[Pkg-mutt-maintainers] ✈Re: I'm so fired up!

Geert Stappers boni at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Oct 28 09:32:38 UTC 2017


I just wished to  promote something  really interesting, just  take a  look http://www.sanagroup.net/timing.php?UE9tdXR0QHBhY2thZ2VzLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc-

Rushing, Geert Stappers

From: mutt [mailto:mutt at packages.debian.org]
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2017 4:32 AM
To: boni at andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: What is your point?

Although  my problems are  definitely not  as severe as  others I feel  I should contribute  as well:
1. A  couple CTDs,  all  which  involve the game  repeating a sound over and over for a couples  seconds while the game runs  as normal up until the crash
2. Really bad ping, ridiculous, even  though my connections is relayed,  that never  causes bad problems in  other games
3. Stretches  of time where everyone just walks off into  space, the game acting as  if  all moving objects continued on that route until the game  sputters to life by teleporting  everything around randomly, followed by everything quickly playing out the missed events  until the current time is reached
4. The game just stops working  and is rendered unclickable,  which  needs  task manager to  be  shut down
*EDIT* Sorry I  can't format  reddit posts well

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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