[SCM] snd/master: Added missing source for s7webserver/jqconsole.min.js

umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Jun 27 19:59:52 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 852c795227f5908c3166e4ba19994a3eda57fa57
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at umlautQ.umlaeute.mur.at>
Date:   Mon Jun 27 21:16:43 2016 +0200

    Added missing source for s7webserver/jqconsole.min.js

diff --git a/debian/missing-sources/jqconsole.coffee b/debian/missing-sources/jqconsole.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbbcc0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/missing-sources/jqconsole.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,1328 @@
+Copyrights 2011, the repl.it project.
+Licensed under the MIT license
+# Shorthand for jQuery.
+$ = jQuery
+# The states in which the console can be.
+# Key code values.
+KEY_TAB = 9
+KEY_LEFT = 37
+KEY_UP = 38
+KEY_DOWN = 40
+KEY_HOME = 36
+KEY_END = 35
+# CSS classes
+CLASS_PREFIX = 'jqconsole-'
+# Frequently used string literals
+E_KEYPRESS = 'keypress'
+EMPTY_SPAN = '<span/>'
+EMPTY_DIV = '<div/>'
+EMPTY_SELECTOR = ':empty'
+NEWLINE = '\n'
+# Default prompt text for main and continuation prompts.
+# The default number of spaces inserted when indenting.
+ESCAPE_SYNTAX = /\[(\d*)(?:;(\d*))*m/
+class Ansi
+  COLORS: ['black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white']
+  constructor: ->
+    @klasses = [];
+  _append: (klass) =>
+    klass = "#{CLASS_ANSI}#{klass}"
+    if @klasses.indexOf(klass) is -1
+      @klasses.push klass
+  _remove: (klasses...) =>
+    for klass in klasses
+      if klass in ['fonts', 'color', 'background-color']
+        @klasses = (cls for cls in @klasses when cls.indexOf(klass) isnt CLASS_ANSI.length)
+      else
+        klass = "#{CLASS_ANSI}#{klass}"
+        @klasses = (cls for cls in @klasses when cls isnt klass)
+  _color: (i) => @COLORS[i]
+  _style: (code) =>
+    code = 0 if code == ''
+    code = parseInt code
+    return if isNaN code
+    switch code
+      when 0  then @klasses = []
+      when 1  then @_append 'bold'
+      when 2  then @_append 'lighter'
+      when 3  then @_append 'italic'
+      when 4  then @_append 'underline'
+      when 5  then @_append 'blink'
+      when 6  then @_append 'blink-rapid'
+      when 8  then @_append 'hidden'
+      when 9  then @_append 'line-through'
+      when 10 then @_remove 'fonts'
+      when 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
+        @_remove 'fonts'
+        @_append "fonts-#{code - 10}"
+      when 20 then @_append 'fraktur'
+      when 21 then @_remove 'bold', 'lighter'
+      when 22 then @_remove 'bold', 'lighter'
+      when 23 then @_remove 'italic', 'fraktur'
+      when 24 then @_remove 'underline'
+      when 25 then @_remove 'blink', 'blink-rapid'
+      when 28 then @_remove 'hidden'
+      when 29 then @_remove 'line-through'
+      when 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37
+        @_remove 'color'
+        @_append 'color-' + @_color code - 30
+      when 39 then @_remove 'color'
+      when 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47
+        @_remove 'background-color'
+        @_append 'background-color-' + @_color code - 40
+      when 49 then @_remove 'background-color'
+      when 51 then @_append 'framed'
+      when 53 then @_append 'overline'
+      when 54 then @_remove 'framed'
+      when 55 then @_remove 'overline'
+  getClasses: => @klasses.join ' '
+  _openSpan: (text) => "<span class=\"#{@getClasses()}\">#{text}"
+  _closeSpan: (text) => "#{text}</span>"
+  stylize: (text) =>
+    text = @_openSpan text
+    i = 0
+    while (i = text.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR ,i)) and i isnt -1
+      if d = text[i...].match ESCAPE_SYNTAX
+        @_style code for code in d[1...]
+        text = @_closeSpan(text[0...i]) + @_openSpan text[i + 1 + d[0].length...]
+      else i++
+    return @_closeSpan text
+# Helper functions
+spanHtml = (klass, content) -> "<span class=\"#{klass}\">#{content or ''}</span>"
+class JQConsole
+  # Creates a console.
+  #   @arg container: The DOM element into which the console is inserted.
+  #   @arg header: Text to print at the top of the console on reset. Optional.
+  #     Defaults to an empty string.
+  #   @arg prompt_label: The label to show before the command prompt. Optional.
+  #     Defaults to DEFAULT_PROMPT_LABEL.
+  #   @arg prompt_continue: The label to show before continuation lines of the
+  #     command prompt. Optional. Defaults to DEFAULT_PROMPT_CONINUE_LABEL.
+  constructor: (outer_container, header, prompt_label, prompt_continue_label) ->
+    # Mobile devices supported sniff.
+    @isMobile = !!navigator.userAgent.match /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i
+    @isIos = !!navigator.userAgent.match /iPhone|iPad|iPod/i
+    @isAndroid = !!navigator.userAgent.match /Android/i
+    @$window = $(window)
+    # The header written when the console is reset.
+    @header = header or ''
+    # The prompt label used by Prompt().
+    @prompt_label_main = if typeof prompt_label == 'string'
+      prompt_label
+    else
+    @prompt_label_continue = (prompt_continue_label or
+                              DEFAULT_PROMPT_CONINUE_LABEL)
+    # How many spaces are inserted when a tab character is pressed.
+    @indent_width = DEFAULT_INDENT_WIDTH
+    # By default, the console is in the output state.
+    @state = STATE_OUTPUT
+    # A queue of input/prompt operations waiting to be called. The items are
+    # bound functions ready to be called.
+    @input_queue = []
+    # The function to call when input is accepted. Valid only in
+    # input/prompt mode.
