[Pkg-mysql-commits] r1041 - in branches/sid-5.0/debian: . additions additions/mysqlreport

Norbert Tretkowski nobse at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 6 12:36:13 UTC 2007

Author: nobse
Date: 2007-12-06 12:36:13 +0000 (Thu, 06 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1041

Moved mysqlreport to separate directory.

Added: branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport	2007-12-06 12:36:13 UTC (rev 1041)
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# mysqlreport v3.2 May 26 2007
+# http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreport
+# mysqlreport makes an easy-to-read report of important MySQL status values.
+# Copyright (C) 2006  Daniel Nichter
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# The GNU General Public License is available at:
+# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use DBI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+eval { require Term::ReadKey; };
+my $RK = ($@ ? 0 : 1);
+sub have_op;
+my $WIN = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0);
+my %op;
+my %mycnf; # ~/.my.cnf
+my ($tmpfile_fh, $tmpfile);
+my ($stat_name, $stat_val, $stat_label);
+my ($major, $minor, $patch, $x); # MySQL version
+my (%stats, %vars); # SHOW STATUS, SHOW VARIABLES
+my (%DMS_vals, %Com_vals, %ib_vals);
+my ($dbh, $query);
+my ($questions, $key_read_ratio, $key_write_ratio, $dms);
+my ($key_cache_block_size, $key_buffer_used, $key_buffer_usage);
+my ($qc_mem_used, $qc_hi_r, $qc_ip_r); # Query Cache
+my ($need_myisam_vals, $need_innodb_vals);
+my ($ib_bp_used, $ib_bp_total, $ib_bp_read_ratio);
+my ($relative_live, $relative_infiles);
+my $real_uptime;
+my (%stats_present, %stats_past); # For relative reports
+GetOptions (
+   \%op,
+   "user=s",
+   "password:s",
+   "host=s",
+   "port=s",
+   "socket=s",
+   "no-mycnf",
+   "dtq|tdq|dq",
+   "dms",
+   "com:i",
+   "sas",
+   "tab",
+   "qcache",
+   "id-only|ido|innodb-only",
+   "id|innodb",
+   "dpr|drp",
+   "all",
+   "infile|in=s",
+   "outfile=s",
+   "flush-status",
+   "email=s",
+   "r|relative:i",
+   "c|report-count=i",
+   "detach",
+   "help|?",
+   "debug"
+show_help_and_exit() if $op{'help'};
+get_user_mycnf() unless $op{'no-mycnf'};
+# Command line options override ~/.my.cnf
+$mycnf{'host'}   = $op{'host'}   if have_op 'host';
+$mycnf{'port'}   = $op{'port'}   if have_op 'port';
+$mycnf{'socket'} = $op{'socket'} if have_op 'socket'; 
+$mycnf{'user'}   = $op{'user'}   if have_op 'user';
+$mycnf{'user'} ||= $ENV{'USER'};
+if(exists $op{'password'})
+   if($op{'password'} eq '') # Prompt for password
+   {
+      Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(2) if $RK;
+      print "Password for database user $mycnf{'user'}: ";
+      chomp($mycnf{'pass'} = <STDIN>);
+      Term::ReadKey::ReadMode(0), print "\n" if $RK;
+   }
+   else { $mycnf{'pass'} = $op{'password'}; } # Use password given on command line
+if($op{'all'} and not defined $op{'com'})  { $op{'com'} = 3; }
+if(defined $op{'com'} and $op{'com'} == 0) { $op{'com'} = 3; }
+$op{'c'} ||= 1; # Used in collect_reports() if --r given integer value
+if(defined $op{'r'})
+   if($op{r}) { $relative_live    = 1; }
+   else       { $relative_infiles = 1; }
+# The report is written to a tmp file first.
+# Later it will be moved to $op{'outfile'} or emailed $op{'email'} if needed.
+($tmpfile_fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile() or die("Cannot open temporary file for writing: $!\n");
+   $SIG{'TERM'} = 'sig_handler';
+   if(fork())
+   {
+      print "mysqlreport has forked and detached.\n";
+      print "While running detached, mysqlreport writes reports to '$tmpfile'.\n";
+      exit;
+   }
+   open(STDIN, "</dev/null");
+   open(STDOUT, "> $tmpfile") or die "Cannot dup STDOUT: $!\n";
+   open(STDERR, "> $tmpfile") or die "Cannot dup STDERR: $!\n";
+select $tmpfile_fh;
+$| = 1 if ($op{'detach'} || $relative_live);
+# Connect to MySQL
+if(!$op{'infile'} && !$relative_infiles)
+   my $dsn;
+   if($mycnf{'socket'} && -S $mycnf{'socket'})
+   {
+      $dsn = "DBI:mysql:mysql_socket=$mycnf{socket}";
+   }
+   elsif($mycnf{'host'})
+   {
+      $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$mycnf{host}" . ($mycnf{port} ? ";port=$mycnf{port}" : "");
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=localhost";
+   }
+   if($op{debug})
+   {
+      print "DBI DSN: $dsn\n";
+   }
+   $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $mycnf{'user'}, $mycnf{'pass'}) or die;
+# Determine if we need values from MyISAM, InnoDB, or both
+if(defined $op{'r'})
+   if($relative_live)
+   { 
+      print STDERR "mysqlreport is writing relative reports to '$tmpfile'.\n" unless $op{'detach'}; 
+      get_MySQL_version();
+      collect_reports();
+   }
+   if($relative_infiles) { read_relative_infiles(); }
+   if(!$op{'infile'})
+   {
+      get_MySQL_version();
+      get_vals();
+      get_vars();
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      read_infile($op{'infile'});
+   }
+   get_Com_values();
+   set_myisam_vals() if $need_myisam_vals;
+   set_ib_vals()     if $need_innodb_vals;
+   write_report();
+# Subroutines
+sub show_help_and_exit
+   print <<"HELP";
+mysqlreport v3.2 May 26 2007
+mysqlreport makes an easy-to-read report of important MySQL status values.
