden als je MuseScore herstart.</translation>
         <source>Choose Notepaper</source>
@@ -7519,39 +7527,39 @@ Opslaan voor sluiten?</translation>
         <source>Choose Starting Score</source>
-        <translation>Kies startpartituur</translation>
+        <translation>Startpartituur kiezen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Shortcuts</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore snelkoppelingen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore sneltoetsen</translation>
         <source>Print Shortcuts</source>
-        <translation>Druk snelkoppelingen af</translation>
+        <translation>Sneltoetsen afdrukken</translation>
         <source>Choose Default Style for Imports</source>
-        <translation>Kies standaard stijl voor imports</translation>
+        <translation>Kies standaardstijl voor imports</translation>
         <source>Choose Score Folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies partituur map</translation>
+        <translation>Partiturenmap kiezen</translation>
         <source>Choose Style Folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies stijl map</translation>
+        <translation>Kies stijlenmap</translation>
         <source>Choose Template Folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies template map</translation>
+        <translation>Kies sjablonenmap</translation>
         <source>Choose Plugin Folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies plugin map</translation>
+        <translation>Kies map voor plugins</translation>
         <source>Choose Image Folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies afbeeldings map</translation>
+        <translation>Kies map voor afbeeldingen</translation>
         <source>Action: %1; Shortcut: %2</source>
@@ -7563,7 +7571,7 @@ Opslaan voor sluiten?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore bestanden (*.mscz *.mscx);;All (*)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-bestanden (*.mscz *.mscx);;All (*)</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Folders</source>
@@ -7602,10 +7610,21 @@ Opslaan voor sluiten?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Stem: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Duur: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>Het stijl bestand is niet compatibel met deze versie van MuseScore.</translation>
+        <translation>Het stijlbestand is niet compatibel met deze versie van MuseScore.</translation>
         <source>The following file is locked: 
@@ -7692,11 +7711,11 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Range Selection</source>
-        <translation>Selectie bereik</translation>
+        <translation>Selectiebereik</translation>
         <source>List Selection</source>
-        <translation>Lijst selectie</translation>
+        <translation>Lijstselectie</translation>
         <source>Measure: %1</source>
@@ -7719,15 +7738,15 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Choose Instruments</source>
-        <translation>Kies Instrumenten</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumenten kiezen</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Creëer nieuwe partituur</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe partituur aanmaken</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation>Aangepaste Templates</translation>
+        <translation>Eigen sjablonen</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
@@ -7766,15 +7785,15 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Tekst eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Teksteigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Articulation Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Articulatie eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Articulatie-eigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Bend Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Bend eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Bendeigenschappen...</translation>
@@ -7782,23 +7801,23 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Volta eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Volta-eigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Maatsoort eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoorteigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Lijn eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Lijneigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Staff Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalktekst eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalktekst...</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig instrument eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Wijzig instrumenteigenschappen...</translation>
@@ -7806,7 +7825,7 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkeigenschappen...</translation>
@@ -7814,7 +7833,7 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Measure Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Maat eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Maateigenschappen</translation>
@@ -7822,11 +7841,11 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
-        <translation>Akkoord articulatie...</translation>
+        <translation>Akkoordarticulatie...</translation>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Sectie onderbreking eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Sectieonderbrekingseigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
@@ -7834,7 +7853,7 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Glissando eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Glissando-eigenschappen...</translation>
@@ -7854,30 +7873,30 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
-        <translation>Bewerk drumset...</translation>
+        <translation>Drumset bewerken...</translation>
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Drumroll bewerker...</translation>
+        <translation>Drumroll-bewerker...</translation>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Pianoroll bewerker...</translation>
+        <translation>Pianoroll-bewerker...</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Splits notenbalk...</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalk splitsen...</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
-        <translation>Object debugger</translation>
+        <translation>Objectdebugger</translation>
         <source>No staves found:
 please use the instruments dialog to
 first create some staves</source>
         <translation>Geen notenbalken gevonden
-gebruik de instrumenten dialoog om
+gebruik het instrumentendialoogvenster om
 eerst een aantal notenbalken te creëren</translation>
@@ -7888,15 +7907,15 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagram eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagrameigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
-        <translation>Zet uitvoer resolutie voor PNG/SVG</translation>
+        <translation>Zet uitvoerresolutie voor PNG/SVG</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Tremolo-lijn eigenschappen...</translation>
+        <translation>Tremolo-lijneigenschappen...</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
@@ -7904,7 +7923,7 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Systeem tekst eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Systeemteksteigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
@@ -7912,19 +7931,19 @@ selecteer eerst een maat en probeer het dan opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Verberg hulp maatsoorten</translation>
+        <translation>Verberg hulpmaatsoorten</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Toon hulp maatsoorten</translation>
+        <translation>Toon hulpmaatsoorten</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation>Verberg herstellingsteken </translation>
+        <translation>Verberg herinneringsvoortekens</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation>Toon herstellingsteken </translation>
+        <translation>Toon herinneringsvoortekens</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
@@ -7942,7 +7961,7 @@ Kan een tuplet niet splitsen</translation>
         <source>No measures selected:
 Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <translation>Geen maten geselecteerd:
-selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
+selecteer een bereik van maten om samen te voegen en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
@@ -7950,11 +7969,11 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Clef</source>
-        <translation>Verberg hulp-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Verberg hulpsleutel</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Clef</source>
-        <translation>Toon hulp-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Toon hulpsleutel</translation>
         <source>Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command</source>
@@ -7962,15 +7981,15 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding opname</translation>
+        <translation>Opname afbeelding</translation>
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Opslaan als (afdruk modus)</translation>
+        <translation>Opslaan als (afdrukmodus)</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Opslaan als (schermafdruk modus)</translation>
+        <translation>Opslaan als (schermafdrukmodus)</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
@@ -7986,7 +8005,7 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation>Tuplet kan geen maatstrepen overschreiden</translation>
+        <translation>Tuplet kan geen maatstrepen overschrijden</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
@@ -7997,7 +8016,7 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Search Box</source>
-        <translation>Zoek vak</translation>
+        <translation>Zoekvak</translation>
         <source>Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.</source>
@@ -8008,7 +8027,7 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Start of </source>
-        <translation>Begin met</translation>
+        <translation>Begin van</translation>
         <source>End of </source>
@@ -8023,11 +8042,11 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
-        <translation>Selectie filter</translation>
+        <translation>Selectiefilter</translation>
         <source>Use Tab and Backtab to move through the check boxes</source>
-        <translation>Gebruik TAB en Shift-Tab om door de opties te lopen</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruik Tab en Shift-Tab om door de aankruisvakjes te lopen</translation>
@@ -8041,15 +8060,15 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>Shortcut conflicts with </source>
-        <translation>Sneltoets conflicteert met </translation>
+        <translation>Sneltoets in strijd met </translation>
         <source>Shortcut conflicts with</source>
-        <translation>Sneltoets conflicteert met </translation>
+        <translation>Sneltoets in strijd met </translation>
         <source>New shortcut</source>
-        <translation>Nieuwe sneltoets combinatie</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe sneltoets</translation>
@@ -8060,11 +8079,11 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: System Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Systeem tekst eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Systeemteksteigenschappen</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Staff Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Notenbalktekst eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Notenbalkteksteigenschappen</translation>
@@ -8152,7 +8171,7 @@ selecteer een bereik van maten om te combineren en probeer opnieuw</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Tekst eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Teksteigenschappen</translation>
@@ -8173,7 +8192,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Text style name:</source>
-        <translation>Tekst stijlnaam</translation>
+        <translation>Naam tekststijl</translation>
@@ -8218,7 +8237,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Common time</source>
-        <translation>Gemeenschappelijke tijd</translation>
+        <translation>4/4</translation>
         <source>Cut time</source>
@@ -8276,7 +8295,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Public Domain</source>
-        <translation>Publieke Domein</translation>
+        <translation>Publiek Domein</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Zero</source>
@@ -8452,7 +8471,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Insert composer's name here</source>
-        <translation>Voer hier de componisten naam in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer hier de naam van de componist in</translation>
@@ -8460,7 +8479,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Insert lyricist's name here</source>
-        <translation>Voer hier naam van de tekstschrijver in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer hier de naam van de tekstschrijver in</translation>
@@ -8468,7 +8487,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Insert copyright here</source>
-        <translation>Voer hier de copyright gegevens in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer hier de auteursrechtgegevens in</translation>
@@ -8533,11 +8552,11 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Page Settings</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Pagina instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Pagina-instellingen</translation>
         <source>Page Size</source>
-        <translation>Pagina afmetingen</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina-afmetingen</translation>
@@ -8549,8 +8568,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
-        <translation>Breedte:
+        <translation>Breedte:</translation>
@@ -8598,7 +8616,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>First page number:</source>
-        <translation>Eerste pagina nummer:</translation>
+        <translation>Nummer eerste pagina:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
@@ -8610,14 +8628,14 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk ruimte</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkruimte</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Waardestreep eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Waardestreepeigenschappen</translation>
@@ -8741,7 +8759,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Staff Changes</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk wijzigingen</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkwijzigingen</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
@@ -8749,7 +8767,7 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation>Doedelzak versiersels</translation>
+        <translation>Doedelzakversieringen</translation>
         <source>Frames && Measures</source>
@@ -8765,13 +8783,13 @@ kies een andere naam:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Palette File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Schrijf palet bestand</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Schrijf paletbestand</translation>
         <source>Writing Palette File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Schrijven palet bestand
+        <translation>Schrijven paletbestand
@@ -8781,7 +8799,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>all font symbols</source>
-        <translation>alle lettertype symbolen</translation>
+        <translation>alle lettertypesymbolen</translation>
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
@@ -8817,7 +8835,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>End bar barline</source>
-        <translation>Slot-maatstreep</translation>
+        <translation>Slotmaatstreep</translation>
         <source>Double barline</source>
@@ -8837,18 +8855,18 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagrammen</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagrammen</translation>
         <source>Cell Properties</source>
-        <translation>Cel eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Cel-eigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Palette Cell Properties</source>
-        <translation>Palet celeigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Paletcel-eigenschappen</translation>
@@ -8876,14 +8894,14 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Content scale:</source>
-        <translation>Inhoud-schaal:</translation>
+        <translation>Schaal inhoud:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Palette Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Palet eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Paleteigenschappen</translation>
@@ -8911,7 +8929,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Element offset:</source>
-        <translation>Element Compensatie</translation>
+        <translation>Compensatie element</translation>
         <source>Show grid</source>
@@ -8974,15 +8992,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Part name</source>
-        <translation>Onderdeel naam</translation>
+        <translation>Partijnaam</translation>
         <source>Panorama position</source>
-        <translation>Panorama positie</translation>
+        <translation>Panoramapositie</translation>
         <source>MIDI sound</source>
-        <translation>MIDI klank</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-klank</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
@@ -9024,7 +9042,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show wave display</source>
-        <translation>Toon golf beeld</translation>
+        <translation>Toon golfweergave</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 2</source>
@@ -9083,7 +9101,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo</source>
-        <translation>Relatieve tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Relatief tempo</translation>
         <source>Master volume</source>
@@ -9096,7 +9114,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Actual tempo</source>
-        <translation>Actuele tempo</translation>
+        <translation>Actueel tempo</translation>
@@ -9109,15 +9127,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>maat.tel</translation>
+        <translation>Maat.tel</translation>
         <source>Playback Position</source>
-        <translation>Afspeel Positie</translation>
+        <translation>Afspeelpositie</translation>
         <source>Relative Tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation>Relatieve Tempo tot 120 bpm</translation>
+        <translation>Relatief tempo tot 120 bpm</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to change value</source>
@@ -9125,11 +9143,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Master Volume</source>
-        <translation>Hoofd Volume</translation>
+        <translation>Hoofdvolume</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation>Relatieve tempo tot 120 bpm</translation>
+        <translation>Relatief tempo tot 120 bpm</translation>
@@ -9184,7 +9202,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation>Herlaad huidige plugin bron</translation>
+        <translation>Herlaad huidige pluginbron</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -9195,7 +9213,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager</source>
-        <translation>Plugin mananger</translation>
+        <translation>Plugin-mananger</translation>
         <source>Define Shortcut</source>
@@ -9258,7 +9276,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>OSC remote control</source>
-        <translation>OSC afstand bediening</translation>
+        <translation>OSC afstandsbediening</translation>
@@ -9298,7 +9316,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Midi input inschakelen</translation>
+        <translation>Midi-input inschakelen</translation>
         <source>Play notes when editing</source>
@@ -9334,7 +9352,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation>standaard schaal voor nieuwe partituur scherm</translation>
+        <translation>standaardtoonladder voor nieuwe partituurweergaves</translation>
         <source>Default Files</source>
@@ -9442,15 +9460,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Attention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>Let op: vereist het opnieuw opstarten van MuseScore.</translation>
+        <translation>Let op: Wijzigingen vereisen het opnieuw opstarten van MuseScore.</translation>
-        <translation>Importeer</translation>
+        <translation>Importeren</translation>
         <source>Style Used for Import</source>
-        <translation>Stijl voor gebruik invoer</translation>
+        <translation>Stijl gebruikt voor invoer</translation>
         <source>Built in style</source>
@@ -9462,7 +9480,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>Blader...</translation>
+        <translation>Bladeren...</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
@@ -9482,7 +9500,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Import system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation>Importeer systeem en pagina ondebrekingen</translation>
+        <translation>Importeer systeem- en paginaondebrekingen</translation>
@@ -9510,7 +9528,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>Exporteer</translation>
+        <translation>Exporteren</translation>
@@ -9534,19 +9552,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Export all system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation>Export alle systeem en pagina onderbrekingen</translation>
+        <translation>Alle systeem- en paginaonderbrekingen exporteren</translation>
         <source>Export manually added system and page breaks only</source>
-        <translation>Export alleen manueel toegevoegde systeem en paginaonderbrekingen</translation>
+        <translation>Alleen manueel toegevoegde systeem- en paginaonderbrekingen exporteren</translation>
         <source>Do not export system or page breaks</source>
-        <translation>Systeem en paginaonderbrekingen niet exporteren</translation>
+        <translation>Systeem- en paginaonderbrekingen niet exporteren</translation>
-        <translation>Snelkoppelingen</translation>
+        <translation>Sneltoetsen</translation>
@@ -9598,23 +9616,23 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Disable antialiased drawing</source>
-        <translation>uitschakelen antialiased tekenen</translation>
+        <translation>Schakel anti-aliasing bij tekenen uit</translation>
         <source>Uncheck this to speed up drawing</source>
-        <translation>deselecteer voor meer snelheid</translation>
+        <translation>Deselecteer voor meer snelheid</translation>
         <source>Draw antialiased</source>
-        <translation>Teken Afrondingen (Antialiased)</translation>
+        <translation>Teken afrondingen (met antialiasing)</translation>
         <source>Default duration:</source>
-        <translation>Standaard lengte:</translation>
+        <translation>Standaardduur:</translation>
         <source>MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation>MIDI remote control</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-afstandsbediening</translation>
@@ -9658,11 +9676,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2:</source>
-        <translation>Instrumenten lijst 2:</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumentenlijst 2:</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1:</source>
-        <translation>Instrumenten lijst 1:</translation>
+        <translation>Instrumentenlijst 1:</translation>
         <source>Style for part:</source>
@@ -9670,7 +9688,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>ALSA audio</source>
-        <translation>ALSA audio</translation>
+        <translation>ALSA-audio</translation>
         <source>Sample rate:</source>
@@ -9682,7 +9700,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Character Set Used When Importing Binary Files</source>
-        <translation>Karakter set gebruikt bij importeren Binary bestanden</translation>
+        <translation>Karakterset gebruikt bij importeren binary-bestanden</translation>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
@@ -9711,7 +9729,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Port number:</source>
         <extracomment>The UDP port number on which the MuseScore OSC server will listen on</extracomment>
-        <translation>Poort nummer</translation>
+        <translation>Poortnummer</translation>
         <source>Use JACK Audio</source>
@@ -9735,7 +9753,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Preferences Tab Manager</source>
-        <translation>Voorkeuren tab manager</translation>
+        <translation>Manager voorkeurentab</translation>
         <source>General Tab</source>
@@ -9759,7 +9777,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Choose starting score</source>
-        <translation>Kies starten partituur</translation>
+        <translation>Kies beginpartituur</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
@@ -9767,11 +9785,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
-        <translation>Selecteer vertraging (in Minuten) tussen automatisch opslaan</translation>
+        <translation>Selecteer vertraging (in minuten) tussen automatisch opslaan</translation>
         <source>Port number</source>
-        <translation>Poort nummer</translation>
+        <translation>Poortnummer</translation>
         <source>Select style</source>
@@ -9783,15 +9801,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Icon Width</source>
-        <translation>Icoon breedte</translation>
+        <translation>Pictogrambreedte</translation>
         <source>Style folder</source>
-        <translation>Stijl map</translation>
+        <translation>Stijlmap</translation>
         <source>Insert path for style folder</source>
-        <translation>Voeg pad naar stijl map in</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg pad naar stijlmap in</translation>
         <source>Choose score folder</source>
@@ -9819,23 +9837,23 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Template folder</source>
-        <translation>Sjabloonmap</translation>
+        <translation>Sjablonenmap</translation>
         <source>Insert path to Template folder</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad naar template map in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad naar sjablonenmap in</translation>
         <source>Plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Plugin map</translation>
+        <translation>Pluginmap</translation>
         <source>Insert path to plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad naar plugin map in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad naar pluginmap in</translation>
         <source>Choose plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies plugin map</translation>
+        <translation>Kies pluginmap</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
@@ -9847,15 +9865,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to image folder</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad in voor afbeeldingen map</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad in voor afbeeldingenmap</translation>
         <source>Choose template folder</source>
-        <translation>Kies sjabloonmap</translation>
+        <translation>Sjablonenmap kiezen</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the template folder</source>
-        <translation>Open een mapdialoogvenster voor het selecteren van de templatemap</translation>
+        <translation>Open een mapdialoogvenster voor het selecteren van de sjablonenmap</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the image folder</source>
@@ -9863,7 +9881,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Canvas Tab</source>
-        <translation>Scherminstellingen tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab scherminstellingen</translation>
         <source>Background Wallpaper</source>
@@ -9879,11 +9897,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad in voor schermachtergrond bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad in voor schermachtergrondbestand</translation>
         <source>Choose Background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Kies schermachtergrond bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Kies bestand voor schermachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper file</source>
@@ -9891,7 +9909,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Select background color</source>
-        <translation>Kies achtergrond kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Kies achtergrondkleur</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the background color</source>
@@ -9899,19 +9917,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
-        <translation>Papier achtergrond pad</translation>
+        <translation>Pad papierachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Insert path to paper wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad in voor papier achtergrond pad</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad in voor bestand papierachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Choose paper wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Kies papier achtergrond bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Kies bestand voor papierachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Select paper color</source>
-        <translation>Kies papier kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Papierkleur kiezen</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the paper color</source>
@@ -9919,15 +9937,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Paper Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation>Paper achtergrond</translation>
+        <translation>Papierachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Paper Color</source>
-        <translation>Papier kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Papierkleur</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation>Midi input inschakelen</translation>
+        <translation>Midi-input inschakelen</translation>
         <source>Default duration</source>
@@ -9943,7 +9961,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle play record</source>
-        <translation>Schakel afspelen opnemen in/uit</translation>
+        <translation>Schakel tussen afspelen en opnemen</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
@@ -9975,7 +9993,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation>Dubbele puntering ia actief</translation>
+        <translation>Dubbele puntering is actief</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot record</source>
@@ -10027,11 +10045,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Score Tab</source>
-        <translation>Partituur tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab partituur</translation>
         <source>Default zoom</source>
-        <translation>Standaard zoom</translation>
+        <translation>Standaardzoom</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument list 1</source>
@@ -10047,7 +10065,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert path to a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad in voor een instrumentlijst bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad in voor een instrumentlijstbestand</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file</source>
@@ -10059,7 +10077,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file</source>
-        <translation>Opeen een bestanddialoogvenster voor het selecteren van een stijlbestand</translation>
+        <translation>Opent een bestanddialoogvenster voor het selecteren van een stijlbestand</translation>
         <source>Style for part</source>
@@ -10075,7 +10093,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for part</source>
-        <translation>Open een bestanddialoogvenster voor het selecteren van stijl bestand voor een partij</translation>
+        <translation>Open een bestanddialoogvenster voor het selecteren van een stijlbestand voor een partij</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2</source>
@@ -10091,7 +10109,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Port Audio</source>
-        <translation>Audio poort</translation>
+        <translation>Audiopoort</translation>
@@ -10103,11 +10121,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation>MIDI invoer</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-invoer</translation>
         <source>Choose MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation>Kies MIDI invoer</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-invoer kiezen</translation>
@@ -10115,7 +10133,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Choose device</source>
-        <translation>Kies apparaat</translation>
+        <translation>Apparaat kiezen</translation>
@@ -10127,11 +10145,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Period Size</source>
-        <translation>Looptijd Grootte</translation>
+        <translation>Grootte looptijd</translation>
         <source>Choose period size</source>
-        <translation>Kies looptijd grootte</translation>
+        <translation>Kies grootte looptijd</translation>
         <source>Sample rate</source>
@@ -10139,11 +10157,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Choose sample rate</source>
-        <translation>Kies Samplefrequentie</translation>
+        <translation>Kies samplefrequentie</translation>
         <source>Import Tab</source>
-        <translation>Import tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab import</translation>
         <source>Build in style</source>
@@ -10155,19 +10173,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation>Overture import karakter set</translation>
+        <translation>Overture import karakterset</translation>
         <source>Choose Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation>Kies Overture import karakter set</translation>
+        <translation>Kies Overture import karakterset</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation>Guitar Pro import karakter set</translation>
+        <translation>Guitar Pro import karakterset</translation>
         <source>Choose Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation>Kies Guitar Pro import karakter set</translation>
+        <translation>Kies Guitar Pro import karakterset</translation>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
@@ -10175,11 +10193,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Choose the shortest note value</source>
-        <translation>Kies de kortste noot waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Kies de kortste nootwaarde</translation>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
-        <translation>Export tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab export</translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI</source>
@@ -10191,11 +10209,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts Tab</source>
-        <translation>Sneltoets tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab sneltoetsen</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts table</source>
-        <translation>Sneltoets tabel</translation>
+        <translation>Sneltoetsentabel</translation>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to default</source>
@@ -10247,11 +10265,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Resets the shortcuts to their default assignment</source>
-        <translation>Hertsel de sneltoetsen naar hun standaard toewijzing</translation>
+        <translation>Hertsel de sneltoetsen naar hun standaardtoewijzing</translation>
         <source>Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected action</source>
-        <translation>Klaart de sneltoets toewijzing voor de geselecteerde actie</translation>
+        <translation>Verwijdert de sneltoetstoewijzing voor de geselecteerde actie</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected action</source>
@@ -10259,7 +10277,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Print the shortcuts list</source>
-        <translation>Druk de sneltoetslijst af</translation>
+        <translation>Druk de sneltoetsenlijst af</translation>
         <source>Update translations</source>
@@ -10275,7 +10293,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation>Schakel MIDI afstand bediening in</translation>
+        <translation>Schakel MIDI-afstandsbediening in</translation>
         <source>Is active</source>
@@ -10283,31 +10301,31 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>opnemen</translation>
+        <translation>Opnemen</translation>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation>Standaard schaal voor de nieuwe partituur schermen</translation>
+        <translation>Standaardschaal voor de nieuwe partituurbezichtigingen</translation>
         <source>Show play panel</source>
-        <translation>Toon speel paneel</translation>
+        <translation>Toon afspeelpaneel</translation>
         <source>Show navigator</source>
-        <translation>Toon navigatie</translation>
+        <translation>Toon navigator</translation>
         <source>OSC Remote Control</source>
-        <translation>OSC afstand bediening</translation>
+        <translation>OSC afstandsbediening</translation>
         <source>MIDI Remote Control</source>
-        <translation>MIDI afstand bediening</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI afstandsbediening</translation>
         <source>Show start center</source>
-        <translation>Toon start scherm</translation>
+        <translation>Toon startscherm</translation>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
@@ -10327,19 +10345,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation>Sounfont mappen</translation>
+        <translation>Sounfont-mappen</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation>Voer pad naar soundfont mappen in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer pad naar soundfont-mappen in</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation>Open een dialoogvenster voor het configureren van de soundfont mappen</translation>
+        <translation>Open een dialoogvenster voor het configureren van de soundfont-mappen</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
-        <translation>Noteninvoer Tab</translation>
+        <translation>Tab noteninvoer</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -10389,6 +10407,10 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Controleer op een nieuwe versie van MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filter</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10397,7 +10419,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
 Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
         <translation>Geen noot of liedtekst geselecteerd:
-selecteer een enekel noot of liedtekst en probeer opnieuw
+selecteer een enkele noot of liedtekst en probeer opnieuw
@@ -10420,22 +10442,22 @@ selecteer een enekel noot of liedtekst en probeer opnieuw
 Please select a single note or figured bass and retry.
         <translation>Geen noot of basso geselecteerd:
-select een enkele noot of basso en probeer opnieuw
+selecteer een enkele noot of basso en probeer het opnieuw
         <source>No note selected:
 Please select a single note and retry operation
-        <translation>Geen noot geselecteerd:
-Selecteer één noot en probeer het opnieuw
+        <translation>Geen noot geselecteerd:
+Selecteer één enkele noot en probeer het opnieuw
         <source>No note or rest selected:
 Please select a single note or rest and retry operation
-        <translation>Geen noot of rust geselecteerd:
+        <translation>Geen noot of rust geselecteerd:
 Selecteer één noot of rust en probeer het opnieuw
@@ -10480,7 +10502,7 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>Write Chord Description failed: %1</source>
-        <translation>Schrijven akkoord beschrijving mislukt: %1</translation>
+        <translation>Schrijven akkoordbeschrijving mislukt: %1</translation>
         <source>Cannot open tablature font description:
@@ -10506,13 +10528,13 @@ mislukt: %2</translation>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
-        <translation>Het was als laatste opgeslagen met versie 0.9.5 of ouder.<br>Converteer deze partituur met het openen in en opslaan met MuseScore versie 1.x</a></translation>
+        <translation>Dit is het laatst opgeslagen met versie 0.9.5 of ouder.<br>Je kan deze partituur converteren door hem met MuseScore versie 1.x te openen en op te slaan</a></translation>
         <source>This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.<br>
 Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a> to obtain the latest version.</source>
-        <translation>Deze partituur was opgeslagen met een nieuwere versie van MuseScore.<br>
-Bezoek de <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a> om de laatste versie te verkrijgen.</translation>
+        <translation>Deze partituur is opgeslagen met een nieuwere versie van MuseScore.<br>
+Bezoek <a href="http://musescore.org">de website van MuseScore</a> om de laatste versie te verkrijgen.</translation>
         <source>File not found %1</source>
@@ -10520,12 +10542,12 @@ Bezoek de <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Load Error</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Laad fout</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Laadfout</translation>
         <source>Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid
-        <translation>Interne fout: MusicXML schema is ongeldig
+        <translation>Interne fout: MusicXML-schema is ongeldig
@@ -10542,7 +10564,7 @@ Bezoek de <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML file</source>
-        <translation>Bestand '%1' is geen geldig MusicXML bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Bestand '%1' is geen geldig MusicXML-bestand</translation>
         <source>Error at line %1 column %2: %3
@@ -10708,6 +10730,14 @@ Bezoek de <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Bestand beschadigd %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Upload fout</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Wil je dit bestand verder openen?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10785,11 +10815,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore bestand (*.mscz)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-bestand (*.mscz)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore bestand (*.album)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore-bestanden (*.album)</translation>
@@ -10822,7 +10852,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
-        <translation>opnemen</translation>
+        <translation>Opnemen</translation>
@@ -10857,17 +10887,6 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Stem: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Duur: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -10879,7 +10898,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Created: </source>
-        <translation>Gecreëerd:</translation>
+        <translation>Aangemaakt:</translation>
@@ -10894,7 +10913,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Section Break Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Sectie onderbreking eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Sectieonderbrekingseigenschappen</translation>
@@ -10910,7 +10929,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Start new section with measure number one</source>
-        <translation>Start nieuwe sectie met maat nummer 1</translation>
+        <translation>Start nieuwe sectie met maatnummer 1</translation>
@@ -10929,7 +10948,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Element type:</source>
-        <translation>Element type:</translation>
+        <translation>Elementtype:</translation>
         <source>Same staff</source>
@@ -10988,14 +11007,14 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Current instrument:</source>
-        <translation>Huidige instrument</translation>
+        <translation>Huidig instrument</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Files</source>
-        <translation>Soundfont bestanden</translation>
+        <translation>Soundfont-bestanden</translation>
@@ -11018,7 +11037,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Type to set shortcut</source>
         <comment>placeholder text</comment>
-        <translation>Sneltoets instellen</translation>
+        <translation>Typ om sneltoets in te stellen</translation>
@@ -11038,11 +11057,11 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Enter Shortcut Sequence</source>
-        <translation>Voer sneltoets volgorde in</translation>
+        <translation>Voer sneltoetsvolgorde in</translation>
         <source>Press up to four keys to enter shortcut sequence</source>
-        <translation>Druk tot vier toesten in om sneltoets volgorde in te voeren</translation>
+        <translation>Druk tot vier toesten in om sneltoetsvolgorde in te voeren</translation>
         <source>Old shortcuts</source>
@@ -11050,7 +11069,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>New shortcut</source>
-        <translation>Nieuwe sneltoets combinatie</translation>
+        <translation>Nieuwe sneltoetscombinatie</translation>
         <source>Type to set shortcut</source>
@@ -11061,15 +11080,15 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk balk-/partij eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk balk-/partijeigenschappen</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
-        <translation>Splits Notenbalk</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalk splitsen</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation>Split punt:</translation>
+        <translation>Splitspunt:</translation>
@@ -11163,7 +11182,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation>Swing instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Swinginstellingen</translation>
@@ -11175,7 +11194,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
-        <translation>Selecteer swing ratio:</translation>
+        <translation>Selecteer swingratio:</translation>
@@ -11194,7 +11213,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Staff Type Templates</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk type templates</translation>
+        <translation>Templates notenbalktype</translation>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
@@ -11228,7 +11247,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation>Start Scherm</translation>
+        <translation>Startscherm</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
@@ -11247,7 +11266,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation>Systeem vlag</translation>
+        <translation>Systeemvlag</translation>
@@ -11270,7 +11289,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Master Effects</source>
-        <translation>Master Effecten</translation>
+        <translation>Master effecten</translation>
         <source>Effect B:</source>
@@ -11319,11 +11338,11 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation>Gebruik Omhoog- en omlaag-pijl om te wijzigen</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruik omhoog- en omlaag-pijl om te wijzigen</translation>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation>Metronoom toename</translation>
+        <translation>Metronoomtoename</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
@@ -11350,7 +11369,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Code Page:</source>
-        <translation>Code pagina:</translation>
+        <translation>Codepagina:</translation>
@@ -11385,7 +11404,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation>Systeem vlag</translation>
+        <translation>Systeemvlag</translation>
@@ -11443,19 +11462,19 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Text margin:</source>
-        <translation>Tekst marge:</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstmarge:</translation>
         <source>Border radius:</source>
-        <translation>Rand radius:</translation>
+        <translation>Radius rand:</translation>
         <source>Font face</source>
-        <translation>Lettertype kant</translation>
+        <translation>Kant lettertype</translation>
         <source>Font point size</source>
-        <translation>Lettertype punt maat</translation>
+        <translation>Puntgrootte lettertype</translation>
@@ -11471,7 +11490,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Text color</source>
-        <translation>Tekst kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstkleur</translation>
         <source>Horizontal offset to reference point</source>
@@ -11511,7 +11530,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Enable text frame</source>
-        <translation>Schakel tekst frame in</translation>
+        <translation>Schakel tekstframe in</translation>
         <source>Draw circled frame</source>
@@ -11539,11 +11558,11 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Text background color</source>
-        <translation>Tekst achtergrond kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Kleur tekstachtergrond</translation>
         <source>Frame color</source>
-        <translation>Frame kleur</translation>
+        <translation>Framekleur</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
@@ -11551,16 +11570,16 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Offset in staff space units</source>
-        <translation>Offset in notenbalk ruimte eenheden</translation>
+        <translation>Offset in notenbalkruimte-eenheden</translation>
         <source>Staff space</source>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Notenbalk ruimte</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkruimte</translation>
         <source>Size follows 'Staff space' setting</source>
-        <translation>Maat volgt 'Notenbalk ruimte' instelling</translation>
+        <translation>Maat volgt 'Notenbalkruimte'-instelling</translation>
         <source>Align baseline of text to reference point</source>
@@ -11683,7 +11702,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>String Number</source>
-        <translation>Snaar Nummer</translation>
+        <translation>Snaarnummer</translation>
@@ -11711,11 +11730,11 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation>Linkshandige gitaar vingerzetting</translation>
+        <translation>Linkshandige gitaarvingerzetting</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation>Rechtshandige gitaar vingerzetting</translation>
+        <translation>Rechtshandige gitaarvingerzetting</translation>
@@ -11726,7 +11745,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Text Styles</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bewerk tekststijlen</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tekststijlen bewerken</translation>
@@ -11744,7 +11763,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Create Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Creëer maatsoort</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoort aanmaken</translation>
@@ -11799,7 +11818,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties</source>
-        <translation>Maatsoort eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Maatsoorteigenschappen</translation>
@@ -11815,11 +11834,11 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
-        <translation>Waardes</translation>
+        <translation>Waarden</translation>
-        <translation>Verschijning</translation>
+        <translation>Uitzicht</translation>
@@ -11894,7 +11913,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Common time</source>
-        <translation>Gemeenschappelijke tijd</translation>
+        <translation>4/4</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Wizard</source>
@@ -11906,7 +11925,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Common Time</source>
-        <translation>Gemeenschappelijke tijd</translation>
+        <translation>4/4</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
@@ -11965,107 +11984,107 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation>Reine Prime</translation>
+        <translation>Reine prime</translation>
         <source>Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Prime</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige prime</translation>
         <source>Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation>Verminderde Secunde</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderde secunde</translation>
         <source>Minor Second</source>
-        <translation>Kleine Secunde</translation>
+        <translation>Kleine secunde</translation>
         <source>Major Second</source>
-        <translation>Grote Secunde</translation>
+        <translation>Grote secunde</translation>
         <source>Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Secunde</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige secunde</translation>
         <source>Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation>Verminderde Terts</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderde terts</translation>
         <source>Minor Third</source>
-        <translation>Kleine Terts</translation>
+        <translation>Kleine terts</translation>
         <source>Major Third</source>
-        <translation>Grote Terts</translation>
+        <translation>Grote terts</translation>
         <source>Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Terts</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige terts</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Verminderde Kwart</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderde kwart</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Reine Kwart</translation>
+        <translation>Reine kwart</translation>
         <source>Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Kwart</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige kwart</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Verminderde Kwint</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderde kwint</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Reine Kwint</translation>
+        <translation>Reine kwint</translation>
         <source>Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Kwint</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige kwint</translation>
         <source>Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Verminderde Sext</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderde sext</translation>
         <source>Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Kleine Sext</translation>
+        <translation>Kleine sext</translation>
         <source>Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Grote Sext</translation>
+        <translation>Grote sext</translation>
         <source>Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Overmatige Sext</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatige sext</translation>
         <source>Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Verminderd Septiem</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderd septiem</translation>
         <source>Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Klein Septiem</translation>
+        <translation>Klein septiem</translation>
         <source>Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Groot Septiem</translation>
+        <translation>Groot septiem</translation>
         <source>Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Overmatig Septiem</translation>
+        <translation>Overmatig septiem</translation>
         <source>Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation>Verminderd Octaaf</translation>
+        <translation>Verminderd octaaf</translation>
         <source>Perfect Octave</source>
-        <translation>Rein Octaaf</translation>
+        <translation>Rein octaaf</translation>
         <source>Transpose key signatures</source>
@@ -12073,27 +12092,27 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
-        <translation>Tweede</translation>
+        <translation>Secunde</translation>
-        <translation>Derde</translation>
+        <translation>Terts</translation>
-        <translation>Vierde</translation>
+        <translation>Kwart</translation>
-        <translation>Vijfde</translation>
+        <translation>Kwint</translation>
-        <translation>Zesde</translation>
+        <translation>Sext</translation>
-        <translation>Zevende</translation>
+        <translation>Septiem</translation>
         <source>Keep degree alterations</source>
@@ -12105,63 +12124,63 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Transpose chord symbols</source>
-        <translation>Transponeer akkoord symbolen</translation>
+        <translation>Transponeer akkoordsymbolen</translation>
         <source>Câ™­ major / Aâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Câ™­ major / Aâ™­ minor</translation>
+        <translation>Câ™­ groot / Aâ™­ klein</translation>
         <source>Gâ™­ major / Eâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Gâ™­ major / Eâ™­ minor</translation>
+        <translation>Gâ™­ groot / Eâ™­ klein</translation>
         <source>Dâ™­ major / Bâ™­ minor</source>
-        <translation>Dâ™­ major / Bâ™­ minor</translation>
+        <translation>Dâ™­ groot / Bâ™­ klein</translation>
         <source>Aâ™­ major / F minor</source>
-        <translation>Aâ™­ major / F minor</translation>
+        <translation>Aâ™­ groot / F klein</translation>
         <source>Eâ™­ major / C minor</source>
-        <translation>Eâ™­ major / C minor</translation>
+        <translation>Eâ™­ groot / C klein</translation>
         <source>Bâ™­ major / G minor</source>
-        <translation>Bâ™­ major / G minor</translation>
+        <translation>Bâ™­ groot / G klein</translation>
         <source>A major / F♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>A major / F♯ minor</translation>
+        <translation>A groot / F♯ klein</translation>
         <source>E major / C♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>E major / C♯ minor</translation>
+        <translation>E groot / C♯ klein</translation>
         <source>B major / G♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>B major / G♯ minor</translation>
+        <translation>B groot / G♯ klein</translation>
         <source>F♯ major / D♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>F♯ major / D♯ minor</translation>
+        <translation>F♯ groot / D♯ klein</translation>
         <source>C♯ major / A♯ minor</source>
-        <translation>C♯ major / A♯ minor</translation>
+        <translation>C♯ groot / A♯ klein</translation>
         <source>Single Sharps and Flats Only</source>
-        <translation>Alleen enkele kruizen en mollen</translation>
+        <translation>Alleen enkele kruisen en mollen</translation>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation>Gebruik dubbele kruizen en mollen</translation>
+        <translation>Gebruik dubbele kruisen en mollen</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
-        <translation>Transponees Chromatisch</translation>
+        <translation>Transponeer chromatisch</translation>
         <source>By Key</source>
@@ -12173,7 +12192,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
-        <translation>Transponeer Diatonisch</translation>
+        <translation>Transponeer diatonisch</translation>
@@ -12239,7 +12258,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tremolo Bar Properties</source>
-        <translation>Musescore: Tremolo lijn eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Musescore: Tremolo-lijneigenschappen</translation>
@@ -12351,7 +12370,7 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties</source>
-        <translation>Volta eigenschappen</translation>
+        <translation>Volta-eigenschappen</translation>
@@ -12366,13 +12385,13 @@ Wil je dit overschrijven?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Workspace File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Schrijf werkruimte bestand</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Werkruimtebestand aan het schrijven</translation>
         <source>Writing Workspace File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Schrijven werkruimte bestand
+        <translation>Werkruimtebestand schrijven
@@ -12381,15 +12400,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Extra content at end of document.</source>
-        <translation>Extra content aan eind van document</translation>
+        <translation>Extra inhoud aan eind van document</translation>
         <source>Invalid entity value.</source>
-        <translation>Ongeldige entiteit waarde</translation>
+        <translation>Ongeldige entiteitswaarde</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML character.</source>
-        <translation>Incorrecte XML karakter.</translation>
+        <translation>Incorrect XML-karakter.</translation>
         <source>Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.</source>
@@ -12397,11 +12416,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Encountered incorrectly encoded content.</source>
-        <translation>De inhoud is verkeerd gedeerd.</translation>
+        <translation>De inhoud is verkeerd gecodeerd.</translation>
         <source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
-        <translation>Namespace voorvoegsel '%1' is niet gedeclareerd</translation>
+        <translation>Namespace prefix '%1' is niet gedeclareerd</translation>
         <source>Illegal namespace declaration.</source>
@@ -12409,7 +12428,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Attribute redefined.</source>
-        <translation>Attribuut hergedefineerd</translation>
+        <translation>Attribuut geherdefineerd</translation>
         <source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
@@ -12417,15 +12436,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
-        <translation>Ongeldige XML versie string</translation>
+        <translation>Ongeldige XML-versiestring.</translation>
         <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
-        <translation>Niet ondersteunde XML versie.</translation>
+        <translation>Niet ondersteunde XML-versie.</translation>
         <source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
-        <translation>Het alleenstaand pseudo attribuut moet na de codering voorkomen.</translation>
+        <translation>Het alleenstaande pseudo-attribuut moet zich na de codering bevinden.</translation>
         <source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
@@ -12441,11 +12460,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
-        <translation>Ongeldige attribuut in XML declaratie</translation>
+        <translation>Ongeldig attribuut in XML-declaratie</translation>
         <source>Premature end of document.</source>
-        <translation>Onverwachts document einde.</translation>
+        <translation>Onverwacht documenteinde.</translation>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
@@ -12465,7 +12484,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Expected character data.</source>
-        <translation>Verwacht karakter data</translation>
+        <translation>Verwachte karakterdata</translation>
@@ -12484,7 +12503,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation>Soundfont %1 is al geladen</translation>
+        <translation>SoundFont %1 is al geladen</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
@@ -12499,23 +12518,23 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>kruis</translation>
+        <translation>Kruis</translation>
-        <translation>mol</translation>
+        <translation>Mol</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
-        <translation>dubbelkruis</translation>
+        <translation>Dubbelkruis</translation>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation>dubbelmol</translation>
+        <translation>Dubbelmol</translation>
-        <translation>herstelling</translation>
+        <translation>Herstelling</translation>
@@ -12606,7 +12625,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Local Handbook...</source>
-        <translation>Lokaal handboek</translation>
+        <translation>Lokaal handboek...</translation>
         <source>Local handbook</source>
@@ -12638,7 +12657,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
-        <translation>Opslaan partituur onder een nieuwe bestandsnaam</translation>
+        <translation>Sla partituur op onder een nieuwe bestandsnaam</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
@@ -12654,7 +12673,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation>Bewaar een kopie van de partituur als aanvulling op het huidige bestand</translation>
+        <translation>Bewaar zowel het huidige bestand als een kopie van de partituur</translation>
@@ -12674,7 +12693,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
-        <translation>Bewaar een kopie van de partituur partijen in verschillende formaten</translation>
+        <translation>Bewaar een kopie van de partijen in verschillende formaten</translation>
@@ -12690,7 +12709,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Create new score</source>
-        <translation>Creëer nieuwe partituur</translation>
+        <translation>Maak nieuwe partituur aan</translation>
@@ -12718,7 +12737,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Redo last undo</source>
-        <translation>Opnieuw laatste ongedaan maken</translation>
+        <translation>Maak het laatst ongedaan gemaakte opnieuw ongedaan</translation>
@@ -12738,7 +12757,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
-        <translation>Toon instrumenten dialoogvenster</translation>
+        <translation>Toon instrumentendialoogvenster</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -12810,11 +12829,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Ninth Above</source>
-        <translation>Negende erboven</translation>
+        <translation>None erboven</translation>
         <source>Enter ninth above</source>
-        <translation>Negende erboven toevoegen</translation>
+        <translation>None erboven toevoegen</translation>
         <source>Second Below</source>
@@ -12874,11 +12893,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Ninth Below</source>
-        <translation>Negende eronder</translation>
+        <translation>None eronder</translation>
         <source>Enter ninth below</source>
-        <translation>Negende eronder toevoegen</translation>
+        <translation>None eronder toevoegen</translation>
@@ -13074,15 +13093,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Reset Beam Mode</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen waardestreep modus</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen waardestreepmodus</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen waardestreep modus</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen waardestreepmodus</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode of selected measures</source>
-        <translation>Hertellen waardestreep modus van geselecteerde maten </translation>
+        <translation>Hertellen waardestreepmodus van geselecteerde maten </translation>
         <source>Flip direction</source>
@@ -13294,7 +13313,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>Verwijder</translation>
+        <translation>Verwijderen</translation>
         <source>Delete contents of the selected measures</source>
@@ -13334,7 +13353,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Maten Invoegen...</translation>
+        <translation>Maten invoegen...</translation>
         <source>Insert measures</source>
@@ -13342,7 +13361,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Horizontaal kader in notenbalk invoegen</translation>
+        <translation>Horizontaal kader invoegen</translation>
         <source>Insert Text Frame</source>
@@ -13430,7 +13449,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 16th</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: 16e</translation>
+        <translation>Duur noot: 16e</translation>
         <source>32nd note</source>
@@ -13438,7 +13457,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 32nd</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: 32e</translation>
+        <translation>Duur noot: 32e</translation>
         <source>64th note</source>
@@ -13446,7 +13465,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 64th</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: 64e</translation>
+        <translation>Duur noot: 64e</translation>
         <source>128th note</source>
@@ -13454,7 +13473,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 128th</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: 128e</translation>
+        <translation>Duur noot: 128e</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration</source>
@@ -13566,15 +13585,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Midi input inschakelen</translation>
+        <translation>Midi-input inschakelen</translation>
         <source>Beam start</source>
-        <translation>Waardestreep begin</translation>
+        <translation>Begin waardestreep</translation>
         <source>Beam middle</source>
-        <translation>Waardestreep midden</translation>
+        <translation>Midden waardestreep</translation>
         <source>No beam</source>
@@ -13610,7 +13629,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Import Panel</source>
-        <translation>MIDI import paneel</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-importeerpaneel</translation>
@@ -13638,11 +13657,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation>Tempo markering...</translation>
+        <translation>Tempomarkering...</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
-        <translation>Voeg tempo markering toe</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg tempomarkering toe</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
@@ -13666,7 +13685,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Add frame text</source>
-        <translation>Voeg frame tekst toe</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg frametekst toe</translation>
@@ -13690,7 +13709,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Add composer text</source>
-        <translation>Componisttekst toevoegen</translation>
+        <translation>Componist toevoegen</translation>
@@ -13698,7 +13717,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Add lyricist text</source>
-        <translation>Voeg tekstschrijver toe</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstschrijver toevoegen</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -13706,7 +13725,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Add rehearsal mark</source>
-        <translation>Voeg repetitie markering toe</translation>
+        <translation>Repetitiemarkering toevoegen</translation>
@@ -13746,7 +13765,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to Begin</source>
-        <translation>Speler Zoet tot Begin</translation>
+        <translation>Speler zoek tot begin</translation>
@@ -13762,11 +13781,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
-        <translation>Speler Positie Naar Einde</translation>
+        <translation>Speler positie naar einde</translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
-        <translation>Herhalingen Afspelen</translation>
+        <translation>Herhalingen afspelen</translation>
         <source>Toggle repeats playback</source>
@@ -13814,43 +13833,43 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Treble Clef</source>
-        <translation>G sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>G-sleutel</translation>
         <source>Add treble clef</source>
-        <translation>Voeg G sleutel toe</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg G-sleutel toe</translation>
         <source>Bass Clef</source>
-        <translation>F sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>F-sleutel</translation>
         <source>Add bass clef</source>
-        <translation>Voeg F sleutel toe</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg F-sleutel toe</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 1-2</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 1-2</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 1-3</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 1-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 1-4</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 1-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 2-3</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 2-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 2-4</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 2-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation>Verwissel Stem 3-4</translation>
+        <translation>Verwissel stem 3-4</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
@@ -13882,11 +13901,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Section Break</source>
-        <translation>Schakel sectie einde in/uit</translation>
+        <translation>Schakel sectie-einde in/uit</translation>
         <source>Edit Element</source>
-        <translation>Bewerk Element</translation>
+        <translation>Bewerk element</translation>
@@ -13894,7 +13913,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Reset user settings</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen gebruikers instellingen</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen gebruikersinstellingen</translation>
@@ -13902,7 +13921,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Reset Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Herstellen Afstanden</translation>
+        <translation>Herstellen afstanden</translation>
         <source>Reset measure stretch</source>
@@ -13926,7 +13945,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert Special Characters...</source>
-        <translation>Speciale Tekens Invoegen...</translation>
+        <translation>Speciale tekens invoegen...</translation>
@@ -13978,7 +13997,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in same staff</source>
-        <translation>Selecteer alle soortgelijke elementen in dezelfde notenbalk</translation>
+        <translation>Alle soortgelijke elementen in dezelfde notenbalk selecteren</translation>
@@ -13994,7 +14013,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Repeat selection</source>
-        <translation>Herhaal selectie</translation>
+        <translation>Selectie herhalen</translation>
         <source>Pan piano roll</source>
@@ -14030,7 +14049,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Manage parts</source>
-        <translation>Beheers partijen</translation>
+        <translation>Beheer partijen</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic up</source>
@@ -14046,7 +14065,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show OMR image</source>
-        <translation>Toon OMR afbeelding</translation>
+        <translation>Toon OMR-afbeelding</translation>
         <source>Full Screen</source>
@@ -14054,7 +14073,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Re-Pitch Mode</source>
-        <translation>Herstel toonhoogte modus</translation>
+        <translation>Toonhoogteherstelmodus</translation>
         <source>Replace pitches without changing rhythms</source>
@@ -14062,7 +14081,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
-        <translation>Piano toestenbord</translation>
+        <translation>Piano-toestenbord</translation>
         <source>Additional Media...</source>
@@ -14070,7 +14089,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show media dialog</source>
-        <translation>Toon media dialoogvenster</translation>
+        <translation>Toon media-dialoogvenster</translation>
         <source>Split Measure</source>
@@ -14078,7 +14097,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Page Settings...</source>
-        <translation>Pagina instellingen...</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina-instellingen...</translation>
@@ -14114,7 +14133,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
-        <translation>Loop</translation>
+        <translation>Lus</translation>
         <source>Toggle loop playback</source>
@@ -14162,15 +14181,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Hoofd palet...</translation>
+        <translation>Hoofdpalet...</translation>
         <source>Show master palette</source>
-        <translation>Toon hoofd palet</translation>
+        <translation>Toon hoofdpalet</translation>
         <source>Toggle View Mode</source>
-        <translation>Wissel beeld modus</translation>
+        <translation>Wissel weergavemodus</translation>
         <source>Next syllable</source>
@@ -14322,7 +14341,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord Diagram Frame Invoegen</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagramframe Invoegen</translation>
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
@@ -14330,11 +14349,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
-        <translation>Akkoord symbolen...</translation>
+        <translation>Akkoordsymbolen...</translation>
         <source>Edit chord symbols style</source>
-        <translation>Wijzig akkoordsymbolen stijl</translation>
+        <translation>Wijzig stijl akkoordsymbolen</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
@@ -14342,15 +14361,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Add chord symbol</source>
-        <translation>Voeg akkoord symbool toe</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg akkoordsymbool toe</translation>
         <source>Previous beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation>Vorige tel (Akkoord symbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Vorige tel (akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Next beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation>Volgende tel (Akkoord symbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Volgende tel (akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Respell Pitches</source>
@@ -14358,7 +14377,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Full Measure Rest</source>
-        <translation>Volledige maar rust</translation>
+        <translation>Volledige maat rust</translation>
         <source>Converts the measure to a full measure rest</source>
@@ -14366,11 +14385,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Join Measures</source>
-        <translation>Combineer maten</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg maten samen</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation>OMR paneel</translation>
+        <translation>OMR-paneel</translation>
         <source>Fret 10 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14430,11 +14449,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
-        <translation>Alle Soortgelijke Elementen in Bereik Selecteren</translation>
+        <translation>Alle soortgelijke elementen in bereik</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in the range selection</source>
-        <translation>Alle Soortgelijke Elementen in Bereik Selecteren</translation>
+        <translation>Alle soortgelijke elementen in bereik selecteren</translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
@@ -14442,7 +14461,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Selection Filter</source>
-        <translation>Selectie filter</translation>
+        <translation>Selectiefilter</translation>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
@@ -14470,7 +14489,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature palette</source>
-        <translation>Toon toonsoort palet</translation>
+        <translation>Toon toonsoortenpalet</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
@@ -14478,7 +14497,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show time signature palette</source>
-        <translation>Toon maatsoort palet</translation>
+        <translation>Toon maatsoortenpalet</translation>
@@ -14486,7 +14505,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show symbol palette</source>
-        <translation>Toon symbool palet</translation>
+        <translation>Toon symbolenpalet</translation>
         <source>Grace: eighth after</source>
@@ -14510,23 +14529,23 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Insert horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation>Voeg horizontaal frame in</translation>
+        <translation>Horizontaal kader invoegen</translation>
         <source>Insert text frame</source>
-        <translation>Voeg tekst frame in</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstkader invoegen</translation>
         <source>Insert vertical frame</source>
-        <translation>Voeg verticaal frame in</translation>
+        <translation>Verticaal kader invoegen</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
-        <translation>Naam partij</translation>
+        <translation>Partijnaam</translation>
         <source>Add part name</source>
-        <translation>Voeg partij naam toe</translation>
+        <translation>Partijnaam toevoegen</translation>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
@@ -14534,7 +14553,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation>Partituur opslaan in MuseScore.com</translation>
+        <translation>Partituur opslaan op MuseScore.com</translation>
@@ -14574,7 +14593,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Increase Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Afstand Vergroten</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand vergroten</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch</source>
@@ -14586,7 +14605,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Decrease Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Afstand Verminderen</translation>
+        <translation>Afstand verminderen</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch</source>
@@ -14598,15 +14617,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation>Plugin maker...</translation>
+        <translation>Plugin-maker...</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Plugin Beheer...</translation>
+        <translation>Pluginbeheer...</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Bronnen beheer...</translation>
+        <translation>Bronnenbeheer...</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
@@ -14670,7 +14689,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation>Diatonic omlaag</translation>
+        <translation>Diatonisch omlaag</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
@@ -14678,19 +14697,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
-        <translation>Volgende element</translation>
+        <translation>Volgend element</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Next element</source>
-        <translation>Toegankelijkheid: volgend element</translation>
+        <translation>Toegankelijkheid: Volgend element</translation>
         <source>Previous Element</source>
-        <translation>Vorige element</translation>
+        <translation>Vorig element</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Previous element</source>
-        <translation>Toegankelijkheid: vorig element</translation>
+        <translation>Toegankelijkheid: Vorig element</translation>
         <source>First Element</source>
@@ -14706,7 +14725,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Previous Chord</source>
-        <translation>Vorige akkoord</translation>
+        <translation>Vorig akkoord</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure</source>
@@ -14718,11 +14737,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
-        <translation>Volgende akkoord</translation>
+        <translation>Volgend akkoord</translation>
         <source>Next Measure</source>
-        <translation>Volgende Maat</translation>
+        <translation>Volgende maat</translation>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
@@ -14778,19 +14797,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Page: Previous</source>
-        <translation>Pagina: vorige</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina: Vorige</translation>
         <source>Page: Next</source>
-        <translation>Pagina: volgende</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina: Volgende</translation>
         <source>Page: Top</source>
-        <translation>Pagina: top</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina: Top</translation>
         <source>Page: End</source>
-        <translation>Pagina: einde</translation>
+        <translation>Pagina: Einde</translation>
         <source>Full measure rest</source>
@@ -14806,11 +14825,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation>Tekst frame toevoegen</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstframe toevoegen</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation>Voeg fretboard diagram frame in</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg fretborddiagramframe in</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
@@ -14822,7 +14841,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation>Nootduut: lang</translation>
+        <translation>Nootduur: lang</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
@@ -14894,7 +14913,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: puntering</translation>
+        <translation>Nootduur: puntering</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
@@ -14902,11 +14921,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: dubbele puntering</translation>
+        <translation>Nootduur: dubbele puntering</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
-        <translation>Noot duur: bindboog</translation>
+        <translation>Nootduur: bindboog</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest</source>
@@ -14954,7 +14973,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Beam Start</source>
-        <translation>Waardestreep begin</translation>
+        <translation>Begin waardestreep</translation>
         <source>Beam Middle</source>
@@ -14974,7 +14993,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Auto Beam</source>
-        <translation>Auto waardestreep</translation>
+        <translation>Auto-waardestreep</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
@@ -14986,15 +15005,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
-        <translation>Speel paneel</translation>
+        <translation>Afspeelpaneel</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
-        <translation>Selectie filter</translation>
+        <translation>Selectiefilter</translation>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation>MIDI import paneel</translation>
+        <translation>MIDI-importeerpaneel</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
@@ -15022,11 +15041,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
-        <translation>Speler positie naar begin</translation>
+        <translation>Positie speler naar begin</translation>
         <source>Player seek to end</source>
-        <translation>Speler positie naar einde</translation>
+        <translation>Positie speler naar einde</translation>
         <source>Play Repeats</source>
@@ -15090,11 +15109,11 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Show frames</source>
-        <translation>Toon kaders</translation>
+        <translation>Kaders tonen</translation>
         <source>Show page margins</source>
-        <translation>Paginamarge's tonen</translation>
+        <translation>Paginamarges tonen</translation>
         <source>Insert special characters</source>
