[SCM] calf audio plugins packaging annotated tag, debian/0.0.60-2, created. debian/0.0.60-2
js at users.alioth.debian.org
js at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Feb 22 09:44:16 UTC 2016
The annotated tag, debian/0.0.60-2 has been created
at 0da2b2c95384fa73bbfe4ae993d133372c05cbb8 (tag)
tagging 6aeeb7bd2f8d6bfdb4cb92e82112a9783a83978e (commit)
replaces debian/0.0.60-1
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Mon Feb 22 03:12:50 2016 +0100
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
calf Debian release 0.0.60-2
Version: GnuPG v1
Adrian Knoth (2):
Replace jquery.prettyPhoto.js with unminified version
Replace jquery.js with unminified version
Christian Holschuh (18):
Analyzer: default value changes, gonio level fader removed
Analyzer help
Transient Designer: much cleaner operation - with greetings from the 30C3 after brainstorming with Krzysztof, Chrischi and Markus
Transient Designer: working on cleaner sound
more transient working
transient designer in the middle of nowhere
Merge branch 'master' of http://repo.or.cz/r/calf
transient designer: fixed disconnect-reconnect bug
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
transient designer: cleaning up code
crusher: small change in crushroutine
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Bitreduction: anti-aliasing in linear mode
Bitreduction: anti-aliasing in logarithmic mode
crusher: added comments for mathematical background in AA
Multiband Limiter: Explaining the multiband coefficient
Sidechain Limiter
Merge conflict
Damien Zammit (16):
Initial commit
Merge https://github.com/zamaudio/calf-LR4
Updated my email. Fixed denormal NaN float detection on little-endian cpu.
Added LR4 crossover filters to Multibandcompressor.
Restricted Multibandcompressor to LR4 filters only,
Added new plugin 'RIAA PhonoEQ'.
Added more features to PhonoEQ, more filter choices, and reverse filter.
Changed gui layout.
Removed 50kHz processing, added lowpass at 21kHz.
New MonoCompressor plugin with new feedforward design and smooth decoupled peak detector.
Fixed MonoCompressor: graph, denormals, presets, stability.
Altered gui slightly and removed redundant controls.
Platform independent sanitize_denormal
Surname, initialisations, denormals
Remove unneccessary denormalizing
Add CD emphasis to phono EQ; Rename phono EQ to Emphasis
Daniel Winzen (1):
Increase performance
David Robillard (1):
Mark enum ports as lv2:enumeration so hosts display selectors.
Erik Ackermann (4):
Fix incorrect calculation of IntBits. Fix over-shifting of int by explicitly making type ULL.
Add LV2_DEPS_* and FFTW3_DEPS_* vars to allow build to correctly compile if these libs are not in the standard system dirs.
Conditionally include malloc.h (APPLE includes its functions in stdlib.h)
Fix member access op from '.' to '->' (g++ only warns but clang fails)
Hans Baier (34):
Implement double click to default value for knob
Merge branch 'master' of git://repo.or.cz/calf
Add crosshairs cursor for frequency displays
Revert crosshairs in pulsator
Extend .gitignore to ignore eclipse project files
Implement Frequency Handles on linegraph
Implement frequency handles, first working version, may need some cleanup
Remove underscores from GUI XML attributes
Implement double click to preset on FreqHandles
Add FreqHandles To Deesser
Remove frequency knobs from Multibandlimiter
Multibandcompressor: Replace Frequency Knobs by Graph and fix bug: Filter mode blissfully ignored by plugin
Multibandlimiter: fix height of combo box
Multibandlimiter: Fix wrong tab pos of value elems due to removal of freq knobs
Another shot at multibandcompressor GUI with Freq Graph, please review
Make Multibandgate Frequency-Graph capable merry copy-and-paste session / fix missing update of mode ivar
Revert frequency knob removal in multiband limiter
Make enforcement of handle order optional, make minimum handle distance configurable and default to 0.01
Fix bug: Although handles are not ordered, they still should obey linegraph bounds
Implement FreqHandle labels and add labeled FreqHandles to EQs
Make label offset from upper rim uniformly the height of 1 "M" add labels to De-Esser
Add FreqHandle goodness to sidechaincompressor/gate
Refactoring LineGraph expose method: Extract functions to make the giant spaghetti a bit more readable
Add Frequency Graph with handles to Multibandgate
Implement two dimensional Graph Handles for
Merge changes; Note: handling of x coords broke in x/y during the merge, needs fix.
