[SCM] gsequencer/master: Updated libags(-audio|-gui|)1.symbols
umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 13 15:15:58 UTC 2017
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 1b35c10a4b26a7eff6d2a83f172bde459cda35d2
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <umlaeute at debian.org>
Date: Wed Dec 13 15:33:59 2017 +0100
Updated libags(-audio|-gui|)1.symbols
diff --git a/debian/libags-audio1.symbols b/debian/libags-audio1.symbols
index 50453f8..99a3019 100644
--- a/debian/libags-audio1.symbols
+++ b/debian/libags-audio1.symbols
@@ -1,3 +1,406 @@
+libags.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
+ ags_applicable_apply at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_reset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_set_update at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_add_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_find_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_find_main_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_load_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_prepare at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_quit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_register_types at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_remove_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_setup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_run_cond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_run_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_wait_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_increment_wait_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_is_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run_cond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_copy at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_get at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_parent_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_lock_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_set_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_unlock_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_clear at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_defaults at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_from_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_save at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_set_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_to_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_add_to_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_connect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_connect_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_disconnect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_disconnect_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_is_connected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_is_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_remove_from_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_update at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_find_type_and_data_object_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_add_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_remove_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_convert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_notation_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_sequencer_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_util_dispose_and_unref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_register_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_register_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_unregister_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_unregister_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_connect_dynamic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_disconnect_dynamic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_endian_swap_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_id_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_reference at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_xpath at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_resolved at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_link_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_link_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_find_by_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_find_by_reference at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open_filename at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_file_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_file_link_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_str2md5 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_concurrent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_file_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_file_link_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_funciton_get_normalized at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_collapse_parantheses at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_compute_term at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_find_literals at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_get_expanded at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_literal_solve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_pop_equation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_push_equation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_substitute_values at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_symbolic_translate_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_translate_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_id_generator_create_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_list_util_copy_and_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_list_util_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_messages at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_change_frequency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_async_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_last_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_tree_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_interrupt at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_monitor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_async_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_last_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutable_set_muted at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_pack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_unpack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_parameter_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_parameter_grow at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_build_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_version at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_xml_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_build_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_version at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_xml_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_get_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_list_safe_properties at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_safe_get_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_safe_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_set_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_regcomp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_regexec at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seekable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seekable_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_next_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_recording at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_starting at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_list_cards at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_offset_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_record at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_record_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_absolute_delay at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_loop_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_next_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_note_offset_absolute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_presets at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_prev_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_uptime at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_available at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_recording at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_starting at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_list_cards at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_offset_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_pcm_info at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_record at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_record_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_note_offset_absolute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_presets at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_string_util_escape_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_strv_contains at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_strv_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_notation_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_sequencer_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_notation_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_sequencer_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_time_get_uptime_from_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_is_inverse_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_iterate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_iterate_nested at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_safe_iterate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_safe_iterate_nested at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_set_inverse_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_find_xpath at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_find_xpath_with_context_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_anon at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_blank_node_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_boolean at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_decimal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_echar at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_exponent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_hex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_integer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_iriref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_langtag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_percent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_plx at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars_base at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars_u at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_local at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_local_esc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_prefix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pname_ln at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pname_ns at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_long_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_long_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_uchar at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_ws at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_string_convert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_DOUBLE__DOUBLE_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_INT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT_POINTER_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_STRING_STRING_STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__ULONG_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_STRING__STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_STRING__ULONG_STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_UINT__INT_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_UINT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_ULONG__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__INT_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT_OBJECT_INT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_STRING_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_DOUBLE_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_INT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_acceleration_duplicate at Base 1.0.0
ags_acceleration_get_type at Base 1.0.0
@@ -365,9 +768,11 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_core_audio_client_open at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_client_remove_device at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_client_remove_port at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_core_audio_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
ags_core_audio_devout_error_quark at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_devout_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_devout_new at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_core_audio_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
ags_core_audio_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.0.0
ags_core_audio_midiin_get_type at Base 1.0.0
@@ -414,6 +819,12 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_alloc_output at Base 1.0.0
ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_count at Base 1.0.0
ags_delay_audio_sequencer_duration_changed at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
ags_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.0.0
ags_devout_error_quark at Base 1.0.0
ags_devout_get_type at Base 1.0.0
@@ -581,6 +992,12 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_jack_client_open at Base 1.0.0
ags_jack_client_remove_device at Base 1.0.0
ags_jack_client_remove_port at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_jack_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
ags_jack_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.0.0
ags_jack_devout_error_quark at Base 1.0.0
ags_jack_devout_get_type at Base 1.0.0
@@ -918,6 +1335,7 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_mute_channel_run_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_mute_recycling_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_mute_recycling_new at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_notation_add at Base 1.2.1~
ags_notation_add_all_to_selection at Base 1.0.0
ags_notation_add_note at Base 1.0.0
ags_notation_add_point_to_selection at Base 1.0.0
@@ -1113,9 +1531,17 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_pulse_client_open at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_client_remove_device at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_client_remove_port at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_pulse_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
ags_pulse_devout_error_quark at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_devout_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_devout_new at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_pulse_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
ags_pulse_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_port_find at Base 1.0.0
ags_pulse_port_get_fixed_size at Base 1.0.0
@@ -1437,3 +1863,373 @@ libags_audio.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
ags_volume_channel_run_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_volume_recycling_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_volume_recycling_new at Base 1.0.0
+libags_gui.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