+Command line options (abbreviations work):
+   --user USER       Connect to MySQL as USER
+   --password PASS   Use PASS or prompt for MySQL user's password
+   --host ADDRESS    Connect to MySQL at ADDRESS
+   --port PORT       Connect to MySQL at PORT
+   --socket SOCKET   Connect to MySQL at SOCKET
+   --no-mycnf        Don't read ~/.my.cnf
+   --infile FILE     Read status values from FILE instead of MySQL
+   --outfile FILE    Write report to FILE
+   --email ADDRESS   Email report to ADDRESS (doesn't work on Windows)
+   --flush-status    Issue FLUSH STATUS; after getting current values
+   --relative X      Generate relative reports. If X is an integer,
+                     reports are live from the MySQL server X seconds apart.
+                     If X is a list of infiles, reports are generated
+                     from the infiles in the order that the infiles are given.
+   --report-count N  Collect N number of live relative reports (default 1)
+   --detach          Fork and detach from terminal (run in background)
+   --help            Prints this
+   --debug           Print debugging information
+   Extra Reports:
+   --dtq           Show Distribution of Total Questions
+   --dms           Show DMS details
+   --com N         Show top N number of non-DMS questions
+   --sas           Show SELECT and Sort report
+   --qcache        Show Query Cache report
+   --tab           Show Thread, Aborts, and Bytes reports
+   --innodb        Show InnoDB report
+   --innodb-only   Show only InnoDB report (hide ALL other reports)
+   --dpr           Show Data, Pages, Rows report in InnoDB report
+   --all           Show ALL extra reports (if possible)
+Visit http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreport for more information.
+   exit;
+sub get_user_mycnf
+   return if $WIN;
+   open MYCNF, "$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf" or return;
+   while(<MYCNF>)
+   {
+      if(/^(.+?)\s*=\s*"?(.+?)"?\s*$/)
+      {
+         $mycnf{$1} = $2;
+         print "get_user_mycnf: read '$1 = $2'\n" if $op{debug};
+      }
+   }
+   $mycnf{'pass'} ||= $mycnf{'password'} if exists $mycnf{'password'};
+   close MYCNF;
+sub which_vals
+   $need_myisam_vals = 1;
+   $need_innodb_vals = 1; # This could be set to 0 later in get_vals_vars()
+   $need_myisam_vals = 0, return if have_op 'id-only';
+   $need_innodb_vals = 0, return if (!$op{'id'} && !$op{'id-only'} && !$op{'all'});
+sub collect_reports
+   my $i;
+   get_vals();
+   get_vars();
+   get_Com_values();
+   %stats_past = %stats;
+   set_myisam_vals() if $need_myisam_vals;
+   set_ib_vals()     if $need_innodb_vals;
+   print "#\n# Begining report @ 0 0:0:0\n#\n";
+   write_report();
+   for($i = 0; $i < $op{'c'}; $i++)
+   {
+      sleep($op{'r'});
+      print "\n#\n# Interval report " , $i + 1 , " @ +", sec_to_dhms(($i + 1) * $op{'r'}), "\n#\n";
+      get_vals();
+      write_relative_report();
+   }
+sub read_relative_infiles
+   my $slurp;    # Used to check infiles for multiple sets of status values
+   my $n_stats;  # Number of multiple sets of status values in an infile
+   my $infile;
+   my $report_n; # Report number
+   $report_n = 1;
+   foreach $infile (@ARGV)
+   {
+      # Read all of infile into $slurp
+      open INFILE, "< $infile" or warn and next;
+      $slurp = do { local $/;  <INFILE> };
+      close INFILE;
+      $n_stats = 0;
+      # Count number of status value sets
+      $n_stats++ while $slurp =~ /Variable_name[\s|]+Value/g;
+      if($n_stats == 1)
+      {
+         read_infile($infile);
+         relative_infile_report($report_n++);
+      }
+      if($n_stats > 1)
+      {
+         my @tmpfile_fh;
+         my @tmpfile_name;
+         my $i;
+         my $stat_n;  # Status value set number
+         # Create a tmp file for each set of status values
+         for($i = 0; $i < $n_stats; $i++)
+         {
+            my ($fh, $name) = tempfile() or die("Cannot open temporary file for writing: $!\n");
+            push(@tmpfile_fh, $fh);
+            push(@tmpfile_name, $name);
+         }
+         $i = 0;
+         $stat_n = 0;
+         select $tmpfile_fh[$i];
+         # Read infile again and copy each set of status values
+         # to seperate tmp files
+         open INFILE, "< $infile" or warn and next;
+         while(<INFILE>)
+         {
+            next if /^\+/;
+            next if /^$/;
+            print;
+            if(/Variable_name[\s|]+Value/)
+            {
+               # The infile should begin with manually inserted system
+               # var values (like key_buffer_size = 128M). Therefore,
+               # the first occurance of /Variable_name[\s|]+Value/ indicates
+               # the first set of status values only if no sets have
+               # occured yet ($stat_n = 0). In this case, the following
+               # status values are printed to the current fh along with
+               # the system var values read so far until /Variable_name[\s|]+Value/
+               # occurs again. Then begins the second and subsequent sets
+               # of status values.
