[SCM] multimedia-blends/master: Add some RFPs starting with P (still some to go)
ross-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
ross-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 11 10:37:50 UTC 2015
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d94be029a323c98a51ab91cce0fc17eafa724b3e
Author: Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>
Date: Sun Oct 11 12:36:59 2015 +0200
Add some RFPs starting with P (still some to go)
diff --git a/tasks/ambisonics b/tasks/ambisonics
index 752c68b..07188cf 100644
--- a/tasks/ambisonics
+++ b/tasks/ambisonics
@@ -48,3 +48,12 @@ Depends: soundscaperenderer
Depends: tetraproc
Depends: pd-iemambi
+Depends: pd-iem-bin-ambi
+Pkg-Description: binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics
+ This library includes objects to render binaural 2D- and 3D-soundfields
+ (to be played back via headphones) within Pure Data, using the
+ Higher-Order Ambisonics approach.
+Homepage: http://ambisonics.iem.at/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 603178
diff --git a/tasks/animation b/tasks/animation
index e9f8560..59c3ee3 100644
--- a/tasks/animation
+++ b/tasks/animation
@@ -99,3 +99,11 @@ Pkg-Description: OpenAL plugin for the Ogre Rendering Engine
Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ogreal
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/ogreal
WNPP: 461348
+Depends: pixelstruct
+Pkg-Description: structure-from-motion visualizer for 3D scenes
+ pixelstruct provides a structure-from-motion visualizer for 3D scenes
+ reconstructed from photographs using Bundler.
+Homepage: http://da.vidr.cc/projects/pixelstruct/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 606817
diff --git a/tasks/audio-utilities b/tasks/audio-utilities
index abddff4..3a66a0d 100644
--- a/tasks/audio-utilities
+++ b/tasks/audio-utilities
@@ -223,3 +223,51 @@ Pkg-Description: USB-enabled Olympus DVR
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/odvr/
License: GPL-3
WNPP: 513271
+Depends: playdar
+Pkg-Description: music content resolver
+ Playdar is a music content resolver service - run it on every computer
+ you use, and you'll be able to listen to all the songs you would
+ otherwise be able to find manually by searching though all your
+ computers, hard disks, online services, and more.
+Homepage: http://www.playdar.org/
+License: MIT/X
+WNPP: 552120
+Suggests: playlist
+Pkg-Description: audio file format conversion script with streaming capabilities
+ I've created a bash shell script to convert between CD Audio, flac, ogg and
+ mp3. It works with multiple input/output files and allows for complete
+ preservation of audio tagging data including ReplayGain.
+ .
+ It is available from my personal webspace
+ http://www.fortnight1.plus.com/software/ and is currently at version 0.5b
+ (18th March 2008). Since it is undergoing rapid develeopment I've not fully
+ bug-tested it and some newer features may be partly broken. It is
+ architecture independent being a single script file.
+ .
+ License is LGPL, debian package contains fuller description and the README
+ installed to /usr/share/doc/playlist has full instructions for using the
+ current version.
+Homepage: http://www.fortnight1.plus.com/software/
+License: LGPL
+WNPP: 472429
+Depends: pragha
+Pkg-Description: A Lightweight GTK+ Music Player
+ A Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on
+ Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast,
+ light, and simultaneously complete without obstructing the daily
+ work. Features:
+ * Library management using sqlite3.
+ * Queue list.
+ * Multiple views.
+ * OSD support with Libnotify.
+ * Tag Editing.
+ * mp3, ogg, flac, modplug, wav and Audio CD support.
+ * Last.fm submission.
+ * Playlist management (M3U Exporting).
+ * DBUS management interface.
