[SCM] deken/master: New upstream version 0.2.5

umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org umlaeute at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Oct 24 09:50:18 UTC 2017

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d5d65fcab4eed9591abdfc289bd9acbf7923aee2
Author: IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <umlaeute at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 24 10:46:36 2017 +0200

    New upstream version 0.2.5

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 428663d..0000000
--- a/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 896647f..06e887a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,11 +13,18 @@ so there is no need to manually install it.
 Main development of the plugin is still happening in *this* repository,
 so you might want to manually install the plugin to help testing new features.
-## Download ##
+When manually installing the `deken-plugin`, Pd will use it if (and only if) it has a greater version number
+than the one included in Pd.
+In this case you will see something like the following in the Pd-console (you first have to raise the verbosity to `Debug`):
+> `[deken]: installed version [0.2.1] < 0.2.3...overwriting!`
+> `deken-plugin.tcl (Pd externals search) in /home/frobnozzel/.local/lib/pd/extra/deken-plugin/ loaded.`
+## Download/Install ##
 Click to download [deken-plugin.tcl](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pure-data/deken/master/deken-plugin.tcl) and save it to your Pd folder:
- * Linux = `~/pd-externals/deken-plugin/`
+ * Linux = ~/.local/lib/pd/extra/deken-plugin/` (with Pd<0.47 try `~/pd-externals/deken-plugin/`)
  * OSX = `~/Library/Pd/deken-plugin/`
  * Windows = `%AppData%\Pd\deken-plugin\`
diff --git a/deken-extra-plugins/deken-xtra-apt-plugin.tcl b/deken-extra-plugins/deken-xtra-apt-plugin.tcl
index 372ddf1..d44eb3e 100644
--- a/deken-extra-plugins/deken-xtra-apt-plugin.tcl
+++ b/deken-extra-plugins/deken-xtra-apt-plugin.tcl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # META NAME PdExternalsSearch
-# META DESCRIPTION Search for externals zipfiles on puredata.info
-# META AUTHOR <Chris McCormick> chris at mccormick.cx
+# META DESCRIPTION Search for externals Debian-packages via apt
+# META AUTHOR IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at iem.at>
 # ex: set setl sw=2 sts=2 et
 # Search URL:
@@ -112,12 +112,7 @@ proc ::deken::apt::register { } {
     if { [ catch { exec apt-cache madison       } _ ] } { } {
 	if { [ catch { exec which grep-aptavail } _ ] } { } {
 	    if { [ catch {
-		## oye a hack to get the apt-backend at the beginning of the backends
-		if { [ info exists ::deken::backends ] } {
-		    set ::deken::backends [linsert $::deken::backends 0 ::deken::apt::search ]
-		} {
-		    ::deken::register ::deken::apt::search
-		}
+		::deken::register ::deken::apt::search
 	    } ] } {
 		::pdwindow::debug "Not using APT-backend for unavailable deken\n"
 	    } {
diff --git a/deken-plugin.tcl b/deken-plugin.tcl
index 4fc4fdf..2fce00b 100644
--- a/deken-plugin.tcl
+++ b/deken-plugin.tcl
@@ -16,11 +16,27 @@ package require Tcl 8.4
 #   If a requirement is missing,
 #   Pd will load, but the script will not.
 package require http 2
+# try enabling https if possible
+if { [catch {package require tls} ] } {} {
+    ::tls::init -ssl2 false -ssl3 false -tls1 true
+    ::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
+# try enabling PROXY support if possible
+if { [catch {package require autoproxy} ] } {} {
+    ::autoproxy::init
+    if { ! [catch {package present tls} stdout] } {
+        ::http::register https 443 ::autoproxy::tls_socket
+    }
 package require pdwindow 0.1
 package require pd_menucommands 0.1
+package require pd_guiprefs
 namespace eval ::deken:: {
     variable version
+    variable installpath
+    variable protocol
 ## only register this plugin if there isn't any newer version already registered
@@ -31,16 +47,19 @@ proc ::deken::versioncheck {version} {
         set v1 [split $version "."]
         foreach x $v0 y $v1 {
             if { $x > $y } {
-                ::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::version\] > $version...skipping!\n"
+                ::pdwindow::debug [format [_ "\[deken\]: installed version \[%1\$s\] > %2\$s...skipping!" ] $::deken::version $version ]
+                ::pdwindow::debug "\n"
                 return 0
             if { $x < $y } {
-                ::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::version\] < $version...overwriting!\n"
+                ::pdwindow::debug [format [_ "\[deken\]: installed version \[%1\$s] < %2\$s...overwriting!" ] $::deken::version $version ]
+                ::pdwindow::debug "\n"
                 set ::deken::version $version
                 return 1
-        ::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: installed version \[$::deken::version\] == $version...skipping!\n"
+        ::pdwindow::debug [format [_ "\[deken\]: installed version \[%1\$s\] == %2\$s...skipping!" ] $::deken::version $version ]
+        ::pdwindow::debug "\n"
         return 0
     set ::deken::version $version
@@ -48,7 +67,7 @@ proc ::deken::versioncheck {version} {
 ## put the current version of this package here:
-if { [::deken::versioncheck 0.2.1] } {
+if { [::deken::versioncheck 0.2.5] } {
 namespace eval ::deken:: {
     namespace export open_searchui
@@ -59,17 +78,35 @@ namespace eval ::deken:: {
     variable statustext
     variable statustimer
     variable backends
+    variable progressvar
     namespace export register
 namespace eval ::deken::search:: { }
+set ::deken::installpath ""
 set ::deken::statustimer ""
+set ::deken::protocol "http"
+if { ! [catch {package present tls} stdout] } {
+    set ::deken::protocol "https"
+if { [ catch { set ::deken::installpath [::pd_guiprefs::read dekenpath] } stdout ] } {
+    # this is a Pd without the new GUI-prefs
+    proc ::deken::set_installpath {installdir} {
+        set ::deken::installpath $installdir
+    }
+} {
+    # Pd has a generic preferences system, that we can use
+    proc ::deken::set_installpath {installdir} {
+        set ::deken::installpath $installdir
+        ::pd_guiprefs::write dekenpath $installdir
+    }
 set ::deken::backends [list]
 proc ::deken::register {fun} {
     set ::deken::backends [linsert $::deken::backends 0 $fun]
 proc ::deken::gettmpdir {} {
     proc _iswdir {d} { expr [file isdirectory $d] * [file writable $d] }
     set tmpdir ""
@@ -130,17 +167,20 @@ Set objShell = Nothing
 set ::deken::_vbsunzip ""
+proc ::deken::get_tmpfilename {{path ""}} {
+    for {set i 0} {true} {incr i} {
+        set tmpfile [file join ${path} dekentmp.${i}]
+        if {![file exists $tmpfile]} {
+            return $tmpfile
+        }
+    }
 proc ::deken::get_writable_dir {paths} {
     set fs [file separator]
     set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
     foreach p $paths {
-        #if { [ catch { file mkdir $p } ] } {}
-        for {set i 0} {True} {incr i} {
-            set tmpfile "${p}${fs}dekentmp.${i}"
-            if {![file exists $tmpfile]} {
-                break
-            }
-        }
+        set tmpfile [::deken::get_tmpfilename $p]
         # try creating tmpfile
         if {![catch {open $tmpfile $access} channel]} {
             close $channel
@@ -151,6 +191,28 @@ proc ::deken::get_writable_dir {paths} {
+# find an install path, either from prefs or on the system
+# returns an empty string if nothing was found
+proc ::deken::find_installpath {{ignoreprefs false}} {
+    set installpath ""
+    if { [ info exists ::deken::installpath ] && !$ignoreprefs } {
+        ## any previous choice?
+        set installpath [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] ]
+    }
+    if { "$installpath" == "" } {
+        ## search the default paths
+        set installpath [ ::deken::get_writable_dir $::sys_staticpath ]
+    }
+    if { "$installpath" == "" } {
+        # let's use the first of $::sys_staticpath, if it does not exist yet
+        set userdir [lindex $::sys_staticpath 0]
+        if { [file exists ${userdir} ] } {} {
+            set installpath $userdir
+        }
+    }
+    return $installpath
 # list-reverter (compat for tcl<8.5)
 if {[info command lreverse] == ""} {
     proc lreverse list {
@@ -163,47 +225,6 @@ if {[info command lreverse] == ""} {
     } ;# RS
-## where to look for the config-files:
-## - near the deken-plugin.tcl file
-## + at some user-specific place (e.g. ~/pd-externals/deken-plugin/)
-## it's probably easiest to iterate through curdir and ::sys_staticpath (in reverse order)
-## and read all (existing) configurations
-## the configfile's format is simple:
-# the first element of a line is the variable name, the rest the value. e.g.