Fix merge bugs
LineGraph: Extract method for background drawing, remove brackets
HScale/VScale: Implement double click to default
Remove debugging output in custom_ctl.cpp
H/V Scale: Increase timeout to 200ms on double click for more reliable operation
Linegraph: Implement third handle dimension (Q)
Make adjusting Q a bit smoother
LineGraph: Move boundary checks for third handle dimension to where they belong
Joerg Nettingsmeier (1):
Fix bug #50 Calf plugins from Git master not visible by hosts anymore
Jonas Smedegaard (35):
Extract metadata from images before copyright check. Build-depend on libimage-exiftool-perl libregexp-assemble-perl libipc-system-simple-perl lcdf-typetools.
Update Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser URLs.
Update copyright info: Extend coverage for main upstream authors. Join same-license Files sections. Fix add License section ISC."
Unfuzz patch 1002, and tidy DEP-3 header.
Add patch 1001 to resolve paths from autoconf, adjust location of documentation, and use separately packaged Javascript.
Add patch 2001 to use jQuery.colorbox (not jQuery.prettyPhoto).
Update copyright info: Extend coverage of packaging, and fix bump license to GPL-3+.
Update copyright info: Fix update Files sections for LV2 header files.
Update copyright info: Fix add Files sections for jQuery-related files, and License section for its Expat license.
Update Homepage.
Update source URLs.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.7.
Modernize Vcs-* fields: Use https protocol.
Update copyright info: Extend copyright of packaging to cover current year.
Update copyright info: Extend copyright of autotools files.
Revert "Delete /usr/share/doc/calf"
Put aside and regenerate autotools during build. Stop include include autoreconf.mk.
Tidy rules file: reorder variables by roughly order of use.
Update copyright info: Use License short-name FSFUL (and derivations).
Update copyright info: Use License short-name X11.
Update copyright info: Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney.
Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450.
Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
Tidy rules file: Suppress versioned debhelper build-dependency.
Add lintian override regarding debhelper 9.
Update TODO file: Drop items now done.
Fix rename TODO file to get included in binary package.
Tidy TODO file: Use similar syntax as changelog.
Fix documentation install path.
Add lintian override for false positive regarding suspiciously large javascript code.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Imported Upstream version 0.0.60
Merge tag 'upstream/0.0.60'
Modernize git-buildpackage config: Avoid git- prefix.
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Krzysztof Foltman (125):
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ilinegraph'
Add hand cursor when hovering the frequency handles.
Whitespace fix - no functional change.
Reduce zipper noise on frequency changes in EQ plug-ins.
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Attempt at fixing vumeters for number of channels != 2
Start work on automation in JACK host.
Add internal map of CC -> parameter.
Implement GUI refresh for automation. Still no way to configure it.
Add some *non-working* automation GUI code.
First semi-working version of the MIDI parameter automation.
Add support for range mapping in MIDI automation.
Add an option to disable the VU meters in the JACK host window.
Respect the "show VU meters" flag for newly-added plugins, too
JACK host: Calculate correct index for the MIDI indicator even when VU meters are disabled.
Do not update the LED when no state change occurred.
Avoid frequent updates of a minimized host window.
Allow minimizing plugin windows, use slower refresh rates when minimized.
Fix plugin URIs in the preset data.
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Distortion code: Add missing variable initialisation.
VU meters: simplify code, add handling for NULL params (fixes Ardour crash?)
EQ: initialize variables
Make sure FFTW plan is never recalculated in realtime code.
LV2: a hack to make the right channel input connectionOptional.