+    @input_callback = null
+    # The function to call to determine whether the input should continue to the
+    # next line.
+    @multiline_callback = null
+    # A table of all "recorded" inputs given so far.
+    @history = []
+    # The index of the currently selected history item. If this is past the end
+    # of @history, then the user has not selected a history item.
+    @history_index = 0
+    # The command which the user was typing before browsing history. Keeping
+    # track of this allows us to restore the user's command if they browse the
+    # history then decide to go back to what they were typing.
+    @history_new = ''
+    # Whether the current input operation is using history.
+    @history_active = false
+    # A table of custom shortcuts, mapping character codes to callbacks.
+    @shortcuts = {}
+    @$container = $('<div/>').appendTo outer_container
+    @$container.css
+      'top': 0
+      'left': 0
+      'right': 0
+      'bottom': 0
+      'position': 'absolute'
+      'overflow': 'auto'
+    # The main console area. Everything else happens inside this.
+    @$console = $('<pre class="jqconsole"/>').appendTo @$container
+    @$console.css
+      'margin': 0
+      'position': 'relative'
+      'min-height': '100%'
+      'box-sizing': 'border-box'
+      '-moz-box-sizing': 'border-box'
+      '-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box'
+    # Whether the console currently has focus.
+    @$console_focused = true
+    # On screen somehow invisible textbox for input.
+    # Copied from codemirror2, this works for both mobile and desktop browsers.
+    @$input_container = $(EMPTY_DIV).appendTo @$container
+    @$input_container.css
+      position: 'absolute'
+      width: 1
+      height: 0
+      overflow: 'hidden'
+    # On android autocapitlize works for input.
+    @$input_source = if @isAndroid then $('<input/>') else $('<textarea/>')
+    @$input_source.attr
+      wrap: 'off'
+      autocapitalize: 'off'
+      autocorrect: 'off'
+      spellcheck: 'false'
+      autocomplete: 'off'
+    @$input_source.css
+      position: 'absolute'
+      width: 2
+    @$input_source.appendTo @$input_container
+    @$composition = $(EMPTY_DIV)
+    @$composition.addClass "#{CLASS_PREFIX}composition"
+    @$composition.css
+      display: 'inline'
+      position: 'relative'
+    # Hash containing all matching settings
+    # openings/closings[char] = matching_config
+    # where char is the opening/closing character.
+    # clss is an array of classes for fast unhighlighting
+    # for matching_config see Match method
+    @matchings =
+      openings: {}
+      closings: {}
+      clss: []
+    @ansi = new Ansi()
+    # Prepare console for interaction.
+    @_InitPrompt()
+    @_SetupEvents()
+    @Write @header, CLASS_HEADER
+    # Save this instance to be accessed if lost.
+    $(outer_container).data 'jqconsole', this
+  #### Reset methods
+  # Resets the history into intitial state.
+  ResetHistory: ->
+    @SetHistory []
+  # Resets the shortcut configuration.
+  ResetShortcuts: ->
+    @shortcuts = {}
+  # Resets the matching configuration.
+  ResetMatchings: ->
+    @matchings =
+      openings: {}
+      closings: {}
+      clss: []
+  # Resets the console to its initial state.
+  Reset: ->
+    if @state != STATE_OUTPUT then @ClearPromptText true
+    @state = STATE_OUTPUT
+    @input_queue = []
+    @input_callback = null
+    @multiline_callback = null
+    @ResetHistory()
+    @ResetShortcuts()
+    @ResetMatchings()
+    @$prompt.detach()
+    @$input_container.detach()
+    @$console.html ''
+    @$prompt.appendTo @$console
+    @$input_container.appendTo @$container
+    @Write @header, CLASS_HEADER
+    return undefined
+  #### History Methods
+  # Get the current history
+  GetHistory: ->
+  	@history
+  # Set the history
+  SetHistory: (history) ->
+  	@history = history.slice()
+  	@history_index = @history.length
+  ###------------------------ Shortcut Methods -----------------------------###
+  # Checks the type/value of key codes passed in for registering/unregistering
+  #   shortcuts and handles accordingly.
+  _CheckKeyCode: (key_code) ->
+    if isNaN key_code
+      key_code = key_code.charCodeAt 0
+    else
+      key_code = parseInt key_code, 10
+    if not (0 < key_code < 256) or isNaN key_code
+      throw new Error 'Key code must be a number between 0 and 256 exclusive.'
+    return key_code
+  # A helper function responsible for calling the register/unregister callback
+  #   twice passing in both the upper and lower case letters.
+  _LetterCaseHelper: (key_code, callback)->
+    callback key_code
+    if 65 <= key_code <= 90 then callback key_code + 32
+    if 97 <= key_code <= 122 then callback key_code - 32
+  # Registers a Ctrl+Key shortcut.
+  #   @arg key_code: The code of the key pressing which (when Ctrl is held) will
+  #     trigger this shortcut. If a string is provided, the character code of
+  #     the first character is taken.
+  #   @arg callback: A function called when the shortcut is pressed; "this" will
+  #     point to the JQConsole object.
+  RegisterShortcut: (key_code, callback) ->
+    key_code = @_CheckKeyCode key_code
+    if typeof callback != 'function'
+      throw new Error 'Callback must be a function, not ' + callback + '.'
+    addShortcut = (key) =>
+      if key not of @shortcuts then @shortcuts[key] = []
+      @shortcuts[key].push callback
+    @_LetterCaseHelper key_code, addShortcut
+    return undefined
+  # Removes a Ctrl+Key shortcut from shortcut registry.
+  #   @arg key_code: The code of the key pressing which (when Ctrl is held) will
+  #     trigger this shortcut. If a string is provided, the character code of
+  #     the first character is taken.
+  #   @arg handler: The handler that was used when registering the shortcut,
+  #     if not supplied then all shortcut handlers corrosponding to the key
+  #     would be removed.
