[SCM] libopenshot-audio packaging annotated tag, upstream/0.0.6+ds1, created. upstream/0.0.6+ds1

ghisvail-guest at users.alioth.debian.org ghisvail-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jan 21 11:24:35 UTC 2016

The annotated tag, upstream/0.0.6+ds1 has been created
        at  477dcd89433bbb428331eff15c5782acdba3f844 (tag)
   tagging  447fb41c038e484c79e58caea904e581c24b6ca1 (commit)
 tagged by  Ghislain Antony Vaillant
        on  Thu Jan 14 00:36:37 2016 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.0.6+ds1

Ghislain Antony Vaillant (1):
      Strip vendored libraries.

Jonathan Thomas (45):
      initial files in the openshot audio library
      Added a TestSound executable to the cMake build instructions, which plays a test sound, and fixed the linking to include ALSA (asound)
      Fixing JUCE build errors on MinGW
      Fixed build issues on Windwos 7, by disabling WASAPI and adding a sleep() macro and linking a few new Windows libraries.
      Added author of JUCE to AUTHORS file
      Added doxygen support (mainly for JUCE code), and simplied the install scripts
      Added cmake instructions for different SONAMES
      Changed SONAME to 1
      Added manpage to audio project
      update manpage
      Added an include for the "sleep" command.
      Ignoring some auto generated mac files, and fixed CMakeLists.txt to correct compile and link on OS X
      Fixed build warnings on Mac OS X
      Added Aptana project settings and build configurations.
      Tweaked the JUCE MEMORY header to conditionaly define alloca (which is already defined in some versions of MinGW)
      Updated bzr settings and remove some unneeded source files.
      Added back in Eclipse project files.
      Added dynamic lib folder suffix, to support lib64 folder naming.
      Updated version to 0.0.1
      Updated licensing to be AGPLv3, which is compatible with JUCE.
      Updated JUCE modules to version 3, which also updated the license headers to reflect AGPLv3 compatibility.
      Changed licensing to GPLv3, to be compatible with JUCE source code.
      Bumped version to 0.0.2
      Added -std=c++0x compile flag and disabled WASAPI support for Windows... which fixes all the new Windows build errors after upgrading JUCE to the lastest version.
      Added condition to not build the juce_hypot function, since it colides with libopenshots Python bindings.
      Fixed the man location for openshot-audio-test-sound
      Merging JUCE Windows fixes into libopenshot-audio trunk
      Fixed JUCE build errors on Mac
      Bumped to version 0.0.3
      Fixed unset install name dir, which is required for cx_Freeze to correctly find all the dependencies.
      Merged version 0.0.3 branch with cmake fixes to Install Name Directory
      removed some unneeded JUCE code that was causing build errors on OS X 10.9
      Added objective-c++ support to cmake file
      Bumping version to 0.0.4
      Merging version # change
      Fixed build script and instructions for Mac build of libopenshot-audio, which now uses clang++ instead of g++
      Added a .gitignore file to ignore the local build folder and a few project related files that don't need to be checked in.
      Bumped version to 0.0.5, released
      Updating JUCE Audio modules to latest version. This will break some things.
      Updating JUCE Audio modules to newest version (this will break a few things)
      Fixed compile errors on JUCE related to WASAPI and MinGW64 re-defined macros.
      Fixed a compiler issue with JUCE_ASIO and MinGW64.
      Fixed a runtime issue with WASAPI not working without first a call to CoInitialize(0). Windows-only-issue.
      Updating the JUCE Introjucer project file
      Bumped version to 0.0.6-3, released


libopenshot-audio packaging

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