[SCM] libyami-utils/master: Update Description

sramacher at users.alioth.debian.org sramacher at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Nov 24 22:08:53 UTC 2016

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 4036fa39d54eff7f656781b5685ad8dd07db0e8e
Author: Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 24 22:56:05 2016 +0100

    Update Description

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index aa78594..76b4fc1 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -18,15 +18,13 @@ Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-multimedia/libyami-utils.git
 Package: libyami-utils
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: SDK base on Video Acceleration(VA) API -- utils program
+Description: high-level abstraction for Video Acceleration (VA) API (utils)
  Video Acceleration API (VA API) is a library ("libVA") and API specification
- which enables and provides access to graphics hardware (GPU) acceleration
- for video processing on Linux and UNIX based operating systems. Accelerated
- processing includes video decoding,video encoding, subpicture blending and
- rendering. But its abstract level is very low, user need more than 6000
- lines of code to get a decent h264 decoder. libyami build on top of libva,
- provide high level api for video processing.For decoder, you only need sent
- bitstream to libyami and get video frame from libyami. Libyami will help do
- bistream parsing, reference frame manage, etc. It will make your life easier.
+ which enables and provides access to graphics hardware (GPU) acceleration for
+ video processing on Linux and UNIX based operating systems. Accelerated
+ processing includes video decoding, video encoding, subpicture blending and
+ rendering. libyami builds on top of libva, and provides high level API for
+ video processing. It will help with bitstream parsing, reference frame
+ management, etc.
- This package provides decoder/encoder/vpp program base on libyami's api
+ This package provides decoder/encoder/vpp programs using libyami.

libyami-utils packaging

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