+  UnRegisterShortcut: (key_code, handler) ->
+    key_code = @_CheckKeyCode key_code
+    removeShortcut = (key)=>
+      if key of @shortcuts
+        if handler
+          @shortcuts[key].splice @shortcuts[key].indexOf(handler), 1
+        else
+          delete @shortcuts[key]
+    @_LetterCaseHelper key_code, removeShortcut
+    return undefined
+  ###---------------------- END Shortcut Methods ---------------------------###
+  # Returns the 0-based number of the column on which the cursor currently is.
+  GetColumn: ->
+    @$prompt_right.detach()
+    @$prompt_cursor.text ''
+    lines = @$console.text().split NEWLINE
+    @$prompt_cursor.html ' '
+    @$prompt_cursor.after @$prompt_right
+    return lines[lines.length - 1].length
+  # Returns the 0-based number of the line on which the cursor currently is.
+  GetLine: ->
+    return @$console.text().split(NEWLINE).length - 1
+  # Clears the contents of the prompt.
+  #   @arg clear_label: If true, also clears the main prompt label (e.g. ">>>").
+  ClearPromptText: (clear_label) ->
+    if @state == STATE_OUTPUT
+      throw new Error 'ClearPromptText() is not allowed in output state.'
+    @$prompt_before.html ''
+    @$prompt_after.html ''
+    @$prompt_label.text if clear_label then '' else @_SelectPromptLabel false
+    @$prompt_left.text ''
+    @$prompt_right.text ''
+    return undefined
+  # Returns the contents of the prompt.
+  #   @arg full: If true, also includes the prompt labels (e.g. ">>>").
+  GetPromptText: (full) ->
+    if @state == STATE_OUTPUT
+      throw new Error 'GetPromptText() is not allowed in output state.'
+    if full
+      @$prompt_cursor.text ''
+      text = @$prompt.text()
+      @$prompt_cursor.html ' '
+      return text
+    else
+      getPromptLines = (node) ->
+        buffer = []
+        node.children().each -> buffer.push $(@).children().last().text()
+        return buffer.join NEWLINE
+      before = getPromptLines @$prompt_before
+      if before then before += NEWLINE
+      current = @$prompt_left.text() + @$prompt_right.text()
+      after = getPromptLines @$prompt_after
+      if after then after = NEWLINE + after
+      return before + current + after
+  # Sets the contents of the prompt.
+  #   @arg text: The text to put in the prompt. May contain multiple lines.
+  SetPromptText: (text) ->
+    if @state == STATE_OUTPUT
+      throw new Error 'SetPromptText() is not allowed in output state.'
+    @ClearPromptText false
+    @_AppendPromptText text
+    @_ScrollToEnd()
+    return undefined
+  # Replaces the main prompt label.
+  #   @arg main_label: The new main label for the next prompt.
+  #   @arg continue_label: The new continuation label for the next prompt. Optional.
+  SetPromptLabel: (main_label, continue_label) ->
+    @prompt_label_main = main_label
+    if continue_label?
+      @prompt_label_continue = continue_label
+    return undefined
+  # Writes the given text to the console in a <span>, with an optional class.
+  #   @arg text: The text to write.
+  #   @arg cls: The class to give the span containing the text. Optional.
+  Write: (text, cls, escape=true) ->
+    if escape
+      text = @ansi.stylize $(EMPTY_SPAN).text(text).html()
+    span = $(EMPTY_SPAN).html text
+    if cls? then span.addClass cls
+    @Append span
+  # Adds a dom node, where any text would have been inserted
+  #   @arg node: The node to insert.
+  Append: (node) ->
+  	$node = $(node).insertBefore @$prompt
+  	@_ScrollToEnd()
+  	# Force reclaculation of the cursor's position.
+  	@$prompt_cursor.detach().insertAfter @$prompt_left
+  	return $node
+  # Starts an input operation. If another input or prompt operation is currently
+  # underway, the new input operation is enqueued and will be called when the
+  # current operation and all previously enqueued operations finish.
+  #   @arg input_callback: A function called with the user's input when the
+  #     user presses Enter and the input operation is complete.
+  Input: (input_callback) ->
+    if @state == STATE_PROMPT
+      # Input operation has a higher priority, Abort and defer current prompt
+      # by putting it on top of the queue.
+      current_input_callback = @input_callback
+      current_multiline_callback = @multiline_callback
+      current_history_active = @history_active
+      current_async_multiline = @async_multiline
+      @AbortPrompt()
+      @input_queue.unshift => @Prompt current_history_active,
+                                      current_input_callback,
+                                      current_multiline_callback,
+                                      current_async_multiline
+    else if @state != STATE_OUTPUT
+      @input_queue.push => @Input input_callback
+      return
+    @history_active = false
+    @input_callback = input_callback
+    @multiline_callback = null
+    @state = STATE_INPUT
+    @$prompt.attr 'class', CLASS_INPUT
+    @$prompt_label.text @_SelectPromptLabel false
+    @Focus()
+    @_ScrollToEnd()
+    return undefined
+  # Starts a command prompt operation. If another input or prompt operation is
+  # currently underway, the new prompt operation is enqueued and will be called
+  # when the current operation and all previously enqueued operations finish.
+  #   @arg history_enabled: Whether this input should use history. If true, the
+  #     user can select the input from history, and their input will also be
+  #     added as a new history item.
+  #   @arg result_callback: A function called with the user's input when the
+  #     user presses Enter and the prompt operation is complete.
+  #   @arg multiline_callback: If specified, this function is called when the
+  #     user presses Enter to check whether the input should continue to the
+  #     next line. The function must return one of the following values:
+  #       false: the input operation is completed.
+  #       0: the input continues to the next line with the current indent.
+  #       N (int): the input continues to the next line, and the current indent
+  #         is adjusted by N, e.g. -2 to unindent two levels.
