[SCM] ardour/master: Spelling patch applied upstream.

mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 19 22:14:15 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d38647acc4915cd7f551333e28831df4dbf90f3b
Author: Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz>
Date:   Tue Oct 20 00:14:07 2015 +0200

    Spelling patch applied upstream.

diff --git a/debian/patches/1000-spelling.patch b/debian/patches/1000-spelling.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d8ba5..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/1000-spelling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Description: Fix spelling errors
-Author: IOhannes m zmölnig
-Forwarded: yes
-Applied-Upstream: commit:ec06f2c49f1986493b5b9b6b684d00037c373f4f
-Last-Update: 2015-09-10
-This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
---- ardour.orig/libs/ardour/ardour/export_formats.h
-+++ ardour/libs/ardour/ardour/export_formats.h
-@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
- 	bool has_sample_format ();
- 	bool sample_format_is_compatible (SampleFormat format) const;
--	/* If the format has a specific sample format, this function should be overriden
-+	/* If the format has a specific sample format, this function should be overridden
- 	 * if the format has a selectable sample format, do not override this!
- 	 */
- 	virtual SampleFormat get_explicit_sample_format () const { return SF_None; }
--	/* If the above is not overriden, this one should be */
-+	/* If the above is not overridden, this one should be */
- 	virtual ExportFormat::SampleFormat default_sample_format () const { return SF_None; }
---- ardour.orig/libs/ardour/plugin_insert.cc
-+++ ardour/libs/ardour/plugin_insert.cc
-@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
- 	if (ac) {
- 		ac->set_value(val);
- 	} else {
--		warning << "set_parameter called for nonexistant parameter "
-+		warning << "set_parameter called for nonexistent parameter "
- 			<< EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol(param) << endmsg;
- 	}
---- ardour.orig/libs/ardouralsautil/request_device.c
-+++ ardour/libs/ardouralsautil/request_device.c
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
- \n\
- " ARD_PROG_NAME " by default announces itself as \"" ARD_APPL_NAME "\"\n\
- and uses the maximum possible priority for requesting the device.\n\
--These settings can be overriden using the -n and -p options respectively.\n\
-+These settings can be overridden using the -n and -p options respectively.\n\
- \n\
- If a PID is given the tool will watch the process and if that is not running\n\
- release the device and exit.  Otherwise " ARD_PROG_NAME " runs until\n\
---- ardour.orig/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sink.h
-+++ ardour/libs/audiographer/audiographer/sink.h
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- 	/** Process given data
- 	  * Data may be modified, so in place processing is allowed.
- 	  * The default implementation calls the non-modifying version,
--	  * so this function does not need to be overriden.
-+	  * so this function does not need to be overridden.
- 	  * However, if the sink can do in-place processing,
- 	  * overriding this is highly recommended.
- 	  *
---- ardour.orig/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRAudioDeviceManager.cpp
-+++ ardour/libs/backends/wavesaudio/wavesapi/devicemanager/WCMRAudioDeviceManager.cpp
-@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
- //
- //! Device's block size we use for holding the audio samples.
- //! Usually this is equal to the buffer size, but in some cases the buffer size holds additional
--//!   data other then the audio buffers, like frames info in SG, so it can be overriden
-+//!   data other then the audio buffers, like frames info in SG, so it can be overridden
- //!
- //! \param none
- //! 
---- ardour.orig/libs/canvas/canvas/container.h
-+++ ardour/libs/canvas/canvas/container.h
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- 	/** The compute_bounding_box() method is likely to be identical
- 	 * in all containers (the union of the children's bounding boxes).
--	 * It can be overriden as necessary.
-+	 * It can be overridden as necessary.
- 	 */
- 	void compute_bounding_box () const;
---- ardour.orig/tools/bug_tool/ClientCookie/_ClientCookie.py
-+++ ardour/tools/bug_tool/ClientCookie/_ClientCookie.py
-@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@
-     Both RFC 2965 and Netscape cookies are covered.
-     The easiest way to provide your own policy is to override this class and
--    call its methods in your overriden implementations before adding your own
-+    call its methods in your overridden implementations before adding your own
-     additional checks.
-     import ClientCookie
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index c07d91b..5fdc4ce 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

ardour Debian packaging

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