+Homepage: http://pragha.wikispaces.com/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 592985
diff --git a/tasks/broadcasting b/tasks/broadcasting
index 2ed0ee4..198f7b3 100644
--- a/tasks/broadcasting
+++ b/tasks/broadcasting
@@ -233,3 +233,92 @@ Pkg-Description: Open Digital Cinema Package software
Homepage: https://github.com/tmeiczin/opendcp
License: GPL
WNPP: 655338
+Depends: phonon-backend-mplayer
+Pkg-Description: mplayer backend for phonon
+ This package should provide the mplayer backend for phonon, like the
+ gstreamer and the xine ones.
+Homepage: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/multimedia/phonon-backends/mplayer/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 572788
+Depends: pipelight
+Pkg-Description: load windows NPAPI plugins into linux browsers
+ A project to load windows NPAPI plugins into linux browsers using wine
+ and a pipe.
+ Today we want to present you our latest project Pipelight, which allows to run
+ your favorite Silverlight application directly inside your Linux browser. The
+ project combines the effort by Erich E. Hoover with a new browser plugin that
+ embeds Silverlight directly in any Linux browser supporting the Netscape Plugin
+ API (Firefox, Chrome / Chromium, Midori, Opera, …). He worked on a set of
+ Wine patches to get Playready DRM protected content working inside Wine and
+ afterwards created an Ubuntu package called Netflix Desktop. This package
+ allows one to use Silverlight inside a Windows version of Firefox, which works
+ as a temporary solution but is not really user-friendly and moreover requires
+ Wine to translate all API calls of the browser. To solve this problem we
+ created Pipelight.
+ .
+ Pipelight consists out of two parts: A Linux library which is loaded into the
+ browser and a Windows program started in Wine. The Windows program, called
+ pluginloader.exe, simply simulates a browser and loads the Silverlight DLLs.
+ When you open a page with a Silverlight application the library will send all
+ commands from the browser through a pipe to the Windows process and act like a
+ bridge between your browser and Silverlight. The used pipes do not have any big
+ impact on the speed of the rendered video since all the video and audio data is
+ not send through the pipe. Only the initialization parameters and (sometimes)
+ the network traffic is send through them.
+Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/mmueller2012/pipelight/overview
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 743140
+Depends: plumi
+Pkg-Description: video sharing Content Management System based on Plone
+ Plumi is a Free Software video sharing Content Management System based
+ on Plone and produced by the EngageMedia collective. Plumi enables you
+ to create your own sophisticated video sharing site; by adding it to an
+ existing Plone instance you can quickly have a wide array of
+ functionality to facilitate video distribution and community creation.
+ .
+ In a net landscape where almost all video sharing sites keep their
+ distribution platform under lock and key, Plumi is one contribution to
+ creating a truly democratic media.
+Homepage: http://plumi.org/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 511980
+Suggests: ps3-media-server
+Pkg-Description: DLNA UPnP Media Server, dedicated to PS3
+ PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant Upnp Media Server for the PS3,
+ written in Java, with the purpose of streaming or transcoding any kind
+ of media files, with minimum configuration. It's backed up with the
+ powerful Mplayer/FFmpeg packages.
+ .
+ Current features:
+ * Ready to launch and play. No codec packs to install. No folder
+ configuration and pre-parsing or this kind of annoying thing.
+ All your folders are directly browsed by the PS3, there's an
+ automatic refresh also.
+ * Real-time video transcoding of MKV/FLV/OGM/AVI, etc.
+ * Direct streaming of DTS / DTS-HD core to the receiver
+ * Remux H264/MPEG2 video and all audio tracks to AC3/DTS/LPCM in
+ real time with tsMuxer when H264 is PS3/Level4.1 compliant
+ * Full seeking support when transcoding
+ * DVD ISOs images / VIDEO_TS Folder transcoder
+ * OGG/FLAC/MPC/APE audio transcoding
+ * Thumbnail generation for Videos
+ * You can choose with a virtual folder system your audio/subtitle
+ language on the PS3!
+ * Simple streaming of formats PS3 natively supports:
+ MP3/JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF, all kind of videos (AVI, MP4, TS, M2TS, MPEG)
+ * Display camera RAWs thumbnails (Canon / Nikon, etc.)
