[SCM] kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi packaging annotated tag, debian/1.10.10-1_etobi1, created. debian/1.10.10-1_etobi1

tiber-guest at users.alioth.debian.org tiber-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Sep 21 17:52:20 UTC 2015

The annotated tag, debian/1.10.10-1_etobi1 has been created
        at  033c0b19c1ef090ff9a6b442e14f88bcd562db68 (tag)
   tagging  2731caff7fa47eefdef79283ed19267a73b66fdb (commit)
 tagged by  Tobias Grimm
        on  Thu Sep 17 20:32:01 2015 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi Debian release 1.10.10-1~etobi1

Adam Sutton (1):
      Update all clients to include empty implentation of new timeshift API stubs.

Alwin Esch (1):
      Merge pull request #3 from AlwinEsch/fix-compiler-fault

AlwinEsch (5):
      Add new api 1.9.4 parts to all addons
      [vnsi] add deleted recordings support
      [vnsi] add rds support
      [addonlib] Change 'char*' return value to 'const char*' to fix compiler warnings on addon lib
      Fix compile error where header not found

Bernhard Froehlich (1):
      freebsd: Add FreeBSD platform to the addon.xml files

CSTAJ (1):
      [addons] - bumped versionnumber for all addons, adapted changelogs

Christian Fetzer (4):
      sync: Add ADDON_Announce to all addons
      sync: Add GetRecordingEdl stubs to all addons
      sync: Adapt CallMenuHook to API change
      win32: Make sure that all addon projects define TARGET_WINDOWS

Cory Fields (3):
      [droid] add android platform and ldflags
      [droid] update addon names
      packaging: only advertise a single platform for compatibility.

Daniel Scheller (1):
      Fix server plugin compilation against vdr-1.7.33

Garrett Brown (2):
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] Fix segfault when showing scan dialog if VDR is not connected
      Fix c/p error (timeshift setting was applied to priority

Kai Sommerfeld (1):
      Added new PVR API function getBackendHostname. Bumped PVR API version to 1.9.3

Ken Dreyer (1):
      vnsi: update FSF address

Lars Op den Kamp (26):
      pvr add-ons: initial commit
      updated add-ons after the PVR_ERROR changes
      api change: added GetChannelSwitchDelay(). Delay to use when using switching channels for add-ons not providing an input stream.
      get the add-on's XBMC_PVR_MIN_API_VERSION value to check compatibility. each PVR add-on needs to implement const char* GetMininumPVRAPIVersion(void)
      [vnsi] dropped -ldl
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'margro/frodo-timeshifting'. closes #50
      return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE when a call to RegisterMe() fails in ADDON_Create()
      sync UnknownToUTF8() changes
      win32: extension changed from .pvr to .dll
      bump all add-on versions to 1.6.x after api changes
      [tvheadend] [vnsi] bump add-on versions
      bump version numbers and only use 3 digits for version numbers
      make add-ons depends on xbmc.pvr version 1.6.0
      fix syntax for xbmc.pvr dep
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'fetzerch/announce' into pvrapi_1_7_0. Closes #171
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'fernetmenta/addongui' into pvrapi_1_7_0. Closes #162
      bump add-on versions and pvr api dependency version
      bump add-on versions after PVR API change
      vnsi: fix compilation after 298fcd35917190edb72d8b6f9715c268aff494a4
      removed avcodec.h and use callback methods from XBMC to get codec IDs instead. removed external ffmpeg check
      bump add-ons to 1.9.0. added stubs in dvblink
      Merge pull request #239 from Jalle19/fix-missing-streams
      Merge pull request #268 from FernetMenta/vnsi5
      Merge pull request #285 from FernetMenta/vnsiserver
      Merge pull request #297 from ktdreyer/fsf-update
      bump add-ons for PVR API bump