-#    foo bar baz
-# will create a variable '::deken::foo' with value [list bar baz]
-## LATER: this is rather insecure, as it allows people to overwrite
-##        virtually everything... (e.g. ::deken::search_for)
-proc ::deken::readconfig {paths filename} {
-    proc doreadconfig {fname} {
-        if {[file exists $fname]} {
-            set fp [open $fname r]
-            while {![eof $fp]} {
-                set data [gets $fp]
-                if { [string is list $data ] } {
-                    if { [llength $data ] > 1 } {
-                        set ::deken::[lindex $data 0] [lrange $data 1 end]
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            return True
-        }
-        return False
-    }
-    set fs [file separator]
-    doreadconfig "$::current_plugin_loadpath${fs}${filename}"
-    foreach p0 [lreverse $paths] {
-        foreach p1 [ list "" "${fs}deken-plugin" ] {
-            doreadconfig "${p0}${p1}${fs}${filename}"
-        }
-    }
-::deken::readconfig $::sys_staticpath deken-plugin.conf
 set ::deken::platform(os) $::tcl_platform(os)
 set ::deken::platform(machine) $::tcl_platform(machine)
 set ::deken::platform(bits) [ expr [ string length [ format %X -1 ] ] * 4 ]
@@ -224,14 +245,16 @@ if { "Windows" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" } {
 # console message to let them know we're loaded
 ## but only if we are being called as a plugin (not as built-in)
 if { "" != "$::current_plugin_loadpath" } {
-    ::pdwindow::post "deken-plugin.tcl (Pd externals search) in $::current_plugin_loadpath loaded.\n"
-    ::pdwindow::post "Platform detected: $::deken::platform(os)-$::deken::platform(machine)-$::deken::platform(bits)bit\n"
+    ::pdwindow::post [format [_ "\[deken\] deken-plugin.tcl (Pd externals search) loaded from %s." ]  $::current_plugin_loadpath ]
+    ::pdwindow::post "\n"
+::pdwindow::verbose 0 [format [_ "\[deken\] Platform detected: %s" ] $::deken::platform(os)-$::deken::platform(machine)-$::deken::platform(bits)bit ]
+::pdwindow::verbose 0 "\n"
 # architectures that can be substituted for eachother
 array set ::deken::architecture_substitutes {}
-set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(x86_64) [list "amd64" "i386" "i586" "i686"]
-set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(amd64) [list "x86_64" "i386" "i586" "i686"]
+set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(x86_64) [list "amd64" ]
+set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(amd64) [list "x86_64" ]
 set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(i686) [list "i586" "i386"]
 set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(i586) [list "i386"]
 set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(armv6l) [list "armv6" "arm"]
@@ -239,7 +262,24 @@ set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(armv7l) [list "armv7" "armv6l" "armv6" "ar
 set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(PowerPC) [list "ppc"]
 set ::deken::architecture_substitutes(ppc) [list "PowerPC"]
-proc ::deken::status {msg} {
+# try to set install path when plugin is loaded
+set ::deken::installpath [::deken::find_installpath]
+# allow overriding deken platform from Pd-core
+proc ::deken::set_platform {os machine bits} {
+    if { $os != $::deken::platform(os) ||
+         $machine != $::deken::platform(machine) ||
+         $bits != $::deken::platform(bits)} {
+        set ::deken::platform(os) ${os}
+        set ::deken::platform(machine) ${machine}
+        set ::deken::platform(bits) ${bits}
+        ::pdwindow::verbose 0 [format [_ "\[deken\] Platform (re)detected: %s" ] ${os}-${machine}-${bits}bit ]
+        ::pdwindow::verbose 0 "\n"
+    }
+proc ::deken::status {{msg ""}} {
     #variable mytoplevelref
     #$mytoplevelref.results insert end "$msg\n"
     #$mytoplevelref.status.label -text "$msg"
@@ -278,9 +318,10 @@ proc ::deken::highlightable_posttag {tag} {
     $mytoplevelref.results tag raise highlight
 proc ::deken::prompt_installdir {} {
-    set installdir [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Install libraries to directory:"]
+    set installdir [tk_chooseDirectory -title [_ "Install externals to directory:"] \
+                                       -initialdir $::fileopendir -parent .externals_searchui]
     if { "$installdir" != "" } {
-        set ::deken::installpath $installdir
+        ::deken::set_installpath $installdir
         return 1
     return 0
@@ -295,6 +336,10 @@ proc ::deken::update_searchbutton {mytoplevel} {
+proc ::deken::progress {x} {
+    ::deken::post "= ${x}%"
 # this function gets called when the menu is clicked
 proc ::deken::open_searchui {mytoplevel} {
     if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
@@ -309,7 +354,7 @@ proc ::deken::open_searchui {mytoplevel} {
         $mytoplevel.results tag configure archmatch
         $mytoplevel.results tag configure noarchmatch -foreground grey
-    ::deken::post "To get a list of all available externals, try an empty search." info
+    ::deken::post [_ "To get a list of all available externals, try an empty search."] info
 # build the externals search dialog window
@@ -334,12 +379,12 @@ proc ::deken::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
     bind $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry <Key-Return> "::deken::initiate_search $mytoplevel"
     bind $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry <KeyRelease> "::deken::update_searchbutton $mytoplevel"
     focus $mytoplevel.searchbit.entry
-    button $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -text [_ "Show all"] -default active -width 9 -command "::deken::initiate_search $mytoplevel"
-    pack $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -side right -padx 6 -pady 3
+    button $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -text [_ "Show all"] -default active -command "::deken::initiate_search $mytoplevel"
+    pack $mytoplevel.searchbit.button -side right -padx 6 -pady 3 -ipadx 10
     frame $mytoplevel.warning
     pack $mytoplevel.warning -side top -fill x
-    label $mytoplevel.warning.label -text "Only install externals uploaded by people you trust."
+    label $mytoplevel.warning.label -text [_ "Only install externals uploaded by people you trust."]
     pack $mytoplevel.warning.label -side left -padx 6
     frame $mytoplevel.status
@@ -350,19 +395,30 @@ proc ::deken::create_dialog {mytoplevel} {
     text $mytoplevel.results -takefocus 0 -cursor hand2 -height 100 -yscrollcommand "$mytoplevel.results.ys set"
     scrollbar $mytoplevel.results.ys -orient vertical -command "$mytoplevel.results yview"
     pack $mytoplevel.results.ys -side right -fill y
-    pack $mytoplevel.results -side left -padx 6 -pady 3 -fill both -expand true
+    pack $mytoplevel.results -side top -padx 6 -pady 3 -fill both -expand true
+    if { [ catch {
+        ttk::progressbar $mytoplevel.progress -orient horizontal -length 640 -maximum 100 -mode determinate -variable ::deken::progressvar } stdout ] } {
+    } {
+        pack $mytoplevel.progress -side bottom
+        proc ::deken::progress {x} {
+            set ::deken::progressvar $x
+        }
+    }
 proc ::deken::initiate_search {mytoplevel} {
     # let the user know what we're doing
-    ::deken::post "Searching for externals..."
+    ::deken::post [_ "Searching for externals..."]
+    set ::deken::progressvar 0
     # make the ajax call
     if { [ catch {
         set results [::deken::search_for [$mytoplevel.searchbit.entry get]]
     } stdout ] } {
-        ::pdwindow::debug "\[deken\]: online? $stdout\n"
-        ::deken::status "Unable to perform search. Are you online?"
+        ::pdwindow::debug [format [_ "\[deken\]: online? %s" ] $stdout ]
+        ::pdwindow::debug "\n"
+        ::deken::status [format "%s %s" [_ "Unable to perform search." ] [_ "Are you online?" ] ]
     } else {
     # delete all text in the results
@@ -379,24 +435,24 @@ proc ::deken::initiate_search {mytoplevel} {
     } else {
-        ::deken::post "No matching externals found. Try using the full name e.g. 'freeverb'."
+        ::deken::post [_ "No matching externals found. Try using the full name e.g. 'freeverb'." ]
 # display a single found entry
 proc ::deken::show_result {mytoplevel counter result showmatches} {
-            foreach {title cmd match comment status} $result {break}
+    foreach {title cmd match comment status} $result {break}
-            set tag ch$counter
+    set tag ch$counter
     #if { [ ($match) ] } { set matchtag archmatch } { set matchtag noarchmatch }
-            set matchtag [expr $match?"archmatch":"noarchmatch" ]
-            if {($match == $showmatches)} {
-                set comment [string map {"\n" "\n\t"} $comment]
-                ::deken::post "$title\n\t$comment\n" [list $tag $matchtag]
-                ::deken::highlightable_posttag $tag
-                ::deken::bind_posttag $tag <Enter> "+::deken::status $status"
-                ::deken::bind_posttag $tag <1> "$cmd"
-            }
+    set matchtag [expr $match?"archmatch":"noarchmatch" ]
+    if {($match == $showmatches)} {
+        set comment [string map {"\n" "\n\t"} $comment]
+        ::deken::post "$title\n\t$comment\n" [list $tag $matchtag]
+        ::deken::highlightable_posttag $tag
+        ::deken::bind_posttag $tag <Enter> "+::deken::status {$status}"
+        ::deken::bind_posttag $tag <1> "$cmd"
+    }
 # handle a clicked link
@@ -405,41 +461,81 @@ proc ::deken::clicked_link {URL filename} {
     ### if ::deken::installpath is set, use the first writable item
     ### if not, get a writable item from one of the searchpaths
     ### if this still doesn't help, ask the user
-    set installdir ""
-    if { [ info exists ::deken::installpath ] } {
-        ## any previous choice?
-        set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] ]
-    }
-    if { "$installdir" == "" } {
-        ## search the default paths
-        set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir $::sys_staticpath ]
-    }
+    set installdir [::deken::find_installpath]
+    set extname [lindex [split $filename "-"] 0]
     if { "$installdir" == "" } {
-        ## ask the user (and remember the decision)
-        ::deken::prompt_installdir
-        set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] ]
+        if {[namespace exists ::pd_docsdir] && [::pd_docsdir::externals_path_is_valid]} {
+            # if the docspath is set, try the externals subdir
+            set installdir [::pd_docsdir::get_externals_path]
+        } else {
+            # ask the user (and remember the decision)
+            ::deken::prompt_installdir
+            set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] ]
+        }
-    if { "$installdir" == "" } {
-        #::deken::clearpost
-        ::deken::post "No writeable directory found in:" warn
-        foreach p $::sys_staticpath { ::deken::post "\t- $p" warn }
-        ::deken::post "Cannot download/install libraries!" warn
-        return
+    while {1} {
+        if { "$installdir" == "" } {
+            set msg  [_ "Please select a (writable) installation directory!"]
+            set _args "-message $msg -type retrycancel -default retry -icon warning -parent .externals_searchui"
+            switch -- [eval tk_messageBox ${_args}] {
+                cancel {return}
+                retry {
+                    if {[::deken::prompt_installdir]} {
+                        set installdir $::deken::installpath
+                    } else {
+                        continue
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            set msg [_ "Install %s to %s?" ]
+            set _args "-message \"[format $msg $extname $installdir]\" -type yesnocancel -default yes -icon question -parent .externals_searchui"
+            switch -- [eval tk_messageBox ${_args}] {
+                cancel {return}
+                yes { }
+                no {
+                    set prevpath $::deken::installpath
+                    if {[::deken::prompt_installdir]} {
+                        set keepprevpath 1
+                        set installdir $::deken::installpath
+                        # if docsdir is set & the install path is valid,
+                        # saying "no" is temporary to ensure the docsdir
+                        # hierarchy remains, use the Path dialog to override
+                        if {[namespace exists ::pd_docsdir] && [::pd_docsdir::path_is_valid] &&
+                            [file writable [file normalize $prevpath]] } {
+                            set keepprevpath 0
+                        }
+                        if {$keepprevpath} {
+                            set ::deken::installpath $prevpath
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        continue
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if { "$installdir" != "" } {
+            # try creating the installdir...just in case
+            if { [ catch { file mkdir $installdir } ] } {}
+        }
+        # check whether this is a writable directory
+        set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $installdir ] ]
+        if { "$installdir" != "" } {
+            # stop looping if we've found our dir
+            break
+        }
-    switch -- [tk_messageBox -message \
-                   "Install to directory $installdir?" \
-                   -type yesnocancel -default "yes" \
-                   -icon question] {
-                       no {set installdir ""
-                           if {[::deken::prompt_installdir]} {
-                               set installdir [ ::deken::get_writable_dir [list $::deken::installpath ] ] }
-                           if { "$installdir" eq "" } return}
-                       cancel return}
     set fullpkgfile "$installdir/$filename"
-    ::deken::post "Commencing downloading of:\n$URL\nInto $installdir..."