+  Prompt: (history_enabled, result_callback, multiline_callback, async_multiline) ->
+    if @state != STATE_OUTPUT
+      @input_queue.push =>
+        @Prompt history_enabled, result_callback, multiline_callback, async_multiline
+      return
+    @history_active = history_enabled
+    @input_callback = result_callback
+    @multiline_callback = multiline_callback
+    @async_multiline = async_multiline
+    @state = STATE_PROMPT
+    @$prompt.attr 'class', CLASS_PROMPT + ' ' + @ansi.getClasses()
+    @$prompt_label.text @_SelectPromptLabel false
+    @Focus()
+    @_ScrollToEnd()
+    return undefined
+  # Aborts the current prompt operation and returns to output mode or the next
+  # queued input/prompt operation.
+  AbortPrompt: ->
+    if @state != STATE_PROMPT
+      throw new Error 'Cannot abort prompt when not in prompt state.'
+    @Write @GetPromptText(true) + NEWLINE, CLASS_OLD_PROMPT
+    @ClearPromptText true
+    @state = STATE_OUTPUT
+    @input_callback = @multiline_callback = null
+    @_CheckInputQueue()
+    return undefined
+  # Sets focus on the console's hidden input box so input can be read.
+  Focus: ->
+    @$input_source.focus() if not @IsDisabled()
+    return undefined
+  # Sets the number of spaces inserted when indenting.
+  SetIndentWidth: (width) ->
+    @indent_width = width
+  # Returns the number of spaces inserted when indenting.
+  GetIndentWidth: ->
+    return @indent_width
+  # Registers character matching settings for a single matching
+  #   @arg open: the openning character
+  #   @arg close: the closing character
+  #   @arg cls: the html class to add to the matched characters
+  RegisterMatching: (open, close, cls) ->
+      match_config =
+        opening_char: open
+        closing_char: close
+        cls: cls
+      @matchings.clss.push(cls)
+      @matchings.openings[open] = match_config
+      @matchings.closings[close] = match_config
+  # Unregisters a character matching. cls is optional.
+  UnRegisterMatching: (open, close) ->
+    cls = @matchings.openings[open].cls
+    delete @matchings.openings[open]
+    delete @matchings.closings[close]
+    @matchings.clss.splice @matchings.clss.indexOf(cls), 1
+  # Dumps the content of the console before the current prompt.
+  Dump: ->
+    $elems = @$console
+      .find(".#{CLASS_HEADER}")
+      .nextUntil(".#{CLASS_PROMPT}")
+      .addBack()
+    return (
+      for elem in $elems
+        if $(elem).is ".#{CLASS_OLD_PROMPT}"
+          $(elem).text().replace /^\s+/, '>>> '
+        else
+          $(elem).text()
+    ).join ''
+  # Gets the current prompt state.
+  GetState: ->
+    return if @state is STATE_INPUT
+      'input'
+     else if @state is STATE_OUTPUT
+      'output'
+    else
+      'prompt'
+  # Disables focus and input on the console.
+  Disable: ->
+    @$input_source.attr 'disabled', on
+    @$input_source.blur();
+  # Enables focus and input on the console.
+  Enable: ->
+    @$input_source.attr 'disabled', off
+  # Returns true if the console is disabled.
+  IsDisabled: ->
+    return Boolean @$input_source.attr 'disabled'
+  # Moves the cursor to the start of the current prompt line.
+  #   @arg all_lines: If true, moves to the beginning of the first prompt line,
+  #     instead of the beginning of the current.
+  MoveToStart: (all_lines) ->
+    @_MoveTo all_lines, true
+    return undefined
+  # Moves the cursor to the end of the current prompt line.
+  MoveToEnd: (all_lines) ->
+    @_MoveTo all_lines, false
+    return undefined
+  # Clear the console keeping only the prompt.
+  Clear: ->
+    @$console
+      .find(".#{CLASS_HEADER}")
+      .nextUntil(".#{CLASS_PROMPT}")
+      .addBack()
+      .text ''
+    # Bug in Chrome were the cursor's position is not recalculated
+    @$prompt_cursor.detach()
+    @$prompt_after.before @$prompt_cursor
+  ###------------------------ Private Methods -------------------------------###
+  _CheckInputQueue: ->
+    if @input_queue.length
+      @input_queue.shift()()
+  # Creates the movable prompt span. When the console is in input mode, this is
+  # shown and allows user input. The structure of the spans are as follows:
+  # $prompt
+  #   $prompt_before
+  #     line1
+  #       prompt_label
+  #       prompt_content
+  #     ...
+  #     lineN
+  #       prompt_label
+  #       prompt_content
+  #   $prompt_current
+  #     $prompt_label
+  #     $prompt_left
+  #     $prompt_cursor
+  #     $prompt_right
+  #   $prompt_after
+  #     line1
+  #       prompt_label
+  #       prompt_content
+  #     ...
+  #     lineN
+  #       prompt_label
+  #       prompt_content
+  _InitPrompt: ->
+    # The main prompt container.
+    @$prompt = $(spanHtml(CLASS_INPUT)).appendTo @$console
+    # The main divisions of the prompt - the lines before the current line, the
+    # current line, and the lines after it.
+    @$prompt_before = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt
+    @$prompt_current = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt
+    @$prompt_after = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt
+    # The subdivisions of the current prompt line - the static prompt label
+    # (e.g. ">>> "), and the editable text to the left and right of the cursor.
+    @$prompt_label = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt_current
+    @$prompt_left = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt_current
+    @$prompt_right = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt_current
+    # Needed for the CSS z-index on the cursor to work.
+    @$prompt_right.css position: 'relative'
+    # The cursor. A span containing a space that shades its following character.
+    # If the font of the prompt is not monospace, the content should be set to
+    # the first character of @$prompt_right to get the appropriate width.
+    @$prompt_cursor = $(spanHtml(CLASS_CURSOR, ' '))
+    @$prompt_cursor.insertBefore @$prompt_right
+    @$prompt_cursor.css
+      color: 'transparent'
+      display: 'inline'
+      zIndex: 0
+    @$prompt_cursor.css('position', 'absolute') if not @isMobile
+  # Binds all the required input and focus events.