Automation: implement basic serialization of single items.
Automation: add save/load of automation data to rack save/load functionality
Cleanup: nuke all uses of sprintf, it's the only way to be sure.
Automation: add untested implementation of automation save/load to LASH session code. Anybody still using LASH?
JACK host: somewhat incomplete implementation of JACK session support.
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Cleanup: move line_graph_background to a custom controls-related file.
JACK host: use canonicalized argv[0] for a command in the session.
JACK host: do not canonicalize a default name (calfjackhost)
Cleanup: fix warnings about deprecated GLib/GObject initialization functions
Cleanups: constify
Cleanups: remove unused typedef
Monosynth: fix uninitialised variable
Monosynth: cleanup, initialise last_stretch1.
Build system: eliminate GTK+ pixmap related warnings and update obsolete syntax
Multiple plugins: untemplatize filter, change precision to double to avoid artifacts on low frequencies.
Monosynth: do not call reset from constructor, as it requires a sample rate which is not set at that point
Cleanup: remove label component from the controls (it was never used)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Cleanups: lifecycle management fixes
Cleanups: more lifecycle fixes
Monosynth: fix another uninitialised variable
Wavetable: make it work (sorta) again
Wavetable: implement waveform graphs
Wavetable: Make modulation matrix work, add velocity-to-envelope fixed routing
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Wavetable: add fixed EG1->Amp routing
Fluidsynth: unbreak the GUI
Fluidsynth: avoid creating the Fluidsynth engine with incorrect sample rate setting
Fluidsynth: slightly less risky variant of my last commit
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Reverb: increase the max pre-delay to 0.5s
Wavetable: implement very basic LFO
Framework: attempt at avoiding input buffers that contain NaN/inf/+192dBFS signals
Framework: add protection against plugin's own misbehaviour
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Fluidsynth: multichannel support in the GUI
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Wavetable, Organ: make basic_synth closer to RT-safe by removing dynamic allocation from RT threads
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Organ, Fluidsynth: remove unused initializers
Framework: refactor defaults for configure variables; use for Wavetable defaults and Fluidsynth presets
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Monosynth: normalize the waveforms
Wavetable: fix scaling for env1->amp; fix units for osc mix destination
Wavetable: make modwheel work
Wavetable: make EG1->Amp a default setting
Wavetable: add pitchbend support, key follow mod source and pitch mod destination
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Wavetable, Organ: fix crash when running out of voices
Monosynth: add unison in osc 2
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Monosynth: add Osc1 transpose
Sidechain plugins: Fix a crash on install due to missing names for extra ports
Organ: update label
Monosynth: add unison-related mod destinations
LV2: Add EQ class and few other missing classes to makerdf
Vintage delay: bpm is an input parameter, not an output one.
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Framework: implementation of "seamless" bypass
Saturator: example use of seamless bypass
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Build system: add forward declaration of jack_host.
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
An attempt to fix ticket #58.
GUI: fix bitmask conflict that broke the generated LV2
GUI: Move cairo-dependent code from giface.h, as an attempt to fix build problems.
Analyzer: ditch FFTW in favour of crappy DIY solution
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
don't flag gain ports as dB
Autohell: fixes to achive builds
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Emphasis: Fix race condition.
Man page: update to add new options.
Revert "Compiler warnings because of signed/unsigned int comparison".
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
Compare to a signed value. It assumes that sizeof(long long) > sizeof(int).
Autohell: update version number
ChangeLog: update (about time...)
GUI: attempt to fix container object leak.
Autohell, Presets: attempted fix - take presets file from correct location on make install.
LV2: HACK: forbid unloading the .so until lifecycle issues get resolved.
LV2: less heavy-handed approach to lifecycle issues
Revert "LV2: less heavy-handed approach to lifecycle issues"
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
GUI: Clean up creation of GUIs, hopefully fixing the crash-on-destroy this time.
Update version number.
LV2: falktx's patch to ignore port events after closing the GUI
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/calf
GUI: unregister controls from the GUI manager when they're destroyed. Destroy controls before container window in JACK host.