+ ags_cartesian_add_plot at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_fill_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_step_conversion_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_translate_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_big_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_label_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_small_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_big_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_label_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_small_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_reallocate_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_remove_plot at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_container_add_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_draw at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_set_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_value_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_child_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_child_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_child_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_child_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hindicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hindicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hled_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hled_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_indicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_indicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_set_led_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_set_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_unset_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_set_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_unset_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_add_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_add_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_next_active_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab_with_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_set_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_active_key at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_clicked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_code_to_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_pressed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_released at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plot_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plot_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ruler_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ruler_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_scrolled_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_scrolled_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_table_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_table_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vindicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vindicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vled_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vled_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_waveform_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_waveform_new at Base 1.2.1~
+libags_server.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
+ ags_authentication_generate_token at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_authentication_module at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_groups at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_is_session_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_logout at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_add_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_is_session_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_remove_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_business_group_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_execute_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_read_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_write_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_user_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_business_group_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_execute_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_read_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_write_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_user_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_add_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_remove_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_verify_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_verify at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_add_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_lookup_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_query_security_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_remove_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_resource_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_resource_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_authenticate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_do_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_create_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_entry_bulk at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_receive_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_receive_object_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_send_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_send_object_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_launch_timed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_encrypt_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_login_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_add_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_check_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_remove_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_set_login_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_set_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_add_entry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_entry_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_entry_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_find_entry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_add_server_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_remove_server_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_info_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_status_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_status_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_authentication_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_certificate_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_env at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_password_store_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_server at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_server_status at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_authentication_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_certificate_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_password_store_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_server at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_find_user_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_certificate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_certificate_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_find_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_new at Base 1.2.1~
+libags_thread.so.1 libags-audio1 #MINVER#
+ ags_autosave_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_autosave_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_main_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_mutex_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_task_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_set_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_entry_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_timestamp_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_timestamp_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_generic_main_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_generic_main_loop_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_history_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_history_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_add_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_namespace at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_dispatch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_add_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_fd_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_remove_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_connect_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_disconnect_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_single_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_single_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_complete at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_failure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_cyclic_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_tasks at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_clear_cache at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_remove_cyclic_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_child_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_start_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_start_queue_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_register_types at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_chaos_tree at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_children_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_clock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_get_toplevel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_hangcheck at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_interrupted at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_chaos_tree at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_current_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_tree_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_children_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_sibling_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_parental_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_pull at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_reset_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_resume at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_resume_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_self at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_set_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_set_sync_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_sibling_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_suspend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_suspend_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_timelock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_trylock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_woker_thread_do_poll_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_do_poll at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
diff --git a/debian/libags-gui1.symbols b/debian/libags-gui1.symbols
index 1178f6d..2fc61d2 100644
--- a/debian/libags-gui1.symbols
+++ b/debian/libags-gui1.symbols
@@ -1,3 +1,1868 @@
+libags.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
+ ags_applicable_apply at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_reset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_applicable_set_update at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_add_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_find_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_find_main_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_load_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_prepare at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_quit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_register_types at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_remove_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_application_context_setup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_run_cond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_run_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_get_wait_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_increment_wait_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_is_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run_cond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_async_queue_set_run_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_copy at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_get at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_complex_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_parent_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_lock_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_set_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrent_tree_unlock_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_clear at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_get_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_defaults at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_load_from_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_save at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_set_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_config_to_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_add_to_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_connect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_connect_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_disconnect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_disconnect_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_is_connected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_is_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_remove_from_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connectable_update at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_find_type_and_data_object_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_add_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_manager_remove_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_convert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_notation_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_sequencer_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_countable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_util_dispose_and_unref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_get_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_register_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_register_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_set_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_unregister_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_distributed_manager_unregister_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_connect_dynamic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_disconnect_dynamic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dynamic_connectable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_endian_swap_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_id_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_add_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_reference at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_find_id_ref_by_xpath at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_id_ref_resolved at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_launch_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_link_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_link_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_find_by_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_find_by_reference