@@ -15170,15 +15189,15 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding opname aan / uit</translation>
+        <translation>Opname afbeelding aan / uit</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation>Afbeelding opname aan / uit</translation>
+        <translation>Opname afbeelding aan / uit</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
-        <translation>Toon OMR afbeelding</translation>
+        <translation>Toon OMR-afbeelding</translation>
         <source>Full screen</source>
@@ -15198,7 +15217,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Piano keyboard</source>
-        <translation>Piano toestenbord</translation>
+        <translation>Pianotoestenbord</translation>
         <source>Split measure</source>
@@ -15222,19 +15241,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation>Plugin maker</translation>
+        <translation>Plugin-maker</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation>Plugin manager</translation>
+        <translation>Plugin-manager</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
-        <translation>Taalbron manager</translation>
+        <translation>Taalbron-manager</translation>
         <source>Show OMR panel</source>
-        <translation>Toon OMR paneel</translation>
+        <translation>Toon OMR-paneel</translation>
         <source>Loop In</source>
@@ -15262,7 +15281,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
-        <translation>Wissel beeld modus</translation>
+        <translation>Wissel beeldmodus</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
@@ -15362,7 +15381,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Kort in actieve duur (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Verkort actieve duur (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest (TAB)</source>
@@ -15390,7 +15409,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation>Wissel maken meerdere maten rust</translation>
+        <translation>Wissel rusten over meerdere maten aanmaken</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
@@ -15410,7 +15429,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation>Verplaats woord links</translation>
+        <translation>Verplaats woord naar links</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
@@ -15418,7 +15437,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation>Verplaats woord rechts</translation>
+        <translation>Verplaats woord naar rechts</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
@@ -15430,19 +15449,19 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation>Wissel ritmische slash notatie</translation>
+        <translation>Wissel ritmische slash-notatie</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Voeg toe/verwijder lijnbreeks</translation>
+        <translation>Voeg toe/verwijder lijn-einden</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
-        <translation>heropeenvolg herhalings markering</translation>
+        <translation>Repetitiemarkeringen opnieuw sequencen</translation>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation>Start centrum</translation>
+        <translation>Startscherm</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
@@ -15470,7 +15489,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>halve noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met halve noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15478,7 +15497,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>kwart noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met kwart noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15486,7 +15505,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>achtste noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met achtste noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15494,7 +15513,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>16de noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met 16de noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15502,7 +15521,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>32ste noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met 32ste noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15510,7 +15529,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation>64ste noot voortgang (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
+        <translation>Voortgang met 64ste noot (becijferde bas/akkoordsymbool)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
@@ -15558,7 +15577,7 @@ mislukt:</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation>Importeer een PDF bestand met een experimentele dienst op musescore.com</translation>
+        <translation>Importeer een PDF-bestand met een experimentele dienst op musescore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
@@ -15628,7 +15647,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
-        <translation>staccato</translation>
+        <translation>Staccato</translation>
@@ -15664,7 +15683,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation>Wiebelende zaagtang breed</translation>
+        <translation>Wiebelende zaagtand breed</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
@@ -15680,23 +15699,23 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Stopped/Pizzicato left hand</source>
-        <translation>Gestopt/Pizzicato linker hand</translation>
+        <translation>Gestopt/pizzicato linker hand</translation>
         <source>Up bow</source>
-        <translation>Up bow</translation>
+        <translation>Opstreek</translation>
         <source>Down bow</source>
-        <translation>Down bow</translation>
+        <translation>Afstreek</translation>
         <source>Reverse turn</source>
-        <translation>Herstel draai</translation>
+        <translation>Omgekeerde dubbelslag</translation>
-        <translation>Draai</translation>
+        <translation>Dubbelslag</translation>
@@ -15720,19 +15739,19 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Up prall</source>
-        <translation>Boven tremuli</translation>
+        <translation>Boven-tremuli</translation>
         <source>Down prall</source>
-        <translation>Onder tremuli</translation>
+        <translation>Onder-tremuli</translation>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
-        <translation>boven mordent</translation>
+        <translation>boven-mordent</translation>
         <source>Down mordent</source>
-        <translation>onder mordent</translation>
+        <translation>onder-mordent</translation>
         <source>Prall down</source>
@@ -16034,31 +16053,31 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op lage G</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op lage G</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op lage A</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op lage A</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op B</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op B</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op C</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op C</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op D</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op D</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op E</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op E</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation>Duim verdubbeling op F</translation>
+        <translation>Duimverdubbeling op F</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
@@ -16262,27 +16281,27 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op lage A</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op lage A</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op B</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op B</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op C</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op C</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op D</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op D</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op E</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op E</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation>G voorslag greep op F</translation>
+        <translation>G voorslaggreep op F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
@@ -16338,31 +16357,31 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op lage A</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op lage A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op B</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op B</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op C</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op D</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op E</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op F</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation>Duim pele-voorslag op hoge G</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-pele-voorslag op hoge G</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
@@ -16390,31 +16409,31 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op lage A</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op lage A</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op B</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op B</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op C</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op C</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op D</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op D</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op E</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op E</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op F</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation>Duim dubbelslag op hoge G</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-dubbelslag op hoge G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
@@ -16486,51 +16505,51 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation>G trippel voorslag op B</translation>
+        <translation>G trippelvoorslag op B</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation>G trippel voorslag op C</translation>
+        <translation>G trippelvoorslag op C</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation>G trippel voorslag op D</translation>
+        <translation>G trippelvoorslag op D</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation>G trippel voorslag op E</translation>
+        <translation>G trippelvoorslag op E</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation>G trippel voorslag op F</translation>
+        <translation>G trippelvoorslag op F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op lage A</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op lage A</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op B</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op B</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op C</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op C</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op D</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op D</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op E</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op E</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op F</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation>Duim trippelslag op hoge G</translation>
+        <translation>Duim-trippelslag op hoge G</translation>
@@ -16553,19 +16572,19 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Bass clef</source>
-        <translation>bassleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Bassleutel</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Bas-sleutel 8vb</translation>
+        <translation>Bassleutel 8vb</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 15mb</source>
-        <translation>Bas-sleutel 15mb</translation>
+        <translation>Bassleutel 15mb</translation>
         <source>Baritone clef (F clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bariton-sleutel (F-sleutel)</translation>
+        <translation>Baritonsleutel (F-sleutel)</translation>
         <source>Subbass clef</source>
@@ -16573,19 +16592,19 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Sopraan-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Sopraansleutel</translation>
         <source>Mezzo-soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Mezzosopraan-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Mezzo-sopraansleutel</translation>
         <source>Alto clef</source>
-        <translation>Alt-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Altsleutel</translation>
         <source>Tenor clef</source>
-        <translation>Tenor-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Tenorsleutel</translation>
@@ -16597,19 +16616,19 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Baritone clef (C clef)</source>
-        <translation>Bariton-sleutel (C-sleutel)</translation>
+        <translation>Baritonsleutel (C-sleutel)</translation>
         <source>French violin clef</source>
-        <translation>Franse viool-sleutel</translation>
+        <translation>Franse vioolsleutel</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 8va</source>
-        <translation>Bas-sleutel 8va</translation>
+        <translation>Bassleutel 8va</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 15ma</source>
-        <translation>Bas-sleutel 15ma</translation>
+        <translation>Bassleutel 15ma</translation>
@@ -16644,7 +16663,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation>Trekkende krassen</translation>
+        <translation>Trekkend krassen</translation>
@@ -16668,7 +16687,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
-        <translation>Hand klappen</translation>
+        <translation>Handklap</translation>
         <source>Electric Snare</source>
@@ -17149,11 +17168,11 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Slur Segment</source>
-        <translation>Legatoboog Segment</translation>
+        <translation>Legatoboogsegment</translation>
         <source>Staff Lines</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk regels</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkregels</translation>
         <source>Bar Line</source>
@@ -17177,7 +17196,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Chord Line</source>
-        <translation>Akkoord lijn</translation>
+        <translation>Akkoordlijn</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
@@ -17197,35 +17216,35 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Hairpin Segment</source>
-        <translation>Cresendo segment</translation>
+        <translation>Cresendosegment</translation>
         <source>Ottava Segment</source>
-        <translation>Ottava segment</translation>
+        <translation>Ottavasegment</translation>
         <source>Trill Segment</source>
-        <translation>Triller segment</translation>
+        <translation>Trillersegment</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation>Tekstlijn segment</translation>
+        <translation>Tekstlijnsegment</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
-        <translation>Volta segment</translation>
+        <translation>Voltasegment</translation>
         <source>Pedal Segment</source>
-        <translation>Pedaal segment</translation>
+        <translation>Pedaalsegment</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation>Lay-out onderbreking</translation>
+        <translation>Lay-outonderbreking</translation>
         <source>Staff State</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk status</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalkstatus</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
@@ -17233,19 +17252,15 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Note Head</source>
-        <translation>Noot vlag</translation>
+        <translation>Nootvlag</translation>
         <source>Note Dot</source>
-        <translation>Noot kop</translation>
+        <translation>Nootkop</translation>
         <source>Shadow Note</source>
-        <translation>Schaduw noot</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Elastiek</translation>
+        <translation>Schaduwnoot</translation>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
@@ -17257,7 +17272,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
-        <translation>Crescendo/Decrescendo-teken</translation>
+        <translation>Crescendo/decrescendo-teken</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
@@ -17265,19 +17280,19 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Note Line</source>
-        <translation>Noot lijn</translation>
+        <translation>Nootlijn</translation>
         <source>Element List</source>
-        <translation>onderdelen lijst</translation>
+        <translation>onderdelenlijst</translation>
         <source>Staff List</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk lijst</translation>
+        <translation>Notenbalklijst</translation>
         <source>Measure List</source>
-        <translation>Maten lijst</translation>
+        <translation>Matenlijst</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
@@ -17293,15 +17308,15 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagram frame</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagramframe</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
-        <translation>Doedelzak versiersels</translation>
+        <translation>Doedelzakversieringen</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagram</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagram</translation>
@@ -17321,11 +17336,11 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Glissando Segment</source>
-        <translation>Glissando segment</translation>
+        <translation>Glissandosegment</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line Segment</source>
-        <translation>Melisme-streep segment</translation>
+        <translation>Melismestreepsegment</translation>
@@ -17374,7 +17389,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Staff default</source>
-        <translation>Notenbalk standaard</translation>
+        <translation>Beginwaarden notenbalk</translation>
         <source>Tick 1</source>
@@ -17637,7 +17652,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Pedal Lines</source>
-        <translation>Pedaal regels</translation>
+        <translation>Pedaalregels</translation>
         <source>Other Lines</source>
@@ -17653,7 +17668,7 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Fretboord diagrammen</translation>
+        <translation>Fretborddiagrammen</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
@@ -17687,15 +17702,15 @@ De maat is niet leeg</translation>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation>STANDAARD NOTENBALK</translation>
+        <translation>STANDAARDNOTENBALK</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
-        <translation>PERCUSSIE NOTENBALK</translation>
+        <translation>PERCUSSIENOTENBALK</translation>
         <source>TABLATURE STAFF</source>
-        <translation>TABLATUUR NOTENBALK</translation>
+        <translation>TABLATUURNOTENBALK</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_nn.ts b/share/locale/mscore_nn.ts
index 539e844..a265564 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_nn.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_nn.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_pl.ts b/share/locale/mscore_pl.ts
index 5f73648..378c5fd 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_pl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_pl.ts
@@ -5718,7 +5718,7 @@ Grupa niemiarowa przekracza takt.</translation>
         <source>Version: </source>
-        <translation>Wersja:</translation>
+        <translation>Wersja: </translation>
         <source>Revision: %1</source>
@@ -7194,6 +7194,10 @@ Wybierz innÄ… nazwÄ™:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Nie można zapisać w %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Ta partytura nie może być zapisana online. Usuń uszkodzone takty i spróbuj ponownie.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7394,6 +7398,10 @@ Wybierz innÄ… nazwÄ™:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Nowa paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Pojedyncza paleta</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7600,6 +7608,17 @@ Zapisać przed zamknięciem?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>GÅ‚os: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Długość: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10386,6 +10405,10 @@ zakończony niepowodzeniem: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Sprawdź dostępność nowej wersji MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtr</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10707,6 +10730,14 @@ Odwiedź <a href="http://musescore.org">stronę internetową Mus
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Plik uszkodzony %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>Błąd przesyłania</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Chcesz spróbować załadować ten plik?</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10806,7 +10837,7 @@ Chcesz go zastąpić?</translation>
         <source>Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?</source>
-        <translation>Czy chcesz zainstalować SoundFont %1?</translation>
+        <translation>Chcesz zainstalować SoundFont %1?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed</source>
@@ -10856,17 +10887,6 @@ Chcesz go zastąpić?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>GÅ‚os: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Długość: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17243,10 +17263,6 @@ Takt nie jest pusty.</translation>
         <translation>Cień nuty</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Gumka</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Symbol trwania tabulatury</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_pt.ts b/share/locale/mscore_pt.ts
index 5688ed2..391db85 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_pt.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_pt.ts
@@ -4474,7 +4474,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Linha de trilo</translation>
         <source>Up Prall</source>
@@ -7169,6 +7169,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7369,6 +7373,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7574,6 +7582,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10340,6 +10359,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10641,6 +10664,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10787,17 +10818,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17168,10 +17188,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_pt_BR.ts b/share/locale/mscore_pt_BR.ts
index b99e4b9..e2b4e9c 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_pt_BR.ts
@@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show ledger lines</source>
-        <translation>Mostrar linhas complementares</translation>
+        <translation>Mostrar linhas suplementares</translation>
         <source>Show Key signature</source>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,11 @@ por favor, escolha um nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Não foi possivel escrever em %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Esta partitura não pode ser salva online. 
+Por favor, corrija os compassos corrompidos e tente novamente.</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7396,6 +7401,10 @@ por favor, escolha um nome diferente:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nova paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Palheta Simples</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7611,17 @@ Salvá-lo antes de fechar?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Duração: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10388,6 +10408,10 @@ falhou: </translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Procurar por nova versão do MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filtro</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10732,14 @@ Visite a <a href="http://musescore.org">página na internet Muse
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Arquivo corrompido %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Erro no envio</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10858,17 +10890,6 @@ Deseja sobrescrevê-lo?
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Voz: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Duração: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17246,10 +17267,6 @@ O compasso não está vazio</translation>
         <translation>Nota sombra</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Banda elástica</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Símbolo de duração de tablatura</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ro.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ro.ts
index 2d81f47..2e4e583 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ro.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ro.ts
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ alegeți un nume diferit:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Nu se poate scrie în %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7396,6 +7400,10 @@ alegeți un nume diferit:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Paletă Nouă</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Salvați înainte de a închide?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Vocea: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Durată: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10388,6 +10407,10 @@ a eșuat:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Verifică automat pentru noi versiuni MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10731,14 @@ Vizitați <a href="http://musescore.org">website-ul MuseScore &l
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Fișier corupt %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Doriți să-l suprascrieți?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Vocea: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Durată: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -17244,10 +17264,6 @@ Măsura nu este vidă.</translation>
         <translation>Notă Shadow</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Elastic de Cauciuc</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Symbol Durată Tab</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_ru.ts b/share/locale/mscore_ru.ts
index 38f59bd..969be4a 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_ru.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_ru.ts
@@ -7206,6 +7206,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Невозможно записать %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7406,6 +7410,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>новая палитра</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7612,6 +7620,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Голос: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Длительность: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10397,6 +10416,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Проверить обновления MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Фильтр</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10717,6 +10740,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Файл повреждён: %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10865,17 +10896,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Голос: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Длительность: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -12173,7 +12193,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>By Key</source>
-        <translation>На тональность</translation>
+        <translation>В тональность</translation>
         <source>By Interval</source>
@@ -12181,7 +12201,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
-        <translation>Транспонирование диатонически</translation>
+        <translation>Транспонировать диатонически</translation>
@@ -17250,10 +17270,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation>Теневая нота</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Резинка</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Символ длительности</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_sk.ts b/share/locale/mscore_sk.ts
index b4c195a..45eb132 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_sk.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_sk.ts
@@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ukotvenie:</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
@@ -3699,7 +3699,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
@@ -3927,11 +3927,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>čiarkovaný</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bodkovaný</translation>
@@ -4045,11 +4045,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zhora</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Zdola</translation>
@@ -4212,7 +4212,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Iba čísla</translation>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
@@ -4334,11 +4334,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bodkovaný</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>čiarkovaný</translation>
@@ -4481,7 +4481,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trilková čiara</translation>
         <source>Up Prall</source>
@@ -6683,7 +6683,7 @@ Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nádych</translation>
@@ -7175,6 +7175,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7375,6 +7379,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>nová paleta</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7580,6 +7588,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8795,7 +8814,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagramy hmatníka</translation>
@@ -8990,7 +9009,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kurzor:</translation>
@@ -10347,6 +10366,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10393,7 +10416,7 @@ Please select a single note or rest and retry operation
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Štandardný</translation>
         <source>Perc. 3 lines</source>
@@ -10642,6 +10665,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10788,17 +10819,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -11007,7 +11027,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
     <name>Staff type group name</name>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Štandardný</translation>
@@ -11092,15 +11112,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nastavenia Swingu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vypnúť</translation>
         <source>Select swing ratio:</source>
@@ -11576,7 +11596,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Značka akordu</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
@@ -13185,7 +13205,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
         <source>Add crescendo</source>
@@ -13413,7 +13433,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Posuvka</translation>
@@ -13421,7 +13441,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dvojtié béčko</translation>
@@ -14265,7 +14285,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Značka akordu</translation>
         <source>Add chord symbol</source>
@@ -16939,7 +16959,7 @@ Takt nie je prázdny</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nádych</translation>
@@ -17170,10 +17190,6 @@ Takt nie je prázdny</translation>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17358,7 +17374,7 @@ Takt nie je prázdny</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
@@ -17579,7 +17595,7 @@ Takt nie je prázdny</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Diagramy hmatníka</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_sl.ts b/share/locale/mscore_sl.ts
index 80369a1..aff6a23 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_sl.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_sl.ts
@@ -7155,6 +7155,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7355,6 +7359,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7560,6 +7568,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Glas: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10326,6 +10345,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Preveri za MuseScore posodobitvami</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10622,6 +10645,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10768,17 +10799,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Glas: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17152,10 +17172,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17513,7 +17529,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Simboli akordov</translation>
         <source>Other Text</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_sr.ts b/share/locale/mscore_sr.ts
index 2fdf81f..77f8ba5 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_sr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_sr.ts
@@ -7163,6 +7163,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7363,6 +7367,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7568,6 +7576,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10335,6 +10354,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10635,6 +10658,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10781,17 +10812,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17162,10 +17182,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_sv.ts b/share/locale/mscore_sv.ts
index 8e04b1d..0247675 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_sv.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_sv.ts
@@ -4496,11 +4496,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Down Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nedåtprall</translation>
         <source>Prall Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prallprall</translation>
         <source>Wavy Line</source>
@@ -4615,11 +4615,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Top gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Återställ värde för Övre lucka</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Återställ värde för Nedre lucka</translation>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
@@ -5714,7 +5714,7 @@ annandelning korsar taktstreck</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scoop</translation>
@@ -6137,7 +6137,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Inspector Subwindow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Delfönster för Inspektor</translation>
@@ -6673,11 +6673,11 @@ Vill du ersätta den?
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Systemavstånd nedåt</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Systemavstånd uppåt</translation>
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
@@ -7148,7 +7148,7 @@ välj ett annat namn:</translation>
         <source>Score locked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partitur låst</translation>
@@ -7202,6 +7202,10 @@ välj ett annat namn:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Kan inte skriva i %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7402,6 +7406,10 @@ välj ett annat namn:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>ny Palett</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Enkel palett</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7608,6 +7616,17 @@ Spara innan avslut?</translation>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Stämma: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Värde: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -7863,11 +7882,11 @@ stilfil %1:
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trumrulle-editor...</translation>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pianorulle-editor...</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
@@ -8669,7 +8688,7 @@ välj ett annat namn:</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnadsnoter</translation>
@@ -8789,19 +8808,19 @@ palettfil
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tick 1 spann</translation>
         <source>Tick 2 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tick 2 spann</translation>
         <source>Short 1 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kort 1 spann</translation>
         <source>Short 2 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kort 2 spann</translation>
         <source>Repeats && Jumps</source>
@@ -9330,7 +9349,7 @@ palettfil
-        <translation>Notblad</translation>
+        <translation>Partitur</translation>
@@ -9338,7 +9357,7 @@ palettfil
         <source>default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>standardskala för nya partiturvyer</translation>
         <source>Default Files</source>
@@ -9590,11 +9609,11 @@ palettfil
         <source>Start with new score</source>
-        <translation>starta med nytt dokument</translation>
+        <translation>Starta med nytt partitur</translation>
         <source>Start with score:</source>
-        <translation>starta med dokument:</translation>
+        <translation>Starta med partitur:</translation>
         <source>Show splash screen</source>
@@ -9727,7 +9746,7 @@ palettfil
         <source>Timebase Master</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timebase Master</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input:</source>
@@ -9739,7 +9758,7 @@ palettfil
         <source>Preferences Tab Manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inställningsflikhanterare</translation>
         <source>General Tab</source>
@@ -9759,15 +9778,15 @@ palettfil
         <source>Insert path to starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ange sökväg för startpartitur</translation>
         <source>Choose starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Välj startpartitur</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Öppnar en fildialog för att välja startpartitur</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
@@ -9799,11 +9818,11 @@ palettfil
         <source>Choose score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Välj partiturmapp</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Öppnar en mappdialog för att välja partiturmapp</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
@@ -9815,11 +9834,11 @@ palettfil
         <source>Score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Partiturmapp</translation>
         <source>Insert path to score folder.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ange sökväg för partiturmapp.</translation>
         <source>Template folder</source>
@@ -10031,7 +10050,7 @@ palettfil
         <source>Score Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fliken Partitur</translation>
         <source>Default zoom</source>
@@ -10291,7 +10310,7 @@ palettfil
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Standardskala för nya partiturvyer</translation>
         <source>Show play panel</source>
@@ -10331,15 +10350,15 @@ palettfil
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SoundFont-mappar</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ange sökväg för SoundFont-mappar</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Öppnar en dialogruta för att anpassa SoundFont-mapparna</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
@@ -10393,6 +10412,10 @@ palettfil
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Sök efter ny version av MuseScore </translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Filter</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10511,7 +10534,7 @@ misslyckades: %2</translation>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Det sparades senast med version 0.9.5 eller äldre.<br>Du kan konvertera partituret genom att öppna det och sedan spara det med MuseScore version 1.x</a></translation>
         <source>This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.<br>
@@ -10713,12 +10736,20 @@ GÃ¥ till <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScores webbsida</
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Fil trasig %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album into Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Spara album i partitur</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
@@ -10820,7 +10851,7 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>SoundFont installerat. Gå till Visa > Synthesizer för att lägga till det, och Visa > Mixer för att välja ett instrumentljud.</translation>
@@ -10862,17 +10893,6 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Stämma: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Värde: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -11237,7 +11257,7 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Öppna ett partitur...</translation>
@@ -11263,11 +11283,11 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
         <source>Save to Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Spara till partitur</translation>
         <source>Load from Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ladda från partitur</translation>
@@ -11316,11 +11336,11 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Spara till partitur</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ladda från partitur</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
@@ -12228,15 +12248,15 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dip</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dive</translation>
         <source>Inverted Dip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverterad dip</translation>
@@ -12349,7 +12369,7 @@ Vill du skriva över den?</translation>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gör partituret privat</translation>
@@ -12627,7 +12647,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Load score from file</source>
-        <translation>Ladda dokument från fil</translation>
+        <translation>Ladda partitur från fil</translation>
@@ -12635,7 +12655,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Save score to file</source>
-        <translation>Spara dokument till fil</translation>
+        <translation>Spara partitur till fil</translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
@@ -12643,7 +12663,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
-        <translation>Spara dokument under nytt filnamn</translation>
+        <translation>Spara partitur med nytt filnamn</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
@@ -12659,7 +12679,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation>Spara en kopia av dokumentet förutom den aktuella filen</translation>
+        <translation>Spara en kopia av partituret utöver den aktuella filen</translation>
@@ -12687,7 +12707,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Close current score</source>
-        <translation>Stäng aktuellt dokument</translation>
+        <translation>Stäng aktuellt partitur</translation>
@@ -12695,7 +12715,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Create new score</source>
-        <translation>Skapa nytt dokument</translation>
+        <translation>Skapa nytt partitur</translation>
@@ -12707,7 +12727,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Print score</source>
-        <translation>Skriv ut dokument</translation>
+        <translation>Skriv ut partitur</translation>
@@ -13519,23 +13539,23 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Grace: quarter</source>
-        <translation>Förslag: fjärdedel</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnad: fjärdedel</translation>
         <source>Grace: 16th</source>
-        <translation>Förslag: 1/16</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnad: 1/16</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note</source>
-        <translation>Lägg till 16-dels förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Lägg till 16-dels prydnadsnot</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd</source>
-        <translation>Förslag: 1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnad: 1/32</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note</source>
-        <translation>Lägg till 32-dels förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Lägg till 32-dels prydnadsnot</translation>
@@ -13587,7 +13607,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Beam 32nd sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Balk 32-del under</translation>
         <source>Auto beam</source>
@@ -14331,7 +14351,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
-        <translation>Lägg till en fjärdedels förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Lägg till en fjärdedels prydnadsnot</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
@@ -14419,19 +14439,19 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Grace: 16th after</source>
-        <translation>Förslag: 16-del efter</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnad: 16-del efter</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lägg till 16-dels prydnadsnot efter</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prydnadsnot: 32-del efter</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lägg till 32-dels prydnadsnot efter</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
@@ -14455,7 +14475,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Add Eighth grace note after</source>
-        <translation>Lägg till åttondelsförslag efter</translation>
+        <translation>Lägg till åttondels prydnadsnot efter</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th sub</source>
@@ -14495,7 +14515,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Grace: eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prydnadsnot: åttondel efter</translation>
         <source>Enable snap to horizontal grid</source>
@@ -14747,7 +14767,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Select section</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Markera avsnitt</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest Right</source>
@@ -14947,7 +14967,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
-        <translation>Förslag: Fjärdedel</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnad: Fjärdedel</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
@@ -15155,7 +15175,7 @@ arbetsytefil
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvt notvärde</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
@@ -15597,19 +15617,19 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glid ut nedåt</translation>
         <source>Slide out up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glid ut uppåt</translation>
         <source>Slide in below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glid in nedanför</translation>
         <source>Slide in above</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Glid in ovanför</translation>
@@ -15697,11 +15717,11 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Reverse turn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Omvänd vändning</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vändning</translation>
@@ -15717,7 +15737,7 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Prall prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prallprall</translation>
         <source>Prall mordent</source>
@@ -15749,11 +15769,11 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Line prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Linje-prall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Schleifer</translation>
         <source>Snap pizzicato</source>
@@ -15761,15 +15781,15 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tapping</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slapping</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Popping</translation>
         <source>Thumb pos.</source>
@@ -15899,267 +15919,267 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Single grace low G</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag lågt G</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot låga G</translation>
         <source>Single grace low A</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag lågt A</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot låga A</translation>
         <source>Single grace B</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag H</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot H</translation>
         <source>Single grace C</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag C</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot C</translation>
         <source>Single grace D</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag D</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot D</translation>
         <source>Single grace E</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag E</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot E</translation>
         <source>Single grace F</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag F</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot F</translation>
         <source>Single grace high G</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag högt G</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot höga G</translation>
         <source>Single grace high A</source>
-        <translation>Enkelt förslag högt A</translation>
+        <translation>Enkel prydnadsnot höga A</translation>
         <source>Double grace</source>
-        <translation>Dubbelt förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Dubbel prydnadsnot</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på låga G</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på låga A</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på H</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på C</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på D</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på E</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvdubblering på F</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på höga G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på höga A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on H</translation>
         <source>Half strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grepp</translation>
         <source>Half D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half D throw</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på låga G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på låga A</translation>
         <source>Doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på H</translation>
         <source>Doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på C</translation>
         <source>Doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på D</translation>
         <source>Doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på E</translation>
         <source>Doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dubblering på F</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på låga G</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timdubblering på låga A</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på H</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på C</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på D</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på E</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumdubblering på F</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på låga A</translation>
         <source>G grace note on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på H</translation>
         <source>G grace note on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på C</translation>
         <source>G grace note on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på D</translation>
         <source>G grace note on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på E</translation>
         <source>G grace note on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot på F</translation>
         <source>Double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on H</translation>
         <source>Double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on H</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Birl</translation>
         <source>D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D throw</translation>
         <source>Half heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half heavy D throw</translation>
@@ -16167,375 +16187,375 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bubly</translation>
         <source>Heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Heavy D throw</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on H</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på låga A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på H</translation>
         <source>Half grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på C</translation>
         <source>Half grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på D</translation>
         <source>Half grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på E</translation>
         <source>Half grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på F</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på höga G</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Halvgrepp på höga A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on H</translation>
         <source>Half pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on C</translation>
         <source>Half pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on D</translation>
         <source>Half pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on E</translation>
         <source>Half pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on F</translation>
         <source>Half pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på låga A</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på H</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på C</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på D</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på E</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G-prydnadsnot grepp på F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på låga A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på H</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tumgrepp på höga G</translation>
         <source>Pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on H</translation>
         <source>Pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on C</translation>
         <source>Pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on D</translation>
         <source>Pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on E</translation>
         <source>Pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on H</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on H</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on H</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on H</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on H</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on H</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on high G</translation>
@@ -16637,19 +16657,19 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>High Q</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>High Q</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slap</translation>
         <source>Scratch Push</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Push</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Pull</translation>
@@ -16729,7 +16749,7 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <source>Low Bongo</source>
@@ -16749,11 +16769,11 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>High Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>High Timbale</translation>
         <source>Low Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Low Timbale</translation>
         <source>High Agogo</source>
@@ -16857,7 +16877,7 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Square Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Square Click</translation>
         <source>Hi Bongo</source>
@@ -17249,12 +17269,8 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Gummiband</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab-längdsymbol</translation>
         <source>Font Symbol</source>
@@ -17638,7 +17654,7 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Förslag</translation>
+        <translation>Prydnadsnoter</translation>
         <source>Pedal Lines</source>
@@ -17725,15 +17741,15 @@ Takt inte tom</translation>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Uppåtprall linje</translation>
         <source>Downprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nedåtprall linje</translation>
         <source>Prallprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prallprall linje</translation>
         <source>Wavy line</source>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_th.ts b/share/locale/mscore_th.ts
index 84cb48f..fb30119 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_th.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_th.ts
@@ -7157,6 +7157,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7357,6 +7361,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7562,6 +7570,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10327,6 +10346,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10631,6 +10654,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10777,17 +10808,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17158,10 +17178,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_tr.ts b/share/locale/mscore_tr.ts
index 155d6ea..28c3c18 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_tr.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_tr.ts
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Transpoze:</translation>
@@ -7156,6 +7156,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7356,6 +7360,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7561,6 +7569,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10327,6 +10346,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10628,6 +10651,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10774,17 +10805,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17155,10 +17175,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_uk.ts b/share/locale/mscore_uk.ts
index 38ca873..82adc19 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_uk.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_uk.ts
@@ -1365,7 +1365,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation>Редагувати параметри струн</translation>
+        <translation>Редагувати параметри струн…</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
@@ -1890,7 +1890,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacing (1=tight):</source>
-        <translation>Інтервал (1=щільно)</translation>
+        <translation>Інтервал (1=щільно):</translation>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
@@ -6360,7 +6360,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation>Місцевий час на Вашому пристрої не встановлений правильно. Будь ласка, перевірте його і налаштуйте. Рекомендується встановити час/часовий пояс на автоматичне налаштування. Якщо ви все ще не можете увійти, <a href="%1">зв'яжіться з нами</a> .</translation>
+        <translation>Місцевий час на Вашому пристрої не встановлений правильно. Будь ласка, перевірте його і налаштуйте. Рекомендується встановити час/часовий пояс на автоматичне налаштування. Якщо ви все ще не можете увійти, <a href="%1">зв'яжіться з нами</a>.</translation>
@@ -7110,7 +7110,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
-        <translation>Всі файли, що підтримуються (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);; Векторна графіка (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</translation>
+        <translation>Всі файли, що підтримуються (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Векторна графіка (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</translation>
@@ -7196,6 +7196,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation>Неможливий запис в %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7345,11 +7349,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Риска біта</translation>
         <source>Rhythm Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Риска ритму</translation>
@@ -7396,6 +7400,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>Нова палітра</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Одиночна палітра</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -7602,6 +7610,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Голос: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Тривалість: %2; %3</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8016,7 +8035,7 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
-        <translation>Анотації: </translation>
+        <translation>Анотації:</translation>
@@ -8308,7 +8327,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
-        <translation>Поважайте <a href="%1">принципи спільноти</a>. Робіть ваші партитури доступними тільки для тих, хто має згоду правовласника на це. </translation>
+        <translation>Поважайте <a href="%1">принципи спільноти</a>. Робіть ваші партитури доступними тільки для тих, хто має згоду правовласника на це.</translation>
         <source>Use a comma to separate the tags</source>
@@ -8405,7 +8424,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відкритий/атональний</translation>
@@ -9051,7 +9070,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Час початку:</translation>
@@ -10388,6 +10407,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation>Перевіряти наявність нової версії MuseScore</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Фільтр</translation>
+    </message>
@@ -10708,6 +10731,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation>Файл пошкоджено %1</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10857,17 +10888,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Голос: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation>%1; Тривалість: %2; %3</translation>
-    </message>
@@ -11136,12 +11156,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Принципал
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гемсхорн
@@ -11230,7 +11252,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation>Відкрити партитуру</translation>
+        <translation>Відкрити партитуру…</translation>
@@ -12095,7 +12117,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Keep degree alterations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зберігати альтерацію</translation>
@@ -12221,19 +12243,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Спад</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нирок</translation>
         <source>Inverted Dip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Зворотний спад</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Группетто</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tremolo Bar Properties</source>
@@ -12241,11 +12263,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відпустити (угорі)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відпустити (знизу)</translation>
@@ -13288,7 +13310,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Вийти з режиму введення</translation>
@@ -13588,11 +13610,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Feathered beam, slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Звуження в’язок, уповільнення</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Розширення в’язок, прискорення</translation>
@@ -13928,7 +13950,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Вернути назад</translation>
@@ -13996,15 +14018,15 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Панорама матричного редактора</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Включити/виключити рух по нотах в матричному редакторі</translation>
         <source>Pan roll during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пересувати при відтворенні</translation>
         <source>Documents Side by Side</source>
@@ -14032,11 +14054,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Enharmonic up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Енгармонічне підвищення</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Енгармонічне пониження</translation>
         <source>Create new revision</source>
@@ -14052,7 +14074,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Re-Pitch Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Режим перерахунку висоти</translation>
         <source>Replace pitches without changing rhythms</source>
@@ -14608,7 +14630,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation>Додати/видалити розриви рядків</translation>
+        <translation>Додати/видалити розриви рядків…</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
@@ -14976,11 +14998,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Звуження в’язок, уповільнення</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Розширення в’язок, прискорення</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
@@ -15444,91 +15466,91 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на лонгу (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на лонгу (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на подвійну ноту (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на подвійну ноту (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на цілу (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на цілу (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на половинну (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на половинну (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на чверть (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на чверть (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на восьму (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на восьму (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на 16-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на 16-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на 32-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на 32-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просування на 64-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Просунутися на 64-у (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Попередній такт (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Попередній такт (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Наступний такт (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Наступний такт (цифровий бас / акорди)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
@@ -15590,19 +15612,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гліссандо після ноти вниз</translation>
         <source>Slide out up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гліссандо після ноти вгору</translation>
         <source>Slide in below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гліссандо до ноти знизу</translation>
         <source>Slide in above</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Гліссандо до ноти зверху</translation>
@@ -15658,19 +15680,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пилкоподібне вібрато</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пилкоподібне широке вібрато</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Широке вібрато швидше</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large slowest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Широке вібрато повільніше</translation>
@@ -15678,7 +15700,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Stopped/Pizzicato left hand</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиснута нота / Піццикато лівою рукою</translation>
         <source>Up bow</source>
@@ -15726,11 +15748,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Верхній мордент</translation>
         <source>Down mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Нижній мордент</translation>
         <source>Prall down</source>
@@ -15750,11 +15772,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Snap pizzicato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Клацальне піццикато</translation>
-        <translation>Теппінг </translation>
+        <translation>Теппінг</translation>
@@ -15770,19 +15792,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Lute thumb fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Лютня вел. палець</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Лютня 1 пал.</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Лютня 2 пал.</translation>
         <source>Lute 3 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Лютня 3 пал.</translation>
         <source>Tremolo bar</source>
@@ -15932,603 +15954,603 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на нижній Соль</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на До</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-подвоєння на Фа</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на До</translation>
         <source>Half strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на Фа</translation>
         <source>Half strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівудар на верхній Соль</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск</translation>
         <source>Half D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-кидок на Ре</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на нижній Соль</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на Сі</translation>
         <source>Doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на До</translation>
         <source>Doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на Ре</translation>
         <source>Doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на Мі</translation>
         <source>Doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на нижній Соль</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвоєння великим пальцем на Фа</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ на нижню Ля</translation>
         <source>G grace note on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ на Сі</translation>
         <source>G grace note on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ на До</translation>
         <source>G grace note on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ на Ре</translation>
         <source>G grace note on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ на Мі</translation>
         <source>G grace note on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаг на Фа</translation>
         <source>Double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на Сі</translation>
         <source>Double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на До</translation>
         <source>Double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на Ре</translation>
         <source>Double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на Мі</translation>
         <source>Double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на Фа</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Великий палець на верхній Соль</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бірл</translation>
         <source>D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Кидок на Re</translation>
         <source>Half heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівважкий кидок на Re</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тарлуа</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Баблі</translation>
         <source>Heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Важкий кидок на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на До</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на Фа</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійний напівудар на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на До</translation>
         <source>Half grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на Фа</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напів-затиск на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на До</translation>
         <source>Half pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на Фа</translation>
         <source>Half pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Напівпеле на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на Сі</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на До</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на Ре</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на Мі</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ із затиском на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Затиск великим пальцем на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на Сі</translation>
         <source>Pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на До</translation>
         <source>Pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на Ре</translation>
         <source>Pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на Мі</translation>
         <source>Pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Пеле на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Форшлаґ-пеле великим пальцем на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на Сі</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на До</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на Ре</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на Мі</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з подвійним натисканням на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Подвійне натискання великим пальцем на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на Сі</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на До</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на Ре</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на Мі</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на Фа</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на Сі</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на До</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на Ре</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на Мі</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на Фа</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на верхній Соль</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійний напівудар на верхній Ля</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на Сі</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на До</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на Ре</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на Мі</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Соль-форшлаґ з потрійним натисканням на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на нижній Ля</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на Сі</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на До</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на Ре</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на Мі</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на Фа</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Потрійне натискання великим пальцем на верхній Соль</translation>
@@ -16622,7 +16644,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Side Stick</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Обід (м.бар)</translation>
@@ -16630,19 +16652,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>High Q</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Висока якість</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ляпанець</translation>
         <source>Scratch Push</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Скретч від себе</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Скретч до себе</translation>
@@ -16674,47 +16696,47 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Low Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Низький підлоговий том</translation>
         <source>Closed Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Закритий хет</translation>
         <source>High Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Високий підлоговий том</translation>
         <source>Pedal Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Педальний хай-хета</translation>
         <source>Low Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Низький том</translation>
         <source>Open Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відкритий хет</translation>
         <source>Low-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Низький-середній том</translation>
         <source>Hi-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Високий-середній том</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Акцентна тарілка 1</translation>
         <source>High Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Високий том</translation>
         <source>Ride Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Верх тарілки</translation>
@@ -16722,7 +16744,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Вібраслеп</translation>
         <source>Low Bongo</source>
@@ -16750,11 +16772,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>High Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Високий Агого</translation>
         <source>Low Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Низький Агого</translation>
@@ -16786,19 +16808,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Hi Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Висока коробочка</translation>
         <source>Low Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Низька коробочка</translation>
         <source>Mute Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Приглушена куїка</translation>
         <source>Open Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відкрита куїка</translation>
         <source>Mute Triangle</source>
@@ -16818,15 +16840,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Mute Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Приглушений сурдо</translation>
         <source>Open Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Відкритий сурдо</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тарілка-райд 1</translation>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
@@ -16838,11 +16860,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Акцентна тарілка 2</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Тарілка-райд 2</translation>
@@ -16850,7 +16872,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Square Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Електронний метроном</translation>
         <source>Hi Bongo</source>
@@ -16858,7 +16880,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Sleigh Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Бубончики</translation>
@@ -17119,7 +17141,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Компаунд</translation>
@@ -17242,10 +17264,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation>Тіньова нота</translation>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation>Резинова стрічка</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation>Символ тривалості у табулатурі</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_uz at Latn.ts b/share/locale/mscore_uz at Latn.ts
index 9449933..ad6b891 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_uz at Latn.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_uz at Latn.ts
@@ -7154,6 +7154,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7354,6 +7358,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7559,6 +7567,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -10324,6 +10343,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10619,6 +10642,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10765,17 +10796,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17146,10 +17166,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_vi.ts b/share/locale/mscore_vi.ts
index eebeb15..fe729ee 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_vi.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_vi.ts
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
         <source>Copy revision number</source>
-        <translation>Sao lại phiên bản</translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép số hiệu phiên bản</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Published under the GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></source>
         <translation><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
-<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
-p, li { khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
+<html> <head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 </style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Đến thăm</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"> </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> để lấy phiên bản mới và các tin tức khác.</span></p>
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Hỗ trợ tài chánh cho MuseScore </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">bằng đóng góp của bạn</span></a></p>
-<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">bản quyền </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 của Werner Schweer và những người khác. </span></p>
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Công bố dưới giấy phép công khai GNU </span></p></body></html></translation>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Hãy tới </span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"></span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> để biết thêm thông tin và các phiên bản mới.</span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Hỗ trợ MuseScore với </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">sự ủng hộ của bạn</span></a></p>
+<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br/></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Bản quyền </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer và Những người khác.</span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Xuất bản theo giấy phép công khai GNU</span></p></body></html></translation>
         <source>About MusicXML</source>
-        <translation>Về MusicXML</translation>
+        <translation>Th/tin về MusicXML</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></p></body></html></source>
         <translation><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
 <html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
-p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 </style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MusicXML là một định dạng tệp dùng để trao đổi các bản nhạc kỹ thuật số,</p>
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">đã được hỗ trợ cho nhiều ứng dụng. Bản quyền của MusicXML © MakeMusic, Inc.</p>
-<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">All rights reserved. Để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết, vui lòng xem: <a href="http://www.musicxml.com"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">MusicXML.com</span></a></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">MusicXML là một định dạng tập tin nguồn mở dùng để trao đổi các bản nhạc kỹ thuật số,</p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"> hỗ trợ cho nhiều ứng dụng. MusicXML là bản quyền của © MakeMusic, Inc.</p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Mọi quyền đã được bảo lưu. Để có thêm thông tin, xem tại: <a href="http://www.musicxml.com"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">MusicXML.com</span></a></p>
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;"></p></body></html></translation>
         <source>The MusicXML Public License:</source>
-        <translation>Giấy phép công khai MusicXML</translation>
+        <translation>Giấy phép Công khai MusicXML:</translation>
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Bề rộng</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng</translation>
-        <translation>Phản ảnh</translation>
+        <translation>Phản chiếu</translation>
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Điều khiển</translation>
+        <translation>HÆ°á»›ng</translation>
@@ -114,15 +114,15 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Album Manager</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Quản lý album</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Quản lý Tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>Add Score</source>
-        <translation>Thêm tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm Bản Nhạc</translation>
         <source>Remove Score</source>
-        <translation>Loại bỏ bản nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Loại bỏ Bản nhạc</translation>
@@ -142,27 +142,27 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Print Album</source>
-        <translation>In album</translation>
+        <translation>In Tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>Join Scores</source>
-        <translation>Nối các bản nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ghép các Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Album name:</source>
-        <translation>Tên album</translation>
+        <translation>Tên tuyển tập:</translation>
         <source>Move current score down in list</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển bản nhạc trong danh sách hiện tại xuống dưới</translation>
+        <translation>Dời bản nhạc hiện tại xuống dưới</translation>
         <source>Move current score up in list</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển bản nhạc trong danh sách hiện tại lên trên</translation>
+        <translation>Dời bản nhạc hiện tại lên trên</translation>
         <source>Album name</source>
-        <translation>Tên album</translation>
+        <translation>Tên tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>Remove current score</source>
@@ -170,26 +170,26 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Create new album</source>
-        <translation>Tạo album mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo tuyển tập mới</translation>
         <source>Load an existing album</source>
-        <translation>Mở một album hiện có</translation>
+        <translation>Mở tuyển tập hiện có</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Articulations Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính của phụ âm</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính Dấu diễn đạt</translation>
-        <translation>Hiện ra</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị</translation>
-        <translation>Điều khiển</translation>
+        <translation>HÆ°á»›ng:</translation>
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Móc kết</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm neo:</translation>
@@ -213,27 +213,27 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
-        <translation>Mệnh lệnh cho MIDI</translation>
+        <translation>Tác vụ MIDI</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
-        <translation>Phía trên khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Trên khuông</translation>
         <source>Below Staff</source>
-        <translation>Phía dưới khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Dưới khuông</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Tự động đặt hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy hướng của gam</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
-        <translation>Phía trên hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Trên hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Below Chord</source>
-        <translation>Phía dưới hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Dưới hợp âm</translation>
@@ -247,57 +247,57 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>custom subtype</source>
