[Pkg-mysql-commits] r1111 - in trunk: . debian

Monty Taylor mtaylor-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Dec 27 23:27:06 UTC 2007

Author: mtaylor-guest
Date: 2007-12-27 23:27:06 +0000 (Thu, 27 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 1111

Removed mention of reverted change from changelog. Added mention of community virtual package work.

Property changes on: trunk
Name: bzr:revision-info
   - timestamp: 2007-12-27 17:25:16.423000097 -0600
committer: Monty Taylor <monty at inaugust.com>
	branch-nick: trunk

   + timestamp: 2007-12-27 17:26:13.520999908 -0600
committer: Monty Taylor <monty at inaugust.com>
	branch-nick: trunk

Name: bzr:revision-id:v3-trunk0
   - 588 monty at inaugust.com-20071218115655-e9a3qdeanxkm37q0
589 monty at inaugust.com-20071219010144-z07rx72f4aryuxd5
590 monty at inaugust.com-20071219010251-1xj8ebk20xcavzzz
591 monty at inaugust.com-20071219133703-cfc7gcr1mfrbff5k
594 monty at inaugust.com-20071219160333-4t3d5sm5ou2cnx42
600 monty at inaugust.com-20071227231232-38mmb4bf89bai9tz
601 monty at inaugust.com-20071227231533-6u75bgvr52589l9d
602 monty at inaugust.com-20071227232516-5e1uuemjok6gax36

   + 588 monty at inaugust.com-20071218115655-e9a3qdeanxkm37q0
589 monty at inaugust.com-20071219010144-z07rx72f4aryuxd5
590 monty at inaugust.com-20071219010251-1xj8ebk20xcavzzz
591 monty at inaugust.com-20071219133703-cfc7gcr1mfrbff5k
594 monty at inaugust.com-20071219160333-4t3d5sm5ou2cnx42
600 monty at inaugust.com-20071227231232-38mmb4bf89bai9tz
601 monty at inaugust.com-20071227231533-6u75bgvr52589l9d
602 monty at inaugust.com-20071227232516-5e1uuemjok6gax36
603 monty at inaugust.com-20071227232613-mvmphhlfm3ucfjre

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog	2007-12-27 23:27:02 UTC (rev 1110)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog	2007-12-27 23:27:06 UTC (rev 1111)
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
     mysql_upgrade_shell anymore and use mysql_upgrade instead.
   * Removed 88_mctype_attrib.dpatch, http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=25118 is
     closed with http://lists.mysql.com/commits/24337
-  * Added Conflicts on mysql-doc-5.0 which contains conflicting versions of
-    man pages.
+  * Added mysql-community/mysql-enterprise virtual packages in provides and
+    conflicts to ease transitions between versions. 
   [ Norbert Tretkowski ]
   * Add -fPIC to CFLAGS to allow other packages to be built against

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