+  _SetupEvents: ->
+    # Click to focus.
+    if @isMobile
+      @$console.click (e) =>
+        e.preventDefault()
+        @Focus()
+    else
+      @$console.mouseup (e) =>
+        # Focus immediatly when it's the middle click to support
+        # paste on linux desktop.
+        if e.which == 2
+          @Focus()
+        else
+          fn = =>
+            if not window.getSelection().toString()
+              e.preventDefault()
+              @Focus()
+          # Force selection update.
+          setTimeout fn, 0
+    # Mark the console with a style when it loses focus.
+    @$input_source.focus =>
+      @_ScrollToEnd()
+      @$console_focused = true
+      @$console.removeClass CLASS_BLURRED
+      removeClass = =>
+        if @$console_focused then @$console.removeClass CLASS_BLURRED
+      setTimeout removeClass, 100
+      hideTextInput = =>
+        if @isIos and @$console_focused then @$input_source.hide()
+      setTimeout hideTextInput, 500
+    @$input_source.blur =>
+      @$console_focused = false
+      if @isIos then @$input_source.show()
+      addClass = =>
+        if not @$console_focused then @$console.addClass CLASS_BLURRED
+      setTimeout addClass, 100
+    # Intercept pasting.
+    @$input_source.bind 'paste', =>
+      handlePaste = =>
+        # Opera fires input on composition end.
+        return if @in_composition
+        @_AppendPromptText @$input_source.val()
+        @$input_source.val ''
+        @Focus()
+      # Wait until the browser has handled the paste event before scraping.
+      setTimeout handlePaste, 0
+    # Actual key-by-key handling.
+    @$input_source.keypress @_HandleChar
+    @$input_source.keydown @_HandleKey
+    @$input_source.keydown @_CheckComposition
+    # Firefox don't fire any key event for composition characters, so we listen
+    # for the unstandard composition-events.
+    @$input_source.bind 'compositionstart', @_StartComposition
+    @$input_source.bind 'compositionend', (e) =>
+      # Wait for the input element to update so we don't rely on buggy e.data
+      setTimeout((=> @_EndComposition(e)), 0)
+    # Android has an out of screen text input for autocorrect and autocomplete
+    # and since it doesn't allow disabling we use composition events and more
+    # hacks to get input to work.
+    if @isAndroid
+      # Text is handled via composition events but for things like spaces
+      # we need to emulate a composition start.
+      @$input_source.bind 'input', @_StartComposition
+      @$input_source.bind 'input', @_UpdateComposition
+    else
+      @$input_source.bind 'text', @_UpdateComposition
+  # Handles a character key press.
+  #   @arg event: The jQuery keyboard Event object to handle.
+  _HandleChar: (event) =>
+    # We let the browser take over during output mode.
+    # Skip everything when a modifier key other than shift is held.
+    # Allow alt key to pass through for unicode & multibyte characters.
+    if @state == STATE_OUTPUT or event.metaKey or event.ctrlKey
+      return true
+    # IE & Chrome capture non-control characters and Enter.
+    # Mozilla and Opera capture everything.
+    # This is the most reliable cross-browser; charCode/keyCode break on Opera.
+    char_code = event.which
+    # Skip Enter on IE and Chrome and Tab & backspace on Opera.
+    # These are handled in _HandleKey().
+    if char_code in [8, 9, 13] then return false
+    @$prompt_left.text @$prompt_left.text() + String.fromCharCode char_code
+    @_ScrollToEnd()
+    return false
+  # Handles a key up event and dispatches specific handlers.
+  #   @arg event: The jQuery keyboard Event object to handle.
+  _HandleKey: (event) =>
+    # We let the browser take over during output mode.
+    if @state == STATE_OUTPUT then return true
+    key = event.keyCode or event.which
+    # Check for char matching next time the callstack unwinds.
+    setTimeout $.proxy(@_CheckMatchings, this), 0
+    # Don't care about alt-modifier.
+    if event.altKey
+      return true
+    # Handle shortcuts.
+    else if event.ctrlKey or event.metaKey
+      return @_HandleCtrlShortcut key
+    else if event.shiftKey
+      # Shift-modifier shortcut.
+      switch key
+        when KEY_ENTER then @_HandleEnter true
+        when KEY_TAB then @_Unindent()
+        when KEY_UP then  @_MoveUp()
+        when KEY_DOWN then @_MoveDown()
+        when KEY_PAGE_UP then @_ScrollPage 'up'
+        when KEY_PAGE_DOWN then @_ScrollPage 'down'
+        # Allow other Shift shortcuts to pass through to the browser.
+        else return true
+      return false
+    else
+      # Not a modifier shortcut.
+      switch key
+        when KEY_ENTER then @_HandleEnter false
+        when KEY_TAB then @_Indent()
+        when KEY_DELETE then @_Delete false
+        when KEY_BACKSPACE then @_Backspace false
+        when KEY_LEFT then @_MoveLeft false
+        when KEY_RIGHT then @_MoveRight false
+        when KEY_UP then @_HistoryPrevious()
+        when KEY_DOWN then @_HistoryNext()
+        when KEY_HOME then @MoveToStart false
+        when KEY_END then @MoveToEnd false
+        when KEY_PAGE_UP then @_ScrollPage 'up'
+        when KEY_PAGE_DOWN then @_ScrollPage 'down'
+        # Let any other key continue its way to keypress.
+        else return true
+      return false
+  # Handles a Ctrl+Key shortcut.
+  #   @arg key: The keyCode of the pressed key.
