[SCM] libgig/master: Add spelling patch.
mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
mira-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 16 00:09:32 UTC 2016
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ca0549ffe7b65e5bdd95870fe9fa434e80426c80
Author: Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz>
Date: Wed Nov 16 01:09:16 2016 +0100
Add spelling patch.
diff --git a/debian/patches/04-spelling.patch b/debian/patches/04-spelling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69b9f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/04-spelling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+Description: Fix misspellings.
+Author: Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz>
+Forwarded: no
+Index: libgig/src/DLS.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/DLS.cpp
++++ libgig/src/DLS.cpp
+@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ namespace DLS {
+ Region::Region(Instrument* pInstrument, RIFF::List* rgnList) : Resource(pInstrument, rgnList), Articulator(rgnList), Sampler(rgnList) {
+ pCkRegion = rgnList;
+- // articulation informations
++ // articulation information
+ RIFF::Chunk* rgnh = rgnList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_RGNH);
+ if (rgnh) {
+ rgnh->Read(&KeyRange, 2, 2);
+@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ namespace DLS {
+ }
+ SelfNonExclusive = FormatOptionFlags & F_RGN_OPTION_SELFNONEXCLUSIVE;
+- // sample informations
++ // sample information
+ RIFF::Chunk* wlnk = rgnList->GetSubChunk(CHUNK_ID_WLNK);
+ if (wlnk) {
+ WaveLinkOptionFlags = wlnk->ReadUint16();
+@@ -1811,8 +1811,8 @@ namespace DLS {
+ * have at the end of the saving process.
+ *
+ * @param pProgress - optional: callback function for progress notification
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if any kind of IO error occured
+- * @throws DLS::Exception if any kind of DLS specific error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if any kind of IO error occurred
++ * @throws DLS::Exception if any kind of DLS specific error occurred
+ */
+ void File::Save(progress_t* pProgress) {
+ {
+Index: libgig/src/RIFF.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/RIFF.cpp
++++ libgig/src/RIFF.cpp
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param WordCount number of data words to read
+ * @param WordSize size of each data word to read
+ * @returns number of successfully read data words or 0 if end
+- * of file reached or error occured
++ * of file reached or error occurred
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::Read(void* pData, unsigned long WordCount, unsigned long WordSize) {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param WordSize size of each data word to write
+ * @returns number of successfully written data words
+ * @throws RIFF::Exception if write operation would exceed current
+- * chunk size or any IO error occured
++ * chunk size or any IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::Write(void* pData, unsigned long WordCount, unsigned long WordSize) {
+@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 8 Bit signed integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadInt8(int8_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 8 Bit signed integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteInt8(int8_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 8 Bit unsigned integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadUint8(uint8_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 8 Bit unsigned integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteUint8(uint8_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 16 Bit signed integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadInt16(int16_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 16 Bit signed integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteInt16(int16_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 8 Bit unsigned integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadUint16(uint16_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 16 Bit unsigned integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteUint16(uint16_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 32 Bit signed integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadInt32(int32_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 32 Bit signed integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteInt32(int32_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData destination buffer
+ * @param WordCount number of 32 Bit unsigned integers to read
+ * @returns number of read integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a WordCount integers could be read!
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::ReadUint32(uint32_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ *
+ * @param s destination string
+ * @param size number of characters to read
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured or less than
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred or less than
+ * \a size characters could be read!
+ */
+ void Chunk::ReadString(String& s, int size) {
+@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param pData source buffer (containing the data)
+ * @param WordCount number of 32 Bit unsigned integers to write
+ * @returns number of written integers
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an IO error occurred
+ * @see Resize()
+ */
+ unsigned long Chunk::WriteUint32(uint32_t* pData, unsigned long WordCount) {
+@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * the chunk.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ int8_t Chunk::ReadInt8() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * within the chunk.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ uint8_t Chunk::ReadUint8() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ int16_t Chunk::ReadInt16() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ uint16_t Chunk::ReadUint16() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ int32_t Chunk::ReadInt32() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * needed.
+ *
+ * @returns read integer word
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occured
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if an error occurred
+ */
+ uint32_t Chunk::ReadUint32() {
+ #if DEBUG
+@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * Loads an existing RIFF file with all its chunks.
