[SCM] multimedia-blends/master: Add sayonara RFP to players task

ross-guest at users.alioth.debian.org ross-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Sep 29 16:23:11 UTC 2015

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 8d8131ede42203dde258db3dd4d6ca7af50a1f57
Author: Ross Gammon <rossgammon at mail.dk>
Date:   Tue Sep 29 18:19:31 2015 +0200

    Add sayonara RFP to players task

diff --git a/tasks/players b/tasks/players
index 3c4ad58..41ccf57 100644
--- a/tasks/players
+++ b/tasks/players
@@ -394,3 +394,17 @@ Pkg-Description: audio player and web browser based on the Songbird
 Homepage: http://getnightingale.com/
 License: GPL
 WNPP: 712631
+Depends: sayonara
+Pkg-Description: Music player and collection manager
+ Sayonara is a small and lightweight music player. Its main focus is on
+ managing libraries and playing sound out of it. It contains a music
+ library, custom playlists, dynamic playlists, MP3 converter, ID3 Tag
+ Editor, radio broadcasting, web streaming, an equalizer, lyrics, stream
+ recorder, podcasts support, LastFM scrobbling and a lot of more. There's
+ also a public API for implementing integration of web-services like
+ Soundcloud (already implemented). Sayonara is currently available in 11
+ languages.
+Homepage: http://sayonara-player.com/
+License: GPL-3
+WNPP: 800406

multimedia-blends packaging

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