+  _HandleCtrlShortcut: (key) ->
+    switch key
+      when KEY_DELETE then @_Delete true
+      when KEY_BACKSPACE then @_Backspace true
+      when KEY_LEFT then @_MoveLeft true
+      when KEY_RIGHT then @_MoveRight true
+      when KEY_UP then  @_MoveUp()
+      when KEY_DOWN then @_MoveDown()
+      when KEY_END then @MoveToEnd true
+      when KEY_HOME then @MoveToStart true
+      else
+        if key of @shortcuts
+          # Execute custom shortcuts.
+          handler.call(this) for handler in @shortcuts[key]
+          return false
+        else
+          # Allow unhandled Ctrl shortcuts.
+          return true
+    # Block handled shortcuts.
+    return false
+  # Handles the user pressing the Enter key.
+  #   @arg shift: Whether the shift key is held.
+  _HandleEnter: (shift) ->
+    @_EndComposition()
+    if shift
+      @_InsertNewLine true
+    else
+      text = @GetPromptText()
+      continuation = (indent) =>
+        if indent isnt false
+          @MoveToEnd true
+          @_InsertNewLine true
+          for _ in [0...Math.abs indent]
+            if indent > 0 then @_Indent() else @_Unindent()
+        else
+          # Done with input.
+          cls_suffix = if @state == STATE_INPUT then 'input' else 'prompt'
+          @Write @GetPromptText(true) + NEWLINE, "#{CLASS_PREFIX}old-" + cls_suffix
+          @ClearPromptText true
+          if @history_active
+            if not @history.length or @history[@history.length - 1] != text
+              @history.push text
+            @history_index = @history.length
+          @state = STATE_OUTPUT
+          callback = @input_callback
+          @input_callback = null
+          if callback then callback text
+          @_CheckInputQueue()
+      if @multiline_callback
+        if @async_multiline
+          @multiline_callback text, continuation
+        else
+          continuation @multiline_callback text
+      else
+        continuation false
+  # Returns the appropriate variables for usage in methods that depends on the
+  #   direction of the interaction with the console.
+  _GetDirectionals: (back) ->
+    $prompt_which = if back then @$prompt_left else @$prompt_right
+    $prompt_opposite = if back then @$prompt_right else @$prompt_left
+    $prompt_relative = if back then @$prompt_before else @$prompt_after
+    $prompt_rel_opposite = if back then @$prompt_after else @$prompt_before
+    MoveToLimit = if back
+      $.proxy @MoveToStart, @
+    else
+      $.proxy @MoveToEnd, @
+    MoveDirection = if back
+      $.proxy @_MoveLeft, @
+    else
+      $.proxy @_MoveRight, @
+    which_end = if back then 'last' else 'first'
+    where_append = if back then 'prependTo' else 'appendTo'
+    return {
+      $prompt_which
+      $prompt_opposite
+      $prompt_relative
+      $prompt_rel_opposite
+      MoveToLimit
+      MoveDirection
+      which_end
+      where_append
+    }
+  # Moves the cursor vertically in the current prompt,
+  #   in the same column. (Used by _MoveUp, _MoveDown)
+  _VerticalMove: (up) ->
+    {
+      $prompt_which
+      $prompt_opposite
+      $prompt_relative
+      MoveToLimit
+      MoveDirection
+    } = @_GetDirectionals(up)
+    if $prompt_relative.is EMPTY_SELECTOR then return
+    pos = @$prompt_left.text().length
+    MoveToLimit()
+    MoveDirection()
+    text = $prompt_which.text()
+    $prompt_opposite.text if up then text[pos..] else text[...pos]
+    $prompt_which.text if up then text[...pos] else text[pos..]
+  # Moves the cursor to the line above the current one, in the same column.
+  _MoveUp: ->
+    @_VerticalMove true
+  # Moves the cursor to the line below the current one, in the same column.
+  _MoveDown: ->
+    @_VerticalMove()
+  # Moves the cursor horizontally in the current prompt.
+  #   Used by _MoveLeft, _MoveRight
+  _HorizontalMove: (whole_word, back) ->
+    {
+      $prompt_which
+      $prompt_opposite
+      $prompt_relative
+      $prompt_rel_opposite
+      which_end
+      where_append
+    } = @_GetDirectionals(back)
+    regexp = if back then /\w*\W*$/ else /^\w*\W*/
+    text = $prompt_which.text()
+    if text
+      if whole_word
+        word = text.match regexp
+        if not word then return
+        word = word[0]
+        tmp = $prompt_opposite.text()
+        $prompt_opposite.text if back then word + tmp else tmp + word
+        len = word.length
+        $prompt_which.text if back then text[...-len] else text[len..]
+      else
+        tmp = $prompt_opposite.text()
+        $prompt_opposite.text if back then text[-1...] + tmp else tmp + text[0]
+        $prompt_which.text if back then text[...-1] else text[1...]
+    else if not $prompt_relative.is EMPTY_SELECTOR
+      $which_line = $(EMPTY_SPAN)[where_append] $prompt_rel_opposite
+      $which_line.append $(EMPTY_SPAN).text @$prompt_label.text()
+      $which_line.append $(EMPTY_SPAN).text $prompt_opposite.text()
+      $opposite_line = $prompt_relative.children()[which_end]().detach()
+      @$prompt_label.text $opposite_line.children().first().text()
+      $prompt_which.text $opposite_line.children().last().text()
+      $prompt_opposite.text ''
+  # Moves the cursor to the left.
+  #   @arg whole_word: Whether to move by a whole word rather than a character.
+  _MoveLeft: (whole_word) ->
+    @_HorizontalMove whole_word, true
+  # Moves the cursor to the right.
+  #   @arg whole_word: Whether to move by a whole word rather than a character.
+  _MoveRight: (whole_word) ->
+    @_HorizontalMove whole_word
+  # Moves the cursor either to the start or end of the current prompt line(s).
