[SCM] qstopmotion/master: Delete spelling.patch

adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org adiknoth-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Nov 14 20:17:19 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 5e8b278b7a49d86f360c2033e39944719835d337
Author: Adrian Knoth <adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de>
Date:   Mon Nov 14 21:05:40 2016 +0100

    Delete spelling.patch
    Applied upstream

diff --git a/debian/patches/spelling.patch b/debian/patches/spelling.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cb0612..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/spelling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,967 +0,0 @@
-From: Adrian Knoth <adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de>
-Description: Fix minor spelling mistakes
-Last-Updated: 2016-11-04
-Forwarded: yes
-Index: qstopmotion/linux/qstopmotion.1
---- qstopmotion.orig/linux/qstopmotion.1
-+++ qstopmotion/linux/qstopmotion.1
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ A summary of options is included below.
- Creates a new project containing the images located in DIR (e.g. /foo/bar)
- The full documentation for qStopMotion is maintained in the application help menu. 
--Visit the projects website for more informations. 
-+Visit the projects website for more information.
- (http://www.qStopMotion.org)
- .br
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp
-@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ bool QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirecto
-         pathLength = absoluteAppName.lastIndexOf("/");
-         appBinDirName.append(absoluteAppName.left(pathLength + 1));
-     }
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Direcory:" << appApplicationDirName;
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Binary Direcory:" << appBinDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Directory:" << appApplicationDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Binary Directory:" << appBinDirName;
- #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_WIN64)
-     // Windows version
-@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@ bool QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirecto
- #endif
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Manual Direcory:" << appManualDirName;
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Translations Direcory:" << appTranslationsDirName;
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Graphics Direcory:" << appGraphicsDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Manual Directory:" << appManualDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Translations Directory:" << appTranslationsDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Graphics Directory:" << appGraphicsDirName;
-     otherDirName.clear();
-@@ -263,14 +263,14 @@ bool QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirecto
-     otherDirName.append(PreferencesTool::iconsDirectory);
-     otherDirName.append(QLatin1String("/"));
-     appIconsDirName.append(otherDirName);
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Icon Direcory:" << appIconsDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Icon Directory:" << appIconsDirName;
-     otherDirName.clear();
-     otherDirName.append(appGraphicsDirName);
-     otherDirName.append(PreferencesTool::picturesDirectory);
-     otherDirName.append(QLatin1String("/"));
-     appPicturesDirName.append(otherDirName);
--    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Pictures Direcory:" << appPicturesDirName;
-+    qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> Application Pictures Directory:" << appPicturesDirName;
-     qDebug() << "QtFrontend::checkApplicationDirectory --> End";
-     return 0;
-@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ bool QtFrontend::recoverProject()
-     int ret = askQuestion(tr("Recovery"),
-                   tr("Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally\n"
--                  "last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?"));
-+                  "last time it was run. Do you want to recover?"));
-     // The user wants to recover
-     if (ret != 0) {
-         qDebug() << "QtFrontend::recoverProject --> End (False)";
-@@ -1080,7 +1080,7 @@ void QtFrontend::test(QWidget *parentWid
-     QObjectList testList = parentWidget->children();
-     int testSize = testList.size();
-     if (testSize == 0) {
--        QDebug(QtDebugMsg) << "QtFrontend::test of level: " << level << " --> End (no childs) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<=======================";
-+        QDebug(QtDebugMsg) << "QtFrontend::test of level: " << level << " --> End (no children) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<=======================";
-         return;
-     }
-     QDebug(QtDebugMsg) << "QtFrontend::test of level: " << level << " --> testSize: " << testSize;
-Index: qstopmotion/manual/adding_sound.html
---- qstopmotion.orig/manual/adding_sound.html
-+++ qstopmotion/manual/adding_sound.html
-@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
- 	</DIV>
- 	<DIV CLASS="section">
- 		<H1 CLASS="section">X. Adding sound</H1>
--		<P>You also can add sound to your animations. Before you can do this however you need to have a frame to attatch the sound to. Therefore you should add some frames from the harddrive or webcamera first.</P>
--		<P>When you have one or more frames you can add a sound by double clicking with the mouse on the frame to attatch the sound to. You will then get a menu where you can add sounds. When running the animation the sound will be played from this frame and until the sound is completed or the animation is at an end.</P>
-+		<P>You also can add sound to your animations. Before you can do this however you need to have a frame to attach the sound to. Therefore you should add some frames from the harddrive or webcamera first.</P>
-+		<P>When you have one or more frames you can add a sound by double clicking with the mouse on the frame to attach the sound to. You will then get a menu where you can add sounds. When running the animation the sound will be played from this frame and until the sound is completed or the animation is at an end.</P>
- 		<DIV CLASS="note">
- 			<TABLE CLASS="note" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0">
- 				<TR>
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/observer.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/observer.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/observer.h
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class Exposure;
-  * The observer interface. All classes who wants to be notified when something
-  * changes in the animationmodel has to implement from this class.