-    ::deken::download_file $URL $fullpkgfile
+    ::deken::post [format [_ "Commencing downloading of:\n%1\$s\nInto %2\$s..."] $URL $installdir] ]
+    set fullpkgfile [::deken::download_file $URL $fullpkgfile]
+    if { "$fullpkgfile" eq "" } {
+        ::deken::post [_ "aborting."] info
+        return
+    }
     set PWD [ pwd ]
     cd $installdir
     set success 1
@@ -450,52 +546,102 @@ proc ::deken::clicked_link {URL filename} {
                 set success 0
-    } elseif  { [ string match *.tar.gz $fullpkgfile ]
+    } elseif  { [ string match *.tar.* $fullpkgfile ]
                 || [ string match *.tgz $fullpkgfile ]
               } then {
-        if { [ catch { exec tar xzf $fullpkgfile } stdout ] } {
+        if { [ catch { exec tar xf $fullpkgfile } stdout ] } {
             ::pdwindow::debug "$stdout\n"
             set success 0
     cd $PWD
     if { $success > 0 } {
-        ::deken::post "Successfully unzipped $filename into $installdir.\n"
-        catch { exec rm $fullpkgfile }
+        ::deken::post [format [_ "Successfully unzipped %1\$s into %2\$s."] $filename $installdir ]
+        ::deken::post ""
+        catch { file delete $fullpkgfile }
     } else {
         # Open both the fullpkgfile folder and the zipfile itself
         # NOTE: in tcl 8.6 it should be possible to use the zlib interface to actually do the unzip
-        ::deken::post "Unable to extract package automatically." warn
-        ::deken::post "Please perform the following steps manually:"
-        ::deken::post "1. Unzip $fullpkgfile."
+        ::deken::post [_ "Unable to extract package automatically." ] warn
+        ::deken::post [_ "Please perform the following steps manually:" ]
+        ::deken::post [format [_ "1. Unzip %s." ]  $fullpkgfile ]
         pd_menucommands::menu_openfile $fullpkgfile
-        ::deken::post "2. Copy the contents into $installdir.\n"
+        ::deken::post [format [_ "2. Copy the contents into %s." ] $installdir]
+        ::deken::post ""
         pd_menucommands::menu_openfile $installdir
+## FIXXME: should we really suggest to add to search-paths?
+## per library search-paths should be added via [declare]
+    # add to the search paths? bail if the version of pd doesn't support it
+    if {[uplevel 1 info procs add_to_searchpaths] eq ""} {return}
+    set extpath [file join $installdir $extname]
+    if {![file exists $extpath]} {
+        ::deken::post [format [_ "Unable to add %s to search paths"] $extname]
+        return
+    }
+    set msg [_ "Add %s to the Pd search paths?" ]
+    set _args "-message \"[format $msg $extname]\" -type yesno -default yes -icon question -parent .externals_searchui"
+    switch -- [eval tk_messageBox ${_args}] {
+        yes {
+            add_to_searchpaths [file join $installdir $extname]
+            ::deken::post [format [_ "Added %s to search paths"] $extname]
+            # if this version of pd supports it, try refreshing the helpbrowser
+            if {[uplevel 1 info procs ::helpbrowser::refresh] ne ""} {
+                ::helpbrowser::refresh
+            }
+        }
+        no {
+            return
+        }
+    }
 # download a file to a location
 # http://wiki.tcl.tk/15303
 proc ::deken::download_file {URL outputfilename} {
-    set f [open $outputfilename w]
-    set status ""
-    set errorstatus ""
+    set downloadfilename [::deken::get_tmpfilename [file dirname $outputfilename] ]
+    set f [open $downloadfilename w]
     fconfigure $f -translation binary
-    set httpresult [http::geturl $URL -binary true -progress "::deken::download_progress" -channel $f]
-    set status [::http::status $httpresult]
-    set errorstatus [::http::error $httpresult]
+    set httpresult [::http::geturl $URL -binary true -progress "::deken::download_progress" -channel $f]
+    set ncode [::http::ncode $httpresult]
+    if {[expr $ncode != 200 ]} {
+        ## FIXXME: we probably should handle redirects correctly
+        # tcl-format
+        set err [::http::code $token]
+        ::deken::post [format [_ "Unable to download from %1\$s \[%2\$s\]" ] $URL $err ] error
+        set outputfilename ""
+    }
     flush $f
     close $f
-    http::cleanup $httpresult
-    return [list $status $errorstatus ]
+    ::http::cleanup $httpresult
+    if { "$outputfilename" != "" } {
+        catch { file delete $outputfilename }
+        if {[file exists $outputfilename]} {
+            ::deken::post [format [_ "Unable to remove stray file %s" ] $outputfilename ] error
+            set outputfilename ""
+        }
+    }
+    if { $outputfilename != "" && "$outputfilename" != "$downloadfilename" } {
+        if {[catch { file rename $downloadfilename $outputfilename}]} {
+            ::deken::post [format [_ "Unable to rename downloaded file to %s" ] $outputfilename ] error
+            set outputfilename ""
+        }
+    }
+    if { "$outputfilename" eq "" } {
+        file delete $downloadfilename
+    }
+    return $outputfilename
 # print the download progress to the results window
 proc ::deken::download_progress {token total current} {
     if { $total > 0 } {
-        variable mytoplevelref
-        set computed [expr {round(100 * (1.0 * $current / $total))}]
-        ::deken::post "= $computed%"
+        ::deken::progress [expr {round(100 * (1.0 * $current / $total))}]
@@ -531,10 +677,8 @@ proc ::deken::architecture_match {archs} {
     # check each architecture in our list against the current one
     foreach arch $archs {
         if { [ regexp -- {(.*)-(.*)-(.*)} $arch _ os machine bits ] } {
-            if { "${os}" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" &&
-                 "${bits}" eq "$::deken::platform(bits)"
-             } {
-                ## so OS and word size match
+            if { "${os}" eq "$::deken::platform(os)" } {
+                ## so OS matches
                 ## check whether the CPU matches as well
                 if { "${machine}" eq "$::deken::platform(machine)" } {return 1}
                 ## not exactly; see whether it is in the list of compat CPUs
@@ -550,7 +694,7 @@ proc ::deken::architecture_match {archs} {
 proc ::deken::search_for {term} {
-    ::deken::status "searching for '$term'"
+    ::deken::status [format [_ "searching for '%s'" ] $term ]
     set result [list]
     foreach searcher $::deken::backends {
@@ -564,6 +708,7 @@ set mymenu .menubar.help
 if { [catch {
     $mymenu entryconfigure [_ "Find externals"] -command {::deken::open_searchui .externals_searchui}
 } _ ] } {
+    $mymenu add separator
     $mymenu add command -label [_ "Find externals"] -command {::deken::open_searchui .externals_searchui}
 # bind all <$::modifier-Key-s> {::deken::open_helpbrowser .helpbrowser2}
@@ -620,10 +765,33 @@ proc urldecode {str} {
 ## searching puredata.info
 proc ::deken::search::puredata.info {term} {
     set searchresults [list]
+    set dekenserver "${::deken::protocol}://deken.puredata.info/search"
+    catch {set dekenserver $::env(DEKENSERVER)} stdout
+    set queryterm {}
+    foreach x $term {lappend queryterm name $x}
+    if { [ catch {set queryterm [::http::formatQuery {*}$queryterm ] } stderr ] } {
+        set queryterm [ join $term "&name=" ]
+        set queryterm "name=${queryterm}"
+    }
+    # deken-specific socket config
+    set httpaccept [::http::config -accept]
+    ::http::config -accept text/tab-separated-values
-    set term [ join $term "&name=" ]
-    set token [http::geturl "http://deken.puredata.info/search?name=$term"]
-    set contents [http::data $token]
+    # fetch search result
+    set token [::http::geturl "${dekenserver}?${queryterm}"]
+    # restore http settings
+    ::http::config -accept $httpaccept
+    set ncode [::http::ncode $token]
+    if {[expr $ncode != 200 ]} {
+        set err [::http::code $token]
+        ::pdwindow::debug [format "\[deken\]: %s %s" [_ "Unable to perform search." ] ${err} ]
+        ::pdwindow::debug "\n"
+        return {}
+    }
+    set contents [::http::data $token]
     set splitCont [split $contents "\n"]
     # loop through the resulting tab-delimited table
     foreach ele $splitCont {
@@ -643,14 +811,14 @@ proc ::deken::search::puredata.info {term} {
             set match [::deken::architecture_match "$archs" ]
-            set comment "Uploaded by $creator @ $date"
+            set comment [format [_ "Uploaded by %1\$s @ %2\$s" ] $creator $date ]
             set status $URL
             set sortname [lindex $pkgverarch 0]--[lindex $pkgverarch 1]--$date
             set res [list $name $cmd $match $comment $status $filename]
             lappend searchresults $res
-    http::cleanup $token
+    ::http::cleanup $token
     return [lsort -dictionary -decreasing -index 5 $searchresults ]
diff --git a/developer/README.md b/developer/README.md
index 8a33247..0b07ca0 100644
--- a/developer/README.md
+++ b/developer/README.md
@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ with the zip file.
 ### Creating/Uploading packages on a different machine
 `deken` inspects the files in the directory to determine the target platform
-(rather than just checking on which system you are currently runing).
+(rather than just checking on which system you are currently running).
 Therefore, if it is not feasible to install `deken` on the machine used for
 building your Pd library, you can run `deken` on another machine,
 Example: You build the "my_external" library on OSX-10.5, but (due to OSX-10.5
 not being supported by Apple anymore) you haven't installed `deken` there.
-So you simply transfer the "my_external" directory to your linux machine, where
+So you simply transfer the "my_external" directory to your Linux machine, where
 you run `deken package my_external` and it will magically create the
 `my_external-v3.14-(Darwin-i386-32)(Darwin-x86_64-32)-externals.tgz` file for
 you, ready to be uploaded.
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ be optimally searchable on [puredata.info](http://puredata.info/);
    this archive).
    It is either "Sources" (see [below](#sourceful-uploads) or `OS-MARCH-BIT`,
-   - OS being the Operating System (`Linux`, `Darwin`, W32`,...)
+   - OS being the Operating System (`Linux`, `Darwin`, `W32`,...)
    - MARCH is the machine architecture (e.g. `x86_64`)
-   - BIT is some number of bits (e.g. `64`)
+   - BIT is some number of bits (e.g. `32`)
  * EXT is the archive extension (either `zip` or `tar.gz`)
 Note that the archive should contain a single directory at the top level with
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ optional, don't include them. The same goes for the curly braces around the
 However, the round parentheses "()" around architectures must be included to
 separate the architectures visibly from each other.
-In plain english this means:
+In plain English this means:
 > the library-name, followed by an optional version string (starting with `-v`
 > and ending with `-`), followed by zero or more architecture specifications
-> (each surrounded by `(`parantheses`)`), and terminated by `-externals`
+> (each surrounded by `(`parentheses`)`), and terminated by `-externals`
 > (followed by a filename extension).
diff --git a/developer/builder.md b/developer/builder.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 38c2694..0000000
--- a/developer/builder.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Deken can also be used to build some externals directly from a repository.