+ * ZIP/RAR files as browsable folders
+ * Support for pictures based feeds, such as Flickr and Picasaweb
+ * Internet TV / Web Radio support with VLC, MEncoder or MPlayer
+ * Podcasts audio/ Video feeds support
+ * Basic Xbox360 support
+ * FLAC 96kHz/24bits/5.1 support
+ * Windows Only: DVR-MS remuxer and AviSynth alternative transcoder
+ support
+Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver/
+License: GPLv2
+WNPP: 551645
diff --git a/tasks/devel b/tasks/devel
index cbbb37b..9810d88 100644
--- a/tasks/devel
+++ b/tasks/devel
@@ -482,3 +482,42 @@ Suggests: libmusicbrainz4-dev, libmusicbrainz3-dev
Depends: libsndio-dev
Depends: libecasoundc-dev, python-ecasound, ruby-ecasound
+Depends: pycdio
+Pkg-Description: Python interface to libcdio optical media control library
+ ycdio is a Python interface to the CD Input and Control library
+ (libcdio).
+ .
+ The pycdio (and libcdio) libraries encapsulate reading and control of
+ optical media devices (CD, DVD), for Python programs wishing to be
+ oblivious of the OS- and device-dependent properties of optical media
+ devices.
+ .
+ The encapsulation by SWIG is done in two parts. The lower-level python
+ interface is called pycdio and is generated by SWIG.
+ .
+ The more object-oriented module is cdio; it is a Python class that
+ uses pycdio. Although pycdio is perfectly usable on its own, it is
+ expected that cdio is what most people will use. As pycdio more
+ closely models the C interface, it is conceivable (if unlikely) that
+ diehard libcdio C users who are very familiar with that interface
+ could prefer that.
+Homepage: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycdio/
+License: GPLv3
+WNPP: 543296
+Depends: pyclutter-gst
+Pkg-Description: Open GL based interactive canvas lib GStreamer elements
+ Python bindings.
+Homepage: http://www.clutter-project.org/
+License: LGPL
+WNPP: 557671
+Pkg-URL: https://code.launchpad.net/~francesco-marella/+junk/pyclutter-gst-debian
+Depends: python-jack
+Pkg-Description: python-bindings for JACK low-latency audio server
+ python-bindings for JACK low-latency audio server enabling
+ JACK Transport functionality.
+Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/py-jack/
+License: GNU
+WNPP: 636756
diff --git a/tasks/graphics b/tasks/graphics
index 6464243..3936623 100644
--- a/tasks/graphics
+++ b/tasks/graphics
@@ -312,3 +312,42 @@ Depends: pd-gridflow
Homepage: http://puredata.info/downloads/gridflow
Pkg-Description: A multidimensional dataflow processing library for PureData
Designed for interactive multimedia.
+Suggests: photoqt
+Pkg-Description: image viewer
+ PhotoQt is a simple, yet powerful and good looking image viewer,
+ written in Qt, published as open-source, and completely free.
+ .
+ The list below is meant to give you a rough idea of PhotoQt's abilities
+ and is by far not an exhaustive list:
+ Support of many image formats (use of GraphicsMagick)
+ Basic image manipulations (Rotating, Flipping, Zooming)
+ Basic File Management (Renaming, Deleting, Moving, Copying)
+ Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
+ Set-as-Wallpaper function
+ Slideshow feature
+ Exif information
+ Highly Adjustable to your custom preference
+ Interface that doesn't get into your way
+ Very fast and flexible
+ Thumbnail Cache
+ System Tray Usage
+ Command Line Options
+ Several translations available (not all complete (yet)... Wanna help?)
+ and much more...
+Homepage: http://photoqt.org/
+License: GNU GPL v3
+WNPP: 736771
+Suggests: printoxx
+Pkg-Description: make photos and texts collages
+ Printoxx is a graphical menu-driven program which operates in
+ its own window. Printoxx can be used to make and print a photo
+ collage. Select image files and add them to a layout page using
+ the mouse. Images can be moved around, resized, and rotated.