LV2: more (attempted?) fixes for lifecycle bugs.
GUI: restore a line accidentally removed during refactoring.
Autohell: Set version.
Autohell: update version.
Fix some 'signal feedback loop' bugs that caused bug #70.
Autohell: update version number
Autohell: time for a release!
Markus Schmidt (492):
No graphs over frames anymore! And a more decent cross hairs.
freqhandles are switchable via choosable widget
Switchable handles via other widgets
New design for handles
merge conflicts and more light
lights in phase graph
styles for all kinds of handles
Layout of multiband devices
Hiding handles on init in Ardour
Line graph handles in manuals
Equalizer manuals renamed
M-S processing in equalizers
unecessary stuff
M-S processing in equalizers
m-s processing individual in every band
equalizers with stereo|left|right|mid|side-processing
vumeters fixed
Comp-Delay: temperature, bypass, UI
switched gtk_signal_connect to g_signal_connect (better emission of signals)
fix dissappearing popupmenus
first implementation of value entry popups (finally setting values doesn't work atm)
more gtk_signal_connect -> g_signal_connect
set values entered via text entry
set values entered via text entry
merge conflict
remove unneccessary stuff
initial plugin frame, first (broken) tries with envelope follower
more stuff - still complete snafu
some more changes, still buggy
value changes
better release reduction
better reduction to 0 via ampfactor
value changes
value changes
initial leds
led's stripped
led's stripped
initial line graph
more line-graph
at least line-graph shows ... something
at least line-graph shows ... something
new UI, minor changes
line graph with running waveform
more line graph
first working line graph
mixing knob
bypass line graph
initial display hold
display hold
display hold
more reduction/expansion in attack phase
debug floatingpoint exception
debug floatingpoint exception
debug floatingpoint exception
faster attack for envelope curve
stronger graphs and def values in trans designer
manual for transient designer
help stuff
new and cleaner backgrounds, cleanup background mess, optical stuff in manuals
bugfix in line graph, graph fix in transient designer, bugfix with mono plugs in jackhost, more comments in transient designer
max values instead of average in Transient Designers line graph
initioal tape saturator plugin
transient designer extracted as audio module
tape saturator: more changes
tape saturator: more changes
tape saturator: more changes
tape saturator: more changes
tape saturator: more changes
tape saturator: mechanical errors via LFO and filter
tape saturator: magnetical transients
error in calf.rc with new backgrounds
Merge branch 'master' into tape_saturator
error in calf.rc with new backgrounds
tape saturator: ui improvements
tape saturator: more dot stuff
tape saturator: more dot stuff
tape saturator: ui improvements
tape saturator: curve completed
tape saturator: ui
manuals/docs stuff
tape simulator: better mechanical lfo, default values
tape simulator: saturation curve without mix
tape simulator: muffle switch (post fader)
tape simulator: manual image
Tape Simulator: additional phasing in mechanical, Transient Designer: release improvements
Tape Simulator: phasing improvement
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Merging Damiens Repository containing
Multiband Compressor: Implementation of LR8-Xover and UI
first (broken) implementation of crossover class
rearranged plugin appearance in menu by category
removed some compiler warnings
Massive cleanup in modules files
More Crossover
Crossover running (except graphs)
Meterings in X-Over, UI improvements on all crossover-implementing plugins
Graphs in all crossover modules
xover2 and xover3
Initial work on the new line graph concept
xovers as templates, xovers with phase and delay, crossover with LR2
mix knobs in compressor, sidechain compressor and mono compressor
More work on line graph
Chrischis fixes for Analyzer: stereodiff and stereoimage with logarithmic display, goniometer with auto-level via envelope follower, minor bug fix
Analyzer: default value changes, gonio level fader removed
Merge master remote
More line graph stuff
Merge branch 'master' into line_graph
More Line Graph
surfaces all blank
first working version in xover, xoverN bug fixes
Line Graph: Compressor, dotted lines, smooth lines
Line Graph: all comp and expanders
Line Graph: implementation of new concept with a bitmask for layers
Line Graph: move line graph to its own file
analyzer: minor speed up by replacing pow() in get_graph
(merge conflicts)
phonoEQ, LineGraph: more adaption of bitmaks concept - all filter modules, organ (untested by now)
Line Graph: tapesimulator (untested)
Line Graph: Mono Synth (untested)
Line Graph: Analyzer (untested)
Line Graph: Multiband Limiter (untested)
Line Graph: Flanger, Phaser, Pulsator (untested)
Line Graph: Equalizer, Flanger and Phaser with lower resolution and centered offset
Line Graph: Multi Chorus (untested)
cleanup some comments
Line Graph: All Compressors/Expanders (untested)
Line Graph: Dashes as channel selector (untested)
Line Graph: mainly lots of compiler errors
Line Graph: first successful build of new concept (binge\!)