+               next if $stat_n++ == 0;
+               select $tmpfile_fh[++$i];
+            }
+         }
+         close INFILE;
+         # Re-select the main tmp file into which the reports are being written.
+         select $tmpfile_fh;
+         for($i = 0; $i < $n_stats; $i++)
+         {
+            close $tmpfile_fh[$i];
+            read_infile($tmpfile_name[$i]);
+            relative_infile_report($report_n++);
+            if($WIN) { `del $tmpfile_name[$i]`;   }
+            else     { `rm -f $tmpfile_name[$i]`; }
+         }
+      } # if($n_stats > 1)
+   } # foreach $infile (@files)
+sub relative_infile_report
+   my $report_n = shift;
+   if($report_n == 1)
+   {
+      get_Com_values();
+      %stats_past = %stats;
+      set_myisam_vals() if $need_myisam_vals;
+      set_ib_vals()     if $need_innodb_vals;
+      print "#\n# Begining report @ 0 0:0:0\n#\n";
+      write_report();
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      print "\n#\n# Interval report $report_n @ +" , sec_to_dhms($stats{Uptime} - $stats_past{Uptime}), "\n#\n";
+      write_relative_report();
+   }
+sub get_vals
+   my @row;
+   # Get status values
+   if($major >= 5 && (($minor == 0 && $patch >= 2) || $minor > 0))
+   {
+      $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW GLOBAL STATUS;");
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW STATUS;");
+   }
+   $query->execute();
+   while(@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) { $stats{$row[0]} = $row[1]; }
+   $real_uptime = $stats{'Uptime'};
+sub get_vars
+   my @row;
+   # Get server system variables
+   $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES;");
+   $query->execute();
+   while(@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) { $vars{$row[0]} = $row[1]; }
+   # table_cache was renamed to table_open_cache in MySQL 5.1.3
+   if($major >= 5 && (($minor == 1 && $patch >= 3) || $minor > 1))
+   {
+      $vars{'table_cache'} = $vars{'table_open_cache'};
+   }
+sub read_infile
+   my $infile = shift;
+   # Default values if not set in INFILE
+   $vars{'version'} = "0.0.0"         if !exists $vars{'version'};
+   $vars{'table_cache'} = 64          if !exists $vars{'table_cache'};
+   $vars{'max_connections'} = 100     if !exists $vars{'max_connections'};
+   $vars{'key_buffer_size'} = 8388600 if !exists $vars{'key_buffer_size'}; # 8M
+   $vars{'thread_cache_size'} = 0     if !exists $vars{'thread_cache_size'}; 
+   # One should also add:
+   #    key_cache_block_size
+   #    query_cache_size
+   # to their infile if needed.
+   open INFILE, "< $infile" or warn;
+   while(<INFILE>)
+   {
+      next if /^\+\-/;
+      next if /^$/;
+      chomp;
+      if(/([A-Za-z_]+)[\s\t|]+(\d+)/)
+      {
+         $stats{$1} = $2;
+         next;
+      }
+      # Explicit var = val (e.g. key_buffer_size = 128M)
+      $vars{$1} = ($3 ? $2 * 1024 * 1024 : $2) and next if(/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([0-9.]+)(M*)\s*$/);
+      # print "Unrecognized line in infile: $_\n";
+   }
+   close INFILE;
+   $real_uptime = $stats{'Uptime'};
+   $vars{'table_cache'} = $vars{'table_open_cache'} if exists $vars{'table_open_cache'};
+   get_MySQL_version();
+sub get_MySQL_version
+   return if $major;
+   if($op{'infile'} || $relative_infiles)
+   {
+      ($major, $minor, $patch) = ($vars{'version'} =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      my @row;
+      $query = $dbh->prepare("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version';");
+      $query->execute();
+      @row = $query->fetchrow_array();
+      ($major, $minor, $patch) = ($row[1] =~ /(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})/);
+   }
+   # Innodb_ status values were added in 5.0.2
+   if($major <= 4 || $patch < 2)
+   {
+      $need_innodb_vals = 0;
+      print "get_MySQL_version: no InnoDB reports because MySQL version is older than 5.0.2\n" if $op{debug};
+   }
+sub set_myisam_vals
+   $questions = $stats{'Questions'};
+   $key_read_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+                     ($stats{'Key_read_requests'} ?
+                      100 - ($stats{'Key_reads'} / $stats{'Key_read_requests'}) * 100 :
+                      0);
+   $key_write_ratio = sprintf "%.2f",
+                      ($stats{'Key_write_requests'} ?
+                       100 - ($stats{'Key_writes'} / $stats{'Key_write_requests'}) * 100 :
+                       0);
+   $key_cache_block_size = (defined $vars{'key_cache_block_size'} ?
