[SCM] kodi-pvr-hts packaging annotated tag, 3.0.0, created. 3.0.0

tiber-guest at users.alioth.debian.org tiber-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 6 21:48:56 UTC 2016

The annotated tag, 3.0.0 has been created
        at  77e38d2c1299e735c15adbd05496b1a20a57e2ad (tag)
   tagging  14aa3a2d07386c6ae4b2a978d0479367a7ae4bf1 (commit)
 tagged by  Sam Stenvall
        on  Sat Jan 30 10:12:17 2016 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------

7floor (2):
      [tvheadend] change handling of EPG events to not fail all events if only one/few events were broken/malformed
      [tvheadend] make channel.radio to not reset to false during update if tvheadend not provided channel services

Adam Sutton (23):
      [hts] Updated to support HTSPv6 for quicker EPG import, and easier DVR setup.
      [pvr.hts] Fix EPG genre problems caused by HTSPv6 updates.
      Update all clients to include empty implentation of new timeshift API stubs.
      [pvr.hts] Prototype implementation of timeshift support.
      [pvr.hts] added support for playing recordings via HTSP (v7+).
      [pvr.hts] added support for recordings directories.
      [pvr.hts] Ensure connection is closed on failure to read packet size
      [pvr.hts] fix problem with demuxer reconnect.
      [pvr.hts] add timeshift period config to ensure tvh provides buffer.
      [tvheadend] process new optional webroot param in htsp hello.
      [tvheadend] add support for new imagecache feature.
      [tvheadend] create routine for generating web urls and use this in HTSPData.
      [tvheadend] expand dvr directories to full hierarchy.
      [tvheadend] remove missing files from recordings list.
      [tvheadend] fix default webroot param.
      [tvheadend] ensure channel count is not cleared after succesful sub
      [tvheadend] added working seek support.
      [tvheadend] ensure timeshiftStatus does not spam logs
      [tvheadend] update subscriptionSeek call to use abs PTS
      [tvheadend] correct previous mistaken fix to webroot processing
      [tvheadend] update addon version info
      [tvheadend] fix return PTS when skipping
      fix bug causing recordings not to display for older TVH

Alwin Esch (2):
      Merge pull request #6 from AlwinEsch/fix-compiler-fault
      Merge pull request #5 from ksooo/fix-htsp-request-response-validation

AlwinEsch (3):
      Add new api 1.9.4 parts to all addons
      Update all addon changelogs
      Update to not use deprecated headers

Anton Fedchin (1):
      fixed crash in logger on windows.

Bernd Kuhls (2):
      [pvr.hts] Change clientname to Kodi
      Fix compilation error

Bernhard Froehlich (1):
      freebsd: Add FreeBSD platform to the addon.xml files

Buildserver (1):
      [tvheadend] sync win32 projects. silence warnings

CSTAJ (1):
      [addons] - bumped versionnumber for all addons, adapted changelogs

Christian Fetzer (4):
      sync: Add ADDON_Announce to all addons
      sync: Add GetRecordingEdl stubs to all addons
      sync: Adapt CallMenuHook to API change
      win32: Make sure that all addon projects define TARGET_WINDOWS

Cory Fields (4):
      [droid] add android platform and ldflags
      [droid] update addon names
      Merge pull request #52 from theuni/master
      packaging: only advertise a single platform for compatibility.

Dimitris Kazakos (6):
      [tvheadend] fix instant recordings when channel has no epg data
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.12
      [tvheadnend] only return an error when parsing of all events failed for a channel; return no error otherwise.
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.14
      [tvheadend] fix false disconnects by raising default (hardcoded) read timeout value when opening streams from 10 to 20 seconds.
      [tvheadend] bump to version 1.6.15

