[Pkg-mutt-maintainers] Bug#855870: Bug#855870: mutt: sidebar %N resp. %S are not shown properly

Michal Hocko mstsxfx at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 18:18:14 UTC 2017

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 07:38:52PM +0200, Faidon Liambotis wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 05:42:06PM +0100, Michal Hocko wrote:
> > I have just updated from 1.5.23-3 and sidebar doesn't show the total
> > number of messages in a mailbox anymore. I am using
> > set sidebar_format="%B%* %N/%S"
> >
> > <snip>
> Do you have "set mail_check_stats=yes" in your config?

I didn't. The initial open took much longer but that seems to be
expected. The result is better but still not there yet. The initial
mailbox has 0/0 now even though the status bar contains proper data.
Other mailboxes have correct values for both %N and %S. Switching to
a different folder seems to refresh the %N part but %S stays 0.
I can see the same behavior when I am opening a different mailbox
initially with "-f =MBOX"

I suspect this is . vs / in the real_name noticed earlier. Status
bar always contains proper data.


Michal Hocko

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