[SCM] ffmpeg packaging annotated tag, debian/7%2.8-1, created. debian/7%2.8-1

aca-guest at users.alioth.debian.org aca-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 22 19:25:33 UTC 2015

The annotated tag, debian/7%2.8-1 has been created
        at  7558729ae645d74e65b9eb5f709de7bbc7fe8e79 (tag)
   tagging  26a1395136ba17f35686c312a9765c2a23f2891e (commit)
  replaces  debian/7%2.7.2-2
 tagged by  Andreas Cadhalpun
        on  Tue Sep 22 21:24:35 2015 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
ffmpeg Debian release 7:2.8-1

Andreas Cadhalpun (17):
      Imported Upstream version 2.8
      Merge tag 'upstream/2.8'
      Remove the transitional lib*-ffmpeg-dev packages.
      Drop old Breaks on kodi-bin.
      Drop workaround for sparc, which is no Debian architecture anymore.
      Re-enable x265 on alpha, as it's available again.
      Disable unavailable frei0r, opencv and x264 on mips64el.
      Disable libopenjpeg (#787275) and libschroedinger (#787957) decoders. (Closes: #786670)
      Disable libdc1394 on sparc64, because it links against the broken due to #790560 libudev1.
      Enable libsnappy support.
      Add new symbols.
      Update debian/copyright.
      Update debian/tests/encdec_list.txt.
      finalize changelog
      Add hls-only-seek-if-there-is-an-offset.patch. (Closes: #798189)
      Add 'Breaks: libavutil-ffmpeg54 (>= 8:0)' to the libraries.
      update changelog

Fabian Greffrath (3):
      Pass the --dbg-package=ffmpeg-dbg parameter only to dh_strip.
      Add alternative Depends: libavcodec-ffmpeg-extra56 to libavcodec-dev and ffmpeg-dbg to allow for building and debugging with this library installed.
      revert syntax error


ffmpeg packaging

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