-## Build an external from a repository ##
-	$ deken build svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/externals/freeverb~/
-	Deken 0.1
-	Checking out svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/externals/freeverb~/ into ./workspace/externals/freeverb~
-	Building ./workspace/externals/freeverb~
-## Build and install an external from a repository ##
-	$ deken install svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/externals/freeverb~/
-	Deken 0.1
-	Updating ./workspace/externals/freeverb~
-	Building ./workspace/externals/freeverb~
-	Installing ./workspace/externals/freeverb~ into ./pd-externals/freeverb~
-## Manage Pd version ##
-Show Pd version:
-	$ deken pd
-	Deken 0.1
-	Pd version 0.43 checked out
-Change Pd version:
-	$ deken pd master
-	Deken 0.1
-	Pd version master checked out
-### How to make your externals compatible ###
diff --git a/developer/deken b/developer/deken
index 02aa554..123cb66 100755
--- a/developer/deken
+++ b/developer/deken
@@ -7,11 +7,21 @@
 # Much of this code is pilfered from Clojure's Leiningen tool
 export DEKEN_VERSION="0.1"
+export DEKEN_HOME="${DEKEN_HOME:-"$HOME/.deken"}"
+error() {
+    echo "$@" 1>&2
 if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && [ "$DEKEN_ROOT" = "" ]; then
-    echo "WARNING: You're currently running as root; probably by accident."
-    echo "Press control-C to abort or Enter to continue as root."
-    echo "Set DEKEN_ROOT to disable this warning."
+    error "WARNING: You're currently running as root; probably by accident."
+    error "Press control-C to abort or Enter to continue as root."
+    error "Set DEKEN_ROOT to disable this warning."
     read _
@@ -27,6 +37,11 @@ else
+# allow the user to override the default python
+if [ "x${PYTHON_BIN}" = x ]; then
+ PYTHON_BIN=python
 # This needs to be defined before we call HTTP_CLIENT below
 if [ "$HTTP_CLIENT" = "" ]; then
     if which curl >/dev/null; then
@@ -39,17 +54,11 @@ if [ "$HTTP_CLIENT" = "" ]; then
-export DEKEN_HOME="${DEKEN_HOME:-"$HOME/.deken"}"
 if $cygwin; then
     export DEKEN_HOME=$(cygpath -w "$DEKEN_HOME")
-error() {
-    echo "$@" 1>&2
 bail_install() {
     error "Self-installation of Deken failed."
     error "Please paste any errors in the bug tracker at https://github.com/pure-data/deken/issues"
@@ -63,26 +72,40 @@ bail_install_msg() {
+bail_requirements() {
+    rm -f "${DEKEN_HOME}/requirements.txt"
+    error "Installation of requirements failed."
+    error "You probably should install the following packages first:"
+    error " - 'python-dev'"
+    error " - 'libffi-dev'"
+    error " - 'libssl-dev'"
+    error "You can run 'deken install' or 'deken upgrade' anytime to"
+    error " re-install (or upgrade) your Deken installation"
+    exit 1
 install_virtualenv() {
 	echo "Downloading & installing Virtualenv."
 	rm -rf $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source
 	mkdir -p $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source && \
-	$HTTP_CLIENT $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv.tar.gz https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/v/virtualenv/virtualenv-12.1.1.tar.gz && \
+	$HTTP_CLIENT $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv.tar.gz "${VIRTUALENV_URL}" && \
 	tar -zxvf $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv.tar.gz -C $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source/ && \
 	mv $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source/virtualenv-*/* $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source
 	[ -d "$DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source" ] && (\
 		cd $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source && \
-		/usr/bin/env python setup.py build ) \
+		/usr/bin/env "${PYTHON_BIN}" setup.py build ) \
 		|| bail_install;
 install_deken() {
-    which python >/dev/null || \
-        bail_install_msg "Oops, no Python found! You need Python to run Deken."
+    which "${PYTHON_BIN}" >/dev/null || \
+        bail_install_msg "Oops, no Python found! You need Python to run Deken: ${PYTHON_BIN}
+You can specify an alternative Python interpreter via the PYTHON_BIN envvar"
     which make >/dev/null || \
         bail_install_msg "Oops, no Make found! You need Make to run Deken."
     error "This is your first time running deken on this machine."
-    error "I'm going to install myself and my dependencies into ~/.deken now."
+    error "I'm going to install myself and my dependencies into ${DEKEN_HOME} now."
     error "Feel free to ctrl-C now if you don't want to do this."
     sleep 3;
     [ -d "$DEKEN_HOME" ] || mkdir -p $DEKEN_HOME;
@@ -100,7 +123,7 @@ install_deken() {
         $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv-source/virtualenv.py "$DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv" || exit 1)
     [ -x "$DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/hy" ] || (\
         echo "Installing deken library dependencies." && \
-        $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/pip install -r $DEKEN_HOME/requirements.txt || exit 1)
+        $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/pip install -r $DEKEN_HOME/requirements.txt || bail_requirements)
 upgrade_deken() {
@@ -115,10 +138,25 @@ upgrade_deken() {
         mv $DEKEN_HOME/.upgrade-$f $DEKEN_HOME/$f;
     # finally update the python dependencies
-    $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/pip install -r $DEKEN_HOME/requirements.txt
+    $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/pip install -r $DEKEN_HOME/requirements.txt || bail_requirements
     echo "Successfully upgraded."
+tryrun_deken() {
+    if [ ! -x "$DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/hy" ]; then
+       error "Unable to find '${DEKEN_HOME}/virtualenv/bin/hy'"
+       error "Try running '$0 install' or '$0 upgrade'"
+       exit 1
+    fi
+    if [ -e $DEKEN_HOME/deken.hy ]; then
+       $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/hy $DEKEN_HOME/deken.hy "$@"
+    else
+       error "Unable to find '${DEKEN_HOME}/deken.hy'"
+       error "Try running '$0 install' or '$0 upgrade'"
+       exit 1
+    fi
 # make sure we are deployed
 [ -d "$DEKEN_HOME" ] || install_deken
@@ -126,8 +164,16 @@ upgrade_deken() {
 [ -d "$DEKEN_HOME" ] || bail_install;
 # catch the special "upgrade" command
-[ "$1" = "upgrade" ] && \
-    # run he upgrade command instead
-    upgrade_deken || \
+case "$1" in
+  upgrade|update)
+    # run the upgrade command instead
+    upgrade_deken
+    ;;
+  install)
+    install_deken
+    ;;
+  *)
     # run the real deken command with args passed through
-    $DEKEN_HOME/virtualenv/bin/hy $DEKEN_HOME/deken.hy $@
+    tryrun_deken "$@"
+    ;;
diff --git a/developer/deken.hy b/developer/deken.hy
index b611a8d..9f22f2f 100644
--- a/developer/deken.hy
+++ b/developer/deken.hy
@@ -1,5 +1,39 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env hy
-; deken upload --version 0.1 ./freeverb~/
+;; deken upload --version 0.1 ./freeverb~/
+;; This software is copyrighted by Chris McCormick, IOhannes m zmölnig and
+;; others.
+;; The following terms (the "Standard Improved BSD License") apply to all
+;; files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in
+;; individual files:
+;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+;; met:
+;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+;;    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+;;    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+;;    with the distribution.
+;; 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
+;;    products derived from this software without specific prior
+;;    written permission.
 (import sys)
 (import os)
@@ -14,25 +48,23 @@
 (import struct)
 (import copy)
 (try (import [ConfigParser [SafeConfigParser]])
- (catch [e ImportError] (import [configparser [SafeConfigParser]])))
+ (except [e ImportError] (import [configparser [SafeConfigParser]])))
 (try (import [StringIO [StringIO]])
- (catch [e ImportError] (import [io [StringIO]])))
+ (except [e ImportError] (import [io [StringIO]])))
 (import hashlib)
 (import [getpass [getpass]])
 (try (import [urlparse [urlparse]])
- (catch [e ImportError] (import [urllib.parse [urlparse]])))
-(import requests)
-(import easywebdav)
+ (except [e ImportError] (import [urllib.parse [urlparse]])))
 (require hy.contrib.loop)
 (def deken-home (os.path.expanduser (os.path.join "~" ".deken")))
 (def config-file-path (os.path.abspath (os.path.join deken-home "config")))
-(def version (try (.rstrip (.read (open (os.path.join deken-home "VERSION"))) "\r\n") (catch [e Exception] (.get os.environ "DEKEN_VERSION" "0.1"))))
+(def version (try (.rstrip (.read (open (os.path.join deken-home "VERSION"))) "\r\n") (except [e Exception] (.get os.environ "DEKEN_VERSION" "0.1"))))
 (def externals-host "puredata.info")
 (def elf-arch-types {
-  "EM_NONE" nil
+  "EM_NONE" None
   "EM_386" "i386"
   "EM_68K" "m68k"
   "EM_IA_64" "x86_64"
@@ -50,135 +82,163 @@
   "EM_BLAFKIN" "Analog Devices Blackfin"
-(def arm-cpu-arch ["Pre-v4" "v4" "v4T" "v5T" "v5TE" "v5TEJ" "v6" "v6KZ" "v6T2" "v6K" "v7"])
+;; values updated via https://sourceware.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=binutils-gdb.git;a=blob;f=include/elf/arm.h;hb=HEAD#l93
+(def arm-cpu-arch
+  [
+   "Pre-v4"
+   "v4"
+   "v4T"
+   "v5T"
+   "v5TE"
+   "v5TEJ"
+   "v6"
+   "v6KZ"
+   "v6T2"
+   "v6K"
+   "v7"
+   "v6_M"
+   "v6S_M"
+   "v7E_M"
+   "v8"
+   "v8R"
+   "v8M_BASE"
+   "v8M_MAIN"
+   ])
 (def win-types {
   "0x014c" ["i386" 32]
   "0x0200" ["x86_64" 64]
   "0x8664" ["amd64" 64]})
-; algorithm to use to hash files
+;; algorithm to use to hash files
 (def hasher hashlib.sha256)
 (def hash-extension (.pop (hasher.__name__.split "_")))
-; get the externals' homedir install location for this platform - from s_path.c
-(def externals-folder
-  (let [[system-name (platform.system)]]
-    (cond
-      [(in system-name ["Linux" "FreeBSD"]) (os.path.expandvars (os.path.join "$HOME" "pd-externals"))]
-      [(= system-name "Darwin") (os.path.expandvars (os.path.join "$HOME" "Library" "Pd"))]
-      [(= system-name "Windows") (os.path.expandvars (os.path.join "%AppData%" "Pd"))])))
+;; nil? has been removed from hy-0.12
+(try (nil? None) (except [e NameError] (defn nil? [x] (= x None))))
+;; in hy-0.12 'slice' has been replaced with 'cut'
+;; but we cannot replace 'cut' in hy>=0.12, because it is a built-in...
