[SCM] kodi/master: Drop get-orig-source target from d/rules

rbalint at users.alioth.debian.org rbalint at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 28 11:24:41 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit db6d74d74a78fa6894e79b81f9736a20718b7a87
Author: Balint Reczey <balint at balintreczey.hu>
Date:   Fri Mar 20 01:28:55 2015 +0100

    Drop get-orig-source target from d/rules
    Use uscan for generating repacked original tarball.

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 60cb8f3..5e02a76 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -183,76 +183,3 @@ override_dh_strip:
 	echo "Shipping systemd kodi.service file as an example only"
-# Get original Kodi source and cut not needed bits.
-# Based on https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc-packaging/blob/master/xbmc-get-orig-source
-ORIG_SRC_DIR := debian/tmp-src-dir
-UPSTREAM_VER ?= $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -rne 's/^Version: ([0-9]:)?([0-9.]+)(\+dfsg\d+)?.*$$/\2/p')
-	mkdir -p $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)
-	wget -O $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/kodi-orig.tar.gz http://mirrors.kodi.tv/releases/source/kodi-$(UPSTREAM_VER).tar.gz
-	tar -C $(ORIG_SRC_DIR) -xf $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/kodi-orig.tar.gz
-	rm $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/kodi-orig.tar.gz
-	# Remove non-free components
-	find $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/* -depth \( -iname '*dvdcss*' -o -iname '*unrar*' \) -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
-	# Remove components not needed for Linux
-	rm -rf $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/afpfs-ng \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/enca \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/jasper \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/jbig \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/jpeg \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/mng \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/png \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/tiff \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/cximage-6.0/zlib \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/freetype \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/gtest \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libUPnP/Neptune/ThirdParty/zlib-1.2.3 \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libass \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libbluray \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libcec \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libhdhomerun \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/liblame \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libmad \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libmicrohttpd \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libmodplug \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libmpeg2 \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libnfs \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/librtmp \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libshairport \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/libsidplay2 \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/groovy \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/taglib \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/win32 \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/project/Win32BuildSetup \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/addons/service.xbmc.versioncheck \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/addons/webinterface.default/js/iscroll-min.js \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/addons/webinterface.default/js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/addons/skin.confluence/fonts/Roboto-*.ttf \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/media/Fonts/arial.ttf \
-		$(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/xbmc/visualizations/XBMCProjectM/libprojectM/fonts/Vera*.ttf
-	find $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/* -depth \( \( -iname '*.so' -o -iname '*.exe' -o -iname '*.lib' \
-		-o -iname '*.dll' -o -iname '*.dylib' -o -iname '*.a' -o -iname '*.obj' \
-		\) -exec rm -rf "{}" \; \)
-	# Remove components not needed for Linux when using external libs
-	rm -rf $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/lib/ffmpeg
-	# Remove temp files and other cruft from source tarball
-	# The find command snippet here was taken from debhelper's dh_clean command
-	# with some modification to delete more unneeded files.
-	find $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/* -depth \( \( -type f -a \
-		\( -name '#*#' -o -name '.*~' -o -name '*~' -o -name DEADJOE \
-		-o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.bak' \
-		-o -name '.*.orig' -o -name .*.rej -o -name '.SUMS' \
-		-o -name TAGS -o \( -path '*/.deps/*' -a -name '*.P' \) \
-		-o -name config.status -o -name config.cache -o -name config.log \
-		-o -name 'VS20*' \) -exec rm -f "{}" \; \) -o \
-		\( -type d -a -name autom4te.cache -prune -exec rm -rf "{}" \; \) \)
-		rm $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/*/.gitignore
-	#Remove empty directories
-	find $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)/* -type d -empty -delete
-	(cd $(ORIG_SRC_DIR) && tar -cJf ../../kodi_$(DFSG_VER).orig.tar.xz *)
-	rm -rf $(ORIG_SRC_DIR)
-.PHONY: get-orig-source

kodi packaging

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