-        <translation>Đặt kiểu phụ</translation>
+        <translation>tùy chỉnh kiểu phụ</translation>
         <source>custom span</source>
-        <translation>Đặt khoảng cách</translation>
+        <translation>tủy chỉnh độ giãn</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Bend Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính của bend</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính đẩy dây</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation>Kiểu bend:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu đẩy dây:</translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
-        <translation>Bấm để thêm hoặc bớt một vài chỗ</translation>
+        <translation>Nhấp để thêm hoặc bớt các điểm chốt</translation>
-        <translation>Nhéo</translation>
+        <translation>Đẩy dây</translation>
-        <translation>Nhéo/Nhả</translation>
+        <translation>Đẩy/Nhả</translation>
-        <translation>Nhéo/nhả/Nhéo</translation>
+        <translation>Đẩy/Nhả/Đẩy</translation>
-        <translation>Nhéo xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Đẩy-trước</translation>
-        <translation>Nhéo xuống/Nhả</translation>
+        <translation>Đẩy-trước/Nhả</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Add/Remove Line Breaks</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Thêm/Bớt các dòng ngắt</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thêm/Bớt Dấu ngắt dòng</translation>
         <source>Break lines every</source>
-        <translation>Ngắt ra mỗi dòng</translation>
+        <translation>Ngắt dòng mỗi</translation>
         <source>Number of measures</source>
@@ -305,19 +305,19 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Add line breaks at end of each system</source>
-        <translation>Thêm dòng ngắt tại cuối mỗi dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm ngắt dòng ở cuối mỗi dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Remove current line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Loại bỏ dòng ngắt hiện tại</translation>
+        <translation>Bỏ các dấu ngắt dòng hiện tại</translation>
         <source>Break lines every X measures</source>
-        <translation>Ngắt ra mỗi dòng X ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ngắt dòng mỗi X ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Save As</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ dưới dạng</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ với</translation>
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Nối</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu x</translation>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Vết gạch</translation>
+        <translation>Vệt chéo</translation>
@@ -505,30 +505,30 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line:</source>
-        <translation>Dòng kẻ khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Dòng kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Stem direction:</source>
-        <translation>Chiều hướng của (thân) nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Hướng thân nốt:</translation>
         <source>Default voice:</source>
-        <translation>Bè mặc định:</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng mặc định:</translation>
         <source>Note head:</source>
-        <translation>Đầu nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Đầu nốt:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh đặc tính của nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh đặc tính Nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Instrument Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Đặc tính Nhạc cụ</translation>
@@ -567,11 +567,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Note Selection</source>
-        <translation>Nốt được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Lựa chọn Nốt nhạc</translation>
         <source>Select Note:</source>
-        <translation>Chọn nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Nốt:</translation>
         <source>Octave 8</source>
@@ -1158,11 +1158,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh đường kẻ ô</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh Lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Edit Grid</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh đường kẻ ô</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Horizontal grid:</source>
@@ -1177,15 +1177,15 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh khuông nhạc/Đặc tính phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh Thuộc tính Khuông/Bè nhạc</translation>
         <source>Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Bè</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Thay đổi nhạc cụ...</translation>
+        <translation>Đổi nhạc cụ...</translation>
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Tài tử:</translation>
+        <translation>Nghiệp dư:</translation>
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>5 - Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation>5 - Quãng ba giảm</translation>
+        <translation>5 - Quãng ba tăng</translation>
         <source>4 - Diminished Fourth</source>
@@ -1309,19 +1309,19 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Number of strings:</source>
-        <translation>Số lượng của dãy:</translation>
+        <translation>Số dây:</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Đặc tính khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Invisible staff lines</source>
-        <translation>Ản dòng kẻ nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn dòng kẻ nhạc</translation>
         <source>Small staff</source>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc nhỏ lại</translation>
@@ -1329,11 +1329,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Staff line color:</source>
-        <translation>Màu sắc cho dòng kẻ nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Màu dòng kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Part name:</source>
-        <translation>Tên phân phổ:</translation>
+        <translation>Tên bè:</translation>
         <source>Long instrument name:</source>
@@ -1345,15 +1345,15 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Usable pitch range:</source>
-        <translation>Phạm vi cao độ có thể sử dụng được</translation>
+        <translation>Âm vực được dùng:</translation>
         <source>Play transposition:</source>
-        <translation>Chơi transposition:</translation>
+        <translation>Chơi phần dịch giọng:</translation>
         <source>+ Octave:</source>
-        <translation>+ Quãng tám:</translation>
+        <translation>+ Quãng 8:</translation>
@@ -1365,27 +1365,27 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Edit String Data...</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh dây đàn...</translation>
+        <translation>Chỉnh dây đàn...</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Style group:</source>
-        <translation>Kiểu nhóm:</translation>
+        <translation>Nhóm định kiểu:</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy các vạch nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy khóa nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện khóa nhạc</translation>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ:</translation>
+        <translation>Số đường kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Line distance:</source>
@@ -1393,19 +1393,19 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Extra distance above staff:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách phụ phía trên khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khoảng dư phía trên khuông:</translation>
         <source>Never hide</source>
-        <translation>Không bao giờ ẩn đi</translation>
+        <translation>Không bao giờ ẩn</translation>
         <source>Do not hide if system is empty</source>
-        <translation>Không ẩn đi nếu trường canh rỗng</translation>
+        <translation>Không ẩn đi nếu dòng nhạc rỗng</translation>
-        <translation>Thang âm điệu thức</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ</translation>
@@ -1413,11 +1413,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Advanced Style Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính phong cách cao cấp...</translation>
+        <translation>Đặc tính định kiểu chi tiết...</translation>
         <source>Hide system barline</source>
-        <translation>Giấu đi các vạch nhịp hệ thống</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn vạch nhịp đầu dòng</translation>
@@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Dòng kẻ:</translation>
+        <translation>Số đường kẻ:</translation>
@@ -1436,19 +1436,19 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc tiêu chuẩn</translation>
+        <translation>KHUÔNG NHẠC CHUẨN</translation>
-        <translation>Không có (thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn thân nốt</translation>
         <source>Create a new staff type of current group.</source>
-        <translation>Tạo một khuông nhạc mẫu từ nhóm hiện tại.</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo kiểu khuông nhạc mới từ nhóm hiện tại.</translation>
         <source>Fret Marks</source>
-        <translation>Đánh dấu phím</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu phím</translation>
@@ -1464,11 +1464,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are:</source>
-        <translation>Đánh dấu là:</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu là:</translation>
-        <translation>Số</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ số</translation>
@@ -1476,51 +1476,51 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Marks are drawn:</source>
-        <translation>Đánh dấu được kéo</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu được vẽ:</translation>
         <source>Lines are:</source>
-        <translation>Các dòng kẻ là:</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ:</translation>
-        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
+        <translation>Liền nét</translation>
-        <translation>Ngắt ra</translation>
+        <translation>Gián đoạn</translation>
         <source>Note Values</source>
-        <translation>Trị giá của nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hình nốt</translation>
         <source>Shown as:</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy dưới tên:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu hiển thị:</translation>
-        <translation>Không</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn</translation>
         <source>Stems and beams</source>
-        <translation>Thân và cờ của nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Thân và cờ nốt</translation>
         <source>Stem style:</source>
-        <translation>Loại thân:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu thân nốt:</translation>
         <source>Beside staff</source>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc ở ngoài</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoài khuông</translation>
         <source>Through staff</source>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc ở trong</translation>
+        <translation>Trong khuông</translation>
         <source>Stem position:</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí thân nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí thân nốt:</translation>
@@ -1536,11 +1536,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>As short stem</source>
-        <translation>Thân nốt nhạc ngắn như:</translation>
+        <translation>Thân nốt ngắn</translation>
         <source>As slashed stem</source>
-        <translation>Thân nốt nhạc có gạch như:</translation>
+        <translation>Thân bị gạch xéo</translation>
@@ -1552,67 +1552,67 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Show clef</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy khóa nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện khóa nhạc</translation>
         <source>Show time signature</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Show barlines</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy các vạch nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách chiều đứng:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc:</translation>
         <source>On lines</source>
-        <translation>Thuộc về đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Đè lên đường kẻ</translation>
         <source>Above lines</source>
-        <translation>Phía trên đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Phía trên đ/kẻ</translation>
         <source>Note symbols</source>
-        <translation>Ký hiệu nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu nốt</translation>
         <source>Upside down</source>
-        <translation>Mặt trên giảm dần</translation>
+        <translation>Đảo ngược</translation>
         <source>Show rests</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy các dấu lặng</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện dấu lặng</translation>
         <source>Add to Templates</source>
-        <translation>Thêm biểu mẫu</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm kiểu mẫu</translation>
-        <translation>Biểu mẫu:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu mẫu:</translation>
         <source>Show key signature</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy hóa biểu</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Show ledger lines</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy các dòng kẻ phụ</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện dòng kẻ phụ</translation>
         <source>Show Key signature</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy hóa biểu</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>< Reset to Template</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại biểu mẫu</translation>
+        <translation>< Trả về kiểu mẫu này</translation>
-        <translation>Nhắc lại:</translation>
+        <translation>Lặp lại:</translation>
@@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>At new meas.</source>
-        <translation>Tại ô nhịp mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tại ô nhịp mới.</translation>
@@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>String Data</source>
-        <translation>Dây</translation>
+        <translation>Số liệu dây đàn</translation>
         <source>Strings Tuning:</source>
@@ -1643,19 +1643,19 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>New String...</source>
-        <translation>Dây đàn mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Dây mới...</translation>
         <source>Edit String...</source>
-        <translation>Diều chỉnh dây...</translation>
+        <translation>Chỉnh dây...</translation>
         <source>Delete String</source>
-        <translation>Loại bỏ dây</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa dây này</translation>
         <source>Number of frets:</source>
-        <translation>Số các phím đàn:</translation>
+        <translation>Số lượng phím:</translation>
@@ -1670,11 +1670,11 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh kiểu</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh định kiểu</translation>
-        <translation>Tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc</translation>
@@ -1682,12 +1682,12 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Header, Footer, Numbers</source>
-        <translation>Đầu trang, chân trang, số thứ tự</translation>
+        <translation>Khung tin đầu trang, chân trang, Đánh số</translation>
         <extracomment>a music system, a line of music</extracomment>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Các vạch nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp</translation>
@@ -1707,15 +1707,15 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
-        <translation>Hợp âm rải</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rải gam</translation>
-        <translation>Nối kết (các nốt nhạc)</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ nốt</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu luyến/Dấu nối</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu-luyến/Dấu-nối</translation>
@@ -1723,35 +1723,35 @@ p, li { Khoảng trắng: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Hairpins, Volta, Ottava</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu biến cường, Volta, Chuyển bát độ</translation>
         <source>Pedal, Trill</source>
-        <translation>Pedal, Trill</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Pê-đan, Láy rền</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation>Sơ đồ Bass</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm Bass</translation>
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Phụ âm; Nét hoa mỹ</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt, Dấu hoa mỹ</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
-        <translation>Các dấu liên</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu liên</translation>
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy trong phần âm (thanh) phát ra khi chơi bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện cao độ của nốt theo đúng âm phát ra</translation>
         <source>Minimum width of measure:</source>
-        <translation>Bề rộng tối thiểu của ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng tối thiểu của ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum number of empty measures:</source>
-        <translation>Số lượng tối thiểu của các ô nhịp rỗng:</translation>
+        <translation>Số lượng ô nhịp rỗng tối thiểu:</translation>
         <source>Hide empty staves</source>
@@ -1770,23 +1770,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Don't hide empty staves in first system</source>
-        <translation>Không ẩn các khuông nhạc rỗng đối với dòng nhạc đầu tiên</translation>
+        <translation>Không ẩn các khuông nhạc rỗng tại dòng nhạc đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>Display note values across measure bar (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!)</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy  các giá trị của các nốt nối kết với ô nhịp (THỬ NGHIỆM, chỉ dành cho nhạc mới đây!)</translation>
+        <translation>Cho thấy giá trị các nốt ngân qua vạch nhịp (THỬ NGHIỆM, dành cho âm nhạc gần đây!)</translation>
         <source>Music top margin:</source>
-        <translation>Lề trên đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Lề bên trên:</translation>
         <source>Create clef for all systems</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra khóa nhạc cho tất cả dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo khóa nhạc cho mọi dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Music bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation>Lề bên dưới</translation>
+        <translation>Lề bên dưới:</translation>
         <source>Staff distance:</source>
@@ -1794,11 +1794,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Grand staff distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách khuông nhạc tổng quát:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách kh/nhạc đa khuông:</translation>
         <source>Min. system distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách tối thiểu của dòng nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách tối thiểu của dòng nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Lyrics top margin:</source>
@@ -1806,47 +1806,47 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lyrics bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation>Lề dưới của lời nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Lề dưới của lời nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame top margin:</source>
-        <translation>Chiều đứng khung lề trên:</translation>
+        <translation>Lề trên khung chèn dọc:</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame bottom margin:</source>
-        <translation>Chiều đứng khung lề dưới:</translation>
+        <translation>Lề dưới khung chèn dọc:</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy clefs</source>
-        <translation>Tạo phong cách cho các khóa nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo ô báo chuyển khóa nhạc</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy time signatures</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra tác phong của số nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo ô báo chuyển số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Create key signature for all systems</source>
-        <translation>Tạo hóa biểu cho toàn bộ dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo hóa biểu cho mọi dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Create courtesy key signatures</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra bộ khóa courtesy</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo ô báo chuyển hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Lyrics line height:</source>
-        <translation>Bề cao dành cho lời nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chiều cao lời nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Max. system distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách tối đa của dòng nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách tối đa của dòng nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Last system fill threshold:</source>
-        <translation>Last system fill threshold</translation>
+        <translation>Tối thiểu hóa độ dài dòng sau cùng:</translation>
         <source>Show first</source>
-        <translation>cho thấy trước</translation>
+        <translation>Áp dụng cho cái đầu tiên</translation>
@@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Even</translation>
+        <translation>Chẵn</translation>
@@ -1874,43 +1874,43 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>All staves</source>
-        <translation>Toàn bộ khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Tất cả các khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Every system</source>
-        <translation>Mỗi dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Đầu mỗi dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>System bracket distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách ngoặc nối của dòng nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách ngoặc ôm:</translation>
         <source>Brace distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách ngoặc ôm:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách ngoặc nhọn:</translation>
         <source>Spacing (1=tight):</source>
-        <translation>Không gian (1=Khít nhau)</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách giữa 2 nốt (1=khít nhau):</translation>
         <source>Minimum measure width:</source>
-        <translation>Bề rộng tối thiểu của ô nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng tối thiểu của ô nhịp:</translation>
         <source>Note to barline distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách từ nốt nhạc đến vạch nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách từ nốt nhạc đến vạch nhịp:</translation>
         <source>Barline to note distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách từ vạch nhịp đến nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách từ vạch nhịp đến nốt nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Clef left margin:</source>
-        <translation>Lề trái của khóa nhac:</translation>
+        <translation>Lề trái khóa nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Minimum note distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách tối thiểu của nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách tối thiểu của nốt nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Key signature left margin:</source>
@@ -1922,11 +1922,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Clef/Key right margin:</source>
-        <translation>Lề phải của khóa nhạc/hóa biểu:</translation>
+        <translation>Lề phải khóa-nhạc/hóa-biểu:</translation>
         <source>Clef to barline distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách từ khóa nhạc đến vạch nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách từ khóa nhạc đến vạch nhịp:</translation>
         <source>Staff line thickness:</source>
@@ -1934,19 +1934,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Barline to accidental distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách từ vạch nhịp đến dấu hóa:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách từ vạch nhịp đến dấu hóa:</translation>
         <source>Show repeat bar tips ("winged" repeats)</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy vạch nhịp lặp lại có móc (vạch nhịp "có cánh")</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị vạch nhịp lặp lại có móc (vạch nhịp "có cánh")</translation>
         <source>Barline at start of single staff</source>
-        <translation>Vạch nhịp lúc bắt đầu của một khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện vạch nhịp ở đầu dòng nhạc đơn khuông</translation>
         <source>Barline at start of multiple staves</source>
-        <translation>Vạch nhịp lúc bắt đầu của nhiều khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện vạch nhịp ở đầu dòng nhạc đa khuông</translation>
         <source>Barline thickness:</source>
@@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>End barline thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày của vạch nhịp kết:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày vạch nhịp kết:</translation>
         <source>End barline distance:</source>
@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental note distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách dấu hóa của nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách dấu hóa của nốt nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Accidental distance:</source>
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dot dot distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách giữa hai chấm dôi:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách giữa hai chấm dôi:</translation>
         <source>Ledger line thickness:</source>
@@ -2026,27 +2026,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Beam thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày cờ nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày dấu nối cờ:</translation>
         <source>Beam distance (in beam thickness units):</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách cờ nốt nhạc (trong độ dày mỗi cờ)</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách giữa các dấu nối (theo % độ dày của nó):</translation>
         <source>Broken beam minimum length:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài tối thiểu của cờ nốt nhạc tách ra:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dài tối thiểu dấu-nối-cờ dạng hở:</translation>
         <source>Flatten all beams</source>
-        <translation>Làm phẳng toàn bộ cờ nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Làm phẳng mọi dấu nối cờ</translation>
         <source>Line thickness at end:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày đường kẻ ở điểm kết:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày ở cuối đường kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Line thickness middle:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày đường kẻ ở giữa:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày khúc giữa đường kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Dotted line thickness:</source>
@@ -2070,15 +2070,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Hairpins</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu biến cường</translation>
-        <translation>Chiều cao</translation>
+        <translation>Chiều cao:</translation>
         <source>Default vertical position:</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí đứng mặc định:</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí chiều dọc mặc định:</translation>
@@ -2090,27 +2090,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line style:</source>
-        <translation>Thẻ loại của đường kẻ:</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu đường kẻ:</translation>
-        <translation>Ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu chuyển bát độ</translation>
         <source>Pedal Line</source>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ Pedal</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ Pê-đan</translation>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ Trill</translation>
+        <translation>Nét vẽ Trill</translation>
-        <translation>Hiện ra</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị</translation>
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Dạng chuẩn</translation>
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
         <source>Load chords.xml</source>
@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>German</translation>
+        <translation>kiểu Đức</translation>
@@ -2134,7 +2134,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lower case minor chords</source>
-        <translation>Các hợp âm thứ thấp hơn</translation>
+        <translation>Không viết hoa gam thứ</translation>
@@ -2158,35 +2158,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line height:</source>
-        <translation>Chiều cao đường kẻ:</translation>
+        <translation>Chiều cao dòng chữ:</translation>
         <source>Vertical position:</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí cao nhất:</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí chiều dọc:</translation>
         <source>from top of staff</source>
-        <translation>từ đầu của khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation> phía trên của khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>of font height</source>
-        <translation>Chiều cao của phông chữ</translation>
+        <translation> chiều cao phông chữ</translation>
-        <translation>Thẳng hàng</translation>
+        <translation>Canh lề</translation>
-        <translation>Đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Trên cùng</translation>
-        <translation>Dưới cùng</translation>
+        <translation>Ở dưới</translation>
-        <translation>Phong cách/ Thể loại/Kiểu</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu</translation>
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách phụ âm:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách dấu-diễn-đạt:</translation>
         <source>Note head distance:</source>
@@ -2211,11 +2211,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation size:</source>
-        <translation>Kích cỡ phụ âm:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lớn dấu-diễn-đạt:</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
         <source>Maximum slope:</source>
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical distance from stem:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách cao nhất từ thân nốt:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách dọc so với thân nốt:</translation>
         <source>Avoid the staves</source>
@@ -2231,43 +2231,43 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Distance before the stem of the first note:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách đằng trước thân nốt của nốt nhạc đầu tiên:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách trước thân nốt của nốt đầu tiên:</translation>
         <source>Distance before the head of the first note:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách đằng trước đầu nốt nhạc của nốt nhạc đầu tiên:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách trước đầu nốt của nốt đầu tiên:</translation>
         <source>Distance after the stem of the last note:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách đằng sau thân nốt nhạc của nốt nhạc cuối cùng:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách sau thân nốt của nốt cuối:</translation>
         <source>Distance after the head of the last note:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách đằng sau đầu nốt nhạc của nốt nhạc cuối cùng:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách sau đầu nốt của nốt cuối:</translation>
         <source>Distance to fretboard diagram:</source>
-        <translation>khoảng cách biểu đồ phím đàn:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách tới biểu đồ phím ghi-ta:</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation>Ký hiệu các hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Gam</translation>
         <source>Chord symbols style file:</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu ký hiệu hợp âm:</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin các ký hiệu gam:</translation>
-        <translation>Capo</translation>
+        <translation>Capô</translation>
         <source>Vertical distance from note head:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách cao nhất từ đầu nốt nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách so với đầu nốt nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Capo fret position:</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí phím capo</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí kẹp Capo:</translation>
         <source>Semitones offset</source>
@@ -2283,15 +2283,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Chord Symbols, Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Các ký hiệu hợp âm, Biểu đồ phím đàn</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu gam, Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Biểu đồ phím đàn</translation>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Fret offset number font size:</source>
-        <translation>Kích cỡ bộ đệm cho phím đàn:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lớn chỉ số của phím chặn:</translation>
@@ -2299,11 +2299,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Minimum tie length:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài tối thiểu của dấu nối:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dài dấu nối tối thiểu:</translation>
-        <translation>Quãng:</translation>
+        <translation>Bước nhảy:</translation>
         <source>Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument</source>
@@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Standard TAB clef</source>
-        <translation>Khóa TAB tiêu chuẩn</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa TAB chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Serif TAB clef</source>
@@ -2371,31 +2371,33 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show header also on first page</source>
-        <translation>Hiện lề đầu cho trang một</translation>
+        <translation>Trang đầu: Hiện khung tin đầu trang</translation>
         <source>Show footer also on first page</source>
-        <translation>Hiện lề dưới cho trang một</translation>
+        <translation>Trang đầu: Hiện khung tin chân trang</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page header</source>
-        <translation>Sử dụng số trang chẳn/lẻ trên đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo khung tin đầu trang riêng biệt 
+cho trang chẵn && trang lẻ</translation>
         <source>Use odd/even page footer</source>
-        <translation>Sử dụng số trang chẳn/lẻ phía dưới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo khung tin chân trang riêng biệt 
+cho trang chẵn && trang lẻ</translation>
         <source>System bracket thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày dấu móc khuông nhạc:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày ngoặc ôm:</translation>
         <source>Brace thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày của móc:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày ngoặc nhọn:</translation>
         <source>Continue height:</source>
@@ -2403,11 +2405,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
+        <translation>Liền nét</translation>
-        <translation>Dashed</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch đứt</translation>
@@ -2423,19 +2425,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Numbers only</source>
-        <translation>Chỉ có các số</translation>
+        <translation>Chỉ hiện số</translation>
         <source>Header Text</source>
-        <translation>Đề mục đầu trang</translation>
+        <translation>Khung tin đầu trang</translation>
         <source>Footer Text</source>
-        <translation>Đề mục cuối trang</translation>
+        <translation>Khung tin chân trang</translation>
         <source>Measure Numbers</source>
-        <translation>Số trường canh</translation>
+        <translation>Đánh số cho ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Default TAB Clef</source>
@@ -2443,35 +2445,37 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Naturals in Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Hóa biểu tự nhiên</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu bình trong Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Vertical Distance from the Notes</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách cao nhất từ các nốt</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách theo chiều dọc so với các nốt</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Distance from the Notes</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách rộng từ các nốt</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách theo chiều ngang so với các nốt</translation>
         <source>Only for a change to C Maj / A min</source>
-        <translation>Chỉ thay thế cho C trưởng / A thứ</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị chỉ khi chuyển về C trưởng / A thứ</translation>
         <source>Create multimeasure rests</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra dấu lặng nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo ra dấu-lặng-đa-ô-nhịp</translation>
         <source>Multimeasure rest margin:</source>
-        <translation>Giới hạn dấu lặng nhiều ô nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Lề của dấu-lặng-đa-ô-nhịp:</translation>
         <source>Before key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats</source>
-        <translation>Trước hóa biểu nếu có thay đổi về một vài dấu thăng hoặc giáng</translation>
+        <translation>Nằm trước hóa biểu nếu chuyển về hóa biểu ít thăng hoặc giáng hơn</translation>
         <source>After key signature if changing to fewer sharps or flats. Before if changing between sharps and flats</source>
-        <translation>Sau hóa biểu nếu thay đổi về một vài dấu thăng hoặc giáng. Trước hóa biểu nếu có thay đổi về một vài dấu thăng hoặc giáng</translation>
+        <translation>
+Nằm sau hóa biểu nếu chuyển về hóa biểu ít thăng hoặc giáng hơn. 
+Nằm trước nếu chuyển qua lại giữa hóa biểu thăng và hóa biểu giáng.</translation>
         <source>A, B♭, H, C, C♯, ...</source>
@@ -2483,7 +2487,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Full German</source>
-        <translation>Kiểu Đức đầy đủ</translation>
+        <translation>kiểu Đức đầy đủ</translation>
         <source>Do, Do♯, Re♭, Re, ...</source>
@@ -2495,15 +2499,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Pháp</translation>
+        <translation>kiểu Pháp</translation>
         <source>Lower case bass notes</source>
-        <translation>Trường hợp nốt bass thấp hơn</translation>
+        <translation>Không viết hoa nốt bass</translation>
         <source>All caps note names</source>
-        <translation>In hoa tất cả các tên nốt</translation>
+        <translation>Viết hoa tất cả các tên nốt</translation>
         <source>Note Spelling</source>
@@ -2511,38 +2515,38 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Automatic Capitalization</source>
-        <translation>Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng in hoa</translation>
+        <translation>Tự động viết chữ hoa</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame upper margin</source>
-        <translation>Khung dọc lề trên</translation>
+        <translation>Lề trên khung chèn dọc</translation>
         <source>Vertical frame lower margin</source>
-        <translation>Khung dọc lề dưới</translation>
+        <translation>Lề dưới khung chèn dọc</translation>
-        <translation>Âm giai:</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ:</translation>
         <source>Barré line thickness:</source>
-        <translation>Độ dày vạch nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dày vạch kẻ:</translation>
         <source>Scale barlines to staff size</source>
-        <translation>Tỉ lệ kích cỡ các vạch nhịp của khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Giãn vạch nhịp theo kích cỡ khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Barline to grace note distance:</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng cách từ vạch nhịp đến nốt hoa mỹ:</translation>
+        <translation>Kh/cách từ vạch nhịp đến nốt láy:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Parts</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Các phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Các phần bè</translation>
@@ -2554,7 +2558,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>New All</source>
-        <translation>Hoàn toàn mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo tự động</translation>
@@ -2562,15 +2566,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Part title:</source>
-        <translation>Tên phân phổ:</translation>
+        <translation>Tên bè:</translation>
         <source>Edit Part</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh Bè</translation>
         <source>Select Part</source>
-        <translation>Chọn phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Bè</translation>
@@ -2597,15 +2601,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Sound Fonts</source>
-        <translation>Sound Fonts</translation>
+        <translation>Các Gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation>SoundFont %1 đã được cho chạy</translation>
+        <translation>Gói âm thanh %1 đã tải lên xong</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation>Không thể chạy SoundFont %1</translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tải Gói âm thanh %1 lên</translation>
@@ -2620,7 +2624,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>MuseScore: Fretboard Diagram Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore đặc tính biểu đồ phím đàn</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thuộc tính Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
@@ -2631,7 +2635,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show Text</source>
-        <translation>Hiện chữ</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị chữ viết</translation>
@@ -2649,7 +2653,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Close MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation>Đóng bảng nhập MIDI</translation>
+        <translation>Đóng bảng nhập liệu MIDI</translation>
         <source>Move track up</source>
@@ -2657,7 +2661,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Move track down</source>
-        <translation>Di chuyển track xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Dịch track xuống</translation>
         <source>Text charset:</source>
@@ -2665,7 +2669,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Apply MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation>Chấp nhận hành động nhập MIDI</translation>
+        <translation>Chấp nhận thao tác nhập từ MIDI</translation>
@@ -2673,7 +2677,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Cancel not applied MIDI import operations</source>
-        <translation>Hủy bỏ không áp dụng các hoạt động nhập MIDI</translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ không áp dụng các thao tác nhập MIDI</translation>
@@ -2707,7 +2711,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
@@ -2715,22 +2719,22 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Accidental Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Kiểm soát dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại giá trị nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhỏ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Head group</source>
-        <translation>Nhóm đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Hình nốt</translation>
@@ -2882,15 +2886,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Oct </source>
-        <translation>Oct </translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí Q. 8</translation>
         <source>Has line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Có kẻ dọc</translation>
         <source>Top note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt phía trên</translation>
@@ -2898,27 +2902,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Nguyên</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
-        <translation>Ná»­a</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
-        <translation>Phần tư</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
-        <translation>Breve</translation>
+        <translation>Tròn kép</translation>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu nốt</translation>
         <source>Update Range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dải Cập nhật</translation>
@@ -2938,31 +2942,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ambitus Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Ambitus</translation>
-        <translation>Oct</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí Q. 8</translation>
         <source>Reset Has line value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Có kẻ dọc" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Head group value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hình nốt" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của Hướng</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Hướng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Update range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dải cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu nốt" về m/định</translation>
@@ -2970,7 +2974,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Nối</translation>
+        <translation>Hình chéo</translation>
@@ -2978,11 +2982,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Triangle</translation>
+        <translation>Hình tam giác</translation>
-        <translation>Vết gạch</translation>
+        <translation>Vệt chéo</translation>
@@ -3018,34 +3022,34 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt. Brevis</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation>Độ dầy của lằn kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dầy kẻ dọc</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation>Trở lại tiêu chuẩn định sẵn độ dầy của đường kẻ </translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Độ dày kẻ dọc" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[Bất định]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ambitus</translation>
-        <translation>Phụ âm của từng nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt</translation>
@@ -3053,11 +3057,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Anchor</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm neo</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Tự động đặt hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy theo hướng gam</translation>
@@ -3093,50 +3097,50 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Articulation Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu diễn đạt</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của Hướng</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Hướng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Anchor value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Điểm neo về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Time stretch value</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại giá trị thời gian kéo dài</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Kéo dài thời gian" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Style:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu:</translation>
         <source>Span from:</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối từ:</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm đầu:</translation>
         <source>Spanned staves:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Số khuông giãn ra:</translation>
         <source>Span to:</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối đến:</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm cuối:</translation>
         <source>Span preset:</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối định sẵn:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu định sẵn:</translation>
         <source>Barline Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Vạch nhịp</translation>
@@ -3144,50 +3148,50 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Span from</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối từ</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm đầu</translation>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối</translation>
+        <translation>Co Giãn</translation>
         <source>Span to</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp nối đến</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm cuối</translation>
         <source>Reset Span value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Giãn" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Span from value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả điểm đầu về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Span to value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả điểm cuối về m/định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu giãn</translation>
         <source>Reset Span type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu giãn" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>Nối kết</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ</translation>
@@ -3215,35 +3219,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Thẳng đứng</translation>
+        <translation>Nằm ngang</translation>
         <source>Beam Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu nối cờ nốt</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc bên trái</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của Hướng</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Hướng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Vertical position offset right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc bên phải</translation>
         <source>Reset User position value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vị trí người dùng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Local Relayout value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của đường thẳng</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Bật Bố trí cục bộ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Ngang" về m/định</translation>
@@ -3255,38 +3259,38 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Grow right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng phải</translation>
         <source>Grow left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng trái</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow right value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tăng phải" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Grow left value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tăng trái" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Local relayout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tái bố trí cục bộ</translation>
         <source>User position</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí của người sử dụng</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh vị trí</translation>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt bố trí dòng nhạc</translation>
@@ -3297,7 +3301,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Stem direction</source>
-        <translation>chiều hướng của (thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hướng thân nốt</translation>
@@ -3313,7 +3317,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc</translation>
@@ -3322,47 +3326,47 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch ngang</translation>
-        <translation>nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Nhỏ</translation>
-        <translation>Không có (thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn thân nốt</translation>
         <source>Chord Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Độ lệch dọc về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả về độ lệch ngang mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Stem direction value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hướng thân nốt" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch ngang</translation>
         <source>Reset Small Value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhỏ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Stemless value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Ẩn thân nốt" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -3373,19 +3377,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện ô báo chuyển</translation>
         <source>Clef Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Kiểm tra khóa nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Khóa nhạc</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiện ô báo chuyển" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -3396,54 +3400,54 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic Range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tầm ảnh hưởng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tốc lực</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
-        <translation>Phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Bè</translation>
-        <translation>Hệ thống</translation>
+        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Dynamic Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu cường độ</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tốc lực" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tầm ảnh hưởng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tầm ảnh hưởng</translation>
-        <translation>Element</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc</translation>
@@ -3456,7 +3460,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch ngang</translation>
@@ -3464,30 +3468,30 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
         <source>Reset Horizontal offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả về độ lệch ngang mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Vertical offset value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Độ lệch dọc về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Visible value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiện" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Color value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả màu về m/định</translation>
         <source>Empty Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát rỗng</translation>
         <source>Nothing selected</source>
@@ -3498,30 +3502,30 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Bát độ</translation>
-        <translation>Thang âm điệu thức</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Kiểu về m/định</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
-        <translation>Lớn dần</translation>
+        <translation>Vuốt phím</translation>
@@ -3533,54 +3537,54 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Glissando Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát dấu Vuốt</translation>
         <source>Reset Text value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Chữ viết về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Kiểu về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>Straight</translation>
+        <translation>Thẳng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gợn sóng</translation>
         <source>Reset Show text value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiển thị chữ viết" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Show text</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy chữ viết</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị chữ viết</translation>
         <source>Element Group</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhóm thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
         <source>Set Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán màu</translation>
         <source>Set Visible</source>
-        <translation>Set Visible</translation>
+        <translation>Cho hiện lên</translation>
         <source>Set Invisible</source>
-        <translation>Set Invisible</translation>
+        <translation>Cho ẩn đi</translation>
         <source>Element Group Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Nhóm thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
@@ -3591,7 +3595,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung chèn ngang</translation>
@@ -3600,38 +3604,38 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bề rộng, khổ rộng</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Khung chèn ngang</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Right gap</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng trống bên phải</translation>
+        <translation>Khoảng trống phải</translation>
         <source>Left gap</source>
-        <translation>Khoảng trống bên trái</translation>
+        <translation>Khoảng trống trái</translation>
         <source>Reset Left gap value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của khoảng trống bên trái</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng trống trái" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Right gap value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của khoảng trống bên phải</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng trống phải" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>Hairpin</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu biến cường</translation>
@@ -3643,27 +3647,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Dynamic range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tầm ảnh hưởng</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
-        <translation>Phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Bè nhạc</translation>
-        <translation>Hệ thống</translation>
+        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Velocity change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thay đổi tốc lực</translation>
         <source>Continue height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Duy trì chiều cao</translation>
@@ -3671,47 +3675,47 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Circled tip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vòng tròn chóp</translation>
         <source>Hairpin Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu biến cường</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity change value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Thay đổi tốc lực" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Kiểu về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Dynamic range value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tầm ảnh hưởng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Chiều cao về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Circled tip value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vòng tròn chóp" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>crescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
-        <translation>decrescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Decrescendo</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Duy trì chiều cao" về m/định</translation>
@@ -3726,15 +3730,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Thang âm điệu thức</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ</translation>
         <source>Image Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Hình ảnh</translation>
         <source>Scale to frame size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giãn theo khung bao</translation>
@@ -3742,54 +3746,54 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bề rộng, khổ rộng</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng</translation>
         <source>Scale Width</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ ch/rộng</translation>
         <source>Scale Height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ ch/cao</translation>
         <source>Reset Scale to frame size value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Giãn theo khung bao" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Lock aspect ratio value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Giữ tỷ lệ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Lock aspect ratio</source>
-        <translation>khóa aspect ratio lại</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa tỷ lệ</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng cách giữa 2 dòng kẻ trên khuông 5-dòng-kẻ chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Size in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích cỡ tính theo cỡ-khe-nhạc</translation>
         <source>Reset Size in staff space units value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kích cỡ tính theo cỡ-khe-nhạc" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>Chuyển trực tiếp tới</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu Nhảy ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Jump to</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển tới</translation>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới</translation>
         <source>Play until</source>
-        <translation>Chơi cho đến khi</translation>
+        <translation>Phát cho đến khi</translation>
         <source>Continue at</source>
@@ -3797,42 +3801,42 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Jump Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu nhảy ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Reset Jump to value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhảy tới" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Play until value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Phát cho đến khi" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Continue at value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tiếp tục tại" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện ô báo chuyển</translation>
         <source>Key Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiện ô báo chuyển" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -3855,11 +3859,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Lasso Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Lasso</translation>
         <source>Vertical position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí dọc</translation>
@@ -3867,7 +3871,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Bề rộng, khổ rộng</translation>
+        <translation>Độ rộng</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Position</source>
@@ -3878,7 +3882,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Line</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ/Nét vẽ</translation>
@@ -3887,47 +3891,47 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line color</source>
-        <translation>Màu sắc của đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Màu đường kẻ</translation>
         <source>Line style</source>
-        <translation>Loại kiểu của đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu đường kẻ</translation>
         <source>Allow diagonal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chỉnh xéo</translation>
         <source>Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Đường kẻ</translation>
         <source>Reset Line color value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị màu sắc của đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Màu đường kẻ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Allow diagonal value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Chỉnh xéo" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Line style value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu đường kẻ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation>Độ dầy của đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Độ dầy đ/kẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
+        <translation>Liền nét</translation>
-        <translation>Dashed</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch đứt</translation>
@@ -3943,26 +3947,26 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị độ dầy của đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Độ dày đ/kẻ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Line visible value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiện đường kẻ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Line visible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện đường kẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Marker</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn đánh dấu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên</translation>
@@ -3982,39 +3986,39 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>To Coda</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>To Coda</translation>
         <source>Marker type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu dấu</translation>
         <source>Marker Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Nhãn đánh dấu</translation>
         <source>Reset Marker type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu dấu" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Label value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tên" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Marker Type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu dấu</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segno biến thể</translation>
         <source>Varied coda</source>
-        <translation>Varied coda</translation>
+        <translation>Coda biến thể</translation>
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
@@ -4025,19 +4029,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Chơi</translation>
+        <translation>Cho chơi</translation>
-        <translation>Tuning</translation>
+        <translation>Hiệu chỉnh âm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tốc lực</translation>
         <source>Mirror head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí đầu nốt</translation>
@@ -4045,23 +4049,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Ở trên</translation>
-        <translation>Dưới cùng</translation>
+        <translation>Ở dưới</translation>
-        <translation>Nguyên</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
-        <translation>Ná»­a</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
-        <translation>Phần tư</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
@@ -4069,27 +4073,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Offset</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lệch</translation>
-        <translation>Người sử dụng</translation>
+        <translation>Người dùng</translation>
         <source>Head type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu nốt</translation>
         <source>Head group</source>
-        <translation>Nhóm đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Hình nốt</translation>
         <source>Dot position</source>
-        <translation>Vị trí của dấu chấm</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Velocity type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu tốc lực</translation>
@@ -4105,27 +4109,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Note Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát nốt</translation>
         <source>Reset Mirror head value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vị trí đầu nốt" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu tốc lực" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Kiểu nốt về mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Velocity value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tốc lực" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Mirror Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí đầu nốt</translation>
@@ -4133,50 +4137,50 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Head group value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hình nốt" về mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại giá trị nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhỏ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Tuning value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiệu chỉnh âm" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Play value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Cho chơi" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Dot position value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vị trí chấm dôi" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>Line</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí</translation>
         <source>Fix to line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh vị trí</translation>
         <source>Reset Fix to line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Tùy chỉnh vị trí" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vị trí" về m/định</translation>
-        <translation>Ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu chuyển bát độ</translation>
@@ -4184,7 +4188,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí</translation>
@@ -4216,19 +4220,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Bát độ</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Kiểu về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Placement value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Vị trí" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -4240,7 +4244,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Reset Numbers only value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Chỉ hiện số" về m/định</translation>
@@ -4251,26 +4255,26 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Rest Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu lặng</translation>
         <source>Reset Small value</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại giá trị nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhỏ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>Segment</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng không gian</translation>
@@ -4279,58 +4283,58 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trailing space</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng đuôi</translation>
         <source>Leading space</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng đầu</translation>
         <source>Segment Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Vùng không gian</translation>
         <source>Reset Leading space value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng đầu" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Trailing space value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng đuôi" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Line type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét vẽ:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Luyến/Nối</translation>
         <source>Slur Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát dấu Luyến</translation>
         <source>Reset Line type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Nét vẽ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Line type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét vẽ</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
+        <translation>Liền nét</translation>
@@ -4338,14 +4342,14 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dashed</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch đứt</translation>
-        <translation>Nốt lót</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu cách khuông</translation>
@@ -4358,18 +4362,18 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Spacer Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Dấu cách</translation>
         <source>Reset Height value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Chiều cao về m/định</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp độ</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn Nhịp độ</translation>
@@ -4377,7 +4381,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Follow text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhịp độ theo chữ số</translation>
@@ -4385,19 +4389,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tempo Marking Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát dấu chỉ dẫn Nhịp độ</translation>
         <source>Reset Tempo value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhịp độ" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Follow text value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Nhịp độ theo chữ số" về m/định</translation>
@@ -4408,34 +4412,34 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Style</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Text Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Chữ viết</translation>
         <source>Reset Style value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả về kiểu mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Text to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả Chữ về Định kiểu Mặc định</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ có Chữ</translation>
         <source>Text Line Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Đ/kẻ có chữ</translation>
@@ -4446,26 +4450,26 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Show courtesy</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện ô báo chuyển</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Theo dõi số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát  Số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Reset Show courtesy value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Hiện ô báo chuyển" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>dấu rung (láy)</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rung (láy)</translation>
@@ -4473,35 +4477,35 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Trill Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Trill</translation>
         <source>Reset Trill type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu láy rền" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Trill Line</source>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ Trill</translation>
+        <translation>Nét vẽ Trill</translation>
         <source>Up Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Up Prall</translation>
         <source>Down Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Down Prall</translation>
         <source>Prall Prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall Prall</translation>
         <source>Wavy Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét gợn sóng</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -4512,23 +4516,23 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>số</translation>
+        <translation>Số</translation>
-        <translation>relation</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ số</translation>
-        <translation>không có gì</translation>
+        <translation>Không có gì</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng</translation>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc vuông</translation>
@@ -4548,38 +4552,38 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Tuplet Inspector</source>
-        <translation>Kiểm soát liên</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát ký hiệu Liên</translation>
         <source>Reset Direction value</source>
-        <translation>Định lại giá trị của Hướng</translation>
+        <translation>Trả "Hướng" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset Number type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu số" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Bracket type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu ngoặc" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Number type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu số</translation>
         <source>Bracket type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu ngoặc</translation>
         <source>Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung chèn dọc</translation>
@@ -4596,59 +4600,59 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Vertical Frame Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Khung chèn dọc</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Right margin</source>
-        <translation>Mép bên phải</translation>
+        <translation>Lề phải</translation>
         <source>Reset Top gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng trống trên" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom gap value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Khoảng trống dưới" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Bottom margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lề dưới</translation>
         <source>Left margin</source>
-        <translation>Mép bên trái</translation>
+        <translation>Lề trái</translation>
         <source>Top gap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng trống trên</translation>
         <source>Bottom gap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng trống dưới</translation>
         <source>Top margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lề trên</translation>
         <source>Reset Left margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Lề trái" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Right margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Lề phải" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Top margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Lề trên" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset Bottom margin value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Lề dưới" về m/định</translation>
@@ -4663,7 +4667,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
@@ -4671,15 +4675,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Volta Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Volta</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả "Kiểu" về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại giá trị</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại mặc định</translation>
@@ -4694,7 +4698,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dọn dẹp</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -4734,7 +4738,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Instrument wizard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trình chỉ dẫn nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Instrument List</source>
@@ -4746,18 +4750,18 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
-        <translation>Bộ lọc dòng nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc loại nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>All instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tất cả nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nhạc Cụ</translation>
@@ -4765,7 +4769,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>LÆ°u</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ</translation>
@@ -4780,7 +4784,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>MuseScore: Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nhạc Cụ</translation>
         <source>Instrument List</source>
@@ -4792,7 +4796,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dọn dẹp</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -4816,11 +4820,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add Linked Staff</source>
-        <translation>Thêm khuông nhạc nối liền nhau</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm khuông nối kết</translation>
-        <translation>Các dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
@@ -4832,19 +4836,19 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nối kết</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu khuông</translation>
         <source>Instrument Genre Filter</source>
-        <translation>Bộ lọc dòng nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc loại nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Instrument list</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Clear Search box</source>
@@ -4852,11 +4856,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Partitur List</source>
-        <translation>Danh sách Partitur</translation>
+        <translation>Danh sách Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Staff linked to previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khuông nối kết tới cái trước</translation>
@@ -4867,7 +4871,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dọn dẹp</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -4882,7 +4886,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>MuseScore: Layers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Các lớp</translation>
@@ -4890,7 +4894,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạo</translation>
@@ -4906,7 +4910,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Delete Tag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xóa Thẻ</translation>
@@ -4938,7 +4942,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
@@ -4946,15 +4950,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>10</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>11</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12</translation>
@@ -4962,94 +4966,94 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>14</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>15</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>17</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>18</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>19</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>20</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>21</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>22</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>23</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>24</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>25</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>26</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>27</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>28</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>29</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>30</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>31</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Miêu tả</translation>
+        <translation>Mô tả</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Line Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính của Line</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thuộc tính Đường kẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Phần đầu</translation>
@@ -5069,31 +5073,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>Up</translation>
+        <translation>Góc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>90°</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>45°</translation>
-        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
+        <translation>Phần giữa</translation>
-        <translation>Hết</translation>
+        <translation>Phần đuôi</translation>
-        <translation>place:</translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí: </translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Móc:</translation>
@@ -5104,70 +5108,70 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Log in to MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đăng nhập vào MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Username or email</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên đăng nhập hoặc thư điện tử</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mật khẩu</translation>
     <name>MIDI import operations</name>
-        <translation>Phần tư</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
-        <translation>1/16</translation>
+        <translation>móc đôi</translation>
-        <translation>1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Móc ba</translation>
-        <translation>64th</translation>
+        <translation>Móc 4</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 5</translation>
         <source>Detect swing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhận dạng swing</translation>
         <source>None (1:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không (1:1)</translation>
         <source>Swing (2:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Swing (2:1)</translation>
         <source>Shuffle (3:1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Shuffle (3:1)</translation>
-        <translation>Chuyển vào MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Staff name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên khuông</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh</translation>
@@ -5175,31 +5179,31 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>2-plets</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>3-plets</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>4-plets</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>5-plets</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>7-plets</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>9-plets</translation>
-        <translation>Các dấu liên</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu liên</translation>
@@ -5231,27 +5235,27 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>12</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>15</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>21</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
         <source>Time signature</source>
@@ -5266,50 +5270,56 @@ measure count</source>
         <source>Is human
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bắt chước
+con người</translation>
         <source>Split staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tách khuông</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đổi 
+khóa nhạc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đơn giản hóa
+trường độ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các nốt
+chấm dôi</translation>
 tempo text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị
+chữ số nhịp độ</translation>
 pickup measure</source>
-        <translation>Chấp nhận
+        <translation>Nhận dạng
 ô nhịp lấy đà</translation>
         <source>Max. quantization</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chia nhỏ tối đa</translation>
         <source>Max. voices</source>
-        <translation>Tối đa. các bè</translation>
+        <translation>Số giọng tối đa</translation>
@@ -5317,12 +5327,13 @@ pickup measure</source>
         <source>MuseScore instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhạc cụ MuseScore</translation>
 chord symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị
+các ký hiệu gam</translation>
@@ -5336,31 +5347,31 @@ chord symbols</source>
         <source>Where is %1 ?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 nằm ở đâu?</translation>
         <source>Save as MP3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ dạng MP3</translation>
         <source>MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library.  You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore.