Lucian Muresan (1):
      vdr-vnsiserver Makefile vdr-1.7.36

Marcel Groothuis (3):
      Windows: add VC++ project file for the VDR vnsi pvr addon
      Windows: name the VS2010 projects after the addon name (format: pvr.addonname)
      Update the PVR addons with empty stubs for the new PVR API v1.5.0 functions

Memphiz (2):
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] - fix compilation with xcode6
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] - bump version to 1.9.15

MichaelAnders (3):
      vnsi: Add Wake-on-LAN support
      vnsi: fix typo in client.cpp which may reset host name
      vnsi: bump version to 1.9.12

Rainer Hochecker (145):
      vdr-plugin-vnsi: delay attaching streamer until PAT filter has all streams
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: align makefile to current version of vdr
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: silence compiler warnings
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: make network interface portable, consider byte alignment and padding
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: explicitly request streams we have demuxers for
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: rework handling of streams
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: do not log read/write error if socket was closed gracefully
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: send all stream props on with stream change, update language of audio streams
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: remove dead code
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: attach receiver before having seen pmt, use channels conf for demuxers if not pmt has been seen
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: drop incomplete and needless lookup table for pmt stream types
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: adopt AAC patch from tvheadend: https://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend/commit/3e3a197fa55e6e2850375822fb6e8a1dcbf96385
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: open demuxer for EAC3
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: align pmt filter with method in vdr
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add debug switch to makefile
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: distinguish aac adst from latm, implement parsing for adst
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix aac latm, use latm codec instead of repacking into adts
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: keep pat/pmt in sync with buffer
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: make pmt timeout a setup parameter
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix eac3
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix compile error for vdr versions lower 1.7.28
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix borked time stamps for ac3
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix hang on h264 streams if first frame is no i-frame
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: drop useless buffering of packets before i-frame
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix h264 parser, signed golomb adjust sps to spec
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix incorrectly named setup parameter
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: set default timeout for pmt fallback to 5
      vdr-pllugin-vnsiserver: drop ancient debug log
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: send audio config for AAC after ffmpeg was fixed
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: adjust makefile to vdr 1.7.34
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: adust makefile for better packaging
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: update GPLv2 license text
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: vdr osd
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: trigger epg update
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: osd - increase memory
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: revised socket
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: redesign for timeshift, revised parsers
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump version
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: timeshift
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: tag mux packet with a serial
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump version to 0.9.2
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: parse setup parameter before saving
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add file buffer for timeshift
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: replay recording in progress
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: set priority for livetv, allow interrupt by rocording
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: limit rescan for recording in progress
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix subtitle errors in xbmc log
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: increase read cache
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: optimize file buffer method for timeshift
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add buffer status message
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: optimize recplayer
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add config option for timeshift buffer directory
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: do not transmit packates older than  first frame, avoids large disconts on start of playback
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: cleanup and fixes in pes parser
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: only observe pts wraps on audio and video streams
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix test harness