some graphical updates (less bevel)
Line Graph: all crossover implementations
New Multiband Limiter layout
Line Graph: Multiband Compressor and Multiband Gate
Line Graph: Sidechain devices
Equalizers: new UI, bugfixes in Line Graph
Equalizers: new UI, bugfixes in Line Graph
Line Graph: Filter, Filterklavier, PhonoEQ; new UI for PhonoEQ
Line Graph: Tape Simulator
Line Graph: Mono Synth
Tape Simulator: new UI
PhonoEQ: centered freq resp
Smaller Compressor and Gate
Multiband Compressor/Gate: Notebook Layout
Deesser UI, Multiband UI
Analyzer: Redraw of grid; spectralizer and some grids *still broken*
Minor widget improvements
Optical stuff like buttons and notebooks
Optical stuff
MonoCompressor: new UI
Line Graph: Passes with wider handles
Solo/Bypass-LED in multiband stuff, naming conventions
Reordered knobs in multiband devices
Analyzer: correct grids for Stereo Image, Stereo Difference and Spectralizer
Changes to MB comp/gate UI; Initial implementtion of moving surfaces to line graph; Initial implementation of analyzer class
Patch from Michael Fisher to prevent compiler errors on Apple computers
More Analyzer extraction; bug in analyzer grid for stereo image
More line graph/analyzer stuff
More line graph/analyzer stuff
Analyzer: laggy grid
Multi Chorus: frequency grid
Equalizer: initial implementation of individual curves; Bugfix in line graph cross hairs
Equalizer: individual band graphs
Multi Chors improvements
Equalizers: zoomable line graphs
Line Graph: redraw handles if zoom changes
Nicer and less disturbing backgrounds for line graph
Restore sanitize_denormal
Phono EQ: slight changes to UI
Symetrical ins/outs
Line graph background for phase graph
Analyzer: initial spectralizer mode (broken by now)
More debugging on moving surfaces for Analyzer spectralizer
Finally! Analyzers moving surfaces for spectralizer working
Cairo Knob: first steps...
Minor line graph frequency handles improvements
Some line graph / Analyzer improvements
Line graph: replace level with resolution/offset to be more flexible
Equalizer with Analyzer; Line graph in EQ with variable offset
Analyzer in Equalizer
EQ/Analyzer: Minor bugfixes
Denormals again..
More subtle colors for EQ's Analyzer
Fix for high CPU bug in phase graph - finally we have creamy Analyzer
Massive cleanup in phase graph widget
Colors in Analyzer
Analyzer: Two new spectralizer stereo modes; Line Graph: more subtle grid lines
Manual matching
Manual images
Clipping in in/out VU meters only if > 3 samples raised over 0dB
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
More initialisation in distortion plugs
Corrected VU meters in Limiter and Multiband Limiter
vumeter class with dynamic amount of meters/param; Implemented in all Xovers for testing
Reflect bypass in Emphasis graph
New VU meters in Pulsator, Equalizer, Emphasis, Stereo Tools, Mono Input
New VU meters in Limiter, Multiband Limiter
New VU meters in Saturator, Bass Enhancer, Exciter
New VU meters in Reverb, Saturator, Bass Enhancer, Exciter
Bug in Equalizers with falling meters and analyzer when bypassed
New VU meters in Compressor, Sidechain Compressor, Multiband Compressor, Mono Compressor, Deesser, Gate, Sidechain Gate, Multiband Gate, Transient Designer
Stipped unused templates from plugin_tools
New knobs drawn with Cairo
more Cairo Knob..