 You only need to do this once.
 Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore không xuất trực tiếp tập tin thành MP3, nhưng thay vào đó là việc sử dụng miễn phí thư viện LAME có sẵn. Bạn phải tìm kiếm %1 một cách riêng biệt (để biết thêm chi tiết hãy xem sổ tay hướng dẫn), và sau đó xác định đúng vị trí tập tin cho MuseScore.
+        <translation>MuseScore không xuất trực tiếp thành tập tin MP3 mà sử dụng thư viện LAME miễn phí đã có sẵn. Bạn phải tìm kiếm %1 một cách riêng biệt (để biết thêm chi tiết hãy xem sổ tay hướng dẫn), và sau đó xác định đúng vị trí tài liệu dành cho MuseScore.
 Bạn chỉ cần làm một lần cho điều này.
-Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
+Bạn có muốn tìm vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Master Palette</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Quản lý công cụ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bảng công cụ gốc</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
-        <translation>Nốt láy</translation>
+        <translation>Các nốt láy</translation>
@@ -5368,7 +5379,7 @@ Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
@@ -5376,27 +5387,27 @@ Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
-        <translation>Các vạch nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ/Nét vẽ</translation>
         <source>Breaths & Pauses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Lấy hơi & Ngắt hơi</translation>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc nối khuông</translation>
         <source>Articulations & Ornaments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt & Dấu hoa mỹ</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
@@ -5424,11 +5435,11 @@ Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính nối kết (của nốt nhạc)</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu nối cờ nốt</translation>
         <source>Frames & Measures</source>
-        <translation>Khung và ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Khung chèn & Ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -5436,19 +5447,19 @@ Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu rải gam & Vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>Breaks & Spacers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Ngắt & Cách</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn túi: Chùm nốt tô điểm</translation>
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
-        <translation>Nhắc lại & nhảy đi</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Lặp & Nhảy</translation>
@@ -5461,7 +5472,7 @@ Bạn có muốn tím vị trí %2 ngay bây giờ?</translation>
         <source>cannot change measure length:
 tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <translation>Không thể thay đổi chiều dài ô nhịp được:
-dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
+dấu liên sẽ vượt qua ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -5472,7 +5483,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Các dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Các khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>New Row</source>
@@ -5480,7 +5491,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
@@ -5488,7 +5499,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Không có (thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn thân nốt</translation>
@@ -5496,7 +5507,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>hiển thị</translation>
+        <translation>nhìn thấy được</translation>
@@ -5524,15 +5535,15 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
@@ -5544,47 +5555,48 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Exclude from measure count</source>
-        <translation>Loại trừ ô nhịp từ bộ đếm</translation>
+        <translation>Loại khỏi bộ đếm ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Repeat count:</source>
-        <translation>Lập lại count:</translation>
+        <translation>Số lần lặp lại:</translation>
         <source>Layout stretch:</source>
-        <translation>layout stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Độ giãn:</translation>
         <source>Measure number mode:</source>
-        <translation>Hình thức số lượng ô nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Trạng thái chỉ số ô nhịp:</translation>
-        <translation>nominal</translation>
+        <translation>Trên mặt chữ:</translation>
-        <translation>actual</translation>
+        <translation>Thực tế:</translation>
         <source>Add to measure number:</source>
-        <translation>Thêm số ô nhịp vào:</translation>
+        <translation>Tăng chỉ số ô nhịp lên:</translation>
         <source>Do not count</source>
-        <translation>đừng tính</translation>
+        <translation>Không đếm, không đánh chỉ số
+cho ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng</translation>
         <source>Always Show</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Luôn hiện</translation>
         <source>Always Hide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Luôn ẩn</translation>
         <source>Go to previous measure</source>
@@ -5596,14 +5608,14 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation>Tách rời dấu lặng nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Không dùng dấu-lặng-đa-ô-nhịp</translation>
         <source>Mscore: Append Measures</source>
-        <translation>Mscore: Nối thêm ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Mscore: Nối thêm nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -5615,34 +5627,34 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Append empty measures</source>
-        <translation>Nối thêm ô nhịp rỗng</translation>
+        <translation>Nối thêm nhiều ô nhịp rỗng</translation>
         <source>Number of measures to append:</source>
-        <translation>Số lượng ô nhịp muốn viết thêm vào</translation>
+        <translation>Lượng ô nhịp muốn nối thêm vào:</translation>
-        <translation>Dialog</translation>
+        <translation>Hộp thoại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quét-PDF</translation>
         <source>Add Scan</source>
-        <translation>Thêm bản scan</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm bản quét</translation>
         <source>Remove Scan</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bỏ ảnh quét</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Add Audio</source>
@@ -5650,14 +5662,14 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Remove Audio</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bỏ Âm thanh</translation>
-        <translation>&Nốt Nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>&Nốt</translation>
@@ -5668,11 +5680,11 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Số hiệu chỉnh:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mức-API:</translation>
@@ -5680,26 +5692,26 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Score Information</source>
-        <translation>Musescore: Thông tin tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Musescore: Thông tin Bản nhạc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doit</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Plop</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scoop</translation>
@@ -5710,7 +5722,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Version: </source>
-        <translation>Phiên bản </translation>
+        <translation>Phiên bản:</translation>
         <source>Revision: %1</source>
@@ -5721,7 +5733,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Score %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc %1</translation>
@@ -5736,41 +5748,41 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
-        <translation>Rehearsal Mark</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Not found </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Add Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Thêm tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thêm Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp Tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx)</source>
-        <translation>Tệp MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Album Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation>Các tệp album MuseScore (*.album)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore Album (*.album)</translation>
         <source>Error while creating score from album.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi trong khi tạo bản nhạc từ tuyển tập.</translation>
         <source>%1; Top pitch: %2%3; Bottom pitch: %4%5</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1; Cao độ :: trên cùng: %2%3 | dưới cùng: %4%5</translation>
@@ -5788,18 +5800,18 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 là cuối của %2</translation>
-        <translation>Caesura</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt hơi</translation>
-        <translation>Thở</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu lấy hơi</translation>
@@ -5846,26 +5858,26 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 là cuối của %2</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Dotted %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Double dotted %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 ba chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Chord Symbols Style Editor</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Trình soạn Định kiểu Các ký hiệu gam</translation>
@@ -5876,7 +5888,7 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Soạn Trống</translation>
@@ -5887,11 +5899,11 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thanh công cụ 1</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thanh công cụ 3</translation>
@@ -5899,23 +5911,23 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>Tốc độ:</translation>
+        <translation>Tốc lực:</translation>
-        <translation>offset</translation>
+        <translation>độ lệch</translation>
-        <translation>người sử dụng</translation>
+        <translation>người dùng</translation>
-        <translation>Âm độ:</translation>
+        <translation>Cao Ä‘á»™:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Khuông nhạc: %2</translation>
@@ -5926,30 +5938,30 @@ dấu liên sẽ bắt chéo với ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Mở tệp</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Mở tập tin</translation>
         <source>Write File failed: </source>
-        <translation>Tệp soạn thảo bị lỗi:</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin ghi bị lỗi:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Write Drumset</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ghi Tiếng Trống</translation>
         <source>Open File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Mơ tệp
+        <translation>Tập tin được mở
+bị lỗi:</translation>
         <source>The instrument name is invalid.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên nhạc cụ không hợp lệ</translation>
@@ -5962,18 +5974,18 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <comment>string data</comment>
-        <translation>Âm độ</translation>
+        <translation>Cao Ä‘á»™</translation>
-        <translation>Symbol</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu</translation>
-        <translation>Anchor</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm neo</translation>
         <source>Above Staff</source>
@@ -5985,7 +5997,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Chord Automatic</source>
-        <translation>Tự động đặt hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy theo hướng gam</translation>
         <source>Above Chord</source>
@@ -5997,71 +6009,71 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Special symbols in header/footer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu riêng dùng trong khung tin đầu/chân trang</translation>
         <source>page number, except on first page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>số đếm trang, ngoại trừ trang đầu </translation>
         <source>page number, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>số đếm trang, trên mọi trang</translation>
         <source>number of pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tổng số trang</translation>
         <source>file name</source>
-        <translation>Tên tệp</translation>
+        <translation>tên tập tin</translation>
         <source>file path+name</source>
-        <translation>Tên đường dẫn+ tên tệp</translation>
+        <translation>tên+đường dẫn tập tin</translation>
         <source>current date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ngày tháng hiện tại</translation>
         <source>creation date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ngày tháng tạo</translation>
         <source>copyright, on first page only</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bản quyền, chỉ ở trang đầu</translation>
         <source>copyright, on all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bản quyền, trên mọi trang</translation>
         <source>the $ sign itself</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>hiển thị dấu $</translation>
         <source>meta data tag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>thẻ siêu dữ liệu. Ví dụ: $:arranger:</translation>
         <source>Available tags and their current values:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các <b>tag</b> hiện có và dữ liệu của chúng là:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation>Chấp nhận tất cả phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Áp dụng cho mọi Bè</translation>
         <source>last modification time</source>
-        <translation>Thay đổi số chỉ nhịp cuối</translation>
+        <translation>thời gian lần sửa đổi cuối cùng</translation>
         <source>last modification date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ngày chỉnh sửa sau cùng</translation>
         <source>page number, if there is more than one page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>số đếm trang, nếu có hơn 1 trang</translation>
@@ -6070,7 +6082,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Cannot open figured bass description:
-        <translation>không thể mở sơ đồ biểu diễn bass
+        <translation>không thể mở mô tả ngón bấm bass
@@ -6079,58 +6091,58 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>String number</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dây số</translation>
-        <translation>crescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
-        <translation>decrescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Decrescendo</translation>
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>thăng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>giáng</translation>
         <source>Search for: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tìm kiếm:</translation>
-        <translation>Inspector</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát</translation>
         <source>Inspector Subwindow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát Cửa sổ con</translation>
-        <translation>Inspector</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát</translation>
@@ -6141,11 +6153,11 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
-        <translation>Nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu lặng</translation>
@@ -6156,27 +6168,27 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm-1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm-2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm-3</translation>
-        <translation>Hook</translation>
+        <translation>Cờ nốt</translation>
-        <translation>(Thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Thân nốt</translation>
-        <translation>Nối kết</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ</translation>
@@ -6202,42 +6214,42 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Write Style failed: </source>
-        <translation>Write Style failed: </translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi khi soạn thảo Định kiểu: </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Viết Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Soạn thảo Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Instrument List</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Load Instrument List</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tải danh sách nhạc cụ lên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Open Instruments File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Mở tệp nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Mở tập tin nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Open Instruments File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Mở tệp nhạc cụ
+        <translation>Mở tập tin nhạc cụ
+bị lỗi:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Instruments (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhạc cụ MuseScore (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation>Staff %1</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc %1</translation>
-        <translation>Các dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
@@ -6245,7 +6257,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu khuông</translation>
@@ -6253,21 +6265,21 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nối kết</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Các Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>%1: Custom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1: Tùy chỉnh</translation>
@@ -6278,49 +6290,49 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>layer tag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>thẻ lớp</translation>
         <source><a href="%1">Create an account</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Tạo tài khoản</a></translation>
         <source><a href="%1">Forgot password?</a></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><a href="%1">Quên mật khẩu?</a></translation>
         <source>Login error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đăng nhập lỗi</translation>
         <source>Please fill in your username and password</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vui lòng điền đầy đủ tên-đăng-nhập và mật-khẩu</translation>
         <source>Network error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mạng bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Unsuccessful login. Please try again.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đăng nhập thất bại. Vui lòng thử lại.</translation>
         <source>Sorry, wrong email address, username or password. Please check again. <a href="%1">Have you forgotten your password</a>?</source>
-        <translation>Xin lỗi, địa chỉ email không đúng, tên đăng nhập hoặc mật mã. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại. <a href="%1">Bạn có quên mật mã của mình?</a>?</translation>
+        <translation>Xin lỗi, địa chỉ e-mail, tên đăng nhập hoặc mật mã không đúng. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại. <a href="%1">Bạn đã quên mật mã của mình</a>?</translation>
         <source>This account has been blocked.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tài khoản này đã bị khóa.</translation>
         <source>Your account has not been activated yet. Please check your mailbox to activate your account or <a href="%1">request a new activation email</a>.</source>
-        <translation>Tài khoản của bạn không được kích hoạt. Vui lòng kiểm tra hộp thư để kích hoạt tài khoản này hoặc <a href="%1">yêu cầu một phần kích hoạt mới vào hộp thư</a>.</translation>
+        <translation>Tài khoản của bạn chưa được kích hoạt. Vui lòng kiểm tra hộp thư của bạn để kích hoạt tài khoản này hoặc <a href="%1">yêu cầu một e-mail kích hoạt mới</a>.</translation>
         <source>Error while getting user info. Please try again</source>
@@ -6332,15 +6344,15 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>An error occurred during the file transfer. Please try again</source>
-        <translation>Một mỗi đã xảy ra trong quá trình di chuyển tệp. Vui lòng thử lại</translation>
+        <translation>Một lỗi đã xảy ra khi truyền tải tập tin. Vui lòng thử lại</translation>
         <source>Cannot upload: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không thể đăng lên: %1</translation>
         <source>Please upgrade</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vui lòng nâng cấp</translation>
         <source>Your MuseScore version is too old to use this feature.<br/> <a href="%1">Please upgrade first</a>.</source>
@@ -6348,25 +6360,25 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vui lòng kiểm tra Kết nối mạng của bạn</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thời gian địa phương trên thiết bị không thiết lập đúng. Vui lòng kiểm tra và chỉnh lại. Bạn nên đặt cập nhật tự động cho thời-gian/múi-giờ. Nếu vẫn không thể đăng nhập, thì <a href="%1">liên hệ với chúng tôi</a>.</translation>
         <source>you cannot create an element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>bạn không thể tạo một thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
-        <translation>Phóng lớn lên</translation>
+        <translation>Phóng-to/Thu-nhỏ</translation>
@@ -6381,7 +6393,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>ẩn thân nốt</translation>
@@ -6395,7 +6407,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Input Tag Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tên Thẻ nhập</translation>
         <source>New tag name:</source>
@@ -6406,7 +6418,7 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Mixer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bộ phối âm</translation>
@@ -6417,19 +6429,19 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library!</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư viện mã hóa MP3 này không hợp lệ hoặc không tương thích!</translation>
         <source>Unable to initialize MP3 stream</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo chuỗi MP3</translation>
         <source>Unable to open target file for writing</source>
-        <translation>Không thể mở tệp cho mục đích soạn thảo</translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở tập tin mong muốn để ghi</translation>
         <source>Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi %1 được trả về từ bộ mã hóa MP3</translation>
@@ -6438,16 +6450,16 @@ lá»—i:</translation>
         <source>Save changes to the score "%1"
 before closing?</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ thay đổi vào bài nhạc "%1"
-trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu các thay đổi vào bản nhạc "%1"
+trước khi đóng?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx);;</translation>
         <source>MusicXML Files (*.xml *.mxl);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp MusicXML (*.xml *.mxl);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MusicXML (*.xml *.mxl);;</translation>
         <source>MIDI Files (*.mid *.midi *.kar);;</source>
@@ -6455,15 +6467,15 @@ trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
         <source>Muse Data Files (*.md);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp Muse Data (*.md);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin Muse Data (*.md);;</translation>
         <source>Capella Files (*.cap *.capx);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp Capella (*.cap *.capx);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin Capella (*.cap *.capx);;</translation>
         <source>BB Files <experimental> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp BB <experimental> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin BB <experimental> (*.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU);;</translation>
         <source>Overture / Score Writer Files <experimental> (*.ove *.scw);;</source>
@@ -6471,51 +6483,51 @@ trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Music Writer Files <experimental> (*.bww);;</source>
-        <translation>Tệp Bagpipe Music Writer <experimental> (*.bww);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin Bagpipe Music Writer <experimental> (*.bww);;</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Mang bài nhạc vào MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tải bản nhạc vào MuseScore</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ tập tin</translation>
-        <translation>Chưa có tựa đề</translation>
+        <translation>Không tên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Load Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tải Định kiểu lên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ định kiểu</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Style File (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MuseScore Style (*.mss)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore Style (*.mss)</translation>
         <source>PDF Scan File (*.pdf);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu dạng PDF (*.pdf);;Tất cả (*)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin PDF Scan (*.pdf);;Tất cả (*)</translation>
         <source>Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation>Chọn scan dạng PDF</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn bản quét PDF</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose PDF Scan</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chọn tài liệu PDF Scan</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Chọn bản quét PDF</translation>
         <source>Choose Audio File</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tệp âm thanh</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tập tin âm thanh</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Image</source>
@@ -6523,11 +6535,11 @@ trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Palette</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Cho chạy Palette</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp bảng công cụ</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Palette</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Palette</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ bảng công cụ</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Palette (*.mpal)</source>
@@ -6535,35 +6547,35 @@ trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Cho chạy thảo trình phụ (Plugin)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp Trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lữu trữ thảo trình phụ (Plugin)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin File (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chuyển Drumset về</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp Tiếng Trống Lên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Drumset</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Drumset</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu bộ trống</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset File (*.drm)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MuseScore Drumset (*drm)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore Drumset (*drm)</translation>
         <source>Standard MIDI File (*.mid)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu Standard MIDI (*.mid)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin Standard MIDI (*.mid)</translation>
         <source>PDF File (*.pdf)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu dạng PDF (*.pdf)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin PDF (*.pdf)</translation>
         <source>PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png)</source>
@@ -6591,17 +6603,19 @@ trước khi đóng thảo trình?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ dưới tên</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ với</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Export Parts</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Xuất thành các phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Xuất Bè Nhạc</translation>
         <source>"%1" already exists.
 Do you want to replace it?
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>"%1" đang tồn tại.
+Bạn có muốn thay thế nó ?
@@ -6621,127 +6635,127 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>Parts were successfully exported</source>
-        <translation>Các phân phổ đã được xuất ra thành công</translation>
+        <translation>Các bè xuất ra thành công</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save a Copy</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ một bản sao</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu một bản sao</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selection</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ phần lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selected</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ phần được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ảnh (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Tất cả (*)</translation>
         <source>Repeat measure sign</source>
-        <translation>Tín hiệu lặp lại của ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu ô nhịp lặp</translation>
         <source>Line break</source>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ đổi giọng</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt dòng</translation>
         <source>Page break</source>
-        <translation>Trang đổi giọng</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt trang</translation>
         <source>Section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu phân đoạn</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu cách khuông hướng xuống</translation>
         <source>Staff spacer up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu cách khuông hướng lên</translation>
         <source>Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>Ngón bấm. %1</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm %1</translation>
         <source>String number %1</source>
-        <translation>String number %1</translation>
+        <translation>Dây đàn số %1</translation>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc ôm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngoặc nhọn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngoặc vuông</translation>
-        <translation>Line</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Thở</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu lấy hơi</translation>
-        <translation>Caesura</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt hơi</translation>
-        <translation>Hợp âm rải</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rải hợp âm</translation>
-        <translation>Lớn dần</translation>
+        <translation>Vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
-        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng-nhạc-tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết dòng nhạc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>4/4 common time</source>
-        <translation>4/4 common time</translation>
+        <translation>Nhịp 4/4 dạng hay dùng</translation>
         <source>2/2 alla breve</source>
-        <translation>2/2 alla breve</translation>
+        <translation>Nhịp 2/2 hay nhịp xê chẻ</translation>
-        <translation>&Thêm</translation>
+        <translation>Thê&m</translation>
-        <translation>&ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ô &nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>&Frames</translation>
+        <translation>&Khung chèn</translation>
-        <translation>&Text</translation>
+        <translation>&Chữ viết</translation>
-        <translation>&Lines</translation>
+        <translation>&Các đường kẻ</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
@@ -6751,19 +6765,19 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
-        <translation>Synthesizer</translation>
+        <translation>bộ tổng hợp âm tần</translation>
         <source>audio track</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>track âm thanh</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation>Quá trình hoạt động của tệp</translation>
+        <translation>Các tác vụ trên tập tin</translation>
         <source>Transport Tools</source>
-        <translation>Công cụ Transport</translation>
+        <translation>Công cụ Truyền tải</translation>
         <source>Page View</source>
@@ -6775,11 +6789,11 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation>Âm phát ra khi chơi bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Cao độ theo âm</translation>
-        <translation>&Tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>&Tập tin</translation>
         <source>Open &Recent</source>
@@ -6787,19 +6801,19 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
-        <translation>&Điều Chỉnh</translation>
+        <translation>Điều &Chỉnh</translation>
-        <translation>&Ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ô &nhịp</translation>
-        <translation>&Bè</translation>
+        <translation>&Các giọng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Kh/gian làm việc</translation>
@@ -6811,7 +6825,7 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
         <source>Add N&ote</source>
-        <translation>Thêm N&ote</translation>
+        <translation>&Thêm Nốt</translation>
         <source>Add &Interval</source>
@@ -6819,38 +6833,38 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Liên</translation>
-        <translation>&Trình Bày</translation>
+        <translation>Trình &Bày</translation>
-        <translation>Style</translation>
+        <translation>Định &kiểu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trình &phụ trợ</translation>
-        <translation>&Giúp Đỡ</translation>
+        <translation>&Hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>&Online Handbook</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Sách chỉ dẫn trực tuyến</translation>
         <source>Check for &Update</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểm tra &Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>The previous session quit unexpectedly.
 Restore session?</source>
-        <translation>Việc làm vừa rồi bất ngờ bị mất đi.
+        <translation>Phiên làm việc trước bị ngừng bất ngờ.
 Phục hồi lại?</translation>
@@ -6871,11 +6885,11 @@ Phục hồi lại?</translation>
         <source>Undo Changes</source>
-        <translation>Hành động hủy bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ các thay đổi</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Xem tên dành cho không gian làm việc</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ghi lại Tên Không gian làm việc</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -6885,27 +6899,27 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Ogg Audio File (*.ogg);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>Thể loại âm thanh Ogg (*.ogg);;All(*)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin âm thanh Ogg (*.ogg);;All(*)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Choose Ogg Audio File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chọn thể loại âm thanh Ogg</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Chọn tập tin âm thanh Ogg</translation>
         <source>FLAC Audio (*.flac)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh FLAC (*.flac)</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols Style File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>Tệp ký hiệu hợp âm (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin Chord Symbols Style (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Cho chạy Chord Symbols Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp Định kiểu Các ký hiệu gam</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Chord Symbols Style</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Chord Symbols Style</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu Định kiểu Các ký hiệu gam</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Insert Image</source>
@@ -6913,12 +6927,12 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Report a Bug</source>
-        <translation>Thông cáo tìm được lỗi kỹ thuật</translation>
+        <translation>Báo lỗi cho MuseScore</translation>
         <extracomment>The default language of the operating system. NOT a music system.</extracomment>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Hệ thống</translation>
         <source>Please select one or more measures</source>
@@ -6926,11 +6940,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Error Opening LAME library</source>
-        <translation>lỗi thư viện LAME</translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi thư viện LAME</translation>
         <source>Encoding Error</source>
-        <translation>Báo lỗi Encoding</translation>
+        <translation>Việc mã hóa bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Confirm Replace</source>
@@ -6939,16 +6953,16 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Error reading language file %s at line %d column %d: %s
-        <translation>Lỗi đang xem ngôn ngữ tệp %s tại dòng %d cột %d: %s
+        <translation>Lỗi khi đọc tập tin ngôn ngữ %s tại dòng %d cột %d: %s
         <source>MuseScore: Warning</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Báo động</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Cảnh báo</translation>
         <source>PDF Files <experimental OMR> (*.pdf);;</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu PDF <experimental OMR> (*.pdf);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp PDF <experimental OMR> (*.pdf);;</translation>
@@ -6956,19 +6970,19 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Clear Recent Files</source>
-        <translation>Dọn bỏ các tài liệu mở gần đây</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa d/sách tập tin mở gần đây</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</source>
-        <translation>Tất cả thể loại được hỗ trợ (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tất cả tập tin được hỗ trợ (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.pdf *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</source>
-        <translation>Tất cả thể loại được hỗ trợ (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
+        <translation>Tất cả tập tin được hỗ trợ (*.mscz *.mscx *.xml *.mxl *.mid *.midi *.kar *.md *.mgu *.MGU *.sgu *.SGU *.cap *.capx *.ove *.scw *.bww *.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX);;</translation>
-        <translation>Phóng lớn lên</translation>
+        <translation>Phóng-to/Thu-nhỏ</translation>
         <source>View Mode</source>
@@ -6980,11 +6994,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Các Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Só chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Số chỉ nhịp</translation>
@@ -6996,83 +7010,83 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MuseScore (*.mscz)</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp MuseScore (*.mscz)</translation>
         <source>Uncompressed MuseScore File (*.mscx)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu Uncompresses MuseScore (*.mscx)</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp Uncompresses MuseScore (*.mscx)</translation>
         <source>MusicXML File (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MusicXML (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp MusicXML (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>Compressed MusicXML File (*.mxl)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu Compressed MusicXML (*mxl)</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp Compressed MusicXML (*mxl)</translation>
         <source>Show MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy MIDI import panel</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện bảng nhập dữ liệu MIDI</translation>
         <source>Tempo text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chữ viết chỉ nhịp độ</translation>
         <source>Staff text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chữ viết cho khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>System text</source>
-        <translation>Văn bản tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal mark</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Instrument change</source>
-        <translation>Đổi nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết báo có sự thay đổi nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cho hiện lên</translation>
         <source>Set invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cho ẩn đi</translation>
         <source>Change staff type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đổi kiểu khuông</translation>
         <source>Change instrument</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đổi nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Fretboard diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp:Nhịp:Phách</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp:Phách:Tích</translation>
         <source>Switch layer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển lớp</translation>
         <source>Switch play mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển chế độ phát</translation>
         <source>Workspace name:</source>
-        <translation>Tên không gian làm việc:</translation>
+        <translation>Tên kh/gian làm việc:</translation>
-        <translation>Tổng phổ_và_phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Bản_nhạc_và_các_Bè</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro (*.GTP *.GP3 *.GP4 *.GP5 *.GPX)</source>
@@ -7080,11 +7094,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Styles (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore Styles (*.mss)</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu MuseScore (*.mss)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</translation>
+        <translation>Trình phụ trợ MuseScore (*.qml)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Drumset (*.drm)</source>
@@ -7092,15 +7106,15 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>RH Guitar Fingering %1</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm ghi-ta tay phải %1</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering %1</source>
-        <translation>LH Guitar Fingering %1</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm ghi-ta tay trái %1</translation>
         <source>All Supported Files (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</source>
-        <translation>Tất cả thể loại được hỗ trợ  (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</translation>
+        <translation>Tất cả tập tin được hỗ trợ  (*.svg *.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg);;JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);;PNG (*.png)</translation>
@@ -7108,47 +7122,47 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>No score</source>
-        <translation>không có bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chưa có bản nào</translation>
         <source>Edit mode</source>
-        <translation>điều chỉnh thể</translation>
+        <translation>Chế độ điều chỉnh</translation>
         <source>Text edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ điều chỉnh chữ viết</translation>
         <source>Lyrics edit mode</source>
-        <translation>Chế độ điều chỉnh lời bản nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chế độ điều chỉnh lời nhạc</translation>
         <source>Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ chỉnh Ký-hiệu-gam/Ngón-bấm-bass</translation>
-        <translation>Chơi</translation>
+        <translation>Phát</translation>
         <source>Score locked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đã khóa bản nhạc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sách hướng dẫn</translation>
-        <translation>&Về</translation>
+        <translation>&Thông tin...</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation>Về &Qt...</translation>
+        <translation>Th/tin &Qt...</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
-        <translation>Về &MusicXML...</translation>
+        <translation>Th/tin &MusicXML...</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
@@ -7164,19 +7178,19 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Drum input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ nhập trống</translation>
         <source>TAB input mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ nhập TAB</translation>
         <source>Image capture mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ chụp ảnh</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation>Không xác định được thể loại của tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Không xác định được kiểu tập tin</translation>
@@ -7184,7 +7198,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không thể viết vào %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc này không thể lưu trực tuyến. Vui lòng sửa các ô nhịp bị sai và thử lại.</translation>
@@ -7195,7 +7213,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>To connect with the community, <br /> you need to have internet <br /> connection enabled</source>
-        <translation>Muốn kết nối với cộng đồng sử dụng MuseScore, <br />bạn cần có <br />đường dây nối mạng lưới nhện internet.</translation>
+        <translation>Muốn kết nối với cộng đồng sử dụng MuseScore, <br />bạn cần có <br />kết nối mạng với thế giới.</translation>
@@ -7210,36 +7228,36 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>This wizard creates a new score</source>
-        <translation>Phần này sẽ hướng dẫn bạn từng bước một trong việc tạo ra một tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Trình chỉ dẫn tạo một bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Define a set of instruments. Each instrument is represented by one or more staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định nghĩa 1 bộ nhạc cụ. Mỗi nhạc cụ được thể hiện bởi 1 hoặc nhiều khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Create Time Signature</source>
@@ -7250,26 +7268,26 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Select Template File:</source>
-        <translation>Chọn template mẫu:</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tập tin mẫu:</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Select Key Signature and Tempo:</source>
-        <translation>Chọn hóa biểu và nhịp độ:</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Hóa biểu và Nhịp độ:</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Hóa biểu</translation>
@@ -7281,33 +7299,33 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Beats per minute</source>
-        <translation>Nhịp đánh mỗi phút</translation>
+        <translation>Phách đánh mỗi phút</translation>
         <source>No Plugin</source>
-        <translation>Không có Plugin</translation>
+        <translation>Không có trình phụ trợ</translation>
-        <translation>appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Appoggiatura - nốt dựa</translation>
         <source>Grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy phía sau</translation>
         <source>Grace note before</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy phía trước</translation>
         <source>Invalid note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt không hợp lệ</translation>
@@ -7315,11 +7333,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Bè: %1</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng: %1</translation>
-        <translation>acciaccatura</translation>
+        <translation>Acciaccatura-nốt dựa</translation>
         <source>%1 Start of %2</source>
@@ -7327,33 +7345,33 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>%1 End of %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 là cuối của %2</translation>
         <source>%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1; Cao độ: %2; Trường độ: %3%4</translation>
         <source>Beat Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beat Slash</translation>
         <source>Rhythm Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký âm Dạng tiết tấu</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation>OMR Panel</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng điểu khiển OMR</translation>
-        <translation>Dọn bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -7361,14 +7379,14 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>More Elements...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm đối tượng...</translation>
-        <translation>Bảng danh sách</translation>
+        <translation>Các bảng công cụ</translation>
         <source>Select workspace</source>
@@ -7386,12 +7404,16 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation>bảng mới</translation>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation>Mở 1 bảng 1 lần</translation>
+    </message>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính bảng công cụ...</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
@@ -7399,52 +7421,52 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển bảng danh sách lên trên</translation>
+        <translation>Chuyển Bảng này lên</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Down</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển bảng danh sách xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Dịch Bảng này Xuống</translation>
         <source>Enable Editing</source>
-        <translation>Cho Phép Chạy Phần Điều Chỉnh</translation>
+        <translation>Cho phép điều chỉnh</translation>
         <source>Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lưu bảng công cụ</translation>
         <source>Load Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp bản công cụ</translation>
         <source>Delete Palette</source>
-        <translation>Xóa bỏ bảng danh sách</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa bỏ bảng này</translation>
         <source>Choose a directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn 1 thư mục</translation>
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bàn phím Piano</translation>
         <source>File Operations</source>
-        <translation>Quá trình hoạt động của tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Các tác vụ trên tập tin</translation>
         <source>Edit Operations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các Thao tác Điều chỉnh</translation>
@@ -7456,25 +7478,25 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sổ tay lập trình</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cửa sổ tạo Trình phụ trợ MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Plugin "%1" has changes.
 Save before closing?</source>
-        <translation>Plugin "%1" đã có thay đổi.
-Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
+        <translation>Trình phụ trợ "%1" đã có thay đổi.
+Lưu trữ trước khi đóng?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Plugin</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ Plugin</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation>Không xác định được thể loại của tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Không xác định được kiểu tập tin</translation>
@@ -7485,19 +7507,19 @@ Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
         <source>Choose Notepaper</source>
-        <translation>Choose Notepaper</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Notepaper</translation>
         <source>Choose Background Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation>Chọn Wallpaper làm nền (phía sau)</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn ảnh nền (phía sau)</translation>
         <source>Choose Default Style</source>
-        <translation>Chọn phong cách mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Định kiểu Mặc định</translation>
         <source>Choose Default Style for Parts</source>
-        <translation>Chọn kiểu mặc định cho các phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Định kiểu m/định cho các Bè</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument List</source>
@@ -7505,11 +7527,11 @@ Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
         <source>Instrument List (*.xml)</source>
-        <translation>Danh sách nhạc cụ (*.xml)</translation>
+        <translation>Instrument List (*.xml)</translation>
         <source>Choose Starting Score</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tổng phổ bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn Bản nhạc khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Shortcuts</source>
@@ -7521,31 +7543,31 @@ Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
         <source>Choose Default Style for Imports</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn Định kiểu m/định khi Nhập</translation>
         <source>Choose Score Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn Thư mục bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Choose Style Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn Thư mục chứa Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Choose Template Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục khuôn mẫu</translation>
         <source>Choose Plugin Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn Thư mục Trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Choose Image Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục ảnh</translation>
         <source>Action: %1; Shortcut: %2</source>
-        <translation>Dòng lệnh: %1; Phím tắt: %2</translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác: %1; Phím tắt: %2</translation>
         <source>No shortcut defined</source>
@@ -7553,11 +7575,11 @@ Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.mscz *.mscx);;All (*)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx);;Tất cả (*)</translation>
+        <translation>Tệp MuseScore (*.mscz *.mscx);;Tất cả (*)</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các thư mục Gói âm thanh</translation>
@@ -7572,37 +7594,48 @@ Lưu trữ trước khi đóng lại?</translation>
-        <translation>Cập nhật hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>No update</source>
-        <translation>Không có cập nhật hóa nào</translation>
+        <translation>Không có cập nhật</translation>
-        <translation>Đang cập nhật hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Đang cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Failed, try again</source>
-        <translation>Không thành công, xin thử lại lần nữa</translation>
+        <translation>Thất bại, thử lại</translation>
-        <translation>Đã được cập nhật hóa </translation>
+        <translation>Cập nhật xong</translation>
+    </message>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>Giọng: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation>%1; Trường độ: %2; %3</translation>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>Thể loại không thích hợp với phiên bản MuseScore này.</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin không thích hợp với phiên bản MuseScore này.</translation>
         <source>The following file is locked: 
 Try saving to a different location.</source>
-        <translation>Các tài liệu sau đây đã bị khóa: 
+        <translation>Các tập tin này đã bị khóa: 
 Hãy thử lưu trữ ở một nơi khác.</translation>
@@ -7610,25 +7643,25 @@ Hãy thử lưu trữ ở một nơi khác.</translation>
         <source>Open Temp File
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Mở tài liệu tạm thời
+        <translation>Mở tập tin tạm
-báo lỗi: %2</translation>
+bị lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File failed: %1</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lỗi lưu trữ: %1</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lỗi lưu tập tin: %1</translation>
         <source>Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed:
-        <translation>Đổi tên tài liệu tạm thời <%1> thành <%2> báo lỗi:
+        <translation>Đổi tên tập tin tạm <%1> thành <%2> báo lỗi:
         <source>Open File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Mở tài liệu
+        <translation>Mở tệp
 báo lỗi:</translation>
@@ -7636,7 +7669,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Open File
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Mở tài liệu
+        <translation>Mở tệp
 báo lỗi: %2</translation>
@@ -7644,40 +7677,40 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Open Style File
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Mở Style
+        <translation>Mở tập tin Định kiểu
-báo lỗi: %2</translation>
+lá»—i: %2</translation>
         <source>Write Style failed: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi soạn thảo Định kiểu: %1</translation>
         <source>file not found</source>
-        <translation>Không tìm thấy tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>không tìm thấy tập tin</translation>
         <source>No selection</source>
-        <translation>Không có chọn lựa nào</translation>
+        <translation>Chưa chọn gì</translation>
         <source>Measure %1 Staff %2 incomplete. Expected: %3; Found: %4</source>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp &1 Khuông nhạc %2 không thành công. Chờ đợi: %3; Đã tìm thấy: %4</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp %1 Khuông nhạc %2 không hoàn thành. Chỉ số nhịp cần là: %3; Nhưng hiện tại là: %4</translation>
         <source>Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5</source>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp %1, khuông nhạc %2, bè %3 quá dài. Chờ đợi: %4; Đã tìm thấy: %5</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp %1, khuông %2, giọng %3 quá dài. Chỉ số nhịp cần là: %4; Nhưng hiện tại là: %5</translation>
         <source>No selection</source>
-        <translation>Không có chọn lựa nào</translation>
+        <translation>Chưa chọn gì</translation>
         <source>Beat: %1</source>
-        <translation>Beat: %1</translation>
+        <translation>Phách: %1</translation>
         <source>Range Selection</source>
@@ -7685,7 +7718,7 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>List Selection</source>
-        <translation>Danh sách lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Danh sách vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Measure: %1</source>
@@ -7693,30 +7726,30 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Start Measure: %1; Start Beat: %2</source>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp bắt đầu: %1; Nhịp bắt đầu: %2</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp đầu: %1; Phách đầu: %2 </translation>
         <source>End Measure: %1; End Beat: %2</source>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp cuối: %1; Nhịp kết: %2</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp cuối: %1; Phách cuối: %2</translation>
         <source>Staff %1</source>
-        <translation>Staff %1</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc %1</translation>
         <source>Choose Instruments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn các nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Custom Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh Kiểu mẫu</translation>
         <source>Getting Started</source>
@@ -7727,11 +7760,11 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Set Standard Size...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đặt kích cỡ chuẩn...</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Set Output Resolution</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Định ra độ rõ của Output</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Định độ phân giải dữ liệu đầu ra</translation>
         <source>PNG Bitmap Graphic (*.png)</source>
@@ -7739,7 +7772,7 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>PDF File (*.pdf)</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu PDF (*.pdf)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin PDF (*.pdf)</translation>
         <source>Scalable Vector Graphic (*.svg)</source>
@@ -7747,7 +7780,7 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save As</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ dưới tên</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu trữ với</translation>
@@ -7759,11 +7792,11 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Articulation Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của phụ âm...</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Dấu diễn đạt...</translation>
         <source>Bend Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của Bend</translation>
+        <translation>Đặc tính của Bend...</translation>
@@ -7771,7 +7804,7 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của Volta...</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Volta...</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Properties...</source>
@@ -7779,7 +7812,7 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Line Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của đường kẻ...</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính đường kẻ...</translation>
         <source>Staff Text Properties...</source>
@@ -7787,11 +7820,11 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Thay đổi đặc tính của nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính của "Chữ báo đổi nhạc cụ"...</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Staff Properties...</source>
@@ -7807,23 +7840,23 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định kiểu...</translation>
         <source>Chord Articulation...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu-diễn-đạt Hợp âm...</translation>
         <source>Section Break Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Dấu phân đoạn...</translation>
         <source>Change Instrument...</source>
-        <translation>Thay đổi nhạc cụ...</translation>
+        <translation>Đổi nhạc cụ...</translation>
         <source>Glissando Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của (âm) lớn dần...</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Vuốt phím...</translation>
@@ -7835,37 +7868,39 @@ báo lỗi: %2</translation>
-        <translation>Giúp đỡ</translation>
+        <translation>Hỗ trợ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trình gỡ rối</translation>
         <source>Edit Drumset...</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh Drumset...</translation>
+        <translation>Soạn Trống...</translation>
         <source>Drumroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Drumroll Editor...</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng cuộn Soạn Trống...</translation>
         <source>Pianoroll Editor...</source>
-        <translation>Pianoroll Editor...</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng cuộn soạn với Piano....</translation>
         <source>Split Staff...</source>
-        <translation>Split Staff...</translation>
+        <translation>Tách Khuông...</translation>
         <source>Object Debugger</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Th/tin cho người lập trình</translation>
         <source>No staves found:
 please use the instruments dialog to
 first create some staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không có khuông nhạc muốn tìm:
+vui lòng sử dụng hộp thoại nhạc cụ để
+tạo vài khuông nhạc đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>No measure selected:
@@ -7875,77 +7910,77 @@ Vui lòng chọn một ô nhịp và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta...</translation>
         <source>Set output resolution for PNG/SVG</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đặt độ phân giải xuất ra tập tin PNG/SVG</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Thanh vê...</translation>
         <source>Text Style...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định kiểu Chữ viết...</translation>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính văn bản tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Chữ viết cho Dòng nhạc...</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ phân giải (%1 DPI)...</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Ẩn tác phong số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn Ô báo chuyển Số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Time Signature</source>
-        <translation>Hiện tác phong số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện Ô báo chuyển Số chỉ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ẩn Ô báo chuyển Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Key Signature</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện Ô báo chuyển Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>No chord/rest selected:
 Please select a chord/rest and try again</source>
-        <translation>Không có hợp âm/dấu lặng nào được chọn:
-Vui lòng chọn một hợp âm/dấu lặng và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
+        <translation>Không có gam/dấu-lặng nào được chọn:
+Vui lòng chọn một gam/dấu-lặng và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
         <source>Cannot split measure here:
 Cannot split tuplet</source>
         <translation>Không thể tách ô nhịp ở đây:
-Không thể tách chùm 3</translation>
+Không thể tách liên ba</translation>
         <source>No measures selected:
 Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <translation>Không có ô nhịp nào được chọn:
-Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
+Vui lòng chọn dãy ô nhịp muốn ghép nối và thử lại lần nữa</translation>
         <source>Auto-resize to page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tự động đổi cỡ theo trang giấy</translation>
         <source>Hide Courtesy Clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ẩn Ô báo chuyển Khóa nhạc</translation>
         <source>Show Courtesy Clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện Ô báo chuyển Khóa nhạc</translation>
         <source>Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command</source>
-        <translation>Vui lòng chọn loại chùm/tremolo hoàn chỉnh và thử lại câu lệnh</translation>
+        <translation>Vui lòng chọn một dấu-liên/ký-hiệu-vê và thử lại câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