+ *
+ * @param path - path and file name of the RIFF file to open
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occured while trying to load the
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occurred while trying to load the
+ * given RIFF file
+ */
+ File::File(const String& path)
+@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * first chunk found in the file)
+ * @param Endian - whether the file uses little endian or big endian layout
+ * @param layout - general file structure type
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occured while trying to load the
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occurred while trying to load the
+ * given RIFF-alike file
+ */
+ File::File(const String& path, uint32_t FileType, endian_t Endian, layout_t layout)
+@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ * @param path - path and file name of the RIFF file or RIFF-alike file to
+ * be opened
+ * @param FileType - (optional) expected chunk ID of first chunk in file
+- * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occured while trying to load the
++ * @throws RIFF::Exception if error occurred while trying to load the
+ * given RIFF file or RIFF-alike file
+ */
+ void File::__openExistingFile(const String& path, uint32_t* FileType) {
+@@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ namespace RIFF {
+ *
+ * @param pProgress - optional: callback function for progress notification
+ * @throws RIFF::Exception if there is an empty chunk or empty list
+- * chunk or any kind of IO error occured
++ * chunk or any kind of IO error occurred
+ */
+ void File::Save(progress_t* pProgress) {
+ //TODO: implementation for the case where first chunk is not a global container (List chunk) is not implemented yet (i.e. Korg files)
+Index: libgig/src/tools/gig2mono.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/tools/gig2mono.cpp
++++ libgig/src/tools/gig2mono.cpp
+@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ static bool convertFileToMono(const stri
+ e.PrintMessage();
+ return false; // error
+ } catch (...) {
+- cerr << "Unknown exception occured while trying to convert file." << endl;
++ cerr << "Unknown exception occurred while trying to convert file." << endl;
+ return false; // error
+ }
+ return true; // success
+Index: libgig/src/tools/gig2stereo.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/tools/gig2stereo.cpp
++++ libgig/src/tools/gig2stereo.cpp
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static void printUsage() {
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << " -v Print version and exit." << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+- cout << " --verbose Print additional informations while converting." << endl;
++ cout << " --verbose Print additional information while converting." << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ cout << "Read `man gig2stereo' for details." << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ static string stripAudioChannelFromName(
+ * their main sample characteristics match, if set
+ * to true this sanity check will be skipped
+ * @param verbosity - verbosity level, defines whether and how much additional
+- * informations to be printed to the console while doing the
++ * information to be printed to the console while doing the
+ * conversion (0 .. 2)
+ */
+ static bool convertFileToStereo(const string path, bool keep, bool forceReplace, bool skipIncompatible, int verbose) {
+@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ static bool convertFileToStereo(const st
+ e.PrintMessage();
+ return false; // error
+ } catch (...) {
+- cerr << "Unknown exception occured while trying to convert file." << endl;
++ cerr << "Unknown exception occurred while trying to convert file." << endl;
+ return false; // error
+ }
+ return true; // success
+Index: libgig/src/tools/korg2gig.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/tools/korg2gig.cpp
++++ libgig/src/tools/korg2gig.cpp
+@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ inline string parseNumberRange(const str
+ stripWhiteSpace(w);
+ stripLeftOrRightMarkerAtEnd(w);
+ string result = parseNumberRangeAtEnd(w, from, to);
+- if (result == w) return s; // parse error occured, return original input s
++ if (result == w) return s; // parse error occurred, return original input s
+ stripWhiteSpace(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ static void loadKorgFile(const string& f
+ } catch (...) {
+ cerr << "Failed opening input file '" << filename << "':" << endl;
+- cerr << "Unknown exception occured while trying to access input file." << endl;
++ cerr << "Unknown exception occurred while trying to access input file." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+Index: libgig/man/dlsdump.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/dlsdump.1.in
++++ libgig/man/dlsdump.1.in
+@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ .TH "dlsdump" "1" "8 May 2005" "libgig @VERSION@" "libgig tools"
+-dlsdump \- List informations about a DLS (Downloadable Sound) file.
++dlsdump \- List information about a DLS (Downloadable Sound) file.
+ .B dlsdump
+ [ \-v ] DLSFILE
+-Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a DLS file along with detailed informations about their properties and settings. At the moment DLS Level 1 and 2 is supported.
++Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a DLS file along with detailed information about their properties and settings. At the moment DLS Level 1 and 2 is supported.
+ .TP
+Index: libgig/man/gigdump.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/gigdump.1.in
++++ libgig/man/gigdump.1.in
+@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ .TH "gigdump" "1" "8 May 2005" "libgig @VERSION@" "libgig tools"
+-gigdump \- List informations about a Gigasampler (.gig) file.
++gigdump \- List information about a Gigasampler (.gig) file.
+ .B gigdump
+ [ \-v ] GIGFILE
+-Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a Gigasampler (.gig) file along with detailed informations about their properties and settings.
++Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a Gigasampler (.gig) file along with detailed information about their properties and settings.