Knobs more accurate
Bypass bug in M/B Limiter; Optical knob improvements
Knob 3
Knob 3 again
Knob 3 again and again
Redrawing curves in filters and equalizers inconsistent
Strip unneccessary falling buffer from Analyzer
Analyzer: move memory reset and fftw plan recreation to GUI thread; cleanup
Cairo Frame: first steps
Tips and Tricks updated
Inconsistencies in X-Over line graphs
CairoFrame: in the middle of nowhere
GTK containers as controls with optional param
Merge branch 'cairoframe'
GtkFrame drawn via Cairo (first step in getting rid of pixmap engine)
Multiband gear: switched positions of band vu meters
GtkComboBox drawn via Cairo
Cleanup in old combo images
Cairo ComboBox: fixed font size
Cairo combobox has brightness and 'off' state if first char of selection is whitespace (used in EQ)
GtkNotebook drawn via Cairo
Line Graph: seamless block mode (anti-aliasingfor multiband gear)
Colors in some comp/expander graphs
GtkRange (faders) drawn via Cairo
CalfFader lit when grabbed
Massive cleanup in gtkrc
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Trying to fix Gtk crash
New knob backgrounds; Minor graphical improvements
GtkToggle and GtkButton replaced by custom Cairo widgets; No radioButton by now - workaround: add combos to sidechain gear
GtkTreeView style; minor optical improvements
Monosynth Audio Path
Pulsator: bug with init line graph, UI
Menu prelight text colour
Init graph in Multi Chorus
Sidechain gear UI improvements
Cleaner rack ears for plug-ins
Bug with redrawing graph in EQ
VU meter values in Exciter and Bass Enhancer
Compressor and Gate: more compact view
Even more compact view in sidechain gear
Tape Simulator: changes in UI
Subtle reflections of knobs
Changed fonts to Sans for better compatibility
Toggles with shadows and reflections
New toggle graphics
Toggles centered (again)
Changes in LED colors
Restrict toggle drawing area; Some new graphics
More graphical improvements
Redraw of multiband graphs when bypassed; More graphical improvements
More graphical improvements
Tape Simulator: speed
Transient Designer: First steps in reducing peaks
Transient Designer: going on...
Biquad: switch from float to double (eliminate high noise in low EQ)
Biquad: switch from float to double (eliminate high noise in low EQ)
Biquad: merge conflicts
strip clearlooks from calfrc
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Transient Designer: Lookahead (no function by now)
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Transient Designer: first implementation of lookahead (still broken)
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Transient Designer: lookahead working - no clicks left\!
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Crusher: initial implementation
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Crusher: line graph
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Crusher: bypass in graph
Crusher: bugfix
Crusher: seamless and logarithmic reduction
Crusher: really seamless reduction
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Crusher: DC and offset
Crusher: CHrischis first changes for logarithmic scale
Transient Designer: UI changes
Transient Designer: UI changes
Transient Designer: UI changes
Transient Designer: UI changes
Crusher: corrected logarithmic spread
Transient Designer: UI changes
Crusher: UI
More Crusher und Transient Designer stuff
Crusher: reduction defaults
Crusher: DC fixed
Crusher: highpass signal if non-rounded reduction values are used (not working\!)
