[SCM] dvd-slideshow packaging annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/

alessio at users.alioth.debian.org alessio at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Nov 1 15:01:03 UTC 2016

The annotated tag, debian/ has been created
        at  14b4b86018063f003970fe1ea57c3bd506394391 (tag)
   tagging  b3833ebc6bdca309607df8f1a9d1dd7c66c247fd (commit)
  replaces  debian/
 tagged by  Alessio Treglia
        on  Tue Nov 1 15:00:58 2016 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
dvd-slideshow Debian release

Alessio Treglia (10):
      Imported Upstream version
      Merge tag 'upstream/'
      Replace libav-tools with ffmpeg
      Update debian/copyright
      Drop ffmpeg-avconv.patch, no longer needed
      Refresh 02_dvd-menu.patch
      Refresh 03-toolame.diff
      Refresh debian/patches/series
      Remove myself from the Uploaders field.
      Update changelog

Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto (16):
      updated changelog
      dh level 9
      Standards-Version from 3.9.5 to 3.9.8
      Vcs* update url - https
      Depends cdrskin and genisoimage added
      .html entry commented
      cdrskin instead of cdrecord
      replace mkisofs -> genisoimage
      refreshed: almost everything applied by the upstream
      ajust line dvdmenu_man. lintian
      ajust line dvdslideshow_man. lintian
      sorted. two more patches
      line 'rm .html' commented
      updated changelog
      updated changelog


dvd-slideshow packaging

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