[SCM] kodiplatform packaging annotated tag, upstream/16.0.0, created. upstream/16.0.0

rbalint at users.alioth.debian.org rbalint at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Sep 9 22:10:43 UTC 2015

The annotated tag, upstream/16.0.0 has been created
        at  ea47d7cef34a78eb1e5fb66105eebbfc3fafe758 (tag)
   tagging  ad2ff44ce7d78440189c9a86173540fce74fb32b (commit)
 tagged by  Balint Reczey
        on  Wed Sep 9 18:14:15 2015 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream release 16.0.0
Version: GnuPG v1


Adam Sutton (1):
      [platform] added new callback based Wait() method to CCondition

Arne Morten Kvarving (1):
      fixed: only install to multiarch paths if prefix is /usr

Cory Fields (1):
      atomics: sync with mainline for more sane intrinsic detection

Ken Dreyer (1):
      platform: update FSF address

Lars Op den Kamp (10):
      pvr add-ons: initial commit
      moved os-dependent.h defs to lib/platform
      sync with atomics from XBMC
      return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE when a call to RegisterMe() fails in ADDON_Create()
      fixed crash on exit when the socket couldn't be opened. closes #101
      fixed - timeout in SocketRead() could overflow, leading to (almost) infinite waits
      [tvheadend] refactor CHTSPConnection. fixed disconnection checks and reconnect when needed. consider the connection dropped if no data has been received for a while. shared connection between CHTSPDemux and CHTSPData. more efficient data reading
      return nb bytes read instead of the error code when data was read. credits @dezi. issue #181
      don't return early when poll failed, but do another read. issue #181
      use https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/platform as platform lib

Marcel Groothuis (2):
      Windows: Add inttypes.h for Windows to the platform library.
      platform: reorder platform dependent definitions and document the Wchar_t stuff

Memphiz (2):
      [darwin] - we need to obey the pthread func prototype void * might not be the same as a class pointer. This should fix deadhang on CreateThreads on some darwin runtimes.
      [c++11] - this is another c++ WTF award. We NEVER must use namespaces in headers. Removing using namespace std in all headers.

Rainer Hochecker (6):
      port socket fix from 918f59fbe26571f78231f380f3304fd164b19b10 to Windows
      fix potential wrong error code in posix socket
      allow shutdown on socket
      set socket to invalid if open fails, fixes false positive IsOpen response
      Merge pull request #435 from janbar/pthread_leak
      sync with cmake

Sam Stenvall (1):
      fix Windows build

Wolfgang Schupp (2):
      Merge pull request #1 from wsnipex/master
      Merge pull request #3 from notspiff/fix_multiarch

janbar (1):
      platform posix: fix memory leak in pthread

wsnipex (3):
      [debian] hardcode package version in changelog.in
      [debian] bump version forgotten in #5
      [debian] fix packaging after version bump

wsoltys (2):
      [WIN32] build pvr addons with vs2013.
      Merge pull request #309 from wsoltys/vs2013


kodiplatform packaging

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