at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_lookup_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open_filename at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_file_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_file_link_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_str2md5 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_read_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_util_write_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_concurrent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_config at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_file_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_file_link_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_funciton_get_normalized at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_collapse_parantheses at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_compute_term at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_find_literals at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_get_expanded at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_literal_solve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_pop_equation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_push_equation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_substitute_values at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_symbolic_translate_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_function_translate_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_id_generator_create_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_list_util_copy_and_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_list_util_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_messages at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_log_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_change_frequency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_async_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_last_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_tree_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_interrupt at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_monitor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_async_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_last_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_main_loop_set_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutable_set_muted at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_pack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_packable_unpack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_parameter_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_parameter_grow at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_build_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_version at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_get_xml_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_build_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_version at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_set_xml_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_get_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_list_safe_properties at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_safe_get_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_safe_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_portlet_set_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_regcomp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_regexec at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seekable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seekable_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_next_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_recording at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_is_starting at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_list_cards at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_offset_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_record at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_record_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_set_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_absolute_delay at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay_counter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_loop_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_next_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_note_offset_absolute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_presets at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_prev_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_get_uptime at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_available at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_recording at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_is_starting at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_list_cards at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_offset_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_pcm_info at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_record at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_record_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_application_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_note_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_note_offset_absolute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_set_presets at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_tic at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_string_util_escape_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_strv_contains at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_strv_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_notation_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_sequencer_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_change_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_notation_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_sequencer_duration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tactable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_time_get_uptime_from_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_is_inverse_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_iterate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_iterate_nested at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_safe_iterate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_safe_iterate_nested at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tree_iterator_set_inverse_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_find_xpath at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_find_xpath_with_context_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_anon at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_blank_node_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_boolean at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_decimal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_echar at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_exponent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_hex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_integer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_iriref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_langtag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_percent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_plx at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars_base at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_chars_u at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_local at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_local_esc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pn_prefix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pname_ln at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_pname_ns at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_long_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_long_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_string_literal_single_quote at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_uchar at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_read_ws at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_turtle_string_convert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_BOOLEAN__UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_DOUBLE__DOUBLE_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_INT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__OBJECT_POINTER_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_OBJECT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_STRING_STRING_STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__OBJECT_STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__ULONG_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_POINTER__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_STRING__STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_STRING__ULONG_STRING_STRING_STRING_STRING_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_UINT__INT_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_UINT__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_ULONG__VOID at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__BOOLEAN_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__INT_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT_OBJECT_INT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__POINTER_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_STRING_STRING at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_POINTER at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__STRING_UINT_STRING_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_DOUBLE at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_DOUBLE_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_INT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_POINTER_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_STRING_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.2.1~
+ g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_UINT at Base 1.2.1~
+libags_audio.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
+ ags_acceleration_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_acceleration_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_acceleration_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_effect_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_effect_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_point_to_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_point_to_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_region_to_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_region_to_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_threaded_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_threaded_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_bpm_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_bpm_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_sequencer_length_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_sequencer_length_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_synth_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_synth_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_tact_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_tact_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_audio_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_buffer_to_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_format_from_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_get_copy_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_check_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_duplicate_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_check_suffix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_link_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_link_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_init_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_init_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_open_files at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_recursive_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_recursive_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_audio_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_resolve_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_audio_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_pads at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_sequence_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_add_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_duplicate_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_feed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_by_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_length_till_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_stream_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_template at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_new_with_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_realloc_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_scale at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_stream_resize at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_stream_safe_resize at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_tile at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_unset_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_all_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_point_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_region_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_copy_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_cut_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_point at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_region at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_specifier at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_specifier_with_type_and_line at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_free_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_specifier_unique at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_insert_from_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_is_acceleration_selected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_merge_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_acceleration_at_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_point_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_region_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_apply_port_group_by_prefix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_connect_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_filename at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_ui_effect_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_instantiate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_load_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_sort at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_change_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_change_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_remote_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_duplicate_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_find_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_first_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_init_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_prev at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_last_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_next_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_prev_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recall_id_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play_threaded at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_reset_recall_ids