Glenn-1990 (28):
      add support for reapeating timers, aka time schedules
      include satpos in mux description
      [fix] adjust weight to better match the server configuration, we need a lower weight for predictive tuning than the lowest possible streaming weight a user can set in tvh.
      [fix] weight is not reduced when switching to an other demuxer under some circumstances.
      Use the weight from tvheadend when we don't use predictive tuning, this restores the old behaviour.
      [fix] predictive tuning uses subscriptions instead of tuners.
      Update changelog
      [settings] add setting for autorec start stop time behaviour
      [settings] optimalisation
      [settings] rework predictive tuning settings, only valid inputs should be allowed
      update changelog
      Refactor subscription to class
      Fix recording state parsing
      Parse subscriptionError also for dvr entries
      Remove actual file when lifetime expires
      update changelog
      [settings] fix approximate time setting
      [settings] fix invalid addon restarts
      update changelog
      [settings] limit the amount of lifetime settings in the GUI
      [settings] add defaults for DVR priority, lifetime and dubdetec
      [settings] refactor settings dialog
      update changelog
      update changelog
      fixed: restart subscription after reconnection
      Use removal as lifetime for htspv25+
      Implement proper timerec and autorec update methods.
      update changelog

Joakim Plate (4):
      pvr.hts: check for max stream before writing to buffer
      pvr.hts: avoid potential division by zero if tvheadend gave zero aspect_den
      pvr.hts: there is always a CHTSPConnection in CHTSPDemux
      pvr.hts: fixed compile error due to lazyness of not doing a compile

John Törnblom (17):
      [tvheadend] added initial UI for configuring transcoding options for TVHeadend
      [tvheadend] show the transoding menu hook whenever possible
      [tvheadend] added AC3, Vorbis and VP8 as options
      [tvheadend] only show codecs that are listed in servercapabilities
      [tvheadend] cosmetics
      [tvheadend] added playback support for vorbis, vp8 and mpeg4video
      [tvheadend] minor ui fixes to the transcoding dialog
      [tvheadend] added settings.xml parsing code for transcoding settings
      [tvheadend] changed the subscription parameter name maxHeight to maxResolution
      [tvheadend] adjusted the default transcoding settings
      [tvheadend] clear transcodingCaps when closing a connection
      [tvheadend] made the static GUI event listeners private
      [tvheadend] renamed the class DialogTranscodeSettings so it follows xbmc naming convensions
      [tvheadend] moved the list of codecs out of servercapabilities, the codecs should be stored in HTSPData.
      [tvheadend] use the rpc getCodecs to find usable encoders from servers that support transcoding
      [tvheadend] bump version to 1.6.7
      [tvheadend] cosmetics

