[SCM] qstopmotion/master: runned

adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 5 10:02:43 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit bcd823cc83052b41066db86897738c484ba54783
Author: Adrian Knoth <adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de>
Date:   Sat Nov 5 10:57:11 2016 +0100


diff --git a/debian/patches/spelling.patch b/debian/patches/spelling.patch
index 4aba80c..2e9e33c 100644
--- a/debian/patches/spelling.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/spelling.patch
@@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp
      qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> End";
      return 0;
+@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ bool QtFrontend::recoverProject()
+     int ret = askQuestion(tr("Recovery"),
+                   tr("Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally\n"
+-                  "last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?"));
++                  "last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?"));
+     // The user wants to recover
+     if (ret != 0) {
+         qDebug() << "QtFrontend::recoverProject --> End (False)";
 @@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ void QtFrontend::test(QWidget *parentWid
      QObjectList testList = parentWidget->children();
      int testSize = testList.size();
@@ -199,3 +208,258 @@ Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/viewfacade.h
       * Detatches an observer from the model. The observer will no longer be
+Index: qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
+--- qstopmotion.orig/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
++++ qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
+@@ -1479,13 +1479,13 @@ int AnimationProject::addSoundToScene(un
+         frontend->showWarning(tr("Add Sound"),
+             tr("Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.\n"
+             "Check that you have the right permissions set.\n"
+-            "The animation will be runned without sound if you\n"
++            "The animation will be ran without sound if you\n"
+             "choose to play."));
+         --soundsNumber;
+     } else if (ret == -2) {
+         frontend->showWarning(tr("Add Sound"),
+             tr("The selected audio file is not valid within the\n"
+-            "given audio format. The animation will be runned\n"
++            "given audio format. The animation will be ran\n"
+             "without sound if you choose to play."));
+         --soundsNumber;
+     }
+Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
+--- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
++++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
+     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
+     /**
+-     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
++     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be ran in deamon mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+     bool setUp();
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
+     bool grab();
+     /**
+-     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
++     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is ran in deamon
+      * mode or "single grab" mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
+--- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
++++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
+     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
+     /**
+-     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
++     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be ran in deamon mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+     bool setUp();
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
+     bool grab();
+     /**
+-     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
++     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is ran in deamon
+      * mode or "single grab" mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
+--- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
++++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public:
+     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
+     /**
+-     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
++     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be ran in deamon mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+     bool setUp();
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
+     bool grab();
+     /**
+-     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
++     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is ran in deamon
+      * mode or "single grab" mode.
+      * @return true on success, false otherwise
+      */
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm
+Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm differ
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
+--- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
++++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
+@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
+     <message>
+         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
+ Check that you have the right permissions set.
+-The animation will be runned without sound if you
++The animation will be ran without sound if you
+ choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Vybraný soubor se záznamem zvuku nelze otevřít pro čtení.
+ Prověřte, že jsou oprávnění nastavena správně.
+@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ přehrána bez zvuku.</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
+-given audio format. The animation will be runned
++given audio format. The animation will be ran
+ without sound if you choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Vybraný soubor se záznamem zvuku není v platném
+ zvukovém formátu. Animace bude, v případě že se
+@@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ tato oprávnění potřebujete k vytvoř
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
+-last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
++last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?</source>
+         <translation>Vypadá to, že qStopmotion nebyl při posledním používání správně
+ ukončen. Chcete obnovit poslední sezení?</translation>
+     </message>
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm
+Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm differ
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
+--- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
++++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
+@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
+         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
+ Check that you have the right permissions set.
+-The animation will be runned without sound if you
++The animation will be ran without sound if you
+ choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Kan ikke åbne den valgte lydfil til læsning.
+ Check at du har sat de rigtige rettigheder.
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ hvis du vælger afspil.</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
+         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
+-given audio format. The animation will be runned
++given audio format. The animation will be ran
+ without sound if you choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Den valgte audio fil er ugyldig indenfor det
+ valgte lyd format. Animationen vil blivet spillet
+@@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@ Du behøver ret til at læse, skrive og
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
+         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
+-last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
++last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?</source>
+         <translation>Noget fik qStopmotion til at stoppe uregelmæssigt
+ sidst. Ønsker du at genoprette?</translation>
+     </message>
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm
+Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm differ
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
+--- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
++++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
+         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
+ Check that you have the right permissions set.
+-The animation will be runned without sound if you
++The animation will be ran without sound if you
+ choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Die ausgewählte Ton-Datei kann nicht zum lesen geöffnet werden.
+ Überprüfen Sie, dass die Rechte richtig gesetzt sind.
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ abspielen wählen.</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
+         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
+-given audio format. The animation will be runned
++given audio format. The animation will be ran
+ without sound if you choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Die ausgewählte Ton-Datei hat kein gültiges
+ Ton-Format. Die Animation wird ohne Ton abgespielt,
+@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ Sie benötigen Rechte zum lesen, schreib
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
+         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
+-last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
++last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?</source>
+         <translation>Es sieht so aus, als wurde qStopmotion bei der letzten Nutzung nicht
+ ordentlich beendet. Möchten Sie die letzte Sitzung wiederherstellen?</translation>
+     </message>
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm
+Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm differ
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
+--- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
++++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
+@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
+         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
+ Check that you have the right permissions set.
+-The animation will be runned without sound if you
++The animation will be ran without sound if you
+ choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Il n'est pas possible d'ouvrir le fichier audio pour le lire.
+ Veuillez vérifier si vous avez mis les bons droits d'accès.
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ L'animation est visualisée sans so
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
+         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
+-given audio format. The animation will be runned
++given audio format. The animation will be ran
+ without sound if you choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Le fichier audio choisi n'a pas de format audio valide.
+ L'animation est visualisée sans son si vous choisissez de le lire.</translation>
+@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ Il vous faut des droits d'accès po
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
+         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
+-last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
++last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?</source>
+         <translation>Probablement qStopMotion n'a pas été correctement terminé lors de le dernière séance.
+ Voulez-vous restaurer la dernière séance?</translation>
+     </message>
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm
+Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm differ
+Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
+--- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
++++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
+@@ -150,14 +150,14 @@
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
+         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
+ Check that you have the right permissions set.
+-The animation will be runned without sound if you
++The animation will be ran without sound if you
+ choose to play.</source>
+         <translation></translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
+         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
+-given audio format. The animation will be runned
++given audio format. The animation will be ran
+ without sound if you choose to play.</source>
+         <translation>Den valda ljudfilen är inte i ett fungerande ljudformat. Animationen visas utan ljud om du väljer att spela.</translation>
+     </message>
+@@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ Du behöver rättighet att läsa, skriva
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
+         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
+-last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
++last time it was ran. Do you want to recover?</source>
+         <translation>Något orsakade att qStopMotion oväntat avslutades
+ vid senaste användningen. Vill du återskapa?</translation>
+     </message>

qstopmotion packaging

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