at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_reset_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recycling_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_remote_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_resolve_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_safe_resize_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_tillrecycling_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_buffer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_buffer_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_template_find_source_and_destination at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_pcm_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_crop_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_crop_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_notation_duration_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_alloc_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_alloc_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_alloc_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_alloc_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_sequencer_duration_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_find_dssi_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_output_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_find_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_acceleration_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_signal_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_automation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_channel_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_embedded_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_embedded_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_notation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_note_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_data_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_playback_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_port_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_container_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recycling_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_soundcard_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_stream_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_task_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_acceleration_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_signal_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_automation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_channel_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_embedded_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_embedded_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_notation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_note_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_data_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_playback_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_port_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_container_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recycling_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_soundcard_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_stream_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_task_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_free_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_free_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_apply_synth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_apply_synth_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_next_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_open_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_check_suffix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_dls2_reader_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_dls2_reader_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_sf2_reader_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_sf2_reader_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_children_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_find_ladspa_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_link_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_link_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_lv2_event_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_lv2_event_unref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_printf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_vprintf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_find_lv2_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_option at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_lv2_options_get at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_lv2_options_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_lookup_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_set_option at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_ressource_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_alloc_atom_sequence at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_alloc_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_atom_sequence_append_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_atom_sequence_remove_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_clear_atom_sequence at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_clear_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_concat_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_append_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_concat at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_realloc_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_remove_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_find_pname at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_port_preset_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_port_preset_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_find_preset_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_parse_turtle at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_load_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_uri_to_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_load_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_map at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_unmap at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_alloc_response_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_free_response_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_interrupted_callback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_pull_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_respond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_schedule_work at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_find_lv2ui_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_find_lv2ui_plugin_with_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_find_gui_uri at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_change_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_decode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_varlength_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_seek_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_xml_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_build at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_from_xml_doc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_header_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_header_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_midi_putc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_on_error at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_find_delta_time_with_track_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_get_delta_time_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_insert_midi_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_track_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_track_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_channel_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_channel_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_midi_getc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_not_defined at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_on_error at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_bytes at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_full at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_system_common at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_ticks_to_sec at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_delta_time_to_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_envelope_to_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_envelope_to_velocity at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_offset_to_delta_time at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_pressure_to_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_to_smf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_velocity_to_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_move_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_move_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_all_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_point_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_region_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_copy_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_cut_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_point at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_region at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_free_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_from_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_insert_from_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_is_note_selected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_note_at_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_point_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_region_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_to_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_find_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_find_prev at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_raw_midi_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_seq_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_seq_event_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_length_to_smf_delta_time at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_new_with_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_smf_delta_time_to_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_sort_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_raw_midi_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_seq_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_seq_event_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notify_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notify_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_sf2_sample_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_sf2_sample_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_single_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_single_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_find_first_input_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_find_last_input_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_map_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_get_bit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_is_empty at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_set_dim at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_toggle_bit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_buffer_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_retrieve_peak at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_retrieve_peak_internal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_find_streamer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_streamer_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_streamer_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_info at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_iter_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_iter_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_up at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_nth_level at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_selected_level at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_sublevel_names at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_add_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_get_audio_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_remove_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_set_audio_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_find_source at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_channel_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_iterator_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_recycling_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_channel_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_iterator_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_recycling_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_list_by_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_new_from_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_read_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_find_symbol at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_find_specifier at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_get_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_write_raw at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_add_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_find_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_find_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_get_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_remove_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_fixed_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_latency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_pcm_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_start_poll at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_adaptor_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_adaptor_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_automate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_find_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_dummy_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_dummy_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_run_order_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_child_added at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_find_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_find_dependency_by_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_provider_with_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_recall_id_with_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_template at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_type_with_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_by_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_dependencies at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_handler_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_find_parent_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_find_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_get_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_set_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_unset_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_is_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_load_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lock_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_notify_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_dummy_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_dummy_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_get_child_source at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_resolve_dependencies at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_inter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_post