Kai Sommerfeld (107):
      [pvr.hts] Improve sync after connection restore.
      [pvr.hts] Added support for getting and setting startExtra, stopExtra, retention, priority properties of recordings and timers.
      [pvr.hts] Backported GetPlayingTime from pvr.tvh.
      Added new PVR API function getBackendHostname. Bumped PVR API version to 1.9.3
      [pvr.hts] Fix: mark recordings, schedules and events as "del" on (re)connect, not just tags and channels.
      [pvr.hts] Fixed CTvheadend::GetRecordings(...) return value.
      [pvr.hts] fix extern "C" scope in client.cpp
      Aligned htsp message validation with HTSP spec (esp. corrected handling of optinal vs. mandatory fields).
      Fixed double free of htsp message in CTvheadend::RenameRecording and CTvheadend::UpdateTimer.
      Fixed some compiler warnings (gcc 4.9.2).
      [performance] ctors: initializer list vs. assignment.
      Merge pull request #10 from ksooo/fix-msg-double-free
      Merge pull request #11 from ksooo/fix-compiler-warnings
      Merge pull request #15 from ksooo/performance-initlist-vs-assignment
      PVR addon API 1.9.6: Added support for channel group sort index. (closes #13)
      PVR addon API 1.9.6: new EPG_TAG members (none of these currently supported by tvheadend), thus only place holders as reminders. (closes #14)
      Bump addon version to 2.1.6
      Merge pull request #16 from ksooo/pvr-api-1-9-6-compat
      Added support for radio channel groups.
      Added (actually completed) support for parental rating and star rating.
      Refactor struct STag => class Tag
      bump addon version
      Merge pull request #17 from ksooo/support-radio-channel-groups
      Merge pull request #19 from ksooo/support-star-and-age-rating
      Add support for epg subtitle (episode name).
      addon version bump (2.1.8)
      Merge pull request #21 from Jalle19/fix-setsetting
      Merge pull request #22 from Glenn-1990/timerec
      Merge pull request #24 from opdenkamp/platform
      Merge pull request #25 from Jalle19/solution-restructure
      Merge pull request #26 from ksooo/add-subtitles-support
      [Coverity 82979, 82981, 82991, 81992] "Buffer not null terminated." If the buffer is treated as a null terminated string in later operations, a buffer overflow or over-read may occur.
      [Coverity 83075] "Dereference after null check." Potentially passing null pointer 'state' to strstr, which dereferences it.
      [Coverity 83177] "Uninitialized scalar field." Non-static class member channelId is not initialized in constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
      CTvheadend::ParseEvent now handles "seasonNumber", "episodeNumber" and "partNumber" htsp fields. Seems, that this was forgotten as other places in the addon already use this information.
      Merge pull request #33 from ksooo/coverity-fixes
      Check htsp version upon connect. Refuse to use servers with HTSP version
      Merge pull request #39 from ksooo/htsp-version-check
      Lower required HTSP version to 10 (allows tvh 3.4 again).
      Fixed: do not show HTSP version mismatch error if tvheadend server is down
      Merge pull request #44 from ksooo/fix-htsp-version-check
      Fixed channel icon compatibility issue with recent tvheadend servers.
      Merge pull request #47 from ksooo/imagecache_compat
      Fixed EPG events update (some data was not updated correctly)
      Merge pull request #49 from ksooo/fix-epg-data-update
      Add support for series recordings.
      Merge pull request #38 from ksooo/series-recording-support
      Fix: Coverity: ID 101275: Code maintainability issues  (UNUSED_VALUE)
      Merge pull request #57 from ksooo/series-recordings-coverity
      Bumped API version to 2.0.0, addon version to 2.2.1
      Merge pull request #59 from ksooo/pvr-api-2-0-0
      Fix support for instant timers.
      Merge pull request #62 from ksooo/fix-instant-timer-support
      API: GetTimerTypes: Heap-allocate TimerType instances to avoid stack overflow.
      bump addon version
      Merge pull request #23 from martinwilli/predictive-tuning
      Merge pull request #67 from Glenn-1990/satpos
      Merge pull request #68 from ksooo/heap-alloc-timer-types
      Timeshift API: Add support for GetBufferTimeStart() and GetBufferTimeEnd().
      Coverity: Fixed CID 102604, CID 102605
      Merge pull request #73 from ksooo/timeshift-buffer-time-start-end
      Autorec: Fix handling of start end stop time.
      Merge pull request #86 from ksooo/fix-autorec-start-stop-handling
      Merge pull request #87 from metaron-uk/timeLord
      Merge pull request #82 from Glenn-1990/pretune
      Fix: Use epg data only for creation of epg-based timers.
      Merge pull request #89 from ksooo/fix-timer-epg-tag-handling
      Improve connection handling on suspend/wakeup.
      Merge pull request #90 from ksooo/improve-sleep-and-wake
      Merge pull request #83 from metaron-uk/master3
      Update to PVR addon API v4.0.0
      Merge pull request #96 from ksooo/pvr-api-4-0-0
      Update to PVR addon API v4.1.0
      Merge pull request #101 from ksooo/pvr-api-4-1-0
      Merge pull request #100 from Jalle19/try-fix-seek
      Merge pull request #97 from Glenn-1990/start_stoptime
      recordings: add support for episode name (aka subtitle)
      Merge pull request #105 from ksooo/add-recordings-subtitle-support
      Refactor settings, step 2 (Coverity, refactor defaults, data encapsulation, remove settings global vars).
      Coverity: class Entity member init order
      Merge pull request #116 from ksooo/coverity-oct-2015
      Merge pull request #123 from Glenn-1990/typo
      Fix Settings ctor initialization, closes #128
      Merge pull request #129 from ksooo/fix-settings-init
      class Subscription: Fix member init order.
      Removed unused vars from ChannelTuningPredictor::PredictNextChannelId
      Added support for oneshot timer enable/disable (HTSP v23 feature), closes #131
      Merge pull request #133 from ksooo/add-oneshot-timer-enable-support
      Merge pull request #125 from Glenn-1990/removal
      Fix WIN32 build breaker (added missing include for std::min)
      Merge pull request #137 from ksooo/fix-buildbreaker
      Merge pull request #142 from Glenn-1990/settings_fix
      Merge pull request #138 from Glenn-1990/settings
      Merge pull request #147 from Glenn-1990/restart
      Fix cancel recording for timers created by autorec or timerec.
      update changelog
      Merge pull request #151 from ksooo/fix-cancel-recording
      Fix UpdateTimer to allow enable/disable of timers created by timerecs and autorecs
      update changelog
      Merge pull request #152 from ksooo/fix-enable-disable-timers
      Merge pull request #127 from Jalle19/new-logger
      Merge pull request #145 from Glenn-1990/htspv25
      Fix schedules dirty flag handling.
      fix compiler warning: -Wsign-compare
      Merge pull request #171 from ksooo/coverity-once-again
      Merge pull request #170 from ksooo/fix-schedules-dirty-flag
      Initial Kodi Krypton version.