+                            $vars{'key_cache_block_size'} :
+                            1024);
+   $key_buffer_used = $stats{'Key_blocks_used'} * $key_cache_block_size;
+   if(defined $stats{'Key_blocks_unused'}) # MySQL 4.1.2+
+   {
+      $key_buffer_usage =  $vars{'key_buffer_size'} -
+                           ($stats{'Key_blocks_unused'} * $key_cache_block_size);
+   }
+   else { $key_buffer_usage = -1; }
+   # Data Manipulation Statements: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/data-manipulation.html
+   %DMS_vals =
+   (
+      SELECT  => $stats{'Com_select'},
+      INSERT  => $stats{'Com_insert'}  + $stats{'Com_insert_select'},
+      REPLACE => $stats{'Com_replace'} + $stats{'Com_replace_select'},
+      UPDATE  => $stats{'Com_update'}  +
+                 (exists $stats{'Com_update_multi'} ? $stats{'Com_update_multi'} : 0),
+      DELETE  => $stats{'Com_delete'}  +
+                 (exists $stats{'Com_delete_multi'} ? $stats{'Com_delete_multi'} : 0)
+   );
+   $dms = $DMS_vals{SELECT} + $DMS_vals{INSERT} + $DMS_vals{REPLACE} + $DMS_vals{UPDATE} + $DMS_vals{DELETE};
+sub set_ib_vals
+   $ib_bp_used  = ($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} -
+                   $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}) *
+                   $stats{'Innodb_page_size'};
+   $ib_bp_total = $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'} * $stats{'Innodb_page_size'};
+   $ib_bp_read_ratio = sprintf "%.3f",
+                       ($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} ?
+                        $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'} / $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'} :
+                        0);
+sub write_relative_report
+      %stats_present = %stats;
+      for(keys %stats)
+      {
+         if($stats_past{$_} =~ /\d+/)
+         {
+            if($stats_present{$_} >= $stats_past{$_}) # Avoid negative values
+            {
+               $stats{$_} = $stats_present{$_} - $stats_past{$_};
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      # These values are either "at present" or "high water marks".
+      # IMO, it is more logical not to relativize these values. Doing
+      # otherwise causes them to display strange and misleading values.
+      $stats{'Key_blocks_used'}      = $stats_present{'Key_blocks_used'};
+      $stats{'Open_tables'}          = $stats_present{'Open_tables'};
+      $stats{'Max_used_connections'} = $stats_present{'Max_used_connections'};
+      $stats{'Threads_running'}      = $stats_present{'Threads_running'};
+      $stats{'Threads_connected'}    = $stats_present{'Threads_connected'};
+      $stats{'Threads_cached'}       = $stats_present{'Threads_cached'};
+      $stats{'Qcache_free_blocks'}   = $stats_present{'Qcache_free_blocks'};
+      $stats{'Qcache_total_blocks'}  = $stats_present{'Qcache_total_blocks'};
+      $stats{'Qcache_free_memory'}   = $stats_present{'Qcache_free_memory'};
+      get_Com_values();
+      %stats_past = %stats_present;
+      set_myisam_vals() if $need_myisam_vals;
+      set_ib_vals()     if $need_innodb_vals;
+      write_report();
+sub write_report
+   $~ = 'MYSQL_TIME', write;
+   if($need_myisam_vals)
+   {
+      $~ = 'KEY_BUFF_MAX', write;
+      if($key_buffer_usage != -1)     { $~ = 'KEY_BUFF_USAGE', write }
+      $~ = 'KEY_RATIOS', write;
+      if($op{'dtq'}    or $op{'all'}) { write_DTQ(); }
+      $~ = 'SLOW_DMS', write;
+      if($op{'dms'}    or $op{'all'}) { write_DMS(); }
+      if($op{'com'}    or $op{'all'}) { write_Com(); }
+      if($op{'sas'}    or $op{'all'}) { $~ = 'SAS', write; }
+      if($op{'qcache'} or $op{'all'}) { write_qcache(); }
+      $~ = 'REPORT_END', write;
+      if($op{'tab'}    or $op{'all'}) { $~ = 'TAB', write; }
+   }
+   write_InnoDB() if $need_innodb_vals;
+sub sec_to_dhms # Seconds to days hours:minutes:seconds
+   my $s = shift;
+   my ($d, $h, $m) = (0, 0, 0);
+   return '0 0:0:0' if $s <= 0;
+   if($s >= 86400)
+   {
+      $d = int $s / 86400;
+      $s -= $d * 86400;
+   }
+   if($s >= 3600)
+   {
+     $h = int $s / 3600;
+     $s -= $h * 3600;
+   }
+   $m = int $s / 60;
+   $s -= $m * 60;
+   return "$d $h:$m:$s";
+sub make_short
+   my ($number, $kb, $d) = @_;
+   my $n = 0;
+   my $short;
+   $d ||= 2;
+   if($kb) { while ($number > 1023) { $number /= 1024; $n++; }; }
+   else { while ($number > 999) { $number /= 1000; $n++; }; }
+   $short = sprintf "%.${d}f%s", $number, ('','k','M','G','T')[$n];
+   if($short =~ /^(.+)\.(00)$/) { return $1; } # 12.00 -> 12 but not 12.00k -> 12k
+   return $short;
+sub perc # Percentage
+   my($is, $of) = @_;
+   return sprintf "%.2f", ($is * 100) / ($of ||= 1);
+sub t # Time average per second
