[SCM] juce/master: dummy help-text for help2man

umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Feb 11 19:27:49 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a085131eaa8206cba01f4d9fb29f17bc93c9aa6f
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at umlautQ.umlaeute.mur.at>
Date:   Thu Feb 11 20:12:51 2016 +0100

    dummy help-text for help2man
    for whatever reasons Introjucer segfaults in the pbuilder environment.
    it works outside though...

diff --git a/debian/scripts/Introjucer-help2man b/debian/scripts/Introjucer-help2man
index 3961868..36cbe5f 100755
--- a/debian/scripts/Introjucer-help2man
+++ b/debian/scripts/Introjucer-help2man
@@ -11,19 +11,27 @@ fi
 case "$1" in
-    ${INTROJUCER} -h 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|^ Introjucer --| --|'
+    #${INTROJUCER} -h 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|^ Introjucer --| --|'
+    cat <<EOL
+Usage: Introjucer [--help] [options]
+The Introjucer is JUCE's own software project management workbench.
+It provides a Graphical User Interface to create your own JUCE based projects,
+and allows you to create various build systems (Makefiles, XCode projects,
+Visual Studio Projects,...).
+Generic Options:
+ --help
+    get a list of available cmdline arguments
     #${INTROJUCER} -h
-    #echo "JUCE $(dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion | cut -d: -f2- | sed -e 's|-[^-]*$||' -e 's|.repack$||')"
-    echo "JUCE"
-    ;;
-  -t|--test)
-    ls -l "${INTRODUCER}" "${LIBJUCE_PATH}"
-    sleep 100
+cat <<EOL
+Copyright © ROLI Ltd.

juce packaging

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