+ Text can be added using any font. Simple frames can be added to
+ the images. The finished layout can be printed on paper formats
+ supported by the printer and CUPS driver (A4, A5, Letter, etc.).
+Homepage: http://kornelix.squarespace.com/printoxx/
+License : GPL
+WNPP: 552612
diff --git a/tasks/jack b/tasks/jack
index 285c641..fd1ef69 100644
--- a/tasks/jack
+++ b/tasks/jack
@@ -167,3 +167,51 @@ Pkg-Description: -- Laser show software for soundcard operation
Homepage: http://marcansoft.com/
License: GPL-3+
WNPP: 694064
+Depends: pacmixer
+Pkg-Description: an alsamixer alike for PulseAudio
+ pacmixer is an alsamixer alike for PulseAudio. It's a full-blown,
+ terminal based mixers available for PA. It can be used to adjust
+ channel and input/output volumes and settings for the PulseAudio
+ sound server.
+Homepage: https://github.com/KenjiTakahashi/pacmixer
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 730413
+Suggests: pnmixer
+Pkg-Description: Volume mixer for the system tray
+ PNMixer is a simple mixer application designed to run in your system
+ tray. It integrates nicely into desktop environments that don't have a
+ panel that supports applets, and therefore can't run a mixer applet.
+ In particular it's been used quite a lot with fbpanel and tint2, but
+ should run fine in any system tray.
+ .
+ PNMixer is a fork of OBMixer with a number of additions. These include:
+ * Volume adjustment with the scroll wheel
+ * Select which ALSA device and channel to use
+ * Detect disconnect from sound system and re-connect if requested
+ * Bind and use HotKeys for volume control
+ * Texual display of volume level in popup window
+ * Continous volume adjustment when dragging the slider (not just when you let go)
+ * Draw a volume level onto system tray icon
+ * Use system icon theme for icons and use mute/low/medium/high volume icons
+ * Configurable middle click action
+ * Preferences for:
+ * volume text display
+ * volume text position
+ * icon theme
+ * amount to adjust per scoll
+ * middle click action
+ * drawing of volume level on tray icon
+ .
+ Note from the reporter: much better than volumeicon in my opinion.
+ Very stable, it has a handy right click menu from which you can summon
+ a more complete mixer - pavucontrol in my case. There are deb packages
+ already compiled for Crunchbang (a Debian derivative) at
+ http://packages.crunchbang.org/waldorf/pool/main/
+ I used both i386 and amd64 versions and they work very well, if you
+ want to have a try.
+Homepage: https://github.com/nicklan/pnmixer
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 745669
+Pkg-URL: http://packages.crunchbang.org/waldorf/pool/main/
diff --git a/tasks/photography b/tasks/photography
index 51d31e9..3d087ec 100644
--- a/tasks/photography
+++ b/tasks/photography
@@ -310,3 +310,71 @@ Pkg-Description: Photographic workflow application
Homepage: http://www.oqapy.eu/
License: GPL3
WNPP: 661765
+Depends: pfscalibration
+Pkg-Description: photometric calibration of cameras
+ PFScalibration package provides an implementation of the Robertson
+ et al. 2003 method for the photometric calibration of cameras and for
+ the recovery of high dynamic range (HDR) images from the set of low
+ dynamic range (LDR) exposures.
+ Tools provided with this software can be used for photometric
+ calibration of both off-the-shelf digital cameras and HDR cameras.
+Homepage: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/resources/hdr/calibration/pfs.html
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 676919
+Depends: photoqt
+Pkg-Description: image viewer
+ PhotoQt is a simple, yet powerful and good looking image viewer,
+ written in Qt, published as open-source, and completely free.
+ .