at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_pre at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_inter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_post at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_pre at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_set_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_stop_persistent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_all_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_unload_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_unlock_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_add_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_child_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_toplevel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_replace at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_reset_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_create_audio_signal_with_defaults at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_create_audio_signal_with_frame_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_find_next_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_remove_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_add_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_fifo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_find_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_iterate_callback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_play_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_play_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_remove_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_worker_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_input_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_point_from_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_point_from_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_region_from_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_region_from_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_audio_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_audio_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_resize_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_resize_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_save_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_save_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seek_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seek_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_find_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_interval_timeout at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_audio_channels_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_audio_channels_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_buffer_size_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_buffer_size_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_format_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_format_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_input_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_input_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_muted_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_muted_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_output_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_output_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_samplerate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_samplerate_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sndfile_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sndfile_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_default_soundcard_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_distributed_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_default_soundcard_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_distributed_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_find_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_sequencer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_sequencer_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_switch_buffer_flag_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_switch_buffer_flag_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute_with_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tic_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tic_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_refresh_gui at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_unref_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_unref_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
libags_gui.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
ags_cartesian_add_plot at Base 1.0.0
ags_cartesian_fill_label at Base 1.0.0
@@ -47,10 +1912,32 @@ libags_gui.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
ags_led_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_led_set_active at Base 1.0.0
ags_led_unset_active at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_notebook_add_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_add_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_next_active_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab_with_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_set_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_active_key at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_clicked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_code_to_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_pressed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_released at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
ags_plot_alloc at Base 1.0.0
ags_plot_free at Base 1.0.0
ags_ruler_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_ruler_new at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_scrolled_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_scrolled_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
ags_table_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_table_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_vindicator_get_type at Base 1.0.0
@@ -59,3 +1946,290 @@ libags_gui.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
ags_vled_array_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_waveform_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_waveform_new at Base 1.0.0
+libags_server.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
+ ags_authentication_generate_token at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_authentication_module at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_groups at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_is_session_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_logout at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_add_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_is_session_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_authentication_manager_remove_authentication at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_business_group_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_execute_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_read_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_context_path_with_write_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_get_user_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_business_group_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_execute_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_read_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_context_path_with_write_permission at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_business_group_set_user_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_add_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_remove_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_manager_verify_certificate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_certificate_verify at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_add_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_lookup_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_query_security_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_remove_resource at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_resource_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_controller_resource_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_authenticate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_do_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_front_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_create_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_factory_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_entry_bulk at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_registry_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_receive_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_receive_object_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_send_object at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_serialization_controller_send_object_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_launch_timed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_local_task_controller_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_encrypt_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_login_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_add_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_check_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_manager_remove_password_store at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_set_login_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_password_store_set_password at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_add_entry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_entry_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_entry_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_find_entry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_registry_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_task_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_add_server_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_security_context_remove_server_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_info_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_status_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_server_status_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_authentication_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_certificate_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_env at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_password_store_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_server at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_server_status at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_authentication_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_certificate_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_password_store_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_registry at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_service_provider_set_server at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_find_user_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_authentication_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_certificate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_certificate_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_find_login at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_xml_password_store_new at Base 1.2.1~
+libags_thread.so.1 libags-gui1 #MINVER#
+ ags_autosave_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_autosave_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_main_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_mutex_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_task_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_get_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_concurrency_provider_set_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_condition_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_entry_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_destroy_worker_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_timestamp_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_thread_pool at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_timestamp_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_generic_main_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_generic_main_loop_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_history_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_history_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_add_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_namespace at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_application_mutex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mutex_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_dispatch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_poll_fd_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_add_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_fd_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_polling_thread_remove_poll_fd at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_connect_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_disconnect_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_returnable_thread_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_single_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_single_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_complete at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_completion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_failure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_launch at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_cyclic_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_append_tasks at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_clear_cache at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_task_thread_remove_cyclic_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_child_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_start_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_add_start_queue_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_application_context_register_types at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_chaos_tree at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_children_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_clock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_get_toplevel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_hangcheck at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_interrupted at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_chaos_tree at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_current_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_is_tree_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_lock_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_children_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_parent_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_next_sibling_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_parental_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_pull at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_pool_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_reset_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_resume at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_resume_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_self at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_set_sync at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_set_sync_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_sibling_is_locked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_signal_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_suspend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_suspend_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_timelock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_trylock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_unlock_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_wait_sibling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_thread_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_timestamp_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_woker_thread_do_poll_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_do_poll at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_worker_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