+   my $val = shift;
+   return 0 if !$val;
+   return(make_short($val / $stats{'Uptime'}, 0, 1));
+sub email_report # Email given report to $op{'email'}
+   return if $WIN;
+   my $report = shift;
+   open SENDMAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
+   print SENDMAIL "From: mysqlreport\n";
+   print SENDMAIL "To: $op{email}\n";
+   print SENDMAIL "Subject: MySQL status report on " . ($mycnf{'host'} || 'localhost') . "\n\n";
+   print SENDMAIL `cat $report`;
+   close SENDMAIL;
+sub cat_report # Print given report to screen
+   my $report = shift;
+   my @report;
+   open REPORT, "< $report";
+   @report = <REPORT>;
+   close REPORT;
+   print @report;
+sub get_Com_values
+   %Com_vals = ();
+   # Make copy of just the Com_ values
+   for(keys %stats)
+   {
+      if(grep /^Com_/, $_ and $stats{$_} > 0)
+      {
+         /^Com_(.*)/;
+         $Com_vals{$1} = $stats{$_};
+      }
+   }
+   # Remove DMS values
+   delete $Com_vals{'select'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'insert'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'insert_select'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'replace'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'replace_select'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'update'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'update_multi'} if exists $Com_vals{'update_multi'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'delete'};
+   delete $Com_vals{'delete_multi'} if exists $Com_vals{'delete_multi'};
+sub write_DTQ # Write DTQ report in descending order by values
+   $~ = 'DTQ';
+   my %DTQ;
+   my $first = 1;
+   # Total Com values
+   $stat_val = 0;
+   for(values %Com_vals) { $stat_val += $_; }
+   $DTQ{'Com_'} = $stat_val;
+   $DTQ{'DMS'}      = $dms;
+   $DTQ{'QC Hits'}  = $stats{'Qcache_hits'} if $stats{'Qcache_hits'} != 0;
+   $DTQ{'COM_QUIT'} = int (($stats{'Connections'} - 2) - ($stats{'Aborted_clients'} / 2));
+   $stat_val = 0;
+   for(values %DTQ) { $stat_val += $_; }
+   if($questions != $stat_val)
+   {
+      $DTQ{($questions > $stat_val ? '+Unknown' : '-Unknown')} = abs $questions - $stat_val;
+   }
+   for(sort { $DTQ{$b} <=> $DTQ{$a} } keys(%DTQ))
+   {
+      if($first) { $stat_label = '%Total:'; $first = 0; }
+      else       { $stat_label = ''; }
+      $stat_name = $_;
+      $stat_val  = $DTQ{$_};
+      write;
+   }
+sub write_DMS # Write DMS report in descending order by values
+   $~ = 'DMS';
+   for(sort { $DMS_vals{$b} <=> $DMS_vals{$a} } keys(%DMS_vals))
+   {
+      $stat_name = $_;
+      $stat_val  = $DMS_vals{$_};
+      write;
+   }
+sub write_Com # Write COM report in descending order by values
+   my $i = $op{'com'};
+   $~ = 'COM_1';
+   # Total Com values and write first line of COM report
+   $stat_label = '%Total:' unless $op{'dtq'};
+   $stat_val   = 0;
+   for(values %Com_vals) { $stat_val += $_; }
+   write;
+   $~ = 'COM_2';
+   # Sort remaining Com values, print only the top $op{'com'} number of values
+   for(sort { $Com_vals{$b} <=> $Com_vals{$a} } keys(%Com_vals))
+   {
+      $stat_name = $_;
+      $stat_val  = $Com_vals{$_};
+      write;
+      last if !(--$i);
+   }
+sub write_qcache
+   # Query cache was added in 4.0.1, but have_query_cache was added in 4.0.2,
+   # ergo this method is slightly more reliable
+   return if not exists $vars{'query_cache_size'};
+   return if $vars{'query_cache_size'} == 0;
+   $qc_mem_used = $vars{'query_cache_size'} - $stats{'Qcache_free_memory'};
+   $qc_hi_r = sprintf "%.2f", $stats{'Qcache_hits'} / ($stats{'Qcache_inserts'} ||= 1);
+   $qc_ip_r = sprintf "%.2f", $stats{'Qcache_inserts'} / ($stats{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'} ||= 1);
+   $~ = 'QCACHE';
+   write;
+sub write_InnoDB
+   # Innodb_ status values were added in MySQL 5.0.2
+   if(! ($major >= 5 && (($minor == 0 && $patch >= 2) || $minor > 0)) )
+   {
+      # In case infile has Innodb_ values but didn't specify the MySQL version
+      if(not defined $stats{'Innodb_page_size'}) { return; }
+   }
+   $~ = 'IB';
+   write;
+   # Innodb_row_lock_ values were added in MySQL 5.0.3
+   if((($minor == 0 && $patch >= 3) || $minor > 0))
+   {
+      $~ = 'IB_LOCK';
+      write;
+   }
+   if($op{'dpr'} || $op{'all'}) # Data, Pages, Rows
+   {
+      $~ = 'IB_DPR';
+      write;
+   }
+sub have_op
+   my $key = shift;
+   return 1 if (exists $op{$key} && $op{$key} ne '');
+   return 0;
+sub sig_handler
+   print "\nReceived signal at " , scalar localtime , "\n";
+   exit_tasks_and_cleanup();
+   exit;
+sub exit_tasks_and_cleanup
+   close $tmpfile_fh;
+   select STDOUT unless $op{'detach'};
+   email_report($tmpfile) if $op{'email'};
+   cat_report($tmpfile) unless $op{'detach'};