Transient Designer: mix with lookahead signal to avoid flanging
Crusher: working highpass on non-rounded values; zero line in line graph
Crusher: Anti-alias knob (non-functional by now)
Cleanup memory after usage; Remove redundant memsets after calloc
Crusher: bug with toggling log/lin and round
Transient Designer: Buttons for different graphs (non-functional by now)
UI: Cleanup in level/metering/clipping tables of various plug-ins
Transient Designer: different curves working
Transient Designer: celanup
Transient Designer: other knobs for lokkahead and sustain for more consistent layout
Transient Designer: Sustain as dB
Tap tempo button, used in Vintage Delay
New active image for tap button
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Show text entry on tap button even if its classified as an output port
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Cleanup in multiband metadata
Cleanup in Stereo Tools metadata
Window titles set to 'Calf'
Corrected LV2 class names in metadata
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Organ: rearranged UI
Organ: slight changes to UI
New class: resapleN for up/downsampling by whole number factors;
Multiband Limiter: oversampling (not very CPU friendly by now)
New class: samplerate crusher; implemented in Crusher; Multiband Limiter broken\!
M/B Limiter: oversampling - broken state
M/B Limiter: reset to working (CPU unfriendly) state
Multiband Limiter: in the middle of nowhere while impementing oversampling
Distortion: first steps in implementing auto oversampling
Distortion: first steps in implementing auto oversampling
Saturator, Bass Enhancer, Exciter: automatic oversampling if sample rate is lower or equal 48k
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Saturator: level out positive gain
Crusher: sample rate reduction with LFO
Line Graph: Hans made a wish for recognizable grab zones in EQ handles
Merge master, more work on oversampling
Multiband Limiter: more work on oversampling
VU Meters now with correct reverse falling; more work on M/B Limiter
Limiter: reverse meter; bug in new oversampling
Limiter: remove crackling while setting params
Separators in rack menu
Better readable strings for Jack
Calf Rack: Connection window - first steps
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Rack: new Calf logo
Mono Synth: symetrical layout
Rack: shrink layout
Rack: more styling
Connector: liststore working (still no Jack connections)
Connector: Jack callbacks
Connector: first working implementation
Connector: system widgets
Connector: system widgets
Connector: close button
Connector: disconnect buttons
Tape Simulator: no output level in graph
Sidechain Gear: useable 'real' sidechains, UI adaptions, mono sidechain compatibility
Pulsator: No graphs on re-opening
Dynamics: No graphs on re-opening
transient Designer: bug with envelope/attack/release graphs
Help: new menu, better readable style
Help: makefiles
Help: responsive display
Help: even more responsiveness
Help: nicer index
Connector: edit all port types at once
Connector: fix crash on connect
Connector: fix another crash on connect
Connector: changes in UI
Connector: horiz scrollbars in list views
Connector: hide stuff if not needed
Connector: more UI improvements
Manual screenshots; minor changes
Manuals screenshots as JPEG (saves > 10MB)
Manuals: Top and Index buttons on all pages
Manuals: new About image
Manuals: About image as JPG
Restore reset button functionality in Flanger, Phaser and Pulsator
Vocoder: initial implementation - completely broken by now
Vocoder: in the middle of nowhere
Vocoder: bugfixes
Vocoder: line graph working
Vocoder: analyzer working
Vocoder: more improvements
Vocoder: n-th order filters; High-Q setting
Vocoder: levelling
Vocoder: fix some crashes; new UI; solo, pan and dry;
Vocoder: auto levelling - first try
Vocoder: in the middle of nowhere
Vocoder: in the middle of nowhere
Vocoder: bugfix
Vocoder: solo working (with LED)
Vocoder: Balance working
Vocoder: Solo state reflected in line graph
Vocoder: auto levelling removed
Vocoder: initial manual with image
Vintage Delay: (temporarily?) disable LV2 BPM linking with host
Vintage Delay: choose to sync BPM setting to host
Vocoder: Numbers as graph labels
Vocoder: detection LEDs per band
Vocoder: bugfix for GUI crash on 64bit
Vocoder: toggle switch for detection LEDs