@@ -7953,31 +7988,31 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>Save As (Print Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ dưới tên (In)</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ với (Chế độ in ấn)...</translation>
         <source>Save As (Screenshot Mode)...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ dưới tên (Screenshot Mode)...</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ như (Chế độ chụp ảnh màn hình)...</translation>
         <source>Cannot determine file type</source>
-        <translation>Không xác định được thể loại của tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Không xác định được kiểu tập tin</translation>
         <source>No destination to paste</source>
-        <translation>Không có nởi để (sao) chép lại</translation>
+        <translation>Chưa chọn nơi để dán</translation>
         <source>Cannot paste into tuplet</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không thể dán vào chùm liên</translation>
         <source>Tuplet cannot cross barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu-Liên không thể vượt qua vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nền trong suốt</translation>
@@ -7988,7 +8023,7 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập để tìm kiếm. Nhấn Enter để trở về bản nhạc.</translation>
@@ -7999,29 +8034,29 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>End of </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuối của</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu âm nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
-        <translation>Lựa chọn bộ lọc</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc cho vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Use Tab and Backtab to move through the check boxes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng Tab và Backtab để di chuyển qua các hộp kiểm</translation>
-        <translation>Lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng được chọn</translation>
@@ -8047,18 +8082,18 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>MuseScore: System Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính văn bản tổng</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thuộc tính Chữ viết cho Dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Staff Text Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính chữ viết của dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Đặc tính chữ viết của khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Startup Dialog</source>
-        <translation>Khởi động hộp thoại MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Hộp thoại khởi động MuseScore</translation>
@@ -8072,19 +8107,19 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>note = %1</source>
-        <translation>note = %1</translation>
+        <translation>= %1</translation>
         <source>Dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Dotted %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Double dotted %1</source>
-        <translation>Double dotted %1</translation>
+        <translation>%1 chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Triple dotted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 chấm dôi tam bội</translation>
@@ -8099,27 +8134,27 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
-        <translation>Gạch đít</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch chân</translation>
         <source>Align left</source>
-        <translation>Sắp xếp sang bên trái</translation>
+        <translation>Canh lề trái</translation>
         <source>Align center</source>
-        <translation>Sắp xếp ở chính giữa</translation>
+        <translation>Canh giữa</translation>
         <source>Align right</source>
-        <translation>Sắp xếp sang bên phải</translation>
+        <translation>Canh lề phải</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viết lệch xuống</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viết lệch lên</translation>
@@ -8146,7 +8181,7 @@ Vui lòng chọn một phạm vi của ô nhịp để nối và thử lại l
         <source>MuseScore: Read Style Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Đọc Tên Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
@@ -8156,11 +8191,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation>Chấp nhận toàn bộ phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Áp dụng cho mọi Bè</translation>
         <source>Text style name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên Định kiểu chữ:</translation>
@@ -8171,7 +8206,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Text Edit</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh chữ viết</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh Chữ viết</translation>
@@ -8183,15 +8218,15 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Gạch đít</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch chân</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viết lệch xuống</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Viết lệch lên</translation>
@@ -8205,7 +8240,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Common time</source>
-        <translation>Common time</translation>
+        <translation>Số chỉ nhịp thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Cut time</source>
@@ -8213,61 +8248,61 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>%1/%2 time</source>
-        <translation>%1%2 time</translation>
+        <translation>nhịp %1/%2</translation>
         <source>An update for MuseScore is available: <a href="%1">MuseScore %2 r.%3</a></source>
-        <translation>MuseScore có phiên bản cập nhật hóa: <a href="%1">MuseScore %2 r.%3</a></translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore có phiên bản cập nhật: <a href="%1">MuseScore %2 r.%3</a></translation>
         <source>Update Available</source>
-        <translation>Có phiên bản cập nhật hóa mới</translation>
+        <translation>Có bản cập nhật mới</translation>
         <source>No Update Available</source>
-        <translation>Không có phiên bản cập nhật hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Không có bản cập nhật</translation>
         <source>All Rights reserved</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>All Rights reserved</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Non Derivate Works</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Non Derivate Works</translation>
         <source>Public Domain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Public Domain</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Zero</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Creative Commons Zero</translation>
         <source>Missing title</source>
@@ -8283,7 +8318,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Finished! <a href="%1">Go to my score</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoàn thành! <a href="%1">Xem bản nhạc của tôi</a>.</translation>
@@ -8295,26 +8330,26 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Respect the <a href="%1">community guidelines</a>. Only make your scores accessible to anyone with permission from the right holders.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tôn trọng các <a href="%1">nguyên tắc cộng đồng</a>. Điều này sẽ giúp bản nhạc của bạn tới được với bất kỳ ai có sự cho phép của chủ sở hữu.</translation>
         <source>Use a comma to separate the tags</source>
-        <translation>Dùng dấu phẩy để tách các tags ra</translation>
+        <translation>Dùng dấu phẩy để tách các thẻ-chữ ra</translation>
         <source>[<a href="%1">link</a>]</source>
-        <translation>[<a href="%1">đường hướng dẫn</a>]</translation>
+        <translation>[<a href="%1">liên kết</a>]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết</translation>
-        <translation>Căn bản</translation>
+        <translation>Cơ bản</translation>
@@ -8344,7 +8379,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>F major, D minor</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>F trưởng, D trưởng</translation>
         <source>Cb major, Ab minor</source>
@@ -8368,7 +8403,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Ab major, F minor</source>
-        <translation>Ab major, F thứ</translation>
+        <translation>Ab trưởng, F thứ</translation>
         <source>B major, G# minor</source>
@@ -8415,7 +8450,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Bản quyền</translation>
+        <translation>Bản quyền:</translation>
@@ -8423,15 +8458,15 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Insert title here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm tựa ở đây</translation>
-        <translation>Chủ đề phụ</translation>
+        <translation>Tiểu đề</translation>
         <source>Insert subtitle here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm tiểu đề ở đây</translation>
@@ -8462,23 +8497,23 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Note Groups</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các nhóm nốt</translation>
-        <translation>1/16</translation>
+        <translation>móc đôi</translation>
-        <translation>1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Móc ba</translation>
-        <translation>1/8</translation>
+        <translation>móc đơn</translation>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại</translation>
+        <translation>Trả về mặc định</translation>
@@ -8489,31 +8524,31 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quá trình</translation>
         <source>Mark staves</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đánh dấu các khuông</translation>
         <source>Mark slices</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đánh dấu các phần</translation>
         <source>Mark barlines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Show lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện các dòng kẻ</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng cách giữa 2 dòng kẻ trên khuông 5-dòng-kẻ chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cỡ-khe-nhạc:</translation>
@@ -8528,11 +8563,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Giấy Nằm Ngang</translation>
+        <translation>Giấy nằm ngang</translation>
-        <translation>Chiều cao</translation>
+        <translation>Chiều cao:</translation>
@@ -8548,7 +8583,7 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>phân Anh</translation>
+        <translation>inch</translation>
         <source>Printable Area</source>
@@ -8584,26 +8619,26 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>First page number:</source>
-        <translation>(Số) trang đầu tiên</translation>
+        <translation>Đánh số trang đầu là:</translation>
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
-        <translation>Chấp nhận toàn bộ phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Áp dụng cho mọi Bè</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng cách giữa 2 dòng kẻ trên khuông 5-dòng-kẻ chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Staff space:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cỡ-khe-nhạc:</translation>
         <source>Beam Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính nối kết (của nốt nhạc)</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu nối cờ nốt</translation>
@@ -8611,19 +8646,19 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Hóa biểu</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
-        <translation>Các vạch nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Breaks && Spacers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Ngắt && Cách</translation>
@@ -8639,11 +8674,11 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối khuông nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc nối khuông</translation>
         <source>Breaths && Pauses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Lấy hơi && Ngắt hơi</translation>
@@ -8655,27 +8690,27 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ/Nét vẽ</translation>
-        <translation>Diminuendo</translation>
+        <translation>Diminuendo - nhẹ dần</translation>
         <source>Prima volta</source>
-        <translation>Prima volta</translation>
+        <translation>Volta 1</translation>
         <source>Seconda volta</source>
-        <translation>Seconda volta</translation>
+        <translation>Volta 2</translation>
         <source>Terza volta</source>
-        <translation>Terza volta</translation>
+        <translation>Volta 3</translation>
         <source>Seconda volta 2</source>
-        <translation>Seconda volta 2</translation>
+        <translation>Volta 2 thứ 2</translation>
@@ -8703,15 +8738,15 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
-        <translation>Lưu âm</translation>
+        <translation>Pê-đan</translation>
         <source>Text line</source>
-        <translation>Hàng chữ viết</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ có chữ</translation>
-        <translation>Hàng</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ</translation>
@@ -8727,114 +8762,118 @@ vui lòng chọn một tên khác:</translation>
         <source>Staff Changes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các thay đổi khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
-        <translation>Arpeggios && Glissandi</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rải gam && Vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn túi: Chùm nốt tô điểm</translation>
         <source>Frames && Measures</source>
-        <translation>Khung && Ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Khung chèn && Ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Articulations && Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>Phụ âm && Nét hoa mỹ</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt && Dấu hoa mỹ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ambitus - Ký hiệu chỉ ra khoảng thang âm, 
+phạm vi hay khoảng cách giữa nốt cao và 
+thấp nhất của một giọng, nhạc cụ, hay khúc 
+nhạc nói chung. Ký hiệu này thường thấy 
+trong bản nhạc Thánh ca.</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Palette File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Viết một (bảng) tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ghi tập tin bảng công cụ</translation>
         <source>Writing Palette File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Viết một (bảng) tài liệu
+        <translation>Ghi tập tin Bảng công cụ
 báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>common symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>các ký tự thông dụng</translation>
         <source>all font symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>tất cả phông ký tự</translation>
         <source>Tick 1 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch Tick 1</translation>
         <source>Tick 2 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch Tick 2</translation>
         <source>Short 1 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch cụt 1</translation>
         <source>Short 2 span</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch cụt 2</translation>
         <source>Repeats && Jumps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Lặp && Nhảy</translation>
         <source>Normal barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp thường</translation>
         <source>Dashed barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp đứt</translation>
         <source>Dotted barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp chấm</translation>
         <source>End bar barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp kết</translation>
         <source>Double barline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp kép</translation>
         <source>Start repeat</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu việc lập lại</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch mắt tôm phải</translation>
         <source>End repeat</source>
-        <translation>Chấm dứt phần lập lại</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch mắt tôm trái</translation>
         <source>End-start repeat</source>
-        <translation>Chấm dứt phần bắt đầu lập lại</translation>
+        <translation>Vạch mắt tôm kép</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Biểu đồ phím đàn</translation>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Cell Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính công cụ</translation>
         <source>Palette Cell Properties</source>
-        <translation>Palette Cell Properties</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng thuộc tính công cụ</translation>
@@ -8846,7 +8885,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Content offset</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch nội dung</translation>
@@ -8858,11 +8897,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Draw staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vẽ khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Content scale:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tỉ lệ nội dung:</translation>
@@ -8881,7 +8920,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Âm giai:</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ lệ:</translation>
@@ -8889,23 +8928,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Chiều cao</translation>
+        <translation>Chiều cao:</translation>
         <source>Cell size:</source>
-        <translation>Cell Size:</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lớn các ô :</translation>
         <source>Element offset:</source>
-        <translation>Element Offset</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lệch các biểu tượng:</translation>
         <source>Show grid</source>
-        <translation>Show Grid</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị dạng lưới</translation>
         <source>Show 'More Elements...'</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện mục 'Thêm Đối tượng...'</translation>
@@ -8916,15 +8955,16 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Reverb</translation>
+        <translation>Reverb - Hồi âm</translation>
-        <translation>Chorus</translation>
+        <translation>Chorus 
+- Tạo hiệu ứng âm thanh đồng diễn</translation>
-        <translation>Âm thanh lớn nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Âm lượng</translation>
@@ -8944,11 +8984,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Solo</translation>
+        <translation>Sô-lô</translation>
-        <translation>drumset</translation>
+        <translation>Tiếng trống</translation>
@@ -8956,38 +8996,39 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>MIDI sound for part</source>
-        <translation>Âm thanh MIDI của phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Âm thanh MIDI cho bè</translation>
         <source>Part name</source>
-        <translation>Tên phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Tên bè</translation>
         <source>Panorama position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạo cảm giác xa hay gần các nguồn âm 
+trong khoảng rộng - panorama</translation>
         <source>MIDI sound</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh MIDI</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
-        <translation>Tên phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Tên Bè</translation>
         <source>Use arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng phím mũi tên để thay đổi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh</translation>
-        <translation>Dialog</translation>
+        <translation>Hộp thoại</translation>
@@ -9002,7 +9043,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thanh công cụ 1</translation>
@@ -9010,11 +9051,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Show wave display</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị hình sóng</translation>
         <source>Toolbar 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thanh công cụ 2</translation>
@@ -9022,19 +9063,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Tốc độ:</translation>
+        <translation>Tốc lực:</translation>
-        <translation>Offset</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lệch</translation>
-        <translation>Người sử dụng</translation>
+        <translation>Người dùng</translation>
-        <translation>Cao Ä‘á»™</translation>
+        <translation>Cao Ä‘á»™:</translation>
@@ -9042,18 +9083,18 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ch/dài:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Staff: %2</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: <%1> Khuông nhạc: %2</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Play Panel</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Bảng điều khiển (để nghe nhạc)</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Bảng điều khiển Chơi nhạc</translation>
@@ -9069,7 +9110,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhịp độ tương đối</translation>
         <source>Master volume</source>
@@ -9082,7 +9123,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Actual tempo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhịp độ thực</translation>
@@ -9099,15 +9140,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Playback Position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí phát lại</translation>
         <source>Relative Tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhịp độ tương đối tới 120 phách trên phút</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to change value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng mũi tên lên và xuống để thay đổi giá trị</translation>
         <source>Master Volume</source>
@@ -9115,7 +9156,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Relative tempo to 120 beats per minute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhịp độ tương đối tới 120 phách trên phút</translation>
@@ -9130,15 +9171,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin</translation>
-        <translation>Giúp đỡ</translation>
+        <translation>Hỗ trợ</translation>
-        <translation>ĐIều chỉnh</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh</translation>
@@ -9154,15 +9195,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sổ tay lập trình</translation>
-        <translation>Hủy bỏ việc vừa làm</translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
+        <translation>Làm lại</translation>
@@ -9170,18 +9211,18 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Reload current plugin source</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp lại mã Trình phụ trợ hiện tại</translation>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đóng cửa sổ này</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager</source>
-        <translation>Phần quản lý Plugin</translation>
+        <translation>Quản lý Trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Define Shortcut</source>
@@ -9189,11 +9230,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đường dẫn:</translation>
-        <translation>Phiên bản </translation>
+        <translation>Phiên bản:</translation>
@@ -9205,7 +9246,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Clear Shortcut</source>
-        <translation>Dọn bỏ phím tắt</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa Phím tắt</translation>
@@ -9220,11 +9261,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Reset All Preferences to Default</source>
-        <translation>Đổi các ưa thích về lại phần định sẵn</translation>
+        <translation>Trả tất cả về mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>Chung</translation>
+        <translation>Tổng quát</translation>
@@ -9232,11 +9273,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Program Start</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu chương trình</translation>
+        <translation>Khởi động chương trình</translation>
         <source>Auto Save</source>
-        <translation>Tự động lưu trữ</translation>
+        <translation>Tá»± Ä‘á»™ng lÆ°u</translation>
@@ -9244,19 +9285,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>OSC remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>OSC Điều khiển từ xa</translation>
-        <translation>Style</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Icon size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cỡ biểu tượng công cụ:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>(Ảnh) Động</translation>
@@ -9280,15 +9321,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Những thứ linh tinh</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Cho sử dụng midi input</translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhập từ thiết bị MIDI</translation>
         <source>Play notes when editing</source>
-        <translation>Chơi nốt nhạc khi đang chỉnh sửa</translation>
+        <translation>Phát tiếng của nốt khi soạn thảo</translation>
@@ -9296,19 +9337,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Color notes outside of usable pitch range</source>
-        <translation>Tô màu nốt nhạc nào nằm ngoài khoảng cao độ hữu dụng</translation>
+        <translation>Tô màu các nốt nằm ngoài âm vực cho phép</translation>
         <source>16th note</source>
-        <translation>16th note</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>32nd note</source>
-        <translation>32nd note</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 3</translation>
-        <translation>Dọn dẹp</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -9320,15 +9361,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation>Tỉ lệ xem mặc định cho tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>tỉ lệ hiển thị mặc định cho bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Default Files</source>
-        <translation>Các tệp mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Các tập tin mặc định</translation>
-        <translation>Style:</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu:</translation>
@@ -9344,15 +9385,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PulseAudio</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>PortAudio</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>API:</translation>
@@ -9428,35 +9469,35 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Attention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore.</source>
-        <translation>Chú ý: Bất cứ thay đổi nào trong trang này đều cần MuseScore phải được khởi động lại.</translation>
+        <translation>Chú ý: Cần khởi động lại MuseScore nếu có bất cứ thay đổi nào trong trang này.</translation>
-        <translation>Chuyển vào MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Style Used for Import</source>
-        <translation>Style Used for Import</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu được dùng khi Nhập liệu</translation>
         <source>Built in style</source>
-        <translation>Built in style</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu tích hợp sẵn</translation>
         <source>Use style file:</source>
-        <translation>Sử dụng loại tài liệu:</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu trong tập tin:</translation>
-        <translation>Xem qua các tài liệu...</translation>
+        <translation>Duyệt tập tin...</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ ký tự để nhập liệu từ Overture:</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ ký tự để nhập liệu từ Guitar Pro:</translation>
@@ -9464,11 +9505,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Import layout</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập: Các bố trí trang</translation>
         <source>Import system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation>Nhập dòng nhạc và dấu ngắt trang</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập: Dấu ngắt dòng và ngắt trang</translation>
@@ -9476,23 +9517,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Phần tư</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
-        <translation>1/16</translation>
+        <translation>Móc đôi</translation>
-        <translation>1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Móc ba</translation>
-        <translation>64th</translation>
+        <translation>Móc 4</translation>
@@ -9504,31 +9545,31 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Transparent background</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nền trong suốt</translation>
         <source>Expand repeats</source>
-        <translation>Expand Repeats</translation>
+        <translation>Xử lý mọi dấu lặp khi xuất</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Export layout</source>
-        <translation>Sắp xếp xuất bản</translation>
+        <translation>Xuất sự bố trí trang</translation>
         <source>Export all system and page breaks</source>
-        <translation>Xuất toàn bộ dòng nhạc và ngắt trang</translation>
+        <translation>Xuất: Toàn bộ dấu ngắt dòng và ngắt trang</translation>
         <source>Export manually added system and page breaks only</source>
-        <translation>Xuất thủ công chỉ tự thêm vào trang và các ngắt trang</translation>
+        <translation>Xuất: Chỉ các dấu ngắt dòng và ngắt trang tự tay thêm</translation>
         <source>Do not export system or page breaks</source>
-        <translation>không được export các dòng nhạc hoặc các dấu ngắt trang</translation>
+        <translation>Không xuất dấu ngắt dòng hoặc ngắt trang</translation>
@@ -9544,7 +9585,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to Default</source>
-        <translation>Đặt phím tắt về mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Trả phím tắt về mặc định</translation>
@@ -9560,47 +9601,48 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Automatic Update Check</source>
-        <translation>Tự động kiểm tra cập nhật</translation>
+        <translation>Tự động Kiểm tra Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Start empty</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu từ chỗ không có gì</translation>
+        <translation>Không tạo gì hết</translation>
         <source>Continue last session</source>
-        <translation>tiếp tục từ lần trước</translation>
+        <translation>Tiếp tục phiên làm việc trước</translation>
         <source>Start with new score</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu với tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Start with score:</source>
-        <translation>bắt đầu với tổng phổ:</translation>
+        <translation>Khởi tạo với bài:</translation>
         <source>Show splash screen</source>
-        <translation>cho thấy phần giới thiệu MuseCreen</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện khung giới thiệu</translation>
         <source>Disable antialiased drawing</source>
-        <translation>disable antialiased drawing</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt chế độ vẽ khử răng cưa - 
+một kỹ thuật trong xử lý đồ họa</translation>
         <source>Uncheck this to speed up drawing</source>
-        <translation>ngưng dùng phần này để làm tăng tốc độ việc vẽ hình</translation>
+        <translation>Bỏ chọn cái này để tăng tốc việc vẽ hình</translation>
         <source>Draw antialiased</source>
-        <translation>Vẽ Antialiased</translation>
+        <translation>Khử răng cưa</translation>
         <source>Default duration:</source>
-        <translation>Trường độ định sẵn</translation>
+        <translation>Trường độ định sẵn:</translation>
         <source>MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Điều khiển MIDI từ xa</translation>
@@ -9608,19 +9650,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Toggle play</source>
-        <translation>Phát ký hiệu nốt chốt</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Whole note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Half note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Quarter note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
@@ -9628,7 +9670,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi</translation>
@@ -9636,7 +9678,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Chơi</translation>
+        <translation>Phát</translation>
@@ -9644,76 +9686,76 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách nhạc cụ 2:</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách nhạc cụ 1:</translation>
         <source>Style for part:</source>
-        <translation>Kiểu phân phổ:</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu cho bè:</translation>
         <source>ALSA audio</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm thanh ALSA</translation>
         <source>Sample rate:</source>
-        <translation>Sample Rate:</translation>
+        <translation>Tần số lấy mẫu:</translation>
         <source>JACK audio server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>JACK audio server</translation>
         <source>Character Set Used When Importing Binary Files</source>
-        <translation>Bộ ký tự được sử dụng khi nhập các tệp nhị phân</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ ký tự sử dụng khi nhập dữ liệu từ tập tin nhị phân</translation>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trường độ ngắn nhất:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Save every:</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ mỗi</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu lại mỗi:</translation>
         <source>Proximity for selecting elements:</source>
-        <translation>Yếu tố gần nhất để chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng lân cận để chọn một vật:</translation>
         <source>Default zoom:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mặc định:</translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ phân giải DPI:</translation>
         <source>Port number:</source>
         <extracomment>The UDP port number on which the MuseScore OSC server will listen on</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cổng kết nối:</translation>
         <source>Use JACK Audio</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng JACK Audio</translation>
         <source>Use JACK Transport</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng JACK Transport</translation>
         <source>Timebase Master</source>
-        <translation>Tổng thời gian cơ sở</translation>
+        <translation>Th/bị Timebase chính</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MIDI đầu vào:</translation>
@@ -9725,7 +9767,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>General Tab</source>
-        <translation>Thẻ General</translation>
+        <translation>Thẻ Tổng quát</translation>
         <source>Select language</source>
@@ -9737,143 +9779,143 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Start with score</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu với tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Khởi tạo với bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Insert path to starting score</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến tổng phổ bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào bản nhạc khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Choose starting score</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tổng phổ bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn bản nhạc khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting score</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại tệp để chọn tổng phổ bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại tập tin để chọn bản nhạc khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Select delay (in minutes) between auto saves</source>
-        <translation>Chọn lần nữa (tính bằng phút) trong khoảng thời gian lưu tự động</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn khoảng chờ (theo phút) giữa các lần lưu tự động</translation>
         <source>Port number</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cổng kết nối</translation>
         <source>Select style</source>
-        <translation>Chọn kiểu dáng</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn kiểu cách</translation>
         <source>Icon Height</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chiều cao Icon</translation>
         <source>Icon Width</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chiều rộng Icon</translation>
         <source>Style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư mục định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Insert path for style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập đường dẫn cho thư mục định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Choose score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the score folder</source>
-        <translation>Một thư mục hội thoại để chọn thư mục tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại thư mục để chọn thư mục lưu bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Choose style folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the style folder</source>
-        <translation>Mở một thư mục hội thoại để chọn thư mục kiểu dáng</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại thư mục để chọn thư mục định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Score folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư mục bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Insert path to score folder.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập đường dẫn cho thư mục định kiểu.</translation>
         <source>Template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư mục kiểu-mẫu</translation>
         <source>Insert path to Template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập đường dẫn cho thư mục kiểu-mẫu</translation>
         <source>Plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư mục trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Insert path to plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cho đường dẫn tới thư mục trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Choose plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation>mở một thư mục hội thoại để chọn thư mục trình cắm</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để chọn một thư mục trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thư mục ảnh</translation>
         <source>Insert path to image folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập đường dẫn cho thư mục ảnh</translation>
         <source>Choose template folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thư mục kiểu-mẫu</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the template folder</source>
-        <translation>Mở một thư mục hội thoại để chọn thư mục mẫu</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại thư mục để chọn thư mục kiểu mẫu</translation>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the image folder</source>
-        <translation>Mở một thư mục hội thoại để chọn thư mục ảnh</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại thư mục để chọn thư mục ảnh</translation>
         <source>Canvas Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ bộ vẽ</translation>
         <source>Background Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ảnh nền</translation>
         <source>Background Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu nền</translation>
         <source>Background wallpaper path</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đường dẫn ảnh nền</translation>
         <source>Insert path to background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến tệp nền</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào tập tin ảnh nền</translation>
         <source>Choose Background wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tệp nền</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tập tin ảnh nền</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại tệp để chọn tệp ảnh nền</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại tập tin để chọn tập tin ảnh nền</translation>
         <source>Select background color</source>
@@ -9881,19 +9923,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the background color</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để chọn màu nền</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để chọn màu nền</translation>
         <source>Paper wallpaper path</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đường dẫn ảnh nền cho trang giấy</translation>
         <source>Insert path to paper wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến tệp nền của trang</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào tập tin ảnh nền của trang</translation>
         <source>Choose paper wallpaper file</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tệp nền của trang</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tập tin ảnh nền của trang</translation>
         <source>Select paper color</source>
@@ -9901,283 +9943,283 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for selecting the paper color</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để chọn màu cho trang</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để chọn màu cho trang giấy</translation>
         <source>Paper Wallpaper</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ảnh nền trang giấy</translation>
         <source>Paper Color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu trang giấy</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation>Cho sử dụng MIDI input</translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhập từ thiết bị MIDI</translation>
         <source>Default duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ mặc định</translation>
         <source>Rewind is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nút Tua-lại đang bật</translation>
         <source>Rewind record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi khi tua lại</translation>
         <source>Toggle play record</source>
-        <translation>Ghi âm phát ký hiệu chốt</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt ghi âm</translation>
         <source>Whole note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Half note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Whole note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Half note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Rest is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt dấu lặng</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt dấu chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại dấu chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt dấu chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại dấu chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Tie is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt dấu nối</translation>
         <source>Tie record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại dấu nối</translation>
         <source>Rest record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại dấu lặng</translation>
         <source>Play is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc đang bật</translation>
         <source>Stop is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngừng kích hoạt</translation>
         <source>Play record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi âm</translation>
         <source>Stop record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngừng ghi</translation>
         <source>16th note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>16th note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>32nd note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt móc ba</translation>
         <source>32nd note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt móc ba</translation>
         <source>Score Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Default zoom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mặc định</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument list 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn d/sách nhạc cụ 1</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để chọn một tệp danh sách nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để chọn một tập tin danh sách nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách nhạc cụ 1</translation>
         <source>Insert path to a instrument list file</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến một tệp danh sách nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào tập tin danh sách nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến tệp kiểu dáng</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào tập tin định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Choose style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn định-kiểu</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để chọn một tệp kiểu dáng</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để chọn một tập tin định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Style for part</source>
-        <translation>Kiểu phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu cho bè</translation>
         <source>Insert path to style file for part</source>
-        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn đến tệp kiểu dáng cho phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn đường dẫn vào tập tin định kiểu cho bè</translation>
         <source>Choose style for part</source>
-        <translation>Chọn kiểu phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn định kiểu cho bè</translation>
         <source>Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for part</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để chọn một tệp kiểu dáng cho phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại tập tin để chọn tập tin định kiểu cho bè</translation>
         <source>Instrument list 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách nhạc cụ 2</translation>
         <source>Choose Instrument list 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn d/sách nhạc cụ 2</translation>
         <source>I/O Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ Nhập/Xuất âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Port Audio</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Port Audio</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>API</translation>
         <source>Choose API</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn API</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Th/bị nhập MIDI</translation>
         <source>Choose MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn th/bị nhập MIDI</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thiết bị</translation>
         <source>Choose device</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn thiết bị</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Fragments</translation>
         <source>Choose number of fragments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn số lượng fragments</translation>
         <source>Period Size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích cỡ giới hạn</translation>
         <source>Choose period size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn kích cỡ giới hạn</translation>
         <source>Sample rate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>T/suất lấy mẫu</translation>
         <source>Choose sample rate</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn t/suất lấy mẫu</translation>
         <source>Import Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ nhập dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Build in style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định kiểu tích hợp sẵn</translation>
         <source>Use style file</source>
-        <translation>Sử dụng tệp kiểu dáng</translation>
+        <translation>Sử dụng tập tin định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ ký tự sử dụng khi nhập liệu từ Overture</translation>
         <source>Choose Overture import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn bộ ký tự sử dụng khi nhập liệu từ Overture</translation>
         <source>Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bộ ký tự sử dụng khi nhập liệu từ Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Choose Guitar Pro import character set</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn bộ ký tự sử dụng khi nhập liệu từ Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trường độ ngắn nhất</translation>
         <source>Choose the shortest note value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn giá trị nốt có trường độ ngắn nhất</translation>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
-        <translation>Xuất thẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Thẻ xuất dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Resolution DPI</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ phân giải DPI</translation>
         <source>Choose resolution DPI</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn độ phân giải DPI</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts Tab</source>
-        <translation>Thẻ các phím tắt</translation>
+        <translation>Thẻ Các phím tắt</translation>
         <source>Shortcuts table</source>
@@ -10185,47 +10227,47 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Reset Shortcut to default</source>
-        <translation>Đặt phím tắt về mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Trả phím tắt về mặc định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định nghĩa</translation>
         <source>Update Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
         <source>Quarter note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Quarter note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Eighth note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc có hiệu lực</translation>
         <source>Eighth note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc được thu</translation>
         <source>64th note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 4</translation>
         <source>64th note is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nốt móc bốn</translation>
         <source>64th note record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt móc bốn</translation>
         <source>Here you can configure shortcuts for actions</source>
@@ -10233,51 +10275,51 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Resets the shortcuts to their default assignment</source>
-        <translation>Đặt các phím tắt về mặc định của thảo trình</translation>
+        <translation>Trả các phím tắt về cài đặt mặc định</translation>
         <source>Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected action</source>
-        <translation>Dọn dẹp phím tắt quy cho lệnh được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa cài đặt phím tắt cho tác vụ đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected action</source>
-        <translation>Mở một hộp thoại để định nghĩa một phím tắt mới thay thế cho lệnh được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để định nghĩa phím tắt mới cho lệnh được chọn</translation>
         <source>Print the shortcuts list</source>
-        <translation>In ấn danh sách các phím tắt</translation>
+        <translation>In ra danh sách các phím tắt</translation>
         <source>Update translations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cập nhật bản dịch</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tối</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sáng</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI remote control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt điều khiền MIDI từ xa</translation>
         <source>Is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đang bật</translation>
-        <translation>thâu</translation>
+        <translation>Thâu</translation>
         <source>Default scale for new score views</source>
-        <translation>Tỉ lệ xem mặc định cho tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Tỉ lệ hiển thị mặc định cho bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Show play panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện bảng điều khiển chơi nhạc</translation>
         <source>Show navigator</source>
@@ -10285,15 +10327,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>OSC Remote Control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>OSC điều khiển từ xa</translation>
         <source>MIDI Remote Control</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Điều khiển MIDI từ xa</translation>
         <source>Show start center</source>
-        <translation>Hiển thị trung tâm vận hành</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện trung tâm khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Undo is active</source>
@@ -10309,23 +10351,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Play whole chord when adding note</source>
-        <translation>Phát toàn bộ hợp âm khi đang nhập nốt</translation>
+        <translation>Phát hợp âm khi đang thêm nốt vào nó</translation>
         <source>SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các Thư mục gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Insert path to SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập đường dẫn cho Các thư mục gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont folders</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mở hộp thoại để cấu hình Các thư mục gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Note Input Tab</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ nhập nốt</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -10333,47 +10375,51 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt</translation>
         <source>Note input is active</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt nhập nốt</translation>
         <source>Note input record</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi lại nốt nhập</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hình ảnh:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Định kiểu:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiều mẫu:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trình phụ trợ:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gói âm thanh:</translation>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểm tra phiên bản mới của MuseScore</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc</translation>
@@ -10382,20 +10428,20 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>No note or lyrics selected:
 Please select a single note or lyrics and retry operation
-        <translation>Không có nốt hoặc lời được chọn
-Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc lời và thực hiện lại
+        <translation>Không có nốt hoặc lời được chọn:
+Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc lời và thử lại
         <source>Please select a single note or slur and retry operation
-        <translation>Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc một dấu luyến và thử lại thao tác
+        <translation>Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc dấu luyến và thử lại thao tác
         <source>Please select one or more staves and retry operation
-        <translation>Vui lòng chọn một hoặc nhiều khuông nhạc và làm lại thao tác
+        <translation>Vui lòng chọn một hoặc nhiều khuông nhạc và thử lại
@@ -10406,8 +10452,8 @@ Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc lời và thực hiện lại
         <source>No note or figured bass selected:
 Please select a single note or figured bass and retry.
-        <translation>Không có nốt hoặc sơ đồ bass được chọn:
-Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc sơ đồ bass và thử lại lần nữa.
+        <translation>Không có nốt hoặc ngón bấm bass được chọn:
+Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc ngón bấm bass và thử lại.
@@ -10423,7 +10469,7 @@ Vui lòng chọn một nốt và thử lại lần nữa
 Please select a single note or rest and retry operation
         <translation>Không có nốt hoặc dấu lặng nào được chọn:
-Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc một dấu lặng và thử lại thao tác
+Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc dấu lặng và thử lại thao tác
@@ -10431,29 +10477,29 @@ Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc một dấu lặng và thử lại thao tác
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Dạng chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Perc. 3 lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 3 lines</translation>
         <source>Perc. 5 lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 5 lines</translation>
         <source>Tab. ukulele</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. cho ukulele</translation>
         <source>Perc. 1 line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Perc. 1 line</translation>
         <source>Cannot open chord description:
-        <translation>Không thể mở hợp âm mô tả:
+        <translation>Không thể mở mô tả hợp âm:
@@ -10461,89 +10507,92 @@ Vui lòng chọn một nốt hoặc một dấu lặng và thử lại thao tác
         <source>Open Chord Description
 failed: %2</source>
-        <translation>Mở hợp âm mô tả
+        <translation>Mở mô tả gam
 lá»—i: %2</translation>
         <source>Write Chord Description failed: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mô tả hợp âm bị lỗi khi ghi: %1</translation>
         <source>Cannot open tablature font description:
-        <translation>Không thể mở phông tablature mô tả:
+        <translation>Không thể mở mô tả phông tablature:
         <source>Cannot read file %1:
-        <translation>Không thể đọc được file %1:
+        <translation>Không thể đọc được tập tin %1:
         <source>bad format</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>định dạng hỏng</translation>
         <source>unknown type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>không biết kiểu</translation>
         <source>It was last saved with version 0.9.5 or older.<br>You can convert this score by opening and then saving with MuseScore version 1.x</a></source>
-        <translation>Chúng được lưu với phiên bản 0.9.5 hoặc thấp hơn.<br>Bạn có thể chuyển đổi tổng phổ này bằng cách mở ra sau đó lưu lại với phiên bản MuseScore 1.z</a></translation>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc đã được lưu với phiên bản 0.9.5 hoặc thấp hơn.<br>Bạn có thể chuyển đổi bằng cách mở rồi lưu lại với phiên bản MuseScore 1.x</a></translation>
         <source>This score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore.<br>
 Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a> to obtain the latest version.</source>
-        <translation>Tổng phổ được lưu sử dụng phiên bản mới của MuseScore.<br>
-Đi đến <a href="http://musescore.org">Website MuseScore</a> để tìm kiếm phiên bản mới nhất.</translation>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc này được lưu với phiên bản MuseScore mới hơn.<br>
+Hãy tới trang mạng <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore </a> để có phiên bản mới nhất.</translation>
         <source>File not found %1</source>
-        <translation>Không tìm thấy tệp %1</translation>
+        <translation>Không tìm thấy tập tin %1</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nạp bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi bên trong: Cấu trúc MusicXML không hợp lệ
         <source>Error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi đọc tập tin container.xml tại dòng %1 cột %2: %3
         <source>Can't find rootfile
-        <translation>Không tìm thấy file gốc
+        <translation>Không tìm thấy tập tin gốc
         <source>File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML file</source>
-        <translation>Tệp '%1' không phải là một định dạng MusicXML hợp lệ</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin '%1' là tập tin MusicXML không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Error at line %1 column %2: %3
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi tại dòng %1 cột %2: %3
         <source>Could not open MusicXML file
-        <translation>Không thể mở tệp MusicXML
+        <translation>Không thể mở tập tin MusicXML
         <source>Could not open compressed MusicXML file
-        <translation>Không thể mở tệp compressed MusicXML
+        <translation>Không thể mở tập tin compressed MusicXML
@@ -10552,11 +10601,11 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dài</translation>
@@ -10564,51 +10613,51 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation>Nguyên</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
-        <translation>Ná»­a</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
-        <translation>Phần tư</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
-        <translation>1/16</translation>
+        <translation>móc đôi</translation>
-        <translation>1/32</translation>
+        <translation>Móc ba</translation>
-        <translation>64th</translation>
+        <translation>Móc 4</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>móc lăm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Móc 6</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Móc 7</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Móc 8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Số không</translation>
@@ -10616,136 +10665,144 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
-        <translation>invalid</translation>
+        <translation>Không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>giáng kép</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>giáng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>thăng</translation>
         <source>double sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>thăng kép</translation>
         <source>Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd
-        <translation>Lỗi nội bộ: Không thể mở được nguồn musicxml.xsd
+        <translation>Lỗi nội bộ: Không mở được tập tin tài nguyên musicxml.xsd
         <source>Tab. balalaika</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. cho balalaika</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6-dây đơn</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6-dây thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6-dây đầy đủ</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4-dây đơn</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4-dây thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Tab. 4-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 4-dây đầy đủ</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. simple</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5-dây đơn</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. common</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5-dây thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Tab. 5-str. full</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 5-dây đầy đủ</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. Italian</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6-dây kiểu Ý</translation>
         <source>Tab. 6-str. French</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tab. 6-dây kiểu Pháp</translation>
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tập tin hỏng %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tải lên lỗi</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation>Bạn muốn thử đọc tập tin này bằng mọi cách không?</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album into Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu Tuyển tập vào Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu tệp</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu tập tin</translation>
-        <translation>Thoát</translation>
+        <translation>Thoát chương trình</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lưu tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lỗi khi ghi Tuyển tập:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Write Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ghi lại Tuyển tập</translation>
-        <translation>Chưa có tựa đề</translation>
+        <translation>Không tên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Import Capella</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chuyển vào từ Capella</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nhập dữ liệu từ Capella</translation>
         <source>Load failed: </source>
-        <translation>Load failed: </translation>
+        <translation>Tải lên lỗi: </translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Import Guitar Pro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Nhập dữ liệu từ Guitar Pro</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load MIDI</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: load midi</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tải MIDI lên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Style Failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lỗi khi nạp Định kiểu</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Load Languages Failed:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Lỗi khi nạp Các ngôn ngữ:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Invalid Command</source>
@@ -10753,70 +10810,71 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album failed</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Lỗi mở album</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Mở tuyển tập thất bại</translation>
         <source>Open Album File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Mở album
+        <translation>Mở tuyển tập
         <source>MuseScore: Open Album File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Mở album</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Mở Tập tin Tuyển tập</translation>
         <source>MuseScore File (*.mscz)</source>
-        <translation>Tệp MuseScore (*.mscz)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore (*.mscz)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Files (*.album)</source>
-        <translation>Các tệp MuseScore (*.album)</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin MuseScore (*.album)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ghi đè?</translation>
         <source>%1 already exists.
 Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 đã tồn tại.