Ken Dreyer (1):
      [pvr.hts] update FSF address

Lars Op den Kamp (98):
      pvr add-ons: initial commit
      updated add-ons after the PVR_ERROR changes
      tvh: changed default timeout values
      tvh: memset qualityinfo to 0
      hts: bumped version to 1.1.0
      api change: added GetChannelSwitchDelay(). Delay to use when using switching channels for add-ons not providing an input stream.
      get the add-on's XBMC_PVR_MIN_API_VERSION value to check compatibility. each PVR add-on needs to implement const char* GetMininumPVRAPIVersion(void)
      [njoy] updated so it doesn't use curl anymore, but XBMC's CFile operations
      [hts] accidently checked in a debugging line in 2070cefe165aa375cedfd851385f4b2d7873ff74
      sync with atomics from XBMC
      [hts] don't default to htsp v6 but to the old default, v1. server must provide the correct version number, and we want to maintain compat with older versions
      [hts] cosmetics
      [hts] fixed - start/stop are u32, not s64. break out of the loop when we reach the end time in CHTSPData::ParseEvent()
      [hts] less spammy logging
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'margro/frodo-timeshifting'. closes #50
      return ADDON_STATUS_PERMANENT_FAILURE when a call to RegisterMe() fails in ADDON_Create()
      [hts] fixed - eventId is required by htsp when adding a timer
      Merge pull request #87 from adamsutton/pvr-hts-recordings
      win32: extension changed from .pvr to .dll
      pvr.hts: fix win32 compilation
      bump all add-on versions to 1.6.x after api changes
      Merge pull request #95 from adamsutton/pvr-hts-connfail-fix
      [pvr.hts] return NULL if the connection dropped and couldn't be restored in CHTSPDemux::Read()
      [pvr.hts] sync with demux changes in pvr.vdr.vnsi - reorder streams
      [tvheadend] added AACLATM to demux
      [tvheadend] [vnsi] bump add-on versions
      bump version numbers and only use 3 digits for version numbers
      [tvheadend] set the fps info when updating the demux stream info
      [tvheadend] log when timeshift support is enabled. initialise the m_bTimeshiftSupport member
      [tvheadend] delete -> SAFE_DELETE. issue #116
      [tvheadend] provide the fps rate and scale correctly
      [tvheadend] fixed - don't send empty tags to xbmc. send an unsubscribe message before stopping demux
      [tvheadend] bump add-on version
      [tvheadend] return false for CanSeek() if it's not supported, and send the seek command to the backend if it is supported
      [tvheadend] bump down to proto v7 and just send the float since it won't be used until the capability is set anyway
      [tvheadend] no need for safe delete in the destructor when deleting m_session. ensure that close is only called once
      make add-ons depends on xbmc.pvr version 1.6.0
      fix syntax for xbmc.pvr dep
      [tvheadend] better handling of disconnect and reconnects
      [tvheadend] removed unneeded member in CHTSPDemux
      [tvheadend] cleaner CHTSPConnection::Connect()
      [tvheadend] add CHTSPConnection::CheckConnection() that waits for a connection to be restored when it was dropped
      [tvheadend] ensure that the first demux is an I-frame
      [tvheadend] fix channel and channel group update triggers
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.5
      [tvheadend] fixed - don't wait for an iframe when playing radio. bump to 1.6.6
      [tvheadend] refactor CHTSPConnection. fixed disconnection checks and reconnect when needed. consider the connection dropped if no data has been received for a while. shared connection between CHTSPDemux and CHTSPData. more efficient data reading
      [tvheadend] fixed missing htsmsg_destroy() call after processing an incoming message. moved CHTSPReconnect creating a bit up
      [tvheadend] cosmetics. removed unneeded return var
      [tvheadend] don't wait for an iframe but let tvheadend handle it
      [tvheadend] don't delete and create CHTSPReconnect each time, just stop the thread
      [tvheadend] call to Close() didn't work in CHTSPData::Open()
      [tvheadend] signal before deleting
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.9
      [tvheadend] added CHTSResult::GetErrorMessage, CHTSResult::IsError, CHTSResult::NoAccess
      [tvheadend] check for errors in CHTSPConnection::ReadResult. issue #131
      [tvheadend] check the response from the auth command properly. display error message when an error is detected. closes #131
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.10
      [tvheadend] disable read timeout check while the stream is paused
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.11
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.13
      [tvheadend] int -> uint32_t
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.16
      [tvheadend] fix win32 build
      [tvheadend] fixed possible crash after reconnecting. closes #148
      [tvheadend] bump to 1.6.18
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'fetzerch/feature-edl' into pvrapi_1_7_0. closes #173
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'fetzerch/announce' into pvrapi_1_7_0. Closes #171
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'fernetmenta/addongui' into pvrapi_1_7_0. Closes #162
      bump add-on versions and pvr api dependency version
      bump add-on versions after PVR API change
      removed avcodec.h and use callback methods from XBMC to get codec IDs instead. removed external ffmpeg check
      [hts] tvheadend uses it's own byte order. don't use ntohl. credits @dezi. issue #181
      [hts] if we read less than 4 bytes in the initial packet size read, don't discard it but wait for the rest to come in within iDatapacketTimeout. issue #181
      [hts] bump add-on version
      [hts] use a timeout in CHTSPDemux::GetStreamProperties() so we don't block forever when we can't tune to a channel. closes #220
      [hts] cosmetics
      [hts] bump to 1.8.22
      bump add-ons to 1.9.0. added stubs in dvblink
      Merge pull request #255 from Jalle19/fix-missing-teletext-subs
      Merge pull request #239 from Jalle19/fix-missing-streams
      Merge pull request #207 from kendrak24/pvr.hts_edl
      Merge pull request #280 from Jalle19/hts-recording-icons
      [pvr.hts] bump add-on version
      bump add-ons for PVR API bump
      Merge branch 'pr399'. closes #399
      bump add-on version and implement api change of https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/6566
      fixed: CHTSPVFS::Read() needs the mutex locked
      fixed: race when seeking within recordings
      fixed: lock on exit
      added: avahi discovery
      Merge pull request #1 from opdenkamp/pr6566
      fixed: removed guilib dep. it's not being used, and it got changed in Kodi
      Merge pull request #2 from opdenkamp/fixbuild
      fixed: even though there's no dep on guilib now, we still need the api version methods defined
      Merge pull request #3 from opdenkamp/fixguilib
      Merge pull request #4 from bkuhls/cmake_fix
      updated to use libplatform