+ .TP
+Index: libgig/man/korg2gig.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/korg2gig.1.in
++++ libgig/man/korg2gig.1.in
+@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Gigasampler/GigaStudio (.gig) file. All
+ For each KORG "multi-sample" (.KMP) file a separate GigaStudio instrument will
+ be created in the output (.gig) file. KORG Sample (.KSF) files referenced by
+ such multi-sample (.KMP) files are automatically detected, loaded and written to
+-the output (.gig) file as well. Assignemnts of samples to keyboard regions,
+-sample loops and other minor articulation informations are converted as well.
++the output (.gig) file as well. Assignments of samples to keyboard regions,
++sample loops and other minor articulation information are converted as well.
+ But note, the multi-sample (.KMP) form is very primitive. It does NOT save the
+-detailled articulation informations of your KORG keyboard like envelopes, LFO
+-and filter settings. Those informations are stored in a separate program (.PCG)
++detailed articulation information of your KORG keyboard like envelopes, LFO
++and filter settings. Those information are stored in a separate program (.PCG)
+ file.
+ Unfortunately there is no support for KORG's program/combinations/bank (.PCG)
+Index: libgig/man/korgdump.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/korgdump.1.in
++++ libgig/man/korgdump.1.in
+@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+ .TH "korgdump" "1" "8 May 2014" "libgig @VERSION@" "libgig tools"
+-korgdump \- List informations about sound files in KORG synthesizer format.
++korgdump \- List information about sound files in KORG synthesizer format.
+ .B korgdump
+ [ -v ] FILE
+-Prints out detailled informations of sample based sound files (either with .KMP
++Prints out detailed information of sample based sound files (either with .KMP
+ or .KSF file type extension) used with KORG synthesizer keyboards like Trinity,
+ Triton, OASYS, M3 or Kronos.
+Index: libgig/man/sf2dump.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/sf2dump.1.in
++++ libgig/man/sf2dump.1.in
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sf2dump \- Parses SoundFont v2 (.sf2) fi
+ .B sf2dump
+ [ -v ] FILE
+-Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a SoundFont version 2 (.sf2) file along with detailed informations about their properties and settings.
++Prints out a list of all available samples and instruments within a SoundFont version 2 (.sf2) file along with detailed information about their properties and settings.
+ .TP
+ .B \ FILE
+Index: libgig/man/gig2stereo.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/gig2stereo.1.in
++++ libgig/man/gig2stereo.1.in
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The Gigasampler files are directly modif
+ Gigasampler format only defines mono and stereo samples, this program currently
+ also assumes all samples in the .gig files provided to be either mono or stereo.
+-Background: The Gigasampler/GigaStudio format allows to create stereo
++Background: The Gigasampler/GigaStudio format allows one to create stereo
+ instruments in two ways: either by referencing true stereo (interleaved) samples
+ in the instruments, or by referencing a pair of (two) mono samples. Unfortunately
+ LinuxSampler does not support the latter at the moment, thus if a gig instrument
+@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ Recurse through subdirectories.
+ Print version and exit.
+ .TP
+ .B \ --verbose [LEVEL]
+-Be verbose and print additional informations while converting. The additional
+-numeric argument is optional, it allows to define the verbosity level
++Be verbose and print additional information while converting. The additional
++numeric argument is optional, it allows one to define the verbosity level
+ (1 .. 2, default: 1).
+Index: libgig/src/tools/gigdump.cpp
+--- libgig.orig/src/tools/gigdump.cpp
++++ libgig/src/tools/gigdump.cpp
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ }
+ void PrintFileInformations(gig::File* gig) {
+- cout << "Global File Informations:" << endl;
++ cout << "Global File Information:" << endl;
+ cout << " Total instruments: " << gig->Instruments << endl;
+ if (gig->pVersion) {
+ cout << " Version: " << gig->pVersion->major << "."
+Index: libgig/man/rifftree.1.in
+--- libgig.orig/man/rifftree.1.in
++++ libgig/man/rifftree.1.in
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ on top of the RIFF format (e.g. media fi
+ Data in a RIFF file is encapsulated into so called "chunks". There are list
+ chunks (containers) which can be seen as nodes in the data tree and thus can
+ have children (that is can have subchunks) and there are normal data chunks
+-which can be seen as leafs in the data tree and thus cannot have childs.
++which can be seen as leafs in the data tree and thus cannot have children.
+ The regular chunks (leafs of the tree) contain the actual data to be stored.
+ The list chunks themselves (nodes / containers) contain no data on their own.
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 83ce80f..cdf1f2d 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
libgig packaging
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