+(defn cut-slice [x y z] (cut x y z))
+(try (cut []) (except [e NameError] (defn cut-slice [x y z] (slice x y z))))
-; convert a string into bool, based on the string value
+;; convert a string into bool, based on the string value
 (defn str-to-bool [s] (and (not (nil? s)) (not (in (.lower s) ["false" "f" "no" "n" "0" "nil" "none"]))))
 ;; join non-empty elements
 (defn join-nonempty [joiner elements] (.join joiner (list-comp (str x) [x elements] x)))
-; concatenate two dictionaries - hylang's assoc is broken
+;; concatenate two dictionaries - hylang's assoc is broken
 (defn dict-merge [d1 d2] (apply dict [d1] (or d2 {})))
-; apply attributes to objects in a functional way
-(defn set-attr [obj attr value] (do (setattr obj attr value) obj))
+;; apply attributes to objects in a functional way
+(defn set-attr [obj attr value] (setattr obj attr value) obj)
+;; get multiple attributes as list
+(defn get-attrs [obj attributes &optional default] (list-comp (getattr obj _default) [_ attributes]))
-; replace multiple words (given as pairs in <repls>) in a string <s>
+;; replace multiple words (given as pairs in <repls>) in a string <s>
 (defn replace-words [s repls] (reduce (fn [a kv] (apply a.replace kv)) repls s))
-;; get a value at an index or a default
-(defn try-get [elements index &optional default] (try (get elements index) (catch [e IndexError] default)))
+;; get multiple values from a dict (give keys as list, get values as list)
+(defn get-values [coll keys] (list-comp (get coll _) [_ keys]))
+;; get a value at an index/key or a default
+(defn try-get [elements index &optional default]
+  (try (get elements index)
+       (except [e TypeError] default)
+       (except [e KeyError] default)
+       (except [e IndexError] default)))
-; read in the config file if present
-(def config
-  (let [
-    [config-file (SafeConfigParser)]
-    [file-buffer (StringIO (+ "[default]\n" (try (.read (open config-file-path "r")) (catch [e Exception] ""))))]]
-      (config-file.readfp file-buffer)
-      (dict (config-file.items "default"))))
+;; read in the config file if present
+(defn read-config [configstring &optional [config-file (SafeConfigParser)]]
+  (config-file.readfp (StringIO configstring))
+  (dict (config-file.items "default")))
-; takes the externals architectures and turns them into a string
+(def config (read-config (+ "[default]\n" (try (.read (open config-file-path "r"))(except [e Exception] "")))))
+;; takes the externals architectures and turns them into a string
 (defn get-architecture-strings [folder]
-  (let [[archs (get-externals-architectures folder)]
-        [sep-1 ")("]
-        [sep-2 "-"]]
-    (if archs
-      (+ "(" (sep-1.join (set (list-comp (sep-2.join (list-comp (str a) [a arch])) [arch archs]))) ")")
-      "")))
-; check if a particular file has an extension in a set
+   (defn _get_archs [archs sep-1 sep-2]
+     (if archs (+ "(" (sep-1.join (set (list-comp (sep-2.join (list-comp (str a) [a arch])) [arch archs]))) ")") ""))
+   (_get_archs (get-externals-architectures folder) ")(" "-"))
+;; check if a particular file has an extension in a set
 (defn test-extensions [filename extensions]
   (len (list-comp e [e extensions] (filename.endswith e))))
-; examine a folder for externals and return the architectures of those found
+;; examine a folder for externals and return the architectures of those found
 (defn get-externals-architectures [folder]
-  (sum (list-comp (cond
+  (sum (sorted (list-comp (cond
       [(test-extensions f [".pd_linux" ".l_ia64" ".l_i386" ".l_arm" ".so"]) (get-elf-arch (os.path.join folder f) "Linux")]
       [(test-extensions f [".pd_freebsd" ".b_i386"]) (get-elf-arch (os.path.join folder f) "FreeBSD")]
       [(test-extensions f [".pd_darwin" ".d_fat" ".d_ppc"]) (get-mach-arch (os.path.join folder f))]
       [(test-extensions f [".m_i386" ".dll"]) (get-windows-arch (os.path.join folder f))]
       [(test-extensions f [".c" ".cpp" ".C" ".cxx" ".cc"]) [["Sources"]]]
-      [true []])
-    [f (os.listdir folder)]) []))
-; get architecture strings from a windows DLL
-; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495244/how-can-i-test-a-windows-dll-to-determine-if-it-is-32bit-or-64bit
-(defn get-windows-arch [filename] (try (do-get-windows-arch filename) (catch [e Exception] [])))
-(defn do-get-windows-arch [filename]
-  (let [[f (open filename "rb")]
-        [[magic blah offset] (struct.unpack (str "<2s58sL") (f.read 64))]]
-    ;(print magic offset)
-    (if (= magic "MZ")
-      ; has correct magic bytes
-      (do
-        (f.seek offset)
-        (let [[[sig skip machine] (struct.unpack (str "<2s2sH") (f.read 6))]]
-          ;(print sig (% "0x%04x" machine))
-          (if (= sig "PE")
-            ; has correct signature
-            [(+ ["Windows"] (win-types.get (% "0x%04x" machine) ["unknown" "unknown"]))]
-            (raise (Exception "Not a PE Executable.")))))
-      (raise (Exception "Not a valid Windows dll.")))))
-; get architecture from an ELF (e.g. Linux)
+      [True []])
+    [f (os.listdir folder)]
+    (os.path.exists (os.path.join folder f)))) []))
+;; get architecture strings from a windows DLL
+;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495244/how-can-i-test-a-windows-dll-to-determine-if-it-is-32bit-or-64bit
+(defn get-windows-arch [filename] (try (do-get-windows-arch (open filename "rb")) (except [e Exception] [])))
+(defn do-get-windows-arch [f]
+  (setv [magic _ offset] (struct.unpack (str "<2s58sL") (f.read 64)))
+  (if (= magic "MZ")  ; has correct magic bytes
+    (do
+     (f.seek offset)
+     (setv [sig _ machine] (struct.unpack (str "<2s2sH") (f.read 6)))
+     (if (= sig "PE")  ; has correct signature
+       [(+ ["Windows"] (win-types.get (% "0x%04x" machine) ["unknown" "unknown"]))]
+       (raise (Exception "Not a PE Executable."))))
+    (raise (Exception "Not a valid Windows dll."))))
+;; get architecture from an ELF (e.g. Linux)
 (defn get-elf-arch [filename oshint]
   (import [elftools.elf.elffile [ELFFile]])
   (import [elftools.common [exceptions]])
-   (let [[elf (ELFFile (open filename :mode "rb"))]]
-      ;; TODO: check section .ARM.attributes for v number
-      ;; python ./virtualenv/bin/readelf.py -p .ARM.attributes ...
-     [[oshint (+ (elf-arch-types.get (elf.header.get "e_machine") nil) (or (parse-arm-elf-arch elf) "")) (int (slice (.get (elf.header.get "e_ident") "EI_CLASS") -2))]])
-   (catch [e exceptions.ELFError] [])))
-; get architecture from a Darwin Mach-O file (OSX)
+   (do
+    (setv elf (ELFFile (open filename :mode "rb")))
+    ;; TODO: check section .ARM.attributes for v number
+    ;; python ./virtualenv/bin/readelf.py -p .ARM.attributes ...
+    [[oshint
+      (+ (elf-arch-types.get (elf.header.get "e_machine") None)
+         (or (parse-arm-elf-arch elf) ""))
+      (int (cut-slice (.get (elf.header.get "e_ident") "EI_CLASS") -2 None))]])
+   (except [e exceptions.ELFError] [])))
+;; get architecture from a Darwin Mach-O file (OSX)
 (defn get-mach-arch [filename]
   (import [macholib.MachO [MachO]])
   (import [macholib.mach_o [MH_MAGIC_64 CPU_TYPE_NAMES]])
-   (let [[macho (MachO filename)]]
-      (list-comp ["Darwin" (CPU_TYPE_NAMES.get h.header.cputype h.header.cputype) (if (= h.MH_MAGIC MH_MAGIC_64) 64 32)] [h macho.headers]))
-   (catch [e ValueError] [])))
+   (list-comp ["Darwin" (CPU_TYPE_NAMES.get h.header.cputype h.header.cputype) (if (= h.MH_MAGIC MH_MAGIC_64) 64 32)] [h (. (MachO filename) headers)])
+   (except [e ValueError] [])))
-; gets the specific flavour of arm by hacking the .ARM.attributes ELF section
+;; gets the specific flavour of arm by hacking the .ARM.attributes ELF section
 (defn parse-arm-elf-arch [arm-elf]
-  (let [[arm-section (if arm-elf (try (arm-elf.get_section_by_name ".ARM.attributes")))]
-        [data (and arm-section (.startswith (arm-section.data) "A") (.index (arm-section.data) "aeabi") (.pop (.split (arm-section.data) "aeabi")))]]
-        (if data (do
-            ; (print (struct.unpack (str "<s") (slice data 7)))
-            (let [[[name bins] (.split (slice data 7) "\x00")]
-                  [arch (get arm-cpu-arch (ord (slice bins 1 2)))]]
-              arch)))))
-; try to obtain a value from environment, then config file, then prompt user
+  (setv arm-section (if arm-elf (try (arm-elf.get_section_by_name ".ARM.attributes"))))
+  ;; we only support format 'A'
+  (setv A (try (bytes "A") (except [e TypeError] (bytes "A" "ascii"))))
+  ;; the arm cpu can be found in the 'aeabi' section
+  (setv data (and arm-section (.startswith (arm-section.data) A) (.index (arm-section.data) "aeabi") (.pop (.split (arm-section.data) "aeabi"))))
+  (if data
+    (get arm-cpu-arch (ord (get (get (.split (cut-slice data 7 None) "\x00" 1) 1) 1)))))
+;; try to obtain a value from environment, then config file, then prompt user
 (defn get-config-value [name &rest default]
-   (first (filter (fn [x] (not (nil? x))) [
-     ; try to get the value from an environment variable
-     (os.environ.get (+ "DEKEN_" (name.upper)))
-     ; try to get the value from the config file
-     (config.get name)
-     ; finally, try the default
-     (first default)])))
-; prompt for a particular config value for externals host upload
+  (first (filter (fn [x] (not (nil? x)))
+                 [
+                  ;; try to get the value from an environment variable
+                  (os.environ.get (+ "DEKEN_" (name.upper)))
+                  ;; try to get the value from the config file
+                  (config.get name)
+                  ;; finally, try the default
+                  (first default)])))
+;; prompt for a particular config value for externals host upload
 (defn prompt-for-value [name]
   (raw_input (% (+
     "Environment variable DEKEN_%s is not set and the config file %s does not contain a '%s = ...' entry.\n"
@@ -186,178 +246,202 @@
     "Please enter %s for http://%s/: ")
       (tuple [(name.upper) config-file-path name name externals-host]))))
-; calculate the sha256 hash of a file
-(defn hash-sum-file [filename]
-  (let [[hashfn (hasher)]
-        [blocksize 65536]
-        [f (open filename :mode "rb")]
-        [read-chunk (fn [] (f.read blocksize))]]
-    (loop [[buf (read-chunk)]]
-          (if (len buf) (do
-            (hashfn.update buf)
-            (recur (read-chunk)))))
-    (let [[digest (hashfn.hexdigest)]
-          [hashfilename (% "%s.%s" (tuple [filename hash-extension]))]]
-      (.write (open hashfilename "w") digest)
-      hashfilename)))
+;; calculate the sha256 hash of a file
+(defn hash-file [filename &optional [blocksize 65535] [hashfn (hasher)]]
+  (setv f (open filename :mode "rb"))
+  (setv read-chunk (fn [] (.read f blocksize)))
+  (while True
+    (setv buf (read-chunk))
+    (if-not buf (break))
+    (hashfn.update buf))
+   (hashfn.hexdigest))
+(defn hash-sum-file [filename &optional [blocksize 65535]]
+  (setv hashfilename (% "%s.%s" (tuple [filename hash-extension])))
+  (.write (open hashfilename :mode "w") (hash-file filename blocksize))
+  hashfilename)
 ;; handling GPG signatures
 (try (import gnupg)
-  ;; read a value from the gpg config
+     ;; read a value from the gpg config
      (except [e ImportError] (defn gpg-sign-file [filename] (print (% "Unable to GPG sign '%s'\n" filename) "'gnupg' module not loaded")))
+      (defn gpg-unavail-error [state &optional ex]
+        (print (% "WARNING: GPG %s failed:" state))
+        (if ex (print ex))
+        (print "Do you have 'gpg' installed?")