+Bạn muốn ghi đè không?</translation>
         <source>Install SoundFont</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cài đặt gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bạn muốn cài đặt Gói âm thanh %1 không?</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gói âm thanh đã được cài đặt</translation>
         <source>SoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.</source>
-        <translation>Đã cài đặt SoundFont. Vui lòng đi đến Xem > Synthesizer để thêm chúng và Xem > Mixer để chọn một âm sắc nhạc cụ.</translation>
+        <translation>Đã cài đặt Gói âm thanh. Vui lòng đi đến "Xem > Bộ tổng hợp âm tần" để thêm nó vào và "Xem > Bộ phối âm" để chọn một âm sắc nhạc cụ.</translation>
-        <translation>thâu</translation>
+        <translation>Thâu</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Resources</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tài nguyên MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Tab 1</source>
-        <translation>Tab 1</translation>
+        <translation>Thẻ 1</translation>
@@ -10824,30 +10882,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Tên tệp</translation>
+        <translation>Tên tập tin</translation>
         <source>File Size</source>
-        <translation>Cỡ tệp</translation>
+        <translation>Cỡ tập tin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cài đặt/Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Tab 2</source>
-        <translation>Tab 2</translation>
-    </message>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>Bè: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thẻ 2</translation>
@@ -10862,7 +10909,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Created: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Được tạo:</translation>
@@ -10877,23 +10924,23 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Section Break Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thuộc tính Dấu phân đoạn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạm ngừng:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>giây</translation>
         <source>Start new section with long instrument names</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu một đoạn mới với tên nhạc cụ đầy đủ</translation>
+        <translation>Bắt đầu phân đoạn mới với tên nhạc cụ đầy đủ</translation>
         <source>Start new section with measure number one</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu một đoạn mới với ô nhịp số một</translation>
+        <translation>Đánh số ô nhịp lại từ 1 khi bắt đầu phân đoạn mới</translation>
@@ -10912,19 +10959,19 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Element type:</source>
-        <translation>Loại element:</translation>
+        <translation>Loại th/tính cơ bản:</translation>
         <source>Same staff</source>
-        <translation>Cùng staff</translation>
+        <translation>Cùng khuông</translation>
         <source>Same voice</source>
-        <translation>Cùng bè</translation>
+        <translation>Cùng giọng</translation>
         <source>Same subtype:</source>
-        <translation>Cùng subtype:</translation>
+        <translation>Cùng kiểu-phụ:</translation>
         <source>Same system</source>
@@ -10932,23 +10979,23 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Replace selection</source>
-        <translation>Sự lựa chọn thay thế</translation>
+        <translation>Thay thế phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>Add to selection</source>
-        <translation>Thêm sự lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm vào phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>Search in selection</source>
-        <translation>Tìm kiếm trong sự lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Tìm trong phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>Subtract from selection</source>
-        <translation>Trừ ra từ sự lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Loại trừ từ phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>In selection</source>
-        <translation>Trong sự lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Trong phần được chọn</translation>
@@ -10967,25 +11014,25 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Dọn bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
         <source>Current instrument:</source>
-        <translation>Nhạc cụ hiện có</translation>
+        <translation>Nhạc cụ hiện có:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont Files</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu SoundFont</translation>
+        <translation>Các tập tin Gói âm thanh</translation>
         <source>SFZ Files</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu SFZ</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin SFZ</translation>
@@ -11005,7 +11052,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Dọn bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
@@ -11025,7 +11072,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Press up to four keys to enter shortcut sequence</source>
-        <translation>Nhấn lên (tối đa) bốn phím để nhập các dãy phím tắt</translation>
+        <translation>Nhấn tối đa bốn phím để nhập chuỗi phím tắt</translation>
         <source>Old shortcuts</source>
@@ -11044,22 +11091,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Staff/Part Properties</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chỉnh sửa khuông nhạc/Đặc tính phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Sửa Thuộc tính Khuông/Bè nhạc</translation>
         <source>Split Staff</source>
-        <translation>Tách dòng</translation>
+        <translation>Tách Khuông</translation>
         <source>Split point:</source>
-        <translation>Tách point:</translation>
+        <translation>Điểm tách:</translation>
     <name>Staff type group name</name>
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Dạng chuẩn</translation>
@@ -11074,7 +11121,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Change Channel</source>
-        <translation>Đổi Channel</translation>
+        <translation>Đổi kênh</translation>
@@ -11094,7 +11141,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Channel:</translation>
+        <translation>Kênh:</translation>
@@ -11106,7 +11153,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Actions for selected channel:</source>
-        <translation>Mệnh lệnh cho channel đã chọn:</translation>
+        <translation>Mệnh lệnh cho kênh đã chọn:</translation>
         <source>Aeolus Stops</source>
@@ -11130,11 +11177,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nút-Đẩy</translation>
         <source>Switch one or more voices to a specified channel:</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển sang một hoặc nhiều bè đến một kênh được chỉ định:</translation>
+        <translation>Chuyển một hoặc nhiều giọng đến một kênh chỉ định:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Action</source>
@@ -11142,7 +11189,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Bè:</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng:</translation>
         <source>Swing Settings</source>
@@ -11150,7 +11197,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Swing</translation>
+        <translation>Swing:</translation>
@@ -11166,56 +11213,56 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
         <source>Sixteenth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>Staff Type Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các Mẫu của Kiểu khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Save Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lưu kiểu mẫu</translation>
         <source>Load Templates</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp Các kiểu mẫu</translation>
-        <translation>Dialog</translation>
+        <translation>Hộp thoại</translation>
         <source>Create New Score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Load Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mở Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Startup Dialog</source>
-        <translation>Hộp thoại ban đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Hộp thoại khởi động</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation>Trung tâm vận hành</translation>
+        <translation>Trung tâm khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Open a score...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mở một bản nhạc...</translation>
@@ -11230,22 +11277,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>System flag</translation>
-        <translation>Synthesizer</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ tổng hợp âm tần</translation>
         <source>Save to Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lưu vào Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Load from Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp từ Bản nhạc</translation>
@@ -11257,15 +11304,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Effect B:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiệu ứng cổng B:</translation>
         <source>Effect A:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiệu ứng cổng A:</translation>
-        <translation>Tuning</translation>
+        <translation>Âm tần</translation>
@@ -11274,7 +11321,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Change Tuning</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thay đổi âm tần</translation>
         <source>Master volume</source>
@@ -11282,62 +11329,62 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Set as Default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán mặc định</translation>
         <source>Load Default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp mặc định</translation>
         <source>Master tuning:</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh dây:</translation>
+        <translation>Âm tần mốc:</translation>
         <source>Save to score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lưu vào bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Load from score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nạp từ bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Use up and down arrows to modify</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dùng mũi tên lên và xuống để thay đổi</translation>
         <source>Metronome gain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng âm máy đập nhịp</translation>
         <source>Effect A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiệu ứng cổng A</translation>
         <source>Effect B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiệu ứng cổng B</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hertz</translation>
         <source>Master tuning</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh dây:</translation>
+        <translation>Âm tần mốc</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Special Characters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Các ký tự đặc biệt</translation>
         <source>Code Page:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mã trang:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thông dụng</translation>
@@ -11348,7 +11395,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Style:</translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu:</translation>
@@ -11368,21 +11415,21 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>System flag</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>System flag</translation>
-        <translation>Offset</translation>
+        <translation>Độ lệch</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngang:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dọc:</translation>
@@ -11394,7 +11441,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Frame</translation>
+        <translation>Khung bao chữ</translation>
@@ -11402,7 +11449,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Box</translation>
+        <translation>Há»™p</translation>
@@ -11410,35 +11457,35 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Foreground color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu nền phía trước:</translation>
         <source>Background color:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu nền phía sau:</translation>
-        <translation>Thẳng hàng</translation>
+        <translation>Canh lề</translation>
         <source>Reset to Style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>< Trả về Định kiểu này</translation>
         <source>Text margin:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lề chữ viết:</translation>
         <source>Border radius:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bán kính viền:</translation>
         <source>Font face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mặt chữ</translation>
         <source>Font point size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phông tính theo đơn vị point</translation>
@@ -11450,104 +11497,104 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Gạch đít</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch chân</translation>
         <source>Text color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu chữ</translation>
         <source>Horizontal offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch ngang so với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Vertical offset to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch dọc so với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Offset is absolute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch tuyệt đối</translation>
         <source>Align left edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn viền trái thẳng với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Center text on reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn giữa đối với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Align top edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn viền trên thẳng với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Align right edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn viền phải thẳng với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Center text vertical to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn giữa theo chiều dọc so với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Align bottom edge of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn viền dưới thẳng với điểm mốc</translation>
         <source>Enable text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật khung bao</translation>
         <source>Draw circled frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vẽ khung hình tròn</translation>
         <source>Draw boxed frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vẽ khung dạng hộp</translation>
         <source>Border thickness:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ dày viền:</translation>
         <source>Frame line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ dày khung bao</translation>
         <source>Frame inner margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lề trong của khung bao</translation>
         <source>Corner round</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bo tròn các góc</translation>
         <source>Text background color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu nền của chữ</translation>
         <source>Frame color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Màu của khung</translation>
         <source>Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staff</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khoảng cách giữa 2 dòng kẻ trên khuông 5-dòng-kẻ chuẩn</translation>
         <source>Offset in staff space units</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lệch tính theo cỡ-khe-nhạc</translation>
         <source>Staff space</source>
         <extracomment>spatium unit</extracomment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cỡ-khe-nhạc</translation>
         <source>Size follows 'Staff space' setting</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Độ lớn tính theo cỡ-khe-nhạc</translation>
         <source>Align baseline of text to reference point</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Căn đường chuẩn của chữ so với điểm mốc</translation>
@@ -11558,7 +11605,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Chủ đề phụ</translation>
+        <translation>Tiểu đề</translation>
@@ -11570,11 +11617,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Lyrics Odd Lines</source>
-        <translation>Lời bản nhạc dòng lẻ</translation>
+        <translation>Lời nhạc dòng lẻ</translation>
         <source>Lyrics Even Lines</source>
-        <translation>Lời bản nhạc dòng chẳn</translation>
+        <translation>Lời nhạc dòng chẵn</translation>
@@ -11590,7 +11637,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Instrument Name (Part)</source>
-        <translation>Tên nhạc cụ (Phân phổ)</translation>
+        <translation>Tên nhạc cụ (Bè)</translation>
@@ -11598,7 +11645,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét chữ Kỹ thuật</translation>
@@ -11610,7 +11657,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Measure Number</source>
-        <translation>Số ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Số đếm ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -11618,35 +11665,35 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Tuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu liên</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
-        <translation>Dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Gam</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
-        <translation>Rehearsal Mark</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu lặp nằm bên trái</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu lặp nằm bên phải</translation>
         <source>Repeat Text</source>
-        <translation>Repeat Text</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu lặp</translation>
@@ -11654,23 +11701,23 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Frame</translation>
+        <translation>Khung bao chữ</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ có chữ</translation>
-        <translation>Lớn dần</translation>
+        <translation>Vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>String Number</source>
-        <translation>String Number</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ số dây đàn</translation>
-        <translation>Ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu chuyển bát độ</translation>
@@ -11678,38 +11725,38 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung tin đầu trang</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung tin chân trang</translation>
         <source>Instrument Change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chữ báo Đổi nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation>Sơ đồ Bass</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm Bass</translation>
         <source>LH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm ghi-ta tay trái</translation>
         <source>RH Guitar Fingering</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm ghi-ta tay phải</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pê-đan</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Edit Text Styles</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Chỉnh sửa Styles cho chữ viết</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Điều chỉnh Định kiểu Chữ viết</translation>
@@ -11731,7 +11778,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giá trị:</translation>
@@ -11751,15 +11798,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
@@ -11794,15 +11841,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Note Groups</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các nhóm nốt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các giá trị</translation>
-        <translation>Hiện ra</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị</translation>
@@ -11810,18 +11857,18 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Global value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giá trị chung:</translation>
         <source>Actual value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giá trị thực:</translation>
         <source>Enter Time Signature:</source>
-        <translation>Nhập vào số chỉ nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập vào Số chỉ nhịp:</translation>
@@ -11841,15 +11888,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32</translation>
@@ -11861,7 +11908,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ:</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures:</source>
@@ -11869,7 +11916,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Ô nhịp:</translation>
+        <translation>Số ô nhịp:</translation>
         <source>Cut time</source>
@@ -11877,7 +11924,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Common time</source>
-        <translation>Common time</translation>
+        <translation>Số chỉ nhịp thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Time Signature Wizard</source>
@@ -11885,11 +11932,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Beat unit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đơn vị phách</translation>
         <source>Common Time</source>
-        <translation>Common time</translation>
+        <translation>Số chỉ nhịp thông dụng</translation>
         <source>Enter Number of Measures</source>
@@ -11909,14 +11956,14 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Hint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score.</source>
-        <translation>Gợi ý: Bạn cũng có thể thêm hoặc bớt ô nhịp sau khi đã tạo ra tổng phổ.</translation>
+        <translation>Gợi ý: Bạn cũng có thể thêm hoặc bớt ô nhịp sau khi đã tạo bản nhạc.</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Transpose</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Dịch chuyển</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Chuyển tông</translation>
         <source>F major / D minor</source>
@@ -11936,11 +11983,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>lên</translation>
+        <translation>Lên</translation>
-        <translation>xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Xuống</translation>
@@ -11948,147 +11995,147 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Perfect Unison</source>
-        <translation>Đồng âm đúng</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 1 đúng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Unison</source>
-        <translation>Đồng âm được tăng</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 1 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Second</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Second</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 giảm</translation>
         <source>Minor Second</source>
-        <translation>Minor Second</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 thứ</translation>
         <source>Major Second</source>
-        <translation>Major Second</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 trưởng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Second</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Second</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Third</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Third</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 giảm</translation>
         <source>Minor Third</source>
-        <translation>Minor Third</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 thứ</translation>
         <source>Major Third</source>
-        <translation>Major Third</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 trưởng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Third</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Third</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Fourth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 4 giảm</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Perfect Fourth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 4 đúng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Fourth</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Fourth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 4 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Fifth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 5 giảm</translation>
         <source>Perfect Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Perfect Fifth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 5 đúng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Fifth</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Fifth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 5 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Sixth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 giảm</translation>
         <source>Minor Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Minor Sixth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 thứ</translation>
         <source>Major Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Major Sixth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 trưởng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Sixth</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Sixth</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Seventh</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 giảm</translation>
         <source>Minor Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Minor Seventh</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 thứ</translation>
         <source>Major Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Major Seventh</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 trưởng</translation>
         <source>Augmented Seventh</source>
-        <translation>Augmented Seventh</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 tăng</translation>
         <source>Diminished Octave</source>
-        <translation>Diminished Octave</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 8 giảm</translation>
         <source>Perfect Octave</source>
-        <translation>Perfect Octave</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 8 đúng</translation>
         <source>Transpose key signatures</source>
-        <translation>Dịch chuyển hóa biểu</translation>
+        <translation>Chuyển hóa biểu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 4</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 5</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 6</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quãng 7</translation>
         <source>Keep degree alterations</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Keep degree alterations</translation>
-        <translation>Các lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Các lựa chọn khác</translation>
         <source>Transpose chord symbols</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển ký hiệu gam theo tông</translation>
         <source>Câ™­ major / Aâ™­ minor</source>
@@ -12136,69 +12183,69 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Single Sharps and Flats Only</source>
-        <translation>Sharps Đơn và Flats mà thôi</translation>
+        <translation>Chỉ dùng Thăng và Giáng đơn</translation>
         <source>Use Double Sharps and Flats</source>
-        <translation>Dùng Sharps Đôi và Flats</translation>
+        <translation>Dùng Thăng và Giáng kép</translation>
         <source>Transpose Chromatically</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theo thang âm nửa cung-Chromatic</translation>
         <source>By Key</source>
-        <translation>Bằng Key</translation>
+        <translation>Theo tông</translation>
         <source>By Interval</source>
-        <translation>Bằng Interval</translation>
+        <translation>Theo quãng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Transpose Diatonically</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Theo thang âm nguyên-Diatonic</translation>
         <source>Eighth through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eighth through stem</translation>
         <source>16th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16th through stem</translation>
         <source>32nd through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32nd through stem</translation>
         <source>64th through stem</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>64th through stem</translation>
         <source>Eighth between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Eighth between notes</translation>
         <source>16th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>16th between notes</translation>
         <source>32nd between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>32nd between notes</translation>
         <source>64th between notes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>64th between notes</translation>
         <source>Bend type:</source>
-        <translation>Loại bend</translation>
+        <translation>Loại bend:</translation>
         <source>Click to add or remove some points</source>
@@ -12206,45 +12253,45 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dip</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dive</translation>
         <source>Inverted Dip</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Inverted Dip</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quay lại</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Tremolo Bar Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Thuộc tính Thanh vê</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Release(Up)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Release(Down)</translation>
-        <translation>Tuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Các loại liên</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Create Tuplet</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Tạo ra tuplet</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Tạo chùm liên</translation>
@@ -12264,15 +12311,15 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc</translation>
-        <translation>Relation</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ số:</translation>
-        <translation>Relation</translation>
+        <translation>Tỷ số</translation>
@@ -12280,30 +12327,30 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Auto bracket</source>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối khuông nhạc tự động</translation>
+        <translation>Tự động ngoặc</translation>
         <source>Score Information</source>
-        <translation>Tin tức tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Thông tin Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>You're logged in as</source>
-        <translation>Bạn trình thẻ dưới tên</translation>
+        <translation>Bạn đang đăng nhập với tên</translation>
-        <translation>BIỆT DANH</translation>
+        <translation>TÊN ĐĂNG NHẬP</translation>
         <source>Sign out</source>
-        <translation>Đóng trương mục lại</translation>
+        <translation>Đăng xuất</translation>
         <source>Sign out on exit</source>
-        <translation>Đóng trương mục lại khi rời khỏi trang nhà</translation>
+        <translation>Đăng xuất khi thoát</translation>
@@ -12319,22 +12366,22 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation>Tags</translation>
+        <translation>Gán Thẻ-chữ</translation>
         <source>Update the existing score </source>
-        <translation>Cập nhật hóa bài nhạc đang có</translation>
+        <translation>Cập nhật tới bản nhạc hiện đã có</translation>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
-        <translation>Bài nhạc thuộc loại riêng tư</translation>
+        <translation>Đặt bản nhạc ở trạng thái riêng tư</translation>
         <source>Volta Properties</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính Volta</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính Volta</translation>
@@ -12342,33 +12389,33 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Repeat list:</source>
-        <translation>Danh sách lập lại:</translation>
+        <translation>Danh sách lặp:</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Workspace File</source>
-        <translation>MuseScore: Writing Workspace File</translation>
+        <translation>MuseScore: Ghi Kh/gian làm việc vào tập tin</translation>
         <source>Writing Workspace File
 failed: </source>
-        <translation>Writing Workspace File
+        <translation>Ghi Tập tin kh/gian làm việc
-báo lỗi:</translation>
+bị lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Extra content at end of document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nội dung bổ sung tại cuối văn bản.</translation>
         <source>Invalid entity value.</source>
-        <translation>Invalid entity value.</translation>
+        <translation>Giá trị nhập không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML character.</source>
@@ -12376,27 +12423,27 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.</source>
-        <translation>Không cho phép có ']]>' trong bài</translation>
+        <translation>Không cho phép có ']]>' trong nội dung.</translation>
         <source>Encountered incorrectly encoded content.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đã gặp phải vấn đề nội dung được mã hóa không chính xác</translation>
         <source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiến tố của namespace '%1' không được khai báo</translation>
         <source>Illegal namespace declaration.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khai báo namespace  không hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>Attribute redefined.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính đã định nghĩa lại.</translation>
         <source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Có ký tự không mong muốn '%1' trong chuỗi "public id"</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
@@ -12404,51 +12451,51 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phiên bản XML này không tương thích</translation>
         <source>The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính ảo "standalone" phải nằm sau thuộc tính "encoding"</translation>
         <source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>%1 là một tên bảng-mã không hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>Encoding %1 is unsupported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng-mã %1 không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>Standalone accepts only yes or no.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính "standalone" chỉ có thể là "yes/no".</translation>
         <source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính không hợp lệ trong khai báo XML.</translation>
         <source>Premature end of document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mã kết thúc tập tin bị mất</translation>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
-        <translation>Không chấp nhận loại tài liệu này</translation>
+        <translation>Tài liệu không hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>Expected </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mong muốn</translation>
         <source>, but got '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>, nhưng có '</translation>
         <source>Unexpected '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Không mong muốn '</translation>
         <source>Expected character data.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dữ liệu ký tự mong muốn.</translation>
@@ -12467,22 +12514,22 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>SoundFont %1 already loaded</source>
-        <translation>SoundFont %1 đã được nạp</translation>
+        <translation>Gói âm thanh %1 đã tải lên xong</translation>
         <source>Cannot load SoundFont %1</source>
-        <translation>Không thể mở SoundFont %1</translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tải Gói âm thanh %1 lên</translation>
-        <translation>none</translation>
+        <translation>Không có</translation>
-        <translation>thăng</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng</translation>
@@ -12490,19 +12537,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
-        <translation>thăng đôi</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng kép</translation>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation>giáng đôi</translation>
+        <translation>Giáng kép</translation>
-        <translation>tự nhiên</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu bình</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giáng 1/4</translation>
@@ -12510,11 +12557,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Mirrored-flat2</translation>
+        <translation>Giáng 3/4</translation>
-        <translation>Mirrored-flat</translation>
+        <translation>Giáng 1/4</translation>
@@ -12522,11 +12569,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Flat-flat-slash</translation>
+        <translation>Giáng 3/4</translation>
-        <translation>Sharp-slash</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng 1/4</translation>
@@ -12538,43 +12585,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Sharp-slash4</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng 3/4</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thăng 3/4</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thăng 1/4</translation>
         <source>Sharp arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sharp arrow both</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giáng 1/4</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giáng 3/4</translation>
         <source>Flat arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Flat arrow both</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bình lên 1/4</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bình xuống 1/4</translation>
         <source>Natural arrow both</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Natural arrow both</translation>
@@ -12589,15 +12636,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Local Handbook...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sách H/dẫn (trên ổ cứng)...</translation>
         <source>Local handbook</source>
-        <translation>Sách hướng dẫn</translation>
+        <translation>Sách hướng dẫn tại máy</translation>
         <source>Show local handbook</source>
-        <translation>Đọc sách hướng dẫn</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị sổ tay hướng dẫn</translation>
@@ -12605,7 +12652,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Load score from file</source>
-        <translation>Mở bài nhạc từ tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Mở bản nhạc từ tập tin</translation>
@@ -12613,31 +12660,31 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Save score to file</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ bài nhạc thành tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu nhạc vào tập tin</translation>
         <source>Save As...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ dưới tên...</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ với...</translation>
         <source>Save score under a new file name</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ bài nhạc dưới một tên mới</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu bản nhạc dưới một tên mới</translation>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ phần lựa chọn...</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu phần đang chọn...</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ phần lựa chọn hiện tại thành bài nhạc mới</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu phần đang chọn ra bản nhạc mới</translation>
         <source>Save a Copy...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ một bản sao...</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu một bản sao...</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in addition to the current file</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ một bản sao của tổng phổ vào tài liệu hiện có</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu một bản sao của bản nhạc vào tập tin hiện tại</translation>
@@ -12649,15 +12696,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score in various formats</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ một bản sao của bài nhạc dùng những thể loại khác</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu bản sao của bản nhạc trong định dạng khác</translation>
         <source>Export Parts...</source>
-        <translation>Xuất các đoạn của bài nhạc...</translation>
+        <translation>Xuất Các bè ra...</translation>
         <source>Save a copy of the score's parts in various formats</source>
-        <translation>Lưu một bản sao của các phân phổ thành tỏng phổ với nhiều định dạng</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu bản sao các bè này của bản nhạc ra các định dạng khác</translation>
@@ -12665,7 +12712,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Close current score</source>
-        <translation>Đóng bài nhạc này lại</translation>
+        <translation>Đóng bản nhạc hiện tại</translation>
@@ -12673,7 +12720,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Create new score</source>
-        <translation>Tạo tổng phổ mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo bản nhạc mới</translation>
@@ -12689,19 +12736,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
         <source>Undo last change</source>
-        <translation>Hủy bỏ hành động vừa rồi</translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn tác - Lùi lại 1 thao tác
+trong chuỗi thao tác đã làm
+ </translation>
-        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
+        <translation>Làm lại</translation>
         <source>Redo last undo</source>
-        <translation>Hoàn tác hành động vừa hủy bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Làm lại - Dịch tới 1 thao tác 
+trong chuỗi thao tác đã làm
+ </translation>
@@ -12721,7 +12772,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Show instruments dialog</source>
-        <translation>Hiện hộp thoại các nhạc cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị hộp thoại các nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Note Input</source>
@@ -12729,139 +12780,139 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Unison Above</source>
-        <translation>Đồng âm ở trên</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 1 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter unison above</source>
-        <translation>Điền vào đồng âm ở trên</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng đồng âm trên</translation>
         <source>Second Above</source>
-        <translation>Second Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter second above</source>
-        <translation>Enter second above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 2 trên</translation>
         <source>Third Above</source>
-        <translation>Third Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter third above</source>
-        <translation>Enter third above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 3 trên</translation>
         <source>Fourth Above</source>
-        <translation>Fourth Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 4 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter fourth above</source>
-        <translation>Enter fourth above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 4 trên</translation>
         <source>Fifth Above</source>
-        <translation>Fifth Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 5 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter fifth above</source>
-        <translation>Enter fifth above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 5 trên</translation>
         <source>Sixth Above</source>
-        <translation>Sixth Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter sixth above</source>
-        <translation>Enter sixth above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 6 trên</translation>
         <source>Seventh Above</source>
-        <translation>Seventh Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter seventh above</source>
-        <translation>Enter seventh above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 7 trên</translation>
         <source>Octave Above</source>
-        <translation>Octave Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 8 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter octave above</source>
-        <translation>Enter octave above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 8 trên</translation>
         <source>Ninth Above</source>
-        <translation>Ninth Above</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 9 trên</translation>
         <source>Enter ninth above</source>
-        <translation>Enter ninth above</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 9 trên</translation>
         <source>Second Below</source>
-        <translation>Second Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 2 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter second below</source>
-        <translation>Enter second below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 2 dưới</translation>
         <source>Third Below</source>
-        <translation>Third Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 3 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter third below</source>
-        <translation>Enter third below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 3 dưới</translation>
         <source>Fourth Below</source>
-        <translation>Fourth Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 4 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter fourth below</source>
-        <translation>Enter fourth below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 4 dưới</translation>
         <source>Fifth Below</source>
-        <translation>Fifth Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 5 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter fifth below</source>
-        <translation>Enter fifth below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 5 dưới</translation>
         <source>Sixth Below</source>
-        <translation>Sixth Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 6 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter sixth below</source>
-        <translation>Enter sixth below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 6 dưới</translation>
         <source>Seventh Below</source>
-        <translation>Seventh Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 7 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter seventh below</source>
-        <translation>Enter seventh below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 7 dưới</translation>
         <source>Octave Below</source>
-        <translation>Octave Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 8 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter octave below</source>
-        <translation>Enter octave below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 8 dưới</translation>
         <source>Ninth Below</source>
-        <translation>Ninth Below</translation>
+        <translation>Quãng 9 dưới</translation>
         <source>Enter ninth below</source>
-        <translation>Enter ninth below</translation>
+        <translation>Nhập quãng 9 dưới</translation>
@@ -12977,59 +13028,59 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Insert A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn A</translation>
         <source>Insert note A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt A</translation>
         <source>Insert B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn B</translation>
         <source>Insert note B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt B</translation>
         <source>Insert C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn C</translation>
         <source>Insert note C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt C</translation>
         <source>Insert D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn D</translation>
         <source>Insert note D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt D</translation>
         <source>Insert E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn E</translation>
         <source>Insert note E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt E</translation>
         <source>Insert F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn F</translation>
         <source>Insert note F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt F</translation>
         <source>Insert G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn G</translation>
         <source>Insert note G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn nốt G</translation>
@@ -13045,7 +13096,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenuto</translation>
@@ -13053,19 +13104,19 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marcato</translation>
         <source>Reset Beam Mode</source>
-        <translation>Đưa chế độ nhóm-nốt-nhạc về mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Trả kiểu nối cờ nốt về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả kiểu nối cờ nốt về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset beam mode of selected measures</source>
-        <translation>Đưa chế độ nhóm nốt của ô nhịp đã chọn về mặc định</translation>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp đang chọn: Trả kiểu nối cờ nốt về m/định</translation>
         <source>Flip direction</source>
@@ -13077,11 +13128,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Pitch up or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nâng cao độ hoặc dịch chữ hay dấu-diễn-đạt lên</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng cao độ theo thang âm nguyên</translation>
         <source>Up Octave</source>
@@ -13093,23 +13144,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nâng cao độ lên quãng 8 hoặc dịch chữ hay dấu-diễn-đạt lên</translation>
         <source>Up Note in Chord</source>
-        <translation>Up Note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt ở trên trong hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Go to higher pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Go to higher pitched note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới nốt có cao độ cao hơn trong gam</translation>
         <source>Top Note in Chord</source>
-        <translation>Top nốt nhạc trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt trên cùng trong gam</translation>
         <source>Go to top note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Go to top note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới nốt trên cùng trong gam</translation>
         <source>Move up</source>
@@ -13121,43 +13172,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Pitch down or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hạ cao độ hoặc dịch chữ hay dấu-diễn-đạt xuống</translation>
         <source>Diatonic pitch down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hạ cao độ theo thang âm nguyên</translation>
         <source>Pitch down octave</source>
-        <translation>Giảm âm độ xuống quãng tám</translation>
+        <translation>Hạ cao độ xuống quãng 8</translation>
         <source>Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hạ cao độ một quãng 8 hoặc dịch chữ hay dấu-diễn-đạt xuống</translation>
         <source>Down Note in Chord</source>
-        <translation>Down nốt nhạc trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt ở dưới trong hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Go to lower pitched note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Go to lower pitched note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới nốt có cao độ thấp hơn trong gam</translation>
         <source>Bottom Note in Chord</source>
-        <translation>Bottom Note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt dưới cùng trong hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Go to bottom note in chord</source>
-        <translation>Go to bottom note trong hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới nốt dưới cùng trong gam</translation>
         <source>Move down</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Dịch xuống</translation>
         <source>Go to previous chord or move text left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả lại gam trước hoặc dịch chữ về trái</translation>
         <source>Go to previous measure or move text left</source>
@@ -13165,7 +13216,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Previous staff or voice</source>
-        <translation>Trước khuông nhạc hoặc trước bè</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng/Khuông nhạc trước</translation>
         <source>Go to next chord or move text right</source>
@@ -13177,59 +13228,59 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Next staff or voice</source>
-        <translation>khuông nhạc tiếp theo hoặc bè tiếp theo</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng/Khuông nhạc kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Add previous chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>thêm hợp âm trước vào lựa chọn này</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm gam trước vào phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of measure</source>
-        <translation>Chọn ở ô nhịp bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn đến đầu ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Add next chord to selection</source>
-        <translation>Thêm hợp âm bên cạnh sự chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm gam kế tiếp vào phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Select Section</source>
-        <translation>Chọn một đoạn</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn phân đoạn hiện tại</translation>
         <source>Move chord/rest right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch gam/dấu-lặng về phải</translation>
         <source>Move chord/rest left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch gam/dấu-lặng về trái</translation>
         <source>Select to end of measure</source>
-        <translation>Chọn ở ô nhịp cuối cùng</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tới cuối ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of line</source>
-        <translation>Chọn ở dòng bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn đến đầu dòng</translation>
         <source>Select to end of line</source>
-        <translation>Chọn ở dòng cuối cùng</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tới cuối dòng</translation>
         <source>Select to beginning of score</source>
-        <translation>Chọn đến đầu tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn đến đầu bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Select to end of score</source>
-        <translation>Chọn đến cuối tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tới cuối bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Add staff above to selection</source>
-        <translation>Thêm khuông nhạc ở trên cho đến phần chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm khuông nhạc ở trên phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Add staff below to selection</source>
-        <translation>Thêm khuông nhạc ở dưới cho đến phần chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm khuông nhạc ở dưới phần đang chọn</translation>
@@ -13241,7 +13292,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>crescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Crescendo</translation>
         <source>Add crescendo</source>
@@ -13249,7 +13300,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>decrescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Decrescendo</translation>
         <source>Add decrescendo</source>
@@ -13257,23 +13308,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu 8va</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation>Thêm ottava 8va</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm dấu 8va</translation>
         <source>Ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu 8vb</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Thêm ottava 8vb</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm dấu 8vb</translation>
-        <translation>ESCAPE</translation>
+        <translation>Thoát</translation>
@@ -13293,7 +13344,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Delete element and duration</source>
-        <translation>Xóa element và trường độ</translation>
+        <translation>Xóa đối tượng và trường độ</translation>
         <source>Delete Selected Measures</source>
@@ -13305,11 +13356,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Append Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Nối thêm ô nhịp..</translation>
+        <translation>Nối thêm nhiều ô nhịp...</translation>
         <source>Append measures</source>
-        <translation>Nối thêm ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Nối thêm nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Insert One Measure</source>
@@ -13317,35 +13368,35 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Insert Measures...</source>
-        <translation>Chèn thêm ô nhịp...</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn nhiều ô nhịp...</translation>
         <source>Insert measures</source>
-        <translation>Chèn thêm ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Insert Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Chèn khung cắt ngang</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn Khung chèn ngang</translation>
         <source>Insert Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn Khung chữ</translation>
         <source>Append Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Khung chữ ở cuối</translation>
         <source>Insert Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation>Chèn khung cắt dọc</translation>
+        <translation>Chèn khung chèn dọc</translation>
         <source>Append Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation>Nối thêm khung cắt ngang</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm Khung chèn ngang ở cuối</translation>
         <source>Append Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation>Nối thêm khung cắt dọc</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm Khung chèn dọc ở cuối</translation>
@@ -13385,7 +13436,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Other tuplets</source>
-        <translation>Những Tuplets khác</translation>
+        <translation>Những liên khác</translation>
@@ -13393,67 +13444,67 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Double whole note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn kép</translation>
         <source>Whole note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Half note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Quarter note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
         <source>16th note</source>
-        <translation>16th note</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 16th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc đôi</translation>
         <source>32nd note</source>
-        <translation>32nd note</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 3</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 32nd</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc ba</translation>
         <source>64th note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 4</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 64th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc bốn</translation>
         <source>128th note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 5</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 128th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc lăm</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng thời gian hoạt động</translation>
         <source>Decrease active duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giảm thời gian hoạt động</translation>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi kép</translation>
@@ -13461,15 +13512,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Double sharp</source>
-        <translation>thăng đôi</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng kép</translation>
-        <translation>thăng</translation>
+        <translation>Thăng</translation>
-        <translation>tự nhiên</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu bình</translation>
@@ -13477,43 +13528,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Double flat</source>
-        <translation>giáng đôi</translation>
+        <translation>Giáng kép</translation>
-        <translation>acciaccatura</translation>
+        <translation>Acciaccatura - nốt dựa</translation>
         <source>Add acciaccatura</source>
-        <translation>Thêm phụ âm</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm acciaccatura</translation>
-        <translation>appoggiatura</translation>
+        <translation>Appoggiatura - nốt dựa</translation>
         <source>Add appoggiatura</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt dựa</translation>
         <source>Grace: quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy: nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Grace: 16th</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy: móc đôi</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy móc đôi</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy: Móc ba</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy móc ba</translation>
@@ -13521,7 +13572,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
-        <translation>Bè 1</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 1</translation>
@@ -13529,7 +13580,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
-        <translation>Bè 2</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 2</translation>
@@ -13537,7 +13588,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
-        <translation>Bè 3</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 3</translation>
@@ -13545,39 +13596,39 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Voice 4</source>
-        <translation>Bè 4</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 4</translation>
         <source>Enable MIDI input</source>
-        <translation>Cho sử dụng midi input</translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhập từ thiết bị MIDI</translation>
         <source>Beam start</source>
-        <translation>Chùm bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Beam start</translation>
         <source>Beam middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam middle</translation>
         <source>No beam</source>
-        <translation>không có nối kết</translation>
+        <translation>Bỏ nối cờ nốt</translation>
         <source>Beam 32nd sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam 32nd sub</translation>
         <source>Auto beam</source>
-        <translation>nối kết tự động</translation>
+        <translation>Nối cờ tự động</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ dạng xòe trái</translation>
         <source>Feathered beam, faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ dạng xòe phải</translation>
@@ -13585,7 +13636,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Play Panel</source>
-        <translation>Bảng điều khiển (để nghe nhạc)</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng điều khiển Chơi nhạc</translation>
@@ -13593,7 +13644,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>MIDI Import Panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng nhập liệu MIDI</translation>
@@ -13605,11 +13656,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Thoát</translation>
+        <translation>Thoát chương trình</translation>
         <source>Zoom canvas</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phóng-to/Thu-nhỏ vùng vẽ</translation>
@@ -13621,23 +13672,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Tempo Marking...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Nhịp độ...</translation>
         <source>Add tempo marking</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm dấu nhịp độ</translation>
         <source>System Text</source>
-        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng-nhạc-tổng</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết cho Dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Add system text</source>
-        <translation>Thêm chữ viết vào dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm chữ vào dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ viết khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Add staff text</source>
@@ -13649,7 +13700,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add frame text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khung chữ</translation>
@@ -13657,15 +13708,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add title text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm tựa đề</translation>
-        <translation>Chủ đề phụ</translation>
+        <translation>Tiểu đề</translation>
         <source>Add subtitle text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm tiểu đề</translation>
@@ -13685,11 +13736,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
-        <translation>Rehearsal Mark</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Add rehearsal mark</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
@@ -13697,23 +13748,24 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add picture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm ảnh</translation>
-        <translation>Chơi</translation>
+        <translation>Phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Player play</source>
-        <translation>Player play</translation>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Start or stop playback</source>
-        <translation>Bắt đầu hoặc dừng phát</translation>
+        <translation>Bắt đầu hoặc dừng phát
+ </translation>
         <source>Play Previous Chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phát hợp âm trước đó</translation>
         <source>Play Previous Measure</source>
@@ -13729,7 +13781,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to Begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc dịch về Đầu</translation>
@@ -13737,7 +13789,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Player rewind</source>
-        <translation>Player rewind</translation>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc tua lại</translation>
         <source>Rewind to start position</source>
@@ -13745,15 +13797,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Player Seek to End</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc dịch về Cuối</translation>
         <source>Play repeats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xử lý mọi dấu lặp khi phát bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Toggle repeats playback</source>
-        <translation>Lại đi lặp lại ký hiệu chốt</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt: Xử lý các dấu lặp khi phát nhạc</translation>
@@ -13761,27 +13813,27 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan score</source>
-        <translation>Tổng phổ pan ký hiệu chốt</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt cuộn bản nhạc tự động</translation>
         <source>Pan score during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuộn tự động khi phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Load Style...</source>
-        <translation>Load Style...</translation>
+        <translation>Tải Định kiểu Lên...</translation>
         <source>Load style</source>
-        <translation>Load style</translation>
+        <translation>Tải định kiểu lên</translation>
         <source>Save Style...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ Style...</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu định kiểu...</translation>
         <source>Save style</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ style</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu định kiểu</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
@@ -13789,7 +13841,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>&Chuyển tông...</translation>
@@ -13797,51 +13849,51 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Treble Clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khóa G: Treble</translation>
         <source>Add treble clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khóa G treble</translation>
         <source>Bass Clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Bass</translation>
         <source>Add bass clef</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khóa F bass</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 1-2</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-2</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 1-3</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 1-4</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 2-3</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 2-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 2-4</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 2-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange Voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation>Đổi bè 3-4</translation>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 3-4</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
-        <translation>Âm phát ra khi chơi bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Cao độ theo âm</translation>
         <source>Display in concert pitch</source>
-        <translation>Cho thấy trong phần âm (thanh) phát ra khi chơi bài nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện cao độ của nốt theo đúng âm phát ra</translation>
         <source>Repeat last command</source>
@@ -13853,63 +13905,63 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Edit score info</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh thông tin tổng phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh thông tin bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Toggle System Break</source>
-        <translation>Chuyển đổi hệ thống nghỉ</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt Ngắt dòng</translation>
         <source>Toggle Page Break</source>
-        <translation>Thêm/Bỏ ngắt trang</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt Ngắt trang</translation>
         <source>Toggle Section Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt Dấu phân đoạn</translation>
         <source>Edit Element</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh Element</translation>
+        <translation>Chỉnh sửa</translation>
-        <translation>Thiết lập lại</translation>
+        <translation>Trả về mặc định</translation>
         <source>Reset user settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trả thiết lập người dùng về m/định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trình gỡ rối</translation>
         <source>Reset Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Reset Stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Trả Độ giãn về m/định</translation>
         <source>Reset measure stretch</source>
-        <translation>Đặt lại khoảng cách ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Trả độ giãn ô nhịp về m/định</translation>
         <source>Show Invisible</source>
-        <translation>Hiện những cái ẩn</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị những thứ bị ẩn</translation>
         <source>Show Unprintable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị những thứ không in được</translation>
         <source>Show Frames</source>
-        <translation>Hiện các Khung-ngắt</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện Khung chèn</translation>
         <source>Show Page Margins</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị Lề trang</translation>
         <source>Insert Special Characters...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn Các ký tự đặc biệt...</translation>
@@ -13925,135 +13977,136 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Zoom Out</source>
-        <translation>Thâu nhỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Thu nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Mirror note head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đảo chiều đầu nốt</translation>
-        <translation>General...</translation>
+        <translation>Tổng quát...</translation>
         <source>Edit general style</source>
-        <translation>Điều chỉnh kiểu dáng tổng quát</translation>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh định-kiểu-tổng-quát</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chữ viết...</translation>
         <source>Edit text style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh định kiểu chữ viết</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements</source>
-        <translation>Tất cả đối tượng tương tự nhau</translation>
+        <translation>Các đối tượng tương tự</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tất cả đối tượng tương tự</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn các đối tượng tương tự</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Same Staff</source>
-        <translation>Tất cả đối tượng tượng tự trong cùng 1 dòng</translation>
+        <translation>Các đối tượng tượng tự nằm cùng khuông</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in same staff</source>
-        <translation>Chọn tất cả đối tượng tương tự trong cùng một dòng</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn các đối tượng tương tự nằm cùng khuông</translation>
-        <translation>Synthesizer</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ tổng hợp âm tần</translation>
         <source>Double duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhân đôi trường độ</translation>
         <source>Half duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chia đôi trường độ</translation>
         <source>Repeat selection</source>
-        <translation>Lặp lại sự lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Lặp lại vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng cuộn Piano: Cuộn tự động</translation>
         <source>Toggle pan piano roll</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt: Cuộn tự động</translation>
         <source>Pan roll during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuộn tự động khi phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Documents Side by Side</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu nằm cạnh nhau</translation>
+        <translation>Tài liệu nằm ngang theo nhau</translation>
         <source>Display documents side by side</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện các tài liệu nằm ngang theo nhau</translation>
         <source>Documents Stacked</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu nằm chồng lên nhau</translation>
+        <translation>Tài liệu nằm dọc theo nhau</translation>
         <source>Display documents stacked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện các tài liệu nằm dọc theo nhau</translation>
-        <translation>Phân phổ...</translation>
+        <translation>Phân chia bè...</translation>
         <source>Manage parts</source>
-        <translation>Quản lí phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Quản lý các bè</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trùng âm trên</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trùng âm dưới</translation>
         <source>Create new revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạo bản hiệu chỉnh mới</translation>
         <source>Show OMR image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị ảnh OMR</translation>
         <source>Full Screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện toàn màn hình</translation>
         <source>Re-Pitch Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chế độ hiệu chỉnh cao độ</translation>
         <source>Replace pitches without changing rhythms</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thay thế các cao độ mà không đổi tiết tấu
         <source>Piano Keyboard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bàn phím Piano</translation>
         <source>Additional Media...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phương tiện truyền thông khác...</translation>
         <source>Show media dialog</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị hộp thoại phương tiện</translation>
         <source>Split Measure</source>
@@ -14061,51 +14114,51 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Page Settings...</source>
-        <translation>Đặc tính của trang</translation>
+        <translation>Thiết lập trang giấy...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tuyển tập...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tuyển tập</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các lớp...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các lớp</translation>
         <source>Next Score</source>
-        <translation>Tổng phổ tiếp theo</translation>
+        <translation>B/nhạc tiếp theo</translation>
         <source>Previous Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc trước</translation>
-        <translation>Inspector</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng kiểm soát</translation>
         <source>Show inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện bảng kiểm soát</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp liên tục</translation>
         <source>Toggle loop playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt lặp liên tục</translation>
         <source>Loop playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chơi lặp liên tục</translation>
@@ -14113,43 +14166,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Toggle metronome playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt máy gõ nhịp</translation>
         <source>Play metronome during playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật máy gõ nhịp khi phát bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Toggle count-in playback</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt gõ nhịp trước khi phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Play count-in at playback start</source>
-        <translation>Phát bộ đếm lúc việc phát bắt đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Bật máy gõ nhịp trước khi phát nhạc</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation>Sơ đồ Bass</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm Bass</translation>
         <source>Add figured bass</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm ngón bấm bass</translation>
         <source>Transpose Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển Lên</translation>
         <source>Transpose Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển Xuống</translation>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
-        <translation>Quản lý công cụ...</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng công cụ gốc...</translation>
         <source>Show master palette</source>
-        <translation>Hiện bảng quản lý công cụ</translation>
+        <translation>Hiện bảng công cụ gốc</translation>
         <source>Toggle View Mode</source>
@@ -14161,23 +14214,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Previous syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm tiết trước</translation>
         <source>Toggle visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt hiển thị</translation>
         <source>Set visible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cho hiện lên</translation>
         <source>Set invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cho ẩn đi</translation>
         <source>Lock Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khóa bản nhạc lại</translation>
         <source>Longa (TAB)</source>
@@ -14185,43 +14238,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 16th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài của nốt: 16th (TAB) </translation>
+        <translation>Độ dài của nốt: móc đôi (TAB) </translation>
         <source>Note duration: 32nd (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài của nốt:: 32nd (TAB) </translation>
+        <translation>Độ dài của nốt: Móc ba (TAB) </translation>
         <source>Note duration: 64th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài của nốt:: 64th (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Trường độ của nốt: Móc 4 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: 128th (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Độ dài của nốt: 128th (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: móc 5 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Increase active duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Tặng độ dài đang có của nốt (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Tăng độ dài đang có của nốt (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease active duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Giãm độ dài đang có của nốt (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Giảm độ dài đang có của nốt (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation>Nghỉ (TAB)</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu lặng (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Enter rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập dấu lặng (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Select string above (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn dây ở trên (dành cho dạng TAB) </translation>
         <source>Select string below (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn dây ở dưới (dành cho dạng TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 0 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14229,7 +14282,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 0 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 0 trên dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 1 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14237,7 +14290,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 1 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 1 trên dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 2 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14245,7 +14298,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 2 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 2 trên dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 3 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14253,7 +14306,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 3 on current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 3 trên dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 4 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14261,7 +14314,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 4 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 4 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 5 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14269,7 +14322,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 5 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 5 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 6 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14277,7 +14330,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 6 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 6 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 7 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14285,7 +14338,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 7 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 7 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 8 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14293,7 +14346,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 8 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 8 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Fret 9 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14301,43 +14354,43 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 9 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm phím 9 của dây hiện tại (chỉ TAB)</translation>
         <source>Insert Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Add quarter grace note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy đen</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbols...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các ký hiệu Gam...</translation>
         <source>Edit chord symbols style</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Điều chỉnh định kiểu ký hiệu gam</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Gam</translation>
         <source>Add chord symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm ký hiệu gam</translation>
         <source>Previous beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phách phía trước (Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Next beat (Chord symbol)</source>
-        <translation>Phách tiếp theo (ký hiệu hợp âm)</translation>
+        <translation>Phách kế tiếp (Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Respell Pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xác định lại Cao độ</translation>
         <source>Full Measure Rest</source>
@@ -14349,11 +14402,11 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Join Measures</source>
-        <translation>Nối ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ghép các ô nhịp lại một</translation>
         <source>OMR Panel</source>
-        <translation>OMR Panel</translation>
+        <translation>Bảng điều khiển OMR</translation>
         <source>Fret 10 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14361,7 +14414,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 10 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation>Thêm fret 10 của string hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm fret 10 của dây hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
         <source>Fret 11 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14369,7 +14422,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 11 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation>Thêm fret 11 của string hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm fret 11 của dây hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
         <source>Fret 12 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14377,7 +14430,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 12 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation>Thêm fret 12 của string hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm fret 12 của dây hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
         <source>Fret 13 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14385,7 +14438,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 13 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation>Thêm fret 13 của string hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm fret 13 của dây hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
         <source>Fret 14 (TAB)</source>
@@ -14393,67 +14446,67 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Add fret 14 of current string (TAB only)</source>
-        <translation>Thêm fret 14 của string hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm fret 14 của dây hiện tại (TAB mà thôi)</translation>
         <source>Grace: 16th after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy móc đôi nằm phía sau</translation>
         <source>Add 16th grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy móc đôi nằm sau</translation>
         <source>Grace: 32nd after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy móc ba nằm phía sau</translation>
         <source>Add 32nd grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy móc ba nằm sau</translation>
         <source>All Similar Elements in Range Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các đối tượng tương tự trong phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Select all similar elements in the range selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn các đối tượng tương tự trong phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Add brackets to element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm ngoặc vào một đối tượng</translation>
         <source>Selection Filter</source>
-        <translation>Lựa chọn bộ lọc</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc cho vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Eighth note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
         <source>Add Eighth grace note after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm nốt láy móc phía sau</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam 16th sub</translation>
         <source>Go to the first element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới đối tượng đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>Go to the last element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhảy tới đối tượng cuối</translation>
         <source>Key Signatures...</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa...</translation>
+        <translation>Các Hóa biểu...</translation>
         <source>Show key signature palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện bảng hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Time Signatures...</source>
@@ -14461,7 +14514,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Show time signature palette</source>
-        <translation>Hiện số chỉ nhịp trong bảng</translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị bảng số chỉ nhịp</translation>
@@ -14469,23 +14522,23 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Show symbol palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị bảng ký hiệu</translation>
         <source>Grace: eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy đơn phía sau</translation>
         <source>Enable snap to horizontal grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tự động hút vào trục ngang lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Enable snap to vertical grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tự động hút vào trục dọc lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Configure grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thiết lập lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Insert one measure</source>
@@ -14493,151 +14546,151 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Insert horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn khung chèn ngang</translation>
         <source>Insert text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn khung chữ</translation>
         <source>Insert vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn khung chèn dọc</translation>
         <source>Part Name</source>
-        <translation>Tên phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Tên Bè</translation>
         <source>Add part name</source>
-        <translation>Thêm tên phân phổ</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm tên bè</translation>
         <source>Save Online...</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ trên mạng lưới nhện</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trực tuyến...</translation>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation>Lữu trữ trên trang nhà MuseScore.com</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu bản nhạc lên trang MuseScore.com</translation>
-        <translation>Phá bỏ</translation>
+        <translation>Phân bổ nốt đi</translation>
         <source>Explode contents of top selected staff into staves below</source>
-        <translation>Phá bỏ nội dung của đầu khuông nhạc được chọn vào các khuông nhạc bên dưới</translation>
+        <translation>Phân bổ nội dung của kh/nhạc đang chọn trên cùng vào các khuông bên dưới</translation>
-        <translation>Phá bỏ bên trong</translation>
+        <translation>Gộp nốt lại</translation>
         <source>Implode contents of selected staves into top selected staff</source>
-        <translation>Phá bỏ nội dung bên trong các khuông nhạc được chọn vào khuông nhạc đầu</translation>
+        <translation>Gộp nội dung các kh/nhạc đang chọn vào khuông đang chọn trên cùng</translation>
         <source>Fill With Slashes</source>
-        <translation>Làm đầy vạch tương tự</translation>
+        <translation>Ghi hết bằng vệt chéo</translation>
         <source>Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt: Ký âm Dạng tiết tấu</translation>
         <source>Start Center</source>
-        <translation>Trung tâm vận hành</translation>
+        <translation>Trung tâm khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Toggle create multimeasure rest</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra các chốt dấu lặng nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt: Tạo dấu-lặng-đa-ô-nhịp</translation>
         <source>Resequence Rehearsal Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thiết lập lại chuỗi Nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Increase Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Tăng Stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Tăng Độ giãn</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch</source>
-        <translation>Tăng stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Tăng độ giãn</translation>
         <source>Increase stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation>Tăng khoảng rộng của ô nhịp được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Tăng độ giãn của ô nhịp được chọn</translation>
         <source>Decrease Stretch</source>
-        <translation>Giãm Stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Giảm Độ giãn</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch</source>
-        <translation>Giãm stretch</translation>
+        <translation>Giảm độ giãn</translation>
         <source>Decrease stretch of selected measures</source>
-        <translation>Giảm khoảng rộng của ô nhịp được chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Giảm độ giãn của ô nhịp được chọn</translation>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation>Tạo ra (một) Plugin...</translation>
+        <translation>Tạo một Trình phụ trợ...</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Quản lý phần Plugin</translation>
+        <translation>Quản lý Trình phụ trợ...</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
-        <translation>Quản lý phần tài nguyên</translation>
+        <translation>Quản lý Tài nguyên...</translation>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation>Thêm/bớt dòng ngắt...</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm/Bỏ các Ngắt dòng...</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
-        <translation>Mở tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Mở</translation>
         <source>File: Save</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Lưu trữ</translation>
         <source>File: Save online</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ trên mạng</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Lưu trực tuyến</translation>
         <source>File: Save as</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ dưới tên</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Lưu trữ với</translation>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ lựa chọn</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu phần được chọn</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ một bản sao</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Lưu một bản sao</translation>
         <source>Export parts</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xuất các bè ra</translation>
         <source>File: Close</source>
-        <translation>Đóng tài liệu lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Đóng</translation>
         <source>File: New</source>
-        <translation>Tài liệu mới</translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin: Mới</translation>
         <source>Note input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt</translation>
         <source>Respell pitches</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xác định lại cao độ</translation>
         <source>Flip Direction</source>
@@ -14645,7 +14698,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thang âm nguyên đi lên</translation>
         <source>Move Up</source>
@@ -14653,39 +14706,39 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Diatonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thang âm nguyên đi xuống</translation>
         <source>Down Octave</source>
-        <translation>Giãm octave</translation>
+        <translation>Giảm octave</translation>
         <source>Next Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đối tượng kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Next element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Truy cập: Đối tượng kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Previous Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đối tượng trước</translation>
         <source>Accessibility: Previous element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Truy cập: Đối tượng phía trước</translation>
         <source>First Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đối tượng đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>Last Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đối tượng cuối</translation>
         <source>Move Down</source>
-        <translation>Mang xuống</translation>
+        <translation>Dịch Xuống</translation>
         <source>Previous Chord</source>
@@ -14697,7 +14750,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Previous Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giọng/Khuông nhạc trước</translation>
         <source>Next Chord</source>
@@ -14709,55 +14762,55 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Next Staff or Voice</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giọng/Khuông nhạc kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Add Previous Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Gam trước vào vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Measure</source>
-        <translation>Chọn từ ô nhịp đầu tiên</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn đến đầu Ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Add Next Chord to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Gam kế tiếp vào vùng được chọn </translation>
         <source>Select section</source>
-        <translation>Chọn section</translation>
+        <translation>Chọn phân đoạn hiện tại</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest Right</source>
-        <translation>Dời Chord/Rest Right</translation>
+        <translation>Dời Gam/Dấu-lặng qua phải</translation>
         <source>Move Chord/Rest left</source>
-        <translation>Dời Chord/Rest left</translation>
+        <translation>Dời Gam/Dấu-lặng qua trái</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn đến Đầu dòng</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn tới Cuối dòng</translation>
         <source>Select to Beginning of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn đến đầu Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Select to End of Score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn tới cuối Bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Above to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Kh/nhạc ở trên Phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Add Staff Below to Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Kh/nhạc ở dưới Phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Page: Previous</source>
@@ -14789,207 +14842,207 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khung chữ ở cuối</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Append horizontal frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khung chèn ngang ở cuối</translation>
         <source>Append vertical frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm khung chèn dọc ở cuối</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Longa</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn kép</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt tròn kép</translation>
         <source>Whole Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt tròn</translation>
         <source>Half Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note</source>
-        <translation>Nốt đen</translation>
+        <translation>Nốt móc</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc đơn</translation>
         <source>16th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc đôi</translation>