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: rework and fixes on video parsers
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver:  fix getting stuck by reading eof at end of segment
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix occasional incorrect timestamps after 505336e0b99306f95199d00f65bd7ef7ec2a9371
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix segfault when feeded with scrambled packets
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: atsc does not suppport mpeg2 audio, interpret pmt accordingly
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: increase max buffer size for pes packets
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: recplayer, drop NOATIME flag on open
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix potential segfault when reading incorrent pes header size
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: present specific parser errors to user
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: squash to specific errors
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix layer for mpeg audio
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: silence compiler warning
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: allow timeshift buffer in RAM to larger than 2 GB, change size_t to off_t
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: h264 parser - reset stream data on error
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: do not assume a pes header right after pusi for video streams
      vnsi: fix Makefile.am, did not include all objs
      vnsi: fix ReadMessage
      vnsi: bump version
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: check all timers for active recordings when opening a channel
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: FreeBSD patches, credits to Juergen Lock
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix seeking, only consider audio and video streams for searching
      vnsi: fix wrong format specifier in error log
      vnsi: add guilib as required addon xml
      vnsi: bump version to 1.8.4
      vnsi: fix loading on android by linking GLESv2
      adapt addons to pvr api change, add timeshift buffer methods
      VNSI: fix incorrect version of addon.gui
      VNSI: add new timeshift functions
      VNSI: add edl support
      VNSI: bump version to 1.9.5
      VNSI: bump protocol version to 5
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: send buffer times for timeshift
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add edl support
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump protocol version to 5
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump version to 0.9.3
      VNSI: adapt skin files to left, top instead of posx, posy
      VNSI: add channel filter
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: add channel filter
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: do not set pts for dts on video streams
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: raise nice level for vnsi threads
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix a bug in epg auto update
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: update change log
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: check and reset modified flag for channels instead of looking at file
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix latm, wrong codec name
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix incorrect language on audio and subs
      vnsi: fix build error on Windowns
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: detect latm and adts by parsing
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: update length of recording
      vnsi: update length of recording
      vnsi: bump version to 1.9.6
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: bump version to 0.9.4
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: drop old debug logging
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix compile error after vdr 2.1.4
      vnsi: add skin file for AEON NOX 5, thanks to BigNoid
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: implement status msg channelchange
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: correct flag for GetDevice, credits to manio
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix thread priorities
      vnsi: bump version
      vnsi: allow protocol version of server to be higher
      Merge pull request #275 from FernetMenta/vnsi5
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: move to own repo https://github.com/FernetMenta/vdr-plugin-vnsiserver
      Merge pull request #299 from garbear/fix-crash
      VNSI: add icon path to channels
      VNSI: bump max size of timeshift buffer ram
      VNSI: label alignment fixes for skin confluence
      VNSI: bump version to 1.9.11
      vnsi: adapt to addon gui version bump
      vnsi: only consider video and audio streams for playing time
      Revert "[addonlib] Change 'char*' return value to 'const char*' to fix compiler warnings on addon lib"
      bump addon versions after revert b4696cef2ec800e76a81b18e1d4072ace127c70a
      vnsi: fix playing time
      sync with cmake
      add check for DX9 to cmake
      yield copyright, credits to Arne Morten Kvarving
      sync to API changes
      Merge pull request #1 from FernetMenta/sync
      fix debian template for changelog
      sync to pvr API 1.9.6
      Merge pull request #4 from FernetMenta/sync
      platform sources changes repo
      bump version to 1.10.5
      fix leftover from moving to platform
      fix priority, it used index instead of value
      Merge pull request #9 from FernetMenta/prio
      bump version to 1.10.6
      Merge pull request #10 from FernetMenta/prio
      add a timethift method to the pvr api, fix the existing ones because those are not called from demuxer thread
      bump version to 1.10.7
      Merge pull request #12 from FernetMenta/sync