+   if($op{'outfile'})
+   {
+      if($WIN) { `move $tmpfile $op{outfile}`; }
+      else     { `mv $tmpfile $op{outfile}`;   }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if($WIN) { `del $tmpfile`;   }
+      else     { `rm -f $tmpfile`; }
+   }
+   if(!$op{'infile'} && !$relative_infiles)
+   {
+      if($op{'flush-status'})
+      {
+         $query = $dbh->prepare("FLUSH STATUS;");
+         $query->execute();
+      }
+      $query->finish();
+      $dbh->disconnect();
+   }
+# Formats
+format MYSQL_TIME =
+MySQL @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  uptime @<<<<<<<<<<<   @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
+$vars{'version'}, sec_to_dhms($real_uptime), (($op{infile} || $relative_infiles) ? '' : scalar localtime)
+format KEY_BUFF_MAX =
+__ Key _________________________________________________________________
+Buffer used   @>>>>>> of @>>>>>>  %Used: @>>>>>
+make_short($key_buffer_used, 1), make_short($vars{'key_buffer_size'}, 1), perc($key_buffer_used, $vars{'key_buffer_size'})
+format KEY_BUFF_USAGE =
+  Current     @>>>>>>            %Usage: @>>>>>
+make_short($key_buffer_usage, 1), perc($key_buffer_usage, $vars{'key_buffer_size'})
+format KEY_RATIOS =
+Write hit     @>>>>>%
+Read hit      @>>>>>%
+__ Questions ___________________________________________________________
+Total       @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($questions), t($questions)
+format DTQ =
+  @<<<<<<<  @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s  @>>>>>> @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), $stat_label, perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format SLOW_DMS =
+Slow        @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s  @>>>>>> @>>>>>  %DMS: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Slow_queries'}), t($stats{'Slow_queries'}), ($op{'dtq'} || $op{'all'} ? '' : '%Total:'), perc($stats{'Slow_queries'}, $questions), perc($stats{'Slow_queries'}, $dms)
+DMS         @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($dms), t($dms), perc($dms, $questions)
+format DMS =
+  @<<<<<<<  @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s          @>>>>>        @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions), perc($stat_val, $dms)
+format COM_1 =
+Com_        @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format COM_2 =
+  @<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+$stat_name, make_short($stat_val), t($stat_val), perc($stat_val, $questions)
+format SAS =
+__ SELECT and Sort _____________________________________________________
+Scan          @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s %SELECT: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_scan'}), t($stats{'Select_scan'}), perc($stats{'Select_scan'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Range         @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_range'}), t($stats{'Select_range'}), perc($stats{'Select_range'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Full join     @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_full_join'}), t($stats{'Select_full_join'}), perc($stats{'Select_full_join'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Range check   @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_range_check'}), t($stats{'Select_range_check'}), perc($stats{'Select_range_check'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Full rng join @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}), t($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}), perc($stats{'Select_full_range_join'}, $stats{'Com_select'})
+Sort scan     @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_scan'}), t($stats{'Sort_scan'})
+Sort range    @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_range'}), t($stats{'Sort_range'})
+Sort mrg pass @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Sort_merge_passes'}), t($stats{'Sort_merge_passes'})
+format QCACHE =
+__ Query Cache _________________________________________________________
+Memory usage  @>>>>>> of @>>>>>>  %Used: @>>>>>
+make_short($qc_mem_used, 1), make_short($vars{'query_cache_size'}, 1), perc($qc_mem_used, $vars{'query_cache_size'})
+Block Fragmnt @>>>>>%
+perc($stats{'Qcache_free_blocks'}, $stats{'Qcache_total_blocks'})
+Hits          @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Qcache_hits'}), t($stats{'Qcache_hits'})
+Inserts       @>>>>>>   @>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Qcache_inserts'}), t($stats{'Qcache_inserts'})
+Insrt:Prune @>>>>>>:1   @>>>>/s
+make_short($qc_ip_r), t($stats{'Qcache_inserts'} - $stats{'Qcache_lowmem_prunes'})
+Hit:Insert  @>>>>>>:1
+$qc_hi_r, t($qc_hi_r)
+# Not really the end...