         <source>32nd Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 3</translation>
         <source>64th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 4</translation>
         <source>128th Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 5</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng Thời gian Hoạt động</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giảm Thời gian Hoạt động</translation>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Chấm dôi kép</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Dấu nối</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu lặng</translation>
         <source>Double Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thăng kép</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu thăng kép</translation>
         <source>Note input: Sharp</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu thăng</translation>
         <source>Note input: Natural</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu bình</translation>
         <source>Note input: Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Giáng</translation>
         <source>Double Flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giáng kép</translation>
         <source>Note input: Double flat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Giáng kép</translation>
         <source>Grace: Quarter</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy: Nốt đen</translation>
         <source>Grace: Eighth after</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt láy đơn phía sau</translation>
         <source>MIDI Input</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Th/bị nhập MIDI</translation>
         <source>Beam Start</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam Start</translation>
         <source>Beam Middle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam Middle</translation>
         <source>No Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bỏ nối cờ nốt</translation>
         <source>Beam 16th Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam 16th Sub</translation>
         <source>Beam 32nd Sub</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Beam 32nd Sub</translation>
         <source>Auto Beam</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nối cờ tự động</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Slower</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ dạng xòe trái</translation>
         <source>Feathered Beam, Faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ dạng xòe phải</translation>
         <source>Play panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng điều khiển chơi nhạc</translation>
         <source>Selection filter</source>
-        <translation>Lựa chọn bộ lọc</translation>
+        <translation>Bộ lọc cho vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>MIDI import panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bảng nhập liệu MIDI</translation>
         <source>Status bar</source>
-        <translation>Status Bar</translation>
+        <translation>Thanh trạng thái</translation>
         <source>Zoom Canvas</source>
-        <translation>Phóng lớn Canvas</translation>
+        <translation>Phóng-to/Thu-nhỏ Vùng vẽ</translation>
         <source>Play previous chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chơi gam trước</translation>
         <source>Play previous measure</source>
@@ -14997,7 +15050,7 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Play next chord</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chơi gam kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Play next measure</source>
@@ -15005,15 +15058,15 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Player seek to begin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc dịch về đầu</translation>
         <source>Player seek to end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Máy phát nhạc dịch về cuối</translation>
         <source>Play Repeats</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xử lý mọi dấu lặp khi Phát bản nhạc</translation>
         <source>Select all</source>
@@ -15021,167 +15074,167 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-2</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 1-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 1-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 2-3</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 2-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 2-4</translation>
         <source>Exchange voice 3-4</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hoán đổi giọng 3-4</translation>
         <source>Repeat Last Command</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp lại Lệnh cuối</translation>
         <source>Toggle system break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt ngắt dòng</translation>
         <source>Toggle page break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt ngắt trang</translation>
         <source>Toggle section break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt dấu phân đoạn</translation>
         <source>Edit element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chỉnh sửa</translation>
         <source>Show invisible</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị những thứ bị ẩn</translation>
         <source>Show unprintable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện những thứ không in được</translation>
         <source>Show frames</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện khung chèn</translation>
         <source>Show page margins</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị lề trang</translation>
         <source>Insert special characters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chèn các ký tự đặc biệt</translation>
         <source>Whole Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu lặng tròn</translation>
         <source>Note input: Whole rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu lặng tròn</translation>
         <source>Half Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu lặng trắng</translation>
         <source>Note input: Half rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu lặng trắng</translation>
         <source>Quarter Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu lặng đen</translation>
         <source>Note input: Quarter rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu lặng đen</translation>
         <source>Eighth Rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặng móc đơn</translation>
         <source>Note input: Eighth rest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Lặng móc đơn</translation>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phóng to</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thu nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Mirror Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đảo chiều Đầu nốt</translation>
         <source>Double Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ Kép</translation>
         <source>Half Duration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ Nốt trắng</translation>
         <source>Repeat Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp lại Phần đang chọn</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trùng âm Trên</translation>
         <source>Enharmonic Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trùng âm Dưới</translation>
         <source>Create New Revision</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạo Bản hiệu chỉnh Mới</translation>
         <source>Toggle Image Capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt Chế độ Chụp ảnh</translation>
         <source>Toggle image capture</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt chế độ chụp ảnh</translation>
         <source>Show OMR Image</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị ảnh OMR</translation>
         <source>Full screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiện toàn màn hình</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Horizontal Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tự hút vào Trục ngang lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Enable Snap to Vertical Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tự hút vào Trục dọc lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Configure Grid</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thiết lập Lưới định vị</translation>
         <source>Piano keyboard</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bàn phím Piano</translation>
         <source>Split measure</source>
@@ -15189,59 +15242,59 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Join measures</source>
-        <translation>Nối ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Ghép các ô nhịp lại một</translation>
         <source>Page settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các thiết lập Trang</translation>
         <source>Next score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Previous score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bản nhạc trước</translation>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tạo trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quản lý trình phụ trợ</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Quản lý tài nguyên</translation>
         <source>Show OMR panel</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hiển thị bảng OMR</translation>
         <source>Loop In</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn điểm đầu</translation>
         <source>Loop Out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chọn điểm cuối</translation>
         <source>Set loop out position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp liên tục: Chọn điểm cuối</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gõ nhịp lấy đà</translation>
         <source>Transpose up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển lên</translation>
         <source>Transpose down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuyển xuống</translation>
         <source>Toggle view mode</source>
@@ -15249,139 +15302,139 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Next Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm tiết Kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Previous Syllable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Âm tiết Phía trước</translation>
         <source>Toggle Visibility</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt Hiển thị</translation>
         <source>Set Visible</source>
-        <translation>Set Visible</translation>
+        <translation>Cho hiện lên</translation>
         <source>Set Invisible</source>
-        <translation>Set Invisible</translation>
+        <translation>Cho ẩn đi</translation>
         <source>Note Anchored Textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ neo vào nốt nhạc</translation>
         <source>Note anchored textline</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ neo vào nốt nhạc</translation>
         <source>Lock score</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khóa bản nhạc lại</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Longa (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Longa (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Double Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn kép (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt tròn kép (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt tròn (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Whole (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt tròn (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Half Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt trắng (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Half (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt trắng (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt đen (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Quarter (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Nốt đen (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Eighth (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trường độ nốt: Móc đơn (TAB)</translation>
         <source>16th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc đôi (TAB)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 3 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>64th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 4 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>128th Note (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt móc 5 (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Increase Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tăng Thời gian Hoạt động (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Decrease Active Duration (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Giảm Thời gian Hoạt động (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Note input: Rest (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập nốt: Dấu lặng (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Above (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dây ở trên (TAB)</translation>
         <source>String Below (TAB)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dây ở dưới (TAB)</translation>
         <source>Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phách phía trước (Ký hiệu Gam)</translation>
         <source>Next Beat (Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Phách kế tiếp (Ký hiệu Gam)</translation>
         <source>Add Brackets to Element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thêm Ngoặc vào một Đối tượng</translation>
         <source>Toggle Create Multimeasure Rest</source>
-        <translation>Tạo các chốt dấu lặng nhiều ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt: Tạo Dấu-lặng-đa-ô-nhịp</translation>
         <source>Bold Face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>In Đậm</translation>
         <source>Bold face</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>In đậm</translation>
@@ -15389,163 +15442,163 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
-        <translation>Gạch đít</translation>
+        <translation>Gạch chân</translation>
         <source>Move Word Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch từ qua Trái</translation>
         <source>Move word left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch từ qua trái</translation>
         <source>Move Word Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch từ qua Phải</translation>
         <source>Move word right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dịch từ qua phải</translation>
         <source>Fill with slashes</source>
-        <translation>Làm đầy vạch tương tự</translation>
+        <translation>Ghi hết bằng vệt chéo</translation>
         <source>Toggle rhythmic slash notation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt ký âm dạng tiết tấu</translation>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation>Thêm/bớt dòng ngắt</translation>
+        <translation>Thêm/Bỏ các ngắt dòng</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thiết lập lại chuỗi nhãn diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Start center</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trung tâm khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt Longa (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt longa (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt Breve (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt tròn kép (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt tròn (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt tròn (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt trắng (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt trắng (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt đen (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt đen (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết móc đơn (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết móc đơn (dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt móc đôi (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt móc đôi (chỉ dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt móc ba (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt móc ba (chỉ dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết Nốt móc bốn (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chi tiết nốt móc bốn (chỉ dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp ph/trước (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp ph/trước (chỉ dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp kế tiếp (Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ô nhịp kế tiếp (chỉ dùng cho Ngón bấm bass/Ký hiệu gam)</translation>
         <source>Toggle staccato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt staccato</translation>
         <source>Toggle tenuto</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt tenuto</translation>
         <source>Toggle trill</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt láy rền</translation>
         <source>Toggle marcato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt marcato</translation>
         <source>Import PDF...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập liệu từ PDF...</translation>
         <source>Import PDF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập liệu từ PDF</translation>
         <source>Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhập dữ liệu từ 1 tập tin PDF với dịch vụ thử nghiệm trên trang musescore.com</translation>
         <source>Set loop in position</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp liên tục: Chọn điểm đầu</translation>
@@ -15557,13 +15610,13 @@ báo lỗi:</translation>
         <source>Cannot rewrite measures:
 Tuplet would cross measure</source>
-        <translation>Không thể chép lại ô nhịp:
-Chùm 3 sẽ nối với ô nhịp</translation>
+        <translation>Không thể viết lại ô nhịp:
+Chùm liên sẽ vượt qua ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Cannot change local time signature:
 Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Không thể thay đổi bộ phận số chỉ nhịp:
+        <translation>Không thể thay đổi số chỉ nhịp cục bộ:
 Ô nhịp không có chỗ trống</translation>
@@ -15575,39 +15628,39 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Slide out down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide out down</translation>
         <source>Slide out up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide out up</translation>
         <source>Slide in below</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide in below</translation>
         <source>Slide in above</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Slide in above</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu chấm lưu</translation>
         <source>Short fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu chấm lưu ngắn</translation>
         <source>Long fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu chấm lưu dài</translation>
         <source>Very long fermata</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu chấm lưu rất dài</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sforzato</translation>
@@ -15615,163 +15668,163 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Staccatissimo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tenuto</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Portato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Marcato</translation>
         <source>Fade in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>To dần</translation>
         <source>Fade out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhỏ dần</translation>
         <source>Volume swell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Volume swell</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wiggle sawtooth</translation>
         <source>Wiggle sawtooth wide</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wiggle sawtooth wide</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large faster</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wiggle vibrato large faster</translation>
         <source>Wiggle vibrato large slowest</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Wiggle vibrato large slowest</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ouvert</translation>
         <source>Stopped/Pizzicato left hand</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Stopped/Pizzicato cho tay trái</translation>
         <source>Up bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Up bow</translation>
         <source>Down bow</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Down bow</translation>
         <source>Reverse turn</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Reverse turn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Turn</translation>
-        <translation>dấu rung (láy)</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rung (láy)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Mordent</translation>
         <source>Prall prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall prall</translation>
         <source>Prall mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall mordent</translation>
         <source>Up prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Up prall</translation>
         <source>Down prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Down prall</translation>
         <source>Up mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Up mordent</translation>
         <source>Down mordent</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Down mordent</translation>
         <source>Prall down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall down</translation>
         <source>Prall up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Prall up</translation>
         <source>Line prall</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét prall</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Schleifer</translation>
         <source>Snap pizzicato</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Snap pizzicato</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gõ phím ghi-ta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vỗ dây ghi-ta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Popping</translation>
         <source>Thumb pos.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vị trí ngón cái</translation>
         <source>Lute thumb fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute: ngón cái</translation>
         <source>Lute 1 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute: ngón 1</translation>
         <source>Lute 2 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute: ngón 2</translation>
         <source>Lute 3 fing.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lute: ngón 3</translation>
         <source>Tremolo bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu vê ghi-ta</translation>
@@ -15877,698 +15930,698 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Single grace low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace low G</translation>
         <source>Single grace low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace low A</translation>
         <source>Single grace B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace B</translation>
         <source>Single grace C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace C</translation>
         <source>Single grace D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace D</translation>
         <source>Single grace E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace E</translation>
         <source>Single grace F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace F</translation>
         <source>Single grace high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace high G</translation>
         <source>Single grace high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Single grace high A</translation>
         <source>Double grace</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double grace</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Half doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half doubling on F</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on high G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on high A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Grip</translation>
         <source>Half D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half D throw</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Doubling on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on low G</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb doubling on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb doubling on F</translation>
         <source>G grace note on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note on F</translation>
         <source>Double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb strike on high G</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Birl</translation>
         <source>D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D throw</translation>
         <source>Half heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half heavy D throw</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Taorluath</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bubly</translation>
         <source>Heavy D throw</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Heavy D throw</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half double strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half double strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on low A</translation>
         <source>Half grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on B</translation>
         <source>Half grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on C</translation>
         <source>Half grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on D</translation>
         <source>Half grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on E</translation>
         <source>Half grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on F</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on high G</translation>
         <source>Half grip on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half grip on high A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Half pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on B</translation>
         <source>Half pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on C</translation>
         <source>Half pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on D</translation>
         <source>Half pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on E</translation>
         <source>Half pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on F</translation>
         <source>Half pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note grip on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grip on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grip on high G</translation>
         <source>Pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on B</translation>
         <source>Pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on C</translation>
         <source>Pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on D</translation>
         <source>Pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on E</translation>
         <source>Pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb grace note pele on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb grace note pele on high G</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb double strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb double strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Half triple strike on high A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Half triple strike on high A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>G grace note triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>G grace note triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on low A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on low A</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on B</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on C</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on D</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on E</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on E</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on F</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on F</translation>
         <source>Thumb triple strike on high G</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Thumb triple strike on high G</translation>
         <source>Treble clef</source>
-        <translation>Khóa nhạc cho Treble</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa G: Treble</translation>
         <source>Treble clef 8va</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Treble 8va</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa G: Treble 8va</translation>
         <source>Treble clef 15ma</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Treble 15ma</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa G: Treble 15ma</translation>
         <source>Treble clef 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Treble 8vb</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa G: Treble 8vb</translation>
         <source>Bass clef</source>
-        <translation>Khóa nhạc cho bass</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: bass</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 8vb</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Bass 8vb</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Bass 8vb</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 15mb</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Bass 15mb</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Bass 15mb</translation>
         <source>Baritone clef (F clef)</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Baritone (khóa F)</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Baritone</translation>
         <source>Subbass clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoác nhạc cho Subbass</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Subbass</translation>
         <source>Soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Soprano</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa C: Soprano</translation>
         <source>Mezzo-soprano clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Mezzo-soprano</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa C: Mezzo-soprano</translation>
         <source>Alto clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Alto</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa C: Alto</translation>
         <source>Tenor clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Tenor</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa C: Tenor</translation>
@@ -16576,34 +16629,34 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Percussion</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa cho Bộ gõ</translation>
         <source>Baritone clef (C clef)</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Baritone (khóa C)</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa C: Baritone</translation>
         <source>French violin clef</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho vĩ cầm Pháp</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa G: vĩ cầm Pháp</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 8va</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Bass 8va</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Bass 8va</translation>
         <source>Bass clef 15ma</source>
-        <translation>Khoá nhạc cho Bass 15ma</translation>
+        <translation>Khóa F: Bass 15ma</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dạng TAB 2</translation>
         <source>Acoustic Bass Drum</source>
-        <translation>Acoustic Bass Drum</translation>
+        <translation>Trống Bass mộc</translation>
         <source>Side Stick</source>
@@ -16615,179 +16668,179 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>High Q</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>High Q</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vá»— tay</translation>
         <source>Scratch Push</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Push</translation>
         <source>Scratch Pull</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Scratch Pull</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sticks</translation>
         <source>Metronome Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gõ nhịp: Tiếng tích tích</translation>
         <source>Metronome Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gõ nhịp: Tiếng chuông</translation>
         <source>Bass Drum 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Bass 1</translation>
         <source>Acoustic Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Két-le mộc</translation>
         <source>Hand Clap</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng vỗ tay</translation>
         <source>Electric Snare</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Két-le điện</translation>
         <source>Low Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Tom bass 1</translation>
         <source>Closed Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Hi-Hat đóng</translation>
         <source>High Floor Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Tom bass 2</translation>
         <source>Pedal Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Pê-đan Hi-hat</translation>
         <source>Low Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom 4</translation>
         <source>Open Hi-Hat</source>
-        <translation>Open Hi-hat</translation>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban kép mở</translation>
         <source>Low-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom 3</translation>
         <source>Hi-Mid Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom 2</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Crash 1</translation>
         <source>High Tom</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tom 1</translation>
         <source>Ride Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông (xe đạp)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông (bò)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vibraslap</translation>
         <source>Low Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Bongo: thấp</translation>
         <source>Mute Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Conga: cao+chặn tiếng</translation>
         <source>Open Hi Conga</source>
-        <translation>Open Hi Conga</translation>
+        <translation>Hi Conga mở</translation>
         <source>Low Conga</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Conga: thấp</translation>
         <source>High Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timbale: cao</translation>
         <source>Low Timbale</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Timbale: thấp</translation>
         <source>High Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agogo: cao</translation>
         <source>Low Agogo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Agogo: thấp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cabasa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Maracas</translation>
         <source>Short Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huýt sáo: ngắn</translation>
         <source>Long Whistle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Huýt sáo: dài</translation>
         <source>Short Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guiro: ngắn</translation>
         <source>Long Guiro</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Guiro: dài</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Claves</translation>
         <source>Hi Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng gõ vào gỗ: cao</translation>
         <source>Low Wood Block</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tiếng gõ vào gỗ: thấp</translation>
         <source>Mute Cuica</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Cuica: chặn tiếng</translation>
         <source>Open Cuica</source>
-        <translation>Open Cuica</translation>
+        <translation>Cuica mở</translation>
         <source>Mute Triangle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Triangle: chặn tiếng</translation>
         <source>Open Triangle</source>
@@ -16795,55 +16848,55 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dụng cụ xóc</translation>
         <source>Bell Tree</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Bell Tree</translation>
         <source>Mute Surdo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Surdo: chặn tiếng</translation>
         <source>Open Surdo</source>
-        <translation>Open Surdo</translation>
+        <translation>Surdo mở</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Ride 1</translation>
         <source>Chinese Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Trung Quốc</translation>
         <source>Splash Cymbal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Splash</translation>
         <source>Crash Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Crash 2</translation>
         <source>Ride Cymbal 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Xâm-ban Ride 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Castanets</translation>
         <source>Square Click</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nhấp hình vuông</translation>
         <source>Hi Bongo</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trống Bongo: cao</translation>
         <source>Sleigh Bell</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chuông (xe trượt tuyết)</translation>
@@ -16956,7 +17009,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Symbol</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu</translation>
@@ -16964,23 +17017,23 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Line</translation>
+        <translation>Đường kẻ</translation>
-        <translation>Ngoặc nối dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Ngoặc nối</translation>
-        <translation>Hợp âm rải</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rải hợp âm</translation>
-        <translation>Dấu hóa</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu hóa bất thường</translation>
-        <translation>(Thân) nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Thân nốt</translation>
@@ -16996,11 +17049,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Thở</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu lấy/ngắt hơi</translation>
-        <translation>Lớn dần</translation>
+        <translation>Vuốt phím</translation>
@@ -17012,7 +17065,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Phụ âm của từng nốt nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt</translation>
@@ -17020,11 +17073,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Nối kết</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu nối cờ nốt</translation>
-        <translation>Hook</translation>
+        <translation>Cờ nốt</translation>
@@ -17032,11 +17085,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Marker</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn đánh dấu</translation>
-        <translation>Đi trực tiếp tới</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu Nhảy ô nhịp</translation>
@@ -17044,7 +17097,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Tuplet</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu liên</translation>
@@ -17060,7 +17113,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Nốt lót</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu cách khuông</translation>
@@ -17072,7 +17125,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Selection</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng được chọn</translation>
@@ -17084,19 +17137,19 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu chuyển bát độ</translation>
-        <translation>Lưu âm</translation>
+        <translation>Pê-đan</translation>
-        <translation>dấu rung (láy)</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rung (láy)</translation>
-        <translation>Segment</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng không gian</translation>
@@ -17104,7 +17157,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Compound</translation>
+        <translation>Phức hợp</translation>
@@ -17116,7 +17169,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Element</translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính cơ bản</translation>
@@ -17124,31 +17177,31 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ossia</translation>
         <source>Instrument Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Tên nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Slur Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đoạn Luyến âm</translation>
         <source>Staff Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ Khuông</translation>
         <source>Bar Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch nhịp</translation>
         <source>Stem Slash</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gạch xéo ở thân nốt</translation>
         <source>Key Signature</source>
-        <translation>Bộ Khóa</translation>
+        <translation>Hóa biểu</translation>
         <source>Time Signature</source>
@@ -17156,194 +17209,190 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Repeat Measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Lặp lại Ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Chord Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vạch hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation>Sơ đồ Bass</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm Bass</translation>
         <source>Staff Text</source>
-        <translation>Chữ viết cho dòng nhạc</translation>
+        <translation>Chữ khuông nhạc</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal Mark</source>
-        <translation>Rehearsal Mark</translation>
+        <translation>Nhãn Diễn lặp</translation>
         <source>Instrument Change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chữ báo Đổi nhạc cụ</translation>
         <source>Hairpin Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Dấu biến cường</translation>
         <source>Ottava Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Chuyển bát độ</translation>
         <source>Trill Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Láy rền</translation>
         <source>Text Line Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Đường kẻ có Chữ</translation>
         <source>Volta Segment</source>
-        <translation>Volta</translation>
+        <translation>Vùng Volta</translation>
         <source>Pedal Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Pê-đan</translation>
         <source>Layout Break</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu ngắt bố trí dòng nhạc</translation>
         <source>Staff State</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Trạng thái Kh/nhạc</translation>
         <source>Ledger Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/Kẻ Phụ</translation>
         <source>Note Head</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đầu nốt nhạc</translation>
         <source>Note Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Chấm dôi</translation>
         <source>Shadow Note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nốt ảo</translation>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Trường độ Tab</translation>
         <source>Font Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Phông</translation>
-        <translation>Hairpin</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu biến cường</translation>
         <source>Text Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ có chữ</translation>
         <source>Note Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dòng Ghi Chú</translation>
         <source>Element List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách th/tính cơ bản</translation>
         <source>Staff List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách Kh/nhạc</translation>
         <source>Measure List</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>D/sách Ô nhịp</translation>
         <source>Horizontal Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung chèn ngang</translation>
         <source>Vertical Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung chèn dọc</translation>
         <source>Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khung chữ</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kèn túi: Chùm nốt tô điểm</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ambitus</translation>
         <source>Chord Symbol</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu Gam</translation>
         <source>Tremolo Bar</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Vê ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ Melisma</translation>
         <source>Glissando Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>Melisma Line Segment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Vùng Đường kẻ Melisma</translation>
         <source>Resize to A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sử dụng cỡ A</translation>
         <source>Resize to B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sử dụng cỡ B</translation>
         <source>Resize to C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sử dụng cỡ C</translation>
         <source>Resize to D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Sử dụng cỡ D</translation>
         <source>Set size A</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán cho cỡ A</translation>
         <source>Set size B</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán cho cỡ B</translation>
         <source>Set size C</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán cho cỡ C</translation>
         <source>Set size D</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Gán cho cỡ D</translation>
@@ -17357,27 +17406,27 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Staff default</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Khuông nhạc m/định</translation>
         <source>Tick 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dạng tick 1</translation>
         <source>Tick 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dạng tick 2</translation>
         <source>Short 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dạng cụt 1</translation>
         <source>Short 2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dạng cụt 2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>[Tủy chỉnh]</translation>
@@ -17396,15 +17445,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>D.S. al Coda</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dal Segno al Coda</translation>
         <source>D.S. al Fine</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dal Segno al Fine</translation>
-        <translation>D.S</translation>
+        <translation>Dal Segno</translation>
@@ -17415,14 +17464,14 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>crescendo</translation>
+        <translation>Crescendo - mạnh dần</translation>
         <source>Page Width</source>
-        <translation>Chiều ngang của trang</translation>
+        <translation>Khít ngang</translation>
         <source>Whole Page</source>
@@ -17445,7 +17494,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Varied coda</source>
-        <translation>Varied coda</translation>
+        <translation>Coda biến thể</translation>
@@ -17457,26 +17506,26 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>To Coda</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>To Coda</translation>
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
         <source>Segno variation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Segno biến thể</translation>
-        <translation>Normal</translation>
+        <translation>Bình thường</translation>
-        <translation>Nối</translation>
+        <translation>Hình chéo</translation>
@@ -17484,7 +17533,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Triangle</translation>
+        <translation>Hình tam giác</translation>
@@ -17492,7 +17541,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>Vết gạch</translation>
+        <translation>Vệt chéo</translation>
@@ -17524,14 +17573,14 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Alt. Brevis</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Alt. Brevis</translation>
-        <translation>Thảo trình phụ</translation>
+        <translation>Trình phụ trợ</translation>
@@ -17569,7 +17618,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các bản nhạc</translation>
@@ -17588,15 +17637,15 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Chord Symbols</source>
-        <translation>Ký hiệu các hợp âm</translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu hợp âm</translation>
         <source>Other Text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các dòng chữ khác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu diễn đạt</translation>
@@ -17604,11 +17653,11 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Figured Bass</source>
-        <translation>Sơ đồ Bass</translation>
+        <translation>Ngón bấm Bass</translation>
-        <translation>Ottava</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu chuyển bát độ</translation>
@@ -17620,109 +17669,109 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Pedal Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ Pê-đan</translation>
         <source>Other Lines</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Đ/kẻ khác</translation>
-        <translation>Hợp âm rải</translation>
+        <translation>Dấu rải gam</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Các ký hiệu vuốt phím</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagrams</source>
-        <translation>Biểu đồ phím đàn</translation>
+        <translation>Biểu đồ phím ghi-ta</translation>
         <source>Breath Marks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Dấu Lấy/Ngắt hơi</translation>
         <source>Voice 1</source>
-        <translation>Bè 1</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 1</translation>
         <source>Voice 2</source>
-        <translation>Bè 2</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 2</translation>
         <source>Voice 3</source>
-        <translation>Bè 3</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 3</translation>
         <source>Voice 4</source>
-        <translation>Bè 4</translation>
+        <translation>Giọng 4</translation>
-        <translation>Soundfonts</translation>
+        <translation>Các gói âm thanh</translation>
     <name>staff group header name</name>
         <source>STANDARD STAFF</source>
-        <translation>Khuông nhạc tiêu chuẩn</translation>
+        <translation>KHUÔNG NHẠC CHUẨN</translation>
         <source>PERCUSSION STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>KHUÔNG NHẠC CHO BỘ GÕ</translation>
         <source>TABLATURE STAFF</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>KHUÔNG NHẠC DẠNG TAB.</translation>
-        <translation>Style</translation>
+        <translation>Định kiểu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Kiểu mẫu</translation>
         <source>Trill line</source>
-        <translation>Đường kẻ cho dấu rung (láy)</translation>
+        <translation>Nét Trill</translation>
         <source>Upprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét Upprall</translation>
         <source>Downprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét Downprall</translation>
         <source>Prallprall line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét Prallprall</translation>
         <source>Wavy line</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Nét gợn sóng</translation>
-        <translation>c</translation>
+        <translation>đồ</translation>
@@ -17742,7 +17791,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation>f</translation>
+        <translation>fa</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_zh_CN.ts b/share/locale/mscore_zh_CN.ts
index 4ca2f8a..c87ddf0 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_zh_CN.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         <source>About MuseScore</source>
-        <translation>关于MuseScore</translation>
+        <translation>关于 MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Copy revision number</source>
@@ -19,14 +19,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
 <p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Copyright </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer and Others. </span></p>
 <p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">Published under the GNU General Public License</span></p></body></html></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
+<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+</style></head><body style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:8pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">浏览</span> <span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt; color:#0000ff;"> </span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">www.musescore.org</span></a><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 可获得新版本和更多信息。</span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">通过</span><a href="http://www.musescore.org/en/donate"><span style=" font-size:10pt; text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">捐赠</span></a>支持 MuseScore</p>
+<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"><br /></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">版权 </span><span style=" font-size:10pt;">©</span><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;"> 1999-2015 Werner Schweer 等人。 </span></p>
+<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'Arial'; font-size:10pt;">以 GPL 许可发布</span></p></body></html></translation>
         <source>About MusicXML</source>
-        <translation>关于MusicXML</translation>
+        <translation>关于 MusicXML</translation>
         <source><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
@@ -1631,7 +1639,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Strings Tuning:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>弦乐调律</translation>
         <source>New String...</source>
@@ -1727,7 +1735,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
         <source>Articulations, Ornaments</source>
-        <translation>装饰音和演奏记号</translation>
+        <translation>装饰音与演奏记号</translation>
@@ -2403,7 +2411,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>附点</translation>
+        <translation>点线</translation>
@@ -2910,7 +2918,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Update Range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>更新范围</translation>
@@ -2950,7 +2958,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Update range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>更新范围</translation>
         <source>Reset Head type value</source>
@@ -3490,7 +3498,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>八度记号查看器</translation>
@@ -3556,7 +3564,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Group</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>元素组</translation>
         <source>Set Color</source>
@@ -3572,7 +3580,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Element Group Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>元素组查看器</translation>
@@ -3911,7 +3919,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line thickness</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>谱线宽度</translation>
@@ -3923,15 +3931,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>附点</translation>
+        <translation>点线</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>─‧─‧─‧ (虚线-点线组合)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>─‧‧─‧‧ (虚线、点线、点线组合)</translation>
         <source>Reset Line thickness value</source>
@@ -3974,7 +3982,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>To Coda</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>To Coda</translation>
         <source>Marker type</source>
@@ -4208,7 +4216,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Ottava Inspector</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>八度记号查看器</translation>
         <source>Reset Type value</source>
@@ -4314,7 +4322,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Line type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>线条类型</translation>
         <source>Reset value</source>
@@ -4326,7 +4334,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
-        <translation>附点</translation>
+        <translation>点线</translation>
@@ -4560,11 +4568,11 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Number type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>数字类型</translation>
         <source>Bracket type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>括号类型</translation>
@@ -4867,7 +4875,7 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Add time signature to palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>将拍号添加到面板</translation>
@@ -5096,15 +5104,15 @@ space unit</extracomment>
         <source>Log in to MuseScore</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>登录到 MuseScore</translation>
         <source>Username or email</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>用户名或电子邮件</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>密码</translation>
@@ -5344,7 +5352,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Master Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:主面板</translation>
         <source>Grace Notes</source>
@@ -5380,7 +5388,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Articulations & Ornaments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>装饰音与演奏记号</translation>
@@ -5432,7 +5440,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>风笛装饰音</translation>
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
@@ -5575,11 +5583,11 @@ tuplet would cross measure</source>
         <source>Go to previous measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>到上一小节</translation>
         <source>Go to next measure</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>到下一小节</translation>
         <source>Break multimeasure rest</source>
@@ -6309,11 +6317,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Error while getting user info. Please try again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>获取用户信息时出错。请再试一遍。</translation>
         <source>Error while getting user info: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>获取用户信息时出错:%1</translation>
         <source>An error occurred during the file transfer. Please try again</source>
@@ -6333,11 +6341,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Please check your Internet connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>请检查您的网络连接。</translation>
         <source>The local time on your device is not set right. Please check it and adjust. It's advised to set the time/timezone to automatic. If you still can't log in, <a href="%1">contact us</a>.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>您未正确设置您的设备的本地时间,请检查并将其设置好。我们建议您将时间/时区设为自动。如果您仍然无法登录,请<a href="%1">联系我们</a>.</translation>
@@ -6406,11 +6414,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Unable to initialize MP3 stream</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>无法初始化MP3流</translation>
         <source>Unable to open target file for writing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>无法打开目标文件进行写入</translation>
         <source>Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder</source>
@@ -6616,11 +6624,11 @@ Do you want to replace it?
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:保存选区</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Save Selected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:保存选中内容</translation>
         <source>Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png);;All (*)</source>
@@ -6858,7 +6866,7 @@ Restore session?</source>
         <source>Undo Changes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>撤销更改</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Read Workspace Name</source>
@@ -6867,7 +6875,8 @@ Restore session?</source>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
 please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>'%1' 已经存在
         <source>Ogg Audio File (*.ogg);;All (*)</source>
@@ -7009,7 +7018,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>System text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>谱表组文字</translation>
         <source>Rehearsal mark</source>
@@ -7065,7 +7074,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>MuseScore Styles (*.mss)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore 样式(*.mss)</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin (*.qml)</source>
@@ -7121,19 +7130,19 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>手册</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>关于(&A)...</translation>
         <source>About &Qt...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>关于 &Qt...</translation>
         <source>About &MusicXML...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>关于 &MusicXML...</translation>
         <source>Image Capture</source>
@@ -7171,6 +7180,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7273,7 +7286,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>No Plugin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>无插件</translation>
@@ -7369,6 +7382,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
+        <translation>新面板</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -7376,11 +7393,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Palette Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>面板属性...</translation>
         <source>Insert New Palette...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插入新面板...</translation>
         <source>Move Palette Up</source>
@@ -7396,11 +7413,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Save Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>保存面板</translation>
         <source>Load Palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>装入面板</translation>
         <source>Delete Palette</source>
@@ -7441,7 +7458,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>手册</translation>
         <source>MuseScore Plugin Creator</source>
@@ -7560,7 +7577,7 @@ Save before closing?</source>
         <source>No update</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>æ— æ›´æ–°</translation>
@@ -7572,6 +7589,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+        <translation>已更新</translation>
+    </message>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation>声部: %1</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -7869,7 +7897,7 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>System Text Properties...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>谱表组文字属性...</translation>
         <source>Resolution (%1 DPI)...</source>
@@ -8022,7 +8050,7 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <source>MuseScore: System Text Properties</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:谱表组文字属性</translation>
         <source>MuseScore: Staff Text Properties</source>
@@ -8126,7 +8154,8 @@ Please select a range of measures to join and try again</source>
         <source>'%1' does already exist,
 please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>'%1' 已经存在
         <source>Apply to all Parts</source>
@@ -8213,35 +8242,35 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名-相同方式共享</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名-相同方式共享-禁止演绎</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名-非商业性使用</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share Alike</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Non Derivate Works</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎</translation>
         <source>Public Domain</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>公有领域</translation>
         <source>Creative Commons Zero</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>知识共享-公有领域</translation>
         <source>Missing title</source>
@@ -8397,7 +8426,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert title here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在此插入标题</translation>
@@ -8405,7 +8434,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert subtitle here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在此插入副标题</translation>
@@ -8413,7 +8442,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert composer's name here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在此插入作曲者名</translation>
@@ -8421,7 +8450,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert lyricist's name here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在此插入作词者名</translation>
@@ -8429,7 +8458,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Insert copyright here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在此插入版权信息</translation>
@@ -8709,7 +8738,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>风笛装饰音</translation>
         <source>Frames && Measures</source>
@@ -8725,7 +8754,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>MuseScore: Writing Palette File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:写入面板文件</translation>
         <source>Writing Palette File
@@ -9126,7 +9155,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>手册</translation>
@@ -9146,7 +9175,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Close Plugin Creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>关闭插件创建器</translation>
@@ -9224,11 +9253,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Icon size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>图标大小:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>动画</translation>
@@ -9600,7 +9629,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>附点</translation>
@@ -9644,11 +9673,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Shortest note:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>最短音符:</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>双附点</translation>
         <source>Save every:</source>
@@ -9797,7 +9826,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Opens a folder dialog for selecting the plugin folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>打开文件夹对话框,以选择插件文件夹</translation>
         <source>Image folder</source>
@@ -10129,11 +10158,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Shortest note</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>最短音符</translation>
         <source>Choose the shortest note value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>选择最短音符值</translation>
         <source>Export Tab</source>
@@ -10337,7 +10366,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插件:</translation>
@@ -10345,6 +10374,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
+        <translation>检查 MuseScore 的新版本</translation>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -10648,6 +10681,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10665,7 +10706,7 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>MuseScore: Save Album</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>MuseScore:保存专辑</translation>
         <source>Write Album failed: </source>
@@ -10796,17 +10837,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation>声部: %1</translation>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -11448,7 +11478,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Enable text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>允许文本框</translation>
         <source>Draw circled frame</source>
@@ -11600,7 +11630,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Repeat Text</source>
-        <translation>反复记号 文字</translation>
+        <translation>反复文字</translation>
@@ -11685,7 +11715,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>值:</translation>
@@ -11729,7 +11759,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Add time signature to palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>将拍号添加到面板</translation>
@@ -11764,11 +11794,11 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Global value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>全局值:</translation>
         <source>Actual value:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>实际值:</translation>
@@ -11863,7 +11893,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Hint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>提示:您也可以在创建乐谱后再添加或删除小节。</translation>
@@ -12222,7 +12252,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>关系:</translation>
@@ -12277,7 +12307,7 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
         <source>Update the existing score </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>Update the existing score </translation>
         <source>Make this score private</source>
@@ -12577,7 +12607,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save Selection...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>保存选区...</translation>
         <source>Save current selection as new score</source>
@@ -13209,19 +13239,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>高八度记号</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8va</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>添加高八度记号</translation>
         <source>Ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>低八度记号</translation>
         <source>Add ottava 8vb</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>添加低八度记号</translation>
@@ -13281,11 +13311,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插入文本框</translation>
         <source>Append Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>追加文本框</translation>
         <source>Insert Vertical Frame</source>
@@ -13401,11 +13431,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>附点</translation>
         <source>Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>双附点</translation>
@@ -13601,7 +13631,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add frame text</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>添加框文本</translation>
@@ -14097,11 +14127,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Master Palette...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>主面板...</translation>
         <source>Show master palette</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>显示主面板</translation>
         <source>Toggle View Mode</source>
@@ -14449,7 +14479,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Insert text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插入文本框</translation>
         <source>Insert vertical frame</source>
@@ -14469,7 +14499,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save score on MuseScore.com</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>在 MuseScore.com 上保存乐谱</translation>
@@ -14533,11 +14563,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Plugin Creator...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插件创建器...</translation>
         <source>Plugin Manager...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插件管理器...</translation>
         <source>Resource Manager...</source>
@@ -14545,7 +14575,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add/Remove Line Breaks...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>添加/删除换行...</translation>
         <source>File: Open</source>
@@ -14565,7 +14595,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Save selection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>保存选区</translation>
         <source>File: Save a copy</source>
@@ -14741,7 +14771,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Append text frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>追加文本框</translation>
         <source>Insert fretboard diagram frame</source>
@@ -14825,19 +14855,19 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>附点</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>音符时长:附点</translation>
         <source>Double Augmentation Dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>双附点</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Double augmentation dot</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>音符时长:双附点</translation>
         <source>Note duration: Tie</source>
@@ -15157,11 +15187,11 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Plugin creator</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插件创建器</translation>
         <source>Plugin manager</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>插件管理器</translation>
         <source>Resource manager</source>
@@ -15369,7 +15399,7 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Add/remove line breaks</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>添加/删除换行</translation>
         <source>Resequence rehearsal marks</source>
@@ -17177,10 +17207,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17222,7 +17248,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Text Frame</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>文本框</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram Frame</source>
@@ -17230,7 +17256,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>风笛装饰音</translation>
         <source>Fretboard Diagram</source>
@@ -17446,7 +17472,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>圆圈带叉</translation>
@@ -17546,7 +17572,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>装饰音</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/mscore_zh_TW.ts b/share/locale/mscore_zh_TW.ts
index c563908..2787a7a 100644
--- a/share/locale/mscore_zh_TW.ts
+++ b/share/locale/mscore_zh_TW.ts
@@ -5365,7 +5365,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Breaths & Pauses</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>呼吸與停頓</translation>
@@ -5409,7 +5409,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Frames & Measures</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>框架與小節</translation>
@@ -5417,11 +5417,11 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Arpeggios & Glissandi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>琶音與滑音</translation>
         <source>Breaks & Spacers</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>換行與空白</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -5429,7 +5429,7 @@ Would you like to locate %2 now?</source>
         <source>Repeats & Jumps</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>反覆與跳躍</translation>
@@ -6741,11 +6741,11 @@ Please select a measure and try again</source>
         <source>Page View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>分頁檢視</translation>
         <source>Continuous View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>連續檢視</translation>
         <source>Concert Pitch</source>
@@ -6943,7 +6943,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>View Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>檢視模式</translation>
@@ -7157,6 +7157,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Cannot write into %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>This score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again.</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7357,6 +7361,10 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>new Palette</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Single Palette</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -7562,6 +7570,17 @@ Save before closing?</source>
+    <name>Ms::Rest</name>
+    <message>
+        <source>Voice: %1</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
         <source>The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore.</source>
@@ -8268,11 +8287,11 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>進階</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>基本</translation>
@@ -8689,7 +8708,7 @@ please choose a different name:</source>
         <source>Arpeggios && Glissandi</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>琶音與滑音</translation>
         <source>Bagpipe Embellishments</source>
@@ -9272,7 +9291,7 @@ failed: </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>檢視</translation>
         <source>default scale for new score views</source>
@@ -10331,6 +10350,10 @@ failed: </source>
         <source>Check for new version of MuseScore</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>Filter</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10632,6 +10655,14 @@ Visit the <a href="http://musescore.org">MuseScore website</a
         <source>File corrupted %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    <message>
+        <source>MuseScore: Upload Error</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
+    <message>
+        <source>Do you want to try to load this file anyway?</source>
+        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+    </message>
@@ -10778,17 +10809,6 @@ Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-    <name>Rest</name>
-    <message>
-        <source>Voice: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
-        <source>%1; Duration: %2; %3</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
@@ -17159,10 +17179,6 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
-        <source>Rubber Band</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
-    </message>
-    <message>
         <source>Tab Duration Symbol</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"/>
@@ -17463,7 +17479,7 @@ Measure is not empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"/>
+        <translation>外掛</translation>
diff --git a/share/locale/qt_vi.ts b/share/locale/qt_vi.ts
index 85c885e..05a7d6e 100644
--- a/share/locale/qt_vi.ts
+++ b/share/locale/qt_vi.ts
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<TS version="2.0" language="en_US">
+<TS version="2.0" language="vi">
         <source><html>The audio playback device <b>%1</b> does not work.<br/>Falling back to <b>%2</b>.</html></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><html>Thiết bị âm thanh <b>%1</b> không làm việc.<br/>Trả về <b>%2</b>.</html></translation>
         <source><html>Switching to the audio playback device <b>%1</b><br/>which just became available and has higher preference.</html></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><html>Chuyển qua thiết bị phát âm thanh <b>%1</b><br/>,thiết bị đã có hiệu lực và có sự ưu tiên cao hơn.</html></translation>
         <source>Revert back to device '%1'</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quay trở về thiết bị '%1'</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các thông báo</translation>
@@ -48,12 +48,14 @@
         <source>Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed.
           Some video features have been disabled.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chú ý: Bạn hình như chưa được cài đặt gói gstreamer0.10-plugins-good.
+          Một vài chức năng vi-deo đã được vô hiệu hóa.</translation>
         <source>Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed.
           All audio and video support has been disabled</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chú ý: Bạn hình như chưa được cài đặt các phụ trợ GStreamer cơ bản.
+          Tất cả hỗ trợ về âm thanh và vi-deo đã được vô hiệu hóa</translation>
@@ -63,319 +65,325 @@
 Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you 
 have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể bắt đầu phát âm thanh.
+Kiểm tra sự cài đặt Gstreamer của bạn và chắc rằng 
+gói libgstreamer-plugins-base đã được cài đặt.</translation>
     <message numerus="yes">
         <source>A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished">
-            <numerusform></numerusform>
+        <translation>
+            <numerusform>Một bộ giải mã (codec) bị thiếu. Bạn cần cài đặt (một/nhiều) bộ giải mã (codec) dưới đây để phát nội dung này: %0</numerusform>
+            <numerusform>Một bộ giải mã (codecs) bị thiếu. Bạn cần cài đặt (một/nhiều) bộ giải mã (codecs) dưới đây để phát nội dung này: %0</numerusform>
         <source>Could not open media source.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở nguồn thông tin này.</translation>
         <source>Invalid source type.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Loại này không có hiệu lực.</translation>
         <source>Could not locate media source.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác định nguồn thông tin này.</translation>
         <source>Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không mở thiết bị âm thanh này được. Nó đã được sử dụng.</translation>
         <source>Could not decode media source.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể giải mã nguồn thông tin này.</translation>
         <source>Volume: %1%</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Âm lượng: %1%</translation>
         <source>Use this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dùng thanh trượt này để chỉnh âm lượng. Vị trí trái nhất là 0%, phải nhất là %1%</translation>
         <source>%1, %2 not defined</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1, %2 không xác định</translation>
         <source>Ambiguous %1 not handled</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 mơ hồ không được kiểm soát</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>True</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>False</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chèn thêm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cập nhật</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
         <source>Copy or Move a File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép hoặc Dời một Tập tin</translation>
         <source>Read: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đọc: %1</translation>
         <source>Write: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ghi: %1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
         <source>All Files (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mọi tập tin (*)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kích cỡ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ngày giờ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đồ&ng ý</translation>
         <source>Look &in:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Xem qua:</translation>
         <source>File &name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tên tập tin</translation>
         <source>File &type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Kiểu tập tin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quay lại</translation>
         <source>One directory up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lên thư mục cha</translation>
         <source>Create New Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tạo thư mục mới</translation>
         <source>List View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem dạng danh sách</translation>
         <source>Detail View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem dạng chi tiết</translation>
         <source>Preview File Info</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem trước th/tin tập tin</translation>
         <source>Preview File Contents</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem trước nội dung tập tin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đọc-ghi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chỉ-đọc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chỉ-ghi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể truy xuất</translation>
         <source>Symlink to File</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Symlink tới Tập tin</translation>
         <source>Symlink to Directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Symlink tới Thư mục</translation>
         <source>Symlink to Special</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Symlink đặc biệt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đặc biệt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
         <source>Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lưu với tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Mở</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Lưu trữ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đổi tê&n</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Xóa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Nạp lại</translation>
         <source>Sort by &Name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sắp theo &Tên</translation>
         <source>Sort by &Size</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sắp theo &Cỡ</translation>
         <source>Sort by &Date</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sắp theo &Ngày giờ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Không sắp xếp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sắp xếp</translation>
         <source>Show &hidden files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện tập tin ẩ&n</translation>
         <source>the file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>tập tin này</translation>
         <source>the directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>thư mục này</translation>
         <source>the symlink</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>symlink này</translation>
         <source>Delete %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa %1</translation>
         <source><qt>Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"?</qt></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><qt>Bạn chắc bạn muốn xóa %1 "%2"?</qt></translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Có</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Không</translation>
         <source>New Folder 1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục mới 1</translation>
         <source>New Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục mới</translation>
         <source>New Folder %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục mới %1</translation>
         <source>Find Directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tìm Thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lá»—i</translation>
 File not found.
 Check path and filename.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1
+Tập tin không tìm thấy.
+Kiểm tra lại đường dẫn và tên tập tin.</translation>
@@ -383,34 +391,42 @@ Check path and filename.</source>
         <source>Could not read directory
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không đọc được thư mục
         <source>Could not create directory
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không tạo được thư mục
         <source>Could not remove file or directory
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không xóa bỏ được tập tin hoặc thư mục
         <source>Could not rename
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đổi tên
+%2 được</translation>
         <source>Could not open
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở
         <source>Could not write
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể ghi
@@ -421,75 +437,75 @@ to
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh...</translation>
         <source>Operation stopped by the user</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác đã ngừng bởi người dùng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đồng ý</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Áp dụng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trợ giúp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mặc định</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Làm lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cắt ra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Sao chép</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Dán vào</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa sạch</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tất cả</translation>
@@ -500,259 +516,259 @@ to
         <source>Restore up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bung lên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Restore down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhỏ lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật lớn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
         <source>Contains commands to manipulate the window</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chứa các lệnh để thao tác trên cửa sổ này</translation>
         <source>Puts a minimized back to normal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đưa trạng thái thật nhỏ trở lại bình thường</translation>
         <source>Moves the window out of the way</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dịch cửa sổ này ra ngoài</translation>
         <source>Puts a maximized window back to normal</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đưa trạng thái thật lớn về bình thường</translation>
         <source>Makes the window full screen</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho cửa sổ này phủ toàn màn hình</translation>
         <source>Closes the window</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng cửa sổ này lại</translation>
         <source>Displays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện tên cửa sổ và các điều khiển để thao tác trên nó</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thêm nữa...</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' is not supported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không được hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ liệt kê các thư mục</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ tạo các thư mục mới</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ xóa bỏ các tập tin và thư mục</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ đổi tên các tập tin và thư mục</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support getting files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ việc nhận các tập tin</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support putting files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ việc đặt tập tin</translation>
         <source>The protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức `%1' này không hỗ trợ sao chép hoặc di chuyển các tập tin hay thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>(không biết)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hủy bỏ</translation>
         <source>< &Back</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Quay lại</translation>
         <source>&Next ></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tiếp theo</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hoàn thành</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Trợ giúp</translation>
         <source>Host not found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không tìm thấy máy</translation>
         <source>Connection refused</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối bị từ trối</translation>
         <source>Socket operation timed out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác trên Socket đã quá giờ</translation>
         <source>Socket is not connected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Socket không được kết nối</translation>
         <source>&Step up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tăng</translation>
         <source>Step &down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Giảm</translation>
         <source>&Select All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn &tất cả</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt</translation>
         <source>Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Để chạy '%1' yêu cầu Qt %2, hiện có Qt %3.</translation>
         <source>Incompatible Qt Library Error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi thư viện Qt không tương thích</translation>
         <comment>Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in left-to-right languages or to 'RTL' in right-to-left languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout.</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION</translation>
         <source>Activates the program's main window</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kích hoạt cửa sổ chính của chương trình</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bỏ chọn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bật/Tắt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Màu &sắc:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Độ đậ&m:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Giá trị:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Màu đỏ:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Lục:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>L&am:</translation>
         <source>A&lpha channel:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kênh A&lpha:</translation>
         <source>&Basic colors</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các màu &cơ bản</translation>
         <source>&Custom colors</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các màu tùy &chỉnh</translation>
         <source>&Add to Custom Colors</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Thêm vào bộ màu tùy chỉnh</translation>
         <source>Select color</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn màu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>False</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>True</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
@@ -760,134 +776,132 @@ to
         <source>%1: permission denied</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: quyền hạn bị cấm</translation>
         <source>%1: already exists</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: đã tồn tại</translation>
         <source>%1: doesn't exists</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không tồn tại</translation>
         <source>%1: out of resources</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không có trong tài nguyên</translation>
         <source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: lỗi không biết %2</translation>
         <source>%1: key is empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: key thì rỗng</translation>
         <source>%1: unable to make key</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không thể tạo key</translation>
         <source>%1: ftok failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: ftok bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Unable to connect</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kết nối</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to set autocommit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đặt tự động gửi</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind variable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ biến tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch record %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại bản ghi %1</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch first</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái đầu tiên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>SA</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>sa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>CH</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>ch</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QDial</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>SpeedoMeter</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>SliderHandle</translation>
         <source>What's This?</source>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Đây là gì?</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Hoàn tất</translation>
@@ -895,1378 +909,1374 @@ to
         <source>Don't Save</source>
-        <translation>Đừng lưu trữ</translation>
+        <translation>Không lưu trữ</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Đồng ý</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Lưu trữ</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Mở tài liệu</translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Đóng lại</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Áp dụng</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Đặt lại</translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại m/định</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Giúp đỡ</translation>
+        <translation>Trợ giúp</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Không cần lưu trữ</translation>
+        <translation>Không lưu trữ</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>&Đồng ý</translation>
+        <translation>Đồ&ng ý</translation>
         <source>Yes to &All</source>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Đồng ý &hết</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <source>N&o to All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không &tất cả</translation>
         <source>Save All</source>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Lưu trữ hết</translation>
+        <translation>Lưu trữ tất cả</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Bỏ không làm nữa</translation>
+        <translation>Hủy</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
         <translation>Thử lại</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Mặc kệ</translation>
+        <translation>Cho qua</translation>
         <source>Restore Defaults</source>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Phục hồi lại phần định sẵn</translation>
+        <translation>Phục hồi lại mặc định</translation>
         <source>Close without Saving</source>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>Đóng lại, không cần lưu trữ gì</translation>
+        <translation>Đóng mà không cần lưu</translation>
-        <translatorcomment></translatorcomment>
-        <translation>&Đồng ý</translation>
+        <translation>Đồ&ng ý</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kích cỡ</translation>
         <comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
         <comment>All other platforms</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu</translation>
         <source>Date Modified</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ngày giờ sửa đổi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sáp nhập</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tách rời</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thêm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bá»›t</translation>
         <source>Debug Message:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thông điệp gỡ rối:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chú ý:</translation>
         <source>Fatal Error:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi nghiêm trọng:</translation>
         <source>&Show this message again</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hiện thông điệp này lần nữa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đồ&ng ý</translation>
         <source>All Files (*)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mọi tập tin (*)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các thư mục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Mở</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Lưu trữ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
         <source>%1 already exists.
 Do you want to replace it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 đã tồn tại.
+Bạn có muốn thay thế nó không?</translation>
 File not found.
 Please verify the correct file name was given.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1
+Tập tin không tìm thấy.
+Vui lòng kiểm lại chính xác tên tập tin đã nhập.</translation>
         <source>My Computer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>My Computer</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đổi &tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Xóa</translation>
         <source>Show &hidden files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện tập tin ẩ&n</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quay lại</translation>
         <source>Parent Directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục cha</translation>
         <source>List View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem dạng danh sách</translation>
         <source>Detail View</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem dạng chi tiết</translation>
         <source>Files of type:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các tập tin kiểu:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục:</translation>
 Directory not found.
 Please verify the correct directory name was given.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1
+Thư mục không tìm thấy.
+Vui lòng kiểm lại chính xác tên thư mục đã nhập.</translation>
         <source>'%1' is write protected.
 Do you want to delete it anyway?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>'%1' được viết bảo vệ.