+        (print "- If you've received numerous errors during the initial installation,")
+        (print "  you probably should install 'python-dev', 'libffi-dev' and 'libssl-dev'")
+        (print "  and re-run `deken install`")
+        (print "- On OSX you might want to install the 'GPG Suite'"))
       (defn gpg-get-config [gpg id]
-        (let [[configdir (cond [gpg.gnupghome gpg.gnupghome] [True (os.path.join "~" ".gnupg")])]
-              [configfile (os.path.expanduser (os.path.join configdir "gpg.conf"))]]
-           (get (list-comp (get (.split (.strip x)) 1) [x (.readlines ( open configfile))] (.startswith (.lstrip x) (.strip id) )) -1)
-           (catch [e [IOError IndexError]] None))))
+           (get
+            (list-comp
+             (get (.split (.strip x)) 1)
+             [x
+              (.readlines
+               ( open
+                 (os.path.expanduser
+                  (os.path.join
+                   (or gpg.gnupghome (os.path.join "~" ".gnupg"))
+                   "gpg.conf"))
+                 ))]
+             (.startswith (.lstrip x) (.strip id) )) -1)
+           (except [e [IOError IndexError]] None)))
       ;; get the GPG key for signing
       (defn gpg-get-key [gpg]
-        (let [[keyid (get-config-value "key_id" (gpg-get-config gpg "default-key"))]]
-          (try
-           (car (list-comp k [k (gpg.list_keys true)] (cond [keyid (.endswith (.upper (get k "keyid" )) (.upper keyid) )] [True True])))
-           (catch [e IndexError] None))))
+        (setv keyid (get-config-value "key_id" (gpg-get-config gpg "default-key")))
+        (try
+         (car (list-comp k
+                         [k (gpg.list_keys True)]
+                         (cond [keyid (.endswith (.upper (get k "keyid" )) (.upper keyid) )]
+                               [True True])))
+         (except [e IndexError] None)))
       ;; generate a GPG signature for a particular file
-      (defn do-gpg-sign-file [filename signfile]
+      (defn do-gpg-sign-file [filename signfile gnupghome use-agent]
         (print (% "Attempting to GPG sign '%s'" filename))
-        (let [[gnupghome (get-config-value "gpg_home")]
-              [use-agent (str-to-bool (get-config-value "gpg_agent"))]
-              [gpg (set-attr (apply gnupg.GPG []
-                                    (dict-merge (dict-merge {} (if gnupghome {"gnupghome" gnupghome}))
-                                                (if use-agent {"use_agent" true})))
-                             "decode_errors" "replace")]
-              [sec-key (gpg-get-key gpg)]
-              [keyid (try (get sec-key "keyid") (catch [e KeyError] None) (catch [e TypeError] None))]
-              [uid (try (get (get sec-key "uids") 0) (catch [e KeyError] None) (catch [e TypeError] None))]
-              [passphrase (if (and (not use-agent) keyid)
-                            (do
-                             (print (% "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\nuser: %s ID: %s\nin order to sign %s" (tuple [uid keyid filename])))
-                             (getpass "Enter GPG passphrase: " )))]
-              [signconfig (dict-merge (dict-merge {"detach" true}
-                                                  (if keyid {"keyid" keyid}))
-                                      (if passphrase {"passphrase" passphrase}))]]
-          (if (and (not use-agent) passphrase)
-            (print "No passphrase and not using gpg-agent...trying to sign anyhow"))
-          (try
-           (let [[sig (if gpg (apply gpg.sign_file [(open filename "rb")] signconfig))]
-                 [signfile (+ filename ".asc")]]
-             (if (hasattr sig "stderr")
-               (print (try (str sig.stderr) (catch [e UnicodeEncodeError] (.encode sig.stderr "utf-8")))))
-             (if (not sig)
-               (do
-                (print "WARNING: Could not GPG sign the package.")
-                None)
-               (do
-                (.write (open signfile "w") (str sig))
-                signfile)))
-           (catch [e OSError] (print (.join "\n"
-                                            ["WARNING: GPG signing failed:"
-                                             str(e)
-                                             "Do you have 'gpg' (on OSX: 'GPG Suite') installed?"]))))))
+        (setv gpg
+              (try
+               (set-attr
+                    (apply gnupg.GPG []
+                           (dict-merge
+                            (dict-merge {} (if gnupghome {"gnupghome" gnupghome}))
+                            (if use-agent {"use_agent" True})))
+                    "decode_errors" "replace")
+              (except [e OSError] (gpg-unavail-error "init" e))))
+        (if gpg (do
+          (setv [keyid uid] (list-comp (try-get (gpg-get-key gpg) _ None) [_ ["keyid" "uids"]]))
+          (setv uid (try-get uid 0 None))
+          (setv passphrase
+              (if (and (not use-agent) keyid)
+                (do
+                 (print (% "You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for\nuser: %s ID: %s\nin order to sign %s"
+                           (tuple [uid keyid filename])))
+                 (getpass "Enter GPG passphrase: " ))))
+        (setv signconfig (dict-merge (dict-merge {"detach" True}
+                                                 (if keyid {"keyid" keyid}))
+                                     (if passphrase {"passphrase" passphrase})))
+        (if (and (not use-agent) (not passphrase))
+          (print "No passphrase and not using gpg-agent...trying to sign anyhow"))
+        (try
+         (do
+          (setv sig (if gpg (apply gpg.sign_file [(open filename "rb")] signconfig)))
+;          (if (hasattr sig "stderr")
+;            (print (try (str sig.stderr) (except [e UnicodeEncodeError] (.encode sig.stderr "utf-8")))))
+          (if (not sig)
+            (print "WARNING: Could not GPG sign the package.")
+            (do
+             (with [f (open signfile "w")] (f.write (str sig)))
+             signfile)))
+         (except [e OSError] (gpg-unavail-error "signing" e))))))
       ;; sign a file if it is not already signed
       (defn gpg-sign-file [filename]
-        (let [[signfile (+ filename ".asc")]]
-          (if (os.path.exists signfile)
-            (do
-             (print (% "NOTICE: not GPG-signing already signed file '%s'\nNOTICE: delete '%s' to re-sign" (, filename signfile)))
-             signfile)
-            (do-gpg-sign-file filename signfile))))))
-; execute a command inside a directory
+        (setv signfile (+ filename ".asc"))
+        (setv gpghome (get-config-value "gpg_home"))
+        (setv gpgagent (str-to-bool (get-config-value "gpg_agent")))
+        (if (os.path.exists signfile)
+          (do
+           (print (% "NOTICE: not GPG-signing already signed file '%s'\nNOTICE: delete '%s' to re-sign" (, filename signfile)))
+           signfile)
+          (do-gpg-sign-file filename signfile gpghome gpgagent)))))
+;; execute a command inside a directory
 (defn in-dir [destination f &rest args]
-  (let [
-    [last-dir (os.getcwd)]
-    [new-dir (os.chdir destination)]
-    [result (apply f args)]]
-      (os.chdir last-dir)
-      result))
-; zip up a single directory
-; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1855095/how-to-create-a-zip-archive-of-a-directory
+  (setv last-dir (os.getcwd))
+  (os.chdir destination)
+  (setv result (apply f args))
+  (os.chdir last-dir)
+  result)
+;; zip up a single directory
+;; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1855095/how-to-create-a-zip-archive-of-a-directory
+(defn zip-file [filename]
+  (try (zipfile.ZipFile filename "w" :compression zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+       (except [e RuntimeError] (zipfile.ZipFile filename "w"))))
 (defn zip-dir [directory-to-zip archive-file]
-  (let [[zip-file (+ archive-file ".zip")]
-        [zipf (try (zipfile.ZipFile zip-file "w" :compression zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-                   (catch [e RuntimeError] (zipfile.ZipFile zip-file "w")))]
-        [root-basename (os.path.basename directory-to-zip)]
-        [root-path (os.path.join directory-to-zip "..")]]
-    (for [[root dirs files] (os.walk directory-to-zip)]
-      (for [file files]
-        (let [[file-path (os.path.join root file)]]
-          (zipf.write file-path (os.path.relpath file-path root-path)))))
-    (zipf.close)
-    zip-file))
-; tar up the directory
+  (setv zip-filename (+ archive-file ".zip"))
+  (with [f (zip-file zip-filename)]
+        (for [[root dirs files] (os.walk directory-to-zip)]
+          (for [file-path (list-comp (os.path.join root file) [file files])]
+            (if (os.path.exists file-path)
+              (f.write file-path (os.path.relpath file-path (os.path.join directory-to-zip "..")))))))