diff --git a/debian/libags1.symbols b/debian/libags1.symbols
index 8e4d964..d175272 100644
--- a/debian/libags1.symbols
+++ b/debian/libags1.symbols
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ libags.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
ags_file_write_file_link_list at Base 1.0.0
ags_file_write_resolve at Base 1.0.0
ags_funciton_get_normalized at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_function_collapse_parantheses at Base 1.2.1~
ags_function_compute_term at Base 1.0.0
ags_function_find_literals at Base 1.0.0
ags_function_get_expanded at Base 1.0.0
@@ -180,6 +181,7 @@ libags.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
ags_packable_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_packable_pack at Base 1.0.0
ags_packable_unpack at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_parameter_find at Base 1.2.1~
ags_parameter_grow at Base 1.0.0
ags_plugin_get_build_id at Base 1.0.0
ags_plugin_get_name at Base 1.0.0
@@ -399,6 +401,1551 @@ libags.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT at Base 1.0.0
g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_BOOLEAN at Base 1.0.0
g_cclosure_user_marshal_VOID__ULONG_UINT_UINT at Base 1.0.0
+libags_audio.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
+ ags_acceleration_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_acceleration_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_acceleration_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_effect_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_effect_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_point_to_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_point_to_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_region_to_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_region_to_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_add_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_threaded_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_audio_threaded_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_append_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_bpm_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_bpm_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_presets_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_sequencer_length_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_sequencer_length_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_synth_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_synth_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_tact_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_apply_tact_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_audio_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_add_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_application_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_application_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_clear_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_buffer_to_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_double_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_float_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s16_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s24_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s32_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s64_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_copy_s8_to_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_envelope_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_format_from_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_get_copy_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_peak_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_resample_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_buffer_util_volume_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_check_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_duplicate_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_check_suffix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_link_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_link_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_init_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_init_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_is_playing at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_loop_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_open_files at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_recursive_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_recursive_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_audio_connection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_remove_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_resolve_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_audio_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_pads at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_sequence_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_add_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_duplicate_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_feed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_by_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_length_till_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_stream_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_template at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_new_with_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_realloc_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_scale at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_stream_resize at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_stream_safe_resize at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_signal_tile at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_tact at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_unset_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_audio_xml_serialization_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_all_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_point_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_add_region_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_copy_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_cut_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_point at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_region at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_specifier at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_find_specifier_with_type_and_line at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_free_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_specifier_unique at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_get_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_insert_from_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_is_acceleration_selected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_merge_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_acceleration_at_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_point_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_automation_remove_region_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_apply_port_group_by_prefix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_connect_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_filename at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_find_ui_effect_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_instantiate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_load_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_base_plugin_sort at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_buffer_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cancel_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_change_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_change_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_add_remote_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_duplicate_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_find_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_first_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_init_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_iter_prev at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_last_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_next_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_first at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_last at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_pad_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_prev_with_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recall_id_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_play_threaded at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_reset_recall_ids at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_reset_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recursive_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_recycling_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_remove_remote_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_resolve_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_safe_resize_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_link at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_channel_tillrecycling_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_buffer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_clear_buffer_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_notation_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_pattern_channel_template_find_source_and_destination at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_copy_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_pcm_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_core_audio_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_notation_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_loop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_count_beats_audio_run_sequencer_stop at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_crop_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_crop_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_notation_duration_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_alloc_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_alloc_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_notation_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_alloc_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_alloc_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_run_sequencer_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_delay_audio_sequencer_duration_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_find_dssi_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dssi_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_envelope_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_output_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_find_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_export_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_feed_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_fifoout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_acceleration_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_audio_signal_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_automation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_channel_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_embedded_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_embedded_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_notation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_note_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_data_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_pattern_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_playback_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_port_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_container_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recall_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_recycling_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_soundcard_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_stream_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_read_task_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_acceleration at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_acceleration_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_audio_signal_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_automation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_channel_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_embedded_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_embedded_audio_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_input at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_notation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_notation_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_note_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_output at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_data_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_pattern_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_playback_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_port_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_container at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_container_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recall_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_recycling_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_soundcard_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_stream at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_stream_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_task at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_file_write_task_list at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_free_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_free_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_init_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_apply_synth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_apply_synth_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_next_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_input_open_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_check_suffix at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_dls2_reader_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_dls2_reader_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_sf2_reader_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ipatch_sf2_reader_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_children_ready at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_iterator_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_jack_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_find_ladspa_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ladspa_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_link_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_link_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_loop_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_conversion_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_conversion_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_lv2_event_ref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_lv2_event_unref