[Pkg-mysql-commits] r1067 - in trunk/debian: . patches
Norbert Tretkowski
nobse at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 12 12:30:43 UTC 2007
Author: nobse
Date: 2007-12-12 12:30:43 +0000 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1067
Use official patch from MySQL
Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog 2007-12-12 09:21:49 UTC (rev 1066)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog 2007-12-12 12:30:43 UTC (rev 1067)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(patch from Edward Allcutt). (closes: #453127)
* New patch to fix mysqldump because 'null' is shown as type of fields for
view with bad definer. (closes: #454227)
- * Two new patches (from 5.0.52) to fix mysqlcheck test and result.
+ * New patch (from 5.0.52) to fix mysqlcheck test result.
* New Finnish debconf translation from Esko Arajärvi. (closes: #448776)
* Add Vcs-* and Homepage fields to source stanza in control file.
* Update mysqlreport to 3.2 release.
Modified: trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- trunk/debian/patches/00list 2007-12-12 09:21:49 UTC (rev 1066)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/00list 2007-12-12 12:30:43 UTC (rev 1067)
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
Modified: trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-result.dpatch
--- trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-result.dpatch 2007-12-12 09:21:49 UTC (rev 1066)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-result.dpatch 2007-12-12 12:30:43 UTC (rev 1067)
@@ -5,45 +5,16 @@
## DP: No description.
---- mysql-5.0.51/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result 2007-11-15 15:28:37.000000000 +0100
-+++ mysql-5.0.52/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result 2007-11-30 08:06:41.000000000 +0100
-@@ -41,39 +41,4 @@
- test.t1 OK
- drop view v1;
- drop table t1;
--create database d_bug25347;
--use d_bug25347;
--create table t_bug25347 (a int);
--create view v_bug25347 as select * from t_bug25347;
--insert into t_bug25347 values (1),(2),(3);
--flush tables;
--removing and creating
+diff -Nrup a/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result b/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result
+--- a/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result 2007-04-17 00:00:13 +05:00
++++ b/mysql-test/r/mysqlcheck.result 2007-11-22 14:10:16 +04:00
+@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ insert into t_bug25347 values (1),(2),(3
+ flush tables;
+ removing and creating
+ d_bug25347.t_bug25347
-error : Incorrect file format 't_bug25347'
--insert into t_bug25347 values (4),(5),(6);
--ERROR HY000: Incorrect file format 't_bug25347'
--warning : Number of rows changed from 0 to 3
--status : OK
--insert into t_bug25347 values (7),(8),(9);
--select * from t_bug25347;
--select * from v_bug25347;
--drop view v_bug25347;
--drop table t_bug25347;
--drop database d_bug25347;
--use test;
- End of 5.0 tests
++Error : Incorrect file format 't_bug25347'
++error : Corrupt
+ insert into t_bug25347 values (4),(5),(6);
+ ERROR HY000: Incorrect file format 't_bug25347'
+ d_bug25347.t_bug25347
Deleted: trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-test.dpatch
--- trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-test.dpatch 2007-12-12 09:21:49 UTC (rev 1066)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/51_mysqlcheck-test.dpatch 2007-12-12 12:30:43 UTC (rev 1067)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
-## 51_mysqlcheck-test.dpatch by <nobse at debian.org>
-## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
-## DP: No description.
- at DPATCH@
---- mysql-5.0.51/mysql-test/t/mysqlcheck.test 2007-11-15 15:28:37.000000000 +0100
-+++ mysql-5.0.52/mysql-test/t/mysqlcheck.test 2007-11-30 08:06:33.000000000 +0100
-@@ -31,29 +31,4 @@
- drop view v1;
- drop table t1;
--# Bug#25347: mysqlcheck -A -r doesn't repair table marked as crashed
--create database d_bug25347;
--use d_bug25347;
--create table t_bug25347 (a int);
--create view v_bug25347 as select * from t_bug25347;
--insert into t_bug25347 values (1),(2),(3);
--flush tables;
----echo removing and creating
----remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/d_bug25347/t_bug25347.MYI
----write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/d_bug25347/t_bug25347.MYI EOF
----exec $MYSQL_CHECK --repair --databases d_bug25347
----error 130
--insert into t_bug25347 values (4),(5),(6);
----exec $MYSQL_CHECK --repair --use-frm --databases d_bug25347
--insert into t_bug25347 values (7),(8),(9);
--select * from t_bug25347;
--select * from v_bug25347;
--drop view v_bug25347;
--drop table t_bug25347;
--drop database d_bug25347;
--use test;
- --echo End of 5.0 tests
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