-  *
-- * The observers implemented with this class also has to be attatched to the
-+ * The observers implemented with this class also has to be attached to the
-  * animationmodel.
-  *
-  * The observer is implemented with strong use of the push model. Although this
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.cpp
-@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ FrameViewInterface::FrameViewInterface(F
-     setNormalRatio();
--    frontend->getView()->attatch(this);
-+    frontend->getView()->attach(this);
--    qDebug() << "FrameViewInterface::Constructor --> FrameView is attatched to the ViewFacade";
-+    qDebug() << "FrameViewInterface::Constructor --> FrameView is attached to the ViewFacade";
-     connect(&grabTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(redraw()));
-     connect(&playbackTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(nextPlayBack()));
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/thumbview.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/thumbview.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/thumbview.h
-@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ public:
-     /**
-      * Abstract function for telling a exposurethumbview that it has one or more sounds
--     * attatched to it.
--     * @param hasSounds true if the frame has one or more sounds attatched to it.
-+     * attached to it.
-+     * @param hasSounds true if the frame has one or more sounds attached to it.
-      */
-     virtual void setHasSounds(bool hasSounds);
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/timeline.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/timeline.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/timeline/timeline.cpp
-@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ TimeLine::TimeLine(Frontend* f, QWidget
-     setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Dark);
-     setAcceptDrops(true);
--    qDebug() << "TimeLine::Constructor --> TimeLine is attatched to the model";
--    frontend->getView()->attatch(this);
-+    qDebug() << "TimeLine::Constructor --> TimeLine is attached to the model";
-+    frontend->getView()->attach(this);
-     qDebug() << "TimeLine::Constructor --> End";
- }
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/tooltabs/projecttab.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/tooltabs/projecttab.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/tooltabs/projecttab.cpp
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ProjectTab::ProjectTab(Frontend *f,
-     makeGUI();
-     retranslateStrings();
-     enableTab();
--    frontend->getView()->attatch(this);
-+    frontend->getView()->attach(this);
-     qDebug() << "ProjectTab::Constructor --> End";
- }
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/viewfacade.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/viewfacade.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/viewfacade.cpp
-@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ DomainFacade* ViewFacade::getProject()
- }
--void ViewFacade::attatch(Observer *o)
-+void ViewFacade::attach(Observer *o)
- {
--    qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attatch --> Start";
-+    qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attach --> Start";
-     if (o != NULL) {
-         observers.append(o);
-     } else {
--        qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attatch --> Trying to attatch a NULL pointer to the ViewFacade";
-+        qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attach --> Trying to attach a NULL pointer to the ViewFacade";
-     }
--    qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attatch --> End";
-+    qDebug() << "ViewFacade::attach --> End";
- }
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/viewfacade.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/viewfacade.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/viewfacade.h
-@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ public:
-     /**
-      * Attatches a new observer to the model. The observer will be notified
-      * when something is changed in the model.
--     * @param o the observer to be attatched to the model.
-+     * @param o the observer to be attached to the model.