+ The list below is meant to give you a rough idea of PhotoQt's abilities
+ and is by far not an exhaustive list:
+ Support of many image formats (use of GraphicsMagick)
+ Basic image manipulations (Rotating, Flipping, Zooming)
+ Basic File Management (Renaming, Deleting, Moving, Copying)
+ Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts
+ Set-as-Wallpaper function
+ Slideshow feature
+ Exif information
+ Highly Adjustable to your custom preference
+ Interface that doesn't get into your way
+ Very fast and flexible
+ Thumbnail Cache
+ System Tray Usage
+ Command Line Options
+ Several translations available (not all complete (yet)... Wanna help?)
+ and much more...
+Homepage: http://photoqt.org/
+License: GNU GPL v3
+WNPP: 736771
+Suggests: printoxx
+Pkg-Description: make photos and texts collages
+ Printoxx is a graphical menu-driven program which operates in
+ its own window. Printoxx can be used to make and print a photo
+ collage. Select image files and add them to a layout page using
+ the mouse. Images can be moved around, resized, and rotated.
+ Text can be added using any font. Simple frames can be added to
+ the images. The finished layout can be printed on paper formats
+ supported by the printer and CUPS driver (A4, A5, Letter, etc.).
+Homepage: http://kornelix.squarespace.com/printoxx/
+License : GPL
+WNPP: 552612
+Depends: pvcam-utils
+Pkg-Description: utilities for using the Photometrics Coolsnap ES camera
+ This package contains the daemon and graphical client for using the camera. See
+ bug #622137 for more details.
+Homepage: http://alioth.debian.org/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 622143
+Suggests: pycasa
+Pkg-Description: A python application to manage Picasa photo albums
+ This is a small program to download and upload Picasa Photo Albums. You
+ just have to provide the username, and then choose between the
+ available albums which one to download.
+Homepage: http://pycasa.com.ar/
+License: GPL3
+WNPP: 586708
diff --git a/tasks/players b/tasks/players
index df6769c..7ff36f2 100644
--- a/tasks/players
+++ b/tasks/players
@@ -434,3 +434,73 @@ Pkg-Description: An OSD lyric show compatible with various media players
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/osd-lyrics/
License: GPL
WNPP: 594051
+Depends: panucci
+Pkg-Description: Resuming audioplayer
+ Panucci is an ideal player for audiobooks and
+ podcasts. It has an resuming function to
+ continue at the last timestamp. It interacts
+ well with gpodder.
+Homepage: http://gpodder.org/panucci/
+License: GPLv3
+WNPP: 594794
+Suggests: phonon-backend-mplayer
+Pkg-Description: mplayer backend for phonon
+ This package should provide the mplayer backend for phonon, like the
+ gstreamer and the xine ones.
+Homepage: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/multimedia/phonon-backends/mplayer/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 572788
+Suggests: playdar
+Pkg-Description: music content resolver
+ Playdar is a music content resolver service - run it on every computer
+ you use, and you'll be able to listen to all the songs you would
+ otherwise be able to find manually by searching though all your
+ computers, hard disks, online services, and more.
+Homepage: http://www.playdar.org/
+License: MIT/X
+WNPP: 552120
+Suggests: pogo
+Pkg-Description: Probably the simplest and fastest audio player for Linux
+ Pogo plays your music. Nothing else. It is both fast and easy-to-use.
+ The clear interface uses the screen real-estate very efficiently. Other
+ features include:
+ Fast search on the harddrive and in the playlist, smart album grouping,
+ cover display, desktop notifications and no music library.
+ Pogo is a fork of Decibel Audio Player and supports most common audio
+ formats.
+ It is written in Python and uses GTK+ and gstreamer.
+Homepage: http://launchpad.net/pogo
+License: GPL2+
+WNPP: 666008
+Suggests: pragha
+Pkg-Description: A Lightweight GTK+ Music Player
+ A Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on
+ Gtk, sqlite, and completely written in C, constructed to be fast,
+ light, and simultaneously complete without obstructing the daily
+ work. Features:
+ * Library management using sqlite3.