Marcel Groothuis (4):
      Windows: add VC++ project file for the TVHeadend pvr addon
      Windows: name the VS2010 projects after the addon name (format: pvr.addonname)
      TvHeadend pvr addon: fix Windows compilation after 381ebdf577c76cdd83d90371ccf01c64bc75273c
      Update the PVR addons with empty stubs for the new PVR API v1.5.0 functions

Martin Willi (1):
      Implement predictive tuning using multiple tuners

Matthias Lichter (1):
      pvr.hts/HTSPDemux.cpp: initialize variables in CHTSPDemux::GetStreamProperties.

Rainer Hochecker (7):
      adapt addons to pvr api change, add timeshift buffer methods
      Merge pull request #428 from janeczku/janeczku-patch-1
      Merge pull request #424 from ksooo/fix-pvr-hts-getrecordings-return-value
      Merge pull request #437 from ksooo/pvr-hts-fix-extern-c-scope
      Merge pull request #423 from ksooo/flag-all-async-data-del-on-connect
      Merge pull request #427 from AlwinEsch/vnsi-undelete-recordings
      bump addon versions after revert b4696cef2ec800e76a81b18e1d4072ace127c70a

Ryan Gribble (1):
      Add PostBuildEvent to all pvr addon projects that robocopies their output to the local xbmc addons directory, when the project is part of the "XBMC for Windows" solution

Sam Stenvall (111):
      populate service/provider name and mux in PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS
      refactoring xbmc_stream_utils.hpp completely in order to fix
      remove unused class definition
      add xbmc_codec_descriptor.hpp to reduce code duplication
      [pvr.hts] only add subtitle stream identifier for DVB subtitles
      fix some compiler warnings
      [pvr.hts] populate channel icon for recordings
      [pvr.hts] bump version
      Merge branch 'fix_darwin_threads'
      [pvr.hts] backport ATSC subchannel number support from pvr.tvh
      change library name prefixes to "Kodi_"
      bump all versions after the library name change
      update the .dll names in the Release configuration too
      [pvr.hts] replace with the newer pvr.tvh fork
      [pvr.hts] bump version
      add changelog.txt and addon.xml.in to VS projects, this makes it
      bump addon versions
      Merge pull request #405 from bkuhls/tvh
      [pvr.tvh] make CircBuffer thread-safe
      [pvr.tvh] fill the VFS buffer on a separate thread. This means we can
      [pvr.hts] bump version
      [pvr.hts] convert timeouts to milliseconds once so we don't accidentally
      [pvr.hts] bump version to 2.0.5
      Merge pull request #20 from wsnipex/master
      change HTTP/HTSP port setting to actual integers
      fix amateur mistake that went unnoticed for years and caused the addon
      add all source files to the cmake generated solutions
      add resource files to the cmake generated solutions (brings the current
      Merge pull request #30 from wsnipex/master
      Merge pull request #34 from ksooo/parse-event-season-episode-part
      bump to version 2.1.9
      Merge pull request #42 from ksooo/htsp-required-version
      Merge pull request #56 from adamsutton/master
      Merge pull request #61 from wsnipex/master
      added initial .gitignore
      Merge pull request #70 from Jalle19/gitignore
      drop CStdString
      Merge pull request #71 from Jalle19/drop-cstdstring
      reduce connection mutex lock scope in CHTSPVFS
      simplify CHTSPVFS drastically by removing the intermediate
      remove unused includes and using statements
      don't treat "channel" as required in dvrEntryAdd messages, fixes #74
      Merge pull request #104 from Jalle19/fix-malformed-adddvrentry
      remove pointless "update" boolean, we only use it for logging
      factored out channels, tags, recordings, timers, events and
      add a utility file with a method to erase elements of a map using
      factor out "id" to the Entity base class and expose it only through get/set