-      */
--    void attatch(Observer *o);
-+    void attach(Observer *o);
-     /**
-      * Detatches an observer from the model. The observer will no longer be
-Index: qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp
-@@ -1479,13 +1479,13 @@ int AnimationProject::addSoundToScene(un
-         frontend->showWarning(tr("Add Sound"),
-             tr("Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.\n"
-             "Check that you have the right permissions set.\n"
--            "The animation will be runned without sound if you\n"
-+            "The animation will be run without sound if you\n"
-             "choose to play."));
-         --soundsNumber;
-     } else if (ret == -2) {
-         frontend->showWarning(tr("Add Sound"),
-             tr("The selected audio file is not valid within the\n"
--            "given audio format. The animation will be runned\n"
-+            "given audio format. The animation will be run\n"
-             "without sound if you choose to play."));
-         --soundsNumber;
-     }
-Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/gphoto2/gpgrabber.h
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public:
-     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
-     /**
--     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
-+     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be run in deamon mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-     bool setUp();
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public:
-     bool grab();
-     /**
--     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
-+     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is run in deamon
-      * mode or "single grab" mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/mediafoundation/mfgrabber.h
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public:
-     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
-     /**
--     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
-+     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be run in deamon mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-     bool setUp();
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
-     bool grab();
-     /**
--     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
-+     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is run in deamon
-      * mode or "single grab" mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-Index: qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/technical/grabber/video4linux2/v4l2grabber.h
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public:
-     bool initialization(QVector<ImageGrabberDevice*> &devices);
-     /**
--     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be runned in deamon mode.
-+     * Starts the grabber if it is marked to be run in deamon mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-     bool setUp();
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public:
-     bool grab();
-     /**
--     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is runned in deamon
-+     * Shut downs the grabber process either if it is run in deamon
-      * mode or "single grab" mode.
-      * @return true on success, false otherwise
-      */
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
---- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
-+++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.ts
-@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
-     <message>
-         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
- Check that you have the right permissions set.
--The animation will be runned without sound if you
-+The animation will be run without sound if you
- choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Vybraný soubor se záznamem zvuku nelze otevřít pro čtení.
- Prověřte, že jsou oprávnění nastavena správně.
-@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ přehrána bez zvuku.</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
--given audio format. The animation will be runned
-+given audio format. The animation will be run
- without sound if you choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Vybraný soubor se záznamem zvuku není v platném
- zvukovém formátu. Animace bude, v případě že se
-@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ rozhodnete pro přehrání, přehrána b
-         <translation>Popis &záběru:</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
--        <source>Project Decription</source>
-+        <source>Project Description</source>
-         <translation>Popis projektu</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ rozhodnete pro přehrání, přehrána b
-         <translation>Informace</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
--        <source>Take Decription</source>
-+        <source>Take Description</source>
-         <translation>Popis záběru</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ rozhodnete pro přehrání, přehrána b
-         <translation>Znak '|' není v popisu výjevu dovolen.</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
--        <source>Scene Decription</source>
-+        <source>Scene Description</source>
-         <translation>Popis výjevu</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ rozhodnete pro přehrání, přehrána b
-         <translation>Nepodařilo se!</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
--        <source>Successfull!</source>
-+        <source>Successful!</source>
-         <translation>Podařilo se!</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1012,9 +1012,9 @@ nabídce pro nastavení.</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>No encoder selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation>Pro vyvedení obrazového záznamu není vybrán
- žádný kodér. Toto můžete změnit v dialogu pro
- nastaveníi projektu. vyvedení obrazu bude možné
-@@ -1038,9 +1038,9 @@ teprve, až vyberete nějaký kodér. Ch
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>No video format selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an video format to use!</source>
-+have set an video format to use!</source>
-         <translation>Pro vyvedení obrazového záznamu není vybrán
- žádný formát obrazu. Toto můžete změnit v dialogu pro
- nastaveníi projektu. vyvedení obrazu bude možné
-@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ na kartě pro nahrávání.</translation
-         <translation>Uložit &jako</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
--        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-+        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-         <translation><h4>Uložit</h4> <p>Uloží nynější animaci jako soubor s projektem qStopMotion. </p></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ tato oprávnění potřebujete k vytvoř
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
--last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
-+last time it was run. Do you want to recover?</source>
-         <translation>Vypadá to, že qStopmotion nebyl při posledním používání správně
- ukončen. Chcete obnovit poslední sezení?</translation>
-     </message>
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
---- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
-+++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.ts
-@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
-         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
- Check that you have the right permissions set.