+format REPORT_END =
+__ Table Locks _________________________________________________________
+Waited      @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s  %Total: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}), t($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}), perc($stats{'Table_locks_waited'}, $stats{'Table_locks_waited'} + $stats{'Table_locks_immediate'});
+Immediate   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Table_locks_immediate'}), t($stats{'Table_locks_immediate'})
+__ Tables ______________________________________________________________
+Open        @>>>>>>>> of @>>>    %Cache: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Open_tables'}, $vars{'table_cache'}, perc($stats{'Open_tables'}, $vars{'table_cache'})
+Opened      @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Opened_tables'}), t($stats{'Opened_tables'})
+__ Connections _________________________________________________________
+Max used    @>>>>>>>> of @>>>      %Max: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Max_used_connections'}, $vars{'max_connections'}, perc($stats{'Max_used_connections'}, $vars{'max_connections'})
+Total       @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Connections'}), t($stats{'Connections'})
+__ Created Temp ________________________________________________________
+Disk table  @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_disk_tables'})
+Table       @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_tables'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_tables'})
+File        @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Created_tmp_files'}), t($stats{'Created_tmp_files'})
+format TAB =
+__ Threads _____________________________________________________________
+Running     @>>>>>>>> of @>>>
+$stats{'Threads_running'}, $stats{'Threads_connected'}
+Cached      @>>>>>>>> of @>>>      %Hit: @>>>>>
+$stats{'Threads_cached'}, $vars{'thread_cache_size'}, make_short(100 - perc($stats{'Threads_created'}, $stats{'Connections'}))
+Created     @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Threads_created'}), t($stats{'Threads_created'})
+Slow        @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Slow_launch_threads'}, t($stats{'Slow_launch_threads'})
+__ Aborted _____________________________________________________________
+Clients     @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Aborted_clients'}), t($stats{'Aborted_clients'})
+Connects    @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Aborted_connects'}), t($stats{'Aborted_connects'})
+__ Bytes _______________________________________________________________
+Sent        @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Bytes_sent'}), t($stats{'Bytes_sent'})
+Received    @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Bytes_received'}), t($stats{'Bytes_received'})
+format IB =
+__ InnoDB Buffer Pool __________________________________________________
+Usage         @>>>>>> of @>>>>>>  %Used: @>>>>>
+make_short($ib_bp_used, 1), make_short($ib_bp_total, 1), perc($ib_bp_used, $ib_bp_total)
+Read ratio    @>>>>>>
+  Free      @>>>>>>>>            %Total: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+  Data      @>>>>>>>>                    @>>>>> %Drty: @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data'})
+  Misc      @>>>>>>>>                    @>>>>>
+  $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'}, perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+  Latched   @>>>>>>>>                    @>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'}, perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total'})
+Reads       @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s  
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'})
+  From file @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s          @>>>>>
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}), perc($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_reads'}, $stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests'})
+  Ahead Rnd @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd'})
+  Ahead Sql @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq'})
+Writes      @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests'})
+Flushes     @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed'}), t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed'})
+Wait Free   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'}, t($stats{'Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free'})
+format IB_LOCK =
+__ InnoDB Lock _________________________________________________________
+Waits       @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+$stats{'Innodb_row_lock_waits'}, t($stats{'Innodb_row_lock_waits'})
+Current     @>>>>>>>>
+Time acquiring
+  Total     @>>>>>>>> ms
+  Average   @>>>>>>>> ms
+  Max       @>>>>>>>> ms
+format IB_DPR =
+__ InnoDB Data, Pages, Rows ____________________________________________
+  Reads     @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_reads'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_reads'})
+  Writes    @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_writes'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_writes'})
+  fsync     @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_data_fsyncs'}), t($stats{'Innodb_data_fsyncs'})
+  Pending
+    Reads   @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_reads'})
+    Writes  @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_writes'})
+    fsync   @>>>>>>>>
+$stats{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'}, t($stats{'Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs'})
+  Created   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_created'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_created'})
+  Read      @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_read'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_read'})
+  Written   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_pages_written'}), t($stats{'Innodb_pages_written'})
+  Deleted   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_deleted'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_deleted'})
+  Inserted  @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_inserted'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_inserted'})
+  Read      @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_read'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_read'})
+  Updated   @>>>>>>>>  @>>>>>/s
+make_short($stats{'Innodb_rows_updated'}), t($stats{'Innodb_rows_updated'})

Added: branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport.1
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport.1	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport.1	2007-12-06 12:36:13 UTC (rev 1041)
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+.TH "mysqlreport" "1" "2.5 2006-09-01 (docrev 2006-05-19)" "Daniel Nichter" "MYSQL"
+mysqlreport \- Makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values
+mysqlreport [\fIoptions\fP]
+mysqlreport makes a friendly report of important MySQL status values. Actually,
+it makes a friendly report of nearly every status value from SHOW STATUS.
+Unlike SHOW STATUS which simply dumps over 100 values to screen in one long
+list, mysqlreport interprets and formats the values and presents the basic
+values and many more inferred values in a human\-readable format. Numerous
+example reports are available at the mysqlreport web page at
+The benefit of mysqlreport is that it allows you to very quickly see a wide
+array of performance indicators for your MySQL server which would otherwise
+need to be calculated by hand from all the various SHOW STATUS values. For
+example, the Index Read Ratio is an important value but it's not present in
+SHOW STATUS; it's an inferred value (the ratio of Key_reads to
+This documentation outlines all the command line options in mysqlreport, most
+of which control which reports are printed. This document does not address
+how to interpret these reports; that topic is covered in the document Guide
+To Understanding mysqlreport at http://hackmysql.com/mysqlreportguide.
+Technically, command line options are in the form \-\-option, but \-option works
+too. All options can be abbreviated if the abbreviation is unique. For example,
+option \-\-host can be abbreviated \-\-ho but not \-\-h because \-\-h is ambiguous: it
+could mean \-\-host or \-\-help.
+Output help information and exit.
+\fB\-\-user USER\fR
+As of version 2.3 \-\-password can take the password on the
+command line like "\-\-password FOO". Using \-\-password
+alone without giving a password on the command line
+causes mysqlreport to prompt for a password.
