[SCM] opencollada packaging annotated tag, debian/0.1.0_20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1-2, created. debian/0.1.0_20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1-2

rene at users.alioth.debian.org rene at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Sep 26 18:41:55 UTC 2015

The annotated tag, debian/0.1.0_20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1-2 has been created
        at  43ea2221b3840fd4546a9364fe5c84eb40df5363 (tag)
   tagging  70b56f605a6b658194ba9dbd4d2317edc7d7aa13 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.1.0_20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1
 tagged by  Rene Engelhard
        on  Sat Sep 26 20:41:15 2015 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
opencollada Debian release 0.1.0~20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1-2

Matteo F. Vescovi (17):
      Initial packaging skeleton
      debian/opencollada-tools.install: OpenCOLLADAValidator => opencolladavalidator
      Revert "OpenCOLLADAValidator => opencolladavalidator"
      debian/: autotools-dev usage added
      debian/changelog: UNRELEASED => unstable
      debian/copyright: massive update
      debian/control: Uploader email address updated
      debian/control: S-V bump 3.9.5 => 3.9.6 (no changes needed)
      debian/changelog: uploader and timestamp updated
      debian/copyright: massive update
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.0_20140703.ddf8f47+dfsg1'
      debian/changelog: updated to use new repack
      debian/copyright: additional entries licensed under ISC
      debian/changelog: UNRELEASED => unstable
      debian/changelog: unreleasing, again!
      debian/copyright: missing GFDL license added
      debian/changelog: UNRELEASED => unstable

Rene Engelhard (20):
      add myself to Uploaders:
      don't disable VERBOSE
      remove debian/watch, there's no matching tags anyway
      remove unneeded build-dependencies
      point Source: to https://github.com/khronosGroup/OpenCOLLADA/ in copyright
      remoe get-orig-source
      don't define variables to values which are already default in CMakeLists.txt
      this is completelxy new, make this urgency=low, despite what dch defaults to
      fix libopencollada-devs Description
      rname libopencollada-dev to opencollada-dev
      remoe bogus libopencollada-dev dependency from opencollada-tools
      fix OpenCOLLADAConfig.cmake.in
      add .pc to .gitignore
      make opencollada-dev depend on libpcre3-dev and libxml2-dev
      compile with -fPIC
      actually commit series for fPIC.diff
      move OpenCOLLADAValidator to 7usr/lib/opencollada and add lowercase usr/bin symlink
      import patch from LibreOffice to not define LIBXML_STATIC in GeneratedSaxParser
      mention GFDL of expat/doc/xmlmw.*
      rebuild with gcc 5


opencollada packaging

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