--The animation will be runned without sound if you
-+The animation will be run without sound if you
- choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Kan ikke åbne den valgte lydfil til læsning.
- Check at du har sat de rigtige rettigheder.
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ hvis du vælger afspil.</translation>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
-         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
--given audio format. The animation will be runned
-+given audio format. The animation will be run
- without sound if you choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Den valgte audio fil er ugyldig indenfor det
- valgte lyd format. Animationen vil blivet spillet
-@@ -499,17 +499,17 @@ uden lyd hvis du vælger afspil.</transl
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="74"/>
--        <source>Project Decription</source>
-+        <source>Project Description</source>
-         <translation>Projekt Beskrivelse</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="80"/>
--        <source>Scene Decription</source>
-+        <source>Scene Description</source>
-         <translation>Scene Beskrivelse</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="86"/>
--        <source>Take Decription</source>
-+        <source>Take Description</source>
-         <translation>Take Beskrivelse</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -878,7 +878,7 @@ uden lyd hvis du vælger afspil.</transl
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp" line="131"/>
--        <source>Successfull!</source>
-+        <source>Successful!</source>
-         <translation>Succes!</translation>
-     </message>
- </context>
-@@ -1634,9 +1634,9 @@ Install the encoder or select another on
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>Cannot find any registered encoder to be used for video export.
--This can be setted in the preferences menu.
-+This can be set in the preferences menu.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="obsolete">Kan ikke finde en registreret encoder for video export.
- Det kan sættes i foretrukne menuen.
- Eksport til video er ikke mulig før du har
-@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ Tjek dine indstillinger i foretrukne men
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="274"/>
--        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-+        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-         <translation><h4>Gem</h4> <p><em>Gemmer</em> den aktive animation som en qStopMotion projekt fil. <BR>Er projektet tidligere gemt, vil det automatisk blive gemt som den tidligere gemte fil.</p></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1866,9 +1866,9 @@ Tjek dine indstillinger i foretrukne men
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1424"/>
-         <source>No encoder selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation>Ingen encoder er valgt til video eksport.
- Denne kan vælges i projektets indstillingsdialog.
- Eksport til video er ikke mulig før du har valgt
-@@ -1877,9 +1877,9 @@ en encoder!</translation>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1464"/>
-         <source>No video format selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an video format to use!</source>
-+have set an video format to use!</source>
-         <translation>Video format er ikke valgt til video eksport.
- Denne kan vælges i projektets indstillingsdialog.
- Eksport til video er ikke mulig før du har valgt
-@@ -2409,7 +2409,7 @@ Du behøver ret til at læse, skrive og
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
-         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
--last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
-+last time it was run. Do you want to recover?</source>
-         <translation>Noget fik qStopmotion til at stoppe uregelmæssigt
- sidst. Ønsker du at genoprette?</translation>
-     </message>
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
---- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
-+++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.ts
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
-         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
- Check that you have the right permissions set.
--The animation will be runned without sound if you
-+The animation will be run without sound if you
- choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Die ausgewählte Ton-Datei kann nicht zum lesen geöffnet werden.
- Überprüfen Sie, dass die Rechte richtig gesetzt sind.
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ abspielen wählen.</translation>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
-         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
--given audio format. The animation will be runned
-+given audio format. The animation will be run
- without sound if you choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Die ausgewählte Ton-Datei hat kein gültiges
- Ton-Format. Die Animation wird ohne Ton abgespielt,
-@@ -448,17 +448,17 @@ wenn Sie abspielen wählen.</translation
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="74"/>
--        <source>Project Decription</source>
-+        <source>Project Description</source>
-         <translation>Projektbeschreibung</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="80"/>
--        <source>Scene Decription</source>
-+        <source>Scene Description</source>
-         <translation>Szenebeschreibung</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="86"/>
--        <source>Take Decription</source>
-+        <source>Take Description</source>
-         <translation>Aufnahmebeschreibung</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ wenn Sie abspielen wählen.</translation
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp" line="131"/>
--        <source>Successfull!</source>
-+        <source>Successful!</source>
-         <translation>Erfolgreich!</translation>
-     </message>
- </context>
-@@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ Check your settings in the preferences m
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="274"/>
--        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-+        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-         <translation><h4>Speichern</h4> <p>Speichert die aktuelle Animation als qStopMotion Projektdatei. </p></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1654,9 +1654,9 @@ This can be set in the preferences menu.