at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_event_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_printf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_log_manager_vprintf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_find_lv2_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_load_preset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_option at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_lv2_options_get at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_lv2_options_set at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_lookup_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_ressource_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_manager_set_option at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_option_ressource_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_alloc_atom_sequence at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_alloc_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_atom_sequence_append_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_atom_sequence_remove_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_clear_atom_sequence at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_clear_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_concat_event_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_append_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_concat at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_realloc_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_event_buffer_remove_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_find_pname at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_port_preset_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_port_preset_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_find_preset_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_preset_parse_turtle at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_load_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_uri_map_manager_uri_to_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_load_default at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_lookup at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_map at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_urid_manager_unmap at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_alloc_response_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_free_response_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_interrupted_callback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_manager_pull_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_respond at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_safe_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2_worker_schedule_work at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_find_lv2ui_plugin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_find_lv2ui_plugin_with_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_filenames at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_blacklist at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_default_directory at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_load_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_manager_set_default_path at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_find_gui_uri at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_lv2ui_plugin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_change_mode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_set_bpm at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_set_delay_factor at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_decode at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_int32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_get_varlength_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_int32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_put_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_buffer_util_seek_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_append_xml_node at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_build at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_from_xml_doc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_header_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_header_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_midi_putc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_on_error at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_find_delta_time_with_track_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_get_delta_time_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_builder_track_insert_midi_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_open_from_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_track_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_read_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_track_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_file_write_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_channel_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_channel_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_end_of_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_key_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_midi_getc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_not_defined at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_on_error at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_bytes at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_full at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_header at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_parse_track at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_gint32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_text at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_read_varlength at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sequence_number at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sequencer_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_smtpe at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_system_common at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_tempo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_text_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_ticks_to_sec at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_parser_time_signature at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_delta_time_to_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_envelope_to_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_envelope_to_velocity at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_change_program at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_off at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_on at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_key_pressure at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_meta_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_pitch_bend at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_quarter_frame at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_song_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_song_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_sysex at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_is_tune_request at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_offset_to_delta_time at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_pressure_to_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_to_smf at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midi_util_velocity_to_envelope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_midiin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_move_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_move_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_mute_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_all_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_point_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_add_region_to_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_copy_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_cut_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_point at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_find_region at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_free_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_from_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_current at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_insert_from_clipboard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_is_note_selected at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_note_at_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_point_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_remove_region_from_selection at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notation_to_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_find_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_find_prev at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_raw_midi_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_seq_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_from_seq_event_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_length_to_smf_delta_time at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_new_with_offset at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_smf_delta_time_to_length at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_sort_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_raw_midi at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_raw_midi_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_seq_event at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_note_to_seq_event_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notify_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notify_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_sf2_sample_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_sf2_sample_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_single_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_open_single_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_find_first_input_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_find_last_input_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_map_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_output_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_find_near_timestamp at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_get_bit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_is_empty at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_set_dim at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pattern_toggle_bit at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_buffer_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_retrieve_peak at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_retrieve_peak_internal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_peak_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_find_streamer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_streamer_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_master_streamer_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_dssi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_lv2_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_notation_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_play_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_close at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_flush at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_info at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_iter_next at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_iter_start at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_select at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_level_up at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_nth_level at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_read_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_rw_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_seek at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_selected_level at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_sublevel_names at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playable_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_add_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_get_audio_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_remove_playback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_domain_set_audio_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_find_source at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_channel_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_iterator_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_recycling_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_channel_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_iterator_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_playback_set_recycling_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_list_by_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_new_from_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plugin_factory_read_file at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_find_symbol at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_descriptor_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_find_specifier at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_get_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_read at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_set_property at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_write at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_port_safe_write_raw at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_prepare_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_add_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_find_name at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_find_scope at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_get_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_preset_remove_parameter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_activate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_add_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_add_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_deactivate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_find_uuid at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_open at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_remove_device at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_client_remove_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devin_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_adjust_delay_and_attack at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_error_quark at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_realloc_buffer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_devout_switch_buffer_flag at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_fixed_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_latency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_register at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_buffer_size at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_format at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_pcm_channels at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_set_samplerate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_port_unregister at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_add_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_connect_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_find_url at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_remove_client at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_pulse_server_start_poll