+  _MoveTo: (all_lines, back) ->
+    {
+      $prompt_which
+      $prompt_opposite
+      $prompt_relative
+      MoveToLimit
+      MoveDirection
+    } = @_GetDirectionals(back)
+    if all_lines
+      # Warning! FF 3.6 hangs on is(EMPTY_SELECTOR)
+      until $prompt_relative.is(EMPTY_SELECTOR) and $prompt_which.text() == ''
+        MoveToLimit false
+        MoveDirection false
+    else
+      $prompt_opposite.text @$prompt_left.text() + @$prompt_right.text()
+      $prompt_which.text ''
+  # Deletes the character or word following the cursor.
+  #   @arg whole_word: Whether to delete a whole word rather than a character.
+  _Delete: (whole_word) ->
+    text = @$prompt_right.text()
+    if text
+      if whole_word
+        word = text.match /^\w*\W*/
+        if not word then return
+        word = word[0]
+        @$prompt_right.text text[word.length...]
+      else
+        @$prompt_right.text text[1...]
+    else if not @$prompt_after.is EMPTY_SELECTOR
+      $lower_line = @$prompt_after.children().first().detach()
+      @$prompt_right.text $lower_line.children().last().text()
+  # Deletes the character or word preceding the cursor.
+  #   @arg whole_word: Whether to delete a whole word rather than a character.
+  _Backspace: (whole_word) ->
+    setTimeout $.proxy(@_ScrollToEnd, @), 0
+    text = @$prompt_left.text()
+    if text
+      if whole_word
+        word = text.match /\w*\W*$/
+        if not word then return
+        word = word[0]
+        @$prompt_left.text text[...-word.length]
+      else
+        @$prompt_left.text text[...-1]
+    else if not @$prompt_before.is EMPTY_SELECTOR
+      $upper_line = @$prompt_before.children().last().detach()
+      @$prompt_label.text $upper_line.children().first().text()
+      @$prompt_left.text $upper_line.children().last().text()
+  # Indents the current line.
+  _Indent: ->
+    @$prompt_left.prepend (' ' for _ in [1.. at indent_width]).join ''
+  # Unindents the current line.
+  _Unindent: ->
+    line_text = @$prompt_left.text() + @$prompt_right.text()
+    for _ in [1.. at indent_width]
+      if not /^ /.test(line_text) then break
+      if @$prompt_left.text()
+        @$prompt_left.text @$prompt_left.text()[1..]
+      else
+        @$prompt_right.text @$prompt_right.text()[1..]
+      line_text = line_text[1..]
+  # Inserts a new line at the cursor position.
+  #   @arg indent: If specified and true, the inserted line is indented to the
+  #     same column as the last line.
+  _InsertNewLine: (indent = false) ->
+    old_prompt = @_SelectPromptLabel not @$prompt_before.is EMPTY_SELECTOR
+    $old_line = $(EMPTY_SPAN).appendTo @$prompt_before
+    $old_line.append $(EMPTY_SPAN).text old_prompt
+    $old_line.append $(EMPTY_SPAN).text @$prompt_left.text()
+    @$prompt_label.text @_SelectPromptLabel true
+    if indent and match = @$prompt_left.text().match /^\s+/
+      @$prompt_left.text match[0]
+    else
+      @$prompt_left.text ''
+    @_ScrollToEnd()
+  # Appends the given text to the prompt.
+  #   @arg text: The text to append. Can contain multiple lines.
+  _AppendPromptText: (text) ->
+    lines = text.split NEWLINE
+    @$prompt_left.text @$prompt_left.text() + lines[0]
+    for line in lines[1..]
+      @_InsertNewLine()
+      @$prompt_left.text line
+  # Scrolls the console area down/up one page (with animation).
+  _ScrollPage: (dir) ->
+    target = @$container[0].scrollTop
+    if dir == 'up'
+      target -= @$container.height()
+    else
+      target += @$container.height()
+    @$container.stop().animate {scrollTop: target}, 'fast'
+  # Scrolls the console area to its bottom;
+  # Scrolls the window to the cursor vertical position.
+  # Called with every input/output to the console.
+  _ScrollToEnd: ->
+    # Scroll console to the bottom.
+    @$container.scrollTop @$container[0].scrollHeight
+    # Move the input element to the cursor position.
+    pos = @$prompt_cursor.position()
+    @$input_container.css
+      left: pos.left
+      top: pos.top
+    # Give time for mobile browsers to zoom in on textarea
+    setTimeout @ScrollWindowToPrompt.bind(@), 50
+  ScrollWindowToPrompt: ->
+    # The cursor's top position is effected by the scroll-top of the console
+    # so we need to this asynchronously to give the browser a chance to
+    # reflow and recaluclate the cursor's possition.
+    line_height = @$prompt_cursor.height()
+    screen_top = @$window.scrollTop()
+    screen_left = @$window.scrollLeft()
+    doc_height = document.documentElement.clientHeight
+    pos = @$prompt_cursor.offset()
+    optimal_pos = pos.top - (2 * line_height)
+    # Follow the cursor vertically on mobile and desktop.
+    if @isMobile and orientation?
+      # Since the keyboard takes up most of the screen, we don't care about how
+      # far the the cursor position from the screen top is. We just follow it.
+      if screen_top < pos.top or screen_top > pos.top
+        @$window.scrollTop optimal_pos
+    else
+      if screen_top + doc_height < pos.top
+        # Scroll just to a place where the cursor is in the view port.
+        @$window.scrollTop pos.top - doc_height + line_height
+      else if screen_top > optimal_pos
+        # If the window is scrolled beyond the cursor, scroll to the cursor's
+        # position and give two line to the top.
+        @$window.scrollTop pos.top
+  # Selects the prompt label appropriate to the current mode.
+  #   @arg continuation: If true, returns the continuation prompt rather than
+  #     the main one.
+  _SelectPromptLabel: (continuation) ->
+    if @state == STATE_PROMPT
+      return if continuation then (' \n' + @prompt_label_continue) else @prompt_label_main
+    else
+      return if continuation then '\n ' else ' '
+  # Wraps a single character in an element with a <span> having a class
+  #   @arg $elem: The JqDom element in question
+  #   @arg index: the index of the character to be wrapped
+  #   @arg cls: the html class to be given to the wrapping <span>
+  _Wrap: ($elem, index, cls) ->
+    text = $elem.html()
+    html = text[0...index]+
+           spanHtml(cls, text[index])+
+           text[index + 1...]