+\fB\-\-host ADDRESS\fR
+\fB\-\-port PORT\fR
+\fB\-\-socket SOCKET\fR
+\-\-no\-mycnf makes mysqlreport not read ~/.my.cnf which it does by default
+otherwise. \-\-user and \-\-password always override values from ~/.my.cnf.
+Print Distribution of Total Queries (DTQ) report (under
+Total in Questions report). Queries (or Questions) can
+be divided into four main areas: DMS (see \-\-dms below),
+Com_ (see \-\-com below), COM_QUIT (see COM_QUIT and
+Questions at http://hackmysql.com/com_quit), and
+Unknown. \-\-dtq lists the number of queries in each of
+these areas in descending order.
+Print Data Manipulation Statements (DMS) report (under
+DMS in Questions report). DMS are those from the MySQL
+manual section 13.2. Data Manipulation Statements.
+(Currently, mysqlreport considers only SELECT, INSERT,
+REPLACE, UPDATE, and DELETE.) Each DMS is listed in
+descending order by count.
+\fB\-\-com N\fR
+Print top N number of non\-DMS Com_ status values in
+descending order (after DMS in Questions report). If N
+is not given, default is 3. Such non\-DMS Com_ values
+include Com_change_db, Com_show_tables, Com_rollback,
+Print report for Select_ and Sort_ status values (after
+Questions report). See MySQL Select and Sort Status
+Variables at http://hackmysql.com/selectandsort.
+Print Threads, Aborted, and Bytes status reports (after
+Created temp report). As of mysqlreport v2.3 the
+Threads report reports on all Threads_ status values.
+Print Query Cache report.
+Equivalent to "\-\-dtq \-\-dms \-\-com 3 \-\-sas \-\-qcache".
+(Notice \-\-tab is not invoked by \-\-all.)
+\fB\-\-infile FILE\fR
+Instead of getting SHOW STATUS values from MySQL, read
+values from FILE. FILE is often a copy of the output of
+SHOW STATUS including formatting characters (|, +, \-).
+mysqlreport expects FILE to have the format
+" value number " where value is only alpha and
+underscore characters (A\-Z and _) and number is a
+positive integer. Anything before, between, or after
+value and number is ignored. mysqlreport also needs
+the following MySQL server variables: version,
+table_cache, max_connections, key_buffer_size,
+query_cache_size. These values can be specified in
+INFILE in the format "name = value" where name is one
+of the aforementioned server variables and value is a
+positive integer with or without a trailing M and
+possible periods (for version). For example, to specify
+an 18M key_buffer_size: key_buffer_size = 18M. Or, a
+256 table_cache: table_cache = 256. The M implies
+Megabytes not million, so 18M means 18,874,368 not
+18,000,000. If these server variables are not specified
+the following defaults are used (respectively) which
+may cause strange values to be reported: 0.0.0, 64,
+100, 8M, 0.
+\fB\-\-outfile FILE\fR  
+After printing the report to screen, print the report
+to FILE too. Internally, mysqlreport always writes the
+report to a temp file first: /tmp/mysqlreport.PID on
+*nix, c:\mysqlreport.PID on Windows (PID is the
+script's process ID). Then it prints the temp file to
+screen. Then if \-\-outfile is specified, the temp file
+is copied to OUTFILE. After \-\-email (below), the temp
+file is deleted.
+\fB\-\-email ADDRESS\fR
+After printing the report to screen, email the report
+to ADDRESS. This option requires sendmail in
+/usr/sbin/, therefore it does not work on Windows.
+/usr/sbin/sendmail can be a sym link to qmail, for
+example, or any MTA that emulates sendmail's \-t
+command line option and operation. The FROM: field is
+"mysqlreport", SUBJECT: is "MySQL status report".
+Execute a "FLUSH STATUS;" after generating the reports.
+If you do not have permissions in MySQL to do this an
+error from DBD::mysql::st will be printed after the
+Daniel Nichter
+If mysqlreport breaks, send me a message from 
+with the error.
+The comprehensive Guide To Understanding mysqlreport at 

Modified: branches/sid-5.0/debian/rules
--- branches/sid-5.0/debian/rules	2007-12-06 12:33:36 UTC (rev 1040)
+++ branches/sid-5.0/debian/rules	2007-12-06 12:36:13 UTC (rev 1041)
@@ -179,6 +179,9 @@
 	mkdir -p $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man1/
 	mkdir -p $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man8/
 	cp debian/additions/*.1 $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man1/
+	for i in innotop mysqlreport ; do
+	  cp debian/$i/mysqlreport/*.1 $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man1/
+	done
 	# make install (trailing slash needed for innobase)
 	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(TMP)/
@@ -211,7 +214,7 @@
 	install -m 0644 debian/additions/my.cnf $(TMP)/etc/mysql/my.cnf
 	# mysql-client
-	install -m 0755 debian/additions/mysqlreport $(TMP)/usr/bin/
+	install -m 0755 debian/additions/mysqlreport/mysqlreport $(TMP)/usr/bin/
 	install -m 0755 debian/additions/innotop/innotop $(TMP)/usr/bin/
 	install -m 0644 debian/additions/innotop/innotop.1 $(TMP)/usr/share/man/man1/
 	install -m 0644 -D debian/additions/innotop/InnoDBParser.pm $(TMP)/usr/share/perl5/InnoDBParser.pm

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