+Bạn muốn xóa nó bằng mọi cách?</translation>
         <source>Are sure you want to delete '%1'?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bạn có chắc muốn xóa '%1'?</translation>
         <source>Could not delete directory.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xóa thư mục này.</translation>
         <source>Save As</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lưu với tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>á»” Ä‘Ä©a</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không biết</translation>
         <source>Find Directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tìm Thư mục</translation>
         <source>Show </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiển thị</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chuyển tiếp</translation>
         <source>New Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư mục mới</translation>
         <source>&New Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Thư mục mới</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Chọn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Loại bỏ</translation>
         <source>File &name:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tên tập tin</translation>
         <source>Look in:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem qua:</translation>
         <source>Create New Folder</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tạo thư mục mới</translation>
         <source>Invalid filename</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tên tập tin không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source><b>The name "%1" can not be used.</b><p>Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><b>Cái tên "%1" không dùng được.</b><p>Thử một tên khác với một vài ký tự hoặc các dấu chấm câu.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kích cỡ</translation>
         <comment>Match OS X Finder</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
         <comment>All other platforms</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu</translation>
         <source>Date Modified</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ngày giờ sửa đổi</translation>
         <source>My Computer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>My Computer</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Computer</translation>
         <source>%1 TB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 TB</translation>
         <source>%1 GB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 GB</translation>
         <source>%1 MB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 MB</translation>
         <source>%1 KB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 KB</translation>
         <source>%1 bytes</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 bytes</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bình thường</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đậm</translation>
         <source>Demi Bold</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đậm vừa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đen</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Vừa</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sáng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nghiêng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lệch</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tùy</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Latin</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Greek</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cyrillic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Armenian</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hebrew</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Arabic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Syriac</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thaana</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Devanagari</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bengali</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gurmukhi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gujarati</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Oriya</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tamil</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Telugu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kannada</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Malayalam</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sinhala</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thai</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lao</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tibetan</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Myanmar</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Georgian</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khmer</translation>
         <source>Simplified Chinese</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Simplified Chinese</translation>
         <source>Traditional Chinese</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Traditional Chinese</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Japanese</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Korean</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Vietnamese</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ký hiệu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ogham</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Runic</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Phông</translation>
         <source>Font st&yle</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Kiểu phông</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cỡ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiệu ứng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Gạch ngang</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gạch &dưới</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mẫu</translation>
         <source>Wr&iting System</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hệ thống ghi &chép</translation>
         <source>Select Font</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn phông</translation>
         <source>Not connected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không được kết nối</translation>
         <source>Host %1 not found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy %1 không tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Connection refused to host %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Từ chối kết nối tới máy %1</translation>
         <source>Connected to host %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đã kết nối tới máy %1</translation>
         <source>Connection refused for data connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Từ chối đối với kết nối dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>Connecting to host failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc kết nối tới máy bị lỗi:
         <source>Login failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đăng nhập lỗi:
         <source>Listing directory failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Liệt kê thư mục lỗi:
         <source>Changing directory failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc thay đổi thư mục lỗi:
         <source>Downloading file failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc tải tập tin về lỗi:
         <source>Uploading file failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc tải tập tin lên lỗi:
         <source>Removing file failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc loại bỏ tập tin lỗi:
         <source>Creating directory failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc tạo thư mục lỗi:
         <source>Removing directory failed:
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Việc loại bỏ thư mục lỗi:
         <source>Connection closed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối đã đóng</translation>
         <source>Host %1 found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy %1 đã tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Connection to %1 closed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối tới %1 đã đóng</translation>
         <source>Host found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy đã tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Connected to host</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đã kết nối tới máy</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>Host not found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy không tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Unknown address type</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu địa chỉ chưa biết</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>Request aborted</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Truy vấn đã hủy</translation>
         <source>No server set to connect to</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không có máy chủ nào thiết lập kết nối tới</translation>
         <source>Wrong content length</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Độ dài nội dung bị sai</translation>
         <source>Server closed connection unexpectedly</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy chủ đã bất ngờ đóng kết nối</translation>
         <source>Connection refused</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Từ chối kết nối</translation>
         <source>Host %1 not found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy %1 không tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>HTTP request failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Truy vấn HTTP bị sai</translation>
         <source>Invalid HTTP response header</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thông tin đầu tin hồi đáp HTTP không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Invalid HTTP chunked body</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dữ liệu phần thân gói tin HTTP không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Host %1 found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy %1 đã tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Connected to host %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đã kết nối tới máy %1</translation>
         <source>Connection to %1 closed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối tới %1 đã đóng</translation>
         <source>Host found</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy đã tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>Connected to host</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đã kết nối tới máy chủ</translation>
         <source>Connection closed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối đã đóng</translation>
         <source>Proxy authentication required</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Yêu cầu xác thực Proxy</translation>
         <source>Authentication required</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Yêu cầu xác thực</translation>
         <source>Connection refused (or timed out)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối bị từ chối (hoặc đã quá giờ)</translation>
         <source>Proxy requires authentication</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Proxy yêu cầu xác thực</translation>
         <source>Host requires authentication</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy chủ yêu cầu xác thực</translation>
         <source>Data corrupted</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dữ liệu bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Unknown protocol specified</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức chỉ định không biết</translation>
         <source>SSL handshake failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bước SSL thỏa hiệp(handshake) bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối HTTPS được yêu cầu nhưng hỗ trợ SSL không được biên dịch bên trong</translation>
         <source>Authentication required</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Yêu cầu xác thực</translation>
         <source>Error opening database</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi khi mở cơ sở dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Could not start transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy bỏ giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to create BLOB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tạo BLOB</translation>
         <source>Unable to write BLOB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thi BLOB</translation>
         <source>Unable to open BLOB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở BLOB</translation>
         <source>Unable to read BLOB</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đọc BLOB</translation>
         <source>Could not find array</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm thấy mảng</translation>
         <source>Could not get array data</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lấy được mảng dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Could not get query info</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lấy được thông tin truy vấn</translation>
         <source>Could not start transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Could not allocate statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể cấp phát câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Could not prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Could not describe input statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mô tả câu lệnh nhập</translation>
         <source>Could not describe statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mô tả câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to close statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đóng câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute query</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi truy vấn</translation>
         <source>Could not fetch next item</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại mục kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Could not get statement info</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lấy thông tin câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Permission denied</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quyền bị cấm</translation>
         <source>Too many open files</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quá nhiều tập tin được mở</translation>
         <source>No such file or directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không phải tập tin hay thư mục</translation>
         <source>No space left on device</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không còn không gian trên thiết bị</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>XIM</translation>
         <source>XIM input method</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phương thức nhập XIM</translation>
         <source>Windows input method</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phương thức nhập Windows</translation>
         <source>Mac OS X input method</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phương thức nhập Mac OS X</translation>
         <source>QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QLibrary::load_sys: Không thể nạp %1 (%2)</translation>
         <source>QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QLibrary::unload_sys: Không thể hủy nạp %1 (%2)</translation>
         <source>QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QLibrary::resolve_sys: Ký hiệu "%1" không được định nghĩa trong %2 (%3)</translation>
         <source>Could not mmap '%1': %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mmap '%1': %2</translation>
         <source>Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dữ liệu để xác minh khối phụ trợ không khớp với '%1'</translation>
         <source>Could not unmap '%1': %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể unmap '%1': %2</translation>
         <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khối phụ trợ '%1' này không tương thích với thư viện Qt. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]</translation>
         <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khối phụ trợ '%1' này không tương thích với thư viện Qt. Khóa mong muốn "%2", hiện đã có "%3"</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>The shared library was not found.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thư viện dùng chung không tìm thấy</translation>
         <source>The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin '%1' này không phải là khối phụ trợ Qt hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khối phụ trợ '%1' không tương thích với thư viện Qt. (Không thể gộp thư viện gỡ lỗi và đóng gói với nhau.)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Làm lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cắt ra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Sao chép</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Dán vào</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tất cả</translation>
         <source>%1: Name error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Tên lỗi</translation>
         <source>%1: Permission denied</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Quyền bị cấm</translation>
         <source>%1: Address in use</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Địa chỉ này đã dùng</translation>
         <source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Lỗi không biết %2</translation>
         <source>%1: Connection refused</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Từ chối kết nối</translation>
         <source>%1: Remote closed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Luồng điều khiển từ xa đã đóng</translation>
         <source>%1: Invalid name</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Tên không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>%1: Socket access error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Truy xuất Socket bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>%1: Socket resource error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Tài nguyên Socket lỗi</translation>
         <source>%1: Socket operation timed out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Thao tác trên Socket đã quá giờ</translation>
         <source>%1: Datagram too large</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Gói dữ liệu quá lớn</translation>
         <source>%1: Connection error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Kết nối lỗi</translation>
         <source>%1: The socket operation is not supported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Thao tác này trên socket không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>%1: Unknown error %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: Lỗi không biết %2</translation>
         <source>Unable to open database '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở cơ sở dữ liệu '</translation>
         <source>Unable to connect</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kết nối</translation>
         <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy bỏ giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch data</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute query</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi truy vấn</translation>
         <source>Unable to store result</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lưu lại kết quả</translation>
         <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to reset statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trả câu lệnh về mặc định</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ giá trị tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind outvalues</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ giá trị ngoài tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to store statement results</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lưu lại kết quả câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute next query</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu truy vấn kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Unable to store next result</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể lưu lại kết quả kế tiếp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>(Không tên)</translation>
         <source>%1 - [%2]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 - [%2]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Restore Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhỏ lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Trả lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Di chuyển</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cỡ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật &nhỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật &lớn</translation>
         <source>Stay on &Top</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đặt trên &cùng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đó&ng</translation>
         <source>- [%1]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>- [%1]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật lớn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không đổ bóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đổ bóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trả lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trợ giúp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trình đơn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thá»±c thi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trợ giúp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đồng ý</translation>
         <source>About Qt</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Th/tin về Qt</translation>
         <source><p>This program uses Qt version %1.</p></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><p>Chương trình này sử dụng phiên bản Qt %1.</p></translation>
         <source>Show Details...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện chi tiết...</translation>
         <source>Hide Details...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn chi tiết...</translation>
         <source><p>This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.</p><p>Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.</p><p>Please see <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/company/model/">www.trolltech.com/company/model/</a> for an overview of Qt licensing.</p></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><p>Chương trình này sử dụng Bản sao Nguồn mở Qt phiên bản %1.</p><p>Bản sao Nguồn mở Qt được dành cho sự phát triển các ứng dụng Nguồn mở. Bạn cần có bản quyền thương mại của Qt để phát triển các ứng dụng chủ quyền riêng (nguồn đóng).</p><p>Vui lòng xem tại <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/company/model/">www.trolltech.com/company/model/</a> để biết tổng quan về việc đăng ký bản quyền Qt.</p></translation>
         <source><h3>About Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.</p><p>Qt provides single-source portability across MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt is a Nokia product. See <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/qt/">www.trolltech.com/qt/</a> for more information.</p></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><h3>Thông tin về Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt là bộ công cụ C++ cho việc phát triển ứng dụng đa nền tảng.</p><p>Qt cung cấp bộ mã nguồn duy nhất linh hoạt cho các nền tảng MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, và tất cả các biến thể chính của nền tảng Unix thương mại. Qt cũng dùng được cho cả các thiết bị nhúng ví dụ Qt for Embedded Linux và Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt là một sản phẩm của Nokia. Xem tại <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/qt/">www.trolltech.com/qt/</a> để biết thêm thông tin.</p></translation>
         <source>Select IM</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn IM</translation>
         <source>Multiple input method switcher</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bộ chuyển đa phương thức nhập</translation>
         <source>Multiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgets</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bộ chuyển đa phương thức nhập sử dụng trình đơn ngữ cảnh của các widget văn bản</translation>
         <source>The remote host closed the connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy điều khiển từ xa đã đóng kết nối</translation>
         <source>Network operation timed out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác mạng lưới đã quá giờ</translation>
         <source>Out of resources</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hết tài nguyên</translation>
         <source>Unsupported socket operation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác socket này không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>Protocol type not supported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu giao thức này không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>Invalid socket descriptor</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bộ mô tả socket không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Network unreachable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hệ thống mạng này không thể đi tới đích</translation>
         <source>Permission denied</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Quyền hạn bị cấm</translation>
         <source>Connection timed out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kết nối đã quá giờ</translation>
         <source>Connection refused</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Từ chối kết nối</translation>
         <source>The bound address is already in use</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phạm vi địa chỉ này đang được dùng</translation>
         <source>The address is not available</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Địa chỉ này không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>The address is protected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Địa chỉ này được bảo vệ</translation>
         <source>Unable to send a message</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể gửi đi một thông điệp</translation>
         <source>Unable to receive a message</source>
@@ -2274,832 +2284,835 @@ Do you want to delete it anyway?</source>
         <source>Unable to write</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể ghi được</translation>
         <source>Network error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mạng lưới bị lỗi</translation>
         <source>Another socket is already listening on the same port</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Một socket khác đang lắng nghe tren cùng cổng</translation>
         <source>Unable to initialize non-blocking socket</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo một socket không có khóa</translation>
         <source>Unable to initialize broadcast socket</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo một broadcast socket </translation>
         <source>Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 support</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thử dùng socket IPv6 trên nền tảng không hỗ trợ IPv6</translation>
         <source>Host unreachable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy chủ không thể đi tới đích</translation>
         <source>Datagram was too large to send</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gói dữ liệu quá lớn để gửi đi</translation>
         <source>Operation on non-socket</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác ở trạng thái không socket</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>The proxy type is invalid for this operation</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu proxy này không hiệu lực cho thao tác này</translation>
         <source>Request for opening non-local file %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Câu truy vấn đòi mở tập tin không cục bộ %1</translation>
         <source>Error opening %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở tập tin lỗi %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Viết các lỗi ghi tới %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Cannot open %1: Path is a directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở %1: Đường dẫn là một thư mục</translation>
         <source>Read error reading from %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem các lỗi đọc từ %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Cannot open %1: is a directory</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở %1: là một thư mục</translation>
         <source>Logging in to %1 failed: authentication required</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đăng nhập vào %1 bị lỗi: yêu cầu xác thực</translation>
         <source>Error while downloading %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi trong khi đang tải %1: %2 về</translation>
         <source>Error while uploading %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi trong khi đang tải %1: %2 lên</translation>
         <source>Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi tải %1 về - máy chủ đã hồi đáp: %2</translation>
         <source>Protocol "%1" is unknown</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức "%1" không biết</translation>
         <source>Operation canceled</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác đã hủy bỏ</translation>
         <source>Unable to logon</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đăng ký</translation>
         <source>Unable to initialize</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo</translation>
         <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy bỏ giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind column for batch execute</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ cột cho khối thực thi tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute batch statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi khối lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to goto next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tiếp tục được</translation>
         <source>Unable to alloc statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể cấp phát câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ giá trị tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute select statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh chọn</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to connect</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kết nối</translation>
         <source>Unable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kết nối - Bộ thư viện điều khiển không hỗ trợ tất cả các chức năng được cần</translation>
         <source>Unable to disable autocommit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể vô hiệu tự động xác nhận</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy bỏ giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to enable autocommit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kích hoạt tự động xác nhận</translation>
         <source>QODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>QODBCResult::reset: Không thể gán 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' như thuộc tính câu lệnh. Vui lòng kiểm lại cấu hình điều khiển ODBC của bạn</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch next</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái kế tiếp</translation>
         <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind variable</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ biến tới</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch last</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái vừa rồi</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch first</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch previous</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại cái trước đó</translation>
         <source>Operation not supported on %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác không hỗ trợ trên %1</translation>
         <source>Invalid URI: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>URI không hợp lệ: %1</translation>
         <source>Write error writing to %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Viết các lỗi ghi tới %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Read error reading from %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem các lỗi đọc từ %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Socket error on %1: %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Socket bị lỗi trên %1: %2</translation>
         <source>Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy điều khiển từ xa đã đóng kết nối bất ngờ trên %1</translation>
         <source>Protocol error: packet of size 0 received</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giao thức lỗi: dung lượng gói nhận được là 0</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giá trị</translation>
         <source>Unable to connect</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể kết nối</translation>
         <source>Could not begin transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Could not commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Could not rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy bỏ giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to subscribe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể đăng ký</translation>
         <source>Unable to unsubscribe</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể không đăng ký</translation>
         <source>Unable to create query</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tạo câu truy vấn</translation>
         <source>Unable to prepare statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể chuẩn bị câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Centimeters (cm)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xen-ti-met (cm)</translation>
         <source>Millimeters (mm)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mi-li-met (mm)</translation>
         <source>Inches (in)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Inch (in)</translation>
         <source>Points (pt)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Điểm (pt)</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giấy</translation>
         <source>Page size:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cỡ giấy</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Rá»™ng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cao</translation>
         <source>Paper source:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nguồn giấy</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>HÆ°á»›ng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Để dọc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Để Ngang</translation>
         <source>Reverse landscape</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đảo chiều ngang</translation>
         <source>Reverse portrait</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đảo chiều dọc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Canh lề</translation>
         <source>top margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lề trên</translation>
         <source>left margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lề trái</translation>
         <source>right margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lề phải</translation>
         <source>bottom margin</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lề dưới</translation>
         <source>Unknown error</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi không biết</translation>
         <source>The plugin was not loaded.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khối phụ trợ không được nạp</translation>
         <source>locally connected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>đã kết nối cục bộ</translation>
         <source>Aliases: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Biệt hiệu: %1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>không biết</translation>
         <source>Print To File ...</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In thành tập tin...</translation>
         <source>File %1 is not writable.
 Please choose a different file name.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin %1 không thể ghi.
+Vui lòng chọn một tên khác.</translation>
         <source>%1 already exists.
 Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 đã tồn tại.
+Bạn muốn ghi đè nó không?</translation>
         <source>%1 is a directory.
 Please choose a different file name.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 là thư mục.
+Vui lòng chọn một tên tập tin khác.</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A0</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A4</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A5</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A6</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A7</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>A9</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B0</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B1</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B2</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B3</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B4</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B5</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B6</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B7</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B8</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B9</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>B10</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>C5E</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>DLE</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Executive</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Folio</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ledger</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Legal</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Letter</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tabloid</translation>
         <source>US Common #10 Envelope</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bì thư Mỹ hay dùng #10</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chỉnh</translation>
         <source>&Options >></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tùy chọn >></translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&In ấn</translation>
         <source>&Options <<</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tùy chọn <<</translation>
         <source>Print to File (PDF)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In thành Tập tin (PDF)</translation>
         <source>Print to File (Postscript)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In thành tập tin (Postscript)</translation>
         <source>Local file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin cục bộ</translation>
         <source>Write %1 file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ghi tập tin %1</translation>
         <source>Page Setup</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thiết lập trang</translation>
         <source>Print Preview</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem trÆ°á»›c khi in</translation>
         <source>Next page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang kế</translation>
         <source>Previous page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trÆ°á»›c</translation>
         <source>First page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang đầu tiên</translation>
         <source>Last page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang sau cùng</translation>
         <source>Fit width</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khít ngang</translation>
         <source>Fit page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Toàn trang</translation>
         <source>Zoom in</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phong to</translation>
         <source>Zoom out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thu nhỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Để dọc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Để ngang</translation>
         <source>Show single page</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện đơn trang</translation>
         <source>Show facing pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện trang đối</translation>
         <source>Show overview of all pages</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện tổng quan các trang</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In ấn</translation>
         <source>Page setup</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thiết lập trang</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chi tiết</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Số bản cần sao</translation>
         <source>Print range</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khoảng in</translation>
         <source>Print all</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In tất cả</translation>
         <source>Pages from</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các trang từ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>tá»›i</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Vùng được chọn</translation>
         <source>Output Settings</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thiết lập đầu ra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Số bản cần sao:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Collate</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đảo ngược</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tùy chọn</translation>
         <source>Color Mode</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chế độ màu</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Màu sắc</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng xám</translation>
         <source>Duplex Printing</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>In hai mặt</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không chọn</translation>
         <source>Long side</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giấy dài</translation>
         <source>Short side</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giấy ngắn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dạng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Máy in</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tên:</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>T&huộc tính</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Định vị</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xem trÆ°á»›c</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểu:</translation>
         <source>Output &file:</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin đầu &ra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>...</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn</translation>
         <source>no error occurred</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>không có lỗi xảy ra</translation>
         <source>disabled feature used</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>tính năng vô hiệu hóa thường dùng</translation>
         <source>bad char class syntax</source>
@@ -3115,221 +3128,221 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>invalid octal value</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>giá trị bát phân không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>missing left delim</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>thiếu dấu phân tách bên trái</translation>
         <source>unexpected end</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>kết thúc không mong muốn</translation>
         <source>met internal limit</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>đụng một giới hạn bên trong</translation>
         <source>Error to open database</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi để mở cơ sở dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback Transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch results</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại kết quả</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Error opening database</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi mở cơ sở dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Error closing database</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi đóng cơ sở dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Unable to begin transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể khởi tạo giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to commit transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể xác nhận giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to rollback transaction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hủy giao tác</translation>
         <source>Unable to fetch row</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể tìm lại dòng</translation>
         <source>Unable to execute statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể thực thi câu lệnh</translation>
         <source>Unable to reset statement</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trả câu lệnh về mặc định</translation>
         <source>Unable to bind parameters</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể trỏ các tham số tới</translation>
         <source>Parameter count mismatch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tham số đếm không khớp</translation>
         <source>No query</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không có câu truy vấn</translation>
         <source>Scroll here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn ở đây</translation>
         <source>Left edge</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cạnh trái</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trên</translation>
         <source>Right edge</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cạnh phải</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>DÆ°á»›i</translation>
         <source>Page left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trái</translation>
         <source>Page up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trên</translation>
         <source>Page right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang phải</translation>
         <source>Page down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang dÆ°á»›i</translation>
         <source>Scroll left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn trái</translation>
         <source>Scroll up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn lên</translation>
         <source>Scroll right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn phải</translation>
         <source>Scroll down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn xuống</translation>
         <source>Line up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dòng trên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Vị trí</translation>
         <source>Line down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dòng dưới</translation>
         <source>%1: unable to set key on lock</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không thể thiết lập khóa để khóa</translation>
         <source>%1: create size is less then 0</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: tạo kích cỡ nhỏ hơn 0</translation>
         <source>%1: unable to lock</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không thể khóa</translation>
         <source>%1: unable to unlock</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không thể mở khóa</translation>
         <source>%1: permission denied</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: quyền hạn bị cấm</translation>
         <source>%1: already exists</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: đã tồn tại</translation>
         <source>%1: doesn't exists</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không tồn tại</translation>
         <source>%1: out of resources</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: hết tài nguyên</translation>
         <source>%1: unknown error %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: lỗi không biết %2</translation>
         <source>%1: key is empty</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: khóa thì rỗng</translation>
         <source>%1: unix key file doesn't exists</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: tập tin khóa unix không tồn tại</translation>
         <source>%1: ftok failed</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: ftok bị sai</translation>
         <source>%1: unable to make key</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không thể tạo khóa</translation>
         <source>%1: system-imposed size restrictions</source>
@@ -3337,7 +3350,7 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>%1: not attached</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1: không đính kèm</translation>
@@ -3524,15 +3537,15 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>Open URL</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở URL</translation>
         <source>Launch Mail</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khởi chạy Mail</translation>
         <source>Launch Media</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khởi chạy Media</translation>
         <source>Launch (0)</source>
@@ -3715,250 +3728,250 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>Page left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trái</translation>
         <source>Page up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trên</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Định vị</translation>
         <source>Page right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang phải</translation>
         <source>Page down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang dÆ°á»›i</translation>
         <source>Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks server</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Socks5 bị lỗi quá giờ để kết nối tới các sock của máy chủ</translation>
         <source>Network operation timed out</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thao tác trên mạng lưới này đã quá giờ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thêm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bá»›t</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
         <source>Delete this record?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa bản ghi này?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Có</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chèn thêm</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cập nhật</translation>
         <source>Save edits?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lưu sửa đổi?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xác nhận</translation>
         <source>Cancel your edits?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy các sửa đổi?</translation>
         <source>Unable to write data: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể ghi dữ liệu: %1</translation>
         <source>Error while reading: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi khi đọc: %1</translation>
         <source>Error during SSL handshake: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi trong suốt bước thỏa hiệp(handshake) SSL: %1</translation>
         <source>Error creating SSL context (%1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi tạo ngữ cảnh SSL (%1)</translation>
         <source>Invalid or empty cipher list (%1)</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Danh sách mã cipher rỗng hoặc không hợp lệ (%1)</translation>
         <source>Error creating SSL session, %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi tạo phiên SSL, %1</translation>
         <source>Error creating SSL session: %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi tạo phiên SSL: %1</translation>
         <source>Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể cấp giấy chứng nhận không có khóa, %1</translation>
         <source>Error loading local certificate, %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi nạp giấy chứng nhận cục bộ, %1</translation>
         <source>Error loading private key, %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lỗi nạp private key, %1</translation>
         <source>Private key does not certificate public key, %1</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Private key không chứng nhận public key, %1</translation>
         <source>Unable to open connection</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể mở kết nối</translation>
         <source>Unable to use database</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể sử dụng cơ sở dữ liệu</translation>
         <source>Scroll Left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn trái</translation>
         <source>Scroll Right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn phải</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Làm lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cắt ra</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Sao chép</translation>
         <source>Copy &Link Location</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép địa chỉ liên &kết</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Dán vào</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa</translation>
         <source>Select All</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tất cả</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nhấn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở</translation>
         <source>This platform does not support IPv6</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nến tảng này không hỗ trợ IPv6</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Làm lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation><rá»—ng></translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn tác</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Làm lại</translation>
         <source>LRM Left-to-right mark</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>LRM Từ trái qua phải</translation>
         <source>RLM Right-to-left mark</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>RLM Từ phải qua trái</translation>
         <source>ZWJ Zero width joiner</source>
@@ -3994,41 +4007,41 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>Insert Unicode control character</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chèn thêm ký tự điều khiển Unicode</translation>
         <source>Request cancelled</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Truy vấn đã hủy</translation>
         <source>Request blocked</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Truy vấn đã khóa</translation>
         <source>Cannot show URL</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hiện URL</translation>
         <source>Frame load interruped by policy change</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Khung nạp bị ngắt bởi thay đổi chính sách</translation>
         <source>Cannot show mimetype</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thể hiện mimetype</translation>
         <source>File does not exist</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tập tin không tồn tại</translation>
         <source>Bad HTTP request</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Truy vấn HTTP sai</translation>
@@ -4043,427 +4056,427 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <comment>default label for Reset buttons in forms on web pages</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trả về mặc định</translation>
         <source>This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: </source>
         <comment>text that appears at the start of nearly-obsolete web pages in the form of a 'searchable index'</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đây là chỉ mục có thể tìm kiếm. Nhập từ khóa để tìm: </translation>
         <source>Choose File</source>
         <comment>title for file button used in HTML forms</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chọn tập tin</translation>
         <source>No file selected</source>
         <comment>text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không có tập tin được chọn</translation>
         <source>Open in New Window</source>
         <comment>Open in New Window context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở trong cửa sổ mới</translation>
         <source>Save Link...</source>
         <comment>Download Linked File context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lưu liên kết mạng...</translation>
         <source>Copy Link</source>
         <comment>Copy Link context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép liên kết mạng</translation>
         <source>Open Image</source>
         <comment>Open Image in New Window context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở ảnh</translation>
         <source>Save Image</source>
         <comment>Download Image context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Lưu ảnh</translation>
         <source>Copy Image</source>
         <comment>Copy Link context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép ảnh</translation>
         <source>Open Frame</source>
         <comment>Open Frame in New Window context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở Frame</translation>
         <comment>Copy context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Sao chép</translation>
         <source>Go Back</source>
         <comment>Back context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trở lại</translation>
         <source>Go Forward</source>
         <comment>Forward context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tiến tới</translation>
         <comment>Stop context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>NgÆ°ng</translation>
         <comment>Reload context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nạp lại</translation>
         <comment>Cut context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cắt ra</translation>
         <comment>Paste context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dán vào</translation>
         <source>No Guesses Found</source>
         <comment>No Guesses Found context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không thấy khách nào</translation>
         <comment>Ignore Spelling context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho qua</translation>
         <source>Add To Dictionary</source>
         <comment>Learn Spelling context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thêm vào từ điển</translation>
         <source>Search The Web</source>
         <comment>Search The Web context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tìm trang này</translation>
         <source>Look Up In Dictionary</source>
         <comment>Look Up in Dictionary context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tìm trong từ điển</translation>
         <source>Open Link</source>
         <comment>Open Link context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mở liên kết</translation>
         <comment>Ignore Grammar context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho qua</translation>
         <comment>Spelling and Grammar context sub-menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểm chính tả</translation>
         <source>Show Spelling and Grammar</source>
         <comment>menu item title</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hiện lỗi Chính tả và Văn phạm</translation>
         <source>Hide Spelling and Grammar</source>
         <comment>menu item title</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ẩn lỗi Chính tả và Văn phạm</translation>
         <source>Check Spelling</source>
         <comment>Check spelling context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểm chính tả</translation>
         <source>Check Spelling While Typing</source>
         <comment>Check spelling while typing context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểm chính tả khi đang gõ</translation>
         <source>Check Grammar With Spelling</source>
         <comment>Check grammar with spelling context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Kiểm văn phạm với chính tả</translation>
         <comment>Font context sub-menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phông chữ</translation>
         <comment>Bold context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đậm</translation>
         <comment>Italic context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nghiêng</translation>
         <comment>Underline context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Gạch dưới</translation>
         <comment>Outline context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Viền ngoài</translation>
         <comment>Writing direction context sub-menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>HÆ°á»›ng</translation>
         <comment>Default writing direction context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mặc định</translation>
         <comment>Left to Right context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>LTR</translation>
         <comment>Right to Left context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>RTL</translation>
         <comment>Inspect Element context menu item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tra đối tượng</translation>
         <source>No recent searches</source>
         <comment>Label for only item in menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, when no searches have been performed</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không tìm gì gần đây</translation>
         <source>Recent searches</source>
         <comment>label for first item in the menu that appears when clicking on the search field image, used as embedded menu title</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Các mục tìm gần đây</translation>
         <source>Clear recent searches</source>
         <comment>menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xóa các mục tìm gần đây</translation>
         <comment>Unknown filesize FTP directory listing item</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không biết</translation>
         <source>%1 (%2x%3 pixels)</source>
         <comment>Title string for images</comment>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 (%2x%3 điểm-ảnh)</translation>
         <source>Web Inspector - %2</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bộ giám sát Web - %2</translation>
         <source>What's This?</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đây là gì?</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>*</translation>
         <source>Go Back</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trở lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tiếp tục</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Xác nhận</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hoàn thành</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thoát</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trợ giúp</translation>
         <source>< &Back</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>< &Quay lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Hoàn thành</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Hủy bỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Trợ giúp</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tiếp theo</translation>
         <source>&Next ></source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Tiếp theo ></translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Phục hồi</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Di chuyển</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Cỡ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật &nhỏ</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật &lớn</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đó&ng</translation>
         <source>Stay on &Top</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đặt trên &cùng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đổ &bóng</translation>
         <source>%1 - [%2]</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 - [%2]</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thật nhỏ</translation>
         <source>Restore Down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cho nhỏ lại</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Đóng</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>&Không đổ bóng</translation>
         <source>no error occurred</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>không có lỗi xảy ra</translation>
         <source>error triggered by consumer</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi gây ra bởi người dùng</translation>
         <source>unexpected end of file</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>tập tin kết thúc không bình thường</translation>
         <source>more than one document type definition</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>có nhiều hơn một định nghĩa về kiểu tài liệu</translation>
         <source>error occurred while parsing element</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi xảy ra khi phân tách một element</translation>
         <source>tag mismatch</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>thẻ không khớp</translation>
         <source>error occurred while parsing content</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi xảy ra khi phân tách nội dung</translation>
         <source>unexpected character</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>ký tự không mong muốn</translation>
         <source>invalid name for processing instruction</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>tên không hợp lệ cho chỉ thị xử lý</translation>
         <source>version expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>thuộc tính version thì cần khi đọc tài liệu XML này</translation>
         <source>wrong value for standalone declaration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>giá trị thuộc tính standalone khai báo sai</translation>
         <source>encoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>khai báo thuộc tính encoding hoặc standalone thì cần khi đọc tài liệu XML này</translation>
         <source>standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declaration</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>khai báo thuộc tính standalone thì cần khi đọc tài liệu XML này</translation>
         <source>error occurred while parsing document type definition</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi xảy ra khi phân tách định nghĩa về kiểu tài liệu</translation>
         <source>letter is expected</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>ký tự mong muốn</translation>
         <source>error occurred while parsing comment</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi xảy ra khi phân tách comment</translation>
         <source>error occurred while parsing reference</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>lỗi xảy ra khi phân tách reference</translation>
         <source>internal general entity reference not allowed in DTD</source>
@@ -4494,55 +4507,55 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>Extra content at end of document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Nội dung mở rộng ở cuối tài liệu</translation>
         <source>Invalid entity value.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Giá trị thực thể không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML character.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ký tự XML không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chuỗi ']]>' không cho phép trong nội dung</translation>
         <source>Namespace prefix '%1' not declared</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tiền tố Namespace '%1' không được khai báo</translation>
         <source>Attribute redefined.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bị trùng thuộc tính</translation>
         <source>Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Ký tự không mong muốn '%1' trong hằng số public id</translation>
         <source>Invalid XML version string.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Chuỗi version XML không hợp lệ</translation>
         <source>Unsupported XML version.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Phiên bản XML không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>%1 is an invalid encoding name.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>%1 là một tên encoding không hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>Encoding %1 is unsupported</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Bảng mã %1 không hỗ trợ</translation>
         <source>Standalone accepts only yes or no.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Thuộc tính standalone chỉ là yes hoặc no.</translation>
         <source>Invalid attribute in XML declaration.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Có thuộc tính không hợp lệ trong tài liệu XML.</translation>
         <source>Premature end of document.</source>
@@ -4550,23 +4563,23 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
         <source>Invalid document.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Tài liệu không hợp lệ.</translation>
         <source>Expected </source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Mong muốn</translation>
         <source>, but got '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>, nhưng hiện tại là '</translation>
         <source>Unexpected '</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Không mong muốn '</translation>
         <source>Expected character data.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Dữ liệu ký tự mong muốn</translation>
         <source>Recursive entity detected.</source>
@@ -5220,66 +5233,66 @@ Please choose a different file name.</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Im lặng</translation>
         <source>Volume: %1%</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Âm lượng: %1%</translation>
         <source>Scroll here</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn ở đây</translation>
         <source>Left edge</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cạnh trái</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trên</translation>
         <source>Right edge</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cạnh phải</translation>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>DÆ°á»›i</translation>
         <source>Page left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trái</translation>
         <source>Page up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang trên</translation>
         <source>Page right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang phải</translation>
         <source>Page down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Trang dÆ°á»›i</translation>
         <source>Scroll left</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn trái</translation>
         <source>Scroll up</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn lên</translation>
         <source>Scroll right</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn phải</translation>
         <source>Scroll down</source>
-        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+        <translation>Cuộn xuống</translation>
diff --git a/share/manual/CMakeLists.txt b/share/manual/CMakeLists.txt
index be71906..79aff11 100644
--- a/share/manual/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/share/manual/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ install (DIRECTORY
-      reference-en.pdf
       DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}manual
diff --git a/share/manual/reference-en.pdf b/share/manual/reference-en.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b0683f
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/manual/reference-en.pdf differ
diff --git a/share/plugins/colornotes.qml b/share/plugins/colornotes.qml
index 186ed41..c09134f 100644
--- a/share/plugins/colornotes.qml
+++ b/share/plugins/colornotes.qml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 //  Music Composition & Notation
 //  Copyright (C) 2012 Werner Schweer
-//  Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Nicolas Froment, Joachim Schmitz
+//  Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Nicolas Froment, Joachim Schmitz
 //  Copyright (C) 2014 Jörn Eichler
 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ MuseScore {
                                     for (var i = 0; i < graceChords.length; i++) {
                                           // iterate through all grace chords
                                           var notes = graceChords[i].notes;
-                                          func(note);
+                                          for (var j = 0; j < notes.length; j++)
+                                                func(notes[j]);
                                     var notes = cursor.element.notes;
                                     for (var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
@@ -91,7 +92,23 @@ MuseScore {
                   note.color = colors[note.pitch % 12];
                   note.color = black;
-      }
+            if (note.accidental) {
+                  if (note.accidental.color == black)
+                        note.accidental.color = colors[note.pitch % 12];
+                  else
+                        note.accidental.color = black;
+                  }
+            for (var i = 0; i < note.dots.length; i++) {
+                  if (note.dots[i]) {
+                        if (note.dots[i].color == black)
+                              note.dots[i].color = colors[note.pitch % 12];
+                        else
+                              note.dots[i].color = black;
+                        }
+                  }
+         }
       onRun: {
             console.log("hello colornotes");
diff --git a/share/sound/FluidR3MonoChangeLog.txt b/share/sound/FluidR3MonoChangeLog.txt
index 0d99bcc..032d0b0 100644
--- a/share/sound/FluidR3MonoChangeLog.txt
+++ b/share/sound/FluidR3MonoChangeLog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Version 2.107 Add Mellow Yamaha Grand at Bank #8 Patch #0
+Version 2.106 Fix Alto Sax range issue
+Version 2.105 Fix Recorder range issue
+Version 2.104 Tweak tuning for Violin preset
 Version 2.103 Remove Burst Noise preset which was overloading FluidSynth
 Version 2.102 Fix name problem for Bass & Lead
 Version 2.101 Fix typo in Accordion def
diff --git a/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 b/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3
index a0abd02..9f7c841 100644
Binary files a/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 and b/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 differ
diff --git a/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_License.md b/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_License.md
index 35d9995..5196c8e 100644
--- a/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_License.md
+++ b/share/sound/FluidR3Mono_License.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Current version: 2.103 (28th February 2015)
+Current version: 2.107 (17th April 2015)
 Original Stereo version by Frank Wen Copyright © 2000-2002
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/01-String_Quartet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/01-String_Quartet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4aa422
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/01-String_Quartet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/02-Wind_Quintet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/02-Wind_Quintet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1039741
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/02-Wind_Quintet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/03-Wind_Quartet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/03-Wind_Quartet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f5c080
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/03-Wind_Quartet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/04-Saxophone_Quartet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/04-Saxophone_Quartet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee2d00
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/04-Saxophone_Quartet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/05-Brass_Quintet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/05-Brass_Quintet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4c03d
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/05-Brass_Quintet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/06-Brass_Quartet.mscz b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/06-Brass_Quartet.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa385dd
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/03-Chamber_Music/06-Brass_Quartet.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz b/share/templates/04-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/03-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz
rename to share/templates/04-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz b/share/templates/04-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/03-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz
rename to share/templates/04-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz b/share/templates/04-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/03-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz
rename to share/templates/04-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/03-Solo/04-Piano.mscz b/share/templates/04-Solo/04-Piano.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/03-Solo/04-Piano.mscz
rename to share/templates/04-Solo/04-Piano.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/04-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz b/share/templates/05-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/04-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz
rename to share/templates/05-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/04-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz b/share/templates/05-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/04-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz
rename to share/templates/05-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/04-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz b/share/templates/05-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/04-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz
rename to share/templates/05-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/05-Orchestral/02-String_Quartet.mscz b/share/templates/05-Orchestral/02-String_Quartet.mscz
deleted file mode 100644
index 321f780..0000000
Binary files a/share/templates/05-Orchestral/02-String_Quartet.mscz and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/share/templates/05-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz b/share/templates/06-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz
similarity index 74%
rename from share/templates/05-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz
rename to share/templates/06-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz
index e2ccacf..5c98742 100644
Binary files a/share/templates/05-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz and b/share/templates/06-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/06-Orchestral/03-String_Orchestra.mscz b/share/templates/06-Orchestral/03-String_Orchestra.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d259994
Binary files /dev/null and b/share/templates/06-Orchestral/03-String_Orchestra.mscz differ
diff --git a/share/templates/06-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz b/share/templates/07-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz
similarity index 100%
rename from share/templates/06-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz
rename to share/templates/07-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz
diff --git a/share/templates/CMakeLists.txt b/share/templates/CMakeLists.txt
index 5bf29ef..928e4d6 100644
--- a/share/templates/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/share/templates/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -44,28 +44,38 @@ install(FILES
-      03-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz
-      03-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz
-      03-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz
-      03-Solo/04-Piano.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/01-String_Quartet.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/02-Wind_Quintet.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/03-Wind_Quartet.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/04-Saxophone_Quartet.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/05-Brass_Quintet.mscz
+      03-Chamber_Music/06-Brass_Quartet.mscz
+      DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}templates/03-Chamber_Music
+      )
+      04-Solo/01-Guitar.mscz
+      04-Solo/02-Guitar_+_Tablature.mscz
+      04-Solo/03-Guitar_Tablature.mscz
+      04-Solo/04-Piano.mscz
       DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}templates/03-Solo
-      04-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz
-      04-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz
-      04-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz
+      05-Jazz/01-Jazz_Lead_Sheet.mscz
+      05-Jazz/02-Big_Band.mscz
+      05-Jazz/03-Jazz_Combo.mscz
       DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}templates/04-Jazz
-      05-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz
-      05-Orchestral/02-String_Quartet.mscz
+      06-Orchestral/01-Classical_Orchestra.mscz
+      06-Orchestral/03-String_Orchestra.mscz
       DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}templates/05-Orchestral
-      06-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz
+      07-Band/01-Rock_Band.mscz
       DESTINATION ${Mscore_SHARE_NAME}${Mscore_INSTALL_NAME}templates/06-Band
diff --git a/share/templates/Getting_Started.mscz b/share/templates/Getting_Started.mscz
index 09001b5..272d714 100644
Binary files a/share/templates/Getting_Started.mscz and b/share/templates/Getting_Started.mscz differ
diff --git a/synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp b/synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp
index 377ee2b..4fa99af 100644
--- a/synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp
+++ b/synthesizer/msynthesizer.cpp
@@ -316,8 +316,9 @@ int MasterSynthesizer::indexOfEffect(int ab)
 //   setState
-void MasterSynthesizer::setState(const SynthesizerState& ss)
+bool MasterSynthesizer::setState(const SynthesizerState& ss)
+      bool result = true;
       for (const SynthesizerGroup& g : ss) {
             if (g.name() == "master") {
                   for (const IdValue& v : g) {
@@ -343,8 +344,10 @@ void MasterSynthesizer::setState(const SynthesizerState& ss)
             else {
                   Synthesizer* s = synthesizer(g.name());
-                  if (s)
-                        s->setState(g);
+                  if (s) {
+                        bool r = s->setState(g);
+                        result = result && r;
+                        }
                   else {
                         if (effect(0) && effect(0)->name() == g.name())
@@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ void MasterSynthesizer::setState(const SynthesizerState& ss)
+      return result;
diff --git a/synthesizer/msynthesizer.h b/synthesizer/msynthesizer.h
index ea4435e..3e0adb3 100644
--- a/synthesizer/msynthesizer.h
+++ b/synthesizer/msynthesizer.h
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class MasterSynthesizer : public QObject {
       QList<MidiPatch*> getPatchInfo() const;
       SynthesizerState state() const;
-      void setState(const SynthesizerState&);
+      bool setState(const SynthesizerState&);
       Synthesizer* synthesizer(const QString& name);
       const std::vector<Effect*>& effectList(int ab) const { return _effectList[ab]; }
diff --git a/synthesizer/synthesizer.h b/synthesizer/synthesizer.h
index 263a325..cdf1967 100644
--- a/synthesizer/synthesizer.h
+++ b/synthesizer/synthesizer.h
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class Synthesizer {
       // get/set synthesizer state
       virtual SynthesizerGroup state() const = 0;
-      virtual void setState(const SynthesizerGroup&) = 0;
+      virtual bool setState(const SynthesizerGroup&) = 0;
       virtual void setValue(int, double) {}
       virtual double value(int) const { return 0.0; }
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testAccidentals1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testAccidentals1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b897c3
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testAccidentals1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDCalCoda.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDCalCoda.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac13dcd
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDCalCoda.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDCalFine.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDCalFine.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af8aec
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDCalFine.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDalSegno.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDalSegno.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b55d06
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDalSegno.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDirections1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDirections1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e75a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDirections1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDynamics1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDynamics1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d47039
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDynamics1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testDynamics2.pdf b/test/musicxml/testDynamics2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9ab881
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testDynamics2.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testHello.pdf b/test/musicxml/testHello.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b33dd7
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testHello.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testImplicitMeasure1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testImplicitMeasure1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4914c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testImplicitMeasure1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testKeysig1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testKeysig1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67f9bb8
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testKeysig1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testLines1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testLines1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6d8d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testLines1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testLines2.pdf b/test/musicxml/testLines2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2684397
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testLines2.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testMultiMeasureRest1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testMultiMeasureRest1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66668d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testMultiMeasureRest1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testNotesRests1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testNotesRests1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b3760
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testNotesRests1.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68776db
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testTimesig1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testTimesig3.pdf b/test/musicxml/testTimesig3.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea18db1
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testTimesig3.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/musicxml/testWords1.pdf b/test/musicxml/testWords1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab4722
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/musicxml/testWords1.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/ntest/print.pdf b/test/ntest/print.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0fc2b
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/ntest/print.pdf differ
diff --git a/test/tremolo.pdf b/test/tremolo.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffc87f
Binary files /dev/null and b/test/tremolo.pdf differ
diff --git a/thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf2html b/thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf2html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..caa2615
Binary files /dev/null and b/thirdparty/rtf2html/rtf2html differ
diff --git a/vtest/gen b/vtest/gen
index 4358f8a..2aba18a 100755
--- a/vtest/gen
+++ b/vtest/gen
@@ -44,12 +44,13 @@ else
        chord-layout-11 chord-layout-12 chord-layout-13 chord-layout-14 chord-layout-15 chord-layout-16 cross-1\
        accidental-1 accidental-2 accidental-3 accidental-4 accidental-5\
        accidental-6 accidental-7 accidental-8 accidental-9\
-       tie-1 tie-2 tie-3 grace-1 grace-2 grace-3 grace-4 tuplets-1 breath-1\
+       tie-1 tie-2 tie-3 grace-1 grace-2 grace-3 grace-4 tuplets-1 tuplets-2 breath-1\
        harmony-1 harmony-2 harmony-3 harmony-4 harmony-5 harmony-6 harmony-7 harmony-8 harmony-9 harmony-10 harmony-11\
        beams-1 beams-2 beams-3 beams-4 beams-5 beams-6 beams-7 beams-8 beams-9 beams-10\
        beams-11 beams-12 beams-13 beams-14 beams-15 beams-16 beams-17\
        user-offset-1 user-offset-2 chord-space-1 chord-space-2 tablature-1 image-1\
-       lyrics-1 lyrics-2 lyrics-3 lyrics-4 lyrics-5 lyrics-6 voice-1 voice-2 slash-1 slash-2 system-1 system-2 system-3"
+       lyrics-1 lyrics-2 lyrics-3 lyrics-4 lyrics-5 lyrics-6 voice-1 voice-2 slash-1 slash-2\
+       system-1 system-2 system-3 system-4"
diff --git a/vtest/gen.bat b/vtest/gen.bat
index 4880458..2ae7ce6 100644
--- a/vtest/gen.bat
+++ b/vtest/gen.bat
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ set SRC=mmrest-1,bravura-mmrest,gonville-mmrest,mmrest-2,mmrest-4,mmrest-5,mmres
  chord-layout-11,chord-layout-12,chord-layout-13,chord-layout-14,chord-layout-15,chord-layout-16,cross-1, ^
  accidental-1,accidental-2,accidental-3,accidental-4,accidental-5, ^
  accidental-6,accidental-7,accidental-8,accidental-9, ^
- tie-1,tie-2,tie-3,grace-1,grace-2,grace-3,grace-4,tuplets-1,breath-1, ^
+ tie-1,tie-2,tie-3,grace-1,grace-2,grace-3,grace-4,tuplets-1,tuplets-2,breath-1, ^
  harmony-1,harmony-2,harmony-3,harmony-4,harmony-5,harmony-6,harmony-7,harmony-8,harmony-9,harmony-10,harmony-11, ^
  beams-1,beams-2,beams-3,beams-4,beams-5,beams-6,beams-7,beams-8,beams-9,beams-10, ^
  beams-11,beams-12,beams-13,beams-14,beams-15,beams-16,beams-17, ^
  user-offset-1,user-offset-2,chord-space-1,chord-space-2,tablature-1,image-1, ^
- lyrics-1,lyrics-2,lyrics-3,lyrics-4,lyrics-5,lyrics-6,voice-1,voice-2,slash-1,slash-2,system-1,system-2,system-3
+ lyrics-1,lyrics-2,lyrics-3,lyrics-4,lyrics-5,lyrics-6,voice-1,voice-2,slash-1,slash-2, ^
+ system-1,system-2,system-3,system-4
 set MSCORE=..\win32install\bin\musescore.exe
 set DPI=130
diff --git a/vtest/system-4-ref.png b/vtest/system-4-ref.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d8c06
Binary files /dev/null and b/vtest/system-4-ref.png differ
diff --git a/vtest/system-4.mscz b/vtest/system-4.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5264e83
Binary files /dev/null and b/vtest/system-4.mscz differ
diff --git a/vtest/tuplets-2-ref.png b/vtest/tuplets-2-ref.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69fb94c
Binary files /dev/null and b/vtest/tuplets-2-ref.png differ
diff --git a/vtest/tuplets-2.mscz b/vtest/tuplets-2.mscz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972768b
Binary files /dev/null and b/vtest/tuplets-2.mscz differ
diff --git a/zerberus/zerberus.cpp b/zerberus/zerberus.cpp
index 9ae01ef..a0b08ac 100644
--- a/zerberus/zerberus.cpp
+++ b/zerberus/zerberus.cpp
@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ Ms::SynthesizerGroup Zerberus::state() const
 //   setState
-void Zerberus::setState(const Ms::SynthesizerGroup& sp)
+bool Zerberus::setState(const Ms::SynthesizerGroup& sp)
       QStringList sfs;
       for (const Ms::IdValue& v : sp)
-      loadSoundFonts(sfs);
+      return loadSoundFonts(sfs);
@@ -401,13 +401,15 @@ bool Zerberus::loadInstrument(const QString& s)
       if (s.isEmpty())
             return false;
+      QFileInfo fis(s);
+      QString fileName = fis.fileName();
       for (ZInstrument* instr : instruments) {
-            if (QFileInfo(instr->path()).fileName() == s) {   // already loaded?
+            if (QFileInfo(instr->path()).fileName() == fileName) {   // already loaded?
                   return true;
       for (ZInstrument* instr : globalInstruments) {
-            if (QFileInfo(instr->path()).fileName() == s) {
+            if (QFileInfo(instr->path()).fileName() == fileName) {
                   instr->setRefCount(instr->refCount() + 1);
                   if (instruments.size() == 1) {
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ bool Zerberus::loadInstrument(const QString& s)
       QFileInfoList l = Zerberus::sfzFiles();
       QString path;
       foreach (const QFileInfo& fi, l) {
-            if (fi.fileName() == s) {
+            if (fi.fileName() == fileName) {
                   path = fi.absoluteFilePath();
diff --git a/zerberus/zerberus.h b/zerberus/zerberus.h
index 34a7ee7..925cf7a 100644
--- a/zerberus/zerberus.h
+++ b/zerberus/zerberus.h
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class Zerberus : public Ms::Synthesizer {
       virtual const QList<Ms::MidiPatch*>& getPatchInfo() const;
       virtual Ms::SynthesizerGroup state() const;
-      virtual void setState(const Ms::SynthesizerGroup&);
+      virtual bool setState(const Ms::SynthesizerGroup&);
       virtual void allSoundsOff(int channel);
       virtual void allNotesOff(int channel);

musescore packaging

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