Ryan Gribble (1):
      Add PostBuildEvent to all pvr addon projects that robocopies their output to the local xbmc addons directory, when the project is part of the "XBMC for Windows" solution

Sam Stenvall (9):
      refactoring xbmc_stream_utils.hpp completely in order to fix
      add xbmc_codec_descriptor.hpp to reduce code duplication
      fix some compiler warnings
      change library name prefixes to "Kodi_"
      bump all versions after the library name change
      forgot to update some makefiles (Windows search tricked me into
      update the .dll names in the Release configuration too
      add changelog.txt and addon.xml.in to VS projects, this makes it
      bump addon versions

Stefan Saraev (6):
      vdr 2.1.2 buildfix
      vnsi5: confluence color fixes
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] settings: onFocus fixes
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] - bump version to 1.9.16
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] exit osd window on vdr osd close
      [pvr.vdr.vnsi] bump version to 1.9.28

Tobias Grimm (2):
      Dropped -dbg package in favour of ddebs

Wolfgang Schupp (2):
      Merge pull request #2 from FernetMenta/sync
      Merge pull request #8 from wsnipex/master

alanwww1 (7):
      [lang] November update of language files
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex with version bumps and changelog entries
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex

etobi (16):
      Initial team maintained packaging with myself as uploader
      Move to 3.0(quilt) source package format
      Added Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser tags
      Updated debian/copyright
      Bumped standards version to 3.9.6
      Fixed build dependencies
      Added patch to use "cec-platform" instead of "platform"
      kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi-dbg belongs into section 'debug'
      Improved the package description
      Added dependency of the debug package to the addon package
      Added dependency to kodi (>= 15.1+dfsg1-4)
      Make sure no ldconfig calls are created in psotinst/postrm
      Replaces: xbmc-pvr-vdr-vnsi
      Build for multi-arch
      Mark package to be an enhancement of the package kodi
      Fixed libgl* build dependencies

h.udo (5):
      Merge pull request #6 from FernetMenta/sync
      Merge pull request #15 from hudokkow/bump
      [debian packaging]: fix library install path
      bump add-on for Isengard release
      Merge pull request #19 from hudokkow/bump4final

hudokkow (1):
      Bump add-on (libplatform dependency)

janbar (1):
      [addons] bump versions of addons using XbmcPvrStream

txtranslation (7):
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex

unknown (3):
      vnsi: osd - update vs project
      vnsi: add osd rendering for DX
      vnsi: correct vs project after adding dx

wsnipex (2):
      [ios] fix GLES detection
      [debian] fix packaging with multi-arch

wsoltys (3):
      [WIN32] build pvr addons with vs2013.
      [WIN32] changed vs project files to the new toolset.
      Merge pull request #309 from wsoltys/vs2013

xbmc (46):
      vnsi: add server plugin
      vnsi: missed makefile for server plugin
      vnsi: make network interface portable
      vnsi: set stream properties properly, now stream get opened before CONTENT_INFO
      vnsi: missed one parameter in 57056f2ce80b91d70d8e8493677895dec8488446
      vnsi: having no signal quality is no error
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix freeze of streaming, thanks to manio who tracked this down for xvdr
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: take correct action in case of demuxer returns error
      vnsi: set all stream parameters in GetStreamProperties
      drop StreamIdx in PVR_STREAM_PROPERTIES
      vdr-pllugin-vnsiserver: bump version, drop backwards compatibility for now
      vnsi: bump version, proper handling of client create/destroy
      vnsi: reworked handling of streams, keep order of streams on stream change
      vnsi: receive all stream properties with a stream change, send stream change if there is a change in properties like language
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: update readme, set correct path to source
      vnsi: update provider name in addon.xml
      vnsi: use latm codec, the server no longer encapsulates latm into adts
      vnsi: set stream count to zero in case of invalid data during StreamChange
      vnsi: reset userData point in response packet after having read header, fixes segfault in case of error
      Revert "vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: drop useless buffering of packets before i-frame"
      add version for addongui lib
      vnsi: vdr osd
      vnsi: trigger epg update
      vnsi: osd - check if wndId is out of bounds
      vnsi: drop dead code: SendPing
      vnsi: osd - correct colors
      vnsi: close connection on packet sync error
      vnsi: timeshift support
      vnsi: add settings page for setup
      vnsi: bump protocol version to 4
      vnsi: timeshift, tag mux packets with a serial
      vnsi: add file buffer for timeshift
      vnsi: set priority for live tv
      vnsi: check version of guiaddon lib
      vnsi: dont scan timer titles for directory delimiters
      vnsi: add timeshift buffer status
      vnsi: add gles rendering for vdr ui
      vnsi: add skin file for aeon.nox
      vnsi: rework settings dialog for skin clonfluence
      vnsi: fix fallback method for skins
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: raise max value for timeshift buffers
      vnsi: raise max value for timeshift buffers
      vnsi: bump version to 1.8.0
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: update headers
      vdr-plugin-vnsiserver: fix compile error for loder vdr versions
      vnsi: disable callback PVRRecording, fixes deadlock

xhaggi (1):
      [addons] bump api version to 1.9.1


kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi packaging

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