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>Cannot find any registered encoder to be used for video export.
--This can be setted in the preferences menu.
-+This can be set in the preferences menu.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="obsolete">Für den Video-Export konnte kein Encoder gefunden werden.
- Sie können dies im Einstellungs-Menü ändern. Video-Export
- wird erst möglich, wenn sie einen Encoder eingestellt haben.
-@@ -1856,9 +1856,9 @@ Dies kann auf dem Aufnahme Tab erfolgen.
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1424"/>
-         <source>No encoder selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation>Für den Video-Export ist kein Encoder ausgewählt.
- Sie können dies im Eigenschaften-Dialog des Projekts ändern. Video-Export
- wird erst möglich, wenn sie einen Encoder ausgewählt haben.</translation>
-@@ -1866,9 +1866,9 @@ wird erst möglich, wenn sie einen Encod
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1464"/>
-         <source>No video format selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an video format to use!</source>
-+have set an video format to use!</source>
-         <translation>Für den Video-Export ist kein Videoformat ausgewählt.
- Sie können dies im Eigenschaften-Dialog des Projekts ändern. Video-Export
- wird erst möglich, wenn sie ein Videoformat ausgewählt haben.</translation>
-@@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ Sie benötigen Rechte zum lesen, schreib
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
-         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
--last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
-+last time it was run. Do you want to recover?</source>
-         <translation>Es sieht so aus, als wurde qStopmotion bei der letzten Nutzung nicht
- ordentlich beendet. Möchten Sie die letzte Sitzung wiederherstellen?</translation>
-     </message>
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
---- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
-+++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.ts
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
-         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
- Check that you have the right permissions set.
--The animation will be runned without sound if you
-+The animation will be run without sound if you
- choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Il n'est pas possible d'ouvrir le fichier audio pour le lire.
- Veuillez vérifier si vous avez mis les bons droits d'accès.
-@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ L'animation est visualisée sans so
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
-         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
--given audio format. The animation will be runned
-+given audio format. The animation will be run
- without sound if you choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Le fichier audio choisi n'a pas de format audio valide.
- L'animation est visualisée sans son si vous choisissez de le lire.</translation>
-@@ -438,17 +438,17 @@ L'animation est visualisée sans so
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="74"/>
--        <source>Project Decription</source>
-+        <source>Project Description</source>
-         <translation>Description du projet</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="80"/>
--        <source>Scene Decription</source>
-+        <source>Scene Description</source>
-         <translation>Description de la scène</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="86"/>
--        <source>Take Decription</source>
-+        <source>Take Description</source>
-         <translation>Description de l'enregistrement</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ L'animation est visualisée sans so
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp" line="131"/>
--        <source>Successfull!</source>
-+        <source>Successful!</source>
-         <translation>Réussi!</translation>
-     </message>
- </context>
-@@ -1418,17 +1418,17 @@ This can be set on the recording tool ta
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1424"/>
-         <source>No encoder selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1464"/>
-         <source>No video format selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an video format to use!</source>
-+have set an video format to use!</source>
-         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1464,7 +1464,7 @@ Check your settings in the properties di
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="274"/>
--        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-+        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-         <translation><h4>Enregistrer</h4> <p><em>Enregistre</em> l'animation courante sous forme de fichier projet qStopMotion. <BR>Si ce projet a été enregistré précédemment, il sera enregistré automatiquement dans le même fichier (écrasement).</p></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1619,9 +1619,9 @@ Ceci peut être fait dans la fenêtre de
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>Cannot find any registered encoder to be used for video export.
--This can be setted in the preferences menu.
-+This can be set in the preferences menu.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="obsolete">Il n'est pas possible de trouver un encodeur enregistré pour être utilisé pour l'exportation de la vidéo.