at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_adaptor_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_adaptor_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_add_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_automate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_cancel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_find_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_dummy_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_dummy_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_channel_run_run_order_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_child_added at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_audio_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_recall_channel_run at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_find_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_find_dependency_by_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dependency_resolve at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_dssi_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_duplicate at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_create at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_factory_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_provider_with_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_recall_id_with_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_template at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_find_type_with_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_by_effect at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_children at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_dependencies at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_handler_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_find_parent_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_find_recycling_context at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_get_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_set_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_id_unset_run_stage at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_is_done at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_ladspa_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_load_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lock_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load_conversion at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_load_ports at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_lv2_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_notify_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_dummy_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_dummy_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_get_child_source at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_dependency at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_remove_handler at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_resolve_dependencies at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_inter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_post at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_init_pre at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_inter at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_post at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_run_pre at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_set_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_stop_persistent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_all_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_provider at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_template_find_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_unload_automation at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recall_unlock_port at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_midi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_record_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_add_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_add_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_find_parent at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_child_recall_id at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_toplevel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_insert at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_remove_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_replace at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_context_reset_recycling at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_create_audio_signal_with_defaults at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_create_audio_signal_with_frame_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_find_next_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_is_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_position at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_remove_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_add_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_fifo at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_find_child at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_iterate_callback at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_play_audio at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_play_channel at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_remove_worker at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_recycling_thread_worker_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_input_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remote_output_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_note_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_note_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_point_from_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_point_from_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_container_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_container_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_recall_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_region_from_selection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_region_from_selection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_remove_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_audio_connection_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_audio_connection_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_reset_peak_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_resize_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_resize_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_dssi_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_route_lv2_audio_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_save_file_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_save_file_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seek_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_seek_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_find_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_interval_timeout at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sequencer_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_audio_channels_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_audio_channels_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_buffer_size_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_buffer_size_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_format_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_format_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_input_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_input_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_muted_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_muted_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_output_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_output_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_samplerate_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_set_samplerate_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sndfile_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sndfile_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_default_soundcard_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_distributed_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_default_soundcard_thread at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_distributed_manager at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_sequencer at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_sound_provider_set_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_find_soundcard at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_soundcard_thread_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_sequencer_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_sequencer_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_soundcard_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_start_soundcard_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_stream_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_switch_buffer_flag_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_switch_buffer_flag_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute_extended at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_compute_with_audio_signal at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_generator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_get_xcross_count_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sawtooth_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_sin_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_square_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_double at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_float at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s16 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s24 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s32 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s64 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_synth_util_triangle_s8 at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tic_device_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_tic_device_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_toggle_pattern_bit_refresh_gui at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_unref_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_unref_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_audio_signal_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_audio_signal_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_run_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_channel_run_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_recycling_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_volume_recycling_new at Base 1.2.1~
+libags_gui.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
+ ags_cartesian_add_plot at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_fill_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_step_conversion_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_translate_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_big_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_label_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_x_small_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_big_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_label_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_linear_y_small_scale_func at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_reallocate_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_cartesian_remove_plot at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_container_add_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_draw at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_set_value at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_dial_value_changed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_child_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_child_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_add at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_child_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_child_find at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_remove at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_expander_set_set_flags at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hindicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hindicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hled_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_hled_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_indicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_indicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_set_led_count at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_set_nth at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_array_unset_all at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_set_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_led_unset_active at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_add_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_add_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_insert_tab_with_label at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_next_active_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_remove_tab_with_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_index at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_notebook_tab_set_data at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_active_key at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_clicked at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_code_to_note at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_pressed at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_key_released at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plot_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_plot_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ruler_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_ruler_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_scrolled_piano_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_scrolled_piano_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_table_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_table_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vindicator_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vindicator_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vled_array_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_vled_array_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_waveform_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_waveform_new at Base 1.2.1~
libags_server.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
ags_authentication_generate_token at Base 1.0.0
ags_authentication_get_authentication_module at Base 1.0.0
@@ -555,6 +2102,26 @@ libags_thread.so.1 libags1 #MINVER#
ags_generic_main_loop_new at Base 1.0.0
ags_history_get_type at Base 1.0.0
ags_history_new at Base 1.0.0
+ ags_message_delivery_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_add_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_namespace at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_instance at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_delivery_remove_queue at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_alloc at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_envelope_free at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_add_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_recipient at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_find_sender at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_get_type at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_new at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_query_message at Base 1.2.1~
+ ags_message_queue_remove_message at Base 1.2.1~
ags_mutex_manager_get_application_mutex at Base 1.0.0
ags_mutex_manager_get_instance at Base 1.0.0
ags_mutex_manager_get_type at Base 1.0.0
gsequencer packaging
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