[Pkg-mutt-maintainers] Bug#857433: mutt: Garbage in chdir prompt due to unescaped string

Guillem Jover guillem at debian.org
Sat Mar 11 02:52:26 UTC 2017

Package: mutt
Version: 1.7.2-1
Severity: important
Tags: patch


I upgraded one of my stable systems to stretch and noticed that when
changing the directory with 'c', there was some garbage at the end of
the string in the prompt. I've not noticed that before on my main
amd64 system, but this stable system is i386, so different alignment
and word size that can affect this kind of thing.

I tracked it down to an unescaped string handling. Attached a patch
fixing the issue. I think this deserves to be fixed for stretch.

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Name: fix-unterminated-chdir-string.patch
Type: text/x-diff
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URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-mutt-maintainers/attachments/20170311/64ee3785/attachment.patch>

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