- Ceci peut être situé dans la fenêtre de préférences.
- L'exportation comme vidéo n'est pas possible jusqu'à ce que vous ayez installé un encodeur!</translation>
-@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ Il vous faut des droits d'accès po
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
-         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
--last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
-+last time it was run. Do you want to recover?</source>
-         <translation>Probablement qStopMotion n'a pas été correctement terminé lors de le dernière séance.
- Voulez-vous restaurer la dernière séance?</translation>
-     </message>
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
---- qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
-+++ qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.ts
-@@ -150,14 +150,14 @@
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1480"/>
-         <source>Cannot open the selected audio file for reading.
- Check that you have the right permissions set.
--The animation will be runned without sound if you
-+The animation will be run without sound if you
- choose to play.</source>
-         <translation></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/domain/animation/animationproject.cpp" line="1487"/>
-         <source>The selected audio file is not valid within the
--given audio format. The animation will be runned
-+given audio format. The animation will be run
- without sound if you choose to play.</source>
-         <translation>Den valda ljudfilen är inte i ett fungerande ljudformat. Animationen visas utan ljud om du väljer att spela.</translation>
-     </message>
-@@ -497,17 +497,17 @@ without sound if you choose to play.</so
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="74"/>
--        <source>Project Decription</source>
-+        <source>Project Description</source>
-         <translation>Prjektbeskrivning</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="80"/>
--        <source>Scene Decription</source>
-+        <source>Scene Description</source>
-         <translation>Scenbeskrivning</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp" line="86"/>
--        <source>Take Decription</source>
-+        <source>Take Description</source>
-         <translation>Tagningsbeskrivning</translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ without sound if you choose to play.</so
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp" line="131"/>
--        <source>Successfull!</source>
-+        <source>Successful!</source>
-         <translation>Lyckades!</translation>
-     </message>
- </context>
-@@ -1607,9 +1607,9 @@ Install the encoder or select another on
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <source>Cannot find any registered encoder to be used for video export.
--This can be setted in the preferences menu.
-+This can be set in the preferences menu.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="obsolete">Kan inte hitta någon registrerad kodare för videoexport.
- En sådan kan anges i inställningsmenyn.
- Videoexportering är inte möjligt förrän en videokodare är angiven!</translation>
-@@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@ Kontrollera dina inställningar i menyn!
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="274"/>
--        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-+        <source><h4>Save</h4> <p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p></source>
-         <translation><h4>Spara</h4> <p><em>Sparar</em>den aktuella animationen som en qStopMotion projektfil. <BR>Om projektet sparats tidigare så sparas det automatiskt till samma projektfil.</p></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -1846,17 +1846,17 @@ Kontrollera dina inställningar i menyn!
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1424"/>
-         <source>No encoder selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an encoder to use!</source>
-+have set an encoder to use!</source>
-         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp" line="1464"/>
-         <source>No video format selected for the video export.
--This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.
-+This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.