+  zip-filename)
+;; tar up the directory
 (defn tar-dir [directory-to-tar archive-file]
-  (let [[tar-file (+ archive-file ".tar.gz")]
-        [tarf (tarfile.open tar-file "w:gz")]]
-    (do
-     (.add tarf directory-to-tar)
-     (.close tarf)
-     tar-file)))
-; do we use zip or tar on this archive?
+  (setv tar-file (+ archive-file ".tar.gz"))
+  (defn tarfilter [tarinfo]
+    (setv tarinfo.name (os.path.relpath tarinfo.name (os.path.join directory-to-tar "..")))
+    tarinfo)
+  (with [f (tarfile.open tar-file "w:gz")]
+        (f.add directory-to-tar :filter tarfilter))
+  tar-file)
+;; do we use zip or tar on this archive?
 (defn archive-extension [rootname]
   (if (or (in "(Windows" rootname) (not (in "(" rootname))) ".zip" ".tar.gz"))
-; automatically pick the correct archiver - windows or "no arch" = zip
+;; automatically pick the correct archiver - windows or "no arch" = zip
 (defn archive-dir [directory-to-archive rootname]
-  (let [[ext (archive-extension rootname)]]
-    ((if (= ext ".zip") zip-dir tar-dir) directory-to-archive rootname)))
+  ((if (= (archive-extension rootname) ".zip") zip-dir tar-dir) directory-to-archive rootname))
-; naive check, whether we have an archive: compare against known suffixes
+;; naive check, whether we have an archive: compare against known suffixes
 (defn is-archive? [filename]
   (len (list-comp f [f [".zip" ".tar.gz" ".tgz"]] (.endswith (filename.lower) f))))
-; upload a zipped up package to puredata.info
+;; upload a zipped up package to puredata.info
 (defn upload-file [filepath destination username password]
+  ;; get username and password from the environment, config, or user input
+  (import easywebdav)
   (if filepath
-   (let [
-    ;; get username and password from the environment, config, or user input
-    [filename (os.path.basename filepath)]
-    [[pkg ver arch ext] (parse-filename filename)]
-    [url (urlparse destination)]
-    [proto (or url.scheme "https")]
-    [host (or url.netloc externals-host)]
-    [path (str (replace-words (or (.rstrip url.path "/") "/Members/%u/software/%p/%v") (,
-                         (, "%u" username) (, "%p" pkg) (, "%v" (or ver "")))))]
-    [remotepath (+ path "/" filename)]
-    [url (+ proto "://" host path)]
-    [dav (apply easywebdav.connect [host] {"username" username "password" password "protocol" proto})]]
-      (print (+ "Uploading " filename " to " url))
-      (try
-        (do
-          ; make sure all directories exist
-          (dav.mkdirs path)
-          ; upload the package file
-          (dav.upload filepath remotepath))
-        (catch [e easywebdav.client.OperationFailed]
-          (sys.exit (+
-                     (% "Couldn't upload to %s!\n" url)
-                     (% "Are you sure you have the correct username and password set for '%s'?\n" host)
-                     (% "Please ensure the folder '%s' exists on the server and is writeable." path))))))))
+    (do
+     (setv filename (os.path.basename filepath))
+     (setv [pkg ver _ _] (parse-filename filename))
+     (setv url (urlparse destination))
+     (setv proto (or url.scheme "https"))
+     (setv host (or url.netloc externals-host))
+     (setv path
+           (str
+            (replace-words
+             (or (.rstrip url.path "/") "/Members/%u/software/%p/%v")
+             (, (, "%u" username) (, "%p" pkg) (, "%v" (or ver ""))))))
+     (setv url (+ proto "://" host path))
+     (setv dav (apply easywebdav.connect [host] {"username" username "password" password "protocol" proto}))
+     (print (+ "Uploading " filename " to " url))
+     (try
+      (do
+       ;; make sure all directories exist
+       (dav.mkdirs path)
+       ;; upload the package file
+       (dav.upload filepath (+ path "/" filename)))
+      (except [e easywebdav.client.OperationFailed]
+        (sys.exit (+
+                   (% "Couldn't upload to %s!\n" url)
+                   (% "Are you sure you have the correct username and password set for '%s'?\n" host)
+                   (% "Please ensure the folder '%s' exists on the server and is writeable." path))))))))
 ;; upload a list of archives (given the archive-filename it will also upload some extra-files (sha256, gpg,...))
 (defn upload-package [pkg destination username password]
-  (do
-   (print "Uploading package" pkg)
-   (upload-file (hash-sum-file pkg) destination username password)
-   (upload-file pkg destination username password)
-   (upload-file (gpg-sign-file pkg) destination username password)))
+  (print "Uploading package" pkg)
+  (upload-file (hash-sum-file pkg) destination username password)
+  (upload-file pkg destination username password)
+  (upload-file (gpg-sign-file pkg) destination username password))
 (defn upload-packages [pkgs destination username password skip-source]
-  (do (if (not skip-source) (check-sources (set (list-comp (filename-to-namever pkg) [pkg pkgs]))
-                                           (set (list-comp (has-sources? pkg) [pkg pkgs]))
-                                           (if (= "puredata.info"
-                                                  (.lower (or (getattr (urlparse destination) "netloc") externals-host)))
-                                             username)))
-      (for [pkg pkgs] (upload-package pkg destination username password))))
-; compute the zipfile name for a particular external on this platform
+  (if (not skip-source) (check-sources (set (list-comp (filename-to-namever pkg) [pkg pkgs]))
+                                       (set (list-comp (has-sources? pkg) [pkg pkgs]))
+                                       (if (= "puredata.info"
+                                              (.lower (or (getattr (urlparse destination) "netloc") externals-host)))
+                                         username)))
+  (for [pkg pkgs] (upload-package pkg destination username password)))
+;; compute the zipfile name for a particular external on this platform
 (defn make-archive-basename [folder version]
-  (+ (.rstrip folder "/\\")
+  (+ (os.path.basename folder)
      (cond [(nil? version) (sys.exit
                             (+ (% "No version for '%s'!\n" folder)
                                " Please provide the version-number via the '--version' flag.\n"
@@ -368,43 +452,43 @@
            [True ""])
      (get-architecture-strings folder) "-externals"))
-; create additional files besides archive: hash-file and gpg-signature
+;; create additional files besides archive: hash-file and gpg-signature
 (defn archive-extra [zipfile]
-  (do
    (print "Packaging" zipfile)
    (hash-sum-file zipfile)
    (gpg-sign-file zipfile)
-   zipfile))
+   zipfile)
-; parses a filename into a (pkgname version archs extension) tuple
-; missing values are nil
+;; parses a filename into a (pkgname version archs extension) tuple
+;; missing values are None
 (defn parse-filename [filename]
   (list-comp (get
-                ; parse filename with a regex
+                ;; parse filename with a regex
                 (re.split r"(.*/)?(.+?)(-v(.+)-)?((\([^\)]+\))+|-)*-externals\.([a-z.]*)" filename) x)
-                ; extract only the fields of interested
+                ;; extract only the fields of interested
              [x [2 4 5 7]]))
 (defn filename-to-namever [filename]
-  (let [[[pkg ver arch ext] (parse-filename filename)]] (join-nonempty "/" [pkg ver])))
+  (join-nonempty "/" (get-values (parse-filename filename) [0 1])))
 ;; check if the list of archs contains sources (or is arch-independent)
 (defn is-source-arch? [arch] (or (not arch) (in "(Sources)" arch)))
 ;; check if a package contains sources (and returns name-version to be used in a SET of packages with sources)
-(defn has-sources? [filename] (let [[[pkg ver arch ext] (parse-filename filename)]]
-                                (if (is-source-arch? arch) (filename-to-namever filename))))
+(defn has-sources? [filename]
+  (if (is-source-arch? (try-get (parse-filename filename) 2)) (filename-to-namever filename)))
 ;; check if the given package has a sources-arch on puredata.info
 (defn check-sources at puredata-info [pkg username]
-  (do (print (% "Checking puredata.info for Source package for '%s'" pkg))
-      (in pkg
-          ;; list of package/version matching 'pkg' that have 'Source' archictecture
-          (list-comp
-           (has-sources? p)
-           [p
-            (list-comp
-             (try-get (.split (try-get (.split x "\t") 1) "/") -1) ;; filename part of the download URL
-             [x (.splitlines (getattr (requests.get (% "http://deken.puredata.info/search?name=%s" (get (.split pkg "/") 0))) "text"))]
-             (= username (try-get (.split x "\t") 2)))]))))
+  (import requests)
+  (print (% "Checking puredata.info for Source package for '%s'" pkg))
+  (in pkg
+      ;; list of package/version matching 'pkg' that have 'Source' archictecture
+      (list-comp
+       (has-sources? p)
+       [p
+        (list-comp
+         (try-get (.split (try-get (.split x "\t") 1) "/") -1)  ; filename part of the download URL
+         [x (.splitlines (getattr (requests.get (% "http://deken.puredata.info/search?name=%s" (get (.split pkg "/") 0))) "text"))]
+         (= username (try-get (.split x "\t") 2)))])))
 ;; check if sources archs are present by comparing a SET of packagaes and a SET of packages-with-sources
 (defn check-sources [pkgs sources &optional puredata-info-user]
@@ -429,69 +513,74 @@
               (get-config-value "password")))
       (getpass (% "Please enter password for uploading as '%s': " username))))
-; the executable portion of the different sub-commands that make up the deken tool
-(def commands {
-  ; zip up a set of built externals
-  :package (fn [args]
-    ;; are they asking to package a directory?
-    (list-comp
-      (if (os.path.isdir name)
-      ; if asking for a directory just package it up
-        (archive-extra (archive-dir name (make-archive-basename (.rstrip name "/\\") args.version)))
-        (sys.exit (% "Not a directory '%s'!" name)))
-      (name args.source)))
-  ; upload packaged external to pure-data.info
-  :upload (fn [args]
-            (let [[username (or (get-config-value "username") (prompt-for-value "username"))]
-                  [password (get-upload-password username args.ask-password)]]
-              (do
-               (upload-packages (list-comp (cond [(os.path.isfile x)
-                                                  (if (is-archive? x) x (sys.exit (% "'%s' is not an externals archive!" x)))]
-                                                 [(os.path.isdir x) (get ((:package commands) (set-attr (copy.deepcopy args) "source" [x])) 0)]
-                                                 [True (sys.exit (% "Unable to process '%s'!" x))])
-                                           (x args.source))
-                                (or (getattr args "destination") (get-config-value "destination" ""))
-                                username password args.no-source-error))
-              ;; if we reach this line, upload has succeeded; so let's try storing the (non-empty) password in the keyring
-              (if password
-                (try (do
-                      (import keyring)
-                      (keyring.set_password "deken" username password))))))
-  ; self-update deken
-  :upgrade (fn [args]
-    (sys.exit "The upgrade script isn't here, it's in the Bash wrapper!"))})
-; kick things off by using argparse to check out the arguments supplied by the user
+;; the executable portion of the different sub-commands that make up the deken tool
+(def commands
+  {
+   ;; zip up a set of built externals
+   :package (fn [args]
+              ;; are they asking to package a directory?