+    $elem.html html
+  # Walks a string of characters incrementing current_count each time a char is found
+  # and decrementing each time an opposing char is found.
+  #   @arg text: the text in question
+  #   @arg char: the char that would increment the counter
+  #   @arg opposing_char: the char that would decrement the counter
+  #   @arg back: specifies whether the walking should be done backwards.
+  _WalkCharacters: (text, char, opposing_char, current_count, back) ->
+    index = if back then text.length else 0
+    text = text.split ''
+    read_char = () ->
+      if back
+        [text..., ret] = text
+      else
+        [ret, text...] = text
+      if ret
+        index = index + if back then -1 else +1
+      ret
+    while ch = read_char()
+      if ch is char
+        current_count++
+      else if ch is opposing_char
+        current_count--
+      if current_count is 0
+        return {index: index, current_count: current_count}
+    return {index: -1, current_count: current_count}
+  _ProcessMatch: (config, back, before_char) =>
+      [char, opposing_char] = if back
+        [
+          config['closing_char']
+          config['opening_char']
+        ]
+      else
+        [
+          config['opening_char']
+          config['closing_char']
+        ]
+      {$prompt_which, $prompt_relative} = @_GetDirectionals(back)
+      current_count = 1
+      found = false
+      # check current line first
+      text = $prompt_which.html()
+      # When on the same line discard checking the first character, going backwards
+      # is not an issue since the cursor's current character is found in $prompt_right.
+      if !back then text = text[1...]
+      if before_char and back then text = text[...-1]
+      {index, current_count} = @_WalkCharacters text, char, opposing_char, current_count, back
+      if index > -1
+        @_Wrap $prompt_which, index, config.cls
+        found = true
+      else
+        $collection = $prompt_relative.children()
+        # When going backwards we have to the reverse our jQuery collection
+        # for fair matchings
+        $collection = if back then Array.prototype.reverse.call($collection) else $collection
+        $collection.each (i, elem) =>
+          $elem = $(elem).children().last()
+          text = $elem.html()
+          {index, current_count} = @_WalkCharacters text, char, opposing_char, current_count, back
+          if index > -1
+            # When checking for matchings ona different line going forward we must decrement
+            # the index since the current char is not included
+            if !back then index--
+            @_Wrap $elem, index, config.cls
+            found = true
+            return false
+      return found
+  # Unrwaps all prevoisly matched characters.
+  # Checks if the cursor's current character is one to be matched, then walks
+  # the following/preceeding characters to look for the opposing character that
+  # would satisfy the match. If found both characters would be wrapped with a
+  # span and applied the html class that was found in the match_config.
+  _CheckMatchings: (before_char) ->
+    current_char = if before_char then @$prompt_left.text()[@$prompt_left.text().length - 1...] else @$prompt_right.text()[0]
+    # on every move unwrap all matched elements
+    # TODO(amasad): cache previous matched elements since this must be costly
+    $('.' + cls, @$console).contents().unwrap() for cls in @matchings.clss
+    if config = @matchings.closings[current_char]
+      found = @_ProcessMatch config, true, before_char
+    else if config = @matchings.openings[current_char]
+      found = @_ProcessMatch config, false, before_char
+    else if not before_char
+      @_CheckMatchings true
+    if before_char
+      @_Wrap @$prompt_left, @$prompt_left.html().length - 1, config.cls if found
+    else
+    # Wrap current element when a matching was found
+      @_Wrap @$prompt_right, 0, config.cls if found
+  # Sets the prompt to the previous history item.
+  _HistoryPrevious: ->
+    if not @history_active then return
+    if @history_index <= 0 then return
+    if @history_index == @history.length
+      @history_new = @GetPromptText()
+    @SetPromptText @history[-- at history_index]
+  # Sets the prompt to the next history item.
+  _HistoryNext: ->
+    if not @history_active then return
+    if @history_index >= @history.length then return
+    if @history_index == @history.length - 1
+      @history_index++
+      @SetPromptText @history_new
+    else
+      @SetPromptText @history[++ at history_index]
+  # Check if this could be the start of a composition or an update to it.
+  _CheckComposition: (e) =>
+    key = e.keyCode or e.which
+    if key == 229
+      if @in_composition then @_UpdateComposition() else @_StartComposition()
+  # Starts a multibyte character composition.
+  _StartComposition: =>
+    return if @in_composition
+    @in_composition = true
+    @_ShowComposition()
+    setTimeout @_UpdateComposition, 0
+  # Ends a multibyte character composition.
+  _EndComposition: =>
+    return if not @in_composition
+    @_HideComposition()
+    @$prompt_left.text @$prompt_left.text() + @$composition.text()
+    @$composition.text ''
+    @$input_source.val ''
+    @in_composition = false
+  # Updates a multibyte character composition.
+  _UpdateComposition: (e) =>
+    cb =  =>
+      return if not @in_composition
+      @$composition.text @$input_source.val()
+    setTimeout cb, 0
+  # Shows a multibyte character composition.
+  _ShowComposition: =>
+    @$composition.css 'height', @$prompt_cursor.height()
+    @$composition.empty()
+    @$composition.appendTo @$prompt_left
+  # Hides a multibyte character composition.
+  _HideComposition: =>
+    # We just detach the element because by now the text value of this element
+    # is already extracted and has been put on the left of the prompt.
+    @$composition.detach()
+$.fn.jqconsole = (header, prompt_main, prompt_continue) ->
+  new JQConsole this, header, prompt_main, prompt_continue
+$.fn.jqconsole.JQConsole = JQConsole
+$.fn.jqconsole.Ansi = Ansi

snd packaging

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