+ * Queue list.
+ * Multiple views.
+ * OSD support with Libnotify.
+ * Tag Editing.
+ * mp3, ogg, flac, modplug, wav and Audio CD support.
+ * Last.fm submission.
+ * Playlist management (M3U Exporting).
+ * DBUS management interface.
+Homepage: http://pragha.wikispaces.com/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 592985
+Suggests: pythm
+Pkg-Description: media players (e.g. mpd, gstreamer, mplayer) GUI frontend
+ Pythm (Python + Rhythm) is a media player frontend, designed to control
+ gstreamer, mplayer or mpd with one GUI on mobile devices such as
+ OpenMoko's FreeRunner.
+Homepage: http://github.com/negi/pythm/tree/master
+License: GPL-2+
+WNPP: 518494
diff --git a/tasks/puredata b/tasks/puredata
index 08ef8a3..20c1521 100644
--- a/tasks/puredata
+++ b/tasks/puredata
@@ -156,6 +156,26 @@ Homepage: http://iem.at/
License: GPL
WNPP: 795901
+Depends: pd-iemgui
+Pkg-Decription: graphical objects for Pure Data
+ iemgui adds a number of graphical elements to Pure Data.
+ Some are general purpose, like the possibility to display images within
+ the patch or to grab mouse events in a specific region.
+ Other objects mainly deal with GUI-elements for positioning objects in
+ 2D- and 3D-spaces.
+Homepage: http://puredata.info/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 603180
+Depends: pd-iem-bin-ambi
+Pkg-Description: binaural spatial audio for Pure Data using Ambisonics
+ This library includes objects to render binaural 2D- and 3D-soundfields
+ (to be played back via headphones) within Pure Data, using the
+ Higher-Order Ambisonics approach.
+Homepage: http://ambisonics.iem.at/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 603178
Depends: pd-mrpeach
Pkg-Description: low-level communication objects for Pure Data
This library includes a number of independent submodules, most of them
diff --git a/tasks/soundsynthesis b/tasks/soundsynthesis
index 59a75b9..c0151bf 100644
--- a/tasks/soundsynthesis
+++ b/tasks/soundsynthesis
@@ -338,3 +338,15 @@ Pkg-Description: Java Virtual Organ
Homepage: http://jorgan.sourceforge.net/
License: GPL
WNPP: 666164
+Depends: psychosynth
+Pkg-Description: An interactive, collaborative and networked synthesizer
+ The Psychosynth project aims to create an interactive modular soft-synth
+ inspired by the ideas of the Reactable. We will try to provide a clean
+ object oriented API to allow the creation of new innovative interfaces
+ for the synthetizer and a 3D simulator of a Reactable-alike device with
+ support for collaborative music creation over the internet.
+Homepage: http://www.psychosynth.com/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 475842
+Pkg-URL: http://www.psychosynth.com/doku.php?id=debian
diff --git a/tasks/video b/tasks/video
index 8fff141..6d1d6ad 100644
--- a/tasks/video
+++ b/tasks/video
@@ -603,3 +603,19 @@ Pkg-Description: simple GTK+ frontend for mpv
Homepage: https://github.com/gnome-mpv/gnome-mpv
License: GPL-3+
WNPP: 799536
+Depends: phonon-backend-mplayer
+Pkg-Description: mplayer backend for phonon
+ This package should provide the mplayer backend for phonon, like the
+ gstreamer and the xine ones.
+Homepage: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/multimedia/phonon-backends/mplayer/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 572788
+Depends: pixelstruct
+Pkg-Description: structure-from-motion visualizer for 3D scenes
+ pixelstruct provides a structure-from-motion visualizer for 3D scenes
+ reconstructed from photographs using Bundler.
+Homepage: http://da.vidr.cc/projects/pixelstruct/
+License: GPL
+WNPP: 606817
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