+              (list-comp
+               (if (os.path.isdir name)
+                 ;; if asking for a directory just package it up
+                 (archive-extra (archive-dir name (make-archive-basename (os.path.normpath name) args.version)))
+                 (sys.exit (% "Not a directory '%s'!" name)))
+               (name args.source)))
+   ;; upload packaged external to pure-data.info
+   :upload (fn [args]
+             (setv username (or (get-config-value "username") (prompt-for-value "username")))
+             (setv password (get-upload-password username args.ask-password))
+             (upload-packages (list-comp (cond [(os.path.isfile x)
+                                                (if (is-archive? x) x (sys.exit (% "'%s' is not an externals archive!" x)))]
+                                               [(os.path.isdir x) (get ((:package commands) (set-attr (copy.deepcopy args) "source" [x])) 0)]
+                                               [True (sys.exit (% "Unable to process '%s'!" x))])
+                                         (x args.source))
+                              (or (getattr args "destination") (get-config-value "destination" ""))
+                              username password args.no-source-error)
+             ;; if we reach this line, upload has succeeded; so let's try storing the (non-empty) password in the keyring
+             (if password
+               (try (do
+                     (import keyring)
+                     (keyring.set_password "deken" username password)))))
+  ;; the rest should have been caught by the wrapper script
+  :upgrade (fn [args] (sys.exit "'upgrade' not implemented for this platform!"))
+  :update  (fn [args] (sys.exit "'upgrade' not implemented for this platform!"))
+  :install (fn [args] (sys.exit "'install' not implemented for this platform!"))})
+;; kick things off by using argparse to check out the arguments supplied by the user
 (defn main []
-  (let [
-    [arg-parser (apply argparse.ArgumentParser [] {"prog" "deken" "description" "Deken is a build tool for Pure Data externals."})]
-    [arg-subparsers (apply arg-parser.add_subparsers [] {"help" "-h for help." "dest" "command"})]
-    [arg-package (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["package"])]
-    [arg-upload (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["upload"])]
-    [arg-upgrade (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["upgrade"])]]
-      (apply arg-parser.add_argument ["--version"] {"action" "version" "version" version "help" "Outputs the version number of Deken."})
-      (apply arg-package.add_argument ["source"] {"nargs" "+"
-                                                  "metavar" "SOURCE"
-                                                  "help" "The path to a directory of externals, abstractions, or GUI plugins to be packaged."})
-      (apply arg-package.add_argument ["--version" "-v"] {"help" "An external version number to insert into the package name."
-                                                                 "default" nil
-                                                                 "required" false})
-      (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["source"] {"nargs" "+"
-                                                 "metavar" "PACKAGE"
-                                                 "help" "The path to an externals/abstractions/plugins zipfile to be uploaded, or a directory which will be packaged first automatically."})
-      (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--version" "-v"] {"help" "An external version number to insert into the package name. (in case a package is created)"
-                                                                "default" nil
-                                                                "required" false})
-      (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--destination" "-d"] {"help" "The destination folder to upload the file into (defaults to /Members/USER/software/PKGNAME/VERSION/)." "default" "" "required" false})
-      (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--ask-password" "-P"] {"action" "store_true" "help" "Ask for upload password (rather than using password-manager." "default" "" "required" false})
-      (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--no-source-error"] {"action" "store_true" "help" "Force-allow uploading of packages without sources." "required" false})
-      (let [
-        [arguments (.parse_args arg-parser)]
-        [command (.get commands (keyword arguments.command))]]
-        (print "Deken" version)
-        (if command (command arguments) (.print_help arg-parser)))))
+  (print "Deken" version)
+  (setv arg-parser
+        (apply argparse.ArgumentParser [] {"prog" "deken" "description" "Deken is a build tool for Pure Data externals."}))
+  (setv arg-subparsers (apply arg-parser.add_subparsers [] {"help" "-h for help." "dest" "command" "metavar" "{package,upload}"}))
+  (setv arg-package (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["package"]))
+  (setv arg-upload (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["upload"]))
+  (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["install"])
+  (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["upgrade"])
+  (apply arg-subparsers.add_parser ["update"])
+  (apply arg-parser.add_argument ["--version"] {"action" "version" "version" version "help" "Outputs the version number of Deken."})
+  (apply arg-package.add_argument ["source"]
+         {"nargs" "+"
+                  "metavar" "SOURCE"
+                  "help" "The path to a directory of externals, abstractions, or GUI plugins to be packaged."})
+  (apply arg-package.add_argument ["--version" "-v"] {"help" "An external version number to insert into the package name."
+                                                             "default" None
+                                                             "required" False})
+  (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["source"] {"nargs" "+"
+                                                     "metavar" "PACKAGE"
+                                                     "help" "The path to an externals/abstractions/plugins zipfile to be uploaded, or a directory which will be packaged first automatically."})
+  (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--version" "-v"] {"help" "An external version number to insert into the package name. (in case a package is created)"
+                                                            "default" None
+                                                            "required" False})
+  (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--destination" "-d"] {"help" "The destination folder to upload the file into (defaults to /Members/USER/software/PKGNAME/VERSION/)." "default" "" "required" False})
+  (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--ask-password" "-P"] {"action" "store_true" "help" "Ask for upload password (rather than using password-manager." "default" "" "required" False})
+  (apply arg-upload.add_argument ["--no-source-error"] {"action" "store_true" "help" "Force-allow uploading of packages without sources." "required" False})
+  (setv arguments (.parse_args arg-parser))
+  (setv command (.get commands (keyword arguments.command)))
+  (if command (command arguments) (.print_help arg-parser)))
 (if (= __name__ "__main__")
-   (catch [e KeyboardInterrupt] (print "\n[interrupted by user]"))))
+   (except [e KeyboardInterrupt] (print "\n[interrupted by user]"))))
diff --git a/developer/deken.py b/developer/deken.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f5f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/deken.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This software is copyrighted by Chris McCormick and others.  The following
+# terms (the "Standard Improved BSD License") apply to all files associated
+# with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files:
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+#    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+#    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+#    with the distribution.
+# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
+#    products derived from this software without specific prior
+#    written permission.
+# this is a thin wrapper around deken.hy, to launch it without a
+# HY executable (or file associations)
+import os
+import hy
+    "__main__",
+    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deken.hy"))
diff --git a/developer/requirements.txt b/developer/requirements.txt
index b85b6d0..f30691b 100644
--- a/developer/requirements.txt
+++ b/developer/requirements.txt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/developer/server/README.md b/developer/server/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f5bb7f..0000000
--- a/developer/server/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-server-side search-scripts
-stubs for server-side scripts used search for packages and present them in a
-form, that is easily understood by the deken-plugin.
-### puredata.info
-searches for files (IAEMfile) and software-center releases (PSCFile) that match
-a given pattern.
diff --git a/developer/server/puredata_info.py b/developer/server/puredata_info.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd026a..0000000
--- a/developer/server/puredata_info.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Import a standard function, and get the HTML request and response objects.
-from Products.PythonScripts.standard import html_quote
-from Products.PythonScripts.standard import url_unquote
-request = container.REQUEST
-qs = request['QUERY_STRING']
-args = {}
-if qs:
-  for arg in qs.split('&'):
-    try:
-      key, val = arg.split('=', 1)
-    except ValueError:
-      key = arg
-      val = ''
-    if key in args:
-      args[key].append(val)
-    else:
-      args[key] = [val]
-def getNameVersion(filename):
-  filename = filename.split('-externals', 1)[0] .split('(')[0]
-  pkgver = filename.split('-v')
-  if len(pkgver) > 1:
-    pkg = '-v'.join(pkgver[:-1])
-    ver = pkgver[-1].strip('-').strip()
-  else:
-    pkg = pkgver[0]
-    ver = ""
-  return (pkg.strip('-').strip(), ver)
-def showPackage(obj, url, filename):
-  (name, version) = getNameVersion(filename)
-  title = obj.Title().replace('\t', ' ')
-  if (name not in title) or (version not in title):
-    if version:
-      title = "%s/%s (%s)" % (name, version, title)
-    else:
-      title = "%s (%s)" % (name, title)
-  date = obj.Date().replace('\t', ' ')
-  owner = obj.owner_info()['id'].replace('\t', ' ')
-  print("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (title, url, owner, date))
-  return printed
-mytypes = ('IAEMFile', 'PSCFile')
-suffixes = ['zip', 'tgz', 'tar.gz']
-for t in mytypes:
-  results = context.portal_catalog(portal_type=t)
-  for i in results:
-    url = url_unquote(i.getURL())
-    FileName = url.split('/')[-1]
-    filename=FileName.lower()
-    match = False
-    for suffix in suffixes:
-      if filename.endswith("-externals.%s" % (suffix,)):
-        match = True
-        break
-    if not match:
-      continue
-    if 'name' in args:
-      (fname, version) = getNameVersion(filename)
-      match = False
-      for name in args['name']:
-        name=name.lower()
-        if name in fname:
-          match = True
-          break
-      if not match:
-        continue
-    print("%s" % showPackage(i.getObject(), url, FileName))
-# make sure there is *some* content in the page
-if not printed:
-  print("")
-return printed
diff --git a/developer/windows/deken-windows.py b/developer/windows/deken-windows.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f71df1..0000000
--- a/developer/windows/deken-windows.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import hy
-hy.importer.import_file_to_module("__main__", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "deken.hy"))
-#import deken
-# deken.main()
diff --git a/developer/windows/deken.bat b/developer/windows/deken.bat
index 7ae7c7d..41ebfb0 100644
--- a/developer/windows/deken.bat
+++ b/developer/windows/deken.bat
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 @set REF=%~dp0\windows\portable-python\App
 @set PYTHONPATH=%REF%\Lib;%REF%\DLLs;%REF%\libs;%REF%\site-packages-alt
-@%REF%\python.exe %~dp0\deken-windows.py %*
+@%REF%\python.exe %~dp0\deken.py %*
diff --git a/plugin-config.md b/plugin-config.md
index e6f9032..ecb8489 100644
--- a/plugin-config.md
+++ b/plugin-config.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-the deken-plugin for Pd can be configured via a simple text-file.
+The deken-plugin for Pd can be configured via a simple text-file.
 # deken-plugin.conf
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ or into a system-specific place (`$PdPath` resp `%PdPath%` are the installation
 Here are the possible values:
  * `installpath` = Path where you would want to install the externals
- (default: the first writeable path in the standard search paths)
+ (default: the first writable path in the standard search paths)
  (note: you should *always* use `/` as path-separator, even on W32!)

deken packaging

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