- Export to video will not be possible until you
--have setted an video format to use!</source>
-+have set an video format to use!</source>
-         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-     </message>
-     <message>
-@@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ Du behöver rättighet att läsa, skriva
-     <message>
-         <location filename="../src/frontends/qtfrontend/qtfrontend.cpp" line="902"/>
-         <source>Something caused qStopmotion to exit abnormally
--last time it was runned. Do you want to recover?</source>
-+last time it was run. Do you want to recover?</source>
-         <translation>Något orsakade att qStopMotion oväntat avslutades
- vid senaste användningen. Vill du återskapa?</translation>
-     </message>
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/mainwindowgui.cpp
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ void MainWindowGUI::retranslateHelpText(
-         tr("<h4>Save</h4> "
-            "<p><em>Saves</em> the current animation as a qStopMotion "
-            "project file. <BR>If this project has been saved before it will "
--           "automaticly be saved to the previously selected file.</p>");
-+           "automatically be saved to the previously selected file.</p>");
-     saveAct->setWhatsThis(infoText);
-     infoText =
-         saveAct->toolTip().prepend(tr("Save project"));
-@@ -1422,9 +1422,9 @@ void MainWindowGUI::exportToVideo()
-     if (activeEncoderApplication == VideoEncoder::noneApplication) {
-         frontend->showWarning(tr("Warning"),
-                               tr("No encoder selected for the video export.\n"
--                                 "This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.\n"
-+                                 "This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.\n"
-                                  "Export to video will not be possible until you\n"
--                                 "have setted an encoder to use!"));
-+                                 "have set an encoder to use!"));
-         return;
-     }
-@@ -1462,9 +1462,9 @@ void MainWindowGUI::exportToVideo()
-         case VideoEncoder::noneFormat:
-             frontend->showWarning(tr("Warning"),
-                                   tr("No video format selected for the video export.\n"
--                                     "This can be setted in the properties dialog of the project.\n"
-+                                     "This can be set in the properties dialog of the project.\n"
-                                      "Export to video will not be possible until you\n"
--                                     "have setted an video format to use!"));
-+                                     "have set an video format to use!"));
-             return;
-         }
-Index: qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/domain/animation/animationproject.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/domain/animation/animationproject.h
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public:
-     /**
-      * Retrieves the new project file name
--     * @return the project file name if it's setted, NULL otherwise.
-+     * @return the project file name if it's set, NULL otherwise.
-      */
-     const QString getNewProjectFilePath() const;
-Index: qstopmotion/src/domain/domainfacade.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/domain/domainfacade.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/domain/domainfacade.h
-@@ -156,19 +156,19 @@ public:
-     /**
-      * Retrieves the new project file path.
--     * @return the project file path if it's setted, NULL otherwise.
-+     * @return the project file path if it's set, NULL otherwise.
-      */
-     const QString getNewProjectFilePath();
-     /**
-      * Retrieves the new project path.
--     * @return the project path if it's setted, NULL otherwise.
-+     * @return the project path if it's set, NULL otherwise.
-      */
-     const QString getNewProjectPath();
-     /**
-      * Retrieves the project description.
--     * @return the project description if it's setted, NULL otherwise.
-+     * @return the project description if it's set, NULL otherwise.
-      */
-     const QString getProjectDescription();
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.h
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.h
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/frameview/frameviewinterface.h
-@@ -320,13 +320,13 @@ public:
-     /**
-      * Sets the live view frames per second.
--     * @param fps the speed to be setted
-+     * @param fps the speed to be set
-      */
-     void setLiveViewFps(int fps);
-     /**
-      * Sets the video frames per second for the playback.
--     * @param fps the speed to be setted
-+     * @param fps the speed to be set
-      */
-     void setVideoFps(int fps);
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/descriptiondialog.cpp
-@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ DescriptionDialog::DescriptionDialog(Fro
-     switch (type) {
-     case ProjectDescription:
--        setWindowTitle(tr("Project Decription"));
-+        setWindowTitle(tr("Project Description"));
-         projectDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-         sceneDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-         takeDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-         break;
-     case SceneDescription:
--        setWindowTitle(tr("Scene Decription"));
-+        setWindowTitle(tr("Scene Description"));
-         projectDescrEdit->setEnabled(false);
-         sceneDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-         takeDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-         break;
-     case TakeDescription:
--        setWindowTitle(tr("Take Decription"));
-+        setWindowTitle(tr("Take Description"));
-         projectDescrEdit->setEnabled(false);
-         sceneDescrEdit->setEnabled(false);
-         takeDescrEdit->setEnabled(true);
-Index: qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp
---- qstopmotion.orig/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp
-+++ qstopmotion/src/frontends/qtfrontend/dialogs/externalcommanddialog.cpp
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void ExternalCommandDialog::displayExitS
-     } else {
-         QMessageBox::information(this,
-                                  tr("Result"),
--                                 tr("Successfull!"));
-+                                 tr("Successful!"));
-     }
-     lineEdit->setEnabled(false);
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm
-Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_cs.qm differ
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm
-Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_da.qm differ
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm
-Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_de.qm differ
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm
-Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_fr.qm differ
-Index: qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm
-Binary files qstopmotion.orig/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm and qstopmotion/translations/qstopmotion_se.qm differ

qstopmotion packaging

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