      make Channel class's fields private and use setters/getters
      make Event class's fields private and use setters/getters
      move timer type definitions to Recording.h
      add Recording::GetTimerType()
      when a recording/timer is updated, always update recordings too
      make Recording class's fields private and use setters/getters
      delete schedules before deleting events, otherwise we end up deleting events
      remove Schedule::channel and use the schedule's ID to represent the channel ID
      make Schedule::events private and provide a read-write getter for it
      prefix all member fields with m_
      drop unused UPDATE macro
      Fixes for issues that went wrong during the last rebase
      add Coverity scan badge to README.md (fixes #108)
      Merge pull request #110 from Jalle19/coverity-badge
      factor out the various status structs to separate files under the
      alternate the log message when adding/updating channels
      fix some comparison operators, fixes issue where "unknown channel 0"
      ignore the auto-generated addon.xml file
      bumped version to 2.2.9
      Merge pull request #72 from Jalle19/refactor-entities
      moved Settings.h to the tvheadend/ subdirectory to reflect its
      refactored Settings into a singleton class so it can be included
      Merge pull request #113 from Jalle19/settings-singleton
      Merge pull request #111 from Jalle19/ignore-addon-xml
      fixed various complaints by CLion
      Merge pull request #114 from Jalle19/clion-cleanup
      create a separate class for figuring out which channel should be
      lower the subscription weight of the current subscription before
      drop an unnecessary check
      add some comments to the predictive tuning logic
      Merge pull request #117 from Jalle19/predictive-tuning-improvements
      Merge pull request #121 from Glenn-1990/subscription
      Merge pull request #122 from Glenn-1990/dvr_conflict
      add support for retrieving the list of available stremaing profiles
      add a setting to select which streaming profile should be used, and
      pass the streaming profile to use to the demuxer so it gets used
      Merge pull request #119 from Jalle19/selectable-profile
      Merge pull request #130 from ksooo/fix-subscription-member-init
      Merge pull request #132 from ksooo/compiler-warnings
      replace the tvhxxx() macros with a separate logger utility
      change some semantics and make the log message prefix configurable
      fix missing method (merge/rebase snafu)
      change ignored subscriptionStart log message level to DEBUG
      removed a seemingly unnecessary log call
      move AsyncState::GetState() implementation to the .cpp file
      move AsyncState to tvheadend/utilities
      Merge pull request #158 from Jalle19/async-state-namespaced
      Merge pull request #157 from Jalle19/log-levels
      add intial build instructions to the README
      Merge pull request #156 from Jalle19/readme-build-instructions
      fix crash when logging certain strings by properly using format
      Merge pull request #163 from Jalle19/log-percentage-2
      add missing include (required on Windows at least)
      prefix log levels with LEVEL_ to avoid naming collision with a
      use static_cast<> to silence some MSVC compiler warnings
      correct SetBoolSetting() method signature (oldValue should be boolean)
      Merge pull request #159 from Jalle19/windows-build-fix
      minor refactoring (separate implementation file), fixed a typo
      set a default logger implementation (fixes CID 12979: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR))
      Merge pull request #164 from Jalle19/logger-improvements
      add initial .travis.yml
      add Travis CI badge to the README
      Merge pull request #165 from Jalle19/travis
      Merge pull request #166 from afedchin/fix_log_win