Vocoder: improve performance of detector LEDs
Ring Modulator: Initial rudimentary implementation
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Knob: Destroy cairo iface after expose
Ring Modulator: LFO stuff
Ring Modulator: UI and defauls
Ring Modulator: detune lfo, UI
Ring Modulator: initial manual page with screenshot
Ring Modulator: state LEDs
Ring Modulator: smaller state LEDs
Ring Modulator: table based layout
Tape Simulator: new UI (again)
All Plugins: seamless bypass
Vocoder: Separate order from amount of bands -> Isolation, remove unneccessary controls via notebook;
Vocoder: add levelling again
Crusher: LV2 nameing conventions
Button: emit slopes (fix for stuck modulaor plug-ins)
Multiband Limiter: finally working oversampling
Manuals: add blank Crusher page
Crusher: fix UI crash
Hass Enhancer: Cleanup, added enhanced metering, added seamless bypass
Haas Enhancer: more cleanup, fixed bypass, fill buffer even if bypassed, UI
Haas Enhancer: xml for UI
Rack: Submenus
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Rack: Menu with custom icons
Extract icon factory to separate function call
Sordi in build process for sanity-checking RDF files
Rack: custom menu icons for plug-ins
Sordi check command as one-liner
Notebook: fix crash if no param
Mono Compressor: fix crash on bypass
Comp Delay: Stereo (optional), seamless bypass, sane dB values for wet and dry
Saturator: simplified and more corporate UI
Clean up
Replace gtkcomboboxtext with gtkcombobox
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Reverse Delay: wet/dry knob
30 Band EQ: UI
30 Band EQ: gain scale max value
VU Meters: avoid alpha drawing; destroy surfaces on unrealize
Bass Enhancer and Exciter: interchanged 2nd/3rd labels
Exciter labels switched; delete redundant gui-enhancer.xml
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Fix bypass crossfade read/write out of bounds
Manuals: fixed menu on smaller screens
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Compiler warnings because of signed/unsigned int comparison
Change authors to Calf Studio Gear for better appearance in Ardour
Change authors to Calf Studio Gear for better appearance in Ardour
Connector: take ignore and blocked settings of jackd into account
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Rack: dynamically sizing remove button
Line Graph: fix cairo radial gradient LED sim in portrait orientation
LineGraph: attempt to fix middle mouse click on handles (shows wrong parameter)
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
Transient Designer: bug in displaying thresholded view
Labels: better size calculation
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
New Effect: Envelope Filter with sidechain
Envelope Filter: Response knob (not implemented by now)
Envelope Filter: Response curve
Envelope Filter: limit envelope to max 1.f
Tape Simulator: Fix distortion display - outlevel on graph and dot
Fix for sloppy fader behavior
Reworked man page
Merge branch 'master' of repo.or.cz:srv/git/calf
More work on documentation:
Transient Designer: Filter for envelope signal, different improvements for UI
Transient Designer: minor improvements on UI
Preparations and attempts to fix Transient Designer Bug #69
Merge branch 'master' into transientdesigner_with_filter
Transient Designer: hide envelope, attack, release when bypassed
Transient Designer: bug with initial filter curve
Transient Designer: bugfix for muted output (rounding errors on small floats)
Merge branch 'transientdesigner_with_filter'
Bug with EQ: no update of graph when bypassed
Transient Designer: image and text for manual, small change to the UI
Nedko Arnaudov (2):
jackhost: clean exit on SIGTERM and SIGHUP
jackhost: clean exit on SIGTERM and SIGHUP
Rui Nuno Capela (1):
Patch to prevent qtractor from crashing while closing Calf UI
SadKo (2):
HAAS Stereo Enhancer
Haas Enhancer: mid phase switch
Vladimir Sadovnikov (2):
First version of a Compensation Delay Line plugin.
First version of the Compensation Delay plugin - cont'd.
Wladimir J. van der Laan (1):
Fix buffer overflow in gui_port_event
drgreenthumb (2):
Reverse Delay
30 Band Graphical EQ
falkTX (1):
Support for the new LV2-ui showInterface
jhammen (1):
Remove deprecated LV2 extensions
calf audio plugins packaging
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