Wolfgang Schupp (2):
      Merge pull request #7 from wsnipex/master
      Merge pull request #80 from wsnipex/master

alanwww1 (7):
      [lang] November update of language files
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex with version bumps and changelog entries
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex

amet (1):
      [pvr.hts] fix issue where "client specific settings" window would not open

davilla (1):
      fixed crash, deleting is not enough, you need to null the var too

h.udo (8):
      [debian] fix packaging with multi-arch
      Merge pull request #29 from hudokkow/beta2_fix
      Merge pull request #52 from hudokkow/cmakelist_lang
      Merge pull request #65 from hudokkow/installpath
      Support for PVR API 2.1.0
      Bump add-on
      Merge pull request #66 from hudokkow/api210
      Merge pull request #84 from hudokkow/dynamicduo

hudokkow (4):
      Sync with cmake
      Fix CMakeLists.txt language resource folder
      bump add-on for alpha1 release
      Automatically fill in platform and library name

janbar (1):
      [addons] bump versions of addons using XbmcPvrStream

janeczku (1):
      pvr.hts - Fixed typo: Wrong default value for http_port

kendrak24 (1):
      Implemented GetRecordingEdl for pvr.hts addon.

ksooo (1):
      [pvr.hts] Fix dvr delete response timeout value. Must be msecs, not secs.

metaron (3):
      Fix RecordingBase::LocaltimeToUTC
      Minimal Support for PVR API 3.0.0
      Bump Addon / Changelog

txtranslation (11):
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] update of language files from Transifex
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex
      [lang] automatic syntax corrections for the en_GB language file
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex
      [lang] updated language files from Transifex

wsnipex (6):
      fix debian packaging
      [debian packaging] disable LTO until gcc 4.9 issues are fixed
      [debian] fix packaging once more: correct install file permissions
      [debian packaging]: fix library install path
      [debian] provide a transitional package for kodi-pvr-tvheadend-hts
      [debian] also bump version in changelog

wsoltys (2):
      [WIN32] changed vs project files to the new toolset.
      Merge pull request #309 from wsoltys/vs2013

xbmc (2):
      drop StreamIdx in PVR_STREAM_PROPERTIES
      add version for addongui lib

xhaggi (2):
      [addons] bump api version to 1.9.1
      [addon] adds the missing imports of xbmc.gui


kodi-pvr-hts packaging

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